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L1[00:00:29] <Ri5ux> See, I liked when the modeling was part of the coding...
L2[00:01:06] <fry> Ri5ux: look at this for example: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/src/test/java/net/minecraftforge/debug/ModelAnimationDebug.java#L246-L291
L3[00:01:14] <fry> it's a TESR for an animated chest
L4[00:01:21] <Ri5ux> I feel like a 3rd grader going into college..
L5[00:01:30] <McJty> Hmm. I have an ISBM that depends on tile entity state but no matter what I do it doesn't seem to get updated in time
L6[00:01:34] <fry> but it has 0 lines of chest-specific code
L7[00:02:00] <fry> you can literally copy and paste this code and make a TESR for a door, or smth like that
L8[00:02:02] <McJty> In onBlockPlacedBy I'm trying world.notifyNeighborsOfStateChange(pos, this); to notify all neightbours
L9[00:02:11] <fry> all you'd need to change is the model
L10[00:02:19] <fry> which you can work on separately
L11[00:02:57] <williewillus> fry: request to continue on the fontrenderer thing because the lexicon needs to dynamically render text on the cover ;p
L12[00:03:10] <williewillus> and I don't think I'll ragequit my port soon :D
L13[00:03:18] <kashike> what's required to get @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) removed from a class?
L14[00:03:31] <williewillus> a whole class?
L15[00:03:33] <williewillus> which one?
L16[00:03:39] <kashike> EnumPlayerModelParts
L17[00:03:40] <McJty> So I'm calculating the info for the ISBM in getExtendedState. What's the best way to make sure getExtendedState is called AFTER te TE is updated?
L18[00:04:09] <fry> williewillus: here it is: https://github.com/RainWarrior/MinecraftForge/blob/653b940ebcf765ed5baff92917e50129bcc3b7de/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/client/model/ModelFontRenderer.java should only need to fix the unicode
L19[00:04:11] <williewillus> McJty: i usually do world.markBlockForRenderUpdate(pos, pos) right after updating relevant te fields and it works out fine
L20[00:04:25] <McJty> yes but that's on the client
L21[00:04:38] <McJty> This is triggered server side.
L22[00:05:02] <williewillus> hm
L23[00:05:02] <McJty> ah I know the problem...
L24[00:05:19] <williewillus> what was it?
L25[00:05:23] <McJty> Ok, this is going to be somewhat more complicated. I need to think about this
L26[00:05:47] <williewillus> kashike: you can try making a case for your need for it on the serverside on the forge issue tracker
L27[00:06:01] <williewillus> I think a couple methods have gotten their sideonly removed from that, but don't know about classes
L28[00:06:08] <McJty> Well I'm getting the info from the server using packets and a timeout. But when the packet finally arrives with the new info the block is already rendered and no update will occur
L29[00:06:15] <McJty> s/timeout/timer
L30[00:06:22] <williewillus> maybe mark update in the packethandler?
L31[00:06:34] <tterrag> kashike: one does not simply remove @SideOnly
L32[00:06:36] <tterrag> it's only a marker
L33[00:06:44] <McJty> williewillus, yes but at this moment I don't know which blocks are affected tehre.
L34[00:06:45] <McJty> there
L35[00:06:50] <McJty> But I'll probably have to find a way to do it with that
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L40[00:10:31] <williewillus> fry: so I can just use ModelFontHandler and call renderDefaultChar(), and then build() and it will spit BakedQuads back at me?
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L42[00:10:50] <williewillus> *renderer
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L48[00:12:08] <williewillus> ah no i use drawString, this is great :p
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L53[00:16:28] <shadekiller666> hmmm
L54[00:17:11] <fry> willieaway: need to update to UnpackedBakedQuad.builder to make it a bit nicer, but the gist is that, yes
L55[00:17:28] <McJty> Nice. My first ISBM works :-)
L56[00:17:29] <shadekiller666> ok why does bitshifting and bitwise AND work to deserialize a Vector4f from an int (color) but straight up bitwise AND with 0xFF000000 and such doesn't
L57[00:20:22] <LexMobile> Singnage?
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L62[00:21:48] <LexMobile> And kashike why the fuck do you need models on the server?
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L85[00:47:55] <McJty> What's the faceIn parameter actually do for a BakedQuad: BakedQuad(int[] vertexDataIn, int tintIndexIn, EnumFacing faceIn)
L86[00:48:11] <McJty> What if you just want general irregular quads that have no particular face. What would you use then?
L87[00:50:18] <tterrag> McJty: null? not sure
L88[00:50:25] <fry> no
L89[00:50:47] <tterrag> ...
L90[00:51:27] <fry> LightUtil.toSide(nx, ny, nz) will give you the closest match
L91[00:51:36] <fry> if you pass in the face normal
L92[00:51:51] <fry> and nothing in forge should be using that face anyway
L93[00:52:07] <McJty> But what does it do? If it is not used then I can just pass in NORTH or what?
L94[00:53:42] <fry> I might've not caught everything :P
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L96[00:56:02] <tterrag> argh, was AABB not immutable in 1.7?
L97[00:56:09] <tterrag> weird...I totally forgot that
L98[00:56:24] <laci200270> ok.. good I just had a BSOD
L99[00:56:26] <tterrag> why is offset even chainable then
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L103[01:09:06] <laci200270> idea not likes shutdowns
L104[01:09:17] <laci200270> my all settings are lost
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L111[01:25:28] <shadekiller666> fry, what do think? https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/commit/61c95d8db76f568aeced13e8cdf1253920aaa10d
L112[01:25:39] <shadekiller666> i think its pretty nice :P
L113[01:25:54] <shadekiller666> you know, now that it actually works
L114[01:29:16] <LexLap2> why does it say you commited that on the official repo...
L115[01:29:32] <fry> github is stupid, I hope
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L155[01:30:13] <shadekiller666> it doesn't, its coparing the main branch's version to the one on my fork
L156[01:30:13] <fry> funny how that works: https://github.com/bspkrs/MinecraftForge/commit/3f39fdc9eec7a849a8f439222620ba8169e29e74
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L160[01:30:56] <bspkrs> wat
L161[01:31:01] <fry> looks like the whole fork network can be used to lookup the commit
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L164[01:31:20] <LexLap2> ya thats weird
L165[01:31:29] <LexLap2> then again i guess it makes sense...
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L169[01:31:38] <LexLap2> all commits are gunna be unique hashes
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L172[01:31:40] <shadekiller666> its allows you to compare to see if there are conflicts before making a PR
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L174[01:31:51] <fry> you didn't send the compare link, shade
L175[01:31:55] <LexLap2> how does it let you do that?
L176[01:31:59] <fry> you sent the direct link to the commit
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L180[01:32:09] <shadekiller666> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/commit/61c95d8db76f568aeced13e8cdf1253920aaa10d
L181[01:32:15] <fry> again, no
L182[01:32:30] <shadekiller666> ?
L183[01:32:46] <fry> here's the compare link: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/compare/master...shadekiller666:OBJ_Loader
L184[01:32:55] <LexLap2> thats the direct link to your commit, under our repo
L185[01:33:01] <bspkrs> shadekiller666, send the link to the commit from your fork of the repo
L186[01:33:05] <LexLap2> it looks like its a official commit, its weird
L187[01:33:14] *** Jared|Away is now known as Jared
L188[01:33:24] <shadekiller666> fry, after that page i clicked on the last commit on that list
L189[01:35:07] <shadekiller666> this is what it looks like when i click "Compare and Pull Request" when looking at my fork of the main branch: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/compare/master...shadekiller666:OBJ_Loader?expand=1
L190[01:35:39] <fry> it's like I'm not even here
L191[01:35:48] <SatanicSanta> There's no non-reflection way to get the EntityVillager#lastBuyingPlayer and EntityVillager#timeUntilReset fields, right?
L192[01:35:48] <shadekiller666> lol
L193[01:35:52] <xaero> bspkrs: this shows the fork properly https://github.com/shadekiller666/MinecraftForge/commit/61c95d8db76f568aeced13e8cdf1253920aaa10d
L194[01:36:00] <shadekiller666> ...
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L197[01:36:35] <shadekiller666> thank you xaero...
L198[01:38:48] <xaero> np, maybe github just checks the user in the URL and shows different HTML accordingly
L199[01:38:53] <shadekiller666> anyway, any thing jump out at you fry?
L200[01:39:25] <fry> the repo name
L201[01:39:30] * fry runs away
L202[01:39:49] <shadekiller666> lol
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L204[01:43:28] <laci200270> fry check in internet explorer :D
L205[01:44:23] <shadekiller666> fry, biggest changes were in OBJState
L206[01:44:44] <shadekiller666> anything other than the repo name jump out at you?
L207[01:46:11] <laci200270> fry, https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/commit/61c95d8db76f568aeced13e8cdf1253920aaa10d.patch
L208[01:46:51] <laci200270> thats just a plain document with patch info
L209[01:47:12] <laci200270> or this: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/commit/61c95d8db76f568aeced13e8cdf1253920aaa10d.diff
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L212[01:48:11] <fry> why are you touching ModelFluid, shade?
L213[01:48:34] <shadekiller666> because java got angry that it didn't know how to cast Float to double
L214[01:48:40] <shadekiller666> and wouldn't compile
L215[01:48:46] <fry> it's not java
L216[01:48:53] <fry> it's whatever IDE you're using
L217[01:48:57] <shadekiller666> eclipse...
L218[01:49:01] <fry> update then
L219[01:49:10] <fry> since it works fine in my eclipse
L220[01:49:14] <shadekiller666> its the same version ive been using...
L221[01:49:55] *** Jared is now known as Jared|Away
L222[01:52:54] <fry> shadekiller666: what's the purpose of shouldRebake?
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L224[01:54:17] <shadekiller666> to force OBJBakedModel to recalculate the changes to Material colors, as without it getGeneralQuads() doesn't rebake, but simply returns the list its already calculated
L225[01:54:41] <fry> baked models shouldn't change
L226[01:54:58] <shadekiller666> can't change the IModel
L227[01:55:08] <fry> can't change anything
L228[01:55:22] ⇦ Quits: laci200270 (~laci20027@ (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L229[01:55:56] <shadekiller666> why can't they change?
L230[01:56:46] <fry> because they're shared
L231[01:57:01] <shadekiller666> baked models aren't
L232[01:57:19] <shadekiller666> that color switching works perfectly
L233[01:57:23] <fry> yes, they are
L234[01:57:54] <fry> all instances of block X will use the same baked model, for given state
L235[01:57:55] <shadekiller666> ok
L236[01:58:01] <shadekiller666> mhmm
L237[01:58:19] <shadekiller666> which is not a problem... because they all have the same state
L238[01:59:04] ⇨ Joins: RyanKnack (RyanKnack@anarchy.esper.net)
L239[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20151231 mappings to Forge Maven.
L240[02:00:06] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20151231-1.8.9.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20151231" in build.gradle).
L241[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
L242[02:00:44] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@94-224-176-164.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Leaving)
L243[02:01:32] <shadekiller666> the way that it was done before all models were sharing the changes, cuz i hadn't copied the material map like i am now
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L246[02:11:07] <shadekiller666> how do the group-visibility changes look fry
L247[02:11:33] ⇦ Quits: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8002:ea78:d8c:448c:31d9:85e8) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L249[02:12:06] <fry> hard to tell
L250[02:12:54] <shadekiller666> does it make sense how it works?
L251[02:13:35] <fry> hard to tell :P
L252[02:14:32] <shadekiller666> lol
L253[02:16:16] <shadekiller666> OBJGroupTest is the new block that utilizes the group visibilities
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L255[02:19:45] <Ri5ux> Say I've got a techne model that I want to put on 1.8, but I dont have the TCN anymore, do I have to re-make it?
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L257[02:21:11] <fry> yes
L258[02:21:11] <Ri5ux> Or is there some magic tool somewhere that can "export" it back into some sort of model.
L259[02:21:24] <fry> that's the problem with techne models
L260[02:21:39] <fry> they're often non-recoverable
L261[02:22:09] <Ri5ux> Unfortunately, my entire mod was based off of those. I never changed because it was my "standard"
L262[02:22:24] <Ri5ux> And it wouldve been too much work
L263[02:22:34] ⇦ Quits: Upthorn (~ogmar@108-85-88-195.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L264[02:22:57] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L265[02:22:58] <Ri5ux> Oh shit, that reminds me... Tabula!
L266[02:23:05] <fry> if you didn't add anything to the code you might be able to recover them
L267[02:23:24] ⇦ Quits: Temportalist (uid37180@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:3:0:913c) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L268[02:23:30] <Ri5ux> Never mind, think I remembered something.
L269[02:24:18] <killjoy> !gc qx 1.4.6
L270[02:24:21] <killjoy> dern
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L273[02:29:10] <Ri5ux> Question, is it possible to animate a json model?
L274[02:29:27] <shadekiller666> not atm
L275[02:29:29] <fry> yes
L276[02:29:33] <fry> :P
L277[02:29:34] <shadekiller666> oh nvm then
L278[02:29:34] <Ri5ux> .-.
L279[02:29:44] ⇦ Quits: LexMobile (uid15621@id-15621.highgate.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L280[02:30:01] <fry> and at some point soon you won't need additional code to do that: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/2308
L281[02:30:33] *** Morphan1 is now known as MorphFK
L282[02:30:53] <shadekiller666> interesting
L283[02:31:45] <shadekiller666> i've been thinking about having support for loading a .zip of a bunch of .obj models with an extra text file for animatons
L284[02:31:51] <shadekiller666> animations*
L285[02:32:11] <tterrag> fry: tangentially related question, what gif recorder do you use?
L286[02:32:23] <fry> imagemagick
L287[02:32:25] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L288[02:32:38] <tterrag> what OS?
L289[02:32:44] <Ri5ux> In 1.8, Entities render basically the same, right?
L290[02:32:44] <tterrag> for windows I've found LICEcap to be perfect
L291[02:32:49] <tterrag> your gif is a bit buggy :P
L292[02:33:33] <fry> linux :P
L293[02:33:37] <fry> Ri5ux: yup
L294[02:33:38] <tterrag> ah, oh well
L295[02:34:14] <tterrag> that's odd, they actually have an OSX version
L296[02:34:18] <tterrag> but no linux version :/
L297[02:36:15] <fry> imagemagick can do basically anything you can think of with images
L298[02:36:33] <fry> LICEcap looks like a simple desktop -> capture, from what I can tell
L299[02:39:11] ⇦ Quits: primetoxinz (~primetoxi@ip68-107-226-229.hr.hr.cox.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L300[02:39:17] <shadekiller666> fry, updated eclipse to latest version of Luna, line 159 in ModelFluid is still complaining
L301[02:40:52] ⇨ Joins: Loetkolben (~Loetkolbe@ipbcc2d086.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
L302[02:42:42] <Rushmead> Rendering entitys = JSON Or Render Code?
L303[02:42:57] ⇨ Joins: primetoxinz (~primetoxi@ip68-107-226-229.hr.hr.cox.net)
L304[02:42:59] <fry> depends
L305[02:45:05] <Rushmead> On what/
L306[02:45:07] <Rushmead> ?*
L307[02:45:49] <fry> on how deep are you willing to go down the rabbit hole, Alice :P
L308[02:46:07] <Rushmead> Hmmm.
L309[02:46:51] <Rushmead> Ok, i'll leave that rabbit hole for a moment.
L310[02:47:30] <Rushmead> If i want to make something like this -> http://th02.deviantart.net/fs24/PRE/i/2008/007/2/6/Theatre_Movie_Curtains_Stock_by_PyronixcoreStock.jpg How should i do it?
L311[02:47:31] <laci200270> creating inner classes for everything is a good idea?
L312[02:49:04] <laci200270> shadekiller666, if you compile it with gradle what happens?
L313[02:49:17] <shadekiller666> huh?
L314[02:49:19] <laci200270> it compiles?
L315[02:49:31] <laci200270> the ModelFLuid
L316[02:49:46] <shadekiller666> idk... it just won't compile regardless
L317[02:49:57] <shadekiller666> the project was imported via build.gradle i think
L318[02:50:32] <fry> Rushmead: as an entity? :P
L319[02:50:45] <fry> a theater curtain monster? :P
L320[02:50:51] <Rushmead> :P Hahaha no
L321[02:51:01] <Rushmead> Ignore the entity part.
L322[02:51:04] <Rushmead> How should i do it?
L323[02:51:12] <fry> make a curtain block :P
L324[02:51:25] <Rushmead> Baring in mind i want them to open and close
L325[02:51:42] <laci200270> Rushmead, use a TESR
L326[02:51:58] <laci200270> make a layer from the curtain
L327[02:52:11] <laci200270> and render it more and more times
L328[02:52:21] <laci200270> store the time somehow
L329[02:54:53] ⇨ Joins: Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net)
L330[02:56:20] <Rushmead> Slightly Confused
L331[02:56:21] <Rushmead> By that
L332[02:57:53] <laci200270> draw on layer in json
L333[02:57:56] <laci200270> or obj or
L334[02:58:03] <laci200270> or whatever
L335[02:58:49] <laci200270> then if you want to use general blockstate format, and create 16 possible blockstates..
L336[02:59:27] <laci200270> oh, don't do that
L337[02:59:38] <laci200270> that would create insnace lagg
L338[03:00:11] <laci200270> the final: create a TESR what draws your json model x times
L339[03:01:29] <laci200270> Rushmead, do you understand?
L340[03:02:51] <Rushmead> Not Partiucaly
L341[03:02:51] <Rushmead> .
L342[03:03:12] <laci200270> create a one pixel high json model of the curtain
L343[03:03:56] ⇦ Quits: Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L344[03:05:09] <laci200270> Rushmead, this part is clean?
L345[03:05:54] <Rushmead> Sorry, right so a 1px High json Model of it...
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L347[03:06:13] <Ri5ux> Do any of you have an example of a 1.8 json model that has quite a bit of elements?
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L349[03:06:54] <laci200270> Rushmead, and draw it from a TESR
L350[03:07:04] <laci200270> with some sort of delay
L351[03:07:35] <laci200270> for example: draw a layer in every x ticks
L352[03:07:53] <laci200270> but before it you need to translate
L353[03:08:25] <Rushmead> Ok so thats where you've lost me
L354[03:08:31] <Rushmead> a "layer"?
L355[03:08:37] <Rushmead> What is ment by a "layer"
L356[03:08:56] <Ri5ux> Set a piece of paper on top of another.
L357[03:09:00] <Ri5ux> You now have two layers
L358[03:09:23] ⇨ Joins: Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net)
L359[03:09:29] <Ri5ux> Imagine that, but with textures.
L360[03:10:40] ⇨ Joins: solidDoWant1 (webchat@
L361[03:11:48] <masa> bleh, there seems to be a missing forge hook for Entity.interactAt(), which means that there is nothing I can do to detect a right click on ArmorStand
L362[03:12:31] <masa> because the interactAt() is fired first, and it then blocks the normal Entity.interactWith()
L363[03:13:07] <shadekiller666> so pr one in :P
L364[03:13:33] <masa> I have no idea how to dev forge :p
L365[03:13:46] <masa> or even get it set up
L366[03:15:06] <Ri5ux> It's not that hard. I set it up without reading anything about a year ago.
L367[03:15:35] <shadekiller666> well, you set it up almost the same way that you set it up to dev a mod
L368[03:15:38] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L369[03:16:03] <shadekiller666> instead you run setupForge and then import the projects/ folder into ecliipse
L370[03:16:16] <masa> so everything is handled by some gradle tasks, nothing else to do manually?
L371[03:16:24] <shadekiller666> yep
L372[03:16:30] <masa> mmkay
L373[03:16:33] ⇦ Quits: solidDoWant1 (webchat@ (Quit: Web client closed)
L374[03:16:34] <killjoy> Note to self: Don't create a rectangle with Integer.MAX_VALUE size if you intend to move it around
L375[03:16:36] <shadekiller666> once you get it set up theres not much you have to do
L376[03:16:51] <killjoy> something like that
L377[03:17:09] ⇨ Joins: solidDoWant1 (~solidDoWa@
L378[03:17:10] <shadekiller666> you'll need to know how to fork the github stuff and whatnot but other than tha
L379[03:17:12] <shadekiller666> that*
L380[03:17:25] <solidDoWant1> How do I setup my dev environment for an addon mod? I have forge setup and the source for the parent mod from MCP, what do I need to do to use it?
L381[03:17:32] <masa> and is there something (a task?) that needs to be run to prepare stuff for a commit?
L382[03:18:01] <Ri5ux> I think it's just gradlew build, but dont quote me.
L383[03:18:02] <masa> solidDoWant1: why from MCP?
L384[03:18:06] <shadekiller666> masa, nope, just clone the forge github repo into a folder and run gradlew setupForge
L385[03:18:34] <masa> but how do the patches etc. get generated?
L386[03:18:45] <masa> gradle build?
L387[03:18:55] <shadekiller666> patches are a gradle script
L388[03:18:57] <shadekiller666> genPatches
L389[03:19:04] <solidDoWant1> masa: Thats how I read to do it on the Forge Wiki
L390[03:19:13] <solidDoWant1> Source is also on github
L391[03:19:42] <masa> uh what, why would you need to get it from MCP if you have the source available too?
L392[03:19:44] <shadekiller666> if you're just changing forge classes you don't need to worry about patches
L393[03:20:09] <masa> well the interact stuff needs to be hooked into vanilla
L394[03:20:18] <solidDoWant1> masa: guess I wouldn't, just following what I Read
L395[03:20:24] <shadekiller666> to commit you just commit in your git client and then push to your own fork of the forge repo (you can't push directly to the forge repo)
L396[03:20:32] <solidDoWant1> anyway I have the source, where should I put it?
L397[03:21:31] <masa> well afaik you should just use gradle to set up mod dependencies, that way the mod also gets automatically added to your IDE project by gradle
L398[03:22:18] <Ri5ux> Was there not an option to export as JSON in tabula? I swear there was at some point.
L399[03:24:53] <fry> nope, Ri5ux, afaik
L400[03:25:18] <Ri5ux> I'm stuck then...
L401[03:26:00] <fry> you're not alone.
L402[03:26:46] <masa> what does tabula export then?
L403[03:27:01] <Ri5ux> TBL or Java classes as ModelRenderers or whatevs
L404[03:27:12] <killjoy> I thought it did .obj
L405[03:27:18] <solidDoWant1> masa: But where do I put the source files? And I see the dependencies section in the build file, but how do I specify where the source is?
L406[03:27:25] <Ri5ux> Im using it now and I cant find anything obj related
L407[03:28:08] <fry> Ri5ux: this might be helpful: https://twitter.com/kitsunekihira/status/602827870935846912
L408[03:28:29] <masa> solidDoWant1: well usually you don't give it the sources via gradle, you either give it a maven repo if one exists, or you can give it the beobf/dev or I guess now also a regular jar and it will decompile/whatever it and add it to the dev environment
L409[03:29:06] <Ri5ux> I'll check that out.
L410[03:29:09] <solidDoWant1> Whats a beobf/dev?
L411[03:29:24] <sham1> The names are not obfuscated :P
L412[03:30:00] <ThePsionic> You've heard of Tabula, now get ready for TabulaObj
L413[03:30:39] <masa> solidDoWant1: sorry deobf ie. deobfuscated jar, ie. the version that is meant to be run in a dev environment
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L415[03:31:15] <solidDoWant1> ah
L416[03:31:30] <masa> are there obj to json converters somewhere too?
L417[03:32:31] <masa> although not sure if that would make any sense anyway
L418[03:32:41] ⇦ Quits: killjoy (~killjoy@ (Quit: Leaving)
L419[03:33:07] <solidDoWant1> masa: So I should setup forge in the source folder, recompile without obf, then use that jar?
L420[03:33:21] <masa> uhh what?
L421[03:34:04] <solidDoWant1> to get the deobfuscated jar
L422[03:34:20] <shadekiller666> masa, no there aren't
L423[03:34:29] <shadekiller666> json isn't a model format :P
L424[03:34:36] <shadekiller666> Mojang just seems to think it is
L425[03:34:50] <masa> so if you are setting up a new dev environment for your addon mod, you would put the parent mod somewhere, then add that mod to the build.gradle as one of those "compile" lines/rules, then when you run the usual setupDecompWorkspace and eclipse or idea tasks, it should handle and create everything for you so you can just import it to your IDE
L426[03:35:27] ⇦ Quits: SatanicSanta (~SatanicSa@c-76-115-175-15.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L427[03:35:49] <fry> masa: forge can load obj, so why do you want to convert? :P
L428[03:36:10] <shadekiller666> :D
L429[03:36:16] <masa> yeah that's what I was thinking too :p
L430[03:36:53] <masa> and I assume it can load obj for any type of model? item/block/tesr stuff/entity?
L431[03:37:18] <fry> yup
L432[03:37:30] <fry> there's only 1 type of models now :P
L433[03:37:48] <fry> (well, and a bunch of legacy silly stuff, but whatever :P)
L434[03:37:56] ⇦ Quits: laci200270 (~laci20027@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L435[03:38:08] <shadekiller666> lol
L436[03:38:17] <masa> hmm well, I have that BDCraft Cubik Pro thingy too and apparently it can export to obj, so maybe i'll switch from json to obj when I redo my 1.8 port
L437[03:38:20] <shadekiller666> and crap ton of hardcoded crap
L438[03:38:32] <shadekiller666> :D
L439[03:38:45] <shadekiller666> the obj loader also parses .mtl files for textures btw
L440[03:40:00] <sham1> dont you mean materiaLS
L441[03:40:21] <shadekiller666> ya i suppose
L442[03:40:37] <sham1> it's the material that has the texture
L443[03:43:14] <masa> oh cool cubik can also export to java, so I could make that one model for 1.7 with that
L444[03:43:45] <shadekiller666> no! no java models!
L445[03:43:45] <solidDoWant1> masa: So to do that I need to add a repo to the build.gradle file, right? Is this correct? repositories {
L446[03:43:45] <solidDoWant1> maven { //Waila Repo
L447[03:43:45] <solidDoWant1> name "ProjectE Repo"
L448[03:43:45] <solidDoWant1> url "../../PathToProjectE"
L449[03:43:45] <solidDoWant1> }
L450[03:43:45] <solidDoWant1> }
L451[03:43:52] <solidDoWant1> sorry for chat spam
L452[03:44:52] <sham1> I think you need the file protocol
L453[03:45:47] <masa> well if projectE has a maven then you would add it, but if you just use a jar then you don't add that, just the one compile line, something like compile files('pathtomod/modjarname.jar')
L454[03:46:55] <solidDoWant1> Alright. Dont have a jar though, so I should compile one from source, right?
L455[03:47:26] *** Jared|Away is now known as Jared
L456[03:47:40] <masa> hmm well no that would be counter productive
L457[03:48:05] <masa> not quite sure how you would add a source location with gradle
L458[03:48:33] <solidDoWant1> on top of that the source has dependencies in its gradle file
L459[03:48:45] ⇨ Joins: PaleoCrafter (~paleo@weneg.de)
L460[03:48:45] MineBot sets mode: +v on PaleoCrafter
L461[03:48:46] <solidDoWant1> sorry for the dumb questions, this is my first time using gradle
L462[03:49:05] <masa> well I'm not that familair with it myself either so... :p
L463[03:49:59] <masa> you might get better help on #forgegradle though
L464[03:50:31] <solidDoWant1> alright, thanks for all your help!
L465[03:50:53] <masa> all of that nothing :p
L466[03:51:32] <Wuppy> \o/ it's new years :)
L467[03:51:35] <ThePsionic> No
L468[03:51:40] <ThePsionic> It's new year's eve
L469[03:51:50] <Wuppy> close enough
L470[03:51:53] <ThePsionic> lol
L471[03:51:59] <ThePsionic> no fireworks until 6pm wuppy
L472[03:52:06] <Wuppy> :c
L473[03:52:10] <Wuppy> so thats why it's so silent her
L474[03:52:14] <Wuppy> here*
L475[03:52:30] <ThePsionic> lol
L476[03:52:35] ⇦ Quits: shadekiller666 (~shadekill@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L477[03:52:52] <Wuppy> you'd expect a big town near the belgian border to be loud as fuck
L478[03:53:19] <sham1> if it is anything like Bryssels
L479[03:53:21] <sham1> ...
L480[03:53:27] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
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L483[03:54:13] <Wuppy> bryssels?
L484[03:54:22] <sham1> Bryssel
L485[03:54:36] <Wuppy> ah, you mean brussels
L486[03:54:55] <sham1> We pronounce it here with 'y' for some reason
L487[03:55:03] <sham1> But yeah, Brussels
L488[03:55:14] <Wuppy> http://www.pcgamer.com/something-strange-is-afoot-in-the-steam-winter-sale/?utm_content=bufferd37cf&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=buffer_pcgfb o___0
L489[03:55:52] <sham1> But yeah, we shall see if we see any new year's rockets here
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L491[04:04:40] * ghz|afk can't sleep
L492[04:04:44] *** ghz|afk is now known as gigaherz
L493[04:05:00] <gigaherz> oh and NOW that I am awake and in the pc
L494[04:05:03] <gigaherz> the horrible noise stops
L495[04:05:05] <fry> couple of hours till newyears, why sleep :P
L496[04:05:21] <gigaherz> it's 11am
L497[04:05:26] <gigaherz> went to bed at 7am ;P
L498[04:05:41] <gigaherz> woke up at 9:30 wit ha sore eye
L499[04:05:58] <Wuppy> :c
L500[04:06:01] <fry> 3hours should be enough to make it throught the day :P
L501[04:06:03] <sham1> why dont you sleep giga
L502[04:06:06] <gigaherz> andwhen I tried to fall asleep again,
L503[04:06:11] <sham1> like at night
L504[04:06:18] <gigaherz> that horrible noise started
L505[04:06:27] <gigaherz> from one of the neighbours
L506[04:06:42] <gigaherz> sham1: my sleeping schedule is messed
L507[04:07:28] <gigaherz> more messed than usual, that is
L508[04:08:28] <gigaherz> so can anyone help with this? I have no idea how travis works
L509[04:08:29] <gigaherz> https://travis-ci.org/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/builds/99554525
L510[04:08:39] <gigaherz> compalins about FG2 needing gradle 2.3
L511[04:09:11] ⇦ Quits: Herpahermaderp (Herpaherma@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L512[04:09:17] <sham1> do you build with the wrapper or what
L513[04:10:10] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/blob/master/.travis.yml
L514[04:10:20] <gigaherz> I have no idea where I took that from
L515[04:10:21] <gigaherz> ;P
L516[04:10:40] <laci200270> Is it safe to use World#markBlockForUpdate at every tick?
