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L2[00:02:38] <Ordinastie_> and still, nobody banned that guy ^ :x
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L13[00:52:38] <Kodos> Tempted to head over to dragonweyr and poke the opers about him
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L60[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160810 mappings to Forge Maven.
L61[02:00:06] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160810-1.10.2.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20160810" in build.gradle).
L62[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L157[04:08:37] <sham1> o/
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L159[04:11:33] <sham1> How is everyone
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L183[04:37:47] <SirSpence> Is ChunkCoordIntPair a multiple of 16 on both numbers?
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L187[04:40:55] <sham1> Well seeing as it is a chunk co-ordinate
L188[04:41:32] <sham1> And chunk co-ordinates can be get by (blockX >> 4) and (blockZ >> 4) AFAIK
L189[04:41:34] <sham1> So
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L192[04:45:04] <sham1> So yeah, I'd say that it would usually be that to get the block co-ordinates from the ChunkCoordIntPair would be to bitshift both elements of the pair by 4 to the left
L193[04:45:20] <sham1> If they are used like the name implies
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L195[04:46:08] <SirSpence> Will give that a go as soon as I figure out why my arraylist is giving me an out of index error
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L198[04:47:05] <sham1> show code and stacktrace
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L200[04:49:08] <gigaherz|work> or use logic (with the help of debug prints and breakpoints) to backtrace the issue into the source
L201[04:49:10] <gigaherz|work> ;P
L202[04:49:31] <SirSpence> I know the issue I just have to set the minimum size of the arraylist
L203[04:50:02] <SirSpence> odd
L204[04:50:06] <Ordinastie_> hum no
L205[04:50:22] <Ordinastie_> arraylist expand as needed
L206[04:50:22] <gigaherz|work> what no
L207[04:50:24] <SirSpence> it seems to not want to recognise ensureCapacity()
L208[04:50:28] <gigaherz|work> that makes no sense
L209[04:50:37] <gigaherz|work> unless you actually want the arraylist to have N entries
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L211[04:50:43] <gigaherz|work> without actually having added N items into it
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L213[04:50:50] <gigaherz|work> in which case you may be using the wrong data structure
L214[04:51:00] <SirSpence> I do actually want that.
L215[04:51:02] <gigaherz|work> SirSpence: what ARE you trying to do in there?
L216[04:51:07] <sham1> In that case I'd use an array
L217[04:51:10] <Ordinastie_> SirSpence, then use an array
L218[04:51:13] <SirSpence> I'm using it to store chunk positions plus data
L219[04:51:17] <gigaherz|work> requiring an arraylist to have at least N elements sounds like an XY problem
L220[04:51:26] <Ordinastie_> that too ^
L221[04:51:40] <Ordinastie_> SirSpence, concretly what are you doing ?
L222[04:51:41] <SirSpence> so I need it to be able to store the values dynamically
L223[04:51:51] <sham1> Which an array can do...
L224[04:51:53] <gigaherz|work> are you the one who was trying to do per-chunk storage?
L225[04:52:02] <SirSpence> Yeah
L226[04:52:03] <Ordinastie_> oh right
L227[04:52:05] <SirSpence> I got it working.
L228[04:52:06] <SirSpence> loadedChunks.get(x).get(z)
L229[04:52:28] <SirSpence> I'm just creating a way to handle it between loads and saves
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L231[04:53:05] <Ordinastie_> didn't I tell you yesterday to use a Map ?
L232[04:53:08] <sham1> I thought that all data is saved per chunks
L233[04:53:31] <SirSpence> And I figured out a better way to do it.
L234[04:53:37] <Ordinastie_> lol
L235[04:53:53] <SirSpence> So that the data is actually saved using the normal chunk saving code.
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L237[04:54:25] <Ordinastie_> yeah, that I told you to do too
L238[04:54:46] <Ordinastie_> still doesn't rule out the Map usage once the data is loaded
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L241[04:56:38] <sham1> ^
L242[04:58:00] <Ordinastie_> on the other I need some WeakHashTable<T, U, V> data :x
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L245[05:00:09] <Ordinastie_> I gues, Map of a Map it is then
L246[05:00:46] <sham1> Can't find anything but ApacheCommons Logging with WeakHashTable
L247[05:00:52] <sham1> When I google tĂ­t
L248[05:00:58] <Ordinastie_> yeah I know, but not what I need
L249[05:01:08] <Ordinastie_> by Table I meant the guava one
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L251[05:03:03] <sham1> Well, java7 has weakhashmap
L252[05:03:37] <Ordinastie_> private WeakHashMap<T, Map<String, Timer>> timers = new WeakHashMap<>();
L253[05:03:43] <Ordinastie_> that's still annoying
L254[05:04:18] <sham1> Wait
L255[05:04:20] <Ordinastie_> my animation stuff is actually way more complicated than anticipated
L256[05:04:21] <sham1> A map to a map?
L257[05:04:31] <sham1> That sounds annoying
L258[05:04:33] <Ordinastie_> and T extends TileEntity too
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L260[05:07:36] <Ordinastie_> my goal is to have a JSON associated to an OBJ that will have animation infos
L261[05:07:53] <Ordinastie_> and being able via code to easily start an animation
L262[05:08:40] <Ivorius> Ordinastie_, why not Map<Pair<T, String>, Timer>
L263[05:08:50] <Ivorius> Or do you actually need the map
L264[05:09:24] <Ordinastie_> I need the weak ref
L265[05:09:36] <Ivorius> ... WeakHashMap then
L266[05:09:39] <Ivorius> Doesn't defeat the point
L267[05:10:06] <Ordinastie_> well, the pair will stay if T is removed
L268[05:10:30] <Ordinastie_> T is a TE
L269[05:11:52] <Ivorius> Hrm
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L271[05:12:19] <Ivorius> Especially with tile entities I wouldn't bet on references normally
L272[05:12:34] <Ivorius> I'd just map to position and TE type and garbage collect manually
L273[05:12:56] <Ivorius> TEs are prone to be destructed and reassembled, since they're NBT
L274[05:13:27] <Ordinastie_> but then I would need to manually check when the TE is gone
L275[05:14:09] <Ivorius> You can lazily garbage collect
L276[05:14:17] <Ivorius> On access
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L278[05:15:08] <Ordinastie_> do you mean access on any TE or the one I would need to garbage ?
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L280[05:15:49] <Ivorius> get(TE, String) { if (te.dead) remove(); return null; [...] }
L281[05:16:18] <Ordinastie_> yeah, except if the TE was removed, then get() would never be called with that TE
L282[05:17:03] <Ivorius> True :D
L283[05:17:23] <Ordinastie_> that whole animation stuff is hard to automate :/
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L285[05:18:07] <Ordinastie_> for the single reason I need to keep track of the startTime of the animation for eventually multiple animations for each blockpos
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L287[05:18:36] <Ordinastie_> and if I could not use TE+TESR, that would be even better :x
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L289[05:21:08] <Ordinastie_> (currently seriously considering getting rid of those entirely :p)
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L374[07:26:37] <hch12907> is there a way to change the vanilla code? (for myself only, just for some lulz)
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L376[07:27:15] <MrVoltz> Hi, is there method to get current sun light level?
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L378[07:27:39] <MrVoltz> World.getSkylightSubtracted returns 11, but in F3 i see that sky light is 15
L379[07:27:48] <gigaherz|work> MrVoltz: yes but I ahve no idea where ;P
L380[07:28:28] <gigaherz|work> hch12907: you mean just vanilla
L381[07:28:31] <gigaherz|work> or with a forge mod?
