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L12[01:54:43] <ghz|afk> [23:46] (diesieben07): Ok, so Minecraft actually activates buttons on mouse *down* contrary to any other GUI stuff i have seen. should I mimic that or "fix" it?
L13[01:54:45] <ghz|afk> wat
L14[01:54:50] <ghz|afk> that's not true
L15[01:55:14] <ghz|afk> wait minecraft
L16[01:55:15] <ghz|afk> nevermind
L17[01:55:18] * ghz|afk is sleepy
L18[01:55:35] * ghz|afk somehow read Microsoft
L19[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20161121 mappings to Forge Maven.
L20[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20161121-1.11.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20161121" in build.gradle).
L21[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L406[02:46:48] <Koward> (if anyone ever asks, the answer was World.mayPlace)
L407[02:51:24] <Subaraki> (thanks)
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L409[02:58:23] <gigaherz|work> (why are we whispering?)
L410[02:59:32] <AshIndigo_> (why not?)
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L414[03:10:37] <LatvianModder> WHY IS MY WISPERING VERY LOUD?!
L415[03:11:20] <LatvianModder> I had a thought about making a mod called "ixks". No idea what it should be about, but I like the sound of the name
L416[03:11:36] <LatvianModder> (read as one word, not individual letters)
L417[03:14:12] <gigaherz|work> no idea how to read that
L418[03:14:23] <AshIndigo_> Icks is how I read it
L419[03:15:06] <AshIndigo_> With an emphasis on ck sounding like x
L420[03:15:34] <LatvianModder> "no idea how to read that" you solved the puzzle, you get a cookie :D
L421[03:15:42] <gigaherz|work> problem is, my native languages are Catalan and Spanish, so for me the "x" sortof sounds like "ks" by itself
L422[03:16:41] <LatvianModder> in latvian X is "iks" and when I throw in those letters, its qonfusing
L423[03:16:56] <gigaherz|work> (in catalan, the x sounds like 'ks' unless it has an i befor it, in which case it sounds like "ish")
L424[03:17:10] <gigaherz|work> yep we call it "iks" too ;P
L425[03:17:21] <LatvianModder> Just like in english there is no C, just S or K
L426[03:17:37] *** AshIndigo_ is now known as AshIndigo
L427[03:17:57] <gigaherz|work> what's "c" supposed to be, though?
L428[03:18:08] <gigaherz|work> in spanish the c can sound like a "z" or "k"
L429[03:18:10] <LatvianModder> The only word where C is itself I can think of is "cancel", 2nd C
L430[03:18:20] <gigaherz|work> second c is an s
L431[03:18:24] <gigaherz|work> "kansel"
L432[03:18:57] <LatvianModder> Hmm yeah, ok. Do you know russian?
L433[03:19:06] <gigaherz|work> not at all
L434[03:19:22] <gigaherz|work> IPA(key): /ˈkænsl/
L435[03:20:21] <LatvianModder> I just looked at dictionary and I can't find a word that would perfectly describe C alone.. Its always either K or S.. WHY ENGLISH
L436[03:21:13] <LatvianModder> In latvian, every letter sounds like its written alone, and I think only 1 or 2 have exceptional cases where it sounds different. We also have 33 letters for each sound but its a lot less confusion
L437[03:21:27] <gigaherz|work> spanish is very phonetic, too
L438[03:21:28] <LatvianModder> I think latvian is one of the Top 10 hardest languages? Not sure, gotta check that
L439[03:21:45] <gigaherz|work> the vowels are really straightforward
L440[03:21:51] <gigaherz|work> we have one sound for a,e,i,o,u
L441[03:21:54] <gigaherz|work> and just one
L442[03:23:03] <gigaherz|work> in catalan, though, we have a, è, é, the neutral a/e, i, ò, ó, u
L443[03:24:25] <gigaherz|work> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catalan_language
L444[03:24:55] <LatvianModder> in english, none of the vowels sound like they are written
L445[03:25:26] <LatvianModder> A sounds like E, E sounds like I, I sounds like AI, O sounds like OU, U sounds like You :D
L446[03:26:20] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L447[03:28:24] <gigaherz|work> french iscrazy too
L448[03:29:01] <LatvianModder> I still vote for English to be language of the world
L449[03:29:40] <IoP> finnish!
L450[03:29:54] <LatvianModder> And ditch all translations in technologies - I hate that people translate stuff, I'm all for united world progress and more people translate, less anyone cares about having one language
L451[03:30:00] * AshIndigo can only speak english
L452[03:30:41] <LatvianModder> Or like.. 4 languages - english, russian, chineese, spanish
L453[03:31:13] <gigaherz|work> I like the variety
L454[03:31:19] <gigaherz|work> the languages carry history with them
L455[03:34:46] <LatvianModder> Pfft, who needs history, we should think about future
L456[03:34:49] <LatvianModder> Besides, wikipedia, the most accurate source of information is there for you! /s
L457[03:35:00] <gigaherz|work> those who forget history are doomed to repeat it
L458[03:35:39] <gigaherz|work> those who learn history are doomed to watch powerlessly as the vast majority repeat it regardless
L459[03:35:43] <LatvianModder> I think thats mathematically provable
L460[03:36:10] <LatvianModder> So better not knowing it and save you the pain
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L466[04:09:37] <copygirl> Aww... apparently onBlockHarvested fires after getDrops..?
L467[04:10:08] <immibis> yes, it's one of the stupidest decisions in forge and/or minecraft
L468[04:10:21] <immibis> wait i'm thinking of the other way around
L469[04:10:28] <immibis> never mind
L470[04:12:07] <copygirl> The naming is just weird.
L471[04:12:20] <copygirl> I think I'm supposed to use onBlockDestroyed or something.
L472[04:12:31] <copygirl> Or I might be reading things wrong.
L473[04:13:15] <copygirl> Nevermind, that's just the event that fires after the drops.
L474[04:13:34] ⇨ Joins: Kaiyouka (~IdiotNono@c-75-71-231-133.hsd1.co.comcast.net)
L475[04:13:45] <copygirl> ForgeEventFactory.fireBlockHarvesting => BlockEvent.HarvestDropsEvent, assumed it also called onBlockHarvested.
L476[04:15:36] ⇦ Quits: Naiten (Naiten@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L477[04:20:52] <gigaherz|work> copygirl: check the flower pot, forge has a workaround for it
L478[04:20:58] <gigaherz|work> but it only works for blocks you implement
L479[04:22:42] <gigaherz|work> wait I made the same comprehension mistake as immibis XD
L480[04:23:44] <copygirl> I'm seriously confused. I can't for the life of me figure out where getDrops is called in relation to onBlockHarvested.
L481[04:25:33] <Marenthyu> i do not know, but logically it should be called within onBlockHarvested, which afterwards calls destroyBlock? (or similar)
L482[04:27:05] <Katrix> Anyone know if there is an easy way to specify no texture in the model file for an item?
L483[04:27:19] <Katrix> Or do I have to include an empty png?
L484[04:31:59] <copygirl> I remember that being a thing in a previous version.
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L486[04:45:00] <gigaherz|work> Katrix: yo ucan use minecraft:white
L487[04:45:10] <gigaherz|work> unless you want it to be invisible
L488[04:45:14] <gigaherz|work> that's a whole other store
L489[04:45:16] <gigaherz|work> story*
L490[04:45:23] <Katrix> Ok, I guess that's good enough
L491[04:45:46] <Katrix> It's something that users shouldn't really get their hands on so I just need some dummy thingy
L492[04:47:43] <Katrix> Is that white texture a real texture that I can use for entities as well? Currently I bundle a white texture for stuff which I color using rendering instead
L493[04:48:10] <gigaherz|work> I think it's just in the atlas
L494[04:49:24] <Katrix> Ah, ok
L495[04:49:28] <gigaherz|work> (you can use the atlas, though)
L496[04:50:56] <Katrix> Oh, any pointers on how? Does it have any advantages?
L497[04:51:43] <gigaherz|work> well it avoids re-binding textures
L498[04:51:47] <gigaherz|work> which is a slow operation on the gpu
L499[04:52:32] <gigaherz|work> one of the reasons entities are laggy in mc, is that each entity is drawn separately and by itself
L500[04:53:13] <gigaherz|work> on modern engines, an "entity" would have a collection of meshes
L501[04:53:21] <gigaherz|work> with each mesh being linked to a material
L502[04:53:29] <gigaherz|work> and that material linked to a rendering queue
L503[04:53:49] <gigaherz|work> then the engine would filter, sort and batch
L504[04:54:04] <gigaherz|work> doing this right is a huge part of game engine optinization
L505[04:54:19] <Katrix> I'm all for speed
L506[04:54:23] <gigaherz|work> mc puts all the optimization on the world grid
L507[04:54:37] <gigaherz|work> but entities are still rendered using opengl 1.1-style display lists
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L509[04:55:17] <gigaherz|work> Iguess they can afford it
L510[04:55:23] <gigaherz|work> since there's so few things that are entities in mc
L511[04:55:34] <gigaherz|work> compared to normal games
L512[04:55:55] <barteks2x> what about particles?
L513[04:56:06] <gigaherz|work> particles are funny
L514[04:56:08] <barteks2x> are they rendered in similar way?
L515[04:56:17] <gigaherz|work> if you render them as entities, they suck. badly.
L516[04:56:34] <gigaherz|work> particle systems are usually computes as one single thing
L517[04:56:41] <gigaherz|work> on a modern game engine
L518[04:56:47] <gigaherz|work> you'd have an array of vectors
L519[04:56:54] <gigaherz|work> passed to the gpu as a constant buffer
L520[04:57:02] <gigaherz|work> then each particle sprite would have its index
L521[04:57:10] <gigaherz|work> and would read the vertex positions from that constant buffer
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L523[04:57:35] <gigaherz|work> meaning you don't have to compute the actual positions of the particles
L524[04:57:41] <gigaherz|work> particle vertices*
L525[04:58:03] <gigaherz|work> you just adjust the attribute arrays
L526[04:58:52] <barteks2x> I remember particles in MC used to be entities, or do I remember it wrong?
L527[04:59:06] <gigaherz|work> class ParticleSystem { Vector3[] positions; Vector4[] colors; Vector3[] scale; ... }
L528[04:59:09] <gigaherz|work> but in mc
L529[04:59:17] <gigaherz|work> I'm not sure how they do it
L530[04:59:20] <gigaherz|work> and not quite
L531[04:59:25] <gigaherz|work> they used to extend Entity
L532[04:59:28] <gigaherz|work> but they weren't actual entities
L533[04:59:33] <gigaherz|work> they weren't in the entity list
L534[04:59:43] <gigaherz|work> there was a "Particle list" separate from the entity list
L535[04:59:44] <gigaherz|work> client-only
L536[05:00:03] <gigaherz|work> I don't know if/how this has changed since they removed the "extends Entity" from them
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L538[05:02:32] <barteks2x> each particle seems to be drawn separately here, similar to entities
L539[05:03:39] <barteks2x> actually, it seems to be similar to what you said
L540[05:03:46] <barteks2x> about other game engines
L541[05:15:18] <Katrix> Is the white texture available to use in a .json file? Minecraft complains that it can't find it.
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L546[05:33:54] <gigaherz|work> Katrix: hmm i'm not finding it anymore
L547[05:34:20] <gigaherz|work> nevermind
L548[05:34:23] <gigaherz|work> public static final class White extends TextureAtlasSprite
L549[05:35:01] <gigaherz|work> it SHOULD work hmm
L550[05:35:06] <gigaherz|work> try "white"
L551[05:35:10] <gigaherz|work> instead of "minecraft:white"
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L562[06:15:53] <copygirl> FYI for anyone who read my previous rambling, the problem is that getDrops is called when after removedByPlayer, which removes the block.
L563[06:16:25] <copygirl> And the workout is to override it, not call the super function, and instead call world.setBlockToAir it in harvestBlock.
L564[06:17:01] <copygirl> workaround*
L565[06:17:34] <Marenthyu> huh
L566[06:17:40] <Marenthyu> interesting
L567[06:18:40] <copygirl> And harvestBlock is the one that calls getDrops.
L568[06:19:42] <copygirl> Although ... I wonder if that's the correct way to do it. To drop inventory contents in the world using getDrops..?
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L570[06:22:39] <gigaherz|work> copygirl: no need to
L571[06:22:49] <gigaherz|work> see the flower pot, as I said earlier
L572[06:23:30] <copygirl> That's what it does, no?
L573[06:24:14] <copygirl> It overrides removedByPlayer and calls setBlockToAir in harvestBlock.
L574[06:24:25] <gigaherz|work> yes
L575[06:24:29] <gigaherz|work> but it doesn't drop items explicitly
L576[06:24:40] <gigaherz|work> it just returns the right list from getDrops
L577[06:24:44] <gigaherz|work> the idea is
L578[06:24:56] <copygirl> Yes, that's what I do..?
L579[06:25:08] <gigaherz|work> removedByPlayer -> if willHarvest, return true without calling super
L580[06:25:20] <gigaherz|work> getDrops -> you can now use getTileEntity to read the TE data
L581[06:25:34] <copygirl> I was just wondering if maybe inventory drops aren't supposed to be in getDrops.
L582[06:25:39] <gigaherz|work> harvestBlock -> actually set the block to air now that you have already done the drops
L583[06:25:48] <gigaherz|work> oh I see
L584[06:26:55] <gigaherz|work> just do it like all other blocks
L585[06:27:01] <gigaherz|work> from breakBlock
L586[06:27:20] <gigaherz|work> getDrops is designed for the harvesting, not for the inventory
L587[06:28:00] <copygirl> Yeah.
