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L1[00:01:42] ⇨ Joins: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk)
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L4[00:07:27] ⇦ Quits: theFlaxbeard (~theFlaxbe@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L5[00:14:55] <williewillus> how do i prevent a maven specified coremod from loading in dev env?
L6[00:18:13] <tterrag> --noCoreSearch
L7[00:25:17] <tterrag> old FF did some interesting things
L8[00:25:19] <tterrag> ((Bootstrap)((Bootstrap)((Bootstrap)(new Bootstrap()).group(NetworkManager.eventLoops)).handler(new ChannelInitializer()
L9[00:25:26] <TehNut> So... What Gradle version does deobfCompile need?
L10[00:25:29] <tterrag> you think it might be a Bootstrap?
L11[00:26:11] <TehNut> Because in 2.3 it was erroring out and 2.9 works just fine
L12[00:26:35] <Matthew> TehNut, somewhere between 2.3 and 2.9 :P
L13[00:26:40] <TehNut> u suk
L14[00:32:54] ⇦ Quits: KanoCodex (~Giratina5@2604:180:0:368::bcd8) (Remote host closed the connection)
L15[00:34:32] <tterrag> erg...no UpdateGuiEvent?
L16[00:40:14] <williewillus> !gf field_181707_g
L17[00:44:56] ⇨ Joins: Corosus (~Corosus@
L18[00:48:11] <SomeGuyInATree> What's the best way to get when a gui is closed? (1.7.10)
L19[00:48:20] <tterrag> heh, was actually just figuring that out
L20[00:48:22] <killjoy> gui closed event
L21[00:48:26] <killjoy> does that exist?
L22[00:48:27] <tterrag> there is onGuiClosed in the GUI itself
L23[00:48:29] <tterrag> no killjoy
L24[00:49:00] <killjoy> I would check Minecraft.currentScreen to see if it changed
L25[00:49:05] <tterrag> ^
L26[00:49:30] ⇦ Quits: Cojosan (~Cojo@2606:a000:1126:8048:e468:46c5:72b:83ee) (Quit: If we wish to explore, if we wish to see what's over the next hill, wonders unfold before us; all we have to do is want it enough.)
L27[00:59:58] <SomeGuyInATree> onGuiClosed() worked well enough, cheers.
L28[01:00:26] <killjoy> Well you should've said it was your gui
L29[01:00:39] <killjoy> it got me confused, so I was thinking you wanted to check when someone else's gui closed
L30[01:02:37] <SomeGuyInATree> Just trying to clear up debug overlays when I close a gui.. Should've said
L31[01:02:43] ⇨ Joins: McJty (~jorrit@d8d872e30.access.telenet.be)
L32[01:03:21] <McJty> Hi, can I 'cancel' a mouse event? setCanceled() is not allowed and setResult() doesn't seem to do anything
L33[01:03:31] <McJty> I want the mouse wheel to do nothing when one of my blocks is focused.
L34[01:03:37] <killjoy> What is the even running?
L35[01:03:45] <McJty> (as opposed to selecting another entry in the hotbar)
L36[01:03:53] <McJty> Event running?
L37[01:03:55] <killjoy> that's evil
L38[01:04:39] <killjoy> the input events (afaik) don't have any actual hooks.
L39[01:04:48] <killjoy> they're just run on tick
L40[01:05:05] <McJty> Well I can catch the event just find
L41[01:05:10] <McJty> fine
L42[01:05:15] <killjoy> Never said you couldn't
L43[01:05:23] <McJty> But seems I cannot prevent them from going through to MC itself
L44[01:05:23] <killjoy> What I'm saying is there's nothing to cancel
L45[01:06:41] <McJty> Ok, looks like I'm going to have to delve a bit deeper in the MC code right now
L46[01:07:15] <tterrag> don't cancel the event
L47[01:07:18] <tterrag> just undo the action
L48[01:07:34] <McJty> Hmm will my code be called after MC did the action?
L49[01:08:24] <tterrag> wait
L50[01:08:28] <tterrag> I cancel MouseEvent just fine
L51[01:08:36] <tterrag> it is @Cancelable
L52[01:08:46] <McJty> In 1.7?
L53[01:08:48] <tterrag> yes
L54[01:09:00] <killjoy> Is it @HasResult?
L55[01:09:10] <McJty> I got an exception saying it was not cancelable when I tried
L56[01:09:12] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L57[01:09:18] <tterrag> no
L58[01:09:21] <tterrag> it's @Cancelable
L59[01:09:23] <tterrag> I'm looking at it righ tnow
L60[01:09:37] <McJty> I don't think so
L61[01:09:44] <McJty> Where do you see it is cancelable?
L62[01:09:48] <McJty> I know it didn't work. I got the exception
L63[01:10:11] <tterrag> line 12?
L64[01:10:16] <McJty> Ah
L65[01:10:22] <McJty> You are looking at MouseEvent...
L66[01:10:26] <tterrag> ...
L67[01:10:29] <McJty> I was looking at MouseInputEvent
L68[01:10:33] <tterrag> <McJty> Hi, can I 'cancel' a mouse event? setCanceled() is not allowed and setResult() doesn't seem to do anything
L69[01:10:33] <McJty> Didn't even know there was a MouseEvent
L70[01:10:37] <tterrag> .-.
L71[01:11:31] <McJty> Why are there two mouse input events?
L72[01:12:28] ⇦ Quits: PrinceCat (~PrinceCat@58-7-214-208.dyn.iinet.net.au) (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
L73[01:14:42] <tterrag> McJty: FML and Forge
L74[01:14:53] <tterrag> the FML one is just a marker for a hardware event poll
L75[01:15:26] <tterrag> which requires you to call Mouse.getEvent() (which consumes the event)
L76[01:16:28] ⇦ Quits: VikeStep (~VikeStep@ (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L77[01:16:35] <McJty> Ok it works now. Thanks
L78[01:16:37] ⇨ Joins: Hunterz (~hunterz@
L79[01:17:25] <tterrag> McJty: for reference https://github.com/SleepyTrousers/EnderIO/blob/16b682e1cd235f3986d055919ff4f7bbba0ed20a/src/main/java/crazypants/enderio/item/ToolTickHandler.java
L80[01:19:07] <McJty> thanks
L81[01:20:54] <McJty> Doing it only on sneaking is a good idea. I'll do that too
L82[01:30:48] ⇦ Quits: killjoy (~killjoy@2606:a000:1118:c12c:810c:babf:84c:bf2c) (Quit: Leaving)
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L84[01:39:33] <tterrag> why would my NetworkHandler be trying to set the connection state to null?
L85[01:44:11] <tterrag> I don't get it
L86[01:44:15] <tterrag> I'm doing exactly what vanilla does
L87[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20151129 mappings to Forge Maven.
L88[02:00:06] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20151129-1.8.8.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20151129" in build.gradle).
L89[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
L90[02:03:21] ⇨ Joins: covers1624 (~covers162@
L91[02:04:10] <SomeGuyInATree> Is it possible to stop the background going dark when a gui is opened?
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L93[02:05:45] <tterrag> SomeGuyInATree: override drawBackground
L94[02:07:45] ⇨ Joins: alex_6611 (~alex_6611@p5DE7895A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L95[02:09:25] <SomeGuyInATree> No such method in GuiContainer.. (I'm relatively new to drawing)
L96[02:10:20] <TehNut> GuiScreen#drawBackground
L97[02:14:09] <tterrag> use your IDE pls
L98[02:23:35] ⇦ Quits: Firedingo (~Firedingo@CPE-58-168-45-156.lns7.cht.bigpond.net.au) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
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L106[02:46:17] <Wuppy> so... lets see if the review copies of Just CAuse 3 are as good as I hope they are
L107[02:46:35] <Wuppy> if so, I'm seriously considering preordering it
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L130[03:51:01] <gabizou> anyone know how to use @Optional?
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L132[03:54:04] <xaero> have you read minalien's tutorial?
L133[03:54:25] <gabizou> no? didn't know there was one
L134[03:55:01] <gabizou> I'm guessing it's this one? http://minalien.com/minecraft-forge-feature-spotlight-optional-annotation/
L135[03:55:25] <xaero> yea
L136[03:55:28] <gabizou> that unfortunately ddoesn't want to load
L137[03:55:34] <gabizou> is it loading for you?
L138[03:55:52] <TehNut> Not loading for me, either
L139[03:55:56] <xaero> oh I thougth it was just me - I'm having general net issues as well though
L140[03:56:12] <xaero> ok, I bet the web.archive.org has a cache, or maybe google
L141[03:56:57] <TehNut> I can't get it in any of the caching sites, either
L142[03:56:58] <TehNut> odd
L143[03:57:09] <xaero> https://github.com/Minalien/BlogArchive/blob/master/ForgeTutorials/Spotlight__Optional_Annotation.md he has a github
L144[03:57:31] ⇦ Quits: Something12 (~Something@s010634bdfa9eca7b.vs.shawcable.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L145[03:57:44] <gabizou> heh, webarchive ftw
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L148[04:00:06] <gabizou> damn
L149[04:00:14] <gabizou> I was hoping not having to implement all the methods
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L163[04:37:11] <laci200270> cpw|out what do you think? https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/2224
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L177[05:05:51] <OrionOnline> fry, you there, i have some questions regarding the JSON texture system and CPW said you are the guy to talk to.
L178[05:06:33] <fry> I'm here
L179[05:07:41] <OrionOnline> So my Items are like TiC Tools
L180[05:07:59] ⇨ Joins: Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net)
L181[05:08:19] <OrionOnline> I understand how the modelloaders declare read the structure of the Item from the JSON file and get the GrayScale texture.
L182[05:09:02] <OrionOnline> But how does it convert the Data that is stored in the NBT (if a layer is selected and which material (aka color to apply)) to the texture we see?
L183[05:09:51] <OrionOnline> Like which class does the conversion?
L184[05:09:52] <heldplayer> Oh hey! Fry is awake!
L185[05:10:04] <fry> via the ISmartItemModel.handleItemStack
L186[05:10:08] <heldplayer> I too need you :P
L187[05:10:37] <OrionOnline> okey
L188[05:12:28] <heldplayer> fry: Do you know what would cause the loading screen to not show up and instead fall back to non-loading screen?
L189[05:12:57] ⇨ Joins: Hgrebnednav__ (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872d48.access.telenet.be)
L190[05:12:58] <heldplayer> Minecraft 1.8, Forge
L191[05:12:59] <fry> is there anything in the logs?
L192[05:14:36] ⇦ Quits: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872d48.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L193[05:16:16] <heldplayer> Which logs would I need to check? I can't seem to find any logs that contain more than what the console gives
L194[05:18:13] *** Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L195[05:18:14] <heldplayer> Not seeing any indication of anything wrong in the console. Noticing a lack of the "dummy crash report"
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L198[05:24:17] <LexManos> you have it disabled
L199[05:24:21] <LexManos> quit using a mac
L200[05:25:08] <LexManos> Also, should look into the Spawer eggs they do the whole tint-layers thing that ores/tcon/whatever should do for there 'dynamic' items.
L201[05:27:29] <OrionOnline> Thanks Lex
L202[05:28:56] ⇦ Quits: Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L203[05:29:03] <heldplayer> It's not disabled in splash.properties, and I'm using Windows 8.1
L204[05:29:40] <LexManos> meh then you borked something up, it's been in every 1.8 build.
L205[05:30:09] <heldplayer> I'm not quite sure what I did
L206[05:30:43] <heldplayer> But where can I find the extended logs that contain all the debug info and such? Not seeing it anywhere
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L211[05:37:32] <heldplayer> Ok, I might've found the problem
L212[05:37:39] <heldplayer> Somehow using the wrong forge version
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L249[08:04:16] <EternalDeiwos> how would I declare runtime dependencies for a minecraft mod? I'm currently receiving a NoClassDefFoundException when running the mod on a non-dev server
L250[08:05:42] <sham1> Depends if the your dependency mod is required for your mod to run at all or if it just provides some extra stuff if it is present
L251[08:05:52] <sham1> Oh, reminds me
L252[08:05:53] <sham1> \o
L253[08:10:05] <EternalDeiwos> it requires it to run at all
L254[08:10:27] <sham1> if I remember correctlyy
L255[08:10:32] <gigaherz> then you add it to your mcmod.info as a dependency
L256[08:10:37] <EternalDeiwos> ah
L257[08:10:41] <sham1> @Mod has something for it
L258[08:10:41] <EternalDeiwos> tried adding it in a number of ways to build.gradle and it works perfectly in the dev server
L259[08:10:45] <EternalDeiwos> will try that
L260[08:10:46] <sham1> But you can also use mcmod.info
L261[08:10:58] <EternalDeiwos> thanks :D
L262[08:11:18] <EternalDeiwos> do I add the maven string to mcmod.info?
L263[08:11:35] <sham1> modid of the dependency
L264[08:12:13] <EternalDeiwos> the dependency isn't a mod...
L265[08:12:25] <sham1> Umn
L266[08:12:35] <gigaherz> libs work differently
L267[08:12:37] <sham1> Welp, that complicates things a lot
L268[08:12:49] <sham1> First of all, what lib
L269[08:13:02] <EternalDeiwos> it's jetty-server and jetty-servlet
L270[08:13:03] <diesieben07> EternalDeiwos, http://forgegradle.readthedocs.org/en/latest/user-guide/shading/
L271[08:13:35] <sham1> "jetty"
L272[08:13:40] <sham1> Just what the hell are you doing
L273[08:13:58] *** TTFT|Away is now known as TTFTCUTS
L274[08:14:15] <EternalDeiwos> Mod discovery api
L275[08:14:41] <EternalDeiwos> exposes a JSON document with all mods running, their modids and versions
L276[08:14:50] <EternalDeiwos> as well as some server metadata
L277[08:15:28] <diesieben07> and for that you need servlets because..?
L278[08:15:50] <diesieben07> also, unrelated protip: Don't cough while drinking tea.
