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L1[00:00:17] <williewillus> it's commonly used for position but you can stick whatever the hell you want in there when calling openGui and it'll pop out in your guihandler
L2[00:00:29] <Keridos> ah
L3[00:00:31] <williewillus> LatvianModder: where the heck did you hear that? :D
L4[00:00:42] <Keridos> so it is just called by my classes
L5[00:01:34] ⇦ Quits: Shukaro (~Shukaro@ ()
L6[00:03:01] <LatvianModder> williewillus: some mojangsta posted a screenshot or video
L7[00:03:19] <LatvianModder> Showing how you can change gui layout with json
L8[00:03:20] <williewillus> where
L9[00:03:38] <LatvianModder> It was a long time ago, lemme check
L10[00:03:49] <killjoy> Well, GameProfile is not a good map key
L11[00:03:54] ⇦ Quits: MattDahEpic (~MattDahEp@184-96-202-173.hlrn.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L12[00:05:47] <LatvianModder> Reading 1.9 changelog, found this gem
L13[00:05:50] <LatvianModder> Block model JSON is now strict, meaning that comments and quote-less identifiers are not allowed.
L14[00:06:02] <LatvianModder> RIP forges modelloaders
L15[00:06:34] ⇨ Joins: poiuy_qwert (~poiuy_qwe@198-84-224-94.cpe.teksavvy.com)
L16[00:06:50] <williewillus> why would that be?
L17[00:07:08] <Keridos> hm looks like I may be able to convert all my TESRs to normal models defined via json
L18[00:07:11] <williewillus> if your jsons pass jsonlint they should be just fine
L19[00:07:24] <williewillus> comments mean "// comment" which were never part of the json standard
L20[00:07:35] <TSP> I present, Derpus 2.0: https://github.com/ShadowCube273/RacingGame/blob/master/cbarwick349/player/Player.java#L23
L21[00:07:40] <Keridos> that should improve performance quite a bit, yay
L22[00:07:42] <williewillus> quoteless identifiers is doing { foo: "bar" } (no quotes on foo)
L23[00:07:44] <williewillus> which makes no sense
L24[00:07:46] <LatvianModder> They mean "__comment":"text"
L25[00:07:50] <williewillus> no....
L26[00:07:51] <LatvianModder> I thibj
L27[00:07:56] <williewillus> they mean // comments
L28[00:07:59] <TSP> He only moves in N, S, E, W, directions, and stops moving at 45* angles.
L29[00:08:08] <LatvianModder> Is that possible? O_o
L30[00:08:14] <williewillus> in some json parsers
L31[00:08:26] <williewillus> it's not an oficial part of the json standard which is why its being disallowed
L32[00:08:28] <sham1> Although it is not part of the standard
L33[00:08:35] <williewillus> disallow ing __comment keys is stupid
L34[00:08:41] <williewillus> to json that's just another key
L35[00:09:10] <williewillus> in other words, chill :p anyways where was that gui json video you were talking about?
L36[00:09:52] <thecodewarrior> Keridos: if they were static why were you using TESRs in the first place? You should've been using ISBRHs.
L37[00:10:03] <Keridos> custom model thecodewarrior
L38[00:10:23] <Keridos> ISBRH were block renders afaik
L39[00:10:37] <williewillus> yeah if you used OBJ modles in 1,7 you were forced to use TESR
L40[00:10:49] <thecodewarrior> Ah, forgot about that part.
L41[00:10:50] ⇨ Joins: lynchiem (~lynchiem@
L42[00:11:00] <Keridos> hm where has this function gone: getStackInSlotOnClosing
L43[00:11:21] <TSP> fry.. I need help. :/
L44[00:11:31] <xaero> Keridos: use mh on the bot to get method history
L45[00:11:41] <sham1> do you now
L46[00:11:46] <williewillus> !!mh getStackInSlotOnClosing
L47[00:11:47] <MCPBot_Reborn> === Method History: getStackInSlotOnClosing ===
L48[00:11:47] <MCPBot_Reborn> [1.8 IInventory.func_70304_b, Committed 2015-11-05 11:38:32.121470-05:00] soniex2: getStackInSlotOnClosing => getStackInSlotOnClosing
L49[00:11:48] <MCPBot_Reborn> [1.8 IInventory.func_70304_b, Committed 2015-10-25 10:31:45.105570-04:00] soniex2: getStackInSlotOnClosing => getStackInSlotOnClosing
L50[00:11:58] <sham1> oh god
L51[00:12:10] <williewillus> i feel like it should show forward history as well... :p
L52[00:12:24] <williewillus> !!gm func_70304_b 1.8.9
L53[00:12:24] <MCPBot_Reborn> === MC 1.8.9: net/minecraft/inventory/IInventory.removeStackFromSlot (og.b) UNLOCKED ===
L54[00:12:25] <MCPBot_Reborn> Name : b => func_70304_b => removeStackFromSlot
L55[00:12:26] <MCPBot_Reborn> Descriptor : (I)Lzx; => (I)Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;
L56[00:12:26] <MCPBot_Reborn> Comment : Removes a stack from the given slot and returns it.
L57[00:12:27] <MCPBot_Reborn> SRG Params : I p_70304_1_
L58[00:12:28] <MCPBot_Reborn> MCP Params : int index
L59[00:12:29] <MCPBot_Reborn> Last Change: 2015-11-05 11:38:32.121470-05:00 (soniex2)
L60[00:12:46] <xaero> hm yes, it should :P
L61[00:12:52] <TSP> http://imgur.com/bLmyf1D This direction is broke. Every other direction works.
L62[00:13:18] <Keridos> ah so that is the new name, thanks
L63[00:13:55] <xaero> what's confusing is that it has the correct date, but the wrong transition.. bug?
L64[00:14:33] <thecodewarrior> TSP: Breakpoint?
L65[00:14:42] <williewillus> yeah just saw that
L66[00:14:42] <TSP> ??
L67[00:14:52] <Keridos> hm, how do I do the update function and canupdate function for 1.8.9?
L68[00:14:57] <Keridos> for tile entities
L69[00:14:58] <TSP> https://github.com/ShadowCube273/RacingGame/blob/master/cbarwick349/player/Player.java#L23 That's the move line.
L70[00:15:57] ⇨ Joins: alex_6611 (~alex_6611@p5DE7A38D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L71[00:16:16] <thecodewarrior> Put the two movements in variables, put a breakpoint when you call move, and see what they are for the broken direction.
L72[00:16:26] <xaero> gonna report that and see what b spkr s says
L73[00:16:40] <thecodewarrior> If they seem to make sense put breakpoints in move, if that makes sense put breakpoints further in, ...
L74[00:16:46] <xaero> Keridos: implement ITickable
L75[00:16:53] <TSP> Well, it works now. :/
L76[00:16:55] <Keridos> xaero: ah thanks
L77[00:17:03] <TSP> I upped turnSpeed and speed.
L78[00:17:09] <TSP> OH well.
L79[00:17:25] <TSP> I'll figure out why it didn't work at lower settings later.
L80[00:18:04] <lynchiem> sorry to bother, I am having a hard time tracking this info down: does the registryName for items/blocks need to be globally unique (cross mod)?
L81[00:18:20] <thecodewarrior> TSP: Future you can take care of it, I believe in him.
L82[00:18:31] <TSP> Huh?
L83[00:18:41] <TSP> It's too early for subtle jokes.
L84[00:19:00] <thecodewarrior> Making a joke about postponing, Future you is always dealing with Past you's problems.
L85[00:19:08] <TSP> Yea...
L86[00:19:25] <TSP> Future me, usually continues to Postpone past me's problems.
L87[00:19:39] <williewillus> lynchiem: are you talking about Item.setRegistryName?
L88[00:19:53] <lynchiem> that is correct williewillus
L89[00:20:05] <williewillus> if it takes a resourcelocation, the domain should be your modid, and the path should be unique within your mod
L90[00:20:27] <williewillus> new ResourceLocation(<modid>, <path>) translates to "modid:path"
L91[00:20:56] <unascribed> fun fact: new ResourceLocation("<modid>:<path>") will automatically split up into <modid>, <path>
L92[00:21:03] <lynchiem> ok that makes sense, thank you.
L93[00:21:25] <Cazzar> ResourceLocation("<path>") has minecraft assumed as the modid
L94[00:21:40] <williewillus> i prefer not to use either of those though
L95[00:21:48] <williewillus> don't like things making assumptions for me
L96[00:21:51] <unascribed> yeah, the two-arg variant is the best for hard-coding
L97[00:21:57] <unascribed> but the one-arg is good for loading from files
L98[00:22:39] <TSP> Hmmm.. I semi fixed Derpus going off screen. lol
L99[00:22:44] <lynchiem> my confusion primarily arises from this call: GameRegistry.registerItem(item1, "item1"), and the second parameter
L100[00:23:00] <williewillus> ah, that only has to be mod-unique
L101[00:23:06] <williewillus> fml will add your modid automagically
L102[00:23:14] <lynchiem> ah ok, thankyou
L103[00:23:19] <williewillus> no prob
L104[00:25:34] ⇨ Joins: ChJees (~ChJees@h211n5-sv-a13.ias.bredband.telia.com)
L105[00:26:53] <Corosus> !mh destroyBlockInWorldPartially
L106[00:28:26] ⇦ Quits: lynchiem (~lynchiem@ (Quit: Leaving)
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L111[00:34:16] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L112[00:34:41] <thecodewarrior> Apparently falling through the bottom of a catwalk causes the currently held item's texture atlas to be set to null. wut.
L113[00:37:13] ⇨ Joins: Hunterz (~hunterz@2001:af0:8000:1c01:6af7:28ff:fe37:5d6a)
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L116[00:43:20] *** TSP is now known as TSP|Zzz
L117[00:49:22] <thecodewarrior> Anybody know why this is happening? https://gyazo.com/997acf41c43055c8ed71ba547ba47d7e
L118[00:49:42] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep|@ (Quit: Leaving)
L119[00:51:45] <TSP|Zzz> Jeb said nuuuu open door for yew.
L120[00:52:23] *** minecreatr is now known as Mine|dreamland
L121[00:52:50] <thecodewarrior> Woah, TSP sleep talks!
L122[00:52:50] <killjoy> are all those blocks entities?
L123[00:53:09] <TSP|Zzz> Nah, haven't actually headed to bed yet.
L124[00:53:11] <thecodewarrior> No, I made it so it renders all collision boxes near you.
L125[00:53:11] <TSP|Zzz> About to tho.
L126[00:53:19] <killjoy> oh ok
L127[00:53:25] <killjoy> maybe server/client desync
L128[00:53:37] <TSP|Zzz> G'night all. Hopefully I can figure out derpus' drunken madness during school.
L129[00:53:39] <killjoy> That's what usually is the reason for jumps
L130[00:54:16] <killjoy> client does thing, server doesn't know. client tells server where it is. server says no and sends it back.
L131[00:54:22] <thecodewarrior> So it's either isOpaqueCube, isBlockNormalCube, isFullBlock, or isFullCube. One of those dictates minecraft's new "Shove you out of blocks" feature.
L132[00:54:45] <killjoy> so trying to enter that "block"?
L133[00:55:14] <thecodewarrior> Yeah, it looks like it didn't want me inside if there was a block above my head.
L134[00:55:35] ⇦ Quits: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@f054021112.adsl.alicedsl.de) (Quit: Die Sprache der Politik ist daf�r gemacht, dass L�gen wahr klingen und das T�ten angemessen wirkt. (George Orwell))
L135[00:55:40] <thecodewarrior> isFullCube. that's what does it.
L136[00:56:00] *** AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L137[00:57:41] ⇦ Quits: Upthorn (~ogmar@108-85-88-44.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L138[00:58:10] ⇦ Quits: TSP|Zzz (~TheSecret@c-68-53-45-139.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L152[01:49:16] ⇦ Quits: hanzou (webchat@ (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L153[01:49:44] <Keridos> !gm getField
L154[01:49:55] <Keridos> !gm getField
L155[01:50:19] <Keridos> ok what the heck does this do
L156[01:51:34] <xaero> !gm getField
L157[01:52:35] <kashike> xaero: hehe
L158[01:52:54] <xaero> net/minecraft/inventory/IInventory.getField takes an int id and returns an int
L159[01:52:55] <Keridos> i need to implement about 6 new function for ISidedInventory and I mostly have no clue what i should do in them
L160[01:53:06] <xaero> dunno
L161[01:53:08] <McJty> I ignored all of them
L162[01:53:11] <McJty> And it works :-)
L163[01:53:13] <xaero> kashike: I needed to know :P
L164[01:53:32] <kashike> xaero: no, "gm getField"
L165[01:53:35] <kashike> heh
L166[01:53:50] <xaero> oh that :P
L167[01:53:52] <xaero> hmm
L168[01:53:55] <Keridos> McJty: ah then i just leave the standard implements of intellij, return null etc :D
L169[01:53:56] <xaero> !gm getMethod
L170[01:54:00] <xaero> darn
L171[01:54:05] ⇨ Joins: hanzou (~hanzou@
L172[01:54:16] <McJty> No guarantee that that's the best way. But it seems to work fine for me. I also have no clue what they are for
L173[01:55:16] <Keridos> nah its fine, thanks though :)
L174[01:55:32] <Keridos> meh blockstates make my setblockmetadata functions a bit more ugly
L175[01:55:50] <McJty> You should avoid working directly with metadata though
L176[01:56:08] <Keridos> so instead just create x variants for blockstates in the jsons?
L177[01:56:27] <McJty> Not only the jsons. You have to define your properties in the block too
L178[01:56:37] <McJty> And tell MC how to convert that to meta and the other way around
L179[01:56:55] <McJty> Block.getStateFromMeta/getMetaFromState
L180[01:57:08] <McJty> But other then those two functions you shouldn't really touch meta too much
L181[01:57:53] <McJty> Where you would use world.setBlock(..., block, meta, ...) in the past you now do something like: world.setBlockState(..., block.getDefaultState().withProperty(FACING, EnumFacing.NORTH)), ...)
L182[01:58:02] <McJty> Or whatever property you defined
L183[01:58:31] <Keridos> hm ok
L184[01:58:44] <Keridos> ah that is way better
L185[01:58:57] <Keridos> now I can just define the metadata to blockstates in the actual block
L186[01:59:13] <Keridos> and just have 2 values, facing and state (if turned on)
L187[01:59:14] <Ordinastie> Keridos, it's some failed attempt from Mojang at syncing stuff for inventories
L188[01:59:23] <McJty> Don't forget the 4 bit limit when defining meta from state
L189[01:59:27] <Keridos> yeah
L190[01:59:38] <Keridos> like i just need to to that in the getmetadatafromstate
L191[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160202 mappings to Forge Maven.
L192[02:00:06] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160202-1.8.9.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20160202" in build.gradle).
L193[02:00:06] <Keridos> like facing to int + 6*state
L194[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
L195[02:00:42] <Keridos> that is how i saved it until now, 0-5 was facing, plus 6 if machine is turned on (to change the texture)
L196[02:01:14] <McJty> Keridos, that will work but it is more common to actually use distinct bits: facing + 8*state
L197[02:02:34] ⇦ Quits: Naiten (Naiten@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L198[02:04:36] <Keridos> McJty: to improve performance i guess?
L199[02:05:01] <McJty> Well the improvement is marginal. But it helps protect against the situation where cubes suddenly get 8 faces
L200[02:05:03] <McJty> :-)
L201[02:05:15] <Keridos> lol
L202[02:05:27] <Keridos> well by doing this i might lose backwards compat though
L203[02:06:00] <McJty> yes, if you already depend on that then don't change it
L204[02:06:08] <Keridos> yeah
L205[02:06:09] <McJty> I thought you were making something new
L206[02:06:12] <Keridos> nah
L207[02:06:18] <Keridos> porting my floodlights mod to 1.8
L208[02:06:22] <McJty> Well
L209[02:06:31] <McJty> Modded worlds cannot easily be transfered anyway
L210[02:06:34] <McJty> So that might not be an issue
L211[02:06:36] <Keridos> it is quite a bit of work, but I like the new stuff more than the old
L212[02:06:52] <McJty> I mean you cannot usually load a modded 1.7.10 world in 1.8
L213[02:06:53] <Keridos> is 1.7.10 to 1.8 really that harsh for worlds?
L214[02:07:00] <McJty> For vanilla it works
L215[02:07:10] <Keridos> ah yeah most mods are missing :D
L216[02:07:10] <McJty> But almost all mods have changed a lot
L217[02:07:19] <McJty> Even the mods that are present have changed
L218[02:07:27] <Keridos> Then i propose: f*** backwards compat :D
L219[02:07:27] <McJty> In rftools I totally changed the internal structure of all blocks
L220[02:07:36] <McJty> And also split the mod into two
L221[02:08:19] <Keridos> yeah, btw. good work on rftools
L222[02:08:23] <McJty> thanks
L223[02:08:43] <Keridos> We use it extensively on my server and are really enjoying the mod
L224[02:09:11] <Keridos> we replaced mystcraft and rftools does it with more style, and the OP books are gone, long live matter transmitters!
L225[02:09:13] <McJty> I really should put in more punishments into RFTools. People are enjoying my work far too much!: -)
L226[02:09:31] <Keridos> oh don't you dare to go full greg on me :p
L227[02:09:38] <McJty> Now that is an idea!
L228[02:09:59] <Keridos> gregtech is like, I am making everything realistic, except in gregtech there are no fuses
L229[02:10:16] <Keridos> if you wire something up wrongly it just blows up everything
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L231[02:11:18] <Keridos> McJty: I think tweaking some of the energy stuff to a higher usage might be a good start, maybe some more custom ore in dimensions
L232[02:11:41] <McJty> Well in 1.8.9 the power usage really is not that bad. There is no Big Reactors yet!
L233[02:11:46] ⇦ Quits: covers1624_ (~covers162@ppp118-210-96-190.lns20.adl2.internode.on.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L234[02:11:47] <Keridos> gonna have to check if rftools does have a global power multiplier
L235[02:11:51] <McJty> It is hard to power the really good dimensions in 1.8.9
L236[02:11:57] <McJty> Keridos, it actually has
L237[02:12:04] <McJty> For dimensions that is
L238[02:12:18] <Keridos> well it is gonna be a long time until upgrade my server to 1.8.x
L239[02:12:33] <Keridos> like 10% of the mods we like to play have been ported
L240[02:13:06] <McJty> I find it actually fun and refreshing to play with that little mods atm
L241[02:13:09] <Keridos> and I want to put on the 2 mods I am working on at least, one of them i am porting, and the team of the other (including me) has not even begun work on a port
L242[02:13:15] <McJty> It forces you to find creative solutions for some of the problems
L243[02:13:35] <Keridos> oh i can do that with lots of mods too
L244[02:13:51] <hanzou> Hi, does there exist a good Forge mod to import arbitrary Maya models, say from http://tf3dm.com/, and use those as living entities/monsters?
L245[02:14:26] <Keridos> in 1.6.4 we had a wither killing machine consisting of MFFS shields, tMehcworks drawbridges, CC turtles and an ars magica (death ray) caster
L246[02:15:03] <Keridos> hanzou: I would think you have to write your own mod for that
L247[02:15:43] <hanzou> Oh bummer
L248[02:16:04] <Keridos> but tbh, it is not that hard to do that
L249[02:16:29] <Keridos> and here are a lot of very friendly people who help out newbies and advanced modders as well :)
L250[02:16:44] *** Ashlee is now known as Ash|Work
L251[02:17:04] <gabizou> hanzou there is something that may be useful, but I don't think it's been updated for 1.8.9
L252[02:17:07] <hanzou> Well I think I'd have to hook up with the FBX SDK or assimp for starters, so it's a bit of work.
L253[02:17:16] <gabizou> though it's not at all written in forge, but for liteloader
L254[02:17:37] <Keridos> hanzou: can't you export them to another format?
L255[02:18:14] <hanzou> Sure I can convert to whatever format's easiest, but ultimately have to render in Minecraft.
L256[02:19:57] <gabizou> hmm, nvm, doesn't seem like mumfrey made the model lib public
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L258[02:22:08] <hanzou> Just found this thread: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/modification-development/2151328-help-with-making-a-mod-using-3d-obj-models
L259[02:22:15] <hanzou> Seems like some of those guys had success importing Maya models via Forge?
L260[02:23:55] <fry> OBJ != maya models
L261[02:24:06] <fry> and there's an obj loader in forge right now
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L263[02:27:18] <hanzou> Hmm but I think there are converters from FBX to OBJ.
L264[02:27:19] <shadekiller666> maya "model"s are complicated
L265[02:27:29] <shadekiller666> hanzou, maya is one of them :P
L266[02:27:42] <hanzou> Cool
L267[02:27:43] <shadekiller666> blender is also one of them, to a degree
L268[02:27:55] <hanzou> Ahh
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L272[02:38:51] <Keridos> hm how do i itemblockwithmetadata in 1.8 ?
L273[02:39:28] <McJty> That hasn't changed much compared to 1.7.10
L274[02:39:32] <McJty> What's the problem exactly?
L275[02:39:43] <Keridos> do i just implement getsubitems?
L276[02:39:55] <McJty> To do what exactly?
L277[02:40:06] <Keridos> a block with several subblocks via metadata
L278[02:40:12] <Keridos> the item version of it
L279[02:40:16] <gigaherz> just extend ItemBlock, and override getMetadata
L280[02:40:18] <Keridos> hm
L281[02:40:30] <McJty> You also have Block.getSubBlocks
L282[02:40:43] <gigaherz> yeah but the vanilla ItemBlock doesn't handle metadata
L283[02:40:48] <gigaherz> it will always return 0 from getMetadata
L284[02:40:57] <gigaherz> so you ahve to override that
L285[02:40:59] <Keridos> I think it got easier, since i just changed rendering
L286[02:41:04] <gigaherz> and then in the constructor call setHasSubtypes
L287[02:41:43] <gigaherz> in order to enable the getSubItems call that in turn calls getSubBlocks on the block
L288[02:42:02] <gigaherz> but if you only need metadata value that's not necessary
L289[02:42:02] <Keridos> I think i can get away with just changing rendering via metadata in the jsons
L290[02:42:08] <gigaherz> and you can just override getMetadata
L291[02:42:30] <gigaherz> Keridos: do you want the item form to have separate models?
L292[02:42:36] <Keridos> gigaherz: yes
L293[02:42:49] <gigaherz> then you must extend your own ItemBlock,
L294[02:42:58] <gigaherz> override getMetadata to return the input metadata
L295[02:43:06] <Keridos> i am porting a mod that has this in my 1.7.10 working
L296[02:43:13] <gigaherz> and in your client proxy,
L297[02:43:27] <gigaherz> call ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation for every single possible value of the metadata
L298[02:43:46] <gigaherz> you CAN use blockstate variants in there
L299[02:44:02] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/client/ClientProxy.java#L109
L300[02:44:05] <gigaherz> thisi s how I did mine
L301[02:44:10] <gigaherz> and note: those are items, not blocks
L302[02:44:24] <gigaherz> forge makes it so that there are blockstate files for items too
L303[02:44:38] <gigaherz> but the same code would work for blocks
L304[02:45:01] <gigaherz> all you have to remember is that the properties in the variant string, are sorted alphabetically
L305[02:45:04] <Keridos> so I do not set the models in the hsons?
L306[02:45:10] <gigaherz> yes
L307[02:45:23] <gigaherz> but you have to link to item with the json
L308[02:45:39] <gigaherz> which means two things
L309[02:45:40] <Keridos> hm was there not an option to set models via json?
L310[02:46:01] <gigaherz> 1. from the code, you have to call ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation for each subitem that needs a model
L311[02:46:13] <gigaherz> 2. from the resources, create a blockstates json for your block/item
L312[02:46:24] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/elementsofpower/blockstates/magicOrb.json
L313[02:46:30] <Keridos> I need a seperate blockstate json for the item?
