Scroll to Bottom
Stuff goes here
L1[00:00:16] <PrinceCat> The fields are only
set in the subclasses though?
L2[00:02:05] <tterrag> then the subclasses
need them
L3[00:02:06] <PrinceCat> Everything in the
base class returns null
L4[00:02:13] <tterrag> that's probably
a bad idea
L5[00:02:16] <tterrag> why not have abstract
L6[00:02:56] ⇦
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L7[00:03:16] <PrinceCat> Because then the
serializer wouldn't know what to do, right?
L8[00:03:27] <PrinceCat> Did you look at my
example classes above?
L9[00:04:23] ⇦
Quits: whitephoenix (~whitephoe@67-42-82-37.tukw.qwest.net) (Read
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L10[00:05:00] <tterrag> what?
L11[00:05:06] <tterrag> you can't
deserialize an abstract class anyways
L12[00:05:13] <tterrag> and a class that
"just returns null" is basically abstract
L13[00:05:45] <tterrag> <Zaggy1024>
you probably shouldn't be serializing with an instance of the
class you're serializing...
L14[00:05:46] <tterrag> he's
L15[00:05:48] <Ordinastie> PrinceCat, I
think the issue is your design
L16[00:05:55] <PrinceCat> Very much
L17[00:06:01] <PrinceCat> I don't know
how to design it otherwise.
L18[00:06:12] ⇨
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L19[00:06:13] <tterrag> also, you have the
serializer implemented on the superclass
L20[00:06:18] <tterrag> this is obviously
going to fail
L21[00:06:40] <tterrag> how is gson
supposed to know what subclass to create?
L22[00:06:50] <tterrag> or to create one at
L23[00:07:13] <PrinceCat> Updated
L26[00:07:27] <tterrag> you know you can
put multiple files in a gist
L27[00:07:40] <PrinceCat> I'm posting
them directly from the IDE
L28[00:07:41] <tterrag> step 1: stop using
the same class for object and serializer
L29[00:07:53] ***
mrkirby153 is now known as kirby|gone
L30[00:08:04] <tterrag> step 2: create a
serializer/deserializer (or whatever is needed) for every class
that needs one
L31[00:08:16] <Ordinastie> how I would do
it :
L32[00:08:22] <tterrag> you should NOT need
a serializer/deserializer for this superclass (which should really
be abstract anyways)
L33[00:08:28] <Ordinastie> remove that
ModulBase :
L34[00:08:35] <Ordinastie> make an
L35[00:09:16] <Ordinastie> have an
adapateur to map one of the JSON field to the actual module type
that implement the interface
L36[00:09:44] <PrinceCat> It needs a
serializer so I can send it to my webserver.
L37[00:10:14] <PrinceCat> I'm trying
to make it so eventually other people can add their own to my mod,
that's why I'm trying to create something generic that
will work at runtime.
L38[00:12:08] ⇦
Quits: DemoXin (~DemoXin@134.sub-70-210-51.myvzw.com) (Ping
timeout: 186 seconds)
L39[00:12:30] <PrinceCat> Hence the Base
L41[00:12:53] ⇨
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L42[00:12:55] <PrinceCat> They're
added to a registry dynamically at runtime so I can't always
L43[00:13:13] <PrinceCat> and supply a
serializer for each class*
L44[00:13:16] <Ordinastie> and your
adaptateur gets the right class based on "redstone"
L45[00:13:28] ⇨
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L47[00:13:52] <Ordinastie> probably a
L48[00:13:56] <PrinceCat> This is the
registration class
L49[00:14:02] <PrinceCat> Yup, already got
something like that.
L50[00:14:28] <tterrag> <PrinceCat>
They're added to a registry dynamically at runtime so I
can't always guarantee
L51[00:14:28] <tterrag> <PrinceCat>
and supply a serializer for each class*
L52[00:14:32] <tterrag> you NEED to do
L53[00:14:40] <tterrag> how are you
supposed to know how to serialize random classes?
L54[00:15:02] <Ordinastie> isn't there
a default serialization ?
L55[00:15:09] <tterrag> sure
L56[00:15:11] <PrinceCat> I need some way
for them to all conform then. I couldn't figure out how to
serialize from an interface.
L57[00:15:12] <tterrag> but it's not
guaranteed to work
L58[00:15:35] <tterrag> easy,
L59[00:15:43] <tterrag> for some
L60[00:15:48] <tterrag> then call interface
methods to serialize it
L61[00:16:09] <PrinceCat> I haven't
ventured upon registerTreeAdapter in my adventures..
L62[00:16:12] <PrinceCat> Is it a gson
L63[00:16:13] <tterrag> but you must make
it very clear that implementers MUST use those methods for
serialization purposes, and extra data will not be serialized
L64[00:16:20] <tterrag> use
L65[00:16:29] <tterrag> this is how you
register type adapters...I thought you had gotten this far
L66[00:16:40] <PrinceCat> I have gotten
this far.
L67[00:17:08] <PrinceCat> Okay, wait.. I
think I've got it.
L68[00:17:20] ⇦
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(~nallar@cpc16-cani3-2-0-cust33.14-2.cable.virginm.net) (Ping
timeout: 186 seconds)
L69[00:17:31] <tterrag> registerTreeAdapter
is different because it works for any subclass
L70[00:17:37] <tterrag> not just the
specific class you register it for
L72[00:17:59] ⇦
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(Quit: I am the forgotten eye.)
L73[00:18:31] <PrinceCat> I can't find
L74[00:18:38] ⇨
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L75[00:18:42] <PrinceCat> There's
something about hierachy?
L77[00:19:44] ⇦
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L78[00:20:08] <tterrag> PrinceCat: oh
L79[00:20:10] <tterrag> I remembered
L80[00:20:17] <tterrag> yeah
L81[00:20:18] <tterrag> sorry
L82[00:22:14] <tterrag> PrinceCat: best bet
for supporting extra data, have some kind of Map<String,
JsonObject> getExtraData() and readExtraData(Map<String,
L83[00:22:23] <tterrag> then they could
just serialize their fields normally
L84[00:22:26] <tterrag> and put them in a
L85[00:22:27] <tterrag> map
L86[00:22:28] <PrinceCat> Good idea.
L87[00:24:03] <tterrag> I'm trying to
think of a more magical gson-y way to do it
L88[00:24:07] <tterrag> but I can't
think of one
L89[00:24:21] <tterrag> (unless you want to
go back to providing serializers for each class)
L90[00:24:41] <tterrag> or just requiring
that the class be serializable the default way (restrictive but
L91[00:25:53] <PrinceCat> Okay, so
I've created a generic JsonSerializer<IModule>
L92[00:26:13] <PrinceCat> The IModule class
just has those three methods in it.
L93[00:26:42] <PrinceCat> I've got
RedstoneModule that implements IModule, and I've registered it
- but when I go to print out the json it's just an empty json
L94[00:27:44] ⇦
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L95[00:28:03] ***
Ashlee is now known as Ash|Works
L96[00:29:33] <PrinceCat> @tterrag
L97[00:29:34] ⇦
Quits: Dark (~MrDark@cpe-76-181-157-113.columbus.res.rr.com) (Quit:
Off to nuke a wizard)
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L100[00:30:21] <tterrag> PrinceCat: new
ModuleSerializer()).build().toJson(new RedstoneModule(...));
L101[00:30:23] <tterrag> print that?
L102[00:31:11] <PrinceCat> Needs a class
as its first parameter
L103[00:31:14] <killjoy> I wish mc used
the latest gson
L104[00:31:19] ⇦
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L105[00:31:37] <PrinceCat> Would it be
RedstoneModule.class or IModule.class?
L106[00:31:45] <PrinceCat>
L107[00:31:52] <killjoy> then we could use
the JsonAdapter annotation
L108[00:32:10] <killjoy> @since 2.3
L109[00:34:45] <PrinceCat>
GsonBuilder().registerTypeHierarchyAdapter(IModule.class, new
ModuleSerializer()).create().toJson(new RedstoneModule()));
L110[00:34:54] <PrinceCat> Produces:
a redstone manager"}
L112[00:39:26] <PrinceCat> That's
some totally unexpected behaviour @tterrag
L113[00:39:41] <tterrag> hm...yeah
L114[00:39:55] <tterrag> put a debug
breakpoint on the serializer
L115[00:39:57] <tterrag> see what
it's doing
L116[00:40:15] <killjoy> I suggest letting
gson do the serializing for you
L117[00:40:29] <killjoy> just create the
proper fields
L118[00:41:00] <killjoy> String[]
name;String description;
L119[00:41:51] <PrinceCat> I don't
think that
L120[00:41:57] <PrinceCat> that'd
quite work for what I want*
L121[00:42:27] <killjoy> do you want mixed
list types?
L122[00:43:13] <PrinceCat> No, I meant as
in I want people to be able to instantiate a class implementing it,
where they don't have direct access to the fields.
L123[00:43:33] <killjoy> gson will do
private fields
L124[00:43:36] <tterrag> ^
L125[00:43:38] <killjoy> it uses
reflection to get to it
L126[00:43:46] <killjoy> same as anyone if
they really wanted to
L127[00:44:05] <PrinceCat> That was my
first approach though?
L128[00:44:07] <killjoy> if you don't
want a field serialized, make it transient
L129[00:44:34] <killjoy> if you want to
change its name, mark it with @SerializedName
L130[00:44:36] <PrinceCat> My first
approach had fields and getter fields, but the getter fields were
never accessed.
L131[00:44:49] <killjoy> getter
L132[00:45:05] <PrinceCat> Sorry getter
L133[00:45:17] <killjoy> because gson
doesn't care about methods
L134[00:46:35] <PrinceCat> But then how
are the users meant to set values for them?
L135[00:46:45] <killjoy> by using
L136[00:47:05] <PrinceCat> I don't
really just want them set through a constructor, and setters have
to be called externally?
L137[00:47:20] <killjoy> from the user or
from gson?
L138[00:47:28] <PrinceCat> From the
L139[00:47:55] <killjoy> they can be
L140[00:47:56] <tterrag> and you
can't use a constructor why?
L142[00:49:20] <PrinceCat> It's
totally ignoring that getName() line?
L143[00:49:22] <PrinceCat> So weird.
L144[00:49:37] <killjoy> because
you're setting it to "params"
L145[00:49:46] <PrinceCat> Am I?
L146[00:49:55] <killjoy> yes
L147[00:50:07] <killjoy> think of
JsonObject like a map
L148[00:50:07] <PrinceCat> How?
L149[00:50:15] <killjoy>
L150[00:50:21] <PrinceCat> Oh siht.
L151[00:50:23] <PrinceCat> shit
L152[00:50:25] <PrinceCat> I literally
just saw it.
L153[00:50:29] <PrinceCat> Wow, I'm
an idiot.
L154[00:50:30] <PrinceCat> Yep.
L155[00:50:40] <TehNut> hehe
L156[00:50:49] <killjoy> You might want to
make params a String[]
L157[00:50:50] <PrinceCat> I forgot to
change the identifier when I copied the line over.
L158[00:51:00] <PrinceCat> I can do
L159[00:51:04] <killjoy> ah
L160[00:51:05] <fry> stop copying and
L161[00:51:13] <fry> it wastes more time
than it saves
L162[00:51:15] <PrinceCat> Any particular
L163[00:51:23] <killjoy> make snippits
L164[00:51:25] <TehNut> i don't
copypaste. i ctrl+d
L165[00:52:21] <PrinceCat> Yeah, I Ctrl +
D'd it
L166[00:52:26] <PrinceCat> Did the first
line, then duplicated.
L167[00:52:30] <PrinceCat> That's why
it was still called "name"
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L169[00:55:07] ⇦
Quits: Katrix (~Katrix@cm- (Ping
timeout: 190 seconds)
L170[00:55:35] <PrinceCat> Any way to
disable this escaping? I've tried setting
disableHtmlEscaping() on the GsonBuilder
L171[00:55:36] <PrinceCat>
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L173[00:55:48] <killjoy> yes
L174[00:55:53] <killjoy> make it a
L175[00:56:08] <PrinceCat> It is a
String[] now
L176[00:56:12] <killjoy> no, it's a
L177[00:56:37] <killjoy> notice the "
at the beginning
L178[00:56:40] <killjoy> right before the
L179[00:56:41] <PrinceCat> return new
String[] {"playerName", "playerUUID",
"tileUUID", "tileLocation",
L180[00:56:41] <PrinceCat> ?
L181[00:56:49] <killjoy> you're
saving it as a string
L182[00:56:53] <PrinceCat> *sigh*
L183[00:57:05] <killjoy> save it to a
JsonArray instead of a String
L184[00:58:46] <PrinceCat> Nailed it,
thank you.
L185[00:58:57] <PrinceCat> JsonArray array
= new JsonArray();
L186[00:58:57] <PrinceCat>
L187[00:59:01] <killjoy> I still suggest
using nothing
L188[00:59:13] <PrinceCat> Using
L189[00:59:21] <killjoy> using gson's
default serializer
L190[00:59:54] <PrinceCat> Oh,
L191[01:01:07] <killjoy> it seems like
your serializer is 1-1
L192[01:02:00] <PrinceCat> What do you
mean by that?
L193[01:02:19] <killjoy> name ->
L194[01:02:35] <killjoy> description ->
L195[01:02:41] <PrinceCat> Yeah, pretty
L196[01:02:44] <killjoy> prameters ->
L197[01:03:10] ***
minecreatr is now known as Mine|dreamland
L198[01:03:13] <killjoy> are those basic
L199[01:03:20] <PrinceCat> Yeah they
L200[01:04:09] <killjoy> oh, IModule
L201[01:04:12] <killjoy> interface?
L202[01:04:36] <killjoy> gson loves
serializing interfaces
L203[01:04:42] <killjoy> it hates
deserializing them
L204[01:06:37] <PrinceCat> It won't
need to be deserialized ever, so that's okay.
L205[01:07:09] <PrinceCat> It's only
being sent to my webserver so it knows how to handle data
L206[01:07:32] <PrinceCat> That's
what the getParameterNames() is for, so I can write something that
will know every time what to send.
L207[01:09:44] ⇦
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AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
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L216[01:24:26] ⇦
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L218[01:30:46] <PrinceCat> Thanks for all
your help and putting up with my derpiness, @tterrag.
⇨ Joins: md_5 (~md_5@marius.md-5.net)
L220[01:31:02] <PrinceCat> Oh, and
L222[01:45:13] ⇦
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(Quit: brb)
L223[01:49:32] <McJty> Anyone know how to
make a custom armor move with the body?
L224[01:49:50] <McJty> i.e. the armor that
I have works but it doesn't animate with the player
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L227[01:54:57] ***
Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
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Die Sprache der Politik ist daf�r gemacht, dass L�gen wahr klingen
und das T�ten angemessen wirkt. (George Orwell))
L229[01:57:46] <Kolatra> McJty, still
never got it? D:
⇨ Joins: Elec332
L231[01:59:02] <McJty> Well I only started
investigating how all of this works right now
L232[01:59:06] <McJty> But I didn't
get any suggestions though
L233[01:59:13] <McJty> I know where it
goes wrong but not sure how to fix
L234[01:59:13] <Kolatra> ah okay.
L235[01:59:25] <McJty> I'm currently
doing some experiments
L236[02:00:01] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV]
Pushing snapshot_20160311 mappings to Forge Maven.
L237[02:00:05] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV]
Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160311-1.9.zip (mappings
= "snapshot_20160311" in build.gradle).
⇨ Joins: Jezza
L239[02:00:15] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live
(every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed)
MCPBot mapping exports can be found here:
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L241[02:02:04] <McJty> Ah
L242[02:02:08] <McJty> I actually think I
know what's wrong
L243[02:02:23] <McJty> The transformation
from the parent biped isn't given to the models I think
L244[02:02:45] <Nitrodev> Good
Morning/Afternoon/Evening everybody!
L245[02:04:41] ***
DonAway is now known as DRedhorse
L246[02:12:11] <Nitrodev> today: code
L247[02:13:43] <McJty> Kolatra, I think I
fixed it. Have to test for the entire armor to see if it actually
L248[02:13:46] <McJty> But the legs are
correct now
L249[02:13:53] <Kolatra> Hopefully it does
L250[02:15:45] ⇦
Quits: Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net) (Ping timeout: 195
L251[02:21:31] <Nitrodev> so what are you
guys up to?
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L254[02:23:59] <McJty> Hmm. Ok. I can get
the rotation to work now but the model is fundamentally
L255[02:24:08] <McJty> It is missing
polygons that are only visible if the limbs are moving
L256[02:24:12] <McJty> I need a new
L257[02:25:01] <Nitrodev> what mod are you
working on McJty?
L258[02:25:07] <McJty> Deep
L259[02:25:10] <PrinceCat> What's the
general procedure about notifying blocks for updating these
L260[02:25:23] <PrinceCat>
worldObj.markBlockForUpdate(pos) and then notify all
L261[02:25:28] <Nitrodev> does it already
have armor?
L262[02:25:46] <Nitrodev> PrinceCat, that
looks sensible to me
L263[02:26:08] ⇦
Quits: auenf (David@DC-54-199.bpb.bigpond.com) (Ping timeout: 186
L264[02:26:09] <McJty> Nitrodev, it has
but it looks bad
L265[02:26:15] <Nitrodev> ah
L266[02:26:16] <McJty> Nitrodev, in the
current release the limbs don't move with the player
L267[02:26:25] <McJty> I fixed that but
now it seems many polygons are missing
L268[02:26:30] <Nitrodev> okay then
L269[02:26:30] <McJty> So the armor is
just broken. I need a new one
L270[02:26:47] <Nitrodev> yeah
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L282[02:54:40] <PrinceCat> Does the Forge
player no longer have a UUID?
L283[02:54:49] <PrinceCat> Or a
L284[02:55:41] <PrinceCat> ownerUUID =
player.getUniqueID();ownerName =
L285[02:55:49] <PrinceCat> Whoops, but
always null?
L286[02:57:18] <PrinceCat> I'm trying
to append the playerName and playerUUID to a TileEntity using the
onBlockPlaced() method in its Block class but for some reason
it's always null.
L287[02:58:10] <PrinceCat> Nope, the
usernamecache has a UUID and name for each player.. I must be doing
something wrong.
L288[03:08:21] ***
Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
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reset by peer)
L292[03:13:21] ***
kirby|gone is now known as mrkirby153
L293[03:13:48] <Nitrodev> so many
questions but no one's answering them
L294[03:13:53] <Zaggy1024> looks like it
was added by Forge, and the Y bounds checking is inverted :\
L295[03:14:01] <McJty> yes that seems
rather wrontg
L296[03:14:03] <McJty> wrong
L297[03:14:22] <McJty> What version of
forge is that?
L298[03:15:31] <PrinceCat> Well I solved
my problem, I was using onBlockPlaced as opposed to
L299[03:16:23] <Zaggy1024> umm
L300[03:17:42] <Zaggy1024> somewhere
around 1722
L301[03:17:56] <Zaggy1024> but it
hasn't changed since, from looking at the patch on
L302[03:19:55] ⇦
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(Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L304[03:24:23] <tterrag> fry: ^
L305[03:25:21] <Nitrodev> okay NOW
i'm going to go optimize my code
L306[03:26:09] <Nitrodev> just so every
container i add only needs one line to define it
L307[03:31:00] ⇦
Quits: PrinceCat (~PrinceCat@58-7-228-206.dyn.iinet.net.au) (Quit:
My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
L308[03:31:01] <Cazzar> That's not
exactly optimization...
L309[03:34:55] <Nitrodev> oh
L310[03:35:01] <Nitrodev> ah
L311[03:35:19] <Nitrodev> now i'm
just lost as i need to figure out the location of the
L312[03:35:43] <Nitrodev> and whatever i
add here would be the same for every single te i make
L313[03:43:52] ***
tterrag is now known as tterrag|ZZZzzz
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L316[03:59:11] <Nitrodev> there we go code
for it is now done
L317[03:59:52] <Nitrodev> now all i need
is to make a Gui class for the same purpose and then all i need to
do is write one line on GUIHandler per a te i need
L318[04:00:20] <Nitrodev> oh yeah i need
to make a TE for every block still
L319[04:00:22] <Nitrodev> oh well
L320[04:07:52] ***
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L326[04:13:13] <Ordinastie> that why I
need someone to make me textures :(
L327[04:14:50] <unascribed> what is
L328[04:16:03] <Ordinastie> what do you
think? ><
L329[04:16:04] <McJty> Ordinastie, managed
to fix the memory leak in mailisis doors already?