L279[08:15:59] <sham1> No shit diesieb
L280[08:16:06] <EternalDeiwos> figured it was the easiest way to expose a document over http
L281[08:16:18] <gigaherz> I'd generalize that to "don't cough while drinking"
L282[08:16:18] <sham1> If it generates an JSON
L283[08:16:40] <sham1> You can just have a normal apache or whatever and have a webpage where you get the mod JSON with AJAX
L284[08:16:51] <diesieben07> apache is already way overkill
L285[08:17:13] <sham1> Or lighttpd
L286[08:17:22] <EternalDeiwos> i'm litterally just serving a single discovery document
L287[08:17:40] <sham1> You could also make your own HTTP server if you feel like it
L288[08:17:46] <diesieben07> neither of which are in java.
L289[08:17:46] <sham1> Something very simple
L290[08:17:47] <diesieben07> https://github.com/NanoHttpd/nanohttpd
L291[08:17:56] <diesieben07> is the first thing google found me
L292[08:18:16] <gigaherz> can't you use netty itself to have a tiny http server?
L293[08:18:25] <gigaherz> since mc/forge already depends on netty
L294[08:18:26] <diesieben07> yeah but...
L295[08:18:32] <diesieben07> you don't want to reinvent the wheel
L296[08:18:40] <diesieben07> especially for things like this where security matters
L297[08:19:03] <EternalDeiwos> diesieben wouldn't that have exactly the same problem?
L298[08:19:12] <EternalDeiwos> nanohttpd i mean
L299[08:19:29] <diesieben07> define "problem"
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L301[08:19:35] <gigaherz> EternalDeiwos: well you probably want your shaded dependencies to be as small as possible
L302[08:20:08] <EternalDeiwos> fair point. let me try shading with jetty quickly then will take a look at nanohttpd.
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L304[08:26:45] <EternalDeiwos> gigaherz does shading include the libs inside the jar itself?
L305[08:28:21] <diesieben07> yes that is the point of shading
L306[08:28:27] <gigaherz> shading is a process where you include the dependency in the jar, BUT with a renamed package
L307[08:29:20] <EternalDeiwos> is there not a way to just include the relevant jar in the classpath from the libraries directory?
L308[08:29:39] <diesieben07> and how would the user of your mod get that jar file? :D
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L310[08:31:02] <EternalDeiwos> right now i'm just experimenting
L311[08:31:48] <EternalDeiwos> although to solve that problem, I could simply include it in a zip file, the same way that some mod authors do for configs
L312[08:32:10] <EternalDeiwos> not as elegant as I would like but that is a problem for the future.
L313[08:32:17] <diesieben07> or you could just shade it... :D
L314[08:32:37] <diesieben07> personally i think any mod that is not just "drop this jar file into the mods folder" is broken
L315[08:33:44] <sham1> Well that comes from the fact that we want this stuff to be as convenient to the user as possible
L316[08:34:11] <diesieben07> well and also that users are retarded as hell
L317[08:34:16] <sham1> And if they have to do something else than to just "drop this jar file into the mods directory", it can become tedious
L318[08:34:20] <sham1> Mmmm
L319[08:34:35] <sham1> But we don't tell that to them unless they come to ask us
L320[08:34:38] <diesieben07> well some people even think that that is too hard :D
L321[08:34:44] <sham1> wat
L322[08:34:59] <diesieben07> "i need an installer for my mod because people don't know how to install it"
L323[08:34:59] <sham1> Welp, that does not really matter anymore because CurseForge
L324[08:35:04] <diesieben07> seen multiple times.
L325[08:35:05] <sham1> Just click the button and it is installed
L326[08:35:35] <sham1> Assuming you use curse voice for your playing needs
L327[08:35:35] <EternalDeiwos> I agree with you on that, however I am not planning on shipping this mod as it currently is; I just need to function in the simplest manner possible so that I can continue development.
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L329[08:36:20] <diesieben07> then to use it outside dev simply drop the dependency jars into th mods folder
L330[08:36:52] <sham1> The earlier you make use of all these conveniences the better
L331[08:37:01] <sham1> Makes it so that you do not need to integrate them later
L332[08:37:05] <EternalDeiwos> that simple?
L333[08:37:09] <diesieben07> yes, that simple.
L334[08:37:19] <diesieben07> FML will put stuff thats in the mods folder and not a mod on the classpath
L335[08:41:10] <EternalDeiwos> nope, still not working i'm afraid
L336[08:41:23] <diesieben07> define "not working"
L337[08:41:35] <EternalDeiwos> NoClassDefFoundException
L338[08:41:58] <diesieben07> Post the log please
L339[08:42:08] <diesieben07> also
L340[08:42:20] <diesieben07> did you put the actual compiled jar of the deps in the mods folder?
L341[08:42:25] <diesieben07> it needs to contain .class files
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L343[08:46:16] <EternalDeiwos> http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=hRvN7Wez
L344[08:46:41] <EternalDeiwos> and yes i did put the jars in the mods folder
L345[08:47:20] ⇨ Joins: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872D48.access.telenet.be)
L346[08:47:30] <diesieben07> log. not crash report
L347[08:47:48] <EternalDeiwos> my bad...
L348[08:48:10] <EternalDeiwos> is there an easy way to cat a file to one's clipboard?
L349[08:49:06] <EternalDeiwos> nvm
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L353[08:53:57] <EternalDeiwos> http://pastebin.com/7qjA6Gkt
L354[08:54:26] <diesieben07> that is still not the FML log...
L355[08:55:31] <EternalDeiwos> that's the contents of latest.log, posting FML now
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L357[09:00:07] <EternalDeiwos> https://gist.github.com/EternalDeiwos/40428e83fc5f75c022c1/raw/9ac4a998dd47c5fae934dd728061b69959448656/fml-server.log
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L359[09:01:26] <diesieben07> well, FML put them on the classpath
L360[09:01:42] <diesieben07> so ... whatever is in those jars it is not what your mod depends on
L361[09:04:31] <EternalDeiwos> then I have absolutely no idea what the problem is...
L362[09:04:47] <gigaherz> !mh Entity.getName
L363[09:05:12] <gigaherz> !gm Entity.getName 1.8.8
L364[09:05:24] <gigaherz> !gm Entity.getCommandSenderName 1.8
L365[09:05:47] <gigaherz> yep.
L366[09:05:54] <gigaherz> and yay, 1.8.8 mappings
L367[09:05:54] <sham1> yep yep
L368[09:05:57] <sham1> YAY
L369[09:06:26] <Horfius> I should update to 1.8.8 forge :P
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L371[09:08:21] <gigaherz> !gm getStackInSlotOnClosing
L372[09:08:25] <gigaherz> !gm getStackInSlotOnClosing 1.8
L373[09:08:37] <gigaherz> !gm func_70304_b
L374[09:08:47] <gigaherz> ah removeStackFromSlot :D
L375[09:09:11] <MonaDoge> Hi! So I'm back, and I've ported my little mod to 1.8, but I have only one problem: Eclipse apparently is doing something with the build path.
L376[09:09:35] <MonaDoge> This is what it's throwing out at me: Build path contains duplicate entry: 'org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER' for project '.org.eclipse.jdt.core.external.folders'. Any help?
L377[09:10:09] <Ordinastie> you have the JRE added twice in the build path, remove one
L378[09:10:16] <MonaDoge> I got rid of the other error by deleting a duplicate of the JRE system library, but I can't seem to find the other one.
L379[09:10:24] <MonaDoge> Well, I'm pretty sure I deleted it.
L380[09:10:37] <Ordinastie> if you deleted it, the error should go
L381[09:10:55] <MonaDoge> Hm. The other one was for minecraft, so...
L382[09:11:22] <MonaDoge> Oh. Oh no.
L383[09:11:29] <MonaDoge> I messed something up. I think?>
L384[09:12:00] <Horfius> More likely than not :P
L385[09:12:05] <MonaDoge> I need to re-add the JRE system libraries...
L386[09:12:10] <Horfius> Oh lord
L387[09:12:14] <MonaDoge> Well, I certainly fudged things up.
L388[09:12:24] <Horfius> I'd recommend re-creating the project and copying your source over
L389[09:12:30] <MonaDoge> Okay...
L390[09:12:39] <Horfius> Because that's easier than figuring out which libraries you need to re-add
L391[09:12:45] <MonaDoge> Lol, I guess so.
L392[09:13:02] <Horfius> Let the computer do the hard part for you ^_^
L393[09:13:09] <MonaDoge> Okay.
L394[09:13:32] <MonaDoge> So, do I take the class files, or what?
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L397[09:17:57] <sham1> the source files
L398[09:22:22] <MonaDoge> Aha! All fixed!
L399[09:22:33] <MonaDoge> @Horfius Thanks a ton.
L400[09:22:43] <MonaDoge> Darn, how do I do this tagging thing?
L401[09:22:53] <gigaherz> tagging?
L402[09:23:00] <MonaDoge> Like, tagging a person's name?
L403[09:23:03] <MonaDoge> In the irc?
L404[09:23:12] <diesieben07> you say their name.
L405[09:23:18] <MonaDoge> Ah, ok.
L406[09:23:23] <gigaherz> it's just the nickname, no need for @ or anything
L407[09:23:23] <MonaDoge> That clears things up.
L408[09:23:35] <MonaDoge> Thanks for your help guys.
L409[09:23:38] <sham1> You can add the '@' there for clarity
L410[09:23:50] <gigaherz> and in most irc clients, you can use the tab key to auto-complete
L411[09:24:01] <gigaherz> mona<tab> -> MonaDoge
L412[09:24:15] <MonaDoge> One more thing: I've got the resources folder with the textures I want for my item, so how do I import the texture?
L413[09:24:30] <gigaherz> you need a model json file
L414[09:24:36] <MonaDoge> I see.
L415[09:24:51] <MonaDoge> How would one go about that?
L416[09:25:30] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/signbutton/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/signbutton/models/item/signButtonItem.json
L417[09:25:35] <gigaherz> a basic item looks a bit like this
L418[09:25:51] <gigaherz> although the display stuff can be reduced these days
L419[09:26:19] <gigaherz> then, you'll need to implement a client proxy
L420[09:26:26] <gigaherz> does your book talk about those?
L421[09:26:35] <MonaDoge> So I get the bottom part, but what does the top part do? I think it retrieves the texture, but I'm not certain how.
L422[09:26:42] <MonaDoge> No, I think the book is outdated.
L423[09:26:55] <MonaDoge> Like, it covers stuff for 1.7.10 only.
L424[09:27:07] <gigaherz> the client proxy already existed in 1.7.10
L425[09:27:22] <MonaDoge> Well, it doesn't cover it anyways :/
L426[09:27:27] <gigaherz> ah well
L427[09:27:34] <MonaDoge> Yeah, it
L428[09:27:41] <MonaDoge> It's supposed to be a beginner's guide
L429[09:27:48] <MonaDoge> (sorry, pressed enter too soon)
L430[09:27:55] <gigaherz> http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Proxies
L431[09:28:07] <gigaherz> yeah setting up side proxies is one of the basic tasks
L432[09:28:14] <gigaherz> this is sortof outdated, but still works
L433[09:28:29] <MonaDoge> The minecraft forge wiki almost never loads for me... I dunno why.
L434[09:28:51] <gigaherz> http://bedrockminer.jimdo.com/modding-tutorials/basic-modding-1-7/proxies/
L435[09:28:53] <diesieben07> it does load
L436[09:28:53] <gigaherz> this one then
L437[09:28:55] <diesieben07> its just slow
L438[09:29:03] <gigaherz> no wait
L439[09:29:05] <gigaherz> don't use that one
L440[09:29:12] <MonaDoge> Hm. It keeps saying the page died. I'll wait.
L441[09:31:01] <shadowfacts> *cough* ban him http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,35224.msg185548.html#msg185548 *cough*
L442[09:32:35] <diesieben07> Done :D
L443[09:32:49] <shadowfacts> yay!
L444[09:33:26] <sham1> Diesieb to save the day
L445[09:33:44] <diesieben07> lol
L446[09:34:44] <sham1> It's like I somewhat support downloading illegaly for testing
L447[09:34:54] <sham1> But if you want to get into mods, you should buy the product
L448[09:34:56] *** Hassan is now known as HassanS6000
L449[09:36:57] <MonaDoge> Wow, this wiki page is loading... very slowly.
L450[09:37:17] <sham1> Why are we putting people into the wiki instead of readTheDocs
L451[09:37:46] <MonaDoge> I thought readthedocs didn't have that much?
L452[09:38:15] <sham1> Well that is why we have to contribiute more
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L454[09:39:45] <anders> Is there a new jetpack item in minecraft?
L455[09:39:59] <masa> right... so I have an exam tomorrow that I should be studying for... so naturally I just updated 3 of my mods for 1.8.8 ...
L456[09:40:23] <sham1> I have an exam tomorrow
L457[09:40:37] <sham1> So I decided to start a new mod because I got bored of FluidCraft
L458[09:40:51] <sham1> Because that is the logical thing to do
L459[09:41:04] <masa> yep
L460[09:41:33] <MonaDoge> So, any help with proxies? The wiki isn't loading.
L461[09:41:44] <sham1> what do you need help with them
L462[09:41:56] <MonaDoge> Well, setting up the item proxy and importing the texture.
L463[09:42:13] <MonaDoge> I made a json file and copied the general structure of gigaherz's thing
L464[09:42:26] <MonaDoge> I think I set it up.
L465[09:43:41] <MonaDoge> Oh, I'm looking at gigaherz 's proxy... is it the registerPreRenderers thing?
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L469[09:47:30] <shadowfacts> how do you allocate more memory to Gradle?
L470[09:48:32] <diesieben07> GRADLE_OPTS environment variable
L471[09:48:37] <diesieben07> you can put JVM args in there
L472[09:49:00] <shadowfacts> aha
L473[09:49:11] <shadowfacts> how much memory does a 1.8.8 decomp typically take?
