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L1[00:00:02] <ParadoxBomb> so I need to do all my dynamic stuff with the TE inside the block?
L2[00:00:34] <Elucent> store values in member variables in your TE class, save them to the NBT tag in writeToNBT, and initialize them from NBT in readFromNBT
L3[00:00:34] <ParadoxBomb> I looked up NBT, and I can't seem to wrap my head around it
L4[00:00:52] <shadekiller666> NBT = Named Binary Tags
L5[00:00:55] <Elucent> with nbt, you have one single class, an NBTTagCompound
L6[00:01:07] <shadekiller666> its a bunch of tags that can be attached to entities
L7[00:01:16] <Elucent> from there, you can attach tags that have both a name and a value
L8[00:01:26] <shadekiller666> ^
L9[00:01:32] <shadekiller666> kinda like a hash map
L10[00:01:54] <Elucent> so if you wanted to add a burning time value to a furnace, you'd say tag.setDouble("burnTime",burnTime)
L11[00:02:01] <Elucent> where tag is an NBTTagCompound variable
L12[00:02:23] <Elucent> and burntime is either some constant or a member of your tile entity class
L13[00:02:41] <ParadoxBomb> So the NBTTagCompund acts like a key for a key/value pair?
L14[00:02:48] <shadekiller666> no
L15[00:02:53] <shadekiller666> its a container for other tags
L16[00:02:59] <killjoy> think of it like an object
L17[00:02:59] <shadekiller666> the tags are key-value pairs
L18[00:03:02] <killjoy> or a map
L19[00:03:10] <shadekiller666> ^
L20[00:03:15] <ParadoxBomb> I think I get it
L21[00:03:15] <Elucent> the nbttagcompound can hold as many key/value pairs as you want
L22[00:03:47] <ParadoxBomb> so I would have a data member in the TE that holds the IBlockState that I want to emulate in this case?
L23[00:04:10] <ParadoxBomb> And then I would have a tag set inside the nbttagcompound that "points" to it
L24[00:04:52] <shadekiller666> uhh
L25[00:04:53] <shadekiller666> no
L26[00:05:04] <ParadoxBomb> Oh
L27[00:05:32] <Elucent> the nbttagcompound is basically just for storage
L28[00:05:55] <Elucent> minecraft can only save in nbttagcompound format, so it's just for storing member variables
L29[00:06:16] <Elucent> inside your tile entity, you can make a block state member variable for rendering purposes
L30[00:06:26] <shadekiller666> in the NBTTagCompound, you'd have some way of identifying the block (NBTTagString with block.getRegistryName() would work), and an NBTTagInt with the metadata value that represents the IBlockState
L31[00:06:49] <Elucent> and when the tile entity is loaded and unloaded, signified by the readToNBT and writeToNBT functions, you save it to NBT
L32[00:06:57] <shadekiller666> which you'd get by calling block.getMetaFromState()
L33[00:07:06] <Elucent> for any other time you can store the block states and stuff as member variables in the tile entity
L34[00:08:11] <ParadoxBomb> how would I pass the block into the TE, though?
L35[00:08:30] <ParadoxBomb> Since the block it's emulating is destroyed before it gets placed.
L36[00:08:50] <shadekiller666> this is why you save the data to an NBTTagCompound
L37[00:08:52] <shadekiller666> first
L38[00:09:03] <ParadoxBomb> save it where, though?
L39[00:09:18] <shadekiller666> you said you have an entity that is placing this block right?
L40[00:09:22] <ParadoxBomb> yes
L41[00:09:36] <shadekiller666> is that a mob-entity (player) or an item entity?
L42[00:09:45] <ParadoxBomb> item entity
L43[00:09:47] <ParadoxBomb> http://puu.sh/nDzfN/20423f5191.png
L44[00:09:48] <shadekiller666> ok
L45[00:09:57] <shadekiller666> that makes life even easier
L46[00:10:05] ⇦ Quits: whitephoenix (~whitephoe@67-42-82-37.tukw.qwest.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L47[00:10:15] <ParadoxBomb> extends Arrow for now until I can figure out how to get my own projectile working
L48[00:10:30] <shadekiller666> there is a method in ItemBlock that is used specifically for passing NBT data to the TileEnitity of the block that it places
L49[00:10:54] <Admiral_Damage> all of a sudden the tesr renderers seem very simple..
L50[00:11:00] <shadekiller666> lol
L51[00:11:08] <shadekiller666> they can get complex...
L52[00:11:19] <Admiral_Damage> oh dont get me wrong I bet
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L54[00:11:29] <Admiral_Damage> just, wow this answers a lot
L55[00:11:44] ⇦ Quits: MattBDev (~MattBDev@pool-96-230-14-66.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L56[00:12:21] <ParadoxBomb> So what would that method be, shade?
L57[00:12:43] <shadekiller666> i don't remember the exact name
L58[00:12:50] <shadekiller666> its in ItemBlock
L59[00:13:13] <ParadoxBomb> oh herp
L60[00:13:19] <shadekiller666> take a look at the methods in that class and look for anything relating to NBT or TileEntity
L61[00:13:27] <ParadoxBomb> "setTileEntityNBTData"
L62[00:13:30] <shadekiller666> yep
L63[00:13:33] <shadekiller666> thats the one
L64[00:14:05] <ParadoxBomb> err, one of the arguments for the method seems to still be obfuscated
L65[00:14:21] <shadekiller666> what are the arguments?
L66[00:14:36] <ParadoxBomb> World worldIn, EntityPlayer pos, BlockPos stack, ItemStack p_179224_3_
L67[00:15:07] <shadekiller666> the itemstack is the itemstack that the block is being placed from
L68[00:15:15] <shadekiller666> the itemstack that is "in use"
L69[00:15:28] <shadekiller666> !gp p_179224_3_ 1.8.9
L70[00:15:41] <ParadoxBomb> so in my case it would be BlockCanvas (the block that the TE "lives in")?
L71[00:16:00] <ParadoxBomb> what?
L72[00:16:05] <shadekiller666> no
L73[00:16:30] <shadekiller666> it would be an ItemStack who's item is your custom ItemBlock for BlockCanvas
L74[00:16:41] <shadekiller666> the !gp line was a command
L75[00:16:44] <ParadoxBomb> oh
L76[00:16:59] <shadekiller666> i was checking if the mcp mappings had a deobf name for that parameter
L77[00:17:07] <ParadoxBomb> oh cool
L78[00:17:15] <shadekiller666> they don't :P
L79[00:17:52] <ParadoxBomb> so uh, I haven't come across anything about ItemBlock before.
L80[00:18:05] <ParadoxBomb> I just have my BlockContainer
L81[00:18:13] <shadekiller666> thats the block class
L82[00:18:22] <shadekiller666> ItemBlock is the item-version of a block
L83[00:18:22] <Elucent> ItemBlock isn't required for the tile entity i don't think
L84[00:18:39] <Elucent> it's mainly for creative inventories or item-specific functions
L85[00:18:45] <shadekiller666> it isn't, but it will make the transfer of NBT data like he's trying to do easier
L86[00:19:00] <ParadoxBomb> So this needs its own class as well then?
L87[00:19:14] <ParadoxBomb> or could I cast is
L88[00:19:17] <shadekiller666> ya
L89[00:19:17] <ParadoxBomb> or could I cast it
L90[00:19:23] <Elucent> yes, itemblocks require their own class
L91[00:19:28] <ParadoxBomb> hmmm
L92[00:20:06] <shadekiller666> and you'd need to register the block as having a custom ItemBlock (you do that in the call to the GameRegistry to register the block)
L93[00:20:15] <ParadoxBomb> oh
L94[00:20:18] <ParadoxBomb> um
L95[00:20:40] <ParadoxBomb> any good places to read up on this?
L96[00:21:03] <shadekiller666> idk
L97[00:21:16] <shadekiller666> maybe someone else in here can help
L98[00:21:18] <ParadoxBomb> welp
L99[00:22:39] <ParadoxBomb> Do I need to do anything special with its constructor?
L100[00:22:57] <shadekiller666> the ItemBlock's constructor?
L101[00:23:04] <ParadoxBomb> yeah
L102[00:23:35] <shadekiller666> no
L103[00:23:55] <ParadoxBomb> just leave it with a super call?
L104[00:24:54] <ParadoxBomb> or would I make the parameter in the constructor my custom block class?
L105[00:24:58] <shadekiller666> do whatever you need to to give the item block the data from the block that you are wishing to give to the tile entity
L106[00:25:23] <ParadoxBomb> so the ItemBlock constructor gets called more than once?
L107[00:25:46] <shadekiller666> every time a new item of that block gets created
L108[00:25:52] <shadekiller666> well
L109[00:25:55] <ParadoxBomb> AHA
L110[00:25:55] <shadekiller666> actually
L111[00:25:57] <ParadoxBomb> oh
L112[00:26:05] <shadekiller666> Items are singletons
L113[00:26:09] ⇦ Quits: Elucent (~elucent__@d47-69-239-56.col.wideopenwest.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L114[00:26:10] <shadekiller666> ItemStacks are not
L115[00:26:20] <shadekiller666> hmm
L116[00:26:33] <shadekiller666> i am failing completely :P
L117[00:26:49] <ParadoxBomb> You've helped quite a bit already.
L118[00:26:59] <ParadoxBomb> I need to rework my constructor for one
L119[00:27:07] <Admiral_Damage> Erm, shadekiller666 http://i.imgur.com/NqksuzW.png
L120[00:27:11] <ParadoxBomb> and I know now why the model manager has been yelling at me
L121[00:27:32] <Admiral_Damage> I'm not sure why two beams are present for one block, plus, the beams seem to move wherever my character moves to...
L122[00:27:42] <shadekiller666> ok
L123[00:28:44] <shadekiller666> the movement problem can be solved by calling GlStateManager.translate(player.x, player.y, player.z) before calling rotate()
L124[00:29:05] <shadekiller666> might have to do the translation in another parent push/pop pair
L125[00:29:13] <Admiral_Damage> Er btw
L126[00:29:20] <shadekiller666> i don't know how to solve your double beam problem
L127[00:29:27] <Admiral_Damage> bear in mind im trying to do this just within the tile entity render
L128[00:29:35] <shadekiller666> yes
L129[00:29:39] <Admiral_Damage> no player is present
L130[00:29:44] <Admiral_Damage> so i dont know how its doing it
L131[00:29:48] <Admiral_Damage> no player vars
L132[00:29:50] <shadekiller666> aren't you trying to point it at the player?
L133[00:29:55] <Admiral_Damage> not at this second
L134[00:29:59] <Admiral_Damage> its coming from that TE
L135[00:30:04] <Admiral_Damage> the crystal
L136[00:30:58] <Admiral_Damage> I have no idea how its moving with the player
L137[00:31:10] <shadekiller666> thats what it does by default
L138[00:31:17] <shadekiller666> everything renders relative to the player location
L139[00:31:34] <shadekiller666> the only reason that the world doesn't follow you is because its offset from the player position
L140[00:31:46] <Admiral_Damage> ah right
L141[00:32:09] <Admiral_Damage> so its actually rotated the world (according to the beams),
L142[00:32:15] <Admiral_Damage> rendering wise
L143[00:32:15] <shadekiller666> no
L144[00:32:42] <shadekiller666> thats why you have the rotates in their own push/pop, so that they don't rotate the world
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L146[00:34:54] <Admiral_Damage> I understand that, but I don't know where to put them..
L147[00:35:11] <Admiral_Damage> can you take a look at the github again and point to me where
L148[00:35:25] <shadekiller666> the rotates are fine
L149[00:35:44] <shadekiller666> the problem is that the parent push/pop isn't offset from the player
L150[00:36:10] <Admiral_Damage> Ok, so how would I get the player.x etc
L151[00:36:19] <Admiral_Damage> if player isn't present as an argument
L152[00:36:28] <shadekiller666> Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer
L153[00:36:33] <Admiral_Damage> derp..
L154[00:36:36] <shadekiller666> you're already in a TESR
L155[00:36:43] <shadekiller666> so you're already client-side
L156[00:36:54] <shadekiller666> so calling to Minecraft.java won't be an issue :P
L157[00:36:54] <Admiral_Damage> v.v sry have been up a long time lol
L158[00:36:58] <Admiral_Damage> i know xD
L159[00:38:26] <ParadoxBomb> been modding for about a week now and I'm still amused by the phrasing of Minecraft.getMinecraft
L160[00:38:45] <ParadoxBomb> dunno why
L161[00:38:56] <shadekiller666> Minecraft.java is a static class
L162[00:39:03] <killjoy> a singleton
L163[00:39:08] <ParadoxBomb> yup
L164[00:39:12] <shadekiller666> is it a singleton?
L165[00:39:13] <shadekiller666> ok
L166[00:39:15] <ParadoxBomb> I just find it amusing
L167[00:39:21] <shadekiller666> so you need a way to get its instance :P
L168[00:39:29] <ParadoxBomb> cause it's like "here let me just get the entire game"
L169[00:39:45] <killjoy> gotta store it somewhere
L170[00:40:05] <shadekiller666> its not the entire game
L171[00:40:14] <killjoy> just the client
L172[00:40:16] <shadekiller666> its only the client-side part of the game
L173[00:40:22] <killjoy> Might as well call it MinecraftClient
L174[00:40:25] <ParadoxBomb> it's the mental image I get from it q:
L175[00:41:20] <shadekiller666> lol
L176[00:41:58] <williewillus> >.>
L177[00:42:12] <williewillus> if I just simply wanted my model to not render in first person what do I do?
L178[00:42:52] <williewillus> well I guess the not rendering part is easy (return empty from perspective aware) but it's breaking my non-first person perspectives
L179[00:43:22] <williewillus> oh wth it's not even calling my perspective model??
L180[00:44:02] ⇨ Joins: alex_6611 (~alex_6611@p5DE78967.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L181[00:44:48] <williewillus> confused .-.
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L183[00:46:04] <killjoy> see map?
L184[00:46:25] <shadekiller666> williewillus, confuzzled*
L185[00:46:35] <killjoy> he's confizzled
L186[00:46:47] <williewillus> hah got it
L187[00:46:49] <williewillus> noob mistake
L188[00:46:54] <williewillus> (forgot to setCustomMRL)
L189[00:46:55] <shadekiller666> lol
L190[00:46:59] ⇦ Parts: Thutmose (~elpat@cpe-193-199-193-104.caribcable.com) ())
L191[00:47:01] <shadekiller666> that'll do it
L192[00:47:07] <williewillus> lexicon 3d model is back!
L193[00:47:14] <williewillus> through ugly hacks but its back :P
L194[00:47:29] <williewillus> involving copying and pasting chunks of ItemRenderer and EntityRenderer / reflecting into them
L195[00:47:34] <williewillus> but whatever
L196[00:47:42] <shadekiller666> ...
L197[00:47:58] <shadekiller666> reflecting during rendering...
