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L1[00:00:17] *** FF_Fire is now known as FF_Fire|
L2[00:00:26] *** FF_Fire| is now known as FF_Fire|GTGCYA
L3[00:00:44] *** FF_Fire|GTGCYA is now known as FF_Fire|Sleep
L4[00:00:47] <McJty> FF_Fire|GTGCYA, where are you registering this?
L5[00:01:21] <McJty> FF_Fire|Sleep, ^
L6[00:01:35] ⇨ Joins: cpw|out (~cpw@
L7[00:01:35] MineBot sets mode: +o on cpw|out
L8[00:01:38] <FF_Fire|Sleep> in the blocks class with all of my other registry entries
L9[00:01:45] <McJty> FF_Fire|Sleep, this should go in preInit
L10[00:01:57] *** cpw|out is now known as cpw
L11[00:02:05] <McJty> Show the registration code
L12[00:02:25] <FF_Fire|Sleep> my preinit initilizes the blocks.
L13[00:02:33] <FF_Fire|Sleep> public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent e) {
L14[00:02:33] <FF_Fire|Sleep> proxy.preInit(e);
L15[00:02:33] <FF_Fire|Sleep> ModItems.init();
L16[00:02:33] <FF_Fire|Sleep> ModBlocks.init();
L17[00:02:33] <FF_Fire|Sleep>
L18[00:03:00] *** FF_Fire|Sleep is now known as FF_Fire|Sleeping
L19[00:03:10] <McJty> Don't paste here. But anyway what about ModBlocks.init()?
L20[00:05:34] <Zaggy1024> are the chunkX and chunkY parameters blockX >> 4?
L21[00:05:52] <McJty> yes they are
L22[00:06:27] <Zaggy1024> so that would be his problem
L23[00:06:49] <Zaggy1024> do chunkX << 4, chunkY << 4
L24[00:06:56] <McJty> Ah no. His code is correct. I checked
L25[00:07:05] <McJty> That was it: https://bpaste.net/show/886a3ff43294
L26[00:07:13] <McJty> (minus the bug of calculating chunkZ which he apparently fixed)
L27[00:07:21] <McJty> Oops that's my code sorry
L28[00:07:29] <McJty> Here it is: https://gist.github.com/creepymooy/eb3b6442357e440dc654
L29[00:07:48] <Zaggy1024> ah
L30[00:07:51] <Zaggy1024> I see it now
L31[00:09:56] <Zaggy1024> too bad he took off so soon
L32[00:10:16] *** TTFTCUTS is now known as TTFT|Away
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L34[00:10:24] <McJty> I suspect his registration code is wrong
L35[00:10:40] <tterrag> what would cause this? http://puu.sh/mdmDw.jpg
L36[00:10:45] <tterrag> only happens when that block is on my head
L37[00:11:37] <Zaggy1024> inverted normals?
L38[00:11:48] <Zaggy1024> did some scaling escape your rendering function?
L39[00:12:21] <Zaggy1024> seems to me the light side of that texture should be on the top, shouldn't it?
L40[00:12:26] <tterrag> inverted normals?
L41[00:12:29] <tterrag> this is what it looks like normally
L42[00:12:40] <Zaggy1024> the item?
L43[00:12:43] ⇦ Quits: shadekiller666 (~shadekill@adsl-108-80-76-81.dsl.lsan03.sbcglobal.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L44[00:12:46] <tterrag> here: http://puu.sh/mdmJV.jpg
L45[00:13:04] <Zaggy1024> oh
L46[00:13:41] <tterrag> https://github.com/Chisel-Team/Chisel/blob/1.7/dev-3.0/src/main/java/team/chisel/client/render/item/ItemStarFieldRenderer.java
L47[00:13:55] <Zaggy1024> what happens to the gl state in the helmet renderer?
L48[00:14:04] <tterrag> the render() function is the relevant bit
L49[00:14:18] <tterrag> Zaggy1024: it works with no helmet as well
L50[00:14:24] <tterrag> only breaks with certain blocks on the head
L51[00:14:30] <Zaggy1024> I know
L52[00:14:36] <Zaggy1024> what do those blocks do when they're rendered?
L53[00:14:53] <Zaggy1024> is that a tesr spawner?
L54[00:15:05] <tterrag> it's a vanilla spawner
L55[00:15:06] <tterrag> so...yes
L56[00:17:40] <Zaggy1024> what other blocks does it happen with?
L57[00:18:01] <Zaggy1024> and does it not happen when you wear a spawner with a different mob?
L58[00:20:16] <tterrag> happens with any spawner it seems
L59[00:20:27] <Zaggy1024> do you perhaps rely on culling being off?
L60[00:20:29] <tterrag> happens with a portal block
L61[00:20:36] <Zaggy1024> because RenderLivingEntity enables culling after it's done rendering
L62[00:21:02] <tterrag> aha!
L63[00:21:05] <tterrag> you're a genius :P
L64[00:21:48] <Zaggy1024> nah, just doing some find definition crap :P
L65[00:22:14] <Zaggy1024> though really, you should probably keep culling enabled and try and make your model the right way round :P
L66[00:22:44] <tterrag> not possible with the way vanilla does item rendering
L67[00:22:46] <Zaggy1024> from comparing the icon in the hotbar and in the world it seems like it's backwards
L68[00:22:48] <tterrag> it relies on culling being off
L69[00:22:52] <Zaggy1024> hm
L70[00:22:58] <tterrag> I am just delegating to vanilla
L71[00:22:59] <tterrag> read the code
L72[00:23:16] <Zaggy1024> could scale -1 in one dimension, couldn't you?
L73[00:23:24] <tterrag> no idea
L74[00:23:28] <tterrag> this shader stuff is delicate
L75[00:23:31] <tterrag> I'll go with the simple fix
L76[00:24:19] <Zaggy1024> aight
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L90[00:59:24] <killjoy> I hate it when servers send me a text component: {hoverEvent:{action:SHOW_ENTITY,value:null}}
L91[01:00:25] ⇦ Quits: DemoXin (~DemoXin@233.sub-70-210-57.myvzw.com) ()
L92[01:00:36] <killjoy> I should just disable SHOW_ENTITY because it's so broken
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L95[01:12:19] <killjoy> Is it bad that I'm asking people on the server I'm on to kill eachother for science?
L96[01:21:19] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L97[01:21:48] <masa> oh so 1.8.8 is old news now...
L98[01:22:56] ⇨ Joins: Herpahermaderp (Herpaherma@
L99[01:23:44] <Herpahermaderp> loading a gui once the player reaches a certain height, how would I do it?
L100[01:24:11] <tterrag> PlayerTickEvent, probably
L101[01:24:38] <luacs1998> so...
L102[01:24:41] <luacs1998> 1.8.8 or 1.8.9
L103[01:24:47] <luacs1998> or are mods cross-compatible?
L104[01:24:50] <fry> yes
L105[01:26:17] <Herpahermaderp> I'm using RenderGameOverlayEvent and checking when the player is at a certain elevation
L106[01:26:18] <luacs1998> btw fry, idk about lex's rules on import moving, but it seems your 1.8.9 update commit did a lot of it
L107[01:26:38] <fry> it did
L108[01:26:50] <fry> I removed unused imports :P
L109[01:27:05] <fry> cause I was going throught the code and fixing mapping update errors anyway
L110[01:28:29] <masa> Herpahermaderp: is it a client-side only gui? and do you mean a GuiScreen or just an overlay?
L111[01:29:53] <Herpahermaderp> well, I suppose it should be a GuiScreen, huh? the gui is client-side only yeah
L112[01:29:57] <killjoy> has chat serialization changed between 1.8 and 1.8.8?
L113[01:30:01] <masa> what is the format for acceptedMinecraftVersions? does it work the ame way as remote versions? or would = "1.8.8,1.8.9" be better and even work?
L114[01:30:12] <killjoy> specifically hover events
L115[01:30:29] <killjoy> more specifically, show_entity
L116[01:30:39] <Herpahermaderp> the GUI is meant to act as a teleporter, offering buttons that once clicked will take the player to a different dimension but idk how to actually render it on screen
L117[01:30:54] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L118[01:32:05] <masa> Herpahermaderp: well then you could just do on the client something like if (! (Minecraft.getMinecraft().currentScreen instaceof YourScreen)) Minecraft.getMinecraft.displayGuiScreen(new YourScreen()); I guess?
L119[01:32:22] <Herpahermaderp> k, I'll try it
L120[01:35:34] <killjoy> I shouldn't have to do this to not crash. http://git.io/vEbG4
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L127[01:49:57] <masa> hmm, how would I make sure if my mod can work in all 1.8 versions? just manually testing it?
L128[01:50:36] <killjoy> common implementation, then version specific ones
L129[01:50:43] <killjoy> as subprojects
L130[01:50:48] <killjoy> I think that's how openeye does it
L131[01:51:23] <masa> not exactly what I was asking...
L132[01:51:58] <masa> I mean how do I find out if a mod has any incompatibilities with some of the 1.8.x versions, or if I can release the same version for all of them?
L133[01:52:07] <tterrag> try it and see?
L134[01:52:23] <masa> right, so manual testing it is...
L135[01:53:02] <masa> well I guess loading the same code into dev environments of the different versions and see if any errors pop up... although, the mappings will ruin that I guess
L136[01:53:13] <tterrag> right, don't test in deobf
L137[01:53:33] <masa> the mappings have no effect after the mod has been built though, right?
L138[01:53:53] <masa> in non-deobf that is
L139[01:54:05] <tterrag> right, that's the purpose of obfuscating to srg names
L140[01:54:35] <masa> well, do they even make a difference in a built deobf jar? how would they ever work for anyone then
L141[01:55:27] <tterrag> what?
L142[01:56:06] <masa> well I don't know.. :D
L143[01:56:27] ⇨ Joins: laci200270 (~laci20027@
L144[01:56:32] <masa> ie. does a built deobj jar have to use the same mappings to work as I have in my dev environment?
L145[01:56:58] <tterrag> I think you are mixing up terms
L146[01:57:02] <tterrag> deobf = plain names
L147[01:57:07] <tterrag> srg = func_xxxx names
L148[01:57:31] <masa> hm
L149[01:57:36] <laci200270> fry what do you think about this? https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/2324
L150[01:57:56] ⇦ Quits: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L151[01:59:11] <masa> yeah so the built jars that are meant for dev environment, ie. "deobf" or "dev" jars. Are they then actually in plain names? so they would have to have been made using the same mappings version that I used while running setupDecompWorkspace?
L152[01:59:53] <masa> or how oes this work
L153[02:00:00] <killjoy> make a unit test?
L154[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20151230 mappings to Forge Maven.
L155[02:00:06] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20151230-1.8.9.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20151230" in build.gradle).
L156[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
L157[02:00:37] <tterrag> masa: you are correct
L158[02:00:40] <tterrag> the mappings need to be the same
L159[02:00:45] <tterrag> that's why FG2 introduced deobfCompile
L160[02:01:59] <masa> and what does that then do?
L161[02:02:06] ⇦ Quits: Herpahermaderp (Herpaherma@ (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L162[02:02:23] <tterrag> deobfs at runtime
L163[02:02:32] <killjoy> devtime, not runtime
L164[02:02:34] <tterrag> whatever
L165[02:02:44] <tterrag> it fixes the issue with different mapping versions :P
L166[02:03:45] <masa> hmm so how does it work or what does it require?
L167[02:03:51] <laci200270> fry any idea what can cause my problem?
L168[02:03:58] <fry> nope
L169[02:04:15] <laci200270> its pretty annoying
L170[02:04:37] <laci200270> it works for any other person
L171[02:05:53] ⇨ Joins: DemoXin (~DemoXin@251.sub-70-210-10.myvzw.com)
L172[02:06:33] <fry> then it's probably not a forge issue
L173[02:07:03] <laci200270> lwjgl maybe?
L174[02:07:51] <masa> so the color is "darker"? is your block set to not render as a normal block or whatever? that messes up a TESR for me at least
L175[02:08:10] <laci200270> the block is in normal render
L176[02:08:24] <laci200270> I din't changed anything about that
L177[02:09:13] <laci200270> I'll seting rendertype to -1
L178[02:09:26] <xaero> masa: AFAIK deps need to be stored in a maven (not the libs/ folder), be of universal/srg mappings, and declared as deobfCompile rather than regular compile
L179[02:09:56] <masa> isOpaqueCube() and/or renderAsNormalBlock() need to be false I think, otherwise the TESR doesn't seem to work correctly
L180[02:10:53] <laci200270> I can't find renderasnormalblock
L181[02:11:04] <masa> probably renamed, those are from 1.7.10
L182[02:11:26] <masa> check what chests have
L183[02:16:59] <laci200270> !findf renderAsNormalBlock 1.7.10
L184[02:17:07] <laci200270> !findm renderAsNormalBlock 1.7.10
L185[02:17:33] <laci200270> !findm func_149686_d
L186[02:18:10] <laci200270> I've found it :)
L187[02:18:13] <laci200270> now testing
L188[02:20:48] <laci200270> now renders fine
L189[02:24:54] <laci200270> works fine
L190[02:25:47] <laci200270> thanks masa
L191[02:28:48] *** tterrag is now known as tterrag|ZZZzzz
L192[02:33:48] ⇦ Quits: Torhal (~callahan@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fedb:9160) (Max SendQ exceeded)
L193[02:34:07] <masa> np
L194[02:36:26] ⇨ Joins: OrionOnline (~OrionOnli@ip-80-236-238-237.dsl.scarlet.be)
L195[02:37:34] <OrionOnline> Hello guys
L196[02:37:53] <OrionOnline> And hey fry, i have seomthing intertesting i need to discuss with you
L197[02:38:49] <sham1> Morning people
L198[02:39:18] ⇨ Joins: VikeStep (~VikeStep@
L199[02:40:05] <OrionOnline> I found a memory leak and i donnot know what is cause it
L200[02:40:16] <OrionOnline> It lays within the model system
L201[02:40:28] <fry> tell me more then :P
L202[02:41:46] <OrionOnline> So you remember those models i have been working on that had that temperature bar
L203[02:42:05] <OrionOnline> I started working on the TE that should eventually heat them up
L204[02:44:15] <OrionOnline> Which lagged the hell out of my world because it (at least i though it was it) leaked the hell out of my instance (8GB in a good minute)
L205[02:44:55] <OrionOnline> So i came on here yesterday evening and have been discussing this with some others, i narrowed it down to a function that sets the NBT data on the Item (basically sets the temperature)
L206[02:45:34] <OrionOnline> After a while diesieben07 told me to take a look at the models (as we did not see any reason why setting a simple NBT would leak)
L207[02:45:59] <OrionOnline> so it turns out that creating a new instance of a model leaks memory if you do it every render tick
L208[02:46:19] <OrionOnline> Cause when i return a model that is baked once and never again the problem disappears
L209[02:46:25] <OrionOnline> But the model turns useless
L210[02:46:49] <OrionOnline> For some reason either the model (or some parts of it) are not being cleaned up by the GC and i have no clue why
L211[02:47:45] <fry> well, something is storing the reference then
L212[02:47:50] <OrionOnline> In particular i am talking about this bit of code: https://github.com/SmithsModding/Armory/blob/Development-1.8/src/com/SmithsModding/Armory/Client/Model/Item/Baked/HeatedItem/BakedHeatedItemModel.java#L51-L75
L213[02:49:11] <OrionOnline> I am not keeping a reference to the models
L214[02:49:18] <OrionOnline> So something else is
L215[02:50:12] <OrionOnline> And why would it then not have a problem with items that donnot change the NBT
L216[02:50:28] <OrionOnline> Even though it regenerates the models every render tick
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L222[03:17:43] <laci200270> if I want to calculate percentage... I divide the actual vallue with the base value, right?
L223[03:18:41] ⇨ Joins: mafrasi2 (~quassel@2a01:4f8:130:6426::2)
L224[03:19:11] <xaero> just rederive it.. 2 out of 2 is 100%, 1 out of 2 is 50%, what operation did you do?
L225[03:20:13] <laci200270> dividation
L226[03:20:24] <laci200270> /?
L227[03:20:45] <OrionOnline> Got damn why does VisualVM always hang on the Profiler
L228[03:20:50] <laci200270> because this doesn't want to work int percentage=eCell.getEnergyStored(EnumFacing.UP)/eCell.getMaxEnergyStored(EnumFacing.UP);
L229[03:21:28] <xaero> percentages have a floating point after the decimal
L230[03:21:59] <laci200270> so I can't store them in int?
L231[03:22:46] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> that's int math laci200270
L232[03:23:04] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> if you want a proper percentage you need a decimal
L233[03:23:08] <laci200270> ok
L234[03:23:16] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> 1/2 = 0
L235[03:23:17] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> :p
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L237[03:23:50] <laci200270> oh
L238[03:27:24] <masa> or you just scale it up by 100 to get the percentage as an integer, but with that scaling you are limited to 1% resolution
L239[03:28:04] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> at that point you could probably just do double math, scale, then cast to int
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L246[03:35:02] <laci200270> TEs aren't stored at client side?
L247[03:39:35] <laci200270> I mean
L248[03:39:43] <laci200270> when I read them from rendering
L249[03:39:53] <laci200270> every value what I read is 0
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L251[03:44:14] <laci200270> oh I found it
L252[03:44:21] <laci200270> TE syncing
L253[03:48:05] <Zaggy1024> fry, you don't think it would be good to disable smooth lighting when rendering colorless?
L254[03:48:13] <Zaggy1024> it might save a bit of rendering time :)
L255[03:48:50] <fry> it might also suddenly look ugly
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L263[04:04:29] <Overreacted> masa are you there?
L264[04:05:02] <Overreacted> Just telling you that I fixed it
L265[04:08:52] <Overreacted> I reloaded the same world everytime, on which I accessed the same donkey chest without knowing it actually corrupted
L266[04:09:02] <Overreacted> So I fixed it, but that world just didnt
L267[04:09:15] <Overreacted> upon loading a new world and repeating the steps it worked
L268[04:10:10] <masa> oh ok
L269[04:10:51] <Overreacted> But of course the question is now which of the added bits of code fixed it
L270[04:11:13] *** Jared|Away is now known as Jared
L271[04:11:31] <Overreacted> I'll worry about that later
L272[04:17:32] <OrionOnline> fry, you still there?
L273[04:18:01] <fry> yes
L274[04:18:36] <OrionOnline> why would the unpackedData[][][] in ColoredQuad be extremely large?
L275[04:19:31] ⇨ Joins: Kobata_ (~Kobata@cpe-24-210-17-81.columbus.res.rr.com)
L276[04:20:18] <Overreacted> Finally all bugs (that I know of) are fixed. Time to add something new and fix bugs revolving around that
L277[04:20:23] <Overreacted> Kind of a vicious circle
L278[04:21:12] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L279[04:22:40] <laci200270> Overreacted, http://www.developermemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Grumpy-Cat-Patching-Bugs-Developer-Meme.jpg
L280[04:23:00] <Overreacted> I knew that one already, but yeah that's kind of what i mean
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L288[04:47:09] <Wuppy> ugh why did they have to drill something into my wall in the morning after a night of drinking :(
L289[04:47:55] <sham1> The punishment for you drinking
L290[04:48:01] <Wuppy> :c
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L294[04:53:10] <Wuppy> now if only they actually told me that they were going to drill my wall
L295[04:53:24] <Wuppy> instead of a "Wake up madafaka, have a shit ton of noise"
L296[04:54:23] <OrionOnline> fry, i am going to call it impossible to implement it with the 1.8.8 model system
L297[04:55:30] <fry> what?
L298[04:55:40] <OrionOnline> The overlayed temperature bar
L299[04:55:47] <OrionOnline> Their is no reference to it
L300[04:55:47] <fry> why?
L301[04:55:52] <OrionOnline> Yet for some reason it still leaks
L302[04:56:05] <OrionOnline> For the life of god ic annot find the source
L303[04:56:10] <OrionOnline> I have been at this for hours now
L304[04:56:28] <OrionOnline> And the amount of float[] it prodcues is just too damn high
L305[04:57:14] <OrionOnline> Wehn i grab a heap there is no reference to my models in the memory
L306[04:57:31] <OrionOnline> And i have no idea what could cause it else
L307[04:57:39] <fry> impossible for you to find a memory leak != impossible to implement
L308[04:58:13] <OrionOnline> i am not saying it is impossible to implement
L309[04:58:31] <OrionOnline> I am saying that for a normal being (like me) this system is sometimes too complex
L310[04:59:04] <OrionOnline> and I simply need help finding the problem
L311[05:01:18] <unascribed> I don't see the purpose of using the model system for hardcoded shapes
L312[05:01:28] <OrionOnline> ^^^agree
L313[05:01:45] <unascribed> I get why the render hooks were removed, since people would abuse it
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L315[05:01:55] <unascribed> but this seems like something that is only reasonable with a render hook.
L316[05:02:01] <unascribed> sure, it's possible with the model system
L317[05:02:04] <unascribed> but completely unreasonable
L318[05:02:34] <OrionOnline> exactly
L319[05:02:50] <OrionOnline> The amount of work i have to put into the whole system is just not worth it
L320[05:03:02] <OrionOnline> No matter what anybody says
L321[05:03:13] <laci200270> OrionOnline, for the worst case can still hook yourself it in with ASM :D
L322[05:03:25] <unascribed> ...
L323[05:03:33] <OrionOnline> laci200270, i would, but i want to stay away from that shit
L324[05:03:37] * sham1 chokes laci
L325[05:03:53] <OrionOnline> sham1, if it is the only solution i have
L326[05:03:56] <OrionOnline> I will ASM it
L327[05:04:19] <sham1> And make your mod a corempd
L328[05:04:27] <unascribed> inb4 everyone gets banned
L329[05:04:40] <OrionOnline> if there is no other way around it
L330[05:04:46] <OrionOnline> What am i supposed to do? just give up?
L331[05:04:57] <unascribed> maybe there should be a "overlays" API
L332[05:05:00] <sham1> Yes
L333[05:05:04] <unascribed> that lets you define basic rectangles on top of items
L334[05:05:09] <fry> no.
L335[05:05:22] <unascribed> trying to suggest solutions that aren't "ASM a render hook in"
L336[05:06:04] <sham1> Can't you just have your tempurature in the item description
L337[05:06:14] <unascribed> that's about 99.9% less useful
L338[05:06:19] <sham1> There's an event for doing that
L339[05:06:20] <unascribed> "why not just put the durability in the tooltip"
L340[05:07:12] <OrionOnline> sham1, i have
L341[05:07:38] <OrionOnline> But people keep complaining that it is not easy to see when the Item gets too hot
L342[05:07:52] <OrionOnline> So i added a custom bar in 1.7.10 and people where happy including me
L343[05:08:02] <OrionOnline> With a good 40 lines of code i basically solved the problem
L344[05:08:10] <OrionOnline> And made it properly visible
L345[05:08:13] <sham1> Catering to morons eh
L346[05:08:19] <unascribed> >catering to morons
L347[05:08:24] <OrionOnline> Small change -> Big improvement
L348[05:08:27] <unascribed> TIL good UX is catering to morons
L349[05:08:57] <OrionOnline> No it is not just catering to morons, i wanted something else as well, i use my mod and it is hard to keep track of 20 ingots you are heating up
L350[05:09:03] <unascribed> fwiw there's a really clean place you can put the hook
L351[05:09:03] <OrionOnline> Having to hover over them to see their temp
L352[05:09:08] <unascribed> RenderItem::func_181565_a
L353[05:09:09] <sham1> Yes in fact
L354[05:09:16] <unascribed> all that does is render the durability bar with Tessellator
L355[05:09:29] <OrionOnline> that would indeed be a good hook to put it
L356[05:10:04] <sham1> You could hook to the durability bar :P
L357[05:10:16] <unascribed> and then heated items with durability don't work
L358[05:10:17] <unascribed> 10/10 solution
L359[05:10:19] <OrionOnline> sham1, what would bring me that, the bar is exactly the wrong way around
L360[05:10:27] <unascribed> yeah, it turns green when full
L361[05:10:32] <OrionOnline> their are no heated items with durabilitryx
L362[05:10:36] <OrionOnline> just resources
L363[05:10:38] <unascribed> OrionOnline, but there might be
L364[05:10:46] <sham1> Redder = colder
L365[05:10:49] <unascribed> I don't see any reason to not have heated items later
L366[05:10:56] <unascribed> sham1, that makes no sense and you know it doesn't
L367[05:11:05] <sham1> True
L368[05:11:06] <OrionOnline> No redder is hotter as it melts when it gets too hot
L369[05:11:26] <OrionOnline> That is the reason for adding the bar in the fisrt plac
L370[05:11:40] <OrionOnline> If you are too late the ingot melds and you lose it for ever
L371[05:11:42] <Lumien> Does the temperature bar have to appear in every gui or why can't you just draw it "over the item" ?
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L373[05:11:56] <unascribed> Lumien: because you can't
L374[05:11:59] <OrionOnline> Lumien, iun every GUI
L375[05:12:09] <OrionOnline> as the Item cools down slowly when it is not being heated
L376[05:12:23] <sham1> No shit
L377[05:12:37] <OrionOnline> The biggest flaw of the rendering system in minecraft: no callbacks to what so ever
L378[05:13:28] <OrionOnline> I whish there was a simple call to something like: Item.itemRendered
L379[05:13:55] <OrionOnline> Or an event you could catch to overlay stuff when a item gets rendered something like that would be extremly nice to have and extremly powerfull
L380[05:14:17] <Lumien> Do you want the bar on only your items?
L381[05:14:28] <sham1> He wants it on all metals
L382[05:15:23] <OrionOnline> Lumien, basically i have an item that wraps any item i give it and it should just render the wrapped item first and then add the bar
L383[05:15:26] <OrionOnline> JOb done
L384[05:15:30] <sham1> E. G. Iron
L385[05:16:10] <sham1> Oh
L386[05:16:11] <sham1> Wrapper item
L387[05:16:49] <fry> I'd like to help, but I'm still cloning the repo, and looks like will be for a while
L388[05:17:51] <OrionOnline> yeah it takes a bit, i am working on shrinking it down
L389[05:17:59] <OrionOnline> But i first want this to actually work
L390[05:18:27] ⇦ Quits: Delaxarnyazer (~Delaxarny@2a02:a44e:91ce:0:215:5dff:fe02:300) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L391[05:19:06] <laci200270> how can I compare two enums?
L392[05:19:17] <laci200270> == doesn'T seem to work
L393[05:19:25] <laci200270> netiher equals
L394[05:19:40] <Lumien> two different enums? o_O
L395[05:19:46] <OrionOnline> if you have set it up you fry just ping me
L396[05:19:54] *** DRedAway is now known as DRedhorse
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L398[05:20:10] <laci200270> Lumien, same enum type
L399[05:20:32] <Lumien> ==
L400[05:21:04] <laci200270> ok I try again
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L403[05:30:56] <OrionOnline> fry, got it working
L404[05:31:03] *** bilde2910|away is now known as bilde2910
L405[05:31:40] <fry> got what working?
L406[05:32:48] <OrionOnline> the repo?
L407[05:33:04] <fry> ah, that was a question
L408[05:33:07] <fry> not yet
L409[05:33:55] <OrionOnline> okey
L410[05:34:06] <OrionOnline> (lol missed the question mark their........)
L411[05:35:27] <masa> how should I structure the initialization stuff in constructors, when I'm extending a class and the extending class needs to add its own stuff before I can call a method that does some further initialization?
L412[05:36:33] <masa> ie. if I add the method call to the end of the super class's constructor then it will crash while the sub class constructor calls super() and then the method gets called and the sub class hasn't yet reached its own constructor stuff
L413[05:36:49] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L414[05:37:17] <masa> so there are unitialized fields that the overridden method would need
L415[05:38:02] <masa> do I just need to be cheap and add null checks and then call the method again at the end of the sub class contructor
L416[05:38:27] <masa> or override the method to be a no-op and then have another method in the sub class
L417[05:38:59] <masa> this just feels messy every way I think about it
L418[05:39:02] ⇦ Quits: laci200270 (~laci20027@ (Quit: Leaving)
L419[05:40:49] <sham1> It is messy but propably needed
L420[05:41:01] ⇨ Joins: laci200270 (~laci20027@
L421[05:41:17] <masa> or should I just leave the method call out of the constructor and call it separately... but then the object isn't in a proper state after the constructor finishes
L422[05:41:42] <fry> OrionOnline: NPE at com.SmithsModding.SmithsCore.Network.Event.EventNetworkManager.Init(EventNetworkManager.java:51) ~[SmithsCore-]
L423[05:42:00] <OrionOnline> what?
L424[05:42:03] <unascribed> you need to compile a new SmithsCore
L425[05:42:12] <unascribed> and put it on the classpath instead of the one in the build.gradle
L426[05:42:25] <OrionOnline> unascribed, i thought i pushed a new version to git to fix that.... Hmm
L427[05:42:39] <unascribed> idk
L428[05:42:44] <unascribed> just saying what I had to do to get it working
L429[05:43:05] <OrionOnline> fry
L430[05:43:14] <OrionOnline> I just pushed that fix to the git
L431[05:43:39] <OrionOnline> You cal pull or just change the smithscore_version line in the build.properties to
L432[05:48:26] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L433[05:48:52] <laci200270> PaleoCrafter, it wasn't my GPU the error
L434[05:49:18] ⇦ Quits: Szernex (~Szernex@188-23-146-13.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L435[05:49:20] <laci200270> My Block file
L436[05:50:36] <PaleoCrafter> lol, I didn't even consider that for a second
L437[05:51:03] <OrionOnline> fry, got the correct version?
L438[05:53:27] <fry> OrionOnline: yes; so, where do I get items with bars?
