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L18[00:49:36] <killjoy> Why can't gradle find javax.servlet?
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L21[01:21:39] *** minecreatr is now known as Mine|dreamland
L22[01:24:00] <illy> heh http://imgur.com/gallery/optNM
L23[01:25:53] <killjoy> heh, CLI
L24[01:26:15] <killjoy> but CLI isn't really a user interface
L25[01:26:18] <killjoy> it's an admin interface
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L32[02:00:01] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20161113 mappings to Forge Maven.
L33[02:00:04] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20161113-1.10.2.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20161113" in build.gradle).
L34[02:00:15] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L63[04:17:52] <hasunwoo> What is datawatcher equivalent in mc 1.10?
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L65[04:20:57] <ghz|afk> EntityDataManager/DataParameter
L66[04:21:04] <ghz|afk> see any of the existing entities to see how they use them
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L71[05:14:02] <TechnicianLP> i like how my av finds trojans in my unused windows partitions ....
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L85[06:31:16] <Subaraki> masa, found anything for the teleportation ? ive been tinkering but I can't find anything
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L92[06:47:35] <Ordinastie> ahah, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXfltmzRG-g
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L96[07:00:11] <Subaraki> not bad =)
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L98[07:10:28] <TechnicianLP> that video was is weird...
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L104[07:34:33] MineBot sets mode: +v on PaleoCrafter
L105[07:40:27] <hasunwoo> How can i change item's texture based on meta in 1.10?
L106[07:40:51] <PaleoCrafter> by switching to 1.10
L107[07:40:55] <PaleoCrafter> oh, fuck my life
L108[07:40:58] <PaleoCrafter> I read 1.7 xD
L109[07:41:22] <Ordinastie> good, your conditionning is coming to an end
L110[07:41:26] <hasunwoo> 1.10's model is way complicated lol
L111[07:41:31] <PaleoCrafter> you need multiple models for the item and then just pass the appropriate meta and model in ModelLoader.setCustomMRL
L112[07:41:56] <TechnicianLP> you have some calls to the modelregistry to register the models for your item - add the meta there in conjuntion with a different MRL
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L122[08:56:45] <Tarig> hey guys can anyone help me with a model load issue that only crops up after I package my mod
L123[09:02:12] <TechnicianLP> could you be a bit bit more specific?
L124[09:02:18] <ghz|afk> logs and such ;p
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L126[09:07:50] <Tarig> http://pastebin.com/jxpp2H1j
L127[09:08:01] <Tarig> just the stack trace
L128[09:08:20] <Tarig> it looks like its looking for my block model in the item area
L129[09:08:49] <TechnicianLP> could you give us the full log? sometimes theres something more usefull there
L130[09:08:58] <Tarig> sure
L131[09:09:34] <Tarig> http://pastebin.com/cdZ1xJyd
L132[09:10:06] <Tarig> I've tried copying the block model to the item area but I still get the same error
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L134[09:10:42] <ghz|afk> is the file in the jar?
L135[09:11:21] <Tarig> assets\greatslopes\models\item\slope25Shave2.obj is there
L136[09:11:38] <ghz|afk> and the .mtl?
L137[09:12:09] <ghz|afk> no weait it's complaining about the .obj
L138[09:12:12] <ghz|afk> -e
L139[09:12:30] <ghz|afk> aha
L140[09:12:31] <ghz|afk> case.
L141[09:12:37] <ghz|afk> you said "Shave2"
L142[09:12:44] <ghz|afk> but it's looking for "shave2"
L143[09:12:52] <ghz|afk> win32 is case-preserving, but it ignores case
L144[09:12:58] <ghz|afk> while java JAR reading is case-sensitive
L145[09:13:02] <Tarig> ah
L146[09:13:20] <Tarig> i'll try the block model first
L147[09:13:39] <ghz|afk> try to rename to like "have2" then back to "shave2" to ensure it's fully lowervase
L148[09:13:40] <ghz|afk> case*
L149[09:13:45] <ghz|afk> it's what I do ;P
L150[09:14:35] <Tarig> I changed the case in the blockstate
L151[09:14:47] <Tarig> that should clear up the mismatch
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L154[09:17:23] <Tarig> that was it thanks ghz
L155[09:18:11] <Tarig> it must have been that the block model wasn't found so it looked in the item folder then kicked out
L156[09:18:36] <howtonotwin> do not use camelCase
L157[09:18:41] <howtonotwin> use snake_case
L158[09:18:48] <howtonotwin> as that is the standard
L159[09:18:59] <howtonotwin> and lowercasing will be enforced in 1.11
L160[09:19:21] <Tarig> for models?