L314[02:46:43] <McJty> Not a blockstate. But a separate model json
L315[02:46:44] <gigaherz> not if it's an ItemBlock
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L317[02:46:59] <gigaherz> you can refer to the same variant strings as the block form
L318[02:47:17] <gigaherz> just make sure to include "transform":"forge:default-block" in the defaults
L319[02:47:23] <gigaherz> so that it will look right in hand
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L321[02:47:54] <Keridos> hm, now i just need to figure out how to import my old techne java code to the json
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L323[02:48:09] <gigaherz> there was some tcn to json converter around
L324[02:48:47] <gigaherz> ah no
L325[02:48:48] <gigaherz> https://github.com/GloomyFolken/tcn2obj
L326[02:48:50] <gigaherz> it was to .obj
L327[02:48:54] <gigaherz> well that works too
L328[02:49:03] <gigaherz> Keridos: keep in mind there's two different kinds of json
L329[02:49:11] <gigaherz> it's not "the json"
L330[02:49:15] <gigaherz> there are the blockstate files
L331[02:49:26] <gigaherz> which are bound to a specific block or item's registration name
L332[02:49:31] <gigaherz> and the model json format
L333[02:49:47] <gigaherz> which can be used FROM the blockstate files, or assigned directly to items
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L335[02:50:02] <Keridos> ok, I have model jsons here for all my blocks and item model jsons for them, and a blockstate for each block
L336[02:50:02] <gigaherz> https://gist.github.com/williewillus/57d7093efa80163e96e0
L337[02:50:05] <gigaherz> you may want to read this
L338[02:50:07] <Keridos> that should be all I need?
L339[02:50:16] <Keridos> gigaherz: thanks a lot, btw. read that gist partially
L340[02:50:27] <Keridos> and talked a bit to willie here in irc
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L342[02:50:55] <gigaherz> you will need:
L343[02:50:59] <Wuppy> o/
L344[02:51:16] <gigaherz> 1. the blockstate files, one for each block at least, but you can also use them for non-block items too
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L346[02:51:37] <gigaherz> 2. if you use json models, one json file for each separate model (texturescan be replaced in the blockstates files)
L347[02:52:27] <gigaherz> 3. from your client proxy, during the preinit event, call ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation for each thing that you will have in the inventory as an item
L348[02:52:29] <gigaherz> that means
L349[02:52:38] <gigaherz> each subitem and subblock that will have an item form
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L352[02:58:13] <Dagarath> Is there an easy way to actually create an item from its unlocalized name? or should I just be using the ID?
L353[03:01:34] <Wuppy> woop, oral exam which decides if I get a quarter of my study points of the year today..
L354[03:01:44] <McJty> Dagarath, use the registry name
L355[03:01:57] <Dagarath> How would I derrive the registry name initially?
L356[03:02:12] <McJty> item.getRegistryName()
L357[03:02:16] <McJty> Or block.getRegistryName()
L358[03:02:32] <Dagarath> ok well..no way to do it without knowing if it is a block or item initially?
L359[03:02:54] <McJty> Check if one of them is null I suppose
L360[03:03:43] <Dagarath> Hrmm alright, I guess it is more steps for me to code but it will make everything flow easier
L361[03:04:25] <Keridos> time to make a break from coding
L362[03:04:30] <Keridos> i think i got my blockstates now
L363[03:04:39] <Keridos> but I cannot test until i port the other 70% of my mod
L364[03:06:02] <Dagarath> I just realized getRegistryName is 1.8.9 no =/
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L366[03:08:08] <McJty> Dagarath, ah. What version are you on?
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L368[03:08:58] <Dagarath> 1.7.10 I am just going to use IDs
L369[03:09:20] <McJty> Dagarath, note that ID's are not constant
L370[03:09:25] <Keridos> phew porting my mod to 1.8 is much work, but I like the new mechanics already
L371[03:09:26] <Dagarath> really? damnit lol
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L374[03:10:45] <Dagarath> so what CAN I use that is constant in 1.7.10 Display names are localized..StatCollector.translateToLocal provides what exactly? I've seen it as a suggestion before
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L377[03:12:28] <Dagarath> Using GameRegistry.findItem/Block requires me to store modids as well =/
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L379[03:16:44] <McJty> Dagarath, well if you want it to be unique you are going to need a modid
L380[03:17:04] <McJty> But you can use modid:name (i.e. combined name)
L381[03:17:10] <McJty> Which is basically what getRegistryName does
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L383[03:17:51] <Dagarath> Alright, my issue has been actually getting the modid I never figured out how or I would have done that initially
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L385[03:18:45] <McJty> I have code for that.
L386[03:18:56] <McJty> https://bpaste.net/show/63a45e28ab48
L387[03:19:05] <McJty> That's what rftools on 1.7.10 does for getting the modid of a block
L388[03:19:44] <Dagarath> OH so nameForObject returns modid and unlocalized name combined?
L389[03:20:22] <PrinceCat> https://gist.github.com/e63c91e7afb12d2a294a
L390[03:20:25] <Dagarath> nice..
L391[03:20:26] <PrinceCat> Damit McJty.
L392[03:20:35] <McJty> Dagarath, not the unlocalized name.
L393[03:20:43] <Dagarath> oh just the what?
L394[03:20:46] <McJty> Dagarath, the registry name which is given via GameRegistry.registerBlock()
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L396[03:20:47] <PrinceCat> Oh, McJty.. yours is much better.. haha
L397[03:21:18] <McJty> Dagarath, which is also the name you should use
L398[03:21:42] <Dagarath> ok so basically since I am storing strings, replace unlocalized name with nameFromObject right?
L399[03:21:51] <McJty> yes
L400[03:21:58] <Dagarath> err FOR not from hehe
L401[03:22:03] <Dagarath> sweet ty =)
L402[03:22:15] <Dagarath> you just made my day
L403[03:22:25] <McJty> No problem :-)
L404[03:23:03] <Dagarath> so just need 1 line to check if its a block or item, and boom =)
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L418[04:03:33] <Nitrodev> Hi all
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L421[04:05:28] <Keridos> is propertyDirection the correct one to store a facing of a block?
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L423[04:06:24] <Dark|Beampro> Does DimensionManger have a max value for ids? Or could I legitimately just flat out use Integer.MAX_VALUE and it would still work?
L424[04:06:34] <Dark|Beampro> Not going to do that just want to know if there's some limits.
L425[04:08:51] <Cazzar> Well, in the protocol, the dimension is generally a byte
L426[04:09:15] <Cazzar> Though, It is int in some other cases.
L427[04:10:04] <Cazzar> http://wiki.vg/Protocol#Join_Game shows byte, http://wiki.vg/Protocol#Respawn shows int
L428[04:10:11] <Cazzar> wait, no int
L429[04:14:32] <Dark|Beampro> Cazzar, soooo byte then?
L430[04:14:53] <Cazzar> I dunno, though, that might be something to take into consideration
L431[04:19:15] <killjoy> So this happened. http://i.imgur.com/GUBAF6V.jpg
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L441[04:38:35] <Keridos> gigaherz: my metadata sublblock blocks did have only an itemblock for rendering
L442[04:39:09] <Keridos> the method you use for rendering of items assumes an item
L443[04:39:22] <Keridos> do I need to create an own item class for that subblock too?
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L446[04:43:15] <Keridos> hm can somebody here explain how to transfer my old item renderes for a metadata based subblock from a TESR from 1.7.10 to 1.8.9
L447[04:43:25] <Keridos> I am legitemately confused right now
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L450[04:50:22] <killjoy> something something blockstates
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L453[04:57:00] <Keridos> wow it looks as if my mod might be compiling
L454[04:57:21] <Keridos> yay, now see if it boots and if yes, how much of my mod is broken
L455[04:57:33] <Keridos> I kind of think like pretty much nothing will work ;-)
L456[04:57:49] <gigaherz> sorry I had to get some groceries
L457[04:57:57] <gigaherz> Keridos: Item.getItemFromBlock(block)
L458[04:57:59] <Keridos> no problem :)
L459[04:58:13] <gigaherz> but
L460[04:58:15] <gigaherz> you mentioned TESR
L461[04:58:19] <gigaherz> that's a whole different thing
L462[04:58:21] <gigaherz> I can't help with that
L463[04:59:24] <gigaherz> I recall some sort of TileEntityItemStackRenderer, but I can't remember how to register a TESR to use that
L464[04:59:45] <Keridos> well the model is simple enough to be made via obj and jsons
L465[04:59:53] <gigaherz> that's good
L466[04:59:58] <Keridos> i think I can probably remove all my TESR later
L467[05:00:00] <gigaherz> does it have animated parts?
L468[05:00:07] <Keridos> no, thats the point
L469[05:00:10] <gigaherz> or it's just static and you used a TESR because you are lazy?
L470[05:00:24] <Keridos> i used a TESR because I had no idea how to do it else tbh
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L472[05:00:29] <gigaherz> even in 1.7.10, you have ISBRH for static blocks ;P
L473[05:00:34] <gigaherz> had*
L474[05:00:39] <gigaherz> in 1.8, you get json/obj models
L475[05:00:40] <Keridos> i used that for all but one
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L477[05:02:35] <Keridos> do i need seperate models for blocks and items?
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L479[05:04:38] <Keridos> hm nei does not work on mc 1.8.9?
L480[05:04:43] <Wuppy> does anyone know how to hide the "Activate Windows" overlay on windows 10?
L481[05:05:05] <gigaherz> ?
L482[05:05:15] <gigaherz> thewhat?
L483[05:05:23] <gigaherz> Keridos: no you do not need separate models
L484[05:05:41] <gigaherz> IF you use the forge blockstates format
L485[05:05:53] <gigaherz> you can reuse the same entry for both an item and a block
L486[05:06:22] <Keridos> I think i got my blockstates ready almost
L487[05:06:38] <Keridos> just need to implement coloring and the multiblock
L488[05:06:45] <Keridos> not multiblock, the subblock thingie
L489[05:06:56] <Wuppy> gigaherz, this thing: http://i.imgur.com/mq936Re.png
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L491[05:07:21] <Keridos> wuppy, get a legal version
L492[05:07:22] <gigaherz> uh
L493[05:07:26] <gigaherz> get a legit copy
L494[05:07:27] <gigaherz> XD
L495[05:07:33] <Wuppy> I have a legit copy on my laptop
L496[05:07:41] <Wuppy> dont want to get a second legit copy, such expensive
L497[05:07:53] <gigaherz> you practically get windows 10 free
L498[05:08:02] <fry> then it's easy: remove it
L499[05:08:07] <gigaherz> all you had to do is "upgrade" from a pirated windows 7 using the DAZ loader
L500[05:08:07] <gigaherz> ;P
L501[05:08:16] <gigaherz> it's not technically legal
L502[05:08:22] <gigaherz> but it activates
L503[05:13:38] <Wuppy> heh.. cnat believe that actually worked
L504[05:13:46] <Wuppy> ran some command in the CMD using my product key and it went away
L505[05:14:00] <gigaherz> heh
L506[05:14:09] <gigaherz> same one as the laptop?
L507[05:14:33] <gigaherz> Microsoft really wants people to get windows 10, so thast may "just work"
L508[05:14:45] <Wuppy> it's my illegal key
L509[05:14:57] <gigaherz> but if the laptop came with windows preinstalled, then the OEM license for windows doesn't really allow using the same key on other devices
L510[05:15:01] <gigaherz> ah
L511[05:15:17] <gigaherz> then you simply flipped the finger at microsoft
L512[05:15:34] <Wuppy> exactly
L513[05:15:37] <gigaherz> and they are like *shrug* "you are now a proud user of the windows Store"
L514[05:15:56] <gigaherz> because, in the end
L515[05:16:01] <Cazzar> I've played too much Rainbow 6 recently...
L516[05:16:08] <gigaherz> that's what they want: to have the Windows Store accessible from as many devices as possible
L517[05:16:09] <Cazzar> I just read gigaherz's name as Glaz
L518[05:16:12] <Wuppy> can confirm, he has played too much Rainbow 6
L519[05:16:31] <Cazzar> Wuppy: it's ONLY 70 hours in a fortnight
L520[05:16:48] <Cazzar> 66 hours.
L521[05:17:06] <Wuppy> 66 rainbow 6 hours eh?
L522[05:17:11] <Cazzar> Yep
L523[05:17:24] <Cazzar> http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1454411842
L524[05:17:26] ⇨ Joins: Emris (~Miranda@
L525[05:17:38] <Wuppy> lemme check my gaming times
L526[05:17:55] <Wuppy> 14.8 hours these 2 weeks
L527[05:18:09] <Cazzar> Also, a fun game concept.
L528[05:18:11] <Cazzar> Glitchspace.
L529[05:18:26] <Cazzar> http://store.steampowered.com/app/290060
L530[05:18:33] <Cazzar> Early access, but plays nice
L531[05:19:01] <gigaherz> "Glitchspace is a game about reprogramming the world around you to solve puzzles. "
L532[05:19:05] <Wuppy> hmm prolly not my kind of game
L533[05:19:07] <Wuppy> I dont like puzzles
L534[05:19:13] <gigaherz> so like Hack'n'slash but more realistic
L535[05:19:13] <gigaherz> ;P
L536[05:19:20] <Wuppy> or programming when I'm specificlaly not programming
L537[05:22:23] <Keridos> hm in forgradle 2.1 dependency resolution isnt working for me anymore apparently
L538[05:23:02] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L539[05:23:24] <gigaherz> if you just upgraded, you may want to do something like "gradlew seupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies"
L540[05:23:32] <gigaherz> to ensure that everything is up to date
L541[05:24:05] ⇦ Quits: Upthorn (~ogmar@108-204-125-173.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L545[05:28:21] <Keridos> gigaherz: i mean the dependecies i manually add
L546[05:28:24] <Keridos> forge seems complete
L547[05:28:38] <Keridos> but its like I add IGW-MOD and I do not get CCL or NEI
L548[05:28:46] <Keridos> i add NEI but it does not add CCL
L549[05:28:53] <Keridos> it did that in 1.7.10
L550[05:29:04] <McJty> Why are you using NEI in 1.8.9?
L551[05:29:44] <McJty> You don't need it for being able to add obfuscated mods to your dev env
L552[05:29:46] <McJty> Forge handles that now
L553[05:30:03] <McJty> And JEI is the thing to use in 1.8.9 if it is for item handling
L554[05:30:35] <Keridos> McJty: i think IGWmod depends on NEI, and I have NEI compat in my mod too
L555[05:30:49] <McJty> Is NEI even ported to 1.8.9 already?
L556[05:30:58] <McJty> And IGWmod doesn't depend on NEI
L557[05:31:04] <McJty> I have that mod without NEI
L558[05:31:33] <McJty> Keridos, you shouldn't use NEI on 1.8.9. The mod is basically dead at the moment
L559[05:32:16] <Cazzar> NEI is not updated as of yet
L560[05:32:34] <Keridos> to top it off my pc just randomly restarted
L561[05:32:36] <Keridos> wtf
L562[05:32:39] <McJty> ChickenBones has also said that he will most likely not try to port the item handling part of NEI again.
L563[05:32:48] <McJty> But concentrate on the things that JEI doesn't do
L564[05:32:51] <Keridos> ah ok
L565[05:32:57] <gigaherz> that'd be nice
L566[05:33:01] <gigaherz> less overlap
L567[05:33:13] <Keridos> yeah
L568[05:33:19] <gigaherz> surprisingly, TMI the zombie is still around
L569[05:33:19] <gigaherz> XD
L570[05:33:29] <Keridos> gonna have to see if I have logs of this channel somewhere
L571[05:33:35] <Keridos> so much info given to me
L572[05:33:41] <Keridos> now its gone
L573[05:33:55] <Keridos> and I have literaly no idea why my pc just restarted. no bluescreen nothing
L574[05:34:09] <Keridos> it just froze, HD did something and then it rebooted
L575[05:34:20] <gigaherz> if you can't find it, I could send you my log file
L576[05:35:27] <Keridos> gigaherz: found it, alls fine, but thanks for the offer :)
L577[05:35:39] <gigaherz> http://cheezburger.com/8746822912
L578[05:36:22] <Keridos> lol
L579[05:37:46] <Keridos> wtf my build.gradle is empty
L580[05:38:02] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L581[05:38:30] <McJty> Keridos, perhaps you got a HD crash just now?
L582[05:38:38] <McJty> With the random reboot and files being corrupt/bad
L583[05:38:46] <Keridos> gonna check my smart values
L584[05:38:57] <gigaherz> it could simply be that the system rebooted mid-write
L585[05:39:09] <Cazzar> Steam was trying to update Left4Dead
L586[05:39:12] <gigaherz> with IDEs writing dynamically
L587[05:39:18] <Cazzar> But it was writing to the wrong directory...
L588[05:39:25] <gigaherz> data loss seems easier
L589[05:42:14] <Keridos> gigaherz: the file was on my ssd
L590[05:42:27] <Keridos> my hdds seem fine, no ECC errors
L591[05:42:34] <Cazzar> Wuppy: http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1454413341 :P
L592[05:42:55] <Wuppy> :V
L593[05:43:38] <Wuppy> http://i.imgur.com/ALHksvG.png
L594[05:43:59] <Cazzar> By default E is the CD drive
L595[05:44:08] ⇦ Quits: lynchiem (~mr_lynchi@cpe-58-174-123-39.bzuj1.cha.bigpond.net.au) (Quit: Leaving)
L596[05:44:14] <Keridos> ok it was ahardware fault
L597[05:44:20] <Keridos> the event does not state which hardware though
L598[05:46:08] <Keridos> LiveKernelEvent and bluescreen code 141
L599[05:46:20] <Wuppy> oh crap... I still have to download many gigabytes to my I drive :<
L600[05:46:21] <Keridos> seems to be my graphics card
L601[05:46:24] <Wuppy> thought I was done
L602[05:47:42] <Keridos> i think i will go crazy
L603[05:47:56] <Keridos> my graphics cards guarantee ran out a month ago
L604[05:48:19] <gigaherz> Keridos: maybe it was a one-time crash?
L605[05:48:25] <Keridos> i hope so
L606[05:48:50] <Cazzar> <3 Australian Consumer law
L607[05:49:02] <Keridos> i have german law which is pretty fine as well
L608[05:49:06] <Keridos> it just is over 2 years old
L609[05:49:51] <JustRamon> You can't download illegally without fine though :3
L610[05:49:59] <Keridos> yes
L611[05:50:09] <Keridos> well download is ok, uploading isnt
L612[05:50:19] ⇨ Joins: Naiten (~Naiten@
L613[05:50:32] <JustRamon> So torrenting isn't?
L614[05:51:01] <Ivorius> Pretty sure downloading can still be illegal
L615[05:51:06] <Keridos> it is
L616[05:51:11] <Ivorius> Considering people pay huge fines for it :P
L617[05:51:17] <Keridos> no they dont
L618[05:51:21] <Keridos> they pay for uploading
L619[05:51:21] <JustRamon> Well
L620[05:51:36] <Wuppy> in NL everything is fine :P
L621[05:51:39] <JustRamon> Most likely you'll seed after downloading, so you'll upload as well
L622[05:51:58] <Keridos> JustRamon: just with p2p propgrams which you absolutely do not need to use to get stuff
L623[05:52:10] <JustRamon> Hmm true
L624[05:52:11] <Keridos> every OCH works fine as well
L625[05:52:44] <Cazzar> Downloading, by copyright law, is illegal, sharing it, is considered, at the minimum, the same as downloading.
L626[05:52:59] <Cazzar> Assuming the content is copyrighted.
L627[05:53:08] <JustRamon> I have a friend that lives in Germany(he's Dutch though), and he has gotten giant fines for using popcorn time
L628[05:53:22] <gigaherz> depends on the country
L629[05:53:30] <Cazzar> GEMA is a bitch
L630[05:53:33] <gigaherz> in spain, downloading is illegal but not punished
L631[05:53:48] <JustRamon> gigahertz, same here
L632[05:53:50] <Wuppy> pretty much the same here
L633[05:54:11] <Cazzar> Well, you only get punished when the copyright holder lodges a claim
L634[05:54:14] <Keridos> wasnt popcorn time p2p?
L635[05:54:19] <JustRamon> Sound logical if we both live in NL
L636[05:54:44] <Wuppy> woop, other dutchies \o/
L637[05:54:58] <JustRamon> Keridos, popcorn time still is a torrenting client in the background
L638[05:55:02] <JustRamon> Fun fact:
L639[05:55:05] <Wuppy> which part of NL are you from?
L640[05:55:10] <JustRamon> The dev made it for her grandma
L641[05:55:12] <Keridos> like the obstacles to getting all the stuff you need to punish downloading as a lawyer is substantially harder then torrenting
L642[05:55:14] <JustRamon> *his
L643[05:55:35] <JustRamon> Wuppy, Limburg
L644[05:55:51] <Keridos> fun fact: the acquisition quality of the fine collecting lawyers methods is about 50%
L645[05:55:55] * Cazzar launches Cobalt on steam
L646[05:55:58] <Wuppy> cool, I'm in Noord Brabant
L647[05:56:01] <Keridos> we once got fined for an album that we never downloaded
L648[05:56:11] <Wuppy> and South Holland as well
L649[05:56:15] <Keridos> probably because they used my IP when i was downloading ubuntu or openoffice
L650[05:56:33] <JustRamon> I'm on the border of Limburg - Gelderland
L651[05:56:51] <JustRamon> I probably just gave away where I live, but meh
L652[05:56:51] <Keridos> that was at the time where the only person using torrents was me and that only for legal stuff like linux distros and open source programs
L653[05:56:58] ⇦ Quits: Szernex (~Szernex@193-154-234-90.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Szernex_!~Szernex@188-23-146-35.adsl.highway.telekom.at)))
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L655[05:57:05] <Wuppy> I live in two places \o/
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L657[05:57:14] <Keridos> so I consider those lawyers to be total assholes
L658[05:57:17] <JustRamon> Wuppy's everywhere
L659[05:57:24] <Wuppy> that I am
L660[05:57:35] <Keridos> they KNOW that they punish people who did not do anything and they still get through with it
L661[05:57:42] <JustRamon> Yes
L662[05:57:43] <Keridos> the german law system is broken as well
L663[05:57:55] <JustRamon> Merkel, y u screw ip
L664[05:58:02] <JustRamon> *up
L665[05:58:14] <Keridos> here raping a woman that said no is not considered rape if you did not force her violently or psychologically to do it
L666[05:58:40] <Ivorius> eh
L667[05:58:42] <JustRamon> That's messed up
L668[05:58:46] <JustRamon> Apparently my auto correct thinks that I'd rather write ip than up
L669[05:58:50] <Ivorius> What part of it is rape then
L670[05:58:56] <Ivorius> How does it even happen
L671[05:59:01] <Ivorius> If there is neither consent nor force
L672[05:59:02] <JustRamon> Uhm
L673[05:59:13] <Keridos> since most women act like they are being told, just let it pass and do not try to fight back, like 95% of the rapes are not punished
L674[05:59:28] <Ivorius> I call bullshit on that statistic
L675[05:59:36] <Keridos> nah just read it up
L676[05:59:48] <Ivorius> oh, that's okay then
L677[05:59:50] <Ivorius> I believe you now
L678[05:59:52] <JustRamon> Google search xD
L679[06:00:05] <Keridos> its in our news media all over the place
L680[06:00:09] <Keridos> in the serious as well
L681[06:00:56] <JustRamon> So, I'm kinda confused about the political situation of the US. Has Trump been defeated? :D
L682[06:00:57] <Ivorius> If the person says no
L683[06:01:06] <Ivorius> And the other person still proceeds
L684[06:01:18] <Ivorius> It's either a psychological force (implication of violence)
L685[06:01:25] ⇦ Quits: Dark (~MrDark@cpe-76-181-157-113.columbus.res.rr.com) (Client Quit)
L686[06:01:25] <Ivorius> Or a physical one (execution of such)
L687[06:01:32] <Keridos> apparently it is not according to our lawyers
L688[06:02:02] <Keridos> i am trying to find the statistics but it is that way, like all the media and even our government acknowledges that
L689[06:02:12] <Keridos> i can send you a german article on that
L690[06:02:44] <Ivorius> Reputable source? :P
L691[06:02:50] <Keridos> http://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article9350154/Die-Aufklaerungsquote-von-Vergewaltigungen-sinkt.html
L692[06:02:55] <Keridos> yes
L693[06:03:03] <Keridos> believe me, pretty much every media
L694[06:03:19] <Keridos> from reputable to like foxnews style
L695[06:03:28] <Keridos> spiegel surely has an article about that
L696[06:03:42] <Keridos> the state media ARD had articles in their main news channel
L697[06:05:06] <Ivorius> I don't think that's a problem with our law system though
L698[06:05:10] <Ivorius> Innocent until proven guilty
L699[06:05:11] <Keridos> 2006 the number of sucessfully convicted "rapers" compared to the charges press was 13%
L700[06:05:24] <Ivorius> And the quota might rise due to the police being overburdened
L701[06:05:46] <Keridos> and I think there was a lot of lawyers saying that after analysing said that most do fail in court due to the problem I explained aboce
L702[06:05:49] <Keridos> above
L703[06:05:57] <Ivorius> Rape accusal culture also developed semi recently
L704[06:06:33] <Ivorius> I don't believe it's a case of 'everyone knows it was rape, but the evil lawyers just don't care'
L705[06:06:38] <Darkevilmac> wtf why is there talk about rape stats in the minecraftforge irc channel
L706[06:07:11] <Ivorius> Our personal way of coping with <insert mod you hate here>
L707[06:07:12] <Keridos> well as far as I remember there were a lot of people not being convicted although they had sex with a woman who said no, because they never were violent nor used psychological leverage
L708[06:07:34] <Keridos> ivorius read up on the matter, i lack the necessary english skills to find english articles about that
L709[06:07:45] <Ivorius> Our women are by comparison not very silently compliant :P
L710[06:08:08] <Ivorius> In my experience they have rather strong minds of their own
L711[06:08:15] <Keridos> also from wikipedia: Germany was one of the last Western countries to criminalize marital rape
L712[06:09:14] <Naiten> So, what's the deal with ICustomModelLoader?
