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L26[01:29:42] * Naiten trying to find a ready license for his mod: http://i.imgur.com/K3JMcMm.png
L27[01:41:02] <gigaherz> Naiten: IMO,
L28[01:41:12] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@c-73-189-164-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L29[01:41:25] <gigaherz> if you want others to be able to modify the code,
L30[01:41:48] <gigaherz> then if you want those modifications to remain in thesame license, go with GPL or LGPL
L31[01:41:56] <gigaherz> if you don't care, go with BSD or MIT
L32[01:42:12] <gigaherz> and you can use a separate CC-BY or CC-BY-SA
L33[01:42:16] <gigaherz> for the assets folder
L34[01:43:30] <Naiten> gigaherz, thing is, i DON'T want other people to modify or even take a look at my code :� i do consider going opensource once, but not yet :L
L35[01:45:21] <sham1> Why
L36[01:45:51] <sham1> Do you think someone is going to steal it or somethint
L37[01:48:35] <gigaherz> Wel lthen you are looking at the wrong place
L38[01:48:47] <gigaherz> juist stamp "ALL RIGHTS RESERVED" on it and be done with it
L39[01:49:05] ⇨ Joins: BordListian (~BordListi@213-47-142-14.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)
L40[01:49:08] <gigaherz> note however
L41[01:49:16] <gigaherz> that's *not required*
L42[01:49:26] <gigaherz> the license exists to give others rights
L43[01:49:28] <gigaherz> if you don't have one
L44[01:49:41] <gigaherz> "all rights reserved" is the default state for a copyrightable work
L45[01:49:47] <Naiten> sham1, i just want to keep some parts of my code (those written by me from scratch and relating physics/math) from being used by competing mods :L
L46[01:50:13] <Naiten> gigaherz, what if i want to allow my users make texturepacks for the mod and distribute them as well?
L47[01:50:19] <gigaherz> modding isn't supposed to be a competition :/
L48[01:50:34] <gigaherz> Naiten: they can do that even if you don't give them permission
L49[01:50:42] <gigaherz> unless you want them to be able to use your textures as a base
L50[01:50:49] <gigaherz> in which case
L51[01:50:57] <gigaherz> then put a file saying "assets are CC-BY-SA"
L52[01:51:21] <gigaherz> some "Assets License.txt" or similar
L53[01:51:48] <Naiten> gigaherz, indeed they decided it's a 'competition' and clearly stated this to their users :/
L54[01:51:52] <Naiten> gigaherz, oh well
L55[01:52:45] <gigaherz> "they decided it's a 'competition' and clearly stated this to their users" -- and this is why I don't like to overlap too much with other mods
L56[01:52:53] <gigaherz> I don't want others to feel like they must compete with me
L57[01:52:55] <gigaherz> fuck that.
L58[01:53:06] * gigaherz hates competitiveness
L59[01:55:46] <gigaherz> (I do enjoy seeing how far I can go, and comparing that to other people's results, I just don't like the attitude of taking one person's slightly vigger score as being everyone else's loss)
L60[01:55:55] <gigaherz> bigger*
L61[01:57:07] <Naiten> gigaherz, what should I back in 2011 then? The railway mod (T&Zm, now it's TC) existed and I didn't like it for many bugs, broken scale and other things. Making suggestions... Well, we all know how disturbing it is to hear suggestions from users. And they had closed source and won't accept help from me, as i was a noob knowing nothing about Java :/
L62[01:57:23] <Naiten> welp
L63[01:57:24] <gigaherz> I'm not suggesting you quit
L64[01:57:25] <gigaherz> no way
L65[01:57:33] <gigaherz> what I hate are the other mod authors taking it as a competition
L66[01:57:33] <gigaherz> ;P
L67[01:58:01] <gigaherz> so I personally avoid that situation ;P
L68[01:58:48] <Naiten> well, you said "why I don't like to overlap too much with other mods", but my case is when creating overlapping project was the only way for me :/
L69[01:58:51] <gigaherz> oh crap, I'm late for work, lol
L70[01:58:54] <gigaherz> later
L71[01:59:00] <Naiten> oh, okay
L72[01:59:57] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160829 mappings to Forge Maven.
L73[02:00:00] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160829-1.10.2.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20160829" in build.gradle).
L74[02:00:11] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L78[02:11:35] <heldplayer> Darkhax: http://i.imgur.com/9eahnnP.jpg Feature!
L79[02:12:07] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L80[02:12:12] <Lylac> what am i looking at
L81[02:12:12] <Darkhax> It's actually a nice improvement to vanilla clouds :p
L82[02:13:08] <heldplayer> Indeed!
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L86[02:17:48] <Subaraki> how possible are custom enchantments ?
L87[02:18:21] <Subaraki> ^ question before I start looking into it
L88[02:18:37] <Subaraki> i was mostly thinking about id's
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L94[02:36:49] <Darkhax> Subaraki, there is still a 256 cap on enchantment IDs. Not much you can do to get around that.
L95[02:37:01] <Subaraki> :/
L96[02:37:06] <Subaraki> oh, hey dark ! :D
L97[02:38:21] <Darkhax> Hello :p
L98[02:38:31] <Subaraki> ^^
L99[02:38:45] <Subaraki> you where the exact person I wanted to talk to about enchantments :D
L100[02:39:12] <Subaraki> so, best try is to get the next enchant id and have a config about it ?
L101[02:40:38] <Darkhax> Not sure if Forge has finished the enchantment registry, but you can use GameRegistry#register to register them now.
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L103[02:43:19] <Koward> OreDict really just store a list per name, there's no way to get/set for example the relation between log blocks and planks ? Just checking if I don't miss some existing feature
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L114[03:27:18] <Naiten> Is there a way to take a look at srg table for cpecific MC version? Like, i want to know what's the srged name for WorldClient.func_72914_a() in 1.7.10...