L588[06:28:04] ⇨ Joins: Cast0077 (~Work@24-181-179-41.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com)
L589[06:30:06] <Cast0077> Since updating forge past my laptop takes forever to get past step 7 Texture uploading and mipmap
L590[06:37:36] <IoP> are you sure it was only updated component? e.g. intel's gpu driver update
L591[06:39:56] ⇦ Quits: KGS (~KGS@h-155-4-129-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L592[06:50:34] <Ordinastie> fuck, I can't access my mails anymore on WLM2012 :x
L593[06:52:38] ⇨ Joins: illy (uid69226@id-69226.charlton.irccloud.com)
L594[06:53:29] <Cast0077> I did fresh win 10 install
L595[06:54:09] <Cast0077> I am using All the Mods modpack
L596[06:54:41] <Cast0077> so all with that update was mod updates
L597[06:55:36] <Cast0077> works fine on all my other systems and I ask in the all the mods chat on curse .... seems like I am the only one having the issue
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L603[07:24:58] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L604[07:33:40] <copygirl> Is the recipe sorter still a thing?
L605[07:34:01] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L606[07:35:29] <Tencao> What is the correct way to get the world on a server
L607[07:35:34] <beschio> sftp
L608[07:35:47] <beschio> Oh wait.. Wrong channel lmao
L609[07:35:50] <Tencao> Since I know Minecraft.getMinecraft() is client side
L610[07:35:55] <copygirl> Tencao: There's multiple world instances, one per dimension.
L611[07:36:10] <Tencao> How do I get dimenson 0 then
L612[07:36:18] <Tencao> Server side
L613[07:36:51] <copygirl> I'll go check myself because I don't remember. Maybe you can tell me what you're trying to do?
L614[07:37:07] <Tencao> Im trying to get the world difficulty and change values depending on the results
L615[07:38:42] <copygirl> Apparently, DimensionManager.getWorld(0), it's a Forge class.
L616[07:39:13] <copygirl> Though, if you want the level information anyway, there might be a better way.
L617[07:39:43] <copygirl> MinecraftServer.getDifficulty()
L618[07:40:48] <copygirl> Though that's not static, need the server instance.
L619[07:41:56] <Tencao> I'll probably use option one, as far as I know there's no mod that modifies difficulty per world, so the difficulty should be consistent with the overworld
L620[07:42:34] <Quetzi> FMLCommonHandler.instance().getMinecraftServerInstance().getDifficulty()
L621[07:43:02] <Tencao> That works too
L622[07:43:21] <copygirl> Though... depending on what you do, maybe you want to incooperate local difficulty~?
L623[07:44:06] <Tencao> Once local difficulty becomes more of a thing, I would gladly like to
L624[07:45:34] <copygirl> "More of a thing"?
L625[07:46:51] <Tencao> As in, people actually starting having an interest for it, since outside of maybe a hardcore world, people normally pick one difficulty and stick to it
L626[07:48:11] <copygirl> Local difficulty is a per-chunk thing. The more you stick around an area the more likely it is mobs will spawn with (enchanted) armor, higher tiers, or potion effects (in case of spiders). That's a Vanilla thing and affects all difficulties (except peaceful) ... I would guess.
L627[07:48:32] <Akkarin> Curse you Dinnerbone!
L628[07:48:36] <PaleoCrafter> http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Difficulty see the regional difficulty section
L629[07:49:27] <Tencao> Oh, that kind of difficulty, sadly that wont really make much impact on what I'm working on, but I will keep it in mind for other features
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L632[07:54:15] <copygirl> Okay, trying to add a dying recipe.. I don't suppose there's a way in Forge to check if an item is a dye and what colors dyes combine to?
L633[07:54:16] <Ordinastie> god uBlock really sucks :x
L634[07:54:33] <Ordinastie> I just had an ad again :x
L635[07:54:34] <copygirl> dyeing*
L636[07:54:42] <Ordinastie> in the middle of the fucking video :x
L637[07:55:04] <Cast0077> is there somewhere I can read about the steps of forge starting up
L638[07:56:30] <Cast0077> trying to find out why versions past take so much longer to load
L639[07:59:04] *** amadornes[OFF] is now known as amadornes
L640[07:59:33] <gigaherz|work> Cast0077: is the fml log not enough?
L641[08:00:05] <Cast0077> I'll try looking at that
L642[08:01:33] <quadraxis> copygirl, the ore dictionary has a 'dye' entry I believe
L643[08:01:35] <Cast0077> damn someone shut off the laptop and I'm not home can't log in
L644[08:02:19] <Cast0077> its step 7 part
L645[08:02:27] <Cast0077> texture uploading and mipmap
L646[08:02:37] <gigaherz|work> ah
L647[08:02:43] <gigaherz|work> then I can explain why ;P
L648[08:02:52] <copygirl> quadraxis: I know that much, but there's no good way of getting the dye value of an item, is there?
L649[08:03:00] <gigaherz|work> it is common for mods to have "invalid" textures stitched int othe atlas
L650[08:03:06] <gigaherz|work> up until recently
L651[08:03:17] <gigaherz|work> mc would disable mipmaps if uneven sized textures were present
L652[08:03:20] <gigaherz|work> but it was fixed
L653[08:03:26] <copygirl> I have to go through the ore dictionary and check all items inside the individual dye entries.
L654[08:03:37] <gigaherz|work> which means forge can now generate mipmaps
L655[08:03:43] <gigaherz|work> this operation takes a bit more tan before
L656[08:03:50] <gigaherz|work> and if the modpack is large enoguh
L657[08:04:13] <gigaherz|work> that can cause the game to run very slowly
L658[08:04:19] <gigaherz|work> unless you turn down the mipmaps
L659[08:04:25] <Cast0077> I have mipmaps to 0
L660[08:04:34] <gigaherz|work> and it still takes longer to load?
L661[08:04:47] <Cast0077> seems like the setting isn't working
L662[08:04:49] ⇦ Quits: airbreather (~airbreath@d149-67-99-43.nap.wideopenwest.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L663[08:04:57] <Cast0077> I tried to turn on then back off to reset it
L664[08:04:59] <gigaherz|work> try changing the setting from the options file instead?
L665[08:05:04] <Ordinastie> yead, add every 10 min -_-
L666[08:05:10] <Cast0077> I did that
L667[08:05:15] <quadraxis> i guess see if it matches 'dye' in the oredict, and use the EnumDyeColor lookups
L668[08:05:16] <gigaherz|work> hmm then no idea
L669[08:05:37] <Cast0077> I did a fresh install of win 10
L670[08:05:46] <Cast0077> still get samething
L671[08:06:01] <Cast0077> but if I downgrade the forge to 2107 its fine
L672[08:12:04] <barteks2x> so version 2109 takes much longer to load than 2107? (2108 doesn't seem to exist)
L673[08:13:35] ⇦ Quits: jgile2 (~jgile2@ (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L674[08:13:51] <gigaherz|work> can't be 2109
L675[08:14:16] <gigaherz|work> Build 1.10.2- bs2609: Fix MC-105406 (OpenGL leak in View Frustum) (#3308)
L676[08:14:17] <gigaherz|work> Build 1.10.2- mezz: Fix very laggy mipmap slider MC-64581 (#3305)
L677[08:14:17] <gigaherz|work> Build 1.10.2- shadowfacts: Add Block#getStateForPlacement (#3129)
L678[08:14:35] <barteks2x> he said any version past 2107 has this issue
L679[08:14:40] <barteks2x> so I assumed he tested 2109
L680[08:14:41] <gigaherz|work> yes, so it must be 2108
L681[08:14:51] <barteks2x> there is no 2108 for download
L682[08:14:58] <gigaherz|work> I know
L683[08:15:08] <gigaherz|work> but it must be THAT commit
L684[08:15:32] <gigaherz|work> the commit that built into 2109 wouldn't cause load-time slowdowns
L685[08:15:37] <gigaherz|work> maybe runtime, but not during load
L686[08:15:45] <barteks2x> unless minectraft uses GameSettings class while loading and calls onGuiClosed there it can't happen
L687[08:16:25] <gigaherz|work> my bet is on
L688[08:16:26] <gigaherz|work> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/commit/b0558c63de76901bf61110a541297aa8cf4becf6#diff-93a5a0b2122f0f96174a297c3ad0566bR24
L689[08:16:53] <barteks2x> but needsResourceRefresh is also added by that patch
L690[08:16:54] <gigaherz|work> wait right
L691[08:17:00] <barteks2x> and isn't used anywhere else
L692[08:17:23] <gigaherz|work> Cast0077: are you SURE 2107 is really faster?
L693[08:17:38] ⇦ Parts: quadraxis (~quadraxis@cpc77293-basf12-2-0-cust699.12-3.cable.virginm.net) ())
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L695[08:18:24] <barteks2x> the only other possibility I see is patching going silently wrong
L696[08:19:00] <barteks2x> (other than minecraft using some of these gui methods)
L697[08:19:26] <gigaherz|work> nah I get what the methods do, now -- it's delaying the code until when the gui closes
L698[08:19:31] <gigaherz|work> it's not something that runs during load
L699[08:21:21] <Cast0077> yes
L700[08:21:37] <Cast0077> I have downgraded and it works fine
L701[08:21:56] <Cast0077> problem with that is mods I am using I need to upgrade forge to work
L702[08:22:16] <barteks2x> and you really tried 2109 and it was slower?
L703[08:22:32] <barteks2x> or was it a newer version that you used?
L704[08:24:52] <Cast0077> going to 2114
L705[08:25:05] <Cast0077> I am using a modpack All the Mods
L706[08:25:34] <Cast0077> their version of the modpack 1.38b uses forge 2107
L707[08:27:02] <Cast0077> the next update of that pack uses forge 2114 and that is when it starts
L708[08:27:12] <Cast0077> if I downgrade the pack it works fast again
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L710[08:28:39] <gigaherz|work> ahh
L711[08:28:43] <gigaherz|work> so not 2109 then ;P
L712[08:28:56] <barteks2x> well... you could try to bisect it and see what is the first version where it happens
L713[08:29:02] <gigaherz|work> coudl be
L714[08:29:14] <gigaherz|work> Build 1.10.2- Fixed texture stitcher not using full texture height before expanding width.
L715[08:29:37] <Akkarin> Also make sure to test latest logically
L716[08:29:42] <gigaherz|work> Build 1.10.2- Fix POTENTIAL issue with Texture Stitcher exceeding max size.
L717[08:31:21] <gigaherz|work> I don't know HOW that would cause the issue though
L718[08:31:26] <gigaherz|work> but since it messes with the stitcher...
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L721[08:32:32] <gigaherz|work> Cast0077: please try with 2111 and 2110, and see if either/both of them fail
L722[08:32:52] <gigaherz|work> if both are fast, it would mean it's 2114, otherwise, 2111
L723[08:33:42] <Cast0077> ok I'll give them a try
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L725[08:40:13] <Cast0077> heading home now I'll give that a try
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L728[08:45:28] <copygirl> Dangit. Entity equipment is loaded after capabilities..?
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L730[08:52:39] <Subaraki> copygirl, how is that a problem ?
L731[08:53:17] <copygirl> Because I need to access it.
L732[08:53:38] <Subaraki> you need to acces it on initializing your cap ?
L733[08:53:54] <copygirl> Depending on a config option, I'm storing an itemstack either in the capabilities or in equipment (it's a backpack).
L734[08:54:05] <copygirl> And to load the backpack data I need the itemstack.
L735[08:54:45] <copygirl> I.. guess I can store the type on the capability regardless?
L736[08:55:03] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> yeah idk why you would use equipment
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L738[08:55:15] <tterrag> caps should be able to do it
L739[08:55:42] <copygirl> Because the backpack, if the option is enabled, is supposed to take up the chest armor slot.
L740[08:55:52] <copygirl> For balance reasons.
L741[08:56:29] <tterrag> I assume the issue you're having is when the user switches the config and you have to copy from one place to the other?
L742[08:57:33] ⇨ Joins: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk)
L743[08:57:57] <copygirl> No. Capabilities are loaded before equipment. So I can't access equipment to get the item stack to initialize the backpack data depending on the type of backpack it is.
L744[08:58:09] <gigaherz|work> wat
L745[08:58:21] <gigaherz|work> if the setting is "capability", then you don't need the equipment, do you?
L746[08:58:31] <Subaraki> attach your cap, let it have a boolean, and on runtime check wether or not the boolean (hasbackpack) is true, if true, replace chest with backpack
L747[08:58:34] <gigaherz|work> if the setting is "equipment", then you don't need the capability
L748[08:58:48] <gigaherz|work> in either case
L749[08:58:51] <gigaherz|work> they don't depend on each other
L750[08:58:56] <copygirl> BackpackHelper.getBackpackType(<item stack>).createBackpackData().deserializeNBT(dataTag) ... essentially.
L751[08:59:08] <gigaherz|work> wat
L752[08:59:17] <gigaherz|work> don't depend the capability on the setting
L753[08:59:21] <gigaherz|work> attach it always
L754[08:59:26] <copygirl> It is always attached.
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L756[08:59:52] <gigaherz|work> wait this deserializeNBT
L757[08:59:55] <gigaherz|work> where do you run it?
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L759[09:00:15] <gigaherz|work> one would think
L760[09:00:23] <copygirl> ICapabilitySerializable.deserializeNBT
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L762[09:00:28] <gigaherz|work> if you have the data attached to the player as an itemstack
L763[09:00:31] <gigaherz|work> you'd just have the data in the itemstack
L764[09:00:49] <gigaherz|work> but it sounds like you are trying to copy the data into the capability on load
L765[09:00:51] <gigaherz|work> that seems wrong
L766[09:01:04] <gigaherz|work> just attach the capability to the ItemStack instead of the player
L767[09:01:10] <gigaherz|work> if it's in itemstack mode
L768[09:01:13] <copygirl> Noooo!
L769[09:01:34] <copygirl> 1. I'll never store backpack data on the item!
