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L1[00:00:59] ⇨ Joins: Kolatra (~Kolatra@abrarsyed.com)
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L7[00:11:01] <LexManos> what are you doing?
L8[00:12:24] ⇨ Joins: AshIndigo (~AshIndigo@
L9[00:12:26] <Disconsented> Scanning the area around the block, storing the ores which will then be repoduced later. The idea is to produce a lot of resources like a quary but without destorying the land
L10[00:15:40] *** AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L11[00:16:04] *** minecreatr is now known as Mine|dreamland
L12[00:16:27] <LexManos> Thats fine, why are you doing it in world gen?
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L16[00:18:20] <Disconsented> Thats how its introduced into the world and its non harvestable. Stops people from creating an horrific infinite feedback loop
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L23[00:27:26] <LexManos> your quarry is worldgen sounds weird.
L24[00:27:35] <LexManos> How does the user 'start' it?
L25[00:27:50] <Disconsented> Know of tiberium?
L26[00:27:55] <LexManos> nope
L27[00:28:12] ⇦ Quits: RichardG (~richardg8@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L28[00:28:32] <Ordinastie> you should scan once you start "mining"
L29[00:28:49] <Disconsented> It will spawn a 'container' periodically, its automated otherise
L30[00:29:22] <Disconsented> http://cnc.wikia.com/wiki/Tiberium in case you want to read more
L31[00:29:55] <LexManos> well what you should do is do the world scan when you generate the container
L32[00:30:03] <LexManos> or, anywhere beside world gen
L33[00:30:06] <LexManos> seriously...
L34[00:30:34] <LexManos> what range are you scanning? If its < 1 chunk you should be fine, if its <3 chunks use the decorate events
L35[00:30:52] <Disconsented> I think I have the radius set to 9 blocks at the moment
L36[00:31:28] <Disconsented> So there is no real way to know when world gen is finished is there?
L37[00:31:36] <Ordinastie> so you're scanning a size of 19*19*19 ?
L38[00:31:40] <LexManos> its never 'finished'
L39[00:32:30] <LexManos> But ya if its just 19^3 then you can use the decorate events, like trees use.
L40[00:32:39] <Disconsented> 19*to bedrock*19 but yes
L41[00:32:45] <LexManos> Or, you could just have it be chunk based which owuld make it easiest
L42[00:33:08] <Disconsented> Hadnt considered chunk only
L43[00:33:26] <Ordinastie> but really, don't do it on worldgen
L44[00:34:14] <Disconsented> Its not done directly on world gen atm, its delayed. Waits for 2000 ticks before it scans
L45[00:34:36] <Ordinastie> ew
L46[00:34:41] <LexManos> either way
L47[00:34:41] <Disconsented> very
L48[00:34:46] <LexManos> its dumb we've talked about this.
L49[00:34:50] <LexManos> Gunna go back to what I was doing
L50[00:35:05] <Disconsented> cool, cheers
L51[00:39:07] ⇦ Quits: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@p5B23C21C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Die Sprache der Politik ist daf�r gemacht, dass L�gen wahr klingen und das T�ten angemessen wirkt. (George Orwell))
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L56[01:04:55] <Naiten> MY 1.10 IDE IS ALSO BROKEN
L57[01:04:56] <Naiten> Argh
L58[01:05:36] <Naiten> What is this, reobf malformed
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L61[01:14:51] <PitchBright> o/
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L64[01:19:48] <Subaraki> o/
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L73[01:51:52] <Naiten> hi Subaraki
L74[01:52:03] <Subaraki> hi naiten o/
L75[01:52:20] <Subaraki> hey, do you happen to know how the player list in the client world works ?
L76[01:52:29] <Naiten> welp
L77[01:52:32] <Naiten> no idea
L78[01:53:05] <Subaraki> :/
L79[01:53:36] <Subaraki> i'm currently at Fashion.proxy.getClientWorld().getPlayerEntityByUUID(message.otherPlayer).
L80[01:53:48] <Subaraki> don't think it's working like it should
L81[01:54:15] <Subaraki> and i'm having a hard time debugging the actualy server, because launching two clients and a server on one machine slowly kills my laptop ...
L82[01:55:06] <Naiten> just wanted to show a model I made a while ago in Techne http://i.imgur.com/RHsBrM6.png
L83[01:55:11] <Naiten> since i like trains
L84[01:55:52] <Subaraki> you made that in techne o.O
L85[01:56:08] <Naiten> yip
L86[01:56:51] <Subaraki> o.o
L87[01:56:52] <Subaraki> wauw
L88[01:56:59] <Subaraki> thats some next level modeling :o
L89[01:57:23] <Subaraki> how'd you do the barrel ?
L90[01:57:35] <Naiten> Bruhs, gradlew tells me I need at least 2.3 gradle, while i have 3.1 installed D:
L91[01:57:37] <Naiten> Well
L92[01:57:48] ⇦ Quits: Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L93[01:57:58] <Naiten> It's a set of boxes forming a cylinder
L94[01:58:15] <Ordinastie> ew, you shouldn't use techne for that
L95[01:58:49] <Ordinastie> try to count the number of faces you could remove because they're not visible
L96[01:59:47] <Naiten> That's why I want a converter now
L97[02:00:02] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20161108 mappings to Forge Maven.
L98[02:00:06] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20161108-1.10.2.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20161108" in build.gradle).
L99[02:00:16] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
L100[02:00:26] <Ordinastie> wait, it's a java model ?
L101[02:00:42] <Subaraki> techne makes java models yes
L102[02:00:46] <Subaraki> well, 'java'
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L104[02:01:01] MineBot sets mode: +v on RichardG
L105[02:02:25] <Naiten> WHY am I so mad? http://pastebin.com/G3cVZDxh
L106[02:02:50] <Naiten> Gradle 3.1
L107[02:02:57] <Naiten> ForgeGradle 2.0 requires Gradle 2.3 or above.
L108[02:03:01] <Naiten> D:<
L109[02:04:25] <Subaraki> maybe its too new and stuff was changdeded ?
L110[02:04:44] <Naiten> i just dieded inside
L111[02:04:49] <Naiten> when my mod wont build
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L114[02:11:08] <Subaraki> all the fiilz
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L123[02:43:40] <Subaraki> gawd
L124[02:43:46] <Subaraki> I might be having some render problems
L125[02:44:05] <gigaherz|work> 'might'?
L126[02:44:14] <gigaherz|work> how can you maybe have render problems? ;P
L127[02:44:31] <Subaraki> x)
L128[02:44:43] <Subaraki> so, I'm having render problems !
