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L1[00:00:45] <Drullkus> minecreatr is actually trying to get that to work as well
L2[00:00:59] <Nosirrom> I don't think spider eyes actually light up the environment
L3[00:01:42] <Dark_Tech> Try turning off shading.
L4[00:09:09] <infinitefoxes_> er should've been a bit more specific
L5[00:09:16] <infinitefoxes_> there's two layers to the block
L6[00:09:27] <infinitefoxes_> one needs to be shaded normally, the other layer without shading
L7[00:10:27] <Dark_Tech> still figured it out, right?
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L24[01:13:50] <infinitefoxes_> http://i.imgur.com/IU8INap.png
L25[01:14:01] <infinitefoxes_> aha, managed to get the glowing effect I wanted, just not as bright
L26[01:14:15] <TehNut> I like that
L27[01:15:55] <Zorn_Taov> :O
L28[01:20:45] <Drullkus> ooooh
L29[01:20:51] <Drullkus> minecreatr: ^
L30[01:22:07] <infinitefoxes_> it doesn't truly "render in the dark" though
L31[01:22:34] <infinitefoxes_> it's just two layers of textures in the json model
L32[01:22:51] <Drullkus> fry: Does the animation require a TE or no? :S
L33[01:22:54] <infinitefoxes_> but the overlay texture has "'shade': 'false'"
L34[01:22:59] <Drullkus> RE: https://twitter.com/AtomicBlom/status/730643092072620033
L35[01:23:10] <Drullkus> infinitefoxes_: Aw
L36[01:23:25] <fry> no
L37[01:23:33] <Drullkus> Ah
L38[01:24:04] <fry> well, due to the way capabilities are implemented right now, if you want something non-trivial, you do need a TE
L39[01:26:39] <Drullkus> Ah
L40[01:26:41] <sham1> Block capabilities plox
L41[01:26:53] <Drullkus> So, we won't be able to have this in Chisel...?
L42[01:27:04] <Drullkus> Slightly confused
L43[01:27:24] <Drullkus> tterrag is the one who should be notified of this :P
L44[01:27:28] <fry> they still render using the TESR too btw
L45[01:27:48] <fry> not sure how well does TESR without a TE work either
L46[01:28:05] <Drullkus> Oh, they're TESRs?
L47[01:28:14] <fry> good news are that it's quite fast - I managed to get a few thousand on the screen no problem :D
L48[01:28:17] <Drullkus> TESRs without TEs, we would absolutely love this
L49[01:28:40] <fry> TEs can be non-ticking now, so it's purely a memory issue
L50[01:30:22] <Drullkus> Ah, true
L51[01:30:48] <Drullkus> Well, they were able to be denied ticking back in 1.7.10 iirc
L52[01:31:47] <tterrag> tesr without te doesn't mean much
L53[01:33:55] <fry> if we have World.getBlockCapability(pos), it does :D
L54[01:34:06] <fry> but we don't, as of right now
L55[01:36:33] * Zorn_Taov waves to the frymiester, wonders if he's looked into the issue he posted a few days ago o/
L56[01:38:34] <fry> probably not :P
L57[01:39:22] <Zorn_Taov> it SHOULD be a simple fix, but I fucked up while trying to make a PR for it ~.~;
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L59[01:39:43] <Zorn_Taov> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/2827
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L77[01:59:56] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160512 mappings to Forge Maven.
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L84[02:03:03] <Cypher121> rip snapshots?
L85[02:08:56] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] ERROR: Maven upload failed after 3 retries!
L86[02:09:26] <hobostaco> rip in piece
L87[02:09:48] <killjoy> better luck next time, MCPBot_Reborn
L88[02:10:46] <Zorn_Taov> oh nooo
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L90[02:17:55] <baegmon> when you run a server from eclipse, is the world stored in the default minecraft installation location or the working directory?
L91[02:18:16] <hobostaco> working dir
L92[02:19:28] <Zorn_Taov> workingDir/run iirc
L93[02:20:00] <hobostaco> yeah or /eclipse, whatever its set as in the build file
L94[02:20:04] <baegmon> oh right you know what I probably confused myself on how the client launches lol. When I run singleplayer, the world was different from the server so I was thinking one of them must be stored in the installation folder.... right? haha
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L96[02:20:30] <LordSkittles_> How do I do multi-pass block rendering in 1.9?
L97[02:20:59] <Lordmau5> yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay /o/
L98[02:21:00] <Lordmau5> http://www.dw.com/en/germany-to-abolish-provider-liability-law-open-path-to-more-free-wifi/a-19249024
L99[02:21:11] <hobostaco> really? mine are the same world
L100[02:21:34] <gigaherz|work> nah
L101[02:21:39] <gigaherz|work> server uses run/world
L102[02:21:45] <gigaherz|work> client uses run/saves/*
L103[02:22:21] <baegmon> that is certainly nice to know :P
L104[02:22:31] <hobostaco> ahh true, i should stop using flat worlds for both and confusing myself
L105[02:22:32] <gigaherz|work> ofc yo ucould edit server.properties
L106[02:22:38] <gigaherz|work> and point it to saves/*
L107[02:22:45] <gigaherz|work> but it's not the default
L108[02:27:00] <baegmon> ic cheers for that nice info
L109[02:28:24] <Zaggy1024> how on earth does translating the texture matrix cause something that looks like z-fighting? 0.o
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L111[02:29:32] <Zaggy1024> http://i.imgur.com/8xeq1C8.png
L112[02:30:09] <LordSkittles_> Anyone know? I would like to create an item that when right clicked on a block will render a cloth over the top of it.
L113[02:31:26] <Zaggy1024> is it your own block?
L114[02:32:13] <LordSkittles_> No, any block in the world, but my idea is that it will turn into my block, just look like the old one with a cloth on it
L115[02:32:27] <Zaggy1024> hm
L116[02:32:46] <Zaggy1024> have you thought about making the cloth be an entity like item frames?
L117[02:32:57] <Zaggy1024> that would be much simpler than making a container block
L118[02:33:08] <gigaherz|work> LordSkittles_: you can do that for decorative blocks
L119[02:33:15] <gigaherz|work> but you'd have to replace the original block
L120[02:33:21] <gigaherz|work> so stuff like chest opening, couldn't possibly work
L121[02:33:28] <LordSkittles_> That is the idea gigaherz|work
L122[02:34:13] <LordSkittles_> The block that will replace the block being clicked on is like a crafting table
L123[02:34:18] <Cypher121> Zaggy1024: clouds
L124[02:34:20] * Cypher121 shrugs
L125[02:34:28] <Zaggy1024> uh
L126[02:34:37] <Zaggy1024> yes, they're clouds, I'm trying to make them use VBOs
L127[02:34:56] <Zaggy1024> problem is, texture matrix transforms aren't working to offset the texture
L128[02:35:08] <Zaggy1024> it just makes it flickery and I got no idea why
L129[02:37:23] <Matthew> LexDesktop, LexMobile, I think the fileserver is dying. I'm getting a 500 internal server error on upload. also I see mcpbot failed to push
L130[02:38:27] <gigaherz|work> isn't it like 2am over there
L131[02:40:38] <Zaggy1024> oh!
L132[02:40:56] <Zaggy1024> think I thought of the problem
L133[02:41:00] <Zaggy1024> with the clouds
L134[02:41:37] <Zorn_Taov> ok, I think I fixed my fork of forge. to make a PR do I modify stuff in the Clean project or the Forge project?
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L137[02:41:45] <gigaherz|work> Forge
L138[02:41:48] <gigaherz|work> you never touch clean
L139[02:41:54] <gigaherz|work> clean is clean and must remain clean
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L141[02:42:07] <Zorn_Taov> o7
L142[02:42:10] <gigaherz|work> after editing, you run genPatches
L143[02:42:15] <gigaherz|work> which will compare forge to clean
L144[02:42:19] <gigaherz|work> and will make a patch from that
L145[02:42:25] <Zorn_Taov> what do I point at to do a test run?
L146[02:42:29] <gigaherz|work> if you edited clean, the patch would be invalid
L147[02:42:32] <Zorn_Taov> debug
L148[02:42:50] <gigaherz|work> run/debug the forge client / forge server
L149[02:43:31] <Zorn_Taov> ah, Forge Client.launch?
L150[02:44:39] <Zorn_Taov> yup. looks like it
L151[02:49:39] <Zorn_Taov> for debugging how should I log to console?
L152[02:53:52] <kashike> with your logger or system.out/etc
L153[02:54:33] <Zorn_Taov> in a forge PR environment :P
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L158[03:35:05] <Zaggy1024> whoa. Eclipse had a memory leak and caused it and another program to crash D:
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L160[03:37:17] <Drullkus> Oh man
L161[03:37:22] <Drullkus> collateral damage
L162[03:39:13] <Zorn_Taov> ouch
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L168[04:11:57] <Zaggy1024> realistic clouds! :) http://i.imgur.com/8jVSFwR.png
L169[04:18:21] <Zaggy1024> yeesh.
L170[04:18:33] <Zaggy1024> this implementation of clouds doesn't seem to like using VBOs rather than display lists..
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L173[04:28:45] <Zaggy1024> but even with plain draw lists the time spent in gameRenderer on fancy cloud rendering went from ~20% to ~0.37% :]
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L176[04:31:50] <Zaggy1024> lol that's less time than it spends rendering fast clouds...
L177[04:32:16] <Zaggy1024> fast clouds take ~1.7%
L178[04:35:29] <Wuppy> lol this must've been fun to mocap xD https://www.facebook.com/ign/videos/10153758607631633/
L179[04:36:09] <Wuppy> the only thing I'm wondering is if they did the facial mocap and the body mocap at the same time
L180[04:36:14] <Wuppy> I thought that wasn't possible
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L188[05:20:59] <rebecca> I'm looking to PAY a programmer to make some custom blocks. Please PM me if you have experience coding blocks that transport/process items (ie: like auto-crafting benches, item pipe contraptions).
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L217[06:37:43] <baegmon> what is the best way to count time? I want to get the time the command is executed and then do something 30 seconds after. I've tried using server.getTickCounter() but I seem to be using it wrong because it returns same values every time
L218[06:42:24] <Lordmau5> Usually a stopwatch is good for that
L219[06:42:42] <Lordmau5> Oooh, Minecraft-specific! - Sorry, should've read the whole line :P
L220[06:43:51] <fry> world.getTotalWorldTime()
L221[06:43:54] <baegmon> I was considering using a Timer but everyone on forums say to use ticks since (20 ticks = 1 second?) But all the examples I have researched is for Tiles so not sure lol
L222[06:44:08] <baegmon> oh will check that out :P
L223[06:46:45] <gigaherz|work> world.getTotalWorldTime() returns the ticks since the world was created, regardless of daylight cycle rule
L224[06:47:08] <gigaherz|work> or /time set commands (which also affect the daylight time)
L225[06:47:32] <baegmon> oh sweet will definitely use that then.
L226[06:47:57] <Zaggy1024> are you going to save the command to run when the game is reloaded? :P
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L228[06:48:52] <baegmon> nope isn't meant for saving data, I think I've got that part figured out already
L229[06:49:46] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L230[06:52:54] <Zaggy1024> hey fry, I'm working on making clouds use display lists/VBOs but for some reason the fog is completely covering the clouds
L231[06:53:17] <Zaggy1024> I assume the fog should respect scale?
L232[06:53:34] <Zaggy1024> clouds look like this now: http://i.imgur.com/6DZgjWH.png
L233[06:54:54] ⇦ Quits: HiddenKnowledge (~HiddenKno@ (Quit: Going offline, see ya!)
L234[06:55:10] <Zaggy1024> (I'm using texture matrix mode to translate the UVs, so could that be messing with the depth?)
L235[06:56:06] <Zaggy1024> here's the code as it is currently http://pastebin.com/MMqmcxRC
L236[06:57:01] ⇦ Quits: flappy (~flappy@a88-113-155-120.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L237[06:59:06] * fry is unable to grasp that code right now
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L243[07:09:17] <Zaggy1024> hm, the fog becomes less strong on the clouds, but stays uniform, when I set render distance to 32
L244[07:11:39] <baegmon> so uh are while loops are a huge nono right? Creating a new thread won't destroy everything?
L245[07:12:10] <bspkrs> Matthew, I'm guessing the disk is full again
L246[07:12:13] <baegmon> wow my english just went poof on that sentence lol
L247[07:14:19] <Zaggy1024> it all depends on what you do in the thread
L248[07:14:29] <Zaggy1024> threading is tricky
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L252[07:17:12] <Waterpicker> Hello :D
L253[07:17:34] <Shalmezad> Hello Waterpicker, how are you today?
L254[07:17:34] <baegmon> hm nvm I figured it out I was being stupid :S
L255[07:18:08] <Waterpicker> Pretty good. Was just curious about how this FAIL project I heard about from a guy on the Sponge channel. :3
L256[07:18:38] <Ivorius> FAIL project?
L257[07:19:02] <Waterpicker> Yea
L258[07:19:33] <Waterpicker> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/FAIL
L259[07:19:57] <Waterpicker> Not much has happened github wise but was curious if there was any chatter going about here.
L260[07:20:18] <Waterpicker> Would poke cpw but he isn't in yet.
L261[07:21:13] <gigaherz|work> I suppose it's a more long-term project
L262[07:21:23] <gigaherz|work> my guess would be the team is busy with 1.9.4
L263[07:23:13] <Zaggy1024> sounds like just resources client side with behavior in the mod files on the server?
L264[07:23:27] <gigaherz|work> ?
L265[07:23:46] <Zaggy1024> FAIL
L266[07:23:51] <Zaggy1024> the description implies that
L267[07:24:16] <gigaherz|work> sortof, yeah
L268[07:24:25] <gigaherz|work> server-provided resources
L269[07:24:32] <Zaggy1024> yeah, exactly
L270[07:25:00] <Zaggy1024> I'm a little concerned about lag, as I am with anything where the server does all the work
L271[07:25:03] <gigaherz|work> would be nice for adding decorative blocks
L272[07:25:11] <gigaherz|work> and blocks that only need server-side logic
L273[07:25:12] <Zaggy1024> and Minecraft is especially bad for lag
L274[07:25:24] <gigaherz|work> nah my guess would be it downloads on first connect
L275[07:25:27] <gigaherz|work> and caches for later
L276[07:25:38] <Zaggy1024> I don't mean loading times
L277[07:25:41] <Zaggy1024> I mean in-game
L278[07:25:48] <gigaherz|work> how would it matter ingame?
L279[07:25:55] <Zaggy1024> like if you interact a block it'll take a while for the server to respond
L280[07:26:04] <Zaggy1024> and like I said, Minecraft servers like to lag :P
L281[07:26:15] <gigaherz|work> not any more than it does now?
L282[07:26:29] <Zaggy1024> well, for some blocks, sure
L283[07:26:36] <gigaherz|work> and THOSE blocks woudl be the ones supported
L284[07:26:55] <Zaggy1024> I'm a bit of a stickler for the client doing some work to make things more responsive
L285[07:27:00] <gigaherz|work> a generic type of block/item that has "normal" semantics, such as being usable from a certain range
L286[07:27:09] <gigaherz|work> so that a client can do generic tests
L287[07:27:14] <Zaggy1024> but I suppose so long as ItemBlocks still place the blocks client side with these mods it will probably not be too different
L288[07:27:21] <gigaherz|work> and then the server receives the corresopnding activation the way it already does
L289[07:27:26] <Zaggy1024> yeah
L290[07:27:58] <Zaggy1024> but I'm sure it won't be limited to blocks that can be handled client side with no logic from the mod
L291[07:28:00] <gigaherz|work> a declaration file (json I guess), would be the one responsible for properties such as block light and such
L292[07:28:45] <gigaherz|work> but really, way too early to say
L293[07:28:49] <Zaggy1024> yeah
L294[07:28:57] <gigaherz|work> for all we know, project fail could simply be a failed project
L295[07:28:58] <gigaherz|work> ;P
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L297[07:29:04] <Zaggy1024> haha
L298[07:29:18] <Zaggy1024> wasn't there a launcher/API that was similar?
L299[07:29:22] <Zaggy1024> I can't remember what it was called
L300[07:29:39] <Zaggy1024> basically had server side mods (more than just server plugins)
L301[07:29:47] <gigaherz|work> I do know that my magic mod would simply not be compatible, since it requires client-side hacks to work the way it does
L302[07:29:56] <gigaherz|work> but the survivalist one would
L303[07:30:07] <gigaherz|work> since it just changes a couple recipes, and al lthe logic is on the server
L304[07:30:18] <gigaherz|work> well, xcept the TESR for the drying rack
L305[07:30:50] <gigaherz|work> I guess if it's done right
L306[07:31:08] <gigaherz|work> the "fail-only" mod would be able to support the basic drying rack that can't display the items in-world
L307[07:31:19] <gigaherz|work> but then a client-only addon could add the TESR to it
L308[07:32:02] <gigaherz|work> (optional addon, that is)
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L310[07:32:25] <gigaherz|work> unless FAIL happens to add a way to tell the rendering code to have submodels based on the contents of inventory slots
L311[07:32:43] <gigaherz|work> we'll see how it goes
L312[07:32:55] <gigaherz|work> but first, looking forward to forge 1.9.4
L313[07:33:44] <fry> ItemMeshDefinition lets you do that already
L314[07:34:04] <gigaherz|work> for blocks placed in the world?
L315[07:34:44] <fry> what inventory are you talking about then?
L316[07:35:07] <gigaherz|work> my drying rack has 4 slots, that are drawn on top of the base static model by a TESR currently
L317[07:35:36] <fry> ah, make a smart model, and pass item model locations to it, for example
L318[07:35:40] <fry> via the blockstate
L319[07:35:51] <LatvianModder> If I register a custom model baker, I dont need to make the json file, right?
L320[07:36:03] <fry> you should anyway
L321[07:36:05] <LatvianModder> or will it throw error or smth?
L322[07:36:28] <LatvianModder> Ill try out what happens if I just register the baker
L323[07:36:37] <gigaherz|work> well if you do that, keep in mind it makes it impossible for resourcepack authors to customize the model
L324[07:36:43] <fry> what is "baker"?
L325[07:37:01] <LatvianModder> err
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L328[07:37:44] <LatvianModder> IBakedModel :P
L329[07:38:54] <Lordmau5> IBaker
L330[07:38:54] <Lordmau5> yes
L331[07:39:01] <fry> yes, you can bypass the json completely, but that approach has a lot of drawbacks
L332[07:39:04] <Lordmau5> FurnaceModel extends IBakerModel
L333[07:39:11] <Lordmau5> *implements
L334[07:39:11] <Lordmau5> woops
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L336[07:39:56] <Zaggy1024> urgh, do VBOs not apply GL11.glColor4f?
L337[07:40:54] <LatvianModder> I basically want to make this in 1.9 now https://youtu.be/BDnZ5vqn0P8?t=45s
L338[07:41:02] <Zaggy1024> guess the color elements in the buffer override any color multiplier :\
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L340[07:41:04] <LatvianModder> VBOs have .color()
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L342[07:41:38] <Zaggy1024> what?
L343[07:41:51] <Zaggy1024> VBOs don't really have anything
L344[07:42:08] <Zaggy1024> they're basically just references to arrays of data AFAIK
L345[07:43:43] <Zaggy1024> hm, what if I don't give it a color element
L346[07:43:52] <Zaggy1024> problem is I use the color element for the shading on the clouds
L347[07:44:00] <gigaherz|work> Zaggy1024: include the color data in the vertices of the vbo?
L348[07:44:19] <Zaggy1024> it's color from world.getCloudColor or whatever it's called
L349[07:44:26] <Zaggy1024> it can't be baked :\
L350[07:46:43] <gigaherz|work> well normally (outside of mc), I'd just tell you to have a shader for it, and input the cloud color as a shader parameter
L351[07:47:01] <Zaggy1024> yeah, I wish... :P
L352[07:47:01] <gigaherz|work> but not sure how that would work on mc
L353[07:47:17] <gigaherz|work> do you draw the clouds yourself?
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L356[07:49:35] <Zaggy1024> uh
L357[07:49:38] <Zaggy1024> what do you mean?
L358[07:49:51] <Zaggy1024> am I in calling the VBO? yes
L359[07:49:56] <gigaherz|work> yeah so
L360[07:49:59] <Zaggy1024> I'm also creating the VBO
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L362[07:50:03] <gigaherz|work> couldn't you just use a shader, then?
L363[07:50:11] <gigaherz|work> a simple one
L364[07:50:19] <Waterpicker> What's up peoples.
L365[07:50:25] <Zaggy1024> I don't know
L366[07:50:28] <gigaherz|work> probably just one with fragment
L367[07:50:31] <gigaherz|work> no vertex shading
L368[07:50:48] <Zaggy1024> I've never tried putting a shader in Minecraft
L369[07:50:58] <gigaherz|work> shouldn't be a problem
L370[07:51:00] <Zaggy1024> what's the minimum GL version for them though?
L371[07:51:02] <gigaherz|work> since you control that code
L372[07:51:19] <gigaherz|work> depends on the glsl version
L373[07:51:26] <gigaherz|work> but
L374[07:51:29] <gigaherz|work> they are older than VBOs
L375[07:51:36] <gigaherz|work> if you use VBOs, you CAN assume shaders are available
L376[07:51:45] <Zaggy1024> yeah...
L377[07:51:50] <Zaggy1024> I also have a display list fallback :P
L378[07:52:05] <gigaherz|work> the fallback can just call glColor
L379[07:52:05] <gigaherz|work> ;P
L380[07:52:18] <Zaggy1024> doesn't work with display lists that have a color element either :P
L381[07:53:40] <Zaggy1024> I had intended this to be a Forge patch since clouds are so slow rendering in vanilla
L382[07:54:11] <Ivorius> Zaggy1024, GLSL12 is fairly safe
L383[07:54:28] <Ivorius> Although you can also try just attaching your impl to Mojang's shader stuff
L384[07:54:30] <gigaherz|work> glsl version 110 is opengl 2.0
L385[07:54:51] <gigaherz|work> Zaggy1024: can you fallback to the existing clouds code?
L386[07:54:55] <gigaherz|work> if no shaders are possible?
L387[07:54:59] <Zaggy1024> yeah
L388[07:55:08] <gigaherz|work> then I'd do that
L389[07:55:22] <gigaherz|work> use glsl 1.10 or whatever minimum version you can afford to use
L390[07:55:35] <gigaherz|work> and if the feature isn't available, fallback to no caching
L391[07:55:40] <Ivorius> Or download the texture, edit byte buffer, upload new texture
L392[07:55:44] <Ivorius> :P
L393[07:55:49] <gigaherz|work> ewh
L394[07:55:56] <Zaggy1024> huh, I didn't realize batched TESRs were added
L395[07:56:01] <gigaherz|work> then you could just write the color bytes to the VBO
L396[07:56:02] <gigaherz|work> and reupload
L397[07:56:12] <Ivorius> Nah
L398[07:56:16] <Ivorius> Manual shading's the real deal
L399[07:56:17] <gigaherz|work> FastTESR has been around for a while
L400[07:56:23] <Zaggy1024> I hadn't seen it
L401[07:56:32] <gigaherz|work> not many have
L402[07:56:48] <gigaherz|work> it's not commonly advertised ;P
L403[07:56:49] <fry> intel GPU => GLSL 1.1
L404[07:56:53] <fry> *1.10
L405[07:56:55] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L406[07:57:06] <fry> intel GPU + old windows -> no GLSL at all
L407[07:57:26] <fry> (which is still like 5% of MC users)
L408[07:57:45] <gigaherz|work> didn't intel do something crazy like
L409[07:58:08] <gigaherz|work> support fragment shaders, but not vertex shaders?