L474[09:49:42] <sham1> enough that you should not do it from IDEA if that is what you are asking
L475[09:49:54] <fry> 2gb with the recent gradle should be enough
L476[09:49:59] <diesieben07> i did it fine from within IDEA
L477[09:50:04] <fry> if it's not - do --refresh-dependencies
L478[09:50:11] <shadowfacts> okie
L479[09:50:11] <sham1> Well I dont know what happened to me
L480[09:50:24] <sham1> My java heap ran out when I did it from IDEA
L481[09:50:33] <diesieben07> you still have to give it more memory when running in IDEA of course
L482[09:50:38] <diesieben07> you can do that in the IDEA settings
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L484[09:51:59] <MonaDoge> Okay, so uh, can anyone help me in setting up the item proxy and item texture stuff?
L485[09:52:27] <sham1> show your attempts so we can guide you along
L486[09:52:32] <MonaDoge> Okay.
L487[09:53:22] <MonaDoge> So this is a class called commonProxy. I made it by looking at gigaherz's stuff. http://pastebin.com/66G1ztr0
L488[09:53:59] <sham1> well common proxy should be called from both client and server, so do not put any item renderer code
L489[09:54:07] <sham1> there
L490[09:54:14] <MonaDoge> Okay then...
L491[09:54:16] <sham1> you put that in the client proxy
L492[09:54:26] <MonaDoge> I don't exactly have a client proxy I think?
L493[09:54:51] <sham1> well create one
L494[09:54:58] <sham1> And make it extend the commonproxy
L495[09:55:06] <MonaDoge> So commonProxy is in the main package. Should I seperate it to make it organize?
L496[09:55:09] <MonaDoge> *organized
L497[09:55:19] <sham1> you can have it where-eve
L498[09:58:05] <shadowfacts> nope, decompileMc fails even when I'm running Gradle with 2 GB allocated
L499[09:58:17] <shadowfacts> > GC overhead limit exceeded
L500[10:00:10] <fry> even with --refresh-dependencies?
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L502[10:01:55] <shadowfacts> hmm, lemme try
L503[10:02:14] ⇦ Quits: MonaDoge (~MonaDoge@pool-72-74-69-54.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L504[10:03:07] <shadowfacts> same thing, fry :V
L505[10:04:12] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L506[10:04:16] ⇦ Quits: Firedingo (~Firedingo@CPE-58-168-45-156.lns7.cht.bigpond.net.au) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L507[10:04:26] <fry> are you using FG2.1?
L508[10:05:35] <shadowfacts> the 2.1 snapshot
L509[10:06:47] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L510[10:09:25] *** Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L511[10:11:19] <anders> How do I check if the current dimension is nether?
L512[10:11:48] <shadowfacts> world.provider.dimensionID == -1
L513[10:12:02] <shadowfacts> or something like that
L514[10:13:45] <anders> ah, ok :)
L515[10:14:41] ⇦ Quits: An_Angry_Brit (~AngryBrit@ (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
L516[10:15:40] <Ordinastie> is it possible to change a TE mapping ?
L517[10:15:54] <Ordinastie> without breaking worlds I mean
L518[10:15:59] ⇨ Joins: An_Angry_Brit (~AngryBrit@
L519[10:16:12] <gigaherz> shadowfacts: it worked for me when I ran it from cmd, but it uses nearly 3gb, so 2gb may not be enough
L520[10:16:24] <fry> shadowfacts: how're you allocating the memory?
L521[10:16:30] <gigaherz> I just used the default java settings
L522[10:16:38] <shadowfacts> GRADLE_OPTS=-Xmx2g in ~/.gradle/gradle.properties
L523[10:17:17] <fry> yup, try 3G then
L524[10:17:23] <fry> 2 should be enough though
L525[10:17:40] <fry> if you only can make it work with 5 - then you have old FG for some reason :P
L526[10:18:49] <shadowfacts> nope same thing with 3
L527[10:18:58] <shadowfacts> will try with 5 but I'm confused as hell right now
L528[10:19:13] <shadowfacts> I have Gradle 2.9 and FG 2.1-SNAPSHOT
L529[10:20:17] <fry> ah, gradle version might have something to do with it
L530[10:20:25] <fry> try running the wrapper
L531[10:21:49] <shadowfacts> FUCK still fails with 5 GB allocated
L532[10:21:57] <shadowfacts> which wrapper version?
L533[10:22:02] <anders> Do I need to update something after setting player.Position?
L534[10:22:16] <diesieben07> look at the teleport command
L535[10:22:21] <anders> ok
L536[10:22:39] <fry> just run the wrapper script
L537[10:22:39] <anders> Is player.setPosition not working then?
L538[10:22:46] <fry> it'll get whatever version it needs
L539[10:23:00] <diesieben07> again. see CommandTeleport
L540[10:23:07] <diesieben07> it shows you what to do to move a player
L541[10:23:11] <anders> ok
L542[10:24:05] ⇦ Quits: flappy (~flappy@a88-113-155-120.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L543[10:24:07] <shadowfacts> fry, my wrapper is set to use Gradle 2.9
L544[10:24:19] <fry> how?
L545[10:24:44] <shadowfacts> uh, distributionUrl=https\://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-2.9-bin.zip, in ./gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties
L546[10:25:12] <fry> mine is 2.7
L547[10:25:25] <fry> (that's what forge ships)
L548[10:25:54] <shadowfacts> will try that
L549[10:27:37] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L550[10:28:55] <williewillus> Ordinastie: yes, in GameRegistry you can register a TE with a primary name and alt names, alt names will be loaded but only the primary name saved
L551[10:29:08] <Ordinastie> ah thkx
L552[10:30:25] <anders> diesieben07: Should I create an instance of CommandTeleport or try to copy what it is doing?
L553[10:30:52] <diesieben07> neither.
L554[10:30:57] <diesieben07> look at it. understand it.
L555[10:30:59] <diesieben07> then code your own
L556[10:31:35] <Ordinastie> does someone has examples for custom IRecipes ?
L557[10:31:49] <Ordinastie> me has can talk not :x
L558[10:32:05] ⇦ Quits: romibi2 (~quassel@cable-static-7-174.rsnweb.ch) (Remote host closed the connection)
L559[10:32:15] <shadowfacts> damnit
L560[10:32:26] <shadowfacts> still fails with Gradle 2.7 and 5 gigs of memory
L561[10:32:32] <williewillus> wat lol
L562[10:32:54] <shadowfacts> fails with "Java heap space" this time, though
L563[10:32:55] <gigaherz> hmf
L564[10:32:57] <anders> player.setPositionAndUpdate did the job, not what CommandTeleport did though
L565[10:33:02] <fry> burn the PC :P
L566[10:33:04] <gigaherz> is it something in mc1.8.8 or a bad patch in forge
L567[10:33:14] <fry> do you have 5GB of free RAM?
L568[10:33:15] <gigaherz> that would cause only nearby chunks to update when there's a lot of activity?
L569[10:33:44] <shadowfacts> I have 13 GB of free RAM
L570[10:33:52] <williewillus> ^ Ive been noticing that in 1.8.8 forge too, theres a small delay every time i place a block
L571[10:35:51] <gigaherz> this isn't a delay I'm talking about
L572[10:35:55] <gigaherz> I'll try to capture a video from it
L573[10:43:00] ⇨ Joins: romibi (~quassel@cable-static-7-174.rsnweb.ch)
L574[10:43:48] <williewillus> in the 1.8.8 tessellator what does the first int parameter to begin() mean?
L575[10:44:50] <Ordinastie> drawMode ?
L576[10:45:08] ⇨ Joins: theFlaxbeard (~theFlaxbe@
L577[10:46:05] <williewillus> what does that mean :p
L578[10:46:58] <fry> GL11.GL_QUADS
L579[10:47:46] <fry> mode argument: https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man3/xhtml/glDrawArrays.xml
L580[10:47:50] <gigaherz> ok here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/2015-11-29-1746-18.mp4
L581[10:48:05] <gigaherz> the chunks in the back stop updating while there's more activity in the front
L582[10:48:10] <gigaherz> I don't recall that happening in 1.8
L583[10:48:23] <fry> 63mb 0_0
L584[10:48:52] <gigaherz> 16mbps bitrate ;P
L585[10:48:56] <gigaherz> and it still looks crappy
L586[10:49:19] <williewillus> oh I see it
L587[10:49:22] <williewillus> that's weird
L588[10:50:45] <fry> use h264/webm :P
L589[10:50:57] <gigaherz> is it not h264?
L590[10:50:59] <sham1> what about jif
L591[10:51:20] <gigaherz> Video: MPEG4 Video (H264) 1920x1080 30fps 16017kbps [V: Video Media Handler (h264 high L4.0, yuv420p, 1920x1080, 16017 kb/s)]
L592[10:51:20] <gigaherz> Audio: AAC 48000Hz stereo 24kbps [A: Sound Media Handler [eng] (aac lc, 48000 Hz, stereo, 24 kb/s)]
L593[10:51:50] <sham1> yeah, that is slow
L594[10:53:59] <fry> that might be some optimization somewhere
L595[10:54:16] * fry has only just downloaded the video
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L597[11:02:07] *** AEnterprise is now known as AEnterpriseAFK
L598[11:03:59] <diesieben07> giga, what did you use to encode?
L599[11:04:08] <diesieben07> shitty encoders make big videos
L600[11:04:40] <gigaherz> OBS (original, not multiplatform), using NVENC
L601[11:04:51] <gigaherz> it's a realtime encode
L602[11:04:55] <gigaherz> I didn't compress afterward
L603[11:04:56] <diesieben07> ah see
L604[11:05:07] <diesieben07> those HW accelerated codecs optimize for speed
L605[11:05:08] <diesieben07> not file size
L606[11:08:52] <anders> My magic wand can do 22 spells at the moment :)
L607[11:09:06] <gigaherz> heh
L608[11:09:46] <anders> After 100 uses, it breaks with the sound of snapping spaghetti straws
L609[11:09:52] <anders> We recorded those
L610[11:09:57] <gigaherz> lol
L611[11:10:19] <anders> Its a lot of fun, I am wasting a lot of valuable time :)
L612[11:10:37] <williewillus> what's the new version of tesselator.setColorRGBA but wr.color() seems to cause weird stuff
L613[11:11:10] <fry> make sure you use the format with the color in it
L614[11:11:28] <fry> and make the calls in the same order as the format attributes
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L616[11:22:39] <williewillus> hmm okay, I think these are in the right order? (porting 1.7 so I'm taking their old tess calls) http://pastebin.com/R5CARt5e but it looks like https://i.gyazo.com/91d6e062371671e959221f0e687fe4aa.png (should look like https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CU7fFM3WUAAEfb9.png:large)
L617[11:23:07] ⇦ Quits: Horfius (~quassel@cpe-66-67-5-87.rochester.res.rr.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L619[11:23:37] <fry> you need to actually call .color, if you use POSITION_COLOR
L620[11:23:46] <fry> for each vertex
L621[11:24:13] <fry> like you do for position
L622[11:26:08] <williewillus> yup, that did it, thanks!
L623[11:33:15] <OrionOnline> fry you still there?
L624[11:34:06] ⇨ Joins: Horfius (~quassel@cpe-66-67-5-87.rochester.res.rr.com)
L625[11:34:38] <fry> yup
L626[11:35:41] <gigaherz> hmf I have this replace thing in my build.gradle, that gives the resulting compiled jar a proper version number, but it doens't get applied tothe sources jar
L627[11:37:08] <sham1> It feels so odd having generics
L628[11:37:19] <OrionOnline> when i have my ISmartItemModel instance, which extends from ItemModelLayer how do i register it?
L629[11:37:54] <gigaherz> OrionOnline: you can add it in ModelBakeEvent, bind it to the resourcelocation of the item
L630[11:38:10] <gigaherz> although there may be an easier way too
L631[11:38:37] <fry> you can make a custom model loader
L632[11:39:19] <OrionOnline> Yeah TiC uses a Custom Model loader
L633[11:39:27] <sham1> TiC?
L634[11:39:30] <sham1> Wait what
L635[11:39:34] <OrionOnline> Tinkers Construct
L636[11:39:47] <sham1> They ported over?
L637[11:39:56] <sham1> YES
L638[11:39:57] <OrionOnline> Yeah the basics, but no content yet
L639[11:40:03] <gigaherz> they have been working on a rewrite for a while
L640[11:40:09] <Ordinastie> damn, that was stupid : I was expecting an enum to be created after some code, except it was in the debugger watch list so it was created as soon as the first breakpoint was reached :x
L641[11:40:11] <OrionOnline> Check out the rewrite branch
L642[11:40:11] <gigaherz> or whatever "reorganization" means
L643[11:40:30] <sham1> Now we just need CoFH and we are all set
L644[11:40:41] <gigaherz> arne't cofh in their "denial" phase?
L645[11:40:51] <OrionOnline> I need to some how port it over so i can use it in my mod.
L646[11:40:55] <Horfius> They've been in it for about a year now, right?
L647[11:40:58] <sham1> Have been about a year now
L648[11:41:01] <OrionOnline> Which does exaclty that for Armor
L649[11:41:14] <gigaherz> OrionOnline: I think that sentence above came out wrong
L650[11:41:30] <gigaherz> I believe you accidentally some words
L651[11:41:34] <OrionOnline> gigaherz, what do you mean wrong?
L652[11:41:39] <OrionOnline> Yeah
L653[11:41:43] <OrionOnline> I messed up some words.... :D
L654[11:41:56] <gigaherz> [18:40] (OrionOnline): I need to some how port it over so i can use it in my mod.
