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L1[00:05:54] ⇨ Joins: Poppy (~Poppy@chello085216146055.chello.sk)
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L4[00:10:18] <Zaggy1024> is there a way to get a list of items on a player, including inventory slots that random mods may add?
L5[00:10:40] <Zaggy1024> or will I only be able to check for stacks in the vanilla inventory?
L6[00:16:48] <killjoy> You mean like additional inventories?
L7[00:17:12] ⇨ Joins: Drullkus (~Drullkus@2601:646:8301:c41e:a5f3:9ac4:3347:6eb2)
L8[00:18:40] <Zaggy1024> yes
L9[00:18:55] <killjoy> How does one create additional inventories?
L10[00:19:01] <Zaggy1024> any inventories mods add, which presumably aren't part of player.inventory.mainInventory
L11[00:19:07] <Zaggy1024> umm, probably many ways
L12[00:19:15] <Zaggy1024> the one I can think of is extended entity properties
L13[00:19:37] <Zaggy1024> what I'm trying to do is prevent someone from taking any items into my dimension
L14[00:20:44] <Ordinastie> Zaggy1024, why not ?
L15[00:21:17] <Zaggy1024> because it's supposed to make players start from scratch with technology like pistons and that crap
L16[00:21:19] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de)
L17[00:21:29] <killjoy> afaik (from research) there is no actual registration for inventories
L18[00:21:44] <Zaggy1024> maybe a late game upgrade of some kind could let you bring things over, but for now I just want to entirely stop it happening
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L20[00:22:09] <Ordinastie> hum, what about completely recreating the player object ?
L21[00:22:24] <killjoy> Give them a different uuid?
L22[00:22:34] <killjoy> no, that's too hacky
L23[00:22:51] <shadekiller666> zaggy, don't "inventories" (containers) have a list somewhere of all of the slots contained in them?
L24[00:23:21] <killjoy> He's talking about things like TiC armor tab or TiC satchel
L25[00:23:28] <shadekiller666> mhmm
L26[00:23:45] <shadekiller666> those are extensions of the vanilla player inventory aren't they?
L27[00:24:28] <killjoy> hiik
L28[00:25:21] <Zaggy1024> well as long as those are things that you have to already have in the vnailla inventory there's no problem
L29[00:25:28] <Zaggy1024> I'm more worried about thinks like...baubles is it?
L30[00:25:40] <killjoy> same concept
L31[00:25:42] <Zaggy1024> I dunno, I've seen pictures of the type of mods I'm worried about :P
L32[00:25:51] <Zaggy1024> haven't played them really, though
L33[00:26:08] <shadekiller666> baubles are just a fancy way of getting to more inventory slots
L34[00:26:26] <Zaggy1024> I thought it added some equipment slots as well
L35[00:26:37] <Zaggy1024> ones that are basically the same as armor inventory
L36[00:26:45] <shadekiller666> those are still slots
L37[00:26:51] <Zaggy1024> except presumably storing the data somewhere else
L38[00:26:56] <Zaggy1024> so where would I get those slots?
L39[00:26:59] <shadekiller666> ...
L40[00:27:19] <Zaggy1024> what?
L41[00:27:19] <shadekiller666> armorslots are stored somewhere other than the main player inventory container?
L42[00:27:25] <Zaggy1024> ...
L43[00:27:33] <shadekiller666> you just said that
L44[00:27:33] <alex_6611> they aren't
L45[00:27:40] <shadekiller666> then whats the problem
L46[00:27:44] <Zaggy1024> if a mod directly modified the number of armor slots in the player inventory, it would probably break everything
L47[00:27:56] <alex_6611> modded containers are probably seperate, yea
L48[00:28:08] <Zaggy1024> I'm sure it doesn't do that, so iterating player.inventory.armorInventory would be no good
L49[00:28:12] <Zaggy1024> not for baubles slots
L50[00:28:14] <shadekiller666> but they would extend the player inventory though
L51[00:28:30] <Zaggy1024> so? doesn't mean they're in player.inventory
L52[00:28:58] <killjoy> could you check that the open inventory was an instance of playerinventory?
L53[00:29:02] <Zaggy1024> they'd pretty much have to do ASM or equally massively breaking crap to make that work
L54[00:29:31] <Zaggy1024> the player won't necessarily have an inventory open when entering the dimension
L55[00:29:56] <Zaggy1024> I suppose I could open it...hm
L56[00:29:58] <Zaggy1024> interesting idea
L57[00:30:21] <Zaggy1024> presumably the mods have to override the vanilla inventory container?
L58[00:30:30] <shadekiller666> mhmm
L59[00:30:33] <shadekiller666> thats the idea
L60[00:31:21] <Zaggy1024> I thought you were suggesting that player.inventory would somehow contain those slots
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L62[00:31:43] <shadekiller666> in instance of player.inventory should
L63[00:31:47] <Ordinastie> Zaggy1024, you're going in backwards
L64[00:31:58] <Zaggy1024> hm?
L65[00:32:00] <Ordinastie> what do you need to keep when going into your dim ?
L66[00:32:00] <shadekiller666> an instance*
L67[00:32:18] <Zaggy1024> uh...nothing really, I suppose
L68[00:32:22] <Zaggy1024> shade, I doubt it
L69[00:32:26] <Ordinastie> then, new player it is
L70[00:32:37] <Zaggy1024> hm?
L71[00:32:44] <Zaggy1024> how would I make a new player? >.>
L72[00:32:50] <shadekiller666> when you teleport, minecraft makes a new player
L73[00:32:54] <shadekiller666> then copies everything over
L74[00:33:03] <Ordinastie> look at what it does when you die
L75[00:33:05] <shadekiller666> and then destroys the one in the original location
L76[00:33:19] <Ordinastie> or rather, respawn
L77[00:33:39] <Zaggy1024> I don't think it duplicates the player when teleportin
L78[00:33:57] <shadekiller666> it does
L79[00:34:06] <shadekiller666> at least when going through portals
L80[00:34:37] <Ordinastie> on the other hand, what's supposed to happen when you TP to your dim ? you lose everything you have ? that kinda suck
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L82[00:35:10] <Zaggy1024> nah, ordin, it's supposed to prevent you teleporting if you go in with items in your inventory
L83[00:35:22] <Ordinastie> oh
L84[00:35:25] <Zaggy1024> shade, the code in ServerConfigurationManager doesn't seem to do anything of the sort
L85[00:35:36] <Ordinastie> that's not how I would do it though
L86[00:35:57] <Zaggy1024> how would you prevent losing everything though?
L87[00:36:07] <Ordinastie> store the old player in some way
L88[00:36:22] <Ordinastie> switch between your two player object when switching dim
L89[00:36:28] <Ordinastie> may not be that easy to do
L90[00:36:39] <Zaggy1024> yeah... I was thinking about that
L91[00:36:44] <Zaggy1024> it does sound like a pain
L92[00:36:58] <Ordinastie> but you already have the code in vanilla to do that
L93[00:37:03] <Zaggy1024> yeah
L94[00:37:16] <Ordinastie> I think it's the cleanest way
L95[00:37:23] <Zaggy1024> sure seems that way
L96[00:37:30] <Zaggy1024> this'll be fun to figure out
L97[00:37:41] <Zaggy1024> I might have to make some kind of magical stasis pod :P
L98[00:38:11] <Ordinastie> nah, make it automatic on changing dim
L99[00:38:34] <Zaggy1024> problem is I also want to allow items to return from the dimension :P
L100[00:38:40] <Zaggy1024> so...bit of a dilemma
L101[00:38:59] <Ordinastie> not really
L102[00:39:12] <Ordinastie> you will manually control the player switching
L103[00:39:23] <Ordinastie> so nothing prevents you to handle some item juggling
L104[00:39:40] <Zaggy1024> hm
L105[00:39:58] <Zaggy1024> item juggling when I don't actually know what are all the slots in the player's inventory though?
L106[00:40:06] <Zaggy1024> and what if they return with a full inventory?
L107[00:40:17] <Ordinastie> it's less critical here if you have limitations
L108[00:40:33] <Ordinastie> if inventory is full, spill items everywhere
L109[00:40:53] <Zaggy1024> but then I have the same problem as before, how do I know where all the player's items are stored?
L110[00:41:13] <Ordinastie> it's ok to say you will preserve items in vanilla inventory only
L111[00:41:44] <Zaggy1024> another idea I had was to make some kind of block at the portal to transfer items between the dimensions
L112[00:41:53] <Ordinastie> that can work too
L113[00:42:01] <Zaggy1024> of course Overworld -> Genesis wouldn't allow it without some activator
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L115[00:42:16] <Ordinastie> I thing that's the better way too
L116[00:42:26] ⇦ Quits: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L117[00:42:27] <Ordinastie> allows the player to control what items to keep
L118[00:46:26] <Zaggy1024> anyway, thanks for the help
L119[00:46:34] <Zaggy1024> helped me figure out how to do this best
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L121[00:47:54] <Zaggy1024> one thing, though...I guess I need to make some kind of way to recover everything if the portal is removed/moved
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L123[00:48:41] <Ordinastie> don't link the process to the portal
L124[00:48:45] <Ordinastie> link it to the dimension
L125[00:48:50] <Zaggy1024> so I think the thing that stores the player when they go through the portal should be a physical block that can be right clicked to recover the player's data
L126[00:49:01] <Zaggy1024> hm
L127[00:49:10] <Zaggy1024> yeah, I suppose..
L128[00:49:26] <Zaggy1024> yeah, I guess there's no problem with that
L129[00:49:38] * Zaggy1024 is trying to pick apart all the possible scenarios in his head :P
L130[00:50:31] <shadekiller666> what happens if some other player comes along and breaks that block?
L131[00:50:50] <Zaggy1024> well, *if* that was still my plan, I would have made that block indestructible
L132[00:51:04] <Zaggy1024> at least until it's emptied
L133[00:51:54] <Ordinastie> there is no point in having a block for that
L134[00:52:13] <Ordinastie> because what is done when right clicking the block can be done automatically when entering the dimension
L135[00:53:34] <Zaggy1024> yeah
L136[00:53:39] <Zaggy1024> definitely
L137[00:55:23] <Ordinastie> the challenge will only be : how to make sure you keep ALL the player data when switching
L138[00:55:32] <Ordinastie> how to store it, and how to load it
L139[00:55:50] <Ordinastie> best bet is probably an alternate player.dat
L140[00:56:19] <Ordinastie> and rely on what vanilla do to save it
L141[01:03:19] <Cazzar> Well, I've played a lot of fallout 4 already...
L142[01:03:33] <Cazzar> 25 hours in the past 3 days
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L149[01:09:46] <Ordinastie> god, I hate when all the solutions to your one problem are all the same, but it doesn't work for you :x
L150[01:13:46] <Ordinastie> I just want to get rid of that annoying full screen message "SomeSite.com is now in full screen mode, press Esc to quit" :x
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L154[01:29:37] <kashike> Ordinastie: chrome?
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L157[01:30:50] <Ordinastie> Firefox
L158[01:31:15] <Ordinastie> the solution is supposed to be the config full-screen-api.approval-required
L159[01:31:21] <Ordinastie> but it's not even there for me
L160[01:31:28] <Ordinastie> and adding it doesn't solve it
L161[01:32:41] <kashike> Ordinastie: full-screen-api.warning.timeout
L162[01:32:45] <kashike> try setting to 0
L163[01:33:06] <Ordinastie> I don't have that option either
L164[01:33:33] *** TehNut|Gone is now known as TehNut|Sleep
L165[01:33:43] <kashike> are you on an old version? it's there for me
L166[01:35:29] <Ordinastie> 42
L167[01:35:40] <kashike> ah, it's 43+
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L172[01:39:40] <Ordinastie> I installed NIghtly, not it work
L173[01:39:41] <Ordinastie> s
L174[01:41:15] <Ordinastie> *now it works ><
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L176[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20151112 mappings to Forge Maven.
L177[02:00:06] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20151112-1.8.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20151112" in build.gradle).
L178[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L183[02:09:31] <ThePsionic> honl
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L188[02:13:33] <ThePsionic> How do I set the breaking particles of a block with a custom JSON model?
L189[02:14:09] <ThePsionic> Like, the block looks mostly like wood but I guess it doesn't actually have a texture so the breaking particles are black/purple
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L191[02:20:10] <ThePsionic> Never mind, found it
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L202[02:53:34] <ThePsionic> https://travis-ci.org/ThePsionic/Ingens/builds/90688994 How would I fix this error, I tried adding -source 8 to ./gradlew build but that didn't work
L203[02:54:56] <kashike> ThePsionic: https://github.com/ThePsionic/Ingens/blob/master/build.gradle
L204[02:54:59] <kashike> sourceCompatibility = 1.8
L205[02:55:01] <kashike> targetCompatibility = 1.8
L206[02:55:17] <ThePsionic> ah gotcha
L207[02:55:42] <ThePsionic> Wait, kashike, where does that go?
L208[02:55:50] <kashike> inside build.gradle
L209[02:55:58] <kashike> under archivesBaseName, for example
L210[02:56:16] <ThePsionic> Oh ok, not any specific block
L211[02:56:34] <kashike> correct
L212[02:59:39] ⇦ Quits: Matrixiumn (Matrixiumn@apertron.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L213[02:59:59] <ThePsionic> hurrah
L214[03:00:03] <ThePsionic> kashike for MVP
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L226[03:46:38] <Wuppy> o/
L227[03:49:07] <AEnterprise> o/
L228[03:51:23] <Wuppy> how're you :D
L229[03:51:55] <AEnterprise> pretty good, mady my own recipeHandler for custom crafting in the assembler i'm making
L230[03:52:05] <AEnterprise> you?
L231[03:52:25] <Wuppy> great, carnaval started yesterday :D
L232[03:52:36] <Wuppy> which means it's allowed to listen to really bad dutch carnaval music again :P
L233[03:52:37] <AEnterprise> nice, have fun with that :)
L234[03:52:49] ⇦ Quits: Greenphlem (uid22276@id-22276.tooting.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L235[03:55:34] <AEnterprise> though a friend is now asking to make a chunkloading mod for 1.8 but i don't realy know how to start on that
L236[03:55:55] <Wuppy> oh I also managed to get a sneekpeak at a new club in our town and it's looking really awesome :D
L237[03:57:03] <AEnterprise> sneakpeaks are always fun
L238[03:57:13] <Wuppy> a chunkloading mod?
L239[03:57:45] <AEnterprise> yes
L240[03:58:45] <AEnterprise> would need a 1.8 to poke around in then to get the basics so that part is doable if i find a good OS 1.8 mod
L241[03:59:25] <AEnterprise> the main issue is i have no idea how chunkloading in 1.8 works, didn't use it in 1.7 and i heard it has changed in 1.8
L242[04:00:37] <ThePsionic> I have no idea whether the way I'm using to check whether things can be crafted in my thing is nice/proper or not but it works so idc
L243[04:00:54] <Wuppy> ThePsionic, what do you think of this music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBzClrGGV-k
L244[04:01:30] <ThePsionic> oh god
L245[04:01:30] <AEnterprise> so anyone here knows how chunkloading works in 1.8 or what classes i should take a look at?
L246[04:01:35] <ThePsionic> oh no
L247[04:01:40] <ThePsionic> Wuppy why would you do this to me
L248[04:01:50] <Wuppy> this was the music playing yesterday :D
L249[04:02:01] <AEnterprise> not that song again
L250[04:02:19] <Wuppy> AEnterprise, again?