L382[07:28:38] <MrVoltz> bukkit
L383[07:28:59] <MrVoltz> but if that is curse word there, think vanilla
L384[07:29:27] <MalkContent> just look around in world
L385[07:29:31] <MalkContent> gotta be there somewhere
L386[07:30:07] <hch12907> gigaherz: just changing the vanilla codes, like directly change the GUI or somethin
L387[07:30:28] <gigaherz|work> hch12907: yes but in which context?
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L390[07:30:57] <gigaherz|work> do you want to do those edits from a forge mod
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L392[07:31:13] <gigaherz|work> or directly into a vanilla jar?
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L394[07:32:14] <hch12907> either
L395[07:33:04] <gigaherz|work> well editing code from a mod can be done by coremodding, but the overlords don't like us teaching people how to do that -- if you cna't figure it out on your own, you aren't ready ;P
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L398[07:36:20] <MrVoltz> oh I see, the value in f3 isn't affected by time
L399[07:36:54] <MalkContent> I'm pretty sure f3 also got a value affected by time
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L401[07:37:24] <BordListian> BL updates but SL doesn't iirc
L402[07:37:24] <MalkContent> but yea, there's a value that basically tells you how much skylight reaches there at max
L403[07:37:40] <MrVoltz> but bl is 0 even on day
L404[07:38:08] <BordListian> yes
L405[07:38:12] <BordListian> bl is seperate from sl
L406[07:38:32] <BordListian> sorry if i said that weirdly
L407[07:38:56] <BordListian> you can lift the code to calculate how much sunlight there is from daylight detectors
L408[07:39:18] <BordListian> world.getLightFor(EnumSkyBlock.SKY,...)
L409[07:39:40] <BordListian> world.getCelestialAngleRadians
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L411[07:41:20] <MrVoltz> i have method to set blocks really fast
L412[07:41:27] <MrVoltz> and it doesn't relight
L413[07:41:36] <MrVoltz> so i set the light level manually
L414[07:42:00] <MrVoltz> it seems that if block is directly under the sky, it has 15, ok?
L415[07:43:05] <BordListian> yes
L416[07:44:20] <gigaherz|work> yes but the sky color is then spread outward
L417[07:44:26] <gigaherz|work> based on how far away it is from the sky
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L423[07:51:21] <MalkContent> so i'm doing this class with helper methods
L424[07:51:47] <MalkContent> would i make all the methods static or would i give the class an instance static of itself?
L425[07:51:58] <MalkContent> or is it pretty much irrelevant
L426[07:52:02] <gigaherz|work> do those methods keep state?
L427[07:52:25] <gigaherz|work> or they are just stateless helpers?
L428[07:52:30] <MalkContent> stateless
L429[07:52:37] <gigaherz|work> then static should work
L430[07:52:52] <gigaherz|work> I generally choose a singleton if there's a state
L431[07:52:56] <MalkContent> if they kept state, wouldn't i just add static variables?
L432[07:52:58] <gigaherz|work> you could
L433[07:53:13] <gigaherz|work> but I was taught strongly against having static variables in oop code ;P
L434[07:53:18] <gigaherz|work> constants, sure
L435[07:53:41] <MalkContent> okay. what's the reasoning for that?
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L437[07:53:51] <gigaherz|work> it's easier to augment or substitute that instance
L438[07:53:56] <gigaherz|work> if you ever need to improve it
L439[07:54:01] <gigaherz|work> while using statics
L440[07:54:23] <gigaherz|work> you will never be able to implement a replacement class using like, wrap-and-extend type things
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L442[07:55:02] <gigaherz|work> it's also why in C#, "static readonly" is favored over "const" when doing libraries
L443[07:55:06] <gigaherz|work> because const is inlined
L444[07:55:08] <gigaherz|work> but static readonly isn't
L445[07:56:40] <MalkContent> okay then
L446[07:56:44] <gigaherz|work> so I gave myself that rule (sortof)
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L449[07:57:02] <gigaherz|work> if the helper maintains a state, use a singleton
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L452[07:57:25] <gigaherz|work> if the helper is a basic code that is very unlikely to change, use statics
L453[07:57:31] <gigaherz|work> and anywhere in between is up to you
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L455[07:58:16] <MalkContent> gonna take that to heart. probably still would keep static variables in that kind of helper class :x
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L477[08:25:18] <Ordinastie_> I need to loops through elements of a set to check if they should be removed from that set, what's the best way to do that ?
L478[08:25:38] <gigaherz|work> hmmm list iterator has .remove(), dunno about sets
L479[08:26:03] <gigaherz|work> in C# there's a collection.RemoveAll(predicate), does Java have anything like that?
L480[08:26:29] <Ordinastie_> ah, duh, use the iterator :x
L481[08:26:48] <Ordinastie_> I was doing forEach()
L482[08:26:51] <gigaherz|work> heh
L483[08:27:45] <Ordinastie_> although that means I have to use the iterator :/
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L485[08:28:57] <gigaherz|work> it's not THAT bad ;P
L486[08:29:20] <gigaherz|work> for (Iterator<X> it = collection.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { if (predicate) it.remove(); }
L487[08:29:39] <gigaherz|work> eh
L488[08:29:50] <gigaherz|work> for (Iterator<X> it = collection.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { if (predicate(it.next())) it.remove(); }
L489[08:30:01] <gigaherz|work> if you don't do next then it's not going to work XD
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L491[08:31:04] <gigaherz|work> oops .get()
L492[08:31:12] <gigaherz|work> but yeah
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L495[08:34:52] <gigaherz|work> public <T> void removeAll(Collection<T> collection, Predicate<T> predicate) { for (Iterator<T> it = collection.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { if (predicate.test(it.next())) it.remove(); } }
L496[08:35:22] <gigaherz|work> then you can call it as removeAll(collection, x -> x.value == 1);
L497[08:35:38] <gigaherz|work> while you winder why it's not already a thing ;P
L498[08:35:50] <gigaherz|work> wonder*
L499[08:36:18] <sham1> Well
L500[08:36:40] <sham1> If RemoveAll removes everything that fits the predicate
L501[08:36:52] <sham1> You could use filter(!predicate)
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L503[08:37:12] <gigaherz|work> nono, it's not a filter
L504[08:37:18] <gigaherz|work> it REMOVES them fro mthe collection
L505[08:37:27] <gigaherz|work> it's like removeAt(2) or remove(obj)
L506[08:37:28] <sham1> Oh
L507[08:37:30] <gigaherz|work> but with a predicate
L508[08:37:37] <sham1> a destructive operation
L509[08:37:37] <gigaherz|work> the equivalent of filter is Where
L510[08:37:48] <sham1> Well
L511[08:38:00] <gigaherz|work> https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/wdka673a(v=vs.110).aspx
L512[08:38:06] <gigaherz|work> returns the number of elements removed, heh
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L514[08:38:30] <thor12022> Java has RemoveIf(Predicate) for collections
L515[08:39:00] <sham1> The fact that a destructive operation like that also exists in F# kind of triggers me
L516[08:39:34] <Ordinastie_> well, I know have TESR emulation without TEs :)
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L521[08:42:25] <sham1> sounds dangerous
L522[08:42:32] <gigaherz|work> thor12022: where? I tried to look for "remove items with predicate" and the best I found was loops and weird things
L523[08:42:49] <gigaherz|work> oh I see
L524[08:42:50] <thor12022> https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Collection.html#removeIf-java.util.function.Predicate-
L525[08:42:51] <gigaherz|work> Java8
L526[08:42:55] <Unh0ly_Tigg> So, just in case it hasn't been posted here yet, there's a new snapshot out now: http://mojang.com/2016/08/minecraft-snapshot-16w32a/
L527[08:43:01] <gigaherz|work> yeah didn't find it until I looked for removeIf
L528[08:43:34] <gigaherz|work> so I guess other people DID wonder why it wasn't a thing yet
L529[08:43:35] <gigaherz|work> ;P
L530[08:44:07] <Unh0ly_Tigg> now to time how long it takes for mods to be able to target the new version /s
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L532[08:44:36] <MalkContent> great. now i have an earworm thanks to you sham1
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L534[08:44:41] <MalkContent> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HvSYTlyF5I&t=32s
L535[08:49:05] <sham1> I still don't understand why removeif is a destructive operation
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L543[08:57:27] <Unh0ly_Tigg> First personally discovery from the new snapshot jar, there is now another subclass of ResourceLocation, there's the ModelResourceLocation one, but now there is one dealing with languages.
