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L30[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20151015 mappings to Forge Maven.
L31[02:00:06] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20151015-1.8.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20151015" in build.gradle).
L32[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L40[02:34:06] <hitech95> Hello! I have solved the "x-Ray" problem, now I have to update the bound if the player is near the plate...
L41[02:35:09] <hitech95> And access the player inventory... but I have no idea how make this.
L42[02:43:22] <Cypher121> hitech95: EntityPlayer has a field inventory
L43[02:43:46] <Cypher121> !!gf EntityPlayer.inventory
L44[02:43:47] <MCPBot_Reborn> === MC 1.8: net/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer.inventory (ahd.bg) UNLOCKED ===
L45[02:43:47] <MCPBot_Reborn> Name : bg => field_71071_by => inventory
L46[02:43:48] <MCPBot_Reborn> Descriptor : Lahb; => Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/InventoryPlayer;
L47[02:43:49] <MCPBot_Reborn> Comment : Inventory of the player
L48[02:43:49] <MCPBot_Reborn> Last Change: 2014-09-25 17:13:58.076950-04:00 (_bot_update_)
L49[02:44:25] <tterrag> unnecessary...but yes, it's pretty easy to modify the player inv
L50[02:44:42] <hitech95> Ok but where is passed the entity player to my tile? I'm making a pressureplate.
L51[02:45:58] <sham1> you check for all players on-top of your tile
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L57[02:50:39] <hitech95> I'm back OOM.... stupid chromebook...
L58[02:53:08] <sham1> Out of Money?
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L61[02:53:38] <hitech95> Money well yes... also...
L62[02:53:43] <hitech95> I'm trying to understand what the vanilla does but many method have not been mapped.
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L67[03:02:36] ⇨ Joins: theGliby (Gliby@
L68[03:02:50] <hitech95> !gf World.getEntitiesWithinAABB 1.7.10
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L71[03:05:15] <sham1> !gf World.getEntitiesWithinAABB 1.8
L72[03:05:19] <sham1> Hmrm
L73[03:05:23] <sham1> That's strannge
L74[03:05:32] <sham1> There is no such method with that name in 1.8
L75[03:08:32] <xaero> you mean field? ;)
L76[03:08:41] <sham1> Meh
L77[03:08:47] <sham1> !m World.getEntitiesWithinAABB 1.8
L78[03:08:55] <sham1> It obviously is a method
L79[03:08:59] <sham1> !gm World.getEntitiesWithinAABB 1.8
L80[03:09:11] <sham1> But I derp
L81[03:11:54] <hitech95> It is in the wood pressure plate code but no info about it....
L82[03:12:08] <shadekiller666> AABB is a bounding box
L83[03:12:16] <shadekiller666> AxisAlignedBoudingBox
L84[03:12:40] <shadekiller666> give that method an AABB and it will give you a list of entities contained within it
L85[03:13:24] <sham1> List/Collection whatever
L86[03:14:33] <iceman11a> Does any one have a problem with blocks that just vanish
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L138[04:42:56] <hitech95> What is the difference between World and IBlockAcces? I have to get the tileentity...
L139[04:43:10] <sham1> IBlockAccess is an interface
L140[04:43:15] <sham1> That is implemented by World
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L144[04:49:48] <hitech95> Oh ok so s the same. Good!
L145[04:49:53] <hitech95> *is
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L148[04:59:15] <Mossyblog> how does IntellIj/Eclipse know where net.minecraftforge.fml.common etc is? ..as the MinecraftForge/src/ directory seems to be hidden in modules settings... just curious
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L151[05:02:26] <xaero> the forgeSrc is linked as an external/referenced library
L152[05:02:42] <gigaherz_j> Mossyblog: external references, it's included as a library
L153[05:04:28] <Mossyblog> well, the thing that caught me by curiousity was how even though in /Projects/Forge it can't find FML.common it doesn't throw a compile tantrum.. yet if i duplicate the exact same folder with just some minor name changes...tantrum city
L154[05:04:32] <Mossyblog> its a neat trick :)
L155[05:04:55] <gigaherz_j> uh?
L156[05:05:30] <gigaherz_j> what "minor name changes"?
L157[05:05:37] *** Ash|Work is now known as Ash|Lunch
L158[05:06:11] <Mossyblog> Directory rename and file rename on Forge.iml to Foo.iml
L159[05:06:25] <Mossyblog> ie - /projects/Forge --> /projects/Foo
L160[05:06:37] <Mossyblog> with Forge.iml to Foo.iml
L161[05:06:41] <Mossyblog> it all should be relative..
L162[05:06:51] <gigaherz_j> did you also update the stuff inside .idea?
L163[05:07:03] <Mossyblog> and then i just nuke the src/main/java/net folder with blank.
L164[05:07:12] <Mossyblog> yeah i edited the iml within IDEA and restarted it.
L165[05:07:25] <gigaherz_j> you may need to refresh gradle from idea's side
L166[05:07:46] <gigaherz_j> because it shouldn't even be complaining in the first place
L167[05:07:59] <gigaherz_j> did you use "gradle idea" to generate the idea project?
L168[05:08:12] <Mossyblog> no thats int he MDK tasks
L169[05:08:25] <Mossyblog> i'm talking about the actual MinecraftForge repo
L170[05:08:29] <gigaherz_j> oh
L171[05:08:32] <gigaherz_j> actual forge in idea
L172[05:08:37] <gigaherz_j> is not a supported scenario I believe
L173[05:08:43] <Mossyblog> really..
L174[05:08:47] <Mossyblog> works a treat though eheh
L175[05:08:48] <gigaherz_j> I mean
L176[05:08:52] <gigaherz_j> it MAY work
L177[05:09:01] <gigaherz_j> but it could have as well not have worked
L178[05:09:01] <gigaherz_j> ;P
L179[05:09:22] <Mossyblog> my only thoughts were to keep Forge/Clean as-is and then side-load modules for Mods... ie it helps sometimes to look at the MCP decomps to figure out how stuff works
L180[05:09:37] *** gigaherz_j is now known as gigaherz
L181[05:09:38] <Mossyblog> the MDK route isn't ideal.
L182[05:09:54] <gigaherz> mdk has the decompiled sources too
L183[05:10:05] <gigaherz> assuming you do setupDecompWorkspace
L184[05:11:31] <TomWolf> I updated some mods and now my server crashes without a crash-report, the part I can copy seems to indicate that rftools is involved though that isn't one of those I updated. If someone better than me at reading these things could take a look I would appreciate it.