L713[06:09:16] <Ivorius> Was that a big problem?
L714[06:09:25] ⇨ Joins: thecodewarrior (~thecodewa@75-128-36-18.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com)
L715[06:09:28] <Keridos> I think it was but I am not sure
L716[06:09:34] <Ivorius> Naiten, I think it's for scripted models
L717[06:09:41] <Keridos> According to a national report, the conviction rate of rape in Germany has declined: it was 20% in the 1980s, and by 2000 it was 13%
L718[06:09:42] <Ivorius> Computed *
L719[06:09:50] <Keridos> it is even a national report
L720[06:09:58] <Keridos> so yes, probable reliable
L721[06:10:24] *** Darkevilmac is now known as DarkEvilMac|Away
L722[06:10:25] <Keridos> http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/europe/germany/140514/germany-rape-gender-equality
L723[06:10:44] <Keridos> The ruling found that saying no, or even screaming it, wasn't enough to merit rape charges.
L724[06:11:07] <Keridos> imo our legal system is f***** up in quite some ways
L725[06:11:19] <Ivorius> You make lots of assumptions
L726[06:11:25] ⇨ Joins: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk)
L727[06:11:28] <Keridos> that are no assumptions
L728[06:11:29] <Ivorius> Like every rape accusal being truthful
L729[06:11:43] <Keridos> I do not assume that
L730[06:12:00] <Ivorius> If you say a 7% lower rate is inherently negative
L731[06:12:01] <Keridos> but I am quoting quite a few articles that exactly describe the problem i descrive
L732[06:12:02] <Ivorius> Yes, you do
L733[06:12:28] <gigaherz> the legal system has to attempt to be at least somewhat fair
L734[06:12:34] <Naiten> Ivorius, yep, i know that. But how to set it up?
L735[06:12:47] ⇦ Quits: thecodewarrior (~thecodewa@75-128-36-18.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L736[06:12:50] <gigaherz> and it's extremely hard to be fair in such cases
L737[06:12:57] <Keridos> you can rape a women here, as long as you do not beat her or use some sort of situation leverage you probably can get away in here
L738[06:13:07] <Ivorius> Naiten: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/072aca43505001650e18169346590edc072af1d3/src/test/java/net/minecraftforge/debug/ModelLoaderRegistryDebug.java
L739[06:13:31] <Naiten> that's the first google link, yeah
L740[06:13:36] <sham1> MATH
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L742[06:14:06] <sham1> welp, that exam was fun
L743[06:14:21] <Wuppy> just had an oral exam myself sham1
L744[06:14:24] <Wuppy> how did yours go?
L745[06:15:02] <Ivorius> oral exam?
L746[06:15:08] <Ivorius> Is that why we were talking about rape? :P
L747[06:15:13] <Wuppy> exam where you talk
L748[06:15:25] <Wuppy> and no this time it wasn't my fault this channel went off topic :P
L749[06:16:19] <Keridos> McJty: is there somewhere where i can take a look at jei version for the maven?
L750[06:16:22] <sham1> My exam went nicely I'd say
L751[06:16:39] <Wuppy> great, same here I think
L752[06:16:59] <Wuppy> although our grading system is complete BS so you never know
L753[06:16:59] <McJty> Keridos, https://dvs1.progwml6.com/jenkins/job/Just_Enough_Items-MC1.8.9/
L754[06:17:21] <Wuppy> BUT, I did throw 80 liters of beer in the fridge at school + 80 in a second one, should be great tomorrow :D
L755[06:17:25] ⇨ Joins: alex_6611 (~alex_6611@p5DE7A38D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L756[06:18:05] <Keridos> thanks
L757[06:18:29] <Keridos> McJty: does it have any apis for hiding stuff yet? or does it only show recipes, or all blocks/items?
L758[06:18:37] <Wuppy> FUCK YEAH
L759[06:18:47] <McJty> There are some api's for it yes. But you should ask mezz for details on that.
L760[06:18:52] <McJty> Keridos, mezz wrote JEI
L761[06:18:55] <Wuppy> I'm through to round 2 of a competition which might get me an awesome place to work
L762[06:18:56] <Wuppy> fuck yeah
L763[06:20:03] ⇦ Quits: Something12 (~Something@S010634bdfa9eca7b.vs.shawcable.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L764[06:21:25] <Keridos> ah
L765[06:24:32] ⇦ Quits: Meow-J (uid69628@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:1:1:ffc) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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L776[06:44:51] <Cazzar> You need more cats: https://i.imgur.com/Pt8K8BK.gifv
L777[06:45:13] <sham1> d'aww
L778[06:45:19] <sham1> so fluffy
L779[06:45:43] <Cazzar> Also, this is what happens when jumpy meets jumpy https://imgur.com/7fb55LJ
L780[06:45:45] <Lordmau5> cool cat
L781[06:47:51] <Lordmau5> Cazzar, you're browsing reddit, aren't you?
L782[06:47:58] <sham1> who wouldnt
L783[06:48:13] <Cazzar> For the first, yes, second, no, that was on a discord server.
L784[06:48:45] <sham1> Just listening to some queen :P
L785[06:50:05] <Lordmau5> http://imgur.com/NuzpZjm - okay...
L786[06:50:24] <JustRamon> I have wanted to try discord for a while now, but everyone on irc I know doesn't want to join me D:
L787[06:50:43] <Lordmau5> Discord is great
L788[06:50:55] <Lordmau5> I've been using it ever since I heard about it. So much better than Skype
L789[06:51:07] <JustRamon> I know, but others' are like: We got irc & ts.
L790[06:51:11] <JustRamon> And they're true
L791[06:51:18] <Lordmau5> TS is great, IRC is great, Discord is great
L792[06:51:20] <JustRamon> but discord looks so much better :P
L793[06:51:23] <Lordmau5> all of them have their benefits
L794[06:51:31] <gigaherz> \o/ got all the pieces
L795[06:51:36] <JustRamon> Still, can you use them together though?
L796[06:51:38] <Lordmau5> then again, Discord is planning really good features
L797[06:51:41] * gigaherz installed the stargate mod on ARK
L798[06:51:48] <Lordmau5> nice, gigaherz
L799[06:51:59] <Lordmau5> well, Discord combines the best of TS / Skype / IRC
L800[06:52:04] <JustRamon> hmm
L801[06:52:08] <JustRamon> I'll quote ya k?
L802[06:52:12] <Lordmau5> e.g. the voice quality of TS, since no one wants the shitty Skype quality
L803[06:52:30] <Lordmau5> or the chats with groups & chatlog from Skype, since TS doesn't have that properly
L804[06:52:33] <gigaherz> SHIT it's odd-wide
L805[06:52:43] <gigaherz> and my base is even :/
L806[06:52:52] <Lordmau5> IRC doesn't really have logs either - except you have a tool running, e.g. a Bouncer
L807[06:53:05] <Lordmau5> or on the server. But I doubt you have access to the Esper servers, right?
L808[06:53:12] <JustRamon> Or my irc bot #ShamelessSelfAdvertising
L809[06:53:25] <Lordmau5> heh, exactly
L810[06:53:32] <sham1> No such channel has anyone in it
L811[06:53:37] <JustRamon> Made it have a log & request system :P
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L815[06:58:53] <masa> uhh, I'm getting crashes when braking my blocks aboyt invalid state values...
L816[06:59:00] <masa> +e
L817[06:59:45] <JustRamon> If you wanna take a look at the bot I mentioned: https://github.com/JustRamon/JustABotX
L818[07:01:55] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~McJty@bluecoat2.uzleuven.be) (Quit: Poof)
L819[07:01:58] <sham1> Aww
L820[07:02:07] <sham1> You didn't write it from scratch
L821[07:02:43] <JustRamon> Nah, I used pircbotx
L822[07:02:47] <sham1> yeh
L823[07:02:48] <JustRamon> much easier :P
L824[07:03:17] <Lord_Ralex> pircbotx was meh
L825[07:04:33] <JustRamon> I used it since someone else I know used it for his own bot.
L826[07:04:55] <JustRamon> And the only real reason I made it in the first place was the logging/requesting
L827[07:05:02] <Lord_Ralex> i've used it myself too, but some of the design parts make me meh
L828[07:05:07] <Lord_Ralex> also, man, you love static....
L829[07:05:16] <JustRamon> Lord_Ralex, yes lol
L830[07:05:56] <sham1> if I were to make an IRC bot, I would propably have to start reading the RFC
L831[07:06:10] <sham1> so I would know what to do
L832[07:06:11] <Lord_Ralex> i printed that off, lol, cause i was going to
L833[07:06:15] <Lord_Ralex> it's not that bad really
L834[07:06:21] <gigaherz> IRC is actually quite easty
L835[07:06:22] <gigaherz> easy*
L836[07:06:24] <sham1> ye
L837[07:06:28] <gigaherz> the connection process has some quirks
L838[07:06:30] <Lord_Ralex> only gets harder when you have the multi-replies going
L839[07:06:38] <gigaherz> I wrote a bot ages ago
L840[07:06:43] <sham1> Something something PING-PONG something
L841[07:06:48] <gigaherz> it implemented an RPG battle system
L842[07:07:22] <gigaherz> you had a character with xp and level, and you'd unlock skills based on level
L843[07:07:30] <JustRamon> The main reason I made it was because my phone would get all irc messages, and when I started my pc the bouncer ofc wouldn't give me the logs. (Because my phone did get those msgs)
L844[07:07:40] <gigaherz> originally, the idea was that you'd be able to attack anyone on the channel
L845[07:07:41] <gigaherz> with stuff like
L846[07:07:44] * gigaherz slaps x
L847[07:07:50] * JustRamon slaps gigaherz
L848[07:07:56] <gigaherz> and it would tell you how much damage that did and such
L849[07:08:03] <gigaherz> but that got spammy, fast.
L850[07:08:09] * JustRamon wasn't very effective
L851[07:08:14] <gigaherz> so I made it based on PMs first
L852[07:08:18] <gigaherz> then later DCC
L853[07:08:27] <JustRamon> hmm
L854[07:08:37] <gigaherz> then a few days later someone was lvl600 or some shit like thaty
L855[07:08:39] <gigaherz> -y
L856[07:08:43] <gigaherz> so I turned it off
L857[07:08:43] <gigaherz> XD
L858[07:08:59] <JustRamon> haha
L859[07:09:05] <sham1> What's so bad with grinding
L860[07:09:18] <JustRamon> Misingno. apeared
L861[07:09:19] <JustRamon> xD
L862[07:11:45] <Naiten> Is there any statistics on minecraft players distribution by versions?
L863[07:12:38] <Naiten> Like, are ppl still playing 1.7.10 or most have already moved to 1.8?
L864[07:13:04] <gigaherz> you'd have to ask mojang
L865[07:14:11] <gigaherz> my guess is vanilla players are mostly on 1.8.9
L866[07:14:13] <sham1> the only people "stuck" in 1.7.10 are stuborn people
L867[07:14:17] <gigaherz> while modded players are mostly on 1.7.10
L868[07:14:37] <gigaherz> but that's only because there are no real modpacks on 1.8+ yet
L869[07:14:54] <sham1> and before you say anything that you want to target 1.7.x Naiten, dont
L870[07:15:22] <Naiten> i guess it's because 1.8 update is so freaking to apply to big mods?
L871[07:15:30] <gigaherz> starting on 1.7.10 now is pointless, by the time you are done, everyone will leave you behind
L872[07:15:34] <Naiten> sham1, well, i wasn't
L873[07:15:38] <Lordmau5> "bigger" changes.
L874[07:15:48] <Lordmau5> not as big as 1.2.5 -> 1.3.2 though
L875[07:15:58] <Lordmau5> where the game was split up into SSP and SMP
L876[07:16:29] <sham1> or rather had SMP and SSP merged to gether
L877[07:16:53] <Keridos> yay my mod compiles and seems to work
L878[07:16:54] <Lordmau5> uhm
L879[07:16:59] <Keridos> except that none of the rendering is working
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L881[07:17:51] <Naiten> welp, i was thinking if supporting 1.7.10 is still sane while my main development will go on 1.8
L882[07:18:17] <gigaherz> if you arelady have 1.7.10 code, your choice
L883[07:18:32] <gigaherz> but supporting new features in 1.7.10 while developing them on 1.8 will practically mean twice the work
L884[07:18:55] <Nitrodev> hi
L885[07:20:38] <Naiten> Well, i wasn't going to do that anyways. There's a guy who wants to fix some bugs and stuff on 1.7.10.
L886[07:21:25] <Naiten> I think backporting from 1.8 to 1.7.10 will be more sane, since i'm rewriting the core of the mod significantly...
L887[07:21:36] <Naiten> if there will be need for that
L888[07:21:42] <Naiten> hi, Nitrodev
L889[07:21:56] <Nitrodev> diesieben07, is this the right class? https://github.com/diesieben07/SevenCommons/blob/master/src/main/java/de/take_weiland/mods/commons/inv/ItemInventory.java
L890[07:22:00] <Nitrodev> hi Naiten
L891[07:22:50] <Lordmau5> na, I mean, you had to do seperate mods in 1.2.5
L892[07:22:53] <Lordmau5> one for the client and one for the server
L893[07:23:05] <Lordmau5> (ModLoaderMP)
L894[07:23:32] <Lordmau5> we did loose a couple of good mods through major updates
L895[07:23:42] <Lordmau5> 1.2.5 had some dead ones, that got revived in 1.7.10 though again
L896[07:23:59] <Lordmau5> and so will 1.7.10 have some mods that won't be seen in 1.8
L897[07:26:09] <Naiten> Natural selection and evolution.
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L899[07:30:20] <JustRamon> lel
L900[07:30:51] <JustRamon> before I even bought the game, I heard someone talk about a "super cool mod" that added more colours of doors
L901[07:30:59] ⇦ Quits: psxlover (psxlover@athedsl-4413370.home.otenet.gr) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L902[07:31:00] <JustRamon> It sounded cool
L903[07:31:15] <JustRamon> back then
L904[07:31:21] <JustRamon> when I didn't even play the game
L905[07:31:27] <Nitrodev> fun fact: my first time playing this was with a not so legit version
L906[07:31:32] <Nitrodev> mc that is
L907[07:31:33] <JustRamon> :O
L908[07:31:34] <SomeGuyInATree> Is there any reliable way to cull villagers without wiping every single resident in 1.7.10? (Get villages, count villagers, iterate over, remove 80% from each village sort of thing?)
L909[07:31:54] <Nitrodev> but after a month or two i bought it
L910[07:32:04] <Nitrodev> i only did it to see if it was worth it
L911[07:32:13] <JustRamon> Nitrodev, same
L912[07:32:15] <JustRamon> :P
L913[07:32:19] <SomeGuyInATree> I told someone I didn't own it and they purchased it for me 6yr ago. Best Christmas present since.
L914[07:32:28] <Nitrodev> nice
L915[07:32:41] <Nitrodev> just curios: What version?
L916[07:33:11] <Nitrodev> asking everyone
L917[07:35:31] <Wuppy> damn I'm happy with my rising star result :)
L918[07:35:33] <SomeGuyInATree> Not sure on the version number.. But there wasn't such thing as a nether nor would there be for another 1/2 a year or so
L919[07:35:48] <Nitrodev> ah
L920[07:36:04] <Nitrodev> my first playing version was either 1.2.5 or 1.3
L921[07:36:17] <Nitrodev> i know that i got the non legit in 1.2.5
L922[07:36:24] <Nitrodev> but i forgot when i bought it
L923[07:36:33] <Wuppy> my first Mc was beta 1.2 IIRC
L924[07:36:44] <SomeGuyInATree> Since I archive everything I've downloaded, I can probably find which version I first played pre-sale
L925[07:36:55] <Nitrodev> archive?
L926[07:37:10] <SomeGuyInATree> I've got the past 9yr of browsing history and data stored.
L927[07:37:28] <SomeGuyInATree> Never know when files might stop existing online. Despite everyones popular belief...
L928[07:37:40] <Nitrodev> wow
L929[07:37:48] <Nitrodev> doesn't that fill your pc?
L930[07:38:04] <SomeGuyInATree> It fills my storage rack, yeah
L931[07:38:16] <Nitrodev> wow
L932[07:38:18] <SomeGuyInATree> But that's why I have a server.. for things
L933[07:38:36] ⇦ Quits: AforAnonymous (bitch2k@dyn-042-184.vix1.mmc.at) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by lolinternet)))
L934[07:38:50] <Wuppy> why keep your browsing history?
L935[07:39:02] <SomeGuyInATree> I keep everything.
L936[07:39:10] <Wuppy> hoarder? :P
L937[07:39:12] <SomeGuyInATree> Provided they're not duplicates.
L938[07:39:17] <SomeGuyInATree> Shh D:<
L939[07:39:24] <Wuppy> Mr Makey :P
L940[07:39:37] <Wuppy> Mackey*
L941[07:39:57] ⇨ Joins: AforAnonymous (bitch2k@dyn-042-184.vix1.mmc.at)
L942[07:39:57] <SomeGuyInATree> Just never know when you might need that obscure Morrowind mod file.
L943[07:41:29] <Wuppy> also, do you have enough space in your tree for all that storage?
L944[07:42:02] <SomeGuyInATree> I've got a rack of 3tbs, my personal files are nothing compared to the VM's stored there..
L945[07:43:06] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L946[07:44:10] <Wuppy> you have one big tree then
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L948[07:46:05] <Lordmau5> beta 1.7.3-ish, iirc
L949[07:46:13] <Lordmau5> that's when I got into modded as well, never touched vanilla since :D
L950[07:47:11] <Wuppy> oh no :(
L951[07:47:20] <Wuppy> my contact at pearson got fired along with 4000 others :(
L952[07:47:29] <Lordmau5> "2 years ago" - wat... https://gist.github.com/grum/4f27c064ffabbbb93082
L953[07:47:59] <SomeGuyInATree> Wuppy: It's a very warm tree that serves several purposes.
L954[07:48:50] <SomeGuyInATree> Trying to figure out what's killing my tps and Opis isn't being helpful other than giving me laggy chunks without anything in them.. 1,500ms sorta thing
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L958[07:56:16] <Nitrodev> Lordmau5, dafuq
L959[07:56:38] <Nitrodev> i guess mojang had plans for json models
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L966[08:07:44] <fry> flash news: 1.7.10 is almost 2 years old
L967[08:07:51] <Naiten> Can somebody explain me the custom model loader thing pls?
L968[08:07:52] <Wuppy> o_______________________________0
L969[08:07:54] <Wuppy> wat
L970[08:08:13] <fry> and that gist is only 5 days older than 1.7.10
L971[08:08:25] <Wuppy> gist?
L972[08:08:30] <Nitrodev> and when did the .json models come?
L973[08:08:36] <fry> 1.8
L974[08:08:37] <Nitrodev> https://gist.github.com/grum/4f27c064ffabbbb93082
L975[08:08:50] <fry> 2 months after that gist
L976[08:09:00] <Nitrodev> oh
L977[08:09:14] <Nitrodev> well explain that to Lordmau5 he linked that first
L978[08:10:31] <Naiten> flash news: Minecraft is almost 7 y/o
L979[08:10:46] <Naiten> fry, can you help me pls?
L980[08:11:19] <fry> what do you want to know?
L981[08:12:22] *** Ash|Work is now known as Ashway
L982[08:12:25] <Lordmau5> just got back
L983[08:12:46] <Lordmau5> having that json model format 5 days before 1.7.10 isn't all that surprising anymore
L984[08:12:49] <Lordmau5> if you put it into perspective
L985[08:13:46] ⇦ Quits: Ekho (~Ekho@2602:304:b01b:3c90:7c1a:25ea:d440:fe2b) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L986[08:13:54] <Nitrodev> yeah
L987[08:14:04] <Nitrodev> of course mojang had plans for something like that
L988[08:14:05] <Naiten> fry, diesieben taught me to apply TRSR to block .obj model i manged to render with blockstates, but how do i apply "TRSR - Render" more than once for one block?
L989[08:14:27] <Nitrodev> Naiten, you can always ping diesieben07
L990[08:14:33] <Nitrodev> he might be here
L991[08:14:58] <Lordmau5> considering that 1.7.10 was the last 1.7 version
L992[08:15:05] <SomeGuyInATree> Is it possible to get how many villages there are within a dim and where they are?
L993[08:15:20] <Lordmau5> and there were practically 3 months inbetween 1.7.10 and the first 1.8 release
L994[08:17:36] <Lordmau5> which means they were working on that json format at the time of the ... 1.7.4 / 1.7.5 release?
L995[08:18:49] <Nitrodev> but weren't confident in it
L996[08:18:59] <Nitrodev> well confident enough to publish it
L997[08:19:25] <Lordmau5> it was a major change, once again, so they waited for 1.8
L998[08:19:48] <Nitrodev> yeah
L999[08:20:04] <Nitrodev> since it was going to change the modding
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L1004[08:24:16] <SomeGuyInATree> 27 Forced Chunks, 2774 loaded chunks. 1 Player online, Me. That seems a bit off?
L1005[08:24:22] <Lordmau5> reddit.com/r/random is my favorite
L1006[08:24:24] <Lordmau5> :>
L1007[08:24:32] <sham1> not really
L1008[08:24:47] <Lordmau5> well, there might be something of interest in one out of 1000 subreddits
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L1012[08:30:51] * Naiten pokes fry
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L1014[08:33:06] <sham1> would you like if you were poked
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L1016[08:34:23] <Naiten> indeed. nobody ever pokes me
L1017[08:34:50] <sham1> Nor pings
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L1019[08:41:18] <masa> hrm, so how exactly am I supposed to set up the registerItemVariants call and the blockstate json and then the model jsons for a bow?
L1020[08:41:49] <masa> do I need separate blockstate jsons for each pulling state, or will those be the variants inside one?
L1021[08:44:29] <masa> hmm so ModelLoader.registerItemVariants() takes ResourceLocations as the argument
L1022[08:44:35] <McJty> Hmm. I have this blockstate: https://bpaste.net/show/cda691f02398
L1023[08:44:39] <masa> so do those then need to point to bloackstate jsons?
L1024[08:44:42] <McJty> But it says: [15:40:18] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to load definition rftools:powercell#down=input,east=input,north=input,south=input,up=input,west=input
L1025[08:45:01] <McJty> How can I handle each side of my block without needing to handle every possible permutation?
L1026[08:46:10] <McJty> The block itself defines six different 'enum' based properties for each side.
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L1030[08:48:29] <McJty> fry, you have an idea?