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L545[08:58:20] <MalkContent> hmmm
L546[08:58:37] <MalkContent> can nbttags get deleted when they got a value of 0?
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L548[08:59:13] <Unh0ly_Tigg> no
L549[08:59:15] <MalkContent> o wait nvm
L550[08:59:30] <MalkContent> stupid nbt juggling is not good for the brain
L551[08:59:41] <Unh0ly_Tigg> because then nbt wouldn't work at x=0, y=0 or z=0...
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L554[09:02:13] <MalkContent> yea. i "knew" that that shouldn't happen, i just reached the point where i wasn't sure anymore
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L558[09:03:58] <gigaherz|work> [15:49] (sham1): I still don't understand why removeif is a destructive operation
L559[09:04:02] <gigaherz|work> how would it NOT be?
L560[09:04:11] <gigaherz|work> it has to remove the items
L561[09:04:13] <sham1> Because
L562[09:04:14] <gigaherz|work> that's what the name does
L563[09:04:21] <gigaherz|work> says*
L564[09:04:30] <gigaherz|work> if you just want filter, then use filter
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L566[09:04:55] <sham1> Mutable data structures trigger me
L567[09:05:09] <Unh0ly_Tigg> if it returned a list, it could make a new list and only copy entries based on the predicate.
L568[09:05:15] <Unh0ly_Tigg> collection*
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L571[09:08:50] <Unh0ly_Tigg> brb, gotta update hexchat
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L574[09:10:37] <hch12907> are there forge hooks to change how the village spawns? (the distance between two villages and the size of a village)
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L586[09:20:29] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I'd really like to know how the obfuscater that mojang uses for minecraft works, because even in this snapshot, the TextFormatting enum class is still obfuscated to a.
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L591[09:24:33] <BordListian> goddamnit
L592[09:24:53] <BordListian> i made a bunch of food sprites and my sprite editor crashed because it has shitty memory allocation
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L594[09:25:05] <gigaherz|work> save early, save often
L595[09:25:05] <BordListian> guess i'm not gonna add foods
L596[09:25:12] <BordListian> i was sure i saved
L597[09:25:17] <BordListian> but apparently i didn't
L598[09:25:41] <MalkContent> how do you not save after every sprite
L599[09:25:57] <MalkContent> that's just inviting catastrophe :D
L600[09:26:22] <gigaherz|work> also consider using an app that doesn't have t hat problem
L601[09:26:23] <gigaherz|work> ;p
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L603[09:26:33] <BordListian> no app provides me the same benefits
L604[09:26:46] <BordListian> also it's program, not app thankyouverymuch
L605[09:26:52] <gigaherz|work> what does your editor do that photoshop can't? ;P
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L607[09:27:31] <BordListian> i've used that editor for 14 years?
L608[09:28:04] <MalkContent> ...paint 95=
L609[09:28:05] <MalkContent> ?
L610[09:28:09] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I used to use paint... I now use Paint.NET, so much better. Plus, it's free.
L611[09:28:19] <gigaherz|work> yeh paint.net is nice
L612[09:28:20] <MalkContent> I'm just using gimp
L613[09:28:39] <gigaherz|work> it just lacks proper blending effects
L614[09:28:40] <BordListian> dude 14 years ago was 2002
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L616[09:28:47] <BordListian> not 1995
L617[09:28:49] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I could never get used to gimp when I messed around with linux.
L618[09:29:06] <gigaherz|work> I was able to tolerate gimp when they added the single-window mode
L619[09:29:09] <Ordinastie_> well, first draft for my animation JSON
L620[09:29:09] <BordListian> gimp is so good for singular operations
L621[09:29:10] <Ordinastie_> https://gist.github.com/Ordinastie/8e554458be39684451fdf7f15cc7a8c5
L622[09:29:11] <gigaherz|work> but even then, it still feelswrong
L623[09:29:20] <Ordinastie_> now to make the data structure and actual deserializers
L624[09:29:25] <BordListian> but if you're trying to seriously use it you might aswell kill yourself soon
L625[09:29:50] <MalkContent> how does paint.net compare to gimp?
L626[09:29:58] <BordListian> better
L627[09:30:08] <MalkContent> how insightful
L628[09:30:16] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I just wish I could figure out how to mimic minecrafts 'default' blending settings in paint.net.
L629[09:30:19] <BordListian> what did you expect?
L630[09:30:33] <MalkContent> small list of noticable differences?
L631[09:30:45] <BordListian> one is shit and the other isn't
L632[09:31:13] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I just really don't want to have to write a program that can read in images, and blend them using minecrafts' settings.
L633[09:31:29] <MalkContent> that still doesn't help man :P
L634[09:31:34] <MalkContent> i happen to like gimp
L635[09:31:46] <BordListian> Unh0ly_Tigg, you could just grab the blendmodes from the gl code
L636[09:31:53] <MalkContent> so one is shit and the other isn't doesn't help me much
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L638[09:31:58] <BordListian> they all have image editing equivalents i'm pretty sure
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L641[09:32:29] <Unh0ly_Tigg> BordListian, but I can't seem to figure out how to mimic what gl does in paint.net.
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L643[09:33:06] <BordListian> does paint.net let you set custom blendmodes?
L644[09:33:37] <BordListian> or is it just a bunch of premade ones
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L646[09:34:08] <Unh0ly_Tigg> http://i.imgur.com/gd6rMhr.png
L647[09:34:56] <BordListian> that's probably not gonna do
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L651[09:38:05] <BordListian> you'd need an image editor that lets you set your own equations for src* and dest*
L652[09:38:17] <BordListian> i'd think, anyway
L653[09:39:40] <MalkContent> can an object null itself?
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L655[09:40:18] <BordListian> wat
L656[09:40:27] <BordListian> what do you mean null itself
L657[09:40:31] <Unh0ly_Tigg> it can dispose of it's fields values.
L658[09:40:47] <MalkContent> i.e. the nbtcompound on items
L659[09:41:00] <MalkContent> when you add nbt info it gets created
L660[09:41:08] <Unh0ly_Tigg> but it has no way of knowing where it's stored, unless it's specifically coded to do so.
L661[09:41:09] <MalkContent> you can remove entries from it
L662[09:41:19] <MalkContent> but it does not delete itself when there are no entries left
L663[09:41:28] <MalkContent> and i was wondering if that would even be possible
L664[09:41:31] <Unh0ly_Tigg> no
L665[09:41:39] <Unh0ly_Tigg> then you just have an empty tag.
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L667[09:41:50] <MalkContent> so basically make all references to it be null
L668[09:42:56] <Unh0ly_Tigg> when you set the value of an object to null (not the object making itself null, which is impossible without 2 way coding communication), it effectively marks the old value as able to be collected by the gc.
L669[09:43:16] <Unh0ly_Tigg> but only if the object isn't holding a reference to something else that can't be collected too.
L670[09:43:56] <Unh0ly_Tigg> well, actually
L671[09:44:13] <Unh0ly_Tigg> it will only mark it for collection when there are *no* references to it.