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L186[05:11:48] <TomWolf> http://pastebin.com/Ej7dMCtX
L187[05:13:20] <gigaherz> java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: Config.getGameSettings()Lnet/minecraft/client/settings/GameSettings;
L188[05:13:20] <gigaherz> at net.minecraft.profiler.Profiler.func_76320_a(Profiler.java:64) ~[qi.class:?]
L189[05:13:23] <gigaherz> this sounds broken :/
L190[05:13:54] <gigaherz> some coremod must have asmed the wrong thing
L191[05:13:58] <gigaherz> which means
L192[05:14:02] <gigaherz> your forge may be too old
L193[05:14:10] <gigaherz> you may want to update forge to "latest" instead of "recommended"
L194[05:14:35] <Ordinastie> !gm func_76320_a
L195[05:15:24] <Ordinastie> yep, looks like failed ASM attempt
L196[05:15:47] <Ordinastie> pretty sure "Config" should be fully qualified here
L197[05:16:53] <TomWolf> I'll try updating forge =)
L198[05:17:30] <Ordinastie> don't think it has anything to do with forge
L199[05:17:41] <TomWolf> I have the latest
L200[05:17:46] <Ordinastie> one of the mods you updated
L201[05:17:47] <gigaherz> aha
L202[05:17:53] <gigaherz> yeah then it's a big in one of the mods
L203[05:17:57] <gigaherz> bug*
L204[05:20:00] <TomWolf> That's what I deserve for being lazy and updating to many at once.
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L231[07:06:37] <AtomicStryker> yo, is there a logfile on android devices or another way to determine when exactly the last OS/firmware update was installed
L232[07:07:02] <AtomicStryker> like, updating from android 4.2 to 4.4
L233[07:07:09] <IoP> probably not.
L234[07:07:42] <AtomicStryker> surely there must be binary files with date stamps
L235[07:07:48] <IoP> You could check if OS system created some files at first reboot but logcat's buffer is smallish and reseted at reboot
L236[07:08:28] <AtomicStryker> the date im looking for is months past, so any buffers are out
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L250[08:05:21] <hitech95> Does anyone know how to make the side tabs on the GUI?
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L252[08:13:43] <noiro> why is the vanilla forge server so unoptimized, laggy, and lowtick with modpacks but run the same pack with cauldron and everything maxes out to no lag and straight 20tps?
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L255[08:15:25] <hitech95> noiro: Caldron use some Spigot code... not so sure about that...
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L259[08:23:50] <noiro> it's just so consistent that I get way better TPS and connects with other players on my server when using cauldron, and vanilla forge just feels so slow, it makes me a bit sad that it doesn't implement similar optimizations and that for servers i run, vanilla forge is near-inoperable.
L260[08:25:19] <blood|work> Cauldron is dead, use Sponge
L261[08:25:32] *** Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L262[08:25:41] <blood|work> and no it will not be supported on 1.7
L263[08:26:29] <sham1> Or even better
L264[08:26:31] <sham1> Use Forge ;)
L265[08:26:43] <blood|work> uh Sponge is a coremod
L266[08:26:46] <blood|work> you HAVE to use Forge
L267[08:27:38] <auenfx4> does cauldron have lower mob spawns like spigot?
L268[08:28:01] <sham1> What does Sponge even do
L269[08:28:08] <sham1> Because I've read some docs
L270[08:28:12] <blood|work> uh a shit ton
L271[08:28:21] <blood|work> look at our API and you'll see what it does
L272[08:28:44] <blood|work> the last thing i added was a tick capture system
L273[08:29:02] <blood|work> mods dont have to fire change block events, i track it all
L274[08:29:04] <blood|work> same with spawns
L275[08:29:09] <blood|work> or deaths
L276[08:29:16] <sham1> I can see some java 8 stuff
L277[08:29:23] <blood|work> we require Java 8 now
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L279[08:29:45] <auenfx4> minecraft launcher pretty much forces java 8 anyway ;)
L280[08:30:02] <sham1> yay
L281[08:30:18] <sham1> We might get the lazy users to actually to use Java 8
L282[08:30:33] <blood|work> the new launcher forces java 8, old ones do not
L283[08:31:05] <blood|work> they fixed mac issue?
L284[08:31:07] <auenfx4> the latest launcher grabs java 8 for you
L285[08:31:21] <auenfx4> the slightl older launcher uses java 8, or tells you to grab the newer launcher
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L287[08:31:58] <blood|work> sham1: https://github.com/SpongePowered/SpongeAPI/blob/master/src/main/java/org/spongepowered/api/event/block/ChangeBlockEvent.java
L288[08:32:04] <blood|work> this 1 event alone is a godsend for mods :P
L289[08:32:13] <blood|work> modded servers i mean
L290[08:32:45] <blood|work> if I spawn a block that breaks other blocks, others will know the player attached
L291[08:32:52] <blood|work> or if i spawn a block that places other blocks, same thing
L292[08:33:11] <blood|work> if i spawn a wolf that kills a skeleton, my player will be in the cause along with the wolf
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L294[08:33:17] <blood|work> everythign is tracked
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L296[08:34:11] <noiro> blood|work, I'm using kcauldron atm in 1.7
L297[08:35:01] <blood|work> still doesnt make it "not dead" noiro
L298[08:35:09] <blood|work> as all my latest changes are in Sponge
L299[08:35:16] <blood|work> cauldron doesn't even compare to Sponge now :P
L300[08:36:18] <noiro> I don't even see downloads on the website of sponge
L301[08:36:27] <sham1> So, aside from a lot of events and being able to track stuff, what other benefits does it have
L302[08:36:46] <blood|work> uh an API?
