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L1[00:06:12] ⇨ Joins: Drullkus (~Dru11kus@c-67-180-188-243.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
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L3[00:07:29] <TankCR> is the correct forum for getting basic modding help?
L4[00:07:41] <TehNut> yes
L5[00:07:46] <TankCR> sweet
L6[00:08:06] <TankCR> I have been trying to teach myself but I am a bit stuck
L7[00:08:12] <TehNut> well i mean, you'll get ignored/yelled at if you are asking extremely basic java stuff
L8[00:08:16] <TehNut> But modding, yeah
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L10[00:10:18] <TehNut> What are you having issues with?
L11[00:11:31] <TankCR> I am simply trying to inject a basic item, and then apply a texture. My item name gets appended to item.testitem.name in the game, although in my code I just named it testitem, and my texture isn't applying, so I assume I am doing something wrong with my json as well. I have it all up on github if you want to take a peek
L12[00:12:19] <TankCR> https://github.com/tankcr/ForgeTestMod/blob/master/src/main/java/com/TankCMod/client/render/items/ModItems.java
L13[00:13:15] <TankCR> and I apologize if my code sux I am very very new to writing java
L14[00:13:33] <TehNut> why are you registering it twice
L15[00:14:16] <TankCR> so the first register with name is all I need?
L16[00:14:23] <TehNut> Yes
L17[00:14:27] <TankCR> ok
L18[00:14:41] <TehNut> Also, that's a registry name. Not a display name
L19[00:14:59] <TehNut> Oh, wait I see above
L20[00:15:11] <TehNut> "testitem" is being used in setUnlocalizedName()
L21[00:15:33] <TehNut> The unlocalized name is prefixed with "item." for items and "tile." for blocks. Both are suffixed with ".name"
L22[00:15:55] <TankCR> ok, so if I want a clean name I can't use that then, correct?
L23[00:15:57] <TehNut> You need a lang file (assets/modid/lang/en_US.lang) that then defines these localization keys into the translated string
L24[00:16:02] <TehNut> You *must* use them
L25[00:16:07] <TankCR> oh, ok
L26[00:16:20] <TehNut> So in this case, you'd add "item.testitem.name=Test Item" to en_US.lang
L27[00:16:29] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/conventions/locations/
L28[00:16:35] <TehNut> ^
L29[00:16:36] <TankCR> ah cool!
L30[00:16:47] <TehNut> Go through that entire rtd
L31[00:16:56] <TehNut> Most of the basics are explained quite well
L32[00:17:33] <TankCR> at that point, for the texture, what would I use for name pointer?
L33[00:18:02] <TehNut> The model doc hasn't been merged, yet I think
L34[00:18:11] <TehNut> In your log during startup you should see a missing model error, right?
L35[00:18:51] <TankCR> doh, I should have totaly thought to look through that, it must be bed time, lol
L36[00:20:54] <TankCR> Exception loading model for variant tankcmod:testitem#inventory for item "tankcmod:testitem", blockstate location exception:
L37[00:21:12] <TankCR> I assume thats because I haven't defined the block yet?
L38[00:21:25] <TehNut> Forge allows you to use blockstates for items
L39[00:21:44] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> you don't have to though. just place an item model where it's looking
L40[00:21:50] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> and use ModelLoader.setCustomMRL
L41[00:21:52] <TehNut> ^
L42[00:22:34] <TankCR> and it appears my json must be in the wrong place
L43[00:22:35] <TankCR> Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: tankcmod:models/item/testitem.json
L44[00:23:19] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> well, is it there?
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L47[00:24:55] <TankCR> https://snag.gy/WUZSOq.jpg
L48[00:25:32] <TehNut> lowercase your domain
L49[00:25:33] <TankCR> I am wondering if I don't understand the structure properly
L50[00:25:38] <TankCR> ok
L51[00:25:50] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> are you on linux/mac ?
L52[00:26:13] <TehNut> I don't think that'll matter in your case, but on ^ it causes issues
L53[00:26:19] <TankCR> win
L54[00:26:27] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> weird. windows usually doesn't care about cases in file paths
L55[00:26:33] <TankCR> using intellij
L56[00:26:41] <TehNut> You need to call ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation
L57[00:27:03] <TankCR> in main.java, or somewhere else?
L58[00:27:18] <TehNut> setCustomMRL(item, meta, new MRL(item.getRegistryName()), "inventory")
L59[00:27:23] <TehNut> In your client proxy during preinit
L60[00:28:29] <TankCR> what class is that from so I can import
L61[00:28:41] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> auto import bro
L62[00:28:44] <TehNut> ModelLoader
L63[00:28:59] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> just autocomplete and it fills it in for you
L64[00:29:10] <TankCR> I must need to turn on autoimport, just started using this app a couple days ago, lol
L65[00:29:25] <Bottersnike> What's the command to clean build files using gradelw?
L66[00:29:33] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> it's not an on/off it's a key combo
L67[00:29:35] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> but I don't know it
L68[00:29:38] <TehNut> If you start typing, it'll come up with autocomplete suggestions. Hit enter on one and it'll complete for you and import if needed
L69[00:30:36] <TehNut> http://tehnut.info/share/tdJ1Lf1RIG.mp4
L70[00:30:43] <TankCR> its not finding it, hmmm
L71[00:32:43] <TehNut> Cyanide wants to do themes for LE and I need to figure out a nice and expandable way to do it...
L72[00:33:08] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> resource packs...
L73[00:33:21] <TehNut> Apparently that's not good enough for him >.>
L74[00:33:30] <TehNut> But yeah
L75[00:33:49] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> provide resource packs for download
L76[00:33:53] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> no need to reinvent the wheel
L77[00:34:01] <Bottersnike> Is there a way to centralise the version instead of having to change build.gradle, mcmod.info and my Referance file seperatly
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L80[00:34:09] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> if you need to, pack the resource packs in the mod, and switch it out on config
L81[00:34:15] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> but even that's overkill imo
L82[00:34:42] <TehNut> Bottersnike: Set it in build.gradle and use the replaceIn bit of the minecraft block to change it in your code
L83[00:35:00] <TehNut> https://github.com/TehNut/LoreExpansion/blob/1.10/build.gradle#L45-L46
L84[00:35:27] <Bottersnike> Ahh, thanks
L85[00:35:37] <TehNut> For the mcmod.info, change your version to ${version}
L86[00:35:52] <Bottersnike> okay
L87[00:36:09] <TehNut> The replace string in the first link can be whatever you want
L88[00:36:16] <Bottersnike> Do I put ${version} instead of the version in there?
L89[00:36:22] <TehNut> Yes
L90[00:37:49] <TehNut> I think it's ${mc_version} to have it replace the mc version field for you
L91[00:37:57] <Bottersnike> Okay.
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L93[00:38:25] <Bottersnike> Is there a way to use my curseforge description instead of one set in the mod for the mods page?
L94[00:38:44] <TehNut> what?
L95[00:38:59] <TehNut> oh
L96[00:39:14] <Bottersnike> The description section of the mods page. I was wondering if I could use my curseforge description there instead of a hard coded one
L97[00:39:23] <TehNut> I mean I guess you could poll Curse and set the description programatically... but that would be stupid
L98[00:39:45] <Bottersnike> Okay. I'll probably just update it manually
L99[00:40:10] <TehNut> Oh, it's mcversion without the underscore
L100[00:40:36] <Bottersnike> Okay
L101[00:41:02] <Bottersnike> For the logoFile do I put the png in the resources folder?
L102[00:41:25] <TehNut> yes
L103[00:41:37] <TehNut> Ugh... Photoshop install broke :(
L104[00:41:41] <Bottersnike> then would I do "logoFIle": "Logo.png",
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L106[00:42:06] <TehNut> I think you need a leading /
L107[00:42:08] <Bottersnike> :P I use paint.net and inkscape
L108[00:42:19] <TehNut> I can't find my way around anything but PS
L109[00:42:29] <TehNut> Otherwise I'd probably use Gimp
L110[00:43:12] <Bottersnike> The only thing I really use photoshop for is face merging and the liquidfy tool
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L113[00:44:42] <Bottersnike> Why is my version field looking like "Version: ${version} (@VERSION@) in game?
L114[00:45:04] <TehNut> Because it gets replaced when you buld
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L116[00:45:12] <Bottersnike> But not when I run?
L117[00:45:36] <TehNut> No because you haven't built the mod
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L119[00:46:03] <Bottersnike> Okay. It does run build though before starting mc
L120[00:47:52] <TehNut> It compiles. It doesn't run gradlew build
L121[00:48:08] <Bottersnike> okay. I ran build and checked the jars and it has set the version
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L123[00:49:06] <TankCR> when you use MRL are you supposed to replace item, with the name of your item? because its not recognizing the generic name item
L124[00:49:20] <TehNut> You replace it with your item instance
L125[00:49:26] <TankCR> ok
L126[00:49:33] <TehNut> Look at the method sig
L127[00:52:44] <Bottersnike> Does anyone know what is atchually happening while a mod is "Under Review" on curseforge?
L128[00:52:59] <TehNut> The antivirus is scanning it
L129[00:53:10] <Bottersnike> Is that all?
L130[00:53:13] <TehNut> And a staff member has to review the changes
L131[00:53:53] <Bottersnike> I wasn't sure if they had like a minecraft box set up and they tested to see if the game started okay with the mod etc
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L136[01:17:56] <LatvianModder> <Bottersnike> :P I use paint.net and inkscape
L137[01:17:56] <LatvianModder> My man!
L138[01:18:12] <LatvianModder> I should make a game "Ink Escape" that just.. sounds like a good title lol
L139[01:24:45] <Bottersnike> :P
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L152[01:59:49] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160919 mappings to Forge Maven.
L153[01:59:53] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160919-1.10.2.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20160919" in build.gradle).
L154[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L257[06:11:56] <NitroxydeX> Hey Guys I've got a question. Is there a way to load the configuration-file of an other mod to check for an boolean in Forge itself?
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L262[06:32:10] <Subaraki> can you predicate textures ?
L263[06:32:51] <Subaraki> NitroxydeX, I think yes... there used to be somehting like configurationhandler.getsuggestedconfigfile
L264[06:33:12] <Subaraki> i vagely remember there being a method that takes a string, for a location
L265[06:33:20] <Subaraki> but that's all very vague
L266[06:34:55] <plp> is there anything in forge that allows mods to specify what would replace its blocks or items if the mod is removed?
L267[06:35:53] <Subaraki> plp, what version are you coding ?
L268[06:35:59] <plp> 1.10.2
L269[06:36:00] <Subaraki> and no, as far as i know, the items just get removed
L270[06:36:26] <plp> that's too bad
L271[06:36:49] <plp> it would be useful i think
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L277[06:59:14] <Subaraki> any reason why onBlockActivate isn't working ?
L278[06:59:19] <Subaraki> all other methods are getting called
L279[06:59:30] <Subaraki> and all that's in the method is a print line
L280[06:59:31] <Ordinastie> do you have the override annotation ?
L281[06:59:44] <Subaraki> yeah
L282[07:00:13] <Subaraki> it works now ... changing the constructor worked
L283[07:00:15] <Subaraki> somehow ...
L284[07:00:20] <Ordinastie> constructor ?
L285[07:01:29] <Subaraki> nah, i'm trying to help someone
L286[07:01:37] <Subaraki> he doesn't know really what he's doing
L287[07:01:43] <Subaraki> he just said that
L288[07:01:55] <Subaraki> but he did forget his @override annotation ,so the method was wrong
L289[07:02:04] <Subaraki> and that's what he ment with constructor
L290[07:02:21] <Ordinastie> oh god
L291[07:02:34] <Ordinastie> tell him to learn java first
L292[07:02:36] <Subaraki> ikr ._.
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L294[07:11:57] <NitroxydeX> Is there something like Minecraft.getMinecraft().mcDataDir for BOTH sides?
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L301[07:40:11] <flappy> LatvianModder: Sounds like the name for a mashup of Splatoon and Ape Escape
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L305[07:52:21] <sham1> I am bored
L306[07:53:29] <Subaraki> aha ! bored sham1 ?
L307[07:53:42] <sham1> Indeed
L308[07:53:47] <Subaraki> tell me why func_189777_di in EntityZombie is deprecated !
L309[07:53:50] <Subaraki> or find out why
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L311[07:53:59] <Subaraki> it says ' @Deprecated //Do not use, Replacement TBD'
L312[07:54:02] <Subaraki> why ?
L313[07:54:09] <Subaraki> it's the only method to get the zombie type
L314[07:54:11] <MalkContent> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDn2Xp5ctQM
L315[07:54:12] <sham1> What does that method do
L316[07:54:24] <Subaraki> returns the zombie type
L317[07:54:32] <sham1> Umn, what
L318[07:54:32] <gigaherz|work> I believe it's bad because it doesn't allow mod zombie types?
L319[07:55:46] <Subaraki> it returns this
L320[07:55:47] <Subaraki> return ZombieType.func_190146_a(((Integer)this.getDataManager().get(VILLAGER_TYPE)).intValue());
L321[07:56:56] <LatvianModder> flappy: if anything it will be a game where ink.. Flows.. To escape.. Im still working on it!
L322[07:57:48] <sham1> Programming might be a good cure against boredom
L323[08:00:46] <Subaraki> highly likely :)
L324[08:01:55] <gigaherz|work> unless you do boring coding
L325[08:02:03] <sham1> Damn it Emacs, I misclicked and now I am in a webpage
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L327[08:02:28] <sham1> Also, cannot wait for EMACS 25 when I will be able to use Webkit inside it
L328[08:02:57] <sham1> Save ALL the screen real-estate
L329[08:03:40] <flappy> oh god webkit in emacs
L330[08:03:43] <flappy> what why
L331[08:03:45] <sham1> Yes
L332[08:03:50] <sham1> Because why not
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L334[08:04:18] <sham1> It will be useful in my laptop because fullHD is just so small
L335[08:04:47] <sham1> And then someone is going to port Atom.io into it
L336[08:04:50] <Subaraki> how do you set potion effects on an entity again ?
L337[08:05:00] <sham1> entity.addPotionEffect?
L338[08:05:07] <sham1> !gm addPotionEffect
L339[08:05:34] <sham1> That's how
L340[08:05:56] <Subaraki> has to be livingbase right ?
L341[08:06:14] <sham1> Yes
L342[08:06:28] <sham1> Which is pretty much every entity you would want a potion effect on
L343[08:10:19] <Subaraki> no wither potionType ... ?
L344[08:10:48] <sham1> Have you tried to look at what the wither thing does when you get withered
L345[08:11:19] <gigaherz|work> I have code for that, sec
L346[08:11:50] <gigaherz|work> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/spells/effects/SpellEffect.java#L38
L347[08:12:02] <sham1> Makefiles confuse me
L348[08:12:15] <gigaherz|work> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/spells/effects/WitherEffect.java#L61
L349[08:12:16] <gigaherz|work> here
L350[08:12:17] <sham1> I don't know if I should be using braces or parenthesis
L351[08:12:25] <gigaherz|work> MobEffects.WITHER
L352[08:12:54] <Subaraki> oh, okay x) i just entered poiton.byId(20)
L353[08:13:03] <Subaraki> because 20 is the id of the wither potion :/
L354[08:13:37] <gigaherz|work> you should never ever have to do that
L355[08:14:03] <thor12022> it's a good way for your future self to hate your past self
L356[08:14:06] <gigaherz|work> in fact, you shouldn't even have to know which number it the potion
L357[08:14:13] <gigaherz|work> is*
L358[08:14:46] <Subaraki> yeah ik ... but i maded an annotation :)
L359[08:14:52] <Subaraki> / 20 is wither potion id
L360[08:14:53] <Subaraki> P:
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L367[08:50:21] <sham1> Oh how I wish there was a way to have printf automagically get \n so I wouldn't have to write it every time
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L369[08:51:01] <kenzierocks> println(String.format("..."))