L439[05:54:35] <OrionOnline> load a world
L440[05:54:44] <OrionOnline> preferably in creative
L441[05:54:51] <OrionOnline> grab your self a firepit
L442[05:54:53] <fry> don't think armory loaded actually
L443[05:54:58] <fry> only Smiths Core
L444[05:55:06] <OrionOnline> You will need armory.... :D
L445[05:55:08] <unascribed> oh, check that src is the source folder
L446[05:55:10] <unascribed> not src/main/java
L447[05:55:45] <fry> yup, that's it
L448[05:56:00] <OrionOnline> sorry i use weird things
L449[05:56:04] <OrionOnline> But i am improving
L450[05:56:20] <unascribed> you've probably already gotten flak for this
L451[05:56:24] <unascribed> but you don't follow any of the conventions
L452[05:56:32] <unascribed> package names are supposed to be lowercase
L453[05:56:34] <unascribed> as are method names
L454[05:56:40] <OrionOnline> unascribed, i know
L455[05:56:44] <unascribed> figured
L456[05:56:56] <OrionOnline> As i told before i am going through all of it and change it
L457[05:56:58] <unascribed> I figured i'd say it anyway since you're learning/improving
L458[05:57:00] <PaleoCrafter> OrionOnline, wasn't it you who used to name variables weirdly as well? :P
L459[05:57:02] <OrionOnline> Just wanted to get this behind me
L460[05:57:09] <OrionOnline> PaleoCrafter, yes paleo
L461[05:57:15] <OrionOnline> which i am changing as well
L462[05:57:31] <unascribed> Spelunky reset my controls >:(
L463[05:58:30] <sham1> What kind of variable names
L464[05:59:18] <ThePsionic> unascribed: shouldn't method names be lowerCamelCase
L465[05:59:23] <unascribed> yes
L466[05:59:30] <unascribed> but he currently puts them in UpperCamelCase
L467[05:59:35] <ThePsionic> Ah
L468[06:00:01] <ThePsionic> That's for classes though ;)
L469[06:00:08] <sham1> He does the C# convention
L470[06:00:39] <ThePsionic> anyway time to food
L471[06:01:37] <Zaggy1024> fry, when you're in noColor mode you shouldn't be able to see lighting unless something isn't respecting that flag
L472[06:02:19] <Zaggy1024> can't see lighting on the block destroy texture, so no point calculating it :)
L473[06:02:20] *** zz_SnowShock35 is now known as SnowShock35
L474[06:04:01] <laci200270> half of my commits are releated to rendering :D
L475[06:06:57] <fry> OrionOnline: I see no leak: http://i.imgur.com/3DmuPRr.png
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L477[06:08:18] <OrionOnline> what
L478[06:08:22] <OrionOnline> that makes no sense
L479[06:08:43] <OrionOnline> ONe sec
L480[06:08:45] <raoulvdberge> If you want to use an item model based on NBT, is implementing getModel() and registring the variant in the model bakery enough?
L481[06:08:49] <Zaggy1024> different vm versions maybe?
L482[06:09:20] <raoulvdberge> Because my item is rendering in hand, but not in the inventory slot itself
L483[06:09:24] ⇦ Quits: Fjolnir|afk (~Fjolnir@ipv6.madjake45.me) (Remote host closed the connection)
L484[06:12:13] <OrionOnline> fry for me it is: http://snag.gy/hZpu2.jpg
L485[06:12:22] <OrionOnline> See the heap size increasing at the end?
L486[06:12:44] ⇦ Quits: primetoxinz (~primetoxi@ip68-107-226-229.hr.hr.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L487[06:13:13] <OrionOnline> even better visible: http://snag.gy/dmKAw.jpg
L488[06:14:23] <fry> you must have uncommited local changes
L489[06:14:35] <fry> since the temperature doesn't increase for me either
L490[06:14:42] <OrionOnline> Wait it does not?
L491[06:14:49] <fry> nope
L492[06:15:20] <OrionOnline> I just pushed the changes
L493[06:16:49] <fry> yup, now temperature works
L494[06:17:12] <fry> and I do see the leak
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L497[06:22:16] <raoulvdberge> Is it still possible to render an TESR an an item, and if so, how?
L498[06:22:55] <laci200270> raoulvdberge, no
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L501[06:26:50] <sham1> Laci, you are wrong. But it is not recommended to be done
L502[06:27:05] <laci200270> the hook is removed in 1.8.8 update
L503[06:27:11] ⇨ Joins: primetoxinz (~primetoxi@ip68-107-226-229.hr.hr.cox.net)
L504[06:27:35] <sham1> Source please
L505[06:27:59] <diesieben07> it isn't there :P
L506[06:28:10] <diesieben07> even vanilla doesn't do it anymore as far as i can see
L507[06:28:52] <laci200270> sham1 I'm searching it
L508[06:28:56] <sham1> Can't check at the moment
L509[06:29:28] <raoulvdberge> crap, I'm still rendering some stuff in TESRs, and it seems lame to make also another renderer in item models
L510[06:29:35] <raoulvdberge> Anyway, I'll make a crappy 2D item texture then.
L511[06:29:57] <masa> yay my inventory stuff is starting to work once again, first time since I started refactoring in 2,5 months ago and then was "busy" with other stuff and lacking motivation
L512[06:30:07] <ThePsionic> hurrah!
L513[06:30:38] <sham1> I'm at the Baltic sea so I am very much away from my IDD
L514[06:30:41] <PaleoCrafter> I still see TileEntityItemStackRenderer ?
L515[06:30:44] <sham1> IDE*
L516[06:30:55] <masa> usual refactoring - stuff works perfectly, start refactoring, and 2,5 months later stuff works almost as good as it did in the first place :p
L517[06:31:00] <laci200270> sham1, I remobered wrong
L518[06:31:10] <laci200270> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blame/master/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/client/ForgeHooksClient.java#L540
L519[06:31:17] <diesieben07> heh yes it is still there....god i am blind
L520[06:31:18] <laci200270> It will be reomoved
L521[06:31:39] <diesieben07> raoulvdberge, ForgeHooksClient.registerTESRItemStack
L522[06:32:15] <raoulvdberge> that hook is problematic
L523[06:32:25] <raoulvdberge> I don't have access to the itemstack in the TESR render method
L524[06:32:30] <OrionOnline> fry, you see the leak no to right?
L525[06:32:38] <diesieben07> indeed you dont
L526[06:32:41] <Wuppy> welp... just purchased 3.1 liters of alcohol :P
L527[06:32:45] <diesieben07> it is a temporary hack to make people shut up
L528[06:32:47] <Wuppy> I think jagermeister is happy with me :P
L529[06:32:55] <diesieben07> if you want to do it properly, use the new models
L530[06:33:05] <diesieben07> +1 for jägermeister :D
L531[06:33:13] <raoulvdberge> it's a bad hack. they might as well remove it because its useless lol
L532[06:33:20] <PaleoCrafter> I didn't even know registerTESRItemStack exists, lol
L533[06:33:34] <sham1> Wuppy, you have a problem
L534[06:33:40] <diesieben07> it was non-existant, people screamed
L535[06:33:42] ⇦ Quits: LexLap2 (~LexManos@ (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L536[06:33:44] <diesieben07> hence it is there now
L537[06:33:49] <Wuppy> sham1, I'm not drinking it all at once, this is for months
L538[06:33:51] <PaleoCrafter> IronChest replaces TileEntityItemStackRenderer.instance, or at least it used to
L539[06:33:59] <Wuppy> also 1.4 liters is not for me but for a friend
L540[06:34:01] <diesieben07> yes that was the hack
L541[06:36:52] <sham1> Jaegermeister
L542[06:37:28] <Wuppy> whats up with jager?
L543[06:37:36] <diesieben07> it's jäger
L544[06:37:47] <PaleoCrafter> fry, why ain't the new animation commited yet? :P
L545[06:37:48] <Wuppy> my keyboard doesnt do that a :P
L546[06:37:59] <diesieben07> i know i am joking
L547[06:38:05] <fry> PaleoCrafter: because it's not done yet
L548[06:38:14] <Wuppy> but damn that stuff is good <3
L549[06:38:19] <fry> there's no json parsing and I've received 0 feedback
L550[06:38:34] <diesieben07> very true
L551[06:38:52] <sham1> I just noticed that drone.io works with haskell
L552[06:39:34] <PaleoCrafter> I'M talking about the forge logo :P
L553[06:39:34] <sham1> Or rather can build haskell
L554[06:40:00] <Wuppy> woop woop, I'm going on a weekend vacation with nothing but students soon... this gun be good
L555[06:40:27] <fry> ah, well, simply didn't get around to it
L556[06:40:33] <fry> too much else going on
L557[06:43:23] <sham1> A new forge logo
L558[06:43:33] <sham1> Wat
L559[06:43:39] <fry> meet the new boss
L560[06:43:40] <diesieben07> just the loading animatino (the hammer)
L561[06:43:43] <fry> same as the old boss
L562[06:44:28] <Wuppy> fry, besides the name there is no difference between the forge src and mdk right?
L563[06:44:36] <fry> yup
L564[06:44:42] <raoulvdberge> Anyone know how I can make my block update redstone power? I tried worldObj.notifyBlockOfStateChange but that doesn't do anythin
L565[06:44:43] <fry> I think so
L566[06:44:43] <Wuppy> \o/
L567[06:45:59] <sham1> It'
L568[06:46:20] <sham1> I've stayed away from coding for almost 24 hours
L569[06:46:36] <sham1> I dunno how I managed that
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L571[06:50:47] <fry> OrionOnline: leak is in the obj model cache
L572[06:52:20] <PaleoCrafter> i.e. blame it on shade? xD
L573[06:52:33] <fry> investigating
L574[06:52:43] <sham1> #BlameShadeKiller
L575[06:55:19] <fry> OrionOnline: so, OBJState doesn't override .equals and .hashcode; each time you fire a block update for a firepit, a new model is created, and stored in the "cache" (hashmap)
L576[06:56:01] <OrionOnline> Okey
L577[06:56:04] <Zaggy1024> ouch
L578[06:56:08] <OrionOnline> So what am i supposed to then
L579[06:56:15] <OrionOnline> Is there a way io can fix it myself?
L580[06:56:19] <fry> I'll fix it on my side soon
L581[06:56:28] <fry> but you can fix it for yourself too
L582[06:56:37] <fry> cache visibleParts
L583[06:56:47] <sham1> #BlameShadeKiller
L584[06:57:00] <fry> or, more specifically, cache OBJState for each visibleParts instance
L585[06:57:18] <diesieben07> also while you are at it fry, why in the fuck does OBJModel use a mutable synchronized list? instead of just an immutableList? :D
L586[06:57:34] <fry> diesieben07: don't ask me
L587[06:57:39] <ThePsionic> sham1: it's really easy
L588[06:57:42] <ThePsionic> just stop caring
L589[06:58:21] <diesieben07> fucking shade...
L590[06:59:01] <sham1> ThePsionic, more like I am in the middle of the Baltic Sea and I don't have my laptop with mi
L591[06:59:14] <sham1> And this wifi in this ferry sucks
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L593[07:01:21] <ThePsionic> why would you even want to be in a ferry in the middle of the Baltic
L594[07:02:01] <diesieben07> that question is not valid
L595[07:02:05] <diesieben07> because it's awesome :D
L596[07:02:17] <sham1> Turku-Stockholm-Turku route
L597[07:02:31] <OrionOnline> fry., so i am off the hook? It is not my mistake?
L598[07:02:45] <Wuppy> if you leave a ranked game in rocket league in 30 second you are literally the worst kind of person
L599[07:03:39] <sham1> And my god is this dull
L600[07:03:52] <fry> OrionOnline: ideally, you could've looked at how exactly OBJModel's handleBlockState works; but most blame is on the shade
L601[07:06:04] <fry> OrionOnline: also, totally your fault for not being able to read a heap dump :P
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L605[07:10:33] <fry> anyway, fixed (hopefully :P): https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/commit/10658f682e5c962ff029e2ba1e29468cf9048dca
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L611[07:12:04] <diesieben07> fry, Objects.hash is java 7
L612[07:12:21] <diesieben07> use Objects (from guava).hashCode
L613[07:12:26] <fry> we're not in java7
L614[07:12:33] <fry> ah, lol
L615[07:12:34] <diesieben07> hence my comment.
L616[07:12:37] <fry> wrong import
L617[07:12:44] <fry> fuck eclipse.
L618[07:13:49] <fry> ty
L619[07:18:49] <Overreacted> How would i goa bout and make a scrollable inventory?
L620[07:19:27] <Zaggy1024> depth masking, I guess :P
L621[07:20:11] <Wuppy> is spotify worth it?
L622[07:20:15] <Wuppy> 99 cents for 3 months now :O
L623[07:20:25] <Overreacted> I don't even know how to start, that's the problem, should i have a look at the search tab in the creative inventory?
L624[07:20:36] <Zaggy1024> if you listen to the music they have on it, of course it's worth it :P
L625[07:20:48] <Overreacted> yeah, 99 cents for simply being able to download your music and listen to it while offline
L626[07:20:51] <Wuppy> damn, it's 10 euros a month normally :O
L627[07:20:56] <Wuppy> that's waaaay over priced
L628[07:22:15] <Zaggy1024> just make sure you cancel before they charge you again :P
L629[07:23:36] <OrionOnline> fry, i have never read one like this befor
L630[07:23:43] <Wuppy> exactly
L631[07:23:47] <OrionOnline> Usually they are small as hell
L632[07:23:54] <Wuppy> I made a massive note in my google calendar for it :P
L633[07:23:55] <OrionOnline> And i can easily trace it
L634[07:24:10] <Wuppy> if I miss that one, I diserve to overpay for spotify :P
L635[07:24:19] * fry loaded it in eclipse mat
L636[07:24:39] <fry> it showed OBJModel occupying 90% of the heap
L637[07:24:42] <fry> I looked inside
L638[07:24:57] <fry> saw that the hashmap cache occupied the majority of that
L639[07:25:01] <fry> bingo
L640[07:25:42] ⇨ Joins: laci200270 (~laci20027@
L641[07:27:39] <OrionOnline> Okey, that is true,
L642[07:27:59] <OrionOnline> It is just that i have no clue how the OBJ is supposed to work (yet) so i had no reference to compare it too
L643[07:28:08] <OrionOnline> I marked it as out of place in my mind
L644[07:28:14] <OrionOnline> But not really wrong
L645[07:28:21] <OrionOnline> I assumed that it worked correctly
L646[07:31:01] <Wuppy> damn.. looking at my agenda it seems like I literally have a party or event planned every single weekend from now till about the end of april :O
L647[07:31:27] <fry> Wuppy: can you go 5 miutes without talking about partying? :P
L648[07:31:36] <Wuppy> not easy :<
L649[07:31:47] <OrionOnline> Wuppy is dutch student
L650[07:31:53] <OrionOnline> We do nothing else then party :D
L651[07:32:19] <Wuppy> also, the last time I talked about parties is like 3 hours ago :P
L652[07:32:34] <Wuppy> OrionOnline, we also learn a lot
L653[07:32:40] <Wuppy> but only at convenient times :P
L654[07:32:43] <OrionOnline> That is also true
L655[07:32:44] <fry> Wuppy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperbole
L656[07:32:46] ⇨ Joins: big_Xplosion (~big_Xplos@37.ip-51-255-167.eu)
L657[07:33:10] <Wuppy> but partying is good for you!
L658[07:33:19] <Wuppy> not for your liver, but it is good
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L660[07:36:58] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L661[07:37:36] <Overreacted> what method makes an EntityLivingBase get hit
L662[07:37:48] <Overreacted> like, on interaction I want the entity to take 1 damage
L663[07:39:25] <sham1> Entity class has methods that take in damagesource ;)
L664[07:40:06] <OrionOnline> fry, so a temp fix would just be not mark the block for update untill a new version of version is pushed?
L665[07:40:38] <fry> that would be the simplest thing to do, yes, but the new version is pushed :P
L666[07:41:02] <fry> http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.8.9-
L667[07:45:22] <OrionOnline> Allright
L668[07:45:26] <OrionOnline> updating that then
L669[07:45:53] <OrionOnline> Thanks fry btw
L670[07:45:58] <OrionOnline> You rock man
L671[07:46:28] <fry> prepare for 400 errors :P
L672[07:46:32] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L673[07:47:05] <fry> you're on a quite old build :P
L674[07:47:23] <OrionOnline> I know
L675[07:47:35] <OrionOnline> Did that much change
L676[07:47:37] <OrionOnline> ??
L677[07:47:48] <fry> nope
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L679[07:49:43] <OrionOnline> okey...... i am confused..... was that 400 error a joke?
L680[07:50:11] <fry> nope
L681[07:50:31] <fry> I tried to copy your source into the forgedev
L682[07:50:35] <fry> got 400 errors
L683[07:50:47] <fry> some are probably due to the mising deps though
L684[07:50:52] <fry> but some not
L685[07:51:50] <OrionOnline> i will try an report :D
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L688[07:58:58] <Overreacted> Can't you add more colors to a tooltip than just the "\u00A7x" colors? Like I want brown instead of gold.
L689[07:59:17] <McJty> Hi, I'm trying to find a nice example of a ISmartBlockModel that generates quads algorithmically (based on getExtendedState from the block)
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L691[07:59:40] <McJty> Also what's the difference between getFaceQuads and getGeneralQuads?
L692[08:00:13] <diesieben07> getGeneralQuads: quads that are always visible. getFaceQuads: quads that form the given face
L693[08:00:26] <diesieben07> i assume the face quads are hidden when that face is obstructed
L694[08:00:30] <McJty> So getFaceQuads from all faces == getGeneralQuads?
L695[08:00:37] <McJty> Or is getGeneralQuads usually empty?
L696[08:00:38] <PaleoCrafter> Overreacted, you can make it use a custom font renderer
L697[08:00:52] <Overreacted> What's that?
L698[08:01:05] <diesieben07> McJty, getGeneralQuads = quads you want to render always. don't put quads in both
L699[08:01:17] <diesieben07> (also someone correct me if i am wrong :D)
L700[08:01:37] <McJty> Also I have a question about https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/src/test/java/net/minecraftforge/debug/ModelBakeEventDebug.java
L701[08:01:44] <McJty> There you have: public static class CustomModel implements IBakedModel, ISmartBlockModel, ISmartItemModel
L702[08:01:57] <McJty> But ISmartBlockModel already implements IBakedModel. So what is that IBakedModel doing there?
L703[08:02:05] <diesieben07> it's redundant
L704[08:02:08] <sham1> Diesieb, did you have an example of a droneio job
L705[08:02:50] <McJty> Ok, so in the BakedQuad() constructor there is a 'tintIndex' parameter. What does that do?
L706[08:02:55] <diesieben07> sham1, https://drone.io/github.com/diesieben07/Modjam-4/admin
L707[08:03:13] <ZaggyMobile2> Used for block color multipliers
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L709[08:03:20] <PaleoCrafter> Overreacted, look at Item#getFontRenderer and net.minecraft.client.gui.FontRenderer
L710[08:03:26] <Overreacted> okay
L711[08:03:31] *** TTFT|Away is now known as TTFTCUTS
L712[08:03:35] <McJty> zaggy, What are those?
L713[08:03:42] <diesieben07> e.g. grass color and such
L714[08:03:46] <McJty> ah
L715[08:03:49] <ZaggyMobile2> Block and item color multipliers actually
L716[08:03:57] <diesieben07> the tintIndex is the last param passed to Block.colorMultiplier
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L722[08:27:47] <Overreacted> does NBt get stored only on client or only on server (initially)?
L723[08:28:00] <unascribed> in what context
L724[08:28:25] <Overreacted> like when I use my item on an entity, it stores the nbt of that entity in a tag of the certain stack
L725[08:28:48] <diesieben07> it depends on what you do :P
L726[08:29:00] <diesieben07> but generally data is only saved on the server
L727[08:29:00] <unascribed> for items
L728[08:29:10] <unascribed> if getShareTag is true (it's true by default)
L729[08:29:13] <diesieben07> ItemStack NBT is special though, since it is used weirdly
L730[08:29:17] <unascribed> NBT is on the server and client, synced automatically
L731[08:29:21] <diesieben07> because normally NBT is just for savint to disk
L732[08:29:27] <Overreacted> yeah because there's a small problem
L733[08:29:42] <Overreacted> When it right-clicks, it creates that certain tag
L734[08:30:00] <Overreacted> and the method first checks if that tag isn't there already (So you can't use it twice)
L735[08:30:12] <Overreacted> but I can still use it multiple times
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L737[08:30:53] <diesieben07> show your code
L738[08:30:54] *** Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L739[08:31:59] <Overreacted> http://pastebin.com/TDusMF9g
L740[08:32:41] <unascribed> the compound probably isn't null
L741[08:32:48] <diesieben07> well, you use getSubCompound in getUnlocalizedName
L742[08:32:53] <diesieben07> which is called often
L743[08:33:02] <diesieben07> so it will just basically always crete the compound
L744[08:33:10] <diesieben07> actually wait, you use false there
L745[08:33:18] <Overreacted> Was just about to say that yeah
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L747[08:38:08] <Overreacted> so is there a way to send something to register that it actually has that certain tag?
L748[08:38:22] <diesieben07> no need to do that
L749[08:38:47] <Overreacted> ?
L750[08:38:55] <Overreacted> But it doesn't register
L751[08:39:26] <diesieben07> i don't know what it is, but your code looks fine...
L752[08:39:48] <Overreacted> isn't there some kind of markDirty() for itemstack?
L753[08:40:38] <diesieben07> no
L754[08:41:22] <diesieben07> use a debugger to find out what the actual values are the 2nd time around
L755[08:42:10] <Overreacted> fixed it.
L756[08:42:16] <diesieben07> what was it?
L757[08:42:52] <Overreacted> Just replaced the stack.getTagCompound() == null with stack.getSubCompound("Information", false) == null in the isEmpty() method
L758[08:42:57] <Overreacted> seemed to work
L759[08:43:12] ⇦ Quits: Hunterz (~hunterz@ip-160-218-247-247.eurotel.cz) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L760[08:43:16] <diesieben07> ahh yeah that makes sense
L761[08:43:18] ⇨ Joins: laci200270 (~laci20027@
L762[08:43:34] <Overreacted> is there a way to change texture based on whether it has that subcompound or not?
L763[08:43:42] <diesieben07> 1.7 or 1.8?
L764[08:43:46] <laci200270> basics java question:
L765[08:43:49] <Overreacted> 1.8
L766[08:44:03] <laci200270> if I give an object to a method
L767[08:44:06] <diesieben07> ModelLoader.setCustomMeshDefinition+
L768[08:44:12] <laci200270> and I add elements to it
L769[08:44:34] <laci200270> can I use the added objects in the upper method?
L770[08:44:39] <diesieben07> yes
L771[08:44:44] <diesieben07> Objects are passed as pointers
L772[08:44:48] <laci200270> thanks
L773[08:44:53] <Overreacted> Do I need to specify that in the item class or in my ItemRenderRegistry?
L774[08:45:03] <diesieben07> neither
L775[08:45:06] <diesieben07> you call it in preInit
L776[08:45:19] <diesieben07> with your Item and a ItemMeshDefintion
L777[08:45:31] <diesieben07> the ItemMeshDefintion determines the model for any ItemStack of your Item
L778[08:46:01] <Overreacted> oh you mean Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem()/getItemModelMesher().register()?
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L780[08:46:29] <diesieben07> No.
L781[08:46:38] <diesieben07> you shouldn't be using that.
L782[08:46:42] <Overreacted> No?
L783[08:46:43] <diesieben07> Use ModelLoader.XXX instead
L784[08:46:59] <Overreacted> Is it still okay to use that method for normal items?
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L786[08:47:36] <diesieben07> it works, but you are encouraged (why exactly? ask fry.) to use ModelLoader instead
L787[08:47:42] <Overreacted> okay
L788[08:47:44] <diesieben07> they do the exact same thing
L789[08:48:07] <Overreacted> so whats the meshdefinition then
L790[08:48:19] <diesieben07> as i said, it maps ItemStack to Model
L791[08:48:27] <diesieben07> you can return whatever model you want based on the ItemStack
L792[08:48:42] <Overreacted> just the basic Item model then, no?
L793[08:48:54] <diesieben07> i thought you wanted to change it...
L794[08:49:02] <Overreacted> I want to change the texture
L795[08:49:16] <diesieben07> that means using a different model in 1.8
L796[08:49:20] <Overreacted> ohh
L797[08:49:42] <Overreacted> so basically the meshdefinition should refer to the assets/modname/models/item
L798[08:49:50] <diesieben07> yes
L799[08:49:57] <Overreacted> now it makes sense
L800[08:50:05] <diesieben07> it returns whatever ou passed to getItemModelMesher().register() before
L801[08:50:17] <diesieben07> but now it is dynamic and you can change it
L802[08:50:24] <Overreacted> okay
L803[08:51:27] <Overreacted> so how do i get the specific ItemStack from Item then
L804[08:51:28] <fry> diesieben07, Overreacted: use ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation in preinit; it runs before the first resource load pass, so you woun't get errors in the log + sometimes wrong model cached for your item
L805[08:51:41] <diesieben07> aha :D
L806[08:51:45] <Overreacted> :P
L807[08:55:33] *** Vigaro is now known as Vigaro|AFK
L808[08:57:20] <Overreacted> so should I just do ItemStack stack = new ItemStack(HPItems#Syringe) and then check if that stack has the subcompound?
L809[08:57:57] <diesieben07> no....
L810[08:58:12] <diesieben07> ItemMeshdefinition has one method. that method gives the stack to you.
L811[08:58:12] <Overreacted> But I don't see any other method to get a specific Itemstack
L812[08:58:17] <Overreacted> okay
L813[08:58:24] <diesieben07> if you just create a NEW ItemStack of course it will NOT have any data on it...
L814[08:58:30] <Overreacted> logic
L815[08:58:33] <Overreacted> sorry
L816[08:59:19] <laci200270> diesieben07, can this work? http://pastebin.com/pKBsPW9k
L817[08:59:45] <diesieben07> yes, but it can be more efficient.
L818[08:59:51] <diesieben07> use a Set isntead of a list
L819[09:00:16] <laci200270> why?
L820[09:00:20] <diesieben07> and then isntead of a contains() + an add jsut call add directly, the rturn value will tell you if the value was there before (if it was you don't recurse, otherwise you do)
L821[09:00:30] <diesieben07> because List.contains is very slow compared to a Set
L822[09:00:35] <laci200270> oh
L823[09:00:37] <laci200270> thx
L824[09:01:03] <diesieben07> so: if (block == myBlock && set.add(pos)) { // recurse }
L825[09:01:14] <gigaherz> a Set is optimized checking if something already was inserted
L826[09:01:26] <laci200270> thanks
L827[09:01:45] <OrionOnline> !!latest
L828[09:01:46] <MCPBot_Reborn> === Latest Mappings ===
L829[09:01:47] <MCPBot_Reborn> MC Version Forge Gradle Channel
L830[09:01:47] <MCPBot_Reborn> 1.8.9 snapshot_20151230
L831[09:01:48] <MCPBot_Reborn> 1.8.8 snapshot_20151229
L832[09:01:49] <MCPBot_Reborn> 1.8.8 stable_20
L833[09:01:49] <gigaherz> a List is optimized for fast adding to the end, fast indexed lookups, and fast iteration
L834[09:01:49] <MCPBot_Reborn> 1.8 snapshot_20151128
L835[09:01:50] <MCPBot_Reborn> 1.8 stable_18
L836[09:01:51] <MCPBot_Reborn> 1.7.10 snapshot_20140925
L837[09:01:51] <MCPBot_Reborn> 1.7.10 stable_12
L838[09:02:00] <gigaherz> OrionOnline: add the version at the end to avoid spam ;P
L839[09:02:08] <diesieben07> or just avoid !! :D
L840[09:02:12] <fry> ^
L841[09:02:15] <diesieben07> gigaherz, not necessarily fast indexed lookups :P LinkedList.get is just iteration
L842[09:02:21] <laci200270> OrionOnline, you can use only one !
L843[09:02:26] <OrionOnline> diesieben07, how am i supposed to do it then? only one?
L844[09:02:27] <OrionOnline> Ah oke
L845[09:02:35] <OrionOnline> I thought it would PM me that
L846[09:02:36] <gigaherz> diesieben07: true, I keep forgetting java list != arraylist
L847[09:02:37] <gigaherz> XD
L848[09:02:38] <diesieben07> yeah one ! just sends it to you instead of the whole channel
L849[09:02:45] <OrionOnline> Ah okey
L850[09:02:48] <diesieben07> well, meh. nobody needs LinkedList
L851[09:02:51] <OrionOnline> Good to know thank you
L852[09:03:06] <gigaherz> diesieben07: C# List is th arraylist
L853[09:03:13] <gigaherz> the interface is IList ;P
L854[09:03:20] <diesieben07> c# just sucks so much
L855[09:03:24] <gigaherz> hence the continuous confusion ;P
L856[09:03:34] <diesieben07> i don't care how amazing the technology behind .net might be
L857[09:03:41] <diesieben07> but their naming scheme is just disgusting
L858[09:03:42] <sham1> ArrayList I
L859[09:03:53] <sham1> Is the most used List in Java
L860[09:04:01] <diesieben07> of course :D
L861[09:04:24] <sham1> We have hashset
L862[09:04:40] <diesieben07> HashSet is actually pretty awful, but it's all we got
L863[09:05:27] <fry> why is it awful? :P
L864[09:05:36] <diesieben07> it just wraps a Map...
L865[09:05:42] <laci200270> in school we are learning c#
L866[09:05:43] <diesieben07> and all the overhead that brings
L867[09:05:53] <laci200270> i searched for HashMap for over a hour
L868[09:05:54] <fry> really?
L869[09:06:00] <diesieben07> yes
L870[09:06:07] <gigaherz> laci200270: it's called Dictionary ;P
L871[09:06:11] <laci200270> yeah
L872[09:06:21] <laci200270> I searched for it in the break
L873[09:06:30] <fry> heh, it does
L874[09:06:42] <gigaherz> although there's SortedList if you want to be able to lookup the items by index
L875[09:06:57] <fry> eh, means it's fast enough :P
L876[09:07:08] <diesieben07> i don't mean speed, i meant memory mostly ;D
L877[09:07:33] <gigaherz> wouldn't you end up having almost the same structure?
L878[09:07:40] <fry> it's all references :P
L879[09:07:44] <gigaherz> you still need to attach a value to each node in the tree
L880[09:07:49] <diesieben07> HashMap is built on Entry objects.
L881[09:07:58] <fry> but yes, probably more overhead than a naive set :P
L882[09:08:02] <diesieben07> so evey Entry has an Entry with has several fields
L883[09:08:09] <diesieben07> .next, .key, .value and so on
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L885[09:08:16] <sham1> I never understood SortedSet
L886[09:08:27] <diesieben07> why not? :D
L887[09:08:56] <gigaherz> sham1: the only difference between a Set and a Map, is that in the Set, the value is the key itself
L888[09:09:09] <gigaherz> so in theory, you can "save" a field in the structure ;P
L889[09:09:12] <sham1> Sets by their nature are unsorted
L890[09:09:17] *** SnowShock35 is now known as zz_SnowShock35
L891[09:09:18] <diesieben07> eh no
L892[09:09:23] <diesieben07> a Set of integers can be sorted
L893[09:09:31] <gigaherz> sets are unordered
L894[09:09:33] <diesieben07> their values have an order
L895[09:09:33] <gigaherz> not unsorted
L896[09:09:44] <gigaherz> you don't know in which order they were inserted
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L899[09:16:40] MineBot sets mode: +v on RichardG
L900[09:21:31] <laci200270> diesieben07, how can I make a new Set<>()?
L901[09:21:36] <laci200270> what implements it?
