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L9[00:45:13] <killjoy> heh https://i.imgur.com/8iG4eu0.png
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L21[01:26:56] <Lordmau5> o/
L22[01:29:21] <McJty> Is it ok to call IMC messages to another mod from any phase? preinit/init/postinit?
L23[01:29:30] <McJty> And also to have mods A and B calling IMC messages to each other?
L24[01:30:00] <Lordmau5> I remember there were some mods that did IMC whilst ingame as well... unsure which ones though
L25[01:30:30] <Lordmau5> thing is, my idea would be to stick the IMC message-*calling* into post-init to be safe, but if you want to register your own IMC-handler, do that in pre-init?
L26[01:30:50] <McJty> Well IMC handler is just imcCallback in my main mod class
L27[01:30:58] <McJty> So I guess that's automatically registered?
L28[01:31:42] <McJty> I have an issue with rftools/rftoolsdim that the IMC from rftools to rftoolsdim seems to fail in some situations
L29[01:31:55] <McJty> But I haven't been able to reproduce it myself (except this morning where I made FC1 go down :-)
L30[01:32:10] <McJty> But on my own local FC1 server it works fine so I'm a bit confused
L31[01:32:15] <Lordmau5> 1st off: Stop breaking servers. Kappa
L32[01:32:25] <McJty> FC1 was meant to be broken :-)
L33[01:32:29] <Lordmau5> I know :P
L34[01:35:35] <McJty> In any case, I know something is wrong with the IMC but not sure exactly what
L35[01:35:57] <killjoy> FC will now forever to me be known as Fiber Channel
L36[01:36:17] <Lordmau5> xD
L37[01:40:21] <Lordmau5> McJty, is there no way to do some try-catch on the IMC?
L38[01:40:33] <Lordmau5> or is it crashing upon sending / receiving some message already?
L39[01:40:34] <McJty> Well I cannot reproduce the problem
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L41[01:40:44] <McJty> And it is not in the IMC handling that it fails
L42[01:40:54] <McJty> It is later when I try to use an api that I wanted to get through that IMC
L43[01:41:01] <McJty> The IMC is simply never called in some circumstances
L44[01:41:21] <Lordmau5> api?
L45[01:41:32] <McJty> yes, the IMC is for getting an API from the other mod
L46[01:41:39] <Lordmau5> oh, how does that work :3?
L47[01:41:52] <McJty> Via message.getFunctionValue
L48[01:42:03] <Lordmau5> interesting
L49[01:42:04] <McJty> You can send over IMC functions
L50[01:42:10] <McJty> Works nicely (usually :-)
L51[01:42:11] <Lordmau5> never really looked into IMC properly...
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L54[01:46:10] <Lordmau5> I have heard of Sponge before... but what exactly is it again?
L55[01:46:20] <Lordmau5> something you install on-top of Forge? And also, what's it's main usage?
L56[01:46:30] <TehNut> It's a Bukkit alternative
L57[01:46:43] <Lordmau5> oh, that's this?
L58[01:47:27] <Lordmau5> like, there's SpongeForge on the repo as well, that's what I mainly meant
L59[01:47:33] <Lordmau5> "A Forge mod that implements SpongeAPI"
L60[01:47:51] <unascribed> yeah, there's an MCP-based one and a Forge-based one
L61[01:48:25] <TehNut> SpongeForge is a Forge coremod that implements the SpongeAPI
L62[01:48:33] <TehNut> SpongeVanilla is a vanilla server that implements the API
L63[01:48:44] <Lordmau5> interesting
L64[01:48:54] <Lordmau5> is there any website for plugins for the vanilla one btw?
L65[01:48:55] <TehNut> There's also implementations for various other server projects such as Glowstone
L66[01:49:00] <Lordmau5> I remember plugins.bukkit
L67[01:49:02] <TehNut> All plugins are the same
L68[01:49:05] <TehNut> For Sponge
L69[01:49:18] <Lordmau5> in that case, any website for Sponge plugins perhaps? :D
L70[01:49:21] <TehNut> https://forums.spongepowered.org/c/plugins
L71[01:49:35] <Lordmau5> Ye, figured when I saw forums on the main website. Thanks! :)
L72[01:50:19] <killjoy> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2D9ulUO4sB0
L73[01:50:32] <killjoy> for int'nl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceOSrSRAJdQ
L74[01:57:56] <Lordmau5> speaking of plugins
L75[01:58:05] <Lordmau5> I just saw that there's CraftBook for Sponge :o
L76[01:58:13] <Lordmau5> I remember doing some cool things with that back in the days, haha
L77[01:58:30] <Lordmau5> yooo, LWC-like container protection?
L78[01:59:30] <Lordmau5> dude
L79[01:59:32] <Lordmau5> nice
L80[01:59:32] <Lordmau5> https://forums.spongepowered.org/t/voxel-clientmc-a-web-based-minecraft-client-using-the-wsmc-websocket-minecraft-proxy/11340
L81[01:59:38] <Lordmau5> that's some REALLY interesting thing
L82[02:00:02] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160217 mappings to Forge Maven.
L83[02:00:06] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160217-1.8.9.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20160217" in build.gradle).
L84[02:00:16] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L88[02:43:39] <Mossyblog> the PlayerOpenContainerEvent is only supposed to fire when you trigger an Interact on a chest etc right? or does it get invoked every tick regardless?
L89[02:49:29] <killjoy> as in while the container is open?
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L94[02:56:49] <Mossyblog> killjoy: i just noticed that the event fires regardless if the container is open or not. So when you've got no container open it gives you the players inventory but when you open a chest it gives you the chest inventory... so its difficult to use this event to determine which is which is all
L95[02:57:10] <Samario> he's left
L96[02:57:21] <Mossyblog> doh...
L97[02:57:30] <Mossyblog> that's embarassing :) hehe
L98[03:00:40] <Lordmau5> Mossyblog:
L99[03:00:41] <Lordmau5> * This event is fired when a player attempts to view a container during
L100[03:00:41] <Lordmau5> * player tick.
L101[03:00:50] <Lordmau5> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/90829a316439efe7ddeb8f03b030e00366d8d03c/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/event/entity/player/PlayerOpenContainerEvent.java#L17
L102[03:01:41] <Mossyblog> so far it happens whether i am near a chest or not .. its seems redundant given it occurs onUpdate and as longa as a player has an inventory it appears to fire
L103[03:01:51] <Mossyblog> i could be wrong or missing something
L104[03:01:57] <Lordmau5> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/90829a316439efe7ddeb8f03b030e00366d8d03c/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/event/entity/player/PlayerInteractEvent.java
L105[03:02:00] <Lordmau5> this seems to be what you want
L106[03:02:28] <Lordmau5> in combination with RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK. Just check if the block is instanceof your block, the tile is there and what else you need to check
L107[03:05:11] <Lordmau5> you're not missing something, you just didn't read what the desired event is supposed to do :P
L108[03:05:22] <Lordmau5> I don't have a dev-env open right now, so I can't trace back where it's being called
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L110[03:06:54] <Mossyblog> actually i have to disagree
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L112[03:07:11] <Mossyblog> the interact event won't yield a return on openContainer and that event in question occurs every onUpdate tick
L113[03:07:22] <Mossyblog> it becomes redundant given its just really an onUpdate event
L114[03:08:15] <Lordmau5> what do you want to do anyway, if I may ask?
L115[03:08:36] <Mossyblog> i want to keep a running inventory onhand of chests a player has access to
L116[03:08:57] <Mossyblog> think of a shopping cart style approach to using schematica
L117[03:09:12] <Mossyblog> ie how many more "wood" do i need to get before my project can kickoff
L118[03:09:19] <Lordmau5> how do you want to show that off?
L119[03:09:21] <Lordmau5> render it ontop?
L120[03:09:59] <Mossyblog> via custom GUI later, as in you mark a chest as a Listener or known chest to the mod.. then as inbound/outbound items are added/removed it keeps an audit proc going
L121[03:10:20] <Mossyblog> it also does an update upon each chest interaction should someone else alter its contents (so its always not exact)
L122[03:10:32] <Wuppy> heh, had a first beer drinking competition \o/
L123[03:10:41] <Lordmau5> so you basically right click the listener / chest and it get's added to some list?
L124[03:10:51] <Mossyblog> in theory yeah
L125[03:11:05] <Lordmau5> PlayerInteractEvent
L126[03:11:19] <Lordmau5> I'll look around a bit more
L127[03:11:30] <Lordmau5> I remember there *was* some event that had to do with container stuff...
L128[03:11:41] <Mossyblog> tried that but i think its a timing issue, in that i assumed it was a POST interact event
L129[03:12:14] <Mossyblog> as the containers chest is handed to the GuiChest after that hook fires from memory
L130[03:13:31] <Mossyblog> ideally i think if PlayerInteractEvent.POST existed it might solve my delimma :) hehe
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L132[03:14:49] <Lordmau5> why do you need the POST event?
L133[03:15:23] <Mossyblog> i need to capture the iinventory after the GuiChest gets its handed to it.. i'm guessing thats a post interact event?
L134[03:16:46] <Mossyblog> actually thats probably the bad for that particular event, given its purely rightClick
L135[03:17:04] <Mossyblog> point is, i need to hook onto an event AFTER openContainer on thePlayer changes
L136[03:19:30] <Lordmau5> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/90829a316439efe7ddeb8f03b030e00366d8d03c/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/client/event/GuiOpenEvent.java
L137[03:19:34] <Lordmau5> last one I could offer that I found
L138[03:20:01] <Lordmau5> or... one sec...
L139[03:20:18] <Lordmau5> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/90829a316439efe7ddeb8f03b030e00366d8d03c/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/client/event/GuiScreenEvent.java that one perhaps?
L140[03:20:34] <Lordmau5> post-init, I assume openContainer *could* be different then?
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L142[03:21:41] <Mossyblog> Lordmau5: hehe yeah that one i've got but yeah sadly i have to wait until post event ...so far i trace it back to EntityPlayerMP/SP displayGUIChest(IInventory inventory) .. as that has the sweet spot when i debug..but the hooks are either too early or too verbose..
L143[03:22:34] <Mossyblog> i've been using https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/h777x7ugherqs0w/forgeevents.html as an assumed gospel of events in Forge but it maybe outdated or wrong
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L145[03:24:49] <Lordmau5> PlayerOpenContainerEvent -> Fired when the player is about to interact with a container, e.g a chest
L146[03:24:51] <Lordmau5> Ah.
L147[03:25:55] <Mossyblog> yeah, thats what caught me out hehe
L148[03:26:27] <Lordmau5> hmm...
L149[03:26:46] <Lordmau5> what would hinder you from going with the current PlayerOpenContainerEvent?
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L152[03:28:56] <Mossyblog> i'm not comfortable doing a comparison check per tick... as in "is this the same as the last tick" to determine a chest or player inventory..
L153[03:29:18] <Mossyblog> i can work with it i guess, but i'd prefer a better event in this case..
L154[03:30:07] <Mossyblog> right now i've just overriden the GuiChest class with a custom one via ASM... but that decision is just to test the rest of my code logic and will need to be refactored later
L155[03:30:21] <Mossyblog> but later has arrived :) hehe
L156[03:30:38] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L157[03:30:41] <Mossyblog> i can leave it in via ASM route but that's going to give other mod devs the irrits :)
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L159[03:33:34] <Lordmau5> Mossy, you could do a local-variable and check if it's the same
L160[03:33:44] <Lordmau5> you can be glad this is per-tick
L161[03:34:07] <Lordmau5> there's plenty of rendering events that do it *per frame* ;) - I'm hooking into one of those for some overlay-rendering on my block
L162[03:34:50] <Lordmau5> afaik, it should not drop performance if you do the tick checks
L163[03:35:39] <Lordmau5> Think about it like this: A good amount of tile-entities do updates per-tick. Would it decrease performance **THAT MUCH** if you were to hook into this specific event?
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L166[03:37:33] <Mossyblog> true, its not so much about performance its more about accuracy ..like what *if* contents of a chest and inventory align :)
L167[03:38:00] <Mossyblog> i guess if trigger a true/false for chest via interact then via onupdate tick do the check..thinking on it some more
L168[03:38:23] <Lordmau5> cache the inventory item list / array
L169[03:38:44] <Lordmau5> check if it changed and do what you need to do with it
L170[03:42:40] <Mossyblog> not ideal, for example if you put 64xRedstone in Slot 1 row2 in a chest, and put 64xRedstone in Slot1 of the inventory bar, they two contents match.
L171[03:42:53] <Mossyblog> its that kind of inaccuracy that doesn't leave me with confidence.
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L173[03:43:46] <Mossyblog> i'd have to basically set a flag for when the player interacts with a chest to trigger a "now record" and then using that secondary event keep writing out the iinventory to persistance.. then somehow hookonto a onClose event and reset the flag
L174[03:44:36] <Mossyblog> i'm probably building a case for a simple onContainerInteract.POST/PRE event
L175[03:44:57] <Mossyblog> but wanting to make sure its not elsewhere or overlooked by a code blindspot on my part
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L189[04:39:20] <Bitterholz> Good Timezone everybody
L190[04:39:31] <Lordmau5> o/
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L192[04:40:14] <Wuppy> netsplit?
L193[04:40:21] <Wuppy> or did my bouncer mess up
L194[04:41:31] <McJty> No netsplit as far as I know
L195[04:41:41] <Wuppy> oh well :)
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L197[04:44:35] <big_Xplosion> McJty: I see you've also tried using the substitution aliases in MC 1.8.9
L198[04:44:40] <big_Xplosion> did you get them to work?
L199[04:44:48] <McJty> nope not yet
L200[04:44:57] <McJty> My block is simply not being used
L201[04:45:10] <McJty> I talked to cpw|out about it but he didn't have time to look into it yet
L202[04:45:24] <big_Xplosion> so it's bugged in forge?
L203[04:45:31] <McJty> I suspect so yes
L204[04:45:56] <big_Xplosion> oke thanks
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L236[06:45:24] <Bitterholz> fry, any news on the Depth Buffer issue?
L237[06:45:33] <fry> yes
L238[06:45:44] <fry> it's disabled for the translucent layer
L239[06:45:54] <Bitterholz> huh?
L240[06:46:08] <Bitterholz> is that WANTED or a Shouldnt be?
L241[06:46:18] <fry> so, you can't have slightly overlapping faces
L242[06:46:30] <fry> probably wanted
L243[06:46:40] <Bitterholz> uff
L244[06:46:43] <Bitterholz> that sucks
L245[06:47:00] <unascribed> you could change your model to not have overlapping faces
L246[06:47:14] <Bitterholz> jah and make it look completely shit
L247[06:47:16] <Bitterholz> no thanks
L248[06:47:21] <unascribed> uh
L249[06:47:29] <unascribed> you could quite easily switch your pipe model to not overlap
L250[06:48:02] <unascribed> from the images I saw the only problem was when the wedge edges merged at corners
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L252[06:49:01] <Bitterholz> fry, may I ask exactly WHY Translucent does not allow slightly overlapping faces? Like does it generate any kind of problem?
L253[06:49:12] <Bitterholz> unascribed, nope
L254[06:50:22] <fry> slightly overlapping translucent faces + depth buffer enabled = some parts are invisible
L255[06:50:23] <McJty> Translucent faces have to be ordered from back to front to render correctly
L256[06:50:34] <fry> slightly overlapping solid faces + depth buffer enabled = looks good
L257[06:50:55] <fry> slightly overlapping translucent faces + depth buffer disabled = looks mostly good, but not perfect
L258[06:50:58] <Bitterholz> fry. wich parts would be invisible?
L259[06:51:07] <fry> slightly overlapping solid faces + depth buffer disabled = looks bad
L260[06:51:42] <Cazzar> What would be invisible? the last drawn
L261[06:51:50] <tterrag> what does it even look like?
L262[06:52:02] <Bitterholz> is there ANY way in wich i can have tinted Glass but NOT seperate the rendering of the Model in different Meshes?
L263[06:52:28] <fry> imagine this 3-way overlap with each face being tanslucent: http://i.imgur.com/maDHbdL.png
L264[06:53:10] <fry> with depth buffer enabled it won't be very symmetrical
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L274[06:53:25] <fry> since some parts will only have 1 face, some 2 and some 3
L275[06:53:33] <fry> depending on the render order
L276[06:53:39] <Bitterholz> ^^ŴOW that ISp rekt
L277[06:53:47] <Bitterholz> damn it
L278[06:53:51] <fry> with depth buffer disabled - it'll look at bit better
L279[06:54:18] <Bitterholz> Any way i can make the Alpha Come through in anothr Render Mode?
L280[06:54:23] <unascribed> irccloud isn't an ISP
L281[06:54:31] <fry> still won't look "correct", since blending isn't commutative
L282[06:54:55] <tterrag> the best solution I see is splitting the model in to opaque and translucent parts
L283[06:55:00] <tterrag> why can't you do that?
L284[06:55:04] <McJty> yes, that would be best
L285[06:55:11] <tterrag> you shouldn't be drawing opaque stuff on the translucent layer anyhow
L286[06:55:12] <fry> Bitterholz: without splitting the model: split the texture
L287[06:55:28] <tterrag> vanilla never does that
L288[06:55:28] <fry> make glass completely transparent for CUTOUT layer
L289[06:55:30] <tterrag> and now you see why
L290[06:55:37] <McJty> For models where only a tiny part of the texture is opaque I usually don't bother splitting and put everything on translucent
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L292[06:55:41] <McJty> But usually you want to split it
L293[06:55:47] <fry> and put only glass parts in the TRANSLUCENT layer texture
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L295[06:56:55] <IoP> irccloud – never miss a message
L296[06:57:04] <Bitterholz> fry, i don't have any idea what you mean by that...the Texture sheet shall be seperated and thats where you lost me
L297[06:57:36] <fry> take the texture you have, with grey parts and blue parts, and make 2 textures
L298[06:57:47] <Lordmau5> bouncer - never miss a message
L299[06:57:49] <fry> first with only grey parts, and second with only blue parts
L300[06:58:01] <fry> that way you can use the same model
L301[06:58:01] <Kolatra> Bouncer >
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L303[06:58:15] <Bitterholz> but how do i manage to do that...code whise
L304[06:58:16] <McJty> I prefer missing messages when I'm not here
L305[06:58:26] <McJty> Already have enough work reading stuff that is posted in forums
L306[06:58:30] <McJty> Don't want to go through irc backlog
L307[07:00:19] <Bitterholz> im so confused XD
L308[07:00:41] <fry> 2 models
L309[07:00:47] <fry> that differ only by the texture
L310[07:01:03] <fry> you prepare those 2 textures manually, and not in the code
L311[07:01:25] <Bitterholz> so again, seperate glass and Struct into 2 things
L312[07:01:32] <fry> yes
L313[07:01:38] <Bitterholz> screw it translucency thrown overboard
L314[07:02:06] <Bitterholz> given id make Glass and Structs different Meshes
L315[07:02:48] <Bitterholz> how'd I load that model then o.O Does the Blockstate allow me to do 2 .obj files?
L316[07:03:29] <Bitterholz> forget that last sentence
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L318[07:03:54] <Bitterholz> OK lets say, Struct and Glass are 2 Different Meshes, within the Same modell
L319[07:04:15] <fry> 2 obj files is better
L320[07:04:22] <fry> since group selection is WIP
L321[07:04:24] <Bitterholz> HOW do I tell MC to only Render the Specifyed Mesh either Translucent OR Static
L322[07:04:43] <masa> gotta love vague issue reports... someone reported on the curse comments that my mod is not compatible with thaumcraft. With NO firther information...
L323[07:05:03] <McJty> 'You have a bug! Solve it!'
L324[07:05:06] <masa> s/fir/fur/
L325[07:05:09] <masa> yep
L326[07:05:39] <fry> Bitterholz: do something like this: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/src/test/resources/assets/forgedebugmultilayermodel/blockstates/test_layer_block.json
L327[07:05:55] <masa> so I don't know if they are talking about 1.7.10 or 1.8.9, nor that if it's a crash or some other incompatibility, and with what...
L328[07:06:27] <fry> masa: heh, vague issues: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/2479
L329[07:06:33] <ghz|afk> yeah "Please provide versions and log dumps" time
L330[07:06:57] <ghz|afk> "unrealizable"?
L331[07:06:59] <ghz|afk> XD
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L333[07:07:46] <masa> isn't that obvious, the window is unreal and can't be made real again! ;D
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L335[07:08:30] <masa> the window only has imaginary components
L336[07:11:34] <Bitterholz> fry, so can I do that Stuff within ONE Model File or Different ones
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L338[07:11:51] <fry> define "Model File"
L339[07:11:56] <Bitterholz> I should be able to just Throw Meshes at it right?
