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L1[00:09:59] ⇦ Quits: Aaron1011 (~Aaron101_@cpe-108-183-175-60.maine.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
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L3[00:20:49] <Zaggy1024> Vastatio, look at what's null and find out why it's null and how to make it not null;
L4[00:24:24] <Vastatio> The thing is:
L5[00:24:33] <Vastatio> The crash is going to a vanilla file class
L6[00:24:44] <Vastatio> the NPE is being thrown by a dataWatcher in the EntityAgeable class
L7[00:24:48] <Vastatio> as you can see in the crash
L8[00:25:02] <Vastatio> I checked EVERYTHING i need to use to draw it
L9[00:25:06] <Vastatio> all of them were not null.
L10[00:25:16] <Vastatio> Its just the call that is crashing the game.
L11[00:25:44] <Vastatio> now, you might say that the Entity is the problem, and something is wrong with the age component or something within the Entity
L12[00:26:00] <Vastatio> but, if that was it, why does the Raptor render perfectly in adult/child form?
L13[00:26:12] <Vastatio> and why does the Raptor just throw the NPE when drawEntityOnScreen is called?
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L15[00:30:13] <Zaggy1024> did you set a breakpoint on the call to the method to see whether anything it references is null?
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L18[00:37:02] *** Ash|ZZZ is now known as Ashlee
L19[00:37:38] <shadekiller666> Mad Max Fury Road is even more awesome when you watch the behind the scenes content and see how they did everything with practical effects
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L24[00:52:59] <Vastatio> i know what is null - I checked already
L25[00:53:10] <Vastatio> drawEntityOnScreen is the thing that is basically starting the NPE
L26[00:55:31] <shadekiller666> because its being given something that is null!
L27[00:55:46] <shadekiller666> make the thing that its being given not null
L28[00:56:41] <shadekiller666> if its not something you're passing in, then its something that is being called inside of the method
L29[01:02:41] <Vastatio> i checked the thing that its given
L30[01:02:50] <Vastatio> as i said above, nothing was null
L31[01:02:57] <Vastatio> called inside of the method?
L32[01:03:01] <shadekiller666> yes
L33[01:03:08] <Vastatio> if I just comment out the drawEntityOnScreen call, everything else works fine
L34[01:03:21] <Vastatio> its just a if(model != null) GuiInventory.drawEntityOnScreen(...);
L35[01:03:34] <shadekiller666> some variable or method that drawEntityOnScreen is trying to access on a null object
L36[01:04:21] <Vastatio> well, if let's say model was null somehow (which it isn't, i checked) wouldn't the if(model != null) prevent it from even executing?
L37[01:04:36] <Vastatio> The thing that the NPE is directing me to, is EntityAgeable for some reason
L38[01:04:39] <shadekiller666> yes, but the model isn't the problem
L39[01:04:47] <Vastatio> its the entity?
L40[01:04:49] <shadekiller666> give me your error log
L41[01:04:58] <Vastatio> ah, lemme find it, its above in chat
L42[01:05:14] <shadekiller666> found it
L43[01:05:24] ⇨ Joins: HewloThere (~HewloTher@
L44[01:05:24] <Vastatio> this one right: http://pastebin.com/cKLP85EN
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L46[01:05:30] <Vastatio> https://gist.github.com/anonymous/946108754ff4aeb4cee7
L47[01:05:32] <Vastatio> sorry not the pastebin
L48[01:05:36] <Vastatio> that ones the full log
L49[01:09:12] <shadekiller666> set a breakpoint on line 89 of EntityAgeable
L50[01:09:28] <shadekiller666> run the game and trigger whatever it is that causes the NPE
L51[01:09:55] <shadekiller666> when the breakpoint hits, check worldObj and dataWatcher in the EntityAgeable class
L52[01:10:18] <shadekiller666> one of those two will be null
L53[01:10:27] <shadekiller666> i'm thinking dataWatcher
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L65[02:03:07] <tterrag> shadekiller666: he left?
L66[02:03:13] <tterrag> his problem is painfully obvious now
L67[02:03:17] <tterrag> he is using mc.theWorld during load
L68[02:04:49] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20150913 mappings to Forge Maven.
L69[02:04:53] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20150913-1.8.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20150913" in build.gradle).