L410[07:58:22] <gigaherz|work> in like the 9xx igps
L411[07:58:35] <Zaggy1024> even if I were to solve that issue there's still the stupid fog
L412[07:58:42] <Zaggy1024> my scale call seems to break it somehow
L413[07:58:51] <gigaherz|work> hm?
L414[07:58:56] <gigaherz|work> do you undo all state changes?
L415[07:59:13] <Zaggy1024> uh
L416[07:59:29] <Zaggy1024> no, this is the problem: http://i.imgur.com/FXEK7Du.png
L417[07:59:37] * Waterpicker gags.
L418[07:59:42] <gigaherz|work> uh
L419[07:59:46] <Waterpicker> So much anicent code inside dimensional doors.
L420[07:59:54] <gigaherz|work> wait
L421[07:59:59] <Waterpicker> Thoertically easy to update just tedious to get everything correct.
L422[08:00:02] <gigaherz|work> do you clear the depth buffer after drawing?
L423[08:00:20] <gigaherz|work> or draw with depth masking
L424[08:00:35] <gigaherz|work> that can be two things
L425[08:00:50] <gigaherz|work> 1. you aren't setting the fog correctly and everything is "fog"
L426[08:00:59] <gigaherz|work> or 2. you are preventing the world from drawing at all
L427[08:01:15] <Zaggy1024> it's being called from the same place the vanilla clouds render from
L428[08:01:21] <Zaggy1024> same GL calls AFAIK
L429[08:04:58] <Zaggy1024> I'm gonna try scaling the vertices instead because it just isn't working otherwise
L430[08:05:19] <Zaggy1024> (inside the VBO)
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L434[08:08:00] <rebecca> What's the best place to find minecraft mod programmers who want to get paid doing this stuff?
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L436[08:09:01] <Ivorius> Probably in here rebecca
L437[08:09:09] <Ivorius> But what you proposed seems like a rather long project
L438[08:09:26] <Ivorius> Might be hard to commit to something so big
L439[08:10:42] <Ivorius> (and it would probably cost you quite a lot :P)
L440[08:11:05] <rebecca> I'm not after something polished. to begin with just a relatively simple block
L441[08:11:18] <auenf> 'relatively'
L442[08:11:32] <Ordinastie_> what's the block ?
L443[08:11:58] <Ivorius> inb4 Ordinastie_ tapes one together in DIY decorative blocks
L444[08:12:52] <rebecca> okay. so a block that functions similar to a chest. player can right click and view/rearrange contents. items to be pushed in with hoppers or pulled using established pipe mods
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L447[08:13:14] <rebecca> but, it stores items it receives in a sequential manner.
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L449[08:13:19] <rebecca> like a FIFO buffer
L450[08:13:27] <rebecca> no stacking of items
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L452[08:13:58] <auenf> but if the user places a stack in?
L453[08:14:11] <rebecca> perhaps it stores 100-ish? more is better but really the biggest number that doesn't start really killing performance
L454[08:14:46] <Ordinastie_> doesn't sound really difficult so far
L455[08:14:55] <rebecca> auenf: it isn't possible?
L456[08:15:30] <auenf> no stacking, so user can only place 1 item in a slot, not a stack of items?
L457[08:15:53] <rebecca> yeah, what i'm after, as someone naive to minecraft mod coding but knowing a bit about general coding... doesn't seem particularly tricky, especially given lots of example code out there
L458[08:16:28] <rebecca> auenf: correct
L459[08:16:43] <Ordinastie_> question : what would be the benefit of using said block for the user ?
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L462[08:17:45] <rebecca> if your project stores data as item sequences it's super useful
L463[08:19:10] <Ordinastie_> I don't really see how, can you develop ?
L464[08:19:12] <rebecca> the alternative is a chain of hundreds of hoppers and droppers with triggering redstone above to manually advance what is essentially a fifo buffer
L465[08:20:58] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L466[08:21:18] <rebecca> i'm currently engrossed in other aspects of this project and really enjoying it. ideally i find someone to help me so i can continue with the fun stuff
L467[08:21:22] <Zaggy1024> scaling in the VBO rather than renderer didn't work :\
L468[08:21:49] <Zaggy1024> also tried forcing depth writing, doesn't seem to have worked, but I can't be sure that it's writing to depth I think
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L481[08:34:06] <Zaggy1024> wait crap!
L482[08:34:17] <Zaggy1024> I think I know what the problem is, and IIRC I ran into it before
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L485[08:34:57] <rebecca> Ordinastie_ , Ivorius , auenf : i'm wanting to make contraptions like this a bit more compact: http://i.imgur.com/9ZBrW2P.png
L486[08:35:18] <Ordinastie_> lol
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L488[08:35:29] <Ordinastie_> what does that do ?
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L490[08:36:15] <rebecca> it's kinda like a packet switch
L491[08:36:36] <Ordinastie_> packet ?
L492[08:36:52] <rebecca> items flow around the thing in the big loop
L493[08:37:06] <rebecca> it's all clocked
L494[08:37:08] <Zaggy1024> I can't remember when I ran into the issue though...
L495[08:37:48] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L496[08:38:04] <rebecca> the magenta - lime wool block bit detects the header address.. which is simply 2 matching particular items
L497[08:38:49] <rebecca> if a match is detected, it reads the next item, which encodes packet length number.
L498[08:39:56] <rebecca> if that item happens to be a valid length encoding item, then the next x number of items is moved off the main loop to another clocked buffer/transport
L499[08:40:04] <Shalmezad> Zaggy1024: Hopefully you have good commit logs...
L500[08:40:22] <Zaggy1024> I don't think they'd help :\
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L502[08:41:15] <Ordinastie_> ok, now I understand where your FIFO block would be useful, but is the end goal for this contraption ? what is its practical use ?
L503[08:41:27] <Zaggy1024> ugh, maybe I'm going crazy
L504[08:42:12] <rebecca> Ordinastie_: http://i.imgur.com/nykUSEd.png
L505[08:42:43] <rebecca> Ordinastie_: moving platform based block 'printer'
L506[08:43:15] <rebecca> Ordinastie_: both the movement and print output is encoded as item sequences
L507[08:43:22] *** amadornes[OFF] is now known as amadornes
L508[08:43:31] <Ordinastie_> if you're allowing moded blocks, why not directly make the block as a printer ?
L509[08:43:50] <rebecca> i already have a printer block
L510[08:44:04] <rebecca> actually, i have 3 to choose from, from other mods
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L512[08:44:22] <rebecca> but that's not all i want this buffer block for
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L517[08:45:58] <Zaggy1024> yup, I'm going crazy
L518[08:46:09] <rebecca> Ordinastie_: so, are you curious because you want to help or just for it's own sake? :)
L519[08:46:27] <Zaggy1024> for some reason I thought that the fog didn't work properly unless it was set up over again after the model matrix changed
L520[08:46:47] <Ordinastie_> if you're ok with using a hard dependency, it's pretty easy to do
L521[08:47:50] <rebecca> by that are you talking about using an existing mod and just cloning and modding an already smiilar block?
L522[08:48:19] <Ordinastie_> I mean making that block is pretty easy if you're ok with using MalisisCore
L523[08:48:31] <baegmon> "Good news — your plan now includes unlimited private repositories" oh my lord what a nice email haha
L524[08:48:37] <baegmon> from github*
L525[08:50:16] ⇦ Quits: stiforr_ (~stiforr@ (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L526[08:50:17] <Shalmezad> Unlimited private repos* (*if you have a paid account)
L527[08:50:25] <Shalmezad> Basically, they did away with the tiers.
L528[08:50:41] <masa> rebecca: so you wanted a FIFO block? would this be the only block you need?
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L530[08:50:51] <rebecca> Ordinastie_: i'm reading about it now. hmmm..
L531[08:51:05] <Unh0ly_Tigg> welp, now to make a separate private repo for each file for my mod... /s
L532[08:51:21] <Ordinastie_> if you're reading the github reading, it's way old ><
L533[08:51:30] <rebecca> masa: eventually there are others i definitely want.
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L535[08:51:46] <masa> similar type things?
L536[08:51:55] <masa> I kinda like working with inventory related stuff :p
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L538[08:53:40] <rebecca> masa: yeah, i want one that functions similar to the packet switcher i showed earlier. and another that is basically an auto crafting bench, but one that can be programmed by an item sequence
L539[08:54:13] <masa> interesting
L540[08:54:46] <rebecca> i think so :)
L541[08:54:51] <masa> what is your timeline for these? I could probably make the FIFO buffer today or tomorrow
L542[08:55:06] <masa> (I have an exam tomorrow morning though... >_>)
L543[08:56:21] <rebecca> i'm not in a big hurry.
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L545[08:57:06] <masa> bleh why am I so addicted to modding... now I Just have to make that block immediately :P
L546[08:57:17] <rebecca> pm masa?
L547[08:57:17] <masa> now the hardest part: what should the mod be called? :p
L548[08:57:20] <masa> ok
L549[08:58:04] <Shalmezad> Wonder if open blocks would be open (ba-dum tsh) to having that block added via a pull request?
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L552[09:05:19] <baegmon> ok so I've done abit of research on server.getTotalWorldTime(). Is there any way to get ticks from within the command? (it just removes something from a list after a few seconds). So far I'm using tickhandlers but idk if there is a better way or not
L553[09:06:06] <Ordinastie_> wut ?
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L555[09:09:10] <sokratis12GR> Guys how I can make a mod check if an other mod is installed ? I mean like to check for a specific Item
L556[09:11:47] <baegmon> So uh I have a command which puts a players name into a list and after a few seconds, I remove the name from the list. Calling getTotalWorldTime() returns the same tick each time in the for-loop so instead of that, I've been using a tickeventhandler to count the ticks and return true to remove it whenever the time is up. Kinda seems like a shitty way to handle it so I'm wondering if
L557[09:11:48] <baegmon> there is a better way to do this.
L558[09:13:32] <Shalmezad> baegmon, Do you have to remove them? Could put them in with a timestamp, then check if currentTime - timestamp < the time-lapse that they'd be expired from the list
L559[09:15:36] <Ordinastie_> what are you actually trying to do ?
L560[09:16:07] <CoolSquid> sokratis12GR, if you need to check if another mod is loaded, use Loader.isModLoaded("modid")
L561[09:17:11] <CoolSquid> To check whether an item exists, use Item.itemRegistry.containsKey(new ResourceLocation("modId", "itemName"))
L562[09:17:12] <sokratis12GR> CoolSquid, how I can use for example an red heart from TiC in my mod ?
L563[09:17:17] <sokratis12GR> oh
L564[09:17:18] <ghz|afk> you can also use the @ItemStackHolder annotation, which will assign the field to an itemstack of a matching item
L565[09:17:24] <ghz|afk> and I think if the mod is not loaded, it will remain null
L566[09:17:28] <sokratis12GR> CoolSquid: Thanks
L567[09:17:30] <baegmon> @Shalmezad hm that sounds like a better plan I'll probably do that. @Ordinastie I'm just messing around trying to learn how the game works lol
L568[09:17:31] <ghz|afk> or if the mod doesn't have the item anymore
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L577[09:32:05] <sokratis12GR> does anyone know how are the heart canisters named in TiC ? o.O
L578[09:32:15] <gigaherz> F3+H?
L579[09:32:23] <sokratis12GR> in the code
L580[09:32:26] <gigaherz> yes
L581[09:32:31] <gigaherz> oh oyu mean the class name?
L582[09:32:34] <sokratis12GR> yes
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L587[09:44:04] <Shalmezad> Didn't see them at first glance going through TiC. Then again, I just grepped "heart". Taking another look
L588[09:45:29] <gigaherz> I asked github to search for "heart", "canister", "health" and got nothing
L589[09:45:35] <sokratis12GR> Ikr
L590[09:45:37] <gigaherz> Ididn't bother cloning and grepping
L591[09:45:50] <gigaherz> also -- grep the 1.7.10 branch
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L593[09:46:04] <Shalmezad> I already had it cloned, but was on the 1.8.9 branch. Will check 1.7
L594[09:46:10] <gigaherz> Idon't think the versiosn for 1.8+ have the heart canisters anymore
L595[09:46:16] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L596[09:46:18] <kashike> src/main/java/tconstruct/armor/items/HeartCanister.java
L597[09:46:22] <kashike> src/main/java/tconstruct/armor/TinkerArmor.java
L598[09:46:24] <kashike> src/main/java/tconstruct/armor/inventory/SlotCanister.java
L599[09:46:26] <kashike> there
L600[09:46:29] <gigaherz> why is that in armor?
L601[09:46:29] <gigaherz> XD
L602[09:46:50] <kashike> because it kindof is armour related I guess
L603[09:46:51] <sokratis12GR> OMG 1.9 doesn't have it...
L604[09:46:57] <kashike> combat would be a better package
L605[09:47:06] <gigaherz> sokratis12GR: many things are missing in the new tic
L606[09:47:12] <gigaherz> the new tic has no bows
L607[09:47:13] <kashike> it's still WIP iirc
L608[09:47:14] <sokratis12GR> I hope they add it
L609[09:47:18] <gigaherz> the new tic has no canisters
L610[09:47:22] <gigaherz> no moss balls
L611[09:47:30] <sokratis12GR> Because I was planning on adding an armor using their hearts
L612[09:48:12] <gigaherz> the new work tables are nice, though
L613[09:48:23] <gigaherz> with the tabbed ui that lets you switch between them
L614[09:48:27] <sokratis12GR> Also Why they removed the Green Heart Canister's Recipe ?
L615[09:48:41] <sokratis12GR> gigaherz: + You can now stack modifiers
L616[09:48:42] <gigaherz> removed?
L617[09:48:42] <sokratis12GR> I love it
L618[09:48:57] <sokratis12GR> In a very very old version they had an recipe
L619[09:49:04] <sokratis12GR> 1.7.10
L620[09:49:16] <gigaherz> I thought it never had one in 1.7.10, and it was modpacks adding it
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L622[09:49:31] <sokratis12GR> I guess it was because of it being too op ?
L623[09:49:41] <sokratis12GR> + 30 Hearts is a big thing
L624[09:50:04] <gigaherz> not as much as dmg reduction from op armor
L625[09:50:26] <gigaherz> although the combination of both is what makes it stupidly OP
L626[09:50:31] <gigaherz> think about it:
L627[09:50:39] <sokratis12GR> gigaherz: My "The Ultimate Armor" is the most OP Armor in Minecraft
L628[09:50:57] <sokratis12GR> Well it is designed for PVE
L629[09:51:04] <gigaherz> 95% damage reduction from armor means 20x effective health
L630[09:51:09] <gigaherz> so
L631[09:51:15] <gigaherz> 20 HP * 20 == 400 hp
L632[09:51:20] <sokratis12GR> lol
L633[09:51:45] <gigaherz> if you combine it with 80 hp from having 30 extra hearts
L634[09:51:46] <sokratis12GR> gigaherz: is it possible to check if a player has enabled pvp in a server or not ?
L635[09:51:56] <gigaherz> then it's 80 * 20 = 1200 effective hp
L636[09:52:03] <gigaherz> sure
L637[09:52:09] <gigaherz> no idea how, but it must be possible
L638[09:52:18] <gigaherz> the attach code does it
L639[09:52:34] <gigaherz> it has to check if pvp is on, in order to know if it should allow friendly fire
L640[09:52:44] <gigaherz> attack*
L641[09:52:48] <sokratis12GR> Because It would be a shit if for example someone had this armor and the other didn't and the pvp was on.. who think would always win ?
L642[09:53:14] <gigaherz> that's easy to fix: cancel the armor effect it the attach source is a player
L643[09:53:20] <gigaherz> attack*
L644[09:53:27] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L645[09:53:41] <sokratis12GR> whatt ??
L646[09:54:09] <sokratis12GR> The Armor has 75 Protection xD
L647[09:54:20] <gigaherz> pff
L648[09:54:25] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L649[09:54:49] <Ordinastie_> that's plain stupid
L650[09:55:38] <sokratis12GR> It would work too if I make the it friendly fire to be false if the source if from a player to player ?
L651[09:56:28] <sokratis12GR> I mean Like to totally make the player with this armor to not be able to attack an other player
L652[09:56:59] <gigaherz> hmmm
L653[09:57:09] <gigaherz> I suppose you could cancel the attack
L654[09:57:24] <sokratis12GR> Because I tried pvp with this armor and my friend and the fight lasted until the armor broke xD
L655[09:57:47] <sokratis12GR> 1000+ Durability ... + Unbreaking 3
L656[09:57:57] <sokratis12GR> This took a while heh
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L658[10:00:19] <sokratis12GR> wtf why the hell using JEI + TiC in the Inventory is so laggy ? Even with a beast PC
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L660[10:02:58] <gigaherz> hoiw's the ram usage?
L661[10:03:01] <gigaherz> -i
L662[10:03:33] <sokratis12GR> 5GB ?
L663[10:03:57] <gigaherz> by mc?
L664[10:04:16] <sokratis12GR> Also the strange is that it only is laggy in the page with all the TiC parts
L665[10:04:35] <sokratis12GR> no no 2GB by MC
L666[10:04:39] <sokratis12GR> I put 5GBs
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L668[10:05:40] <gigaherz> hmm
L669[10:06:00] <gigaherz> I just looked at JEI using tinkers on 1.8.9, and it's not really too slow
L670[10:06:06] <gigaherz> in this modpack
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L672[10:07:52] <sokratis12GR> 1.9 :)
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L677[10:13:17] <sokratis12GR> Guys is it possible to make the Resource Location be outside the modfile ?
L678[10:13:25] <sokratis12GR> to look outside*
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L683[10:16:47] <gigaherz> sokratis12GR: what do you mean?
L684[10:17:11] <gigaherz> reslocs can be on any domain string, but those domains are either on a mod jar, or a resourcepack, or are minecraft itself
L685[10:17:32] <sokratis12GR> Like I'm trying to make an armor that takes the textures from a given location
L686[10:17:51] <gigaherz> on disk?
L687[10:18:05] <sokratis12GR> here is the path
L688[10:18:38] <sokratis12GR> .minecraft\config\armorplus\textures\models\armor
L689[10:18:47] <gigaherz> yeah you can't do that
L690[10:18:51] <sokratis12GR> ah
L691[10:19:06] <gigaherz> you'd have to inject a custom resourcepack somehow
L692[10:19:13] <sokratis12GR> Can I do this by creating a resourcepack ?
L693[10:19:17] <sokratis12GR> oh xD
L694[10:19:24] <gigaherz> basically
L695[10:19:29] <gigaherz> if you want to allow custom textures
L696[10:19:35] <gigaherz> your users should add them to a resourcepack
L697[10:19:38] <gigaherz> instead of the config folder
L698[10:19:57] <sokratis12GR> well How I can check for the resource pack ?
L699[10:20:03] <gigaherz> you don't
L700[10:20:17] <gigaherz> just let the item get the placeholder purple-and-black texture if they did it wrong
L701[10:20:47] <sokratis12GR> I know about that, but how I can make the path to look for a resource pack ?
L702[10:20:55] <gigaherz> you odn't
L703[10:20:58] <gigaherz> it happens automatically
L704[10:21:02] <gigaherz> when you say
L705[10:21:09] <gigaherz> "somemod:someresource"
L706[10:21:18] <gigaherz> mc will start looking from the top of the resourcepack list
L707[10:21:35] <sokratis12GR> doesn't the ":" mean inside the jar file ?
L708[10:21:38] <gigaherz> nope
L709[10:21:47] <gigaherz> it means "inside assets/<domain string>/"
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L711[10:22:13] <sokratis12GR> so I can name it armorplus and then autocreate the folders and the things but the users will just need to create their own textures
L712[10:22:35] <gigaherz> autocreate the folders?
L713[10:22:43] <sokratis12GR> yeah
L714[10:23:49] <sokratis12GR> here like so: textureDir = new File("resourcepacks" + "/" + ArmorPlus.MODID + "/" + "textures/models/armor");
L715[10:24:17] <gigaherz> no that's not how it works
L716[10:25:21] <alex_6611> technically you could call .mkdir) on that bud idk if that's what you're supposed to do :D
L717[10:25:24] <sokratis12GR> gigaherz: I have to add some more files and thingies this is just an example
L718[10:25:29] <sokratis12GR> I did
L719[10:26:01] <gigaherz> dunno IMO you should just tell the users to put the stuff in a resourcepack zip like they would for any vanilla texture
L720[10:27:11] <sokratis12GR> gigaherz: well that works too, I'm just making their job easier
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L725[10:29:59] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160512-1.9.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20160512" in build.gradle).
L726[10:30:10] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~11:30 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L731[10:44:03] <infinitefoxes_> is there perhaps a way to change the color of lighting in a dimension?
L732[10:44:47] <infinitefoxes_> I've messed with the brightness table in the world provider classes a bit, but that doesn't change much
L733[10:45:36] <Shalmezad> There's gotta be. mystcraft did it a bunch.
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L735[10:46:05] <Shalmezad> Wait.... lighting as in sky color, right?
L736[10:46:17] <infinitefoxes_> as in block light
L737[10:46:35] <infinitefoxes_> i.e the color a torch gives off
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L741[10:50:59] <sokratis12GR> gigaherz: It didn't work ArmorPlus.MODID + ":" + "CustomArmor", or you were meaning an other way >
L742[10:52:50] <gigaherz> ?
L743[10:53:03] <gigaherz> if you use that as the texture
L744[10:53:31] <gigaherz> and then make a resourcepack zip with assets/armorplus/textures/CustomArmor.png
L745[10:53:43] <gigaherz> and the meta file required for a resourcepack zip
L746[10:53:57] <gigaherz> and then ingame, you go to resourcepacks, and add this custom resourcepack
L747[10:54:05] <gigaherz> it should work
L748[10:54:13] <gigaherz> if not, then you are doing it wrong
L749[10:54:18] <gigaherz> although
L750[10:54:24] <gigaherz> if you used that as the *model*
L751[10:54:43] <gigaherz> then you'll have to create a models/item/CustomArmor.json which references the texture
L752[10:55:08] ⇨ Joins: Delenas (~Delenas@2600:1016:b005:f434:b469:45b0:9f67:b7c4)
L753[10:55:57] <sokratis12GR> I have autogenerated all the folders and the things for the resource pack, but
L754[10:56:05] <sokratis12GR> oh yeah
L755[10:56:08] <sokratis12GR> the json
L756[10:56:09] <sokratis12GR> thanks
L757[10:56:23] ⇨ Joins: capitalthree (~alex@capitalthree.pwnz.org)
L758[10:56:24] <sokratis12GR> also orry for using enter for space xD
L759[10:56:28] <sokratis12GR> sorry*
L760[10:56:42] <gigaherz> np I don't mind
L761[10:56:50] <gigaherz> unless the channel is busy, then I do
L762[10:58:45] <sokratis12GR> wait, does Armor Texture even need a json file ?