L770[09:01:45] <gigaherz|work> then why do you need the itemstack?
L771[09:01:59] <copygirl> 2. That would prevent me from having a config option that allows backpacks not to take up the chest equipment slot.
L772[09:02:18] <Subaraki> boolea: yes : put a stack to their equipement when spawned
L773[09:02:20] <Subaraki> or something
L774[09:02:22] <Subaraki> is my first thought
L775[09:02:24] <barteks2x> gigaherz|work, same as "why do you need ender chect to access what is inside"?
L776[09:02:24] <gigaherz|work> so wait
L777[09:02:37] <gigaherz|work> when it doesn't need to be on the chest slot
L778[09:02:38] <gigaherz|work> where is it?
L779[09:02:45] <copygirl> In the entity capability.
L780[09:02:49] <gigaherz|work> no I mean
L781[09:02:51] <gigaherz|work> is there no item at all?
L782[09:03:01] <copygirl> Along with the backpack data which is always stored on the entity (or the tile entity - same capability).
L783[09:03:20] <gigaherz|work> so it's not an actual item in the player
L784[09:03:34] <gigaherz|work> but some custom slot/info
L785[09:03:49] <copygirl> There's .. an item stack in the entity capability. Wouldn't want to lose itemstack data. Also that keeps color and I want it to render.
L786[09:04:04] <gigaherz|work> okay so
L787[09:04:08] <gigaherz|work> you have two separate features
L788[09:04:21] <gigaherz|work> 1. an extra "slot" that holds the itemstack for the backpack (optional)
L789[09:04:25] <gigaherz|work> 2. the backpack contents
L790[09:04:52] <gigaherz|work> the way I see it
L791[09:04:58] <gigaherz|work> the contents shouldn't depend on where the itemstack is
L792[09:05:15] <gigaherz|work> so you should be able to serialize/deserialize by itself
L793[09:05:23] <copygirl> Well.. I'm just porting that feature from an old mod of mine and I mostly fine with how that part worked.
L794[09:05:28] <gigaherz|work> the difference will just be on if you enable this extra slot or not
L795[09:05:40] <copygirl> And .. sorry, I do already know how to get around the issue, if ... I didn't make that clear?
L796[09:05:57] <gigaherz|work> no, at no point you gave us the idea that you fixed the issue
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L798[09:06:14] <copygirl> 15:55 < copygirl> I.. guess I can store the type on the capability regardless?
L799[09:06:35] <gigaherz|work> that's a question, though
L800[09:07:03] <gigaherz|work> anyhow
L801[09:07:03] <copygirl> So .. on saving I can store the item ID if no stack is saved. And on loading, if no item is stored, I can create the backpack type from the stored item ID..?
L802[09:07:15] <copygirl> That's .. not really a question either.
L803[09:07:20] <copygirl> I'm pretty sure that'll do.
L804[09:07:41] <gigaherz|work> yes you should store the item on the capability
L805[09:07:43] <gigaherz|work> next to the data
L806[09:07:45] <gigaherz|work> if present
L807[09:07:51] <gigaherz|work> if it's using the chest slot
L808[09:07:54] <gigaherz|work> then you don't need to store any item
L809[09:08:03] <gigaherz|work> but that's what I was trying to say
L810[09:08:11] <gigaherz|work> essentially, you are describing two separate and independent features
L811[09:08:27] <copygirl> Am I?
L812[09:08:41] <gigaherz|work> well unless I misunderstand your situation
L813[09:08:50] <copygirl> The way the capability is implemented, it will actually return the chest armor backpack (if present) when you query getStack()
L814[09:09:11] <gigaherz|work> you said that, if the item isn't taking up the chest slot
L815[09:09:16] <gigaherz|work> it means it's in the capability
L816[09:09:21] <gigaherz|work> so the capability has a slot, basically
L817[09:09:34] <copygirl> If an ItemStack field counts as a slot..?
L818[09:09:37] <gigaherz|work> maybe not explicitly on GUI (I haven't seen that)
L819[09:09:44] <gigaherz|work> but it has a place that holds an ItemStack
L820[09:09:52] <copygirl> Yes.
L821[09:10:29] <gigaherz|work> so technically, you could have an extra slot in the inventory
L822[09:10:36] <gigaherz|work> that lets you put the item there manually
L823[09:10:42] <gigaherz|work> if you don't have that already
L824[09:10:52] <copygirl> Yes.
L825[09:10:52] <gigaherz|work> so for all intents and purposes
L826[09:10:57] <gigaherz|work> you have a custom EntityEquipmentSlot
L827[09:11:09] <copygirl> Buuut.. since the backpack is locked there, anyway..
L828[09:11:18] <copygirl> It's not like having that slot would help you do anything.
L829[09:11:40] <gigaherz|work> how do the users choose the color and such, then?
L830[09:11:42] <copygirl> (The slot is replaced with one that prevents you from taking the backpack out by normal means.)
L831[09:11:47] <copygirl> Dyeing, like leather armor.
L832[09:11:54] <gigaherz|work> but I mean
L833[09:12:06] <gigaherz|work> at some point, the player has to "take off" the backpack
L834[09:12:08] <gigaherz|work> dye it
L835[09:12:10] <gigaherz|work> and put it back
L836[09:12:16] <TechnicianLP2> is it save to inject new types into entityequipmentslot?
L837[09:12:26] <gigaherz|work> TechnicianLP2: probably not, but I haven't tried
L838[09:12:34] <copygirl> It's like a portable chest. Craft it, dye it, place it down, break it while sneaking to equip it. Sneak and right click to unequip.
L839[09:12:42] <gigaherz|work> oh
L840[09:12:49] <gigaherz|work> so it's only in the inventory IF it's not in the ground
L841[09:13:18] <gigaherz|work> right
L842[09:13:19] <gigaherz|work> either way
L843[09:13:21] <copygirl> Yes. And you have to break it completely, dropping all its items, to get the item itself back in a way you can do things with.
L844[09:13:22] <gigaherz|work> what I was trying to say is
L845[09:13:39] ⇨ Joins: Hotdog_Daddy (~Kris@24-151-68-108.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com)
L846[09:13:41] <gigaherz|work> you could have an api like
L847[09:13:47] <copygirl> (So.. at no point is the item stack storing the contents of the backpack.)
L848[09:14:15] <gigaherz|work> BackpackApi.getImplementation().findBackpack(player)
L849[09:14:15] <gigaherz|work> {
L850[09:14:27] <gigaherz|work> if (player has item in capability) return item in capability;
L851[09:14:36] <gigaherz|work> if (player has backpack in chest slot) return chest slot;
L852[09:14:40] <gigaherz|work> return EMPTY;
L853[09:14:41] <gigaherz|work> }
L854[09:14:43] <copygirl> BackpackHelper.getBackpack(entity) returns an IBackpack, which is the capability.
L855[09:15:14] <gigaherz|work> I see
L856[09:15:18] <gigaherz|work> so the item does not matter at all
L857[09:15:26] <copygirl> And ... that has all the methods like getStack, getData, getType (IBackpackType for Item classes which allows custom behavior)
L858[09:15:29] <gigaherz|work> you just... get the capability
L859[09:16:12] <copygirl> Like, ItemBackpack uses BackpackDataItems and opens a container when interacting with the backpack, but you could have ... a TNT backpack which explodes when you interact with it!
L860[09:16:51] <copygirl> Also, backpacks can be interacted with while they're equipped. As in, someone else can open the backpack when standing closely behind you.
L861[09:16:57] <Hotdog_Daddy> ok so i did fresh profile setup with All the mods using forge 2107 it loaded in fine
L862[09:17:24] <Hotdog_Daddy> I now changed it to 2109 ... 2108 wasn't an option
L863[09:17:36] <Hotdog_Daddy> its loading up now see how it goes
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L866[09:24:31] <Hotdog_Daddy> 2109 was fine trying 2110
L867[09:31:43] *** V is now known as Vigaro
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L869[09:37:04] <gigaherz|work> Hotdog_Daddy: chances are it will be 2011 or 2014
L870[09:37:27] *** PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
L871[09:37:35] <gigaherz|work> so try 2011
L872[09:37:40] <gigaherz|work> if it works, try 2014
L873[09:37:43] <gigaherz|work> 2114*
L874[09:38:00] <Hotdog_Daddy> its 2011
L875[09:38:07] <gigaherz|work> if 2111 works and 2114 fails... ah
L876[09:38:10] <gigaherz|work> nevermind then
L877[09:38:23] <Hotdog_Daddy> takes about 5 secs to finish texture uploading and mipmap on 2010
L878[09:38:29] <gigaherz|work> so 2111 is noticeably slower than before
L879[09:38:39] <Hotdog_Daddy> 20 mins maybe more
L880[09:38:41] <Hotdog_Daddy> its going now
L881[09:38:42] <gigaherz|work> wow
L882[09:38:49] <gigaherz|work> you sait it's "all the mods" right?
L883[09:38:52] <gigaherz|work> said*
L884[09:40:09] <Hotdog_Daddy> yes
L885[09:40:21] <gigaherz|work> yeah it's a rather big pack
L886[09:40:40] <gigaherz|work> open an issue in the issue tracker
L887[09:40:44] <Hotdog_Daddy> so loading 20028 files I guess
L888[09:40:49] <gigaherz|work> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues
L889[09:40:53] <Hotdog_Daddy> takes about 12 secs/100
L890[09:41:01] <gigaherz|work> explaining how 2110 is much faster than 2111
L891[09:41:19] ⇨ Joins: hyfloac (webchat@filter.edenpr.org)
L892[09:41:20] <gigaherz|work> IF there isn't one already
L893[09:41:47] <Marenthyu> is there a better way to change the duration of an active PotionEffect other than removing it and then reapplying it with a different duration? I don't see a .setDuration, only .getDuration
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L895[09:42:31] <gigaherz|work> Marenthyu: if you apply the same effect with longer duration, it replaces the old one
L896[09:42:34] <gigaherz|work> but reducing it, no
L897[09:42:42] <Marenthyu> alright, thanks.
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L912[10:15:26] <Hotdog_Daddy> -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=15 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=30 -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -XX:+UseBiasedLocking -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:+OptimizeStringConcat -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=2048m -XX:+UseCodeCacheFlushing -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=20000
L913[10:16:06] <Hotdog_Daddy> thought it might be worth mentioning I am using those arguments which work fine with 2110 and lower
L914[10:18:10] <IoP> Did Cast0077 really say that he updated to windows 10 and then problems started or not?
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L916[10:19:25] <Hotdog_Daddy> no laptop is windows 10 already
L917[10:19:32] <Hotdog_Daddy> I just did fresh install
L918[10:19:45] <Hotdog_Daddy> just to see if there was something else causing the problem
L919[10:20:40] <IoP> ... Why talk about update was given as answer when I asked if something else was updated then only forge. *sigh*
L920[10:22:22] <Hotdog_Daddy> sorry don't follow you
L921[10:25:11] <tterrag> Hotdog_Daddy, something that may help the debug process is profiling your startup
L922[10:25:28] <tterrag> see what exactly is taking up so much time
L923[10:25:38] <tterrag> I had a brief look at the stitcher code and I don't see anything obvious
L924[10:25:43] <quadraxis> UseBiasedLocking, UseCompressedOops, OptimizeStringConcat, UseCodeCacheFlushing are all on by default btw
L925[10:26:16] <tterrag> yeah those args seem ridiculous
L926[10:26:24] <tterrag> rule of thumb: if you don't understand an arg, don't us eit
L927[10:26:39] <tterrag> I would try with no args (except Xmx)
L928[10:28:02] <Hotdog_Daddy> http://allthepacks.com/performance.htm
L929[10:28:52] <Hotdog_Daddy> it was suggestion for performance with using all the mods modpack
L930[10:29:08] <Hotdog_Daddy> I'll try turning changing it now
L931[10:29:26] <tterrag> some random user saying "try these" does not constitute understanding
L932[10:29:30] <barteks2x> so many people blindly copypaste jvm args them because they think it makes things faster... not that it doesn't
L933[10:29:44] <tterrag> barteks2x, it usually hurts more than helps. no jvm arg is globally better
L934[10:29:48] <tterrag> if it was, it would be default -_-
L935[10:30:04] <Hotdog_Daddy> I'm not defending it just trying to explain why I used it
L936[10:30:24] <quadraxis> i'd recommend not disabling UseGCOverheadLimit
L937[10:30:26] <ghz|afk> tterrag: xcept the garbage gollector style -- some people were saying G1GC shoudl be default instead of the server-oriented one
L938[10:30:45] <tterrag> perhaps. but I'd still try starting with a baseline of no args
L939[10:30:57] <tterrag> research the different GC methods and use the one that fits
L940[10:31:00] <tterrag> don't copypaste, period
L941[10:31:12] <quadraxis> if you're spending >98% of time in GC, the game won't be playable anyway
L942[10:31:27] <tterrag> ghz|afk, to be clear, I'm not saying you should NEVER use args, just that you shouldn't use args you don't know what they do
L943[10:31:59] <IoP> Even if someone is suggesting some set of arguments it does not mean they are sane. e.g. set given by dodgythoughts is seriously flawed
L944[10:32:11] <ghz|afk> tterrag: I completely agree
L945[10:32:23] <tterrag> IoP, if someone says "use these args they work for me" they already have no idea what they are doing
L946[10:32:24] <ghz|afk> I was just pointing out not all options are so simple as "if it was better it would be the default"
L947[10:32:27] <ghz|afk> there's tradeoffs
L948[10:32:40] <ghz|afk> you just haveto know what those tradeoffs are, in order to make an informed decision
L949[10:32:42] <tterrag> no. I said if an arg was GLOBALLY better it would be the default
L950[10:32:49] <tterrag> as in, better in every single circumstance
L951[10:32:51] <IoP> And linking to oracle's tech notes as explanation is just total asshole trick
L952[10:32:55] <x3n0ph0b3> I always fall back to this general rule in my gut: if I have to ask if I need something, there's a good chance I don't.