L330[04:16:20] <Ordinastie> McJty, I
can't I have no idea where to look :x
L331[04:16:27] <McJty> hmm
L332[04:16:28] <unascribed> it's a
door with a valve-handle-thing on it.. I don't know what
they're called
L333[04:16:43] <McJty> Because it is a bit
of a showstopper. Especially for servers
L334[04:16:43] <unascribed> to me
it's a panic room door because of something I built long ago
in Blockland
L335[04:16:43] <Ordinastie> unascribed,
that's it
L336[04:17:17] <McJty> Ordinastie, also I
have the feeling that the memory isn't even given back when
you save your map and load again. You have to actually quit
L337[04:17:22] <McJty> Ordinastie, perhaps
that gives a hint or so
L338[04:17:29] <unascribed> what is this
memory leak called by?
L339[04:17:31] <unascribed> er
L340[04:17:34] <unascribed> caused
L341[04:17:39] <McJty> Having the mod in
your instance
L342[04:17:46] <McJty> I wasn't even
using any doors yet
L343[04:17:50] <unascribed> :o
L344[04:18:15] ⇦
Quits: fuj1n (~fuj1n@ (Ping timeout: 195
L345[04:19:37] <unascribed> Ordinastie,
mind if I take a shot at the texture?
L346[04:19:44] <unascribed> It's
unlikely to be very good
L347[04:19:49] <unascribed> but I could
try at least :P
L348[04:20:00] <Ordinastie> sure
L349[04:21:00] ***
fry is now known as fry|sleep
L351[04:21:43] <unascribed> now to find
out if I even have unrar installed...
L352[04:21:59] <Ordinastie> you want a
zip? :)
L353[04:22:00] <unascribed> I do,
L354[04:22:16] <unascribed> nah, I can
extract the rar
L355[04:22:30] <unascribed> but a .tar.xz
would have been best :P
L356[04:22:32] <Ordinastie> McJty, do you
have any idea on how I could find what causes the leak ?
L357[04:22:57] <McJty> Well this is hard
of course
L358[04:23:04] <McJty> However there are a
few clues
L359[04:23:08] <unascribed> I've been
having a leak issue in my pack lately, I'm currently computing
retained sizes on a heapdump
L360[04:23:13] <McJty> First clue is that
this happens even if no door of your mod is being used
L361[04:23:25] <unascribed> (which will
likely take a really long time)
L362[04:23:28] <McJty> That means that it
probably isn't related to door specific logic
L363[04:23:36] <McJty> It is also server
side which excludes everything client related
L364[04:24:06] <McJty> Such memory leaks
are often caused by things like static maps growing every
L365[04:24:17] <McJty> Or
callbacks/listeners/events being registered over and over
L366[04:24:26] <McJty> I'm looking at
your code now
L367[04:24:53] <Ordinastie> Do you have
other MalisisMods beside the Doors ?
L368[04:25:01] <McJty> hmm no
L369[04:25:19] <McJty> I'm not at my
gaming PC now but when I'm back to that I'll try just
adding MalissisCore
L370[04:25:24] <McJty> (too many
L371[04:25:29] <McJty> And see if I get
the problem then too
L372[04:25:56] <Ordinastie> yeah, but
nothing of the could would even be used I think
L373[04:26:02] <Ordinastie> *nothing of
the core
L374[04:26:23] <McJty> No event handlers
or things that happen regardless?
L375[04:27:08] <Ordinastie> not
L376[04:28:07] <Ordinastie> if it was
client side, I could understand
L377[04:28:15] <Ordinastie> some renderer
fuck up on my side
L378[04:28:20] <McJty> I see a few things
like ChunkBlockHandler that are registered in core
L379[04:28:22] <Ordinastie> but
serverside, I don't do much server side
L380[04:28:23] <McJty> Not sure what they
L381[04:28:43] <Ordinastie> it's a
hack, and not a pretty one :s
L382[04:29:18] <Ordinastie> that allows
block to get notified when another block is changed in their
L383[04:29:34] <Ordinastie> allows stuff
like having a bounding box bigger than 1x1x1
L384[04:29:47] <Ordinastie> (used by
Carriage and Medieval doors)
L385[04:31:31] <unascribed> why not just
use multiple blocks and only render one of them?
L386[04:31:47] <McJty> Yes, that's
how I would do it too
L387[04:32:03] <Ordinastie> so simplify
the code
L388[04:32:12] <unascribed>
L389[04:32:15] <unascribed> >requires
tons of weird hacks
L390[04:32:43] <Ordinastie> simplify for
the modder, not for me
L391[04:32:54] <Ordinastie> the block just
need an interface
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L393[04:34:15] <Ordinastie> but yes, I
also have a multiblock approach used for Rusty hatch
L394[04:35:37] <Ordinastie> but
ChunkBlockHandler uses private Map<Chunk, TLongHashSet>
serverChunks = new WeakHashMap<>();
L395[04:35:45] <Ordinastie> so I assume it
work grow infinitely
L396[04:36:12] <Ordinastie> and that map
is not populated if you didn't use any big doors
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L399[04:41:21] ⇦
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L401[04:41:43] <unascribed> Ordinastie, is
it okay if I move around the texture regions? the existing layout
doesn't work at a lower resolution since a lot of the regions
are odd numbers
L402[04:42:28] <Ordinastie> hum, I'll
need to remap the UVs :(
L403[04:42:30] <Ordinastie> but ok
L404[04:42:42] <Ordinastie> or you can
keep the resolution :)
L405[04:42:45] <unascribed> I would do it
if I could navigate Blender's awful interface
L406[04:43:10] <unascribed> I guess I
could scale it up afterwards and shove it into the existing
L407[04:43:10] <Ordinastie> I got used to
L408[04:43:14] <Hunterz> doors to
L409[04:43:19] <Ordinastie> *used to
L410[04:43:33] <unascribed> yeah, and
I've never used it :P
L411[04:43:35] <Ordinastie> Hunterz, door
to whatever you want :)
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L413[04:43:47] <Hunterz> maybe rusty
texture to old bunker will be cool
L415[04:44:16] <Hunterz> similar to rusty
hatch from yours mod
L416[04:44:17] <unascribed> this is the
packing I'm using
L417[04:46:17] <Cazzar> Artistically, I
think that would look better in such a fashion where the corners
are jagged instead of the 45 degree slopes
L418[04:46:37] <Ordinastie> you mean for
the model ?
L419[04:46:40] <unascribed> It's just
rough colors matching the original shape right now
L420[04:46:42] <Cazzar> Yeah
L421[04:46:59] <Ordinastie> it just makes
way more quads though
L422[04:47:05] <Cazzar> True
L423[04:47:18] <Cazzar> Then again,
it's mostly tesselated into triangles :P
L424[04:47:45] <Ordinastie> currently, the
door itself is just one polygon
L425[04:47:52] <Ordinastie> I mean, the
front and the back
L426[04:48:01] <Cazzar> Yes, though when
you make that triangles, it's 10
L427[04:48:26] <Ordinastie> and like a
hundred if you don't do the slope
L428[04:48:40] <Cazzar> Depends
L429[04:48:58] <Ordinastie> the slope is
just a quads on the side
L430[04:49:10] <Ordinastie> if you make a
stair, it multiplies it
L432[04:49:23] ***
MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L433[04:49:42] <Ordinastie> Hunterz, go
ahead, make that low res, see how it looks
L434[04:49:46] <Cazzar> Also, I was only
mentioning the artistic side of it
L435[04:49:55] <Ordinastie> Cazzar, I know
L436[04:50:01] <Hunterz> :)
L437[04:50:19] <Ordinastie> Hunterz, also,
10 fucking dollars
L438[04:50:29] <Hunterz> it was onlz
L439[04:50:35] <Hunterz> only
L440[04:51:37] <Ordinastie> I wonder if I
should make the handle a bit bigger
L442[04:53:46] <unascribed> so far
L444[04:59:16] <unascribed> yeah, I pulled
it up in Blender as well
L445[04:59:22] <unascribed> the middle
panel being misaligned was intentional
L446[04:59:25] <unascribed> but I think
I'll fix it
L447[05:00:02] <Ordinastie> the handle is
not in the center vertically
L448[05:01:35] <unascribed> how did you
get it to use nearest-neighbor scaling?
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L450[05:03:51] <Ordinastie> unascribed, in
photoshop, when you change the image size
L451[05:03:57] <unascribed> oh, so you
didn't get it to
L452[05:04:01] <unascribed> I mean
L453[05:04:09] <unascribed> I'll just
run it through mogrify then
L454[05:04:22] <Ordinastie> no, I edit the
png in PS, and then reload in blender
L455[05:04:25] <Ordinastie> Alt+R
L456[05:04:45] ⇦
Quits: fuj1n (~fuj1n@ (Ping timeout: 207
L457[05:04:54] <unascribed> yes, but my
point was how you got it to stay crisp
L458[05:05:01] <unascribed> but if you
just upscaled the texture
L461[05:14:53] <unascribed> idk, I have no
more ideas on how to improve the texture
L464[05:16:42] <Ordinastie> the
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L466[05:16:52] <unascribed> that's
more a model issue though
L467[05:16:58] <unascribed> and as we
already established, I can't blender :P
L468[05:17:14] <Ordinastie> the texture
must go beyond the slope
L471[05:23:28] ***
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L475[05:44:50] <Ordinastie> unascribed,
lol, mebbe :p
L476[05:46:33] ⇦
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198 seconds)
L479[05:48:22] <unascribed> that'd
probably look better if the entire dark border was left
L480[05:50:48] ⇦
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L481[05:52:11] <PrinceCat> That ItemBlock
though is my favourite, hahaha.
L483[05:53:47] <unascribed> so that's
what the red stripes are for
L484[05:54:00] <Ordinastie> lol yeah, may
not keep them
L485[05:56:05] <Ordinastie> the texture is
nice, but the handle still feels wrong
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L487[06:03:41] <PrinceCat> Maybe like,
black and yellow caution for the edges?
⇨ Joins: yopu (~yopu@184-89-171-53.res.bhn.net)
L489[06:03:49] <PrinceCat> Feels more
natural than red and white? Not sure
L490[06:03:55] <PrinceCat> More
"caution" industrially.
L491[06:04:27] <PrinceCat> Like
"don't get ur limbs caught in here" caution
L492[06:07:47] <unascribed> yeah, red and
white says "this is made of candy"
L493[06:07:49] <unascribed> :P
L494[06:08:57] <Nitro|AFK> i got a
question regarding GUIs
L495[06:10:44] <Nitro|AFK> let me just
pull up my git repo first
L496[06:10:56] ***
Nitro|AFK is now known as Nitrodev
L498[06:11:43] <Nitrodev> there
⇨ Joins: Firedingo|AFK
L500[06:12:18] <Nitrodev> so do i write
all the params of my ContainerStorage constructor on the line 16 of
that linked class?
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L503[06:22:15] <PrinceCat> You'll
have to if that's the only constructor you have
L504[06:23:36] <Nitrodev> k
L505[06:25:09] <Nitrodev> but i know i can
put in null on the other params
L506[06:25:23] <Nitrodev> oh nvm
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L510[06:31:23] <masa> why is your
storageInventory field static? that seems like a really bad
L511[06:32:43] <McJty> that's indeed
a terrible idea
L512[06:32:55] <McJty> Nitrodev, that will
break when multiple players access different containers of your
L513[06:33:01] <Nitrodev> okay
L514[06:33:02] <masa> so if ever there are
two players that open your GUIs at the same time, stuff will blow
L515[06:33:41] <Nitrodev> no matetr if
it's the same block?
L516[06:33:56] <masa> because all of the
containers would use that exact same storageInventory
L517[06:34:04] <McJty> Well you will
guarantee that different players will not look at different
instances of your block at the same time?
L518[06:34:12] <masa> everything that uses
that container class
L519[06:34:21] <Nitrodev> oh boy
L520[06:34:33] <Nitrodev> well the static
keyword is gone no
L521[06:34:34] <Nitrodev> w
L522[06:36:18] <masa> my terminologu might
not be correct here, but basically static says that the field does
not belong to the object, it belongs to the class, so there is
always just that single field, the different instances don't
have their own copies of it
L523[06:36:55] <PrinceCat> Correct
L524[06:37:05] <Nitrodev> i know
L525[06:37:12] <Nitrodev> i have learned
L526[06:37:22] <masa> and still you used
it there? :p
L527[06:37:40] ⇦
Quits: auenf (David@DC-54-199.bpb.bigpond.com) (Remote host closed
the connection)
L528[06:38:32] <Nitrodev> yeah
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L530[06:38:55] <Nitrodev> had a brain
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L532[06:39:54] <Nitrodev> but otherwise
the classes look fine?
L533[06:39:56] <masa> and I believe you
were just re-structuring your container classes, to make them more
generic, right?
L534[06:40:26] <Nitrodev> actually
i'm trying to make a class for every block i'm going to
L535[06:40:41] <Nitrodev> so i don't
need to have 10 different gui classes etc.
L536[06:41:21] <masa> in that case in my
opinion it would make more sense to have like a ContainerCIO class
that has basically what you now have in ContainerStorage, an then
in the ContainerStorage class you would have a constructor with
just the inventory arguments
L537[06:41:45] <masa> and then you call
the super (ie. the ContainerCIO constructor) with the correct slot
and position arguments
L538[06:41:52] <McJty> Sometimes you can
also use factory/builder pattern for this.
L539[06:41:56] ***
TehNut is now known as TehNut|Sleep
L540[06:42:05] <McJty> In RFTools I have a
ContainerFactory which makes containers for me
L541[06:42:07] <Nitrodev> but would what i
currently have work?
L542[06:42:36] <masa> sure, but now you
need to then have the slot counts and positions in the
L543[06:42:47] <masa> where you create the
L544[06:42:58] <masa> which to me feels a
bit clumsy place to have them
L545[06:43:23] <Nitrodev> yeah i know
L546[06:43:59] <Nitrodev> McJty, a factory
is basically what i'm trying to do
L547[06:50:44] ⇦
Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@2001:af0:8000:1c01:6af7:28ff:fe37:5d6a)
(Quit: Leaving.)
L548[06:52:42] <Nitrodev> so many params
in the GuiStorage constructor
L549[06:54:01] <Nitrodev> goes outside the
L550[06:54:08] <Nitrodev> a little
L551[06:58:39] <Nitrodev> okay masa you
were right, if i put this GuiStorage constructor params in the
GuiHandler it will go WAY past the screen
L552[06:58:48] <Nitrodev> i need to do i
the way you told me to
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L556[07:20:04] <MalkContent> neat. topic
already is gui and inventories?
L557[07:22:10] <MalkContent> I'm
gonna do the bag item with inventoryhandler today or may the coffee
intake kill me
L558[07:23:56] <LatvianModder> So with
getRenderType() = 2, it wont render it static, but only TESR?
L559[07:24:05] <LatvianModder> for Block,
that is
L560[07:24:08] <diesieben07> bag item with
iitemhandler is actually much easier than with IInventory
L561[07:24:51] <LatvianModder> Is there an
example code of how to export items to nearby chests with
L562[07:25:15] <MalkContent> probably ^^ I
just have to do it I guess
L563[07:26:45] ***
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L572[07:39:35] <PaleoCrafter> dafuq,
twitch won't let me log in
L573[07:40:35] <Nitrodev> MalkContent, if
you needhelp with the bag ask me i've done it
L574[07:41:03] <Nitrodev> i don't
understand jack shit what the code does but it works
L576[07:46:18] <Nitrodev> ?humanity?
L577[07:46:52] <Nitrodev> you okay
L578[07:50:01] ⇦
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L591[08:16:45] <Tyhone> Hey all, quick
question I cant seem to find an answer to, is it bad practice in
1.8 to use a loop to add all meta item variants in ModelBakery for
a single Item, rather than typing out "new
ResourceLocation(MOD_ID + ":" + ITEM_VARIANT" for
each one? I cant really find any Gits were someone's done
L592[08:17:08] <Tyhone> where*
L593[08:17:58] <gigaherz> if you do it
right, no
L594[08:18:14] <gigaherz> but if your plan
is to use "getUnlocalizedName().substring" for anything
related with that
L595[08:18:16] <gigaherz> then you
aredoing it wrong
L596[08:18:36] <gigaherz>
getUnlocalizedName exists exclusively to provide the translation
text "id"
L597[08:19:23] <Tyhone> Alright cool,
i'm not doing that, I store everything in a reference class,
using a String for the item name and a String[] for all the variant
names, and then I'm calling them in a for loop
L598[08:19:42] <gigaherz> that should be
L599[08:19:42] <Tyhone> for doing the
L600[08:20:00] <gigaherz> it's just
not what people normally do ;P
L601[08:20:26] <Nitrodev> i do that for my
bags and for my fabrics
L602[08:20:36] <Nitrodev> no diea do i do
it for the rendering
L603[08:20:37] <gigaherz> I just...
copypaste one of the existing lines and modify it
L605[08:20:44] <gigaherz> the lazy way
L606[08:21:36] <Nitrodev> yeah
L607[08:21:41] <Nitrodev> the ultra lazy
L608[08:21:47] <Nitrodev> more lines of
code though
L609[08:21:49] <Tyhone> Eh, means I write
"addItemVariants(ITEM, ITEM_VARIANT_LIST);" Instead of
lines and lines of "new resource(..." for all my my meta
L610[08:22:04] <Nitrodev> what?
L611[08:22:07] <gigaherz> Tyhone: if you
look at my code
L612[08:22:11] <Nitrodev> i just do a for
L613[08:22:16] <gigaherz> you'll see
I don't spell out that either
L614[08:22:21] <gigaherz> I have helper
L615[08:22:21] <gigaherz> XD
L616[08:22:28] <gigaherz> spell that
L617[08:22:49] <Tyhone> Checking now, and
yeah i made a method to call where i just pass in the item name and
the array and it does the rest :)
L619[08:23:10] <Nitrodev> that's my
L620[08:23:50] <Tyhone> oh nice, pretty
much what I have Nitro, except i put the for loop in the method as
well, so i dont have to type it out each time
L621[08:24:24] <Nitrodev> that's what
i got
L622[08:24:35] <Nitrodev> wait? which
L623[08:25:08] <Tyhone> One sec I'll
pastebin my code, I need to set up git so bad...
L624[08:25:49] <Nitrodev> okay
L625[08:26:00] <Nitrodev> yeah it makes it
a whole lot easier for people to help
L627[08:26:36] <diesieben07> you are using
outdated methods btw.
L628[08:26:43] <diesieben07>
registerItemVariants is no longer needed
L629[08:26:51] <Tyhone> Oh?
L630[08:26:59] <diesieben07> and use
ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation instead of that
ItemModelMesher stuff
L631[08:27:00] <Nitrodev> ah like
L632[08:27:05] <diesieben07> just make
sure to call it in preInit
L633[08:27:15] <Tyhone> Huh, since when? I
must be looking at old tutorials
L634[08:27:28] <Nitrodev> Tyhone, let me
guess you watched bedrockmienrs tutorials?
L635[08:27:34] <Nitrodev> or read
L636[08:27:35] <diesieben07> basically...
a little bit after the initial 1.8 release
L637[08:27:48] <diesieben07> this is just
the absolute first thing that people did before forge did any
rendering stuff
L638[08:27:52] <Nitrodev> i know he has
outdated tutorials
L639[08:28:03] <diesieben07> basically
every tutorial on this out there is outdated
L640[08:28:05] <Tyhone> Yeah, First one
that came up, I dont use any of his code though, A lot of it didnt
seem super clean for some of it
L641[08:28:23] <Tyhone> Like my metablock
class can be used universally, dont ne a new one for each
L642[08:28:51] <Tyhone> Alright well
cheers for the tip, saves me some hassle :)
L643[08:31:41] <Tyhone> That didnt come
out right, His code is good, easier to understand for beginners,
defiantly useful, and it helped a lot, i just like my code
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L645[08:32:07] ⇦
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L653[08:41:03] <Nitrodev> oooh
L654[08:41:05] <Nitrodev> new mod?