L303[08:37:39] <sham1> Well
L304[08:37:46] <blood|work> not to mention quite a few plugins
L305[08:38:04] <sham1> Why do I get a Bukkit vibe from this thing
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L307[08:38:18] <blood|work> it uses nothing from Bukkit
L308[08:38:22] <sham1> Yeah
L309[08:38:30] <sham1> But it seems similar
L310[08:38:33] <blood|work> not even close
L311[08:38:44] <blood|work> Bukkit API was designed for Vanilla
L312[08:38:51] <blood|work> SpongeAPI was designed for mods/vanilla
L313[08:39:32] <blood|work> all registration in SpongeAPI accepts custom
L314[08:40:27] <sham1> Also, I noticed that the Docs page promotes that there are different languages, yet at least in the Finnish one it still uses the English text
L315[08:40:36] <sham1> Might wanna fix that
L316[08:40:42] <sham1> Assuming you have a translator
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L319[08:42:04] <noiro> blood, sponge still looks like it's in dev builds which are alpha. kcauldron may be a dead project to you and 'not to Sponge's standard now' but if Sponge can't run stable modpacks yet, it's useless until it's further along. I've known sponge existed for ages but mostly written it off until it has release versions that are viable
L320[08:42:20] <blood|work> alpha? you can run it now fine on servers
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L323[08:46:49] <noiro> So the announcement on forums announcing dev builds talking about likely bugs, backing up worlds, and WIP is an overexaggeration? i run 30-120 mod packs and was looking for something that I could throw on the server and it optimize. It's in that viable of a place now?
L324[08:48:13] <blood|work> you arent going to have large mod packs in 1.8
L325[08:48:27] <noiro> i'm just running 1.7, and why not in 1.8?
L326[08:48:35] <blood|work> Sponge doesnt support 1.7
L327[08:48:37] <blood|work> never will
L328[08:48:42] <blood|work> many mods havent updated
L329[08:48:43] <noiro> so I'll stick with kcauldron
L330[08:49:05] <noiro> I'm on 1.7 because most mods haven't updated and there's nothing to support it yet
L331[08:49:20] <blood|work> 1.7 will start to slowly die out the moment Forge releases its next big update :P
L332[08:49:35] <sham1> Really doubt that
L333[08:49:35] <blood|work> mods that stick with 1.7 will just be a ticking time bomb at that point
L334[08:49:46] <blood|work> doubt? its happened time and time again
L335[08:49:49] * AbrarSyed senses a FOrge 2.1.0 coming soon with the new FF changes
L336[08:49:50] <blood|work> look at RP2
L337[08:49:54] <AbrarSyed> err FG 2.1.0
L338[08:49:56] <blood|work> and all those mods back during 1.2.5
L339[08:49:56] <noiro> it will, will likely be a few months till then and I can enjoy the packs I run and one i've got planned ot make till then till things can worked out
L340[08:49:58] <blood|work> 1.4.7 etc
L341[08:50:02] <blood|work> that said they would never update
L342[08:50:06] <blood|work> they either got replaced entirely or died
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L344[08:50:12] <blood|work> it will happen, the question is when
L345[08:50:24] <blood|work> Abrar nice!
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L347[08:52:36] <noiro> stupid question blood, but if you added a feature for setspawn that actually persisted to the point that you could player spawn in a world that's not overworld, that'd be amazing (limited use I realize, but amazing)
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L350[08:54:03] <boschieman> hi, when I add a new blockstate to a block and change some methods, using that blockstate, I cannot start up the game. I get an index out of bound exception -6.
L351[08:54:14] <boschieman> doe anybody have an idea what the problem coud be?
L352[08:54:29] <AbrarSyed> ?stacktrace
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L354[08:54:34] <boschieman> sec
L355[08:55:03] <boschieman> https://gist.github.com/boschieman/d87772b703bc28ea9020
L356[08:55:07] <boschieman> there it is
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L358[08:55:45] <AbrarSyed> at electa.lumen.blocks.electric.generators.BlockICE.<init>(BlockICE.java:40) [BlockICE.class:?]
L359[08:55:48] <AbrarSyed> start debugging there
L360[08:56:22] <boschieman> yeah okay, but how can i have an index out of bounds there? I just create a default blockstate ands stuff
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L362[08:56:48] <boschieman> it is in the GameRegistry that he crashes, I guess
L363[08:58:41] <blood|work> noiro: thats been done already
L364[08:58:53] <blood|work> plus built-in multiworld management
L365[08:58:58] <blood|work> well support
L366[08:59:05] <blood|work> you still need to write a plugin to do what you want with it
L367[09:00:16] <AbrarSyed> boschieman, well its getting the -6 somehow, its up to you to find out how. as I said start debugging in that constructor.. and step through it till you see where it goes wrong
L368[09:00:43] <AbrarSyed> dont forget, you can still only have 16 block states.. IIRC...
L369[09:01:53] <noiro> blargh, so it's not supported by default. Depending on how painful the API is, I may consider making a plugin for it tbh.
L370[09:02:00] <Caitlyn> Man I forgot how clunky pre FG forge setup was.
L371[09:02:39] *** cpw|out is now known as cpw
L372[09:03:54] <AbrarSyed> Once you taste the sweetness of gradle, you can never go back
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L374[09:05:21] <Caitlyn> Heh, no doubt.
L375[09:05:38] <Caitlyn> I had to deobfuscate a 1.4 mod, which meant setting up 1.4 forge
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L382[09:17:02] <blood|work> noiro: there is already a plugin for it, check our forums
L383[09:17:10] <blood|work> it does pretty much everything essentials does
L384[09:17:18] <blood|work> plus world management and starting to do plots
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L427[10:57:39] <Ordinastie> is it just me or the system to handle missing mappings from the world is a complete failure in 1.8 ?
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L429[11:01:10] <Ordinastie> and I'm fucked -_-
L430[11:01:11] <Ordinastie> [18:00:45] [Server thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.Throwable$WrappedPrintStream:println:748]: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Registry entry for block net.malisis.doors.door.block.CustomDoor@4528a871, id 231, name malisisdoors:customDoor, marked as dangling.
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L435[11:12:36] <Subaraki> so i'm revamping my Pet Buddy mod, and i used a case to write down every possible vanilla entity model
L436[11:12:53] <Subaraki> is there a way i could just give up a class like EntityPig.class and get the texture and model from that ?
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L438[11:14:31] <Subaraki> and their sound ?
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L441[11:25:30] <Subaraki> if anyone knows anything, feel welcom to inform me :)
L442[11:36:32] <Subaraki> found out how to get an instance of the renderer...
L443[11:36:57] <Subaraki> anyone got an idea how to get the entity texture from the renderer ? it requieres an entity, is giving in null good ?
L444[11:37:00] <Subaraki> shoudl work
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L452[11:48:13] <Subaraki> why does the getTexture method in any entity renderer need an entity as argument ?