L115[03:29:50] <Hanii> What are the advantages or disadvantages of using IWorldGenerator to generate something vs listening to PopulateChunkEvent.Pre or .Post? Apart from being able to specify exactly when, are they pretty much equivalent?
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L118[03:39:49] <ThePsionic> Naiten: !gf func_72914_a 1.7.10
L119[03:40:01] <Naiten> !gf func_72914_a 1.7.10
L120[03:40:15] <Naiten> [18:40:07] -MCPBot_Reborn- No results found.
L121[03:40:17] <Naiten> D:
L122[03:40:20] <ThePsionic> rip
L123[03:40:26] <Naiten> welp, actually
L124[03:40:32] <ThePsionic> I'm pretty sure that's how that works
L125[03:40:34] <Naiten> http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/stable/
L126[03:41:04] <Naiten> i already downloaded the tables and used NP++ search
L127[03:41:06] <Naiten> works for me
L128[03:41:24] <ThePsionic> That's also possible
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L141[04:30:33] <Subaraki> is there an event to intercept messages ?
L142[04:30:40] <Subaraki> people speaking ?
L143[04:37:13] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
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L150[04:56:09] <hch12907> are there any TE/GUI tutorials out there? for 1.10.2
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L178[06:28:01] <Subaraki> is there a way to color particles when spawning them ?
L179[06:28:10] <Subaraki> do you color them in the parameters array ?
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L182[06:51:09] <gigaherz> Naiten: !gf is for gields, you want !gm for a method ;P
L183[06:51:18] <gigaherz> fields*
L184[06:51:36] <gigaherz> !gm func_72914_a 1.7.10
L185[06:51:51] <gigaherz> [13:51] -MCPBot_Reborn- === MC 1.7.10: net/minecraft/world/World.addWorldInfoToCrashReport (ahb.a) UNLOCKED ===
L186[06:52:00] <gigaherz> ThePsionic lied to you ;P
L187[06:53:01] <gigaherz> [11:56] (hch12907): are there any TE/GUI tutorials out there? for 1.10.2
L188[06:53:17] <gigaherz> it works just the same as any 1.8+
L189[06:53:43] <gigaherz> for TEs, just override hasTileEntity/createTileEntity (ignore ITileEntityProvider and BlockContainer, those whouldn't exist)
L190[06:53:51] <gigaherz> for GUIs it's the same old Container+GuiContainer system
L191[06:54:07] <gigaherz> the only difference is if you use IItemHandlers, you'll want SlotItemHandler instead of Slot
L192[06:54:25] * gigaherz goes back to working
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L194[06:55:29] <Naiten> gigaherz, oh, thanks c:
L195[06:56:25] <ThePsionic> oops I fucked up
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L200[07:14:29] <hch12907> are there any kinds of TESR, that don't slow down the game terribly, when there are many of them in one frame/screen?
L201[07:15:04] <hch12907> like, uh, draw call batching?
L202[07:35:29] * MalkContent shouts barely half informed from the sidelines: "VBOOOOs"
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L204[07:38:39] * heldplayer whispers "FastTESR"
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L207[07:56:01] <Subaraki> what event would i use if i want to check the player's main hand ?
L208[07:57:31] <Subaraki> and i'm surprised there's no enchantmentable event :o
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L211[08:16:07] <sham1> o/
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L216[08:30:30] <Subaraki> \o
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L218[08:39:24] <Nitrodev> o/ sham1
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L220[08:44:14] <Lylac> \o/
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L222[09:00:48] <Subaraki> oy people, any way to make sticks enchantable ?
L223[09:03:11] <sham1> magic
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L226[09:06:58] <Subaraki> :/
L227[09:10:18] <MalkContent> there a mod that makes stuff grow faster on 1.8.9 ?
L228[09:10:56] <MalkContent> like agricraft sprinklers
L229[09:11:52] <sham1> YOu can make one yourself
L230[09:12:19] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L231[09:12:22] <Subaraki> can i reregister an item the same as a stick, but with enchantibility ?
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L233[09:12:30] <Subaraki> or would that mess with recipes ?
L234[09:13:50] <MalkContent> you can oredict the enchantastick
L235[09:13:54] <MalkContent> should be fine
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L238[09:14:28] <MalkContent> what is it that you want to do precisely
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L240[09:15:34] <Subaraki> enchant a stick in an enchanting table
L241[09:15:51] <sham1> why
L242[09:16:12] <MalkContent> duh
L243[09:16:16] <MalkContent> but what exactly
L244[09:16:35] <MalkContent> you are gonna have a hard time if you want to get a stick with sharpness
L245[09:17:06] <MalkContent> (though my knowledge on this might be way outdated)
L246[09:18:48] <Subaraki> custom enchantment
L247[09:19:01] <Subaraki> with custom enchantment on stick, stick will chnage into an other item when held
L248[09:19:17] <Subaraki> so i basicly only need a tag on it, and i'd love to do that trough enchanting
L249[09:20:38] <Subaraki> maybe i should make my own stick :/
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L253[09:34:35] <Subaraki> hmmm
L254[09:34:41] <Subaraki> my enchantment doesnt seem to work
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L261[09:47:47] <Subaraki> how does one register an enchantment ?
L262[09:48:10] <TechnicianLP> same as an item
L263[09:49:17] <Subaraki> then i did register it
L264[09:49:24] <Subaraki> what does an item need to be able to be enchanted ?
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L266[09:50:57] <TechnicianLP> an enchantability greater 0 (i guess)
L267[09:51:24] <TechnicianLP> you could look how vanilla does it with books
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L271[10:00:01] <Subaraki> ill try 1 instead of 50
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L276[10:23:57] <Subaraki> so, enchantment is showing up in the enchantment table
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L278[10:24:07] <Subaraki> i can click the enchantments
L279[10:24:19] <Subaraki> but no tooltip is showing up, and my item isnt getting enchanted
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L282[10:40:23] <Subaraki> is there a registry somewhere where i need to add my item too ?