L70[02:05:03] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L72[02:29:22] <PrinceCat> !gm func_150148_a
L73[02:29:35] <PrinceCat> That function though.
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L76[02:37:36] <PrinceCat> Okay, so I feel stupid...
L77[02:37:52] <PrinceCat> What methods do I need to make a chest be able to be opened under a block?
L78[02:38:17] <PrinceCat> I've looked in BlockStairs, BlockSlab, etc... I thought it was isOpaqueCube() but I just set that to false and I still can't open the chest. :/
L79[02:40:31] <shadekiller666> thats handled in the method that opens the gui
L80[02:40:46] <shadekiller666> it just checks if the block directly above is solid
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L82[02:42:05] <PrinceCat> So I just need to say isSideSolid() on my block and make the bottom not solid?
L83[02:42:05] <tterrag> more specifically
L84[02:42:10] <tterrag> else if (p_149951_1_.isSideSolid(p_149951_2_, p_149951_3_ + 1, p_149951_4_, DOWN)) { return null;
L85[02:42:33] <tterrag> pretty much
L86[02:42:39] <tterrag> but that's a bit of a hack :P
L87[02:42:44] <tterrag> perhaps your block should prevent chests from opening?
L88[02:42:54] <shadekiller666> chests are a hack in and of themselves anyway
L89[02:43:03] <PrinceCat> Maybe I'll make it so the player has to put the block under it.
L90[02:43:27] <PrinceCat> I'm writing a mod that basically works as a web interface for your world.
L91[02:43:33] <PrinceCat> http://princecat.cf/overseer/test_data.json
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L93[02:43:37] <shadekiller666> web interface?
L94[02:43:40] <PrinceCat> My prototype, that's a chest in my world.
L95[02:43:46] <PrinceCat> Sending its data to my webserver.
L96[02:44:01] <shadekiller666> that seems sketchy...
L97[02:44:22] *** bilde2910|away is now known as bilde2910
L98[02:44:33] <PrinceCat> It'll all be distributed to the player and they can specify the webserver.
L99[02:45:11] <PrinceCat> Essentially you download the mod and install overseer.php onto your webserver, there's a tool in-game which I have that allows you to link certain blocks to that URL and that's how it'll be controlled.
L100[02:45:18] <shadekiller666> and the point of this is what exactly?
L101[02:45:29] <PrinceCat> I thought it was a neat idea.. something out of the norm.
L102[02:46:26] <shadekiller666> if you could make one player's singleplayer world modify another player's singleplayer world on a different computer that would be funny
L103[02:47:46] <PrinceCat> Well, essentially you could.. haha
L104[02:48:24] <PrinceCat> Thanks to the new World Wide Web
L105[02:49:13] <PrinceCat> gigaherz, why did you delete your JSON NBT serializer? :P
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L164[07:36:26] <gigaherz> [09:49] (PrinceCat): gigaherz, why did you delete your JSON NBT serializer? :P
L165[07:36:31] <gigaherz> I put it in its own repo!
L166[07:36:33] <gigaherz> ;P
L167[07:36:38] <PrinceCat> What no, madness!
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L169[07:37:03] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/NBTSerializer
L170[07:37:24] <PrinceCat> I was... looking at your contributions, not your repos...
L171[07:37:29] <PrinceCat> No wonder I couldn't find it.
L172[07:37:31] <gigaherz> I extracted the whole history of it into a separate repo
L173[07:37:32] <gigaherz> XD
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L208[09:55:22] <Subaraki> diesieben07, I request your assistance
L209[09:55:25] <Subaraki> please :)
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L211[09:55:50] <Subaraki> You once told me to add a container to a tile entity I had. told me it as good for synching. so when i did it indeed soveld my problem
L212[09:55:53] <diesieben07> what you break
L213[09:56:01] <Subaraki> now i have someone saying i need to get rid of it, because its empty
L214[09:56:10] <Subaraki> he says it's only for inventory
L215[09:56:13] <diesieben07> then they are a retard.
L216[09:56:16] <Subaraki> I just wanted to know what a container is used for
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L218[09:56:37] <Sannholm> !dcc
L219[09:56:42] <diesieben07> a container is the server-side representatino of a GUI
L220[09:57:11] <Subaraki> which means it would keep the gui synched right ?