L198[00:47:59] <shadekiller666> gg
L199[00:48:02] <williewillus> Methodhandles
L200[00:48:04] <williewillus> *
L201[00:48:15] <williewillus> if you do them right it's as fast as a static call and can be jitted
L202[00:48:43] <williewillus> ugh shit
L203[00:48:49] <williewillus> the camera transforms are broken in 3p
L204[00:49:48] *** AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L205[00:51:57] <williewillus> and yup what fry mentioned before is still there - vanilla models don't contain their camera info within them somehow? 0.o
L206[00:51:59] <williewillus> code: https://github.com/williewillus/Botania/blob/949fdde0572f24dc4b109acde69d11c863a67126/src/main/java/vazkii/botania/client/model/LexiconModel.java#L24-L33
L207[00:52:08] <williewillus> of interest is that last line
L208[00:52:19] <williewillus> which doesn't acquire the transform properly. "original" is a vanilla json
L209[00:52:25] *** mrkirby153 is now known as kirby|gone
L210[00:53:16] <fry> does the word Deprecated mean anything to you?
L211[00:53:26] <williewillus> what am I supposed to use instead?
L212[00:53:27] <williewillus> it's vanilla
L213[00:53:34] <fry> no, it's not
L214[00:53:37] <fry> it's forge
L215[00:53:52] <fry> cast to IPerspectiveAwareModel
L216[00:55:20] <williewillus> thanks :P
L217[00:55:35] <williewillus> didn't know forge replaced vanilla format loading as well
L218[00:56:41] <Admiral_Damage> Bah cant get my head around this translate business
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L220[01:05:37] <shadekiller666> Admiral_Damage, its late, i can help you tomorrow
L221[01:05:53] <Admiral_Damage> Thanks a bunch tho for today! really mean it :P
L222[01:05:59] <shadekiller666> mhmm
L223[01:10:09] ⇦ Quits: PBlock96 (PBlock96@res404s-128-61-104-241.res.gatech.edu) (Quit: Not that there is anything wrong with that)
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L228[01:18:38] <ParadoxBomb> I'm also going to head out. Thanks again, shade.
L229[01:18:43] ⇦ Quits: ParadoxBomb (~Gear@ (Quit: Leaving)
L230[01:21:28] <Admiral_Damage> nevermind, solved it :D
L231[01:22:07] <shadekiller666> nice
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L242[02:00:01] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160312 mappings to Forge Maven.
L243[02:00:05] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160312-1.9.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20160312" in build.gradle).
L244[02:00:15] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L257[02:51:27] <Nitrodev> hi all
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L271[03:43:20] <Cazzar> Just decided to install the android N preview :3
L272[03:43:42] <Cazzar> https://www.google.com/android/beta for those interested.
L273[03:43:48] <Cazzar> All done via OTA now'
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L279[04:04:50] <Ordinastie> it's gettting better, but I still don't like the handle :/ http://puu.sh/nDHJi.jpg
L280[04:05:49] <kimfy> Maybe make the handle round?
L281[04:05:55] <Nitrodev> ^
L282[04:08:10] <Ordinastie> I already made one round for the rusty hatch, I was hoping for something different :(
L283[04:08:21] <Nitrodev> triangle
L284[04:08:35] <kimfy> Oh hmm
L285[04:08:46] <Nitrodev> it's different
L286[04:09:14] <kimfy> like this
L287[04:09:15] <kimfy> http://www.brownsafe.com/images/safes/Opt_features_lux_SpokeHandle.jpg
L288[04:09:31] <Nitrodev> yeah
L289[04:09:41] <Nitrodev> would that be too hard though?
L290[04:11:36] <Ordinastie> I was going this way, but I'm not sure it will look good : http://puu.sh/nDHYS.png
L291[04:12:16] <Nitrodev> no diea
L292[04:12:18] <Nitrodev> idea
L293[04:13:53] <Nitrodev> it's different for sure
L294[04:14:04] <kimfy> I like it
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L296[04:38:16] <Nitrodev> chat's dead.
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L298[04:44:51] <Ordinastie> erf, it still feels wrong :/
L299[04:44:53] <Ordinastie> http://puu.sh/nDJdt.jpg
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L301[04:45:22] <Ordinastie> I prefer the 4-branch handle even
L302[04:45:47] <sham1> Add a ring to it
L303[04:46:39] <Ordinastie> I want it to be different from the rusty hatch
L304[04:47:20] <sham1> Well use that then
L305[04:49:33] <Nitrodev> use the one you showed us
L306[04:49:40] <Nitrodev> http://puu.sh/nDHYS.png
L307[04:51:07] <Ordinastie> meh, don't really like it
L308[04:52:23] <Nitrodev> *sigh*
L309[04:53:56] <PaleoCrafter> does anybody happen to know some Java library that can decompress DXT compressed textures?
L310[04:56:44] <Nitrodev> nope
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L312[05:01:19] ⇨ Joins: Mraoffle (~mraof@pool-100-7-100-55.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net)
L313[05:02:00] <Cazzar> http://www.java-gaming.org/index.php?topic=15186.0 PaleoCrafter
L314[05:02:37] <PaleoCrafter> yeah, I guess I'll have to go with that
L315[05:02:47] <PaleoCrafter> found that as well, but I wanted something from maven :P
L316[05:06:14] <kimfy> fwiw I love that 3 branch handle, looks great in my opinion
L317[05:06:31] <Ordinastie> http://puu.sh/nDJZ9.jpg
L318[05:07:25] <kimfy> looks great
L319[05:08:05] <Ordinastie> I still prefer the 4 branch
L320[05:08:43] <kimfy> Both are nice though
L321[05:10:37] <Ordinastie> meh, I'll make it a config option
L322[05:10:48] <kimfy> Fair enough
L323[05:12:02] <Nitrodev> hmmm my block isn't dropping itself
L324[05:12:16] <Nitrodev> nor the items i put in getDrops
L325[05:12:18] <Ordinastie> and now the most annoying part : make it for 1.8 too :(
L326[05:12:35] <Ordinastie> Nitrodev, are you in creative ?
L327[05:12:52] <Ordinastie> did you set a material for the block that requires a tool?
L328[05:12:52] <Nitrodev> nope
L329[05:12:58] <Nitrodev> yup
L330[05:13:08] <Nitrodev> the material is wood
L331[05:13:19] <Nitrodev> i'll push the changes to git hold on
L332[05:14:27] <Nitrodev> https://github.com/Nitrodev/ConstructIO/blob/master/src/main/java/com/nitrodev/constructio/blocks/WoodenShell.java
L333[05:21:12] <Ordinastie> damn that code is bad :s
L334[05:21:22] <Ordinastie> why do you make different lists ?
L335[05:21:57] <Ordinastie> make your Storagage variant return the expected drop
L336[05:22:33] <Nitrodev> the multiple lists was just something i came u with because i couldn't figure out anyuthignelse
L337[05:22:50] <Ordinastie> same for everywhere you have shitton of ifs, make it depend on the storagevariant diretly
L338[05:23:09] <Nitrodev> with switch?
L339[05:23:45] <Ordinastie> your getDrops should be a one liner
L340[05:24:06] <Ordinastie> return state.getValue(STORAGE_VARIANT).getDrop();
L341[05:24:25] <kimfy> I think he means your IProps should handle the logic
L342[05:24:41] <Ordinastie> yes
L343[05:24:54] <Nitrodev> the storagevariants class??
L344[05:25:02] <kimfy> Yeah
L345[05:25:15] <Nitrodev> ah
L346[05:26:08] <Nitrodev> so i put the arraylists in the getdrop method of the Storagevaraints class?
L347[05:27:07] <Ordinastie> yes, or specialize it more
L348[05:27:20] <Ordinastie> you can make it return just an itemStack
L349[05:27:39] <Nitrodev> and then make it return the correct meta
L350[05:27:47] <Nitrodev> by getting the state from meta
L351[05:28:10] <Ordinastie> what ?
L352[05:29:14] <Nitrodev> nvm
L353[05:30:46] <Nitrodev> i need to make it so it drops the correct item that is the same than the state of the block
L354[05:31:05] <Nitrodev> i have 5 states that need to drop the correct itemUnit
L355[05:31:16] <Nitrodev> and there is 5 different itemUnits
L356[05:31:24] <Nitrodev> made with meta
L357[05:39:21] ⇦ Quits: mezz (~mezz@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L358[05:42:48] <Nitrodev> hello?
L359[05:44:15] <Ordinastie> am I missing something here ? this recipe doesn't work : setRecipe("AA", "AAA", "AA", 'A', Items.stick);
L360[05:44:24] <Ordinastie> it is detected as : http://puu.sh/nDLiu.png
L361[05:45:45] <Ordinastie> so, the answer is yes, I was missing the space for the first line :x
L362[05:47:32] <Nitrodev> yeah you need to use ' ' for empty space
L363[05:48:43] <Nitrodev> yeah i can't figure out what to put inside the getDrop method
L364[05:50:25] <Ordinastie> put what you need
L365[05:51:34] <Nitrodev> i have no idea how
L366[05:51:58] <Nitrodev> i know that i need to make it so it drops the correct item based on the state the block is in
L367[05:52:11] <Nitrodev> but since i need to return a list
L368[05:53:39] <Ordinastie> the drop depend on the variant
L369[05:53:54] <Ordinastie> the variant knows itself, so the variant should return the right itemStack
L370[05:54:58] <Nitrodev> but it's a list i nee dto return
L371[05:55:04] <Nitrodev> not the itemstack
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L375[05:57:53] <Ordinastie> see, that what I mean when I say you need to know programming if you want to make a mod
L376[05:58:18] <Nitrodev> i know i know
L377[05:58:38] <Nitrodev> i know how to make it return a list
L378[05:58:46] <Nitrodev> but in ONE line?
L379[05:58:49] <Nitrodev> nop
L380[05:58:50] <Nitrodev> e
L381[05:59:25] <Nitrodev> only way i know is to do the same thing i did in the getDrops method of the block class
L382[05:59:46] <Nitrodev> but since that's too "ugly for you i gues i need to do it your way"
L383[06:00:04] <Nitrodev> making this mod more of a mod made by #minecraforge
L384[06:00:22] ⇨ Joins: BlueRaven (~BlueRaven@
L385[06:01:01] <Ordinastie> return Lists.newArrayList(state.getValue(STORAGE_VARIANT).getDroppedItemStack());
L386[06:01:38] <Ordinastie> whether your variant returns an itemStack or a list is purely a design choice
L387[06:04:22] ⇨ Joins: Raspen0 (~Raspen0@D97A01A5.cm-3-3a.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L388[06:04:41] <Nitrodev> i still don't understand
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L390[06:05:11] <Nitrodev> is getDroppedItemStack supposed to be a method?
L391[06:05:26] <sham1> according to its name yes
L392[06:05:39] <Nitrodev> yet it is not
L393[06:05:50] <Nitrodev> not in that context atleast
L394[06:05:51] <sham1> make it one
L395[06:06:13] <Nitrodev> okay ig to it now
L396[06:06:18] <Nitrodev> thanks Ordinastie
L397[06:06:52] <sham1> The amount of rejects is getting very small
L398[06:07:00] <sham1> Looks good
L399[06:07:27] <Nitrodev> rejects?
L400[06:08:32] <sham1> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/tree/1.9/rejects/minecraft/net/minecraft ಠ_ಠ
L401[06:10:44] <Nitrodev> ah
L402[06:11:29] <Ordinastie> Nitrodev, on what object do you think that method is called?
L403[06:11:48] <Nitrodev> ItemStack?
L404[06:13:18] *** kirby|gone is now known as mrkirby153
L405[06:13:18] <Ordinastie> nope
L406[06:13:30] <Nitrodev> then no clue
L407[06:14:17] <Ordinastie> you undestand the question, right?
L408[06:14:31] <Nitrodev> i'm pretty sure i do
L409[06:14:53] <Nitrodev> wait the Block?
L410[06:14:58] <Ordinastie> nope
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L412[06:15:12] <Ordinastie> what does getValue() return ?
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L414[06:16:16] <Nitrodev> in what context
L415[06:16:49] <Nitrodev> but it gets a value
L416[06:17:01] <Nitrodev> probably the enum value
L417[06:17:05] <Nitrodev> or one of them
L418[06:17:24] <Ordinastie> probably ?
L419[06:17:40] <Nitrodev> you never specified in what context
L420[06:17:47] <Ordinastie> ...
L421[06:17:51] <Nitrodev> getvalue could return anything you wanted to
L422[06:18:19] <Nitrodev> i could make a method called getValue and make it returna string if i wanted it to
L423[06:18:21] <Ordinastie> we're talking about your getDrops
L424[06:18:38] <Nitrodev> ah
L425[06:18:44] <Nitrodev> then it's the enum value
L426[06:18:47] <Nitrodev> or one of them
L427[06:18:57] <Ordinastie> yes
L428[06:19:21] <Ordinastie> so, on what object the method is called ?
L429[06:19:50] <Nitrodev> enum?
L430[06:19:57] <Ordinastie> yes
L431[06:20:01] <Ordinastie> which one in particular ?
L432[06:20:29] <Ordinastie> I mean what class
L433[06:20:43] <VikeStep> how exactly does forge inject itself into minecraft? I don't mean patches btw, I mean making minecraft run FML to load all the mods
L434[06:20:46] <Nitrodev> StorageVariants?
L435[06:20:53] <VikeStep> If it is a patch, which specific one?
L436[06:21:18] <Ordinastie> VikeStep, I think it's a Tweaker
L437[06:21:32] <Ordinastie> Nitrodev, yes
L438[06:21:41] <Ordinastie> Nitrodev, do you own that class ?
L439[06:21:50] <Nitrodev> do i need to answer that
L440[06:22:14] <Ordinastie> so you can add methods to is
L441[06:22:17] <Ordinastie> *it
L442[06:22:30] <Nitrodev> of course
L443[06:22:31] <Ordinastie> one that add either a list, or an itemStack
L444[06:22:32] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L445[06:22:36] <Ordinastie> *returns, not add
L446[06:22:44] <Nitrodev> eyah i go tit
L447[06:22:47] <Nitrodev> it*
L448[06:26:45] *** Kolatra is now known as Kolatra[away]
L449[06:27:04] <VikeStep> turns out I have been doing bug reports wrong this whole time https://github.com/Awesomlego/Minecraft-No-mods-Forge-Crash
L450[06:28:54] ⇨ Joins: JC52 (~JC52@host86-168-198-106.range86-168.btcentralplus.com)
L451[06:28:56] <JC52> o/
L452[06:32:02] <VikeStep> After doing some research, it seems to be making use of the minecraft launch wrapper
L453[06:32:51] *** AEnterpriseAFK is now known as AEnterprise
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L455[06:39:46] <heldplayer> VikeStep: oh my lord
L456[06:39:55] * heldplayer barfs up markdown
L457[06:40:28] <sham1> * Hmm
L458[06:41:55] <OrionOnline> sham1, you know how i was very frustrated yesterday with my OpenGL Rendering not drawing anything?
L459[06:42:03] <sham1> Yes?
L460[06:42:46] <OrionOnline> Turns out, i had the camera backwards and it was working kjust fine ......... :P
L461[06:49:30] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by VikeStepFTB)))
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L465[07:00:56] <JC52> #markdown?
