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L1[00:07:14] ⇨ Joins: Cooler (~CoolerExt@
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L3[00:29:11] <barteks2x> Is it ok to use ReportedException in mod? I don't really see it used in mods (unless I just can't find it)
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L6[00:34:37] <nathan72419> hi
L7[00:34:47] <nathan72419> i am having some problem with my custom machine
L8[00:34:51] <nathan72419> it only drain item
L9[00:34:56] <nathan72419> but not store in it
L10[00:35:34] <nathan72419> http://pastebin.com/JLTfdw2s
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L13[00:40:31] <nathan72419> ping
L14[00:40:33] <nathan72419> ?
L15[00:41:09] <killjoy> Has anyone looked at the block blending in optifine?
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L21[01:11:24] <killjoy> How many mods do you think are considered this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abandonware
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L23[01:14:18] ⇦ Quits: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@p5B23C21C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Die Sprache der Politik ist daf�r gemacht, dass L�gen wahr klingen und das T�ten angemessen wirkt. (George Orwell))
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L27[01:29:48] <immibis> nathan72419: check whether isItemValidForSlot works the way you expect
L28[01:29:59] <immibis> so make sure MixerRecipesManager.isItemValid returns true for the stacks that should be allowed
L29[01:31:56] ⇦ Quits: Umbraco (~Umbraco@113x37x12x233.ap113.ftth.ucom.ne.jp) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
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L33[01:46:56] <barteks2x> wtf? Why I can't use stream.flatMap(x->x.toString())?
L34[01:47:18] <killjoy> on a list?
L35[01:48:13] <barteks2x> mapI can't use map() at all somehow
L36[01:48:17] <barteks2x> I get weird compile error
L37[01:48:25] <barteks2x> it's on Collection
L38[01:48:53] <barteks2x> even this errors out: collection.stream().map(c->c);
L39[01:49:01] <killjoy> your function needs to return a stream
L40[01:49:38] <killjoy> Are you sure you don't want collect?
L41[01:49:52] <barteks2x> this is how map is defined <R> Stream<R> map(Function<? super T, ? extends R> mapper);
L42[01:49:56] <barteks2x> I want later
L43[01:50:01] <barteks2x> but first I want map() to work
L44[01:50:07] <barteks2x> or flatMap actuall
L45[01:50:15] <killjoy> your function should work for map
L46[01:50:22] <barteks2x> it doesn't
L47[01:50:27] <killjoy> flatmap is for List<List<>>
L48[01:50:40] <killjoy> something like that
L49[01:50:45] <barteks2x> ok, something is very wrong
L50[01:50:48] <barteks2x> idea says one error
L51[01:50:52] <barteks2x> compiler says other error
L52[01:50:57] <barteks2x> and neither makes sense
L53[01:50:57] <killjoy> what type is c?
L54[01:51:02] <barteks2x> Cube
L55[01:51:06] <killjoy> so object
L56[01:51:19] <barteks2x> stupid me...
L57[01:51:24] <barteks2x> I had unfinished line of code above
L58[01:51:33] <killjoy> missing semicolon?
L59[01:51:47] <barteks2x> no, literally unfinished
L60[01:51:57] <killjoy> unclosed (?
L61[01:51:57] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L62[01:52:01] <barteks2x> that I wrote halfway through and somehow started writing next one O.o
L63[01:52:21] <barteks2x> and it ended with ->
L64[01:59:39] ⇨ Joins: Noppes (~Noppes@ip56530f2e.direct-adsl.nl)
L65[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20161119 mappings to Forge Maven.
L66[02:00:07] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20161119-1.11.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20161119" in build.gradle).
L67[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L70[02:07:24] ⇨ Joins: TvL2386 (~tom@
L71[02:08:37] <TvL2386> hey guys! Beginning minecraft modding noob here... I'm handling keybind events like this: MINECRAFT.gameSettings.keyBindJump.isKeyDown() to do something, but I can't find a isKeyReleased() method
L72[02:08:57] <killjoy> It's the opposite of isKeyDown()
L73[02:09:24] <killjoy> isKeyDown() will return true as long as the key is down.
L74[02:10:03] <killjoy> if (isKeyDown()) {
L75[02:10:04] <killjoy> / do stuff
L76[02:10:08] <killjoy> } else {
L77[02:10:12] <killjoy> / do other stuff
L78[02:10:13] <killjoy> }
L79[02:10:51] <TvL2386> ah great!!!
L80[02:10:52] <TvL2386> tyvm
L81[02:11:15] <killjoy> If you're using eclipse, Ctrl+Shift+G is a great tool
L82[02:11:34] <TvL2386> I'm using the intellij
L83[02:11:52] <killjoy> Alt+F7
L84[02:11:52] <TvL2386> ctrl+click method I asssume?
L85[02:11:58] <killjoy> idk
L86[02:12:06] <killjoy> https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/2016.2/finding-usages-in-project.html
L87[02:12:23] <barteks2x> Just a question from me as I've used jinput outside fo minecraft before, wouldn't the actual correct way be to use input events in some way?
L88[02:12:40] <killjoy> Keybinding is minecraft's way
L89[02:12:51] <killjoy> And Minecraft mostly uses LWJGL's input
L90[02:12:55] <TvL2386> anyway: tyvm killjoy :-)
L91[02:13:00] <barteks2x> I mean - somethig like registering a callback for a key
L92[02:13:17] <barteks2x> and then minecraft handling it by processign input events
L93[02:13:33] <barteks2x> lwjgl does have input events
L94[02:13:38] <killjoy> minecraft does that, then we subscribe to a tick event
L95[02:13:57] <killjoy> where we check our keybind instance if it's been pressed
L96[02:14:01] <barteks2x> the problem with that is that it can sip short keypresses
L97[02:14:05] <barteks2x> *skip
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L99[02:14:16] <killjoy> are you able to break it?
L100[02:14:24] <barteks2x> with slow enough computer - yes
L101[02:14:36] <killjoy> If you have a slow enough computer, you shouldn't be playing minecraft on it
L102[02:14:56] <barteks2x> I do have a laptop where minecraft regularly skips keys
L103[02:15:03] <killjoy> I used to have one too.
L104[02:15:06] <killjoy> I also got 5 fps
L105[02:15:09] <barteks2x> it's pain to enable flying on creative
L106[02:15:32] <killjoy> Never get a $300 netbook
L107[02:15:39] <killjoy> get the $700 laptop
L108[02:15:46] <TechnicianLP2> if you get enough lag ... you skip keys as well (e.g. 3k items on the floor)
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L110[02:16:03] <barteks2x> also that
L111[02:16:13] <barteks2x> slow computer isn't the only possible reason
L112[02:16:28] <barteks2x> I'm wondering if there is bug report for it
L113[02:16:44] <killjoy> Well if you're lagging enough, your gameplay is already being effected
L114[02:19:51] <barteks2x> it still feels like the wrong way to do it, especially with many mods where tickrate isn't always going to be stable. But that's just what I think and I can't change it
L115[02:20:32] <killjoy> yeah, minecraft gets more than 20 fps
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L124[03:04:04] <TechnicianLP> !latest
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L132[03:43:20] <barteks2x> another weird java issue... why I can't use instanceof check within lambda?
L133[03:45:15] *** Sub|zzz is now known as Subaraki
L134[03:45:17] <barteks2x> Lambda errors in IDEA are so wrong...
L135[03:45:28] <barteks2x> it was actually another method argument being wrong type
L136[03:45:37] <barteks2x> but idea had to complain about what is in the lambda
L137[03:45:41] <barteks2x> in confiusing way
L138[03:46:07] <Subaraki> same in eclipse
L139[03:46:26] <barteks2x> but javac doesn't give such confusing errors
L140[03:46:35] <Subaraki> if there's something wrong in the lambda, the lambda is errored, and not the actual error
L141[03:46:44] <barteks2x> but the lambda was correct
L142[03:46:53] <barteks2x> another method argument (not the lambda) was wrong
L143[03:47:18] <barteks2x> it was basically: something.someMethod(arg1, arg2, x->x instanceof SomeClass)
L144[03:47:26] <barteks2x> it complained about the instanceof check
L145[03:47:33] <barteks2x> when the error was arg1 and arg2 being wrong type
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L147[03:48:11] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L148[03:48:56] <barteks2x> *technically* the error about inconvertible types was correct
L149[03:48:56] ⇦ Quits: Cypher121 (~Cypher121@fox.cypher.coffee) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L150[03:49:05] <barteks2x> but it didn't give me any idea about what is wrong
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L152[03:52:51] <TechnicianLP> why do my inventories stay empty? :(
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L156[04:07:02] MineBot sets mode: +v on Actuarius
L157[04:07:54] <barteks2x> WTF idea????
L158[04:08:22] <barteks2x> I literally made the same line of code, just using method fro different class, but the method has exactly the same signature and it doesn't show that weird error
L159[04:09:36] <barteks2x> ah... it's method overload that does it
L160[04:10:54] <Subaraki> TechnicianLP, what inventories ?
L161[04:11:12] <TechnicianLP> my inventory code broke ... somehow
L162[04:13:10] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
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L164[04:24:10] <barteks2x> So i reported that weird bug to idea bugtracker
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L168[04:50:18] <barteks2x> if I have a @SideOnly method (overrides vanilla) and I call it somewhere, will it work correctly if I just check for the side/for other reaosns I'm sure that in all cases it's called the side will be correct?
L169[04:50:50] <barteks2x> (it
L170[04:51:00] <barteks2x> s actually a Client only class)
L171[04:51:43] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L172[04:52:02] <barteks2x> I don't want to put that method into the common interface, but I also don't want to make proxy class here :(
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L175[05:23:06] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L176[05:31:30] <Dries007> Would anyone have objections to getting getCommandSenderAsPlayer to also return the player if the sender's "getCommandSenderEntity" returns a EntityPlayerMP instance?
L177[05:31:39] <Dries007> Or is there a reason in vanilla it doesn't do this?
L178[05:35:22] <barteks2x> So, in what situations exactly do I need to create proxy to use @SideOnly code?
L179[05:36:54] <barteks2x> or is it always needed?
L180[05:37:12] <TechnicianLP> @Sideonly should normaly only be used when overiding @sieonly methods
L181[05:37:47] <gigaherz> @SideOnly should only be used when overriding other @SideOnly methods that have @SideOnly parameter types
L182[05:37:49] <barteks2x> it's a custom implementation of sideonly class
L183[05:38:03] <barteks2x> but I want to use thig class in code that isn't side only
L184[05:38:13] <TechnicianLP> if youre on the wrong side that method/class will be missing
L185[05:38:28] <barteks2x> if I add if check for the side, will it be enough to make it work?
L186[05:38:32] <gigaherz> barteks2x: there's classes and methods, that only exist on one of the jars
L187[05:38:36] <gigaherz> if you REFERENCE those classes or methods
L188[05:38:40] <gigaherz> your code will fail to load
L189[05:38:45] <gigaherz> there's two ways to solve that
L190[05:38:56] <gigaherz> 1. only reference the code in your Client/Server proxy
L191[05:39:14] <gigaherz> 2. use @SideOnly and force FML to rip away the code/class during loading
L192[05:39:36] <barteks2x> It's a piece of error handling code and I want it to collect some data. This can be only done my accessing implementation-specific methods. I don't want to add them to common interface
L193[05:40:07] <barteks2x> It's implementations of ChunkProvider[Server/Client]
L194[05:40:54] <barteks2x> I have common interface for cubic chunks versions, but I don't want to add getLoadedChunks to that interface. making a proxy just for error handling code in one palce seems redundant
L195[05:40:57] <gigaherz> there's actually a third way
L196[05:41:19] <gigaherz> check the side manually and use reflection to instantiate/find the code
L197[05:41:23] <gigaherz> from a string
L198[05:41:33] <gigaherz> but that's how the proxy system works
L199[05:41:39] <gigaherz> it exists so that you don't have to do that
L200[05:41:40] <gigaherz> ;P
L201[05:42:20] <barteks2x> since it's my own method, and it's only ran when something fails to collect data for ReportedException, reflection may actually be good idea here
L202[05:42:54] <barteks2x> forgot "," in the right place and now it's ambigous...
