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L1[00:00:41] ⇨ Joins: killjoy (~killjoy@2606:a000:1118:e101:7c0b:1cd1:9ddf:bb8f)
L2[00:01:58] <Cypher121> wtf
L3[00:02:10] <Cypher121> first call - length = 0
L4[00:02:24] <Cypher121> second and all subsequent - length = 216
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L6[00:02:53] <gigaherz> is it actually like [216]
L7[00:03:03] <gigaherz> or do you use a variable elsewhere that you "assume" it must be 216?
L8[00:03:21] <Cypher121> I have 2 final ints
L9[00:03:32] <Cypher121> that when multiplied resolve to 216
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L12[00:06:02] <ghz|afk> gonna try to sleep again
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L15[00:10:18] <Cypher121> oh god, I hoped this is something else...
L16[00:10:40] ⇨ Joins: alex_6611 (~alex_6611@p5DE78553.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L17[00:10:41] <Cypher121> client doesn't receive inventory data
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L32[00:48:58] <Cypher121> I have no idea on syncing it
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L39[00:58:08] <Cazzar> hey fry, still around?
L40[00:58:35] <Cazzar> wait, i just should have looked at the user list..
L41[00:59:46] <sham1> Yes
L42[00:59:54] <sham1> It's there for a reason
L43[01:02:00] <Cypher121> Well, apparently that's what I get for making a new class for pretty much every part of tile and gui
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L45[01:02:40] <sham1> Heh
L46[01:03:15] <Cypher121> can you help me? I think I hit a wall here
L47[01:03:46] <Cypher121> 1 sec, shitload of pastebin incoming
L48[01:05:36] <sham1> Oh god
L49[01:05:58] <sham1> Much raather get back to my mathemathics course on logic
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L51[01:07:35] <Cypher121> http://pastebin.com/ay8EV4SU
L52[01:07:35] <Cypher121> http://pastebin.com/sLw5djHp
L53[01:07:35] <Cypher121> http://pastebin.com/MjJwHcvd
L54[01:07:35] <Cypher121> http://pastebin.com/hZRc2QDt
L55[01:07:35] <Cypher121> http://pastebin.com/WzrmFZ8V
L56[01:07:36] <Cypher121> http://pastebin.com/Bg28i5yH
L57[01:07:52] <Cypher121> I guess I know why I can't fix it just from looking at my own message
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L64[01:24:02] <Cypher121> oh, of course it was something stupid. like overriding getInventorySize() and then reinitialize array based on it stupid -_-
L65[01:24:48] *** Vigaro is now known as Vigaro|AFK
L66[01:25:37] <masa> So I'm trying to add inventory tweaks support for some of my containers. How would I set it up so that inventory tweaks would only sort the player inventory part of my container, and not the custom inventory part? Do I have to somehow tell it the ContainerSections, like using the ContainerSectionCallback annotation?
L67[01:25:58] <masa> so would I set it up to return a Map with one entry, with ContainerSection.INVENTORY -> list of the slots of the player inventory?
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L69[01:27:02] <masa> And is it possible to disable the middle click in part of the container/gui? I'm using the middle click for custom stuff in the non-player-inventory slots.
L70[01:27:31] <masa> or would that just work if I somehow manage to disable the sorting in that part
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L80[02:00:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20151009 mappings to Forge Maven.
L81[02:00:06] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20151009-1.8.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20151009" in build.gradle).
L82[02:00:17] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
L83[02:00:30] <tterrag> UWagons: :o http://puu.sh/kDLbt.jpg
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L88[02:14:41] MineBot sets mode: +v on Tahgtahv
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L99[02:35:04] <hitech95> Hi, yesterday I had a problem and I have discovered that updateProgressBar send a short as parameter and not a int. You suggest me to use a net packet. But I have no idea on how tell the client to store thet value on a specified tilentity. (The packet is shared on multiple tiles so it must be generic)
L100[02:35:51] <sham1> To get the specific te you need to have its coordinates sent with the other data
L101[02:36:43] <sham1> And you can split int to two shorts
L102[02:37:14] <sham1> So yeah
L103[02:37:20] <sham1> Really not that big of an issue
L104[02:37:50] <hitech95> ok... Yea for you is not an issue for me it is...
L105[02:40:07] <hitech95> I want try with the packet (To learn) then I'll with split and shift.
L106[02:44:35] <sham1> Well
L107[02:45:28] <sham1> http://mcforge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/networking/simpleimpl/
L108[02:48:41] <tterrag> hitech95: generic packets doesn't make much sense, unless you have explicit typing in a subclass
L109[02:48:54] <tterrag> how is the other side going to know what the type parameter was?
L110[02:49:20] <hitech95> I would make a generic packet for all tiles that handle RF.
L111[02:50:19] <sham1> So all packets get x and y and z and then the RF amount
L112[02:51:08] <tterrag> ok
L113[02:51:15] <tterrag> you need to send coordinates
L114[02:51:15] <tterrag> yes
L115[02:51:27] <tterrag> also, stop using the word "generic" in this way, it is hard to determine what you mean by it >.>
L116[02:52:29] <sham1> Does he mean generics as in <T> or generics as in generic stuff
L117[02:52:42] <tterrag> that's what I mean
L118[02:52:44] <tterrag> I don't know
L119[02:52:47] <sham1> Indeed
L120[02:53:45] <hitech95> ok...
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L125[03:01:45] ⇨ Joins: Benimatic (~Benimatic@cblmdm72-241-106-31.buckeyecom.net)
L126[03:02:38] <sham1> splitting an int to 2 shorts: (short) value & 0xFFFF and (short) (value >> 16) & 0xFFFF
L127[03:02:41] ⇨ Joins: Subaraki (~Artix@mf763-h01-176-150-102-154.dsl.sta.abo.bbox.fr)
L128[03:02:52] <sham1> for future reference
L129[03:04:01] <hitech95> Ok thx.
L130[03:06:06] <Cypher121> what method is called when player puts item into slot manually?
L131[03:07:08] <sham1> So you can slice'n'splice integers
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L134[03:08:03] <Cypher121> oh, nvm, it's slotClick
L135[03:12:44] <hitech95> Ah ah ah
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L138[03:18:52] <Cypher121> if I call a method in Container from GUI will changes go to server?
L139[03:19:40] <Cypher121> Or else how can I periodically update slots of container?
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L186[06:14:01] *** Ash|Lunch is now known as Ash|Work
L187[06:18:53] <hitech95> I'm still making the transmission between client and server. It seems that the client does not find the right tileentity... https://github.com/hitech95/Smart-CCraft/blob/master/src/main/java/it/kytech/smartccraft/network/message/MessageTileEnergy.java
L188[06:21:22] <hitech95> Solved. Dummy git commit... sorry, laptop and desktop out of synk.
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L197[06:54:50] <sham1> o/
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L207[07:29:30] <hitech95> I realized also the version "divide in short," to reassemble I did so: https://github.com/hitech95/Smart-CCraft/blob/master/src/main/java/it/kytech/smartccraft/inventory/ContainerChargeStation.java#L83 there is a more efficient?
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L212[07:46:45] <Subaraki> any way to reload a dimension that is unloaded while not going there ?
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L215[07:53:52] <masa> you mean in code, right?
L216[07:55:44] <masa> and just loading the dimension or also like a chunk in it?
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L219[07:59:22] <masa> hitech95: the way yoy do your bit math is really confising, it is "the opposite" way than how it is usually done :D
L220[07:59:56] <hitech95> ? What?
L221[07:59:58] <masa> and also, you might not want to update teh actual value in pieces, but rather first receive the low and high parts of it, and once you have bot, then update the live value with it
L222[08:00:34] <masa> because now you have the wrong value in your client side TE until the other part of it arrives
L223[08:01:35] <blood|work> Subaraki: mods register providers and tell FML whether or not they want its dimensions to stay loaded with no players. Forge provides no way to override this. You can either prevent the call in ChunkProviderServer or simply place a chunkloader at spawn.
L224[08:03:17] <Subaraki> masa, blood|work , i'm looking for a way to detect a block at certain coordinates. recent discovery of unloading worlds prevents the search to start because WorldServer ws = Dimensionmanager.getDimensionById(int id) returns null given it is unloaded
L225[08:03:33] <Subaraki> i need to find a way to reload the world temporarily to check for the block
L226[08:03:46] <hitech95> I know I could have a wrong value. But it is not important, only serves for the gui ... Also that system is in fallback in case Icrafting is not a player.