L902[09:21:38] <diesieben07> new HashSet
L903[09:22:03] <laci200270> thanks
L904[09:22:03] <gigaherz> HashSet is one of the few things where the C# name matches ;P
L905[09:22:08] <fry> Sets.newHashSet() :P
L906[09:22:32] <diesieben07> meh those stupid factories are obsolete .P
L907[09:22:49] <fry> (not if you're keeping java6 compat :P)
L908[09:22:55] <gigaherz> factories owuld be interesting if you didn't know which type to create
L909[09:23:12] <gigaherz> Collections.withFastInsertion().withIndexedLookup().create();
L910[09:23:32] <gigaherz> and it returned either List, Set, or Map depending on the choices XD
L911[09:24:06] <fry> java type inference probably sucks too much for that to happen :P
L912[09:24:08] <diesieben07> then you would need a common interface
L913[09:24:16] <diesieben07> actually no
L914[09:24:17] <diesieben07> but yeah
L915[09:24:28] <gigaherz> nah oyu'd need a shitton of intermediate classes
L916[09:24:32] <gigaherz> well interfaces ;P
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L921[09:25:32] <fry> actually, I think lack of per-type case generics and erasure contribute to this being impossible
L922[09:25:48] <gigaherz> only in a nice way
L923[09:26:09] <gigaherz> wait I see waht you mean
L924[09:26:23] <gigaherz> hmm nah
L925[09:26:41] <gigaherz> now I need to make a little proof of concept to verify
L926[09:26:42] <gigaherz> :/
L927[09:27:11] <fry> you can definitely pull this of if you pass the class :P
L928[09:27:18] <fry> but that defeats the whole purpose
L929[09:28:09] <fry> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6093363/generic-factory-with-unknown-implementation-classes
L930[09:29:30] <gigaherz> hmmm the bigger problem I see would be the lack of var/auto in java
L931[09:30:11] <fry> that's the inverse issue
L932[09:30:31] <fry> var c = Collections.withFastInsertion().withIndexedLookup().create(); contains no info at all
L933[09:30:46] ⇨ Joins: Szernex (~Szernex@194-166-245-27.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L934[09:30:48] <gigaherz> the way I was picturing it
L935[09:30:52] <masa> ugh what the... why does eclipse now refuse to show proper syntax hilughting for the mc/forge sources, but it does for my mod sources...
L936[09:30:59] <fry> var c = Collections.withFastInsertion().withIndexedLookup().createMap(); is inferring from right to left
L937[09:31:00] <masa> time to reset the workspace I guess ;_;
L938[09:31:17] <gigaherz> Collections.startBuilding() would return an interface pointer for like GenericCollectionBuilder
L939[09:31:19] <fry> Map<String, Int> m = Collections.withFastInsertion().withIndexedLookup().create() is inferring from left to the right
L940[09:31:42] <gigaherz> then withFastInsertion() would return a InsertionCollectionBuilder, then withIndexedLookup() would return a ListBuilder
L941[09:32:16] <gigaherz> and the .create() would just be called on the current builder
L942[09:32:27] <fry> well, that's certanly possible
L943[09:32:54] <gigaherz> yes but .create on a list builder would return a List, while the .create on a MapBuilder woudl return a Map
L944[09:33:21] <gigaherz> but java lacking type-inferred variables means you have to make it explicit
L945[09:33:39] <gigaherz> whic makes it less fun
L946[09:33:49] <gigaherz> if you already know it's a list
L947[09:34:04] <gigaherz> then you'd just want a ListBuilder directly, iy wouldn't make sense to have a generic collection builder anymore
L948[09:34:17] <gigaherz> it*
L949[09:34:27] <PaleoCrafter> still is cool for selecting the appropriate implementation ;)
L950[09:35:07] <gigaherz> sure, ListBuilder.begin().withFastInsertion().create() could still prefer LinkedList over ArrayList
L951[09:36:06] <PaleoCrafter> withFastInsertion isn't specific enough :P
L952[09:36:17] <sham1> Never got the fact that people do not really like linked lists
L953[09:36:24] <sham1> Yeah they can be slow
L954[09:36:27] <gigaherz> sham1: they use like 3x the memory ;P
L955[09:36:48] <gigaherz> the best case for a linked list
L956[09:37:03] <gigaherz> is a byvalue structure
L957[09:37:25] <gigaherz> where the array contains structs with {prev, next, value}
L958[09:37:27] <gigaherz> if it's doubly linked
L959[09:37:35] <gigaherz> {next, value} for single linked
L960[09:37:42] <gigaherz> and prev/next are indices
L961[09:37:52] <gigaherz> that's the most compact you can make a linked list
L962[09:38:05] <gigaherz> in Java, given that byvalue structs aren't a thing
L963[09:38:05] <sham1> Well how does that differ from using just nodes
L964[09:38:11] <gigaherz> you'd need 2 or 3 arrays
L965[09:38:26] <gigaherz> one for "nexts", one optionally for "prevs", and one for values
L966[09:38:35] <gigaherz> and then the common implementation
L967[09:38:42] <gigaherz> which uses byref nodes
L968[09:38:56] <gigaherz> which means each entry is wrapped by another object also allocated on the heap
L969[09:39:03] <gigaherz> means from 3x32 at best
L970[09:39:13] <gigaherz> goes to like 16-20 bytes extra for each reference
L971[09:39:16] <Wuppy> that's it, chrome is officially broken...
L972[09:39:21] <Wuppy> you can't even play a video anymore
L973[09:39:35] <sham1> Just have a class for a node: {data, nextNode}
L974[09:40:10] <sham1> Then you can chain them and have the final node have the nextNode be null
L975[09:40:42] <Overreacted> umm fry I'm getting missing texture at ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(HPItems.TestItem, 0, new ModelResourceLocation(ModBase.MODID + ":" + HPItems.TestItem.getUnlocalizedName(), "inventory")) while HPItems.TestItem.getUnlocalizedName() returns "testitem" and the model defining file testitem.json is located in assets/modname/models/item
L976[09:41:01] <fry> don't use .getUnlocalizedName()
L977[09:41:25] <Overreacted> mmkay
L978[09:41:54] <OrionOnline> fry, how do the optionals work in the IModelStates?
L979[09:42:18] <fry> read the javadoc of IModelState, I tried to explain it there
L980[09:42:50] <OrionOnline> Sorry wrong question
L981[09:42:58] <OrionOnline> How do i make a optional one from a IModelPart
L982[09:43:11] <OrionOnline> cause just passing the part as a parameter is not a option
L983[09:43:15] <fry> Optional.of(part)
L984[09:43:22] ⇦ Quits: auenfx4 (David@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L994[09:49:47] *** Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L995[09:52:45] <Overreacted> diesieben07 with the specific method in ItemMeshDefinition do you mean ItemMeshDefinition#getModelLocation()?
L996[09:52:52] <laci200270> how the seconf paramter can be null there? https://github.com/laci200270/Energy-mod/blob/master/src/main/java/hu/laci200270/energymod/common/tile/TileEnergyConduit.java#L127
L997[09:53:02] <laci200270> *second
L998[09:53:03] <Overreacted> If so, it still needs an ItemStack as param
L999[09:56:21] <PaleoCrafter> laci200270, you're using TileEntity.pos for your checks
L1000[09:56:30] <PaleoCrafter> that's the position of your current TE
L1001[09:56:36] <laci200270> oh
L1002[09:56:38] <laci200270> thanks
L1003[09:59:21] <OrionOnline> fry, i have a present for you, something i donnot really understand: https://gist.github.com/OrionDevelopment/39a6e06eb8c28c7c8a7d
L1004[09:59:31] <OrionOnline> the state i get passed is not complete????
L1005[09:59:40] <OrionOnline> How is that even possible ?
L1006[10:00:12] <fry> you didn't recompile something
L1007[10:00:19] <fry> probably that library
L1008[10:00:54] <OrionOnline> It already recompiled
L1009[10:01:06] <OrionOnline> And that worked just fine
L1010[10:01:38] <OrionOnline> Both Armory and SmithsCore compile just fine
L1011[10:01:56] <OrionOnline> It is just when i run i get a IModelState, without a apply method?
L1012[10:02:27] <fry> AbstractMethodError can't happen without compile errors
L1013[10:02:37] <fry> (since I'm not using reflection)
L1014[10:02:49] <fry> check that you're not running the old version.
L1015[10:02:51] <gigaherz> back
L1016[10:02:52] <gigaherz> [16:39] (sham1): Just have a class for a node: {data, nextNode}
L1017[10:02:52] <gigaherz> [16:40] (sham1): Then you can chain them and have the final node have the nextNode be null
L1018[10:02:55] <gigaherz> that's how they work
L1019[10:03:07] <OrionOnline> Hmm i might have a problem with the default state, one sec
L1020[10:03:09] <gigaherz> and that's indirectly why they are so slow and use so much memory ;P
L1021[10:03:13] ⇨ Joins: KanoCodex (~Giratina5@2604:180:0:368::bcd8)
L1022[10:03:15] <masa> Overreacted: well I believe the idea is that you extend ItemMeshDefinition and override getModelLocation() so that it return the correct ResourceLocation based on the ItemStack NBT data. And then you register that mesher.
L1023[10:03:17] <sham1> You don't need 3 arrays then
L1024[10:03:33] <gigaherz> you don't need any array
L1025[10:03:44] <gigaherz> the arrays are to avoid having so many Nodeinstances in the heap
L1026[10:03:45] <gigaherz> ;P
L1027[10:03:46] <Overreacted> extending it? Where? In my preInit()?
L1028[10:04:02] <Overreacted> or in my Item class on the interaction event?
L1029[10:05:00] <masa> in preInit when you register your stuff, you can register an anonymous class that extends ItemMEshDefition, unless I got my terminology fucked up there
L1030[10:05:05] <OrionOnline> Fry i found the error
L1031[10:05:17] <fry> good
L1032[10:05:18] <OrionOnline> For some reason it allows me to do IPerspectiveAwareState.Impl
L1033[10:05:22] <Overreacted> Okay and then?
L1034[10:05:22] <OrionOnline> as a Default state
L1035[10:05:30] <Overreacted> How do i get the ItemStack?
L1036[10:05:37] <OrionOnline> Which is what i was using as a default on all my items
L1037[10:05:41] <Overreacted> I'm basically trying to change the texture when I use the item on an entity
L1038[10:05:45] <fry> OrionOnline: run gradle clean
L1039[10:05:46] <OrionOnline> And that has no apply method..
L1040[10:06:27] <OrionOnline> onit
L1041[10:07:25] <masa> Overreacted: you mean for getModelLocation? You don't, it is the param that gets passed to the method when mc calls it. You just override ie. provide the method so that it maps your NBT to the correct model location. So in your case you would return a separate model when that stack happens to have that Information tag present, otherwise return the default model/texture location.
L1042[10:07:33] ⇨ Joins: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@f054179113.adsl.alicedsl.de)
L1043[10:08:12] <Overreacted> okay i get it now
L1044[10:09:25] ⇨ Joins: RANKSHANK (~RANKSHANK@pa49-195-151-144.pa.nsw.optusnet.com.au)
L1045[10:11:24] <Overreacted> Ummm... getModelLocation is an abstract method and thus has no body, so isn't it impossible to work with it then?
L1046[10:11:37] <Overreacted> like, work with it's parameter
L1047[10:12:48] <OrionOnline> A clean does not fix it fry
L1048[10:13:11] <fry> redo the ide setup too
L1049[10:13:15] <Overreacted> Like, i can't add something like if (stack.getSubCompound("tag") == null)
L1050[10:13:35] <OrionOnline> already done
L1051[10:13:43] <OrionOnline> I rebuild the whole environment
L1052[10:13:54] <fry> Overreacted: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/anonymousclasses.html
L1053[10:13:56] <OrionOnline> It does not matter if i take the Lib or the direct source code
L1054[10:14:11] <fry> OrionOnline: I have no idea where it's coming from then
L1055[10:14:38] <OrionOnline> For Some reason the IPerspectiveAwareState.Impl does not have a apply method which makes no sense, since i can see it in code
L1056[10:16:14] <OrionOnline> fry you are missing an Override in that implementation
L1057[10:16:41] ⇨ Joins: Samario (~Samario@cpc5-bigg3-2-0-cust219.9-2.cable.virginm.net)
L1058[10:17:42] <fry> there's no IPerspectiveAwareState anymore
L1059[10:18:01] <OrionOnline> Then why is it sill in the source for 1.8.9-
L1060[10:18:31] <OrionOnline> http://snag.gy/eBufE.jpg
L1061[10:19:11] <fry> no idea
L1062[10:19:17] <fry> don't have it on my end
L1063[10:19:26] <OrionOnline> ... what?
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L1067[10:22:40] <laci200270> any ideas why this shit doesn't want to work? https://github.com/laci200270/Energy-mod/blob/master/src/main/java/hu/laci200270/energymod/common/tile/TileEnergyCell.java#L59-L74
L1068[10:22:55] <OrionOnline> i ran a clean cache twice now
L1069[10:23:10] <OrionOnline> The IPerspectiveState reappears everytime.-......
L1070[10:23:41] <laci200270> try gradlew clean
L1071[10:23:55] ⇦ Quits: Overreacted (~Overreact@2a02:1811:2d21:7000:8939:2d65:2838:142f) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1072[10:24:06] <laci200270> and then gradlew setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies
L1073[10:24:11] <laci200270> and then gradlew idea
L1074[10:24:17] ⇨ Joins: Overreacted (~Overreact@2a02:1811:2d21:7000:8939:2d65:2838:142f)
L1075[10:25:36] <OrionOnline> on it
L1076[10:25:51] <PaleoCrafter> do *not* use the idea task :P
L1077[10:25:55] <OrionOnline> I think i know what is up
L1078[10:25:57] <PaleoCrafter> just import the darn build.gradle
L1079[10:26:08] <OrionOnline> Give me a couple of seconds to test something
L1080[10:26:19] <OrionOnline> Need to wait until the Travis completes a build cycle
L1081[10:26:57] <laci200270> PaleoCrafter, without the idea task my asset folder never whows
L1082[10:26:59] <laci200270> *shows
L1083[10:27:03] <laci200270> so
L1084[10:27:12] <laci200270> it needs
L1085[10:27:13] <PaleoCrafter> then you mess up something else :P
L1086[10:29:11] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L1087[10:30:38] <laci200270> PaleoCrafter, any ideas why this not works? https://github.com/laci200270/Energy-mod/blob/master/src/main/java/hu/laci200270/energymod/common/tile/TileEnergyCell.java#L59-L74
L1088[10:31:02] <PaleoCrafter> it doesn't work in what way? :P
L1089[10:31:13] <Overreacted> http://pastebin.com/jwsdujqy I'm doing something wrong here aren't I :L model not found.
L1090[10:31:29] <laci200270> PaleoCrafter, the received is always 0
L1091[10:32:09] <sham1> Laci, if idea does not find your assets when you import your gradle, you are doing something wrong
L1092[10:32:18] <PaleoCrafter> well, go through the method step by step
L1093[10:33:39] <OrionOnline> fry, i rebuild my env. Still there. Still error
L1094[10:33:55] <OrionOnline> So i took a look at the .jar gradle builds: and see there:
L1095[10:34:15] <OrionOnline> http://snag.gy/U09hO.jpg
L1096[10:34:15] <Overreacted> anyone? It's not the problem that reg() gets called twice
L1097[10:34:28] <OrionOnline> It is in the jar supplied by Forge
L1098[10:34:54] <PaleoCrafter> Overreacted, that code compiles? Oo
L1099[10:35:02] <Overreacted> uhm idk
L1100[10:35:09] <Overreacted> It runs fine
L1101[10:35:19] <Overreacted> But the model just doesn't load
L1102[10:35:31] <Overreacted> the leather horse armor model does, but the others don't
L1103[10:36:15] <OrionOnline> I am trying it now with a fresh MDK install
L1104[10:36:55] <PaleoCrafter> TIL you can have classes within methods in Java
L1105[10:37:09] <Overreacted> well it's an abstract class
L1106[10:37:14] <Overreacted> (I think)
L1107[10:37:23] <PaleoCrafter> it's an anonymous class
L1108[10:37:27] <Overreacted> oh yeah
L1109[10:37:30] <Overreacted> anonymous
L1110[10:37:32] <Overreacted> that was it
L1111[10:37:33] <PaleoCrafter> I wasn't aware that you can define them like that
L1112[10:37:51] <Overreacted> I just read through that doc fry gave me
L1113[10:38:12] <Overreacted> I don't know what's wrong with it tho
L1114[10:38:17] ⇨ Joins: shadekiller666 (~shadekill@
L1115[10:39:01] <PaleoCrafter> well, you don't really use it
L1116[10:39:04] ⇦ Quits: KanoCodex (~Giratina5@2604:180:0:368::bcd8) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1117[10:39:13] <PaleoCrafter> you define it but never instantiate it
L1118[10:39:18] <Overreacted> :P
L1119[10:39:30] <Overreacted> Because i don't have an ItemStack
L1120[10:39:45] <PaleoCrafter> wat
L1121[10:39:53] <Overreacted> I can't call SyringeMeshDef in the preInit method
L1122[10:40:06] <Overreacted> or do i need to call it when i want the model to change?
L1123[10:40:24] <PaleoCrafter> ModelLoader.setCustomMeshDefinition(item, new SyringeMeshDef())
L1124[10:40:37] <PaleoCrafter> you don't call it yourself
L1125[10:40:39] <Overreacted> okay that makes sense
L1126[10:40:40] <OrionOnline> fry
L1127[10:40:40] <PaleoCrafter> the game calls it for you
L1128[10:40:48] <OrionOnline> I ran a fresh MDK and it is clean
L1129[10:42:13] <fry> good
L1130[10:43:49] <Overreacted> aww yiss it works now
L1131[10:52:28] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1132[10:55:29] <OrionOnline> But when i run a fresh install with my Build script it is not clean.... WHAT?
L1133[10:56:10] <Overreacted> well it works partially
L1134[10:57:51] <laci200270> PaleoCrafter, I still didn'T find the problem :/
L1135[10:57:59] <laci200270> even with the debugger
L1136[10:58:20] ⇦ Quits: RANKSHANK (~RANKSHANK@pa49-195-151-144.pa.nsw.optusnet.com.au) (Quit: Bye)
L1137[10:58:44] <Overreacted> http://pastebin.com/MP7Ukx7F See Line 25 for details, when I right-click the entity it does change the model, but the model doesn't load
L1138[10:58:44] <heldplayer> fry: I'm going to bother you with this since you're the 'official' rendering guy for Forge :P
L1139[10:59:07] <fry> '
L1140[10:59:12] ⇨ Joins: Loetkolben (~Loetkolbe@ipbcc2d086.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
L1141[10:59:14] <fry> 'official'? :P
L1142[10:59:18] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L1143[10:59:40] <heldplayer> But the IRenderHandler interface is missing information about the pass when used (example: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/patches/minecraft/net/minecraft/client/renderer/RenderGlobal.java.patch#L104 the second parameter is the render pass)
L1144[10:59:58] <heldplayer> Well, either 'official' or official
L1145[11:00:44] <fry> hmm
L1146[11:00:53] <heldplayer> And as far as I've seen there are no hooks anywhere that set the render pass for that instance of rendering
L1147[11:01:04] ⇨ Joins: LexLap2 (~LexManos@
L1148[11:01:04] MineBot sets mode: +o on LexLap2
L1149[11:01:06] <heldplayer> So for example, you can't use MinecraftForgeClient.getRenderPass();
L1150[11:01:36] <heldplayer> Problem is that IRenderHandler is an interface, and making a new interface for it is.. well...
L1151[11:01:54] <heldplayer> Though maybe it's still early enough in 1.8.8/1.8.9 to change the signature?
L1152[11:02:39] <Overreacted> something for you Paleocrafter perhaps seeing as you helped me out with the previous issue?
L1153[11:03:25] <fry> heldplayer: that pass is anaglyph pass, from what I can tell
L1154[11:03:42] <fry> 0,1 for anaglyph rendering, 2 for normal rendering
L1155[11:03:47] <heldplayer> Indeed
L1156[11:03:56] <PaleoCrafter> so the model does change but it is the black-purple cube, Overreacted?
L1157[11:04:03] <Overreacted> yes
L1158[11:04:19] <fry> heldplayer: and you can get anaglyph pass via EntityRenderer.anaglyphEnable and anaglyphField
L1159[11:04:29] <PaleoCrafter> and does the log say anything?
L1160[11:04:31] <fry> don't see the need for anything else to be added
L1161[11:04:37] <Overreacted> not that i can see
L1162[11:04:45] <heldplayer> Ah-ha!
L1163[11:04:49] <heldplayer> Good catch
L1164[11:04:59] <heldplayer> Cheers!
L1165[11:05:11] ⇨ Joins: FourFire (~fourfire@
L1166[11:05:42] <fry> np :P
L1167[11:05:49] <FourFire> Greetings, does the current release of forge support installation on 1.8.9 clients?
L1168[11:06:20] *** tterrag|ZZZzzz is now known as tterrag|away
L1169[11:06:26] <fry> yes
L1170[11:06:30] <Overreacted> Nope Paleocrafter, log says nothing, no warnings/errors whatsoever
L1171[11:06:59] <PaleoCrafter> I think fry would know why this happens :P
L1172[11:07:11] <FourFire> cool
L1173[11:07:22] <gigaherz> .9 isan extremely minor change though
L1174[11:07:26] <FourFire> do all 1.8 forgemods work on any 1.8.x ?
L1175[11:07:30] <gigaherz> mostly just the realms UI and a couple bugs
L1176[11:07:34] <gigaherz> no
L1177[11:07:40] <gigaherz> 1.8.0 mods are 1.8.0
L1178[11:07:41] <Overreacted> fry? Do you know why it doesn't load?
L1179[11:07:47] <gigaherz> but 1.8.8 and 1.8.9 are interchangeable mod-wise
L1180[11:07:52] <fry> ^
L1181[11:08:10] <gigaherz> unless there's a mod that messes explicitly with realms
L1182[11:08:15] <gigaherz> which would be "the exception"
L1183[11:08:15] <Overreacted> http://pastebin.com/MP7Ukx7F I'm talking about this code, line 25 has the details
L1184[11:08:48] <gigaherz> mods shouldn't touch realms though
L1185[11:09:09] <FourFire> I'm going to stick around in this channel for a bit, i think
L1186[11:09:15] <fry> Overreacted: read the javadoc for setCustomMeshDefinition :P
L1187[11:09:17] <gigaherz> no problem, feel free
L1188[11:09:27] <FourFire> have the Aethermod devs approached the forge team about their 1.8 version?
L1189[11:09:40] <FourFire> (aethermod 1.8)
L1190[11:09:43] <shadekiller666> no idea
L1191[11:09:44] <fry> not as far as I know :P
L1192[11:10:01] <shadekiller666> they haven't been in here if thats what you're asking
L1193[11:10:15] <shadekiller666> or if they have they haven't identified as the Aethermod devs
L1194[11:10:15] <Overreacted> You mean in the code fry?
L1195[11:10:38] <fry> Overreacted: yes
L1196[11:10:40] <gigaherz> yes tell your IDE to show javadocs, or go to definition and read the comments
L1197[11:10:56] <Overreacted> because ModelLoader#setCustomMeshDefinition doesn't have one
L1198[11:12:16] <Overreacted> not in 1.8 atleast
L1199[11:12:21] <fry> update your forge then :P
L1200[11:12:31] <gigaherz> I see a comment in my 1.8.8 workspace
L1201[11:12:33] <fry> and yes, it'll only be there on 1.8.8/1.8.9
L1202[11:12:54] <Overreacted> Well i don't really want to update it right now
L1203[11:13:14] <Overreacted> Is there another way i can find it? maybe on a site?
L1204[11:13:56] ⇨ Joins: Girafi (~Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk)
L1205[11:13:59] <fry> anyway
L1206[11:14:05] <fry> ModelBakery.addVariantName
L1207[11:14:07] <fry> use that
L1208[11:14:18] <Overreacted> oh yeah, but isn't that with metadata?
L1209[11:14:30] <gigaherz> no metadata involved
L1210[11:14:34] <Overreacted> okay
L1211[11:14:45] <gigaherz> it just tells the bakery that this resourcelocation will use this model at some point
L1212[11:14:49] <Corosus> updating code from 1.6.4 to 1.8.x, is MinecraftForge.setToolClass no longer needed? as i notice its gone entirely now
L1213[11:14:53] <Overreacted> okay
L1214[11:15:27] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1215[11:15:57] <williewillus> Corosus: I believe it's a getter or field within ItemTool itself
L1216[11:16:00] <gigaherz> Corosus: you set it on the item
L1217[11:16:05] <Corosus> double bam
L1218[11:16:10] <Corosus> good to know, will investigate thanks!
L1219[11:16:37] ⇦ Quits: VapourDrive (~vapourdri@ (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1220[11:17:10] <gigaherz> you can either call toolClass="name", or override getToolClasses if you have more than one
L1221[11:17:21] <Corosus> ahhhhhhhhhhh kk, yeah theres no setter
L1222[11:17:52] <Corosus> yeah i guess ill have to override as toolClass is private
L1223[11:17:57] <Corosus> or reflect but bleh
L1224[11:18:13] <gigaherz> override getToolClasses.
L1225[11:18:21] <Corosus> yeah sounds like a plan
L1226[11:18:37] <Overreacted> hey it actually worked! :3
L1227[11:18:49] <gigaherz> you could however have used ReflectionHelper to change the value
L1228[11:18:50] <gigaherz> but ;P
L1229[11:19:03] <gigaherz> the override is cleaner overall
L1230[11:19:25] ⇦ Quits: Overreacted (~Overreact@2a02:1811:2d21:7000:8939:2d65:2838:142f) (Quit: Leaving)
L1231[11:20:08] <Corosus> err wait, in this scenario im already extending ItemPickaxe, so i guess i can simply remove this old unneeded line of code
L1232[11:20:40] <Corosus> im not adding anything new just setting it as a plain ol pickaxe for this new material
L1233[11:20:42] <gigaherz> oh yes
L1234[11:20:50] <gigaherz> if you extend pickaxe, you become a pickaxe implicitly
L1235[11:20:54] <Corosus> was weird that setToolClass was ever needed imo
L1236[11:20:58] <Corosus> so im glad they factored that out
L1237[11:23:24] ⇦ Quits: Temportalist (uid37180@id-37180.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1238[11:32:28] <williewillus> did something cahnge with sided classloading ebtween 1.7 and 1.8? ONe of the Botania items implements an interface IWandHUD, the method in it has "Minecraft" as a param, and it now bombs the server on startup
L1239[11:32:37] <williewillus> how did it ever work in 1.7? 0.o
L1240[11:33:15] <fry> magic and dumb luck :P
L1241[11:33:32] <LexManos> Luck that nothing called it and nothing reflected your class
L1242[11:34:36] ⇦ Quits: Elec332 (~Elec332@ip5456d4a5.speed.planet.nl) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1243[11:35:50] <sham1> We shall reflect upon that experience and add some failsafe would be the most reasonable actions for willie
L1244[11:36:43] <sham1> Also, away from that awful ship and actually good Internet connection
L1245[11:39:27] <williewillus> 0.o
L1246[11:39:30] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L1247[11:49:47] <laci200270> my client -> server syncing code not works :/
L1248[11:49:57] <laci200270> (gone)
L1249[11:50:03] <Rushmead> hmmm wierd.
L1250[11:50:12] <Rushmead> My resources are no longer being loaded
L1251[11:53:41] ⇨ Joins: LatvianModder (uid50299@id-50299.charlton.irccloud.com)
L1252[11:53:45] <laci200270> Rushmead, idea?
L1253[11:53:52] <Rushmead> yh
L1254[11:54:02] <williewillus> laci200270: what kind of syncing?
L1255[11:54:07] <laci200270> tile
L1256[11:54:14] <laci200270> idea simply deleted it
L1257[11:54:19] <laci200270> but I rewrite
L1258[11:54:23] <williewillus> lol
L1259[11:54:29] <williewillus> just retrieve it with git
L1260[11:54:35] <laci200270> Rushmead, exit from idea run gradlew idea
L1261[11:54:39] <williewillus> which I hope you're using...
L1262[11:54:43] <williewillus> you don't need the idea task
L1263[11:54:45] <williewillus> import build.gradle
L1264[11:54:47] ⇦ Quits: spaceemo_ (~spaceemot@f054182065.adsl.alicedsl.de) (Quit: Wahoo!)
L1265[11:54:51] <Rushmead> i did
L1266[11:54:54] <Rushmead> and thats what broke it i think
L1267[11:55:17] <williewillus> idea task needs to be removed >.<
L1268[11:55:23] <laci200270> build gradle importing brokes it for me
L1269[11:55:30] <laci200270> for me gradlew idea works
L1270[11:55:32] <williewillus> it's the way you're supposed to do it...
L1271[11:55:49] <williewillus> what is "broken" when you import build.gradle?
L1272[11:55:51] <PaleoCrafter> williewillus, IDEA has a lovely local history, so even without git there's a good chance to recover a lost file :P
L1273[11:56:10] <williewillus> tell laci that :p
L1274[11:56:24] <Rushmead> williewillus, the resources dont load
L1275[11:56:35] ⇨ Joins: VapourDrive (~vapourdri@
L1276[11:56:53] <williewillus> do you still have the inheritOutputDirs line in build.gradle? :p not sure if thats still needed but I still have it
L1277[11:57:13] <LatvianModder> has someone else done cross-dependency, multi-module setup in Idea? http://imgur.com/EEsZTez
L1278[11:57:40] <LatvianModder> because i'd like to know, how I can combine multiple build.gradle
L1279[11:58:03] <laci200270> williewillus, <laci200270> ?ideafix
L1280[11:58:04] <laci200270> <Korobi> The inheritOutputDirs fix is no longer required in ForgeGradle 1.2 or 2.0+
L1281[11:58:19] <williewillus> lol
L1282[11:58:37] <williewillus> anyways importing build.gradle has never not worked for me, it just akes a while for all the libs to load in
L1283[11:58:50] <laci200270> yes
L1284[11:58:56] <laci200270> gradlew idea is good
L1285[11:59:01] <williewillus> >.>
L1286[11:59:03] <laci200270> for me :D
L1287[11:59:30] <williewillus> anyways recover your files with versdion control or local history
L1288[11:59:52] <laci200270> it was just a code piece
L1289[11:59:59] <laci200270> I've rwrite it
L1290[12:00:25] <williewillus> why waste time rewriting stuff?
L1291[12:00:34] <laci200270> it was only 20 lines
L1292[12:05:41] ⇨ Joins: Unh0ly_Tigg (~Robert@c-76-115-95-185.hsd1.or.comcast.net)
L1293[12:07:58] <Unh0ly_Tigg> So, I noticed that a certain modder has been streaming updating to 1.8.9, which confused me, because I didn't realize 1.8.9 was a thing... so I looked into the master versions.json file from mojang (https://s3.amazonaws.com/minecraft.download/versions/versions.json), and I noticed that the timestamps for 1.8.9 on that list are wrong... Searge sent a tweet out on the 9th, but the json says the 3rd... wonder what happened.
