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L1[00:00:00] <Drullkus> Meanwhile I'm just cooking up the most acid texture I've ever seen
L2[00:00:23] <GeoDoX> Alright, I got it then, I think :P
L3[00:00:44] <GeoDoX> favourites.add(ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT(itemStacks.getCompoundTagAt(i))); ?
L4[00:01:06] <williewillus> yes that should do it
L5[00:01:21] <williewillus> I don't know if loadStackFromNBT returns null if the item no longer exists though
L6[00:01:27] <williewillus> and idk how you want to ahndle that
L7[00:01:39] <williewillus> delete the entries or just skip them in case the mod is later added
L8[00:02:29] <smbarbour> MattDahEpic: The reason you are getting that is because Mojang's Public API service is down
L9[00:03:30] <GeoDoX> is ?GuiOpenEvent is the Event I'm looking for?
L10[00:04:29] ⇦ Quits: MattDahEpic (~MattDahEp@65-128-97-30.hlrn.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L11[00:05:23] <Drullkus> Why did I even make this https://dl.dropbox.com/s/5u6kmbdcbzfg14m/Why.gif
L12[00:05:34] *** mrkirby153 is now known as kirby|gone
L13[00:06:14] ⇦ Quits: gr8pefish (~gr8pefish@ (Quit: Zzzz)
L14[00:09:24] ⇦ Quits: Drullkus (~Drullkus@2601:646:8301:8947:4c73:f9aa:186a:af15) ()
L15[00:10:49] <GeoDoX> I believe it is, but I don't know how to check if its the creative inventory
L16[00:12:34] <tterrag> is there any way to use partial ticks in a GUI that pauses the game?
L17[00:12:37] *** minecreatr is now known as Mine|dreamland
L18[00:14:14] <fry> tterrag: try Animation.getPartialTickTime()
L19[00:14:52] <tterrag> Animation being...what class?
L20[00:15:01] <tterrag> I don't have that method in my src
L21[00:15:17] <fry> update :P
L22[00:15:37] <tterrag> besides, I don't feel like I should be using some internal class for my GUI stuff
L23[00:16:27] <fry> listen to RenderTickEvent then
L24[00:16:32] <fry> and store it yourself
L25[00:16:36] <tterrag> fry: I am looking at forge github
L26[00:16:38] <tterrag> that method is not there
L27[00:16:59] <tterrag> fry: >paused game
L28[00:17:06] <tterrag> timer doesn't advance when the game is paused, does it?
L29[00:17:18] <fry> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/client/model/animation/Animation.java#L50
L30[00:17:36] <fry> it doesn't advance, but you should still be able to use the value
L31[00:17:50] <tterrag> I...need it to advance...how else would it be animated
L32[00:17:55] ⇨ Joins: alex_6611 (~alex_6611@p5DE7959B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L33[00:18:06] <fry> then you don't want partial ticks
L34[00:18:13] <fry> and you want something else
L35[00:18:42] <tterrag> time based? using millis?
L36[00:20:05] <GeoDoX> Is GuiInventory survival?
L37[00:20:15] <GeoDoX> Read on the forums that it was
L38[00:20:25] <GeoDoX> If so, whats the Creative equivalent
L39[00:20:49] <williewillus> guicontainercreative
L40[00:20:58] ⇦ Quits: H1N1theI (~h1n1thei@2601:5c2:8100:5898:daeb:97ff:fee9:f781) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L41[00:22:19] <GeoDoX> Theres not a GuiCloseEvent?
L42[00:24:45] *** Disconsented is now known as DrDoofenshmirtz
L43[00:26:24] <GeoDoX> Theres an onGuiClosed in GuiScreen, why would there not be an event for it?
L44[00:26:55] <williewillus> closing a gui is just opening a null one
L45[00:28:31] <GeoDoX> so, same event but the gui object is null?
L46[00:29:55] <GeoDoX> How would I know that the Creative Inventory SPECIFICALLY was the inventory that closed?
L47[00:30:26] <GeoDoX> As far as I can tell, you couldn't, unless you stored the last opened gui
L48[00:30:35] <williewillus> you can just get it
L49[00:30:41] <williewillus> Minecraft.getMinecraft().currentScreen :p
L50[00:31:12] ⇨ Joins: Hunterz (~hunterz@2001:af0:8000:1c01:6af7:28ff:fe37:5d6a)
L51[00:31:19] <GeoDoX> Does the GuiOpenEvent fire before or after it sucessfully opens?
L52[00:31:24] <williewillus> before
L53[00:31:39] <williewillus> so people listening and change the gui or prevent it from opening
L54[00:31:44] <williewillus> can change*
L55[00:31:52] <GeoDoX> ah
L56[00:32:17] <williewillus> if (mc.currentScreen instanceof GuiContainerCreative && evt.gui == null) < stuff >
L57[00:32:27] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Quit: Leaving)
L58[00:35:25] ⇨ Joins: Dagarath (~Dagarath@209-197-141-143.cpe.distributel.net)
L59[00:37:42] <Dagarath> Hey guys I am trying to get NEI to work as a dependency in Intellij Idea, I put it in /modroot/libs and ran "gradlew setupDecompWorkspace ideaModule --refresh-dependencies" it adds it to my project but I constantly get this error and for the life of me I can't figure out how to get past this http://pastebin.com/KFPV6Lkv
L60[00:38:09] <Dagarath> I put the dev versions of the mods in there btw, code chicken core, lib and nei
L61[00:38:28] <GeoDoX> Dagarath,
L62[00:38:39] <GeoDoX> I'd recommend you change your passwords now
L63[00:38:45] <Dagarath> damnit its in there?
L64[00:38:58] <GeoDoX> Yes
L65[00:39:01] <Dagarath> that is a throwaway password lol
L66[00:39:22] <GeoDoX> Ah
L67[00:39:36] <Dagarath> Why does it put my pw in the log? lol damnit
L68[00:39:43] ⇦ Quits: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@f054096238.adsl.alicedsl.de) (Quit: Die Sprache der Politik ist daf�r gemacht, dass L�gen wahr klingen und das T�ten angemessen wirkt. (George Orwell))
L69[00:40:09] <GeoDoX> I think because it's in your arguments
L70[00:40:28] <Dagarath> dangit lol
L71[00:43:03] ⇦ Quits: alex_6611 (~alex_6611@p5DE7959B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L72[00:43:21] <killjoy> Copy the args from your launcher_profile.json
L73[00:44:14] <Dagarath> pardon?
L74[00:44:30] <Dagarath> I don't know things like that
L75[00:44:31] <killjoy> .minecraft/launcher_profile.json
L76[00:44:42] <Dagarath> how do I do that?
L77[00:45:06] <killjoy> open that file and look at the authenticationDatabase object
L78[00:45:50] <killjoy> --username <displayName> --accessToken <accessToken> --uuid <uuid>
L79[00:45:56] <Dagarath> ahh
L80[00:45:59] ⇨ Joins: Naiten (Naiten@
L81[00:46:09] <Dagarath> so I put those numbers ok
L82[00:46:14] <killjoy> You'll need to update them every time you open the launcher.
L83[00:46:24] <Dagarath> alright but until then it works?
L84[00:46:30] <killjoy> yes
L85[00:47:12] <Dagarath> Ok thanks guys pw changed and updated run args =)
L86[00:47:32] <Dagarath> Now I still can't get nei to work, code chicken core loads fine...but not nei
L87[00:47:57] <killjoy> switch to jei
L88[00:48:01] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de)
L89[00:48:05] <Dagarath> for 1.7.10?
L90[00:48:11] <killjoy> update to 1.8
L91[00:48:17] <Dagarath> this isnt gonna happen
L92[00:48:22] <Dagarath> so no help, alright that is fine
L93[00:48:23] <unascribed> what's the problem with NEI?
L94[00:48:31] <Dagarath> Assembly errors like mad
L95[00:48:37] <unascribed> s/Assembly/Bytecode
L96[00:48:47] <unascribed> wow yeah that is a long exception
L97[00:49:01] <unascribed> "Needle not found in Haystack"
L98[00:49:04] <unascribed> are you on the latest NEI?
L99[00:49:07] <Dagarath> I've found countless threads with the same problem but the error does not work for me.
L100[00:49:15] <Dagarath> recommended I beleive
L101[00:49:15] <killjoy> what other coremods?
L102[00:49:23] <unascribed> try latest
L103[00:49:34] <Dagarath> just CCC CCL and NEI
L104[00:49:59] <Dagarath> I may have already, been at this work a weekish
L105[00:50:01] ⇦ Quits: shadekiller666 (~shadekill@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L106[00:50:17] <Dagarath> well in between doing other things
L107[00:50:19] <unascribed> also try updating forge
L108[00:50:29] <unascribed> or backdating it, even
L109[00:50:31] <killjoy> maybe mappings issue?
L110[00:50:37] <Dagarath> i will try it now though
L111[00:50:38] <unascribed> let me find what version of forge NEI is compiled with
L112[00:51:19] <unascribed> 1448
L113[00:51:20] <killjoy> probably uses default mappings
L114[00:51:22] <unascribed> you're on 1558
L115[00:51:30] <unascribed> and mappings are also a potential issue, yeah
L116[00:51:33] <unascribed> what mappings are you on?
L117[00:52:01] <mezz> CCC requests a set of mappings when you start the game
L118[00:52:08] <mezz> maybe you chose the wrong ones
L119[00:52:36] <mezz> you can delete the codechickenwhatever config and it should ask again
L120[00:52:37] <killjoy> nei uses snapshot_20150404
L121[00:52:51] <Dagarath> oh a specific forge?
L122[00:54:04] <Dagarath> I have no idea how to choose mappings, I just want to integrate NEI into my mod lol
L123[00:54:16] <unascribed> in the minecraft block in your build.gradl
L124[00:54:17] <unascribed> e
L125[00:54:22] <unascribed> mappings = "snapshot_20150404"
L126[00:54:25] <unascribed> then setupDecompWorkspace again
L127[00:54:33] <mezz> why I wrote jei .jpg >_>
L128[00:54:39] <TehNut> no... There's a box that pops up when you launch the game
L129[00:54:46] <killjoy> those mappings are super old, though
L130[00:54:50] <Dagarath> so if i have NO mappings at all is that bad?
L131[00:54:51] <unascribed> JEI isn't available for 1.7 .tiff
L132[00:54:55] <mezz> heh
L133[00:54:59] <unascribed> Dagarath, that means you're using the default mappings
L134[00:55:04] <unascribed> which are probably newer than the ones in NEI
L135[00:55:15] <unascribed> also JEI not being available for 1.7 is a good thing
L136[00:55:24] <unascribed> hopefully encourages people to move to 1.8
L137[00:56:21] <Dagarath> I will move to 1.8, always intended, but I don't intend to leave 1.7 behind either because I am not just making mods but modpacks also and I don't have the time to update everyone who hasn't updated in my pack to 1.8
L138[00:56:35] <unascribed> ^ this
L139[00:56:59] <Dagarath> so apparently the mapping is for 1.8...in a 1.7 mod wtf? lol
L140[00:57:10] <unascribed> huh
L141[00:57:23] <unascribed> maybe killjoy was looking at the wrong branch
L142[00:57:29] <killjoy> probably
L143[00:57:29] <Dagarath> ah
L144[00:57:46] <killjoy> 1.7 branch: default mappings
L145[00:57:49] <unascribed> yeah
L146[00:57:53] <Dagarath> lol
L147[00:58:00] <unascribed> is there a way to lookup what mappings are for a certain forge version?
L148[00:58:09] <unascribed> honestly though probably the simplest solution is just to backdate to Forge 1448
L149[00:58:12] <unascribed> that's the version used by NEI
L150[00:58:29] <Dagarath> alright doing so i guess
L151[00:58:40] <Dagarath> it shouldnt break anything I hope lol
L152[00:58:46] <killjoy> export.mcp.bspk.rs
L153[00:58:56] <killjoy> export.mcpbot.bspk.rs
L154[00:59:07] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L155[00:59:09] ⇨ Joins: Reika (~Reika@reika.kalseki.mods.abrarsyed.me)
L156[00:59:10] <unascribed> but that doesn't let you look up which mappings a certain forge version uses
L157[00:59:27] <killjoy> forge mod dev forge doesn't use certain mappings
L158[00:59:41] <killjoy> patches are saved in srg
L159[00:59:49] <unascribed> ...
L160[00:59:55] <unascribed> I mean the default mappings version when you don't specify one
L161[01:00:02] <killjoy> usually earliest
L162[01:00:29] <killjoy> 1.7.10 is probably stable_8
L163[01:01:59] <Dagarath> welp updating my dev env, fingers crossed
L164[01:03:25] <unascribed> why do people use fork as a "super-star"
L165[01:03:37] <killjoy> idk
L166[01:03:38] <unascribed> there's someone who has forked the MCPBot_Issues repo
L167[01:03:40] <unascribed> like, what?
L168[01:04:34] ⇦ Quits: Mraoffle (~mraof@2601:642:4400:49a7::93ed) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L169[01:05:53] <killjoy> This is what fg uses to validate mcp versions http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/versions.json
L170[01:08:08] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep|@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L171[01:09:23] ⇦ Quits: Kaiyouka (~IdiotNono@c-75-71-231-133.hsd1.co.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L172[01:11:42] ⇨ Joins: Mraof (~mraof@2601:642:4400:49a7::93ed)
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L174[01:25:46] ⇨ Joins: McJty (~McJty@bluecoat2.uzleuven.be)
L175[01:29:33] <Ordinastie> !gm func_176203_a
L176[01:30:23] <Dagarath> Welp NEI still won't load in dev, o well I give up
L177[01:30:38] <killjoy> Let someone else do it :p
L178[01:31:05] <Dagarath> I've spent at least 20 hours on this, I have other things to do...so what if people can't see recipes in game lol
L179[01:32:26] <Dagarath> I am working on a recipe config GUI for my mod anyways, I can always give read only access to players that don't have sufficient access.
L180[01:38:38] ⇨ Joins: foxy (~gravityfo@cpe-23-242-168-28.socal.res.rr.com)
L181[01:38:42] <McJty> Dagarath, upgrade to 1.8.9. Then the problem goes away automatically :-)
L182[01:42:02] <McJty> Hmm question. My quarry currently skips tile entities but some ores are in fact tile entities so I would like to support them too.
L183[01:42:34] ⇦ Quits: Naiten (Naiten@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L184[01:44:20] <killjoy> Given the option, how many players willingly use an older version when they can use latest?
L185[01:45:46] ⇦ Quits: Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L186[01:47:03] *** K-4U|Off is now known as K-4U|College
L187[01:50:31] <Dagarath> I really can't update to 1.8.9 until agricraft releases a stable build
L188[01:53:54] <RANKSHANK> People use TE's for ores O.o
L189[01:54:17] <Dagarath> lol wtf what kind of ore needs a TE? hrmm
L190[01:55:58] <smbarbour> Gregtech, IIRC
L191[01:56:57] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L192[01:58:18] <smbarbour> Although... I could conceive of a scenario where ore could possibly have a TE... An ore that takes on the appearance of the rock it is replacing (i.e. copper in diorite)
L193[01:59:02] <fry> that's doable without a TE :P
L194[01:59:27] <RANKSHANK> couldn't you just use extendedblockstate to grab the surrounding stone? I mean if you don't want to use separate metadata/block instances
L195[01:59:55] <unascribed> tile entity ores?
L196[01:59:55] <unascribed> ...
L197[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20160201 mappings to Forge Maven.
L198[02:00:04] <unascribed> I had jokingly said that a few times, but someone actually did it!?
L199[02:00:06] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20160201-1.8.9.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20160201" in build.gradle).
L200[02:00:07] <unascribed> that is a horrifyingly bad idea
L201[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
L202[02:00:38] <RANKSHANK> next up: TE logs :P
L203[02:00:44] <TehNut> Already done, RANKSHANK
L204[02:00:45] <TehNut> Forestry 4
L205[02:00:48] <TehNut> Planks and Logs
L206[02:00:51] * unascribed cries
L207[02:01:02] <unascribed> people BUILD with those
L208[02:01:05] <unascribed> why would you TE them
L209[02:01:08] <TehNut> They don't tick
L210[02:01:15] <unascribed> they still need to be sent to the client
L211[02:01:17] <TehNut> Neither do GT's ores
L212[02:01:19] <unascribed> which is the most expensive part
L213[02:01:25] <unascribed> ticking is basically free
L214[02:01:58] <RANKSHANK> All that extra data though ahaha there's already enough stacksize winge threads out there
L215[02:02:10] <smbarbour> People make very large structures out of Carpenter's Blocks. Each one of those is a TE.
L216[02:02:18] <mezz> planks and logs are going back to normal in 1.8.9 don't worry
L217[02:02:56] <mezz> too many mod incompatibilities
L218[02:03:05] <mezz> too many slight visual glitches on laggy servers
L219[02:03:09] ⇦ Quits: Vasher (~Vasher@c-50-173-49-36.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L220[02:03:44] <unascribed> no mention of the extra network traffic or needed for them? >.>
L221[02:03:55] <unascribed> without the or
L222[02:03:58] <unascribed> how did I add an or to that
L223[02:04:20] <mezz> extra traffic is pretty negligible but sure
L224[02:04:32] <unascribed> except for the fact the game uses one TCP connection
L225[02:04:39] <unascribed> every extra TE you have to send is more delay when logging in
L226[02:05:11] <smbarbour> So... don't log out near your warehouse.
L227[02:06:02] <McJty> mezz, seems like RFTools Dimensions errors out in combination with JEI too
L228[02:06:05] <McJty> hold on
L229[02:06:40] <McJty> mezz, https://bpaste.net/show/47857153ac97
L230[02:06:45] <McJty> mezz, the problem is the access to the player
L231[02:07:06] <McJty> mezz, this is giving me some headaches. Does JEI really have to call these methods that early?
L232[02:07:43] <mezz> not really
L233[02:08:19] <mezz> I want to do it asap so that it's not causing an in-game lag
L234[02:08:46] <mezz> if thePlayer null there or what is the issue/
L235[02:08:58] <McJty> yes, null pointer exception on line 13 of that paste
L236[02:09:13] <McJty> Can be the player null or player.worldObj or player.worldObj.provider
L237[02:09:24] <mezz> most certainly player
L238[02:09:34] <mezz> hm
L239[02:09:35] <McJty> I can of course easily test for that
L240[02:10:17] <mezz> I think you should not use the player there, the world should exist at that point as Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld
L241[02:10:28] ⇦ Quits: poiuy_qwert (~poiuy_qwe@24-212-226-243.cable.teksavvy.com) (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
L242[02:10:52] <McJty> Ok, but still. Previously there was that packet issue
L243[02:11:06] <McJty> I think more items might break expecting things to be ready when that code is called
L244[02:11:09] <mezz> did you find out what that was doing?
L245[02:11:25] <McJty> Nope, just worked around it by testing if my item had NBT and then not doing all that
L246[02:11:32] <mezz> okay
L247[02:12:49] <mezz> I'm not sure there is an event later than what I'm using right now
L248[02:13:15] <McJty> Why exactly are you doing this? What are you trying to do?
L249[02:13:44] <mezz> this is done when JEI loads. I scan all the items to see if they have an item model. if they don't, I hide them from the item list
L250[02:14:31] <McJty> Is it that much slower to do that when the item list is created itself?
L251[02:14:38] <McJty> Since you there have to get the models anyway
L252[02:15:08] <mezz> yeah it's a noticeable pause because I need to get _every_ item, not just the ones on the first page, in order to calculate the number of pages and create the item filter data
L253[02:15:18] <McJty> Hmm ok
L254[02:15:25] <McJty> Still you could do it the first time you need to build that list
L255[02:15:30] <McJty> Cache it at that time
L256[02:15:36] ⇦ Quits: fuj1n (~fuj1n@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L257[02:15:44] <mezz> yes but it would still be a delay when you open the gui
L258[02:15:53] <McJty> But only the first time. No?
L259[02:15:58] <mezz> vs delay at loading time
L260[02:16:09] <mezz> yes only the first time, that's still annoying for a player though
L261[02:16:14] <McJty> ok
L262[02:16:47] <mezz> right now the only thing that isn't "loaded" when I do my stuff is thePlayer
L263[02:17:37] <mezz> I have a hacky thing I'm using to get tooltips that happens after thePlayer is set, but it's not what I want to rely on for the whole mod... I may need to look at forge and create an event
L264[02:17:49] <McJty> Perhaps EntityJoinWorldEvent would work? I think that's done late enough (player should be created when it joins)
L265[02:17:59] <mezz> that's what I use for tooltips yes
L266[02:17:59] <GeoDoX> CompressedStreamTools.writeCompressed is throwing an EOF Exception. Anyway to prevent that?
L267[02:18:44] <mezz> I'll mess around and see if I can push everything into that event and see what happens
L268[02:18:51] <McJty> ok thanks
L269[02:18:56] <McJty> In the mean time I'll fix the cases that I can find
L270[02:19:01] <McJty> In this particular case I can use the world directly
L271[02:19:06] <McJty> So that's easy enough
L272[02:19:08] <mezz> ok
L273[02:19:20] <mezz> it shouldn't cause a crash btw, it should just hide your item
L274[02:19:26] <mezz> if you have a crash let me know
L275[02:19:38] <McJty> Well you probably dump the exception because a user reported it to me?
L276[02:19:44] <mezz> yes
L277[02:22:51] ⇨ Joins: Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net)
L278[02:25:00] <unascribed> ...how does a write method throw EOF?
L279[02:26:04] <unascribed> GeoDoX, stacktrace?
L280[02:27:04] <killjoy> did you write EOF?
L281[02:27:12] <GeoDoX> http://hastebin.com/harulizila.avrasm
L282[02:27:28] <killjoy> error
L283[02:27:54] <GeoDoX> http://hastebin.com/ukiwifipan.avrasm
L284[02:28:05] <killjoy> still doesn't work?
L285[02:28:10] <GeoDoX> The file has nothing in it
L286[02:28:11] <killjoy> try gist
L287[02:28:21] ⇦ Quits: Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L288[02:28:32] <unascribed> gist is best paste service
L289[02:28:44] <killjoy> if only it supported anonymous
L290[02:29:20] <GeoDoX> https://gist.github.com/GeoDoX/a6450f10bc2aa60c371b
L291[02:29:26] <GeoDoX> can you see this?
L292[02:29:39] <unascribed> it does support anonymous, killjoy...
L293[02:29:41] <unascribed> GeoDoX, yes
L294[02:29:49] <killjoy> probably because I'm always signed in
L295[02:29:53] <GeoDoX> alright
L296[02:29:56] <unascribed> oh, read
L297[02:29:57] <unascribed> not write
L298[02:29:59] <unascribed> that makes much more sense
L299[02:30:06] <GeoDoX> oops :P
L300[02:30:16] <unascribed> are you reading an empty file by chance?
L301[02:30:20] <GeoDoX> Yes
L302[02:30:24] <unascribed> well don't do that
L303[02:30:24] <killjoy> ^
L304[02:30:39] <killjoy> if you get that error, ignore it
L305[02:30:43] <GeoDoX> I can't just stick something in there :P
L306[02:30:45] <killjoy> reset the file or something
L307[02:30:50] <unascribed> what you should do
L308[02:30:54] <unascribed> is only read the file if it exists
L309[02:30:57] <unascribed> and create it on write
L310[02:31:00] <unascribed> so therefore
L311[02:31:04] <GeoDoX> It always exists
L312[02:31:04] <unascribed> when you load for the first time
L313[02:31:05] ⇨ Joins: Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net)
L314[02:31:12] <unascribed> you don't create the file, you just make a new NBTTagCompound
L315[02:31:17] <unascribed> ...why
L316[02:31:18] <GeoDoX> I have to load it before it is created
L317[02:31:54] ⇨ Joins: Mathe172 (~Mathe172@
L318[02:32:00] <unascribed> you are creating the file before you need it
L319[02:32:01] <GeoDoX> The file is read when the creative inv is opened, and wrote when its closed
L320[02:32:05] <GeoDoX> yes
L321[02:32:06] <unascribed> that's fine
L322[02:32:09] <GeoDoX> well, no
L323[02:32:12] <unascribed> so don't create it before the first time you write it
L324[02:32:24] <unascribed> if it doesn't exist, just create a new compound
L325[02:32:27] <GeoDoX> becuase I need it to load the contents
L326[02:32:31] <unascribed> but it has no contents
L327[02:32:57] <unascribed> if (file.exists()) tag = CompressedStreamTools.readCompressed(file); else tag = new NBTTagCompound();
L328[02:33:00] <GeoDoX> in this case i cant
L329[02:33:03] <killjoy> if (!file.exists()) {/** generate it *//}
L330[02:33:06] <unascribed> no
L331[02:33:09] <unascribed> generate it on save
L332[02:33:12] <unascribed> not read
L333[02:33:26] <unascribed> you can harmlessly call file.createNewFile() before every write attempt
L334[02:33:28] <GeoDoX> im generating it when the mod is loaded
L335[02:33:33] <unascribed> but *why*
L336[02:33:44] <unascribed> don't say "because i need the contents" again
L337[02:33:46] <GeoDoX> because I need it when I load the contents.
L338[02:33:48] <unascribed> -.-
L339[02:33:50] <killjoy> wait, what's this nbt being used for?
L340[02:33:59] <GeoDoX> storing itemname
L341[02:34:06] <GeoDoX> item names
L342[02:34:06] <unascribed> you are completely not getting what I am trying to say
L343[02:34:12] <unascribed> DO NOT create the file before you need it
L344[02:34:16] <killjoy> item names to be used for what?
L345[02:34:21] <unascribed> on read, if the file DOES NOT exist, do not load it, create A NEW COMPOUND
L346[02:34:30] <unascribed> on write, ALWAYS attempt to create a new file
L347[02:34:38] <GeoDoX> If I try to load a file that doesn't exist, boom FNF Exception
L348[02:34:42] <unascribed> SO DON'T
L349[02:34:45] <unascribed> file.exists()
L350[02:35:14] <unascribed> again, if the file does not exist, **create a NEW, empty compound**
L351[02:35:24] <unascribed> do not try to load an empty file or a file that does not exist
L352[02:35:46] <GeoDoX> I don't need an empty compound so its pointless
L353[02:35:56] <unascribed> well that's what reading an empty file would do
L354[02:36:02] <killjoy> so fill it in with default values
L355[02:36:33] <GeoDoX> theres no way of checking if the file is empty or I wouldn't be having this problem
L356[02:36:43] <killjoy> just catch the exception
L357[02:36:45] <unascribed> there should never be an empty file
L358[02:36:49] <GeoDoX> I can't fill it with default values either
L359[02:36:51] <unascribed> DO NOT CREATE THE FILE in your init method
L360[02:36:56] <unascribed> create the file in your write method
L361[02:36:59] <unascribed> let me write you an example class
L362[02:37:05] <GeoDoX> sure
L363[02:37:15] <GeoDoX> but it'll probably be pointless
L364[02:37:35] <GeoDoX> because you're not understanding that I'm creating the file when I need it.
L365[02:37:35] <killjoy> Again, what are the item names USED for?
L366[02:37:44] <GeoDoX> A creative tab
L367[02:37:48] <killjoy> And?
L368[02:38:02] <killjoy> Explain exactly what your mod does
L369[02:38:17] <GeoDoX> and they're being stored in there, not in the typical way that you'd just add an item to it
L370[02:38:35] <killjoy> so like a list of items to show in that tab?
L371[02:38:39] <GeoDoX> yes
L372[02:38:52] <killjoy> and you want it empty when you first start the game, yes?
L373[02:39:09] <unascribed> https://gist.github.com/unascribed/3695bf5df9ed96a5de2f
L374[02:39:10] <unascribed> done
L375[02:39:12] <unascribed> super simple
L376[02:39:13] <GeoDoX> then the creative tab displays them in there by overriding displayAllRelevant items
L377[02:39:17] <GeoDoX> yes
L378[02:40:44] <unascribed> there is no point in having the file on disk if it has no information
L379[02:40:47] <killjoy> what unascribed wrote will work
L380[02:40:50] <unascribed> so you create it when you're about to put data in it
L381[02:40:58] <unascribed> NOT when you init, and then don't put anything in it
L382[02:41:19] <killjoy> except you might want an NBTTagList
L383[02:42:26] <unascribed> gist updated
L384[02:42:29] <unascribed> https://gist.github.com/unascribed/3695bf5df9ed96a5de2f
L385[02:42:33] <unascribed> the basic philosophy here
L386[02:42:37] <unascribed> do not create something before you need it
L387[02:42:38] <unascribed> it's pointless
L388[02:42:42] <unascribed> create it when it's needed and then store it
L389[02:43:32] <unascribed> this is NOT complicated and you are making it
L390[02:43:42] <unascribed> making it complicated*
L391[02:44:15] <unascribed> sorry if I exploded a bit but when I'm trying to help someone and they are just not getting what I am saying and seem to be completely ignoring everything I say
L392[02:44:26] <unascribed> it gets kind of frustrating
L393[02:44:35] <killjoy> Is there any naming convention for nbt tags?
L394[02:44:38] <unascribed> none.
L395[02:44:41] <unascribed> even vanilla isn't consistent
L396[02:44:46] ⇨ Joins: boboch3 (~boboch3@col75-1-78-194-40-37.fbxo.proxad.net)
L397[02:44:51] <unascribed> my favorite one is display
L398[02:45:04] <unascribed> {"display":{"Name":"What the hell is this naming scheme"}}
L399[02:45:07] <killjoy> supports utf8?
L400[02:45:14] <unascribed> yes
L401[02:45:22] <unascribed> Notch made a very big point of that in his original NBT.txt
L402[02:46:43] <killjoy> does nbt have any benefits over gz/json?
L403[02:46:51] <unascribed> not really.
L404[02:46:59] <killjoy> json allows multi-typed lists
L405[02:47:11] <killjoy> and can be serialized
L406[02:47:43] <killjoy> I guess if you're mostly storing ints.
L407[02:47:46] <unascribed> NBT is from Minecraft's roots as a hobby game
L408[02:47:51] <unascribed> inventing binary formats is fun
L409[02:48:05] <boboch3> Hello guys. i'm trying to create a sitable block but I got an issue. The first time I interact with my block the player is teleported back on his previous location and the second time I right click this time he is well sitted. I debug this mess and didn't found from where the problem is. Here is my code : block => http://pastebin.com/r234NuKN and sittableUtils => http://pastebin.com/7h7ugJ49 Thanks in advance for any help
L410[02:48:27] <killjoy> boboch3, calling it from server?
L411[02:48:39] <unascribed> I think that gets the newest award for "longest first message in channel"
L412[02:49:20] <boboch3> no I already did longer ;) yes called from the server but I have to for players syncing no? I can't do this on client side only no?
L413[02:49:23] <killjoy> first thing I see:
L414[02:49:33] <killjoy> if (flag) return true; return false;
L415[02:49:39] <killjoy> might as well do return flag;
L416[02:49:48] <boboch3> right
L417[02:50:00] <killjoy> you should check for !world.isRemote
L418[02:50:20] <boboch3> i tryed it
L419[02:50:38] <boboch3> you mean in my block class?
L420[02:51:14] <killjoy> in your logic
L421[02:51:28] <killjoy> the client can't teleport itself
L422[02:51:33] <killjoy> er, mount itself
L423[02:51:45] ⇦ Quits: Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L424[02:52:59] <killjoy> And I'm sure there's a better way to simulate sitting than to create a block entity
L425[02:53:23] <killjoy> I've seen bukkit plugins that spawn an arrow then have you sit on that.