L227[08:04:02] <sham1> It usually is
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L229[08:05:51] <masa> hitech95: just that I usually see it written this way: http://pastebin.com/ud9m2wtG
L230[08:06:08] <masa> it should be the same and result though
L231[08:06:59] <blood|work> Subaraki: loading a world just to do that is just bad, prevent the world from unloading is your best option
L232[08:07:08] <masa> so you are first clearing the range you are then setting, rather that setting the range to 1 and then anding it with the actual value
L233[08:07:12] <blood|work> unless you are using a mod like Mystcraft
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L235[08:07:16] <blood|work> then keeping those worlds loaded would be bad
L236[08:08:03] <blood|work> what is this detection for
L237[08:08:11] <Subaraki> teleportation
L238[08:08:12] <blood|work> checking the blockstate?
L239[08:08:16] <blood|work> oh
L240[08:08:19] <laci200270> anybody have seen this? http://www.minetest.net/
L241[08:08:22] <Subaraki> so if i load the world, the player will go to that world anyway
L242[08:08:40] <blood|work> that is already handled by ServerConfigurationManager
L243[08:08:44] <Subaraki> and i'm checking if a destiny exists in that wolrd
L244[08:08:48] <masa> so what is the block detection for? some teleportation device?
L245[08:08:52] <Subaraki> yes
L246[08:09:07] <Subaraki> player puts down block A in overworld,; block B in other dimension
L247[08:09:09] <masa> Subaraki: well this should do it https://github.com/maruohon/enderutilities/blob/master/src/main/java/fi/dy/masa/enderutilities/util/teleport/TeleportEntity.java#L295-L305
L248[08:09:19] <Subaraki> masa
L249[08:09:25] <Subaraki> I AM using that
L250[08:09:30] <masa> oh?
L251[08:09:40] <Subaraki> yes :) you already told me last time ^^
L252[08:09:47] <masa> well then what is the problem?
L253[08:10:02] <Subaraki> i need to check for the bock before the player is teleported
L254[08:10:16] <Subaraki> then again, i could first teleport him, check for the block, then teleport him back
L255[08:10:21] <masa> ugh
L256[08:10:23] <Subaraki> if none is present
L257[08:10:29] <Subaraki> but i dont think that's a good idea
L258[08:10:42] <masa> well that piece of code will load the chunk, so you can the do whatever you need in there
L259[08:10:56] <masa> like check for the block
L260[08:11:26] <masa> but you are getting the world from dimensionmanager?
L261[08:11:36] <masa> and it is null? I remember seeing something like that
L262[08:12:06] <masa> so I use MinecraftServer.getServer().worldServerForDimension(dimId) to get the world
L263[08:12:16] <masa> that seems to work at least
L264[08:12:36] <Cazzar> note to self install xf86-input-synaptics when setting up my ylaptop...
L265[08:12:43] <Subaraki> masa, that returns null if it's unloaded
L266[08:13:00] <masa> umm
L267[08:13:34] <masa> well then how the hell does it work for me with any dimension I have tested it with? :D
L268[08:13:51] <Subaraki> they never unloaded ? :D
L269[08:14:06] <masa> no, The End and Underdark definately unload
L270[08:14:15] <masa> and I see the messages in the console
L271[08:14:20] <Subaraki> let me show a snip of code
L272[08:14:54] <Subaraki> WorldServer worldToCheck = DimensionManager.getWorld(packet.dimension);
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L274[08:15:09] <Subaraki> let me try your codesnippet
L275[08:15:25] <masa> like I said, I remember trying out DImensionManager myself at first, but I think it did return null if it's unloaded
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L277[08:16:49] <Mossyblog> Q> What event is the equivelant of onUpdate() ..as in per server/client tick ? as i need access to Minecraft...theWorld.loadedEntityList
L278[08:17:43] <masa> there are several tick events in FML
L279[08:18:04] <Mossyblog> ClickTickEvent seems to crash-out whenever i attempt to get theWorld
L280[08:18:07] <masa> I believe at least server tick, client tick and player tick
L281[08:18:32] <Subaraki> great mork masa !
L282[08:18:42] <Subaraki> credits again to you in the code ... :P
L283[08:18:47] <masa> :D
L284[08:18:56] <masa> what is youd mod btw?
L285[08:18:59] <masa> *your
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L287[08:20:51] <Mossyblog> idea is to seperate villagers from other entities and then sniff their NBT tags to determine vendors status.. as i needed more reach than objectMouseOver has and can't get rayTrace to find entities anymore
L288[08:21:19] <sham1> IEEP
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L290[08:21:38] <masa> Mossyblog: is this only on the client side?
L291[08:21:59] <masa> then again, you mentioned NBT tags
L292[08:22:39] <Mossyblog> client-side for the mod but spigot for server
L293[08:22:52] <Mossyblog> i want to make it so the client is agnostic to server
L294[08:23:32] <masa> umm well, the client side NBT on the entities is most likely incomplete/wrong anyway
L295[08:23:52] <masa> since most of the entity data doesn't get synced to clients unless you do it manually
L296[08:24:21] <Mossyblog> doesn't the server push the packets to client? and say "here's 100 of my guys xyz"
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L298[08:25:10] <Mossyblog> hmm.. RenderWorldLastEvent maybe my guy
L299[08:25:11] <masa> well I don't know the details of it, but afaik it doesn't really sync anything other than the entity type, its ID and then the stuff that is in the datawatcher for it. SOmeone correct me if that's wring.
L300[08:25:28] <masa> *wrong
L301[08:26:12] <Mossyblog> i put my enitity sniffer on Server,Client and Player ticks and it eventually crashes.. Concurrency issues.. but on Renders... its less tax..
L302[08:26:32] <masa> so unless the stuff you want for villagers is in the EntityVillager's DataWatcher, then that data also isn't in the NBT for it on the client
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L304[08:27:02] <hasunwoo_> Does forge prevents non-mod file from using reflections?
L305[08:27:17] <hasunwoo_> I got error from my non-mod lib
L306[08:28:17] <Mossyblog> mesa: i was thinking -> write to NBT on entity --> Intercept Packet from Server --> match UUID's from localstore -> reapply NBT's
L307[08:28:29] <Mossyblog> its messy
L308[08:28:52] <Mossyblog> but keeping a buffer of entities isn't going to be costly given its a few hundred at most villagers ...if...that was ever hit
L309[08:29:14] <masa> what data are you looking for exactly?
L310[08:29:40] <hasunwoo_> Does forge prevents non-mod lib from using reflection?
L311[08:29:58] <sham1> You already asked that
L312[08:30:23] <hasunwoo_> I probably find myself sorry
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L314[08:31:04] <masa> that sentence... made me giggle
L315[08:31:09] <Tombenpotter> ^^
L316[08:31:24] <Mossyblog> mesa: i'll be writing custom data...
L317[08:31:36] <Tombenpotter> Mossyblog, IEEP
L318[08:31:42] <Tombenpotter> And sync it yourself
L319[08:31:43] <sham1> Yes
L320[08:31:45] <sham1> IEEP
L321[08:31:49] <sham1> Is good for this
L322[08:31:51] <Mossyblog> IIEP?
L323[08:31:55] <Mossyblog> IEEP even
L324[08:32:01] <Tombenpotter> IExtendedEntityProperties
L325[08:32:03] <sham1> IExtendedEntityProperties
L326[08:32:05] <sham1> Damn it
L327[08:32:08] <Tombenpotter> :D
L328[08:32:15] <Tombenpotter> Basically a way to add NBT to entities
L329[08:32:25] <hitech95> Do you have an example to make texture connected blocks?
L330[08:32:36] <Mossyblog> ahhh ok, so forge folks added that layer already
L331[08:32:50] <Tombenpotter> S'been a while :P
L332[08:32:54] <Mossyblog> i'm still moving out from under my MCP only shell ;) so taking some getting used to forge's API's hehe
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L335[08:33:57] <sham1> why did you use pure MPC
L336[08:34:07] <sham1> MCP*
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L338[08:35:49] <Mossyblog> it pre-dates Forge
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L340[08:35:57] <sham1> Ah
L341[08:36:02] <sham1> what is is then
L342[08:36:04] <Mossyblog> Searge sold me on it and i never gave up its crack ;)
L343[08:36:28] <Tombenpotter> Hehe
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L345[08:37:45] <Mossyblog> i must say though to get Forge up and running into IntelliJ with MCP source included ....you really have to want it to make it work ;)
L346[08:39:07] <sham1> It might not be as easy as gradle setupDecompWorkspace when going with MCp
L347[08:42:56] <Mossyblog> i found i just github the forge src, run "gradle setupForge" then "gradle setup" (or is it vice versa)> then you just include the src folders on the modules... took some trial and error but eventually stumbled my way through it
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L350[08:43:26] <sham1> But anyway
L351[08:43:27] <Mossyblog> still yet to figure out how to isolate mods into their own modules and include them as part of debug / build settings...but for now i go the basics working
L352[08:43:30] <sham1> What is your mod
L353[08:43:50] <Mossyblog> I have mods already made that help my kids with learning etc
L354[08:43:56] <sham1> Ah
L355[08:44:07] <Mossyblog> i'm currently creating a bot mod..