L453[11:48:56] <Tombenpotter> Wild guess would be to check for any NBT
L454[11:49:00] <Tombenpotter> Like the wither skeleton
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L457[11:50:06] <Subaraki> how do you mean Tombenpotter ?
L458[11:50:24] <Tombenpotter> Wither skeleton is a regular skeleton with some special nbt if I recall correctly
L459[11:50:39] <Tombenpotter> So Mojang needs to be able to change the model depending on this
L460[11:50:47] <Subaraki> but i need its texture
L461[11:50:59] <Tombenpotter> Same difference
L462[11:51:01] <Subaraki> in the renderer it states if skeleteon.iswither : bind other texture
L463[11:51:07] <Tombenpotter> Think the villager's random texture
L464[11:51:12] <Tombenpotter> It depends on their jobs
L465[11:51:19] <Subaraki> i don't want to write it out manually, i want to get the texture from the renderer
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L467[11:53:39] <Tombenpotter> What I'm trying to say
L468[11:53:52] <Tombenpotter> You can't pass a null, or it will crash
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L470[11:55:00] <Tombenpotter> You need the actual entity
L471[11:55:16] <Tombenpotter> And all of this shit is protected
L472[11:55:25] <Tombenpotter> Which basically means good luck :P
L473[11:55:34] <Subaraki> i should check the morph mod :/
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L475[11:55:48] <Subaraki> or i should only make vanilla entities available
L476[11:55:52] <Subaraki> i think i'll do just that
L477[11:55:56] <Subaraki> just vanilla shit
L478[11:56:00] <Tombenpotter> I've been coding for a while, and I'm still trying to understand how morph works
L479[11:56:38] <smbarbour> Like all things iChun... voodoo and pixie dust
L480[11:56:40] <Subaraki> i know you can/could change the player's model
L481[11:56:58] <Subaraki> but then the bounding boxes, and animations and all the rest ....
L482[11:57:32] <Subaraki> he has a git on it
L483[11:57:49] <code_> *github project
L484[11:58:13] <Tombenpotter> He does, but it doesn't make the code any clearer :P
L485[11:58:16] <Subaraki> ^
L486[11:58:21] <Subaraki> indeed x)
L487[11:58:28] <Subaraki> ichun = magic really
L488[11:59:34] <Wuppy> woop woop, our Epic Megajam game became really, relaly cool :D
L489[11:59:56] <code_> Hey, wuppy :D
L490[12:00:06] <Wuppy> hey
L491[12:01:04] <Wuppy> now lets just make sure I actually submit the game in time :P
L492[12:01:39] <Wuppy> only annoying thing in the project is that 1 dude didn't do much
L493[12:01:47] <Wuppy> and there's a spelling mistake in the ui textures he made :|
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L499[12:13:40] <sham1> Regrowth is like one of the coolest survival mod packs I've played so far :P
L500[12:13:42] <sham1> I like this
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L504[12:23:18] <gigaherz> sham1: yeah I did regrowth a while ago
L505[12:23:29] <gigaherz> I stopped when all I had left was botania ans thaumcraft grinding
L506[12:23:33] <gigaherz> and I just couldn't be arsed
L507[12:23:35] <gigaherz> eh
L508[12:23:40] <gigaherz> witchery and thaumcraft*
L509[12:23:47] <Tombenpotter> Guys, right now is the moment when you start making fun of me http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/tombenpotters-icarus/files/2262514
L510[12:23:52] <Tombenpotter> Look at the changelog :P
L511[12:24:33] <Wuppy> here's our game, check it out :) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/59067404/Downloads/Epic%20Megajam%20October%202015/BattleMetal.zip
L512[12:24:47] <sham1> Well thaumcraft is also in Regrowth
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L521[13:06:18] <Wuppy> has anyone played minecraft storymode already?
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L523[13:11:08] <gigaherz> not personally, but I have seen the start of a playthrough
L524[13:11:58] <Wuppy> hmm, how long is copying 80GB of small files through USB3 going to take....
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L526[13:12:14] <Wuppy> lets hope not too long, because I need like 200GB in total
L527[13:13:17] <gigaherz> hmmmm
L528[13:13:33] <gigaherz> well usb3 itself can do like 400mb/s
L529[13:13:39] <gigaherz> so
L530[13:13:47] <Wuppy> small files go much, much slower though
L531[13:13:49] <gigaherz> !calc 80000/400/60
L532[13:13:59] <gigaherz> Result(s): 3.333333333
L533[13:14:06] <gigaherz> 3.3 minutes just to copy the data
L534[13:14:16] <Wuppy> it's going at bytes/s now :P
L535[13:14:28] <gigaherz> then there's the overhead from starting each file
L536[13:14:39] <gigaherz> seek times, and all that crap
L537[13:14:44] <gigaherz> that slow down the flow of data
L538[13:14:50] <gigaherz> so anywhere between 5 minutes and 5 hours
L539[13:15:01] <gigaherz> depending on the target drive performance
L540[13:15:29] <Wuppy> oh well, there's some incredibly cool stuff on there
L541[13:15:52] <Wuppy> I've got sounds for boeings, hueys, 160 different sounds for porche carreras etc. :P{
L542[13:21:52] <MrKickkiller> Wuppy wouldn't it be easier to zip all those small files into one large file and then transfer? You might even have saved space xD
L543[13:22:06] <Wuppy> but then making the zip will take ages
L544[13:22:32] <MrKickkiller> But you could save space and it would transfer at full 400 mb/s
L545[13:22:48] <Wuppy> but it wouldn't save time
L546[13:22:55] <Wuppy> and I dont' have to save space
L547[13:23:02] <Wuppy> plus you can't use the sounds when it's a zip
L548[13:23:30] <MrKickkiller> That's actually something one should test. Transferring a ridiculous amount of tiny files vs Zipping Transferring Unzipping
L549[13:23:39] <Wuppy> ^
L550[13:23:39] <hipsterpig> heh TIL I = magic
L551[13:23:44] <Wuppy> that's actually a very, very good idea
L552[13:23:50] <Wuppy> but I'm not going to :P
L553[13:24:22] <MrKickkiller> Nor am I, I don't have the library of tiny files, and i'm not gonna make a million of those, just to test xD
L554[13:24:51] <Wuppy> would be easy enough to make a script which builds an amount of files with a random string
L555[13:24:56] <Wuppy> that's like 20 minutes of work
L556[13:25:18] <MrKickkiller> Yes, but are you gonna clutter your HDD with such files?