L340[07:12:41] <fry> I'm gonna say yes
L341[07:12:42] <Bitterholz> like throw CENTER, UP, DOWN, WEST, EAST, NORTH and SOUTH at Solid and the G versions of it into Translucent
L342[07:12:57] <fry> if that worked before - then sure :P
L343[07:13:10] <Bitterholz> never tested that before XD
L344[07:13:30] <Bitterholz> ill give it a Try
L345[07:13:48] <fry> why are you Capitalizing random Words? :P
L346[07:14:12] <Bitterholz> German
L347[07:14:28] <Cazzar> Only proper nouns need capitalisation :P
L348[07:14:59] <ghz|afk> even that rule is relaxed on irc ;P
L349[07:15:05] <Bitterholz> Mix English and German and fast typing and you get this
L350[07:15:11] <fry> heh
L351[07:15:34] <Bitterholz> I know I defeat your OCD there probably fry XD
L352[07:15:40] <Bitterholz> im sorry
L353[07:15:54] <ghz|afk> meh that's just weird
L354[07:16:00] <ghz|afk> if you want to annoy people's OCD
L355[07:16:09] <ghz|afk> try capitalizing random letters in the MIDDLE of a word
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L357[07:16:18] <ghz|afk> but not the exact middle
L358[07:16:20] <Bitterholz> That would beat my OCD first
L359[07:16:21] <ghz|afk> somewhere around there
L360[07:16:31] <Bitterholz> so never gonna happen
L361[07:16:36] <fry> tHaT wOuLd GeT aNnOyInG pReTtY fAsT :P
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L363[07:16:48] <Bitterholz> waaaaaaah
L364[07:16:48] <Cazzar> fry: that's hard to read initially.
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L366[07:16:59] <Cazzar> Given how you read a sentence :P
L367[07:17:10] <ghz|afk> fry: that looks like how some 10 year old thinking they are "cool" wouldtype
L368[07:17:11] <ghz|afk> ;P
L369[07:17:16] <Cazzar> Though, I know a way to fix someone doing that
L370[07:17:32] <Cazzar> Make a plugin, to just call .to_lower() on every sentence they say
L371[07:17:49] <Bitterholz> Germans Brain: Cut out every Letter thats before the first Capital one and be like: WTF did I just Read
L372[07:17:58] <ghz|afk> not toLower, toProperCasing, with a dictionary and knowledge if sentence structure
L373[07:18:13] <ghz|afk> of*
L374[07:18:58] <Bitterholz> fry, ill finish texturing the Inventory Connector for the Pipes and then give the Seperated Meshes a Try
L375[07:19:08] <Cazzar> ghz|afk: Yes, though mine's an easier solution :P
L376[07:19:23] <Cazzar> Also, try getting a comprehensive listing of proper nouns :P
L377[07:19:41] <ghz|afk> so, I got this working yesterday
L378[07:19:41] <ghz|afk> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/2016-02-17_14.18.18.png
L379[07:19:45] <ghz|afk> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/2016-02-17_14.19.03.png
L380[07:19:48] <ghz|afk> not animated still
L381[07:19:52] <ghz|afk> but at least it draws ;P
L382[07:20:16] <Bitterholz> looks Great!
L383[07:20:37] <Bitterholz> I wonder i I should do an Ingame Duc of my Logistics Pipes Successor as well
L384[07:20:46] <Bitterholz> Since LP was ever known to confuse PPL
L385[07:20:54] <Bitterholz> 22989
L386[07:20:58] <Cazzar> I can draw too! glEnable(GL_QUADS), glPoint2d(0, 0), glPoint2d(0, 1), glPoint2d(1, 1), glPoint2d(1, 0), glEnd()
L387[07:21:04] <Cazzar> s/Enable/Begin/
L388[07:21:08] <Bitterholz> damn you blender and Tabbing
L389[07:21:11] <ghz|afk> Pipe Technician's Handbook
L390[07:21:22] <Bitterholz> exactly ghz|afk
L391[07:21:44] <Bitterholz> Like, the indepth stuff would STILL require Tutorials
L392[07:21:50] <McJty> I have a question about FMLInterModComms.sendFunctionMessage. Can you call this safely at any time? Even preInit?
L393[07:22:25] <Bitterholz> But basic Rules like "Routed Intersections" can be easily explained Ingame
L394[07:22:31] *** ghz|afk is now known as gigaherz
L395[07:24:55] <Bitterholz> I think ill have fun getting the State lamps on the Connector to Glow
L396[07:25:36] <Bitterholz> Design choice, no more Aidsy particles for states, just Blinking Lamps like on a LAN Connector
L397[07:25:45] <Lordmau5> nice, gigaherz!
L398[07:25:56] <Bitterholz> but thats a future problem
L399[07:26:37] <Cazzar> Todo: future me: fix
L400[07:26:40] <Bitterholz> Todays Work: Finish Model, Get BB's goin, Maybe Connection Denying by Shift+RMB...
L401[07:27:12] <Cazzar> I'll just go back to playing yuritopia (not the game, just a reference)
L402[07:27:39] <McJty> So, here is the code in rftools that tries to send an IMC message to rftools dimensions mod: https://github.com/McJty/RFTools/blob/1.8.8/src/main/java/mcjty/rftools/RFTools.java
L403[07:27:50] <McJty> And here is rftools dimensions handling the message: https://github.com/McJty/RFToolsDimensions/blob/master/src/main/java/mcjty/rftoolsdim/RFToolsDim.java
L404[07:28:10] <McJty> But this sometimes fails. I cannot reproduce it myself but sometimes rftoolsdim is detected by rftools and the IMC is called but apparently it is not handled or something
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L406[07:30:31] <Lordmau5> required after rftoolsdim?
L407[07:30:54] <McJty> No the other way
L408[07:30:57] <Lordmau5> seems to me that preinit of RFTools might load before RFToolsDim, and that would cause it to not be loaded, no?
L409[07:31:09] <Lordmau5> then again, I think mods loads first anyway before the preinit phase happens?
L410[07:31:12] <McJty> But rftools is doing this imc in postInit
L411[07:31:16] <McJty> Wouldn't that be ok then?
L412[07:31:25] <Lordmau5> oh derp, ye, just saw that *facepalm*
L413[07:32:13] <McJty> Maybe I'm handling IMC wrong. I have my IMCEvent handling just in my mod itself
L414[07:32:16] <McJty> Is that the rigth place to do it?
L415[07:32:20] <tterrag> pretty sure post init is too late to send IMC
L416[07:32:28] <Lordmau5> try init in that case?
L417[07:32:44] <McJty> Too late? How can it even be too late? Does IMC stop working at some point?
L418[07:33:13] <tterrag> IMC is all processed at once
L419[07:33:17] <tterrag> not immediately
L420[07:33:28] <tterrag> you are sending an IMC message after FML has already distributed the messages
L421[07:33:28] <Lordmau5> quick lookup shows that this tutorial uses it in preinit http://tutorials.darkhax.net/inter-mod-communication.html
L422[07:33:28] <gigaherz> isn't there two types of IMC?
L423[07:33:35] <McJty> I heared someone mention here earlier that some mods are even doing IMC all the time during processing
L424[07:33:37] <gigaherz> the init ones, and the after-init ones which are immediate?
L425[07:33:51] <gigaherz> they are distinct calls though
L426[07:33:52] <Lordmau5> I did, but I could be wrong :(
L427[07:33:54] <Cazzar> IMC and then Event? :P
L428[07:33:59] <Lordmau5> I have never used them though
L429[07:34:09] <Lordmau5> so I'm really not the right person to trust on IMC stuff
L430[07:34:19] <tterrag> yes if you want an immediate message use sendRuntimeMessage
L431[07:34:23] <gigaherz> McJty
L432[07:34:24] <gigaherz> FMLInterModComms.sendRuntimeFunctionMessage
L433[07:34:26] <McJty> ah
L434[07:34:29] <gigaherz> if you need to call it after init
L435[07:34:41] <McJty> * Subscribe to this event to receive your messages (they are sent between
L436[07:34:41] <McJty> * {@link FMLInitializationEvent} and {@link FMLPostInitializationEvent})
L437[07:34:46] <McJty> That's the documentation of IMCEvent
L438[07:34:54] <McJty> So postInit is indeed too late
L439[07:35:00] <gigaherz> but
L440[07:35:08] <gigaherz> the order of thigns bothers me
L441[07:35:25] <gigaherz> shouldn't the dimensions mod be the one saying "I exist! here's my dimension manager getter"
L442[07:35:43] <Cazzar> IMC is processed directly after PostInit
L443[07:35:48] <McJty> No it is rftools that needs the dimension manager api
L444[07:35:58] <McJty> So it asks for it from rftoolsdim
L445[07:36:15] <McJty> Cazzar, the comment says before post init
L446[07:36:30] <Cazzar> http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1455716134 i ment to paste that too
L447[07:36:35] <Cazzar> I can't tell the code to well
L448[07:36:36] <Cazzar> Though
L449[07:37:15] <McJty> So before postinit it seems
L450[07:37:19] <gigaherz> yeah before postinit
L451[07:37:19] <tterrag> directly *before* post init
L452[07:37:21] <McJty> That explains why it isn't working
L453[07:37:35] <McJty> But that doesn't explain why I couldn't reproduce it and it was working for me though
L454[07:37:39] <McJty> But anyway I know how to fix it now
L455[07:37:40] <gigaherz> tterrag: no, it appears to be before objectholder injection ;P
L456[07:37:45] <Lordmau5> http://imgur.com/gallery/KwhdmOz - gash
L457[07:37:47] <Lordmau5> why..
L458[07:38:00] <Lordmau5> worst part isn't even that I did that in general. the worst part is, that I did it at work xD
L459[07:38:01] <gigaherz> so not directly -- the distinction may be important to some poeple
L460[07:38:49] <McJty> So if I put those IMC messages in init I should be fine right?
L461[07:38:54] <gigaherz> yeh
L462[07:39:48] <McJty> I wonder if preInit would be fine too...
L463[07:40:05] <McJty> It probably makes no difference
L464[07:40:12] <McJty> It will just be postponed to the same spot
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L470[07:49:31] <Bitterholz> WTF i lost half my mapping progress on the connector by pressing 3?
L471[07:49:38] <Bitterholz> you fuckin shitting me Blender
L472[07:49:51] * Bitterholz throws rocks at blender foundation
L473[07:52:15] <McJty> Is there a good example somewhere on the new IItemHandler? I need two cases: a) how to access an inventory of any object using that new system, b) how to implement your own inventories
L474[07:52:23] <McJty> And I suppose there is still no support for gui's?
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L476[08:02:04] <gigaherz> McJty: accessing it on an object is simple
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L479[08:02:44] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/api/automation/AutomationHelper.java#L42
L480[08:02:46] <gigaherz> something like this
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L482[08:03:25] <McJty> And facing is the side of the block you want to access it from or the side of the block from which you're accessing it?
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L485[08:06:45] <McJty> gigaherz, and the object would be the tile entity?
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L490[08:13:30] <McJty> gigaherz, not exactly understanding that code. You have that IInventoryAutomation class. But that seems like something that should be in forge
L491[08:13:56] <McJty> I mean you have a lot of classes there simply to get access to some inventory
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L499[08:19:33] <gigaherz> McJty: sorry, that's a wrapper for the api I made internally, before IItemHandler was released
L500[08:19:34] <gigaherz> XD
L501[08:19:42] <McJty> ah
L502[08:19:46] <gigaherz> all you do is
L503[08:19:50] <gigaherz> if (cap.hasCapability(CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY, facing))
L504[08:20:03] <gigaherz> itemHandler = cap.getCapability(CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY, facing);
L505[08:20:13] <gigaherz> where "cap" is something that implements ICapabilityProvider
L506[08:20:25] <gigaherz> namely, TileEntity, ItemStack, Entity
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L508[08:20:40] <McJty> ok
L509[08:21:49] <McJty> hmm. Can you just pass 'null' for facing if you don't care about what side you access it from?
L510[08:21:53] <McJty> I don't actually have a side in my case
L511[08:21:59] <gigaherz> yes but
L512[08:22:11] <gigaherz> "null" does not necessarily mean "don't care"
L513[08:22:21] <gigaherz> it means that your request isn't sided
L514[08:22:30] <McJty> ok that's fine
L515[08:23:29] <McJty> the vanilla containers have been 'fixed' to implement these capabilities right?
L516[08:23:32] <McJty> So I have something to test with
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L524[08:34:55] <gigaherz> McJty: yep
L525[08:34:58] * gigaherz was eating
L526[08:35:26] <gigaherz> now may be the right time to mention
L527[08:35:37] <gigaherz> when I tried to implement the capability wrapper for IItemHandler
L528[08:35:48] <gigaherz> I started getting weird "duplication" glitches
L529[08:36:07] <gigaherz> stuff like receiving a full stack in return when only a few items were in the chest
L530[08:36:20] <gigaherz> I never found out if it was my fault, or a bug in the IItemHandler
L531[08:37:03] <gigaherz> (that's why I have been stuck with Ender-Rift for a while -- I don't even know if it's really my fault XD)
L532[08:38:06] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L533[08:39:37] <PaleoCrafter> Definitely your fault
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L547[09:25:33] <infinitefoxes_> does anyone have some learning resources for ASM?
L548[09:25:40] <infinitefoxes_> I haven't found very much
L549[09:26:43] <McJty> The best learning resource is: don't use it
L550[09:26:54] <McJty> Really. ASM should be avoided as much as you can. There are almost always better alternatives
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L553[09:27:29] <infinitefoxes_> I haven't found a better alternative to modifying the reach distance in Minecraft
L554[09:27:33] <Lumien> infinite just read up a bit on java byte code / look at some normal code in bytecode
L555[09:27:57] <infinitefoxes_> I can re-calculate the MovingObjectPosition in net.minecraft.client.Minecraft, but it's not consistent
L556[09:28:51] <Lumien> You could look at Chromaticraft than
L557[09:28:55] <Lumien> That does that with asm
L558[09:31:27] <williewillus> botania does that without ASM
L559[09:31:47] <williewillus> compose over the PlayerControllerMP object
L560[09:32:18] <williewillus> botania currently overwrites it completely but I'm gonna refactor that
L561[09:33:14] <Lumien> What of Botania does that?
L562[09:33:31] <williewillus> Ring of Far Reach
L563[09:33:53] <Lumien> neat
L564[09:34:33] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~McJty@bluecoat2.uzleuven.be) (Quit: Poof)
L565[09:34:48] <infinitefoxes_> ah, did it
L566[09:34:53] <infinitefoxes_> was using IRETURN instead of FRETURN
L567[09:34:55] <infinitefoxes_> some very tricky stuff
L568[09:35:15] <williewillus> don't use asm to do something like overwrite reach distance .-.
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L570[09:37:59] <Lumien> Would be more compatible then your current approach :P
L571[09:38:35] <Bitterholz> fry, allright, Meshes seperated, will perfrom tests of the model now and then try Translucency of Groups/objects
L572[09:38:39] <williewillus> I'm changing that
L573[09:39:30] <williewillus> reach distance should just be an attribute to be honest >.>
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L575[09:42:33] <infinitefoxes_> williewillus: wouldn't the approach I'm looking at in Botania make it incompatibile with other mods that modify PlayerControllerMP?
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L577[09:42:58] <infinitefoxes_> not that my way will make it any more compatibile
L578[09:43:09] <williewillus> I'm gonna change it to compose the old playercontroller
L579[09:43:11] <williewillus> instead of overwrite it
L580[09:43:54] <williewillus> i.e. i overwrite the playerController field, but I hold on to the old one and foorward everything unrelated to it
L581[09:44:33] <infinitefoxes_> I could've sworn there used to a Forge event for modifying the reach distance
L582[09:44:57] <williewillus> it should be an attribute :P
L583[09:45:24] <infinitefoxes_> of course
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L585[09:46:13] <williewillus> that system is underused
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L587[09:48:56] <infinitefoxes_> argh
L588[09:49:11] <infinitefoxes_> there's no way to properly check if a tool was used to mine a block using Forge events, is there?
L589[09:49:18] <infinitefoxes_> I can just check the item in hand, but that doesn't work if the item just broke
L590[09:49:27] <williewillus> lol 1.9 pre is out
L591[09:49:32] <williewillus> there's still shittons of bugs introduced
L592[09:49:34] <williewillus> unfixed
L593[09:49:37] <williewillus> yayyyy
L594[09:49:43] <infinitefoxes_> that's the Mojang way :^)
L595[09:50:27] <whitephoenix> I don't think they ever fixed the bug I reported about fishing on offhand acting weird
L596[09:50:42] <williewillus> they haven't fixed anything really except the showstoppers
L597[09:50:57] <whitephoenix> It just got closed because they "fixed" it in a previous version except it's back again
L598[09:51:01] <williewillus> which is incredibly irritating, every release is only spent fixing the bugs they introduced that release
L599[09:51:08] <whitephoenix> Yep
L600[09:51:24] <williewillus> no bugs from 1.4/5 that have been on the tracker for 4 years now
L601[09:51:32] <whitephoenix> 34.7% more hype though, that's what really matters
L602[09:51:48] <williewillus> the combat changes were silly
L603[09:51:49] <infinitefoxes_> it's always been their style to just fix the bare minimum
L604[09:52:15] <williewillus> it was literally the cooldown and the (much needed) strength+weakness rebalance
L605[09:52:19] <williewillus> no new weapons
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L607[09:53:15] <williewillus> some of these bugs are terrible, and have mcp defined code fixes that are verified by the community, but are still there https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC#selectedTab=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.project%3Apopularissues-panel
L608[09:54:07] <whitephoenix> The most annoying to me is items teleporting a tiny bit when you throw them
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L610[09:54:21] <whitephoenix> Not a big deal but it's still a little annoying
L611[09:54:21] <williewillus> that's kinda forgivable though
L612[09:54:23] <whitephoenix> yeah
L613[09:54:32] <infinitefoxes_> MC-17630 has been a bad one with zombie sieges
L614[09:54:40] <williewillus> and itll always happen as long as we have network syncing :P
L615[09:55:32] <whitephoenix> The MC-9553 render order seems like it should be pretty high on the priority list
L616[09:55:38] <williewillus> that is hard as well
L617[09:55:40] <tterrag> They could at least smooth it like they do with living mobs
L618[09:55:46] <williewillus> but shit like mc-87 or mc-53439
L619[09:55:49] <tterrag> Instead of a straight jump
L620[09:56:20] <williewillus> or mc-1555 or wtf mc-91290
L621[09:57:28] <infinitefoxes_> what the christ is with MC-91290
L622[09:58:04] <williewillus> looks like someone left debug on on something -.-
L623[09:58:36] <infinitefoxes_> wouldn't surprise me
L624[09:58:36] <whitephoenix> They skeletons like staring at the sun, it's not a bug; it's a feature
L625[09:59:17] <williewillus> maybe I should revive my old ASM hackjob that specializes in fixing retarded vanilla bugs ;)
L626[09:59:30] <williewillus> big bugfixes should go into forge of course, but the tiny ones
L627[10:00:45] <williewillus> lol and ambience is completely broken
L628[10:00:47] <williewillus> awesome
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L630[10:02:11] <riderj> What's ASM? Been googling, but can't get a definite answer.
L631[10:03:03] <whitephoenix> I have a stupid noob question: What is the correct procedure for finding what arguments are for, e.g. how do I find out what "World p_149727_1_" means in IDEA? The tutorial I've been following uses call hierarchy in eclipse but that seems to work differently in IDEA.
L632[10:03:10] <williewillus> really hacky stuff
L633[10:03:26] <williewillus> it's a world
L634[10:03:45] <williewillus> the type tells it all in that case, but some of the parameters just don't have names
L635[10:03:46] <whitephoenix> That's a bad example, what about things like "int p_149727_2_"
L636[10:03:53] <whitephoenix> OH okay
L637[10:03:57] <williewillus> if your mappings are old the bot might have them
L638[10:04:01] <williewillus> otherwise they're just unnamed
L639[10:04:10] <gigaherz> :3
L640[10:04:10] <gigaherz> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/2016-02-17_17.03.47.png
L641[10:04:51] <Bitterholz> fry, does this look right? http://pastebin.com/kwpBHmdt
L642[10:05:30] <williewillus> gigaherz: maybe increase the margins a bit and shrink the font size slightly (idk if that's possible)
L643[10:05:43] <gigaherz> williewillus: it's possible, but it's annoying and looks bad
L644[10:05:44] <gigaherz> XD
L645[10:05:50] <gigaherz> so thin margins it is.
L646[10:05:58] <williewillus> eh the thin margins bother me more ;p
L647[10:06:07] <infinitefoxes_> > ambience is completely broken
L648[10:06:10] <infinitefoxes_> not that it's a huge issue
L649[10:06:10] <gigaherz> I thinned them because otherwise I couldn't fit the text.
L650[10:06:20] <gigaherz> I can scale the model up a bit, though
L651[10:07:02] <williewillus> anything being "completely broken" is a pretty big issue in my book :P
L652[10:08:32] <gigaherz> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/2016-02-17_17.08.10.png
L653[10:08:38] <gigaherz> made thebook bigger, and added a tiny big of inner margin
L654[10:08:44] <gigaherz> bit*
L655[10:08:46] <mikebald> williewillus maybe it's your book that's completely broken =).
L656[10:09:12] * mikebald thinks that looks better.
L657[10:09:19] * gigaherz agrees
L658[10:09:29] <williewillus> yeah it does
L659[10:09:35] <williewillus> maybe move the arrows onto the page
L660[10:09:36] <whitephoenix> Looks a lot better for sure
L661[10:11:07] <gigaherz> I plan to change the icon for the arrows (this is the stock one)
L662[10:11:11] <gigaherz> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/2016-02-17_17.10.38.png
L663[10:11:15] <gigaherz> this is how they look inside the page
L664[10:11:53] <williewillus> next point of business: getting that book to animate on open like the lexica (is supposed to)
L665[10:12:01] <williewillus> xD still gotta figure that out
L666[10:12:05] <Bitterholz> fry, ? you here?