L356[08:44:21] <Mossyblog> idea is he/she follows you and is like an in-game mule for alts
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L359[09:00:02] <Mossyblog> OoOoh.. just found this.worldObj.rayTraceBlocks() can see entities..
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L364[09:19:52] <gigaherz> Mossyblog: setupForge is for developing forge itself
L365[09:20:00] <gigaherz> it's not meant for making mods
L366[09:20:41] <gigaherz> to make mods, you get the MDK package, you run "setupDecompWorkspace" or "setupDevWorkspace" (if you don't need browsable decompiled sources)
L367[09:20:49] <gigaherz> and then your workspace only includes your mod
L368[09:20:55] <gigaherz> forge is seen as an external library
L369[09:21:03] <Mossyblog> yeah i was using it before forge
L370[09:21:42] <gigaherz> yeah but that doesn't change the way you develop the mod ;P
L371[09:21:55] <gigaherz> although I guess
L372[09:22:02] <gigaherz> if the mod was based around modifying mc files...
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L375[09:23:18] <Mossyblog> i sometimes have to do that
L376[09:23:33] <Mossyblog> i'm comfortable with going out of boundaries
L377[09:23:47] <Mossyblog> i'm familiar with most of the dark areas of that code base now hehe
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L382[10:01:51] <barteks2x> anyone knows what World.func_147461_a does?
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L385[10:04:09] <barteks2x> it's used in Entity.pushOutOfBlocks...
L386[10:06:25] <sham1> what does the code doe
L387[10:06:40] <barteks2x> it seems to return block bounding boxes or something
L388[10:06:53] <barteks2x> the method I want to know what excatly does
L389[10:07:15] <barteks2x> I thought all methods in World already have name assigned
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L394[10:18:12] <barteks2x> I hate this pattern in World to check if block at (x, y, z) is loaded: this.isBlockLoaded(new BlockPos(x, 64, z))
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L398[10:23:50] <Ordinastie> the name is dumb, it checks if the chunk is loaded
L399[10:24:11] <barteks2x> it uses Block coords
L400[10:24:46] <diesieben07> the name is still dumb
L401[10:24:48] <Cazzar> And blockcoord is just an arbitrary integer tuple
L402[10:24:49] <Ordinastie> yes, but the name is still dumb
L403[10:24:53] <diesieben07> you cannot check if a single block is loaded
L404[10:25:23] <barteks2x> block is not loaded when the chunk it's in is not loaded
L405[10:25:35] <diesieben07> yes of couse
L406[10:25:38] <diesieben07> its still a bit dumb :P
L407[10:25:38] <Ordinastie> barteks2x, anyway, the method returns the blocks collision AABB that intersect the AABB passed as param (I assume, an entity bounding box)
L408[10:26:33] <barteks2x> if I modify isBlockLoaded to use cubes - I will break a lot of methods. If I don't - player will fall through unloaded cubes.
L409[10:27:15] <Ordinastie> wut?
L410[10:27:50] <Ordinastie> you just need to override isValid(BlockPos)
L411[10:28:15] <barteks2x> I did and lighting (and a few other things) don't work
L412[10:28:16] <Ordinastie> and probably the '64' too
L413[10:28:40] <barteks2x> because simetimes minecraft still does these height checks using if...else
L414[10:29:05] <Ordinastie> wait, did you think that kind of mod would be easy to make ?
L415[10:29:41] <barteks2x> no, but I expected mojang to change e few things since 1.6
L416[10:29:48] <Ordinastie> hahaha
L417[10:30:02] <Ordinastie> they did, but not sure if it was for the better
L418[10:30:10] <sham1> Mojang would do something smart
L419[10:30:10] <sham1> HAH
L420[10:30:46] <barteks2x> these calls to isBlockLoaded(x, 64, z) are just evil - in this code y position is available
L421[10:37:15] <Cazzar> What window manager to use in arch.... I3?
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L439[11:19:49] <RobotSquid> guys, im a bit of a noob with renderers, I want to make some of the same entity spawn with different models, so I saw the entity is passed to doRender, will it work if I change that code to render a model depending on the eniry
L440[11:20:17] <RobotSquid> *entity :P
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L450[11:59:01] <barteks2x> night visiion potion does really weird things near y=0 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/54602353/2015-10-09_18.56.18.png below y=0 it's black
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L453[12:05:33] <barteks2x> vanilla does it too /tp ~ 4E-21 ~
L454[12:07:49] <gigaherz> maybe some formula doesn't work below 0?
L455[12:08:06] <gigaherz> eh near y=0*
L456[12:08:07] <gigaherz> not below
L457[12:08:58] <MrKickkiller> probably an equation with y in the lower part of fraction (don't know the english name, i'm Belgian)
L458[12:09:00] <barteks2x> I need to find where that formula is...
L459[12:09:01] <gigaherz> (it'snot unheard of, it happens with some approximations of trigonometric functions)
L460[12:09:18] <gigaherz> may be a sin() or something like that
L461[12:09:30] <gigaherz> approximating for very small numbers near 0 is hard ;P
L462[12:09:43] <MattDahEpic> you cant sin negatives
L463[12:10:03] <barteks2x> Below y = 0 it's black, above y=0 it's normal, but very very close to y=0 it changes colors
L464[12:10:11] <MrKickkiller> Uh sin's domain is - infinity to + infinity Matt
L465[12:10:56] <MrKickkiller> barteks probably something in the neighborhood of a/y where a is a simple value
L466[12:11:06] <MattDahEpic> sorry wrong tig function
L467[12:11:19] <barteks2x> it only happens with night vision potion
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L478[12:25:26] <barteks2x> I think I found the code that does it
L479[12:27:37] <barteks2x> fogColorR/G/B is basically something * max(0, y * voidFogFactor), and if night vision is enables it does 1/fogColorRGB and then based on the result does some weird interpolation
L480[12:28:12] <barteks2x> so it actually is a/y
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L482[12:33:36] <gigaherz> aha
L483[12:33:52] <gigaherz> so you'd have to do if (y<0.0001) assume 0 and just have max "a" used?
L484[12:35:45] <barteks2x> nom, I will move void fog down by 8 million blocks
L485[12:40:03] *** Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L486[12:40:25] <gigaherz> lol
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L488[12:49:02] <theresajayne> can anyone help? I got the latest MDK, setupDecomp then genIntellijRuns, but i can't run it
L489[12:49:14] <theresajayne> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: GradleStart
L490[12:49:24] <MattDahEpic> reload the project
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L492[12:49:33] <theresajayne> i have several times
L493[12:50:01] <theresajayne> still the same
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L495[12:52:08] <gigaherz> thebadshepperd: how do you run it?
L496[12:52:35] <gigaherz> do you have "Client" or "Server" selected in the target box?
L497[12:52:45] <gigaherz> remember that after running a gradle task inside idea
L498[12:52:52] <gigaherz> it will be set as the default task whjen you click "run"
L499[12:52:58] <gigaherz> unless you change it back to Client/Server
L500[12:53:32] <gigaherz> if it doesn't say "Minecraft Client" next to the run arrow icon, that's your issue ;P
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L502[13:02:31] <Teamy> I'm applying a regen potion effect, and I see the hearts bouncing and the potion effect swirls and the status on the left in my inventory but im not gaining health. Any ideas why this is happening?
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L505[13:13:53] <theresajayne> i changed it to client
L506[13:14:05] <Mimiru> Anyone have experience with rendering text above a block via TESR? My code is rendering black text but I've set the color to white..
L507[13:14:59] <theresajayne> this is just the demo app i havent done any coding - i always try to run the default before i start coding to proove that the mcp is working
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L509[13:24:23] <Mimiru> Ok, so it's not black, if I set the color to 0xFFFFFF, I see a hint of dark red... so something is messing with my colors
L510[13:24:55] <Mimiru> This is my TESR: http://paste.pc-logix.com/view/b32006fb
L511[13:25:07] <Mimiru> well, the render method anyway.
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L513[13:42:30] <masa> any idea why the inventory tweaks settings button would be invisible in my gui? it is clickable, but invisible
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L522[14:08:44] <Mimiru> This has got to be something I'm not doing in GL flags..
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L524[14:09:49] <Mimiru> http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-10-09_14-08-47.png It's sorta yellow if it's dark out, but when it's light it goes back to looking black
L525[14:09:59] <laci200270> FG still not supporting idea for creating patch files?
L526[14:10:25] <laci200270> Mimiru whats the problem?