L763[10:58:56] ⇨ Joins: AnAngryBrit (~AngryBrit@
L764[10:59:01] <sokratis12GR> I know that only the Item texture of the items do
L765[10:59:46] <gigaherz> no
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L768[11:00:01] <gigaherz> that's why I said, IF you used that as model location
L769[11:01:58] <gigaherz> it feels like the Pioneers modpack uses MORE ram the more I play
L770[11:02:06] <gigaherz> and I mean even across restarts of the game
L771[11:02:06] <gigaherz> ;p
L772[11:02:30] <gigaherz> it's already sortof BS that it¡'s using over 4gb just from theing idle in the main menu
L773[11:03:11] <sokratis12GR> Failed to load texture: armorplus:textures/models/armor/CustomArmor_layer_1.png, so that means that this doesn't check inside the resourcepack ArmorPlus.MODID + ":" + "CustomArmor"
L774[11:03:42] <gigaherz> wait
L775[11:03:47] <gigaherz> read the error message
L776[11:03:50] <gigaherz> this is an armor texture
L777[11:03:56] <gigaherz> you told it to use "CustomArmor"
L778[11:03:58] <gigaherz> which means
L779[11:04:13] <gigaherz> <armorplus>:textures/models/armor/<CustomArmor>_layer_1.png
L780[11:04:21] <gigaherz> I put in <> the parts that you specified
L781[11:04:25] <gigaherz> the _layer_1 and such
L782[11:04:29] <gigaherz> are how the armor textures work
L783[11:04:42] <sokratis12GR> yes i know
L784[11:04:44] <gigaherz> if you want it to get a texture from a *folder* called CustomArmor
L785[11:04:54] ⇦ Quits: Elec332 (~Elec332@ip5456d4a5.speed.planet.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L786[11:04:56] <gigaherz> then you ahve to give it a filename, too
L787[11:05:03] <gigaherz> ArmorPlus.MODID + ":" + "CustomArmor/armor"
L788[11:05:07] <gigaherz> which would become
L789[11:05:13] <gigaherz> armorplus:textures/models/armor/CustomArmor/armor_layer_1.png
L790[11:05:48] <sokratis12GR> hmm I will try
L791[11:06:56] ⇨ Joins: IceDragon (~ThatGuy@
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L794[11:11:19] <gigaherz> ahh so much better
L795[11:11:22] <gigaherz> running separate server and game
L796[11:11:26] <gigaherz> game is now around 2gb
L797[11:11:29] <gigaherz> server is around 1.5gb
L798[11:11:56] <sokratis12GR> gigaherz: what is the best GB to set a server ?
L799[11:12:07] <gigaherz> depends on the mods
L800[11:12:09] <sokratis12GR> Because I usually set it to like 4-5 GB
L801[11:12:14] <gigaherz> vanilla server can run on like 200gb
L802[11:12:15] <gigaherz> eh
L803[11:12:17] <gigaherz> 200mb^
L804[11:12:21] <sokratis12GR> xD
L805[11:12:25] <gigaherz> with a small modpack, 1gb
L806[11:12:29] <gigaherz> with a medium modpack, 1.5gb
L807[11:12:35] <sokratis12GR> With a modpack with over 100 Mods ?
L808[11:12:37] <gigaherz> if there's > 10 people, maybe 2gb
L809[11:12:46] <gigaherz> on a huge modpack with few people, 3gb may be enough
L810[11:12:51] <gigaherz> or if there's many people, you may need 4-5
L811[11:13:05] <gigaherz> or 64, if there's A LOT of people, you know what I mean
L812[11:13:16] <gigaherz> there's no formula.
L813[11:13:33] <sokratis12GR> well, It is hard to keep 24/7 xD
L814[11:14:17] <kashike> if I remember correctly, in ~2014 or so I ran a MCPC/Cauldron server that had ~1 month uptime and still ran fine
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L816[11:15:04] <sokratis12GR> Yeah, but It drains a lot of electricity
L817[11:17:13] <sokratis12GR> gigaherz: the same result Failed to load texture: armorplus:textures/models/armor/CustomArmor/armor_layer_1.png , the problm is that it checks inside the jar file
L818[11:17:26] <gigaherz> no
L819[11:17:39] <gigaherz> if it checks in the jar file, it means it didn't find it in the resourcepack
L820[11:17:42] <gigaherz> so
L821[11:17:56] <gigaherz> is the resourcepack actually enabled in the settings?
L822[11:18:07] <sokratis12GR> yes
L823[11:18:12] <sokratis12GR> tryed [F3] + [T]
L824[11:18:21] <sokratis12GR> and re-creating the resource pack
L825[11:18:27] <gigaherz> and it contains the right folder name?
L826[11:18:28] <sokratis12GR> and many more things
L827[11:18:29] <sokratis12GR> yes
L828[11:18:48] <sokratis12GR> resourcepacks\armorplus\assets\minecraft\textures\models\armor\CustomArmor\armor_layer_1.png
L829[11:19:01] <gigaherz> wat
L830[11:19:06] <gigaherz> why "minecraft"?
L831[11:19:18] <sokratis12GR> ops
L832[11:19:39] ⇦ Quits: IceDragon (~ThatGuy@ (Quit: WeeChat 1.4)
L833[11:21:40] <gigaherz> hmm has anyone done a mending-like enchant for 1.8.9?
L834[11:21:48] <sokratis12GR> I forgot to change it, I had used a base resourcepack path and forgot to rename it
L835[11:21:56] <gigaherz> I'm tired of my backlytra running out of durability and having to craft another one
L836[11:22:06] ⇨ Joins: Nitrodev (~Nitrodev@87-92-75-66.bb.dnainternet.fi)
L837[11:22:10] <unascribed> can't you repair them?
L838[11:22:12] <unascribed> leather in an anvil
L839[11:22:16] <gigaherz> oh?
L840[11:22:17] ⇨ Joins: IceDragon (~ThatGuy@
L841[11:22:20] <gigaherz> I didn't know that was a thing
L842[11:22:24] <sokratis12GR> backlytra ? elytra in 1.8.9 ?
L843[11:22:27] <unascribed> yes
L844[11:22:33] <sokratis12GR> wat
L845[11:22:48] <unascribed> best mod ever created 20/10
L846[11:22:51] <unascribed> and I'm definitely not biased
L847[11:22:52] <unascribed> not at all
L848[11:23:10] <sokratis12GR> does it has github ?
L849[11:23:14] <gigaherz> oh wow 4 levels
L850[11:23:17] <gigaherz> XD
L851[11:23:18] <unascribed> https://github.com/unascribed/Backlytra
L852[11:23:18] <gigaherz> so yeah
L853[11:23:23] <gigaherz> has anyone done mending on 1.8.9?
L854[11:23:24] <gigaherz> XD
L855[11:23:25] <unascribed> as said, not biased at all
L856[11:23:40] <sokratis12GR> omfg thanks, I was wondering how elytra works this dude found it
L857[11:23:54] <gigaherz> btw I can still occasionally become 1-tall
L858[11:23:55] <gigaherz> ;P
L859[11:23:58] <unascribed> grrr
L860[11:24:02] ⇨ Joins: agowa338 (~Thunderbi@p549183F2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L861[11:24:04] <gigaherz> fixes itself randomly
L862[11:24:06] <unascribed> I hate hitboxes
L863[11:24:55] <sokratis12GR> unascribed: which entity's hitbox you hate the most ?
L864[11:25:01] <Delenas> "Fair warning: this mod is the result of cobbling together code from Quark and vanilla with wild abandon." Doesn't all mods?
L865[11:25:04] <unascribed> the player's when I mess with it in Backlytra :P
L866[11:25:14] <unascribed> sometimes the hitbox stays 1 block tall
L867[11:25:18] <unascribed> and aaagh
L868[11:25:30] <sokratis12GR> xD, I hate Ender Dragon's
L869[11:25:49] <sokratis12GR> Guys do you think OreSpawn will ever update to 1.8.9 or 1.9 ?
L870[11:26:50] <gigaherz> no idea
L871[11:26:54] <gigaherz> but I wouldn't mind if it doesn't
L872[11:27:01] <gigaherz> I never liked the mod
L873[11:27:05] <Delenas> IMO OreSpawn was power creep and a crappy mod.
L874[11:27:28] ⇨ Joins: vox (~voxmods@
L875[11:27:29] <unascribed> "With Girlfriends, Krakens, Mobzilla, Zoo Cages, huge swords, tons of new ores, new plants, powerful new royal dragons, tons of dungeons, and new Dimensions"
L876[11:27:29] <sokratis12GR> well I want to try my GOD ARMOR vs the King xD
L877[11:27:30] <unascribed> wat
L878[11:27:39] <vox> o/
L879[11:27:45] <Delenas> Here, have this sword that does *epic voice* OVER 9000 DAMAGE! POWAAAAA!
L880[11:27:59] <sokratis12GR> lol
L881[11:28:00] <gigaherz> unascribed: all starts with the troll ore blocks
L882[11:28:10] <gigaherz> which drop ants and other crawlies
L883[11:28:21] <sokratis12GR> gigaherz: You can by pass it using texture packs xD
L884[11:28:22] <Delenas> I despised the termites.
L885[11:28:38] <gigaherz> that alone is enough reason to say NOPE to the mod
L886[11:28:38] <gigaherz> ;P
L887[11:28:45] <Delenas> Here, allow me to grief and utterly destroy that tree you had like five people build
L888[11:28:56] <unascribed> it's like fire but 900% worse
L889[11:29:12] * sokratis12GR hates Orespawn's Termites
L890[11:29:23] ⇨ Joins: Drullkus (~Dru11kus@
L891[11:29:25] <Delenas> "Where's my bed? And that chest? AND ALL THE ITEMS AUGH"
L892[11:29:52] <sokratis12GR> I had made an Entire Castle 260x256x260
L893[11:30:08] <sokratis12GR> the entire castle was with wood and some stone
L894[11:30:31] <Delenas> RIPepperonies
L895[11:30:31] <sokratis12GR> guess what happend when a friend wanted to troll me with >>> [1] <<< Termite
L896[11:31:28] <unascribed> I maintain that a game about building should not have built-in griefers
L897[11:31:44] ⇨ Joins: KGS (~KGS@h-155-4-135-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se)
L898[11:31:45] <Delenas> But ender dragons
L899[11:31:52] <Delenas> It's VANILLA /s
L900[11:31:59] <Delenas> Also Withers.
L901[11:32:23] <Delenas> Also.
L902[11:32:32] <sokratis12GR> Well There is a gamerule "MobGriefing"
L903[11:32:42] <Delenas> Did Factorization ever finish their giant golem things
L904[11:32:46] <unascribed> yeah, but how much you want to bet the termites don't obey it?
L905[11:33:03] <unascribed> most mods pretend gamerules don't exist
L906[11:33:11] <sokratis12GR> unascribed: I had that gamerule on and the termites by passed that shit
L907[11:33:18] <unascribed> yep
L908[11:33:34] <sokratis12GR> I had spawn the King it didn't destroy anything
L909[11:33:52] <sokratis12GR> ANYTHING, how can 1 little piece of shit like a termite be so destructive ?
L910[11:34:02] <unascribed> because mods
L911[11:34:22] <Delenas> Because some ---nugget decided to do it for the lulz
L912[11:34:43] <Delenas> Giant entities wreaking havok? Nah, man. Termites.
L913[11:36:01] <sokratis12GR> *Termites* By pass Towny, Factions, NoGriefing, Lockette
L914[11:36:19] <Delenas> Oh man. I forgot about Lockette.
L915[11:36:30] <Delenas> That could be done nicely with states now..
L916[11:36:40] <unascribed> Engram-based locks will always be better than Lockette :>
L917[11:37:06] <sokratis12GR> unascribed: Even Essentials/PermissionsEx were by pased by Termites
L918[11:37:16] <unascribed> I'm not surprised
L919[11:37:27] <unascribed> all Bukkit plugins listen for player block breaks, because that's all Bukkit has
L920[11:37:31] <Delenas> PropertyBool IS_LOCKED. Set in getActualState by checking sign nbt, then on player interact, check player uuid..
L921[11:37:40] <unascribed> and termites no doubt just do a setBlock on the world directly
L922[11:38:10] <sokratis12GR> yeah, they just check if there is a block made of wood nearby like 1-2 block range and then do the command
L923[11:38:33] <Delenas> omnomnom
L924[11:38:45] <sokratis12GR> I just can't understand how the hell termites by passed Iron Chests ?
L925[11:38:58] <unascribed> because there's nothing to bypass
L926[11:39:00] <unascribed> they just delete the block
L927[11:39:03] <sokratis12GR> THEY fricking eat a Diamond chest
L928[11:39:12] <sokratis12GR> the word "Diamond"
L929[11:39:29] <masa> has no meaning in code unless specifically added...
L930[11:40:07] <thor12022> iron chests probably just extend the vanilla one, which is good enough for a termite
L931[11:40:15] <infinitefoxes_> I feel like a quick check of the block's material would fix that
L932[11:40:24] <sokratis12GR> Also why is OreSpawn a third party mod ?
L933[11:41:40] * Waterpicker pokes head in hearing caht about plugins
L934[11:43:44] <capitalthree> because a third party modder made it?
L935[11:43:47] <SkySom> Yep. probably just checks instanceof for TileChest
L936[11:45:23] <capitalthree> oh wow it's a misogyny mod o_o I assumed it would be about, I dunno, spawning ores
L937[11:46:09] ⇨ Joins: Javaschreiber (~Thunderbi@p57A46DAA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L938[11:51:08] <vox> Man I love it when I'm "Powered by MCP unknown" ;P
L939[11:52:28] <capitalthree> what mod do termites come from anyways?
L940[11:52:36] <capitalthree> maybe just don't use crappy mods? :P
L941[11:53:06] ⇨ Joins: Cojo (~Cojo@cpe-174-109-246-116.nc.res.rr.com)
L942[11:54:17] <Waterpicker> Speaking of non crappy mods.
L943[11:54:23] <Waterpicker> Who here has heard of dimensional doors
L944[11:54:46] <thor12022> did it ever get updated past 1.6.4?
L945[11:55:11] <Waterpicker> a 1.7.10 port by another person happened but no 1.8 version
L946[11:55:34] <Waterpicker> I'm actually taking a crap myself.
L947[11:55:49] * Waterpicker just doesn't have alot of experience with blockstates unfortuantley
L948[11:56:00] <Waterpicker> The JSOn file stuff needed for blocsk I mean
L949[11:57:08] <thor12022> http://modwiki.temporal-reality.com/mw/index.php/Rendering-1.9
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L952[11:58:39] <Waterpicker> Wish me luck
L953[11:58:58] <Waterpicker> My succeeding will give us something long sense lost.
L954[12:01:35] ⇦ Quits: Drullkus (~Dru11kus@ (Remote host closed the connection)
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L957[12:02:53] <masa> what does dimensional doors do exactly?
L958[12:04:24] <Waterpicker> pocket dimensions that are created upon placing down its namesake
L959[12:04:34] ⇨ Joins: RainyMesa (~RainyMesa@c-73-240-77-154.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
L960[12:04:38] <sokratis12GR> masa: it adds new dimension(s) that are dark and have generated structures. if you fall out in the void you go to a world with some straing mods
L961[12:04:44] *** Vigaro is now known as V
L962[12:04:57] <Waterpicker> http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1287583-dimensional-doors-v2-2-4
L963[12:04:59] <sokratis12GR> and you will have to find the water to teleport home
L964[12:05:06] ⇨ Joins: Drullkus (~Dru11kus@
L965[12:05:09] <masa> mmkay
L966[12:05:10] <sokratis12GR> well random not home
L967[12:05:21] <Waterpicker> It is a really old mods thou.
L968[12:05:38] ⇦ Quits: KnightMiner (~KnightMin@adsl-68-255-6-227.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L969[12:05:42] <Waterpicker> Pretty sure a good chunk of it will be new code written by me just to update it.
L970[12:06:42] *** V is now known as Vigaro
L971[12:07:00] <gigaherz> [18:54] (Waterpicker): Who here has heard of dimensional doors
L972[12:07:05] <gigaherz> I used to like the mod
L973[12:07:09] <gigaherz> till I fell into a trap
L974[12:07:26] <sokratis12GR> ^ same xD
L975[12:07:41] <Delenas> IRecipe.getRecipeSize?
L976[12:07:45] <sokratis12GR> The worst thing is that if you destroy a door in your house your house will be done
L977[12:07:57] <gigaherz> Delenas: the number of slots needed in the crafting grid
L978[12:08:04] <gigaherz> so like, a 3x3 recipe would be 9
L979[12:08:11] <gigaherz> and a recipe that only needs one slot can be 1
L980[12:08:19] <gigaherz> most common values are ofc 9 and 4
L981[12:08:25] <gigaherz> but other values are possible
L982[12:08:31] <Delenas> A two-slot could return 2, or should I return 4?
L983[12:08:42] <gigaherz> depends
L984[12:08:43] <sokratis12GR> 1x2 ?
L985[12:08:44] <gigaherz> it could be 2
L986[12:08:44] <gigaherz> but
L987[12:08:47] <gigaherz> if it's shaped
L988[12:08:52] <gigaherz> it can be 1x2 or 2x1
L989[12:08:56] <gigaherz> and oyu couldn't distinguish between them
L990[12:08:58] <gigaherz> so I'd say
L991[12:09:07] <gigaherz> make it a square of side N, if shaped
L992[12:09:12] <gigaherz> or the total number of slots if shapeless
L993[12:10:26] <Delenas> Heh. "* Another use case for java 8 but sadly we can't use it!" in ForgeHooks.
L994[12:10:32] <Delenas> So, 2 it is. Because dye recipe.
L995[12:11:14] *** Vigaro is now known as V
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L1001[12:23:01] ⇦ Quits: vox (~voxmods@ (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L1002[12:23:55] <gigaherz> btw unascribed, the elytra can only be click-equipped when full durability
L1003[12:24:28] <unascribed> -.-
L1004[12:24:34] <sokratis12GR> heh
L1005[12:24:47] <unascribed> I hate how the armor slots are hardcoded to only work for ItemArmor
L1006[12:25:04] <unascribed> I'll make ItemElytra extend ItemArmor next update >.>
L1007[12:27:28] <gigaherz> how do you do it now?
L1008[12:28:44] ⇨ Joins: vox (~voxmods@
L1009[12:31:13] <gigaherz> actually no it can't be that it just accepts itemarmor, since the head slot accepts pumpkins
L1010[12:31:22] ⇨ Joins: Vazkii (~Vazkii@a79-169-163-74.cpe.netcabo.pt)
L1011[12:31:39] <gigaherz> and the rightclick effect in 1.9 is implemented by the elytra item itself
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L1013[12:34:19] ⇨ Joins: thecodewarrior (~thecodewa@75-128-36-21.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com)
L1014[12:35:42] <gigaherz> yep works the same in 1.8.9:
L1015[12:35:56] <gigaherz> the armor slots are an anonymous slot class
L1016[12:36:01] <gigaherz> which calls getItem().isValidArmor
L1017[12:36:22] <gigaherz> so all you'd have to do is return true for the elytra
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L1032[13:14:37] <Forecaster> I'm trying to have a dynamic item icon, I'm overriding getIconIndex, and the item icon in the hotbar updates
L1033[13:14:43] <Forecaster> but the in-hand item doesn't
L1034[13:14:54] <Forecaster> I'm missing something, but what?
L1035[13:14:59] <Forecaster> (1.7.10)
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L1037[13:17:11] <tterrag> getIconIndex? what is that
L1038[13:17:56] <Forecaster> a method in Item
L1039[13:18:03] <tterrag> never heard of it
L1040[13:18:06] <tterrag> why not use getIcon ?
L1041[13:18:13] <tterrag> !gm getIconIndex 1.7.10
L1042[13:20:13] <Forecaster> I shall try that
L1043[13:22:05] <Forecaster> oh hm
L1044[13:22:29] <Forecaster> commenting out getIconIndex and adding getIcon made the hotbar icon wrong, but the in-hand one correct
L1045[13:22:34] <Forecaster> so presumably I need both
L1046[13:23:11] <tterrag> there are two getIcon overloads you need to implement
L1047[13:24:45] <Forecaster> ah
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L1049[13:25:08] <Forecaster> well, my way worked too though :P
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L1053[13:28:09] <Forecaster> aaand yours didn't
L1054[13:28:16] ⇦ Parts: Trent (~trent@potato.bnc.io) (:)))
L1055[13:28:48] <Forecaster> implementing both overloads and the hotbar icon is still incorrect
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L1057[13:33:03] <Forecaster> so I'll need all 3 then :P
L1058[13:33:07] ⇨ Joins: Fye (~Fye@dynamic-adsl-84-220-169-44.clienti.tiscali.it)
L1059[13:34:09] <tterrag> no, there's only two you need
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L1061[13:34:51] <Forecaster> if I only have getIcon's the hotbar icon doesn't show the correct texture
L1062[13:35:20] <tterrag> then you didn't override the right one
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L1064[13:36:45] <Forecaster> the only "getIcon"'s left are "getIconFromDamage", "getIconFromDamageForRenderPass" and "getIconString"
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L1066[13:38:06] <Tazz> o/
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L1072[13:50:16] <Wuppy> \o
L1073[13:50:24] <Tazz> hey Wuppy
L1074[13:50:35] <Wuppy> how're you
L1075[13:50:40] <Tazz> good you?
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L1077[13:50:57] <Forecaster> they're just wuppy
L1078[13:51:03] <Forecaster> :D
L1079[13:51:09] <Wuppy> what Forecaster?
L1080[13:51:17] <Wuppy> Tazz, decent
L1081[13:51:27] <Wuppy> bit tired and I'm in a bit of trouble for tomorrow, not great
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L1084[13:54:37] <Tazz> awww well I hope everything works out for you man
L1085[13:55:07] <Wuppy> so do I :P
L1086[13:55:27] <Wuppy> currently I don't have a project to work on for the next 7 weeks and I really have to make sure I get one :P
L1087[13:55:46] <thecodewarrior> How do I make it so a mod isn't required client side? Setting serverSideOnly doesn't seem to work.
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L1089[14:02:46] <Tazz> Wuppy, you could help me with a project Im working on :D
L1090[14:03:02] <Wuppy> I can't
L1091[14:03:18] <gigaherz> thecodewarrior: acceptableRemoteVersions="*"
L1092[14:03:28] <gigaherz> although that works both ways, I think
L1093[14:03:38] <Wuppy> I either have to polish one of my old games, create a 4 person party game (for console) or do a personal project
L1094[14:03:56] <Wuppy> and because there are no old games worth polishing nor any interesting party games I can make, I'll do a personal project :)
L1095[14:04:35] <thecodewarrior> Thanks.
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L1097[14:05:28] <gigaherz> Wuppy: why not a party game
L1098[14:05:56] <Wuppy> because I want to work on AI
L1099[14:06:07] <Wuppy> and none of the projects contained any interesting AI work
L1100[14:06:11] <Shalmezad> Why not a party game with AI (for those who don't have any friends)?
L1101[14:06:17] <gigaherz> make the game have always 4 players, but be able to choose 3 of them being cpu
L1102[14:06:18] <gigaherz> ;p
L1103[14:06:27] <gigaherz> like smash bros
L1104[14:06:39] <Wuppy> hmm that would've been an optoin, yeah, but not anymore
L1105[14:06:50] <Wuppy> now I'll just focus on AI theory
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L1127[14:57:35] <minecreatr> does anyone know why adding the TEX_2S type to a custom vertex format which a copy of the item format and setting the TEX_2S values is messing with the uv getting displayed?
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L1129[14:58:13] <williewillus> alignment issues maybe?
L1130[14:58:25] <williewillus> idk why some of the formats have padding and some don't though
L1131[14:58:37] <gigaherz> ITEM and BLOCk
L1132[14:58:44] <gigaherz> are designed to be interchangeable
L1133[14:58:45] <gigaherz> xcept
L1134[14:58:52] <gigaherz> ITEM has 3b normal + 1b padding
L1135[14:58:59] <williewillus> he wants ITEM + lmap
L1136[14:59:01] <gigaherz> while BLOCK has 2short UV2
L1137[14:59:18] <minecreatr> yeah
L1138[14:59:21] <gigaherz> why doyou want both at once?
L1139[14:59:29] <williewillus> glowing blocks
L1140[14:59:32] <minecreatr> ^
L1141[14:59:36] <gigaherz> the placed blocks don't have normal, though
L1142[14:59:45] <minecreatr> it gets transformed
L1143[14:59:54] <williewillus> interesting, look at EntitySweepAttackFX.field_187138_G
L1144[14:59:57] <gigaherz> oh oyu want the normal for a displacement shader?