L466[07:01:06] <JC52> * I've never heard of it
L467[07:03:44] ⇨ Joins: yopu (~yopu@184-89-171-53.res.bhn.net)
L468[07:04:09] <Cazzar> I already know what the issue is with that GH that VikeStep linked
L469[07:04:33] <IoP> user!
L470[07:04:45] <Cazzar> I believe it's the 1.7.2/1.7.10 CME when using java 8 without the fix
L471[07:07:00] <JC52> why the heck is it so hard to get an ssl certificate!? xD
L472[07:07:49] ⇦ Quits: DemoXin (~DemoXin@166.sub-70-210-56.myvzw.com) ()
L473[07:07:52] <Cazzar> It isn't?
L474[07:08:03] ⇨ Joins: mustangflyer (~mustangfl@p578F8A32.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L475[07:08:51] <JC52> gotta generate a certificate request, validate the domain (and my email server takes ages), then actually generate and install the certificates (not easy on windows) xD
L476[07:10:07] <IoP> change cert issuer if email is only validation method
L477[07:10:26] <JC52> none of the others are really applicable for me xD
L478[07:10:42] <Cazzar> tried things like letsencrypt?
L479[07:10:51] <IoP> also are we talking about free cert?
L480[07:11:11] <JC52> yea, it's just for my tut site xD
L481[07:11:19] <JC52> (i have a lot of sub-domains coming off it)
L482[07:11:27] ⇦ Quits: mustangflyer (~mustangfl@p578F8A32.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L483[07:19:38] <JC52> one such is irc.(site) apparently
L484[07:21:26] *** Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L485[07:22:14] <JC52> Ooh, looks like a bouncer
L486[07:22:48] <IoP> free wildcard cert? really, where?
L487[07:22:48] <Ordinastie> I need a better name than "Vertical hatch"
L488[07:23:00] <Ordinastie> it's not really a hatch even
L489[07:32:31] ⇨ Joins: BerciTheBeast (~BerciTheB@
L490[07:33:07] <JC52> what is it then
L491[07:33:22] <JC52> if a hatch opens in the woods and no-one's around to hear it, does it open?
L492[07:33:38] <JC52> Or is it in a super-state of having been opened for some reason once it is encountered?
L493[07:35:09] <JC52> Try "Horizontal Door" XD
L494[07:39:54] ⇦ Quits: Elec332 (~Elec332@ip5456d4a5.speed.planet.nl) ()
L495[07:41:29] <gigaherz> Ordinastie: how is it different than a hatch?
L496[07:41:43] <Ordinastie> it's a door
L497[07:42:43] <JC52> Try "Hinged Barrier"
L498[07:42:46] <JC52> :D
L499[07:42:56] ⇦ Quits: auenf (David@DC-54-199.bpb.bigpond.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L500[07:43:07] <JC52> "Localized Portal"?
L501[07:43:16] ⇨ Joins: mustangflyer (~mustangfl@p578F8A32.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L502[07:43:29] <gigaherz> "People Valve"
L503[07:43:31] <JC52> "Vertical Gate"
L504[07:43:41] <JC52> "Tall Gate"?
L505[07:43:46] <JC52> We can do this all day
L506[07:43:54] ⇨ Joins: auenf (David@DC-54-199.bpb.bigpond.com)
L507[07:44:08] <Ordinastie> "Really low distance teleportation device"
L508[07:44:25] <JC52> xD
L509[07:44:37] <JC52> "1mm Teleporter"
L510[07:45:50] <gigaherz> "Side Exchanger"
L511[07:46:03] <gigaherz> whatever's one one side, getsto be on the other
L512[07:49:38] <gigaherz> "Trans-locational Enabler"
L513[07:51:06] <JC52> Rotational Disabler
L514[07:51:33] <JC52> Compact Trans-Mat
L515[07:53:33] <JC52> Seen one you like?
L516[07:53:34] <JC52> xD
L517[07:55:52] <JC52> i love how i can make a computer work with one wire
L518[07:55:58] ⇨ Joins: shirkit (kvirc@186-241-30-165.user.veloxzone.com.br)
L519[07:57:48] <shirkit> How can I get the display name from a Block without creating an ItemStack?
L520[07:58:09] <JC52> (block).getItemFromBlock.getName()?
L521[07:58:31] <gigaherz> that makes no sense
L522[07:58:34] <gigaherz> just create an itemstack
L523[07:59:03] <gigaherz> well even that is not as simple as it sounds
L524[07:59:06] <gigaherz> due to sub-blocks and such
L525[07:59:11] <shirkit> I can't create an Itemstack for the net.minecraft.block.BlockRedstoneWire
L526[07:59:17] <gigaherz> that's why WAILA has the item stack provider
L527[07:59:40] <gigaherz> blocks don't really have a display name when they are placed on the ground, though
L528[07:59:49] <JC52> BlockRedstoneWire.getItemFromBlock.getName!
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L531[08:00:23] <shirkit> JC52: I'm in 1.7.10 I don't see that
L532[08:00:27] <gigaherz> JCS: you mean Item.getItemFromBlock(Blocks.redstone_wire)
L533[08:00:29] <JC52> oh, great
L534[08:00:37] <gigaherz> but there's no getName
L535[08:00:45] <gigaherz> there's getUnlocalizedName, which is used by ItemBlock
L536[08:00:58] <JC52> Did i just mix a 1.7.10 method and a 1.8.9 method?
L537[08:00:58] <JC52> xd
L538[08:01:18] <JC52> Vanilla has a getName() method for every item/block in the game
L539[08:01:32] <gigaherz> there's getLocalizedName
L540[08:01:50] <gigaherz> Item.getItemFromBlock(Blocks.redstone_wire).getLocalizedName()
L541[08:01:58] <gigaherz> eh
L542[08:02:04] <gigaherz> Blocks.redstone_wire.getLocalizedName()
L543[08:02:13] <gigaherz> the block class itself has getLocalizedName in it
L544[08:02:17] <shirkit> Item.getItemFromBlock(Blocks.redstone_wire) returns null =]
L545[08:02:33] <gigaherz> "* Gets the localized name of this block. Used for the statistics page."
L546[08:02:33] <JC52> oh, it doesn't have an item registered?
L547[08:02:40] <gigaherz> not for the block
L548[08:02:45] <gigaherz> the item form of redstone, is the dust
L549[08:02:57] <gigaherz> when you break the block, you get dust black, not wire in item form
L550[08:03:00] <gigaherz> so yeah, no ItemBlock
L551[08:03:10] <shirkit> oh great
L552[08:03:17] <JC52> 1.7, is ItemBlock a thing? XD
L553[08:03:20] <JC52> Never used it
L554[08:03:57] <gigaherz> yes, that's how blocks work when they are in item form
L555[08:04:27] <shirkit> so I guess I can't get the name from the block
L556[08:04:38] <gigaherz> uh
L557[08:04:38] <gigaherz> [15:01] (gigaherz): Blocks.redstone_wire.getLocalizedName()
L558[08:04:45] <gigaherz> if THAT doesn't work, then not.
L559[08:04:54] <gigaherz> then no*
L560[08:05:36] <shirkit> it needs to be generic, it's exploding on this case, but there may be others
L561[08:05:42] <alex_6611> i suppose you could use the method for "pick block" as an alternative input if getItemFromBlock is null
L562[08:06:00] <alex_6611> that should return redstone dust
L563[08:06:48] *** Kolatra[away] is now known as Kolatra
L564[08:06:55] <shirkit> alex_6611: great idea, lemme try that
L565[08:07:01] <alex_6611> :)
L566[08:07:13] <gigaherz> shirkit: there's no generic.
L567[08:07:28] <gigaherz> that's why WAILA has the whole "nbt provider" and "itemstack provider" things
L568[08:07:47] <gigaherz> because there's no generic way to obtain the name and icon for a block that's placed onto the world
L569[08:08:57] <gigaherz> first, there's no assurance, as you said, that the block has an item for mat all
L570[08:09:05] <gigaherz> there's also no assurance that getLocalizedName will work
L571[08:09:14] <gigaherz> then
L572[08:09:30] <gigaherz> there's no direct matching between a block's metadata(blockstate), and the item metadata
L573[08:09:32] ⇨ Joins: Hanii (~user@
L574[08:09:43] <gigaherz> and there's no direct way to ask a block what the corresponding item would be
L575[08:09:55] <shirkit> I'll just write Block when I can't find the name
L576[08:10:11] <gigaherz> there's getDroppedItem/getDroppedDamage, but those don't need to be implemented, since you can override getDrops directly
L577[08:10:26] <alex_6611> \o/ minecraft is very broken
L578[08:10:27] <gigaherz> and getDrops doesn't necessarily return one stack only
L579[08:10:30] <gigaherz> let alone a correpsonding one
L580[08:10:33] <gigaherz> so yeah
L581[08:10:59] <alex_6611> so all you can really do is hope it works and have a fallback if it doesn't :D
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L583[08:13:23] <shirkit> indeed the pickBlockThingy worked alex_6611
L584[08:13:30] <shirkit> but I'll have a fallback when that explodes as well
L585[08:13:32] <alex_6611> cool
L586[08:13:35] <shirkit> and just print Block
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L589[08:17:03] <IoP> btw What tools do you use to find out what is using heap too much?
L590[08:17:44] <shirkit> and I couldn't track down the issue I was having yesterday with my rendering
L591[08:17:52] <shirkit> it doesn't seem a lightning glitch as well
L592[08:18:03] <shirkit> I have no idea what's wrong
L593[08:18:07] <alex_6611> oh?
L594[08:18:17] <alex_6611> i didn't see that, when was that approximately?
L595[08:18:46] <alex_6611> nvm my logs don't reach back far enough
L596[08:19:05] <shirkit> lemme get the relevant links
L597[08:19:33] <shirkit> http://imgur.com/a/anHUm
L598[08:19:37] <shirkit> https://gist.github.com/Shirkit/d480cff3a84ff259bfe8
L599[08:19:42] <shirkit> this happens when I move
L600[08:19:50] <shirkit> sometimes goes gray, black, green, orange, red
L601[08:19:56] <shirkit> and sometimes just won't render at all
L602[08:20:01] <alex_6611> ok
L603[08:20:23] <shirkit> if I stand still it doesn't change
L604[08:20:31] <shirkit> but it seems related to X Z coordinates
L605[08:20:45] <shirkit> like the something is in the render stack
L606[08:20:53] <shirkit> but I couldn't track down the issue
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L608[08:25:20] <alex_6611> do you have a repo of the entire mod i can fork and test with?
L609[08:25:53] ⇨ Joins: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@p5B23CBD5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L610[08:25:55] <shirkit> not up to date, I was lazy to change the github
L611[08:25:58] <shirkit> =\
L612[08:26:05] <alex_6611> ah ok
L613[08:26:22] <shirkit> I'll prolly have it done by tomorrow
L614[08:26:32] <shirkit> I migrated from 1.6.4 to 1.7.10
L615[08:26:39] <shirkit> not really
L616[08:26:45] <shirkit> that's the old project
L617[08:27:01] <shirkit> when I have it done I'll ping you back
L618[08:27:07] <alex_6611> alright cool
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L620[08:32:12] <Nepharius> Hi
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L622[08:33:29] <Nitrodev> i need help iwth getting a specific item to drop from my block when broken
L623[08:33:47] <Nitrodev> anything i've tried with getDrops doesn't seem to work
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L625[08:37:15] <Nepharius> just a quick question: what's the reason for guiScreen.width sometimes returning 0?
L626[08:38:08] <Nitrodev> did you not set it at osmething else?
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L628[08:38:26] <Nepharius> nope
L629[08:38:39] <Nepharius> in one Gui it return this right value, in others it's just 0
L630[08:39:08] <Nitrodev> then it's probably the way you are calling it
L631[08:40:09] <Nepharius> both use exactly the same code
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L633[08:41:24] <Nitrodev> then i got nothin
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L636[08:50:36] <kimfy> Can I define the item model for my block in the blockstate json? If so, can someone show me an example or whatever
L637[08:51:05] <kimfy> I mean the uh display section that would be in my item json model file
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L639[08:58:30] <shirkit> how can I get the current Block's physics bounding box
L640[08:59:42] <Nitrodev> getCollisionBoundingBox
L641[08:59:49] <Nitrodev> override that in your block class
L642[09:00:11] <Nitrodev> put in a float on the variable and you're good to go
L643[09:02:47] <shirkit> thanks Nitrodev
L644[09:02:58] <Nitrodev> np
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L648[09:07:00] <Lumien> Is there a way to change the registered name of a block?
L649[09:13:50] <shirkit> alex_6611: I could also find out that if there's a ComputerCraft turtle visible on the screen nothing will draw
L650[09:14:19] <alex_6611> uhm ok...
L651[09:14:24] <PaleoCrafter> Lumien, you mean as a means of compatibility?
L652[09:14:37] <Lumien> Yeah, like the TileEntity alternative names
L653[09:14:51] <PaleoCrafter> FMLMissingMappingsEvent
L654[09:15:24] <alex_6611> daaaang
L655[09:15:34] <alex_6611> CC is one of the few mods that isn't open-source
L656[09:16:22] <alex_6611> otherwise i would have looked at the flags etc. that the turtle renderer uses to find out what the porblem was
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L658[09:23:13] <shirkit> alex_6611: my another renderer also stops things from going straight
L659[09:23:24] <shirkit> the one I'm using to render my block
L660[09:24:05] <alex_6611> ah
L661[09:24:11] <shirkit> https://gist.github.com/Shirkit/e2317e2b2de0e9e32490
L662[09:24:17] <shirkit> it's on 1.7.10
L663[09:24:25] <shirkit> probably there's better ways of doing this
L664[09:24:28] <shirkit> just warning
L665[09:24:55] <shirkit> F5 for markup
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L667[09:27:27] <Lumien> thx paleo :)
L668[09:27:42] <alex_6611> i have to go now but i'll be back in a few hours
L669[09:28:08] <alex_6611> so the problem will have to wait unless someone else fixes it .D
L670[09:28:21] <shirkit> :D
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L672[09:31:05] <shirkit> alex_6611: even vanilla chests breaks my rendering
L673[09:31:10] <shirkit> I'm most certainly doing something wrong
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L683[09:42:50] <XDjackieXD> I have a block with two blockstate properties (facing and an integer property with 0 as minimum and 3 as maximum) and somehow the first property works fine but the integer property always has the maximum value although I set it to 0 on creation and as default state... (https://github.com/XDjackieXD/OpenRadio/blob/1.8.9/src/main/java/at/chaosfield/openradio/block/LaserBlock.java)
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L687[09:44:07] <shirkit> do I need to create textures that are 16x16 or I can use bigger ones?
L688[09:45:07] *** Dr_Benway is now known as Pennyw95
L689[09:45:44] <PaleoCrafter> you can use any square texture whose side length is a power of two
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L691[09:46:35] <shirkit> even on 1.7.10
L692[09:46:51] <Pennyw95> XDjackieXD: your getMetaFromState only uses 1 property of 2, I'm pretty sure that's wrong
L693[09:47:20] <XDjackieXD> Pennyw95: I don't need to save the second property to meta.