L203[05:43:02] <barteks2x> (the previous message)
L204[05:43:48] <barteks2x> or I could make private static proxy class
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L206[05:46:13] <barteks2x> should I have some annotations on my proxy classes?
L207[05:46:28] <barteks2x> MinecraftDev plugin complains when I use client only class in client proxy
L208[05:47:00] <gigaherz> nah
L209[05:47:07] <gigaherz> must be a "flaw" of the plugin
L210[05:48:08] <barteks2x> I'm sure the whole purpose of the check is to detect calling things from the wrong side
L211[05:48:30] <barteks2x> It's broken for mixins, that I can understand. But for proxies?
L212[05:49:07] <barteks2x> that code got a bit big...
L213[05:49:41] <barteks2x> 45 lines of code in total *just* to throw ReportedException
L214[05:54:14] ⇨ Joins: nathan72419 (~nathan724@1-36-239-040.static.netvigator.com)
L215[05:56:38] <barteks2x> ... it really can't access private proxy classes?
L216[05:59:04] <barteks2x> that message looks wrong: java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Class net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ProxyInjector can not access a member of class cubicchunks.lighting.FastLightBlockAccess$ClientProxy with modifiers "public"
L217[05:59:17] <barteks2x> can't access (...) with modifiers "public"
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L220[06:07:33] <barteks2x> my lighting code works in all *except* the simplest cases...
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L222[06:10:52] <barteks2x> the complicated worldgen lighting, updating light when cubes load and unload, it works. But place a block with one block of air below and it becomes black
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L236[07:19:18] ⇨ Joins: CsokiCraft (~CsokiCraf@
L237[07:19:54] <CsokiCraft> Is there a client-side version of DimensionManager.getWorld(int)?
L238[07:20:14] <Ordinastie> there is only one world client side
L239[07:21:30] <CsokiCraft> So Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld?
L240[07:27:01] <gigaherz> .world in latest mappings ;P
L241[07:27:03] <gigaherz> but yes
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L244[07:28:56] <CsokiCraft> I'm using old mappings then. :P
L245[07:29:21] <CsokiCraft> So the "theStuff" mapping bug was fixed?
L246[07:30:19] <gigaherz> ?
L247[07:30:23] <CsokiCraft> I heard the remapper couldn't comprehend "World world" or something so they worked around it by making it "World theWorld"
L248[07:30:24] <gigaherz> mapping bug?
L249[07:30:36] <gigaherz> dunno
L250[07:31:01] <CsokiCraft> And there were a bunch of these workarounds
L251[07:31:10] <gigaherz> I thought it was in order to avoid conflicts such as a field and a parameter having the same name
L252[07:31:27] <Ordinastie> yes
L253[07:32:20] <CsokiCraft> That makes more sense. I might be misremembering
L254[07:33:22] <CsokiCraft> Does wool have OreDictionary entry?
L255[07:34:47] <AshIndigo_> Isn't it just cloth or wool?
L256[07:35:08] <CsokiCraft> It isn't wool. I'll try cloth
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L258[07:36:20] <CsokiCraft> Is wool still being called cloth in the code? Last time I saw that, it was in ModLoader
L259[07:37:16] <CsokiCraft> "cloth" doesn't work either
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L261[07:40:08] *** diesieben|away is now known as diesieben07
L262[07:40:39] <gigaherz> CsokiCraft: open OreDictionary.java
L263[07:40:47] <gigaherz> at the bottom, there's a list of all the stock entries
L264[07:41:18] <gigaherz> you can just use new ItemStack(Items.WOOL, 1, OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE)
L265[07:41:30] <gigaherz> if it doesn't have an oredict name
L266[07:42:01] <CsokiCraft> Thanks!
L267[07:43:38] <CsokiCraft> It doesn't seem to have one
L268[07:58:19] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L269[07:59:39] <Ordinastie> anyone knows how block events work? and what they're for ?
L270[08:00:35] <Ordinastie> hum, I guess that won't work either :/
L271[08:00:44] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L272[08:01:53] <barteks2x> wtf? I got alt+tab stuck on without touching the tab key
L273[08:02:37] <Ordinastie> if someone has an idea about how to have client side onNeighborChange, I'm open to all suggestions :/
L274[08:03:12] <g> Why do you want that on the client?
L275[08:03:36] <Ordinastie> I need it to start an animation
L276[08:03:57] <barteks2x> why do you need it clientside?
L277[08:04:01] <g> ^
L278[08:04:19] <Ordinastie> I need it both sides
L279[08:04:31] <g> if you really think you need it
L280[08:04:35] <barteks2x> The general way is to send packet to the client
L281[08:04:36] <Ordinastie> the state changes, and it has to start an animation
L282[08:04:38] <g> you could use the plugin channels
L283[08:05:18] <Ordinastie> barteks2x, sending packets directly doesn't work as the packet is send and received immediately, before the chunk changes are sent to the client
L284[08:05:45] <Ordinastie> so if you're trying to detect redstone power change, when client side receive the packet, the redstone power not updated yet
L285[08:05:53] <g> so you need to wait
L286[08:06:07] <Ordinastie> how ?
L287[08:06:09] <barteks2x> There definitely is a way to schedule update clientside
L288[08:06:09] <g> it's definitely possible, there's multiple mods that do it
L289[08:06:14] <barteks2x> or schedule something
L290[08:06:34] <Ordinastie> the restriction here is that I don't have a TE
L291[08:06:41] <Ordinastie> otherwise, it would be very simple
L292[08:06:51] <g> is there a reason you don't want a TE?
L293[08:06:55] <barteks2x> Minecraft.getMinecraft().addScheduledTask()?
L294[08:07:03] <barteks2x> I think that would work
L295[08:07:13] <Ordinastie> Minecraft on the serve R?
L296[08:07:22] <barteks2x> you would do it clientside
L297[08:07:28] <barteks2x> when you receive packet
L298[08:07:36] <barteks2x> so you can wait until you receive the block change
L299[08:08:08] <Ordinastie> addScheduledTask is already the way you do stuff when you receive a packet
L300[08:08:28] <barteks2x> so if the block update isn't done yet, schedule a check for it again
L301[08:08:29] <Ordinastie> it doesn't delay anything afaik
L302[08:08:49] <barteks2x> it has to because there isn't any way to just run something on arbitrary thread
L303[08:09:16] <barteks2x> actually, you are right
L304[08:09:19] <diesieben07> ordi why did IWorldEventListener not work?
L305[08:09:25] <barteks2x> if it's calling from minecraf thread it won't do anything
L306[08:09:38] <Ordinastie> diesieben07, I actually did not test it, but the issue would be the same
L307[08:09:45] <diesieben07> why?
L308[08:09:55] <diesieben07> that fires after the blcok is set / updated on the client
L309[08:09:56] <diesieben07> afai
L310[08:09:58] <diesieben07> *k
L311[08:10:54] <diesieben07> minecraft uses it to re-render the chunk if needed
L312[08:10:58] <diesieben07> so it should be exactly what you want
L313[08:11:06] <TechnicianLP> if (slot.canBeHovered()) drawSlot(slot); why??? do i really have to override drawscreen now? :(
L314[08:11:15] <barteks2x> addScheduledTask should probably be named runFromMainThread or something like that...
L315[08:11:16] <Ordinastie> hum, I discarded it because I would have had to register for every world and thought it would be a pain, but at this point I'll try anyway
L316[08:11:32] <diesieben07> WorldEvent.Load and done :P
L317[08:11:40] <diesieben07> TechnicianLP, ?
L318[08:12:12] <Ordinastie> k, let's see how it will turn out
L319[08:12:55] <TechnicianLP> had my items not show up in my gui (after port to 1.11) ... now i know why
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L322[08:13:25] <diesieben07> yeah taht method is stupidly named :D
L323[08:13:30] <diesieben07> should be isVisible or smth
L324[08:13:53] <TechnicianLP> in 1.10 it disabled the gradient overly while hovering
L325[08:13:59] <TechnicianLP> now it disables drawing
L326[08:20:44] <Ordinastie> diesieben07, ah right, I know why
L327[08:21:22] <Ordinastie> because blocks call notifyNeighbors directly
L328[08:21:32] <Ordinastie> with their own blocks
L329[08:22:54] <diesieben07> i don't think i follow
L330[08:22:58] <Ordinastie> the last stuff I did was the equivalent of the world event listener, I was notified when a block changed, and then my own onChange with the new state
L331[08:23:50] <Ordinastie> except, when you destroy a lever for example, the newState is AIR
L332[08:24:11] <Ordinastie> that's why the lever call notifyNeighbors with "this"
L333[08:24:31] <diesieben07> really?
L334[08:24:34] <diesieben07> that's retarded.
L335[08:25:00] <Ordinastie> http://puu.sh/snrux.png
L336[08:25:37] <copygirl> Hmmm...
L337[08:25:52] <diesieben07> well, but after that it would fire for lever->air
L338[08:26:01] <diesieben07> you'd get two events, yes
L339[08:26:02] <diesieben07> but it would work
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L341[08:26:23] <copygirl> Cancelling PlayerInteractEvent.RightClickBlock doesn't seem to prevent the left hand from being used / activating a block on the client..?
L342[08:26:33] <copygirl> Actually I should update forge.
L343[08:26:50] <Ordinastie> no, notifyNeighborsOfStateChange is further the line where the event if fired
L344[08:27:16] <diesieben07> wat?
L345[08:27:36] <Ordinastie> markAndNotifyBlock -> fire event & notifyNeighbors
L346[08:27:42] <diesieben07> right
L347[08:27:50] <diesieben07> it sets the block before calling breakBlock
L348[08:27:51] <diesieben07> hrm
L349[08:28:08] <diesieben07> this system is so broken...
L350[08:28:45] <Ordinastie> neighbor notification should be IWorldEventListener itself I thing
L351[08:28:47] <Ordinastie> *think
L352[08:30:14] <Ordinastie> wait, I could maybe get away with it
L353[08:30:23] <Ordinastie> if I pass along both old and new state
L354[08:31:00] <Ordinastie> I wouldn't get notified by call to notifyNeighbors but when destroying a "power provider", I could check both states
L355[08:37:30] <TechnicianLP> !gf clickedSlot
L356[08:37:50] <TechnicianLP> !gf draggedStack
L357[08:38:03] <TechnicianLP> !gf isRightMouseClick
L358[08:38:56] <TechnicianLP> !gf dragSplittingLimit
L359[08:39:20] <TechnicianLP> !gm updateDragSplitting
L360[08:39:37] <TechnicianLP> replacing vaniall methods is fun
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L364[08:44:56] <Ordinastie> !gm TileEntity.getPos
L365[08:50:17] <barteks2x> [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML]: The world 6d39198c (New World) may have leaked: seen 40 times. not that again...
L366[08:50:58] ⇦ Quits: Gigabit101 (~Gigabit10@cpc76690-cosh16-2-0-cust331.6-1.cable.virginm.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L368[08:52:08] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L369[08:52:46] <g> well, this is weird
L370[08:53:00] <g> Updated forge on my server and my modpack setup
L371[08:53:06] <g> client can now not connect, with this: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1547120/ShareX/2016/November/java_2016-11-19_14-52-43.png
L372[08:53:11] <g> what's mercurious updater? lol
L373[08:54:27] <g> looking at GH, the description for MercuriusUpdater implies that it's only needed on the server
L374[08:55:58] <barteks2x> I'm fixing one thing, 3 other break, I fix these 3, the first thing breaks again...
L375[08:56:21] <g> unless this is an skcraft problem in that it isn't grabbing the libraries somehow
L376[08:56:25] <g> but I don't think so
L377[09:03:57] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L378[09:04:33] <g> so I guess nobody knows whether this should be on the client or not?
L379[09:08:22] <CsokiCraft> How do I render an OBJModel in TESR?
L380[09:09:00] <TechnicianLP> why dont you bind it in a static renderer?