L557[13:25:31] <Wuppy> again, I'm not going to :P
L558[13:29:00] <Ivorius> Wuppy
L559[13:29:05] <Wuppy> Ivorius,
L560[13:29:08] <Ivorius> Can you get me a black market ticket for this http://www.amsterdam-dance-event.nl/artists/a/confirmed/
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L562[13:29:23] <Wuppy> there are no tickets for amsterdam dance event
L563[13:29:30] <Ivorius> wut
L564[13:29:34] <Wuppy> you can get tickets for a specific event there
L565[13:29:39] <Wuppy> of which there are like 50
L566[13:29:52] <Wuppy> http://www.amsterdam-dance-event.nl/program/festival/events/
L567[13:30:09] <Wuppy> make that 300 or so :O
L568[13:30:09] <Ivorius> Multipass? :P
L569[13:30:21] <Wuppy> dont think that exists
L570[13:30:31] <Wuppy> you can buy tickets for several events though :P
L571[13:30:43] <Wuppy> http://www.amsterdam-dance-event.nl/program/2015/i-am-hardstyle/4895309/
L572[13:30:45] <Wuppy> this one's good
L573[13:31:03] <Wuppy> Ivorius, I've got something for you actually: http://www.amsterdam-dance-event.nl/program/2015/prjct-music-festival/4888608/
L574[13:31:08] <Wuppy> do you think that event is good?
L575[13:32:11] <Ivorius> I don't really know many of those artists
L576[13:32:19] <Wuppy> you can get free tickets for it :D
L577[13:32:30] <Wuppy> I'm hoping to find someone to go with :P
L578[13:32:53] <Wuppy> friends aren't replying yet :<
L579[13:33:12] <Ivorius> wut
L580[13:33:20] <Ivorius> It says 49,50, no?
L581[13:33:25] <Wuppy> free :)
L582[13:33:33] <Wuppy> 0 euros
L583[13:34:10] <Ivorius> 22:00 - 07:00 | € 49,50 / € 99,50 VIP + service fee
L584[13:34:12] <Ivorius> I don't see it
L585[13:34:19] <Wuppy> if you know where to look :P
L586[13:34:25] <Ivorius> ... heh
L587[13:34:30] <Wuppy> download the I'm In app and you can get free tickets
L588[13:34:35] <Wuppy> it's 100% legal and 100% working
L589[13:34:42] <Wuppy> as long as you're lucky and quick
L590[13:35:52] <Ivorius> Well, for me even getting there and back is 130€ at this point
L591[13:36:03] <Ivorius> I think I should have planned this out beforehand if anything x)
L592[13:36:12] <Wuppy> hehe yep
L593[13:36:22] <Wuppy> but download the app, you can get free parties somewhere
L594[13:36:41] <Wuppy> fre events in NL, belgium and I gues salos germany
L595[13:36:50] <Ivorius> What app
L596[13:37:05] <Wuppy> I'm In
L597[13:37:47] <Ivorius> Win free tickets, eh?
L598[13:37:54] <Ivorius> What are you paying with
L599[13:38:11] <Wuppy> the booze at the party
L600[13:38:24] <Ivorius> Apparently they gather background data
L601[13:38:25] <Ivorius> GPS
L602[13:38:26] <Ivorius> Interesting
L603[13:38:30] <Wuppy> fine by me
L604[13:38:36] <Wuppy> the reason why they do it is to fill up parties
L605[13:38:42] <Ivorius> I'll test it anyway, thanks
L606[13:38:45] <Wuppy> because paying for a ticket and going to a festival with just a few people sucks
L607[13:39:04] <Wuppy> and the people organizing it get more money from the booze
L608[13:40:52] <sham1> meep
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L610[13:43:56] <sham1> LISP
L611[13:44:01] <sham1> It is interesting
L612[13:47:02] <sham1> At least it looks interesting
L613[13:47:23] <Ivorius> hrm
L614[13:47:29] <Ivorius> Wuppy, they have only NL, UK and Ibiza
L615[13:48:07] <Wuppy> there was one in belgium a while ago as well
L616[13:48:16] <Wuppy> we paid for those tickets though :c
L617[13:48:17] <Ivorius> No, there's a big button in the top left
L618[13:48:42] <Ivorius> I'll keep it here though in case they add Germany though, or if I go to any of those places :P
L619[13:48:59] <Wuppy> there'll certainly also be places close to germany
L620[13:49:09] <sham1> They need something like that for us Nordics :(
L621[13:49:15] <Wuppy> and a free party + paid trip can be a lot cheaper than a paid party
L622[13:50:06] <Ivorius> True
L623[13:50:12] <Ivorius> Although currently I live pretty far from the border
L624[13:50:48] *** Foooz is now known as Tombenpotter
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L627[13:54:00] <Wuppy> fuck yeah
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L629[13:54:02] <Wuppy> tickets :D
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L642[14:50:01] <Subaraki> is blockActivated serverside only or so ?
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L677[16:17:59] <Unh0ly_Tigg> with the configuration classes that forge provides, can categories contain child categories?
L678[16:19:02] <gigaherz> I believe it's possible, but not easily done
L679[16:19:15] <gigaherz> but it's a faint feeling so don't quote me
L680[16:19:24] <gigaherz> I could be completely wrong either way ;P
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L682[16:20:20] <Unh0ly_Tigg> well, after looking into Configuration.getCategory(String), it seems it does support it, names split up by '.' will nest.
L683[16:21:41] <sham1> Meh
L684[16:21:47] <sham1> I should sleep
L685[16:21:52] <sham1> But I cant
L686[16:21:54] <Unh0ly_Tigg> so, doing a category name of "blocks.ores.copper" will generate a category of "blocks" with a sub child (managed by the config parent) of "ore", and continuing to "copper"
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L701[17:13:16] <portablejim> What is the best way to keep a value per player? I want to have the server be able to tell when a player's keybind is pressed. I know a packet must be send, but unsure of the best server-side code.