L129[02:44:55] <Subaraki> must be something with the cache per player or something
L130[02:45:01] <Subaraki> or my packets aren't working as they should
L131[02:45:46] <Subaraki> Logging in with one player, setting his fashion. log in with player 2 he sees p1 in his fashion
L132[02:46:01] <Subaraki> but p2 renders his fashion as well, eventhough he just logged in and shouldn't be
L133[02:46:05] <Subaraki> (this is hard to explain)
L134[02:46:19] <gigaherz|work> your sync/render logic is broken, then ;P
L135[02:46:23] <Subaraki> anyway, long story short, the 'show armor/show fashion' button is completely broke
L136[02:46:49] <Subaraki> PlayerRenderer is for the player itself, and a new one for each player on the server right ?
L137[02:46:50] <gigaherz|work> 1. you should store all of that info in the capability, never the renderer
L138[02:46:53] <Subaraki> like, it's not the same instance ?
L139[02:47:03] <gigaherz|work> 2. the renderer should always query the capability from the player, and then enable/disable on the fly
L140[02:47:05] <Subaraki> it IS in the cap ._.
L141[02:47:20] <gigaherz|work> no, there is only one single PlayerRenderer
L142[02:47:26] <Subaraki> ah
L143[02:47:26] <gigaherz|work> for ALL player entities
L144[02:47:29] <Subaraki> maybe that's the problem
L145[02:47:51] <gigaherz|work> you should handle the override in the renderer's draw
L146[02:47:53] <gigaherz|work> before calling super
L147[02:48:02] <gigaherz|work> blah blah draw blah
L148[02:48:02] <Subaraki> just a second, i'll show code
L149[02:48:04] <gigaherz|work> {
L150[02:48:24] <gigaherz|work> if (entity is doing fashion) { drawFashion(); return; }
L151[02:48:32] <gigaherz|work> else super.drawblah
L152[02:48:33] <gigaherz|work> }
L153[02:50:27] * Subaraki 's computer is slow as fuck with 2 clients running and a server
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L157[02:53:25] <Subaraki> http://pastebin.com/gyqiiKVy
L158[02:53:27] <Subaraki> aha, there you go
L159[02:54:17] <Ordinastie> oh god
L160[02:54:22] <Ordinastie> cache the fields :/
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L165[02:56:01] <Subaraki> it only gets called once
L166[02:56:05] <Subaraki> but yes, i should
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L169[03:05:12] <Subaraki> the thing is though, if there's only one renderer
L170[03:05:19] <Subaraki> the renderer changes client side ?
L171[03:05:33] <Subaraki> so if p1 toggles his fashion, everyone shows fashion ?
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L180[03:44:50] <Subaraki> best way of knowing wether a model is a steve or an alex ?
L181[03:45:05] <Subaraki> can't find any checks anywhere, and most of the useSmallArms booleans are private
L182[03:47:12] <AshIndigo> What the h is an alex
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L186[03:49:20] <auenf> different player model
L187[03:50:29] <AshIndigo> What's the difference
L188[03:50:32] <AshIndigo> *?
L189[03:50:33] <Subaraki> 3pixel arms vs 4 pixel arms
L190[03:51:01] <AshIndigo> :/
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L193[03:53:40] <Subaraki> checking for the arm offset right now
L194[03:53:41] <Subaraki> boolean isAlex = event.getRenderer().getMainModel().bipedLeftArm.rotationPointY == 2.5f;
L195[03:53:48] <Subaraki> its 2.0 for 4 pixel arms
L196[03:54:01] <Subaraki> not really the best for mod compatibility though :/
L197[03:54:02] ⇦ Quits: Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
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L202[04:03:05] <AshIndigo> Maybe a PR to add a proper method for this
L203[04:04:36] <Subaraki> i can remember there being something, but i dont know where anymore
L204[04:04:49] <Subaraki> and it was also dependant on wether the gameprofile was correctly loaded or not
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L214[04:32:17] <Subaraki> EntityPlayer entityPlayer - subaraki.fashion.network.PacketSyncPlayerHasFashion.PacketSyncPlayerHasFashionHandler.onMessage(...).() -> {...} Runnable.run()
L215[04:32:24] <Subaraki> stupid debugger not helping and shit ....
L216[04:32:33] <Subaraki> wont show data in a new runnable :/
L217[04:32:43] <PitchBright> how's it goin' Subs?
L218[04:32:54] <Subaraki> bad. my fucking renderer does stupid stuff
L219[04:32:56] <Subaraki> n you ?
L220[04:32:59] <Ordinastie> if you're in the scope, you have the data
L221[04:33:07] <PitchBright> ah crap, that sucks
L222[04:33:11] <PitchBright> i'm good thanks
L223[04:33:27] <PitchBright> Ordinastie o/
L224[04:34:11] <Subaraki> scope ?
L225[04:34:12] ⇦ Quits: marcoslater (~marcoslat@marta.marcoslater.com) (Quit: Quit)
L226[04:34:39] <Ordinastie> if your breakpoint is in the run() you have the data
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L228[04:34:42] <Subaraki> i dont think i'm there, because all my data is returned like previously staed
L229[04:34:46] <Subaraki> stated *
L230[04:34:49] <Subaraki> yeah, it is
L231[04:39:55] ⇦ Quits: Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L232[04:41:29] <Subaraki> okay, so
L233[04:41:31] <Subaraki> if(button instanceof GuiFancyButton){
L234[04:41:31] <Subaraki> fashion.setRenderFashion( ((GuiFancyButton)button).isActive() );
L235[04:41:36] <Subaraki> is called in the gui
L236[04:41:53] <Subaraki> so it sets the shouldRender boolean to true, or false
L237[04:42:00] <Subaraki> FashionData fashion = FashionData.get(event.getEntityPlayer());
L238[04:42:00] <Subaraki> if(fashion.shouldRenderFashion()){
L239[04:42:06] <Subaraki> this is in the render event
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L241[04:42:22] <Subaraki> where the fashion data is get per player
L242[04:42:36] <Subaraki> and rendering logic is apliead if the shouldRender is true
L243[04:43:00] <Subaraki> so why, if i click the button in my gui (which does not send a packet), why does it change for every player around me ?
L244[04:44:51] <Ordinastie> check where you get the boolean from
L245[04:44:54] <Ordinastie> with the debugger
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L248[05:04:54] <Subaraki> Ordinastie, is it possible that me modifying the layers in the player renderer are the problem ?
L249[05:05:31] <Ordinastie> is the instance the same for all the players ?
L250[05:06:10] <Subaraki> the renderer is the same for all players ,except for steve/alex models
L251[05:06:21] <Ordinastie> so...