L655[11:42:00] <gigaherz> I have no ideawhat you tried tosay
L656[11:42:00] <gigaherz> XD
L657[11:42:02] <OrionOnline> My keyboard is weird, i need to get used to it :P
L658[11:42:15] <OrionOnline> I mean that i need to figure out how there system works
L659[11:42:21] <OrionOnline> So that i can use it too
L660[11:42:24] <gigaherz> mine works fine, but my muscle memory has started messing up the spacebar lately
L661[11:42:55] <gigaherz> writing a custom model loader is easy
L662[11:42:58] <OrionOnline> Alltough mine is a bit mor complex i should be able to figure it out
L663[11:43:00] <gigaherz> just implement IModelLoader
L664[11:43:05] <gigaherz> and fill in the blanks ;P
L665[11:43:09] <OrionOnline> I know i got the conecpt of a custom model loader
L666[11:43:21] <gigaherz> this will bring you to IModel
L667[11:43:28] <OrionOnline> but i am still not seeing a way for other people to hook into it
L668[11:43:33] <gigaherz> and from that IModel, you'll have the chance to return your IBakedModel
L669[11:43:37] <OrionOnline> Like i get how he loads his models from JSON
L670[11:44:20] <OrionOnline> but what i donnot get is how he makes it possible for others to hook into it.
L671[11:44:24] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/models/ObjModelLoader.java
L672[11:44:26] <gigaherz> I have my own
L673[11:44:26] <OrionOnline> Say i had a part that i wanted to register
L674[11:44:30] <gigaherz> although it's not the best example
L675[11:44:31] <gigaherz> ;P
L676[11:44:54] <gigaherz> ah well
L677[11:45:00] <gigaherz> integrating with TiC is a whole other story
L678[11:45:15] <OrionOnline> Nah it is not about integrating it with TiC
L679[11:45:22] <OrionOnline> It is about integration in general
L680[11:45:29] <gigaherz> ?
L681[11:46:22] <OrionOnline> Say i have a mod that implements all the stuff to create Armor and the parts for it (basically a proper port of my mod)
L682[11:47:04] <sham1> Yay
L683[11:47:13] <OrionOnline> So currently i can just call an API function to register a part, catch an event that Armory (my mod) fires register the grayscaled IIcon (or its location) and Armory handles the rest
L684[11:47:14] <sham1> Now to the fun part of introducing generics
L685[11:47:15] <williewillus> how would I do somthing like https://github.com/Vazkii/Neat/blob/master/src/main/java/vazkii/neat/HealthBarRenderer.java#L231 in 1.8? using RenderItem.renderItem(stack, bakedmodel) makes nothing appear, and using RenderItem.renderItemIntoGui(stack, x, y) results in incorrect z's
L686[11:47:18] <sham1> All the errors from Scala
L687[11:47:43] <OrionOnline> But how would that work now?
L688[11:48:02] <OrionOnline> like does minecraft check for the extension and matches that to the ModelLoader?
L689[11:48:21] <OrionOnline> Like if i had a json file with: /partname.arpart.json
L690[11:48:29] <OrionOnline> which comes from mod Armory-Addon
L691[11:48:55] <OrionOnline> But Armory itself implemented the ModelLoader for *.arpart.json
L692[11:49:16] <fry> there's an accepts method
L693[11:49:28] <sham1> I have to explicitly turn a PropertDirection into IProprty[EnumFacing]
L694[11:49:29] <OrionOnline> Would it used that ModelLoader, to laod it or is it Mod specific?
L695[11:49:29] <fry> in there you can match whatever files you want
L696[11:49:59] <fry> first model loader that returns true from accepts gets to load the model
L697[11:50:11] <OrionOnline> fry, would that then also work if that model loader was not register by the mod that owns the json resource file?
L698[11:50:17] <OrionOnline> Ah oke
L699[11:50:20] <OrionOnline> That is nice to know
L700[11:50:38] <fry> registering the modid to the loader is optional
L701[11:50:43] <OrionOnline> So i can load my models my self, and when others implement the json file properly it wil still load it
L702[11:50:45] <OrionOnline> That is nice
L703[11:51:07] <OrionOnline> Good
L704[11:51:11] <OrionOnline> One problem out of the way
L705[11:51:20] <OrionOnline> I will be back if i have more questions
L706[11:51:53] <sham1> Fry, may you lend me a hand and some of your knowledge
L707[11:52:06] <fry> don't ask to ask :P
L708[11:52:31] ⇨ Joins: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872D48.access.telenet.be)
L709[11:52:50] <sham1> Why do I have to explicitly cast from an instance of a subclass into an instance of superclass
L710[11:52:57] <sham1> Scala
L711[11:53:04] <fry> what context?
L712[11:53:13] *** MorphFK is now known as Morphan1
L713[11:53:18] <sham1> Blockstate, as you know takes IProperties
L714[11:53:29] <sham1> I have a propertyDirection
L715[11:53:59] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872D48.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L716[11:54:16] <fry> because the array is invariant, probably
L717[11:54:37] <fry> are you passing in the array, or just the properties directly?
L718[11:54:42] <sham1> directly
L719[11:56:12] <fry> hmm
L720[11:56:25] <sham1> gives me a type mismatch even though that probably should not happen, as I am passing an instance of a subclass into a vararg that takes its superclass
L721[11:56:39] *** TehNut|Sleep is now known as TehNut
L722[11:56:47] <fry> maybe it's caused by IProperty being raw there
L723[11:57:06] <shadowfacts> so, anyone know why I can't decompile 1.8 even with 5 GB allocated to Gradle?
L724[11:57:18] <sham1> Propably
L725[11:57:33] <gigaherz> shadowfacts: nope, it works for me with the java process taking not more than 3gb
L726[11:57:34] <fry> shadowfacts: well, try 10 gb :P
L727[11:57:39] <williewillus> lol
L728[11:57:51] <sham1> here's the thing though fry, I can just put .asInstanceOf behind it and it works
L729[11:58:06] <sham1> No need for the generic or anything
L730[11:58:27] <fry> .asInstanceOf will cast anything to anything, of course it fixes it :P
L731[11:58:39] <sham1> Well then
L732[11:58:45] <sham1> I think I will use it as glue
L733[11:59:13] <sham1> So the compiler wont shout at mre
L734[12:00:50] ⇨ Joins: flappy (~flappy@a88-113-155-120.elisa-laajakaista.fi)
L735[12:00:54] <OrionOnline> what version of forge should i use when i try to port my mod to 1.8
L736[12:00:56] <OrionOnline> The lastest?
L737[12:01:23] <fry> yup
L738[12:01:45] <fry> also, you might want to go to 1.8.8 directly
L739[12:01:58] <sham1> Like I could do something like this: [facing].collect(case x: IProperty => x):_* but that seems like a bloody hack
L740[12:02:00] <fry> since it's kinda sorta working :P
L741[12:04:35] <williewillus> anyways I'm trying to render a flat item icon like so https://i.imgur.com/sjKZ8Ad.png but every method I'm trying in RenderItem either results in weird z's (https://i.gyazo.com/ea647b69a5ee9a42ea850cdad8c424b0.png) or doesn't show up at all, any ideas?
L742[12:04:53] <williewillus> 1.7 call was RenderItem.renderIcon
L743[12:05:01] <sham1> That item in your hand looks familiar
L744[12:05:28] <TehNut> williewillus: I got to literally the exact same point
L745[12:05:39] <williewillus> sham1: that first screenshot isnt mine lol
L746[12:05:48] <sham1> okay :P
L747[12:05:55] <sham1> That item still looks familiar
L748[12:06:00] <TehNut> Couldn't figure out a good replacement to .renderIcon()
L749[12:06:23] <sham1> Reminds me of Thorn Chakram
L750[12:06:26] <fry> you should be using the model, and not calling the renderer directly
L751[12:06:35] <fry> unless you need to do something extra special
L752[12:07:17] <williewillus> I tried renderItem.renderItem(ItemStack, model) or renderItemIntoGui(stack, x, y). former does nothing latter produces the result in the screenshot
L753[12:07:22] <williewillus> how do I use the model? :p
L754[12:07:40] <fry> same as you would do for blocks, except for the block part :P
L755[12:07:53] <sham1> :D
L756[12:07:57] <fry> and look at vanilla jsons for inspiration
L757[12:08:40] <williewillus> I mean I want to draw an itemstack onto the overlay on top of each entity but can't find the appropritae call to do so
L758[12:09:01] <fry> ah, that's what you want to do
L759[12:09:04] <gigaherz> williewillus: https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/client/GuiOverlayMagicContainer.java#L67
L760[12:09:45] <fry> renderItem.renderItemAndEffectIntoGUI should work, yes
L761[12:09:49] <gigaherz> specifically https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/client/GuiOverlayMagicContainer.java#L121
L762[12:10:41] <williewillus> the position is weird though https://i.gyazo.com/ea647b69a5ee9a42ea850cdad8c424b0.png
L763[12:10:51] <williewillus> (it's behind the gray pane)
L764[12:11:27] <williewillus> though TehNut if you're porting neat I'm gonna go back to botania lol
L765[12:12:25] <TehNut> I was mainly doing it for myself. I'unno if Vaz likes me enough to actually support my port
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L767[12:12:53] <williewillus> me neither for botania lol
L768[12:13:02] <williewillus> I was planning to just like, do it, then say oh look a port
L769[12:13:24] ⇨ Joins: MoxieGrrl (~MoxieGrrl@173-23-172-139.client.mchsi.com)
L770[12:14:29] <TehNut> Honestly I have no clue what I'm doing. 99% of Neat is fancy rendering stuff that I don't understand
L771[12:15:07] <williewillus> its not that much to be honest, the icon thing is the last of it
L772[12:15:27] <williewillus> a box, bar, and text facing the player, and the dumb icon
L773[12:16:18] <williewillus> anyways back to botania, hoping to get compiling and running over winter break :p
L774[12:16:29] <TehNut> How far are you?
L775[12:18:00] <williewillus> quite far actually, I just have to finish the blockstates for decor blocks and then I can start tidying up rendering stuff (and move to 1.8.8 since it's still on 1.8.0)
L776[12:18:09] <williewillus> that's not counting having to make all the model files though lol
L777[12:20:50] <williewillus> for slabs in 1.8+ what do you return for getVariantProperty if your blockslab only has one variant? is null fine or do I have to have some property with a single variant?
L778[12:22:15] <williewillus> it seems an individual block was made for every single variant/submeta of the original block lol
L779[12:22:55] <gigaherz> what?
L780[12:24:34] <williewillus> e.g. botania andesite is 442:1, diorite is 442:2, but the slabs are 607, 608, 609, and 610
L781[12:24:45] <williewillus> so each block ends up only having one variant :p
L782[12:25:08] <gigaherz> oops I had VERSIOM << notice the M
L783[12:25:16] <gigaherz> that's why it wasn't getting replaced
L784[12:25:16] <gigaherz> XD
L785[12:25:45] <gigaherz> tought I fixed the typo, I guess not.
L786[12:26:06] *** fry is now known as fry|sleep
L787[12:26:31] <Ordinastie> I made a custom IRecipe, but when I pick up the output, it doesn't consume the items in the grid, what am I missing ?
L788[12:27:05] <gigaherz> "no mod information found" what?
L789[12:27:30] *** cpw|out is now known as cpw
L790[12:27:51] <gigaherz> hmm unless it was fixed in a newer build
L791[12:27:52] * gigaherz checks
L792[12:28:10] <williewillus> when should I use CUTOUT vs CUTOUT_MIPPED?
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L794[12:28:26] <gigaherz> one has mipmaps
L795[12:28:29] <gigaherz> XD
L796[12:28:48] <gigaherz> basically: if you want it to not look blurry when it's far away or very small
L797[12:28:51] <gigaherz> then use _mipped
L798[12:29:07] <gigaherz> if it's always seen from the same distance such as in a GUI, then use just cutout
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L800[12:31:17] <Ordinastie> nobody knows for the IRecipe ?
L801[12:32:09] <Ordinastie> can't really find where it's done in vanilla
L802[12:32:21] <gigaherz> doesn't IRecipe have a method that tells which items to keep?
L803[12:32:32] <gigaherz> I'd assume returning an empty list from there would consume everything
L804[12:32:36] <gigaherz> never used custom recipes though
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L806[12:33:37] <sham1> This is driving me drink
L807[12:33:44] <gigaherz> cpw: forge issue, or mine? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/mcmodinfo.png
L808[12:34:26] <Ordinastie> ah, found it
L809[12:35:14] <TehNut> gigaherz: Is your modid in the info file exactly the same?
L810[12:35:23] <gigaherz> ah
L811[12:35:25] <gigaherz> I made it lowercase
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L813[12:35:27] <TehNut> Case sensitive
L814[12:35:29] <gigaherz> that'd explain it
L815[12:35:55] <sham1> At least now it wanted to compile
L816[12:36:07] <gigaherz> yep fixed
L817[12:36:12] <gigaherz> my bad.
L818[12:36:34] <sham1> But now there is an "error" swigely line under my fix added by IDEA that bother me to no end
L819[12:37:17] <gigaherz> what's the problem sham1?
L820[12:38:43] <sham1> Nothing according to anything expect IDEA that says that facing.asInstanceOf[IProperty[EnumFacing]] has a type mismatch even though I do cast it to a value that conforms to IProperty[_ <: Comparable[T]]
L821[12:39:25] <williewillus> !mh canBlockSeeSky
L822[12:39:42] <sham1> so basically, IDEA is being stupid right now
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L834[12:57:52] <williewillus> idea 15 seems to slow down over time for me >.>
L835[13:00:02] <Ordinastie> well, of course, onCraftMatrixChanged is not called if you add more item into an itemStack already in the grid... -_-
L836[13:00:04] <Ordinastie> gg mojang
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L838[13:02:30] <Ordinastie> so it's half bugged if you make a recipe that is supposed to take more than 1 item from the itemStack
L839[13:03:51] <Ivorius> I don't think that's a good kind of recipe
L840[13:04:04] <Mimiru> Ordinastie, I had to write a custom recipe handler for that ¬_¬
L841[13:04:10] <Ivorius> At least not with how the GUI works
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L844[13:07:36] <Ordinastie> Ivorius, my recipe is just a door with at least 5 of whatever block you want
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L846[13:07:48] <masa> the inventory code or at least how it is often used is also problematic if you want to keep track of item amounts
L847[13:08:02] <Ivorius> You could make a container item made of 5 of whatever block you want
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L849[13:08:17] <Ordinastie> Ivorius, that sucks, I won't do that
L850[13:08:21] <Ivorius> It's kinda shitty mechanically
L851[13:08:26] <Ivorius> But it isn't hacky
L852[13:08:33] <masa> because often stuff just calls getStackInSlot() and then changes the stackSize of the returned stack directly, without calling setInventorySlotContents()
L853[13:08:57] <Ivorius> And I don't think the GUI invites putting in stacks > size 1
L854[13:09:11] <Ordinastie> hum what ?