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L668[10:12:06] <gigaherz> I have the animation done in 3ds max
L669[10:12:11] <gigaherz> but it's done using morphs
L670[10:12:11] <fry> yes
L671[10:12:20] <williewillus> idk what that is lol
L672[10:12:21] <gigaherz> and I have absolutely no idea how to get that into Blender
L673[10:12:26] <gigaherz> let alone into minecraft
L674[10:12:30] <williewillus> is it a b3d?
L675[10:12:42] <gigaherz> williewillus: morphs/blend shapes/shape keys
L676[10:12:44] <fry> gigaherz: try exporting to collada, or to fbx, and importing that in blender
L677[10:12:53] <gigaherz> is a technique that uses two model states
L678[10:12:59] <gigaherz> and interpolates between those states
L679[10:13:06] <gigaherz> the book model has 4 phases
L680[10:13:20] <gigaherz> fully open, 60 degrees open, 30 degrees open, and fully closed
L681[10:13:39] <fry> if you simply have 4 states, with no rigging, it won't export to b3d correctly
L682[10:13:43] <williewillus> perhaps I should make the lexica do that instead of...whatever it is I'm tring
L683[10:13:45] <gigaherz> yeah that's the issue
L684[10:13:49] <gigaherz> it's a Morpher modifier
L685[10:13:52] <Bitterholz> fry, does this look right for you:http://pastebin.com/2pzS5qyk
L686[10:13:54] <gigaherz> not a rigged model with skeleton and bones
L687[10:14:00] <gigaherz> it just simply won't import into blender
L688[10:14:09] <williewillus> what is that paste, the new OBJ stuff?
L689[10:14:14] <gigaherz> so I'm thinking of doing it myself in code
L690[10:14:24] <gigaherz> export the 4 states into 4 separate obj files
L691[10:14:33] <gigaherz> and then do the interpolation as needed XD
L692[10:14:47] <fry> Bitterholz: not really; per-layer stuff is completely independent of the group stuff
L693[10:15:12] ⇦ Quits: KindOne (kindone@ (Quit: Hiring PHP developers does not contribute to the quota of employees with disabilities.)
L694[10:15:34] <gigaherz> by the way
L695[10:15:38] <gigaherz> when I open the gui
L696[10:15:39] <fry> gigaherz: sure, you can do that, but you'll be hardcoding the animation type in the code; and you won't be able to blend without major hackery
L697[10:15:40] <Bitterholz> uhm
L698[10:15:40] <gigaherz> the world pauses
L699[10:15:51] <gigaherz> is there an option to open a gui without pausing? XD
L700[10:15:54] <williewillus> yeah
L701[10:15:59] <williewillus> there's an override in the gui class
L702[10:16:01] <williewillus> i believe
L703[10:16:07] <gigaherz> aha checking
L704[10:16:09] <Bitterholz> fry, how should I do it then? because everything in Capotal is a Seperate mesh
L705[10:16:19] <whitephoenix> Is there something extra you have to set up to debug in IDEA? My changes aren't taking effect
L706[10:16:28] <williewillus> you have to it make all
L707[10:16:35] <gigaherz> foundit
L708[10:16:36] <williewillus> to the left of the run config dropdown
L709[10:16:40] <williewillus> and then it'll reload your class
L710[10:17:13] <gigaherz> whitephoenix: it owkrs for me without anything extra
L711[10:17:30] <gigaherz> did you use "gradlew idea" to generate the project?
L712[10:17:35] <gigaherz> it's best to import it from IDEA itself
L713[10:17:37] <whitephoenix> Awesome thanks
L714[10:17:46] <whitephoenix> Yeah I used gradlew idea
L715[10:17:52] <gigaherz> what I do is
L716[10:18:00] <gigaherz> gradlew setupDecompWorkspace
L717[10:18:04] <whitephoenix> So I guess I just use the make button like I save normally
L718[10:18:08] <gigaherz> then import the build.gradle into IDEA
L719[10:18:17] <gigaherz> then from within idea's gradle panel
L720[10:18:23] <gigaherz> run the genIntellijRuns task
L721[10:18:43] <gigaherz> (and accept idea's reload proejct request)
L722[10:18:57] <gigaherz> then everything "just works"
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L724[10:19:08] <whitephoenix> Hmm okay
L725[10:19:10] <gigaherz> then whe ndebugging
L726[10:19:13] <gigaherz> you hit the build button
L727[10:19:23] <gigaherz> and it will request to hotswap classes
L728[10:19:32] <whitephoenix> Great thank you
L729[10:19:56] <gigaherz> yay thx williewillus, no pausing anymore ;P
L730[10:20:28] <gigaherz> which means I now hear the constant noises of all the slimes spawning all over the flatworld
L731[10:20:35] <williewillus> man, good on them http://www.apple.com/customer-letter/
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L733[10:20:58] <Bitterholz> fry, so i CANT use the individual Objects inside the Model to set up the Layers?
L734[10:21:18] <fry> I don't know.
L735[10:21:32] <Bitterholz> Anyone who might know here?
L736[10:21:42] <williewillus> i thought the multilayermodels only accepted variants
L737[10:21:58] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L738[10:22:26] <fry> either variants or model locations directly, willie
L739[10:22:48] <Xilef11> is there an easy way to make a block with multiple layers and code-defined colors per layer? like a block version of spawn eggs
L740[10:22:50] <gigaherz> Bitterholz: given that fry wrote most of that stuff, if he doesn't know...
L741[10:22:50] <gigaherz> XD
L742[10:23:08] <gigaherz> Xilef11: I don't believe blocks can have different tints per layer, no
L743[10:23:27] <williewillus> i thought you could
L744[10:23:30] <gigaherz> you'd have to create a smart block model that manually tints the layers based on the blockstates
L745[10:23:37] <williewillus> by specifying a different tintindex number
L746[10:23:46] <williewillus> and returning a different colormultiplier based on that number
L747[10:23:50] <gigaherz> you can make use of the IColorableQuads or whatever the name was
L748[10:23:56] <gigaherz> to change the color of the quads on demand
L749[10:24:09] <Xilef11> Currently doing it with a custom IBakedModel (https://github.com/Xilef11/Runes-of-Wizardry/blob/1.8.9/src/main/java/com/zpig333/runesofwizardry/client/model/ModelDustStorage.java)
L750[10:24:11] <williewillus> but tintindex takes a number that is passed to colormultiplier
L751[10:24:12] <Bitterholz> fry, so i could give "Solid": domain:name.obj#side1=true and so on?
L752[10:24:22] <williewillus> that's not a variant
L753[10:24:33] <williewillus> *.obj is not a blockstate file so you can't do #'s on them
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L755[10:24:46] <fry> ^
L756[10:24:58] <Bitterholz> OFFICIALLY SCRW IT XD
L757[10:25:06] <Bitterholz> Going CUTOUT now
L758[10:25:23] <Bitterholz> I give up XD
L759[10:25:25] <Xilef11> but it spams the log with FileNotFound and the lighting is off
L760[10:26:00] <williewillus> I'm pretty sure that it cna be done in json with tintindex+colorMultiplier
L761[10:27:09] <Bitterholz> williewillus, or Black Magic? Kappa
L762[10:27:10] <gigaherz> [17:23] (williewillus): by specifying a different tintindex number
L763[10:27:10] <gigaherz> [17:23] (williewillus): and returning a different colormultiplier based on that number
L764[10:27:15] <gigaherz> hmm there's tint indices for blocks?
L765[10:27:20] * gigaherz shrugs
L766[10:27:23] <williewillus> there's tintindexes for anything
L767[10:27:28] <williewillus> it's part of the vanilla model format
L768[10:27:46] <gigaherz> ah you mjean specifying both the tint index AND the color multiplied in the json?
L769[10:27:47] <Bitterholz> is tintindexes goin to help me?
L770[10:27:53] <williewillus> it goes in a face
L771[10:27:55] <gigaherz> no, it would help Xilef11
L772[10:27:59] <Bitterholz> ah
L773[10:28:31] <williewillus> ah yes
L774[10:28:37] <williewillus> tintindex is passed directly into colorMultiplier
L775[10:29:09] <williewillus> so you can color different faces differently
L776[10:29:24] <williewillus> the third praam of colorMultiplier is still 1.7 named, it's not really renderpass it's tintindex
L777[10:29:34] <gigaherz> lol funny how Biffa and Sips both released 3 videos for Cities Skylines DLC, both showing the same content roughly
L778[10:29:39] <gigaherz> in each video
L779[10:29:43] <gigaherz> and both within minutes of eachother
L780[10:30:01] <Bitterholz> What does world.getBlockState(pos.north()) need to be equal to if I want to adress every possible Inventory?
L781[10:30:12] <gigaherz> ?
L782[10:30:15] <gigaherz> wat
L783[10:30:20] <gigaherz> blockstate doesn't matter with inventories
L784[10:30:26] <gigaherz> you'd want to do
L785[10:30:34] <gigaherz> world.getTileEntityAt(pos)
L786[10:30:35] <Bitterholz> i wanna directional check for an adjacent inventory
L787[10:30:38] <gigaherz> check if it'sn ot null
L788[10:30:49] <williewillus> for (EnumFacing e : EnumFacing.VALUES) world.getTileEntity(pos.offset(e));
L789[10:30:51] <gigaherz> and if te instanceof IInventory
L790[10:30:54] <gigaherz> or
L791[10:30:59] <gigaherz> if you want to use IItemHandler instead
L792[10:31:08] <gigaherz> then use te.hasCapability and te.getCapability
L793[10:31:23] <Xilef11> williewillus, all the faces are the same, but have 2 textures of different colors
L794[10:31:35] <gigaherz> as I said earlier to McJty
L795[10:31:36] <gigaherz> [15:19] (gigaherz): all you do is
L796[10:31:36] <gigaherz> [15:19] (gigaherz): if (cap.hasCapability(CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY, facing))
L797[10:31:37] <gigaherz> [15:19] (gigaherz): itemHandler = cap.getCapability(CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY, facing);
L798[10:31:37] <gigaherz> [15:20] (gigaherz): where "cap" is something that implements ICapabilityProvider
L799[10:31:38] <gigaherz> [15:20] (gigaherz): namely, TileEntity, ItemStack, Entity
L800[10:31:50] <williewillus> Xilef11: screenshot?
L801[10:36:15] *** Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L802[10:37:08] <Bitterholz> lets hope this works
L803[10:37:09] <Bitterholz> XD
L804[10:37:22] <Xilef11> http://prntscr.com/a4hr4t
L805[10:38:12] <williewillus> and the holes in each texture are filled by the other texture?
L806[10:38:18] <Xilef11> yes
L807[10:38:26] <Xilef11> https://github.com/Xilef11/Runes-of-Wizardry/blob/1.8.9/src/main/java/com/zpig333/runesofwizardry/client/model/ModelDustStorage.java
L808[10:38:58] <williewillus> yeah specify a double cube and set all faces of the second one to use a separate tintindex
L809[10:39:05] <LatvianModder> im pretty sure you can do it with regular blockstates / json models
L810[10:39:08] <williewillus> you can
L811[10:39:13] <williewillus> tintindex + colorMultiplier
L812[10:40:22] <williewillus> like something like this http://pastebin.com/EvRbwkmP
L813[10:40:35] <williewillus> the number after tintindex will be passed directly into the third parameter of colormultiplier
L814[10:41:52] <williewillus> you probably need to render that on the CUTOUT layer though, so the holes in each texture won't become black
L815[10:41:57] <williewillus> but that's a trivial change
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L820[10:47:24] <Celtic> So... I've been trying to flesh-out an idea for a mod for a few days now, and I'm kind of hitting a brick wall.
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L823[10:47:59] <Celtic> Do any of you have any resources/ideas on mod creation from the idea side of things?
L824[10:48:34] <gigaherz> i have plenty of ideas
L825[10:48:55] <gigaherz> but if you mean like, some written document that I can share, no
L826[10:49:06] <gigaherz> why don't you explain your idea
L827[10:49:10] <gigaherz> and we can help you with it?
L828[10:49:12] <Celtic> I mean, now I'm curious, so please share if this is an okay place to do that. But I was more referring to the creative process itself.
L829[10:49:31] <Celtic> Basically I'm stuck on the problem of "what the hell is the point?" if that makes any sense.
L830[10:49:40] <gigaherz> what IS your point?
L831[10:49:44] <Celtic> LOL
L832[10:49:47] <gigaherz> I mean
L833[10:49:52] <Celtic> My bad. So here's what I got.
L834[10:49:52] <gigaherz> what is your end goal with the idea
L835[10:49:57] <Celtic> That's just it. I don't know.
L836[10:50:03] <Celtic> What's the end goal of any of the mods out there?
L837[10:50:07] <gigaherz> there's different reasons why someone would make a mod
L838[10:50:08] <Celtic> That's what I'm trying to understand.
L839[10:50:16] <gigaherz> either you want to fix something that you think vanilla does wrong
L840[10:50:20] <gigaherz> or you want to add some new mechanic
L841[10:50:27] <gigaherz> or you want to add new content to play with existing mechanics
L842[10:50:32] <Celtic> That's honestly the best reason I can think of, is the "fixes".
L843[10:50:53] <gigaherz> my magic mod would fall into the second category: adding new mechanics
L844[10:50:59] <gigaherz> I'm creating a magic mod
L845[10:51:07] <gigaherz> inspired by the Magicka spell casting system
L846[10:51:13] <Celtic> I want to add more of a new mechanic of sorts, but I guess I'm not really sure what you would "do" with the mechanic at the end of the day.
L847[10:51:29] <Celtic> Basically, I really love mercantile, trading, etc.
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L849[10:52:05] <Celtic> So the very basic idea being that I want to find a way to add an element of trade to the game. But I guess this leaves me in the pit of
L850[10:52:14] <Celtic> "so... why...?"
L851[10:52:18] <LatvianModder> Like FTBU's trade? :P
L852[10:52:23] <gigaherz> you are thinking it wrong
L853[10:52:25] <gigaherz> it's not "why"
L854[10:52:26] ⇦ Parts: ShadowChild|IMASLEEP (~Shadow@ ())
L855[10:52:26] <gigaherz> it's why NOT?
L856[10:52:35] <kyau> ^ this
L857[10:52:40] <Celtic> Uhm, if I'm being honest, I've done zero research on OTHER mods that do what I'm talking about
L858[10:52:46] <LatvianModder> 6 billion for moon rocks? Bought them anyway!
L859[10:52:48] <Celtic> because I don't want to disuade myself from trying it.
L860[10:52:56] <gigaherz> you think of a mechanic you think would be fun to play
L861[10:52:58] <gigaherz> and implement it
L862[10:53:13] <Celtic> My problem is, my mechanic would only be "fun" if there was a reason to use it.
L863[10:53:14] <gigaherz> if you want to have something related to trading
L864[10:53:17] <gigaherz> then you have your goal
L865[10:53:20] <gigaherz> forget "why"
L866[10:53:28] <gigaherz> the answer to that is simply: becuase you want to do it
L867[10:53:31] <LatvianModder> I win at shop mods
L868[10:53:32] <LatvianModder> :P
L869[10:53:39] <Celtic> Then maybe I shouldn't do this after all. Hahaha
L870[10:53:41] <gigaherz> now a wholoe different matter
L871[10:53:51] <LatvianModder> http://imgur.com/JTXwtmG
L872[10:53:51] <gigaherz> is what kind of trading were you thinking of
L873[10:53:58] <LatvianModder> http://imgur.com/Yc02Irs
L874[10:53:59] <LatvianModder> :P
L875[10:54:01] <Celtic> I guess it's like... trading is fun, when it works towards an end goal.
L876[10:54:02] <gigaherz> do you just want to trade between players as you would on an RPG?
L877[10:54:15] <gigaherz> were you thinking more like, sending trains with stuff to "trading posts"
L878[10:54:27] <gigaherz> where you thinking of some economy/stock system
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L880[10:54:35] <gigaherz> where the values of things changes depending on how much is produced/consumed?
L881[10:54:40] <Bitterholz> hmmm...should I check for adjacent IInventory's(For connection rendering Sake) inside the Block or the TE?
L882[10:54:56] <Bitterholz> Block is better FPS whise right?
L883[10:55:04] <LatvianModder> er
L884[10:55:07] <LatvianModder> well
L885[10:55:14] <gigaherz> Bitterholz: forconnections, you'd do it in getActualState
L886[10:55:14] <LatvianModder> you cant really compare those 2
L887[10:55:14] <gigaherz> ;P
L888[10:55:28] <LatvianModder> or you mean rendering?
L889[10:55:28] <gigaherz> simply because it's the function DESIGNED to work with that
L890[10:55:38] <gigaherz> but if you mean actually transferring things
L891[10:55:39] <LatvianModder> like model rendering vs TESR?
L892[10:55:40] <gigaherz> that belongs on the TE
L893[10:55:49] <gigaherz> so maybe you want a mix:
L894[10:56:00] <gigaherz> the Block handles onNeighborBlockChange
L895[10:56:11] <gigaherz> and notifies the TE to refresh the connections
L896[10:56:24] <gigaherz> then the TE keeps the connections in an array of booleans or similar
L897[10:56:31] <gigaherz> which the Block can access from getActualState
L898[10:56:38] <gigaherz> in order to return the concrete connection states
L899[10:56:55] <Bitterholz> I got a Check Connection Method inside the Block that is called by getExtendedState, wich works and doesnt impact FPS
L900[10:57:30] <Bitterholz> AND it caches the Enumfacing of the Connection
L901[10:57:50] <Xilef11> How do I register multiple blocks to use the same model?
L902[10:58:08] <gigaherz> you make a blockstates json file for each
L903[10:58:15] <gigaherz> and make them all point to the same model file
L904[10:58:19] <Bitterholz> Xfile json based or sth like b3d or obj?
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L906[10:58:56] <gigaherz> Bitterholz: you can't "cache" things in the block class
L907[10:59:12] <gigaherz> there's only one instance of Block in the whole program
L908[10:59:28] <Bitterholz> gigaherz, THAT explains ALOT
L909[10:59:48] <gigaherz> the Block class is a "block manager" for ALL blocks of the same type
L910[10:59:49] <Bitterholz> so i CAN modify the state of the Block via the TE right?
L911[10:59:57] <gigaherz> you don't need to modify the state
L912[11:00:19] <gigaherz> as I said
L913[11:00:26] <gigaherz> all you need to do is handle getActualState
L914[11:00:31] <gigaherz> and check for the neighbours there
L915[11:00:39] <gigaherz> if you have them cached, you cache them in your TE (not block)
L916[11:01:25] <Xilef11> I can't make a blockstate json for each, the blocks are generated automatically...
L917[11:01:56] <gigaherz> then you'll have to havea custom thing for them that does the work of the blockstates file in code
L918[11:01:59] <gigaherz> can't remember the name XD
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L920[11:03:11] <Xilef11> statemapper?
L921[11:04:15] <Bitterholz> uhm
L922[11:04:38] <Bitterholz> im super confused, i handled the connecting of the Pipes via the Block Class ATM
L923[11:04:45] <Bitterholz> works JUST FINE
L924[11:04:57] <Bitterholz> actually JUSt the visual Connecting
L925[11:05:20] *** Mraoffle is now known as Mraof
L926[11:06:01] <Bitterholz> now...how do i get the Tile Eintity from the block Class
L927[11:06:08] <Bitterholz> i know
L928[11:06:35] <gigaherz> world.getTileEntityAt(pos)
L929[11:07:12] <Bitterholz> and if that is an instanceof myTile then do shit right
L930[11:07:38] <gigaherz> yeh
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L933[11:11:15] <Bitterholz> checkConnections is growing so fast XD
L934[11:12:33] <Bitterholz> can I outsorce the whole check connection Thingy from the Block to the Tile
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L936[11:13:12] <gigaherz> Bitterholz: of course
L937[11:13:55] <Bitterholz> Cool.
L938[11:15:00] <Bitterholz> and then instead of passing the connection list into the OBJState in getExtendedState, i do it inside the Tile in getActualState?
L939[11:17:02] <gigaherz> no if you have to work with objstate, you have to use getExtendedstate
L940[11:17:13] <Bitterholz> allright
L941[11:17:21] <gigaherz> but you can request the info FROM the TE
L942[11:17:45] <Bitterholz> thats good stuff
L943[11:17:48] <Celtic> Latvian, when you said "FTBU's" trade, what were you referring to specifically?
L944[11:18:06] <LatvianModder> A gui where players will be able to trade with each other
L945[11:18:17] <Celtic> Ah, alright.
L946[11:18:22] <LatvianModder> 1.8.9 future feature
L947[11:18:32] <Celtic> I've been looking around for a mod like I was talking about and I wasn't finding anything. lol
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L950[11:18:54] <LatvianModder> Will most likely be like "Post your offer, and someone will accept it"
L951[11:18:58] <LatvianModder> so like a public trade
L952[11:19:16] <LatvianModder> for personal, there will be Mail, where you can send up to x items
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L954[11:19:35] <Celtic> Ah, yeah. Not really what I'm talking about then.