L655[08:41:23] ⇦
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reset by peer)
L656[08:48:10] <LatvianModder> Nah,
L657[08:48:25] <LatvianModder> Just added
a block that has End Portal effect from all faces
L658[08:50:42] ***
Kolatra is now known as Kolatra[away]
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L661[08:53:41] ***
willieaway is now known as williewillus
L662[08:53:51] <Nitrodev> hi
L663[08:53:57] <williewillus> hello
L664[08:53:58] ***
Ash|Works is now known as Ashway
L665[08:56:54] <MalkContent> if you have
the code for that, that'd be awesome Nitrodev
L666[08:57:05] <Nitrodev> i do
L667[08:57:09] <Nitrodev> alot of it
L668[08:57:52] ***
Vigaro is now known as Vigaro|AFK
L670[08:58:03] <Nitrodev> there
L671[08:58:22] <Nitrodev> but i don't
think i sould eb the one to help you
L672[08:58:33] <Nitrodev> since i
don't understand anythign about this code
L673[08:58:44] ***
Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L674[08:59:22] <MalkContent> doesn't
matter :) it's nice to have a reference
L675[08:59:49] <Nitrodev> yeah then also
look at ContainerBag and GuiBag both in the gui folder
L676[09:00:25] <MalkContent> will do
L677[09:04:37] <masa> is that code still
the one from my mod essentially?
L678[09:05:24] <masa> seems that way
L679[09:06:05] <masa> MalkContent: yeah so
that one is still the old code using IInventory. I'm currently
porting all of that to IItemHandler
L680[09:06:39] <masa> it isn't
publicly pushed yet, since I haven't ported my InventoryUtils
class, and thus it won't even compile atm. Hoping to get that
done today
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L682[09:09:42] *
MalkContent nods
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L684[09:16:33] <Nitrodev> masa, yeah the
code i got is basically yours
L685[09:16:42] ⇦
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L686[09:16:44] <Nitrodev> i just copied
L687[09:16:50] <Nitrodev> still trying to
understand it
L688[09:17:05] <williewillus> probably
more worth to learn capas instead
L689[09:19:00] <Nitrodev> learn what
L690[09:19:11] <williewillus>
L691[09:19:19] <Nitrodev> oh
L692[09:19:20] ⇦
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kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L694[09:22:22] ***
Vigaro is now known as Vigaro|AFK
L695[09:24:09] <masa> I don't think
I'll add my item based inventories as capas though...
L696[09:24:31] <LatvianModder>
williewillus: any idea what DefaultVertexFormats.PADDING_1B
L697[09:24:42] <LatvianModder> seems to
always be in pair with NORMAL_3B
L698[09:24:42] <williewillus> probably
what it says it does
L699[09:24:45] <masa> I don't see
much benefit from it, and I saw there are apparently some issues
with those still, at least with item-based inventories?
L700[09:24:51] <LatvianModder> I dont
really understand the translation :P
L701[09:25:35] <masa> they will be
IItemHandlers, just not used via caps
L702[09:26:18] <williewillus> it just
seems to indicate padding in the vertex buffer :P
L703[09:26:38] <williewillus> idk what
for, since it's not aligning anything or another
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L706[09:30:14] <Nitrodev> okay i think i
need to make a containerfactory
L707[09:30:46] <williewillus> wat
L708[09:32:11] <Nitrodev> so i don't
have to make a seperate container and gui class for ever TE
L709[09:32:14] <Nitrodev> every*
L710[09:33:35] ⇦
Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Quit:
L711[09:34:20] <Nitrodev> if you got a
different way of doing that i'd love to hear it
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L713[09:36:44] <SkySom> A container
factory? lol
L714[09:36:53] <SkySom> I think
you're over complicating things really.
L715[09:37:07] ⇦
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L716[09:37:34] <SkySom> I mean depending
on what you're guis are. you could pass in some simple
variables which have the guis be different without resorting to a
L717[09:39:16] <Nitrodev> yeah but then
the lines would be WAYYY to big
L718[09:39:27] <Nitrodev> when you're
typing it in GuiHandler
L719[09:39:38] ⇦
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L720[09:39:52] <williewillus> you need to
communicate the information somehow...
L721[09:40:09] <Nitrodev> what?
L722[09:40:22] <williewillus> I'm
saying that the number of lines wouldn't really change
L723[09:40:35] <williewillus> you could
have a factory *method* for calrity but I think a separate factory
object is overkill
L724[09:41:25] <MattDahEpic> a container
factory factory?
L725[09:41:25] ⇦
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L726[09:42:05] <Nitrodev> simply; i
don't want to have many container and gui classes
L728[09:43:14] <diesieben07> that has
nothing to do with a factory per se.
L729[09:43:16] ⇦
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(~Loetkolbe@ipbcc17c0a.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: Over
and Out!)
L730[09:43:18] <Lumien> Nitro why
L731[09:43:32] <Nitrodev> too much
L732[09:43:53] ***
Ashway is now known as Ashlee
L733[09:44:14] <williewillus> how many
containers/guis will you have?
L734[09:44:15] ***
AEnterpriseAFK is now known as AEnterprise
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L736[09:44:40] <Nitrodev> for now 5
L737[09:44:43] <Lumien> If i want to
change the class of my te i can just change the class in the
registration right?
L738[09:44:49] <Nitrodev> but who knows if
i will have more
L739[09:44:58] <diesieben07> yes
L740[09:44:58] <Lumien> And if i want to
change the name i register the old name as an
"alternative" for a few versions
L741[09:45:04] <diesieben07> yes
L742[09:45:06] <williewillus> yeah
L743[09:45:10] ***
AEnterprise is now known as AEnterpriseAFK
L744[09:45:12] <williewillus>
registerTileEntityWithALterantives or something like that
L745[09:45:18] <williewillus> has the word
"alternate" in it :P
L746[09:45:21] <diesieben07> Nitrodev:
this again has nothing to do with factory methods.
L747[09:45:30] <diesieben07> or factories
at all
L748[09:45:43] <Nitrodev> okay i
don't know what to call them
L749[09:46:01] ⇦
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L750[09:46:02] <diesieben07> you are
L751[09:46:11] <diesieben07> instead of
hardcoding everything in individual classe
L752[09:46:15] <sham1> Design patterns
L753[09:46:18] <diesieben07> you make one
class that is configurable.
L754[09:46:32] <Nitrodev> what i have
L755[09:46:36] <Nitrodev> i did it
L756[09:46:44] <sham1> We shall make the
gang of four happy with us
L757[09:47:02] ⇦
Parts: Tyhone (~Ryan@220-253-121-231.dyn.iinet.net.au)
L758[09:47:04] <Nitrodev> but the line i
need to write in the goes outside the screen
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L760[09:47:19] <MattDahEpic> game of code:
a song of containers and factories
L761[09:47:19] <Nitrodev> in the
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L763[09:47:50] <diesieben07> ...
L764[09:47:53] <diesieben07>
L765[09:47:55] <diesieben07> they
L766[09:48:09] <Nitrodev> you can do that
in method calling?
L767[09:48:14] <diesieben07> yes
L768[09:48:19] <Nitrodev> it won't
break it?
L769[09:48:20] <diesieben07> java
doesn't give a crap about newlines
L770[09:48:28] <MattDahEpic> compilier
doesnt care how it looks
L771[09:49:17] <MattDahEpic> you could put
the entire class on one line and it would still work
L772[09:49:35] ⇦
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195 seconds)
L773[09:49:37] <shadekiller666> "i
don't give a shit about your fancy newlines!!!"
L774[09:49:57] <williewillus> one of the
only mainstream languages that does care about whitespace is
L775[09:50:10] <Nitrodev> okay thanks.
good to know
L776[09:50:24] <sham1> CoffeeScript wants
its whitespaces back
L777[09:50:28] ***
Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L778[09:50:30] <Lumien> Can i somehow
change the name of one of my blocks as well or does that not
L779[09:50:30] <whitephoenix> Offtopic but
nitro, were you the guy on youtube who made all those cool 3d
computercraft animations?
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L781[09:50:51] <Nitrodev> i wonder if
there is a completely literal programming language
L782[09:51:07] <Nitrodev> like you need to
wirte the code in sentences
L783[09:51:16] <williewillus> sure
L784[09:51:19] <williewillus>
L785[09:51:23] <williewillus>
L786[09:51:24] <williewillus> ;p
L788[09:51:54] <sham1> And any other human
L789[09:52:06] <sham1> But jokes
L790[09:52:09] <williewillus> lool
L791[09:52:23] <sham1> SQL can read very
much like a real English statement at times
L793[09:53:13] <sham1> >syntax
L794[09:53:15] <whitephoenix> >mfw
greentext programming language is a thing
L795[09:53:39] <sham1> wait what
L796[09:53:52] <sham1> I have to know it
L797[09:54:06] <whitephoenix> Arnold C is
great too
L798[09:55:28] <mustangflyer> Hi, guys. Am
I missing something, or is there no idempotent constructor for
CreativeTabs? Do you just *instantiate* one to register it!?
L799[09:55:33] <williewillus> yup
L801[09:55:55] <sham1>
L802[09:55:59] <sham1> The hell is
L803[09:56:08] <sham1> And why have I not
heard that word before
L804[09:56:36] <whitephoenix>
"denoting an element of a set that is unchanged in value when
multiplied or otherwise operated on by itself." Hmm I
didn't know about that either
L805[09:56:38] <mustangflyer> Basically,
an operation that can be applied multiple times, with the same
L806[09:58:23] <mustangflyer> So there is
no such thing as a registry for the things? Or no way to remove
them (without reflection)? You just instantiate one to register
L807[09:58:41] <diesieben07> yes
L808[09:58:50] <diesieben07> although
creativeTabAray is public
L809[09:58:53] <williewillus> they get
added to an array on creation
L810[09:58:56] <diesieben07> so you can
just modify the contents if you really want to
L811[09:59:13] <sham1> new
CreativeTab("name") { /* you need to override some stuff
here */ };
L812[09:59:20] <Nitrodev> and a
L813[09:59:45] <sham1> Well it was not
meant as a comprehensive example
L814[09:59:49] <Nitrodev> oh yeah i
haven't made a gui texture yet
L815[09:59:52] <sham1> Only as a way to
show what to do
L816[10:00:36] <mustangflyer> Ah, I
overlooked that it's public. Thanks for mentioning it. Still,
that registering in the constructor seems to go against good OO
L817[10:00:52] <diesieben07> lol good OO
practice... in minecraft...
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L820[10:01:14] <sham1> MC is crappy as far
as good OOP design is concerned
L821[10:01:23] <sham1> To be fair, it was
written by an amatoure but still
L822[10:01:50] <williewillus> to be fair a
lot has been cleaned up
L823[10:01:56] <williewillus> esp since
L824[10:01:58] <mustangflyer> I was
getting the feeling that there were some questionable decisions
made, but to hear it's a known trend...
L825[10:02:36] ***
mrkirby153 is now known as kirby|gone
L826[10:03:02] <sham1> The codebase is
messy and the decompilation can also be quite messy at times
L827[10:03:24] ***
kirby|gone is now known as mrkirby153
L828[10:03:31] <gigaherz> amateur*
L829[10:03:36] <gigaherz> ;P
L830[10:04:03] <sham1> Same
L831[10:04:48] <gigaherz> I gaveyou the
information, if you want to apply it or not, that's up to you
L832[10:06:17] <mustangflyer> I
haven't looked at the code base for a few years (excluding the
mod jams), so tbh I'm a bit surprised to see such things now
(/still?). Thanks, anyways.
L833[10:06:35] <sham1> All the tertiary
L834[10:06:46] <diesieben07> thats not
mojangs fault tho
L835[10:07:02] <sham1> Indeed
L836[10:08:32] <gigaherz>
decompiler's heuristics for chooseing between ternary and
if/else are... funny
L837[10:08:36] <gigaherz> choosing*
L838[10:08:46] <diesieben07>
L839[10:08:58] <diesieben07> "choose
ternery unless it doesnt compile anymore that way"
L840[10:09:17] <sham1> That is a very
simple heuristic
L841[10:09:23] <diesieben07> meh :=P
⇨ Joins: Stiforr
L844[10:12:41] <Nitrodev> that happens
when i try and put items inside my te
L845[10:12:47] <Nitrodev> or container
L846[10:13:04] <diesieben07> show
container, GuiContainer, IGuiHandler and where you call
L847[10:13:26] <Nitrodev> on it
L848[10:13:30] ⇦
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207 seconds)
L849[10:14:25] <masa> I'd guess wrong
parameter to the Slot constructor when adding them to the
L851[10:15:03] <Nitrodev> that's the
L852[10:15:20] <Nitrodev> classes are
Handler and everything with Storage
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L854[10:16:44] <diesieben07> you do not
return anything for GUI_WoodenCrate_Stone in
L855[10:16:52] <diesieben07> is that the
GUI we are talking about?
L856[10:17:03] <Nitrodev> i'm an
L857[10:18:58] <Nitrodev> okay added
L858[10:19:21] <masa> also, where is your
no-arguments constructor for TESTorage?
L859[10:19:39] <Wuppy> well that was an
interesting day :P
L860[10:20:00] <masa> afaik relying on the
one with arguments will blow up when they are read from the world
on load
L861[10:20:15] <diesieben07> you should
not have one with argumetns at all really
L862[10:20:24] <Wuppy> moving a bunting
when there's a ton of people looking at you like "wtf are
you doing"... :P
L863[10:20:26] <Nitrodev> ?
L864[10:20:46] <diesieben07> A TileEntity
must have a constuctor without any arguments
L865[10:21:10] <Wuppy> we also got Epic
sax guy to play loud as hell in the central hall of our
L866[10:22:00] <gigaherz> WAT
L867[10:22:11] <gigaherz> 1.9.1 pre3 has
"lolcat" as a language choice?
L868[10:22:13] <Nitrodev> diesieben07,
L869[10:22:17] <Wuppy> lol
L871[10:22:29] <diesieben07> because when
minecrft needs to load your TE from disk it needs that
L872[10:22:31] <Wuppy> mojang has time
left over don't they gigaherz :P
⇨ Joins: Ri5ux
L874[10:22:56] <masa> yeah, not like there
are critical bugs with minecarts of anything ;D
L878[10:23:59] <gigaherz> >_<
L879[10:24:06] <gigaherz> so cringe, much
L880[10:24:21] <Nitrodev> okay but what on
earth do i put in the non argumented constructor?
L881[10:24:43] <diesieben07> usually
nothing at all
L882[10:24:48] <Nitrodev> really?
L883[10:24:53] <sham1> Really
L884[10:24:53] <diesieben07> look at
L885[10:24:57] <Wuppy> ugh... screw
Minecraft :V
L886[10:25:00] <gigaherz> public Bleh() {}
L887[10:25:01] <Wuppy> seriously :V
L888[10:25:09] <Stiforr> Wuppy I miss your
tuts : (
L889[10:25:15] <Wuppy> this is not
hilarious this is stupid as hell :V
L890[10:25:25] <Wuppy> thanks Stiforr, but
I just dont have time for it anymore :C
L891[10:25:28] <sham1> why do you miss
tutorials when we have readthedocs
L892[10:25:33] <sham1> That do them a lot
L893[10:25:35] <sham1> IHMO
L894[10:25:41] <sham1> No offence
L895[10:25:44] <Stiforr> lol
L896[10:25:47] <Wuppy> sham1, depends on
what you consider better tbh
L897[10:25:56] <Nitrodev> okay done
L898[10:26:05] ***
Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L899[10:26:08] ***
williewillus is now known as willieaway
L900[10:26:19] <Wuppy> sham1, I'd say
the read the docs are of a higher factual quality
L901[10:26:33] <Wuppy> but mine might (not
saying they are, but maybe) be easier to use
L902[10:26:33] <Stiforr> Well I sit in
front of a computer 9 hours a day for work and if I wanna do MC
stuff I dont wanna read code and then write code. I'd rather
listen to wuppys voice and write code
L903[10:26:41] <Ri5ux> Is LOLCAT actually
L904[10:26:44] <Ri5ux> Or is he just a
L905[10:26:48] <Wuppy> Ri5ux, sadly,
L906[10:26:51] <Ri5ux> Wow
L907[10:26:57] <sham1> >sadly
L908[10:26:58] <Ri5ux> I think I just gave
up on Minecraft
L909[10:27:00] <sham1> You insane!?
L910[10:27:05] <Wuppy> agreed Ri5ux
L911[10:27:19] <sham1> We have to support
all the dank memes
L912[10:27:29] <sham1> Let us all localize
our mods for the dankness
L913[10:27:39] <gigaherz> 10-13 year olds
are a big market for Minecraft
L915[10:28:27] <sham1> Oh the new Elytra
L916[10:28:31] <sham1> Glorious
L917[10:28:32] <Ri5ux> I know more 8-9
year olds that play it :/
L918[10:28:41] <Stiforr> I have a 5 year
old that plays
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L920[10:29:03] <Stiforr> By then time
he's 10 he'll be at Direwolfs level
L921[10:29:19] <gigaherz> or he'll be
bored and give up mc ;p
L922[10:29:23] <Stiforr> HA
L923[10:29:35] <sham1> Well parents
propably buy minecraft to their kids for the same reason as they
buy CoD for them
L924[10:29:35] <Stiforr> By then MC will
run on unreal engine
L925[10:29:53] <Wuppy> Stiforr, Mc
won't be able to run in Unreal
L926[10:30:08] <Stiforr> Yea it was just a
bad joke lol
L927[10:30:15] <sham1> The kids get a baby
sitter and the parents can go to somewhere else to have some alone
L928[10:30:34] <Wuppy> I know, but the fun
thing is, even though Unreal is well optimized, I don't think
it's possible to get Minecraft running above a few fps
L929[10:30:36] <Stiforr> Hey if you gotta
make dinner you can expect the dog to keep him entertained :P
L930[10:31:18] <Ri5ux> Give them a bucket
of rocks and tell them to build a house.
L931[10:31:24] <Ri5ux> And then move out
into it
L932[10:31:27] <sham1> Dogs are scary
L933[10:31:49] <masa> Oh and here I
thought parents buy their kids CoD and then they go and playe
Minecraft themselves...
L934[10:31:52] <Stiforr> sham1 dogs are
only scary if their owners make them scary :P
L936[10:32:03] <sham1> No
L937[10:32:09] <Stiforr> masa don't
give away our secrets
L938[10:32:15] <Ri5ux> I once had a dog,
it literally ripped my face off.
L939[10:32:19] <Ri5ux> I was 10
L940[10:32:22] <sham1> I have a fobia
against dogs
L941[10:32:28] <masa> but anyway,
wasn't pirate language a thing since forver ago, so why would
LOLCAT be a bad thing? it's not like it's on by default,
so why do you care? :p
L942[10:32:33] <sham1> A actualfobia
L943[10:32:37] <Stiforr> i can totaly
understand the fear of dogs
L944[10:32:47] <Stiforr> It really sucks
for us who actually own good dogs
L945[10:32:53] <sham1> Mmm
L946[10:33:14] <sham1> It's like I
fear even the nicest dog possible and it makes me sad
L947[10:33:18] <sham1> Or not outright
L948[10:33:21] <sham1> Get
L949[10:33:37] <Stiforr> Puppies?
