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L1[00:00:14] ⇦ Quits: KnightMiner (~KnightMin@107-1-23-59-ip-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L2[00:01:14] <Lach_01298> where do yo put that if its a block?
L3[00:01:24] *** TTFTCUTS is now known as TTFT|Away
L4[00:01:29] <TehNut> On the ItemBlock
L5[00:03:05] *** LordFokas is now known as LordFokas|out
L6[00:03:25] <Ordinastie_> don't think that's needed
L7[00:03:34] <Lach_01298> it works thanks
L8[00:03:50] <TehNut> To mark the item as having subtypes? Yes it is
L9[00:05:20] <Ordinastie_> hum, I don't use it for one of my block, and it still works
L10[00:05:20] <Ordinastie_> meh, not in the mood to dig out why
L11[00:05:46] <TehNut> It "works" by still allowing you to use all the subtypes
L12[00:05:53] <TehNut> But for full support, you *need* it
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L17[00:20:51] <LatvianModder> No.. no no no NO. In Uni we start with C++ not Java. WHY
L18[00:23:47] <Lach_01298> the block textures in inventory aren't working and it is only placing the block with a meta of 0
L19[00:24:52] <Ordinastie_> override getMetadata() in your item
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L23[00:27:27] <Lach_01298> in the item? you mean itemblock but there's no class for the itemblock
L24[00:29:16] <TehNut> new ItemBlock(BLOCK) {public int getMetadata(int meta) {return meta}};
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L28[00:42:34] <LatvianModder> You must register your itemblock with GameRegistry.register(theSameIDAsBlock, new ItemBlockYours());
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L49[01:40:46] <illy> something tells me I made a mistake somewhere :P http://hastebin.com/cahumohepu.coffee
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L59[01:59:55] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160902 mappings to Forge Maven.
L60[01:59:59] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160902-1.10.2.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20160902" in build.gradle).
L61[02:00:10] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L92[03:41:11] <alekso56> in a runnable, is it better to use a static variable outside the class, or a final variable inside the class?
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L95[03:50:21] <Wuppy> damn, I've got 15 different tickets for a festival this weekend :o
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L115[04:53:57] <Koward> Why is the tutorial link on the forums still pointing at the old wiki ?
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L118[04:59:10] <MalkContent> that's intentional. most modders are still modding for 1.7.10 so they are linked to the most relevant information for them. /s
L119[04:59:35] <BordListian> :^)
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L133[06:24:46] <Subaraki> using itm right click is used both on server and client right ?
L134[06:25:10] <Subaraki> so setting a variable on an entity when spawing it with right click, should set that variable for both sides
L135[06:25:19] <Subaraki> are player uuid's one sided only ?
L136[06:25:44] <Subaraki> is there a vanilla entity packet i can trigger to force data sync from read/write nbt ?
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L143[06:57:32] <Noc7is> Does anyone know where Minecraft handles how it determines which way the players entity is moving based on where its looking?
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L145[07:03:01] <PaleoCrafter> Noc7is, moveEntityWithHeading?
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L147[07:03:43] <Noc7is> I mean the client player itself.
L148[07:04:14] <PaleoCrafter> yes, that does it through that :P
L149[07:05:18] <Noc7is> I understand that, but I'm more of looking for the spot where Minecraft listens to keystrokes and determines if the player needs to move.
L150[07:06:23] <PaleoCrafter> that isn't what you asked for initially, but whatever :P MovementInputFromOptions.updatePlayerMoveState
L151[07:06:47] <Noc7is> I guess I wasnt asking for the right thing, my bad
L152[07:08:05] <Aroma1997> !mh func_72835_b
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L154[07:13:23] <Noc7is> The client player moves on the client first, and then updates on the server, right?
L155[07:13:48] <PaleoCrafter> indeed
L156[07:14:34] <Subaraki> what's wrong with flat type worlds ?
L157[07:14:39] <Subaraki> it's not building the world
L158[07:14:51] <Subaraki> either kicking me to 'server error' server gui screen
L159[07:14:59] <Subaraki> or staying stuck at 0% loading terrain
L160[07:20:41] <Subaraki> and my model is only rendering once every 5 times i spawn my entity
L161[07:20:42] <Subaraki> blegh :(
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L163[07:21:10] <Noc7is> I'm seeing where updatePlayerMoveState is being called to move the player, but I'm not seeing where the players position is actually being changed. Searched EntityPlayer SP and MP, the Minecraft class, and tried following the packet being sent as well, but if the client moves first, then it shouldnt be on the other side of the packet.
L164[07:21:48] <PaleoCrafter> the player moves in moveEntityWithHeading as I've already said :P
L165[07:22:28] <Noc7is> Oh, the player actually moves there? I misunderstood, thought you meant moveEntityWithHeading was somehow called to move the player.
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L167[07:23:04] <Noc7is> Like, separately.
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L175[07:57:21] <Noc7is> Anyone ever notice that the players rotation yaw value is never accurate?
L176[07:57:58] <Noc7is> Its like it only updates if the rotation is pushed over 30 degrees in difference
L177[07:59:31] <Noc7is> I'm trying to design a vehicle type entity, and it ne ver drives the correct way, because the yaw is always in the wrong spot.
L178[08:02:30] <ThePsionic> Noc7is: Sounds like the yaw of the body instead of the head
L179[08:02:45] <Noc7is> I've tried both, I get almost the same result.
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L183[08:13:15] <Noc7is> I fixed it. Looks like I had an isRemote check that was screwing with the rotation.
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L192[08:51:27] <p455w0rd> So my HDD with all my mod's sources died and I have no access to the src. I decomp'ed the jar, so I now have the obf src. I downloaded MCP and ran decompile. How can I use this on my obj src of my mod to deobf all the MC references?