L161[09:19:32] <Tarig> I know the blockstate file was
L162[09:19:47] <howtonotwin> everything
L163[09:19:49] <howtonotwin> :P
L164[09:19:58] <AshIndigo> Why doesn't toLowerCase work?
L165[09:20:17] ⇦ Quits: sokratis12gr (kiwiirc@ (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
L166[09:20:19] <howtonotwin> If a vanilla user, command block writer, or resourcepack pack maker has even a chance of seeing it
L167[09:20:19] <Tarig> I'll do the work once 1.11 is stable
L168[09:20:23] <howtonotwin> snake_case
L169[09:20:28] <AshIndigo> Is it some locale thing?
L170[09:20:53] <howtonotwin> the most important thing is that your modid, block names, item names, etc
L171[09:20:57] <howtonotwin> are all snake_case
L172[09:21:07] <howtonotwin> otherwise 1.10 -> 1.11 will result in everything breaking
L173[09:21:53] <Tarig> ashIndigo it would hide your actual state so not good to fix it for the dev but to tell them NO
L174[09:22:16] <howtonotwin> because modId:blockName is no longer a valid name for a block in 1.11 and you'll be forced to change it, thereby breaking saves
L175[09:22:22] <Subaraki> issue : https://git.io/vX66Z ; relative code : https://git.io/vX66W
L176[09:22:23] <Tarig> so lang keys should also be vert_band_saw
L177[09:22:28] <howtonotwin> no
L178[09:22:33] <Subaraki> halp. i'm out of ideas :/
L179[09:22:35] <howtonotwin> that's the one inconsistency :P
L180[09:22:42] <howtonotwin> everything else yes
L181[09:23:57] <AshIndigo> That explains it
L182[09:26:22] <Tarig> howtonotwin is there a link to the list of things that must be snake_case
L183[09:26:33] <howtonotwin> simple test:
L184[09:26:38] <howtonotwin> does it need resource locations?
L185[09:26:41] <howtonotwin> then yes
L186[09:26:52] <Tarig> less local
L187[09:27:14] <howtonotwin> ?
L188[09:27:35] <Tarig> the local file and keys
L189[09:28:02] <howtonotwin> not those
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L193[09:30:08] <Subaraki> anyone ever tried to load in skins in minecraft to load onto modelbipeds ?
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L197[09:43:00] <TechnicianLP> arent modelbieds being removed in 1.11?
L198[09:43:30] <MattDahEpic> not to self, dont test drops with all mobs because your drops drop drops
L199[09:48:13] <Subaraki> dont know TechnicianLP
L200[09:48:22] <Subaraki> if that's the case, half of my mods are fucked xD
L201[09:48:55] <AshIndigo> Does fast craft mess with rendering
L202[09:48:58] <AshIndigo> *?
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L210[10:05:24] <williewillus> !gp 184908
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L217[10:48:43] <masa> Subaraki: haven't even had the time to look into it yet, but I'm assuming I can't properly fix it before vanilla does
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L223[11:17:28] <williewillus> !gm EntityPlayerMP.updateScorePoints
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L237[12:28:19] <MattDahEpic> with the lowescasing modid requirement in 1.11, wil forge's modid be changine from Forge to forge?
L238[12:28:48] <ghz|afk> I presume
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L240[12:38:04] <LexManos> yes
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L243[12:55:49] <quadraxis> dev stream again: https://www.twitch.tv/voxcpw
L244[13:02:07] ⇦ Quits: ThePsionic (~ThePsioni@ip5457f909.direct-adsl.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L245[13:04:37] <killjoy1> I think I should stop using buildship
L246[13:04:49] <killjoy1> Every time I start eclipse, it takes forever to refresh the projects
L247[13:05:24] <ghz|afk> lol at the latest supernatural.
L248[13:05:33] <ghz|afk> "I killed Hitler. I believe I deserve some pie."
L249[13:05:49] <killjoy1> He ruined everything!