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L1042[09:13:53] <Wuppy> ugh I hate the windows harmful program thing
L1043[09:15:34] <Lordmau5> ?
L1044[09:15:41] <SkySom> I assume UAC?
L1045[09:15:51] <Wuppy> that thing can literally remove programs from your pc without your input
L1046[09:16:02] <Lordmau5> Windows Defender?
L1047[09:16:09] <Wuppy> nop the new thing in Windows 10
L1048[09:16:10] <SkySom> Oh that.
L1049[09:16:12] <Wuppy> and 7 + 8
L1050[09:16:14] <SkySom> Yeah that's dumb
L1051[09:16:21] <Lordmau5> "new thing"
L1052[09:16:26] <Lordmau5> can't be that new if it was in 7
L1053[09:16:37] <Wuppy> it also lets you not install certain programs
L1054[09:16:50] <Lordmau5> weird, because I can install everything I want
L1055[09:16:53] <Lordmau5> without any issues
L1056[09:17:00] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~McJty@bluecoat2.uzleuven.be) (Quit: Poof)
L1057[09:17:06] <SomeGuyInATree> >Win10 != Freedom or Privacy
L1058[09:17:07] <Wuppy> to be fair, I can understand it not wanting to install this
L1059[09:17:57] <SomeGuyInATree> Is it AutoKMS? lel
L1060[09:18:32] <Wuppy> close enough :P
L1061[09:18:59] <Wuppy> I have a legal version of Windows 10 but that version doesnt give me enough control
L1062[09:19:01] <Nitrodev> i just haven't upgraded becuase of time
L1063[09:19:06] <Wuppy> so I have a leess than legal version
L1064[09:19:16] <Wuppy> Nitrodev, same here up to yesterday
L1065[09:19:23] <Nitrodev> oh
L1066[09:19:51] <SomeGuyInATree> Living on kms & trial period re-arms isn't technically not-legal. It's just not intended usage
L1067[09:19:53] <SomeGuyInATree> :p
L1068[09:20:28] <Lordmau5> KMS over here
L1069[09:20:34] <Lordmau5> mainly because I had the free update from windows 7
L1070[09:20:56] <Wuppy> a while back I got Windows 7 from somebody at microsoft
L1071[09:20:59] <Lordmau5> but I upgraded everything except my HDDs / SSD and PSU, so Windows un-registered itself again
L1072[09:21:01] <Wuppy> but it was dutch-only which I hate
L1073[09:21:04] <SomeGuyInATree> My Unity Machine runs KMS because it's a dev server and M$ gave out 10 for free so no hard feelings
L1074[09:21:12] <Lordmau5> so I was like "no, fuck this, I won't install windows 7 again just to get Windows 10 for free."
L1075[09:21:14] <Lordmau5> and went for KMS :D
L1076[09:21:16] <Wuppy> screw restrictions like that
L1077[09:21:40] <SomeGuyInATree> M$ basically asks people to pirate 7 and upgrade..
L1078[09:22:07] <diesieben07> not even pirate
L1079[09:22:15] <diesieben07> you can win 7 licenses for < 20$
L1080[09:22:18] <Wuppy> good thing is, my laptop has a legal version
L1081[09:22:30] <Wuppy> and my dekstop doesnt but that never leaves my room
L1082[09:22:36] <SomeGuyInATree> But Dies, why pay money at all?
L1083[09:22:50] <SomeGuyInATree> I'd rather pay that $20 to a small business or developer.
L1084[09:22:50] <diesieben07> because pirating never works properly
L1085[09:23:02] <diesieben07> then use linux :D
L1086[09:23:06] <Nitrodev> https://github.com/diesieben07/SevenCommons/blob/master/src/main/java/de/take_weiland/mods/commons/inv/ItemInventory.java
L1087[09:23:06] <Wuppy> and it's good to have a legal version on my laptop considering I might visit Microsoft UK soon if I do well
L1088[09:23:09] <SomeGuyInATree> I've lived 15 years on pirated windows, I object sorry.
L1089[09:23:14] <Nitrodev> is that the right class diesieben07 ?
L1090[09:23:18] <diesieben07> well, i am judging you
L1091[09:23:26] <diesieben07> the fact that m$ has a lot of money doesnt make it right :P
L1092[09:23:30] <SomeGuyInATree> I do use Linux, primarily. I was speaking for my Unity VM.
L1093[09:23:33] <diesieben07> yes Nitrodev
L1094[09:23:40] <Nitrodev> oh
L1095[09:23:49] <Nitrodev> it looks so different to what you psoted
L1096[09:23:54] <Nitrodev> posted*
L1097[09:24:01] <diesieben07> actually no
L1098[09:24:05] <Lordmau5> Yarr
L1099[09:24:10] <diesieben07> you need to be on branch 1.7
L1100[09:24:11] <Lordmau5> I actually do pirate quite a few things
L1101[09:24:11] <diesieben07> not master
L1102[09:24:15] <SomeGuyInATree> I sold my W8 license back to microsoft because I didn't want it when I purchased it, $150 rebate for something I'd never boot.
L1103[09:24:23] <Nitrodev> ah okay thanks
L1104[09:24:56] <diesieben07> i don't buy movies either, but that is because buying them is an absolute pain in the ass
L1105[09:25:07] <diesieben07> if it was easy, i'd do so.
L1106[09:25:16] <Lordmau5> don't ever go for camrips
L1107[09:25:19] <Lordmau5> especially without a VPN
L1108[09:25:24] <Wuppy> hmmm malware bytes considers KMSpico a threat as well :V
L1109[09:25:38] <Lordmau5> didn't on my end when I tried it
L1110[09:25:52] <diesieben07> lol i wait until the bluerayrip is out anyways
L1111[09:25:57] <diesieben07> i can't stand anything else
L1112[09:26:18] <diesieben07> although i do go to the cinema sometimes,, so they still get my money
L1113[09:26:37] <Lordmau5> brrips are soooooooooo good
L1114[09:26:45] <Wuppy> brrips?
L1115[09:26:46] <Lordmau5> amazing quality at amazingly low filesizes
L1116[09:26:47] <diesieben07> not hard to find :D
L1117[09:26:53] <Lordmau5> BluRayRips
L1118[09:27:01] <Wuppy> I got it just after typing it :<
L1119[09:27:03] <Lordmau5> no, basically on every torrent site, lmao
L1120[09:27:10] <diesieben07> not even torrent :D
L1121[09:27:15] <diesieben07> torrent can get you in trouble
L1122[09:27:19] <Lordmau5> it can
L1123[09:27:28] <Lordmau5> but only if you don't use a VPN, like I did back in the days
L1124[09:27:34] <diesieben07> and also, straight up rips are pretty huge, you want h264 encodes
L1125[09:27:39] <Lordmau5> nowadays I'm like "dude, 60€/year for privacy? Count me in on that!"
L1126[09:27:45] <Lordmau5> or even better, h265 ;)
L1127[09:27:56] ⇦ Quits: BerciTheBeast (~BerciTheB@77-111-11-55.ipv4.tusmobil.si) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1128[09:27:56] <Lordmau5> x265 / HEVC, whatever
L1129[09:28:13] <diesieben07> yeah but not many people do that yet.
L1130[09:28:36] <Lordmau5> I tried it out with a 1080p episode of One Punch Man
L1131[09:28:43] <Lordmau5> the x264 version was ~950mb
L1132[09:29:08] <Lordmau5> after I encoded it to x265 with "ultrafast" preset (which was faster, but not better in compression), I ended up with a ~250mb file
L1133[09:29:12] <Lordmau5> with the exact same quality
L1134[09:29:19] <diesieben07> nice
L1135[09:29:42] <Lordmau5> I've got the 8 House M.D. seasons in x265
L1136[09:29:42] ⇨ Joins: BerciTheBeast (~BerciTheB@
L1137[09:30:00] <Lordmau5> one season is ~4.6GB, each file is around 200mb - and you have to consider, they are 720p á 45min
L1138[09:30:12] <Lordmau5> (24 episodes in Season 1, for example)
L1139[09:30:27] <diesieben07> that is pretty nic
L1140[09:30:49] <Lordmau5> HEVC has been out for around a year already, right?
L1141[09:31:01] <diesieben07> yeah probabyl someting like that
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L1143[09:31:09] <Nitrodev> diesieben07, i got a question about the constructors of the ItemInv class
L1144[09:31:12] <Lordmau5> you can't tell me PCs nowadays can't properly decode that. If there is no HW-decoder available (e.g. GPU) there's good software decoders
L1145[09:31:22] <Nitrodev> i though there can only be one of them
L1146[09:31:23] <Lordmau5> that *don't* pull up the CPU usage to enormeous amounts
L1147[09:31:35] <SomeGuyInATree> Unless you've got low end hardware, no excuse for videoplayback of any kind really.
L1148[09:31:35] <diesieben07> yeah
L1149[09:31:53] <diesieben07> Nitrodev, then you need to refresh your java knowledge.
L1150[09:32:02] <Nitrodev> oh
L1151[09:32:06] <diesieben07> yes :D
L1152[09:32:10] <diesieben07> becase there can be more than one.
L1153[09:32:13] <Lordmau5> Of course the $5 RaspPi won't be able to do that
L1154[09:32:28] <diesieben07> meh
L1155[09:32:35] <diesieben07> it will in the future
L1156[09:32:39] <sham1> Lets listen to what he wants to ask first before passing judgement
L1157[09:32:40] <Lordmau5> not the current model
L1158[09:32:42] <Nitrodev> i haven't read about that hold on
L1159[09:32:54] <diesieben07> well yeah
L1160[09:32:59] <Lordmau5> In the future, when it has a bit more power for it's price, ye, I agree
L1161[09:33:06] <Lordmau5> but definitely not the current model
L1162[09:33:09] <Lordmau5> which has issues with x264 already :D
L1163[09:33:22] <diesieben07> does it not have hw decoding for h264?
L1164[09:33:31] <SomeGuyInATree> As said, low end shit has an excuse for bad playback though..
L1165[09:33:47] <Lordmau5> Idk
L1166[09:33:54] <Lordmau5> It doesn't, yup
L1167[09:33:58] <diesieben07> ah
L1168[09:34:06] <diesieben07> well, then that sucks
L1169[09:34:06] <Lordmau5> uhm
L1170[09:34:13] <Lordmau5> that was towards the "excuse for bad playback" xD
L1171[09:34:17] <diesieben07> oh
L1172[09:34:17] <Lordmau5> Idk about the hw decoding
L1173[09:34:21] ⇨ Joins: TechDG (~TechDweeb@2601:1c0:5100:35f6:f40f:5933:f590:88a0)
L1174[09:34:22] <TechDG> hi
L1175[09:34:32] <sham1> dd
L1176[09:34:32] <sham1> dd
L1177[09:34:37] <Lordmau5> then again, if you consider SW decoders, there is a really good one in MX Player (Android) which won't drain your battery life at lightning speed
L1178[09:34:52] <Nitrodev> okay i think i got it now
L1179[09:34:55] <Lordmau5> Ofc, one episode of House (remember, 45mins) drained my Tablet's battery life by 5-10%
L1180[09:34:58] <SomeGuyInATree> Simply put too; If you can afford a big tv or sound setup, you can afford a cpu which can playback the video you've got to watch..
L1181[09:35:03] <TechDG> how hard is it to add a fluid and a multiblock in 1.8?
L1182[09:35:16] <sham1> TechDG, as hard as before
L1183[09:35:20] <Lordmau5> multiblock as in texture?
L1184[09:35:25] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L1185[09:35:28] <Lordmau5> or the actual logic behind it?
L1186[09:35:33] <TechDG> logiv
L1187[09:35:34] <TechDG> logic*
L1188[09:35:39] <Lordmau5> should still be the same
L1189[09:35:46] <TechDG> k
L1190[09:35:52] <Naiten> hi, diesieben07, can you help me a bit pls?
L1191[09:35:53] <Lordmau5> Mainly rendering changes in 1.8 - and the Metadata -> BlockState stuff
L1192[09:36:00] <Lordmau5> (from what I know)
L1193[09:36:01] <diesieben07> with what?
L1194[09:36:01] <TechDG> k
L1195[09:36:02] <TechDG> ty
L1196[09:36:08] ⇦ Quits: TechDG (~TechDweeb@2601:1c0:5100:35f6:f40f:5933:f590:88a0) (Quit: Leaving)
L1197[09:36:09] <Lordmau5> np
L1198[09:36:16] <Naiten> how do i do custom model loader and stuff?
L1199[09:36:33] <diesieben07> i am really not the right person to ask this :D i barely know my way around the models
L1200[09:36:49] ⇨ Joins: dogError (~dogError@2a02:908:e850:ecc0::1b5a:3)
L1201[09:37:04] <Naiten> fry asked what i need help with and afked :c
L1202[09:37:07] *** AEnterpriseAFK is now known as AEnterprise
L1203[09:37:23] <Nitrodev> is the uuid the id of a player?
L1204[09:37:28] <diesieben07> no.
L1205[09:37:35] <diesieben07> it's the ID of the inventory.
L1206[09:37:44] <Nitrodev> oh
L1207[09:37:58] <Lordmau5> Is this something you seek for, Naiten? https://github.com/Lordmau5/FFS/blob/master/src/main/java/com/lordmau5/ffs/proxy/ClientProxy.java#L24
L1208[09:38:02] <diesieben07> it is created here: https://goo.gl/EgzsI6 you need to rename that method and call it from your container constructor.
L1209[09:38:16] <Lordmau5> eww, link shorteners
L1210[09:38:19] <Lordmau5> :3
L1211[09:38:32] <Nitrodev> okay but i was actually talking about line 32 in the ItemInv class
L1212[09:38:35] <diesieben07> well, i don't want to paste a huge GH link in here with line numbers and everything
L1213[09:38:43] <Nitrodev> just was wondering what that was
L1214[09:38:43] ⇨ Joins: RANKSHANK (~RANKSHANK@pa49-195-130-173.pa.nsw.optusnet.com.au)
L1215[09:38:46] <diesieben07> that is a constant.
L1216[09:38:52] <diesieben07> for storing the UUID in the ItemStack
L1217[09:39:08] <Nitrodev> okay
L1218[09:39:21] <Nitrodev> so the code/game knows who's inv it is?
L1219[09:39:25] <Lordmau5> wait, is there actually a player UUID?
L1220[09:39:28] <Nitrodev> yeah
L1221[09:39:31] <Nitrodev> apperently
L1222[09:39:33] <Lordmau5> or are you guys talking about the inventory-specific uuid?
L1223[09:39:42] <Nitrodev> no idea
L1224[09:39:46] <SomeGuyInATree> Doesn't every player have a UUID...
L1225[09:39:54] <diesieben07> Nitrodev, it is so the game knows which ItemStack is bound to which ItemInventory instance.
L1226[09:39:54] <Lordmau5> ^ that's what I thought
L1227[09:40:00] <Nitrodev> ah
L1228[09:40:02] <diesieben07> it's for the "can this itemStack be picked up" check
L1229[09:40:07] <Lordmau5> in that case it means that the inventories have their own UUID as well
L1230[09:40:10] <Naiten> Lordmau5, i guess no, i need no call model renderer several times for one block.
L1231[09:40:18] <SomeGuyInATree> Static Names and ID's were bad so Mojang changed them.
L1232[09:40:27] <Lordmau5> What do you need then, Naiten? Maybe I can help out nontheless: 3
L1233[09:40:28] <Lordmau5> :3 *
L1234[09:41:13] ⇨ Joins: Vazkii (~Vazkii@a79-169-163-74.cpe.netcabo.pt)
L1235[09:42:07] <Naiten> Lordmau5, i have this http://i.imgur.com/gLl71VW.png via obj and blockstates, and need this http://i.imgur.com/pnglgct.png Math is no problem to me, i need to know how to hardcode block rendering
L1236[09:42:44] <Nitrodev> so does it matter what string i put inside the constant?
L1237[09:42:53] <diesieben07> no, should be something with your ModID
L1238[09:42:59] <Naiten> ...how to apply TRSR and render model several times for one block...
L1239[09:43:27] <Nitrodev> but i doubt i should put the same as this compound.setTag("constructio.bagInv", list);
L1240[09:43:29] <masa> "Sorry, forked repositories are not currently searchable." what the shit github ;_;
L1241[09:43:32] <Nitrodev> that string that is
L1242[09:44:04] <Lordmau5> I have no idea about that, sorry. I think you're better off asking someone who's better with rendering than I am :/ - Perhaps fry will come back in the near future?
L1243[09:44:10] <Lordmau5> But I gotta say, that looks nice
L1244[09:44:11] <diesieben07> Nitrodev, wtf are you talking about?
L1245[09:44:34] <Nitrodev> the writetonbt method
L1246[09:45:02] <Nitrodev> line 109 of your SimpleInventory class
L1247[09:45:13] <diesieben07> what about it
L1248[09:45:32] <Nitrodev> i replaced the Iventories.NBT_KEY with that string
L1249[09:45:36] <Nitrodev> "constructio.bagInv"
L1250[09:45:55] <Nitrodev> and i don't think that should be the same as the one we were talkign about
L1251[09:46:02] <diesieben07> No, of course not...
L1252[09:46:03] <tterrag> Naiten: use a smart model
L1253[09:46:09] <Nitrodev> okay just making sure
L1254[09:46:21] <Naiten> tterrag, okay, how do i do that? >_>
L1255[09:46:28] <tterrag> ISmartBlockModel
L1256[09:46:38] <tterrag> in handleBlockState return a new model with ALL the quads that block needs
L1257[09:46:46] <tterrag> which you can create based on the "basic" model for one track piece
L1258[09:46:53] <tterrag> and applying TRSRs to that
L1259[09:47:01] <diesieben07> you could use a MultiModel for that as I already said yesterday
L1260[09:47:08] ⇨ Joins: thecodewarrior (~thecodewa@75-128-36-18.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com)
L1261[09:47:10] <diesieben07> since that accepts a list of Model+TRSR
L1262[09:47:59] <Lordmau5> TRSR is... TileRendererSpecialRenderer?
L1263[09:48:05] <Lordmau5> or a typo for TESR? :p
L1264[09:48:41] <tterrag> transformation-rotation-scale-rotation
L1265[09:48:54] <Lordmau5> aaaaaah, alright
L1266[09:48:57] <Lordmau5> learned something new
L1267[09:49:52] ⇨ Joins: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@f054021112.adsl.alicedsl.de)
L1268[09:50:25] <masa> willieaway: are you away? :p
L1269[09:50:29] ⇦ Quits: thecodewarrior (~thecodewa@75-128-36-18.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1270[09:51:55] <Naiten> so do i throw out that getExtendedState() thing and do something about handleBlockState?
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L1273[09:52:44] <diesieben07> kinda,yes.
L1274[09:53:03] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1275[09:53:04] <diesieben07> in getExtendedState you would have to pass any information that is needed to the model so it knows which parts
L1276[09:53:24] <williewillus> masa: not anymore, you need something?
L1277[09:53:27] <Nitrodev> diesieben07, i just realized something
L1278[09:53:28] <williewillus> :P
L1279[09:53:41] <Nitrodev> this is going to be extremely hard for me
L1280[09:53:53] <Nitrodev> one word: lambda
L1281[09:54:21] <Lordmau5> another 2 words: Java 8
L1282[09:54:32] <Lordmau5> rather, Java Eight
L1283[09:54:38] <Nitrodev> me too
L1284[09:54:53] <masa> williewillus: where does botania register the living wood bow models/variants?
L1285[09:55:03] <Nitrodev> hold on i'll try to find my java 8 book
L1286[09:55:07] <diesieben07> Lordmau5, one problem with x265: http://i.imgur.com/bFwRHXx.png
L1287[09:55:12] <Nitrodev> so you guys don't need to yell at me
L1288[09:55:31] <masa> I've been reading your primer, but it is not clear about item model registration stuffs, at least not to me :/
L1289[09:55:32] <Lordmau5> whatever tool that is, don't
L1290[09:55:42] <diesieben07> handbrake, you never heard of handbrake? :O
L1291[09:55:59] <Lordmau5> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Encode/H.265
L1292[09:56:15] <Lordmau5> go for that and use ultrafast or veryfast
L1293[09:56:17] <diesieben07> i know ffmpeg
L1294[09:56:19] <diesieben07> and no.
L1295[09:56:22] <Lordmau5> I assume handbrake tries to go for "placebo"
L1296[09:56:23] <williewillus> the models are done in preinit in ModelHandler using registerItemVariants, so the game knows to load and bake them. I then setCustomMRL meta 0 to the resting state. Then, I override Item.getModel to provide a different model based on pull time
L1297[09:56:24] <diesieben07> command line is fine
L1298[09:56:24] *** Ashway is now known as Ashlee
L1299[09:56:35] <diesieben07> but not if you have 2000 arguments
L1300[09:56:44] <Lordmau5> why is that slider not at veryfast?
L1301[09:56:47] <diesieben07> it is.
L1302[09:56:55] <Lordmau5> it's not?
L1303[09:56:58] <Lordmau5> oh wait, is it?
L1304[09:56:59] <Lordmau5> well, rip
L1305[09:57:10] <Lordmau5> try it with the ffmpeg command line
L1306[09:57:19] <diesieben07> it's still gonna be slow?
L1307[09:57:30] <Nitrodev> okay i set the language level to 8 and erros were gone
L1308[09:57:31] <diesieben07> handbrake is just ffmpeg + gui
L1309[09:57:58] <diesieben07> x264 was about double speed
L1310[09:58:00] <Lordmau5> why not give it a try anyway?
L1311[09:58:08] <Lordmau5> perhaps ffmpeg is not up2date in handbrake?
L1312[09:58:37] <williewillus> masa: https://github.com/williewillus/Botania/blob/MC18/src/main/java/vazkii/botania/client/core/handler/ModelHandler.java#L654-L668 The "registerItemModel" call is just setCustomMRL on meta 0, which provides the model for everywhere that's not a player's hand
L1313[09:58:39] <diesieben07> well, i try.
L1314[09:59:00] <Lordmau5> http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/ - 64bit static
L1315[09:59:05] <williewillus> the pulling models are dispatched in item.getModel as the primer linked
L1316[09:59:18] <diesieben07> already tehre :D
L1317[10:00:26] <Nitrodev> yeah i don't understand shit right now
L1318[10:00:42] <williewillus> Nitrodev: what are you trying to do?
L1319[10:00:47] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L1320[10:01:02] <Nitrodev> items with invs
L1321[10:01:14] <masa> williewillus: oh, strange, I should have mine like that too atm, but it doesn't work for other models than the default one that I set with setCMRL
L1322[10:01:37] <williewillus> Item.getModel only triggers when a player's holding it
L1323[10:02:23] <masa> so the ones that are added via ModelLoader.registerItemVariants() don't have to be registered via set CMRL?
L1324[10:02:49] <masa> because that one would bind them to the base item?
L1325[10:03:08] <williewillus> no, they're there only so the game knows to load and bake them
L1326[10:03:21] <diesieben07> Lordmau5, see now this is why i don't use ffmpeg directly. i need two audio tracks to pass through + subtitle tracks
L1327[10:03:22] <williewillus> i only setCustomMRL the base state
L1328[10:03:32] <masa> oh wait, I have my other variants commented out atm... :D
L1329[10:03:38] <diesieben07> it's gonna take like 30 minutes to just set up thte command...
L1330[10:05:40] <diesieben07> Nitrodev, which part do you not understand?
L1331[10:05:41] <Lordmau5> once you have it, you hav eit
L1332[10:05:48] <Lordmau5> try it without the subtitles first though
L1333[10:05:48] <diesieben07> it doesn't help if you just say "it doesnt work"
L1334[10:06:06] <diesieben07> i did, about 16 fps
L1335[10:06:12] <Lordmau5> so is it faster?
L1336[10:06:14] <diesieben07> no
L1337[10:06:21] <Nitrodev> well i set the language level to 8 so the lambda statements work
L1338[10:06:22] <diesieben07> switched to cfr 27 in handbrake, 20 fps
L1339[10:06:26] <Lordmau5> hmm
L1340[10:06:30] <diesieben07> (cfr 27 is what i used with ffmpeg)
L1341[10:06:37] <Lordmau5> try ultrafast as preset
L1342[10:06:42] <Nitrodev> but now it shows error son the constructors i've added so far
L1343[10:06:43] <diesieben07> well 20 fps is fine
L1344[10:06:46] <diesieben07> it was 5 before
L1345[10:06:48] <Lordmau5> then again, might be depending on your CPU as well
L1346[10:06:57] <Lordmau5> since afaik GPU encoding isn't available for x265
L1347[10:06:59] <Lordmau5> yet*
L1348[10:07:07] <williewillus> well what are the errors?