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L673[09:44:40] <Unh0ly_Tigg> if there's still something in memory referencing it, it can't be collected. this is how memory leaks can occur.
L674[09:45:31] <MalkContent> yes...
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L677[09:47:31] <Unh0ly_Tigg> the only way for an object to null itself, is to code a way for it to communicate to whatever is designed to hold it, to get rid of it. even if the object's class had that, whatever is holding doesn't *need* to adhere to that.
L678[09:48:29] <Unh0ly_Tigg> the only 'object's that can null themselves without container objects nulling them, is threads, and they only do that by stopping themselves.
L679[09:49:30] <Unh0ly_Tigg> but that only occurs when a thread is created and started, and then all coded references to it (outside the jvm and jre) are gone before it stops.
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L686[09:54:46] <MalkContent> welp. went way beyond what i asked, but the more you know :D
L687[09:56:29] <howtonotwin> The way java works is as follows: You have the heap, where objects are stored. And you have the stack, which is all the stuff local to methods. The stack cannot hold objects. It only holds REFERENCES to objects. (C pointers.) `null` just means the pointer has a special value understood to mean `null`. An object cannot know what has references to it, much less can it violate the security of its users
L688[09:56:29] <howtonotwin> and set every reference to itself to null.
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L690[09:57:13] <MalkContent> a containers transferStackInSlot should work for moving things with the mouse, no?
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L692[09:58:02] <MalkContent> yea, i figured as much howtonotwin. i was just wondering if i figured wrong ^^
L693[09:58:23] <Unh0ly_Tigg> which ide do you use, MalkContent?
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L695[09:58:36] <MalkContent> eclipse
L696[10:00:25] <Unh0ly_Tigg> if you put the text cursor on the name of the method, and press Ctrl+Alt+H (default keybinding atleast), it should open a view called Call Hierarchy, that will tell where the method is called, you can use that to see where transferStackInSlot is used.
L697[10:01:43] <Unh0ly_Tigg> or any other method or field for that matter.
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L699[10:02:00] <gigaherz> MalkContent: transferStackInSlot is the shift-clicking code
L700[10:02:09] <MalkContent> mhm. that's a long rabbit whole down thataway though, which is why i asked :D then had the brilliant idea to add a println to check
L701[10:02:14] <MalkContent> yea :/
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L703[10:03:39] <Unh0ly_Tigg> with forges codebases though, the only real issue with the call hierarchy tool comes with annotation methods/properties, because of how those values are stored/retrieved at class load by forge.
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L705[10:04:12] <MalkContent> mhm
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L708[10:07:18] <MalkContent> *looks at slotClick* a shit -.-
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L743[11:25:35] <MalkContent> o thank god somebody made the effort to extensively comment slotClick
L744[11:27:25] <sham1> Thank the documenter instead :P
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L748[11:29:16] <MalkContent> well he is the Greatest Of Dudes ofc
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L752[11:40:54] <MalkContent> there doesn't happen to be an event for a container slot gaining or losing an item, does it?
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L762[12:09:48] <BordListian> so how do you properly register eventhandlers in newest forge?
L763[12:09:54] <BordListian> wait
L764[12:09:59] <BordListian> lemme read it up
L765[12:10:04] <Ordinastie_> hasn't changed
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L770[12:20:53] <MalkContent> hmm. is it easier on the computation if you simply reassign the same value to a boolean every loop or if you gate the assigning with a simple if(myBoolean)?
L771[12:21:57] <kenzierocks> doesn't matter right now, optimize only if it's slow
L772[12:21:59] <howtonotwin> The JIT would very likely do it anyway
L773[12:22:01] <kenzierocks> write good code first
L774[12:22:06] <howtonotwin> Also premature optimization anyone?
L775[12:22:06] <BordListian> xyproblem in effect?
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L777[12:24:25] <MalkContent> i don't have performance issues
L778[12:24:36] <MalkContent> i'm more interested in what would be good practice
L779[12:25:04] <kenzierocks> so your question is "what's the best practice" not "what's the fastest"
L780[12:25:06] <MalkContent> i gotta iterate over a whole array anyways and set a boolean to true if i find at least one of the things i am looking for
L781[12:25:11] <MalkContent> fair enough
L782[12:25:28] <MalkContent> they are identical in my mind
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L784[12:27:35] <MalkContent> and i think i actually care more about which one performs better, cause i am interested ^^
L785[12:27:52] <kenzierocks> which one performs better is a hard question
L786[12:28:04] <kenzierocks> considering the JVM does optimizations on the fly
L787[12:28:09] <kenzierocks> and how fast it is
L788[12:28:13] <kenzierocks> it'd be pretty hard to time
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L790[12:29:41] <MalkContent> well, it condenses down to "how quick is evaluating a condition statement for a known boolean" compared to "how quick can a boolean be assigned a new value"
L791[12:30:51] <kenzierocks> unless the JVM decides to remove the condition if it can tell the boolean will always be set inside it -- but the condition can't be fulfilled
L792[12:31:09] <kenzierocks> or maybe remove the assignment if it's no longer reachable for the same reasons, or won't do anything
L793[12:31:10] <Subaraki> how does one alter a json model on runtime? looking at complex(er) models that have like particles floating around, like a moon orbits a planet
L794[12:31:49] <MalkContent> damn. it can do that on the fly?
L795[12:31:58] <kenzierocks> who knows?
L796[12:32:01] <howtonotwin> That's a TESR+Model, not plain JSON
L797[12:32:23] <MalkContent> i'd be actually baffled by that but i don't know that kind of stuff
L798[12:33:26] <Subaraki> tesr model ?
L799[12:33:27] <howtonotwin> You can have custom baked, static models with a custom IBakedModel
L800[12:33:46] <howtonotwin> You can render a model in a TESR
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L802[12:33:59] <Subaraki> i thought those where for blocks only
L803[12:34:22] <howtonotwin> What is for blocks only?
L804[12:34:30] <Subaraki> tile entity special renderer's
L805[12:34:32] <Subaraki> tesr's
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L810[12:43:56] <BordListian> oh hey
L811[12:44:01] <BordListian> mod breaking update announced
L812[12:46:37] <kenzierocks> what now BordListian
L813[12:46:52] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L814[12:47:39] <BordListian> this was 5 hours ago so you probably already know
L815[12:49:25] <Jolteffect> would this be an appropriaye channel to ask for some basic help guys?
L816[12:49:36] <Jolteffect> appropriate*
L817[12:49:54] <Ordinastie_> basic forge help yes
L818[12:50:01] <Ordinastie_> java help, not really
L819[12:51:06] <Jolteffect> ok, ill ask and you can point me in the right direction
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L822[12:55:05] <Jolteffect> I would like instaniate X number of the same block each with a tileEntity, however I dont think I am registering blocks effiencently. I am creating 10 blocks, 10 itemblocks, 10 models, 10 of each json files and 10 textures. I am doing this all manually, which all works, but im sure a much simplair way could be achieved that registering all 10 blocks individually. Any pointers.?
L823[12:55:35] <Jolteffect> hope that makes sense.
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L825[12:56:49] <Ordinastie_> I'd say you need to parameterize what differs
L826[12:57:52] <Jolteffect> the only parametre that differs is a single variable within the TE, created on instantation.
L827[12:58:11] <Ordinastie_> then why do you need 10 blocks ?
L828[12:59:31] <Ordinastie_> actually, scratch that, what are you actually trying to do ?
L829[13:00:29] <Jolteffect> haha no worries pal, ill try to be a little more direct, its a difficult one to explain.
L830[13:01:07] <Jolteffect> i want to create a Block with different tiers. T1/2/3/4/5
L831[13:01:19] <mezz> tterrag|ZZZzzz, is there an updated Bon2 download somewhere?