L1294[12:08:59] ⇦ Quits: Loetkolben (~Loetkolbe@ipbcc2d086.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: Over and Out!)
L1295[12:10:45] *** Jared is now known as Jared|Away
L1296[12:11:00] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L1297[12:11:15] <VapourDrive> quick question, the acceptedMinecrafVersions string, how is that formatted? eg is this good? "1.8.8,1.8.9"
L1298[12:11:36] <PaleoCrafter> it's interval notation iirc
L1299[12:11:36] <VapourDrive> or is it a semicolon...
L1300[12:11:59] ⇨ Joins: cindylo (~cindylo@2607:5300:60:37d3:4900::)
L1301[12:12:25] <gigaherz> ugh I hate when IDEs complain about stupid shit
L1302[12:12:43] <sham1> qué
L1303[12:12:45] <gigaherz> return 0x0 | above; "can be replaced with 'above'" YES I KNOW, IT'S THERE TO FIT IN WITH THE REST
L1304[12:12:58] <sham1> ah
L1305[12:13:37] <gigaherz> so,
L1306[12:13:37] <gigaherz> return /*0x0 |*/above;
L1307[12:13:39] <gigaherz> and fuck you IDEA ;P
L1308[12:13:46] <sham1> :P
L1309[12:13:50] <sham1> or
L1310[12:14:02] <sham1> return above; //0x0 | above
L1311[12:14:11] ⇨ Joins: temdur (~temdur@x5d80bcb8.dyn.telefonica.de)
L1312[12:14:27] <gigaherz> nah that would unalign
L1313[12:14:30] <gigaherz> ;P
L1314[12:15:28] <sham1> I am making some adjustments to my multiblock tank stuff
L1315[12:16:11] <gigaherz> I'm porting my 1.7.10 multiblock structure to 1.8
L1316[12:16:31] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I'm trying to figure out why my alloy furnace won't actually start burning, even though I know all the data going into my checks should be right...
L1317[12:16:31] <LexManos> @SuppressWarning
L1318[12:16:48] ⇦ Quits: DemoXin (~DemoXin@251.sub-70-210-10.myvzw.com) ()
L1319[12:16:48] <sham1> true
L1320[12:17:02] <gigaherz> yeah but adding it just for one line... /**/ is the best solution I think
L1321[12:17:05] <sham1> you could do that
L1322[12:17:22] <gigaherz> https://gist.github.com/gigaherz/7b55d8182f7dcac132c5
L1323[12:17:23] <LexManos> or jsut delete it and manually align
L1324[12:17:25] <LexManos> but meh
L1325[12:17:28] <gigaherz> yeah but the beauty of the method would disappear ;P
L1326[12:17:37] ⇦ Quits: Girafi (~Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1327[12:17:39] *** Jared|Away is now known as Jared
L1328[12:18:28] <sham1> 200 buckets worth of space for fluid
L1329[12:18:44] <gigaherz> beauty++: https://gist.github.com/gigaherz/7b55d8182f7dcac132c5
L1330[12:18:48] <gigaherz> forgot to rename a variable ;P
L1331[12:19:04] <LexManos> eww nothing aligns
L1332[12:19:25] <sham1> I noticed a minor bug
L1333[12:19:26] <gigaherz> everything almost-aligns ;P
L1334[12:19:43] <sham1> The master does not remember the amount of fluid
L1335[12:19:49] <sham1> or the capacity rather
L1336[12:19:50] <PaleoCrafter> gigaherz, put 'above' first and shit still aligns :P
L1337[12:20:38] <gigaherz> that'd be semantically wrong! the leftside of the number must go on the left side of the expression! ;P
L1338[12:21:08] ⇨ Joins: Girafi (Girafi@0x555178eb.adsl.cybercity.dk)
L1339[12:21:24] <PaleoCrafter> wat
L1340[12:22:03] <sham1> And I just found out why it does not remember the capacity
L1341[12:22:19] <sham1> FluidTank does not save its capacity to NBT data (fair enough)
L1342[12:22:21] <gigaherz> PaleoCrafter: don't mind me, it's just how my brain works. I care more about structure than alignment
L1343[12:22:44] <PaleoCrafter> I don't quite get the leftside of the number thing :P
L1344[12:22:51] <gigaherz> the bits are tta0
L1345[12:23:00] <gigaherz> the tt bits are on the left of a in the number
L1346[12:23:05] <gigaherz> so they belong on the left of the expression
L1347[12:23:16] <PaleoCrafter> oh... meh
L1348[12:23:20] <gigaherz> when I do bit operations like that I always put the most significant first
L1349[12:23:20] <gigaherz> ;P
L1350[12:24:37] <sham1> meh
L1351[12:24:47] <PaleoCrafter> I do the same
L1352[12:24:49] <sham1> I like to fill the LSB first
L1353[12:24:56] <PaleoCrafter> normally :P
L1354[12:25:21] <sham1> Here we go
L1355[12:25:28] <sham1> Now the capacity gets saved
L1356[12:25:30] <Ordinastie> I feel something doesn't look quite good enough : http://puu.sh/mdTeG.jpg
L1357[12:25:49] <gigaherz> what do the lines represent?
L1358[12:25:58] <Ordinastie> linked position with the switch
L1359[12:26:03] <Ordinastie> (when power is on : http://puu.sh/mdTh0.jpg)
L1360[12:26:12] <gigaherz> ah
L1361[12:26:16] <PaleoCrafter> the lines don't look good :P
L1362[12:26:26] <gigaherz> fancy
L1363[12:26:33] <Ordinastie> PaleoCrafter, yeah, I guess so, but not sure how to change it
L1364[12:26:40] <Ordinastie> or what to change it to rather
L1365[12:26:46] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I would expect them to converge on the center of the block, not what looks to be below it.
L1366[12:26:48] <gigaherz> look fine to me
L1367[12:26:53] <gigaherz> well yeah
L1368[12:27:04] <gigaherz> they should converge on the "switch" or at least the middle of the block
L1369[12:27:12] <Unh0ly_Tigg> wait
L1370[12:27:26] <Ordinastie> Unh0ly_Tigg, it's the actual center of the block, but yes, it should be the center of the visible switch
L1371[12:27:27] <Unh0ly_Tigg> the switch is on the side of the 2 tall quartz stack
L1372[12:28:00] <Unh0ly_Tigg> so, it is technically already there, you just need to offset to closer to the side where the switch is.
L1373[12:28:27] <gigaherz> oh I see, the lines do converge in the center of the block
L1374[12:28:35] <gigaherz> it just happens to look like the switch is the block behind
L1375[12:28:41] <gigaherz> and not the empty space in front
L1376[12:31:57] <laci200270> finally
L1377[12:31:59] <laci200270> it works fine
L1378[12:32:52] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I thought the switch was the quartz block, just with a different texture on 1 side.
L1379[12:36:33] <Ordinastie> http://puu.sh/mdTRK.jpg
L1380[12:37:47] <Unh0ly_Tigg> a bit better now.
L1381[12:38:00] <Ordinastie> something wrong with the rayTracing now though ><
L1382[12:39:04] <Ordinastie> oh, yeah, that was stupid
L1383[12:40:08] <Ordinastie> yeah, better : new Point(pos.getX() + 0.5F, pos.getY() + 0.5F, pos.getZ() + 0.5F)
L1384[12:40:11] <Ordinastie> (failed)
L1385[12:40:18] <Ordinastie> http://puu.sh/mdU4b.jpg
L1386[12:41:01] <williewillus> fry: don't think your fix worked fully ;p https://i.gyazo.com/69be2a433986bf9dc0442fccd5e6ef01.png
L1387[12:41:33] <LexManos> hehehe
L1388[12:41:36] <fry> how does that exact block look with forge pipeline disabled?
L1389[12:41:45] <tterrag|away> looks perfect
L1390[12:41:45] <fry> turn it off in the menu and reload the game
L1391[12:41:49] <tterrag|away> I don't see a problem
L1392[12:41:56] <laci200270> finnaly its working fine :D http://giphy.com/gifs/xTk9ZLgMSAZ2TGJkOY
L1393[12:42:01] <LexManos> weird, the other block seems fine?
L1394[12:42:38] <LexManos> laci: What's with the fan?
L1395[12:42:43] <sham1> what would be a good, sane limit for a föuid tank width
L1396[12:42:54] <laci200270> LexManos, I worked in this in all the day
L1397[12:43:22] <LexManos> Please tell me atleast its JUST the fan thats a tesr...
L1398[12:43:29] <laci200270> not fan
L1399[12:43:33] <laci200270> energy display
L1400[12:43:40] <LexManos> GL fan
L1401[12:43:45] <laci200270> oh
L1402[12:43:54] <laci200270> I don't know GL right :D
L1403[12:44:18] <LexManos> Unless... thats not using GL and instead using the animation system fry made
L1404[12:44:20] <sham1> I do trust that Laci only made that green fan be the only TESR about that
L1405[12:44:41] <laci200270> yeah
L1406[12:44:47] <laci200270> the block renders in normal way
L1407[12:45:06] <sham1> That really looks cool
L1408[12:45:41] <tterrag|away> does that mean you are doing chunk updates?
L1409[12:45:44] *** tterrag|away is now known as tterrag
L1410[12:45:48] <laci200270> tterrag, yes
L1411[12:45:55] <tterrag> god why
L1412[12:46:11] <williewillus> isn't that, you know, bad ;p
L1413[12:46:11] <laci200270> when it receives energy
L1414[12:46:18] <tterrag> very bad
L1415[12:46:26] <tterrag> place a few in a few different chunks and watch your FPS dip to 0
L1416[12:46:28] <williewillus> (redpower pipes causing a shitton of chunk updates, anyone)
L1417[12:46:36] <sham1> You use the World#markBlockForUpdate
L1418[12:46:48] <laci200270> isn't that makes chunk update?
L1419[12:46:50] <williewillus> doing that rebuilds the entire chunk for render
L1420[12:46:51] <sham1> Well, my TPS
L1421[12:46:54] <sham1> Is dead
L1422[12:46:56] <laci200270> I'm using that
L1423[12:47:22] <tterrag> you shouldn't use block models for animated stuff...
L1424[12:47:28] <tterrag> you are going to destroy FPS
L1425[12:47:33] <tterrag> use a TESR
L1426[12:47:38] <PaleoCrafter> he is
L1427[12:47:41] <LexManos> RP issue was that they were rerendering the chunk EVERY FRAME
L1428[12:47:41] <laci200270> TESR renders the fan
L1429[12:47:43] <sham1> That green thing is a TESR
L1430[12:47:54] <LexManos> once at animation start/end is not a issue
L1431[12:48:01] <tterrag> <tterrag|away> does that mean you are doing chunk updates?
L1432[12:48:01] <tterrag> <laci200270> tterrag, yes
L1433[12:48:04] <tterrag> .-.
L1434[12:48:13] <laci200270> I mean the block
L1435[12:48:21] <laci200270> the block is a normal render
L1436[12:48:22] <williewillus> fry: pipeline on: https://i.gyazo.com/a2fde8b8163744450094df2e1269a17b.png, pipeline off: https://i.gyazo.com/b051eda3017857f9c96e6e87eccdbf3e.png
L1437[12:48:24] <sham1> he marks the block for update
L1438[12:49:14] <sham1> !latest
L1439[12:49:22] <sham1> Oh nice
L1440[12:49:26] <sham1> We have 1.8.9
L1441[12:49:55] <williewillus> heh this is pretty amusing https://i.gyazo.com/3feab79f526476c3758cf26c34407286.png
L1442[12:50:00] <sham1> The delta of two things in deobf
L1443[12:50:08] ⇨ Joins: Hgrebnednav_ (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872D48.access.telenet.be)
L1444[12:50:16] <sham1> that flower
L1445[12:50:25] <heldplayer> dat titlebar
L1446[12:50:33] <sham1> that too
L1447[12:51:05] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav_ (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872D48.access.telenet.be) (Client Quit)
L1448[12:51:14] <williewillus> thick titlebars are ugly (looking at you, Windows 10 and GNOME shell...)
L1449[12:51:42] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872D48.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1450[12:51:43] <laci200270> tterrag, the TESR is here: https://github.com/laci200270/Energy-mod/blob/master/src/main/java/hu/laci200270/energymod/client/tesrs/TesrEnergyCell.java
L1451[12:51:53] <laci200270> not rendering the entire block
L1452[12:52:29] <sham1> My Win10 does not have that thick titlebars
L1453[12:53:07] <laci200270> how can I access to config dir?
L1454[12:53:18] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@94-224-176-164.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Leaving)
L1455[12:54:42] <gigaherz> they aren't THAT thick
L1456[12:54:49] <gigaherz> XP's were thicker ;P
L1457[12:54:51] ⇨ Joins: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872d48.access.telenet.be)
L1458[12:55:13] <gigaherz> if not in abvolute numbers, at least in size relative to the screen resolutions
L1459[12:55:15] <williewillus> well anything thicker than i3's (those) / windows classic theme are too thick for me :p
L1460[12:56:31] <fry> 1 pixel is the allowed maximum :P
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L1466[13:08:15] <LatvianModder> gigaherz: you can disable warnings in settings
L1467[13:08:32] <LatvianModder> I disabled some of them, like spell checker in code etc
L1468[13:11:17] ⇦ Quits: FF_Fire|Sleeping (~TheBeast@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1469[13:11:23] <heldplayer> To be fair, I like my window borders to be a bit thick as that makes it easier to grab a hold of them :P
L1470[13:11:36] <heldplayer> So far only had problems with 1px thick borders
L1471[13:11:41] <williewillus> tiling :D
L1472[13:12:05] <williewillus> only windows I ever have to drag to resize are MC ones in floating mode :p
L1473[13:14:18] <fry|sleep> alt + mouse button = grab onto any part of the window \o/
L1474[13:14:28] <fry|sleep> can't imagine living without that
L1475[13:14:36] <heldplayer> To move the window, sure, but to resize it?
L1476[13:15:13] <fry|sleep> same + left button :P
L1477[13:15:19] <fry|sleep> *right button
L1478[13:15:22] <fry|sleep> :P
L1479[13:15:38] <fry|sleep> cursor snaps to the closest corner
L1480[13:15:58] <heldplayer> Oh, nice
L1481[13:16:09] <heldplayer> I'll be sure to try and remember that
L1482[13:16:14] <heldplayer> And most likely I'll forget
L1483[13:16:36] * fry|sleep uses http://awesome.naquadah.org/
L1484[13:16:51] <fry|sleep> but I imagine these things are common for most tiling wms
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L1486[13:19:08] <Wuppy> fry works during his sleep :O
L1487[13:19:20] <sham1> he's a sleep coder
L1488[13:19:29] <ThePsionic> Lol
L1489[13:19:41] <tterrag> huh...why wouldn't a slot change on the server be syncing to the client?
L1490[13:19:46] <tterrag> doesn't that happen automatically?
L1491[13:21:11] <sham1> Once I have sorted some kinks out of this multiblock formation code, I will start working on the fluid rendering part
L1492[13:22:39] <sham1> I basically have to check the integrity of it
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L1495[13:24:42] <laci200270> storing configs in json is a good idea?
L1496[13:24:43] <tterrag> I can debug and see the slot packet being sent
L1497[13:24:48] <tterrag> but the slot doesn't change
L1498[13:26:27] <diesieben07> what happens in the handler for hte packet?
L1499[13:26:33] <tterrag> it does everything
L1500[13:26:39] <tterrag> I think something is stopping the actual rendering of the item
L1501[13:26:43] <tterrag> because for all I can tell it's there
L1502[13:26:53] <laci200270> tterrag, if you hover it?
L1503[13:26:59] <tterrag> nothing
L1504[13:27:16] <laci200270> in nbt can you see it?
L1505[13:27:23] <laci200270> if you save it?
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L1507[13:28:05] <tterrag> it comes out as null in drawSlot though...hm
L1508[13:28:40] <tterrag> diesieben07: code is here https://github.com/creatubbles/ctb-mcmod/blob/1.8/src/main/java/com/creatubbles/ctbmod/common/creator/ContainerCreator.java
L1509[13:28:53] <tterrag> indents are screwey I know
L1510[13:29:13] <tterrag> slot in question is the last one, the output
L1511[13:29:33] <tterrag> https://github.com/creatubbles/ctb-mcmod/blob/1.8/src/main/java/com/creatubbles/ctbmod/common/creator/TileCreator.java#L120-L122
L1512[13:29:35] <tterrag> it's pretty simple stuff
L1513[13:29:35] <diesieben07> sorry ineed to eat first :D
L1514[13:31:25] <sham1> Hmm
L1515[13:31:54] <sham1> Now my multiblock has only one edge case and that is if the internal space inside the tank is 1x1
L1516[13:32:05] ⇨ Joins: theGliby (theGliby@
L1517[13:32:05] <sham1> so one block width and depth
L1518[13:32:54] <tterrag> argh, I found it
L1519[13:33:08] <tterrag> apparently the clientside packet code checks IInventory.isItemValidForSlot
L1520[13:33:10] <tterrag> for whatever reason
L1521[13:33:12] <tterrag> -_-
L1522[13:33:46] <diesieben07> wha
L1523[13:33:53] <diesieben07> not even Slot.isItemValid?
L1524[13:34:14] <tterrag> nope
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L1526[13:34:25] <laci200270> how can I format gson?
L1527[13:34:26] <diesieben07> that is fuckin random
L1528[13:34:27] <tterrag> see Slot.putStack
L1529[13:34:37] <laci200270> I mean newlines and such
L1530[13:34:42] <tterrag> ahh well
L1531[13:34:50] <tterrag> I check isItemValid inside setInventorySlotContents
L1532[13:34:55] <tterrag> I see what I did here
L1533[13:35:00] <tterrag> I made a logic mistake when I added a config
L1534[13:35:02] <diesieben07> haha
L1535[13:35:05] <tterrag> so it's short circuiting a check
L1536[13:35:08] ⇨ Joins: romibi (~quassel@cable-static-7-174.rsnweb.ch)
L1537[13:35:16] <diesieben07> laci200270, GsonBuilder#setPrettyPrinting
L1538[13:35:27] <laci200270> thanks diesieben07
L1539[13:35:44] <tterrag> fixed
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L1542[13:37:14] <laci200270> diesieben07, what happens if there are some values in the class but not present in json?
L1543[13:37:58] <diesieben07> rtfd
L1544[13:38:20] <diesieben07> https://github.com/google/gson/blob/master/UserGuide.md
L1545[13:39:55] <laci200270> what do I need from there?
L1546[13:40:41] <diesieben07> knowledge.
L1547[13:41:24] <shadowfacts> lol
L1548[13:41:56] <laci200270> diesieben07, thats what I don't have :D
L1549[13:42:09] <laci200270> I'll try to figure out
L1550[13:43:49] <laci200270> i'll just null check then :D
L1551[13:44:18] <diesieben07> laci200270, seriously. ctrl-f "missing". gives one result which is exacly your question -.-
L1552[13:44:31] <laci200270> oh
L1553[13:44:43] <laci200270> yeah
L1554[13:44:46] <laci200270> null check
L1555[13:44:51] <laci200270> thats what I need
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L1557[13:48:30] ⇨ Joins: MalkContent (TheMalkCon@p4FDCC863.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1558[13:48:43] <MalkContent> whatthewhat now?
L1559[13:49:01] <MalkContent> forge officially getting multipart?
L1560[13:49:12] <tterrag> laci200270: gson doesn't care about missing values in the json
L1561[13:49:20] <tterrag> but yeah, rtfd
L1562[13:49:33] <laci200270> tterrag, yeah I figured it out
L1563[13:50:23] <laci200270> it is pissible to split a confgi file to parts, "blocks"?
L1564[13:50:30] <laci200270> MalkContent, what do you mean?
L1565[13:50:32] ⇦ Quits: Hink (webchat@146-115-152-96.c3-0.frm-ubr1.sbo-frm.ma.cable.rcn.com) (Quit: Web client closed)
L1566[13:50:41] <diesieben07> i think your o key is broken
L1567[13:50:44] <gigaherz> MalkContent: officially?
L1568[13:50:47] <MalkContent> https://twitter.com/amadornes/status/682281100551389184
L1569[13:50:55] ⇨ Joins: Hink (webchat@146-115-152-96.c3-0.frm-ubr1.sbo-frm.ma.cable.rcn.com)
L1570[13:50:55] <diesieben07> and also laci, for configs using Categories
L1571[13:50:56] <MalkContent> i might misinterpret that
L1572[13:51:07] <gigaherz> oh? I thought the MCMultiPart was going to be a separate mod
L1573[13:52:06] <laci200270> oh
L1574[13:52:08] <laci200270> thats cool
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L1577[13:53:12] <laci200270> diesieben07, is there "subcategories"?
L1578[13:53:33] <laci200270> I mean client-rendering-block-property
L1579[13:54:39] <laci200270> each is a sub-block
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L1582[14:07:24] <laci200270> what is the MapColor parameter?
L1583[14:07:38] <laci200270> in Block constructor
L1584[14:07:45] <laci200270> it wasn't here before
L1585[14:11:47] <laci200270> how can I render blocks in small?
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L1588[14:14:07] <laci200270> I mean from GL
L1589[14:15:22] <williewillus> you mean render any block in a tesr in 1.8?
L1590[14:15:32] <laci200270> yes
L1591[14:15:39] <williewillus> Minecraft.getMinecraft().getBlockRendererDispatcher().renderBlockBrightness()
L1592[14:15:47] <laci200270> thanks
L1593[14:15:50] <williewillus> look at how the Endermen render their block, or how minecarts do it
L1594[14:16:05] <laci200270> it will be for my furnance :D
L1595[14:16:15] <williewillus> yeah see the furnace cart
L1596[14:17:21] <laci200270> thanks
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L1599[14:19:18] <laci200270> williewillus, and If I just have a modelResourceLocation?
L1600[14:19:26] <laci200270> how can I render it?
L1601[14:19:28] <williewillus> uhhh
L1602[14:19:35] <williewillus> load it or get it from BlockModelShapes
L1603[14:19:39] <williewillus> not sure why you ahve an MRL though
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L1606[14:21:53] <waterpicker> DOes anyone know how to use minecraft's config?
L1607[14:22:04] <gigaherz> what do you mean?
L1608[14:22:35] <gigaherz> minecraft's config is a gui, you click on things, and stuff happens ;P
L1609[14:22:41] <gigaherz> but I assume you mean in relation to mods
L1610[14:22:46] <waterpicker> Yea.
L1611[14:22:59] <gigaherz> but there's no such thing as "using Minecraft's config"
L1612[14:23:10] <gigaherz> Forge provides a config file manager
L1613[14:23:19] <gigaherz> and a place to display your mod's config UI
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L1616[14:23:47] <gigaherz> keypresses get added to Minecraft's controls list automatically (IIRC)
L1617[14:23:51] <gigaherz> keybinds*
L1618[14:25:55] <MattDahEpic> what is this i hear about a new multipart system?
L1619[14:26:57] <williewillus> #MCMultipart
L1620[14:30:53] <sham1> Would being able to store 1,984 buckets of fluid too ridiculous
L1621[14:30:59] <Rushmead> If i have a block, which has a top with a black texture and i want to be able to change the colour of that via a dye when its clicked, how could i do it?
L1622[14:31:35] <PaleoCrafter> sham1, depends on the size of the container :P
L1623[14:31:55] <sham1> Well I am trying to decide on some limits for my multiblock fluid tank
L1624[14:32:08] <gigaherz> stupid shadekiller666's obj loader being so paranoid about UVs out of range ¬¬
L1625[14:32:08] <gigaherz> XD
L1626[14:32:26] <shadekiller666> ...
L1627[14:32:28] <ThePsionic> #JustBlameShade
L1628[14:32:29] <gigaherz> and stupid rhinoceros for not rounding
L1629[14:32:29] <gigaherz> XD
L1630[14:32:33] <sham1> and I got that from internal widths of 15 on the sides and 64 high
L1631[14:32:40] <gigaherz> shadekiller666: the model export sometimes has stuff like -7.729e-09
L1632[14:32:41] <gigaherz> XD
L1633[14:32:48] <shadekiller666> :/
L1634[14:32:50] <gigaherz> which is enough to be <0
L1635[14:32:50] <gigaherz> XD
L1636[14:32:51] <sham1> Because I'd rather not have that stuff overflow
L1637[14:33:17] <PaleoCrafter> afaik ExtraUtilities' drums store 65536 buckets, so...
L1638[14:33:19] <gigaherz> eve nthough I told it to only use 4 digits of precision
L1639[14:33:29] <gigaherz> normal drums are 256
L1640[14:33:32] <sham1> well yeah
L1641[14:33:35] <gigaherz> bedrockium ones are 65536
L1642[14:33:43] <sham1> But the thing is that this tank can be variable size
L1643[14:34:00] <sham1> and depending on that the amount of millibuckets it can store can change
L1644[14:34:36] <ThePsionic> 256 buckets per block of internal space to match EU? :P
L1645[14:34:47] <PaleoCrafter> if you get under 2 thousand buckets out of a 15*15*64 tank, I'd say that's a pretty lame tank (considering MC)
L1646[14:34:56] <sham1> Hmm
L1647[14:35:02] <sham1> if I multiplied it by 1000
L1648[14:35:21] <sham1> 1984000 buckets
L1649[14:35:24] <PaleoCrafter> how do you even get that value?
L1650[14:35:44] <gigaherz> just do numblocks*16 or numblocks*256
L1651[14:35:51] <gigaherz> depending on how "compressing" the tank is ;P
L1652[14:36:21] <sham1> 3 milion buckets with 15*15*64 with that 256 compress
L1653[14:36:28] <gigaherz> blocks*16 would put you on par with openblocks tanks
L1654[14:36:32] <Orion> Say i receive a TileEntity update packet on the client side
L1655[14:36:41] <Orion> How do i trigger a redraw of a block?
L1656[14:36:54] <tterrag> world.markBlockForUpdate
L1657[14:37:34] <sham1> "Super pressurized fluid tank"
L1658[14:37:53] <PaleoCrafter> how expansive are your tanks?
L1659[14:38:02] <sham1> Not decided yet
L1660[14:39:29] <gigaherz> GAH, shadekiller666: why does the model loader require me to make the model z be in the -1..0 rangei nstead of 0..1?
L1661[14:39:40] <williewillus> ugh wtcf
L1662[14:39:45] <gigaherz> no wait nevermind
L1663[14:39:45] <shadekiller666> ?
L1664[14:39:49] <sham1> I'll propably make them require a lot of stuff in my tech tree
L1665[14:39:50] <gigaherz> wtf the obj is at -1?
L1666[14:39:56] <williewillus> icons I'm very obviously texture stitching is returning null
L1667[14:39:58] <shadekiller666> in-game?
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L1669[14:40:21] <PaleoCrafter> williewillus, make sure you're using the proper path ;)
L1670[14:40:21] <shadekiller666> what is the "up" vector in rhino?
L1671[14:40:48] <gigaherz> Z, but the exporter has a "swap Y and Z" option which I always use
L1672[14:40:55] <shadekiller666> ok
L1673[14:40:55] <gigaherz> it's my fault though
L1674[14:41:00] <shadekiller666> oh
L1675[14:41:01] <sham1> I already have one hard limit for the size because of the algorithm, and that is that the internal volume cannot be 1x1xwhatever
L1676[14:41:15] <gigaherz> the .obj file actually has -1..0 range even though it "looks" like it would be 0..1 in the program
L1677[14:41:23] <PaleoCrafter> why not, sham1?
L1678[14:41:27] <shadekiller666> ahh
L1679[14:41:37] <shadekiller666> similar thing happens with blender
L1680[14:41:54] <gigaherz> oh well, gotta cook, more later
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L1682[14:42:01] <sham1> In my algorithm I check for holes based around if all the surrounding blocks around the air block have my tank's tile entities
L1683[14:42:06] <gigaherz> at least I got *one* model to display, even if in the wrong place XD
L1684[14:42:11] <sham1> If it does, the tank is invalid
L1685[14:42:25] <sham1> It checks for holes just fine
L1686[14:42:40] <williewillus> why is there no defaultvertexformat that has normals but not color?
L1687[14:42:45] <sham1> But now the internal volume has to be 3x3x"whatever"
L1688[14:43:42] <masa> so if I have a task deobfJar with classifier = 'deobf' in build.gradle, is that different from that "deobfCompile" that was mentioned earlier, which would be mapping-independent?
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L1690[14:44:11] <tterrag> masa: a dedicated deobfJar is pointless with FG2
L1691[14:44:54] <laci200270> williewillus, sorry my net gone :D
L1692[14:44:55] <Rushmead> Keep thinking people are saying FC2 :P
L1693[14:45:03] <sham1> PaleoCrafter, this is why the hard limit https://github.com/sham1/FluidCraft/blob/master/src/main/java/sham1/fluidcraft/storage/tileentity/FCraftMultiTankTileEntity.java#L103
L1694[14:45:17] <sham1> It is a dirty and quick solution to a problem
L1695[14:45:19] <sham1> So meh
L1696[14:47:00] <masa> tterrag: oh? so... if the dev environment is new enough ie. using FG2 then the universal jar will work?
L1697[14:49:17] <sham1> and yes
L1698[14:49:37] <sham1> This algo ensures that the master tile has to be at the bottom and in the middle of the structure
L1699[14:49:45] <sham1> Simplifies the code so much
L1700[14:56:27] <MattDahEpic> hmmmm im getting nullpointers with my code: https://gist.github.com/MattDahEpic/832841fb91b7a55ed3c6#file-code-java-L28
L1701[14:56:57] <diesieben07> are you spawning particles in a thread?
L1702[14:57:00] <diesieben07> that's not gonna work.
L1703[14:57:19] <MattDahEpic> how should i do it then
L1704[14:57:35] <diesieben07> well, what is our goal
L1705[14:58:01] <MattDahEpic> to have particles be spawned until a certian world time is reached the nspaw na mob
L1706[14:58:13] <MattDahEpic> then spawn a*
L1707[14:58:14] <diesieben07> use a tick handler
L1708[14:59:07] <MattDahEpic> example?
L1709[14:59:36] <diesieben07> subscribe to WorldTickEvent, check if the time has arrived, if so, spawn
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L1719[15:14:51] <waterpicker> I keep getting this error and I have no idea how to fix it. https://gist.github.com/Waterpicker/0e6f6d0fb15fa57ffd2d
L1720[15:15:31] <diesieben07> the config file is invalid
L1721[15:15:32] <xaero> java.lang.RuntimeException: Unmatched quote in '/config/paydirt.config:3'
L1722[15:16:12] <waterpicker> and I don't know what's wrong.
L1723[15:16:19] <waterpicker> The config it self does form.