L251[04:02:23] <AEnterprise> heard that one to much in the past :P
L252[04:02:39] <Wuppy> I thought it was new-ish
L253[04:02:47] <AEnterprise> the vid is from 2012
L254[04:04:02] <Wuppy> I hadn't heard it before last carnaval I think
L255[04:04:42] *** CrystalMare is now known as Crystal|AFK
L256[04:10:32] <AEnterprise> so anyone here has any pointers on how to do chunkloading in 1.8?
L257[04:12:26] <DrDisconsented> ForgeChunkManager
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L260[04:12:33] <DrDisconsented> Thats about all I know
L261[04:12:45] <AEnterprise> alright, it's a start, thanks
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L271[04:56:50] <mort_> how can you detect if a block has an inventory, and get access to that inventory?
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L273[05:00:02] <ThePsionic> mort_: TileEntity? Look at chest?
L274[05:00:13] <ThePsionic> Or furnace?
L275[05:01:13] <ThePsionic> Or if it's a player-bound inventory look at ender chest
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L277[05:02:47] <mort_> I'm not trying to make a block with an inventory though, I'm trying to detect if some other random block in the world has one
L278[05:03:06] <AEnterprise> ah then you wana check for the IInventory interface
L279[05:03:07] <ThePsionic> That sounds painful
L280[05:03:29] <ThePsionic> But yeah
L281[05:03:39] <Lumien> How does that sound painful? o_O
L282[05:04:31] <AEnterprise> if the TE doesn't implement that interface there eighter is no inventory or the maker doesn't want you accessing it
L283[05:05:06] <ThePsionic> Lumien: I was literally imagining BlockPos(Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random())
L284[05:05:23] <ThePsionic> Not exactly like that but you know what I mean
L285[05:05:40] <mort_> right, replace random with arbitrary.
L286[05:06:05] <ThePsionic> Whenever I see random I start envisioning actual randomness built in
L287[05:06:15] <ThePsionic> I have a very uninteresting life, if you were wondering
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L297[06:11:41] <AEnterprise> euh i setup a decompworkspace for mc 1.8 and i'm making an TileEnity but the MC class no longer has the 'update()' method?
L298[06:12:15] <AEnterprise> can't seem to find a replacement eighter, am i missing something?
L299[06:13:02] <tterrag> AEnterprise: IUpdatePlayerListBox
L300[06:13:41] <AEnterprise> that's an odd name for it
L301[06:14:08] <AEnterprise> not sure why it's moved to an interface eighter, but i'll go with it i guess
L302[06:17:49] <tterrag> odd name is an understatement
L303[06:17:56] <AEnterprise> ^^
L304[06:17:59] <tterrag> many complained when it was initially set to that name, and it was never changed
L305[06:18:24] <tterrag> I said something just today so it could be changed before 1.8.8, got a "meh it's fine" response
L306[06:18:34] <tterrag> so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L307[06:18:35] <AEnterprise> it doesn't even have anything to do with players, lists, or boxes, IUpdatable would be much better
L308[06:18:59] <tterrag> I said the same thing
L309[06:19:06] <tterrag> interfaces should not be named after their usage
L310[06:19:10] <tterrag> they are meant to be as general as possible
L311[06:20:06] <AEnterprise> not just that, the current name is confusing, i thought it might be an interface but i would have never guessed it would be that one
L312[06:20:42] <tterrag> preaching to the choir bud
L313[06:21:19] <AEnterprise> anyways, let's see about this json stuff to apply textures to the block
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L315[06:37:22] <AEnterprise> euh probably a stupid question but my block is seethrough so no textures yet the break particles are from the texture, any idea of what i'm doing wrong?
L316[06:37:47] <tterrag> post json
L317[06:38:05] <AEnterprise> the blockstate or the model one?
L318[06:38:07] <tterrag> also probably check the log for missing model errors
L319[06:38:49] <AEnterprise> already did, the one missing is for the inventory, the normal one is there
L320[06:40:09] <AEnterprise> model json: https://gist.github.com/AEnterprise/29ba4bf00fd8f1c3ce0e
L321[06:42:17] <fry> IUpdatePlayerListBox is changed to ITickable in 1.8.8
L322[06:42:58] <AEnterprise> ah, that's alot better fry :)
L323[06:43:04] <fry> are you extending BlockContainer?
L324[06:43:09] <AEnterprise> yes
L325[06:43:28] <fry> it's a bit useless now, and it disables rendering too
L326[06:43:48] <fry> either don't extend it, or override getRenderType and return 3
L327[06:44:20] <AEnterprise> not sure why blockcontainer is doing that then but i'll override, thanks
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L330[06:45:26] <tterrag> fry: according to bspkr.s it wasn't
L331[06:45:30] <tterrag> but I guess I believe you :P
L332[06:45:43] <tterrag> AEnterprise: seirously stop extending BlockContainer
L333[06:45:47] <tterrag> it's a nuisance and should die
L334[06:46:17] <AEnterprise> alright, i'm new to 1.8, in 1.7 it works fine, didn't know it was such a trouble in 1.8
L335[06:46:31] <fry> well, I am looking at it right now, it's ITickable at least in mappings that forge uses to update :P
L336[06:46:52] <tterrag> it's just as pointless in 1.7
L337[06:47:25] <fry> it wasn't pointless in the olden days, but now you only have to do Block.hasTileEntity, or what was it called :P
L338[06:47:45] <AEnterprise> it does the adding and removing of the TE for you so it is usefull in that way
L339[06:48:37] <AEnterprise> it's Block.isBlockContainer btw
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L341[06:50:36] <AEnterprise> there we go now i have a texture, thanks guys
L342[06:53:45] <AEnterprise> next thing: the log no longer complains about inventory state not bein found or any missing textures, yet the block in my hand/inventory has no textures
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L344[06:55:26] <AEnterprise> is that part of the same forge bug as the block being huge or am i derping something else up again? (sorry for all the questions)
L345[06:58:50] <fry> it's not a bug
L346[06:59:26] <fry> do you register the inventory resource location with the ModelLoader?
L347[06:59:51] <AEnterprise> inventory resource location?
L348[06:59:55] * AEnterprise feels like a noob
L349[07:00:29] <fry> ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(item_of_your_block, metadata, new ModelResourceLocation(registryName, "inventory"))
L350[07:00:36] <fry> do that in preInit
L351[07:01:27] <AEnterprise> thanks alot, didn't find that, guess i have quite some things to learn for 1.8 modding
L352[07:02:17] <fry> also, try this for the blockstate json: https://gist.github.com/RainWarrior/36e5aaa071ce90d16848
L353[07:02:37] <fry> that way you only need 1 json instead of 3
L354[07:03:05] <AEnterprise> thanks :D
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L356[07:03:08] <fry> and block shouldn't be huge in your hand after that too :P
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L358[07:08:51] <AEnterprise> fry: [14:07:34] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to load block model: 'minecraft:block/block/cube_all' for variant: 'chunkloaderz:blockChunkLoader#normal': java.io.FileNotFoundException: minecraft:models/block/block/cube_all.json
L359[07:09:14] <fry> ah, so you don't need "block/" there
L360[07:09:31] <AEnterprise> yep
L361[07:09:32] * fry edits the gist back
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L364[07:11:15] <AEnterprise> still not what i expected
L365[07:11:35] <AEnterprise> result: http://imgur.com/qWXqPuS
L366[07:11:41] <AEnterprise> gisting json
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L368[07:11:59] <fry> remove all other json relating to this block
L369[07:12:12] <fry> (in models/block and models/item)
L370[07:12:21] <AEnterprise> i have no other json files
L371[07:12:45] <AEnterprise> this is the only json in the entire assets: https://gist.github.com/AEnterprise/8cfcc3bd607ad8c6a393
L372[07:13:26] <fry> show the ModelLoader registration lone
L373[07:13:28] <fry> *line
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L375[07:13:42] <AEnterprise> ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(new ItemStack(this).getItem(), 0, new ModelResourceLocation("blockChunkLoader", "inventory"));
L376[07:13:58] <AEnterprise> it's in the block constructor
L377[07:14:27] <gigaherz> morning people
L378[07:14:41] <AEnterprise> good morning gigaherz
L379[07:14:44] <gigaherz> AEnterprise: if that isn't working, it's because your modelresourcelocation is missing data
L380[07:15:10] <AEnterprise> sadly i only started 1.8 modding today so i have no idea what data would be missing
L381[07:15:15] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/client/ClientProxy.java#L91
L382[07:15:18] <gigaherz> check how I do it
L383[07:15:23] <fry> you need a full name, with the modid, not just "blockChunkLoader"
L384[07:15:23] <gigaherz> feel free to copy the functions ;P
L385[07:15:54] <AEnterprise> oh i see
L386[07:16:04] <AEnterprise> the modid needs to be there as well, thangs gigaherz
L387[07:16:32] <gigaherz> well
L388[07:16:37] <gigaherz> not just the modid
L389[07:16:44] <gigaherz> but also preferably in lowercase
L390[07:17:01] <AEnterprise> i only use lowercase for my modids in my mods, prevents alot of trouble
L391[07:17:13] <AEnterprise> now it works :D
L392[07:17:15] <gigaherz> I jst keep the modid lowercase to save time ;P
L393[07:18:14] <AEnterprise> achievement get: first simple block :P
L394[07:18:14] <AEnterprise> http://imgur.com/7UI0RtF
L395[07:18:42] <AEnterprise> thanks guys
L396[07:19:34] <gigaherz> btw if you do look at my code, don't copy the objloader stuff, Forge now has its own version of it, and it's a lot fancier ;P
L397[07:19:47] <AEnterprise> not sure if i'll need a model yet but thanks
L398[07:20:13] <AEnterprise> as you seem to know quite some on 1.8 modding mind if i poke in your code from time to time as examle to learn from?
L399[07:20:29] <gigaherz> well I'm not sure that I'm a good example, but sure
L400[07:20:30] <gigaherz> ;P
L401[07:21:08] <AEnterprise> i just need a mod that works i can look things up in, like block textures, adding a model, how those blockstates exactly work and are used
L402[07:21:15] <tterrag> AEnterprise: you can't do new ItemStack(this) in a constructor
L403[07:21:21] <tterrag> it needs to be registered first
L404[07:21:26] <AEnterprise> you can
L405[07:21:37] <AEnterprise> i just do it AFTHER the registration call to the gameregistry
L406[07:21:51] <fry> AEnterprise: you can always look at forge examples: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/tree/master/src/test
L407[07:22:23] <tterrag> you shouldnt' be registering in constructors either -.-
L408[07:22:34] <tterrag> leaking constructing instances...everywhere...
L409[07:22:40] <tterrag> anyways, I need to get to bed
L410[07:22:47] <AEnterprise> i will, i usualy use a combination of forge examples and full mods to find the stuff i need
L411[07:22:52] *** tterrag is now known as tterrag|ZZZzzz
L412[07:22:55] <AEnterprise> tterrag what's wrong with it?
L413[07:23:02] <gigaherz> oh and if that's a block
L414[07:23:04] <gigaherz> the proper way is
L415[07:23:05] <gigaherz> Item.getItemFromBlock(block)
L416[07:23:11] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> you leak an incompletely constructed object
L417[07:23:32] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> what if I extend your class? and want to change registration behavior?
L418[07:23:38] <AEnterprise> normaly the registerblock is the last call in the contructor
L419[07:23:43] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> or if you try to access a field that has not yet been defined?
L420[07:23:46] <gigaherz> also the model stuff is client-only
L421[07:23:51] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> but subclasses call super() first
L422[07:23:58] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> so they will be missing their construction at register time
L423[07:24:26] <gigaherz> you aren't supposed to call that if you are in a dedicated server, hence why people register models in the client proxy
L424[07:24:33] <AEnterprise> so far it has caused no problems for me, i see alot of people do it like this
L425[07:24:34] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> also that
L426[07:24:37] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> it's not common code
L427[07:24:53] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> AEnterprise: passing 'this' to ANYTHING inside a constructor is considered bad form at least in java
L428[07:25:00] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> there's plenty of resources about that
L429[07:25:06] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> but seriously...bed now
L430[07:25:07] <AEnterprise> ah good to know, i'll move that to the proxy then
L431[07:25:13] <gigaherz> in java it's just bad form, in C++ it's a straight out compiler warning
L432[07:25:14] <gigaherz> ;p
L433[07:25:24] * AEnterprise is no professional java coder
L434[07:26:07] <AEnterprise> but if it's bad then i'll move it around
L435[07:26:18] <gigaherz> me neither
L436[07:26:54] <AEnterprise> i guess most modders aren't actually
L437[07:27:08] <gigaherz> yeah
L438[07:27:16] <AEnterprise> some might think they are professional cause they write a minecraft mod
L439[07:27:18] <gigaherz> and there's a lot of people who overengineer their code ;P
L440[07:27:23] <gigaherz> professional or not
L441[07:27:40] <gigaherz> I have seen people do really fancy things to "hide" stuff from sight
L442[07:28:13] <gigaherz> trying to make their code modular so that they can add and remove individual block/item classes without having to change anything
L443[07:28:21] <AEnterprise> or not thinking things through
L444[07:28:22] <gigaherz> and here I think "but are you EVER going to want to remove those things?"
L445[07:28:59] <gigaherz> so in my case I just register the stuff where it fits ;P
L446[07:29:05] <AEnterprise> i've seen people use the Object class to store things with alot of casts
L447[07:29:18] <AEnterprise> <T> makes that alot easier
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L450[07:36:56] <Cypher121> AEnterprise: most likely Object comes from minecraft decompiled code, which often returns stuff like List without generics
L451[07:37:23] <fry> that changes in 1.8.8 :P
L452[07:37:38] <AEnterprise> true, but modders doing custom recipes for example
L453[07:37:56] <AEnterprise> most don't use generics, alot/most even use Object for the output
L454[07:38:04] <Cypher121> copy-paste-modify
L455[07:38:27] <AEnterprise> bad habbit :P
L456[07:38:41] <Cypher121> it will change to such form in bytecode anyway, so no reason to bother with that if you're copying 99% of the code
L457[07:38:46] <AEnterprise> just cause it works doesn't mean you should do it like that if there's an better/easier way
L458[07:39:01] <Cypher121> there's cleaner way
L459[07:39:15] <Cypher121> for runtime that doesn't matter at all.
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L461[07:40:28] <Cypher121> and if you think copypasting is bad, try extending ShapedOreRecipe with OOP tools only
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L464[07:47:07] <bspkrs> go home, PyCharm, you're drunk. http://i.imgur.com/MoGkVsd.png
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L466[07:48:43] <Cypher121> if you switch 1st and 2nd digits, it's almost correctly sorted
L467[07:49:06] <bspkrs> it's a natural sort, but clearly it's skipping the first token
L468[07:49:27] <bspkrs> er, not natural
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L470[07:52:00] <gigaherz> lolwhat
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L487[09:19:55] <MCPBot_Reborn> MCPBot_Reborn is now in read-only mode. Commands that change database data are currently disabled.
