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L17[00:50:04] <Ordinastie> damn you NEI for trying to render itemStacks you shouldn't and crashing because of that :x
L18[00:52:50] <tterrag> NEI only renders things that it gets from getSubItems
L19[00:54:57] <Ordinastie> it tries to render blocks as itemStacks
L20[00:55:02] *** GeoDoX is now known as GeoDoX|Zzz
L21[00:55:09] <GeoDoX|Zzz> o/ tterrag
L22[00:55:10] <Ordinastie> even when it shouldn't
L23[00:55:22] <unascribed> no, it tries to render ItemBlocks as ItemBlocks
L24[00:55:36] <unascribed> pass a null ItemBlock class to registerBlock if your block is technical
L25[00:55:53] <Ordinastie> but that's not even the real problem
L26[00:56:18] <Ordinastie> the real problem is that if the rendering crashes, it fallbacks to rendering an ItemStack of Blocks.fire
L27[00:56:27] <Ordinastie> and that makes the game crash
L28[00:59:30] <Ordinastie> unascribed, also, my Custom Doors should always have NBT data in them, but that can't happen if you just new Itemstack for them
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L30[00:59:57] <unascribed> ...so implement reasonable fallback behavior for no NBT?
L31[01:01:57] <Ordinastie> I do but still
L32[01:02:11] <Ordinastie> it's annoying I get reports because of NEI fucking it up :x
L33[01:02:36] <Ordinastie> oh ffs -_-
L34[01:02:54] <Ordinastie> http://puu.sh/ljKO2.png
L35[01:03:04] <Ordinastie> of course it freezes there and I can't even go past that :x
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L42[01:45:49] <Ordinastie> !gm func_145838_q
L43[01:46:56] <Ordinastie> !gm func_73660_a
L44[01:48:36] <Ordinastie> how is it possible that a TE worldObj is still null when update() is called ?
L45[01:51:04] <shadekiller666> the worldObj has to be specifically set
L46[01:51:26] <shadekiller666> either by you, or at some point when minecraft decides to set it
L47[01:53:06] <sham1> So you can check for it
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L56[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L99[05:04:10] <JamEngulfer221> How do I easily get whether the mod is on a server or a client?
L100[05:08:00] *** zz_SnowShock35 is now known as SnowShock35
L101[05:14:26] <Lumien> Depends on the context
L102[05:14:32] <Lumien> Do you have a World obj?
L103[05:14:34] <Lumien> World.isRemote
L104[05:14:50] <JamEngulfer221> No, if the mod is running on a server
L105[05:15:06] <Lumien> Yes i know
L106[05:15:17] <JamEngulfer221> Oh right, no this is during initialization
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L108[05:15:43] <JamEngulfer221> I'm offloading register events to other classes and I didn't particularly want to pass the initialization event to them
L109[05:17:28] <Lumien> Use a proxy maybe?
L110[05:18:07] <Lumien> Or FMLCommonHandler.instance().getSide()
L111[05:18:44] <JamEngulfer221> Yeah, that's the kind of thing I was looking for
L112[05:20:54] <JamEngulfer221> Thanks!
L113[05:21:07] <Wuppy> why oh why did I think having a mechanic come over between 12 and 2 was a good idea :c
L114[05:21:25] <JamEngulfer221> That's like, the worst time XD
L115[05:21:52] <JamEngulfer221> Oh, you want to have lunch at a reasonable time? NO!
L116[05:22:04] <Wuppy> I set up my alarm for it because I was probably still going to be asleep
L117[05:22:10] <Wuppy> and considering we had an after party till 6, I was right
L118[05:22:13] <tterrag> JamEngulfer221: all events have a side
L119[05:22:18] <tterrag> all lifecycle events that is
L120[05:22:25] <tterrag> so just event.getSide()
L121[05:22:39] <sham1> \o
L122[05:23:20] <Lumien> "I didn't particularly want to pass the initialization event to them" I thought that excluded that
L123[05:23:30] <Wuppy> o/ sham1
L124[05:23:49] <JamEngulfer221> Yeah, I was avoiding needing to use event.getSide() because I wanted to keep my Block registering class isolated
L125[05:24:07] <tterrag> why not pass the event? seems like an arbitrary restriction
L126[05:25:39] <JamEngulfer221> Because if I can just get it statically I'd prefer to. I'd like to keep my classes as independent from each other as possible
L127[05:26:09] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L128[05:26:50] <tterrag> that's bad OO design. object referencing is generally preferred to static referencing
L129[05:26:52] <tterrag> you are given context
L130[05:26:53] <tterrag> use it
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L132[05:28:06] <sham1> Yeah, doing a lot of stuff statically is usually very bad OOP design
L133[05:28:45] <tterrag> the notion of "keeping everything separated" is in itself bad design as well
L134[05:29:13] <tterrag> separation is good, but you shouldn't just put up arbitrary walls between different parts of your program
L135[05:29:38] <sham1> ^
L136[05:32:17] <JamEngulfer221> idk. It just seems wrong to me to pass the event down through different classes just to use one variable
L137[05:32:35] <Ordinastie> pass the side then
L138[05:32:54] <Ordinastie> also, nothing in block registration is side dependant anyway
L139[05:33:21] <JamEngulfer221> You know, except the ItemRender registration
L140[05:33:30] <sham1> You can do that in proxy
L141[05:33:43] <sham1> And you propably should
L142[05:34:05] <tterrag> definitely should
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L144[05:34:12] <sham1> Ye
L145[05:34:17] <Ordinastie> except I would call ItemRender "block Registration"
L146[05:34:20] <Ordinastie> *wouldn't
L147[05:34:20] <tterrag> you talk about separation...putting common and client code in the same class is very BAD separation
L148[05:35:05] <JamEngulfer221> Tell that to Wuppy, it's his tutorial I'm using
L149[05:35:05] <sham1> There is a reason why proxies exist
L150[05:35:12] *** MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L151[05:35:18] <sham1> Dont follow tutorials blindly
L152[05:35:23] <sham1> Also, Wuppu pls
L153[05:35:30] <JamEngulfer221> I didn't follow it blidly
L154[05:35:33] <Wuppy> what did I mess up this time?
L155[05:35:52] <Ordinastie> EVERYTHING!
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L157[05:35:58] <JamEngulfer221> Just because I didn't know about something that I can't remember existing doesn't mean I followed something blindly
L158[05:35:59] <sham1> ^
L159[05:36:07] * Wuppy hides in a corner
L160[05:36:07] <sham1> Meep
L161[05:36:24] <sham1> Get over here! *does the scorpion thing*
L162[05:36:29] <JamEngulfer221> Well, when you say proxy, I actually have no idea what you mean because MinecraftForge is the only thing I've ever seen use that and I haven't done this in years and have no recollection how it works
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L165[05:37:48] <tterrag> a proxy is just a set of classes, for different environments
L166[05:38:00] <tterrag> and FML will give you the "proper" instance of the class for the current environment
L167[05:38:04] <JamEngulfer221> Anyway, if I'm differentiating between sides, I don't see why it matters so much
L168[05:38:06] <tterrag> so you can have a client proxy, and a server proxy
L169[05:38:18] <tterrag> or common, which is both
L170[05:38:26] <tterrag> since a very small amount of things are serverside only
L171[05:39:04] <tterrag> anyways bedtime
L172[05:39:11] *** tterrag is now known as tterrag|ZZZzzz
L173[05:51:05] <sham1> So Wuppy, you probably want to do some stuff to improve your tuts
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L175[05:54:01] <Ordinastie> and he doesn't mean a notice "Just buy my books" :p
L176[05:54:03] <JamEngulfer221> I feel bad bringing that up now
L177[05:55:22] <sham1> Well, fixing misinformation is a good thing
L178[05:55:26] ⇨ Joins: ThePsionic (~ThePsioni@82-136-247-89.ip.telfort.nl)
L179[05:55:35] <sham1> So others do not need to go through the same thing
L180[05:55:53] <Ordinastie> JamEngulfer221, don't worry, Wuppy will show up at your house one night and cut one of your fingers as retaliation
L181[05:56:09] <JamEngulfer221> Ok, I've got a slightly more general programming question. What is actually so bad about just making a variable public instead of using getters/setters? Surely having an extra method in-between getting a value is just adding more to the stack trace and adding extra time to getting it?