L221[09:57:23] <diesieben07> Yes, using it for syncing is completely fine
L222[09:57:38] <Subaraki> okay thanks ! :D
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L233[10:43:18] <Ordinastie> diesieben07, are you advising to use a container for syncing a GUI that doesn't have inventory ?
L234[10:43:37] <diesieben07> yes
L235[10:44:26] <Ordinastie> what's the point ?
L236[10:45:16] <diesieben07> its easy? :D
L237[10:47:31] <Ordinastie> how?
L238[10:47:45] <Ordinastie> container doesn't sync anything apart from itemStacks, right ?
L239[10:48:13] <diesieben07> sure
L240[10:48:16] <diesieben07> it syncs shorts
L241[10:48:20] ⇨ Joins: quickhakker (webchat@host86-162-121-115.range86-162.btcentralplus.com)
L242[10:48:55] <Ordinastie> hu?
L243[10:49:08] <diesieben07> check ContainerFurnace
L244[10:49:51] <Ordinastie> 1.7?
L245[10:50:10] <Ordinastie> ah
L246[10:50:31] <Ordinastie> meh
L247[10:50:46] <diesieben07> well...
L248[10:50:46] <Ordinastie> it kinda feels wrong though :p
L249[10:50:54] <diesieben07> @Sync is superior in all ways imaginable
L250[10:50:55] <diesieben07> but meh
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L254[10:52:13] <quickhakker> hey
L255[10:52:17] <quickhakker> WOO
L256[10:52:25] *** Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L257[10:53:32] <quickhakker> okay 3 things 1. how did you make it send me to a different channel when i joined cause that was cool, 2. why and how did you mute webchats 3. why is there not a forge for 1.8.8?
L258[10:54:27] <diesieben07> 1 and 2 - because it keeps idiots out.
L259[10:54:34] <diesieben07> 3 - because its not out yet.
L260[10:54:49] <fry> people are working hard on 3 :P
L261[10:55:08] <quickhakker> so its actually in development?
L262[10:55:31] <fry> why wouldn't it be all of a sudden? :P
L263[10:55:37] <heldplayer> No, they're actually very hard at work on 1.6.4
L264[10:55:40] *** Gaz492 is now known as Gaz492|Away
L265[10:55:49] <alex_6611> :D
L266[10:56:24] <quickhakker> well last version of forge for 1.8.x was 1.8.0 and people thought oh it wont be out cause no mods
L267[10:57:37] <quickhakker> when i saw the rules on webchat i though it said dont say lexes full name (meaning rteal name)
L268[10:59:14] ⇨ Joins: IoP (jikuja@irc.ioppi.info)
L269[10:59:37] <IoP> Was quickhakker already in here?
L270[11:00:06] <diesieben07> he joined like 8 minutes ago
L271[11:01:30] <IoP> http://paste.ubuntu.com/12398233/ ;)
L272[11:03:15] <diesieben07> wow.
L273[11:03:16] *** NotTomben is now known as Tombenpotter
L274[11:03:18] <diesieben07> fuckin idiot
L275[11:03:53] <diesieben07> quickhakker: whining will not make things faster.
L276[11:03:55] <alex_6611> yea, that's harsh
L277[11:04:01] <diesieben07> people do this for free, be thankful and stop being a douche.