L283[10:41:02] <Subaraki> or a name i need to add to the enchantment ? because when pointing in the enchantment tabel to enchantment, no tooltip pops up, and selecting one doesnt enchant my item
L284[10:42:45] <thor12022> I assume you did: GameRegistry.register(yourEnchantInstance)
L285[10:43:40] <Subaraki> Enchantment.REGISTRY.putObject(new ResourceLocation("wand_enchantment"), wand_enchantment);
L286[10:43:46] <Subaraki> uhm ._.
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L288[10:44:04] <thor12022> erm, which version are you on?
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L290[10:44:27] <Subaraki> 1.10.2
L291[10:44:49] <TechnicianLP> try Gameregistry.register()
L292[10:45:17] <thor12022> you'll also need: yourEnchantmentInstance.setRegistryName(yourEnchantRegistryName)
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L298[10:54:25] <Subaraki> i tried both of those
L299[10:54:29] <Subaraki> it didnt chnage anything :/
L300[10:55:30] <thor12022> here's an example that works if I remember correctly: https://gitlab.com/thor12022/DiabolicalGems/blob/1.9.x/src/main/java/thor12022/diabolicalgems/core/EnchantmentSocket.java
L301[10:56:58] <Ivorius> What mappings does Forge use in runtime
L302[10:57:08] <Ivorius> Was it remapped or srg?
L303[10:57:11] <Ordinastie_> it doesn't
L304[10:57:25] <Ivorius> ...?
L305[10:57:39] <Ordinastie_> it use srg, that's why you need to specify the srg mapping when doing reflection
L306[10:57:44] *** Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L307[10:58:10] <Ordinastie_> or am I misunderstanding you question ?
L308[10:58:16] <Ivorius> No, that's correct
L309[10:58:19] <Ivorius> And what I thought as well
L310[10:58:26] <Ivorius> But I'm wondering how ReflectionHelper.findField(VillagerRegistry.class, "villageCreationHandlers") ever worked
L311[10:58:42] <Ivorius> Because I'm 100% it does
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L313[10:58:46] <Ordinastie_> method added by forge maybe ?
L314[10:59:00] <Ivorius> Oh, you're right
L315[10:59:05] <Ivorius> Okay cool, thanks
L316[10:59:13] <Ordinastie_> now, your turn :p
L317[10:59:20] ⇨ Joins: Zed (~Zed@
L318[10:59:20] <Ordinastie_> I have public class CallbackRegistry<C extends ICallback<V>, P extends ICallbackPredicate, V>
L319[10:59:30] <Ordinastie_> and then public class ASMCallbackRegistry<V> extends CallbackRegistry<IASMCallback<V>, ICallbackPredicate, CallbackResult<V>>
L320[10:59:45] <Ordinastie_> with public static interface IASMCallback<T> extends ICallback<T>
L321[10:59:51] ⇨ Joins: Fye (~Fye@dynamic-adsl-84-220-168-160.clienti.tiscali.it)
L322[11:00:11] <Ordinastie_> but it camplains : Bound mismatch: The type ASMCallbackRegistry.IASMCallback<V> is not a valid substitute for the bounded parameter <C extends ICallback<V>> of the type CallbackRegistry<C,P,V>
L323[11:00:52] <Ordinastie_> not sure why
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L326[11:02:37] <Ivorius> You need CallbackRegistry<IASMCallback<CallbackResult<V>>
L327[11:03:01] <Ordinastie_> ah yes of course ><
L328[11:03:38] <Ordinastie_> god that gets messy :x
L329[11:04:16] <Subaraki> i'm not getting any wiser from your code thor12022 :/
L330[11:04:17] <Ivorius> Haha yeah
L331[11:04:25] <Ivorius> I was looking over that like 'Oh god that's so Java'
L332[11:04:25] <Subaraki> i can't find anywhere the enchantment is registered
L333[11:04:32] <Subaraki> and the rest looks a lot alike
L334[11:04:44] <Ordinastie_> actually, that's a bit less messy : public static interface IASMCallback<T> extends ICallback<CallbackResult<T>>
L335[11:06:48] <Subaraki> Ordinastie_, familiar with custom enchants ?
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L337[11:06:54] <Ordinastie_> nope, sorry
L338[11:06:57] <Subaraki> :/
L339[11:08:41] <Tazz> http://i.imgur.com/UTXLBET.png yeah this is what I do XD
L340[11:08:44] <Subaraki> Wuppy, are you around ?
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L344[11:13:12] <Ordinastie_> hum, if I allow multiple callbacks that can set a return value, how should I handle that ?
L345[11:13:26] <Ordinastie_> use the return value of the highest priority?
L346[11:15:14] <Tazz> Ordinastie_, uh what about majority rules?
L347[11:15:15] <Tazz> rofl
L348[11:15:37] <Tazz> track each return and find what value was returned the most
L349[11:15:49] <Tazz> or yeah I would go with highest priority after that
L350[11:15:59] <Tazz> its mostly just dependant on what you want the results to be looking like
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L352[11:16:39] <Ordinastie_> Tazz, majority rulles ?
L353[11:16:53] <Tazz> yes
L354[11:16:53] <Tazz> XD
L355[11:16:55] <Ordinastie_> oh sorry, wasn't fully scrolled down
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L357[11:18:16] <diesieben07> ordi is breaking everything again
L358[11:18:42] *** Vigaro is now known as V
L359[11:19:00] <Ordinastie_> you'd think with me breaking everything all the time, there would be more things broken
L360[11:19:06] <diesieben07> :D
L361[11:19:10] <Tazz> XD
L362[11:20:49] <Ivorius> lol wtf
L363[11:20:56] <Ivorius> Why is there a diamond next to Mods
L364[11:20:57] <Ivorius> And Fore
L365[11:20:59] <Ivorius> *Forge
L366[11:21:08] <diesieben07> updates
L367[11:21:29] <Ivorius> That looks so 2002 MMORPG
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L370[11:26:03] <Subaraki> does an enchantment need an id ?