L250[13:06:02] <killjoy1> Time traveler rule #6. Don't kill Hitler
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L252[13:08:32] <killjoy1> http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HitlersTimeTravelExemptionAct
L253[13:14:48] <ghz|afk> they don't time travel in this episode
L254[13:15:08] <Subaraki> masa, i just noticed you made the item preview mod as well
L255[13:15:11] <Subaraki> i love that mod
L256[13:15:31] <ghz|afk> in this episode, right before hitler commits suicide, a society with access to dark magics seal hitler's soul in a pocket watch
L257[13:15:36] <Subaraki> what's the problem with some of the block renderings though ?
L258[13:15:37] <ghz|afk> "like a horcrux"
L259[13:15:49] <ghz|afk> (yes they say that in the series)
L260[13:16:13] <ghz|afk> and then resurrect him in the body of some nazi necromancer
L261[13:16:24] <ghz|afk> but he dies within a few minutes of being brought back to life
L262[13:16:40] <ghz|afk> so no time-changing paradoxes
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L265[13:28:20] <killjoy1> What is with twitter's default landing page?
L266[13:28:46] <ghz|afk> I haven't been on their non-logged-in front page in a long time
L267[13:29:10] <killjoy1> http://i.imgur.com/9aTVTjQ.png
L268[13:29:10] <Subaraki> anyone know a good mod for damage indicators ?
L269[13:29:19] <Subaraki> i can only find rich digit's, and that one has been discontinued
L270[13:29:50] <ghz|afk> killjoy1: ewh. thankfully I'm always logged in;p
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L272[13:30:11] <killjoy1> I deleted my cookies earlier, so I see that
L273[13:30:21] <ghz|afk> heh
L274[13:30:39] <killjoy1> pig, why are you horseChun?
L275[13:30:52] <pig> killjoy1: see avatar
L276[13:31:00] <killjoy1> You got a horse head mask?
L277[13:31:10] <pig> possibly
L278[13:31:19] <killjoy1> I want one :(
L279[13:31:22] <pig> :)
L280[13:31:38] <pig> not having a horse head mask... such a killjoy.
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L282[13:32:57] <masa> Subaraki: which problem are you referring to, with what blocks?
L283[13:33:18] <masa> that mod is super problematic and needs a bunch of fixes to the current version...
L284[13:33:28] <Subaraki> ah okay ^w^
L285[13:33:38] <masa> have you had any crashes with it though?
L286[13:33:41] <Subaraki> i thought it was as easy as lacing a block in a fak world and drawing it
L287[13:33:42] <killjoy1> pig you need some horse music to go with your horse mask
L288[13:33:45] <Subaraki> no, not yet
L289[13:33:48] <Subaraki> just donwlaoded it
L290[13:33:52] <masa> oh ok
L291[13:34:01] <masa> well yeah I thought so too at first...
L292[13:34:09] <pig> I'm gonna be switching it back.... at some point.
L293[13:34:11] <Subaraki> ah ? what is there mroe too it ?
L294[13:34:13] <masa> but then the rabbit hole grew deeper and darker :D
L295[13:34:23] <killjoy1> Here's a good horse song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KSOMA3QBU0
L296[13:34:42] <masa> because I need to have a WorldServer on the client side, and I need to fake a whole bunch of stuff to be able to make one
L297[13:35:00] <pig> how mainstream :P
L298[13:35:06] <masa> and there are still some sort of desync issues sometimes, which I haven't been able to reproduce in my dev environment... :/
L299[13:35:29] <killjoy1> it's katy perry
L300[13:35:52] <masa> as in the TE doesn't match the block
L301[13:36:19] <pig> exactly
L302[13:38:01] * killjoy1 notices lack of question mark
L303[13:38:13] <Subaraki> hmm
L304[13:38:17] <pig> ;)
L305[13:38:26] <pig> anyways enough horsing around, I'm headed out for coffee
L306[13:38:27] <Subaraki> and what if you made it not client side only ? P:
L307[13:38:35] *** Kolatra is now known as Kolatra|R6
L308[13:38:58] <killjoy1> I think I'm going to regret a comment I made on reddit
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L311[13:46:50] <Subaraki> what for killjoy1 ?
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L313[13:47:11] <killjoy1> Someone made a comment about hot pizza in that dick pills thread.