L517[04:10:42] <gigaherz> I set it up months ago, I didn't even remember it was there
L518[04:11:01] <sham1> you'd propably like it to use the gradle wrapper instead
L519[04:11:21] <gigaherz> now that you mention it
L520[04:11:27] <gigaherz> it does call gradle instead of gradlew
L521[04:11:31] <sham1> https://joerglenhard.wordpress.com/2013/10/01/using-travis-ci-with-gradle-wrapper/
L522[04:12:21] <sham1> I propably should set up my own Drone.io for future
L523[04:12:36] ⇦ Quits: PitchBright (~PitchBrig@cpe00fc8d8a3ce3-cm00fc8d8a3ce0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) (Quit: brb)
L524[04:12:49] ⇨ Joins: GuntherDW (~guntherdw@ks3308665.kimsufi.com)
L525[04:13:59] <sham1> Or I could just use tarvis
L526[04:14:36] <sham1> and [ci skip]
L527[04:15:20] <sham1> oh, I can actually do that in drone
L528[04:15:34] ⇨ Joins: PitchBright (~PitchBrig@CPE00fc8d8a3ce3-CM00fc8d8a3ce0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com)
L529[04:15:43] ⇨ Joins: modmuss50 (uid42264@id-42264.highgate.irccloud.com)
L530[04:17:14] <modmuss50> fry sorry to poke you but, https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/gGdC1qJL/2015-12-30_13.10.33.png how Would I make it render correctally when I use this code, https://github.com/TechReborn/RebornCore/blob/1.8.9/src/main/java/reborncore/jsonDestroyers/item/ItemModelGenerator.java#L94
L531[04:17:31] <Wuppy> dont poke fry's butt :P
L532[04:17:42] <sham1> You propably want to translate and scale that
L533[04:17:50] <sham1> I don't know how but...
L534[04:17:54] <modmuss50> Im not sure how to do that
L535[04:17:54] *** zz_SnowShock35 is now known as SnowShock35
L536[04:17:56] ⇦ Quits: Samario (~Samario@cpc5-bigg3-2-0-cust219.9-2.cable.virginm.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L537[04:18:01] <fry> modmuss50: wrap it in IPerspectiveAwareModel.MapWrapper
L538[04:18:06] <ThePsionic> Wuppy: there?
L539[04:18:06] <ThePsionic> Wuppy: there?
L540[04:18:06] <ThePsionic> Wuppy: I'm standing in a very long line atm
L541[04:18:16] <fry> (assuming you're on a recent enough forge)
L542[04:18:23] <Wuppy> ThePsionic, what?
L543[04:18:36] <modmuss50> ok, I will give it a go and thanks :)
L544[04:18:37] ⇦ Quits: Something12 (~Something@S010634bdfa9eca7b.vs.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L545[04:18:50] <ThePsionic> Apparently everyone wants oliebollen, Wuppy :P
L546[04:18:57] <Wuppy> hehe
L547[04:19:06] <Wuppy> I got everything for the new years party except for oliebollen
L548[04:19:15] <ThePsionic> Same
L549[04:19:17] <sham1> propably should "chmod +x" my gradlew before using it
L550[04:19:21] <Wuppy> a friend of mine is supposed to get it, but he could very well forget it...
L551[04:19:25] <Wuppy> and then I will kill him :P
L552[04:19:31] <gigaherz> wtf is oliebollen XD
L553[04:19:34] <ThePsionic> Our local swimming club sells them every year
L554[04:19:47] <ThePsionic> And the entire village wants them
L555[04:19:47] <Wuppy> gigaherz, it's donuts but very different
L556[04:20:14] <gigaherz> hmmm we have a similar thing here
L557[04:20:32] <Wuppy> oliebollen are also only sold during new years
L558[04:21:09] <ThePsionic> gigaherz: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliebol
L559[04:21:33] <gigaherz> I'm reading that ;P
L560[04:21:34] <Wuppy> oh yeah they also sell them at a carnaval
L561[04:21:43] <Wuppy> not to be confused with carnaval which is a southern dutch holiday
L562[04:21:49] <Wuppy> which is nothing but drinking for 4 days
L563[04:21:55] <ThePsionic> Ah well at least there's music here
L564[04:21:56] <Wuppy> or 7 if you're a student here :P
L565[04:22:50] <Wuppy> that friend of mine better makes sure he gets them though...
L566[04:22:58] <Wuppy> new years eve without oliebollen is not new years eve
L567[04:22:59] <gigaherz> we have this around here: https://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bunyol_%28gastronomia%29#/media/File:Brunyols_de_l%27Empord%C3%A0_2.jpg
L568[04:23:12] <gigaherz> it's not exactly the same
L569[04:23:17] <Wuppy> does that contain apple?
L570[04:23:20] <gigaherz> since the dough has different stuff in it
L571[04:23:25] <ThePsionic> So waiting isn't too dreadful
L572[04:23:50] <Wuppy> why not ThePsionic ?
L573[04:23:55] <gigaherz> nah no apple in it
L574[04:24:42] <Wuppy> ah otherwise it would've been almost exactly the same as dutch appelflappen
L575[04:24:50] <ThePsionic> Wuppy: damn this mobile internet
L576[04:25:04] ⇨ Joins: Upthorn (~ogmar@108-204-125-173.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net)
L577[04:25:08] <ThePsionic> But we have music here so that's nice
L578[04:26:16] <gigaherz> https://travis-ci.org/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/builds/99574799
L579[04:26:19] <gigaherz> didn't work :(
L580[04:26:48] <gigaherz> hmm
L581[04:26:48] <gigaherz> well
L582[04:26:51] <sham1> let me see
L583[04:26:52] <gigaherz> my wrapper isn't there
L584[04:26:53] <gigaherz> wait
L585[04:26:57] <gigaherz> let me commit the wrapper.jar
L586[04:26:58] <gigaherz> XD
L587[04:27:11] <sham1> that usually works
L588[04:27:11] <gigaherz> ah crap
L589[04:27:15] <gigaherz> the gitignore was ignoring it
L590[04:27:16] <gigaherz> ¬¬
L591[04:27:33] <sham1> make it the exception
L592[04:28:54] <gigaherz> okay now waiting for travis to detect the commit
L593[04:29:00] <sham1> yeah
L594[04:29:01] <sham1> It does
L595[04:29:04] <gigaherz> better
L596[04:29:04] <sham1> I can see it
L597[04:29:06] <ThePsionic> Yay Travis gogogo
L598[04:29:46] <gigaherz> yeah I wiped the caches earlier ;P
L599[04:31:45] <gigaherz> \o/
L600[04:31:55] <sham1> *hi-fives giga'
L601[04:32:39] * gigaherz triesto high-five back but awkwardly misses
L602[04:32:40] <sham1> now, where is the artifact
L603[04:32:56] <gigaherz> it's testing only
L604[04:32:58] <gigaherz> no uploads
L605[04:33:05] <sham1> ah
L606[04:33:30] <sham1> My drone works but
L607[04:33:41] <sham1> I'd rather not build anything unfinished
L608[04:33:49] <gigaherz> I have no idea where to host artifacts
L609[04:33:57] <sham1> Tarvis :P
L610[04:34:07] <gigaherz> I thought you needed your own server for that?
L611[04:34:15] <sham1> https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/uploading-artifacts/
L612[04:34:30] <sham1> Well to S3
L613[04:34:40] <gigaherz> yeah that costs money
L614[04:34:40] <gigaherz> XD
L615[04:34:50] <sham1> https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/deployment/releases
L616[04:34:56] <sham1> Github
L617[04:35:24] <gigaherz> hmmm automatic release creation could be nice
L618[04:35:39] <sham1> I myself will just use drone for my artifacts
L619[04:39:58] <gigaherz> hmmm
L620[04:40:30] <gigaherz> in recent forge, there was something to generate deobf/source jars?
L621[04:40:38] ⇨ Joins: SkySom (~SkySom@
L622[04:42:46] <sham1> / makeObfSourceJar = false // an Srg named sources jar is made by default. uncomment this to disable.
L623[04:42:57] <sham1> minecraft.makeObfSourceJar
L624[04:43:19] <gigaherz> well it's not commented out so
L625[04:43:21] <gigaherz> XD
L626[04:43:43] <sham1> well in my build.gradle it is
L627[04:43:54] <gigaherz> I mean it's not there at all
L628[04:43:58] <sham1> ah
L629[04:44:05] <sham1> Your gradle script must be kinda old
L630[04:44:10] <sham1> Just put it there as a reminder
L631[04:44:13] <gigaherz> nah I just removed all comments
L632[04:44:15] <gigaherz> to reduce it ;P
L633[04:44:30] <gigaherz> well not "all"
L634[04:44:31] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L635[04:44:35] <gigaherz> just the giant chunk in the minecraft one
L636[04:44:40] <gigaherz> minecraft group?
L637[04:44:43] <gigaherz> whatever
L638[04:45:19] *** tterrag is now known as tterrag|ZZZzzz
L639[04:46:24] <gigaherz> AH XD
L640[04:46:28] <gigaherz> -sources was being created
L641[04:46:36] <gigaherz> and then right after that, replaced with the other one
L642[04:48:12] <gigaherz> hmm so how about the compiled dev jar?
L643[04:48:34] <ThePsionic> Wuppy: tfw they have no oliebollen without raisins
L644[04:48:50] <sham1> I dont think that is needed giga
L645[04:48:58] <gigaherz> it isn't?
L646[04:48:59] <DrDisconsented> Custom potions still: http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Potion_Tutorial ?
L647[04:49:01] <sham1> as you can have forgegradle auto-deobfuscate
L648[04:49:04] <gigaherz> ah
L649[04:49:10] <sham1> if you have it as a maven dep
L650[04:49:22] <gigaherz> can't do that for non-maven?
L651[04:49:30] <sham1> (which they will become by gradle(
L652[04:49:33] <DrDisconsented> Also since when were potion effects without particles put into the game /?
L653[04:49:33] <sham1> Dunno
L654[04:49:43] <sham1> Propably not if i remember what abrar said
L655[04:50:07] <gigaherz> well that sucks, I'm used to dumping the dependency mods in the mods folder ;P
L656[04:50:12] <sham1> lets see if build #4 will succeed
L657[04:50:15] <sham1> https://drone.io/github.com/sham1/FluidCraft/4
L658[04:50:50] <sham1> ah
L659[04:50:55] <gigaherz> nope ;P
L660[04:51:18] <sham1> yep
L661[04:51:36] <sham1> sourceJar already is a name of a thing
L662[04:51:59] <gigaherz> yeah
L663[04:52:12] <gigaherz> the internal source task that we were just talking about
L664[04:52:12] <gigaherz> XD
L665[04:53:53] <sham1> https://drone.io/github.com/sham1/FluidCraft/6
L666[04:54:02] <sham1> I think it started to auto-build #5
L667[04:54:09] <sham1> even though the hook was not there
L668[04:54:14] <DrDisconsented> Trying to write sources to a jar ?
L669[04:54:29] <sham1> yes
L670[04:54:45] <sham1> so it can be an artifact that can be used as a source of the sources
L671[04:55:43] <sham1> ... should have had dependsOn: classes
L672[04:56:03] <DrDisconsented> Ln 83 https://github.com/disconsented/ANSSRPG/blob/master/build.gradle
L673[04:56:09] <gigaherz> DrDisconsented: forge does that itself now
L674[04:56:30] <gigaherz> forgegradle I mean
L675[04:56:34] <gigaherz> unless you turn it off
L676[04:56:39] <gigaherz> whenyou run the build task
L677[04:56:47] <gigaherz> it wil lgenerate a sources jar for you
L678[04:56:59] <gigaherz> unless you turn it off.
L679[04:58:04] <sham1> oh
L680[04:58:06] <sham1> OG
L681[04:58:11] <sham1> It generates source jars for you
L682[04:58:13] <sham1> Wat
L683[04:58:29] <gigaherz> we were just talking about that!
L684[04:58:30] <gigaherz> makeObfSourceJar = false // an Srg named sources jar is made by default. uncomment this to disable.
L685[04:58:37] <sham1> Ah
L686[04:58:42] <gigaherz> ->> Srg named sources jar is made by default. uncomment this to disable. <<-
L687[04:58:56] <sham1> so the names are obfuscated eh
L688[04:59:00] <gigaherz> yes
L689[04:59:03] <sham1> on the sources
L690[04:59:05] <sham1> All right
L691[04:59:07] <gigaherz> srg names
L692[04:59:13] <gigaherz> not really obfuscated
L693[04:59:22] ⇨ Joins: untamemadman (~untamemad@cpc87159-aztw31-2-0-cust77.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
L694[04:59:25] <gigaherz> but not the pretty names either
L695[04:59:32] <gigaherz> "mappings-agnostic named"
L696[04:59:36] <gigaherz> ;P
L697[05:00:23] ⇨ Joins: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872D48.access.telenet.be)
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L699[05:02:28] <ThePsionic> pffffff
L700[05:02:36] <ThePsionic> after 50 minutes I finally have everything I came for
L701[05:03:05] <sham1> oh my
L702[05:03:30] ⇨ Joins: Saladoc (~hobbit@
L703[05:03:46] <DrDisconsented> Oh yeay new year
L704[05:03:57] <gigaherz> ah right, it has begun
L705[05:04:05] <gigaherz> the 24 hours of new-year-ness
L706[05:04:12] <sham1> there I go
L707[05:04:24] <sham1> Now all my affairs are in order
L708[05:04:28] <ThePsionic> It's new year in New Zealand already :D
L709[05:04:40] <Cazzar> http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1451559878
L710[05:04:44] ⇨ Joins: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872d48.access.telenet.be)
L711[05:05:01] ⇨ Joins: Unh0ly_Tigg (~Robert@c-76-115-95-185.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
L712[05:05:13] <ThePsionic> It's 2 hours until new year for Cazzar
L713[05:05:19] <Cazzar> noshit
L714[05:05:25] <fry> I feel like I'm not the only one who's on freenode too :P
L715[05:05:30] <gigaherz> wait, there's places using GMT+13 time zone?
L716[05:05:40] <ThePsionic> http://i.imgur.com/7cGepyC.png
L717[05:05:46] <Cazzar> gigaherz: NZ + DST :P
L718[05:05:51] <gigaherz> oh right
L719[05:05:53] <Unh0ly_Tigg> So, yesterday, I updated my dev environment from 1.8.8, to 1.8.9, and I completely forgot that I submitted a mapping to mcpbot prior to that update...
L720[05:05:57] <gigaherz> southern hemisphere
L721[05:06:17] <Unh0ly_Tigg> and I was wondering why a function didn't exist anymore...
L722[05:06:20] <gigaherz> XD
L723[05:06:27] <Unh0ly_Tigg> didn't exist as an srg name*
L724[05:06:36] <sham1> oh
L725[05:06:37] <sham1> OH
L726[05:06:50] <sham1> drone has added an automatic webhook to my repo
L727[05:06:53] ⇨ Joins: Hgrebnednav__ (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872d48.access.telenet.be)
L728[05:06:53] <sham1> That explains it
L729[05:06:54] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872D48.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L730[05:06:55] <ThePsionic> TIL Forge for 1.8.9 is a thing
L731[05:07:01] <ThePsionic> Any mayor changes?
L732[05:07:02] <sham1> yes
L733[05:07:05] <sham1> no
L734[05:07:06] <gigaherz> no
L735[05:07:11] <sham1> yes for it is a thing
L736[05:07:15] <sham1> No for no majour changes
L737[05:07:16] <gigaherz> 1.8.8 to 1.8.9 only changed the realms UI
L738[05:07:18] <gigaherz> and a field or 2
L739[05:07:27] <ThePsionic> Oh
L740[05:07:27] <sham1> a delta of 2 things
L741[05:07:28] <ThePsionic> ok
L742[05:07:56] ⇦ Quits: Loetkolben (~Loetkolbe@ipbcc2d086.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L743[05:07:58] <gigaherz> couple bugfixes in the code itself, but that doesn't affect mods ;P
L744[05:08:00] <sham1> https://drone.io/github.com/sham1/FluidCraft/7
L745[05:08:07] <sham1> \o/
L746[05:08:15] <sham1> source jars incoming
L747[05:08:20] <Cazzar> maybe next year, I'll get back to modding.
L748[05:08:21] <gigaherz> yay ;P
L749[05:08:45] ⇨ Joins: Loetkolben (~Loetkolbe@ipbcc2d086.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
L750[05:08:46] ⇦ Quits: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872d48.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L751[05:08:59] <sham1> And from now on a lot of my commits will have [ci skip]
L752[05:09:02] <ThePsionic> lol Cazzar
L753[05:09:37] <PaleoCrafter> can't you make it do the reverse, sham1? :P
L754[05:09:58] <sham1> I dont know
L755[05:10:23] <sham1> I am not familiar enough with drone
L756[05:11:02] <masa> Cazzar: so you'll go look at some fireworks and when you get back in 2 hours you'll continue modding, ok :p
L757[05:11:43] <gigaherz> that's sorta my plan for tonight
L758[05:12:08] <gigaherz> my flatmate has a podcast with another friend
L759[05:12:29] <gigaherz> the plan is they'll have a year end podcast, then cut, eat dinner
L760[05:12:37] <gigaherz> and do a new year podcast
L761[05:13:35] <gigaherz> in the old year's they'll be doing a "2015 in gaming", and afterward what they look forward to for 2016
L762[05:13:47] <Cazzar> masa: tell me when the last date I committed was for https://github.com/Cazzar/CazzarCoreLib/commits/master ?
L763[05:14:00] <sham1> I propably should use Atom over IDEA for markdown
L764[05:14:29] <Ri5ux> For the record Tabula Obj doesn't work properly.
L765[05:14:31] <gigaherz> just install jetbrain's markdown plugin?
L766[05:14:37] <gigaherz> it has live preview ;P
L767[05:14:41] <Cazzar> sham1: I personally like what VSCode has done with markdown :P especially the previewing.
L768[05:14:50] <sham1> Meh
L769[05:14:51] <masa> Cazzar: around the time I last updated my main mod's 1.8 port :D
L770[05:15:01] <sham1> I prefer atom over VSCode to be honest
L771[05:15:16] <PaleoCrafter> in what way, Ri5ux?
L772[05:15:19] <sham1> Atom does not hijack .gitignore and other files to itself without asking unlike VSCode
L773[05:15:32] <Cazzar> sham1: what?
L774[05:15:39] <Ri5ux> PaleoCrafter, I'll get you a screenshot.
L775[05:15:42] <gigaherz> --> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/idea-markdown.png
L776[05:15:53] <Cazzar> I have /never/ seen that happen
L777[05:15:58] <sham1> for me VSCode hijacked .gitignore files among other things
L778[05:16:01] <sham1> Propably
L779[05:16:17] <sham1> But that might be because I am dumb sometimes and didnt tell it not to :P
L780[05:16:19] <gigaherz> I tried vscode once
L781[05:16:22] <Cazzar> I get that much, but I am asking HOW
L782[05:16:24] <gigaherz> it was WAY too minimalistic for my tastes
L783[05:16:38] <sham1> No intellisense
L784[05:16:47] <gigaherz> anything wiht less menus and toolbars than Notepad++ is too minimalistic for me ;p
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L786[05:17:18] <Ri5ux> PaleoCrafter http://i.imgur.com/Ki1aLjI.png
L787[05:17:31] <Ri5ux> Left would be the actual model, right would be after export to OBJ.
L788[05:17:39] <sham1> Now would be the best time to either choose a lisense or make one up myself...
L789[05:18:20] <PaleoCrafter> ah, I never had anything with rotations
L790[05:18:23] <gigaherz> sham1: don't "make up" licenses
L791[05:18:26] <gigaherz> there's plenty of them
L792[05:18:29] <Cazzar> sham1: Yep, no intellisense whatsoever http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1451560700
L793[05:18:33] <gigaherz> written by lawyers ;P
L794[05:18:36] ⇨ Joins: Shinoow (~Shinoow@92-32-126-170.tn.glocalnet.net)
L795[05:19:03] <gigaherz> just dump some MIT or BSD into the repository root ;P
L796[05:19:05] <sham1> Well I dont usually use Atom for anything but Haskell if I ever program with it
L797[05:19:44] ⇨ Joins: ShadowChild (~ShadowChi@host81-151-57-18.range81-151.btcentralplus.com)
L798[05:20:02] <masa> how good or bad is atom actually? I'be never actually tried it, since I went and got sublime text at some point
L799[05:20:23] <masa> which is just <3 <3
L800[05:20:27] <Cazzar> https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items/justusadam.language-haskell
L801[05:20:30] <sham1> Think of Atom as a free alternetive to sublime made by Github in Coffeescript
L802[05:20:46] <Cazzar> And https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items/hoovercj.haskell-linter
L803[05:20:46] <sham1> Oh
L804[05:20:56] <sham1> You can use VSCode for haskell <.<
L805[05:21:15] <Cazzar> the extension release was only recent-ish
L806[05:21:21] <Cazzar> about, 2 months ago?
L807[05:21:41] <Cazzar> It started... being worked on 90 days ago
L808[05:21:44] <masa> the fact that atom is a weird web-technology based thing kind of puts me off, and at least at some point I read a review type thing from somewhere saying that it was god awfully slow because of that
L809[05:22:07] <sham1> It's not too slow in my experience
L810[05:22:11] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L811[05:22:12] <Cazzar> Atom can be slow because of how it loads the plugins, when you have a lot.
L812[05:22:24] <sham1> Then again
L813[05:22:51] <Cazzar> VSCode uses the electron shell, like Atom, but they claim to have a different way of loading the plugins, and a different editor.
L814[05:22:54] <sham1> Does VSCode have an equivelant to the Roadmap
L815[05:23:22] <sham1> or minimap rather
L816[05:23:32] <Cazzar> Lemme find the roadmap
L817[05:23:34] <Cazzar> I have seen it.
L818[05:23:36] <sham1> https://atom.io/packages/minimap
L819[05:23:40] <sham1> This is what I meant
L820[05:24:13] <Cazzar> Not yet, since, the plugin API doesn't allow it.
L821[05:24:21] * gigaherz hugs his Notepad++ window
L822[05:24:35] <sham1> I think an MIT lisence with an extra clause for mod-specific stuff might be the best bet
L823[05:24:39] <gigaherz> the only "bad" thing about notepad++ right now, is that the dark theme only applies to the editor
L824[05:24:39] <gigaherz> XD
L825[05:24:59] <Wuppy> is it just me or does AC Unity relaly not control well at all?
L826[05:25:18] <gigaherz> Wuppy: AC Unity's parkour system feels clumsy
L827[05:25:24] <gigaherz> compared to the previous games
L828[05:25:30] <gigaherz> dunno if they fixed it in Syndicate
L829[05:25:32] <Wuppy> it's so strange because in AC BF it was amazing
L830[05:25:40] <gigaherz> yeah but BF was using the older engine
L831[05:25:49] <gigaherz> they recreated all that stuff in Unity
L832[05:26:02] <gigaherz> that's why it feels weird in many areas
L833[05:26:21] <gigaherz> my biggest complaint was how once an enemy saw you
L834[05:26:30] <gigaherz> hiding in crowds did nothing
L835[05:26:36] <Wuppy> I got caught several times because it didn't react to my input
L836[05:26:42] <gigaherz> they'd headshot you through the crowd, even while crouched
L837[05:26:51] <Wuppy> I'm also now doing this co-op mission alone and it's just impossible
L838[05:26:56] <Wuppy> poor balancing there...
L839[05:26:59] <Shinoow> Anyone familiar with hit ranges (or generally factors that can alter the range from which a entity hits something)? Some of my entities are hitting the player from double their own distance, making it impossible to hit them.
L840[05:27:23] <gigaherz> never done mobs yet
L841[05:29:50] ⇨ Joins: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872d48.access.telenet.be)
L842[05:29:54] <PaleoCrafter> Wuppy, I'd say that's well balanced :P
L843[05:30:08] <Wuppy> PaleoCrafter, when you do it alone it should be balanced to 1 person :c
L844[05:30:17] <Wuppy> can't complain too much though, didn't actually purchase the game :P
L845[05:30:29] <Wuppy> but fuck Ubisoft for releasing the game like that
L846[05:30:43] <PaleoCrafter> why do you even play Unity when Syndicate is out? :P
L847[05:30:59] <Wuppy> because I feel it's fair to pirate Unity because of how it got released
L848[05:31:01] <gigaherz> I didn't like the theme in Syndicate
L849[05:31:26] <Wuppy> IMO Syndicate has a better theme but that's just because I dislike french and people from france
L850[05:31:39] <Wuppy> but Syndicate didn't release like shit so I'd feel bad if I would pirate it
L851[05:31:41] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav__ (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872d48.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L852[05:31:42] <gigaherz> for me, it's more like
L853[05:31:49] <gigaherz> the more "modern" the theme becomes, the less interested I am
L854[05:32:12] <Wuppy> one thing I actually hate most from AC Unity is the fact that you can't wistle people over :c
L855[05:32:18] ⇨ Joins: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872d48.access.telenet.be)
L856[05:32:31] <PaleoCrafter> I play the games mainly because of the fun of it after AC3
L857[05:33:17] <PaleoCrafter> I'd rather have a real main real-world character rather than that Entertainment shit
L858[05:33:40] <Wuppy> hmm?
L859[05:33:56] <gigaherz> Wuppy: in older AC games, there was a dude actually using the machine
L860[05:34:04] <gigaherz> and every now and then, you'd exist the machine and play around in the "present"
L861[05:34:08] <gigaherz> exit*
L862[05:34:10] <Wuppy> yeah that's shit
L863[05:34:15] <Wuppy> I hate those parts
L864[05:34:22] <gigaherz> yeah a lot of people disagree
L865[05:34:33] <Wuppy> funnily enough, the portal thing in Unity is great on the other hand
L866[05:34:34] <gigaherz> a lot of people would have preferred the gamesto continue in the present
L867[05:34:36] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872d48.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L868[05:34:49] <PaleoCrafter> there actually was a bigger plot behind it
L869[05:35:04] ⇨ Joins: madcrazydrumma (~madcrazyd@
L870[05:35:08] <gigaherz> the issue for me
L871[05:35:08] ⇨ Joins: Hgrebnednav__ (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872d48.access.telenet.be)
L872[05:35:16] <gigaherz> is that AC in the present would inevitably focus on guns
L873[05:35:17] <gigaherz> XD
L874[05:35:20] <gigaherz> so in fact
L875[05:35:22] <PaleoCrafter> heh
L876[05:35:24] <gigaherz> I wouldn't want AC in the present
L877[05:35:28] <gigaherz> I'd want a Green Arrow game.
L878[05:35:50] <gigaherz> same parkour and such, but focusing on bows ;P
L879[05:35:58] <madcrazydrumma> Hey guys! I still can't figure out why my counter is updating when i print into console, but not in the gui's draw string?? Here's my code: http://pastebin.com/AhqAsktJ
L880[05:36:16] <Wuppy> yeah, I prefered the combat in BF over Unity because of less gun focus
L881[05:36:27] <PaleoCrafter> AC in the present would just be running around with a sniper rifle xD
L882[05:36:34] <Wuppy> haha exactly
L883[05:36:46] <gigaherz> Just Cause 3
L884[05:36:47] <Wuppy> in about 3 years AC will transform into COD
L885[05:36:47] <gigaherz> ;P
L886[05:36:47] ⇦ Quits: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872d48.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L887[05:36:51] ⇦ Quits: Gaz (~Gaz492@why.dont.you.ticklemy.ninja) (Quit: Fucking Mice and ethernet cables)
L888[05:36:55] <Wuppy> hehe, sniper rifles in JC3
L889[05:37:18] ⇦ Quits: airbreather (~airbreath@d149-67-99-43.nap.wideopenwest.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L890[05:37:21] <gigaherz> reskin JC3
L891[05:37:30] <Wuppy> you know that you can only use the AK, rocket launchers, grenades, C-4 and your tether in that game :
L892[05:37:32] <gigaherz> change the story around to say the bad guys are templars
L893[05:37:36] <Wuppy> otherwise your playing it wrong :V
L894[05:37:41] <gigaherz> and they could sell it as an AC in the present game
L895[05:37:41] <gigaherz> ;P
L896[05:37:54] <sham1> Wuppy, the baverium RGB
L897[05:38:07] <Wuppy> aw crap, brb gotta make sure I've got cold jager tonight :O
L898[05:38:13] ⇨ Joins: Gaz (~Gaz492@2a01:4f8:c17:2126::2)
L899[05:38:20] <sham1> Or rather Baverium rocket launcher
L900[05:38:26] <sham1> Enjoy your nukes
L901[05:38:29] <madcrazydrumma> can anyone help me? :c
L902[05:38:31] <gigaherz> pff who needs guns
L903[05:38:37] <gigaherz> all you need in JC3 are tethers.
L904[05:38:41] <sham1> just press C
L905[05:38:43] <Wuppy> oh yeah you're also allowed to use tanks, jets and helicopters
L906[05:38:57] <sham1> I only travel with the jets
L907[05:39:04] <sham1> I can never use them to fight anything
L908[05:39:05] <gigaherz> tether to vehicle, drive, tether vehicle to target, watch explosion, repeat
L909[05:40:00] <sham1> M488 is basically "look at them and they die"
L910[05:41:14] <sham1> and to not feel bad I used it post-game to liberate the areas I didnt before
L911[05:41:32] <gigaherz> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUitVAMqvq0
L912[05:41:35] <gigaherz> fancy cake
L913[05:43:50] <Wuppy> sham1, I got the bomb dropping jet and that one can kill a small base in 2 or 3 passes :D
L914[05:44:18] <sham1> I just used M488 and saw how everything blew up
L915[05:44:26] <madcrazydrumma> anyone?
L916[05:44:29] <sham1> I like the helicopters more
L917[05:44:37] <sham1> I can actually stay still
L918[05:45:14] <gigaherz> madcrazydrumma: sorry missed your lines ;P
L919[05:45:44] <madcrazydrumma> rip gigaherz
L920[05:45:45] <madcrazydrumma> xD
L921[05:45:46] <sham1> madcrazydrumma, I assume you do not sync your values correctly
L922[05:46:09] <Wuppy> hmm, you know whats actually pretty bad about a single-player yearly release game like Assasins creed?
L923[05:46:17] <madcrazydrumma> sham1, what do you mean?
L924[05:46:18] <Wuppy> You can just get a yearly release but 2 years behind
L925[05:46:31] <Wuppy> no pre-order problems and way lower prices :D
L926[05:46:32] <sham1> dont you store the actual values in server
L927[05:46:42] ⇦ Quits: Isi (~Isi@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L928[05:46:43] <gigaherz> I'm confused
L929[05:46:45] <sham1> if so then you need to sync them so the client knows what is going on
L930[05:46:47] <gigaherz> why does your class extend Gui
L931[05:46:56] <PaleoCrafter> wat, Wuppy
L932[05:46:57] <gigaherz> but everything in it are event handlers?