L955[11:19:38] <Celtic> Though that's neat.
L956[11:19:45] ⇨ Joins: GildedGames (~GildedGam@ec2-54-162-33-40.compute-1.amazonaws.com)
L957[11:19:48] <Wuppy> o/
L958[11:19:53] <LatvianModder> o/
L959[11:20:01] <LatvianModder> and a TL;DR of what you were talking about?
L960[11:20:02] <Wuppy> wazza LatvianModder?
L961[11:20:11] <LatvianModder> Moddin'!
L962[11:20:13] <LatvianModder> as always
L963[11:20:16] <LatvianModder> all day, all night
L964[11:20:18] <LatvianModder> fun :P
L965[11:20:22] <Wuppy> cool :)
L966[11:20:26] <Wuppy> I just finished karting :O
L967[11:20:36] <Celtic> Like... Mario Karting?
L968[11:20:41] ⇨ Joins: KGS (~KGS@h-155-4-135-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se)
L969[11:20:42] <fry> MotvianLadder
L970[11:20:55] <LatvianModder> lol
L971[11:21:07] <LatvianModder> IRL karting?
L972[11:21:16] <Wuppy> IRL karting
L973[11:21:23] <LatvianModder> nice
L974[11:21:29] <Wuppy> the karts were also fast as fuck
L975[11:21:29] <Celtic> But, the same kind of "karting"
L976[11:21:35] <Celtic> Okay, cool. lol
L977[11:21:43] <Wuppy> minus the powerups, yes Celtic
L978[11:21:52] <Celtic> -throws banana at Wuppy-
L979[11:22:04] <LatvianModder> MotvianLadder is going to be, like.. my arch enemy. Yep. I must have one
L980[11:22:09] <whitephoenix> Real life powerups sounds like a good way to get banned
L981[11:22:16] <LatvianModder> Ok, I have a couple. But this is the main!
L982[11:22:19] <gigaherz> someone invented RL "powerups" for karting
L983[11:22:32] <Wuppy> it's easy enough to do that though
L984[11:22:41] <Celtic> I'm living in Tokyo right now, and I see a group of people drive through downtown Shibuya on go-karts dressed as MarioKart characters once a week or two.
L985[11:22:43] <Celtic> It's hilarious.
L986[11:22:48] <gigaherz> the banana peel would stop your kart and turn al lthe way to the left
L987[11:22:54] <gigaherz> for a few seconds
L988[11:23:12] <LatvianModder> did they try expoisions?
L989[11:23:16] <gigaherz> iirc, it was based on NFC
L990[11:23:26] <Wuppy> I was skidding through the corners all the time as well, even without bananas
L991[11:23:31] <gigaherz> so the karts would detect the item by proximity
L992[11:23:34] <gigaherz> when they passed over the item
L993[11:23:46] <Celtic> Oh, so was it like a flat, paper disk that had NFC stuff on it?
L994[11:23:54] <Celtic> Hahaha, nice.
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L996[11:25:40] <Celtic> These guys drive around all the time in Tokyo areas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mrZQr5-LN0
L997[11:25:43] <Celtic> It's hilarious.
L998[11:25:46] *** AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L999[11:25:58] <Celtic> I love the Bowser.
L1000[11:26:06] <Wuppy> oh also, pretty genious, during the first lap of the first of our groups, someone drove into the wall so hard that they had to fix the wall :P
L1001[11:26:30] <LatvianModder> And they didnt.. you know.. have to fix the person?
L1002[11:26:31] <Wuppy> they had to stop for a few minutes because she drove into the wall :P
L1003[11:26:38] <Wuppy> no surprisngly not
L1004[11:26:58] <Wuppy> the karts are pretty secure though, plus a helmet and a tire wall
L1005[11:27:26] ⇨ Joins: MattDahEpic (~MattDahEp@184-96-202-46.hlrn.qwest.net)
L1006[11:28:50] <LatvianModder> How do I find fellow Latvian modders?
L1007[11:28:56] <LatvianModder> I havent heard about anyone else
L1008[11:29:11] <Wuppy> uhhh, ask on minecraftforum?
L1009[11:29:18] <LatvianModder> Gilby, but he seems to live in Canada, so it doest count
L1010[11:29:24] <PaleoCrafter> getEntitiesWithinAABB, hurr durr
L1011[11:29:24] <LatvianModder> I dont use any forums
L1012[11:29:25] <LatvianModder> :P
L1013[11:29:28] <LatvianModder> lol
L1014[11:29:33] <LatvianModder> that might just work
L1015[11:32:31] <MattDahEpic> well shit, i just sat down and fell through my chair. any computer chair recommendations?
L1016[11:34:26] <PaleoCrafter> just stand, I hear it's better for your back anyways :P
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L1018[11:38:33] <fry> but worse for feet :P
L1019[11:39:03] <PaleoCrafter> Heh
L1020[11:40:14] <whitephoenix> Can I call a function after a timer finishes on a normal block or do I need a tile entity?
L1021[11:40:38] <PaleoCrafter> You can schedule a block update
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L1024[11:43:18] <gigaherz> MattDahEpic: get one with tall back
L1025[11:43:20] <whitephoenix> What class is the function in? I didn't see anything like that in Block
L1026[11:43:41] <gigaherz> in world
L1027[11:43:55] <gigaherz> you ask the world to giveyou a block update after X ticks
L1028[11:44:01] <whitephoenix> Ah thanks
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L1032[11:47:42] <MattDahEpic> is there an ore dictionary value for all stairs and all slabs?
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L1034[11:50:52] <whitephoenix> When I started to learn to mod a week or so ago I thought using the mods would be the best part but actually making them is really fun too
L1035[11:55:51] <Celtic> Is this IRC an appropriate forum to discuss a mod that's still very much in the "idea" stage?
L1036[11:55:57] <Bitterholz> World Util Class FTW
L1037[11:56:14] <Celtic> I dont' want to dilute the channel if it's not "okay".
L1038[11:57:58] <MattDahEpic> Celtic, it should be okay if its not asking people to do it for you
L1039[12:00:06] <Bitterholz> So whats your Idea Celtic
L1040[12:01:00] <Celtic> Well basically this.
L1041[12:01:23] <Celtic> I feel like the "energy" generation mods, along with most of the magic mods have been fairly well covered at this point.
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L1043[12:02:03] <Celtic> But, for me, I enjoy games like EVE online, Recettear, Evocron Mercenary, etc.
L1044[12:02:10] <Wuppy> ^ someone seems to like c++ :P
L1045[12:02:46] <Celtic> So I had this idea to add some form of useful economy to a mod.
L1046[12:03:16] <Celtic> Having sat and thought about it for longer, I've broken it down into a more simplistic thought, and in a way it's almost kind of it's own "energy" systemm.
L1047[12:03:20] <Celtic> One second though.
L1048[12:03:59] <Celtic> http://hastebin.com/iseyunefog.pas
L1049[12:04:08] <Celtic> I guess that's a VERY general layout of sort of what I had in mind.
L1050[12:04:14] <Celtic> I need to continue thinking/elaborating.
L1051[12:04:26] <Celtic> But I want to give the mod some sort of feel of "purpose".
L1052[12:04:42] <Celtic> An arbitrary currency doesn't do much for anyone. I want people to WANT to use the mod to progress.
L1053[12:06:00] <MattDahEpic> i seem unable to fix my recipes, they dont give the correct item: https://github.com/MattDahEpic/RingkyDinks/blob/1.8.9/src/main/java/com/mattdahepic/ringkydinks/proxy/CommonProxy.java#L45-L49
L1054[12:09:12] <whitephoenix> I'm trying to detect if a player is holding my item when they activate my block using this: http://pastebin.com/ha0VF5Nc but it never actually passes the if statement test
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L1056[12:14:46] <MattDahEpic> do player.getCurrentEquippedItem().getItem() instanceof ItemBlaziumLampSlab
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L1058[12:17:28] <MattDahEpic> if you give a potion effect on the server will the client get it?
L1059[12:18:16] <Celtic> I guess let me ask this. What's the end goal of Minecraft? Or maybe more focused, what's the end goal of the Magic or Energy mods? Just to get to the final technology? Or is it just to spiral ever-larger into power/magic ability? (Sorry, I'm just having a bit of a philosophical debate on the point of mods. :P)
L1060[12:18:58] <fry> the point is to have fun :P
L1061[12:19:17] <SkySom> ^
L1062[12:19:28] <Celtic> Don't you simplify and reduce my mental breakdowns to realistic, simple answers! xP
L1063[12:20:00] <fry> there's no better answer :P
L1064[12:20:25] <MattDahEpic> if a mod has achievements the end goal is usually to the stuff to get all the achievements
L1065[12:20:30] <SkySom> Any other answer would became specific to people
L1066[12:20:48] <whitephoenix> MattDahEpic: Can't resolve symbol player, I'm assuming I forgot something
L1067[12:21:20] <Lymia> Celtic, I sot of feel like this is a big design flaw with... basically most Minecraft mods out there.
L1068[12:21:21] <SkySom> What is your entityplayer variable called
L1069[12:21:42] <whitephoenix> I don't have one...
L1070[12:21:45] <Lymia> They add more things to make or use (tech mods, etc), but don't add any additional content to Minecraft (dungeons, dimensions with quest lines etc)
L1071[12:22:13] <Lymia> The exceptions I can think of are... what, Twilight Forest? I'm sure there's more, but, that's the only popular one I can think of.
L1072[12:22:21] <mikebald> whitephoenix in the paste you listed, it's entityPlayer
L1073[12:22:23] <Celtic> I guess that's what I'm trying to resolve.
L1074[12:22:44] <infinitefoxes_> Mojang is apparently releasing 1.9 next week
L1075[12:22:55] <infinitefoxes_> gr
L1076[12:23:04] <MattDahEpic> infinitefoxes_, is that confirmed?
L1077[12:23:14] <infinitefoxes_> https://twitter.com/Marc_IRL/status/700021293639299072
L1078[12:23:17] <infinitefoxes_> straight from Marc
L1079[12:23:46] <MattDahEpic> i said "inb4 mojang says fuck all the game breaking bugs lets release this"
L1080[12:24:02] <infinitefoxes_> oh is that not like
L1081[12:24:05] <MattDahEpic> AND LO THEY DID
L1082[12:24:06] <infinitefoxes_> every release since 1.3?
L1083[12:24:12] <Lymia> I feel like you don't really have to think all that hard or deep about it. The answer's pretty clear.
L1084[12:24:42] <Celtic> You talking to me, Lymia?
L1085[12:24:46] <Lymia> Yeah.
L1086[12:24:46] <MattDahEpic> infinitefoxes_, the biggest ones are that nether and end portals dont ever actually bring you to the correct place
L1087[12:24:55] <MattDahEpic> they drop you in the void or suffocate you
L1088[12:25:18] <Lymia> The "natural" solution is more something like Twilight Forest, IMO. Minecraft has adventuring and combat mechanics, and one answer is to add more challenges and content that uses those. Like Twilight Forest does.
L1089[12:25:32] <Celtic> I'll be the first to admit that I think part of my problem is that I'm not good at just "starting small"
L1090[12:25:38] <infinitefoxes_> oh, Mojang
L1091[12:25:38] <infinitefoxes_> https://i.imgur.com/k62qwoi.png
L1092[12:25:39] <Lymia> On the other side, for people who want to build, or use Minecraft as a sandbox game... there's no point to adding a focused goal, or some kind of "end goal".
L1093[12:25:40] <Celtic> I kind of want to have some grand scheme hatched from day one.
L1094[12:25:55] <Lymia> The game itself is the goal, kinda. They can just use mods to build, or play around with them.
L1095[12:26:53] <fry> Celtic: having a grand scheme is a good way to burn yourself out and never release anything
L1096[12:27:01] <Celtic> That's... yeah.
L1097[12:27:19] <whitephoenix> So the problem now is that I don't have a class called ItemBlaziumLampSlab, I have BlockBlaziumLampSlab but it can't cast the item to a block so I have no idea
L1098[12:27:22] <Celtic> It's not the first I've tried.
L1099[12:27:36] <Celtic> Not with Minecraft before, but other things definitel.
L1100[12:27:36] <Lymia> I have big ideas too, but... I generally do know it's possible, and something I can make concrete steps to work towards
L1101[12:27:37] <Celtic> y*
L1102[12:28:12] <Celtic> Yeah. I just need to think about it more I guess. Part of my issue is that I want it to be a mod that people use.
L1103[12:28:14] <infinitefoxes_> whitephoenix: you're trying to get the item from a block?
L1104[12:28:27] <Celtic> Kind of like Minecraft is hard for me, because I only like building useful things that people use.
L1105[12:28:37] <Celtic> I feel like I want to build a mod, but only if it doesn't suck.
L1106[12:28:38] <whitephoenix> infinitefoxes_: I have no idea, I want to check if the player is holding my block, but when it's in the inventory it's an item right?
L1107[12:28:45] <Celtic> I realize that's backwards and silly, but yeah. hahaha
L1108[12:28:58] <fry> it's completely understandable, Celtic
L1109[12:29:17] <infinitefoxes_> whitephoenix: it is, all blocks have a default generic Item IIRC
L1110[12:29:53] <infinitefoxes_> you can create a custom Item and override the onUpdate() method which is called per tick if it's in the inventory
L1111[12:30:14] <MattDahEpic> Item.getItemFromBlock ?
L1112[12:30:43] <infinitefoxes_> oh I thought he was asking if he wanted to check whether a player had it in his inventory
L1113[12:30:50] <infinitefoxes_> if you just need the Item from your Block, use Item.getItemFromBlock(block)
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L1115[12:32:41] <Lymia> I feel like going for "something useful" in Minecraft modding might be actively harmful. :/
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L1117[12:33:06] <Lymia> It's part of the root cause of Minecraft modding power creep.
L1118[12:33:12] <whitephoenix> That didn't work for what I'm trying to do. Taking a step back, I am trying to check if the player is holding my block in their hand
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L1120[12:33:50] <infinitefoxes_> whitephoenix: have you at least managed to get what the player is holding?
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L1122[12:34:28] <Celtic> I won't lie Lymia, I don't know what you're referring to with regard to "power creep"?
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L1124[12:34:33] <Lymia> Is there a hook that runs when an item is in your hand?
L1125[12:34:41] <Lymia> That might bypass the problem.
L1126[12:35:12] <whitephoenix> I think I have let me check
L1127[12:35:18] *** zz_SnowShock35 is now known as SnowShock35
L1128[12:35:44] <fry> "that mod adds 100000000RF generator? I'll make 1000000000000000RF generator, I'll be more useful!"
L1129[12:36:46] <Lymia> Not usually so unsubtle, but, that basic thought process.
L1130[12:37:20] <Lymia> "It'd be useful if you could automate so-and-so" and thus breaking something another modder expected to be able to use as a progression limiting mechanic.
L1131[12:37:40] <Lymia> "It'd be useful if you could duplicate ore." And now all mods that are balanced for normal income are rendered twice as easy.
L1132[12:37:56] <Lymia> "It'd be useful if you could automatically mine." And now all mods that rely on ore income to limit progress are broken in half.
L1133[12:38:08] <whitephoenix> Hmm getCurrentEquippedItem().getItem() returns "net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@602fe822"
L1134[12:38:28] <whitephoenix> Oh never mind
L1135[12:39:15] <Lymia> One of the more annoying parts of Java. :D
L1136[12:39:20] <Lymia> Nothing has useful toString methods.
L1137[12:39:28] <fry> "every mod doubles ores, I should make a way to triple ores, so people play my mod instead!"
L1138[12:39:43] <MattDahEpic> inb4 mekanish quintupling
L1139[12:39:55] <Celtic> Alright. Well, I understand that. But I guess I put that problem more on the mod-users/players.
L1140[12:39:56] <mikebald> Lymia that's not just Java; if you want some useful data from ToString() in your objects you need to override it
L1141[12:40:15] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1142[12:40:28] <fry> not true for large classes (hah) of objects
L1143[12:40:43] <Lymia> mikebald, it's not so bad in, say, Scala, where case classes autogenerate useful toString methods, and standard library classes like collections define useful toString methods.
L1144[12:40:53] <Lymia> Or Haskell where show is defined for a lot of built-in collections.
L1145[12:41:01] <fry> usually sensible default of "type name + list of fields .toString" works wanders
L1146[12:41:10] <gigaherz> fry: triple? pff
L1147[12:41:24] <gigaherz> couldn't you quintuple ores with mekanism?
L1148[12:41:25] <gigaherz> XD
L1149[12:41:32] <tterrag> yes
L1150[12:41:41] <gigaherz> which always bothered me
L1151[12:41:42] <tterrag> though it is arguably complex enough to warrant the bonus
L1152[12:41:43] <Celtic> I don't know much, so I don't want to rat on anyone.
L1153[12:41:46] <gigaherz> when you "purify" things
L1154[12:41:48] <fry> never played mekanism, and now probably never will be :P
L1155[12:41:49] <gigaherz> you don't get MORE of it
L1156[12:41:49] <tterrag> triple is a bit too easy for my taste
L1157[12:41:53] <gigaherz> you get less, but of higher quality
L1158[12:41:54] <gigaherz> XD
L1159[12:42:04] <gigaherz> fry: doubling is the normal process
L1160[12:42:09] <tterrag> however 4x and 5x are so complex that by the time you do them you're well past any stage in the game where getting more ore is all taht useful
L1161[12:42:09] <Celtic> But I've heard that Mekanism is kind of the like... more... ridiculous of the Tech mods?
L1162[12:42:12] <fry> not in vanilla :P
L1163[12:42:13] <gigaherz> tripling requires one extra machine
L1164[12:42:19] <gigaherz> quadruple requires an even morecomplex chain
L1165[12:42:25] <Lymia> I don't think it matters if it's 2x, or 3x, or even 10x.
L1166[12:42:29] <gigaherz> quintupling requires a whole factory
L1167[12:42:33] ⇦ Quits: Cobbleopolis (~Cobbleopo@2602:302:d104:c430::45) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1168[12:42:45] <Lymia> That's just a numbers thing, and doesn't intrinsically make it easier or harder.
L1169[12:42:46] <mikebald> Lymia Didn't realize you had a specific language in mind that you were using for comparison
L1170[12:43:24] <Lymia> The problem comes when you say "It'd be useful if you could triple instead of double.", and then make a mod with a higher baseline than everything that came before roughly balanced around vanilla.
L1171[12:43:38] <Lymia> That starts power creep, which is quite a vicious cycle.
L1172[12:43:52] <Lymia> mikebald, not just a specific language, but, pretty much most languages I've worked with. :/
L1173[12:44:03] <fry> and we get the ecosystem where everything relies on doubling being the default :P
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L1176[12:44:37] <Lymia> Haskell, Python, etc, I've never experienced anything like "java.lang.ArrayList@whatever" before.
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L1178[12:44:47] <Lymia> then just wanting to stare at it and going "what".
L1179[12:44:53] <mikebald> Lymia C# is the same way for the most part
L1180[12:44:59] <Lymia> I think that might have been fixed by now though.
L1181[12:45:19] <fry> compatibility is a hell of a drug
L1182[12:45:59] <fry> I'm amazed J8 added default methods and lambdas, to be honest
L1183[12:46:19] <fry> didn't think they could pull that off so quickly :P
L1184[12:47:25] * gigaherz wants Extension Methods
L1185[12:47:29] <MattDahEpic> what we need is @mod.minimumJava default 1.6
L1186[12:47:49] * mikebald likes his extension methods =D.
L1187[12:48:03] <Lymia> <fry> and we get the ecosystem where everything relies on doubling being the default :P
L1188[12:48:30] <Lymia> I've already decided for my mod design that my ore requirements will be minimum, and just enough so the recipes work. :v
L1189[12:48:34] <Lymia> I want no part in this
L1190[12:49:00] <Xilef11> is there a way to get the item form of blocks to use the colorMultiplier/tintindex for color?
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L1192[12:49:51] <williewillus> Xilef11: yup
L1193[12:49:59] <williewillus> there's a different method in the Item class you have to override
L1194[12:50:34] <LatvianModder> fry: any idea when we all can move to Java 8 for minecraft?
L1195[12:50:46] <gigaherz> LatvianModder: anyone can use j8 for mods
L1196[12:50:59] <gigaherz> forge will stay at j6 simply because minecraft itself is j6
L1197[12:51:01] <williewillus> when mojang does
L1198[12:51:02] <LatvianModder> N..no. Well, I mean, for real
L1199[12:51:07] <PaleoCrafter> MattDahEpic, afaik cpw is planning to do something like that
L1200[12:51:09] <williewillus> when mojang does :P
L1201[12:51:14] <gigaherz> LatvianModder: so far as Mojang thinks it's best to stick to J6
L1202[12:51:14] <MattDahEpic> yay\
L1203[12:51:16] <williewillus> Xilef11: getColorFromItemStack
L1204[12:51:17] <LatvianModder> And when they will? :P
L1205[12:51:31] <PaleoCrafter> Or at least, display a meaningful error when a mod uses J8
L1206[12:51:33] <williewillus> I'm not sure if that renderpass argument works in the same way though
L1207[12:51:45] <gigaherz> LatvianModder: well they already bundle j8 with the launcher
L1208[12:51:45] <williewillus> try it
L1209[12:51:47] <gigaherz> so eventually
L1210[12:51:47] <Lymia> Depending on how important Scala is, Scala 2.12 is going to have to force a decision one way or another. (Hold Scala version back, drop Scala, require Java 8)
L1211[12:51:48] <gigaherz> ;P
L1212[12:51:53] <Lymia> Because it's dropping support for Java <8
L1213[12:51:55] <Xilef11> no, its the layer of the item model...