L182[05:57:08] <Ordinastie> you have more control with methods
L183[05:57:34] <JamEngulfer221> In what way?
L184[05:58:01] <sham1> People cant just set whatever in your variables
L185[05:58:05] <sham1> You can limit what is set
L186[06:00:47] <Wuppy> sham1, what's wrong with my tutorial then?
L187[06:01:08] <sham1> You need to tell people to use proxies more
L188[06:01:31] <Wuppy> mkay, I don't have much time for tutorials anymore though :c
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L190[06:02:32] <JamEngulfer221> how come?
L191[06:02:58] <Wuppy> very busy with game development and learning programming :)
L192[06:12:27] <ThePsionic> Is there any clean way of saying "give me the next free dimension ID for this dimension"?
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L195[06:18:06] <Lumien> DimensionManager.getNextFreeDimId() ?
L196[06:18:11] <Lumien> ThePsionic
L197[06:19:23] <ThePsionic> Thank you
L198[06:20:09] *** fry|sleep is now known as fry
L199[06:20:11] <Wuppy> I'm wondering, how expensive is it to kinda last minute take the train to france :P
L200[06:22:04] <Wuppy> jesus that'[s expensive
L201[06:22:07] <Wuppy> like 100 euros
L202[06:22:40] <JamEngulfer221> Depends where you at
L203[06:22:51] <Wuppy> south of the netherands
L204[06:23:00] <JamEngulfer221> If you're in England it's ok, but somewhere like China or Russia is harder
L205[06:23:10] <JamEngulfer221> Oh right, that shouldn't take you long
L206[06:23:18] <Wuppy> it's expensive though :o
L207[06:23:27] <JamEngulfer221> fair enough
L208[06:23:59] <Wuppy> we almost kinda took the train last night :P
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L212[06:31:45] <Moony224> hi, does anyone know what the getConfigurationManager().getPlayerForUsername() and LivingDeathEvent.source.getDeathMessage has been replaced with in 1.7?
L213[06:36:57] ⇦ Quits: Gaz (~Gaz@why.dont.you.ticklemy.ninja) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L214[06:36:58] <Lumien> I still have a getPlayerByUsername(String)
L215[06:37:29] <Lumien> And getDeathMessage as well
L216[06:37:29] <Moony224> oh, I think it might be func_152612_a for me Lumien
L217[06:37:40] <Moony224> not sure about deathmessage
L218[06:38:26] <Moony224> oh for some reason they're obfuscated or something
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L233[07:17:36] <Moony224> what replaces sendChatToPlayer in 1.7?
L234[07:21:07] <masa> Player#addChatMessage()? (or whatever). WOuld probably be quicker if you just look yourself in the player class...
L235[07:25:52] <Moony224> thanks, sorry was just slightly confused bout the usage but i got itnow
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L244[08:16:40] <JamEngulfer221> I'm looking through the Item class and I'm wondering why getUnlocalizedNameInefficiently(ItemStack) even exists
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L246[08:20:46] <sham1> So you can get the unlocalized name inefficiently
L247[08:21:20] <sham1> You could for instance change it depending on ItemStack stuff like NBT
L248[08:23:45] <JamEngulfer221> sham1: But then why woudn't you use "getUnlocalizedName(ItemStack stack)" then?
L249[08:23:57] <JamEngulfer221> Why would you ever need it 'inefficiently'?
L250[08:25:17] <Moony224> hi, I'm using LivingDeathEvent's source.func_151519_b(deadPlayer) when I kick a player to get the death message, but I get this for some reason: http://i.imgur.com/Rhah1Xy.png
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L254[08:32:35] <JamEngulfer221> Moony224: Well, that's technically the death message
L255[08:32:55] <JamEngulfer221> Or at least, a representation of all of the data that creates a death message.
L256[08:33:17] <Moony224> JamEngulfer221: can't I get it in a format that's more readable? like it has ingame
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L259[08:33:25] <JamEngulfer221> You must need to put that into another method or something to turn it into what it says ingame
L260[08:33:45] <JamEngulfer221> I don't know what that method would be, but I'm sure it's not too hidden
L261[08:34:09] <Moony224> hm thanks i'll search around a bit
L262[08:35:29] <JamEngulfer221> You could try and search through the code for bits of the normal death messages or variable names from that text you posted
L263[08:36:25] <Moony224> JamEngulfer221: yeah I just found it! thanks, StatCollector.translateToLocalFormatted I think
L264[08:37:00] <JamEngulfer221> np. Hope it works!
L265[08:37:23] <Moony224> maybe not that one specifically but it looks promising
L266[08:41:07] <diesieben07> Moony224, it's not that simple actually. you have to look at the ChatGUI on how to properly display an IChatComponent
L267[08:41:12] <diesieben07> as it can be multiple things
L268[08:41:36] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L269[08:41:57] <Moony224> damn, just saw it didnt work
L270[08:42:19] <diesieben07> getFormattedText should work
L271[08:42:47] <Moony224> diesieben07: when I used getFormattedText I got a nosuchmethoderror
L272[08:42:56] <diesieben07> waht
L273[08:42:56] *** Ash|Work is now known as Ash|Away
L274[08:42:59] <diesieben07> show your code.
L275[08:43:17] <Moony224> one sec let me try it one more time just in case i messed up or something
L276[08:43:34] <diesieben07> oh,yeah its a client only method
L277[08:43:37] <diesieben07> you cannot use it on a server
L278[08:43:45] <diesieben07> but since your screenshot shows a GUI, that should be fine
L279[08:45:14] <Moony224> but i'm using it as a kick message
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L281[08:46:59] <diesieben07> how?
L282[08:47:13] ⇦ Quits: AforAnonymous (bitch2k@dyn-042-143.vix1.mmc.at) (Quit: Try not to think not.)
L283[08:47:24] <Moony224> entityplayermp.playerNetServerHandler.kickPlayerFromServer
L284[08:47:31] <diesieben07> that takes a string
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L286[08:47:52] <diesieben07> you need to do what that method does manually
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L288[08:50:09] <Moony224> where can I see exactly what it does
L289[08:50:19] <diesieben07> you... open the method...
L290[08:51:00] <Moony224> there's nothing there though o.o
L291[08:52:20] <Moony224> im in ChatComponentTranslation and there isn't a getFormattedText
L292[08:52:41] <diesieben07> entityplayermp.playerNetServerHandler.kickPlayerFromServer that method
L293[08:52:51] <diesieben07> also... don't tell me you are on 1.7
L294[08:52:56] <Moony224> im on 1.7
L295[08:53:02] <diesieben07> why did you not say that? :D
L296[08:53:46] <diesieben07> same thing tough. you have to do what kickPlayerFromServer does
L297[08:53:57] <Moony224> wait is there a difference I have to know about
L298[08:53:57] <diesieben07> but create the IChatComponent yourself
L299[08:54:38] <diesieben07> yes... there is a difference between 1.7 and 1.8 -.-
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L302[08:56:10] <Moony224> sorry I mean anything different about what you told me
L303[08:56:14] <Moony224> so far
L304[08:58:42] <diesieben07> No
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L317[09:26:36] <Soni> if I introduce a breaking API change, how do I use ASM to "fix" it?