L381[09:10:29] <gigaherz> CsokiCraft: you get the model, bake it into an IBakedModel, and then get the quads and pass them over to the tesellator
L382[09:10:56] <gigaherz> I have this as a helper
L383[09:10:57] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Commons/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/common/client/ModelHandle.java
L384[09:11:43] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/client/renderers/RenderBall.java
L385[09:11:46] <gigaherz> this is how I use it
L386[09:11:58] <TechnicianLP> OBJLoader is a thing as well
L387[09:12:16] <TechnicianLP> register the model in there and you can use it "as json"
L388[09:12:26] <gigaherz> he said specifically "in a TESR" ;P
L389[09:12:39] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/enderRift/client/RenderRift.java#L79
L390[09:13:01] <gigaherz> using it from a blockstates json is best, though, that is true
L391[09:15:59] <Ordinastie> I think the first question should always be "do you really need a TESR ?"
L392[09:18:12] <barteks2x> what... google finds this: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/btfu but it says "not found", did they remove that?
L393[09:21:45] <g> yes, it means that it was removed
L394[09:21:58] <barteks2x> why :(
L395[09:22:48] <barteks2x> actually, this probably isn;t the right place to ask
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L397[09:28:44] <gigaherz> hmmm
L398[09:29:13] <gigaherz> wasn't the problem with using lambdas for mc interfaces fixed?
L399[09:29:43] <barteks2x> no idea, I just use lambdas whenever I want and never seen it break
L400[09:29:43] <gigaherz> Caused by: java.lang.AbstractMethodError
L401[09:29:43] <gigaherz> at net.minecraft.client.resources.SimpleReloadableResourceManager.registerReloadListener(SimpleReloadableResourceManager.java:122)
L402[09:29:43] <gigaherz> at gigaherz.enderRift.shadow.common.client.ModelHandle.init(ModelHandle.java:191)
L403[09:30:13] <gigaherz> I'm trying to run one of my mods in another one of my mods' development environments
L404[09:30:35] <gigaherz> must be an issue with shading
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L406[09:31:22] <CsokiCraft> Do I need a TESR? I want to render different models based on what the block's TileEntity class is. How else would I do it?
L407[09:31:31] <barteks2x> I have another inexplicable issue with lighting... it works correctly when I dig below the surface and do things there, but not above the surface
L408[09:32:05] <gigaherz> CsokiCraft: you can return different states from getActualState
L409[09:32:16] <gigaherz> and just have the blockstates file return different models for those different states
L410[09:32:32] <gigaherz> yo udon't need a TESR just because you have data in a TE
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L412[09:32:44] <Ordinastie> CsokiCraft, there are ONLY 2 reasons to use a TESR
L413[09:33:01] <Ordinastie> first, you need to have some animation for it
L414[09:33:36] <Ordinastie> second, you need to use some textures that can't be stitched to the atlas and/or you need to use specific GL states not possible for the batch rendering
L415[09:33:42] <Ordinastie> (of blocks)
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L417[09:33:52] <CsokiCraft> But can I add to a blockstate file at runtime?
L418[09:34:00] <gigaherz> no
L419[09:34:13] <gigaherz> wtf are you trying to do that would require data at runtime?
L420[09:34:46] <gigaherz> please describe what your goal is so that we can think of some better alternative ;P
L421[09:35:13] <CsokiCraft> Ok: so I have a block added by ModernCraftCore
L422[09:35:41] <CsokiCraft> And the child mods can register new TileEntity classes which could live in the block
L423[09:36:04] <CsokiCraft> But each with its own rendering and so on
L424[09:36:26] <Ordinastie> why aren't they new blocks ?
L425[09:36:43] <gigaherz> that sounds bad... you shouldn't just have random TileEntity classes thrown around
L426[09:36:51] <gigaherz> heck, the way you choose which TE to use
L427[09:36:52] <CsokiCraft> There's also a wire tile entity which changes render based on some neighborhood data in the TE
L428[09:36:55] <gigaherz> is through the IBlockStates
L429[09:37:01] <gigaherz> that have to be defined beforehand
L430[09:37:26] <gigaherz> unless you are manually calling setTileEntity on the world, which is a really bad idea one way or another
L431[09:37:34] <Ordinastie> <Ordinastie> I have some gui to show debug informations, what's a good way to link data to gui ?
L432[09:38:17] <gigaherz> client data or server data?
L433[09:38:26] <Ordinastie> doesn't matter
L434[09:39:00] <Ordinastie> I just mean the data can change regularly
L435[09:39:11] <gigaherz> the gui is going to draw every frame
L436[09:39:22] <Ordinastie> yes
L437[09:39:33] <gigaherz> so the frequency of change shouldn't be an issue
L438[09:40:00] <gigaherz> if the data is on the player, or the items the player is holding, or the block the player is looking at
L439[09:40:06] <Ordinastie> all of that
L440[09:40:10] <gigaherz> then it's easy -- just get the data and/or cache it
L441[09:40:52] <Ordinastie> question is, should I query every frame
L442[09:40:55] <gigaherz> if the data is "external", then I'd probably approach the information the opposite way
L443[09:41:04] <gigaherz> with the providers writing the data instead
L444[09:41:10] <gigaherz> and the debug screen being just a passive receiver
L445[09:41:25] <gigaherz> even more so if the data is on the server
L446[09:41:38] <gigaherz> in which case I'd have a "SendDataForDebugging" packet, with like key-value pairs
L447[09:42:15] <Ordinastie> not sure how to link data to my components either
L448[09:42:52] <Ordinastie> the way I first started it (long time ago :x) was really bad
L449[09:43:14] <Ordinastie> my "Information" class was a factory for the components and new about it
L450[09:44:05] <Ordinastie> but ultimately, I need gui<-data/cache<-block/te/itemStack/player/etc.
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L452[09:45:45] <gigaherz> you'd need some kind of "data broker"
L453[09:46:25] <gigaherz> the objects would provide "data blocks" with immutable copies of the information
L454[09:46:40] <gigaherz> or just key-value pairs to update the cached values
L455[09:46:57] <gigaherz> and thne the gui could just query this data broker service
L456[09:47:33] <Ordinastie> I have no idea how to implement that
L457[09:47:46] <Ordinastie> or at least, how to do it properly
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L463[10:12:11] <barteks2x> What is this magic? 2 tests failed on travis but it works locally
L464[10:12:55] <gigaherz> version of java? setupCi instead of setupDev?
L465[10:13:10] <gigaherz> timing?
L466[10:13:13] <gigaherz> memory?
L467[10:13:32] <barteks2x> oh, I didn't push. I'm stupid
L468[10:14:13] <barteks2x> or, I "pushed" and typed wrong password
L469[10:15:26] <barteks2x> I totally didn't expect to forget to push my changes
L470[10:15:57] <gigaherz> lol
L471[10:23:16] ⇨ Joins: BlueMonster (uid82864@id-82864.tooting.irccloud.com)
L472[10:24:03] <BlueMonster> is it ok to call I18n.format() in addInformation, or does that get called on the server side too?
L473[10:24:50] <gigaherz> no it's ok
L474[10:25:01] <gigaherz> the only bad place for it is getItemStackDisplayName or whatever the name was
L475[10:25:18] <BlueMonster> so i can annotate all my addInformation methods with @SideOnly
L476[10:26:43] <gigaherz> actually that's a good point
L477[10:27:17] <gigaherz> hmm
L478[10:27:24] <gigaherz> no I use I18n.format on my Enderthing mod
L479[10:27:28] <gigaherz> and it works just fine on the server
L480[10:27:36] <gigaherz> without @sideOnly on those methods
L481[10:28:09] <Ordinastie> the method is not called server side, so it won't load the methods called inside
L482[10:28:19] <Ordinastie> (*exceptions may apply)
L483[10:28:24] <TechnicianLP> !gf theSlot
L484[10:29:20] <TechnicianLP> !gf GuiContainer.dragSplittingRemnant
L485[10:29:21] <diesieben07> addInformation is SideOnly itself...
L486[10:29:46] <diesieben07> so yes, you can use client only stuff in there
L487[10:30:28] <TechnicianLP> !gf GuiContainer.returningStack
L488[10:30:30] <Ordinastie> TechnicianLP, if you're going to spam the chan, use the dedicated channel, or PM the bot directly
L489[10:33:27] <TechnicianLP> forget about that ... theres a dedicated cahnnel?
L490[10:34:14] <Ordinastie> #mcpbot
L491[10:35:13] <BlueMonster> diesieben07 : that is only on items, in the block class it is not annotated
L492[10:35:23] <diesieben07> which is gone in 1.11.
L493[10:35:31] <diesieben07> or rather
L494[10:35:36] <diesieben07> forge's patch is now in vanilla
L495[10:35:45] <diesieben07> where i assume it is @SideOnly, too
L496[10:36:12] <diesieben07> but even if you use forge's patch, you can use @SideOnly on your method, which means that on the server it will just not exist, meaning it will use the default method
L497[10:46:02] <Ordinastie> damn, I can't pass this::stuff to super() :(
L498[10:46:59] <BlueMonster> ok :D
L499[10:47:17] <BlueMonster> thanks for the help
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L504[10:58:44] <Ordinastie> I can never remember how I instantiate that damn multimap :/
L505[10:59:16] <gigaherz> ArrayListMultiMap.*
L506[10:59:28] <gigaherz> TreeMultiMap.*
L507[10:59:35] <gigaherz> HashWhateverMultiMap.*
L508[10:59:49] <gigaherz> there were a handful of different implementations of the multimap, with differnt upsides and downsides
L509[11:00:20] <Ordinastie> yes, but sinde Multimap is usually the signature for the field, that should start with Multimap.*
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L511[11:00:52] <Ordinastie> it's MultiMaps ><
L512[11:01:07] <Ordinastie> wait no
L513[11:01:49] <diesieben07> ArrayListMultimap.create()
L514[11:01:51] <diesieben07> etc
L515[11:02:52] <Ordinastie> they did Lists.newArrayList, why not Multimaps.newArrayListMultimap ? :s
L516[11:04:32] <barteks2x> I made a bit of git mess... I want a few other people to review what I did mefore I merge it into main branch, but the resulting pr is so big that it will probably crash firefox, and works horribly slow on chrome...
L517[11:05:04] <diesieben07> because they don't own ArrayList
L518[11:05:09] <diesieben07> so they cannot do ArrayList.create()
L519[11:05:17] <diesieben07> and those things are obsolete anyways, because of <>
L520[11:05:39] <barteks2x> actually, it works much better on firefox
L521[11:05:54] <barteks2x> I would switch to firefox if my chrome plugins worked there
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L528[11:20:03] <Subaraki> i'd like to ask why the lan skin problem still hasn't been fixed in 1.11 ... i thought it would have been fixed by now :/
L529[11:20:08] <Subaraki> anyone knows more on that ?
L530[11:21:59] <Ordinastie> so I have a list of factories, but sometimes, they should not create anything
L531[11:22:20] <Ordinastie> should I tie them to a predicate, or should I let the factory return null ?
L532[11:22:31] <gigaherz> Optional?
L533[11:22:45] <Ordinastie> sameish as null
L534[11:23:10] ⇨ Joins: AshIndigo (~AshIndigo@
L535[11:23:22] <Ordinastie> either way, the factory can't be Stuff:: new
L536[11:23:22] <gigaherz> hmm
L537[11:23:36] <gigaherz> by a predicate you mean
L538[11:23:42] <gigaherz> if (canCreate) instance = doCreate?
L539[11:23:52] <Ordinastie> the facotories are registered
L540[11:24:07] <Ordinastie> "facotories" nice
L541[11:24:25] <Ordinastie> registerFactory(BLOCK_CATEGORY, BlockGroup::new);
L542[11:24:34] <gigaherz> hmmm taco-fires is an anagram of factories
L543[11:25:02] <Ordinastie> however, the next one would be registerFactory(BLOCK_CATEGORY, TileEntityGroup::new);
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L545[11:25:27] <Ordinastie> except when no TE is found
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L551[11:28:25] <Ordinastie> what I mean by predicate is it would be something like :
L552[11:28:26] <Ordinastie> registerFactory(BLOCK_CATEGORY, BlockGroup::new, alwaysTrue);
L553[11:28:26] <Ordinastie> registerFactory(BLOCK_CATEGORY, TileEntityGroup::new, TileEntityGroup::hasTileEntity);
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L555[11:32:02] <killjoy> Was startGame() renamed to init()?