L1214[12:52:11] <williewillus> actually, yes it will
L1215[12:52:13] <williewillus> it
L1216[12:52:15] <fry> sadly, Scala is not at all important to forge
L1217[12:52:17] <williewillus> 's the tint index as well
L1218[12:52:20] <Bitterholz> hmm, i need to create the Pipes Tile when i find it null in getExtendedState...
L1219[12:52:24] <LatvianModder> We shouldnt have included scala in the first place
L1220[12:52:27] <Lymia> Still always have dependency shading.
L1221[12:52:35] <Bitterholz> but how do I initialise the Tile for the Block from there?
L1222[12:52:41] <Lymia> But nobody in the Minecraft modding community other than a few people know how to set up stuff like that. :/
L1223[12:52:44] <Xilef11> oh... so I guess all I have to do is register a custom ItemBlock for my blocks?
L1224[12:52:51] <Bitterholz> Have implemented ITileEntityProvider
L1225[12:52:52] *** Cojo|AFK is now known as Cojo
L1226[12:52:52] <LatvianModder> createNewTileEntity()
L1227[12:52:58] <PaleoCrafter> You can still fall back to the old backend in 2.12, iirc
L1228[12:53:01] <Lymia> (Rename scala.* to mod.dep.scala.* or whatever)
L1229[12:53:03] <LatvianModder> You can also extend BlockContainer, its safer
L1230[12:53:07] <williewillus> Xilef11: yup, I do that to get mana pools to color
L1231[12:53:09] <williewillus> ewww NO
L1232[12:53:10] <gigaherz> I keep wondering
L1233[12:53:11] <williewillus> do not use BlockContainer
L1234[12:53:12] <Lymia> But that breaks extension mods.
L1235[12:53:13] <gigaherz> there's maven and all that
L1236[12:53:15] <williewillus> do NOT
L1237[12:53:17] <williewillus> :P
L1238[12:53:21] <LatvianModder> Why?
L1239[12:53:33] <williewillus> because facilities already exist in the block class
L1240[12:53:36] <williewillus> to do everything you need
L1241[12:53:38] <LatvianModder> *wispers* I use BlockContainer for every block
L1242[12:53:39] <Bitterholz> LatvianModder, but createNewTileEntity takes a World as arg
L1243[12:53:46] <Bitterholz> i do not know how to get the world
L1244[12:53:46] <Lymia> gigaherz, unless we get Project Jigsaw integration (which is going to be, like, Java 9 or 10)
L1245[12:53:48] <LatvianModder> Oh, dont use it
L1246[12:53:57] <LatvianModder> I mean. One sec
L1247[12:54:01] <Lymia> There'll always be the problem of mods depending on different versions of something.
L1248[12:54:03] <Lymia> :/
L1249[12:54:13] <williewillus> block.createTileEntity(IBlockState world) and block.hasTileEntity(IBlockState)
L1250[12:54:13] <gigaherz> wouldn't it be possible to have a mod specify some libs available through a mvaen repo, and have forge somehow get those libs for you?
L1251[12:54:14] <williewillus> are all you need
L1252[12:54:19] <williewillus> BlockContainer is unneeded bulk
L1253[12:54:26] <Lymia> Which is why I like the approach of renaming library class names.
L1254[12:54:29] <gigaherz> isntead of having to shade the libs on each mod and all that crap
L1255[12:54:32] <PaleoCrafter> Java 9 *is* Jigsaw
L1256[12:54:48] <Lymia> No other features? Skeptical.
L1257[12:54:58] <fry> java9 is not here yet :P
L1258[12:55:03] <Lymia> (From earlier, honestly, I'm pretty sure tech mods's main problem is that they're mods that add technology for the player to use, and not full "technology themed mods.")
L1259[12:55:21] <LatvianModder> williewillus: What happens with breakBlock and sendSomethingEvents?
L1260[12:55:25] <Lymia> (I can't think of anything that does things like add tech-themed cities to the worldgen, or hidden labs underground, and stuff like that)
L1261[12:55:28] <williewillus> wat
L1262[12:55:31] <PaleoCrafter> No other spectacular features planned as far as I'm aware
L1263[12:55:32] <LatvianModder> do I have to override them for each tile entity?
L1264[12:55:45] <williewillus> no, because minecraft does that already
L1265[12:55:53] <PaleoCrafter> J10 might have the real shit like Valhalla
L1266[12:55:55] <williewillus> the block breaking that is
L1267[12:56:00] <LatvianModder> oh, I see
L1268[12:56:03] <williewillus> the event stuff is not, but no one even uses that
L1269[12:56:18] <LatvianModder> .. then why the heck vanilla has BlockCont.. Oh right. #BecauseMojang
L1270[12:56:30] <MattDahEpic> Lymia, my mod adds secret labs
L1271[12:56:31] *** K-4U|Streaming is now known as K-4U
L1272[12:57:09] <Lymia> Do they act as proper tech-themed dungeons? Do they serve to add challenging content that matches the equipment or whatever you might add?
L1273[12:57:27] <Lymia> IIRC, some stuff like Ars Magica does that.
L1274[12:57:33] <williewillus> I disagree, not every mod has to have a full built-out experience
L1275[12:57:38] <Bitterholz> williewillus, but createTileEntity(World, IBlockState) needs a World to be specified, i need to get that world somehow
L1276[12:57:54] <Bitterholz> it requests that from me
L1277[12:57:59] <gigaherz> you do NOT call that
L1278[12:58:02] <gigaherz> minecraft calls it for you
L1279[12:58:03] <williewillus> you NEVER calll that manually
L1280[12:58:06] <williewillus> if you do you're doing it r=wrong
L1281[12:58:08] <williewillus> *wrong
L1282[12:58:14] <gigaherz> when the blockstates changes
L1283[12:58:15] <McJty> Hmm, if your mod depends on the new IItemHandler then what version of forge should you set as a minimum requirement?
L1284[12:58:24] <williewillus> latest recommended
L1285[12:58:26] <williewillus> 1722
L1286[12:58:31] <McJty> ok thanks
L1287[12:58:55] <MattDahEpic> McJty, can i see how you do the iitemhandler stuff it isnt working for me
L1288[12:59:30] <McJty> Well I haven't done much with that yet. The only IItemHandler stuff that I have is examining it in other blocks
L1289[12:59:34] <McJty> But I'm not yet implementing it myself
L1290[12:59:39] <McJty> That's on my todo
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L1293[13:00:26] <gigaherz> exposing IItemHandler is relatively easy too
L1294[13:01:08] <Bitterholz> lets ask the question more precise, HOW do I ensure my Block has its TE BEFORE getExtendedState gets called?
L1295[13:01:22] <FallingD> in other fun news, 1.9 :D \s
L1296[13:01:24] <gigaherz> Bitterholz: you do not
L1297[13:01:42] <gigaherz> the TE should always exist on getExtendedState/getActualState
L1298[13:01:47] <gigaherz> but a null check never hurts
L1299[13:02:04] <Bitterholz> and if its null waht shall I do to chatch that?
L1300[13:02:23] <gigaherz> just leave the default state without side connections
L1301[13:02:33] <PaleoCrafter> null checks hurt very much, gigaherz
L1302[13:03:20] <Bitterholz> guess createTileEntity should return new MyTile() instead of super.createTileEntity...
L1303[13:03:26] <gigaherz> yes of course
L1304[13:03:30] <Bitterholz> DURP
L1305[13:03:42] <gigaherz> and hasTileEntity should return true
L1306[13:04:00] <Bitterholz> do I even need TileEntityProvider anymore?
L1307[13:04:06] <gigaherz> nope
L1308[13:04:11] <Bitterholz> gg getting rid of it
L1309[13:04:50] ⇦ Quits: poiuy_qwert (~poiuy_qwe@ (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
L1310[13:04:58] <Bitterholz> lets hope shit works now
L1311[13:05:35] <Bitterholz> NOPE still crashes on world load XD
L1312[13:07:23] <gigaherz> FallingD: \o/ 1.9-pre
L1313[13:08:33] ⇨ Joins: ZaggyMobile2 (~Zaggy1024@174-20-167-106.mpls.qwest.net)
L1314[13:09:00] <FallingD> start the updating! (you know, once Lex updates forge and mojang actually releases 1.9 instead of pre and MCP mappings are in a acceptable state)
L1315[13:09:11] <gigaherz> don't get ahead of yourself
L1316[13:09:15] <gigaherz> ;P
L1317[13:09:24] <gigaherz> frist step is to start looking at the differences
L1318[13:09:38] <gigaherz> see how much work the forge upgrade will be
L1319[13:09:43] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L1320[13:09:48] <gigaherz> if they changed the obfuscation, it would be annoying
L1321[13:09:48] <gigaherz> ;P
L1322[13:10:06] <FallingD> mostly more features right, no big underlying changes like the block models in 1.8
L1323[13:10:09] <FallingD> right?
L1324[13:10:13] <gigaherz> wellllll
L1325[13:10:20] <gigaherz> they did the whole item attributes thing
L1326[13:10:29] <gigaherz> not sure how those work
L1327[13:10:31] <FallingD> oh yh that is gonna take a bit of work
L1328[13:10:57] <gigaherz> also, mojang was working on something resembling forge blockstates for vanilla, dunno where that went
L1329[13:11:14] <gigaherz> then,
L1330[13:11:23] <gigaherz> there's the entity roll feature (elytra wings)
L1331[13:11:42] <MattDahEpic> ooh ItemStates?
L1332[13:11:55] <gigaherz> MattDahEpic: not necessarily
L1333[13:12:10] <gigaherz> I mean the stuff where the tools have attributes
L1334[13:12:13] <MattDahEpic> oh
L1335[13:12:14] <gigaherz> such as swing time
L1336[13:12:27] <Wuppy> wow organizing proper events is a lot of work :<
L1337[13:12:31] <Wuppy> but the result is awesome
L1338[13:12:38] <gigaherz> then there's non-player "item use" stuff
L1339[13:12:46] <gigaherz> where skeletons actually "use" the bow
L1340[13:13:08] <gigaherz> they also changed entity riding
L1341[13:13:12] <PaleoCrafter> Wuppy, I hope they don't all have their own listener interface, hue hue
L1342[13:13:21] <gigaherz> then there's the sound event stuff
L1343[13:13:27] <gigaherz> we may need extra metadata on sounds
L1344[13:13:33] <Wuppy> haha PaleoCrafter
L1345[13:13:43] <MattDahEpic> sub titles inb4 raughs
L1346[13:13:48] <Wuppy> GoKartEvent
L1347[13:14:19] <Bitterholz> time to Sorcetree
L1348[13:16:28] <PaleoCrafter> Dual wielding probably has changed some stuff internally as well, I'd imagine
L1349[13:16:38] <gigaherz> maybe
L1350[13:16:44] <gigaherz> but I imagine it as being just some
L1351[13:16:50] <Wuppy> karting is absolutely awesome though, we're going to do it more often :P
L1352[13:16:59] <gigaherz> extra slot in the player
L1353[13:17:04] <gigaherz> and some player.getSecondaryItem
L1354[13:17:11] <gigaherz> used by the rightclick processing code
L1355[13:17:39] <MattDahEpic> does giving a player a potion effect only on the server cause it not to work?
L1356[13:17:55] <gigaherz> no? the server is responisble from syncing the data with the client
L1357[13:18:07] <MattDahEpic> well it appears to not be doing that
L1358[13:18:39] <PaleoCrafter> Yeah, but maybe they were clever enough to add extra methods to allow different behaviour depending on the holding hand
L1359[13:18:49] <PaleoCrafter> If not, forge will probably do it :D
L1360[13:21:21] <gigaherz> hm?
L1361[13:21:36] <gigaherz> all they do if you choose "left handed" is flip the items ;P
L1362[13:21:50] <gigaherz> (as in, they render the item use animation and itemstack on the opposite hand)
L1363[13:21:54] ⇨ Joins: Flenix (~Flenix@2a01:4f8:201:63e2::2)
L1364[13:21:58] <gigaherz> and all they do for item use (I guess)
L1365[13:22:15] <gigaherz> is if main hand handles rightclick -> use main hand, else use secondary hand
L1366[13:23:07] <PaleoCrafter> I'm just wondering if the item is aware of the hand :P
L1367[13:25:11] <PaleoCrafter> I can't come up with a use for that right now but I'm sure some mod will find it handy xD
L1368[13:25:28] <MattDahEpic> is there a something like contributing.md for issues on github?
L1369[13:25:36] <gigaherz> I highly doubt that
L1370[13:25:49] <gigaherz> MattDahEpic: ?
L1371[13:25:56] <gigaherz> just explain your issue clearly
L1372[13:26:01] <gigaherz> provide steps to reproduce
L1373[13:26:12] <gigaherz> that's all needed
L1374[13:26:40] <MattDahEpic> people with common sense would know that but others need a big yellow bar telling them what to do
L1375[13:27:01] <MattDahEpic> ive gotten 3 shrug reports in the past week
L1376[13:27:02] <Bitterholz> ahhhh enough coding for today XD 10 Hours is more than enough
L1377[13:27:41] <Flenix> Looks like we've finally got a vanilla 1.9 release date. Que countless people asking for 1.9 forge instantly...
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L1379[13:27:59] <gigaherz> I remember google code had a way to configure a wiki page to show when people clicked on the links at the top
L1380[13:28:03] <gigaherz> but I dont' think github has anything like that
L1381[13:29:38] <gigaherz> Flenix: yeh
L1382[13:29:51] <gigaherz> but forge has already stated they aren't going to "rush" a forge release this time
L1383[13:29:57] <gigaherz> it will take as long as it needs to take
L1384[13:30:16] <gigaherz> which probably includes waiting for some patch releases first
L1385[13:30:24] <gigaherz> intead of trying to get forge on 1.9.0 striaght away
L1386[13:30:24] <MattDahEpic> and then another 2 years for people to start actually updating
L1387[13:30:42] <MattDahEpic> :P
L1388[13:30:54] <PaleoCrafter> I'm just indifferent regarding 1.9 xD
L1389[13:31:08] <gigaherz> PaleoCrafter: boats are nice
L1390[13:31:12] <gigaherz> and elytra wings are nicer
L1391[13:31:24] <PaleoCrafter> I haven't looked at it yet
L1392[13:31:58] <flappy> gigaherz: but how mangled is the backend thanks to them
L1393[13:32:07] <gigaherz> backend?
L1394[13:32:49] <MattDahEpic> god damnit my recipes why wont you work!! https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/146233520/ShareX/2016/02/2016-02-17_12-31-43.mp4
L1395[13:33:38] <PaleoCrafter> Prolly NBT something?
L1396[13:34:15] <MattDahEpic> the nbt is right
L1397[13:34:22] <flappy> gigaherz: as in "i wonder how badly mojang had to mangle the backend code to implement them"
L1398[13:34:34] <gigaherz> the wings?
L1399[13:34:45] <gigaherz> they had to implement entity roll, for starters
L1400[13:34:46] <gigaherz> XD
L1401[13:34:50] <gigaherz> but yeah
L1402[13:34:57] <gigaherz> no idea how messy they managed to make it
L1403[13:35:09] <flappy> wings and newboats
L1404[13:35:15] <gigaherz> boats are just boats
L1405[13:35:18] <gigaherz> xcept they don't break
L1406[13:35:29] <flappy> wouldn't be that sure :P
L1407[13:35:31] ⇨ Joins: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872D48.access.telenet.be)
L1408[13:35:32] <gigaherz> and they have the fancy animations
L1409[13:35:45] <MattDahEpic> and can hold 2 entities
L1410[13:36:03] <Wuppy> http://unity3d.com/services/analytics/IAP?utm_source=marketo&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=analytics_global_activation_feb_16_Analytics_Email_IAP&mkt_tok=3RkMMJWWfF9wsRovsq%2FIZKXonjHpfsX66%2BgvWq%2B2hYkz2EFye%2BLIHETpodcMTcNjNbHYDBceEJhqyQJxPr3BLNINw8ZuRhDnDg%3D%3D !!!!
L1411[13:36:04] <MattDahEpic> so they changed the whole riding nbt structure
L1412[13:36:39] <PaleoCrafter> There used to be an unused roll field for the player in earlier versions as well, I think :P
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L1414[13:38:20] <PaleoCrafter> Hm, Wuppy?
L1415[13:38:37] <Wuppy> PaleoCrafter, ever did in app purchases on mobile?
L1416[13:38:53] <Bitterholz> Im out for Today! Thanks everyone for the Great help!
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L1418[13:39:31] <PaleoCrafter> Not really, no, lol
L1419[13:39:37] <Wuppy> it's hell
L1420[13:39:41] <Wuppy> this should make it way easier
L1421[13:39:50] <Wuppy> also, I expect amazing documentation like 99% of the Unity engine
L1422[13:40:00] <Wuppy> I've found poor documentation (a stub) only once so far
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L1424[13:43:23] <PaleoCrafter> Looking at the android API for it right now, it's a little non-abstract but it doesn't look like hell to me :P
L1425[13:43:54] <Wuppy> the cross platform thing is what makes it hard
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L1427[13:46:24] <PaleoCrafter> Ah well, I guess that's true
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L1436[13:51:24] <bilde2910> I need a mod requiring Java 7+. Any quick suggestions? Need to for testing a thing.
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L1438[13:51:48] <bilde2910> I know there are tons of mods out there that require 7+ or 8+ but I can't come up with anything off the top of my head
L1439[13:52:02] <Wuppy> there's still J6 support? :P
L1440[13:52:13] <MattDahEpic> sadly yes
L1441[13:52:14] *** zz_SnowShock35 is now known as SnowShock35
L1442[13:52:19] <MattDahEpic> cause mojang
L1443[13:52:33] <Wuppy> if people are still using Java from 2006 they can't be surprised when stuff breaks
L1444[13:53:09] <bilde2910> Exactly which is why I'm looking into making a mod that warns users about that
L1445[13:53:27] <bilde2910> So I've uninstalled Java 7 and 8 but I.. can't find specific 7+ mods. :P
L1446[13:53:32] <MattDahEpic> bilde2910, diesieben07's sevenscore does that
L1447[13:53:37] <whitephoenix0> I forget where it was but they released a web page that showed that a surprising number of users use java 6
L1448[13:53:46] <bilde2910> Okay thanks, MattDahEpic
L1449[13:53:52] <diesieben07> yeah but i dont think it builds at th emoment even :p
L1450[13:53:58] <diesieben07> there's no public release for it
L1451[13:54:03] ⇨ Joins: NitroxydeX (webchat@p57840932.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1452[13:54:21] <bilde2910> Right, Google came up empty handed
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L1454[13:54:25] <diesieben07> but if you want the code for it... https://git.io/vgAgs
L1455[13:54:28] <bilde2910> Anything else?
L1456[13:54:52] <diesieben07> this for the build.gradle https://git.io/vgAgW
L1457[13:54:59] <bilde2910> I can't really compile it atm
L1458[13:55:10] <diesieben07> ah i thought you were looking for code.
L1459[13:55:16] <bilde2910> Nope, am looking for compiled mods
L1460[13:55:27] <whitephoenix0> according to http://mcstats.org/global/ 0.035% of users use java 6
L1461[13:55:42] <Lord_Ralex> whitephoenix0, that's just servers though
L1462[13:55:45] <Lord_Ralex> client data is different
L1463[13:55:46] <bilde2910> It's the same thing with Java 7 and mods that require Java 8
L1464[13:55:49] <MattDahEpic> anything that uses ArrayList.replace will crash on j6
L1465[13:56:02] <thor12022_oops> this is Java 7+ only minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/pigmen-agro
L1466[13:56:07] <whitephoenix0> Oh
L1467[13:56:22] <bilde2910> Awesome, thanks thor12022_oops
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L1471[13:59:06] <bilde2910> Forge won't set up on Java 6. :P
L1472[13:59:08] *** Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L1473[14:00:00] <IoP> bilde2910: matter overdrive requires java 8
L1474[14:00:16] <bilde2910> Awesome, that's even better IoP
L1475[14:00:26] <gigaherz> my magic mod requires java8
L1476[14:00:27] <gigaherz> ;P
L1477[14:00:56] *** AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L1478[14:01:16] <bilde2910> Time to install JDK 7 then
L1479[14:01:22] *** Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L1480[14:01:35] <diesieben07> what on earth are you even doing? :D
L1481[14:01:37] <MattDahEpic> go 8
L1482[14:02:02] <IoP> bilde2910: I have somewhere notes why FTB 1.7.10 packs requires java7(+)
L1483[14:02:32] ⇦ Quits: Nitrodev (~Nitrodev@dcx0f0yczy783xxg7r-xy-3.rev.dnainternet.fi) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1484[14:02:43] <bilde2910> 8 is perfect
L1485[14:03:03] <bilde2910> Now I just got to see if I can somehow intercept the unsupported version crash
L1486[14:03:17] <bilde2910> Or check all the files before they crash. idk.