L855[13:09:40] <Ivorius> The GUI is used by almost all mods exclusively with stack size 1 each
L856[13:09:49] <masa> yeah how would you indicate to users that you need more than one item in the slots?
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L858[13:10:28] <masa> and how would you handle all the custom crafting tables in mods... you can't know how they deal with stack sizes
L859[13:10:32] <Ordinastie> how do you indicate to users what the recipe is ?
L860[13:11:09] <Ivorius> I guess it isn't a big problem
L861[13:11:15] <Ivorius> I just don't like the idea of it
L862[13:11:23] <masa> yes, does NEI for example handle input stack sizes properly? I don't ever remember seeing a stack size number in any recipe
L863[13:11:35] <Ordinastie> I don't care about NEI
L864[13:11:50] <masa> because nobody uses recipes that need more than one item, I guess
L865[13:12:33] <Ordinastie> the bug just comes when the stacks left in the grid are lest than what's needed : if you add itemStacks into the already present stack in the grid, it doesn't call onCraftingMartrixChanged, because mojang
L866[13:12:57] <Ordinastie> so it doesn't update the output slot
L867[13:13:14] <Ordinastie> it's just an inconvenience but still
L868[13:14:36] <masa> does the vanilla crafting system properly handle actually crafting the items end reducing the stackSizes?
L869[13:15:49] <Ordinastie> no, I had to handle that myself in the recipe
L870[13:17:05] <masa> ok
L871[13:17:33] <Ordinastie> (and it's currently bugged ><)
L872[13:18:23] <Ordinastie> because of course itemStack.split() doesn't even check if it has enough before spliting...
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L874[13:20:23] <masa> did you say your recipe is a door and one stack of 5 other items? why not just make it like usual and use 5 stacks of one of that item?
L875[13:20:49] <masa> a lot less hacks and problems imo
L876[13:23:12] <Ordinastie> I did need a custom recipe because the block used needs to be stored in the output itemStack
L877[13:23:58] <Ordinastie> and as long as there are at least 5 of the same block in the grid, not matter how stacked or spread, the recipe works
L878[13:25:30] <Ordinastie> all these work : http://puu.sh/lD9Xq.jpg http://puu.sh/lD9Yu.jpg http://puu.sh/lD9Za.jpg
L879[13:31:00] <Wuppy> holy crap Just Cause 3 is big :o
L880[13:31:37] <Wuppy> it's so big I can't even fit it on my SSD
L881[13:31:40] <Wuppy> it's 50GB
L882[13:31:50] <Wuppy> err, 38.5
L883[13:33:09] <TehNut> Still smaller than GTAV
L884[13:34:00] <TehNut> And only slightly larger than Witcher 3
L885[13:34:05] <sham1> Still smaller than assassin's creed unity's patches
L886[13:34:57] <Wuppy> sham1, that's the exact reason why I can't fit it on my SSD :P
L887[13:35:17] <TehNut> -ACU +JC3
L888[13:35:19] <Wuppy> witcher + AC U takes up a lot of space
L889[13:35:44] <Wuppy> TehNut, I'm sure I wont see much of a difference between my ssd and high performance hdd
L890[13:42:12] *** tterrag|ZZZzzz is now known as tterrag
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L892[13:52:05] <williewillus> whytf is enumblockhalf in blockdoubleplant protected >.>
L893[13:52:35] *** Vigaro is now known as Vigaro|AFK
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L895[13:53:23] <williewillus> kinda need it :p
L896[13:53:58] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
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L898[13:57:43] <diesieben07> williewillus, it's not in 1.8.8 :D and for 1.8 you can cast to (Enum) and call getName
L899[13:57:54] <diesieben07> actualyl no, just call toString
L900[13:58:38] <williewillus> also I still don't know how to resolve the subclass blockstate thing 0.o or if it's even an issue
L901[13:58:54] <diesieben07> i didn't fully understand that the other day
L902[13:59:02] <williewillus> (where if you subclass something that calls setDefaultState with properties your subclass doesn't have)
L903[13:59:25] <diesieben07> then you cannot subclass that class
L904[13:59:33] <williewillus> >.<
L905[13:59:42] <diesieben07> you are violating the Liskov substitution principle
L906[13:59:46] *** Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L907[13:59:51] <diesieben07> (totally not copied from wikipedia)
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L912[14:06:16] <gigaherz> williewillus: just... don't remove properties, only add them, or do not subclass at all
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L914[14:06:43] <gigaherz> otherwise it would break everything assuming that "A instanceof B" can handle B's properties
L915[14:06:47] <gigaherz> not just the constructor
L916[14:06:58] <gigaherz> but any mod that happens to use instanceof to check for that type of block
L917[14:07:52] <Ordinastie> hu, if your createBlockState() doesn't set properties your block don't have, then the defautlState will work
L918[14:08:40] <gigaherz> Ordinastie: nah the problem is the upper constructor
L919[14:08:52] <gigaherz> calls setDefaultState(createBlockState().withPropert(A, x))
L920[14:09:05] <gigaherz> it's the withProperty that annoys williewillus, not the blockstate itself
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L924[14:10:08] <tterrag> diesieben07: do you have any experience with communicating with servers the client isn't connected to? i.e. at the server list GUI
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L926[14:10:33] <diesieben07> I don't have experience with it, no
L927[14:10:50] <diesieben07> (also I am on a terrible mobile connection :D)
L928[14:11:02] <tterrag> well would you know where to start at all? does FML have something for that?
L929[14:11:09] <tterrag> I tried the vanilla way and I can't make heads or tails of it
L930[14:11:32] <diesieben07> Well, vanilla just opens a normal connection
L931[14:11:34] <diesieben07> afaik
L932[14:11:54] <diesieben07> INetHandlerStatusServer / INetHandlerStatusClient
L933[14:12:22] <tterrag> yeah, it does
L934[14:12:29] <tterrag> I'm very hazy on the whole net handler stuff
L935[14:12:32] <tterrag> how it works and all
L936[14:12:39] <tterrag> seems if I want to use it I need to reflect EnumConnectionState
L937[14:12:51] <diesieben07> INetHandler is just a set of handler methods
L938[14:13:07] <diesieben07> the netty stuff behind the scenes is a bit ... ugly because obfuscation and stuff
L939[14:13:19] <diesieben07> I had to actually use pen and paper to understand it.
L940[14:13:59] <tterrag> diesieben07: this is what I have atm https://gist.github.com/tterrag1098/eb40cd5aace6d5c44eb1
L941[14:14:01] <tterrag> bit messy
L942[14:14:24] <diesieben07> uhhh yeah
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L944[14:14:30] <diesieben07> i wouldn't go that route at all
L945[14:14:37] <tterrag> ok, then enlighten me :P
L946[14:14:39] <diesieben07> maybe just open your own TCP connection
L947[14:14:42] <tterrag> I was just copying how vanilla does the MOTD
L948[14:14:43] <cpw> ?
L949[14:14:55] <diesieben07> learn netty :P
L950[14:14:58] <tterrag> cpw: I want to grab info from a remote server, before the client is connected
L951[14:15:04] <tterrag> i.e. MOTD
L952[14:15:12] <cpw> Why?
L953[14:15:19] <tterrag> I want the time of day on the server
L954[14:15:23] <tterrag> to display it on the server list
L955[14:15:25] <cpw> Ah ok
L956[14:15:29] <tterrag> nothing crazy
L957[14:15:39] <cpw> Currently the fml query packet isn't extensible
L958[14:15:41] <tterrag> time of day *of the overworld
L959[14:15:54] <cpw> But its just json
L960[14:16:00] <cpw> It could be done
L961[14:16:23] <tterrag> json? huh?
L962[14:16:28] <cpw> Easier would be just to hack the server name or description
L963[14:17:23] <tterrag> what, reflect the MOTD to add some special formatted time data then strip it on the other end and use it for rendering?
L964[14:19:04] <tterrag> diesieben07: one does not simply learn netty
L965[14:19:12] <diesieben07> one does.
L966[14:19:20] <diesieben07> maybe not simply. but one should :D
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L968[14:20:13] <cpw> heh
L969[14:20:17] <cpw> tterrag, why not?
L970[14:20:37] <tterrag> why not what? learn netty? effort? :P
L971[14:21:07] <tterrag> this is a pretty small feature
L972[14:21:18] <tterrag> I had hoped to get away with some hacking around vanilla stuff
L973[14:22:45] <cpw> <tterrag> what, reflect the MOTD to add some special formatted time data then strip it on the other end and use it for rendering?
L974[14:22:48] <cpw> that ^
L975[14:22:49] <tterrag> ah
L976[14:22:50] <cpw> why not?
L977[14:22:59] <tterrag> well I'm wondering where the MOTD is used other than the server list
L978[14:23:09] <tterrag> if anywhere
L979[14:26:18] <tterrag> !gf field_147147_p 1.7.10
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L981[14:29:30] <williewillus> gigaherz: that means I have copypaste most all of BlockDoublePlant into my subclass >.< to get the behaviors that I want that are already there
L982[14:29:35] <williewillus> i wish there was a better way
L983[14:29:36] <williewillus> oh well
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L986[14:35:52] <cpw> tterrag, not used anywhere except that display
L987[14:36:00] <cpw> and maybe by external things that query servers
L988[14:36:05] <cpw> but that's not your problem :P
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L992[14:44:45] <tterrag> cpw: what the heck am I meant to do with an EnumHolder from the annotationInfo .-.
L993[14:45:33] <diesieben07> reflect on it's fields :D
L994[14:45:36] <diesieben07> hehe
L995[14:46:01] <tterrag> -_-
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L1002[15:03:40] <tterrag> cpw: heh, after poking around with the MOTD stuff I figured out why my packet was broken
L1003[15:03:48] <tterrag> my reflection wasn't running on the server
L1004[15:04:07] <tterrag> so now that that's working...I'd rather use that...how would I respond to the client though? diesieben07?
L1005[15:04:23] <tterrag> there is no returned response like SimpleImpl has :(
L1006[15:04:50] <diesieben07> all the response does is sendto(player) basically
L1007[15:04:52] <diesieben07> so just do that
L1008[15:05:03] <tterrag> I have no NetworkManager instance
L1009[15:05:06] <tterrag> do I need to create another one?
L1010[15:05:14] <diesieben07> uhh
L1011[15:05:21] <diesieben07> where is your handling code at?
L1012[15:05:27] <tterrag> processPacket?
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L1014[15:05:30] <tterrag> I just get an INetHandler
L1015[15:05:53] <diesieben07> well, you know what type that is
L1016[15:06:00] <diesieben07> so just cast it it should have a NetworkManager reference
L1017[15:06:04] <tterrag> hmmm ok
L1018[15:06:30] <tterrag> more reflection yaay
L1019[15:06:45] <diesieben07> what? no you dont need refelection for that
L1020[15:06:49] <tterrag> it's private?
L1021[15:06:53] <tterrag> how do I not need reflection?
L1022[15:07:03] <diesieben07> what is private?
L1023[15:07:08] <tterrag> the network manager instance.....
L1024[15:07:28] <diesieben07> in what class?
L1025[15:07:40] <tterrag> NetHandlerStatusServer
L1026[15:07:42] <tterrag> what else?
L1027[15:07:54] <diesieben07> ahh yeah
L1028[15:08:05] <diesieben07> i was looking in NetHandlerPlay
L1029[15:08:06] <diesieben07> my bad
L1030[15:08:40] <tterrag> !gf field_147313_b 1.7.10
L1031[15:13:39] <tterrag> diesieben07: any utils to read/write a string from a PacketBuffer?
L1032[15:13:41] <tterrag> not ByteBuf
L1033[15:13:49] <tterrag> oh nvm
L1034[15:13:51] <tterrag> that extends bytebuf
L1035[15:14:02] ⇦ Quits: RedBullWasTaken (~RedBull@2-107-192-82-static.dk.customer.tdc.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1036[15:16:30] <tterrag> [16:16:17] [Client thread/ERROR] [EnderCore]: Can't ping localhost for time info: Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException: java.lang.NullPointerException
L1037[15:16:33] <tterrag> .-.
L1038[15:17:57] ⇦ Quits: Loetkolben (~Loetkolbe@ipb2197f03.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
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L1041[15:21:54] <Wuppy> lol just got called a hacker in rocket league because I pulled of 2 nice shots :P
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L1043[15:24:19] <tterrag> diesieben07: it doesn't seem to be received on the client :/
L1044[15:24:31] <tterrag> wait, maybe I need more reflection on the connection status
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L1046[15:29:47] <tterrag> woo I got an actual req/resp working on an unconnected server
L1047[15:29:52] <tterrag> it does nothing and barely works, but it's there :P
L1048[15:30:10] <tterrag> I need to figure out why it's spamming netty threads and not closign them
L1049[15:30:14] <tterrag> I am definitely closing the channels
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L1051[15:30:45] <tterrag> diesieben07: maybe you could help me with that one >.>
L1052[15:31:01] <tterrag> but for now, heading out
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L1055[15:40:59] <anders> I threw an ender pearl in the sea, big mistake
L1056[15:41:17] <anders> The game crashed when I tried to swim up to the top
L1057[15:41:20] <Wuppy> you dead?