L527[14:10:52] <Mimiru> Trying to render text above my block via a TESR, but the colors are screwed up
L528[14:11:10] <Mimiru> http://paste.pc-logix.com/view/b32006fb is my TE render method
L529[14:11:16] <laci200270> look at nametags maybe
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L531[14:11:29] <Mimiru> it's changed a bit since then but it's close enough.
L532[14:11:48] <Tombenpotter> Mimiru, that works well for me https://github.com/Tombenpotter/Sanguimancy/blob/TestProbablyBroken/src/main/java/tombenpotter/sanguimancy/client/render/RenderRitualRepresentation.java#L98-L132
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L534[14:14:41] <heldplayer> Mimiru: you're not disabling the light texture
L535[14:16:05] <Mimiru> heldplayer, that's separate from gl_lighting?
L536[14:16:15] <heldplayer> It is
L537[14:16:32] <heldplayer> Minecraft uses a second texture for sky and block light
L538[14:16:49] <heldplayer> There should be helper classes to enable and disable it, but I don't know where they are
L539[14:22:36] <Mimiru> Hmm.. I'll see what I can figure out thanks heldplayer
L540[14:23:00] <Mimiru> Also it seems item renders and nametags don't have this issue.. IDK if they don't take into account world lighting values or what
L541[14:25:38] <Mimiru> OpenGlHelper.setLightmapTextureCoords
L542[14:26:30] <Mimiru> \o/ http://michi.pc-logix.com/Minecraft_1.7.10_2015-10-09_14-25-43.png
L543[14:26:34] <Mimiru> Thanks for the tip heldplayer
L544[14:26:34] <barteks2x> is there some way to directly modify Minecraft code to experiment with it instead of using ASM?
L545[14:26:51] <heldplayer> \o/
L546[14:26:54] <gigaherz> barteks2x: clone the forge repository
L547[14:26:58] <gigaherz> and modify it from ther
L548[14:27:04] <gigaherz> there*
L549[14:27:05] <barteks2x> I don't want to ue eclipse...
L550[14:27:20] <gigaherz> well, it's gradle
L551[14:27:31] <gigaherz> so you could import into idea
L552[14:27:35] <gigaherz> and hten use the gradle tasks
L553[14:27:40] <gigaherz> instead of the run button
L554[14:28:02] <barteks2x> There were a few discussions that idea+forge dev has some issues
L555[14:28:55] <gigaherz> well /shrug
L556[14:28:55] <barteks2x> ok, I didn't see the message "use gradle tasks"
L557[14:28:55] <gigaherz> ;P
L558[14:29:44] <barteks2x> is it also possible to run my mod with that?
L559[14:32:39] <gigaherz> no idea
L560[14:32:55] <gigaherz> I presume it will have a mods/ folder
L561[14:37:00] <barteks2x> I meant running my mod like I do now but with the ability to test minecraft code changes without writing ASM transformers for it first, but as the last option I can put it into mods folder...
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L565[14:41:12] <barteks2x> Maybe it would run my mod if I put it in place of ExampleMod?
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L567[14:41:54] <netz> barteks2x: examplemod?
L568[14:42:13] <netz> that's there to show you how to setup your workspace and place source code in the right spot
L569[14:43:02] <barteks2x> I didn't download MDK but the forge source
L570[14:43:44] <laci200270> fry can you help?
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L572[14:46:04] <laci200270> anybody know how can I create MultiModel from ModelResourceLocation?
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L576[14:50:02] <laci200270> anybody?
L577[14:50:30] <netz> barteks2x: why are you messing with forge source?
L578[14:51:04] <barteks2x> I want to be able to test my changes to minecraft code before actually writing ASM transformers for it
L579[14:51:48] <laci200270> you not need ASM tranformers
L580[14:52:03] <laci200270> simply use ASMifer and replace the whole class..
L581[14:52:22] <netz> laci200270: NO.
L582[14:52:29] <netz> what the fuck is wrong with you people
L583[14:52:41] <barteks2x> I have no idea how to do it. And it would be even more incompatible with other mods than ASM
L584[14:52:42] <netz> asm is a fine tipped scapel, not a damned butcher knife
L585[14:53:12] <laci200270> but for testing thats good
L586[14:53:17] <netz> no.
L587[14:54:19] <barteks2x> why not even for testing? I can eighter spend hour writing and debugging ASM transformer to possibly discover that my approach to the problem is wrong or modify the code and quickly test it.
L588[14:56:30] <netz> because. if you're going to do something, do it right from the get go, and you won't have to figure out how to right the wrong.
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L590[14:57:18] <laci200270> anybody good at rendering?
L591[14:58:05] <barteks2x> so now I need to modify EntityRenderer.updateFogColor. I have no idea how half of the code works and it would be great if I coult test my changes before trying to write asm thansformer that may not even work.
L592[14:58:40] <laci200270> eclipse
L593[14:59:11] <laci200270> clone forge and use it
L594[14:59:29] <barteks2x> That's what I'm trying to do...
L595[14:59:51] <barteks2x> I hate eclipse, but ok - I can use it
L596[15:01:32] <barteks2x> after running gradle setupForge I don't see eclipse workspace anywhere...
L597[15:02:01] <laci200270> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/ForgeGradle/issues/224
L598[15:02:06] <laci200270> also I found this
L599[15:02:23] <laci200270> you should just select the flolder where you ran setupForge
L600[15:02:33] <laci200270> and import that as a workspace
L601[15:02:35] <barteks2x> with eclipse?
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L604[15:03:26] <laci200270> yes
L605[15:03:37] <laci200270> also according to this it should work: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/ForgeGradle/issues/266
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L607[15:04:05] <barteks2x> wait, I need eclipse gradle plugin, right?
L608[15:04:38] <laci200270> i think no
L609[15:04:50] <laci200270> did you imported the workspace?
L610[15:05:06] <barteks2x> there is no woorkspace. or it's empty
L611[15:05:21] ⇦ Quits: Firedingo (~Firedingo@CPE-110-146-138-105.knmu.knt.bigpond.net.au) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L612[15:05:40] <laci200270> try to run gradlew eclipse
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L615[15:06:17] <barteks2x> no such task
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L618[15:07:02] <laci200270> Abrar|gone we need you
L619[15:07:30] <laci200270> also try asking on #forgegradle
L620[15:08:43] <barteks2x> I will try git reset --hard and try again everything, maybe I did something wrong when I tried t immport it into idea
L621[15:11:26] *** tterrag|ZZZzzz is now known as tterrag
L622[15:12:13] <laci200270> tterrag do you know the new rendering system?
L623[15:12:22] <tterrag> wat
L624[15:12:31] <laci200270> just asked you
L625[15:12:52] <laci200270> there is no active expert modder here
L626[15:13:08] <laci200270> I thought you maybe know it
L627[15:13:20] <tterrag> what are you asking exactly?
L628[15:13:36] <laci200270> about the new model system
L629[15:14:22] <laci200270> how can I create a new MultiModel from ModelResourceLocation
L630[15:14:51] <tterrag> I have absolutely no idea
L631[15:15:17] <laci200270> :/
L632[15:15:27] <laci200270> nobody knows rendering
L633[15:15:33] <laci200270> and fry again gone
L634[15:17:31] <laci200270> any idea when he comes back?
L635[15:21:22] <Ordinastie> that fact that apparently nobody knows about the model system is perhaps a symptom for the model system?
L636[15:23:08] ⇦ Quits: KindOne (kindone@ (Quit: Hiring PHP developers does not contribute to the quota of employees with disabilities.)
L637[15:23:37] <barteks2x> so anyone knows how to import forge dev workspace into eclipse?
L638[15:23:49] <laci200270> Ordinastie also shadekiller knows about the model system lot but he doesn't online
L639[15:24:19] <laci200270> barteks2x try with a forgegradle 1
L640[15:24:20] <Ordinastie> I'd argue that it's another symptom, but it would be mean
L641[15:24:36] <laci200270> (before mdk)
L642[15:24:39] <Ordinastie> barteks2x, clone + setupForge
L643[15:24:42] <tterrag> barteks2x: gradle setupForge
L644[15:24:43] <Ordinastie> should be enough
L645[15:25:00] <barteks2x> and then I don't have eclipse workspace anywhere. or the workspae is empty
L646[15:25:15] <tterrag> it generates it in /eclipse
L647[15:25:21] <tterrag> there is a readme that says all this...