L832[13:02:08] <Ordinastie_> Jolteffect, any reason not to use blockStates for those tiers ?
L833[13:02:43] <Jolteffect> nope
L834[13:03:41] <Jolteffect> im getting confused withhow to register multiple versions on the same block with differnet states
L835[13:03:55] <Ordinastie_> you don't
L836[13:04:06] <Ordinastie_> you have 1 block
L837[13:04:27] <Ordinastie_> you can have properties for that block with each different values
L838[13:04:41] <Ordinastie_> in your case, probably 1 property with 5 tiers as vlues
L839[13:05:36] <Ordinastie_> I suggest you read that : http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/blockstates/states/
L840[13:06:06] <Jolteffect> read that pal
L841[13:06:46] <thor12022> follow it up with this http://modwiki.temporal-reality.com/mw/index.php/Render_Block_State-1.9
L842[13:06:47] <Jolteffect> I can succsessfuly change the state of a block, however i would like to create 10 of the same block
L843[13:07:12] <Jolteffect> each blovk wuold have its own recipe.
L844[13:07:28] <Ordinastie_> no, you don't need 10 blocks
L845[13:07:33] <Ordinastie_> 1 block instance is enough
L846[13:07:42] <Ordinastie_> 1 itemBlock too
L847[13:07:54] <Ordinastie_> but with different recipes for different metadata for the item
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L849[13:11:24] <Jolteffect> sorry buddy, was just reading that second link.
L850[13:12:37] <Jolteffect> how would i get the single block to appear multiple times within the MC registry?
L851[13:13:07] <Jolteffect> each with it own recipe?
L852[13:15:50] <Ordinastie_> same item, different metadata
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L854[13:15:57] <Ordinastie_> like wool
L855[13:16:21] <Jolteffect> yeah just like wool would be awsome
L856[13:16:50] <Jolteffect> it's the registering element within forge im confused with
L857[13:17:22] <theFlaxbeard> Anyone know how to enable the use of movement keys while in my GUI? Can't seem to find where MC disables them when a GUI is accessed
L858[13:18:34] <Ordinastie_> like I said, you have 1 block and 1 item, you only register those
L859[13:18:42] <Jolteffect> i have 10 "x" number of lines in my ModBlock file for instanation, registry, model, itemblock and each instanation has it's own unique registry name, unlocalised name and corasponding json files.
L860[13:19:07] <Ordinastie_> well, you need only one
L861[13:19:21] <Jolteffect> ill go looking through how wool is registered.
L862[13:19:34] <Jolteffect> thank you buddy, appreciate the help.
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L867[13:42:19] <MalkContent> theFlaxbeard: what kind of gui are you doing where you can still move around?
L868[13:42:27] <theFlaxbeard> Radial menu
L869[13:42:27] <MalkContent> just screen overlay?
L870[13:42:35] <theFlaxbeard> I need the mouse free though
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L872[13:42:50] <theFlaxbeard> I ended up adjusting the "context" for the hotkeys when my GUI is open
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L875[13:43:06] <theFlaxbeard> since the movement keys normally only register if their context (ingame, not-gui) is active
L876[13:43:15] <MalkContent> so thaumcraft like?
L877[13:43:20] <theFlaxbeard> Yeah
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L879[13:44:05] <MalkContent> tc doesn't use the gui classes for that
L880[13:44:28] <MalkContent> if that's of any help
L881[13:44:35] <theFlaxbeard> Using a GUI works
L882[13:44:41] <theFlaxbeard> just a bit hacky
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L886[13:49:11] <Pieterv24> Do I need to register the texture for the item in my inventory seperateley from the one in the world? Because texture is applied to the block in the world but it still shows the texture not found texture in my inventory.
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L896[13:55:58] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> mezz: my jenkins
L897[13:56:52] <mezz> thanks
L898[13:57:14] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> np
L899[13:59:53] <BordListian> Pieterv24, you need an item model
L900[14:00:09] <BordListian> you can just have the parent be the block model and it'll work
L901[14:01:52] <Pieterv24> I just found my error
L902[14:02:10] <Pieterv24> I had a typo in my registry name
L903[14:02:20] <Pieterv24> in opposed to the on i was calling uppon
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L905[14:05:06] <Pieterv24> Thank you for your help though.
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L907[14:14:03] <sham1> leroy jenkins?
L908[14:15:55] <Subaraki> is it possible to make spheres in the json files ?
L909[14:16:42] <sham1> Not really
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L931[14:48:28] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Is there a way I can scale up the size of a model when rendering as a block inside my blockstates file?
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L941[15:12:06] <iio7> I am trying to install forge 1890 version, getting 403 URL errors with the libraries, "java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL: https://libraries.minecraft.net/lzma/lzma/0.0.1/lzma-0.0.1.jar.pack.xz&quot;
L942[15:12:39] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Any reason why this blockstates doesn't apply the transform on the rendered model? http://hastebin.com/yakexiyaye
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L956[15:53:57] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Please someone give me a hand, I have no idea why I'm unable to apply a transform to a B3D model BlockState :/
L957[15:55:20] <sham1> http://pngimg.com/upload/hands_PNG929.png
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L961[15:58:01] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Ty sham1
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L963[16:02:28] <diesieben07> goddamnit microsoft... why do you always reset every fucking setting when i update...
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L965[16:03:02] <sham1> Because Microsoft
L966[16:04:23] <diesieben07> i do really like the new start menu though
L967[16:04:37] <diesieben07> but they reset my wallpaper even... like... common
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L969[16:05:06] <diesieben07> i need my fox background damnit
L970[16:06:52] <gigaherz> diesieben07: they aren't "resetting", the big updates are actually upgrade installs
L971[16:07:00] <gigaherz> they install a new OS, and migrate stuff to it
L972[16:07:03] <diesieben07> i don't fucking care
L973[16:07:06] <gigaherz> they chose NOT to migrate certain settings
L974[16:07:13] <diesieben07> they are marketing it as an update.
L975[16:07:18] <gigaherz> doens't change the fact it's annoying and sutpid
L976[16:07:30] <diesieben07> like seriously they canot migrate my desktop background setting?!
L977[16:07:31] <sham1> Install Gentoo :P
L978[16:07:32] <gigaherz> also reinstalls all the stock store apps and such
L979[16:07:52] <diesieben07> shaddap sham, linux GPU support sucks balls.
L980[16:08:01] <diesieben07> if it would work, i woudl use it.
L981[16:08:22] <sham1> for me it works fine, I dunno what you are talking about
L982[16:08:26] <sham1> And yes
L983[16:08:32] <sham1> I am using nVidia
L984[16:08:44] <gigaherz> "works for me" doesn't mean it doesn't suck ;P
L985[16:08:52] <diesieben07> I have a laptop with 2 GPUs
L986[16:08:59] <diesieben07> intel integrated and a gtx840m
L987[16:09:10] <diesieben07> had horrible screen tearing with all kinds of drivers
L988[16:09:17] <diesieben07> and i have to relog to switch GPUs
L989[16:09:20] <sham1> I have similar setup for my laptop
L990[16:09:22] <diesieben07> thats horrible, i am not using that shit.
L991[16:09:30] <gigaherz> linxu doiesn't support nv optimus?
L992[16:09:36] <diesieben07> it does, but not really.
L993[16:09:36] <gigaherz> doesn't*
L994[16:09:38] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> diesieben07, I have the exact same gpus
L995[16:09:50] <sham1> http://bumblebee-project.org/
L996[16:09:53] <sham1> Yes it does
L997[16:09:58] <gigaherz> my laptop's a gen-2 i7 with a gt520m
L998[16:10:13] <sham1> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/NVIDIA_Optimus
L999[16:10:21] <diesieben07> sham i really don't care. if i have to google 2 hours to find the solution, then no.