L950[10:33:38] <Ri5ux> masa, because it
was added to the game officially by developers to support talking
like idiots
L951[10:33:40] <gigaherz> that must
L952[10:33:42] <PaleoCrafter>
L953[10:33:49] <sham1> Yes
L954[10:34:03] <PaleoCrafter> Get your
spelling right :P
L955[10:34:09] <sham1> Ne
L956[10:34:11] <masa> well there seem to
be at least two kinds of dogs: 1) "aww a cute adorable happy
L957[10:34:28] <sham1> Wolves
L958[10:34:30] <Stiforr> masa yea
that's caused by lack of socialization
L959[10:35:07] <Stiforr> even poodles can
do that tho
L960[10:35:20] <gigaherz> usually the
smaller the dog, the more they bark
L961[10:35:20] <Stiforr> If you hide your
dog when someone comes over
L962[10:35:33] <masa> adult rotweilers or
whatever I wouldn't put in the cute puppy category no matter
how social they are :p
L963[10:35:39] <Stiforr> they start to
think they are supposed to be afraid of people coming over
L964[10:35:57] <Ri5ux>
L965[10:36:11] <MalkContent> is there
anything already in the code that uses the itemhandler
L966[10:36:30] <gigaherz> "strangers
= I get locked up ---> stangers = evil"
L967[10:36:36] <Stiforr> exactly
L968[10:36:57] <Stiforr> it's a bad
way to condition protection dogs
L969[10:37:04] <gigaherz> not necessarily
because they are afraid of them, they may just associate them with
the bad feeling of being locked up
L970[10:37:04] <Stiforr> it's done by
some trainers
L971[10:37:15] ⇦
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Mraoffle is now known as Mraof
L973[10:37:28] <gigaherz> and they made
indirectly think "by preventing them from being here, I avoid
getting locked up"
L974[10:37:34] <gigaherz> may*
L975[10:38:02] <Stiforr> well
"people" become and unkown
L976[10:38:12] <Stiforr> and they fear the
L977[10:38:19] <Stiforr> in dogs fear =
L978[10:38:47] <sham1> Well that is also
with humans
L979[10:39:16] <Stiforr> dogs have that
instinct tho and they can't help it
L980[10:39:24] <Stiforr> we can be fearful
but not agressive
L981[10:39:44] <gigaherz> most animals do,
the whole "fight or flight" thing. dogs are just more
inclined toward fight
L982[10:39:55] <Stiforr> yep
L983[10:40:01] <Stiforr> like a bunny
won't fight
L984[10:40:02] <gigaherz> but they will
also run, if fight failed
L985[10:40:22] <gigaherz> actually they
will, if they are cornered
L986[10:40:36] <gigaherz> they will jump
and bite and scratch
L987[10:40:46] <Stiforr> well yea i
suppose but it'd be like if an infant fought tyson
L988[10:41:08] *
Stiforr hopes someone gets the reference
L989[10:42:02] <MalkContent> nvm, got it.
was just fucking up the search
L990[10:44:23] <sham1> Oh how I love the
port system in FreeBSD
L991[10:44:30] <sham1> It is so
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L993[10:46:39] ⇦
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(~Firedingo@cpe-121-218-203-79.lnse4.cht.bigpond.net.au) (Ping
timeout: 207 seconds)
L994[10:49:02] ⇦
Quits: auenf (David@DC-54-199.bpb.bigpond.com) (Remote host closed
the connection)
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kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L998[10:53:45] ⇦
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(~Firedingo@CPE-121-216-11-108.lnse1.ken.bigpond.net.au) (Ping
timeout: 195 seconds)
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kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
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(~Nitrodev@dcx0f0ybl17j9zgtmf2ny-3.rev.dnainternet.fi) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
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(~ogmar@108-85-88-44.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping
timeout: 190 seconds)
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Vigaro is now known as Vigaro|AFK
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L1006[11:04:23] <OrionOnline> Anyone know
a good IRC Channel for LWJGL?
L1007[11:04:35] <OrionOnline> I am trying
to look for some help on projection Matrixes and view
⇦ Quits: AbrarSyed (~AbrarSyed@ipv6.abrarsyed.com) (Quit: All
things are trivial once you've mastered them.)
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you keep my secret, this strawberry is yours~)
L1016[11:06:56] <sham1> Matrices
L1017[11:07:06] <sham1> Matrixes would
refer to the movies
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MineBot sets mode: +o on Abrar|gone
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L1026[11:11:16] <OrionOnline> sham1, do
not be rude
L1027[11:11:24] <OrionOnline> I have been
at this problem for a good day now
L1028[11:11:28] <sham1> I'm
L1029[11:11:38] <sham1> But yeah
L1030[11:11:39] <sham1> What is it
L1031[11:12:04] <OrionOnline> I am trying
to get the projectionMatrix to work
L1032[11:12:19] <OrionOnline> But for
some reason it keeps putting the vertexes behind my freaking
L1033[11:12:27] <sham1> show your
L1034[11:12:30] <sham1> and code
⇨ Joins: Wuppy (~wuppyZNC@abrarsyed.com)
L1038[11:17:35] <sham1> You are kind of
using deprecated OGL stuff
L1039[11:19:28] <sham1> Why is it that
some sites put recruitment messages into the dev console in their
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[Firefox 44.0.2/20160209234642])
L1042[11:25:10] <OrionOnline> sham1, why
is that depreciated?
L1043[11:25:25] <sham1> wait no
L1044[11:25:29] <OrionOnline> It is
standard openGL3.3
L1045[11:25:34] <sham1> I am being a derp
L1046[11:25:36] <OrionOnline> Using
buffered geometry
L1047[11:25:45] <sham1> I really have no
L1048[11:26:08] <gigaherz> at least
it's not glBegin/glEnd ;p
L1049[11:26:43] <OrionOnline> :D
L1050[11:26:57] <gigaherz> but it's
also no glMultiDrawArraysIndirect
L1051[11:27:50] <OrionOnline> gigaherz, I
am not into the fancy stuff yet
L1052[11:27:56] <OrionOnline> I am trying
to figure out what is happening
L1053[11:28:09] <OrionOnline> It creates
a projectionMatrix and uploads it fine
L1054[11:28:19] <OrionOnline> But i
creates z values that are < 0
L1055[11:28:30] <gigaherz> no idea sorry,
i don't have any real experience with actual opengl
L1056[11:30:04] <OrionOnline> No
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L1059[11:46:08] <shadekiller666> !gf
L1060[11:46:48] <shadekiller666> !gf
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closed the connection)
L1064[11:58:17] <PaleoCrafter> I wonder,
when will things start rolling in the ForgeUtils repo? xD
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(~OrionOnli@ip-62-235-47-33.dial.scarlet.be) (Ping timeout: 198
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(~OnyxDarkK@cpc81089-colc8-2-0-cust729.7-4.cable.virginm.net) (Read
error: Connection reset by peer)
L1067[12:06:57] <Ri5ux> ForgeUtils?
L1068[12:07:36] <Ri5ux> What is that
supposed to be? Some fancy compilation of useful methods and
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L1071[12:13:19] <shadekiller666> in 1.9,
what does the "fixed" keyword in "display" in
the model jsons refer to?
L1072[12:13:37] <shadekiller666> is that
like transforms when in an itemframe?
L1073[12:14:43] <PaleoCrafter> Ri5ux,
apparently a 'normal' mod mainly with server management
capabilities under the official forge name
L1074[12:15:19] <Ri5ux> Oh, so like
ForgeEssentials that was poorly supported for like 5 minutes?
L1075[12:16:30] <PaleoCrafter> Yeah,
although FE wasn't ever officially endorsed afaik, it was more
a FMP sort of deal
L1076[12:16:51] <Ri5ux> I see, well
hopefully this has better luck.
L1077[12:16:58] <sham1> Why was FMP
called FMP anyway
L1078[12:17:02] <PaleoCrafter>
shadekiller666, it's for item frames, yes
L1079[12:17:10] <shadekiller666> in other
words, should never have had "Forge" appended to the
front of it, PaleoCrafter
L1080[12:17:17] <shadekiller666>
L1082[12:18:09] <PaleoCrafter> sham1,
because it's a forge mod? xD
L1083[12:18:15] <sham1> No?
L1084[12:18:50] <PaleoCrafter> Forge as
in 'loaded by FML' :P
L1085[12:18:52] ***
tterrag|ZZZzzz is now known as tterrag
L1086[12:19:01] *
sham1 facepalms
L1087[12:20:05] <shadekiller666> would
you happen to know if the transform axis are flipped when in the
left hand?
L1088[12:20:21] <PaleoCrafter> I doubt
L1089[12:20:45] <shadekiller666> ie. if a
translation of 10 when in right hand moves the model to the right,
would it do the same in the left hand? or would it move left?
L1090[12:21:03] <PaleoCrafter> Try it
L1091[12:21:05] <shadekiller666> i know
the rotations are +-180 for left as they are for right
L1092[12:21:16] <shadekiller666>
can't, game won't launch yet :P
L1093[12:21:57] <PaleoCrafter> Resource
packs :P
⇨ Joins: Nitrodev
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L1096[12:24:39] <Nitrodev> hi i'm
L1097[12:26:09] <PaleoCrafter> Hi back,
I'm Paleo
L1098[12:26:33] <PaleoCrafter> Hue hue
L1099[12:27:29] <sham1> you and your
L1100[12:27:46] <Nitrodev> yeah
L1101[12:27:51] <Nitrodev> he's
weird like that
L1102[12:28:02] <Nitrodev> now where awsa
i before i left
L1103[12:28:08] <Nitrodev> was*
L1104[12:28:29] <PaleoCrafter> Probably
in front of your computer
L1105[12:28:42] *
diesieben07 throws things at PaleoCrafter
L1106[12:29:17] <Nitrodev> oh yeah the
TEs and containers for my blockstates
L1107[12:29:26] <PaleoCrafter> Oh look,
somebody just threw a new phone at me xD
L1108[12:29:31] <Nitrodev> after this i
will go to the texture side
L1109[12:29:37] <sham1> (╯°□°)╯︵
L1110[12:29:45] <shadekiller666> come to
the texture side, we have uvs!
L1111[12:30:39] <Nitrodev> uvs?
L1112[12:30:43] <LatvianModder> UVs
L1113[12:30:44] <LatvianModder> yes
L1114[12:31:48] <sham1> Come to the dark
side, for we have cookies
L1115[12:32:18] <PaleoCrafter> They
probably are burnt though
L1116[12:32:39] <LatvianModder> The best
L1117[12:33:01] <Nitrodev> so what are
you guys working on?
L1118[12:33:21] <sham1> I am trying to
get the virtualbox guest additions to work on FreeBSD
L1119[12:34:37] <AbrarSyed> kvm >>
L1120[12:34:40] <sham1> Which means I
need to update my ports tree with svn
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L1122[12:35:10] <sham1> What if I use KVM
with Virtualbox
L1123[12:35:13] <sham1> You know, why not
L1124[12:35:15] <PaleoCrafter> AbrarSyed,
can't do bitshifts on that :PO
L1125[12:35:33] <AbrarSyed> > =
greater than.. >> == much greater than
L1126[12:37:01] <Nitrodev> so many
technical words
L1127[12:37:19] <Nitrodev> i don't
understand how do you even know what they mean sham1
L1128[12:37:37] <sham1> A lot of
L1129[12:37:48] <PaleoCrafter> ≫ this is
much greater than :P
L1130[12:38:29] <AbrarSyed> Nitrodev,
lack of life :P
L1131[12:38:49] <sham1> So anyway
L1132[12:39:03] <sham1> What do you guys
think of the LOLCAT language in 1.9.1
L1133[12:39:19] <AbrarSyed> thy added a
language? wat?
L1134[12:39:34] <sham1> yes
L1135[12:39:37] <PaleoCrafter> crap, had
I better commited this when I still knew what I did xD
L1136[12:40:19] <SkySom> Mojang
doesn't understand what .1 is supposed to mean, do that?
L1137[12:40:42] <gigaherz> do they*
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L1139[12:41:57] ***
TehNut|Sleep is now known as TehNut
L1140[12:42:50] <PaleoCrafter> and they
sort of decide themselves what .1 means, it's not like they
adhear to semver
L1141[12:42:59] <PaleoCrafter>
L1142[12:43:01] <PaleoCrafter>
L1143[12:45:13] <Ivorius> ... or
L1144[12:46:03] <shadekiller666> i did
some digging in the vanilla item jsons
L1146[12:46:15] <Nitrodev> what is that
L1148[12:46:33] <Nitrodev> that's
the handler class
L1149[12:47:38] <Ivorius> Looks like you
need a special constructor
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L1151[12:47:48] <Nitrodev> what?
L1152[12:47:48] <Ivorius>
InventoryPlayer, TEStorage, ResourceLocation, and like 8 ints
L1153[12:47:57] <Nitrodev> i added 2
L1154[12:47:57] <diesieben07> that
shouldn't even compile if that error is thrown...
L1155[12:47:59] <Elucent> Is there a way
to remove the built-in slowdown from EnumAction.BOW?
L1156[12:48:30] <Nitrodev> yeah
that's not the problem
L1157[12:48:34] <tterrag> probably need
to rebuild the project
L1158[12:48:50] *
Nitrodev flips tterrag off
L1159[12:49:01] <shadekiller666> the
differences between the righthand and the lefthand transform values
are: rotation: signs on the numbers are flipped in the lefthand
transforms (kind of), translation: values remain the same, scale:
values remain the same
L1160[12:49:02] <Ivorius> Yeah fuck you
tterrag for helping
L1161[12:49:18] <shadekiller666> at least
thats how they're defined in item/handheld
L1162[12:49:23] <Elucent> Wow,
L1163[12:49:28] <tterrag> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L1164[12:49:31] <gigaherz> Elucent: I
thought the slowdown was tied to having an item use in
L1165[12:49:34] <gigaherz> not
specifically the bow
L1166[12:49:58] <Nitrodev> Ivorius, he
wasn't helping...
L1167[12:49:59] <Elucent> gigaherz yeah,
I'm wondering if there's a way to remove the slowdown
from the item use
L1168[12:50:23] <Elucent> gigaherz short
of just using like a speed effect or something
L1169[12:50:59] <tterrag> actually it was
an honest suggestion
L1170[12:51:04] <tterrag> I'm not
sure how you took that in a hostile way
L1171[12:51:10] <tterrag> but uh,
L1172[12:52:13] ***
tterrag is now known as tterrag|away
L1173[12:52:17] <Nitrodev> wait
⇦ Quits: NullEntity
(~NullEntit@cpe-24-208-49-242.new.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 186
L1175[12:52:53] <Nitrodev> oh yeah that
was it
L1176[12:53:03] <Nitrodev> i fell bad now
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Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line
with this one and help me take over the world of IRC.)
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theresajayne_ is now known as theresajayne
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willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1182[13:02:08] <Elucent> also, how do I
properly instantiate a Vec3
L1183[13:02:45] <Elucent> since
Vec3(x,y,z) doesn't seem to be working
L1184[13:03:36] <Elucent> wait,
nevermind, I'm stupid
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L1190[13:13:43] <williewillus> !gm
func_145838_q 1.8.9
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L1194[13:17:57] <Nitrodev> what are you
guys working on?
L1195[13:18:09] <williewillus> me?
L1196[13:18:09] <gigaherz> I'm
porting my IRC client from WinForms to WPF
L1197[13:18:17] <Elucent> I'm
implementing the Crissaegrim sword from Castlevania: SotN into my
magic mod
L1198[13:18:25] <williewillus> I am
fixing bugs in botania and PE :P
L1199[13:18:35] <gigaherz> PE?
L1200[13:18:41] <williewillus>
L1201[13:18:41] <Elucent> ProjectE
L1202[13:18:44] <gigaherz> Oh
⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-203-206.access.telenet.be)
(Quit: Leaving)
L1204[13:18:52] <sham1> I think I will
work on a 2048 clone
L1205[13:18:52] <williewillus> the mod I
actually worked on before botania happened heh
L1206[13:19:03] <gigaherz> PE sounds like
MCPE ;P you should say PjE instead
L1207[13:19:19] <williewillus> ew
L1208[13:19:23] <masa> pheww, almost done
converting my inventory utils to IItemHandler... 3 more methods to
go, but I'll eat something now...
L1209[13:19:25] <gigaherz> PtE?
L1210[13:19:27] <Elucent> or you could
say EE2
L1211[13:19:40] <Elucent> because at this
point it's functionally the same
L1212[13:19:48] <gigaherz> it even uses
the EE2 icons, right?
⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L1214[13:19:49] <Ri5ux> Need help with a
slight problem. It's a really hard one to describe without
recording it too. The animations I've created in this
ModelRenderer work *perfect*... that is until I move the player in
the world. The second I try moving the player around, the
animations get all out of sync and sometimes fix themselves over
L1215[13:20:03] <gigaherz>
L1216[13:20:06] <williewillus> I'm
gonna migrate PE to capas
L1217[13:20:13] <Ri5ux> I have absolutely
no idea what's causing this, so if someone could please look
at the model, that would be great.
L1218[13:20:13] <williewillus> yeah it
does we got permission a while ago
L1219[13:20:13] <masa> I'm liking
IItemHandler quite a lot, I was able to remove a bunch of code.
Although at some places it makes things a bit more complex
L1220[13:20:38] <Nitrodev> capas?
L1221[13:20:42] <Elucent> is there any
reason not to use Vector3d instead of Vec3?
L1222[13:20:43] <williewillus> shit that
is a huge model lol
L1223[13:20:48] <williewillus> Nitrodev:
L1224[13:20:49] <gigaherz> Nitrodev:
L1225[13:20:50] <Ri5ux> ._.
L1226[13:20:52] <sham1> capabilities
L1227[13:21:00] <Nitrodev> oh
L1228[13:21:13] <williewillus> ah gif
would probably explain better Ri5ux
L1229[13:21:16] <williewillus> *a
L1230[13:21:26] <gigaherz> or .mp4
L1231[13:21:31] <Ri5ux> I'm not
gonna lie, I've never created a GIF
L1232[13:21:34] <masa> or *.webm
L1233[13:21:39] <gigaherz> I record
videos using OBS and put them on my dropbox's public
L1234[13:21:39] <gigaherz> Xd
L1235[13:21:40] <masa> or *.mkv
L1236[13:21:44] <TehNut> ShareX. Get it,
use it, love it
L1237[13:21:48] <sham1> or *.avi
L1238[13:21:52] <masa> eww
L1239[13:22:00] <gigaherz> eww avi
L1240[13:22:06] <Ri5ux> Getting
L1241[13:22:18] <williewillus> bleh
migrating TE's that have old saving mechanisms to capas is
L1242[13:22:20] <sham1> BTW a quick
L1243[13:22:22] <Elucent> .wmv
L1244[13:22:23] <williewillus> I'm
not really sure how I should go about it
L1245[13:22:42] <williewillus> right now
in botania the capa is just a layer over the old saving code, which
is still there
L1246[13:22:55] <williewillus> is that
how its meant to be used?
L1247[13:23:10] <sham1> Did
Double.compare sort is a way that made the sorts go in descending
L1248[13:23:30] <sham1> Or rather, does
it sort the values in descending order
L1249[13:23:40] <gigaherz> sort does
ascending, I think?
L1250[13:23:42] <williewillus> no it
sorts ascending
L1251[13:23:47] <gigaherz> if you want
descending, you can negate theresult of compare
L1252[13:23:55] <gigaherz> just return
-compare on the sort function
L1253[13:24:06] <Nitrodev> i'm just
simply adding the tes that my mod is dependent on
L1254[13:24:10] *
Ri5ux creates the gif
L1255[13:24:46] <Ri5ux> Oh god, GIF be
L1256[13:24:50] <sham1> So a comparetor
like this: (a, b) -> Double.compare(a.distanceSq(pos),
b.distanceSq(pos)) would be in ascending order
L1257[13:24:56] <williewillus> yea
L1258[13:24:59] <sham1> Ok
L1259[13:25:08] <sham1> Time to put a
minus before the compare
L1260[13:25:39] <sham1> because the most
distance away fluid cubes have the highest priority
L1261[13:25:46] <sham1> For my pump
L1262[13:25:53] <TehNut> Ri5ux: I think
you need to tweak the default values. Change the encoder to FFmpeg
and bump the FPS up to something... not terribad
L1263[13:26:14] <Elucent> is it safe to
use EntityPlayer.cameraYaw/cameraPitch?
L1264[13:26:29] <Ri5ux> Encoder is
FFmpeg, cant find the FPS settings
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L1268[13:28:34] <williewillus> Elucent:
use as in change?
L1269[13:28:43] <Ri5ux> Alright, trying
to record it again
L1270[13:28:57] <Elucent> no just
accessing their values
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L1272[13:29:45] <williewillus> i think
its fine then
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L1274[13:31:26] <Ri5ux> GIF is
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L1276[13:32:23] <TehNut> Did that fix the
L1277[13:32:43] <Ri5ux> Yeah
L1278[13:32:47] <Ri5ux> Thanks btw
L1279[13:32:49] <TehNut> Np
L1280[13:33:14] ***
AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L1281[13:33:19] <Ri5ux> Eh. GIF is
50MB.... Imgur complained that it couldnt convert it to an
L1282[13:33:51] <TehNut> um
L1283[13:33:59] <TehNut> it
shouldn't be that large
L1284[13:34:06] <Ri5ux> It is ._.
L1285[13:34:07] <Nitrodev> yeah
L1286[13:34:18] <Nitrodev> how long is
said gif?
L1287[13:34:23] <TehNut> It should
actually record it as an mp4 that you can send to gfycat (if
it's <15 seconds)
L1288[13:34:24] <Ri5ux> 30 seconds
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L1290[13:34:34] <TehNut> or Streamable if
L1291[13:34:47] <TehNut> My 36 second one
is only 2.45Mb
L1292[13:34:50] <shirkit> How can I
render stuff in the world using an ItemRenderer?