L648[15:25:22] <barteks2x> I don't see eclipse folder
L649[15:27:36] <barteks2x> http://pastebin.com/fKFpriUy here is what I get in console (linux)
L650[15:28:31] <tterrag> then FG2 broke it or something..that's not what happens for me
L651[15:29:57] <barteks2x> I will try ./gradlew cleanCache && git reset --hard && ./gradlew setupForge
L652[15:30:22] <laci200270> I found something
L653[15:30:26] <laci200270> about rendering
L654[15:30:43] <laci200270> finally: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/20bf76464a61b711c37e7a735e53f5e3d8c1c458/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/client/model/BlockStateLoader.java#L164-L205
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L656[15:30:56] <laci200270> I searched this about 4 hours ago
L657[15:31:13] <laci200270> and I just typed to GitHub search
L658[15:31:18] <laci200270> MAGIC
L659[15:31:26] <laci200270> :D
L660[15:35:01] <laci200270> ok another problem...
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L662[15:37:20] <laci200270> how can I bake multimodel?
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L664[15:39:38] <barteks2x> still no eclipse folder anywhere
L665[15:39:52] <barteks2x> tterrag: which git revision are you using?
L666[15:41:07] <tterrag> no clue
L667[15:41:14] <tterrag> I haven't set up a forge workspace in a long time
L668[15:42:47] <barteks2x> you said "that's not what happens for me" so I thought you are using it
L669[15:45:45] <barteks2x> I think I need to go back to trying to write ASM transformers...
L670[15:45:59] <barteks2x> to test any change
L671[15:46:33] <tterrag> I also said I think FG2 might have changed things
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L673[15:46:55] <barteks2x> I don't know how to change it to FG1
L674[15:47:07] <tterrag> you can't
L675[15:47:25] <laci200270> use an older forge
L676[15:47:48] <tterrag> how?
L677[15:48:02] <tterrag> he wants to contrubute, you can't just contribute against an old version of the source
L678[15:48:13] <barteks2x> no, I want to test changes to miencraft code
L679[15:48:26] <barteks2x> Without the need to write complex ASM transformers
L680[15:48:38] <barteks2x> I'm saying it fifth time
L681[15:49:07] <barteks2x> so in thic case going back a few version isn't a problem
L682[15:49:09] <laci200270> http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.8-
L683[15:49:28] <barteks2x> I can also do that using git...
L684[15:49:44] <laci200270> oh my link also bad
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L701[16:21:43] <Lord_Ralex> is there an event for when endermen pick up blocks, not seeing one with my ide
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L703[16:28:43] <laci200270> Lord_Ralex maybe blockdestroyevent?
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L705[16:31:32] <Lord_Ralex> although, end goal is to disable enderman picking up stuff, so probably better to just clear what they could carry. hmm
L706[16:32:29] <laci200270> cancel BlockDestroyEvent?
L707[16:32:43] <Lord_Ralex> i'd assume it fires any time a block is destroyed
L708[16:33:28] <Lord_Ralex> if picking up even triggers that event
L709[16:34:29] *** Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L710[16:36:31] <Lord_Ralex> not to mention ide cannot even find that class (using 1.8, although probably an older build)
L711[16:37:45] *** bilde2910 is now known as bilde2910|away
L712[16:38:53] <Zaggy1024> isn't there a gamerule to stop them picking stuff up?
L713[16:39:00] <Zaggy1024> or are you trying to do it in a specific scenario?
L714[16:39:02] <Lord_Ralex> Zaggy1024, there is
L715[16:39:03] <Lord_Ralex> but
L716[16:39:11] <Lord_Ralex> we want villagers to still farm
L717[16:39:42] <Lord_Ralex> The gamerule also kills them, and so I believe it is easier to just mimic the gamemode than it would be to go alter the AI
L718[16:39:43] <smbarbour> I would think the villager farming wouldn't be considered "griefing" for the gamerule
L719[16:39:50] <Lord_Ralex> It is
L720[16:39:53] <Lord_Ralex> and is intended
L721[16:39:58] <Lord_Ralex> They are altering the world when they farm
L722[16:40:32] <Lord_Ralex> https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-55218
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L724[16:41:04] <laci200270> look at the gamerule
L725[16:41:08] <laci200270> or they AI
L726[16:41:11] <Lord_Ralex> It is their AI
L727[16:41:16] <Lord_Ralex> EntityAIHarvestFarmland
L728[16:41:21] <Zaggy1024> hm, I don't htink the way that endermen set the block to air has an event
L729[16:41:31] <Zaggy1024> it just sets it with the normal setBlockState method (in 1.8)
L730[16:41:58] <Zaggy1024> so you won't be able to tell if it's an enderman doing it even if there is an event triggered
L731[16:42:32] <Lord_Ralex> Then probably easier at this point to just clear what they could pick up than trying to rewrite the AI :/
L732[16:43:15] <smbarbour> I had suggested they have more granular gamerules for that. Stopping creepers and endermen are the main thing people want, but it also makes the wither stupidly easy.
L733[16:44:07] <laci200270> anybody knows how can I insert my smartmodels to the registry?
L734[16:44:41] <laci200270> in the BakeModel
L735[16:44:50] <laci200270> *BakeEventHandler
L736[16:45:03] <Zaggy1024> uhh
L737[16:45:28] <Zaggy1024> what?
L738[16:46:02] <Zaggy1024> BakeEventHandler is a debug mod class
L739[16:46:16] <laci200270> *BakeEvent
L740[16:46:28] <laci200270> i dont know how can I insert my smartmodel
L741[16:47:08] <Zaggy1024> look at the Forge debug mod
L742[16:47:19] <laci200270> mine is a bit different
L743[16:49:13] <Zaggy1024> hm?
L744[16:49:16] <Zaggy1024> your what?
L745[16:50:37] <laci200270> here is the log: https://gist.github.com/581983b3cc0a0b3c94b4
L746[16:50:44] <laci200270> the code is now uploading..
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L748[16:53:05] <laci200270> git is a shit
L749[16:54:21] <laci200270> Zaggy1024 this is good? https://github.com/laci200270/Energy-mod/blob/master/src/main/java/hu/laci200270/energymod/handler/BakeEventHandler.java#L22
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L751[16:56:02] <laci200270> i think I'll leave because its midnight for me
L752[16:56:19] <laci200270> Good night for everyone! :)
L753[16:56:30] <Zaggy1024> the Object should be a ModelResourceLocations
L754[16:56:33] <Zaggy1024> *ion
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L760[17:21:38] <Ri5ux> Question, I've got this texture with a size of 768x384. It loads perfectly fine on GPUs with OpenGL 3.0, however in the case of cards with OpenGL 1.5, the texture refuses to load. The result is just a white, empty texture. Did I fuck up by making such an odd texture size?
L761[17:21:51] <Ri5ux> Or is there some workaround for that?
L762[17:22:03] <securitypedant> In a packet handler I want to get a display name of the server, any idea where I might get that from either a player or context object? Been hunting and not finding
L763[17:23:45] <securitypedant> player.worldObj.getWorldInfo().getWorldName();
L764[17:23:48] <securitypedant> is my best guess so far
L765[17:24:12] <Ri5ux> Display name of a server in the servers list or what?
L766[17:25:00] <securitypedant> the display name of the current server
L767[17:25:22] <securitypedant> maybe I just read from the config, i.e. server.props
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L771[17:37:55] <Lumien> Ri5ux maybe try making it a power of two texture?
L772[17:38:11] <Lumien> 1024x1024 in your case
L773[17:38:23] <Ri5ux> Was going to, but I wanted to confirm it here before I did soo
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L775[17:39:50] <Lumien> 1024x512 will probably work as well
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L779[17:42:42] <tterrag|away> fairly sure it needs to be square
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L781[17:44:45] <Lumien> I don't think square textures were ever required
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L783[17:50:18] <gigaherz> gpus don't generally care about the squareness, it's usually the power of two that matters, be it 1024x2 or 256x256
L784[17:50:43] <Lumien> Yeah, although modern gpus should work with non power of two textures just fine
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L786[17:51:11] <Ri5ux> Alright, thanks for the confirmation. Had a feeling, but wasn't sure on it.
L787[17:51:58] <tterrag> it has nothing to do with the GPU...? or are we not talking about stitched textures?
L788[17:52:10] <Lumien> "It loads perfectly fine on GPUs with OpenGL 3.0"
L789[17:52:12] <Lumien> Doesn't sound like it
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L792[17:53:36] <gigaherz> hmmmm
L793[17:53:38] <gigaherz> actually
L794[17:54:45] <tterrag> if it's not stitched then size is irrelevant
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L796[17:55:01] <gigaherz_t> [00:53] (gigaherz): hmmmm
L797[17:55:01] <gigaherz_t> [00:53] (gigaherz): actually
L798[17:55:01] <gigaherz_t> [00:53] (gigaherz): wasn't *_texture_npot an extension
L799[17:55:01] <gigaherz_t> [00:53] (gigaherz): before ogl2 or ogl3
L800[17:55:01] <gigaherz_t> [00:54] * Disconnected
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L802[17:55:31] <gigaherz_t> ARB_texture_non_power_of_two
L803[17:56:05] <Ri5ux> Are you saying there's a way to possibly fix it without changing the texture size?