L933[05:47:10] <madcrazydrumma> so i can use the draw methods
L934[05:47:16] <Wuppy> PaleoCrafter, what's confusing?
L935[05:47:24] <PaleoCrafter> "You can just get a yearly release but 2 years behind"
L936[05:47:27] ⇨ Joins: Isi (~Isi@
L937[05:47:43] ⇨ Joins: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872D48.access.telenet.be)
L938[05:47:48] <PaleoCrafter> gigaherz, it's what all the lazy bummers do instead of writing their own draw methods like real men
L939[05:48:08] <gigaherz> right nevermind
L940[05:48:09] <gigaherz> I do the same
L941[05:48:10] <gigaherz> XD
L942[05:48:12] <Wuppy> PaleoCrafter, if you just wait 2 years (like I did), you can get a new AC game every year
L943[05:48:14] <madcrazydrumma> xD
L944[05:48:17] <Wuppy> but it'll just be 2 years after release
L945[05:48:36] <madcrazydrumma> PaleoCrafter, I am gonna write my own methods; i hate minecraft's code to be fair
L946[05:48:44] <madcrazydrumma> I just need a base for now to get my skill system working
L947[05:49:00] <masa> madcrazydrumma: can you show where you register your event handler clas?
L948[05:49:34] ⇨ Joins: SandGrainOne (~Terje@cm-
L949[05:49:54] <madcrazydrumma> http://pastebin.com/MZhXszJn
L950[05:50:01] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav__ (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872d48.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L951[05:50:50] <masa> aha yep just as I thought, you have two different instances of your class, and the cooldownticks variable is not static, so you see the problem? ;)
L952[05:50:55] ⇨ Joins: mentlerd (~mentlerd@catv-176-63-185-54.catv.broadband.hu)
L953[05:51:14] <madcrazydrumma> What event bus should i use then? :s haha
L954[05:51:25] <gigaherz> it's not the event bus
L955[05:51:30] <Wuppy> ThePsionic, best video of the year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uflEjqiIwE4
L956[05:51:31] <masa> well you could just give the same insatnce to both registrations
L957[05:51:34] <gigaherz> you are creating more than one instance of the code
L958[05:51:38] <madcrazydrumma> Okay
L959[05:52:06] <masa> also in the latest versions of forge those two event buses have been combined
L960[05:52:09] <gigaherz> so each instance has its own set of values, and they don't know eachother
L961[05:52:16] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L962[05:52:17] ⇦ Quits: Gaz (~Gaz492@2a01:4f8:c17:2126::2) (Quit: Fucking Mice and ethernet cables)
L963[05:52:21] <madcrazydrumma> So i could do 'variable = new InGameOverlay();' then register that variable in the events?
L964[05:52:36] <Cazzar> You can do that
L965[05:52:37] <masa> yes
L966[05:52:48] <LatvianModder> Masa: latest 1.8.9?
L967[05:53:15] <masa> I don't know when exactly they were combined, but it was in 1.8.8 too at some point
L968[05:53:19] <Cazzar> there's even the: InGameOverlay overlay; registerHandler(overlay = new InGameOverlay()); registerOtherHandler(overlay) though, that might confuse some :P
L969[05:53:34] <masa> the old FML bus is now deprecated and uses the forge bus
L970[05:53:42] <LatvianModder> Nice
L971[05:53:49] <LatvianModder> Waited that for years
L972[05:53:51] <LatvianModder> :D
L973[05:54:04] <madcrazydrumma> Cazzar, ahh yeah could do that :P
L974[05:54:16] <madcrazydrumma> Just as confusing as list[++index] xD
L975[05:54:26] <Cazzar> Though, I haven't modded for a while, so masa might have something local:walpaper
L976[05:54:35] <Cazzar> madcrazydrumma: that makes sense :P
L977[05:54:50] <madcrazydrumma> not when you have 1000+ lines of code and that was the bug
L978[05:55:05] <masa> local wallpaper wat
L979[05:55:15] <Cazzar> keybind :P
L980[05:55:30] <Cazzar> Ignore that bit, I accidentally hit it and it types in less than a second.
L981[05:55:39] ⇦ Quits: Szernex (~Szernex@194-166-245-27.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Szernex_!~Szernex@188-22-171-113.adsl.highway.telekom.at)))
L982[05:55:43] <masa> mmkay
L983[05:55:45] ⇨ Joins: Szernex (~Szernex@188-22-171-113.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L984[05:55:47] <madcrazydrumma> xD
L985[05:56:07] <Cazzar> I use it, because the thing I have that keybind for, if I don't type quick enough, it likes to freeze on me.
L986[05:56:10] <Wuppy> I still love the fact that there is a big blue sleigh on my wall :P
L987[05:56:50] <Cazzar> I hate the fact, that it's still 30 degrees at 11PM
L988[05:56:57] <Cazzar> Also, 1 hour to 2016
L989[05:57:02] <Wuppy> wooo
L990[05:57:08] <Wuppy> almost happy new year then Cazzar
L991[05:57:11] <madcrazydrumma> error rip, cazzar
L992[05:57:11] <madcrazydrumma> http://pastebin.com/62xd4wj3
L993[05:57:23] <Wuppy> y u no drinking and partying Cazzar
L994[05:57:49] <Cazzar> Wuppy: I was drinking before.
L995[05:58:12] <masa> what is the point in drinking and partying when you can sit at home in dark infront of your PC?
L996[05:58:17] <Cazzar> Also, the temprature today, fuck going out.
L997[05:58:33] <madcrazydrumma> masa ^
L998[05:58:55] <Cazzar> madcrazydrumma: " for(int i = 0; i < skillListInstance.size(); i++) {" is line 70 right?
L999[05:59:01] <madcrazydrumma> mhm
L1000[05:59:07] <Wuppy> masa, you can sit infront of your pc all day
L1001[05:59:10] <madcrazydrumma> it says the skillListInstance is null for some reason
L1002[05:59:12] <Wuppy> and then use the night to party
L1003[05:59:17] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I still have ~20 hours untill my new year...
L1004[05:59:20] <madcrazydrumma> I think
L1005[05:59:22] <Unh0ly_Tigg> until*
L1006[05:59:30] <Cazzar> Yes, which means by the time you ran the ctor, it was null when it grabbed it.
L1007[05:59:35] <madcrazydrumma> Only 8 hours till new years in dubai :D
L1008[05:59:39] <Wuppy> here there's 11 hours left
L1009[05:59:42] <madcrazydrumma> Oh hmm
L1010[05:59:47] <Cazzar> http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1451563186
L1011[06:00:02] <Cazzar> I don't like that colour my taskbar is.
L1012[06:00:08] <madcrazydrumma> xD
L1013[06:00:16] <madcrazydrumma> How would i fix the issue cazzar?
L1014[06:00:26] <madcrazydrumma> It worked before
L1015[06:00:38] <masa> where are you supposedly initializing the skill list?
L1016[06:00:51] <madcrazydrumma> This is how i do the main file now: http://pastebin.com/7wcm5xRU
L1017[06:00:57] <madcrazydrumma> Probably the issue with the variable igo
L1018[06:00:57] <Cazzar> 1 of 2 ways, check in what order you init things, or, always reference RivenMode.skillList in the class.
L1019[06:01:01] <Unh0ly_Tigg> happy 'anniversary' of our planet completing another cycle around our parent star...
L1020[06:01:12] <madcrazydrumma> xD
L1021[06:01:38] <Cazzar> Unh0ly_Tigg: and then a leap second occurs just before new years :P
L1022[06:01:52] <Unh0ly_Tigg> and 2016 is a leap year.
L1023[06:02:10] <gigaherz> happy rounded approximation of said cycle, Unh0ly_Tigg
L1024[06:02:40] ⇨ Joins: airbreather (~airbreath@d149-67-99-43.nap.wideopenwest.com)
L1025[06:03:06] <Unh0ly_Tigg> who knows how out of sync we actually are from when the planets started forming...
L1026[06:03:25] <fry> who cares :P
L1027[06:03:29] <Unh0ly_Tigg> lol
L1028[06:03:31] <madcrazydrumma> Cazzar + masa, i fixed the issue: i had to do 'igo = new InGameOverlay()' inside the preinit call
L1029[06:03:41] <masa> madcrazydrumma: move the InGameOverlay() constructor call to inside the preInit just before you register it, so that the skillList has been initalized before that gets called
L1030[06:03:47] <masa> yeah
L1031[06:03:48] <Wuppy> Unh0ly_Tigg, there isn't actually 1 point in time for that though
L1032[06:03:57] <madcrazydrumma> ^^^
L1033[06:03:58] <Cazzar> madcrazydrumma: that'd do it
L1034[06:04:08] <Cazzar> because, the ctor runs before the preInit.
L1035[06:04:11] <Cazzar> it HAS to
L1036[06:04:16] <madcrazydrumma> cheers guys, happy new year <3
L1037[06:04:21] <madcrazydrumma> yeah that's true
L1038[06:04:32] <sham1> yeah
L1039[06:04:33] <masa> happy new years
L1040[06:04:40] <Wuppy> happy new years guys :)
L1041[06:04:42] <madcrazydrumma> Is there a method to check if the player is flying?
L1042[06:04:45] <sham1> Happy newyears to y'all
L1043[06:04:58] <Cazzar> !gf *flying*
L1044[06:05:00] <sham1> Depending on where you live it might be 2015 still (like here)
L1045[06:05:07] <madcrazydrumma> xD
L1046[06:05:25] <Unh0ly_Tigg> So, I've been having trouble with my alloy furnace, where it won't actually find a valid recipe, because of some ordering issue with an iterator that I made, so I'm opting for mimicing shapeless ore recipes...
L1047[06:05:31] <Cazzar> player.capabilities.isFlying
L1048[06:05:37] <Cazzar> !!gf isFlying
L1049[06:05:38] <MCPBot_Reborn> === MC 1.8.9: net/minecraft/entity/player/PlayerCapabilities.isFlying (wl.b) UNLOCKED ===
L1050[06:05:38] <MCPBot_Reborn> Name : b => field_75100_b => isFlying
L1051[06:05:39] <MCPBot_Reborn> Descriptor : Z
L1052[06:05:40] <MCPBot_Reborn> Comment : Sets/indicates whether the player is flying.
L1053[06:05:41] <MCPBot_Reborn> Last Change: 2015-12-29 16:15:08.555800-05:00 (_bot_update_)
L1054[06:05:49] <Unh0ly_Tigg> It's ~4:05AM here.
L1055[06:06:01] <sham1> It's 14 here
L1056[06:06:07] <madcrazydrumma> cheers
L1057[06:06:08] <Cazzar> 23
L1058[06:06:16] <madcrazydrumma> 16.06 here
L1059[06:06:24] <masa> madcrazydrumma: .isAirBorne maybe?
L1060[06:06:26] <fry> 15 :P
L1061[06:06:39] <LatvianModder> 14
L1062[06:06:50] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I live in the west coast area of the states...
L1063[06:07:14] <LatvianModder> Fello GMT+2, sham1 :D
L1064[06:07:24] <sham1> Well I am Finn so that makes sense :P
L1065[06:07:53] <sham1> And it is actually UTC+2 if we are being completely honest here
L1066[06:08:04] ⇦ Quits: Loetkolben (~Loetkolbe@ipbcc2d086.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: Over and Out!)
L1067[06:08:32] <sham1> yay
L1068[06:08:36] <sham1> I have a readme
L1069[06:08:45] ⇦ Quits: madcrazydrumma (~madcrazyd@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1070[06:09:01] <Shinoow> \o/
L1071[06:09:07] <Cazzar> echo "### RTFM" > readme.md
L1072[06:09:09] ⇦ Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@2001:af0:8000:1c01:6af7:28ff:fe37:5d6a) (Quit: Leaving.)
L1073[06:09:18] <sham1> yeh, pretty much
L1074[06:09:42] <gigaherz> geh
L1075[06:09:50] <gigaherz> so I can't test ender-rift ;P
L1076[06:09:56] <sham1> I will have a quick blurb be the readme, the gh-pages to have more general detail and an in-game guide thing that actually tells you stuff
L1077[06:09:57] <Unh0ly_Tigg> echo "You're on your own, glhf" > readme.md
L1078[06:10:14] <gigaherz> the one mod I know that has RF generators on 1.8.x, is Progressive Automation
L1079[06:10:19] <gigaherz> and that's 1.8 and desn't even have a dev jar
L1080[06:10:20] <gigaherz> XD
L1081[06:10:24] <sham1> I have :P
L1082[06:10:34] <sham1> a creative-only one but...
L1083[06:10:52] <gigaherz> and you ahve dev jars? ;P
L1084[06:11:08] <sham1> Well you can propably add them as deobfProvided deps
L1085[06:11:21] <gigaherz> no idea what that means
L1086[06:11:22] <gigaherz> XD
L1087[06:11:29] <Unh0ly_Tigg> deobfProvided ?
L1088[06:11:33] <Cazzar> gigaherz: easy, always return full power?
L1089[06:11:39] <Cazzar> Or init with full power :P
L1090[06:12:07] <gigaherz> well sure
L1091[06:12:53] <sham1> diesieben07, you awake, I have a question about drone
L1092[06:13:41] <PaleoCrafter> He's marked as way, i.e. off :P
L1093[06:13:48] <PaleoCrafter> *away
L1094[06:13:53] <sham1> ah
L1095[06:13:56] <sham1> Didnt see that
L1096[06:14:05] <sham1> I never check that :P
L1097[06:14:17] <laci200270> ok I think I've messed up GL again: http://imgur.com/yAuKoK3
L1098[06:14:45] <sham1> Welp, I think it is time to also think about getting a maven repo
L1099[06:15:15] <laci200270> any ideas why that happens?
L1100[06:17:35] <masa> no blending or something? I have no idea about rendering stuff ;_;
L1101[06:17:47] <Shinoow> Hm... my culprit seems to be Entity#setSize(), since not increasing the entity BB makes it possible to hit it without being pummeled far away from it.
L1102[06:18:34] <laci200270> PaleoCrafter, any ideas?
L1103[06:18:43] <Wuppy> ugh I really want to go to "Er ist wieder da" but it doesnt play in the cinema in my city :(
L1104[06:19:12] <PaleoCrafter> afaik it's horrible :P
L1105[06:19:24] <laci200270> yes
L1106[06:19:25] <Wuppy> I like really bad humor
L1107[06:19:26] <PaleoCrafter> the actor already *looks* just terrible
L1108[06:19:30] <PaleoCrafter> the book is great
L1109[06:19:32] <laci200270> oh
L1110[06:19:39] <laci200270> I thought my block :D
L1111[06:19:57] *** K-4U|Off is now known as K-4U
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L1116[06:21:27] <laci200270> PaleoCrafter, any ideas? http://imgur.com/yAuKoK3
L1117[06:21:36] <PaleoCrafter> I'm looking into it
L1118[06:21:50] <PaleoCrafter> I know what the cause is, but can't remember the fix
L1119[06:21:58] <sham1> I think it thinks that you cannot see those certain blocks behind it
L1120[06:21:58] <laci200270> I've just moved the rendering to another method
L1121[06:22:23] <laci200270> because I wanted to use it at multiple places
L1122[06:22:27] <laci200270> and now...
L1123[06:22:37] <PaleoCrafter> ah, right, 2nd render pass
L1124[06:22:42] <gigaherz> I love this bit in the debug log XD
L1125[06:22:47] <gigaherz> [13:22:07] [Client thread/WARN]: MOD HAS DIRECT REFERENCE System.exit() THIS IS NOT ALLOWED REROUTING TO FML!
L1126[06:22:47] <gigaherz> [13:22:07] [Client thread/WARN]: Offendor: com/sun/jna/Native.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V
L1127[06:23:11] <PaleoCrafter> in your TE override shouldRenderInPass and return pass == 1, laci200270
L1128[06:23:19] <laci200270> thanks PaleoCrafter
L1129[06:24:13] <laci200270> !gm shouldRenderInPass
L1130[06:24:19] <laci200270> !gm shouldRenderInPass 1.7.10
L1131[06:24:30] <laci200270> !gm shouldRenderInPass 1.8.8
L1132[06:24:32] <laci200270> !gm shouldRenderInPass 1.8
L1133[06:24:39] <PaleoCrafter> it's a forge method
L1134[06:24:46] <laci200270> I can'T find this method PaleoCrafter
L1135[06:25:22] <PaleoCrafter> It's TileEntity.shouldRenderInPass, but it's added by Forge and hence doesn't need mappings :P
L1136[06:25:30] <laci200270> oh
L1137[06:25:38] <laci200270> A method?
L1138[06:25:45] <PaleoCrafter> yes...
L1139[06:25:48] <gigaherz> yes?
L1140[06:26:08] <laci200270> oh I've serched it in the block
L1141[06:26:30] <gigaherz> this is for TileEntity Special Renderer, not block special renderer ;P
L1142[06:26:40] * laci200270 blames himself
L1143[06:26:41] <Wuppy> how does one get all the loading things again in chrome/firefox?
L1144[06:26:46] <Wuppy> like where the bandwith is going to?
L1145[06:26:57] ⇦ Quits: jandal (~quassel@li951-76.members.linode.com) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1146[06:27:02] <gigaherz> developer mode?
L1147[06:27:03] <Wuppy> you can use it to download videos from FB etc.
L1148[06:27:07] <gigaherz> in the "network" tab
L1149[06:27:20] <gigaherz> F12 in chrome I believe
L1150[06:27:50] <gigaherz> ctrl-shift-i in firefox apparently, but there's a button for it
L1151[06:27:51] <gigaherz> ;p
L1152[06:28:07] ⇦ Quits: ollieread (~ollieread@2a01:7e00::f03c:91ff:feae:5b6) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1153[06:28:17] <gigaherz> hmf
L1154[06:28:21] <gigaherz> [13:22:19] [Client thread/ERROR]: MultiModel minecraft:builtin/missing is empty (no base model or parts were provided/resolved)
L1155[06:28:23] <gigaherz> so
L1156[06:28:28] <gigaherz> my mod works despite these
L1157[06:28:29] <Wuppy> thanks
L1158[06:28:38] <gigaherz> but it's not nice having ERROR lines in the logs
L1159[06:28:39] <gigaherz> XD
L1160[06:28:41] <Wuppy> what's the name for this so I can google it in the future?
L1161[06:28:49] <gigaherz> Developer tools?
L1162[06:28:49] <Wuppy> when I forget the shortcut agna
L1163[06:29:41] <gigaherz> so yeah as I was saying
L1164[06:30:00] <gigaherz> any ofyou happen to know what the least annoying way is to fix that error? ;P
L1165[06:30:24] <PaleoCrafter> fry probably does :P
L1166[06:30:45] <gigaherz> I know what causes it
L1167[06:30:46] ⇦ Quits: MarcoSlater (~MarcoSlat@marta.marcoslater.com) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
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L1169[06:30:47] <Wuppy> \o/ now I finally have this video downloaded
L1170[06:30:57] <gigaherz> there's certain combinations of models that don't actually HAVE any model
L1171[06:31:03] <gigaherz> combinations of states*
L1172[06:31:07] <gigaherz> but those combinations can't happen
L1173[06:31:15] <Wuppy> 2016 is the 12.5 year aniversary of our association so yeah :D
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L1176[06:31:39] <fry> gigaherz: put builtin/generated as the model in the defaults
L1177[06:32:33] <laci200270> good I can't see anything now
L1178[06:32:39] ⇨ Joins: MarcoSlater (~MarcoSlat@marta.marcoslater.com)
L1179[06:33:07] <PaleoCrafter> wat
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L1181[06:33:57] <laci200270> idk why
L1182[06:34:02] <gigaherz> thx fry
L1183[06:34:44] <PaleoCrafter> what do you return from shouldRenderinPass, laci200270?
L1184[06:34:56] <laci200270> pass==1;
L1185[06:35:15] <laci200270> I think I'll just revert the commit
L1186[06:35:52] ⇦ Quits: tekacs (~tekacs@tekacs.com) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
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L1188[06:35:57] <PaleoCrafter> put a breakpoint on that line and check if pass ever is 1
L1189[06:36:21] <laci200270> I'll just revert and do it again
L1190[06:36:26] ⇦ Quits: MarcoSlater (~MarcoSlat@marta.marcoslater.com) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1191[06:36:30] <gigaherz> :/
L1192[06:36:31] <gigaherz> [13:33:38] [Client thread/WARN]: * The API WailaAPI from source F:\ender-rift\build\classes\production\ender-rift is loaded from an incompatible classloader. THIS WILL NOT WORK!
L1193[06:36:47] <laci200270> it is possible I've cut something off from the code
L1194[06:36:49] <gigaherz> (seems to work though XD)
L1195[06:37:05] <sham1> gigaherz, want a thing to test your RF stuff with ;)
L1196[06:37:17] <gigaherz> sure ;P
L1197[06:37:27] <sham1> I made a dev-jar as I do not yet have a maven repo to give you dependencies from
L1198[06:37:35] <sham1> https://drone.io/github.com/sham1/FluidCraft/files
L1199[06:37:38] <gigaherz> good, the less I have to mess with maven the better
L1200[06:37:39] <gigaherz> XD
L1201[06:38:08] <sham1> This is assuming you are 1.8.8/1.8.9
L1202[06:38:15] <gigaherz> yeah I am
L1203[06:38:15] ⇨ Joins: tekacs (~tekacs@tekacs.com)
L1204[06:38:17] <sham1> (Because binary compatibility)
L1205[06:38:21] <laci200270> gigaherz what RF API are you using? Vanhal's?
L1206[06:38:28] <gigaherz> yep
L1207[06:38:32] <laci200270> so am I
L1208[06:38:39] <gigaherz> everyone seems to use that one on 1.8.x
L1209[06:38:44] <laci200270> yeah
L1210[06:38:45] <sham1> I use the port given to me by McJly
L1211[06:38:46] ⇨ Joins: MarcoSlater (~MarcoSlat@marta.marcoslater.com)
L1212[06:38:50] <sham1> Should work
L1213[06:39:00] ⇨ Joins: ollieread (~ollieread@2a01:7e00::f03c:91ff:feae:5b6)
L1214[06:39:06] ⇨ Joins: simon816 (~simon816@aeons.co)
L1215[06:39:12] <sham1> Though I am not sure
L1216[06:40:10] <gigaherz> [13:38:16] [Client thread/INFO]: Unknown recipe class! gigaherz.enderRift.recipe.RecipesRiftDuplication Modder please refer to net.minecraftforge.oredict.RecipeSorter
L1217[06:40:12] <gigaherz> hmm another todo
L1218[06:40:13] <gigaherz> XD
L1219[06:40:17] <sham1> :P
L1220[06:40:34] <sham1> Does it launch if the jar I gave you is present
L1221[06:40:45] <gigaherz> yes
L1222[06:40:54] <gigaherz> generator block has no model though
L1223[06:40:55] <gigaherz> ;P
L1224[06:42:29] <sham1> Yeh
L1225[06:42:31] ⇦ Quits: laci200270 (~laci20027@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1226[06:42:45] <sham1> But I am glad it didn't crash and burn
L1227[06:43:11] ⇨ Joins: flappy (~flappy@a88-113-155-120.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
L1228[06:44:16] <gigaherz> okay added my own RF tooltip line since waila isn't showing any ;P
L1229[06:44:24] <sham1> :P
L1230[06:44:46] <gigaherz> nope energy isn't being inserted
L1231[06:44:46] <gigaherz> ;P
L1232[06:44:51] <sham1> Should have made it so that "extractEnergy" returns the maxExtract
L1233[06:44:54] <sham1> Hmm, weird
L1234[06:45:06] <gigaherz> maybe we are using different APIs and they don't see eachother ;P
L1235[06:45:17] <gigaherz> or maybe it's bugged.
L1236[06:45:28] <gigaherz> yep
L1237[06:45:33] <gigaherz> connecting directly to the rift works
L1238[06:45:40] <sham1> Mmm
L1239[06:45:41] <gigaherz> so the multiblock corners aren't doing RF
L1240[06:45:47] <gigaherz> my fault ;p
L1241[06:46:03] <sham1> It just pushes the RF to the adjustent TE
L1242[06:46:09] <gigaherz> yeah
L1243[06:46:12] <gigaherz> my corners are TEs
L1244[06:46:14] <sham1> It does not even concider multiblocks
L1245[06:46:19] <gigaherz> they know where the main block is
L1246[06:46:24] <sham1> Unless you concider them yourself
L1247[06:46:26] <gigaherz> and ofrward the RF interfaces
L1248[06:46:29] <gigaherz> I do
L1249[06:46:38] ⇨ Joins: captain_shadows (~Thunderbi@
L1250[06:46:44] <gigaherz> also consider*
L1251[06:46:45] <gigaherz> ;p
L1252[06:47:04] <sham1> :P
L1253[06:47:21] <gigaherz> hmm oops.
L1254[06:47:32] <gigaherz> my block can't be extracted from
L1255[06:47:33] <gigaherz> without pipes
L1256[06:47:41] <gigaherz> there's no inventory at the bottom xD
L1257[06:47:48] <sham1> :P
L1258[06:47:49] <gigaherz> so hoppers won't do
L1259[06:48:21] <Ri5ux> Earlier I was told that it's possible to load wavefront (obj) models and render them on items. Now I'm searching it up and apparently B3D is my only option. What's the story with that?
L1260[06:48:36] <gigaherz> which version are you using?
L1261[06:48:40] <Ri5ux> 1.8
L1262[06:48:47] <gigaherz> that's not the version ;P
L1263[06:48:47] <sham1> Update to 1.8.9
L1264[06:48:48] <Ri5ux> And I was told it was possible in 1.8
L1265[06:48:50] <gigaherz> version of Forge
L1266[06:48:54] <Ri5ux> ah
L1267[06:48:56] <Ri5ux> The latest
L1268[06:48:59] <gigaherz> the OBJ loader was added relatively recently
L1269[06:48:59] <sham1> Then you should have the stuff
L1270[06:49:06] <Ri5ux> Alright
L1271[06:49:06] <gigaherz> then you should have the OBJ loader
L1272[06:49:25] <Ri5ux> Is it the same as in 1.7 or...
L1273[06:49:28] <gigaherz> no
L1274[06:49:34] <Ri5ux> Tutorial somewhere?
L1275[06:49:36] <sham1> A lot better
L1276[06:49:40] <Ri5ux> Or examples
L1277[06:50:04] <sham1> !latest
L1278[06:50:08] <gigaherz> in your client proxy, do OBJLoader.addDomain(modid)
L1279[06:50:17] <gigaherz> then create a blockstates json file for your item
L1280[06:50:25] <gigaherz> with
L1281[06:50:36] <fry> Ri5ux: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/src/test/java/net/minecraftforge/debug/ModelLoaderRegistryDebug.java https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/tree/master/src/test/resources/assets/forgedebugmodelloaderregistry
L1282[06:50:44] <gigaherz> { "variants": { inventory:[{ "model": "modid:model.obj" }] } }
L1283[06:50:57] <gigaherz> "inventory"*
L1284[06:51:36] <sham1> Time to get the most releant version update ever in all of Forge xD
L1285[06:51:56] <Ri5ux> Thanks guys
L1286[06:52:15] <sham1> Although 1.8.9 does have that new logo so..
L1287[06:52:38] <Ri5ux> What new logo..
L1288[06:52:45] <sham1> forge logo
L1289[06:52:51] <sham1> Updated slightly AFAIK
L1290[06:53:07] <sham1> Higher-quality GIFs
L1291[06:53:31] <Shinoow> Well, I think I have a somewhat good fix for my issue. Should probably start thinking of adding child entities to larger mobs.
L1292[06:53:34] <sham1> Aside from that, the delta between 1.8.8 and 1.8.9 is just realms stuff
L1293[06:54:01] <unascribed> and the fixed christmas chests
L1294[06:54:06] ⇨ Joins: Poppy (~Poppy@chello085216146055.chello.sk)
L1295[06:54:06] <unascribed> don't forget that extremely important change
L1296[06:54:22] <sham1> Oh, that's right
L1297[06:56:31] <Ri5ux> Wait wait wait... blockstates are for items too? Just when I thought I had blockstates down
L1298[06:56:50] <sham1> forge blockstate jsons specifically
L1299[06:56:56] <sham1> Vanilla, not so much
L1300[06:57:19] <sham1> For that we need to wait for 1.9+ and ITEMSTATES
L1301[06:57:35] <Ri5ux> itemstates are coming in 1.9?
L1302[06:57:41] <sham1> should be
L1303[06:57:44] <Ri5ux> tits.
L1304[06:58:27] <Ri5ux> Im gonna need another dr. pepper.
L1305[07:00:00] <Ri5ux> So, if I got this right, I just create a blockstate json with the same filename as my item, and it magically works?
L1306[07:00:20] <Ri5ux> Just like the block blockstates?
L1307[07:00:31] <sham1> you need to also use ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation for it in preInit
L1308[07:00:43] ⇨ Joins: Tzk (~Tzk@2a03:b0c0:3:d0::43:a001)
L1309[07:00:52] <sham1> https://github.com/sham1/FluidCraft/blob/master/src/main/java/sham1/fluidcraft/client/ClientProxy.java#L24
L1310[07:00:54] <sham1> Like so
L1311[07:01:24] <sham1> Because my basic pipe block gets its inventory model from the forge blockstate json
L1312[07:02:34] <Ri5ux> This is some crazy shit
L1313[07:02:49] <gigaherz> mc normally just loads the model directly for items
L1314[07:03:01] <gigaherz> forge makes it so that if a json exists for it, the json is queried
L1315[07:03:09] <gigaherz> a blockstates json*
L1316[07:04:26] <gigaherz> lol someone on twitter
L1317[07:04:28] <gigaherz> "It’s amazing how the sentence ‘don’t believe everything you read on the internet’ is the same backwards as it is forwards."
L1318[07:04:45] <Ri5ux> .................
L1319[07:05:03] <Ri5ux> I had to double check.
L1320[07:05:13] <gigaherz> XD
L1321[07:07:07] <gigaherz> oops I had the east/west swapped around
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L1324[07:09:02] <gigaherz> YAY my corners are working again
L1325[07:11:20] <sham1> :P
L1326[07:11:22] <sham1> nice
L1327[07:11:55] ⇨ Joins: MalkContent (MalkConten@p4FDCF24C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1328[07:14:05] <MalkContent> ThePsionic: need something else done? i feel like doing pixelwork for a bit
L1329[07:14:29] <ThePsionic> I haven't modded in forever so you might want to help someone else ;)
L1330[07:14:48] ⇨ Joins: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk)
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L1332[07:16:00] <MalkContent> :D fair enough. i have my own pile of unfinished stuff
L1333[07:17:00] <MalkContent> well then: hear ye, hear ye, I am bored and willing to plop out one single texture that need not be credited in any form whatsoever
L1334[07:17:05] <MalkContent> hit me up
L1335[07:17:57] <FourFire> Ok, I got some error, trying to setup IDE for the first time: http://pastebin.com/RGurkX3g is what happens when i try to run my forge profile for the first time after running the installer
L1336[07:18:34] <FourFire> that is, install forge, then run the game once to force generation of files. This second step fails
L1337[07:19:58] ⇨ Joins: jandal (~quassel@li951-76.members.linode.com)
L1338[07:20:45] <Shinoow> http://pastebin.com/YzkMFkG6 https://github.com/Shinoow/AbyssalCraft/blob/master/src/main/java/com/shinoow/abyssalcraft/common/entity/EntityLesserShoggoth.java#L306-L315
L1339[07:21:07] <Shinoow> Someone reported that crash. Unknown cause, no idea how it was triggered.