L1724[15:16:21] <LatvianModder> probably 2 different quotes
L1725[15:16:24] <LatvianModder> like ' and "
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L1727[15:16:53] <Wuppy> LatvianModder, could also be the other "
L1728[15:17:01] <Wuppy> also, Latvia \o/
L1729[15:17:09] <LatvianModder> Wuppy \o/
L1730[15:17:12] <theGliby> i'm latvian as well
L1731[15:17:18] <LatvianModder> :o
L1732[15:18:05] <Wuppy> I'm not latvian but I lived with a few a while back :)
L1733[15:18:23] <theGliby> swedish people are better
L1734[15:18:25] <LatvianModder> Quote from UrbanD: "You know Gilby is drunk when he is seen staring off into space, laughing at nothing"
L1735[15:18:50] <laci200270> I'm hungarian :D
L1736[15:19:02] <LatvianModder> And I'm hungry
L1737[15:19:06] <laci200270> :D
L1738[15:19:12] <theGliby> that's gilby
L1739[15:19:14] <theGliby> i'm gliby
L1740[15:19:21] <Wuppy> I'm dutch :D
L1741[15:19:30] <MoxieGrrl> I'm Moxie.
L1742[15:19:37] <LatvianModder> ha, I knew! .. I just forgot the word..
L1743[15:19:53] <LatvianModder> Holandians, thats what we call em'
L1744[15:19:59] <Wuppy> :O
L1745[15:20:00] <Rushmead> Im British.
L1746[15:21:04] <LatvianModder> hmmm.. its weird.. because usually latvians dont hang out on irc chats.. because all play bloody CoD and LoL. Or minecraft in servers where everything is for irl money
L1747[15:21:20] <LatvianModder> We are like the lowest level gamers.. all of us
L1748[15:21:33] <theGliby> nah that's just the majority
L1749[15:21:37] <Wuppy> can confirm that from the few I know
L1750[15:22:04] <LatvianModder> ok, not ALL. but 99 with a lot of .9s
L1751[15:22:14] <Wuppy>
L1752[15:22:18] <Wuppy> that's NaN
L1753[15:22:27] <LatvianModder> .. damnit moon moon!
L1754[15:22:41] <LatvianModder> actually thats an Exception
L1755[15:22:45] <laci200270> what should I use obj or b3d?
L1756[15:22:49] <Wuppy> depends on the language
L1757[15:22:54] <LatvianModder> depends what for
L1758[15:22:56] <Wuppy> in JS it would be acceptable :c
L1759[15:23:09] <laci200270> a static model
L1760[15:23:22] <LatvianModder> that would add up as 99.9999 or 99.9 + 0.9 + 0.9 + 0.9?
L1761[15:23:29] <LatvianModder> probably obj
L1762[15:24:13] <LatvianModder> though forge's obj loader was crashing with Wings3D exported models, so I had to write my own .obj parser :P
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L1764[15:24:56] <theGliby> .obj is for punks who like to the things right
L1765[15:25:08] <theGliby> who like to do things right
L1766[15:25:13] <theGliby> i'd rather raw opengl everything
L1767[15:25:22] <theGliby> write every draw call by hand
L1768[15:25:35] <LatvianModder> Yeah!
L1769[15:25:37] <gigaherz> theGliby: then 1.8 is not for you ;P
L1770[15:25:47] <gigaherz> and every resourepack maker hates you also
L1771[15:25:47] <gigaherz> Xd
L1772[15:25:50] <gigaherz> also
L1773[15:25:58] <gigaherz> your mods will lag mc clients
L1774[15:25:58] <theGliby> i already hacked in the old first person renderer
L1775[15:26:04] <theGliby> nah they wont
L1776[15:26:42] <gigaherz> unless you cache the models by creating displaylists/VBOs yourself
L1777[15:26:52] <gigaherz> in which case you are duplicating all the work Mojang already did before
L1778[15:26:54] <LatvianModder> is there a better way to handle smooth lighting in game? because mine is.. well. a lot of lines
L1779[15:26:54] <LatvianModder> https://github.com/LatvianModder/BlowItUp/blob/master/src/main/java/latmod/blowitup/world/WorldRenderer.java#L133-L309
L1780[15:26:54] <LatvianModder> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fH3YrejwyY
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L1782[15:27:20] <LatvianModder> and MC's code is useless, since its for 3D but my game is 2D
L1783[15:27:28] <theGliby> isn't that what does tessellator does?
L1784[15:27:37] <theGliby> it caches things and stuff
L1785[15:27:46] <diesieben07> no
L1786[15:27:51] <theGliby> what does it do?
L1787[15:27:55] <theGliby> also aren't vbo's opengl 3?
L1788[15:27:56] <diesieben07> tesselator just batches the gl calls
L1789[15:27:59] <diesieben07> so you have ONE big native call
L1790[15:28:01] <diesieben07> isntead of many
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L1792[15:28:16] <diesieben07> so all the glVertex calls get combined into one
L1793[15:28:19] <LatvianModder> OpenGL3 suuux. I cant make anything without shaders
L1794[15:28:46] <LatvianModder> but Tessellator is pretty much VBOs
L1795[15:28:52] <diesieben07> waat
L1796[15:29:03] <diesieben07> i SUCK at OpenGL and I know you are talking out your ass.
L1797[15:29:43] <williewillus> VBOs are GL2
L1798[15:29:51] <LatvianModder> theGliby: are you a modder?
L1799[15:29:58] <theGliby> google my name
L1800[15:30:07] <gigaherz> the fixed function pipeline is only deprecated in gl3
L1801[15:30:11] <gigaherz> unless you use a forward context
L1802[15:30:17] <LatvianModder> .. try yourself. returns definitions of "totally drunk"
L1803[15:30:18] <gigaherz> in which case you tell opengl to disable all deprecated features
L1804[15:30:30] <gigaherz> but writing shaders is easier than people think
L1805[15:30:33] <theGliby> G L I B Y
L1806[15:30:57] <LatvianModder> "@theGliby follows you" so far good :D though I dont remember you >.<
L1807[15:31:44] <theGliby> so does opengl 2.1 core support vbos or naa?
L1808[15:32:17] <LatvianModder> not sure
L1809[15:32:27] <LatvianModder> I know Tess has a boolean check for support
L1810[15:32:30] <williewillus> mc is on gl1 level, halfway poked into gl2, with mayyybe gl3 if you use the shaders. tells you how many people have toasters trying to play the game :p
L1811[15:32:35] <gigaherz> The Vertex Buffer Object specification has been standardized by the OpenGL Architecture Review Board as of OpenGL Version 1.5 (in 2003).
L1812[15:32:51] <gigaherz> yep
L1813[15:32:53] <gigaherz> ARB in 1.5
L1814[15:32:55] <theGliby> thanks gigaherz, right then
L1815[15:32:59] <gigaherz> and core in 2.1
L1816[15:33:03] <LatvianModder> I think only MC 1.8+
L1817[15:34:12] <theGliby> i'll go make my tess stuff cached in display lists then
L1818[15:34:34] <LatvianModder> I think I do that with waypoints in minimap mod
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L1827[15:54:53] <shadekiller666> does anyone know if an IExtendedBlockState can be returned from getActualState() without breaking things?
L1828[15:55:21] <gigaherz> probably not
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L1831[15:58:34] <masa> then where ae they used at anyway?
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L1835[15:59:12] <masa> if that extends IBlockState then why would it break?
L1836[15:59:40] <masa> isn't getActualState() just for rendering anyway?
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L1838[16:00:27] <masa> alrighty last day of this year just started...
L1839[16:01:14] <Wuppy> masa, doing anything for new years?
L1840[16:01:48] <shadekiller666> masa, extended block states are used to track properties that aren't listed in the blockstate json, its used primarilly for passing IModelStates into the custom model loaders atm
L1841[16:02:45] <Rushmead> Could i make it in my mod so that blocks can be placed on half blocks?
L1842[16:03:01] <gigaherz> masa: getExtendedState
L1843[16:03:22] <gigaherz> getActualState is for some misc tasks, all of them for client use
L1844[16:03:31] <masa> mmkay
L1845[16:03:33] <shadekiller666> problem is, if an IExtendedBlockState is returned from any method that is called in Block during block placement that is then checked against the IBlockState->IBakedModel map it can break block placement
L1846[16:03:35] <diesieben07> it's not all ofr clinet...
L1847[16:03:42] <diesieben07> getactualState gives you info like fence connections
L1848[16:03:55] <gigaherz> it's only called by the client, though
L1849[16:03:59] <shadekiller666> because the game will try to find the IBakedModel using an IExtendedBlockState and won't find one
L1850[16:04:02] <gigaherz> the server never calculates thoseconnections
L1851[16:04:14] <diesieben07> it could though
L1852[16:04:25] <gigaherz> no wait
L1853[16:04:25] <masa> Wuppy: nothing special, the same as every year, ie. I'm still at home/my parents, and we are probbaly going to watch some fireworks outside and eat our usual "new years" food :p
L1854[16:04:34] <masa> and also of course keep on modding :p
L1855[16:04:38] <gigaherz> getActualState is called also by isSideSolid=
L1856[16:04:54] <Wuppy> cool, this is my first new years without my parents
L1857[16:05:04] <Wuppy> so it's time for a sick party :P
L1858[16:05:38] <masa> :D
L1859[16:05:57] <gigaherz> I sorta miss the new years with my family
L1860[16:06:17] <gigaherz> we'd meet at my cousin's house, then have dinner with bbq
L1861[16:07:11] <Wuppy> hehe, bbq in NL wouldn't really work out
L1862[16:07:17] <Wuppy> it's generally freezing during new years
L1863[16:07:25] <Wuppy> this time it's like 15 degrees but yeah...
L1864[16:08:20] <masa> yep it was also around 10 degrees C here in finland too up until christmas, now it has been betwen -10 .. -1 for a couple of days though
L1865[16:09:19] <masa> and 10 degrees is literally about the same temperature that it was in here during mid summer was it this or last year :D that is just retarded :p
L1866[16:10:46] <shadekiller666> !gm registerItemVariants 1.8.8
L1867[16:10:56] <shadekiller666> !gm registerItemVariants
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L1876[16:17:18] <shadekiller666> is the master branch of the forge repo still on 1.8.0?
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L1878[16:18:09] <diesieben07> it's 1.8.9
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L1880[16:18:25] <shadekiller666> oh, guess i should rebase back onto master then...
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L1883[16:22:09] <gigaherz> hm?
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L1885[16:23:00] <shadekiller666> my objloader branch is currently forked off of the 1.8.8 branch on the forge repo...
L1886[16:23:01] <gigaherz> when was 1.8.8 merged into maste? :O
L1887[16:23:06] <shadekiller666> yesterdat
L1888[16:23:09] <gigaherz> shadekiller666: rebase then ;P
L1889[16:23:15] <shadekiller666> yesterday*
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L1891[16:23:41] <MattDahEpic> im not finding an event for player respawn, is there one?
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L1894[16:24:19] <diesieben07> PlayerRespawnEvent
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L1897[16:24:59] <MattDahEpic> oh its inside event
L1898[16:25:09] <MattDahEpic> playerevent
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L1900[16:27:28] <shadekiller666> giga, this is what the branch looks like in sourcetree: http://imgur.com/o1VatEq, do i need to do anything fancy with the rebasing?
L1901[16:32:33] <gigaherz> I doubt it
L1902[16:32:34] <diesieben07> shadekiller666, no, just rebase and cross finger that you don't have conflicts
L1903[16:32:54] <shadekiller666> ok
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L1906[16:39:35] <SmashShock> Hey, what size image do you all use for your mcmod.info logo?
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L1908[16:41:13] <SmashShock> Or is that a trivial thing, hardly anyone goes into that window anyway
L1909[16:41:15] <masa> hah what a coincidence, I was just at this second updating one of my mcmod.info files and thinking about adding a logo to it :p
L1910[16:41:23] <gigaherz> I never used a logo
L1911[16:41:25] <gigaherz> yet
L1912[16:41:35] <SmashShock> Gotcha
L1913[16:41:56] <SmashShock> I just made one for my mod to stir some motivation in me for the rewrite
L1914[16:42:01] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L1915[16:43:00] <SmashShock> What do you think? http://imgur.com/jm1rLJv
L1916[16:43:17] <gigaherz> fancy
L1917[16:43:20] <gigaherz> but probably WAY too high-res
L1918[16:43:21] <gigaherz> XD
L1919[16:43:28] <SmashShock> Probably, haha :p
L1920[16:43:35] <masa> what is the flashing diamond-looking icon on the Mods button on the main menu? :o
L1921[16:43:37] <gigaherz> check other mods, see what they use
L1922[16:43:56] <gigaherz> masa: they added it to 1.8.9
L1923[16:44:04] <gigaherz> to incite people to check out the new Realms pricing
L1924[16:44:20] <masa> ?
L1925[16:44:24] ⇦ Quits: jandal (~quassel@li951-76.members.linode.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1926[16:44:31] <gigaherz> it's not MEANT to be on the mods button
L1927[16:44:33] <SmashShock> Realms is still a thing?
L1928[16:44:36] <gigaherz> it's meant to be on the right of the realms button
L1929[16:44:36] <masa> oh, haha
L1930[16:45:04] <gigaherz> forge changes the size of the realms button
L1931[16:45:12] <gigaherz> but it doesn't patch out the code that draws the diamond
L1932[16:45:19] ⇨ Joins: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@93-94-245-48.dynamic.swissvpn.net)
L1933[16:45:41] <SmashShock> Talk about a half-measure
L1934[16:46:31] <shadekiller666> how does one check what branch is set as the upstream for git push?
L1935[16:47:04] <SmashShock> Speaking of version control...
L1936[16:47:07] <gigaherz> there's some command for it, or you can open .git/config in a text editor and see
L1937[16:47:07] <gigaherz> XD
L1938[16:47:12] <SmashShock> I should be using version control.
L1939[16:47:28] <AbrarSyed> shadekiller666, default git behavior is the branch of the exact same name on the remote...
L1940[16:48:01] <shadekiller666> so if im on 'master' on my remote, it should push to master?
L1941[16:48:02] <sham1> 1.8.9 is the new master eh
L1942[16:48:06] <AbrarSyed> you generally have to use git push <remote> <branch> if you dont want it use 'origin' and '<currentBranch>' as the default
L1943[16:48:26] <gigaherz> yo ucan change the remote tracking
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L1946[16:48:38] <masa> doesn't that also depend on the push.default setting?
L1947[16:49:06] ⇦ Quits: MarcoSlater (~MarcoSlat@marta.marcoslater.com) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1948[16:49:29] <AbrarSyed> im sure you can configure everything to be a certain way.. Im just talking about the original git defaults
L1949[16:49:38] <gigaherz> ah yeah
L1950[16:49:45] <gigaherz> well, I'm a TortoiseGit user ;P
L1951[16:49:46] <sham1> You can also have 2 different remotes :P
L1952[16:49:47] ⇦ Quits: ollieread (~ollieread@2a01:7e00::f03c:91ff:feae:5b6) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1953[16:49:56] <gigaherz> or 10 ;p
L1954[16:50:06] <gigaherz> gets common in collabotarive projects
L1955[16:50:06] <masa> or 11
L1956[16:50:11] <killjoy> so today I learned that minecraft forums don't like you using the word ass
L1957[16:50:14] <gigaherz> you have "origin" with your fork
L1958[16:50:14] <masa> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13148066/warning-push-default-is-unset-its-implicit-value-is-changing-in-git-2-0
L1959[16:50:25] <gigaherz> "upstream" with the central
L1960[16:50:25] <sham1> If I have a fork, I use origin for my fork repo and upstream for the repo I am forking
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L1962[16:50:37] <gigaherz> "somedude1" with someone else you are helping/getting help from
L1963[16:51:04] <sham1> So I can merge and update my fork and stuff
L1964[16:51:11] ⇨ Joins: jandal (~quassel@li951-76.members.linode.com)
L1965[16:51:13] <gigaherz> same
L1966[16:51:20] ⇨ Joins: MarcoSlater (~MarcoSlat@marta.marcoslater.com)
L1967[16:51:59] ⇨ Joins: ollieread (~ollieread@2a01:7e00::f03c:91ff:feae:5b6)
L1968[16:52:31] <IoP> Does git handle origin remote with special care?
L1969[16:52:37] <sham1> I actually use cmd instead of relying on GUIs for anything but merge conflicts
L1970[16:52:46] <sham1> IoP, nope
L1971[16:52:58] <sham1> Origin is like any other remote
L1972[16:53:08] <IoP> actually: "If the configuration is missing, it defaults to origin."
L1973[16:53:09] <killjoy> I use the gui for adding files and looking at diffs
L1974[16:53:10] <sham1> It could be called kitten and it would work
L1975[16:55:42] <sham1> It defaults to the name origin, but apart from that it really is nothing special
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L1978[17:03:06] <gigaherz> IoP: the name is just a convention
L1979[17:03:22] <gigaherz> it's the default because it's the "origin" of the pull
L1980[17:03:31] <gigaherz> (well, clone)
L1981[17:03:59] <gigaherz> convention is to clone your fork, and then add the central repository as "upstream", and any extra repositories with representative names
L1982[17:04:22] ⇦ Quits: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872d48.access.telenet.be) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1983[17:05:52] <sham1> Mmm
L1984[17:06:22] <sham1> And github recommends using 'origin' when creating a new repo
L1985[17:07:50] <sham1> So that helps
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L1987[17:10:30] <sham1> Also, how well does the tortoise git work
L1988[17:10:41] <sham1> Because it sounds interesting
L1989[17:10:58] <gigaherz> TortoiseGit is designed to be familiar to people who used tortoisesvn
L1990[17:11:05] <gigaherz> so not all git functions match 1:1
L1991[17:11:14] <gigaherz> but generally speaking, it's the one reason I got to like git
L1992[17:11:38] <gigaherz> when I tried to use git the first time, I tried to use cmdline, and my conclusion was "git is a confusing mess no one can possibly like"
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L1994[17:11:42] <gigaherz> ;P
L1995[17:11:48] <sham1> Yeah, the command line git is not the most noob-friendly thing out there
L1996[17:12:23] <sham1> Tortoise will propably be my only way to use svn aside from git-wvn
L1997[17:12:53] <sham1> Because from what I've seen, SVN's very interesting to say the least
L1998[17:13:36] <gigaherz> SVN is a different paradigm
L1999[17:13:46] <gigaherz> no local history
L2000[17:13:58] <sham1> Yeah
L2001[17:14:12] <sham1> I personally prefer local history
L2002[17:14:17] <gigaherz> the only truly local operation is "add"
L2003[17:14:24] <gigaherz> well and diff and revert
L2004[17:14:30] <gigaherz> which use the local cache of the checkout copy
L2005[17:14:31] <sham1> I can rewind without affecting anyone else
L2006[17:14:46] <gigaherz> branches in svn are physical copies
L2007[17:14:59] <gigaherz> also tags
L2008[17:15:07] <gigaherz> svn internally has no concept of a tagged revision
L2009[17:15:11] <gigaherz> it creates a physical branch
L2010[17:15:15] *** Morphan1 is now known as MorphFK
L2011[17:15:18] <sham1> Every branch has its own directory
L2012[17:15:28] <gigaherz> it's your responsibility to NOT commit on top of a tag
L2013[17:18:59] <sham1> T'was a culture shock when I wanted to look at ROS' code and it was SVN
L2014[17:19:16] <gigaherz> we have a git mirror! ;P
L2015[17:19:26] <sham1> :p
L2016[17:19:47] <gigaherz> I tried to push for a switch to git
L2017[17:19:51] <gigaherz> but it was a no-go
L2018[17:19:54] <MattDahEpic> how would one set the player's food?
L2019[17:20:09] <gigaherz> one of the active devs said basically, "if the project siwtches to git, they lose me as a dev"
L2020[17:20:41] <sham1> And I assume he knows something about NT
L2021[17:20:48] <gigaherz> ofc
L2022[17:20:48] <sham1> So no
L2023[17:20:53] <gigaherz> but even if not
L2024[17:21:03] <gigaherz> we can't afford to lose devs just for the sake of switching to git
L2025[17:21:04] <gigaherz> ;P
L2026[17:21:12] <AbrarSyed> gigaherz, what is he using right now?
L2027[17:21:12] <sham1> Mmm
L2028[17:21:20] <gigaherz> AbrarSyed: the project uses Svn
L2029[17:21:20] <AbrarSyed> svn? hg?
L2030[17:21:30] <gigaherz> we have a read-only git mirror
L2031[17:21:53] <AbrarSyed> http://www.subgit.com/
L2032[17:22:07] <gigaherz> https://git.reactos.org/
L2033[17:22:34] <gigaherz> (web viewer)
L2034[17:23:17] <sham1> Is it at the point that I can have additional users btw
L2035[17:23:48] <gigaherz> reactos? well... sorta?
L2036[17:24:13] <gigaherz> is it technically possible to login with any created user
L2037[17:24:27] <sham1> When I tried
L2038[17:24:33] <gigaherz> but we don't have terminal services, so "fast user switching" (switch between users without logout) is not a thing
L2039[17:24:50] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L2040[17:27:54] <sham1> When I tried to create and use my own account it would not work
L2041[17:28:08] <shadekiller666> works better if i actually register the block that i'm asking the MLR to find...
L2042[17:28:10] <sham1> I could not log in
L2043[17:28:18] <sham1> :P
L2044[17:28:24] <sham1> Propably
L2045[17:28:38] <gigaherz> well I don't know if "creating an account" works
L2046[17:28:39] <gigaherz> XD
L2047[17:28:49] <gigaherz> never tested that
L2048[17:32:08] <shadekiller666> how does java not understand how to cast Float to double...
L2049[17:33:07] <sham1> Auto-unboxing
L2050[17:33:07] <gigaherz> it doesn't
L2051[17:33:16] <gigaherz> it can only do implicit casts between primitives
L2052[17:33:23] <gigaherz> not directly from boxed to unboxed of another type
L2053[17:33:44] <SmashShock> Is it 100% reliable that every chunk that gets loaded, eventually gets unloaded?
L2054[17:33:53] <shadekiller666> its a built-in java wrapper class for a primitive... it should know to unbox first
L2055[17:34:00] <SmashShock> Or rather, that those events are fired
L2056[17:34:14] <gigaherz> what for?
L2057[17:34:23] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L2058[17:34:32] <SmashShock> I'm keeping track of radioactive blocks in the chunks that are loaded
L2059[17:34:52] <shadekiller666> this is what i mean when i say most compilers are stupid
L2060[17:35:15] <sham1> Well they are programs like all esle
L2061[17:35:29] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@93-94-245-48.dynamic.swissvpn.net) ()
L2062[17:35:30] <shadekiller666> doesn't mean they can't be intelligent :P
L2063[17:35:54] <gigaherz> you underestimate the complexity of keeping sane semantics
L2064[17:35:55] <gigaherz> XD
L2065[17:36:08] ⇨ Joins: Hink (~Hink@146-115-152-96.c3-0.frm-ubr1.sbo-frm.ma.cable.rcn.com)
L2066[17:36:22] <shadekiller666> recognizing that Float is a wrapper for float is something the java compiler should be able to do...
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L2068[17:36:32] <gigaherz> it does
L2069[17:36:34] <Hink> Is the best way to understand how to mod Minecraft just to read the decompiled Classes?
L2070[17:36:39] <gigaherz> but the unboxing rules
L2071[17:36:41] <gigaherz> and thecastrules
L2072[17:36:52] <gigaherz> the casting rules*
L2073[17:37:08] <gigaherz> Hink: in many cases
L2074[17:37:34] <Hink> I just feel overwhelmed trying to read all the comments and methods to see how they work.
L2075[17:37:35] <gigaherz> in certain situations, Minecraft's system was hardcoded, and Forge provides a registration system for it
L2076[17:37:36] <shadekiller666> also, ModelFluid seems to be broken in the latest version of 'master'
L2077[17:37:45] <gigaherz> Hink: then make use of tutorials
L2078[17:37:58] <Hink> Sorry, I am working in MCP I mean.
L2079[17:38:01] <Hink> Not Forge.
L2080[17:38:13] <gigaherz> ah well, thne you are sortof on your own
L2081[17:38:14] <gigaherz> why not forge?
L2082[17:38:23] <gigaherz> it's much better to work at forge level
L2083[17:38:23] <Hink> Um, hacked client.
L2084[17:38:32] <masa> wtf
L2085[17:38:40] <Hink> It's just something I've always wanted to do.
L2086[17:38:46] <Hink> Please don't judge.
L2087[17:38:56] <masa> too late
L2088[17:39:12] <gigaherz> well you did say it, you could have said "I have my reasons" and then we wouldn't have anything to judge ;P
L2089[17:39:15] <masa> if you care enough to try modding, why not support the game and actually buy it?
L2090[17:39:42] <Hink> masa, I have the game by hacked client I mean for SMP cheats.
L2091[17:40:05] <masa> wtf
L2092[17:40:37] <Hink> gigaherz, you're probably right, now I should just delete this identity.
L2093[17:40:56] <gigaherz> well it doesn't matter
L2094[17:41:00] <SmashShock> Like, Nodus type stuff?
L2095[17:41:07] <Hink> SmashShock, yes.
L2096[17:41:08] * sham1 judges hard
L2097[17:41:11] <PaleoCrafter> you could do this stuff with Forge :P
L2098[17:41:13] <SmashShock> You actually own the game, though?
L2099[17:41:14] <Hink> :(
L2100[17:41:21] <Hink> TIFU by IRC.
L2101[17:41:35] <Hink> Yes, I own the gmae.
L2102[17:41:37] <Hink> *game
L2103[17:41:39] <gigaherz> but we can't really help if you work at MCP level
L2104[17:41:44] <SmashShock> I don't see the problem with using Forge then
L2105[17:41:51] <gigaherz> most of our help would be "use forge's... oops"
L2106[17:41:52] <masa> what is nodus?
L2107[17:41:53] <Hink> Yeah, I was just curious, I want to understand the game more.
L2108[17:42:20] <SmashShock> masa, it's a hacked client that exposes exploits to keybinds
L2109[17:42:25] <gigaherz> keep in mind, the purpose of forge
L2110[17:42:29] <gigaherz> is simply to make your life easier
L2111[17:42:32] <sham1> Forge allows understanding the game fundamentally while adding some other nifty suff
L2112[17:42:33] <gigaherz> it's not an abstraction layer
L2113[17:42:49] <gigaherz> we DO work directly with minecraft
L2114[17:42:55] <Hink> Yes, I understand, I live Forge, but clients such as this are usually made on the MCP level.
L2115[17:43:04] <Hink> *like
L2116[17:43:08] <sham1> It does compatibility
L2117[17:43:16] <SmashShock> So wait, you're trying to find out how the hacked client works?
L2118[17:43:30] <Hink> Essentially, I don't mean to piss anyone off.
L2119[17:43:31] <diesieben07> can I assume that the overworld is loaded (WorldEvent.Load) only once per server?
L2120[17:43:48] <sham1> Would make sense
L2121[17:43:54] <diesieben07> in just forge it is true, but like... are there mods that change it?
L2122[17:43:54] <gigaherz> diesieben07: so far as I know, the overworld is never unloaded
L2123[17:43:59] <gigaherz> butyeah
L2124[17:44:05] <gigaherz> dunno about mods that change that
L2125[17:44:25] <diesieben07> because i need to initialize a database when the server starts
L2126[17:44:30] <SmashShock> Hink, there's no harm in examination, or implementation, as long as it's not for nefarious purposes.
L2127[17:44:33] <gigaherz> isn't there a serverstartingevent?
L2128[17:44:33] <masa> diesieben07: for what purpose though? would single player re-starting the integrated server break it?
L2129[17:44:41] <diesieben07> but i don't want to do it in server starting because that is after WorldEvent.load
L2130[17:44:42] <PaleoCrafter> diesieben is asking a question D:
L2131[17:44:45] <gigaherz> ah
L2132[17:44:53] <diesieben07> and then peoople cannot use it there
L2133[17:44:55] <sham1> Yes paelo
L2134[17:44:57] <gigaherz> diesieben07: wait, can't you just do a simple boolean?
L2135[17:44:59] <diesieben07> so i was thinking doing it in Load
L2136[17:45:00] <masa> diesieben07: ServerAboutToStartEvent?
L2137[17:45:02] <Hink> SmashShock, I am not with ill intentions.
L2138[17:45:04] <sham1> You are not dreaming
L2139[17:45:12] <gigaherz> Database.init() { if(initialized) return; initialized=true; }
L2140[17:45:13] <diesieben07> that's too early masa, the world folder is not know there yet
L2141[17:45:20] <diesieben07> uhh
L2142[17:45:31] <diesieben07> that would make it even worse because this all needs to be threadsafe
L2143[17:45:32] <masa> ah, so you have similar problems than I did :p
L2144[17:45:44] <SmashShock> Hink, then go at it, but keep in mind, this is MinecraftForge IRC :p
L2145[17:45:49] <sham1> >thread safety
L2146[17:45:55] <Hink> Yes, thank you SmashShock.
L2147[17:46:01] <diesieben07> yes
L2148[17:46:04] <sham1> >MC
L2149[17:46:14] <diesieben07> the DB field is volatile and only ever set from the main thread when the world loads
L2150[17:46:24] <diesieben07> i am interacting with large-ish files
L2151[17:46:31] <gigaherz> there's bound to be an atomic-compare-exchange
L2152[17:46:33] <diesieben07> so lots of asynchornous stuff so the DB needs to be safe :D
L2153[17:46:44] <sham1> What is the purpose of this db
L2154[17:46:48] <gigaherz> it's an essential tool for thread-safety
L2155[17:46:52] <diesieben07> yes, there is a compare and swap
L2156[17:47:07] <diesieben07> the purpose is to store and manage images and their metadata
L2157[17:47:12] <PaleoCrafter> diesieben is working on an AI that conquers the world from within MC
L2158[17:47:16] <diesieben07> shush
L2159[17:47:19] <diesieben07> quiet
L2160[17:47:20] <sham1> Oh, that
L2161[17:47:34] <shadekiller666> does calling setValue() on a Map.Entry<> change the Map itself?
L2162[17:47:40] <diesieben07> yes, if te map allows it
L2163[17:47:44] <gigaherz> if(compareandswap(initialized, true)) return; then ;P
L2164[17:47:50] <diesieben07> gahh
L2165[17:47:51] <diesieben07> even more cas
L2166[17:47:54] <gigaherz> sorry
L2167[17:48:00] <diesieben07> i already have it for nextID() :D
L2168[17:48:02] <gigaherz> I mean if you can't be certain
L2169[17:48:06] <gigaherz> better safe
L2170[17:48:07] <gigaherz> ;p
L2171[17:48:12] <diesieben07> well
L2172[17:48:37] <diesieben07> the problem with this approach is: what happens if someone asks for hte db when it is not appropriate (no server)
L2173[17:48:41] <diesieben07> now i have to have that check, too
L2174[17:48:46] <diesieben07> every time soomeone asks for hte DB
L2175[17:49:20] <gigaherz> hmm
L2176[17:49:28] <gigaherz> synchronized singleton?