L953[10:32:58] <tterrag> tha was exactly my point. args work in different circumstances
L954[10:33:47] <IoP> Setting -Xmn2048m and not telling what -Xmx should be used with that tells me something about user giving the advice
L955[10:34:12] <x3n0ph0b3> this is really one of those teach-a-man-to-fish scenarios.
L956[10:34:14] <ghz|afk> adding -Xmn2048 is just stupid, either way
L957[10:34:23] <TechnicianLP> xmn?
L958[10:34:31] <ghz|afk> initial heap size
L959[10:34:46] <tterrag> yeah that basically just tells the JVM to swallow up 2G for no reason
L960[10:34:50] <IoP> and also "-XX:+DisableExplicitGC" is kind of sign of "I'm smarter than mojang/forge devs. Look at me I'm the king!" type person
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L962[10:34:57] <Hotdog_Daddy> if everyone is playing with same version of forge with same modpack wouldn't everyone using same arguments make sense?
L963[10:35:01] <IoP> ghz|afk: no. it is not
L964[10:35:05] <ghz|afk> ?
L965[10:35:14] <tterrag> Hotdog_Daddy, no
L966[10:35:18] <IoP> -Xmn is new gen. Not initial heap size.
L967[10:35:27] <tterrag> ah yeah
L968[10:35:28] <ghz|afk> ah wait
L969[10:35:30] <tterrag> Xms is initial
L970[10:35:32] <TechnicianLP> new gen?
L971[10:35:33] <ghz|afk> that's Xms I was thinking of
L972[10:35:48] <ghz|afk> TechnicianLP: generational GC
L973[10:36:01] <Ordinastie> !gf field_71428_T
L974[10:36:10] <ghz|afk> splits up short-lived objects from long-lived ones
L975[10:36:11] * TechnicianLP has no clue
L976[10:36:26] <ghz|afk> the idea is
L977[10:36:32] <ghz|afk> if an object has existed for a long time
L978[10:36:38] <ghz|afk> it will probably continue existing for longer
L979[10:36:46] <ghz|afk> so it's less important to check it
L980[10:37:02] <TechnicianLP> thats actually pretty clever ..
L981[10:37:07] <ghz|afk> short-lived objects exist in a separate GC area
L982[10:37:11] <ghz|afk> which is checked more often
L983[10:37:14] <tterrag> the JVM is generally pretty clever
L984[10:37:19] <IoP> Hotdog_Daddy: btw what is your heap size?
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L986[10:37:35] <tterrag> people like to poke fun at it, but a JVM that approaches native code speed is impressive any way you cut it
L987[10:37:40] <tterrag> s/JVM/VM/
L988[10:37:47] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L989[10:38:19] <Hotdog_Daddy> how would I find that out
L990[10:38:32] <ghz|afk> F3 screen in mc
L991[10:38:38] <Hotdog_Daddy> tried with no arguments and I get same results
L992[10:38:39] <ghz|afk> topright corner
L993[10:38:43] <ghz|afk> or in jvm
L994[10:39:00] <ghz|afk> you can use -verbose:sizes to print out the VM choices
L995[10:39:03] <Hotdog_Daddy> can't get in the game
L996[10:39:07] <IoP> or just xxxx your launcher
L997[10:39:11] <Hotdog_Daddy> unless I downgrade
L998[10:39:27] <tterrag> Hotdog_Daddy, please just run a jvisualvm sample during texture load
L999[10:39:33] <tterrag> that will be more helpful than anything
L1000[10:39:57] <Hotdog_Daddy> how
L1001[10:40:15] <tterrag> step 1: run jvisualvm
L1002[10:40:19] <tterrag> it comes with the jdk download
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L1004[10:42:15] <quadraxis> http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html
L1005[10:43:41] <tterrag> yes
L1006[10:55:12] <barteks2x> wtf? I got a JVM crash right after normal crash
L1007[10:55:35] <barteks2x> Problematic frame: C 0x0000000000000000
L1008[10:57:26] <Hotdog_Daddy> ok I have java visualvm up
L1009[10:57:58] <Hotdog_Daddy> now start the game?
L1010[10:59:16] <barteks2x> it was while saving worlds, so I guess the first thing to blame here is mapdb
L1011[10:59:42] <tterrag> Hotdog_Daddy, yep. then attach it to that program and run the CPU sampler
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L1014[11:02:37] <Hotdog_Daddy> I right clicked on net.minecraft.launchwrapper.launch then clicked on CPU on the right
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L1017[11:05:45] <Hotdog_Daddy> what am I looking for
L1018[11:06:16] *** PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
L1019[11:07:02] <tterrag> once it's done loading (or has loaded for some amount of time) stop the sampler and generate a snapshot
L1020[11:07:05] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L1021[11:08:44] <Hotdog_Daddy> ok its starting the texture upload and mipmap now
L1022[11:08:58] <barteks2x> is it possible to figure out what caused a JVM crash?
L1023[11:09:23] <barteks2x> It's definitely a bug somewhere other than my code, just don't know where
L1024[11:09:28] <Hotdog_Daddy> does about 100 files every 12 secs
L1025[11:09:52] <Hotdog_Daddy> goes to 20028
L1026[11:10:13] <barteks2x> it didn't even manage to complete writing hs_err file
L1027[11:10:23] <Hotdog_Daddy> takes about 5 secs to load it all with forge version before 2111
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L1034[11:20:09] <barteks2x> this is literally the whole hs_err file http://pastebin.com/fzPF0rGJ
L1035[11:22:54] <Hotdog_Daddy> https://www.dropbox.com/s/jlsa9voqtmrlrjc/1479748504103.nps?dl=0
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L1037[11:28:19] <Hotdog_Daddy> its still loading
L1038[11:28:27] <Hotdog_Daddy> at 9000/20028
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L1054[12:14:52] <Hotdog_Daddy> Build 1.10.2- LexManos: Fixed texture stitcher not using full texture height before expanding width.
L1055[12:15:32] <Hotdog_Daddy> so that is the only change from 2110 to 2111
L1056[12:16:43] <MalkContent> i think i just heard a deep sigh in the distance
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L1058[12:17:11] <AshIndigo> That was me
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L1066[12:40:48] <JuiceGrape> hey all! I'm having an issue with opening an IInventory using displayGuiChest, anyone mind helping me out?
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L1072[12:50:52] <alexiy> JuiceGrape: what is the issue?
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L1078[13:02:14] <alexiy> is there a "block break start" event?
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L1086[13:32:05] <barteks2x> Negative Y coordinates are confusing... I can't figure out how to correctly add bedrock to my world. And if height -4096 is at the bottom of the bottom chunk, or at the top of the one below
L1087[13:33:28] <McJty> Hmm, what happened to Block.onBlockPlaced() in 1.11?
L1088[13:34:13] <McJty> I can only find onBlockPlacedBy
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L1090[13:35:57] <McJty> Ah getStateForPlacement
L1091[13:36:25] <Ordinastie> note that there is an override with an itemStack param
L1092[13:36:59] <Ordinastie> but the problem is that it's not them for IBlockState, so not sure what you're supposed to call from outside
L1093[13:37:06] <Ordinastie> *not there
L1094[13:37:40] <McJty> You mean with a 'hand' param I suppose
L1095[13:37:44] <ghz|afk> barteks2x: -406 is the bottom of a chink.
L1096[13:37:45] <McJty> That's the one that forge added
L1097[13:37:47] <ghz|afk> -4096*
L1098[13:38:25] <ghz|afk> 0..255 -> 256 .. 511
L1099[13:38:28] <ghz|afk> so by extensionh
L1100[13:38:39] <ghz|afk> -256 .. -1 -> 0..255
L1101[13:39:12] <Ordinastie> McJty, I don't have a hand param, but I'm still on 1.10.2
L1102[13:39:25] <tterrag> Hotdog_Daddy: that snapshot is invalid
L1103[13:39:28] <barteks2x> ok, almost got it. Except that probabilities are reversed
L1104[13:39:44] <Ordinastie> but yes, the one added by forge, that should also be added to IBlockState
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L1106[13:40:16] <McJty> Ordinastie, but since ItemBlock isn't calling that version it is not that useful to override that though
L1107[13:40:22] <McJty> Unless you provide a custom ItemBlock of course
L1108[13:41:25] <Ordinastie> well, that means that changed in 1.11, because it's called for me
L1109[13:42:20] <ghz|afk> ItemBlock calls this.block.getStateForPlacement
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L1111[13:42:27] <ghz|afk> why would you need it called on an IBlockState?
L1112[13:43:06] <McJty> BTW, what happened to SkeletonType on 1.11?
L1113[13:43:20] <Ordinastie> because that's the kind of stuff that is called from there now
L1114[13:43:38] <ghz|afk> they split the entities, McJty
L1115[13:43:50] <McJty> oh
L1116[13:43:56] <McJty> That's both good and bad
L1117[13:44:01] <McJty> Good as in it makes sense
L1118[13:44:05] <ghz|afk> there's AbstractSkeleton -> EntitySkeleton / EntityWitherSkeleton / Entitywhatevertheotheronewas
L1119[13:44:12] <McJty> Bad as it makes it harder to make rftools compatible with 1.10 and 1.11 at the same time
L1120[13:44:15] <McJty> But I'll find a way
L1121[13:44:28] <ghz|afk> wat o_O
L1122[13:44:38] <ghz|afk> how are you handling the itemstack semantics?
L1123[13:44:47] <McJty> Separate library
L1124[13:44:52] <McJty> The mod itself is totally independent
L1125[13:44:52] <ghz|afk> ewh
L1126[13:44:53] <ghz|afk> XD
L1127[13:45:04] <McJty> I have 10 mods. Don't want to do maintenance * 2
L1128[13:45:07] <ghz|afk> then separate lib, with getSkeletonType(entity)
L1129[13:45:25] <ghz|afk> sure
L1130[13:46:01] <ghz|afk> but you are "missing out" on things like the ability to just do stack.getItem() and such without nullchecks
L1131[13:46:17] <McJty> Actually no I'm not
L1132[13:46:24] <McJty> Because my library covers that now
L1133[13:46:36] <McJty> I do: ItemStackTools.isValid(stack)
L1134[13:46:40] <McJty> On 1.10 that compares with null
L1135[13:46:46] <McJty> On 1.11 that does stack.isEmpty()
L1136[13:46:51] <ghz|afk> ah
L1137[13:47:01] <ghz|afk> I have quite a few places where I had like
L1138[13:47:09] ⇦ Quits: alexiy (~alexiy@ip-118-203.zb.lv) (Quit: Leaving)
L1139[13:47:15] <ghz|afk> newStack = oldStack != null ? oldStack.copy() : null;
L1140[13:47:23] <ghz|afk> I just reduced them to
L1141[13:47:26] <ghz|afk> newStack = oldStack.copy()
L1142[13:47:28] <McJty> I have ItemStackTools.safeCopy(stack)
L1143[13:47:32] <ghz|afk> aha
L1144[13:49:44] <McJty> I actually have only one problem remaining that I can't solve for now
L1145[13:49:53] <McJty> Without that problem I would have a single jar that runs on 1.10 and 1.11
L1146[13:50:01] <McJty> And that's the fact that on 1.10 lang files should be: en_US.lang
L1147[13:50:06] <McJty> And on 1.11 they should be en_us.lang
L1148[13:50:13] <McJty> And neither version supports the other case
L1149[13:50:22] <Ordinastie> I need to send a list of pos + blockId, what the best way ?
L1150[13:50:39] <ghz|afk> actually en_US.lang works just fine on 1.11
L1151[13:50:53] <Ordinastie> nevermind, I'll just send the size
L1152[13:50:58] <McJty> ghz|afk, not for me it doesn't. Unless that changed VERY recently?
L1153[13:51:05] <McJty> Last week it failed to load
L1154[13:51:20] <ghz|afk> dunno I built all my mods in 2153
L1155[13:52:17] <barteks2x> I actually forgot to rename my lanng files
L1156[13:52:19] <barteks2x> seems to work
L1157[13:52:32] <ghz|afk> Itried to rename them, and it wasn't working, so I renamed them back XD
L1158[13:52:38] <McJty> hmm weird
L1159[13:52:53] <ghz|afk> maybe it's just a glitch with dev
L1160[13:53:03] <ghz|afk> or maybe I was tired and did it on 1.10.2 by mistake
L1161[13:53:16] <barteks2x> but I'm still on 2148 so that may be why
L1162[13:53:30] <ghz|afk> it's not working anymore
L1163[13:53:38] <ghz|afk> so I'll vote for tired/glitch
L1164[13:54:16] <barteks2x> or I somehow missed my world type names not fitting in buttons
L1165[13:55:24] ⇨ Joins: MrIbby (~MrIbby@wireless-173-87-173-218.dr04.ekgv.ca.frontiernet.net)
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L1168[13:55:31] <barteks2x> I just checked, it works
L1169[13:55:44] <barteks2x> And i'm sure I didn't rename anything in resources
L1170[13:56:24] <Ordinastie> !gm WorldServer.tick
L1171[13:59:05] * ghz|afk flips table
L1172[13:59:55] * TechnicianLP hopes noone sat on that table
L1173[13:59:56] <ghz|afk> the problem wasn't the filename
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L1182[14:22:17] <Ordinastie> what's the method to "rewind" a ByteBuf again ?
L1183[14:25:53] <Ordinastie> nvm
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L1187[14:43:49] <quadraxis> barteks2x, did you figure out the CME in ClassInheritanceMultiMap?