L488[09:20:03] <sham1> okay
L489[09:20:21] <MCPBot_Reborn> === Mappings Commit ===
L490[09:20:24] <MCPBot_Reborn> Total: 588 method changes committed, 452 field changes committed, 2490 method parameter changes committed
L491[09:20:28] <MCPBot_Reborn> [STABLE CSV] Pushing stable_17 mappings to Forge Maven.
L492[09:20:31] <MCPBot_Reborn> [STABLE CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_stable-17-1.8.zip (mappings = "stable_17" in build.gradle).
L493[09:20:42] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
L494[09:20:45] <MCPBot_Reborn> MCPBot_Reborn is no longer in read-only mode. All commands are now available again.
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L528[10:34:04] <Curle> Ohai
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L531[10:36:30] <Curle> Okay, on the subject of fluids in 1.7.10; How?
L532[10:37:08] <Curle> I tried extending BlockFluidClassic (Or whatever that is), and changing some methods, but it doesn't work. At all.
L533[10:37:20] <Curle> Doesn't add, no bucket, can't setblock, etc.
L534[10:38:47] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L535[10:38:48] <TehNut|Sleep> BlockFluidClassic is just the block. You need to handle the bucket yourself
L536[10:38:52] *** TehNut|Sleep is now known as TehNut
L537[10:39:25] <Curle> Oh, right. My wording isn't as good as I'd like then, the bucket does nothing.
L538[10:39:49] <TehNut> It extends ItemBucket, right?
L539[10:40:01] <Curle> Yep
L540[10:40:43] <TehNut> Code?
L541[10:41:42] <Curle> One sec, pastebin's acting up
L542[10:42:51] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L543[10:45:33] <Curle> Looks like pastebin's not working for me, and ShareX, and Gyazo
L544[10:45:41] <Curle> Does anything work here? :P
L545[10:48:58] ⇦ Quits: Kaiyouko (~IdiotNono@c-75-71-231-133.hsd1.co.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L546[10:49:43] <Curle> Any alternatives?
L547[10:51:01] <alex_6611> puush?
L548[10:53:01] <Curle> Sec
L549[11:04:00] <Curle> Nope, neither are working at all.
L550[11:04:03] <Curle> Damn.
L551[11:04:11] *** Ash|Work is now known as Ashlee
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L556[11:07:41] <sham1> You need to puush at me
L557[11:08:49] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L559[11:11:13] <unascribed> Curle: gist? http://gist.github.com
L560[11:11:46] <Curle> Don't puush me
L561[11:11:47] <Curle> :P
L562[11:13:06] <Curle> https://gist.github.com/anonymous/d0c3403c678909a1b727
L563[11:13:08] <Curle> Finally
L564[11:13:23] <Curle> That's the code that I seem neccessary, and I ahve no idea why it no work
L565[11:13:25] <Curle> It's for 1.7.10
L566[11:13:41] <Curle> have* it is not working*
L567[11:16:32] *** CrystalMare is now known as Crystal|AFK
L568[11:17:30] <gigaherz> Curle: do you register the handler with MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS?
L569[11:17:40] <unascribed> wrong annotation
L570[11:17:43] <unascribed> @SubscribeEvent
L571[11:17:44] <unascribed> not @Subscribe
L572[11:17:50] <gigaherz> oh that too
L573[11:18:08] <Curle> Well, I'm a dumb. But that's on the pickup fluid. The filled bucket does nothing on right click.
L574[11:21:45] ⇦ Quits: Davnit (~Davnit@71-47-89-196.res.bhn.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L581[11:30:36] <Jezza> Was IASMHook ever used?
L582[11:31:18] <Curle> By me?
L583[11:31:19] <Jezza> It's been around since before I was around...
L584[11:31:29] <Curle> Oh, sorry :P
L585[11:31:32] <Curle> No idea
L586[11:31:49] <Curle> I think not, but I've been trying to learn 1.8 for a while so my mind is blank
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L588[11:35:55] <Zaggy1024> IExtendedEntityProperties is never automatically synced between the server and client, right?
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L591[11:42:38] <Soni> how can I port Forge to 1.8.8?
L592[11:43:17] <Curle> Either wait for the official version, or use MCP and update the hooks and methods yourself
L593[11:43:21] <Curle> On the 1.8.8 jar
L594[11:44:03] <Soni> hmm what's this branch? https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/tree/noci-1.8.8
L595[11:44:43] <unascribed> it's an update of forge to 1.8.8, as it says :P
L596[11:44:56] <fry> duh :P
L597[11:45:14] <progwml6> its not something useful as it doesn't compile :P
L598[11:45:29] <Curle> It's there for testing, I presume.
L599[11:46:48] <fry> it's there so that multiple people could help with the forge update
L600[11:47:01] <gigaherz> "noci" as in "disable CI stuff"?
L601[11:47:08] <fry> yup
L602[11:47:09] <gigaherz> or does it mean something else?
L603[11:47:17] <fry> nope, just that :P
L604[11:47:25] <Soni> yay I can finally help forge update
L605[11:47:53] <Soni> ... or try to, I guess
L606[11:48:16] <Curle> Good luck
L607[11:48:19] *** K-4U|Off is now known as K-4U
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L609[11:48:26] <Curle> That stuff's more complicated than C#
L610[11:48:59] <Soni> it's still better than the .NET GC tho
L611[11:49:02] <gigaherz> C#ins't complicated, C# is nice! ;P
L612[11:49:14] <Curle> To you!
L613[11:49:16] <Curle> XP
L614[11:49:36] ⇦ Quits: GildedGames (~GildedGam@ec2-54-196-206-177.compute-1.amazonaws.com) (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
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L616[11:50:00] <gigaherz> every language has its own set of tricks to learn
L617[11:50:01] <gigaherz> ;P
L618[11:50:11] <gigaherz> Java also has some fancy features
L619[11:50:15] <Curle> My favourite one for Java:
L620[11:50:17] <Curle> Don't.
L621[11:50:17] <Curle> :P
L622[11:50:18] <gigaherz> buit if you skip all of those fancy features
L623[11:50:36] <gigaherz> writing basic code in C, Java, and C# is practically the same
L624[11:50:43] <gigaherz> -i
L625[11:51:04] <Curle> If I recall, C# has the public static int name; stuff
L626[11:51:21] <Curle> But C has like "int name* = 0;"
L627[11:51:28] <Curle> Or is that C++?
L628[11:51:38] <Curle> Damnit, I'm losing track of the C now! :P
L629[11:52:06] <Curle> I think I need to go jump into (the) C
L630[11:52:07] <Curle> :P
L631[11:52:10] <Soni> it's "int *name" ("int pointer name"), "int name pointer" doesn't make sense
L632[11:52:45] <Soni> (also doesn't compile :P)
L633[11:53:01] <Curle> at least I had the things there, albeit not the right order, thanks for the info. I'll definitely use this within 3 years. /s
L634[11:53:51] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L635[11:54:12] <Curle> Hmm, does anyone know where I can get a vanilla texture pack (For modifying (placeholders/buckets)?
L636[11:54:51] *** AEnterpriseAFK is now known as AEnterprise
L637[11:54:51] <Curle> Anything's better than the standard pink/black stuff
L638[11:55:01] <unascribed> ~/.minecraft/versions/1.8/1.8.jar
L639[11:55:04] <unascribed> assets directory
L640[11:55:13] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L641[11:55:19] <Curle> Time to go JAR hunting! :P
L642[11:55:32] <unascribed> on Windows, %APPDATA%\.minecraft\versions\1.8\1.8.jar
L643[11:55:48] <Curle> Wait, shit. I think the only Minecraft I have here is on Eclipse.
L644[11:55:52] <Curle> Damnit!
L645[11:56:07] <unascribed> I have a pre-extracted assets folder, I could zip it and send it
L646[11:56:30] <Curle> No good, I need the 1.7.10 assets
L647[11:56:42] <unascribed> 1.8 assets are identical, but okay
L648[11:56:43] <Curle> 1.8 I think has a completely different system for texturising
L649[11:56:53] <Curle> Or, the Jsons have taken over
L650[11:57:11] <unascribed> textures are identical
L651[11:57:25] <unascribed> https://unascribed.com/f/6f55d76a_1.7.10-assets.zip
L652[11:58:06] <unascribed> pre-extracted assets folder from a vanilla 1.7.10 jar
L653[11:58:11] <Curle> Thank you! :D
L654[11:58:14] <unascribed> well, I guess not pre-extracted
L655[11:58:17] <unascribed> but put in a zip instead of a jar
L656[11:58:28] <Curle> That was incredibly quick!
L657[11:58:47] <unascribed> it was like, 3 bash commands :P
L658[11:59:08] <Curle> :P
L659[11:59:15] <Curle> Sweet site
L660[12:00:33] <unascribed> this is one of the many reasons I use Linux, if you know how to use the shell it's super fast to do things like this
L661[12:00:33] <unascribed> thanks
L662[12:00:33] <Curle> Dat HTML is over 9000
L663[12:00:33] <unascribed> video's a bit fast
L664[12:00:34] <Curle> I think I see trees
L665[12:00:34] <Curle> Amirite?
L666[12:00:34] <unascribed> yeah, it's an extremely blurred video of me messing with my mod
L667[12:00:34] <Curle> It's a short looping video of Minecraft?
L668[12:00:34] <Curle> Detective = me!
L669[12:00:42] <Curle> It looks like a mini-portal thing
L670[12:00:44] <Curle> Nice
L671[12:00:58] <unascribed> https://unascribed.com/v/85ba38cf.mp4 unblurred video + sound
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L673[12:01:26] <Curle> https://gyazo.com/b85ab2034e93d968592c93ea5412f43d
L674[12:01:29] <Curle> Hmm
L675[12:02:46] <unascribed> weird
L676[12:03:15] <Curle> I can see the home page fine
L677[12:03:50] <unascribed> I'm only two versions of Firefox ahead of you and it works fine
L678[12:03:53] <Curle> http://i.imgur.com/WAA0ecE.png
L679[12:04:01] <Curle> Two versions of firefox ahead?
L680[12:04:06] ⇦ Quits: M3gaFr3ak (M3gaFr3ak@I.Dunno.PanicBNC.com) (Quit: PanicBNC - https://PanicBNC.net)
L681[12:04:07] <Curle> How did you work that one out?
L682[12:04:08] <Curle> :P
L683[12:04:10] *** flappy is now known as flappyy
L684[12:04:12] <unascribed> yeah, you're on 41 i'm on 43a1
L685[12:04:13] <unascribed> user agent
L686[12:04:31] <Curle> http://i.imgur.com/WAA0ecE.png
L687[12:04:33] <unascribed> either way, kind of spamming up the channel at this point
L688[12:04:38] <unascribed> should probably move this to PM
L689[12:04:42] <Curle> Yea, I see that :P
L690[12:05:01] <Wuppy> o/
L691[12:05:06] <unascribed> \o
L692[12:05:12] <Curle> WUPPEY
L693[12:05:27] <Curle> -hug-
L694[12:05:55] <Wuppy> hai :D
L695[12:06:00] <Curle> :D
L696[12:06:17] <Wuppy> how're you?
L697[12:06:22] ⇦ Quits: flappyy (~flappy@a88-113-155-120.elisa-laajakaista.fi) (Quit: Leaving)
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L700[12:07:11] <Curle> gud
L701[12:07:24] <Curle> I did nothing to my mod since I last saw you, apparently
L702[12:07:40] <Wuppy> I don't do modding anymore either :c
L703[12:07:57] <Curle> Well then
L704[12:08:11] <Curle> Coming from the modding sensu, that's strange. :P
L705[12:08:37] <Wuppy> no time for modding, just game development
L706[12:08:37] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@d8D872E30.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L707[12:08:41] <Wuppy> and also exessive drinking :P
L708[12:08:49] <Curle> And dancing on the bar
L709[12:08:51] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L710[12:08:53] <Curle> :D
L711[12:09:19] <Wuppy> yeah I also do that regularly... like yesterday :P
L712[12:09:51] <Wuppy> although yesterday I also won 11 free beers (for the 3 of us) and free tickets to a cool festival next week, great stuff :D
L713[12:10:32] <Curle> Which festival would that be?
L714[12:11:43] <Wuppy> Welcome to the 90s
L715[12:12:01] <Wuppy> and I also won tickets to a festival tomorrow called Outrageous
L716[12:12:48] <Curle> Ooh
L717[12:12:53] <Curle> Sounds really fancy.
L718[12:13:05] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L719[12:13:13] <gabizou|laptop> Wuppy do you have to dress up in the most 90's outfit you can imagine?
L720[12:14:17] <Wuppy> gabizou|laptop, you dont have to
L721[12:14:18] <Wuppy> so I wont
L722[12:17:32] ⇨ Joins: M3gaFr3ak (M3gaFr3ak@I.Dunno.PanicBNC.com)
L723[12:21:59] <Curle> That's no fun, Wup!
L724[12:22:27] <Curle> When you go to a festival, make the festival want to come to you!
L725[12:22:44] <Wuppy> I do my best :P
L726[12:22:46] ⇨ Joins: McJty (~jorrit@d8d872e30.access.telenet.be)
L727[12:22:51] <Wuppy> already had 3 parties this week and will have to more :P
L728[12:23:15] <McJty> Don't know if anyone answered my question above?
L729[12:23:24] <McJty> I seemed to have been logged off for a while
L730[12:23:52] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L731[12:24:30] <Curle> What was the question?
L732[12:24:36] <Curle> the IASM hook?
L733[12:24:36] <McJty> <McJty> A hypothetical question. Is it possible to split a mod (case in point: rftools) in two different mods without compatibility issues? i.e. is there a way to move existing blocks to another mod somehow?
L734[12:24:36] <McJty> <McJty> If not I can still do it by making the 'modules' not mods and just jar files
L735[12:24:36] <McJty> <McJty> Just checking my options here and if it is feasible to do it
L736[12:24:43] <Curle> Oh, one sec
L737[12:25:02] <Curle> Yes.
L738[12:25:16] <Curle> if (othermod), register items.
L739[12:25:19] <Curle> else null
L740[12:25:52] <McJty> hmm, so all items (also from the 'module mods') get registered under the main mod 'modid'
L741[12:26:01] <McJty> But then they don't really have to be mods. Just a jar would suffice
L742[12:26:04] <Curle> Yep.
L743[12:26:21] <Curle> Reika used an empty .jar and tested for it in one of his mods somewhere
L744[12:26:29] <Curle> I have both on my SP world
L745[12:27:43] <McJty> Ok thanks
L746[12:28:10] <Wuppy> apperantly I worked for a rather well known/big camping in the nethelrands this week :o
L747[12:28:17] <SkySom> Pretty sure Botania does the same for Garden of Glass or whatever it is.
L748[12:28:29] <SkySom> check for an empty jar.
L749[12:28:39] <Curle> Basically, it's an empty mod (you NEED to register it for it to work, I think.) and if it exists and is loaded, you register stuff.
L750[12:28:50] <Curle> Yep, GOG is the same
L751[12:29:01] <Wuppy> jesus... this city is a bit crazy
L752[12:29:05] <Curle> An empty mod. (You can tell because it's in the Mod list)
L753[12:29:12] <Curle> This city?
L754[12:29:16] <Wuppy> yesterday there was a fire at our local shell
L755[12:29:30] <Wuppy> as well as someone who got killed with an explosive in his car (gang war)
L756[12:29:35] <Curle> Shell?