L370[08:51:05] <kenzierocks> :P
L371[08:51:13] <sham1> If only this was Java and that easy
L372[08:52:00] <kenzierocks> what do you mean?
L373[08:52:08] <kenzierocks> oh
L374[08:52:11] <kenzierocks> you're not using java
L375[08:52:13] <kenzierocks> lol
L376[08:52:17] <sham1> Not at the moment
L377[08:52:22] <sham1> I'm just writing some C
L378[08:52:48] <kenzierocks> #define printlnf <something> ?
L379[08:53:08] <sham1> Indeed, if I knew how that would work so it would autoinser it
L380[08:53:41] <gigaherz|work> sham1: you can use R-strings if you use C++11
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L382[08:54:07] <sham1> raw strings?
L383[08:54:13] <gigaherz|work> https://solarianprogrammer.com/2011/10/16/cpp-11-raw-strings-literals-tutorial/
L384[08:54:14] <gigaherz|work> yup
L385[08:55:18] <gigaherz|work> I belive you can use linebreaks in it
L386[08:55:19] <sham1> Well raw strings work with C as well, but apparently as a compiler-specific thing
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L388[08:58:14] <sham1> But then again, it's me using just plain C so it might just be my faukt
L389[08:58:20] <sham1> s/faukt/fault/
L390[08:58:46] <gigaherz|work> to me, real C does not exist
L391[08:58:48] <gigaherz|work> there's C++
L392[08:58:58] <gigaherz|work> and C++ ignoring classes but using C++ features and compilers
L393[08:59:09] <gigaherz|work> I write C-like code in .cpp files ;p
L394[09:01:07] <kenzierocks> sham1: https://gist.github.com/kenzierocks/52947770676fcd25e4fefeb451a15868
L395[09:01:25] <sham1> That works?
L396[09:01:35] <kenzierocks> yep
L397[09:01:43] <sham1> I'll have a lot of fun with this one
L398[09:02:14] <sham1> I've never been good with macros
L399[09:02:34] <kenzierocks> i've never written one before :P
L400[09:02:59] <kenzierocks> the important part was https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.1.1/cpp/Variadic-Macros.html
L401[09:03:22] <kenzierocks> so it might not work everywhere i guess
L402[09:04:16] <sham1> Well it is in C99, so I'd be surprised if it wouldn't work
L403[09:04:50] <sham1> Because most compilers support C99
L404[09:05:03] <sham1> So no need to be backwards compatible to ANSI-C
L405[09:05:04] <kenzierocks> yep
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L408[09:10:14] <gigaherz|work> [16:01] (kenzierocks): sham1: https://gist.github.com/kenzierocks/52947770676fcd25e4fefeb451a15868
L409[09:10:18] <gigaherz|work> heh nice trick
L410[09:10:30] <gigaherz|work> I did know about compile-time string concatenation, but I didn't think about doing that
L411[09:11:02] <kenzierocks> yea, it's pretty fancy
L412[09:11:14] <kenzierocks> the only thing is that when you break it the errors are really weird
L413[09:11:33] <sham1> Well it is a macro after all
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L416[09:11:59] <gigaherz|work> yeah "printlnf(fmt, args)" wouldn't compile
L417[09:12:55] <kenzierocks> you can of course change that by using a +
L418[09:13:07] <gigaherz|work> +?
L419[09:13:11] <kenzierocks> actually
L420[09:13:13] <kenzierocks> you can't
L421[09:13:17] <kenzierocks> wow c macros are weird
L422[09:13:19] <gigaherz|work> wouldn't that add the pointers together mathematically
L423[09:13:26] <sham1> Probably
L424[09:13:33] <kenzierocks> i don't have that much C experience
L425[09:13:38] <kenzierocks> :P
L426[09:13:42] <gigaherz|work> C strings are pointers to char arrays
L427[09:13:47] <kenzierocks> it actually just fails to build
L428[09:13:52] <gigaherz|work> nothing more, nothing less.
L429[09:13:53] <kenzierocks> printlnf.c:6:5: error: invalid operands to binary expression ('char *' and 'char *')
L430[09:13:59] <gigaherz|work> yep
L431[09:14:05] <sham1> Well pointers to blocks of memory with chars in them
L432[09:14:05] <gigaherz|work> can't do maths on two pointers
L433[09:14:09] <sham1> Umn
L434[09:14:10] <gigaherz|work> you canb do maths on one pointer and one int
L435[09:14:11] <gigaherz|work> such as
L436[09:14:22] <gigaherz|work> (string + 1) to point to the second char
L437[09:14:47] <kenzierocks> #solutions https://gist.github.com/kenzierocks/50b974d64eb4e4c3b03b90d159586cfd
L438[09:15:00] <gigaherz|work> the "obvious" way would be to just do
L439[09:16:03] <gigaherz|work> int printlnf(fmt, args...) { varargs boilerplate; vprintf(fmt,args); blah blah; fputc('\n'); }
L440[09:16:33] <gigaherz|work> kenzierocks: that would fail epicly if you use an if
L441[09:16:40] <gigaherz|work> if(condition) printfln(...)
L442[09:16:43] <gigaherz|work> so you'd haveto wrap it
L443[09:16:45] <kenzierocks> who uses an if without braces
L444[09:16:49] <kenzierocks> heathens
L445[09:16:51] <sham1> Well that should probably be named fprintlnf
L446[09:17:04] <gigaherz|work> #define printlnf(x, ...) do { printf(x, __VA_ARGS__);printf("\n") }while(0)
L447[09:17:08] <sham1> But one could also use inline functions
L448[09:17:25] <kenzierocks> ew
L449[09:17:30] <gigaherz|work> but at that point you may as well dump the macro
L450[09:17:54] <gigaherz|work> kenzierocks: almost everyone does
L451[09:17:58] <gigaherz|work> at least for single-line ifs
L452[09:18:01] <gigaherz|work> ;P
L453[09:18:05] <sham1> Heathens I say
L454[09:18:13] <kenzierocks> um... can't you just do {} instead of do {} while(0) ?
L455[09:18:16] <gigaherz|work> nope
L456[09:18:25] <gigaherz|work> because it won't require the ;
L457[09:18:37] <kenzierocks> i guess...
L458[09:18:37] <gigaherz|work> while do{}while(0) will compiletime-error if you miss the ;
L459[09:19:10] <tterrag> *won't ?
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L461[09:19:28] <gigaherz|work> ?
L462[09:19:40] <sham1> won't
L463[09:19:41] <gigaherz|work> "do{}while(0)" will error if you forget to type the ;
L464[09:19:42] <sham1> Will not
L465[09:19:48] <sham1> will not require
L466[09:19:54] <sham1> won't require
L467[09:20:11] <tterrag> but your code up there doesn't have a semicolon at the end
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L469[09:20:49] <sham1> Exactly, as it forces one to put the semicolon there so it looks more like a normal function invocation
L470[09:20:57] <kenzierocks> apparently #define printlnf(x, ...) {printf(x, __VA_ARGS__);printf("\n");}((void)0)
L471[09:21:00] <kenzierocks> also works
L472[09:21:20] <sham1> Although sadly one loses the return value of printf in the process
L473[09:21:25] <gigaherz|work> EWH EWH EWH EWH EWH
L474[09:21:31] <kenzierocks> :P
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L476[09:22:59] <sham1> And being able to know the amount of chars printed can be useful
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L479[09:28:07] <gigaherz|work> sham1: well then, you'll have to rely on a proper function
L480[09:28:20] <sham1> Indeed
L481[09:28:30] <gigaherz|work> int printlnf(fmt, args...) { varargs boilerplate; int count = vprintf(fmt,args); blah blah; count += printf("\n"); }
L482[09:28:53] <kenzierocks> did you return count there?
L483[09:28:57] <gigaherz|work> nope
L484[09:29:07] <kenzierocks> 10/10
L485[09:29:07] <gigaherz|work> I have been programming in coffeescript lately
L486[09:29:14] <gigaherz|work> it returns the last expression in the scope
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L488[09:29:28] <kenzierocks> i feel like that's a little dangerous
L489[09:29:30] <kenzierocks> but maybe not
L490[09:29:33] <gigaherz|work> very
L491[09:29:49] <kenzierocks> i would end all of my functions with liek, undefined
L492[09:29:52] <gigaherz|work> no
L493[09:29:53] <gigaherz|work> return
L494[09:29:54] <gigaherz|work> ;P
L495[09:30:00] <kenzierocks> oh, so return still works
L496[09:30:06] <gigaherz|work> if you have an explicit return at the end
L497[09:30:13] <gigaherz|work> the last expression will be that one return
L498[09:30:23] <kenzierocks> i would still end it with undefined
L499[09:30:26] <gigaherz|work> unless it's an earlier return statement
L500[09:30:26] <kenzierocks> just to spite them
L501[09:30:29] <sham1> More like "int printlnf(fmt, ...) { varargs boilerplate; int count = printf(fmt, ...); return (count += printf("\n"));}"
L502[09:30:58] <gigaherz|work> hmmm does printf return -1 for errors or similar?
L503[09:30:59] <gigaherz|work> in which case
L504[09:31:20] <gigaherz|work> int printlnf(fmt, ...) { varargs boilerplate; int count = printf(fmt, ...); if (count<0) return count; return (count += printf("\n"));}
L505[09:31:49] <kenzierocks> what if writing \n fails
L506[09:32:03] <sham1> Umn
L507[09:32:05] <kenzierocks> then you might get a negative there
L508[09:32:06] <sham1> Magic
L509[09:32:44] <kenzierocks> at this point you should start using sprintf if you want it to be small :
L510[09:32:47] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L511[09:33:02] <sham1> You want to check for negatives either way in case of this if you need get the printed byte count
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L513[09:37:30] <gigaherz|work> kenzierocks: no you *need* to use sprintf, because if the \n print fails
L514[09:37:33] <gigaherz|work> you don't want to print anything ;P
L515[09:38:52] <quadraxis> cant you just sprintf and then puts?
L516[09:39:05] <sham1> That would work
L517[09:39:09] <sham1> It's so weird
L518[09:39:17] <sham1> There is puts that inserts a newline but cannot format
L519[09:39:29] <sham1> But then there is printf that can format but cannot insert a newline
L520[09:39:33] <gigaherz|work> vsnprintf + puts
L521[09:39:44] <gigaherz|work> vsprintf* + puts
L522[09:40:04] <gigaherz|work> no wait
L523[09:40:08] <sham1> I don't think there is any advantage in using vprintf versus printf
L524[09:40:11] <gigaherz|work> you do want vsnprintf, to avoid buffer overflows
L525[09:40:24] <kenzierocks> buffer overflows are nice though
L526[09:40:28] <gigaherz|work> sham1: uh
L527[09:40:30] <kenzierocks> they let you do so much fun stuff
L528[09:40:37] <gigaherz|work> vprintf takes varargs as inputs
L529[09:40:40] <gigaherz|work> while printf does not
L530[09:41:09] <sham1> it uses stdarg.h
L531[09:41:12] <gigaherz|work> I mean
L532[09:41:19] <kenzierocks> ... is not varargs?
L533[09:41:33] <gigaherz|work> the input to vprintf is a varargs object (pointer)
L534[09:41:42] <gigaherz|work> while the input to printf are the actual varargs values
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L538[10:04:51] <Bottersnike> For events, sould I name the argument "e" or "event"?
L539[10:05:56] <sham1> Doesn't matter
L540[10:06:16] <Bottersnike> Okay
L541[10:06:31] <Bottersnike> For keybinds, is there a list of catgories to use?
L542[10:07:47] <gigaherz|work> I prefer when mods have their own category
L543[10:07:54] <gigaherz|work> as a player
L544[10:08:01] <gigaherz|work> (I haven't done any keybinds in my mods yet ;P)
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L546[10:08:07] <Bottersnike> So do I just call my category "Uphill Step Assist"?
L547[10:08:16] ⇦ Quits: gigaherz|work (~gigaherz@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L548[10:08:32] <sham1> Why would a step assist need keybindings
L549[10:08:39] <Bottersnike> To toggle it
L550[10:08:47] <sham1> Option in the options menu?
L551[10:08:55] <Bottersnike> How do you do that?
L552[10:09:01] <sham1> By coding
L553[10:09:11] <Bottersnike> Duhh. But are there any good tutorials for 1.10?
L554[10:09:58] <sham1> The code
L555[10:10:17] * Bottersnike is unsure where in the code to look
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L557[10:10:52] <tterrag> look at one of the hundreds of mods with keybinds
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L560[10:12:34] <Bottersnike> Anyone?
L561[10:13:27] <sham1> I never understood these "anyone"-messages
L562[10:13:56] <tterrag> <tterrag> look at one of the hundreds of mods with keybinds
L563[10:14:03] <Bottersnike> I'm asking if anyone has any idea how to add an option to the options page
L564[10:14:21] <tterrag> options page is a hardcoded GUI
L565[10:14:24] <tterrag> you'd have to modify it
L566[10:14:31] <tterrag> not really easy or compatible
L567[10:14:32] ⇦ Quits: jordibenck (~jordi@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L568[10:14:37] <tterrag> just use a config file, that's what it s for
L569[10:14:50] <Bottersnike> :'(
L570[10:15:16] * Bottersnike adds more options to the config file of a *simple* mod
L571[10:15:42] <tterrag> forge has this great ingame GUI for configs that is like a better option menu
L572[10:15:43] <tterrag> for mods
L573[10:15:49] <tterrag> use that
L574[10:15:49] <Bottersnike> IK. I'm using it
L575[10:15:57] <tterrag> good. then don't mess with the option GUI
L576[10:16:03] <Bottersnike> Okay :(
L577[10:16:07] * Bottersnike hides in a corner
L578[10:16:26] <sham1> If your mod is too simple to not warrant complexity, it is not worth using. - Sham1, now
L579[10:16:36] <tterrag> imagine if every mod wanted to add something to the options menu
L580[10:16:41] <tterrag> do you see how that could get out of hand quickly
L581[10:16:49] <Bottersnike> Yeah. Good point
L582[10:16:54] <IoP> Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: failed to create a child event loop
L583[10:17:08] <IoP> Anyone remember which AV product causes that?
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L592[10:45:45] <Bottersnike> How do I add a chat message to the player's chat but not send it to the server?
L593[10:46:20] <BordListian> check beds
L594[10:46:24] <Bottersnike> :P
L595[10:47:10] ⇦ Parts: jakimfett (~overnet@c-71-236-156-64.hsd1.or.comcast.net) ())
L596[10:47:16] <BordListian> just player.addChatComponentMessage
L597[10:47:22] <BordListian> i assume that addChatMessage also works
L598[10:47:31] <Bottersnike> I was about to ask
L599[10:47:40] <Bottersnike> :P Do you need the component part?