L1340[07:21:42] <Shinoow> The highlighted method is what might be related to the crash, skimming through the crash report
L1341[07:22:22] ⇦ Quits: Upthorn (~ogmar@108-204-125-173.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1342[07:25:01] <Shinoow> Right, the crash occurs on a server
L1343[07:25:07] <Ri5ux> One last question, Got the wavefront model loaded, now do I have to set the texture in one of these jsons or should the model itself be doing that?
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L1345[07:26:01] <gigaherz> Ri5ux: the obj usually goes along with a .mtl file
L1346[07:26:05] <gigaherz> in this mdl file you can have like
L1347[07:26:15] <sham1> The material file describes what kind of model it is
L1348[07:26:16] <gigaherz> map_Kd modid:texturename
L1349[07:26:19] <sham1> It also points to the texture
L1350[07:26:25] <gigaherz> for a given material
L1351[07:26:31] <sham1> yeah
L1352[07:26:39] <Ri5ux> It wasnt pointint to any textures, I'll set those manually I suppose
L1353[07:27:07] <gigaherz> alternatively
L1354[07:27:13] *** K-4U is now known as K-4U|Off
L1355[07:27:18] <gigaherz> if you want to override the texture
L1356[07:27:31] <gigaherz> you can use "textures": { "materialname": "whatever" }
L1357[07:27:32] <gigaherz> in the json
L1358[07:27:40] <Ri5ux> Sounds better, I'll do that instead
L1359[07:27:48] <gigaherz> but the material name has to be set regardless
L1360[07:28:01] <gigaherz> so your obj must have been exported with a .mtl file
L1361[07:28:17] <Ri5ux> It wasn't..
L1362[07:28:29] *** Jared is now known as Jared|Away
L1363[07:28:32] <gigaherz> it's easy to create one
L1364[07:28:33] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/enderrift/models/block/base.mtl
L1365[07:28:40] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/enderrift/models/block/base.obj
L1366[07:28:51] <gigaherz> all you need is, in the .obj model, the "mtllib" and "usemtl" lines
L1367[07:28:55] <gigaherz> and in the .mtl file
L1368[07:29:06] <gigaherz> the "newmtl" and "map_Kd" lines
L1369[07:29:13] <gigaherz> customized to your liking
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L1371[07:31:14] <Ri5ux> The texture I map using map_Kd, do I need to register that anywhere?
L1372[07:31:36] <Ri5ux> Or will Minecraft magically know I have that in the items textures directory
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L1382[07:43:42] <Ri5ux> Going to assume I need to manually register that with an event, unless it's using the exact texture location of the item being registered.
L1383[07:43:58] <FourFire> > <Shinoow> Right, the crash occurs on a server so i should turn off my sponge server on the same machine?
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L1399[08:01:59] <FourFire> Okay, even without the server running, my client still crashes
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L1404[08:04:59] <Wuppy> can't wait to finally have an oliebol <3
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L1407[08:07:41] <gigaherz> [14:43] (Ri5ux): Going to assume I need to manually register that with an event, unless it's using the exact texture location of the item being registered.
L1408[08:07:42] <gigaherz> nono
L1409[08:07:49] <gigaherz> Forge takes care of that
L1410[08:08:06] <gigaherz> you only need to register manually
L1411[08:08:13] <gigaherz> if you use the model in a TESR or entity renderer
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L1413[08:09:47] <sham1> you need to bake it yourself
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L1415[08:10:35] <gigaherz> not for item/block models
L1416[08:10:42] <sham1> yeah
L1417[08:10:59] <sham1> but I assumed you meant that like "if you need to use your OBJ model for your TESR or entity"
L1418[08:11:32] <gigaherz> but Ri5ux was doing the whole item blockstate json file thing
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L1421[08:16:59] <Wuppy> I'm considering to just say fuck it and go outside with the sole reason of getting myself an oliebol :P
L1422[08:17:12] <Wuppy> even though I'll already have a bunch tonight
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L1425[08:20:02] <gigaherz> lol
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L1427[08:22:27] <Wuppy> fuck it, brb :P
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L1437[08:30:27] <OrionOnline> good afternoon guys (or a happy new year of that is applicable)
L1438[08:31:50] <OrionOnline> Is there some way to notice server side that a GUI (and with that a Container if it is a GUI for that) is closed by a Player?
L1439[08:31:59] <Ri5ux> gigaherz, what would cause the model to render black?
L1440[08:32:12] <Ri5ux> Assuming the texture is loaded, because otherwise it wouldve been white
L1441[08:32:30] <gigaherz> hmmm
L1442[08:32:35] <MalkContent> gl_lighting failure :P
L1443[08:32:44] <MalkContent> or some such
L1444[08:32:47] <gigaherz> yeah but on an item ....
L1445[08:32:55] <Ri5ux> Also what I thought
L1446[08:32:59] <MalkContent> does it have a custom renderer?
L1447[08:33:05] <OrionOnline> lighting is not enabled on items in 1.8
L1448[08:33:13] <Ri5ux> It's an item... How could it have a custom renderer
L1449[08:33:22] <gigaherz> this is 1.8, no custom renderers
L1450[08:33:23] <MalkContent> well then it's the "some such" part :D
L1451[08:33:32] <OrionOnline> what is up giga?
L1452[08:33:34] <MalkContent> really?
L1453[08:33:36] <MalkContent> aw
L1454[08:34:04] <OrionOnline> gigaherz, what is the problem?
L1455[08:34:05] <MalkContent> what i meant to say is "well I knew that, and it's totally the only reason why I didn't get off my lazy ass and port my stuff"
L1456[08:34:12] <gigaherz> OrionOnline: not me, Ri5ux
L1457[08:34:13] <gigaherz> XD
L1458[08:34:30] <gigaherz> I was successful enough ;P
L1459[08:34:50] <MalkContent> in any case, are you pushing some opengl stuff somewhere Ri5ux?
L1460[08:34:51] <OrionOnline> Ri5ux, what is the problem? or is it already solved?
L1461[08:35:20] <gigaherz> context: Ri5ux is loading a .obj model for an item
L1462[08:35:28] <gigaherz> using forge blockstates stuff
L1463[08:35:28] <OrionOnline> I did that#
L1464[08:35:34] <OrionOnline> Farily easy
L1465[08:35:44] <OrionOnline> If it is black he has his colors set wrong
L1466[08:35:45] <Ri5ux> MalkContent, havent touched opengl itself or and wrappers
L1467[08:35:47] <fry> Ri5ux: screenshot? :P
L1468[08:35:53] <Ri5ux> fry, sure
L1469[08:36:02] <Ri5ux> or any*
L1470[08:36:20] <MalkContent> well then you can at least rest assured that you didn't mess up anything in that direction :)
L1471[08:36:50] <OrionOnline> MalkContent, Item rendering is nearly impossible to do without ASM in openGL
L1472[08:37:16] <MalkContent> fantastic :/
L1473[08:37:29] <Ri5ux> Scrennshot: http://i.imgur.com/qNTzjIs.png
L1474[08:37:32] <MalkContent> well at least I'll have an excuse to finally do that then
L1475[08:37:38] <Ri5ux> Agh, the typos
L1476[08:37:56] <OrionOnline> yoiu will need the flip custom uv i think
L1477[08:37:57] <OrionOnline> at least
L1478[08:38:04] <fry> Ri5ux: do you have large bleck areas in your texture? :P
L1479[08:38:12] <MalkContent> so far all i "know" about coremods is that you inject/overwrite lines somehow
L1480[08:38:13] <fry> (yes, it's probably flipped v)
L1481[08:38:22] <Wuppy> I have returned with an oliebol :D
L1482[08:38:24] <Ri5ux> Lol, no black areas.
L1483[08:38:32] <OrionOnline> Wuppy, i want one too
L1484[08:38:33] <Ri5ux> Either transparent or colorful
L1485[08:38:37] <fry> MalkContent: you don't need it. don't do it.
L1486[08:38:43] <OrionOnline> Wuppy, just baked a bunch of waffle though :D
L1487[08:38:47] <Wuppy> only got 1 :<
L1488[08:38:54] <MalkContent> I mostly just wanna do it to have done it by now
L1489[08:39:05] <fry> bad reason.
L1490[08:39:18] <MalkContent> i don't wanna keep the result
L1491[08:39:29] <OrionOnline> Ri5ux, add this to the blockstates file: https://github.com/SmithsModding/Armory/blob/Development-1.8/resources/assets/armory/blockstates/Armory.Items.SmithingsGuide.json#L6-L8
L1492[08:40:03] <MalkContent> i just want to ascend from modding peasant to the bourgeoise
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L1494[08:40:19] <gigaherz> you can approximate it, by providing an invisible item model, and then using events to draw "on top"
L1495[08:40:20] <gigaherz> ;P
L1496[08:40:24] <fry> буржуй :P
L1497[08:40:35] <OrionOnline> gigaherz, that is just hacky :P
L1498[08:40:50] <gigaherz> only as hacky as a TESR is for blocks
L1499[08:40:51] <gigaherz> ;P
L1500[08:41:06] <MalkContent> i forget, how do you pronounce ж?
L1501[08:41:07] <OrionOnline> True, true
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L1503[08:41:20] <OrionOnline> I need to make a system that prevents my blocks from being redrawn every tick
L1504[08:41:26] <fry> Ri5ux: how big is the texture? if it's big enough, you might be fitting completely inside the bleck part of the missing texture
L1505[08:41:36] <fry> do you have anything in the log file?
L1506[08:41:47] <Ri5ux> fry: 1024x512
L1507[08:41:57] <fry> that'll probably do it
L1508[08:42:01] <OrionOnline> Ri5ux, did you add the flip uv thingy to the block state?
L1509[08:42:02] <fry> check the log :P
L1510[08:42:19] <Ri5ux> Doing so Orion
L1511[08:42:28] <Ri5ux> Also the log says it has a broken aspect ratio
L1512[08:42:32] <Ri5ux> Didnt notice till now
L1513[08:42:42] <gigaherz> So yeah, my ender-rift is looking nice ;P https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/2015-12-31-1541-06.mp4
L1514[08:42:48] <fry> ah, that'll do it
L1515[08:42:53] <fry> Ri5ux: you can only load square textures
L1516[08:43:10] <OrionOnline> gigaherz, is that 2D or 3D and TESR?
L1517[08:43:21] <Ri5ux> Square textures...
L1518[08:43:23] <gigaherz> 3D all
L1519[08:43:34] <Ri5ux> fantastic, fucks up everything
L1520[08:43:36] <OrionOnline> gigaherz, NICE, Standard block model or TESR?
L1521[08:43:46] <gigaherz> the multiblock is composed of baked obj models
L1522[08:43:57] <gigaherz> the rift is a sphere model in a TESR
L1523[08:43:58] ⇨ Joins: tekacs (~tekacs@tekacs.com)
L1524[08:43:58] <OrionOnline> Ri5ux, Minecraft can only load square textures that have sides that are a power of 2
L1525[08:43:59] <gigaherz> drawn 5 times
L1526[08:44:05] <gigaherz> with different alphas
L1527[08:44:17] <OrionOnline> gigaherz, That is nicely done
L1528[08:44:30] <gigaherz> any idea if this can be fixed?
L1529[08:44:30] <gigaherz> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/2015-12-31-1543-03.mp4
L1530[08:44:56] <Ri5ux> Is 1024x512 not powers of two? Unless im retarded or something
L1531[08:45:11] <Ri5ux> 1.7.10 has no problems with the same texture
L1532[08:45:12] <fry> > square
L1533[08:45:14] <gigaherz> it's powers of two, but mc has that stupid restriction
L1534[08:45:16] <OrionOnline> you need it to be 1024*1024
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L1536[08:45:22] <OrionOnline> It needs to be square first
L1537[08:45:24] <Ri5ux> Eh.. alright
L1538[08:45:32] <gigaherz> either shrink it to 512x512, or stretch to 1024x1024
L1539[08:45:44] <Ri5ux> Stretch it is
L1540[08:45:47] <OrionOnline> and on top of that it needs to have sides with a length that is a power of two
L1541[08:45:52] <gigaherz> do you need that much resolution though?
L1542[08:45:52] <OrionOnline> Ri5ux, donnot stretch
L1543[08:45:55] <OrionOnline> Copy it out
L1544[08:46:06] <OrionOnline> Create a new one with 1024*1024
L1545[08:46:08] <Ri5ux> I'm resizing the canvas, chill
L1546[08:46:11] <OrionOnline> Okey
L1547[08:46:14] <Ri5ux> ._.
L1548[08:47:10] <OrionOnline> I am just trying to help
L1549[08:47:31] <Ri5ux> I know, i appreciate the help too
L1550[08:47:33] <gigaherz> I wonder if Minecraft's collision stuff is just that broken ;P
L1551[08:47:46] <OrionOnline> gigaherz, it is..... No discussion
L1552[08:48:13] <Lumien> Now with Stacktrace \o/
L1553[08:48:13] <gigaherz> I guess i'll make the horizontal bars full-block
L1554[08:48:14] <gigaherz> :/
L1555[08:48:15] <Lumien> http://pastebin.com/0C5hazcS
L1556[08:48:19] <Lumien> https://github.com/lumien231/Random-Things/blob/master/src/main/java/lumien/randomthings/tileentity/TileEntityShieldRod.java#L39
L1557[08:48:29] <Lumien> Why does my tile entity sometimes tick without the corresponding block existing
L1558[08:48:41] <Lumien> That crash occurs mainly on respawn but sometimes also just happens while loading chunks
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L1560[08:50:02] <Lumien> ok nevermind i think i figured it out xD
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L1564[08:50:22] <Lumien> ok i didn't :(
L1565[08:52:14] <OrionOnline> This should be impossible in my opinions
L1566[08:52:15] <PaleoCrafter> gigaherz, don't use setBlockBounds or whatever it is in your collision list
L1567[08:52:24] ⇨ Joins: jandal (~quassel@li951-76.members.linode.com)
L1568[08:52:41] <OrionOnline> You if you use this.pos It should give you the block at that position
L1569[08:53:03] <PaleoCrafter> Or alternatively override getSelectionBoundingBox or whatever
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L1573[08:54:02] <gigaherz> PaleoCrafter: setBlockBoundsBasedOnState is bad? ;P
L1574[08:54:43] <PaleoCrafter> sort
L1575[08:54:48] <PaleoCrafter> + of xD
L1576[08:55:25] <Wuppy> god dammit... turns out my friend couldn't get oliebollen after all so I've got to go back now to that place again to buy more :V
L1577[08:55:45] <gigaherz> ouch xD
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L1579[08:55:59] <PaleoCrafter> the method isn't called from all relevant places iirc, so the bounds may leak into other sstates
L1580[08:56:05] <gigaherz> ah
L1581[08:56:43] <PaleoCrafter> in fact, it's only used for the collisions
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L1584[08:57:11] <gigaherz> so I should just override addCollisionBoxesToList and getSelectionBoundingBox instead?
L1585[08:57:24] <PaleoCrafter> I think it suffices to override getSelectedBoundingBox
L1586[08:57:27] ⇦ Quits: tekacs (~tekacs@tekacs.com) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1587[08:57:39] <gigaherz> I'll try
L1588[08:57:39] <PaleoCrafter> call setBlockBoundsBasedOnState in there and return super.getSelectedBoundingBox
L1589[08:57:56] <gigaherz> oh
L1590[08:57:56] <Ri5ux> Great, my project wont build anymore. Nothing will generate in bin, no errors shown anywhere
L1591[08:58:02] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav__ (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872d48.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1592[08:58:09] <Ri5ux> Project basically launches without my mods
L1593[08:58:19] <OrionOnline> Ri5ux, you have it on git?
L1594[08:58:35] <Ri5ux> I have it in the whole git system, but not published
L1595[08:58:50] <OrionOnline> Publish it, then we can take a look
L1596[08:58:59] <OrionOnline> It maybe somehting really small
L1597[08:59:02] <Ri5ux> Watch it just start working >_>
L1598[08:59:08] ⇦ Quits: auenfx4 (David@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1599[08:59:42] <OrionOnline> Ri5ux, that is usually the case
L1600[09:00:06] ⇨ Joins: auenfx4 (David@
L1601[09:00:36] <Ri5ux> https://github.com/Ri5ux/MinecraftTesting
L1602[09:00:48] ⇨ Joins: jandal (~quassel@li951-76.members.linode.com)
L1603[09:01:12] <Ri5ux> WOW that formatting looks bad in github
L1604[09:01:47] <Ri5ux> Gonna have to fix that at some point >_>
L1605[09:02:15] <OrionOnline> I am downloading it, give me a couple of minutes
L1606[09:02:21] ⇦ Quits: ollieread (~ollieread@2a01:7e00::f03c:91ff:feae:5b6) (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L1607[09:03:03] <PaleoCrafter> btw, gigaherz, is that an actual sphere in your multiblock there or just circles that face the player?
L1608[09:03:12] <gigaherz> sphere
L1609[09:03:18] <gigaherz> or more accurately
L1610[09:03:22] <gigaherz> a sphere-mapped cube
L1611[09:04:59] ⇦ Quits: ShadowChild (~ShadowChi@host81-151-57-18.range81-151.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: Leaving)
L1612[09:05:01] <OrionOnline> sphere-mapped?
L1613[09:05:02] ⇦ Quits: jandal (~quassel@li951-76.members.linode.com) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1614[09:05:05] <PaleoCrafter> A what now?
L1615[09:05:16] <OrionOnline> you mean a cube with sphered texture coordinates?
L1616[09:05:28] <gigaherz> nah I mean like
L1617[09:05:34] <gigaherz> suppose you had an elastic cube
L1618[09:05:41] <gigaherz> and you inflated it like a balloon
L1619[09:05:45] <gigaherz> until it's shaped like a sphere
L1620[09:05:47] <Ri5ux> Guess what started working again.
L1621[09:05:56] <OrionOnline> Ri5ux, :P
L1622[09:06:06] <Ri5ux> Relaunched 5 times and it decided to work.
L1623[09:06:07] <OrionOnline> The magic of this IRC Channel :P
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L1628[09:07:40] <gigaherz> PaleoCrafter: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/Sphere-mapped%20cube.png
L1629[09:07:42] <Ri5ux> I think there's a bug here somewhere though, lots of times when I launch forge in 1.8.8 minecraft just sits here at 2FPS.
L1630[09:07:43] ⇨ Joins: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872d48.access.telenet.be)
L1631[09:07:49] <Ri5ux> No problems on normal 1.8 or 1.7
L1632[09:08:18] <OrionOnline> i have no problems with 1.8.8 or 1.8.9
L1633[09:08:23] <gigaherz> although that's a different screenshot, from a slightly lower-poly one
L1634[09:08:30] <gigaherz> than the one I was using here
L1635[09:09:10] <OrionOnline> If i would not be updating my block every tick (which i need to change) i would have a 200% performace improvement
L1636[09:09:20] <PaleoCrafter> Ah, so just one way of approximating a sphere
L1637[09:09:28] <gigaherz> yeah
L1638[09:09:36] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872d48.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1639[09:09:42] <gigaherz> unlike a sphere generated from polar coordinates
L1640[09:09:49] <gigaherz> this one maps to a cube in texture space
L1641[09:11:41] <OrionOnline> Ri5ux, you need to update ForgeGradle
L1642[09:11:51] <OrionOnline> Your buildscript is failing....
L1643[09:11:59] <Ri5ux> Alright
L1644[09:12:19] <Ri5ux> What about the 2FPS on the title screen in 1.8.8 with Forge only problem?
L1645[09:12:25] <Ri5ux> Start Log: https://gist.github.com/Ri5ux/6e2ca44be1201f49ffc2
L1646[09:12:27] <ThePsionic> git gud Ri5ux ;)
L1647[09:12:57] <OrionOnline> Nothing wrong with that log Ri5ux
L1648[09:13:12] ⇦ Quits: romibi (~quassel@cable-static-7-174.rsnweb.ch) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1649[09:13:15] <Ri5ux> Wtf then.
L1650[09:13:37] <Ri5ux> I know Intel HD Graphics suck, but I have hit in the hundreds in-game before...
L1651[09:13:38] <PaleoCrafter> Are you running MC on a toaster?
L1652[09:14:01] <Ri5ux> Intel HD 4600, got no way of setting it to use my GTX 860M as far as I know
L1653[09:14:14] <IoP> :P
L1654[09:14:35] <IoP> Optimus does that for you if you configure it properly
L1655[09:14:47] <Ri5ux> I dont think I have Optimus.
L1656[09:15:01] <IoP> newer lwjgl tries to hint drivers that it wants to use discrete gpu
L1657[09:15:12] <PaleoCrafter> I set optimus to just always use the NVIDIA ^^
L1658[09:15:19] <IoP> laptop without proper way to configure gpus?
L1659[09:15:36] <IoP> wtf? How?
L1660[09:15:40] <IoP> and Why?
L1661[09:15:55] <IoP> Ri5ux: https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/2cl3xj/got_asked_how_you_get_decent_fps_in_minecraft_on/ ?
L1662[09:15:55] <Ri5ux> If you're talking about "Manage 3D Settings" in the NVIDIA Control Panel...
L1663[09:16:02] <IoP> yup
L1664[09:16:13] ⇨ Joins: romibi (~quassel@cable-static-7-174.rsnweb.ch)
L1665[09:16:21] <OrionOnline> PaleoCrafter, a TOASTER???? WHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
L1666[09:16:26] <Ri5ux> Well then I have that set up, but Java is already set to use the 860M and it still chooses Intel unless I tell it
L1667[09:16:48] <Ri5ux> unless I start it manually with NVIDIA
L1668[09:16:58] <IoP> Ri5ux: btw have you noticed this kind of problems? http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/none-of-the-modpacks-launch-stop-at-mojang-screen.137823/
L1669[09:16:58] <PaleoCrafter> Why not, OrionOnline?
L1670[09:17:01] ⇨ Joins: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872D48.access.telenet.be)
L1671[09:17:13] <OrionOnline> Because: TOASTERS??????
L1672[09:17:40] <IoP> Ri5ux: tldr version: launching modded packs takes 20-30 minutes with intel gpus
L1673[09:17:46] <ThePsionic> yep
L1674[09:17:51] <ThePsionic> I have experience with that
L1675[09:17:52] <Ri5ux> I don't use modpacks, so I wouldnt know.
L1676[09:17:52] ⇦ Quits: ollieread (~ollieread@2a01:7e00::f03c:91ff:feae:5b6) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1677[09:17:58] <PaleoCrafter> You mean a toaster would be too powerful to achieve only 2 fps?
L1678[09:18:46] ⇦ Quits: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872d48.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1679[09:18:53] <OrionOnline> PaleoCrafter, yes+
L1680[09:19:02] ⇦ Quits: MarcoSlater (~MarcoSlat@marta.marcoslater.com) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1681[09:19:46] <IoP> Ri5ux: Probably does same with forge but smaller amount of textures hides the problem
L1682[09:20:01] ⇨ Joins: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872d48.access.telenet.be)
L1683[09:20:27] <Ri5ux> Guess what, I got my dev environment to use the 860M and no more 2fps on the main menu
L1684[09:20:46] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872D48.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1685[09:20:49] <Ri5ux> I know the HD 4600 doesnt suck that bad though, so something else was up
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L1693[09:26:13] <IoP> If there is forge settings which fixes that problem, please tell.
L1694[09:26:49] <Ri5ux> Will do, because it's so bad you cant even click on buttons.
L1695[09:27:15] <Ri5ux> And thats on a 4600, probably be worse on the lower end intel gpus
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L1697[09:27:35] <fry> you are loading 1024x1024 texture.
L1698[09:27:46] <Ri5ux> I cut it down to 512x512
L1699[09:27:47] ⇦ Quits: jandal (~quassel@li951-76.members.linode.com) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1700[09:27:55] <Ri5ux> Same thing occurred
L1701[09:28:25] <IoP> If I had hardware (and windows 10) I could test older drivers and older forge but I do not own those.
L1702[09:29:01] <gigaherz> okay... now the structure blocks collide like full blocks
L1703[09:29:11] <gigaherz> but the visual box is smaller ;p
L1704[09:29:22] <gigaherz> it's something /o\
L1705[09:29:30] <Wuppy> I now have 14 freshly made oliebollen, life is good :D
L1706[09:29:42] <gigaherz> save them for the party ;P
L1707[09:29:43] *** Ash|Work is now known as Ashlee
L1708[09:29:54] <Wuppy> I already had one before
L1709[09:29:55] <ThePsionic> eat them right now
L1710[09:29:58] <ThePsionic> all of them
L1711[09:30:10] ⇨ Joins: jandal (~quassel@li951-76.members.linode.com)
L1712[09:30:16] <Ri5ux> Explain what they are because it sounds like witchcraft.
L1713[09:30:29] <Wuppy> if you want me to throw up off the balcony that is a good start ThePsionic
L1714[09:30:30] <gigaherz> Ri5ux: deep-fried dough balls
L1715[09:30:30] <ThePsionic> Ri5ux: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliebol
L1716[09:30:51] <Ri5ux> Oh, dumplings
L1717[09:30:53] <IoP> ohhhh That long load time problem have been present at least five months o_O http://support.feed-the-beast.com/t/fead-the-beast-launch-failure-uploading-gl-textures/16253
L1718[09:31:07] <sham1> not dumplings
L1719[09:31:09] <gigaherz> not exactly, Ri5ux
L1720[09:31:12] <gigaherz> but same principle
L1721[09:31:14] <sham1> wait
L1722[09:31:29] <sham1> They are somewhat but not really according to wikipedia
L1723[09:31:40] ⇨ Joins: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872D48.access.telenet.be)
L1724[09:31:51] <sham1> Speaking of national foods, why the hell are there no events like that for Karelian pastries
L1725[09:31:58] ⇨ Joins: shadekiller666 (~shadekill@
L1726[09:32:24] <IoP> and now you are making me hungry
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L1728[09:32:43] <Ri5ux> I've now run into a problem where there are no texture loading errors, but my texture is all white
L1729[09:32:47] <Wuppy> ThePsionic, http://www.dumpert.nl/mediabase/6707066/c2c69486/10000_sterretjes_tegelijk_afsteken.html
L1730[09:32:56] <Ri5ux> Dont know what happened to all black, but I cant figure out how to get that back
L1731[09:32:56] <Wuppy> russia man....
L1732[09:33:40] <sham1> The only thing I wish there was no event for was "mämmi" as that disgusts me
L1733[09:33:58] <Wuppy> what now?
L1734[09:34:22] <sham1> you dont want to know
L1735[09:34:41] <Ri5ux> Group orgie.
L1736[09:35:04] <Ri5ux> orgy*
L1737[09:35:17] <ThePsionic> Wuppy: very good
L1738[09:35:47] <Wuppy> sham1, are you sure? it contains molasses
L1739[09:35:50] <Wuppy> and that stuff = gold
L1740[09:35:57] ⇦ Quits: tekacs (~tekacs@tekacs.com) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1741[09:36:03] <sham1> I am indeed sure
L1742[09:36:04] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872D48.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1743[09:36:04] <IoP> Group orgy in pool of mämmi?
L1744[09:36:16] <sham1> wouldn't surprise me
L1745[09:36:32] ⇦ Quits: jandal (~quassel@li951-76.members.linode.com) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1746[09:36:33] <Wuppy> mammi is this chocolate cake look alike righty?
L1747[09:36:50] <sham1> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%A4mmi
L1748[09:36:54] <sham1> That stuff
L1749[09:36:54] <ThePsionic> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%A4mmi
L1750[09:36:56] <ThePsionic> damnit
L1751[09:36:57] <Wuppy> yeah then I got the right page
L1752[09:37:07] <Wuppy> but it contains molasses, must be good
L1753[09:37:10] <IoP> feces , not chokolate
L1754[09:37:10] <Wuppy> I mean rum is also great
L1755[09:37:11] <sham1> it specifically has that 'a' with the diacritics
L1756[09:37:24] <ThePsionic> I really want to eat poutine once btw https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poutine
L1757[09:37:48] <Wuppy> ThePsionic, and after 1 meal die of diabetes?
L1758[09:37:53] <ThePsionic> Basically
L1759[09:37:57] <ThePsionic> Would be a good death tho
L1760[09:38:06] <Wuppy> there are better ones
L1761[09:38:19] <gigaherz> sounds like somethignyou can make at home? ;P
L1762[09:38:43] <ThePsionic> Probably
L1763[09:39:40] * Ri5ux gets his new server today
L1764[09:40:02] ⇦ Quits: MarcoSlater (~MarcoSlat@marta.marcoslater.com) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1765[09:40:14] <Wuppy> holy fuck I spend 80 euros on new years eve already :O
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L1767[09:40:33] ⇨ Joins: MattDahEpic (~MattDahEp@75-166-140-155.hlrn.qwest.net)
L1768[09:40:38] <ThePsionic> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/qnhhP5RX/
L1769[09:40:40] <ThePsionic> RIP
L1770[09:40:45] <Ri5ux> Bought myself this: http://www.dell.com/us/business/p/poweredge-r610/pd?dgc=BA&cid=293476&lid=5618642&acd=12309217690294290&ven3=105903125669117421
L1771[09:40:46] <sham1> How much money do you even have
L1772[09:41:13] <Wuppy> sham1, how about none :P
L1773[09:41:44] <PaleoCrafter> Enough to by a few months worth of Jägermeister, apparently
L1774[09:42:03] <Wuppy> only 1 bottle is for me :V
L1775[09:42:10] <Wuppy> and that is enough for a month or 2/3 yeah
L1776[09:42:44] <sham1> Jägermeister :P
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L1778[10:00:07] ⇨ Joins: Mimiru_ (Mimiru@eos.pc-logix.com)
L1779[10:00:07] <FourFire> there's no SRC download, but the MDK download seems equivalent
L1780[10:00:11] *** Server sets mode: +CQcnrtf #RegisterYourNameMoron
L1781[10:00:18] <FourFire> except, when I get to 8:24, my ecplise doesn't have those files in the sidepane at all
L1782[10:00:38] <FourFire> and yes I did path it to the folder where I put the other things
L1783[10:00:39] <sham1> MDK IS what src was
L1784[10:00:41] *** Mimiru_ is now known as Michiyo
L1785[10:00:50] *** Michiyo is now known as Mimiru
L1786[10:00:51] <sham1> As in src there was no sources so it was renamed
L1787[10:01:19] <FourFire> I want to mod for the first time, trying to setup developer environment
L1788[10:01:41] <gigaherz> FourFire: http://mcforge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/gettingstarted/
L1789[10:01:46] <gigaherz> official documentation there
L1790[10:04:17] <masa> haha 6 PM and immediately some fireworks went off
L1791[10:04:24] ⇦ Quits: MarcoSlater (~MarcoSlat@marta.marcoslater.com) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
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L1793[10:04:31] <sham1> ye
L1794[10:04:36] <sham1> heard it too
L1795[10:05:07] <ThePsionic> It's 5PM and they're already blowing
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L1798[10:08:57] <FourFire> turns out I forgot to install JDK
L1799[10:09:35] <ThePsionic> gg
L1800[10:09:58] <MrKickkiller> Uh Fourfire, you do have experience in Java right?