L1349[10:07:10] <diesieben07> gpu encoding isnt the best anyways
L1350[10:07:15] *** fry is now known as fry|sleep
L1351[10:07:18] <diesieben07> it produces big files with bad encoding
L1352[10:07:23] <diesieben07> bad quality
L1353[10:07:24] <Lordmau5> depends
L1354[10:07:31] <diesieben07> thats what its optimized for,
L1355[10:07:35] <Lordmau5> if the implementation is good on the x265 part it might be good
L1356[10:07:43] <Lordmau5> then again, it has to be optimized for gpu encoding
L1357[10:07:59] <diesieben07> if you compare x264 vs. intel qsv h264 encode, the qsv files are much bigger
L1358[10:08:19] <diesieben07> wait, you arent talking abotu hw accelarated encoding?
L1359[10:08:36] <Nitrodev> http://snag.gy/q6O5u.jpg
L1360[10:08:38] <Nitrodev> there
L1361[10:08:59] <diesieben07> well, the error covers up your code...
L1362[10:09:25] <williewillus> for one, and for two it's telling you what's wrong :P
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L1365[10:09:41] <Nitrodev> i know
L1366[10:09:49] <Nitrodev> hold on i'm updating the repo
L1367[10:09:53] <Lordmau5> well, whatever, dropping out, will be back later o/
L1368[10:11:27] <Nitrodev> https://github.com/Nitrodev/ConstructIO/blob/master/src/main/java/com/nitrodev/constructio/inventory/InventoryBag.java
L1369[10:11:32] <williewillus> you need better commit messages :D
L1370[10:11:34] <Nitrodev> i ahven't added all the constructors yet
L1371[10:11:45] <Nitrodev> i'm running out of naems to put there
L1372[10:11:52] <Nitrodev> or messages rather
L1373[10:11:56] ⇦ Quits: Onyx (~OnyxDarkK@cpc81089-colc8-2-0-cust729.7-4.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1374[10:12:02] <williewillus> uh you're referencing a constructor that doesn't exist
L1375[10:12:10] <Naiten> diesieben07, i can't get how to construct multimodel :(
L1376[10:12:12] <williewillus> and commit messages should just describe what you've done
L1377[10:12:39] <diesieben07> Naiten, you mean create a new instance of it? or what?
L1378[10:13:18] ⇦ Quits: Delaxarnyazer (~Delaxarny@ip56572345.direct-adsl.nl) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L1379[10:13:25] <williewillus> Nitrodev: where in your code is the constructor that takes a Consumer<ItemStack>?
L1380[10:13:26] <Naiten> how to use it in ISmartBlockModel/handleBlockState()
L1381[10:13:28] <Nitrodev> okay so i guess i'll just countinue adding constructors then
L1382[10:13:32] <williewillus> >.>
L1383[10:13:41] <Nitrodev> https://github.com/Nitrodev/ConstructIO/blob/master/src/main/java/com/nitrodev/constructio/inventory/InventoryBag.java#L33?
L1384[10:13:50] <Nitrodev> no wait
L1385[10:13:53] <diesieben07> that is not a constructor.
L1386[10:13:57] <williewillus> no, you're calling a method that doesn't exist
L1387[10:13:59] <Nitrodev> yeah i justr ealised that
L1388[10:14:09] <williewillus> that's what the IDE has been telling you xP
L1389[10:14:14] <Nitrodev> okay is it a method or a constructor i'm missing then???
L1390[10:14:17] <Naiten> what ResourceLocation should i put into multimodel constructor?
L1391[10:14:21] <williewillus> read the errors!
L1392[10:14:34] *** helinus|off is now known as helinus
L1393[10:14:38] <diesieben07> Naiten, none, there is one wihtout.
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L1395[10:15:11] <Nitrodev> don't yell at me for doing a human thing willie
L1396[10:15:34] <williewillus> I'm not yelling
L1397[10:15:44] <williewillus> It's just that the errors are clearly told to you
L1398[10:15:46] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L1399[10:15:47] <williewillus> right there
L1400[10:16:08] <williewillus> expected arguments vs given arguments -> you called something that doesn't exist with those parameters
L1401[10:16:08] <Nitrodev> and i did a human thing of FORGETTING TO CHECK IT
L1402[10:16:14] <Naiten> what strings do i put to ImmutableMap<String, Pair<IModel, IModelState>> parts arg? whatever i like to?
L1403[10:16:18] <williewillus> ?shrug
L1404[10:16:45] <williewillus> Naiten: the string is the submodel name, the pair is of the submodel and the objstate transform that goes with it
L1405[10:18:02] <williewillus> so like ImmutableMap.of("Bar1", Pair.of(OBJLOader.load(<your obj model>, <your obj state>))
L1406[10:18:06] <williewillus> repeat for each submodel
L1407[10:18:35] <Nitrodev> okay now i see
L1408[10:18:59] <Nitrodev> i added a constructor that has the parameters for one of the constructors to call it
L1409[10:19:11] <diesieben07> and you might want to cache the baked models that result of it
L1410[10:19:26] <diesieben07> Nitrodev, really, the code is all right there....
L1411[10:19:38] <williewillus> ^ yup after you bake it stick it in a cache. BUT make SURE to clear your cache when the resource manager reloads
L1412[10:19:57] <Nitrodev> i see it
L1413[10:20:03] <williewillus> there is some mod in my pack that isn't dumping its cache after reload and leaking all of its models
L1414[10:20:43] <Naiten> how do i declare a new map with <String, Pair<IModel, IModelState>> ??
L1415[10:20:49] * Naiten being a noob at java
L1416[10:20:55] <williewillus> ImmutableMap.of(key, value, key, value, ...)
L1417[10:21:19] <williewillus> I think the pair is ImmutablePair.of(left, right)
L1418[10:21:22] <Naiten> omg, haven't noticed previous message
L1419[10:23:28] <diesieben07> Pair.of is fine
L1420[10:23:31] <diesieben07> less characters :D
L1421[10:23:48] <williewillus> didnt know that :p
L1422[10:24:07] <Nitrodev> stack -> does that mean that the 'stack' is a param
L1423[10:24:14] <williewillus> yes
L1424[10:24:16] <Nitrodev> that's what i'm getting
L1425[10:24:18] <Nitrodev> okay good
L1426[10:24:24] <Nitrodev> look at that i learned
L1427[10:24:27] <williewillus> consumer<stack> is stack to void
L1428[10:24:38] <Nitrodev> okay
L1429[10:24:50] <diesieben07> lambdas are like inner classes wihtout the ceremony
L1430[10:25:19] <diesieben07> Consumer<ItemStack> c = stack -> { } is the same as Consumer<ItemStack> c = new Consumer() { void accept(ItemStack stack) { } }
L1431[10:25:41] <diesieben07> (not really the same but for this explanatation it's sufficient)
L1432[10:26:22] <Naiten> may i cast IBlockState to IModelState?
L1433[10:26:31] <diesieben07> no
L1434[10:26:42] <Naiten> what do i do then? ._.
L1435[10:26:45] <diesieben07> the IModelState is your OBJState like you did previously in getExtendedState
L1436[10:26:58] <Naiten> oh
L1437[10:27:05] <SomeGuyInATree> What should I be looking for in stall reports to find the source of the issue?
L1438[10:27:44] <masa> williewillus: when I need custom ItemMeshDefinition for most of my items, how would you suggest that I lay out the class implementing it? can I have the items themselves implementing ItemMeshDefinition, or does that crash on the server or how does a client only interface behave?
L1439[10:28:54] <diesieben07> well, you could have one central ItemMeshDefinition for all your items
L1440[10:29:04] <williewillus> not sure how that behaves to be honest, I just have them as lambdas inside my model handler class, which is called via client proxy. or that^
L1441[10:29:10] <diesieben07> since it get's passed the ItemStack you could then forward that to the Item if you really wanted.
L1442[10:29:16] <Lunatrius> Is this the correct format for the 1.8.9 forge version checker? https://gist.github.com/64d243b985bc89db35a8
L1443[10:29:45] <masa> diesieben07: hmm, right...
L1444[10:30:02] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L1445[10:30:22] <masa> I think I'll go with that, so that I can keep the NBT handling in the item classes themselves, wince they are the ones who define how that works
L1446[10:30:49] ⇦ Quits: Emris (~Miranda@ (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org)
L1447[10:33:02] <Nitrodev> diesieben07, what does the last line of code do?
L1448[10:33:10] <Nitrodev> in your ItemInv class
L1449[10:33:25] <Nitrodev> i know that the ItemStacks comes from your lib/code/project
L1450[10:33:48] <diesieben07> the last line of code is "return true"
L1451[10:34:10] <Nitrodev> huh?
L1452[10:34:29] <diesieben07> last line of code: https://github.com/diesieben07/SevenCommons/blob/1.7/src/main/java/de/take_weiland/mods/commons/inv/ItemInventory.java#L277
L1453[10:34:36] <Nitrodev> sorry i was looking at master branch again...
L1454[10:35:19] <Nitrodev> but still there is the getter for nbt
L1455[10:35:37] <diesieben07> what?
L1456[10:35:53] <Nitrodev> getNbt method calling
L1457[10:35:53] <diesieben07> do you mean ItemStacks.getNbt?
L1458[10:35:56] <Nitrodev> yup
L1459[10:35:59] <diesieben07> what about it?
L1460[10:36:07] <Nitrodev> i'm right now looking at the ItemStacks class
L1461[10:36:29] <Nitrodev> okay i got it
L1462[10:36:30] ⇦ Quits: Lothendal (~Lothendal@ip5b41e87a.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: leaving)
L1463[10:38:48] <Naiten> so how do i get IBakedModel from MultiModel?
L1464[10:39:17] <diesieben07> call bake
L1465[10:39:24] ⇨ Joins: DjSams (DjSams@5-13-175-83.residential.rdsnet.ro)
L1466[10:39:50] <Naiten> and what ton of args should i pass there?
L1467[10:40:20] <Naiten> like, i have already passed modelstates
L1468[10:40:21] <diesieben07> when you constructed the MultiModel what did you pass as base? it should be null
L1469[10:40:25] <Naiten> why need once more...
L1470[10:40:28] <tterrag> baseModel = model.bake(model.getDefaultState(), Attributes.DEFAULT_BAKED_FORMAT, r -> Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureMapBlocks().getAtlasSprite(r.toString()));
L1471[10:40:30] <tterrag> that's how I do it :P
L1472[10:40:38] <Nitrodev> https://github.com/diesieben07/SevenCommons/blob/1.7/src/main/java/de/take_weiland/mods/commons/util/ItemStacks.java#L344
L1473[10:40:42] <diesieben07> the first one can be null if your base model is null
L1474[10:40:46] <Nitrodev> what is stackTagCompound in this case?
L1475[10:40:52] <diesieben07> (which it should be here since youare just combining models)
L1476[10:41:10] <diesieben07> Nitrodev, i dont understand the question. it is a field in ItemStack.
L1477[10:41:28] <Nitrodev> idea can't find it
L1478[10:41:34] <tterrag> it's not public in 1.8.9
L1479[10:41:36] <Nitrodev> oh nvm
L1480[10:41:38] <tterrag> use getTagCompound()
L1481[10:41:42] <Nitrodev> okay
L1482[10:42:09] <tterrag> diesieben07: you should be using that as well
L1483[10:42:17] <diesieben07> shush
L1484[10:42:22] <Nitrodev> the class in his repo hasn't been updated in a year
L1485[10:42:26] <Nitrodev> it's still 1.7
L1486[10:42:40] <Naiten> tterrag, so what's r in your case? i have no idea what atlassprite is
L1487[10:42:57] <diesieben07> it's a lambda
L1488[10:43:00] ⇨ Joins: alex_6611 (~alex_6611@p5DE7A38D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1489[10:43:05] <Nitrodev> so?
L1490[10:43:06] <diesieben07> r is ResourceLocation
L1491[10:43:12] <Nitrodev> oh oh oh sorry
L1492[10:43:31] <Naiten> which resource should i point? >_>
L1493[10:43:43] <diesieben07> you can just copypaste that thing
L1494[10:43:54] <diesieben07> it is a lambda, like an inner class
L1495[10:44:13] <Naiten> it says 'cannot resolve symbol r'
L1496[10:44:26] <diesieben07> is your language level set to java 8?
L1497[10:44:44] <Nitrodev> yeah do that
L1498[10:45:15] <Naiten> idk
L1499[10:45:51] <Nitrodev> i wonder what would be the 1.8 equivalent for this: NBT.getOrCreateCompound(getNbt(stack), key);
L1500[10:46:21] <diesieben07> stack.getSubCompound(key, true)
L1501[10:46:33] <Nitrodev> okay
L1502[10:49:00] <tterrag> your IDE should be smart enough to suggest setting your source level to 1.8
L1503[10:49:03] <tterrag> (eclipse is)
L1504[10:49:16] <Nitrodev> idea is not
L1505[10:49:26] <Naiten> sometimes i think things use to get overcomplicated
L1506[10:49:36] <Naiten> not sure if so, or i'm just being dumb
L1507[10:49:51] <diesieben07> yes it is Nitrodev
L1508[10:50:16] <Nitrodev> i needed to manually set the language level to 8
L1509[10:50:28] <Nitrodev> while doing the lambda stuff
L1510[10:50:31] <diesieben07> well, i didn't
L1511[10:50:56] ⇨ Joins: Saereth (~Saereth@vm.solardirect.com)
L1512[10:51:07] <Nitrodev> oh
L1513[10:51:48] <Naiten> so, i've made the ISmartBlockModel class... what do i do next?
L1514[10:52:11] <diesieben07> you register it in ModelBakeEvent
L1515[10:53:59] <Naiten> Error:java: invalid source release: 8 D: D: D: D: D:
L1516[10:54:14] <diesieben07> dafuq? :D
L1517[10:54:42] <Naiten> Information:Using javac 1.7.0_71 to compile java sources
L1518[10:54:42] <Naiten> Information:java: Errors occurred while compiling module 'forge-1.8.9-'
L1519[10:54:42] <Naiten> Information:Module "forge-1.8.9-" was fully rebuilt due to project configuration/dependencies changes
L1520[10:54:42] <Naiten> Information:Compilation completed with 1 error and 0 warnings in 6 sec
L1521[10:54:42] <Naiten> Information:1 error
L1522[10:54:43] <Naiten> Information:0 warnings
L1523[10:54:45] <Naiten> Error:java: invalid source release: 8
L1524[10:55:18] <Lordmau5> \o
L1525[10:56:05] <tterrag> Information:Using javac 1.7.0_71 to compile java sources
L1526[10:56:08] <tterrag> hmmmmmmm
L1527[10:56:33] <Naiten> i've set up 1.8 in project settings
L1528[10:56:35] <tterrag> do you even have java 8 on your system?
L1529[10:56:44] <Naiten> idk >_>
L1530[10:56:44] *** AEnterprise is now known as AEnterpriseAFK
L1531[10:56:48] <Nitrodev> WHAT
L1532[10:56:55] <Nitrodev> how dont you know...
L1533[10:57:07] <Naiten> i'm not a smart guy
L1534[10:57:41] <Nitrodev> control panel > programs >java
L1535[10:57:53] <Naiten> it says java 7 update 71
L1536[10:58:00] <Nitrodev> then you dont have 1.8
L1537[10:58:13] <Naiten> sounds legit
L1538[10:59:22] <Naiten> what's the difference between JDK and JRE and what do i download?
L1539[11:00:02] <Lordmau5> Java Development Kit - Java Runtime Environment
L1540[11:00:18] <Lordmau5> You want to go for the JDK, it includes the JRE
L1541[11:00:24] <Lordmau5> if you want to code
L1542[11:00:42] <Naiten> okay
L1543[11:01:22] <Naiten> do i download update 71 or 72? >_>
L1544[11:01:46] <Lordmau5> Do you want Java 1.8 or 1.7?
L1545[11:02:20] <Naiten> i want nothing, just to hardcode my mod >___<
L1546[11:02:37] ⇨ Joins: Benimatic (~Benimatic@cblmdm72-241-106-31.buckeyecom.net)
L1547[11:02:56] <Lordmau5> go for the newest update then
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L1549[11:04:10] <Lordmau5> [18:03:52] [Client thread/INFO]: Skipping Layer Translucent for block chisel:lead[Variation=3]
L1550[11:04:17] <Lordmau5> interesting logs I get over here... but for what reason >_>
L1551[11:04:34] ⇦ Quits: Mathe172 (~Mathe172@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1552[11:04:54] <tterrag> Lordmau5: Chisel.deubg change to false :P
L1553[11:04:58] <tterrag> debug*
L1554[11:04:59] <Lordmau5> aah
L1555[11:05:05] <Lordmau5> so it's basically dev of chisel right now? :D
L1556[11:06:05] <Lordmau5> that means I have to take the sources of chisel, urgh...
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L1567[11:20:12] <LatvianModder> Whoa. Whoa. Wat? https://youtu.be/Gi15-95Cow8?t=51m14s
L1568[11:20:18] <LatvianModder> :D
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L1571[11:29:49] <Naiten> sound level being low
L1572[11:31:38] <Naiten> what are they saying?
L1573[11:32:47] <Lumien> Planning to expand the forge team
L1574[11:33:04] ⇨ Joins: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872D48.access.telenet.be)
L1575[11:33:54] * diesieben07 jumps up and down
L1576[11:34:43] <diesieben07> good news :D
L1577[11:36:07] ⇨ Joins: thecodewarrior (~thecodewa@75-128-36-18.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com)
L1578[11:36:28] <Naiten> hope they'll hire a bunch of tutorial-writers
L1579[11:37:22] <Ivorius> lol
L1580[11:38:05] ⇦ Quits: Searge|mojang (~Searge@h-85-24-130-18.na.cust.bahnhof.se) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1583[11:43:59] *** amadornes is now known as amadornes[AFK]
L1584[11:44:14] * Naiten wishes he'll update his mod one day and could quit study and make his living from patreon
L1585[11:44:55] <Ivorius> I think by now I'll be pretty happy if I won't make my money off mods
L1586[11:45:33] <Ivorius> Being dependent on some other game's success isn't a great outlook :P
L1587[11:45:54] <Naiten> Welp, i could write my own game once though
L1588[11:46:04] <Naiten> i guess
L1589[11:46:21] <Naiten> some eternities later
L1590[11:46:33] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L1591[11:48:29] <Naiten> a mix of minecraft, ace of spades & steamland
L1592[11:49:17] <Naiten> Voxel world, where you dig minerals to build railways to dig minerals and have to shoot the arses eager to get your resources
L1593[11:49:21] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L1594[11:51:45] <Naiten> is that a stupid idea for a game?
L1595[11:54:15] <LatvianModder> Naiten: lemme destroy your dreams. I make FTBUtilities and this is my patreon https://www.patreon.com/LatvianModder
L1596[11:54:16] <LatvianModder> :P
L1597[11:55:43] <Naiten> Covert_Jaguar and other guys had ~$1000 montly IIRC
L1598[11:55:53] <Naiten> *monthly
L1599[11:55:58] <LatvianModder> Those are Other Guys. Are you one of them? :P
L1600[11:56:18] <LatvianModder> You can always be Eloraam :P
L1601[11:56:39] <LatvianModder> https://www.patreon.com/Eloraam?ty=h
L1602[11:58:11] <gigaherz> FTBUtilities isn't the kind of thing that draws people's money, though ;P
L1603[11:58:25] <Skuli> patreon is hugely hit-and-miss
L1604[11:58:26] <LatvianModder> True
L1605[11:58:47] <LatvianModder> Pretty things draw attention. FTBU is invisible mostly
L1606[11:58:50] <gigaherz> patreon requires a "fan base"
L1607[11:59:00] <gigaherz> not just people liking your stuff
L1608[11:59:07] <PaleoCrafter> and relying on Patreon is... stupid, I'd say xD
L1609[11:59:53] <Naiten> welp, i once had ~$100 considering mod being EXTREMELY raw and unplayable (i still have no recipes or any kind of surivival compatibility)
L1610[12:00:09] <gigaherz> I happen to have a patreon too: https://www.patreon.com/gigaherz
L1611[12:00:15] <PaleoCrafter> imagine you piss off the fans with some terrible update, your earnings might drop to 0 from one day to the other xD
L1612[12:01:05] <PaleoCrafter> gigaherz, http://dogforce-games.com/throw why would you do this? q.q
L1613[12:01:19] <gigaherz> ?
L1614[12:01:25] <PaleoCrafter> "Or directly play on Facebook.com" D:
L1615[12:01:40] <gigaherz> what's worngwith that? ;P
L1616[12:01:49] <Naiten> you guys are just not as good at marketing as Other Guys
L1617[12:02:01] <gigaherz> basically
L1618[12:02:06] <PaleoCrafter> Facebook is the problem
L1619[12:02:18] <gigaherz> the html5 version *needs* some login account in order to be able to use the save system
L1620[12:02:28] <gigaherz> and facebook is the obvious choice for that
L1621[12:02:41] <PaleoCrafter> eh, local storage thingy
L1622[12:03:18] <gigaherz> I'm slowly working on a 2.0 version
L1623[12:03:25] <gigaherz> with better graphics andsuch
L1624[12:03:33] <gigaherz> (and a bunch of new levels)
L1625[12:03:47] <PaleoCrafter> it's partially localised :O
L1626[12:04:28] <gigaherz> if you mean the android page, google translates to any langauge not present in the admin page
L1627[12:04:34] <gigaherz> auto-translates, that is
L1628[12:04:35] <gigaherz> ¬¬
L1629[12:04:50] <PaleoCrafter> the facebook app
L1630[12:05:04] <JustRamon> I hate the facebook app
L1631[12:05:07] <JustRamon> xD
L1632[12:05:23] <sham1> facebook app
L1633[12:05:25] <gigaherz> the game itself has english, spanish, catalan, partial french, partial german
L1634[12:05:27] <sham1> Oh, you mean my hand warmer
L1635[12:05:49] <PaleoCrafter> talking about an application on facebook, not the facebook app for smart devices :P
L1636[12:06:03] <sham1> aww
L1637[12:06:16] <sham1> It's a good hand warmer
L1638[12:06:21] <gigaherz> my game --> http://dogforce-games.com/throw
L1639[12:06:32] <PaleoCrafter> I don't use facebook for anything but instant messaing with some people :P
L1640[12:06:38] <JustRamon> gigaherz, for the "get on google play" sign, use the material version :3
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L1642[12:06:40] <sham1> I don't use it
L1643[12:06:50] <sham1> Simple as that
L1644[12:06:58] <sham1> Got over Facebook
L1645[12:07:02] <Naiten> diesieben07, i'm getting some weird recursive error D:
L1646[12:07:16] <gigaherz> JustRamon: now that you mention it
L1647[12:07:20] <PaleoCrafter> I wouldn't be using it anymore if not for these particular people :P
L1648[12:07:20] <gigaherz> the logo is gone, huh
L1649[12:08:32] <diesieben07> Naiten, logs
L1650[12:08:36] ⇦ Quits: Szernex (~Szernex@188-23-146-35.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1651[12:09:08] <Naiten> java.lang.ClassCastException: net.railsofwar.row.track.TrackSmartModel cannot be cast to net.minecraftforge.client.model.IModel at net.railsofwar.row.track.TrackSmartModel.handleBlockState(TrackSmartModel.java:36)
L1652[12:09:20] <Naiten> smart model http://pastebin.com/F74mEXLL block http://pastebin.com/Z11sdzH8
L1653[12:10:46] <JustRamon> gigaherz, how does one get 3 stars on level 1?