L1058[15:41:26] <Wuppy> why would it crash?
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L1060[15:42:38] <anders> I did not die, when I restarted the game, I was still in the struggle to come up, I actually managed to do that
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L1062[15:45:42] <anders> Is it possible to get the block the player is actually looking at?
L1063[15:45:48] <anders> With free sight
L1064[15:46:13] <shadowfacts> EntityPlayer#rayTrace
L1065[15:46:26] <anders> Cool
L1066[15:49:52] <anders> Seems to ray trace moving blocks
L1067[15:50:02] <anders> Well, moving objects
L1068[15:50:04] <anders> sorry
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L1070[15:54:00] <diesieben07> tterrag|away, sorry, had to leave the train and thus irc :D
L1071[15:54:34] <tterrag|away> diesieben07: np
L1072[15:54:57] <diesieben07> that moment when |away actually means "damn I wanted to leave but i still haven't"
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L1076[15:57:14] <anders> Is it possible to make something happen in about 5 seconds?
L1077[15:57:46] <diesieben07> sure
L1078[15:58:25] <diesieben07> do you like need multiple timers at the same time?
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L1080[15:58:32] <diesieben07> or can only one event be currently waiting?
L1081[15:58:35] <anders> There is a net.minecraft.util.Timer, I can see
L1082[15:58:45] <anders> I only want to wait for one event
L1083[15:58:52] <diesieben07> thats not an actual timer :D
L1084[15:59:02] <anders> When I have casted a spell with my magic wand, I want something to happen after a delay
L1085[15:59:03] <anders> Ah, ok
L1086[15:59:07] <diesieben07> make an event handler for ServerTickEvent
L1087[15:59:10] <diesieben07> make sure to check event.phase
L1088[15:59:26] <diesieben07> then when you want the countdown to start, set a field to 5*20
L1089[15:59:34] <diesieben07> (5*20 = however many ticks in 5 seconds)=
L1090[15:59:44] <diesieben07> in the event handler check if that field is > 0
L1091[15:59:46] <diesieben07> if it is, decrement
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L1093[15:59:58] <diesieben07> if you decremented it from 1 to 0, perform whatever the event should be
L1094[16:00:27] <anders> Ah, ok
L1095[16:00:45] <anders> I am not sure if I like that, but probably I do
L1096[16:00:50] <diesieben07> lol
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L1098[16:00:52] <anders> heh
L1099[16:01:00] <diesieben07> you can make it very fancy, too but that is a lot more complicated
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L1104[16:01:56] <anders> There should already be a handler for server ticks that I could use :)
L1105[16:02:01] <anders> And just queue an object
L1106[16:02:34] <diesieben07> on 1.8 that does exist
L1107[16:02:39] <anders> Ah, cool
L1108[16:02:43] <diesieben07> but it doesn't count down, so you'd have to reschedule yourself every tick
L1109[16:02:53] <anders> hm
L1110[16:03:02] <anders> Seems useless :)
L1111[16:03:23] ⇦ Quits: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872D48.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1112[16:03:28] <diesieben07> or the full blown fancy solution: https://goo.gl/VMK2c3
L1113[16:03:53] <anders> I am casting spells by right clicking a magic wand in the ground, using a four square pattern
L1114[16:04:12] <shadowfacts> wow, diesieben07, some people, yeesh
L1115[16:04:14] <anders> One spell should teleport to the block the player is looking at
L1116[16:04:31] <anders> Adding y to accomodate for height map
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L1118[16:04:42] <diesieben07> who you mean shadow?
L1119[16:04:50] <diesieben07> that guy on the forums=?
L1120[16:05:06] <shadowfacts> yea
L1121[16:05:16] <diesieben07> meh
L1122[16:05:36] <diesieben07> I had someone else PM me today because i banned their other account for makign a cracked launcher
L1123[16:05:37] <esteth> Hey guys, I'm not totally familiar with forge - is there some decent documentation somewhere on which parts of the API are provided by forge, and which are provided by Minecraft itself, and what forge's role actually is?
L1124[16:05:40] <diesieben07> i think you even linked me to that :D
L1125[16:05:41] <anders> Where should I install a server tick handler then?
L1126[16:05:45] <shadowfacts> lol
L1127[16:05:52] <diesieben07> anders, you just listen to the eventg
L1128[16:06:16] <anders> Ah, of course, there is already a tick handler on every item, right?
L1129[16:06:21] <diesieben07> true
L1130[16:06:26] <anders> neat
L1131[16:06:28] ⇦ Parts: Ordinastie (crystal@bronyville.me) (Leaving))
L1132[16:06:30] <diesieben07> but it only gets called as long as it's int eh player's inventory
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L1135[16:08:13] <anders> Hm, I see a tick handler that is called when the user is using an item, thats ticking while right clicking then?
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L1137[16:08:36] <anders> Ah, onItemUseFinished is what I want
L1138[16:08:46] <diesieben07> wouldn't call that a tick handler :D
L1139[16:09:13] <anders> no, but that will do, when the pattern for teleport has been "patted" in the ground, the player can look up and release the mouse button
L1140[16:09:25] <anders> Looking at the right spot
L1141[16:09:48] <diesieben07> well you go ahead and do that then
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L1143[16:16:50] <anders> Hm, did not work out well :)
L1144[16:17:07] <diesieben07> lol
L1145[16:17:42] <anders> Seems like the finish handler was not called
L1146[16:22:17] <williewillus> why is everything in MobSpawnerBaseLogic private in 1.8.0 >.<
L1147[16:23:05] <esteth> Is there a forge mailing list, or is all comms IRC/GithubIssues?
L1148[16:23:31] <williewillus> its basically forums or github or here
L1149[16:24:54] <esteth> Thanks :) I'm trying to catch up on what the roadmap is for forge, what's being worked towards in general etc... - I guess forums are the best place? Also trying to find GH Issues with many comments
L1150[16:24:55] <anders> onUsingTick should be called when the item is in the inventory?
L1151[16:25:29] <williewillus> anders: no onUpdate is called in the inv
L1152[16:25:41] <williewillus> using tick is when the player is actively using it (eating food, drawing bow, etc)
L1153[16:25:42] <anders> oh
L1154[16:25:52] <anders> ah, ok
L1155[16:26:08] <anders> but isnt there a server tick handler that calls some of the items methods?
L1156[16:26:19] <anders> I was searching for something like onTick
L1157[16:27:22] <Ordinastie> yes, that's called onUpdate()
L1158[16:27:39] <anders> But only on the inv?
L1159[16:27:54] <anders> Ah, not
L1160[16:27:56] <anders> Thanks
L1161[16:28:06] <williewillus> !gm MobSpawnerBaseLogic.isActivated
L1162[16:28:36] <Ordinastie> currently helding an item doesn't make it not in the inventory anymore
L1163[16:30:05] <anders> Hm, onUpdate in my item did not give me the player...
L1164[16:31:12] <williewillus> vanilla json models can't go over 1x1x1 right?
L1165[16:31:35] <williewillus> is there a way to easily bypass that without using b3d or obj :p
L1166[16:33:58] <anders> I realize that I am storing data that should be player specific in my MagicWand class, which is a class that only has one instance in the server...
L1167[16:34:27] <gigaherz> welcome to the world of IExtendedEntityProperties
L1168[16:34:33] <anders> heh
L1169[16:34:53] <anders> Its ok when only one player is using the wand, but not else :)
L1170[16:36:38] <gigaherz> the IEEP allows oyu to have player-specific data
L1171[16:36:42] <gigaherz> that gets saved along with the player
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L1173[16:37:08] <anders> Seems easy to do that
L1174[16:37:26] <anders> http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.se/p/minecraft-17x.html seems to describe it very well
L1175[16:38:03] <williewillus> ugh crayfish's modelcreator doesnt work on linux
L1176[16:38:03] <williewillus> great
L1177[16:38:23] <williewillus> err it does kinda
L1178[16:38:37] <esteth> Forge submodels is forge's version of 1.9 vanilla's multipart models, right?
L1179[16:40:07] <williewillus> yeah, though the former probably inspired the latter :p
L1180[16:40:47] <esteth> Heh, awesome :)
L1181[16:40:50] <esteth> thanks
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L1184[16:43:22] <williewillus> I think someone just stole my 1.8.8 port of Neat lol. Oh well they can figure out how to fix the icons themselves
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L1187[16:48:03] <anders> gigaherz: Which string should I pass to getExtendedProperties then?
L1188[16:48:12] <gigaherz> what?
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L1190[16:48:35] <gigaherz> oh
L1191[16:48:42] <gigaherz> probably something that identifies the data you are adding
L1192[16:48:47] <gigaherz> so like
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L1194[16:48:50] <anders> Oh, wait, there is a string passing when registering that prop as well
L1195[16:48:53] <gigaherz> if it's the wand information
L1196[16:49:11] <anders> yeah
L1197[16:49:12] <gigaherz> you'd have something like static final String WAND_STATE="yourModWandState";
L1198[16:49:28] <anders> yeah
L1199[16:49:33] <tterrag|away> diesieben07: actually |away typically means mobile for me
L1200[16:49:38] <tterrag|away> i.e. "I'm away but may or may not be available on my phone"
L1201[16:49:40] <tterrag|away> but now I am home
L1202[16:49:42] <tterrag|away> so
L1203[16:49:44] *** tterrag|away is now known as tterrag
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L1205[16:50:00] <tterrag> why bother with that? just store a static ref to the IProperty
L1206[16:50:01] <anders> gigaherz: Does that name have a mod scope or server scope?
L1207[16:50:02] <tterrag> not the name
L1208[16:50:09] <tterrag> neither
L1209[16:50:15] <tterrag> block scope
L1210[16:50:41] <gigaherz> ?
L1211[16:50:47] <gigaherz> doesn't that id have to be unique for all mods?
L1212[16:51:00] <williewillus> wait are we talking about IProperties or IEEPs :p
L1213[16:51:15] <gigaherz> this is an IEEP
L1214[16:51:25] <tterrag> oh
L1215[16:51:28] <tterrag> I got mixed up :p
L1216[16:51:34] <tterrag> nevermind :D
L1217[16:51:56] <gigaherz> actually anders
L1218[16:52:00] <gigaherz> it doesn't need to be in a variable
L1219[16:52:05] <gigaherz> since it's only used at registration time
L1220[16:52:34] <gigaherz> so you can just hardcode it there in the entity constructing event
L1221[16:52:56] <gigaherz> the static final would still be useful for readability
L1222[16:53:02] <anders> I think I have the @SubscribeEvent in the wrong class
L1223[16:53:07] <anders> Should it be in the client proxy?
L1224[16:53:17] <anders> The onEntityConstructing handler
L1225[16:53:24] <gigaherz> no
L1226[16:53:35] <gigaherz> you want that on the server, no matter if it's client or dedicated
L1227[16:53:41] <tterrag> you need it after register time
L1228[16:53:45] <tterrag> it's how you retrieve the IEEP instance
L1229[16:53:49] <anders> yes
L1230[16:54:15] <tterrag> though I typically just store it inside my IEEP class then have a static getInstance(EntityLivingBase entity) { return entity.getExtendedProperties(IDENT); }
L1231[16:54:22] <anders> I dont think its called, because I get null when calling player.getExtendedProperty
L1232[16:54:29] <gigaherz> anders: my recommendation would be to have an inner class inside the IEEP
L1233[16:54:33] <anders> ok
L1234[16:54:56] <anders> I added that onEntityConstructing handler to the MagicWand class itself
L1235[16:54:59] <gigaherz> and then do MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.registerorhwateverthemethodwas(new YourIEEP.TheEventHandler())
L1236[16:55:07] <anders> ok
L1237[16:55:20] <gigaherz> this makes the IEEP self-contained
L1238[16:55:23] <anders> yeah
L1239[16:55:42] <anders> Thanks, will try that
L1240[16:56:08] <anders> afk for a while now thanks for the help
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L1263[18:05:25] <killjoy> The pixel art has invaded fallout 4
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L1269[18:21:57] <tterrag> cpw: diesieben07: http://puu.sh/lDwIC.gif
L1270[18:22:42] <tterrag> also PitchBright I suppose :P
L1271[18:22:44] <diesieben07> And we have a new contestant for our category "Awesome but useless"
L1272[18:23:11] ⇨ Joins: Purebe_ (~Purebe@2601:300:8000:cc62:d589:8cf1:7969:68c9)
L1273[18:23:15] <tterrag> not really useless
L1274[18:25:49] ⇨ Joins: lexiconicus (~IceChat77@24-117-223-151.cpe.cableone.net)
L1275[18:26:10] <tterrag> all this has taught me is that the FML X/check is very badly aligned >.>
L1276[18:26:15] <kashike> tterrag: from the look of that you're keeping the initial connection open?
L1277[18:26:23] <tterrag> kashike: yep
L1278[18:26:30] <tterrag> it will close the channel with a GuiClosedEvent
L1279[18:26:39] <tterrag> and it re-pings the server every second (may lower that)
L1280[18:31:16] ⇦ Quits: Poppy (~Poppy@chello085216146055.chello.sk) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L1281[18:32:32] <tterrag> diesieben07: can you imagine any security concerns with the way I'm doing things?