L371[11:26:08] <Subaraki> or does forge take care of that ?
L372[11:26:16] <diesieben07> enchantments use the registry system now
L373[11:26:21] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L374[11:26:24] <diesieben07> so GameRegistry.register is all you need
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L377[11:31:05] <Subaraki> what else is needed diesieben ?
L378[11:31:20] <Subaraki> i'm breaking my head over this
L379[11:31:30] <Subaraki> i have the class, register it with gameregistry
L380[11:31:46] <Subaraki> and my custom item can be put in the enchantmenttable, but no enchantments are comming up
L381[11:32:37] <Subaraki> i setName, setRegistryName
L382[11:32:53] <thor12022> I assume you have overriden canApplyAtEnchantingTable appropriately?
L383[11:35:44] <Subaraki> i did now
L384[11:35:45] <Subaraki> lets try
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L388[11:40:11] <Subaraki> nope
L389[11:40:13] <Subaraki> still nothing
L390[11:40:21] <diesieben07> show your code :)
L391[11:40:21] <Subaraki> i pop in my own item and the options stay blank
L392[11:40:23] <Subaraki> no tooltip
L393[11:40:27] <Subaraki> which one ?
L394[11:40:31] <Subaraki> i'll pastebinn all of it
L395[11:40:35] <diesieben07> good :)
L396[11:42:34] <Subaraki> http://pastebin.com/2RWksrx6
L397[11:42:38] <Subaraki> here, that's all i have
L398[11:42:45] <Subaraki> its so little, i feel like something's missing
L399[11:43:24] <diesieben07> it looks alright thoug
L400[11:43:52] <diesieben07> where do you register it? preInit?
L401[11:45:08] <Subaraki> yeah
L402[11:45:45] <Subaraki> http://pastebin.com/VVLN45vy
L403[11:46:15] <diesieben07> strange. debugger time :P
L404[11:46:46] <Subaraki> maybe tommorow
L405[11:46:55] <Subaraki> got an apointment at my brother's for pizza ^^
L406[11:47:01] <diesieben07> :D
L407[11:47:32] <Subaraki> i wouldn't know how to debug this either
L408[11:47:37] <thor12022> pizza usually wins all time allotment arguments
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L436[13:10:22] <diesieben07> LOL this is a new one. someone on the forum posted the entire changelogs saying "i think these are the logs"
L437[13:10:37] <gigaherz> .....
L438[13:11:19] <fry|sleep> http://i.imgur.com/5qF4wTE.png
L439[13:11:21] <diesieben07> pure genious
L440[13:11:26] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L441[13:11:28] <sham1> http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/126/314/3cd8a33a.png?1306264975
L442[13:11:38] *** Mine|dreamland is now known as minecreatr
L443[13:12:12] <sham1> Link
L444[13:12:39] <diesieben07> http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,41837.0.html
L445[13:13:06] <gigaherz> lol
L446[13:13:17] <gigaherz> it's worse than I thought
L447[13:13:28] <diesieben07> i even added the spoiler :P
L448[13:13:36] <gigaherz> I didn't realize they thought the changelog is what people ask for when they say "show logs"
L449[13:13:42] <sham1> why you lock this
L450[13:13:45] <diesieben07> 1.7.10
L451[13:13:51] <sham1> Oh
L452[13:13:53] <sham1> You moved it
L453[13:13:58] <diesieben07> that too
L454[13:14:10] ⇨ Joins: Nepharius (~Nepharius@dyndsl-085-016-202-243.ewe-ip-backbone.de)
L455[13:15:23] <sham1> People who don't use code blocks in the forum drive me to drink
L456[13:15:46] <Nepharius> Is there a way to check if any players are interacting with a block?
L457[13:16:03] <sham1> what do you mean by interaction
L458[13:16:22] <Nepharius> using the gui
L459[13:16:30] <Nepharius> like looking in a chest
L460[13:17:00] <diesieben07> boolean usingGui = player.openContainer != player.inventoryContainer;
L461[13:17:03] <sham1> It's so weird how these days just feel going on
L462[13:17:09] <diesieben07> you cannot detect if they are looking at their inventor
L463[13:17:11] <diesieben07> *y
L464[13:17:51] <diesieben07> at least on the server, which i assume you are asking
L465[13:18:04] <Nepharius> yep
L466[13:18:53] <Nepharius> i was looking into vanilla classes, which use openInventory from IInventory
L467[13:19:17] <Nepharius> but those don't trigger for my Block
L468[13:19:29] <LatvianModder> well actually you can
L469[13:19:35] <McJty> You can catch an interaction event
L470[13:19:38] <sham1> but why
L471[13:19:39] <McJty> And try to do it that way
L472[13:19:50] <Ordinastie_> Nepharius, what exactly do you want ?
L473[13:19:52] <LatvianModder> Or.. just check openContainer
L474[13:20:13] <sham1> but IInventory is deprecated, use capabilities instead
L475[13:20:37] <Nepharius> I want my Block to animate when used, like when the chest opens
L476[13:21:08] <McJty> Nepharius, well if it is your own block then that should be easy
L477[13:21:12] <McJty> You have full control over that
L478[13:21:25] <Ordinastie_> then look at how chest does it
L479[13:21:36] <McJty> Yes and then don't implement it like that
L480[13:21:40] <McJty> Because that implementation is crappy
L481[13:22:11] <Ordinastie_> I'm curious how you would implement it then
L482[13:22:55] <sham1> Blockstate animations
L483[13:22:58] <McJty> Vanilla chest uses ITickable tile to do the animation
L484[13:23:04] <McJty> And a lot of unneeded work
L485[13:23:04] <sham1> Or is the animation system done yet
L486[13:23:36] <Ordinastie_> well, I'm not talking about he animation part, I'm talking about detecting when starting the animations
L487[13:23:51] <Ordinastie_> that's what the original question was about
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L489[13:24:23] <williewillus> it is done
L490[13:24:32] <williewillus> its just that no one knows how to use it lol
L491[13:24:46] <Ordinastie_> which is really not a good sign for an api
L492[13:25:28] <diesieben07> i don't think its done done.