L1654[12:10:51] <diesieben07> getModelForState returns a baked model, not an IModel
L1655[12:11:34] <Naiten> welp, that was in TGH's MinecraftByExample
L1656[12:11:44] <gigaherz> JustRamon: throw correctly ;P
L1657[12:12:03] <JustRamon> well
L1658[12:12:13] <JustRamon> if i get to the smoke in 1 try, define "correctly"
L1659[12:12:14] <JustRamon> :P
L1660[12:12:23] <gigaherz> you don't have to throw with max force
L1661[12:12:29] <diesieben07> one sec
L1662[12:12:40] <JustRamon> oh
L1663[12:12:41] <JustRamon> ofc
L1664[12:12:43] <JustRamon> light counts
L1665[12:12:51] <JustRamon> gotit
L1666[12:13:04] <gigaherz> light IS the score ;p
L1667[12:13:23] <gigaherz> (multiplied by a factor)
L1668[12:14:10] <diesieben07> Naiten, use ModelLoaderRegistry.getModel instead
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L1674[12:19:52] <Naiten> I feel like I'm back in 2011, with no idea how to program, trying to write a train mod for the first time...
L1675[12:20:16] ⇨ Joins: bilde2910|away (bilde2910@
L1676[12:20:25] <PaleoCrafter> you haven't learnt programming very well then :P
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L1678[12:21:00] <sham1> To be fair, using modding to learn programming is fine
L1679[12:21:07] <sham1> just not the basics
L1680[12:21:07] *** bilde2910|away is now known as bilde2910
L1681[12:21:08] <Naiten> at least i'm good at math
L1682[12:21:15] <Naiten> and mechanics
L1683[12:21:17] ⇦ Quits: Szernex (~Szernex@188-23-146-35.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1684[12:21:23] <Naiten> and thermodynamics......
L1685[12:21:36] <masa> gigaherz: have you used custom ItemMeshDefinitions?
L1686[12:21:38] <sham1> Maths' easy
L1687[12:22:06] ⇨ Joins: Szernex (~Szernex@188-23-146-35.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L1688[12:23:04] <gigaherz> nope
L1689[12:23:24] <Naiten> sham1, solve this easy problem if so http://i.imgur.com/0uPmIMI.png pls
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L1691[12:23:47] <sham1> What letters
L1692[12:24:40] <Naiten> i need the equotion for E point trajectory
L1693[12:24:50] <Naiten> equation*
L1694[12:24:50] <JustRamon> wow 1-4 is hard
L1695[12:24:59] <gigaherz> :3
L1696[12:25:05] <sham1> I think I over-estemated :P
L1697[12:25:07] <PaleoCrafter> masa, what's the problem?
L1698[12:25:07] <gigaherz> wait for 4-5 ;P
L1699[12:25:19] <gigaherz> 1-4 is just deceitful
L1700[12:26:21] <gigaherz> no wait 1-4 is easy
L1701[12:26:25] <gigaherz> it's 1-5 that's deceitful
L1702[12:26:30] <JustRamon> -,-
L1703[12:26:47] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1704[12:26:52] <LatvianModder> "Dano" and "naiši"
L1705[12:27:00] <LatvianModder> Wat dos tht mean
L1706[12:27:03] <Naiten> YAY http://i.imgur.com/m8iXE9s.png
L1707[12:27:04] <JustRamon> gigaherz, maybe you could implement google play games' achievements/ranking system
L1708[12:27:26] <williewillus> masa: what about ItemMeshDefs?
L1709[12:27:54] <gigaherz> JustRamon: I implemented achievements, but using the leaderboards from google play wouldhave been WAY too annoying
L1710[12:28:00] <Naiten> DIESIEBEN07 LET ME HUG YOU
L1711[12:28:05] <williewillus> Naiten: yay! now cache them and clear the cache on resource reload ;p
L1712[12:28:10] <JustRamon> is it annoying to work with then?
L1713[12:28:12] <gigaherz> basically I'd need to create a leaderboard for each level
L1714[12:28:28] <gigaherz> manually
L1715[12:28:29] <gigaherz> one by one
L1716[12:28:33] * diesieben07 jumphugs Naiten
L1717[12:28:37] <gigaherz> from the admin page
L1718[12:28:41] <JustRamon> can't you just do amount of stars? Or amount of total light?
L1719[12:28:49] <gigaherz> that's unrelated
L1720[12:28:51] <gigaherz> XD
L1721[12:29:12] <Naiten> but why are my textures gone? :C
L1722[12:29:19] <gigaherz> I am working on an internal "friends" leaderboard, but that's going to work with facebook integration only, at least at first
L1723[12:29:40] <gigaherz> although
L1724[12:29:48] <gigaherz> I could show global leaderboards I suppose
L1725[12:29:54] <gigaherz> basedo n the database
L1726[12:29:59] <JustRamon> yes
L1727[12:30:05] <JustRamon> did you use unity personal?
L1728[12:30:08] <gigaherz> well I'll put it on the list for 2.0 ;P
L1729[12:30:10] <gigaherz> yup
L1730[12:30:12] <JustRamon> alright
L1731[12:30:15] <diesieben07> not sure, can you post your code again?
L1732[12:30:29] <williewillus> Naiten: since you are reloading your IModels from disk directly you have to call retexture() on it before you pass it into Pair.of()
L1733[12:31:02] <williewillus> IModel.retexture("texturename", "texturepath"). its just like specifying it in the json except you do it in code
L1734[12:31:13] <williewillus> it'll give you back a new IModel
L1735[12:31:22] <Naiten> omg, okay
L1736[12:32:02] <gigaherz> retexture takes a map
L1737[12:32:10] <gigaherz> not just a pair of strings XD
L1738[12:32:14] <Naiten> but there's no such method in IModel
L1739[12:32:30] <gigaherz> you'll ahveto cast to IRetexturableModel
L1740[12:32:40] <Naiten> >______<
L1741[12:35:23] <williewillus> oh oops
L1742[12:35:52] <williewillus> but pretty much every model should be an IRetexturableModel, I think forge added that so you can substitute textures in code like we are now
L1743[12:37:24] <PaleoCrafter> oh, williewillus, is your botania code OBJModel specific? :P
L1744[12:37:36] <williewillus> code for what?
L1745[12:37:42] <masa> williewillus: if I use custom mesh definitions for items, do I still need to call setCMRL on the base item?
L1746[12:37:46] <PaleoCrafter> loading the pylons etc.
L1747[12:38:00] <masa> because most of my mesh items are now still pink cubes
L1748[12:38:06] <williewillus> Paleo: yeah, masa: no, you just need to registerItemVariants for each model you will use in the meshdef
L1749[12:38:07] <PaleoCrafter> masa, ModelBakery.registerItemVariants
L1750[12:38:10] <Naiten> at least this means my competors will have to face this coding sadism too
L1751[12:38:22] <williewillus> I doubt everyone else has pretty rails like you
L1752[12:38:23] <PaleoCrafter> I'd change that ASAP, or fry might kill you at some point :P#
L1753[12:38:28] <masa> hmm, maybe I have typos somewhere then...
L1754[12:38:30] <williewillus> why lol
L1755[12:38:41] <PaleoCrafter> he doesn't like it being specific to OBJs xD
L1756[12:38:58] <williewillus> how am I supposed to do group visbilities in a non_OBJ specific way exactly? :P
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L1758[12:39:17] <PaleoCrafter> that's the one thing that will have to stay OBJ specific
L1759[12:39:21] <williewillus> I bake the model 9 separate times, 3 variants and 3 visibility configurations for each
L1760[12:39:26] <williewillus> yeah :P
L1761[12:39:46] <PaleoCrafter> but fry might generalise it at some point :P
L1762[12:39:50] <gigaherz> split the model into parts
L1763[12:39:53] <gigaherz> and use submodels to merge the parts
L1764[12:39:54] <gigaherz> XD
L1765[12:39:56] <shadekiller666> group visibilities actully work properly in the changes sitting in the pr :P
L1766[12:39:58] <Naiten> Traincrafts are following me and implementing curved rails of big radii. Also, RealTrainMod has some crazy stuff
L1767[12:40:07] <williewillus> traincraft is dead last time I heard :p
L1768[12:40:18] <williewillus> gigaherz: id rather not have to figure out how to edit an OBJ lol
L1769[12:40:26] <williewillus> I was lucky I didn't have to touch it barely at all
L1770[12:40:29] <PaleoCrafter> https://github.com/PaleoCrafter/Allomancy/blob/feature/metal-extractor-decoration/src/main/java/de/mineformers/investiture/client/util/Modeling.java#L101 if you're intersted, this is as general as it gets right now xD
L1771[12:40:46] <Naiten> they went opensource and are starting to port to 1.8 and updating old version too, afaik
L1772[12:40:49] <williewillus> right now rendering wise the thing I'm most interested in is getting the first person lexica model right
L1773[12:40:53] <williewillus> because theoretically
L1774[12:40:57] <shadekiller666> editing objs is fairly simple, if you can figure out what f lines are what
L1775[12:41:01] <williewillus> after I'm done, anyone can change the model AND the opening animation
L1776[12:41:04] <williewillus> which is awesome
L1777[12:41:28] <Naiten> well, how do i flip_v code-wise?
L1778[12:41:38] <williewillus> call process() on the model
L1779[12:42:06] <masa> oh cool mobs spawning now immediately sync to client their actual rotation
L1780[12:42:09] <williewillus> with a ImmutableMap.of("flip-v", "true") (or is that true supposed to be a boolean? I don't remember)
L1781[12:42:19] <PaleoCrafter> nope, a string
L1782[12:42:28] <Naiten> but there's no such method
L1783[12:42:42] <PaleoCrafter> cast to IModelCustomData
L1784[12:42:58] <Naiten> omg, how???
L1785[12:43:08] <williewillus> like any other cast :p
L1786[12:44:07] <Naiten> i mean, i already cast IModel to IRetexturableModel, do i cast to customdata before that i guess?
L1787[12:44:25] <gigaherz> different variables?
L1788[12:44:29] <PaleoCrafter> take a look at the method I linked above :P
L1789[12:44:46] <williewillus> I'd just do it on separate lines :p
L1790[12:44:49] <gigaherz> nothing prevents you from storing two references in two separate variables, that point to the same object ;P
L1791[12:45:18] <PaleoCrafter> or just let a little mutability slip in :P
L1792[12:46:50] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L1793[12:47:25] <Naiten> Strange thing, when i do study, it looks like i'm better at programming, but when i code RoW, it looks like i'm better at engineering...
L1794[12:48:02] <PaleoCrafter> Naitenberg's uncertainty principle?
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L1796[12:50:14] <Naiten> more like Naitenger's paradox...
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L1798[12:51:00] <PaleoCrafter> nah
L1799[12:51:21] <gigaherz> so when you do one thing, you think you were better in the other? that seems ot indicate you are bad at both? ;P
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L1801[12:52:49] <Naiten> or maybe i'm good at both equally
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L1805[12:56:59] <dogError> I would like to reenable IPv6 in the client. I found the line that disables it in the source "...decomp/net/minecraft/client/main/Main.java:26" `System.setProperty("java.net.preferIPv4Stack", "true");` But I'm really new to modding and I'm not sure how to start. Is it even possible to override that?
L1806[12:59:02] <gigaherz> set it again to false?
L1807[13:01:29] <sham1> dogError, that's not a modding thing, that's a java thing in general
L1808[13:01:42] <Naiten> can somebody give a specification to TRSR roation quaternions please?
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L1810[13:02:35] <gigaherz> Naiten: quaternions are quaternions, not specific to TRSR ;P
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L1814[13:05:18] <dogError> sham1: I apologize if that question was out of place here, I mostly program in other languages and my Java skills are a bit limited so far.
L1815[13:05:40] *** K-4U|Working is now known as K-4U|Off
L1816[13:06:08] <sham1> It wasn't
L1817[13:06:11] <Naiten> gigaherz, i'm not sure if i'm doing that correctly, but i tried adjusting rotation quaternion args and got strange results
L1818[13:06:20] <sham1> I just pointed out that it is not exclusive to modding ;P
L1819[13:06:32] <sham1> But the question itself was fine
L1820[13:06:34] <sham1> Dont worry
L1821[13:07:04] <sham1> SHould I download sublime text
L1822[13:07:16] <sham1> Feels odd to have unlimited evaluation time
L1823[13:08:30] <masa> well you can solve that by buying it :p
L1824[13:08:39] <sham1> Mmmm
L1825[13:08:41] <masa> I did...
L1826[13:08:48] <diesieben07> or use atom
L1827[13:08:53] <masa> hahaha
L1828[13:08:54] <sham1> To me it looks like faster atom made in python
L1829[13:09:04] <Naiten> my source says quaternion is represented by w, x, y, z, where w is amount of rotation around the axis described by x, y, z vector
L1830[13:09:05] <diesieben07> yeah atom has the problem of startup time
L1831[13:09:18] <sham1> coffeescript v python
L1832[13:09:18] <Naiten> but looks like forge uses something different...
L1833[13:09:22] <sham1> Both annoy me
L1834[13:09:39] <sham1> So I go the comformist route and say "Why not both"
L1835[13:09:42] <diesieben07> well, atom is base on a web browser :D
L1836[13:09:47] <McJty> Can someone help me with a blockstate json that is giving an error: https://bpaste.net/show/ab85d75f480f
L1837[13:09:48] <sham1> ye
L1838[13:09:50] <sham1> Chromium
L1839[13:09:53] <McJty> That paste contains both the blockstate and the error
L1840[13:10:00] <McJty> The crucial part: Caused by: com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: Missing model, expected to find a string
L1841[13:10:07] <McJty> But I don't know where the model would be missing
L1842[13:10:20] <PaleoCrafter> nope, Naiten, that'd be euler angles :P
L1843[13:10:38] <sham1> Also, aside from not feeling like a dufus, what would be the benefit of paying for sublime
L1844[13:10:41] <diesieben07> I'll just leave this here (about quats): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BR8tK-LuB0
L1845[13:10:58] <diesieben07> no popups? :D
L1846[13:11:02] <sham1> Ah
L1847[13:11:09] <diesieben07> it annoys you every now and then
L1848[13:11:14] <sham1> Also, something something transformation matrix something
L1849[13:11:15] <diesieben07> like winrar :D
L1850[13:11:36] <diesieben07> quats are more elegant than matrices if i understood correctly.
L1851[13:11:55] <masa> McJty: hmm, forge_marker missing?
L1852[13:12:02] <sham1> But I dont think I can plug a quat into my glsl shader
L1853[13:12:13] <McJty> ugh
L1854[13:12:16] <McJty> masa, thanks!
L1855[13:12:20] <McJty> How could I miss that...
L1856[13:12:31] <masa> :D
L1857[13:12:32] <PaleoCrafter> sure you can, sham1 :P
L1858[13:12:38] <masa> I did too when you first asked
L1859[13:12:52] <PaleoCrafter> you may have to convert it to the matrix in the shader, but you can still pass a quat :P
L1860[13:13:01] <sham1> Meh...
L1861[13:14:40] <dogError> I'm trying to just override it again now, but I still feel so clueless with all this...
L1862[13:15:46] <diesieben07> dogError, why do you want ipv6 in the first place?
L1863[13:16:03] <diesieben07> its disabled for a reason, it doesnt work yet properly with some things
L1864[13:16:21] <sham1> I want over 255 ip digits
L1865[13:16:34] <sham1> So movies and tv-shows would not mock them up so badly
L1866[13:16:49] <sham1> And IPv6 is the most obvious candiate
L1867[13:17:04] <diesieben07> anyways, food and TV time.
L1868[13:17:06] <dogError> diesieben07: Because my ISP uses carrier grade NAT, so IPv4 addresses in my local network are not reachable from the public internet, and my friend I want to try things with has IPv6 too, so why not? ;)
L1869[13:18:13] <Naiten> okay, thanks for your help guys, i think it's enough coding for today. gonna continue tomorrow..
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L1871[13:23:37] <dogError> How wrong is this attempt? :P http://paste2.org/WKIj7kmO
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L1875[13:32:09] <shadekiller666> yay gradlew setupForge works now without having to turn off my firewall
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L1879[13:34:19] <masa> so how do I do item models that have additional parts/modules dpending on NBT data?
L1880[13:34:33] <masa> I need an ISIM for that right?
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L1883[13:35:00] <masa> and there is no blockstate/variant trickery that would do it?
L1884[13:35:09] <PaleoCrafter> you don't *need* one
L1885[13:35:14] <PaleoCrafter> ItemMeshDefinition will do just fine
L1886[13:35:26] <PaleoCrafter> you can use blockstate/variant trickery :P
L1887[13:35:27] <masa> hmm
L1888[13:36:34] <masa> but using ItemMeshDefinition I need one model json for each combination, right?
L1889[13:36:41] <PaleoCrafter> not really
L1890[13:36:49] <PaleoCrafter> forge blockstates + submodels should work, methinks
L1891[13:37:11] <PaleoCrafter> you can pass a blockstates file as MRL
L1892[13:37:15] <masa> hmm, how does the blockstate stuff work with items exactly
L1893[13:37:23] <masa> oh
L1894[13:37:38] <PaleoCrafter> you just pass the full variant string as the second parameter to MRL
L1895[13:37:56] <masa> hmm, I did something liek that earlier, but it then always tries to find the models rom under models/block/ right?
L1896[13:38:39] <PaleoCrafter> did you try adding item/ to the model location?
L1897[13:39:18] <masa> yeah, then it said can't find model modid:block/item/model.json or something like that :p
L1898[13:39:44] <PaleoCrafter> hm, I'm certain there is a way
L1899[13:40:43] <dogError> masa: This might be useful https://github.com/TheGreyGhost/MinecraftByExample/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/minecraftbyexample/models/block/mbe02_block_partial_model.json
L1900[13:41:35] <masa> that is for a block...
L1901[13:42:52] <shadekiller666> wait
L1902[13:43:14] <shadekiller666> why are there two interfaces for custom models that handle "gui3d" from the json?
L1903[13:43:30] <shadekiller666> IBakedModel has one, then there is IModelSimpleProperties...
L1904[13:43:33] <sham1> Because
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L1907[13:45:42] <dogError> masa: Sorry my bad, didn't read all you had written.
L1908[13:47:54] <masa> np
L1909[13:48:06] <masa> seems that tinkers uses custom model loaders...
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L1913[13:53:49] <masa> so can I somehow use variants inside item models, so that I could say when a layer is enabled and when it's disabled
L1914[13:54:21] <Nitrodev> i thought variants were a block only thing.
L1915[13:55:05] <gigaherz> masa: you can bind metadata to variant strings
L1916[13:55:22] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/client/ClientProxy.java#L109
L1917[13:55:23] <gigaherz> like so
L1918[13:55:43] <gigaherz> and then declare those variant properties in the blockstates file for the item
L1919[13:55:58] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/elementsofpower/blockstates/magicWand.json
L1920[13:55:59] <gigaherz> likeso
L1921[13:56:11] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/elementsofpower/blockstates/magicWand.json#L45
L1922[13:57:42] <masa> hm, so does that mean each variant/model has to have its own metadata on the item?
L1923[13:58:20] <gigaherz> if you do it that way, yesyes
L1924[13:58:22] <Nitrodev> yes
L1925[13:58:23] <gigaherz> -yes
L1926[13:58:24] <masa> but then how would that be different from the regular registration..
L1927[13:58:33] <gigaherz> it isn't
L1928[13:58:38] <gigaherz> you jsut bind different metadata to different models
L1929[13:58:46] <masa> so what's the point on that then?
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L1931[13:58:51] <gigaherz> ?
L1932[13:59:02] <gigaherz> you can make use of all the fancy stuffp rovided by forge blockstates?
L1933[13:59:14] <masa> to use a blockstate file instead of separate model jsons?
L1934[13:59:18] <gigaherz> yes
L1935[13:59:22] <masa> hmm right
L1936[14:00:02] <masa> and those models then HAVE TO go inside block/ instead of item/ ?
L1937[14:00:43] <gigaherz> yup
L1938[14:00:51] <gigaherz> annoyingly, yes XD
L1939[14:01:09] <masa> welp, I made most of my "part" items as separate json models already so I don't think I'll change those anymore
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L1941[14:01:45] <masa> but I still have my modular tools and some other items that need a few icons to do
L1942[14:01:54] <masa> but they need NBT access
L1943[14:02:13] *** Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L1944[14:02:27] <masa> and I'd like to just merge the module overlay into the base item instead of having a huge load of separate models
L1945[14:02:34] <masa> so I guess ISIM is the way?
L1946[14:03:15] <masa> I even did something like that in my original 1.8 port
L1947[14:03:31] <masa> I htink most of my stuff was done in code i nthat version
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L1949[14:03:57] <shadekiller666> i'm doing some more work on the OBJ loader, and making OBJModel implement IModelSimpleProperties, which has a method for reading "gui3d" out of the blockstate json, but i had previously made "gui3d" a supported key in OBJCustomData, wondering if i should keep "custom": {"gui3d": false} as a supported key
L1950[14:04:36] <shadekiller666> not exactly sure what the released version of the OBJ loader has, as i've been looking at the updated code for a while now
L1951[14:04:42] <gigaherz> oh that existed? ;P
L1952[14:04:53] <gigaherz> I dont' think anyone knew about that shade
L1953[14:04:53] <gigaherz> XD
L1954[14:04:58] <shadekiller666> ok then
L1955[14:05:09] <shadekiller666> it won't be in "custom" anymore then :P
L1956[14:05:11] <PaleoCrafter> masa, again, you should only need ItemMeshDefinition, just put the models in the block thing for now :P
L1957[14:05:25] <shadekiller666> is "smooth_lighting" the same thing as ambient occlusion?
L1958[14:05:55] <PaleoCrafter> yes
L1959[14:05:56] <gigaherz> sortof
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L1961[14:06:06] <masa> oh right sub models
L1962[14:06:13] <gigaherz> old-style lighting would apply lighting per face
L1963[14:06:19] <gigaherz> smooth lighting added per-vertex
L1964[14:06:20] <shadekiller666> the b3dloader uses it as the return from isAmbientOcclusion, so i'm going to do the same :P
L1965[14:06:23] <masa> forgot about that... I'll take a look, but now I need to eat
L1966[14:06:23] <gigaherz> (ambient occlusion)
L1967[14:06:36] <shadekiller666> which means that "ambient" will also no longer be in "custom" :P
L1968[14:16:39] <Nitrodev> in lambda what is the literal meaning of the ->
L1969[14:17:00] <gigaherz> it separates the inputs from the output
L1970[14:17:10] <gigaherz> (a,b,c) -> a+b+c
L1971[14:17:23] <gigaherz> you can read it as
L1972[14:17:33] <gigaherz> (a,b,c) results in { x }
L1973[14:17:38] *** Mine|dreamland is now known as minecreatr
L1974[14:18:20] <Nitrodev> okay
L1975[14:18:41] <thecodewarrior> One nice thing is you can also do (a,b,c)->{ stuff; } which makes it a whole lot clearer
L1976[14:18:50] <gigaherz> you can?
L1977[14:18:55] <gigaherz> I thought {} required return
L1978[14:19:00] <Nitrodev> no clue
L1979[14:19:07] <gigaherz> I do know you can do
L1980[14:19:10] <thecodewarrior> Oh, may require return. It's just more clear
L1981[14:19:11] <gigaherz> (a,b,c) {return a+b+c; }
L1982[14:19:18] <gigaherz> (a,b,c) -> {return a+b+c; } *
L1983[14:19:22] <Nitrodev> but you can do something like (a,b,c) -> {}; too
L1984[14:19:23] <thecodewarrior> For more complicated stuff it's easier.
L1985[14:19:29] <gigaherz> yeah
L1986[14:19:32] <gigaherz> it behaves as a function
L1987[14:19:33] <Nitrodev> atleast i saw that in diesieben07s class
L1988[14:19:57] <gigaherz> (a,b,c) {
L1989[14:20:06] <gigaherz> int temp = 1;
L1990[14:20:12] <gigaherz> return temp+a*b-c;
L1991[14:20:12] <gigaherz> }
L1992[14:20:23] <Nitrodev> ah
L1993[14:20:25] <gigaherz> and I forgot to type the -> again
L1994[14:20:37] <Nitrodev> but what would empty {}s mean
L1995[14:20:48] <gigaherz> just an empty body
L1996[14:20:54] <gigaherz> can be used for lambdas that return "void"
L1997[14:21:03] <gigaherz> a lambda is just like a function, really
L1998[14:21:18] <gigaherz> just an anonymous function
L1999[14:21:23] <gigaherz> where types are inferred from the context
L2000[14:21:24] <Nitrodev> ah okay then
L2001[14:21:35] <gigaherz> and it can access variables from the parent
L2002[14:21:39] *** AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L2003[14:21:39] <IoP> lambdas are sin!