L252[05:06:56] <Subaraki> so yeah, even if i check wether or not it should be rendered, it's pointless
L253[05:07:01] <Subaraki> because the entire list is modified
L254[05:07:06] <Subaraki> and its the same instance
L255[05:08:16] <Subaraki> lets say its a feature and you either render fashion or not ._.
L256[05:12:18] <Subaraki> but seriously
L257[05:12:52] <Subaraki> if i wanted my fashion to show per individual, everyone would need a seperate renderer ?
L258[05:13:39] <Subaraki> OR, i make a renderer for fashion, and replace the entire renderer with the players
L259[05:13:52] <Subaraki> so you either get rendered with fashion, or default
L260[05:17:05] <Subaraki> but an entity can only have one renderer
L261[05:17:09] * Subaraki is puzzled
L262[05:20:20] <MalkContent> strange
L263[05:20:42] <MalkContent> harvestcraft, railcraft and immersive engineering all have more armor on their legs than on the chest
L264[05:20:50] <MalkContent> did something change in mc or forge?
L265[05:21:39] <MalkContent> maybe its a bug in forge
L266[05:22:32] <Subaraki> maybe they coded their stuff badly ?
L267[05:23:09] <Subaraki> you're supposed to give an array with the 'armor' amount for the EnumArmorMaterial
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L277[06:01:13] <MalkContent> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L278[06:01:16] <MalkContent> not that i'd know
L279[06:01:31] <MalkContent> just curious that 3 mods have the same tick
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L292[07:06:48] <Subaraki> apperantly i cannot just switch the RenderPlayer in the manager either, it would result in the same
L293[07:07:16] <gigaherz|work> hm?
L294[07:07:32] <Subaraki> found the problem for the renderer
L295[07:07:40] <Subaraki> renderplayer is only one instance
L296[07:07:43] <gigaherz|work> yes
L297[07:07:50] <Subaraki> so when i edit the layer list, it changes for everyone
L298[07:07:56] <gigaherz|work> you shouldn't edit the layer list ;P
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L300[07:08:06] <gigaherz|work> just write a custom draw method, that instead of drawing all the layers
L301[07:08:11] <gigaherz|work> it skips the disabled ones
L302[07:08:45] <Subaraki> i was thinking about a making a renderer that extends renderplayer and change it with the player renderer, but that would result in the same thing
L303[07:08:51] <Subaraki> custom draw methods ?
L304[07:08:59] <gigaherz|work> well RenderPlayer has a draw method, right?
L305[07:09:11] <Subaraki> doRender ?
L306[07:09:15] <gigaherz|work> yeah
L307[07:09:19] <Subaraki> yeah
L308[07:11:25] <gigaherz|work> there's renderLayers, which is protected
L309[07:11:28] <gigaherz|work> that you could override
L310[07:12:14] <gigaherz|work> however, there's one big issue with replacing the renderer: what of other mods that want to do the same?
L311[07:12:42] <gigaherz|work> so instead of just replacing, you'd have to wrap the old renderer, but that means you can't override anymore
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L314[07:17:51] <Subaraki> i can extend renderplayer and replace it in the renderregistry
L315[07:18:19] <Subaraki> if someone else does that, to alter the main model, that would be a shame
L316[07:18:57] <gigaherz|work> well yeah that's what I'm saying
L317[07:19:04] <gigaherz|work> you can either extend and replace
L318[07:19:05] <Subaraki> ah okay ._.
L319[07:19:06] <gigaherz|work> or wrap
L320[07:19:08] <gigaherz|work> but not both at once
L321[07:19:10] <gigaherz|work> ;P
L322[07:19:15] <Subaraki> what would be wrap ?
L323[07:19:32] <gigaherz|work> class MyRenderer extends RenderPlayer {
L324[07:19:37] <gigaherz|work> RenderPlayer original;
L325[07:19:39] <gigaherz|work> ...
L326[07:19:48] <gigaherz|work> whatever method() { original.wateverMethod(); }
L327[07:19:56] <gigaherz|work> }
L328[07:20:15] <gigaherz|work> to keep a reference to the original renderer, so that you can forward all the calls to it
L329[07:20:21] <gigaherz|work> while not forwarding things you don't want forwarded
L330[07:20:36] <gigaherz|work> it's a very limited way to replace behaviours
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L332[07:21:10] <gigaherz|work> maybe in your case it would be best to just extend without wrapping, and just tell people "sorry, i'm not compatible with other mods that change the renderPlayer class"
L333[07:21:22] <Subaraki> yeah
L334[07:21:29] <Subaraki> maybe i'll make a pr for that one day ...
L335[07:21:34] <Subaraki> reminds me of my tabs P:
L336[07:21:38] <Subaraki> need to push the latest chanegs
L337[07:23:09] * AshIndigo looks up changes
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L347[07:49:28] <quadraxis> interesting, mojira suggests 1.11 prerelease impending
L348[07:49:30] <ScottehBoeh> Good day
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L350[07:50:47] <AshIndigo> Oh cool
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L371[09:00:27] <gigaherz|work> https://twitter.com/jeb_/status/796003859600654337
L372[09:00:29] <gigaherz|work> 1.11 pre-release out
L373[09:00:37] <gigaherz|work> http://mojang.com/2016/11/minecraft-111-pre-release-1/
L374[09:00:44] <Corosus> oh shi
L375[09:01:13] <kenzierocks> ELECTION DAY PRE-RELEASES
L376[09:01:19] <kenzierocks> ONLY ONCE EVERY FOUR YEARS!
L377[09:01:28] <gigaherz|work> depends
L378[09:01:35] <gigaherz|work> there's election days on other countries on other days
L379[09:01:38] <kenzierocks> hmm, true
L380[09:01:42] <gigaherz|work> every day is election day for someone! or something like that
L381[09:01:59] <kenzierocks> >[Bug MC-109605] - Inverting redstone torches prints “lskdjfldskjf” to log
L382[09:02:01] <kenzierocks> nice one mojang
L383[09:04:05] <Subaraki> what xD
L384[09:04:11] <Subaraki> why would it print that ? xD
L385[09:05:08] <gigaherz|work> debug logging?
L386[09:05:12] <gigaherz|work> in some previous snapshot
L387[09:05:33] <kenzierocks> yea
L388[09:05:42] <kenzierocks> sounds like me when debugging stuff sometimes
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L398[09:18:38] <Subaraki> gigaherz|work, http://i.imgur.com/xyVkL2y.png
L399[09:18:41] <Subaraki> so, it kinda works now
L400[09:18:51] <Subaraki> but the other player isn't getting rendered in fashion >_<
L401[09:19:25] <gigaherz|work> did the one player get notified of the other player's fasion data?