L193[08:52:17] <md678685> p455w0rd, I believe Immibis' bearded-octo-nemesis still works (correct me if I'm wrong)
L194[08:52:38] <md678685> Unless MCP has changed since then
L195[08:52:51] <p455w0rd> obj=obf
L196[08:56:24] <p455w0rd> ty
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L199[09:07:09] <Naiten> p455w0rd, consider setting up a repository
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L201[09:07:34] <Naiten> just an advice from someone who was in similar situation
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L203[09:15:35] <p455w0rd> i did have one, just transferred due to joining a team and was waiting until latest bugfix to update to current version
L204[09:15:56] <p455w0rd> i think i got it tho thanks to tterrag :)
L205[09:15:58] <p455w0rd> bon2
L206[09:16:13] <p455w0rd> the src in the repo was over a month old
L207[09:16:42] <p455w0rd> #regularcloudbackupsFTW
L208[09:16:50] <p455w0rd> from here forward
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L227[10:10:05] <Noc7is> Never mind, my motion was being overridden by a super method.
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L231[10:20:38] <madcrazydrumma> What's a good way to store a spell cooldown? I'm thinking create a capability and then a server tick event and modify the stored number in the capability?
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L234[10:25:04] <madcrazydrumma> But there must be an easier way
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L237[10:27:34] <BordListian> store it as a datetime?
L238[10:27:38] <BordListian> err
L239[10:27:42] <BordListian> just date on java
L240[10:28:32] <madcrazydrumma> Example?
L241[10:28:44] <Ordinastie_> ewww, no
L242[10:30:25] *** V is now known as Vigaro
L243[10:30:26] <Ordinastie_> just store the long at wich the spell becomes off cooldown
L244[10:30:26] <Ordinastie_> set it with currentWorldTime + spellCooldown
L245[10:30:26] <PaleoCrafter> make sure to use the total time though
L246[10:30:26] <Ordinastie_> yes
L247[10:30:26] *** Vigaro is now known as V
L248[10:30:26] <thor12022> then what happen is the server restarts and now your time is 5 minutes off?
L249[10:30:26] <thor12022> oh, world time
L250[10:30:26] <thor12022> ignore me
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L254[10:39:32] <madcrazydrumma> ^^ xD
L255[10:39:32] <madcrazydrumma> Okay so Ordinastie_ it's still using the capability
L256[10:39:52] <Ordinastie_> not sure if you need a capability, that's up to you
L257[10:40:05] <madcrazydrumma> How else would I store it for the player?
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L259[10:41:19] <Ordinastie_> I assume you have some sort of manager for your spells, right ?
L260[10:42:10] <madcrazydrumma> I'm gonna be using a capability to store spell ids
L261[10:42:16] <madcrazydrumma> I couldn't think of another way to store a player's spells
L262[10:42:32] <Ordinastie_> that doesn't answer the question
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L264[10:43:02] <madcrazydrumma> No I don't have a manager for the spells
L265[10:43:33] <madcrazydrumma> I've got a keybind which a spell is hooked to through a gui which i will implement later on
L266[10:45:04] <Ordinastie_> if your player can only have a single spell, sure, you can make them caps
L267[10:45:37] <Ordinastie_> but having a separate class to handle the spells, seems to be a better solution
L268[10:45:46] <Ordinastie_> then you can make that class a cap
L269[10:46:04] <madcrazydrumma> Yeah true
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L278[11:32:06] <shartte> Hm... I wonder if it's worth pursuing render to texture or if that's a pipe dream
L279[11:32:21] <Ordinastie_> what do you mean ?
L280[11:32:34] <shartte> Well, you know what the storage monitors in AE2 do? Displaying the item model?
L281[11:32:42] <shartte> Thinking about how I could optimize it so the item is actually baked into the chunk
L282[11:32:52] <shartte> But still support all the crazy item models one could come up with
L283[11:33:28] <shartte> Hmmmm, okay but it wouldn't work because the chunk baking requires texture atlases hmm. nevermind
L284[11:35:23] <Ordinastie_> you could manually render the models after applying the tansforms yourself
L285[11:35:33] <shartte> sure, that's the TESR route
L286[11:35:42] <Ordinastie_> can't reproduce enchanting glow, and there is probably more issues along the way too
L287[11:35:48] <shartte> yeah I guess so
L288[11:35:53] <Ordinastie_> I didn't mean in TESR
L289[11:36:34] <shartte> what do you mean by manually rendering then?
L290[11:36:48] <Ordinastie_> make your model incorporate the item one
L291[11:36:55] <shartte> Oh I have a dynamic model anyway
L292[11:36:57] <shartte> So that's not the issue
L293[11:37:12] <shartte> Hm, you're right. I'll just try to get the IBakedModel for the item and append the relevant quads
L294[11:37:26] <shartte> after transforming them ofcourse
L295[11:37:53] <shartte> Although that does mean I have to apply a projection in software for each chunk rebuild, which is quite annoying... Probably solvable with a cache though
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L297[11:38:50] <Ivorius> I wish MC commands were more like bash commands
L298[11:39:00] <Ivorius> The ordered arguments thing is kind of pissing me off
L299[11:39:20] <PaleoCrafter> write a mod for it :P
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L304[11:42:35] <Ivorius> Might not even be a horrible idea
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L317[12:18:07] <williewillus> !gm func_77569_a
L318[12:18:19] <williewillus> !gm func_82789_a
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L320[12:19:09] <williewillus> !gm func_150995_f
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L323[12:31:27] <Noc7is> I'm working on a vehicle that travels relatively fast. It appears to travel so fast that the game can't keep up syncing the player to the ship on the server and client. After driving the ship for a bit, the server and client have completely different coordinates. Any ideas as to what I can do to fix this? I was thinking about sending a packet every so often unless someone else has a better idea.