L426[02:53:29] ⇨ Joins: Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net)
L427[02:53:37] <boboch3> It's what i'm doing
L428[02:53:42] <boboch3> I spawn an entity to sit on
L429[02:54:01] <killjoy> Nevermind. I don't know your reasoning
L430[02:54:13] <boboch3> and the test !world.isRemote doesn't work because the client have to know he is sitting in order the player see himself sitted
L431[02:54:26] <killjoy> server tells the client
L432[02:54:45] <boboch3> I test the !world.isremote and It didn't work. I don't see mylself sitted but if I dismont with shit i'm teleported to my block
L433[02:55:06] <boboch3> dismount with shift*
L434[02:55:14] <killjoy> are you sure you didn't test with world.isRemote?
L435[02:55:27] <boboch3> if(!par1World.isRemote)
L436[02:55:30] <boboch3> yes -_-
L437[02:55:30] <killjoy> the way you made it sounds makes it seem like the client called it.
L438[02:55:46] <boboch3> It was my first tought when I got this
L439[02:56:06] <killjoy> Gotta love server/client desync
L440[02:56:17] <killjoy> good luck
L441[02:57:15] <boboch3> I think ordinastie will be able to help me but i don't want to ping him xD
L442[02:58:01] <GeoDoX> is there a render method to render over the creative tab slots that I could override?
L443[02:58:33] <unascribed> boboch3, i'm pretty sure you just pinged him
L444[02:58:35] <killjoy> boboch3, too late. You just did
L445[02:58:49] <unascribed> unless he has case-sensitive pings
L446[02:59:02] <boboch3> oh -_- I tought it was only If I write his name in first of my message
L447[02:59:08] <unascribed> but I'd get pinged if someone said "UnAsCRibeD"
L448[02:59:09] <killjoy> GeoDoX, mess with zLeel
L449[02:59:11] <killjoy> *zLevel
L450[02:59:34] <killjoy> lel
L451[02:59:35] <unascribed> then things like "hi boboch3" wouldn't work :P
L452[02:59:36] <GeoDoX> killjoy, where?
L453[02:59:37] ⇦ Parts: DrDoofenshmirtz (~core@disconsented.com) ())
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L455[02:59:42] <killjoy> in the gui class
L456[02:59:47] <DrDisconsented> Ugh thats annoying
L457[02:59:55] <DrDisconsented> Does world.setState trigger block placement events?
L458[02:59:56] <GeoDoX> what gui class?
L459[03:00:00] <boboch3> unascribed, it workd xD
L460[03:00:07] <killjoy> any gui class
L461[03:00:14] <GeoDoX> uh
L462[03:00:32] <killjoy> changes the zLevel effects all rendering methods in Gui
L463[03:00:47] <GeoDoX> I have a Creative Tab, I need to render to the slots when that tab is selected
L464[03:01:14] <killjoy> Create a new class extends Gui. Name it something like GuiCreativeTabOverlay
L465[03:01:19] <killjoy> put your rendering code in there
L466[03:01:47] <GeoDoX> what calls it?
L467[03:01:51] <killjoy> you
L468[03:01:53] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L469[03:01:56] <GeoDoX> where
L470[03:02:05] <killjoy> when you render
L471[03:02:24] <GeoDoX> i dont have a render method
L472[03:02:32] <GeoDoX> thats what im asking for
L473[03:02:38] <GeoDoX> where do i render
L474[03:02:47] <killjoy> I guess you'll have to look at the creative inventory code
L475[03:03:29] <boboch3> GeoDoX, I use the RenderGameOverlayEvent forge event
L476[03:05:25] ⇦ Quits: killjoy (~killjoy@2606:a000:1118:c049:3163:b946:7c47:51b5) (Quit: Leaving)
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L484[03:30:29] <tterrag> http://puu.sh/mREml.txt how could this be changed to work with non-square bounds?
L485[03:36:32] <Mathe172> What exactly are you trying to do?
L486[03:37:00] <Mathe172> It looks like you're trying to fit toDraw inside bounds, but you're also modifying bounds
L487[03:37:27] <tterrag> yeah, I suppose I should copy the bounds first
L488[03:37:46] <tterrag> but that's the essence of what I want to do
L489[03:38:27] <Mathe172> You could determine the aspect ration of bounds and toDraw
L490[03:38:38] *** Ashlee is now known as Ash|Work
L491[03:38:54] <Mathe172> and the fit toDraw inside bounds
L492[03:39:52] <Mathe172> i.e. if (toDraw.width * bounds.height > toDraw.height * bounds.width) instead of your current check
L493[03:40:12] <tterrag> is that the only necessary change? hmmm
L494[03:40:38] <Mathe172> no, you'll probably have to scale both width and height of doDraw
L495[03:40:49] <Mathe172> *of toDraw
L496[03:41:17] <tterrag> I can't modify toDraw, it's the subsection of the texture that needs to be drawn
L497[03:41:48] <Mathe172> then your code makes more sense :P
L498[03:42:45] <Mathe172> in that case you probably don't need to make any other change, yes
L499[03:43:56] <tterrag> Mathe172: lolnope http://puu.sh/mRERI.jpg
L500[03:44:37] <Mathe172> i'm guessing it should fill the screen?
L501[03:44:41] <tterrag> no
L502[03:44:44] <tterrag> but it shouldn't be stretched
L503[03:44:57] <tterrag> let me draw the bounds to illustrate
L504[03:46:04] <tterrag> Mathe172: http://puu.sh/mREWH.jpg
L505[03:46:14] <tterrag> the white box is the bounds, grown by 1px on each side
L506[03:48:23] <Mathe172> you could try to swap the calls to bounds.getHeight() and .getWidth() in lines 3 and 6
L507[03:48:56] <Mathe172> since you're trying to crop bounds to have the same aspect ratio as toDraw
L508[03:49:13] <Mathe172> this didn't matter before, since bounds was square
L509[03:49:29] <tterrag> ok that fixes the aspect ratio
L510[03:49:31] <tterrag> but it's still too low
L511[03:49:39] <Mathe172> btw, why use bounds.width and sometimes bounds.getWidth()?
L512[03:50:17] <tterrag> int vs double
L513[03:50:22] <tterrag> awt is weird
L514[03:50:41] <Mathe172> the translate part will probably also break because bounds isn't square anymore
L515[03:51:12] <Mathe172> before, you could get the old width by simply taking height
L516[03:51:31] <Mathe172> now you probably have to copy bounds before modifying it
L517[03:51:46] <Mathe172> or at least store the old height/width before modifying it
L518[03:51:58] <McJty> Hmm.... the documentation for Block.rotateBlock() seems wrong: * Rotate the block. For vanilla blocks this rotates around the axis passed in (generally, it should be the "face" that was hit).
L519[03:52:08] <McJty> But vanilla rotateBlock simply ignores the axis
L520[03:53:07] <Mathe172> tterrag: something like this: "bounds.translate(0, (oldBounds.height - bounds.height) / 2)"
L521[03:53:19] <tterrag> yeah
L522[03:53:20] <tterrag> that was it
L523[03:53:28] <tterrag> it was a logic error that never presented itself because of the square bounds
L524[03:53:31] <tterrag> thanks
L525[03:54:23] <Mathe172> glad it worked :D
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L529[04:12:45] <tterrag> Mathe172: https://gfycat.com/SomeKnobbyCusimanse
L530[04:14:11] ⇨ Joins: PrinceCat (~PrinceCat@106-69-108-76.dyn.iinet.net.au)
L531[04:16:51] <Mathe172> fancy
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L539[04:53:26] <Nitrodev> hi
L540[04:53:56] <Wuppy> whats up Nitrodev?
L541[04:54:03] <Nitrodev> not much
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L543[04:57:13] <Wuppy> anyone want to play the Global Game Jam game I made?
L544[04:57:32] ⇨ Joins: turmfalke_ (~turmfalke@p54A688F5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L545[04:57:38] <Nitrodev> sure
L546[04:58:07] <Wuppy> http://globalgamejam.org/2016/games/monday-man
L547[04:59:15] <Wuppy> I also suggest this one: http://globalgamejam.org/2016/games/will-gods-0
L548[04:59:38] ⇦ Quits: turmfalke (~turmfalke@p54A6817C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
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L553[05:35:56] <Wuppy> ugh reinstalling your pc gets quite long when there's 150+GB of sounds you want to keep
L554[05:36:51] ⇨ Joins: PrinceCat (~PrinceCat@106-69-108-76.dyn.iinet.net.au)
L555[05:39:59] <Wuppy> ah screw those files :P
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L558[05:47:46] <Nitrodev> reinstalling?
L559[05:47:52] <Nitrodev> why do you need to do that?
L560[05:47:55] <Wuppy> upgrading to Win10
L561[05:48:17] <Wuppy> you get a legal W10 from a not so legal Win8 right?
L562[05:48:20] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L563[05:48:33] <JustRamon> Not so legal. Heh
L564[05:48:47] <JustRamon> Not sure
L565[05:48:52] <Cazzar> Wuppy: not sure...
L566[05:48:59] <JustRamon> They might to some checks in the background
L567[05:49:22] <JustRamon> Also: If you have a Laptop, DONT CLOSE THE LID OR YOU'LL SCREW UP
L568[05:49:30] <Wuppy> wot?
L569[05:49:38] <JustRamon> Own experience
L570[05:49:45] <Wuppy> Cazzar, each source says something else
L571[05:49:48] ⇨ Joins: covers1624_ (~covers162@
L572[05:49:53] <JustRamon> Had to reinstall the whole thing
L573[05:49:55] <Cazzar> Yep :P
L574[05:50:01] <Wuppy> can always try and then install a not so legal version later if it does go wrong :P
L575[05:50:09] <PaleoCrafter> Worked fine for me
L576[05:50:24] <Wuppy> JustRamon, which lid are you talkng about and what screwed up?
L577[05:50:31] <JustRamon> Laptop
L578[05:50:41] <Wuppy> the entire laptop broke?
L579[05:50:43] <JustRamon> If you close your laptop while updating to win10
L580[05:50:52] <Wuppy> oh damn :V
L581[05:50:56] <JustRamon> The install will screw up completely
L582[05:51:06] <Wuppy> this is a great desktop so yah...
L583[05:51:28] <JustRamon> I have a desktop too, but running arch on that one
L584[05:51:39] <PaleoCrafter> Don't make the monitor face the table then
L585[05:51:51] <JustRamon> :P
L586[05:52:01] ⇦ Quits: covers1624 (~covers162@ppp118-210-106-168.lns20.adl2.internode.on.net) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L587[05:54:34] <Wuppy> oh PaleoCrafter, wanna play my GGJ game?
L588[05:54:53] <PaleoCrafter> On my phone right now, might give it a try when I'm back home
L589[05:55:01] <Wuppy> \o/ cool :)
L590[05:56:42] <JustRamon> Is there actually anyone who uses Cortina?
L591[05:56:47] <JustRamon> *Cortana
L592[05:56:54] ⇦ Quits: Szernex (~Szernex@91-113-38-234.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Szernex_!~Szernex@193-154-234-90.adsl.highway.telekom.at)))
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L594[05:57:02] <Wuppy> nop
L595[05:57:08] <JustRamon> Lol
L596[05:57:34] <Wuppy> multi desktop though <3
L597[05:59:39] <JustRamon> Gnome had it for ages <3 ;)
L598[05:59:59] <JustRamon> s/had/has had
L599[06:00:31] <JustRamon> Oh right, that doesn't work here haha
L600[06:03:27] <K-4U|College> So uhm. Anybody know a way to load different item models for different metadata for blocks?
L601[06:04:25] <unascribed> well, block metadata becomes item damage
L602[06:04:36] <unascribed> so I guess you could start there (I have very little experience with the 1.8 model system)
L603[06:05:23] <K-4U|College> Yeah, the problem comes when it's in the json
L604[06:06:35] <unascribed> I just realized I spent 3 hours reading someone's blog
L605[06:06:37] *** PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
L606[06:06:40] <unascribed> I don't even know how I got onto their blog
L607[06:07:06] <unascribed> I probably could have completed the UI for this app in that time >.>
L608[06:10:03] ⇦ Quits: Naiten (Naiten@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L609[06:11:18] <Dagarath> Anyone know of any examples of containers without tile entities?
L610[06:11:42] <unascribed> whatever you're doing I'd suggest doing directly with custom packets and a GuiScreen
L611[06:11:49] <unascribed> there is a 98% chance you do NOT want a container
L612[06:12:01] <Dagarath> I have no idea how to get access to the player inventory in a guiscreen though
L613[06:12:11] <unascribed> ah, that's a potential issue
L614[06:12:20] <Dagarath> I need to be able to put items from inventory into my gui
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L616[06:12:37] <Dagarath> so is it possible to have a global tile entity? or.. maybe with a negative positional value?
L617[06:12:38] <unascribed> is there any reason you couldn't just make an AnimalChest (which is essentially an extremely simple inventory impl) on the client-side?
L618[06:12:56] <unascribed> ...a global tile entity?
L619[06:12:57] <Dagarath> dont know what an animal chest is?
L620[06:13:00] <unascribed> it's a class
L621[06:13:03] <unascribed> literally AnimalChest
L622[06:13:08] <unascribed> called such because it's used in horses
L623[06:13:11] <unascribed> but it's just a really simple inventory
L624[06:13:42] <Dagarath> actually what I need is that sort of, as long as I can access the inventory and hotbar from my gui it works for me =)
L625[06:13:43] <Wuppy> tfw legally doing something is harder than pirating
L626[06:14:17] <unascribed> yeah, I'm assuming you're making an "inventory" that only lets you rearrange your player inventory but doesn't have slots of it's own
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L628[06:14:30] <unascribed> in which case a client-side size 0 animalchest would probably work fine
L629[06:14:35] <unascribed> hm
L630[06:14:39] <unascribed> I guess it'd have to be on both sides
L631[06:14:41] <unascribed> but you get my point
L632[06:14:44] <Dagarath> no. I am making a recipe crafting gui that uses actual item stacks to create the recipes
L633[06:14:54] <unascribed> huh
L634[06:15:01] <unascribed> as in "oh, huh." not "what?"
L635[06:15:02] <Dagarath> it is a gui that creates recipes
L636[06:15:09] <Dagarath> ahh ok lol
L637[06:15:14] <unascribed> why does that need to not have a TE?
L638[06:15:30] <Dagarath> but the recipes are specifically for my own modded machines that don't conform to the standard recipe structure
L639[06:15:48] <Dagarath> Just because as I've used te's they've always had a location to pull from?
L640[06:16:00] <unascribed> OH, you mean like the vanilla crafting table
L641[06:16:08] <unascribed> as in it has a container but it has no persistent storage and no TE
L642[06:16:20] <unascribed> I would suggest looking at the crafting table, but all vanilla code is special-cased to hell
L643[06:16:23] <Dagarath> yes, the storage is a serialized save file.
L644[06:16:44] ⇦ Quits: Mraof (~mraof@2601:642:4400:49a7::93ed) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L645[06:16:44] <unascribed> try looking for a mod that has a crafting table?
L646[06:17:03] <unascribed> ? as in "I'm not sure if this is helpful but I'm suggesting it anyway" not "this should be obvious"
L647[06:17:07] <Dagarath> but that isnt what I am trying to do at all, I need the functionality of a container without a tile entity
L648[06:17:16] <unascribed> the crafting table basically is that, isn't it?
L649[06:17:27] <unascribed> it's a full-fledged container up until you close the GUI
L650[06:17:29] <Dagarath> alright ill check it out
L651[06:17:35] <unascribed> persisting the "recipes" is just an implementation detail
L652[06:18:03] <unascribed> (which you should by the way do with WorldSavedData)
L653[06:18:07] <unascribed> it's like an IEEP for worlds
L654[06:18:09] <Dagarath> thanks for pointing me in this direction
L655[06:18:30] <Dagarath> nope, not for this. What I am saving needs to be version safe, saved data is not
L656[06:18:37] <unascribed> really?
L657[06:18:43] <unascribed> It's just an abstraction for an NBT file
L658[06:18:47] <unascribed> it's up to you to interpret it
L659[06:18:53] <unascribed> and therefore up to you to make it version safe
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L661[06:19:09] <Dagarath> I am using my own format that is version safe no matter how I interpret it
L662[06:19:24] <unascribed> uh, okay
L663[06:19:27] <Dagarath> even if I mess up royaly, I can't damage the data.
L664[06:19:49] <unascribed> that's a bold statement :P
L665[06:19:59] <unascribed> what happens if I overwrite the file with random data
L666[06:20:01] <Dagarath> well I can overwrite ALL of it, but that would require a lot of code to do so hehe
L667[06:20:13] <unascribed> completely messing up a file is two lines of code
L668[06:20:20] <unascribed> no, one with guava
L669[06:20:21] <Dagarath> well then it would revert to default.
L670[06:20:31] <unascribed> and they aren't even seldom-used codepaths like "delete"
L671[06:20:49] <Dagarath> I am protecting the data against myself, not others lol
L672[06:20:53] <unascribed> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L673[06:21:29] <unascribed> what're you doing anyway to have this mystical data corruption protection? :P
L674[06:21:39] <unascribed> .bak file?
L675[06:22:44] ⇨ Joins: Penguin (~matte@AMontsouris-151-1-57-192.w82-123.abo.wanadoo.fr)
L676[06:23:41] <Penguin> Hi :) Is this the chan for dev questions?
L677[06:23:52] <unascribed> yes, but people often mistake it for user questions
L678[06:23:56] <Dagarath> Just creating my own recipe system that works with all of my machines, nothing mystical..I've just broken it a dozen times and now it is unbreakable (by me ofc only by me lol)
L679[06:24:23] <Dagarath> and this gui is to make adding recipes super easy
L680[06:25:00] <Penguin> In fact it's dev and user at the same time, I guess
L681[06:25:01] <Nitrodev> show us
L682[06:25:03] <Nitrodev> the gui
L683[06:25:12] <unascribed> give us gordon
L684[06:25:12] <unascribed> er
L685[06:25:13] <unascribed> gui
L686[06:25:46] <Dagarath> lol using the crafting table was enough info you can see it when it all works =P
L687[06:25:57] <Penguin> I have a custom launcher, and it has to launch a custom minecraft client, that will contain a few mods like optifine
L688[06:26:35] ⇨ Joins: Mraof (~mraof@2601:642:4400:49a7::93ed)
L689[06:26:47] <Penguin> But when the jar is launched, it is vanilla, like if forge was ignored
L690[06:27:11] <Penguin> Have you already encountered this problem?
L691[06:27:21] ⇦ Parts: Mathe172 (~Mathe172@ (Verlassend))
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L693[06:28:42] <unascribed> is Forge on the classpath and are you calling the tweaker?
L694[06:29:02] <unascribed> N.B: I have very little experience with launchers or Forge's internals and as such am basically completely guessing off of extremely limited knowledge
L695[06:30:16] <Penguin> unascribed, I don't think so, how do I set it this way?
L696[06:30:22] <unascribed> --tweakClass argument
L697[06:30:24] <Penguin> Sorry, I'm quite new to modding ^^'
L698[06:30:39] <unascribed> in which case I don't recommend writing a launcher :P
L699[06:30:59] <Penguin> I did not, I am just adapting one ^^
L700[06:31:02] <unascribed> due to legacy support (and to an extent "official" modding support) the launch flow is extremely complex
L701[06:31:25] <Penguin> Is there some doc?
L702[06:31:45] <unascribed> http://github.com/Mojang/LegacyLauncher is sorta-kinda one to an extent maybe sort of
L703[06:32:19] <unascribed> people don't bother decompiling the launcher afaik
L704[06:33:01] <Penguin> I'll look through it, thanks :)
L705[06:33:02] <unascribed> but the tweaker is Forge's main entry point
L706[06:33:13] <unascribed> if you call the tweaker, everything else should Just Work™
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L711[06:34:43] <Penguin> Sorry if the question can seem kinda nooby, but is the --tweak-class a JVM arg?
L712[06:34:48] <unascribed> no
L713[06:34:52] <unascribed> it's an arg to LaunchWrapper
L714[06:34:59] <unascribed> which is the first stage in Minecraft init
L715[06:35:16] <unascribed> so it's an argument to the game like --accessToken or --version
L716[06:35:21] <Penguin> Oh, yes
L717[06:35:22] <Penguin> I see
L718[06:35:31] <Penguin> Thanks :)
L719[06:35:36] <unascribed> tweakers are a Minecraft thing, not Java :P
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L721[06:37:27] *** PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
L722[06:38:01] <Naiten> Hi. Can anybody direct me to ISmartBlockModel usage examples please?
L723[06:38:20] ⇦ Quits: sejsel (~sejsel@10.174.broadband5.iol.cz) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L724[06:41:20] <unascribed> williewillus' Botania 1.8 port probably has a good example or five
L725[06:41:21] <unascribed> https://github.com/williewillus/Botania
L726[06:41:55] <unascribed> but you can't search forks on github, so...
L727[06:43:01] <PrinceCat> I was just about to link it.
L728[06:43:48] *** Penguin is now known as Penguin|AFK
L729[06:43:57] <PrinceCat> There's a section here that'll help, @Naiten. https://gist.github.com/williewillus/57d7093efa80163e96e0
L730[06:44:12] <PrinceCat> But also look at: https://github.com/williewillus/Botania/blob/MC18/src/main/java/vazkii/botania/client/model/PlatformModel.java
L731[06:46:45] <Naiten> thanks
L732[06:51:11] <sham1> :wq
L733[06:51:18] <unascribed> wrong window
L734[06:51:22] <sham1> Wrong window
L735[06:51:34] <sham1> Damn it
L736[06:51:49] <unascribed> I would make a quip about you using vi but I was just the other day complaining about IDE wars
L737[06:52:08] <unascribed> or does that qualify as a quip about you using vi?
L738[06:52:11] <unascribed> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L739[06:52:44] <sham1> Propably
L740[06:52:47] <diesieben07> but vi is not an ide is it
L741[06:53:02] <unascribed> no, but the emacs/nano/vi war is probably worse than the IDE war
L742[06:53:03] <sham1> Nah
L743[06:53:16] <diesieben07> true
L744[06:53:44] <sham1> And worse than sublime vs atom
L745[06:54:47] <sham1> I dont even know howto make stuff for vim
L746[06:55:02] <sham1> Like I can grasp lisp
L747[06:55:19] <sham1> But I dont even know what vim is written in
L748[06:56:21] <diesieben07> notepad++ anyone? :D
L749[06:56:35] <sham1> I like it
L750[06:56:47] <Naiten> always use np++
L751[06:56:58] <diesieben07> so do I
L752[06:57:06] <sham1> Not as extensible as atom and sublime and emacs or whatever
L753[06:57:18] <sham1> Still better than default notepad
L754[06:57:33] <diesieben07> well, i dont want extensions in a text editor
L755[06:57:38] <diesieben07> i want syntax highlighting
L756[06:57:56] <sham1> In that case np++ rules
L757[06:58:01] <diesieben07> if i want autocomplete and shit I use an IDE which is better at it than any text edito with 200 plugins
L758[06:58:58] ⇦ Quits: PrinceCat (~PrinceCat@106-69-108-76.dyn.iinet.net.au) (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
L759[06:59:41] <sham1> For me, unless I use c or java, I like having something like atom at standby
L760[07:00:24] <sham1> Because some languages do not have that good IDEs yet
L761[07:01:12] <diesieben07> how many languages do you use? :O
L762[07:01:45] <sham1> I like experimenting
L763[07:02:12] <sham1> like haskell has leksah, but that is kinda weird
L764[07:02:27] <sham1> And rust is also somewhat lacking
L765[07:02:31] <unascribed> ...is the name of that IDE really the name of the language backwards?
L766[07:04:14] <Nitrodev> i think so
L767[07:04:17] <Nitrodev> minus the l
L768[07:08:42] <unascribed> it's the ekans of IDEs
L769[07:10:32] <sham1> Yeah
L770[07:10:59] <sham1> Leksah indeed is "Haskell" backwards
L771[07:11:10] <sham1> It just misses that 1 l
L772[07:11:25] <K-4U|College> Better question: How would i define my models based on two blockstates?
L773[07:11:34] <K-4U|College> say i have a "tier" blockstate and a "rotation"
L774[07:11:44] <K-4U|College> What do i need to put in my blockstate.json?
L775[07:12:59] ⇦ Quits: KGS (~KGS@h-155-4-135-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L776[07:19:23] <diesieben07> do you mean properties?
L777[07:20:37] <K-4U|College> Not sure
L778[07:20:53] <K-4U|College> I have a model, and need that rotated based on the blockstate
L779[07:20:58] <diesieben07> show your block class
L780[07:21:03] <diesieben07> although i am pretty sure you do mean proeprties
L781[07:21:10] <K-4U|College> but they need a different texture based on the state
L782[07:21:14] <K-4U|College> Oh, yes, properties
L783[07:21:29] <diesieben07> well, for rotation look at vanilla furnace
L784[07:23:11] <diesieben07> blockstates/furnace.json maps the block state (collection of property->value) to models
L785[07:23:20] <diesieben07> the model is always the same but it is rotated
L786[07:27:27] <Naiten> Looks like ModelBakeEvent is never called in 1722 build. Or is that my fault?
L787[07:30:31] ⇨ Joins: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk)
L788[07:31:08] <K-4U|College> thanks diesieben07
L789[07:35:24] <Naiten> i wonder if anybody ever got paid for modding consulting
L790[07:36:39] ⇦ Quits: Skuli (~Skuli@ (Quit: Well. Bye!)
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L792[07:37:18] *** V is now known as Vigaro
L793[07:37:19] <Flenix> Hey all. an Item's onItemRightClick seems to continuously trigger when right click is held down - is there a way to only trigger it once (as I want to play a sound, and that sound shouldn't be looped)
L794[07:41:11] <diesieben07> Flenix, in onItemRightClick check if player.getItemInUse == the ItemStack. if not, call player.setItemInUse(stack, Integer.MAX_VALUE).
L795[07:41:30] <diesieben07> and only play the sound when you set the item in use
L796[07:41:35] <diesieben07> Naiten, it is called for me.
L797[07:42:09] <Flenix> oooh smart, yeah I'l try that
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L800[07:44:23] ⇨ Joins: McJty (~McJty@bluecoat2.uzleuven.be)
L801[07:44:40] <Naiten> diesieben07, can help me out with smart models maybe? :c
L802[07:44:40] ⇦ Quits: Wuppy29 (~Jimmy@5072be60.static.ziggozakelijk.nl) (Quit: Leaving)
L803[07:45:18] <diesieben07> well, i can try. describe your issue :)
L804[07:45:28] ⇨ Joins: Wuppy29 (~Wuppy@5072BE60.static.ziggozakelijk.nl)
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L808[07:48:35] <Naiten> Welp, i need to apply matrix TRSR to my model to that i can render this http://i.imgur.com/uzTxdmn.png thanks using only this model http://i.imgur.com/gLl71VW.png
L809[07:48:48] <Naiten> and idk how to set things up...
L810[07:49:28] <diesieben07> do you have the matrix figured out already?
L811[07:49:45] <diesieben07> and i assume you are storing which part / rotation you need in the IBlockState?
L812[07:50:11] ⇦ Quits: npe|office (~NPExcepti@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L813[07:50:13] ⇦ Parts: Wuppy29 (~Wuppy@5072BE60.static.ziggozakelijk.nl) ())
L814[07:50:24] <Naiten> i can calculate translations and rotations and figure matrix out later, i can't manage blockstates and smartmodels atm...
L815[07:50:49] <diesieben07> what do you mean you can't manage?
L816[07:50:53] <Naiten> nope, i don't, i just want to apply any matrix at first
L817[07:51:11] <Naiten> idk what to do with smart models >_>
L818[07:51:45] ⇦ Quits: Penguin|AFK (~matte@AMontsouris-151-1-57-192.w82-123.abo.wanadoo.fr) (Quit: Leaving)
L819[07:52:19] <diesieben07> ISmartBlockModel just means you can have your model react to the IBlockState
L820[07:52:46] <diesieben07> so it's not just "ok this block renders as this" but the Model can actually see "oh, so this IBlockState has property "rotation" set as "xyz" so I'm gonna rotate myself"
L821[07:53:03] <diesieben07> I shouldn't say "rotate myself", since it's actually producing a 2nd model, models are immutable.
L822[07:53:57] <Cazzar> razer plz: http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1454334834
L823[07:54:18] <diesieben07> razer...
L824[07:54:37] <Cazzar> The only reason I use this keyboard, is that it is the only mech one I have.
L825[07:54:50] <Cazzar> Synapse is a broken POS, but I need it for something to work on my system.
L826[07:55:35] <diesieben07> i bought a razer headset once. never again
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L829[07:56:07] <Naiten> welp, i just want a way to harcode block rendering
L830[07:56:40] <diesieben07> not gonna happen :D
L831[07:56:52] <diesieben07> forge won't let you destroy people's performance.
L832[07:57:08] <Naiten> ISBRH had perfect performance.
L833[07:57:18] <Naiten> And was great in matters of coding.
L834[07:57:22] <unascribed> (except as it stands the path of least resistance for his rails is TESR, which is the absolute worst as far as performance goes)
L835[07:57:30] <McJty> You can still use ISBRH, just have to make ISBM's of them
L836[07:57:30] <Dark> i have to admit the new system trades ram performance for cpu
L837[07:57:34] <McJty> Works perfectly fine
L838[07:57:59] <diesieben07> i am currently trying to figure out how to simply apply a TRSR to a model
L839[07:58:02] <McJty> But you should first see if there are no other solutions (for most cases there are)
L840[07:58:27] <Cazzar> ... why am I listening to Babymetal again
L841[07:58:49] <diesieben07> fry ? :D
L842[08:01:01] <Naiten> looks like 'forge' and 'simple way' are not coexistable
L843[08:01:31] <Dark> I would just make the ISmartModel
L844[08:01:35] <Dark> i've been told there not that hard
L845[08:01:43] <Dark> if you prefab it out you only have to do it once
L846[08:01:57] <diesieben07> yes, making a model is not hard
L847[08:02:07] <diesieben07> the question is how do you simply rotate a model
L848[08:02:12] <Dark> it has to be easier than hardcoding .obj files
L849[08:02:22] <Naiten> That's what my initial question was about >_> //mean smartmodel
L850[08:02:47] <McJty> Dark, if you just have a static model then I recommend simply using an OBJ exported by (for example) blender or similar
L851[08:02:51] <McJty> That's by far the easiest way
L852[08:03:05] <Dark> McJty talking about generating a .obj with code vs loading it from file
L853[08:03:26] <McJty> Then a ISBM should suffice
L854[08:03:52] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L855[08:03:56] <diesieben07> ok, Naiten, how do you currently get your models in the game?
L856[08:04:02] <diesieben07> or do you not have that at all yet?
L857[08:04:07] <Naiten> via blockstate
L858[08:04:13] <Naiten> it's 'easy'
L859[08:04:33] <diesieben07> so you have a json model?
L860[08:04:47] <Naiten> I have .obj model and .json blockstate
L861[08:05:12] <K-4U|College> So uhm.. Can i get json models to have transparency?
L862[08:05:19] <gigaherz> sure
L863[08:05:29] <gigaherz> the model doesn't care
L864[08:05:39] <gigaherz> transparency is a combination of the texture having transparent pixels
L865[08:05:49] <McJty> Make sure you render it in the correct block layer though
L866[08:05:50] <gigaherz> and the block model saying it has to be rendered on the translucent layer
L867[08:05:58] <gigaherz> and the block*
L868[08:06:02] <gigaherz> not block model
L869[08:06:12] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L870[08:06:41] * Naiten pokes Fry
L871[08:06:59] <Wuppy> hot damn, downloading 90Mbps atm :O
L872[08:07:03] <gigaherz> weirdly enough
L873[08:07:12] <gigaherz> TRANSLUCENT is the default value returned b y getBlockLayer
L874[08:07:51] <diesieben07> Naiten, you have something like this in your Block: https://goo.gl/9atr9j ?
L875[08:08:02] <diesieben07> because i think i know how to do it now :P
L876[08:08:25] <McJty> gigaherz, SOLID is default
L877[08:08:35] <Naiten> diesieben07, no. And how TE is relevant?