L2177[17:49:37] <diesieben07> but it's not a singleton :D
L2178[17:49:55] <sham1> Just the name makes me loopy
L2179[17:50:26] <diesieben07> i think i know what to do
L2180[17:50:28] <gigaherz> sham: getInstance() { synchronized(blah) { if(instance == null) { initializeInstance() } return instance; } }
L2181[17:50:33] <diesieben07> it's a bit ugly but ok
L2182[17:50:51] <sham1> Ah
L2183[17:50:57] <gigaherz> sham1: that way you know initialization never happens while others need the object
L2184[17:51:09] <sham1> So it is not spring-tieg terrible
L2185[17:52:00] <SmashShock> So, what mods are you all working on?
L2186[17:52:11] <diesieben07> only initialize if the overworld is loaded between server about to start and server starting :D
L2187[17:52:15] <diesieben07> CameraCraft
L2188[17:52:23] <gigaherz> heh
L2189[17:52:33] <gigaherz> I'm porting Ender-Rift to 1.8.8
L2190[17:52:42] <gigaherz> before I implement a workaround for the design-breaking flaw
L2191[17:52:48] <SmashShock> I think I remember CameraCraft
L2192[17:52:53] <SmashShock> Way back
L2193[17:52:55] <diesieben07> yep
L2194[17:53:03] <diesieben07> 1.4.7 is hte latest version:D
L2195[17:53:07] <SmashShock> Haha
L2196[17:53:43] <SmashShock> Ender-Rift looks pretty neat!
L2197[17:53:53] <gigaherz> yeah, if it wasn't for that hige design flaw
L2198[17:53:54] <gigaherz> ;P
L2199[17:53:57] <gigaherz> huge*
L2200[17:54:00] <gigaherz> not in my design
L2201[17:54:02] <gigaherz> in Minecraft.
L2202[17:54:03] <gigaherz> ;P
L2203[17:54:06] <sham1> FluidCraft, trying to decide what would be the hardcode limit for my multiblock lengths before the checking algo giving up
L2204[17:54:15] <gigaherz> basically the way inventory works
L2205[17:54:26] <gigaherz> it's impossible to have a "cost" to extract items
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L2208[17:54:44] <gigaherz> if you say "can't extract", the block assumes it just CAN'T be extracted
L2209[17:54:48] <gigaherz> not "at this moment"
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L2212[17:54:51] <gigaherz> if you don't
L2213[17:55:00] <gigaherz> then the block assumes it can extract, just not how many
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L2216[17:55:19] <gigaherz> so it's impossible to limit the extraction flow
L2217[17:55:39] <sham1> Anyway, I think I should sleep
L2218[17:55:45] <SmashShock> Cheers sham
L2219[17:55:59] <MattDahEpic> how would one set the player's food level?
L2220[17:56:04] *** sham1 is now known as sham1|ZZzZ
L2221[17:56:22] <diesieben07> see FoodStats class
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L2224[17:56:54] *** K-4U is now known as K-4U|Off
L2225[17:56:57] <SmashShock> You can call getFoodStats() on the player object and then call setFoodLevel on the resulting object
L2226[17:57:20] <waterpicker> Forge's config is shit.
L2227[17:57:30] <waterpicker> *Configuration API
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L2232[17:58:38] <SmashShock> Oh hi diesieben07, just noticed you were a Moderator from the thread I pilfered that info from
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L2235[17:58:58] <diesieben07> you did *what* to that thread?
L2236[17:59:36] <SmashShock> The foodstats thread that I took that information from, I saw you were a moderator
L2237[17:59:56] <SmashShock> Not sure why I brought that up
L2238[17:59:56] <diesieben07> ah
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L2241[18:04:35] *** MorphFK is now known as Morphan1
L2242[18:06:52] <MattDahEpic> there's player.getMaxHealth(), but is there a way to get a player's max food?
L2243[18:07:19] <diesieben07> max food level is hardcoded in FoodStats
L2244[18:07:27] <williewillus> Girafi: if you're the one who reported crash on my aura cascade port, I updated it https://github.com/williewillus/Aura-Cascade/releases/tag/v0.2-alpha
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L2247[18:07:59] <Girafi> I was :P Just wanted to let you know :3 But thanks I guess ;)
L2248[18:08:17] <Girafi> Ahh 1.8.9 too, sweet ^^
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L2251[18:08:35] <SmashShock> Bedrock is at y=0, right?
L2252[18:09:26] <williewillus> anywhere from 0 to 5 iirc
L2253[18:09:50] <SmashShock> Gotcha
L2254[18:10:00] <Girafi> There is a mod that makes it only spawn at layer 0 tho :p
L2255[18:10:04] <Girafi> Or 1, can't remember.
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L2265[18:13:59] <shadekiller666> what does returning true form onBlockActivated do?
L2266[18:14:17] <diesieben07> stop further processing of the right click (e.g. through items)
L2267[18:14:35] <diesieben07> and on the client makes the packet actually be send to the server
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L2269[18:15:12] <diesieben07> yay. Database is finished! https://goo.gl/4FQ0id
L2270[18:15:19] <PaleoCrafter> sure on that second part?
L2271[18:15:28] <PaleoCrafter> I think that only is for onItemUseFirst
L2272[18:15:53] <diesieben07> huh
L2273[18:15:56] <diesieben07> yea you are right
L2274[18:17:34] <masa> diesieben07: hmm, would ServerABoutToStartEvent with event.getServer().getActiveAnvilConverter().getSaveLoader(event.getServer().getFolderName(), true).getWorldDirectory(); work, if you need the dir?
L2275[18:17:49] <diesieben07> no
L2276[18:17:57] <diesieben07> i know that code is in DimensinoManager, but it is broken
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L2278[18:18:14] <masa> ?
L2279[18:18:18] <diesieben07> getSaveLoader needs the world name passed in
L2280[18:18:23] <diesieben07> but that code passes the server directory
L2281[18:19:13] <masa> well that is what happens in DedicatedServer via the loadAllWorlds() call
L2282[18:19:14] <diesieben07> at best it produces something like "myServerDir/myServerDir", at worst it just crashes because ou are trying to create a sub-path with an absolute path as the 2nd param
L2283[18:20:19] <diesieben07> uhhh
L2284[18:20:26] <diesieben07> getFolderName is the world name
L2285[18:20:29] <diesieben07> how stupid is that
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L2287[18:20:40] <diesieben07> so yeah it would work, but... too late now
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L2289[18:22:20] <Halonium> Hi, it's SmashShock. Just chose a different alias.
L2290[18:23:23] <killjoy> I suddenly have this map. http://i.imgur.com/s5zZx1E.png
L2291[18:23:47] <Halonium> Oh man...
L2292[18:24:30] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
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L2294[18:24:58] <williewillus> lol
L2295[18:25:28] <diesieben07> I have an interface PhotoStorage which stores photos (duh). Now there is an extension which can also store a name for each photo. NamedPhotoStorage? better ideas? :D
L2296[18:25:58] <killjoy> ehh good enough
L2297[18:26:09] <PaleoCrafter> needs more enterprise Java naming
L2298[18:26:20] <diesieben07> the current name is PhotoStorageRenamable which is awful
L2299[18:26:33] <killjoy> make it longer
L2300[18:26:59] <diesieben07> i usually like names like XXXWithYYY
L2301[18:27:08] <diesieben07> but PhotoStorageWithNames sounds awful, too
L2302[18:27:14] <killjoy> inb4 ultimate wizard swear
L2303[18:27:23] <PaleoCrafter> StorageForPhotosWithNamesAndStuff
L2304[18:27:33] <diesieben07> you are of great help :D
L2305[18:27:55] <PaleoCrafter> always ;)
L2306[18:27:59] <killjoy> The elder swear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rfNlSuxgAc
L2307[18:28:43] <killjoy> name your class that
L2308[18:28:48] <diesieben07> lorem ipsum haha
L2309[18:29:44] <killjoy> daniel radcliff
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L2318[18:39:00] <Hink> --username <user> --password <pass> doesn't seem to be a valid set of runtime arguments for me.
L2319[18:39:17] <Hink> w/ Migrated account too.
L2320[18:39:45] <williewillus> maybe tree --uuid as well? not sure
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L2325[18:40:34] <PaleoCrafter> Hink, are you using Forge or pure MCP?
L2326[18:40:53] <Hink> MCP, sorry, I was hoping it would be the same.
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L2328[18:41:06] <PaleoCrafter> nah, the login stuff is added by Forge
L2329[18:41:11] <PaleoCrafter> iirc
L2330[18:41:13] <Hink> Okay.
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L2334[18:44:24] <DrDisconsented> https://gist.github.com/disconsented/868479fba26e31461719 Any ideas on why potion effects will be applied but wont actually do anything? (Got the size of the active effects list to confirm this)
L2335[18:44:41] <diesieben07> is that in a TE?
L2336[18:45:11] <DrDisconsented> yep
L2337[18:45:17] <williewillus> if I wanted to take a 2D textureatlassprite and render it with thickness like a builtin/generated item model, how do I do that? :p
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L2340[18:45:49] <diesieben07> you have to do it on the server only then, check for world.isRemote is false
L2341[18:46:17] <PaleoCrafter> williewillus, look at how 1.7 did it :P
L2342[18:47:03] <PaleoCrafter> or look at the generation of item models in 1.8
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L2346[18:50:26] <Thutmose> cpw should I go and try to fix/re-do the PR I made for villager registry for the merge errors? Last I checked it was just the 2 lines related to the FMLControlledNamespaceRegistry and the Delegate for it
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L2353[18:59:51] <DrDisconsented> https://gist.github.com/disconsented/868479fba26e31461719 nope :<
L2354[19:00:25] <Halonium> Does forge handle coordinates in Vec3's?
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L2357[19:01:04] <PaleoCrafter> block coordinates are represented by BlockPos
L2358[19:01:25] <diesieben07> DrDisconsented, the potion you are applying there is instant health. it doesn't do anything when applied like that.
L2359[19:01:50] <Halonium> Okay, so I can just construct my own Vec3 if I want one
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L2363[19:02:20] <DrDisconsented> Eh? Thats meant to be damage not health
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L2367[19:02:40] <diesieben07> well, same thing
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L2369[19:02:45] <diesieben07> point is the potion is instant
L2370[19:02:57] <PaleoCrafter> btw, if you want to damage things, there are easier ways :P
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L2372[19:03:21] <DrDisconsented> Random potion effect. My understand is that when it runs for more than one tick it applies the damage every tick
L2373[19:03:28] <DrDisconsented> understanding*
L2374[19:03:31] <RazerSwift> Does anybody know of a mod that resets map (and possibly seed) after dying in Hardcore mod?
L2375[19:03:40] <RazerSwift> mode*
L2376[19:03:49] <gigaherz> why would that be useful?
L2377[19:03:53] *** bilde2910|away is now known as bilde2910
L2378[19:03:54] <gigaherz> you just start a new save?
L2379[19:03:55] <diesieben07> DrDisconsented, no, instant and non-instant potions are handled differently.
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L2387[19:04:59] <RazerSwift> A.) Delete world button shown on death doesn't actually delete world. B.) It breaks immersion. C.) It's a hassle, even if it's a small one.
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L2389[19:06:23] <RazerSwift> Going for an "Edge of Tomorrow" sort of experience.
L2390[19:06:45] <RazerSwift> With or without seed randomization.
L2391[19:06:53] <DrDisconsented> 17/poison should work well in this case then right diesieben07?
L2392[19:06:59] <diesieben07> yes
L2393[19:07:18] <gigaherz> or a wither one if you want to cause death
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L2395[19:08:04] <diesieben07> jeez, skype is such a pile of junk
L2396[19:08:25] <diesieben07> it just freezes windows explorer and itself randomly and sometimes crashes when i navigate through folders
L2397[19:08:25] <diesieben07> wtf
L2398[19:08:28] <DrDisconsented> The actual effect doesn't matter atm, I will apply somthing else later. Also https://gist.github.com/disconsented/36dd822d2ba4ae10e73a no dice
L2399[19:08:38] <Rockers> I'm stuck on something again. \o/ -I'm creating a custom recipe (system? - Sorry, system sounded better than "thingy") and I'm getting null pointers when I really shouldn't be getting any null pointers. I'm guessing it's an obvious flaw with my code. I'm not sure if I'm using the right kind of map but I went with a Hashtable... Should I have gone
L2400[19:08:39] <Rockers> with a ConcurrentHashMap? Anyway, I don't think that's my issue. Something doesn't seem to be getting set.
L2401[19:08:57] <RazerSwift> I guess on a related/smaller note. Is it possible to change the seed of a world while its running?
L2402[19:08:59] <diesieben07> a universal Map is HashMap
L2403[19:09:18] <gigaherz> Rockers: null pointer exception from a hash map, means the key didn't exist
L2404[19:09:24] <gigaherz> or more accurately
L2405[19:09:29] <gigaherz> get(key) return null
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L2407[19:09:32] <gigaherz> you just don't handle it
L2408[19:09:36] <Rockers> The key exists alright. Or it should exist.
L2409[19:09:40] <gigaherz> well
L2410[19:09:40] <Rockers> I didn't want to handle it.
L2411[19:09:44] <gigaherz> either it doesn't exist,
L2412[19:09:50] <gigaherz> or you actually put a null in it
L2413[19:09:53] <Halonium> General java question: if you create an object with a pointer, then push that object to an ArrayList, will the pointer point to the object that exists in the array?
L2414[19:10:03] <Rockers> I want it to crash for it is only mod devs that will be anywhere near the thing.
L2415[19:10:14] <gigaherz> Halonium: Java doesn't have struct (value) types
L2416[19:10:15] <RazerSwift> You push a reference, so yes.
L2417[19:10:16] <Rockers> I have an array... There's a null in that..
L2418[19:10:19] <gigaherz> also
L2419[19:10:28] <Halonium> Sorry, reference
L2420[19:10:43] <gigaherz> thing about java
L2421[19:10:48] <gigaherz> everything that isn't a primitive type
L2422[19:10:51] <gigaherz> is a reference
L2423[19:10:55] <gigaherz> there's no valuetypes so far
L2424[19:10:58] <RazerSwift> The object exists in one place in memory. The refences are what's being passed around.
L2425[19:11:04] <gigaherz> so yes
L2426[19:11:08] <gigaherz> if you .add(object)
L2427[19:11:09] <Halonium> Fair enough, yeah
L2428[19:11:13] <gigaherz> and then modify it
L2429[19:11:22] <gigaherz> then get the reference from the list
L2430[19:11:26] <gigaherz> you'll see the modified object.
L2431[19:11:31] <Halonium> Okay. Thanks!
L2432[19:13:45] <Halonium> I should have known that, I just took Java 1 :p
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L2439[19:18:02] <Rockers> gigaherz Lines 79 -> 81 Is what gives me the errors. I know what the errors are, They are getting a null variable, but why is that the case? Would it be okay if you took a look? I bet it's something n00bish. :p
L2440[19:18:13] <Rockers> http://pastebin.com/csec4Q3r
L2441[19:19:02] <PaleoCrafter> lol at the accent in the variable name :D
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L2444[19:19:55] <gigaherz> Rockers: sorry I suck at reviewing other people's code
L2445[19:19:56] <gigaherz> XD
L2446[19:20:10] <Rockers> No worries :)
L2447[19:20:15] <gigaherz> I took a glance
L2448[19:20:21] <gigaherz> my conclusiong was "yep looks like Java"
L2449[19:20:21] <gigaherz> ;p
L2450[19:21:01] <Rockers> It's weird.
L2451[19:21:26] <PaleoCrafter> paste the whole error log
L2452[19:21:27] <RazerSwift> Would this be a valid analogy: The reference that's being passed around. Imagine it kind of like a link to a google document. Now imagine your object variable (I'm pretty sure this applies to primitives) is a small dry erase board or sticky note and you write this url down on it. It doesn't matter if the google doc is changed for being changed. Either way that url gives you access to the same google document. The only time you'll get a
L2453[19:21:27] <RazerSwift> different object is if you change the url on that white board. (i.e. x = new WhateverClassXIs() or x = someInstanceOfClassThatXIsThatIsntX or x = x.clone())
L2454[19:21:32] <gigaherz> also I'm sortof annoyed by my inability to get my multiblock structure blocks to get their model drawn
L2455[19:21:33] <gigaherz> XD
L2456[19:21:46] <gigaherz> I have been teaching others how to do 1.8 modding for months
L2457[19:21:56] <gigaherz> and when I have to do it myself, I always have some issue ¬¬
L2458[19:22:02] <RazerSwift> or being changed*
L2459[19:22:06] <PaleoCrafter> at least you're writing a mod :P
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L2462[19:23:46] <PaleoCrafter> romibi doesn't give up trying, lol
L2463[19:24:31] <Rockers> http://pastebin.com/xZMG1hQa
L2464[19:24:35] <Rockers> le stacktrace
L2465[19:25:04] <Rockers> I hate having errors like this
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L2467[19:25:20] <Rockers> I dumbed everything down from ItemStack maps down to just Items and even then -_-
L2468[19:25:22] <Rockers> lol
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L2476[19:28:48] <Rockers> I think that would be correct RazerSwift, but the analogy you proposed is a bit overcomplicated.
L2477[19:28:53] <Rockers> :p
L2478[19:29:31] <PaleoCrafter> well, Rockers, you use an array as key
L2479[19:29:43] <Rockers> Is that bad?
L2480[19:29:47] <PaleoCrafter> sort of
L2481[19:30:03] <Rockers> I was thinking about using String/int IDs...
L2482[19:30:12] <Rockers> Safer option?
L2483[19:30:14] <PaleoCrafter> the array you pass in and the key are not considered equal by the map
L2484[19:30:37] <Rockers> Hm
L2485[19:30:40] <Rockers> Ok
L2486[19:31:00] <PaleoCrafter> you might want to look at how vanilla handles its recipes
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L2491[19:31:53] <Rockers> I was thinking about ditching maps all together.. -I also did take a look at the vanilla code, but they've got it working for them, and I need this working for me. I will take a look again just to see how they did it...
L2492[19:32:06] <Rockers> I think Strings would be a safe bet.
L2493[19:32:25] <Rockers> Other mod authors could put their MODID in and access it at any time.
L2494[19:33:06] <Rockers> Might get a bit complicated when it comes to actually getting it to work with the TE. Should be fairly straight forward though.
L2495[19:33:17] <Rockers> Let's see what happens.
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L2497[19:33:55] <PaleoCrafter> you want to encode the entire recipe in a string?
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L2501[19:35:30] <Rockers> wtf is going on with romibi
L2502[19:35:38] <Rockers> No, not encode
L2503[19:35:47] <Rockers> Just a reference...
L2504[19:36:30] <Rockers> I could encode the reference with the recipe. :3
L2505[19:36:32] <gigaherz> it's easier to make active recipes instead of passive ones
L2506[19:36:49] <gigaherz> you have a recipe interface with an .accepts(inputs) method
L2507[19:37:01] <gigaherz> and the first one that returns true, is the one used
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L2510[19:37:55] <Halonium> Can you grab a blocks metadata from the block object instead of the world?
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L2512[19:38:15] <gigaherz> no Halonium
L2513[19:38:20] <Rockers> I think I might do it like that. It's more the method of storing the recipes. I could make a few lists, get the first occurrence of a recipe and return it's index and use a getter...
L2514[19:38:21] <gigaherz> the Block instance is just the "handler"
L2515[19:38:34] <gigaherz> there's only one of them at once
L2516[19:38:53] <Halonium> Fair enough
L2517[19:38:55] <Rockers> Or a few getters. Seems a bit... dirty.
L2518[19:39:09] <PaleoCrafter> Rockers, you don't need more than a single list
L2519[19:39:21] <gigaherz> Rockers: just iterate the one list, and the first one that returns true, return that?
L2520[19:39:30] <Rockers> I have extra variables at play :p
L2521[19:39:53] <gigaherz> for(r : recipes) {if(recipe.accepts(inputs); usedRecipe=r; break; }
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L2524[19:40:06] <Rockers> It's got a bÉ cost and a duration.
L2525[19:40:23] <gigaherz> check those in between accepts and break ;P
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L2528[19:40:34] <gigaherz> and only break if everything works
L2529[19:40:36] <gigaherz> ;P
L2530[19:40:44] <PaleoCrafter> dafuqs bÉ?
L2531[19:40:54] <Rockers> booty Endurance
L2532[19:41:35] <KuroNeko87> hey folks, I have a question. i know I can remove the item i have selected with player.getInventory().removeFromSlot(player.getCurrentSlot(), 1);
L2533[19:41:41] <KuroNeko87> but i want to remove 2 blocks from my inventory (any slot) and leave what i have selected alone how can I?
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L2535[19:42:31] <Rockers> (bloodEnergy +PaleoCrafter, I run a serious of getting banned for immaturity :p )
L2536[19:42:48] <gigaherz> KuroNeko87: you can use stack.splitStack
L2537[19:42:57] <gigaherz> and then set the remainder to the inventory slot
L2538[19:43:08] <PaleoCrafter> give your variables meaningful names :P
L2539[19:43:23] <Rockers> bE is meaningful.
L2540[19:43:39] <gigaherz> not to us ;P
L2541[19:43:41] <Rockers> It's like RF.
L2542[19:43:44] <tterrag|away> Not to anyone but you
L2543[19:44:00] <gigaherz> sure
L2544[19:44:01] <tterrag|away> I would never name a variable rf
L2545[19:44:02] <gigaherz> but you know that
L2546[19:44:03] <gigaherz> we do not
L2547[19:44:04] <gigaherz> XD
L2548[19:44:06] <KuroNeko87> thanks, I'll try that out
L2549[19:44:06] <tterrag|away> That's the name of the system
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L2553[19:46:01] <Rockers> I know, but it makes sense to me. It's like a core part of my mod. I might make a comment at the top of each pastebin and in the readme.md of my GH to make everyone aware of Blood Energy. //bE is an integer unity such as RF except more basic because I'm a scrub.
L2554[19:46:03] <Rockers> Or something...
L2555[19:46:08] <Rockers> *unit
L2556[19:46:31] <PaleoCrafter> if you abbreviate 'Bloody Energy' do it with 'BE', with a lowercase 'b' it looks more like it's a metrix prefix :P
L2557[19:47:58] <masa> why would you abbreviate a crucial variable like that with "bE"? that's basically you writing obfuscated code :p
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L2566[19:49:24] <Rockers> Accents are pretty though..
L2567[19:49:29] <masa> if it's a form of energy, then why not call it at least "energy" if bllodEnergy is too long (which it isn't)
L2568[19:49:42] <Rockers> I may do.
L2569[19:49:44] <PaleoCrafter> why is there even that accent on the E, doesn't make any bloody sense
L2570[19:49:57] <Rockers> Exactly.
L2571[19:50:01] <Rockers> It's not supposed to.
L2572[19:50:06] <Rockers> Wait
L2573[19:50:19] <Rockers> Thats bad coding practice before anyone starts yelling.
L2574[19:50:29] <Rockers> I'm not defending the gracious accent.
L2575[19:50:40] <Rockers> But it is what it is.
L2576[19:51:10] <masa> until you go ahead and refactor it :p
L2577[19:51:39] <Rockers> Besides, the mod hasn't even been released yet anyway.
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L2579[19:51:47] <masa> but anyway, time for some sleep
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L2585[19:57:37] <Halonium> Any idea why I'm getting a NullPointerException when I declare the object literally the line before I access it?
L2586[19:57:44] <diesieben07> show your code
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L2588[19:58:22] <Halonium> RadChunk chunk = new RadChunk(chunkX,chunkZ);
L2589[19:58:26] <Halonium> radChunks.add(chunk);
L2590[19:58:30] <diesieben07> pastebin
L2591[19:58:47] <Halonium> That's all it is, though
L2592[19:58:56] <diesieben07> 2nd line NPEs?
L2593[19:58:59] <PaleoCrafter> wild guess: radChunks is null
L2594[19:59:08] <diesieben07> not wild guess, that's the only possibility
L2595[19:59:13] ⇦ Quits: Rockers (rockers300@host86-131-138-242.range86-131.btcentralplus.com) (Quit: brb)
L2596[19:59:18] <diesieben07> unless add throws which is unlikely
L2597[19:59:22] <PaleoCrafter> sarcasm ;)
L2598[19:59:30] <diesieben07> shuuu
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L2600[19:59:46] <Halonium> You're right. Can't believe I didn't notice that.
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L2602[19:59:52] <Halonium> Thanks mates
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L2608[20:08:38] <Halonium> Any suggestions on how to speed this up a bit?
L2609[20:08:39] <Halonium> https://gist.github.com/ihatecsv/fd6be83938e997fe413d
L2610[20:11:39] * gigaherz extra-facepalms
L2611[20:11:47] <gigaherz> I had a stupid getRenderType override
L2612[20:11:54] <gigaherz> that I forgot to remove
L2613[20:11:59] <PaleoCrafter> u so stupid
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L2616[20:14:58] <williewillus> Halonium: if you're scanning every block, you're scanning every block :p it can't get any faster. The only way to get faster is to not scan every block
L2617[20:15:52] <Halonium> Fair enough :p
L2618[20:16:25] <Halonium> This is a scary question to ask:
L2619[20:16:54] <Halonium> Is there a way I can hook into the code that loads blocks into the world to check if it's one I want?
L2620[20:17:03] <Halonium> Is that even a proper question?
L2621[20:17:18] <diesieben07> Halonium, you can implement IWorldAccess and get notified when a section of the world is invaidated because it changed
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L2624[20:18:47] <DrDisconsented> Hmm potions are applied (I.E. can see them in the inventory) but their their effects are not happening (no damage from poison for example) and they just tick down to 0 and then just stay on the entity. Ideas?
L2625[20:19:27] <DrDisconsented> https://gist.github.com/disconsented/a1cb5677aa9a8116106f
L2626[20:19:48] <diesieben07> you are checking if oyu are on the client.
L2627[20:19:51] <diesieben07> isRemote == isClinet
L2628[20:20:04] <Halonium> diesieben07, I'll be using IWorldAccess to rescan chunks later on. But is there any better way of doing what I'm doing? :p Does anything else scan through chunks like I am?
L2629[20:20:19] <diesieben07> uhh
L2630[20:20:24] <diesieben07> i dont think so, no
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L2633[20:20:32] <diesieben07> you are the guy with the radioactive stuff right?
L2634[20:20:36] <Halonium> Sure am
L2635[20:20:42] <Halonium> Changed my alias
L2636[20:20:47] <diesieben07> yeah there is no way to do that very efficiently
L2637[20:21:00] <diesieben07> its just a lot of work, it will be slow
L2638[20:21:37] <Halonium> That makes sense. Alright, thanks :)
L2639[20:21:48] <diesieben07> there are some things you can do though
L2640[20:21:53] <DrDisconsented> Okay then, it doesn't get applied (changed to if(!getWorld().isRemote){ )
L2641[20:21:58] <diesieben07> but it depends whaat exactly ou are actually doing every tick
L2642[20:22:33] <diesieben07> DrDisconsented, you need a new PotionEffect object per entity
L2643[20:24:07] <Halonium> diesieben07, in my current model I'll be selecting the tagged radioactive blocks from a radius of two blocks around the players chunks, and checking to see if they're in range
L2644[20:24:15] <Halonium> every tick
L2645[20:24:36] <diesieben07> so you are just building a list of radioactive blocks and then forgetting about that list
L2646[20:24:38] <diesieben07> why?! :D
L2647[20:24:46] <diesieben07> or are you actually DOING anything with that list of blocks?
L2648[20:25:14] <Halonium> I mean, I'm selecting the blocks in that list that specify to the chunks in the radius
L2649[20:25:26] <DrDisconsented> It isnt attempting to apply the potion :< (break point on the isRemote check and after)
L2650[20:25:31] <Halonium> I'm not scanning for those blocks every tick
L2651[20:25:44] <diesieben07> what?
L2652[20:26:08] <diesieben07> DrDisconsented, and there are actually entities within a 1 block radius (seems unlikely)
L2653[20:26:37] <DrDisconsented> yep, me. Change the check for isRemote and it will attempt to apply it
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L2656[20:26:43] <Halonium> So, when a chunk loads, it's radioactive blocks are stored in an array along with the coordinates of that chunk. When that chunk is within the correct chunk range of the player, it grabs it's list of radioactive blocks and evaluates the rad stuff
L2657[20:26:54] <diesieben07> Halonium, i think its best you describe the effect you are triyng to achieve
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L2664[20:29:10] <Halonium> I'm storing a list of radioactive blocks in a specific chunk, when that chunk loads. When that chunk comes in to range (evaluated every tick), it caluclates radiation values of those blocks relative to the player.
L2665[20:29:26] <diesieben07> you are again talking about what you are doing
L2666[20:29:30] <diesieben07> tell me what you want to happen
L2667[20:29:32] <diesieben07> no code talk P
L2668[20:29:38] <Halonium> Oh :p
L2669[20:29:40] <Halonium> Okay, so
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L2672[20:32:05] <Halonium> diesieben07, so, I'm carrying a geiger counter. When I come in-range of a radioactive block, calculate the strength of the rads (with distance from block and strength of the source), and add it to the value of radiation at that point. The geiger counter then spits out that number.
L2673[20:32:29] <Halonium> It does other things too, like adding to dose, etc. but that's beside the point
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L2676[20:32:51] <diesieben07> ok so you need the current radiation value (however that is calculated) at the player's position
L2677[20:33:05] <Halonium> Right
L2678[20:34:25] <diesieben07> here is what i am thinking: spawn a 2nd thread and feed it with a copy (!) of the block data. let it analyze the shit out of it in the background. when it's done it pushes the value back to the main thread so the geiger counter and whatnot are upated
L2679[20:34:45] <diesieben07> then it gets fed the next copy of the (new) block data and goes to work again
L2680[20:34:50] <diesieben07> that way the game doesn't lag
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L2683[20:35:34] <Halonium> But the part that's lagging the game is not the radiation physics calculations, it's finding the sources
L2684[20:35:34] <PaleoCrafter> wouldn't copying the data still take quite some time depending on the size you want to cover? :P
L2685[20:35:55] <diesieben07> you'd have to go into the actual raw chunk data and just do an array copy
L2686[20:35:57] <diesieben07> which is quite fast
L2687[20:36:11] <diesieben07> this is jsut an idea
L2688[20:36:15] <Halonium> So I can pass a copy of the chunk to a second thread for processing?
L2689[20:36:22] <diesieben07> yes that is the ide
L2690[20:36:24] <diesieben07> idea
L2691[20:36:26] <Thutmose> Halonium, I have some code for accessing chunk things on second threads if you want to see it
L2692[20:36:34] <Thutmose> I use it for explosions
L2693[20:36:41] <Halonium> Hey, that sounds cool
L2694[20:36:45] <Halonium> Sure, if you don't mind?