L600[10:47:55] <BordListian> it's better because localized maybe?
L601[10:48:02] <BordListian> i have no idea
L602[10:48:30] <Bottersnike> Okay. Is there a good way to turn a String into an ITextComponet?
L603[10:48:35] <Bottersnike> *ITextComponent
L604[10:48:50] <luacs1998> new TextComponentString(String text)
L605[10:49:09] <Bottersnike> Thanks
L606[10:49:36] <BordListian> right
L607[10:49:53] <BordListian> some few version back that component system surfaced
L608[10:50:20] <Bottersnike> Is there a better way to view MC source than typing "import <package>" and clicking "View decleration"?
L609[10:51:18] <BordListian> should be in your minecraft folder under .gradle
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L611[11:04:51] <tterrag> in eclipse use ctrl+shift+T
L612[11:05:09] <Bottersnike> Bahh. Intellij is where it's at
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L620[11:29:39] <Bottersnike> Is someone able to test if https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/uphill-step-assist works on a server as my laptop isn't powerful enough to run a server and a client at the same time.
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L626[11:42:24] <Subaraki> why did i ever write this ? Q.Q
L627[11:42:24] <Subaraki> https://github.com/ArtixAllMighty/rpginventory/blob/master/addonDread/render/RenderMinionZ.java
L628[11:42:31] <Subaraki> this is a bunch of unreadable sheit
L629[11:42:59] <Bottersnike> :P
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L633[12:04:14] <Lumien> If i want to have text in an item model would i have to stitch the font image onto the block texture map?
L634[12:11:07] <gigaherz> if the text isn't dynamic, yes
L635[12:11:18] <gigaherz> eh i mean
L636[12:11:23] <gigaherz> y4es, you do need to stitch the font
L637[12:11:23] <gigaherz> ;P
L638[12:11:25] <gigaherz> -4
L639[12:13:28] <BordListian> >stitching all unicode sets that minecraft uses into the block texture map
L640[12:18:47] <Bottersnike> What's a good licence to share mods on?
L641[12:20:01] <IoP> mod or source?
L642[12:20:14] <Bottersnike> Both?
L643[12:20:24] <Darkhax> MIT seems to be fairly popular for both.
L644[12:20:27] <Bottersnike> Should I have a diff. licence for both?
L645[12:20:59] <SkySom> I use MIT.
L646[12:21:11] <SkySom> Since it's mostly "Do whatever you want, just don't come after me when issues arise"
L647[12:21:30] <Bottersnike> Okay. Does it ask for credit if source is used in something else?
L648[12:21:42] <Darkhax> There are a few things.
L649[12:22:09] <Darkhax> I believe it's include original copyright statement and license.
L650[12:22:20] <Bottersnike> Okay. Sounds good
L651[12:23:57] <SkySom> Yeah. That too.
L652[12:24:47] * Bottersnike has such a bad computer that he films minecraft in GIF format when creating mod demos.
L653[12:27:10] <Darkhax> Not 100% sure here, but doesn't this seem a bit out of place? https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/1107088acb809004a0865fca24b1aaea63fbb7cc/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/fml/common/eventhandler/ASMEventHandler.java#L71
L654[12:28:12] <Bottersnike> :D
L655[12:28:18] <Bottersnike> Top notch
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L658[12:29:02] <TechnicianLP> better than https://github.com/brandon3055/Draconic-Evolution/blob/master/src/main/java/com/brandon3055/draconicevolution/common/handler/FMLEventHandler.java#L36
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L660[12:29:25] <Darkhax> Im guessing it's just left over debug code, testing how big of a performance impact the new change has.
L661[12:29:38] <Bottersnike> How do people find such useless lines of code?
L662[12:30:24] <BordListian> what's with the second one?
L663[12:30:49] ⇦ Quits: IceDragon (~ThatGuy@ (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L664[12:30:53] <Lord_Ralex> Technician: what makes it worse is the lines near the end.... "let's give my player an item!" which is actually a cheat-type item, lol
L665[12:31:15] <TechnicianLP> tickevent is a raw type ... (which has 5 subtypes each with pre and post)
L666[12:31:31] <TechnicianLP> well that is a useless item for a patreon as far as i know
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L668[12:31:50] <Lord_Ralex> still dumb really
L669[12:31:53] <PaleoCrafter> Darkhax, considering cpw removed it in the next commit, probably debug code, yeah :P
L670[12:31:59] <Darkhax> Oh
L671[12:32:09] <Darkhax> I don't have that commit lol
L672[12:32:29] <Darkhax> Now I do, >>
L673[12:32:35] <PaleoCrafter> :D
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L676[12:39:30] <SatanicSanta> I'm currently attempting to do some asm class transformations on client-only classes, and am getting NoClassDefFoundErrors and ClassNotFoundExceptions. I assume this is because they are annotated with SideOnly(CLIENT) but I'm unsure if that is indeed the issue or how to resolve this https://gist.github.com/elifoster/bda629ceffa2d1256ca1e4dc0f80c085
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L678[12:41:35] <Lumien> Fyi, if you stick this on your LoadingPlugin you can use srg method names & normal class names everywhere
L679[12:41:35] <Lumien> https://github.com/lumien231/Random-Things/blob/master/src/main/java/lumien/randomthings/asm/LoadingPlugin.java#L7
L680[12:41:46] <Bottersnike> It may be that somewhere else is trying to call someting within your @SideOnly defs
L681[12:41:49] <Lumien> So you don't have to switch between names anymore
L682[12:42:42] <SatanicSanta> Bottersnike: They arent my SideOnlys, they are Vanillas
L683[12:43:18] <Bottersnike> I'm unsure then. I was getting that error on my mod when someone ran it on a server because it want loading the right funcs
L684[12:44:10] <Lumien> Try to remove ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES from your ClassWriter
L685[12:45:12] <PaleoCrafter> or try to actually resolve the issue, since compute_frames might be required at some point
L686[12:45:57] <PaleoCrafter> although the best solution obviously is to abandon ASM altogether :P
L687[12:46:51] <Lumien> When will they be required btw?
L688[12:47:05] <Lumien> When i first had this issue i believe i was told java 7 required them
L689[12:47:09] <SatanicSanta> Lumien and PaleoCrafter: Removing COMPUTE_FRAMES worked :D
L690[12:47:09] <PaleoCrafter> yeah
L691[12:47:11] <Lumien> But it's running fine in 8
L692[12:47:22] <PaleoCrafter> they're not always required, iirc
L693[12:47:47] <Lumien> My patches are pretty small so that's probably why
L694[12:48:03] <PaleoCrafter> the limitation also only applies to classes that were *compiled* with Java 7+
L695[12:48:25] <Lumien> ohhh
L696[12:48:32] <PaleoCrafter> afaik, at least xD
L697[12:49:44] <Lumien> Vanilla MC is still at Java 6 i assume?
L698[12:49:59] <PaleoCrafter> yeah
L699[12:52:11] *** SatanicSanta was kicked by LexManos (Stop wiring coremods We dont support them here.))
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L702[12:52:31] MineBot sets mode: +v on PaleoCrafter
L703[12:52:36] <PaleoCrafter> sorry xD
L704[12:53:01] <PaleoCrafter> at least I mentioned that they should abandon ASM :P
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L707[12:58:44] <Bottersnike> Can I have some feedback on the new version of https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/uphill-step-assist
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L714[13:11:52] <LexManos> protip, {mcversion}-{modversion} not {modversion}-{mcversion}
L715[13:12:49] <LexManos> Got rid of the second mod thats good
L716[13:13:14] <LatvianModder> Lex, is there a way to get current loading state (preInit, postInit, etc) of forge?
L717[13:14:33] <LexManos> Not off hand, aside from your event handlers, why?
L718[13:14:47] <LatvianModder> oh, I think I found it
L719[13:14:50] <LatvianModder> Loader.instance().getLoaderState() this could work?
L720[13:14:58] <LexManos> id ont know, maybe
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L722[13:15:04] <LatvianModder> ok, ill try
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L728[13:32:58] <tankcr> afternoon everyone
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L730[13:38:37] <sham1> Good evening
L731[13:44:57] <Nitrodev> evening
L732[13:45:42] <sham1> I had YO exam today :P
L733[13:46:35] <Nitrodev> YO?
L734[13:46:44] <sham1> Ylioppilaskirjoitus
L735[13:47:01] ⇨ Joins: MalkContent (~MalkConte@p4FDCC622.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L736[13:47:10] <Nitrodev> ah
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L738[13:48:09] <PaleoCrafter> sham1, stick with the acronym, it's pronounceable :P
L739[13:48:32] <sham1> But so is the whole word
L740[13:48:56] <PaleoCrafter> hm, yeah, actually isn't too weird
L741[13:49:22] <BordListian> no comment
L742[13:49:29] <tankcr> is the resources folder supposed to be under src/Main, or is it supposed to be under /src for some reason my test isn't finding my texture info or my localization file
L743[13:49:33] <sham1> https://translate.google.fi/?hl=en&tab=wT#auto/en/ylioppilaskirjoitus
L744[13:49:43] <sham1> For what it's worth, Google can pronounce it sort of
L745[13:49:52] <tterrag> tankcr: src/main/resources
L746[13:49:54] <PaleoCrafter> then I pronounced it correctly xD
L747[13:49:57] <sham1> Although the translation is bullcrap
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L750[13:50:47] <tankcr> so for the localization file then src/main/resources/assets/modname/land/en_US.lang
L751[13:50:50] <tankcr> is that correct?
L752[13:50:58] <PaleoCrafter> *lang, but yes
L753[13:51:01] <tankcr> lang not land
L754[13:51:04] <tankcr> lol
L755[13:52:43] <tankcr> and an entry should look like
L756[13:52:44] <tankcr> item.testitem.name=TestItem
L757[13:53:12] <tankcr> no quotes?
L758[13:54:07] ⇦ Quits: jordibenck (~jordi@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L759[13:54:17] <PaleoCrafter> yep
L760[13:54:25] <tankcr> hmm
L761[13:56:18] <gigaherz> actually
L762[13:56:28] <gigaherz> you probably want to include your modid in thename somewhere
L763[13:56:31] <gigaherz> so that it won't collide with others
L764[13:56:32] <gigaherz> i like
L765[13:56:48] <gigaherz> "<modid>.<itemname>"
L766[13:56:50] <sham1> I never understood why unlocalised names are in a global namespace
L767[13:56:51] <gigaherz> which results in
L768[13:56:59] <gigaherz> sham1: it's a single Map<>
L769[13:57:04] <gigaherz> it's not indexed by resourcelocation
L770[13:57:13] <gigaherz> it's indexed by string
L771[13:57:19] <gigaherz> remember
L772[13:57:21] <sham1> Should one shout at Mojang for that?
L773[13:57:25] <gigaherz> mods are seen as resourcepacks
L774[13:57:25] <tankcr> so far its not even loading the localization file
L775[13:57:37] <tterrag> item.modid.itemname.name
L776[13:57:41] <tterrag> typically
L777[13:57:52] <sham1> And yes, I do indeed remember that mods are but resource packs as far as vanilla is concerned
L778[13:58:05] <gigaherz> [20:57] (gigaherz): which results in -- item.modid.itemname.name
L779[13:58:35] <sham1> Resource packs with live code in them, but resource packs none the less
L780[13:58:41] <tterrag> your line got cut off lol
L781[13:58:57] <sham1> I wonder how hard it would be to make a mod using JNI
L782[13:58:59] <gigaherz> sham1: so what mc does is it loads the language file for the current langauge, in order, mc jar -> first mod -> second mod -... -> first resource pack -> ...
L783[13:59:09] <gigaherz> tterrag: no I never finished writing, I got sidetracked ;P
L784[14:00:40] <sham1> Actually, it could be an interesting challenge
L785[14:03:46] ⇦ Quits: Drullkus (~Dru11kus@ (Remote host closed the connection)
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L789[14:09:40] <LexManos> ....
L790[14:09:54] ⇨ Joins: Drullkus (~Dru11kus@
L791[14:11:10] <sham1> Only as a technical challenge
L792[14:13:29] ⇨ Joins: jordibenck (~jordi@
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L795[14:16:51] <barteks2x> What is wrong with me... I'm rewriting code for the same thing about fifth time already
L796[14:18:11] <plathrop> Time for a library?
L797[14:18:44] <barteks2x> it's skylight calculation code for cubic chunks. I've never got it right...
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L803[14:29:42] ⇨ Joins: John_ (~John@
L804[14:30:20] <John_> LexManos, do you support core mods on 1.7.10?
L805[14:30:30] <Ivorius> barteks2x: for(int i = highestChunk.getY() + highestChunk.height(); y > 0; y--) ? :P
L806[14:30:41] <Ivorius> Don't ping the Lex John_
L807[14:30:49] <Ivorius> Also what kind of question is that
L808[14:30:55] <Ivorius> Look at the API
L809[14:30:58] <John_> The kind ineed answered.
L810[14:31:01] <barteks2x> y can range from +8000000 to -8000000
L811[14:31:02] <John_> by Lex
L812[14:31:11] <tterrag> [...] do you support [...] 1.7.10
L813[14:31:13] <tterrag> answer: no
L814[14:31:25] <John_> 1.7.10 is the best though
L815[14:31:47] <Ivorius> You're getting together all the things you need for a ban very quickly :P
L816[14:32:08] <tterrag> I'm about 50/50 sure that you're a troll
L817[14:32:10] <John_> What?
L818[14:32:13] <LatvianModder> You are pretty much dead
L819[14:32:22] <tterrag> and as such, I'll stop feeding you :P
L820[14:32:37] <LatvianModder> I actually think he isnt trolling.. But can't tell.. Maybe VERY new
L821[14:32:54] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-203-206.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Leaving)
L822[14:32:56] <sham1> Not sure if troll or new
L823[14:33:04] <LatvianModder> Either way can't read
L824[14:33:21] <LatvianModder> shit, I can't link the rules without pinging lex xD
L825[14:33:27] <LatvianModder> http://goo.gl/T2Lz3F
L826[14:33:29] <LatvianModder> there we go
L827[14:33:39] ⇦ Quits: Nitrodev (~Nitrodev@85-23-77-207.bb.dnainternet.fi) (Quit: Veni, Vidi, Non reliquit in)
L828[14:33:46] <John_> :/ i started a project in 1.7.10, im trying to get it started again, all i know is 1.7.10 is one of the best forge versions out there
L829[14:33:52] <quadraxis> perhaps coremods should be added to the list of banned topics?
L830[14:33:57] <LatvianModder> You are SO DEAD
L831[14:34:08] <sham1> No it is not
L832[14:34:09] <LatvianModder> Agreed, quad. At least partially
L833[14:34:21] <LatvianModder> Hmm.. Not exactly core mods but..
L834[14:34:31] <Ivorius> I don't
L835[14:34:42] <Ivorius> Coremods are an important part of Forge, optimal or not
L836[14:34:47] <LatvianModder> Claims that you will hack things in MC without care. Smth like this?
L837[14:34:52] <John_> is this a troll clone chat room of minecraft forge, i come in here trying to get help and you guys are saying im gettin gbanned?