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L494[13:25:32] <diesieben07> it works, but its not finished
L495[13:26:06] <williewillus> what else does it need?
L496[13:26:12] <sham1> Instructions
L497[13:26:16] <diesieben07> that for a start
L498[13:26:22] <diesieben07> plus there is still stuff that has //TODO comments
L499[13:26:36] <sham1> Otherwise I would get my dick into a blender or something because instructions would be unclear
L500[13:26:37] <diesieben07> animations are re-baking models every frame instead of caching for example
L501[13:27:30] <Ordinastie_> you want to cache every frame ?
L502[13:27:30] ⇨ Joins: Eccles (~eccles@S0106f81edff80f58.gv.shawcable.net)
L503[13:27:35] <williewillus> wat
L504[13:27:37] <diesieben07> i don't know.
L505[13:27:42] <sham1> Something
L506[13:27:46] <diesieben07> but it does say "// TODO cache?" or something there
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L510[13:36:39] <Nepharius> the container is serverside, right?
L511[13:36:53] <Ordinastie_> both
L512[13:36:53] <sham1> Well
L513[13:36:55] <sham1> Sort of
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L515[13:42:33] <Nepharius> So in theory I could use the onContainerClosed method from the container and onBlockActivated from the block to keep track of players, right? Is there something that could go horribly wrong that way?
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L517[13:44:08] <williewillus> thats what chests do iirc
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L519[13:45:12] <Nepharius> chest do it similar, but they use something from IInventory
L520[13:45:55] <diesieben07> yes
L521[13:46:03] <diesieben07> which is called in the Container constructor and in onContainerClosed
L522[13:46:08] <diesieben07> but you have to call it yourself
L523[13:46:18] <diesieben07> because... vanilla hardcoding, as always.
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L525[13:48:11] <Nepharius> I noticed that vanilla MC uses player#displayGUIChest() where I use playerIn#openGui(). Am I doing it wrong right there?
L526[13:49:20] <diesieben07> No
L527[13:49:36] <diesieben07> vanilla GUIs are mostly all hardcoded to methods in EntityPlayer
L528[13:49:40] <LatvianModder> displayGUIChest is actually neat
L529[13:49:44] <diesieben07> forge uses a more generic gui handler based system
L530[13:49:56] <LatvianModder> I use it to display player inventories
L531[13:50:00] <Ivorius> Can one use setupDecompWorkspace from within IDEA btw?
L532[13:50:07] <Ivorius> I just noticed I always quit IDEA beforehand
L533[13:50:40] <diesieben07> one sure can.
L534[13:51:14] <Ivorius> Cool
L535[13:51:20] <Ivorius> I thought it might disrupt caches and shit
L536[13:51:41] <McJty> Ivorius, I do it on commandline but I don't quit IDEA
L537[13:51:46] <McJty> IDEA reloads the project automatically
L538[13:52:38] <gigaherz> Ivorius: just remember to press the blue refresh icon on the gradle panel
L539[13:52:40] <Ivorius> And here I quit, used the command line, entered and reloaded the project
L540[13:52:43] <gigaherz> to refresh idea's internal project
L541[13:53:11] ⇨ Joins: xJon (~xJon@bzq-84-108-181-67.cablep.bezeqint.net)
L542[13:53:13] <gigaherz> so really
L543[13:53:17] <gigaherz> you can doeverything from within idea
L544[13:53:27] <xJon> Hey guys, in 1.10.2, what did canHarvestBlock switch for? I'm extending ItemTool
L545[13:53:28] <sham1> Sometimes doing it from inside IDEA does not work for me so I just do it inside a terminal
L546[13:53:28] <gigaherz> 1. open build.gradle file and use idea's normal import process
L547[13:53:34] <gigaherz> 2. setupDecompWorkspace
L548[13:53:37] <gigaherz> 3. genIntellijRuns
L549[13:53:46] <gigaherz> 4. refresh gradle
L550[13:54:12] <gigaherz> if idea 2016 and having issues with run targets, 5. edit run targets to point the classpaths to the _main modules
L551[13:54:29] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> or just read http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/gettingstarted/
L552[13:54:32] *** tterrag|ZZZzzz is now known as tterrag
L553[13:54:33] <gigaherz> the only thing you MAY need to do, is setup a gradle.properties so that gradle has enough ram
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L555[13:54:48] <Ivorius> lol
L556[13:54:54] <tterrag> (all mentioned on that page)
L557[13:55:06] <Ivorius> You guys know that there is nobody here needing that explanation? :P
L558[13:55:38] <gigaherz> one can never be sure ;P
L559[13:56:07] <xJon> Can anyone please answer my question? :P
L560[13:56:25] <Lylac> :O I knew there had to be forge docs somewhere!
L561[13:56:26] <gigaherz> xJon: that'd require me to know the answer ;P
L562[13:56:39] <xJon> You don't know? `0`
L563[13:56:48] <gigaherz> I have never created a new tool, lol
L564[13:57:03] <gigaherz> that said
L565[13:57:05] <gigaherz> canHarvestBlock does exist.
L566[13:57:11] <xJon> In 1.10.2?
L567[13:57:14] <gigaherz> yes
L568[13:57:30] <xJon> Oh
L569[13:57:36] <xJon> right, it's inside of Tool and not ItemTool
L570[13:57:41] <Lylac> xJon I'd find a mod that uses it and compare it to its older version
L571[13:57:48] <gigaherz> no it's inside Block ;P
L572[13:57:52] <diesieben07> anyone looking for cringy forum threads? here you go! http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,41835.0.html
L573[13:58:02] <McJty> xJon, Block.canHarvestBlock()
L574[13:58:31] <xJon> But I want my tool to be able to harvest the block?