L702[17:13:23] <portablejim> *sent
L703[17:14:31] <Ivorius> Probably store it in the player
L704[17:14:41] <Ivorius> As IExtendedEntityProperties
L705[17:14:41] <gigaherz> IExtendedEntityProperties
L706[17:15:04] <gigaherz> keep it all server-side
L707[17:15:19] <gigaherz> wait you said keybind
L708[17:15:35] <gigaherz> yeah then
L709[17:15:43] <gigaherz> check out the simple network stuff
L710[17:15:53] <gigaherz> http://mcforge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/networking/simpleimpl/
L711[17:15:58] <gigaherz> official docs here
L712[17:16:21] <gigaherz> when the player presses the key
L713[17:16:25] <gigaherz> you notify the server that it's down
L714[17:16:32] <gigaherz> when it's released, you notify that it's back up
L715[17:17:01] <gigaherz> and you can save the current state in an IEEP or in a map
L716[17:17:21] <gigaherz> the IEEP is designed for persistent storage
L717[17:17:34] <gigaherz> but it manages the user list for you
L718[17:17:56] <gigaherz> I mean, it will automatically destroy IEEPs for entities that are removed from the world
L719[17:18:05] <gigaherz> (such as players changing dimensions or disconnecting)
L720[17:18:08] <gigaherz> meanwhile
L721[17:18:20] <gigaherz> using a manually managed map will require extra event handling to figure out when a player disconnects
L722[17:18:22] <gigaherz> and remove it yourself
L723[17:18:28] <hitech95> I accept suggestions: http://i.imgur.com/ygjTDUT.png
L724[17:18:49] <gigaherz> but it won't interact in any way with the save data
L725[17:18:55] <portablejim> So a UUID based map is'nt too bad?
L726[17:19:12] <gigaherz> nah just so long as you remember to handle player disconnection events
L727[17:19:15] <gigaherz> and remove players from the map
L728[17:19:28] <gigaherz> an IEEP is best if you want persistence
L729[17:19:42] <gigaherz> such as extra equipment slots, magic levels, stuff like that
L730[17:20:09] <gigaherz> hitech95: what about?
L731[17:20:26] <hitech95> Textures and crafting xD
L732[17:20:45] <gigaherz> sure but what are we looking at?
L733[17:20:47] <gigaherz> ;P
L734[17:20:57] <gigaherz> the top row look like Termal Expansion machines
L735[17:21:18] <gigaherz> the other two rows... do not.
L736[17:22:53] <gigaherz> the bottom row look like charging pads
L737[17:22:55] <hitech95> 1 row TE Frames (reference for upgrade level) 2 Row Charge Station for CCraft Turtle 3 Charge Pad for RF tools
L738[17:23:05] <hitech95> :)
L739[17:23:09] <gigaherz> if I saw them around I'd stand on them to see if my stuff charges
L740[17:23:50] <hitech95> I'm making the 2 and 3 row...
L741[17:24:08] <gigaherz> are the corners meant to light up when it's charging?
L742[17:24:44] <hitech95> Yes... but I must learn how... xD http://i.imgur.com/HkW3ms1.png
L743[17:24:50] <gigaherz> if so, it looks too much like salmon color, I'd make them a darker shade while off
L744[17:25:00] <gigaherz> heh
L745[17:25:07] <gigaherz> just change meta on the block (assuming 1.7.10)
L746[17:25:28] <gigaherz> then override and use the getIcon variant that takes a meta value
L747[17:25:29] <hitech95> Metadata is used for the tier... :(
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L749[17:25:44] <gigaherz> how many tiers do you have?
L750[17:25:53] <gigaherz> you only need 1 bit for powered ;p
L751[17:25:59] <gigaherz> you can do like
L752[17:26:03] <gigaherz> int tier = meta&3
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L754[17:26:19] <gigaherz> boolean powered = (meta&8) != 0;
L755[17:26:41] <hitech95> Yea... THX for the input!
L756[17:27:04] <gigaherz> (and then int meta = tier | (powered?8:0);)
L757[17:29:01] <gigaherz> btw haven't mentioned the middle row because I have never used that mod
L758[17:31:38] <hitech95> The mod is open source: https://github.com/hitech95/Smart-CCraft but in WIP
L759[17:32:11] <gigaherz> I meant computercraft ;P
L760[17:32:15] <gigaherz> I have had it in packs
L761[17:32:18] <gigaherz> I have lookedat it
L762[17:32:25] <gigaherz> but never actually tried to make use of anything in it
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L765[17:33:36] <hitech95> oh ok.
L766[17:33:43] <hitech95> go to sleep bye!
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L837[20:43:18] <Lunatrius> So... uhh... what is the "correct" way to compare block states?
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L848[21:04:28] <Zaggy1024> Lunatrius, normal blockstates work with ==
L849[21:04:47] <Lunatrius> Negative. It's an instance check.
L850[21:05:06] <Zaggy1024> ^.~
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L852[21:05:14] <Zaggy1024> yes, I know what == is
L853[21:05:27] <Lunatrius> Wrote a utility method for the time being, will update it later if I figure out something better.
L854[21:05:50] <Zaggy1024> block states are permutated when they're constructed
L855[21:06:00] <Zaggy1024> they're singletons, if that word applies
L856[21:06:03] <Zaggy1024> so == works
L857[21:06:08] <Lunatrius> Are they?
L858[21:06:08] <Zaggy1024> just like block == otherBlock
L859[21:06:34] <Zaggy1024> that's why there's a .withProperty method and not a setProperty method
L860[21:06:42] <fry> normal - yes, extended - not quite :P
L861[21:06:51] <Zaggy1024> I assume extended uses .equals
L862[21:07:15] <Zaggy1024> am I correct?
L863[21:07:27] <fry> probably :P
L864[21:07:32] <Lunatrius> public boolean equals(Object p_equals_1_) { return this == p_equals_1_; }
L865[21:07:36] <Zaggy1024> ...woudln't you know? :P
L866[21:07:42] <Lunatrius> That's the only equals implemented.
L867[21:07:50] <Zaggy1024> on which block state implementation?
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L869[21:08:20] <Zaggy1024> vanilla BlockState.Impl or whatever works with instance equals
L870[21:08:23] <Zaggy1024> like I said
L871[21:08:27] <Zaggy1024> so of course that's what they do
L872[21:09:06] <fry> why are you comparing blockstates anyway? :P
L873[21:09:07] <Lunatrius> If there's a case where it might not work it's useless to me.