L2695[20:38:55] <Thutmose> https://github.com/Thutmose/Thut/blob/master/ThutCore/src/main/java/thut/api/maths/ExplosionCustom.java is my explosion class, it uses https://github.com/Thutmose/Thut/blob/master/ThutCore/src/main/java/thut/api/WorldCache.java and https://github.com/Thutmose/Thut/blob/master/ThutCore/src/main/java/thut/api/TickHandler.java for multi-threaded access, I still need to figure out why I need to call gc() on thread cleanup though.
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L2698[20:39:20] <Halonium> Thutmose, thanks! I'll take a look at it
L2699[20:40:07] <Halonium> (I like your tabbed variable names, fancy)
L2700[20:41:10] <PaleoCrafter> I don't think that's particularly thread-safe, lol
L2701[20:41:17] <Thutmose> I have tested with 20 threads trying to run explosions concurrently, with no CME issues
L2702[20:41:34] <williewillus> no CME != no thread safety issues
L2703[20:41:44] <Thutmose> only had 4 processors available though
L2704[20:41:52] <diesieben07> it looks like you are exposing the Chunk objects to the other thread
L2705[20:41:54] <diesieben07> that is a no-go
L2706[20:41:57] <williewillus> ^
L2707[20:42:03] <PaleoCrafter> ^²
L2708[20:42:07] <gigaherz> v
L2709[20:42:10] <diesieben07> the only way to do this, is to copy the data
L2710[20:42:11] <williewillus> gonna leak all over the place once it tries to unload
L2711[20:42:17] <gigaherz> success!
L2712[20:42:19] <diesieben07> not only that
L2713[20:42:29] <gigaherz> (I pointeddown to someone saying something useful)
L2714[20:42:31] <diesieben07> you also have the risk of the other threads seeing partial updates
L2715[20:42:36] <diesieben07> or not seeing any updates at all
L2716[20:42:52] <Halonium> (I know nothing about threading or the JVM)
L2717[20:42:58] <williewillus> i feel the most threaded MC can really every safely get is one per world
L2718[20:43:01] <williewillus> and even that is meh
L2719[20:43:03] <diesieben07> the Java memory model makes no guarantees about visibility unless you explicitly use synchronization barriers
L2720[20:43:35] <williewillus> (talking server/logic of course, the chunk wr is already multithreaded)
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L2723[20:44:42] <Halonium> Wait, so I should spawn a single thread and then pass chunk scanning to that once a chunk is loaded?
L2724[20:44:55] <PaleoCrafter> gosh, somebody from Switzerland go trace romibi and personally tell him that he won't get on here xD
L2725[20:45:00] <Halonium> Honestly, I only took Java I, not really clear on threading
L2726[20:45:11] <williewillus> lol does he/she not have nickserv?
L2727[20:45:21] <williewillus> Halonium: if you aren't clear on it, don't use it
L2728[20:45:31] <williewillus> you will cause wayy more issues than you will solve 0.o
L2729[20:46:08] <diesieben07> yeah, threading is hard
L2730[20:46:21] <Halonium> That's fair
L2731[20:47:01] <Halonium> Well, uhh, I suppose I'll do the processing on the same thread as everything else for now
L2732[20:47:14] <williewillus> just split it over several ticks :p
L2733[20:47:17] <diesieben07> yep
L2734[20:47:26] <diesieben07> the value will not be 100% accurate all the time
L2735[20:47:29] <diesieben07> but you cannot avoid that
L2736[20:47:35] <williewillus> it's a feature!
L2737[20:47:35] <diesieben07> with this amount of work
L2738[20:48:19] <Halonium> I don't see why it wouldn't be accurate, the only thing I'd have to cut up is the chunk analyser, and that doesn't report rad values
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L2748[20:49:20] <Halonium> Haha, I'm trying to limit the number of "features" I'm adding
L2749[20:49:23] <gigaherz> gahstupid blockstates don't want to get the value I'm setting them ¬¬
L2750[20:49:34] <gigaherz> so my multiblock has 8 corners (obviously)
L2751[20:49:48] <gigaherz> 4 at the top, and 4 at the bottom, marked as such
L2752[20:50:10] <gigaherz> none of them are getting the "has base" state set to true
L2753[20:50:21] <gigaherz> eventhough the code clearly calls withProperty(BASE, true)
L2754[20:50:58] <diesieben07> you do store BASE in metadata, yes?
L2755[20:51:04] <gigaherz> yes
L2756[20:51:07] <diesieben07> hrm
L2757[20:51:22] <gigaherz> actually
L2758[20:51:23] <gigaherz> nevermind
L2759[20:51:32] <gigaherz> the getMetaFromState is bugged
L2760[20:51:52] <PaleoCrafter> the one that's so neatly aligned? :P
L2761[20:51:55] <gigaherz> Ididn't fix it up after I reordered the states
L2762[20:52:00] <williewillus> oh I had that problem yesterday
L2763[20:52:06] <gigaherz> nah that code is gone ;P
L2764[20:52:16] <williewillus> do you modify any of your props in getActualState?
L2765[20:53:22] <Halonium> I might have been doing something super stupid the whole time: This code that I've been describing, this should run on the serverside, right?
L2766[20:53:27] <williewillus> yes
L2767[20:54:52] <gigaherz> nah williewillus, but given that my getMet was compeltely broken, maybe that was the issue all this time
L2768[20:54:52] <gigaherz> Xd
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L2771[20:55:16] <gigaherz> YAAAY base
L2772[20:55:20] <gigaherz> NOOOO z-fighting
L2773[20:55:35] <williewillus> ah mine was because my meta<->state converters were not one to one, which confuses MC when it enumerates the state-meta conversions
L2774[20:56:00] <gigaherz> (I can fix that though)
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L2776[20:57:19] <gigaherz> hmf
L2777[20:57:35] <gigaherz> I'll need another model
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L2781[21:00:45] <Halonium> So I should be registering my Forge events in the ServerProxy, right?
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L2784[21:04:31] <williewillus> server as in the physical server or common to both physical sides?
L2785[21:04:32] <Halonium> Just curious, because I don't think this is anything that needs to be run clientside, yet it only works if it's registered as common
L2786[21:05:15] <Halonium> Well I use a @SidedProxy to split up the inits
L2787[21:05:27] <williewillus> there really aren't that many use cases for things that only run on the physical server, because doing that prevents it from running on the physical client, and thus any SP game
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L2790[21:05:48] <williewillus> you need to understand that if you are running a MC client you always get the clientSide proxy
L2791[21:05:59] <Halonium> That makes sense
L2792[21:06:14] <Halonium> So registering my stuff as common will ensure both SP and SMP compatibility
L2793[21:06:37] <williewillus> (I should finish my RTD article on sidings)
L2794[21:07:08] <Halonium> I thought that minecraft added a "mini-server" thing to run SP worlds
L2795[21:07:15] <Halonium> Maybe that was a misconception
L2796[21:07:32] <PaleoCrafter> there is a server running in SP
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L2798[21:07:45] <williewillus> there is
L2799[21:07:46] <PaleoCrafter> but the ServerProxy is for *dedicated* servers
L2800[21:07:50] <PaleoCrafter> i.e. the server jar
L2801[21:07:57] <Halonium> Ah, okay, that makes sense
L2802[21:08:07] <Halonium> Thanks all :)
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L2805[21:10:18] <Halonium> romibi is having trouble
L2806[21:14:01] <Halonium> Do you all think it's bad to have public object instance variables?
L2807[21:14:14] <williewillus> depends
L2808[21:14:32] <williewillus> (as with all "best practices")
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L2811[21:15:13] <Halonium> I can't remember, is there a keyword that allows a variable to be accessed from outside it's scope but not changed?
L2812[21:15:32] <PaleoCrafter> if it's final and immutable, there isn't that much of a problem :P
L2813[21:15:53] <Halonium> Well yes, but it needs to be changed from within the class
L2814[21:15:58] <Halonium> Like with the constructor etc
L2815[21:17:15] <gigaherz> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/2015-12-31-0416-01.mp4
L2816[21:17:16] <gigaherz> :3
L2817[21:17:32] <gigaherz> and yeah I made a mistake in the multiblock placement there ;P
L2818[21:17:37] <Halonium> Error (404)
L2819[21:17:46] <gigaherz> sorry still uploading Xd
L2820[21:17:55] <gigaherz> now.
L2821[21:17:57] <Halonium> Gotcha :p
L2822[21:18:20] <gigaherz> I pasted prematurely ;P
L2823[21:18:24] <gigaherz> shoudl be ready now ;P
L2824[21:18:49] <Halonium> Damn that's a nice model
L2825[21:18:58] <PaleoCrafter> definitely looks fancy
L2826[21:19:02] <PaleoCrafter> all that redstone though D:
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L2832[21:19:28] <PaleoCrafter> I like that ripple effect
L2833[21:19:57] <Halonium> I could almost hear the "what happened now" when it wasn't working
L2834[21:20:18] <gigaherz> my thoughts were more like "whatthe FUCK is wrong now?!"
L2835[21:20:19] <gigaherz> ;P
L2836[21:20:25] <Halonium> Haha :p
L2837[21:21:12] <PaleoCrafter> anyways, sleepy time for me now
L2838[21:21:20] <Halonium> Cheers Paleo :)
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L2852[21:28:26] <DrDisconsented> I have a TE that will only tick on the client side, any ideas on how to make it tick serverside? https://gist.github.com/disconsented/a1cb5677aa9a8116106f
L2853[21:28:46] <williewillus> your isRemote check is flipped
L2854[21:28:52] <williewillus> it should be !world.isRemote
L2855[21:30:30] <DrDisconsented> isRemote false is when thats server side. True is client
L2856[21:30:48] <DrDisconsented> /** This is set to true for client worlds, and false for server worlds. */
L2857[21:30:49] <gigaherz> yes
L2858[21:30:56] <gigaherz> and you said you want it on the server
L2859[21:30:58] <gigaherz> so add a !
L2860[21:30:59] <gigaherz> ;P
L2861[21:31:01] <DrDisconsented> It has that
L2862[21:31:03] <DrDisconsented> :P
L2863[21:31:06] <williewillus> I don't see it
L2864[21:31:08] <gigaherz> on in the paste.
L2865[21:31:12] <gigaherz> not in the paste*
L2866[21:31:23] <williewillus> line 63 in your gist, don't see a !
L2867[21:31:27] <DrDisconsented> wrong paste apparntly
L2868[21:31:33] <DrDisconsented> https://gist.github.com/disconsented/d3f66cd462e625639458
L2869[21:31:35] <DrDisconsented> there we go
L2870[21:32:04] <gigaherz> there we go, Z-fighting solved
L2871[21:32:16] <gigaherz> (I removed the bottom side of the block, since it's never visible ;P
L2872[21:32:20] <gigaherz> of the model*
L2873[21:32:31] <williewillus> DrDisconsented: what is telling you it's only ticking clientside?
L2874[21:32:47] <DrDisconsented> williewillus> breakpoints
L2875[21:33:16] <williewillus> i feel printing world.isRemote is more reliable in this case, but anyways
L2876[21:33:20] <williewillus> check your block class
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L2880[21:35:42] <shadekiller666> one thing i'm realizing about the blockstates is that its a pain in the ass to modify the model from within almost all of the methods in Block
L2881[21:35:58] <shadekiller666> like onBlockActivated
L2882[21:36:00] <DrDisconsented> https://github.com/disconsented/Cristalllum/blob/master/src/main/java/disconsented/cristallum/block/BlockCrystal.java okay so what should I be looking for here?
L2883[21:36:34] <gigaherz> shadekiller666: isn't that the point of the IExtendedStates?
L2884[21:36:38] <gigaherz> I mean worst case
L2885[21:36:49] <gigaherz> you could bind a "State-provided model" to the block
L2886[21:36:57] <gigaherz> and pass an IBakedModel onto an IUnlistedProperty
L2887[21:37:02] <shadekiller666> at least, its a pain in the ass with regards to IExtendedBlockStates, as the IBlockState that is passed in isn't an IExtendedState, so it doesn't have any of the IUnlistedProperty data
L2888[21:37:31] <shadekiller666> passed into onBlockActivated*
L2889[21:37:43] <gigaherz> the whole point is that the data on IExtendedState is only for display
L2890[21:37:46] <gigaherz> one way only thing
L2891[21:37:51] <gigaherz> you should store it on the TileEntity
L2892[21:37:52] <shadekiller666> mhmm
L2893[21:37:59] <shadekiller666> meh
L2894[21:38:03] <gigaherz> then you build an extended state FROM the TE data
L2895[21:38:08] <shadekiller666> fine
L2896[21:38:13] <gigaherz> you since the data should never be on the server at all
L2897[21:38:37] <gigaherz> speaking about models
L2898[21:38:41] <gigaherz> I didn't need it in the end
L2899[21:38:54] <gigaherz> but I realized you still don't support showing/hiding models from custom data in the blockstates json?
L2900[21:39:00] <gigaherz> model parts*
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L2905[21:39:43] <williewillus> DrDisconsented: wait where is your TE creation method :p
L2906[21:40:02] <williewillus> i was wondering maybe it was only being created clientside, put a println in the ctor and check serverside maybe
L2907[21:40:03] * gigaherz facepalms
L2908[21:40:19] <gigaherz> why the heck is ISidedInventory that weird
L2909[21:40:28] <DrDisconsented> https://github.com/disconsented/Cristalllum/blob/master/src/main/java/disconsented/cristallum/tileEntity/TileSource.java#L154
L2910[21:40:33] <gigaherz> when all it would need is "IInventory getInventoryForSide(EnumFacing side)"
L2911[21:40:34] <williewillus> what's weird about ISided?
L2912[21:40:37] <shadekiller666> what giga?
L2913[21:40:49] <williewillus> because it's designed for vanilla use case and nothing more :p
L2914[21:40:52] <gigaherz> williewillus: my rift storage
L2915[21:40:55] <gigaherz> can have millions of slots
L2916[21:41:00] <williewillus> and vanilla has no need for different objects for different sides
L2917[21:41:05] <gigaherz> that means getSlotsforSide has to create a new array of size "millions"
L2918[21:41:10] <gigaherz> in order to return the slots
L2919[21:41:10] <gigaherz> XD
L2920[21:41:23] <ZaggyMobile2> That would require a bunch of inventory instances
L2921[21:41:30] <gigaherz> Zaggy1024: up to 6.
L2922[21:41:33] <gigaherz> ;P
L2923[21:41:43] <ZaggyMobile2> That's still ugly
L2924[21:41:51] <williewillus> as i said, vanilla use case. and I bet vanilla nd other mods make assumptions that one block has one inventory
L2925[21:41:52] <gigaherz> it would still not fix my biggest issue though
L2926[21:41:58] <ZaggyMobile2> Making 6 anonymous classes?
L2927[21:42:07] <gigaherz> nah
L2928[21:42:21] <gigaherz> left = InventoryFromSlots.create(1,2,5,6);
L2929[21:42:30] <ZaggyMobile2> Hm.
L2930[21:42:33] <gigaherz> well
L2931[21:42:37] <gigaherz> left = InventoryFromSlots.create(this, 1,2,5,6);
L2932[21:42:37] <williewillus> why is it always raining in my test world >.<
L2933[21:42:38] <gigaherz> ;P
L2934[21:42:46] <gigaherz> williewillus: you don't sleep?
L2935[21:42:53] <gigaherz> do a /weather clear 9999
L2936[21:42:56] <ZaggyMobile2> Guess that would work
L2937[21:42:58] <williewillus> I just weather clear 30000
L2938[21:43:07] <Halonium> If you override the .equals method for an object, then call .contains on a ListArray of those objects, it should use your overridden method... right?
L2939[21:43:08] <williewillus> and it's back after a dev session or two :p
L2940[21:43:19] <williewillus> yes
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L2943[21:43:28] <gigaherz> 30000 ticks == 1500 seconds = 40 minutes?
L2944[21:43:33] <Halonium> I... weird.
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L2947[21:43:51] <gigaherz> Halonium: only if getHashCode was equal
L2948[21:43:58] <gigaherz> if getHashCode returned different numbers
L2949[21:44:00] <gigaherz> it won't get called
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L2952[21:44:04] <gigaherz> because they are assumed to be different
L2953[21:44:13] <gigaherz> eh whatever the method is in java
L2954[21:44:18] <gigaherz> .hashCode() ?
L2955[21:44:23] <williewillus> yeah
L2956[21:44:48] <tterrag> on an ArrayList hashCode is probably never called
L2957[21:44:52] <Halonium> But the javadoc for .contains says it only checks if the object, listarray aren't null, and if .equals returns true
L2958[21:44:58] <tterrag> so you could technically break the equals contract and it wouldn't care
L2959[21:45:05] <tterrag> but yes, if you implement equals you should definitely also implement hashcode :P
L2960[21:45:28] <gigaherz> hmm I assumed all comparisons would first do hashCode
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L2962[21:45:31] <gigaherz> as a quick-exit
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L2964[21:45:47] <tterrag> I don't think it does
L2965[21:45:50] <tterrag> but I'd have to check
L2966[21:46:30] <Halonium> I'll, uh, just make a loop
L2967[21:47:18] <Halonium> But it really doesn't make sense that this isn't working. Weird.
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L2970[21:49:06] <DrDisconsented> ITickable should only be server side correct?
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L2973[21:52:06] <ZaggyMobile2> What are you doing Halonium?
L2974[21:52:46] <Halonium> Checking a list of objects to see if I need to create a new one, based only on two instance variables, not a third.
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L2977[21:53:14] <Halonium> Because the third is generated dynamically, it'll always fail .equals, so I overrided it
L2978[21:53:31] <Halonium> But it's still not working, oddly
L2979[21:53:47] <ZaggyMobile2> Using contains?
L2980[21:53:54] <Halonium> Yeah
L2981[21:54:24] <Halonium> Should I just use a loop or something instead?
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L2985[21:55:15] <ZaggyMobile2> Contains should work if you're found equals properly
L2986[21:55:34] <ZaggyMobile2> Doing. Dang phone
L2987[21:55:49] <Halonium> https://gist.github.com/ihatecsv/601967c65e6d5e48ed85
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L2989[21:57:10] <ZaggyMobile2> Wait, are those just coordinates of a chunk?
L2990[21:57:17] <Halonium> Yeah
L2991[21:57:21] <ZaggyMobile2> Vanilla has a class for that if so
L2992[21:57:44] <tterrag> ChunkCoordIntPair
L2993[21:57:46] <ZaggyMobile2> ChunkIntCoordPair it some such terrible name
L2994[21:57:50] <ZaggyMobile2> Ah yes
L2995[21:58:07] <Halonium> I could extend the vanilla class... but yeah I'm storing more data than just a pair of coordinates
L2996[21:58:16] <Halonium> It has a ListArray with objects
L2997[21:58:33] <ZaggyMobile2> If you use contains, though, you could consider a HashSet
L2998[21:59:02] <Halonium> Hmm.
L2999[21:59:16] <ZaggyMobile2> If you have other data, you should probably compare that too, shouldn't you?
L3000[21:59:17] <shadekiller666> gigaherz, you were saying that i need a tile entity and that i should construct the IEBS from the data stored in it, more like i have to get the baked model for the block from within the TE so that i can change the data without having to go through an IBlockState
L3001[21:59:41] <gigaherz> uh?
L3002[22:00:16] <gigaherz> what I meant is that, any values you need to pass through to the extended state
L3003[22:00:20] <gigaherz> probably should come from the TE
L3004[22:00:29] <Halonium> ZaggyMobile2, no, the other data is unique, it contains a list of radioactive blocks in an array, which is expensive to compute. I just want to see if the chunk already exists in my list, so I don't need to rescan it
L3005[22:00:31] <gigaherz> or the neighbouring blocks
L3006[22:00:48] <shadekiller666> thats not what i was complaining about :P
L3007[22:01:23] <gigaherz> you werecomplaining about things like onBlockActivated and getActualState
L3008[22:01:31] <gigaherz> those shouldn't care about the unlisted properties at all
L3009[22:01:56] <ZaggyMobile2> If you're storing data per chunk, why not HashMap<ChunkCoord, RadData> or whatever?
L3010[22:02:00] <shadekiller666> i was complaining that its almost impossible to send an IModelState into the custom loaders for a block unless you're executing within those 2 methods that allow IEBS to be returned
L3011[22:02:30] <gigaherz> but the thing is
L3012[22:02:34] <Halonium> I'm... I'm not really sure on how to work HashMaps
L3013[22:02:37] <gigaherz> every time the custom loader *needs* data
L3014[22:02:39] <Halonium> I suppose I could look into it
L3015[22:02:47] <gigaherz> mc has first called getExtendedState
L3016[22:02:58] <ZaggyMobile2> You should learn, they're an important tool
L3017[22:03:00] <gigaherz> every time the block needs to be updated from the rendering side
L3018[22:03:06] <gigaherz> the extended state is rebuilt
L3019[22:03:19] <gigaherz> so you don't need to *send* data
L3020[22:03:26] <gigaherz> it's requested: by getExtendedState
L3021[22:03:37] <shadekiller666> true
L3022[22:03:53] <ZaggyMobile2> It's basically a List with object keys rather than int indexes
L3023[22:03:53] <shadekiller666> and getActualState() does seem to care about IUnlistedProperties
L3024[22:04:07] <gigaherz> getExtendedState calls getActualState by default
L3025[22:04:12] <gigaherz> but other things call getActualstate
L3026[22:04:16] <shadekiller666> mhmm
L3027[22:04:22] <gigaherz> such as isSideSolid
L3028[22:04:31] <gigaherz> and thosethings shouldn't need to receive an extended state
L3029[22:05:01] <Halonium> ZaggyMobile2, so it's like a json object, sorta thing. Quickly searchable?
L3030[22:05:09] <Halonium> That was a shitty comparison
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L3035[22:05:48] <gigaherz> the chain of priorities is a bit like
L3036[22:05:56] <gigaherz> getStateFromMeta: gets the saved state information
L3037[22:06:03] <Halonium> Wow this is actually brilliant. Thanks!
L3038[22:06:09] <gigaherz> getActualState: grows the saved state with information about neighbouring blocks and tileEntities
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L3041[22:06:36] <gigaherz> getExtendedState grows the actual state with information about rendering details that don't concern the block logic
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L3044[22:07:29] <gigaherz> so as far as I know, the only place where returning an extended state makes sense, is getExtendedState
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L3046[22:08:33] <shadekiller666> and createBlockState() i think
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L3048[22:08:41] <gigaherz> no
L3049[22:08:45] <shadekiller666> theres 1 other place besides getExtendedState
L3050[22:08:53] <gigaherz> createBlockState creates the actual low-level BlockState instance
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L3052[22:09:08] <gigaherz> hmm
L3053[22:09:09] <browndunce> hey guys
L3054[22:09:20] <browndunce> i have a problem
L3055[22:09:39] <browndunce> let me preface this by saying this is my first time modding minecraft
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L3057[22:09:58] <browndunce> i have basic knowledge of java, not much
L3058[22:10:09] <gigaherz> welcome to the club, then ;P
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L3060[22:10:15] <Halonium> Sure, what's the problem? Haha :)
L3061[22:10:20] <gigaherz> feel free to ask
L3062[22:10:35] <browndunce> aight so i did something that fucked up the whole thing
L3063[22:10:51] <gigaherz> we reserve the right to direct you to java books and tutorials if we deem your knowledge insufficient, but don't take that badly ;P
L3064[22:11:00] <browndunce> i tried rebuilding the workspace, rezipping the file and everything
L3065[22:11:02] <williewillus> in 1.8 where did the static final ResourceLocation pointing to the steve skin go?
L3066[22:11:32] <williewillus> nvm found it :p
L3067[22:11:44] <Halonium> Is your code not working, or is it your workspace? :p
L3068[22:11:51] <browndunce> but everytime i press debug, a bunch of error messages will appear and minecraft wont even start
L3069[22:12:02] <gigaherz> pastebin your debug log
L3070[22:12:11] <browndunce> alright
L3071[22:12:20] <gigaherz> always pastebin logs while explaining your issues ;P
L3072[22:12:26] <gigaherz> and if it'scode-related, pastebin the code too
L3073[22:12:33] <gigaherz> (or gist, or link to the source repository)
L3074[22:12:42] <Halonium> I like gist, it
L3075[22:12:47] <Halonium> it's pretty*
L3076[22:12:58] <gigaherz> asnd it supports multiple files
L3077[22:13:02] <gigaherz> and it supports editing
L3078[22:13:06] <gigaherz> and viewing the change diffs
L3079[22:13:14] <Halonium> You can't fork a paste ;p
L3080[22:13:38] <gigaherz> no but at that point, you may as well just use github directly
L3081[22:13:39] <gigaherz> ;p
L3082[22:13:50] <gigaherz> you CAN edit from the site ;P
L3083[22:13:50] <Halonium> Fair enough :p
L3084[22:14:22] <browndunce> http://i.imgur.com/lkphsSC.png
L3085[22:14:26] <browndunce> this is literally it
L3086[22:14:31] <browndunce> nothing else
L3087[22:14:50] <Halonium> Looks like your run configuration is messed up
L3088[22:14:59] <gigaherz> did you run the steps?
L3089[22:15:07] <gigaherz> "gradle setupDecompWorkspace"?
L3090[22:15:10] <williewillus> no, the eclipse workspace just wants the var, which means no setupDecompWorkspace happened
L3091[22:15:11] <williewillus> usually
L3092[22:15:33] <browndunce> i did setupDevWorkspace
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L3095[22:15:40] <gigaherz> ah Dev
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L3098[22:15:56] <browndunce> see i dont konw what im doing, i just blindly followed lex's youtube video
L3099[22:16:11] <gigaherz> IIRC Dev is the same as Decomp, but it doesn't prepare browsable decompiled sources
L3100[22:16:15] <browndunce> i thought that since i learned a bit of java i could learn to mod
L3101[22:16:32] <browndunce> aight ill rebuild it then
L3102[22:16:45] <Halonium> browndunce, I don't know very much about Java and I'm doing alright, no worries :p
L3103[22:16:47] <browndunce> using setupDecompWorkspace instead
L3104[22:16:55] <gigaherz> wait
L3105[22:16:56] <gigaherz> http://mcforge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/gettingstarted/
L3106[22:16:58] <gigaherz> read through this
L3107[22:17:08] <gigaherz> make sure you didn't miss anything first
L3108[22:17:33] <browndunce> no the thing is it used to work until today
L3109[22:17:41] <gigaherz> aslo browndunce, which version of Forge are you trying to setup?
L3110[22:17:46] <browndunce> like it would boot minecraft after i press debug
L3111[22:17:51] <gigaherz> oh
L3112[22:17:53] <browndunce> 1.8-something
L3113[22:18:11] <gigaherz> and did you update something when it broke?
L3114[22:18:14] <browndunce> i was tinkering with mcmod.info (i wanted an info file for my own mod)
L3115[22:18:22] <browndunce> and then everything went to hell
L3116[22:18:48] <Halonium> Did you accidentally re-arrange files in your package explorer?
L3117[22:18:56] <browndunce> i might have
L3118[22:19:07] <browndunce> i have no idea how to check though
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L3121[22:19:59] <Halonium> Well, you could save your package files so far and re-setup your workspace
L3122[22:20:03] <gigaherz> browndunce: if you run "gradlew build" without touching eclipse, does that also fail?
L3123[22:20:14] <browndunce> yea i tried that already
L3124[22:20:28] <williewillus> shadekiller666: when are you projecting your group visibility redo/fix for OBJ is gonna be done?
L3125[22:20:39] <browndunce> i tried googling all over for this problem that's why i ask now
L3126[22:21:04] <browndunce> so ill try again with decom instead of dev
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L3129[22:22:49] <browndunce> this irc is a bit weird you have to dload an app to access it
L3130[22:23:06] <williewillus> it keeps out all the people who don't put in effor t;p
L3131[22:23:12] <williewillus> and a fair amount of trolls
L3132[22:23:13] <gigaherz> it's not exactly true
L3133[22:23:20] <Halonium> I think it's a good idea personally
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L3135[22:23:33] <gigaherz> this channel doesn't allow people who join without even bothering to change their ident string
L3136[22:23:51] <Halonium> What was that class for chunk coordinates?
L3137[22:24:02] <browndunce> oh yea that makes sense
L3138[22:24:06] <gigaherz> it simply blocks users with *webchat* in the ident string
L3139[22:24:20] <gigaherz> if you use a web IRC client but you change your string to something else, then it works fine
L3140[22:24:42] <Halonium> Either way, keeps out people that don't put in effort
L3141[22:25:15] <browndunce> where i learn java, i use dr java not eclipse
L3142[22:25:31] <williewillus> wats dr java? 0.o
L3143[22:25:34] <browndunce> dr java is so simple, i was taken aback by eclipse
L3144[22:25:53] <browndunce> it's another ide
L3145[22:25:57] <browndunce> mainly for students
L3146[22:26:00] <gigaherz> williewillus: an educational Java IDE
L3147[22:26:04] <williewillus> ah I see, education oriented IDE, makes sense
L3148[22:26:14] <williewillus> good to strip out unneeded stuff if it's just for teaching
L3149[22:26:23] <williewillus> though when I was learning I downloaded Eclipse as fast as I could
L3150[22:26:43] <williewillus> (since IDEA wouldn't fit on my user/ drive and ran to slowly on a flashdrive ;p
L3151[22:26:44] <gigaherz> at my uni, the beginners' programming classes were in a custom language
L3152[22:26:49] <Halonium> (if you're a student you can get IDEA for free, just putting that out there)
L3153[22:26:54] <williewillus> ^
L3154[22:26:56] <gigaherz> a bit inspired by pascal
L3155[22:27:00] <Giraffe_> took me forever to setup vim for java
L3156[22:27:02] <browndunce> in dr java you type up and extremely basic class and hit the compile button and it does everthing for you
L3157[22:27:04] <Halonium> gigaherz, that's odd
L3158[22:27:06] <browndunce> an*
L3159[22:27:41] <gigaherz> when Iwas in it, the practice lab exercises woudl be in Java
L3160[22:27:42] <gigaherz> BUT
L3161[22:27:50] <shadekiller666> williewillus, group visibility fix should be done soon, testing it now actually
L3162[22:27:51] <gigaherz> they'd give us a special library to simplify I/O
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L3164[22:28:01] <fry> browndunce: rerun "gradle eclipse" and yell at AbrarSyed
L3165[22:28:07] <williewillus> shadekiller666: thx
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L3167[22:28:26] <browndunce> aight so i didnt make my own class, but debugging examplemod works fine
L3168[22:28:33] <browndunce> no crash no nothing
L3169[22:28:55] <Halonium> Just remake your package and throw your code back in :p
L3170[22:28:58] <browndunce> also i know it's against the rules, but where can i find lex's real name
L3171[22:29:04] <williewillus> wat?