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L325[12:33:33] <Ivorius> Noc7is: Don't actually drive an entity, keep it in place and render some arbitrary stuff
L326[12:33:46] <Ivorius> If you're going so fast there's no way the chunks can keep loading either way
L327[12:34:13] <Noc7is> Well, I didn't think it would be a problem since I'm doing it in a dimension that has literally no blocks
L328[12:34:22] <Noc7is> But I guess it is
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L338[12:54:30] <Ordinastie_> I assume there is no builtin way to find which chunks are traversed by a ray trace
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L345[13:22:37] <shadekiller666> is the bounding box for an entity supposed to contain absolute coordinates (ie. world positions) or size coordinates (ie. 4 blocks on x by 2 blocks on y by 6 blocks on z)?
L346[13:24:11] <PaleoCrafter> looks like it's absolute, shadekiller666
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L348[13:24:44] <shadekiller666> ok
L349[13:24:45] <shadekiller666> thanks
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L412[16:14:51] <Ordinastie_> oh, that's annoying, Stuff::something != Stuff::something :/
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L414[16:17:46] <PaleoCrafter> well, think about, Ordinastie_ :P
L415[16:18:01] <PaleoCrafter> *about it
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L417[16:19:47] <Ordinastie_> I know it makes sense, but it's still annoying :/
L418[16:20:28] <PaleoCrafter> if you control the SAM type, you can implement equals :P
L419[16:21:30] <Ordinastie_> you sure ?
L420[16:21:34] <PaleoCrafter> of course
L421[16:21:54] <PaleoCrafter> I specifically said SAM type, you know :P
L422[16:21:59] <PaleoCrafter> doesn't have to be an interface and such
L423[16:22:14] <Naiten> Hello everybody. I need some fundamental help with modding... SUDDENLY my Itnellij IDEA workspace began lagging like hell. Thing is, when I run 'debug client' or 'run client', the game's menus run smooth, but the actual game has fps converging to zero
L424[16:22:26] <Ordinastie_> then I'm missing something
L425[16:22:34] <Ordinastie_> how can it not be an interface ?
L426[16:23:00] <Naiten> Though when build the code and put my jar into the forged MC, it runs smooth
L427[16:23:08] <Naiten> what am i missing?
L428[16:23:10] <PaleoCrafter> SAM stands for single abstract method, so any type that matches that criterion can be used with a lambda
L429[16:23:14] <Ordinastie_> and don't say "just make a concrete implmementation for it" please ><
L430[16:23:46] <PaleoCrafter> an abstract class would work here :P
L431[16:24:17] <Ordinastie_> don't want to have abstract class just for that :/
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L433[16:24:48] <PaleoCrafter> Naiten, maybe IDEA uses a different java installation to run the game which somehow is treated differently by your graphics drivers?
L434[16:25:32] <Ordinastie_> Naiten, do you have a conditional breakpoint setup somewhere ?
L435[16:25:43] <PaleoCrafter> oh yeah, that too can be a problem
L436[16:26:19] <Naiten> PaleoCrafter, oh well. I remember switching java to 1.7 in IDEA settings recently, google told me that will fix ConcurrentModificationException with my custom MovingSounds
L437[16:26:43] <PaleoCrafter> lol
L438[16:26:53] <TechnicianLP> is there a way to hav a bigger scalefactor than 4 in models? (they seem to be capped there)
L439[16:26:54] <PaleoCrafter> what have you been using before that? Java 6? D:
L440[16:26:59] <PaleoCrafter> Ordinastie_, apparently you can make the interface extend Serializable and then use the serialized bytes for a comparison xD
L441[16:27:10] <Naiten> PaleoCrafter, Java 8
L442[16:27:16] <md678685> PaleoCrafter, the vanilla launcher adds extra flags for Intel drivers I believe
L443[16:27:31] <md678685> Might be related
L444[16:27:35] <PaleoCrafter> ^ Naiten :P
L445[16:27:39] <Naiten> Ordinastie_, nope. But even a newly-created world lags a lot.
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L448[16:28:16] <PaleoCrafter> your mod doesn't work on the newest version of Java? that is kind of bad
L449[16:28:45] <PaleoCrafter> not keeping backwards compatibility I understand, but the other way around is disastrous xD
L450[16:28:57] <Ordinastie_> yeah, don't downgrade to hide your CME
L451[16:28:58] <Naiten> PaleoCrafter, my mod works fine on Java 8, but I encounter same problem i had two ears ago
L452[16:29:20] <Naiten> and google told me using latest language could cause that
L453[16:29:21] <illy> ~defualt
L454[16:29:31] <illy> sorry wrong channel
L455[16:29:39] <Ordinastie_> wrong spelling too
L456[16:29:41] <PaleoCrafter> and you spelled default wrong there, illy :P
L457[16:29:43] <PaleoCrafter> xD
L458[16:30:06] <illy> so it wouldnt work anyway...
L459[16:30:11] <illy> :P
L460[16:31:02] <Ordinastie_> PaleoCrafter, I guess if I need a way to unregister callbacks, I need to keep track of the actual object somewhere then :/
L461[16:31:28] <PaleoCrafter> I bet it wasn't misspelled but instead is a secret nuclear missile launch code D:
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L463[16:32:02] <Tazz> lol
L464[16:32:39] * Tazz kinda wants to explore natural language processing with this mod haha
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L466[16:33:07] <md678685> DEFUALT IN 3
L467[16:34:11] <Naiten> PaleoCrafter, I've changed my SDK to Java 1.8 and language level back to 8, but the issue still exists...
L468[16:34:28] <PaleoCrafter> I didn't say it would fix it :P
L469[16:34:38] <Tazz> rofl
L470[16:34:46] <PaleoCrafter> do you have integrated Intel graphics, perchance?