L804[17:56:12] <gigaherz_t> nono
L805[17:56:18] <Ri5ux> Ah, darn ._.
L806[17:56:19] <gigaherz_t> I mean that gpus without ARB_texture_non_power_of_two
L807[17:56:24] <gigaherz_t> won't accept sizes that are non-pot
L808[17:56:28] <Ri5ux> Ah
L809[17:56:33] <gigaherz_t> it's a means to check if the gpu supports it
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L812[17:57:28] <Ri5ux> Be great if there was a workaround though, because otherwise it looks like Im going to have to completely redo like 10 textures
L813[17:57:38] <Lumien> why redo?
L814[17:57:44] <gigaherz_t> doyou have accessto the UV coords of the models?
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L816[17:57:51] <Nathan_Leadill> Hey
L817[17:58:05] <Ri5ux> Its uh, complicated to explain
L818[17:58:08] <gigaherz_t> or is this something external and you can't fix the models or the loading code
L819[17:58:18] <Nathan_Leadill> Anyone know how to translate B3D Blocks The Models a bit off :D
L820[17:59:32] <Ri5ux> I have access to everything, its just, to resize the texture itself, means I'd have to resize the actual sub textures... sorry, dont know what else to call them
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L823[18:03:41] <Ri5ux> What Im trying to say is that the faces of each part of the model on the texture will be incorrectly sized.
L824[18:03:46] ⇦ Parts: Locrin (~nobody@pool-72-71-231-145.cncdnh.east.myfairpoint.net) ())
L825[18:04:23] <Ri5ux> Unless 768x768 would be acceptable.
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L829[18:09:38] <gigaherz_t> Ri5ux: sorry, back
L830[18:09:40] <gigaherz_t> what I meant is that
L831[18:09:51] <gigaherz_t> if you make it 1024x768, with the data on the topleft corner
L832[18:10:01] <gigaherz_t> you can then change the uv coords on load
L833[18:10:10] <gigaherz_t> so that each is multiplied by 0.75
L834[18:10:15] <gigaherz_t> and you'd end up with the same result
L835[18:10:19] ⇦ Quits: pixlepix_ (~localmaca@cpe-67-252-38-34.nycap.res.rr.com) (Quit: pixlepix_)
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L837[18:10:30] <Ri5ux> But I cant change the width and height of each face
L838[18:10:35] <gigaherz_t> nono
L839[18:10:36] <Ri5ux> So...
L840[18:10:38] <gigaherz_t> you misunderstand
L841[18:10:42] <gigaherz_t> you take the model
L842[18:10:48] <gigaherz_t> and edit the uv mapping
L843[18:10:53] <gigaherz_t> leaving all the faces as-is
L844[18:10:57] <gigaherz_t> just with different uv coords
L845[18:11:10] <Ri5ux> Yeah, but that streches my texture
L846[18:11:14] <Ri5ux> The texture looks deformed
L847[18:11:16] <Ri5ux> Ive tried that
L848[18:11:17] <gigaherz_t> yes
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L850[18:11:23] <gigaherz_t> but by exactly the same amount as you shrink it
L851[18:11:38] <gigaherz_t> when you add extra padding
L852[18:11:54] <gigaherz_t> if a verted is at uv=(0.5,0.5)
L853[18:12:18] <gigaherz_t> that'd normally be (0.5,0.5)*(768x384) = 384,192
L854[18:12:25] <gigaherz_t> if you "preprocess" it
L855[18:12:38] <gigaherz_t> you'd have uv = (0.375,0.375)
L856[18:12:42] <Ri5ux> Before I do that, do you think that 768x768 would be acceptable on OpenGL 1.5? That'd be the easier route for me
L857[18:12:57] <gigaherz_t> and the pixel position would be (0.375,0.375)*(1024,512) = 384,192
L858[18:13:05] <gigaherz_t> you end up with the same numbers ;P
L859[18:13:13] <gigaherz_t> I don't believe so
L860[18:13:27] <gigaherz_t> note that ogl 1.5 doesn't care
L861[18:13:34] <gigaherz_t> it's the gpu that may not support it
L862[18:15:45] <Ri5ux> Hmm..
L863[18:15:55] <Ri5ux> I'll try both
L864[18:16:30] <Nathan_Leadill> Anyone got any idea on translating B3D Modeled Blocks?
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L866[18:16:56] <gigaherz_t> Nathan_Leadill: the forge blockstates file supports a transform{} block I believe
L867[18:17:12] <gigaherz_t> can't remember the exact syntax
L868[18:17:20] <Nathan_Leadill> Under Variants -> normal -> transform right?
L869[18:17:33] <gigaherz_t> something like that
L870[18:17:37] <gigaherz_t> not certain
L871[18:17:40] <gigaherz_t> Ididn't use it
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L876[18:30:32] <patrick96> Do I need a core mod to use access transformers?
L877[18:30:47] <Nathan_Leadill> https://gist.github.com/EasyCompany2020/6092531664544505fac7 why wont this move the model in game when placed :(
L878[18:31:51] <gigaherz_t> patrick96: depends
L879[18:32:21] <gigaherz_t> well, i'm not sure on this because I have never done it
L880[18:32:39] <gigaherz_t> but I believe you can have an otherwise standard mod, with an AT file that tells fml to access-transform some methods
L881[18:32:59] <gigaherz_t> wether this constitutes a coremod or not, that's a different thing
L882[18:33:15] <gigaherz_t> now if you want to do any manual work on the classes during the fml loading process
L883[18:33:19] <gigaherz_t> then you do need a coremod
L884[18:34:14] <gigaherz_t> I believe that just like how you can have multiple mods in one jar, you can also have a normal mod, and a coremod, in the same jar
L885[18:34:48] <patrick96> I just want to access GuiContainer.guiLeft and guiRight from outside any subclass (In my NEI Handler) and it's working fine in my IDE but when I build it with gradle and run it, it tells me it couldn't find Blocks.stone
L886[18:35:05] <tterrag> patrick96: you are running a deobf mod in an obf environment
L887[18:35:10] *** MrKickkiller is now known as MrKick|Away
L888[18:35:11] <tterrag> !!gf Blocks.stone
L889[18:35:12] <MCPBot_Reborn> === MC 1.8: net/minecraft/init/Blocks.stone (aty.b) UNLOCKED ===
L890[18:35:13] <MCPBot_Reborn> Name : b => field_150348_b => stone
L891[18:35:13] <MCPBot_Reborn> Descriptor : Latr; => Lnet/minecraft/block/Block;
L892[18:35:14] <MCPBot_Reborn> Comment : None
L893[18:35:15] <MCPBot_Reborn> Last Change: 2013-12-09 22:25:00-05:00 (lexmanos)
L894[18:35:16] <tterrag> it's not "stone" outside dev
L895[18:35:21] <tterrag> it's field_150348_b
L896[18:36:07] <gigaherz_t> patrick96: ah, well you don't even need an AT for that ;P
L897[18:36:15] <patrick96> tterag but if I take out the part about the AT from the build file everything runs fine
L898[18:36:24] <tterrag> "the part about the AT"?
L899[18:36:26] <gigaherz_t> just use reflection
L900[18:36:37] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L901[18:36:47] <patrick96> tterag attributes 'FMLAT': 'hpt_at.cfg'
L902[18:37:07] <tterrag> that should not cause that error
L903[18:38:15] <patrick96> gigaherz_t yes you're right but that didn't work for the reason tterag just pointed out, so my problem lies there and not actually in the AT
L904[18:38:46] <patrick96> tterag give me a moment I'll build w/ and w/o that part and see if it really only gives me the error with the AT in
L905[18:39:01] <gigaherz_t> patrick96: that's why you use different names for deobf and obf
L906[18:39:09] <gigaherz_t> ;P
L907[18:39:13] <tterrag> huh?