L838[14:35:02] <sham1> Because you use 1.7.10
L839[14:35:04] <sham1> Update
L840[14:35:15] <LatvianModder> Because a) you DONT talk about 1.7.10 and b) you DONT ping Lex's full name
L841[14:35:18] <LatvianModder> Those are rules
L842[14:35:18] <sham1> FFS, you are 3 "majour" version behind
L843[14:35:22] <John_> no, 1.7.10 is the best client! did you see the crap in 1.9+
L844[14:35:25] <John_> and forge 1.8 is eh
L845[14:35:35] <Ivorius> We are all modders
L846[14:35:36] <sham1> How is it the best client
L847[14:35:39] <Ivorius> And most of us are in 1.9
L848[14:35:46] <Ivorius> So it's not the best place to bash 1.9 mods :P
L849[14:35:46] <LatvianModder> Are you KIDDING ME
L850[14:35:58] <John_> how do i get my users to expeirence a good mod, DO NOT USE 1.8+.
L851[14:36:04] <quadraxis> well it's more like a coremods and 1.7 are not officially supported note would be good
L852[14:36:07] <LatvianModder> 1.7.10 is far worse than 1.10
L853[14:36:10] ⇦ Quits: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L854[14:36:13] <Ivorius> ^
L855[14:36:15] <John_> I beg to differ
L856[14:36:19] <John_> sir.
L857[14:36:19] <LatvianModder> Prove it
L858[14:36:24] <sham1> How do you get your users to use 1.8+, by modding for it
L859[14:36:24] <LatvianModder> With FPS test
L860[14:36:29] <John_> Oh.
L861[14:36:30] <John_> Ok.
L862[14:36:33] <John_> Lets do this.
L863[14:36:49] <sham1> And if they are not willing to update then they are shitty users
L864[14:37:41] <LatvianModder> FTB Infinity is already in the works, so that should be the last push for users to move to 1.10
L865[14:38:08] <John_> getting fps test now, but what ever happens, 1.7.10 will always have better pvp
L866[14:38:12] <John_> plus
L867[14:38:16] <John_> WTF are the new ender flowers
L868[14:38:18] <John_> and wings
L869[14:38:21] <sham1> 1.7.10 with good PVP
L870[14:38:22] <sham1> Wat
L871[14:38:25] *** minecreatr is now known as Mine|away
L872[14:38:31] <sham1> autoclicker simulator what that is
L873[14:38:34] <John_> why are they adding things that should be in mods
L874[14:38:54] <sham1> For one, because not everyone plays modded
L875[14:39:09] <John_> so make a literal simple mod to add those things
L876[14:39:13] <John_> and the option to remove them
L877[14:39:16] <John_> then its acceptable
L878[14:39:26] <Lord_Ralex> says every feature they add
L879[14:39:32] <LatvianModder> I would personally kick you if I had the flags ;P But go ahed, if you can get (vanilla forge) more fps in 1.7.10 in 1.10, I will pardon you :P
L880[14:39:36] <sham1> Well to be fair, 1.7.10 I think have horses
L881[14:39:58] <John_> oh, forge, lemme get that then
L882[14:39:59] ⇦ Quits: LexLap (~LexManos@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L883[14:40:01] <John_> give me about 10 min
L884[14:40:11] <John_> for 1.10 forge to get working ;D
L885[14:40:13] <sham1> With your logic, they should remove horses and make them into a mod
L886[14:40:17] <LatvianModder> He made Lex crash with his talk
L887[14:40:26] <LatvianModder> sham1: "sham1: not everyone" you mean less than 1% :P
L888[14:40:37] <sham1> No, I mean not everyone
L889[14:40:40] <John_> Oh god. dont get me started with horses
L890[14:40:46] <John_> i f*cking hate, HATE them
L891[14:40:49] <Ivorius> dae hate flowing water
L892[14:40:58] <Ivorius> best minecraft was indev
L893[14:40:59] <sham1> Why not mod for beta 1.6, there were not even pistons
L894[14:41:14] <Ivorius> Pistons were a mod sham1
L895[14:41:19] <LatvianModder> minecraft 1.2.2 alpha. Right after nether portals were added
L896[14:41:21] <sham1> Yes
L897[14:41:27] <sham1> And they were made into vanilla
L898[14:41:32] <LatvianModder> That's gotta be my fav alpha version
L899[14:41:33] <sham1> And according to this idiot that's bad
L900[14:41:38] <LatvianModder> 1.3 - fav beta version
L901[14:41:39] <John_> ok, come on guys, you are getting a bit redivulous, alpha was alpha, but we can all agree 1710 is one of the most solid, golden ages of the game
L902[14:41:47] <Ivorius> Nah man
L903[14:41:50] <Ivorius> 1.8 was the best version
L904[14:41:53] <sham1> Golden age was 1.7 beta man
L905[14:41:54] <Ivorius> I had GC running on that
L906[14:41:55] <LatvianModder> It could be for packs
L907[14:41:57] <sham1> Pistons and I got the game
L908[14:41:59] <Ivorius> I mean Beta 1.8 :P
L909[14:42:01] <LatvianModder> But modding sucked
L910[14:42:05] <LatvianModder> Compared to 1.10
L911[14:42:06] <Ivorius> Or was it Beta 1.6
L912[14:42:09] <thor12022> sounds like he should be playing MineTest, every feature's a mod there
L913[14:42:11] <John_> 1.8, with forge, was sketchy!
L914[14:42:12] <John_> lol
L915[14:42:22] <Ivorius> No, shit, it was 1.2.5
L916[14:42:28] <Ivorius> Yeah fuck everything else
L917[14:42:29] <John_> oh yes.
L918[14:42:32] <Ivorius> I'm team 1.2.5
L919[14:42:38] <John_> 125. one of the good ages.
L920[14:42:40] <John_> tekkit
L921[14:42:42] <sham1> Classic
L922[14:42:45] <John_> mh,
L923[14:42:46] <John_> m
L924[14:42:46] <sham1> The original classic
L925[14:42:59] <Ivorius> Modding for it sucked tho
L926[14:43:04] <Ivorius> I'm glad I'm in 1.10
L927[14:43:07] <John_> and then i liked 1.6.4, but it was missing some things
L928[14:43:22] <John_> i guess 1.7.10 rounded it up for alot of people, including me
L929[14:43:31] <John_> but then lex has to be an idiot and not support 1.7.10 anymore
L930[14:43:39] <sham1> The only thing that 1.7.10 has that isn't in 1.10 is fucking Thermal Shitspancion
L931[14:43:42] ⇦ Quits: MrKick|Away (~MrKickkil@ipv6.chozo.nl) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L932[14:43:58] <John_> no no no.
L933[14:44:18] <LatvianModder> Oh man *grabs popcorn*
L934[14:44:35] <sham1> I shall bite
L935[14:44:39] <sham1> I don't give a shit
L936[14:44:42] <heldplayer> Don't make me make popcorn again
L937[14:45:03] <MiniDigger> You are all really bored, right? ^^
L938[14:45:06] <John_> oh hey sham1, hope everythings still doing good for ya
L939[14:45:16] <sham1> What is that supposed to mean
L940[14:45:37] <LatvianModder> is the FPS test done already?
L941[14:45:40] <John_> you knew me back in the day, you were friendly, i appreciate that, but you dont know this name, so, im seinding a 1 way message
L942[14:45:42] <Lord_Ralex> Not even Mojang supports 1.7 anymore, or even 1.8.... or probably even 1.9.
L943[14:45:51] <John_> (testing on 1.7.10 now LatvianModder)
L944[14:45:53] <Lord_Ralex> Why the hell would 3rd party tools want to support those old versoins?
L945[14:45:59] <John_> LOL and dont get me started on Java 9
L946[14:46:09] <sham1> What's wrong with that
L947[14:46:10] <LatvianModder> Java 9 doesnt exist yet
L948[14:46:13] <sham1> Also that
L949[14:46:14] <LatvianModder> Technically
L950[14:46:19] <MiniDigger> Have you something you don't want to rant other John?
L951[14:46:19] <zabi94> java9? it's not even official yet
L952[14:46:20] <sham1> You can get builds
L953[14:46:34] <John_> Can we appreciate the irony with whats gong to happen with that and minecraft and forge to lex?
L954[14:47:04] <sham1> I'd imagine that there will be a command line flag for being able to have your own classloaders
L955[14:47:16] <quadraxis> that said, why is minecraft java 6 still?
L956[14:47:22] <Lord_Ralex> quadraxis, macs
L957[14:47:23] <sham1> Also, that's not what irony means
L958[14:47:25] <LatvianModder> Now all thats missing is political opinion, something racist and/or homofobic. yep that should cover about everything that wrong could be said here in this chat
L959[14:47:30] <sham1> No, idiots who use Windows XP
L960[14:47:46] <sham1> I'd rather not have all these refugees into here
L961[14:47:46] <MiniDigger> Why would Mojang care about xp?
L962[14:47:50] <sham1> Because users
L963[14:47:58] <quadraxis> theres openjdk for macs
L964[14:48:13] <MiniDigger> That's work quadraxis
L965[14:48:13] <barteks2x> java 7 works on xp... (I tried when I still had it)
L966[14:48:17] <quadraxis> and java 7 supports xp
L967[14:48:20] <John_> hell, one letter from mojang, and forge is gone faster then bukkit
L968[14:48:25] <John_> we gotta be thankful for what we have
L969[14:48:34] <sham1> That would kill the game
L970[14:48:40] <fry> John_: no, neither 1.7.10 nor coremods are supported
L971[14:48:45] <sham1> Oh yay
L972[14:48:49] <sham1> Admin to the rescue
L973[14:48:50] <John_> Thank you fry!
L974[14:49:06] <zabi94> In this channel, John_
L975[14:50:00] <John_> LatvianModder, still getting those fps readings
L976[14:50:05] ⇦ Quits: jordibenck (~jordi@ (Quit: Leaving)
L977[14:50:08] <John_> installing 1.10 forge
L978[14:50:53] ⇨ Joins: tankcr (~KRoy.Loca@
L979[14:50:58] <John_> ew, i feel disgusted having 1.10 forge already
L980[14:50:59] <tankcr> for group in the build.gradle does it need to be com.modname?
L981[14:51:17] <sham1> Why
L982[14:51:23] *** AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L983[14:51:34] <Lumien> tank pretty sure it's just the package name
L984[14:52:01] <John_> this isnt even installing the client correctly
L985[14:52:14] <John_> ah there we go
L986[14:52:16] <sham1> Well you just ain't doing it right
L987[14:52:42] <sham1> I love dealing with trolls
L988[14:52:45] <sham1> They are so funny
L989[14:52:54] <John_> i am not tollerating this hostility.
L990[14:53:07] <sham1> And not a single fuck was given that day
L991[14:53:14] <MiniDigger> By anymore
L992[14:53:19] ⇦ Quits: sinkillerj (~sinkiller@nc-67-232-14-224.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L993[14:53:28] <gigaherz> tankcr: no, it's whatever you want
L994[14:53:29] <gigaherz> ideally
L995[14:53:31] <gigaherz> a domain you own
L996[14:53:33] <fry> try being less provocative, John_ :P
L997[14:53:47] <gigaherz> it doesn't even have to be the package name or anything
L998[14:53:56] <John_> im just frustrated :/
L999[14:54:04] <gigaherz> just a "group name" that will be used to identify any other files in the same group
L1000[14:54:07] <Ivorius> John_, there are plenty good mods for 1.10 tho
L1001[14:54:15] <Ivorius> I know a few pack makers
L1002[14:54:18] <John_> yes but i just dont like 1.10..
L1003[14:54:19] <fry> doesn't mean you need to share your frustration with everyone :D
L1004[14:54:20] <Ivorius> A lot of them are switching
L1005[14:54:58] <MiniDigger> You are still failing to provide any arguments why 1.10 is worse then 1.7 john_
L1006[14:55:16] <gigaherz> not that it matters much
L1007[14:55:20] <gigaherz> anyone's free to do waht they want
L1008[14:55:24] <fry> eh, you don't need a reason to dislike something
L1009[14:55:26] <sham1> No they arew not
L1010[14:55:26] <gigaherz> just this channel doesn't provide support
L1011[14:55:52] <gigaherz> anyone is free to do what they want so long as what they want doesn't infringe on other people's freedoms and wellbeing
L1012[14:56:02] <sham1> Thank you
L1013[14:56:02] <John_> http://imgur.com/a/AigR2 1.7.10 forge fps in amplified world
L1014[14:56:05] <gigaherz> except where the law states otherwise
L1015[14:56:30] <John_> http://imgur.com/a/f5rUS 1.10 forge fps in amplified world LatvianModder
L1016[14:56:33] <quadraxis> well people are still free to do what they want, just not without consequence
L1017[14:57:12] <John_> All iv seen over the last "months/year" of changelogs from mojang after 1.7 are just gimmicky updates
L1018[14:57:25] <John_> which add alot of clutter with new "features
L1019[14:57:32] <sham1> alot is not a word
L1020[14:57:43] <John_> if they would focus on not adding new crap and improving the core game
L1021[14:57:47] <John_> we would all be happy
L1022[14:57:50] <gigaherz> no we wouldn't
L1023[14:57:51] <John_> and maybe id like 1.10
L1024[14:57:55] <gigaherz> I would have quit Minecraft then
L1025[14:57:55] <gigaherz> XD
L1026[14:58:01] <Lord_Ralex> they had been doing bug fixes too, lol
L1027[14:58:02] <MiniDigger> Have you ever looked at the source of minecraft for the latest updates? Then you would see what they are chaning
L1028[14:58:09] <gigaherz> I couldn't care less about the 1.7.10 mechanics, I want new stuff every few months
L1029[14:58:09] <Lord_Ralex> but people complain when no features are added either
L1030[14:58:10] <gigaherz> ;P
L1031[14:58:13] <sham1> How are they not improving the game. They introduced baked models
L1032[14:58:25] <John_> OH.
L1033[14:58:33] <quadraxis> there's been internal changes
L1034[14:58:38] <John_> dont get me TRIGGER ON THE FREAKING STEVE REPLACEMENT
L1035[14:58:42] <sham1> Also generics
L1036[14:58:48] <John_> No.
L1037[14:58:49] <quadraxis> which of course some people complain about
L1038[14:59:04] <sham1> Generics are good, although...
L1039[14:59:09] <LatvianModder> Dis you enable VBOs?
L1040[14:59:17] <John_> fuck all that programming shit. Its what is represented to the user which is crap.
L1041[14:59:27] <John_> LatvianModder, what do you mean
L1042[14:59:48] <LatvianModder> Yeah you did. Well you deserve an apology then. Here you go *takes one from pile and hands over*
L1043[15:00:00] <heldplayer> sham1: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_D_Z-D2tzi14/S8TRIo4br3I/AAAAAAAACv4/Zh7_GcMlRKo/s400/ALOT.png
L1044[15:00:08] <gigaherz> John_: I strongly disgree with it being crap
L1045[15:00:28] <gigaherz> IMO 1.9 mechanics changes are one of the best things they did lately
L1046[15:00:32] <LatvianModder> Well he Did prove that 1.7.10 runs better than 1.10...
L1047[15:00:35] <gigaherz> I still resent them not adding new blocks and stuff
L1048[15:00:42] <fry> combat is actually fun now :D
L1049[15:00:42] <BordListian> >fuck all that programming shit
L1050[15:00:48] <BordListian> what the fuck is wrong with you
L1051[15:00:56] <LatvianModder> Combat is really better
L1052[15:01:05] <LatvianModder> And dual hands <3
L1053[15:01:15] <gigaherz> problem with 1.8?