L402[09:19:51] <Subaraki> good question. didn't test that
L403[09:19:55] <Subaraki> just started two clients
L404[09:20:01] <Subaraki> was happy they didn't both change xD
L405[09:21:41] * Subaraki remembers having disabled sending a packet after closing gui
L406[09:21:56] * Subaraki waits for his computer to not make eclipse hang
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L408[09:29:39] <Subaraki> this fucking shit !
L409[09:29:47] <Subaraki> i start two clients
L410[09:30:15] <Subaraki> and becuase i'm debugging, the host times out the second player
L411[09:30:21] <Subaraki> so data becomes inconsistent
L412[09:30:25] <Subaraki> and then the host bugs ou
L413[09:30:33] <Subaraki> so i need to restart the first client
L414[09:30:37] <Subaraki> znia kkaz rniazjn kzen kjzefoij !;d:,,klxwsxwmxwsq 7
L415[09:30:43] * Subaraki smashes keyboard angrily
L416[09:30:54] <Corosus> yeah that was always a pain when breakpoint thread paused debugging
L417[09:31:35] <Corosus> gotta race to look at the data
L418[09:31:50] <Corosus> or just log output like crazy
L419[09:32:16] <Subaraki> "log is not really debugging" -Ordinastie
L420[09:32:41] <Subaraki> ...the debugging master once said.
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L422[09:33:53] <gigaherz|work> Subaraki: it's not h e debugger's fault that the server times out ;P
L423[09:34:03] <gigaherz|work> not the*
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L426[09:39:55] <ScottehBoeh> So I have blood particles (block crack, redstone block)
L427[09:39:59] <ScottehBoeh> but they don't show from a far distance.
L428[09:40:06] <ScottehBoeh> IS there an easy way to increase view distance of said particles?
L429[09:42:28] <AshIndigo> Magic!
L430[09:42:32] <gigaherz|work> old tech?
L431[09:46:04] <kenzierocks> fuuuuuuuck
L432[09:46:12] <kenzierocks> forgegradle is broken
L433[09:46:15] <kenzierocks> or a part of it
L434[09:46:29] <kenzierocks> https://travis-ci.org/TechShroom/LudicrousHooks/builds/174242903#L558
L435[09:46:44] <kenzierocks> this compiles fine in my IDE, because DataSerializer.read does throw IO exception
L436[09:50:53] *** Vigaro is now known as V
L437[09:53:29] <Subaraki> it works :D
L438[09:53:29] <Subaraki> http://i.imgur.com/SCdn9Xl.gifv
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L440[09:58:45] <Subaraki> gigaherz|work, :D ^
L441[09:59:17] <gigaherz|work> :)
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L443[10:06:24] <MalkContent> o dang that looks sweet
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L448[10:12:17] <LatvianModder> Subaraki: what is that?
L449[10:12:24] <Subaraki> fashion ^^
L450[10:12:37] <Subaraki> rendering clothes over instead of armor and other rendering
L451[10:12:41] <Subaraki> can be toggled on and off
L452[10:12:45] <LatvianModder> so hats+ :P
L453[10:12:54] <Subaraki> capes, arrows, elytras are all kept when wearing fashion
L454[10:12:56] <Subaraki> yeah basicly
L455[10:12:59] <LatvianModder> I like the mirror
L456[10:13:07] <Subaraki> but ive had this idea for the longest of times
L457[10:13:12] <Subaraki> even before hats
L458[10:13:24] <Subaraki> but i'm finally capable of eachieving such wonderous mod ^^
L459[10:13:30] <LatvianModder> Thats really cool
L460[10:13:33] <Subaraki> (with a lot of help from gigaherz)
L461[10:13:34] <LatvianModder> Im gonna steal it
L462[10:13:34] <LatvianModder> :D
L463[10:13:36] <Subaraki> thanks :D
L464[10:13:39] <Subaraki> nu :(
L465[10:13:39] <LatvianModder> (jk)
L466[10:13:41] <Subaraki> :D
L467[10:13:52] <Subaraki> the fashion you weare is resourcepack determined
L468[10:13:55] <Subaraki> wear *
L469[10:14:02] <Subaraki> so it's gonna be community created mostly
L470[10:14:04] <LatvianModder> so its client-side mod but also not?
L471[10:14:08] <Subaraki> yes
L472[10:14:19] <AshIndigo> I would sag something here but it would make me look like an ass
L473[10:14:24] <LatvianModder> Im gonna guess on server side you only save string of ID
L474[10:14:28] <Subaraki> say it x)
L475[10:14:31] <Subaraki> i dare you
L476[10:14:37] <LatvianModder> i double dare you
L477[10:15:16] <Subaraki> reminds me, i need to check if there is any possibilties of outofbounds
L478[10:15:18] <AshIndigo> Back in the old ages of mc modding (where I sucked at it) I had this idea and actually tried making it
L479[10:15:20] <Subaraki> but i think not
L480[10:15:27] <Subaraki> really ?
L481[10:15:31] <Subaraki> well i was first .3.
L482[10:15:33] <Subaraki> firster *
L483[10:15:36] <Subaraki> in making it
L484[10:15:39] <LatvianModder> firstest*
L485[10:15:41] <AshIndigo> So you stole my idea1!!1
L486[10:15:50] <Subaraki> how old are you ?
L487[10:15:59] <LatvianModder> welcome to world. RWTema stole pretty much ALL my ideas
L488[10:15:59] <AshIndigo> (I'm joking dont hurt me)
L489[10:16:08] <Subaraki> rwtema ?
L490[10:16:23] <Subaraki> i wanted to say, let the right of birth decide
L491[10:16:28] <LatvianModder> or whatever his nick was. Extra Utilities author :P
L492[10:16:51] <Subaraki> never heard of him
L493[10:17:32] <Subaraki> what would i call it ?
L494[10:17:34] <Subaraki> fashion mod ?
L495[10:17:42] <Subaraki> fashion for minecaft ?
L496[10:17:43] <Subaraki> ffm ?
L497[10:17:55] <Subaraki> Fancy Fashion For Your Avatar
L498[10:17:59] <Subaraki> FFFYA
L499[10:18:00] <Subaraki> ._.
L500[10:18:07] <AshIndigo> MCFashion?
L501[10:18:13] <Subaraki> mcfashion xD
L502[10:18:13] <LatvianModder> Better than Fashion
L503[10:18:13] <Subaraki> lol
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L505[10:18:38] <LatvianModder> "Better than you." yeah, that will get you ton of likes
L506[10:18:43] <Subaraki> Tuxes'NSuits, MC-Fashion
L507[10:19:06] <AshIndigo> The first one actually sounds pretty good
L508[10:19:07] *** Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L509[10:19:20] <LatvianModder> Just Fashion sounds ok
L510[10:19:25] <LatvianModder> -just lol
L511[10:19:28] <Subaraki> good idea
L512[10:19:31] <Subaraki> Just Fashion
L513[10:19:38] <LatvianModder> lol
L514[10:21:10] <Subaraki> Tux'NSuits, Just Fashion for your everyday minecraft avatar !