L556[11:32:18] <killjoy> !gm Minecraft.init
L557[11:32:29] <barteks2x> startServer definitely was renamed
L558[11:32:32] <killjoy> !gm 71384 1.10
L559[11:32:36] <barteks2x> so startGame could be too
L560[11:32:36] <killjoy> !gm 71384 1.10.2
L561[11:32:51] <killjoy> !gm Minecraft.startGame 1.10.2
L562[11:32:54] <gigaherz> #mcpbot
L563[11:33:22] <killjoy> yeah, just had some no results found
L564[11:35:14] <killjoy> Well that's why it found no results for startGame
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L566[11:35:36] <killjoy> Forgot they did breaking mappings changes right before 1.11 hit
L567[11:38:36] <gigaherz> by the way
L568[11:38:38] <gigaherz> there's !mh
L569[11:38:42] <gigaherz> which you can use to see old names
L570[11:39:40] <Eragonn1490> giga you busy?
L571[11:40:35] <gigaherz> yes
L572[11:40:44] <gigaherz> if you ahve a question, just ask it here ;P
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L574[11:44:54] <Ordinastie> there has to be something better than : .filter(Optional::isPresent).map(Optional::get).collect(Collectors.toList());
L575[11:45:32] <killjoy> is it a list of optionals?
L576[11:45:37] ⇦ Parts: Eragonn1490 (~eragonn14@2607:fb90:1b99:ac3f:6593:c653:a91c:7c9d) (Leaving))
L577[11:45:39] <Ordinastie> yes
L578[11:45:46] <killjoy> Could use guava
L579[11:46:19] <killjoy> Lists.filter(Lists.filter(list, Optional::isPresent), Optional::get)
L580[11:46:25] <gigaherz> Optional.presentInstances
L581[11:46:30] ⇨ Joins: Wixim (~eragonn14@2607:fb90:1b99:ac3f:6593:c653:a91c:7c9d)
L582[11:46:31] <gigaherz> takes one iterable and returns another
L583[11:46:36] <gigaherz> but it uses guava optionals?
L584[11:46:44] <Ordinastie> I tend to use java's now
L585[11:48:23] <Ordinastie> I guess I'll dump the optional here then
L586[11:48:44] <gigaherz> do the streams have a .nonNull() ?
L587[11:48:52] <gigaherz> for filtering
L588[11:49:04] <killjoy> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17081063/how-should-we-manage-jdk8-stream-for-null-values
L589[11:49:27] <gigaherz> seems not
L590[11:50:04] <gigaherz> .filter(Objects::nonNull)
L591[11:50:11] <gigaherz> seems the provided tool
L592[11:50:35] <Ordinastie> yes
L593[11:50:39] <gigaherz> it's only barely better than .filter(o -> o != null)
L594[11:50:52] <killjoy> Guava has Predicates.notNull()
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L596[11:52:59] <gigaherz> so back to the issue I was trying to debug earlier
L597[11:53:09] <gigaherz> when i load one of my mods in another mod's dev env
L598[11:53:10] <gigaherz> I get
L599[11:53:12] <gigaherz> Caused by: java.lang.AbstractMethodError
L600[11:53:12] <gigaherz> at net.minecraft.client.resources.SimpleReloadableResourceManager.registerReloadListener(SimpleReloadableResourceManager.java:122)
L601[11:53:12] <gigaherz> at gigaherz.enderRift.shadow.common.client.ModelHandle.init(ModelHandle.java:191)
L602[11:53:15] <gigaherz> anyone has any clue?
L603[11:54:01] <Subaraki> no :D
L604[11:54:05] <killjoy> using lambda?
L605[11:54:09] <gigaherz> yeh
L606[11:54:25] <killjoy> I remember there being an issue reobfuscating minecraft functional interfaces
L607[11:54:31] <killjoy> use an anonymous class
L608[11:54:35] <gigaherz> yes but this is in dev
L609[11:54:45] <gigaherz> it seems they fixed the reobf
L610[11:54:53] <gigaherz> but didn't fix the runtime deobf that happens in dev
L611[11:55:02] <gigaherz> BON2 didn't help
L612[11:55:03] <killjoy> so this is eclipse compiling both mods?
L613[11:55:10] <gigaherz> no IDEA
L614[11:55:12] <gigaherz> well
L615[11:55:18] <killjoy> same thing
L616[11:55:21] <gigaherz> no
L617[11:55:25] <gigaherz> one of them is a normal jar
L618[11:55:27] <killjoy> same concept
L619[11:55:29] <gigaherz> in the mods folder
L620[11:55:30] <killjoy> ah
L621[11:55:38] <gigaherz> I'm trying to fix my library-mod
L622[11:55:53] <killjoy> and the lambda is in the lib?
L623[11:55:56] <gigaherz> nope
L624[11:56:01] <gigaherz> it's in a shaded dependency
L625[11:56:07] <gigaherz> so I'm thinking it may be the shading
L626[11:56:13] <gigaherz> ah yes
L627[11:56:16] <killjoy> maybe.
L628[11:56:23] <gigaherz> I got sidetracked -- I wanted to test this on a non-dev minecraft
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L634[11:58:47] <Ordinastie> where is the ItemHandleCap again ?
L635[11:58:59] <gigaherz> you mean CapabilityItemHandler?
L636[11:59:11] <Ordinastie> maybe
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L638[11:59:25] <Ordinastie> sounds like it
L639[11:59:32] <Ordinastie> thx
L640[11:59:35] <gigaherz> yeah so my mod works just fine in a non-dev environment
L641[11:59:56] <BlueMonster> shouldn't putting \n work with the .lang files?
L642[12:00:14] <killjoy> it won't render
L643[12:00:19] <killjoy> it will be a square ingame
L644[12:00:41] <killjoy> depending on how it's drawn
L645[12:00:43] <gigaherz> BlueMonster: no it will show up as an actual \ followed by an actual n
L646[12:00:45] ⇦ Quits: Alex_hawks (~Alex_hawk@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L647[12:00:49] <gigaherz> IIRC
L648[12:00:58] <BlueMonster> how do i make it do a line break then?
L649[12:00:59] <killjoy> it's just a properties file
L650[12:01:01] <iTitus> Hi, I've got a question about rendering text on an item. The text is based on the item NBT, but there is a fixed number of possible texts.
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L652[12:01:10] <gigaherz> BlueMonster: an actual enter works, IIRC?
L653[12:01:15] <gigaherz> assuming you use the multi-line print
L654[12:01:40] <iTitus> By googling I only found an old GitHub issue and IItemRender approaches
L655[12:01:59] <iTitus> Anyone got a hint?
L656[12:02:09] <gigaherz> well
L657[12:02:15] <gigaherz> if you have a fixed number of texts
L658[12:02:18] <gigaherz> you can put them on a texture
L659[12:02:33] <gigaherz> and then have a number of "sub-models" taking the UV rectangles for those texts
L660[12:02:53] <gigaherz> you'd have those variant strings on the blockstates file
L661[12:03:08] <gigaherz> and then reference them from an ItemMeshDefinition/ItemOverrides
L662[12:03:20] <gigaherz> however, that'd make the text hardcoded
L663[12:03:40] <gigaherz> if you need dynamic text that can be translated, you'd haveto use a custom IBakedModel
L664[12:03:42] <iTitus> The text are element symbols. I am porting Minechem
L665[12:03:54] <gigaherz> and manually generate the quads
L666[12:03:55] <iTitus> Hardcoding it would be an option
L667[12:03:58] <gigaherz> for each corresponding letter
L668[12:04:12] <gigaherz> then my suggestion is to have a texture with all the text strings as "sprites"
L669[12:04:28] <gigaherz> and then decide which tile to draw based on blockstate variant strings
L670[12:05:01] <TechnicianLP> IIRC theres something in forge somewhere to make bakedquads from a string (i saw a picture of a stacktrace instaed of missingno)
L671[12:05:06] <gigaherz> well that would work for basic elements, but not for compounds
L672[12:05:19] <iTitus> Yeah, only needed for basic elements
L673[12:05:40] <iTitus> @TechnicianLP, really? I have to look for that
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L675[12:07:52] <iTitus> I found it: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/3328
L676[12:08:18] <iTitus> thanks for your hints, I see if the PR can be of use for me, otherwise I'll do it with a spritemap ;)
L677[12:12:26] <Ordinastie> already rendered sprites will most likely be the faster, easier, and most efficient
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L679[12:18:07] <Ordinastie> rah, Lists.newArrayList doesn't really like generics :/
L680[12:18:19] <gigaherz> hm?
L681[12:18:25] <Ordinastie> because of the varrags
L682[12:18:50] <Ordinastie> "varrags" ...
L683[12:18:50] <TechnicianLP> List.<E>newArrayList() maybe?
L684[12:19:10] <Ordinastie> Type safety: A generic array of Function<DebugTool,IGroup> is created for a varargs parameter
L685[12:19:12] <killjoy> At that point, you'd might as well use new ArrayList<E>()
L686[12:19:37] <Ordinastie> the thing is, I pass elements directly
L687[12:19:45] <Ordinastie> return Lists.newArrayList(BlockCategory::createBlockGroup, BlockCategory::createTileEntityGroup);
L688[12:21:03] <Ordinastie> of course, if I add them separately, no issue
L689[12:21:03] <barteks2x> f*** steam. I wanted to log in to steam to send someone a message (because I know he is on steam) that I can't call him on my phone because I cant find charger. It wants modile auth
L690[12:21:46] <gigaherz> it's optional though?
L691[12:21:49] <gigaherz> or you enabled it in the past?
L692[12:21:58] <barteks2x> enabled it for some weird reason
L693[12:22:09] <gigaherz> ah
L694[12:22:20] <gigaherz> welp then it's not steam's fault ;P
L695[12:22:43] <barteks2x> it always is. Even if it's my fault :D
L696[12:23:45] <kenzierocks> "oh no, security features are working as intended"
L697[12:24:32] <TvL2386> hey guys, I'm registering my items by subscribing to events like TestMod3: https://github.com/Choonster/TestMod3/blob/1.10.2/src/main/java/choonster/testmod3/init/ModItems.java
L698[12:24:42] ⇦ Quits: Searge|office (~Searge@h-85-24-130-18.na.cust.bahnhof.se) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L699[12:24:49] <TvL2386> which seems like a handy solution
L700[12:24:52] <TvL2386> and it works
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L702[12:25:16] <TvL2386> but my items have no icon... Well.. they have the purple/black squares
L703[12:25:17] <gigaherz> uhm
L704[12:25:29] <gigaherz> why do you have @ObjectHolder on a field that you initialize yourself?
L705[12:25:34] <kenzierocks> yea...
L706[12:25:36] <gigaherz> the point of @ObjectHolder is that forge assigns it for you
L707[12:25:51] <gigaherz> it's meant for others to get access to your items
L708[12:25:55] <TvL2386> not my code, just a reference
L709[12:26:09] <gigaherz> then you are copying from a really bad source
L710[12:26:09] <gigaherz> ;P
L711[12:26:18] <TvL2386> I don't have the @ObjectHolder thingies i.... Oooh.... :D
L712[12:26:41] <TvL2386> alrighty... let me ask it differently: Whats the best way to register your items and their icons / textures?
L713[12:27:06] <killjoy> on PreInitializationEvent
L714[12:27:17] <killjoy> unless things have changed
L715[12:27:17] <gigaherz> 1.10.2?
L716[12:27:21] <TvL2386> yes 1.10.2
L717[12:27:25] <gigaherz> there's a new event
L718[12:27:32] <gigaherz> that you can use to reduce ambiguity
L719[12:27:40] <killjoy> The registryevent?
L720[12:27:45] <kenzierocks> things have changed killjoy
L721[12:27:53] <kenzierocks> registryevent is recommended now
L722[12:28:00] <TvL2386> yeah like this line? : https://github.com/Choonster/TestMod3/blob/1.10.2/src/main/java/choonster/testmod3/init/ModItems.java#L203
L723[12:28:08] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Survivalist/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/survivalist/Survivalist.java#L110,L117
L724[12:28:37] <gigaherz> TvL2386: yes xcept
L725[12:28:44] <gigaherz> you should be using event.getRegistry().registerAll(...)