L1054[15:01:16] <John_> I can totally agree 1.10 after 1.7.10 is probably alot of "bug" fixes or improvements to the code from mr money bags, but when you have something good, and slowly add crap to it while purifying that crap
L1055[15:01:18] <gigaherz> all the people saying it's crap
L1056[15:01:18] <John_> its still crap
L1057[15:01:19] <BordListian> behead those who insult sourcecode-chan
L1058[15:01:22] <gigaherz> people end up believing it.
L1059[15:01:22] <John_> crap.
L1060[15:01:29] <gigaherz> 1.8+
L1061[15:01:34] <John_> And the Combat! Lol, come on guys, you cant be serious
L1062[15:01:45] <LatvianModder> No YOU cant be serious
L1063[15:02:07] * LatvianModder is still waiting for him to tell "Ok, I AM a troll"
L1064[15:02:07] <John_> Its like what happened with Rust, the "legacy" version, everyone loved that, new rust came along, and nope. a whole new game, and everyone stopped playing the one we all loved
L1065[15:02:29] <sham1> How does one play a programming language
L1066[15:02:29] <gigaherz> I still have no idea what people like about rust
L1067[15:02:31] <BordListian> that's because rust sucks
L1068[15:02:31] <John_> no, im serious, i havent tried 1.10 pvp in depth, but it just feels, crap...
L1069[15:02:32] <gigaherz> it was pure crap from day 1
L1070[15:02:38] <quadraxis> people do not all have the same opinions, nor are they required to
L1071[15:02:41] <MiniDigger> You are talking to a bunch of programmers and not some 14 year old kids. Of course we liked the addition of tactics to the pvo
L1072[15:02:48] <MiniDigger> Pvp
L1073[15:02:58] <John_> yo mini, though this isnt an mmo
L1074[15:03:07] <John_> i expect you programmers to be making redstone computers
L1075[15:03:08] <sham1> And?
L1076[15:03:11] <John_> not pvping
L1077[15:03:18] <gigaherz> lol
L1078[15:03:18] <LatvianModder> ...
L1079[15:03:19] <sham1> Your expectations are wrong
L1080[15:03:20] <gigaherz> wait
L1081[15:03:22] <John_> hell, pvp shouldnt be a thing in a creative game
L1082[15:03:23] <MiniDigger> What is it? A fps? Lol
L1083[15:03:24] <gigaherz> why are you here, again?
L1084[15:03:26] <LatvianModder> I cant
L1085[15:03:29] <LatvianModder> I CANT
L1086[15:03:32] <fry> why are you here, John_? :P
L1087[15:03:33] <gigaherz> this is a modding channel -- for programming the mods
L1088[15:03:34] <sham1> YES YOU CAN
L1089[15:03:34] ⇦ Quits: LatvianModder (uid50299@id-50299.charlton.irccloud.com) ()
L1090[15:03:41] <John_> i know programming.
L1091[15:03:46] <BordListian> Lat getting triggered
L1092[15:03:47] <John_> I use computercraft.
L1093[15:03:53] ⇨ Joins: LatvianModder (sid50299@id-50299.charlton.irccloud.com)
L1094[15:03:53] MineBot sets mode: +v on LatvianModder
L1095[15:03:56] <BordListian> >I use computercraft
L1096[15:03:57] <sham1> >programming
L1097[15:03:59] <LatvianModder> :D
L1098[15:03:59] <MiniDigger> Man, I need to hang out more often in this channel. You guys are cool.
L1099[15:04:02] <sham1> >computercraft
L1100[15:04:05] <fry> yes, but why are you here? :P
L1101[15:04:05] <sham1> Please
L1102[15:04:12] <John_> I made a turtle go forward and mine down, i am a fucking deserving programmer now.
L1103[15:04:13] <BordListian> My sides have detonated with the force of a hydrogen bomb
L1104[15:04:16] <John_> so i deserve to be here.
L1105[15:04:24] <sham1> No you don't
L1106[15:04:32] ⇨ Joins: Koward (~Koward@host-85-201-5-133.dynamic.voo.be)
L1107[15:04:35] <John_> i-think-i-do
L1108[15:04:42] <fry> nobody deserves anything :P
L1109[15:04:45] <LatvianModder> !kick John_
L1110[15:04:45] <sham1> ^
L1111[15:04:48] <Lord_Ralex> you also think people should support legacy shit, so
L1112[15:04:49] <LatvianModder> Oh cmon
L1113[15:05:03] <sham1> Deprecated at that
L1114[15:05:12] <sham1> Do you also want Microsoft to support fucking MS-DOS?
L1115[15:05:19] <gigaherz> it's not about deserving
L1116[15:05:20] <BordListian> wait why is john mad again?
L1117[15:05:31] <BordListian> john madden john madden john madden
L1118[15:05:31] <MiniDigger> Buuut it's ui was clearly the best!
L1119[15:05:40] <gigaherz> we just wonder why you joined this channel initially
L1120[15:05:43] <sham1> Because we don't help with coremodding on 1.7.10
L1121[15:05:48] ⇨ Joins: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@17.sub-70-197-14.myvzw.com)
L1122[15:05:54] <sham1> That's why he is angry
L1123[15:05:56] <shartte> who? drama? where?
L1124[15:05:58] <gigaherz> if it's for help coding mods, then you already know our conditions
L1125[15:06:02] <BordListian> dude sham1 you can get an opensource msdos right now
L1126[15:06:13] <sham1> FreeDOS does not count
L1127[15:06:15] <John_> Should support legacy shit, yes. and when you create something, and people stick to that, were not sheep tofollow your command on what you decide is new, were creative individuals who should be able to express our selfs in what we enjoy, again not to follow other creative peoples shit like Lex and his "ohh im soo smart only supporting 1.10 now"
L1128[15:06:16] <fry> y'all need to calm down a little bit, people, this is ridiculois :D
L1129[15:06:23] <John_> WHAT Do you think, im going to stand for shit!
L1130[15:06:31] <quadraxis> fry so chill
L1131[15:06:33] <Lord_Ralex> Hell, even with *vanilla*
L1132[15:06:36] <shartte> Hahaha
L1133[15:06:37] <John_> this is absolutely dumb.
L1134[15:06:38] <shartte> Awesome
L1135[15:06:40] <sham1> fry, please use some of your mod powers
L1136[15:06:43] <Lumien> ^
L1137[15:06:46] <plathrop> +1
L1138[15:06:48] <Lord_Ralex> If you are using 1.9 and ask for help, I tell you to update....
L1139[15:06:55] <gigaherz> John_: here is the point -- you can make all the mods you want for 1.7.10
L1140[15:06:55] <MiniDigger> No. This is way to fun
L1141[15:06:58] <gigaherz> or even 1.2.5 if so
L1142[15:07:00] <shartte> Yep
L1143[15:07:04] <fry> John_: you are free to do whatever you want with 1.7.10, we just don't want to help, sorry :D
L1144[15:07:04] <quadraxis> think lex would have exploded by now
L1145[15:07:05] <gigaherz> no one can prevent you from coding them
L1146[15:07:06] <sham1> You just don't get support
L1147[15:07:07] <gigaherz> just this channel won't help
L1148[15:07:22] <sham1> We are under no obligations
L1149[15:07:37] <gigaherz> we do however have rules that we choose to obey
L1150[15:07:46] <shartte> Hey John_, I think I can help you: https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/
L1151[15:07:48] <gigaherz> and one of them is that this channel doesn't help with old versions
L1152[15:07:54] <plathrop> You totally are! You created something he enjoys! That obligates you to *him* somehow... Yeah, I got nothing.
L1153[15:07:58] <gigaherz> unless it's about upgrading
L1154[15:09:07] <John_> so you have an irc room full of 275 people, and you are fucking, pardon my fucking laguage but ALL FUCKING HERE TO ONLY SUPPORT 1.10?!
L1155[15:09:20] <John_> Becuase someone named LEXMANOS SAYS SO?!
L1156[15:09:24] <fry> that's the policy of the channel :P
L1157[15:09:26] <shartte> Awesome :D
L1158[15:09:27] <gigaherz> yup.
L1159[15:09:33] <gigaherz> the owner of the room says 1.10
L1160[15:09:44] <gigaherz> the alternative is you get banned
L1161[15:09:47] <Lord_Ralex> Because we agree that it should be that way as well
L1162[15:09:48] <gigaherz> so yeah 1.10 ;P
L1163[15:10:00] <Lord_Ralex> It's not just his word is law, we also agree it should be that way
L1164[15:10:04] <quadraxis> people support waht they feel like supporting
L1165[15:10:05] <gigaherz> however, most of us do agree with the rule
L1166[15:10:14] <gigaherz> so the number of bans is minimal ;p
L1167[15:10:16] <plathrop> John_ Well, I mean, it's *possible* someone might have helped if you didn't come in with entitlement and abuse.
L1168[15:10:20] <shartte> hm, so mr. rainwarrior. what are the chances of forge extending the model JSON format like it did for blockstates?
L1169[15:10:36] <plathrop> But yeah, the rule in the channel is 1.10
L1170[15:10:38] <gigaherz> shartte: extend how, I wonder?
L1171[15:10:40] <fry> it's already extended - you can use obj n stuff
L1172[15:10:51] <shartte> We currently utilize lots of dirty hacks to get static lightmap coordinates for certain faces on our models, to achieve a "fullbright" (glow-in-the-dark) effect
L1173[15:10:52] <gigaherz> what kind of feature would you expect in the json format
L1174[15:10:57] <gigaherz> that isn't doable?
L1175[15:11:04] <gigaherz> uh
L1176[15:11:14] <gigaherz> can't you do that with the light/rendering settings?
L1177[15:11:23] <shartte> not that i know of
L1178[15:11:32] <John_> No.
L1179[15:11:39] <John_> this is rediculous
L1180[15:11:40] <John_> http://pastebin.com/raw/eK0tfxas
L1181[15:11:40] <fry> lightmap manipulations like that are tricky, since I'm trying to make lighting faster
L1182[15:11:43] <John_> ok?
L1183[15:11:46] <John_> you guys are evil
L1184[15:11:56] <shartte> hm, i'd have to check out .obj to see if i can set uv[1] from that
L1185[15:11:59] <gigaherz> hmm I guess even the lamps and lanterns have shading
L1186[15:12:04] <shartte> sadly AE2 uses that effect *a lot*
L1187[15:12:08] <gigaherz> no .obj doesn't do uv1
L1188[15:12:12] <gigaherz> uv2*
L1189[15:12:23] <shartte> or well... sadly is the wrong word
L1190[15:12:24] <shartte> it just does
L1191[15:12:31] <shartte> and it actually does look good i guess
L1192[15:12:49] <MiniDigger> John_ why is that evil? Ppl did not follow the rules and got punished.
L1193[15:13:07] <gigaherz> MiniDigger: we are evil because we are siding with someone he sees as evil
L1194[15:13:07] <John_> #minecraftforge, not #minecraftforge1.10
L1195[15:13:13] <John_> So which one is it!?
L1196[15:13:16] <fry> yes, current way of doing it is a bit painful, but I don't want to add a fix for it without working in the solid underlying foundation first :P
L1197[15:13:19] <shartte> I am just assuming you are trolling, so whatever, John_
L1198[15:13:30] <tankcr> Sooo, I decided to start over and rebuild my package from scratch, I copied over my decompressed forge package, opened a new project in Intellij rebuilt my classes, now when I try to debug I am getting Could not find or load main class GradleStart
L1199[15:13:31] <gigaherz> John_: 1.7.10 is ancient. get over it.
L1200[15:13:48] <John_> it is still relavent, i play it with friends still
L1201[15:13:50] <tankcr> I am assuming I missed a step in rebuilding my package
L1202[15:13:58] <shartte> Good for you then
L1203[15:14:00] <sham1> play all you want
L1204[15:14:02] <Lord_Ralex> And so was classic to a select few
L1205[15:14:08] <Lord_Ralex> No one supported that thing for years
L1206[15:14:09] <gigaherz> no one is preventing you from playing
L1207[15:14:11] <gigaherz> or even modding
L1208[15:14:16] <gigaherz> just no support.
L1209[15:14:26] <MiniDigger> The channel is just named minecraftforge because the latest version changes all the time. We don't stick to old versions like you do john_
L1210[15:14:30] <shartte> DW20 is playing 1.2.5, you won't see that being supported here either, hehe
L1211[15:14:35] <gigaherz> here is the thing:
L1212[15:14:37] <gigaherz> when 1.8 was out
L1213[15:14:37] <quadraxis> fry, is there a good way to change the vertex winding of quads?
L1214[15:14:40] <John_> ok, fine, have it your way, just know not to feed the trolls next time, 1.10 is actually pretty neat, no hard feelings sham1!
L1215[15:14:42] ⇦ Quits: John_ (~John@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1216[15:14:51] <shartte> erm quadraxis, that is defined by GL state...
L1217[15:14:53] <Lord_Ralex> lol what
L1218[15:14:59] <sham1> trolls
L1219[15:14:59] <gigaherz> ... oh well we won't get ot hear what I have to say about 1.8+ ;P
L1220[15:15:09] ⇦ Quits: zabi94 (~zabi94@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1221[15:15:11] <gigaherz> funny that the troll things we are the trolls
L1222[15:15:12] <gigaherz> ;P
L1223[15:15:12] <shartte> Hehe, i thought as much :)
L1224[15:15:17] <shartte> He was too eloquent to be serious
L1225[15:15:18] <gigaherz> thinks*
L1226[15:15:38] <gigaherz> ah nice
L1227[15:15:39] <gigaherz> just in time
L1228[15:15:47] <gigaherz> my teleport stone's cooldown is over
L1229[15:15:59] ⇨ Joins: Everseeking (~Everseeki@pool-100-6-106-71.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net)
L1230[15:16:08] <sham1> I don't feed trolls. I stuff them full of food and eat them
L1231[15:16:10] <gigaherz> (wow, Dalaran Heathstone)
L1232[15:16:20] <quadraxis> i mean change the ordering of vertices in a quad to change the effective winding
L1233[15:16:27] ⇨ Joins: willies952002 (~willies95@irc.domnian.com)
L1234[15:16:30] <fry> heh, my first real troll interaction
L1235[15:16:35] <quadraxis> without access to gl state
L1236[15:16:38] <fry> (confirmed :D)
L1237[15:16:57] <shartte> quadraxis: well using what, JSON?
L1238[15:17:08] <quadraxis> IBakedModel
L1239[15:17:18] <sham1> This wasn't one of those funny trolls either
L1240[15:17:22] <fry> there's no 1-line way
L1241[15:17:29] ⇨ Joins: John_ (~John@
L1242[15:17:31] <fry> but you should be able to reorder things
L1243[15:17:33] <John_> oy
L1244[15:17:34] <John_> sham1
L1245[15:17:39] <John_> no no no
L1246[15:17:47] <John_> you shall me stuffed
L1247[15:17:49] <John_> of trolls
L1248[15:17:54] <John_> before you stuff the trolls
L1249[15:18:01] <John_> so the trolls stuff you first
L1250[15:18:11] <John_> after the stuffed trolls you first
L1251[15:18:23] <sham1> But what if I stuff them before they stuff me
L1252[15:18:26] <gigaherz> beware, you seem to have a recursive loop there
L1253[15:18:34] <John_> Oh and Fry, you did fine :) i appreciated you being frriendly, dont change
L1254[15:18:35] <plathrop> God bless /ignore
L1255[15:18:54] <sham1> Recursion is best recursion
L1256[15:18:55] <John_> sham1, then you couldnt eat the trolls
L1257[15:19:01] <John_> becuase you are stuffed
L1258[15:19:04] <gigaherz> but roasted troll meat!