L694[09:47:24] <shirkit> the issue was on my registration
L695[09:47:35] <Pennyw95> oh, ok then
L696[09:48:41] <XDjackieXD> it is really strange. when I log the output of "world.getBlockState(pos).toString()" after the setBlockState in onBlockPlacedBy it shows 3 as value for the lens even though I set it to 0 the line above...
L697[09:49:21] <diesieben07> setBlockState only remembers the metadata
L698[09:49:25] <diesieben07> anything else is discarded.
L699[09:50:08] <XDjackieXD> diesieben07: wait... I thought only on chunk unload? o.O
L700[09:50:18] <diesieben07> nope
L701[09:50:21] <diesieben07> the world only remembers metadata
L702[09:50:40] <XDjackieXD> but that doesn't explain why the value is 3 and not 0 (the default value)
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L705[09:52:44] <diesieben07> where exactly is that occuring?
L706[09:53:01] <diesieben07> also, you should neither extend BlockContainer nor implement ITileEntityprovider, but that is unrelated.
L707[09:55:01] <XDjackieXD> diesieben07: in onBlockPlacedBy I set the blockstate using world.setBlockState and in the line directly below I tried logging it and it says lens=3 even though I set it to 0...
L708[09:56:26] <diesieben07> strange
L709[09:56:31] <XDjackieXD> yes
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L711[09:58:25] <Lumien> Ok how does the FMLMissingMappingsEvent actually work? o_O
L712[09:58:37] <Lumien> The event.get() list should contain missing mappings from my mod right?
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L714[10:04:36] <Lumien> oh it's because my modid isn't lowercase :P
L715[10:04:39] <Lumien> i should change that
L716[10:06:10] <Nitrodev> why sin't it lowercase
L717[10:06:13] <Nitrodev> isn't
L718[10:07:26] <Lumien> Because i didn't set it to be lowercase^^
L719[10:07:31] <masa> isn't changing the modid potentially really destructive?
L720[10:07:46] <masa> not sure how different case is handled tehre...
L721[10:07:55] <Lumien> i just changed it, seems to work fine
L722[10:08:03] <Lumien> registration etc. already use lowercase anyway
L723[10:08:09] <masa> didn't delete all the blocks and items?
L724[10:08:13] <Lumien> So that way around should be find
L725[10:08:13] <Lumien> no
L726[10:08:14] <masa> oh, hmm
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L731[10:14:31] <LatvianModder> Entitie's getUniqueId() will always stay the same, right? For EntityPlayers that is their UUID, but for regular entities its just a random number?
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L734[10:18:03] <Nitrodev> pretty sure about it
L735[10:19:15] <masa> no it is a UUID for all entities
L736[10:19:18] <unascribed> iirc yes, the unique id is saved in the NBT while the entity id is ephemeral and just used for networkng
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L744[10:58:45] <Lumien> Hmm, i remapped the block but it still vanished :(
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L748[11:17:36] <Lumien> Do i have to do anything besides this to "rename" my block?
L749[11:17:37] <Lumien> https://github.com/lumien231/Random-Things/blob/master/src/main/java/lumien/randomthings/RandomThings.java#L149-L168
L750[11:17:48] <Lumien> It doesn't give me errors & prints to the console that it "fixed" the mapping
L751[11:18:09] <Lumien> But ingame the block still vanished & during the run i remapped i also am not able to place the block
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L755[11:36:41] <Kilobyte> how would i go about adding a minecart. My attempts at doing this by extending the EntityMinecart class have failed (it instantly converts to a regular minecart)
L756[11:37:07] <Kilobyte> it seemed to have worked in an older version of forge
L757[11:37:25] <Kilobyte> i am using 1.8.9- right now
L758[11:38:04] *** Mata is now known as MattOfflineMc
L759[11:38:17] <Nitrodev> do you have textures for it?
L760[11:38:21] <Kilobyte> no
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L762[11:38:45] <Kilobyte> i usually do logic first, design when i can't avoid it anymore
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L764[11:40:07] <diesieben07> have you registered your entity class?
L765[11:40:12] <Kilobyte> yes
L766[11:40:31] <diesieben07> otherwise MC will use the defaut spawn packet, which cannot handle non-standard minecraft types
L767[11:40:43] <Kilobyte> yeah, i have
L768[11:40:48] <diesieben07> strange
L769[11:40:56] <Kilobyte> it also seems to store the default minecart entity in the NBT
L770[11:41:51] <IoP> should MC create Field objects when game is up and running?
L771[11:42:27] <Kilobyte> actually i am stupid, used the wrong minecart item...
L772[11:42:39] <Kilobyte> still doesn't work, but i prob can figure out why
L773[11:42:42] <IoP> I see something creating 3 millions of those in a few seconds before GC cleans them
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L777[11:57:50] <Lumien> IoP annotations i guess?
L778[11:58:17] <Lumien> Although that's a bit much for that
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L781[12:01:22] <IoP> yup. it fill PS eden in few seconds and triggers minor GC
L782[12:01:48] <masa> yay, so pretty much everything seemed to be broken after the initial port to IItemHandler... :D
L783[12:02:09] <masa> the first thing that is now working properly again is the Memory Chest
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L795[12:36:14] <Admiral_Damage> Erm, anyone know what p_180426_10_ is?
L796[12:36:24] <Admiral_Damage> within entity @ setPositionAndRotation2
L797[12:36:36] <Admiral_Damage> er, Entity sorry.
L798[12:36:49] <shadekiller666> !!gp p_180426_10_
L799[12:36:50] <MCPBot_Reborn> === MC 1.9: net/minecraft/entity/Entity.setPositionAndRotation2.p_180426_10_ UNLOCKED ===
L800[12:36:51] <MCPBot_Reborn> Name : p_180426_10_
L801[12:36:51] <MCPBot_Reborn> Method : rr.a => Entity.func_180426_a => Entity.setPositionAndRotation2
L802[12:36:52] <MCPBot_Reborn> Descriptor : (DDDFFIZ)V
L803[12:36:53] <MCPBot_Reborn> Comment : None
L804[12:36:54] <MCPBot_Reborn> Last Change: 2016-03-01 16:35:38.781050-05:00
L805[12:36:54] <shadekiller666> nope
L806[12:37:05] <Admiral_Damage> hmm...
L807[12:37:11] <Admiral_Damage> it doesnt seem to be attached to anything in the code
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L809[12:37:26] <shadekiller666> (don't use double ! often, as everyone sees it :P)
L810[12:37:36] <Admiral_Damage> yeah, thanks tho
L811[12:37:43] <Admiral_Damage> sry i didnt know that was a thing here :D
L812[12:38:06] <shadekiller666> lol
L813[12:38:12] <Admiral_Damage> so does one ! return it only for me?
L814[12:38:18] <gigaherz> yep
L815[12:38:21] <Admiral_Damage> oooo neat
L816[12:38:28] <shadekiller666> gm for methods, gf for "fields", gp for parameters, and gc for classes
L817[12:38:31] <gigaherz> yo ucan also do it on a PM window
L818[12:41:46] *** Mine|dreamland is now known as minecreatr
L819[12:42:09] <Admiral_Damage> I'll remember that :P
L820[12:44:52] ⇦ Quits: Nitrodev (~Nitrodev@dcx0f0yglyqspnrgwyr8t-3.rev.dnainternet.fi) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L821[12:45:47] <Lumien> Did anyone here successfully used FMLMissingMappingsEvent in 1.8.9 to rename a block?
L822[12:47:04] <shadekiller666> theres an event for that?
L823[12:47:09] <williewillus> theres a bug rn
L824[12:47:42] <Lumien> FMLMissingMappingsEvent
L825[12:47:49] <Lumien> derp
L826[12:47:52] <Lumien> already said it :P
L827[12:48:10] <williewillus> remapping is broken right now see https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/2491 and/or bug cpw :P
L828[12:50:02] <Lumien> ahh ok
L829[12:50:03] <Lumien> thx
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L831[12:52:05] <LatvianModder> masa: But the Entity UUID (not player's) still gets sent to client.. right?
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L839[13:05:23] <masa> hmm, not sure... I'm thinking probably not?
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L843[13:08:51] <shadekiller666> !gm func_187497_c
L844[13:12:26] <PaleoCrafter> gigaherz, you like C#, right? :P
L845[13:12:38] <Admiral_Damage> wot^
L846[13:13:18] <shirkit> are there any GUI libraries out there that are still working?
L847[13:13:47] <Admiral_Damage> for mc?
L848[13:13:53] <shirkit> yep
L849[13:13:58] <gigaherz> PaleoCrafter: yes
L850[13:14:01] <Admiral_Damage> o.o didnt know there were any
L851[13:14:07] <PaleoCrafter> ever worked with wPF?
L852[13:14:11] <gigaherz> yes
L853[13:14:17] <PaleoCrafter> it's wonderful :O
L854[13:14:26] <PaleoCrafter> the bindings are darn powerful
L855[13:14:26] <gigaherz> in fact I'm working on a port of my WIP IRC client to WPF these days
L856[13:14:31] <gigaherz> it is :D
L857[13:14:38] <gigaherz> have you done any custom markup extensions yet? ;P
L858[13:14:56] <sham1> Admiral_Damage, what do you mean for mc
L859[13:15:05] <gigaherz> (the {} things you can use inside properties -- you can create your own ;P)
L860[13:15:23] <Admiral_Damage> sham1, I often work with swt and swing GUIs so I was wondering what he meant by "GUI libraries"
L861[13:15:30] <Admiral_Damage> for non mc stuff
L862[13:15:37] <PaleoCrafter> nah, didn't get a chance to do that yet, I think :P
L863[13:15:54] <shirkit> I meant for MC
L864[13:16:08] <Admiral_Damage> Yeah I know.. Hence I asked you "for mc?" and I got an answer..
L865[13:16:18] <gigaherz> a few yers ago I was working in a company where I developed the UI frontend for a library
L866[13:16:27] <gigaherz> in order to make the frontend translatable
L867[13:16:39] <gigaherz> I created a markup extension for fetching translation strings
L868[13:16:56] <gigaherz> it was a bit like Text="{TranslatedString Id=Whatever}"
L869[13:17:04] <gigaherz> it woudl automatically fetch the string from the currently loaded translation
L870[13:17:17] <shadekiller666> fry|sleep are you around?
L871[13:17:29] <gigaherz> he's |sleep ;P
L872[13:17:45] <shadekiller666> ya but he's been |notsleep in the past :P
L873[13:17:55] <Admiral_Damage> shirkit, you could try and look at an existing library, write your own tools to update one like davidee's to your version
L874[13:18:10] <Admiral_Damage> davidee's one is open source afaik
L875[13:19:37] <PaleoCrafter> doesn't WPF support localisation natively anyway? :P
L876[13:20:30] <gigaherz> well you can do it through resource dictionaries and stuff
L877[13:20:44] <gigaherz> or using resource strings, but meh
L878[13:20:45] <gigaherz> ;P
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L881[13:26:32] <shadekiller666> !gm func_186032_a
L882[13:27:37] ⇨ Joins: Letoric (~kvirc@cpe-68-203-18-40.austin.res.rr.com)
L883[13:28:13] <Letoric> Are we ok to ask mod specific 'how to' questions here?
L884[13:29:38] <sham1> maybe
L885[13:29:46] <Letoric> Heh
L886[13:30:01] <Letoric> ok, well has anybody figured out how to rotate engineer's toolbox modular sockets?
L887[13:30:10] <Letoric> so that you can put a face on, configure it, then rotate it towards the machine
L888[13:30:21] <sham1> Have you tried a wrench
L889[13:30:30] <Letoric> yeah pretty sure, but I'll try again
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L891[13:30:35] <Letoric> I think I tried 2 different wrenches
L892[13:30:46] <sham1> Try the mod's own wrench
L893[13:30:56] <Letoric> it doesn't have one, to my knowledge
L894[13:31:00] <Letoric> it has a remote, a redstone wand
L895[13:31:05] <sham1> Which mod was it
L896[13:31:09] <williewillus> okay these combined inventory handlers are not working
L897[13:31:10] <Letoric> engineer's toolbox
L898[13:31:12] <Letoric> from emasher
L899[13:31:15] <shadekiller666> wtf are BlockPatterns
L900[13:31:25] <sham1> Have you tried to ask from #FTB
L901[13:31:26] <Letoric> oh I see it
L902[13:31:26] <williewillus> shadekiller666: used to do things like spawn golems or withers
L903[13:31:27] <Letoric> nm
L904[13:31:32] <sham1> Oh :P
L905[13:31:35] <shadekiller666> oh
L906[13:31:36] <williewillus> gigaherz: have you used the player inventory capa wrappers?
L907[13:31:47] <shadekiller666> basically multiblock structure checkers...
L908[13:31:49] <Letoric> but it only removes the modules
L909[13:31:54] <Letoric> it doesn't rotate the block
L910[13:32:04] <shadekiller666> they're also used for end portal activation as well it seems
L911[13:32:16] <williewillus> i literally just tossed this into my clientitckhandler and it crashed https://i.gyazo.com/5bc15c91c6fd74db705104eeef2782fa.png
L912[13:32:19] <shadekiller666> and i would assume also for nether portal activation
L913[13:32:21] <williewillus> and I don't see anything wrong with that
L914[13:34:08] <shadekiller666> O.o the pattern for a snowman is managed by the BlockPumpkin class?
L915[13:34:38] <shadekiller666> i guess thats not an outrageous place to put it
L916[13:35:06] <shadekiller666> hmmm
L917[13:35:31] <gigaherz> [20:31] (williewillus): gigaherz: have you used the player inventory capa wrappers?
L918[13:35:32] <gigaherz> nope
L919[13:35:54] <shadekiller666> the format for BlockPattern definition isn't too far off of my multiblock manager registration system :P (probably because mine was based off of the crafting system)
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L921[13:38:09] <shadekiller666> !sm func_185927_a matches
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L924[13:41:18] <shadekiller666> !gm func_185925_a
L925[13:41:26] <shadekiller666> !sm func_185925_a hasState
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L927[13:52:37] <shirkit> does onItemUseFirst get's called on the server side?
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L930[13:55:50] <shirkit> only if I don't return true on the client
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L932[13:58:39] <williewillus> gigaherz: they seem to be broken
L933[13:58:45] <williewillus> or the slot count is off
L934[14:01:06] <shadekiller666> !gf field_184420_a
L935[14:04:23] <williewillus> oh
L936[14:04:28] <williewillus> CombinedInvWrapper itself is broken
L937[14:04:31] <williewillus> ugh
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L940[14:14:04] <masa> heh. Well I only used the PlayerMainInvWrapper thus far I think.. and I haven't gotten to actually test it yet
L941[14:15:25] <williewillus> I'm pretty sure it's broken
L942[14:15:34] <williewillus> trying to make a test case to submit rn
L943[14:15:51] <shirkit> didn't eclipse back in the days used ti show sub classes when you try to do a NEW?
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L945[14:22:04] <williewillus> anyone know where boni hangs out on irc?