L757[12:29:38] <McJty> Why is an empty jar needed? I don't understand that
L758[12:29:53] <Curle> So you can test if it exists
L759[12:29:54] <McJty> Why can I simply not test for the existance of a specific class that occurs in the module mod?
L760[12:29:54] <Wuppy> today a dead body was found near the city center & explosives were found in some houses here
L761[12:29:59] <McJty> But why an empty jar?
L762[12:30:03] <McJty> It will not exist in an empty jar
L763[12:30:05] <Wuppy> Curle, shell http://www.shell.com/
L764[12:30:49] <Curle> McJty, that's what you will be doing. In essence, look for the MODID of the module, and you're good as gold.
L765[12:31:02] <Curle> Only need one class then
L766[12:31:10] <Curle> @Mod is all you need
L767[12:31:34] <Curle> One line, even. (Apart from Package and the class thing)
L768[12:31:49] <Curle> Oh, the fuel company.
L769[12:31:52] <Curle> gg, me
L770[12:32:58] <Curle> McJty, look at this: https://github.com/Vazkii/Botania/blob/master/src/main/java/vazkii/botania/common/Botania.java
L771[12:33:07] <Curle> It has stuff related to isGardenOfGlassLoaded
L772[12:33:23] <Curle> that's an empty jar, it's looking for it existing and then enabling some stuff
L773[12:33:30] <Curle> Thanks for the example, Sky.
L774[12:34:24] <Curle> It also has a load of checks for other mods, and I am spamming so I'll shut up until I'm needed. :P
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L776[12:34:59] MineBot sets mode: +v on Vaht
L777[12:35:08] <McJty> I still don't see why an 'empty' jar is needed
L778[12:35:16] <McJty> Either the jar is there with the module
L779[12:35:17] <McJty> Or it is not
L780[12:35:21] <McJty> Why should it ever be empty?
L781[12:36:57] ⇨ Joins: OrionOnline (~OrionOnli@dslb-088-077-223-230.088.077.pools.vodafone-ip.de)
L782[12:37:39] <Curle> Not empty, loading an empty mod
L783[12:37:47] <Curle> scan for the mod in the game
L784[12:37:50] <Curle> If there, do stuff
L785[12:37:53] <Curle> If not, ignore.
L786[12:38:14] <McJty> Why does it have to be a mod actually?
L787[12:38:26] <Curle> Or you can make them separate mods, and just do the things on their own
L788[12:38:43] <McJty> I was thinking of using just a simple jar file.
L789[12:38:49] <McJty> No mod stuff or anything
L790[12:39:24] <Curle> Yea, but I don't think you could scan for a class, or if you can, it'd have to be VERY precise, as there will probably be more than one mod loaded with the same named class somewhere
L791[12:39:38] ⇦ Quits: Tahg (~Tahg@pool-96-237-111-105.bstnma.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L792[12:39:40] <Curle> Make it something like a5B762Gsa91L
L793[12:40:02] <McJty> Well I think RFToolsModuleBla should be pretty unique too :-)
L794[12:40:13] <Curle> Or scan for a line in a class, which is what I told you to do
L795[12:40:13] <Curle> :P
L796[12:40:15] <McJty> Anyway I'll think about it some more
L797[12:40:31] <Curle> If you find better wording, you know where to find us
L798[12:40:33] <McJty> I also have to see how easy it is to setup my build env for this
L799[12:40:34] <Curle> :P
L800[12:40:54] <McJty> Would be nice if I could have a simple environment and just have 'gradlew build' produce the main mod jar and the module jars
L801[12:41:01] <McJty> But no idea how to do that
L802[12:42:52] ⇦ Quits: necrogami (~necrogami@ (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
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L804[14:03:23] ⇨ Joins: Mimiru (Mimiru@eos.pc-logix.com)
L805[14:03:29] *** Server sets mode: +CQcnrtf #RegisterYourNameMoron
L806[14:05:13] *** AEnterprise is now known as AEnterpriseAFK
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L809[14:12:54] <Curle> Texturing spree complete!
L810[14:12:56] <Curle> :D
L811[14:15:56] ⇦ Quits: Nitrodev (~Nitrodev@dcx8fryjvl98nrq51mlbt-3.rev.dnainternet.fi) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L812[14:15:58] <Curle> My portal works, too! I didn't use any reference, just pure guessing (And Eclipse)
L813[14:17:34] <Curle> Oh, ahm
L814[14:17:54] <Zaggy1024> ugh
L815[14:18:06] <Curle> something up, Zag?
L816[14:18:29] <Zaggy1024> I'm trying to use ServerConfigurationManager.recreateEntity to clear everything about a player when they enter my dimension
L817[14:18:40] <Curle> Hmm
L818[14:18:42] <Zaggy1024> but when after that I try to put them into the portal they went through it doesn't work
L819[14:18:52] <Zaggy1024> it just places the player at spawn location
L820[14:19:08] <Zaggy1024> I used respawnedPlayer.setLocationAndAngles and then respawnedPlayer.playerNetServerHandler.setPlayerLocation
L821[14:19:31] <Curle> Hmm
L822[14:19:41] <Curle> Try using another method to clear the player
L823[14:20:01] <Zaggy1024> wait a sec, am I moron?
L824[14:20:34] <Zaggy1024> looks like I might've been a moron
L825[14:20:38] <Curle> Inventory is already cleared
L826[14:20:40] <Zaggy1024> hopefully that's true, because then it woudl work now
L827[14:20:49] <Curle> What have you done now?
L828[14:21:02] <Zaggy1024> I don't just want to clear inventory, I want to clear EVERYTHING
L829[14:21:12] <Curle> inv is already cleared, I just said that
L830[14:21:15] <Zaggy1024> including experience, anything in mod inventories
L831[14:21:19] <Curle> Try using playerCapabilities
L832[14:21:25] <Zaggy1024> er what?
L833[14:21:33] <Curle> Wait, ignore that
L834[14:21:38] *** cpw is now known as cpw|out
L835[14:21:41] <Curle> My mind disappeared for a second :P
L836[14:22:04] <Zaggy1024> whoa, this is very odd
L837[14:22:17] <Zaggy1024> it transferred the world, but it's not rendering
L838[14:22:19] <Curle> "this"?
L839[14:22:24] <Zaggy1024> only bounding boxes
L840[14:22:30] <Curle> Oh?
L841[14:22:40] <Curle> Is it a vanilla block?
L842[14:22:46] <Curle> Try that
L843[14:22:54] <Curle> Stone, and if that works, it's the block
L844[14:22:58] <Zaggy1024> I mean nothing is rendering
L845[14:23:00] <Zaggy1024> not even TEs
L846[14:23:15] *** cpw|out is now known as cpw
L847[14:23:37] <Curle> oh?
L848[14:23:43] <Curle> Never seen this before
L849[14:24:42] <Curle> Minecraft is currently 0.33 fps
L850[14:25:04] ⇨ Joins: killjoy (~killjoy@2606:a000:1118:c04e:e901:bd62:7341:76f6)
L851[14:25:36] <Curle> Why is this happening!?
L852[14:25:51] <Curle> It was just at 30
L853[14:25:53] ⇦ Quits: tambre (~tambre@f51a-4659-b910-3ce5-4301-8a22-07d0-2001.dyn.estpak.ee) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L854[14:27:23] ⇨ Joins: parcel31u (uid64311@id-64311.highgate.irccloud.com)
L855[14:28:34] <Zaggy1024> what's in the world?
L856[14:29:42] <Zaggy1024> ah...I suppose recreatePlayerEntity doesn't work to well with changing dimensions
L857[14:29:43] <Zaggy1024> stupid thing
L858[14:32:06] ⇨ Joins: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872D48.access.telenet.be)
L859[14:32:40] <Zaggy1024> uh...whoops
L860[14:32:49] <Zaggy1024> it got stuck transferring me back and forth >.>
L861[14:33:10] <Curle> It's a blank superflat world on Redstone Ready with nothing on it
L862[14:33:13] <Curle> Just generated
L863[14:33:26] <Curle> Zag, that's what happened with my item
L864[14:33:30] <Curle> Can't stop it
L865[14:33:46] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@d8d872d48.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L866[14:34:13] <Zaggy1024> well I think the reason for me is that somehow setting timeUntilPortal on the respawned player isn't working...
L867[14:34:21] <Zaggy1024> it seems like it's just ignoring the respawn
L868[14:34:37] <Curle> Well, I'll be damned. timeUntilPortal?
L869[14:34:41] <Curle> That may be my problem
L870[14:36:29] <Zaggy1024> with an item?
L871[14:36:49] <Zaggy1024> I assume you're using item right click?
L872[14:37:13] <Curle> ye
L873[14:37:19] <Curle> OnItemUse
L874[14:37:24] <Zaggy1024> also, timeUntilPortal doesn't work unless you make your teleportation code not teleport if it's > 0 or whatever
L875[14:37:24] <Curle> to be exact
L876[14:37:39] <Curle> the Teleporter(thing) class?
L877[14:37:42] <Curle> Ye, it does
L878[14:37:42] <Zaggy1024> I would think item use wouldn't be called after being transported
L879[14:37:50] *** cpw is now known as cpw|out
L880[14:37:53] <Curle> It's the vanilla nether teleporter code
L881[14:37:55] <Zaggy1024> Teleporter can't stop a teleportation AFAIK
L882[14:38:07] <Curle> Changed for my dimension
L883[14:38:11] <Curle> (DimID)
L884[14:38:34] <Zaggy1024> Teleporter only sets up the portals on either end of the transportation, it doesn't stop the player teleporting
L885[14:38:47] <Zaggy1024> by the time it's called the player is already in the dimension, I think
L886[14:39:01] <Curle> Oh, I see.
L887[14:39:17] <Curle> On teleporting, it sets up a portal where you land so the portal block teleports you back
L888[14:39:18] <Curle> Damnit
L889[14:39:26] <Zaggy1024> YESSS
L890[14:39:28] <Zaggy1024> it worked!!
L891[14:39:36] <Curle> Christ, that scared me.
L892[14:39:40] ⇦ Quits: kimfy (~kimfy___@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L893[14:39:52] *** cpw|out is now known as cpw
L894[14:39:54] <Zaggy1024> it didn't set the player's network handler thing on the server when I called recreate
L895[14:40:00] <Zaggy1024> so I had to set it manually, but now it works
L896[14:40:19] <Curle> gg
L897[14:40:53] <Zaggy1024> er it didn't set the player's network handler thing's player to the new player
L898[14:40:54] <Zaggy1024> lol
L899[14:41:07] <Zaggy1024> so it thought it was working with the old player instance still
L900[14:41:11] <Curle> How do I get a EntityPlayerMP from onItemUse?
L901[14:41:12] <Curle> :P
L902[14:41:23] <Curle> Oh, that makes sense
L903[14:41:25] <Zaggy1024> !world.isRemote and cast?
L904[14:41:31] <Zaggy1024> or you could just instanceof it
L905[14:41:42] <Curle> I mean, EntityPlayerMP playermp = ?
L906[14:41:47] <Zaggy1024> I suppose fake players could bust something though
L907[14:41:49] <Curle> I'm stuck on that :P
L908[14:41:54] <Zaggy1024> (EntityPlayerMP) player?
L909[14:41:57] <Curle> What do I put to initialize it?
L910[14:42:03] <Curle> Hm
L911[14:42:05] <Zaggy1024> that's a cast
L912[14:42:06] <killjoy> Does anyone know of a account that doesn't have a skin?
L913[14:42:17] <Curle> Yes, loads.
L914[14:42:18] <Zaggy1024> a random bunch of characters?
L915[14:42:20] <Zaggy1024> :P
L916[14:42:34] <Zaggy1024> "leiajeltjqiojweltjowiqjeljialngea" probably doesn't have a skin ;)
L917[14:42:35] <Curle> direwolf20 is the most popular
L918[14:42:35] <killjoy> ie one without a SKIN portion of the profile properties
L919[14:42:38] <gigaherz> killjoy: "Player"? ;P
L920[14:42:51] <Curle> Wendy343 is my sister's
L921[14:42:51] <gigaherz> oh
L922[14:42:54] <gigaherz> no idea what you mean then
L923[14:42:54] <gigaherz> XD
L924[14:43:06] ⇨ Joins: An_Angry_Brit (~AnAngryBr@
L925[14:43:07] <Curle> Wait, without a skin altogether?
L926[14:43:10] <killjoy> Yes
L927[14:43:12] <Curle> Not Steve or Alex?
L928[14:43:16] <killjoy> No.
L929[14:43:21] <killjoy> one without one uploaded
L930[14:43:28] <gigaherz> I thought anyone without an explicit skin used Player.png
L931[14:43:30] <killjoy> such as a brand new account
L932[14:43:32] <Curle> So Steve or Alex then
L933[14:43:38] <Curle> player.png
L934[14:43:41] <Curle> Too late
L935[14:43:52] <gigaherz> or whatever the filenames are these days ;P
L936[14:44:02] <Curle> time for Jar hunting!
L937[14:44:20] <unascribed> or you could just use the assets I sent you >.>
L938[14:44:23] <Curle> steve.png
L939[14:44:26] <Curle> I used that
L940[14:44:27] <Curle> :P
L941[14:44:40] <Curle> assets.minecraft.textures.entity
L942[14:44:54] ⇨ Joins: Hassan (~Hassan@pool-173-79-220-242.washdc.fios.verizon.net)
L943[14:45:55] <unascribed> huh
L944[14:46:00] <unascribed> apparently direwolf20 *does* have a skin
L945[14:46:08] <Curle> Wait, what?
L946[14:46:10] <unascribed> I should stop using his account to test my skin retriever >.>
L947[14:46:15] <Curle> Oh yea, he changed one pixel
L948[14:46:16] <unascribed> https://sessionserver.mojang.com/session/minecraft/profile/bbb87dbe690f4205bdc572ffb8ebc29d
L949[14:46:19] <unascribed> if you decode the base64
L950[14:46:21] <unascribed> there's a skin field
L951[14:46:37] <unascribed> wonderful >.>
L952[14:46:41] <Curle> He did say at one point
L953[14:46:41] ⇦ Quits: HassanS6000 (~Hassan@pool-173-79-220-242.washdc.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
L954[14:46:45] <Curle> Try someone like Steve
L955[14:46:46] <unascribed> so my skin loader probably explodes on skinless accounts
L956[14:47:05] <unascribed> https://api.mojang.com/profiles/minecraft/Steve
L957[14:47:08] <unascribed> steve is a psuedo-account
L958[14:47:11] <unascribed> no uuid
L959[14:47:13] <Curle> Wendy343's my sister's account, no skin (Doesn't know how to get one)
L960[14:47:14] <unascribed> can't get textures
L961[14:47:35] <Curle> Or is it Wendy1400
L962[14:47:41] <Curle> Can't remember, one of the two
L963[14:47:50] <unascribed> it is neither
L964[14:48:05] <Curle> Huh?
L965[14:48:14] <unascribed> Wendy343 and Wendy1400 both do not resolve
L966[14:48:20] <Curle> That's strange
L967[14:48:59] <Curle> If I had money, I'd buy you a skin testing account, alas, no credit card or any of that shit :P
L968[14:49:32] <Curle> Let me go skin hunting
L969[14:49:34] <Curle> :P
L970[14:49:46] <unascribed> we're not looking for the default skin
L971[14:50:06] <unascribed> we're looking for an account with no skin because Mojang's API returns a special value (or rather, the lack of a value) if the account doesn't have one
L972[14:51:01] <Curle> ye, that.