L471[16:34:46] <illy> so spelling solved an issue but revealed another one in my logic... http://imgur.com/gallery/HTisMpC
L472[16:35:29] <Ordinastie_> oh, imgur, I guess I'm not doing anything productive for the next 2 hours :x
L473[16:36:25] <illy> I just redirect imgur to http://xkcd.com/no/
L474[16:38:22] <Naiten> PaleoCrafter, welp, I don't have that, got ATI AMD Radeon R7 200
L475[16:38:39] <PaleoCrafter> don't really have a clue then xD
L476[16:38:49] <Naiten> D;
L477[16:39:30] <illy> there was an issue with the skylake and integrated Intel graphics not sure if has been fixed yet
L478[16:50:26] <AbrarSyed> I never had an issue with that
L479[16:52:29] <illy> AbrarSyed: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Intel_graphics#Skylake_support
L480[16:53:04] <AbrarSyed> "On a fully updated system running kernel 4.3.x and up, this step is unnecessary."
L481[16:53:33] ⇦ Quits: TechnicianLP (~Technic@p4FE57153.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L482[16:54:02] <AbrarSyed> actually no, still need some stuff
L483[16:54:11] <AbrarSyed> hmm.. weird.. I have never had any of the issues they mentioned htere
L484[16:54:14] <AbrarSyed> *there
L485[16:55:07] ⇦ Quits: Drullkus (~Drullkus@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L486[16:55:24] <illy> I have and sometimes still do
L487[16:56:08] <illy> hmmm might have to try this i915.enable_rc6=0
L488[16:56:22] <Naiten> tried allocating 2GB of memory instead of 1, no result Dx
L489[16:57:03] <AbrarSyed> to be fair, I do GPU passthrough, maybe those IOMMU kernel options removed my problems..
L490[16:57:45] <illy> ~status 1
L491[16:58:04] <illy> damn it Abrar making me talk in two channels :P
L492[16:59:47] *** V is now known as Vigaro
L493[17:04:17] <AbrarSyed> 2? im only talking in 1
L494[17:04:42] <illy> >.>
L495[17:05:03] * illy stabs Abrar
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L504[17:38:26] <Naiten> Why would my environment even start lagging suddenly Dx
L505[17:41:44] ⇦ Quits: md678685 (~md678685@ (Quit: Leaving)
L506[17:48:38] <Ordinastie_> just to be really sure, did you double check for that breakpoint ?
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L508[17:50:22] <Naiten> Ordinastie_, which breakpoint?
L509[17:50:57] <PaleoCrafter> you know, *that* breakpoint
L510[17:51:01] <Ordinastie_> some conditional breakpoint or watchpoint that you would have set and forgotten
L511[17:51:05] <Naiten> OH WAIT
L512[17:51:05] <PaleoCrafter> the breakpoint everybody's talking about
L513[17:51:44] <Ordinastie_> PaleoCrafter, nah, the other one
L514[17:51:50] <Ordinastie_> you know the one that did that stuff
L515[17:51:53] <PaleoCrafter> oh *that* one?
L516[17:51:56] <Ordinastie_> yes
L517[17:51:59] <PaleoCrafter> now I remember
L518[17:52:14] <Ordinastie_> you can easily confuse the two
L519[17:53:03] <Naiten> DAUMhnasdeFDNDS i feel like dum bass
L520[17:53:18] <Naiten> was actually THAT breakpoint
L521[17:53:30] <Ordinastie_> I know
L522[17:53:52] * Naiten heils Ordinastie_ \o/
L523[17:54:20] <Ordinastie_> I'd say kudos to you for actually using one
L524[17:54:35] <Ordinastie_> modders using the debugger is a rare sight
L525[17:54:49] <Ordinastie_> well "modders"
L526[17:56:54] <Naiten> I guess you'd better say 'coders'
L527[17:57:00] <Naiten> meaning 'codemonkeys'
L528[17:59:31] <Naiten> welp, i was a codemonkey before past month as well ?\_(?)_/?
L529[18:00:36] <PaleoCrafter> what exactly do you mean? you smashed your hands at your keyboard until it compiled?
L530[18:01:13] <Naiten> nope, i just had no clue how to use a debugger at all
L531[18:01:40] <Naiten> i've read some articles on that and googled stuff but just could not get how to use it though i got the concept
L532[18:02:24] <Naiten> then study made me to stop modding for a long while (about a year) and now i just go and use a debugger
L533[18:02:43] <Naiten> and abstract interfaces, though i could not use them year ago either
L534[18:02:56] <Naiten> magic
L535[18:03:55] <PaleoCrafter> abstract... interfaces?
L536[18:04:33] <Ordinastie_> maybe he learned redundancy too this year :p
L537[18:05:31] <Naiten> erm
L538[18:05:43] <PaleoCrafter> the lessons weren't dry enough, I suppose
L539[18:06:05] <Naiten> was going to write 'abstract classes and interfaces' but my brain somehow skipped the middle
L540[18:06:14] * PaleoCrafter see himself out
L541[18:06:22] <Ordinastie_> PaleoCrafter, you can stay, I didn't even get that
L542[18:06:35] <PaleoCrafter> dry - don't repeat yourself :P
L543[18:06:53] <Ordinastie_> oh, is that an actual acronym ?
L544[18:07:13] <PaleoCrafter> yeah
L545[18:07:18] <Ordinastie_> never seen it
L546[18:08:02] <PaleoCrafter> I think I've oddly enough only seen it in conjunction with functional programming, although it really is a universal concept
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L548[18:13:30] <Ordinastie_> gah, I hate it when I'm in this state :x
L549[18:13:35] <Ordinastie_> I want to do so many things
L550[18:13:46] <Ordinastie_> but I'm not motivated enough to start any :/
L551[18:14:15] ⇦ Quits: Kano (~Kano@107-209-128-138.lightspeed.mssnks.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L552[18:14:22] <PaleoCrafter> isn't it called département in France, not state? :P
L553[18:14:53] <PaleoCrafter> Now I'll really see myself out, want to go to bed anyways
L554[18:14:57] <Ordinastie_> I almost answered seriously ><
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L559[18:20:57] <Naiten> But well, how do I walkaround ConcurrentModificationException caused by custom MovingSound though?