L878[08:08:41] <gigaherz> McJty: wait yes
L879[08:08:42] <diesieben07> its not about the TE
L880[08:08:47] <gigaherz> I'm looking at my base block not Block
L881[08:08:47] <gigaherz> XD
L882[08:08:47] <diesieben07> it's about the getExtendedState
L883[08:09:15] <LatvianModder> getActualState is for rendering?
L884[08:09:28] <gigaherz> LatvianModder: mostly but not only
L885[08:09:44] <LatvianModder> And what is getExtendedState for?
L886[08:09:45] <gigaherz> getActualState is used by rendering, but also things like isSideSolid
L887[08:09:52] <McJty> As I understand it getActualState is usually used in blockstates for controlling rendering and getExtendedState is used in ISBM's
L888[08:10:02] <gigaherz> getExtendedState is exclusively so blocks can return an extended block state
L889[08:10:07] <gigaherz> that supports IUnlistedProeprties
L890[08:10:13] <gigaherz> and that one IS exclusively for rendering
L891[08:10:41] <gigaherz> the basic idea:
L892[08:10:55] <gigaherz> getStateFromMeta/getMetaFromState --> general state, that gets stored
L893[08:11:07] <gigaherz> getActualState -> context-based state taken from neighbours or TileEntity data
L894[08:11:26] <gigaherz> getExtendedState -> support method to allow assigning IUnlistedProperties based on context
L895[08:11:39] <LatvianModder> im just making tech mod for 1.8.9 and there I will probably need many rotations etc
L896[08:11:48] <diesieben07> Naiten, basiclly in getExtendedState return ((IExtendedBlockState) this.state.getBaseState()).withProperty(OBJModel.OBJProperty.instance, new new OBJModel.OBJState(Lists.newArrayList(OBJModel.Group.ALL), true, <YOUR_TRSR>))
L897[08:11:53] <LatvianModder> also, can block model be bigger than 1x1x1 cube?
L898[08:12:00] <diesieben07> that SHOULD work provided the block has an OBJ model
L899[08:12:11] <gigaherz> LatvianModder: it shouldn't be
L900[08:12:19] <gigaherz> it's possible to draw it bigger, yes, but it will cause lighting issues
L901[08:12:25] <LatvianModder> Lasers. But I will probably use TESR
L902[08:12:36] <gigaherz> ah
L903[08:12:39] <gigaherz> lasers would be ok
L904[08:12:43] <gigaherz> since they'd draw without lighting
L905[08:13:06] <K-4U|College> gigaherz: Because i have issues now with a texture being completely transparant, not being transparent
L906[08:13:17] <K-4U|College> http://ss.k-4u.nl/2016-02-01_15-13-08
L907[08:13:21] <gigaherz> K-4U|College: override getBlockLayer in your block
L908[08:13:31] <gigaherz> return EnumWorldBlockLayer.TRANSLUCENT from it
L909[08:14:15] <LatvianModder> that is equvalent to what used to be block rendering type or smth. 0 - normal, 1 - opaque, 2 - ice or smth
L910[08:14:18] <gigaherz> note that translucent objects make use of the sorting system and have a much higher performance cost when used in large numbers
L911[08:14:32] <gigaherz> LatvianModder: sortof, yes
L912[08:14:32] <LatvianModder> or just 0 and 1. I dunno. rendering in 1.7.10- was weird
L913[08:14:57] <gigaherz> Minecraft (now) has 3 rendering layers
L914[08:14:58] <LatvianModder> Enums everywhere ftw
L915[08:15:15] <gigaherz> SOLID (or you could call that opaque),
L916[08:15:15] <K-4U|College> Well, i just want it NOT to render that part
L917[08:15:15] <SkySom> When in doubt, Enums out!
L918[08:15:21] <K-4U|College> because it's missing in the texture
L919[08:15:28] <gigaherz> for blocks that have no transparency
L920[08:15:36] <gigaherz> these are drawn with blending and alpha testing off
L921[08:15:39] <gigaherz> for faster drawing
L922[08:15:58] <gigaherz> CUTOUT and CUTOUT_MIPPED
L923[08:16:05] <gigaherz> which enable alpha testing but NOT alpha blending
L924[08:16:14] <gigaherz> one of them also enables mip mapping
L925[08:16:31] <LatvianModder> ugly textures \o/ https://twitter.com/LatvianModder/status/694155316930416640
L926[08:16:41] <K-4U|College> ty gigaherz
L927[08:16:49] <gigaherz> they are drawn after the solid ones, and for fragments that have alpha < a threshold, the pixel isn't drawn
L928[08:17:08] <gigaherz> so they allow "cutout" effects, without requiring blending since transparency is either fully on, or fully off
L929[08:17:12] <gigaherz> and the final type
L930[08:17:14] <gigaherz> is TRANSLUCENT
L931[08:17:33] <gigaherz> which is full-blown transparency, including geometry sorting
L932[08:17:35] <LatvianModder> which allows 0-1 alpha
L933[08:17:40] <LatvianModder> yeah
L934[08:17:52] <gigaherz> because the order in which polygons are drawn matters
L935[08:18:03] <gigaherz> it has to sort the data before drawing
L936[08:18:33] <LatvianModder> basically, SOLID = only 1F alpha, CUTOUT and CUTOUT_MIPPED = 1F or 0F, TRANSLUCENT = 0F to 1F
L937[08:18:38] <gigaherz> to make it a bit less slow Minecraft only sorts when you cross chunk boundaries (and maybe the chunk you are inside of)
L938[08:18:47] <gigaherz> but that causes visible issuesi n some cases
L939[08:19:12] <LatvianModder> like ice split in chunks
L940[08:19:15] <K-4U|College> http://ss.k-4u.nl/2016-02-01_15-17-57
L941[08:19:17] <gigaherz> LatvianModder: that's the values that get written, your textures an still have other alpha values, they will jsut get ignored ;P
L942[08:19:18] <K-4U|College> There we go :P
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L944[08:19:48] <LatvianModder> I ment the texture values. Fine. 0 - 255. Happy? :P
L945[08:19:57] <gigaherz> K-4U|College: ah cutout may be enough for you?
L946[08:20:16] <K-4U|College> Yep, i did it at cutout and it's fine :)
L947[08:20:18] <gigaherz> LatvianModder that's not what I meant
L948[08:20:27] <gigaherz> I meant that your texture can have a 126 in it
L949[08:20:45] <gigaherz> if you draw using the solid layer, it will just be ignored
L950[08:20:52] <LatvianModder> I know
L951[08:20:56] <gigaherz> if you draw using cutout, it will only be ignored if < threshold
L952[08:21:06] <gigaherz> and so on
L953[08:21:18] <LatvianModder> Thats what I just said. its either just 1, 0 or 1 or 0-1
L954[08:27:47] <Naiten> diesieben07, java.lang.ClassCastException: net.minecraft.block.state.BlockState$StateImplementation cannot be cast to net.minecraftforge.common.property.IExtendedBlockState D:
L955[08:28:18] <sham1> you check if it is an instance...
L956[08:28:32] <sham1> Really now
L957[08:28:36] <diesieben07> no
L958[08:28:51] <diesieben07> override createBlockState
L959[08:28:55] <gigaherz> Naiten: you'll have to return an extendedblockstate from createblockstate
L960[08:29:04] <diesieben07> return new ExtendedBlockState(this, new IProperty[0], new IUnlistedProperty[]{OBJModel.OBJProperty.instance});
L961[08:29:11] * Naiten sighs
L962[08:29:13] <Naiten> okay
L963[08:29:25] <diesieben07> replace the first IProperty array with any nromal properties your block has
L964[08:29:27] *** Vigaro is now known as V
L965[08:29:40] <gigaherz> I don't really like the extended blockstate stuff
L966[08:29:42] <gigaherz> it feels wrong
L967[08:29:52] <sham1> he still will need to check the instance :P
L968[08:30:01] <gigaherz> no he won't
L969[08:30:10] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de) (Quit: Leaving)
L970[08:30:21] <gigaherz> you know it's extended since you created it
L971[08:30:31] ⇨ Joins: gr8pefish (~gr8pefish@
L972[08:30:31] <diesieben07> the whole system is nice in concept
L973[08:30:31] <sham1> assuming he wants to do some other unlisted properties
L974[08:30:44] <diesieben07> but since it has to hack around so many vanilla limitations it is ugly in a lot of places
L975[08:30:47] <gigaherz> this.blockState.baseState is an instance of ExtendedBlockState.StateImplementation
L976[08:32:04] <Naiten> but i don't have any properties...
L977[08:32:21] <diesieben07> then leave it as the empty array.
L978[08:32:47] <diesieben07> although then i wonder how you intend to make the rail pieces rotate.
L979[08:33:12] <Naiten> i'll figure that out later >_<
L980[08:33:26] <sham1> :P
L981[08:33:27] <Naiten> i'm just trying to rotate the damn thing _anyhow_
L982[08:33:45] ⇨ Joins: Cojo (~Cojo@2606:a000:1126:8048:cc7d:5179:68f9:7cfe)
L983[08:34:15] <Naiten> so do i leave getExtendedState as it was?
L984[08:34:31] <diesieben07> yes
L985[08:34:53] ⇦ Quits: ChJees (~ChJees@h211n5-sv-a13.ias.bredband.telia.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L989[08:41:24] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L990[08:44:22] <Nitrodev> hi willie
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L992[08:45:47] <williewillus> heyo
L993[08:45:54] <Naiten> welp
L994[08:46:03] <williewillus> Naiten: any progress?
L995[08:46:18] <Naiten> M - modern art http://i.imgur.com/XqzN53s.png
L996[08:46:28] <williewillus> ah, nice
L997[08:46:29] <diesieben07> well, at least it is rotating :D
L998[08:46:33] <Naiten> hi williewillus. Yes, thanks to diesieben07
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L1001[08:46:52] <williewillus> you used the IPerspectiveAwareModel to apply the matrix using extended states and stuff?
L1002[08:46:53] <diesieben07> i will always help the magic train man
L1003[08:47:06] <Naiten> Waat? Magic?
L1004[08:47:13] <diesieben07> wait you can use that with blocks willie?
L1005[08:47:36] <williewillus> i've never tried, but I don't see why not
L1006[08:47:41] <williewillus> how is it working right now?
L1007[08:47:44] <diesieben07> well, i checked the code it doesn't seem that way
L1008[08:47:45] <williewillus> unpackedbackedquad?
L1009[08:47:47] ⇦ Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@2001:af0:8000:1c01:6af7:28ff:fe37:5d6a) (Quit: Leaving.)
L1010[08:47:51] <diesieben07> nope, ObjState
L1011[08:47:54] <Nitrodev> dafuq is that?
L1012[08:47:54] <williewillus> ah
L1013[08:47:58] <Nitrodev> Naiten
L1014[08:47:58] *** mumfrey is now known as Mumfrey
L1015[08:48:00] <williewillus> that's probably better anyway
L1016[08:48:01] <diesieben07> has a way to apply a TRSR
L1017[08:48:27] <Naiten> Nitrodev, my future railway
L1018[08:48:34] <Nitrodev> oh
L1019[08:48:43] <Wuppy> o___0 my internet is online but both of my browsers cant seem to get to google.com
L1020[08:48:48] <Nitrodev> making another train mod?
L1021[08:49:19] <diesieben07> Naiten, anyone who can make such pretty models is a wizard to me
L1022[08:49:20] <Naiten> Nitrodev, porting extremely another train mod from 1.7.10
L1023[08:49:29] <Nitrodev> Ah
L1024[08:50:19] <Naiten> diesieben07, welp, models are mostly courtesy of DayDieCast, i did math and animations though
L1025[08:50:31] <diesieben07> ah :D
L1026[08:50:55] <Naiten> and i'll remember that >> diesieben07> i will always help the magic train man
L1027[08:51:00] <Naiten> ;D
L1028[08:51:02] <diesieben07> :)
L1029[08:51:05] <sham1> I wish I could do graphics :(
L1030[08:51:37] <williewillus> Naiten: that screenshot from 1.7 looks great by the way, let us know when you're done porting :p
L1031[08:51:58] <sham1> Tomorrow I have a maths test :P
L1032[08:52:03] <sham1> Fun times
L1033[08:52:07] ⇨ Joins: grondag (~grondag@99-100-53-175.lightspeed.clmboh.sbcglobal.net)
L1034[08:52:25] <Naiten> williewillus, welp. The only problem i was stuck was block rendering, trains are fine, but they need tracks to ride...
L1035[08:52:43] <williewillus> they could just fly
L1036[08:52:44] <williewillus> :p
L1037[08:53:02] <sham1> They would not be trains at that point anymore
L1038[08:53:06] <sham1> But flying trains
L1039[08:54:00] <diesieben07> take my money!
L1040[08:54:16] <sham1> Do maglevs count for you
L1041[08:55:14] <diesieben07> actualyl i changed my mind
L1042[08:55:17] <Naiten> they still have tracks though
L1043[08:55:18] <diesieben07> trains are boring without tracks
L1044[08:55:35] <sham1> but maglevs are so expensive and silent
L1045[08:55:43] <sham1> What's not to like
L1046[08:56:01] <williewillus> ive never actually seen a maglev irl
L1047[08:56:05] <williewillus> yay US :p
L1048[08:56:09] <sham1> me neither
L1049[08:56:38] <sham1> But that is because while half the year it is propably cold enough for the stuff to float here, it still would be bloody expensive
L1050[08:56:49] <williewillus> who was that guy in here that got kotlin to run in dev env?
L1051[08:57:26] <Naiten> welp, anyways, http://i.imgur.com/7zkiG.gif
L1052[08:57:43] <sham1> Who doesnt
L1053[08:58:41] <Naiten> my so does not..
L1054[08:59:25] <LatvianModder> so.. so happens that your so doesnt like trains. #so
L1055[08:59:40] ⇨ Joins: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@f054096238.adsl.alicedsl.de)
L1056[09:00:07] <sham1> I don't understand why so many tech sites nowadays have adopted io as their TLD
L1057[09:00:16] <sham1> And why most of them have to do with javascript
L1058[09:00:24] <sham1> #confirmationbias
L1059[09:00:31] <diesieben07> it's hip and fancy.
L1060[09:01:12] ⇦ Quits: grondag (~grondag@99-100-53-175.lightspeed.clmboh.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1061[09:02:01] <Naiten> Another good question - how do i call model rendering twice or more for one block?
L1062[09:02:12] <sham1> umn
L1063[09:02:13] <sham1> Why
L1064[09:02:16] <Naiten> with different TRSR
L1065[09:02:27] <diesieben07> you would have one model that contains both
L1066[09:02:44] <diesieben07> forge has a class MultiModel, I am not sure if that is what you need though
L1067[09:03:03] <Naiten> but i have splined tracks of variable length and form D:
L1068[09:03:08] <williewillus> submodels
L1069[09:03:22] <williewillus> but don't think that'll work if you're already using a smartmodel
L1070[09:03:31] <Naiten> i'm not
L1071[09:04:31] <williewillus> maybe have a smartmodel and bake the OBJ's yourself, then mash them together and cache them
L1072[09:04:32] <williewillus> idk
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L1075[09:05:28] <diesieben07> no need to do that really
L1076[09:05:33] <diesieben07> MultiModel should cover you
L1077[09:06:14] <diesieben07> you can give it as many models as you like and a IModelState for every one of them, where IModelState is the OBJState you already used before in getExtendedState
L1078[09:06:47] <Naiten> D: back then making this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0ZXf3PFg68 took me a lot less effort than this rendering stuff D:
L1079[09:06:57] <Naiten> how do i use MultiModel?
L1080[09:07:03] ⇦ Quits: covers1624 (~covers162@ppp118-210-106-168.lns20.adl2.internode.on.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1081[09:07:10] <diesieben07> you would probably need to make a ICustomModelLoader
L1082[09:07:38] <diesieben07> and then from there query for the OBJModel
L1083[09:07:42] <diesieben07> and combine it with the TRSRs
L1084[09:08:30] <Naiten> omg D: how do i make custom model loader?
L1085[09:09:51] <diesieben07> you implement that interface
L1086[09:09:56] <diesieben07> should be pretty straightforward
L1087[09:10:02] <diesieben07> then register it using ModelLoaderRegistry
L1088[09:10:02] <Naiten> i'm about to say 'screw it' to splined tracks and go back to pre-defined segments D:
L1089[09:10:03] <williewillus> it's not as difficult as it sounds, but I can't come up with a good explanation right now xP
L1090[09:10:15] <diesieben07> the interface is just 2 methods
L1091[09:10:27] <diesieben07> one: can you load this resurce? the other: load this resource (=produce a model)
L1092[09:10:40] <diesieben07> in your case you'd not actually load anything from disk
L1093[09:10:46] <diesieben07> but just create a MultiModel instance
L1094[09:14:41] <LatvianModder> when java compiles code, does it automatically covnert int to Integer when used in maps?
L1095[09:14:41] <LatvianModder> i.e. Map<Integer, Object> map; ... map.get(10);
L1096[09:14:49] <diesieben07> yes.
L1097[09:15:00] <LatvianModder> But to new Integer(int) or Integer.valueOf(int)?
L1098[09:15:05] <diesieben07> it's called autoboxing, it's just wrapping it with a Integer.valueOf call
L1099[09:15:12] <LatvianModder> ah, ok, then good
L1100[09:15:43] <LatvianModder> because values 0-128 are cached iirc
L1101[09:15:53] <williewillus> hehe
L1102[09:15:57] <diesieben07> yes, but do not rely on that. ever.
L1103[09:16:04] <williewillus> there's always that trick where you reflect hack the int array
L1104[09:16:07] <williewillus> :p
L1105[09:16:18] <diesieben07> or even Boolean.FALSE
L1106[09:16:20] <diesieben07> even more fun :D
L1107[09:16:57] <LatvianModder> I dont even use that.. Only place when I use Boolean not boolean, is when I need a value that can also be null
L1108[09:17:09] <diesieben07> yea
L1109[09:17:47] <McJty> Or when you need to store it in a collection of any kind. Like Map
L1110[09:17:50] <LatvianModder> I love boolean's hash code - return value ? 1231 : 1237;
L1111[09:18:09] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> You should use TIntObjectMal anyways :p
L1112[09:18:14] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> map*
L1113[09:18:37] <LatvianModder> Tint Object
L1114[09:18:49] <diesieben07> both those numbers are primes :D
L1115[09:18:53] <diesieben07> which is always nice in hashing
L1116[09:19:25] <LatvianModder> hashCode() returns 0 always!!
L1117[09:20:01] <diesieben07> great hashing :D
L1118[09:20:06] <LatvianModder> mhm :D
L1119[09:22:27] * Naiten decided to install and play the last update of his mod released a year ago. Nostalgy hittin'
L1120[09:22:41] <Naiten> it was so beautiful
L1121[09:22:46] * Naiten drops a tear
L1122[09:22:52] <LatvianModder> lol
L1123[09:22:54] <williewillus> how do you specify mod loading order dependencies again?
L1124[09:23:03] ⇨ Joins: shadekiller666 (~shadekill@
L1125[09:23:03] <williewillus> this system is so old and needs to be redone >.>
L1126[09:23:57] <LatvianModder> .. In 1.8.9
L1127[09:24:07] <williewillus> ?
L1128[09:24:21] <LatvianModder> dont redo your mod on the old version
L1129[09:24:26] ⇦ Quits: Raspen0 (~Raspen0@D97A01A5.cm-3-3a.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Quit: Leaving)
L1130[09:24:27] ⇦ Quits: Mraof (~mraof@2601:642:4400:49a7::93ed) (Quit: Leaving)
L1131[09:24:30] <williewillus> what are you talking about
L1132[09:24:41] <LatvianModder> oh its natien talking
L1133[09:24:51] <LatvianModder> bloody IRCCloud nicknames, both of you are the same purple :D
L1134[09:24:53] <williewillus> "required-after:Baubles,after:Thaumcraft" crashes me
L1135[09:25:03] <LatvianModder> umm, its a ; not ,
L1136[09:25:07] <LatvianModder> I think
L1137[09:25:07] <williewillus> oh lol
L1138[09:25:12] <Nitrodev> maybe let the second after go?
L1139[09:25:28] <williewillus> I was saying that syntax needs to be redone because it's legacy from the modloader days
L1140[09:25:31] <williewillus> and that was a LONG time ago
L1141[09:26:00] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~McJty@bluecoat2.uzleuven.be) (Quit: Poof)
L1142[09:26:03] <LatvianModder> I thought natien said "I played my mod, this system is old and needs to be redone" :P
L1143[09:26:23] <LatvianModder> because you both are purple, I dont bother reading nickaname, just look at the color :D
L1144[09:26:51] ⇨ Joins: KGS (~KGS@h-155-4-135-249.na.cust.bahnhof.se)
L1145[09:27:06] <williewillus> thats exactly why i turned off color nicks
L1146[09:27:08] <williewillus> :p
L1147[09:27:15] <williewillus> I'm red, everyone eles blue, pings green
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L1149[09:28:00] *** Ash|Work is now known as Ashlee
L1150[09:28:22] <Nitrodev> same for me
L1151[09:29:00] <Nitrodev> but for me it already was like that so :P
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L1155[09:36:33] <williewillus> diesieben07: is there a way to know if a player is within loaded distance of a TE? something like entity.getTrackingPlayers but for TE's
L1156[09:37:22] ⇦ Quits: gr8pefish (~gr8pefish@ (Quit: Zzzz)
L1157[09:37:29] <williewillus> or whatever that call was to get tracking players :p
L1158[09:37:40] <diesieben07> not without reflection
L1159[09:37:51] <williewillus> >.<
L1160[09:38:10] <diesieben07> WorldServer#getPlayerManager().getPlayerInstance(chunkX, chunkZ, false).playersWatchingChunk
L1161[09:38:34] <diesieben07> PlayerManager.PlayerInstance is non-public and playerWatchingChunk is also private
L1162[09:41:50] <LatvianModder> williewillus: just scan with AABB
L1163[09:41:51] <LatvianModder> :P
L1164[09:42:12] <diesieben07> yeah no
L1165[09:42:12] <LatvianModder> worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABB or smth
L1166[09:42:22] <diesieben07> that's neither accurate nor fast :D
L1167[09:42:45] <LatvianModder> well.. then getServerConfigurationManager().playerEntityList just run trough that
L1168[09:42:52] <williewillus> i haev a TE that sends S35UpdateTileEntity to nearby players. I want changes to be visible from pretty far away clientside (at least 64 blocks) but it vomits errors if the client sets view distance low
L1169[09:42:55] <diesieben07> even worse of an idea
L1170[09:43:34] <williewillus> though, I guess the server wouldn't even be aware of the client's view dist
L1171[09:43:44] <williewillus> idk how vanilla TE's don't error when server view dist is higher than client
L1172[09:43:58] <LatvianModder> diesieben07: Ok, but how Vanilla command blocks do that, huh? there might be few tousand command blocks that run @p or @e[more data]
L1173[09:44:01] <diesieben07> because they don't send based on radius
L1174[09:44:05] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> ^
L1175[09:44:15] <diesieben07> LatvianModder, that is something else entirely.
L1176[09:44:16] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> desc packets have access to tracking info
L1177[09:44:29] *** tterrag|ZZZzzz is now known as tterrag|phone
L1178[09:44:44] <LatvianModder> bad vanilla.
L1179[09:44:45] <williewillus> thats strange then, I get clientside NPE's occassionally when I have the client set to a render view distance
L1180[09:44:53] <williewillus> *low
L1181[09:44:59] <Nitrodev> diesieben07, was it you who gave me info on the item having an inv?
L1182[09:45:03] <diesieben07> yes because you send based on radius
L1183[09:45:04] <LatvianModder> Why do they even restrict that? Its like. some evil hack mod is going to use it
L1184[09:45:09] <diesieben07> vanilla knows the client view distance
L1185[09:45:17] <williewillus> even in dedicated server?
L1186[09:45:22] <diesieben07> yes nitro
L1187[09:45:23] <diesieben07> yes willie.
L1188[09:45:39] <Nitrodev> okay then i have aquestion
L1189[09:45:56] <Nitrodev> you told me about a method i need to override
L1190[09:45:58] <Nitrodev> what was it?
L1191[09:46:19] <diesieben07> canTakeStack in a Slot class
L1192[09:46:22] <tterrag|phone> something something capabilities
L1193[09:46:25] <diesieben07> and then call the method in that ItemInventory class
L1194[09:47:14] <williewillus> is calling world.isBlockLoaded(pos, false) constantly bad? I read the code and it seems like it loads the chunk to check it if you pass false :p
L1195[09:47:48] <Nitrodev> in the vanilla slot class?
L1196[09:47:50] <tterrag|phone> There's no way that method loads chunks
L1197[09:47:56] <tterrag|phone> That would be pointless
L1198[09:48:04] <williewillus> it doesn't if you pass true
L1199[09:48:06] <diesieben07> yes Nitrodev
L1200[09:48:11] *** AEnterpriseAFK is now known as AEnterprise
L1201[09:48:17] <williewillus> but yeah I just read it and it calls provideChunk if you pass false :p
L1202[09:48:18] <Nitrodev> okay
L1203[09:48:48] <tterrag|phone> !gm isBlockLoaded
L1204[09:48:55] <LatvianModder> Who needs chunkloaders when you can just spam vanilla world methods, eh?
L1205[09:49:09] <tterrag|phone> weird
L1206[09:49:21] <tterrag|phone> Just use the single arg version though
L1207[09:49:37] <diesieben07> williewillus, it checks chunkExists first, which is false ifthe chunk is not loaded
L1208[09:49:44] <diesieben07> so if the chunk is not loaded the method is definitely false
L1209[09:49:50] <diesieben07> the 2nd arg only plays a role if it IS loaded.
L1210[09:50:11] <williewillus> I needed the false version clientside because chunkExists always returns true on the client :D but yeah serverside should use the one arg version
L1211[09:50:55] <diesieben07> hah
L1212[09:50:57] <LatvianModder> ~_~
L1213[09:51:10] ⇨ Joins: MattDahEpic (~MattDahEp@65-128-97-30.hlrn.qwest.net)
L1214[09:51:27] <LatvianModder> always true? it doesnt, I use it in my FTBU minimap, and for chunks that arent rendered on client side it returns false
L1215[09:51:48] <diesieben07> ChunkProviderClinet.chunkexists is indeed always true
L1216[09:51:51] <Nitrodev> i feel like my brain is sleeping right now
L1217[09:51:53] <williewillus> ChunkProviderClient#chunkExists(int, int): boolean -> returns true always
L1218[09:52:01] <LatvianModder> huh
L1219[09:52:14] <LatvianModder> weeeird
L1220[09:52:21] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@
L1221[09:52:22] <LatvianModder> #WhyMojangWhy
L1222[09:52:29] <williewillus> idk
L1223[09:53:25] *** Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L1224[09:53:35] <williewillus> on a more serious why mojang note, why is yOffset no longer a field?
L1225[09:54:10] <diesieben07> because it really doesn't make sense for it to be
L1226[09:54:22] <williewillus> then how will player size changing mods like morph work anymore?
L1227[09:54:27] <diesieben07> idk
L1228[09:54:51] <Nitrodev> diesieben07, i'm guessing that i need to make my inventory class extend the Slot class?
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L1230[09:55:01] <diesieben07> wat.
L1231[09:55:02] <diesieben07> no.
L1232[09:55:10] <Nitrodev> oh
L1233[09:55:37] <Nitrodev> then i'm still confused
L1234[09:55:51] <diesieben07> show what you have currently.
L1235[09:56:23] <LatvianModder> Youve never made an inventory?
L1236[09:56:43] <Nitrodev> i have made a block with it
L1237[09:56:43] <Wuppy> I should play my global game jam game.... haven't done that yet
L1238[09:57:04] <LatvianModder> Wuppy \o/
L1239[09:57:14] <Wuppy> hey :)
L1240[09:57:26] <Nitrodev> okay i updated the git repo
L1241[09:57:35] <LatvianModder> What I do mostly is dev a game for about 3-5 hours and the click play for the first time :D
L1242[09:57:39] <diesieben07> link pls
L1243[09:57:53] <Nitrodev> https://github.com/Nitrodev/ConstructIO/tree/master/src/main/java/com/nitrodev/constructio
L1244[09:58:00] <Nitrodev> the commits in "Progress"
L1245[09:58:12] <Nitrodev> except for the init folder
L1246[09:58:32] <Wuppy> LatvianModder, I did test the game quite a bit, but never properly played it myself
L1247[09:58:39] <LatvianModder> ah
L1248[09:58:39] <Wuppy> didn't have even the slightest bit of time for that
L1249[09:58:48] <LatvianModder> you have a link to it?
L1250[09:58:52] ⇨ Joins: lynchiem (~mr_lynchi@CPE-58-174-123-39.bzuj1.cha.bigpond.net.au)
L1251[09:58:54] <diesieben07> Nitrodev, uhm, nothing in there does anything...
L1252[09:59:06] <Nitrodev> no kidding
L1253[09:59:22] <Wuppy> http://globalgamejam.org/2016/games/monday-man
L1254[09:59:25] <Nitrodev> i'm still thinkking about what you mentioned
L1255[09:59:31] <diesieben07> which part?
L1256[09:59:36] <Nitrodev> that's why no much progress
L1257[09:59:45] <Nitrodev> the part we just talked about
L1258[09:59:55] <diesieben07> well that is kinda the least important part ...
L1259[10:00:28] <Nitrodev> okay but is that the only part that's different from the block inv?
L1260[10:00:45] <diesieben07> No.
L1261[10:00:58] <diesieben07> you need an IInventory implementation that actually does something
L1262[10:01:02] <diesieben07> yours right now does nothing.
L1263[10:01:11] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
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L1265[10:05:01] <Nitrodev> alright then i'll make the inventory class complete and i'll come back
L1266[10:05:09] <Nitrodev> but for now
L1267[10:05:15] *** Nitrodev is now known as NitroAFK
L1268[10:06:38] <masa> I also have some item based inventory code
L1269[10:06:38] ⇨ Joins: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk)
L1270[10:06:49] <masa> probably a lot messier than what diesieben07 has though...