L1000[16:10:30] <sham1> More like 2 secs
L1001[16:10:40] <diesieben07> i want the drivers for my devices to come from the manufacturer.
L1002[16:11:01] <diesieben07> like... that thing you linked had its last release 3 years ago
L1003[16:11:03] <gigaherz> yeah that's anti-linux ;P
L1004[16:11:14] <diesieben07> i am not using that...
L1005[16:11:24] <diesieben07> i really *want* to like linux
L1006[16:11:27] <diesieben07> but it just does not work for me.
L1007[16:11:34] <sham1> Well that's just for optimus
L1008[16:11:47] <sham1> You can have it just use your nvidia card
L1009[16:11:57] <sham1> instead of the integrated intel one
L1010[16:12:01] <gigaherz> and then it will use extra battery for no reason
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L1012[16:12:09] <diesieben07> ^
L1013[16:12:17] <gigaherz> the whole point of optimus is that it electrically disconnects the dedicated hardware when not in use
L1014[16:12:27] <diesieben07> on windows, i can configure it based on APPLICATION
L1015[16:12:35] <diesieben07> so when i am not running games, the nvidia GPU is just OFF
L1016[16:12:45] <diesieben07> and when i start up a game, it starts up
L1017[16:13:01] <diesieben07> and this is just ONE thing about linux that does not work properly :D
L1018[16:13:17] <diesieben07> another thing i had was my wifi card not surviving standby or hibernate
L1019[16:13:23] <diesieben07> it would just not connect after the wakeup
L1020[16:13:38] <diesieben07> thats just things that annoy the crap out of me and that i dont wnat to spent my time fixing.
L1021[16:13:44] <diesieben07> anyways...
L1022[16:14:26] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Inspirion?
L1023[16:14:28] ⇨ Joins: Vazkii (~Vazkii@
L1024[16:14:37] <diesieben07> whut?
L1025[16:14:52] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> What's your laptop? Inspiron?
L1026[16:14:56] <diesieben07> lenovo
L1027[16:15:06] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Hmm
L1028[16:15:24] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Funny because we have the same issues and the same graphics card settings, was kind of curious
L1029[16:17:45] <diesieben07> linux even physically broke my screen once, but that something else...
L1030[16:18:28] <thor12022> it's prettty much the same for any laptop with the Intel-nVidia setup, XOrg just wasn't designed for switching graphics cards
L1031[16:20:37] <Ferdz_TheWeeb> Would anyone be kind enough to confirm on their own setup that, when rendering a B3D model, transforms from the blockstate aren't applied?
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L1058[17:27:13] <diesieben07> ok i've had enough, from now on responses to 1.7.10 questions on the forums will be met with "1.7.10 is no longer supported, update." and thats it.
L1059[17:34:57] <shadowfacts> yay!
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L1061[17:36:31] <gigaherz> lol
L1062[17:36:37] <diesieben07> "But..." - "No. <thread locked>"
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L1068[17:41:05] <Necr0> diesieben07: about time
L1069[17:41:37] <diesieben07> ikr
L1070[17:44:49] <diesieben07> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6PNc9KN50M
L1071[17:47:38] <LatvianModder> finally lol. that attitude should be received from everyone tbh. 1.7.10 is soon to be *4* major versions behind
L1072[17:47:59] <LatvianModder> actually, minor, but sine 1. never changes, its more major than minor
L1073[17:48:51] <diesieben07> i've been doing it for a while, just not this strictly :D
L1074[17:50:01] <RANKSHANK_mob1> ^what do diesie?
L1075[17:50:30] <diesieben07> hrm?
L1076[17:50:44] <RANKSHANK_mob1> ?
L1077[17:50:51] <TehNut> He wasn't here for your first message
L1078[17:50:51] <diesieben07> !
L1079[17:51:01] <gigaherz> RANKSHANK_mob1:
L1080[17:51:02] <gigaherz> 00:27] (diesieben07): ok i've had enough, from now on responses to 1.7.10 questions on the forums will be met with "1.7.10 is no longer supported, update." and thats it.
L1081[17:51:02] <gigaherz> [00:34] (shadowfacts): yay!
L1082[17:51:59] <gigaherz> LatvianModder: 1.8, 1.8.8/1.8.9, 1.9, 1.9.4/1.10/1.10.2 -- it is ALREADY 4 versions behind, so far as modding is concerned ;P
L1083[17:52:14] <LatvianModder> yeah
L1084[17:52:31] <RANKSHANK_mob1> That is something to celebrate :D
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L1086[17:52:44] <RANKSHANK_mob1> Thanks gigz
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L1111[19:08:18] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1112[19:09:00] <williewillus> anyone taken a look at the new snapshot (internally)?
L1113[19:09:03] <gudenau> I am attempting to add a texture in a TextureStitchEvent.Pre handler, but MC does not seem to pick up that I used setTextureEntry. When I iterate over the keys it shows my entry.
L1114[19:09:06] <williewillus> if not I'm gonna dig around a bit for fun :P
L1115[19:09:16] <williewillus> gudenau: show code
L1116[19:09:31] <gudenau> Sounds like it will be a pain for updates from Mojangsers.
L1117[19:09:34] <williewillus> i dont think you're supposed to use setTextureEntry iirc
L1118[19:10:15] <williewillus> i use textureMap.registerSprite
L1119[19:10:22] <williewillus> to stitch icons in TextureStitchEvent
L1120[19:10:29] <gudenau> williewillus>
L1121[19:11:14] <gudenau> Why did it say that?
L1122[19:11:21] <williewillus> ?
L1123[19:11:33] <gudenau> My client decided to ping you for no apperent reason.
L1124[19:11:45] <williewillus> did you click my name or what
L1125[19:11:57] <gudenau> Doing that does not triger that, strange.
L1126[19:13:26] <gudenau> I wonder if I am missing somthing in my TextureAtlasSprite...
L1127[19:13:32] <williewillus> i said show code :P
L1128[19:13:36] <williewillus> are you using registerSprite?
L1129[19:14:05] <gudenau> No, that does not allow a custom TexutreAtlasSprite, I need to generate the texture during runtime.
L1130[19:14:16] <gudenau> http://pastebin.com/TziB9v99
L1131[19:15:04] <gudenau> http://pastebin.com/2UTrb1Xn
L1132[19:15:32] <williewillus> okay so what is happening that tells you it is not working
L1133[19:16:09] <gudenau> The missingno texture and the missing texture error in the logs with the "TEXTURE ERRORS" tag.
L1134[19:17:13] <williewillus> dump the atlas and see if your image info is even there
L1135[19:17:37] <gudenau> Need to figure out how to do that.
L1136[19:17:54] <williewillus> https://github.com/williewillus/Botania/blob/master/src/main/java/vazkii/botania/client/core/handler/MiscellaneousIcons.java#L155-L196
L1137[19:19:27] <gudenau> It will take a while to load....
L1138[19:19:30] <williewillus> wow they actually fixed mc-4 for real this time
L1139[19:19:32] <williewillus> this is amazing
L1140[19:19:39] <gudenau> mc-4?
L1141[19:19:55] <williewillus> the one where items desync between the client and server
L1142[19:19:58] <williewillus> noticeably
L1143[19:20:00] <williewillus> all the time
L1144[19:20:01] <gudenau> Oh?
L1145[19:20:07] <williewillus> item entities
L1146[19:20:07] <howtonotwin> The thing that makes them jump up and down?
L1147[19:20:09] <RANKSHANK> O.o
L1148[19:20:14] <gudenau> Thanks!
L1149[19:20:20] <gudenau> Mojang did a thing!