L515[10:21:16] <Subaraki> (github description)
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L518[10:43:08] <AshIndigo> Cool my mod works across versions
L519[10:43:12] <AshIndigo> (To some.degree)
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L522[10:46:30] <Subaraki> so, if a list has 16 entries
L523[10:46:45] <Subaraki> list.size is 16, but the index goes from 0 to 15 right ?
L524[10:46:51] <Subaraki> so 16 is out of bounds ?
L525[10:47:10] <Subaraki> i always forget. iirc, one of the lists has the same indexes as the size or lenght
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L527[10:48:18] <Koward> Anyone has general advice or doc about the error "MultiModel minecraft:builtin/missing is empty (no base model or parts were provided/resolved)" ?
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L529[10:50:40] <AshIndigo> So there is a toString method in NBT compound which will convert the tag into a string
L530[10:50:48] <AshIndigo> Is there a reverse method of.this?
L531[10:51:21] <Deamon> toString is only for debugging, it is not for serialization
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L533[10:56:37] <AshIndigo> Ok
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L538[11:09:37] <barteks2x> WorldServer.getPendingBlockUpdates is evil... it takes StructureBoundingBox which is a 3d bounding box, but then ignores Y coordinates...
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L541[11:14:23] <gr8pefish> This is the right syntax for dependents, correct?: after:Forge@[,); after:JEI;
L542[11:14:55] <ScottehBoeh> Subaraki that looks epic
L543[11:15:06] <Subaraki> thanks ScottehBoeh :D
L544[11:15:16] <Subaraki> what kind of suits could i add for the initial launch ?
L545[11:15:20] <Subaraki> i'm doing white and black tux
L546[11:15:27] <Subaraki> and some random girl outfits from the skindex x)
L547[11:15:28] <gr8pefish> what looks epic?
L548[11:16:04] <ScottehBoeh> has a working GUI, kinda like a warddrobe
L549[11:16:10] <ScottehBoeh> Where you can switch clothes, like hats, body etc.
L550[11:16:49] <gigaherz> Subaraki: wedding suit+dress ;P
L551[11:17:10] <Subaraki> dont have a wedding dress yet :P
L552[11:18:23] <gigaherz> a zombie overlay could be fun
L553[11:18:50] <gigaherz> and a "terminator" overlay (shows some machine-like internals instead of corpse-like)
L554[11:19:06] <gigaherz> although you cna just do that with your skin
L555[11:21:05] <ScottehBoeh> add a Soldier
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L562[11:25:12] <AshIndigo_> There goes my irc history for the last few days
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L566[11:40:07] <Koward> Is getRenderType() actually deprecated ? Because it seems so. The game tries to find blockstate even for blocks I specified as invisible.
L567[11:41:23] <gigaherz> no it's mojang-precated
L568[11:41:32] <gigaherz> the annotation means it's ok to override, but you shouldn't cal lit
L569[11:41:38] <gigaherz> you should always call the IBlockState method instead
L570[11:41:49] <gigaherz> just put @Deprecated on your overrides
L571[11:43:32] <Koward> Yes yes, that's what I always think at first, but I ask about this one specifically as I found it to be not effective. The client should not try to find a blockstate for Invisible blocks (like AIR)
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L573[11:53:31] <gigaherz> Koward: that's a side-effect of how it works
L574[11:53:36] <gigaherz> the model loading system does not know that
L575[11:53:46] <gigaherz> mc has hardcoded stuff specifically for its own blocks
L576[11:53:48] <gigaherz> the best we can do
L577[11:53:51] <gigaherz> is to have a "dummy" model
L578[11:54:17] <gigaherz> something that makes the blockstates loader happy
L579[12:04:45] <ScottehBoeh> is anyone doing Classes
L580[12:05:02] <ScottehBoeh> or lessons :D I'd be more than happy to learn from someone. I'm pretty ammeture at modding :\
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L582[12:09:09] <AshIndigo_> Lesson 1: the docs are useful, 2: open source mods and tutorials are too
L583[12:09:31] <AshIndigo_> And irc and forums if you are stumped
L584[12:10:40] <gigaherz> ScottehBoeh. IMO
L585[12:10:46] <gigaherz> this may sound harsh but
L586[12:10:50] <ScottehBoeh> I'm trying to create a loot-table using a config file.
L587[12:10:53] <gigaherz> learn programming
L588[12:11:07] <gigaherz> get used to solving problems on your own
L589[12:11:08] <ScottehBoeh> I'll start that now, gigaherz :P
L590[12:11:24] <gigaherz> and the rest will simply be natural afterward
L591[12:11:31] <ScottehBoeh> I do know how to, I'm stumped on creating a config, but I'll try another method I guess :S
L592[12:11:47] <gigaherz> config for your mod?
L593[12:12:07] <gigaherz> if so, do you want just the config file, or you want the config to be available ingame too?
L594[12:17:06] <Subaraki> for a config file, there's a few easy lines
L595[12:17:24] <Subaraki> in game config is something else
L596[12:17:52] <Subaraki> also, if you'd like to learn, find someone who helps you just enough so you can still learn stuff
L597[12:18:14] <Subaraki> I used to go around and bug people
L598[12:18:25] <Subaraki> like one or two had usefull information, and I could come back to
L599[12:18:31] <Subaraki> mostly because personalities clicked
L600[12:18:38] <Subaraki> and you stay humble
L601[12:18:42] <Subaraki> those kinds of stuff
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L610[12:41:19] <ScottehBoeh> Is there an attribute for blocks that lets me go through the crack phase?
L611[12:41:45] <ScottehBoeh> For example, say I add a command that gets the bjectMouseover block and cracks it.
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L615[12:51:43] <Subaraki> Scoaex_, no idea
L616[12:51:52] <Subaraki> but you should look at how blocks handle their cracked stuff
L617[12:52:05] <Subaraki> i think it could be possible, because a variable does it , iirc
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L634[13:44:34] <PitchBright> g'day o/
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L638[13:47:13] <Subaraki> does curseforge have any way to embed media ?
L639[13:47:22] <Subaraki> i have a gif but it stays a link
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L649[14:08:08] <Subaraki> fock seek
L650[14:08:17] <Subaraki> can't add resource pack bb code in the curseforge forums <_<
L651[14:11:37] <Lord_Ralex> there's a resource pack bb code?