L1145[15:00:02] <minecreatr> but if I add light value before it gets transformed into block, then it will go over
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L1147[15:00:15] <williewillus> it has pos tex color lmap normal pad
L1148[15:00:25] <gigaherz> oh I see
L1149[15:00:33] <minecreatr> the format I am using has ITEM + TEX_2S
L1150[15:00:39] <gigaherz> hmm
L1151[15:00:49] <minecreatr> just new VertexFormat(ITEM).add(TEX_2S)
L1152[15:01:02] <gigaherz> the padding may need to be at the end
L1153[15:01:38] <Ordinastie_> that won't work I think
L1154[15:01:40] <williewillus> it might not be possible
L1155[15:01:40] <gigaherz> so it may be best if you do BLOCK).add(NORMAL_3B).add(PADDING_1B)
L1156[15:01:46] <minecreatr> isn't a float 32 bits and a short is 16 bits?
L1157[15:01:48] <williewillus> your new format has to fit inside ITEM i think?
L1158[15:01:50] <Ordinastie_> don't add normals for blocks
L1159[15:01:58] <williewillus> idk, fry should know :P
L1160[15:02:02] <gigaherz> but then the normals just simply don't make sense
L1161[15:02:07] <minecreatr> why normals?
L1162[15:02:08] <gigaherz> since they aren't used for placed blocks at all
L1163[15:02:13] <gigaherz> that's what ITEM has
L1164[15:02:15] <minecreatr> I am talking about lightmap
L1165[15:02:24] <gigaherz> ITEM is POSITION_TEX_COLOR_NORMAL_PADDING
L1166[15:02:25] <Ordinastie_> yes, no normals, so don't use ITEM
L1167[15:02:31] <gigaherz> BLOCK is POSITION_TEX_COLOR_LIGHTMAP
L1168[15:02:39] <gigaherz> the two formats are the same length
L1169[15:02:44] <minecreatr> well, im transforming a model that is type ITEM
L1170[15:02:44] <gigaherz> the difference is
L1171[15:02:51] <gigaherz> doesn't matter
L1172[15:02:55] <gigaherz> when you place a block on the world
L1173[15:02:57] <gigaherz> BLOCK is used
L1174[15:03:01] <gigaherz> even if it was baked as ITEM
L1175[15:03:02] <gigaherz> just
L1176[15:03:06] <gigaherz> after reading the quads
L1177[15:03:10] <gigaherz> the lmap is overwritten
L1178[15:03:16] <gigaherz> with the correponding values
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L1180[15:03:49] <minecreatr> well, ITEM dosn't have lmap, so dosn't it remove normal and add lmap to make it into BLOCK?
L1181[15:04:00] <gigaherz> it overwrites the same bytes
L1182[15:04:00] <Ordinastie_> no
L1183[15:04:02] <gigaherz> from the baked quad
L1184[15:04:08] <gigaherz> it doesn't remove/add anything
L1185[15:04:15] <williewillus> normal+padding in the item is the exact same size as one lmap
L1186[15:04:18] <williewillus> it just writes over it
L1187[15:04:18] <gigaherz> the format uses 7 ints (28 bytes) per vertex
L1188[15:04:23] <gigaherz> the last 4 bytes of each 28
L1189[15:04:31] <gigaherz> are EITHER the normal+padding, or lmap
L1190[15:04:40] <gigaherz> on baking, it's always normal
L1191[15:04:41] <tterrag> fry said using lmap should work :P
L1192[15:04:45] <minecreatr> yeah
L1193[15:04:47] <williewillus> mezz: where in the forge code is the tooltip algorithm? trying to solve https://github.com/williewillus/Botania/issues/219
L1194[15:04:48] <gigaherz> but when the model is used in the ground
L1195[15:04:50] <minecreatr> yeah
L1196[15:04:52] <gigaherz> the SAME DATA is used
L1197[15:04:58] <gigaherz> just overwriting the last 4 bytes with lmap data
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L1199[15:06:03] <Ordinastie_> gigaherz, are you sure lmap will overwrite normal if you have both elements ?
L1200[15:06:09] <minecreatr> hmm
L1201[15:06:14] <gigaherz> Ordinastie_: no
L1202[15:06:29] <gigaherz> but then again, I'm also not sure that having both is supported
L1203[15:06:32] <williewillus> where does that substitution happen?
L1204[15:06:39] <Ordinastie_> gigaherz, yes you can
L1205[15:06:43] <Ordinastie_> for items at least
L1206[15:06:47] <Ordinastie_> for block, normals are not used
L1207[15:06:51] <gigaherz> yeah talking about placed blocks
L1208[15:07:12] <gigaherz> WTF is using my HDD like that, now?
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L1210[15:07:43] <Ordinastie_> problem is, lmap is automatically calculated by MC, and before you couldn't even supply custom values
L1211[15:07:44] <vox> I still have to figure out how to write a bunch of stuff into world saves :/
L1212[15:07:50] <Ordinastie_> fry said it fixed that, so
L1213[15:08:04] <vox> Because I don't actually have any item to register, still stumping me ;P
L1214[15:09:02] <minecreatr> wait, the TEX_2S has length 2, and the NORMAL_3B is 3, and padding one, so dosn't that mean that BLOCK has two more bytes than ITEM?
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L1216[15:09:24] <Ordinastie_> who cares about the lenght ?
L1217[15:09:41] <Ordinastie_> just set your own format and give the right values
L1218[15:09:51] <Ordinastie_> if lmap still doesn't work, blame fry
L1219[15:09:53] <minecreatr> well, that means that normal + padding != lmap
L1220[15:10:05] <Ordinastie_> and ?
L1221[15:10:26] <Ordinastie_> there is padding to have full int size
L1222[15:10:37] <Ordinastie_> but that's for items so you don't care about normals
L1223[15:11:48] <williewillus> TEX_2S is 2 shorts, that's 32 bits aka 4 Bytes. NORMAL_3B is 3 Bytes, PADDING_1B is 1 Byte
L1224[15:11:49] <williewillus> it adds up
L1225[15:12:59] <minecreatr> oh, got length and size mixed up
L1226[15:13:30] <williewillus> anyways idk if the main chunk renderer takes things that don't fit in BLOCK
L1227[15:13:34] <williewillus> it might
L1228[15:13:43] <minecreatr> gonna try something....
L1229[15:13:47] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L1230[15:13:53] <tterrag> if not then fry lied to us :(
L1231[15:14:21] <minecreatr> gonna try just baking to BLOCK format instead of baking to ITEM + lmap
L1232[15:14:23] <Ordinastie_> pretty sure it doesn't
L1233[15:14:43] <Ordinastie_> but block already has lmap
L1234[15:14:52] <williewillus> yeah?
L1235[15:14:57] <Ordinastie_> of course
L1236[15:14:57] <williewillus> that's what he wants :P
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L1238[15:15:22] <tterrag> pretty sure baking a model to BLOCK breaks stuff
L1239[15:15:23] <Ordinastie_> except if any data you pass is overriden by mv
L1240[15:15:23] <tterrag> worth a shot though
L1241[15:15:31] <Ordinastie_> MC
L1242[15:15:43] <minecreatr> thats what I thought, but I asked fry and he said it would work, so idk
L1243[15:15:48] <Ordinastie_> it fill it with world light or block lightValue
L1244[15:16:02] <Pennyw95> ehm...that might sound silly but..what's the difference between ItemStackHandler's insertItem and setStackInSlot?
L1245[15:16:09] <Ordinastie_> fry said it fixed it, I don't know how, because I don't use that anyway
L1246[15:16:23] <minecreatr> well, I tried overiding the getPackedLightValue in my block, but that didn't do anything either
L1247[15:16:42] <williewillus> Pennyw95: former is for external interaction
L1248[15:16:46] <williewillus> latter is for internal usage
L1249[15:17:06] <Pennyw95> so I should use insertItem inside onBlockActivated?
L1250[15:17:16] <williewillus> yeah
L1251[15:17:20] <Pennyw95> ok
L1252[15:17:22] <Pennyw95> ty
L1253[15:17:54] <williewillus> ItemHandlerHelper has some useful IItemHandler related functions if you haven't seen it
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L1255[15:19:47] <Pennyw95> ah, canItemStacksStack is neat
L1256[15:19:48] ⇨ Joins: theFlaxbeard (~theFlaxbe@
L1257[15:20:56] <williewillus> insertItemStacked is helpful as well
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L1260[15:21:44] <Pennyw95> you mean insertItemStack right?
L1261[15:21:47] <Pennyw95> just in case :)
L1262[15:21:57] <Pennyw95> insertItem*
L1263[15:22:00] <williewillus> there's another one i think
L1264[15:22:08] <williewillus> something with "stacked" in the name
L1265[15:22:11] <williewillus> it tries all the slots
L1266[15:22:14] <Pennyw95> 1.8.9?
L1267[15:22:31] <Pennyw95> that's insertItem, it loops through the slots
L1268[15:22:49] <williewillus> oh hm swear it was different
L1269[15:23:07] <williewillus> mustve gotten the name wrong but there's one that tries to fill partial stacks first
L1270[15:23:10] <williewillus> before looping the slots
L1271[15:23:52] <Pennyw95> can't see any like that...the class only has 3 methods anyway...maybe I have an outdated forge
L1272[15:24:16] <gigaherz> mappings version?
L1273[15:24:24] <Pennyw95>
L1274[15:24:26] <Pennyw95> stable_20
L1275[15:24:33] <gigaherz> _20 is 1.8.8
L1276[15:24:43] <gigaherz> you want stable_22 for latest 1.8.9
L1277[15:24:44] <vox> yeah those are old
L1278[15:24:47] <Pennyw95> dang
L1279[15:24:49] <Pennyw95> thanks
L1280[15:25:09] *** mDiyo|zzz is now known as mDiyo
L1281[15:25:19] <williewillus> well that shouldn't matter
L1282[15:25:22] <Pennyw95> gradlew setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies, right?
L1283[15:25:25] <williewillus> ItemHandlerHelper is a forge class :P
L1284[15:25:27] <tterrag> but...it's a forge class
L1285[15:25:30] <williewillus> mappings doesnt affect it
L1286[15:25:41] <vox> without --refresh-... should be fine
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L1288[15:26:00] <williewillus> but you shojdn't need to change mappings just update forge, mappings only affects vanilla classes
L1289[15:26:01] <williewillus> .-.
L1290[15:26:19] <Pennyw95> maybe is old too
L1291[15:26:20] <Ordinastie_> if you update forge, you might as well update your mappings
L1292[15:26:20] <tterrag> 1738 is quite old
L1293[15:26:36] <tterrag> idk why rec is still
L1294[15:26:56] <Pennyw95> ok, I'll do 1890
L1295[15:27:01] <minecreatr> yeah, baking to BLOCK causes it to crash when it tries to render with an array index out of bounds exception :/
L1296[15:27:24] <Ordinastie_> make sure your feed the right amount of data
L1297[15:28:52] <Pennyw95> uhm so I just read a post by the thaumcraft dev and he says the upgrade from 1.8.9 to 1.9 is painful too...how much does change??
L1298[15:29:16] <gigaherz> names
L1299[15:29:17] <williewillus> not really
L1300[15:29:19] <gigaherz> lots and lots of names
L1301[15:29:27] <gigaherz> so if you have a migration file that does the renames for you
L1302[15:29:28] <williewillus> which are easy find and replace
L1303[15:29:29] <vox> not a ton really
L1304[15:29:29] <gigaherz> ;P
L1305[15:29:33] <vox> yeah those are easy
L1306[15:29:42] <Pennyw95> phew
L1307[15:29:44] <gigaherz> has anyone done a migration file for the uppsecasingness of the items/blocks?
L1308[15:29:53] <vox> I haven't but shouldn't be too hard
L1309[15:29:57] <gigaherz> uppercasiginification*
L1310[15:29:58] <vox> I just had IDEA find/replace
L1311[15:30:01] <williewillus> migration mappings are only for classes i thjought
L1312[15:30:05] <gigaherz> yeah I did use find/replace
L1313[15:30:22] <gigaherz> or more accurately, find/replace with regex set to replace with uppercase
L1314[15:30:29] <williewillus> i haven't even done that yet because old mappings
L1315[15:30:33] <williewillus> putting it off
L1316[15:30:40] <vox> It didn't take long at all
L1317[15:30:44] <vox> maybe 10-15 mins
L1318[15:30:49] <gigaherz> per mod ;P
L1319[15:30:51] <williewillus> runtime deobf so it doesn matter anyways
L1320[15:31:03] <gigaherz> yeah that would be an interesting way
L1321[15:31:14] <gigaherz> give it a zip of the srg-sources
L1322[15:31:22] <gigaherz> and have FG do the remapping for you
L1323[15:31:22] <gigaherz> ;P
L1324[15:32:31] <vox> Alright the goal for tonight is to get some kind of world saving to happen
L1325[15:32:43] *** mDiyo is now known as mDiyo|streaming
L1326[15:32:46] <vox> so I need to figure out if I can even do that without a block holding the data
L1327[15:32:55] <vox> you guys said something about WorldAccess or something?
L1328[15:32:55] <Pennyw95> my te has an inventory value that is a 'new ItemStackHandler(4);' do I have to access that directly, or can I do that in a more abstract way that works for all TEs?
L1329[15:33:05] <gigaherz> hm?
L1330[15:33:17] <gigaherz> vox: what do you mean with world saving?
L1331[15:33:24] <gigaherz> you want to store data per-world?
L1332[15:33:28] <vox> yeah
L1333[15:33:32] <vox> I have to work out how to save the data for each "flaw"
L1334[15:33:34] <gigaherz> WorldSavedData
L1335[15:33:40] <vox> Thanks
L1336[15:33:51] <williewillus> Pennyw95: you can have an internal package-protected or weaker getInternalHandler that passes around the concrete type
L1337[15:33:54] <williewillus> or something
L1338[15:33:54] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/enderRift/storage/RiftStorageWorldData.java
L1339[15:33:56] <Pennyw95> I mean, right now I'm doing myTE.inventory.insertItem() but this way I can't write a metho that works for all TEs
L1340[15:34:00] <williewillus> oh
L1341[15:34:01] <gigaherz> check this one as an example, vox ^
L1342[15:34:03] <williewillus> use the cap
L1343[15:34:12] <williewillus> unless you don't want to expose it?
L1344[15:34:17] <vox> Thanks ghz
L1345[15:34:36] <gigaherz> Pennyw95: getCapability(item handler, null) on the TE?
L1346[15:36:06] <Pennyw95> like this? getCapability(CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY, null)
L1347[15:36:13] ⇦ Quits: stiforr_ (~stiforr@135.sub-97-35-131.myvzw.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1348[15:36:31] <gigaherz> yes
L1349[15:36:34] <gigaherz> although if you use it often
L1350[15:36:34] <Pennyw95> that should work for all TEs :D perfect
L1351[15:36:42] <gigaherz> you could have your own static field
L1352[15:36:44] *** big_Xplo|AFK is now known as big_Xplosion
L1353[15:36:45] <gigaherz> also
L1354[15:36:48] <gigaherz> call hasCapability first
L1355[15:36:51] <gigaherz> to test if the cap exists
L1356[15:37:07] <gigaherz> also
L1357[15:37:16] <gigaherz> you probably want to provide a face, if possible
L1358[15:37:22] ⇨ Joins: killjoy (~killjoy@
L1359[15:37:25] <gigaherz> since "null" does not have a predefined meaning
L1360[15:37:37] ⇦ Quits: kimfy_ (~kimfy___@ (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1361[15:37:56] *** minecreatr is now known as Mine|away
L1362[15:37:59] <gigaherz> [22:36] (gigaherz): you could have your own static field
L1363[15:38:03] <gigaherz> with @CapabilityInject
L1364[15:38:07] <gigaherz> so that forge assigns it foryou
L1365[15:38:10] <vox> So you have an int Rifts
L1366[15:38:19] <gigaherz> int -> rift
L1367[15:38:20] <vox> that keeps just the count of the number of rifts
L1368[15:38:22] <vox> yeah
L1369[15:38:23] <Pennyw95> I thoiught that was for creating you own caps?
L1370[15:38:31] <gigaherz> and a counter for the last known rift id
L1371[15:38:34] <gigaherz> so that I don't repeat numbers
L1372[15:38:36] <vox> yep
L1373[15:38:41] <gigaherz> Pennyw95: no it can be used by anyone
L1374[15:38:45] <gigaherz> to hold a cap reference
L1375[15:38:51] <Pennyw95> oh, ok
L1376[15:38:56] <gigaherz> the #1 user is the creator of the capability, yes
L1377[15:38:59] <gigaherz> but it's not limited to that
L1378[15:39:24] <vox> Is that literally all there is to it?
L1379[15:39:41] <vox> At that point, I can have a NBT structure with all of the items in it too, right?
L1380[15:39:57] <gigaherz> you could have an NBT structure, but that is sortof redundant
L1381[15:40:02] <vox> Oh?
L1382[15:40:09] <gigaherz> I mean
L1383[15:40:15] <vox> I have multiple flaws
L1384[15:40:15] <gigaherz> the WorldSavedData holds whatever you want
L1385[15:40:24] <vox> Like you have multiple rifts
L1386[15:40:33] <gigaherz> so you could have a Map<int, FlawData>
L1387[15:40:40] <gigaherz> which you can later encode into NBT
L1388[15:40:44] <vox> I see
L1389[15:40:45] <gigaherz> on the read/write functions
L1390[15:40:50] <vox> How would I do this?
L1391[15:41:04] <gigaherz> readFromNBT/writeToNBT
L1392[15:41:15] <vox> Oh got it
L1393[15:41:17] <gigaherz> there is one thing you need to know about it
L1394[15:41:21] <vox> ?
L1395[15:41:34] <gigaherz> you have to call markDirty on the worldSavedData instance
L1396[15:41:40] <gigaherz> otherwise MC assumes unchanged
L1397[15:41:42] <vox> Got it
L1398[15:41:47] <gigaherz> and it doesn't bother calling the writeToNBT
L1399[15:44:18] <Pennyw95> what is ItemStackHandler's simulate boolean?
L1400[15:44:22] <vox> Alright, I'll try to get something working today
L1401[15:44:25] <vox> thanks ghz
L1402[15:44:45] <gigaherz> feel free to take as much inspiration as you want from my code ;P
L1403[15:44:51] <vox> ;P
L1404[15:45:10] <williewillus> Pennyw95: its like RF if youve ever used that
L1405[15:45:11] <vox> I'm trying not to directly rip code out of other mods but I've definitely looked at a ton of mods for code
L1406[15:45:15] <vox> btw
L1407[15:45:17] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Enderthing/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/enderthing/storage/InventoryManager.java
L1408[15:45:21] <gigaherz> this is based on that code
L1409[15:45:22] <vox> I'm probably going to use CapabilityCore
L1410[15:45:25] <gigaherz> ;P
L1411[15:45:29] <vox> :D
L1412[15:45:32] <gigaherz> heh nice
L1413[15:45:34] <williewillus> Pennyw95: its when you want to get the return value without actually performing the insert
L1414[15:45:40] <williewillus> to see how much *would* be inserted
L1415[15:45:44] <vox> I was going to write my own and then it was like, oh, ghz did this already
L1416[15:45:45] <Pennyw95> williewillus: oh, I see
L1417[15:45:47] <Pennyw95> ty
L1418[15:45:52] <gigaherz> ^_^
L1419[15:47:41] ⇦ Quits: Shalmezad (~Shalmezad@66-188-31-206.static.bycy.mi.charter.com) (Quit: You will never get the 3 seconds you spent reading this quit message back.)
L1420[15:49:44] <Pennyw95> wait so simulate shouldb e false to actually insert/ extract items=
L1421[15:50:14] <williewillus> yep
L1422[15:50:27] <williewillus> hm i wonder why the new datawatcher doesn't have a dataserializer for NBT tag compounds
L1423[15:50:30] <williewillus> that would be really handy
L1424[15:51:11] ⇦ Quits: Loetkolben (~Loetkolbe@ipbcc17c0a.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: Over and Out!)
L1425[15:53:13] <Biochemic> heyo, does somebody know how to get the "console" name of a block? because myBlock.getUnlocalizedNem() returns something like tile.myBlock.name
L1426[15:53:35] <Biochemic> but i need something like mod:blockName
L1427[15:53:51] <Ordinastie_> getRegistryName()
L1428[15:53:58] <sokratis12GR> ^^
L1429[15:54:04] <sokratis12GR> ^*
L1430[15:54:11] <Biochemic> ah thx :D
L1431[15:56:13] <Biochemic> did it exist in 1.7.10 already?
L1432[15:57:27] ⇦ Quits: Elec332 (~Elec332@ip5456d4a5.speed.planet.nl) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1433[15:57:29] <diesieben07> No. Update.
L1434[15:57:52] <Biochemic> oh well...
L1435[15:58:02] <Biochemic> nah.. later xD
L1436[15:58:09] <diesieben07> There is a way of course, but 1.7.10 is ages old, you shoudl update.
L1437[15:59:10] <Biochemic> i know :) i will, when i have finished that stuff ^^
L1438[15:59:27] <vox> gigaherz: IInventoryAutomation? Shouldn't that be a capability?
L1439[15:59:47] <vox> Or?
L1440[16:00:01] <gigaherz> it was
L1441[16:00:04] <gigaherz> then it wasn't then it was again
L1442[16:00:17] ⇦ Quits: alex_6611 (~alex_6611@p5DC16466.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1443[16:00:20] <vox> may I ask why?
L1444[16:00:28] <gigaherz> well
L1445[16:00:34] <gigaherz> it started as a capability
L1446[16:00:48] <gigaherz> but then I decided I wasn't using it anywhere but the rift
L1447[16:00:51] ⇦ Quits: alex_6611_ (~alex_6611@p5DC16466.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1448[16:00:55] <gigaherz> so i may as well remove it in favor of just using the rift
L1449[16:01:09] <gigaherz> then I thoguht of the aggregator
L1450[16:01:14] <gigaherz> for the rift interface and such
L1451[16:01:21] <gigaherz> so I added back the interface
L1452[16:01:26] <gigaherz> but kept it as just an interface
L1453[16:01:38] <vox> I see
L1454[16:01:41] <gigaherz> then I recently thought of adding it as a capability again
L1455[16:01:50] <gigaherz> and I haven't decided if I should add it to CapabilityCore
L1456[16:01:54] <vox> Got it
L1457[16:02:01] <capitalthree> when is it appropriate to register handlers with the forge event bus?
L1458[16:02:09] <capitalthree> only at preinit or can it be done at other times?
L1459[16:02:11] <vox> I'm debating whether or not I should make mine a capability
L1460[16:02:14] <gigaherz> during init
L1461[16:02:20] <gigaherz> pre or post doesn't matter
L1462[16:02:21] <vox> since only my mod will be able to make more Flaws
L1463[16:02:30] <gigaherz> in fact
L1464[16:02:34] <gigaherz> you can register afterward
L1465[16:02:43] <gigaherz> but it's best do do it during init
L1466[16:02:45] <capitalthree> how do I prevent an event handler from being loaded on an smp client?
L1467[16:02:53] <gigaherz> hm?
L1468[16:03:06] <capitalthree> how do I avoid registering an event handler on a client
L1469[16:03:13] <capitalthree> I only want to register it on dedicated servers or singleplayer
L1470[16:03:14] <gigaherz> you want it only on the server jar?