L908[18:39:17] <tterrag> you can easily use reflection
L909[18:39:48] <gigaherz_t> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/client/KeyBindingInterceptor.java#L28
L910[18:42:57] *** Kolatra[away] is now known as Kolatra
L911[18:43:17] <patrick96> Okey so attributes 'FMLAT': 'hpt_at.cfg' wasn't the cause of the error, it's probably something I changed earlier
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L913[18:45:02] <patrick96> I used this GuiContainer.class.getDeclaredField("guiLeft") to access guiLeft but when building the mod I doesn't work because guiLeft isn't guiLeft but some field_xyz outside of the dev environment
L914[18:45:19] <gigaherz_t> yup
L915[18:45:25] <gigaherz_t> that's where ReflectionHelper comes in
L916[18:45:35] <gigaherz_t> it will try al lthe names you give it, in order
L917[18:45:47] <gigaherz_t> so if you give it the srg name first, and then the "nice" name
L918[18:45:55] <gigaherz_t> it will work on the first try in obf
L919[18:46:00] <gigaherz_t> and on the second try in deobf
L920[18:46:11] <gigaherz_t> and assuming you keep the reference to Field
L921[18:46:16] <patrick96> But what if the srg name changes? Or does it never do that?
L922[18:46:18] <Ordinastie> (which btw is stupid design)
L923[18:46:21] <gigaherz_t> it never does
L924[18:46:31] <gigaherz_t> well
L925[18:46:32] <gigaherz_t> rarely
L926[18:46:39] <gigaherz_t> the srg name can be assumed to never change
L927[18:46:48] <gigaherz_t> while the nice name and the obf name can change at any time
L928[18:46:55] <Ri5ux> Mostly changes during major Minecraft updates
L929[18:46:57] <gigaherz_t> this way mods are compatible across updates to the mappings
L930[18:47:00] <patrick96> No way!! I was actually checking if guiLeft existed and if not using the srg name but I was worried it would change and tried to use AT ^^
L931[18:47:08] <gigaherz_t> so
L932[18:47:15] <gigaherz_t> in mc 1.8.0 a field may be
L933[18:47:18] <tterrag> a srg name will never change
L934[18:47:23] <tterrag> it can only be added or go away
L935[18:47:24] <gigaherz_t> "aa" -> "field_12345_a" -> "theField"
L936[18:47:29] <gigaherz_t> and in 1.8.1 it may be
L937[18:47:33] <tterrag> a method that is equivalent in parameters and function will aways have the same srg name
L938[18:47:42] <gigaherz_t> "cz" -> "field_12345_a" -> "properFieldName"
L939[18:47:55] <gigaherz_t> the srg name will remain the same
L940[18:48:12] <Ri5ux> Never mind, I was confused.
L941[18:48:15] <tterrag> cz is unlikely considering there would need to be 103 fields in the class :P
L942[18:48:20] <gigaherz_t> so all mods compiled for the same major version of forge/mc
L943[18:48:21] <tterrag> but good example nevertheless :D
L944[18:48:25] <gigaherz_t> even if mc's obfuscation changes
L945[18:48:27] <gigaherz_t> can still work
L946[18:48:41] <patrick96> Thank you so much guys
L947[18:49:07] <patrick96> Now I just need to figure out why my mod doesn't find Blocks.stone and before it did
L948[18:49:56] <Ordinastie> you know what would be nice, having the console output linked to the code that did the output
L949[18:50:22] <Ordinastie> that way I wouldn't spend ages to find where [01:36:12] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML]: Model definition for location malisisdoors:customDoor#inventory not found is from :x
L950[18:50:35] <Ri5ux> Any of you guys happen to know why Windows is complaining that my RAM is used up at 64% total memory usage?
L951[18:50:43] <Ri5ux> It's literally starting to close programs by itself at that point
L952[18:50:50] <Ri5ux> Seems a bit early for htat
L953[18:50:51] <Ri5ux> that*
L954[18:51:15] * Ri5ux has 16GBs
L955[18:52:59] <gigaherz_t> Ordinastie: that print could easily throw an exception, and then print the stack trace on it ;P
L956[18:53:19] <Ordinastie> hum?
L957[18:53:25] <Ri5ux> I mean, I know why my RAM is used up, but why the fuck is it complaining so early.
L958[18:53:26] <gigaherz_t> I mean
L959[18:53:29] <gigaherz_t> that code that does that print
L960[18:53:42] <gigaherz_t> as a possible solution for it if you wanted to PR to forge to fix that ;P
L961[18:53:56] <Ordinastie> no, I mean, an IDE feature
L962[18:54:17] <gigaherz_t> eh but the logger would have to give the IDE that info
L963[18:54:21] <Ordinastie> yes
L964[18:54:33] <gigaherz_t> hmm I guess the logger could get the stack trace itself
L965[18:54:48] <Ordinastie> or the VM, or whatever
L966[18:55:14] <Ordinastie> I'm just sick of having to search for the class because I always forget where it is ><
L967[18:55:16] <gigaherz_t> Ri5ux: well theo nly thing I can think of
L968[18:55:22] <gigaherz_t> would be that the rest of the memory are in-use cached files
L969[18:55:27] <gigaherz_t> that can't be dropped from ram
L970[18:55:51] <Ri5ux> But task manager wouldnt show that the rest of the RAM is used by that?
L971[18:56:02] <gigaherz_t> check the performance tab
L972[18:56:08] <gigaherz_t> the "available" vs "free"
L973[18:56:45] <Ri5ux> Not seeing the Free section
L974[18:56:51] <Ri5ux> (Windows 10)
L975[18:57:23] <Ri5ux> Committed: 14.5/16.0GB
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L977[18:58:16] <gigaherz_t> ah
L978[18:58:24] <gigaherz_t> well it changed I suppose
L979[18:58:34] <gigaherz_t> it's complaining because commited is going so high
L980[18:58:42] <gigaherz_t> it may be able to "make room" by dropping some cache
L981[18:58:45] <Ri5ux> Cached is at 4.2GBs
L982[18:58:50] <Ri5ux> That doesnt seem normal
L983[18:58:56] <gigaherz_t> it's 6.2gb for me
L984[18:59:03] <Ri5ux> Jeez...
L985[18:59:07] <gigaherz_t> in use 4.4, available 11gb
L986[18:59:19] <gigaherz_t> commited 5.5/18.8
L987[18:59:25] <Ri5ux> Looks like Im really gonna need that 32GB upgrade now...
L988[18:59:28] <gigaherz_t> (it includes pagefile, which is 2.5gb atm)
L989[18:59:53] <gigaherz_t> just enable the pagefile on an SSD
L990[18:59:57] ⇦ Quits: Noppes (~Noppes@82-168-212-152.ip.telfort.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L991[18:59:59] <gigaherz_t> it will allow windows to page out least-used ram
L992[19:00:00] <Ri5ux> I believe I disabled my page file to save SSD space. Perhaps I should re-enable that.
L993[19:00:03] <gigaherz_t> and survive longer
L994[19:00:12] <gigaherz_t> win10 doesn't waste pagefile like before
L995[19:00:17] <Ri5ux> Ah, good
L996[19:00:27] <gigaherz_t> win7 used to take up as much pagefile as you had ram
L997[19:00:29] <gigaherz_t> so like
L998[19:00:32] <gigaherz_t> it would be 16gb for me
L999[19:00:46] <gigaherz_t> win10's pagefile is only as large as it needs to be
L1000[19:00:51] <gigaherz_t> dynamically resized
L1001[19:00:52] <gigaherz_t> up and down
L1002[19:01:04] <Ri5ux> I only have a 64GB SSD though
L1003[19:01:10] <Ri5ux> .-.
L1004[19:01:13] <gigaherz_t> I have a 120gb SSD for the OS and apps
L1005[19:01:28] <gigaherz_t> and a 60gb one for compiling and some temp tasks that need t obe fast, including pagefile
L1006[19:01:28] <gigaherz_t> ;P
L1007[19:01:35] <Ri5ux> <.>
L1008[19:02:05] <gigaherz_t> well the 120gb one was like 150eur back in the day
L1009[19:02:14] <gigaherz_t> the 60gb was 40eur a few months ago
L1010[19:02:22] <Lord_Ralex> i have a 16gb page, but only because i was using it to write full memory dumps :(
L1011[19:02:36] <gigaherz_t> why owuld you do that?
L1012[19:02:39] <Ri5ux> Upgrading to a 120GB in my new system.
L1013[19:02:43] <gigaherz_t> do you work on kernel/driver development?
L1014[19:02:43] <gigaherz_t> ;P
L1015[19:02:50] <Lord_Ralex> i had constant bsod :P
L1016[19:02:58] <Lord_Ralex> so was keeping them to figure out wtf was going on
L1017[19:06:36] <Ri5ux> This task manager is beautiful: http://i.stack.imgur.com/9vWiE.png
L1018[19:07:05] * Ri5ux must find this
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L1020[19:11:35] <Nathan_Leadill> Ugh Just translate stupid block :D :D :D
L1021[19:14:04] <Nathan_Leadill> https://gyazo.com/b18d2ab4db06b3efef19818eca031d85
L1022[19:14:09] <Nathan_Leadill> Anyone please Explain?
L1023[19:15:24] <Ri5ux> Show your code?