L973[14:51:27] <Curle> Apparently, if the player joins a game that connects to the authentication servers (starts a game), it is given a skin.
L974[14:51:38] <Curle> You want someone that has bought an account but hasn't played yet
L975[14:51:47] <Curle> There are about 30, I think
L976[14:52:39] <Curle> Ah, cripe
L977[14:52:43] <Curle> Spam again, back to PM :P
L978[14:53:48] <unascribed> well, killjoy originally asked
L979[14:53:55] <unascribed> so
L980[14:54:20] ⇨ Joins: jk-5 (jk-5@znc.jk-5.nl)
L981[14:54:27] <sham1> Ohh, the loading screen for IDEA 15 is fancy
L982[14:54:29] <killjoy> I figure I don't need it anymore.
L983[14:54:41] <killjoy> I just wanted it so I can test things.
L984[14:54:57] <killjoy> pretty much impersonate them when I start and see if the skin loads properly
L985[14:55:02] <diesieben07> the new loading screens are always fancy sham :D
L986[14:55:04] <killjoy> but I don't think it's required.
L987[14:55:34] <Curle> diesie, did you just come on at the right time or did that ping you somehow?
L988[14:55:35] <Curle> :P
L989[14:55:44] <sham1> Also, my license for IDEA 14 is no longer working
L990[14:55:45] <sham1> Well shit
L991[14:55:50] <unascribed> IDEA confirmed pingword for diesieben
L992[14:55:51] <sham1> Now I have to use the community version
L993[14:55:55] <diesieben07> the seven does not "come on"
L994[14:55:56] <diesieben07> the seven is always there
L995[14:56:10] <Curle> The seven?
L996[14:56:14] <Curle> Oh, 07
L997[14:56:17] <Curle> I'll be damned
L998[14:56:24] <diesieben07> /me
L999[14:56:45] * Curle crushes diesie's head with a vice
L1000[14:56:55] <Curle> Christ, that took a dark turn really quickly
L1001[14:56:56] <Curle> :P
L1002[14:56:57] <diesieben07> ow
L1003[14:57:04] ⇦ Quits: Szernex (~Szernex@91-113-39-43.adsl.highway.telekom.at) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1004[14:57:10] * diesieben07 only pretends to be hurt
L1005[14:57:20] <Curle> DIESIE IS GOD CONFIRMED
L1006[14:57:21] * diesieben07 is a bot and thus does not posses a head
L1007[14:57:21] <Curle> :D
L1008[14:57:31] <unascribed> did you try some sort of command on your client you didn't know what it did?
L1009[14:57:47] ⇦ Quits: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8D872D48.access.telenet.be) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1010[14:57:48] <Curle> u wot
L1011[14:57:55] <sham1> Also, why the hell is IDEA's JSON plugin still a Ultimate thing
L1012[14:57:56] <unascribed> [15:56] * Curle crushes diesie's head with a vice
L1013[14:58:01] <unascribed> you seemed surprised when that happened :P
L1014[14:58:08] <killjoy> *severed head falls to floor*
L1015[14:58:11] <sham1> That you can only use on the community version if you compile it yourself
L1016[14:58:12] * killjoy is only pretending to be dead
L1017[14:58:25] <Curle> No, that was just me.
L1018[14:58:29] ⇦ Quits: Upth (~ogmar@108-85-88-195.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1019[14:58:36] <Curle> If you can't tell, I'm still toasty at diesie :P
L1020[14:58:44] ⇨ Joins: noiro (~noiro@2601:cd:301:a660:6de4:48c6:71b:8991)
L1021[14:58:58] * diesieben07 googles what toasty means
L1022[14:59:06] * diesieben07 hopes he doesn't get roasted
L1023[14:59:20] ⇦ Quits: turmfalke (~turmfalke@p54A6905E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1024[14:59:24] * Curle prepares the feast table
L1025[14:59:41] <noiro> Quick question: when a player goes to a new dimension and there were mobs in the original one, won't they despawn?
L1026[14:59:48] <Curle> unloaded.
L1027[15:00:02] <unascribed> the chunks won't unload for a few ticks
L1028[15:00:02] <Curle> They're kept in memory until it's loaded again
L1029[15:00:05] <unascribed> so the answer is basically yes
L1030[15:00:11] <diesieben07> if there are no other players nearby and the chunks stay loaded for reason X... yes.
L1031[15:00:36] <Curle> If there's a chunk loading machine or a ticking block, yes, though
L1032[15:00:46] <noiro> I wonder if there's a way to cheat that somehow to prevent mobs from despawning
L1033[15:00:52] <Curle> Fake player
L1034[15:00:52] <sham1> Anyway, I feel sleepy
L1035[15:00:56] <Curle> Until it unloads
L1036[15:01:06] <sham1> And I do not understand how it is 11 in the evening already
L1037[15:01:07] <Zaggy1024> time to test player saving D:
L1038[15:01:07] *** Vigaro is now known as Vigaro|AFK
L1039[15:01:14] *** sham1 is now known as sham1|ZZzZ
L1040[15:01:18] <diesieben07> fake player is something else ;)
L1041[15:01:30] <diesieben07> noiro, LivingSpawnEvent.AllowDespawn
L1042[15:01:36] <Curle> FYI, Diesie, toasty is a word I use to mean "mildly aggravated"
L1043[15:01:42] <Curle> It works for other things
L1044[15:01:46] <Zaggy1024> what's that about fake players?
L1045[15:01:47] <Curle> Like cats :3
L1046[15:01:47] <diesieben07> oh
L1047[15:01:49] <noiro> Basically I'm trying to create a temporary 3x3 chunk 'dimension' a player can go in and out of, but I don't want entities that go away when they go into the dimension and return
L1048[15:01:50] <diesieben07> what did I do? :(
L1049[15:01:59] <Curle> Do you remember last time we met?
L1050[15:02:01] <diesieben07> Zaggy1024, fake players dont keep chunks loaded
L1051[15:02:02] <unascribed> noiro, then why not just flag all mobs in the dimension as persistent?
L1052[15:02:07] <Curle> I sure do :P
L1053[15:02:10] <Zaggy1024> er okay?
L1054[15:02:15] <diesieben07> i do not curle
L1055[15:02:18] <Zaggy1024> I'm not sure why your'e saying that
L1056[15:02:24] <noiro> there won't be mobs in that dimension. It'll be mobs in whatever dimension they're coming from I want to persist temporarily until they return
L1057[15:02:30] <unascribed> ah
L1058[15:02:33] <diesieben07> uhhh
L1059[15:02:44] <diesieben07> curle said they would
L1060[15:02:46] <diesieben07> and i said no, thenyou asked why
L1061[15:03:09] <Zaggy1024> hm, is there something going on with Forge now where I get an NPE on the thePlayer or or the view entity?
L1062[15:03:13] <unascribed> you could flag all entities within an AABB around the player as persistent, and set a flag on an IExtendedEntityProperties and then unflag them when the player returns?
L1063[15:03:16] <Zaggy1024> I don't see how our mod could do that :|
L1064[15:03:21] <noiro> I guess forceloading the 3x3 chunks in the dimension they came from and placing a fakeplayer until they return would work
L1065[15:03:31] <diesieben07> Zaggy1024, in packet code?
L1066[15:03:33] <noiro> or flagging xD
L1067[15:03:46] <unascribed> I'd say the flagging is a better solution since it lets the chunks unload
L1068[15:03:56] <Zaggy1024> well, the one I'm getting right now is with syncCurrentPlayItem
L1069[15:03:58] <diesieben07> noiro, that is not what fkae players are. Again, LivingSpawnEvent.AllowDespawn
L1070[15:04:05] <unascribed> ^ or that
L1071[15:04:07] <Curle> Basically, I had a problem with an item that teleported me to a dimension then immediately teleported me back, you asked for the code, and you had a row at me for having badly named things in Wuppy (sorry) 's code that he took from vanilla
L1072[15:04:08] <diesieben07> that does not answer my question
L1073[15:04:20] <unascribed> Curle: try it again in survival
L1074[15:04:26] <Curle> Still toasty
L1075[15:04:29] ⇨ Joins: kimfy (~kimfy___@
L1076[15:04:31] <diesieben07> Curle, i still stand the same. if you have th code in your mod, it is YOUR code and you are responsible for it.
L1077[15:04:39] <Curle> unascribed, it only works in survival :P
L1078[15:04:43] <unascribed> oh, okay
L1079[15:05:02] <unascribed> I ask because if the vanilla Teleporter was spawning a portal and you were in creative you would port back instantly
L1080[15:05:07] <Curle> I know, diesie, we've been through this 3 times already
L1081[15:05:15] <diesieben07> indeed we have
L1082[15:05:22] <Curle> Me and sham1 (sorry) figured that out last time
L1083[15:05:34] <Zaggy1024> wtf
L1084[15:05:37] <unascribed> if you want to avoid pinging someone, just put a dot in their name..
L1085[15:05:41] <Zaggy1024> I just keep on getting NPEs on the client player
L1086[15:05:50] <Curle> I need to add a timer, but for that, I need to add an EntityPlayerMP to the onItemUse method
L1087[15:05:55] <diesieben07> Zaggy1024, again, are you inside an IMessageHandler?
L1088[15:05:56] <Curle> No idea how
L1089[15:06:00] <unascribed> wait, what?
L1090[15:06:03] <unascribed> what are you trying to do?
L1091[15:06:07] <Zaggy1024> it's not my code that's causing it
L1092[15:06:11] <Curle> Add a timeUntilPortal thing
L1093[15:06:13] <Zaggy1024> AFAIK
L1094[15:06:22] <Zaggy1024> it doesn't involve any code I've written
L1095[15:06:22] <diesieben07> the code that is NPEing
L1096[15:06:23] <unascribed> as a warmup or a cooldown, or..?
L1097[15:06:24] *** MorphFK is now known as Morphan1
L1098[15:06:26] <Curle> It needs an EntityPlayerMP field
L1099[15:06:26] <diesieben07> is that inside IMessageHandler
L1100[15:06:30] <Zaggy1024> no
L1101[15:06:37] ⇨ Joins: bartman (bartman@hastecase.com)
L1102[15:06:38] <diesieben07> onitemUse HAS a player Curle
L1103[15:06:39] <Curle> And onItemUse doesn't have one
L1104[15:06:42] <unascribed> !gm Item.onItemUse 1.7.10
L1105[15:06:45] <diesieben07> then idk zaggy
L1106[15:06:51] <Zaggy1024> first two times this time round was syncCurrentPlayItem or whatever
L1107[15:06:57] <Curle> an EntityPlayer =/ EntityPlayerMP
L1108[15:06:58] <Zaggy1024> then it crashed while trying to render fog
L1109[15:07:04] <unascribed> so do an instanceof check, Curle
L1110[15:07:10] <diesieben07> Curle, on the server, yes. everyy player is EntityPlayerMP
L1111[15:07:16] <unascribed> if (player instanceof EntityPlayerMP) doTheThing((EntityPlayerMP)player);
L1112[15:07:30] <Curle> ta, unascribed.
L1113[15:07:31] <unascribed> has the side-effect of only running on the server-side
L1114[15:07:34] <unascribed> but you probably want that.
L1115[15:07:47] <Zaggy1024> for teleportation that's the only way
L1116[15:08:42] <unascribed> how the hell did i do this
L1117[15:08:47] <unascribed> I was wondering why my packet wasn't working
L1118[15:08:57] <unascribed> I put my serialization code into fromBytes and my deserialization into toBytes...
L1119[15:08:59] <Zaggy1024> is anyone else on 1532+?
L1120[15:09:12] <Curle> Thing is, I get an error because I'm using the EntityPlayer in a method that needs EntityPlayerMP
L1121[15:09:26] <diesieben07> thats why you cast -.-
L1122[15:09:29] <unascribed> Curle: the (EntityPlayerMP) part means "turn this EntityPlayer into an EntityPlayerMP"
L1123[15:09:30] <diesieben07> java 101
L1124[15:09:33] <Curle> Oh, forgot that
L1125[15:09:34] <Curle> :P
L1126[15:09:38] <unascribed> if it's not actually an EntityPlayerMP
L1127[15:09:40] <unascribed> you get an error
L1128[15:09:44] <diesieben07> not really that, but... yea
L1129[15:09:55] <diesieben07> it doesnt convert anything
L1130[15:10:01] <unascribed> diesieben07: I know, but it's an easy way to explain it
L1131[15:10:04] <Curle> I just saw the "(EntityPlayerMP) player" thing, sorry :P
L1132[15:10:04] ⇨ Joins: turmfalke (~turmfalke@p54A695A5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L1133[15:10:14] <diesieben07> yeah it is an easy, but very misleading way :P
L1134[15:10:28] <unascribed> I could go on a giant tangent about type hierarchy and bytecode and type erasure
L1135[15:10:33] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L1136[15:10:33] <unascribed> but that would be unneccessary
L1137[15:10:40] <SirWill> hey, is there any way to monitor where and what is generating in the world?
L1138[15:10:51] <Curle> The lag from that would be unfathomable
L1139[15:10:51] <unascribed> MinecraftForge.TERRAIN_GEN_BUS iirc
L1140[15:10:56] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L1141[15:10:57] <unascribed> Curle, no it wouldn't
L1142[15:11:02] <Curle> You sure?
L1143[15:11:07] <unascribed> yes, the events are firing anyway
L1144[15:11:28] <unascribed> assuming by "monitor" he means "run some custom code" and not "spam it to console"
L1145[15:11:29] <Curle> Writing to a method (no idea) alongside the generation events would slow things down quite a bit I'd imagine
L1146[15:11:36] ⇨ Joins: Samario (~Samario@cpc5-bigg3-2-0-cust219.9-2.cable.virginm.net)
L1147[15:11:41] <unascribed> the generation code is methods..
L1148[15:11:52] <Curle> You know what I mean! :P
L1149[15:12:13] <unascribed> if your code is slow and calculates the first 10,000,000,000 digits of pi while it runs then sure it'd be slow
L1150[15:12:28] <SirWill> unascribed was the MinecraftForge.TERRAIN_GEN_BUS adressed to me?
L1151[15:12:33] <unascribed> SirWill, yes
L1152[15:12:35] ⇨ Joins: Kaiyouka (~IdiotNono@c-75-71-231-133.hsd1.co.comcast.net)
L1153[15:12:39] <diesieben07> please do. :D
L1154[15:12:40] <diesieben07> that would be fun
L1155[15:12:51] <SirWill> ah
L1156[15:13:38] <Curle> What, calculate the first 10 billion digits of pi?
L1157[15:13:55] <Curle> What on earth!?
L1158[15:14:01] <unascribed> yes, and obviously it'd be for accurate sine calculation
L1159[15:14:04] <Zaggy1024> this crash does seem to be some problem with concurrency though, it crashes very intermittently
L1160[15:14:14] <Curle> I just loaded my dev environment, and it doesn't have Forge loaded!
L1161[15:14:32] <Curle> Something fishy's afoot
L1162[15:14:41] <Curle> Is someone standing in the C?
L1163[15:14:47] <unascribed> >.>
L1164[15:14:50] <Curle> :D
L1165[15:14:56] <diesieben07> Zaggy1024, put in a breakpoint on any exception (intellij can do that for sure, eclipse as well i would imagine). when it throws, chekc the thread you are on and if its not the client main thread, check WHY that is.