L1801[10:10:04] ⇦ Quits: xaero (xaero@the.flying.dutchman.panicbnc.net) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1802[10:10:10] <FourFire> MrKickkiller, none at all :D
L1803[10:10:30] ⇨ Joins: jandal (~quassel@li951-76.members.linode.com)
L1804[10:10:35] <MrKickkiller> Then I would suggest picking up vanilla Java first, before venturing into MC modding.
L1805[10:10:56] <ThePsionic> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
L1806[10:10:58] <FourFire> Indeed I haven't programmed anything more complex than a shell script in the past
L1807[10:11:36] <FourFire> MrKickkiller, ThePsionic well either I can learn how to do this, or learn that it's impossible for me, in which case it won't be worth me wasting my time on in the future
L1808[10:11:54] <MrKickkiller> Well then you're probably gonna have loads of trouble. Shell and Java are two different approaches.
L1809[10:11:58] <ThePsionic> ^
L1810[10:12:27] <ThePsionic> Java knowledge isn't at all an optional prerequisite for this
L1811[10:12:37] <MrKickkiller> Just try watching thenewboston tutorials first, perhaps even pick up VSWE's courses (they're on youtube somewhere) and then venture into mc modding.
L1812[10:12:45] <FourFire> so why drag out the process of realizing that something is too hard to do, or inhibit the rate of success I would enjoy (given I am beyond the competence threshold of programming)
L1813[10:13:04] <sham1> We can help you learn
L1814[10:13:23] <sham1> As long as you try and give us an impression that you WANT to learn
L1815[10:13:26] ⇨ Joins: xaero (xaero@the.flying.dutchman.panicbnc.net)
L1816[10:13:36] <FourFire> Great :D, I'll try not to be too whiny and naive then.
L1817[10:13:47] <sham1> That's the spirit
L1818[10:13:55] <sham1> anyway
L1819[10:13:58] <ThePsionic> A good first step :P
L1820[10:13:59] <MrKickkiller> +1!
L1821[10:14:06] <sham1> I hear fireworks outside
L1822[10:14:17] <MrKickkiller> I hear ... nothing
L1823[10:14:23] <ThePsionic> Are you deaf?
L1824[10:14:24] <FourFire> I've m\been meaning to learn how to make minecraft mods since i began playing, in 2010
L1825[10:15:26] <FourFire> but insecurity and people keeping on telling me that there was no point in trying to learn to be a programmer unless you started coding at age 8 with a commadore 64, or that I really should learn HTML and javascript first :/
L1826[10:15:50] <gigaherz> those people suck ;P
L1827[10:15:51] <FourFire> and the other camp which argues about whether python or perl are optimal starting languages
L1828[10:15:52] <MrKickkiller> I didn't say that specifically, did I ?
L1829[10:15:53] <shadekiller666> wtf
L1830[10:16:01] <shadekiller666> whered my commit from yesterday go?
L1831[10:16:03] <gigaherz> those people ALSO suck
L1832[10:16:03] <gigaherz> XD
L1833[10:16:09] <shadekiller666> github seems to have forgotten it
L1834[10:16:10] <FourFire> and the MS tards who seem really pro and swear by C#
L1835[10:16:12] <gigaherz> specially perl
L1836[10:16:12] <ThePsionic> Everyone sucks :D
L1837[10:16:20] <gigaherz> that's FAR from a beginner-friendly language
L1838[10:16:22] <ThePsionic> Except Java programmers
L1839[10:16:22] <FourFire> and the Apple Hipsters who say all kinds of crazy bullshiot
L1840[10:16:28] <gigaherz> FourFire: C# is the best, though
L1841[10:16:29] <gigaherz> ;P
L1842[10:16:36] <sham1> Haskell...
L1843[10:16:38] <ThePsionic> (TBH I know how to code web stuff and C# sooo)
L1844[10:16:40] <sham1> Your argument is invalid
L1845[10:16:45] <gigaherz> Haskell is functional, you can't put in the same bag
L1846[10:16:47] <ThePsionic> But yeah I definitely got into it with Java
L1847[10:16:51] <sham1> yeh
L1848[10:16:53] <MrKickkiller> "C# is the best", until they have to port their code...
L1849[10:16:59] <sham1> Mono'
L1850[10:17:01] <gigaherz> it's like talking about cars and you mention how boars float ;P
L1851[10:17:04] <FourFire> so really, I've been putting this off for half a decade, listening to people telling me all sorts of things
L1852[10:17:06] <ThePsionic> Although I did dabble with Lua before that ;)
L1853[10:17:15] <MrKickkiller> Pssh, I can do binary! :>
L1854[10:17:15] <FourFire> best to just throw myself at it and try for real.
L1855[10:17:18] <sham1> FourFire, just have dedication
L1856[10:17:31] <sham1> And dont give up on the first failure
L1857[10:17:50] <sham1> That is all the advice I can give at the moment as now it is my time to eat
L1858[10:18:04] <gigaherz> FourFire: I suggest you read a bit about the basic concepts of object-oriented programming
L1859[10:18:09] <sham1> ^
L1860[10:18:11] <MrKickkiller> Anyone here started from the same position as you're in. And look at it? We're a bunch of guys now that spend 15 hours a day behind the pc, typing and swearing at a keyboard. #PerhapsNotAGoodPeptalk
L1861[10:18:14] <sham1> You do not need a lot
L1862[10:18:24] ⇨ Joins: Halonium (~Halonium@nwcsnbsc03w-047054162090.dhcp-dynamic.FibreOP.nb.bellaliant.net)
L1863[10:18:28] <gigaherz> jsut so that when we tell you you have to implement an interface
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L1865[10:18:35] <sham1> You know what to do
L1866[10:18:41] <FourFire> gigaherz, ah yes, lots of people telling me their gobbeldygook ingroup terminology
L1867[10:18:45] <gigaherz> you know what we mean and not "imple-what? an inter-whatsits?
L1868[10:18:54] <shadekiller666> fix for the OBJLoader's group visibility handling: https://github.com/shadekiller666/MinecraftForge/commit/61c95d8db76f568aeced13e8cdf1253920aaa10d
L1869[10:18:59] <ThePsionic> gigaherz, sham1: you finish each other's sentences :D
L1870[10:19:08] ⇦ Quits: xaero (xaero@the.flying.dutchman.panicbnc.net) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1871[10:19:13] <sham1> You need to get a basic understanding of what a class is
L1872[10:19:15] <gigaherz> ThePsionic: poorly ;p
L1873[10:19:17] <sham1> Yes
L1874[10:19:27] <ThePsionic> Still decent enough
L1875[10:19:31] <FourFire> I have a relatively simple project in mind (I think it's simple at least)
L1876[10:19:39] <FourFire> I just want to add one custom block
L1877[10:19:43] <FourFire> and give it propertys
L1878[10:19:50] <ThePsionic> That's a good start :P
L1879[10:19:52] <FourFire> so eventually it acts as a ceullar automata
L1880[10:19:57] <MattDahEpic> whats the best way to change the items a player drops on death
L1881[10:20:08] ⇨ Joins: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872D48.access.telenet.be)
L1882[10:20:12] <sham1> If I may recommend some basic tutorials about object oriented programming, I'd go with the Oracle's own tutorials
L1883[10:20:13] <MrKickkiller> Cellular automaton, hmm +1!
L1884[10:20:39] <FourFire> and then later I'll add several blocks which could have variations of the original's properties
L1885[10:20:44] <ThePsionic> MrKickkiller: http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Automaton_Generator
L1886[10:20:46] <sham1> https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/index.html FourFire
L1887[10:20:55] <sham1> Try to get familiar with at least the basics
L1888[10:21:06] <sham1> And we can help with the rest
L1889[10:21:09] <MrKickkiller> TheNewBoston basic java tutorials : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFE2CE09D83EE3E28
L1890[10:21:15] <sham1> that too
L1891[10:21:26] <MrKickkiller> And this : http://courses.vswe.se/
L1892[10:21:26] <MattDahEpic> i dont like newbostons voice
L1893[10:21:26] <FourFire> ok I'll read the first three, they seem most relevant
L1894[10:21:31] <sham1> if you want to listen to a video more than reading
L1895[10:21:37] <sham1> yes
L1896[10:21:58] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872D48.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1897[10:22:02] <sham1> I personally am indifferent to NewBoston's voice
L1898[10:22:05] * gigaherz prefers text
L1899[10:22:18] <gigaherz> spoken voice is never the right pace/tone for me
L1900[10:22:18] <gigaherz> ;P
L1901[10:22:19] <sham1> His tutorials do give a lot of explenations
L1902[10:22:24] <FourFire> I find videos to be annoyingly insufficiently information dense per unit of time
L1903[10:22:31] <sham1> Mmm
L1904[10:22:40] <MrKickkiller> Nr 1, 2, 3, 5 are key to understanding minecraft modding well.
L1905[10:22:58] <sham1> but be warned though
L1906[10:23:10] <sham1> Minecraft does have some "bad practices"
L1907[10:23:18] <FourFire> oh I've gathered as much
L1908[10:23:24] <MrKickkiller> :D
L1909[10:23:26] <sham1> nothing to worry about if you can avoid it :P
L1910[10:23:32] <gigaherz> and the decompiled environment adds quite a lot extra
L1911[10:23:32] <gigaherz> ;P
L1912[10:23:46] <sham1> tertiary statements everywere
L1913[10:24:13] <MrKickkiller> Ah first fireworks now.
L1914[10:24:23] <sham1> :P
L1915[10:24:25] <MrKickkiller> Or atleast poppers on the street
L1916[10:24:34] <ThePsionic> return thing.getThing() == 0 ? someValue : (thing.getThing() == 1 ? otherValue : anotherValue);
L1917[10:24:38] <ThePsionic> fun times
L1918[10:24:46] <sham1> Indeed
L1919[10:24:58] <MattDahEpic> and now the new york lets do the same thing 1 hour off for every time zone
L1920[10:25:18] <Wuppy> what MattDahEpic?
L1921[10:25:21] <ThePsionic> ??
L1922[10:25:21] <MrKickkiller> Matt, it isn't new year yet in Europe ...
L1923[10:25:31] <ThePsionic> It's 5:25PM here lmao
L1924[10:25:33] <sham1> nope
L1925[10:25:40] <Wuppy> yep, quite early atm
L1926[10:25:45] <sham1> In Asia it might
L1927[10:25:52] <Wuppy> party in about 2 to 3 hours though :D
L1928[10:25:55] <MrKickkiller> New year wave should be at india or so?
L1929[10:25:55] <sham1> Easten Asia specifically
L1930[10:25:56] ⇦ Quits: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872D48.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1931[10:26:01] <Wuppy> yip, japan etc. is now in 2016
L1932[10:26:04] <Wuppy> same with the aussies
L1933[10:26:31] <MattDahEpic> http://lmgtfy.com/?q=where+is+it+new+years
L1934[10:26:41] <ThePsionic> Beijing and Perth just hit 2016
L1935[10:26:44] <sham1> Only 6 hours until North-Easten Europe is in 2016
L1936[10:26:48] <ThePsionic> http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/?sort=2
L1937[10:27:04] ⇦ Quits: MarcoSlater (~MarcoSlat@marta.marcoslater.com) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1938[10:27:11] <Wuppy> yep china entered 2016
L1939[10:27:17] ⇦ Quits: jandal (~quassel@li951-76.members.linode.com) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1940[10:27:21] <gigaherz> xcept china doesn't care until march ;P
L1941[10:27:23] <Wuppy> nex tup is indonesia & thailand
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L1943[10:27:55] <Wuppy> why are there countries with :15 and :30 times?
L1944[10:28:05] <ThePsionic> Nepal has their special timezone
L1945[10:28:09] <MrKickkiller> Because they f*cking want to have such odd times :>
L1946[10:28:11] <ThePsionic> There's some more countries like that
L1947[10:28:13] <Wuppy> yes, but why
L1948[10:28:17] <ThePsionic> /shrug
L1949[10:28:19] <ThePsionic> shit happens
L1950[10:28:23] <ThePsionic> legacy stuff probably
L1951[10:28:24] <gigaherz> politics ;P
L1952[10:28:28] <ThePsionic> they should really fix that once
L1953[10:28:31] <sham1> yeah, politics
L1954[10:28:33] <ThePsionic> when's the patch coming out for that
L1955[10:28:40] <Wuppy> haha
L1956[10:28:58] <MrKickkiller> Like what should the polar regions say then? In theory these guys are able to outrun the new year wave.. Even catch up to it :>
L1957[10:29:02] <diesieben07> I'll just leave this here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5wpm-gesOY
L1958[10:29:10] <gigaherz> ohhey that thing I said about chinese people not caring, apparently I was wrong
L1959[10:29:11] <gigaherz> [17:27] * luopo 摸摸 all
L1960[10:29:11] <gigaherz> [17:27] (luopo): happy the fucking new year
L1961[10:29:16] <Wuppy> I should really get a new chair... this isn't great for my back :V
L1962[10:29:17] <gigaherz> someone just joined on another channel
L1963[10:29:18] <gigaherz> XD
L1964[10:29:18] <ThePsionic> lmao
L1965[10:29:26] <sham1> just have everyone run UTC
L1966[10:29:27] <ThePsionic> the fucking new year
L1967[10:29:31] <sham1> and have it all be relative
L1968[10:29:39] <gigaherz> probably drunk
L1969[10:29:46] <ThePsionic> Also, have I ever told anyone how much I love Caravan Palace
L1970[10:30:23] * diesieben07 highfives ThePsionic
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L1972[10:30:29] <ThePsionic> :D
L1973[10:30:34] <sham1> even just removing daylight saving time makes so big of a difference
L1974[10:31:15] <ThePsionic> time is a man-made concept, why not just remove it altogether
L1975[10:31:26] * MrKickkiller presses pause
L1976[10:31:26] <diesieben07> let's just all talk unixtime
L1977[10:31:35] <ThePsionic> Not press pause
L1978[10:31:45] <sham1> I'd rather not type on signed ints thankyouverymuch
L1979[10:31:45] <ThePsionic> Just remove clocks everywhere
L1980[10:31:58] <sham1> Like time is useful for trains and planes and stuff
L1981[10:32:03] <ThePsionic> Sure, a ton of programming would fuck up all over the place
L1982[10:32:11] <sham1> But DST is just silly
L1983[10:32:12] <ThePsionic> But who cares
L1984[10:32:37] <sham1> A silly rellic from 19th and 20th century
L1985[10:32:52] <diesieben07> DST is indeed silly
L1986[10:32:52] <diesieben07> it was a stupid idea and never did anything but confuse people
L1987[10:33:00] <sham1> yeah
L1988[10:33:13] <ThePsionic> It's already 6:30AM on Christmas Island :P
L1989[10:33:25] <diesieben07> again i'll just leave this here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84aWtseb2-4
L1990[10:33:27] <MrKickkiller> Damn
L1991[10:35:03] <sham1> Like I'd prefer my time to always be UTC+2 rather than switching between UTC+2 and UTC+3 once in a while
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L1997[10:51:06] <Halonium> This is a good watch too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0j74jcxSunY
L1998[10:52:05] <diesieben07> yes, every tom scott video is
L1999[10:52:22] <Halonium> ^
L2000[10:53:03] ⇨ Joins: MarcoSlater (~MarcoSlat@marta.marcoslater.com)
L2001[10:55:21] <sham1> Internationali{s,z}ing
L2002[10:56:27] ⇦ Quits: MarcoSlater (~MarcoSlat@marta.marcoslater.com) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L2003[10:56:36] <Halonium> When I made my website, I included a language option box at the top that links to that video ;p
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L2007[10:59:42] <sham1> And this is why I hate doing any coding in Finnish
L2008[10:59:50] <sham1> Or rather localizing to Finnish
L2009[11:01:10] ⇨ Joins: Meow-J (uid69628@id-69628.highgate.irccloud.com)
L2010[11:01:39] <Halonium> "or you do what programmers have done for many years and say, yeah, we're just doing it in English"
L2011[11:01:44] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
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L2013[11:03:49] <shadekiller666> at least you're in a language that has words... try localizing brainf*ck
L2014[11:04:35] <Halonium> Why on earth would you be using brainf*ck
L2015[11:05:14] <sham1> Here you *cannot* have a product without having an option for it to be used in Finnish and Swedish
L2016[11:05:33] <Halonium> Same here, must be English and French.
L2017[11:05:36] <sham1> So saying "no can do" is not an option
L2018[11:06:05] <Halonium> And the gender of the subject changes the "gender" of the words. Ugh.
L2019[11:06:19] <IoP> here? imo depends your audience.
L2020[11:07:10] <sham1> Words with grammatical gender in general are ugh to me
L2021[11:07:11] ⇨ Joins: gudenau (~gudenau@2602:306:cea3:f020:b929:7fc:7075:bed4)
L2022[11:07:15] <gudenau> Hello!
L2023[11:07:17] <sham1> hi
L2024[11:07:21] <Wuppy> is whatsapp broken for you guys as well?
L2025[11:07:30] <sham1> Use Telegram
L2026[11:07:39] <gudenau> Whatsapp?
L2027[11:07:46] <IoP> Wuppy: seems to be broken
L2028[11:08:00] <williewillus> what the hell Botania's fancy page flipping book thing is actually a vanilla model 0.o
L2029[11:08:03] <IoP> slow, not broken
L2030[11:08:05] <williewillus> did not know that
L2031[11:08:27] <PaleoCrafter> the enchantment book?
L2032[11:08:40] <PaleoCrafter> on the enchantment table, that is
L2033[11:08:59] <williewillus> ahhh makes sense
L2034[11:09:08] <shadekiller666> williewillus, the changes to Group visibility handling: https://github.com/shadekiller666/MinecraftForge/commit/61c95d8db76f568aeced13e8cdf1253920aaa10d
L2035[11:09:47] <shadekiller666> specifically take a look at OBJState and OBJBakedModel.getGeneralQuads()
L2036[11:09:48] ⇦ Quits: OrionOnline (~OrionOnli@ip-62-235-153-186.dsl.scarlet.be) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L2037[11:11:39] <Wuppy> good food on new years eve, awesome :D
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L2039[11:13:03] *** SnowShock35 is now known as zz_SnowShock35
L2040[11:13:27] <shadekiller666> williewillus, oh, and ModelLoaderRegistryDebug.OBJGroupTest is the new block that utilizes the new Group system
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L2043[11:14:57] <PaleoCrafter> why no custom data q.q
L2044[11:15:11] ⇨ Joins: jandal (~quassel@li951-76.members.linode.com)
L2045[11:15:34] <shadekiller666> haven't figured out how i want to do it
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L2047[11:15:42] <shadekiller666> i just got an idea
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L2052[11:21:01] <shadekiller666> can you have an array of strings in json?
L2053[11:21:37] <diesieben07> sure
L2054[11:21:58] <MrKickkiller> Yes, Shadekiller
L2055[11:22:06] <shadekiller666> ok
L2056[11:22:07] <sham1> Well seeing as JS can store arrays of strings...
L2057[11:22:09] <PaleoCrafter> you can put every JSON element into an array
L2058[11:22:11] ⇦ Quits: mentlerd (~mentlerd@catv-176-63-185-54.catv.broadband.hu) (Quit: Leaving)
L2059[11:22:16] <PaleoCrafter> and they can be mixed
L2060[11:22:23] ⇨ Joins: MarcoSlater (~MarcoSlat@marta.marcoslater.com)
L2061[11:22:28] <MrKickkiller> Every JSon element is actually an array/map already
L2062[11:22:44] <sham1> Every JSON object is an object
L2063[11:22:51] <sham1> (reduntant I know)
L2064[11:24:22] <sham1> And it does make sense considering that JSON is just a representation of an JavaScript object
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L2072[11:34:36] <Lumien> Is it possible to set the tile entity of a block & tick it before the block is set?
L2073[11:34:39] <Lumien> or is that like the same packet
L2074[11:34:55] <gudenau> Doesn't the block have to exist before the TE?
L2075[11:35:07] <shadekiller666> mhmm
L2076[11:35:11] ⇨ Joins: jandal (~quassel@li951-76.members.linode.com)
L2077[11:35:19] <shadekiller666> TEs don't get initialized until after the block does
L2078[11:35:51] <Lumien> (I don't want to do that, just wondering because i have issues in my te)
L2079[11:36:21] <gudenau> Interessting, it appears as though Eclipse is broken with the latest source bundle/
L2080[11:36:52] <Lumien> Yeah, can't open classes by searching for them
L2081[11:37:10] <gudenau> The entire workspace does not seem to exist.
L2082[11:38:49] <gudenau> I suppose I can try to update eclipse.
L2083[11:42:45] <gudenau> Nope, still does not exist.
L2084[11:43:00] ⇨ Joins: Benimatic (~Benimatic@cblmdm72-241-106-31.buckeyecom.net)
L2085[11:43:47] <gudenau> Any ideas Lumien?
L2086[11:43:52] <williewillus> anyone know why this is happening?: https://i.imgur.com/uNlOaEb.png
L2087[11:43:56] <williewillus> artifacts on the fish when turning
L2088[11:44:07] <williewillus> this is a textureatlassprite rendered in 3D using a method stolen from 1.7
L2089[11:44:19] <gudenau> 1.8.9?
L2090[11:44:35] <williewillus> yes
L2091[11:44:50] <gudenau> Why can't you render it like MC does?
L2092[11:44:55] <williewillus> it's not an item
L2093[11:44:58] <gudenau> In 1.8.9.
L2094[11:45:00] <williewillus> or I would just use the model :p
L2095[11:45:16] <gudenau> What is it then?
L2096[11:45:19] <williewillus> it's an icon
L2097[11:45:41] <gudenau> So, you added an icon in a texture atlas?
L2098[11:45:47] <williewillus> yes, and it's rendered with thickness manually like 1.7- does (no more of that in 1.8 since builtin/generated happened)
L2099[11:46:08] <PaleoCrafter> how does it behave when you move the camera?
L2100[11:46:37] <williewillus> it's supposed to just face wherever the player's body faces, sometimes when I move I get those black grainy artifact things
L2101[11:47:41] <PaleoCrafter> pastebin the code, maybe you fucked something up in your translation :P
L2102[11:47:47] ⇦ Quits: MarcoSlater (~MarcoSlat@marta.marcoslater.com) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L2103[11:48:07] <gudenau> With my eclipse thing I ran "gradlew setupDecompWorkspace eclipse" by the way.
L2104[11:48:26] <williewillus> http://pastebin.com/yniDmM3y
L2105[11:48:57] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L2106[11:49:03] <PaleoCrafter> I ain't reading that code until you name those variables
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L2108[11:49:29] <williewillus> it's ripped from 1.7 I have no idea what the hell half of them mean :p
L2109[11:49:32] ⇦ Quits: jandal (~quassel@li951-76.members.linode.com) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L2110[11:49:52] <williewillus> actually those four flotas are the UVs
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L2112[11:50:27] <gudenau> When is it called?
L2113[11:50:37] <williewillus> in a layerRenderer
L2114[11:50:39] <gudenau> Maybe the GL state is not correct or somthing.
L2115[11:51:38] ⇨ Joins: Gaz (~Gaz492@why.dont.you.ticklemy.ninja)
L2116[11:52:34] <williewillus> alternatively, I could force the icons to be loaded and baked inteo models by throwing it into an addVariantName call somewhere
L2117[11:52:38] <williewillus> then just grab that and render it
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L2121[11:54:58] <gudenau> So, any ideas with my eclipse problem?
L2122[11:55:28] ⇨ Joins: MarcoSlater (~MarcoSlat@marta.marcoslater.com)
L2123[11:59:02] <sham1> you're using eclipse
L2124[11:59:07] <sham1> That's about the only problem
L2125[11:59:29] <gudenau> That is not a problem.
L2126[11:59:43] <gudenau> Some of the largest companys in the world use it.
L2127[11:59:47] <gudenau> So it can not be bad.
L2128[11:59:57] <sham1> it's not bad
L2129[12:00:04] <sham1> There just are better choices ;P
L2130[12:01:02] <gudenau> The other option is that idea thing.
L2131[12:01:11] <gudenau> I find it slow and kinda clunky.
L2132[12:01:13] <sham1> And netbeans ;P
L2133[12:01:42] <gudenau> Since when was the supported?
L2134[12:02:07] <diesieben07> netbeans
L2135[12:02:08] <diesieben07> hahaha
L2136[12:02:25] <Rushmead> it has nice tools for web developemnt
L2137[12:02:31] <Rushmead> development*
L2138[12:02:36] <gudenau> Notepad++?
L2139[12:02:43] * diesieben07 points at PhpStorm
L2140[12:02:52] <gudenau> PHP is stupid.
L2141[12:03:04] <diesieben07> PhpStorm = Webstorm + php support
L2142[12:03:10] <diesieben07> if you don't need php, Webstorm is enough
L2143[12:03:25] <gudenau> So, back to my eclipse thing. Why is there no MC project?
L2144[12:03:35] <sham1> did you import it
L2145[12:03:37] <diesieben07> mc version?
L2146[12:03:42] <gudenau> 1.8.9
L2147[12:03:49] <diesieben07> and you are using the MDK download
L2148[12:03:51] <diesieben07> ?
L2149[12:03:52] <Rushmead> How to fix your issue. Use idea. :P
L2150[12:03:56] <gudenau> Yes, of course.
L2151[12:04:04] <gudenau> idea is crappy IMO
L2152[12:04:24] <diesieben07> let me check it
L2153[12:04:26] <diesieben07> and no it's not :p
L2154[12:04:50] <gudenau> Md5 of the zip: 5a31d139f3490cd2b76b0002b9291cab
L2155[12:05:05] <williewillus> my layerRenderers' rotation currently follows the body of the player, how do I make it follow the player's head?
L2156[12:05:19] <gudenau> Calculat the offset.
L2157[12:05:23] <gudenau> Calculate*
L2158[12:05:47] <gudenau> What is it, head yaw and yaw?
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L2161[12:07:10] <diesieben07> gudenau, i just did setupDevWorkspace eclipse with a fresh MDk download of latest 1.8.9. works fine.
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L2163[12:07:23] <gudenau> What is the MD5 of your zip?
L2164[12:07:33] <diesieben07> http://i.imgur.com/G0qfpLW.png
L2165[12:07:41] <diesieben07> you can check on the website, it's the one you posted
L2166[12:07:52] <gudenau> That is weird.
L2167[12:09:15] <gudenau> Ok, looks like my eclipse is broken. Tried a fresh version and it works fine.
L2168[12:09:20] <gudenau> Whatever.
L2169[12:09:49] <sham1> heh
L2170[12:10:44] <gudenau> Ok, now to ask what I was planning on asking.
L2171[12:11:44] <gudenau> Is there a way to get the world render to cache a special TE renderer that could have at least 25769803776 "states".
L2172[12:12:20] <diesieben07> wat.
L2173[12:13:17] <gudenau> 16*16*6*256*256*256
L2174[12:13:24] <Lumien> Why would you "cache" a te renderer? :P
L2175[12:13:46] <gudenau> Because it would not change that much and there could easaly be hundrends in a chunk.
L2176[12:14:02] <gudenau> I want to do this in a way that is "nice" to the hardware.
L2177[12:14:15] <diesieben07> make a display list
L2178[12:14:27] <diesieben07> or don't make a TESR in the first place :D
L2179[12:14:34] <sham1> :P
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L2181[12:15:05] <gudenau> How could I make a block that stores 1536 ints then?
L2182[12:15:24] <gudenau> Or could this not happen?
L2183[12:15:37] <diesieben07> TileEntity
L2184[12:15:39] <Lumien> You can have a te and just use normal models
L2185[12:15:44] <diesieben07> just because you have a TE doesn't mean you have to use a TESR
L2186[12:16:02] <gudenau> How do I generate 25769803776 models for it then?
L2187[12:16:11] <sham1> Diesieb btw, do you know any good and especially free maven solution
L2188[12:16:27] <Lumien> You can just cache the ones you actually need
L2189[12:16:39] <gudenau> So, generate them as needed?
L2190[12:16:42] <sham1> Gudenau, smart block models
L2191[12:16:56] <diesieben07> sham1, no, i use my own webspace
L2192[12:17:01] <gudenau> Ok, here is why I need this.
L2193[12:17:02] <sham1> Ah
L2194[12:17:10] <diesieben07> for mods you can use the forge files server though
L2195[12:17:18] <diesieben07> afaik
L2196[12:17:27] <gudenau> I want a block where each standard "pixel" on my block to be colorable.
L2197[12:17:31] ⇦ Quits: Loetkolben (~Loetkolbe@ipbcc2d086.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L2198[12:17:50] <sham1> Rather get my own little server where to host maven repo tbh
L2199[12:17:55] <diesieben07> yeah sounds like you want to make a smart model
L2200[12:17:59] <diesieben07> and then bake new models as needed and cache them for an amount of time
L2201[12:18:08] <diesieben07> guava LoadingCache should be fine for that
L2202[12:18:16] <sham1> Coz I set up my drone
L2203[12:18:23] <gudenau> Need to figure out how to use this stuff.
L2204[12:18:25] <PaleoCrafter> sham1, you could submit stuff to maven central :P
L2205[12:18:53] <sham1> I was looking around the website and found nothing :P
L2206[12:19:33] <sham1> I don't know how to create my repo there or anything else for that matter
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L2208[12:21:49] <sham1> But at least my wip mod has CI :D
L2209[12:23:38] ⇨ Joins: MarcoSlater (~MarcoSlat@marta.marcoslater.com)
L2210[12:24:11] <sham1> Dev jars and everything
L2211[12:24:16] <gudenau> TE ids are still shared betwean mods?
L2212[12:24:32] <diesieben07> yes
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L2219[12:34:15] <gudenau> Interesting, I can not break my block.