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L561[18:22:48] <shartte> I feel like you need to be a bit more specific
L562[18:22:56] <shartte> Then again, I am a noob
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L564[18:35:51] <Naiten> shartte, welp, FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().getSoundHandler().playSound(new CustomMovingSound) causes ConcurrentModificationException meaning that somehow something is trying to modify a Collection while other thread is iterating over it
L565[18:35:59] <Naiten> that's the background
L566[18:36:06] <Naiten> and idk how to solve the problem
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L568[18:36:15] <Ordinastie_> why do you use that to play sounds ?
L569[18:37:03] <Naiten> Ordinastie_, how else should i play _looping_ sound?
L570[18:37:51] <Naiten> Ordinastie_, i use worldObj.playSoundAtEntity(), sure, but it's for single-play sounds
L571[18:38:05] <Naiten> and i need a looping one, like minecart rolling sound
L572[18:38:08] <shartte> waaaaait
L573[18:38:14] <shartte> from where are you calling that?
L574[18:38:22] <shartte> possibly from a callback in your sound?
L575[18:39:06] <Naiten> shartte, from ProxyClient method which is called from my LocomotiveEntity.onEntityUpdate method
L576[18:39:19] <Naiten> with if(this.ticksExisted == 7) condition
L577[18:39:48] <shartte> My guess is that you're inside the loop for the list
L578[18:40:00] <Naiten> -.-
L579[18:40:03] <shartte> you might need to defer your list-modification (-> playSound) for after that loop, i.e. tick handler
L580[18:40:06] <Ordinastie_> well, you didn't say what CMEs
L581[18:40:26] <shartte> i mean in general CME's have a pretty straight forward way of fixing things
L582[18:40:38] <shartte> if you're in control of the loop, consider copying the list before iterating
L583[18:40:46] <shartte> if you're *not* in control of the loop, defer your updates to the collection
L584[18:45:19] <Naiten> shartte, i barely understand what you say -.- i'm not in the control of the loop (if you mean the code iterating over Collection under 'loop') and how do i defer updates
L585[18:45:21] <Naiten> ?
L586[18:45:35] <shartte> okay instead of calling playSound directly
L587[18:45:38] <shartte> you add the sounds to a list
L588[18:45:43] <shartte> somewhere in your mod
L589[18:45:52] <shartte> then you drain that list and call playSound later
L590[18:46:03] <Naiten> Ordinastie_, i have no saved logs atm and cathing this bug is somehow depending on the luck :/
L591[18:46:04] <shartte> i.e. (and i dont know enough of forge to say where) in some global client-side tick handler?
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L593[18:47:01] <Ordinastie_> please stop giving shitty advices based on hypothetical guessworks
L594[18:47:27] <Naiten> shartte, i have to add new sound with every new Entity i place, and it's not like 'collect sounds and drain them later'
L595[18:48:09] <shartte> feel free to give him better advice, Ordinastie_
L596[18:48:30] <Ordinastie_> there is no advice to give until the problem is clearly identified
L597[18:48:48] <Ordinastie_> we don't even know if it's related to playing sounds at all
L598[18:49:01] <Naiten> Ordinastie_, welp, i'll go catch that bug then
L599[18:49:23] <Naiten> where's my butterfly net
L600[18:49:57] <Ordinastie_> you might want a breakpoint for CME
L601[18:54:24] <Naiten> Ordinastie_, yeah, set that
L602[18:54:48] ⇦ Quits: raoulvdberge (uid95673@id-95673.richmond.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L603[18:56:00] <Naiten> Ordinastie_, welp, i caught it .-. it's at line 901 in ArrayList: final void checkForComodification() {
L604[18:56:00] <Naiten> if (modCount != expectedModCount)
L605[18:56:00] <Naiten> throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
L606[18:56:00] <Naiten> }
L607[18:56:16] <Ordinastie_> yes, but what collection
L608[18:56:32] ⇨ Joins: minot2 (~minot@pool-100-8-212-113.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net)
L609[18:56:37] <Ordinastie_> and where from
L610[18:56:47] ⇦ Quits: alekso56 (~znc@ti0107a400-0479.bb.online.no) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L612[18:57:51] <Naiten> Ordinastie_, http://pastebin.com/qQwmPzSd
L613[18:58:04] <Naiten> at net.minecraft.client.audio.SoundManager.updateAllSounds
L614[18:59:16] ⇦ Quits: Seppon (~Noppes@ip56530f2e.direct-adsl.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L616[19:00:53] * Naiten still has no idea of threads and thread-safe programming
L617[19:01:05] <Ordinastie_> it's not thread related
L618[19:01:22] <Ordinastie_> or maybe it is here
L619[19:01:28] <Naiten> ^ no idea
L620[19:03:05] <Ordinastie_> can you show your code ?
L621[19:06:31] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L622[19:13:41] <Naiten> Ordinastie_, sure http://pastebin.com/uerhz2kt
L623[19:14:00] <Naiten> Sotty, was taking a fast break
L624[19:14:37] <Naiten> *sorry
L625[19:15:22] <Ordinastie_> quick question
L626[19:15:35] <Ordinastie_> is there anywhere in MC that does what you want to do ?
L627[19:16:19] <Naiten> Ordinastie_, MovingSoundMinecart
L628[19:16:19] ⇦ Quits: BordListian (~BordListi@213-47-142-14.cable.dynamic.surfer.at) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L629[19:16:24] <Ordinastie_> yes
L630[19:16:30] <Ordinastie_> and how do they do it ?