L318[09:27:03] <Soni> (I mean like, in Forge)
L319[09:27:20] <diesieben07> if at all possible, dont. otherwise... depends on the change...
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L322[09:34:27] <Soni> field access into getter call
L323[09:34:34] <Soni> (or setter call)
L324[09:35:43] <diesieben07> you have to transform *every* class and replace any GETFIELD with an INVOKEVIRTUAL <getter method> and any PUTFIELD with INVOKEVIRTUAL <setter method>
L325[09:36:04] <diesieben07> thankfully both getfield and putfied require the args in the same order on the stack as a getter/setter invoke, so thats all you need to do
L326[09:37:43] <Soni> this: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/event/world/NoteBlockEvent.java#L74
L327[09:37:45] <Soni> and this: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/event/world/NoteBlockEvent.java#L90-L91
L328[09:37:48] <Soni> doable?
L329[09:38:11] <Soni> ... wait maybe not that 2nd one
L330[09:38:14] <diesieben07> what about them? you wnat to make them private and into a getter/setter?
L331[09:38:27] <Soni> but I definitely need the first to be a getter/setter instead of a public field
L332[09:39:44] *** Crystal|AFK is now known as CrystalMare
L333[09:39:57] <Soni> so does Forge have an ASM helper for replacing GETFIELD/PUTFIELD with getter/setter calls?
L334[09:40:22] <diesieben07> no
L335[09:40:31] <diesieben07> if you need a helper for that... you should NOT be doing that...
L336[09:40:39] <diesieben07> also, why do you need this?
L337[09:41:03] <Soni> custom Play event
L338[09:41:14] <diesieben07> that does not say anything.
L339[09:41:14] <Soni> with custom instruments
L340[09:41:32] <Soni> with a fallback "vanilla" instrument
L341[09:42:05] <diesieben07> and that fallback cannot just be in the field because...?
L342[09:42:13] <Soni> basically if you set the field to anything I need to use that instead of my custom instrument
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L344[09:42:28] <diesieben07> i dont see how you need a setter for that.
L345[09:42:43] <Soni> if I just check if it's different, I won't be able to know if you set it without changing its value
L346[09:43:14] <diesieben07> errr
L347[09:43:22] *** Cypher121 is now known as Cypher|Away
L348[09:43:24] <diesieben07> why would you set it without changing...
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L350[09:44:52] <Curle> Ohaider
L351[09:44:58] <Soni> v.f = v.f; would set it without changing the value
L352[09:45:19] <diesieben07> yes. but that is stupid
L353[09:45:32] <diesieben07> my question was *why*. not how.
L354[09:46:06] <Soni> it's an edge case and I don't wanna miss any edge cases.
L355[09:46:33] *** Ash|Away is now known as Ashlee
L356[09:46:51] <diesieben07> ...
L357[09:46:55] <diesieben07> its not an edge case
L358[09:47:08] <diesieben07> if you assign the field itsellf to a field, it is EXPECTED that nothing happens.
L359[09:47:08] <Curle> gg
L360[09:47:15] <Curle> a = a;
L361[09:47:28] <diesieben07> if you change that, that creates an edge case that confuses everyone
L362[09:47:43] <Curle> a = b; makes sense
L363[09:47:49] <Curle> a = a.length();
L364[09:48:22] <Soni> the edge case is you overriding the instrument without checking if it's already set to what you want
L365[09:48:33] <Curle> I have no context to work on here, just trying to add my portion of the Pi to the conversation :D
L366[09:48:58] <diesieben07> my point really is, which i have made before, since we have argueed about this before:
L367[09:49:00] <Soni> I need that to trigger an instrument change for my events, but because it's currently a field it'll play the custom instrument instead of the override
L368[09:49:16] <diesieben07> you should NOT be firing vanilla noteblock events from your cutom noteblocks who have a different instrument
L369[09:49:47] <Curle> It depends on the event, really.
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L371[09:50:00] <Soni> and you shouldn't have made Instrument.fromId package-private
L372[09:50:02] <Curle> If it extends NoteBlock (or whatever), then any event should work
L373[09:50:10] <diesieben07> yes i should
L374[09:50:16] <diesieben07> you shouldnt need to use it.
L375[09:50:18] <Soni> I know what I'm doing and I know what I want it to do
L376[09:50:29] <diesieben07> apparently you dont.
L377[09:50:31] <Soni> diesieben07, what about Note.fromId and Octave.fromId?
L378[09:50:45] <diesieben07> same...
L379[09:50:48] <diesieben07> you have proven that many times
L380[09:50:59] <diesieben07> I am not helping you anymore, its futile.
L381[09:51:12] <Soni> diesieben07, https://github.com/Qmunity/BluePower/pull/361/files#diff-8cd6b8455d76833e5808b19428761d5eR281
L382[09:51:29] <Curle> diesie, has Soni gotten to you more than I have?
L383[09:51:39] <diesieben07> yes, he has.
L384[09:51:47] <diesieben07> Soni, what are you trying to tell me?
L385[09:51:53] <Curle> Woo, I'm off the hook! :D
L386[09:52:12] <Curle> Also, Soni, what on earth are you trying to do?
L387[09:52:18] <Soni> diesieben07, you made something I could use so I came up with a lazy hack to use it instead of reimplementing it
L388[09:52:33] <diesieben07> you are using it in an unintended way...
L389[09:52:42] <diesieben07> anyways. I'm done here.
L390[09:53:04] <Curle> I thought the point of Forge was adaptability, though
L391[09:53:16] <diesieben07> yes
L392[09:53:16] <Curle> If it works, it's most likely compatible with other things
L393[09:53:27] <diesieben07> but forge cannot possibly know abotu ALL types of instruments modders coulld implement
L394[09:53:43] <diesieben07> this event is desinged purely to interact wiith vanilla style noteblocks
L395[09:53:43] <Soni> diesieben07, and it shouldn't, that's not the point
L396[09:53:45] <Curle> True, since they could name it something like "ab34sa8sdk"
L397[09:53:54] <Curle> "this event"? What event?
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L399[09:54:23] <diesieben07> noteblock event
L400[09:54:33] <Curle> Specific name please?
L401[09:54:55] <diesieben07> no
L402[09:54:57] <alex_6611> NoteBlockEvent??
L403[09:55:05] <alex_6611> lol
L404[09:55:16] <diesieben07> hey dont laugh
L405[09:55:16] <Curle> That seems a bit too simple :P
L406[09:55:18] <diesieben07> i made it.
L407[09:55:23] <Curle> Oh, okay.
L408[09:55:35] <alex_6611> i'm not laughing about the name
L409[09:55:39] <diesieben07> i know :D
L410[09:55:44] <Curle> Diesie, how about, instead of having a go about it, rework it!
L411[09:56:00] <Soni> diesieben07, I want to add an "event" key to my noteblock config JSON, and it has the name of a vanilla instrument (from Instrument) or `null` if it shouldn't trigger a vanilla-compatible note block play event
L412[09:56:11] <Curle> If it's usable in a modded environment, why isn't it usable in modded blocks/items?
L413[09:56:20] <diesieben07> because thats not what its designed for
L414[09:56:29] <Curle> It seems silly to just make it access vanilla note blocks
L415[09:56:39] <diesieben07> but you cannot make it access all noteblocks
L416[09:56:49] <diesieben07> since you cannot know about ALL instruments that mods add
L417[09:56:50] <Soni> diesieben07, your original implementation hardcoded Blocks.noteblock
L418[09:56:51] <diesieben07> ...