L2220[12:35:18] <gudenau> Derp.
L2221[12:36:58] <gudenau> Where did the TE tick go?
L2222[12:37:38] <diesieben07> implement ITickable
L2223[12:37:40] <OrionOnline> gudenau, implement ITickable
L2224[12:37:44] *** Jared is now known as Jared|Away
L2225[12:38:05] <OrionOnline> Is there a way to detect when a Player closes a UI on the Server SIde
L2226[12:38:19] <gudenau> That is fun, MC has two classes called ITickable.
L2227[12:38:26] *** MorphFK is now known as Morphan1
L2228[12:38:30] <OrionOnline> Seriously?
L2229[12:38:34] <OrionOnline> I can only find one
L2230[12:38:35] <diesieben07> yeah
L2231[12:38:46] <diesieben07> you want the one in util
L2232[12:38:51] <OrionOnline> Oh no you are right
L2233[12:38:59] <OrionOnline> One for TE and one for Textures
L2234[12:39:02] <gudenau> The util one, and the texture ome.
L2235[12:39:04] <gudenau> one*
L2236[12:39:08] <diesieben07> orion, yes it is, but it depends on what exactly you are trying to do
L2237[12:39:23] <OrionOnline> I need to keep track of people that are watching my TE
L2238[12:39:28] <gudenau> Like a chest?
L2239[12:39:37] <OrionOnline> Not really
L2240[12:39:40] <OrionOnline> It is a Anvil
L2241[12:40:02] <Wuppy> oh dang a skyscraper in dubai is now on fire
L2242[12:40:06] <diesieben07> Container.onContainerClosed
L2243[12:40:18] <OrionOnline> Is that called on the server side as well?
L2244[12:40:23] <OrionOnline> Or only on the client side?
L2245[12:40:26] <diesieben07> yes
L2246[12:40:29] <diesieben07> also on the server
L2247[12:40:46] <gudenau> The containers are both sides, while the guis are client.
L2248[12:41:15] <OrionOnline> Hmm good to know
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L2250[12:46:24] <gudenau> Ok, where are docs for the OBJ models?
L2251[12:46:41] <williewillus> look on th examples on the forge github
L2252[12:46:52] <Wuppy> \o/ at least everybody can still have their own firework here :D
L2253[12:47:10] <Wuppy> stupid countries and people to make that illegal
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L2255[12:48:39] <gudenau> I am not finding examples.
L2256[12:49:00] ⇨ Joins: Hink (~Hink@
L2257[12:50:46] <OrionOnline> gudenau, there are non
L2258[12:50:53] ⇦ Quits: Hink (~Hink@ (Client Quit)
L2259[12:51:01] <OrionOnline> Like no real exmaples
L2260[12:51:04] ⇨ Joins: Vazkii (~Vazkii@a79-169-163-74.cpe.netcabo.pt)
L2261[12:51:04] <gudenau> That would do it.
L2262[12:52:37] <gudenau> So, where could I find docs/examples on the OBJ loading?
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L2265[12:56:08] <williewillus> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/src/test/java/net/minecraftforge/debug/ModelLoaderRegistryDebug.java
L2266[12:56:13] <williewillus> lots of OBJ blocks in there
L2267[12:56:29] <gudenau> Thanks.
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L2273[13:03:04] <Thutmose> so if I wanted my mod to be able to be run on 1.8.8 and 1.8.9, what do I put for acceptedMinecraftVersions= ?
L2274[13:04:18] <williewillus> "[1.8.8,1.8.9]"
L2275[13:04:41] <gudenau> So, how do I use an obj for an item? These are all block.
L2276[13:04:42] <masa> [1.8.8,1.8.9] or [1.8.8,1.9)
L2277[13:04:44] <gudenau> blocks
L2278[13:04:51] <LexManos> DO NOT
L2279[13:05:04] <williewillus> masa: the latter sounds like a recipe for disaster :p
L2280[13:05:06] <LexManos> I repeat DO NOT say you';re comptible with ficional versions -.-
L2281[13:05:11] <Thutmose> not doing that
L2282[13:05:13] <masa> mmkay
L2283[13:05:39] <gudenau> He said 1.8.8 and 1.8.9, not 1.8.8 and up. :-P
L2284[13:05:49] <Thutmose> used what williewillus posted, works, thanks
L2285[13:06:33] ⇨ Joins: MarcoSlater (~MarcoSlat@marta.marcoslater.com)
L2286[13:07:04] <williewillus> gudenau: https://github.com/williewillus/Botania/blob/MC18/src/main/resources/assets/botania/blockstates/pylon.json
L2287[13:07:14] <williewillus> and also class ModelHandler
L2288[13:07:23] <williewillus> the first line and a setCustomMRL
L2289[13:08:15] <williewillus> nvm the second line :p. you basically need the json, OBJLoader.instance.addDomain(modid), and setCustomMRL
L2290[13:09:35] <gudenau> B3DLoader.instance.addDomain([censor]Data.MOD_ID.toLowerCase());
L2291[13:09:35] <gudenau>
L2292[13:09:35] <gudenau> ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(item[censor], 0, new ModelResourceLocation([censor]Data.MOD_ID + ":" + "models/[censor].obj", "inventory"));
L2293[13:10:23] <williewillus> why are you addDomaining the B3D loader for an OBJ model ;p
L2294[13:10:47] <LexManos> Does anyone remember if FG forces "1.8.8" or "[1.8.8]" by default?
L2295[13:10:49] <gudenau> That is how the example wors.
L2296[13:11:07] <williewillus> change B3DLoader to OBJLoader
L2297[13:11:24] <williewillus> lex: iirc it's "[1.8.8,1.8.8]" if unspecified
L2298[13:11:35] <LexManos> eww
L2299[13:11:52] <AbrarSyed> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/ForgeGradle/blob/master/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/gradle/user/patcherUser/forge/McVersionTransformer.java#L65
L2300[13:11:56] <AbrarSyed> [<version>]
L2301[13:12:02] <williewillus> nvm then :p
L2302[13:12:18] <LexManos> if ("[1.8.8]".equals(mcVersionString)) mcVersionString = "[1.8.8,1.8.9]"; // MC 1.8.8 and 1.8.9 is forward SRG compatible so accept these versions by default.
L2303[13:12:24] <LexManos> gunna add that to Forge 1.8.9 ;)
L2304[13:13:25] <LexManos> if people wanna be stupid and optout they can by changing from the default {only reason they would opt out is if they acceded obfusicated shit...}
L2305[13:13:26] <diesieben07> honestly i am questioning the sense of this property if you just go out and modify it to your heart's content.
L2306[13:13:39] <LexManos> its not to my hearts content
L2307[13:13:56] <LexManos> its always been the ides that FORGE is the one who decides if two versions are binary compatible
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L2309[13:14:13] <LexManos> Modders can, they have had the ability forever
L2310[13:14:29] <LexManos> But they dont hence why we force a default in FG and allow Forge to determine compatibility.
L2311[13:15:04] <browndunce> hey guys
L2312[13:15:48] <gudenau> Model definition for location [censor]:models/[censor].obj#inventory not found
L2313[13:15:53] <gudenau> Interesting, I suppose.
L2314[13:16:17] <gudenau> I feel like I will love this system when I figure out how the heck it works...
L2315[13:17:31] ⇨ Joins: Damian2559 (Damian2559@d67-193-31-224.home3.cgocable.net)
L2316[13:18:21] <williewillus> gudenau: did you do OBJLoader.instance.addDomain?
L2317[13:18:24] <williewillus> and setCustomMRL?
L2318[13:18:30] <LexManos> Interesting, aparently this doesnt auto-unbox at J6 @ fry
L2319[13:18:32] <gudenau> Yes.
L2320[13:18:37] <LexManos> flowRound = (int)Math.round(Math.toDegrees(stateOption.get().getValue(BlockFluidBase.FLOW_DIRECTION)));
L2321[13:18:48] <williewillus> can you post your json?
L2322[13:18:57] <gudenau> What json?
L2323[13:19:12] <gudenau> You gave me a block file.
L2324[13:19:16] <gudenau> Not an item file.
L2325[13:19:16] <williewillus> you need a forge json to use the obj loader
L2326[13:19:53] <williewillus> yeah, but it's still needed. It's just in the "blockstates" folder bc there's no better place to put it :p. You can actually define item models using forge jsons
L2327[13:21:20] <gudenau> Still looks like it is a blockstate file to me.
L2328[13:21:29] <williewillus> it is, but you can use it for items :p
L2329[13:21:43] <williewillus> you want something like this in blockstates/ http://pastebin.com/9ph76kbQ
L2330[13:22:00] <williewillus> whenever you do ModelResourceLocation you're always pointing to a variant within a blockstate json
L2331[13:22:08] <williewillus> vanilla just redirects "inventory" to models/item
L2332[13:22:14] <williewillus> but forge loosens that restriction
L2333[13:22:40] <gudenau> That is so conterintuitive.
L2334[13:22:44] <williewillus> it is not
L2335[13:22:58] <williewillus> it's just a result of mojang not having an equivalent system to blockstates for items yet
L2336[13:22:59] <williewillus> :p
L2337[13:23:02] <gudenau> "Put the item file in the blockstates dir"
L2338[13:23:14] <williewillus> all of my itemblock models are defined by my blockstate jsons :p
L2339[13:23:20] <williewillus> why need a separate file?
L2340[13:23:44] <gudenau> So, call it itemname.json in blockstates?
L2341[13:23:58] <williewillus> whatever path you setCustomMRL
L2342[13:25:04] <gudenau> With the obj extention or no?
L2343[13:25:17] <williewillus> no, you're specifying the path to the forge json
L2344[13:25:23] <williewillus> and the "inventory" part is the variant
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L2346[13:26:17] <gudenau> Still not found.
L2347[13:26:26] <gudenau> DOH
L2348[13:26:29] <gudenau> Wrong dir.
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L2352[13:30:02] <gudenau> I feel so stupid. .-.
L2353[13:30:27] ⇦ Quits: Damian2559 (Damian2559@d67-193-31-224.home3.cgocable.net) ()
L2354[13:30:53] <williewillus> does it work?
L2355[13:30:53] ⇦ Parts: Thutmose (~elpat@cpe-55-54-66-208.caribcable.com) ())
L2356[13:31:03] <gudenau> Nope.
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L2358[13:31:15] <gudenau> Might have put things in the wrong place.
L2359[13:31:20] <gudenau> Still playing with it.
L2360[13:31:55] <williewillus> ohhh woops forogt one thing
L2361[13:32:02] <williewillus> did you do addVariantName or registerItemVariants?
L2362[13:32:20] <gudenau> Hey, it renders now. :-D
L2363[13:32:30] <williewillus> nice
L2364[13:32:36] <gudenau> I just goofed up the texture.
L2365[13:33:54] <gudenau> My item just has the one version at the moment aswell.
L2366[13:34:52] *** tterrag|ZZZzzz is now known as tterrag
L2367[13:35:16] <gudenau> So not used to this new system.
L2368[13:36:16] <Temportalist> What command is used to compile the patches for a MCForge PR?
L2369[13:36:45] <kroeser> Is it just me, or is it not possible anymore to place custom json model files in models/ subdirectories except for block/ and item/?
L2370[13:36:50] <gudenau> Interesting, it can use textures from the mtl files?
L2371[13:38:41] *** Jared|Away is now known as Jared
L2372[13:38:50] <tterrag> Temportalist: gradle genPatches
L2373[13:39:58] <Temportalist> tterrag: thanks
L2374[13:40:48] <gudenau> So thanks for dealing with me williewillus!
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L2378[13:46:26] <gudenau> Dow! has UVs ('vt') out of bounds 0-1! The missing model will be used instead. Support for UV processing will be added to the OBJ loader in the future.
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L2381[13:50:18] <gudenau> Beond that the UVs seems a little goofy/
L2382[13:50:36] <williewillus> hah, no problem, trying to help everyone I can with what I've learned :p
L2383[13:51:05] <williewillus> kroeser: by anymore do you mean since 1.8.0?
L2384[13:51:20] <williewillus> and under what context are you specifying this custom json model?
L2385[13:51:38] <gudenau> Ok, the textures are just mirrored over the x axis.
L2386[13:51:45] <gudenau> Not that big of a deal.
L2387[13:52:38] <kroeser> williewillus: My custom model loader is broken since I updated from Forge build 1609 (1.8.8) to 1661
L2388[13:52:53] <gudenau> Now I just need to fix the scaling and rotation. Yay!
L2389[13:53:30] <kroeser> williewillus: I have multiple folders in the models/ folder in which I define json models that are loaded as overlays for an item model.
L2390[13:53:36] <williewillus> hm, that's strange. mine is still working on 1656 1.8.9
L2391[13:53:58] <Temportalist> all: is there a way to detect when the player's armor has changed?
L2392[13:53:59] <williewillus> path inferring *shouldn't* have changed, poke fry maybe :p
L2393[13:54:35] <PaleoCrafter> williewillus, have you solved the issue with the 3d item?
L2394[13:54:51] <gudenau> So, in blender how many units is a standard item?
L2395[13:54:56] <williewillus> ? the lexicon?
L2396[13:55:06] <williewillus> no, holding off on that until the animation API is done
L2397[13:55:11] <PaleoCrafter> I mean the icons with thickness ^^
L2398[13:55:13] <kroeser> fry: Any idea why my update to the latest Forge version broke my custom model loader?
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L2400[13:55:31] <kroeser> fry: Having errors like 'Model definition for location integrateddynamics:aspect/...#normal not found' where it worked just fine before.
L2401[13:56:10] <williewillus> PaleoCrafter: I copied the method from 1.7 :p
L2402[13:56:18] <williewillus> its just a couple icons
L2403[13:56:20] <PaleoCrafter> I know
L2404[13:56:31] <browndunce> k so when you make an item how do you make a crafting recipe for it
L2405[13:56:32] <PaleoCrafter> but it didn't work correctly, did it? :P
L2406[13:56:37] <williewillus> oh the artifacts? I noticed it happened in 1.7 as well, so idk really
L2407[13:56:43] <PaleoCrafter> ah, lol
L2408[13:57:06] <PaleoCrafter> it's behaving totally weirdly for me
L2409[13:57:09] <williewillus> browndunce: GameRegistry.addRecipe
L2410[13:57:18] <browndunce> like i cant find the item i made
L2411[13:57:28] <PaleoCrafter> http://s.mineformers.de/Minecraft_1.8.8_2015-12-31_20-57-15.png seems to completely ignore depth or something
L2412[13:57:31] <williewillus> what do you mean can't find?
L2413[13:57:36] <browndunce> like when i type items.xxx
L2414[13:57:42] <browndunce> i can't find my item in there
L2415[13:57:54] <williewillus> maybe not registering it?
L2416[13:57:59] <kroeser> williewillus: How does your custom model loader work? Are you calling ModelLoaderRegistry.getModel()?
L2417[13:58:16] <williewillus> PaleoCrafter: I mustve converted the tessellator calls wrong then or it's a vanilla 1.7 issue :p
L2418[13:58:25] <browndunce> i did in the base mod
L2419[13:58:40] <browndunce> i made my own modding recipe class though
L2420[13:58:57] <heldplayer> williewillus: is the depth test mode correctly set?
L2421[13:58:59] <browndunce> do i have to register it again in the modrecipe class
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L2423[13:59:32] <PaleoCrafter> do you get the same result then, williewillus?
L2424[13:59:49] <PaleoCrafter> because this definitely doesn't happen in 1.7
L2425[13:59:51] <williewillus> kroeser: the one for botania's special flowers isn't that complicated of a custom loader, it simply receives registrations mapping flower type strings to a MRL, and the model loader loads a dummy model that lists all of those registrations as dependencies, and later on it steals the baked model to return. Not sure if that's very helpful in your situation though :p
L2426[13:59:57] <williewillus> yeah I do
L2427[14:00:01] <williewillus> time to recheck the calls :p
L2428[14:00:09] <williewillus> also, holo slimes! (leaking gl state :p) https://i.imgur.com/DOlL7en.png
L2429[14:00:28] <PaleoCrafter> I've double and triple checked it
L2430[14:00:39] <browndunce> wait do i have to register the item in the modrecipe class again?
L2431[14:00:39] <PaleoCrafter> the method is perfectly fine
L2432[14:00:56] <kroeser> williewillus: I do something very similar. Is this code open source?
L2433[14:02:06] <williewillus> yes, https://github.com/williewillus/Botania/blob/MC18/src/main/java/vazkii/botania/api/render/SpecialFlowerModel.java
L2434[14:02:12] <williewillus> and blockstates/specialFlower.json
L2435[14:02:14] <ThePsionic> browndunce: do you have a public repo
L2436[14:02:22] <kroeser> williewillus: Awesome, thanks!
L2437[14:02:42] <browndunce> i don't know what that is, i only know the basics of java
L2438[14:03:09] <ThePsionic> Ok, show the code where you register your item
L2439[14:03:23] <browndunce> aight
L2440[14:03:53] <browndunce> http://pastebin.com/ZRGqRSHT
L2441[14:04:18] <ThePsionic> That's defining the item
L2442[14:04:28] <ThePsionic> Where do you register it
L2443[14:04:34] <browndunce> yea i registered the item in the base mod too but that's about it
L2444[14:04:42] <ThePsionic> How?
L2445[14:04:57] <browndunce> GameRegistry.registerItem(es, "Emerald Sword");
L2446[14:05:05] <browndunce> in preInit
L2447[14:05:10] <ThePsionic> Hmm
L2448[14:05:32] <ThePsionic> Not sure if spaces are allowed in that name
L2449[14:05:38] <ThePsionic> Probably not
L2450[14:06:09] <browndunce> oh wait yea
L2451[14:06:26] <browndunce> i thought that was the name that'd show up in the actual game
L2452[14:06:28] <browndunce> my b
L2453[14:06:45] <ThePsionic> Nope, just the name it's registered with
L2454[14:07:04] <ThePsionic> Localisation happens in the .lang files
L2455[14:08:47] <williewillus> heh lex you're representing yunomakegoodmap at BTM? :p
L2456[14:09:27] <PaleoCrafter> I think the whole world is the booth then :D
L2457[14:10:07] <browndunce> ok so i renamed it emerald_sword and i still can't find it
L2458[14:10:14] <browndunce> does it take a while to refresh or what
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L2462[14:14:46] <shadekiller666> if i have an enum with entries that have 2 arguments, a String and an Object, where each one has a different Object from the others, is there some way that i could write it so that i don't have to cast the Objects to their appropriate data types, say with generics or something?
L2463[14:14:55] <ThePsionic> No, it should just do it as soon as you relaunch
L2464[14:15:08] <ThePsionic> browndunce ^
L2465[14:15:27] <browndunce> relaunch eclipse?
L2466[14:15:40] <ThePsionic> Minecraft
L2467[14:15:49] <browndunce> aight
L2468[14:16:33] <browndunce> i probably did something wrong then
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L2470[14:17:45] <shadekiller666> Lex, i was trying to tell fry that that line in ModelFluid doesn't compile yesterday :P he asked why i added .floatValue() to the end of it when i showed him my changes to the obj loader
L2471[14:17:59] <williewillus> shadekiller666: is there anything in common between the objects?
L2472[14:18:16] <ThePsionic> browndunce: assuming your item class is still the same, no spaces in unloc name too
L2473[14:18:47] <shadekiller666> well, one of them has a List<String>, two others have entries from a custom enum of mine, and the fourth has a Boolean
L2474[14:19:07] <shadekiller666> so not really no
L2475[14:19:24] <browndunce> so how do i make my item named something without underscores then?
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L2478[14:20:37] <shadekiller666> maybe i could wrap them in an Optional<?>... would that work if i then called Optional.<String>get();?
L2479[14:21:36] <Ri5ux> Woooooo, just received the dell poweredge server I bought!
L2480[14:21:53] <Ri5ux> And my new IPS display for my laptop!
L2481[14:22:01] <ThePsionic> I never said you can't use underscores, browndunce
L2482[14:22:57] <browndunce> yea
L2483[14:23:02] <browndunce> idk
L2484[14:23:16] <browndunce> lemme try to read this tutorial a bit more
L2485[14:23:20] <ThePsionic> Oh you mean naming the thing to look nice
L2486[14:23:58] <ThePsionic> In your resource folder make a lang folder and make a file en_US.lang
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L2488[14:24:29] <ThePsionic> In that type item.emerald_sword.name=Emerald Sword
L2489[14:24:37] <browndunce> oh aight
L2490[14:28:51] <shadekiller666> should probably also have your modid: in the unloc name but whatevs
L2491[14:32:24] <williewillus> what happens if there's a localization key conflict? :p
L2492[14:32:47] <Girafi> Everything breaks!
L2493[14:32:54] <Girafi> I actually have no idea, that's a very good question ^^
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L2496[14:33:42] <tterrag> last one to load wins out
L2497[14:34:35] <shadekiller666> if only java had unions...
L2498[14:34:48] <williewillus> lol
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L2500[14:36:26] <PaleoCrafter> shadekiller666, what exactly are you trying to do? (best with example code)
L2501[14:36:33] <PaleoCrafter> because I somehow doubt you need unions for this
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L2504[14:37:09] <shadekiller666> paleo: https://gist.github.com/shadekiller666/c1f2dfad40bd888af949
L2505[14:37:43] <shadekiller666> i want to make it so that initialValue is stored as whatever type the value passed into the constructor is
L2506[14:37:53] <shadekiller666> so that i don't have to do casts
L2507[14:38:14] <PaleoCrafter> oh, can't do that with enums unfortunately
L2508[14:38:51] <browndunce> http://pastebin.com/Y1uDj4uh
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L2510[14:39:03] <browndunce> everything that i have a problem with in one pastebin
L2511[14:39:48] <browndunce> sorry fro the trouble guys, im trying to get a grip on modding
L2512[14:40:02] <PaleoCrafter> you could just not use an enum, shadekiller666 :D
L2513[14:40:06] <williewillus> https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthebeast/comments/3yy7u4/my_new_years_gift_to_you_botania_18x_first_alpha/
L2514[14:40:19] <shadekiller666> what would i use instead/
L2515[14:40:40] <shadekiller666> i'm using the enum to parse JSON data
L2516[14:41:00] <PaleoCrafter> a regular class with public static final instances? :P
L2517[14:41:05] <PaleoCrafter> and a private constructor
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L2519[14:41:34] <shadekiller666> true
L2520[14:41:52] <shadekiller666> i'm using that enum as key storage for json parsing
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L2522[14:42:31] <PaleoCrafter> you can do the same with a regular class
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L2524[14:43:51] <shadekiller666> just store a bunch of Pair<>s or something
L2525[14:43:57] <PaleoCrafter> wat, no
L2526[14:44:54] ⇦ Quits: MarcoSlater (~MarcoSlat@marta.marcoslater.com) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L2527[14:45:14] <tterrag> JSON is a notation for serialized objects, maybe you should make an object that holds all these things
L2528[14:45:25] <tterrag> instead of an enum of keys
L2529[14:46:05] <tterrag> just have public class Foo { public List<String> change; public Operation operation; etc }
L2530[14:46:12] <tterrag> that's how json is meant to be used
L2531[14:47:06] <shadekiller666> this is how i have the class set up (its static cuz its an inner class): https://gist.github.com/shadekiller666/30268d99316e829c87f5
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L2533[14:48:38] <browndunce> http://pastebin.com/Y1uDj4uh can someone help me with this please
L2534[14:49:31] <PaleoCrafter> didn't you say you know basic Java?
L2535[14:50:14] <browndunce> yeabutapparently not enough
L2536[14:50:16] <shadekiller666> terrag, this is the custom data parsing class for the obj loader that this pertains to: https://gist.github.com/shadekiller666/d959fd6100f81c66fc23
L2537[14:50:27] <PaleoCrafter> there won't magically appear an emerald_sword field in the Items class
L2538[14:50:39] <PaleoCrafter> you store the reference yourself
L2539[14:50:59] <browndunce> ah yea
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L2542[15:00:48] <masa> 1 hour until lots of mistyped dates...
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L2546[15:04:27] <ThePsionic> 2*
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L2550[15:11:34] <williewillus> *9
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L2553[15:23:56] <Chervilpaw> hi
L2554[15:24:24] <Chervilpaw> How would I make a line of particles from point A to point B?
L2555[15:25:14] <williewillus> check out how the enderman spawns particles when it teleports
L2556[15:26:07] <PaleoCrafter> generally you just want the velocity to be some fraction of B - A (B and A being vectors)
L2557[15:26:29] <Chervilpaw> wait - coords r vectors?
L2558[15:26:35] <williewillus> yes :p
L2559[15:26:53] <williewillus> (x y z) is a 3D position vec
L2560[15:27:06] <Chervilpaw> also wheres a good CoFHAPI tutorial?
L2561[15:27:29] <Chervilpaw> also how do you make animated textures? gifs?
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L2563[15:28:07] <PaleoCrafter> vanilla has examples of this :P
L2564[15:28:16] <ThePsionic> No, you patch together multiple 16x16 textures into one very long picture
L2565[15:28:30] <ThePsionic> (Vertically)
L2566[15:28:33] <Chervilpaw> How do you do that?
L2567[15:28:43] <ThePsionic> Look at water
L2568[15:28:56] <Chervilpaw> how to tell forge that it's animated/how many frames there are?
L2569[15:29:16] <williewillus> .mcmeta files
L2570[15:29:19] <ThePsionic> It knows by the length of your texture
L2571[15:29:21] <williewillus> the vanilla wiki has a good explanation
L2572[15:29:26] <PaleoCrafter> just look at vanilla already :P
L2573[15:29:37] <williewillus> http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Resource_packs#Textures
L2574[15:30:45] <Chervilpaw> wait - vertically or horizontially put the frames together
L2575[15:30:53] <williewillus> vertically
L2576[15:31:07] <Chervilpaw> k
L2577[15:31:13] <Chervilpaw> for mc forge, do I need a mcmeta file
L2578[15:31:18] <williewillus> yes
L2579[15:31:21] <williewillus> it's the same mechanisms
L2580[15:31:44] <Chervilpaw> k
L2581[15:32:00] <Chervilpaw> what if each frame is 32x?
L2582[15:32:20] <williewillus> same idea, you just have a bunch 32x32 squares on top of each other
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L2585[15:34:21] <Chervilpaw> *groan* I hate mcmeta
L2586[15:34:29] <williewillus> you just found out about it -.-
L2587[15:34:35] <williewillus> and they have existed since 1.5
L2588[15:34:39] <Chervilpaw> I hate the format
L2589[15:34:52] <Chervilpaw> I wish I could just put the height and have something generate the rest for me
L2590[15:35:05] <williewillus> you can, if you use interpolate
L2591[15:35:10] <williewillus> and are on 1.8
L2592[15:35:16] <Chervilpaw> oh i'm using 1.7.10
L2593[15:35:24] <PaleoCrafter> update immediately
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L2595[15:35:34] <Chervilpaw> I'm using 1.7.10 for a REASON
L2596[15:35:38] <williewillus> lol
L2597[15:35:41] <Chervilpaw> CoFHAPI.
L2598[15:35:45] <PaleoCrafter> whatever that reason is, it's invalid :P
L2599[15:35:45] <Chervilpaw> is it 1.8
L2600[15:35:51] <Chervilpaw> I want RF.
L2601[15:35:52] <williewillus> partially
L2602[15:35:57] <williewillus> oh that's easy then
L2603[15:35:59] <williewillus> RF api is 1.8
L2604[15:36:04] <PaleoCrafter> RF is a separate API
L2605[15:36:05] <williewillus> look at the Progressive Automation version of it
L2606[15:36:13] <Chervilpaw> I might make 2 branches, then
L2607[15:36:22] <Chervilpaw> plus I like 1.7 better
L2608[15:36:23] <PaleoCrafter> no, you go full on 1.8
L2609[15:36:28] <PaleoCrafter> let 1.7 die already
L2610[15:36:30] <williewillus> lol paleo hardcore
L2611[15:36:54] <williewillus> use this copy of the RF api for 1.8 https://github.com/Vanhal/ProgressiveAutomation/tree/1.8/src/main/java/cofh/api/energy
L2612[15:37:06] <Chervilpaw> Once I complete it for 1.8
L2613[15:37:09] <Chervilpaw> 1.7.10 I mean
L2614[15:37:12] <Chervilpaw> i'll port it to 1.8
L2615[15:37:17] <PaleoCrafter> It's been well over a year since Forge was released for 1.8, I won't hear any excuses for 1.7 anymore
L2616[15:37:33] <Chervilpaw> I dont like 1.8
L2617[15:38:27] <PaleoCrafter> for what reason, exactly?
L2618[15:38:56] <Chervilpaw> not many mods ported to it, including many I like
L2619[15:39:10] <Chervilpaw> let me think of others
L2620[15:39:16] <PaleoCrafter> that isn't a reason not to like 1.8
L2621[15:39:17] <williewillus> which ones do you like? :D
L2622[15:39:24] * williewillus rubs his hands for more ports
L2623[15:39:25] <PaleoCrafter> it's a reason to hate the authors of said mods :P
L2624[15:39:29] <Chervilpaw> thermal expansion....
L2625[15:39:34] <Chervilpaw> minefactory reloaded
L2626[15:39:35] <Chervilpaw> wait
L2627[15:39:38] <Chervilpaw> have cofh mods updated
L2628[15:39:41] <williewillus> no
L2629[15:39:46] <Chervilpaw> yeah
L2630[15:39:49] <williewillus> but I might do it if they don't
L2631[15:39:51] <Chervilpaw> CoFH hasn't updated anything
L2632[15:40:06] <PaleoCrafter> word has it that they're working on it, afaik
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L2634[15:40:19] <Chervilpaw> many, if not most, current modded servers that don't use a popular modpack, use 1.7.10
L2635[15:40:50] <williewillus> anyways, this happens eveyr major version
L2636[15:40:52] <IoP> and?
L2637[15:41:10] <williewillus> replace 1.7.10 wth 1.6.4 and you're where we were 2 years ago :D
L2638[15:41:31] <IoP> Should everyone write mods only for current servers? :P
L2639[15:41:43] <Chervilpaw> 1.7.10 and 1.6.4 are what I call the current 'major mod versions'
L2640[15:41:50] <williewillus> 1.6.4?!
L2641[15:41:56] <Chervilpaw> well
L2642[15:42:00] <Chervilpaw> 1.7.10 is the current MAJOR one
L2643[15:42:03] <Chervilpaw> 1.6.4 previous
L2644[15:42:25] <DrDisconsented> And you're part of the problem here Chervilpaw :P
L2645[15:42:29] <Chervilpaw> here are what I think are major mod versions: 1.2.5, 1.4.7, possibly 1.5, 1.6.4, and 1.7.10
L2646[15:42:31] <Chervilpaw> lol wut
L2647[15:43:01] <williewillus> Chervilpaw: you've listed every major version except 1.3
L2648[15:43:08] <williewillus> so what excludes 1.8 from the list?