L1293[13:34:59] <Ri5ux> I could just
record it as an MP4 and use said Gyfcat
L1294[13:35:03] <shirkit> Like rendering
L1295[13:35:19] <tterrag|away> wat
L1296[13:35:55] <masa> why not record to
mo4 and uplaod to youtube instead of these gif nonsense
L1297[13:35:59] <masa> *mp4
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L1299[13:36:14] <tterrag|away> yt takes
L1300[13:36:15] <Ri5ux> lol
L1301[13:36:25] <sham1> Upload it to
L1302[13:36:27] <tterrag|away> gfy is way
faster and easier
L1303[13:36:31] <masa> well stream it to
beam then, and we can watch teh last vod
L1304[13:36:47] <McJty> I prefer youtube.
Easier to bookmark, play from a certain point, pause and so
L1305[13:36:53] <masa> yep
L1306[13:37:03] ***
helinus|off is now known as helinus
L1307[13:37:28] <TehNut> I send
everything to my webserver. Screw third party hosts :P
L1308[13:37:34] *
Ri5ux is uploading to Gyfcat now
L1309[13:38:05] <masa> CRF 30.. close to
potato quality? :p
L1311[13:38:43] <TehNut> Pretty far from
L1312[13:38:50] <Ri5ux> Looks good to me
L1313[13:40:09] <Ri5ux> Okay, so now that
I finally got the thing uploaded, who remembers the problem?
L1315[13:40:24] <masa> heh, especially
that block... was it called Server Lag Generator? :p
L1316[13:40:30] <Ri5ux> Oh god, it cut it
L1317[13:40:34] <TehNut> that is..
L1318[13:40:35] <Ri5ux> I think you can
still see enough of it tho
L1319[13:40:40] <Ri5ux> or not
L1320[13:40:49] <williewillus> wait what
is the prob haha
L1321[13:41:08] <Ri5ux> "Need help
with a slight problem. It's a really hard one to describe
without recording it too. The animations I've created in this
ModelRenderer work *perfect*... that is until I move the player in
the world. The second I try moving the player around, the
animations get all out of sync and sometimes fix themselves over
L1322[13:41:10] <TehNut> masa:
That's a Soul Shards spawner that I removed all the limits
L1323[13:41:26] <masa> hehe ok
L1324[13:41:28] <TehNut> That's also
500 pigs spawning every second while ignoring the mob cap
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L1326[13:41:37] <Ri5ux> Okay it literally
didnt get the part where the model animations messed up
L1327[13:41:38] ***
williewillus is now known as willieaway
L1328[13:41:52] <Ri5ux> Im just gonna put
it on youtube
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L1331[13:43:31] <Ri5ux> Will be potato
quality for probably 5-10 mins tho
L1332[13:44:10] <Ri5ux> But you can see
that basically once I start moving the player, the animations
completely make up a mind of their own
L1333[13:46:00] <shirkit> can I store an
array in a NBTTagCompund without having to conver to a byte
L1334[13:46:30] <Ri5ux> shirkit, To my
knowledge, yes.
L1335[13:46:59] <masa> an array of
L1336[13:47:10] <Ri5ux> ^
L1337[13:47:31] <masa> NBT only has byte
and int arrays
L1338[13:48:14] <Ri5ux> I thought I saw a
vanilla utility somewhere that could also do String arrays
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L1340[13:48:52] ***
willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1341[13:49:01] <shirkit> found it, I can
store an int[], that's just easier
L1342[13:49:52] <Ri5ux> As for my
problem, if any of you guys have any idea as to what the heck is
going on, ping me. I'm gonna watch a few episodes of Agents of
L1343[13:49:53] <williewillus> there
aren't string arrays, you'd just use an NBTTagList of
L1344[13:49:56] <Nitrodev> man hotswap is
SOOO useful iwth guis
L1345[13:50:01] <masa> there is no direct
String array type, it would have to be for example a NBTTagList of
L1346[13:50:25] <Ri5ux> Ah, yep,
you're right masa. That was it.
L1347[13:50:26] <whitephoenix> 1.9 added
lolcat as a language...
L1348[13:50:27] <williewillus> if that
one clojure forge bridge plugin gets going we could have dynamic
REPL for modding ;D
L1349[13:50:39] <Ivorius> Ri5ux: Is it
supposed to stand on the floor normally
L1350[13:50:40] <Ivorius> Or fly?
L1351[13:50:41] <williewillus> no need to
screw with hotswap just change it
L1352[13:50:42] <whitephoenix> the text
is too big for the button almost everywhere
L1353[13:50:57] <Ri5ux> Ivorius,
L1354[13:51:03] <Ivorius> Ah
L1355[13:51:12] <Ri5ux> You can see in
the end if went completely out of whack. The whole thing
L1356[13:51:13] <Ivorius> I thought it
was weird that it always has an exact lowest point :P
L1357[13:51:39] <DRedhorse> anybody has
an idea why icdd would eat my cpu on a mac in OSX?
L1358[13:51:57] <Ivorius> Because IDEA
does lots of things
L1359[13:52:12] <Ivorius> It uses 2GB for
L1360[13:52:38] <Ri5ux> it went*
L1361[13:54:00] <whitephoenix> I wish the
jetbrains loading splash screens had exit buttons
L1362[13:54:24] <Nitrodev> i'm
halfway through my mods main feature
L1363[13:54:29] <whitephoenix> Which is
L1364[13:56:10] <Ri5ux> Oh, I figured out
the problem with my animations I think...
L1365[13:56:24] <Ri5ux> It quit doing
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198 seconds)
L1367[14:00:16] <Nitrodev> whitephoenix,
storage blocks
L1368[14:00:21] <Nitrodev> think iron
L1369[14:00:24] <Nitrodev> kinda like
L1370[14:00:24] <whitephoenix> cool
L1371[14:00:40] <Nitrodev> ofcourse it
won't be a 100% clone
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L1380[14:29:57] <Elucent> that is
L1381[14:29:59] <Elucent>
L1382[14:30:05] <Ri5ux> lol
L1383[14:30:25] <Nitrodev> oh god
L1384[14:30:35] <Nitrodev> what did you
L1385[14:30:41] <Ri5ux> hehe
L1386[14:30:44] <Nitrodev> why would
ANYONE want that in their game
L1387[14:31:06] <Ri5ux> Ahaha. It's
a trilobite from the movie Prometheus :P
L1389[14:31:58] <Elucent> i mean, if you
wanted to freak people out, nice job
L1390[14:32:01] <Nitrodev> nevertheless
it's hidious
L1391[14:32:21] <PaleoCrafter> looks
nothing like a real Trilobite though xD
L1392[14:32:29] <Ri5ux> Ik :P
L1393[14:32:48] <PaleoCrafter> also, all
the CGI in that picture :PO
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L1395[14:33:03] <PaleoCrafter> could be
taken from a game cutscene
L1396[14:34:14] <Ri5ux> Heyy, it's
in HD now, if you want to be more creeped out by details xD
L1397[14:36:54] <Elucent> it looks like
the top segments of each leg are blue, though you can't always
see them
L1398[14:37:16] <shirkit> is there an
easy way to render an Item in first person? doing renderItemIn2D is
drawing in the wrong perspective
L1399[14:37:18] <Ri5ux> Yeah, it
wasn't visible before the animations existed, so I've
gotta fix that
L1400[14:37:40] <Corosus>
L1401[14:42:24] <williewillus> shirkit:
look at what the game does before it calls renderItemIn2D
L1402[14:42:29] <williewillus> to setup
the transform
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L1405[14:51:38] <Curle> o/
L1406[14:51:43] <Wuppy> \o
L1407[14:52:02] <Curle> Hey guys, what do
you call fresh green vegetables from one of the fathers of
computing? :D
L1408[14:52:39] <Wuppy> beer?
L1409[14:52:45] <Curle> Babbage's
Cabbages! :D
⇨ Joins: Blue_Monster122
L1411[14:53:18] <Curle> How is beer
green? xD
L1412[14:53:21] <Curle> When*
L1413[14:53:37] <Curle> Except when the
yeast has died O_o
L1414[14:53:58] <Wuppy> hop is
L1415[14:54:15] <Curle> :/
L1416[14:54:20] <Curle> Shh xD
L1417[14:56:53] <Wuppy> also, heineken is
green :)
L1418[14:57:07] <Wuppy> although
it's also bad
L1419[14:59:24] ***
williewillus is now known as willieaway
L1420[14:59:57] <Curle> That goes without
saying, though
L1421[15:00:28] <shirkit> okay, now can I
somehow convert from world coordinates to camera coordinates in
first person render?
L1422[15:00:32] <Wuppy> where're you
from Curle?
L1423[15:00:45] <Curle> Wales :)
L1424[15:01:03] <Wuppy> :O
L1425[15:01:09] <Wuppy> gib me real
L1426[15:01:16] <Curle> xD
L1427[15:01:21] <Wuppy> and
⇦ Quits: Elucent
(~elucent__@173-167-18-97-michigan.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) (Ping
timeout: 207 seconds)
L1429[15:01:34] <Curle> There's
legitimately a Guiness factory down the road xD
L1430[15:01:50] *
Wuppy moves to Curle
L1431[15:02:04] <Nitrodev> what does that
have to do with anynthin?
L1432[15:02:25] <Wuppy> Nitrodev, what
does what have to do with what?
L1433[15:02:26] <Curle> They occasionally
give free "samples"
L1434[15:02:44] ***
Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L1435[15:02:48] <Wuppy> you.... basterd
L1436[15:02:59] <Curle> by samples i mean
L1437[15:03:07] <Wuppy> you
L1438[15:03:19] <Curle> you
L1439[15:03:24] <Nitrodev> what defines
the mining speed of a block?
L1440[15:03:26] <Wuppy> I'm so jelly
L1441[15:03:30] <Wuppy> Nitrodev, the
L1442[15:03:32] <Curle>
L1443[15:03:37] <Nitrodev> ah
L1444[15:03:38] <Curle> Ninja
L1445[15:03:44] <Wuppy> well, the
hardness vs the strength of the pickaxe
L1446[15:04:01] <Curle> mining speed !=
strength :)
L1447[15:04:32] <Wuppy> Curle> Shh
L1448[15:04:43] <Curle> gold has the
strength of iron, but mines faster xD
L1449[15:05:32] <Nitrodev> but where do i
find the hardnesses of diferent blocks
L1450[15:05:42] <Wuppy> Nitrodev, its
L1451[15:05:47] <Curle>
L1452[15:06:06] <Curle> you can
setHardness in the constructor, that overrides the material
L1453[15:06:08] <Wuppy> Curle,
L1454[15:06:10] <Wuppy> right?
L1455[15:06:25] <Curle> cant check right
now, but the block overrides the material
L1456[15:06:40] <Curle>
L1457[15:06:53] <Wuppy> yeah...
you're right, nvm
L1458[15:07:01] <Curle> xD
L1459[15:07:06] <Wuppy> has been like one
and a half year since I've modded Minecraft :o
L1460[15:07:12] <Curle> Figures
L1461[15:07:19] <Curle> xD
L1462[15:07:40] <Curle> I'm still
doing a side project on 1.7.10 for a little wip modpack i made
L1463[15:07:49] <Nitrodev> like i need to
know the hardness of wood in this case
L1464[15:07:57] <Curle> A specific wood,
or any?
L1465[15:08:08] <Wuppy> Curle, do
differnet blocks have differnet hardnesses?
L1466[15:08:10] <Curle>
L1467[15:08:12] <Curle> yes
L1468[15:08:15] <Wuppy> :o
L1469[15:08:23] <Curle> constructor >
L1470[15:08:39] <Curle> I learned that
the hard way
L1471[15:08:56] <Wuppy> Curle, I'm
not saying if it's possible
L1472[15:08:58] <Curle> I made ores that
can be broken instantly with the fist, because I used
Material.ground, without setting the hardness xD
L1473[15:09:08] <Wuppy> but I'm just
surprised there's wood with differnet hardnesses
L1474[15:09:10] <Nitrodev> there is no
L1475[15:09:20] <Curle> Wood? Not
L1476[15:09:29] <Wuppy> Nitrodev, the
hardness is set in the Block, not the Material
L1477[15:09:31] <Curle> I recall spruce
taking .4 seconds longer to mine
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L1479[15:09:34] <shirkit> So I want to
draw over (highlight) certain blocks when I use an item on that
block, but on the ItemRenderer I'm in Camera Coordinates. I
don't see a possible way to do this not beiing in a TileEntity
renderer, does anyone has some ideas?
L1480[15:09:48] <Curle> erm
L1481[15:09:52] <Wuppy> also Curle my
current "main" project is for Philips :D
L1482[15:10:01] <Curle> Soft or
L1483[15:10:08] ***
Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L1484[15:10:15] <Curle> ware**
L1485[15:10:19] <Wuppy> both :D
L1486[15:10:27] <Curle> neat!
L1487[15:10:44] <Wuppy> I'm making a
custom controller using their Philips Hue
L1488[15:10:53] <Curle> I love just
hearing about what madness you get into during your spare time
L1489[15:11:04] <Wuppy> spare time?
L1490[15:11:07] <Wuppy> that's my
school :P
⇦ Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@ (Quit:
L1492[15:11:34] <Curle> shh
L1493[15:11:41] <PaleoCrafter> shirkit,
1) you should mod a version where IItemRenderer isn't a thing
anymore by now :P 2) just don't do it in the item renderer, do
it in RenderWorldLastEvent or something similar
L1494[15:11:43] <Wuppy> this is my main
project for my school I work on 3 days a week full-time
L1495[15:11:57] <Wuppy> but yeah,
I'm writing a custom controller with Arduino, wifi, RFID and
the Philips Hue
L1496[15:12:08] <Wuppy> and the AI for
the game I'll be using it for
L1497[15:12:23] <Curle> RFID +
L1498[15:12:44] <Wuppy> yep, you hold an
RFID scanner in your hand and there's several RFID tags on
your table
L1499[15:12:49] <Curle> Also, what's
the Hue?
L1500[15:12:58] <Wuppy> that's
basically a fancy lamp :P
L1501[15:13:04] <Curle> Oh, right.
L1502[15:13:15] <Curle> Arduino,
L1503[15:13:21] <Wuppy> yip yip
L1504[15:13:42] <Curle> I was about to go
all "raspberry pi" mode then i remembered
L1505[15:13:52] <Curle> it's Wuppy.
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L1507[15:13:56] <PaleoCrafter> y u no
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L1509[15:14:02] <Curle> Near-Field?
L1510[15:14:08] <Curle> Doesn't that
cost a bomb?
L1511[15:14:24] <gigaherz> no the whole
point of NFC is that it's cheap
L1512[15:14:29] <Wuppy> and as a side
project I'm working for my university and another for dutch
L1513[15:15:01] <gigaherz> or more
L1514[15:15:04] <Wuppy> "RFID is the
process by which items are uniquely identified using radio waves,
and NFC is a specialized subset within the family of RFID
technology. Specifically, NFC is a branch of High-Frequency (HF)
L1515[15:15:04] <gigaherz> RFID is
L1516[15:15:06] <shirkit> PaleoCrafter:
sorry but how can I subscribe to that event?
L1517[15:15:13] <gigaherz> one subtype of
L1518[15:15:19] <PaleoCrafter> other way
around :P
L1519[15:15:23] <gigaherz> right
L1520[15:15:28] <Nitrodev> man when
broken my block doesn't drop itself
L1521[15:15:31] <shirkit> but it's
on 1.7.10 =\
L1522[15:15:41] <PaleoCrafter> why?
L1523[15:15:52] <Wuppy> PaleoCrafter,
what's the advantage of NFC?
L1524[15:15:58] <whitephoenix> It's
time to write a stupid mod like the world has never seen!
L1525[15:16:04] <PaleoCrafter> pretty
much every phone has it nowadays? :P
⇨ Joins: PieGuy128
L1527[15:16:34] <gigaherz> NFC in phones
can read many RFID chips
L1528[15:16:41] <Curle> Wuppy, it takes
effect immediately
L1529[15:16:47] <Wuppy> PaleoCrafter,
we've got 2:
L1531[15:17:02] <PaleoCrafter> *2*
L1532[15:17:04] <Wuppy> Curle, what
L1533[15:17:05] <Curle> I can tap my
phone on an nfc tag in my city and it loads before i've taken
it off
L1534[15:17:16] <Wuppy> PaleoCrafter, we
only need 1 scanner for our game
L1535[15:17:33] <Wuppy> Curle, that
happens with RFID as well
L1536[15:17:44] <gigaherz> really
L1537[15:17:52] <gigaherz> NFC and RFID
can almost be used interchangeably
L1538[15:17:58] <Wuppy> we need 5 tags,
and 1 scanner in your hand
L1539[15:18:02] <Wuppy> perfect
L1540[15:18:06] <gigaherz> the time to
read/write depends on how much data there is, since it's
L1541[15:18:24] <gigaherz> but Amiibos,
contactless credit cards, phone-based payment,
L1542[15:19:06] <Wuppy> the amount of
cool gear I've got atm is amazing though :D
L1543[15:19:35] <Wuppy> having a free
Gear VR + Samsung S6 is pretty awesome :P
L1544[15:20:04] <Wuppy> well, borrowed,
but close enough
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(~PieGuy128@bas11-montreal02-1128535499.dsl.bell.ca) (Remote host
closed the connection)
L1546[15:20:52] <Curle> Vive on it's
way :D
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L1548[15:21:15] <Wuppy> we've got
some in our university, but I haven't had a chance to try it
out yet
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closed the connection)
L1550[15:25:48] ***
willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1551[15:28:50] <Curle> Who's
L1552[15:28:57] <Curle> I keep seeing it
pop up
L1553[15:29:11] <PaleoCrafter> he wrote
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(~Nitrodev@dcx0f0yylbyl88msqsdhy-3.rev.dnainternet.fi) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
L1555[15:29:37] <Curle> wuppy's host
is a****s****.com
L1556[15:29:39] <PaleoCrafter> basically,
he's the reason we have such a reasonable dev environment
compared to versions <1.5 :P
L1557[15:29:48] <Curle> ^ that's
L1558[15:29:51] <PaleoCrafter> well, he
also gives people accounts on his bouncer
L1559[15:31:08] <Curle> ah.
L1560[15:32:47] <williewillus> i need to
get one of those
L1561[15:32:52] <williewillus> since
panicbnc is bleh
L1562[15:32:53] <Curle> same xD
L1563[15:33:15] <williewillus> do we just
pm him?
L1564[15:33:27] <Curle> Might make my
L1565[15:33:29] <Curle> xD
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L1567[15:34:59] <PaleoCrafter> AbrarSyed
are you giving away access to your bouncer for free :P
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L1569[15:35:30] <PaleoCrafter> add a
comma and a question mark in there wherever you like
L1570[15:37:25] <Curle> that's
pinged him xD
L1571[15:37:43] <PaleoCrafter> oh my
gurd, Curle, I just pinged Abrar
L1572[15:37:44] <gigaherz> ooh then I can
turn it into haiku: "AbrarSyed are you? giving away access to,
your bouncer for free :P"
L1573[15:38:03] <Curle> oh nu!
L1574[15:38:05] <Curle> xd
L1575[15:38:11] <Zaggy1024> why is
everyone dying?
L1576[15:38:27] <smbarbour> They drank
the Kool-Aid
L1577[15:38:41] <Curle> it was too
⇦ Quits: kimfy (~kimfy___@17.89-10-163.nextgentel.com) (Ping
timeout: 198 seconds)
L1579[15:38:54] <Curle> they punched it
with liquid nitrogen xD
L1580[15:39:21] <Zaggy1024> hm, is there
no way to reference a models/item model rather than models/block in
a blockstates json?
L1581[15:39:24] <Curle> spiked?