L1271[10:07:00] <diesieben07> hehe
L1272[10:07:07] <masa> but I have a bag, that stores memory cards, which then store the items :p
L1273[10:07:11] <diesieben07> mine works in any inventory even :P
L1274[10:07:52] <masa> and it also has callbaks so that yoy can move the bag around in the inventory while it's open, it just disables the slots while tha bag is not acecssible ie. in the cursor
L1275[10:08:25] <diesieben07> Oh, that is fancy
L1276[10:08:38] ⇦ Parts: lynchiem (~mr_lynchi@CPE-58-174-123-39.bzuj1.cha.bigpond.net.au) (Leaving))
L1277[10:08:39] <diesieben07> mine just blocks the slot of the contained item
L1278[10:08:44] <masa> heh
L1279[10:09:08] <diesieben07> i might snag that functionality at some point :D
L1280[10:09:16] <masa> I have a completely custom slotClick to go with it, since my inventoeies also support stacks larger than vanilla
L1281[10:09:37] <diesieben07> oh god
L1282[10:10:04] <masa> https://player.me/feed/3683826
L1283[10:10:38] <diesieben07> fun. :D
L1284[10:10:56] ⇨ Joins: boboch3 (~boboch3@col75-1-78-194-40-37.fbxo.proxad.net)
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L1286[10:11:23] <masa> the max stack size is based on the tier of the memory cards, so you could just disable the recipies for anything larges than 6 B (max stack size 2^6 = 64) if you think that is too "op"
L1287[10:11:33] *** NitroAFK is now known as Nitrodev
L1288[10:11:43] <Nitrodev> Alright, sorry my trashes began to smell
L1289[10:12:02] <masa> although currently there is no option to specify if it should allow stacks larger than ItemStack#getMaxStackSize
L1290[10:12:32] <masa> ie. a 6 B card stil lallows a stack of non-stackable items up to 64 too :p
L1291[10:12:45] <gigaherz> my inventory browser block is based around itemstacks larger than max
L1292[10:12:54] <Nitrodev> we know
L1293[10:12:59] <gigaherz> in fact, I even have custom packets to transfer the stackSize > 127 ;P
L1294[10:13:22] <masa> me too :p
L1295[10:13:25] <masa> https://d1zqrvc06emslq.cloudfront.net/media/originals/feedpost/f6/7d/5d/4a4ee655e51192efcf1618cad06c20f9.jpg
L1296[10:13:25] <boboch3> Hello guys. i'm trying to create a sitable block but I got an issue. The first time I interact with my block the player is teleported back on his previous location and the second time I right click this time he is well sitted. I debug this mess and didn't found from where the problem is. Here is my code : block => http://pastebin.com/kGWGpXmC and sittableUtils => http://pastebin.com/yC0x5Tm4 Thanks in advance for any help
L1297[10:14:20] <masa> and this one I'm quite happy about too: https://d1zqrvc06emslq.cloudfront.net/media/originals/feedpost/d2/b5/bc/8040fb85ef67512c29c7a5d75c48599a.jpg
L1298[10:14:21] ⇨ Joins: Loetkolben (~Loetkolbe@ipbcc3c340.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
L1299[10:14:36] ⇨ Joins: thor12022 (thor12022@
L1300[10:14:50] <Nitrodev> masa that looks really cool
L1301[10:14:55] <Nitrodev> ender utils was it?
L1302[10:15:41] <masa> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UH-MC8UUHJc
L1303[10:15:43] <masa> yep
L1304[10:17:15] <masa> yesterday I started porting it to 1.8.9
L1305[10:17:21] <masa> https://player.me/feed/3691161
L1306[10:17:49] <masa> took some 12+ hours to get it error-free in the ide and then to launch
L1307[10:19:17] <Nitrodev> nice
L1308[10:19:29] <gigaherz> I still have my item duplication issue in my inventory browser
L1309[10:19:36] <gigaherz> and I have no idea how to even start debugging that
L1310[10:19:36] <gigaherz> XD
L1311[10:19:47] <Nitrodev> Now i don't think i need to have markDirty anywhere in my inventory class right?
L1312[10:19:55] <Nitrodev> considering an item doesn't have a TE
L1313[10:20:01] <Nitrodev> or isnt rather
L1314[10:20:25] <gigaherz> if you only use the IInventory for a Container, andit's not in a TileEntity
L1315[10:20:31] <gigaherz> then yeah you don't need markDirty
L1316[10:20:35] <Nitrodev> okay
L1317[10:20:51] <diesieben07> nitro if you use my implementation markDirty is actualyl needed.
L1318[10:21:14] <Nitrodev> yeh i know becuase it's one of the methods inside the IIventory
L1319[10:21:26] <Nitrodev> so if i remove the method it just errors
L1320[10:21:33] <Nitrodev> and demands me to implement it
L1321[10:21:45] <Nitrodev> but i don't think anything needs to go int he method right?
L1322[10:21:50] <gigaherz> that's because it's in the interface
L1323[10:21:53] <gigaherz> you NEED to have the method
L1324[10:21:56] <gigaherz> you jsut can leave it blank
L1325[10:22:08] <Nitrodev> i've learned java
L1326[10:22:10] <Nitrodev> i know
L1327[10:22:19] <masa> depends how you implement your inventory class
L1328[10:22:27] <diesieben07> yes there neeeds to be soething in it
L1329[10:22:32] <diesieben07> read the inventory class i linked.
L1330[10:22:36] <masa> I use markDirty() to save teh stuff to the containing itemstack
L1331[10:22:41] <Nitrodev> link it again?
L1332[10:23:18] <diesieben07> https://github.com/diesieben07/SevenCommons/blob/1.7/src/main/java/de/take_weiland/mods/commons/inv/ItemInventory.java
L1333[10:23:27] <Nitrodev> thanks
L1334[10:25:45] <boboch3> hello diesieben07, have you an idea about my issue?
L1335[10:26:30] ⇨ Joins: Overreacted (~Overreact@2a02:1811:2d21:7000:4c90:e529:cbae:3683)
L1336[10:26:33] * diesieben07 boots up magic crystal ball
L1337[10:26:40] <diesieben07> sorry, it's broken.
L1338[10:26:51] <diesieben07> you will have to communicate your issue the traditional way.
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L1340[10:27:10] * diesieben07 beats joke to death
L1341[10:27:15] <shadekiller666> whats wrong with your crystal ball?
L1342[10:27:20] <boboch3> I did it :p
L1343[10:27:28] <LatvianModder> You did the ball?
L1344[10:27:29] <shadekiller666> you should call the glass blower, he might know how to help
L1345[10:27:32] <boboch3> Here again just for you :) Ii'm trying to create a sitable block but I got an issue. The first time I interact with my block the player is teleported back on his previous location and the second time I right click this time he is well sitted. I debug this mess and didn't found from where the problem is. Here is my code : block => http://pastebin.com/kGWGpXmC and sittableUtils => http://pastebin.com/yC0x5Tm4 Thanks in adv
L1346[10:27:32] <boboch3> ance for any help
L1347[10:27:48] <Nitrodev> diesieben07, so the implementation you gave the link to is the one i should use?
L1348[10:28:03] <diesieben07> yes
L1349[10:28:23] <diesieben07> it will need some adaption of course since it uses various other stuff from my library
L1350[10:28:38] <Nitrodev> yeah i saw that
L1351[10:28:42] <diesieben07> boboch3, only sit the player on the server.
L1352[10:28:58] <LatvianModder> a.k.a if(!worldObj.isRemote)
L1353[10:29:11] <boboch3> I try to add a check on world.isremote but nothing happen when I do that :s
L1354[10:29:32] <Nitrodev> i'm just confused about th e NBT stuff
L1355[10:29:34] <diesieben07> show taht attempt.
L1356[10:29:40] <diesieben07> the NBT stuff?
L1357[10:29:41] <boboch3> I tryed it into the block interact method and on my utils
L1358[10:29:56] <diesieben07> youhave to make sure you return true even when on the cleint from onBlockActivated
L1359[10:30:03] <diesieben07> otherwise it will not be called ont eh server at all.
L1360[10:30:15] <Nitrodev> https://github.com/diesieben07/SevenCommons/blob/1.7/src/main/java/de/take_weiland/mods/commons/inv/ItemInventory.java#L219
L1361[10:30:20] <Nitrodev> that's just an example
L1362[10:30:27] <diesieben07> what about it?
L1363[10:30:33] <Nitrodev> i know that that method is overridden from TE class
L1364[10:30:37] <masa> no
L1365[10:30:50] <Nitrodev> excuse me?
L1366[10:30:56] <masa> it's just a method that writes the inventory contents to a compound tag
L1367[10:31:09] <diesieben07> that class does not extend TileEntity
L1368[10:31:14] <diesieben07> it is a standalone class
L1369[10:32:16] <Nitrodev> i know that
L1370[10:32:33] <Nitrodev> but the readFromNBT method COMES from a class that extends TE
L1371[10:32:55] <diesieben07> No.
L1372[10:33:10] <Nitrodev> what?
L1373[10:33:19] <masa> Nitrodev: basically what you are doing is this: you need the class that implements IInventory, so that the container can access the inventory using the getStckInSlot() etc methods. That class then internally stores the items in an array of ItemStacks, Now obviously you then also need to store the ItemStacks into your bag item's NBT tag, otherwise the items would vanish as soonas you close the gui/cont
L1374[10:33:25] <masa> ainer and the inventory insatnce thus disappears
L1375[10:33:34] <boboch3> http://pastebin.com/PCErWeUp into my block activated method => nothing happened. http://pastebin.com/3FZbbvJw try into my utils => nothign happened too
L1376[10:34:25] <masa> so you could name those NBT methods whatever you want, you just need something in that class that reads and writes the ItemStacks ie. the items in the inventory to and from the bag item
L1377[10:35:00] <diesieben07> boboch3, is the entity registered?
L1378[10:35:07] <Nitrodev> so i have to manually srite the methods?
L1379[10:35:10] <Nitrodev> in my case that is
L1380[10:35:23] <diesieben07> Nitrodev, the methods are actually defined here: https://goo.gl/ikWvsv
L1381[10:35:24] <masa> yes, unless you steal the code from someone else :p
L1382[10:35:38] <Nitrodev> ah
L1383[10:35:40] <Nitrodev> i see
L1384[10:35:48] <boboch3> diesieben07, -_- why I always forget those kind of stuff.... I'm going to register it but it will work for sure
L1385[10:36:46] <Nitrodev> well those two methods do look really like the readfromnbt methods for my crate TE
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L1387[10:37:02] <diesieben07> well, yes because they encode an inventory into NBT
L1388[10:37:16] <diesieben07> there aren't many fundamentally different ways to do that.
L1389[10:37:22] <Nitrodev> yeah
L1390[10:37:24] <masa> ok now some questions of my own: how should I organize the blocks and the blockstate properties in my mod? i was thinking that I would have the mahine/block type be in the meta like it was in 1.7.10, so that the blockstate you get from World#getBlockState() actually defines which type of machine it is
L1391[10:37:38] <Nitrodev> i think i also need to remove a line from my code so it fits the bag inv
L1392[10:37:44] <masa> and then the stuff that mostly affects rendering, like the rotation and the on/off state would be in the TE
L1393[10:37:56] <Nitrodev> https://github.com/Nitrodev/ConstructIO/blob/master/src/main/java/com/nitrodev/constructio/blocks/tileentitys/TETWCrate.java#L62
L1394[10:38:01] <Nitrodev> that should go right?
L1395[10:38:13] <Nitrodev> since my iteminv doesnt extend TE
L1396[10:38:19] <diesieben07> yes
L1397[10:38:36] <masa> what is lvt?
L1398[10:38:38] <Nitrodev> okay good
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L1400[10:38:56] <Nitrodev> that was before i noticed the javadocs etc.
L1401[10:39:02] <Nitrodev> old crappy var names
L1402[10:39:25] <Nitrodev> i've slowly been replacing those
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L1404[10:40:39] <Nitrodev> i just need to figure out the writeTONBBT method
L1405[10:40:48] <Nitrodev> like what it does exactly
L1406[10:42:15] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L1407[10:42:23] <diesieben07> which part do you not understand?
L1408[10:42:29] <boboch3> diesieben07, thanks a lot it works now
L1409[10:43:01] <Nitrodev> the entire method
L1410[10:43:08] <Nitrodev> this nbt stuff is new to me
L1411[10:43:45] <diesieben07> well, it basically creates a list and then stores each Slot into the list
L1412[10:43:48] <Nitrodev> but mostly the last line of code
L1413[10:43:57] <diesieben07> nbt.setTag?
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L1415[10:44:02] <Nitrodev> yeah
L1416[10:44:22] <Nitrodev> i see it in the vanilla classes
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L1418[10:44:32] <diesieben07> well, nbt is of type NBTTagCompound
L1419[10:44:47] <Nitrodev> i know
L1420[10:44:52] <diesieben07> NBTTagCompound is an NBT data type which is basically a Map
L1421[10:45:05] <diesieben07> you can store otehr NBT data by a String ke
L1422[10:45:07] <diesieben07> *key
L1423[10:45:08] <Nitrodev> okay
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L1426[10:45:39] <diesieben07> so that line basically says store "list" into "nbt" under the name Inventories.NBT_KEY (which is constant)
L1427[10:46:02] <Nitrodev> yeah but i'm just wondering what the Constant is
L1428[10:46:11] <Nitrodev> like what I should put there
L1429[10:46:20] <Nitrodev> it's a string yes
L1430[10:46:29] <diesieben07> just the name you want the inventory to store as
L1431[10:46:34] <diesieben07> it would appear in the ItemStack NBT data
L1432[10:46:43] <diesieben07> so something like "myMod.bagInv" would work
L1433[10:46:59] <Nitrodev> ah
L1434[10:47:07] <masa> I just use "Items", heh
L1435[10:47:35] <diesieben07> i try to keep everything that is in "public space" namespaced :D
L1436[10:47:49] <Nitrodev> public space?
L1437[10:48:07] <diesieben07> space where everyone can put things
L1438[10:48:09] <PaleoCrafter> Global is a better word maybe
L1439[10:48:10] <masa> yeah, well, if someone overrides a tag in MY item without namespacing their stuff, then I'll go yell at them
L1440[10:48:12] <diesieben07> e.g unlocalized names
L1441[10:48:14] <diesieben07> ItemStack data
L1442[10:48:15] <diesieben07> etc.
L1443[10:48:46] <Nitrodev> ah
L1444[10:49:13] <Nitrodev> is every single method in your example/doc necessary for this?
L1445[10:49:21] <masa> but yeah, on some of my items I use a wrapper compound tag by the name of the item, although engluish localised, like "HandyBag"
L1446[10:50:02] <diesieben07> you mean the ItemInventory?
L1447[10:50:13] <diesieben07> yes, all that is in there has a point and functionality.
L1448[10:50:35] <Nitrodev> Wooo....
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L1470[11:13:18] <raoulvdberge> is there a way to check for low redstone power on a block in 1.8.9?
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L1472[11:15:06] <masa> you mean isProvidingWeakPower()?
L1473[11:15:12] <raoulvdberge> yes.
L1474[11:15:19] <raoulvdberge> I only find isBlockPowered in world
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L1476[11:15:47] <masa> or isBlockPowered()
L1477[11:16:08] <raoulvdberge> yeah but that checks for strong power too
L1478[11:16:46] <masa> yep
L1479[11:16:58] <masa> depends what you want to do exactly
L1480[11:16:59] <raoulvdberge> i need to check for redstone that didn't go through blocks
L1481[11:17:33] <masa> so isProvidingStrongPower()?
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L1489[11:39:13] <infinitefoxes_> Is there a built-in way for me to sync the entirety of my custom container to the client?
L1490[11:40:20] <LatvianModder> in 1.8.9?
L1491[11:40:23] <LatvianModder> or 1.7.10?
L1492[11:40:31] <infinitefoxes_> 1.8.9
L1493[11:40:41] <LatvianModder> there are those IInventory.setField()
L1494[11:40:45] <gigaherz> container you mean the TileEntity?
L1495[11:40:54] <gigaherz> or the actual Container for t he gui?
L1496[11:40:58] <LatvianModder> You can send like progress bars with those
L1497[11:41:11] <gigaherz> the*
L1498[11:41:25] <infinitefoxes_> I have a container for my custom inventory, it's not a tile entity
L1499[11:41:47] <infinitefoxes_> on death I remove every item and such, but it doesn't sync to the client
L1500[11:42:21] <gigaherz> let's be more precise please
L1501[11:42:27] <gigaherz> what holds your custom inventory?
L1502[11:42:50] <gigaherz> because the one thing called container in mc
L1503[11:43:13] <gigaherz> is the Container class that is used only during Gui
L1504[11:46:06] <infinitefoxes_> I have an inventory implementing IInventory, a container implementing ContainerPlayer, and an inventory GUI
L1505[11:46:13] <infinitefoxes_> at least that's what I think you're asking
L1506[11:46:26] <diesieben07> ContainerPlayer? Why??
L1507[11:46:53] <infinitefoxes_> My inventory is an addition to the vanilla one, it adds extra slots
L1508[11:47:09] <diesieben07> i wouldnt use a custom container then
L1509[11:47:21] <diesieben07> enhance the vanilla one using events
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L1511[11:50:59] <infinitefoxes_> I'm not entirely sure events can get me what I need
L1512[11:51:45] <diesieben07> you wish to add new Slots to the player inventory. PlayerOpenContainer can do that for you.
L1513[11:51:54] <diesieben07> PlayerOpenContainerEvent that is
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L1515[11:57:35] <infinitefoxes_> https://i.imgur.com/HkrXGcq.png
L1516[11:57:51] <infinitefoxes_> the complexity is a bit more than just adding slots
L1517[11:58:19] <infinitefoxes_> and I'd prefer not to change how it's being done currently
L1518[11:58:32] <infinitefoxes_> as, well, it works with no issues
L1519[11:58:51] <diesieben07> it works without issues in your constrained testing without any other mods.
L1520[11:59:03] <diesieben07> one thing i can immediately think of that will most likely cause problems: TinkersConstruct
L1521[11:59:09] <diesieben07> and there are many mods that use it's inventory-tab API.
L1522[11:59:16] <infinitefoxes_> uh
L1523[11:59:33] <infinitefoxes_> I don't replace the inventory
L1524[11:59:37] <diesieben07> then what?
L1525[11:59:41] <infinitefoxes_> see the tabs at top
L1526[11:59:59] <infinitefoxes_> They're two seperate GUIs
L1527[12:00:07] <diesieben07> not opened with e then?
L1528[12:00:21] <infinitefoxes_> yup
L1529[12:00:32] <diesieben07> ah, sorry. i misunderstood then.
L1530[12:00:46] <diesieben07> so what exactly is your issue now?
L1531[12:01:14] <infinitefoxes_> when I clear my inventory upon death, the client is never notified of it
L1532[12:01:54] <masa> do you clear it before the player dies? where is the inventoru stored?
L1533[12:01:57] <diesieben07> how is your IInventory attached?
L1534[12:02:01] <diesieben07> to the player?
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L1536[12:02:43] <infinitefoxes_> masa: I clear it when EntityLivingDeath is fired
L1537[12:03:03] <diesieben07> if you are using IExtendedEntityProperties (wich you should) you should not have to do that manually.
L1538[12:03:11] <diesieben07> since IEEPs vanish on death by defult
L1539[12:03:23] <PaleoCrafter> capabilities would be an option too, nowadays :P
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L1541[12:03:57] <masa> and does someone actually know how to use those?
L1542[12:04:07] <diesieben07> Yes
L1543[12:04:09] <diesieben07> it is not that hard :P
L1544[12:04:18] <sham1> umn, yes
L1545[12:04:21] <sham1> it is
L1546[12:04:26] <diesieben07> what? no :D
L1547[12:04:29] <masa> well I haven't even looked to be honest
L1548[12:04:30] <PaleoCrafter> it's a little convoluted
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L1550[12:04:48] <diesieben07> things can have Capabilities.
L1551[12:04:57] <diesieben07> you can attach new ones using the attach event
L1552[12:05:14] <PaleoCrafter> (or directly in the object if you own it)
L1553[12:05:26] <diesieben07> yea
L1554[12:05:34] <lha97> Hello everyone, I have some trouble with forge in my dev environement. As far as it looks like the player that is reliable for an explosion does not get damaged by the explosion. Same issue with vanilla TNT. Is it a vanilla thing or a forge thing?
L1555[12:05:46] <PaleoCrafter> https://github.com/PaleoCrafter/Allomancy/blob/feature/entity-component-system/src/main/java/de/mineformers/investiture/allomancy/impl/CapabilityHandler.java this is an example for using caps for a player
L1556[12:05:49] <diesieben07> your Capability is defined by a Capability<T> object
L1557[12:06:01] <diesieben07> where T is the type of the actual Capability instance
L1558[12:06:09] <diesieben07> and the Capability object is the identifier
L1559[12:07:21] <lha97> forgot to add that I am running minecraft 1.8 in the dev environement, might be helpful
L1560[12:07:27] <PaleoCrafter> imo it's a little counter-intuitive that the provider has to implement INBTSerializable, not the actual implementation
L1561[12:07:49] <PaleoCrafter> lha97, test it in vanilla
L1562[12:08:46] <diesieben07> PaleoCrafter, uhm... what?
L1563[12:08:56] <diesieben07> actually nvm
L1564[12:09:00] <PaleoCrafter> :P
L1565[12:09:36] <infinitefoxes_> I'm using something similar, but not Forge's impl
L1566[12:09:40] <infinitefoxes_> one sec
L1567[12:10:20] <infinitefoxes_> https://github.com/gildedgames/gilded-games-util/tree/forge-1.8.8/src/main/java/com/gildedgames/util/player
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L1569[12:10:57] <infinitefoxes_> But, from what I can tell, it's similar to Forge's
L1570[12:11:31] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1571[12:12:13] * diesieben07 cringes hard
L1572[12:12:36] <PaleoCrafter> amazing
L1573[12:13:02] <sham1> what is the cringe
L1574[12:14:01] <PaleoCrafter> > SidedObject
L1575[12:14:29] <sham1> Oh god
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L1577[12:15:04] <sham1> Just why
L1578[12:15:33] <diesieben07> "Let's write fancy enterprise-grade Java!"
L1579[12:15:41] <williewillus> oh yeah I tried porting that
L1580[12:15:43] <williewillus> i noped out
L1581[12:15:45] <williewillus> ;p
L1582[12:15:48] <sham1> my youtube video crached that
L1583[12:16:01] <sham1> Even my youtube player did not agree with this design choise
L1584[12:16:38] <sham1> And my youtube player is very tolerant concidering it is mine
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L1587[12:25:08] <PaleoCrafter> https://github.com/gildedgames/gilded-games-util/tree/forge-1.8.8/src/main/java/com/gildedgames/util/world why would you abstract away worlds and then use MC's internal types anyway?
L1588[12:25:30] <williewillus> don't question it ;p
L1589[12:26:41] <diesieben07> it has fancy names, ok? :D
L1590[12:28:42] <infinitefoxes_> sorry
L1591[12:28:57] <infinitefoxes_> I get it can be super needlessly complex
L1592[12:29:09] <infinitefoxes_> I didn't write it
L1593[12:29:22] <diesieben07> all you need is implement IExtendedEntityProperties :D
L1594[12:29:25] <williewillus> as is the case with most util mods, in my opinion :p
L1595[12:29:36] * diesieben07 hopes that does not apply to his
L1596[12:29:53] <PaleoCrafter> yours is awesome, diesieben07 :P
L1597[12:29:59] <diesieben07> tihihi
L1598[12:30:02] <PaleoCrafter> at least API wise ;)
L1599[12:30:07] <williewillus> :P
L1600[12:30:11] <sham1> Well this person *IS* diesieb
L1601[12:30:17] <sham1> The ultimate guide person of this channel
L1602[12:30:18] <diesieben07> yeah i for some reason like writing javadocs.
L1603[12:30:49] <williewillus> It's probably just me but I just cringe when I see a new modder immediately start prematurely extracting things into their useless core lib which just adds another dep jar
L1604[12:30:58] <PaleoCrafter> yet another proof that you are in fact not human
L1605[12:31:01] <diesieben07> that is true.
L1606[12:31:09] <diesieben07> to both of you
L1607[12:31:11] <Nitrodev> willie i have no idea what you just said
L1608[12:31:44] <sham1> williewillus, we've all been there though
L1609[12:31:50] <williewillus> New modders that love to immediately split their mod into two: <name>Core, and <actualnameofmod>
L1610[12:31:59] <williewillus> yeah xD
L1611[12:32:13] <PaleoCrafter> the first thing I did as new modder was writing an actual GUI system xD
L1612[12:32:43] <williewillus> the first thing I did as a new modder was coremod, no kidding. 0/10 would not do again
L1613[12:32:59] <infinitefoxes_> that util project has been around for a long while
L1614[12:33:13] <gigaherz> the first thing I did..... try to figure out how to setup forge back on the days before gradle
L1615[12:33:14] <gigaherz> ;P
L1616[12:33:19] <PaleoCrafter> hehe
L1617[12:33:22] <infinitefoxes_> before IExtebdedEntity whatever was added, iirc
L1618[12:33:27] <gigaherz> myfirst achievement was get a working dev environment
L1619[12:33:29] <gigaherz> XD
L1620[12:33:47] <williewillus> yeah legacy code is hard :p
L1621[12:33:51] <williewillus> AM2 still has ASM to strip thaumcraft interfaces off its items
L1622[12:33:57] <williewillus> even though @OPtional has been a thing for years
L1623[12:34:08] <sham1> wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
L1624[12:34:08] <gigaherz> I started my magic mod in 1.4.7
L1625[12:34:18] <sham1> God damn it wrong window
L1626[12:34:29] <PaleoCrafter> I'm kinda glad that I only real got into modding in 1.5 :D
L1627[12:34:32] <gigaherz> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOTSOoNt9q8
L1628[12:34:36] <gigaherz> that's how the staff looked back then!
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L1630[12:34:52] <sham1> Still better than what I can do
L1631[12:35:00] <PaleoCrafter> still more impressive than 1.8, hurr durr
L1632[12:35:18] <gigaherz> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y62y5mhrak4
L1633[12:35:22] <gigaherz> then I added some animation
L1634[12:35:55] <williewillus> how did you even render that back in the day
L1635[12:36:03] <gigaherz> IItemRenderer
L1636[12:36:08] <williewillus> how old are those?
L1637[12:36:10] <Nitrodev> i didnt do core mods
L1638[12:36:18] <Nitrodev> i kind of thought they woul d be hard
L1639[12:36:23] <gigaherz> ?
L1640[12:36:34] <williewillus> Nitrodev: do you mean util "core" mods or ASM "coremods"?
L1641[12:36:45] <williewillus> i was asking how long IItemRenderer has existed
L1642[12:36:51] <PaleoCrafter> Nitrodev, you're still in the beginner stage, I'd say :P
L1643[12:36:54] <williewillus> I've actually only done real rendering work in 1.8
L1644[12:37:04] <gigaherz> IItemRenderer was like a TESR but for itemstacks
L1645[12:37:05] <williewillus> I have looked at ISBRH's and noped out though
L1646[12:37:13] <gigaherz> you'd draw using opengl
L1647[12:37:13] <williewillus> and RenderBlocks in 1.7
L1648[12:37:13] <Nitrodev> PaleoCrafter, i know
L1649[12:37:17] <gigaherz> or tesellator
L1650[12:37:35] <gigaherz> that's why people are so annoyed at 1.8 rendering
L1651[12:37:46] <gigaherz> it went from being able to draw *anything* as an item
L1652[12:37:49] <gigaherz> to just satic models
L1653[12:37:56] <gigaherz> static
L1654[12:38:38] <williewillus> :P
L1655[12:38:54] <williewillus> still gotta figure out how to stuff an ASM into an ItemStack to use the AnimationAPI on the lexicon
L1656[12:38:54] <gigaherz> and I partially a gree with that
L1657[12:39:02] <williewillus> i'm 95% sure it's possible
L1658[12:39:04] <williewillus> but no time
L1659[12:39:08] <gigaherz> things like the botania book were straightforward
L1660[12:39:49] <williewillus> one might argue itll be saner after I finish it, theoretically one could change the model as well as the animation it makes when opening
L1661[12:39:50] <PaleoCrafter> hm, I can't seem to find the repository where I used GMCP :/
L1662[12:39:51] <williewillus> using just a respack
L1663[12:40:12] <williewillus> the animations are defined in Json and can be overridden using RP's
L1664[12:40:32] <gigaherz> as much as I like the model system
L1665[12:40:44] <gigaherz> I do believe the lack of customized item rendering is a big loss
L1666[12:40:48] <sham1> Who was talking about someone making turing-complete JSON
L1667[12:40:54] <sham1> I remember that being a thing
L1668[12:40:57] <williewillus> mojang is
L1669[12:41:00] <williewillus> lol
L1670[12:41:00] <gigaherz> but it's for the best, it avoids crappy moders misusing the feature
L1671[12:41:23] <PaleoCrafter> sham1, the article was taken down
L1672[12:41:32] <sham1> d'aww
L1673[12:42:07] <sham1> it would be interesting AND stupid
L1674[12:42:07] <gigaherz> https://medium.com/@wircho/rel-chapter-1-907ff616bf80#.h8blop8fp
L1675[12:42:09] <PaleoCrafter> there is, however, this image left : https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1200/1*MKOG-aKAAbMq4lACKA6qvg.png
L1676[12:42:11] <gigaherz> there's still some of those
L1677[12:42:11] <gigaherz> XD
L1678[12:42:27] <gigaherz> wait it's gone nm
L1679[12:42:36] <williewillus> either way the ability to replace block shapes is great, I just hope people start making use of it. I want to but I can't model for shit
L1680[12:42:44] <Nitrodev> PaleoCrafter, what language is that?
L1681[12:42:48] <Nitrodev> besides english
L1682[12:42:55] <PaleoCrafter> JSON turned into a programming language
L1683[12:42:57] <sham1> JSON
L1684[12:42:58] <williewillus> lol
L1685[12:42:59] <sham1> Ye
L1686[12:43:03] <Nitrodev> Oh
L1687[12:43:07] <Nitrodev> interesting
L1688[12:43:10] <sham1> Now imagine that being XML
L1689[12:43:11] <PaleoCrafter> sham1, did you know that Scala's type system is turing complete? :P
L1690[12:43:32] <gigaherz> sham1: there ARE things like that
L1691[12:43:36] <gigaherz> using xml in an executable way
L1692[12:43:36] <sham1> I just assume everything we use in computer science is or has been turing complete at some point
L1693[12:43:40] <gigaherz> it's less bad than it sounds
L1694[12:43:41] <gigaherz> XD
L1695[12:43:47] <gigaherz> <program name="">
L1696[12:43:53] <gigaherz> <class></class>
L1697[12:43:58] <gigaherz> <method></method>
L1698[12:44:05] <PaleoCrafter> yeah, programming in XML would still be kind of reasonable, I think
L1699[12:44:09] <gigaherz> it gets ugly when you get into expressions
L1700[12:44:21] <williewillus> command blocks are turing complete right? I don't remember if they were or just close
L1701[12:44:45] <sham1> Well, you would get nice lexers for your XML-based programming languages
L1702[12:44:52] <sham1> Seeing as there are so many parsers
L1703[12:45:44] <sham1> Well MC could propably be very turing completable seeing as you have a lot of space for your tape
L1704[12:45:47] <gigaherz> <set target="a"><add><value ref="b"/><call "c" arg1="d" /></add></set>
L1705[12:45:53] <diesieben07> williewillus, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4e7PjRygt0
L1706[12:46:22] <Nitrodev> turing?
L1707[12:46:29] <williewillus> wow :p
L1708[12:46:36] <PaleoCrafter> considering you can place redstone (which is Turing complete), command blocks are also Turing complete ;)
L1709[12:46:41] <gigaherz> Nitrodev: turing-complete means that it can run any program that a turing machine can run
L1710[12:46:46] <williewillus> Nitrodev: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turing_completeness
L1711[12:46:54] <sham1> Alan Turing
L1712[12:47:08] <sham1> basically the father of the modern computer science
L1713[12:47:30] <Nitrodev> isnt he the inventor of the turing test?
L1714[12:47:38] <williewillus> probably
L1715[12:47:39] <sham1> same man
L1716[12:47:41] <williewillus> ;p
L1717[12:47:43] <Nitrodev> ah
L1718[12:47:43] <gigaherz> turing test was a thought experiment
L1719[12:47:55] <Nitrodev> testing if a robot could be a human
L1720[12:48:01] <gigaherz> it's funny how people actually try to use it IRL
L1721[12:48:02] <Nitrodev> or act like one rather
L1722[12:48:06] <sham1> Thus being contenplated in philosophy class
L1723[12:48:08] <williewillus> I wonder how bad the lag is in that BASIC world
L1724[12:48:11] <gigaherz> while it was NEVEr meant to be used that way
L1725[12:48:15] <williewillus> since he doesnt use the 1.9 command blocks
L1726[12:48:22] <sham1> Same with schrödinger's cat
L1727[12:48:23] *** AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L1728[12:48:33] <gigaherz> yep
L1729[12:48:58] <diesieben07> williewillus, he mentiones it at the end. it gets horrible, becuase he has tons and tons of armorstands
L1730[12:49:29] <sham1> Armourstands, the modifiable NBT storage of the command block world
L1731[12:49:37] <diesieben07> :D
L1732[12:49:55] <sham1> Can also be used to store armours
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L1735[12:52:25] <PaleoCrafter> http://beza1e1.tuxen.de/articles/accidentally_turing_complete.html
L1736[12:53:12] <sham1> "Magic the Gathering"
L1737[12:53:14] <sham1> Ok, I quit
L1738[12:53:29] <williewillus> lol
L1739[12:54:16] <diesieben07> haha
L1740[12:54:19] <diesieben07> "sendmail config"
L1741[12:54:25] <sham1> And apparently CSS+HTML5
L1742[12:54:42] <sham1> Not so far from turing complete XML after all
L1743[12:54:53] <diesieben07> meh, quite a ways
L1744[12:55:01] <diesieben07> since all the "magic" lies in the CSS
L1745[12:55:25] <LatvianModder> Did I miss a rant about rendering things in 1.8? Darn
L1746[12:55:45] <sham1> Nothing's stopping you of using CSS with any arbitrary XML file ;P
L1747[12:56:04] <gigaherz> but if you use xml, you may want to use xslt instead?