L2649[15:43:13] <williewillus> or being eventually on the list?
L2650[15:43:30] <DrDisconsented> Because the eventual movement to it hasnt happened yet
L2651[15:43:47] <williewillus> it's beginning
L2652[15:44:00] <Chervilpaw> so anyways...
L2653[15:44:12] <williewillus> see: charset, MCMultipart, BM, RFTools, TiCon, Thaumcraft, Botnaia ports :p
L2654[15:44:15] <Chervilpaw> How would get all hostile mobs within 10 blocks of my block/tileentity?
L2655[15:44:17] <PaleoCrafter> I wonder if people are still "waiting for 1.9"
L2656[15:44:22] <williewillus> ^probably
L2657[15:44:30] <williewillus> even though 1.9 will be as much work as 1.8
L2658[15:44:36] <DrDisconsented> PaleoCrafter> Just like how they were waiting for 1.7?
L2659[15:44:40] <DrDisconsented> Or 1.6?
L2660[15:44:50] <PaleoCrafter> hence the quotes ;)
L2661[15:44:54] <DrDisconsented> Or how 1.7 or .16 were skip versions :P
L2662[15:44:55] <IoP> or xycraft!
L2663[15:44:56] <williewillus> Chervilpaw: world.getEntitiesWithinAABB(IMob.class, <boundingbox>)
L2664[15:45:08] <Chervilpaw> will IMob only target hostile mobs?
L2665[15:46:07] <Chervilpaw> how would I damage all of those mobs every second, and do something if one dies?
L2666[15:46:41] <Chervilpaw> well
L2667[15:46:47] <Chervilpaw> every second thing I could deal with
L2668[15:46:55] <williewillus> there isn't really a clear way to select hostile mobs, but implementing IMob is a pretty widespread convention for marking a mob as hostile
L2669[15:49:20] <Chervilpaw> how could I damage all of them and do something if one dies?
L2670[15:49:54] <williewillus> there's methods in entity to dmaage things
L2671[15:50:05] <williewillus> and you could listen for entity death events and check if they're in your aabb
L2672[15:51:15] <Chervilpaw> k
L2673[15:52:03] <PaleoCrafter> or you could directly check for death after dealing damage
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L2675[15:52:35] <williewillus> that too
L2676[15:52:36] <williewillus> :p
L2677[15:54:03] <Chervilpaw> how would I do that?
L2678[15:54:22] <PaleoCrafter> look at Entity
L2679[15:54:32] <PaleoCrafter> I'm sure you'll find it out on your own :P
L2680[15:54:38] <williewillus> there are fields and methods to give you the information and do the actions you want
L2681[15:54:45] <Chervilpaw> k
L2682[15:55:07] <Chervilpaw> could I check if it's health is 0 or below?
L2683[15:55:25] <williewillus> there's explicit calls to check for death
L2684[15:55:36] <killjoy> isDead()
L2685[15:55:46] <Chervilpaw> oh
L2686[15:55:51] <PaleoCrafter> aw, don't tell them, killjoy
L2687[15:56:39] <williewillus> ^ part of the learning is finding it on your own :p
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L2689[16:06:36] <Chervilpaw> wheres a 1.7.10 tile entitiy tutorial
L2690[16:07:26] <williewillus> what kind of TE
L2691[16:07:44] <Chervilpaw> simple GUI
L2692[16:07:51] <williewillus> vanilla :p
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L2694[16:09:33] <Chervilpaw> ...
L2695[16:10:22] <williewillus> not joking, that or open source mods
L2696[16:10:35] <williewillus> I rarely find tutorials useful as they are either outdated, wrong, or both :p
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L2698[16:14:47] <VapourSleep> honestly vswe's stuff is the best, even though its for 1.6.5
L2699[16:14:52] <VapourSleep> *1.6.4
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L2701[16:18:39] <kashike> williewillus: and then there's the odd tutorial that's actually up-to-date and correct, and you're amazed
L2702[16:19:47] <PaleoCrafter> but then it turns out it has corrible coding conventions xD
L2703[16:20:34] <kashike> ha
L2704[16:21:53] <williewillus> the only ones I've looked at for 1.8 are Forge itself and it's debug tests, TheGreyGhost's Minecraft by Example, and other mods :p
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L2725[16:58:28] <PaleoCrafter> stupid people starting fireworks 2 minutes early
L2726[16:58:32] <PaleoCrafter> xD
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L2728[17:00:22] <sham1> Not stupid
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L2730[17:02:59] <Guy1524> hey guys, so I want to modify the class of a mod, I decompiled it but I am wondering how to recompile it with minecraft libraries, I have included all dependencies like forge and the rest of the jar and the apis it uses, but I can not find how to compile with minecraft because the version in the bin folder is obfuscated
L2731[17:04:20] <gigaherz> HNY from Spain, everyone!
L2732[17:05:36] <sham1> Isn't Spain in UTC
L2733[17:06:57] ⇨ Joins: Shukaro (Shukaro@cpe-24-210-155-130.cinci.res.rr.com)
L2734[17:09:06] <gigaherz> no
L2735[17:09:11] <gigaherz> we copied france, so we are on +1
L2736[17:12:22] <shadekiller666> fry, do you plan on adding UV processing to the B3D loader?
L2737[17:12:29] <fry> probably
L2738[17:12:36] <shadekiller666> ok
L2739[17:12:48] <shadekiller666> i'm trying to decide on a syntax
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L2741[17:15:22] <AbrarSyed> Guy1524, learn how to coremod
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L2743[17:15:57] <shadekiller666> fry, assuming that any processUV commands are initialized to u=false and v=false, this is what i'm thinking about: https://gist.github.com/shadekiller666/e7a06dbd21c3285a45e6
L2744[17:16:20] ⇨ Joins: Ri5ux (~Ri5ux@ip68-106-209-102.om.om.cox.net)
L2745[17:16:42] <shadekiller666> for any key in "processUVs", a single boolean value would mean "apply this to both u and v"
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L2747[17:18:11] <shadekiller666> the part i'm not sure about is the individual axis, say you only want to apply "wrap" to v, should "wrap" be an object with "v": true, in it, or can "wrap" just be an array with "v" in it?
L2748[17:18:38] <shadekiller666> or just "wrap": "v", would mean that wrap.v should be true
L2749[17:19:12] <fry> when would it ever be useful to wrap 1 coord and not the other?
L2750[17:19:46] <PaleoCrafter> tiling only on one axis? :P
L2751[17:20:04] <shadekiller666> ^
L2752[17:20:16] <fry> what happens to the other axis?
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L2754[17:20:21] <PaleoCrafter> stretching
L2755[17:20:22] <shadekiller666> remains the same
L2756[17:20:43] <shadekiller666> depending on what process operation is being performed
L2757[17:20:48] <fry> we're not windows wallpaper, we shouldn't fix glaring issues like these :P
L2758[17:20:51] <Flenix> Anyone know of any sort of "individual looting" mods? Like a special chest, that player A approaches and can take loot from, and it stays empty, but when player B goes, the loot is still there to be claimed?
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L2760[17:21:21] <ThePsionic> Happy new year from the Netherlands!
L2761[17:21:21] <PaleoCrafter> I don't know such a mod, should be fairly easy to do though
L2762[17:21:43] <shadekiller666> i'm thinking of "normalize, unitize, wrap, clamp, tile, and flip"
L2763[17:21:59] <shadekiller666> flip is at least good to have
L2764[17:22:03] <Flenix> Yeah, figured if one doesn't exist you could just log the UUID of whoever has accessed the chest and block them accessing again or something, just thought I'd check before going through the trouble
L2765[17:22:14] <shadekiller666> i've had requests for tile
L2766[17:23:00] <fry> what's the difference between normalize and unitize?
L2767[17:24:00] <shadekiller666> unitize means "set each face to the default 0..1", basically each face would show the entire texture
L2768[17:24:57] <shadekiller666> normalize just shrinks the entire uv shell, keeping proportions
L2769[17:26:02] <fry> when are any of those 2 useful?
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L2773[17:32:31] <shadekiller666> if you want specific use cases i have no idea
L2774[17:33:04] <ThePsionic> No IDEA? ;)
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L2779[17:38:13] <shadekiller666> anyway, fry, which would be better, the "wrap": { "u": true } syntax, or something like "clamp": "v", which would apply clamp on the v axis simply because it was named
L2780[17:39:18] <shadekiller666> and that would be the syntax for all 6
L2781[17:39:52] <fry> too late in the day for me to think about that right now :P
L2782[17:40:01] <shadekiller666> i like the "clamp": "<axis>" for single-axis, and "clamp": true for both axis style
L2783[17:40:08] <shadekiller666> :/
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L2785[17:40:36] <PaleoCrafter> fry, isn't it like early morning for you? :P
L2786[17:40:43] <fry> 2:40am
L2787[17:40:50] <theGliby> lol noob
L2788[17:40:56] <ThePsionic> Happy new year fry
L2789[17:41:00] <fry> ty :P
L2790[17:41:03] <theGliby> also that yes
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L2793[17:44:03] <Girafi> Soo all mods that uses registerEntityRenderingHandler for 1.8.9 is now broken, right ? :p
L2794[17:44:24] <fry> if they did use it, it didn't work :P
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L2796[17:44:35] <fry> so, they were broken anyway :P
L2797[17:44:42] <Girafi> Ahh okay :p
L2798[17:44:45] <williewillus> t0.o
L2799[17:44:48] <williewillus> what changed?
L2800[17:44:57] <fry> it actually works now :P
L2801[17:45:01] <shadekiller666> fry, i'm gonna go with the "clamp": "<axis>" / "clamp": <boolean> style for now
L2802[17:45:04] <williewillus> but it worked before?
L2803[17:45:12] <fry> not in 1.8, no :P
L2804[17:45:17] <shadekiller666> its less of a pain in the ass to parse
L2805[17:45:29] <shadekiller666> and it looks nicer in the json file :P
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L2807[17:45:55] <williewillus> wait so what am I supposed to be calling instead
L2808[17:46:03] <fry> registerEntityRenderingHandler :P
L2809[17:46:13] <fry> but it only works in the last build
L2810[17:46:19] <fry> and the signature is changed :P
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L2812[17:47:28] <williewillus> I'll fix my registrations tomororw xP was gonna take a break today lol
L2813[17:47:56] <Girafi> If I make a PR willie, can you push out a new build ? :p
L2814[17:48:08] <fry> I've been working on forge literally most of the time of this year :P
L2815[17:48:18] <Girafi> Haha x)
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L2820[17:58:01] <Girafi> Woo, I have had 9 crashes because of registerEntityRenderingHandler (9 different mods).. x)
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L2831[18:18:58] <waterpicker> Does anyone have a tutorial for how to change a block's texture based on a tileEntity (Without using a TileEntity Renderer)
L2832[18:19:29] <diesieben07> waterpicker, 1.7 or 1.8?
L2833[18:20:17] <waterpicker> 1.7
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L2837[18:20:54] <diesieben07> override the getIcon method that gives you world and coords
L2838[18:21:53] <waterpicker> How often is that updated?
L2839[18:22:03] <diesieben07> whenever the chunk is re-rendered
L2840[18:22:11] <waterpicker> which happens when? :P
L2841[18:22:16] <diesieben07> which hapens when there is a block update
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L2843[18:24:42] <shadekiller666> fry|sleep, are the keys for the ImmutableMap<String, String> that is passed into IModel.process() the highest level json keys within the "custom" block, but not including "custom"?
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L2845[18:30:17] <Rickbox> Where is a tutorial to learn the Minecraft API syntax? I am already experienced in Java
L2846[18:30:50] <Rickbox> Or just a forum/glossary?
L2847[18:30:56] <DrDisconsented> Yes that API that does totally exist >_>
L2848[18:31:40] <tterrag> syntax I think is the wrong word
L2849[18:31:40] <waterpicker> Rick. A mojang given API is basically Vaporware.
L2850[18:31:45] <tterrag> but there are plenty of tutorials out there
L2851[18:32:01] <waterpicker> Yea definately plenty of thsoe. :D
L2852[18:32:03] <waterpicker> *those
L2853[18:33:05] <Rickbox> All I can find are, "Make Minecraft Mods without any coding knowledge whatsoever"
L2854[18:33:12] <waterpicker> Yea...
L2855[18:33:41] <Rickbox> And when I used API, I just meant that as the Minecraft-dedicated code
L2856[18:33:52] <tterrag> if you are familiar with java your best bet is probably reading existing mods
L2857[18:33:57] <tterrag> and using your IDE to read vanilla
L2858[18:34:24] <waterpicker> I would suggest digesting mods like tinker's construct and ee3
L2859[18:34:43] <waterpicker> Both are open source and have to do alot of stuff so plenty of examples.
L2860[18:34:47] <williewillus> or ProjectE or Botania </plug>
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L2862[18:35:12] <tterrag> I wouldn't suggest Tcon honestly
L2863[18:35:17] <tterrag> it uses mantle which makes looking stuff up confusing
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L2865[18:35:19] <Rickbox> tterrag: Not a bad Idea
L2866[18:35:23] <tterrag> EE3 is pretty simple
L2867[18:35:25] <Rickbox> I was actually just doing that
L2868[18:35:34] <tterrag> buildcraft is another good one
L2869[18:35:53] <waterpicker> ProjectE (continues said plug for will) is a modern version Equivlent Exchange 2. Will and his team has the orignal developer's blessing on it. :D
L2870[18:36:03] <tterrag> botania is another good one
L2871[18:36:26] <williewillus> botania is surprisingly very well organized
L2872[18:36:32] <williewillus> which made porting it a lot easier xP
L2873[18:36:38] <Rickbox> Yah, I'm not a big MC guy, not really following what you ar talkin about...
L2874[18:36:53] <Rickbox> But anywho
L2875[18:37:05] <williewillus> well not surprisingly as in he's bad at organizing, but given the massive size of the mod it's organized very well
L2876[18:37:11] <gigaherz> Rickbox: there's no "api" per se in Minecraft
L2877[18:37:18] <gigaherz> you just use Minecraft's classes for your purpose
L2878[18:37:31] <Rickbox> I Meant JDK dammit
L2879[18:37:35] <Rickbox> *FDK
L2880[18:37:43] <tterrag> ? O.o
L2881[18:37:46] <gigaherz> ??
L2882[18:37:48] <tterrag> forge?
L2883[18:37:49] <Rickbox> Forge Development Kit...
L2884[18:37:54] <waterpicker> The only project that has a solid API at all would be the Sponge plugin API.
L2885[18:37:56] <tterrag> forge is just another mod, really
L2886[18:37:58] <gigaherz> Forge is just a helper
L2887[18:38:03] <Rickbox> *sigh
L2888[18:38:14] <waterpicker> A bridge for mods to worker together without blowing up minecraft.
L2889[18:38:16] <gigaherz> really you can't just "learn forge", you learn specific parts
L2890[18:38:33] <gigaherz> http://mcforge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/gettingstarted/
L2891[18:38:34] <Rickbox> See, this is the problem when I don't play minecraft, then decide to make a mod for it..
L2892[18:38:36] <waterpicker> is what forge is.
L2893[18:38:40] <gigaherz> some of those parts are documented here
L2894[18:38:43] <williewillus> you should probably play the game you mod :p
L2895[18:38:45] <Rickbox> It's like Tekkit, I believe
L2896[18:38:48] <williewillus> at least before modding :p
L2897[18:38:55] <Rickbox> I USED to play Minecraft
L2898[18:38:59] <Rickbox> Haven't played it in 3 years
L2899[18:39:08] <waterpicker> Yea alot has happen since then.
L2900[18:39:11] <Rickbox> Since Minecraft 1.0 basically
L2901[18:39:12] <williewillus> what was the last release you played?
L2902[18:39:13] <williewillus> ahh
L2903[18:39:15] <waterpicker> Biggest being the lost Bukkit project.
L2904[18:39:16] <Rickbox> Well...the horse update
L2905[18:39:16] <williewillus> that was my first
L2906[18:39:17] <gigaherz> Tekkit is a collection of mods (modpack), that have been configured so that they play along as a whole
L2907[18:39:25] <waterpicker> *lost of bukkit
L2908[18:39:26] <Rickbox> My first was Alpha 1.6 or so
L2909[18:40:01] <gigaherz> I started playing mc at around alpha 1.x, I bought it shirtly before it became Beta ;P
L2910[18:40:03] <Rickbox> Fine, I'll give up on coding for MC >.<
L2911[18:40:07] <gigaherz> shortly*
L2912[18:40:11] <williewillus> we weren't convincing you to give up :p
L2913[18:40:18] <gigaherz> Rickbox: we are trying to help
L2914[18:40:23] <Rickbox> Yah, but now it just sounds boring anyways
L2915[18:40:29] *** Jared is now known as Jared|Away
L2916[18:40:30] <williewillus> if you want a substantial API look at Sponge
L2917[18:40:30] <Rickbox> I mean, why code for something you don't even have a client for?
L2918[18:40:31] <waterpicker> Not really.
L2919[18:40:37] <gigaherz> well
L2920[18:40:43] <gigaherz> that would be a separate question
L2921[18:40:46] <waterpicker> Yea
L2922[18:40:47] <Rickbox> Exactly
L2923[18:40:55] <gigaherz> why did you think modding was interesting without being able to actually play the mods?
L2924[18:41:30] <Rickbox> Because the reason I wanted to learn how to code in the first place was because of Minecraft, and now that I know it, I don't play it. Funny how life works...
L2925[18:42:03] <gigaherz> you could try some HQM-based modpack
L2926[18:42:06] <Rickbox> Yah, Minecraft was the igniter for my passion of the Computer
L2927[18:42:34] <illy> I have the same issue only I no longer play all i do is debug....
L2928[18:42:35] <williewillus> you should play som OC/CC
L2929[18:42:38] <williewillus> or TIS
L2930[18:42:52] <Rickbox> Full words please.
L2931[18:42:59] <williewillus> OpenComputer/ComputerCraft mods
L2932[18:43:04] <Rickbox> o.0
L2933[18:43:13] <williewillus> lua-programmable computers in MC
L2934[18:43:13] <gigaherz> yes they implement computers inside minecraft
L2935[18:43:14] <gigaherz> ;P
L2936[18:43:18] <Rickbox> WHAT
L2937[18:43:19] <gigaherz> HQM = Hardcore Questing Mode
L2938[18:43:24] <Rickbox> Java is Lua compatible?!?!?
L2939[18:43:27] <gigaherz> it's a mod that adds questing and limited deaths
L2940[18:43:32] <tterrag> no
L2941[18:43:33] <williewillus> well
L2942[18:43:33] <gigaherz> no Rickbox, someone wrote an adapter
L2943[18:43:34] <tterrag> it's sandboxed lua
L2944[18:43:38] <Rickbox> Ah
L2945[18:43:43] <williewillus> more like there's a lua interpreter for the JVM called LuaJIT
L2946[18:43:43] ⇦ Quits: theGliby (theGliby@ (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
L2947[18:43:45] <williewillus> *luaj
L2948[18:43:48] <tterrag> ^^
L2949[18:43:50] <williewillus> something like that
L2950[18:43:50] <Rickbox> For the longest time, I wanted to mod in lua.
L2951[18:43:54] <tterrag> LuaJIT...oh god
L2952[18:43:57] <Rickbox> This was during my JC2 obssession
L2953[18:44:00] <tterrag> heh
L2954[18:44:02] <Rickbox> *obsession
L2955[18:44:05] <tterrag> I think you use lua for factorio
L2956[18:44:07] <tterrag> right?
L2957[18:44:14] <tterrag> go try that :P
L2958[18:44:14] <Rickbox> Well....
L2959[18:44:18] <diesieben07> pretty much every game that you can write scripts in uses lua
L2960[18:44:19] <Rickbox> Certain games are coded in Lua
L2961[18:44:40] <tterrag> diesieben07: factorio has its entire modding API in lua, afaik
L2962[18:44:55] <diesieben07> yes i am saying many games do :D
L2963[18:45:22] <gigaherz> you can always contribute to Minetest
L2964[18:45:23] <gigaherz> ;P
L2965[18:45:24] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L2966[18:45:37] <Rickbox> Minetest?
L2967[18:45:42] <gigaherz> opensource clone of minecraft
L2968[18:45:47] <gigaherz> written in either C or C++
L2969[18:46:00] <Rickbox> I'm getting 502 bad gateway
L2970[18:46:11] <gigaherz> C++.
L2971[18:46:21] <gigaherz> https://github.com/minetest/minetest
L2972[18:46:22] <gigaherz> source code
L2973[18:46:22] <Rickbox> Yah...but C++....
L2974[18:46:29] <Rickbox> That syntax is annoying
L2975[18:46:50] <gigaherz> it can be
L2976[18:46:59] <gigaherz> but it's quite similar to java in many aspects
L2977[18:47:05] <Rickbox> Especially with the damn Pointers
L2978[18:47:09] <gigaherz> (and vastly different in others)
L2979[18:47:19] <Rickbox> gigaherz: That's only because it's object-oriented
L2980[18:47:27] <Rickbox> What I really like is C#.
L2981[18:47:31] <gigaherz> no, it's because Java was inspired by C/C++
L2982[18:47:37] <gigaherz> ah, same here ;P
L2983[18:47:45] <Rickbox> It's basically the same as Java, but they got rid of that annoying fluff.
L2984[18:48:05] *** Jared|Away is now known as Jared
L2985[18:48:07] <gigaherz> wat
L2986[18:48:08] <gigaherz> http://luacraft.com/
L2987[18:48:14] <gigaherz> a system to use lua to write mc mods?
L2988[18:48:30] <Rickbox> Well...I don't know lua all too well
L2989[18:48:57] <diesieben07> lua is strange
L2990[18:49:02] <Rickbox> It is
L2991[18:49:16] <Rickbox> But that's because it was meant to be integrated with other C-based languages
L2992[18:49:16] <gigaherz> ah
L2993[18:49:21] <gigaherz> apparently minetest scripting uses lua too
L2994[18:49:23] <PaleoCrafter> Lua is meta
L2995[18:49:24] <gigaherz> only the core is C++
L2996[18:49:26] <diesieben07> No, that's not why
L2997[18:49:34] <diesieben07> it is weird because of some weird design choices
L2998[18:49:40] <diesieben07> like indices staring at 1
L2999[18:49:44] <Rickbox> For that reasonj
L3000[18:49:54] <diesieben07> that has nothing to do with c integration..
L3001[18:49:57] <Rickbox> Fine, fine
L3002[18:50:15] <diesieben07> almost every scripting language has c bindings
L3003[18:50:16] <Rickbox> But I can tell you, I faced some strange stuff when goin through that part of the tutorial
L3004[18:50:28] <Rickbox> Yes, but Lua was MADE to be integrated
L3005[18:50:35] <Rickbox> and to be compressed
L3006[18:50:47] <gigaherz> yes, lua was designed to be integrated
L3007[18:50:58] <PaleoCrafter> Scripting languages always are designed to be integrated
L3008[18:51:01] <gigaherz> but integration doesn't mean anything
L3009[18:51:02] <PaleoCrafter> That's their nature
L3010[18:51:10] <gigaherz> just because it was designed to integrate using C code
L3011[18:51:11] <Rickbox> *sigh
L3012[18:51:16] <gigaherz> doesn't mean the syntax looks anything like C at all
L3013[18:51:22] <Rickbox> Lua's not a pure script though
L3014[18:51:24] <gigaherz> since the code that will run the scripts isn't C anymore
L3015[18:51:25] <Rickbox> *scripting language
L3016[18:51:33] <gigaherz> yes it is
L3017[18:51:37] <Rickbox> ehhh
L3018[18:51:45] <gigaherz> all the compiler does is generate a bytecode representation
L3019[18:51:52] <Rickbox> Complete games have been coded entirely in Lua
L3020[18:52:01] <gigaherz> so? complete games have been coded in Javascript
L3021[18:52:05] <Rickbox> Having said that, I believe the same can be achieved with JavaScript...
L3022[18:52:06] <gigaherz> and they even have "script" in the name! ;P
L3023[18:52:11] <Rickbox> You beat me to the point
L3024[18:52:41] <waterpicker> So back to orignal point
L3025[18:52:51] <waterpicker> Why do you want to mod minecraft Rick?
L3026[18:53:01] <waterpicker> What do you want to accomplish
L3027[18:53:14] <gigaherz> really, just grab the latest MDK package, and read through these instructions: http://mcforge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/gettingstarted/
L3028[18:53:15] <gigaherz> ;P
L3029[18:53:37] <Rickbox> I was just thinkin, why not know how to mod Minecraft? I feel like it could be handy some day
L3030[18:54:00] <gigaherz> the way to learn modding is to write mods. start simple, and build it up
L3031[18:54:05] ⇦ Quits: RyanKnack (RyanKnack@anarchy.esper.net) (*.net *.split)
L3032[18:54:09] <gigaherz> try to find an idea or theme that isn't too common
L3033[18:54:16] <Rickbox> Or I could start big and want to kill myself :)
L3034[18:54:27] <gigaherz> that won't work
L3035[18:54:29] <gigaherz> you'll get nowhere
L3036[18:54:31] <Rickbox> ehhh
L3037[18:54:35] <Rickbox> Depends how you go about it
L3038[18:54:42] <gigaherz> if you try to start big
L3039[18:54:46] <gigaherz> you'll drown yourself with design choices
L3040[18:54:54] <gigaherz> before you even have a foundation
L3041[18:54:56] <Rickbox> I think I learned Java Swing before I knew java, and I sorta could do stuff with it
L3042[18:55:09] <gigaherz> you'll basically be worrying about furniture without a house to put it in ;P
L3043[18:55:21] <Rickbox> Exactly
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L3045[18:55:25] <gigaherz> yo ucan think of an end goal, yes
L3046[18:55:32] <gigaherz> working with a goal is good
L3047[18:55:35] <Rickbox> XD
L3048[18:55:39] <gigaherz> but it's usually best to go step by step
L3049[18:55:41] <Rickbox> Thanks life coach...
L3050[18:55:46] <Rickbox> :P
L3051[18:55:56] <gigaherz> and step #1, is to get a working development environment
L3052[18:55:59] <gigaherz> where you can hit debug
L3053[18:56:00] <Rickbox> ...........................
L3054[18:56:08] <gigaherz> and Minecraft runs and shows you the "Examplemod" in the mod list
L3055[18:56:09] <gigaherz> ;P
L3056[18:56:13] <waterpicker> Don't worry Rick
L3057[18:56:20] <gigaherz> and that's why I gave you that link
L3058[18:56:25] <gigaherz> http://mcforge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/gettingstarted/
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L3060[18:56:41] <Rickbox> Fun Fact: for a solid four years, the one thing holding me back from learning more about Java than I already knew was the dot operator
L3061[18:56:45] <waterpicker> forge Mod development workspaces are literally step by step now adays.
L3062[18:56:59] <PaleoCrafter> Dot operator?
L3063[18:57:07] <Rickbox> You know, like System.out.print
L3064[18:57:09] <waterpicker> '.'
L3065[18:57:29] <gigaherz> what did you not understand of it? o_O
L3066[18:57:33] <Rickbox> Or, say you have a method inside a class and make an object for it: Object.Method
L3067[18:57:39] <PaleoCrafter> That's not a operator but a separator :P
L3068[18:57:44] <Rickbox> I didn't understand how it was used I'd assume
L3069[18:57:57] <Rickbox> PaleoCrafter: It's called: Dot Operator
L3070[18:58:04] <Rickbox> I would know, I took the AP Course
L3071[18:58:25] <Rickbox> XP
L3072[18:58:36] <diesieben07> rick, same here actually. when i was learning OOP it took ages for me to get it
L3073[18:58:40] <gigaherz> it's just a member lookup
L3074[18:58:46] ⇦ Quits: Delaxarnyazer (~Delaxarny@2a02:a44e:91ce:0:215:5dff:fe02:300) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
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L3076[18:58:50] <gigaherz> A.B looks up "B" inside A
L3077[18:58:56] <PaleoCrafter> I guess one can call it an operator if you read it as "select"
L3078[18:59:00] <Rickbox> Well I know what it is now....
L3079[18:59:06] * waterpicker got advanced taking AP cours in high school
L3080[18:59:11] <gigaherz> if B is a method, then you add () to call the method, if it's a field, you can assign it a value or read from it
L3081[18:59:18] <PaleoCrafter> But I think of it as a separator xD
L3082[18:59:28] <gigaherz> PaleoCrafter: it's technically an operator
L3083[18:59:34] <gigaherz> just like how () is the call operator
L3084[18:59:35] <Rickbox> Yes, I know the basic java language..
L3085[19:00:15] <Rickbox> PaleoCrafter: How is it a separator?
L3086[19:00:47] <PaleoCrafter> It separates different names :P
L3087[19:00:48] ⇨ Joins: Delaxarnyazer (~Delaxarny@2a02:a44e:91ce:0:215:5dff:fe02:300)
L3088[19:00:51] <Rickbox> I see what you mean, but there are other ways of separation.
L3089[19:01:08] <Rickbox> like casing or spaces
L3090[19:01:21] <ThePsionic> Class::Method anyone
L3091[19:01:27] <Rickbox> that too
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L3094[19:01:50] <PaleoCrafter> Well, in this particular case it separates parts of a path which the others don't, I'd say
L3095[19:02:12] <Rickbox> Also, I learned recently that you can group a lump of code together, in java, by [title]: (next line) code
L3096[19:02:28] <Rickbox> So convenient for breaking out of multiple loops
L3097[19:02:35] <gigaherz> oh labels
L3098[19:02:36] ⇦ Quits: Guy1524_ (webchat@pool-173-71-197-93.clppva.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
L3099[19:02:40] <Rickbox> right, tha
L3100[19:02:41] <Rickbox> t
L3101[19:03:06] <PaleoCrafter> When you need labels you might want to reconsider your design ;)
L3102[19:03:06] <gigaherz> label: for/while { ... break label; ... }
L3103[19:03:16] <gigaherz> PaleoCrafter: not really
L3104[19:03:50] <gigaherz> you can simply have a 2D array/grid, and need to look up a specific value in it
L3105[19:04:24] <gigaherz> if( found ) break outerloop;
L3106[19:04:26] <PaleoCrafter> Function + return out of the loop :P
L3107[19:04:32] <gigaherz> that's unnecessary
L3108[19:04:34] <shadekiller666> do labels actually do anything other than serve as an organizational tool?