L1188[14:44:23] <barteks2x> I didn't figure out why it doesn't happen in vanilla, but I know why it does happen
L1189[14:46:00] <barteks2x> is's vanilla doing things that are not thread safe, and somehow being lucky
L1190[14:47:16] <barteks2x> so I will either make it thread safe or add a workaround (catch the exception and create new object)
L1191[14:49:35] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@d8d8722e9.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Leaving)
L1192[14:52:05] <quadraxis> it's weird, it iterates over values, and then adds them?
L1193[14:52:58] <quadraxis> except they should always exist already, as far as I can tell
L1194[14:55:20] <barteks2x> internally HashSet does HashMap.put, and put replaces existing values
L1195[14:56:18] <barteks2x> there is also the possibility that one thread adds something to ALL_KNOWN while the constructor is iterating
L1196[14:59:01] <barteks2x> did you get the same crash?
L1197[15:00:04] ⇦ Quits: Fye (~Fye@dynamic-adsl-84-221-215-62.clienti.tiscali.it) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1198[15:01:04] <quadraxis> yeah
L1199[15:01:13] <quadraxis> I got it once previously
L1200[15:01:39] <quadraxis> but then not again until now
L1201[15:03:26] <barteks2x> the real fix would me using a Set created from ConcurrentHashMap here
L1202[15:04:14] <barteks2x> in cubic chunks I control all usages of ClassInheritanceMultiMap so I can add some workarounds, but that won't fix vanilla
L1203[15:04:36] <quadraxis> stack trace dump: https://gist.github.com/bs2609/61fb0da2c26c29869bbadd03200920e1
L1204[15:05:10] <barteks2x> That basically matches what I get in cubic chunks. Crash when creating a chunk
L1205[15:05:42] <barteks2x> it's a bit weird that it's in EmptyChunk constructor
L1206[15:05:54] <barteks2x> that means it's the first time any chunk is created
L1207[15:06:06] <barteks2x> at least clientside
L1208[15:07:16] <quadraxis> the EmptyChunk constructor is my doing
L1209[15:07:16] <barteks2x> or wait, why is the EmptyChunk created here?
L1210[15:07:55] <barteks2x> i guess that could be fixed with forge patch
L1211[15:08:10] <barteks2x> but not sure if it would be accepted
L1212[15:08:44] <quadraxis> a non thread-safe constructor is pretty ew
L1213[15:08:55] <quadraxis> it'd be nice to have fix
L1214[15:09:07] <quadraxis> but reproducing is an issue
L1215[15:09:37] <barteks2x> for me it happens on average once a week
L1216[15:10:31] <barteks2x> would it be possible to create some special test mod that creates and discards chunks in client and server thread at once until it crashes?
L1217[15:11:21] <LexManos> -.-
L1218[15:11:36] <LexManos> he came here, pinged me, made a useless issue on github, and you guys let him.. really...
L1219[15:12:23] <AshIndigo> (Why do I love that -.- so much)
L1220[15:12:36] <Ordinastie> quadraxis, mod.network is yours ?
L1221[15:12:45] <quadraxis> yes
L1222[15:13:00] <Ordinastie> can you show ChunkDataPacket?
L1223[15:13:27] <barteks2x> also, you seem to be creating new Chunks outside of both client and server thread
L1224[15:13:32] <Ordinastie> yes
L1225[15:13:38] <quadraxis> https://github.com/bs2609/TestMod/blob/master/src/main/java/mod/network/ChunkDataPacket.java
L1226[15:14:21] <Ordinastie> chunk = new PartialChunk(null, buffer.readInt(), buffer.readInt());
L1227[15:14:26] <Ordinastie> don't do that there
L1228[15:14:31] ⇨ Joins: armctec (~Thunderbi@
L1229[15:15:13] <barteks2x> that just adds third thread to all threads creating chunks
L1230[15:15:52] <quadraxis> hmm where then?
L1231[15:16:03] <Ordinastie> on the main thread
L1232[15:16:17] *** diesieben|away is now known as diesieben07
L1233[15:16:21] <barteks2x> I don't think that will fix the issue
L1234[15:16:33] <barteks2x> it will maybe make it less common
L1235[15:16:35] <Ordinastie> it will
L1236[15:16:50] <barteks2x> it won't because there already are 2 threads doing that
L1237[15:16:57] <barteks2x> client and server gthread
L1238[15:18:00] ⇦ Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1239[15:18:03] <barteks2x> unless there is some magic synchronization that I don't know about
L1240[15:18:30] ⇦ Quits: Koward (~Koward@2a02:2788:7d4:4dd:c8c6:3def:80d3:46a7) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1241[15:24:03] <diesieben07> barteks2x, no, there isn't, you are right. this is faulty code and it probably runs ok in vanilla because the thread timings JUST work out
L1242[15:24:06] <diesieben07> but it's still broken
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L1245[15:25:56] MineBot sets mode: +v on mezz
L1246[15:26:03] <diesieben07> how to fix? you could reflectively replace the set on startup with a concurrenthashset
L1247[15:26:26] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872a6e.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1248[15:27:37] <TechnicianLP> does someone know the approximate maximum size of a packet?
L1249[15:27:48] <barteks2x> the custom packet/message?
L1250[15:28:06] <TechnicianLP> simple implementation
L1251[15:28:11] <barteks2x> 1048576 bytes
L1252[15:28:32] ⇦ Quits: ezterry (~ezterry@reno.devnull.name) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1253[15:28:47] <TechnicianLP> so 1MB?
L1254[15:28:55] <barteks2x> yes, I copied that value from code
L1255[15:29:11] <barteks2x> if (bufIn.writerIndex() > 1048576) in SPacketCustomPayload
L1256[15:29:23] <Ordinastie> server automatically splits the packets to the client
L1257[15:29:44] ⇨ Joins: ezterry (~ezterry@reno.devnull.name)
L1258[15:29:51] <barteks2x> this is hardcoded limit in SPacketCustomPayload
L1259[15:30:08] <barteks2x> which is what all mod packets use
L1260[15:30:28] <TechnicianLP> why did ae then have problems with overfull drives making to bi packages?
L1261[15:30:50] <TechnicianLP> too big*
L1262[15:31:02] <diesieben07> thats not true
L1263[15:31:10] <diesieben07> it depends if it goes server to client or client to server
L1264[15:31:54] <barteks2x> no it doesn't?
L1265[15:32:13] <barteks2x> in readPacketData: if (i >= 0 && i <= 1048576)
L1266[15:32:24] <diesieben07> server to client the max size is 4278169680 bytes, so 4278MB
L1267[15:32:49] <diesieben07> read FMLProxyPacket
L1268[15:32:49] <diesieben07> it has packet splitting built in for server to client
L1269[15:32:56] ⇦ Quits: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1270[15:32:58] <Ordinastie> I need to find a 5GB png to test that :p
L1271[15:33:12] <barteks2x> diesieben07, in CpacketCustomPayload: if (bufIn.writerIndex() > 32767)
L1272[15:33:14] <barteks2x> so even less
L1273[15:33:29] <TechnicianLP> package splitting in proxypacket
L1274[15:33:30] <ghz|afk> diesieben07: woudln't that be 4gb in file size terms? ;P
L1275[15:33:39] <diesieben07> and for cleint to server the max is 32767 so 32kb
L1276[15:33:59] <Ordinastie> so low ?
L1277[15:33:59] <barteks2x> the limit is 1MB from server to client
L1278[15:34:03] <barteks2x> I hit that limit once
L1279[15:34:04] <barteks2x> so I know
L1280[15:34:16] <Ordinastie> barteks2x, I send more so I know too
L1281[15:34:16] <diesieben07> i am not stupid
L1282[15:34:16] <diesieben07> read FMLProxyPacket
L1283[15:34:17] <diesieben07> especially the toS3FPackets method
L1284[15:34:17] <diesieben07> then you did something wrong.
L1285[15:34:31] <diesieben07> ghz|afk, uhh yes.
L1286[15:35:13] <diesieben07> you might not wanna send that much in one go :D
L1287[15:35:18] <TechnicianLP> i think 4GB should be sufficient to sync some (big) config files
L1288[15:35:48] <diesieben07> if you have a 4gigabyte config file you have MUCH bigger problems than packet size..
L1289[15:35:50] <Ordinastie> and a mod that send the whole world to clients ? :p
L1290[15:36:19] <barteks2x> I'm sure I had a crash when I sent >1MB packet
L1291[15:36:27] <barteks2x> but that could be older version
L1292[15:36:43] <TechnicianLP> non 4gb but bigger than average configfiles
L1293[15:36:51] ⇨ Joins: Hink_ (~Hink@pool-108-49-243-35.bstnma.fios.verizon.net)
L1294[15:36:55] <TechnicianLP> (configurable progression tree)
L1295[15:37:37] <barteks2x> also, based on the code Is ee the limit is 256MB
L1296[15:37:59] <diesieben07> what code?
L1297[15:38:06] ⇦ Quits: armctec (~Thunderbi@ (Quit: armctec)
L1298[15:38:24] <quadraxis> the code that I see in FMLProxyPacket has a max part size of 16MB
L1299[15:38:25] <AshIndigo> The code!
L1300[15:38:40] <quadraxis> not actually 1MB
L1301[15:38:46] <barteks2x> which is why it fails...
L1302[15:38:51] <barteks2x> if you send above 1MB
L1303[15:38:53] <LexManos> ...
L1304[15:39:03] <quadraxis> typo perhaps?
L1305[15:39:24] <diesieben07> i have no idea what you guys are looking at, but it's not what I am seeing.
L1306[15:39:37] <quadraxis> I see static final int PART_SIZE = 0x1000000 - 0x50;
L1307[15:39:42] <barteks2x> Looking at FMLProxypacket.java
L1308[15:39:43] <diesieben07> http://i.imgur.com/mLSK0uK.png
L1309[15:40:00] <quadraxis> which is 16MB
L1310[15:40:01] <diesieben07> that equates to 255 times 16mb which is the aforementioned 4 gigs
L1311[15:40:01] <barteks2x> yes, 0x1000000 bytes is 16MB
L1312[15:40:20] <quadraxis> now if (data.length < PART_SIZE)
L1313[15:40:23] <barteks2x> it splits only if you exceed 16MB
L1314[15:40:30] <LexManos> you guys should be getting nowhere near this size so... why does it matter?
L1315[15:40:34] <barteks2x> but anything above 1MB will cause crash
L1316[15:41:02] <Ordinastie> barteks2x, like I said, I have a mod that sends more than that
L1317[15:41:10] <barteks2x> I have no idea how
L1318[15:41:19] <barteks2x> When I sent more than that I got a crash
L1319[15:41:34] <quadraxis> the point of having functionality to split packets seems wasted if it never actually works
L1320[15:41:42] <Ordinastie> probably because you're doing it wrong then
L1321[15:42:01] <barteks2x> based on the code we see it can't work
L1322[15:42:07] <barteks2x> so you aren't sending more than 1MB
L1323[15:42:11] <diesieben07> actually he has a point
L1324[15:42:20] <diesieben07> the code splits into 16mb parts
L1325[15:42:23] <diesieben07> which is too much
L1326[15:43:03] <LexManos> When did tey lower the size?
L1327[15:43:21] <barteks2x> definitely before 1.9
L1328[15:43:30] <barteks2x> because that's about when I tried to send more than 1MB
L1329[15:43:35] <diesieben07> looking at a 1.8 workspace, still 1mb
L1330[15:43:56] <LexManos> meh, I did test this when I wrote it, so whenever I wrote it it worked for 16mb
L1331[15:44:09] <LexManos> oh well just delete a zero later when i care
L1332[15:44:11] <LexManos> point is
L1333[15:44:18] <LexManos> why the fuck do you guys care?
L1334[15:44:36] <LexManos> This was only ever written because the registry syncing packets were getting to large
L1335[15:45:17] <barteks2x> some mods have items that contain other items. When they are nested, packets may get quite big with a lot of NBT
L1336[15:45:45] <diesieben07> larger than a meg for one item? :O
L1337[15:45:56] <AshIndigo> If you nest then enough
L1338[15:45:59] <barteks2x> no idea, I think it would be doable
L1339[15:46:03] <LexManos> then you are nesting to much
L1340[15:46:23] <LexManos> ItemStacks that are >1MB is BAD and you should probably stop doing it
L1341[15:46:45] <LexManos> not to mention itd crash in tons of other places
L1342[15:46:47] <barteks2x> i don't say I do that
L1343[15:47:04] <barteks2x> My crash in 1.9 was because I was sending chunk-related data that could gro without bounds
L1344[15:47:08] ⇨ Joins: ollieread (~ollieread@exia.ollieread.com)
L1345[15:49:12] <barteks2x> and right, 1MB itemstack would crash chunk loading/saving too
L1346[15:49:24] <barteks2x> because there is 1MB limit on compressed chunk size
L1347[15:50:20] *** AshIndigo is now known as AshIndigo-Asleep
L1348[15:50:27] <Hotdog_Daddy> lexmanos you closed my issue on github saying I didn't post correctly ... what info is needed to post there
L1349[15:50:31] <Ordinastie> I send PNG to clients :s
L1350[15:50:44] *** MineBot sets mode: +b Hotdog_Daddy!*@*
L1351[15:50:44] *** Hotdog_Daddy was kicked by MineBot (Banned: (10) Stop Pinging PEOPLE!))
L1352[15:51:40] <Akkarin> lol
L1353[15:52:20] ⇦ Parts: AshIndigo-Asleep (~AshIndigo@ ())
L1354[15:52:27] <ghz|afk> https://imgflip.com/s/meme/Captain-Picard-Facepalm.jpg
L1355[15:52:30] ⇨ Joins: AshIndigo-Asleep (~AshIndigo@
L1356[15:52:31] <shadowfacts> top kek
L1357[15:52:51] ⇦ Parts: AshIndigo-Asleep (~AshIndigo@ ())
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L1359[15:53:12] * AshIndigo reads issue
L1360[15:53:20] <Ordinastie> ghz|afk, you need to use an url without spoilers
L1361[15:53:30] * AshIndigo wants to know what the post it said originally
L1362[15:54:49] <copygirl> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/3430 ?