L631[19:16:31] <Naiten> this.mc.getSoundHandler().playSound(new MovingSoundMinecart((EntityMinecart)p_72838_1_));
L632[19:16:48] <Naiten> at World.spawnEntityInWorld
L633[19:17:02] <Ordinastie_> no in update()
L634[19:17:16] <Naiten> daumn
L635[19:18:19] <Naiten> but wait, this is actually not mine implementation
L636[19:18:26] <Ordinastie_> I can't guarantee that's the cause, but I don't understand why you do (this.ticksExisted == 5
L637[19:18:29] <LordFokas> where should my (new) blockstate JSONs be located?
L638[19:18:58] <Naiten> i used to call proxy method from entityInit() year ago and it still gave similar exception sometimes
L639[19:20:08] <Ordinastie_> only thing I can say is, you have a working implementation already, so find out why yours doesn't work
L640[19:20:10] <Ordinastie_> find the differences
L641[19:21:08] <Naiten> Ordinastie_, i'll try moving the proxy call to the code which creates new entity
L642[19:21:19] <Naiten> place it directly after spawnEntityInWorld()
L643[19:22:29] <Naiten> LordFokas, which version of MC / Forge?
L644[19:23:02] <LordFokas> 1.9.4 / 2051
L645[19:23:10] <Ordinastie_> same as for vanilla
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L647[19:28:07] <illy> 10/10 issue managment with the github bot http://imgur.com/a/qEEoU
L648[19:29:23] <Ordinastie_> you toString() the array instead of the elements ? :)
L649[19:29:39] <illy> heheh
L650[19:30:30] <illy> I should rewrite my argument parsing at some point
L651[19:33:14] <Naiten> Ordinastie_, i did what i planned and looks like it fixed the issue
L652[19:34:15] <Naiten> Not sure though, since the bug is not replicateable (random, i'd say). After placing several dozens of locomotives and getting to CME i assume the issue solved
L653[19:34:22] <Naiten> ^ how actual engineering works
L654[19:34:31] <illy> though once the labler is fixed the bot should be at feature parity to Actuarius aside from some QOL features
L655[19:36:22] <quadraxis> Arrays.(toString()/deepToString())
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L657[19:55:36] ⇨ Joins: Lach_01298 (~Lach_0129@14-200-43-252.static.tpgi.com.au)
L658[19:55:42] <illy> Hmmm closer http://imgur.com/a/sMTEi (id did args[2] instead of args[3])
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L661[19:57:49] <Lach_01298> I got a set of subblocks with different meta but if i place any it always places the block with meta of 0 any help?
L662[19:58:15] <TehNut> Like we told you last night, override getMetadata(int) in your ItemBlock
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L665[20:02:24] <Lach_01298> really that's the way standard way of doing it?
L666[20:03:28] <TehNut> Yes...
L667[20:04:49] <Tazz> http://i.imgur.com/i08RMHD.png working on a nexus for this server...thoughts on how it looks? XD
L668[20:05:34] <Tazz> I hardly have anything to make something extremely detailed :<
L669[20:05:46] <Tazz> no carpenter's blocks, micrblocks, or anything like that
L670[20:05:53] <Tazz> just chisel and a few random mods
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L672[20:09:28] <illy> no C&B?
L673[20:09:40] <Tazz> nope :<
L674[20:09:50] <Tazz> not till we finish the nexus build off XD
L675[20:10:03] <Tazz> because it wasnt in there when we started and they didnt want to go against me with having access to chisels and bits XD
L676[20:10:44] <TehNut> You mention Carpenter's Blocks, so it sounds like you're on 1.7
L677[20:10:50] <TehNut> So you can't use C&B anyways
L678[20:11:23] <TehNut> I know you said "no carpenters blocks" but I assume you meant that they just didn't have it
L679[20:11:31] <Tazz> no
L680[20:11:34] <Tazz> thats why we didnt have it
L681[20:11:35] <Tazz> XD
L682[20:11:38] <TehNut> Ahh
L683[20:12:06] <TehNut> You were doing lots of 1.7 stuff before so I assumed
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L685[20:13:18] <Tazz> nope
L686[20:13:20] <Tazz> not atm
L687[20:13:29] <Tazz> this is 1.10.2
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L689[20:16:59] <Lach_01298> ok so everything working except all the blocks names are the same do i do the same thing and override the getUnlocalizedName(ItemStack stack) in the item block?
L690[20:17:20] <TehNut> yes
L691[20:17:21] <LordFokas> how do I make an item have multiple models according to metadata?
L692[20:18:03] <Tazz> blockstates maybe?
L693[20:18:05] <TehNut> ModelLoader.setCustomMRL(item, meta, MRL)
L694[20:18:09] <Tazz> TehNut, you a programmer? XD
L695[20:18:19] <TehNut> yes
L696[20:18:33] <quadraxis> Lach_01298, maybe just use ItemMultiTexture?
L697[20:18:49] <Tazz> TehNut, I need somewhat of a sanity check...
L698[20:18:49] <Tazz> XD
L699[20:20:07] <TehNut> ?