L726[12:28:44] <TvL2386> I'll check your code ;)
L727[12:28:49] <gigaherz> not one-by-one calls
L728[12:29:03] <gigaherz> it's really the same, after compiling
L729[12:29:20] <gigaherz> the key is
L730[12:29:25] <gigaherz> to make the method @SubscribeEvent, static
L731[12:29:26] <gigaherz> and
L732[12:29:29] <gigaherz> the class @Mod.EventBusSubscriber
L733[12:29:38] <gigaherz> then forge will automatically register the method into the bus, for you
L734[12:30:19] <TvL2386> okay
L735[12:31:13] <TvL2386> you even initialize all the items within the registerAll method call
L736[12:31:29] <killjoy> Heh. @EventBusSubscriber is the @Mod of @SubscribeEvent
L737[12:32:12] <gigaherz> TvL2386: yeah I like it that way
L738[12:33:23] <TvL2386> I'm trying to find out how you add the png files to your items that show in the inventory (yeah I'm noob) :)
L739[12:33:46] <TvL2386> because I thought you do that in RegisterRenders
L740[12:33:56] <gigaherz> welp
L741[12:34:07] <gigaherz> the best way is to have a models class of sort
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L743[12:34:23] <gigaherz> usually the ClientProxy
L744[12:34:34] <gigaherz> since models only exist on the client
L745[12:34:39] <gigaherz> then you have two choices
L746[12:34:41] <TvL2386> yeah ok
L747[12:34:50] <gigaherz> either you call the methods from some preInit function that you create
L748[12:34:55] <gigaherz> or you use ModelRegistryEvent
L749[12:35:06] <gigaherz> with @Mod.EventBusSubscriber(Side.CLIENT)
L750[12:35:15] <TvL2386> that's what you do here https://github.com/gigaherz/Survivalist/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/survivalist/client/ClientProxy.java#L33
L751[12:35:32] <gigaherz> yes but I have a little library to simplify the task
L752[12:35:45] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Commons/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/common/client/ModelHelpers.java
L753[12:35:58] <gigaherz> i nthe end, you want to call
L754[12:35:58] <gigaherz> ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation
L755[12:36:26] <gigaherz> it's important that you do it BEFORE init
L756[12:36:37] <gigaherz> so either during preinit, or using the ModelREgistryEvent
L757[12:36:46] <TvL2386> I see
L758[12:37:54] <ScruffyRules> What class handles the json chat?
L759[12:38:05] <gigaherz> json chat??
L760[12:38:20] <kashike> ITextComponent$Serializer serialises and deserialises it
L761[12:38:24] <ScruffyRules> Chat is actually just json with goodies
L762[12:38:34] <ScruffyRules> I want more decoding per se
L763[12:38:51] <gigaherz> yeah ITextComponent.Serializer
L764[12:38:55] <ScruffyRules> Like what turns it into an actual coloured line
L765[12:39:07] <gigaherz> there's two parts of it
L766[12:39:07] <ScruffyRules> Cheers.
L767[12:39:16] <gigaherz> one part is the ITextComponent structure
L768[12:39:18] <gigaherz> the other is the rendering
L769[12:39:32] <gigaherz> for the latter, you'd want the FontRenderer
L770[12:40:02] <ScruffyRules> Thanks, will search
L771[12:43:40] <TvL2386> gigaherz: @SubscribeEvent checks the method argument to see what events that method should subscribe to?
L772[12:44:35] <TvL2386> I assume it knows you're interested in Block since the arg is RegistryEvent.Register<block> event
L773[12:44:49] <TvL2386> and the next one wants <Item>
L774[12:45:19] <gigaherz> yup
L775[12:45:24] <TvL2386> cool
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L780[13:03:08] <TechnicianLP> i think i should be concerned about this? http://hastebin.com/zewucicasu.erl
L781[13:05:20] <gigaherz> yeah it's a server configuration error
L782[13:05:52] <TechnicianLP> so not on my side? i was thinking i had some kind of virus xD
L783[13:06:31] <gigaherz> actually
L784[13:06:32] <gigaherz> it may be
L785[13:06:33] <gigaherz> https://libraries.minecraft.net/
L786[13:06:35] <gigaherz> that gives me a 403
L787[13:06:40] <gigaherz> not a certification error
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L789[13:08:11] <gigaherz> yeah I can DL that file just fine
L790[13:08:44] <gigaherz> TechnicianLP: do you have any other computer around?
L791[13:09:15] <TechnicianLP> not that i know of ...
L792[13:09:30] <TechnicianLP> just some phones
L793[13:10:04] ⇦ Quits: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L794[13:10:28] <TechnicianLP> router says just my laptop, my phone and my printer
L795[13:10:45] <Wixim> whats the proper way to register a crafting handler? ive added @eventhandler above the oncrafting method, registered with minecraftforge.event_bus.register and nothing happens?
L796[13:10:54] <ScruffyRules> TechnicianLP, Are you able to open https://libraries.minecraft.net/ on your browser?
L797[13:10:58] <gigaherz> show code, Wixim
L798[13:11:03] <gigaherz> or wait
L799[13:11:07] <gigaherz> you used the wrong annotation
L800[13:11:11] <gigaherz> it's @SubscribeEvent
L801[13:11:18] <gigaherz> @Mod.EventHandler is only for the mod lifecycle events
L802[13:11:28] <Wixim> ohh thanks
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L804[13:13:56] <ScruffyRules> gigaherz, ITextComponent is exactly what I wanted, Thank you. :)
L805[13:14:22] <gigaherz> thank kashike too ;P
L806[13:14:39] <ScruffyRules> True true
L807[13:14:59] * ScruffyRules tips Fedora to kashike
L808[13:17:40] <TechnicianLP> if i opn it in the brwoser it works fine - running setup in intellij worked as well
L809[13:18:12] <gigaherz> [20:10] (TechnicianLP): router says just my laptop, my phone and my printer
L810[13:18:23] <gigaherz> I meant like, as a way to check if a different computer had a different result
L811[13:18:35] <gigaherz> so that you can rule out a virus ;P
L812[13:19:52] <TechnicianLP> i was thinking about local network dns lookup
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L820[13:54:35] <barteks2x> When resolving merge conflicts in idea, which side is which? I'm confused...
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L822[13:54:53] <Ordinastie> isn't it written at the top?
L823[13:55:02] <barteks2x> I'm still confused about it
L824[13:55:16] <barteks2x> because I;m in the middle of tricky rebase
L825[13:56:11] <barteks2x> What exactly does "Local Changes" mean when doing interactive rebase?
L826[13:56:40] <TechnicianLP> differences from git
L827[13:57:15] <barteks2x> I still don't know which side si what
L828[13:58:07] <barteks2x> Which one is the newer one?
L829[13:59:56] <barteks2x> the right side seems to be what I had with my modifications, and the left the new stuff, but i'm still not sure
L830[14:00:03] <Wixim> is this a good way to check if an item is in the players inventory? if(event.player.inventoryContainer.inventoryItemStacks.contains(Knife))
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L832[14:00:25] <Ordinastie> nope
L833[14:00:33] <Wixim> whats a better method?
L834[14:01:09] <Ordinastie> inventoryItemStacks contains itemStacks, I guess Knife is an item ?
L835[14:01:15] <Wixim> yes
L836[14:03:07] <Wixim> thank you
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L839[14:06:27] <Wixim> is there a way to check if an itemstack is registered in the oredictionary?
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L845[14:20:53] <LatvianModder> Wixim: probably OreDictionary.getOreIDs(stack).length > 0
L846[14:25:25] <Wixim> thank you
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L849[14:41:13] <Shambling> quick question, is the latest v49 version of IE compiled against the newest non-released version of tconstruct?
L850[14:41:43] <Shambling> testing that myself by compiling the source on tconstruct site, just wondering if anyone else has any input before I spend too much time updating my server
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L852[14:50:34] <Shambling> well that answers that, ie 1.10 v49 seems to be compiled against parts of code that only exist in latest tconstruct compile
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L858[15:22:55] <Wixim> how would i go about checking if an item is in the players inventory and damage it?
L859[15:23:41] <Ordinastie> loop through it
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L867[15:51:33] <Shambling> heh, I'm not sure if I'm missing something, I probably am, but I don't think that is going to work. Code seems to be client sided only for he jar files I have, so not sure how I could get a server working again.
L868[15:52:20] <Shambling> I'll just disable the tcon compatibility config option and keep on trucking with the old version, as I'm not sure if tcon newest update will ever be 1.10.2, or only 1.11
L869[15:52:28] <Wixim> @LatvianModder http://pastebin.com/2fvz6ALa still having the issue, do you see anything i could do differently?
L870[15:53:37] <Ordinastie> Wixim, well, for starter, your naming sucks
L871[15:53:46] <Ordinastie> j? k? what are they supposed to be ?
L872[15:54:51] <Ordinastie> also int G?
L873[15:54:53] <Wixim> both are the same itemstack, one searches for its location, the other its max uses
L874[15:55:11] <Wixim> G is just for the for loop
L875[15:55:21] <Ordinastie> first
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L877[15:55:47] <Ordinastie> usually, the int for looping is i
L878[15:55:47] <kashike> name things properly. >..
L879[15:56:03] <Ordinastie> second, don't capitalize variables
L880[15:56:10] <Ordinastie> third, what kashike said
L881[15:56:31] <Ordinastie> forth, are you supposed to do anything if the item crafted is not IRON_AXE ?
L882[15:57:37] <Wixim> no
L883[15:57:45] <Wixim> nd ill fix my naming now..
L884[15:58:01] <Ordinastie> then why are you looping through the inventory twice when it not IRON_AXE ?
L885[15:58:24] <Ordinastie> fifth, why are you looping through the inventory TWICE ?
L886[15:59:43] <Wixim> its only looping once per item
L887[15:59:56] <Ordinastie> what?
L888[16:00:21] <Wixim> my goal is craft an item (Item.Axe) when its crafted if theres a hammer in your inventory -1 from max uses
L889[16:00:33] <Shambling> you have the loop twice from what I can see as well
L890[16:00:34] <Ordinastie> you're looping twice
L891[16:00:40] <Ordinastie> for no reason
L892[16:01:07] <Shambling> make the two calls inside the one loop, no reason to go through a second time
L893[16:02:08] ⇦ Quits: immibis (~chatzilla@122-60-104-38.jetstream.xtra.co.nz) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L894[16:02:18] <Wixim> http://pastebin.com/v2iaeJSY
L895[16:03:16] <Ordinastie> Wixim, fix 4 and 5 of what I said
L896[16:04:32] <Ordinastie> then I'll continue
L897[16:04:38] <Wixim> okay about to fix that now
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L900[16:07:40] <Wixim> http://pastebin.com/6290vXtb
L901[16:08:37] <Ordinastie> that didn't fix anything
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L903[16:09:37] <Ordinastie> maybe you should try to write in english every step you're supposed to make, you'll see what's wrong
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L905[16:13:22] <Wixim> ill try that, thanks ordi
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L912[16:22:00] <Wixim> i feel like a complete idiot.. *never registered crafting handler* when i went to debug it it occured to me
L913[16:23:00] <Ordinastie> the issues I mentioned are not related to crafting or anything, it's just basic logic and common sense
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L915[16:33:42] <Shambling> jeeze reading this error log is giving me a headache
L916[16:37:57] <Shambling> I'll just revert IE and Tcon for now, I don't think the latest maven accounts for server sidedness in a way I can fix on my end
L917[16:38:30] <Shambling> works great on single player though :P
L918[16:39:56] <Shambling> was interesting looking at the code though, lol
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L920[16:46:48] <Wixim> @Ordinastie i've changed everything after sitting back and looking at it...this is currently what i have. http://pastebin.com/KJdz08DD
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L922[16:53:40] <Ordinastie> feels like it's getting worse *_*
L923[16:54:01] <Ordinastie> it still doesn't adress 4th and 5th
L924[16:54:44] <Ordinastie> I will rephrase : there is no reason to do ANYTHIN if the item crafted is not the one you want
L925[16:54:56] <Ordinastie> there is no reason to loop through the inventory twice either
L926[16:57:56] *** diesieben|away is now known as diesieben07
L927[17:04:51] <Wixim> http://pastebin.com/02WW0TY7 im seriosuly confused now http://pastebin.com/02WW0TY7
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L931[17:14:01] <gigaherz> I don't like the new launcher's way to show errors
L932[17:15:55] <TheLonely> 1.11?