L3109[19:04:42] <gigaherz> it adds an extra indirection which can make the code actually harder to read
L3110[19:04:45] <gigaherz> depending on the situation
L3111[19:04:55] <PaleoCrafter> It's thinking functionally :L
L3112[19:05:00] <PaleoCrafter> * :P
L3113[19:05:00] <Rickbox> labels group code together
L3114[19:05:04] <gigaherz> yes, which is noy always the best choice
L3115[19:05:15] <gigaherz> Rickbox: no, they simply label something for easy breaking
L3116[19:05:17] <ThePsionic> I have never used labels
L3117[19:05:18] <gigaherz> ;P
L3118[19:05:29] <PaleoCrafter> In this case I'd definitely it's the better choice
L3119[19:05:32] <gigaherz> I did get taught to never use goto or similar
L3120[19:05:42] <gigaherz> I have come to learn that stance is just as bad as using them unnecessarily
L3121[19:05:50] <ThePsionic> 20 goto 10 anyone
L3122[19:05:58] <PaleoCrafter> A loop is non-descriptive
L3123[19:06:21] <gigaherz> yes in this case, it probably is
L3124[19:06:54] <Rickbox> Well, if you look at this code: http://pastebin.com/RJS9pJ10
L3125[19:07:18] <Rickbox> The label allows for the break statement to end both loops rather than just the for-each loop
L3126[19:07:28] <gigaherz> we know Rickbox
L3127[19:07:29] <ThePsionic> I'll ignore the terrible indent but ok
L3128[19:07:35] <PaleoCrafter> Yes, that's the entire point
L3129[19:07:42] <gigaherz> the point we make is that
L3130[19:07:42] <Rickbox> what's wrong with the indent?
L3131[19:07:45] <gigaherz> it's not the label that groups it
L3132[19:07:52] <gigaherz> it's the indentation and {}s
L3133[19:07:52] <ThePsionic> Closing brackets
L3134[19:07:53] <Rickbox> besides the second to last }
L3135[19:08:06] <Rickbox> yadda-yadda-yadda
L3136[19:08:13] <gigaherz> also you forgot to use "break Breakloop;" ;P
L3137[19:08:23] <Rickbox> So I did, so I did
L3138[19:08:29] <ThePsionic> You forgot to prove your point
L3139[19:08:31] <ThePsionic> GG
L3140[19:08:41] <Rickbox> So I did, so I did
L3141[19:08:58] <Rickbox> Also, gigaherz, you just made me realize something in another project I made
L3142[19:09:16] <Rickbox> No, nevermind, I did it right
L3143[19:09:52] <ThePsionic> Thanks for nothing gigaherz
L3144[19:09:58] <Rickbox> XD
L3145[19:10:03] <Rickbox> So Sadistic
L3146[19:10:19] <gigaherz> yep but my ender-rift works ;P https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/2015-12-31-1541-06.mp4
L3147[19:10:21] <Rickbox> What's a real pain-in-the-ass though, is graphing with Swing.
L3148[19:11:07] <ThePsionic> Do you not fall through it anymore gigaherz
L3149[19:11:16] <Rickbox> I know I should use JavaFX, but I just can't seem to learn it...
L3150[19:11:27] <gigaherz> nope, the structure blocks are not full-sized for collision purposes
L3151[19:11:30] <PaleoCrafter> Swing can go die in a whole
L3152[19:11:32] <gigaherz> now*
L3153[19:11:34] <PaleoCrafter> *hole
L3154[19:11:43] <Rickbox> But I know it so well D":
L3155[19:11:57] <sham1> Javafx was always very weird for me
L3156[19:12:02] <Rickbox> ikr
L3157[19:12:28] <sham1> It is kinda like 1.8
L3158[19:12:29] <Rickbox> sham1: Do you use openGL?
L3159[19:12:52] <sham1> Hard to get used to but once you are used to it, all hoes well
L3160[19:13:07] *** Jared is now known as Jared|Away
L3161[19:13:10] <sham1> Also, OGL for what
L3162[19:13:53] *** sham1 is now known as sham1|ZZzZ
L3163[19:13:55] <Rickbox> Graphics
L3164[19:14:06] <sham1|ZZzZ> ...
L3165[19:14:18] <Rickbox> 3d graphics?
L3166[19:14:26] <sham1|ZZzZ> Yes
L3167[19:14:35] <Rickbox> What do you use for 2d graphics?
L3168[19:14:59] <sham1|ZZzZ> Can't be arsed to d3d as OGL is more portable
L3169[19:15:08] <sham1|ZZzZ> Depends
L3170[19:15:34] <gigaherz> D3D is moreobject-oriented
L3171[19:15:52] <sham1|ZZzZ> I could use ohl but shaders in 2d can get interesting
L3172[19:15:59] <sham1|ZZzZ> Well yes
L3173[19:16:07] <sham1|ZZzZ> But less portabke
L3174[19:16:07] <gigaherz> the fancy stuffs feel nicer to use than ogl's equivalents
L3175[19:16:24] <gigaherz> yeah
L3176[19:16:33] <Rickbox> PaeloCrafter: You're going to get a kick out of this:
L3177[19:16:41] <Rickbox> I actually built a 3D engine through Swing
L3178[19:16:51] <sham1|ZZzZ> Oh god
L3179[19:17:00] <PaleoCrafter> Go follow swing
L3180[19:17:16] <Rickbox> Apparrently I used the same methods to build a 3D object as OpenGL
L3181[19:17:19] <PaleoCrafter> There's enough space for people like you in that hole
L3182[19:17:23] ⇦ Quits: OrionOnline (~OrionOnli@ip-62-235-153-186.dsl.scarlet.be) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L3183[19:17:26] <sham1|ZZzZ> Even I feel that is madness and I preach by swing if I need graphical apps
L3184[19:17:30] <Rickbox> Having said that, I can't get the cube to move...
L3185[19:17:32] <Rickbox> It's bothersome
L3186[19:17:40] <Rickbox> I gave up half a year ago
L3187[19:17:58] <sham1|ZZzZ> Anyway
L3188[19:18:06] <sham1|ZZzZ> I should really sleep
L3189[19:18:09] <PaleoCrafter> Uhm... You couldn't get it to move? That's like the easiest thing, lol
L3190[19:18:16] <Rickbox> A CUBE
L3191[19:18:24] <sham1|ZZzZ> Translate the co-ordinates
L3192[19:18:35] ⇦ Quits: Samario (~Samario@cpc5-bigg3-2-0-cust219.9-2.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L3193[19:18:38] <Rickbox> Do you want to look at my code? It's a huge mess, but feel free
L3194[19:18:57] <PaleoCrafter> I don't want to risk my sanity, thanks
L3195[19:19:02] <sham1|ZZzZ> What I want is some ZZzZ
L3196[19:19:09] <Rickbox> ok, then go to bed
L3197[19:19:14] <sham1|ZZzZ> Late4
L3198[19:19:16] <Rickbox> or sing the alphabet
L3199[19:19:22] <Rickbox> but only the last letterr
L3200[19:19:34] *** Ashlee is now known as Ashleep
L3201[19:19:56] <Rickbox> Geez, where do you guys live?
L3202[19:19:59] <Rickbox> It's only 5:19pm here
L3203[19:20:05] <PaleoCrafter> Europe?
L3204[19:20:26] <Rickbox> XD
L3205[19:20:28] <ThePsionic> 2:20am
L3206[19:20:34] <Rickbox> XD
L3207[19:20:35] <ThePsionic> Netherlands
L3208[19:21:06] *** airbreather_ is now known as airbreather
L3209[19:21:08] <ThePsionic> sham1|ZZzZ is... I thought finnish
L3210[19:21:19] <PaleoCrafter> Yep
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L3220[20:11:32] <Thutmose> where is the forge test mod with examples for using the new entity rendering registry thing?
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L3222[20:11:53] <Girafi> I don't think there is a test mod for it ? o.O
L3223[20:12:21] <Thutmose> hmm, any way to use it and still have the mod backwards compatible with 1.8.8? if not, I guess mod will need to be just for 1.8.9 then
L3224[20:13:12] <Girafi> No, no way to get backwards compatibility for that :/
L3225[20:14:42] <Thutmose> so I am to make a class which implements IRenderFactory for each of my renderers, then have createRenderFor just return the old renderer?
L3226[20:16:07] <Girafi> I'm actually not sure, haven't looked at it yet.
L3227[20:17:22] <Thutmose> http://pastebin.com/QQKpF9Wk is what I assume?
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L3229[20:21:21] *** PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
L3230[20:21:43] <Thutmose> well, time to test if that worked
L3231[20:22:24] <Thutmose> nope, guess something else is needed
L3232[20:25:22] <Thutmose> hmm I probably need to change them all to preinit now then
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L3234[20:27:18] <Thutmose> yep, moving to pre-init did it
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L3236[20:28:23] <gigaherz> new entity rendering registry?
L3237[20:28:37] <Thutmose> yes
L3238[20:28:44] <Thutmose> also, seems some of my blocks in world changed id
L3239[20:29:03] <Thutmose> well, all of them did
L3240[20:29:13] <Thutmose> all of the mod added tile entities i think
L3241[20:29:42] *** spaceemo_ is now known as spaceemotion
L3242[20:31:07] <Thutmose> gigaherz I did the replacement indicated in the pastebin I linked, then moved it to pre-init and it seems to have worked
L3243[20:31:33] <Thutmose> does not work if done after preinit
L3244[20:36:15] <gigaherz> ah it's just some fancy thing so that it can pass the rendermanager
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L3246[20:46:05] <shadekiller666> damn it... drawing a blank on how to do this... :/
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L3249[20:50:41] <Thutmose> shadekiller666, the new rendering thing?
L3250[20:50:53] <Thutmose> http://pastebin.com/QQKpF9Wk then move it to pre-init
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L3252[20:51:20] <shadekiller666> gigaherz, i'm currently working on implementing group configurations in the blockstate json, and i'm trying to figure out how things should work if group configurations are not defined in the blockstate json
L3253[20:51:23] <Thutmose> and you probably should make your renderer take the rendermanager that the IRenderingFactory thing sends it
L3254[20:52:36] <shadekiller666> should the system still allow you to change things in code directly? should manipulation of group visibilities be restricted to using the group configurations?
L3255[20:53:14] <shadekiller666> thutmose, i'm working on the OBJ loader for forge, but thanks :P
L3256[20:53:32] <williewillus> I think the json should define the "default" visibilities for things, but code can make further changes
L3257[20:53:56] ⇨ Joins: solidDoWant1 (~solidDoWa@
L3258[20:54:05] <shadekiller666> what do you mean by "default visibilities for things"
L3259[20:54:19] <solidDoWant1> can blocks and items and fluids have nbt data, or just itemstacks?
L3260[20:54:24] <Thutmose> did you look at this shadekiller666? https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/src/test/java/net/minecraftforge/debug/ModelLoaderRegistryDebug.java
L3261[20:54:32] <williewillus> Just stacks and TE's
L3262[20:54:36] <Thutmose> that might help
L3263[20:54:49] <shadekiller666> thutmose, i wrote most of that class :P
L3264[20:54:51] <solidDoWant1> cool, thanks!
L3265[20:54:54] <Thutmose> ahh ok
L3266[20:54:55] <shadekiller666> thanks though
L3267[20:54:59] <Thutmose> no problem lol
L3268[20:55:12] <Thutmose> ahh yes, I see you on the list of people for it now
L3269[20:55:20] <williewillus> Shade: I mean, specific variants in the json can state: Inner ring visible, outer no, with a gem. The code will receive that, but can make further changes
L3270[20:55:23] <williewillus> Actually hm
L3271[20:55:53] <shadekiller666> williewillus, let me throw an example of what i have and explain
L3272[20:55:58] <williewillus> Maybe letting code change the json definition might not be smart, idk :p
L3273[20:57:11] <VikeStep> is the master branch on MinecraftForge github for the latest 1.8.9?
L3274[20:57:16] <williewillus> Yes
L3275[20:57:27] <VikeStep> cool, gonna try my hand at making a PR for an event I need
L3276[20:57:27] <shadekiller666> williewillus, https://gist.github.com/shadekiller666/62b74c06f68b7a0febd6
L3277[20:58:05] <shadekiller666> so the idea is that you can define a set of "groupConfigs" in the "custom" block
L3278[20:58:33] <shadekiller666> in this case, the "0"..."9" keys are the names of the configs
L3279[20:59:23] <williewillus> what is "modifyAll"?
L3280[20:59:28] <shadekiller666> and each config must have a "change" array with at least one group name in it, or one of the two wildcards ("OBJ:blah")
L3281[20:59:29] *** MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L3282[21:00:51] <shadekiller666> each config can also have 3 more things specified, the two that aren't shown there are "operation" and "defOperation", each of which can be any of "set_true", "set_false", or "toggle", by default "operation" is "set_true", and "defOperation" is "set_false"
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L3284[21:01:14] <williewillus> what does "def" stand for?
L3285[21:01:32] <shadekiller666> "operation" gets applied to the contents of "change", so if "operation" is "set_false", every group listed in "change" will be hidden
L3286[21:01:45] <shadekiller666> default, cuz i couldn't come up with a better name
L3287[21:01:55] <williewillus> defaultOperation? :p
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L3290[21:02:07] ⇨ Joins: Kobata (~Kobata@cpe-24-210-17-81.columbus.res.rr.com)
L3291[21:02:28] <shadekiller666> "defOperation" is similar to "operation", but it only affects groups that aren't listed in "change"
L3292[21:03:26] <shadekiller666> "modifyAll" defaults to "false" and specifies whether or not "defOperation" actually gets applied to the groups not contained in "change"
L3293[21:04:13] <williewillus> I feel like a better name would be something like "applyDefaultOperation"
L3294[21:04:17] <shadekiller666> so say "operation" is "set_true" and "defOperation" is "set_false" and before changing the visibilities all of the groups in the model are visible
L3295[21:04:21] <williewillus> or something similar in sound
L3296[21:05:42] <shadekiller666> if you wanted only 2 of your groups to then be shown, and the rest to be hidden, you would put those 2 groups in "change", and set "modifyAll" to true, which would tell the obj loader to change all groups, not just those in the array
L3297[21:06:44] <shadekiller666> this concept stemmed from the changes i made to group visibilities yesterday, and what i've just explained is how you would interact with the new system from within code
L3298[21:07:58] <shadekiller666> problem i'm having now is figuring out if/how i should merge that functionality of just specifying those 4 data fields within code on the fly with this pre-defined list of configurations
L3299[21:08:25] <shadekiller666> and how one would switch between group configs
L3300[21:08:43] <waterpicker> Does anyone know how to open a vanilla minecraft server to lan?
L3301[21:09:16] <gigaherz> what o_O
L3302[21:09:18] <killjoy> server or client?
L3303[21:09:26] <shadekiller666> williewillus, am i overthinking this?
L3304[21:09:32] <gigaherz> the server should be "open to lan" as is
L3305[21:09:32] ⇨ Joins: keybounce (~keybounce@45-25-230-67.lightspeed.bkfdca.sbcglobal.net)
L3306[21:09:35] <killjoy> server already is. Just need ip
L3307[21:09:40] <killjoy> client you can use the gui or /publish
L3308[21:09:45] <gigaherz> unless you mean listed in the auto-detected list
L3309[21:09:49] <williewillus> I don't think you are, just some of the syntax of the json wasn't immediately intuitive to me
L3310[21:10:03] <shadekiller666> ya...
L3311[21:10:07] <shadekiller666> :/
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L3313[21:10:42] <waterpicker> server
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L3315[21:11:07] <shadekiller666> i went with this idea and not simply two lists because i felt that this would be easier to interact with "on the fly" within a block
L3316[21:11:15] <shadekiller666> block's code*
L3317[21:11:33] <waterpicker> assume on the same router
L3318[21:12:08] <gigaherz> waterpicker: then it should work as-is, assuming your firewall doesn't block it
L3319[21:13:33] <shadekiller666> williewillus, in the case of the json syntax, having "show" and "hide" arrays would probably be more intuitive at a glance, but i don't know how friendly a dual-list system would be from a code interaction standpoint
L3320[21:14:02] <gigaherz> the code and the json don't need to match
L3321[21:14:21] <gigaherz> the code version can be a builder-style thing
L3322[21:14:30] <shadekiller666> them not matching would then mean id have to convert between them :P
L3323[21:14:51] <gigaherz> nono
L3324[21:14:54] <gigaherz> the CODE part
L3325[21:15:02] <gigaherz> the storage can be arrays
L3326[21:15:08] <gigaherz> but then have like
L3327[21:15:16] <williewillus> brb
L3328[21:15:17] <gigaherz> OBJLoader.createVisibilityState().showAll().hide("part1", "part2").build()
L3329[21:15:26] <shadekiller666> i was planning on having this system only allow one configuration to be active at a time, as i don't know how the system should behave with more than 1 active at a time
L3330[21:15:46] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L3331[21:16:33] <shadekiller666> gigaherz, the primary way of interacting with the obj loader to change visibilities happens via OBJState
L3332[21:17:17] <shadekiller666> so its an IUnlistedProperty that is included with the blockstate, so suggestions need to fit that use case :P
L3333[21:17:27] <gigaherz> well then
L3334[21:17:37] <shadekiller666> thats an interesting idea though :P
L3335[21:17:44] <gigaherz> couldn't the "OBJLoader.createVisibilityState().showAll().hide("part1", "part2").build()" example return an OBJState? ;P
L3336[21:18:08] <gigaherz> if it's more than just visibility, then
L3337[21:18:36] <gigaherz> just change the first method name to something like "OBJLoader.createState()" ;P
L3338[21:18:38] <solidDoWant1> Can I have to different mods in the same project?
L3339[21:18:51] <solidDoWant1> two*
L3340[21:19:25] <shadekiller666> hmm
L3341[21:19:53] <shadekiller666> should i change the syntax in the json? :/ i've spent most of today setting it up
L3342[21:20:00] <VikeStep> I'm following this: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/wiki/If-you-want-to-contribute-to-Forge How do I import the projects/Clean?
L3343[21:20:09] <VikeStep> I tried importing a module but I guess that isn't it
L3344[21:20:14] <VikeStep> this is for IntelliJ btw
L3345[21:20:44] <gigaherz> unless something changed in the past few days,
L3346[21:20:55] <gigaherz> forge dev doesn't quite work well with idea
L3347[21:21:00] <gigaherz> needs some workarounds
L3348[21:21:09] <gigaherz> I have no idea what those are, though
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L3350[21:22:15] <VikeStep> hmm, I don't have eclipse installed but the page I linked mentioned that IntelliJ is possible. So if anyone knows that would be good
L3351[21:22:25] <VikeStep> I can intstall eclipse if it comes down to it though
L3352[21:22:58] <shadekiller666> vikestep
L3353[21:23:02] <gigaherz> sorry all I know is what I have heard in here on passing, I haven't actually done any forge dev yet
L3354[21:23:07] <shadekiller666> you've run gradlew setupForge right?
L3355[21:23:10] <VikeStep> yeah
L3356[21:23:33] ⇦ Quits: Vazkii (~Vazkii@a79-169-163-74.cpe.netcabo.pt) (Quit: Nii-san is watching you.)
L3357[21:24:01] <shadekiller666> ok, you should be able to open up Intellij and import the projects/ folder itself, or import Clean and Forge as separate modules
L3358[21:24:20] <VikeStep> do I import with the gradle importer?
L3359[21:24:26] <shadekiller666> uhh
L3360[21:24:31] <shadekiller666> you can try to
L3361[21:24:42] <VikeStep> since importing without it carries none of the external libraries I need
L3362[21:24:57] <shadekiller666> AbrarSyed, whats the status of the Intellij compat for forge development?
L3363[21:34:07] <gigaherz> night ppl
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L3366[21:35:42] <DrDisconsented> idea works fine /?
L3367[21:36:14] <VikeStep> Hm, tried importing with gradle and got this http://pastebin.com/yd59sf7g
L3368[21:36:18] <VikeStep> so I guess it isn't that either
L3369[21:36:28] <kashike> import projects/Forge, then edit the configuration
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L3371[21:37:16] <VikeStep> how am I importing it kashike? As an external library, or a module, or something else?
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L3373[21:37:48] <kashike> open the folder, it'll auto-detect the project
L3374[21:37:51] <kashike> then: https://miserable.ninja/i/NWU0Z.png
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L3376[21:40:47] <VikeStep> hm, I get that error from my pastebin again
L3377[21:41:02] <VikeStep> but it might be because of the direction of the separator?
L3378[21:41:07] <VikeStep> one is forward slash one is backslash
L3379[21:43:59] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
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L3381[21:44:37] <VikeStep> I figured it out I made a silly mistake dw
L3382[21:45:47] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L3383[21:45:49] <shadekiller666> is there like a mutually exclusive list implementation, where an object can only be in one of two collections at any time?
L3384[21:46:47] <LexManos> 0.o
L3385[21:47:55] <VikeStep> there is a method called disjoint to check that two collections have no common elements
L3386[21:48:42] <VikeStep> so you could maybe make your own if you can't find a DisjointCollection class in some library based off that method
L3387[21:50:47] <williewillus> naive way: throw all into a set and check that the length = the sum of the length of the two former collections
L3388[21:50:57] <williewillus> O(n) but stupid easy :D
L3389[21:51:28] <SatanicSanta> Since those java 8 issues were fixed several months ago, is there any real reason to not require java 8? I have a user of a mod of mine telling me that their users cant run MC with J8, but I'm very skeptical of the reliability of these claims.
L3390[21:51:44] <williewillus> it's just that mojang is on 6
L3391[21:51:48] <williewillus> most modders are on 7
L3392[21:51:54] <williewillus> and Mac always has stupid issues with java
L3393[21:51:55] <SatanicSanta> williewillus: Mojang recommends 8.
L3394[21:52:01] <williewillus> but they compile for 6
L3395[21:52:18] <VikeStep> williewillus, the putting two lists into a set wouldn't be O(n) wouldn't it? Every added element to put into the set would need to be compared against the entirety of the set
L3396[21:52:21] <SatanicSanta> williewillus: I have never had an issue with Java 8 and I use mac exclusively when modding/playing MC.
L3397[21:52:23] <VikeStep> depends on the set implementation I guess
L3398[21:52:31] <williewillus> not for hashsets :p
L3399[21:52:40] <VikeStep> true
L3400[21:53:02] <williewillus> shadekiller666: couldn't we just have something like http://pastebin.com/21gbz2ix (shower thoughts :p). I found the fact that modifyAll and defOperation were separate things was kinda weird, and their names were a little unintuitive too
L3401[21:53:13] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L3402[21:53:18] <SatanicSanta> The OSX version requirement is the only real difference in Oracle's system reqs for Java 7 vs. Java 8, and the version they require can be installed on most machines made in the past several years.
L3403[21:53:38] <williewillus> that's good to know
L3404[21:53:48] <williewillus> (haven't used a mac in years)
L3405[21:54:39] <SatanicSanta> And there's that tweet 8 months ago that reported 60% of mc users on java 8.
L3406[21:54:43] <shadekiller666> i also don't exactly know where an operation of toggle would come in handy, but it doesn't take up that much space :P
L3407[21:54:44] <SatanicSanta> Just having trouble deciding whether to require it or not.
L3408[21:55:48] <SatanicSanta> My code could be rewritten with Java 7, it'd just be much more verbose and have worse performance.
L3409[21:56:02] <williewillus> why worse performance? :p
L3410[21:56:08] <shadekiller666> williewillus, all of this stuff ends up getting shoved into a Map<Group, Boolean> in the IBakedModel later on
L3411[21:57:23] <shadekiller666> problem is that i haven't found a way of passing the Map<String, Group> map that contains all of the groups for the model into OBJState so that it could have access to change their visibilities
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L3413[21:58:32] <shadekiller666> so i've had to have OBJState act as a "description" of how IBakedModel should modify the group visibilities
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L3415[22:00:06] <SatanicSanta> williewillus: Hm. After doing some more research, that's actually the opposite.
L3416[22:00:26] <williewillus> yeah, if anything streams aren't optimized yet
L3417[22:00:34] <williewillus> and can hurt perf if overused
L3418[22:00:39] <williewillus> especially with capturing lambdas
L3419[22:00:42] <SatanicSanta> That was the major thing that we used in j8 I believe.
L3420[22:00:56] <SatanicSanta> streams and lambdas.
L3421[22:01:08] <williewillus> i try not to overuse them
L3422[22:01:10] <williewillus> :p
L3423[22:01:26] <SatanicSanta> williewillus: These benchmarks show fucking horrible results https://jaxenter.com/java-performance-tutorial-how-fast-are-the-java-8-streams-118830.html
L3424[22:02:00] <williewillus> not sure if that was a good benchmark
L3425[22:02:17] <williewillus> reducing a strema of boxed Integers means thrashing a shitton of boxing and unboxing to add them
L3426[22:02:28] <williewillus> *max
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L3430[22:03:02] <williewillus> also, as always microbenchmarks are meh
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L3432[22:03:41] <williewillus> oh it's a primitive array, not sure how it works in that case then, nvm
L3433[22:04:38] <VikeStep> hmm, what I though would fix my issue didn't, might just install eclipse
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L3439[22:20:49] <shadekiller666> damn it i hate when i have a productive day and actually manage to get somewhere but can't figure out how to finish...
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L3446[23:04:19] <killjoy> So I just got followed by Tay Zonday
L3447[23:04:26] <killjoy> the chocolate rain guy
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L3451[23:07:16] <fry> happy new year west coast! :P
L3452[23:07:34] <killjoy> east coast
L3453[23:07:46] <Thutmose> west coast of atlantic maybe?
L3454[23:07:58] <Thutmose> it is generally refered to as east coast of continent though
L3455[23:07:58] <killjoy> earth turns the other way
L3456[23:08:41] <killjoy> Anyone know why I'm getting a 502 when using [mod] in mfc?
L3457[23:09:05] <Thutmose> I also am getting it
L3458[23:09:11] <Thutmose> I assume something on their end
L3459[23:10:24] <fry> I just woke up, I'm allowed to mess up directions! \o/
L3460[23:10:34] <shadekiller666> its only 9:10...
L3461[23:10:46] <Thutmose> 01:10 here
L3462[23:10:48] <fry> it's 8:10AM :P
L3463[23:11:17] <fry> and yes, I meant east coast :P
L3464[23:11:28] <Thutmose> seems the 1.8.9/1.8.8 being compatible only lasted a day :(
L3465[23:11:38] <shadekiller666> ?
L3466[23:12:32] <Thutmose> prior to the entity registry stuff, 1.8.8 mods were mostly compatible with 1.8.9, now it is just ones that do not add entities
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L3472[23:24:07] ⇦ Parts: Thutmose (~elpat@cpe-55-54-66-208.caribcable.com) ())
L3473[23:24:42] <LexManos> fuck did fry break?
L3474[23:24:51] <fry> wat?
L3475[23:24:59] <fry> only what cpw agreed to break :P
L3476[23:25:01] <LexManos> <Thutmose> prior to the entity registry stuff, 1.8.8 mods were mostly compatible with 1.8.9, now it is just ones that do not add entities
L3477[23:25:15] <fry> rendering registry was completely broken
L3478[23:25:21] <fry> and didn't work at all
L3479[23:25:32] <LexManos> even in 1.8.8?
L3480[23:25:33] <fry> so, breaking it seemed like a good idea
L3481[23:25:36] <fry> yes, even in 1.8.8
L3482[23:25:41] <LexManos> okay works for me
L3483[23:25:44] <fry> and probably even in 1.8
L3484[23:25:48] <fry> it didn't do anything
L3485[23:25:50] <fry> at all
L3486[23:26:06] <LexManos> so then what is thutmose bithcing about?
L3487[23:26:18] <fry> that mods that called it anyway need a recompile now
L3488[23:26:30] <fry> which is a good idea, since they didn't work :P
L3489[23:26:43] <LexManos> is it just a recompile or is it an actual code incompatiblity?
L3490[23:26:51] <fry> code incompatibility
L3491[23:27:02] <LexManos> what needs to change?
L3492[23:27:12] <fry> to initialize Render you need RenderManager instance
L3493[23:27:24] <fry> which can only be provided long after preInit
L3494[23:27:39] <fry> and Render was always registered in preInit
L3495[23:27:51] <LexManos> link the commit
L3496[23:28:11] <fry> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/commit/cf2bbd1353df3b87e004bbd8a86324eb82f278e3
L3497[23:28:15] <fry> literally last 2
L3498[23:28:34] <fry> (second is readding a class I forgot to commit)
L3499[23:28:44] <fry> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/commit/a4123580b10723b09e53b542aac1cd169af7e9ae
L3500[23:29:14] <LexManos> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/commit/cf2bbd1353df3b87e004bbd8a86324eb82f278e3#diff-525752e0d548c8c93755808fb767d2baR36
L3501[23:29:17] <LexManos> Thats where it breaks
L3502[23:29:34] <fry> yes
L3503[23:29:40] <fry> that method was 100% useless
L3504[23:30:03] <fry> you couldn't call it in preInit, because you couldn't create Render instance
L3505[23:30:10] <LexManos> interesting..
L3506[23:30:18] <LexManos> let me load that up
L3507[23:30:19] <fry> you couldn't call it in init, cause the result would've been discarded
L3508[23:30:23] <fry> sure
L3509[23:31:51] <LexManos> ah
L3510[23:31:55] <LexManos> so you CAN make it comatible
L3511[23:32:13] <LexManos> init it with null, and then assign it later
L3512[23:32:16] <LexManos> when you can
L3513[23:32:24] <LexManos> so ya, you can make it compatibile fairly easily
L3514[23:32:55] <fry> no
L3515[23:33:00] <fry> field is final
L3516[23:33:10] <LexManos> If you want to be REALLY safe you can even do something similair to our ItemStackTransformer
L3517[23:33:14] <LexManos> so?
L3518[23:33:24] <LexManos> final means absolutly nothing
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L3520[23:41:00] <McJty> Is there nothing that you can do server-side to force a render update on the client (except for sending my own custom packet of course)?
L3521[23:41:02] <LexManos> see what i'm sayin?
L3522[23:41:13] <LexManos> mark a block for update
L3523[23:41:41] <fry> Lex: I was wrong about it not working in init; will revert stuff
L3524[23:42:04] <McJty> Ok let me try if that actually rerenders the chunk
L3525[23:42:05] <LexManos> ya, try and keep binary compatibility in 1.8.8->1.8.9 because there is no reason not to
L3526[23:42:12] <LexManos> MC didnt change so we cant
L3527[23:42:27] <LexManos> cpw isnt as much of a stickler as I am about it, but hes wrong
L3528[23:42:28] <fry> I was under the impression that method wasn't working at all
L3529[23:42:41] <LexManos> It looks like it works fine
L3530[23:43:12] <fry> indeed
L3531[23:43:22] <fry> didn't when I looked at it some time ago
L3532[23:43:29] <fry> very very strange
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L3535[23:58:58] <SuperXdude> are links broken on forge download site? I am getting 404 errors for 1.8.8 versions
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