L2004[14:21:40] <gigaherz> in which case it may form a closure
L2005[14:21:44] <dogError> This might be a stupid question, but could someone please take a look at this? I'm trying to make the client connect using IPv6 and don't really know what I'm doing :P I just get timeouts. http://paste2.org/F4anL48j
L2006[14:21:47] <gigaherz> where it captures references to the parent context
L2007[14:24:33] <thecodewarrior> Should I do a = b = c = d = 0.25; or a = 0.25; \n b = 0.25; ...
L2008[14:27:39] <Nitrodev> IoP, if you got a alternate way for items to hold invs, i'd LOVE to see it
L2009[14:27:50] <Nitrodev> that's why i'm using lambda in the first place
L2010[14:30:27] <PaleoCrafter> dogError, you probably are encountering the issues diesieben mentioned :P
L2011[14:31:27] <PaleoCrafter> Nitrodev, try understanding the code, you probably don't need most methods where lambdas are used, if you just want an inventory, that is
L2012[14:31:48] <Nitrodev> that is STORED in an item
L2013[14:32:30] <Nitrodev> it's not only the inv i need
L2014[14:32:33] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L2015[14:32:39] <Nitrodev> i can easily make a block contain an inv
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L2021[14:39:41] <Pennyw95> I hate when TESR models disappear...is there a smarter way to solve this without enlarging alot the renderboundingbox? (not my mod, I'm just wondering)
L2022[14:40:45] <gigaherz> nope
L2023[14:40:53] ⇦ Quits: alex_6611 (~alex_6611@p5DE7A38D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L2024[14:40:59] <gigaherz> it's the mod author's responsibility of telling MC what the bounds of the TESR are
L2025[14:41:22] <Pennyw95> ok then
L2026[14:41:26] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L2027[14:42:19] <Pennyw95> <not my problem> ahah
L2028[14:42:34] <dogError> PaleoCrafter: Hm, I guess I'll just try port forwarding the client over ssh then.
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L2033[14:51:09] <Flenix> http://ctrlv.in/706171 This literally sums up rendering for me. You get so pissed off you punch a gun and go through it.
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L2048[15:11:21] <Curle> Ugh, the texture templates that Techne makes is a mess
L2049[15:11:30] <Curle> Things are overlapping everywhere
L2050[15:11:40] <diesieben07> Techne is a mess :D
L2051[15:11:46] <Curle> That's true
L2052[15:11:47] <PaleoCrafter> use Tabula already
L2053[15:11:59] <Curle> I was going to ask, thanks Paleo :P
L2054[15:12:21] <Curle> Completely unrelated, have a joke
L2055[15:12:22] <Curle> https://i.gyazo.com/4478075cd8255f61ade2c1c6ba9e04a3.png
L2056[15:13:28] <Curle> iChun's site is down
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L2058[15:14:23] <Pennyw95> have you tried intangible yet?
L2059[15:14:56] <Curle> Sorry, are you talking to me or am I an ignorant twit? :P
L2060[15:15:34] ⇦ Quits: Vazkii (~Vazkii@a79-169-163-74.cpe.netcabo.pt) (Quit: Nii-san is watching you.)
L2061[15:16:09] <IoP> nobody shoulf try intangible with is current license
L2062[15:16:17] <Curle> Pardon?
L2063[15:16:18] <Curle> :P
L2064[15:16:20] ⇨ Joins: Benimatic (~Benimatic@cblmdm72-241-106-31.buckeyecom.net)
L2065[15:16:27] <Pennyw95> I was talking to everyone :D
L2066[15:16:37] <Pennyw95> Iop: it's out
L2067[15:16:47] <IoP> and?
L2068[15:16:48] ⇨ Joins: AbsentThirdEye (~Subconsci@cpe-65-28-43-97.wi.res.rr.com)
L2069[15:17:02] <Pennyw95> and you can download it and play with it? that's what I meant
L2070[15:17:06] <PaleoCrafter> why do I immediately think of Thaumcraft when I see that? xD
L2071[15:17:13] <Curle> Infusion altar?
L2072[15:17:22] <Curle> The 4 vurvy things
L2073[15:17:25] <Curle> curvy*
L2074[15:17:33] <Pennyw95> it's actually quite different but the influence is there ahah
L2075[15:17:39] <Curle> And the jar
L2076[15:17:53] <Curle> wait, that's a hamd
L2077[15:17:58] <Curle> hand* damn my fingers
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L2080[15:20:55] <Pennyw95> i wish I was that good at making particles and animations
L2081[15:20:58] ⇦ Quits: AbsentThirdEye (~Subconsci@cpe-65-28-43-97.wi.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L2082[15:21:43] <Curle> Haha, I used the wayback machine to get the adfly download links
L2083[15:21:44] <Curle> :3
L2084[15:21:50] <Curle> Genius!
L2085[15:21:55] <Curle> Maybe not, who cares?
L2086[15:23:08] <thor12022> too late to mention it's on CurseForge?
L2087[15:23:43] <Curle> Way too late.
L2088[15:24:01] <Curle> Oh hey, both "too late"s aligned on my client :D
L2089[15:26:19] <Curle> agh, iChunUtil crashed
L2090[15:26:55] <Curle> I suppose I should use the DeObf for a decomp env?
L2091[15:27:29] <gigaherz> not on recent 1.8.9
L2092[15:27:45] <LatvianModder> Curle: only in 1.7.10
L2093[15:27:45] <gigaherz> but yes on anything older than that
L2094[15:27:56] <Curle> Cheers
L2095[15:28:05] <Curle> :3
L2096[15:28:11] <LatvianModder> ok, 1.7.10 and ear;y (1695- iirc) 1.8.9
L2097[15:35:40] <Curle> What is the difference between 1.7.10 and 1.7.2, anyway?
L2098[15:35:50] <Curle> Bug fixes afaik
L2099[15:36:03] <killjoy> no reason not to update
L2100[15:36:09] <killjoy> (to 1.8)
L2101[15:36:38] <Curle> My mod is a compliment to modpacks, so there's literally no point updating until 90% of other mods have
L2102[15:37:10] <killjoy> that's a bad attitude
L2103[15:37:27] <Lumien> Is returning another ISmartBlockModel from ISmartBlockModel.handleBlockState "normal" ?
L2104[15:37:36] <thecodewarrior> 1.8 needs that kind of mod
L2105[15:37:42] <thecodewarrior> More than 1.7.10
L2106[15:37:50] <diesieben07> Lumien, well, you can do it but it won't get the normal ISmartBlockModel treatment.
L2107[15:37:56] <diesieben07> it will just be treated like a normal IBakedModel
L2108[15:38:20] <Curle> You think so, thecodewarrior?
L2109[15:38:24] <Curle> Hmm
L2110[15:38:58] <thecodewarrior> The selection is limited, the reason you don't want to do it for 1.8 is exactly the reason 1.8 needs it.
L2111[15:39:19] <Curle> Good point.
L2112[15:39:20] <Lumien> Well i don't want to do it, it's chisel that does it
L2113[15:39:21] <killjoy> the thaumcraft addons can go ahead and update. Or are they waiting on modpacks too?
L2114[15:39:25] <Lumien> Will have to handle that i guess
L2115[15:39:38] <Curle> I'll have to spend a while learning the 1.8 block/item system first, thouhg
L2116[15:39:41] <diesieben07> then honestly chisel is broken.
L2117[15:40:00] <diesieben07> you don't need to handle it, just behave like "vanilla" (=forge)
L2118[15:40:21] <thecodewarrior> Curle: yeah, it takes a bit of getting used to.
L2119[15:40:26] <Lumien> yeaaaaaah i'm asming some stuff and that breaks xD
L2120[15:40:35] <Curle> diesieben, if there's one thing I've learned from you, it's that forge > vanilla
L2121[15:40:38] <Lumien> So i think I have to fix it^^
L2122[15:40:43] <diesieben07> ehhh
L2123[15:40:45] <diesieben07> why are you asming...
L2124[15:40:55] <Curle> REFLECTION IS KEY
L2125[15:40:59] <Lumien> Replacing models of other blocks in the world :P
L2126[15:40:59] <Curle> :3
L2127[15:41:10] <diesieben07> doesn't sound like you need asm for that.
L2128[15:41:21] <Curle> tbh, i don't even know how to do reflection :P
L2129[15:41:22] <minecreatr> what is broken diesieben07 ?
L2130[15:41:29] <Curle> Chisel
L2131[15:41:31] <Curle> the mod
L2132[15:41:33] <Lumien> At least when i made it i didn't see a way to do it
L2133[15:41:33] <diesieben07> not broken per se, but kinda werid
L2134[15:41:42] <Lumien> It's not broken, it's just convenience i think
L2135[15:41:46] <diesieben07> although now that i think of it... its fine.
L2136[15:42:05] <diesieben07> Lumien, you are broken :P
L2137[15:42:08] <diesieben07> not chisel.
L2138[15:42:10] <Lumien> I know :(
L2139[15:42:22] <diesieben07> first of stop coremodding
L2140[15:42:24] <Curle> ugh, got Tabula loaded, press T, nothing.
L2141[15:42:31] <minecreatr> what were you referring to though?, chisel is not a coremod diesieben07 ?
L2142[15:42:38] <diesieben07> i know it isn't
L2143[15:42:48] <diesieben07> ISmartBlockModel.handleBlockState returning another ISmartBlockModel
L2144[15:42:53] <diesieben07> but now that i think of it, it's just fine.
L2145[15:43:01] <diesieben07> just the returned model won't get a hadnleBlockState call
L2146[15:43:03] ⇦ Quits: Poppy (~Poppy@chello085216146055.chello.sk) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L2147[15:43:06] <minecreatr> it returns itself and modifies its own quad list diesieben07
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L2149[15:43:14] <diesieben07> ok then it is broken.
L2150[15:43:28] <diesieben07> baked models are immutable.
L2151[15:43:35] <Lumien> I don't think it does
L2152[15:43:36] <minecreatr> it used to return a new model, but then tterrag modified it
L2153[15:43:43] <Lumien> oh
L2154[15:43:56] * diesieben07 stabs tterrag
L2155[15:44:33] <minecreatr> well it starts with an emtpy quad list, then on handle block state it adds to its quad list diesieben07 ?
L2156[15:44:37] <minecreatr> is that bad?
L2157[15:44:42] <diesieben07> uh yeah kinda.
L2158[15:44:44] <minecreatr> no one has ever said anything xD
L2159[15:44:48] <minecreatr> why?
L2160[15:44:51] <diesieben07> IBakedModel is immutable
L2161[15:44:56] <diesieben07> if it's not... that can be a problem
L2162[15:45:09] <diesieben07> if it works at the moment then you are lucky that the implementation doesn't care
L2163[15:45:11] <Curle> MineCreator
L2164[15:45:14] <Curle> uuugh
L2165[15:45:23] <diesieben07> because: your model is used for every block
L2166[15:45:30] <diesieben07> if you modify it all the time.. thats not good
L2167[15:45:46] <diesieben07> you can return yourself, but don't modify yourself
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L2169[15:46:15] <Curle> Chisel, I believe, does this to change the itemstack in the UI
L2170[15:46:20] <minecreatr> hmmm, would just returning a new instance of itself with a new quad list be better diesieben07 ?
L2171[15:46:32] <Curle> item 1 in, item 1 with metadata 2 out
L2172[15:46:36] <diesieben07> yes it would
L2173[15:46:45] <minecreatr> Curle, what????
L2174[15:46:47] <diesieben07> but you might also want to cache them, depending on how expensive the computation is.
L2175[15:46:57] <Curle> I may be thinking of something else
L2176[15:47:39] <Curle> The mystical blocks, I believe
L2177[15:47:50] <Curle> Change the model
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L2179[15:48:51] <thecodewarrior> Do items require blockstates now?
L2180[15:48:57] <diesieben07> No
L2181[15:48:59] <thecodewarrior> It seems to be looking for one.
L2182[15:49:23] <Curle> Tabula is giving me an overlapping mess of a texture map, too
L2183[15:50:02] <Curle> https://gyazo.com/15bd92ad6a23ad8b588e0e7450676686
L2184[15:50:04] <Curle> :/
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L2186[15:51:03] <PaleoCrafter> well, you *do* have to modify the UVs, of course
L2187[15:51:09] <PaleoCrafter> it won't pack your textures for you :P
L2188[15:51:27] <Curle> ehhh
L2189[15:51:41] <Curle> I have no idea, how to do that, tbh. :P
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L2192[15:55:21] <thecodewarrior> How do I register my item models
L2193[15:55:29] <HassanS6000> Anybody know how I would go about rotating a JSON model block?
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L2195[15:56:00] <gigaherz> for static rotations, you cna use the blockstates json itself
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L2197[15:56:23] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/enderrift/blockstates/blockGenerator.json
L2198[15:56:25] <gigaherz> like that
L2199[15:56:29] <Curle> thecodewarrior, IIconRegister.registerIcon(ResourceLocation) iirc
L2200[15:56:38] <Curle> wait
L2201[15:56:40] <Curle> model
L2202[15:56:43] <Curle> damnit
L2203[15:56:56] <gigaherz> thecodewarrior: ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourcelocation
L2204[15:56:58] <Curle> ignore me :P
L2205[15:57:02] <Curle> ^
L2206[15:57:03] <gigaherz> in your client proxy, during the preinit phase
L2207[15:57:22] <Curle> Oh yea, I got the model to work, guys :P
L2208[15:57:40] <thecodewarrior> ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(this, 0, new ModelResourceLocation(CatwalksMod.MODID + ":" + name, "inventory")); ?
L2209[15:58:05] <Curle> can you not just do "catwalks:" + name?
L2210[15:58:19] <thecodewarrior> Yeah, but I like it better that way.
L2211[15:58:28] <Curle> Each to their own, I guess
L2212[15:58:38] <PaleoCrafter> wanna avoid hardcoding, you know
L2213[15:58:38] <gigaherz> "this"
L2214[15:58:45] <gigaherz> implies you are doing that inside the item class
L2215[15:58:48] <gigaherz> that's ugly ;P
L2216[15:58:56] <PaleoCrafter> it's terribad
L2217[15:58:59] <Curle> super!
L2218[15:59:17] <Curle> Agh, got to go
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L2220[15:59:29] <thecodewarrior> So I should do it in the ClientProxy?
L2221[15:59:40] <gigaherz> preferably
L2222[16:00:14] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/client/ClientProxy.java#L109
L2223[16:00:45] <gigaherz> you could make it fancier such as getting the reigstration name from the item and such
L2224[16:01:19] <gigaherz> that's just to show you can also refer to a variant string instead of "inventory"
L2225[16:01:20] <gigaherz> ;p
L2226[16:02:01] <PaleoCrafter> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/util/Used.java eh
L2227[16:02:08] <thecodewarrior> And it keeps giving my a FileNotFoundException: catwalks:blockstates/tool.json
L2228[16:02:24] <gigaherz> PaleoCrafter: IDEA has a thing where you can tell it to ignore "unused" on annotations
L2229[16:02:29] <PaleoCrafter> I know
L2230[16:02:50] <gigaherz> i was trying it out, and then commited.
L2231[16:04:03] <PaleoCrafter> my ClientProxy doesn't appear to be marked as unused :P
L2232[16:04:45] <thecodewarrior> Anybody?
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L2236[16:07:19] <thecodewarrior> Why would it be looking for "catwalks:blcokstates/tool.json"?
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L2240[16:08:55] <mikebald> if it's looking for that, it's odd because blockstates is misspelled
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L2242[16:09:25] <thecodewarrior> :|
L2243[16:09:51] <PaleoCrafter> you can use blockstates JSONs for items with forge
L2244[16:10:03] ⇦ Quits: gigaherz (gigaherz@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L2245[16:11:37] <PaleoCrafter> I think you need to actually pass modid:item/xyz in setCustomMRL
L2246[16:12:35] <thecodewarrior> Lemme try that.
L2247[16:13:39] <thecodewarrior> nope, still looking in blockstates.
L2248[16:14:24] <gigaherz_t> uh
L2249[16:14:32] <gigaherz_t> the blockstates json goes in blockstates
L2250[16:15:04] <gigaherz_t> then the blockstates file can refer to other models
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L2252[16:15:13] <gigaherz_t> it's the easier way ;p
L2253[16:15:31] <PaleoCrafter> if you have only one model, there really is no point for using a blockstates JSON
L2254[16:15:48] <thecodewarrior> So for items I have to have both a blockstate and a model? what happened to sensible defaults?
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L2256[16:16:01] <gigaherz_t> n othey don't
L2257[16:16:04] <HassanS6000> gigaherz_t, my IDE is saying state.getValue(FACING).ordinal() doesn't exist
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L2259[16:16:35] <thecodewarrior> So why is it looking for a blockstate for my item?
L2260[16:16:38] <gigaherz_t> if you pass setcustomMRL a valid location
L2261[16:16:40] <gigaherz_t> it's used
L2262[16:16:44] <gigaherz_t> otherwise, it looks for the blockstates
L2263[16:17:02] <PaleoCrafter> hm, willie's primer says that if you have the inventory variant, it will look in models/item, so does the model actually exist in said location? :P
L2264[16:17:03] <gigaherz_t> has to be in models/item/modelname
L2265[16:17:25] <thecodewarrior> ...
L2266[16:17:30] <PaleoCrafter> had an s there? :P
L2267[16:17:33] <thecodewarrior> I forgot to refresh the resources in eclipse
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L2269[16:18:13] <PaleoCrafter> enable automatic refresh (really should be on by default...)
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L2271[16:18:36] <thecodewarrior> I think I've tried it and it doesn't work for me.
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L2273[16:19:40] <PaleoCrafter> it's eclipse, so meh :P
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L2275[16:20:59] <diesieben07> they claim its not on by default because it requires "native hooks that dont work properly"
L2276[16:21:05] <diesieben07> but java has a folder watch API...
L2277[16:21:22] <gigaherz_t> and windows has a nice filesystem notification API to support that
L2278[16:21:31] <LatvianModder> Its eclipse. That says it all
L2279[16:21:32] <thecodewarrior> Ok, auto refresh is working, and one of my problems was that I didn't fill in the modid for vazkii's model generator.
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L2281[16:22:10] <PaleoCrafter> gigaherz_t, the point is that that shouldn't matter for a Java application :P
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L2285[16:23:16] <tterrag> diesieben07: it used to be like that but when it cme'd I changed it back
L2286[16:23:25] <tterrag> So lesson learned the hard way
L2287[16:23:34] <tterrag> You can remove the knife from me now
L2288[16:23:41] <diesieben07> hehe
L2289[16:23:47] <diesieben07> it was a virtual stab ;
L2290[16:23:48] <diesieben07> ;)
L2291[16:23:54] <LatvianModder> Lol
L2292[16:24:47] <thecodewarrior> For my 1.8.9 version of catwalks should I just call it Catwalks 3? I feel like it needs a more creative name.
L2293[16:25:06] <PaleoCrafter> call it Dogwalks
L2294[16:25:14] <gigaherz_t> Catwalks+
L2295[16:25:18] <gigaherz_t> Catwalks EX
L2296[16:25:26] <thecodewarrior> Catcrawls
L2297[16:25:35] <gigaherz_t> Catwalks Remastered
L2298[16:25:55] <PaleoCrafter> or Blockwalks, to give it a Minecrat vibe
L2299[16:25:55] <LatvianModder> Catwalks now works with dogs too
L2300[16:26:11] <gigaherz_t> Catwalks EX Alpha Turbo Omega +
L2301[16:26:19] <LatvianModder> I love it!
L2302[16:26:27] <PaleoCrafter> + Craft
L2303[16:26:32] <LatvianModder> CWEXATO+ for short
L2304[16:26:38] <LatvianModder> Easy to remember
L2305[16:26:44] <thecodewarrior> Catwalks EX Alpha Turpo Omega Craft XL +
L2306[16:27:05] <thecodewarrior> Catwalks Improved Inovative EX Alpha Turpo Omega Craft XL +
L2307[16:27:05] <PaleoCrafter> still better than Java Enterprise naming
L2308[16:27:12] <LatvianModder> :D
L2309[16:27:13] <HassanS6000> gigaherz_t, Getting this error: http://pastebin.com/uDT3s05N
L2310[16:27:13] <thecodewarrior> Maybe just catwalks. It's for a new version of minecraft, so there shouldn't be too much confusion.
L2311[16:27:22] <HassanS6000> Blockstate: http://pastebin.com/cnubECHr
L2312[16:27:25] <tterrag> Still trying to figure out baked model caching though
L2313[16:27:35] <tterrag> As our "state" is a bit hard to define
L2314[16:27:41] <LatvianModder> Ocelot walks
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L2332[16:59:22] <masa> HassanS6000: you are missing the forge_marker. Or are you emaning to use teh vanilla format?
L2333[16:59:33] <HassanS6000> masa, I got it all working ;)
L2334[16:59:40] <masa> ok
L2335[16:59:48] <HassanS6000> Thanks tho
L2336[17:00:12] <masa> why are you defining the model in each variant though, if it's the same in each
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L2347[17:26:59] <tterrag> erg...why is KeyInputEvent only post
L2348[17:29:41] <GeoDoX> bug? http://puu.sh/mTENe/d085bfc7bc.jpg
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L2350[17:29:59] <tterrag> welcome to piston quasiconnectivity
L2351[17:30:16] <GeoDoX> what connectivity?
L2352[17:30:50] <diesieben07> pistons check diagonally for redstone power as well
L2353[17:30:51] <tterrag> http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Tutorials/Quasi-connectivity
L2354[17:30:59] <tterrag> it's technically a bug
L2355[17:31:01] <diesieben07> it is a bug, but mojang has decided to make it a feature...
L2356[17:31:08] <diesieben07> it is annoying as fuck
L2357[17:31:11] <tterrag> but mojang has all but outright stated that since it would break so many builds, they are keeping it
L2358[17:31:27] <GeoDoX> damn -.-
L2359[17:31:37] <GeoDoX> That's bullshit.
L2360[17:31:44] <diesieben07> yes it is
L2361[17:31:58] <tterrag> backwards compatibility hell :D
L2362[17:32:06] <GeoDoX> fuck the existing builds, they can be rebuilt. screw that shit.
L2363[17:32:09] *** Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L2364[17:32:14] <diesieben07> exploiting bugs is your own fault...
L2365[17:32:23] <tterrag> and the user is meant to know that's a bug how?
L2366[17:32:27] <GeoDoX> exactly!
L2367[17:32:30] <tterrag> this isn't a beta
L2368[17:32:35] <gigaherz> yeah but with the quirks of the redstone system, it's hard to differentiate
L2369[17:32:53] <tterrag> users shouldn't constantly need to be checking "is this behavior a bug?" every time they find something new
L2370[17:32:53] <diesieben07> because its not how redstone is supposed to work...
L2371[17:33:01] <GeoDoX> not at all.
L2372[17:33:02] <tterrag> where is the ingame manual on how redstone is "supposed" to work?
L2373[17:33:04] <diesieben07> but yes
L2374[17:33:10] <tterrag> all the docs we have on that are user-made
L2375[17:33:14] <diesieben07> the real issue is: mojang did not test it properly
L2376[17:33:21] <diesieben07> if they had tested pistons properly they would have found it
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L2378[17:33:52] <gigaherz> or they would have fixed it as soon as someone discovered the feature ;P
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L2380[17:34:06] <diesieben07> yea
L2381[17:34:07] <gigaherz> not after everyone has builds that make heavy use of it
L2382[17:34:18] <tterrag> it's a problem of they waited too long to fix it
L2383[17:34:25] <tterrag> so it's too late now, oh well
L2384[17:35:10] <GeoDoX> its really not though
L2385[17:35:14] <gigaherz> jsut look at the "item elevators"
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L2387[17:35:20] <tterrag> https://i.imgur.com/TQovrwC.jpg
L2388[17:35:24] <GeoDoX> it was never intended
L2389[17:35:27] <gigaherz> that IS an obvious bug exploit
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L2391[17:35:40] <gigaherz> and people cried when 1.9 broke them ;P
L2392[17:35:55] <GeoDoX> oh well, there will be other ways to do it
L2393[17:36:19] <gigaherz> sure
L2394[17:36:27] <gigaherz> dropper elevators
L2395[17:36:32] <GeoDoX> same with this, it may not be possible to do it THAT way, but it can be worked aorund.