L419[09:56:59] <Curle> Why not Class<extends NoteBlock>?
L420[09:57:09] <Curle> If that's triggered, do the code
L421[09:57:15] <diesieben07> again yes it did
L422[09:57:21] <diesieben07> because its designed for interaction with vanilla.
L423[09:57:26] <Soni> diesieben07, I also modify TileEntityNote directly so why shouldn't I post these events?
L424[09:57:38] <Curle> In a package designed for making mods. Why is it even there?
L425[09:57:42] <diesieben07> you should
L426[09:57:51] <diesieben07> you should fire it if your instrument is in th vanilla insturment set
L427[09:57:56] <diesieben07> if its not, do not fire it.
L428[09:58:04] * diesieben07 leaves
L429[09:58:06] <diesieben07> for sure now.
L430[09:58:10] <Curle> ^ that answers my question, good enough.
L431[09:58:15] <Soni> diesieben07, you don't get what I'm trying to do .-.
L432[09:59:09] <Curle> What ARE you trying to do?
L433[09:59:35] <Soni> Curle, add an "event" key to my jsons, which'll indicate what instrument to use for vanilla noteblock events
L434[10:00:20] <Curle> Okay, I'm with Diesie, that has too many variables.
L435[10:00:50] <Curle> Vanilla instrument or custom? If vanilla, use Diesie's thing. If not, I'm not your guy
L436[10:00:53] <Soni> I also need to be able to know if anyone overrided(?) that instrument in any way
L437[10:02:00] <Soni> Curle, well either I use hacked thaumcraft compat (in the form of: ASM, EnumHelper, "event" key) or I don't have any thaumcraft compat
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L439[10:02:16] <Soni> "event" key is the most sane method
L440[10:02:23] <Curle> I'd say Thaumcraft
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L442[10:02:53] <Soni> altho hmm
L443[10:02:56] <Curle> As it enables the thing to be enabled/disabled with the click of a button (Disabling the mod in the Mods list)
L444[10:03:00] <Curle> So yea
L445[10:03:13] <Soni> diesieben07, ASM the thaumcraft classes, EnumHelper the Instrument class, or add an "event" key?
L446[10:03:53] <Soni> (do note the first one has to actually be done for every mod using the events, while the second one gets me banned from anywhere sane)
L447[10:03:54] <Curle> ASM is the hardest but better way, EnumHelper doesn't seem like it'd do anything, and "event" has too many variables
L448[10:06:20] <Curle> also, Diesie, you may want to change the name of the NoteBlockEvent
L449[10:06:27] <Curle> OnNoteBlockTriggerEvent perhaps
L450[10:06:36] <Curle> Gives some more insight of what it does
L451[10:06:54] <Soni> Curle, NoteBlockEvent.Play and NoteBlockEvent.Change are the fired events
L452[10:07:16] <Curle> Oh, I'll be damned.
L453[10:07:23] <Curle> SubEvents?
L454[10:07:24] <Soni> hmm can I ASM the event...
L455[10:07:30] <Curle> Yes, and no.
L456[10:07:36] <Curle> You can but shouldn't
L457[10:07:50] <Curle> It removes the purpose of ASM
L458[10:08:19] <Soni> at least I'd be able to hide in my little corner instead of having to deal with ppl who shout at me :/
L459[10:08:35] <diesieben07> again. fire the event if you have vanilla instrument
L460[10:08:43] <diesieben07> otherwise do not fire it. period.
L461[10:08:56] <diesieben07> if you wish to fire an event for custom instruments, make a custom event
L462[10:09:06] <diesieben07> but you cannot possibly be compatible with other mods then.
L463[10:09:13] <diesieben07> but thats in the nature of a custom instrument
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L466[10:10:37] <Curle> Ohai Pahi
L467[10:10:58] <Curle> Anyone know how to make a worldtype for a dimension?
L468[10:11:14] <diesieben07> that is a contradiction
L469[10:11:19] <diesieben07> worldtype defines the overworld only
L470[10:11:52] <Curle> As in, change the overworld's layout to the layout of the dimension (biomes)
L471[10:12:07] <diesieben07> you make a custom WorldType class
L472[10:12:12] <Curle> In the place where it gives you the option for Normal, Superflat, Large Biomes, Etc.
L473[10:12:39] <Curle> Already have, but I can't get it to do anything with my biome/dimension/generation code
L474[10:13:36] <diesieben07> you have to override getChunkGenerator
L475[10:14:58] <Curle> Ah, I have getChunkManager
L476[10:14:59] <Curle> Ta.
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L480[10:26:01] <Curle> I think I've got it
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L486[16:10:30] <tterrag> src hasn't contained source for a while
L487[16:11:34] <fry> did it ever? :P
L488[16:11:41] <Curle> I'd say not, coming from you.
L489[16:12:17] <fry> I've only been here for a couple of years :P
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L491[16:12:46] <TehNut> (earliest on the site) contains some source files
L492[16:12:48] <TehNut> so yes
L493[16:13:27] <fry> well, you did get forge source files
L494[16:13:51] <fry> and you still do, they're just in a zip (and may be downloaded later, I think :P)
L495[16:13:57] <AbrarSyed> yeah whoever did the js for that should probably update it to take mdk as well as src and apply the </> icon thing
L496[16:14:14] <AbrarSyed> where is paleocrafter when you need him
L497[16:14:25] <sham1> away
L498[16:14:36] <sham1> Wait
L499[16:14:43] <sham1> He's not even connected
L500[16:15:47] <sham1> Which is weird as his bouncer should not be down as evidenced by the fact that I am still here
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L507[16:24:00] <Curle> Back
L508[16:24:14] <Curle> I'm following some tutorial on the wiki, is there an updated alternative to Render.bindTexture?
L509[16:24:27] <tterrag> "updated" how?
L510[16:24:32] <tterrag> and it's TextureManager.bindTexture()
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L512[16:26:58] <Lex|Desktop> MalkContent, thanks for reminding me i forgot to hit da button that updates the links on that site
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L515[16:27:43] <MalkContent> glad my ignorance could be of help :)
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L519[16:52:51] <khumps> What is the best way to use items from vanilla minecraft for crafting? I cant find classes for half of the items.
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L521[16:53:22] <fry> Items.item_you_want
L522[16:53:38] <gigaherz_y> khumps: things with subitems, you do yourself
L523[16:53:46] <gigaherz_y> new ItemStack(Items.dye, meta)
L524[16:53:53] <khumps> Thats the class i was looking for (Items) thankyou
L525[16:54:13] <khumps> something that had them all
L526[16:54:24] <gigaherz_y> otherwise, Items.main_item
L527[16:54:34] <gigaherz_y> (as already noted)
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L529[16:57:51] <Zaggy1024> khumps, also, Blocks
L530[16:58:04] <Zaggy1024> items only contains items that aren't registered to blocks, pretty much
L531[16:58:39] <khumps> cool thanks for the help :)
L532[16:59:07] <gigaherz_y> oh
L533[16:59:09] <gigaherz_y> there's also oredict
L534[16:59:09] <gigaherz_y> ;P
L535[16:59:21] <gigaherz_y> if you are using things that can be made with interchangeable items
L536[16:59:24] <gigaherz_y> such as logs
L537[16:59:35] <khumps> that is a class? good to know
L538[16:59:37] <gigaherz_y> you may want to use oreDict
L539[16:59:46] <khumps> ill read it now
L540[16:59:58] <gigaherz_y> google for "registering oredict recipes"
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L542[17:00:13] <khumps> do you by any chance know what package it is in?