L1471[16:03:18] <gigaherz> ah
L1472[16:03:22] <gigaherz> yeah can't do that
L1473[16:03:27] <capitalthree> otherwise I wold use @SideOnly
L1474[16:03:32] <gigaherz> yo ushouldn't do that
L1475[16:03:51] <gigaherz> @SideOnly is for preventing loading crashes with unavailable references
L1476[16:03:56] <capitalthree> ahh
L1477[16:03:59] <gigaherz> if you want things to only happen on one jar
L1478[16:04:03] <gigaherz> you should use the proxy
L1479[16:04:09] <gigaherz> add a "doX" method do your proxy
L1480[16:04:14] <gigaherz> and implement it only on the server/client
L1481[16:04:21] <capitalthree> ok well what I want is to just not register the event handler unless this forge instance is authoritative for the world
L1482[16:04:21] <gigaherz> leave the other blank
L1483[16:04:32] <gigaherz> yeah that's annoying
L1484[16:04:32] <capitalthree> it's for functionality that doesn't make sense on clients
L1485[16:04:33] <diesieben07> wait wait...
L1486[16:04:38] <gigaherz> but really
L1487[16:04:39] <gigaherz> whatever you do
L1488[16:04:41] <diesieben07> "dedicated servers or singleplayer", so... always.
L1489[16:04:44] <gigaherz> should only happen on the server thread?
L1490[16:04:51] <gigaherz> in that case
L1491[16:04:51] <capitalthree> diesieben07: no. not on clients to a dedicated server :P
L1492[16:05:02] <gigaherz> okay
L1493[16:05:03] <diesieben07> check world.isRemote
L1494[16:05:04] <gigaherz> let's restart
L1495[16:05:07] <gigaherz> WHAT event?
L1496[16:05:10] <diesieben07> it's false if you are on any kind of server.
L1497[16:05:10] <gigaherz> which*
L1498[16:05:14] <capitalthree> diesieben07: yeah that's the thing, there's no world in preInit
L1499[16:05:20] <capitalthree> and I'm being told I have to register event handlers in preInit
L1500[16:05:21] <gigaherz> nono
L1501[16:05:23] <gigaherz> you always register it
L1502[16:05:26] <diesieben07> check in the event.
L1503[16:05:27] <gigaherz> the if goes inside the handler
L1504[16:05:41] <capitalthree> that means clients are constantly wasting time in my handler that won't do anything :P
L1505[16:05:49] <diesieben07> nope
L1506[16:05:52] <gigaherz> what event is it?
L1507[16:05:59] <diesieben07> the JVM is really smart at figuring stuff like that out
L1508[16:06:16] <diesieben07> it will most likely become a perfectly predicted branch and your CPU won't give two shits about executing it.
L1509[16:06:26] <capitalthree> ItemTossEvent, LivingDropsEvent, HarvestDropsEvent, and EntityJoinWorldEvent
L1510[16:06:28] <vox> it in fact will give zero shits
L1511[16:06:32] <gigaherz> yeah
L1512[16:06:35] <gigaherz> those are not per-tick
L1513[16:06:43] <gigaherz> so no one cares about a few nanoseconds
L1514[16:06:44] <gigaherz> ;P
L1515[16:06:55] <capitalthree> fiiine I'll stop being a perfectionist :P
L1516[16:06:56] <diesieben07> it probably won't even be nanoseconds
L1517[16:07:12] <diesieben07> the CPU will see that the branch is taken every time and will then learn and optimize for that
L1518[16:07:19] <gigaherz> well I was thinking about the overhead of iterating the list and calling the handlers
L1519[16:07:19] <diesieben07> so it'll just optimistically take it
L1520[16:07:25] <diesieben07> Meh.
L1521[16:07:31] <capitalthree> and just to make sure, setting an item's lifespan should do nothing on a client, right?
L1522[16:07:31] <gigaherz> but anyhow
L1523[16:07:35] <vox> ghz: what's this weak reference stuff in your RiftInventory?
L1524[16:07:37] <diesieben07> can't get around that unless you get per-world event busses
L1525[16:07:38] <gigaherz> this is sub-microsecond stuff
L1526[16:07:50] <gigaherz> vox: hmm
L1527[16:07:53] <gigaherz> let's see
L1528[16:07:57] <gigaherz> I have a number of blocks
L1529[16:07:59] ⇦ Quits: Pennyw95 (~Dr.Benway@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1530[16:08:01] ⇦ Quits: thecodewarrior (~thecodewa@75-128-36-21.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1531[16:08:04] <gigaherz> that know the rift
L1532[16:08:06] <vox> It looks like a reference to the multiblock blocks?
L1533[16:08:08] <vox> Oh
L1534[16:08:12] <gigaherz> so like
L1535[16:08:18] <gigaherz> it's an "ender rift" for a reason
L1536[16:08:25] <gigaherz> multiple structures can share the same rift ID
L1537[16:08:30] <vox> aaaaaaaaah got it
L1538[16:08:33] <gigaherz> so
L1539[16:08:36] <gigaherz> each one of those structures
L1540[16:08:37] <vox> so those are references to the other copies of the rift
L1541[16:08:41] <vox> yeah got it
L1542[16:08:46] <gigaherz> needs to get notified about changes to the contents
L1543[16:08:52] <vox> Yeah I won't need that
L1544[16:08:53] <vox> thanks
L1545[16:08:55] <gigaherz> so they can in turn notify the interface to refresh the data
L1546[16:08:57] <vox> Yep
L1547[16:09:00] <gigaherz> but
L1548[16:09:05] <gigaherz> I also want them to be weak references
L1549[16:09:13] ⇦ Quits: mDiyo|streaming (~chatzilla@2601:1c1:8b02:11f5:354b:577d:978f:779b) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1550[16:09:14] <gigaherz> so that unloading chunks doesn't keep the TEs loaded
L1551[16:09:21] ⇦ Quits: Samario (~Samario@cpc5-bigg3-2-0-cust219.9-2.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 384 seconds)
L1552[16:09:26] <gigaherz> hence a weak reference list
L1553[16:09:33] <vox> There'll only ever be one flaw per ID for me, so I think I should be fine?
L1554[16:09:41] ⇨ Joins: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872d48.access.telenet.be)
L1555[16:09:44] <vox> Oh, hm
L1556[16:09:55] <vox> If my machines will have a ref to the flaw I'll have to do that as well
L1557[16:10:01] <williewillus> hmm
L1558[16:10:12] <williewillus> i'm not sure the datawatcher is meant to be used like this
L1559[16:10:14] <gigaherz> nono, this is about the flaw having refs to the TE
L1560[16:10:17] <gigaherz> not the other way around
L1561[16:10:21] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872D48.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1562[16:10:23] <williewillus> I want to keep a list of entity ID's synced to the client entity
L1563[16:10:37] <vox> yeah
L1564[16:10:37] <diesieben07> yeah list is a no-go for datawatcher :D
L1565[16:10:38] <gigaherz> williewillus: i'd use packets.
L1566[16:10:42] <williewillus> blargh
L1567[16:10:43] <vox> Oh true nvm
L1568[16:10:51] <gigaherz> you could try to serialize to string
L1569[16:10:55] <gigaherz> but it would be rather ugly
L1570[16:10:57] <williewillus> that's even worse :P
L1571[16:11:00] * diesieben07 stabs gigaherz
L1572[16:11:03] *** V is now known as Vigaro
L1573[16:11:19] <williewillus> i mean i could just write a dataserializer<ImmutableList<Integer>> but that's gross
L1574[16:11:25] * gigaherz grows skin over the knife and starts eating diesieben07's arm
L1575[16:11:27] <williewillus> i'm lazy and don't want to packet
L1576[16:11:36] <gigaherz> wat
L1577[16:11:40] <gigaherz> I'm lazy and I use packets because of it
L1578[16:11:40] <gigaherz> Xd
L1579[16:11:51] <williewillus> datawatcher tracks dirtiness and stuff for you
L1580[16:12:05] <gigaherz> yeah I probably send unnecessary packets
L1581[16:12:07] <gigaherz> whatever ;P
L1582[16:12:12] ⇦ Quits: c233 (~c233@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1583[16:12:37] * diesieben07 mumbles about @Sync
L1584[16:13:48] <williewillus> wat
L1585[16:14:11] <diesieben07> I'm bragging :D
L1586[16:14:12] ⇨ Joins: Samario (~Samario@cpc5-bigg3-2-0-cust219.9-2.cable.virginm.net)
L1587[16:14:29] <williewillus> does it work even? :P
L1588[16:14:33] <williewillus> i thought itwasn't done
L1589[16:14:45] <diesieben07> it does work, mostly :)
L1590[16:14:46] <williewillus> also blegh fine I'll just send a packet >-<
L1591[16:14:48] <diesieben07> I am just not happy with it.
L1592[16:15:05] <williewillus> if we had a persisted immutable collection library i would use the datawatcher lol
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L1596[16:19:49] <vox> Alright theoretically this code should work
L1597[16:19:59] <vox> Now I just need to add into the game some way to make flaws
L1598[16:20:07] <Drullkus> lool
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L1601[16:20:22] <vox> (Puts static one inside of CommonProxy)
L1602[16:20:41] <vox> That's only probably a bad idea, right?
L1603[16:20:43] <vox> xd
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L1605[16:21:39] <vox> gigaherz: What would your strategy be to hand these out to things? Just request them from the WorldData?
L1606[16:21:51] <gigaherz> yes
L1607[16:21:53] <gigaherz> always request
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L1610[16:25:14] <vox> Okay, so now I can do that. I'll have to come up with a GUI later for this but everything's sticking to one flaw for right now for testing
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L1612[16:29:40] <vox> where the frick is worldObj coming from? TileEntity?
L1613[16:29:51] <vox> I'm using this in my code and have no idea where it comes from
L1614[16:29:55] <vox> oh derp it is, thanks IDE
L1615[16:30:20] <williewillus> lol
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L1618[16:36:44] <vox> NBTTagLong energyTag = (NBTTagLong)nbtTagCompound.getTag("Energy");
L1619[16:36:47] <vox> That correct?
L1620[16:37:16] <diesieben07> just do nbtTagCompound.getLong("Energy") and you'll get a long
L1621[16:37:25] <vox> Oh, thanks
L1622[16:40:04] <vox> So ghz
L1623[16:40:25] <Zaggy1024> does vanilla fog use vertex colors rather than something like a fragment shader?
L1624[16:40:30] <vox> Opinion on whether I should implement CoFH's IEnergyStorage on this FlawInventory?
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L1626[16:40:57] <vox> Ignoring the fact that there's no official API for 1.9
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L1628[16:41:23] <gigaherz> my opinion when porting ender-rift was "meh"
L1629[16:41:34] <gigaherz> so I didn't port the RF stuff
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L1631[16:41:45] <gigaherz> if they release official 1.9 RF, I'll think about it
L1632[16:41:54] <gigaherz> if the Tesla api gets more to my tastes
L1633[16:41:56] <Biochemic> what is an alternative currently?
L1634[16:41:58] <gigaherz> I may drop Capabilitycore
L1635[16:42:03] <gigaherz> well
L1636[16:42:11] <gigaherz> CapabilityCore|Energy
L1637[16:42:13] <gigaherz> Tesla API
L1638[16:42:28] <gigaherz> and I guess there's probably a few others
L1639[16:42:32] <Biochemic> ah okay ^^
L1640[16:42:38] <LatvianModder> https://github.com/LatvianModder/LatBlocks/commit/3b857a35c9e8da368bc9d53a07d9c58af4498f76
L1641[16:42:43] <gigaherz> I wrote CapabilityCore, so I'm biased in favor of it
L1642[16:42:44] <gigaherz> ;P
L1643[16:43:11] <Biochemic> okay :D
L1644[16:43:33] <LatvianModder> what, you now say tesla api is acceptable? :P
L1645[16:43:41] <Biochemic> yeah when i have finished my stuff in 1.7.10, then i'll look into it ^^
L1646[16:44:04] <Ordinastie_> hum, can someone explain this ? http://puu.sh/oPGPS.jpg ><
L1647[16:44:19] <LatvianModder> Yes. Someone can
L1648[16:44:25] <capitalthree> how do I see what mod an Item came from?
L1649[16:44:36] <LatvianModder> ingame?
L1650[16:44:36] <Ordinastie_> LatvianModder, that's a bold claim
L1651[16:44:37] <LatvianModder> Waila
L1652[16:44:44] <capitalthree> from mod code :P
L1653[16:44:50] <LatvianModder> In code, getRegistryName()
L1654[16:44:55] <LatvianModder> .getDomain()
L1655[16:44:59] <capitalthree> cool thanks :D
L1656[16:45:00] <LatvianModder> or smth like that
L1657[16:45:11] <LatvianModder> that will return lowercase mod ID
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L1659[16:45:26] <diesieben07> and then Loader.instance().getIndexedModList().get
L1660[16:45:34] <diesieben07> to get the ModContainer, if you need it
L1661[16:45:44] <LatvianModder> will that work with anycase mod ID though?
L1662[16:46:14] <diesieben07> No
L1663[16:46:17] <LatvianModder> Theres only one way to solve this problem!
L1664[16:46:23] <capitalthree> I don't need the ModContainer
L1665[16:46:27] <LatvianModder> ..by not caring and going to bed. Goodnight!
L1666[16:46:31] <capitalthree> I just need to be able to check if items are from certain mods
L1667[16:46:38] <capitalthree> thanks LatvianModder :) except that getRegistryName doesn't seem to exist
L1668[16:46:41] *** amadornes is now known as amadornes[OFF]
L1669[16:46:41] <capitalthree> so I dunno
L1670[16:46:50] <LatvianModder> whaat? what minecraft version are you on?
L1671[16:47:39] <tterrag> inb4 1.7
L1672[16:47:58] <LatvianModder> If its 1.7.10, then... http://imgur.com/4DhO2gx
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L1675[16:48:39] <Biochemic> so true :D
L1676[16:49:25] <capitalthree> u_u
L1677[16:49:45] <tterrag> LatvianModder: you're one to talk m8
L1678[16:49:45] <diesieben07> you're not the one to be u_u-ing
L1679[16:49:56] <LatvianModder> What? Im on 1.9 for weeks
L1680[16:50:03] <capitalthree> diesieben07: I don't see why not
L1681[16:50:04] <Zaggy1024> anybody know whether the fog uses vertex colors or fragment colors?
L1682[16:50:08] <tterrag> exactly. you were on 1.7 until pretty recently
L1683[16:50:10] <capitalthree> if I don't get help that's my problem, not your problem :P
L1684[16:50:16] <diesieben07> you are on 1.7, right?
L1685[16:50:33] <tterrag> getRegistryName was added to 1.7 at some point wasn't it?
L1686[16:50:36] <tterrag> or was that only 1.8
L1687[16:50:38] <diesieben07> Nope
L1688[16:50:39] <diesieben07> 1.8
L1689[16:50:41] <tterrag> oh god the versions are starting to blur
L1690[16:50:52] <capitalthree> in case it helps, this is a very minor mod. it's a mod to control dropped item despawn times.
L1691[16:51:04] <diesieben07> even more reason to update.
L1692[16:51:10] <capitalthree> I'm making it to support 1.7.10 servers I currently have players on :P
L1693[16:51:17] <LatvianModder> hey, I needed to stay on 1.7.10, not that I wanted :P
L1694[16:51:19] <capitalthree> no I do intend to make ports to 1.8.9 and 1.9.whatever
L1695[16:51:31] <capitalthree> maybe I'll just implement this feature in the 1.8 branch
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L1698[16:51:51] <capitalthree> after all it was BBoldt who wanted per-mod filtering and his modpack is 1.8 based
L1699[16:51:54] * capitalthree shrugs
L1700[16:52:12] <LatvianModder> better add new features to 1.9 anyway, to make people move faster :P
L1701[16:52:44] <capitalthree> this isn't an exciting new feature to make people move
L1702[16:52:46] <LatvianModder> any news on 1.9.4+? I heard its in works, gotta check files
L1703[16:52:48] <capitalthree> it's a tool for server admins
L1704[16:52:57] <tterrag> LatvianModder: I'm sure this guy has just as valid reasons to be on 1.7 as you did, no?
L1705[16:52:57] <tterrag> yours were basically "but modpacks"
L1706[16:52:57] <tterrag> wow bitbucket is being slow
L1707[16:53:04] <capitalthree> well I dunno. is the idea of your dropped items not despawning as much, enticing?
L1708[16:53:09] <tterrag> capitalthree: Item.itemRegistry.getNameForObject
L1709[16:53:13] <tterrag> btw
L1710[16:53:16] <capitalthree> thanks :D
L1711[16:53:21] <LatvianModder> no, mine was "FTB" :P
L1712[16:53:23] <capitalthree> and then is there something to get the namespace or do I just inspect its colon?
L1713[16:53:38] <tterrag> that gives you a RL so just use getResourceDomain
L1714[16:53:55] <tterrag> then feed that into a mod container lookup
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L1717[16:54:52] <capitalthree> tterrag: I don't even need a lookup, I just need the user to put the correct string in the config file :D
L1718[16:54:57] <tterrag> ah right
L1719[16:55:20] <capitalthree> basically this mod lets you do: "I want all items to despawn after 15 minutes, except for items from blah mods, which despawn in 5"
L1720[16:55:27] <capitalthree> things of that nature
L1721[16:55:29] <tterrag> eh
L1722[16:55:34] <tterrag> why not just let them specify individual items?
L1723[16:55:35] <capitalthree> "I want items specifically dropped by player action to despawn in 30"
L1724[16:55:41] <tterrag> you could support modid:*
L1725[16:55:42] <capitalthree> tterrag: there is already an individual item shitlist
L1726[16:55:45] <tterrag> uh
L1727[16:55:47] <capitalthree> BBolt wanted a per-mod one for some reason
L1728[16:55:53] <capitalthree> I am going to default it to empty and not use it for my own server
L1729[16:55:55] <tterrag> then didn't you already have a mod owner lookup?
L1730[16:55:58] <capitalthree> but *shrug* he wanted it
L1731[16:56:08] <capitalthree> no there was no owner lookup, you just put in item names
L1732[16:56:45] <tterrag> and...how were you looking up item names?
L1733[16:57:00] <capitalthree> tterrag: https://github.com/alexbobp/LingeringLoot/blob/master/src/main/kotlin/lingerloot/LingeringLoot.kt
L1734[16:57:03] <capitalthree> look at line 54
L1735[16:57:17] <capitalthree> Item.itemRegistry.getObject(b)
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L1737[16:57:38] <capitalthree> since Item instances are singletons, I just use them directly in the map
L1738[16:58:00] <tterrag> ahh
L1739[16:58:15] <tterrag> didn't think to look at the other itemREgistry methods?
L1740[16:58:29] <williewillus> LatvianModder: MCP ported, forge in progress last time i heard
L1741[16:58:47] <capitalthree> tterrag: what do they do that I want?
L1742[16:59:16] <tterrag> <tterrag> capitalthree: Item.itemRegistry.getNameForObject
L1743[16:59:27] <capitalthree> oh right silly me
L1744[16:59:52] <capitalthree> yeah, thanks :)
L1745[17:00:29] <williewillus> thought this is a bit concerning and I wonder why they did that https://goo.gl/i6auam
L1746[17:01:14] <diesieben07> i don't see the problme
L1747[17:01:18] <diesieben07> just use a custom packet and be happy
L1748[17:01:23] <diesieben07> NBT over network sucks anyways
L1749[17:01:51] <Ordinastie_> guess that'll force me to move over to my sync stuff :p
L1750[17:02:36] <capitalthree> tterrag: where's getResourceDomain?
L1751[17:02:41] <capitalthree> I hope that's not a dumb question
L1752[17:02:52] <Ordinastie_> lol
L1753[17:03:07] <diesieben07> in ResourceLocation.
L1754[17:03:33] <Ordinastie_> <tterrag> that gives you a RL so just use getResourceDomain
L1755[17:04:17] <diesieben07> although since he is on 1.7... i think that still uses Strings there.
L1756[17:04:24] <capitalthree> wooo thanks diesieben07
L1757[17:04:29] <diesieben07> so GameRegistry.findUniqueIdentifier
L1758[17:04:33] <tterrag> ^
L1759[17:04:34] <Biochemic> yes it does ^^
L1760[17:04:41] <tterrag> I was looking at waila source I thought was 1.7
L1761[17:04:43] <tterrag> guess it was 1.8
L1762[17:04:59] <capitalthree> oh. I did ResourceLocation(result of getNameForObject).resourceDomain
L1763[17:05:02] <capitalthree> is that inappropriate?
L1764[17:05:10] <diesieben07> would wokr too
L1765[17:06:00] *** Mine|away is now known as minecreatr
L1766[17:06:05] <capitalthree> oh. GameRegistry.findUniqueIdentifierFor(item).modId
L1767[17:06:09] <capitalthree> that seems like the cleanest way
L1768[17:06:13] <capitalthree> right? maybe?
L1769[17:06:34] <diesieben07> well, it's the 1.7 version of getRegistryName.
L1770[17:06:57] <capitalthree> ok well lemme just wrap up the 1.7.10 version and then I'll port it
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L1772[17:07:36] <Zaggy1024> yeesh, fog is done per vertex...
L1773[17:07:47] <Zaggy1024> that explains my problems
L1774[17:08:07] <capitalthree> so, anyone gonna be interested in actually using this mod if I port it forward? :D
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L1777[17:09:12] <capitalthree> GameRegistry will have everything in Item.itemRegistry, right?
L1778[17:09:41] <diesieben07> Wat
L1779[17:09:54] <capitalthree> am I guaranteed GameRegistry will have any Item?
L1780[17:10:02] <diesieben07> Of course.
L1781[17:10:09] <capitalthree> cool
L1782[17:15:18] <gigaherz> GameRegistry is just the API for it
L1783[17:15:52] <gigaherz> it calls into Gamedata
L1784[17:16:32] <gigaherz> in fact
L1785[17:16:41] <gigaherz> Block.blockRegistry and Item.itemRegistry
L1786[17:16:48] <gigaherz> get the field assigned from GameData
L1787[17:16:57] <gigaherz> so in effect, it IS the same object
L1788[17:17:01] <gigaherz> that GameRegistry accesses
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L1792[17:24:11] <capitalthree> gigaherz: cool
L1793[17:26:25] ⇦ Quits: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872d48.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L1794[17:27:54] <capitalthree> ok so the GameRegistry method seems to compile fine in 1.8.9 too
L1795[17:27:57] <capitalthree> any reason to change it?
L1796[17:30:14] <gigaherz> uh?
L1797[17:30:34] <gigaherz> what method?
L1798[17:31:38] <capitalthree> GameRegistry.findUniqueIdentifierFor(item)?.modId
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L1800[17:32:08] <diesieben07> it's gone in 1.9
L1801[17:32:37] ⇦ Quits: AforAnonymous (bitch2k@dyn-050-099.vix2.mmc.at) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1802[17:33:10] <capitalthree> I'll cross that bridge when I get to it
L1803[17:33:30] <capitalthree> priority now is a release for 1.8.9. because a modpack maintainer said he'd actually use it if I get a jar on curseforge
L1804[17:33:35] <capitalthree> next stop: learning how to shade the kotlin libs
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L1809[18:02:54] <williewillus> i'm still hesitant to use streams in my mod code, just feel like that they're not optimized enough to use them for intensive loops in for example a TE or something
L1810[18:03:12] <williewillus> hm
L1811[18:06:00] <diesieben07> yeah they are only really useful for big collections
L1812[18:06:52] <diesieben07> question (i know you are not lawyers): if there is a library usign the eclipse license can I just mirror it in my own maven repo unmodified? that's what redistribution means, right?
L1813[18:07:56] <Biochemic> if you do not modify it, i think yes
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L1815[18:08:17] <Biochemic> thats what you do, when you use a lib offline
L1816[18:08:19] <diesieben07> yes, it's just a theoretical question since for now i can just use maven central
L1817[18:08:32] <diesieben07> well, no, then i'm not making it available for others.
L1818[18:08:44] <diesieben07> i mean mojang does this with libraries.mojang.com right?