L933[17:16:42] <gigaherz> nothe vanilla launcher
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L937[17:20:30] <gigaherz> wtf :/
L938[17:20:31] <gigaherz> net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderExceptionModCrash: Caught exception from Ender-Rift (enderrift)
L939[17:20:31] <gigaherz> Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: gigaherz/guidebook/client/BookRegistryEvent
L940[17:21:28] <gigaherz> .............
L941[17:21:30] <gigaherz> Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
L942[17:21:30] <gigaherz> at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass(LaunchClassLoader.java:182)
L943[17:21:30] <gigaherz> ... 41 more
L944[17:21:38] <gigaherz> how... what?
L945[17:23:14] <diesieben07> thats the only class it doesn't find?
L946[17:23:21] <diesieben07> often there is a chain
L947[17:23:21] <gigaherz> yup
L948[17:23:26] <gigaherz> well
L949[17:23:27] <diesieben07> well, are you sure it's there? :D
L950[17:23:32] <gigaherz> yes.
L951[17:23:38] <gigaherz> there's a
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L954[17:24:39] <gigaherz> http://pastebin.com/UMiRQbig
L955[17:24:40] <gigaherz> full trace
L956[17:25:06] <Ordinastie> call on the serve r?
L957[17:25:19] <diesieben07> yay so much reflection :D
L958[17:25:27] <gigaherz> it's inside my ClientProxy, with @Optional.Method("gbook")
L959[17:25:37] <gigaherz> if the mod is missing, it works fine, but if it's loaded, it fails
L960[17:25:53] <diesieben07> do you have before:gbook in your @Mod?
L961[17:25:53] <Ordinastie> are you sure the id is correct ?
L962[17:26:07] <gigaherz> diesieben07: no I do not, is that needed?
L963[17:26:10] <diesieben07> yes
L964[17:26:17] <gigaherz> wouldn't it be after:gbook?
L965[17:26:21] <diesieben07> right
L966[17:26:26] <diesieben07> otherwise the other mod might not be on the claasspath by the time your code is loaded
L967[17:26:30] <diesieben07> afaik
L968[17:26:34] <gigaherz> hmm I'll try
L969[17:26:44] <diesieben07> yeah, because this is during mod construction
L970[17:26:52] <diesieben07> in preInit you are guaranteed that everything is there
L971[17:26:54] <diesieben07> but not in construction
L972[17:27:14] <diesieben07> because everythign constructs before preInit
L973[17:27:30] <diesieben07> but your mod might construct before the library, if you don't specify
L974[17:27:31] <Ordinastie> when are the proxy classes injected ?
L975[17:27:38] <diesieben07> construction
L976[17:27:45] <Ordinastie> ah well then yes
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L978[17:27:58] <diesieben07> also you can look at the stacktrace :P
L979[17:28:37] <gigaherz> wait what
L980[17:28:38] <Ordinastie> or I stay on youtube :p
L981[17:28:44] <gigaherz> java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation.getResourceDomain()Ljava/lang/String;
L982[17:28:44] <gigaherz> at gigaherz.guidebook.shadow.common.ItemRegistered.<init>(ItemRegistered.java:10)
L983[17:28:48] <gigaherz> I fixed that!
L984[17:29:35] <gigaherz> why's everything suddenly going wrong today XD
L985[17:30:19] <gigaherz> (answer: because I only test in an actual client/server when I'm about to release)
L986[17:30:20] <Ordinastie> well, I was so fed up with my client neighbor change shit I totally started doing something else entirely
L987[17:30:28] <Ordinastie> users will have to wait for the update :p
L988[17:31:28] <gigaherz> hmf it works now
L989[17:31:32] <gigaherz> I must have had a stale jar
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L992[17:40:51] <Shambling> stale jars are the worst
L993[17:41:12] <Shambling> =P
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L995[17:41:38] <Shambling> are you sure its working every time? If it is what diesieben07 said, it might just randomly have loaded in the right order this time
L996[17:41:55] <diesieben07> there is no random order
L997[17:42:03] <diesieben07> it sorts by alphabet
L998[17:42:10] <diesieben07> if there is no explicit order
L999[17:42:16] <Shambling> ok well then it wouldn't have changed order then
L1000[17:42:22] <Shambling> :o
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L1003[17:49:46] <gigaherz> UHM WTF
L1004[17:49:54] <gigaherz> I haven't changed this, and it used to work
L1005[17:50:04] <gigaherz> the server isn't updating the blocks on the client, when I assemble a rift :/
L1006[17:51:39] <gigaherz> world.setBlockState without a third arg is supposed to cause the state to be sent to the client, right?
L1007[17:52:16] <diesieben07> should, yes
L1008[17:52:55] *** amadornes is now known as amadornes[OFF]
L1009[17:55:17] <gigaherz> then, why: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/2016-11-20-0053-53.mp4
L1010[17:56:44] <gigaherz> oh shit
L1011[17:56:46] <gigaherz> there's an exception
L1012[17:56:56] <gigaherz> that's why, lol
L1013[17:57:04] <Ordinastie> was gonna say something like that
L1014[17:57:13] <Ordinastie> because part of it actually changes
L1015[17:57:23] <gigaherz> assert teSelf != null;
L1016[17:57:27] <gigaherz> well so much for that assumption, XD
L1017[17:58:29] <kashike> inb4 you getTileEntity(pos) in the block and don't check that its your TE
L1018[17:58:32] <kashike> so many people don't
L1019[17:58:46] <diesieben07> you shouldn't have to?
L1020[17:58:53] <gigaherz> you do, though
L1021[17:58:53] <Ordinastie> yes you should
L1022[17:58:56] <diesieben07> wat
L1023[17:59:06] <diesieben07> if your TE is not there, something is VERY wrong.
L1024[17:59:14] <gigaherz> as I just discovered
L1025[17:59:21] <Ordinastie> it may be some other TE that is emulating your block, you never know
L1026[17:59:24] <gigaherz> there's a moment in between setBlockstate
L1027[17:59:28] <gigaherz> and the TE being there
L1028[17:59:35] <diesieben07> then that TE is emulating badly if it fails to emulate my TE.
L1029[17:59:52] <gigaherz> it's not emulation
L1030[17:59:53] <gigaherz> it's null
L1031[17:59:59] <diesieben07> i was responding to ordi :P
L1032[18:00:00] <Ordinastie> you cant always provide a proxy world
L1033[18:00:08] <diesieben07> then you can't emulate a block with a TE.
L1034[18:00:11] <kashike> Mojang checks too
L1035[18:00:11] <gigaherz> in neighborChanged
L1036[18:00:13] <kashike> TileEntity tileentity = worldIn.getTileEntity(pos);
L1037[18:00:15] <kashike> return tileentity instanceof TileEntityStructure ? ((TileEntityStructure)tileentity).usedBy(playerIn) : false;
L1038[18:00:18] <kashike> so
L1039[18:00:23] <diesieben07> well, no idea why they do.
L1040[18:00:36] <kashike> because of this :P
L1041[18:00:38] <diesieben07> null, ok
L1042[18:00:42] <diesieben07> but not "some other te"
L1043[18:00:51] <diesieben07> i can get on board with a nullcheck
L1044[18:00:56] <Ordinastie> kashike, "Mojang does it" kinda make me feel I'm wrong then :(
L1045[18:01:57] <gigaherz> is there a way to copy the call stack in the debugger?
L1046[18:02:30] <Ordinastie> anyway, good or bad, you shouldn't assume it's there, and it's always easy to check instead of eventually crashing the game
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L1048[18:02:55] <gigaherz> meh I'll copy-type
L1049[18:03:07] <Ordinastie> Ctrl+A Ctrl+C ? :)
L1050[18:03:15] <gigaherz> neighborChanged gets called from notifyBlockOfStateChange
L1051[18:03:33] <gigaherz> which comes down from onPlaceItemIntoWorld through a few steps
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L1054[18:03:53] <gigaherz> which gets called by ItemStack#onItemUse
L1055[18:03:54] ⇨ Joins: Katrix (~Katrix@2a02:fe0:cb10:2420:bdda:f640:8118:7f9a)
L1056[18:04:34] <gigaherz> i have no idea why forge does that there
L1057[18:04:43] <gigaherz> but meh ;P
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L1059[18:07:37] <gigaherz> ended up with
L1060[18:07:41] <gigaherz> TileEntity teSelf = worldIn.getTileEntity(pos);
L1061[18:07:41] <gigaherz> if (!(teSelf instanceof TileAggregator)) return;
L1062[18:07:41] <gigaherz> ((TileAggregator)teSelf).updateNeighbours();
L1063[18:08:38] <diesieben07> so, no answer then. ok, your crappy "emulations" will keep crashing my (non-existant) tes.
L1064[18:09:35] <gigaherz> ??
L1065[18:09:46] <Ordinastie> for my VanishingBlocks, I do have a proxy world
L1066[18:09:47] <diesieben07> that was for kashike and ordi
L1067[18:10:07] <Ordinastie> I store the blockState, and the emulated TE
L1068[18:10:38] <Ordinastie> however, for example, the for CustomDoors, I just store a default blockState that comes from the ItemBlock
L1069[18:10:56] <Ordinastie> I when I render it, I still call the blocks methods for the color
L1070[18:11:23] <Ordinastie> to have some green for leaves
L1071[18:11:45] <Ordinastie> if your block tries to access the TE there, it will find the door one
L1072[18:12:02] <diesieben07> that is terrible.
L1073[18:12:08] <diesieben07> i get it, it sucks
L1074[18:12:12] <diesieben07> but you still can't do that.
L1075[18:12:17] <Ordinastie> but what's the alternative then ?
L1076[18:12:24] <Ordinastie> besides "don't do that feature"
L1077[18:12:32] <diesieben07> i don't know.
L1078[18:12:40] <diesieben07> but if it crashes, the blame is NOT on the block.
L1079[18:13:20] <Ordinastie> so I should try catch the whole process ?
L1080[18:13:32] <diesieben07> i don't know.
L1081[18:13:45] <diesieben07> that's a dirty quickfix that might work.
L1082[18:14:21] <Ordinastie> I'd call that idiot proofing
L1083[18:15:12] <diesieben07> how is it being an idiot to assume that your TE that you declared is there?
L1084[18:15:21] <diesieben07> i.e. to assume that the game is functioning correctly?
L1085[18:15:45] <diesieben07> do you also check every blockstate you get passed in? because someone might pass in something else?
L1086[18:15:48] <Ordinastie> you make assumptions about the external context you have no control over
L1087[18:15:58] <diesieben07> yes, i do.
L1088[18:16:05] <diesieben07> getTileEntity / hasTileEntity specifies that I have a TE.
L1089[18:16:24] <diesieben07> if that is not honored, you are not honoring the contract of the Block class and hence cannot reliably call any other methods in it.
L1090[18:16:32] <gigaherz> I personally don't even like that you can setTileEntity at all
L1091[18:16:46] <gigaherz> or that it deserializes based on class
L1092[18:17:03] <gigaherz> instead of just instantiating from getTileEntity always
L1093[18:17:05] <diesieben07> very true
L1094[18:17:37] <Ordinastie> still, don't be a dick, check your TE ><
L1095[18:17:43] <gigaherz> yeah I did
L1096[18:18:11] <diesieben07> nothing to do wiht being a dick...
L1097[18:18:46] <diesieben07> i can argue the same: you are a dick for making my mod crash by not following the rules.
L1098[18:19:36] <Ordinastie> that's the whole point of modding : making new rules
L1099[18:20:01] <diesieben07> then make a PR to forge that adds new API for it
L1100[18:20:06] <diesieben07> but don't just abuse existing shit.
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L1102[18:20:31] <diesieben07> because if I say "ok, we now have to check for our own TE"
L1103[18:20:35] <diesieben07> where do we stop?
L1104[18:20:39] *** MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L1105[18:21:04] <gigaherz> WTF
L1106[18:21:05] <gigaherz> java.lang.AbstractMethodError: gigaherz.enderRift.automation.browser.TileBrowser.getWorld()Lnet/minecraft/world/World;
L1107[18:21:17] <gigaherz> how's getWorld abstract?!
L1108[18:21:30] <immibis> obf or deobf environment?