L1582[15:39:25] <smbarbour> (It was
actually Fla-vor-aid that was used)
L1583[15:39:44] <AbrarSyed> PaleoCrafter,
L1584[15:39:44] <Zaggy1024> I want to
specify the inventory model for a block but I'd rather the
actual model was in item/
L1585[15:40:12] <PaleoCrafter> good job,
gigaherz, but I think your first verse has 6 syllables (depends on
the pronunciation of Abrar's name of course)
L1586[15:40:33] <gigaherz> ah, yeah
L1587[15:41:04] <williewillus> Zaggy1024:
i don't think so, due to how the path is parsed by
L1588[15:41:12] <williewillus> (and forge
keeps that the same to maintain compat)
L1589[15:41:22] <williewillus> or idk,
maybe it can be changed
L1590[15:41:27] <williewillus> but itd
break all current blockstate jsons
L1591[15:42:14] <Zaggy1024> heh, the
loading bar sure likes to crash Minecraft when a resource is
L1592[15:42:14] <Curle> ab-RAR or
L1593[15:42:34] <AbrarSyed> ab-rar
L1594[15:42:46] <PaleoCrafter> it's
more about the Syed
L1595[15:42:53] <gigaherz> Sy-Ed?
L1596[15:43:02] <Curle> Say-Ed?
L1597[15:43:10] <Curle> See-Ed?
L1598[15:43:12] <Zaggy1024> you say
L1599[15:43:13] <williewillus> I guess
"psi" "ed"
L1600[15:43:15] <PaleoCrafter> or sighed?
L1601[15:43:22] <AbrarSyed> psi-ed, but
see-ed works too
L1602[15:43:32] <PaleoCrafter> yeah, then
the first verse has 6 syllables
L1603[15:44:00] <AbrarSyed> actual
pronunciation is more like s-uh-yy-id, harder y
L1604[15:44:29] <PaleoCrafter>
doesn't change the actual syllables though :P
L1605[15:44:57] <Curle> So how I've
been saying it? XD
L1606[15:45:02] <Curle> About that
bouncer... xD
L1607[15:45:31] <williewillus> pm
probably :P
L1608[15:45:39] <AbrarSyed> what about
L1609[15:45:57] <Curle> Not sure if im
blind or you didnt answer willie's question xD
L1610[15:46:19] <williewillus> i asked a
L1611[15:46:21] <williewillus> lol
L1612[15:46:28] <AbrarSyed> paleo did,
and I asnwered
L1613[15:46:41] <Curle> Oh
L1614[15:46:44] <Curle> So I am
L1615[15:46:44] <Curle> xD
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L1617[15:55:12] <williewillus> people are
gonna be pissed at me lol, I haven't been very consistent with
my botania 1.8 versioning scheme xP
L1618[15:55:24] <williewillus> but
finally gonna fix up the gradle script and go back to the upstream
way of doing it
L1619[15:55:40] <AbrarSyed> semver
L1620[15:55:47] ***
MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L1621[15:57:07] <shirkit> PaleoCrafter:
shouldn't it be on RenderWorldEvent instead of
L1622[15:57:18] <williewillus> oh
upstream just does straight build numbers hah
L1623[15:57:38] <PaleoCrafter> that only
gets called on chunk updates, shirkit
L1624[15:57:49] <shirkit> huuum
L1625[15:57:53] <AbrarSyed> actuakly
forge doesn more than jyust build numbers.. but anyways
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L1627[16:01:56] <Curle> is there an item
in vanilla that spawns a bunch of particles near the player when
you right click it?
L1628[16:02:11] <williewillus> food
L1629[16:02:28] <williewillus> any
breakable item on its last use
L1630[16:02:42] ***
manmaed|AFK is now known as manmaed
L1631[16:03:09] <shadekiller666> ender
L1632[16:03:19] <Curle> ^ this is what i
wanted xD
L1633[16:04:14] <williewillus> well that
doesnt do particels when you right click it :P
L1634[16:04:21] <williewillus> that does
particles when the item is flying
L1635[16:04:42] <Curle> Same thing!
L1636[16:04:42] <Curle> xD
L1637[16:05:10] <Curle> is there a
specific class for that?
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(~wedontcar@2601:804:4001:2f00:8db2:b238:385c:2c07) (Remote host
closed the connection)
L1639[16:05:23] <williewillus> the ender
pearl entity just calls world.spawnParticle :P
L1640[16:05:33] <williewillus> note that
particles only spawn clientside
L1641[16:05:47] <Curle> i mean the ender
L1642[16:05:50] <Curle> is there a class
for it
L1643[16:05:56] <williewillus>
L1644[16:06:20] <williewillus> huh they
actually only spawn particles when they land
L1645[16:06:30] <williewillus> ender eyes
(EntityEnderEye) spawns particles whe flying
L1646[16:07:30] <Curle> I'm making
an item that pushes you smoothly forward about 5 blocks, spawns a
bunch of particles when you finish moving and then break
L1647[16:07:34] <Curle> breaks*
L1648[16:07:56] <williewillus> ah
L1649[16:11:46] <masa> welp, I got my
InventoryUtils updated for IItemhandler...
L1650[16:12:03] <masa> still untested
though, since tehre are still compile errors elsewhere
L1651[16:12:04] <gigaherz> yay
L1652[16:12:18] <shirkit> PaleoCrafter:
doing a RenderBlocks call to render a block on that event would
solve this or I would need to setup the stack matrix to convert to
world coordinates?
L1653[16:12:39] <masa> I've been
porting stuff for IItemHandler for almost a week without being able
to even run the game... there can't be many bugs in such an
untested refactor, right? ;D
L1654[16:12:48] <williewillus> lol
L1655[16:12:53] <williewillus> chunk it
L1656[16:13:00] <williewillus> like only
the Botania TE's do caps rn
L1657[16:13:14] <williewillus> and
corporea has been retrofitted ish
L1658[16:13:16] <gigaherz> lol you could
have used InvWrapper to temporarily test some implementations while
others are not done yet
L1659[16:13:18] <williewillus> the items
still use iinv
L1660[16:13:32] <williewillus> since I
have no idea how item caps works still xD
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(uid37180@id-37180.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed
for inactivity)
L1662[16:13:49] <gigaherz> ?
L1663[16:14:01] <gigaherz> they work
thesame as anything else?
L1664[16:14:01] <masa> well.. I first
ported my TEs, then my items, now my inventory utils... and at
every point parts of the code have been incompatible with eachother
L1665[16:14:09] <gigaherz> i haven't
actually tested them yet,
L1666[16:14:24] <gigaherz> but they
should "just work" simply by overriding initcapabilities
in your item?
L1667[16:14:33] <Curle> i just got
L1668[16:14:34] <Curle> xD
L1669[16:14:42] <masa> there is an open
issue by algo about caps in itemstacks...
L1670[16:14:50] <gigaherz> oh?
L1671[16:14:52] <masa> so I don't
know if they are broken or what
L1672[16:15:03] ***
Mine|dreamland is now known as minecreatr
L1673[16:15:06] <masa> but I'm not
going to use caps for my items though
L1674[16:15:17] <masa> I don't see
the benefit, onlu potential new problems
L1675[16:15:26] <williewillus> i just
don't get why the item version you have to return an
L1676[16:15:34] <williewillus> and how
serialization works
L1677[16:15:37] <gigaherz> hmmm
L1679[16:15:41] <Curle> shirkit, you
managed to ping me with that message somehow xD
L1680[16:15:57] <gigaherz> williewillus:
return an instance of ICapabilitySerializable
L1681[16:16:07] <gigaherz> which has
save/load methods in it
L1682[16:16:09] <williewillus> what if I
have my own serialization scheme
L1683[16:16:11] <williewillus> from
before caps
L1684[16:16:15] <gigaherz> ah
L1685[16:16:21] <gigaherz> then you
upgrade the old ones
L1686[16:16:25] <shirkit> Curle: really
L1687[16:16:28] <williewillus> what does
that even mean lol
L1688[16:16:30] <gigaherz>
initCapabilities has an NBt arg
L1689[16:16:34] <gigaherz> you read the
old data if present
L1690[16:16:39] <gigaherz> and make new
data incompatible with the old one
L1691[16:17:07] <gigaherz>
L1692[16:17:13] <gigaherz> you can make
the capability NOT serializable
L1693[16:17:14] <Curle> is there a method
that triggers when you right click that doesnt care if it's a
L1694[16:17:19] <gigaherz> and manually
load/save data to the NBT
L1695[16:17:27] <gigaherz> but then you
lose 90% of what makes item capabilities interesting
L1696[16:17:52] <williewillus> Curle:
L1697[16:17:54] <gigaherz> Curle: you
handle both onItemRightClick and onItemUse
L1698[16:17:58] <gigaherz> one triggers
when the other does not
L1699[16:17:59] <gigaherz> XD
L1700[16:18:10] <gigaherz> IIRC
L1701[16:18:11] <williewillus> that needs
a rename
L1702[16:18:33] <AbrarSyed> there is a
difference beteween the two ya know
L1703[16:18:40] <AbrarSyed> use is when
you arnt popinting at anything
L1704[16:18:44] <williewillus> i
L1705[16:18:52] <williewillus> but the
current names are super ambiguous
L1706[16:18:56] <AbrarSyed> yeah
L1707[16:19:19] <Curle> right click
assumes on a block
L1708[16:19:23] <gigaherz> yes
L1709[16:19:29] <Curle> and use
assumes... use?
L1710[16:19:43] <gigaherz>
onItemRightClick means "on item interact with
L1711[16:19:49] <Curle> why does it only
trigger when you're not looking at a block!? xD
L1712[16:19:50] <gigaherz> onItemUse
means "on item use by itself"
L1713[16:20:02] <williewillus> some items
have use on a block :P
L1714[16:20:12] <Curle> Someone should
add a method that triggers either way
L1715[16:20:13] <Curle> xD
L1716[16:20:22] <gigaherz> oryou can do
it yourself?
L1717[16:20:24] <gigaherz> XD
L1718[16:20:25] <williewillus>
L1719[16:20:26] <Curle> shh
L1720[16:20:33] <AbrarSyed> its a little
bit different than just block usage
L1721[16:20:33] <masa> uh wtf guys
L1722[16:20:34] <williewillus> which is a
mess but getting redone in 1.9 finally
L1723[16:20:53] <gigaherz> masa: what?
L1724[16:20:56] *
AbrarSyed doesnt remember anymore
L1725[16:20:56] <masa> onItemUse() fires
when you ARE targeting a block, and onItemRightClick() when right
clicking on air
L1726[16:21:12] <Curle> What version?
L1727[16:21:22] *
gigaherz is confused now
L1728[16:21:25] <AbrarSyed> read the
L1729[16:21:32] <AbrarSyed> !pubfind
L1730[16:21:39] <AbrarSyed> !find
L1731[16:21:45] <AbrarSyed> none
L1732[16:21:49] <AbrarSyed> oh.. there
they are
L1733[16:22:18] <masa> public boolean
onItemUse(ItemStack stack, EntityPlayer player, World world,
BlockPos pos, EnumFacing side, float hitX, float hitY, float
L1734[16:22:58] <masa> vs. public
ItemStack onItemRightClick(ItemStack stack, World world,
EntityPlayer player)
L1735[16:22:59] <whitephoenix> Noob
question: What would be the best way to put a delay between chat
messages I'm adding?
L1736[16:23:21] <masa> how/when are they
L1737[16:23:50] <tterrag|away> ^
L1738[16:23:52] ***
tterrag|away is now known as tterrag
L1739[16:23:53] <Curle> Use a button?
L1740[16:23:55] <whitephoenix>
EntityJoinWorldEvent sends three messages which are generated in a
for loop
L1741[16:24:04] <diesieben07> you have to
use a tick handler
L1742[16:24:07] <diesieben07> and count
L1743[16:24:10] <tterrag> you could use
some kind of scheduling ticker
L1744[16:24:12] <whitephoenix> Alright
L1745[16:24:13] <Curle> o/ ben
L1746[16:24:18] <diesieben07> \o
L1747[16:24:24] <tterrag> but in the end
it's just going to be a TickEvent subclass listener,
L1748[16:24:26] <gigaherz> tick handler +
Queue + a counter variable, and send the next message when it
reaches 0, and reload the counter
L1749[16:24:26] <gigaherz> XD
L1750[16:24:28] <diesieben07> although my
name is not ben, but whatevs :D
L1751[16:24:40] <Curle> tough,
that's your name now c:
L1753[16:25:21] <Curle> you stab them,
then they die, sie [see] ben?
L1754[16:25:31] <Curle> :D
⇦ Quits: MikrySoft (~MikrySoft@89-76-18-43.dynamic.chello.pl)
(Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1756[16:26:03] <diesieben07> no :D
L1757[16:26:07] <masa> nope, that's
like "the seven 07"
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L1759[16:26:26] <masa> or
L1760[16:26:35] <gigaherz> Die, Sieben
L1761[16:26:44] <diesieben07> what masa
said :D
L1762[16:26:49] <masa> my german is
extremely rusty and moldy at this point :p
L1763[16:26:55] <gigaherz> which means
there's a "Sieben" person
L1764[16:27:03] <gigaherz> of which there
are #01 through #07
L1765[16:27:09] <gigaherz> and the #07
has been marked for death
L1766[16:27:32] <diesieben07> lo
L1767[16:27:34] <diesieben07> lol
L1768[16:28:47] <Curle> Aha
⇦ Quits: killjoy
(~killjoy@2606:a000:1118:c054:adbf:972a:b362:902d) (Quit:
L1770[16:29:01] <Curle> here comes the
supreme bouncer of joy :D
⇦ Quits: DemoXin (~DemoXin@134.sub-70-210-51.myvzw.com)
L1772[16:31:46] ***
kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
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Mata is now known as MattOfflineMc
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helinus is now known as helinus|off
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L1779[16:43:14] <Curle> haha
⇦ Quits: Poppy (~Poppy@chello085216146055.chello.sk) (Ping
timeout: 207 seconds)
L1781[16:47:10] <shirkit> can I subscribe
for events outside the initialization process?
L1782[16:47:28] <williewillus> what kind
of events?
L1783[16:47:41] <shirkit> render
L1784[16:48:07] <shirkit> I don't
want to have my event handler running all the time
L1785[16:48:31] <williewillus> you could
unregister it from the bus :P
L1786[16:48:40] <williewillus> and to
answer your original question yes
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(Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
L1788[16:53:55] <shirkit> williewillus:
thanks, it worked!
L1789[16:58:13] ***
Kolatra is now known as Kolatra[away]
⇦ Quits: Curle
(~JC52@host86-168-198-106.range86-168.btcentralplus.com) (Quit:
User has left your channel.)
⇨ Joins: Arctic_Wolfy
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L1793[17:04:32] <Arctic_Wolfy> I need
some help with entity pathfinding, it seams my entity is getting
stuck on occasion and isn't pathing for some reason.
L1794[17:06:59] <Arctic_Wolfy> I think
the problem is when the entity is close to the desination and
it's where a block is.
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amadornes is now known as amadornes[OFF]
L1798[17:11:56] ***
fry|sleep is now known as fry
L1799[17:12:11] <tterrag> fry: oh, good,
you woke up :P
L1800[17:12:18] <tterrag> having a weird
issue with frustum TESR checks
L1801[17:14:18] ***
manmaed is now known as manmaed|AFK
L1802[17:15:45] *
fry puts a quarter in tterrag and rotates the handle
L1803[17:15:53] <tterrag> fry: gif is
L1804[17:16:03] <tterrag> sorry my
internet is being slow
L1805[17:16:15] <tterrag> but basically -
the TESR just stops rendering at a very specific angle
L1806[17:16:18] *
fry puts a quarter in tterrag's internet and rotates the
L1807[17:16:27] <tterrag> and it's
not my bounding box...getRenderBoundingBox is just not being called
at all
L1808[17:16:31] <tterrag> it's like
the TE does not exist in the compile chunk
L1809[17:17:01] <tterrag> I'm a bit
outdated, so if you've fixed anything like this let me
L1810[17:17:06] <tterrag>
otherwise...still working on the gif
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L1812[17:23:36] <shadekiller666> so i was
trying to test how my obj loader updates cooperate with 1.9, and
just realized that the code in ForgeBlockStateV1.Deserializer that
handles "forge:default-block" is commented out
L1813[17:23:54] <shadekiller666> i can
see why
L1814[17:24:22] ***
SnowShock35 is now known as zz_SnowShock35
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L1818[17:29:22] <shadekiller666>
L1819[17:29:50] <shadekiller666> did all
of the actual values for translate/rotate/scale change?
L1820[17:30:25] ***
williewillus is now known as willieaway
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timeout: 186 seconds)
L1822[17:31:16] <shadekiller666> i know
that third and first person now have left and right hand variants,
but "thirdperson_righthand" now has rotation:[75, 45, 0],
translation:[0, 2.5, 0], and scale: 0.375]
L1823[17:31:32] <shadekiller666> for the
default block
L1824[17:32:22] <shadekiller666> used to
be translate: 0, 1.5f/16, -2.75f/16
L1825[17:32:36] <shadekiller666> and
rotate: 10, -45, 170
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If we wish to explore, if we wish to see what's over the next
hill, wonders unfold before us; all we have to do is want it
L1827[17:37:59] <masa> woo, getting close
to "done", only one TE class left with errors. THen I get
to actually testing how absolutely everything is broken after all
this refactoring and changing stuff to IItemHandler... :D
L1828[17:40:10] <gigaherz> ^_^
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error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1831[17:44:52] <masa> atm there are 26
matches for the search \WIInventory\W in my mod's code
L1833[17:45:48] <tterrag> Sorry got
distracted :p
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L1835[17:46:30] <fry> well, strange
⇦ Parts: Roldorin
L1837[17:51:58] <masa> why the hell does
that claim to be a jpg? :D
L1838[17:52:15] <gigaherz> imgur puts
".jpg" on the URL regardless of the actual format
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L1840[17:52:40] <masa> ...
L1841[17:52:55] <thecodewarrior>
(~Michael@ppp121-44-250-9.lns20.syd7.internode.on.net) (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
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L1845[18:02:54] <tterrag> Yeah I should
have changed it to gifv
L1846[18:02:55] <tterrag> ma bad
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(webchat@pool-108-41-56-252.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) (Client
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(~Subconsci@cpe-65-28-43-97.wi.res.rr.com) (Quit: I am the
forgotten eye.)
L1849[18:06:55] <gigaherz> funny thing
L1850[18:06:58] <gigaherz> the url
doesn't really matter
L1854[18:07:43] <tterrag> Except it
L1855[18:07:51] <tterrag> Because only
the .gifv link is a real gifv
L1856[18:07:57] <tterrag> The rest are
L1857[18:08:12] <gigaherz> oh right
L1858[18:08:39] <gigaherz> when oyu use
gifv. it opens a page with an html5 video tag pointing to a
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mumfrey is now known as Mumfrey
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Connection reset by peer)
L1867[18:29:10] <masa> yay, back to 0
errors and 0 warning in the whole mod \o/
L1868[18:29:38] <masa> so tomorrow I get
to head desking while testing EVERYTHING related to inventories...
L1869[18:30:20] <sham1> Unit test all the
L1870[18:30:24] <sham1> Wait
L1871[18:30:33] <sham1> Would unit
testing actually be practical when modding
L1872[18:30:45] <sham1> Anyway
L1873[18:30:57] <sham1> Got guest
additions of VirtualBox to work on FreeBSD
L1874[18:31:03] <sham1> Had to install
the package though
L1875[18:31:11] <sham1> So no use of
ports, but oh well
L1876[18:32:26] <sham1> Luckaly ports and
binary packages can be mixed and matched to your heart's
L1877[18:34:03] <shadekiller666>
L1878[18:34:32] <shadekiller666> is
anyone else that has a 1.9 forge dev env getting a bunch of FNFEs
on launch?
L1879[18:34:46] <sham1> Let me
L1880[18:34:50] <shadekiller666> not
being able to find the models for the test mods?
L1881[18:34:52] <sham1>
L1882[18:34:55] <shadekiller666> ya
L1883[18:38:44] <sham1> Woot
L1884[18:40:14] <gigaherz> hmmm I can
L1885[18:41:15] <gigaherz> ... after
eclipse opens...
L1886[18:41:54] <gigaherz> ... launching
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L1888[18:43:03] <gigaherz> yep
L1890[18:43:32] <gigaherz> oops the log
was so long eclipse dropped the earlier content from the console
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L1892[18:43:56] <shadekiller666> ok, that
means i didn't cause that :P
L1893[18:44:04] <gigaherz> but yeah it
looks like 1.9 has that issue
L1894[18:44:26] <shadekiller666> probably
has something to do with the forge blockstate mapper
L1895[18:44:33] <shadekiller666>
L1896[18:44:34] <shadekiller666>
L1897[18:46:47] <shirkit> does the
RenderWorldLastEvent call lags behind the drawing? it only
get's updated once per in-game tick?