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L1820[18:09:23] <Biochemic> i'll look quick
L1821[18:10:19] <vox> o/ Bio
L1822[18:10:38] <Biochemic> https://eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php
L1823[18:10:57] <Biochemic> seems that there will be no problem, if you add the Copyright stuff to it
L1824[18:11:01] <Biochemic> yo vox ^^
L1825[18:11:03] <diesieben07> so i have to include the licence
L1826[18:11:07] <Biochemic> yupp
L1827[18:12:37] <diesieben07> i assume this in the jar file will work? http://i.imgur.com/n0Q0Dce.png
L1828[18:12:42] <diesieben07> since they already have that. :D
L1829[18:13:11] <Biochemic> yupp ^^
L1830[18:13:29] <diesieben07> cool, coo
L1831[18:13:31] <diesieben07> thank you
L1832[18:13:41] <Biochemic> np ^^
L1833[18:14:01] <Biochemic> had to deal with it a while ago :D
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L1835[18:14:02] <diesieben07> nothing in the way of my "resolve me this maven dependency" program anymore! :D
L1836[18:14:09] <Biochemic> cool ^^
L1837[18:14:21] <diesieben07> just a thin wrapper around eclipse-aether
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L1841[18:15:37] <Biochemic> ah
L1842[18:15:39] <Biochemic> kk ^^
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L1845[18:19:47] <minecreatr> is there any way to have non axis aligned elements with the vannila json model?
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L1849[18:25:43] <capitalthree> anyone got experience with modding in kotlin?
L1850[18:25:49] <capitalthree> I'm trying to figure out how to do this shading thing
L1851[18:25:59] <capitalthree> and I'm wishing I just used scala since forge ships scala libs :P
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L1855[18:35:06] <Zaggy1024> is there any benefit to using GL20.glShaderSource over ARBShaderObjects.glShaderSourceARB (performance wise is mainly what I'm worried about)?
L1856[18:36:18] <Zaggy1024> also, what's the best way to get a ByteBuffer for a string?
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L1861[18:43:28] <diesieben07> Zaggy1024, cannot help you with the first one, 2nd one: ByteBuffer.wrap("foo".getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8));
L1862[18:43:46] <Zaggy1024> ah, thanks
L1863[18:44:12] <Zaggy1024> first one was actually a bit of a pointless question since OpenGlHelper takes care of choosing between those two methods
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L1868[18:59:47] <Biochemic> sup vox
L1869[19:00:02] <vox> o/
L1870[19:00:12] <Drullkus> \p
L1871[19:00:13] <Drullkus> \o
L1872[19:00:18] <vox> I sat down tonight and promptly broke my laptop's power cable
L1873[19:00:26] <vox> So it's being held together by tape for the moment
L1874[19:00:36] <vox> Once I get home it's not an issue since I'll be using my desktop
L1875[19:00:38] <vox> but yeah
L1876[19:01:28] <Biochemic> oh well... my laptop cable is now held by tape since two years :D
L1877[19:01:41] <Biochemic> because iam too lazy to buy another ^^
L1878[19:12:06] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1879[19:13:12] <diesieben07> yall need to buy lenovo laptops
L1880[19:13:36] <williewillus> ^
L1881[19:13:40] <williewillus> then install linux on it :P
L1882[19:13:41] <vox> I have one
L1883[19:13:46] <vox> And I did
L1884[19:13:50] <williewillus> hehe
L1885[19:13:54] <diesieben07> how the heck did you break the power cable? O.O
L1886[19:13:54] <vox> It's pretty damn old now xd
L1887[19:14:01] <williewillus> which one?
L1888[19:14:08] <vox> Lenovo v570
L1889[19:14:33] <diesieben07> no thinkpad, i see
L1890[19:14:40] <diesieben07> not that i have one...
L1891[19:14:44] <Biochemic> lenovo is alright, when you need one for work ^^
L1892[19:14:58] <vox> Yeah not a thinkpad
L1893[19:15:08] <vox> I'm thinking about getting one for my next PC
L1894[19:15:12] <illy> heh im happy with my HP laptop :P with arch
L1895[19:15:22] <vox> I'm running Arch as well
L1896[19:15:41] <Biochemic> naaah HP does a lot of trouble
L1897[19:15:43] <vox> Until it died I ran Arch on an HP Pavilion 17
L1898[19:15:44] <diesieben07> i wish i could afford a powerful thinkpad
L1899[19:16:30] <Biochemic> i want to have a powerful msi laptop ^^
L1900[19:16:42] <Biochemic> but i think that will be a dream for a long time
L1901[19:17:15] <diesieben07> haha
L1902[19:17:18] <diesieben07> those things are insane
L1903[19:17:28] <Biochemic> yeees :D
L1904[19:17:35] <illy> Ive never had that bad of an issue with HP my biggest issue was forgeting to set my partitions uuid in bootloaders conf for setting up uefi
L1905[19:17:37] <diesieben07> just buy a desktop :D
L1906[19:18:04] <Biochemic> nah, a desktop cant be carried around xD
L1907[19:18:07] <Biochemic> ...not that easily
L1908[19:18:17] <diesieben07> but a 15kg laptop can? :D
L1909[19:18:24] <illy> change accepted
L1910[19:18:26] <diesieben07> i'm joking :P
L1911[19:18:34] <illy> dammit cant spell
L1912[19:18:37] <Biochemic> yeah my dad and a friend killed a HP each ^^
L1913[19:18:46] <illy> heh
L1914[19:18:48] <Biochemic> haha yoo :D
L1915[19:19:56] <vox> Yeah I'm running a custom desktop right now
L1916[19:19:56] ⇨ Joins: Vazkii (~Vazkii@a79-169-163-74.cpe.netcabo.pt)
L1917[19:20:17] <vox> I'm still running last-gen AM3+ (A Phenom II)
L1918[19:20:46] <vox> Originally it was an x4 but since there were some interesting hacks in that architecture and my mobo supports it, it's been unlocked to six cores
L1919[19:20:55] <vox> I also have a 960 as my gpu
L1920[19:21:04] <vox> it'll run basically anything that I care about
L1921[19:21:26] <Biochemic> yes i know, my bor has one, too
L1922[19:21:29] <Biochemic> cool setup^^
L1923[19:21:48] <Biochemic> i have just a gt555m in laptop...
L1924[19:22:02] <Biochemic> and i only own a laptop xD
L1925[19:22:19] <diesieben07> 840m here
L1926[19:22:32] <vox> The 960 was a good purchase
L1927[19:22:35] <diesieben07> also just a laptop, saving for a nice desktop :D
L1928[19:22:50] <Biochemic> haha nice ^^
L1929[19:22:54] <vox> Yeah my desktop is nice enough, I only paid for the GPU so.... :D
L1930[19:22:59] <Biochemic> yeah the 960 is a good choice
L1931[19:23:31] <vox> The 1060 is projected to beat the 970 or maybe the 980 btw
L1932[19:23:43] <vox> They haven't released specs yet but the 1070 beats the 980 ti
L1933[19:24:03] ⇦ Quits: Dark (~MrDark@cpe-76-181-157-113.columbus.res.rr.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1934[19:24:14] <vox> This generation seems pretty awesome
L1935[19:24:36] <vox> I'm waiting to see what AMD comes out with when they release Polaris
L1936[19:24:37] <Biochemic> yeah i have heard of, but i didn't checkout the pricings for this one yet
L1937[19:24:44] <Biochemic> true
L1938[19:24:54] <vox> 1070 is about 70-80 dollars more expensive than the 970
L1939[19:25:00] <vox> so a ton cheaper than a 980 still
L1940[19:25:16] <Biochemic> sounds great!
L1941[19:25:44] <vox> yeah :)
L1942[19:27:01] *** Jared is now known as Jared|Away
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L1950[19:46:21] <capitalthree> TehNut: you were the one who first recommended forgelin to me. do you know of any existing mod that uses it, that I can look at as an example? I'm having trouble figuring it out
L1951[19:46:42] <TehNut> I only recommended it because I heard about it
L1952[19:47:00] <capitalthree> ah
L1953[19:47:03] <capitalthree> well question still stands
L1954[19:47:12] <capitalthree> if I can't get confirmation that anyone has ever successfully used it, I'm gonna give up :P
L1955[19:49:00] <capitalthree> TehNut: the frustrating thing is, I picked kotlin because I figured since it was so close to java, I'd catch less shit for it than I would if I admit to using scala in here :P
L1956[19:49:22] <capitalthree> but I'm pretty much universally having the modding community turn up their noses at me anyways so I might as well just use scala since it ships with forge and I won't have this problem
L1957[19:49:48] <TehNut> Did you follow the README?
L1958[19:49:55] <capitalthree> the forgelin readme? yes
L1959[19:50:03] <TehNut> What exactly isn't working
L1960[19:50:21] <capitalthree> it's pretty weird
L1961[19:50:22] <capitalthree> e: /home/alex/LingeringLoot/src/main/kotlin/lingerloot/LingeringLoot.kt: (3, 8): Unresolved reference: cpw
L1962[19:50:25] <capitalthree> many of these
L1963[19:50:32] <capitalthree> and if I comment out the line: apply plugin: 'kotlin'
L1964[19:50:37] <capitalthree> then it works, but doesn't shade anything
L1965[19:50:57] <capitalthree> forgelin says the kotlin plugin is required but I can't figure out how to get it to build against forge when I have the kotlin plugin loaded
L1966[19:51:17] <capitalthree> should I post my whole build.gradle? it could be that something else is dumb :/
L1967[19:51:24] <TehNut> You could/should probably just lift the KotlinAdapter.kt file from it
L1968[19:51:52] <capitalthree> the cpw package is from forge though right?
L1969[19:52:03] <TehNut> Yes, but only 1.7 and prior
L1970[19:52:05] <capitalthree> my current mod code all compiles fine against normal forge, no forgelin adapter needed
L1971[19:52:11] <capitalthree> oh? huh.
L1972[19:52:13] <TehNut> cpw.mods.fml -> net.minecraftforge.fml
L1973[19:52:17] <TehNut> As of 1.8
L1974[19:52:43] ⇨ Joins: thebookster (~thebookst@pool-71-182-231-84.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net)
L1975[19:53:03] <capitalthree> oh god somehow it's compiling against 1.7.10 forge
L1976[19:53:10] <capitalthree> what is going on here o_o
L1977[19:53:10] <TehNut> Yeah that'd do it
L1978[19:53:22] <capitalthree> all I know is when I ctrl-click in my IDE it steps into a 1.7.10 jar
L1979[19:53:29] <capitalthree> so I gotta figure out where tf it's coming from
L1980[19:53:35] <capitalthree> sorry TehNut this might have been stupid user error :P
L1981[19:53:45] <diesieben07> maybe forgelin is on 1.7?
L1982[19:54:08] <TehNut> It isn't
L1983[19:54:08] <capitalthree> forgelin is only for 1.8 and up
L1984[19:54:17] <capitalthree> also I wasn't building against forgelin before at all
L1985[19:54:21] <TehNut> language adapters weren't in Forge until 1.8+
L1986[19:54:22] <diesieben07> strange
L1987[19:54:28] <capitalthree> classpath 'net.minecraftforge.gradle:ForgeGradle:2.1-SNAPSHOT'
L1988[19:54:31] <capitalthree> is this a problem?
L1989[19:54:37] <TehNut> no
L1990[19:54:44] <capitalthree> apply plugin: 'net.minecraftforge.gradle.forge'
L1991[19:55:03] <TehNut> how about the full buildscript instead of random excerpts :P
L1992[19:55:38] <capitalthree> yeah. sorry
L1993[19:56:11] ⇦ Quits: vox (~voxmods@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1994[19:56:18] <capitalthree> https://github.com/alexbobp/LingeringLoot/blob/master/build.gradle
L1995[19:56:28] <capitalthree> so this is the one for the build that I thought worked, but maybe is totally still building for 1.7.10
L1996[19:56:35] <capitalthree> but without the use of forgelin at all
L1997[19:56:48] <capitalthree> and this is the one I'm trying to cobble together from the forgelin readme: http://pastebin.ca/3598172
L1998[19:56:51] <TehNut> Yeah that's definitely 1.8.9
L1999[19:57:18] <TehNut> The tethys maven is in the wrong repository block
L2000[19:57:36] <TehNut> The buildscript{} block is for libs used in the buildscript itself
L2001[19:57:48] <TehNut> The non buildscript{} block is used for libs that your project depends on
L2002[19:58:12] <capitalthree> right now I have it in both :P
L2003[19:58:20] <TehNut> Yeah remove the first
L2004[19:59:02] <capitalthree> ok. so the mod's not actually loading.
L2005[19:59:10] <capitalthree> the reason it seemed to work was it wasn't compiling at all xD
L2006[19:59:26] <capitalthree> and the reason I'm like "omg why is my plugin line breaking the build" is that now it's actually trying to build
L2007[19:59:33] <capitalthree> and I never properly updated my source code for 1.8.9
L2008[19:59:43] <capitalthree> I am the biggest dumbass ever, sorry if I wasted your time :P I will get to work
L2009[20:01:58] <capitalthree> and the reason I thought it was building against 1.7.10 was I guess intellij gets confused if I switch branches and don't have it do a new gradle build inside the ide :P
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L2011[20:02:35] <TehNut> Yeah in MC modding, unless your other branch uses the same MC/Forge versions, use a different directory
L2012[20:02:45] <TehNut> Don't switch branches in the same dir
L2013[20:03:16] <TehNut> My dir layout is ../RepositoryOwner/Project/BranchName/..
L2014[20:03:31] <TehNut> So like ../TehNut/SoulShardsTOW/1.9/..
L2015[20:03:38] <diesieben07> You can do it just fine you just have to run setupDecompWorkspace again and refresh inside intellij
L2016[20:03:51] <TehNut> Yeah which takes a lot longer than using different directories
L2017[20:04:17] <capitalthree> TehNut: hmm, but then I can't cherrypick between them :P
L2018[20:04:25] <capitalthree> might as well use different github projects then
L2019[20:04:29] <TehNut> wat
L2020[20:04:33] <capitalthree> so I *can* cherrypick between them
L2021[20:04:43] <tterrag> you can cherry pick between branches...
L2022[20:04:46] <TehNut> ^
L2023[20:04:51] <tterrag> that's...the whole point of cherrypicking
L2024[20:04:54] <TehNut> You don't need it all local to cherrypick >.>
L2025[20:05:08] <TehNut> It's still the same git repo, just a different directory locally
L2026[20:06:57] <capitalthree> oh
L2027[20:07:08] <capitalthree> you just mean keep the branches checked out to different directories
L2028[20:07:13] <TehNut> yes
L2029[20:07:15] <capitalthree> not different directories inside git
L2030[20:07:18] <TehNut> no
L2031[20:07:19] <capitalthree> ok nevermind silly me
L2032[20:07:22] <TehNut> ew god no
L2033[20:07:24] * capitalthree hides
L2034[20:07:29] <williewillus> wat
L2035[20:07:44] <thebookster> hey peoples, right now I'm just trying to make a new item and give it a texture, but the texture is not working at all
L2036[20:07:45] <thebookster> http://pastebin.com/DP0uX8Dh
L2037[20:08:00] <williewillus> do you have a json?
L2038[20:08:01] <tterrag> always wanted to take advantage of system cursors :P http://i.imgur.com/QpsyOj5.gifv
L2039[20:08:10] <tterrag> just a bit of digging, it's super easy (C++)
L2040[20:08:33] <tterrag> I don't really like the language as a whole so far, but I must admit that direct access to native code is nice :P
L2041[20:09:02] <tterrag> it's literally just SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_IBEAM));
L2042[20:09:12] <thebookster> williewillus: http://pastebin.com/vwRp4Md7
L2043[20:09:30] <Biochemic_> c++ is cool ^^
L2044[20:10:15] <williewillus> is it in the right folder?
L2045[20:10:20] <williewillus> / any errors in the log?
L2046[20:10:36] <tterrag> Biochemic_: cool in some areas :P
L2047[20:10:43] <tterrag> absolutely annoying as hell in a lot of others :D
L2048[20:11:00] <Biochemic_> true
L2049[20:11:14] <thebookster> woop, I found it
L2050[20:11:25] <williewillus> what was it?
L2051[20:11:29] <Biochemic_> c is also very nice, but only if you do stuff on hardware level
L2052[20:12:19] ⇦ Quits: Biochemic_ (~quassel@pD9E18AC3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L2054[20:13:15] <thebookster> I've been using Grey's MinecraftByExample to help, and it looks like I somehow added some of his code to mine
L2055[20:13:23] <thebookster> since it's looking for a texture under his code
L2056[20:14:06] <TehNut> Is your modid set to his?
L2057[20:14:09] ⇦ Quits: Lunatrius (~Lunatrius@cpe- (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L2058[20:14:17] <TehNut> That would cause it to look under his instead of yours
L2059[20:14:27] <TehNut> oh
L2060[20:14:28] <TehNut> You found it
L2061[20:14:37] <thebookster> it shouldn't be
L2062[20:14:56] <thebookster> now I'm trying to figure out why the hell it thinks it should look for his code
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L2064[20:15:24] <HassanS6000> !gm func_152612_a 1.7.10
L2065[20:15:49] <TehNut> Do you have the full code uploaded anywhere?
L2066[20:17:01] ⇨ Joins: Lunatrius (~Lunatrius@cpe-
L2067[20:17:13] <williewillus> do you have the modid wrong? :P
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L2069[20:19:42] <thebookster> no, I think I had the workspace wrong
L2070[20:19:50] <thebookster> I just reset the workspace
L2071[20:20:01] <thebookster> that error didn't come back, but still no texture :-(
L2072[20:21:37] <thebookster> if my texture is "spellbook.png" in the folder src/main/resources/assets/textures/items
L2073[20:21:58] <thebookster> then the .json should say "layer0": "scm:items/spellbook", right?
L2074[20:22:02] <williewillus> yeah that's not right
L2075[20:22:06] <williewillus> assets/MODID/textures
L2076[20:22:14] <williewillus> missing the middle folder there
L2077[20:22:19] <thebookster> sorry, mistypes
L2078[20:22:22] <thebookster> *mistyped
L2079[20:22:33] <thebookster> lemme copy from the file explorer
L2080[20:22:38] <williewillus> okay then that should be right
L2081[20:23:05] <thebookster> SpellCasting\src\main\resources\assets\scm\textures\items
L2082[20:23:41] <thebookster> modid is registered as "scm"
L2083[20:24:50] *** airbreather_ is now known as airbreather
L2084[20:26:02] <williewillus> umm are there errors in the log?
L2085[20:26:13] <thebookster> are these two lines right?
L2086[20:26:13] <thebookster> "ModelResourceLocation location = new ModelResourceLocation(item.getRegistryName(), "inventory");
L2087[20:26:13] <thebookster> ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(item, 0, location);"
L2088[20:26:35] <williewillus> it should be
L2089[20:27:36] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L2090[20:27:43] <thebookster> i don't see any errors in the log
L2091[20:29:23] <tterrag> if you have a missing texture there must be a missing texture error
L2092[20:30:07] <thebookster> what would the error look like specifically, so I can search for it?
L2093[20:30:17] <thebookster> searching for "missing" didn't get anything worthwhile
L2094[20:30:39] <Zaggy1024> mmhhh, LWJGL doesn't like the ByteBuffer I made from these strings
L2095[20:30:55] <TehNut> ByteBufUtils
L2096[20:31:21] <Zaggy1024> not what I needs
L2097[20:31:23] <Zaggy1024> *need
L2098[20:31:33] <Zaggy1024> I need a ByteBuffer from a string
L2099[20:31:53] <Zaggy1024> I used ByteBuffer.wrap() but that's apparently not what LWJGL likes for whatever reason
L2100[20:32:02] <Zaggy1024> it wants a "direct" ByteBuffer
L2101[20:32:12] <thebookster> I do sometimes get this error when I try to run minecraft through eclipse: Variable references empty selection: ${project_loc}
L2102[20:32:45] <diesieben07> why are you passing a string into lwjgl? o.O
L2103[20:33:01] ⇨ Joins: vox (~voxmods@pool-71-178-241-173.washdc.fios.verizon.net)
L2104[20:33:13] <vox> blocks in preInit, correct?
L2105[20:33:15] <diesieben07> byte[] bytes = "hello".getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8); ByteBuffer buf = BufferUtils.createByteBuffer(bytes.length); buf.put(bytes);
L2106[20:33:20] <diesieben07> Zaggy1024, ^
L2107[20:33:34] ⇨ Joins: Elucent (~elucent__@d47-69-239-56.col.wideopenwest.com)
L2108[20:33:36] <Zaggy1024> mmh, gross :P
L2109[20:33:52] <diesieben07> gross indeed, why are you doing this?
L2110[20:34:09] <Zaggy1024> compiling a very small GLSL shader
L2111[20:34:18] <diesieben07> Ah
L2112[20:34:24] <Zaggy1024> literally all it needs to do is multiply a color
L2113[20:34:31] <diesieben07> what method are you calling?
L2114[20:34:36] <Elucent> Question: when I spawn an EntitySkeleton into the world, do I have to do anything to initialize its AI? They're currently spawning without any.
L2115[20:34:44] <Zaggy1024> OpenGlHelper.glShaderSource
L2116[20:34:44] ⇦ Quits: Cojo (~Cojo@cpe-174-109-246-116.nc.res.rr.com) (Quit: If we wish to explore, if we wish to see what's over the next hill, wonders unfold before us; all we have to do is want it enough.)
L2117[20:34:54] <Zaggy1024> since that handles delegating it to either GL20 or ARB
L2118[20:34:58] ⇨ Joins: OscarXcorePhone (uid157529@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:4:2:6759)
L2119[20:35:29] <diesieben07> sec
L2120[20:35:30] <TehNut> Elucent: Call onInitialSpawn
L2121[20:35:39] <Elucent> thank you
L2122[20:36:11] <TehNut> pass World#getDifficultyForLocation(BlockPos) and null
L2123[20:36:17] <Elucent> ok
L2124[20:36:57] <diesieben07> Zaggy1024, apparently it wants ASCII, so use Charsets.US_ASCII
L2125[20:37:06] <Zaggy1024> ah.
L2126[20:37:32] <vox> Btw
L2127[20:37:34] <diesieben07> GL20.glShaderSource also supports just giving it a string
L2128[20:37:55] <vox> Block init in preInit and render init for those in init?
L2129[20:37:55] <diesieben07> and so does the ARB one
L2130[20:38:00] <diesieben07> both in init
L2131[20:38:10] <vox> okay, thanks
L2132[20:38:15] <diesieben07> preInit...
L2133[20:38:17] <diesieben07> what am i doing
L2134[20:38:20] <vox> lol
L2135[20:39:02] <vox> I had this working and now everything's broken x
L2136[20:39:04] <vox> xd
L2137[20:40:19] <thebookster> I'm getting this error, is it a problem?
L2138[20:40:19] <thebookster> "Couldn't look up profile properties for com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@47714556[id=7ef37f89-ec95-314c-ad83-8a71ac6e461c,name=Player962,properties={},legacy=false]
L2139[20:40:19] <thebookster> com.mojang.authlib.exceptions.AuthenticationException: The client has sent too many requests within a certain amount of time"
L2140[20:40:40] <vox> No, that's fine
L2141[20:40:49] <vox> dev env-related thing I think
L2142[20:40:49] <Zaggy1024> problem is OpenGlHelper.arbShaders isn't public so I can't do the String shader source call so easily
L2143[20:41:16] <diesieben07> just reflect it :P
L2144[20:41:51] <diesieben07> or do GLCOntext.getCapabilities().OpenGL21
L2145[20:41:59] <diesieben07> if that is true, use Gl20 otherwise arb
L2146[20:42:01] ⇦ Quits: Stiforr (~Stiforr@ip72-216-8-185.pn.at.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L2147[20:43:10] <thebookster> ugh, http://imgur.com/6F9hREd
L2148[20:43:45] <TehNut> Okay see, that's a missing model
L2149[20:43:47] <TehNut> Not a missing texture
L2150[20:43:52] <thebookster> ooooooooooooooh
L2151[20:44:05] <thebookster> why is that happening?