L1109[18:21:30] <diesieben07> sounds like you are trying to let a method be implemented by a vnailla method
L1110[18:21:33] <diesieben07> which breaks in obf
L1111[18:21:41] <diesieben07> because the vanilla methods gets obfuscated, but yours doesnt
L1112[18:21:47] <diesieben07> and suddenly it's no longer getting implemented.
L1113[18:21:50] <gigaherz> uhm
L1114[18:22:00] <gigaherz> I don't override getWorld, though
L1115[18:22:11] <kenzierocks> it's not about you overriding it
L1116[18:22:13] <gigaherz> wait, I do
L1117[18:22:14] <immibis> do you have an interface with a getWorld method?
L1118[18:22:15] <gigaherz> sortof
L1119[18:22:18] <gigaherz> it's in my own interface
L1120[18:22:20] <gigaherz> shit
L1121[18:22:23] <kenzierocks> yea
L1122[18:22:24] <kenzierocks> that
L1123[18:22:25] <gigaherz> I'm exposing getWorld on an interface
L1124[18:22:29] <Ordinastie> gigaherz, http://puu.sh/snX5a.png
L1125[18:22:30] * gigaherz facepalms
L1126[18:22:38] <immibis> so at runtime, TileEntity doesn't have a getWorld method (it has a func_something_something method)
L1127[18:22:47] <immibis> but your interface does have a getWorld method that nothing implements
L1128[18:22:59] <immibis> s/at runtime/in an obfuscated environment/
L1129[18:23:11] <gigaherz> yeah I get it
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L1131[18:23:26] <gigaherz> I didn't think of it at the time I made the interface
L1132[18:25:51] <gigaherz> meh I just added a isRemote() method that returns getWorld().isRemote
L1133[18:26:07] <gigaherz> I didn't actually need the world ;P
L1134[18:33:46] <Ordinastie> oh ffs, I was glad to find the playlist, until I realised there is no fucking order -_- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcg6v9Muy0CCYWTKsKMcxHypTNqLAtRLX
L1135[18:34:38] <gigaherz> no order at all?
L1136[18:34:54] <gigaherz> youtube puts new stuff at the top by default (retardedly)
L1137[18:35:09] <Ordinastie> well it roughly corresponds to the timeline
L1138[18:35:22] <Ordinastie> but series are together
L1139[18:35:37] <Ordinastie> *not
L1140[18:36:19] <Ordinastie> I don't want to start a new serie before the last one is over
L1141[18:36:48] <Ordinastie> and if I have to look the playlist, I get spoiled most of the time
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L1143[18:49:30] <Shambling> wait... how do you tell if a dota playlist is out of order?
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L1152[19:14:54] <Ordinastie> Shambling, in the link I posted for example: first vid is EHOME vs Execration Game 1, I expect the next one to be EHOME vs Execration Game 1
L1153[19:14:56] <Ordinastie> *Game 2
L1154[19:17:05] <Ordinastie> even worse, 4th in the playlist, you have COL vs ESC G3, where the G2 is 7th
L1155[19:17:20] <Ordinastie> that's super annoying
L1156[19:20:30] <Shambling> alright, question for modded minecraft experts. what key causes my JEI gui to keep shrinking while typing
L1157[19:20:52] <Ordinastie> aske #JEI ?
L1158[19:21:02] <Shambling> is there a jei irc channel? lol
L1159[19:21:16] <Shambling> I'm not sure if its JEI or just the minecraft inventory overlay in general
L1160[19:21:31] <Shambling> all I know, is it shrinks that entire overlay, even my player inventory
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L1162[19:27:52] <Shambling> yup, that channel is as dead as I thought it would be :P
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L1165[19:31:27] <Shambling> ok so not dead :p
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L1167[19:33:13] <TehNut> Just because people don't answer immediately doesn't mean a channel is dead.
L1168[19:33:21] <TehNut> If that were the case, this channel would be dead quite often.
L1169[19:33:32] <TehNut> *considered dead
L1170[19:38:13] <gigaherz> it's a matter of timing
L1171[19:38:32] <gigaherz> the more active people may happen to be afk or sleepinbg
L1172[19:38:33] <Ordinastie> even this chan can be silent for over 12h at a time
L1173[19:38:34] <gigaherz> -b
L1174[19:38:47] <gigaherz> yeahmornings are sometimes boring ;P
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L1180[19:58:22] <Shambling> yeah I was wrong about that, sorry
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L1182[20:11:49] <Eragonn1490> @Ordinastie thank you very much for your help
L1183[20:13:11] <Ordinastie> did you fix it ?
L1184[20:13:35] <Eragonn1490> mostly fixed currently its just spawning too many hammers
L1185[20:13:46] <Ordinastie> show me
L1186[20:15:49] <Eragonn1490> hold on pastebin wont load
L1187[20:16:05] <Eragonn1490> http://pastebin.com/277q6460
L1188[20:16:21] <Ordinastie> you didn't fix anything
L1189[20:16:48] <Eragonn1490> its working now minus subtracting uses from every item hammer thats in your inventory
L1190[20:16:59] <Ordinastie> working doesn't mean it's good
L1191[20:17:21] <Ordinastie> when you enter your event, if I'm crafting say, a lever, what do you do ?
L1192[20:19:18] <Ordinastie> Eragonn1490, ?
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L1195[20:25:40] <Eragonn1490> sorry had an army thing pop up out of nowhere
L1196[20:26:26] <Eragonn1490> to my knowledge it doesnt even trigger if its anything else
L1197[20:27:18] <Ordinastie> why not ?
L1198[20:27:36] <Ordinastie> and if that were true, why this line then : if (event.crafting.getItem() == Items.IRON_AXE) ?
L1199[20:27:38] <Eragonn1490> its only checking for the one item as a result of the crafting
L1200[20:28:56] <Eragonn1490> line 28 checks if the item is being crafted
L1201[20:29:32] <Ordinastie> for me line 28 is : if (findItem.getItem() != null && findItem.getItem() == IntegratedItems.Hammer)
L1202[20:31:03] <Eragonn1490> its making sure that the item isnt null and the item is the hammer
L1203[20:31:17] <Ordinastie> and that's not what I'm talking about
L1204[20:31:59] <Ordinastie> if I'm crafting a lever, what does your code do ?
L1205[20:32:46] <Eragonn1490> nothing
L1206[20:32:55] <Ordinastie> that's not true
L1207[20:33:14] <Ordinastie> you still loop through the inventory
L1208[20:33:19] <Ordinastie> twice!
L1209[20:34:09] <Eragonn1490> so pretty much gget rid of line 26/
L1210[20:34:47] <Ordinastie> line 26 ? findItem = event.player.inventory.getStackInSlot(i); ?
L1211[20:34:52] <Eragonn1490> yes
L1212[20:35:03] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L1213[20:35:37] <Ordinastie> http://i.imgur.com/iWKad22r.jpg
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L1215[20:37:36] <Ordinastie> do you understand that your method is called everytime an item is crafted ? whatever that item is ?
L1216[20:38:17] <Eragonn1490> i noticed that just now..
L1217[20:38:36] <gigaherz> I just realized, the non-vanilla profiles in the new launcher show up as a furnace ("forge")
L1218[20:38:37] <gigaherz> XD
L1219[20:39:34] <Ordinastie> Eragonn1490, so... ?
L1220[20:40:50] <Eragonn1490> the first check line 22, needs an else statement to cancel searching if its not item.axe
L1221[20:41:40] <Ordinastie> I assume you meant 32, but no, that's not what you should do
L1222[20:42:07] <Ordinastie> but at least you're getting closer
L1223[20:42:25] <Ordinastie> if it's not an axe, what code needs to be run ?
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L1226[20:43:58] <Eragonn1490> event.isCanceled(); should be called to kill the event
L1227[20:44:24] <Ordinastie> so if I try to craft a lever, you cancel the event so I can't craft it ?
L1228[20:44:45] <Eragonn1490> wouldnt that stop the event since it shouldnt affect it?
L1229[20:45:05] <Ordinastie> no, that cancels the crafting
L1230[20:45:26] <Ordinastie> the good answer was "none"
L1231[20:45:37] <Ordinastie> if it's not an axe, NO CODE should be run
L1232[20:45:49] <Ordinastie> that's the first thing you need to check
L1233[20:46:46] <Ordinastie> there is no point in going through the player inventory if you don't care about the item crafted
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L1235[20:47:05] <Ordinastie> honnestly, that's basic common sense
L1236[20:47:29] <gigaherz> it's like police going through your closets and drawers
L1237[20:47:40] <gigaherz> and then checking if it was the right door at all
L1238[20:47:58] <kenzierocks> oh no....
L1239[20:48:04] <Ordinastie> good analogy, I'll use it again for the next point
L1240[20:48:12] <kenzierocks> help guys
L1241[20:48:15] ⇦ Quits: Shambling (~Shambling@24-181-186-74.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L1242[20:48:21] <kenzierocks> they changed how block updates work in 1.11
L1243[20:48:21] <gigaherz> ?
L1244[20:48:26] <gigaherz> how so?
L1245[20:48:34] <kenzierocks> my code no longer updates the client properly
L1246[20:48:45] <gigaherz> which code? ;P
L1247[20:48:53] <kenzierocks> like when worldedit cancels the left click event on server
L1248[20:49:02] <kenzierocks> the block doesn't reset client side
L1249[20:50:12] <kenzierocks> ok that's not true...
L1250[20:50:17] <gigaherz> ah so snapshots aren't being restored?
L1251[20:50:17] <kenzierocks> the block resets sometimes.
L1252[20:50:26] <gigaherz> may be a bug
L1253[20:50:26] <kenzierocks> but not a furnace, for example
L1254[20:50:42] <kenzierocks> yea, that seems to be the case
L1255[20:51:03] <gigaherz> then you should check the issue tracker
L1256[20:51:06] <kenzierocks> ..hmm, this may be more curious than that
L1257[20:51:11] <gigaherz> and if there isn't a report for it, post one
L1258[20:51:21] <kenzierocks> it looks like the even doesn't get canceled worldedit side if it's a furnace
L1259[20:51:29] <kenzierocks> might be my bug
L1260[20:54:43] <Ordinastie> Eragonn1490, ...?
L1261[20:55:24] <Eragonn1490> http://pastebin.com/LniNzKKw now
L1262[20:55:45] <kenzierocks> ah yep, it's def that
L1263[20:55:59] <Ordinastie> you really don't get it
L1264[20:56:05] <kenzierocks> time to put together an example mod :D
L1265[20:56:25] <Ordinastie> image the police coming up to you house, looking for drugs for example
L1266[20:56:29] <Eragonn1490> im apparently missing the simplest thing in the world
L1267[20:57:18] <Ordinastie> the come in, open a drawer, take the stuff out, check your id, "oh, not the guy we're looking for", check the next drawer, check your id, "oh, not the guy we're looking for", etc...
L1268[20:57:53] <Ordinastie> you'd find that odd, right ?
L1269[20:58:05] <Eragonn1490> yes..
L1270[20:58:09] <Ordinastie> surely, you'd want them to check for the id once before coming in
L1271[20:58:27] <Eragonn1490> yes
L1272[20:58:34] <Ordinastie> and if you're not the guy they're looking for, they should really be opening the drawers
L1273[20:58:41] <Ordinastie> *shouldn't
L1274[20:59:01] <Ordinastie> do you see how the analogy matches your code ?
L1275[20:59:40] <Eragonn1490> which lines do i need to modify
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L1277[21:00:04] <Eragonn1490> thats a million times easier for me since im looking for a big ass issue and im looking for this minor thing
L1278[21:00:19] <Ordinastie> drawers <=> slots, drugs <=> hammer, id <=> AXE
L1279[21:00:56] <gigaherz> Eragonn1490: you have a condition in there, that checks for axes, right?
L1280[21:02:30] <gigaherz> if we just tell you which lines to modify, you'll leave here without understanding your own code
L1281[21:02:35] <gigaherz> and that would be really sad
L1282[21:02:43] <Eragonn1490> http://pastebin.com/y8REH9ud
L1283[21:03:11] <Ordinastie> that's really depressing :(
L1284[21:03:43] <gigaherz> Eragonn1490: listen to us for a second, please
L1285[21:03:52] <Ordinastie> if the crafted item is not an axe, why are you going through the inventory in the first place ?