L543[17:00:16] <gigaherz_y> (short fo Ore Dictionary, which is now basically a item naming system)
L544[17:00:21] <gigaherz_y> it's not a class per se
L545[17:00:29] <gigaherz_y> it's a way to register items and recipes
L546[17:00:32] <Zaggy1024> you don't have to explicitly make a recipe to use the ore dictionary, do you?
L547[17:00:35] <gigaherz_y> so that the interchangeability happens "magically"
L548[17:00:36] <gigaherz_y> ;p
L549[17:00:44] <Zaggy1024> like if you register a recipe that uses an item in the oredict, will it convert it to an oredict recipe?
L550[17:00:54] <gigaherz_y> will it?
L551[17:00:58] <gigaherz_y> I have seen people compalin about that
L552[17:01:04] <Zaggy1024> I had assumed so
L553[17:01:07] <Zaggy1024> but...dunno
L554[17:01:12] <gigaherz_y> so my assumption has always been that it doesn't
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L556[17:02:53] <gigaherz_y> hmm
L557[17:02:53] <gigaherz_y> http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com.es/p/minecraft-modding-ore-dictionary.html
L558[17:03:04] <khumps> ah found the class
L559[17:03:11] <khumps> net.minecraftforge.oredict
L560[17:03:39] <gigaherz_y> check that page
L561[17:03:39] <gigaherz_y> ;p
L562[17:03:51] <gigaherz_y> seems to explain both how to register oredict items, and how to register recipes
L563[17:05:35] <khumps> looks good, thanks :D
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L566[17:11:20] <Lex|Desktop> Using Ore Dictionary As Recipe Ingredients
L567[17:11:20] <Lex|Desktop> So what if you want to use something from the ore dictionary as input to a recipe? The recipe registration methods accept the ore dictionary name preceeded by a ":". For example:
L568[17:11:22] <Lex|Desktop> .. what?
L569[17:13:27] <tterrag> Zaggy1024: no it won't
L570[17:13:33] <tterrag> you have to specify an oredict recipe
L571[17:14:02] <tterrag> also that site is totally utterly wrong
L572[17:16:05] <Zaggy1024> I feel like fry's AO might be messing with the breaking texture blending
L573[17:16:10] <Zaggy1024> I'll have to check sometime
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L575[17:16:39] <fry> "fell"? :P
L576[17:16:48] <fry> *"feel"?
L577[17:19:33] <fry> breaking texture looks completely fine here
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L579[17:23:12] <gigaherz_y> tterrag: is it? oops, didn't mean to paste a bad link XD
L580[17:24:23] <gigaherz_y> hmm does the 1.6.4 method still apply? http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/How_to_use_the_ore_dictionary
L581[17:31:52] <Lex|Desktop> minus the Object[] and verbosity of the page
L582[17:31:53] <Lex|Desktop> sure
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L585[17:35:22] <Zaggy1024> fry, it sometimes looks very dark
L586[17:35:45] <Zaggy1024> I'll have to check if it still does it with your AO turned off first though
L587[17:36:13] <fry> please don't call it AO :P
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L590[17:37:44] <Zaggy1024> er...okay?
L591[17:37:55] <Zaggy1024> that's what vanilla calls it
L592[17:38:05] <Zaggy1024> what *should* I call it? plain lighting?
L593[17:38:40] <fry> yes
L594[17:38:57] <fry> calling it AO is like saying you have a pet left eye
L595[17:39:04] <fry> instead of a pet cat :P
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L597[17:40:56] <Zaggy1024> lol okay
L598[17:41:12] <Zaggy1024> I don't know all the work you put into it, though, so I didn't know what to call the whole thing
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L608[18:25:19] <Cypher121> what exactly does "rainfall" mean in BiomeGenBase?
L609[18:28:43] *** GeoDoX|Work is now known as GeoDoX
L610[18:29:00] <GeoDoX> Anyone willing to help me come up with a formula?
L611[18:29:26] <gigaherz_y> oh oh formulas
L612[18:29:28] <gigaherz_y> what for? ;P
L613[18:29:30] <diesieben07> what should it do? D
L614[18:29:48] <GeoDoX> I'm keeping my mod secret for the time being, so pm me?
L615[18:30:09] <diesieben07> uhhh wat
L616[18:30:57] <GeoDoX> I can't really explain the what the formula needs to do without giving away what my mod is
L617[18:31:23] <GeoDoX> I'm willing to tell in a private conversation though :)
L618[18:31:32] <diesieben07> well, tell it then...
L619[18:32:48] <GeoDoX> PMed you
L620[18:34:08] <fry> surely there's more to the mod than just the formula :P
L621[18:34:28] <fry> you need to, you know, at least actually write the mod :P
L622[18:35:25] <GeoDoX> I am writing the mod, I need a formula to give me an idea for the rest
L623[18:35:58] <gigaherz_y> not like anyone's going to ninja your mod idea anyhow ;P
L624[18:36:51] <GeoDoX> Idk, should I just say it?
L625[18:36:57] <diesieben07> yes
L626[18:37:00] <GeoDoX> Alright haha
L627[18:37:22] <GeoDoX> I'm making a cookie clicker-esque mod.
L628[18:37:45] <GeoDoX> I need a formula to increase the cost of upgrades, and the items you purchase.
L629[18:38:26] <fry> exponent :P
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L631[18:38:53] <GeoDoX> Yeah, an exponential curve.
L632[18:39:13] <GeoDoX> Not super great with math, so I'm not really sure how to get a proper formula for it
L633[18:39:26] <fry> cost = exponent(tier)
L634[18:39:55] <GeoDoX> I have 2^n where n is the tier value * 5 right now, but that seems extremely wrong to me :P
L635[18:40:19] <GeoDoX> so, cost = Math.exp(tier)?
L636[18:40:54] <fry> 2^n = e^(n * log(2, e)), so it's not that wrong :P
L637[18:41:46] <fry> what you have should work :P
L638[18:42:31] <fry> basically, if you want to scale all tiers, multiply the result by something, if you want to change how each tier is different from the previous - scale the n
L639[18:43:00] <GeoDoX> Should I use what you just wrote? Or keep mine as cost = Math.pow(2, sizeUpgrade.upgradeValue * 5)
L640[18:43:37] <fry> what you have should work fine :P
L641[18:46:20] <GeoDoX> alright, in your opinion, which would be better?
L642[18:47:58] <fry> no difference :P
L643[18:48:23] <GeoDoX> Alright :)
L644[18:48:30] <GeoDoX> Thanks for the help
L645[18:50:58] <GeoDoX> How should I go about updating the Block? It is a TE but I'm not sure how often TE's update, or if they even update when you're not using them.
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L647[18:51:26] <GeoDoX> I'm assuming it would need to be a chunk loader as well to keep running even if the player is too far away?
L648[18:51:58] <Zorn_Taov> http://pastebin.com/zvRZTt32 apperently this is happening to a friend's server whenever he logs in. I checked the code for forge 1448 and it's something to do with light levels maybe. any idea what's going on?
L649[18:53:16] <Cypher121> how bad does using mfr sewage for fertilizer sound?
L650[18:55:37] <gigaherz_y> directly?
L651[18:56:03] <gigaherz_y> sounds fine IF you also give a random chance per tick to get poison while standing near the sprinkler
L652[18:56:03] <gigaherz_y> ;P
L653[18:56:38] <Cypher121> no side effect, but looks like you have shit all over your body
L654[18:56:42] <Cypher121> which you do
L655[18:56:45] <gigaherz_y> heh
L656[18:57:09] <Cypher121> maybe I'll add that too :D
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L658[18:59:03] <gigaherz_y> have you ever been near a field sprinkled with pig shit? it smells BAD
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L660[18:59:37] <Cypher121> it can be player's too
L661[18:59:48] <Cypher121> place a sewer and crouch on it
L662[18:59:51] <gigaherz_y> human sewage smells even worse
L663[19:00:04] <Cypher121> nausea?