L278[11:04:23] <tmtu> douche nozzle
L279[11:04:36] <quickhakker> i was asking for information to get to here to find out if 1.8.8 was being developed
L280[11:04:44] *** fry is now known as fry|sleep
L281[11:04:55] <quickhakker> and for a "doing it for free" system you guys use adf.ly quiet a lot
L282[11:05:55] <diesieben07> the stuff you pulled off in #ftb (linked above) is not asking for information
L283[11:06:08] <diesieben07> and yes, people need to actually you know... pay the servers
L284[11:06:12] <diesieben07> that you download forge from
L285[11:06:30] <Cazzar> for the linux users here: https://twitter.com/bubusher/status/642923830978170880
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L287[11:07:24] <fry|sleep> all yourbase are belong to us
L288[11:07:35] <quickhakker> "can 1.8 be forced on 1.8.8"
L289[11:07:49] <diesieben07> No
L290[11:08:00] <quickhakker> quickhakker, with 1.8 being more or less a version that isnt gaining much support, most authors are waiting till 1.9 before doing much, mostly because Forge is not
L291[11:08:00] <quickhakker> going to release past 1.8 meaning no 1.8.x releases
L292[11:08:00] <quickhakker> [18:40] DigitalReaper [~DigitalRe@cpc78919-bele10-2-0-cust28.2-1.cable.virginm.net] has joined #FTB (DigitalReaper)
L293[11:08:00] <quickhakker> [18:40] vacantRogue [~vacantRog@cpc2-hari16-2-0-cust622.20-2.cable.virginm.net] has joined #FTB (VacantRogue)
L294[11:08:02] <quickhakker> [18:41] <quickhakker> i already know that but im wanting to put a 1.8 mod into 1,8.8 would that not work seeing as 1.8.X is just 1,8 bug fixes
L295[11:08:03] <diesieben07> your informatino about 1.8.8: wait until its done.
L296[11:08:04] <quickhakker> im quoting
L297[11:08:17] <Cazzar> quickhakker: for 1: channel mode +f #channel and and 2: channel modes relating to +q *!webchat@*
L298[11:08:28] <diesieben07> i have no idea who that said
L299[11:08:30] <diesieben07> but it is wrong
L300[11:09:17] <quickhakker> the guy who said about skipping all versions of 1.8.x is the useless guy
L301[11:09:40] <tmtu> you're being pretty useless yourself :)
L302[11:09:43] <Cazzar> A Forge version is for a SPECIFIC version of minecraft only, though there is the highly unlikley chance that it might work across patches, though it's safer to assume it doesn't
L303[11:10:11] <Cazzar> Though generally it'll refuse to install, unless you black magic it
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L305[11:11:08] <quickhakker> cazzar can you teach me the black magic as i want to risk it
L306[11:11:23] <diesieben07> for 1.8 to 1.8.8 it is not possible
L307[11:11:31] <Cazzar> yeah, too much change
L308[11:11:32] <diesieben07> for 1.7.2 to 1.7.4 i think it was possible
L309[11:11:41] <diesieben07> it is only possible if mojang does not change obfuscation
L310[11:11:45] <quickhakker> isnt it all mostly bug fixes though
L311[11:11:45] <diesieben07> which pretty much NEVER happens
L312[11:11:49] <diesieben07> yes
L313[11:11:55] <diesieben07> but: as soon as mojang changes a TINY thing
L314[11:12:02] <diesieben07> pretty mcuh ALL the names change
L315[11:12:05] <quickhakker> wow
L316[11:12:06] <diesieben07> meaning: forge no longer works
L317[11:12:22] <diesieben07> welcome to the beauty of an obfuscated environment
L318[11:12:24] <Cazzar> The only way forge will be able to work again, is remapping the names.
L319[11:12:24] <quickhakker> so how much time does it take to change in minor version
L320[11:12:28] <Cazzar> Which is tedious
L321[11:12:58] <Cazzar> quickhakker: you have to work out the "names" for a function to work properly.
L322[11:13:34] <quickhakker> slightly off topic here (its sorta linked with modding) im doing a map of hogwarts with a group of friends and wondering if and how to change mob textures so that we can have slimes as ghosts
L323[11:13:44] <Cazzar> the translation from a.b to Class.func_xxxx_x is done by MCP, and from that to Class.someFunction is done by the community
L324[11:14:12] <Cazzar> quickhakker: simple, use ghasts or, just a resource pack
L325[11:14:25] ⇦ Quits: KindOne (kindone@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L326[11:14:43] <quickhakker> cazzar thats what im doing but i dont know where the skin for slimes are
L327[11:14:57] <quickhakker> and would rather not use ghasts because we dont want people getting hurt
L328[11:18:20] <Cazzar> the texture will be hiding in the minecraft jar though it is replacable via the resource packs
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L330[11:18:40] <IoP> *rofl* [19:16] <quickhakker> now piss off back to your mummy go cry to them
L331[11:18:43] <quickhakker> well that i also know
L332[11:19:04] <quickhakker> i started modifying a resource pack changed a few things around but i want to change slimes to ghosts
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L336[11:45:04] <quickhakker> FFS MOJANG
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L346[12:06:19] <Pyker> yes, the auth and session servers are down lol
L347[12:10:20] *** Tombenpotter is now known as NotTomben
L348[12:13:08] <gigaherz> I'm so glad I was online when they went down
L349[12:13:10] <gigaherz> XD
L350[12:15:24] <gigaherz> shit mc just crashed ¬¬
L351[12:17:02] ⇦ Quits: kmecpp (~kmecpp@pool-108-21-82-75.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
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L354[12:25:08] <Pyker> lol
L355[12:25:12] <Pyker> that karma xD
L356[12:25:19] <gigaherz> well
L357[12:25:23] <gigaherz> mc was nice enough to let me finish
L358[12:25:38] <gigaherz> then while I was looking at stuff to do next, it crashed
L359[12:25:44] <gigaherz> to at LEAST, it was nice enough to let me finish
L360[12:25:44] <gigaherz> XD
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L368[12:46:06] <masa> ugh what... I get an error when trying to build my mod "A problem occurred evaluating root projet 'enderutilities'. > java/util/HashMap$Entry
L369[12:46:28] <masa> is that a FG error or have I broken something?