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L947[14:22:48] <Wuppy> o/
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L951[14:24:20] <McJty> williewillus, he is in #TinkersConstruct
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L953[14:26:04] <Wuppy> jesus the beer hickups are strong today :V
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L959[14:37:16] <shadekiller666> mojang added structure blocks in 1.9 (they used them to make the end city), but didn't provide a way for them to actually be used :P
L960[14:37:33] <williewillus> what code do they even have attached to them?
L961[14:37:48] <shadekiller666> they're pretty extensive code-wise
L962[14:38:06] <shadekiller666> there are 4 types: save, load, corner, data
L963[14:38:17] <shirkit> I'm having some trouble trying to use some of the CoFHCore classes, I can't directly add the jar because it contains the obfuscated methods but the source won't compile. Is there a way to properly do this?
L964[14:38:44] <TehNut> Use the deobf jar
L965[14:38:49] <shadekiller666> theres a bunch of code that figures out the structure and saves/loads to/from disk
L966[14:39:03] <shadekiller666> but in the actual game they're all but useless
L967[14:39:07] <shadekiller666> they don't have an item
L968[14:39:52] <shirkit> TehNut: should they be providing that version or should I debof
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L970[14:40:19] MineBot sets mode: +o on cpw|out
L971[14:40:20] <shadekiller666> the wiki says that they're intended for "developers to create structures" internally
L972[14:40:22] <shirkit> nvm found the -dev version
L973[14:40:56] *** cpw|out is now known as cpw
L974[14:41:07] <williewillus> they probably removed the itemblock on release
L975[14:41:16] <williewillus> just becuase :P
L976[14:41:53] <heldplayer> williewillus: excellent place to put a test case
L977[14:42:02] <heldplayer> Amazing
L978[14:42:07] <williewillus> ?
L979[14:42:14] <heldplayer> is WaterBowl the mana pool? :P
L980[14:42:19] <williewillus> no, it's a bowl of water
L981[14:42:21] <williewillus> haha
L982[14:42:24] <heldplayer> Oh
L983[14:42:31] * heldplayer needs to play more Botania
L984[14:42:32] <williewillus> it's used in garden of glass to fill the apothecary before you get access to a bucket
L985[14:42:32] <shadekiller666> i don't know exactly HOW one is supposed to create a structure with them
L986[14:42:46] <williewillus> shadekiller666: have you looked at the structure files in assets/?
L987[14:42:47] <heldplayer> Ah
L988[14:42:48] <williewillus> i haven't
L989[14:43:03] <heldplayer> Well, just wanted to say I find your choice of putting a test case funny ;)
L990[14:43:10] <heldplayer> It's exactly what I'd do
L991[14:43:22] <williewillus> lol I just find random item with no right click functionality and throw it in
L992[14:43:32] <shadekiller666> whether you do it entirely in code, or build the structure in-game and then call the methods to create the actual asset file
L993[14:43:35] <heldplayer> Exactly :p
L994[14:43:54] <shadekiller666> !gm func_184417_l
L995[14:44:39] <shadekiller666> the fact that all of the methods in TileEntityStructure are obfuscated doesn't help much :P
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L997[14:45:17] <shadekiller666> i suppose that is the point of obfuscating things though
L998[14:45:27] <ParadoxBomb> Hello again
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L1000[14:51:04] *** Kolatra[away] is now known as Kolatra
L1001[14:53:00] <ParadoxBomb> soo... trying to figure out how ItemBlocks work, specifically in the sense of passing data to TEs for creation. Does anyone have any pointers?
L1002[14:55:24] <gigaherz> well it's based on NBT
L1003[14:56:05] <gigaherz> yo ucan look at my packing tape
L1004[14:56:06] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/PackingTape/tree/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/packingtape/tape
L1005[14:56:08] <gigaherz> it's based on that
L1006[14:56:33] *** AEnterprise is now known as AEnterpriseAFK
L1007[14:56:40] <gigaherz> specifically this method
L1008[14:56:41] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/PackingTape/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/packingtape/tape/BlockPackaged.java#L89
L1009[14:57:28] <ParadoxBomb> hmmm
L1010[14:58:03] <gigaherz> basically anything inside the BlockEntityTag
L1011[14:58:11] <gigaherz> upon placing, gets applied to the TileEntity
L1012[14:58:35] <williewillus> holy crap why is eclipse so slow on this computer
L1013[14:58:37] <gigaherz> (I remove x,y,z there, but it's not necessary, this is just to reduce a little bit the amount of data stored in the stack)
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L1015[14:59:08] <ParadoxBomb> It seems like we might be trying to do something similar
L1016[14:59:11] ⇨ Joins: SandGrainOne (~Terje@cm-
L1017[14:59:33] <ParadoxBomb> My block is (hopefully) going to be able to emulate other blocks a la openblocks canvases
L1018[15:00:24] <gigaherz> nah my mod is just for moving things around
L1019[15:00:35] <gigaherz> a bit like the cardboard boxes from mekanism or whatever it was
L1020[15:00:42] <ParadoxBomb> but you still have to dynamically generate textures, no?
L1021[15:00:45] ⇨ Joins: Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net)
L1022[15:00:48] <gigaherz> nope
L1023[15:00:52] <gigaherz> I just draw a box
L1024[15:00:53] <ParadoxBomb> oh ._.
L1025[15:00:55] <ParadoxBomb> lol
L1026[15:01:07] <ParadoxBomb> my bad
L1027[15:01:12] <williewillus> a simple find usage takes centuries .-.
L1028[15:01:27] <gigaherz> http://mods.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/238659-packing-tape
L1029[15:01:56] <ParadoxBomb> nice!
L1030[15:02:09] <ParadoxBomb> here's what I have: https://github.com/ParadoxBomb/InkCannon
L1031[15:02:14] <ParadoxBomb> it's pretty messy though
L1032[15:02:25] <ParadoxBomb> and probably full of mistakes
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L1034[15:05:00] <ParadoxBomb> would I put the sort of method you described in the constructor for my ItemBlock, giga?
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L1036[15:05:55] <MattDahEpic> is extending GuiContainer still a "good" way of doing guis?
L1037[15:05:58] <shadekiller666> ParadoxBomb, have you looked at what tterrag does with chisel?
L1038[15:06:27] <ParadoxBomb> Matt, I tried posting on the forge forums and got told by two different people not to use ITileEntityProvider so I have no idea
L1039[15:06:41] <ParadoxBomb> shade, no but I probably should >w>
L1040[15:07:14] * ParadoxBomb herpderps
L1041[15:07:16] <gigaherz> MattDahEpic: yes
L1042[15:07:22] <ParadoxBomb> I misread your message matt sorry
L1043[15:08:13] <MattDahEpic> !gm GuiContainer.drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer 1.8.9
L1044[15:08:52] <MattDahEpic> !gm GuiContainer.drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer 1.8.9
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L1046[15:09:10] <williewillus> are the hack workarounds to acquire a forge IDEA workspace worth putting on RTD?
L1047[15:09:22] <williewillus> :P
L1048[15:09:30] <MattDahEpic> id say so because i cant figure it our
L1049[15:09:33] <MattDahEpic> out*
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L1051[15:11:59] <williewillus> ugh I had it figured out a while back and I forgot how to do it
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L1053[15:14:04] <williewillus> this sucks
L1054[15:14:08] <gigaherz> williewillus: forge proper?
L1055[15:14:17] <gigaherz> that probably belongs on the forge wiki, not rtd
L1056[15:14:45] <williewillus> yeah but these hacks shouldn't be necessary in the first place fg needs to fix its stuff -.-
L1057[15:14:50] ⇨ Joins: Roldorin (~Roldorin@pool-108-41-56-252.nycmny.fios.verizon.net)
L1058[15:14:54] <Roldorin> Hello
L1059[15:14:59] <Roldorin> I can finally chat here!
L1060[15:15:04] <Roldorin> I've been working since last night
L1061[15:15:08] <Roldorin> To get this working
L1062[15:15:08] <ParadoxBomb> shadekiller666: I'm not exactly sure what you're recommending, since there is a lot of stuff in the repo and none of it is commented
L1063[15:15:32] <Roldorin> Can I have forge java coding here?
L1064[15:15:48] <ParadoxBomb> what?
L1065[15:16:06] <Roldorin> Can I ask forge java coding question here?
L1066[15:16:11] <Roldorin> Sorry I said it wrong
L1067[15:17:04] <williewillus> yes you can
L1068[15:17:32] <Roldorin> Alright
L1069[15:17:43] <Roldorin> So I'm trying to edit a mod and I want to change the mod id
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L1071[15:18:16] <Roldorin> But when I use Bytecode Decompiler to put the code into eclipse
L1072[15:18:29] <Roldorin> It gives me a bunch of errors, is there any other way to change the mod id?
L1073[15:19:11] <williewillus> uh do you have a proper mod workspace setup?
L1074[15:19:15] <Roldorin> Yes
L1075[15:19:17] <Roldorin> It works fine
L1076[15:19:37] <ParadoxBomb> can't you just get a fork from github?
L1077[15:19:41] <ParadoxBomb> work with a copy?
L1078[15:19:45] <Roldorin> I can't find one there
L1079[15:19:57] ⇦ Quits: Techfoxis (~Techfoxis@pool-74-110-119-59.nrflva.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: AtomicIRC: The nuclear option.)
L1080[15:19:59] <ParadoxBomb> what mod?
L1081[15:20:06] <Ordinastie> why do you want to change the mod id?
L1082[15:20:13] <Roldorin> Kradnx Xray
L1083[15:20:13] <ParadoxBomb> ^
L1084[15:20:21] <Roldorin> Well I want to use it for something
L1085[15:20:25] <Roldorin> And I don't wana get caught
L1086[15:20:32] <Ordinastie> ...
L1087[15:20:35] <williewillus> lol
L1088[15:20:35] <Roldorin> It's something important for a server so I'm trying to get it changed
L1089[15:20:43] <williewillus> "something important"?
L1090[15:20:46] <Roldorin> Well
L1091[15:20:49] <ParadoxBomb> you mean cheating
L1092[15:20:52] <TehNut> ^
L1093[15:20:52] <Roldorin> Yes
L1094[15:20:57] <ParadoxBomb> I like your style q:
L1095[15:20:59] <Roldorin> Well I just want to change the mod id
L1096[15:21:17] <Roldorin> I'm just going to need it for a little bit to get some extra resources for a little boost
L1097[15:21:34] <ParadoxBomb> what you should do is larn how to mod and make your own
L1098[15:21:40] <ParadoxBomb> it's fun
L1099[15:21:55] <williewillus> anyways anyone successfulyl setup a forge IDEA workspace?
L1100[15:22:10] <gigaherz> nope
L1101[15:22:15] <gigaherz> I managed to import the things
L1102[15:22:28] <Roldorin> I want to learn how to mod it's just I want to get these errors fixed they are all related to each other
L1103[15:22:29] <gigaherz> but I couldn't get the "Forge" project to also contain the sources for forge itself
L1104[15:22:36] <Roldorin> Can I post the errors here?
L1105[15:22:49] <gigaherz> IDEA seems to not like referencing source folders that are outside the project folder
L1106[15:22:50] <ParadoxBomb> pastebin exists for a reason
L1107[15:22:51] <Ordinastie> Roldorin, honnestly ? don't bother
L1108[15:23:11] <Roldorin> How come?
L1109[15:24:03] <Ordinastie> you want us to help you modify a mod that you do not own, in order to cheat on a server
L1110[15:24:10] <ParadoxBomb> ^
L1111[15:24:11] <Ordinastie> that's not gonna happen
L1112[15:24:11] <thecodewarrior> ^
L1113[15:24:18] <Roldorin> Alright
L1114[15:24:57] ⇦ Parts: Roldorin (~Roldorin@pool-108-41-56-252.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) (Leaving))
L1115[15:25:05] <ParadoxBomb> okay see ya
L1116[15:25:30] ⇨ Joins: gudenau (~gudenau@2602:306:cea3:f020:fc43:5351:ea4f:59cb)
L1117[15:26:07] <gudenau> System.out.println("Hello world!");
L1118[15:26:24] <gudenau> How does one get the dim id for a world?
L1119[15:26:38] <williewillus> holy crap I have to copy all th libraries into project scope -.-
L1120[15:26:38] <gudenau> 1.8.9.
L1121[15:26:50] <gudenau> What are you doing williewillus?
L1122[15:26:51] <williewillus> i don't remember having to do this last time
L1123[15:26:58] <williewillus> trying to get forge dev working in IDEA
L1124[15:27:05] <williewillus> since FG is broken
L1125[15:27:19] <thecodewarrior> gudenau: world.provider.getDimensionId() or something like that.
L1126[15:27:53] <gudenau> Exactly that, thanks!@
L1127[15:28:25] <thecodewarrior> also you can do world.provider.getDimensionName() to get the pretty name of the dimension.
L1128[15:28:51] <gudenau> This is all backend, no need for that.
L1129[15:29:06] <gudenau> Thanks for the tip though!
L1130[15:29:23] <williewillus> wtf "GradleStart cannot be found in module Forge"
L1131[15:29:34] ⇦ Quits: MCPBot_Reborn (~MCPBot_Re@mcpbot.bspk.rs) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L1133[15:30:47] <MattDahEpic> williewillus, reimport the project and rerun the make runs task
L1134[15:31:03] ⇦ Quits: ParadoxBomb (~Gear@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1135[15:31:04] <williewillus> this is for IDEA
L1136[15:31:16] <bspkrs> take note
L1137[15:31:22] <bspkrs> !!srg 1.9
L1138[15:31:22] <MCPBot_Reborn> http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/mcp/1.9/mcp-1.9-srg.zip
L1139[15:31:24] <williewillus> I already did a lot of hacking around to get the project imported, so I'm supposed to do that again?
L1140[15:31:59] <MattDahEpic> williewillus, that usually works for regular projects so im not sure
L1141[15:32:15] ⇨ Joins: Roldorin (~Roldorin@pool-108-41-56-252.nycmny.fios.verizon.net)
L1142[15:32:42] <Roldorin> Well I'm not going to ask for the mod but I'm studying what these errors are
L1143[15:33:04] <williewillus> what errors are they?
L1144[15:33:08] <Roldorin> What does this mean? field_71439_g cannot be resolved or is not a field mod_Xray.java /Minecraft/src/main/java/com/roldorin/lotrmodclock
L1145[15:33:12] <williewillus> lol
L1146[15:33:24] <Roldorin> I'm studying the errors
L1147[15:33:36] <TehNut> Nobody is going to help you
L1148[15:33:36] <Roldorin> I'm making a clock for the Lord of the Rings mod
L1149[15:33:39] <Roldorin> Why?
L1150[15:34:06] <Roldorin> I thought this was for forge java help not for choosing if you want to help someone
L1151[15:34:20] <williewillus> we don't help 1. people who haven't bought the game 2. cheaters :P
L1152[15:34:23] <MattDahEpic> (tip: people dont like xray mods)
L1153[15:34:29] <williewillus> also ugh this is so irritating https://i.gyazo.com/6ca7f4dc5fca3115dc9223bfdafefeec.png
L1154[15:34:29] <thecodewarrior> ^^^^^
L1155[15:34:34] <williewillus> GradleStartCommon is RIGHT THERE
L1156[15:34:54] <Roldorin> Is that an Eclipse theme?