L1898[18:47:29] <masa> once per render
L1899[18:47:43] <masa> or frame,
L1900[18:48:22] <masa> otherwise it would
be pretty pointless
L1901[18:49:02] <gigaherz>
RenderWorldLastEvent happens at the end of the worlddrawing
L1902[18:49:06] <gigaherz> before GUI
L1903[18:49:22] <gigaherz> it's
asynchronous from the logic ticking
L1904[18:49:38] <gigaherz> that's
why there's a partialTicks parameter in all the
rendering-related functions
L1905[18:49:41] <shirkit> huuuum, my
drawings are stutering when I'm moving
L1906[18:49:50] <gigaherz> so that youcan
do smooth interpolation between the old position and the new
L1907[18:50:03] <shirkit> =]
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198 seconds)
L1910[18:53:32] <shirkit> totally forgot
that the player position was only updated in in-game ticks
L1911[18:54:25] <thecodewarrior>
trasnslate by -( event.player.lastTickPosX + (event.player.posX -
event.player.lastTickPosX) * (double)event.partialTicks ) for each
L1912[18:55:14] <shirkit> =]
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for inactivity)
L1916[19:03:16] <shadekiller666>
gigaherz, does your dev env have a "dynbuckettest" folder
in the test-resources folder? or anywhere else for that
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195 seconds)
L1918[19:03:47] <gigaherz> nope no
folders with "dynbucket" in the name
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L1920[19:04:35] <shadekiller666> ok, cuz
thats the first thing that throws a RuntimeException because it
can't find blockstates for it
L1921[19:04:41] <shirkit> how do I clear
the previous color on the buffer? my drawings are being affect by
some color left on the stack
L1922[19:05:04] <gigaherz>
GlStateManager.color(1,1,1) ?
L1923[19:05:20] ***
PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
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L1925[19:05:57] <shirkit> can't see
that one
L1926[19:06:21] <gigaherz> 1.7?
L1927[19:06:24] <shirkit> yes
L1928[19:06:31] <tterrag> fry: so no
ideas? Do you want the world?
L1929[19:06:34] <gigaherz>
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error: Connection reset by peer)
L1931[19:07:04] <shirkit> nope,
doesn't do it
L1932[19:07:22] <tterrag> Then it's
not color
L1933[19:08:03] <tterrag> or you used it
L1934[19:09:12] <shirkit> if it's
not color I have no idea what could it be
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closed the connection)
L1936[19:10:34] <shirkit> it changes when
I'm in certain positions, but I've only set glColor4f(1,
1, 1, 0.5f);
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L1938[19:12:14] <gigaherz> shirkit: you
may want to show us the code
L1940[19:14:27] <shirkit> it's only
relevant on line 40 beyond
L1941[19:14:40] <gigaherz> ewh
L1942[19:14:44] <shirkit> mpt
L1943[19:15:27] <shirkit> it's the
only method I learned back in college
L1944[19:15:42] <shirkit> don't know
the fancy stuff
L1945[19:16:51] <shadekiller666>
L1946[19:17:10] <shadekiller666> seems
that it can't find any of the resources for the forge test
L1947[19:18:22] <shirkit> gigaherz: found
L1948[19:21:39] <gigaherz> not
L1949[19:21:50] <gigaherz> I have never
used raw opengl like that in minecraft, though
L1950[19:21:51] ***
DRedhorse is now known as DonAway
L1951[19:22:36] <shirkit> how would you
draw a cube then?
L1952[19:22:51] <gigaherz> you can use
the tesellator
L1953[19:26:04] <shirkit> let me change
to this tessellator thingy
L1954[19:32:38] <shirkit> nope
L1955[19:32:40] <shirkit> the samee
L1956[19:32:58] <shirkit> even doing a
tessellator.disableColor(); doesn't change the color
L1958[19:35:47] <shadekiller666> what is
it with graphic designers and using white text on top of freaking
neon orange?
L1959[19:36:21] <shadekiller666>
gigaherz, another question about 1.9 forge, when you load into a
world, is your fist transparent?
L1960[19:36:37] <shadekiller666> your
fist on its own, not when holding an item
L1961[19:36:48] <gigaherz> I don't
think so
L1962[19:37:00] <gigaherz> at least I
don't recall seeing any transparency yesterdayt
L1963[19:37:09] <gigaherz> do you use the
latest version?
L1964[19:37:30] ***
willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1965[19:37:33] <shadekiller666> its up
to date with the forge repo
L1966[19:38:30] <shadekiller666> or was
an hour ago... :P
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L1970[19:46:36] <shadekiller666> sweet,
1.9 srg mappings are up
L1971[19:47:16] <progwml6> they have been
for a while
L1972[19:47:41] <shadekiller666>
they're actually being used by forge now
L1973[19:47:47] <shadekiller666> as of 45
minutes ago
L1974[19:47:51] <gigaherz> oh?
L1975[19:48:05] <shirkit> can I fire a
new thread so I don't block the client, or do I need to do on
L1976[19:48:05] <shadekiller666> hour
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L1978[19:49:00] <gigaherz> oh I see, the
patches are now using srg names instead of "pretty"
L1979[19:49:48] <masa> shirkit: is that
maybe a blending or lighting issue?
L1980[19:49:55] <williewillus> shirkit:
new thread for what?
L1981[19:50:05] <shirkit> masa: I do not
know how to check for that
L1982[19:50:35] <shirkit> williewillus:
checking an area of 64x64x64 around a certain block
L1983[19:50:46] <williewillus> don't
ever use threads to touch the world
L1984[19:50:55] <williewillus> mc
isn't designed to be multithreaded
L1985[19:51:14] <williewillus> you can
take a snapshot or something (i forget what they're called,
but those take time to create as well)
L1986[19:51:29] <williewillus> and use
those in threads, but don't touch the actual world
L1987[19:51:38] <shadekiller666>
L1988[19:51:43] <williewillus> nah it was
something else
L1989[19:51:47] <williewillus>
blocksnapshot is a singl eblock
L1990[19:52:18] <williewillus> ah
L1991[19:52:22] <williewillus> it's
a vanilla thing
L1992[19:52:33] <williewillus> you pass
it the range and it copies it from the world (consuming time to do
so, though)
L1993[19:53:04] <shirkit> williewillus:
well, I change blocking the client processing for blocking the
client copying
L1994[19:53:13] <williewillus> yeah
L1995[19:53:18] <shirkit> might as well
just block the client
L1996[19:53:19] <williewillus> split your
work over several ticks
L1997[19:53:41] <williewillus> I'd
just do it all in the main thread distributed over several
L1998[19:53:52] <shirkit> the thing is
it's an item and not an tile entity
L1999[19:53:54] <shirkit> =D
L2000[19:54:02] <williewillus> what
difference does that make?
L2001[19:54:02] <shirkit> well I'll
figure out something
L2002[19:54:22] <shirkit> I need to store
information on the stack instead on the object instance
L2003[19:54:30] <shirkit> need to convert
to nbt
L2004[19:54:34] <shirkit> so it's
acessible next time
L2005[19:54:51] <williewillus> wha?
L2006[19:54:59] <williewillus> what does
the stack have to do with this again?
L2007[19:55:11] <shirkit> I right click
with an item, start the processing
L2008[19:55:19] <shirkit> I halt in the
middle of the tick cause I ran out of time
L2009[19:55:22] <williewillus> ah
L2010[19:55:29] <shirkit> how do I store
the information for next tick?
L2011[19:55:39] <shirkit> I can only see
this working by saving on nbt tags
L2012[19:55:42] <williewillus> yeah
L2013[19:55:45] <shirkit> and checking
the Itemupdate method
L2014[19:55:46] <williewillus> which is
L2015[19:55:51] <williewillus> NBT is
hashmaps and those are fast
L2016[19:55:58] <shadekiller666>
gigaherz, this is what i was talking about with the transparent
fist (although now its brighter than it was before):
L2017[19:56:04] <shirkit> and hopefully
the player doesn't change the current held item
L2018[19:56:21] <tterrag> you can detect
L2019[19:56:23] <williewillus> what is
supposed to happen if they do that?
L2020[19:56:32] <gigaherz>
shadekiller666: yeah that means someone is forgetting the blend
mode into additive
L2021[19:56:35] <tterrag> that's the
last boolean in the method
L2022[19:56:37] <tterrag>
L2023[19:56:38] <gigaherz> blend
L2024[19:56:51] <williewillus> anyways
the common way to do this kind of work is split it over several
L2025[19:56:58] <shadekiller666>
L2026[19:56:59] <williewillus> threads
are almost always not worth it
L2027[19:57:06] <williewillus> actually
make that always
L2028[19:57:22] <shirkit> well my
research project was only possible due to threading
L2029[19:57:35] <williewillus> I meant
not in the context of MC
L2030[19:57:38] <williewillus> due to how
it's written
L2031[19:57:47] <shirkit> indeed
L2032[19:57:52] <williewillus> touching
worlds from outside the main thread will bring nothing but pain
L2033[19:58:37] <shirkit> tterrag: you
were talking to me?
L2034[19:59:50] <tterrag> yes
L2035[19:59:55] <tterrag> williewillus: I
disagree on threads never being useful :P
L2036[19:59:57] <tterrag> but in this
context, yes threads are WAY overkill
L2037[20:00:23] <williewillus> in mc,
they're useful for 1. update checking 2. advanced graphs like
energy networks/thaumcraft aura, etc.
L2038[20:00:25] <williewillus> otherwise
not really
L2039[20:00:35] <williewillus> + whatever
vanilla uses it for (rendering, audio, network)
L2040[20:01:14] <shirkit> what isSelected
L2041[20:01:37] <williewillus> if the
stack is currently selected :P
L2042[20:01:52] <shadekiller666> are bows
supposed to fire two arrows?
L2043[20:02:02] <williewillus> no
L2044[20:02:07] <williewillus> is one a
L2045[20:02:16] <shadekiller666> i
don't think so
L2046[20:02:48] <shadekiller666>
L2047[20:02:53] <shadekiller666> fires
two arrows
L2048[20:03:05] <shadekiller666>
stacksize decreases by two and everything...
L2050[20:03:18] <tterrag> :P
L2051[20:03:59] <williewillus> well yeah
internet communication
L2052[20:04:02] <tterrag> no
L2053[20:04:05] <tterrag> no downloading
happening there
L2054[20:05:00] <shirkit> I supose I
could block the client, fire a bunch of thread for each area, wait
for everyone to return and then resume
L2055[20:05:14] <tterrag> why
L2056[20:05:39] <shadekiller666> that
sounds like a great way to completely destroy framerate
L2057[20:05:53] <shirkit> that's
what I'm trying to avoid
L2058[20:07:17] <williewillus> that
totally defeats the purpose of even using threads
L2059[20:07:28] <williewillus> and the
world will not like that
L2060[20:07:54] <masa> what are you doing
that takes that long?
L2061[20:08:11] <williewillus> as i said
just split it over ticks
L2062[20:08:17] <shirkit> checking for
every touching block in a radious of 64x64x64
L2063[20:08:18] <williewillus> simple
L2064[20:08:21] <shirkit> yes, I'm
going to do that
L2065[20:08:37] <williewillus> and if
it's clientside you don't need to store info in the
L2066[20:08:43] <williewillus> just have
a tickhandler that tracks it
L2067[20:08:50] <williewillus> or
something similar
L2068[20:08:52] <shirkit> tick
L2069[20:08:53] <shirkit> huuum
L2070[20:08:59] <shirkit> let me tale a
look at that
L2071[20:09:52] <masa> I made a very
simple scheduler/tick handler for my builder's wand, which
uses a task to place a fixed amount of blocks per game tick, if
building large things
L2072[20:11:00] <shirkit> is the source
L2074[20:11:28] <williewillus> i should
probably migrate the botania bifrost rod to distribute as
L2075[20:11:35] <williewillus> it makes
the whole bridge in one tick currently :P
L2076[20:11:57] <masa> and then call it
like this:
L2078[20:14:29] <Zaggy1024> one nice
thing about allowing custom blockstates loaders is that I could
experiment with a new loader in my own mod before deciding that
it's ready for a pull request :)
L2079[20:14:53] <Zaggy1024> making it
work right would be quite a task being able to effectively test it
L2080[20:15:31] <Zaggy1024> making test
mods doesn't cover as many cases as me just fiddling with it
on various blocks
L2081[20:16:48] <shadekiller666> only
problem is, the custom loader in question would be of a size larger
than would be "tinkering"
L2082[20:16:59] <shadekiller666> loaders
get large quite quickly :P
L2083[20:17:13] <Zaggy1024> hm? what does
size have to do with it?
L2084[20:17:23] <Zaggy1024> the current
Forge blockstates loader is pretty gigantic :P
L2085[20:17:35] <shadekiller666>
L2086[20:17:48] <shadekiller666> but
forge isn't "tinkering" with the blockstate loader
L2088[20:18:34] <Zaggy1024> the reason I
want to work on a new one is because the current ones are
inadequate in a number of ways
L2089[20:18:35] <tterrag> there's my
scheduler :P
L2090[20:18:42] <tterrag> public domain
so uh, do whatever
L2091[20:18:48] <Zaggy1024> (vanilla and
L2092[20:19:19] <shadekiller666>
forge's is definitely better than vanilla's
L2093[20:19:23] <Zaggy1024> of course it
L2094[20:19:30] <Zaggy1024> I'm not
arguing that it isn't
L2095[20:19:55] <shadekiller666> i
L2096[20:20:08] <Zaggy1024> but it has
some missing features that make it completely unable to do certain
things in a text-efficient way
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L2098[20:22:54] <Zaggy1024> and part of
the problem when v1 was made was that all of the needed features
weren't really clear to me (due to me being unable to test the
thing on real blocks that I would want to make in the future)
L2099[20:23:19] <Zaggy1024> so I
didn't realize how important building in priorities for the
properties' variant values is for some things
L2100[20:23:28] <Zaggy1024> because you
can't override things in a certain order
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L2103[20:30:11] <shadekiller666> this is
part of the reason why it has a version system isn't it?
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timeout: 198 seconds)
L2105[20:52:38] ***
Mumfrey is now known as mumfrey
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L2112[21:14:55] <tterrag> cpw: why is
-DFORGE_FORCE_FRAME_RECALC=true not the default behavior?
L2113[21:15:00] <tterrag> if it fixes the
runtime deobf issue in eclipse
L2115[21:16:40] <tterrag> ok
L2116[21:16:41] <Matthew> FG only sets it
for eclipse. no sense in having it enabled for idea
L2117[21:16:44] <tterrag> and what FG
version is that in?
L2118[21:16:47] <Matthew> 2.1
L2119[21:16:48] <tterrag> because
evidently it's not working
L2120[21:16:51] <tterrag> (have to set it
L2121[21:17:03] <Matthew> it's not
in your run configs?
L2122[21:17:57] <tterrag> not the one
with the problem, just passing down info
L2123[21:18:13] <tterrag> Matthew:
L2124[21:18:19] <tterrag> apparently
REMOVING the arg fixes the issues...
L2125[21:18:31] <Matthew> dammit tterrag,
pick a channel :P
L2126[21:18:41] <tterrag> I was just
giving you context
L2127[21:18:56] <tterrag> so uh,
apparently that flag is just broken
L2128[21:19:01] <tterrag> cpw: ignore me,
this is an abrar problem >.>
L2129[21:19:03] <shirkit> What's the
difference between the ClientTickEvent and PlayerTickEvent on
client side?
L2130[21:19:13] <tterrag> shirkit: they
occur at different points in the tick
L2131[21:26:47] <LexManos> it forces you
to have ALL deps in your classpath
L2132[21:26:55] <LexManos> and people are
bitching about it
L2133[21:26:58] <LexManos> so we're
not doing it
L2135[21:30:14] <tterrag> lex: it
L2136[21:30:24] <tterrag> doesn't
that defeat the purpose of mod folder runtime deobf?
L2137[21:30:32] <tterrag> and, if it
works without that arg, why include it at all?
L2138[21:31:01] <LexManos> it DOESNT work
without that arg
L2139[21:31:09] <LexManos> because
eclipse's compiler is shit
L2140[21:31:22] <LexManos> It MAY work
without it, depending on if the compiler feels like being
L2141[21:31:38] <LexManos> And the mods
are added to the classpath so it is fine.
L2142[21:32:03] <tterrag> evidently not,
as I have seen multiple people crashing with runtime deobf
L2143[21:32:29] <tterrag> something is
missing here
L2144[21:32:39] <tterrag> does FG need to
be resetup if you add a mod to the mods folder?
L2145[21:32:45] <LexManos> then
you're fucking something up get a log
L2146[21:32:56] <Matthew> lex, its the
getCommonSuperClass issue they're running into
L2147[21:33:04] <LexManos> dunno how
abrar hooked that in
L2148[21:33:04] <LexManos> yes i
⇦ Quits: icynewyear (~icynewyea@mars.c4.io) (Ping timeout:
190 seconds)
L2150[21:33:08] <LexManos> thats the
entire point of this.
L2151[21:33:13] ***
williewillus is now known as willieaway
L2152[21:33:44] <AbrarSyed> huh?
⇦ Quits: NoChance (~nochance@206.ip-51-254-139.eu) (Ping
timeout: 207 seconds)
L2155[21:35:04] <tterrag> this is
happening with the flag there
L2156[21:35:46] <LexManos> You need
Buildcraft in your classpath
L2157[21:36:23] <tterrag> ok, but you
said FG should add it, no?
L2158[21:36:31] <LexManos> FG doesnt add
L2159[21:36:32] <LexManos> FML does
L2160[21:36:40] <tterrag>
then...what's the missing link here
L2161[21:36:52] <LexManos> Or well, maybe
it does buit thats a different point
L2162[21:37:12] <tterrag> because I can
add the mods in my mods folder to the classpath, but that's a
temporary solution
L2163[21:37:17] <tterrag> as they will
get nuked next time I run gradlew eclipse
L2164[21:37:18] <LexManos> Is Buildcraft
in your mods folder and being descrovered?
L2165[21:37:34] <tterrag> it's not
my stacktrace. but, I assume so?
L2166[21:37:44] <LexManos>
L2167[21:38:18] <LexManos> re assuming
wrong then
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L2170[21:39:25] <tterrag> lex: just got
word from the owner of the stacktrace, they say it was in their
mods folder being discovered
L2171[21:39:58] <LexManos> Logs or it
didnt happen
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timeout: 190 seconds)
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L2177[21:48:49] <Thutmose> it runs fine
when I compile it an run it out of eclipse, and runs fine if I
remove the jar from libs and add the source to the build path
L2178[21:49:37] <shirkit> doesn't
PlayerTickEvent get's called on SSP?
L2179[21:50:18] <LexManos> Interesting,
got the FML log?
L2181[21:54:14] <tterrag> lex hopefully I
can get you a full log later maybe tomorrow
L2182[21:54:20] <tterrag> everyone I was
talking to unfortunately has vanished
L2183[21:54:27] <shirkit> Tick handlers
have moved from MinecraftForge bus to FMLCommonHandler bus
L2184[21:54:30] <tterrag> and I'm a
bit busy myself
L2185[21:58:11] <LexManos> humm weird
error. Its throwing a error because the class loader errored before
loading that class...
⇦ Quits: Admiral_Damage
(~Admiral_D@ (Ping timeout: 207
L2187[21:59:04] <Thutmose> hmm, seems
this is occuring, what did I do wrong to make it happen? [23:56:28]
[Client thread/WARN] [FML]: * The API thut|API from source
<gradle path>thutcore-2.3.4.jar is loaded from an
incompatible classloader. THIS WILL NOT WORK!
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L2189[21:59:49] <LexManos> what ide are
you using?
L2190[21:59:57] <Thutmose> eclipse
L2191[22:00:03] <LexManos>
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198 seconds)
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(Quit: Die Sprache der Politik ist daf�r gemacht, dass L�gen wahr
klingen und das T�ten angemessen wirkt. (George
L2194[22:04:22] <shirkit> masa: I went
with your implementation, thanks for sharing in LGPL
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L2196[22:04:50] ***
willieaway is now known as williewillus
L2197[22:06:32] <williewillus> shirkit:
the two buses are the same, it shouldn't matter which you
L2198[22:07:06] <williewillus> anyways,
is RenderHandEvent called only when you're holding
L2199[22:07:16] <shirkit> williewillus:
well it actually only worked when I switched from MinecraftForge to
L2200[22:07:23] <williewillus> 0.o
L2201[22:07:29] <williewillus> what
version of minecraft/forge are you on?