L1166[15:15:25] <Zaggy1024> doesn't rendering fog *have* to be on the main thread though?
L1167[15:15:39] <diesieben07> yes it HAS to
L1168[15:15:47] <diesieben07> but still, a breakpoint is always helpful
L1169[15:15:48] <unascribed> problems with concurrency *are* intermittent :P
L1170[15:15:50] ⇦ Quits: alex_6611 (~alex_6611@p5DE78CB4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1171[15:16:00] <diesieben07> you can look around and try to figure out what is ACTUALLY happening
L1172[15:17:18] <Curle> Aha, fluids!
L1173[15:20:02] <Zaggy1024> unascribed, that's what I said :P
L1174[15:20:10] <unascribed> oh, *does* seem
L1175[15:20:14] <heldplayer> Why would GuiEditArrayEntries check the validation pattern for Strings, but not the valid values? ;_;
L1176[15:20:14] <unascribed> I thought you said doesn't for some reason
L1177[15:20:29] <unascribed> apparently my ping sounds are broken
L1178[15:20:33] *** unascribed is now known as unascribed|away
L1179[15:21:13] *** Hassan is now known as HassanS6000
L1180[15:21:34] <HassanS6000> Does anybody know if ArmorRenderers are still a thing?
L1181[15:21:35] <Curle> Anyone know a good place for placeholder textures?
L1182[15:22:04] <HassanS6000> Example, I want to know if I could use the OBJ loader or B3D loader to load a model as my helmet, rather than a skin.
L1183[15:22:18] ⇦ Parts: unascribed|away (~aesen@everybody.do.the.net.split.unascribed.com) ())
L1184[15:22:26] ⇨ Joins: unascribed (~aesen@everybody.do.the.net.split.unascribed.com)
L1185[15:22:37] <Curle> Everybody do the (net)split?
L1186[15:22:41] <Curle> Noice
L1187[15:22:43] <unascribed> apparently the nick "unascribed|away" is too long so it banned me -.-
L1188[15:22:56] <gigaherz> happens
L1189[15:23:15] <Curle> Try TheCatalystGamer|Gone
L1190[15:23:21] <unascribed> still probably the dumbest banmask I've ever seen, but oh well
L1191[15:23:30] <Deamon> that'll teach you to use an away nick ;)
L1192[15:23:31] <Curle> Wait, BANNED you?
L1193[15:23:36] <gigaherz> not exactly
L1194[15:23:38] <gigaherz> it blocks messaging
L1195[15:23:42] <unascribed> Deamon, I don't have awaynicks enabled, I used it as an indicator
L1196[15:23:42] <Curle> Wait, where did you come from?
L1197[15:23:43] <gigaherz> but IRC doens't have any code for that
L1198[15:23:51] <unascribed> gigaherz, no, it's a real +b. I couldn't change my nick until I left the channel
L1199[15:24:00] <gigaherz> only for you ;P
L1200[15:24:07] <Curle> Daemon, where did you come from? :P
L1201[15:24:11] <gigaherz> it's a pretend-ban
L1202[15:24:24] <gigaherz> it only happens for people with long nicknames
L1203[15:24:30] <unascribed> still, gotta love how the ban for a long nick prevents me from changing my nick to a shorter one
L1204[15:24:34] <Deamon> I've been idling here for the better part of a year <.<
L1205[15:24:36] <gigaherz> that has a purpose
L1206[15:24:45] <gigaherz> the same feature that blocks long nicknames
L1207[15:24:49] <gigaherz> also blocks changing the nickname
L1208[15:24:58] <gigaherz> often when you ban someone without kicking
L1209[15:25:02] <gigaherz> the person will feel insulted
L1210[15:25:06] <gigaherz> and do like /nick Ihateyou
L1211[15:25:06] <Soni> it's funny that it doesn't block changing /to/ a banned nick
L1212[15:25:14] <gigaherz> ./nick I'llkillyourfamily
L1213[15:25:16] <gigaherz> and shit like that
L1214[15:25:21] <unascribed> yes, I know why it's a feature of +b
L1215[15:25:29] <gigaherz> so to avoid that, +b blocks /nick
L1216[15:25:32] <unascribed> yes... i get that.
L1217[15:25:42] <unascribed> that doesn't change the fact that this particular channel has a banmask for long nicks
L1218[15:25:43] <gigaherz> so because the long-nick feature "misuses" the ban error code
L1219[15:25:53] <unascribed> anyway
L1220[15:25:58] <gigaherz> it's not a banmask, there's no mode that says "long nicknames"
L1221[15:26:03] <gigaherz> it's a feature of esper.net
L1222[15:26:12] <unascribed> then why was I not banned from the 10 other channels I'm in?
L1223[15:26:24] <gigaherz> because only this one has the chanmode for that
L1224[15:26:25] <Soni> it's ??????????* or something
L1225[15:26:27] <Curle> 10 channels?
L1226[15:26:44] <Curle> bit active, aren't you?
L1227[15:26:45] <Curle> :P
L1228[15:26:50] <Soni> * #minecraftforge: ???????????????*!*@* on Wed Oct 14 22:52:56 2015 by aperture.esper.net
L1229[15:26:53] <Curle> Whenever I do modding, I'm on here for chatting
L1230[15:26:55] <Soni> and it's actually a +q
L1231[15:27:00] <gigaherz> Soni: I don't see that in the list
L1232[15:27:04] <unascribed> the only major channel I'm in is #minecraftforge
L1233[15:27:07] <unascribed> all the other ones are small
L1234[15:27:08] <Soni> gigaherz, it's a quiet, not a ban
L1235[15:27:10] <unascribed> may as well be in 2 channels
L1236[15:27:12] <gigaherz> ah
L1237[15:27:24] <gigaherz> mirc only lists +bs
L1238[15:27:27] ⇨ Joins: Pennyw95 (~Dr.Benway@
L1239[15:27:31] <Soni> gigaherz, /mode #channel q
L1240[15:28:20] <Pennyw95> Hi...if one happens to run out of space on dynamic properties (the getActualState ones), is there a way to store them in tile entity although they're, well, dynamic?
L1241[15:28:25] <Soni> alternatively, /quote MODE #channel q, or /raw MODE #channel q (whatever command your client supports)
L1242[15:28:42] <gigaherz> nah that worked
L1243[15:28:50] <gigaherz> there's just no GUI for it
L1244[15:29:03] <gigaherz> Pennyw95: properties are meant for rendering
L1245[15:29:05] <unascribed> GUI? IRC?
L1246[15:29:16] <gigaherz> each combination of properties results in one distinct model
L1247[15:29:32] <Pennyw95> yes...since my multiblock is big I ran our of memory
L1248[15:29:44] <Pennyw95> I wanted to avoid using a tesr but shit happens
L1249[15:29:57] <gigaherz> if you have so many changing parts, you may want to use a TESR instead
L1250[15:30:04] <gigaherz> with a reduced list of properties
L1251[15:30:11] <gigaherz> using that many properties is inefficient
L1252[15:30:16] <gigaherz> since mc has to enumerate ALL of them
L1253[15:30:24] <gigaherz> and create a table with property->model
L1254[15:30:42] <Pennyw95> yeah I saw that in the console...crazy stuff
L1255[15:31:05] <Pennyw95> I guess a little tesr won't harm no one if I only use for some little walls
L1256[15:31:47] <Pennyw95> I assume the tessellator still exists in 1.8?
L1257[15:31:48] <Curle> The ReloadTextures shortcut is a godsend for modding :D
L1258[15:33:14] <gigaherz> yeah the TESR system is mostly untouched
L1259[15:33:37] ⇨ Joins: KittenTheEpic (~KittenThe@
L1260[15:33:41] <gigaherz> it still draws the enchting book and such using TESR
L1261[15:33:53] <KittenTheEpic> Yesterday, when testing my mod, SWave, I got a wall of errors... let me replicate those again
L1262[15:34:20] <gigaherz> copy the log into pastebin/gist
L1263[15:34:33] <KittenTheEpic> k
L1264[15:34:35] <Curle> Kitten, you're being suave.
L1265[15:34:45] <KittenTheEpic> let me open up intellj and run the client/server again and, well, wall of error again!
L1266[15:34:52] ⇨ Joins: ThePsionic (~ThePsioni@82-136-247-89.ip.telfort.nl)
L1267[15:35:34] ⇦ Quits: Loetkolben (~Loetkolbe@ipb2197f03.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) (Quit: Over and Out!)
L1268[15:35:34] <Zaggy1024> there it goes crashing again
L1269[15:35:39] <Zaggy1024> so stupid
L1270[15:36:41] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L1271[15:36:43] <Curle> Is there any way to stop mobs spawning in a world altogether?
L1272[15:37:00] <Curle> The mobs in my flatgrass world are lagging me somehow :/
L1273[15:38:20] <Curle> Dear god, unascribed, your fix worked!
L1274[15:38:23] <Curle> for my tp item
L1275[15:38:33] <unascribed> ...what's my fix, again?
L1276[15:38:36] <unascribed> I had to drop my buffers
L1277[15:38:41] <unascribed> having like 5 conversations right now
L1278[15:38:45] <Curle> The only problem is, it makes a default portal shape not my custom one :P
L1279[15:38:56] <Curle> Adding the timeUntilPortal
L1280[15:40:15] <Curle> Now, just a matter of destroying the portal if the ring is destroyed
L1281[15:40:25] ⇨ Joins: Seppon (~Noppes@82-168-99-26.ip.telfort.nl)
L1282[15:40:39] <unascribed> timeUntilPortal wasn't my suggestion
L1283[15:40:47] <Curle> I believe it was
L1284[15:40:56] <unascribed> I just mentioned the vanilla portal was probably spawning
L1285[15:41:00] <Curle> Who's was it then? :/
L1286[15:41:12] <unascribed> someone else (I don't know who, since I dropped my buffers) suggested it
L1288[15:41:34] <Curle> \psa over
L1289[15:41:48] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L1290[15:42:01] <unascribed> looks like it was Zaggy
L1291[15:42:03] <unascribed> according to Korobi
L1292[15:42:17] <Curle> Who and who?
L1293[15:42:18] <Curle> xD
L1294[15:42:21] <unascribed> Korobi is a channel logging bot
L1295[15:42:33] <unascribed> Zaggy is Zaggy
L1296[15:42:37] <Curle> Right
L1297[15:42:44] <Curle> kthx zag :D
L1298[15:42:59] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L1299[15:44:06] <Curle> http://i.imgur.com/TyijNTQ.png
L1300[15:44:27] <Curle> Left is one I made, right is the one generated here. How do I change the generated one? :3
L1301[15:44:41] <unascribed> what?
L1302[15:44:44] <unascribed> the screenshot is of HExChat
L1303[15:44:50] <unascribed> HexChat*
L1304[15:44:52] <Curle> With the game in front of it
L1305[15:45:00] <unascribed> no, it's just hexchat..
L1306[15:45:03] <Curle> wat
L1307[15:45:20] <smbarbour> Can confirm. Just hexchat
L1308[15:45:34] <Curle> crap, something's up with my graphics card
L1309[15:45:42] <Curle> That explains the horrendous lag
L1310[15:45:47] <Curle> And the burning smell
L1311[15:45:51] <Curle> jk :3
L1312[15:46:01] <unascribed> k
L1313[15:46:02] <gigaherz> you may want to reboot ;P
L1314[15:46:03] ⇦ Parts: KittenTheEpic (~KittenThe@ (Bye.))
L1315[15:46:05] ⇦ Quits: Noppes (~Noppes@82-168-99-26.ip.telfort.nl) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1316[15:46:10] <smbarbour> "And that warm glow coming from under my desk"
L1317[15:46:13] <gigaherz> one thing Unity engine taught me
L1318[15:46:23] <gigaherz> "if something doesn't quite work, restart"
L1319[15:46:24] <gigaherz> ;P
L1320[15:46:34] <Curle> http://i.imgur.com/edBk9AE.png
L1321[15:46:36] <gigaherz> it's not always your fault.
L1322[15:46:40] <Curle> I just took 2 screenshots :3
L1323[15:46:55] <Curle> I sent the second accidentally
L1324[15:47:00] <gigaherz> lol+
L1325[15:47:02] <gigaherz> -+
L1326[15:47:07] <Curle> <Curle> Left is one I made, right is the one generated here. How do I change the generated one? :3
L1327[15:47:30] <unascribed> also, yes, there is a way to make mobs stop spawning
L1328[15:47:36] <unascribed> /gamerule doMobSpawning false
L1329[15:47:41] <Curle> You're on a roll today
L1330[15:47:47] <Curle> Oh, how did I miss this?
L1331[15:48:00] <Curle> That's going on my whiteboard XD
L1332[15:48:12] <unascribed> you can do /gamerule [tab] to see a list
L1333[15:48:13] <gigaherz> put that on your door
L1334[15:48:17] <unascribed> where [tab] is you hitting the tab key
L1335[15:48:18] <gigaherz> to avoid your boss from entering
L1336[15:48:19] <gigaherz> X
L1337[15:48:20] <gigaherz> XD
L1338[15:48:23] <Curle> The whiteboard is my door
L1339[15:48:40] <gigaherz> unascribed: lol at you feeling the need to explain that XD
L1340[15:48:41] <Curle> It's treated with a dry-wipe substance
L1341[15:48:46] <gigaherz> ah
L1342[15:48:53] <gigaherz> so whiteboardened door, nice
L1343[15:48:54] <unascribed> gigaherz, I've had people actually put the [tab] in
L1344[15:48:57] <gigaherz> XD
L1345[15:48:58] <gigaherz> yeah
L1346[15:49:01] <gigaherz> the old joke
L1347[15:49:14] <Curle> It's whiteboard one side, blackboard the other
L1348[15:49:15] <unascribed> and it wasn't a joke ;_;
L1349[15:49:18] <gigaherz> of a support person being asked "where is the 'any' key? I can't find it"
L1350[15:49:20] <Mimiru> "Wheres the 'any' key?"
L1351[15:49:25] <Curle> Ninja
L1352[15:49:26] <Curle> :d
L1353[15:49:35] ⇨ Joins: untamemadman (~untamemad@cpc87159-aztw31-2-0-cust77.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
L1354[15:49:38] <Curle> Anyway, the question
L1355[15:49:49] <Curle> How do I change the generated portal to my custom one?
L1356[15:49:52] <gigaherz> unascribed: that's the joke, that it happened.
L1357[15:49:53] <gigaherz> XD
L1358[15:49:55] <unascribed> ;_;
L1359[15:50:39] <unascribed> is it possible to make an item equippable even if it's not ItemArmor?
L1360[15:50:43] <Curle> Yes
L1361[15:50:47] <Curle> Commands
L1362[15:50:49] <Curle> :3
L1363[15:50:51] <unascribed> >.>
L1364[15:51:02] <Curle> I know, modding-wise
L1365[15:51:07] <Curle> no idea, ask diesie
L1366[15:51:13] <unascribed> I asked the entire channel
L1367[15:51:14] <Curle> He's gone
L1368[15:51:23] <Curle> I answered, gg.
L1369[15:51:26] <unascribed> <.<
L1370[15:52:29] <Curle> Would it be in the teleporter code?