L1157[15:35:05] <williewillus> uh no
L1158[15:35:07] <williewillus> that's IDEA
L1159[15:35:12] <Roldorin> Oh
L1160[15:35:17] <thecodewarrior> I don't know IDEA, but red squiggles are generally a bad thing.
L1161[15:35:22] <williewillus> eclipse runs like shit on my computer
L1162[15:35:25] <gigaherz> IntelliJ IDEA, from JetBrains ;P
L1163[15:35:29] <MattDahEpic> darcula is best
L1164[15:35:33] <Roldorin> What's the recommended Minecraft workspace
L1165[15:35:40] <Roldorin> I mean IDE
L1166[15:35:45] <gigaherz> Roldorin: either latest eclipse, or latest IDEA
L1167[15:35:46] <gigaherz> your choice
L1168[15:35:49] <Roldorin> Alright
L1169[15:36:05] <Roldorin> I think I'll stick with Eclipse as I have most of my stuff setup on there
L1170[15:36:18] <williewillus> who do I yell at to fix this
L1171[15:36:59] <gigaherz> speak with AbrarSyed first
L1172[15:37:07] <Roldorin> Have a nice day everyone!
L1173[15:37:07] <gigaherz> but chances are you'll have to yell at JetBrains ;P
L1174[15:37:07] <Roldorin> :D
L1175[15:37:11] ⇨ Joins: killjoy (~killjoy@2606:a000:1118:c19d:4c5a:d02d:5114:9f68)
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L1177[15:37:42] <shadowfacts> willie, if you get the forge dev workspace working properly in IDEA, please tell me, I'd love to know (can't stand using Eclipse, eugh)
L1178[15:37:46] <gigaherz> I think the issue with FG and IDEA is that IDEa just doesn't support the source code layout used by forge proper
L1179[15:38:35] <williewillus> I got it working a couple weeks ago
L1180[15:38:39] <williewillus> I just can't remember what I did
L1181[15:38:45] <williewillus> it involving mucking with the content roots
L1182[15:38:56] <killjoy> ooh, hexchat update
L1183[15:39:30] <williewillus> I basically can't make PR's to forge because eclipse is shit and spends 20 minutes trying to import the project
L1184[15:39:39] <williewillus> and IDEA forge env is broken
L1185[15:39:47] <gudenau> Wow, eclipse is not that slow for me. 0.o
L1186[15:39:58] <williewillus> it's extremely slow for me, idk why
L1187[15:40:07] <gigaherz> java x64?
L1188[15:40:13] <gudenau> There is a plugin that optimises settings.
L1189[15:40:17] <gigaherz> do you have a 32bit java around? maybe it's using that one instead
L1190[15:40:25] <williewillus> of course, latest openjdk 8 64 bit
L1191[15:40:34] <gudenau> That could be it.
L1192[15:40:44] <gigaherz> maybe it's slow on openjdk, and you'd need the non-open one
L1193[15:40:45] <MattDahEpic> williewillus, maybe try getting them into seperate modules?
L1194[15:40:45] <williewillus> maybe the arch wiki has some entries on eclipse :P
L1195[15:40:58] <williewillus> what's "them"?
L1196[15:41:06] <MattDahEpic> the mc/forge source
L1197[15:41:29] <williewillus> they depend on each other
L1198[15:41:41] <gigaherz> they are separate modules, the issue with loading the FG-generated projects in IDEa is that it doesn't import the minecraftforge packages
L1199[15:41:44] <MattDahEpic> modules can refer to code in other modules
L1200[15:41:59] <thecodewarrior> Is there any way to show all missing models instead of suppressing them?
L1201[15:42:16] <williewillus> ah here we go this is a bit better
L1202[15:42:24] <williewillus> if you force eclipse to use gtk2 instead of gtk3
L1203[15:42:28] <gigaherz> lol
L1204[15:42:39] <williewillus> marginally though
L1205[15:42:41] <williewillus> it still lags
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L1207[15:43:27] <MattDahEpic> whats the equilivent of a TileEntity for an item
L1208[15:43:56] <thecodewarrior> I don't think there is one.
L1209[15:44:33] <williewillus> the itemstack
L1210[15:44:34] <williewillus> :P
L1211[15:44:37] <williewillus> has nbt and can tick
L1212[15:44:56] <MattDahEpic> you cant attach an IInventory to an itemstack doe
L1213[15:46:07] ⇦ Quits: Saturn812 (~Saturn812@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1214[15:46:10] <williewillus> capas
L1215[15:46:15] <williewillus> and sure you can
L1216[15:46:17] <MattDahEpic> kappas?
L1217[15:48:36] ⇨ Joins: Saturn812 (~Saturn812@
L1218[15:50:19] <williewillus> has anyone used the 1.8 cursegradle plugin?
L1219[15:50:22] <williewillus> is it basically the same?
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L1222[15:53:29] <TehNut> williewillus: The one by matthew?
L1223[15:53:32] <williewillus> yeah
L1224[15:53:43] <gigaherz> williewillus: I got IDEA forge to start the client debug
L1225[15:53:46] <TehNut> https://github.com/TehNut/Soul-Shards-The-Old-Ways/blob/1.8/build.gradle#L186-L206
L1226[15:53:48] <TehNut> it's similar
L1227[15:55:17] <williewillus> welp here goes :P
L1228[15:55:21] <gigaherz> williewillus: I loaded projects\projects.ipr, then went to Project Structure -> Modules -> Forge
L1229[15:55:43] <williewillus> lol conflict
L1230[15:55:45] <gigaherz> then used Add Content Root -> <forge>\src\
L1231[15:55:57] <williewillus> Task 'curse' is ambiguous in root project 'Botania'. Candidates are: 'curseforge', 'curseforge241973'
L1232[15:55:58] <gigaherz> and removed all of the "null" entries that were previously there
L1233[15:56:11] <gigaherz> thne added my own run task
L1234[15:56:17] <TehNut> The task name is "curseforge", not "curse"
L1235[15:56:18] <gigaherz> GradleStart, for module Forge
L1236[15:56:19] <gigaherz> XD
L1237[15:56:30] <williewillus> oh it changed
L1238[15:56:33] <williewillus> and thanks giga
L1239[15:57:48] <williewillus> what's the extractRangemapReplacedMain task in 1.8.9?
L1240[15:57:53] <williewillus> happens last every build
L1241[15:59:28] <williewillus> did github remove the ability to auto upload releases
L1242[15:59:30] <williewillus> or is that still in
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L1244[16:01:20] <williewillus> woohoo it worked
L1245[16:01:35] <gudenau> Yay, world gen! https://i.imgur.com/LNDuIFp.png
L1246[16:01:39] <williewillus> TehNut: how do I specify java versions supported?
L1247[16:01:49] <williewillus> by default right now it selects all three and I depend on 8
L1248[16:01:59] <TehNut> If you use 1.0.7, it'll auto-detect based on what's set in the build.gradle
L1249[16:02:50] <TehNut> Odd that it's not for you
L1250[16:03:06] <williewillus> oh I'm still using 1.0-snapshot of cursegradle
L1251[16:04:21] <TehNut> If you want to do it manually, it's "addGameVersion 'Java 8'"
L1252[16:05:05] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L1253[16:05:09] <MattDahEpic> in 1.10 mojang should drop j6 and maybe j7 support
L1254[16:05:15] <killjoy> j8
L1255[16:05:20] <killjoy> the launcher already downloads it
L1256[16:05:39] <MattDahEpic> well yes, but build using j8 so that we can use lambdas
L1257[16:06:02] <killjoy> I've already decided to make my 1.8.9 mods in 1.8
L1258[16:06:07] <killjoy> (in j8)
L1259[16:06:18] <killjoy> I'm more into the streaming api
L1260[16:07:43] <thecodewarrior> gudenau: Is it just me or do those look like LEGO crystals.
L1261[16:07:50] <gudenau> They do. :-P
L1262[16:08:07] <thecodewarrior> are they LEGO crystals?
L1263[16:08:20] <gudenau> Yes. :-P
L1264[16:08:31] <williewillus> eh streams are sometimes abused ;p
L1265[16:08:41] ⇨ Joins: Roldorin (~Roldorin@pool-108-41-56-252.nycmny.fios.verizon.net)
L1266[16:08:44] <Roldorin> Sorry about before
L1267[16:08:52] <Roldorin> That was immature to ask about x-ray
L1268[16:08:55] <Roldorin> :/
L1269[16:09:15] <Roldorin> Do any of you know the Lord of the Rings mod by Mevans?
L1270[16:09:43] ⇨ Joins: mezz (~mezz@
L1271[16:09:43] MineBot sets mode: +v on mezz
L1272[16:09:56] <thecodewarrior> I've seen a couple episodes of a LOTR minecraft let's play
L1273[16:10:16] <Roldorin> Well the mod's day/night cycle is 40 minutes when vanilla has 20 minutes
L1274[16:11:24] <Roldorin> And I want to make a mod add-on which is a clock for the mod
L1275[16:11:27] *** MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L1276[16:11:28] <Roldorin> Can you help me make one?
L1277[16:11:36] <williewillus> I apologize for my terribly shitty naming scheme everybody ;-; https://i.gyazo.com/7609c0295432965e80d58841ed9022f7.png
L1278[16:11:41] <Roldorin> I'm new to the Forge Api I'm still learning it and some help would be great
L1279[16:11:46] <williewillus> But finally back to using upstream's versioning
L1280[16:11:49] <williewillus> so it won't change agian
L1281[16:11:51] ⇦ Quits: mezz (~mezz@ (Client Quit)
L1282[16:11:57] <Roldorin> Willie
L1283[16:12:02] <Roldorin> Want to help make the addon?
L1284[16:12:09] <Roldorin> I'll give credit to whomever helps
L1285[16:12:28] <williewillus> aaah shit I forgot to put unofficial in the name
L1286[16:12:52] ⇨ Joins: mezz (~mezz@
L1287[16:12:52] MineBot sets mode: +v on mezz
L1288[16:13:04] <williewillus> my plate is full currently, sorry haha
L1289[16:14:27] *** Vigaro is now known as Vigaro|AFK
L1290[16:14:33] <Roldorin> Ok
L1291[16:14:35] <Roldorin> :)
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L1293[16:14:50] <Roldorin> I just recently discovered IRC
L1294[16:14:53] <Roldorin> It's amazing
L1295[16:15:11] *** Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L1296[16:15:22] <gudenau> Can I break out of a loop from inside a loop that is inside the loop I want to break out of?
L1297[16:15:44] <illy> Wait till you find mailing lists Roldorin, it will change your life
L1298[16:16:00] <gudenau> Yeah, you can destroy someone's inbox with them. :-D
L1299[16:16:38] <Matthew> gudenau, label the outer loop. then you can do: break outerloop;
L1300[16:17:03] <gudenau> Labels are a thing in Java? I though they where just in Java's ASM.
L1301[16:17:09] <williewillus> yeah
L1302[16:17:15] <Roldorin> Idk why but that loop thing just blew my mind
L1303[16:17:18] <williewillus> inherited from C/++ :P
L1304[16:17:29] <killjoy> Label as in a JLabel?
L1305[16:17:32] <gudenau> Now, does goto work?
L1306[16:17:55] <gudenau> It expects a byte? wat
L1307[16:18:30] <Roldorin> Nvm
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L1309[16:18:38] <Matthew> gudenau, https://matthewprenger.com/ss/160312161827.png
L1310[16:18:44] <williewillus> am I allowed to hotlink against curseforge jars?
L1311[16:18:48] <williewillus> or should I just link to the page
L1312[16:19:24] <gudenau> I really did not know that was a thing, great to see the little C things that caried over sometimes.
L1313[16:19:56] <gudenau> Heh, now that I am looking at this code again; I do not need that, I could just return. :-P
L1314[16:21:04] <thecodewarrior> Anybody know of any reason why minecraft won't recognize new assets? Changing existing assets works, but not adding new ones.
L1315[16:21:12] <gudenau> Example?
L1316[16:22:08] <thecodewarrior> I updated the .lang file and refreshed the resources in eclipse, and the name changed. but I added several models and textures but they won't update.
L1317[16:22:22] <gudenau> How did you add them?
L1318[16:23:04] <gigaherz> thecodewarrior: if you reference a model from a blockstates file, it should get loaded
L1319[16:23:08] <gigaherz> and if that model references a texture
L1320[16:23:09] <thecodewarrior> Ummm. are there multiple ways? I just add them to the folder and refresh src/main/resources.
L1321[16:23:11] <gigaherz> it should get loaded in turn
L1322[16:23:23] <gigaherz> but if nothing references them, then MC won't bother loading anything
L1323[16:23:27] <heldplayer> thecodewarrior: Are the resource domains and file names all lowercase?
L1324[16:23:35] <gudenau> What is the path?
L1325[16:24:05] <thecodewarrior> assets/catwalks/models/item/speed.json
L1326[16:24:45] <gudenau> Did you register the model in code?
L1327[16:24:52] <thecodewarrior> ...
L1328[16:24:56] <williewillus> you have to for items
L1329[16:24:58] <gudenau> ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation
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L1331[16:26:34] <gudenau> Now I need to make an energy system. This should be all sorts of fun!
L1332[16:26:54] <thecodewarrior> ... thanks...
L1333[16:27:04] <gudenau> No problem!
L1334[16:27:24] <gudenau> Hey, anyone got a link to that api doc for forge?
L1335[16:27:37] <gudenau> I know you need package-info, but beond that I frogot.
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L1344[16:58:25] <williewillus> fingers crossed i didn't screw up anything again
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L1350[17:05:13] <shadekiller666> !latest
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L1352[17:07:17] <thecodewarrior> How do I have a block's item use different textures for different metadata values? Right now I have http://pastebin.com/ZJic3YAZ and http://pastebin.com/mC5Vuaga but it's not using the textures from the blockstates file.
L1353[17:08:26] <diesieben07> and you are sure you actually have Items with those metadata values in your inventory?
L1354[17:09:59] <thecodewarrior> Yes, F3+H shows the correct metadata values. And the models have all missing textures (I know that the textures are there, I just removed them from the model file)
L1355[17:10:33] <shadekiller666> is the console complaining about not being able to find textures?
L1356[17:11:57] <thecodewarrior> Yes, but even the inv_steel state who's texture block was copied directly from the model file (it was working) shows missing textures.
L1357[17:12:30] <masa> hmm... those are full variant definitions when they have [{}] right? so they should also have the model in them then? I can't ever remember how that goes exactly...
L1358[17:12:46] <thecodewarrior> it's in the defaults block
L1359[17:12:50] <shadekiller666> yes, [{}] means full variant
L1360[17:12:54] <shadekiller666> {} means property
L1361[17:13:09] <thecodewarrior> they all are using the model, just the textures from the variants aren't working.
L1362[17:13:14] <shadekiller666> full variants don't have to have a "model" defined in them
L1363[17:13:15] <masa> but if they are full variants then the defaults is not used, right?