L2202[22:08:37] <shirkit> Forge Mod
Loader version for Minecraft 1.7.10 loading
L2203[22:09:34] <Matthew> yeah 1.8 was
when the event busses merged
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timeout: 198 seconds)
L2205[22:10:13] <williewillus> yup
L2206[22:10:17] <williewillus> also
update :P
L2207[22:11:21] <shirkit> well I
can't actually modify a LGPL code to fit my needs and release
it under MIT
L2208[22:12:12] <williewillus> i meant
code for 1.8
L2209[22:12:15] <williewillus> :P
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L2213[22:20:33] <masa> shirkit: np,
I'm just happy if it was useful :)
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MineBot sets mode: +o on LexManos
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host closed the connection)
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L2223[22:37:04] <williewillus> what
happens if you mark an event handler with "throws"
L2224[22:37:06] <williewillus> and it
throws? :P
L2225[22:37:19] <williewillus> just
L2227[22:51:50] <Admiral_Damage> What
options do I have for animating a 3D block model?
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error: Connection reset by peer)
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L2230[22:52:51] <fry> forge animation
system (json or b3d model) or manual code in the TESR
L2231[22:53:31] <Admiral_Damage>
Currently working with .obj...
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(~Lathanael@p549618FC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198
L2233[22:54:13] <shadekiller666> objs
don't natively support animation
L2234[22:54:37] <shadekiller666>
objloader itself *may* support animation in the future
L2235[22:54:48] <shadekiller666> that is
a very big *may*
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L2238[22:55:07] <Admiral_Damage> I guess
it heavily depends on the file format?
L2239[22:55:20] <williewillus> (that is
just the IItemRenderer from 1.7 stuffed into RenderHandEvent
L2240[22:55:21] <shadekiller666>
L2241[22:55:33] <ParadoxBomb> Hello! I am
looking for help with modding. Do I have the right place?
L2242[22:55:34] <shadekiller666> for
animations to be supported with obj models
L2243[22:55:44] <shadekiller666>
you'd need 1 model file per keyframe
L2244[22:55:46] <Admiral_Damage> in the
same sense there's a png with animation but its easier to just
use .gif
L2245[22:55:58] <Admiral_Damage> because
anim png isnt native..
L2246[22:56:09] <shadekiller666>
L2247[22:56:19] <Admiral_Damage> Ok erm,
so, bellows.
L2248[22:56:24] <Admiral_Damage> Or
however you spell those
L2249[22:56:28] <shadekiller666>
L2250[22:56:34] <tterrag> williewillus:
why not stuff it into a TESR item renderer?
L2251[22:56:36] <shadekiller666> there is
a potential solution
L2252[22:56:52] <williewillus> because it
needs to look normal from third person
L2253[22:57:12] <shadekiller666> use more
than 1 model: allow the static parts of the model to be rendered by
the game in the standard way
L2254[22:57:21] <Admiral_Damage> Oh I
thought that was a given anyway
L2255[22:57:23] <williewillus> do what
botania does with OBJs :P
L2256[22:57:27] <shadekiller666> and use
a TESR with a separate model to render the moving parts
L2257[22:57:31] <williewillus> ^
L2258[22:57:37] <Admiral_Damage> Already
accepted that, the issue I'm thinking I will encounter
L2259[22:57:43] <Admiral_Damage> the
bellows bag will need to compress and depress
L2260[22:58:09] <shadekiller666> theres
no way to deform the actual geometry
L2261[22:58:13] <Admiral_Damage> Its not
a triangular bellow, its a cube, so I don't have to take into
account angles
L2262[22:58:20] <shadekiller666> thats
even outside of the scope of minecraft itself
L2263[22:58:25] <Admiral_Damage> no i
L2264[22:59:09] <shadekiller666> instead
of doing that, use a bunch of boxes that collapse in on each
L2265[22:59:20] <shadekiller666> (you can
still do it with only 2 models)
L2266[22:59:25] <shadekiller666> 2 model
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L2268[22:59:40] <shadekiller666> so lets
say you have a stack of 4 rectangular boxes
L2269[22:59:45] <shadekiller666> all in
the same obj file
L2270[23:01:15] <shadekiller666> if you
put each box into its own group in your modeling software (or just
allow the exporter to write the group names in), you can then load
the file into the game, and render once for every moving part (so 4
boxes = 4 "renders", though they would all happen in the
same render tick), each of which having a different group
L2271[23:01:39] <shadekiller666> (this is
why i made sure to give the obj loader group visibility support
L2272[23:01:56] <williewillus> ugh the gl
state is all messed up :/
L2273[23:02:29] <ParadoxBomb> This
probably sounds really nooby to you vets, but I'm trying to
figure out how to pass an IBlockState into the constructor of a
TileEntity. The only problem is that the TE is getting placed in
place of a block that was just destroyed. I have a projectile
entity that does the breaking/placing but the logic is escaping
L2274[23:02:32] <Admiral_Damage> I was
thinking, using TESR... to have two objs, one stays the same height
but moves down, the other just reduces in Y size proportionally to
the height of the other
L2275[23:02:54] <ParadoxBomb> Is what
I'm trying to do even possible or am I just being herp?
L2276[23:02:56] <Admiral_Damage> So the
brown bit staying the same size, while the gray model
L2277[23:02:57] <shadekiller666> you can
do that with opengl, yes
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(~mraof@pool-100-7-100-55.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout:
207 seconds)
L2279[23:03:11] <shadekiller666> hell you
could do it with 1 for the moving parts
L2280[23:03:13] <Admiral_Damage> I'm
totally fine with it, just... opengl breaks mym brain...
L2281[23:03:19] <shadekiller666> and just
use the group feature
L2282[23:03:29] <Admiral_Damage>
L2283[23:06:03] <Admiral_Damage> I still
cant get my head around popmatrix and push and all that, any places
for good reading?
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L2285[23:07:27] <shadekiller666> ok
L2286[23:07:42] *
shadekiller666 is computer modeller/animator
L2287[23:07:49] *
shadekiller666 will attempt to explain
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(~elucent__@d47-69-239-56.col.wideopenwest.com) (Quit:
L2289[23:08:33] <shadekiller666> in your
modeling software, every object has a pivot point
L2290[23:08:43] <Admiral_Damage> I know
push and pop act like brackets sorta
L2291[23:08:50] <Admiral_Damage> o sry,
go on
L2292[23:09:06] <shadekiller666> the
"center" of transformations (the point that the object
would rotate around for example)
L2293[23:09:43] <shadekiller666> each
pairing of pushMatrix()/popMatrix() gives you an additional one of
these transform points
L2294[23:10:04] <shadekiller666> when
nested inside of each other
L2295[23:10:25] <shadekiller666>
push/push/pop/pop, you get 2 transforms, one of which is the parent
of the other
L2296[23:10:31] <shadekiller666> the
outer being the parent
L2297[23:11:07] <shadekiller666> anything
you do to the parent applies to the child(ren), but anything you do
to a child only applies to that child
L2298[23:11:31] <Admiral_Damage> So the
child transform is fixed to the specified vector away from the
parent one, meaning if the parent moves, the child moves with
L2300[23:11:41] <shadekiller666>
L2301[23:11:50] <shadekiller666> or if
the parent rotates, so does the child
L2302[23:11:52] <ParadoxBomb> oh god
L2303[23:11:54] <Admiral_Damage>
L2304[23:12:06] <shadekiller666> but the
child can also rotate/move/scale independently of the parent
L2305[23:12:24] <shadekiller666> so if i
rotated both the parent and the child 90 degrees in the same
L2306[23:12:32] <Admiral_Damage>
whitephoenix, please don't do transparent textures like leaves
and glass in paint, everything will be black...
L2307[23:12:39] <shadekiller666> the
child would have rotated a total of 180 degrees
L2308[23:12:52] <whitephoenix>
Admiral_Damage: I'm using paint.net to make things actually
transparent no worries
L2309[23:12:56] <Admiral_Damage> xD
L2310[23:13:38] <whitephoenix> I wonder
if you can get ms paint to work on linux with wine or
L2311[23:13:41] <Admiral_Damage>
L2312[23:13:45] <Admiral_Damage> wouldnt
the child not be moved at all
L2313[23:13:52] <Admiral_Damage> oh wait
nvm derp
L2314[23:14:00] <Admiral_Damage> sry for
a sec i forgot the heirachy
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closed the connection)
L2316[23:15:02] <Admiral_Damage> so sorta
like the running on a conveyor belt which is on wheels ._. (except
angular distance not linear)
L2317[23:15:06] <shadekiller666> having
computer modelling/animation experience really helps with
visualizing things in opengl :P
L2318[23:15:20] <shadekiller666> uhhhhhh
L2319[23:15:22] <Admiral_Damage> Yeah I
have modelling experience, just, I never really got into the nitty
gritty of it before
L2320[23:15:56] <shadekiller666>
hierarchy management is more of an animation thing tbh
L2321[23:16:03] <Admiral_Damage> Oh
L2322[23:16:14] <Admiral_Damage> if its a
static model it tends not to matter iirc
L2323[23:16:20] <shadekiller666> thats
where hierarchies really come into play, though they are nice for
organization as well
L2324[23:16:38] <shadekiller666>
L2325[23:17:00] <shadekiller666> if the
damn thing aint gonna move who gives a shit about the point around
witch it would move?
L2326[23:17:08] <Admiral_Damage> lmao
L2327[23:17:13] <Admiral_Damage> i mean
its different
L2328[23:17:21] <Admiral_Damage> if you
take into account rotation of model parts
L2329[23:17:40] <Admiral_Damage> if you
center something somewhere, differntly to somewhere else, i.e with
diagonal parts
L2330[23:17:53] <Admiral_Damage> but its
self explanatory .3. i guess
L2331[23:18:15] <shadekiller666> ya i
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L2333[23:18:47] <shadekiller666> the
child's transform values get "zeroed out" relative
to the parent
L2334[23:19:24] <Admiral_Damage> errr,
not always, I've had to mess with both rotation and offset of
L2335[23:19:29] <Admiral_Damage> but ya
in rare cases
L2337[23:21:35] <Admiral_Damage> Not sure
what to say^
⇦ Quits: auenf (David@DC-54-199.bpb.bigpond.com) (Remote host
closed the connection)
L2339[23:22:29] <ParadoxBomb> Hehe
L2340[23:22:36] <Admiral_Damage>
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L2342[23:22:51] <Admiral_Damage> erm, so
shade I got the beacon thing working
L2343[23:23:12] <whitephoenix> Lmao nice
L2344[23:23:25] <whitephoenix>
You've undone my 30 seconds of work
L2345[23:23:49] <Admiral_Damage>
L2346[23:23:49] <ParadoxBomb> Thanks. I
take pride in my effort. :)
L2348[23:24:43] <Admiral_Damage> The
first rule; Awww damnit
L2349[23:24:45] <shadekiller666> beacon
L2351[23:25:08] <Admiral_Damage> Was
trying to figure out how to render it
L2352[23:25:38] <shadekiller666> ahh
L2353[23:25:58] <Admiral_Damage> heres
the problem now though
L2354[23:26:36] <Admiral_Damage>
thecodewarrior showed me how to calc vector3 and rotation towards a
point from the player, I need to figure out how to aim this
L2355[23:27:31] <shadekiller666> you mean
point the beam at the player from the tower?
L2356[23:27:37] <Admiral_Damage> or vice
L2357[23:27:44] <Admiral_Damage> from any
point to any point
L2358[23:27:47] <shadekiller666>
L2359[23:28:14] <Admiral_Damage> I'm
guessing its a transform of rotation based on the vec that i
L2360[23:28:35] <Admiral_Damage> (cause
L2362[23:30:11] <shadekiller666> that is
the code that rotates an "eye ball" to allways point
towards the player
L2363[23:30:19] <Admiral_Damage>
L2364[23:30:34] <shadekiller666> teLoc is
the location of the block, playerLoc is, well, the player
L2365[23:31:05] <shadekiller666> the
transform point for the player is centered at the feet
L2366[23:31:22] <Admiral_Damage> May I
upload the 3 classes (pls ignore the fact its mostly bloat code,
this was just for a working model independent of the game's
L2367[23:31:24] <shadekiller666> so if
you want it to point at the head you add the eye height to the y
L2368[23:31:39] <shadekiller666>
L2369[23:31:41] <Admiral_Damage> It gets
complex because I'm using the beacon's renderer (but my
own model)
L2370[23:31:43] <Admiral_Damage>
L2371[23:32:15] <ParadoxBomb> I keep
reading "beacon" as "bacon."
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195 seconds)
L2373[23:33:35] <Admiral_Damage> Go get
food... you need it
L2374[23:34:02] <ParadoxBomb> Sounds like
a good idea
L2376[23:36:00] <Admiral_Damage>
temporary repo
L2377[23:36:30] <Admiral_Damage>
Haven't removed the bloatcode either
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L2379[23:41:17] <shadekiller666> might i
recommend for loops? :P
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L2381[23:42:42] <Admiral_Damage> "
literally almost identical to the beacon" recommend it to
L2382[23:42:44] <shadekiller666> so to
make the beam point at the player, you would use that code i linked
you to GlStateManager.rotate() just before a pushMatrix call that
contains all of that rendering code for the beacon
L2383[23:42:53] <shadekiller666> no
L2384[23:42:56] <Admiral_Damage> xD
L2385[23:43:16] <shadekiller666> might i
recommend not copying their incomplete code?
L2386[23:43:32] <Admiral_Damage> I'm
not copying it for a final version
L2387[23:43:36] <Admiral_Damage> this is
just to learn the concept
L2388[23:43:41] <Admiral_Damage> and i
stated that its mostly bloatcode
L2389[23:43:41] <shadekiller666>
L2390[23:43:49] <shadekiller666>
L2391[23:44:14] <shadekiller666> if you
look at the code i linked you
L2392[23:44:18] <williewillus> !gf
prevEquippedProgress 1.8.9
L2393[23:44:28] <williewillus> !gf
equippedProgress 1.8.9
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L2395[23:44:34] <Admiral_Damage> where
would I put a pushmatrix in mine?
L2396[23:44:53] <Admiral_Damage> I know
what class and what method, just not sure where
L2397[23:45:11] <shadekiller666> all you
really need is the stuff up to "double anglePitch =
L2398[23:45:44] <shadekiller666> you
would surround all of the gl calls and worldrenderer calls and such
that actually do the rendering with a push/pop pair
L2399[23:46:04] <shadekiller666> so
whatever the first line of code is that handles the rendering right
now, put a pushMatrix() above it
L2400[23:46:11] <shadekiller666> and a
popMatrix() at the very end
L2401[23:47:39] *
ParadoxBomb will have to remember that when I get around to
rendering for my own mod
L2402[23:47:51] <shadekiller666> then
above that pushMatrix(), you'd want to have another
pushMatrix() (with the pop at the end again), and between the two
pushMatrix calls, you'd have the code i linked, up to the
"double anglePitch = ..." line, pluss two calls to
L2403[23:47:54] <williewillus> so much
copying and reflecting lol
L2404[23:48:09] <williewillus>
there's probably a much better way to do this but I want to
get it working the lazy way first
L2405[23:48:19] <williewillus> well not
reflecting, methodhandlering :D
⇨ Joins: Elucent
L2407[23:48:28] <shadekiller666> the
first rotation would look similar to the "AxisAngle4d yaw =
..." line
L2408[23:48:45] <shadekiller666> and the
second would look similar to the "AxisAngle4d pitch =
..." line
L2409[23:48:59] <Elucent> what's the
best way to make an entity just not render
L2410[23:49:34] <Admiral_Damage> erm, btw
where would rotate() go
L2411[23:49:42] <Admiral_Damage> i'd
assume outside and before the push
⇨ Joins: Hunterz (~hunterz@
⇦ Quits: Shukaro (~Shukaro@ (Read error:
Connection reset by peer)
L2414[23:50:09] <ParadoxBomb> Elucent:
can you just give it a completely transparent texture?
L2415[23:51:08] <shadekiller666> yes,
both rotate() calls would go before the inner pushMatrix()
L2416[23:51:10] <Elucent> ParadoxBomb
that would probably work, you're right
L2417[23:51:33] <Admiral_Damage>
L2418[23:51:35] <Admiral_Damage> got
L2419[23:51:48] <Admiral_Damage> I was
kinda worried because i wasn't sure all the beam segments were
connected as one model
L2420[23:51:57] <shadekiller666>
doesn't matter
L2421[23:52:04] <Admiral_Damage> Yeah I
understand why now
L2422[23:52:08] <shadekiller666>
you're rotating the whole thing :P
L2423[23:52:09] <Admiral_Damage> with the
push and pop
L2424[23:52:16] <Admiral_Damage> yea i
got it xD
L2425[23:52:28] <Admiral_Damage> Thanks
thats really useful btw
L2426[23:52:43] <shadekiller666> and the
reason i told you to have 2 push/pop pairs is to avoid those rotate
commands affecting other rendering code elsewhere
L2428[23:52:58] <shadekiller666> the
beams rotate and all of a sudden all the mobs do the same...
L2429[23:53:10] <shadekiller666>
L2430[23:53:22] <Admiral_Damage> inb4
death star (trademark)
L2431[23:53:42] <shadekiller666>
L2432[23:53:55] <shadekiller666> i want a
mod that has an "Ultimate Beacon"
L2433[23:54:02] <Admiral_Damage> I'm
on it...
L2434[23:54:07] <Admiral_Damage> believe
me I am more than on it
L2435[23:54:17] <Admiral_Damage> long
over due
L2436[23:54:30] <ParadoxBomb>
Tangentially speaking... I'm trying to get a block to imitate
another block a la OB Canvas. I'm trying to figure how to pass
the IBlockState from the entity that places the block into the
entity itself. Any pointers?
L2437[23:54:47] <shadekiller666> to build
it you have to dig a massive semi-circular hole, build individual
beacons in the correct locations, and provide it with a fuck ton of
L2438[23:55:10] <shadekiller666> paradox,
NBT data
L2439[23:55:46] <Admiral_Damage> actually
the angled beacons wouldnt be a problem
L2440[23:56:00] <Admiral_Damage> because
they could track an entity thats held by the central beam
L2441[23:56:08] <ParadoxBomb> Can you be
a bit more specific, shade? I'm still new to modding.
L2442[23:56:10] <Admiral_Damage> using
the vectors gathered..
L2443[23:56:22] <shadekiller666> once it
has enough power, all of the beacons aim towards the center and
combine into one massive beam
L2444[23:56:47] <Admiral_Damage> ._. this
is going to be so pointless, yet so good
L2445[23:56:54] <shadekiller666>
ParadoxBomb, write the IBlockState data to NBT in the form of
L2446[23:57:07] <shadekiller666> into the
entity's NBT
L2447[23:57:10] <Admiral_Damage> think it
was 1.6 ish? I made a mod that was a one man band
L2448[23:57:25] <Admiral_Damage> mounted
the drum and everything on the back
L2449[23:57:50] <Admiral_Damage> never
released it
L2450[23:58:00] <shadekiller666> i
don't know what the advantage to having this massive beacon
would be, but i'm sure you could come up with one
L2451[23:58:03] <ParadoxBomb> How does
that transfer to the TE though? I've done some logging outputs
fo testing and it seems to bypass the normal block constructor
L2452[23:58:25] <shadekiller666>
ParadoxBomb, blocks only get initialized once
L2453[23:58:36] <shadekiller666> tile
entities get initialized on placement
L2454[23:58:52] <ParadoxBomb> so the
contruxtor is called only during game initialization?
L2455[23:58:57] <ParadoxBomb>
L2456[23:59:03] <shadekiller666> for
blocks yes
L2457[23:59:08] <ParadoxBomb> Oh
L2458[23:59:08] <shadekiller666> because
they are singletons
L2459[23:59:21] <shadekiller666> meaning
only 1 instance of each block class exists, ever
L2460[23:59:27] <ParadoxBomb> I did not
know that
L2461[23:59:29] <shadekiller666> thats
what tile entities are for
L2462[23:59:33] <ParadoxBomb> okay
L2463[23:59:58] <Elucent> inside your
tile entity, you'll need to override the readFromNBT and
writeToNBT functions