L1748[12:56:21] <williewillus> LatvianModder: not really
L1749[12:56:40] <Nitrodev> pokemon...
L1750[12:56:42] <Nitrodev> wtf
L1751[12:56:50] *** Darkhax_AFK is now known as Darkhax
L1752[12:56:57] <sham1> Pokémon Yellow
L1753[12:57:01] <LatvianModder> Nitrodev: you are playing PocketMorty too?
L1754[12:57:04] <LatvianModder> :P
L1755[12:57:12] <sham1> Turing completeness
L1756[12:57:23] ⇨ Joins: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-203-206.access.telenet.be)
L1757[12:57:30] <Nitrodev> the what?
L1758[12:57:31] <gigaherz> LatvianModder: how much money have you spent on that game so far?
L1759[12:57:45] <gigaherz> I heard the game gets impossible without microtransactions
L1760[12:57:48] <sham1> You can show the Twitch chat inside Pokémon Yellow
L1761[12:58:22] <sham1> Also, something about Scala type system
L1762[12:58:24] <PaleoCrafter> I'm supposed to do French homework, instead I'm watching a MIDI player "programmed" in Pokémon Yellow
L1763[12:58:34] <sham1> "French"
L1764[12:58:50] <PaleoCrafter> eh, that accent on Pokémon has to suffice xD
L1765[12:59:24] <sham1> why French
L1766[12:59:32] <williewillus> who was it that got kotlin to run in modded?
L1767[12:59:59] <PaleoCrafter> sham1, why not? :P
L1768[13:00:08] <PaleoCrafter> modmuss50, I think, williewillus
L1769[13:00:17] <PaleoCrafter> (sorry for the ping :P)
L1770[13:01:10] <sham1> Also, mediawiki templates
L1771[13:01:11] <sham1> Jeez
L1772[13:01:30] <PaleoCrafter> that isn't quite as surprising, I think
L1773[13:01:45] <williewillus> modmuss50: how'd you include the kotlin library in the build?
L1774[13:02:03] <modmuss50> one sec let me grab a link, it was a pain
L1775[13:02:05] <sham1> He propably had it a dependency
L1776[13:02:10] <LatvianModder> gigaherz: none. Im a pro :D
L1777[13:02:31] <williewillus> sham1: but gradle eneds to know how to compile it and all that as well
L1778[13:02:36] <modmuss50> https://github.com/modmuss50/Fluxed-Redstone/blob/master/build.gradle it also moves the kotlin package to allow other mods to use kotlin
L1779[13:03:02] <LatvianModder> Boooo. Why use something like that when you can.. not? :P
L1780[13:03:14] <PaleoCrafter> any word on if/when Kotlin will compile to Java 8 bytecode?
L1781[13:03:27] <modmuss50> It also includes forgelin
L1782[13:03:39] <sham1> LatvianModder, because some people like other languages
L1783[13:03:59] <modmuss50> I used it so I could give it a test and see what is like
L1784[13:04:08] <williewillus> i was just wondering, because the clojure library is also just one jar :p
L1785[13:04:23] <sham1> I wonder how many JARs Frege is...
L1786[13:05:09] <sham1> Assuming I could even get it work as it seems like it does not have classes
L1787[13:05:12] <PaleoCrafter> one? :P
L1788[13:05:16] <sham1> I the way that would be required
L1789[13:05:46] <PaleoCrafter> Frege's Prelude is probably one JaR
L1790[13:05:58] *** Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L1791[13:06:08] <sham1> Most likely
L1792[13:06:32] *** Mraoffle is now known as Mraof
L1793[13:06:59] <sham1> because having something haskell in the JVM to rival Clojure and Scala is always a good thing
L1794[13:07:18] <williewillus> i thought haskell wasn't feasible on jvm
L1795[13:07:19] <PaleoCrafter> nah, they have different scopes :P
L1796[13:07:37] <sham1> Well Frege is not a straight port
L1797[13:07:47] <sham1> More like something that was influenced by haskell
L1798[13:07:59] <sham1> So much that is has almost identical syntax but whatever
L1799[13:08:29] <PaleoCrafter> does Frege have any Java interop whatsoever? :D
L1800[13:08:35] <sham1> Yes
L1801[13:08:44] <sham1> https://github.com/Frege/frege/wiki/Calling-Frege-Code-from-Java
L1802[13:08:49] <sham1> And other way around
L1803[13:09:44] <sham1> Altough... data Integer = native java.math.BigInteger where
L1804[13:09:44] <sham1> pure native abs :: Integer -> Integer
L1805[13:09:44] <sham1> pure native negate :: Integer -> Integer
L1806[13:09:44] <sham1> pure native valueOf java.math.BigInteger.valueOf :: Long -> Integer
L1807[13:09:57] <sham1> That is kinda annoying
L1808[13:10:17] <williewillus> wat :D
L1809[13:10:31] <sham1> A typeclass
L1810[13:10:59] <sham1> not even
L1811[13:11:03] <PaleoCrafter> I need to dive back into Haskell, but I don't really want to do so without any real application :/
L1812[13:11:27] <PaleoCrafter> just a data type? :P
L1813[13:11:34] <williewillus> I want to get good at clojure :p
L1814[13:11:35] <sham1> ye
L1815[13:11:39] <sham1> Got mixed up
L1816[13:11:48] <sham1> I just want to try new languages and experiences
L1817[13:11:55] <sham1> I tried some lisp
L1818[13:12:11] <gigaherz> I prefer to design languages and such
L1819[13:12:16] <gigaherz> then I can decide they are bad ;p
L1820[13:12:20] *** AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L1821[13:12:44] <sham1> Well I also have a "own language" under construction
L1822[13:12:50] <sham1> As something to experiment with
L1823[13:12:53] <sham1> Like with everything else
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L1828[13:15:59] <williewillus> problem with clojure: all the good editing plugins are in emacs not vim >.>
L1829[13:17:16] <Ivorius> > emacs
L1830[13:17:19] <sham1> Well Emacs is more lisp oriented
L1831[13:17:21] <Ivorius> > vim
L1832[13:17:26] <sham1> Speaking of Vim
L1833[13:17:31] <sham1> I am trying to learn it
L1834[13:17:45] <sham1> and just installed vimium
L1835[13:17:47] <Ivorius> sham1: http://vim-adventures.com
L1836[13:17:50] <Ivorius> Use this
L1837[13:17:58] <williewillus> cVim is a better chrome plugin than vimium imo
L1838[13:18:27] <Ivorius> Also it's not worth it :P
L1839[13:18:54] <Ivorius> vim is most useful at making the dev feel important and skilled
L1840[13:19:01] <Nitrodev> i wonder how hard it would be to learn two programming languages at once
L1841[13:19:03] <Ivorius> Which I guess has its own merits, but I'd rather program fast
L1842[13:19:10] <williewillus> Nitrodev: depends on what the two are
L1843[13:19:18] <Ivorius> Depends entirely on your skill level Nitrodev
L1844[13:19:22] <Nitrodev> java and that what Ivorius meantioned
L1845[13:19:27] <Nitrodev> well
L1846[13:19:40] ⇦ Quits: poiuy_qwert (~poiuy_qwe@ (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
L1847[13:19:42] <Nitrodev> i've been programming since 2014
L1848[13:19:43] <Ivorius> vim is not a language
L1849[13:19:43] <sham1> did Ivorius mention a programming language?
L1850[13:19:45] <Ivorius> It's a text editor :P
L1851[13:19:50] <Nitrodev> but it's been on and off programming
L1852[13:19:54] <Ivorius> Focus on one thing at once then
L1853[13:19:57] <Nitrodev> oh
L1854[13:20:28] <Ivorius> vim and emacs are mostly obsolete now
L1855[13:20:36] <Ivorius> But they were big once and have tons of plugins
L1856[13:20:42] <Ivorius> And the followers are fanatics :P
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L1858[13:21:22] <williewillus> :p
L1859[13:21:49] <williewillus> not a fanatic, but not having to use your mouse like ever is really great
L1860[13:22:01] <williewillus> I haven't touched my mouse once since I sat down about an hour ago
L1861[13:22:19] <Ivorius> What's a mouse
L1862[13:22:21] <Nitrodev> what?
L1863[13:22:30] <Nitrodev> is that even possible?
L1864[13:22:36] <williewillus> yes
L1865[13:22:38] <Ivorius> I swear touchpads are better for working
L1866[13:22:44] <williewillus> touchpads are terrible
L1867[13:22:48] <Ivorius> haha
L1868[13:22:52] <Ivorius> Say that to my face
L1869[13:22:58] <McJty> I hate touchpads...
L1870[13:23:01] <McJty> Give me a mouse any day :-)
L1871[13:23:02] <Ivorius> And notice how I won't do anything
L1872[13:23:04] <williewillus> Nitrodev: tiling window manager like i3 + cVim
L1873[13:23:05] <Ivorius> Because Idgaf :P
L1874[13:23:06] <sham1> touchpads are impresise
L1875[13:23:11] <Ivorius> lol
L1876[13:23:14] <williewillus> all I need is a vim plugin for IDEA
L1877[13:23:15] <Ivorius> shrug
L1878[13:23:17] <williewillus> but haven't found a nice one yet
L1879[13:23:21] <Ivorius> I'm the one saving time so
L1880[13:23:22] <Ivorius> Whatever
L1881[13:23:33] <Ivorius> Any advantage I can get as a programmer over my competition :P
L1882[13:23:36] <diesieben07> for scrolling they are nice :)
L1883[13:23:43] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L1884[13:23:45] <diesieben07> on a webpage that is
L1885[13:23:52] <Mraof> I have a vim plugin for IDEA
L1886[13:23:57] <diesieben07> or rather, small scroll amounts
L1887[13:24:07] <williewillus> Mraof: how well does it work?
L1888[13:24:11] <Mraof> Pretty well
L1889[13:24:16] <Ivorius> Touchpads are horrible at most games
L1890[13:24:21] <Ivorius> But amazing for working
L1891[13:24:25] <Mraof> It has some flaws, but it's good enough
L1892[13:24:30] <diesieben07> not for all types of work
L1893[13:24:41] <Ivorius> Like? :P
L1894[13:24:44] <diesieben07> but anything typing intensive: yes.
L1895[13:24:56] <diesieben07> but you wouldn't want to operate photoshop or inkscape or X with a touchpad
L1896[13:24:56] <McJty> Well when I mod I usually work with GIMP and Blender too
L1897[13:24:59] <McJty> Try doing those with a touchpad
L1898[13:25:11] <Ivorius> No, I have a graphics pad for that :P
L1899[13:25:27] <Ivorius> Mice are shit at drawing too
L1900[13:25:27] <Ivorius> so
L1901[13:25:28] <diesieben07> not everyone is a spoiled brat ok? :P
L1902[13:25:32] <diesieben07> /s
L1903[13:25:37] ⇨ Joins: MattDahEpic (~MattDahEp@184-96-202-173.hlrn.qwest.net)
L1904[13:25:44] <Ivorius> Nevermind the fact I bought it from the money I earned programming
L1905[13:25:53] * diesieben07 was joking
L1906[13:25:56] <MattDahEpic> is there a callback for when a sound finishes playing?
L1907[13:26:07] <Ivorius> Yeah, but not everyone might be aware
L1908[13:26:14] <diesieben07> what for matt?
L1909[13:26:19] <Ivorius> And I'm very invested in the opinions of random 16 years olds over the internet :P
L1910[13:26:34] <MattDahEpic> diesieben07, i have a long sound and i want to move the player when the sound finishes
L1911[13:26:51] <PaleoCrafter> isn't it common sense that all Mac users are spoiled brats no matter what? :P
L1912[13:27:01] <Ivorius> /kick PaleoCrafter
L1913[13:27:12] <MattDahEpic> and that everyone who drives a bmw cant use a turn signal?
L1914[13:27:29] <Nitrodev> my teacher drives one
L1915[13:27:32] <Nitrodev> and he uses it
L1916[13:27:47] <sham1> Hmm
L1917[13:27:57] <Isi> "What's a turn signal?" - Every BMW driver ever
L1918[13:28:05] <sham1> Apparently I cannot click on youtube videos without my mouce...
L1919[13:28:08] <sham1> meh
L1920[13:28:29] <PaleoCrafter> love you too, Ivorius <3
L1921[13:28:30] <williewillus> it annoys me when websites are coded strangely and cVim's hinting doesn't work on them
L1922[13:28:39] <diesieben07> MattDahEpic, use a counter for that, because well, moving the player is serverside anyways.
L1923[13:28:51] <williewillus> then I have to use the inferior mouse to CLICK it what a foreign idea
L1924[13:28:54] <williewillus> ;P
L1925[13:29:09] <diesieben07> you could use an ITickableSound and check isSoundPlaying every tick, but then you'd have to trust the client in when to teleport
L1926[13:29:12] <sham1> I can use cVim after I have opened the youtube video
L1927[13:29:24] <sham1> But I cannot activate the video without using the mouse
L1928[13:29:41] <MattDahEpic> diesieben07, hmm i already have an ITickableSound
L1929[13:30:02] <diesieben07> and also
L1930[13:30:05] <diesieben07> what if the sound is off
L1931[13:30:10] <diesieben07> then the sound is not played at all
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L1940[14:03:55] <masa> so can I set properties in the "regular" BlockState that are not touched by getMetaFromState/getStateFromMeta but only by getActualState?
L1941[14:04:19] <masa> or I guess I even have to set them if I want them available?
L1942[14:04:32] <masa> or how did those IUnlistedProperties work exavtly?
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L1944[14:06:38] <diesieben07> you set them in getActualState
L1945[14:06:57] <diesieben07> it is called with the state as decoded by getMetaFromState to be "enhanced" with additional data, such as fence connectinos
L1946[14:07:10] <masa> but do they need to be in the BlockState?
L1947[14:07:17] <diesieben07> yes.
L1948[14:07:29] <masa> I can't just call withProperty without them being there righ? yeah ok
L1949[14:07:35] <diesieben07> yes.
L1950[14:07:44] <diesieben07> extended state / unlisted properties is for rendering only. an unlisted property is the same as a normal properties but their values are not enumerated
L1951[14:07:49] <diesieben07> so you can put any objec tin
L1952[14:08:58] <sham1> This is bloody amazing
L1953[14:09:05] ⇦ Quits: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1954[14:10:34] <masa> so even unlisted properties go in the BlockState initially then?
L1955[14:11:03] <masa> hmm, does JEI not show stuff based on the getSubBlocks()?
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L1957[14:11:22] <masa> or does it omit broken modeled items with sub blocks
L1958[14:11:41] <diesieben07> Yes, they do
L1959[14:11:49] <diesieben07> but you have to use ExtendedBlockState
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L1961[14:12:06] *** Mine|dreamland is now known as minecreatr
L1962[14:12:21] <gigaherz> everything that the blockstate may contain, goes on the createBlockState
L1963[14:12:37] <masa> ok
L1964[14:12:48] <gigaherz> normal properties with "new BlockState", unlisted ones with "new ExtendedBlockState"
L1965[14:13:19] *** V is now known as Vigaro
L1966[14:13:28] <Wuppy> pink cookies really are the bestest cookies <3
L1967[14:14:13] ⇨ Joins: AforAnonymous (bitch2k@dyn-042-184.vix1.mmc.at)
L1968[14:14:15] <Wuppy> for reference: https://www.google.nl/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjJy5u3sNfKAhVIpw4KHfQyCPYQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fkelly1997.plazilla.com%2Fpage%2F4295010524%2Froze-koeken&psig=AFQjCNG5IyWGuYTWAkciz0ydwTgJEs_sNA&ust=1454444034343789
L1969[14:14:22] <Wuppy> because non-dutchies dont know this
L1970[14:15:35] <PaleoCrafter> appears to be the same as this (definitely a thing in Germany): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_and_white_cookie =
L1971[14:15:37] <PaleoCrafter> ?
L1972[14:15:48] <Flenix> wait... you call cakes cookies over there? That's weird coz Americans call biscuits cookies, you call cakes cookies and we call soft large biscuits cookies... What really IS a cookie o.o
L1973[14:16:36] <Wuppy> PaleoCrafter, nope, we have that as well
L1974[14:16:50] <Wuppy> these taste a bit like strawberry
L1975[14:16:58] <gigaherz> Flenix: a cookie is "a sweet biscuit" based on google
L1976[14:16:58] <PaleoCrafter> well, just a different topping :P
L1977[14:17:11] *** Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L1978[14:17:19] <Wuppy> the topping is what makes the cookie though
L1979[14:18:36] <gigaherz> it's funny because the one word we translate from spanish into "cookie"
L1980[14:18:45] <gigaherz> is the kind that non-american english calls "biscuit"
L1981[14:18:48] <Flenix> Huh. here, all biscuits are sweet, cookies are specifically soft. Either that or we're all eating certain types of people ;)
L1982[14:18:59] <gigaherz> Flenix: see
L1983[14:19:03] <gigaherz> that's what I meant
L1984[14:19:13] <gigaherz> the word in spanish we translate to mean "cookie" is "galleta"
L1985[14:19:18] <gigaherz> which specifically refers to the hard kind
L1986[14:19:30] <Flenix> Odd... what do you call the soft kind then?
L1987[14:19:31] <Wuppy> in dutch we have "galletten" which are a specific kind of hard cookie, they are awesome
L1988[14:19:37] <gigaherz> depends
L1989[14:19:40] <gigaherz> but not galleta
L1990[14:19:41] <gigaherz> ;p
L1991[14:19:45] <Wuppy> we can everythings cookies
L1992[14:19:52] <PaleoCrafter> in German, it sort of is the other way around, a cookie is the crispy variant while a biscuit is a bit softer
L1993[14:19:57] <Wuppy> it's only a cake when it's a log-shaped thing
L1994[14:20:21] <gigaherz> but the word "bizcocho"
L1995[14:20:25] <gigaherz> which is the closest to biscuit
L1996[14:20:32] <Flenix> Most "cakes" here are round, but usually quite big. What you originally linked wuppy we'd call a fairy cake
L1997[14:20:36] <gigaherz> refers to the soft stuff you use to make cakes
L1998[14:21:23] <Wuppy> this is a cake for us: https://www.google.nl/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiG1YmDstfKAhXFJA8KHUxgCtEQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fcakerecept.eu%2F&bvm=bv.113034660,d.ZWU&psig=AFQjCNHFMq-KAR341u3R0HEctrnUtfdF5A&ust=1454444467056103
L1999[14:21:24] <gigaherz> https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bizcochuelo
L2000[14:21:45] <PaleoCrafter> yeah, that'd be biscuit here as well, gigaherz
L2001[14:22:15] <Wuppy> and these https://www.google.nl/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjJk_uWstfKAhUFDA8KHRNiD9cQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.denoordoostpolder.nl%2Fnieuws%2F56543%2Frennen-voor-taart-luttelgeest%2F&bvm=bv.113034660,d.ZWU&psig=AFQjCNFsdgMpLy5wnmUgU1FUM8L5-MqAGQ&ust=1454444497398804
L2002[14:22:22] <Wuppy> that's a tarte
L2003[14:22:33] <Wuppy> -e
L2004[14:22:37] <gigaherz> Wuppy: stop copying links off google search results
L2005[14:22:37] <gigaherz> XD
L2006[14:22:42] <PaleoCrafter> ^
L2007[14:22:43] <Wuppy> woops
L2008[14:22:52] <gigaherz> or get a de-googler extension
L2009[14:23:03] <gigaherz> that lets you copy the actual url
L2010[14:23:05] <Wuppy> hehe that's a cool name for an extension
L2011[14:23:10] <Flenix> Oddly enough, that site asked me to accept cookies.
L2012[14:23:22] <gigaherz> accept cookies as hard biscuits
L2013[14:23:22] <gigaherz> ;P
L2014[14:23:25] <Wuppy> lol
L2015[14:23:26] <PaleoCrafter> Wuppy, you're quite efficient at derailing the channel :P
L2016[14:23:40] <Wuppy> xD I seem to do that quite often dont I
L2017[14:23:50] <Wuppy> suddenly cookies are the most important thing in Minecraft
L2018[14:24:00] <Flenix> I've got a bag downstairs fresh from the shop that says "triple chocolate cookies" on. Later tonight im'a put on whatever anime I find on netflix and eat them, but they'll basically melt in my mouth coz they're so soft :)
L2019[14:24:01] ⇦ Quits: RedBullWasTaken (~red@2-107-192-82-static.dk.customer.tdc.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L2020[14:24:05] <gigaherz> we should makeit an official term
L2021[14:24:10] <gigaherz> that when the channel goes off-topic
L2022[14:24:13] <gigaherz> we call it "wuppy-topic
L2023[14:24:20] ⇨ Joins: Drullkus (~Drullkus@
L2024[14:24:20] <Wuppy> xD I'm fine with that
L2025[14:24:21] <sham1> oh wow
L2026[14:24:37] <Wuppy> but yeah... I seem to have lost my ability to properly link shit after working 42 hours over the weekend
L2027[14:24:44] <gigaherz> Flenix: so you are eating cakes, for the rest of us ;p
L2028[14:25:07] <sham1> hmm, apparently gt switched tab
L2029[14:25:08] <sham1> Good to know
L2030[14:25:33] <PaleoCrafter> oh yeah, link me that game again, Wuppy
L2031[14:25:45] <Flenix> Suppose so :P but yeah they're like round, about the size of your hand and half an inch thick, full of chunks of chocolate and stuff and soft, but not like squidgy soft like sponge from cakes is
L2032[14:25:50] <Wuppy> PaleoCrafter, http://globalgamejam.org/2016/games/monday-man
L2033[14:26:21] <PaleoCrafter> what's an inch? :P
L2034[14:26:40] <PaleoCrafter> also, which one are you in that picture, Wuppy? :P
L2035[14:26:43] <Wuppy> yes
L2036[14:27:14] <Wuppy> there was a description given on facebook where I was "general disaporval"
L2037[14:27:20] <sham1> >inch
L2038[14:27:32] <sham1> We international here
L2039[14:27:57] <PaleoCrafter> related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7x-RGfd0Yk
L2040[14:29:20] <sham1> My brain is tyring to get out of my skull
L2041[14:29:33] <PaleoCrafter> go attend a doctor immediately
L2042[14:29:33] <masa> oh shoot, JEI doesn't have the mouse wheen scrolling slot click functionality... THIS IS A CRIME
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L2044[14:30:05] <PaleoCrafter> wat, masa?
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L2047[14:31:33] <sham1> There are people who say that the imperial units are easier for normal people
L2048[14:31:35] <sham1> I dunno
L2049[14:31:50] <sham1> That video shows how illogical it is
L2050[14:31:56] <sham1> But if illogical stuff makes sense
L2051[14:31:57] <sham1> ...
L2052[14:32:01] <PaleoCrafter> "normal" people, lol
L2053[14:32:51] <Wuppy> imperial units are bloody stupid
L2054[14:34:03] <sham1> gah
L2055[14:34:10] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-203-206.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Leaving)
L2056[14:34:11] <sham1> My instinct to press Ctrl+S
L2057[14:34:52] <Wuppy> I'm starting to get sleep headaches again :V
L2058[14:34:58] <Wuppy> really should sleep more :P
L2059[14:35:19] <PaleoCrafter> sham1, quite annoying sometimes, isn't it?
L2060[14:35:30] <sham1> indeed
L2061[14:35:31] <masa> PaleoCrafter: NEI had that where if you scroll over itemstacks, it would transfer one item into the other inventory or from the other inventory, depending on if you scroll up or down
L2062[14:35:39] <PaleoCrafter> for some reason, I don't press ctrl + s after every fucking change in blender, but I do in every other software
L2063[14:35:52] <Wuppy> heh, blender
L2064[14:36:00] <PaleoCrafter> and I have the strange ability to randomly close blender
L2065[14:36:10] <Wuppy> again, heh, blender
L2066[14:36:14] <masa> well, all my blocks/blockstate are now working I think
L2067[14:36:20] <sham1> What about blender
L2068[14:36:27] <masa> except there are still no models and textures on anything
L2069[14:36:36] <PaleoCrafter> oh that feature, I always assumed its InvTweaks xD
L2070[14:36:44] <Wuppy> why oh why blender
L2071[14:36:55] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L2072[14:37:04] <PaleoCrafter> blender is fine :P
L2073[14:37:22] <gigaherz> I find blender to be rather user-unfriendly
L2074[14:37:24] <Wuppy> maya is better
L2075[14:37:30] <gigaherz> anything beyond importing and exporting as-is, escapes me
L2076[14:37:30] <gigaherz> ;P
L2077[14:37:31] <Flenix> As giga said.
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L2079[14:37:43] <PaleoCrafter> it has a steep learning curve, yes :D
L2080[14:37:45] <Flenix> So many times in blender I've accidentally opened an interface to just scream and close blender and reopen it to get rid of it
L2081[14:37:50] <masa> oh was it invtweaks? I don't even know for sure tbh :D
L2082[14:38:00] <PaleoCrafter> I think it actually was NEI
L2083[14:38:01] <masa> let's see if it comes back with inv tweaks
L2084[14:38:06] <masa> oh ok
L2085[14:38:11] <Flenix> I've all but cut it from my modelling system now, I use sketchup instead, much easier but doesn't triangulate, so I use blender for that bit
L2086[14:38:38] <PaleoCrafter> Wuppy, not everybody has access to that, you know :P
L2087[14:38:48] <Flenix> Actually, you do
L2088[14:38:53] <Wuppy> you certainly do
L2089[14:38:53] <Flenix> Just sign up for a students license ;)
L2090[14:38:53] <gigaherz> I create the models in Rhinoceros
L2091[14:39:00] <gigaherz> it's not good for modelling
L2092[14:39:07] <gigaherz> but I don't "model" with it
L2093[14:39:11] <Wuppy> Flenix, you can get one when youre not a student?
L2094[14:39:12] <gigaherz> I construct models
L2095[14:39:15] <gigaherz> face by face
L2096[14:39:19] <Flenix> for free? Huh, didn't know that
L2097[14:39:23] <gigaherz> from polygons and wireframe
L2098[14:39:36] <Wuppy> Flenix, that was a question, not a statement
L2099[14:39:39] <Flenix> I got a student license when I used it for one lesson at uni (on a music course...) - but noticed you can put in any details and it gives you one
L2100[14:39:47] <Wuppy> :o
L2101[14:39:50] <gigaherz> you can always get things "for free"... you just haveto be less ethical about it
L2102[14:39:51] <gigaherz> ;P
L2103[14:39:52] <Flenix> It doesn't check to see if you're really a student, you just put in any university and get a 3 year license
L2104[14:39:56] <PaleoCrafter> I'm not a student yet, you know, Flenix :P
L2105[14:40:01] <Flenix> Doesn't matter ;)
L2106[14:40:07] <PaleoCrafter> oh
L2107[14:40:10] <PaleoCrafter> cool thing
L2108[14:40:15] <PaleoCrafter> but I'll stick with Blender :P
L2109[14:40:16] <Flenix> I think there's a few feature restrictions, but it won't be anything effecting anyone in minecraft
L2110[14:40:21] <Wuppy> oh yeah... Paleo is still in high school, I still cannot even :o
L2111[14:40:22] <Flenix> Blender is easier anyway, believe it or not
L2112[14:40:32] <gigaherz> wait you are not a student *yet*?
L2113[14:40:35] <Flenix> 3DS Max is quite good (and can be got in the same way) but Maya makes Blender look like techne.
L2114[14:40:37] ⇦ Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@ (Quit: Leaving.)
L2115[14:40:49] <PaleoCrafter> well, gigaherz, not a student as in attending Uni :P
L2116[14:40:56] <gigaherz> ah
L2117[14:41:04] <MattDahEpic> not a *paying* student
L2118[14:41:18] <gigaherz> because when Is tarted being student at like 3 years old
L2119[14:41:25] <gigaherz> I didn't stop being a student until I got my title
L2120[14:41:37] <MattDahEpic> the title of gigaherz
L2121[14:41:42] <MattDahEpic> :P
L2122[14:41:48] <gigaherz> informatics engineering
L2123[14:42:03] <Wuppy> I've got a while to go before mine
L2124[14:42:10] <gigaherz> just got the 200eur piece of paper the other day
L2125[14:42:27] <Wuppy> 200 euros for a piece of paper?
L2126[14:42:36] <gigaherz> well technically two pieces of paper
L2127[14:42:38] <gigaherz> one with the title
L2128[14:42:41] <MattDahEpic> inb4 last tree on earth
L2129[14:42:42] <gigaherz> and the european supplement
L2130[14:42:42] <Flenix> If that were true for me I'd be a student forever
L2131[14:42:44] <Wuppy> you had to pay that?
L2132[14:42:45] <PaleoCrafter> MattDahEpic, education's free in Germany :P
L2133[14:42:47] <Flenix> dropout ftw.
L2134[14:42:48] <gigaherz> yup
L2135[14:42:55] <Wuppy> why
L2136[14:42:56] <gigaherz> getting the actual title is expensive
L2137[14:43:01] <Wuppy> strange
L2138[14:43:02] <gigaherz> it's how it works in spain
L2139[14:43:08] <Wuppy> spain is cool though :)
L2140[14:43:16] <gigaherz> once you passed all the classes and got all the credits
L2141[14:43:29] <Wuppy> PaleoCrafter, education used to be semi-free but new studnest got fucked over bad
L2142[14:43:29] <gigaherz> you have to pay to get your title printed and signed
L2143[14:43:44] ⇦ Quits: grondag (~grondag@99-100-53-175.lightspeed.clmboh.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L2144[14:43:53] <Wuppy> it used to be 2000 a year and you'd get 300 a month if you lived in a dorm
L2145[14:43:53] <MattDahEpic> and to breathe
L2146[14:43:56] <Wuppy> now you get 0
L2147[14:44:05] <PaleoCrafter> Bavaria was the last federal state to drop the fees, iirc
L2148[14:44:07] <Wuppy> but I still get the 300 \o/
L2149[14:44:22] <gigaherz> for me it was like 1000/year, publish university
L2150[14:44:26] <gigaherz> public*
L2151[14:44:28] <gigaherz> but
L2152[14:44:32] <gigaherz> it's not measured "per year"
L2153[14:44:33] <Wuppy> otherwise I'd be unable to live though
L2154[14:44:36] <PaleoCrafter> I probably won't get any money, my parents earn too much ...
L2155[14:44:41] <gigaherz> each class has a number of credits assigned to it
L2156[14:44:48] <gigaherz> and the price is per credit
L2157[14:45:05] <gigaherz> and that price changes depending on how many times you fail
L2158[14:45:10] <Wuppy> interesting system :o
L2159[14:45:19] <gigaherz> first time, the government pays up to 80%
L2160[14:45:34] <gigaherz> third time, the government pays nothing
L2161[14:45:36] <MattDahEpic> so if you're taking more than one class at a time it costs more to live there?