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L701[20:24:27] <Lach_01298> quadraxis what's the difference between block and block2
L702[20:24:55] <quadraxis> should just be the same
L703[20:26:50] <quadraxis> see Item.registerItems() for vanilla examples
L704[20:28:57] <Tazz> TehNut, suppose a mod were to have a rather extensive and complex system of literally writing spells through a logographic writing scheme...what is the hypothetical and possible reasons to not do it and to do it and is it even sane? XD
L705[20:29:56] <TehNut> not to: You would alienate a lot of players who don't like things that deep. Or they'd just copy what other people did. (ie Psi)
L706[20:30:06] <Tazz> XD
L707[20:30:09] <TehNut> to: It sounds cool (ie Psi)
L708[20:30:18] <TehNut> sane? nah
L709[20:30:20] <Tazz> well I was hardly trying to not copy Psi or Ars Magica too XD
L710[20:30:35] <Tazz> if my friend can get those glyphs done Im half way to having the entire "grammar" ready haha
L711[20:31:12] <Tazz> like its kinda akin to written language (like english) in a way that it has syntactical rules that determine the spells effects
L712[20:31:25] <Tazz> but using glyphs that resemble a cuneform or something
L713[20:32:21] <Tazz> it may look similar to japanese writing in a way at that point (or some other language akin to that :>)
L714[20:32:39] <LordFokas> can you get yourself into terrible accidents while attempting to write a new spell?
L715[20:33:20] <LordFokas> like summoning a live TNT instead of the intended effect or something along those lines? :p
L716[20:33:24] <Tazz> I wanna add a level complexity where the more complicated the spell is it generates a dark energetic effect that essentially can cause very intense and bad effects to the player in a way that it would be almost the exact opposite of the players wishes
L717[20:33:29] <Tazz> but not true opposite cause no fun that way XD
L718[20:34:22] <Tazz> I would like to find a way of balancing the spells too XD
L719[20:34:40] <Tazz> like as it stands I the player could theoretically craft a spell that does OP things and use it for free XD
L720[20:35:02] <LordFokas> I like the way most mods balance things nowadays
L721[20:35:09] <Tazz> which is?
L722[20:35:10] <Tazz> XD
L723[20:35:25] <LordFokas> can't really explain, but stuff feels natural
L724[20:35:35] <LordFokas> this isn't directly related to what you're saying
L725[20:35:39] <Tazz> haha okay :.
L726[20:35:46] <LordFokas> but you reminded me of some things
L727[20:36:08] <Tazz> a friend and I were discussing things about having a cap like the mana thing in Ars Magica 2 (I think)
L728[20:36:13] <LordFokas> a long time ago "balancing a recipe" and "adding more diamonds to the recipe" meant the same to most modders
L729[20:36:31] <Tazz> I also kinda wanna add a similar system of runes and tattoos that would work akin to what the spell system is but in different ways :>
L730[20:37:11] <LordFokas> I remember IC2 and BC being the main culprits there, although back then 300-mod packs weren't a common sight :p
L731[20:37:32] <Tazz> D
L732[20:37:46] <Tazz> I just want it so its not abusable at all
L733[20:38:02] <Tazz> idc what it costs to amke something long as its legit,
L734[20:38:11] <LordFokas> and BC is still doing the same stuff it did 4 or 5 years ago... using diamonds to balance out magic blocks
L735[20:38:16] <Tazz> but like using it should not be something that goes without deficit in some way XD
L736[20:38:41] <LordFokas> if you don't want it to be abusable, you came to the wrong place
L737[20:39:15] <Tazz> haha
L738[20:39:18] <LordFokas> there will always be those guys who can find ways to exploit your mod, no matter how much effort you put into it
L739[20:39:29] <LordFokas> especially if your mod interacts with others
L740[20:39:31] <Tazz> idk I feel there are a few mods out there that arent totally abusable XD
L741[20:40:11] <LordFokas> for example, TiCo forces you to have moss stone to make moss balls which give tools regen
L742[20:40:40] <LordFokas> however if you have Chisel you can smelt cobble, chisel the stone to mossy bricks, and craft them into moss balls
L743[20:41:06] <Tazz> yeah I know XD
L744[20:41:13] <Tazz> I love that XD
L745[20:41:14] <LordFokas> which totally throws that feature off balance because now you can easily make any tool have regen
L746[20:41:32] <LordFokas> although it isn't a huge exploit, it's not intended
L747[20:41:42] <LordFokas> and those kinds of things sum up
L748[20:42:09] <LordFokas> if you can chain up small exploits you can actually throw the entire game off balance
L749[20:42:43] <Tazz> ikr
L750[20:42:43] <Tazz> XD
L751[20:42:59] <bspkrs> Let's be naughty! Play Cards Against Humanity! http://bspk.rs/CAH/
L752[20:43:01] <LordFokas> example: feeding a quarry's cobble output into an EE2 whatchamacallit. each 8k cobble is a "free" diamond.
L753[20:45:08] <LordFokas> that is a very complicated territory
L754[20:45:10] <Tazz> XD
L755[20:45:15] <Tazz> I loved the dark rooms XD
L756[20:45:18] <Tazz> they were fun :>
L757[20:45:50] <LordFokas> suddenly talking about EE2 made me feel old
L758[20:45:56] <Tazz> haha
L759[20:46:03] <LordFokas> how long have I even been playing this?
L760[20:46:04] <Tazz> I was around with EE@ :>
L761[20:46:14] <Tazz> 1.0 baby :>
L762[20:46:29] <LordFokas> I started with Beta 1.3 or 1.4
L763[20:46:42] * Tazz totally had the first GUI container tutorial, and the first dimension tutorial and a popular tutorial series on the Minecraft forums :>
L764[20:46:54] <LordFokas> got into mods in Beta 1.8
L765[20:47:04] <LordFokas> also got totally amazed by ravines
L766[20:47:13] <Tazz> haha
L767[20:47:31] <LordFokas> it was the last great original feature of the Beta
L768[20:48:36] <LordFokas> by MC 1.2.5 I couldn't play without mods anymore
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L770[20:48:55] <LordFokas> although setting up a server was a massive pain
L771[20:49:52] <LordFokas> you needed to install ModLoader, then ModLoaderMP, then Forge, in that order into the JAR
L772[20:50:00] <LordFokas> and then get every mod you wanted
L773[20:50:16] <LordFokas> and client / server jars were 2 different things
L774[20:50:24] <LordFokas> so one mistake and everything would go boom
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L776[20:51:29] <Tazz> mmmhm
L777[20:51:34] <Tazz> I remember hacking with modload XD
L778[20:51:36] <Tazz> modloader*
L779[20:51:37] <Tazz> haha
L780[20:52:21] <LordFokas> and there was this thing
L781[20:52:25] <LordFokas> called RedPower
L782[20:52:29] <LordFokas> :p
L783[20:52:29] <Tazz> haha
L784[20:52:32] <Tazz> the most glorious mod :>
L785[20:52:58] <Lach_01298> quadraxis that works great!