L874[21:09:12] <Zaggy1024> er, StateImplementation is the name
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L876[21:09:22] <Zaggy1024> then use .equals
L877[21:09:31] <Lunatrius> public boolean equals(Object p_equals_1_) { return this == p_equals_1_; }
L878[21:09:33] <Lunatrius> Doh
L879[21:09:40] <Lunatrius> It's not any better. lol
L880[21:09:58] <Zaggy1024> dude!
L881[21:10:11] <Zaggy1024> if that param is obfuscated, I assume that's StateImplementation
L882[21:10:18] <Lunatrius> fry: to check whether a schematic block is the same/different than a real block.
L883[21:10:20] <Zaggy1024> and like I said, instance equals works on those!
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L885[21:10:24] <Zaggy1024> gah!
L886[21:10:36] <fry> why do you need to check that? :P
L887[21:11:18] <Lunatrius> http://puu.sh/kLQAq/6543413198.png
L888[21:11:47] <fry> (somebody should probably write a correct .equals for the extended state, and check all the property values there)
L889[21:11:58] <Zaggy1024> lol you should have
L890[21:12:00] <fry> that screenshot doesn't explain anything :P
L891[21:12:04] <Zaggy1024> I assumed that it woudle exist
L892[21:12:58] <fry> not everything gets written at once :P
L893[21:13:04] <Lunatrius> All those blocks are in the area of the schematic. Plank is fine, no tint. Iron block should be a plank, tinted red. The rest are air blocks in the "real" world
L894[21:14:05] <Zaggy1024> er...so you want to check whether it has the correct blocks and display a red tint for ones that don't match?
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L896[21:15:21] <Lunatrius> Well, I already have two ways of doing it, but at least of of them is stupid as hell.
L897[21:15:30] <Zaggy1024> fry, is it allowed for getStateFromMeta ever supposed to return an extended state?
L898[21:15:44] <fry> of course
L899[21:16:05] <Zaggy1024> wasn't sure, thought I heard something about a bug with doing that
L900[21:16:06] <Zaggy1024> a while back
L901[21:16:10] <Zaggy1024> vaguely :P
L902[21:16:28] <Lunatrius> ^ getMetaFromState is the stupid implementation
L903[21:17:08] <Zaggy1024> if you get the properties map from an extended state, does it return the extended properties?
L904[21:17:17] <fry> no
L905[21:17:35] <Zaggy1024> hm, that seems like strange behavior
L906[21:17:45] <fry> why?
L907[21:17:57] <Lunatrius> Wait. What exactly falls under extended states?
L908[21:18:17] <Zaggy1024> well, I thought the point of extended states was to make a state containing an unlisted number of values for a property
L909[21:18:26] <Zaggy1024> not to hide the properties from anything that gets the property map
L910[21:18:31] <Lunatrius> Things like fire states?
L911[21:18:40] <Zaggy1024> doubtful
L912[21:18:53] <Zaggy1024> Forge doesn't mess with vanilla things it doesn't have to
L913[21:19:04] <fry> the point of extended states is to allow unlisted properties
L914[21:19:17] <fry> and unlisted property is not an IProperty
L915[21:19:41] <Zaggy1024> but why shouldn't they be listed in the properties map?
L916[21:19:51] <Zaggy1024> I can't think of a use for that
L917[21:19:54] <fry> how?
L918[21:20:12] <fry> again, IUnlistedProperty is not an IProperty
L919[21:20:19] <Zaggy1024> mmh
L920[21:20:30] <Zaggy1024> yeah, I guess I forgot that properties have to list their possible values
L921[21:20:48] <Zaggy1024> although that could just be deprecated by an extending interface
L922[21:21:01] <Zaggy1024> but...never mind
L923[21:21:10] <fry> that only introduces more problems
L924[21:21:14] <Zaggy1024> I guess I'm understanding why it works the way it does now
L925[21:21:34] <fry> things that use IProperty expect getAllowedValues to work
L926[21:21:34] <Zaggy1024> in that case, would it even matter if luna was comparing unlisted properties anyway?
L927[21:22:16] <Zaggy1024> only use I can think of for them is liquids, and you wouldn't compare liquid levels like that
L928[21:22:47] <Lunatrius> Let me ask differently. Could an extended property affect the (internal) metadata of the save file?
L929[21:22:50] <Zaggy1024> so a simple state1.getProperties().equals(state2.getProperties()) would probably work
L930[21:22:57] <Zaggy1024> yes
L931[21:23:07] <fry> there's nothing preventing that
L932[21:23:26] <Zaggy1024> getMetaFromState is probably better if you're really worried about that
L933[21:23:43] <Zaggy1024> although then properties from getActualState won't be taken into account
L934[21:24:27] <Lunatrius> That doesn't matter. I'm trying to compare the "saved" states anyway.
L935[21:24:35] <Zaggy1024> then use getMetaFromState
L936[21:25:32] <fry> question is - how are you storing the states
L937[21:26:13] <fry> if simply by storing the metadata - then you only need to compare the metadata :P
L938[21:26:36] <Zaggy1024> although I think that getBlockState doesn't use getActualState.
L939[21:27:14] <fry> that shouldn't be relevant
L940[21:28:42] <Zaggy1024> I mean for comparing
L941[21:29:10] <Lunatrius> Yeah, states are metadata until there's something better available.
L942[21:29:22] <Zaggy1024> then compare metadata
L943[21:29:24] <Zaggy1024> :P
L944[21:30:09] <Zaggy1024> if/when you ahve properties for your schematics, you can compare the properties you want to manually
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L947[21:38:04] <MiningMark48> I recently got a new computer, in the process of switching my modding stuff over, when I ry to run my mods' workspaces, i get this error "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/common/collect/Maps"
L948[21:40:26] ⇨ Joins: karlthepagan (~karl@c-66-235-7-92.sea.wa.customer.broadstripe.net)
L949[21:40:50] <killjoy> Is guava on your classpath?
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L953[21:45:24] <MiningMark48> No, fairly sure it isn't
L954[21:47:02] <MiningMark48> http://pastebin.com/ppvPqHvz
L955[21:49:06] <killjoy> Make it so
L956[21:49:25] <killjoy> You should re-run eclipse
L957[21:49:31] <killjoy> or whatever you use
L958[21:50:31] <fry> http://media.giphy.com/media/VLoN2iW8ii3wA/giphy.gif
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L960[21:53:10] <MiningMark48> What do you mean by "re-run"
L961[21:54:11] <MiningMark48> ?