L2162[14:45:43] <Wuppy> they should do that here
L2163[14:45:56] <gigaherz> so it can be up to 6000/year if you suck at it
L2164[14:45:57] <gigaherz> XD
L2165[14:46:31] <gigaherz> MattDahEpic: that's just for taking the classes, living in a dorm is extra
L2166[14:46:47] <gigaherz> most people rent a flat nearby
L2167[14:46:53] <gigaherz> it's more cost-effective if you share it
L2168[14:47:02] <PaleoCrafter> apparently "long-time" students have to pay 500€+ in some federal states here
L2169[14:47:40] <MattDahEpic> the parent's basement of college?
L2170[14:47:42] <PaleoCrafter> education is such a mess in Germany :/
L2171[14:47:45] <Wuppy> shit.... I installed a font a few days ago and forgot its name
L2172[14:47:59] <PaleoCrafter> Wuppy, take a look at your download history? :P
L2173[14:48:01] <Wuppy> reinstalled my pc and can't find it anymore
L2174[14:48:03] ⇦ Quits: Elec332 (~Elec332@ip5456d4a5.speed.planet.nl) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L2175[14:48:17] <Wuppy> PaleoCrafter, I've downloaded 200+GB today
L2176[14:48:32] <LatvianModder> Wuppy: and idea if its possible to get client's modlist from server side?
L2177[14:49:42] <PaleoCrafter> oh lol
L2178[14:50:44] <Wuppy> woohoo foun d it
L2179[14:51:24] <Wuppy> Anonymous Pro is a great font
L2180[14:51:45] ⇦ Quits: Delaxarnyazer (~Delaxarny@ip56572345.direct-adsl.nl) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L2182[14:57:36] <PaleoCrafter> LatvianModder, I don't think FML stores the mod list anywhere
L2183[14:59:10] <MattDahEpic> PaleoCrafter, Loader.instance().getModList() ?
L2184[14:59:17] <PaleoCrafter> that's client-side
L2185[14:59:18] <diesieben07> that is serverside
L2186[14:59:28] <MattDahEpic> which is it
L2187[14:59:31] <diesieben07> or rather it gives the list for whatever physical side you are on
L2188[14:59:34] <PaleoCrafter> ^
L2189[15:00:05] <PaleoCrafter> you *could* in theory store your own player -> mod list map in a NetworkCheckHandler if you get a hold of the NetworkDispatcher
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L2191[15:00:29] <diesieben07> i have poked the code before for like 20 minutes, i dont think there is a way to get to the dispatcher in the NCH
L2192[15:00:45] <PaleoCrafter> yeah, I don't see anything as well
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L2194[15:03:35] <tterrag|phone> diesieben07: I feel like I've asked this before - but do you know of a good pattern to process a bunch of tasks and pass the returned value from the previous to the next?
L2195[15:03:37] <PaleoCrafter> hm... the NetworkManager (which should give you access to the NetworkDispatcher, right?) appears to be instantiated in NetworkSystem
L2196[15:03:45] *** tterrag|phone is now known as tterrag
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L2198[15:04:12] <PaleoCrafter> and you can get the NetworkSystem from MinecraftServer
L2199[15:04:20] <diesieben07> tterrag, asynchonously? or synchronously?
L2200[15:04:23] <tterrag> async
L2201[15:04:31] <diesieben07> hmm, maybe Forkjoin?
L2202[15:04:38] <diesieben07> which is Divide and conquer basically
L2203[15:04:39] <masa> so what do I use to do stuff when a block is being broken, while it is still in the world?
L2204[15:04:41] <tterrag> O_O
L2205[15:04:47] <tterrag> explain
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L2207[15:04:48] <minecreatr> is there any way to get a VertexFormat from an IBakedModel?
L2208[15:05:03] <PaleoCrafter> I think all IBakedModels are IFlexibleBakedModels, minecreatr
L2209[15:05:09] <gigaherz> only if it's an IFlexibleBakedModel
L2210[15:05:28] <gigaherz> yeah forge makes vnailla models into flexible models
L2211[15:05:40] <diesieben07> well, Forkjoin is for things like "sort this list with as many threads as you can". it splits the work into subtasks until it's small enough
L2212[15:05:41] <gigaherz> and then all the models loaded through the custom model loading system are also flexible models
L2213[15:05:43] <PaleoCrafter> thought so, so you can (somewhat) safely cast to that
L2214[15:05:45] <diesieben07> and then runs the whole thing in parallel
L2215[15:05:55] <gigaherz> however, you *can* use modelbake event to inject non-flexible models
L2216[15:05:56] <tterrag> yeah, that's not ideal
L2217[15:06:05] <diesieben07> or if its really just "run this task, then run this, then this": CompletableFuture
L2218[15:06:05] <tterrag> the case at hand is a set of http requests that need to be run in a specific order
L2219[15:06:10] <diesieben07> which is basically a promise
L2220[15:06:14] <gigaherz> but you'd have to purposefully do that
L2221[15:06:20] <minecreatr> are there any non flexible models?
L2222[15:06:25] <tterrag> I'd have to rewrite my whole API to accept futures though
L2223[15:06:30] <gigaherz> in forge, no
L2224[15:06:35] <PaleoCrafter> Futures are the future though
L2225[15:06:38] <gigaherz> but a 3rdparty mod could inject them
L2226[15:06:43] <diesieben07> you can do CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(supplier).thenAccept(consumer).thenRun(runnable) etc.
L2227[15:06:49] <gigaherz> however
L2228[15:06:49] <tterrag> hmm
L2229[15:06:56] <tterrag> how does one get a CompletableFuture
L2230[15:07:00] <tterrag> oh it's static
L2231[15:07:00] <gigaherz> non-flexible models can be assumed to be Attributes.DEFAULT_BAKED_FORMAT
L2232[15:07:01] <tterrag> ok
L2233[15:07:06] <gigaherz> so it's still fine
L2234[15:07:09] <gigaherz> you can just do
L2235[15:07:35] <gigaherz> IVertexFormat = (model instanceof IFlexibleBakedModel) ? ((IFlexibleBakedModel)model).getVertexformat() : Attributes.DEFAULT_BAKED_FORMAT;
L2236[15:07:40] <gigaherz> eh
L2237[15:07:43] <gigaherz> vertexFormat = (model instanceof IFlexibleBakedModel) ? ((IFlexibleBakedModel)model).getVertexformat() : Attributes.DEFAULT_BAKED_FORMAT;
L2238[15:08:19] <minecreatr> what is the best way to generate a flat quad like for an item?
L2239[15:08:33] <PaleoCrafter> item's arent flat quads ;)
L2240[15:08:35] <gigaherz> items are not flat quads ;P
L2241[15:08:45] <gigaherz> they have two flat quads (front and back)
L2242[15:08:51] <gigaherz> + the edge around them to give them thickness
L2243[15:08:52] <PaleoCrafter> move that apostrophe xD
L2244[15:08:54] <tterrag> diesieben07: easy way to convert a callable into a supplier?
L2245[15:09:10] <tterrag> I mean I can write it myself
L2246[15:09:15] <tterrag> but guava must have something for that
L2247[15:09:24] <diesieben07> not really, guava doesn't know java 8
L2248[15:09:30] <tterrag> er
L2249[15:09:33] <diesieben07> and Supplier for CompletableFuture is java 8
L2250[15:09:40] <tterrag> wait
L2251[15:09:42] <tterrag> I can't use java8
L2252[15:09:45] <diesieben07> sure you can.
L2253[15:09:48] <tterrag> no, I can't
L2254[15:09:53] <tterrag> or, won't
L2255[15:09:58] <diesieben07> see, that is something else.
L2256[15:10:05] <diesieben07> your loss then :P
L2257[15:10:05] <tterrag> whatever
L2258[15:10:07] <tterrag> point is, it's not an option
L2259[15:10:16] <diesieben07> yes it is ;) anyways.
L2260[15:10:21] <diesieben07> the closest thing to CompletableFuture is ListenableFuture from guava
L2261[15:10:31] <tterrag> yeah I've been trying to use that
L2262[15:10:33] <tterrag> but it's annoying
L2263[15:10:33] <diesieben07> but it's not nearly as nice since it doesn't have chainging
L2264[15:10:59] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L2265[15:11:10] <PaleoCrafter> chainging = method chaining with side effects xD
L2266[15:11:17] <tterrag> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8191891/is-it-possible-to-chain-async-calls-using-guava/8193077#8193077
L2267[15:11:18] <tterrag> hmm
L2268[15:11:41] <PaleoCrafter> is retrolambda an option? :P
L2269[15:11:52] <diesieben07> god pre-java 8 is so ugly.
L2270[15:12:25] <tterrag> PaleoCrafter: sure, but that doesn't mean CompletableFuture will magically exist
L2271[15:12:26] <williewillus> minecreatr: see ItemModelGenerator
L2272[15:12:32] <williewillus> which is how builtin/generated models are made
L2273[15:12:55] <PaleoCrafter> but your code will at least be comprehensible :P
L2274[15:13:21] <diesieben07> also Futures.chain is no longer
L2275[15:13:40] <diesieben07> ah, Futures.transform
L2276[15:14:46] <PaleoCrafter> Wuppy, why must your game be so large D:
L2277[15:15:31] <PaleoCrafter> didn't you think of your fellow human beings without shitty internet (although that's on the verge of humanity, I suppose)
L2278[15:19:27] ⇨ Joins: N9199 (~N9199@pc-104-222-241-201.cm.vtr.net)
L2279[15:23:46] <tterrag> why are generics always so stupid
L2280[15:24:22] <williewillus> "backwards compat" :D
L2281[15:24:41] ⇨ Joins: H1N1theI (~h1n1thei@2601:5c2:8100:5898::4d96)
L2282[15:24:43] <killjoy> It's why <?> is not allowed in groovy'
L2283[15:24:52] <tterrag> I have a constructor CallableFuture(Future<Callable<T>>)
L2284[15:24:58] <tterrag> and a class whcih implements Callable<T>
L2285[15:25:00] <tterrag> and a Future of that class
L2286[15:25:03] <tterrag> but no dice
L2287[15:26:07] <tterrag> is this a compiler bug or something? I really don't get it, this should work
L2288[15:26:25] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L2289[15:27:05] <PaleoCrafter> tterrag, welcome to the world of variance (or lack thereof) ;)
L2290[15:27:16] <tterrag> what
L2291[15:27:17] <tterrag> The constructor CallableFuture<CreationsUploadsResponse>(Future<Callable<CreationsUploadResponse>>) is undefined
L2292[15:27:30] <tterrag> public CallableFuture(Future<Callable<T>> future) {
L2293[15:27:32] ⇦ Quits: N9199 (~N9199@pc-104-222-241-201.cm.vtr.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L2294[15:27:34] <tterrag> WHAT IS GOING ON
L2295[15:27:48] <PaleoCrafter> you have to use something like Future<? extends Callable<T>> or something
L2296[15:27:55] <williewillus> ^
L2297[15:28:02] <tterrag> why? it matches exactly?
L2298[15:28:03] <williewillus> T is an exact tpye bound
L2299[15:28:31] ⇨ Joins: Elec332 (~Elec332@ip5456d4a5.speed.planet.nl)
L2300[15:28:53] <tterrag> whatever
L2301[15:28:54] <tterrag> that works
L2302[15:28:57] <PaleoCrafter> Java doesn't have definition side variance (Generic defining that if B is a subtype of A, Generic<B> also is a subtype of Generic<A>)
L2303[15:29:23] *** zz_SnowShock35 is now known as SnowShock35
L2304[15:29:45] <PaleoCrafter> that's an example for covariance, contravariance would be B is a supertype of A, Generic<B> is a subtype of Generic<A>
L2305[15:31:36] <PaleoCrafter> and if you think contravariance is useless, think about functions (you take a Consumer<Mammal> for example, but that could just as well be a Consumer<Animal>, but not a Consumer<Cat>)
L2306[15:32:15] <williewillus> is there any use for contravariance when defining types though? I mean everywhere that's not a method signature :p
L2307[15:32:39] <PaleoCrafter> well, I mean function types :P
L2308[15:33:03] <PaleoCrafter> Consumer (or anything in java.util.function) would be contravariant in the argument types
L2309[15:33:07] ⇦ Quits: DjSams (DjSams@5-13-175-83.residential.rdsnet.ro) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L2310[15:36:19] <PaleoCrafter> alas, Java doesn't allow this, but Kotlin and Scala (guess which one did it first *cough*) do
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L2313[15:38:02] <williewillus> in clojure java interop the answer online appears to be "just ignore the generic type"
L2314[15:38:06] <williewillus> fair neough :p
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L2316[15:40:10] <tterrag> diesieben07: I am starting to regret this endeavor
L2317[15:40:12] <HassanS6000> why is der no Items.lapis
L2318[15:40:15] <HassanS6000> what is it called
L2319[15:40:22] <PaleoCrafter> lapis is a dye
L2320[15:40:24] <PaleoCrafter> iirc
L2321[15:40:25] <Lordmau5> \o
L2322[15:40:42] <williewillus> yeah lapis is Items.dye
L2323[15:41:01] <HassanS6000> oh right, ty PaleoCrafter
L2324[15:41:05] <Drullkus> It's subid 4
L2325[15:41:08] <Lordmau5> Why do I still mod minecraft whilst I hate it with a despair?
L2326[15:41:11] <Drullkus> its subid is 4*
L2327[15:41:12] <tterrag> diesieben07: wonder if I can get rid of some of the boilerplate lol *sobs* http://puu.sh/mShMw.txt
L2328[15:41:20] <williewillus> Lordmau5: because you actually love it :p
L2329[15:41:23] <Lordmau5> no
L2330[15:41:30] <Lordmau5> this shitty fake renderer is killing me slowly
L2331[15:41:32] <killjoy> Is there a way to get an awt frame from Display?
L2332[15:41:32] <williewillus> how is your port going btw
L2333[15:41:38] <williewillus> fake renderer?
L2334[15:41:46] <Lordmau5> for my tank frame blocks
L2335[15:41:55] <williewillus> I thought you solved that
L2336[15:41:59] <Drullkus> HassanS6000: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Lapis_Lazuli#Data_values
L2337[15:41:59] <Lordmau5> nope
L2338[15:42:02] <Lordmau5> well, technically, yes
L2339[15:42:04] <Lordmau5> but then again, no
L2340[15:42:05] <williewillus> what is wrong with them?
L2341[15:42:11] <Lordmau5> Chisel stuff isn't rendering properly
L2342[15:42:21] <Lordmau5> don't forward me to the chisel irc, we went through that.
L2343[15:42:26] <williewillus> ?
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L2345[15:42:33] <williewillus> they have their own special mechanisms
L2346[15:42:34] <Lordmau5> It has something to do with the other blocks using ISBMs differently
L2347[15:42:37] <williewillus> ^
L2348[15:42:42] <tterrag> you're not respecting extended state
L2349[15:42:46] <Lordmau5> I *am*
L2350[15:42:50] <tterrag> if you were, chisel would work
L2351[15:42:52] <PaleoCrafter> killjoy, I don't think so
L2352[15:42:55] <Lordmau5> I adjusted the code properly
L2353[15:43:04] <williewillus> post it because I haven't seen it :p
L2354[15:43:08] <Lordmau5> if it is supposed to work, then I'm definitely missing something *somewhere*. But I can't figure out where
L2355[15:43:10] * Drullkus slowly walks away from all of this 'Chisel not rendering with FFS tanks in 1.8'
L2356[15:43:14] <tterrag> chisel doesn't hack around anything, it's a standard ISBM using extended states
L2357[15:43:24] <Lordmau5> Give me a second, I'll pull up a 2nd branch
L2358[15:44:25] <masa> okay I fixed some remaining issues with the blocks.. so now I should get started on the models and textures I guess...
L2359[15:44:39] <williewillus> masa: now begins the fun ;D
L2360[15:44:54] <diesieben07> tterrag, java 8 :)
L2361[15:44:57] <diesieben07> that's the only way
L2362[15:45:00] <diesieben07> or retrolambda
L2363[15:45:04] <tterrag> not gonna happen
L2364[15:45:08] <tterrag> I'll just go back to the old way
L2365[15:45:12] <diesieben07> may i ask the reasons?
L2366[15:45:25] <PaleoCrafter> retrolambda is a bitch to proguard, btw
L2367[15:45:26] <tterrag> the mod is targeted at young kids. I'm not adding any more install steps if I can help it
L2368[15:45:40] <diesieben07> how is java 8 an install step?
L2369[15:45:41] <tterrag> the % who only have java 7 is probably >50
L2370[15:45:47] <Lordmau5> https://github.com/Lordmau5/FFS/tree/1.8-fake_render
L2371[15:46:01] <Lordmau5> there ya go, that's the current state of it.
L2372[15:46:06] <tterrag> it's more headaches to support, and more kids who will give up in frustration
L2373[15:46:27] <diesieben07> well, if it is kinds that young that they dont know how to set up java, they most likely have not set up their computer anyways
L2374[15:46:35] <diesieben07> so it is not up to them to update java.
L2375[15:46:41] <Lordmau5> up to their parents
L2376[15:46:47] <Lordmau5> which means, you get headaches through their parents, haha
L2377[15:46:49] <Lordmau5> same result
L2378[15:46:51] <tterrag> they might not have - but parents who are only vaguely familiar with computers could be an issue
L2379[15:46:51] <PaleoCrafter> reponsible parents keep their children's Java up-to-date xD
L2380[15:46:52] <Lordmau5> :P
L2381[15:46:56] <diesieben07> AND: young kids will use the officail launcher
L2382[15:46:58] <diesieben07> which comes with java 8.
L2383[15:46:59] <PaleoCrafter> can't let them live with an EOL product
L2384[15:47:02] <tterrag> *on windows
L2385[15:47:21] <Lordmau5> williewillus, that branch up there :3
L2386[15:47:23] <diesieben07> i dont see this as an issue, still
L2387[15:47:29] <diesieben07> but... oh well. as i said your loss
L2388[15:47:34] <PaleoCrafter> I think the Mac launcher also works?
L2389[15:47:34] <Lordmau5> moving over to J8, you mean?
L2390[15:47:36] <Lordmau5> and ditching J7?
L2391[15:47:46] <Lordmau5> I did that with some fancy Lambda code. I don't regret it
L2392[15:47:48] <tterrag> PaleoCrafter: they don't have the java wrapping launcher out for mac I don't think
L2393[15:48:07] <PaleoCrafter> I just remember some tweets by Dinnerbone :D
L2394[15:48:15] <PaleoCrafter> maybe it was beta testing the launcher though
L2395[15:48:25] <williewillus> Lordmau5: this line https://github.com/Lordmau5/FFS/commit/c8d8982b03ffe5c5025ec79e4c9b4dd6d516606e#diff-865900805458c4174aff784009712101R34
L2396[15:48:35] <williewillus> that fake_state is not completely filled with the info it needs
L2397[15:48:51] <PaleoCrafter> but really, as we've established earlier, only spoiled brats use Mac anyway, and I doubt the parents who introduce their children to Linux don't know how to update to Java 8 ;)
L2398[15:48:53] <williewillus> in other words, the fake_state has not gotten its unlisted properties filled in
L2399[15:49:35] <williewillus> what's a frameblockaccesswrapper? 0.o
L2400[15:50:36] <Lordmau5> world wrapper
L2401[15:50:39] <Lordmau5> I had that in the 1.7.10 one as well
L2402[15:50:42] <Lordmau5> also, williewillus - https://i.lordmau5.com/1454363417-626
L2403[15:50:51] <Lordmau5> the fake state has the information it needs
L2404[15:55:17] <tterrag> just because there is RenderContextList doesn't mean it has any data
L2405[15:55:31] <tterrag> expand it
L2406[15:55:34] <williewillus> i don't know how their extended state works so I can help there :p
L2407[15:57:03] <Lordmau5> https://i.lordmau5.com/1454363813-627
L2408[15:57:06] <Lordmau5> here you go
L2409[15:57:23] <williewillus> "Optional.absent()"
L2410[15:57:41] ⇦ Quits: killjoy (~killjoy@2606:a000:1118:c049:b172:4c6f:8692:910a) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L2411[15:58:27] *** AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L2412[15:58:58] <williewillus> unfortunately, i don't know how to get the data it needs from the stack into the fake state, tterrag probably does :P
L2413[16:00:22] <tterrag> yeah the map is empty
L2414[16:00:31] <tterrag> wait no
L2415[16:00:33] <tterrag> it's not, nevermind
L2416[16:00:34] <tterrag> hm
L2417[16:00:36] <tterrag> where is the crash again?
L2418[16:00:41] <Lordmau5> it's not a crash
L2419[16:00:44] <Lordmau5> it's just not rendering the block
L2420[16:00:51] ⇦ Quits: psxlover (psxlover@athedsl-4413370.home.otenet.gr) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2421[16:00:52] <tterrag> you'll have to debug with chisel in your environment
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L2423[16:01:01] <Lordmau5> https://i.lordmau5.com/1454364049-628
L2424[16:01:13] <tterrag> look at ChiselTextureCTM#getSideQuads
L2425[16:01:33] <Lordmau5> which class?
L2426[16:01:39] <tterrag> ...
L2427[16:01:40] <Lordmau5> ah found it
L2428[16:01:53] <Lordmau5> which package*, I'm sorry
L2429[16:01:58] <Lordmau5> but ye, found it
L2430[16:02:16] <tterrag> ctrl+shift+T -> ChiselTextureCTM -> enter
L2431[16:02:25] <tterrag> idk IDEA equivalent but I"m sure there's something
L2432[16:02:53] <PaleoCrafter> ctrl + n
L2433[16:03:05] <Lordmau5> works, ty
L2434[16:03:26] <Lordmau5> dropping a breakpoint into that method doesn't call it at all
L2435[16:03:38] <Lordmau5> except when it's trying to render the item state (waila, inventory, ...)
L2436[16:05:20] <tterrag> that would be a problem then
L2437[16:05:25] <williewillus> wait where do you call getExtendedState on the fake state?
L2438[16:05:28] <williewillus> I can't find it
L2439[16:05:41] <tterrag> I'd check ModelChiselBlock#handleBlockState then
L2440[16:06:18] <Lordmau5> not being called either \o/...
L2441[16:06:47] ⇦ Quits: Drullkus (~Drullkus@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L2442[16:06:53] <tterrag> async stuff is fun :P http://i.imgur.com/HZumgix.gifv
L2443[16:06:59] <williewillus> like i said where do you do getExtendedState on the fake state?
L2444[16:07:01] <tterrag> Lordmau5: then you have the wrong model instance
L2445[16:07:37] <PaleoCrafter> fancy, tterrag
L2446[16:07:49] <williewillus> I'll try getting botania platforms to render chisel models in the near future and maybe I can get some insight into this :p
L2447[16:07:57] <Lordmau5> TileEntityTankFrame#getBlockState
L2448[16:08:16] <Lordmau5> damn, tterrag , that looks nifty
L2449[16:08:34] <tterrag> yeah
L2450[16:08:46] <tterrag> once I'm done writing this for the creatubbles mod, I'll definitely port it over to a generic screenshot uploader
L2451[16:08:48] <tterrag> could be useful
L2452[16:09:04] <Lordmau5> it's not even doing it properly when I go for "getBlockModelShapes().getModelForState(fake_state);"
L2453[16:09:22] <tterrag> getModelForState will probably fail if you pass it an extended state
L2454[16:09:51] <Lordmau5> but... what
L2455[16:10:07] <Lordmau5> what is the point of the TileEntityTankFrame#getBlockState -> getExtendedState then?
L2456[16:10:33] <minecreatr> williewillus, we basicly just use an Ismart model, you can handle that, only other thing is your blocks would have to implement IFacade
L2457[16:10:36] <Lordmau5> aaaah, here we go, that's a crash
L2458[16:10:46] <williewillus> what is IFacade :p
L2459[16:10:58] <tterrag> Lordmau5: you need to call handleBlockState on the model with the extended state
L2460[16:11:02] <williewillus> ^
L2461[16:11:03] <tterrag> blockmodelshapes is just a simple map lookup
L2462[16:11:05] <tterrag> instance based
L2463[16:11:10] <tterrag> you have to pass the EXACT state
L2464[16:11:13] <williewillus> wait but I think he does that already
L2465[16:11:16] <williewillus> in the smartmodel though
L2466[16:11:26] <williewillus> should it be done in the block
L2467[16:11:33] <tterrag> it won't matter, if he's passing an extneded state to BlockModelShapes
L2468[16:11:36] <Lordmau5> so what I do is, I pass the normal state to the getBlockModelShapes().getModelForSatte
L2469[16:11:38] <Lordmau5> State*
L2470[16:11:39] <tterrag> because he won't get a chisel model
L2471[16:11:45] <tterrag> yes
L2472[16:11:46] <minecreatr> williewillus, I IFacade is used to check if a block should connect, so the facade returns the block state of the chisel block it is mimicking, so the model knows to connect
L2473[16:11:48] <Lordmau5> and when doing the instanceof ISBM, I handle the extended state?
L2474[16:11:52] <gigaherz> so, anyone else has any other comment on this? https://github.com/MinecraftForge/Documentation/pull/34
L2475[16:12:06] <gigaherz> someone who doesn't know how IEEPs can read it and say if I'm missing something? ;P
L2476[16:12:13] <tterrag> gigaherz: I still think that class is overkill
L2477[16:12:15] <tterrag> and a bit ugly too >.>
L2478[16:12:31] <gigaherz> :/
L2479[16:12:40] <gigaherz> how's it ugly?
L2480[16:12:49] <tterrag> formatting wise, and a bit code-wise
L2481[16:12:55] <tterrag> the way you pass IEEP -> handler -> IEEP
L2482[16:12:57] <tterrag> is a bit roundabout
L2483[16:13:10] <gigaherz> o_O
L2484[16:13:20] <gigaherz> the what?
L2485[16:13:29] <tterrag> I find it hard to read
L2486[16:13:34] <tterrag> it doesn't highlight what is necessary
L2487[16:14:01] <tterrag> people should know how to save/read from NBT (or we should have a page dedicated to that)
L2488[16:14:06] <gigaherz> where else would you put the event handlers?
L2489[16:14:06] <tterrag> that is useless in this page
L2490[16:14:07] <tterrag> etc
L2491[16:14:23] <PaleoCrafter> why is it using two spaces for indentation? D:
L2492[16:14:26] <tterrag> ^
L2493[16:14:32] <gigaherz> because the docs style guide suggests so
L2494[16:14:39] <Lordmau5> going by the logic that I understood, this implementation should work
L2495[16:14:49] <gigaherz> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/Documentation/blob/master/docs/styleguide.md
L2496[16:14:50] <Lordmau5> I'll try, and I'll report in a sec
L2497[16:14:54] <gigaherz> "Please use TWO SPACES to indent, not tabs."
L2498[16:15:03] <gigaherz> I specifically turned it from 4 to 2 because of that ;P
L2499[16:15:16] <tterrag> ah, yeah
L2500[16:15:18] <Lordmau5> tterrag,
L2501[16:15:19] <Lordmau5> you are a mad man
L2502[16:15:22] <tterrag> it looks much better in the mkdocs css
L2503[16:15:28] <tterrag> see http://mcforge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/networking/simpleimpl/
L2504[16:15:34] <Lordmau5> https://i.lordmau5.com/1454364923-629
L2505[16:15:35] <Lordmau5> you are
L2506[16:15:37] <Lordmau5> such a mad man
L2507[16:15:39] <Lordmau5> and I love you
L2508[16:15:46] <tterrag> woop
L2509[16:15:54] <tterrag> good to know that it's possible lol
L2510[16:15:56] <Lordmau5> https://i.lordmau5.com/1454364946-630
L2511[16:15:59] <tterrag> now I can steal your code for EnderiO
L2512[16:16:01] <Lordmau5> so in the end I use this, lol
L2513[16:16:11] <Lordmau5> it seems the FrameBlockAccessWrapper is not needed
L2514[16:16:17] <tterrag> really?
L2515[16:16:20] <tterrag> hm
L2516[16:16:27] <gigaherz> hmm now that I read that again
L2517[16:16:31] <gigaherz> says that titles should use title-case
L2518[16:16:32] <tterrag> I suppose yes, since models don't have world access anymore
L2519[16:16:32] <Lordmau5> my tile has 2 methods now, getBlockState() and getExtendedBlockState
L2520[16:16:36] <gigaherz> i made them sencence-cased
L2521[16:17:10] <tterrag> Lordmau5: wait, no, you need the wrapper to get the initial IBlockState from the camo block
L2522[16:17:18] <PaleoCrafter> gigaherz, you should be consistent with the empty lines between methods
L2523[16:17:20] <tterrag> if the block tries to access itself from the world it will crash
L2524[16:17:20] <Lordmau5> not really
L2525[16:17:23] <tterrag> yes, you do
L2526[16:17:38] <PaleoCrafter> just because they somewhat are related doesn't mean they should be clumped together in that ugly way :P
L2527[16:17:59] <Lordmau5> https://i.lordmau5.com/1454365069-631
L2528[16:18:05] <Lordmau5> that's what I have in my tile class
L2529[16:18:07] <Lordmau5> and that works
L2530[16:18:17] <gigaherz> I know, I did that way to emphasize the grouping for the comments
L2531[16:18:19] <Lordmau5> I'm apparently not using the FBAW anywhere
L2532[16:18:23] <gigaherz> but I guess that can be changed ;p
L2533[16:18:50] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L2534[16:18:59] <Lordmau5> then again, I assume I know where you think I should use it
L2535[16:19:04] <Lordmau5> https://i.lordmau5.com/1454365133-633
L2536[16:19:15] <Flenix> Is there an event to hide the players arms specifically, so I can re-add custom arms that do what I need? I found one to hide the whole player, but I'd rather just edit the arms so mods adding hats or whatever are unaffected.
L2537[16:20:03] <gigaherz> Flenix: there's an entity rendering layer
L2538[16:20:05] <gigaherz> that draws the arms
L2539[16:20:09] <gigaherz> IIRC
L2540[16:20:17] <gigaherz> well, in third person
L2541[16:20:26] <gigaherz> for first person... I'm not sure if it can be done
L2542[16:20:27] <PaleoCrafter> Lordmau5, why's your code full of curses?
L2543[16:20:35] <Flenix> 3rd is the important part, I can fake it easily in 1st
L2544[16:20:43] <Lordmau5> huh?
L2545[16:20:43] <Flenix> as you don't see the arm anyway when you're holding an item :P
L2546[16:20:49] <PaleoCrafter> FFS is all over the place
L2547[16:20:59] <tterrag> Lordmau5: works for now
L2548[16:21:06] <Lordmau5> It's crap, but it's definitely working.
L2549[16:21:16] <Lordmau5> up until someone finds a better implementation, this should work
L2550[16:21:17] <tterrag> but as soon as a block assumes it exists in that position, you'll crash with a CCE etc
L2551[16:21:25] <Lordmau5> hmm
L2552[16:21:33] <Lordmau5> I'll leave the FrameBlockAccessWrapper in for now then
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L2554[16:25:10] <Lordmau5> urgh
L2555[16:25:23] <Lordmau5> tterrag, perhaps there has to be a need for a proper world-wrapper
L2556[16:25:35] <Lordmau5> for certain methods I need to override, like getPlayerRelativeBlockHardness or similar
L2557[16:27:13] <Lordmau5> either way, dropping to bed
L2558[16:27:25] <Lordmau5> dead-tired, this will be finished tomorrow and I'll be glad that things worked out, finally
L2559[16:27:41] <Lordmau5> how did you get the idea for the normal and extended block state btw, tterrag ?
L2560[16:27:53] <tterrag> what?
L2561[16:28:05] <Lordmau5> that I need to get the model from the block state, but handle it via. the extended block state
L2562[16:28:11] <Lordmau5> as in, why I couldn't get the model from the extended state?