L1282[18:32:39] <tterrag> re: https://gist.github.com/tterrag1098/eb40cd5aace6d5c44eb1
L1283[18:33:12] <tterrag> as far as I can see I am doing what vanilla does to get the server MOTD and name
L1284[18:33:26] <tterrag> open channel -> keep open for successive packets -> close channel on GUI exit
L1285[18:35:23] <killjoy> searge just released mcp 9.18 beta for 1.8.8
L1286[18:35:32] <killjoy> In case anyone's interested in that
L1287[18:37:06] ⇦ Quits: Gigabit101 (~Gigabit10@cpc76302-cosh16-2-0-cust475.6-1.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
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L1289[18:40:32] <cpw> Nice tterrag
L1290[18:40:51] <tterrag> cpw: I ended up going with the custom packet...got it working eventually
L1291[18:41:18] <cpw> Ah, hmm
L1292[18:41:32] <cpw> It should be possible to just extend the fml packet
L1293[18:42:53] ⇦ Quits: KanoCodex (~Giratina5@2604:180:0:368::bcd8) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1294[18:46:16] ⇦ Quits: Purebe (~Purebe@2601:300:8000:cc62:c888:bcaa:1069:4370) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1295[18:47:14] ⇦ Quits: EwyBoy (~IceChat9@ (Quit: He who laughs last, thinks slowest)
L1296[18:49:06] <killjoy> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXwthPlJDBg
L1297[18:49:22] <tterrag> !gm drawHoveringText 1.7.10
L1298[18:49:38] <tterrag> [MCPBot_Reborn] Last Change: 2014-04-25 17:59:31-04:00 (tterrag)
L1299[18:49:40] <tterrag> huh....ok
L1300[18:50:01] <killjoy> alrighty then
L1301[18:50:10] <kashike> killjoy: useless right now, windows only :(
L1302[18:50:47] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
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L1304[18:59:23] <killjoy> Well we have forgegradle. Not really needed.
L1305[18:59:49] <MattDahEpic> but mappings
L1306[18:59:53] <killjoy> mcp nowadays is useful for people who just want to look at or quickly edit mc code.
L1307[18:59:53] <tterrag> cpw: do you forsee any security issues with keeping a channel open while the server list is up?
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L1309[19:00:05] <tterrag> I update the time continuously, not just on a refresh
L1310[19:00:10] <cpw> Yeah. Connection leaks aren't good
L1311[19:00:12] <LexManos> <kashike> killjoy: useless right now, windows only :(
L1312[19:00:13] <killjoy> I mean the actual mcp python code, not the mappings
L1313[19:00:15] <LexManos> mcp isnt windows only...
L1314[19:00:22] <cpw> You could do a server
L1315[19:00:27] ⇦ Quits: sinkillerj (~sinkiller@nc-71-49-183-12.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L1316[19:00:28] <tterrag> hm?
L1317[19:00:31] <cpw> Err DOS a server
L1318[19:00:34] <kashike> "Currently only for Windows, final version will work on all the usual systems: "
L1319[19:00:38] <cpw> Just by having the list open
L1320[19:00:44] <tterrag> it's 1 packet per second
L1321[19:00:46] <tterrag> not exactly a DOS
L1322[19:00:54] <cpw> From 1000 clients?
L1323[19:00:55] <LexManos> Not sure who said that but MCP works for everything...
L1324[19:00:57] <killjoy> See Searge's twitter
L1325[19:01:02] <kashike> https://twitter.com/SeargeDP/status/671124338192556032
L1326[19:01:03] <williewillus> is yOffset just like, not a thing in 1.8 anymore? or should something be there in its place?
L1327[19:01:05] <tterrag> 1000 clients could just as easily spam the refresh button no?
L1328[19:01:21] <killjoy> tterrag, that's how they do it
L1329[19:01:26] <killjoy> 1000 zombies
L1330[19:01:27] <LexManos> dont know what searge broke then... no reason it should only be for windows...
L1331[19:01:30] <cpw> Not automatically just by having the window open
L1332[19:01:34] <LexManos> its the exact same scripts that its always been
L1333[19:01:43] <kashike> hm, strange
L1334[19:01:50] <killjoy> Maybe he means "unsupported"
L1335[19:01:57] <cpw> Lex: the primary test system was mine. 100% linux
L1336[19:02:03] <killjoy> as in untested. if it doesn't work, tough love
L1337[19:02:30] <LexManos> I know
L1338[19:02:46] <LexManos> its only windows because for some reason he decided to only include the bat files
L1339[19:02:46] <tterrag> cpw: ok, I'll move it to refresh...not sure how to hook that though
L1340[19:02:50] <LexManos> instead of the normal serup
L1341[19:02:52] <tterrag> oh wait
L1342[19:02:54] <LexManos> it works for all systems
L1343[19:02:54] <tterrag> action performed
L1344[19:02:55] <killjoy> No, .sh files are there too
L1345[19:03:07] <kashike> sh files are there by the looks of it
L1346[19:03:08] <kashike> yeah
L1347[19:03:16] <LexManos> humm aparertntly windows 10 recongizes .sh files as scripts ;)
L1348[19:03:22] <cpw> Lol
L1349[19:03:40] <killjoy> I have git-scm installed, so I thought it was that.
L1350[19:04:05] <killjoy> How do I open that with cygwin?
L1351[19:04:11] <tterrag> yeah git allows .sh to run in its own bash program
L1352[19:04:16] <tterrag> if you have that
L1353[19:04:21] <williewillus> just go to the folder in cygwin and do ./<script> :p
L1354[19:04:27] <LexManos> So ya not sure why he says windows only it should work just fine on all system
L1355[19:04:30] <LexManos> well time to take off.
L1356[19:04:34] <killjoy> Well I know that
L1357[19:04:38] <killjoy> I meant from windows
L1358[19:04:54] <cpw> It works fine on Linux. That's where everything was tested first
L1359[19:04:56] <killjoy> Probably need to change default program
L1360[19:04:58] <kashike> tterrag: GuiMultiplayer#refreshServerList - creates a new GuiMultiplayer
L1361[19:05:10] <tterrag> oh?
L1362[19:05:12] <tterrag> well then
L1363[19:05:28] <tterrag> that would be why my clock does a little dance when I hit refresh
L1364[19:05:38] <kashike> lol
L1365[19:08:49] <kashike> cpw: for your "new mod system" poll, what do you mean by "primary artifacts"?
L1366[19:09:18] <cpw> Where you'd define the basic stuff. Blocks, items, recipes
L1367[19:09:43] <cpw> You'll need code for event handling and stuff
L1368[19:09:53] <cpw> But why have all that bloody boilerplate?
L1369[19:10:42] <cpw> You know bukkit had the yaml file?
L1370[19:10:52] <cpw> Think something like that
L1371[19:10:52] <kashike> sadly, yeah
L1372[19:11:00] <cpw> But fuck yaml
L1373[19:11:06] <cpw> Harder than a nasty thing
L1374[19:11:07] ⇦ Quits: pugi (~pugi@dyndsl-031-150-141-218.ewe-ip-backbone.de) ()
L1375[19:11:21] <killjoy> As json, it would be something like mod:{blocks:[{id:blockname,name:block_name,material:stone}]}
L1376[19:11:28] <kashike> bukkit's plugin.yml is like mcmod.info pretty much
L1377[19:11:29] <cpw> Toyingg with hocon
L1378[19:11:46] <cpw> Yes, this would expand/replace for mods using it
L1379[19:12:21] <cpw> I like hocon because you can bloody comment it
L1380[19:12:26] <killjoy> There should probably be a converter. It would be easy to do if they're seializable similar to how gson does.
L1381[19:12:45] <cpw> Why? This is new
L1382[19:12:51] <killjoy> I'm not familiar to how config works
L1383[19:12:52] <kashike> https://github.com/zml2008/configurate might be something to look into. newer versions are java 8, but there's java 6 versions as well
L1384[19:12:56] <cpw> Not replacing @mod
L1385[19:13:24] <killjoy> Not saying you would.
L1386[19:13:42] <cpw> Mods that wanted to could use both systems
L1387[19:13:47] <cpw> Is my goal
L1388[19:14:11] <kashike> you wouldn't require a class with @Mod to be provided?
L1389[19:14:25] <cpw> Removing that boilerplate would help upgrades ?
L1390[19:14:31] <cpw> No, that's the idea
L1391[19:14:39] <gigaherz> why, the mod class is only useful for event handling
L1392[19:14:39] <cpw> New mod type
L1393[19:14:58] <gigaherz> it could have been unnecessary
L1394[19:15:03] <tterrag> hm, problem
L1395[19:15:10] <tterrag> GL_DEPTH_TEST is disabled for drawHoveringText
L1396[19:15:18] <tterrag> but I still need to render *behind* the tooltip, even if I'm drawing after it
L1397[19:15:20] <tterrag> is that possible?
L1398[19:15:39] <killjoy> So you're making a plugin api?
L1399[19:16:06] <killjoy> It's what it sounds like Mojang is ending up going to do
L1400[19:16:26] <cpw> Lol killjoy
L1401[19:17:14] <MattDahEpic> It's what it sounds like Mojang is going to end up never getting to*
L1402[19:17:18] <tterrag> cpw: you can comment json if you use gson
L1403[19:17:23] <tterrag> it supports comments
L1404[19:17:27] <tterrag> just btw :P
L1405[19:17:29] <gigaherz> mojang has no incentive
L1406[19:17:32] <cpw> Nice. Didn't know that
L1407[19:17:34] <killjoy> but you can disable them in the builder
L1408[19:17:37] <gigaherz> forge already does the hard work without their help
L1409[19:17:38] <tterrag> ^
L1410[19:17:41] <cpw> Lol giga you have no idea
L1411[19:17:52] <tterrag> Ordinastie: ?
L1412[19:17:54] <cpw> Forge is written in java
L1413[19:17:56] <killjoy> Unfortunately, you can't save comments
L1414[19:18:03] <Ordinastie> ?
L1415[19:18:12] <tterrag> Ordinastie: read up for my question
L1416[19:18:13] <killjoy> You can't serialize them
L1417[19:18:24] <MattDahEpic> if mojang made a mod api it'd be for win10mc...
L1418[19:18:36] <gigaherz> alkthough if mojang adds some "modding"
L1419[19:18:36] <Ordinastie> what's the context?
L1420[19:18:42] <gigaherz> my first gues would be a json-based system
L1421[19:18:52] <killjoy> Mojang isn't making a mod api.
L1422[19:18:54] <killjoy> Also, motd
L1423[19:19:04] <tterrag> Ordinastie: http://puu.sh/lDwIC.gif
L1424[19:19:07] <gigaherz> but yeah
L1425[19:19:13] <tterrag> the tooltip from the FML compatible server goes underneath the clock
L1426[19:19:18] <gigaherz> we are talking cpw's idea not mojang's
L1427[19:19:53] *** kashike is now known as Kashike
L1428[19:20:30] *** Kashike is now known as kashike
L1429[19:22:00] <cpw> Gigaherz the model json, the sounds, texture stuff
L1430[19:22:04] <Ordinastie> tterrag, I don't know, can't you activate depth test ?
L1431[19:22:09] <cpw> That's all to support a modapi
L1432[19:22:13] <tterrag> I do, during the clock drawing
L1433[19:22:16] <tterrag> doesn't seem to affect anything
L1434[19:22:55] <cpw> Forge isnt embraced by mojang because its Java..
L1435[19:23:01] <gigaherz> thisi s how I'd picture a json-based item: { id: "somethingsomething", name: "unlocalized.string", model:"something:something", handledBy: "com.example.ExampleItem" }
L1436[19:23:39] <cpw> That's kinda the idea
L1437[19:23:48] <cpw> Basic properties will be there too
L1438[19:23:59] <cpw> Isopaquecube
L1439[19:24:03] <gigaherz> yeah
L1440[19:24:05] <Ordinastie> tterrag, enabling depth test on it's own isn't always enough on it's own, you may need to push your drawing back
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L1442[19:24:12] <tterrag> tried that as well
L1443[19:24:17] <tterrag> GL11.glTranslatef(0, 0, -100);
L1444[19:24:20] <kashike> it'd help to see a before (current) and after (new mod system) to see the differences, right now it's just guessing :)
L1445[19:24:20] <cpw> Probably try and tie into the model state systrn
L1446[19:24:55] <cpw> I hope to be able to provide a 'uniblock' implementation
L1447[19:25:12] ⇦ Quits: killjoy (~killjoy@2606:a000:1118:c12c:989:f1e7:772:6630) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1448[19:25:17] <cpw> That can fire some sort of trigger or action for some of the common callbacks
L1449[19:25:36] <cpw> So you could have a mod that is lure json, but imports a library of 'actions'
L1450[19:25:45] <cpw> *pure json
L1451[19:26:08] <kashike> starting to sound like skript :P
L1452[19:26:13] <gigaherz> then the MVC pattern would be complete :D
L1453[19:26:18] <Ordinastie> then I don't know sorry
L1454[19:26:28] <cpw> Maybe. I have no idea
L1455[19:26:35] <cpw> Hey yeah
L1456[19:26:53] <gigaherz> item.json -> Model, model.json -> View, handling class/script -> Controller
L1457[19:27:05] <cpw> Heh
L1458[19:27:08] <cpw> Indeed
L1459[19:28:41] <gigaherz> if MC was dynamic enough, those extra items/block could be inside resourcepack zips
L1460[19:29:00] <gigaherz> then server-provided resource packs would allow automatic extensions
L1461[19:29:13] <tterrag> well whatever then
L1462[19:29:25] <tterrag> diesieben07 would you know why my netty threads are sticking around even when the channel is closed?
L1463[19:32:39] <kashike> cpw: something that might help the current "system" is making a more central place to access things (event bus, registry, etc). from what I've seen, a bunch is through FMLCommonHandler, GameRegistry, etc
L1464[19:32:46] <kashike> 1.9/etc that is
L1465[19:32:59] <gigaherz> fml bus is gone
L1466[19:33:07] <gigaherz> it redirects to the forge one now
L1467[19:33:10] <gigaherz> in 1.8.8
L1468[19:33:42] <killjoy1> Well not "gone" but leaving
L1469[19:33:46] <kashike> i'm aware :P
L1470[19:33:58] <gigaherz> also the rest of the stuff is sortof in a logical place?