L1487[14:03:19] <diesieben07> in an IFMLLoadingPlugin you can
L1488[14:03:34] <diesieben07> there you'd have to check if java 8 is present
L1489[14:03:40] <bilde2910> Whoa, do you have an example of that somewhere?
L1490[14:03:54] <Wuppy> heh, I'm abusing a wordpress website :P
L1491[14:04:02] <Wuppy> you don't have enough control to set the size between 2 elements
L1492[14:04:14] <Wuppy> so just add a few blank elements in between :P
L1493[14:04:31] <PaleoCrafter> Uhm... CSS?
L1494[14:04:48] *** SnowShock35 is now known as zz_SnowShock35
L1495[14:04:57] <diesieben07> bilde2910, https://git.io/vgAaN and what i linked above
L1496[14:04:58] <Wuppy> I am lazy :P
L1497[14:05:36] <Wuppy> this is also volunteers work for the website of my student association so it shouldn't take too much time either
L1498[14:05:40] <PaleoCrafter> …
L1499[14:05:43] <whitephoenix0> Dang sweetCaptcha, you don't know my life, maybe I would put fish in an ice cream cone
L1500[14:06:54] <bilde2910> Neat. Thanks, diesieben07
L1501[14:07:54] ⇦ Quits: poiuy_qwert (~poiuy_qwe@ (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
L1502[14:07:55] <Wuppy> what PaleoCrafter?
L1503[14:08:19] <PaleoCrafter> Never be too lazy for a proper solution :P
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L1509[14:15:36] <Wuppy> what's the Alt keycode for 2nd and 4th
L1510[14:15:39] <Wuppy> the nd and th parts
L1511[14:16:10] <fry> what?
L1512[14:16:38] <fry> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordinal_indicator ?
L1513[14:16:49] <Wuppy> yes, thank you
L1514[14:17:36] <Wuppy> hmm not working :V
L1515[14:17:44] *** Mine|dreamland is now known as minecreatr
L1516[14:17:56] <diesieben07> you want this i think: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superscripts_and_Subscripts
L1517[14:18:15] <diesieben07> not sure if there *is* alt codes for it
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L1521[14:20:43] <gigaherz> never seen "st" or "nd" as codes in the ascii table
L1522[14:20:43] <Xilef11> is there a way to stop model errors for specific items/blocks?
L1523[14:20:47] <gigaherz> but if there's unicode for it...
L1524[14:20:54] <gigaherz> Xilef11: yes, do the models correctly
L1525[14:20:54] <gigaherz> ;P
L1526[14:21:06] <Xilef11> :p other than that
L1527[14:21:24] <gigaherz> if you have a blockstates file with "builtin/generated" but no texture layer entries
L1528[14:21:27] <diesieben07> I will NOT do my models correctly. I must do them wrong. I REFUSE!
L1529[14:21:32] <gigaherz> you'll get "noop" model
L1530[14:21:46] <gigaherz> (0 quads)
L1531[14:21:52] <gigaherz> but you still need a valid model entry
L1532[14:21:54] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L1533[14:22:12] <Xilef11> XD I have a bunch of blocks that use the same model with a statemapper, but the game still looks for the JSON files
L1534[14:22:19] <bilde2910> diesieben07, I still don't get how IFMLLoadingPlugin is supposed to work
L1535[14:22:32] <bilde2910> Like, how is it registered? How is it invoked?
L1536[14:22:49] <bilde2910> I added a bunch of System.out.println's but I'm not seeing anything there :(
L1537[14:22:52] <diesieben07> it's how you make a coremod, it's as early as you can hook into anything
L1538[14:23:03] <diesieben07> to make it load in dev you have to add -Dfml.coreMods.load=<yourclass>
L1539[14:23:14] <diesieben07> in prod you have to have an entry in your manifest jar
L1540[14:23:18] <bilde2910> I see.
L1541[14:23:58] <diesieben07> i do that manifest thing here: https://git.io/vgAKo
L1542[14:24:31] <diesieben07> (oh and that -Dfml thing is a jvm command line argument
L1543[14:25:06] <bilde2910> Yeah
L1544[14:25:10] <bilde2910> I broke something. :P
L1545[14:25:24] <diesieben07> lol
L1546[14:26:04] <bilde2910> "Variable references empty selection: ${project_loc}"
L1547[14:26:10] <bilde2910> and it only happens if I add the Dfml JVM argument..
L1548[14:26:25] <diesieben07> uhhh
L1549[14:26:28] <diesieben07> first of all yay eclipse -.-
L1550[14:26:37] <diesieben07> then ... show how you added it :D
L1551[14:26:49] <bilde2910> And now it's completely broken
L1552[14:27:02] <bilde2910> Let's restart it :P
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L1555[14:28:08] <thor12022_oops> that error shows up for me whenever I try to start the debug without a project selected
L1556[14:28:41] <bilde2910> There we go!
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L1569[14:46:19] <kyau> bilde2910, that happens to me a lot if you put your cursor back into a file in your project (not somewhere else, ie. in a forge class, etc.) it should fix it
L1570[14:46:38] <bilde2910> Yeah I figured it out
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L1580[15:03:00] <Wuppy> such a productive evenemnt, made an entire website \o/
L1581[15:07:00] <RANKSHANK> does it have a spider in it?
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L1583[15:07:57] <Wuppy> nope, but it does have information about our student association
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L1585[15:08:42] <RANKSHANK> I am not quite sure which sounds scarier then ;)
L1586[15:09:16] <Wuppy> hehe
L1587[15:09:35] <Wuppy> who doesnt like cheap drinks, cool parties and events nearly for free :P
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L1589[15:10:10] <bilde2910> How would I go about looking for the list of locations in which Minecraft Forge looks for mods to load?
L1590[15:10:14] <RANKSHANK> you had me at cheap drinks ;)
L1591[15:10:26] <Wuppy> 2 euros for a pint of beer, delicious
L1592[15:10:32] <diesieben07> bilde2910, why? :D
L1593[15:10:44] <bilde2910> Need to check their class files
L1594[15:11:12] <RANKSHANK> At first I was like meh, then saw you said pint not schooner and that just sounds like all sorts of wonderful.
L1595[15:11:35] <diesieben07> :O
L1596[15:11:41] <diesieben07> whut are you doing??
L1597[15:11:53] <bilde2910> reading a few bytes of them, not much more
L1598[15:11:54] <MattDahEpic> why would crafting recipe output not respect the NBT of the registered recipe output. like the recipe gives the wrong nbt output
L1599[15:12:08] <Wuppy> I'm talking 0.5 liters of beer for just 2 euros :P
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L1601[15:13:06] <RANKSHANK> that's like 3 of my ozzy bucks D:
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L1603[15:13:49] <diesieben07> bilde2910, there is mods and mods/{mc version} but afaik you can also tell fml via json or something what exactly to load.
L1604[15:17:05] <Wuppy> RANKSHANK, you consider that expensive?
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L1607[15:17:27] <Wuppy> we sell that at pretty much our purhcase price
L1608[15:17:39] <Wuppy> and buying in quantities we do it's cheaper than for individuals
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L1610[15:17:51] <RANKSHANK> Wuppy not even close. Looking at 2 - 3x that for a schooner :P
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L1612[15:18:08] <Wuppy> for 0.25L?
L1613[15:19:38] <RANKSHANK> .75L around here
L1614[15:19:50] <Wuppy> :O that's cheap
L1615[15:20:02] ⇨ Joins: Xilef11 (~xilef11@bas1-ottawa09-1176118045.dsl.bell.ca)
L1616[15:20:10] <Wuppy> in the city we pay 2.50 for 0.25L
L1617[15:20:37] <Xilef11> is there a way to tell gradle to add arguments to the generated eclipse run config?
L1618[15:21:28] <RANKSHANK> ouch that's barely a mouthful. is that the cheap midstream crap or you getting decent drop at least?
L1619[15:21:49] <Wuppy> depends on the bar, it's decent but not the best
L1620[15:22:01] <bilde2910> I can't even figure out where in the code Forge starts loading mods
L1621[15:22:12] <bilde2910> Debug strings do not appear in File search
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L1623[15:22:27] <MattDahEpic> bilde2910, start at Minecraft.start() and work from there
L1624[15:23:17] <bilde2910> No results
L1625[15:23:52] <RANKSHANK> Wuppy understandable haha
L1626[15:23:58] <RANKSHANK> So ready for winter though
L1627[15:24:01] <RANKSHANK> because stouts
L1628[15:24:20] <MattDahEpic> bilde2910, look through the entire Minecraft.run()
L1629[15:24:44] <Wuppy> winter :V
L1630[15:25:03] <Wuppy> we have winter here.... it should be summer NAO
L1631[15:26:39] <RANKSHANK> summer blows haha so much easier escaping the cold than the heat. Some days here you just give in to your fate of melting hahaha
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L1633[15:27:45] <Wuppy> yeah... aussie summers are probably too hot
L1634[15:28:05] <FallingD> silly question but if you need to get a command completion on a player name, what is the best way to do it?
L1635[15:28:09] <Wuppy> dutch winters are generally freezing and summers are about 25C which is just perfect
L1636[15:28:35] <FallingD> dutch winters are generally depressing and summers are slightly less depressing
L1637[15:28:53] <Wuppy> winters are not depressing, just cold. summers are legen
L1638[15:28:55] <Wuppy> wait for it
L1639[15:28:56] <Wuppy> dary
L1640[15:29:07] <FallingD> well koningsdag is always fun
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L1642[15:29:32] <FallingD> winters and especially fall can be depressing af.
L1643[15:29:38] <Wuppy> falls are, yes
L1644[15:29:57] <Wuppy> koningsdag is great, but there are far better parties
L1645[15:30:02] <Wuppy> Intents, for example :)
L1646[15:30:03] <RANKSHANK> Lol when it's 40C and humid you'll know what I mean. You start to sweat as soon as you get out of a cold shower. Nightmare fuel man :P
L1647[15:30:20] <FallingD> when it isn't cold enough to be somewhat fun but instead rains all the freaking time
L1648[15:30:27] <Wuppy> dutch summers are always very humid, that must suck
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L1650[15:31:49] <diesieben07> bilde2910, FMLTweaker
L1651[15:32:06] <diesieben07> that's the earliest injection point
L1652[15:32:07] <bilde2910> Yeah I found it and followed it to CoreModManager
L1653[15:32:18] <bilde2910> Looking for game dir there and it's private static
L1654[15:32:29] <bilde2910> I can reflect that to public but I still won't know where it looks for mod
L1655[15:35:00] <Xilef11> my TESR becomes translucent when there is lightning... http://prntscr.com/a4m69b
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L1657[15:35:40] <RANKSHANK> So what do you guys think is the best way of forcing something to be used as a singleton? :P
L1658[15:36:28] <Xilef11> private constructor + getInstance method
L1659[15:36:29] <masa> bleh, 1.9-pre1 and the sound bug is not fixed, so absolutely no point in updating from 1.8.9...
L1660[15:36:37] <bilde2910> Meh I'll look at this later
L1661[15:36:41] <bilde2910> Thanks for all the help diesieben07
L1662[15:36:54] <diesieben07> np
L1663[15:37:05] <diesieben07> i'm just saying, please don't read all mod files..
L1664[15:37:10] <masa> I'll be frustrated if modders now skip 1.8.9 and update to 1.9 before we have enough of the basic mods available for a 1.8.9 pack
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L1667[15:38:01] <masa> well, actually I'm only missing forestry/extra bees&trees from a pack I'm interested in making
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L1669[15:38:49] <RANKSHANK> Xilef11 thanks haha. I think I may force it to be initialized during loaderstate != available as well just as a precaution :P
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L1672[15:43:22] <killjoy> 1.9 is soon. Time to see what the damage is.
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L1674[15:43:58] <killjoy> did they ever change the models like grum said they would?
L1675[15:44:54] <RANKSHANK> wait killjoy have they put out a release date yet?
L1676[15:45:10] <killjoy> pre1 is out
L1677[15:45:17] <killjoy> so soon
L1678[15:45:33] <killjoy> looks like next week
L1679[15:45:37] <masa> they say stable 1.9 will be released on the 25th
L1680[15:45:40] <killjoy> feb 25
L1681[15:46:02] <killjoy> we'll probably get pre2 in a few days
L1682[15:46:34] <masa> they didn't even bother to fix the onlu bug that matters and has existd since 1.7, so there is no way I'm updating my vanilal server to that pile of crap
L1683[15:46:54] <killjoy> what is this "sound bug"?
L1684[15:47:49] <masa> the sounds loop when you close guis
L1685[15:48:01] <killjoy> ah, I know what you're talking about
L1686[15:48:03] <masa> or rather recently ended soudns start again
L1687[15:48:30] <masa> there is even a community provided solution on the tracker, they still haven't bothered to fix it
L1688[15:49:27] <shadowfacts> diesieben07, FML log from the NoClassDefFoundError caused by the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: https://gist.github.com/shadowfacts/73aa7de5b9e4305a0bbb
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L1691[15:53:38] <killjoy> shadowfacts, I would blame a coremod
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L1693[15:57:50] <shadowfacts> yes, but which coremod v-v
L1694[15:58:22] <shadowfacts> and how is it fucking up so badly that it causes an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException LaunchClassLoader.findClass
L1695[15:59:44] <killjoy> does something wrong without properly doing a thing
L1696[15:59:56] <killjoy> probably manually modifying the instructions instead of using a visitor
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L1702[16:05:51] <killjoy> CompTIA! http://i.imgur.com/bTnCFK6.png
L1703[16:08:14] <diesieben07> shadowfacts, yeah no idea. i had hoped the fml log would show the complete stacktrace but apparently not.
L1704[16:08:19] ⇦ Parts: NitroxydeX (webchat@p57840932.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) ())
L1705[16:08:39] <shadowfacts> gah, damn broken core mods
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L1709[16:12:19] <LexManos> the sad thing is
L1710[16:12:24] <LexManos> 90% of coremods arnt needed
L1711[16:12:36] <LexManos> you should really refuse to use packs/mods with coremods
L1712[16:13:10] <diesieben07> lol nice idea but then you can basically play 0 pack at all
L1713[16:13:14] <shadowfacts> ^
L1714[16:13:17] <diesieben07> especially cause like 99.9% of them contain NEI :D
L1715[16:13:21] *** Mine|away is now known as minecreatr
L1716[16:13:22] <shadowfacts> I wish I could do that, but they're way to prevalent
L1717[16:13:27] <diesieben07> fukin piece of crap that thing is
L1718[16:13:28] <LexManos> stop using NEI
L1719[16:13:33] <diesieben07> well, duh
L1720[16:13:35] <shadowfacts> it's better for 1.8, <3 JEI
L1721[16:13:36] <LexManos> either way the point is
L1722[16:13:42] <diesieben07> i get your point.
L1723[16:13:46] <LexManos> you as the players should start refusing to allow coremods
L1724[16:13:58] <LexManos> because we've done everything we can on our end
L1725[16:14:07] <LexManos> and you know how much coremods fuck shit up
L1726[16:14:38] <masa> but we as players are a crying minority compared to "the other players" who are not modders and don't understand not care about these kind of things...
L1727[16:14:53] <masa> *nor
L1728[16:15:34] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L1729[16:15:39] <masa> so it should really be the pack creators who make the decision to not use coremods, I think...
L1730[16:15:45] <RANKSHANK> aka the not quite as stupid players :P
L1731[16:15:50] <Lumien> Don't see a reason why they should
L1732[16:15:54] <Lumien> When they don't cause issues
L1733[16:16:20] <LexManos> the vocal minority is the way things work in this drama filled community
L1734[16:16:25] <diesieben07> yep, most players don't know what coremod is
L1735[16:16:30] <LexManos> and FTB has already decided to stop allowing coremods
L1736[16:16:41] <LexManos> so that's a step in the right direction
L1737[16:16:43] <Lumien> Oh really? When will they start doing that?
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L1739[16:16:54] <LexManos> 1.8.9 acording to what ive heard.
L1740[16:17:09] * diesieben07 prepares for shitstorm
L1741[16:17:14] <shadowfacts> ^
L1742[16:17:16] <LexManos> THere will always be shitstorms
L1743[16:17:25] <LexManos> but modders need to have their coremods vetted
L1744[16:17:26] * masa gets his umbrella
L1745[16:17:27] <Lumien> omw, making 100 forge pr's
L1746[16:17:30] <shadowfacts> hopefully it;ll help
L1747[16:17:37] <LexManos> and they need to be properly maintianed/light.
L1748[16:17:38] <shadowfacts> *it'll
L1749[16:17:43] <LexManos> Make 100PRs to forge
L1750[16:17:54] <LexManos> i'll close 90 of them with "Fucntionality already ecists stop being retarded"
L1751[16:18:32] <masa> I even made 1 PR in the beginning of the year... still zero comments/feedback and it is slowly drifting down to the history in the PR tab... :D
L1752[16:18:53] <LexManos> People make coremods for one reason, they are lazy and they are scared that their changes wont stand up to scrutienty
L1753[16:19:00] <diesieben07> while we are on the topic... i am trying to make my coremod not one step by step. i need a way to basically "wrap" a vanilla "Pakcet" object. so just a way to serialize and deserialize it into a bytestream
L1754[16:19:08] <diesieben07> any ideas?
L1755[16:19:15] <shadowfacts> all coremods that could possibly be causing my problem: AppleCore, Aroma1997Core, BetterFoliage, EnderCore, FastLeafDecay, HopperDucts, InventoryTweaks, OpenComputers, RandomThings, Redstone Paste, Thaumcraft, Thaumic Infusion
L1756[16:19:20] <shadowfacts> that's a fuck ton of core mods
L1757[16:19:34] <LexManos> Exactly shadow, there doesnt need to ever be that many, forge exists for a reason.
L1758[16:19:41] <LexManos> And wtf are you talking about dies?
L1759[16:19:47] <shadowfacts> and seeing as Thaumcraft is in Unstable 1.8.9, FTB's "no coremods" claim is bs
L1760[16:19:56] <Lumien> Random Thing is as well
L1761[16:20:07] <LexManos> yell at tfox hes the one who said it
L1762[16:20:14] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1763[16:20:20] <LexManos> also need to yell at azanor see why the fuck he needs a coremod..
L1764[16:20:24] <masa> shadowfacts: well, unstanble is just a mix and mash of mods for testing though, it isn't a proper pack yet
L1765[16:20:31] <shadowfacts> InvTweaks is probably in unstable, as is EnderCore
L1766[16:20:39] <shadowfacts> it's still an FTB pack for 1.8.9
L1767[16:20:43] <LexManos> InvTweaks will be going away
L1768[16:20:46] <diesieben07> i have any net.minecraft.network.Packet instance. and i need to write it to the network and get it back again. because i need a way to basically prepend data to any vanilla packet by embedding it in mine
L1769[16:20:49] <LexManos> there is a better non-coremod solution
L1770[16:21:00] <shadowfacts> <3 InvSorter
L1771[16:21:34] <shadowfacts> but that doesn't mean normal people are going to give a damn, half of them will probably think cpw is just trying to rip off InvTweaks
L1772[16:21:40] <LexManos> Well there are write functions, that write to a buffer
L1773[16:21:43] <LexManos> why cant you use that?
L1774[16:21:43] <shadowfacts> (oops, sorry for the ping)
L1775[16:21:56] <LexManos> normal people dont matter
L1776[16:21:59] <diesieben07> they are NoOp for FMLProxypacket for example.
L1777[16:22:22] <LexManos> as they should be yes. because those packets are never actually sent
L1778[16:22:29] <LexManos> why would you have those?
L1779[16:22:32] *** Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L1780[16:22:52] <diesieben07> because i am for example calling TileEntity.getDescriptionPacket and a mod uses SimpleNetworkWrapper.toVanillaPacket
L1781[16:23:10] <MattDahEpic> i have a feeling that events for literally everyhting would reduce the amount of coremods
L1782[16:23:13] <shadowfacts> also, lex, I have two PRs open both of which don't have any recent comments
L1783[16:23:22] <Lumien> eww what happend to source tree :'(
L1784[16:23:40] <LexManos> then most likely those prs are not cared about by anyone and you havent done your job in advocating for them.
L1785[16:23:48] <mikebald> Lumien something happened to source tree? *hopes not, just switched from giteye*
L1786[16:23:53] * shadowfacts advocates
L1787[16:23:57] <williewillus> what happened to sourcetree?
L1788[16:24:00] <Lumien> It now looks "modern"
L1789[16:24:06] <LexManos> I read everything that happens on github
L1790[16:24:12] <LexManos> i dont always respond
L1791[16:24:20] <MattDahEpic> Lumien, did it get material design layout?
L1792[16:24:50] <Lumien> It's just weird
L1793[16:24:50] <shadowfacts> #2354, I attempted to add the exc (which, there is no documentation for so I have no idea if it's correct or not) a month ago
L1794[16:25:02] <masa> hmm, so if a hook is only used by a handful (or just one mod), then it won't be included? which then means that the mods that would be using it continue to be coremods...