L1150[19:20:20] <williewillus> well the thing that makes them stutter every few seconds was a bug fixed in 1.8
L1151[19:20:31] <williewillus> this one is just them jumping around in general
L1152[19:20:49] <gudenau> Heh, nice that it is triggered with arrows.
L1153[19:20:53] <RANKSHANK> I wonder how many bugs they added fixing this one :P
L1154[19:21:07] <howtonotwin> ^ Integer.MAX_VALUE
L1155[19:21:15] <williewillus> i can't get them to desync no matter what I try so seems to be a good one
L1156[19:22:04] <howtonotwin> Tree felling has never been so clean :P
L1157[19:22:08] <gudenau> I wonder if you can spawn client side only items now?
L1158[19:22:25] <williewillus> uhh you always have been able to spawn clientside entities
L1159[19:22:30] <williewillus> they just are ghosted
L1160[19:22:41] <howtonotwin> How does one decompile a snapshot however? Newb here
L1161[19:22:42] <gudenau> I know, but in the latest snapshot?
L1162[19:22:53] <gudenau> How do you decompile Minecraft?
L1163[19:22:56] <williewillus> why would that change?
L1164[19:23:07] <williewillus> howtonotwin: get a nice decompiler. get the jar. run it. :P
L1165[19:23:09] <gudenau> Extra sync code could kill them.
L1166[19:23:12] <williewillus> I use Bytecovdeviewer
L1167[19:23:29] <williewillus> why would extra sync code kill it
L1168[19:23:41] <williewillus> the server says "move entity ID 2043 west a bit and north a bit"
L1169[19:23:48] <gudenau> Ah.
L1170[19:23:49] <williewillus> it isn't aware of anything the client only has
L1171[19:24:16] <RANKSHANK> is the falling for items smoothed out now?
L1172[19:24:18] <howtonotwin> crap: summon Item ~ ~1 ~-0.6249 {Item:{id:"stone",Count:1b}}
L1173[19:24:29] <howtonotwin> from the bug tracker, that still breaks it :(
L1174[19:24:47] <williewillus> what is broken about it?
L1175[19:24:53] <williewillus> it's spawned close enough to me I just pick it up :P
L1176[19:25:04] <williewillus> RANKSHANK: syncing code is just fixed. jeb had a technical explanation on reddit
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L1178[19:25:18] <gudenau> Link?
L1179[19:25:22] <williewillus> RANKSHANK: https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/4w5qla/mc4_the_bug_of_item_drops_sometimes_appearing_at/d66vgxd
L1180[19:25:27] <howtonotwin> https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-4
L1181[19:25:36] <RANKSHANK> uuu thanks willie!
L1182[19:25:41] <howtonotwin> It's been reopened D:
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L1184[19:26:10] <williewillus> for what lol
L1185[19:26:17] <howtonotwin> the MC-4
L1186[19:27:08] <RANKSHANK> the link for the lazy ;) interesting fix though
L1187[19:27:14] <williewillus> uh
L1188[19:27:17] <williewillus> it's fine for me
L1189[19:27:19] <gudenau> Ok, not in the atlas.
L1190[19:27:59] <williewillus> oh wait it happened
L1191[19:28:04] <gudenau> Must be missing an event.
L1192[19:28:05] <williewillus> but I'm fine with it as it is now
L1193[19:28:07] <williewillus> it's already a lot better
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L1195[19:30:11] <gudenau> Maybe I should try a smaller texture size at the moment... HMMM
L1196[19:31:24] <gudenau> Maybe 16x16 will show up when 2048x2048 will not?
L1197[19:32:06] <TehNut> ...you're trying to add a 2048x2048 texture to the atlas?
L1198[19:32:31] <RANKSHANK> ^
L1199[19:32:48] <gudenau> Uhm, yeah.
L1200[19:33:02] <RANKSHANK> ... but why?
L1201[19:33:16] <TehNut> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umDr0mPuyQc
L1202[19:33:21] <gudenau> Because I came up with a stupid idea for a mod.
L1203[19:33:52] <gudenau> 16x16 is still not on it.
L1204[19:36:29] <gudenau> WAIT A MOMENT
L1205[19:36:35] <gudenau> I think these docs are wrong.
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L1208[19:38:59] <gudenau> Welp, still nothing. Time to step though this code...
L1209[19:47:48] ⇦ Quits: minot (~minot@pool-100-1-168-123.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
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L1211[19:51:39] <williewillus> i would recommend not blowing out the atlas with such a large texture
L1212[19:51:52] <williewillus> just make its own texture....
L1213[19:51:59] <gudenau> *note* Not meant for production use
L1214[19:53:28] <gudenau> How else will I get my block model to render this without reinventing the wheel?
L1215[19:54:16] <williewillus> bring it to fry when he comes back
L1216[19:54:24] <williewillus> either way i don't think it's a good idea
L1217[19:54:47] <gudenau> Never said it was.
L1218[19:54:53] <gudenau> This mod was a bad idea since the start.
L1219[19:55:09] <williewillus> i'm confused, then why do it :P
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L1221[19:55:20] <gudenau> Because of why it is a bad idea.
L1222[19:55:26] <gudenau> You will see, I hope.
L1223[19:55:33] <williewillus> what is it just ><
L1224[19:56:00] <williewillus> if it's "bad" consciously doing it is a silly waste of your time
L1225[19:56:16] <gudenau> Pfft, go away with your logic.
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L1227[20:15:29] <Naiten> hi everybody o/
L1228[20:16:10] <RANKSHANK> o/
L1229[20:17:40] <Naiten> got another indev status update for all ye train lovers! https://twitter.com/railowar/status/763381634477518848
L1230[20:17:44] <gudenau> Ok, how do I get the sprite given the resource location?
L1231[20:18:47] <williewillus> using the texturemap
L1232[20:18:50] <Naiten> gudenau, what are you trying to render?
L1233[20:18:58] <gudenau> A block.
L1234[20:19:00] <williewillus> he is throwing a 2048x texture on the atlas
L1235[20:19:05] <gudenau> But I am hacking things.
L1236[20:19:06] <williewillus> because screw everything :P
L1237[20:19:13] <gudenau> Because stupid things.
L1238[20:19:19] <williewillus> what is this? :P
L1239[20:19:26] <gudenau> A block.
L1240[20:19:34] <gudenau> With a giant texture.
L1241[20:19:37] <gudenau> That changes.
L1242[20:19:49] <Naiten> welp, is that block containing a model for whole town?
L1243[20:20:02] <Naiten> why is it that large?
L1244[20:20:05] <gudenau> Not quite.
L1245[20:20:16] <gudenau> Because 2^n for textures.
L1246[20:23:37] <RANKSHANK> man I swear gradle docs has had marketing spruce up its submissions. So many buzzwords :P
L1247[20:24:10] <Naiten> i mean, how big is the model? like a cube with the edge of 52m + 4tx?
L1248[20:24:27] <gudenau> It is a little less than 1x1.
L1249[20:24:31] <gudenau> 1x1x1
L1250[20:24:41] <Naiten> 1*1*1m?
L1251[20:24:45] <Naiten> man
L1252[20:24:52] <williewillus> just ask fry when he gets back
L1253[20:24:56] <gudenau> Yep.
L1254[20:24:58] <williewillus> instead of doing something ridiculously dumb
L1255[20:25:42] <Naiten> why would you need such detalization?
L1256[20:25:48] <howtonotwin> That's a 12MiB texture (up to 16MiB) for something so small?
L1257[20:25:56] <gudenau> Because this is a stupid hacky mod idea.