L1471[19:34:04] <gigaherz> GameRegistry has the registration stuffs
L1472[19:34:08] <gigaherz> ModelLoader the model stuffs
L1473[19:34:08] <gigaherz> etc
L1474[19:34:34] <cpw> Kad
L1475[19:34:38] <cpw> Kashike
L1476[19:34:45] <cpw> Use @objectholder
L1477[19:35:01] <cpw> It'll inject stuff you care about into a public static final field
L1478[19:35:58] <kashike> ...huh? bit confused
L1479[19:41:10] <cpw> Why faff around looking crap up everywhere
L1480[19:41:30] <cpw> Just @objectholder a field and then access the thing
L1481[19:42:10] <cpw> Fml takes care of maintaining the value in the field
L1482[19:42:20] <gigaherz> what does the objectholder refer to?
L1483[19:42:25] <cpw> When stuff changes because of registry changes and everything
L1484[19:42:38] <cpw> It's a game object
L1485[19:42:47] <cpw> Currently supports blocks and items
L1486[19:42:59] <cpw> Looked up based on the value you specify
L1487[19:43:01] <gigaherz> ah I see
L1488[19:43:02] <gigaherz> @GameRegistry.ObjectHolder("jukeboxreloaded:jukebox")
L1489[19:43:02] <gigaherz> public static final Block jukebox = null;
L1490[19:43:11] <cpw> Yup
L1491[19:43:15] <cpw> That's the ticket
L1492[19:43:27] <kashike> not what I'm referring to, referring to having to find out where to access the event bus, registry, etc
L1493[19:43:29] <kashike> for a newcomer
L1494[19:43:45] <cpw> There is only one primary event bus
L1495[19:44:08] <gigaherz> kashike: means that it owuld be nicer if the gameregistry was like MinecraftForge.Registry
L1496[19:44:17] <cpw> The registry insertion stuff: that's part of what I want to solve with new mod system
L1497[19:44:20] <gigaherz> so that you'd have the completion just by always starting from MinecraftForge.
L1498[19:44:22] <williewillus> is there a way I can take an arbitrary textureatlassprite and render it in the "item baked model" 3D form? used to be able to do that in 1.7 with ItemRenderer.renderItemIn2D
L1499[19:44:26] <kashike> a single place to find stuff primarily, yes
L1500[19:44:28] <tterrag> or you can just put it on the class and make the field names match the id
L1501[19:44:44] ⇦ Quits: Delaxarnyazer (~Delaxarny@2a02:a44e:91ce:0:215:5dff:fe02:300) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1502[19:44:51] <Matthew> huh strange. why would MCP break on linux? its just python
L1503[19:45:04] <williewillus> or a way to bake it myself and arbitrarily render it
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L1505[19:45:33] <Matthew> but indeed it's broke
L1506[19:45:46] <kashike> Matthew: how's it broken?
L1507[19:45:59] <cpw> How's it broken Matthew?
L1508[19:46:09] <cpw> It worked fine on my box
L1509[19:46:12] <Matthew> http://i.imgur.com/HTfrxq4.png
L1510[19:46:23] <killjoy1> python 3?
L1511[19:46:29] <williewillus> oh lol python3
L1512[19:46:33] <cpw> You. Python 3
L1513[19:46:38] <cpw> *yup
L1514[19:46:43] <Matthew> uhh yeah python 3.5
L1515[19:46:44] <kashike> you need python 2 lol
L1516[19:46:48] <cpw> Yup
L1517[19:46:48] <Matthew> ...
L1518[19:46:52] <cpw> 2.7
L1519[19:46:57] <kashike> look into virtualenv, can help you loads
L1520[19:47:01] <killjoy1> that was a stab in the dark
L1521[19:47:03] <killjoy1> And I got a crit
L1522[19:47:04] <cpw> It should have 2.7 python in the scripts
L1523[19:47:09] <Matthew> whys it require an old python?
L1524[19:47:17] <gigaherz> Matthew: the world refuses to accept python3
L1525[19:47:18] <kashike> python 3 broke stuff :D
L1526[19:47:18] <illyohs> <3 love virtalenv
L1527[19:47:27] <gigaherz> almost every production script uses python2 still
L1528[19:47:30] <cpw> Becuase prof hasnt updated those scripts for py3 yet
L1529[19:47:40] <Matthew> humm ok
L1530[19:47:57] <cpw> Another reason I'm glad fml and forge went gradle
L1531[19:48:23] <killjoy1> Why does it require method parameters now?
L1532[19:48:35] <kashike> cpw: and yeah, as giga said: it would be nice if there was a common place to access things: MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS is there, so I'd expect a MinecraftForge.GAME_REGISTRY (or getGameRegistry)
L1533[19:48:39] <kashike> if I were new to it all
L1534[19:48:48] <TehNut> Does deobfCompile work on the libs folder?
L1535[19:48:51] <cpw> No kashike
L1536[19:49:01] <killjoy1> No, TehNut
L1537[19:49:03] <killjoy1> Use a flatdir
L1538[19:49:10] <cpw> I'm tending towards dep injection everywhere ?
L1539[19:49:18] <TehNut> how2
L1540[19:49:26] <kashike> guice? heh
L1541[19:49:36] <cpw> Not quite that bad
L1542[19:49:55] <cpw> Having modders call stuff results in a big mess
L1543[19:50:04] <killjoy1> TehNut, https://github.com/killjoy1221/VoxelCam/blob/master/build.gradle#L24
L1544[19:50:04] <Matthew> huh. python2 runtime/decompile.py <-- started wine 0_o
L1545[19:50:13] <gigaherz> cpw: oh! so like
L1546[19:50:14] <TehNut> Ahh
L1547[19:50:15] <TehNut> Ty
L1548[19:50:17] <gigaherz> you could define the item in the json
L1549[19:50:17] <killjoy1> replace 'dir' with a directory name. preferably not libs
L1550[19:50:18] <gigaherz> then use
L1551[19:50:24] <gigaherz> @ObjectHolder("my:item")
L1552[19:50:28] <gigaherz> ^_^
L1553[19:50:35] <killjoy1> benefits of this: Supports source and javadoc jars
L1554[19:50:37] <gigaherz> MAGIC!
L1555[19:50:42] <cpw> 'No you do that in preunit' 'init master race' 'postinit for the win' nonsense
L1556[19:51:05] <cpw> Yup giga
L1557[19:51:08] <cpw> That's the idea
L1558[19:51:09] <killjoy1> downsides: requires adding dependency explicitly in the script
L1559[19:51:29] <gigaherz> nice :D
L1560[19:51:42] <gigaherz> I look forward to that ;P
L1561[19:51:54] <cpw> Coming soon
L1562[19:52:07] <cpw> I reckon I can have something working over the holidays
L1563[19:52:31] <cpw> You'll see bits appear during 1.8.8 becuase its new, so it doesn't break stuff
L1564[19:52:38] <gigaherz> heh
L1565[19:52:47] <Matthew> aaand eclipse is being a derp
L1566[19:53:00] <gigaherz> Derpclipse
L1567[19:53:02] <cpw> Always matthee
L1568[19:54:11] <Matthew> I wish forgedev would work on idea
L1569[19:54:28] <kashike> in what way doesn't it for you?
L1570[19:54:40] <cpw> It does
L1571[19:54:50] <cpw> I've been doing that the past few days
L1572[19:54:51] <Matthew> sets up null content roots. haven't dug into it too far yet
L1573[19:54:56] <cpw> Yup
L1574[19:55:04] <cpw> Because they're outside the workspace
L1575[19:55:16] <Matthew> ahh yeah. idea doesn't like that
L1576[19:55:16] <cpw> You need to add a second root
L1577[19:55:36] <cpw> On <forge>/src
L1578[19:55:42] <cpw> Then it'll work
L1579[19:55:50] <cpw> (And delete the nulls too)
L1580[19:56:06] <kashike> https://miserable.ninja/i/OGY5N.png
L1581[19:56:06] <cpw> The gradle idea plugin is a bit borked
L1582[19:56:29] <Matthew> the gradle/idea plugin works great for userdev
L1583[19:56:31] <cpw> Unfortunately, you can't load the forge gralde in either
L1584[19:56:45] <cpw> That confuses the fuck out of idea
L1585[19:56:56] <cpw> We're a little :advanced'
L1586[19:57:02] <Matthew> heh yeah
L1587[19:57:17] <Matthew> is the 'Clean' project even needed in idea? isn't that just for patch generation
L1588[19:57:43] <kashike> heh, bunch of "Remove in 1.8" comments
L1589[19:57:59] *** Keridos|away is now known as Keridos
L1590[19:58:07] <tterrag> cpw: why is there no GuiClosedEvent...makes this very hard
L1591[19:58:28] <cpw> Because there's always a guiopen event?
L1592[19:58:40] <tterrag> yes, but what if it opens a GUI of the same type
L1593[19:58:42] <tterrag> that's my problem here
L1594[19:58:42] <cpw> Also I thought there was
L1595[19:58:46] <tterrag> on GUI open I refresh all the stuff
L1596[19:58:53] <tterrag> then I lose the reference to the unclosed network channel
L1597[19:59:06] <tterrag> I can rework it around that
L1598[19:59:09] <tterrag> but still, seems like a missing thing
L1599[20:00:18] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L1600[20:05:13] <tterrag> cpw: what were you talking about with extending the FML packet? because I cannot get this vanilla way to stop leaking netty threads
L1601[20:05:51] <cpw> There's some data fml sends
L1602[20:10:00] <tterrag> cpw: where? how do I hook it? :p
L1603[20:10:15] <cpw> Gimme a bit to look
L1604[20:10:30] <cpw> Look at serverdata
L1605[20:10:45] <cpw> There's some behaviour in fml client handler too?
L1606[20:12:38] <tterrag> cpw: yeah, I see the stuff in client handler
L1607[20:12:42] <tterrag> but how do I extend it?
L1608[20:18:22] <cpw> Dunno yet
L1609[20:18:31] <cpw> I'd have to look
L1610[20:22:15] <cpw> You can probably add stuff to the jsonobjsct that comes into captureadditionaldata
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L1616[20:26:52] <tterrag> cpw: but how? that method doesn't send any events or anything
L1617[20:26:55] <tterrag> and there's no callbacks that I see
L1618[20:27:11] <cpw> Heh, yeah
L1619[20:27:16] <Matthew> hrm. forge ships typesafe config 1.2.1 but configurate uses 1.3.0
L1620[20:27:18] <cpw> I'll need to fix that
L1621[20:27:20] <Matthew> need to figure out a solution
L1622[20:27:31] <cpw> Yeah 1.2.1_is from scala
L1623[20:27:44] <cpw> 1.3 is j8 only
L1624[20:28:11] <Matthew> yeah configurate moved to j8 @ 3.0 as well
L1625[20:30:11] <MattDahEpic> coming up at 3.0: configurate moved to j8! all the details coming up right after this
L1626[20:30:21] <Matthew> lol
L1627[20:30:58] <tterrag> where are these netty threads even coming from?
L1628[20:31:06] <tterrag> NetworkManager.provideLanClient ?
L1629[20:32:52] <tterrag> yes, evidently
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L1643[22:09:44] <tterrag> ok so
L1644[22:09:45] <tterrag> evidently
L1645[22:09:49] <tterrag> netty threads (at least in MC) never die
L1646[22:09:56] <tterrag> they just idle...forever...up to 15 of them
L1647[22:10:04] <tterrag> every time you press refresh on server list it creates a new one
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L1649[22:10:31] <gigaherz> o_O
L1650[22:10:40] <tterrag> go test in debug mode if you don't believe me
L1651[22:11:00] <tterrag> because mojang uses awaitUninterruptibly()
L1652[22:11:10] <tterrag> so I was debugging a non-issue
L1653[22:11:10] <tterrag> yay
L1654[22:11:20] <killjoy1> I know the feel
L1655[22:11:28] <killjoy1> I was debugging a vanilla bug for the longest time.
L1656[22:11:35] <killjoy1> When riding entities, your head follows theirs
L1657[22:11:45] <killjoy1> You can often find yourself in need of an excrosist.
L1658[22:12:20] <MattDahEpic> to the bugtrackermobile!
L1659[22:14:27] <killjoy1> Wow, that's been here forever. https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-1207
L1660[22:14:47] <MattDahEpic> oh wait the bugtrackermobile wont start
L1661[22:15:17] <MattDahEpic> it appears the mojangcarborator is broken
L1662[22:15:59] <MattDahEpic> :p
L1663[22:21:10] <netz> seems its bugged :P
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L1667[22:35:17] <tterrag> well that's odd
L1668[22:35:20] <tterrag> I do this:
L1669[22:35:21] <tterrag> resp.scheduleOutboundPacket(new PacketServerTime((int) serv.getEntityWorld().getWorldTime(), serverIP));
L1670[22:35:21] <tterrag> resp.scheduleOutboundPacket(new S01PacketPong());
L1671[22:35:26] <tterrag> and the pong packet gets to the client first
L1672[22:36:00] <killjoy1> that's how async works
L1673[22:36:17] <tterrag> packets should ALWAYS be received in send order...that's kind of essential
L1674[22:36:19] <killjoy1> or maybe it's going backwards
L1675[22:36:26] <tterrag> nope, tried sending the other way
L1676[22:36:41] <killjoy1> Networking, you know?
L1677[22:36:46] <killjoy1> Timing's hard
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L1680[22:41:32] <netz> tterrag: howdy :P
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L1683[22:45:06] <tterrag> hello
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L1688[22:45:49] <netz> how goes it?
L1689[22:46:11] <netz> just compiled kernel/systemd to be 'native' to my cpu, boot time was holyshit fast
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L1735[23:04:38] <netz> gigaherz: howdy :P
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L1738[23:05:18] <gigaherz> well it's 6am and I'm still not fully convinced that I really haveto sleep
L1739[23:05:19] <gigaherz> XD
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L1751[23:09:06] <netz> you don't :P
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