L314[13:47:18] <killjoy1> I replied "Want extra sausage?"
L315[13:47:49] <Subaraki> say its a cyanide and happiness reference ?
L316[13:49:14] <killjoy1> it's a cheesy porn reference.
L317[13:49:19] <killjoy1> What else could it possibly be?
L318[13:49:36] <killjoy1> Though I do remember that episdoe
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L321[13:54:49] <ScottehBoeh> Does fontRendererObj allow scaling?
L322[13:54:58] <ScottehBoeh> Or is it a stuck size on screen
L323[13:55:21] ⇦ Quits: MattDahEpic (~MattDahEp@71-212-158-237.hlrn.qwest.net) (Quit: bye)
L324[13:55:29] <PaleoCrafter> you can scale it with OpenGL
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L326[13:56:10] <ScottehBoeh> Mind if I link you to a small pastebin that you could demonstrate to? PaleoCrafter
L327[13:56:47] <killjoy1> ScottehBoeh, GlStateManager.scale(2,2,1)
L328[13:56:50] <PaleoCrafter> ^
L329[13:57:01] <killjoy1> some scales will make it blurry
L330[13:57:14] <ScottehBoeh> Ah thankyou :)
L331[13:57:17] <killjoy1> at least if AA is disabled
L332[13:57:37] ⇨ Joins: OrionOnline (~OrionOnli@ip-80-236-239-235.dsl.scarlet.be)
L333[13:57:42] <OrionOnline> hey guys
L334[13:57:51] <ScottehBoeh> http://pastebin.com/CuhjBQQx
L335[13:57:54] <ScottehBoeh> Thats what I've got atm, prints to screen
L336[13:58:02] <ScottehBoeh> Where would I implement GlStateManager.scale?
L337[13:58:13] <killjoy1> right before drawString
L338[13:58:23] <ScottehBoeh> Alrighty
L339[13:58:26] <killjoy1> I would also pop() and push() the matrix
L340[13:58:35] <killjoy1> GlStateManager.popMatrix();
L341[14:01:24] <ScottehBoeh> My text appears to have disappeared O.o
L342[14:01:42] <ScottehBoeh> http://pastebin.com/N55qV7u2
L343[14:01:43] <ScottehBoeh> Like that?
L344[14:01:57] <PaleoCrafter> note that the coordinates will be scaled accordingly, too
L345[14:02:00] <ScottehBoeh> (glScale I'll readjust to fit twice as large)
L346[14:02:04] <ScottehBoeh> ah ok
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L348[14:03:20] <killjoy1> why are you using -1?
L349[14:03:26] <killjoy1> That will just flip it around
L350[14:04:21] <OrionOnline> anyone know a good channel for general OpenGL (LWJGL) heLP?
L351[14:04:23] <ScottehBoeh> ik ik
L352[14:04:26] <OrionOnline> I have some problems with my questions
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L357[14:05:22] <killjoy1> Here's as good a place as any
L358[14:05:38] <ScottehBoeh> NOw I want to find out how to get the distance to a block I'm looking at. I know how to get the actual block
L359[14:05:39] <ghz|afk> OrionOnline:
L360[14:05:40] <ghz|afk> LWJGL has its own channel on freenode called #lwjgl
L361[14:05:51] <ghz|afk> from google ;P
L362[14:05:51] <ScottehBoeh> But I'm wanting to get the distance to the point of the box bounds that I'm looking at
L363[14:05:51] <killjoy1> ah, freenode. Not esper
L364[14:06:07] <killjoy1> ScottehBoeh, use the distance formula
L365[14:06:11] <OrionOnline> i missed that reference to freenode
L366[14:06:34] <ScottehBoeh> using Block X/Y, that lets me get the bound box distance?
L367[14:06:45] <ScottehBoeh> Well. It lets me get the X/Y, obv
L368[14:06:48] <killjoy1> http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/186570/distance-formula-in-three-dimensions
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L375[14:17:41] <OrionOnline> ghz|afk, sadly nobody seems to react there?
L376[14:19:07] <ScottehBoeh> xD Got it!