L664[19:00:10] <gigaherz_y> bad one
L665[19:00:16] <gigaherz_y> easy to puke near an open sewer ;P
L666[19:00:38] <gigaherz_y> I'd make it like very high chance of getting nausea, low chance of getting poison
L667[19:00:38] <gigaherz_y> XD
L668[19:01:17] <shobu-cloud> nah you should just have poo all over you like brown particules :P
L669[19:01:25] <gigaherz_y> high chance I mean like, 1:50 per tick of getting nausea
L670[19:01:30] <gigaherz_y> 1:500 poison
L671[19:06:11] <gigaherz_y> oooh I had an idea
L672[19:06:19] <gigaherz_y> make a "Fertilized!" status effect
L673[19:06:23] <gigaherz_y> that lasts X seconds
L674[19:06:32] <gigaherz_y> gives you brown "fart clouds"
L675[19:06:44] <gigaherz_y> and has a chance of giving you nausea/poison
L676[19:06:53] <gigaherz_y> and gets remove if standing on water
L677[19:07:04] <Cypher121> this is not going in the right direction >_<
L678[19:07:27] <gigaherz_y> it's your mod, we are just giving ideas ;P
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L682[19:09:52] <Cypher121> what should I return from getTankInfo() if I have a tank that "destroys" all incoming fluids?
L683[19:10:15] <Cypher121> 1 empty tank or just FluidTankInfo[0]?
L684[19:10:34] <gigaherz_y> you'd need one tank
L685[19:10:39] <gigaherz_y> pretend to accept everything
L686[19:10:41] <gigaherz_y> but void it
L687[19:10:44] <gigaherz_y> I think
L688[19:11:06] <Cypher121> well, it doesn't accept anything, it has a filter
L689[19:11:17] <Cypher121> like water, fertilizer, and shit
L690[19:11:33] <Cypher121> s/anything/everything/
L691[19:13:31] <gigaherz_y> everything in terms of amounts, not liquids
L692[19:13:31] <gigaherz_y> XD
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L694[19:16:23] <Cypher121> gigaherz_y: so fluid would be null?
L695[19:16:39] <gigaherz_y> no idea
L696[19:16:40] <gigaherz_y> XD
L697[19:16:46] <gigaherz_y> I haven't actually done fuild containers
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L703[19:28:44] <GeoDoX> Yay for learning new stuff!
L704[19:28:59] <GeoDoX> Abstract implimentations of Interfaces :D
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L711[19:50:57] <JamEngulfer221> You know, in 4 years of doing Java, I never bothered to understand how Interfaces work
L712[19:51:35] <diesieben07> interfaces = abstract classes without fields and with multipe inheritance
L713[19:52:11] ⇨ Joins: Ilphelkiir (~Ilphelkii@ool-44c74cb6.dyn.optonline.net)
L714[19:52:33] <JamEngulfer221> fair enough
L715[19:53:05] <gigaherz_y> diesieben07: that's a weird explanation for that XD
L716[19:53:17] <gigaherz_y> JamEngulfer221: interfaces are techincally just a specification
L717[19:53:20] <gigaherz_y> a pattern of sorts
L718[19:53:23] <GeoDoX> I've known Java for about 8-10 years now, and I've only started using them rarely very recently, withing the last year or so
L719[19:53:31] <gigaherz_y> for class X to implement Y, it must have all these methods.
L720[19:53:38] <gigaherz_y> (publicly accessible)
L721[19:53:43] <JamEngulfer221> I should probably have known this given last year I was paid to work on a program that used interfaces a lot
L722[19:54:03] <diesieben07> why is that weird? :D
L723[19:54:26] <JamEngulfer221> I think I 'got' how they worked then, but I've forgotten quite a lot since then
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L725[19:54:57] <gigaherz_y> diesieben07: well it's like saying a vehicle is a car with an undefined number of wheels
L726[19:54:58] <gigaherz_y> XD
L727[19:55:06] <diesieben07> uhhh
L728[19:55:10] <diesieben07> thats not what a vehicle is
L729[19:55:47] <gigaherz_y> neither is an interface a class
L730[19:55:52] <diesieben07> it sure is.
L731[19:56:32] <gigaherz_y> conceptually, all classes have an interface, composed of their public members, not the other way around
L732[19:56:40] <gigaherz_y> or at least, that's how I prefer to think of it
L733[19:56:40] <gigaherz_y> XD
L734[19:57:10] <gigaherz_y> to me, the fact that the interface has methods and fields, is just a concrete case for the concept of interface applied to a language that uses classes with methods
L735[19:57:29] <diesieben07> you are thinking of the word interface as in API
L736[19:57:37] <diesieben07> thats not necessarily what an interface is in java
L737[19:57:45] <fry> both interfaces and classes are types :P
L738[19:57:53] <gigaherz_y> yes
L739[19:58:05] <gigaherz_y> well, not exactly
L740[19:58:11] <fry> neither is a subthing to the other :P
L741[19:58:14] <gigaherz_y> I think of an API as a concrete set of interfaces
L742[20:00:52] <gigaherz_y> I do understand the concrete "thing" that is an interface in a language like Java or C#
L743[20:01:17] <gigaherz_y> I just consider that concepr a specialization of the real concept of interface, that would be the public-facing members of the objects
L744[20:01:25] <gigaherz_y> concept*
L745[20:02:20] <gigaherz_y> i mean, In C++ there are no interfaces per se, you just declare a class full of pure virtual methods (C++'s version of abstract)
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L747[20:03:54] <gigaherz_y> but yeah I suppose if someone understands the concept of abstract class before the concept of interface
L748[20:04:22] <gigaherz_y> saying "an abstract class that has no fields and supports multiple inheritance" works
L749[20:05:27] <gigaherz_y> (although it's more like it has nothing to inherit, rather than multiple inheritance ;P)
L750[20:05:47] <diesieben07> you can add code to interfaces ;)
L751[20:05:51] <gigaherz_y> no wait, java has default methods in interfaces
L752[20:05:52] <gigaherz_y> yeah
L753[20:05:56] <gigaherz_y> I consider that a really broken feature
L754[20:06:03] <fry> the point of an interface is abstraction - you separate the implementation from the usage
L755[20:06:04] <diesieben07> well, yeah
L756[20:06:05] <gigaherz_y> conceptually, not in practice
L757[20:06:15] <diesieben07> proper traits would be needed
L758[20:08:19] <gigaherz_y> speaking about default methods, how are they handled in case of a conflict?
L759[20:08:38] <gigaherz_y> if I implement two interfaces that happen to have a method with the same name, and both have implementations?
L760[20:08:39] <diesieben07> conflict as in class impleements 2 interfaces with the same method name and it is defualt in both?
L761[20:08:46] <diesieben07> you need to override it
L762[20:08:46] <gigaherz_y> yup
L763[20:08:57] <diesieben07> you can then point ot one of them if you wish but you must override
L764[20:09:02] <gigaherz_y> ah so it forces you to override.
L765[20:09:09] <diesieben07> you can then do InterfaceA.super.doStuff(...)
L766[20:09:10] <gigaherz_y> makes sense
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L768[20:19:18] <Cypher121> it doesn't force you if it's class vs interface though
L769[20:19:20] <Cypher121> class wins
L770[20:20:10] <diesieben07> yes
L771[20:20:15] <diesieben07> for backwards compat...
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L773[20:21:57] <GeoDoX> I hate my ISP.
L774[20:22:21] <zrneely> Does anyone know if any of the CoFH mods plan to support 1.8? I'd like to make my mod use RF power, but I don't think it's a good time to start writing a 1.7 mod.