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L787[20:53:15] <LordFokas> back in the day it was outstanding
L788[20:53:24] <LordFokas> it could put everything else to a corner
L789[20:53:40] <Tazz> ikr
L790[20:53:41] <LordFokas> and it was the first entry on any modpack
L791[20:54:05] <Tazz> mmm
L792[20:54:06] <blood_> Ordinastie_ around
L793[20:54:12] <Ordinastie_> yup
L794[20:54:19] <LordFokas> it was so powerful and flexible you could use it to exploit any other mod's limitations
L795[20:54:20] <blood_> can you hop in your malsis chan
L796[20:54:21] <Tazz> I also liked the first thaumcraft it was neat :>
L797[20:54:58] <LordFokas> I remember making water mills with IC2 for passive base power
L798[20:55:10] <Tazz> XD
L799[20:55:15] <LordFokas> but I wanted them to run on manned mode because it had higher output
L800[20:55:31] <LordFokas> so I had a BC tank with a pump on an infinite pool
L801[20:55:52] <LordFokas> and a RP2 contraption that would fill buckets from the tank and feed them into the mills
L802[20:57:00] <LordFokas> I think that was my first exploit
L803[20:57:13] <Tazz> ^^
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L806[21:00:37] <LordFokas> and that is why you can't build a totally balanced mod, ever
L807[21:00:43] <Tazz> haha
L808[21:00:47] <Tazz> I will succeed!
L809[21:00:48] <LordFokas> it may be balanced within itself, sure
L810[21:01:08] <Tazz> I cant decide which I want to work with tonight XD
L811[21:01:12] <Tazz> C, C++ or Scala
L812[21:01:19] <LordFokas> but in packs, and the larger the packs, the less chance you have :p
L813[21:01:39] <LordFokas> Grow an epic beard, get fat, code C
L814[21:01:50] <LordFokas> oh and glasses. You need to wear glasses
L815[21:01:55] <Tazz> XD
L816[21:02:03] <Tazz> I dont wear glasses but I got the rest of that down :>
L817[21:02:09] * Tazz haz epic beard
L818[21:02:13] <illy> assembly
L819[21:02:36] <Tazz> and a friend of mine instantly thought of thou who shale not be named in here's beard XD
L820[21:02:40] <Tazz> or twitter pic thing
L821[21:02:52] <LordFokas> I can't grow an epic beard
L822[21:03:05] <Tazz> I just recently shaved my head hair off XD
L823[21:03:21] <LordFokas> halfway through it irritates me so much that I have to at least trim it a good bit
L824[21:03:40] <Tazz> http://i.imgur.com/OiYksD1.png
L825[21:03:46] <Tazz> long time ago :>
L826[21:03:51] <Tazz> most recent doe :P
L827[21:04:06] <LordFokas> damn son
L828[21:04:07] <Tazz> but just imagine no head hair and a more kept beard
L829[21:04:07] <Tazz> haha
L830[21:04:17] <Tazz> that was hardly one I paid attention too XD
L831[21:06:21] <Tazz> LordFokas, question? XD
L832[21:09:14] <LordFokas> ??
L833[21:09:51] <Tazz> nm
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L835[21:21:43] <VikeStep> huh, never knew that O'Reilly had a minecraft forge book
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L839[21:44:56] <AbrarSyed> wasnt that whats his names.. quppys?
L840[21:45:00] <AbrarSyed> *wuppys book?
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L847[21:54:34] <Ordinastie_> nah, not the same book
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L851[21:57:35] <VikeStep> AbrarSyed, http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920036562.do
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L878[22:56:38] <LordFokas> I need a json model wizard
L879[22:57:11] <LordFokas> I have a model that MC complains is missing variants
L880[22:57:28] <LordFokas> I've used the forge blockstate to build the model
L881[22:57:35] <Ordinastie_> show your model
L882[22:58:08] <LordFokas> http://puu.sh/qY7ul/ed02919ba2.png
L883[22:58:21] <LordFokas> MC says something about a #inventory variant
L884[22:58:53] <LordFokas> but I'm a bit clueless here, do I have to add a variant to render it in inventory?
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L888[23:02:04] <Ordinastie_> yes
L889[23:02:24] <Ordinastie_> actually, I thought it was automatically handled
L890[23:02:56] <Ordinastie_> did you do set ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation?
L891[23:03:00] <McJty> Just add an inventory line exactly like that normal thing
L892[23:05:28] <LordFokas> no, I just put it in place
L893[23:05:47] <LordFokas> I expected such a ridiculously complicated system to handle association by itself
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L895[23:09:36] <LordFokas> I had other code issues, it is now running, but I still don't get models on my stuff
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L899[23:19:18] <LordFokas> why the hell is MC accusing my items of not having variants when items don't even have blockstates to begin with?
L900[23:19:22] <LordFokas> WTF is this?
L901[23:20:09] ⇦ Quits: Cooler (~CoolerExt@ (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L902[23:20:55] <McJty> Items can have variants too
L903[23:20:59] ⇦ Quits: smbarbour (~smbarbour@c-73-211-171-154.hsd1.il.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L904[23:21:08] <McJty> Works a bit differently though
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