L1363[15:54:56] ⇦ Quits: Hink_ (~Hink@pool-108-49-243-35.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1364[15:54:56] ⇦ Quits: diesieben07 (~diesieben@abrarsyed.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1365[15:55:07] <copygirl> Or what did you mean by "post it"?
L1366[15:55:22] <AshIndigo> Oh crap read the wrong issue
L1367[15:55:35] <AshIndigo> (I can't read anymore
L1368[15:55:53] ⇨ Joins: diesieben07 (~diesieben@2001:19f0:6400:8965:5400:ff:fe07:8777)
L1369[15:57:43] <ghz|afk> Ordinastie: it wasn't meant to be a surprise, though
L1370[15:58:02] <Ordinastie> but that's all the fun :(
L1371[15:58:56] <diesieben07> picard is never not fun
L1372[15:59:17] <TechnicianLP> is the "(10)" in the banreason the number of the template?
L1373[15:59:28] <diesieben07> it's the time
L1374[15:59:32] <diesieben07> but i am not sure of the unit
L1375[15:59:39] <Ordinastie> minutes I think
L1376[15:59:39] <Akkarin> bananas probably
L1377[15:59:47] <diesieben07> banned for 10 bananas.
L1378[15:59:48] <diesieben07> sure.
L1379[15:59:50] <Ordinastie> otherwise it's 10h or 10d
L1380[15:59:51] <AshIndigo> Oranges
L1381[16:00:03] <Akkarin> goes nicely with 1.10.banana ... which I am still waiting for
L1382[16:00:03] <TechnicianLP> fruit salad
L1383[16:00:04] <Akkarin> :(
L1384[16:00:09] <ghz|afk> if the ban goes away in am inute, it was minutes
L1385[16:00:10] <ghz|afk> ;P
L1386[16:00:21] <ghz|afk> it's not days, because it says "10d" in that case
L1387[16:00:21] * diesieben07 is hungry for fruit salad now.
L1388[16:00:29] *** ghz|afk is now known as gigaherz
L1389[16:00:44] *** MineBot sets mode: -b Hotdog_Daddy!*@*
L1390[16:00:46] <gigaherz> ijust ate a kaki
L1391[16:00:48] * AshIndigo calls Gordon Ramsay
L1392[16:00:50] <gigaherz> I just*
L1393[16:00:53] <gigaherz> the mature kind
L1394[16:00:57] <gigaherz> not a persimmon
L1395[16:01:04] ⇨ Joins: Hotdog_Daddy (~Kris@24-151-68-108.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com)
L1396[16:01:11] <TechnicianLP> hes back :(
L1397[16:01:11] <Ordinastie> (I was coding watching Kitchen Nightmare today)
L1398[16:01:23] <diesieben07> yay kitchen nightmares
L1399[16:01:29] <diesieben07> the us abomination?
L1400[16:01:35] <AshIndigo> I was watching hotel hell
L1401[16:01:37] <diesieben07> or the good uk version? :D
L1402[16:01:41] <Akkarin> Did you learn how to program yourself a sandwich?
L1403[16:01:51] <Ordinastie> well, I won't watch the UK ones *again*
L1404[16:01:55] <diesieben07> heh
L1405[16:01:58] <diesieben07> i have the same problem.
L1406[16:02:00] <Ordinastie> but yes, they were really better
L1407[16:02:23] <Ordinastie> the UK version was really him
L1408[16:02:44] <Ordinastie> the US ones, it's the network doing it, and he just "acts" in it
L1409[16:02:50] <diesieben07> yea
L1410[16:02:57] ⇨ Joins: Hink_ (~Hink@pool-108-49-243-35.bstnma.fios.verizon.net)
L1411[16:03:07] <Ordinastie> still, listening to him bashing the food is funny
L1412[16:03:21] <AshIndigo> ITS FUCKING RAW!
L1413[16:03:28] <diesieben07> and omg the us-style "hey, we are back from the ads, now we need to re-iterate HALF THE SHOW AGAIN and oh look, time for ads again"
L1414[16:03:32] <diesieben07> -_-
L1415[16:03:48] <LexManos> humm
L1416[16:03:54] <LexManos> chanserv isnt doing it job
L1417[16:04:00] <Akkarin> ads? what is this? a time where people watch TV? :o
L1418[16:04:14] <barteks2x> I clicked "infer nullity" in idea, and it has option "annotate local variables". Is is really possible to have nullable/nonnull on local variables?
L1419[16:04:22] <diesieben07> no, but they still have ad breaks clearly visible in the version i watched
L1420[16:04:29] <diesieben07> obviously there were not ads there, but still
L1421[16:04:32] ⇦ Quits: offbeatwitch (~offbeatwi@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1422[16:04:40] <diesieben07> barteks2x, sure, local variables can have annotations.
L1423[16:04:47] <diesieben07> they are not visible in the class file though
L1424[16:04:52] <diesieben07> that only works for parameters.
L1425[16:05:13] <Akkarin> That moment when your production company is too lazy to cut out the parts where you talk about ad breaks in their dvd/on demand releases
L1426[16:05:27] <barteks2x> that would be a good way to increase line count
L1427[16:05:33] <diesieben07> ehh it kinda was somewhat maybe a bit pirated
L1428[16:05:37] <Akkarin> Unless somebody *gasp*dramatic break here* streams stuff!
L1429[16:05:37] <diesieben07> so i cannot comment on the source :D
L1430[16:05:39] <Akkarin> oh noes!
L1431[16:05:45] * diesieben07 hides behind desk
L1432[16:05:52] * AshIndigo high fives diesie
L1433[16:06:03] * diesieben07 awkwardly reaches around desk
L1434[16:06:10] <LexManos> 7 people on ban list, 3 are the same person.
L1435[16:06:15] <Ordinastie> like that ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xj2tkC90ICM&index=39&list=PLum50h_rWpG4QQOifQeDFZyfZYH3Qx76i#t=0.040839
L1436[16:06:25] <diesieben07> oh right, i remember... it's on youtube :D
L1437[16:06:26] * Akkarin watches the desk wiggle weirdly
L1438[16:06:32] <Akkarin> :o
L1439[16:06:50] <AshIndigo> Ordi oh my god a good playlist
L1440[16:07:04] <AshIndigo> Instead of looking around a for the next ep
L1441[16:07:18] <barteks2x> there are only 4 people banned here?
L1442[16:07:30] <Hotdog_Daddy> I was just trying to ask what info I needed to provide to get help
L1443[16:07:44] <Ordinastie> you didn't read the topic
L1444[16:07:50] * AshIndigo gets microwave with popcorn in it
L1445[16:08:01] <Ordinastie> actually, nvm
L1446[16:08:06] <copygirl> Hotdog_Daddy, Lex, any way I can help provide more information on the issue?
L1447[16:08:09] <Akkarin> General rule of thumb: Don't ping people unless it is really necessary (aka the channel is moving so fast that you'd literally get lost otherwise)
L1448[16:08:25] <Ordinastie> ah yes, still mind, rules still here
L1449[16:08:38] <LexManos> Olloth, Briman, ClientHax, Benny, and Player, Only people on the ban list
L1450[16:08:41] <Akkarin> Otherwise it gets annoying quite quickly ... *cough* more than two pings an hour on average and still not even a beer as a thanks *cough*
L1451[16:08:44] <Ordinastie> (even with the typo \o/)
L1452[16:08:51] <tterrag> Hotdog_Daddy: read the topic
L1453[16:09:32] ⇦ Quits: Noppes (~Noppes@ip56530f2e.direct-adsl.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1454[16:09:56] ⇦ Quits: sinkillerj (~sinkiller@nc-67-232-12-242.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1455[16:10:21] <Hotdog_Daddy> What did I do wrong with the snapshot
L1456[16:10:32] ⇨ Joins: sinkillerj (~sinkiller@nc-67-232-12-242.dhcp.embarqhsd.net)
L1457[16:11:06] <TechnicianLP> i have 2153 and it loads fine
L1458[16:11:19] <TechnicianLP> so probably something on your end
L1459[16:11:57] <LexManos> First off, read the fucking topic for the channel rules
L1460[16:12:19] <LexManos> Second, 'It takes a long ass time when I have a billion mods installed, it must be forge!'
L1461[16:12:37] <LexManos> Is not a valid report, not to mention your reports have NO USEFUL INFORMATION AT ALL.
L1462[16:12:38] <Hotdog_Daddy> That isn't what I said
L1463[16:13:01] <LexManos> Logs are a REQUIREMENT for us to be able to figure ANYTHING out
L1464[16:13:11] <LexManos> No you didnt say that in the issue you said it on IRC
L1465[16:13:14] <copygirl> Also, how long does it take with only forge and no mods?
L1466[16:13:24] <LexManos> which is the only place im able to get any context to what you're saying
L1467[16:13:57] <LexManos> I dont know your hardware, I dont know your mods, I cant trust your versions you list because 90% of people lie.
L1468[16:14:05] <LexManos> This is why logs are importantr
L1469[16:14:11] <LexManos> Important*
L1470[16:14:47] <LexManos> Also, for basic trouble shooting until you get all the information needed to make a valid bug report with 100% certanty that it IS Froge's fault, Use the forums.,
L1471[16:14:50] <LexManos> NOT Github
L1472[16:14:50] <Hotdog_Daddy> I was just trying to show the only thing that was changing from when it was working to not working was the version of forge
L1473[16:15:00] <LexManos> That means nothing
L1474[16:15:22] <copygirl> Are the new textures not powers of two anymore? That could potentially cause slowdowns on .. certain systems?
L1475[16:15:31] <tterrag> lex, considering as you said that the only change was one opcode, it likely is forge
L1476[16:15:38] ⇨ Joins: howtonotwin (~howtonotw@r75-110-22-15.gvllcmtc01.gnvlnc.ab.dh.suddenlink.net)
L1477[16:15:39] <AshIndigo> The change for 2111 is literally one opcode - Lex
L1478[16:15:46] <tterrag> it's not like any mod is going to behave differently because of that tiny patch to Stitcher
L1479[16:15:58] <LexManos> yes tons of mods will behave differently
L1480[16:16:18] <LexManos> IC2, Optifine, Fastcraft, {Inseret any fucking coremod trhat deals with graphics}
L1481[16:16:47] <LexManos> And yes textures are still stitched into powers of two.
L1482[16:16:52] <LexManos> So thats not the issue
L1483[16:16:56] <AshIndigo> Wait what does ic2 do to graphics?
L1484[16:17:12] <LexManos> Also, it could be his crappy copy/pasted arguments to 'enchance' the JVM
L1485[16:17:26] <Hotdog_Daddy> I removed them
L1486[16:17:28] <LexManos> because it could be fucking with the garbage collector because this more densly packs memory then before
L1487[16:17:34] <LexManos> Point is
L1488[16:17:48] <LexManos> He hasnt gone through the standard debugging and he provided a useless fucking post.
L1489[16:17:56] <LexManos> THEN he comes in here and pings me twice
L1490[16:18:08] <Hotdog_Daddy> I did it twice?
L1491[16:18:20] <LexManos> #minecraftforge <Hotdog_Daddy> Build 1.10.2- LexManos: Fixed texture stitcher not using full texture height before expanding width.
L1492[16:18:21] <LexManos> #minecraftforge <Hotdog_Daddy> lexmanos you closed my issue on github saying I didn't post correctly ... what info is needed to post there
L1493[16:18:40] * TechnicianLP hides
L1494[16:18:54] <LexManos> So, delete all your mods
L1495[16:18:57] <LexManos> Use JUST Forge
L1496[16:19:03] <LexManos> And provide LOGS
L1497[16:19:05] * AshIndigo joins diesie under the table
L1498[16:19:20] * diesieben07 has moved on to making tea in the kitchen
L1499[16:19:31] <LexManos> I have very little patience for stupid today, especially repeat stupid.
L1500[16:19:35] * howtonotwin is enjoying the drama right after his return
L1501[16:19:43] <Ordinastie> you relaly have a thing for tea don't you ?
L1502[16:20:11] <AshIndigo> What flavor?
L1503[16:20:48] <Ordinastie> water flavored
L1504[16:21:21] <tterrag> lex: it sounds like this issue may be exponentially worse on larger sheets, if I had to guess. i.e. the difference in just vanilla will be negligible
L1505[16:21:32] <diesieben07> tea is great
L1506[16:21:42] <tterrag> and this pack he's using....has a rather large sheet I'd assume
L1507[16:21:43] * AshIndigo adds golden flower tea packet
L1508[16:21:48] <LexManos> Possible, but not held out by my tests.
L1509[16:21:58] <AshIndigo> (Whatever the hanging part is called)
L1510[16:22:01] <Hotdog_Daddy> 160 mods I believe
L1511[16:22:28] <Hotdog_Daddy> but it works fine on this system and nobody in the curse chat with the mod pack seems to be having trouble
L1512[16:22:34] <tterrag> like I said, get me a FUNCTIONAL profiling snapshot and I can maybe help
L1513[16:22:37] <LexManos> Also not held out by anyone else who uses this system because its been thoughly tested on sheets up to 16K
L1514[16:22:38] <tterrag> but until then it's hearsay
L1515[16:22:39] <Hotdog_Daddy> also work fine on my computer at work
L1516[16:23:12] <AshIndigo> Which computer does it not work on?