L775[20:22:45] <gigaherz_y> well
L776[20:22:48] <gigaherz_y> RF api is version-agnostic
L777[20:22:57] <gigaherz_y> so you could easily make use of it
L778[20:23:33] <zrneely> How could I test the mod in 1.8 without having CoFH Core/Thermal Foundation/Thermal Expansion installed?
L779[20:24:09] <gigaherz_y> with other mods that may be implementing the RF api XD
L780[20:24:13] <GeoDoX> Any decent GUI tutorials for 1.8?
L781[20:25:28] <gigaherz_y> GeoDoX: GUI is almost identical to 1.7 ;P
L782[20:25:33] <gigaherz_y> in fact
L783[20:25:36] <gigaherz_y> it's almost identical to 1.4
L784[20:25:37] <gigaherz_y> ;P
L785[20:25:45] <Cypher121> any decent gui tutorials for *?
L786[20:25:46] <GeoDoX> Haha alright, decent 1.7 tutorial? :P
L787[20:25:55] <gigaherz_y> no idea ;P
L788[20:25:58] <zrneely> gigaherz_y, do you know of any such mod?
L789[20:26:06] <gigaherz_y> zrneely: not off the top of my head no
L790[20:26:09] <gigaherz_y> although
L791[20:26:10] <gigaherz_y> hmm
L792[20:26:15] <gigaherz_y> progressive automation has 1.8
L793[20:26:19] <gigaherz_y> and it has generators
L794[20:26:19] <Cypher121> write one yourself and test them together
L795[20:26:21] <gigaherz_y> dunno if it makes use of RF
L796[20:26:26] <gigaherz_y> or it has its own stuff
L797[20:26:52] <zrneely> Cypher121, the point of using the RF api is to avoid writing/adding unnecessary power generation machines :)
L798[20:27:06] <gigaherz_y> well a "creative power source" never hurts
L799[20:27:06] <gigaherz_y> ;p
L800[20:27:27] <Cypher121> yeah, was about to say that
L801[20:27:35] *** Kolatra[away] is now known as Kolatra
L802[20:27:40] <gigaherz_y> yep
L803[20:27:41] <gigaherz_y> https://github.com/Vanhal/ProgressiveAutomation/tree/1.8/src/main/java/cofh/api
L804[20:27:43] <gigaherz_y> there you go
L805[20:27:47] <gigaherz_y> progressive automation in 1.8 form
L806[20:27:49] <gigaherz_y> uses cofh api
L807[20:27:59] <gigaherz_y> give that a try ;P
L808[20:28:06] <Zorn_Taov> O.O
L809[20:28:16] <Zorn_Taov> really? there's a cofh for 1.8 now?
L810[20:28:19] <gigaherz_y> no
L811[20:28:19] <Cypher121> no
L812[20:28:20] <gigaherz_y> it's THE SAME
L813[20:28:27] <gigaherz_y> it just happens to be version-agnostic
L814[20:28:32] <gigaherz_y> (the api! not the lib!)
L815[20:28:50] <gigaherz_y> so you can just drop it into your 1.8 codebase
L816[20:29:09] <Zorn_Taov> huh
L817[20:29:18] <Cypher121> http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/228654-flux-ducts
L818[20:29:32] <mort_> hey
L819[20:29:49] <Cypher121> btw, description of this thing says Progressive Automation "uses its own modified version"
L820[20:29:54] <gigaherz_y> oh?
L821[20:30:10] <gigaherz_y> AH
L822[20:30:12] <gigaherz_y> well
L823[20:30:18] <gigaherz_y> if that's the case
L824[20:30:23] <mort_> according to various things on the internet, a TileEntity should have an updateEntity method. However, I can't find it in TileEntity.java, and gradle complains about it. Has that changed in 1.8?
L825[20:30:27] <zrneely> Well I'm very glad the RF api is version agnostic :)
L826[20:30:42] <gigaherz_y> zrneely: are you comfortable wit husing the progressive automation variant in 1.8 until cofh releases a better choice? ;P
L827[20:30:57] <gigaherz_y> I assumed it would be the same code
L828[20:31:01] <gigaherz_y> but it would appear that it isn't
L829[20:31:06] <GeoDoX> At a glance, does this look good? http://bedrockminer.jimdo.com/modding-tutorials/advanced-modding/gui-handler/
L830[20:31:15] <gigaherz_y> so it may not be compatible with the "official" one from cofh if they ever do 1.8
L831[20:32:13] <zrneely> gigaherz_y, wouldn't it not matter as long as they don't change the api? I'd just be using Progressive Automation for power gen/other machines in the meantime
L832[20:32:15] <gigaherz_y> oh almost all the changes are just ForgeDirection->EnumFacing
L833[20:32:30] <gigaherz_y> zrneely: they did change the API though
L834[20:32:38] <Cypher121> GeoDoX: that's about as basic as it can get
L835[20:32:40] <gigaherz_y> to adapt it to the changes in Forge/MC
L836[20:32:45] *** cpw|out is now known as cpw
L837[20:32:53] <GeoDoX> Sweet :)
L838[20:33:05] <gigaherz_y> I looked through the changes,
L839[20:33:15] <gigaherz_y> it seems it's basically just ForgeDirection->EnumFacing
L840[20:33:19] <gigaherz_y> and xyz->blockpos
L841[20:33:40] <Cypher121> although bedrock's tutorials are usually good, when they are not outdated. I'd go with what is linked under "Advanced Modding"
L842[20:33:46] <gigaherz_y> so
L843[20:33:50] <gigaherz_y> *I* would use it
L844[20:33:53] <gigaherz_y> you decide ;P
L845[20:34:09] <zrneely> Well those all seem like reasonable changes that CoFH will have to make anyway, no? So I guess we can't assume the RF api is truly version agnostic
L846[20:34:18] <gigaherz_y> yeah
L847[20:34:18] <zrneely> Since we haven't seen the 1.8 one yet
L848[20:34:31] <gigaherz_y> and we don't even know if the cofh people will be doing 1.8 either way
L849[20:34:56] <Cypher121> well, it can't be really completely agnostic
L850[20:34:58] <gigaherz_y> took them so long to bring back the ducts
L851[20:35:11] <gigaherz_y> I can imagine they'd be like "nope we aren't doing that all over again"
L852[20:35:12] <zrneely> Looks like I'll have to rethink how I want my items to use power then
L853[20:35:39] <Cypher121> because if next version of mc/forge will switch to polar coordinates, there's no way around changing stuff.
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L855[20:35:57] <Cypher121> and there's no such thing as back-compat with different version of minecraft
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L857[20:36:37] <Cypher121> speaking of which, is there a summary/reasoning of changes from ForgeDirection to EnumFacing?
L858[20:37:06] <gigaherz_y> EnumFacing is vanilla
L859[20:37:09] <gigaherz_y> ForgeDirection was... forge.