L1795[16:25:14] <LexManos> links or it didnt happen
L1796[16:25:15] <mikebald> Lumien wonder when they did that; I just downloaded it 2 days ago and it looks like it's old self.
L1797[16:25:17] <LexManos> also ecs are simple
L1798[16:25:26] <shadowfacts> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/2354
L1799[16:25:27] <LexManos> again i will not hold your hand on things
L1800[16:25:39] <LexManos> if your shit breaks shit or doesnt follow the standards then you need to do your research
L1801[16:25:46] <shadowfacts> they're not simple to people who don't know them
L1802[16:25:51] <LexManos> yes they are
L1803[16:26:41] <williewillus> they're pretty simple :P setupForge -> change code -> genPatches -> done?
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L1805[16:27:35] <masa> since we are talking about PRs, I'll ask: is there something wrong with this, or is it just that nobody cares? https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/2342
L1806[16:27:37] <LexManos> Yup
L1807[16:27:45] <LexManos> Also side note
L1808[16:27:57] <LexManos> adding a commit to a PR doesnt showup in the activity log
L1809[16:28:04] <LexManos> so if you do things you need to comment on the pr
L1810[16:28:17] <LexManos> it also has a benifit of legitimatly bumping it in the pr list
L1811[16:29:09] <masa> when should PRs be re-done? do they need to be re-done if the patches change by other things/PRs that the PR touches?
L1812[16:29:21] <masa> well the genPatches I mean
L1813[16:29:28] <williewillus> if theres merge conflicts
L1814[16:29:57] <masa> hmm seems that my PR has gotten merge conflicts recently
L1815[16:30:13] <masa> should I force push to it how whould it be resolved?
L1816[16:30:17] <masa> *should
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L1818[16:30:55] <LexManos> rebase your branch
L1819[16:30:55] <Delenas> You go through the files it left and make changes properly. >.>
L1820[16:30:58] <LexManos> and regen shit
L1821[16:31:16] <masa> right, and then force push?
L1822[16:31:22] <williewillus> yup
L1823[16:32:06] <LexManos> and masa
L1824[16:32:12] <LexManos> on yours, things need to be a bit more informative
L1825[16:32:28] <LexManos> namely why are you using a new event instead of just moving the old.
L1826[16:32:42] <LexManos> or what the old event does wrong
L1827[16:33:37] <masa> hm right.. Well since they are different actions in vanilla I thought a new event would break less...
L1828[16:33:45] <masa> maybe not
L1829[16:34:42] <LexManos> interact/interactAt are dumb names
L1830[16:34:50] <LexManos> they are probably better things
L1831[16:34:50] <MalkContent> is this mcmultipart thing still gonna be merged into forge?
L1832[16:34:55] <LexManos> !gm interactAt
L1833[16:35:14] <masa> and the thing is that the old event doesn't fire at all for interactAt so that's what the old one does "wrong" or doesn't do :p
L1834[16:36:32] <LexManos> humm well shit it is called interactAt
L1835[16:36:34] <LexManos> thats dumb
L1836[16:36:36] <LexManos> but megh
L1837[16:37:50] <LexManos> so
L1838[16:37:53] <masa> so you are saying that I should rather make the old event catch both cases? should the Vec then be null for the old type event, or should it always include the Vec?
L1839[16:37:56] <LexManos> question...
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L1841[16:38:06] <LexManos> why not just move where the old event is fired?
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L1843[16:40:05] <masa> I'll have to re-setup my forge dev env...
L1844[16:40:08] <LexManos> and the vec should probably be a sane 000, or something
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L1846[16:40:50] <RANKSHANK> Speaking of PR's I really don't understand why the negligible difference in the enchantment effect texture needs to be calculated every time a model is overlayed as opposed to calculated once per render tick and then cached. Would moving to support the single tick calculation be considered breaking vanilla functionality?
L1847[16:42:26] <LexManos> make a pr show the performance enchancmeents and garentee that it doesnt break mods/vanilla.
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L1852[16:46:30] <LexManos> diesieben07, you take this one https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/2473#issuecomment-185442526
L1853[16:47:10] <diesieben07> reporting for duty! :D
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L1860[16:49:14] <RANKSHANK> Yeah I'll do some comparisons after finishing the commit to my other PR and then some needed rebasing. Thanks lex
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L1866[16:55:52] <mikebald> Gah... forgot to disable power-savings on my server; no wonder it's sluggish. [Yay Windows Server]
L1867[16:57:02] <MattDahEpic> my recipes for some reason have invalid inputs and the wrong outputs, this recipe should output regen ringkydink but instead outputs flight, antipotion, and lava walking ringkydinks. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/146233520/ShareX/2016/02/2016-02-17_15-54-33.mp4 code: https://github.com/MattDahEpic/RingkyDinks/blob/1.8.9/src/main/java/com/mattdahepic/ringkydinks/proxy/CommonProxy.java#L45-L49
L1868[16:57:52] <MattDahEpic> and afaik im registering them right and the functions return the correct items
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L1882[17:24:39] <Matthew> Lex, aparently thaumcraft is a coremod only for deploading
L1883[17:24:44] <Matthew> so no class transformers
L1884[17:25:00] <diesieben07> deploading is almost more evil than coremods :D
L1885[17:25:05] <whitephoenix_> I can't figure out why updateTick isn't working for me, I have everything the same as the video I'm watching http://pastebin.com/WVizbftF
L1886[17:25:20] <Matthew> heh well the fml containeddeps thing isn't ready for prime-time use yet
L1887[17:25:25] <LexManos> fuck the coremod then
L1888[17:25:29] <LexManos> yell at azanor to kill it
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L1890[17:25:33] <LexManos> there should be no reason it nees it
L1891[17:26:14] <Matthew> cp.w said he wanted to add a semver flag or something. that would fix the containeddeps problem
L1892[17:26:29] <Matthew> so you can progamaticaly decide what version of a lib is newer
L1893[17:26:48] <diesieben07> also lex, while I am dealing with potions there needs to be a patch to CommandEffect because it still takes a numerical potion ID
L1894[17:27:03] <williewillus> i thought that takes names
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L1896[17:27:05] <williewillus> in 1.8
L1897[17:27:09] <diesieben07> apparently not :D
L1898[17:27:13] <williewillus> I can do /effect @p minecraft:speed
L1899[17:27:20] <williewillus> and it gives me 30s speed I
L1900[17:27:32] <diesieben07> whoops
L1901[17:27:40] <diesieben07> i completely missed it since it was in a catch branch -.-
L1902[17:27:58] <williewillus> whitephoenix_: that should work, but also *mutters something about 1.7*
L1903[17:29:02] <whitephoenix_> Yeah I don't know. I've made lots of stupid mistakes but I'm fairly sure I got this one right. Here's the github for the youtube series I'm watching: https://github.com/MineMaarten/AdvancedMod/blob/master/src/main/java/com/minemaarten/advancedmod/block/BlockDutchFlag.java
L1904[17:29:16] <williewillus> 1.8 pls
L1905[17:30:26] <whitephoenix_> I'd rather not use 1.8 because all of the mods I want to use with this are in 1.7.10 still
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L1907[17:32:00] <gigaherz> whitephoenix_: as we tell everyone else, by the time you are done, you'll find yourself with a 1.7.10 mods, and everyone else will be like "lol we moved on to 1.8.9 already"
L1908[17:32:08] <gigaherz> mod*
L1909[17:32:27] <whitephoenix_> Probably so
L1910[17:33:10] <whitephoenix_> I guess I'll update it later, just because setupDecompWorkspace takes like an hour
L1911[17:33:22] <williewillus> what mods are you weaiting on?
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L1913[17:33:24] <williewillus> just curious
L1914[17:33:47] <williewillus> also 1.9 pre came out today if you don't follow vanilla
L1915[17:33:48] <gigaherz> well yeah if you are waiting on anyone who has decided fimrly to stay in the past... XD
L1916[17:33:55] * williewillus coughs
L1917[17:33:57] <williewillus> :P
L1918[17:34:09] <whitephoenix_> Let me check there are several
L1919[17:34:34] ⇨ Joins: poiuy_qwert (~poiuy_qwe@
L1920[17:35:49] <whitephoenix_> Various thaumcraft addons, tinkers construct, mekanism, and minechem mainly
L1921[17:35:59] <whitephoenix_> and twilight forests
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L1923[17:37:32] <TehNut> TCon is on 1.8 though
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L1925[17:37:59] <whitephoenix_> Oh awesome
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L1927[17:38:19] <TehNut> Mek 1.8 is currently in dev IIRC
L1928[17:38:57] <TehNut> https://github.com/aidancbrady/Mekanism/tree/1.8.9
L1929[17:39:11] <whitephoenix_> Guess it might be time for a custom pack update soon
L1930[17:39:38] <Xilef11> My TESR becomes translucent when there is lightning, what did I do wrong? http://prntscr.com/a4m69b
L1931[17:43:16] <williewillus> put it on another render pass
L1932[17:43:23] <williewillus> unfortunately I dont remember the method to override :P
L1933[17:44:13] <Xilef11> would it be in the TE, TESR or block?
L1934[17:44:38] <williewillus> TESR or TE
L1935[17:44:40] <whitephoenix_> So the general consensus is that updating to 1.8 will make updateTick work properly?
L1936[17:50:05] <Xilef11> it was shouldRenderInPass in the TE.
L1937[17:50:22] <williewillus> more like no one here remembers how to debug/support 1.7 ;)
L1938[17:50:26] <masa> does anyone know if there already is a mod for 1.8.9 that moves items by scrolling over slots, like NEI does?
L1939[17:50:45] <williewillus> but on a serious note, I actually don't know 1.7 nearly as well as 1.8 :P
L1940[17:51:00] <masa> if not, I'll release mine as a new mini-mod...
L1941[17:51:19] <LexManos> moves items by scrolling?
L1942[17:52:00] <masa> yeah, NEI had that functionality, when you scroll the mouse wheel while over a slot in an inventory, it moves one item at a time to or from the other part of the inventory
L1943[17:52:12] <williewillus> just release it :P
L1944[17:52:13] <masa> depending on the scroll direction
L1945[17:52:16] <Xilef11> inventory tweaks?
L1946[17:52:26] <masa> does it have that too?
L1947[17:52:29] <shadekiller666> "Microsoft Excel is waiting for another application to complete an OLE action." only button is "OK" and it repeatedly pops up... how is it that microsoft is so terrible at useful error messages...
L1948[17:52:33] <williewillus> no invtweaks doesn't have that
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L1950[17:53:08] <masa> I just added that functionality as a test, a 45-line event handler
L1951[17:53:30] <masa> seems to work, and a lot better than NEI, where fast scrolling picks up the stack to the cursor or somethin gweird...
L1952[17:54:12] <masa> now I need a name for the mod... :D
L1953[17:54:18] <masa> Item Scroller?
L1954[17:54:21] <shadekiller666> i also can't open the start menu
L1955[17:54:23] <shadekiller666> wtf
L1956[17:54:50] <williewillus> yeah NEI did some weird thing to get it to work
L1957[17:55:07] <williewillus> it actually simulated the shift click, then moved the stack back, then actually executed it
L1958[17:55:09] <williewillus> or soemthing weird like that
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L1960[17:55:30] <shadekiller666> ...
L1961[17:55:34] <diesieben07> goddamnit chickenbones :D
L1962[17:55:34] <masa> heh
L1963[17:55:45] <shadekiller666> seems that the taskbar has half-crashed
L1964[17:56:06] <diesieben07> yeah the windows 10 taskbar is... sometimes glitchy
L1965[17:56:17] <diesieben07> kill explorer.exe and start it again from task manager
L1966[17:56:22] <masa> well I did it by temporarily changing the stack size to one, and then calling the transferStackInSlot, so similar, but I don't pick it up to cursor at any point..
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L1970[18:00:30] <Xilef11> what is a probable cause for bad break particles?
L1971[18:00:40] <williewillus> what do you mean bad?
L1972[18:01:22] <Xilef11> they use the missing texture instead of the block's texture
L1973[18:01:56] <masa> did you define the texture for particles?
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L1975[18:02:47] <masa> ie. "textures": { "particle": ... }
L1976[18:03:15] <masa> I use this: https://github.com/maruohon/enderutilities/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/enderutilities/models/block/orientable_ftbs.json
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L1982[18:16:50] <masa> oh.. right... fudge ;_;
L1983[18:17:16] <masa> that's why NEI does that derpy thing
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L1985[18:18:06] <diesieben07> what is it? :D
L1986[18:18:44] <masa> the slotClick() needs to happen, or otherwise I need custom packets so that the server knows what is happening, too :p
L1987[18:19:02] <diesieben07> hm
L1988[18:19:16] <diesieben07> well, maybe you could just do the whole thing yourself?
L1989[18:19:45] <masa> it was working beautifully and instantly when I just did things on the client side... until I clicked on a stack in the inventory and then it updated :D
L1990[18:20:02] <diesieben07> heh
L1991[18:20:23] <masa> what do yo umean by the whole thing?
L1992[18:21:06] <diesieben07> don't rely on transferStackInSlot
L1993[18:21:48] <masa> yeah maybe... but then it won't necessarily work properly on any inventories... :D
L1994[18:22:12] <masa> because the logic of which slot ranges to merge to happens in there
L1995[18:22:20] <masa> or well
L1996[18:22:28] <diesieben07> yeah i know
L1997[18:23:49] <diesieben07> ok so, how about this: detect where the stack is being transfered and then just send a proper slotClick to the server afterwards?
L1998[18:24:55] <masa> yeah that could work
L1999[18:25:16] <masa> but then I need to store the temporary stack in the cursor too I think...
L2000[18:25:53] <diesieben07> which stack are you talking about? :D
L2001[18:26:51] <masa> well I mean since the way to communicate to the server is the slotClick() method, all I can do is call it to pick up the stack, then right click on the target slot with it and then put it back
L2002[18:27:21] <masa> so it needs to pick up the whole stack to the cursor for the duration of that operation
L2003[18:27:26] <diesieben07> hm
L2004[18:27:33] <diesieben07> is that how invtweaks does it? :D
L2005[18:28:02] <masa> and tehre I beleieve is where NEI had its problem too, if the target stack changes on the server side during that time, then it fails to put the stack back properly, or something
L2006[18:28:14] <masa> inv tweaks doesn't to this afaik, NEI does
L2007[18:28:18] <masa> and I haven't looked
L2008[18:28:45] <masa> but I know that it derps when you scroll items int oa slot that then changes on the server during the scrolling
L2009[18:28:57] <diesieben07> inv tweaks sorts items though
L2010[18:29:04] <diesieben07> it must do something similar
L2011[18:29:05] <masa> it then ends up picking up the stack to the cursor
L2012[18:29:13] <masa> right..
L2013[18:29:55] <diesieben07> i mean
L2014[18:29:59] <diesieben07> how does vanilla handle this situation?
L2015[18:30:08] <diesieben07> when you right click on a slot and it changes
L2016[18:31:24] <masa> well vanilla doesn't have this problem though, since the stack is manually picked up to the cursor, it isn't done behind the scenes for a split moment... I don't think
L2017[18:31:58] <diesieben07> yes but it can still happen that you click a slot and it changes before your packet gets to the server.
L2018[18:32:00] <masa> so just right clicking on a slot doesn't derp up, it just wouldn't be able to put the item there
L2019[18:32:37] <diesieben07> question is what does vanilla do there
L2020[18:32:43] <diesieben07> does it correct the cleint?
L2021[18:32:46] <masa> in NEI the derpage is that you intially don't have any items in the cursor, and then suddenly you do
L2022[18:32:49] <diesieben07> or does thecleint end up messed up, too?
L2023[18:33:01] <diesieben07> the situation is the same
L2024[18:33:07] <diesieben07> just because with NEI its faster doesnt change shit
L2025[18:33:23] <masa> well detectAndSendChanges() should udpate the whole inventory whenever it changes, right?
L2026[18:33:29] <diesieben07> yes
L2027[18:33:39] <masa> and then there is the code for checking for conflicts, but I haven't looked into that
L2028[18:33:40] <diesieben07> but what if you right click befoire the server can tell you abotu a change
L2029[18:33:52] <diesieben07> its not any different here :D
L2030[18:35:42] ⇨ Joins: SubconsciousEye (~Subconsci@cpe-65-28-43-97.wi.res.rr.com)
L2031[18:36:27] <masa> custom packet would solve this and implement this most glitch-free, but then it would require the mod on the server too...
L2032[18:36:51] <masa> how would I make the server side optional and fall back to slotClick()?
L2033[18:37:10] <masa> ie. how do I check if the mod is on the server?
L2034[18:37:39] <diesieben07> IEEP on the clientside player, send custom packet on login which sets a flag to true
L2035[18:37:49] <diesieben07> wait, not even any need for IEEP lol
L2036[18:37:56] <diesieben07> just set a static field in your CleintProxy or so
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L2039[18:38:55] <masa> custom packet from server to client on player login event?
L2040[18:39:24] <masa> what happens to those custom packets if the client doesn't have the mod? does it throw errors in the console?
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L2042[18:40:53] <Xilef11> somehow, doing gradlew build dosent respect my "exclude" rule https://github.com/Xilef11/Runes-of-Wizardry/blob/1.8.9/build.gradle#L97
L2043[18:41:39] <gigaherz> meh
L2044[18:41:45] <gigaherz> got the model animating, but meh
L2045[18:41:49] <gigaherz> the book*
L2046[18:43:17] <MattDahEpic> can anyone tell me what is going on here?: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/146233520/ShareX/2016/02/2016-02-17_17-40-51.mp4 code: https://github.com/MattDahEpic/RingkyDinks/blob/1.8.9/src/main/java/com/mattdahepic/ringkydinks/proxy/CommonProxy.java#L45-L49
L2047[18:43:46] <diesieben07> Xilef11, I think you need 'dev_images/**' to match any files in there
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L2050[18:46:57] <Xilef11> actually, I needed to take it out of the " from(sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs)" block
L2051[18:47:25] <Xilef11> adding the ** dosen't change anything
L2052[18:47:53] <diesieben07> huh
L2053[18:48:55] ⇦ Quits: glasspelican (~quassel@stanley.glasspelican.ca) (Remote host closed the connection)
L2054[18:49:01] <Xilef11> https://gist.github.com/Xilef11/44b992db0353bece8acf#file-build-gradle-L6
L2055[18:49:31] <diesieben07> that works? :O
L2056[18:50:07] <gigaherz> :3
L2057[18:50:10] <gigaherz> works
L2058[18:50:10] <Xilef11> looks like it
L2059[18:50:11] <gigaherz> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/2016-02-18-0149-27.mp4
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L2061[18:50:26] <gigaherz> still need some more rotations though ;P
L2062[18:50:45] <diesieben07> whoo :D
L2063[18:50:52] <diesieben07> where's the page turning= :D
L2064[18:51:51] <gigaherz> hmm question
L2065[18:51:59] <gigaherz> can I handle the pressing "escape" on the gui?
L2066[18:52:08] <gigaherz> it closes immediately instead of doing the animation ;P
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L2068[18:52:57] <diesieben07> override keyTyped
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L2070[18:54:51] <MattDahEpic> god this recipe not working crap is really not helping my mod release. making a custom recipe handler doesnt even work
L2071[18:55:39] <gigaherz> how do you store which type of ring it is?
L2072[18:55:45] <MattDahEpic> nbt
L2073[18:56:19] <MattDahEpic> https://github.com/MattDahEpic/RingkyDinks/blob/1.8.9/src/main/java/com/mattdahepic/ringkydinks/dink/DinkNBT.java#L11
L2074[18:56:21] <gigaherz> do you actually get the right item when you pick it up?
L2075[18:56:24] <gigaherz> or is it still the wrong one?
L2076[18:56:37] <MattDahEpic> when you pick it up its wrong
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L2078[18:58:39] <gigaherz> do you use the metadata though?
L2079[18:58:53] <MattDahEpic> the meta should always be 0
L2080[18:59:08] <gigaherz> aha so the change of material from golden to silver (or whatever)
L2081[18:59:10] <gigaherz> is working right
L2082[18:59:13] <gigaherz> but the subtype is failing
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L2084[18:59:33] <MattDahEpic> yes
L2085[18:59:41] <gigaherz> which means somehow only part of the recipe is being misinterpreted
L2086[18:59:47] <gigaherz> ... I ahve no idea what could cause that
L2087[18:59:50] <diesieben07> you do know that the crafting recipe match detection does not care about nbt at all, right?
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L2089[19:00:09] <MattDahEpic> the recipe always yields the first EnumDink of the ring's level
L2090[19:00:26] <diesieben07> yes because recipes only check if the item and the damage value is equal
L2091[19:00:31] <diesieben07> they ignore NBT completely.
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L2094[19:00:59] <MattDahEpic> so extending ShapelessRecipes and overridding the matches check would fix it?