L377[14:19:12] <ScottehBoeh> Gonna be working on something pretty cool now
L378[14:19:44] <ghz|afk> OrionOnline: then keep googling or something
L379[14:19:52] <ghz|afk> or try like some #opengl channel somewhere
L380[14:19:57] <tterrag> hm this is odd
L381[14:19:59] <OrionOnline> ghz|afk, yeah i am at it
L382[14:20:00] <ghz|afk> IRC has a /list command
L383[14:20:04] ⇨ Joins: sokratis12gr (kiwiirc@
L384[14:20:18] <ghz|afk> if you do /list opengl
L385[14:20:26] <tterrag> getSimpleName seems to be very slow on our server http://i.imgur.com/86ktz3b.png
L386[14:20:28] <ghz|afk> it should show a list of channels with opengl in the name/topic
L387[14:20:37] <tterrag> and World is calling it for every ITickable TE (for profiling)
L388[14:20:53] <tterrag> it seems the issue might be caused by inner/anon class TEs which make getEnclosingMethodInfo slow
L389[14:21:05] <tterrag> could it not be swapped with getName() to get rid of this issue?
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L399[15:13:06] <xcube> How many of us have had chunks render slow, especially in 1.10? (can walk right up to unrendered chunks some times) ... barteks2x and I debugged this and came up with a tiny patch that fixes it, would it be a good idea to add it to forge?
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L403[15:17:42] <barteks2x> this is link to bug report for it the chink rendering issue: https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-90602 so it is vanilla bug
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L405[15:18:43] <PaleoCrafter> lol, went to strawpoll.com because I thought it'd be the domain, turns out I get this: http://i.imgur.com/L7jeAJG.jpg xD
L406[15:18:54] <quadraxis> can always try making a PR
L407[15:19:01] <quadraxis> if you can demo it
L408[15:19:11] <CsokiCraft> What is up with files.minecraftforge.net? I can't build becuse Gradle says: Build failed. Connection to http://files.minecraftforge.net refused
L409[15:19:16] <barteks2x> not everyone seems to have the issue, but it is made worse by mods
L410[15:19:27] ⇦ Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@ (Quit: Leaving.)
L411[15:19:28] <tterrag> CsokiCraft: whole error
L412[15:19:51] <CsokiCraft> tterag What does that mean?
L413[15:20:06] <tterrag> post your entire error, please
L414[15:20:23] <CsokiCraft> Oh
L415[15:20:25] <CsokiCraft> Srry
L416[15:21:27] <CsokiCraft> http://pastebin.com/hwbKjzaC
L417[15:21:50] <CsokiCraft> But I can't access it from chromium either
L418[15:23:58] <tterrag> post your buld.gradle?
L419[15:26:14] <CsokiCraft> http://pastebin.com/AmV5LT8q
L420[15:26:23] <CsokiCraft> It was working 2hrs ago
L421[15:26:34] <CsokiCraft> Since then I didn't change it
L422[15:28:08] <TechnicianLP> could you try again?
L423[15:28:19] <CsokiCraft> sure
L424[15:32:32] <CsokiCraft> Same error message
L425[15:32:51] *** AshIndigo is now known as AshIndigo-Asleep
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L427[15:34:10] <CsokiCraft> Oh well, I'm going to sleep, maybe it'll work tomorrow
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L430[15:37:30] <TechnicianLP> first 1.11 run incoming
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L432[15:38:59] <quadraxis> followed by first 1.11 crash?
L433[15:39:20] *** AshIndigo is now known as AshIndigo-Asleep
L434[15:40:43] <TechnicianLP> stackoverflow in Itemstack.getItem()
L435[15:42:33] <TechnicianLP> we have a main menu!
L436[15:48:11] <ghz|afk> ingame
L437[15:48:13] <ghz|afk> with observer working
L438[15:48:14] <ghz|afk> ;P
L439[15:49:08] <quadraxis> wrong face
L440[15:49:09] <PaleoCrafter> and now cpw's machine crashed, it's switched to his webcam, oh god, there's a creature in the background and now cpw's gone
L441[15:49:16] <PaleoCrafter> it's HORRIBLE!
L442[15:49:41] <quadraxis> :|
L443[15:49:53] <PaleoCrafter> shall I see myself out?
L444[15:50:13] <TechnicianLP> his machine crashed?
L445[15:50:35] <williewillus> is there a way to listen to changes in the JEI searchbox?