L2152[20:44:59] ⇦ Quits: Drullkus (~Dru11kus@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L2153[20:45:29] <thebookster> look earlier, I posted my ModelLoader code
L2154[20:46:12] <TehNut> Location of model file?
L2155[20:46:41] <TehNut> er, wait
L2156[20:46:52] <TehNut> is item/generated a thing? (as a model)
L2157[20:46:59] <TehNut> I thought there was only builtin/generated
L2158[20:47:06] <SkySom> 1.9 added those
L2159[20:47:17] <thebookster> that is copied from the vanilla book json
L2160[20:47:27] <TehNut> Ah
L2161[20:47:37] <thebookster> i just copied it and changed the layer0 line
L2162[20:47:47] <SkySom> There are now item models to extend so you don't have to do the display stuff anymore
L2163[20:48:14] <TehNut> I haven't used a model file in like 6 months
L2164[20:48:16] <TehNut> so i'unno
L2165[20:48:25] <TehNut> blockstate files for lief
L2166[20:48:31] <thebookster> lol
L2167[20:50:35] <Biochemic> https://cloudstorm.me/s/joOJLryJXzLul8r finally! it works :3
L2168[20:51:08] <thebookster> well that's a rocket
L2169[20:51:26] <Biochemic> yes, but it is spinning around pitch and yaw
L2170[20:52:07] <Biochemic> the point was to set the particle create position to that turbine output
L2171[20:52:11] <thebookster> so it's a crazy rocket
L2172[20:52:30] ⇨ Joins: gigaherz|work (~gigaherz@198.red-88-9-10.dynamicip.rima-tde.net)
L2173[20:52:44] <Biochemic> haha xD not really, its for testing purpses ^^
L2174[20:52:55] <thebookster> crazy good rocket
L2175[20:53:15] <Elucent> thebookster what code are you using to register your models?
L2176[20:53:24] <Biochemic> ^^
L2177[20:53:35] <thebookster> Elucent: http://pastebin.com/DP0uX8Dh
L2178[20:53:52] <vox> Ugh I totally forget how to write this en_US.lang file
L2179[20:53:57] <vox> o/ gigaherz
L2180[20:54:10] <Elucent> is the function that registers your models called during the preinit phase?
L2181[20:54:20] <TehNut> ^
L2182[20:54:25] <TehNut> wait why is that class extending Item
L2183[20:54:32] <TehNut> completely unrelated, I'm just curious
L2184[20:55:12] <thebookster> Elucent: yes, I added system.out.println's to check
L2185[20:55:23] <thebookster> both RegisterRender and RegisterRenders are being called
L2186[20:55:32] <vox> Should I have resources/modname or resources/assets/modname?
L2187[20:55:45] <thebookster> i'm told the latter
L2188[20:55:49] <Biochemic> second one
L2189[20:56:05] ⇦ Quits: gigaherz|work (~gigaherz@198.red-88-9-10.dynamicip.rima-tde.net) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L2190[20:56:07] <vox> Huh, either the MDK version I started with was effed up or IDEA effed it up
L2191[20:56:09] <thebookster> TehNut: i don't know
L2192[20:56:19] <Elucent> sure they're called, but do you call them in a function that subscribes to FMLPreInitializationEvent?
L2193[20:57:10] <TehNut> ^
L2194[20:57:12] <capitalthree> ok I think I have it compiling for 1.7.10 :D
L2195[20:57:20] <capitalthree> err
L2196[20:57:21] <capitalthree> 1.8.9
L2197[20:57:21] <thebookster> Elucent: I don't know
L2198[20:57:28] <capitalthree> and yes the problem was that I wasn't even actually compiling anything
L2199[20:57:29] <thebookster> I'm really new to modding and Java
L2200[20:57:32] <Elucent> can you paste your main mod class?
L2201[20:57:36] <Biochemic> vox: in eclipse it is src/main/resources/assets/modID/...
L2202[20:57:43] <capitalthree> GameRegistry seemed gone so I used getNameForObject(item)?.resourceDomain
L2203[20:57:45] <Biochemic> idk if it is the same in IDEA
L2204[20:57:47] <vox> yeah that's correct
L2205[20:58:01] <TehNut> capitalthree: thing.getRegistryName()
L2206[20:58:05] <vox> I'm either going insane or this got changed by... something at some point :P
L2207[20:58:08] <vox> or both
L2208[20:58:09] <capitalthree> oh haha thanks TehNut
L2209[20:58:21] <TehNut> No reason to look it up when the object stores it
L2210[20:58:32] <vox> What's the default block model? builtins/generated?
L2211[20:58:52] <capitalthree> TehNut: wait but that returns string :P
L2212[20:59:28] <TehNut> it most definitely does not
L2213[20:59:30] <capitalthree> but I can just split on colon, right? am I guaranteed to get a namespaced name?
L2214[20:59:33] <capitalthree> huh?
L2215[20:59:35] <capitalthree> for 1.8.9?
L2216[20:59:41] <TehNut> It returns a ResourceLocation
L2217[20:59:50] <capitalthree> public final String getRegistryName() {
L2218[21:00:02] <Elucent> String and ResourceLocation are kinda interchangeable in that case
L2219[21:00:08] <Biochemic> yupp it should be "builtin/generated"
L2220[21:00:10] <capitalthree> that's from the 1.8.9 1722 jar
L2221[21:00:11] <thebookster> Elucent: http://pastebin.com/q6Xga61u
L2222[21:00:12] <Elucent> just use getRegistryName(), it works
L2223[21:00:20] <TehNut> Oh, it is a String in 1.8
L2224[21:00:36] <TehNut> It'll always be formatted as a ResourceLocation
L2225[21:00:39] <Elucent> thebookster you have your proxy.registerRenders(); function in the init function
L2226[21:00:44] <capitalthree> can i make a ResourceLocation from the String?
L2227[21:00:46] <Elucent> if it's not in the pre-init function it will crash
L2228[21:00:55] <Elucent> well, not crash, but fail to load the models
L2229[21:01:01] <TehNut> It actually just returns ResourceLocation#toString()
L2230[21:01:07] <capitalthree> yesss ResourceLocation(item.registryName).resourceDomain
L2231[21:01:08] <TehNut> capitalthree: new ResourceLocation(String)
L2232[21:01:09] <capitalthree> this worked
L2233[21:01:24] <thebookster> really? well that would do it
L2234[21:01:29] <thebookster> testing now
L2235[21:01:32] <capitalthree> kotlin is making it slightly prettier
L2236[21:01:36] <capitalthree> :P
L2237[21:01:54] <TehNut> well, you're entitled to your opinion ;)
L2238[21:01:59] <thebookster> ok, why do I keep getting this error? "Variable references empty selection: ${project_loc}"
L2239[21:02:06] <Elucent> click in the code window, then click run
L2240[21:02:07] <capitalthree> ok. kotlin is making it slightly different looking!
L2241[21:02:09] <capitalthree> this is an indisputable fact
L2242[21:02:11] <thebookster> hah, whoops
L2243[21:02:18] <TehNut> there ya go
L2244[21:02:31] <thebookster> so what do you do in init()?
L2245[21:02:31] <Elucent> on an unrelated note, is there an easy way to make a mob not drop items or XP?
L2246[21:02:41] <capitalthree> and getResourceDomain() was a simple getter anyways :P
L2247[21:02:44] <TehNut> There's events for both
L2248[21:02:51] <capitalthree> a simple getter of a final String o_o
L2249[21:02:52] <capitalthree> why even
L2250[21:03:04] <TehNut> The field is private in 1.9
L2251[21:03:12] <capitalthree> and protected in 1.8
L2252[21:03:12] <TehNut> IIRC
L2253[21:03:18] <Elucent> thebookster depends on the project, maybe something that iterates through the loaded items or loaded item models
L2254[21:03:29] <capitalthree> why protected/private final immutable value with a public simple getter?
L2255[21:03:33] <thebookster> ah
L2256[21:03:37] ⇨ Joins: Upthorn (~ogmar@108-85-88-44.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net)
L2257[21:03:44] <capitalthree> could just make it... public
L2258[21:03:51] <diesieben07> Nope
L2259[21:03:58] <diesieben07> public field != getter & setter
L2260[21:04:07] <capitalthree> there is no setter, it's FINAL AND IMMUTABLE
L2261[21:04:07] <thebookster> yesss!!!! thank you so much everyone! http://imgur.com/qTEohTd
L2262[21:04:14] <diesieben07> getter & setter is future proof. you can change them to do whatever the fuck you want in the future
L2263[21:04:16] <diesieben07> without breaking the API
L2264[21:04:20] <diesieben07> cannot do that wwith a field
L2265[21:04:23] <thebookster> almost literally the simplest and most basic step in modding, and I did it
L2266[21:04:28] <TehNut> that looks like a burger patty with ketchup on top and cheese underneath
L2267[21:04:28] <thebookster> after like 2 days
L2268[21:04:46] <capitalthree> well with kotlin you can change a public member to a getter/setter in the future at any time without breaking compatibility, because kotlin automatically proxies all member accesses to getters and setters :P
L2269[21:04:47] <thebookster> thanks TehNut, it's supposed to look like an old and blood-spattered(maybe) spellbook
L2270[21:04:53] <thebookster> but that works too
L2271[21:04:53] <TehNut> :D
L2272[21:04:57] <diesieben07> well, yeah
L2273[21:04:57] ⇨ Joins: Lunatrius` (~Lunatrius@cpe-
L2274[21:04:58] <capitalthree> which means you can write your code pretty and add complexity later, only if you need it
L2275[21:05:02] <diesieben07> kotlin != java
L2276[21:05:04] <capitalthree> so *shrug* some people like that sorta thing I guess
L2277[21:05:04] <thebookster> I'm also the furthest thing from an artist
L2278[21:05:05] ⇦ Quits: Biochemic (~quassel@pd9e18ac3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2279[21:05:17] <TehNut> Don't worry, me too
L2280[21:05:31] <TehNut> I have an artist friend who does all my textures for me
L2281[21:05:33] <thebookster> alright, see you guys later!
L2282[21:05:37] ⇦ Quits: thebookster (~thebookst@pool-71-182-231-84.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Talk to you later!)
L2283[21:05:37] ⇦ Quits: Lunatrius (~Lunatrius@cpe- (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L2284[21:05:42] <capitalthree> but seriously ResourceLocation is basically an immutable struct with convenience methods
L2285[21:05:55] <capitalthree> I can't imagine the implementation changing so that it needs mutable members
L2286[21:05:56] *** Lunatrius` is now known as Lunatrius
L2287[21:06:32] <diesieben07> so you think you can be clever and spare the getter
L2288[21:06:40] <diesieben07> and clever programming is the opposite of good.
L2289[21:07:03] <Elucent> is there a way to prevent mobs from dropping their drops?
L2290[21:07:10] <capitalthree> I think that it's actually cleaner if you make a habit of creating immutable structs that just have public members
L2291[21:07:12] <TehNut> Use the event
L2292[21:07:13] <tterrag> LivingDropsEvent
L2293[21:07:14] <Elucent> not all mobs, just certain ones i spawn
L2294[21:07:19] <capitalthree> so that you *don't* tempt yourself to go be "clever" and futz with the underlying implementation
L2295[21:07:24] <tterrag> tag them with an NBT flag
L2296[21:07:29] <tterrag> or IEEP or capability or whatever
L2297[21:07:32] <TehNut> ^
L2298[21:07:32] <capitalthree> when literally all it does is hold 2 strings and host a bunch of methods on them, two of which are simple getters
L2299[21:07:43] <diesieben07> well in the future it might NOT be that.
L2300[21:07:46] <Elucent> the NBT flag will save and load okay?
L2301[21:07:54] <capitalthree> diesieben07: who's trying to be clever now?
L2302[21:07:57] <diesieben07> so then all your users have to recompile and rewrite their code
L2303[21:08:08] <TehNut> Elucent: I use NBT to distinguish mobs in Soul Shards. It works just fine
L2304[21:08:13] <capitalthree> I'm saying it should just be that. it's a struct with convenience methods. if you need to do some weird stuff that's going to add complexity, you can make a wrapper for the struct
L2305[21:08:14] <tterrag> uhh
L2306[21:08:18] <Elucent> good to know
L2307[21:08:21] <tterrag> no custom entity data does NOT persist
L2308[21:08:26] <tterrag> TehNut: you might want to change that
L2309[21:08:35] <TehNut> huh.. i never noticed an issue
L2310[21:08:45] <diesieben07> capitalthree, just saying, this has been established for YEARS in oop. encapsulation is important, for a reason.
L2311[21:08:47] <capitalthree> diesieben07: users currently write their code assuming that ResourceLocation instances are immutable, because currently they are
L2312[21:08:53] <capitalthree> diesieben07: so if you change that assumption *you* are gonna break all their code
L2313[21:08:58] <tterrag> actually
L2314[21:09:02] <tterrag> it looks like it is saved
L2315[21:09:04] <capitalthree> and it's gonna be worse than just a compile error. it will be unspecified behavior
L2316[21:09:05] <diesieben07> i did not say anythihg about immutability
L2317[21:09:06] <tterrag> is that new in 1.8+?
L2318[21:09:17] * tterrag switches to 1.7 workspace
L2319[21:09:32] <capitalthree> diesieben07: if it's immutable, then it will always return the same two strings for those simple getters. therefore, it can simply have public final references to those strings.
L2320[21:09:36] <capitalthree> this is simple logic
L2321[21:09:41] <Elucent> wait, probably stupid question: how do i add an nbt tag to something like an EntitySkeleton? there's no .getTagCompound() or anything
L2322[21:09:42] <diesieben07> No it cannot
L2323[21:09:50] <diesieben07> it might be a delegate that is lazily initalized
L2324[21:09:56] <diesieben07> still immutable, still the same value always
L2325[21:10:06] <tterrag> capitalthree: say I extend your mystery object, and I want to have foo be a different value depending on some internal state
L2326[21:10:06] <capitalthree> hm, that's actually a good point
L2327[21:10:09] <diesieben07> just the first thing taht comes to mind
L2328[21:10:10] <capitalthree> that would be a really weird thing to do
L2329[21:10:13] <tterrag> but uh oh, it's final...
L2330[21:10:14] <capitalthree> but you're right, it could be that :P
L2331[21:10:45] <capitalthree> tterrag: it's *already* final
L2332[21:11:03] <capitalthree> tterrag: so in current form, you have to add new variables, make the old ones null, and @Override every damned function in there :P
L2333[21:11:04] <tterrag> actually it looks like custom entity data was always saved
L2334[21:11:06] <tterrag> hm...where'd I get that idea
L2335[21:11:13] <tterrag> capitalthree: what??
L2336[21:11:24] <capitalthree> public class ResourceLocation { protected final String resourceDomain; protected final String resourcePath;
L2337[21:11:44] <tterrag> TehNut: oh I remember. custom entity data doesn't save across player respawns. but it DOES persist through save/load
L2338[21:11:47] <tterrag> Elucent: ^
L2339[21:11:51] <tterrag> and you want getEntityData()
L2340[21:11:53] <TehNut> Oh okay
L2341[21:12:01] <Elucent> thanks
L2342[21:12:11] <diesieben07> getEntityData sucks...
L2343[21:12:13] <tterrag> capitalthree: assuming that RL properly uses its own getters, I could extend and override
L2344[21:12:23] <tterrag> and change the behavior of getResourceXXX
L2345[21:12:26] <tterrag> with field access I could not
L2346[21:12:44] ⇨ Joins: Drullkus (~Dru11kus@c-67-180-188-243.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L2347[21:12:54] <capitalthree> oh well
L2348[21:12:55] <tterrag> diesieben07: for a simple boolean flag?
L2349[21:12:59] <tterrag> what else is there?
L2350[21:13:02] <tterrag> a whole cap just for that?
L2351[21:13:04] <capitalthree> if only all mods were in kotlin, you could do it anyways :P
L2352[21:13:30] <diesieben07> oh for that, i guess then its ok
L2353[21:13:34] <capitalthree> I guess it's fitting that kotlin lets me pretend away the design patterns that java makes necessary
L2354[21:13:44] <diesieben07> thats what it was designed for,
L2355[21:13:58] <tterrag> yeah I don't really like that. there may be a good reason I DIDN'T write a getter
L2356[21:14:04] <tterrag> but kotlin just assumes I wanted on
L2357[21:14:17] <diesieben07> it optimizes it away for where its redundant
L2358[21:14:18] <tterrag> I like to choose what my code does, not have it be decided for me
L2359[21:14:22] <diesieben07> i.e. private fields
L2360[21:14:27] <tterrag> obviously
L2361[21:14:31] <diesieben07> and the code beahves the same
L2362[21:14:40] <diesieben07> getters are 99% of the tiem just inlined
L2363[21:14:43] ⇨ Joins: Stiforr (~Stiforr@ip72-216-8-185.pn.at.cox.net)
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L2365[21:17:02] <Elucent> it doesn't look like there's a way to prevent mobs from dropping XP
L2366[21:17:41] <diesieben07> LivingExperienceDropEvent
L2367[21:17:53] <Elucent> that's a thing?
L2368[21:18:07] <Elucent> i guess my main source of information is the online forge event reference
L2369[21:18:16] <diesieben07> yes it is.
L2370[21:18:29] <capitalthree> e: /home/alex/LingeringLoot-1.8/src/main/kotlin/lingerloot/LingeringLoot.kt: (69, 29): org.jetbrains.kotlin.codegen.CompilationException: Back-end (JVM) Internal error: Error type encountered: ('[ERROR : Unresolved java classifier: uz]'..'[Not-computed]') (DelegatingFlexibleType).
L2371[21:18:34] * capitalthree cries
L2372[21:18:35] <capitalthree> I'm in over my head
L2373[21:18:41] ⇦ Quits: Vazkii (~Vazkii@a79-169-163-74.cpe.netcabo.pt) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L2374[21:18:43] <Elucent> well that solves things
L2375[21:18:54] ⇦ Quits: Techno (~quassel@cpe-66-67-5-87.rochester.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
L2376[21:18:57] <capitalthree> tterrag: if you didn't write a getter, then kotlin will just use the regular member access :P
L2377[21:19:13] <tterrag> that's not backwards compatible...
L2378[21:19:20] <tterrag> you're saying the getter only exists if I use it?
L2379[21:19:36] <capitalthree> I'm saying if you write the getter, then it overrides the member access
L2380[21:19:42] <capitalthree> and if you write member access, it's overridden by getters
L2381[21:19:47] ⇨ Joins: Synergiance (~syn@lsv1.synerfiles.info)
L2382[21:19:57] <tterrag> so foo.bar is automatically compiled to foo.getBar() if such a thing exists?
L2383[21:19:57] <capitalthree> so the long and short of it is, you don't have to plan ahead for whether you will need a getter or direct member access
L2384[21:20:25] <capitalthree> I don't know the exact implementation details
L2385[21:20:31] <capitalthree> but basically
L2386[21:20:35] <capitalthree> but it's not just at compile time
L2387[21:20:38] <diesieben07> if you write a field in kotlin, it is encapsulated.
L2388[21:20:40] <diesieben07> period.
L2389[21:20:41] <capitalthree> you can compile against a simple member access
L2390[21:20:48] <tterrag> yeah
L2391[21:20:51] <tterrag> that's annoying, diesieben07
L2392[21:20:54] <diesieben07> why
L2393[21:20:58] <diesieben07> you do not notice it.
L2394[21:20:59] <capitalthree> and then later run it against a .class file that has a getter for that member, and it will use that
L2395[21:21:02] <capitalthree> if I'm not mistaken
L2396[21:21:02] <tterrag> because it's thinking for me
L2397[21:21:10] <diesieben07> no it is not thinking
L2398[21:21:13] <tterrag> even if it's "bad" I may have a reason for actual field access
L2399[21:21:19] <diesieben07> it is simply using a different compilation strategy
L2400[21:21:25] <diesieben07> what reason would that be?
L2401[21:21:30] <capitalthree> it's not really doing any thinking
L2402[21:21:37] <diesieben07> the thing is, kotlin does not have fields
L2403[21:21:39] <diesieben07> it has properties
L2404[21:21:55] <capitalthree> that sounds like semantics :P
L2405[21:22:08] <diesieben07> well, not really
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L2407[21:22:16] <diesieben07> you can make properies that dont have backing field
L2408[21:22:30] <diesieben07> that look like a field when accessed but really do... whatever
L2409[21:22:36] <diesieben07> e.g. you can make a field that points to a Map entry
L2410[21:22:40] <diesieben07> "field"
L2411[21:23:58] <capitalthree> basically all this means is, when you write something in kotlin that looks like member access, *if* there is a getter matching it, it rewrites it to that
L2412[21:24:19] <diesieben07> thats the *access* side, yes
L2413[21:24:27] <capitalthree> that way your code is slightly shorter because even if you *did* write a getter, there is no "get" and no "()"
L2414[21:24:31] <diesieben07> we were talking abotu the defining side, where you define the field
L2415[21:24:46] <capitalthree> and more importantly, if the other program changes between using a getter or direct member access, your code requires no change
L2416[21:25:02] <capitalthree> it changes nothing at all for the defining side
L2417[21:25:07] <capitalthree> it's completely up to the coder what to do on the defining side
L2418[21:25:13] <diesieben07> yes.
L2419[21:25:17] <capitalthree> :)
L2420[21:28:03] <capitalthree> diesieben07: so you like scala?
L2421[21:28:16] <diesieben07> Not particularly, why?
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L2423[21:28:30] <diesieben07> i do kinda like it but there are some things that irk me about it and why i do not use it
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L2427[21:33:40] <capitalthree> diesieben07: oops I keep confusing them in my head. do you like kotlin?
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L2429[21:34:06] <capitalthree> also this is driving me nuts. the compile error I'm having now seems to have to do with the reobfuscation
L2430[21:34:06] <diesieben07> yes i do very much
L2431[21:34:13] <diesieben07> still havent used it for a project yet tough
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L2433[21:34:53] <capitalthree> want to see my silly little kotlin minecraft mod?
L2434[21:34:56] <capitalthree> if you haven't already
L2435[21:35:51] <capitalthree> https://github.com/alexbobp/LingeringLoot/blob/master/src/main/kotlin/lingerloot/LingeringLoot.kt
L2436[21:36:19] <TehNut> ew
L2437[21:36:27] <TehNut> :p
L2438[21:37:02] <capitalthree> haha
L2439[21:37:06] <capitalthree> TehNut: what do you hate the most about it?
L2440[21:37:14] <capitalthree> I tried to make it nice :o
L2441[21:37:23] <TehNut> Mostly that I'm not used to it
L2442[21:37:44] <diesieben07> what i really like about kotlin is their conventions
L2443[21:37:51] <TehNut> Tbh, I find almost anything other than plain ole' Java to be ew
L2444[21:37:52] <diesieben07> x in y just means y.contains(x)
L2445[21:38:00] <diesieben07> no matter where that contains comes from
L2446[21:38:05] <diesieben07> things like that
L2447[21:38:42] <capitalthree> I don't understand wtf is going on with these compile errors
L2448[21:38:42] <diesieben07> it does operator overloading in a very nice way, too
L2449[21:38:51] <capitalthree> can I *not* use the kotlin adapter, and still shade the kotlin stdlib?
L2450[21:39:19] <TehNut> The Kotlin adapter is to allow Forge to construct your mod
L2451[21:39:20] <capitalthree> TehNut: that seems to be it for most people. I promise though, it's actually really simple to learn the differences from java and kotlin
L2452[21:39:31] <capitalthree> why can't forge construct it anyways?