L575[13:58:41] <diesieben07> look at what that method does and adapt your tool.
L576[13:58:45] <diesieben07> so that it returns true
L577[13:58:57] <diesieben07> i think you need getToolClasses and getHarvestLevel, something liek that
L578[13:59:31] <gigaherz> xJon: what kind of tool are you creating, really?
L579[13:59:36] <gigaherz> is it a single-purpose tool
L580[13:59:39] <gigaherz> or a multi-tool?
L581[13:59:45] <xJon> Yup
L582[13:59:52] <gigaherz> yup to which XD
L583[13:59:54] <xJon> "Useless Multi-Tool"
L584[14:00:16] <gigaherz> in your tool's constructor
L585[14:00:22] <xJon> Yes?
L586[14:00:56] <gigaherz> wait sec
L587[14:01:05] <gigaherz> right yes
L588[14:01:14] <gigaherz> setHarvestLevel("axe", axe_level)
L589[14:01:25] <gigaherz> and similarly for any other tool your item will act as
L590[14:01:45] <gigaherz> if your levels depend on the ItemStack's values (meta/NBT)
L591[14:01:53] <gigaherz> then override getHarvestLevel instead
L592[14:02:10] <gigaherz> but if you do so, you may also need to override getToolClasses
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L597[14:06:45] <Eccles> should I use setupDevWorkspace or setupDecompWorkspace to set up forge? I realise Decomp gives you a .jar with the sourcecode, but do I need that?
L598[14:07:25] <williewillus> you probably want it
L599[14:07:38] <williewillus> vanilla is a useful reference
L600[14:07:47] <williewillus> not the best example of how to do things but useful
L601[14:08:07] <gigaherz> Eccles: you could use setupDevWorkspace
L602[14:08:09] <gigaherz> but if you do
L603[14:08:20] <gigaherz> you'll regret it every single time you want to go to source to see the implementation of something
L604[14:08:42] <gigaherz> and I often spend more time browsing the decompiled sources than actually writing codeof my own
L605[14:08:49] <thor12022> unless you have less than 2gb of free ram, then you'll want setupDevWorkspace
L606[14:09:30] <PaleoCrafter> just download more RAM in that case, thor12022 :P
L607[14:10:46] <thor12022> yeah, I couldn't find a ram download compatible with the borrowed netbook
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L609[14:11:30] <Rallias> So... I'm getting a java.lang.NullPointerException when attempting to setupDecompWorkspace, build.gradle: https://gist.github.com/rallias/cdc0cacc8a7f9bcebc4d89ba923c5b27
L610[14:12:08] <xJon> gigaherz: I've overriden Item.canHarvestBlock() and it works okay, makes sense?
L611[14:12:11] <Rallias> Am I doing something terribadly wrong?
L612[14:13:07] <gigaherz> xJon: no that won't be enough
L613[14:13:08] <Ordinastie_> fg 2.2?
L614[14:13:11] <gigaherz> it won't help you with the speed
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L616[14:13:29] <Rallias> Ordinastie_, Oh :/
L617[14:14:00] <xJon> gigaherz: The speed seems to be fine because I'm using a tool material?
L618[14:14:51] <Rallias> Man... today's a day I need coffee.
L619[14:15:52] <gigaherz> xJon: well if it works for you
L620[14:16:13] <xJon> yeah
L621[14:16:18] <xJon> well I have two other issues..
L622[14:16:29] <xJon> 1. Can I make it so in my custom dimension it'd never rain?
L623[14:16:56] <xJon> I tried overriding canDoRainSnowIce() but it doesn't seem to work
L624[14:17:17] <xJon> (In the custom World Provider)
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L626[14:18:15] <Eccles> thanks!
L627[14:21:51] <xJon> Nobody knows?
L628[14:22:42] ⇦ Quits: Noppes (~Noppes@ip56530f2e.direct-adsl.nl) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L629[14:25:04] <xJon> It's Biome.canRain(), okay
L630[14:25:23] <xJon> Well my last problem is that my custom mob doesn't have any sound when I'm on a dedicated server
L631[14:25:49] <xJon> What am I doing wrong? https://github.com/xJon/Jons-Useless-Mod/blob/master/src/main/java/xjon/jum/entity/mob/EntityUselessDave.java#L64#L82
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L633[14:34:41] <Lylac> doesn't look like you're playing the sound at... anywhere
L634[14:36:01] <xJon> Don't I just need to return the SoundEvent?
L635[14:36:10] <xJon> it works when I'm on singelplayer
L636[14:36:11] <Ivorius> I was pretty sure getAmbientSound at least would play automatically
L637[14:36:22] <Ivorius> xJon, you sure it loads and is playable?
L638[14:36:36] <Ivorius> Logs and stuff
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L640[14:37:37] <xJon> Do you want the dedicated server log?
L641[14:37:45] <xJon> (where it doesn't work)?
L642[14:37:54] <xJon> does it make sense it'd load on singleplayer and not on server?
L643[14:38:24] <Ivorius> You could check yourself
L644[14:39:41] <xJon> Okay, I will check server-side
L645[14:44:44] <xJon> No I don't see anything wrong in the server-side log, too
L646[14:44:56] <xJon> Am I just using the function incorrectly?
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L659[15:24:12] <xJon> Now I see that the mob is playing ambient sounds instead of normal sounds on dedicated server? what the hell?
L660[15:27:36] <xJon> Can anyone help me figure out why is my mob playing ambient sounds only on dedicated servers?
L661[15:28:02] <xJon> https://github.com/xJon/Jons-Useless-Mod/blob/master/src/main/java/xjon/jum/entity/mob/EntityUselessDave.java
L662[15:28:52] <Corosus> probably need to use a proper registration of your sounds so the ID sent from server to client is correct
L663[15:29:23] <Corosus> see code registration section for details: http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/effects/sounds/
L664[15:29:42] <howtonotwin> You're not meant to actually construct new SoundEvents, are you?