L2563[16:28:14] ⇦ Quits: Noppes (~Noppes@82-168-99-26.ip.telfort.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2564[16:28:16] <tterrag> because I know how BlockModelShapes works
L2565[16:28:19] <Lordmau5> ah
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L2567[16:30:10] <Flenix> gigaherz, I can't find anything on specifically rendering arms - I found hand, helmet and capes but that's it. Don't suppose you have any idea where to look?
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L2570[16:32:08] <masa> can I somehow easily repeat stuff in the blockstate file, or replace occurences? I have a few blocks that have variants named like "block.0", "block.1" etc
L2571[16:34:09] <tterrag> I *might* be going a bit nuts with async http://i.imgur.com/WEATfIe.gifv
L2572[16:34:44] <PaleoCrafter> how so? :P
L2573[16:34:56] <diesieben07> make a progressbar instead :D
L2574[16:35:03] <PaleoCrafter> nothing of that *really* needs to be async ;)
L2575[16:35:04] <tterrag> diesieben07: plan on it
L2576[16:35:16] <tterrag> PaleoCrafter: unless you want a 10 second pause when opening the GUI, yes it does
L2577[16:35:17] <tterrag> lol
L2578[16:35:35] <PaleoCrafter> you could be loading one thing a tick or something :P
L2579[16:35:46] <tterrag> sure, I could schedule tasks
L2580[16:36:14] <tterrag> https://media.giphy.com/media/1M9fmo1WAFVK0/giphy.gif
L2581[16:36:50] <PaleoCrafter> my point just is that the user can't really tell whether it's actually async :P
L2582[16:37:00] <tterrag> no
L2583[16:37:08] <tterrag> that's not really the point though?
L2584[16:37:11] <tterrag> why would the user care?
L2585[16:37:55] <PaleoCrafter> well, you're talking about async stuff when you post your gifs, but for alle we know, it could be synchronous :P
L2586[16:38:15] <tterrag> this is a programmer channel
L2587[16:38:25] <tterrag> what is your point? lol
L2588[16:39:16] <PaleoCrafter> don't trust anything on the Internet :P
L2589[16:39:50] <Ordinastie> tterrag, are you stiching all the screen shots into a single sheet ?
L2590[16:40:37] <tterrag> Ordinastie: scaled versions, yes
L2591[16:40:42] <Ordinastie> https://media.giphy.com/media/1M9fmo1WAFVK0/giphy.gif
L2592[16:40:52] <tterrag> so that I don't use up all the VRAM in one go?
L2593[16:41:00] <tterrag> screenshots are massive
L2594[16:41:15] <tterrag> and rebinding for each thumbnail render would be madness
L2595[16:41:35] <tterrag> https://gist.github.com/tterrag1098/4920eff46cada55ce919
L2596[16:41:38] <tterrag> it wasn't that hard really
L2597[16:41:44] <tterrag> (and yes I know it needs localization, in good time)
L2598[16:41:46] <xaero> masa: sounds like a job for your text editor's find/replace?
L2599[16:41:52] <diesieben07> stitching same-size things is easy :D
L2600[16:42:13] <tterrag> diesieben07: well, they aren't same-size to begin with
L2601[16:42:20] <diesieben07> but the thumbnails are.
L2602[16:42:24] <diesieben07> are they not?
L2603[16:42:26] <tterrag> but yeah, once I manipulate them a bit, they are all inscribed into 128x squares
L2604[16:42:33] <diesieben07> then its easy :D
L2605[16:42:35] <PaleoCrafter> getRect xD
L2606[16:42:36] <tterrag> quite
L2607[16:42:52] <tterrag> what about it
L2608[16:43:04] <PaleoCrafter> well, getRect -> get rect -> get rekt :P
L2609[16:43:05] <tterrag> rect == IIcon
L2610[16:43:07] <tterrag> more or less :P
L2611[16:43:08] <tterrag> OH
L2612[16:43:09] <tterrag> hehe
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L2614[16:43:49] <Ordinastie> well, back to my slabs, and the idiotic vanilla implementation...
L2615[16:43:52] <raoulvdberge> what is the best way if a block is a liquid?
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L2617[16:44:10] <raoulvdberge> preferably cross mod compatible, so no checks on Blocks.lava and Blocks.water
L2618[16:44:18] <raoulvdberge> * to check if ^^
L2619[16:44:29] <diesieben07> block.getMaterial().isLiquid?
L2620[16:44:30] <PaleoCrafter> FluidRegistry.lookupFluidForBlock
L2621[16:44:32] <Ordinastie> if you sink, it's liquid
L2622[16:44:32] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@
L2623[16:44:33] <PaleoCrafter> maybe?
L2624[16:44:36] <gigaherz> better?
L2625[16:44:37] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Documentation/blob/master/docs/datastorage/extendedentityproperties.md
L2626[16:44:41] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Documentation/blob/master/docs/datastorage/worldsaveddata.md
L2627[16:45:26] <diesieben07> yeah what paleo said
L2628[16:47:08] <gigaherz> oops I got sidetracked halfway to changing the titles
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L2630[16:47:52] <tterrag> is there any util code in vanilla for drawing a rect outline?
L2631[16:47:53] <tterrag> not filled
L2632[16:48:31] <PaleoCrafter> don't think so
L2633[16:48:59] <PaleoCrafter> considering that all rectangles are textured anyway
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L2635[16:49:19] <tterrag> not true
L2636[16:49:22] <tterrag> Gui.drawRect
L2637[16:49:33] <PaleoCrafter> oh, right
L2638[16:49:56] <gigaherz> tterrag: should I take this chance to squash the commits? or is that not part ofthe forge workflow?
L2639[16:50:10] <tterrag> gigaherz: squish them to be reasonable
L2640[16:50:10] ⇦ Quits: AbsentThirdEye (~Subconsci@cpe-65-28-43-97.wi.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L2641[16:50:15] <tterrag> distinctly separate commits can stay separate
L2642[16:50:24] <tterrag> but "fix thingy" should be squished into its parent
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L2645[16:51:17] <PaleoCrafter> actually, vanilla sort of has something to draw the outlines xD
L2646[16:51:25] <raoulvdberge> diesieben07: thanks
L2647[16:51:38] <PaleoCrafter> call drawHorizontalLine and drawVerticalLine twice xD
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L2649[16:53:34] <tterrag> PaleoCrafter: where is that?
L2650[16:53:35] <gigaherz> okay force-pushed after a couple squishings
L2651[16:53:38] <PaleoCrafter> Gui
L2652[16:53:52] <PaleoCrafter> oh, it's protected and not static :/
L2653[16:53:59] <tterrag> I have an instance
L2654[16:54:15] <tterrag> but those methods suck lol
L2655[16:54:19] <tterrag> why not GL_LINE?
L2656[16:54:21] <tterrag> *sigh*
L2657[16:54:32] <gigaherz> because GL_LINES doesn't do large pixels
L2658[16:54:38] <tterrag> sure it does
L2659[16:54:39] <tterrag> GL_LINE_WIDTH
L2660[16:54:41] <PaleoCrafter> Mojang probably doesn't understand anything but GL_QUADS :P
L2661[16:54:47] <gigaherz> that's unsupported on any modern hardware, afaik
L2662[16:54:54] <tterrag> what
L2663[16:55:00] <PaleoCrafter> working just fine over here, gigaherz :P
L2664[16:55:00] <gigaherz> or was it only on ogl3+
L2665[16:55:12] <gigaherz> or was it only on direct3d?
L2666[16:55:14] * gigaherz shrugs
L2667[16:55:34] <gigaherz> orm aybe it was wide lines with antialiasing... :/
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L2669[16:56:09] * gigaherz double-shrugs
L2670[16:56:16] <gigaherz> https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man/html/glLineWidth.xhtml
L2671[16:56:25] <gigaherz> at the very least, it is supported by opengl 4.5 ;P
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L2677[17:15:04] <tterrag> diesieben07: happy? http://i.imgur.com/Yxb3ebm.gifv
L2678[17:15:28] <gigaherz> so, again
L2679[17:15:38] <gigaherz> can someone who hasnt' done IEEPs yet read this
L2680[17:15:39] <gigaherz> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/Documentation/pull/34
L2681[17:16:33] <gigaherz> [23:44] (gigaherz): https://github.com/gigaherz/Documentation/blob/master/docs/datastorage/extendedentityproperties.md
L2682[17:16:33] <gigaherz> [23:44] (gigaherz): https://github.com/gigaherz/Documentation/blob/master/docs/datastorage/worldsaveddata.md
L2683[17:16:44] <techkid6> Hey, I'm trying to get the name of an item... is this the best approach? Item.itemRegistry.getNameForObject(player.getHeldItem());
L2684[17:16:56] <gigaherz> that's the registration name
L2685[17:17:03] <gigaherz> so that you can later obtain the Item based on that name
L2686[17:17:28] <gigaherz> also, it takes an Item instance, not an ItemStack
L2687[17:18:08] <techkid6> registration name? essentially I'm trying to get "minecraft:stone" out of it
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L2690[17:18:14] <gigaherz> aha
L2691[17:18:15] <techkid6> or at the bare minimum, "stone"
L2692[17:18:19] <gigaherz> then yes that's almost it
L2693[17:18:25] <gigaherz> xcept youcan't use the itemstack directly
L2694[17:18:35] <techkid6> Oh? ok..
L2695[17:18:52] <gigaherz> Item.itemRegistry.getNameForObject(player.getHeldItem().getItem());
L2696[17:18:57] <gigaherz> but make sure to check for nulls first
L2697[17:19:07] <gigaherz> and you may as well store the stack in a variable first ;P
L2698[17:19:10] <techkid6> so just make sure his hand is not empty?
L2699[17:19:18] <gigaherz> yeap
L2700[17:19:29] <techkid6> gigaherz: I figured I /should/ but I didn't really want to :) alright thanks
L2701[17:19:48] <gigaherz> when in doubt, check for nulls
L2702[17:20:00] <techkid6> wait... so hand item won't automatically be air then?
L2703[17:20:00] <gigaherz> if the IDE tells you the check is unnecessary, then /shrug ;P
L2704[17:20:08] <gigaherz> air? no why would it ever be air?
L2705[17:20:12] <gigaherz> "no item" is null, not "air"
L2706[17:20:24] <techkid6> I know some past servermods have treated it as item id 0
L2707[17:20:26] <techkid6> (air)
L2708[17:20:58] <techkid6> wait, it didn't
L2709[17:21:03] <techkid6> nevermind!
L2710[17:21:40] <gigaherz> you were probably thinking about blocks in the world, those do get set to air
L2711[17:21:41] <gigaherz> ;P
L2712[17:22:10] <techkid6> bingo
L2713[17:22:14] *** Kolatra[away] is now known as Kolatra
L2714[17:23:20] <techkid6> gigaherz: also... how will that item name be formatted?
L2715[17:23:30] <gigaherz> ?
L2716[17:23:43] <gigaherz> Item.itemRegistry returns a ResourceLocation object
L2717[17:23:55] <techkid6> like... will getNameForObject return "stone" or "minecraft:stone"
L2718[17:23:57] <gigaherz> if you .toString that, it wil lreturn something like "domain:item"
L2719[17:24:04] <techkid6> right
L2720[17:24:17] <gigaherz> if you use resloc.getPath() or whatever the name was, it would return "stone"
L2721[17:24:50] <techkid6> Right thanks
L2722[17:25:02] <gigaherz> np
L2723[17:27:57] <HassanS6000> How would I go about adding an anvil "recipe" or making an item repairable in an anvil? Especially for armor.
L2724[17:27:59] <masa> hum, so do I need the inventory variant in my blockstate json? I see some examples that have it and some don't
L2725[17:28:36] <masa> currently my blocks render ok in worold, but pink/black cubes in inventory and in hand
L2726[17:28:59] <masa> HassanS6000: anvil event?
L2727[17:29:28] <HassanS6000> masa, ur pink/black cubes are because u did not add an item model json
L2728[17:29:44] <HassanS6000> u need 3 JSONs, one blockstate, one block, one item
L2729[17:29:55] <HassanS6000> masa, actually figured my issue out
L2730[17:30:27] <gigaherz> masa: forge makes it so that you can specify any arbitrary variant string when registering the item form
L2731[17:30:50] <TehNut> When were the fields in AnvilRepairEvent made final?
L2732[17:31:17] <gigaherz> ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(... , new ModelResourceLocation(..., "prop1=value1,prop2=value2,..."));
L2733[17:31:51] <gigaherz> the default way is to call that with "inventory"
L2734[17:31:57] <gigaherz> which will look for the "inventory" variant in the json
L2735[17:32:04] <gigaherz> if there are no blockstates
L2736[17:32:12] <gigaherz> then "normal" is an alias for "inventory"
L2737[17:32:16] <gigaherz> but only when there are no blockstates
L2738[17:32:48] <masa> oh, so I need to call that custom model resource location for all my blocks?
L2739[17:32:57] <gigaherz> yes.
L2740[17:32:57] *** Cojo is now known as Cojo|AFK
L2741[17:33:00] <masa> wtf
L2742[17:33:05] <gigaherz> anything that needs a model in inventory form
L2743[17:33:25] <gigaherz> and if you have "subitems" in item form
L2744[17:33:26] <techkid6> Also... is there a javadoc anywhere?
L2745[17:33:43] <gigaherz> you needto call it once for each meta value that needs its own model
L2746[17:34:21] <masa> ok so I'll first try to finish the blocks... so I have to call that in preInit, right?
L2747[17:34:29] <gigaherz> yup alongside items
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L2749[17:35:28] <masa> when you say "registering the item form", what exactly does that mean? Do I have to register an ItemBlock for each block separately?
L2750[17:35:42] <gigaherz> no
L2751[17:35:44] <gigaherz> I mean that
L2752[17:35:57] <gigaherz> any block that wil lever be an inventory item
L2753[17:36:03] <gigaherz> alongside the actual items
L2754[17:36:13] <gigaherz> needs ModelLoader.setCustomMRL called
L2755[17:36:17] <masa> ok
L2756[17:36:23] <gigaherz> that includes each separate subitem
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L2758[17:37:05] <masa> how are sub block now handled, I still don't see anything but the meta 0 variant of my blocks in the creative menu and in JEI
L2759[17:37:21] <masa> although I have overridden getSubBlocks
L2760[17:37:22] <gigaherz> that's because any block with subblocks does need their own ItemBlock
L2761[17:37:33] ⇨ Joins: Drullkus (~Drullkus@
L2762[17:37:35] <gigaherz> that overrides getMetadata(ItemStack) with something that returns anything other than 0
L2763[17:37:40] <TehNut> masa: You have an ItemBlock with setHasSubTypes() right?
L2764[17:38:31] <masa> yep
L2765[17:38:42] <gigaherz> do you override getMetadata(ItemStack) ?
L2766[17:38:47] <masa> do I need to have the subtypes in that ItemBlock class too?
L2767[17:38:57] <gigaherz> yes, getSubBlocks on the block does nothing afaik
L2768[17:39:10] <masa> so it's legacy weight now?
L2769[17:39:26] <gigaherz> not exactly
L2770[17:39:30] <gigaherz> you can use a common ItemBlock
L2771[17:39:36] <gigaherz> that does call getSubBlocks
L2772[17:39:43] <gigaherz> so that you can share it for multiple blocks
L2773[17:39:50] <masa> so I have overridden getMetadata to return the amage int that it gets in
L2774[17:39:57] <gigaherz> yep
L2775[17:39:58] <masa> ah, right
L2776[17:40:14] <masa> so the trick is the getSubItems in the ItemBlock?
L2777[17:40:21] <gigaherz> yep
L2778[17:40:21] <masa> that I don''t have atm
L2779[17:40:23] <masa> ok
L2780[17:40:30] <gigaherz> and in the constructor, setHasSubtypes
L2781[17:40:40] <masa> that it has already
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L2785[17:41:47] <gigaherz> masa: ah, I see it now
L2786[17:41:57] <gigaherz> ItemBlock#getSubItems already calls getSubBlocks
L2787[17:42:09] <gigaherz> the key is just setHasSubtypes + getMetadata
L2788[17:43:29] <masa> uh crap
L2789[17:43:38] <masa> so why doesn't it work then...
L2790[17:44:15] <masa> do I need to do something else with the ItemBlock other that give the .class of it to the registerBlock()
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L2792[17:45:47] <Keridos> does block rendering work via the jsons in MC 1.8?
L2793[17:46:56] <gigaherz> yo ucould say so
L2794[17:47:02] <gigaherz> the rendering uses baked models
L2795[17:47:08] <gigaherz> the models are baked FROM the json files
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L2799[17:52:10] <thecodewarrior> Is there a place where I could submit a little nitpick about forge? I would love to have the ±AXIS javadoc on EnumFacing like we had for ForgeDirection.
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L2801[17:52:41] <gigaherz> there's the official issue tracker
L2802[17:52:56] <gigaherz> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues
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L2804[17:53:15] <gigaherz> just make sure to make your case properly about why you'd like that added
L2805[17:54:21] <xaero> you might have better chance if you submitted a PR adding that javadoc though
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L2807[17:55:17] <thecodewarrior> Ok, I should look into how to do that kind of thing. Is there a way to have a forge and mod dev environment in parallel?
L2808[17:55:24] <xaero> wait, EnumFacing is vanilla isn't it? Add javadoc via the bot
L2809[17:57:02] <masa> oh FFS ;_; I didn't override getSubBlocks, because I had an extra argument to the method from before when I had custom block stuffs :D
L2810[17:57:34] <masa> and I didn't notice that it didn't have the @Override anntoation because it has the @SideOnly annotation so that distracted me from looking closer :D
L2811[17:58:17] <xaero> thecodewarrior: use sm/sf/sp with same mcp name but your own comment in MCPBot_Reborn, whichever command is appropriate, and the bot will use your new comment
L2812[17:59:24] <thecodewarrior> What is MCPBot_Reborn? How do I does?
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L2814[18:00:49] <xaero> msg "help" to it and it'll give you a URL
L2815[18:01:20] <xaero> Forge derives deobf names and javadoc for vanilla methods/fields/params from it
L2816[18:02:55] <tterrag> thanks NEI http://puu.sh/mSrmr.jpg
L2817[18:03:03] <tterrag> that's exactly what I wanted
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L2822[18:11:31] <masa> gigaherz: ok so when I have the custom MRL call, which MRL should I be giving it? just "inventory"? And then I have to have an "inventory" variant in the same blockstate json?
L2823[18:11:35] <xaero> gigaherz: just a minor typo in your IEEP doc, "e.wasDeath" - but I just skimmed, haven't read in depth
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L2826[18:16:51] <PitchBright> o/
L2827[18:16:59] <PitchBright> java newb question...
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L2829[18:17:31] <PitchBright> is there a way I can change some of the properties of Material wood… for instance I would like to set it to require a tool to harvest
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L2832[18:23:25] <gigaherz> [00:57] (masa): and I didn't notice that it didn't have the @Override anntoation because it has the @SideOnly annotation
L2833[18:23:27] *** V is now known as Vigaro
L2834[18:23:30] <gigaherz> you shouldn't be using @SideOnly in your code
L2835[18:23:30] <gigaherz> ,p
L2836[18:23:42] <gigaherz> unless the method makes use of a class not present in both jars
L2837[18:24:02] <gigaherz> [01:11] (masa): gigaherz: ok so when I have the custom MRL call, which MRL should I be giving it? just "inventory"? And then I have to have an "inventory" variant in the same blockstate json?
L2838[18:24:12] <gigaherz> for standard blocks without blockstates, pretty much
L2839[18:24:30] <masa> I should omit SideOnly from methods that in vanilla have it?
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L2841[18:25:00] <gigaherz> yeah
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L2843[18:25:35] <gigaherz> you don't need to copy any @SideOnly, unless the method or class references a type or method that doesn't exist in both jars
L2844[18:25:57] <masa> mmkay
L2845[18:26:07] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/PackingTape/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/packingtape/blockstates/packagedBlock.json
L2846[18:26:18] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/PackingTape/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/packingtape/client/ClientProxy.java#L28
L2847[18:26:26] <gigaherz> this is all you need for a plain block without blockstates
L2848[18:29:22] <masa> hrm, I got it to render, but it uses the model from the meta 0 variant
L2849[18:29:45] <gigaherz> you'll have to register each separate meta
L2850[18:29:54] <gigaherz> and point it to a different variant string
L2851[18:30:06] <masa> so it needs the fully qualified variant string?
L2852[18:30:21] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/client/ClientProxy.java#L117
L2853[18:30:24] <masa> ie. with facing and all
L2854[18:30:43] <masa> ok, well crap
L2855[18:30:50] <gigaherz> if you want each subblock to have a different model, yes.
L2856[18:31:07] <masa> which is the default facing? north?
L2857[18:31:25] <gigaherz> probably
L2858[18:31:53] <gigaherz> you could obtain it with like, Block.getDefaultState().withProperty
L2859[18:32:02] <masa> bleh fudge...
L2860[18:32:09] <gigaherz> I think toString on the IBlockState returns that?
L2861[18:32:18] <shadekiller666> masa, if by "default" you mean "the one that most blocks use as 'default'", then yes, but down is ordinal 0
L2862[18:32:42] <masa> I'll have to add a new property too for my furnace... unless, using a ISBM would get me around that?
L2863[18:32:50] <shadekiller666> north is index 0 for the HORIZONTALS
L2864[18:33:19] <masa> well eyah I mean the facing that is used in the inventory, so that I can see the front face of my blocks
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L2867[18:34:20] <shadekiller666> then yes its north
L2868[18:34:33] <masa> so if I have multiple different machines i nthe same block class, how should I handle a furnace that needs 4 different "on/off" states, but the other machines donät use any on/off states?
L2869[18:34:57] <shadekiller666> uhh
L2870[18:34:59] <gigaherz> my suggestion would be to split them ;P
L2871[18:35:14] <shadekiller666> well, vanilla uses 1 block per on/off state
L2872[18:35:17] <gigaherz> at least split the furnace fro mthe rest
L2873[18:35:20] <masa> hm
L2874[18:35:25] <gigaherz> or yeah
L2875[18:35:26] <masa> ok then...
L2876[18:35:28] <gigaherz> you could have two sub-machines
L2877[18:35:33] <gigaherz> furnace_off, and furnace_on
L2878[18:35:37] <shadekiller666> which is kinda a cheaty way around meta but whatever
L2879[18:35:42] <gigaherz> in the type enum
L2880[18:36:07] <masa> well it is furnace_on, furnace_nofuel, furnace_slow, furnace_fast :D
L2881[18:36:07] <Ordinastie> or don't use states at all
L2882[18:36:16] <Ordinastie> you already have the TE, why bother ?
L2883[18:36:18] <masa> bleh first one was off
L2884[18:36:27] <tterrag> easier for models?
L2885[18:36:41] <Ordinastie> oh right people use that shit -_-
L2886[18:36:45] <masa> Ordinastie: then what did you suggest?
L2887[18:36:48] <gigaherz> yeah it may be easier to handle those by cheating in the subtype enum
L2888[18:36:49] <gigaherz> ;p
L2889[18:37:42] <masa> but then I would have to be constantly setting the blockstate from the TE...
L2890[18:37:46] <masa> bleh
L2891[18:37:50] <tterrag> no
L2892[18:37:52] <tterrag> you use getActualState
L2893[18:37:55] <Ordinastie> masa, storing that data inside the TE directly, but apparently that "marvelous" of a system that are the models make it even more painful to use TE data for them
L2894[18:38:00] <masa> oh right
L2895[18:38:20] <gigaherz> Ordinastie: not really
L2896[18:38:27] <gigaherz> you are just biased against the model system
L2897[18:38:36] <gigaherz> all you ahve to do is override getActualState
L2898[18:38:42] <masa> wel lthe only problem is that the variants need to be fully qualified and shared or whatever
L2899[18:38:49] <gigaherz> and return state.withProperty(whatever, tileentity.value)...
L2900[18:39:10] <gigaherz> but yes
L2901[18:39:15] <masa> Ordinastie: the model system is awesome in itself, once you just learn to use it...
L2902[18:39:18] <gigaherz> the blockstate system makes subblocks more annoying
L2903[18:39:24] <masa> yep
L2904[18:39:31] <gigaherz> probably best to take the chance to split them
L2905[18:39:42] <masa> wasted block IDS here I come!
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L2907[18:39:44] <gigaherz> make it an instance value instead of metadata
L2908[18:39:52] <gigaherz> new BlockMachineWahtever(1) XD
L2909[18:39:53] <Ordinastie> getting use to eating shit doesn't make it better ;)
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L2911[18:39:57] <Ordinastie> *
L2912[18:40:00] <Ordinastie> *taste
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L2914[18:40:21] <masa> what is wrong with the models? they are a huge improvement over teh old shit
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L2916[18:40:29] <gigaherz> n othe problem is you got used to the flavour of shit from older versions
L2917[18:40:34] <gigaherz> so now real food tastes weird to you
L2918[18:40:35] <gigaherz> ;P
L2919[18:40:36] <masa> haha
L2920[18:40:57] <Ordinastie> they're badly design, the code that renders them is even worse
L2921[18:41:27] <Ordinastie> it's ok from a resourcepack maker perspective, but for a modder, they're juste a pain to work with
L2922[18:42:09] <masa> and still they allow for really cool stuff that wasn't feasible before, and the performance is much better usually
L2923[18:42:52] <Ordinastie> I'll keep using my system anyway
L2924[18:44:41] <masa> yay now all the models are working \o/
L2925[18:45:00] <masa> I'll just have to split the furnace to get the on states for that working
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L2933[18:51:36] <masa> so there is no way to nest properties in the blockstate, or is that allowed?
L2934[18:52:31] <masa> ie. how should I define the textures for the different machine types if they all have an on and off state?
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L2936[18:54:18] <gigaherz> masa: well
L2937[18:54:31] <gigaherz> one way to do it is by using intermediate texture "names" (which I like to call channels)
L2938[18:54:35] <gigaherz> so like
L2939[18:54:42] <gigaherz> "type": {
L2940[18:55:44] <gigaherz> "type1": { "textures": { "front" : "#machine1" } ... }, ...
L2941[18:55:45] <gigaherz> }
L2942[18:55:50] <gigaherz> "state": {
L2943[18:55:56] <gigaherz> "on": { "textures": {
L2944[18:56:05] <gigaherz> "machine1": "machine 1 texture on",
L2945[18:56:10] <gigaherz> "machine2": "machine 2 texture on",
L2946[18:56:11] <gigaherz> etc
L2947[18:56:13] <gigaherz> }
L2948[18:56:48] <gigaherz> so when you have "type1" and "on", the model will have like
L2949[18:57:14] <gigaherz> "front"->"machine1"->"machine 1 texture on", and it will resolve to the right texture
L2950[18:57:20] <gigaherz> that does mean you may have a lto of intermediate names
L2951[18:57:24] <gigaherz> lot*
L2952[18:57:36] <masa> okay..
L2953[18:57:51] <gigaherz> the alternative is to not share IDs ;P
L2954[18:58:05] <gigaherz> or use smart block models
L2955[18:58:07] <masa> ugh
L2956[18:58:14] <masa> hmm
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L2959[18:58:42] <masa> but smart block models would take away the customization possibility from resource pack makers right?
L2960[18:59:03] <masa> or at least limit it
L2961[18:59:22] <gigaherz> yes
L2962[18:59:24] <masa> not that that's a huge concern for me but still
L2963[18:59:33] <gigaherz> well
L2964[18:59:43] <gigaherz> you could go through the custom model loader system
L2965[19:00:01] <gigaherz> and define each machine state as a separate model json file
L2966[19:00:08] <gigaherz> but meh, that'd be ugly
L2967[19:00:14] <gigaherz> since you'd lose the blockstates
L2968[19:00:30] <gigaherz> so you'd need one file per model
L2969[19:01:03] <masa> yeah no thanks :D
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L2971[19:02:38] <thecodewarrior> What version of forge did all the WorldRenderer stuff get deobfuscated in? It doesn't seem to be deobfuscated in recommended but it is in a mod with an older version of forge.
L2972[19:03:06] <gigaherz> cna't remember
L2973[19:03:08] <gigaherz> somewhere in 1.8.8
L2974[19:03:29] <gigaherz> the methods should be present in the recommended 1.8.9
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L2976[19:04:25] <thecodewarrior> Not unless I'm doing it wrong. It's still stuff like `worldrenderer.func_181668_a(3, DefaultVertexFormats.field_181705_e);`
L2977[19:05:10] <masa> that's just the mappings though, right?
L2978[19:05:32] <masa> so change the mappings to the latest and re-run setup?
L2979[19:05:41] <gigaherz> yep
L2980[19:05:51] <gigaherz> that means the build.gradle references ancient mappings
L2981[19:05:54] <gigaherz> !!latest 1.8.9
L2982[19:05:55] <MCPBot_Reborn> === Latest Mappings ===
L2983[19:05:55] <MCPBot_Reborn> MC Version Forge Gradle Channel
L2984[19:05:56] <MCPBot_Reborn> 1.8.9 snapshot_20160201
L2985[19:07:14] <thecodewarrior> So do I not just update the minecraft version in the build.gradle and do gradle setupDeompWorkspace and gradle eclipse
L2986[19:07:35] <thecodewarrior> Just spotted the mappings line... TIL
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L2991[19:20:10] <kashike> is the forge maven repo having issues today?
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L2993[19:22:17] <infinitefoxes_> isn't there a way to increase my tile entity's renderer's size?
L2994[19:22:24] <infinitefoxes_> i.e. whatever's determining whether or not MC should render it
L2995[19:22:29] <infinitefoxes_> I think it's culling out my renderer
L2996[19:23:38] <thecodewarrior> getRenderBox or something of that sort in the TE. It still seems to cull behind you regardless though.
L2997[19:24:23] <infinitefoxes_> ah, that's it
L2998[19:24:25] <masa> getRenderBoundingBox()
L2999[19:24:31] <infinitefoxes_> thanks
L3000[19:24:59] <DrDisconsented> https://gist.github.com/disconsented/7ca5ead20b6cb905000b any ideas what I goofed up ? https://github.com/disconsented/Cristalllum/blob/master/src/main/java/disconsented/cristallum/block/BlockRefinery.java#L57
L3001[19:27:00] <masa> gigaherz: I got the on/off state textures working now too, thanks for the help!
L3002[19:27:12] <gigaherz> :) np
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L3007[19:45:47] <masa> https://d1zqrvc06emslq.cloudfront.net/media/originals/feedpost/70/0d/a0/1734f7ab5d1332d5a99eaf49d6482834.jpg
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L3009[19:51:22] <gigaherz> masa: wtf are the thigns with lights?
L3010[19:51:23] <gigaherz> XD
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L3014[19:57:36] <masa> which things?
L3015[19:57:46] <masa> the beacon-lloking things?
L3016[19:57:49] <gigaherz> the blocks on the left
L3017[19:57:50] <gigaherz> yeah
L3018[19:57:58] <masa> "Energy Bridge"
L3019[19:58:25] *** Dragon_ is now known as Drullkus
L3020[19:58:46] <masa> the idea is that many of my items use "ender charge", and you can get that by melting ender pearls or eyes of ender, but you can also build an energy bridge, which will "suck the charge" out of ender crystals in the end
L3021[19:59:37] <gigaherz> lol
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L3024[20:00:15] <masa> https://d1zqrvc06emslq.cloudfront.net/media/originals/feedpost/c5/30/27/e7d6b5c5cbf726453ce90d9244734f33.jpg
L3025[20:00:24] <masa> what's lol about it? :D
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L3028[20:03:39] <killjoy> Has anyone used a FileChooser in mc?