L962[21:57:26] ⇦ Quits: spaceemotion (~spaceemot@f054018064.adsl.alicedsl.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L963[21:57:45] <killjoy> gradle eclipse
L964[21:58:12] <MiningMark48> ok
L965[21:58:35] <killjoy> If you use intellij, I think it auto refreshes it
L966[21:58:53] <MiningMark48> ok
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L968[22:06:17] <MiningMark48> still crashes after doing "gradlew eclipse"
L969[22:06:31] <killjoy> Do you get any build errors?
L970[22:06:44] <MiningMark48> no
L971[22:06:59] <MiningMark48> i did "gradlew test" and it was fine
L972[22:07:11] <killjoy> Bad transformer?
L973[22:08:21] <MiningMark48> ?
L974[22:10:41] <killjoy> What about a build?
L975[22:11:00] <killjoy> And I'm talking about errors in your ide
L976[22:12:41] <MiningMark48> all it tells me is in this pastebin:
L977[22:12:44] <MiningMark48> http://pastebin.com/ppvPqHvz
L978[22:13:08] <killjoy> Is that build or run?
L979[22:13:14] <MiningMark48> it says build successful when doing something like "gradlew elipse"
L980[22:13:23] <killjoy> Because you're not using eclipse
L981[22:13:25] <MiningMark48> that is when i try running it
L982[22:13:36] <killjoy> do gradlew idea
L983[22:13:41] <MiningMark48> i imported the eclipse project file
L984[22:13:47] <MiningMark48> i have did that alos
L985[22:13:53] <MiningMark48> *also
L986[22:14:08] <killjoy> I'm still confused.
L987[22:14:12] *** cpw is now known as cpw|out
L988[22:14:17] <killjoy> Is that what you get when building or running?
L989[22:14:37] <MiningMark48> when i am running it, like hitting the play button on idea
L990[22:14:56] <killjoy> does gradlew runClient work?
L991[22:14:57] <MiningMark48> when i try running it to start my dev environmnet
L992[22:15:01] <MiningMark48> one sec
L993[22:15:32] <MiningMark48> -_- yes..
L994[22:15:34] <MiningMark48> wtf
L995[22:15:38] <MiningMark48> wtf idea.
L996[22:15:38] *** cpw|out is now known as cpw
L997[22:16:14] <MiningMark48> started up no problem doing it that way, but it throws a fit using IDEA to run it
L998[22:16:40] *** cpw is now known as cpw|out
L999[22:16:44] <MiningMark48> now how could I fix that :P
L1000[22:16:45] <killjoy> try cleaning
L1001[22:16:48] ⇨ Joins: DemoXin (~DemoXin@74.sub-70-210-7.myvzw.com)
L1002[22:17:04] <MiningMark48> ok
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L1004[22:18:29] <MiningMark48> still does it
L1005[22:19:29] <killjoy> cleanIdea?
L1006[22:20:08] <killjoy> Did you import it as a gradle project?
L1007[22:21:23] <MiningMark48> don't even have to really import it works when i try opening it
L1008[22:23:24] <Cazzar> killjoy: IDEA doesn't auto refresh unless you enable it, and even then IDEA says not to
L1009[22:23:36] * killjoy uses eclipse
L1010[22:23:44] <killjoy> You help him
L1011[22:24:21] <Cazzar> I haven't touched modding for a while.
L1012[22:24:28] <Cazzar> Because, y'know assignments, and uni
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L1015[22:26:24] <MiningMark48> back, lagged out
L1016[22:30:29] <MiningMark48> gonna try using an older version of intellij idea, i used IDEA 13 on my old computer, switched to this one, this has IDEA 14, might be a weird issue their
L1017[22:34:14] <Rallias> I've used exclusively Idea 14.
L1018[22:34:27] <Rallias> Never had a problem except with a mod that refused to sync a while back.
L1019[22:35:17] <MiningMark48> what i am saying is that i am going from 13 to 14, something in 13 may have changed in 14
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L1021[22:38:39] <MiningMark48> AhHa! That fixed it :D
L1022[22:40:17] <MiningMark48> it was something to do with the transfer from 13 to 14
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L1025[22:43:50] <MiningMark48> Thanks killjoy for the help anyway though :)
L1026[22:44:07] <MiningMark48> there aren't to many people out there willing to help
L1027[22:44:23] <killjoy> It was probably a restart. Have you tried that?
L1028[22:44:51] <MiningMark48> no, fine with my solution, i dont have to big of a reason to go to 14 anyway :P
L1029[22:44:54] <MiningMark48> thanks ;)
L1030[22:44:56] <MiningMark48> gtg
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L1064[23:32:48] <killjoy> I am happy. http://www.speedtest.net/result/4749469886.png
L1065[23:33:02] <killjoy> Huge upgrade compared to 10/1
L1066[23:37:20] <mikebald> killjoy, awesome =)... if you're in the raleigh-durham triangle Google Fiber is incoming =)
L1067[23:37:30] <killjoy> Nope.
L1068[23:37:35] *** K-4U|Off is now known as K-4U
L1069[23:37:36] <killjoy> I'm in south-wake
L1070[23:37:40] <killjoy> not durham
L1071[23:38:09] <killjoy> I could always switch to Century Link anyway.
L1072[23:38:15] <killjoy> They have 100Mbps internet
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L1074[23:38:26] <mikebald> Ah; depending on how far south it's covering multiple cities
L1075[23:38:35] <killjoy> At at the southern tip
L1076[23:38:52] <killjoy> By hornet county
L1077[23:39:03] <killjoy> I think
L1078[23:39:14] <mikebald> Ah, well that's a pretty good connection then. I'm in the triangle and my max internet speed is 18mbit because of the lines
L1079[23:39:18] <killjoy> *harnet
L1080[23:39:47] ⇦ Quits: SnowDapples (~powered@pD9588909.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by SnowDapples_!~powered@pD95890D6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)))
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L1082[23:40:11] <killjoy> I'm pretty much at the corner of wake, harnet, and johnson
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L1085[23:41:57] <killjoy> Do you know where 540 ends?
L1086[23:42:18] <killjoy> I'm about 10 miles south of that
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