L1364[17:13:24] <masa> oh..
L1365[17:13:51] <shadekiller666> the defaults are used unless full variants (either generated or defined) override them
L1366[17:13:58] <shadekiller666> thats why they're defaults
L1367[17:14:01] <shirkit> How do I get an IIcon inside a GuiScreen? Do I need to register it before somewhere and load when needed, or cache it at some event?
L1368[17:14:19] <diesieben07> IIcons have to be registered, but... why are you on 1.7?
L1369[17:15:30] <williewillus> ^
L1370[17:16:14] <sham1> Something something popular something
L1371[17:16:16] <shirkit> because I play on 1.7
L1372[17:16:25] <thecodewarrior> You won't for long.
L1373[17:16:29] <sham1> ^
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L1376[17:16:58] <shirkit> when can I register the Icons?
L1377[17:17:04] <shirkit> does someone knows?
L1378[17:17:05] <thecodewarrior> 1.8.9 is picking up steam, every extra developer on 1.8.9 will help.
L1379[17:17:27] <diesieben07> TextureStitchEvent
L1380[17:17:28] <shirkit> I'm not saying I won't port to 1.8.9
L1381[17:17:38] <sham1> And 1.9 will pick once it gets through
L1382[17:17:41] <shirkit> I'm just trying to use my mod first in my playtime
L1383[17:17:43] <shadekiller666> i wonder how quick 1.9 will take over
L1384[17:17:45] <thecodewarrior> It'll be way easer to make it on 1.8 from the begining than to port.
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L1386[17:18:05] <sham1> You might as well port to 1.9 straight so you can do all the 1.8 stuff while porting
L1387[17:18:26] <sham1> Oh, and also what the warrior of the code kind said
L1388[17:18:27] <shirkit> if I do the development on 1.8 I won't be able to play this week
L1389[17:18:34] <sham1> Why not
L1390[17:18:40] <sham1> Who is setting those limits
L1391[17:19:11] <shirkit> I'm playing on 2 pre-made packs
L1392[17:19:23] <shirkit> I do not want to setup the whole interaction
L1393[17:19:28] <shirkit> and it's currently really fun
L1394[17:19:44] <thecodewarrior> Also, it depends on how big this mod is.
L1395[17:19:55] <shirkit> 3 blocks and 1 item
L1396[17:19:57] <shirkit> =]
L1397[17:20:07] <thecodewarrior> How complex is the rendering?
L1398[17:20:19] <shirkit> basic
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L1400[17:20:30] <thecodewarrior> Just full blocks? TESRs?
L1401[17:20:33] <shirkit> part of it won't even work when a chest in the viewport
L1402[17:20:50] <shirkit> nope, none of them are
L1403[17:20:50] <shirkit> but I can change that
L1404[17:20:57] <shirkit> I'm not attached to the block textures
L1405[17:21:08] <thecodewarrior> none of them are TESRs or none of them are full blocks?
L1406[17:23:10] <thecodewarrior> Anybody have any idea as to my blockstates issue?
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L1411[17:29:00] <Shirkit> if you said something my internet died just after my last message =\
L1412[17:30:08] <thecodewarrior> none of them are TESRs or none of them are full blocks?
L1413[17:30:20] <Shirkit> none are full blocks
L1414[17:30:24] <Shirkit> but as I said, everything can change
L1415[17:30:30] <Shirkit> I made them that way just for fun
L1416[17:30:42] <thecodewarrior> are they static?
L1417[17:30:42] <Shirkit> I actually think they all look horrible
L1418[17:30:58] <Shirkit> nope, changing textures
L1419[17:31:25] <thecodewarrior> I mean are there any animations
L1420[17:31:47] <Shirkit> I made an animation, but the way is animated is probably shit
L1421[17:32:32] <Shirkit> it changes the textures of the sides every 5 ticks
L1422[17:33:04] <thecodewarrior> oh, that should probably be a TESR, updating the chunk that often is not good.
L1423[17:33:34] <Shirkit> it's probably poorly written the drawing part
L1424[17:33:40] <Shirkit> I just setup it up to work
L1425[17:33:45] <Shirkit> and it's barely working
L1426[17:34:03] <masa> changes the texture? that could just be an animated textures then?
L1427[17:34:20] <masa> -s
L1428[17:34:32] <Shirkit> probably if I knew how to set it up properly
L1429[17:35:45] <masa> take a look at vanilla water, lava or nether portal textures
L1430[17:36:06] <thecodewarrior> and their corresponding .mcmeta files
L1431[17:36:08] <masa> it just needs all the textures as one file and then the mcmeta file to control how they are cycled
L1432[17:40:54] <Shirkit> I will, thanks
L1433[17:41:03] <Shirkit> and masa, the code I showed last time
L1434[17:41:13] <Shirkit> it's has nothing to do with my blocks rendering
L1435[17:41:24] <Shirkit> it's a highlight tool I'm making for blocks
L1436[17:41:33] <Shirkit> and it breaks when a vanilla chest is in the viewport
L1437[17:41:35] <Shirkit> for some reason
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L1439[17:42:33] <shadekiller666> does your block highlight handle tile entity renderers?
L1440[17:42:42] <poste9> I was hopping to find micdoodle here :/
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L1443[17:43:19] <thecodewarrior> I think my blockstate file isn't being updated when I refresh the resources dir, has anybody else had this problem? It shows up correctly when opened in eclipse, but it doesn't appear that it's being sent to minecraft.
L1444[17:43:37] <masa> Shirkit: well in that case check which OGL modes the vanilla chest renderer sets and doesn't clean up...
L1445[17:44:19] <poste9> ok, doesnt hurt to ask... anyone here already made the maths of how many blocks in a square room a galacticcraft oxygen sealer can handle ?
L1446[17:44:50] <masa> thecodewarrior: hmm, I think I remember seeing some issues where new resources won't work properly without a game restart, or something...
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L1448[17:45:29] <Shirkit> shadekiller666: I just draw 6 faces on the world per coordinate
L1449[17:45:31] <Shirkit> nothing fancy
L1450[17:45:35] <Shirkit> pure OGL
L1451[17:45:38] <shadekiller666> ok
L1452[17:45:49] <Shirkit> lemme check the chest renderer
L1453[17:47:24] <thecodewarrior> masa: still didn't update. :( lemme try relaunching eclipse
L1454[17:48:09] <Shirkit> masa: I think it's probably in ModelChest when it tries to render itself. I had the same strategy in my own block (that also breaks my highlit tool), and when I disabled the rendering of my ModelBase it works
L1455[17:48:23] <Shirkit> but I saw no junk there
L1456[17:50:10] <thecodewarrior> nope, still didn't update. :(
L1457[17:53:48] <masa> is that blockstate successfully used for anything? or is it just just the items that are broken?
L1458[17:58:10] <thecodewarrior> Ok, so the file is updating, I guess the way I'm registering the items to use states isn't correct.
L1459[17:59:09] <thecodewarrior> nope, the default takes care of that.
L1460[17:59:39] <thecodewarrior> whoops, was looking up in the history and forgot, then thought you just said something that you said earlier. :P
L1461[18:03:26] <thecodewarrior> http://pastebin.com/ZJic3YAZ < is that not how I register it?
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L1463[18:06:57] <masa> I was just looking at it again... does that new ModelResourceLocation(blockClass.getRegistryName(), "variantstuff") work for you in other places?
L1464[18:07:12] <masa> particularly the getRegistryname() as argument for the MRL
L1465[18:07:25] <masa> I'm using a ResourceLocation for it there
L1466[18:08:09] <masa> https://github.com/maruohon/enderutilities/blob/master/src/main/java/fi/dy/masa/enderutilities/proxy/ClientProxy.java#L176
L1467[18:08:14] <diesieben07> yes that should not work at al
L1468[18:08:42] <diesieben07> do what masa doees :D
L1469[18:09:00] <thecodewarrior> Ok
L1470[18:09:20] <diesieben07> or alternatively item.delegate.getResourceName8)
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L1473[18:12:28] <shadekiller666> well
L1474[18:12:43] <shadekiller666> if the registry name is the same as the name of the blockstate file it would
L1475[18:13:05] <shadekiller666> but you'd also need your modid and ":" in front of it
L1476[18:13:14] <diesieben07> yes
L1477[18:13:29] <diesieben07> better use the RL variants instead of putting it together manually
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L1479[18:17:14] <shadekiller666> i wish there was a way to deobfuscate things locally in eclipse
L1480[18:17:45] <shadekiller666> for situations where you want to look at how something works before the mcp mappings get updated
L1481[18:18:02] <shadekiller666> and/or before the build.gradle that is in use gets updated...
L1482[18:20:02] <Cypher121> is dimension id the best way to store dimension in NBT?
L1483[18:22:23] <Shirkit> can I get an icon that was registred by another mod?
L1484[18:24:13] <diesieben07> yes Cypher121
L1485[18:24:25] <diesieben07> Shirkit, yes, just specify it's name
L1486[18:24:38] <Shirkit> diesieben07: where do I peek it from
L1487[18:24:57] <diesieben07> define "peek"
L1488[18:25:02] <diesieben07> define "it"
L1489[18:25:07] <Shirkit> where do I pull that IIcon from
L1490[18:25:13] <diesieben07> like you normally would
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L1492[18:25:25] <diesieben07> for any other icon
L1493[18:25:35] <Shirkit> well I'm trying to find that IIcon in my GuiScreen
L1494[18:25:55] <diesieben07> you have to grab it in TextureStitchEvent
L1495[18:27:00] <Shirkit> I'll try TextureMap.getTextureExtry
L1496[18:27:28] <diesieben07> no.
L1497[18:27:49] <diesieben07> registerIcon in TextureStichEvent.pre
L1498[18:28:35] <Shirkit> if I do a registerIcon with a key that already exists
L1499[18:28:48] <diesieben07> you will get the existing icon
L1500[18:28:56] <Shirkit> oooooohh
L1501[18:29:00] <Shirkit> I thought I would double it
L1502[18:29:02] <Shirkit> thanks
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L1504[18:29:17] <masa> what are you doing exactly?
L1505[18:29:34] <Shirkit> just using an Icon from a library that provides it
L1506[18:29:58] <masa> mmkay
L1507[18:30:34] <Shirkit> I already depend on it, makes no sense to copy the assets
L1508[18:30:40] <Shirkit> it's plainly bad
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L1510[18:30:55] <Shirkit> wouldn't be wise
L1511[18:32:40] <thecodewarrior> masa / diesieben07: Didn't work. My render registration code: http://pastebin.com/hsvBB5Ad and my blockstate file: http://pastebin.com/2vtZTDTe and the model file: http://pastebin.com/NNHwniPP and the result: http://pastebin.com/kVPsFHbE + https://gyazo.com/7d5b45b057a69c64412efacac991ce67
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L1513[18:33:44] <diesieben07> what are the paths to the jsons?
L1514[18:34:30] <thecodewarrior> https://gyazo.com/1be878139e47893c0a9b8a859d6f00a3
L1515[18:35:11] <diesieben07> hrm
L1516[18:35:12] <diesieben07> yeah no idea.
L1517[18:35:33] <thecodewarrior> Ok. :(
L1518[18:35:34] <diesieben07> actualyl wait
L1519[18:35:46] <diesieben07> show your texures in the file explorer
L1520[18:36:00] <shadekiller666> ...
L1521[18:36:19] <diesieben07> you probably have them in items/
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L1523[18:36:26] <diesieben07> but they need to be in blocks/ if you have a blockstate file
L1524[18:36:46] <diesieben07> which it tells you in the console
L1525[18:37:05] <shadekiller666> thecodewarrior, pass "new ModelResourceLocation(MODID.toLowerCase() + ":" + <name of json>, <variant>);"
L1526[18:37:13] <diesieben07> no -.-
L1527[18:37:20] <shadekiller666> also
L1528[18:37:26] <diesieben07> its much cleaner the other way
L1529[18:37:51] <shadekiller666> the resourcelocation has to have your modid + ":" before the resource
L1530[18:38:01] <diesieben07> Yes.
L1531[18:38:02] <shadekiller666> otherwise minecraft looks in the vanilla directory
L1532[18:38:16] <diesieben07> itemRegistry.getNameForObject has that.
L1533[18:38:42] <shadekiller666> ok, what does the part after the ":" in the returned RL look like?
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L1536[18:39:11] <shadekiller666> thecodewarrior, also, why is your blockstate json missing 2 of the 4 variants that you're referencing
L1537[18:39:29] <thecodewarrior> I just haven't added them yet.
L1538[18:39:32] <SirSavary> Is there any way to catch a crashing exception in Forge? I'd like to automagically push the client logs to a remote server before exiting
L1539[18:39:37] <shadekiller666> well do so
L1540[18:39:49] <shadekiller666> the blockstate loader is a bit picky
L1541[18:41:04] <Cypher121> ugh, it's been way too long >_<
L1542[18:41:17] <Cypher121> where do I register blocks?
L1543[18:41:54] <shadekiller666> ...
L1544[18:42:04] <shadekiller666> Cypher121, preInit
L1545[18:42:07] <shadekiller666> GameRegistry
L1546[18:42:13] <Cypher121> yeah, gameregistry
L1547[18:42:32] <shadekiller666> thecodewarrior, "Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: catwalks:blockstates/catwalkStairTop.json"
L1548[18:42:43] <Cypher121> thanks, my brain just short-circuited and I couldn't remember the name
L1549[18:42:59] <thecodewarrior> Yeah, that's another block I haven't made an item/block model for.
L1550[18:43:10] <shadekiller666> also
L1551[18:43:21] <shadekiller666> wait no
L1552[18:46:19] <shadekiller666> thecodewarrior, can you show the paths to your textures?
L1553[18:47:33] <thecodewarrior> https://gyazo.com/bf9ced7a829dd1543886a161ac0016b3
L1554[18:51:07] <shadekiller666> are you in intellij?
L1555[18:51:40] <shadekiller666> thecodewarrior, ^
L1556[18:51:49] <thecodewarrior> nope, eclipse.
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L1559[18:53:10] <shadekiller666> O.o
L1560[18:55:05] <thecodewarrior> I'm used to it. I've been convinced IDEA is better, but at this point the amount of effort to re-learn a new IDE while trying to break old habits makes it not worth it.
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L1562[18:55:53] <shadekiller666> the reason i asked is because intellij has an extra line that is required in the build.gradle for it to be able to find textures
L1563[18:56:21] <shadekiller666> are there models for other things in your mod that are loading?
L1564[18:56:34] <shadekiller666> or is eclipse just not finding anything at all?
L1565[18:57:36] <thecodewarrior> It's finding the item models.
L1566[18:58:42] <thecodewarrior> wait, does setCustomModelResourceLocation set the _model_ location?
L1567[18:58:59] <shadekiller666> no, it points to the blockstate
L1568[18:59:04] <shadekiller666> or is supposed to
L1569[18:59:13] <AngelicKnight> Out of curiosity, does anyone know how to get RF in 1.8.9?