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L2096[19:01:06] <diesieben07> probably
L2097[19:07:38] <gigaherz> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/2016-02-18-0206-58.mp4
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L2099[19:07:48] <gigaherz> diesieben07: page flip... maybe someday
L2100[19:07:49] <gigaherz> XD
L2101[19:08:18] <whitephoenix_> Aww crap making all these new json files is gonna suck
L2102[19:08:19] <diesieben07> haha
L2103[19:08:28] <MattDahEpic> gigaherz, this would make a good tutorial book api
L2104[19:08:35] ⇨ Joins: Bushbaby1234 (~Bushbaby1@173-17-200-71.client.mchsi.com)
L2105[19:09:18] <gigaherz> MattDahEpic: needs a lot of work on declaring the content, though
L2106[19:09:25] <gigaherz> right now it's all hardcoded
L2107[19:09:30] <gigaherz> well semi-hardcoded
L2108[19:09:45] <gigaherz> I have code for the contents, but the positioning is semi-automated
L2109[19:09:51] <gigaherz> I dont have hardcoded X/Y coords for text
L2110[19:09:55] ⇨ Joins: shadekiller666 (~shadekill@adsl-108-71-34-208.dsl.lsan03.sbcglobal.net)
L2111[19:10:28] <gigaherz> hey shadekiller666: I discoevered earlier that 3ds max exports mtl files with a tab char at the beginning of material names
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L2113[19:10:37] <gigaherz> and your loader ignores those lines ;P
L2114[19:10:56] ⇨ Joins: Xilef11 (~xilef11@bas1-ottawa09-1176118045.dsl.bell.ca)
L2115[19:10:56] <shadekiller666> it ignores _s?
L2116[19:11:25] <Bushbaby1234> hello
L2117[19:11:25] <shadekiller666> i believe that should be fixed in the updates that are sitting in the PR
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L2119[19:13:05] *** whitephoenix_ was kicked by LexManos (Don't start bitching until we know what the state of 1.9 is I dont want the FUD we had in 1.8 -.-))
L2120[19:14:00] <gigaherz> Lex, I think he was referring to moving his mod development to 1.8 from 1.7.10?
L2121[19:14:19] <LexManos> meh, same thing
L2122[19:14:31] <gigaherz> since we convinced him to do 1.8.9 instead of starting new stuff on 1.7
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L2126[19:15:04] <Delenas> Yes, it sucks. But there are generators for the json crap.
L2127[19:15:15] <gigaherz> shadekiller666: I mean like this https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/mtl.png
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L2129[19:15:34] <shadekiller666> oh
L2130[19:15:36] <whitephoenix_> Sorry, I won't mention it again
L2131[19:15:41] <gigaherz> whitephoenix_: question
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L2133[19:15:46] <LexManos> OH MAGIC PERIODS GRANT US YOUR WISDOM WHAT DO YOU SEE!!! http://puu.sh/nbTRi/b3f93aa6f7.png
L2134[19:15:51] <gigaherz> were you referring to porting to 1.8, or to 1.9 stuff
L2135[19:15:53] <shadekiller666> yep that is definietly fixed in the PR
L2136[19:15:56] <LexManos> (Cant anyone else tell im bored watching this damn thing run?)
L2137[19:15:57] <whitephoenix_> gigaherz: Yeah?
L2138[19:16:03] <shadekiller666> (i hope)
L2139[19:16:12] <gigaherz> I have absolutely no idea what that means
L2140[19:16:12] <gigaherz> XD
L2141[19:16:13] <LexManos> The issue is I fucking hate seeing people bitch about json
L2142[19:16:15] <shadekiller666> i know the trailing whitespace problem was fixed
L2143[19:16:20] <MattDahEpic> those seem more degree sign than period
L2144[19:16:22] <Delenas> Lex: Myself, going blind from staring at that
L2145[19:16:24] <LexManos> Json isn't hard, and its FAR less then people made it out to be.
L2146[19:16:52] <LexManos> Once you get a few of your things down the rest is copy/paste or 1 line json files
L2147[19:17:02] <whitephoenix_> Oh that makes it way easier then
L2148[19:17:04] <Bushbaby1234> are there any forge commands to prevent/clear the 'forge remembers mod info after its removed' thing?
L2149[19:17:12] <whitephoenix_> I just have a lot of items so it could take a little while
L2150[19:17:19] <LexManos> ?
L2151[19:17:19] <Delenas> There's even a buncha forge stuff built in to make it easier.
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L2154[19:17:49] <Delenas> Like the default item transformations and such, for scaling
L2155[19:18:25] <Delenas> whitephoenix_: You're a programmer. Write a script for it. :3
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L2157[19:18:37] <whitephoenix_> Good point
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L2159[19:19:15] <Delenas> May be hard for a few things, but hey. If it's textures and such, you could probably whip something up to change a line text file into jsons..
L2160[19:20:20] <shadekiller666> ya, gigaherz, thats fixed in the PR as far as i can tell
L2161[19:20:43] <gigaherz> nice
L2162[19:20:48] <gigaherz> btw shadekiller666
L2163[19:20:56] <gigaherz> [02:07] (gigaherz): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/2016-02-18-0206-58.mp4
L2164[19:21:02] <masa> is there yet any indication how big the 1.9 port will be for forge itself?
L2165[19:21:10] <gigaherz> this is done with 4 separate obj models, interpolating the positions between the quads
L2166[19:21:14] <Delenas> My first rule of programming: There's almost always more than one way to accomplish something. Second rule: Efficiency be damned, get a proof of concept first.
L2167[19:21:20] <gigaherz> I had to be very careful about exporting them correctly
L2168[19:21:23] <gigaherz> but in the end, it worked :D
L2169[19:21:37] <shadekiller666> the "current" version (the one you're using) didn't account for additional whitespace on the lines, the updates use a Pattern with "\\s+" to split the string into an array
L2170[19:22:14] <shadekiller666> O.o
L2171[19:22:20] <shadekiller666> is that an obj?
L2172[19:22:25] <gigaherz> 4 obj models
L2173[19:22:28] <gigaherz> in 4 separate files
L2174[19:22:32] <shadekiller666> ahh
L2175[19:22:34] <gigaherz> exported in 4 different "closingness states"
L2176[19:22:37] <gigaherz> and interpolated in code
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L2178[19:22:57] <shadekiller666> thats badass
L2179[19:23:10] <shadekiller666> was this in 3dsm?
L2180[19:23:34] <Flashfire> I'm trying to make extra stairs blocks by instantiating BlockStairs but I can't seem to access it with reflection and I noticed MCPBot has it marked "LOCKED"
L2181[19:23:52] <Flashfire> I guess classes marked LOCKED can't be accessed?
L2182[19:23:56] <gigaherz> I modeled it in rhinoceros, then imported into 3dsmax, and did the animation using the morpher modifier
L2183[19:23:59] <bspkrs> that just means you can't edit the name
L2184[19:24:04] <LexManos> no locked means the mapping cant be changed
L2185[19:24:12] <Flashfire> Ah alright
L2186[19:24:16] <shadekiller666> morpher modifier?
L2187[19:24:26] <shadekiller666> i'm guessing thats like a blendshapes thing
L2188[19:24:27] <LexManos> you're just bad, also you shouldnt be reflecting things as fundemental as your blocks, subclassing exists for a reason
L2189[19:24:41] <gigaherz> yes morpher modifier is 3dsmax concept of blendshapes
L2190[19:24:44] <shadekiller666> where you have 2 instances of the geometry and let the software morph between them
L2191[19:24:48] <shadekiller666> ahh
L2192[19:24:48] <gigaherz> yup
L2193[19:24:51] <gigaherz> xcept I had 4 versions
L2194[19:24:53] <Flashfire> I wanted to avoid making classes if I could just instantiate them considering I want to make them out of vanilla blocks anyway
L2195[19:24:54] <gigaherz> incrementally
L2196[19:24:55] <shadekiller666> how did the export process work/
L2197[19:25:02] <gigaherz> 0..33%, 33% to 66%, and 66% to 100%
L2198[19:25:17] <shadekiller666> and you just did that by hand?
L2199[19:25:18] <gigaherz> I just exported while setting the modifier to 0%, 33.3%, 66.6%, 100%
L2200[19:25:26] <shadekiller666> ahh
L2201[19:25:35] <gigaherz> then in code, I interpolate between them
L2202[19:25:43] <gigaherz> it's not curve interpolation, but it looks good enough
L2203[19:25:50] <gigaherz> the eye can't tell ;p
L2204[19:26:10] <gigaherz> I made it slightly faster to turn than what you see in the video
L2205[19:26:16] <gigaherz> it's no 0.35s to open/close
L2206[19:26:24] <gigaherz> which is less annoying if someone attacks you while reading the book
L2207[19:26:53] <shadekiller666> i've thought about adding support for fry's animation system, with the idea of having a folder or a zip of some kind that contains all of the .obj/.mtl files and maybe an extra data/json file to define parameters for timing and such
L2208[19:27:10] <gigaherz> I wouldn't recommend kludging that into forge
L2209[19:27:28] <gigaherz> if it's just animation keys like position and rotation
L2210[19:27:29] <shadekiller666> but i don't know how many of the widely-used modelling programs have support for exporting keyframe animation as separate models
L2211[19:27:29] <gigaherz> that's ok
L2212[19:27:39] <gigaherz> but kludging blend shapes is meh
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L2215[19:28:00] <shadekiller666> i'm talking about the obj loader
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L2217[19:28:15] <shadekiller666> fry added stuff for models that support animation
L2218[19:28:20] <gigaherz> yeah
L2219[19:28:43] <gigaherz> and iirc it did things like animate position/rotation and such
L2220[19:28:43] <shadekiller666> the idea being that each key is a separate IBM, but since objs only contain one model
L2221[19:28:57] <gigaherz> along with the actual animation data
L2222[19:29:08] <gigaherz> so I say
L2223[19:29:31] <gigaherz> let it support animating position, rotation, scale, or even color multipliers
L2224[19:30:01] <gigaherz> but I don't think it's worth adding kludgy stuff for blending between two models
L2225[19:31:42] <shadekiller666> i wish the FBX spec wasn't proprietary :P
L2226[19:32:00] <gigaherz> well, iirc blender uses some reverse-enginered spec to load fbx?
L2227[19:32:04] <gigaherz> but
L2228[19:32:05] <Bushbaby1234> so... im not halucinating that forge keeps mod info after a mod is removed right? i cant find the tweet that says it does...
L2229[19:32:06] <shadekiller666> which makes absolutely no sense considering it is intended to be the transfer format for 3d software :P
L2230[19:32:09] <shadekiller666> no
L2231[19:32:11] <gigaherz> it may be easier to load .DAE files
L2232[19:32:15] <shadekiller666> autodesk has a free sdk
L2233[19:32:29] <shadekiller666> .dae are collada files aren't they?
L2234[19:32:34] <gigaherz> yes
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L2236[19:32:50] <gigaherz> where FBX is the #1 format for models, .dae is the #2
L2237[19:32:51] <gigaherz> ;P
L2238[19:33:01] <gigaherz> https://github.com/khronosGroup/OpenCOLLADA
L2239[19:33:07] <shadekiller666> and if you're going to use a format with a markdown-style, i would argue for .x3d
L2240[19:33:22] <shadekiller666> its nicer, and does everything that collada can do
L2241[19:33:30] <shadekiller666> but in half the lines
L2242[19:33:38] <shadekiller666> and twice the readibility :P
L2243[19:33:40] <gigaherz> x3d can do animation?
L2244[19:33:47] <shadekiller666> i believe so
L2245[19:33:56] <gigaherz> I thoguht x3d was like obj
L2246[19:33:59] <gigaherz> the more you know ;P
L2247[19:34:16] <shadekiller666> i would make a loader, but i don't know how to parse xml-type files
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L2250[19:36:16] <shadekiller666> wow... gg khronos... way to name your github packages...
L2251[19:36:22] <gigaherz> for xml itself, there'sp lenty of xml dom libraries for java
L2252[19:36:32] <gigaherz> and then some that aren't fully dom-compliant, but nicer to use
L2253[19:38:32] <shadekiller666> one of the potential issues with making a .x3d loader is x3d's emphasis on realtime interaction with the model
L2254[19:38:54] <shadekiller666> its designed as a way to render a 3D model in web browsers without needing a plugin
L2255[19:39:03] <shadekiller666> and without having to use Flash...
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L2258[19:45:18] <whitephoenix_> What happened to world.setBlock()?
L2259[19:45:49] <gigaherz> it's setBlockState now
L2260[19:45:53] <gigaherz> just instead of block+meta
L2261[19:45:56] ⇦ Quits: ZaggyMobile2 (~Zaggy1024@174-20-167-106.mpls.qwest.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2262[19:46:03] <gigaherz> you get/set blockstates instead
L2263[19:46:15] <gigaherz> so you would do something like
L2264[19:46:25] <gigaherz> world.setBlockState(something.getDefaultState());
L2265[19:46:27] <gigaherz> or
L2266[19:46:34] * Delenas idly wonders if Mojang plans to remove the int metadata in 1.9..
L2267[19:46:37] <gigaherz> world.setBlockState(something.getDefaultState().withProperty(FACING, EnumFacing.EAST);
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L2269[19:46:53] <gigaherz> Delenas: that owuld have been nice, but I don't think it made it into 1.9
L2270[19:47:00] <gigaherz> but then again, I haven't seen the 1.9 code ;P
L2271[19:47:11] <Delenas> I do have to wonder
L2272[19:47:34] <Delenas> There are several bytebuffer utilities to make writing binary and such easier. Just follow an order, right?
L2273[19:47:46] <gigaherz> ...yes?
L2274[19:47:49] <Delenas> WOnder if you could do something similar with the metadata and properties..
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L2276[19:47:58] <whitephoenix_> How would I redo "setBlock(x,y,z, Stuff.myBlock);" in 1.8 then?
L2277[19:47:59] <gigaherz> yes but it wouldn't be efficient
L2278[19:48:03] <gigaherz> you'd need a "bit buffer" instead
L2279[19:48:23] <tterrag> whitephoenix_: use setBlockState in all cases
L2280[19:48:26] <TehNut> setBlockState(BlockPos, Stuff.myBlock.getStateFromMeta(int))
L2281[19:48:30] <gigaherz> whitephoenix_: where do you call that from?
L2282[19:48:36] <diesieben07> TehNut, gtfo :P
L2283[19:48:38] <gigaherz> you probably have a BlockPos around
L2284[19:48:39] <gigaherz> or if not
L2285[19:48:40] <TehNut> nevar
L2286[19:48:44] <Delenas> whitephoenix: create a state with all the proper properties, then.. yeah.
L2287[19:48:45] <diesieben07> you should never call getStateFromMeta yourself
L2288[19:48:46] <gigaherz> you can use new BlockPos(x,y,z)
L2289[19:48:58] <whitephoenix_> I call it from my block class in a updateTick override
L2290[19:49:06] <gigaherz> TehNut: well then do it yourself, but don't teach others ;P
L2291[19:49:11] <gigaherz> whitephoenix_: wat
L2292[19:49:35] <gigaherz> wait so you change yourself?=
L2293[19:49:38] <gigaherz> or neighbouring blocks?
L2294[19:49:54] <whitephoenix_> http://pastebin.com/qqri7GJN
L2295[19:50:09] <gigaherz> Ah
L2296[19:50:21] <gigaherz> first, that override should fail
L2297[19:50:33] <gigaherz> all those methods now have a BlockPos param isntad of x,y,z
L2298[19:50:35] <gigaherz> then
L2299[19:50:38] <gigaherz> you'd do something like
L2300[19:50:52] <gigaherz> world.setBlockState(pos, Pyromancy.harvestableFireberryBush.getDefaultState());
L2301[19:51:08] <whitephoenix_> Alright
L2302[19:51:14] <gigaherz> where "pos" is the BlockPos param you should have in the method
L2303[19:51:37] <gigaherz> steps to port 1.7 code to 1.8
L2304[19:51:48] ⇨ Joins: Naiten (Naiten@
L2305[19:52:02] <gigaherz> 1. change all ForgeDirection to EnumFacing, and all "int side"/"int facing" to EnumFacing
L2306[19:52:09] <gigaherz> 2. change all x,y,z triplets to BlockPos
L2307[19:52:44] <gigaherz> 3. fix any remaining erroring or obsolete methods by asking here or looking it up yourself
L2308[19:53:13] <gigaherz> 4. implement the blockstates for any block that previously used metadata (besides "0" as a default metadata value -- those work as-is)
L2309[19:53:39] <gigaherz> 5. despair at creating models for all those "icons" and textures
L2310[19:53:51] <gigaherz> 6. learn it's not so bad and have fun
L2311[19:54:20] <gigaherz> 7. ... ?
L2312[19:54:22] <gigaherz> 8. profit
L2313[19:54:24] <Delenas> 5.5: Snacks are your friend. Use them well during this process.
L2314[19:55:04] <whitephoenix_> I don't know how I ever tried learning to mod without this irc, thanks
L2315[19:55:17] <gigaherz> a lot of people make that mistake
L2316[19:55:18] <gigaherz> XD
L2317[19:55:27] <shadekiller666> gigaherz, step 1.5: remove all "ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN" lines
L2318[19:55:43] <gigaherz> shadekiller666: well if you have many of those, you had a problem regardless
L2319[19:55:44] <gigaherz> XD
L2320[19:55:48] <shadekiller666> true
L2321[19:56:05] <shadekiller666> step 1.5*: rewrite all the things
L2322[19:56:24] <gigaherz> if you had* you have*
L2323[19:59:24] <Delenas> 5.01: Hug fry for the rendering stuff added to forge
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L2331[20:17:07] <whitephoenix_> On to step 5 I suppose
L2332[20:17:41] <gigaherz> before you start with step 5, you could read
L2333[20:17:49] <gigaherz> https://gist.github.com/williewillus/57d7093efa80163e96e0
L2334[20:17:50] <gigaherz> this
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L2336[20:18:15] <whitephoenix_> Oh nice thank you
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L2349[20:42:38] <Techfoxis> Fluids should be registered in the pre-initialization stage right?
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L2352[20:45:18] <killjoy> all registering should be there
L2353[20:46:21] <Techfoxis> Thanks, that's what I thought.
L2354[20:46:45] <LexManos> fucking soni... https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/2483
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L2356[20:48:54] <RANKSHANK> baha helpful
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L2358[20:52:53] <LexManos> Wowe that whole BetterNote thing is stupid... And the shit he is doing can already be done without coremods or an 'API'
L2359[20:53:25] <diesieben07> lex, do you wnat a PR for that interact event thingy?
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L2361[20:53:51] <LexManos> maybe
L2362[20:53:59] <LexManos> look into it see how much data you can get for left/right
L2363[20:54:10] <LexManos> there has got to be a way to get that part of the data on the server
L2364[20:54:14] <diesieben07> right click has the full x,y,z hit vector
L2365[20:54:17] <LexManos> I mean look at microblocks.. it uses it...
L2366[20:54:21] <diesieben07> left click is just "i clicked this side"
L2367[20:54:35] <LexManos> amadornes[OFF], he should know
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L2369[20:55:17] <diesieben07> left click uses C07PacketPlayerDigging, which only has pos and side
L2370[20:55:57] <diesieben07> right click is C08PacketPlayerBlockPlacement which has the data
L2371[20:55:57] <LexManos> may have to doa raytrace on the server?
L2372[20:56:04] <LexManos> humm
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L2374[20:58:54] <diesieben07> not sure if it's really worth it to do a raytrace just for this
L2375[20:59:02] <diesieben07> since the server raytrace will always be kinda inaccurate
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L2392[22:07:35] <killjoy> Do we have a way of downgrading libraries?
L2393[22:08:03] <killjoy> downgrading lwjgl fixes the unable to resize after fullscreen issue
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L2395[22:10:16] <Mraof> Downgrading libraries where?
L2396[22:11:14] <Mraof> In my build.gradle I actually upgrade lwjgl so it doesn't change my refresh rate when I close Minecraft
L2397[22:11:19] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L2398[22:12:02] <Mraof> If just playing it's pretty easy when using multimc
L2399[22:13:08] <Mraof> But in the build.gradle, at least with 1.7.10, I replace the version number in dev.json in extractUserDev
L2400[22:14:07] <AbrarSyed> killjoy, there are ways to force specific versions in gradle
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L2402[22:14:32] <killjoy> yes, I know that. I'm talking about in the mc launcher
L2403[22:14:40] <killjoy> it prepends, right?
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L2410[22:25:27] <Sollux-Captor> Hello people
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L2418[22:37:26] <Banjooie> So, has anyone else been having issues with Java 1.8.0_74 and modpacks randomly crashing due to exception access violations? This /feels/ like the most rational place, since it's not tied to any one pack or mod.
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L2420[22:37:58] <Banjooie> Like, on launch.
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L2426[22:48:06] <AbrarSyed> Banjooie, stacktrace
L2427[22:48:26] <Banjooie> Is that the hs_err_pid4572.log thing
L2428[22:48:37] <Banjooie> or the more generic forge crashlog
L2429[22:55:55] <Banjooie> ..updating the FTB launcher and removing a bunch of unnecessary java versions has made it work. :| well. Since this may be on my end, I will cease bothering you
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L2447[23:42:33] <DanYeomans> is there a way to write comments in a .lang file
L2448[23:43:52] <RANKSHANK> start the line with a hash
L2449[23:44:44] <DanYeomans> ah, i figured it was like that
L2450[23:44:46] <DanYeomans> thanks :)
L2451[23:44:59] <DanYeomans> anyone know spanish and portugese? >.>
L2452[23:45:01] <DanYeomans> and/or
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