L665[15:29:54] <Corosus> store a reference of your sound event instance and use it instead of making new instances each time
L666[15:29:55] <howtonotwin> I think you register once and then save the registered SoundEvent for later use
L667[15:29:59] <Corosus> yes
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L669[15:30:07] <xJon> So I need to actually register my SoundEvents?
L670[15:30:27] <howtonotwin> Everything needs to be registered :P
L671[15:30:39] <PaleoCrafter> lies!
L672[15:30:45] <Koward> Except registries, obviously
L673[15:30:47] <xJon> Okay I'll do that! Thanks
L674[15:30:48] <Corosus> lol
L675[15:30:50] <Ivorius> http://pastebin.com/3N3819Hh
L676[15:30:56] <Ivorius> Any idea how that could ever happen?
L677[15:31:03] <PaleoCrafter> Koward, there is a meta-registry, afaik :P
L678[15:31:08] <Ivorius> RCConfig is an unannoted class in the same mod
L679[15:31:15] <gigaherz> [22:30] (Koward): Except registries, obviously
L680[15:31:16] <gigaherz> wrong ;P
L681[15:31:23] <gigaherz> you have to register your registry with the registry registry ;P
L682[15:31:31] <gigaherz> (sortof)
L683[15:31:32] <Koward> Then registry registries !
L684[15:31:47] <howtonotwin> You register registries with the registry registry :D
L685[15:31:58] <howtonotwin> Police police police police.
L686[15:32:01] <Koward> But is the registry registry registered ?
L687[15:32:12] <Ivorius> Yes, in itself
L688[15:32:38] <Koward> Pffft, okay, fine you all win.
L689[15:32:46] <xJon> Do I need to do something like that? https://github.com/SleepyTrousers/EnderZoo/blob/master/src/main/java/crazypants/enderzoo/entity/EntityOwl.java#L50#L65
L690[15:32:57] <gigaherz> actually you don't really register the registries
L691[15:32:59] <gigaherz> you build them
L692[15:33:19] <gigaherz> public static final IForgeRegistry<ConnectorHandler> REGISTRY = new RegistryBuilder<ConnectorHandler>().blahblah.create();
L693[15:33:42] <xJon> Yes? no?
L694[15:33:49] <howtonotwin> xJon: Yes, ofc you might not want to put the registering in the static init
L695[15:34:04] <xJon> Wait so why is it like this there?
L696[15:34:07] <gigaherz> xJon: I wouldn't register in the static initializer
L697[15:34:13] <gigaherz> but you do have to register
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L699[15:34:24] <killjoy> The halo 5 forge logo looks very familiar
L700[15:34:46] <PaleoCrafter> lol
L701[15:34:56] <Koward> Gentlemen, my recipes check the OreDict for an planksWood entry (classic), that implies I should register them in postInit to get other mods stuff, right ?
L702[15:35:11] ⇦ Quits: Seppon (~Noppes@ip56530f2e.direct-adsl.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L703[15:35:13] <killjoy> http://www.wirelessinsider.co/topics/halo-5-forge-full-system-requirements-for-windows-10-pcs/
L704[15:35:21] <Ordinastie_> Ivorius, you need the full log
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L708[15:36:11] <Ordinastie_> I'm pretty sure the crash log is swallowing the actual exception
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L710[15:36:39] <Subaraki> anyone good with custom enchantments ?
L711[15:36:46] <Subaraki> trying to figure what i'm doing wrong
L712[15:37:37] <howtonotwin> That error normally means an exception in <clinit>
L713[15:37:56] <howtonotwin> try using a try-catch in the static initializer to print it
L714[15:38:54] <SatanicSanta> Is it possible to have a particle use a texture on a particle sheet that is *not* the vanilla particles.png one?
L715[15:39:35] <SatanicSanta> I'm hoping that setting the particle texture index X and Y without calling setParticleTextureIndex does the trick, but if not, I am not sure how to accomplish this
L716[15:40:47] <PaleoCrafter> hm, killjoy, google reverse image search doesn't bring anything up as a meaningful source, just that the icon isn't only used by us and Halo
L717[15:41:04] <killjoy> I said it looked familiar
L718[15:41:32] <killjoy> I've also been told that it's been the logo since 3.
L719[15:41:32] <PaleoCrafter> it is the same :P
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L721[15:42:34] <PaleoCrafter> ah, well, then it's probably save to assume that it originates from Halo
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L725[15:50:26] <xJon> So I registered the mob sounds
L726[15:50:34] <xJon> and now when I try to spawn it using the spawn egg
L727[15:50:36] <xJon> it spawns a pig
L728[15:56:35] <xJon> At which point should I register the sound event, guys?
L729[15:56:52] <xJon> At the actual getHurtSound() or when at the constructor?
L730[15:57:01] <xJon> because now I'm doing it at the constructor
L731[15:57:06] <howtonotwin> preinit
L732[15:57:07] <howtonotwin> preint
L733[15:57:09] <howtonotwin> preinit
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L735[15:57:19] <howtonotwin> everything registery goes in preinit
L736[15:57:38] <howtonotwin> except recipes and oredict
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L738[15:58:00] <xJon> Oh..
L739[16:05:44] <xJon> It works! Thank you Corosus and howtonotwin!
L740[16:06:14] <howtonotwin> np
L741[16:06:22] <xJon> I wonder why is Minecraft acting up so weird when things are not exactly how it wants though.. play ambient sounds instead of normal? and spawn as a pig?
L742[16:07:04] <howtonotwin> Well registering your entity in <init> is bound to bork things up
L743[16:07:35] <howtonotwin> When the egg has an invalid entity it just bails out and drops a pig
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L748[16:15:07] <Corosus> \o/
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L777[18:50:23] <killjoy> Has anyone taken the cisco classes on netacad.net?
L778[18:50:37] <killjoy> I mean netacad.com
L779[18:50:48] <killjoy> A lot of it is watching cisco commercials
L780[18:52:20] <BordListian> is that how it is now?