L370[12:46:42] <masa> let's try clean...
L371[12:47:12] <masa> nope gradlew clean also break to an almost identical error
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L384[13:14:56] <shadekiller666> is it possible to save/load something to/from NBT that isn't an entity or a tileentity?
L385[13:16:12] *** TheJulianJES is now known as TheJulianJES|AFK
L386[13:16:39] <shadekiller666> i have this MultiBlockManager that stores a map of BlockPos->MultiBlockStructures
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L388[13:24:11] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> shadekiller666: what do you mean?
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L390[13:24:26] <tterrag|ZZZzzz> you can write anything you want to NBT as long as it can be serialized to primitives+strings
L391[13:24:29] *** tterrag|ZZZzzz is now known as tterrag
L392[13:24:51] <shadekiller666> yes, but how to i trigger the saving to nbt
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L394[13:24:57] <shadekiller666> or the reading from it
L395[13:25:29] <tterrag> save to what NBT?
L396[13:26:01] ⇦ Parts: TheJulianJES|AFK (~TheJulian@p5DC8C2F4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) ())
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L398[13:27:15] <shadekiller666> ok, I have this class that stores the map that i explained above, this class doesn't extend any class, if i want to save the contents of the aformentioned map so that the data persists whenever the world is unloaded/reloaded, or the game is closed, how would i do so
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L402[13:43:26] <shadekiller666> aparently the minecraft auth servers are down...
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L404[13:44:01] <IoP> HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable: Back-end server is at capacity
L405[13:44:33] <shadekiller666> ddos?
L406[13:45:31] <IoP> probably
L407[13:46:31] <tterrag> shadekiller666: use the WorldSaveData
L408[13:46:33] ⇨ Joins: Hgreb (~Hgrebnedn@d8D87757E.access.telenet.be)
L409[13:47:48] <shadekiller666> so just make my class extend that?
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L411[13:48:30] ⇨ Joins: FourFire (~FourFire@117-71-11.connect.netcom.no)
L412[13:48:49] <FourFire> Greetings,
L413[13:49:27] <FourFire> I'd like opinions on the plausibility of the following serverside mod: Increase enderman promiscuity with blocks, and force them to place currently held block on death
L414[13:49:48] <tterrag> shadekiller666: no, it's a field in the world object
L415[13:50:07] <tterrag> FourFire: possible
L416[13:50:11] <tterrag> there is LivingDeathEvent
L417[13:50:15] <shadekiller666> oh, and you just pass it an NBTTagCompound?
L418[13:50:17] <FourFire> I've looked and looked and all I can find are lame mods which nerf endermen, and some sort of "extreme end expansion" mod which is not what I'm looking for
L419[13:50:22] <tterrag> shadekiller666: not sure, never actually used it
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L422[13:51:14] <FourFire> tterrag, great, is there anyone who would bother making such a mod, for 1.7.10, or is there perhaps a proper forum for such requests?
L423[13:51:32] <tterrag> oh...you're looking for someone to do it for you
L424[13:51:38] ⇦ Parts: Mimiru (Mimiru@eos.pc-logix.com) ())
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