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L660[14:40:19] <Shambling> so do any of you guys use a wrist brace for carpal tunnel? trying to find a good style so I can keep typing. These mueller ones seem ok
L661[14:42:26] <gigaherz> nope, I have been lucky so far. I use palmrests to reduce the chances I get carpal tunnel, but no idea if they are any effective
L662[14:43:47] <gigaherz> that said, I have had a few times some pain on my wrist, and I have wished I had some sort of wrist brace to apply pressure and keep it straight -- but so far it has gone away within a day or 2
L663[14:44:46] <Tarig> is there a way for a blockstate json file to change the material textures on an OBJ?
L664[14:44:58] <gigaherz> sure
L665[14:45:06] <gigaherz> just it's done weirdly
L666[14:45:07] <gigaherz> so you have to use
L667[14:45:16] <gigaherz> "#MAterialName" instead of just "MaterialName"
L668[14:45:47] <Tarig> so I would use the material name in the obj file
L669[14:45:50] <Tarig> not the mtl
L670[14:45:54] <Tarig> sorry
L671[14:45:56] <gigaherz> ?
L672[14:46:01] <Tarig> I wouldn't use map_Kd #top
L673[14:46:09] <gigaherz> well the .mtl file serves as the default
L674[14:46:19] <Tarig> usemtl #top
L675[14:46:23] <Tarig> instead
L676[14:46:24] <gigaherz> nono
L677[14:46:31] <gigaherz> use the mtl normally
L678[14:46:33] <gigaherz> but like
L679[14:46:36] <gigaherz> usemtl Name
L680[14:46:37] <gigaherz> ...
L681[14:46:40] <gigaherz> newmtl Name
L682[14:46:45] <gigaherz> map_Kd default for this material
L683[14:46:46] <gigaherz> ..
L684[14:46:53] <gigaherz> "#Name": "replacement texture"
L685[14:47:06] <Shambling> dear god those naming conventions. lol
L686[14:47:07] <Tarig> ah so the json has the mat name
L687[14:47:11] <gigaherz> yes
L688[14:47:41] <gigaherz> Shambling: you mean the .obj file format commands?
L689[14:48:26] <Shambling> yeah all those names you two were talking
L690[14:48:45] <Shambling> especially map_KD :o
L691[14:48:48] <gigaherz> yeah that's how the .obj file format works
L692[14:48:51] <Shambling> err map_Kd
L693[14:49:03] <gigaherz> they added first
L694[14:49:07] <gigaherz> Kd (diffuse color)
L695[14:49:10] <Shambling> I'm taking it obj comes from like 3d artists and not real programmers? :P
L696[14:49:10] <gigaherz> Ka (ambient color)
L697[14:49:15] <gigaherz> Ks (specular color)
L698[14:49:22] <gigaherz> and then they decided they wanted texture mapping
L699[14:49:23] <gigaherz> so
L700[14:49:25] <gigaherz> map_Kd
L701[14:49:26] <gigaherz> map_Ka
L702[14:49:29] <gigaherz> map_Ks
L703[14:49:41] <gigaherz> it's silly, but it was done in like, the 80s or 90s
L704[14:49:42] <Shambling> aha, yeah I remember those names now if I think about the old oblivion niff files
L705[14:50:09] <Shambling> what does the K stand for though? :P
L706[14:50:58] <Shambling> anyways, honest opinions, is it possible anyone has an idea what solar mod could fit into an industrialization/steampunk style modpack?
L707[14:51:34] <Tarig> I happen to already have a texture named #side but it doesn't seem to be overriding the obj mts
L708[14:51:44] <Shambling> I'm finding my limited mod choice is hampering power... badly, I squeezed in enderio for my personal play pack, but I don't even think enderio or rftools could be fit in
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L710[14:54:36] <TangentDelta> Oh...networking is really simple.
L711[14:54:54] <TangentDelta> I was expecting to have to jump through more hoops than this...
L712[14:55:43] <Shambling> I think most of the hoops have been jumped through for you since about what was it? 1.5.2?
L713[14:56:12] <Shambling> looking at forge pre those versions and remembering mods that were mostly single player or multiplayer only... its miles better
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L715[14:56:41] <LexManos> Yet everyone always bitches that its the end of the world and that we are killing the minecraft community every update ;)
L716[14:57:17] <TangentDelta> Yeah, The last time I modded was...1.4.7 I think.
L717[14:57:34] <TangentDelta> I remember I had a TE with rotation that was giving me all kinds of headaches.
L718[14:59:31] <Tarig> is there documentation on the objloader?
L719[14:59:53] <TangentDelta> So does the message handler FIFO the data?
L720[15:01:18] <gigaherz> Tarig: what do you want to do?
L721[15:01:27] <gigaherz> I don't think there's any advanced docs
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L723[15:02:13] <Tarig> just the json overriding the mtl, I think I followed what you said earlier and it's not having any effect
L724[15:02:24] <gigaherz> sec let me show you an example
L725[15:03:25] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/enderrift/models/block/driver_main.obj
L726[15:03:29] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/enderrift/models/block/driver_main.mtl
L727[15:03:44] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/enderrift/blockstates/driver.json#L15
L728[15:04:04] <gigaherz> oops wrong example sorry
L729[15:04:22] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/enderrift/models/block/proxy_connection.obj
L730[15:04:27] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/enderrift/models/block/proxy_connection.mtl
L731[15:04:34] <gigaherz> this is the model corresponding to that json line
L732[15:05:54] <Tarig> got it
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L734[15:06:29] <Tarig> for some reason I kept seeing the # next to my texture names
L735[15:06:45] <Tarig> thanks
L736[15:07:29] <Tarig> that is weird guess it's meant to not collide with vannila texture mappings
L737[15:07:51] <Xilef11> apparently world.rayTraceBlock(player_head, player_head+player_look*reach, true,false,true) always returns the player's feet pos on the client?
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L739[15:10:56] <Subaraki> https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/just-fashion
L740[15:11:06] <Subaraki> had a little fun with the images x)
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L742[15:13:28] <gigaherz> Tarig: meh I think it was just implemented wrongly, and no one bothered to change it ;P
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L744[15:16:14] <Tarig> shadekiller looking at you
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L746[15:16:28] <Tarig> guess I can see about making a pr for it
L747[15:16:39] <Tarig> handle both ways for backwards compat
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L749[15:21:12] <TangentDelta> So...I'm looking at gigaherz's code to get a better understanding of the networking.
L750[15:21:23] <gigaherz> ^_^
L751[15:21:27] <gigaherz> which code? ;P
L752[15:21:41] <TangentDelta> Ender Rift. It's really put together well :P
L753[15:21:59] <TangentDelta> I'm sure you have many more years of JAva experience than I though.