L1286[21:03:54] <gigaherz> (well, read, pay attention ;P)
L1287[21:04:21] <Eragonn1490> thats what i switched it to on the last pastebin i linked
L1288[21:04:31] <gigaherz> you didn't switch anything important, though
L1289[21:04:38] <gigaherz> I'll read your code out loud to you:
L1290[21:04:44] ⇨ Joins: Wastl2 (~Wastl2@x4e34c34d.dyn.telefonica.de)
L1291[21:04:45] <gigaherz> for each of the slots
L1292[21:04:48] <gigaherz> if the slot is not empty
L1293[21:04:56] <gigaherz> and it contains a hammer
L1294[21:05:06] <gigaherz> then in that case, I check if I was crafting an axe
L1295[21:05:21] <gigaherz> then I go to the next slot
L1296[21:05:24] <gigaherz> and if it contains a hammer
L1297[21:05:28] <gigaherz> I check if I was crafting an axe
L1298[21:05:32] <gigaherz> then I go to the next slot...
L1299[21:05:55] *** diesieben07 is now known as diesieben|away
L1300[21:06:12] <gigaherz> you must see what's wrong with that sequence of actions, right?
L1301[21:06:29] <gigaherz> and please tell us here, don't just go modify your code
L1302[21:07:41] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1303[21:07:52] <Eragonn1490> check for axe, check slots, if slot isnt null and is a hammer go, (modify item)
L1304[21:08:13] <gigaherz> yes
L1305[21:08:20] <Ordinastie> progress, at last
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L1307[21:08:32] <gigaherz> so you can see, the check for axe should be first, it should be BEFORE any looping
L1308[21:08:52] <gigaherz> in fact, it should be the first thing you check
L1309[21:09:15] <gigaherz> because it gets called for ALL craftings
L1310[21:09:19] <gigaherz> regardless of what
L1311[21:09:25] <gigaherz> so you WANT to leave as soon as possible
L1312[21:09:28] <gigaherz> if it's not of interest
L1313[21:09:45] <Eragonn1490> this should be exactly what i typed http://pastebin.com/akzfDAGW
L1314[21:09:46] <gigaherz> so the first thing you have to do, is to check if the item being crafted is the one you care about
L1315[21:10:05] <gigaherz> no
L1316[21:10:06] <Ordinastie> you're still looping the inventory
L1317[21:10:08] <gigaherz> it's still inside the for
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L1319[21:10:18] <gigaherz> which means it's still done once for each slot
L1320[21:12:10] <Eragonn1490> okay so shift the first line outside of the first loop to break the loop
L1321[21:12:38] <Ordinastie> not "break the loop", it's "not looping it at all"
L1322[21:12:54] <Ordinastie> but yes, move it outside the loop
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L1324[21:13:47] <Eragonn1490> okay so im going to send what i think i have
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L1330[21:21:51] <wixim> @ordinastie package com.reactioncraft.core.common.craftinghandlers;
L1331[21:21:51] <wixim> import com.reactioncraft.integration.instances.IntegratedItems;
L1332[21:21:51] <wixim> import net.minecraft.init.Items;
L1333[21:21:51] <wixim> import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
L1334[21:21:51] <wixim> import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent;
L1335[21:21:52] <wixim> import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.gameevent.PlayerEvent.ItemCraftedEvent;
L1336[21:21:54] <wixim> import net.minecraftforge.oredict.OreDictionary;
L1337[21:21:56] <wixim> public class HammerCraftingHandler
L1338[21:21:58] <wixim> {
L1339[21:22:00] <wixim> @SubscribeEvent
L1340[21:22:01] <Ordinastie> quit your client NOW
L1341[21:22:02] <wixim> public void onCrafting(ItemCraftedEvent event)
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L1343[21:22:04] <Ordinastie> don't wait
L1344[21:22:04] <wixim> {
L1345[21:22:06] <wixim> int i;
L1346[21:22:08] <Ordinastie> QUIT
L1347[21:22:08] ⇦ Quits: wixim (~eragonn14@2600:380:a071:e2ff:8539:e1c2:94a:6795) (Client Quit)
L1348[21:22:14] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L1349[21:22:36] <Ordinastie> kudos to him for actually quitting fast enough
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L1351[21:23:04] <Ordinastie> wann try again? :)
L1352[21:23:07] <Wixim> yes
L1353[21:23:10] ⇦ Quits: Eragonn1490 (~eragonn14@ (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1354[21:23:38] <Wixim> http://pastebin.com/PxGL5yCU
L1355[21:23:38] ⇦ Quits: TechnicianLP2 (~Technicia@p4FE57C86.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1356[21:24:22] <Ordinastie> we're getting there
L1357[21:24:41] <Ordinastie> I personnally would just if(item != AXE) return; but that's me
L1358[21:24:44] <Wixim> what else am i missing? i feel like its slightly better?
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L1360[21:24:57] <Ordinastie> next
L1361[21:25:16] <Ordinastie> when you're looping through the inventory
L1362[21:25:19] <Ordinastie> if the slot is empty
L1363[21:25:31] <Ordinastie> what is in "findItem" ?
L1364[21:26:44] <Wixim> so line 27
L1365[21:27:11] <Ordinastie> yes
L1366[21:27:25] <Ordinastie> what's in the variable if the slot is empty ?
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L1368[21:28:19] <Wixim> should be null
L1369[21:28:30] <Ordinastie> right
L1370[21:28:47] <Ordinastie> so what does findItem.getItem() do ?
L1371[21:29:10] <Wixim> should find if the item == item im searching for
L1372[21:29:33] <Ordinastie> you're not answering the question
L1373[21:29:46] <Ordinastie> what findItem.getItem() do when findItem is null ?
L1374[21:29:48] <Wixim> so split up line 29 into two checks, first check if null , next line check if its a hammer
L1375[21:29:56] <Wixim> if null return nothing
L1376[21:30:23] <Ordinastie> no, if findItem is null, findItem.getItem() crashes
L1377[21:30:35] <Ordinastie> that's what NullPointerExceptions ar
L1378[21:30:36] <Ordinastie> e
L1379[21:31:14] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
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L1381[21:32:38] <Wixim> so i could do a catch statement and then skip the code?
L1382[21:32:48] <Ordinastie> god no *_*
L1383[21:32:52] <Ordinastie> you check for null
L1384[21:33:10] <Wixim> thats what 29 is doing?
L1385[21:33:20] <Ordinastie> your itemStack is null
L1386[21:33:31] <Ordinastie> if you try to get the item for that null itemStack, you crash
L1387[21:34:09] <Ordinastie> if(findItem != null && findItem.getItem() == Hammer)
L1388[21:35:08] <Wixim> http://pastebin.com/SULnQSxg
L1389[21:35:29] <Ordinastie> ...
L1390[21:35:34] <Ordinastie> you must be kidding me
L1391[21:36:44] <immibis> Wixim: do you know Java?
L1392[21:37:33] <Wixim> ive taken a java class and mess around with it in my spare time. fluently no where near as good as i could be
L1393[21:41:43] <Ordinastie> I usually don't like to do that, but I'm going to bed soon : https://gist.github.com/Ordinastie/9853cdbd9f3d7cddb499a199b00a7e3c
L1394[21:42:55] <Ordinastie> Wixim, ^
L1395[21:43:27] <Wixim> thank you, im actually looking into this now..
L1396[21:45:32] <gigaherz> YAY, 3 of my mods are "fully working" (within the bounds of the limited testing I did), in forge 1.11
L1397[21:45:37] <gigaherz> (latest forge, I mean)
L1398[21:45:50] <gigaherz> I'll release some betas tomorrow (4:45am, far too tiredto release now)
L1399[21:46:11] <gigaherz> I'll also port Ender-Rift -- although that one will take more effort
L1400[21:46:20] <gigaherz> and ElementsOfPower... well, it will happen, someday.
L1401[21:46:23] <Wixim> good job giga
L1402[21:46:34] <gigaherz> that said, night!
L1403[21:46:39] <Wixim> gn
L1404[21:46:39] *** gigaherz is now known as ghz|afk
L1405[21:47:57] <kenzierocks> so right now
L1406[21:48:04] <kenzierocks> i think that it may be a forge bug
L1407[21:48:18] <kenzierocks> but it could also be the fact that i've murdered this world so much it's just broken
L1408[21:50:34] <kenzierocks> yea ok second thing
L1409[21:50:39] <kenzierocks> but i still have a problem
L1410[21:51:02] <kenzierocks> > world.markAndNotifyBlock(pos, chunk, old, newState, UPDATE | NOTIFY /* 1 | 2 */);
L1411[21:51:07] <kenzierocks> this doesn't update the client
L1412[21:52:28] <kenzierocks> in addition to that, the world becomes extremely bugged afterwards....
L1413[21:52:57] <kenzierocks> Ordinastie: i think you said you were doing proxy world stuff at one point?
L1414[21:53:07] <Ordinastie> yes
L1415[21:53:22] <kenzierocks> so right now i'm creating a second world that should be exactly the same as the current world
L1416[21:53:30] <kenzierocks> except that obviously it doesn't save, etc.
L1417[21:53:37] <kenzierocks> is that how you do it?
L1418[21:54:06] ⇦ Quits: Wixim (~eragonn14@2600:380:a071:e2ff:8539:e1c2:94a:6795) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1419[21:54:09] <Ordinastie> what do you need the proxy world for ?
L1420[21:54:09] <kenzierocks> i'm trying to regenerate a certain section of the world entirely, and this looks like the best route
L1421[21:54:10] <Ordinastie> rendering ?
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L1423[21:54:37] <Ordinastie> regenerate ? like reset the chunk to its original state ?
L1424[21:54:46] <kenzierocks> yes
L1425[21:54:53] <kenzierocks> it's a worldedit feature
L1426[21:54:58] <kenzierocks> it's kinda broken right now
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L1428[21:55:10] <kenzierocks> basically you select a region of arbitrary points
L1429[21:55:18] <kenzierocks> and it regenerates the chunks containing those points
L1430[21:55:28] <kenzierocks> then takes region and only changes those blocks
L1431[21:55:35] <Ordinastie> honnestly, I would simple delete the files on disk
L1432[21:56:56] <Ordinastie> my proxy world isn't really for that
L1433[21:57:03] <Ordinastie> I have a block that mimics others
L1434[21:57:53] <Ordinastie> so I have a world impl that defer the interactions to the stored state/TE if the pos is occupied by mine
L1435[21:58:13] <Ordinastie> https://github.com/Ordinastie/MalisisBlocks/blob/1.9.4/src/main/java/net/malisis/blocks/ProxyAccess.java
L1436[21:58:22] <kenzierocks> yea maybe, except that won't really work because regions
L1437[21:58:41] <Ordinastie> regions are folder iirc
L1438[21:58:54] <kenzierocks> nope
L1439[21:59:06] <kenzierocks> https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Region_file_format
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L1441[21:59:26] <Ordinastie> ah right
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L1443[21:59:52] <kenzierocks> anyways the old //regen command
L1444[22:00:01] <kenzierocks> used to literally force unload chunks
L1445[22:00:16] <kenzierocks> then call on the provider to regenerate
L1446[22:00:23] <kenzierocks> and then force it in to the map
L1447[22:00:30] <kenzierocks> which was equivalent to deleting the file
L1448[22:00:37] <kenzierocks> but it doesn't actually work, surprise
L1449[22:00:55] <Ordinastie> so I guess what you want to do is actually generate on another world, and then "copy" the data over ?
L1450[22:01:39] <kenzierocks> yea
L1451[22:01:48] <kenzierocks> oh fuck i just realized why everything is probably breaking
L1452[22:01:59] <kenzierocks> i thought i could get away with sharing the dimension ID
L1453[22:04:23] <kenzierocks> woooooo this is a hack
L1454[22:04:34] <kenzierocks> > DimensionManager.setWorld(originalWorld.provider.getDimension(), originalWorld, server);
L1455[22:04:45] <kenzierocks> i'm 95% i should not be calling this :)
L1456[22:06:08] <kenzierocks> now for the final problem: the populators don't seem to be running
L1457[22:06:29] <kenzierocks> oh they are
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L1460[22:07:40] <kenzierocks> but not properly
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