L1371[15:52:33] *** AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L1372[15:52:38] <unascribed> probably
L1373[15:53:37] <Curle> Oh, crap.
L1374[15:53:48] <Curle> The badly named ints have come back to haunt me
L1375[15:53:55] <Curle> I need to redo these checks
L1376[15:54:12] <Curle> Can I not just use a setblock(world, x, y, z) for every block?
L1377[15:54:19] <Curle> That'd be like 70 lines less :P
L1378[15:54:24] <ThePsionic> Curle: I am extremely late but you can set the doMobSpawning gamerule to false
L1379[15:54:34] <ThePsionic> And then do /kill @e or something
L1380[15:54:44] <unascribed> do not try /kill @e in 1.7.10
L1381[15:54:44] <Curle> I've been told, it's on my door, thanks for helping.
L1382[15:54:46] <unascribed> it will just kill you
L1383[15:54:56] <ThePsionic> >1.7.10
L1384[15:54:57] <ThePsionic> pls
L1385[15:55:04] <Curle> That's what I'm on
L1386[15:55:11] <ThePsionic> pls
L1387[15:55:13] <Curle> It's SOO much easier than 1.8
L1388[15:55:20] <unascribed> it really isn't
L1389[15:55:21] <unascribed> but okay
L1390[15:55:23] <ThePsionic> have fun being stuck in the past
L1391[15:55:35] <Curle> For me, because I've been trying to learn it for about 3 years now
L1392[15:55:35] <unascribed> I should write that 1.8 clone mod at some point
L1393[15:55:37] <Curle> xD
L1394[15:56:12] <Curle> Just leaving 3 years behind, and going into a completely rewritten version is just dumb
L1395[15:56:16] ⇦ Quits: WinterGuardian (~Winter@modemcable155.7-22-96.mc.videotron.ca) (Quit: Leaving)
L1396[15:56:29] <Curle> I'm staying in 1.7 until I've mastered it, and then some.
L1397[15:56:31] <Curle> :3
L1398[15:56:35] <unascribed> it'd be an interesting challenge to reimplement a bunch of blocks and items from every mod either way
L1399[15:56:38] <Curle> At least, until the Jsons have left
L1400[15:56:44] <unascribed> Curle, the json is here to stay
L1401[15:56:47] <unascribed> and that's a good thing
L1402[15:56:48] <unascribed> and also
L1403[15:56:50] <Curle> For you
L1404[15:56:52] <unascribed> rewriting often is a good thing
L1405[15:56:57] *** Lex__ is now known as Lex|Desktop
L1406[15:57:04] <unascribed> don't get attached to code
L1407[15:57:06] <Curle> Like I said, it's throwing 3 years into the garbage can
L1408[15:57:09] <unascribed> because it hates you with a burning passion
L1409[15:57:11] <Curle> I'd stay :3
L1410[15:57:19] <Zaggy1024> wow, so many NPEs
L1411[15:57:19] <Curle> Next topic!
L1412[15:57:30] <Zaggy1024> I made my IDE catch all NPEs on the client
L1413[15:57:30] <Curle> NullPointerExceptions?
L1414[15:57:34] <unascribed> asking again, is it possible to make an item equippable even if it's not ItemArmor?
L1415[15:57:44] <Zaggy1024> crash just happened and it got like 5 npes involving the player instance
L1416[15:57:53] <Zaggy1024> first one *was* a packet, though, interestingly
L1417[15:58:14] <Zaggy1024> but that one didn't cause a crash because it was caught and turned into a warning
L1418[15:58:38] <Zaggy1024> I also had a breakpoint on the setting of Minecraft.thePlayer, and that got hit before the NPEs started
L1419[15:58:45] <Zaggy1024> so...no idea why it's happening
L1420[15:58:59] <unascribed> did it get set to null?
L1421[16:00:48] <ThePsionic> Any good tutorials on dimensions?
L1422[16:01:15] <Curle> I got my code from Wuppy, I believe.
L1423[16:01:26] <Curle> Check some gihub repos
L1424[16:01:35] *** Cypher121 is now known as Cypher|Away
L1425[16:03:00] ⇦ Quits: Pennyw95 (~Dr.Benway@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1426[16:03:49] <Curle> I've just compacted some vanilla code into like 7 lines (89 before)
L1427[16:03:59] <Curle> Needs some optimization on this stuff
L1428[16:04:28] <ThePsionic> i'm dying
L1429[16:06:08] <Curle> xD
L1430[16:06:16] <Curle> you need a chunkprovider
L1431[16:06:20] <Curle> A worldprovider
L1432[16:06:25] <Curle> A dimensionhandler
L1433[16:06:29] <Curle> initialize it
L1434[16:06:32] <Curle> register it
L1435[16:06:38] <Curle> GenLayer to make it load
L1436[16:06:59] ⇦ Quits: iari (~iari@evana.futhark24.org) (Quit: Verlassend)
L1437[16:07:20] <Curle> Woah, my code worked!
L1438[16:07:40] <ThePsionic> Damn, even TGG doesn't have an example yet
L1439[16:08:05] ⇦ Quits: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1440[16:08:30] <Curle> The ... ?
L1441[16:09:16] <Curle> Have to go, kbai
L1442[16:09:30] *** Curle is now known as Curle|off
L1443[16:10:03] <ThePsionic> Curle|off: TheGreyGhost
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L1445[16:12:23] <gigaherz> finally, got enough EMC to make mayself a flying ring :D
L1446[16:12:27] <gigaherz> myself*
L1447[16:12:28] <gigaherz> wtf
L1448[16:12:44] <ThePsionic> hrm
L1449[16:12:54] <ThePsionic> can't find anything on the subject of dimensions
L1450[16:12:57] <gigaherz> now I can get mself a decent bow and go to the End to kill the dragon :D
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L1459[16:39:36] <Soni> how do I configure a .json with a configuration GUI?
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L1472[17:13:55] <smbarbour> The GUI should be completely independent of the storage format
L1473[17:15:12] <Soni> ok so how do I make a list of categories?
L1474[17:15:24] ⇨ Joins: Moony224 (webchat@
L1475[17:15:31] <Soni> I don't remember Forge config GUIs having something like that...
L1476[17:16:57] <diesieben07> a forge config gui is bound to a Configuration file...
L1477[17:18:21] <Soni> :(
L1478[17:18:28] <Soni> so I have to write it all from scratch?
L1479[17:19:10] <diesieben07> no, just use a forge config
L1480[17:20:08] ⇦ Quits: Moony224 (webchat@ (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Moony22424!~Moony22@
L1481[17:20:27] <Soni> but mojang uses json
L1482[17:20:35] ⇨ Joins: Moony224 (~Moony22@
L1483[17:20:56] <Soni> and I'd still need categories because using a list of strings for it would be ew
L1484[17:21:11] <Moony224> hi, does anyone know of a mod which bans people when they die for a certain period of time (like hardcore) for 1.7? sorry if wrong place
L1485[17:21:59] <diesieben07> i have no idea how "but mojang uses json" is an argument...
L1486[17:22:07] <diesieben07> json is not a good format for configuration files.
L1487[17:22:17] <diesieben07> and forge configs HAVE categories
L1488[17:22:28] <Soni> uhh
L1489[17:22:41] <Soni> https://github.com/eNByeX/NoteBetter/wiki/Format
L1490[17:22:43] *** GeoDoX|Zzz is now known as GeoDoX
L1491[17:22:46] <Soni> can I do that with Forge configs?
L1492[17:23:19] <diesieben07> no
L1493[17:23:27] <Soni> then JSON is better for it
L1494[17:23:31] <diesieben07> and hence you cannot use Forge's config GUI for it either...
L1495[17:23:40] <diesieben07> forges config gui is not made for editing json
L1496[17:23:43] <Soni> (because there's no YAML parser in MC/Forge)
L1497[17:23:56] ⇨ Joins: Kaiyouka (~IdiotNono@c-75-71-231-133.hsd1.co.comcast.net)
L1498[17:24:14] <diesieben07> oh god yaml
L1499[17:24:32] <Soni> it's better than XML
L1500[17:24:42] <diesieben07> everything is better than xml
L1501[17:24:43] <fry> anything is better than XML
L1502[17:24:45] <fry> :P
L1503[17:24:53] <Soni> nope https://github.com/SoniEx2/MDXML
L1504[17:24:58] <JamEngulfer221> Hey, I like YAML
L1505[17:25:16] <JamEngulfer221> It reminds me of when I did Bukkit plugins
L1506[17:25:22] *** kirby|gone is now known as mrkirby153
L1507[17:26:42] <Soni> (it's supposed to make fun of XML and MD at the same time btw)
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L1512[18:01:10] <Moony224> what replaces connectionreceived from iconnectionhandler in 1.7?
L1513[18:01:20] ⇦ Quits: Cypher121 (~Thunderbi@ (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
L1514[18:02:05] <diesieben07> Moony224, check out the classes in FMLNetworkEvent
L1515[18:02:51] <Moony224> diesieben07: hm, so i implement fmlnetworkevent?
L1516[18:03:05] <diesieben07> No
L1517[18:03:09] <diesieben07> you subscribe to the event
L1518[18:04:51] <Moony224> hm, thanks I think i get it
L1519[18:05:40] <diesieben07> google "forge event tutorial" if you don't :D
L1520[18:06:30] <Lex|Desktop> http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,34955.0.html
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L1522[18:10:22] <Moony224> how can i get the username from the ServerConnectionFromClientEvent?
L1523[18:11:49] <diesieben07> ((NetHandlerPlayServer) event.handler).playerEntity
L1524[18:13:09] <Moony224> thanks!
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L1526[18:13:49] <Soni> how expensive are those obj models? O_o
L1527[18:14:16] <diesieben07> depends on the model. but with how i undersstand it, not any more expensive than any other model
L1528[18:14:20] <Lex|Desktop> Same price as normal ones with that many faces
L1529[18:14:21] <diesieben07> they are processed into the same format
L1530[18:14:35] ⇦ Quits: Moony224 (~Moony22@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1531[18:14:37] <Soni> so basically if you have a lot of them goodbye FPS?
L1532[18:14:46] <Lex|Desktop> nope
L1533[18:14:54] <Soni> oh?
L1534[18:14:55] <Lex|Desktop> as in theory this should be cached in the world chunk
L1535[18:15:04] <Lex|Desktop> so once the chunk is rendered it doesnt need to render again
L1536[18:15:04] <diesieben07> if you have a normal cube in it, it will be just as expensive as a normal MC block
L1537[18:15:29] <Soni> but I thought the LEGO blocks resource packs killed FPS? (and they're for 1.8+)
L1538[18:15:55] <gigaherz> well it's still drawn every single frame, cos that's how gpus work
L1539[18:15:56] <Lex|Desktop> obviously compared to rendering 6 faces
L1540[18:16:02] <gigaherz> but it doesn't need to compute the display lists / VBOs
L1541[18:16:05] <Lex|Desktop> rendering 600 will be more costly
L1542[18:16:25] <Lex|Desktop> but in modern age, people can support billions of verticies without issue
L1543[18:16:32] <Lex|Desktop> and if you DO have issues
L1544[18:16:45] <Lex|Desktop> then you can jsut change your resource pack
L1545[18:16:46] <gigaherz> Soni: it's a matter of Draw Calls vs Polygons (triangles/quads)
L1546[18:17:07] <gigaherz> if you have a million simple objects drawn one by one, it will be more costly than a single one with a million polygons
L1547[18:17:19] <gigaherz> so to avoid that Minecraft caches the world chunks in batches
L1548[18:17:21] <Soni> ok so if I make every block in the whole world use obj models it's gonna kill FPS?
L1549[18:17:25] <Lex|Desktop> Thats the entire point of 1.8's render changes
L1550[18:17:33] <gigaherz> again: depends on how MANY faces ithas
L1551[18:17:34] <Lex|Desktop> no it shouldnt
L1552[18:17:40] <fry> billions is a bit much for MC :P
L1553[18:17:45] <Lex|Desktop> its not as simple as 'obj kills fps'
L1554[18:18:01] <Soni> hmm how do the lego respacks kill FPS...
L1555[18:18:16] <Lex|Desktop> I'd need statistics on that not your hearsay
L1556[18:18:24] <fry> obj != complex model that kills fps
L1557[18:18:35] <Soni> I'm just saying what I was told
L1558[18:18:46] <gigaherz> Soni: look,
L1559[18:18:52] *** MineBot sets mode: +b *!*@
L1560[18:18:52] *** Soni was kicked by MineBot (Banned: And thats why I hate you, Hearsay is NOT a valid argument. (2h)))
L1561[18:19:02] <gigaherz> or not.
L1562[18:23:51] <GeoDoX> I don't know who that person was, but personally I think a ban wasn't justified. I think he was just trying to learn.
L1563[18:24:12] <fry> it's only a 2 hour ban :P
L1564[18:24:13] <GeoDoX> I understand it was 2h, but still.
L1565[18:24:17] *** Cypher|Away is now known as Cypher121
L1566[18:24:54] <diesieben07> the fact that you don't know who he is, means you cannot understand why it was justified ;)
L1567[18:25:21] <GeoDoX> Despite that though, you shouldn't punish someone for trying to learn.
L1568[18:25:48] <Ordinastie> yeah, I rarely agree with lex bans, but I can't really blame him for that one
L1569[18:26:12] <GeoDoX> Also, if there's justification only for the fact that I didn't know who they were (implying they did something in the past), why wasn't action taken for what they did in the past?
L1570[18:26:31] <diesieben07> he has been banned multiple times in the past
L1571[18:26:47] *** MineBot sets mode: +b *!*@
L1572[18:26:47] *** GeoDoX was kicked by MineBot (Banned: Not following the rules, bitching about bans that have nothing to do with you. (10)))
L1573[18:26:51] <Lex|Desktop> There we go ;)
L1574[18:26:57] <fry> hmm, 10? :P
L1575[18:27:00] <Ordinastie> 10?
L1576[18:27:00] <Lex|Desktop> 10 min
L1577[18:27:02] <Ordinastie> ah
L1578[18:27:04] <fry> heh
L1579[18:27:10] <Lex|Desktop> it doesnt support '10m' as a format
L1580[18:27:16] <fry> "just 10 of time"
L1581[18:27:32] <Ordinastie> time is relative anyway
L1582[18:27:48] ⇦ Quits: auenfx4 (David@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L1583[18:28:36] <Lex|Desktop> Anywho RB post made, time for fallout!
L1584[18:28:41] *** MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L1585[18:28:41] <Lex|Desktop> and sammich
L1586[18:28:49] ⇨ Joins: auenfx4 (David@
L1587[18:28:56] <fry> look at #pahicraft :P
L1588[18:29:21] <Ordinastie> invite only :(
L1589[18:29:59] <fry> not you, sorry, needed to catch Lex before fallout consumed him completely :P
L1590[18:36:47] *** MineBot sets mode: -b *!*@
L1591[18:37:40] ⇨ Joins: GeoDoX (~GeoDoX@
L1592[18:38:00] <GeoDoX> Well that wasn't nice, but anyway.
L1593[18:38:13] <GeoDoX> Back to modding.
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L1601[19:20:44] <Cypher121> is there a way to check if block can be broken without a player object?