L754[15:22:09] <gigaherz> not "many"
L755[15:22:14] <gigaherz> I did do some java at uni
L756[15:22:25] <gigaherz> but my experience is mostly C/C++ and C#
L757[15:22:29] <TangentDelta> Anyway, should I be using containers instead of Guis if I want to pass information between the server and client?
L758[15:22:41] <gigaherz> in container-based inventories
L759[15:22:45] <gigaherz> there's two instances of a Container class
L760[15:22:51] <gigaherz> one on the server ,and one on the client
L761[15:22:55] <TangentDelta> Yes.
L762[15:22:57] <gigaherz> and the client's Gui class has a slave-container
L763[15:23:07] <gigaherz> so
L764[15:23:13] <gigaherz> when you have the slots
L765[15:23:27] <gigaherz> the Container by default keepstrack of them and will automatically synchronize the contents with theclient
L766[15:23:35] <gigaherz> but if you need to transfer custom data
L767[15:23:40] <gigaherz> you have to use a custom packet usually
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L769[15:24:08] <TangentDelta> If I don't have a container, and only want to send some numbers from the server to the client, what would I do then? It looks like I can only get the container ID, not the GUI :(
L770[15:24:15] <TangentDelta> Hmm.
L771[15:24:18] <gigaherz> if you jsut want to sync data
L772[15:24:21] <gigaherz> and oyu don't have a Gui at all
L773[15:24:25] <gigaherz> then the containers are NOT the choice
L774[15:24:25] <gigaherz> ;P
L775[15:24:44] <gigaherz> you should be looking at SimpleImpl (SimpleNetworkWrapper + IMessages)
L776[15:24:57] <TangentDelta> So the IMEssage is the packet, right?
L777[15:24:59] <TangentDelta> Yeah.
L778[15:25:10] <gigaherz> the IMessage is a high-level abstraction of the packet
L779[15:25:16] <gigaherz> the packet is filled in using toBytes
L780[15:25:20] <gigaherz> and decoded using fromBytes
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L782[15:25:35] <TangentDelta> Where I'm getting stuck is the packet handler in my client proxy. I don't know what to do with this packet now that I have it :P
L783[15:25:54] <TangentDelta> I have a good idea how to actually handle the data once I can get it to my Gui.
L784[15:27:25] <TangentDelta> So...correct me if my thinking is wrong, but I need to get the current instance of my Gui (within the packet handler) then pass the data I need to it?
L785[15:28:54] <gigaherz> okay pause
L786[15:28:58] <gigaherz> do you have a Gui, or not?
L787[15:28:59] <gigaherz> XD
L788[15:29:03] <TangentDelta> I have one.
L789[15:29:11] <gigaherz> is this Gui tied to an inventory of some sort?
L790[15:29:19] <gigaherz> something that has slots and items?
L791[15:29:20] <TangentDelta> No. Strictly a gui.
L792[15:29:29] <gigaherz> okay
L793[15:29:31] <TangentDelta> It just displays numbers for now.
L794[15:29:38] <gigaherz> so it wouldn't show the player slots either?
L795[15:29:45] <gigaherz> just a screen like pause or a book?
L796[15:29:46] <TangentDelta> I could create number items and send them into slots :P
L797[15:29:49] <TangentDelta> Yes.
L798[15:29:54] <gigaherz> okay and no don't do that
L799[15:29:57] <TangentDelta> lol
L800[15:30:09] <gigaherz> what kind of number are you wanting to synchronize?
L801[15:30:14] <TangentDelta> "I'm piping the data out of my screen!"
L802[15:30:17] <gigaherz> is this number something tied to the player? to a block?
L803[15:30:26] <TangentDelta> To a tile entity.
L804[15:30:32] <gigaherz> okay so you DO have a tileentity
L805[15:30:45] <gigaherz> hmf
L806[15:30:53] <gigaherz> on one side, a Container without slots is weird
L807[15:31:02] <gigaherz> but it would let the server keep track of the players viewing it
L808[15:31:31] <gigaherz> if you don't use a container for this, you'd have to keep your own clients-watching list, your own open/close packets, etc
L809[15:31:45] <gigaherz> so I think a Container-based gui is the best choice for you
L810[15:31:49] <TangentDelta> Yeah, I thought of that.
L811[15:32:15] <gigaherz> okay then, your container would be "empty"
L812[15:32:23] <gigaherz> you won't register any slots on your container's constructor
L813[15:32:35] <gigaherz> the container will just override detectAndSendChanges
L814[15:32:40] <gigaherz> and if you have new data to send
L815[15:32:49] <gigaherz> enumerate the listeners array
L816[15:32:53] <gigaherz> and send a packet to each
L817[15:33:22] <TangentDelta> Okay. I think I understand.
L818[15:33:28] <TangentDelta> I'll give it a go.
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L820[15:33:35] <gigaherz> for that, you will need an IMessage
L821[15:33:37] <gigaherz> in it
L822[15:33:42] <gigaherz> you will want to send the container's windowId
L823[15:34:01] <gigaherz> so that you can receive it on the client, and make sure they didn't close the gui in the millisecond it took to send the packet
L824[15:34:09] <TangentDelta> Thanks gigaherz! You and hownottowin are extremely helpful :D
L825[15:34:11] <gigaherz> (it can happen)
L826[15:34:23] <TangentDelta> I have the message, handerl, etc.
L827[15:34:39] <TangentDelta> I was just getting hung up getting the data to the Gui.
L828[15:35:04] <gigaherz> you'll want a handler that calls something akin to this:
L829[15:35:05] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/client/ClientProxy.java#L119
L830[15:35:57] <TangentDelta> I was looking at the HandleUpdateField method in your ender rift proxy.
L831[15:37:03] <TangentDelta> So it just kind of takes care of all of the extra threading stuff behind the scenes? Nothing else I need to be concerned about?
L832[15:37:45] <TangentDelta> I know about the event scheduling to prevent race states.
L833[15:38:12] <TangentDelta> I'm guessing that's where the network->game transfer of data takes place?
L834[15:41:20] <gigaherz> yeah taht's what
L835[15:41:21] <gigaherz> Minecraft.getMinecraft().addScheduledTask(() -> {
L836[15:41:21] <gigaherz> does
L837[15:41:26] <gigaherz> I just chose to put it on the proxy
L838[15:41:28] <gigaherz> so that it's cleaner
L839[15:41:46] <gigaherz> if you reference Minecraft.getMinecraft() from the server, it woudl be mehg
L840[15:41:47] <gigaherz> -g
L841[15:42:55] <TangentDelta> I'd imagine it'd be a rather long single line of code.
L842[15:43:03] <TangentDelta> lol
L843[15:43:28] <TangentDelta> Well, I had a Gui I was using to test stuff with. I guess I'll put together my final one now.