L860[20:37:52] <Cypher121> makes sense, but meh
L861[20:37:54] <gigaherz_y> before 1.8, methods would use "int facing"
L862[20:38:00] <gigaherz_y> in 1.,8, they use "EnumFacing facing"
L863[20:38:19] <gigaherz_y> ofc, the names are community-provided, not the real ones
L864[20:38:39] <Cypher121> at least it's not EFacing
L865[20:39:04] <gigaherz_y> yeah but it's not just Facing either ;P
L866[20:39:15] <gigaherz_y> the "Enum" bit sounds redundant XD
L867[20:39:41] <Cypher121> all these prefixes are
L868[20:39:45] <tterrag> yeah I never got the Enum* naming
L869[20:39:52] <gigaherz_y> although my guess would be Side, not Facing or Direction
L870[20:40:01] <gigaherz_y> but forge already has "Side" taken ;P
L871[20:40:03] <tterrag> enums are just compiler sugar
L872[20:40:04] <Cypher121> but well, we can't remove all these I's from interfaces already
L873[20:40:19] <tterrag> Cypher121: I don't mind the I paradigm
L874[20:40:24] <tterrag> it makes interfaces easy to distinguish
L875[20:40:29] <tterrag> and doesn't add much length to names
L876[20:40:33] <tterrag> "Enum" is a bit verbose
L877[20:40:50] <Cypher121> tterrag: enums are for type-safety, that's their main goal
L878[20:41:00] <gigaherz_y> enums can be plural though
L879[20:41:03] <gigaherz_y> Directions.East
L880[20:41:10] <gigaherz_y> makes them into a "collection of names"
L881[20:41:59] <tterrag> java convention is singular name though
L882[20:42:03] <Cypher121> also there's half of internet of people arguing against hungarian notation
L883[20:42:17] <Cypher121> the other half is porn, so I agree with both
L884[20:42:38] <tterrag> see: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/enum.html
L885[20:42:41] <tterrag> it's not "Days
L886[20:42:45] <tterrag> it's "Day"
L887[20:47:22] <mort_> huh, apparently you now have to implement server.gui.IUpdatePlayerListBox to have an update method run every tick
L888[20:47:49] <mort_> that seems like a weird name for something which runs on both the client and the server and has nothing to do with GUI and nothing to do with players or lists or boxes
L889[20:48:08] <GeoDoX> Can anyone tell me what variables a and b are in actionPerformed? http://bedrockminer.jimdo.com/modding-tutorials/advanced-modding/gui-screen/
L890[20:48:25] <GeoDoX> All it says is "Note that this.a and this.b are variables I created."
L891[20:48:59] <mort_> seems to just be buttons
L892[20:49:09] <GeoDoX> GuiButtons?
L893[20:49:17] <Thutmose> how would I go about making this not said in the log while loading? "Model definition for location <block that shouldn't really be obtainable as an item>#inventory not found"
L894[20:49:20] <mort_> mhm
L895[20:50:05] <tterrag> mort_: yes the name has been long complained about
L896[20:50:07] <mort_> I think assignment also returns the value assigned, which means that foo(this.a = new Thing()) is the same as foo(new Thing()), except that `this.a` also is a reference to to things
L897[20:50:09] <gigaherz_y> Thutmose: I may be wrong, but I believe you'd need a custom state mapper
L898[20:50:12] <tterrag> it will be changed for the next MC version (1.8.8)
L899[20:50:28] <GeoDoX> and this.buttonList is just a List<GuiButton>?
L900[20:50:30] <gigaherz_y> well you can just simply add "inventory" in the blockstates and shut it up ;P
L901[20:50:37] <mort_> probably geodox
L902[20:50:40] <GeoDoX> Okay
L903[20:50:51] <mort_> tterrag: alright, that makes sense
L904[20:51:18] <GeoDoX> Implementing Scrolling in GUIs?
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L911[21:03:22] <gigaherz_y> GeoDoX: depends on how fancy you want your scrolling to be ;P
L912[21:03:39] <gigaherz_y> tinker's construct smeltery just scrolls the contents of the slots
L913[21:03:58] <gigaherz_y> but other mods use scissor rects or similar to clip the scrolling area to the "window"
L914[21:04:19] <gigaherz_y> stencil masks are also an option if you want a non-rectangular clipping region
L915[21:04:46] <GeoDoX> tcon is probably good :)
L916[21:05:05] <Ordinastie> you know there is a framework for Forge with GUIs? :)
L917[21:05:20] <gigaherz_y> you may have mentioned it in the past ;P
L918[21:06:08] <GeoDoX> Is the way I'm setting up my Gui's to link to the ID's a good way to do it? http://hastebin.com/iqicawonuk.java
L919[21:06:12] <Ordinastie> meee ? nah, that's not my style, I would never mention MalisisCore
L920[21:06:33] <gigaherz_y> no ofcourse you would never mention your loved lib/framework at every chance!
L921[21:06:36] <gigaherz_y> ;P
L922[21:06:58] <Ordinastie> for what it's worth, it's not very effective anyway
L923[21:07:15] <Ordinastie> (mentioning it, not the lib ><)
L924[21:07:29] <gigaherz_y> people are scared of dependencies ;P
L925[21:07:30] <GeoDoX> Okay, I was gunna say, so I shouldn't even use it?
L926[21:07:52] <GeoDoX> Wanna give me a hand with it Ordinastie ?
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L928[21:08:15] <Ordinastie> if you're willing to use it, sure
L929[21:08:34] <Ordinastie> (damn, it's almost martial law in paris apparently :x)
L930[21:08:41] <gigaherz_y> yeah
L931[21:08:44] <gigaherz_y> crazy shit
L932[21:09:35] <GeoDoX> I'll give it a shot for sure
L933[21:09:55] <GeoDoX> How do I implement it in my mod?
L934[21:10:32] <gigaherz_y> MalisisCore is a library, you'd have to add it to your development environment as a dependency, and then tell everyone to download it along with your mod ;P
L935[21:11:01] <Ordinastie> ^
L936[21:11:20] * GeoDoX doesn't know how to add a dependency
L937[21:11:29] <Ordinastie> you add that in your build.gradle, and rerun setupDecompWorkspace
L938[21:11:30] <Ordinastie> https://github.com/Ordinastie/MalisisAdvert/blob/master/build.gradle#L27-L30
L939[21:13:11] <GeoDoX> What's the line for 1.8?
L940[21:13:18] <GeoDoX> the version code
L941[21:13:36] <GeoDoX> compile 'net.malisis:malisiscore:1.8-1.0.2:dev'?
L942[21:13:42] <Ordinastie> yes
L943[21:13:56] <GeoDoX> Okay :)
L944[21:14:14] <Ordinastie> if you want example of what can be done with it, https://github.com/Ordinastie/MalisisCoreDemos/tree/1.8/source/net/malisis/demo
L945[21:14:16] <GeoDoX> Where do I stick the jar in my workspace?
L946[21:14:28] <Ordinastie> and if you have more question I suggest you head to #malisis :)
L947[21:16:01] <GeoDoX> Is there support for Gui's that don't have Inventories? or just with?
L948[21:16:51] <Ordinastie> yes
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L955[22:08:49] <gigaherz_y> :3 lvl100 perfect-tamed spinosaurus (ARK)
L956[22:08:57] <gigaherz_y> (max level using 0.5 difficulty)
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L968[22:57:23] <Thutmose> in the 1.8 mdk, where do I stick in manual libraries for compiling with? It used to be in libs
L969[22:59:43] <tterrag> still is
L970[22:59:45] <tterrag> mdk has nothing to do with it
L971[22:59:52] <tterrag> libs folder is added to classpath by gradle
L972[23:00:02] <Thutmose> hmm, odd, when I stuck baubles in there it didn't compile properly
L973[23:01:40] <xaero> logs?
L974[23:01:46] ⇦ Quits: darkfusion58 (~darkfusio@71-85-51-90.dhcp.spbg.sc.charter.com) (Quit: Leaving.)
L975[23:02:46] <Thutmose> i'll get around to fixing it later (many other things to do first, lots and lots of blocks to get textures back on), I was just wondering if the method had changed or something
L976[23:03:02] <Thutmose> if nothing changed, then I probably didn't do something in the correct order
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L978[23:03:47] <Matthew> Thutmose, https://github.com/MinecraftForge/ForgeGradle/blob/f831dda9511ab6ad7200f143a0cb6df8c45e9e76/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/gradle/user/UserBasePlugin.java#L524
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