L446[15:50:51] <williewillus> I want to sync PE's transmutation searchbox to it, but I can only go my gui -> JEI not the other way around
L447[15:50:57] <PaleoCrafter> I was about to say that's something for #JEI, but you already asked there :D
L448[15:52:25] <ghz|afk> detect keypresses and sync the JEI textbox contents on any keypress, if the contents changed
L449[15:52:25] <ghz|afk> ;P
L450[15:52:49] <ghz|afk> as a worst case solution, I mean
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L463[16:18:13] <ghz|afk> :·
L464[16:18:15] <ghz|afk> :3*
L465[16:18:53] <ghz|afk> now I feel like I need to release my mod update ASAP, so that I'm not distracted by porting stuff to 1.11 imminently ;P
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L469[16:32:40] <LexManos> xcube, if its a real issue that can be reproduced, then we can take a look at it. Document it correctly and we can take a look
L470[16:34:07] * ghz|afk looks up
L471[16:34:11] <ghz|afk> oh
L472[16:34:12] <ghz|afk> [22:13] (xcube): How many of us have had chunks render slow, especially in 1.10? (can walk right up to unrendered chunks some times) ... barteks2x and I debugged this and came up with a tiny patch that fixes it, would it be a good idea to add it to forge?
L473[16:34:21] <xcube> It tends to depend on drivers/hardware as to weather one is effected by the bug
L474[16:34:26] <ghz|afk> you could pastebin that patch, so we can see if it makes any sense?
L475[16:34:59] <xcube> I am actually rethinking it a bit so it will run smoother
L476[16:35:58] <ghz|afk> is it a vanilla bug, though? or something that shows when you add mods due to the extra load?
L477[16:36:15] <xcube> It deals with how much time is allowed to do chunk uploading (some drivers need more, some need less) so I am working on a way that it will guaranty smooth loading on all drivers
L478[16:37:01] <xcube> ghz|afk: It can be effected by mods if they slow down the client tick rate
L479[16:37:08] <xcube> But it is mostly a vanilla bug
L480[16:37:59] <xcube> barteks2x: pointed out https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-90602
L481[16:38:20] <xcube> * did not mean to use a :
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L483[16:42:03] <ThePotato> can someone help with this crash report
L484[16:42:07] <ThePotato> http://pastebin.com/9y9EW5wG
L485[16:44:36] <ghz|afk> not really... something crashed, while mc was trying to send a packet
L486[16:45:03] <ghz|afk> there's no information as to what or why
L487[16:46:14] <ThePotato> so what do i do
L488[16:46:21] <ThePotato> nvm
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L490[16:48:16] <xcube> "FML: MCP v9.05 FML v7.10.99.99 Minecraft Forge 76 mods loaded, 64 mods active" It looks like ThePotato is on a modpack
L491[16:48:42] <xcube> Or just has a lot of mods
L492[16:48:43] <ghz|afk> yes
L493[16:48:52] <quadraxis> ok had a round of spot-the-null-itemstack, left some crappy commit comments as markers
L494[16:48:52] <ghz|afk> it also appears he's using the vanilla launcher
L495[16:48:59] <ghz|afk> or at least the same JRE as it
L496[16:49:11] <ghz|afk> but there's no mod package in the stack trace
L497[16:49:21] <ghz|afk> no reason for the crash, other than something went wrong
L498[16:49:44] <ghz|afk> but he left so can't help anymore even if you have any idea
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L501[16:51:59] <LexManos> ya its annoying
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L520[17:51:30] <untamemadman> I have an issue with my forge server where whenever someone goes near an area the server times everyone out and you can't join or anything and I have to kill the thread to get it to restart. No crash, nothing in logs. Anyone got any ideas as to what's wrong/how to fix this?
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L524[17:56:59] <primetoxinz> !gf effectiveBlocks
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L552[20:40:05] <cpw> lol PaleOff :)
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L554[20:58:42] <quadraxis> in practice, is there a difference between ObfuscationReflectionHelper and ReflectionHelper?
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L572[23:08:52] <immibis> quadraxis: last I checked (1.8.1), ORH will check multiple names, and RH won't
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L574[23:17:33] <killjoy1> $8/qtr is a good price for a low-end VPS, right?
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L577[23:22:53] <immibis> yes, if it's a cheap one
L578[23:23:57] <immibis> it's cheaper than any Digital Ocean, Linode or EC2 instance at least
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