L844[15:44:06] <TangentDelta> I have to decode ASCII characters to 16-bit values representing the elements on a 16-segment display.
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L854[16:15:05] <TangentDelta> Well, I hope to apply everything that I've learned to put together a representable mod. I don't really plan on releasing this CPU mod, but there's a similar, simpler mod I have in mind that I feel a lot of people would greatly enjoy.
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L883[17:25:19] <barteks2x> at this point, I'm compiling that experimental nouveau fork: http://i.imgur.com/dSqXonB.png
L884[17:25:54] <barteks2x> or just disabling loading screen...
L885[17:25:58] <TangentDelta> Whoah.
L886[17:26:13] <barteks2x> this is what nouveau+concurrency gives if it doesn't crash
L887[17:26:21] <barteks2x> (and crash == segfault)
L888[17:27:22] <barteks2x> but before I do it, I want to see what it looks like ingame
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L890[17:28:19] <TangentDelta> I've had nothing but issues with nouveau.
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L892[17:28:59] <TangentDelta> When I don't care about free/open-source drivers I just install the non-free Nvidia ones.
L893[17:29:16] <barteks2x> http://imgur.com/a/gCKsv
L894[17:29:47] <barteks2x> I really want to avoid touching my drivers setup
L895[17:30:11] <barteks2x> I already have a weird kernel patch to workaround some other issue there
L896[17:30:51] <TangentDelta> Evey time the kernel updates my Nvidia drivers break and I have to reinstall them :P
L897[17:33:37] <barteks2x> I don't think nvidia drivers work well with optimus... I wasn't able to get switching between nvidia gpu and intel gpu workign with them
L898[17:36:48] <TangentDelta> Ah. Yeah, it works well with older chipsets...I don''t think it has been updated in a while though.
L899[17:36:55] <Lordmau5> Mhm... Is there something being triggered in Forge when a block is being modified?
L900[17:37:04] <Lordmau5> And I don't mean the BlockBreak event
L901[17:37:16] <TangentDelta> You might want to check your BIOS to see if you can force the dispplay adapter to always be the Nvidia GPU.
L902[17:37:17] <Lordmau5> I'm thinking of something like when a block is being wrenched or something similar
L903[17:38:26] <barteks2x> TangentDelta, the nvidia gpu doesn't have any way to access output. Screen output is hardwired to the intel one
L904[17:38:46] <TangentDelta> That's really stupid. What manufacturer is the laptop?
L905[17:39:10] <barteks2x> lenovo
L906[17:39:26] <TangentDelta> Oh.
L907[17:40:27] <TangentDelta> Yeah, Lenovo's BIOSes are pretty dumb.
L908[17:48:25] <Lordmau5> So? :3
L909[17:48:37] <Lordmau5> Assuming no one responded to my question, I don't think anyone knows...
L910[17:49:13] <TangentDelta> Not anyone that's on at the moment :(
L911[17:49:44] <TangentDelta> Well, if the block's state is being changed, you can try onBlockStateChanged() on the block being changed.
L912[17:49:50] <Lordmau5> I think EIO might just be the perpetrator
L913[17:50:00] <Lordmau5> And isn't being a "good boy"
L914[17:50:12] <Lordmau5> Maybe other mods are actually *capable* of triggering the BlockBreak event
L915[17:50:14] <Lordmau5> I know IC2 is
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L935[19:03:18] <zenith> I don't think I've ever seen it so quiet in here
L936[19:06:01] *** AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L937[19:07:07] <TehNut> you're the guy who made the thingy that turned sticks into saplings right?
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L939[19:10:05] <zenith> That would be me
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L941[19:10:22] <TehNut> haven't seen you in a while :P
L942[19:10:27] <zenith> True
L943[19:10:54] <zenith> Been super busy at work and haven't had much time to work on that mod you mentioned
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L946[19:11:58] <TehNut> pfft work
L947[19:12:08] <zenith> It's actually been long enough since I've been around that I had to re-register my nick :/
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L951[19:14:43] <zenith> How've you been, TehNut
L952[19:14:45] <zenith> ?
L953[19:14:53] <TehNut> I've been good. Picking up more and more projects
L954[19:16:47] <zenith> Is that a good thing?
L955[19:16:52] <zenith> I assume so, yeah?
L956[19:17:00] <TehNut> yeeeessss...ish
L957[19:17:04] <zenith> You did TPPI, right?
L958[19:17:07] <TehNut> Yeah
L959[19:17:25] <zenith> I played the hell out of that pack back in v1
L960[19:17:53] <zenith> huge fan of the ore banding
L961[19:18:11] <TehNut> Hehe, it's the only oregen I use anymore
L962[19:19:18] <zenith> Is there a version of TPPI in the works for 1.10?
L963[19:19:25] <TehNut> An unofficial one, yes
L964[19:20:03] <zenith> Woot. I would love to play such a pack when it's ready
L965[19:20:35] <zenith> TPPI v1 was really cohesive.
L966[19:20:47] <TehNut> There's a thread with info on the TPPI subreddit
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L968[19:23:43] <zenith> Thanks. I joined the discord :)
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L985[20:55:53] <Tarig> hey guys does anyone know why the objloader looks for #matname in the blockstate texture entries instead of just matname? I mean what was the intent
L986[20:56:17] <tterrag> the # generall marks a placeholder texture name
L987[20:56:22] <tterrag> like #north, etc
L988[20:56:31] <tterrag> to be filled in by child models
L989[20:56:33] <tterrag> it's just convention
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L999[21:17:27] <Tarig> yea but not in the blockstate json
L1000[21:17:30] <Tarig> in the model itself
L1001[21:18:32] <Tarig> the current imp forces you two have side and #side in your json file if you want to use both obj and json files
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L1011[22:41:24] <Tarig> ok I know this is a dumb thing to ask but what gradle task am I supposed to use to actually package my mods now
L1012[22:41:46] <Tarig> thinking reobfJar but I keep getting an error when I try to test it
L1013[22:42:19] <TehNut> gradlew build
L1014[22:42:42] <Tarig> that just compiles not package, but i figured out what I'm doing wrong
L1015[22:43:01] <TehNut> I must not understand what you mean by package, then.
L1016[22:43:15] <TehNut> Because build gives you the compiled and obfuscated jar that you should be shipping.
L1017[22:45:33] <Tarig> ah let me check that
L1018[22:46:07] <Tarig> you are correct sir
L1019[22:46:29] <Tarig> reobfjar is refrenced by it and it creates the source jar
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L1023[23:09:40] <Tarig> thanks for all the help finally got my first 1.10 mod ready for alpha
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