L2396[17:36:33] <gigaherz> there's "silent" designs out there
L2397[17:36:38] <gigaherz> they just take more materials and time
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L2400[17:48:03] <tterrag> what's the best way to render an item entity in 1.8.x?
L2401[17:48:58] <masa> hmmh, so I'm trying to use the forge blockstate and submodels for my items with parts... I still need a separate model json for each part though?
L2402[17:49:16] <masa> so that the game can laod and bake the parts
L2403[17:49:56] <masa> wait, or can I use the layers for this
L2404[18:01:10] <tterrag> nobody?
L2405[18:01:15] * tterrag goes to look at botania
L2406[18:01:37] <diesieben07> tterrag, you mean like in a TESR?
L2407[18:01:42] <tterrag> yeah
L2408[18:01:47] <diesieben07> then it hasnt changed
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L2410[18:01:53] <diesieben07> entity rendering is pretty much the same as in 17
L2411[18:01:54] <tterrag> RenderManager.instance.renderEntityWithPosYaw(item, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0F, 0.0F);
L2412[18:01:56] <tterrag> thats what I had
L2413[18:02:04] <diesieben07> but?
L2414[18:02:09] <tterrag> no more .instance
L2415[18:02:19] <tterrag> ah it's just in Minecraft now
L2416[18:02:23] <tterrag> easy one...whoops :P
L2417[18:02:44] <diesieben07> :D
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L2481[20:26:07] <HassanS6000> How can I get the value of an IProperty if I have a BlockState, not an IBlockState
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L2483[20:41:34] <HassanS6000> nvm
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L2485[20:42:00] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L2486[20:42:37] <williewillus> you should never touch BlockState objects
L2487[20:42:49] <williewillus> besides returning one in createBlockState
L2488[20:43:01] <williewillus> a BlockState is very different from an IBlockState (unfortunate naming)
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L2491[20:45:34] <HassanS6000> williewillus, yeah I realized I had to do world.getBlockState(pos) which returns an IBlockState - not sure if method is named that, but it does what I described
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L2494[20:46:11] <williewillus> masa: if the shapes for each part are custom, then yeah you need a separate file to define the shape
L2495[20:46:26] <williewillus> but if not you can just specify the model in each submodel as builtin generated (I think)
L2496[20:46:44] <williewillus> not sure what your end result goal is
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L2502[20:54:42] <Morden> Anyone that might be able to help me figure out why a simple access transformer isn't working?
L2503[20:55:08] <tterrag> sure
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L2506[20:55:26] <tterrag> also, don't ask to ask, just ask
L2507[20:55:41] <Morden> I followed the tut for 1.7.10, and I'm not seeing anything in the console indicating it is being used
L2508[20:55:53] <Morden> nor do I see a change to te decomp source in my ide
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L2510[20:56:32] <tterrag> where did you put it?
L2511[20:56:43] <Morden> I added a <mymod>.cfg in \resources\META-INF
L2512[20:56:47] <Morden> containing:
L2513[20:56:49] <Morden> public net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer func_146977_a(Lnet/minecraft/inventory/Slot;)V
L2514[20:57:03] <killjoy> isn't it supposed to be <mymod>_at.cfg?
L2515[20:57:10] <Morden> Ran a gradew clean & setupDecompWorkspace
L2516[20:57:35] <Morden> The tut just uses an arbitrary filename... perhaps that is the problem.
L2517[20:57:41] <Morden> let me try
L2518[20:58:08] <killjoy> I believe fg will just search for any file ending with _at.cfg
L2519[20:58:29] <Morden> but, before rebuilding the workspace I added the "attributes 'FMLAT': 'AE2TTransformer.cfg'" to my build.grade
L2520[20:58:37] <killjoy> otherwise you'd need to use minecraft.at "<modid>.cfg
L2521[20:58:41] <Morden> thats all the tut says to do
L2522[20:58:44] <tterrag> yes I think in dev the _at is necessary
L2523[20:58:56] <Morden> ok, I'll try that real quick.
L2524[21:00:45] <Morden> oooohhh... Looks better. In that case the Forge tut needs some TLC
L2525[21:00:59] <killjoy> Is it in readthedocs?
L2526[21:01:03] <killjoy> or the wiki?
L2527[21:01:19] <Morden> I was looking in the wiki
L2528[21:01:30] <killjoy> that hasn't been updated since 1.6
L2529[21:01:55] <Morden> The section is labeled as "new method for 1.7.10 and ForgeGradle"
L2530[21:02:08] <Morden> So I assumed it was current... ah well.
L2531[21:02:28] <killjoy> oh yes, ATs
L2532[21:02:36] <killjoy> it's arbitrary for coremods
L2533[21:04:00] <Morden> Yeah, since I need to override a single method in GuiContainer, I was hoping to avoid a coremod
L2534[21:04:35] <Morden> Though, on that note, my AT should probably be protected, not public
L2535[21:05:59] <tterrag> I'd write a page on ATs for the official docs but I'd probably get fired
L2536[21:06:10] <Morden> lol...
L2537[21:06:18] <killjoy> out of a cannon into the sun?
L2538[21:08:07] <killjoy> well they're not quite coremods
L2539[21:08:25] <killjoy> Though I prefer coremods that add getters/setters than ATs
L2540[21:08:31] <tterrag> I mean, if lex/cpw says it's ok it would be a pretty simple page
L2541[21:08:36] <tterrag> there's not much to it
L2542[21:08:50] <tterrag> make file -> copy from mcpbot -> add manifest entry
L2543[21:09:46] <bspkrs> you're fired
L2544[21:10:02] <killjoy> tterrag is now an event
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L2546[21:10:05] <tterrag> oh no, how will I feed my kids
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L2548[21:10:30] <killjoy> MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.post(tterrag);
L2549[21:10:31] <bspkrs> cut up the smaller ones to feed the bigger ones
L2550[21:12:15] <Morden> HMMMM
L2551[21:13:07] <Morden> So the transformer was found when rebuilding the workspace, but the IDE still shows the untransformed method in the source, and I don't see it load in the consloe when launched...
L2552[21:13:18] <killjoy> Using eclipse or idea/
L2553[21:13:31] <Morden> eclise
L2554[21:13:39] <killjoy> did you rerun the eclipse task?
L2555[21:13:45] <Morden> or eclipse if you can spell
L2556[21:13:52] <Morden> no....
L2557[21:13:56] <killjoy> ...
L2558[21:13:58] <killjoy> do that
L2559[21:14:09] <killjoy> the .classpath file is still pointing to the old jar
L2560[21:14:20] <killjoy> dirty jars go in .gradle (in 1.8+)
L2561[21:14:29] ⇨ Joins: SubconsciousEye (~Subconsci@cpe-65-28-43-97.wi.res.rr.com)
L2562[21:14:46] <killjoy> clean jars are stored globally, dirty is locally.
L2563[21:15:09] <Morden> YAY!
L2564[21:15:12] <killjoy> adding a AT makes your jar dirty in case you didn't realize
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L2566[21:15:40] <Morden> ok... Still don't see any indication in the console that the transform is taking place. Should I?
L2567[21:15:57] <killjoy> when you start the game?
L2568[21:16:02] <Morden> yes
L2569[21:16:11] <killjoy> you won't see it because it's already done
L2570[21:17:01] <Morden> ok
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L2572[21:17:31] <tterrag> it's not runtime in dev
L2573[21:17:32] <killjoy> What point of "dirty jar" didn't you understand?
L2574[21:17:33] <Morden> Awesome... Thanks everyone for your help....
L2575[21:18:18] <Morden> I understood, just figured I would see something indicating it at least tried to do the transform, even if it was no longer needed in dev env
L2576[21:18:30] <killjoy> There is no META-INF in dev
L2577[21:18:37] <killjoy> no manifest
L2578[21:18:53] <Morden> didn't thin of it tht way... thanks
L2579[21:18:59] <Morden> *think
L2580[21:19:17] <tterrag> it tells you when you run setupDecompWorkspace
L2581[21:19:21] <Morden> damn these dollar store fingers
L2582[21:21:12] <killjoy> This is the type of AT I prefer. https://gist.github.com/killjoy1221/b989eedf3af5525682aa
L2583[21:21:26] <killjoy> except it's more of an Accessor
L2584[21:21:42] <tterrag> and it's more of ASM :P
L2585[21:21:46] <tterrag> (or reflection)
L2586[21:21:53] <killjoy> AT is asm too
L2587[21:21:59] <Morden> I see
L2588[21:21:59] <tterrag> yes
L2589[21:22:04] <tterrag> though only touching modifiers
L2590[21:22:19] <killjoy> This doesn't require a dirty jar
L2591[21:22:33] <killjoy> you just cast
L2592[21:22:35] <Morden> My issue is that I need to override drawSlot() to do some prep work before the real method runs
L2593[21:23:07] <Morden> I don't think I can do that via reflection
L2594[21:23:34] <tterrag> how can you cast?
L2595[21:23:35] <Morden> drawSlot looks to be func_146977_a in 1.7.10
L2596[21:23:41] <tterrag> GuiContainer isn't castable to IGuiContainer
L2597[21:23:49] <killjoy> asm
L2598[21:23:54] <killjoy> it's made to implement it
L2599[21:23:57] <tterrag> ._.
L2600[21:24:01] <tterrag> but how do you use that at compiletime
L2601[21:24:19] <killjoy> Interfaces aren't strict when it comes to casting
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L2603[21:24:42] <tterrag> yes...they...are?
L2604[21:24:45] <killjoy> nope.
L2605[21:24:54] <killjoy> Go ahead and try to cast it to some interface
L2606[21:25:03] <killjoy> imagine subclasses
L2607[21:25:28] <tterrag> just tried, you can't
L2608[21:25:31] <tterrag> what exactly are you suggesting?
L2609[21:25:32] <killjoy> I'm not sure how it reacts to finals
L2610[21:26:40] <killjoy> http://pastebin.com/tSasKHgP
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L2612[21:27:26] <tterrag> hm...I guess you can
L2613[21:27:31] <tterrag> still, that seems really ugly
L2614[21:27:49] <killjoy> Mixins has a similar concept
L2615[21:28:07] <killjoy> but they also double cast
L2616[21:28:14] <tterrag> but I don't use mixins
L2617[21:28:19] <killjoy> (MinecraftServer)(object)this
L2618[21:30:41] <killjoy> Anyway, I probably prefer it this way because I've had a bad experience with dirty jars in the past
L2619[21:30:58] <killjoy> mostly with eclipse classpath order
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L2622[21:32:32] <Morden> Well, have a good one all!
L2623[21:32:40] <killjoy> good bye
L2624[21:32:45] ⇦ Quits: Morden (~Morden@c-50-189-89-51.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) ()
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L2628[21:35:20] <killjoy> Heh, just thinking about inheritance.
L2629[21:35:28] <killjoy> public interface UncleGrandpa{}
L2630[21:35:34] <killjoy> He's everyone's uncle and grandpa
L2631[21:36:23] <williewillus> that analogy falls apart really quick :p
L2632[21:38:34] <williewillus> that means everyone is their oldest ancestor
L2633[21:38:38] <williewillus> since everything extends Object :p
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L2636[21:44:52] <thecodewarrior> How exactly do I mark a block to be re-rendered?
L2637[21:44:59] <killjoy> what do you mean?
L2638[21:45:42] <thecodewarrior> I have a tile entity using an ISBM, and I need it to update.
L2639[21:46:44] <williewillus> world.markBlockRangeForRenderUpdate clientside
L2640[21:46:53] <williewillus> I *think* world.markBlockForUpdate works serverside but not sure
L2641[21:48:24] <thecodewarrior> Yep, markBlockForUpdate works. Thanks!
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L2643[21:50:48] <Ministry> Hey anyone got any insight into TileEntities know why these two don't == the same: https://gist.github.com/M1nistry/5b2b3da21a84a912b749
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L2646[21:51:43] <killjoy> == != .equals
L2647[21:52:02] <williewillus> also, don't use setTileEntity manually
L2648[21:52:13] <Ministry> Not in a comparison sense, just in a debuging looking at the two variables
L2649[21:52:14] <williewillus> you're probably running into the issue where your te vanishes when you setBlockState
L2650[21:52:32] <williewillus> if that's the case, override TE.shouldRefresh
L2651[21:52:33] <Ministry> yeah I thought that, so I was grabbing the TE before setting the blockstate to preserve it's values
L2652[21:52:37] *** Vigaro is now known as V
L2653[21:52:58] <williewillus> yeah use shouldRefresh, you return a boolean saying if your TE should be destroyed or not
L2654[21:53:13] <williewillus> because some machines use different states for different machines/Te's, etc.
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L2656[21:53:59] <williewillus> the common implementation is "return newState.getBlock() != oldState.getBlock()" which only destroys the TE if the block type is changing entirely
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L2658[21:54:45] <Ministry> so te.shouldRefresh makes me not need to set the blockstate?
L2659[21:54:56] <Ministry> I'm basically destroying a block and replacing it based on a value.
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L2661[21:56:31] <williewillus> no, returning false from shouldRefresh prevents your te from getting deleted everytime you setBlockState to a different variant of the same block
L2662[21:57:14] <Ministry> ohh, so if the oldState = the newState it returns false?
L2663[21:57:27] <Ministry> Yep I see.
L2664[21:57:31] <Ministry> You did say that, my bad.
L2665[21:57:31] <williewillus> use "return oldState.getBlock() != newState.getBlock()"
L2666[21:58:26] <tterrag> why that isn't the default impl I'll never know
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L2668[22:02:33] <williewillus> I think the motivation was better be pedantically safe than to leak TE's all over the place
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L2670[22:09:30] <Ministry> Oh, so shouldRefresh returns true because the block is being broken to air and then replaced, instead of cancelled, hrm.
L2671[22:14:42] <williewillus> wat
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L2673[22:14:56] <williewillus> are you making it air then replacing?
L2674[22:15:02] <williewillus> just set it directly
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L2677[22:21:10] <Ministry> I'm using the breakBlock event within my custom block to handle what I want to do with the block
L2678[22:21:43] <Ministry> https://github.com/M1nistry/MineBetter/blob/master/src/main/java/ministry/minebetter/common/block/BlockDenseIron.java
L2679[22:22:06] <Ministry> Lines 53-79, roughly that
L2680[22:22:40] <Ministry> Currently it's just doing a random to determine something, I want to use a TileEntity to have a large int (like 600+) that gets -1 everytime the block 'breaks'
L2681[22:23:04] <williewillus> don't do that in breakblock
L2682[22:23:11] <williewillus> breakblock should always actually break the block
L2683[22:23:35] <Ministry> Yeah I know... I was doing it elsewhere and canceling the break, however I couldn't access the blockstate properties that way.
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L2689[22:42:36] <williewillus> block break event
L2690[22:42:42] <williewillus> you get the old state
L2691[22:43:08] <williewillus> breakblock is used to do things in addition to breaking the block, lots of spots in the game expect that it actually allows the block to break
L2692[22:44:27] <Ministry> How can I get a block state within that event though
L2693[22:47:11] <tterrag> ...
L2694[22:47:15] <tterrag> it's...a...parameter
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L2696[22:47:34] <Ministry> :( yeah forgot I could access the public IProperties.
L2697[22:47:59] *** tterrag is now known as tterrag|ZZZzzz
L2698[22:49:35] <williewillus> evt.state.getValue :p
L2699[22:49:40] <williewillus> or whatever the field is called
L2700[22:49:56] <Ministry> Yeah that's it, if (!((Boolean)e.state.getValue(BlockDenseIron.EXHAUSTED)))
L2701[22:50:05] <williewillus> you shouldn't need the cast anymore
L2702[22:50:08] <williewillus> if you're on 1.8.8+
L2703[22:50:38] <Ministry> 1.8-11?
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L2705[22:51:52] <xaero> 11 is an incomplete build number; are you saying you are on 1.8.0 (per se) and not 1.8.8+?
L2706[22:51:52] <williewillus> yeah idk why youre still on 1.8.0 :P
L2707[22:51:59] <williewillus> update to 1.8.9
L2708[22:52:03] <williewillus> it's a tiny step
L2709[22:52:10] <williewillus> except for tessellator but that's easy
L2710[22:52:29] <Ministry> I just got back from holiday so everything I did before hand is just mush now, I've got the git pull setup but it always said upto date ~_~
L2711[22:54:49] <williewillus> well to update forge versions you just change it in your build.gradle
L2712[22:54:54] <williewillus> doesnt have to do with git
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L2716[22:59:26] <Morden> ok, back with another stupid access transformer question.
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L2720[22:59:43] <Morden> I added "protected net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer isMouseOverSlot(Lnet/minecraft/inventory/Slot;II)Z"
L2721[23:00:01] <Morden> to my access transformer and it doesn't seem to be taking.
L2722[23:00:12] <Morden> while the other transform in the file is.
L2723[23:00:26] <Morden> any idea what I have done wrong?
L2724[23:00:29] <williewillus> I thought you need the srg names of these
L2725[23:00:31] <williewillus> idk
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L2727[23:00:43] <Morden> Thats my thought
L2728[23:00:55] <Morden> How would I find the SRG for this?
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L2731[23:01:18] <Morden> I know the obsfucated name, and what forge deobsfucates to.
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L2735[23:02:35] <williewillus> !!isMouseOverSlot
L2736[23:02:39] <williewillus> !!gm isMouseOverSlot
L2737[23:02:40] <MCPBot_Reborn> === MC 1.8.9: net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/GuiContainer.isMouseOverSlot (ayl.a) UNLOCKED ===
L2738[23:02:41] <MCPBot_Reborn> Name : a => func_146981_a => isMouseOverSlot
L2739[23:02:42] <MCPBot_Reborn> Descriptor : (Lyg;II)Z => (Lnet/minecraft/inventory/Slot;II)Z
L2740[23:02:43] <MCPBot_Reborn> AT : public net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer func_146981_a(Lnet/minecraft/inventory/Slot;II)Z # isMouseOverSlot
L2741[23:02:43] <MCPBot_Reborn> Comment : Returns if the passed mouse position is over the specified slot. Args : slot, mouseX, mouseY
L2742[23:02:44] <MCPBot_Reborn> SRG Params : Slot p_146981_1_, I p_146981_2_, I p_146981_3_
L2743[23:02:45] <MCPBot_Reborn> MCP Params : Slot slotIn, int mouseX, int mouseY
L2744[23:02:45] <MCPBot_Reborn> Last Change: 2014-05-04 05:35:37-04:00 (maya)
L2745[23:02:50] <williewillus> copy the line that says "AT"
L2746[23:03:15] <Morden> need it for 1.7.10
L2747[23:03:24] <Morden> isn't that for 1.8.x?
L2748[23:03:26] <williewillus> boo
L2749[23:03:28] <williewillus> !!gm isMouseOverSlot 1.7.10
L2750[23:03:29] <MCPBot_Reborn> === MC 1.7.10: net/minecraft/client/gui/inventory/GuiContainer.isMouseOverSlot (bex.a) UNLOCKED ===
L2751[23:03:30] <MCPBot_Reborn> Name : a => func_146981_a => isMouseOverSlot
L2752[23:03:30] <MCPBot_Reborn> Descriptor : (Laay;II)Z => (Lnet/minecraft/inventory/Slot;II)Z
L2753[23:03:31] <MCPBot_Reborn> AT : public net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer func_146981_a(Lnet/minecraft/inventory/Slot;II)Z # isMouseOverSlot
L2754[23:03:32] <MCPBot_Reborn> Comment : Returns if the passed mouse position is over the specified slot. Args : slot, mouseX, mouseY
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L2756[23:03:33] <MCPBot_Reborn> SRG Params : Slot p_146981_1_, I p_146981_2_, I p_146981_3_
L2757[23:03:33] <MCPBot_Reborn> MCP Params : Slot slotIn, int mouseX, int mouseY
L2758[23:03:34] <MCPBot_Reborn> Last Change: 2014-05-04 05:35:37-04:00 (maya)
L2759[23:03:42] <williewillus> but yeah its the same
L2760[23:03:46] <Morden> Awesome!
L2761[23:03:47] <williewillus> because thats the point of srg names
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L2763[23:04:16] <Morden> anyidea how I would look that up without the bot?
L2764[23:04:16] <Darkevilmac> Quick question about the DimensionManager, are there limits as to when I can call methods like registerDimension, and registerProviderType? Or do they have to be called at preInit?
L2765[23:04:28] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L2766[23:04:32] <Darkevilmac> And for reference I'm wondering if I can call them at any time in game.
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L2768[23:05:31] <Morden> Found it, nvm,
L2769[23:05:36] <Morden> thanks!
L2770[23:05:53] <McJty> Darkevilmac, mods like rftools wouldn't be possible if you couldn't call those later
L2771[23:06:08] <McJty> Darkevilmac, but be careful. You have to tell the clients too.
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L2773[23:06:44] <thecodewarrior> Is there any reason I should store my IRecipe's? or should I just instantiate them and pass them directly to the CraftingManager.
L2774[23:07:10] <McJty> thecodewarrior, just pass them on
L2775[23:07:17] <thecodewarrior> Ok, thanks.
L2776[23:10:03] <Darkevilmac> McJty, thanks, just a bit out of the loop wasn't aware of that mod. Another question if you don't mind be bugging you. I had asked the other day if there are any definitive limits to the dimension id I can use. ie, could I technically use Integer.MAX_VALUE if I really needed that many ids?
L2777[23:10:32] <McJty> yes, that should work
L2778[23:10:38] <Darkevilmac> I doubt I ever will but I just want to know if there's a limit to what I can use.
L2779[23:10:46] <Darkevilmac> Alright great thanks.
L2780[23:10:56] <killjoy> I think I broke blackboard
L2781[23:11:11] <Ministry> you're such a killjoy
L2782[23:11:16] ⇨ Joins: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@f050169200.adsl.alicedsl.de)
L2783[23:11:19] <killjoy> right as I uploaded my assignment
L2784[23:11:23] <McJty> Darkevilmac, make sure to check out the source of rftoolsdim. There are a few other hairy issues you need to worry about when making dimensions dynamically
L2785[23:11:23] <killjoy> and I don't mean Launch.blackboard
L2786[23:11:40] <McJty> For example, one problem is that since dimensions are not registered in the config a client connecting to a server doesn't know that they have to be registered
L2787[23:11:52] <McJty> and if the client happens to log in in such a dimension that gives issues
L2788[23:12:02] <Darkevilmac> Ya I snooped around the code a little
L2789[23:12:10] <Darkevilmac> seems to be some interesting things
L2790[23:12:20] <Darkevilmac> just have to make sure I sync things properly mostly.
L2791[23:12:38] <McJty> Yes, but the problem above cannot be done with a regular packet (at least in 1.7.10)
L2792[23:12:46] <Darkevilmac> I'm on 1.8
L2793[23:12:56] <McJty> You have to send a packet right after the client connects but before he tries to load in the world
L2794[23:13:11] <McJty> I didn't change the method on 1.8
L2795[23:13:12] <Darkevilmac> Is there an event for that I could hook into?
L2796[23:13:31] <thecodewarrior> For some reason I love Diggy Diggy Hole. I just listen to it on repeat over and over. "I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole, diggy diggy hole, diggy diggy hollleee..."
L2797[23:13:58] <McJty> Darkevilmac, check out RFToolSdim and the DimensionSyncChannelHandler class
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L2803[23:22:53] <TheSecretPanda> Hey guys
L2804[23:22:56] *** TheSecretPanda is now known as TSP
L2805[23:23:12] <Ministry> Howwwdy
L2806[23:23:34] <TSP> Time to work on making this car thing work more fluid-like
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L2810[23:29:51] <TSP> welcome back thecodewarrior
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