L3029[20:04:05] <tterrag> yep
L3030[20:04:22] <killjoy> I have, but it always appears behind the mc window
L3031[20:04:41] <killjoy> *JFileChooser*
L3032[20:05:29] <tterrag> dialog.setModal(true);
L3033[20:05:29] <tterrag> dialog.setAlwaysOnTop(true);
L3034[20:05:47] <tterrag> https://github.com/TPPIDev/Modpack-Tweaks/blob/master/src/main/java/modpacktweaks/client/gui/InstructionsGui.java#L95-L108
L3035[20:05:47] <killjoy> don't exist
L3036[20:05:48] <tterrag> like that
L3037[20:05:59] <killjoy> oh
L3038[20:08:52] <masa> heh looking at my old player.me posts, the first port I did back in feb-march of last year took me about a month to do :D
L3039[20:10:00] <masa> this time around I have most of the stuff working after two days, except item models are still missing
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L3041[20:12:20] <williewillus> you get better at ports the more you do ;)
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L3045[20:15:12] <killjoy> tterrag, doesn't work
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L3051[20:18:46] <killjoy> This is the file I'm currently working with. https://gist.github.com/killjoy1221/f1d27e6c9f99931fbb92
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L3056[20:28:44] <Me_> Hello?
L3057[20:29:08] <diesieben07> Hello
L3058[20:29:16] <Me_> Finally :P
L3059[20:29:30] <Me_> Took me so long to figure out why I couldn't talk
L3060[20:29:37] <gigaherz> webchat?
L3061[20:29:42] <Me_> Yup :P
L3062[20:31:08] <Me_> I'm having trouble figuring out how to get my IDE to use my Minecraft account. I have set my session and username in the program arguments, but when I run it, in the console it says that it "Completely ignored arguments: [--session, <My_Session_ID>]"
L3063[20:31:15] <Me_> Any ideas?
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L3065[20:31:33] <tterrag> session isn't an arg
L3066[20:31:35] <tterrag> it's --password
L3067[20:32:31] <Me_> But I thought that the launcher did the password stuff and just sent a session? Also in the tutorial they use session... :/
L3068[20:32:38] <Me_> (Trying password rn)
L3069[20:33:06] <DrDisconsented> Any ideas why https://github.com/disconsented/Cristalllum/blob/master/src/main/java/disconsented/cristallum/block/BlockRefinery.java#L48 will evaluate out to null whilst https://github.com/disconsented/Cristalllum/blob/master/src/main/java/disconsented/cristallum/block/BlockCrystal.java#L58 wont?
L3070[20:33:37] <gigaherz> Me_: there's no "launcher" in the IDE
L3071[20:33:46] <diesieben07> DrDisconsented, define evaluate to null
L3072[20:33:52] <gigaherz> forge has to connect itself
L3073[20:33:59] <gigaherz> so it needs the password
L3074[20:34:28] <gigaherz> maybe it would have been possible to require people to login first with the launcher, but it would be rather annoying
L3075[20:34:43] <Me_> Oh ok, well that worked Thank you so much!
L3076[20:35:05] <DrDisconsented> IDE reports that its null in the Refinery class but not in the Crystal class. Also this https://gist.github.com/disconsented/df1fb4e0259fdcfca7d9 diesieben07
L3077[20:37:05] <gigaherz> DrDisconsented: side note, the blockstate constructor is variadic, you don't have to specify "new IProperty[]" manually
L3078[20:37:07] <diesieben07> don't init the block in it's own static init
L3079[20:37:21] <diesieben07> because then the block constructor runs before the other static variables are initialized
L3080[20:37:30] <gigaherz> also
L3081[20:37:45] <techkid6> Hey.. back with items, is there an easy way to see what slot an item is in? (or what slot the user is selected?)
L3082[20:37:46] <gigaherz> you are only adding the PROPERY_ENUM propery, but not the FACING opne, in your createBlockState
L3083[20:38:11] <DrDisconsented> I know that, I was just trying to figure out why I was getting that NPE.
L3084[20:38:20] <gigaherz> yeah and diesieben07 answered that
L3085[20:38:28] <gigaherz> I'm just giving other remarks
L3086[20:38:28] <gigaherz> ;P
L3087[20:39:16] <gigaherz> the crystal only worked because you were lucky.
L3088[20:40:50] <gigaherz> you just simply can't rely on statics while initializing another static.
L3089[20:41:09] <DrDisconsented> So I need to instance the block just before I give to the registry correct?
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L3091[20:41:54] <DrDisconsented> Thats not right... the constructor is protected
L3092[20:43:25] <diesieben07> make it not protected then.
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L3095[20:46:44] <DrDisconsented> https://github.com/disconsented/Cristalllum/commit/9d598d2cc36c5574f5a7ab169e69e19752d28d0a which results in https://gist.github.com/disconsented/30b7216adebb7c997ed8
L3096[20:48:15] <williewillus> also ITEP is a legacy class don't extend that
L3097[20:48:29] <DrDisconsented> Whats used instead?
L3098[20:48:39] <williewillus> nothing, you just override the methods in BLock
L3099[20:48:46] <DrDisconsented> Cool
L3100[20:48:51] <williewillus> hasTileEntity(IBlockState), createTileEntity(IBLockState)
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L3102[20:50:14] <diesieben07> DrDisconsented, it is impossible that that produces that stack trace.
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L3104[20:53:38] <DrDisconsented> Well I don't know what to say diesieben07 because thats what I got
L3105[20:53:57] <diesieben07> again, impossible :D
L3106[20:54:01] <diesieben07> that crash points to line 47
L3107[20:54:03] <diesieben07> which is a comment.
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L3111[20:56:23] <techkid6> What the heck forge..
L3112[20:56:45] <williewillus> what?
L3113[20:57:06] <Dagarath> I have an issue with this.container in a GuiContainer always being null, is there a way to actually reference the container?
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L3115[20:57:24] <techkid6> I'm trying to just get the slot in my hotbar I've selected
L3116[20:57:38] <techkid6> and there doesn't seem to be a straightforward way to do that besides iterating the whole inventory
L3117[20:57:45] <diesieben07> player.inventory.currentItem
L3118[20:57:50] <williewillus> lol there's definitely a way
L3119[20:57:51] <williewillus> ^
L3120[20:57:57] <Dagarath> that is the container?
L3121[20:58:08] <diesieben07> no that was for techkid
L3122[20:58:11] <Dagarath> ohh lol
L3123[20:58:15] <diesieben07> wait your turn :P
L3124[20:58:23] <Dagarath> sorry sounded relevant =P
L3125[20:58:29] <diesieben07> GuiContainer does nto have a field "container"
L3126[20:58:42] <williewillus> most guis choose to have their own container field though
L3127[20:58:43] <diesieben07> there is "inventorySlots", which points to whatever you initialize it to using the constructor
L3128[20:59:06] <Dagarath> OH i see I did that LOl..in my proxy I should be able to actually put a reference in from the server side though no?
L3129[20:59:07] <diesieben07> so if it's null, then I am afraid it is your fault :P
L3130[20:59:14] <diesieben07> uhhh what.
L3131[20:59:20] <williewillus> wat
L3132[20:59:40] <Ordinastie> to further emphase it : WAT?
L3133[20:59:40] <DrDisconsented> hnngg
L3134[20:59:42] <williewillus> if you're doing container stuff everything should be done for you through guihandler
L3135[20:59:43] <Dagarath> In common proxy, which is where the gui is called, can I actually put in my container there rather than calling the container seperately?
L3136[20:59:43] <DrDisconsented> I am an idiot
L3137[20:59:49] <DrDisconsented> thanks for putting up with me diesieben07
L3138[20:59:50] <williewillus> you don't call anything
L3139[20:59:55] <Dagarath> or rather my GuiHandler not my proxy
L3140[21:00:11] <diesieben07> you create a COntainer in getServerGuiElement
L3141[21:00:20] <Dagarath> Well ok let me instead tell my problem, I need the container info on the client for updating it
L3142[21:00:22] <diesieben07> then you create a Container in getCLinetGuiElement AND a GuiContainer (using that container)
L3143[21:00:43] <diesieben07> the linkup between the two will be handled by FML / vanilla
L3144[21:00:58] <techkid6> diesieben07: Thanks so much.
L3145[21:01:07] <techkid6> I JUST found that as I was scrubbing through the source
L3146[21:01:23] <Dagarath> hmm ok well I am already doing that, so if I put my own public methods in the container, how am I to call them? Having problems wrapping my head around that
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L3148[21:02:18] <diesieben07> call them from where? what for?
L3149[21:02:39] <Dagarath> Call the container method from the gui
L3150[21:02:57] <diesieben07> well, inventorySlots points to the container
L3151[21:03:11] <Dagarath> but it is not the container directly? or is it?
L3152[21:03:15] <diesieben07> yes it is.
L3153[21:03:23] <diesieben07> you probably need a cast since it's of type Container, not HoweverYourContainerClassIsCalled
L3154[21:03:24] <Dagarath> Ok thank you that is what I was confused about
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L3156[21:07:51] <Dagarath> is there anything that does RGB conversion to int for drawGradientRect or do I have to reverse the calculation myself?
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L3158[21:08:28] <diesieben07> use hex notation, 0xRRGGBB
L3159[21:08:37] <Dagarath> oh alright thanks
L3160[21:08:38] <diesieben07> where each two go from 0 to FF
L3161[21:09:13] <Dagarath> yea I do know hex color
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L3163[21:09:43] <Dagarath> except replacing -1130706433 with 0x00FF00 doesnt work? lol
L3164[21:10:35] <diesieben07> because that is nt the same number :P
L3165[21:10:57] <Dagarath> What I want is to be able to choose what the -blahblah number is, I have NO idea what that means in color value
L3166[21:11:23] <Dagarath> oh nm it is working now lol
L3167[21:11:41] <diesieben07> windows calculator works wonders:D
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L3169[21:12:00] <Dagarath> durrhhh I didnt even think of that lol
L3170[21:14:21] <tterrag> google as well
L3171[21:14:24] <tterrag> or wolfram alpha
L3172[21:14:27] <tterrag> many things :P
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L3174[21:15:03] <Dagarath> yea many things I don't know about, windows calc sucks wont take 0s as first entry lol
L3175[21:15:29] <tterrag> because 0xFF00 and 0x00FF00 are identical
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L3183[21:48:35] <infinitefoxes_> Dagarath: not sure if I'm late, but the color codes you're seeing in the decompiled codebase are hex colors in decimal form
L3184[21:48:48] <infinitefoxes_> a google search can find you a decimal -> hex converter
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L3187[21:58:57] <Keridos> how do block updates work in MC1.8?
L3188[21:59:10] <williewillus> same as they always have
L3189[21:59:10] <williewillus> afaik
L3190[21:59:15] <Keridos> hm
L3191[22:00:26] <Keridos> ok now this is tricky, I have a config that tells my client if a specific block should be rendered, how would I do that with the jsons?
L3192[22:01:06] <williewillus> is this just "render normally" vs "don't render at all"?
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L3195[22:04:25] <williewillus> if so just override getRenderType in the block to return 3 for normal, -1 when disabled
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L3198[22:12:29] <Keridos> ok thanks
L3199[22:12:57] <Keridos> ah nvm I meant should shouldSIideBeRendered
L3200[22:13:19] <williewillus> shouldSideBeRendered will still work
L3201[22:13:24] <Keridos> is there any extensive tutorial for blockstates and the jsons and how that works compared to old rendering of standard blocks?
L3202[22:13:37] <williewillus> im surprised you haven't seen this https://gist.github.com/williewillus/57d7093efa80163e96e0
L3203[22:13:44] <williewillus> im glad you asked xD
L3204[22:16:37] <Keridos> ah thanks a lot
L3205[22:17:13] <Keridos> are MC 1.8.9 builds compatible to older 1.8 version worldwise?
L3206[22:17:19] <williewillus> should be
L3207[22:24:26] <Keridos> MC 1.8.x uses BLockStates when running but saves meta in the world?
L3208[22:24:55] <McJty> Keridos, actually also in memory it is kept as meta
L3209[22:25:08] <McJty> Keridos, unless you actually querry it
L3210[22:25:12] <McJty> With getBlockState
L3211[22:25:19] <Keridos> ok, guessing that will change in 1.9?
L3212[22:25:39] <McJty> Well blockstates are not that efficient to store as that
L3213[22:25:45] <McJty> A number is still the best way
L3214[22:26:03] <McJty> What I hope that changes is that blockstates get assigned ID's just like regular blocks so that there is no waste
L3215[22:26:18] <McJty> But still in memory a chunk will always be stored as an array of integers
L3216[22:26:22] <McJty> Otherwise it can't be fast enough
L3217[22:26:32] <williewillus> yea 1.8 is just a transitional stage
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L3219[22:30:54] <Keridos> McJty: but it removes the limit of 4 bit values?
L3220[22:30:58] <williewillus> no
L3221[22:31:03] <williewillus> it's an abstraction
L3222[22:31:12] <williewillus> but the possibility is tehre
L3223[22:31:22] <williewillus> they might change the world format to accommodate more metas
L3224[22:31:51] <Keridos> currently my renders need data from my tile entities since I cannot store all the data i need in the block itself
L3225[22:31:51] <McJty> Keridos, not at the moment but in 1.9 I hope they do
L3226[22:32:00] <williewillus> that is what getActualState is for
L3227[22:32:05] <McJty> Keridos, there will not be a 4 bit meta limit but a 64K ID limit instead
L3228[22:32:11] <williewillus> you get to add proeprties to your IBlockState that aren't saved to meta
L3229[22:32:19] <McJty> Where blocks that don't need the usual meta only take one slot instead of 16 as they do now
L3230[22:32:30] <McJty> And blocks that need 32 can get 32
L3231[22:32:44] <Keridos> Ok so I can just add them and query the TE for the info then?
L3232[22:32:47] <Keridos> that is good
L3233[22:33:15] <Keridos> is there a way of applying filters to the textures like you could do in the ISBRH in 1.7?
L3234[22:33:21] <williewillus> filters?
L3235[22:33:28] <Keridos> or for a colored block would I need to create 16 different textures?
L3236[22:33:33] <williewillus> oh that
L3237[22:33:38] <williewillus> you use colormultiplier like you always have
L3238[22:33:39] <Keridos> yeah I used a filter to dye it accordingly
L3239[22:33:49] <williewillus> there's a section on that in the gist
L3240[22:33:56] <williewillus> ctrl+f "colormultiplier"
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L3242[22:34:27] <Keridos> ah ok, guessing while needing reworking of the entire rendering system of my mod it might make things easier
L3243[22:34:41] <williewillus> :D
L3244[22:34:57] <Keridos> I can just use complete textures now and they will probably be rotated correctly?
L3245[22:35:11] <williewillus> once I get this all figured out, people could potentially replace the first person lexica botania's entire opening animation and model with their own
L3246[22:35:22] <williewillus> compelte textures?
L3247[22:35:30] <Keridos> currently I have a rotatable block that has a 20 line section of rotating textures for each side according to rotation
L3248[22:35:31] <Keridos> yeah
L3249[22:35:51] <williewillus> idk what that means, without knowing what the block does
L3250[22:35:52] <Keridos> i have 3 textures, top, side and bottom
L3251[22:36:14] <williewillus> and the block rotates to face the 6 sides?
L3252[22:36:31] <Keridos> and when I https://gist.github.com/Keridos/1bf09c0680373a6a0b21
L3253[22:36:39] <Keridos> just take a look at that
L3254[22:36:55] <williewillus> wow that's just to render a block that faces 6 directions?
L3255[22:37:09] <Keridos> yes, since I have different textures for different meta
L3256[22:37:23] <williewillus> that'll be easy in json, here lemme whip up an example
L3257[22:37:27] <Keridos> and it includings the colorMultiplayer
L3258[22:37:40] <Keridos> its ugly but it actually works pretty well
L3259[22:41:46] <williewillus> if your block does what I think it does this is an example. read the gist though, it'll help a lot http://pastebin.com/yNE3yqBX
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L3262[22:46:46] <williewillus> maybe the reason i'm so comfortable with 1.8 models is because I never touched rendering much at all in 1.7, never had to do an ISBRH or anything, so I can't complain about change ;p
L3263[22:47:00] <williewillus> though looking at RenderBlocks in 1.7 I'm glad I didn't have to..
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L3265[22:52:56] <Keridos> wow thanks again
L3266[22:53:11] <Keridos> uah it still is a lot of work for me to port this mod though
L3267[22:53:23] <williewillus> hehe it'll be okay
L3268[22:53:24] <Keridos> I guess I made about 10-20% of the required changes
L3269[22:55:22] <williewillus> what mod?
L3270[22:56:45] *** TSP|Work is now known as TheSecretPanda
L3271[22:56:50] <TheSecretPanda> I hate math with a passion. :/
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L3273[22:57:33] <killjoy> I ported a mod a while ago. I think I still haven't made the transfer to GlStateManager completely
L3274[22:57:37] <TheSecretPanda> I'm trying to figure out how to get the hypotenuse of a triangle with just the inner angle. :/
L3275[22:57:50] <williewillus> i think i got the port thing figured out
L3276[22:58:21] <williewillus> TheSecretPanda: that makes no sense, if you just have the inner angle you can have infinite hypoteni
L3277[22:58:46] <TheSecretPanda> I know. But.. How to word precisely.
L3278[22:58:48] <williewillus> if you just scale up for example the 3-4-5 the angles are the same but the hypot is longer
L3279[22:59:13] <TheSecretPanda> I have a car that can turn 360. I want to be able to know the slope of the car, if lets say it's rotated 347*
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L3283[23:00:58] <TheSecretPanda> I can figure out the lengths if I have all 3 angles, can't I?
L3284[23:01:06] <williewillus> no
L3285[23:01:12] <williewillus> similar triangles all of the same angles
L3286[23:01:13] <TheSecretPanda> ... Well...
L3287[23:01:16] <williewillus> yet there's infinitely many of them
L3288[23:01:21] <williewillus> you're looking for trig
L3289[23:01:28] <williewillus> but idk how to visualize your exact scenario
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L3291[23:01:39] <killjoy> SohCahToa
L3292[23:01:54] <TheSecretPanda> williewillus, gimme a second. I can visualize it. :D
L3293[23:01:59] <thecodewarrior> ^ this, so useful
L3294[23:02:11] <thecodewarrior> *SohCahToa
L3295[23:02:22] <TheSecretPanda> It is, but will it complete a triangle with just 1 angle?
L3296[23:02:31] <killjoy> No.
L3297[23:02:34] <thecodewarrior> No, that is mathmatically impossible
L3298[23:02:36] <killjoy> you need 3
L3299[23:02:46] <TheSecretPanda> Okay, so if I have all 3, what do I do?
L3300[23:02:47] <fry> you need at least 1 side
L3301[23:02:49] <killjoy> 2 lengths and an angle
L3302[23:03:00] <TheSecretPanda> I can't get any lengths. :(
L3303[23:03:05] <TheSecretPanda> Unless I'm looking at it wrong.
L3304[23:03:06] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep|@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L3305[23:03:06] <williewillus> you said you wanted to go angle -> slope right?
L3306[23:03:08] <williewillus> that's trig
L3307[23:03:12] <williewillus> hold on drawing a pic
L3308[23:03:42] <killjoy> slope is easy because you already have 1 angle
L3309[23:03:43] <killjoy> 90
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L3311[23:04:01] <TheSecretPanda> Yes... But slope requires rise/run, and I have nothing for any side.
L3312[23:04:09] <TheSecretPanda> Just the angle of rotation of the player.
L3313[23:04:12] <williewillus> you can make up that
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L3315[23:04:16] <williewillus> for your own mathematical purposes
L3316[23:04:20] <killjoy> you have the eye height
L3317[23:04:52] <killjoy> <1 + <2 + <3 = 360
L3318[23:05:18] <thecodewarrior> Just make the run = 1, then you calculate the rise, and bam, you've got the slope. slope is the same regardless of run.
L3319[23:05:20] <TheSecretPanda> I can figure all the angles. Just slope..
L3320[23:05:23] <williewillus> yes
L3321[23:05:28] <williewillus> what thecodewarrior said
L3322[23:05:34] <williewillus> i just drew a picture of that :p
L3323[23:06:07] <TheSecretPanda> so: sin(x) = opp/1?
L3324[23:06:37] <TheSecretPanda> ex: sin(347) = opp/1 [After converting 347 -> 90* complement]
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L3327[23:06:58] <williewillus> i used the run but it shouldn't matter http://imgur.com/vHGg1oZ
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L3329[23:07:41] <TheSecretPanda> So instead: tan(x) = opp/1?
L3330[23:08:01] <williewillus> yes that would work too
L3331[23:08:04] <fry> welcome to trigonometry 101 with modders
L3332[23:08:09] <williewillus> lol
L3333[23:08:10] <TheSecretPanda> lol
L3334[23:08:16] <fry> 101 :P
L3335[23:08:32] <TheSecretPanda> So, figure out how to convert x -> 90 complement, then plug it in, then tada?
L3336[23:08:33] <thecodewarrior> So trig 5?
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L3338[23:09:00] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L3339[23:09:03] <TheSecretPanda> Nah, trig 1!
L3340[23:09:17] <thecodewarrior> No, trig 0b101 = trig 5.
L3341[23:09:33] <TheSecretPanda> trig (3!-1)
L3342[23:09:37] <TheSecretPanda> = trig 5
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L3344[23:10:16] <thecodewarrior> I don't know what that means, I just know that 101 is 5 in binary...
L3345[23:10:26] <TheSecretPanda> 3! = 6
L3346[23:10:30] <TheSecretPanda> 6 - 1 = 5
L3347[23:11:10] <thecodewarrior> Why 3!, where did that come from...
L3348[23:11:28] <TheSecretPanda> Hey, can someone isolate a variable? b/a = (b/c)/(a/c)
L3349[23:11:32] <fry> welcome to discrete mathematics 101 with modders
L3350[23:11:38] <TheSecretPanda> xD
L3351[23:11:59] <TheSecretPanda> Fry, welcome to WhateverAnyoneCanConjureUpIn#MinecraftForge 101 with modders
L3352[23:12:14] <IoP> TheSecretPanda: multiple both sides with zero. All done.
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L3354[23:12:30] <TheSecretPanda> Nono. Like an actual answer, that would suffice all 3 with something other than 0
L3355[23:12:41] <TheSecretPanda> s/suffice/satisfy
L3356[23:12:44] <TheSecretPanda> Awe. :(
L3357[23:13:51] <thecodewarrior> I keep ending up with an identity...
L3358[23:14:54] <xaero> it looks like you're scaling both numerator and denominator by 1/c
L3359[23:15:41] <TheSecretPanda> I am... But I need atleast one variable isolated.
L3360[23:16:01] <TheSecretPanda> Because tan(x) = sin(x)/cos(x)
L3361[23:16:02] <thecodewarrior> an online algebra calculater either craps out because it finds an identity or gives me 0/0...
L3362[23:16:13] <TheSecretPanda> Then it's not possible. :/
L3363[23:16:17] <TheSecretPanda> Urgh
L3364[23:16:33] <thecodewarrior> What are you trying to find and what do you have.
L3365[23:17:04] <TheSecretPanda> I am trying to find slope of a top-down car (2D), via the current rotation (out of 360*)
L3366[23:17:52] <thecodewarrior> what do you mean slope of a top-down car?
L3367[23:18:36] <TheSecretPanda> 1 sec
L3368[23:19:08] <TheSecretPanda> http://imgur.com/Ta0KzTy Can rotate 360, just need to get slope of current angle. :(
L3369[23:19:16] <xaero> but think if that even makes sense, simplified it's like saying a/2 = a
L3370[23:19:33] <Keridos> does 1.8 still have the bounding boxes like they were in 1.7.10 or is that also changed except for the enumfacing and blockpos stuff?
L3371[23:20:46] <thecodewarrior> sin(angle) = opposite with adjacent = 1, meaning that the slope is sin(angle)
L3372[23:21:29] <thecodewarrior> sin(x) = o/a => a*sin(x) = o => (a=1) sin(x) = o
L3373[23:21:55] <TheSecretPanda> mkk, so will that work for full 360?
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L3375[23:22:40] <TheSecretPanda> Because apparently sin(90) = 0.893996663600579
L3376[23:22:52] <fry> what exactly do you mean by "slope"?
L3377[23:23:05] <TheSecretPanda> I need to be able to move the player's x and y, based on the rotation.
L3378[23:23:10] <thecodewarrior> Is it in radians or degrees.
L3379[23:23:16] <TheSecretPanda> degrees
L3380[23:23:18] <TheSecretPanda> It's correct.
L3381[23:23:25] <TheSecretPanda> Just need the rise over run now.
L3382[23:23:43] <fry> x += cos(angle) * speed; y += sin(angle) * speed;
L3383[23:24:14] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L3384[23:24:23] <thecodewarrior> Nope, your sine function is operating in radians. sin(90rad) = 0.89... sin(90deg) = 1
L3385[23:24:54] <thecodewarrior> wait, messed up, tan(angle) = o
L3386[23:24:54] <TheSecretPanda> Oh?
L3387[23:24:56] <williewillus> Keridos: they got rid of the factory method for AABB
L3388[23:25:00] <williewillus> now you just do new AxisAlignedBB
L3389[23:25:04] <williewillus> simple find and replace
L3390[23:25:31] <thecodewarrior> S = O/H C = A/H T = O/A
L3391[23:25:56] <TheSecretPanda> fry: move(Math.cos(getRotation()*getSpeed()), Math.sin(getRotation()*getSpeed())); //This?
L3392[23:26:09] <TheSecretPanda> Assuming that's in the player class.
L3393[23:26:26] <Keridos> williewillus: ah that was what my IDE was complaining about probably
L3394[23:26:41] <Keridos> it felt pretty weird in 1.7.10 though
L3395[23:26:43] <fry> move the speed out of the sin/cos
L3396[23:27:02] <TheSecretPanda> Then that'll be it?
L3397[23:27:11] <fry> probably
L3398[23:27:27] <fry> assuming rotation is in the correct units
L3399[23:27:40] <TheSecretPanda> I have it setup for degrees.
L3400[23:27:49] <TheSecretPanda> I'll let ya know in a second.
L3401[23:29:20] <TheSecretPanda> Mhmm.. No movement. Urgh gotta check rendering.
L3402[23:31:38] <TheSecretPanda> Ah. If speed weren't 0. xD
L3403[23:32:07] <GeoDoX> gigaherz, you around?
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L3405[23:33:11] <TheSecretPanda> Uhm...
L3406[23:33:19] <TheSecretPanda> fry, would you be available to look at code?
L3407[23:34:25] <TheSecretPanda> I present, "Derpus the Car".. https://github.com/ShadowCube273/RacingGame/commit/2788b61278dd0125e92b83756c2e0b4388af93bb
L3408[23:34:57] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@94-225-203-206.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Leaving)
L3409[23:36:32] <thecodewarrior> McJty didn't like it... he was like, "oh no, I'm outa here"
L3410[23:36:41] <TheSecretPanda> xD
L3411[23:36:55] <TheSecretPanda> I'm pretty sure that a car isn't supposed to move like that.
L3412[23:37:02] <TheSecretPanda> Especially if fry is any good at math. xD
L3413[23:37:12] <Keridos> wee, managed to at least update all my block classes, now these just need th jsons
L3414[23:37:47] *** TheSecretPanda is now known as TSP|bcItlooksCool
L3415[23:38:21] ⇦ Parts: TSP|bcItlooksCool (~TheSecret@c-68-53-45-139.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) ())
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L3417[23:38:37] <TSP> too long of a name. xD
L3418[23:38:51] <fry> TSP: your angles are in degrees, Math expects radians
L3419[23:39:06] <Keridos> argh what have they done to the tesselator in 1.8?
L3420[23:39:12] <TSP> So, when getting rotation return rotation*(Math.PI/180);
L3421[23:40:13] <TSP> That's somewhat better. :/ I think
L3422[23:40:31] <TSP> 0* is straight up, correct?
L3423[23:41:36] <fry> Math.toRadians
L3424[23:41:56] <thecodewarrior> Keridos: Go with worldRenderer... look in RenderGlobal.drawOutlinedBoundingBox
L3425[23:42:02] <TSP> But that formula is correct?
L3426[23:42:07] <sham1> 0 degress is straight up depending on where you count from
L3427[23:42:15] <williewillus> Keridos: read the gist lol
L3428[23:42:17] <thecodewarrior> you can to .tex(u,v) for texture coordinates too.
L3429[23:42:18] <williewillus> it's at the bottom
L3430[23:42:29] <williewillus> ctrl f "changes to tessellator"
L3431[23:43:02] <williewillus> actually "tessellator changes from 1.7"
L3432[23:43:26] <TSP> 46.79999... apparently stops the car from moving.
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L3435[23:43:54] <TSP> 52.5 has the same result.
L3436[23:47:08] <thecodewarrior> What method is called when a block is placed, but after the TE is created?
L3437[23:47:38] <TSP> 34.5-55.5 the car stops...
L3438[23:49:00] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de)
L3439[23:49:50] <williewillus> thecodewarrior: onLoaded, i think
L3440[23:49:52] <williewillus> in TE
L3441[23:50:18] <thecodewarrior> I want to do it in the block though, the TE is generic and shared across several blocks.
L3442[23:55:41] <thecodewarrior> Anybody else find that (when appropriate) doing things at whatever pace happens makes them a ton more enjoyable? At one point I was in the mentality of "if I get more done I'll be more satisfied", I've since realized that three hours doing things slowly is more enjoyable in the end than an hour of full-force "DO THIS FAST SO I CAN MOVE ON AND DO ANOTHER THING FAST SO I CAN...".
L3443[23:57:05] <williewillus> depends
L3444[23:57:12] <TSP> ^
L3445[23:57:22] <williewillus> if I'm in that relaxed state I can find that 3 hours have passed and I'm in the exact same place I started
L3446[23:57:40] <Keridos> meh why does the guihandling stuff still use x,y,z not blockpos
L3447[23:57:54] <TSP> So here's a question
L3448[23:58:02] <williewillus> because it's not x y z
L3449[23:58:07] <williewillus> those are passed directly to you
L3450[23:58:12] <williewillus> you can stuff whatever numbers in there you want
L3451[23:58:16] <williewillus> and FML couldn't care less
L3452[23:58:19] <TSP> If i commited something, then reverted that commit, how do I get the code from the commit back?
L3453[23:58:36] <williewillus> checkout that commit?
L3454[23:58:43] <Keridos> IGUIhandler has this public Object getServerGuiElement(int ID, EntityPlayer player, World world, int x, int y, int z);
L3455[23:58:46] <TSP> Actually, I think this is it: Revert "Revert "Fixing Derpus""
L3456[23:58:52] <Keridos> this is what is irritating me
L3457[23:59:00] <williewillus> Keridos: it's just namned that way because that's a common use case
L3458[23:59:00] <Keridos> pretty much everything just uses blockpos
L3459[23:59:01] <TSP> Ahhh. Better.
L3460[23:59:02] <LatvianModder> So, in 1.9 gui code will be json models too, or that will only be an option, not requirement?
L3461[23:59:09] <Keridos> williewillus: i mean the parameters
L3462[23:59:15] <thecodewarrior> that's a good point, sometimes you aren't in the mentality to get anything done, that would then not be an appropriate time to do things at whatever pace you want. because the pace you want/will happen is no pace.
L3463[23:59:18] <williewillus> it's not blockpos
L3464[23:59:22] <williewillus> because its not coordinates
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L3466[23:59:37] <Keridos> what is it then?
L3467[23:59:42] <williewillus> anything you put in it
L3468[23:59:50] <williewillus> you call player.openGui
L3469[23:59:52] ⇦ Quits: blood_ (unknown@ool-182e0a55.dyn.optonline.net) ()
L3470[23:59:55] <Keridos> ithe javadoc tells me it is the position though
L3471[23:59:56] <williewillus> and the guihandler gets your args to that
L3472[23:59:58] <williewillus> it's not
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