L1258[20:26:09] <williewillus> if it's stupid don't do it I don't understand
L1259[20:26:31] <Naiten> stupid idea is great when find an elegant solution for it
L1260[20:27:19] <howtonotwin> "You were so preoccupied with whether or not you could, you didn’t stop to think if you should." :D
L1261[20:27:20] <gudenau> Hey, this might just cause a PR for this type a thing. Who knows. *shrug*
L1262[20:27:29] <gudenau> howtonotwin wins a cookie
L1263[20:27:36] <williewillus> things don't "cause" PR's
L1264[20:27:50] <williewillus> if you need something ask fry for it and he'll tell you how or add it :P
L1265[20:27:57] <Naiten> is the idea itself a secret though?
L1266[20:28:01] <gudenau> I can not add stuff.
L1267[20:28:05] <gudenau> Naiten, yes it is.
L1268[20:28:08] <williewillus> no
L1269[20:28:11] <williewillus> he will tell you
L1270[20:28:13] <williewillus> or he will add it
L1271[20:28:16] <williewillus> lol
L1272[20:28:19] <gudenau> Oh.
L1273[20:28:31] <gudenau> I still want someone to do that stupid beacon thing. .-.
L1274[20:28:39] <williewillus> so just stop doing something ridiculously impractical and just wait a couple days for him to get back
L1275[20:28:40] <williewillus> :P
L1276[20:28:58] <gudenau> TBH, that part is implemented now. :-P
L1277[20:29:06] <williewillus> still ask him later
L1278[20:29:10] <williewillus> because that;'s not a pretty solution
L1279[20:29:40] <gudenau> Heh, I am calling uploadTextureMipmap every tick in a handler. :-P
L1280[20:29:49] <williewillus> you are murdering performance
L1281[20:29:54] <gudenau> I know.
L1282[20:29:55] ⇦ Quits: SandGrainOne (~Terje@cm- (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1283[20:29:58] <williewillus> then Why do it?!
L1284[20:30:09] <gudenau> Because I want to.
L1285[20:30:30] *** MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L1286[20:30:56] <gudenau> Huh, I am getting 30FPS. How console of me.
L1287[20:31:30] <Naiten> gudenau, I had 30FPS for several years and that was normal
L1288[20:31:45] <Naiten> why? because TESR the railway
L1289[20:31:55] <RANKSHANK> Ehh I may take a bash at that beacon thing after I figure out how to get a functioning gradle workspace ;P
L1290[20:31:56] <gudenau> Superflat world, no entities.
L1291[20:32:06] <williewillus> your cpu to gpu bus is crying. a lot.
L1292[20:32:28] <gudenau> This has to do with that texture upload question from the other day.
L1293[20:32:39] <howtonotwin> At this point you really should just go down to LWJGL and use render-to-texture
L1294[20:32:52] <Naiten> gudenau, superflat clear preset with only flat surface (not the owerworld or something)
L1295[20:33:00] <williewillus> well he needs it on a bakedmodel. which is why I said wait for fry
L1296[20:33:09] <gudenau> Problem with that, I am not using anything from inside the game to render.
L1297[20:33:19] <gudenau> Naiten, yep.
L1298[20:34:15] <gudenau> Now to get into Windows COM.
L1299[20:34:26] <howtonotwin> O-)
L1300[20:34:44] <howtonotwin> CAN you even do that?
L1301[20:34:48] <gudenau> JNA
L1302[20:35:49] * howtonotwin explodes from sheer flabbergastiness
L1303[20:36:04] <gudenau> All will be clear, when I upload a video.
L1304[20:36:26] <Naiten> gudenau, welp. I still don't get why you need THAT detalization. Like my biggest loco (big one in the centre http://i.imgur.com/Wcxstji.png) is ~10*3*4m and utilizes just 256*256px texture
L1305[20:37:22] <Naiten> %obvious self-advertisement%
L1306[20:37:41] <howtonotwin> what kind of unholy markup syntax is that?
L1307[20:41:09] <howtonotwin> When I'm writing docs in blocks/interaction (readthedocs.io), should I doc EVERYTHING, or just the stuff without Javadocs
L1308[20:41:16] <gudenau> That feeling when a function is removed from an API.
L1309[20:41:21] <Naiten> howtonotwin, i'm a total heretic, you know. Introducing dioctahedronal surfaces into MC and using rogue markup
L1310[20:41:51] <gudenau> I would show you the texture, but it is pure white. :-P
L1311[20:42:48] <howtonotwin> I feel the urge to one-up willie by writing the worst possible markup language, and then parsing it with Scala's parser combinator library :P
L1312[20:42:56] <howtonotwin> But first I'd have to learn the library
L1313[20:43:11] <gudenau> Oooh, make the parser with reflection!
L1314[20:43:45] <Naiten> gudenau, is it not even visual-debug-HSV_noise-white?
L1315[20:43:53] <gudenau> What?
L1316[20:44:04] <Naiten> the texture
L1317[20:44:13] <gudenau> The entire thing is FFFFFF
L1318[20:45:09] <Naiten> i guess i gonna pass my Mad Modder golden medal to you
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L1322[20:47:19] <howtonotwin> So should I doc everything or no?
L1323[20:48:41] <williewillus> for what
L1324[20:48:53] <williewillus> oh that
L1325[20:49:07] <williewillus> I actually am super meh on concrete code of any kind in rtd
L1326[20:49:19] <williewillus> the mappings are gonna shift, mojang is gonna change the signatures/usages, etc.
L1327[20:49:23] <williewillus> and the docs are gonna fall out of date
L1328[20:49:33] <williewillus> it should be mostly concepts
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L1332[20:50:47] <howtonotwin> Any suggestions on what I should work on doccing instead?
L1333[20:51:13] <williewillus> anything that you figured out on your own and understand super well :P
L1334[20:51:33] <williewillus> hoepfully my loot tables + rendering ones will be done soon
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L1343[21:30:59] <Zidane> So question for the chat. I've got a friend starting to dab in making obj models in 3dmax. Her program says its in quads and the obj's verts definitely seem that way but its faces have more than 4 verts. Anyone have any experience with what you need to set?
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L1357[22:01:32] <blood_> keepLoaded is where now in 1.9+?
L1358[22:01:52] <blood_> i know DimensionType is used for registration but i dont see how keepLoaded is handled
L1359[22:02:07] <blood_> public static boolean registerProviderType(int id, Class<? extends WorldProvider> provider, boolean keepLoaded)
L1360[22:02:45] <blood_> ah nm i see it
L1361[22:02:51] <blood_> added methods in DimensionType =)
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L1376[23:07:21] <Redrield> What does the Side enum in SimpleNetworkManager#registerMessage() represent? The source, or the destination?
L1377[23:08:53] <TehNut> The side to run the code on
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L1379[23:10:12] <Redrield> So if I'm sending the packet from the server, I should set that to Side.CLIENT, yes?
L1380[23:13:44] <masa> receiving side, yes
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L1383[23:24:18] <Redrield> Hm.. Why would this code http://hastebin.com/niqovotesa.avrasm Be throwing this exception? http://hastebin.com/lehiviwuxo.avrasm
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L1386[23:34:33] <TehNut> If you're handling on the client, use Minecraft.getMinecraft().addScheduledTask(...)
L1387[23:35:35] <TehNut> If on server, use FMLCommonHandler.instance().getMinecraftServerInstance().addScheduledTask(...)
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L1390[23:41:37] <Redrield> TehNut: I still get the same error, after changing that
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L1393[23:55:27] <kenzierocks> Redrield: you're handling on the client
L1394[23:55:30] <kenzierocks> you can't do EntityPlayerMP player = ctx.getServerHandler().playerEntity;
L1395[23:55:39] <kenzierocks> it's ctx.getClientHandler() --> player
L1396[23:55:50] <kenzierocks> or Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer or whatever
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