L1517[16:23:23] <LexManos> Most likely? Hes on a shitty intel laptop with shitty stats and has mods in his pack that are causing shitty sprites to be generated
L1518[16:23:40] <Hotdog_Daddy> my laptop
L1519[16:23:41] <LexManos> But how the fuck would we know, he hasnt told us ANYTHING about his setup
L1520[16:24:04] <AshIndigo> Well 'my laptop' helps alot
L1521[16:24:05] <Hotdog_Daddy> you told me I posted wrong I get it
L1522[16:24:13] <Ordinastie> has the atlas a written size limit or is it whatever the memory can handle ?
L1523[16:24:19] <Hotdog_Daddy> so i asked what you need and I will provide it
L1524[16:24:23] <LexManos> If only all this information and more was stored somewhere, perhaps in a text based format, which could be easily transmitted to other people so they could better understand the system and what is going on
L1525[16:24:53] <Hotdog_Daddy> ok what is the name of the log
L1526[16:24:56] <LexManos> Ord: It limits itself to what the GPU says that it can hold. No regaurd to normal RAM.
L1527[16:26:05] <tterrag> Ordinastie: to be more specific, it reads the GL capability for max tex size
L1528[16:26:12] <Ordinastie> ah right
L1529[16:26:24] <Ordinastie> I remember seeing something like that in the code
L1530[16:26:40] <LexManos> Well more specifically, it tries to create big ass sheets until it fails, because GL is dumb and cant be trusted to tell us the right size
L1531[16:27:15] <copygirl> Hotdog_Daddy: "<instance folder>/logs/fml-client-latest.log" if I'm not completely mistaken.
L1532[16:27:26] ⇦ Quits: Everseeking (~Everseeki@pool-100-6-80-90.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Big Gulps, huh? Alright... Welp, see ya later)
L1533[16:27:35] <AshIndigo> (Thank goodness for that debug print out)
L1534[16:29:01] <Hotdog_Daddy> https://www.dropbox.com/s/turz8qe9j5uj8av/fml-client-latest.log?dl=0
L1535[16:30:22] <LexManos> Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500, called that one
L1536[16:30:37] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:101f:6fd9:3511:6bbb)
L1537[16:30:44] * AshIndigo hates reading logs on his phone
L1538[16:31:56] <TechnicianLP> tldr
L1539[16:32:25] <Ordinastie> I'm a bit hurt... :(
L1540[16:32:26] <LexManos> Holy shit, a modpack with only one coremod thats legitimatly suprising.
L1541[16:32:31] <Ordinastie> 160 fucking and none of mines :(
L1542[16:32:35] <Ordinastie> *mods
L1543[16:32:35] <AshIndigo> Hotdog do you have a non shitty graphics card?
L1544[16:32:56] ⇨ Joins: MattDahEpic (~MattDahEp@184-99-231-140.hlrn.qwest.net)
L1545[16:32:57] <Hotdog_Daddy> it has Geforce 940m in it
L1546[16:33:05] <LexManos> Its not using it
L1547[16:33:05] <Hotdog_Daddy> 8GB ram
L1548[16:33:11] <AshIndigo> Then USE it
L1549[16:33:36] <AshIndigo> Use the nvidia control panel to switch graphics processors
L1550[16:33:50] <diesieben07> note you will have to change it for the java executable
L1551[16:33:50] <AshIndigo> Change to the high performance option
L1552[16:33:54] <diesieben07> not the miencraft launcher
L1553[16:33:55] * TechnicianLP is suprised how hotdog managed to use irc
L1554[16:34:00] <AshIndigo> Just do it for global
L1555[16:34:03] <diesieben07> no
L1556[16:34:06] <diesieben07> why would one do that?
L1557[16:34:13] <diesieben07> that defeats the purpose of the dual GPUs
L1558[16:34:30] <AshIndigo> Its a crappy Intel GPU
L1559[16:34:31] <LexManos> Tons of missing models, and other resource based exceptions
L1560[16:34:41] <LexManos> Loading Resources - Reloading listeners took 116.750s
L1561[16:34:42] <diesieben07> which is fine for watching youtube videos or typing a letter.
L1562[16:34:53] <LexManos> Bar Step: Loading Resources - Reloading listeners took 94.694s
L1563[16:34:59] <diesieben07> without sucking down the battery.
L1564[16:34:59] <LexManos> Nowhere near 25 mins
L1565[16:35:06] <diesieben07> which is the reason why this stuff exists.
L1566[16:35:28] <AshIndigo> Why not just set it to global and not have to fix it again later?
L1567[16:35:45] <Ordinastie> he just explained why -_-
L1568[16:35:47] <diesieben07> because it kills your battery having it run the nvidia card all the time
L1569[16:35:55] <diesieben07> trust me, i have one of these things as well
L1570[16:36:00] <barteks2x> this is with forge 2151, so this is not the long one
L1571[16:36:02] <LexManos> So that entire load took 10 mins, which is resonable for this crappy of a GPU and this many mods.
L1572[16:36:05] <LexManos> Im not seeing the issue.
L1573[16:36:15] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:101f:6fd9:3511:6bbb) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1574[16:36:29] <barteks2x> oh, wait
L1575[16:36:34] <barteks2x> I got it reversed, nvm
L1576[16:36:53] ⇦ Quits: Samario (~Samario@cpc5-bigg3-2-0-cust219.9-2.cable.virginm.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1577[16:37:07] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:101f:6fd9:3511:6bbb)
L1578[16:37:12] <Hotdog_Daddy> that must have been I was trying different mods
L1579[16:37:28] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1580[16:37:45] ⇨ Joins: TechnicianLP2 (~Technicia@p4FE57DA5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1581[16:38:55] <Hotdog_Daddy> that was a test profile I made that someone suggested to try
L1582[16:39:25] <Hotdog_Daddy> I'll get the one that was causing all the trouble and the one that works
L1583[16:39:43] <tterrag> no need
L1584[16:39:47] <tterrag> your problem has already been solved
L1585[16:39:51] <tterrag> were you not reading?
L1586[16:39:59] * TechnicianLP2 is suprised of the intelligence of some people
L1587[16:40:08] <LexManos> Also whomever made this mod pack
L1588[16:40:11] <LexManos> needs to be shot
L1589[16:40:16] <LexManos> SOOOOO many fucking errors during load.
L1590[16:40:19] <LexManos> They really need to fix
L1591[16:40:21] * AshIndigo isn't surprised
L1592[16:40:25] <tterrag> lex: this is just a small subset of mods from the pack
L1593[16:40:39] <tterrag> <Hotdog_Daddy> that was a test profile I made that someone suggested to try
L1594[16:40:52] <tterrag> generally it's not the modpack author's fault. modders are just leaving in broken model references
L1595[16:40:52] <LexManos> either way needs to be fixed
L1596[16:41:05] <LexManos> stop using mods with broken models them
L1597[16:41:26] <tterrag> lol. you want them to remove a mod from their pack because it spits a few log lines out?
L1598[16:41:32] <diesieben07> Yes
L1599[16:41:32] <LexManos> yes
L1600[16:41:37] <tterrag> gl with that
L1601[16:41:42] <tterrag> I'd be happy if they just reported it as a bug
L1602[16:41:45] <diesieben07> that's the only way to stop these modders from being stupid
L1603[16:41:46] <diesieben07> or that
L1604[16:41:52] <LexManos> They need to do SOMETHING
L1605[16:41:53] <diesieben07> if the mods actually get fixed as a result of that.
L1606[16:41:57] <tterrag> but fact is MOST modpack authors are just throwing mods together
L1607[16:42:04] <TechnicianLP2> throw a runtimeexception in unobfuscated environments xD
L1608[16:42:05] <LexManos> Reporting as bugs would be a good first step
L1609[16:42:07] <LexManos> if they dont fix it
L1610[16:42:09] <LexManos> stop using the mod
L1611[16:42:27] <tterrag> try explaining to the modpack users why the mod was removed then
L1612[16:42:41] * AshIndigo wishes there was a 'how broken your mod is' meter
L1613[16:42:42] <tterrag> in the end neither the modpack author nor the users care. it's just log lines
L1614[16:42:43] <LexManos> 'Because the mods are broken and the author refuses to fix'
L1615[16:42:44] <LexManos> Done
L1616[16:42:58] <tterrag> you can't put the blame here on modpacks and users
L1617[16:42:58] <LexManos> I know that nobody cares
L1618[16:43:02] <LexManos> THATS THE FUCKING PROBLEM
L1619[16:43:07] <LexManos> Yes I can
L1620[16:43:22] <LexManos> I can put it on everyone who accepts the status quo and doesnt bitch about broken shit
L1621[16:43:41] <diesieben07> left-in missing resource errors are one of the least problems even
L1622[16:43:54] <diesieben07> people do so much stupid shit during startup it#s ridiculous
L1623[16:44:04] ⇦ Quits: TechnicianLP (~Technicia@p4FE57DA5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1624[16:44:05] <diesieben07> like, seriously, if your preinit takes more than a few ms AT MOST you are doing sometihng wrong.
L1625[16:44:11] <LexManos> thats true, this log is also filled with tons of missing classes, and npes, and other shiut
L1626[16:44:21] <diesieben07> that too
L1627[16:44:39] <LexManos> Point is, I have been bitching about this for YEARS
L1628[16:44:41] <diesieben07> also "Hello everyoen MY MOD STARTS NOW!" - "INIT NOW STILL HERE!!"
L1629[16:44:42] <diesieben07> -_-
L1630[16:44:44] ⇦ Quits: Xiretza (~Xiretza@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1631[16:44:54] <LexManos> Me being the only one who bitches is NOT ACCEPTIBLE as its been proven to not fix anything
L1632[16:44:58] <Ordinastie> log them all, and once a world is loaded, show a dialog box for each and every one of them
L1633[16:44:59] <TechnicianLP2> why are there 1.11 packs at this stage anyways?
L1634[16:45:02] <LexManos> Its on the rest of the community to help make shit not shit
L1635[16:45:03] * diesieben07 joins the bitching
L1636[16:45:08] <Ordinastie> annoy the users that'll work :p
L1637[16:45:10] ⇦ Quits: Techno (~quassel@cpe-72-230-173-5.rochester.res.rr.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1638[16:45:25] <diesieben07> make a mod that makes them click through every error step by step after startup ;D
L1639[16:45:30] * AshIndigo leaves the bitchfest to go to bed
L1640[16:45:37] <LexManos> that.. would be hilarious ;
L1641[16:45:38] ⇨ Joins: Techno (~quassel@cpe-72-230-173-5.rochester.res.rr.com)
L1642[16:45:55] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:101f:6fd9:3511:6bbb) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1643[16:46:32] <barteks2x> but that would definitely work
L1644[16:46:48] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:101f:6fd9:3511:6bbb)
L1645[16:46:50] <diesieben07> except nobody would use the mod and we are back to square one
L1646[16:46:53] <LexManos> no, it wouldnt, but its still a funny idea
L1647[16:47:04] * TechnicianLP2 approves
L1648[16:47:15] <diesieben07> people would scream and then say "oh its this 'ClickThroughError' mod, i'll remove it - oh fixed!"
L1649[16:47:30] <diesieben07> lusers are lusers.
L1650[16:47:33] <Ordinastie> diesieben07, make it part of forge obviously
L1651[16:47:40] <TechnicianLP2> make it a dep of forge
L1652[16:47:42] <diesieben07> haha sure :D
L1653[16:47:55] <diesieben07> reaction then? "forge version XXX+ is broken, downgrade!"
L1654[16:48:01] <Ordinastie> I say that but I have that one since like forever http://puu.sh/sq7lm.png ><
L1655[16:48:11] * diesieben07 slaps Ordinastie
L1656[16:49:03] <Ordinastie> at least I'm imune to json errors :D
L1657[16:49:21] * diesieben07 slaps Ordinastie harder
L1658[16:49:28] <tterrag> stick it in some often used library mod
L1659[16:49:33] * tterrag whistles
L1660[16:49:59] ⇨ Joins: Xiretza (~Xiretza@
L1661[16:50:06] <Ordinastie> even if part of forge, you'd quickly have a coremod to fix it anyway
L1662[16:50:50] <barteks2x> solution: make this class load so early that coremods can't change it
L1663[16:51:05] <barteks2x> wait, no that wouldn't work
L1664[16:51:44] <barteks2x> I should start thinking before writing
L1665[16:51:57] <quadraxis> LaunchClassLoader is a mojang thing, right?
L1666[16:52:03] <diesieben07> yep
L1667[16:52:40] <quadraxis> it's retaining a lot of memory
L1668[16:53:13] <tterrag> those would be classes
L1669[16:53:15] <tterrag> that it loaded
L1670[16:53:17] <tterrag> there's a lot of them
L1671[16:55:43] <quadraxis> it's more the resourceCache map and packageManifests
L1672[16:56:04] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:101f:6fd9:3511:6bbb) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
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L1675[16:57:16] <tterrag> it's necessary
L1676[16:57:17] <tterrag> ignore it
L1677[16:59:31] <quadraxis> a cache?
L1678[17:00:40] <LexManos> Yes, in the grand sceme of things it doesnt take that much memory
L1679[17:00:53] <LexManos> and it increases the speed a shitload because those things are queried often
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L1682[17:03:39] <barteks2x> I think I should go sleep when I'm adding @Nonnull to void methods...
L1683[17:04:07] <quadraxis> theres like 250MB of memory held by a cache that is only referenced if another cache lookup fails
L1684[17:05:11] <LexManos> depending on what you do yes that'd probably be true.
L1685[17:07:00] <quadraxis> nothing is removed from the caches though
L1686[17:07:12] <LexManos> thats the point of caches
L1687[17:07:24] <quadraxis> if the first lookup works the second is redundant forever after
L1688[17:07:32] ⇦ Quits: RichardG (~richardg8@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1689[17:08:55] <Ordinastie> what do you call "first lookup" ?
L1690[17:09:11] <Ordinastie> the negativeResourceCache ?
L1691[17:09:22] <quadraxis> cachedClasses
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L1693[17:10:42] <LexManos> and what second cache are you talking about?