L1570[19:00:17] <shadekiller666> thecodewarrior, do me a favor and try a couple of things, first: in your blockstate json, try adding "inventory": [{}], after "normal": [{}], just in case
L1571[19:00:38] <thecodewarrior> should I add textures?
L1572[19:00:55] <shadekiller666> second, try putting "textures": {"all": <arbitrary texture location>, "side": <...>} in the "defaults" section
L1573[19:00:58] <gigaherz> AngelicKnight: go to the rf api repository and get the latest 1.8 branch sources
L1574[19:01:27] <gigaherz> https://github.com/CoFH/RedstoneFlux-API/tree/1.8 -> download zip -> dump in your src/main/ folder ;P
L1575[19:01:52] <gigaherz> (well, the zip already includes the src/main/java part, so take that into account)
L1576[19:01:58] <AngelicKnight> Ah, I'm dumb I didn't check for a 1.8 branch, Thanks!
L1577[19:02:33] <gigaherz> or you can ignore RF
L1578[19:02:33] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/CapabilityCore
L1579[19:02:49] <gigaherz> and use my CapabilityCore|Energy api, which is built on Capabilities, but works the same as RF otherwise ;P
L1580[19:03:38] <thecodewarrior> shadekiller666: nurp. no change with or without textures defined.
L1581[19:04:49] <shadekiller666> i have no idea what you're doing wrong then
L1582[19:05:03] <shadekiller666> have you tried rerunning the gradle script
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L1585[19:09:19] <thecodewarrior> nope, that didn't work. It'll have to wait until tomorrow. :P
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L1601[19:53:12] <Shirkit> can I make GUI textures that are not in power of 2?
L1602[19:54:52] <gigaherz> yes
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L1604[19:55:20] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/enderRift/gui/GuiGenerator.java#L114
L1605[19:55:23] <gigaherz> you have to draw them like that
L1606[19:55:27] <gigaherz> with the texture size included
L1607[19:56:52] <Shirkit> cool
L1608[20:06:02] <Shirkit> gigaherz: is that available in 1.7.10?
L1609[20:06:28] <Shirkit> I just wanted to draw a GUI bigger than 256 in width
L1610[20:06:39] <gigaherz> no idea
L1611[20:06:44] <gigaherz> actually
L1612[20:06:50] <gigaherz> nah no idea
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L1618[20:14:05] <Admiral_Damage> !gp p_180426_10_
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L1622[20:24:15] <MattDahEpic> 10/10 best bug report: https://imgur.com/FqP6F8H
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L1625[20:29:14] <williewillus> mezz: I've just encountered something weird. Whenever I hit R over any of my magical flowers it just takes me to the first recipe in the Petal Apothecary category. i think the problem is almost all the recipe outputs for the petal apothecary are the same id and meta (botania:specialFlower @ 0), they're differentiated by NBT
L1626[20:29:35] <williewillus> is there something I'm missing :P
L1627[20:29:42] <killjoy> yeah! http://hexchat.readthedocs.org/en/latest/changelog.html
L1628[20:29:49] <killjoy> that's a lot of changes
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L1631[20:31:15] <gigaherz> killjoy: meanwhile my client barely does this: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/Gigairc-wpf.png
L1632[20:31:16] <gigaherz> ;P
L1633[20:31:35] <gigaherz> (the WIP one I started ages ago, and continued working on a few days ago)
L1634[20:32:10] <gigaherz> (nicklist works, I just forgot to bind it to the listbox XD)
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L1638[20:42:38] <SirSavary> Hey gigaherz, is it possible to catch a Forge crash? I want to send off the client logs to a remote server before the JVM exitws
L1639[20:43:05] <williewillus> gah still can't figure out why my particles are getting culled
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L1641[20:43:06] MineBot sets mode: +o on LexManos
L1642[20:43:09] <williewillus> disabling gl cull doesn't fix it
L1643[20:43:14] <gigaherz> SirSavary: maybe, dunno
L1644[20:43:18] <SirSavary> Hmm
L1645[20:43:19] <gigaherz> the launcher does
L1646[20:43:27] <williewillus> turning up the render distance lets you see them
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L1648[20:43:30] <gigaherz> and shows the error page on the launcher
L1649[20:43:35] <williewillus> but anything lower than 15-16 you don't
L1650[20:43:37] <gigaherz> so there should be at least some indirect way to do so
L1651[20:43:39] <gigaherz> but no idea how
L1652[20:43:41] <SirSavary> I could definitely make some sort of launcher / wrapper around forge to do a custom thing
L1653[20:43:54] <SirSavary> but I'd rather use Technic
L1654[20:43:57] <SirSavary> maybe a coremod?
L1655[20:43:57] <gigaherz> williewillus: far plane?
L1656[20:44:00] <mezz> williewillus, did you address that jei github issue from before?
L1657[20:44:36] <williewillus> the merging categories one? yeah, I switched the handler order
L1658[20:44:41] <williewillus> i'll separate the recipe classes later
L1659[20:44:47] <mezz> ok
L1660[20:44:48] <williewillus> gigaherz: what about it ? :P
L1661[20:44:55] <mezz> make sure that your item hasSubtypes = true
L1662[20:44:57] <gigaherz> if MC sets the far plane to the view range
L1663[20:45:12] <williewillus> what do i do to change that? :P
L1664[20:45:16] <gigaherz> the gpu will ignore any pixels that would be beyond the far plane (or closer than the near plane)
L1665[20:45:31] <gigaherz> you'd have to setup a new camera before drawing the particles
L1666[20:45:53] <gigaherz> and reconfigure all the matrix transforms from scratch
L1667[20:46:12] <williewillus> welp
L1668[20:47:53] <williewillus> what class does that?
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L1670[20:48:01] <gigaherz> no idea
L1671[20:48:09] <gigaherz> I don't even know if the far plane is set to the view range
L1672[20:49:00] <williewillus> it feels like it
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L1674[20:49:10] <williewillus> right now these stars just render in a square box above my head
L1675[20:49:19] <gigaherz> look for glFrustum
L1676[20:49:20] <williewillus> I want them all over the sky like it was in 1,7 :P
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L1678[20:50:03] <williewillus> no usages \
L1679[20:50:10] <gigaherz> no idea then ;P
L1680[20:50:38] <williewillus> oh wait lwjgl does it separately
L1681[20:50:41] <williewillus> Project.gluPerspective
L1682[20:51:29] <gigaherz> Ah
L1683[20:51:31] <gigaherz> it uses glu
L1684[20:51:47] <williewillus> yeah far plane is set to the raw render distance in blocks
L1685[20:52:09] <gigaherz> yep, so meters ;P
L1686[20:53:08] <williewillus> well looks like the calls to glu all look the same and depend on something in EntityRenderer
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L1688[20:53:20] <williewillus> which is perfect since I did a bunch of reflection/methodhandling into that stuff yesterday xD
L1689[20:53:25] <gigaherz> XD
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L1691[20:56:34] <Shirkit> is there a hotkey to reload textures on MC?
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L1694[20:56:49] <killjoy> f3+t
L1695[20:57:51] <Shirkit> and is there a way to eclipse refresh the resources without having to F5 the folder or asset?
L1696[20:58:04] <killjoy> nope
L1697[20:58:28] <williewillus> ? i thought debug mode auto exports
L1698[20:59:12] <Shirkit> I keep having to F5 the folder when I save my texture
L1699[20:59:51] <Shirkit> and done: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7073348/auto-refresh-eclipse-project-upon-folder-update
L1700[21:00:24] <williewillus> lol nope that didn't work I screwed it up
L1701[21:00:38] <williewillus> idk what to do
L1702[21:00:54] <killjoy> AHH!! ADS!
L1703[21:01:00] <killjoy> They got past adblock
L1704[21:01:04] <killjoy> and they're about edward snowden
L1705[21:01:11] <Shirkit> on stack overflow?
L1706[21:01:48] <killjoy> oh, it's adblock's doing
L1707[21:01:52] <killjoy> it's replacing ads with their own
L1708[21:01:57] <Shirkit> =]
L1709[21:01:58] <killjoy> https://getadblock.com/amnesty2016/
L1710[21:02:39] <Shirkit> that explains a lot
L1711[21:02:41] <Shirkit> it's a valid ad
L1712[21:02:46] <Shirkit> specially for adblock
L1713[21:02:56] <killjoy> at least the x isn't a fake
L1714[21:04:57] <williewillus> got it to work
L1715[21:04:57] <williewillus> nice
L1716[21:06:12] <Shirkit> what working willie
L1717[21:06:45] <williewillus> botania starfield and mana beacon particles
L1718[21:07:36] <williewillus> huh apparently the culling happened in 1.7 as well
L1719[21:07:39] <williewillus> welp
L1720[21:07:46] <williewillus> new feature then :P
L1721[21:10:31] <williewillus> meh if I could I'd want it to extend all over the skyline
L1722[21:10:35] <williewillus> but that's for another day
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L1724[21:20:25] <gabizou> Is it intentional that random block ticks will cause chunks to load?
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L1726[21:23:06] <williewillus> 0.o
L1727[21:23:15] <williewillus> what makes you think that?
L1728[21:26:29] <MattDahEpic> i swear java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: tabAllSearch cant be
L1729[21:28:52] <killjoy> can't be what?
L1730[21:29:13] <MattDahEpic> this.setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabAllSearch); should in no way be causing java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: tabAllSearch
L1731[21:29:49] <killjoy> dev?
L1732[21:30:08] <MattDahEpic> it works in dev and on my test client
L1733[21:30:16] <killjoy> is it reobfuscating?
L1734[21:30:54] <MattDahEpic> it should reobf my stuff too then
L1735[21:30:54] <killjoy> !gf tabAllSearch
L1736[21:31:19] <killjoy> to CreativeTabs.field_78027_g?
L1737[21:31:51] <gabizou> williewillus I'm doing some testing, and from what I can see, if a block is randomly getting ticked
L1738[21:32:00] <gabizou> and it calls world.getBlockstate(BlockPos)
L1739[21:32:23] <gabizou> the world will naturally get the chunk at coordinates, but then, the chunk kinda goes and tells the chunk provider to provide it.
L1740[21:32:30] <gabizou> Which is where the mystery resides
L1741[21:33:21] <gabizou> the chunk provider server will for any case, load chunk from file almost always
L1742[21:33:40] <gabizou> there's an interesting boolean that is set to true that basically enables this
L1743[21:33:51] <gabizou> and it's appropriately named, but nothing ever sets it
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L1745[21:34:38] <MattDahEpic> killjoy, it obfs it to field_78027_g in the compiled class so it should work
L1746[21:34:55] <killjoy> then why is it throwing the exception with the mcp name?
L1747[21:34:55] <williewillus> but random ticks only happen when the chunk is loaded?
L1748[21:35:03] <williewillus> @gabizou
L1749[21:35:11] <gabizou> williewillus yes, but those random ticks do tick blocks at the edge of those chunks
L1750[21:35:12] <gabizou> right?
L1751[21:35:16] *** cpw|out is now known as cpw
L1752[21:35:28] <williewillus> well do any vanilla random ticks touch neighbors?
L1753[21:35:39] <williewillus> if not its fine and its up to modders to check before touchie :P
L1754[21:35:43] <gabizou> and in the case of things like water, it will go and tell the world "hey, give me the nearby block next to me"
L1755[21:35:47] <MattDahEpic> killjoy, ima ask the reporter to give the entire log so maybe we can see
L1756[21:35:49] <williewillus> oh
L1757[21:35:54] <gabizou> or say, grass
L1758[21:36:03] <gabizou> grass is notorious for random block updates
L1759[21:36:09] <killjoy> maybe he downloaded a dev jar?
L1760[21:36:27] <gabizou> williewillus but it's still a thing where the block will traverse the chunk boundary of what is loaded.
L1761[21:36:33] <MattDahEpic> killjoy, likely
L1762[21:43:46] <gabizou> I'm guessing you're threading through some of the existing cases in vanilla? williewillus
L1763[21:44:15] <williewillus> yeah
L1764[21:44:30] <williewillus> but idk i think they wouldve caught that in the years random ticks have existed :P
L1765[21:44:36] <williewillus> anyways I'm gonna investigate loot tables
L1766[21:44:41] <williewillus> wanna prepare them for modder use :D
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L1773[21:53:43] <Xylex> Grettings. I'm working on a C# Launcher and ive gotten most of everything done. All I need to know is what arguments I need to pass to the Forge jar to actually launch the game.
L1774[21:54:01] <Cazzar> Look at the vanilla launcher profiles?
L1775[21:54:11] <Cazzar> The system is just JSON
L1776[21:54:29] <Cazzar> Not to mention you also have MultiMC, and forge logs
L1777[21:54:33] <Cazzar> They all tell you
L1778[21:55:11] <Xylex> Understood. Thank you.
L1779[21:55:56] <Cazzar> I'd also say the curse launcher, but that's not OSS so I'd be saying decompile that, and usually that's not a good idea
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L1782[22:06:26] <williewillus> multimc is the best place to look, it shows you all the arguments it passes to java
L1783[22:06:34] <williewillus> i think the vanilla launcher might as well
L1784[22:07:36] <Cazzar> williewillus: well, the launcher profile json is fairly... simple
L1785[22:07:47] <williewillus> god dammit who named LootTableList ;p
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L1787[22:10:31] <williewillus> hmm this is concerning
L1788[22:10:41] <williewillus> can the assets/ directory be accessed serverside?
L1789[22:10:46] <williewillus> of mod jars
L1790[22:11:21] <Cazzar> Yes, though not via the normal method
L1791[22:11:52] <Cazzar> https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/Class.html#getResource%28java.lang.String%29
L1792[22:12:57] <williewillus> so it'd be <Mod object>.getResource("/assets/...")?
L1793[22:13:25] <williewillus> since that's the way mojang seems to be loading loot tables and worldgen info from assets/
L1794[22:13:29] <gabizou> williewillus I still think this is a problem. because, I'm trying to figure out cases where it wouldn't want to be loading new chunks.
L1795[22:13:53] <williewillus> report an issue then :P
L1796[22:13:59] <Cazzar> williewillus: ModClass.class.getResource("/uri/..")
L1797[22:14:27] <Cazzar> I think... it might be time to move back to Firefox
L1798[22:14:29] <williewillus> though idk, I feel like that specific case would've been looked at already over the last 4 years of modding if it was a problem
L1799[22:14:34] <Cazzar> I have made chrome shit iteself.
L1800[22:14:38] <williewillus> Cazzar: chrome murdering battery? :D
L1801[22:15:03] <Cazzar> ptfft, this PC doesn't have anything battery like other than the CMOS battery backup
L1802[22:15:12] <Cazzar> http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1457842512
L1803[22:15:31] <Cazzar> Chrome isn't loading pages anymore.
L1804[22:15:55] <williewillus> i thought ff does the multiprocess thing now
L1805[22:16:06] <Cazzar> not yet
L1806[22:16:39] <williewillus> though idk what benefits that brings
L1807[22:16:43] <williewillus> compared to just multithreading
L1808[22:17:01] <Cazzar> More, if one tab crashes, you don't lose the whole thing
L1809[22:17:16] <Cazzar> as well as inter tab security is slightly better
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