L1259[15:19:11] <John_> oh to die for
L1260[15:19:22] <John_> have that, with some gyro wraop
L1261[15:19:34] <gigaherz> hmmm troll kebab
L1262[15:19:37] <sham1> ?
L1263[15:19:39] <gigaherz> with some gravy
L1264[15:20:21] <sham1> Anyway, I'll try to sleep
L1265[15:20:24] <gigaherz> now I'm hungry again
L1266[15:20:27] <sham1> good night
L1267[15:20:28] <gigaherz> and I just ate like 30min ago
L1268[15:20:29] <John_> im hungry, have a good time!
L1269[15:20:32] ⇦ Quits: John_ (~John@ (Client Quit)
L1270[15:20:55] <shartte> grmbl i am just too lazy to write my make-cut-out-of-baked-quad class :|
L1271[15:21:13] <sham1> ?
L1272[15:21:35] <sham1> Sending them delicious food emoji
L1273[15:23:21] <sham1> But is recursion special iteration or iteration special recursion
L1274[15:23:49] ⇨ Joins: John_ (~John@
L1275[15:23:55] <John_> i totally take back everything i said
L1276[15:24:00] <John_> 1.10 is amazing
L1277[15:24:03] <fry> oh btw: http://imgur.com/a/lzmBf
L1278[15:24:09] <tankcr> I am seeing gradle.start in my External Libraries, but my project says that it can't find it when I debug, it also says its not part of my project
L1279[15:24:13] <fry> just had to check myself :D
L1280[15:24:19] <John_> my friend told me, i can write a mod for 1.10 to remvoe 1.10 features i dont like!
L1281[15:24:27] <shartte> check whatself?
L1282[15:24:43] <sham1> indeed
L1283[15:24:51] <sham1> Modding is great that way
L1284[15:24:52] <fry> notice the fps, and game versions :D
L1285[15:25:03] <sham1> Don't like something, it can be gone
L1286[15:25:04] <John_> my mind is actually blown
L1287[15:25:06] ⇨ Joins: g (~g@ultros.tentacles.are.evidently.sexy)
L1288[15:25:06] <shartte> well, you have a huge number of chunk updates in the 1.7 shot
L1289[15:25:12] <John_> to be able to write a mod, to remove game features
L1290[15:25:32] <John_> (does anyone else notice the crappy f3 backgrounding in 1.10 vs 1.7.10...)
L1291[15:25:33] <g> Would one of you guys be able to help me debug a traceback?
L1292[15:25:34] <fry> I waited a long time after starting both, so 1.7.10 must've had worse chunk update logic :D
L1293[15:25:44] <g> It appears to be in forge itself
L1294[15:25:49] <tterrag> fry: render distance is a bit less in the second pic? or just me
L1295[15:26:01] <sham1> While computers are like the old testament god, programmers are like the greek gods
L1296[15:26:15] <John_> actually* what does it make goats then sham1
L1297[15:26:15] <tterrag> and there's no doubt that 1.9 performs better than 1.7...while standing still with no block updates
L1298[15:26:19] <tterrag> *cough*
L1299[15:26:25] <John_> goats were sacred
L1300[15:26:33] <John_> or am i thinking hindu
L1301[15:26:37] <shartte> yeah... i also had terrible terrible FPS lag in 1.10 when anything starts to update the render chunks
L1302[15:26:41] <sham1> hindu has cows
L1303[15:26:48] <John_> what the f*ck had goats
L1304[15:26:55] <sham1> Islam?
L1305[15:26:55] <John_> greek, i think
L1306[15:27:08] <John_> no islam. hm.
L1307[15:27:11] <John_> hard to say
L1308[15:27:25] <g> Nobody?
L1309[15:27:30] <John_> Could anyone help us discuss which religious goats are sacred
L1310[15:27:35] <John_> its important for a mod we are making
L1311[15:27:40] <John_> so its relavent
L1312[15:29:04] <John_> look, goats arent that scary, whyd everyone shut up
L1313[15:29:11] ⇨ Joins: ThePsionic (~ThePsioni@ip5457f909.direct-adsl.nl)
L1314[15:29:50] <LatvianModder> how is he still here
L1315[15:29:55] <John_> im assuming you are being good little minions of mine and are hard at work googling for the right answer.
L1316[15:30:05] <John_> Thank you.
L1317[15:30:10] <g> Guess I'll just post my TB in case a lurker wants a look: https://gist.github.com/gdude2002/6141044d4a7728fb4125169db4d13d1b
L1318[15:30:15] <g> Where's the best place to ask about this if not IRC?
L1319[15:30:32] <LatvianModder> whats the problem g?
L1320[15:30:41] ⇨ Joins: Otho (~Otho@189-50-110-145-wlan.lpnet.com.br)
L1321[15:30:42] <g> I'm getting a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/world/World$2
L1322[15:30:44] <John_> LatvianModder, that wasnt too nice..
L1323[15:30:55] <g> I don't have any of my own mods on the server so I'm unsure how to track it down
L1324[15:30:57] <LatvianModder> I'm not nice.
L1325[15:31:05] <John_> look at the end of the day we could all be friends irl, this is just text chat over the internet
L1326[15:31:15] <John_> dont need to take it seriously
L1327[15:31:22] <LatvianModder> weird. Thats DevEnv, right?
L1328[15:31:25] <g> but the traceback is just within Forge and MC itself
L1329[15:31:34] ⇨ Joins: Naiten (Naiten@
L1330[15:31:40] <g> The error? It happens in production and takes the server down
L1331[15:31:46] <quadraxis> mc/forge versions?
L1332[15:31:49] <LatvianModder> ah thats a server
L1333[15:32:00] <g> 1.10.2,
L1334[15:32:13] <g> updated forge when it appeared in case that was the problem
L1335[15:32:14] <LatvianModder> hm
L1336[15:32:14] <John_> thats the problem, you are running 1.10 :D
L1337[15:32:28] <LatvianModder> gtfo john
L1338[15:32:35] <g> I should probably just add an ignore for that guy..
L1339[15:32:40] <LatvianModder> Whats the modlist?
L1340[15:32:43] ⇦ Quits: John_ (~John@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1341[15:32:49] <LatvianModder> thank god
L1342[15:32:56] *** MoxieGrrl_ is now known as MoxieGrrl
L1343[15:33:11] <g> Well, specifically it showed up when I updated TConstruct todayt
L1344[15:33:13] <g> today*
L1345[15:33:17] <g> but downgrading it again doesn't fix the problem
L1346[15:33:19] <LatvianModder> and now im mad because I didnt get to see Lex kicking him :/
L1347[15:33:24] <g> He quit
L1348[15:33:50] <LatvianModder> thats exactly why lex cant kick him anymore :P
L1349[15:34:00] <g> the entire additional mods since I was able to test, aka, when I played successfully previously
L1350[15:34:19] <g> are the new tconstruct, unidict, extrautils, substratum, ic2, autoreglib, quark, botania, progressive automation and randomthings
L1351[15:34:40] <g> I also had to remove mekanism due to a multipart issue
L1352[15:34:44] <g> any of those ring any bells?
L1353[15:35:06] <Lumien> It ringed my notification bell
L1354[15:35:12] <g> Oh, hey
L1355[15:35:13] <Lumien> Doesn't look like it's related to randomthings though
L1356[15:35:25] <g> Yeah, the traceback is specifically for fluids
L1357[15:35:35] <g> as far as I can see anyway
L1358[15:36:02] ⇨ Joins: John_ (~John@
L1359[15:36:06] <John_> oy
L1360[15:36:22] <John_> no LatvianModder. you wont get to see lex kick me. too bad
L1361[15:36:24] ⇦ Quits: John_ (~John@ (Client Quit)
L1362[15:36:58] <quadraxis> it's referring to an anonymous class
L1363[15:36:58] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872A6E.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1364[15:37:10] <g> hm, yeah, that'd be harder to trace..
L1365[15:37:20] <quadraxis> seems like ICrashReportDetail
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L1367[15:39:16] <g> if I were to hazard a guess, I'd say it's probably something to do with tconstruct
L1368[15:39:20] <Otho> Is it possible to load a resourcePack from a folder without it appearing in the list of resourcePacks?
L1369[15:39:44] <g> maybe I should bring it up with them as well
L1370[15:40:19] <Lumien> Otho i made a mod for it, https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/resource-loader?gameCategorySlug=mc-mods&projectID=226447
L1371[15:40:38] <Lumien> If you are asking how to do it in code you can just implement IResourcePack
L1372[15:40:57] <tterrag> that's not quite it
L1373[15:41:02] <tterrag> you also have to reflect it into defaultResourcePacks
L1374[15:41:07] <tterrag> iirc
L1375[15:43:59] <LatvianModder> what is it even used for
L1376[15:44:17] <Otho> I will need to implement it
L1377[15:44:22] <LatvianModder> "It allows users to add their own resources to minecraft" im preeety sure you can do that without a mod
L1378[15:44:35] <Lumien> Yeah with a resource pack :P
L1379[15:44:43] <Otho> Yes you can, but sometimes it is easier without it
L1380[15:44:44] <Lumien> That mod is just a resource pack in a folder
L1381[15:44:48] <LatvianModder> "you can also just add resources to a simple folder" yep that too is in vanilla, afaik
L1382[15:44:55] <Lumien> As a Resource Pack yes
L1383[15:45:06] <LatvianModder> what else do you need?
L1384[15:45:42] <Lumien> It's mostly for mods that allow pack makers / players to add custom content
L1385[15:45:50] <Otho> exactly
L1386[15:46:03] <LatvianModder> soo.. if I want to add anything to mc path
L1387[15:46:10] <LatvianModder> where do I put files?
L1388[15:46:15] <Lumien> mc path?
L1389[15:46:27] <LatvianModder> so it can be read with mymod:asset.path
L1390[15:46:53] <LatvianModder> Isnt that what this mod is about? adding resources to path?
L1391[15:46:59] <Lumien> Yes
L1392[15:47:17] <Lumien> resources/minecraft/textures/blocks/dirt.png is the dirt texture
L1393[15:47:25] <Lumien> It works like a resource pack
L1394[15:47:31] <Lumien> first folder is the domain
L1395[15:47:53] <LatvianModder> mh ok. might be useful for FTBUtilities Guides
L1396[15:48:05] <LatvianModder> Ill look at this mod someday
L1397[15:48:34] <LatvianModder> currently my guides are loaded from "domain:guide/info.json" (Something like that)
L1398[15:49:01] <LatvianModder> so if I dropped it in resources/domain/guide/info.json, it would pick it up?
L1399[15:49:19] <Lumien> Yes
L1400[15:49:30] ⇦ Quits: Naiten (Naiten@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1401[15:49:33] <LatvianModder> btw currently, other than me.. whole 3 people are using my CommandTreeBase. Thats more than 0 I guess :P
L1402[15:49:48] <Otho> I will use this feature for a CustomItems like mod
L1403[15:50:33] <Otho> So I have to look for defaultResourcePacks and IResourcePack?
L1404[15:50:35] <Lumien> Oh right i saw the forge commit, will have to switch to it sometime. My current "sub commands" are all really messy
L1405[15:51:13] <Lumien> Minecraft.defaultResourcePacks
L1406[15:51:21] <Lumien> But i did have issues with just adding it to that
L1407[15:58:05] ⇨ Joins: Shambling (~Shambling@24-181-186-74.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com)
L1408[15:58:59] <Shambling> if I'm trying to go through a log to debug, would a class reference to Optional.get() being called by an absent value pointing to The One Probe be a likely cause?
L1409[15:59:24] <tterrag> um
L1410[15:59:26] <tterrag> not really?
L1411[15:59:26] <Shambling> trying to figure if that is simply pointing too soon to the error, as if you keep going there are dozens of references classes, each calling the next
L1412[15:59:32] <tterrag> depends on where the stacktrace originates
L1413[15:59:52] <Shambling> "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Optional.get() cannot be called on an absent value" is top line in the main log
L1414[16:00:09] <Shambling> wondering if one of mcjty's libs calls a function that was deprecated
L1415[16:00:35] <tterrag> 1. that's not what that exception means
L1416[16:00:37] <tterrag> 2. that's not a stacktrace
L1417[16:00:51] <Shambling> well let me look through the logs, and not the stuff that the minecraft launcher spit out
L1418[16:01:03] <Shambling> maybe something with search will help. lol
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L1421[16:02:56] <Shambling> should I be looking towards the beginning or the end of the stacktrace
L1422[16:03:17] <Shambling> and b. is there a txt editor that views the crash logs in a easier to read fashion
L1423[16:04:01] ⇨ Joins: John_ (~John@
L1424[16:04:11] <John_> Oy LexManos, Are you there?
L1425[16:04:36] <quadraxis> notepad++ ?
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L1427[16:06:32] <Shambling> yeah that definitely works better Quadraxis, thanks. Was just viewing it
L1428[16:06:45] <Shambling> looks like its ToP but I'm wondering if its simply because I went crazy and updated everything to latest beta
L1429[16:06:50] <Shambling> reverting forge to 90
L1430[16:07:38] ⇦ Quits: zabi94 (~zabi94@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1431[16:08:03] <Shambling> nope, not forge. didn't think it was to begin with, but was worth trying. lol
L1432[16:08:16] <howtonotwin> Optional.get is basically an NPE
L1433[16:08:46] <howtonotwin> and what idiot is calling Optional.get
L1434[16:09:11] <howtonotwin> the entire point of a Maybe monad is to never call get and someone is calling get >.<
L1435[16:09:26] <tterrag> >implying java devs understand FP
L1436[16:09:48] *** V is now known as Vigaro
L1437[16:09:56] <howtonotwin> There should be a @Deprecated on get just to drive that point in :P
L1438[16:10:07] <Shambling> odd, whole error points to ToP, but I've had that version installed since the 13th
L1439[16:10:14] <howtonotwin> Bug report?
L1440[16:10:36] <Shambling> yeah I should post it to pastebin, I'm just trying to figure it out myself b efore subjecting others to my stupidity
L1441[16:10:45] <Shambling> though I guess thats a moot point considering I'm typing about it right now
L1442[16:10:48] <howtonotwin> oh no it isn't your stupidity
L1443[16:11:06] <Shambling> let me see if I can remember my pastebin password
L1444[16:11:30] <howtonotwin> it's the mod writer being dumb because he called get as if that wasn't THE ONE AND ONLY thing that should never be used.
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L1446[16:12:15] <Shambling> oh thats right, don't need a password for pastebin. here's the link http://pastebin.com/8KQMr4cU
L1447[16:12:56] <Shambling> I thought the one thing to never use in programming was function(){while(1){}};
L1448[16:13:11] <quadraxis> gets()
L1449[16:13:12] <howtonotwin> what do you think a main game loop is lol :P
L1450[16:13:16] <Shambling> oops forgot to recursively link function inside of the while :P
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L1452[16:13:30] <howtonotwin> tail recursion is common in FP though...