L1602[19:21:53] <diesieben07> no, since only the player data can determien IF the block can be broken
L1603[19:22:11] <diesieben07> it could be that a mod block can only be broken if you have a certain XP level
L1604[19:22:17] <diesieben07> to check that you must have a player
L1605[19:23:54] <Cypher121> damn
L1606[19:24:27] <diesieben07> why?
L1607[19:25:39] <GeoDoX> Is there any reason why anything else other than the player would need to know if it could be broken? I think there's only information stored in player that prevents blocks from being broken.
L1608[19:26:21] <diesieben07> well, i can imagine like block breaker machines
L1609[19:26:27] <GeoDoX> I can't think of any block that relies on itself or anything else other than the player
L1610[19:26:55] <diesieben07> uhh
L1611[19:26:55] <GeoDoX> Well, yeah, but why wouldn't a block be able to be broken?
L1612[19:27:05] <diesieben07> well many reasons...
L1613[19:27:14] <diesieben07> mod blocks can do anything ;)
L1614[19:27:36] <GeoDoX> I'm confused :P So i'm just trying to clear up my confusion
L1615[19:27:41] <GeoDoX> True
L1616[19:28:25] <Cypher121> sort of a mining well
L1617[19:28:37] <Cypher121> I can probably make a fake player
L1618[19:28:40] <diesieben07> yes
L1619[19:28:43] <diesieben07> forge has one
L1620[19:28:54] <Cypher121> any example of its usage?
L1621[19:29:33] ⇨ Joins: KittenTheEpic (~KittenThe@
L1622[19:29:44] <diesieben07> FakePlayerFactory.get
L1623[19:29:57] <diesieben07> the concept of fake players really suck, but we cant do anything about it.
L1624[19:30:24] *** fry is now known as fry|sleep
L1625[19:30:39] <KittenTheEpic> Does anyone have a networking api for minecraft forge that makes networking as simple as one or two lines?
L1626[19:30:46] <unascribed> this again?
L1627[19:30:50] <unascribed> simpleimpl isn't that bad
L1628[19:30:51] ⇨ Joins: Ipsaeus (~Ipsaeus@
L1629[19:30:53] <diesieben07> indeed
L1630[19:30:58] <unascribed> and networking *isn't* as easy as one or two lines
L1631[19:31:00] <unascribed> it just isn't.
L1632[19:31:02] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (~Doty1154@2601:648:8002:ea78:1b7:a213:ac5:322e)
L1633[19:31:03] <ThePsionic> hmmmm
L1634[19:31:04] <DrDisconsented> SNW is the closest you're going to get
L1635[19:31:14] <DrDisconsented> Its rather easy as well
L1636[19:31:15] <KittenTheEpic> I raged yesterday after getting a wall of errors
L1637[19:31:22] <ThePsionic> What is the proper way to dimension
L1638[19:31:25] ⇦ Quits: KittenTheEpic (~KittenThe@ (Quit: G2G, bye)
L1639[19:31:27] <unascribed> you got a wall of errors because you need to learn to code before you even touch forge
L1640[19:31:33] <diesieben07> i once tried to make a very nice api that would abstract sending packets into just calligna method
L1641[19:31:38] <diesieben07> it did not work well :D
L1642[19:31:38] <unascribed> sorry for being blunt but it's true
L1643[19:31:45] <diesieben07> he's gone btw
L1644[19:31:51] <unascribed> k
L1645[19:32:00] <gigaherz> you wasted your bluntness
L1646[19:32:01] <gigaherz> ;P
L1647[19:32:20] <gigaherz> [02:30] (KittenTheEpic): Does anyone have a networking api for minecraft forge that makes networking as simple as one or two lines?
L1648[19:32:23] <gigaherz> yeah, SimpleImpl ;P
L1649[19:32:38] ⇦ Quits: ThePsionic (~ThePsioni@82-136-247-89.ip.telfort.nl) (Quit: Leaving)
L1650[19:32:45] <Ordinastie> diesieben07, @Sync stuff would be nice 1-liner sort of api :)
L1651[19:32:53] <diesieben07> welll yeah
L1652[19:32:58] <diesieben07> but thats not really sending packets ;)
L1653[19:33:11] <gigaherz> Minecraft-RPC
L1654[19:33:14] <diesieben07> exactly
L1655[19:33:28] <diesieben07> but the problem with that is that you always need an extra arg
L1656[19:33:29] <diesieben07> the player
L1657[19:33:38] <diesieben07> but not when sending to server
L1658[19:33:43] <diesieben07> so its all ugly and bad
L1659[19:34:02] <diesieben07> and then return types... ugh, because you need futures when sending, but actual return types on the receiving end
L1660[19:34:12] <gigaherz> RPC.Context(player,()->{
L1661[19:34:14] <diesieben07> so you cannot have the same interface... it just doesnt work left and right
L1662[19:34:16] <gigaherz> rpc-aware code here
L1663[19:34:17] <gigaherz> });
L1664[19:34:22] <diesieben07> hmmm
L1665[19:34:23] <diesieben07> maybe
L1666[19:34:33] <diesieben07> maybe I'll bang my head agaisnt it a bit more tomorrow
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L1668[19:35:31] <diesieben07> that doesnt solve return types though
L1669[19:36:22] <gigaherz> futures?
L1670[19:36:42] <unascribed> you could use that horrifyingly huge CompleteableFuture class in J8 :P
L1671[19:36:53] <diesieben07> well yeah
L1672[19:37:13] <diesieben07> but the actual remote method does not have a future return type
L1673[19:37:25] <diesieben07> and there is no way to express this in java properly
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L1676[19:38:23] <unascribed> I'm sure someone who says "enterprise" every other word has found a way to represent this
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L1678[19:39:26] <diesieben07> yes, but not in a properly typesafe way
L1679[19:39:41] <Matthew> Lex, FWI the RB isn't showing as recomended on the files website
L1680[19:39:59] <diesieben07> because in java there is no way to make the connectino between String remoteMethod(); and Future<String> remoteMethod();
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L1684[19:51:18] <HassanS6000> Help: I'm using the Forge substitution methods for a snow block and ice block.
L1685[19:51:26] <HassanS6000> Snow block works fine, ice block throwing errors: http://pastebin.com/6wxE5nTT
L1686[19:51:32] <HassanS6000> IceBlock extends BlockIce
L1687[19:51:47] <HassanS6000> IceBlock: http://pastebin.com/x9Kb7fWD
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L1689[19:52:13] <HassanS6000> CommonProxy: http://pastebin.com/durv1X9G
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L1692[20:04:43] <digseraph> I grabbed the latest forge, but I have some methods that are not renamed, even though they are correct in MCP_Bot, and were fixed 9 months ago. Is there something else I have to do to update my mappings?
L1693[20:08:34] <Girafi> Change the mappings version in your build.gradle?
L1694[20:09:21] <Girafi> Keep in mind it will most likely break stuff if you have other mods in your dev enviroment with diffrent mappings than your mod.
L1695[20:10:30] <digseraph> Thanks, I will keep that in mind. I had forgotten Rule 1 before messaging here: "Google is your friend". *facepalm* I found the answer quickly once I did that.
L1696[20:10:54] <digseraph> I was using a mapping snapshot that was almost a year old....
L1697[20:11:33] <HassanS6000> Figured out the original error, I needed to replace the ItemBlock
L1698[20:11:46] <HassanS6000> But now snow and ice do not have textures
L1699[20:11:52] <HassanS6000> and they don't place
L1700[20:12:07] <Girafi> Yeah it's always a good idea to google stuff you're not sure about ^^
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L1703[20:15:56] <Ordinastie> !gm func_176198_a
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L1712[20:32:08] <HassanS6000> placeBlock in the ItemBlock is failing
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L1718[20:45:20] <HassanS6000> Okay, this makes no sense. All I want to do is replace snow and ice so they do not melt, and use the substitution alias system to avoid using ASM. I have replaced the ItemBlock and Block here: https://gist.github.com/hsyyid/ae6e14b6128f5aee27d8 but to no avail. Instead of replacing the snow and the ice, it appears that the ItemBlock does nothing when right clicked.
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L1720[20:46:16] <HassanS6000> Anybody have an idea as to what could be causing the issue? I forgot to mention the snow and ice blocks DO NOT have textures anymore. (They did when I just replaced the block, but of course that didn't work at all)
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L1727[21:06:39] <Zaggy1024> HassanS6000, why are you setting their unlocalized names to "minecraft:blah"?
L1728[21:06:48] <HassanS6000> Zaggy1024, ?
L1729[21:06:50] <Zaggy1024> unlocalized names aren't registry names
L1730[21:07:04] <HassanS6000> Zaggy1024, I am not doing anything with unlocalized names
L1731[21:07:07] <Zaggy1024> "new SnowBlock().setUnlocalizedName("minecraft:snow")"
L1732[21:07:11] <HassanS6000> Oh wait
L1733[21:07:12] <HassanS6000> Yes I am lol
L1734[21:07:36] <HassanS6000> Zaggy1024, one sec lemme try without it
L1735[21:07:46] <Zaggy1024> probalby won't help
L1736[21:08:01] <Zaggy1024> did you try just straight up printing something from onItemUse or whatever?
L1737[21:08:50] <HassanS6000> Zaggy1024, I put a breakpoint, and stepped through it. Found that a method checking if the blockstate could be replaced was returning false, and thus the whole thing was being cancelled
L1738[21:09:03] <Zaggy1024> then figure out why that was
L1739[21:09:31] <Zaggy1024> if you're talking about isReplaceable, then you must be using the wrong block position
L1740[21:10:15] <HassanS6000> Zaggy1024, all I'm doing is trying to replace snow, I didn't write any of the Item stuff or even any of the block stuff. I overrode one method
L1741[21:10:33] <HassanS6000> The Items are just new ItemBlocks
L1742[21:10:47] <Zaggy1024> hm
L1743[21:11:14] <HassanS6000> Zaggy1024, removing the part that set the unlocalized name just made their names tile.null.name
L1744[21:11:54] <Zaggy1024> you're supposed to set it to the unlocalized names of those blocks
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L1746[21:13:54] <Zaggy1024> have you checked that the block position it's checking whether it can place at is actually the right position in the world?
L1747[21:15:33] <HassanS6000> yep, block pos seems fine
L1748[21:15:40] <HassanS6000> The textures should be the same as snow should they not?
L1749[21:15:45] <Zaggy1024> it's the exact right block position?
L1750[21:15:47] <HassanS6000> Why would they be purple and black
L1751[21:15:51] <HassanS6000> Zaggy1024, yes
L1752[21:16:21] <Zaggy1024> magenta and black is the missing texture
L1753[21:16:39] <HassanS6000> Yea, that's what I meant :)
L1754[21:16:53] <Zaggy1024> you asked why
L1755[21:16:56] <Zaggy1024> I told you
L1756[21:16:59] <Zaggy1024> now I'm confused
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L1758[21:20:30] <HassanS6000> Zaggy1024, wha? You told me why? I don't see where you told me why
L1759[21:20:45] <Zaggy1024> magenta and black is the missing texture
L1760[21:20:52] <Zaggy1024> you must have a missing texture
L1761[21:21:44] <HassanS6000> No, it should be using the snow texture should it not?
L1762[21:22:36] <Zaggy1024> ...
L1763[21:22:55] <Zaggy1024> either you didn't define the texture, or you are pointing to a nonexistent texture
L1764[21:23:20] <Zaggy1024> either that, or it's a full block sized model with the missing texture, in which case it could be missing texture or missing model
L1765[21:23:30] <HassanS6000> Zaggy1024, why would I need to define the texture? I thought all I have to do is create the block and register it as a substitution along with the item.
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L1767[21:23:58] <HassanS6000> The texture error still doesn't even explain the reason as to why I cannot place them
L1768[21:24:02] <Zaggy1024> you probably have to register models for it as well, because you're giving the game a different block and item instance than it expects
L1769[21:24:11] <Zaggy1024> I know it doesn't.
L1770[21:24:20] <Zaggy1024> you asked why it was magenta and black, and I'm answering it for you.
L1771[21:24:56] <HassanS6000> Alright.
L1772[21:25:03] <HassanS6000> Ima look into this more tomorrow
L1773[21:25:07] <HassanS6000> Thanks for the help Zaggy1024 :)
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L1777[21:34:40] <gigaherz> HAH
L1778[21:34:50] <gigaherz> I mentioned it here some days ago
L1779[21:34:51] <gigaherz> http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/237875-colossal-chests
L1780[21:34:58] <gigaherz> and now I see it in curse
L1781[21:34:59] <gigaherz> XD
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L1786[21:50:06] <shadekiller666> thanks for the credit on the forum post for the obj loader Lex :P
L1787[21:52:24] <shadekiller666> that was sarcasm, in case anyone was wondering
L1788[21:59:17] <Ipsaeus> So new modder question, is there any way to get around and/or indirectly override the default LivingEntityBase movement methods on the player? I was thinking of listening to LivingUpdateEvent and doing movement code there, but it *appears* that the vanilla movement methods are called after the event ends... at least as far as I can tell through the obfuscation.
L1789[21:59:53] <shadekiller666> 1, setupDecompWorkspace
L1790[22:00:14] <Ipsaeus> Did, still doesn't help with things like parameter names and variable names.
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L1792[22:01:36] <shadekiller666> 2, if you're trying to keep the player from moving you could do some fanciness with ressetting the positionX/Y/Z and motionX/Y/Z stuff in a tick handler maybe
L1793[22:01:52] <shadekiller666> along with the prevPos and prevMotion versions of those
L1794[22:03:31] <Ipsaeus> Trying to recode flight. I'd be down for hardcoding changes to motion and position, but again if the vanilla methods are called after my event handler does its job, its going to at least mess with all of those values
L1795[22:04:25] <Ipsaeus> One thing I was considering was create an invisible entity the player is riding on so I can directly override the methods, but I think latency could cause major issues with that approach.
L1796[22:04:41] <shadekiller666> i have yet to find where minecraft actually translates the button presses into player controls, i've wanted to remap the camera pitch and yaw controls for a while now
L1797[22:05:21] <Ipsaeus> I've only found where it does the actual motion calculations :\
L1798[22:11:15] <williewillus> what happened to chunk.getBLockLightValue in 1.8? (or rather, what's the equivalent statement)
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L1802[22:28:57] <killjoy> shadekiller666, PlayerController
L1803[22:29:10] <shadekiller666> ok
L1804[22:29:15] <shadekiller666> ill take a look
L1805[22:29:16] <shadekiller666> thanks
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L1809[22:36:05] <Ordinastie> http://puu.sh/ljDYB.jpg \o/
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L1829[23:37:30] <Alexandria> *pokes cpw *
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L1832[23:49:49] <killjoy1> How am I supposed to use the tessellator, then draw a string?
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L1836[23:53:41] <killjoy1> nevermind.
L1837[23:53:43] <sham1> Jeez Ordinastie
L1838[23:54:04] <sham1> That's some colourful stuff
L1839[23:55:35] <Ordinastie> 5min of code, 1h of photoshop :x
L1840[23:56:15] <sham1> Ah graphics, they are the worst
L1841[23:56:43] <Ordinastie> the pain is that my doors have 3 textures : top, bottom and 1 for the sides
L1842[23:56:48] <Ordinastie> * 16 colors :x
L1843[23:57:05] <Ordinastie> + the items
L1844[23:58:52] <sham1> I see
L1845[23:59:45] <sham1> Seems annoying
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