L1694[17:11:01] <Ordinastie> yeah because I was not expecting that one :p
L1695[17:11:08] <quadraxis> resourceCache
L1696[17:12:18] <quadraxis> i dunno, i just kinda expect an expiry policy on big caches, esp in a classloader that'll never be GC'd
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L1699[17:12:46] <LexManos> meh, its not a issue
L1700[17:12:57] <LexManos> and I dont want to go find my reserach from when this was initally created
L1701[17:16:40] <LexManos> The main issue is that findClass is not the only caller of getClassBytes
L1702[17:16:49] <quadraxis> for reference http://imgur.com/VdTdsCs
L1703[17:17:27] <LexManos> you broke imgur
L1704[17:17:42] <Ordinastie> worked for me
L1705[17:17:58] <Hotdog_Daddy> so going into GPU control panel and selecting to always use the 940m seems to have fixed it
L1706[17:18:04] <barteks2x> you got retained size to work in visualvm? I once tried and after a few hours of waiting I just closed it
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L1711[17:18:54] <Hotdog_Daddy> setting before was auto select
L1712[17:19:39] <LexManos> 255MB of resources is interesting tho.
L1713[17:20:01] <Hotdog_Daddy> with earlier versions of forge it was loading fast so it must have auto selected the 940m?
L1714[17:20:02] <LexManos> Wonder how many classes that is, and what the average size is
L1715[17:20:15] <quadraxis> did you set a larger max heap size for visualvm
L1716[17:20:39] <LexManos> No idea hotdog you havent provided us any informaton to go base our responses on so whatever
L1717[17:20:55] <LexManos> either way, next time, report shit correctly and you might get help without pissing people off
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L1720[17:37:14] <Hotdog_Daddy> https://www.dropbox.com/s/sli6raafln58t6w/fml-client-latest%20%282%29.log?dl=0
L1721[17:38:04] <Hotdog_Daddy> that is the log with computer set to auto select gpu but everything seems to work fine .... not sure if you care or not
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L1726[17:50:08] <quadraxis> wait, is packageManifests even read?
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L1765[20:10:44] <Eragonn1490> http://pastebin.com/1vwWtkAY can someone look over this and guide me in the right direction?
L1766[20:11:38] <Ordinastie> didn't I send you the code already ?
L1767[20:11:59] <Eragonn1490> it only half worked
L1768[20:12:17] <Ordinastie> ok, first of all
L1769[20:12:20] <Eragonn1490> only issues i couldnt solve after using yours was item wont damage the stack, and delete it
L1770[20:12:25] <Ordinastie> can you explain what line 29 does ?
L1771[20:13:18] <Ordinastie> (also, you can remove my name from the comment...)
L1772[20:13:56] <Eragonn1490> line 29 just says if it is the axe jump down in the statement
L1773[20:14:10] <Eragonn1490> also if you want ill drop your name, i just like to give credit where its due
L1774[20:14:38] <Ordinastie> Eragonn1490, now, if you think about it just 2 seconds
L1775[20:14:54] <Ordinastie> will that if statement even be false ?
L1776[20:15:05] <Ordinastie> *ever
L1777[20:16:04] <howtonotwin> Also there's a method somewhere that damages an itemstack properly; idk what it's called. Use that instead of doing it yourself.
L1778[20:16:15] <howtonotwin> Think it was tryDamageItem or something
L1779[20:16:38] <Ordinastie> howtonotwin, that's what I gave him the other day : https://gist.github.com/Ordinastie/9853cdbd9f3d7cddb499a199b00a7e3c
L1780[20:17:24] <howtonotwin> The if(not iron axe) bail'
L1781[20:17:27] <howtonotwin> woops
L1782[20:17:27] <Eragonn1490> one moment
L1783[20:17:42] <howtonotwin> anyway it bugs me a bit bc it's a bit to pasta-ish
L1784[20:17:46] <howtonotwin> *too
L1785[20:17:53] <Ordinastie> wut ?
L1786[20:18:10] <howtonotwin> I myself would just write if(is iron axe) { etc. } instead of if(not iron axe) return;;
L1787[20:18:12] <howtonotwin> but meh
L1788[20:18:17] <Ordinastie> ah
L1789[20:18:25] <Ordinastie> I prefer to return early
L1790[20:18:40] <Ordinastie> I don't like having lots of needless indentation
L1791[20:19:02] <Ordinastie> if you want to do if(axe), I'm ok with it
L1792[20:19:08] <Ordinastie> but when you do both...
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L1795[20:38:36] <howtonotwin> !gm func_70613_aW
L1796[20:38:51] <Eragonn1490> @@ordinastie https://youtu.be/guFEYYcFDkI
L1797[20:39:14] <Eragonn1490> video shows your version second using ered hammer, and mine with gray one.. both dont work
L1798[20:39:29] <howtonotwin> debugger
L1799[20:39:31] <howtonotwin> use one
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L1801[20:40:06] <howtonotwin> something somewhere is happening that shouldn't be happening and the best way to deal with it is to analyze it with a debugger
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L1803[20:40:21] <howtonotwin> something somewhere is happening that shouldn't be happening and the best way to deal with it is to analyze it with a debugger
L1804[20:41:17] <Ordinastie> Eragonn1490, wild guess, something is wrong with your hammer item instead
L1805[20:44:03] <Eragonn1490> http://pastebin.com/VTvGMfnZ
L1806[20:44:23] <Eragonn1490> its thesame as another item and its not givignissues
L1807[20:45:00] <Ordinastie> damn, you write code you really don't understand...
L1808[20:45:48] <Ordinastie> Eragonn1490, can you explain the point of the try catch in getMaxDamage() ?
L1809[20:46:58] <Ordinastie> (and that'd be nice if there wasn't 10min before every answer too :s)
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L1811[20:56:09] <Eragonn1490> brb. Defending the hallwayfrom terrorist for the government. be back in ten min
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L1817[21:08:52] <Eragonn1490> im back @ordinastie the line getMaxDamage() sets the item damage (uses)
L1818[21:09:17] <Ordinastie> then again, you're not answering the question
L1819[21:09:24] <Ordinastie> <Ordinastie> Eragonn1490, can you explain the point of the try catch in getMaxDamage() ?
L1820[21:10:59] <Eragonn1490> in the item currently its not useful
L1821[21:11:40] <Ordinastie> right, because there is absolutely nothing that can NPE inside your try catch
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L1824[21:13:05] <Ordinastie> then, what's the point of onUpdate ?
L1825[21:13:10] <Ordinastie> you're not supposed to do that
L1826[21:13:45] <Ordinastie> that's the job of itemStack.damageItem(1, event.player);
L1827[21:15:53] <Eragonn1490> i assumed that it wasnt syncing up on the server because it wont delete the item and upon researching the issue thats what i came up with
L1828[21:17:31] <Ordinastie> the itemStack can't delete himself
L1829[21:17:42] <Ordinastie> that's the point of : event.player.inventory.setInventorySlotContents(i, null);
L1830[21:18:00] <Ordinastie> if that doesn't work, that's what you need to debug
L1831[21:19:57] <Eragonn1490> okay
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L1845[22:22:59] <SatanicSanta> For placing blocks from an itemstack, should I be using ForgeHooks.onPlaceItemIntoWorld? And if so, what should I pass as the player? null? A fake player?
L1846[22:23:08] <SatanicSanta> also hand?
L1847[22:23:29] <Ordinastie> placing from where ?
L1848[22:23:44] <SatanicSanta> an inventory
L1849[22:23:56] <Ordinastie> from another block ?
L1850[22:24:00] <SatanicSanta> yes
L1851[22:25:00] <Ordinastie> ideally, you need to do everything the player would be doing
L1852[22:25:41] <Ordinastie> basically, calling the block getStateForPlacement (onBlockPaced) and then onBlockPlacedBy
L1853[22:27:10] <Ordinastie> well, just everything ItemBlock.onItemUse does really
L1854[22:27:32] <Ordinastie> except you probably don't any of that data, so just see what compromise you can make
L1855[22:27:50] <SatanicSanta> I could just call ItemBlock#onItemUse directly.
L1856[22:28:18] <Ordinastie> yes, but you don't have the data
L1857[22:28:22] <SatanicSanta> I still don't know what to pass for the player and the hand values
L1858[22:28:27] <Ordinastie> see
L1859[22:28:43] <SatanicSanta> the methods you mentioned take players and hands too.
L1860[22:28:46] <Ordinastie> you need the facing, and hitX/Y/Z too
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L1862[22:29:04] <SatanicSanta> facing is just the opposite of the facing for the placer
L1863[22:29:09] <SatanicSanta> x y z would just be 0.5
L1864[22:29:29] <SatanicSanta> but again, no matter how i do it i need to pass these values
L1865[22:33:02] <SatanicSanta> player cant be null for sure
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L1867[22:33:23] <Ordinastie> yeah, I doubt anybody null checks it
L1868[22:33:30] <SatanicSanta> ItemBlock itself doesnt
L1869[22:33:32] <Ordinastie> fake player can work
L1870[22:36:24] <Eragonn1490> @Ordi i have found the issue but im trying to figure out where it goes wrong
L1871[22:36:39] <Ordinastie> what's the issue then ?
L1872[22:36:55] <Ordinastie> because really, if you've found it, that means you know what goes wrong
L1873[22:37:19] <Eragonn1490> for whatever reason the itemstack or the item isnt keeping the setMaxDamage or getMaxDamage
L1874[22:38:00] <Ordinastie> what ?
L1875[22:40:16] <Eragonn1490> let me get pastebin
L1876[22:43:31] <Eragonn1490> http://pastebin.com/q2Uyuz57 evvent , http://pastebin.com/xLQae8Us
L1877[22:43:38] <Eragonn1490> second one is the item
L1878[22:44:14] <Ordinastie> dude
L1879[22:44:25] <Ordinastie> line 32
L1880[22:44:33] <Ordinastie> is TOTALLY useless
L1881[22:44:37] <Ordinastie> it doesn't do anything
L1882[22:44:45] <Ordinastie> for the event
L1883[22:45:16] <Ordinastie> second, don't use YOUR buggy code if you want to test
L1884[22:45:47] <Ordinastie> what's the getItemUse itemstack supposed to do ? nothing
L1885[22:46:29] <Eragonn1490> thats the item thats taking the damage
L1886[22:46:34] <Ordinastie> NO
L1887[22:46:51] <Ordinastie> the itemStack that is taking damage is the one in the slot
L1888[22:47:15] <Ordinastie> how do you think that will work if you use a totally different one
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L1890[22:52:40] <Eragonn1490> i think i have it at this point...gotta test
L1891[22:53:13] <Ordinastie> if you still have that line 32 and you getItemUse, you don't
L1892[22:53:27] <Eragonn1490> i got rid of that
L1893[22:53:43] <Ordinastie> do you at least understand why you needed to remove it ?
L1894[22:54:01] <Eragonn1490> yes its not checking anything
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L1896[22:55:30] <Eragonn1490> http://pastebin.com/XzaCsr9b what im testing now
L1897[22:56:03] <Ordinastie> note that items that have a durability can't stack
L1898[22:56:22] <Ordinastie> so your line 37 should never be tru
L1899[22:56:22] <Ordinastie> e
L1900[22:56:40] <Ordinastie> then
L1901[22:57:16] <Ordinastie> I told you to use my code to debug
L1902[22:57:34] <Ordinastie> but you still changed stuff that will never work
L1903[22:57:54] <Ordinastie> what you're testing does NOTHING
L1904[22:59:09] <Ordinastie> well, not really nothing
L1905[22:59:37] <Ordinastie> if (slotStack.getMaxStackSize() == 0) <= always false
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L1908[23:04:09] <Eragonn1490> http://pastebin.com/5cbsF3sJ , when set like this line 37 is never checked but like 43 is
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L1910[23:06:11] <Ordinastie> obviously, damage starts at 0
L1911[23:06:15] <Ordinastie> so you never damage it
L1912[23:06:26] <Ordinastie> also line 41 is useless
L1913[23:06:37] <Ordinastie> the itemStack already occupies the slot
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L1915[23:07:29] <Eragonn1490> so how do i set it to for example 10 so i can only do it 10 times?
L1916[23:07:52] <Eragonn1490> that seems to be my only issue then .-.
L1917[23:07:54] <Ordinastie> you already did with this.setMaxDamage(10);
L1918[23:09:04] <Ordinastie> https://gist.github.com/Ordinastie/9853cdbd9f3d7cddb499a199b00a7e3c
L1919[23:09:09] <Ordinastie> take that code
L1920[23:09:12] <Ordinastie> debug it
L1921[23:09:25] <Ordinastie> and by debugging I do mean debugging
L1922[23:09:41] <Ordinastie> if you don't know how to use a debugger, then learn
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L1932[23:31:14] <Eragonn1490> @ordinastie thank you
L1933[23:31:30] <Ordinastie> did you fix it ?
L1934[23:31:44] <Eragonn1490> turns out.. i was in creative mode
L1935[23:32:05] <Eragonn1490> if (!(entityIn instanceof EntityPlayer) || !((EntityPlayer)entityIn).capabilities.isCreativeMode)
L1936[23:32:32] <Eragonn1490> followed the code backwards.. turns out i cant test to see if it worked in creative
L1937[23:32:44] <Ordinastie> that doesn't explain the red 0 in your video
L1938[23:33:40] <Eragonn1490> thats not happening anymore with the code changed like this, http://pastebin.com/khyTC34x
L1939[23:34:06] <Eragonn1490> eitherway im not complaining and thank you for tolerating me as i figured it out and for helping put me in the right direction
L1940[23:34:24] <Ordinastie> that doesn't explain why checking the stacksize didn't work
L1941[23:35:54] <Eragonn1490> i cant explain it
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