L781[18:52:35] <BordListian> back in the day it was countless questions about cisco commands
L782[18:53:00] <BordListian> honestly, i have no idea why anyone would pay to be cisco certified
L783[18:55:27] <IoP> I did CCNA few years ago
L784[18:56:15] <BordListian> you can get ccna diplomas out of bubblegum dispensers
L785[18:56:49] <IoP> I did not get proper diploma. Was too lazy to pay for it :P
L786[18:57:05] <killjoy> This is a intro to networking course
L787[18:57:06] <BordListian> i have one from highschool
L788[18:57:19] <killjoy> Also chapter 1
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L791[19:00:59] <BordListian> ech
L792[19:01:07] <BordListian> cool heisenbugs
L793[19:02:52] <howtonotwin> As in a bug that disappears when you debug it?
L794[19:03:48] <BordListian> maybe
L795[19:03:58] <BordListian> everything is working as intended
L796[19:04:06] <BordListian> but in conjunction, nothing works
L797[19:05:00] <howtonotwin> I ask for the 5 Ws and How
L798[19:05:27] <killjoy> it means you're looking in the wrong place
L799[19:05:32] <BordListian> not related to minecraft so i'll have to suffer on my own
L800[19:05:44] <BordListian> oh, the fps counter is gone
L801[19:05:51] <BordListian> there could be an important clue here
L802[19:06:15] <howtonotwin> It's actually a mandelbug
L803[19:06:21] <howtonotwin> run while you can
L804[19:07:02] <killjoy> what's the official term for "but it runs on my machine"
L805[19:07:11] <BordListian> "it runs on my machine"
L806[19:07:16] <BordListian> that's the official term
L807[19:07:29] <killjoy> can't reproduce
L808[19:08:34] <killjoy> It's like asking what the sun's name is.
L809[19:08:39] <killjoy> It's the Sun
L810[19:08:58] <howtonotwin> Sol you infidel
L811[19:09:14] <killjoy> That's just the latin name for it.
L812[19:09:23] <killjoy> Same with Luna and Terra
L813[19:09:30] <BordListian> people can't have different names in different languages
L814[19:09:34] <BordListian> :v
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L816[19:09:59] <killjoy> The spanish name for USA is not USA.
L817[19:10:17] <killjoy> Estados Unidos de America
L818[19:10:41] ⇦ Quits: PrinceCat (~PrinceCat@58-6-220-219.dyn.iinet.net.au) (Client Quit)
L819[19:10:44] <killjoy> It's EUA
L820[19:10:46] <BordListian> the usa is not a person tho
L821[19:10:48] ⇦ Quits: Benimatic (~Benimatic@cblmdm72-241-108-184.buckeyecom.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L822[19:10:53] <killjoy> Niether is the Sun
L823[19:10:58] <BordListian> infidel
L824[19:11:00] <BordListian> leave
L825[19:11:07] <killjoy> The sun is not a god
L826[19:11:10] <killjoy> nor is it immortal
L827[19:11:30] <killjoy> The earth revolves around the sun I tell you.
L828[19:11:31] <BordListian> but consider this
L829[19:11:41] <killjoy> And the earth is also round
L830[19:11:51] <BordListian> not all gods need necessarily be immortal
L831[19:11:53] <killjoy> You know, like a ball
L832[19:12:14] <killjoy> The egyption god Osyrus died.
L833[19:12:14] <BordListian> and more importantly, a god could define itself to not appear to be a god
L834[19:12:25] <killjoy> but he was brought back to life by his wife.
L835[19:12:37] <BordListian> so like
L836[19:12:38] <killjoy> He was killed by his brother Seth
L837[19:12:42] <BordListian> clearly the sun is a god
L838[19:12:49] <BordListian> but it's pretending its not
L839[19:13:36] <killjoy> This proves it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdPROHSNrxQ
L840[19:13:42] <killjoy> quotes the Quran and everything
L841[19:13:53] <killjoy> /s
L842[19:14:25] <BordListian> look if you don't praise the sun and join others in jolly cooperation regularly you can get outta my face
L843[19:14:43] <killjoy> ohh... the sun
L844[19:14:46] <killjoy> why didn't you say so?
L845[19:14:57] <killjoy> \o/ Praise the sun! \o/
L846[19:15:11] <BordListian> \[T]/
L847[19:16:12] * killjoy has never played dark souls
L848[19:16:26] <killjoy> ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ PRAISE HELIX ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ
L849[19:16:38] <killjoy> well that got butchered
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L851[19:16:56] <BordListian> >never played dark souls
L852[19:16:58] <BordListian> son
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L854[19:17:08] <BordListian> what rings you even got bitch
L855[19:17:37] <killjoy> sonic rings
L856[19:17:45] <killjoy> you know, onion rings from Sonic
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L859[19:21:31] <BordListian> tfw adding an event system breaks everything
L860[19:23:08] <howtonotwin> What are you doing?
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L862[19:27:01] <BordListian> lel
L863[19:27:13] <BordListian> i got this half-c#, half-lua game engine
L864[19:27:25] <BordListian> the problem was that i set loaded instead of engine.loaded to true
L865[19:27:32] <BordListian> i need sleep
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L888[20:41:29] <Chaoschaot234> hey, has anyone knowledge with immersive engineering?
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L892[21:07:39] <The_Pyrrhonist> hi all
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L905[22:04:36] <SatanicSanta> During which state event should custom loot tables be registered?
L906[22:04:46] <killjoy> I would say preinit
L907[22:04:56] <killjoy> if you're registering something, preinit
L908[22:05:00] <SatanicSanta> mkay
L909[22:05:33] <killjoy> If you require other mods, init would work
L910[22:05:42] <killjoy> postinit if you rely on registered items I guess
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L931[23:04:42] <illy> Lex the PR bot you wanted is mostly done just need to do a few more tests and it should be ready later tonight or sometime tomorrow
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L941[23:31:40] <illy> damn crashed
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