L1453[16:13:50] <Shambling> yeah but usually not a self referencing function that does nothing but call itself
L1454[16:14:00] <howtonotwin> true
L1455[16:14:04] <Shambling> ok so most programming languages can handle that now. I'm old :P
L1456[16:14:05] <tterrag> Mcjty -_- https://github.com/McJty/TheOneProbe/blob/master/src/main/java/mcjty/theoneprobe/TheOneProbe.java#L70-L71
L1457[16:14:29] <quadraxis> x = "x x" x x
L1458[16:15:07] <howtonotwin> should be value.ifPresent(f -> f.apply(...))
L1459[16:15:10] <Shambling> so any idea why it was working when I installed it, but not now that I've installed zoology and extra bees? lol
L1460[16:15:44] <howtonotwin> IMC means inter-mod communication
L1461[16:15:57] <tterrag> some other mod is giving TOP IMC it does not expect
L1462[16:16:00] <tterrag> but TOP is handling it poorly
L1463[16:16:02] <Shambling> ah so when its referencing calls from another mod, probably when its looping through the bees for descriptions
L1464[16:16:13] <howtonotwin> probably the other mods don't know what TOP is doing
L1465[16:16:20] <Shambling> I'll try bees first, then the cows.
L1466[16:16:29] <howtonotwin> so they give it stuff it doesn't understand, therefore killing the game
L1467[16:17:36] <Shambling> if I was responsible I'd find the exact code conflict and post it to the github problems page on ToP
L1468[16:17:41] <Shambling> instead I'm going to take a nap :P
L1469[16:18:25] <howtonotwin> Actually garret already posted the problem in the code. :P
L1470[16:18:42] <Shambling> oh wow, just now, or am I blind?
L1471[16:19:15] <howtonotwin> the "MCj1y -.-" one
L1472[16:19:16] <quadraxis> tterrag Mcjty -_- https://github.com/McJty/TheOneProbe/blob/master/src/main/java/mcjty/theoneprobe/TheOneProbe.java#L70-L71
L1473[16:19:28] <howtonotwin> pingfest 9/19/16
L1474[16:19:37] <Shambling> ah enderio references it the same way causing the same crash
L1475[16:19:45] <howtonotwin> holy crap
L1476[16:19:54] <howtonotwin> how dumb do you have to be to call Optional::get
L1477[16:20:10] <howtonotwin> THE ONE THING YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO DO
L1478[16:20:24] <Shambling> is there a goto command in java?
L1479[16:20:30] <howtonotwin> no
L1480[16:20:41] <zabi94> No good code should ever need it tbh
L1481[16:20:42] <howtonotwin> goto is a reserved word, but it has no usage
L1482[16:20:45] <Shambling> so java has optional::get, I used to have 'goto' lol :P
L1483[16:21:04] <howtonotwin> optional::get isn't a java thing really
L1484[16:21:25] <Shambling> does that function say somewhere how far back the call has been used for?
L1485[16:21:34] <howtonotwin> wat
L1486[16:21:43] <Shambling> let me reword
L1487[16:21:55] <Shambling> I wish to use the one probe, but want to use latest version of enderio
L1488[16:22:07] <Shambling> so is there a way to see how old that optional::get code is, and revert to a version before it was made
L1489[16:22:16] <howtonotwin> git bisect/git blame
L1490[16:22:30] <howtonotwin> bisect means "test versions until you find one that doesn't have it"
L1491[16:22:41] <quadraxis> http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Optional.html#get--
L1492[16:22:42] <howtonotwin> blame means "what was the last thing that changed this line"
L1493[16:23:09] <zabi94> aka, "alright, who did this!?"
L1494[16:23:42] <howtonotwin> yeah
L1495[16:23:57] <howtonotwin> Linus Torvalds created git, which explains why it's called blame :P
L1496[16:24:02] <quadraxis> and then git punish
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L1498[16:25:25] <howtonotwin> seems to be commit 02ec28518b69b50d921558c9c14b57798d3b5f97
L1499[16:25:53] <howtonotwin> I think 1.9.0-1.0.0
L1500[16:26:08] <howtonotwin> i.e. first version lol
L1501[16:26:19] <zabi94> did anyone reported the bug?
L1502[16:26:28] <howtonotwin> yes
L1503[16:26:37] <zabi94> report, because I can english
L1504[16:26:45] <howtonotwin> https://github.com/McJty/TheOneProbe/issues/55
L1505[16:26:52] <howtonotwin> probably more
L1506[16:27:03] <howtonotwin> someone go on that thread and yell at him -.-
L1507[16:27:08] ⇦ Quits: Samario (~Samario@cpc5-bigg3-2-0-cust219.9-2.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: You think you are above consequences.)
L1508[16:28:27] <zabi94> Eh, everyone can have a coding brain fart sometimes
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L1511[16:32:22] <Drullkus> :p
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L1513[16:33:17] <Shambling> ok so I'll need to read through seeing how to recompile, and recompile my own version for now until its fixed. Time to learn da java :|
L1514[16:33:50] <Shambling> I think he's got one of those super duper easymode compiling things in the github, so honestly I probably just have to type two commands to download code, edit, and compile :P
L1515[16:34:16] <Shambling> gradle... thats the word I'm looking for
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L1518[16:35:29] <howtonotwin> it's just "./gradlew build" iirc
L1519[16:35:39] <howtonotwin> if you're on windows it's a backslash
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L1526[16:52:38] <Shambling> so I should be able to take the optional and apply, and shrink them down to a pointer to the function with apply?... hmm that sounds dumb
L1527[16:52:44] <Shambling> let me word that better
L1528[16:52:56] <Shambling> comment out "/*Optional<Function<ITheOneProbe, Void>> value = message.getFunctionValue(ITheOneProbe.class, Void.class);
L1529[16:52:56] <Shambling> value.get().apply(theOneProbeImp); */" and replace with
L1530[16:53:02] <Shambling> value.ifPresent(ITheOneProbe ->ITheOneProbe.apply(theOneProbeImp));
L1531[16:53:30] <Shambling> though without knowing enough java and the precursors to this class, I think that might be done incorrectly
L1532[16:54:54] <howtonotwin> no that's good
L1533[16:54:59] <howtonotwin> it isn't dumb lol
L1534[16:55:04] <howtonotwin> higher order functions ftw
L1535[16:55:24] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@39.sub-70-213-0.myvzw.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1536[16:55:35] <Shambling> well let me read through the error, I think I might need to comment out a value that is no longer used in that path
L1537[16:55:54] <howtonotwin> no really, this is all that you need
L1538[16:56:38] <Shambling> I'm getting an error on value, let me pastebin the relevant function
L1539[16:57:13] <Shambling> http://pastebin.com/w8VaMhMh going to read through and try to apply my c++ memory to it and see where I'm failing
L1540[16:58:07] <quadraxis> wrong Optional
L1541[16:59:33] ⇦ Quits: howtonotwin (~howtonotw@r75-110-22-15.gvllcmtc01.gnvlnc.ab.dh.suddenlink.net) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
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L1543[17:00:50] <tterrag> also using lambdas wrong
L1544[17:00:57] <tterrag> well, not really, but why use a class name...
L1545[17:01:27] <Shambling> its been so long tterrag, thats why. I'm literally trying to apply c programming references to pointers in my head right now while trying to relearn java
L1546[17:01:53] <Shambling> thinking about it the wrong way, let me see if I can figure out why this is even called
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L1551[17:04:54] <quadraxis> if (value.isPresent()) value.get().apply(theOneProbeImp);
L1552[17:05:00] <quadraxis> that would do
L1553[17:05:22] <quadraxis> just adding the check for isPresent()
L1554[17:05:23] <howtonotwin> is
L1555[17:05:53] <howtonotwin> isPresent is a function that takes a function as a parameter
L1556[17:06:05] <howtonotwin> woops :P
L1557[17:06:33] <quadraxis> no that's *if*present
L1558[17:06:34] <howtonotwin> the function is called if the Optional holds a value on the value contained
L1559[17:06:40] <howtonotwin> yeah
L1560[17:06:46] <quadraxis> which is a method on a different calss
L1561[17:06:50] <howtonotwin> else nothing happens
L1562[17:06:58] <quadraxis> that is also named Optional
L1563[17:07:25] <howtonotwin> wait this is guava optional?
L1564[17:07:28] <quadraxis> but is not used here
L1565[17:07:34] <quadraxis> yes this is guava
L1566[17:07:43] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1567[17:07:47] <howtonotwin> oh god even worse
L1568[17:08:12] ⇦ Quits: armctec (~Thunderbi@ (Quit: armctec)
L1569[17:08:15] <howtonotwin> how did they manage to fuck up the Maybe monad that much >.<
L1570[17:09:15] <tterrag> remember guava is designed for j6
L1571[17:09:18] <tterrag> which did not have lambdas
L1572[17:09:24] <tterrag> so ifPresent is less useful
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L1574[17:09:41] <tterrag> it's cleaner and easier to just do if (isPresent()) {...}
L1575[17:09:59] <quadraxis> just add a check for isPresent, like you would a check for != null
L1576[17:10:18] <tterrag> it does make the whole thing rather pointless
L1577[17:10:20] <quadraxis> and then it works safely
L1578[17:10:24] <tterrag> if the point is to avoid NPEs
L1579[17:10:37] <tterrag> a check for isPresent() is about the same as != null
L1580[17:10:40] <tterrag> except less performant
L1581[17:10:47] <Shambling> dangit I've been modifying the 1.9 version of top
L1582[17:10:51] <Shambling> time to redo :P
L1583[17:11:10] <quadraxis> the point is you write functions that take an Optional type as an arg
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L1586[17:11:39] <tterrag> quadraxis: but what's the advantage to that, if not FP design?
L1587[17:11:41] <quadraxis> just a more expliicit Nullable
L1588[17:11:51] <quadraxis> thats enforced by types
L1589[17:11:54] <tterrag> @Nullable is plenty explicit though, and less verbose
L1590[17:12:20] ⇦ Quits: Seppon (~Noppes@ip56530f2e.direct-adsl.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1591[17:12:33] <quadraxis> i mean the implementation might be meh
L1592[17:12:43] <quadraxis> just that's what i think the intent is
L1593[17:13:43] <Shambling> hrmmmm 1.10 seems to have that edit pushed for a check
L1594[17:15:45] <Shambling> I would guess he's seen the comments on the issue tracker, and has pushed the code change already in the dev branch
L1595[17:15:55] <Shambling> so I guess I get to play minecraft tonight without doing any real coding :P
L1596[17:19:23] <Otho> Lumien, do you mind giving me a hand?
L1597[17:22:31] <tankcr> I am doing something wrong with my proxies
L1598[17:22:33] <tankcr> @SidedProxy(clientSide= ClientProxy,serverSide= ServerProxy)
L1599[17:22:33] <tankcr> public static CommonProxy proxy;
L1600[17:23:40] <howtonotwin> you give the string FQN of your classes
L1601[17:23:48] <quadraxis> might need the full classpath for the proxies
L1602[17:23:59] <tankcr> ok
L1603[17:24:03] <quadraxis> blah.blah.ClientProxy etc
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L1605[17:25:07] <tankcr> and is that public static correct? its telling me proxy is never used
L1606[17:25:36] <howtonotwin> Yes
L1607[17:25:37] <howtonotwin> you aren't using it
L1608[17:25:37] <howtonotwin> ergo it is complaining
L1609[17:25:56] ⇦ Quits: tankcr (~KRoy.Loca@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1610[17:26:16] <howtonotwin> ^ that
L1611[17:26:30] <howtonotwin> oh god my fingers
L1612[17:26:52] <howtonotwin> nvm
L1613[17:27:25] ⇨ Joins: tankcr (~KRoy.Loca@
L1614[17:27:32] <tankcr> ok, so when I make a call to createItems() should that be in Main, or commonproxy, because when I put it in the common proxy pre-init it doesn't create the item in game, but it does in main
L1615[17:28:05] <quadraxis> you have preInit() in your proxy?
L1616[17:28:22] <tankcr> public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent e) {
L1617[17:28:23] <tankcr> ModItems.createItems();
L1618[17:28:23] <tankcr> }
L1619[17:28:43] <tankcr> thats in my commonproxy
L1620[17:28:48] <howtonotwin> Your mod class deals with the FML lifecycle events
L1621[17:28:54] <quadraxis> and you call that from preInit() in your mod class
L1622[17:30:02] <tankcr> is that Main? I don't know the proper verbeage yet for this, still learning, what is your mod class exactly?
L1623[17:30:16] <quadraxis> the class with the @Mod annotation on it
L1624[17:30:22] <tankcr> ah
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L1626[17:30:46] <tankcr> ok, so for me I have @Mod in Main.java
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L1628[17:31:29] <quadraxis> and that has an annotated pre-init method that takes FML...Event
L1629[17:31:52] <tankcr> so would itemrender then be done in the ClientProxy because you don't want that to occur on a server?
L1630[17:32:03] <howtonotwin> yes
L1631[17:32:09] <quadraxis> and inside that method, at the end do proxy.preInit(event)
L1632[17:32:33] <quadraxis> and then put any client/server code in your proxy classes
L1633[17:32:38] <howtonotwin> all of the code in your mod begins in the @Mod class
L1634[17:32:50] <tankcr> ok
L1635[17:33:28] <howtonotwin> You can register event handlers and register objects like Block and Item to get callbacks, but everything needs to start in your Mod class.
L1636[17:34:27] <tankcr> someone told me that MC is now texture size smart, so I can place a 256x256 texture file in and it can use that instead of 16x16, is that correct?
L1637[17:34:32] <howtonotwin> yes
L1638[17:34:43] <howtonotwin> any square texture with power of 2 side
L1639[17:34:50] <LexManos> gateway
L1640[17:35:12] <howtonotwin> ?
L1641[17:35:16] <tankcr> for some reason its not loading my texture, though its not complaining it can't find it any more
L1642[17:35:39] <tankcr> I just get that generic purple/black square
L1643[17:35:43] <howtonotwin> you have done all the model stuff and such, right?
L1644[17:36:06] <tankcr> you talking about the .json, and the texture file?
L1645[17:36:12] <howtonotwin> yes
L1646[17:36:13] <howtonotwin> gist your registering code and models
L1647[17:37:04] <tankcr> yes, and originally I had them placed wrong, so I looked through the error loggs and it should me where it was expecting the files, I placed them where it said, error gone, texture still not loading, lol
L1648[17:37:34] <howtonotwin> yea, so gist or pastebin code+models so we can see everything
L1649[17:37:46] <tankcr> ok
L1650[17:37:57] <tankcr> gethub work for you?
L1651[17:38:01] <tankcr> github
L1652[17:38:03] <howtonotwin> ofc
L1653[17:38:13] <howtonotwin> anything that we can make sense of :P
L1654[17:38:49] <tankcr> shoot, got a branch issue, give me a couple secs
L1655[17:40:14] <howtonotwin> git: no problems, good work! problems? manpages and praying for an hour. :P
L1656[17:41:49] <howtonotwin> unrelated: IAnimatedModel is currently unused, right?