L1024[19:15:37] <Nathan_Leadill> What Classes?
L1025[19:15:41] <Nathan_Leadill> Block Class and Proxy?
L1026[19:16:03] <Ri5ux> Also your block's json crap
L1027[19:16:10] <Nathan_Leadill> :P
L1028[19:16:22] <Nathan_Leadill> I've only done items before never blocks
L1029[19:16:26] <Nathan_Leadill> So i have no idea what im doing
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L1031[19:17:17] <Nathan_Leadill> Can you link an example that works with B3D Models?
L1032[19:17:37] * Ri5ux doesnt have any examples
L1033[19:18:07] <Nathan_Leadill> :(
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L1036[19:33:08] <Ordinastie> wtf
L1037[19:33:09] <Ordinastie> [02:32:46] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: There are unidentified mappings in this world - we are going to attempt to process anyway
L1038[19:33:09] <Ordinastie> [02:32:46] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Unidentified item: malisisdoors:item.custom_door, id 4101
L1039[19:33:21] <Ordinastie> I can't do anything with that :s
L1040[19:33:38] <Ordinastie> it freezes the client
L1041[19:34:24] <netz> that is a rather pretty task manager
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L1046[19:38:26] <Ri5ux> Apparently the person made it and kept it for themselves, cant find it on the nets
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L1050[19:56:18] <Mimiru> That looks like the windows 8/10 Task Manager, in black.. http://michi.pc-logix.com/Task_Manager_2015-10-09_19-55-33.png
L1051[19:56:49] <Ri5ux> I know, was trying to find a way to enable it if it was a hidden feature, or even a mod, but found nothing
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L1053[19:58:09] <netz> prolly just some theming
L1054[19:58:13] <Mimiru> ^
L1055[20:01:14] <Ri5ux> Theme's carry across to task manager though? .. like even the graphs?
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L1057[20:05:52] <Ri5ux> Just doesnt seem right to me.
L1058[20:08:38] <Mimiru> Well, I'm too lazy to modify my own theme, so heres High Contrast #1 http://michi.pc-logix.com/Task_Manager_2015-10-09_20-07-54.png
L1059[20:09:01] <Mimiru> And High Contrast Black http://michi.pc-logix.com/Task_Manager_2015-10-09_20-08-15.png
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L1061[20:14:49] <Ri5ux> Too sharply colored ._.
L1062[20:15:38] <Mimiru> Well.. yes, it IS "High Contrast" it's for people with vision disabilities. But it was just to prove a point, that yes, the theme will change the graphs and such
L1063[20:16:13] <Ordinastie> anybody know how to fix that shit ?
L1064[20:16:14] <Ordinastie> [03:13:19] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: There are unidentified mappings in this world - we are going to attempt to process anyway
L1065[20:16:14] <Ordinastie> [03:13:23] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: Unidentified item: malisisdoors:item.custom_door, id 4101
L1066[20:22:12] <Ordinastie> ffs it's annoying
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L1078[20:45:14] <hasunwoo_> How to check if client or server.
L1079[20:45:16] <hasunwoo_> ?
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L1081[20:47:29] <netz> hasunwoo_: isWorldRemote() ?
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L1085[21:00:26] <hasunwoo_> I want to know if my mod is loaded on forge server or client
L1086[21:01:12] <tterrag> all load events have a side
L1087[21:01:12] <killjoy1> What's the setting on the new curse project "Localization"
L1088[21:01:22] <killjoy1> Is that things like translating the description?
L1089[21:01:22] <TehNut> You can localize your project page
L1090[21:01:26] <killjoy1> Oh, ok
L1091[21:01:44] <jadedcat> like if you want to have your project page show up in madarin or french or something
L1092[21:02:17] <netz> oh nifty
L1093[21:03:55] <ltp> Powered by Google&trade; Translate
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L1095[21:08:45] <Torhal> killjoy1: It's for localizing your project. Has nothing to do with your project description or auxiliary pages. I didn't know it had been activated, or there would be documentation and such.
L1096[21:08:48] <Torhal> jadedcat: ^
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L1098[21:09:11] <jadedcat> oh sorry, mine was a question not a statement
L1099[21:09:27] <Torhal> I was answering :D
L1100[21:09:30] <jadedcat> apparently I forgot the question mark :p
L1101[21:09:34] <Torhal> lol
L1102[21:10:06] <Torhal> I need to find a list of all supported Minecraft languages and their language codes so I can set this thing up properly.
L1103[21:10:20] <Torhal> Whoever activated it did so with WoW languages and codes and nothing else.
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L1115[21:42:22] <Cazzar> Hehe, decided to reinstall arch as a dual boot on my laptop, i3wm!
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L1117[21:44:30] <netz> Cazzar: w00t
L1118[21:44:53] <Cazzar> Yeah, gotta set up a terminal emulator
L1119[21:45:05] <Cazzar> probably will go with the GNOME stuff, since, i3-gnome
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L1121[21:49:51] <Cypher121> anyone knows how slot background icons work? Whatever I can find is not really helpful.
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L1123[21:52:29] <tterrag> never bothered with them :P
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L1125[21:53:19] <tterrag> not like it's hard to do yourself https://github.com/Chisel-Team/Chisel/blob/1.7/dev/src/main/java/team/chisel/client/gui/GuiAutoChisel.java#L75-L78
L1126[21:55:05] <Cypher121> tterrag: meh, I want to keep it inside slots. Idea is that if slot is locked, it has a red cross
L1127[21:55:17] <tterrag> so then code that inside your slot
L1128[21:55:21] <tterrag> problem is slots have no drawing callbacks
L1129[21:57:33] <Cypher121> tterrag: they have default methods for IIcon (icon) and ResourceLocation (texture). Problem is I can't get that icon to do anything
L1130[21:58:10] <tterrag> Cypher121: the GuiContainer should draw it
L1131[21:58:13] <tterrag> according to the code
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L1135[22:09:07] <Cypher121> apparently I just don't understand something about IIcon
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L1145[22:44:32] <killjoy> Hm... why am I using ClassLoader.getSystemResource?
L1146[22:44:49] <killjoy> Does that break cauldron?
L1147[22:44:54] <killjoy> *on cauldron
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L1168[23:28:01] <Arctic_Wolfy> Any one else think I went overboard a little? http://imgur.com/aqgZjdC
L1169[23:29:52] <TehNut> nope
L1170[23:29:55] <TehNut> you missed a few spots
L1171[23:30:07] <Arctic_Wolfy> XD
L1172[23:30:41] <Arctic_Wolfy> Just trying to make sure my pet spider won't attack me.
L1173[23:30:51] <Cypher121> just flood it with lava
L1174[23:31:06] <Arctic_Wolfy> IT would kill it thou...
L1175[23:32:29] <Arctic_Wolfy> I need the spider alive.
L1176[23:33:01] <netz> lol
L1177[23:33:02] ⇨ Joins: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk)
L1178[23:34:26] <Arctic_Wolfy> Mod pack. Need wool. No friendly mobs. No sheep. Only String, and spiders drop string passivly.
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L1184[23:46:20] <Arctic_Wolfy> Anybody know any thing I can do to keep the spider from despawing?
L1185[23:48:10] <TehNut> If you have MFR, pick it up and place it with a Jailer's Safari Net
L1186[23:48:47] <Arctic_Wolfy> Don't have MFR.
L1187[23:48:47] ⇦ Quits: SnowDapples (~powered@pD958813A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by SnowDapples_!~powered@pD9588B1A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)))
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L1190[23:50:06] <Cypher121> name tag it?
L1191[23:50:59] <TehNut> Right that's a thing
L1192[23:51:02] <TehNut> Do that
L1193[23:51:17] <Arctic_Wolfy> I can make name tage. But I would need iron to use it unless you can use a unnamed named tag.
L1194[23:51:37] <TehNut> Have a Tool Station?
L1195[23:51:48] <Arctic_Wolfy> Yes?
L1196[23:51:50] <TehNut> Use that
L1197[23:51:57] <TehNut> They can name any item for free, now
L1198[23:52:02] <TehNut> Whether it's a bug or not I don't know
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L1200[23:53:56] *** fry is now known as fry|sleep
L1201[23:54:50] <Arctic_Wolfy> Yay! http://imgur.com/cLRhW9S it works!
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L1205[23:57:15] <TehNut> original name
L1206[23:57:25] <Arctic_Wolfy> :P
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L1208[23:59:21] <Mimiru> Anyone have any idea how I can use 2 packets in my getDescriptionPacket() ? I need to return my S35Packet to sync my NBT to the client, but I also need to return another packet to communicate with my IMessage class
L1209[23:59:40] <Mimiru> I tried to not return one of the two, but that just ends up with that packet not doing anything
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