L2453[21:39:37] <capitalthree> java can handle kotlin objects
L2454[21:39:50] <capitalthree> it worked fine in 1.7.10
L2455[21:40:35] <capitalthree> diesieben07: what I like most in kotlin is ? ?. and ?:
L2456[21:40:41] <capitalthree> null is the devil
L2457[21:41:00] <diesieben07> yeah that is nice
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L2462[21:44:27] <diesieben07> oh and of course extension functions, absolutely lovely
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L2465[21:45:07] <capitalthree> -rw-r--r-- 1 alex alex 896K May 12 21:43 build/libs/LingeringLoot-1.0.jar
L2466[21:45:10] <capitalthree> yesss
L2467[21:45:14] <capitalthree> 1) it's a build, and maybe even works
L2468[21:45:27] <capitalthree> 2) based on the filesize it at least stuck something in there, which is possibly successful shading!
L2469[21:45:38] <capitalthree> this is after ditching the kotlin adapter
L2470[21:45:44] <capitalthree> gonna test
L2471[21:46:05] <capitalthree> if nothing else I can give the kotlin adapter's README.md partial credit for teaching me how to shade
L2472[21:48:50] <Zaggy1024> hmm, in a shader, is there a way to get the color from the bound texture? or are shaders just not made for that?
L2473[21:49:03] <Zaggy1024> do I have to give it a sampler2d?
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L2477[22:03:04] <Elucent> I haven't touched shaders in modding yet, but in GLSL you need a sampler2D as the bound texture
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L2479[22:04:00] <Elucent> then you can use texture(<sampler2D variable name>, texCoords) in your fragment shader to get the color of the texture at those texture coordinates
L2480[22:04:06] <Zaggy1024> for some reason when I recompile my shader, it causes the uniform I'm using to multiply the color to not be found...
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L2482[22:05:03] <Elucent> as in the shader can't find a value for that uniform?
L2483[22:05:25] <Zaggy1024> no, LWJGL isn't finding the uniform to set values for
L2484[22:05:48] <Zaggy1024> it finds it the first time, but AFAICT it stops working the second compile
L2485[22:06:22] <Zaggy1024> it just returns -1
L2486[22:06:32] <capitalthree> diesieben07: anyways if you wanna try making a kotlin mod, at least now you can look at my build.gradle for the basics
L2487[22:06:42] <capitalthree> diesieben07: lemme know if you want a link
L2488[22:06:48] <Elucent> by finding the uniform, do you mean in something like a glGetUniformLocation call?
L2489[22:06:58] <Zaggy1024> yeah
L2490[22:07:03] <Elucent> weird
L2491[22:07:22] <Zaggy1024> is it bad to call that when the program is linked rather than right when I'm rendering?
L2492[22:07:45] <Zaggy1024> I'm trying to cache crap to make it not waste time, but maybe that's breaking it?
L2493[22:07:57] <Elucent> you could try it the other way and see if it fixes things
L2494[22:08:27] <Elucent> i'm honestly not sure, LWJGL could be doing some stuff behind-the-scenes that i don't know about, and my shader experience is mostly for OpenGL 3.3+
L2495[22:09:01] <Zaggy1024> dang it
L2496[22:09:10] <Zaggy1024> even when calling getUniform in rendering it's still -1
L2497[22:09:33] <Zaggy1024> and as far as I know the shaders are compiling fine
L2498[22:10:05] *** Vigaro is now known as V
L2499[22:10:42] <Elucent> could i see your source code? i can't promise i'll know if something's wrong, but i can try
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L2501[22:12:03] <Zaggy1024> just a minute, I'm trying to get some better error messages
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L2503[22:15:32] <Zaggy1024> Elucent, http://pastebin.com/zq967jpN
L2504[22:15:38] <Zaggy1024> that's the setup code
L2505[22:16:12] <Zaggy1024> no errors except not finding the uniform
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L2508[22:18:58] <Zaggy1024> it seems to be failing hte first compile too, now, which is fun :)
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L2512[22:20:44] <Elucent> oh, i think i *might* see the problem
L2513[22:21:09] <Elucent> im not 100% sure about this, but i think you're having errors since you define colorMult twice in your program
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L2515[22:23:08] <Zaggy1024> I just tried removing it from the fragment shader and it's still erroring :\
L2516[22:23:35] <Elucent> yeah, i was wrong, just checked
L2517[22:23:46] <tterrag> Zaggy1024: you don't have your #version
L2518[22:24:00] <tterrag> pretty sure that's required on a shader
L2519[22:24:31] <Elucent> worth a try
L2520[22:25:20] <tterrag> add #version 200 core
L2521[22:25:32] <tterrag> or whatever min version you need
L2522[22:26:16] <Zaggy1024> I probably only need the absolute minimum possible version with ARB shaders or whatever :P
L2523[22:26:27] <Zaggy1024> would that be #version 110?
L2524[22:26:44] <tterrag> "If a #version directive does not appear at the top, then it assumes 1.10, which is almost certainly not what you want."
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L2526[22:27:51] <Elucent> im not sure if it would change anything tbh, IIRC all the classes Zaggy is using are valid in 1.10
L2527[22:28:13] <Zaggy1024> is anything more than 1.10 really necessary to just take a sampler and a color multiplier and apply them to the frag?
L2528[22:28:22] <tterrag> probably not
L2529[22:31:00] <capitalthree> is there any downside to joining the "curse rewards program"?
L2530[22:31:17] <capitalthree> will it mean more ads are shown on my mod's page?
L2531[22:31:33] <tterrag> no
L2532[22:31:39] <tterrag> nothing changes, other than you getting points
L2533[22:31:45] <tterrag> that I know of
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L2536[22:34:24] <tterrag> LOL I removed some ridiculously bloated obj files https://github.com/tterrag1098/COSC482/commit/8c5271737cc529718e2ecea53b95ca38fb1a6ae3
L2537[22:34:28] <Zaggy1024> nothing different with #version 110 :\
L2538[22:34:28] <tterrag> check the deletions count
L2539[22:34:37] <tterrag> >1,153,755 deletions.
L2540[22:34:41] <Zaggy1024> 0.0
L2541[22:35:15] <Elucent> zaggy did you say you were getting compile errors on the vertex shader?
L2542[22:36:58] <Elucent> also maybe try using glUseProgram(cloudShaderProg) before the glGetUniformLocation?
L2543[22:37:09] <Elucent> i gtg to bed, sorry i couldnt help much :/
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L2546[22:39:00] <tterrag> yeah that's probably necessary
L2547[22:40:18] <TehNut> tterrag: wtf
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L2549[22:44:11] <tterrag> TehNut: :D
L2550[22:45:54] <Zaggy1024> nah, it doesn't fix it to glUseProgram
L2551[22:46:11] <Zaggy1024> it was working a long while ago but I don't know what I did to break it...
L2552[22:48:22] <Zaggy1024> or at least I think it was working. lol
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L2554[22:53:41] <capitalthree> tterrag: cool thanks
L2555[22:55:33] <tterrag> Zaggy1024: what is source() ?
L2556[22:56:27] <tterrag> nvm
L2557[22:56:30] <tterrag> lol
L2558[22:58:01] <tterrag> Zaggy1024: you should delete the shaders after linking btw
L2559[22:58:07] ⇦ Quits: Benimatic (~Benimatic@cblmdm72-241-108-184.buckeyecom.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L2560[22:58:44] <tterrag> that's probably not the issue
L2561[22:58:47] <tterrag> what exactly is happening?
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L2566[23:02:24] <Zaggy1024> oh, I didn't know you *could* delete the shaders after linking...
L2567[23:02:52] <Zaggy1024> what's happening is it's just returning -1 from glGetUniformLocation
L2568[23:03:01] <tterrag> uhhh
L2569[23:03:44] <tterrag> weird
L2570[23:03:49] <tterrag> you definitely need to glUseprogram first though
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L2572[23:04:33] <tterrag> I do this directly after linking though https://github.com/tterrag1098/COSC482/blob/master/3D%20Project/src/render/GraphicsEngine.cpp#L45-L46
L2573[23:04:35] <tterrag> works fine
L2574[23:06:37] <tterrag> Zaggy1024:
L2575[23:07:01] <Zaggy1024> hm
L2576[23:07:27] <Zaggy1024> Minecraft's ShaderManager doesn't use the shader before getting the uniforms from what I can see
L2577[23:08:09] <tterrag> maybe I'm thinking of glUniform
L2578[23:08:29] <tterrag> what happens when you use the shaders though?
L2579[23:10:58] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L2580[23:12:50] <Zaggy1024> "GL ERROR" "Invalid value"
L2581[23:13:05] <williewillus> are you investigating vanilla's shader loader sys?
L2582[23:13:12] <Zaggy1024> not sure what the heck it's talking about, I'm not setting the uniform
L2583[23:13:15] <Zaggy1024> no
L2584[23:13:32] <tterrag> print out GL errors after every line
L2585[23:13:35] <tterrag> see what's actually causing it
L2586[23:13:41] <tterrag> then look up the API page on the method to see what throws taht error
L2587[23:15:45] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L2588[23:16:12] <killjoy> !versions
L2589[23:16:39] * killjoy waits patiently for 1.9.4 mappings
L2590[23:22:16] <capitalthree> tterrag: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/lingering-loot
L2591[23:22:26] <capitalthree> look I feel like a real member of the modding community now :D
L2592[23:22:30] <capitalthree> I have a thing with a page and stuff
L2593[23:22:35] <capitalthree> nevermind that it's like 100 lines of code xD
L2594[23:23:25] <tterrag> you didn't set up all the options on the CF Page :P
L2595[23:24:15] <PitchBright> oh that looks cool capitalthree
L2596[23:24:16] <tterrag> that always irks me when an opensource mod doesn't have a link to the source
L2597[23:24:20] <tterrag> otherwise, nice page :P
L2598[23:24:29] <PitchBright> gonna make a 1.7.10 version? :)
L2599[23:24:40] <Zaggy1024> ah, got it to run the shader
L2600[23:24:40] <capitalthree> PitchBright: thanks :D
L2601[23:24:45] <Zaggy1024> still no colorMult uniform though
L2602[23:24:57] <Zaggy1024> even with it set to use the shader when looking for hte uniform
L2603[23:24:58] <capitalthree> PitchBright: I actually made a 1.7.10 version first. what I'm trying to do before I upload to curse is make it shade the kotlin libraries so you don't have to put them in your mods folder
L2604[23:25:15] <capitalthree> tterrag: sorry. fwiw I have a link to the source, just in the wrong place :P
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L2606[23:25:18] <capitalthree> I will fix it
L2607[23:25:49] <tterrag> Zaggy1024: I only have experience with shaders in modern GL so idk what is different
L2608[23:25:52] <PitchBright> awesome… i'll sub to that curse page and look forward to the 1.7.10 vers
L2609[23:25:52] <PitchBright> :D
L2610[23:25:55] <tterrag> but to me, it looks like what you have should work
L2611[23:26:14] <capitalthree> tterrag: fixed
L2612[23:26:47] <Zaggy1024> yeah, and annoyingly, all the shader setup calls in vanilla are split up between many different (and confusing) classes so it's pretty difficult to figure out if something is missing
L2613[23:26:50] <capitalthree> PitchBright: do you like the dumb logo I made in 3 minutes? :D
L2614[23:27:06] <tterrag> Zaggy1024: well having to constantly check if you can even use GL2 is annoying :P
L2615[23:27:10] <PitchBright> haha… it's clever
L2616[23:27:15] <capitalthree> thanks ^_^
L2617[23:27:17] <tterrag> (honestly you could probably just use GL2 because honestly who plays modded on a computer that only uses GL1)
L2618[23:27:40] <Zaggy1024> heh
L2619[23:27:59] <tterrag> 2.0 is TWELVE years old
L2620[23:27:59] <Zaggy1024> well what I'm testing it on should only be using GL2 so I don't know if it matters
L2621[23:29:41] <tterrag> also why do you check caps for GL21 when glShaderSource is GL20 ?
L2622[23:29:44] <tterrag> https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man/html/glShaderSource.xhtml
L2623[23:31:08] <Zaggy1024> because vanilla checks for GL21 :P
L2624[23:31:32] <tterrag> strange
L2625[23:31:34] <Zaggy1024> I don't want to use GL20 if vanilla isn't
L2626[23:31:36] <tterrag> it must make use of GL21 stuff somewhere
L2627[23:31:41] <Zaggy1024> I suppose it must
L2628[23:31:44] <Zaggy1024> I haven't seen any though
L2629[23:32:14] <tterrag> non-square matrices perhaps? pixel buffers? sRGB textures? that's really all it added :P
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L2632[23:36:24] <williewillus> its amazing how old mc rendering tech is to support all the people that try to run it on toasters :P
L2633[23:36:37] <tterrag> Zaggy1024: might want to try glValidateProgram
L2634[23:36:39] <tterrag> idk though
L2635[23:37:10] <tterrag> toasters run legacy GL better than new stuff, taking away the fact that obviously the hardware is better
L2636[23:37:16] <Zaggy1024> how do I tell if that found an issue?
L2637[23:37:19] <tterrag> all newer GPUs just emulate legacy, which is an overhead
L2638[23:37:24] <Zaggy1024> will it be in GL_LINK_STATUS?
L2639[23:37:50] <tterrag> no
L2640[23:37:55] <Zaggy1024> er, or some other property of the program, I guess?
L2641[23:38:05] <tterrag> I believe it's GL_OBJECT_VALIDATE_STATUS
L2642[23:38:44] <Zaggy1024> ah, I have to call it before rendering?
L2643[23:39:04] <tterrag> you'd call it right after linking
L2644[23:39:30] <capitalthree> is it possible to shade libraries in 1.7.10?
L2645[23:39:42] <Zaggy1024> I saw "glValidateProgram checks to see
L2646[23:39:42] <Zaggy1024> whether the executables contained in
L2647[23:39:42] <Zaggy1024> program can execute given the current
L2648[23:39:42] <Zaggy1024> OpenGL state"
L2649[23:39:45] <Zaggy1024> whoops
L2650[23:39:52] <Zaggy1024> didn't mean to paste newlines >.<
L2651[23:40:07] <Zaggy1024> anyway, I assumed that meant that I should call it before rendering to check the state that I'm using
L2652[23:40:43] <tterrag> capitalthree: of course? it's not any different
L2653[23:43:24] <Zaggy1024> validate passes
L2654[23:43:59] <tterrag> yeah figured
L2655[23:44:01] <tterrag> idk .-.
L2656[23:44:10] <Zaggy1024> hmmm...
L2657[23:44:21] <Zaggy1024> dagnabbit
L2658[23:44:36] <Zaggy1024> seems the variable was being optimized out...
L2659[23:44:39] <tterrag> wat
L2660[23:44:54] <tterrag> it's a member field isn't it?
L2661[23:45:10] <Zaggy1024> because I was testing setting the color to vec4(0, 0, 1, 1)
L2662[23:45:25] <Zaggy1024> makes sense to remove the uniform, but still...that's dang annoying
L2663[23:45:33] <tterrag> ahaha
L2664[23:45:35] <tterrag> I see
L2665[23:45:43] <tterrag> didn't even consider that
L2666[23:45:48] <tterrag> but yeah, that's definitely it
L2667[23:46:42] <capitalthree> tterrag: it totally is different but I found the docs :D
L2668[23:46:43] <Zaggy1024> took me enough time to figure that out
L2669[23:46:48] <capitalthree> srgExtra "PK: ...
L2670[23:46:56] <tterrag> no
L2671[23:47:01] <capitalthree> instead of extraLines += [ "PK: ...
L2672[23:47:02] <tterrag> just use the shadow plugin
L2673[23:47:06] <capitalthree> the what?
L2674[23:47:08] <tterrag> -_-
L2675[23:47:16] <tterrag> https://github.com/johnrengelman/shadow
L2676[23:47:21] <capitalthree> sorry, nobody told me these things u_u
L2677[23:47:42] <tterrag> I could swear I had
L2678[23:47:54] <Zaggy1024> what happens if you try to use a program that failed to compile?
L2679[23:48:06] <tterrag> Zaggy1024: likely GL_INVALID_VALUE from glUseProgram
L2680[23:48:13] <tterrag> not sure though
L2681[23:48:15] <Zaggy1024> ah
L2682[23:48:15] <tterrag> find out :P
L2683[23:48:15] <capitalthree> tterrag: oh well, you should have linked it before I got it working :P
L2684[23:48:22] <tterrag> whatever man
L2685[23:48:37] <tterrag> you can do it the right way, or the hacky way, up to you
L2686[23:48:52] <capitalthree> the hacky way is officially documented on forge's site...
L2687[23:49:05] <tterrag> AbrarSyed: please delete that page
L2688[23:49:35] <capitalthree> https://forgegradle.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user-guide/shading/
L2689[23:49:38] <capitalthree> here's the page to remove I guess
L2690[23:49:50] <capitalthree> in retrospect that doesn't look like the official forge site
L2691[23:49:55] <capitalthree> where did this even come from
L2692[23:50:02] <capitalthree> it did work for 1.7.10 though :P
L2693[23:50:20] <tterrag> it coems from here https://github.com/MinecraftForge/ForgeGradle/tree/FG_1.2/docs
L2694[23:50:46] <capitalthree> oh yep, that looks pretty official
L2695[23:51:03] <Zaggy1024> what even happens if there are duplicate libraries in mods?
L2696[23:51:03] <tterrag> it's extremely outdated
L2697[23:51:07] <tterrag> but it was always wrong
L2698[23:51:10] <tterrag> Zaggy1024: a class can only load once
L2699[23:51:17] <capitalthree> if it was always wrong then why does it feel so right
L2700[23:51:22] <Zaggy1024> so the second one it finds is just ignored?
L2701[23:51:27] <capitalthree> ok seriously though, can you explain what's wrong with it? I literally don't understand
L2702[23:51:27] <Zaggy1024> or is there an exception it throws?
L2703[23:51:32] <tterrag> well, "ignored"
L2704[23:51:37] <tterrag> but the class is already loaded
L2705[23:51:41] ⇦ Quits: zml (~zml@minions.aoeu.xyz) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L2706[23:51:42] <tterrag> why would it load a second copy
L2707[23:51:49] <Zaggy1024> well, sure
L2708[23:51:57] <killjoy> The way fg does it is bad
L2709[23:52:01] <Zaggy1024> but if they're different, I assume it ignores the last one it finds anyway?
L2710[23:52:01] <tterrag> capitalthree: it abuses srg mappings to rename packages, first off. which is completely stupid
L2711[23:52:06] <capitalthree> so should I just include the kotlin libs and not bother shading it?
L2712[23:52:12] <killjoy> there are better plugins that do a better job
L2713[23:52:19] <tterrag> use the shadow plugin. it's stupidly easy to set up
L2714[23:52:36] <capitalthree> but it's almost midnight u_u and I have to update both branches
L2715[23:52:37] <killjoy> shadow has a better api than FG
L2716[23:52:41] <tterrag> Zaggy1024: it uses the first class it finds. that's really it
L2717[23:52:46] <capitalthree> ok I'll do it
L2718[23:53:08] <killjoy> Unless the package is annotated with @API
L2719[23:53:14] <tterrag> eh?
L2720[23:53:15] <killjoy> then it depends
L2721[23:53:19] <tterrag> "depends" ?
L2722[23:53:34] <killjoy> I don't have much experience with that annotation
L2723[23:53:42] <tterrag> it doesn't affect classloading
L2724[23:53:49] <capitalthree> but what bad thing will actually happen
L2725[23:53:55] <capitalthree> or what actual benefit will I get
L2726[23:53:58] <capitalthree> if I change it now
L2727[23:54:02] <killjoy> outdated classes can load
L2728[23:54:05] <tterrag> the satisfaction of having used a proper API?
L2729[23:54:13] ⇦ Quits: glasspelican (~quassel@stanley.glasspelican.ca) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L2730[23:54:16] <tterrag> instead of dirty hacks that don't even work in FG2
L2731[23:54:29] <capitalthree> hah. do too
L2732[23:54:37] <capitalthree> https://github.com/alexbobp/LingeringLoot/blob/master/build.gradle
L2733[23:54:46] <capitalthree> this is the 1.8.9 version. it's fg 2.1
L2734[23:55:12] <killjoy> 2.0 <= 2.1
L2735[23:55:15] <tterrag> it didn't for a while
L2736[23:55:23] <capitalthree> oh
L2737[23:55:26] <tterrag> I guess abrar put the extra srg lines back in
L2738[23:55:28] <tterrag> that doesn't mean it's right
L2739[23:55:33] <tterrag> to abuse it for repacakging
L2740[23:55:54] <capitalthree> so what happens if the kotlin libraries *aren't* re-namespaced?
L2741[23:56:01] <capitalthree> and multiple mods load that repackaged kotlin?
L2742[23:56:04] <capitalthree> nothing bad happens?
L2743[23:56:22] <killjoy> Why can't we do what we used to do with scala?
L2744[23:56:25] <tterrag> probably nothing bad
L2745[23:56:29] <capitalthree> killjoy: I knowwww right
L2746[23:56:34] <tterrag> unless the mod is alphabetically lower than yours and they ship an ancient version
L2747[23:56:35] <capitalthree> I wish forge would just ship kotlin libs :P
L2748[23:56:36] <tterrag> that could e bad
L2749[23:56:37] *** big_Xplosion is now known as big_Xplo|AFK
L2750[23:56:39] <capitalthree> it's like 800k
L2751[23:56:45] <killjoy> no, not ship
L2752[23:56:54] <killjoy> have the user download a separate jar and put it in the mods folder
L2753[23:57:01] <capitalthree> oh yeah I don't know.
L2754[23:57:02] <killjoy> or just use a dep loader
L2755[23:57:09] <capitalthree> before I learned about shading I just shoved the 2 kotlin lib jars in mods
L2756[23:57:13] <capitalthree> but people kept telling me that's gross
L2757[23:57:17] <capitalthree> I don't really understand why
L2758[23:57:23] <tterrag> you "shoved them into mods" ?
L2759[23:57:27] <tterrag> what does that mean
L2760[23:57:34] <capitalthree> I put the kotlin library jars in my mods folder
L2761[23:57:38] <tterrag> oh
L2762[23:57:41] <tterrag> well that's fine
L2763[23:57:46] <killjoy> make a kotlin downloader. Mod provides a version, downloads the latest given
L2764[23:57:47] <capitalthree> I would just tell everyone to do that
L2765[23:57:48] <tterrag> not the best, but it works
L2766[23:57:53] <capitalthree> the only reason I'm trying to shade anything is people whined
L2767[23:57:56] <capitalthree> but honestly it makes the most sense
L2768[23:58:09] <tterrag> killjoy: central deploading is the only way. having every mod downloading crap is not good
L2769[23:58:15] <tterrag> also, it'll get you banned suggesting that, so shh :P
L2770[23:58:22] <killjoy> That's not what I'm suggesting
L2771[23:58:41] <killjoy> think chickenbones deploader
L2772[23:58:47] <tterrag> I am familiar
L2773[23:58:52] <tterrag> it's horrible
L2774[23:59:02] <capitalthree> I have a better idea, we should stick kotlin libs where the scala lib is now
L2775[23:59:10] <tterrag> god no
L2776[23:59:22] <capitalthree> it's like 1/30th the size
L2777[23:59:25] <killjoy> if it's one thing we don't need, it's more library entries
L2778[23:59:25] <capitalthree> drop in the bucket to bandwidth
L2779[23:59:29] <capitalthree> and would avoid this whole issue
L2780[23:59:33] <killjoy> forge would also need to host it
L2781[23:59:50] <capitalthree> they should add kotlin, drop scala, and tell the scala modders to switch to kotlin :P
L2782[23:59:58] <capitalthree> they'd save oodles of bandwidth
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