L1657[17:42:02] <howtonotwin> I don't see any callers but just want to be sure
L1658[17:42:05] <tankcr> https://github.com/tankcr/tankcmod
L1659[17:43:32] <howtonotwin> Don't ever try to manually hack together ResourceLocations
L1660[17:43:39] <howtonotwin> https://github.com/tankcr/tankcmod/blob/master/src/main/java/com/tankcr/tankcmod/client/render/items/ItemRenderRegister.java#L20
L1661[17:43:46] <howtonotwin> just call item.getRegistryName()
L1662[17:44:23] <howtonotwin> that's not the problem, I don't think, just code style
L1663[17:45:10] <tankcr> so replace that whole line with item.getRegistryName()
L1664[17:45:35] <howtonotwin> no, the first arg to new MRL
L1665[17:46:13] <howtonotwin> so item named "mod:item" will go to MRL "mod:item#inventory"
L1666[17:46:35] <howtonotwin> and it's FAR less likely to break in the future
L1667[17:47:11] *** manmaed is now known as manmaed|AFK
L1668[17:47:14] <howtonotwin> oh you're using Minecraft::getRenderItem
L1669[17:47:16] <howtonotwin> don't
L1670[17:47:22] <howtonotwin> that's hyper-outdated
L1671[17:47:28] <howtonotwin> call ModelLoader.setCustomMRL
L1672[17:47:43] <tankcr> so I was using a tutorial that was pre 1.9, lol
L1673[17:48:07] <howtonotwin> tutorials on a whole are normally outdated or just plain bad
L1674[17:48:25] <tankcr> do you have an example of what you are talking about that I could look at?
L1675[17:48:40] <howtonotwin> Best Tutorial: http://modwiki.temporal-reality.com/mw/index.php/Main_Page Official Docs: <In the topic mesg> Best: Look at open source mod code
L1676[17:49:14] <howtonotwin> ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(item, 0, new MRL(item.getRegistryName(), "inventory"))
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L1678[17:49:59] <howtonotwin> I should bind that spiel to a command...
L1679[17:50:04] <quadraxis> http://modwiki.temporal-reality.com/mw/index.php/Render_Item_Basic-1.9
L1680[17:50:37] <tankcr> ah I see, cool
L1681[17:51:23] ⇨ Joins: ecx (~ecx@nitti.boxen.spaulding.im)
L1682[17:51:24] <howtonotwin> Also, the rtd page has nothing much on models
L1683[17:51:30] <tankcr> is he extending the builtin MC Item, or another class of his own?
L1684[17:51:35] <howtonotwin> Therefore I have this PR to the page for adding more https://github.com/howtonotwin/MCForgeDocumentation/tree/models/docs/models
L1685[17:51:46] <howtonotwin> ofc he is extending Item in some form or another
L1686[17:52:01] <howtonotwin> just there might be another type in between :P
L1687[17:52:35] ⇨ Joins: An_Angry_Brit (~AngryBrit@
L1688[17:52:42] <howtonotwin> this pattern is common in most mods: Item <- ModItem (custom helper logic) <- ItemBlahBlah (item specific stuff)
L1689[17:53:51] <howtonotwin> and if you want an open-source mod to study I refer you to Botania purely out of preference :P https://github.com/Vazkii/Botania
L1690[17:54:29] <tankcr> thank you
L1691[17:55:28] <howtonotwin> np
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L1694[18:04:03] <tankcr> I'm still missing something, lol https://github.com/tankcr/tankcmod/blob/master/src/main/java/com/tankcr/tankcmod/client/render/items/ItemRenderRegister.java#L20
L1695[18:04:40] <tankcr> item is still loading into the game, but texture still is not
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L1698[18:11:05] <barteks2x> Is it bad that writing 50 lines of code can take me a few hours?
L1699[18:11:28] <howtonotwin> well really most of your time should be spent planning
L1700[18:12:00] <howtonotwin> a well planned system over a few hours > 50 lines of ugly maintenance-poison :P
L1701[18:13:11] <barteks2x> I first want to get any system that works, because so fat none of my attempts at this worked (lighting, but again, it was glitchy in vanilla for even longer time)
L1702[18:14:47] <barteks2x> I first plan to do something... and then it turns out as always
L1703[18:14:47] <howtonotwin> well you
L1704[18:14:53] <howtonotwin> aah keyboard
L1705[18:14:55] <howtonotwin> nvm
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L1735[19:35:55] <Lach_01298> does anyone have any examples of ItemStackHandler being used for a sided block? or a tutorial on ItemHandler Capability?
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L1737[19:36:34] <tterrag> same as normal, but return something different based on side?
L1738[19:36:37] <tterrag> in getCapability
L1739[19:37:37] <Lach_01298> do you have different ItemStackHandlers for each type of slot?
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L1741[19:38:06] <Lach_01298> ie input, output
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L1743[19:41:07] <Lach_01298> if so how do you connect these sub inventories handlers to the main one? or do you do something entirely different?
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L1745[19:44:22] <howtonotwin> ItemStackHandler is a bit of a confusing name, I'll give you that
L1746[19:44:32] <howtonotwin> it can handle any amount of itemstacks
L1747[19:44:56] <howtonotwin> I believe it has a constructor parameter for the number of slots
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L1749[19:45:30] <Lach_01298> but how do you return which slots can be accessed by a side?
L1750[19:45:46] <howtonotwin> by having different instances and choosing one in has/getCap
L1751[19:45:57] <howtonotwin> ISH is only the default impl too
L1752[19:46:16] <howtonotwin> if you need more specific logic (one type of stack here, another there), you can make your own
L1753[19:48:05] <howtonotwin> So if I had a Chest6, which is a block I just made up containing 6 chests one per side
L1754[19:48:17] <howtonotwin> you'd have 6 ISHs with 27 slots each
L1755[19:48:29] <howtonotwin> and choose between them when getCaps is called
L1756[19:49:20] <Lach_01298> is there a way a slot can be in more than one ISH?
L1757[19:49:31] <howtonotwin> don't think so
L1758[19:49:37] <howtonotwin> unless you manually sync slots
L1759[19:50:27] <howtonotwin> there's a callback in ISH for slot changed i think
L1760[19:50:30] <howtonotwin> you might use that
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L1762[20:03:13] <Tazz> holy jesus XD
L1763[20:03:23] <Tazz> 3792 lines of code for Mun already XD
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L1766[20:07:17] <howtonotwin> what does gui3d do?
L1767[20:07:34] <howtonotwin> in the model system
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L1769[20:09:32] <howtonotwin> it seems to do nothing
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L1777[20:15:28] <howtonotwin> ah I found it
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L1783[20:46:11] <Disconsented> Is there a way to keep PauseOnLostFocus disabled ?
L1784[20:47:47] <howtonotwin> F3+P?
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L1791[20:55:17] <Disconsented> Good to see that toggles now
L1792[20:55:57] <barteks2x> This is magic. I somehow made lighting inverted: http://i.imgur.com/rOO97Uu.png
L1793[20:56:09] <barteks2x> accidentally
L1794[20:58:05] <tterrag> light ~= light
L1795[20:58:07] <tterrag> ez
L1796[20:58:20] <tterrag> wait I'm dumb...it's late ;P
L1797[20:59:11] <barteks2x> And how am i even supposed to figure out how it happened...
L1798[21:01:09] <howtonotwin> breakpoint the lighting code and get ready to step through at snail-pace? :P
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L1800[21:01:51] <barteks2x> stepping through the same code million times? Nope.
L1801[21:02:06] <howtonotwin> conditional breakpoint?
L1802[21:02:13] <barteks2x> I started disaabling pieces of code (if(true) return;)
L1803[21:02:28] <barteks2x> that should point me where the problem begins
L1804[21:03:10] <barteks2x> I don't even know what the condition for breakping should be there
L1805[21:03:13] <howtonotwin> please tell me you are doing a binary search or something and are not linearly checking EVERYTHING :P
L1806[21:03:24] <howtonotwin> hmm
L1807[21:03:47] <howtonotwin> make a superflat world with 2 layers of stone with a gap of air in between
L1808[21:03:59] <howtonotwin> the inner area is dark, inverted to light
L1809[21:04:03] <barteks2x> I use some clever data structure: https://github.com/Barteks2x/CubicChunks/blob/master/src/main/java/cubicchunks/world/OpacityIndex.java
L1810[21:04:05] <howtonotwin> and reverse for the top
L1811[21:04:39] <howtonotwin> then place down torches or other light sources and you wont be changing too much lighting data
L1812[21:04:56] <barteks2x> this allows me to get the heightmap, and based on heightmap I set dark/bright per block in 16x16x16 chunk aND THEN RUN WORLD.CHECKlIGHTfOR OVER SOEM BLOCKS
L1813[21:05:06] <howtonotwin> um
L1814[21:05:17] <howtonotwin> is names james having a stronk?
L1815[21:05:35] <barteks2x> it's only for skylight like this
L1816[21:05:35] <howtonotwin> should i call the bondulance?
L1817[21:05:39] <barteks2x> torches are untouched
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L1821[21:06:04] <barteks2x> so each time I test it I have to create new world with the same seed
L1822[21:06:04] <howtonotwin> then break one of the upper stone blocks and watch the weirdness unfold :P
L1823[21:06:21] <barteks2x> and it's only special case for initial worldgen skylight
L1824[21:06:36] <barteks2x> player-made changes are handled differently
L1825[21:06:43] <howtonotwin> wtf levels are increasing with every sentence you say rn
L1826[21:06:59] <howtonotwin> then again i'm not a lighting buff :P
L1827[21:07:17] <barteks2x> weird things need to be done to make skylight calculations work with any reasonably fast way
L1828[21:07:46] <barteks2x> with infinite world height
L1829[21:09:04] <howtonotwin> can you explain like I'm five in very simplified and general terms how you make this work :P
L1830[21:09:15] <barteks2x> lighting or in general?
L1831[21:09:20] <howtonotwin> lighting
L1832[21:13:09] <barteks2x> There is the whole opacity index with is essentially run-length encoded list of block opacities stores in arrays. It's updated every time block is set. And after generating terrain for 16x16x16 section of terrain I need to update lighting based on what has been generated there. I do it in 2 phases. First is raw light. This is essentially mc classic lighting.(this is where the bug seems to be), If heightmap is below
L1833[21:13:09] <barteks2x> that cube - no changes, if heightmap is more than 16 blocks above - set to dark, otherwise - scan top down. Then there is light smoothing stage where for all blocks between new heightmap and the next height below that cube I call world.checkLightFor()
L1834[21:15:34] <howtonotwin> makes sense
L1835[21:15:58] <howtonotwin> In other news, it's rather late here and I should go.
L1836[21:16:04] <howtonotwin> Good night!
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L1841[21:44:51] <tterrag> looks like ForgeHooksClient#getSkyBlendColour (ew UK spelling) is doing a TON of BlockPos allocations
L1842[21:45:00] <tterrag> shouldn't it be using mutable, since it's so often called?
L1843[21:45:04] <tterrag> like...once per frame
L1844[21:46:08] <tterrag> from a rough profiling ~5% of memory churn is coming from there
L1845[21:46:36] <tterrag> http://i.imgur.com/5euzp3W.png
L1846[21:46:45] <RANKSHANK> that sounds pretty borked
L1847[21:47:13] <tterrag> cc LexManos (since fry is asleep) - worth a PR/issue ? or is there a good reason it's that way
L1848[21:50:18] <tterrag> worst part is it seems the method is called TWICE per frame http://i.imgur.com/Eol1AXl.png
L1849[21:50:57] <kashike> ouch.
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L1851[21:51:19] <RANKSHANK> geez that second one is chewing a healthy sum
L1852[21:53:36] <tterrag> and I think I hit the limit of my profiler lol
L1853[21:53:41] <tterrag> just froze up the game
L1854[21:53:46] <tterrag> doing too much I suppose
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L1862[22:35:34] <tankcr> to add WAILA compat and make calls to the waila api, do you call it externally, or do you add the classes directly into your project?
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L1865[22:44:29] <RANKSHANK> correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't Register<SoundEvent> be fired before Register<Block> since sound events are often chained in block construction?
L1866[22:46:27] <tterrag> tankcr: use IMC to register your plugin
L1867[22:47:59] <tankcr> IMC?
L1868[22:48:08] <RANKSHANK> InterModComms
L1869[22:48:17] <tankcr> ok
L1870[22:48:53] <tterrag> see a mod that does it for an example
L1871[22:48:57] <tterrag> EnderIO comes to mind :P
L1872[22:57:08] <LexManos> tterrag, Doesnt really matter, memory churn isnt a issue. it could be optimized but it really doesn't effect much.
L1873[22:57:38] <tterrag> *shrug*
L1874[22:57:50] <tterrag> >10% of allocations coming from one method seems excessive to me even if it doesn't matter :P
L1875[22:59:26] <LexManos> your perfentages seem a bitt off or atleast not fully encompasing.
L1876[22:59:37] <LexManos> you could opt it, wouldn't be hard
L1877[23:00:08] <tterrag> afaik that was all allocations in all classes
L1878[23:00:12] <tterrag> that's what my profiler is telling me
L1879[23:00:39] <tterrag> http://i.imgur.com/Eol1AXl.png <- 9% from updateFogColor and another 9% from renderSky
L1880[23:00:42] <tterrag> I might mess with it tomorrow
L1881[23:03:53] *** tterrag is now known as tterrag|ZZZzzz
L1882[23:06:38] <McJty> Um this is weird... I'm debugging a problem with my rftools dimensions mod
L1883[23:07:03] <McJty> And apparently on servers it is sometimes possible to be in that dimension but still have Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld be dimension 0 (on client)
L1884[23:07:15] <McJty> While the player.theWorld dimension id on server is ok
L1885[23:08:59] <LexManos> oh look 10 seconds and its rewritten
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L1889[23:25:37] <McJty> Ooh, the client side world dimension id is equal to the previous dimension that was visited. That's weird...
L1890[23:25:45] <McJty> Hmm, what could cause the client side dimensionID to be out of sync with the server side dimension ID
L1891[23:26:06] <McJty> Only happens with my dimensions so chances are pretty high I'm doing something wrong. Just have to figure out what :-)
L1892[23:27:20] <McJty> Have there been many tests with dimensions sharing the same dimension type? I'm wondering if this is the problem that I'm having
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L1895[23:35:30] *** Vigaro is now known as V
L1896[23:41:50] <tankcr> is libs supposed to go directly under /java?
L1897[23:43:31] <tankcr> I keep getting Error:Could not HEAD 'https://libraries.minecraft.net/mcp/mobius/waila/Waila/1.7.0-B3_1.9.4/Waila-1.7.0-B3_1.9.4.pom'. Received status code 403 from server: Forbidden
L1898[23:43:48] <tankcr> so I was going to put the dependencies in libs
L1899[23:44:11] <TehNut> Did you add the repository to the repositories block?
L1900[23:44:54] <tankcr> no I added deobfCompile "mcp.mobius.waila:Waila:1.7.0-B3_1.9.4" to dependencies
L1901[23:45:45] <tankcr> wait I did
L1902[23:45:47] <tankcr> name = "Mobius Repo"
L1903[23:45:47] <tankcr> url = "http://mobiusstrip.eu/maven&quot;
L1904[23:59:53] ⇦ Quits: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-73-252-165-178.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
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