L3172[22:29:09] <gigaherz> not the real name
L3173[22:29:11] <gigaherz> the full nickname
L3174[22:29:22] <williewillus> fifth nick in the ops list
L3175[22:29:23] <browndunce> oh
L3176[22:29:26] <gigaherz> if you look in the nick list, you'll notice it's longer than just "lex"
L3177[22:29:30] <Halonium> Like, Lex *ahem* Manos
L3178[22:29:31] <Giraffe_> and afaik you can ping him if its super important
L3179[22:29:34] <gigaherz> if you say the full nickname
L3180[22:29:41] <gigaherz> you'll ping him
L3181[22:29:56] <gigaherz> which means he'll be alerted and he'll have to stop what he's doing to read the chat
L3182[22:30:13] <williewillus> some people find it disorienting since it breaks their workflow, so that's why that rules in place
L3183[22:30:17] <gigaherz> if he's in the middle of something important and you alerted him for nothing, he'll get annoying
L3184[22:30:18] <williewillus> but honestly I'm distracted enough without
L3185[22:30:19] <gigaherz> annoyed*
L3186[22:30:23] <williewillus> so I don't care personally :p
L3187[22:30:33] <gigaherz> but ofcourse
L3188[22:30:57] <gigaherz> there can be a situation where pinging him is positive
L3189[22:31:05] <gigaherz> just chances are that's not your case ;P
L3190[22:31:13] <Halonium> This is a good point: http://imgur.com/gallery/3uyRWGJ
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L3194[22:31:35] <williewillus> lol
L3195[22:31:49] <gigaherz> XD
L3196[22:32:03] <browndunce> lmao
L3197[22:32:42] <browndunce> oh i think i know where the problem came from
L3198[22:32:56] <gigaherz> "This comic saved my marriage."
L3199[22:32:57] <Halonium> What's that?
L3200[22:32:57] <gigaherz> XD
L3201[22:33:06] <browndunce> i copied and pasted the examplemod thing
L3202[22:33:24] <browndunce> but i forgot to change the "examplemods" things in there
L3203[22:33:42] <Halonium> Yeah I noticed your forgot to change the package name in your code
L3204[22:33:50] <Halonium> But I don't think that would have caused that error
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L3207[22:34:24] <browndunce> hell yea it works now
L3208[22:34:40] <Halonium> Sweet. Good luck with your mod mate :)
L3209[22:34:43] <browndunce> thanks guys ima go to bed now
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L3211[22:34:46] <Halonium> Cheers
L3212[22:34:59] <williewillus> shadekiller666: also, is there a way to set group vis from the json? I forgot :p
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L3216[22:35:38] <Halonium> Has anyone seen Eloraam's progress on RP3? Looks pretty sick
L3217[22:35:47] <shadekiller666> williewillus, not currently
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L3220[22:35:53] <shadekiller666> and i'm not sure there will be
L3221[22:36:12] <shadekiller666> i want there to be but i don't know exactly how to do it
L3222[22:36:17] <williewillus> aw okay, just wondering since the pylon item models need specific groups, but nothing a smartmodel can't do
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L3224[22:36:32] MineBot sets mode: +o on LexMobile
L3225[22:36:52] <shadekiller666> the changes i'm making to the group visibility stuff in OBJState should make it easier
L3226[22:37:49] <Halonium> f chunk
L3227[22:37:54] <Halonium> oops
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L3230[22:38:43] <williewillus> anyone know why the skull is darkened? (upper center) https://i.imgur.com/htcrNMb.png
L3231[22:38:49] <williewillus> I call enableStandardItemLighting before rendering
L3232[22:39:07] <williewillus> near "Intel"
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L3234[22:41:24] <shadekiller666> williewillus, the new system will have 1 list of strings, 2 Operations, and a boolean in OBJState to change group visibilities
L3235[22:41:32] <fry> williewillus: do you set the correct lightmap coords?
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L3238[22:43:01] <shadekiller666> by default, the groups whos names are on the list will get the specified Operation applied, (set true, set false, or toggle), and the boolean will dictate if the other Operation gets applied to groups that aren't on the list
L3239[22:43:34] <shadekiller666> and that boolean is false by default meaning it will only change the groups that are on the list
L3240[22:43:58] <fry> too complex, shade
L3241[22:44:05] <fry> always try to simplify things
L3242[22:44:50] <gigaherz> can't we just have "custom": { "visibility": { "partname": "hidden" } }
L3243[22:44:55] <gigaherz> that would be enough for most needs ;P
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L3245[22:47:23] <killjoy> anon write java https://i.imgur.com/MX0wViJ.png
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L3251[22:48:33] <Halonium> Crossing my fingers that I understand HashMaps, because the're pretty awesome
L3252[22:48:41] <killjoy> yes they are
L3253[22:48:51] <killjoy> /TODO: Learn hashtable
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L3258[22:49:44] <McJty> fry, no progress on the rotation for multi-layer models?
L3259[22:51:30] <Halonium> omg this is running so much faster. Thank you ZaggyMobile2 if you're still around.
L3260[22:53:19] <fry> McJty: nope
L3261[22:53:43] <McJty> ok
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L3264[22:54:44] <Halonium> Okay, what was that method that's called when the world was interacted with?
L3265[22:54:47] <Halonium> Or a chunk
L3266[22:55:50] <williewillus> fry: what do you mean set lightmap coords? :p all I do is enableStandardItemLighting then renderItem.renderItemIntoGui
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L3268[22:58:55] <shadekiller666> fry, i tried simplifying things, thats where the broken version that is in forge now came from :P
L3269[22:59:07] <shadekiller666> and i think its pretty nice in practice
L3270[22:59:27] <shadekiller666> don't really know of a nicer way to do it
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L3273[22:59:41] <shadekiller666> unless you want to suggest an idea fry
L3274[23:01:27] <fry> just a simple list of enabled groups
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L3279[23:04:19] <shadekiller666> i really feel like that would get tedious to manage on the mod's part
L3280[23:04:59] * McJty is happy that porting from 1.8.8 to 1.8.9 isn't as much work as porting from 1.7.10 to 1.8.8 :-)
L3281[23:05:24] <gigaherz> McJty: porting to 1.8.9 is basically not doing anything special, xcept for tesellator access ;P
L3282[23:05:39] <shadekiller666> i mean i can make it act that way by default, where it only shows whats on the list in OBJState and hides the rest
L3283[23:05:40] <gigaherz> wait 1.8.8 to 1.8.9
L3284[23:05:44] <gigaherz> there's no porting involved
L3285[23:05:51] <McJty> gigaherz, my point exactly
L3286[23:05:58] <gigaherz> I thought you said 1.8.0 ;P
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L3289[23:08:00] <gigaherz> shadekiller666: you could have two lists, a whitelist, and a blacklist. if the whitelist is not null, you only draw things that are in the whitelist. if the blacklist is not null, you skip things that are in the blacklist
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L3292[23:08:32] <shadekiller666> then you have to manage two lists...
L3293[23:08:37] <gigaherz> at most
L3294[23:08:41] <gigaherz> both would be optional
L3295[23:08:50] <shadekiller666> which is more than managing one list
L3296[23:09:07] <gigaherz> yes but then you wouldn't have to add everything to a list to say "show all" ;P
L3297[23:09:16] <shadekiller666> you don't
L3298[23:09:28] <gigaherz> then you have to add everything to say "hide all"? ;P
L3299[23:09:31] <shadekiller666> thats why there are two special case strings
L3300[23:10:22] <shadekiller666> Group.ALL and Group.ALL_EXCEPT when found in the List<String> in OBJState will tell OBJBakedModel to loop through its map of groups
L3301[23:10:30] <shadekiller666> each is a single string :P
L3302[23:10:47] <shadekiller666> though, ALL_EXCEPT expects more things in the list so it knows what to exclude
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L3305[23:10:59] <McJty> Oh this is annoying... Waila hasn't been updated to 1.8.9
L3306[23:11:01] <McJty> So my mod doesn't run
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L3309[23:11:25] <gigaherz> you ahve waila as a hard dependency?
L3310[23:11:44] <tterrag> McJty: yes it has?
L3311[23:11:46] <McJty> Not really a hard dependency but my mod does depend on it a lot and is not really nice without it
L3312[23:11:53] <McJty> tterrag, I can't find it in the maven?
L3313[23:11:55] <tterrag> there was a 1.8.8 release a week ago
L3314[23:11:56] <tterrag> or so
L3315[23:12:02] <tterrag> that should work fine
L3316[23:12:11] <gigaherz> ah in my case it's just FMLInterModComms.sendMessage("Waila", "register", "gigaherz.enderRift.WailaProvider.callbackRegister");
L3317[23:12:17] <gigaherz> if WAILA isn't present, it never gets called ;P
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L3319[23:12:28] <gigaherz> I haven't updated the WAILA api to 1.8 though
L3320[23:12:38] <gigaherz> that's TODO for tomorrow
L3321[23:12:53] <McJty> tterrag, I'm using the latest as far as I can see and it breaks on MC 1.8.9
L3322[23:12:59] <McJty> It says MC has to be between 1.8.8 and 1.8.8
L3323[23:13:04] <tterrag> stupid FG
L3324[23:13:10] <tterrag> why does it assign specific MC versions -_-
L3325[23:13:14] <tterrag> AbrarSyed: please remove that feature
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L3327[23:13:24] <AbrarSyed> tterrag, was on lex's request.
L3328[23:13:24] * gigaherz is glad he has the api as source code dumped into his repository
L3329[23:13:26] <tterrag> it completely defeats the purpose of srg
L3330[23:13:27] <AbrarSyed> go yell at him.
L3331[23:13:35] <tterrag> WHY DO WE HAVE SRG NAMES
L3332[23:14:01] <Halonium> Would it be unreasonable to keep a HashMap of every chunk that has been loaded in a play-session?
L3333[23:14:08] <AbrarSyed> th eproblem was ebcause too many people were idiots and trying to install MC 1.7.10 mods on 1.8
L3334[23:14:09] <williewillus> probably
L3335[23:14:11] <fry> tterrag: so that people who explicitly want multiple version support could have it
L3336[23:14:14] <Halonium> By chunk, I mean the coordinates of a chunk
L3337[23:14:18] <tterrag> fry: what??
L3338[23:14:26] <tterrag> if I leave the field blank, it's because I want it blank
L3339[23:14:32] <AbrarSyed> Halonium, its alreadyu in MC somewhere.. the chunkmap... why do you nede to store it yourself?
L3340[23:14:32] <tterrag> I don't want FG editing my source where I didn't tell it to
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L3342[23:15:01] <fry> 99% of people leave a field blank because they don't know what it's for
L3343[23:15:04] <AbrarSyed> whats the point of the field if everyone elaves it blank?
L3344[23:15:06] <Halonium> AbrarSyed, I'm storing the locations of certain blocks in an arraylist
L3345[23:15:28] <tterrag> sucks for them
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L3348[23:15:51] <AbrarSyed> tterrag, is it really that big of an issue to recompile with the acceptedMinecraftVersions = [1.8.8, 1.8.9] ?
L3349[23:15:58] <McJty> AbrarSyed, but that basically means that none of the current 1.8.8 mods will work on 1.8.9?
L3350[23:16:02] <tterrag> I personally don't use it because it's not that useful. my mods are clearly labeled with what version they support
L3351[23:16:14] <tterrag> AbrarSyed: yeah, it is, when the author is busy and won't get around to it for a few weeks
L3352[23:16:25] <tterrag> I wish I had edit perms on every mod, but I don't
L3353[23:16:31] <McJty> AbrarSyed, in my case I'm not the author of waila so I can't even fix it
L3354[23:16:48] <gigaherz> it is, when you have to ask others to do so ;P
L3355[23:16:51] <AbrarSyed> you actually can with some bytecode manipulations.. but anyways
L3356[23:16:58] <tterrag> I just don't get it. why is it FG's place to say "no one is using this feature? guess I can just force everyone to use it"
L3357[23:17:02] <tterrag> maybe no one is using it because it's not that useful...
L3358[23:17:05] <AbrarSyed> because elx said so.. basically...
L3359[23:17:10] <fry> AbrarSyed: you, of all people, should know better
L3360[23:17:18] * AbrarSyed shrugs
L3361[23:17:30] <AbrarSyed> when the lex says jump, I ask how high
L3362[23:17:32] <killjoy> the way you force everyone to use it is to have fml not load it if it isn't there
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L3365[23:18:05] <gigaherz> wait shouldn't it be forge's job to know that the current mc is compatible with mods in that range
L3366[23:18:08] <gigaherz> not the mod?
L3367[23:18:13] <fry> nope
L3368[23:18:21] <fry> no way to know
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L3370[23:18:29] <Halonium> gigaherz, what was that worldchange event that I need for re-evaluating chunks?
L3371[23:18:37] <gigaherz> no idea
L3372[23:18:50] <gigaherz> must have been someone else who told you ;P
L3373[23:18:51] <tterrag> killjoy: which would also be a horrible design choice
L3374[23:18:56] <Halonium> Oh, sorry!
L3375[23:19:04] <Halonium> I think it was like, I World Accessed or something?
L3376[23:19:10] <tterrag> IWorldAccess
L3377[23:19:16] <Halonium> Aha
L3378[23:19:17] <Halonium> Thanks!
L3379[23:20:11] <fry> gigaherz: for example, if 1.8.8 mod called GuiScreenRealmsProxy.func_154322_b, for whatever reason, it wouldn't work on 1.8.9
L3380[23:20:13] <shadekiller666> do TEs not always readFromNBT on world load?
L3381[23:20:30] <McJty> I'll just go back to 1.8.8 for now
L3382[23:20:34] <fry> and tracking that is definitely out of the forge's reach
L3383[23:20:36] <tterrag> fry: and then it's the mod's fault they didn't use acceptableMinecraftVersions
L3384[23:20:57] <fry> tterrag: how would they know that 1.8.9 adds, before it's released?
L3385[23:21:02] <tterrag> they should have. or they could just label their mod jars with a version and the user could assume that the mod just doesn't work on 1.8.9
L3386[23:21:09] <gigaherz> yeah the issue is that all I know as a dev
L3387[23:21:13] <gigaherz> is that my mod workso n 1.8.8+
L3388[23:21:23] <fry> no, all you know is that it works on 1.8.8
L3389[23:21:29] <fry> until 1.8.9 is out
L3390[23:21:32] <gigaherz> 1.8.8*
L3391[23:21:36] <tterrag> personally I would assume that my mod works on any 1.8.X version
L3392[23:21:39] <gigaherz> I didn't actually mean to write the +
L3393[23:21:43] <gigaherz> it's just next to the enter key ;P
L3394[23:21:44] <McJty> But to answer my question. Will all the mods that I have released on 1.8.8 work on 1.8.9 or not?
L3395[23:21:55] <tterrag> if that turns out not to be the case, I'd rather make an update that fixes it than have it immediatly break in the (more likely) case that it is compatible
L3396[23:22:02] <fry> tterrag: I would prefer a config option for FML to soften the version check
L3397[23:22:08] <tterrag> McJty: 99.99999% of mods will :P
L3398[23:22:12] <tterrag> unless you do some freaky stuff with realms
L3399[23:22:13] <shadekiller666> mcjty, unless you touch anything related to the Realms GUI, you should be fine
L3400[23:22:17] <fry> or even a console option, for devs only
L3401[23:22:17] <gigaherz> tterrag: he means
L3402[23:22:19] <gigaherz> the current jars
L3403[23:22:20] <McJty> Well
L3404[23:22:24] <McJty> Given that waila doesn't work
L3405[23:22:24] <gigaherz> without adding 1.8.9 to the acceptable
L3406[23:22:25] <tterrag> gigaherz: I know
L3407[23:22:31] <McJty> So I'm wondering about all the others
L3408[23:22:37] <tterrag> I'm saying I'd rather have to release an update to fix 1.8.9 compat
L3409[23:22:43] <tterrag> than have it break when 1.8.9 comes out and it SHOULD work
L3410[23:22:52] ⇦ Quits: Reika (~Reika@reika.kalseki.mods.abrarsyed.me) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L3411[23:22:55] <shadekiller666> Waila doesn't work because FG is being picky
L3412[23:23:13] <fry> tterrag: well, you're not the one handing the support load for those issues
L3413[23:23:15] <tterrag> McJty: waila is open source, you could probably build a fork and use that
L3414[23:23:19] <gigaherz> so wait, Forge on 1.8.9 accepts the mods,
L3415[23:23:21] <gigaherz> but FG does not?
L3416[23:23:26] <gigaherz> i'm confused now
L3417[23:23:33] <shadekiller666> 1.8.9 is not listed in Waila's supported versions list so FML complains
L3418[23:23:34] <tterrag> fry: what?
L3419[23:23:36] ⇨ Joins: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@f054178179.adsl.alicedsl.de)
L3420[23:23:50] <fry> gigaherz: FG by default sets only the current MC version as accepted version, from my understanding
L3421[23:23:51] <tterrag> how many issue reports does forge honestly get like that
L3422[23:23:55] <tterrag> I haven't seen any
L3423[23:24:00] <gigaherz> fry: so, the current jars compiled for 1.8.8
L3424[23:24:03] <fry> tterrag: go look at the forums someday
L3425[23:24:04] <gigaherz> will FAIL to load in 1.8.9
L3426[23:24:08] <gigaherz> even if they would work otherwise?
L3427[23:24:11] <fry> gigaherz: yup
L3428[23:24:14] <gigaherz> okay so
L3429[23:24:17] <gigaherz> McJty: the answer is no.
L3430[23:24:17] <tterrag> you can't prevent idiots being idiots
L3431[23:24:20] <Thutmose> so the 1.8.8 baubles deobfuscated version in my dev environment runs fine, and let me recompile for 1.8.9 fine, but the non-dev version didn't load out of development
L3432[23:24:22] <gigaherz> people won't be able to use your mods in 1.8.9
L3433[23:24:25] <tterrag> they'll come to the forums to complain about McJty's problem
L3434[23:24:25] <tterrag> instead
L3435[23:24:31] <tterrag> you've just changed the crash
L3436[23:24:33] <gigaherz> unless you recompile them with acceptable max 1.8.9
L3437[23:24:37] <gigaherz> and re-release the jars
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L3439[23:25:05] <fry> tterrag: you can tell them to GTFO easier with a new crash
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L3441[23:25:13] <shadekiller666> thutmose, thats cuz your ide recompiles them every time the game builds
L3442[23:25:20] <tterrag> easier than "go talk to X mod" ?
L3443[23:25:24] <fry> yes
L3444[23:25:28] <Thutmose> it was already compiled
L3445[23:25:33] <Thutmose> as in a jar in the libs folder
L3446[23:25:47] <shadekiller666> in the libs folder
L3447[23:25:55] <shadekiller666> not the mods folder :P
L3448[23:25:57] <tterrag> how
L3449[23:25:58] <fry> there's a sizable chunk of users who can understand "1.8.8 mod can't run on 1.8.9" and can't understand "AbstractMethodError"
L3450[23:25:59] <tterrag> how is it easier now
L3451[23:26:13] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L3452[23:26:18] <Thutmose> ya, seems it ignores versions if they are in libs folder lol
L3453[23:26:23] <fry> yes, there are idiots who complain about both
L3454[23:26:27] <tterrag> so you've just shifted the pain to the modders for no reason
L3455[23:26:32] <fry> but it's still a reduction
L3456[23:26:36] <fry> no reason?
L3457[23:26:48] <shadekiller666> does one have to do something magical to get a TileEntity to readFromNBT()?
L3458[23:26:51] <tterrag> at least update the javadocs to reflect this change
L3459[23:26:59] <tterrag> so that we don't keep getting this question every day
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L3462[23:27:03] <killjoy> seriously. 1.8.8 came out very recently. How many mods could have updated already?
L3463[23:27:03] <fry> don't tell this to me
L3464[23:27:09] <gigaherz> shadekiller666: it happens on load, why?
L3465[23:27:10] <fry> tell it to Lex/Abrar
L3466[23:27:10] <shadekiller666> seems to be writing to NBT fine, but doesn't seem to want to read from
L3467[23:27:19] <gigaherz> did you register the TileEntity?
L3468[23:27:21] ⇨ Joins: romibi (~quassel@cable-static-7-174.rsnweb.ch)
L3469[23:27:32] <gigaherz> in your preInit, next to the block registrations
L3470[23:27:34] ⇦ Quits: romibi (~quassel@cable-static-7-174.rsnweb.ch) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L3471[23:27:56] <shadekiller666> hmm
L3472[23:27:59] <fry> tterrag: or even make an issue on github, this behaviour should indeed be documented, if it isn't right now
L3473[23:27:59] <shadekiller666> mhmm*
L3474[23:28:05] <gigaherz> GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(TileEnderRift.class, "tileEnderRift"); kind line
L3475[23:28:05] <gigaherz> ;p
L3476[23:28:18] <shadekiller666> its registered
L3477[23:28:37] <shadekiller666> (actually forgot that the first time, and the game complained about it)
L3478[23:28:40] <gigaherz> do you call super. ?
L3479[23:28:44] <shadekiller666> so its registered
L3480[23:28:55] <gigaherz> if you don't call super.writeToNBT
L3481[23:29:01] <gigaherz> it won't have the necessary info to reload
L3482[23:29:10] <shadekiller666> oh
L3483[23:29:11] <gigaherz> (xyz coords and such)
L3484[23:29:13] <shadekiller666> right
L3485[23:29:19] <gigaherz> always super.write andsuper.load
L3486[23:29:19] <gigaherz> ;P
L3487[23:29:24] <gigaherz> read*
L3488[23:29:43] <gigaherz> btw shadekiller666, did I show you this? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/2015-12-31-0416-01.mp4
L3489[23:29:59] <gigaherz> ported my multiblock to 1.8.8, using your loader now ;P
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L3491[23:31:12] <gigaherz> gotta sleep
L3492[23:31:13] <gigaherz> night ppl
L3493[23:31:17] *** gigaherz is now known as ghz|afk
L3494[23:31:58] <shadekiller666> sweet
L3495[23:32:07] <shadekiller666> (still waiting for it to buffer)...
L3496[23:32:25] <ghz|afk> the actual model shows up near the end
L3497[23:32:26] <ghz|afk> ;P
L3498[23:32:27] <shadekiller666> nice
L3499[23:32:38] <shadekiller666> any difficulties?
L3500[23:32:44] <ghz|afk> yeah but not your fault
L3501[23:32:50] <shadekiller666> lol
L3502[23:33:00] <ghz|afk> I was overriding getRenderType with -1
L3503[23:33:06] <ghz|afk> and wondering why it wasn't drawing
L3504[23:33:07] <ghz|afk> ;P
L3505[23:33:41] <williewillus> don't tell me you were using blockcontainer ;p
L3506[23:33:46] <ghz|afk> no
L3507[23:33:49] <ghz|afk> I never used that ;p
L3508[23:34:03] <ghz|afk> but in the 1.7.10 version
L3509[23:34:11] <ghz|afk> the ISBRH was drawing a 3x3x3 model
L3510[23:34:11] ⇦ Quits: diesieben07 (~diesieben@abrarsyed.com) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L3511[23:34:13] <ghz|afk> in this one
L3512[23:34:16] ⇦ Quits: Cazzar (~CazzarZNC@vocaloid.lovers.at.cazzar.net) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L3513[23:34:19] <ghz|afk> it's actually each model drawing its own piece
L3514[23:34:22] <ghz|afk> less lighting glitches that way
L3515[23:34:33] ⇦ Parts: Thutmose (~elpat@cpe-55-54-66-208.caribcable.com) ())
L3516[23:34:36] <ghz|afk> so the old models were set to not draw at all
L3517[23:34:42] <ghz|afk> which I forgot to remove ;P
L3518[23:35:07] ⇦ Quits: luacs1998 (~miyamoto@abrarsyed.com) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L3519[23:35:46] <ghz|afk> there we go, code pushed, sleeptime
L3520[23:35:49] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L3521[23:35:50] * ghz|afk afks for real
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L3526[23:36:24] <shadekiller666> O.o why do the first calls to getExtendedState get called before the world is loaded... :/
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L3529[23:36:27] <shadekiller666> stupid game
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L3534[23:39:35] ⇨ Joins: Ri5ux (~Ri5ux@ip68-106-209-102.om.om.cox.net)
L3535[23:40:36] <shadekiller666> fry, is there a way to either have an IProperty that doesn't have to be defined in the blockstate json or have the IBlockState passed into onBlockActivated be an IExtendedBlockState?
L3536[23:41:49] <williewillus> isn't extendedblockstate for rendering? onblockactivated is logic stuff, the two shouldn't mix?
L3537[23:42:39] <shadekiller666> :/
L3538[23:43:09] <shadekiller666> that separation makes it a pain to change the block model from within the block methods :/
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L3540[23:46:14] <williewillus> shouldn't the model simply derive itself from the information available from the block? if you want to change the model, change the information, and the model will folow it
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L3543[23:46:27] <williewillus> whether the info be from meta, TE, etc.)
L3544[23:47:30] <Ri5ux> I'm sick of there being no ItemRenderers in 1.8. Seriously, why the hell were they removed? If I re-implement them, is there any possibility that the PR would be accepted?
L3545[23:47:40] <williewillus> no
L3546[23:47:53] <williewillus> do it the new way :p
L3547[23:48:06] <fry> Ri5ux: you don't need them
L3548[23:48:27] <Ri5ux> Explain why I dont... Please.
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L3551[23:48:31] <williewillus> everything can be done the new way and the things that can't are being worked on
L3552[23:48:33] <Ri5ux> I cant find any way that I dont
L3553[23:48:45] <fry> explain what you want to do.
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L3556[23:49:08] <Ri5ux> Create a gun that renders in first person with the model I choose, that has a functional ammo counter rendered on top of it
L3557[23:49:28] <shadekiller666> willie, how do you get around getExtendedState, the only method you can return an IEBS from, being called before TileEntities get initialized?
L3558[23:49:29] <fry> all that is doable
L3559[23:49:50] <Ri5ux> Alright, then how do I go about accomplishing it?
L3560[23:49:52] <williewillus> shadekiller666: I've never had a problem with that 0.o just null checks on the TE
L3561[23:50:04] <fry> start with doing simple 1.8 models
L3562[23:50:10] <shadekiller666> it is null before the world finishes loading
L3563[23:50:11] <fry> get something to render
L3564[23:50:13] <shadekiller666> thats the problem
L3565[23:50:22] <fry> then, load the model of your gun using the same system
L3566[23:50:39] <fry> for the ammo counter you have 2 options
L3567[23:50:43] <Ri5ux> For the record, I don't want to have to change the entire texture.
L3568[23:50:46] <shadekiller666> the null check fails, so the data resets
L3569[23:50:50] <fry> what texture?
L3570[23:50:54] <Ri5ux> Of the model.
L3571[23:51:03] <fry> how is that relevant?
L3572[23:51:17] <Ri5ux> Thought for some reason it would be brought up as a way to do it
L3573[23:51:35] <williewillus> shadekiller666: not sure then, I have this and it works just fine: https://github.com/williewillus/Botania/blob/MC18/src/main/java/vazkii/botania/common/block/BlockSpecialFlower.java#L148
L3574[23:51:39] <fry> do you have a screenshot of the gun you have right now?
L3575[23:51:46] <fry> or are you not porting?
L3576[23:51:52] <Ri5ux> I'm porting. Got the gun
L3577[23:51:52] <fry> and doint it from scratch?
L3578[23:51:55] <Ri5ux> I'll get a screenshot
L3579[23:52:33] <williewillus> what were the options for the ammo counter? I'm interested in listening since the lexica botania is probably one of the harder parts that I haven't figured out how to do yet and it has text on it :p
L3580[23:52:43] <williewillus> and a fancy opening animation
L3581[23:53:01] <fry> williewillus: easyish animation api is coming
L3582[23:53:17] <fry> gist is using handleItemStack to change the model
L3583[23:53:25] <Ri5ux> http://i.imgur.com/evQR39M.png
L3584[23:53:28] <Ri5ux> There it is
L3585[23:53:34] <Ri5ux> Fontrenderer is used there.
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L3589[23:55:47] <fry> well, this should be straightforward
L3590[23:56:11] <williewillus> I'm thinking maybe submodels for each of the decimal digits, combining them with a perspective smart model that translates them to the appropriate place? :P
L3591[23:56:25] <fry> that could work, yes
L3592[23:56:29] ⇨ Joins: romibi (~quassel@cable-static-7-174.rsnweb.ch)
L3593[23:56:30] <Ri5ux> Thats way to complicated
L3594[23:56:35] <Ri5ux> It should be as easy as it was in 1.7
L3595[23:56:36] <williewillus> -.-
L3596[23:56:38] <fry> no, it's not
L3597[23:56:39] ⇦ Quits: romibi (~quassel@cable-static-7-174.rsnweb.ch) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L3598[23:56:47] <williewillus> you think it's "complicated" because it's new
L3599[23:56:51] <fry> Ri5ux: you can't replace the gun in a resource pack in 1.7
L3600[23:56:58] <Ri5ux> I dont want the gun replaced.
L3601[23:57:06] <williewillus> I just sat here and thought for about 6 seconds before coming up with that
L3602[23:57:08] <williewillus> it's not complicated
L3603[23:57:17] <williewillus> you're just not familiar with what's available
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L3605[23:57:26] <Ri5ux> You're probably right.
L3606[23:57:33] <Ri5ux> And I cant find a whole lot about it on the internet.
L3607[23:57:37] <fry> and I'm finally not the only one who understands the basics of how to do stuff in the new system P
L3608[23:57:42] <williewillus> :D
L3609[23:57:44] <fry> *:P
L3610[23:57:52] <williewillus> still learning ;p
L3611[23:58:18] <fry> also, I half-converted the font renderer to the model system half a year ago
L3612[23:58:22] <fry> but never finished
L3613[23:58:35] <fry> because all the people who needed it rage quit
L3614[23:58:44] <fry> and I focused on more important things :P
L3615[23:59:05] <Ri5ux> My real question is; What's more efficient on the hardware, the old system or new system?
L3616[23:59:07] <fry> but all the patches for that are merged
L3617[23:59:10] <williewillus> new
L3618[23:59:16] <Ri5ux> What about on the coder?
L3619[23:59:16] *** TTFTCUTS is now known as TTFT|Away
L3620[23:59:18] <fry> definitely new system
L3621[23:59:25] <fry> same for the coder
L3622[23:59:39] <Ri5ux> Then I need some examples, because I'm not seeing it
L3623[23:59:46] <williewillus> (see that new shiny micropart api they're writing for 1.8 models ;p)
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L3625[23:59:48] MineBot sets mode: +o on AbrarSyed
L3626[23:59:50] <fry> you can now separate the modelling and coding
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