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L27[00:45:57] <Wuppy> dammit, I'm sick and there's an awesome party today
L28[00:46:23] <Wuppy> to go or not to go
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L31[00:49:42] <Ivorius> Wuppy: How sick
L32[00:49:58] <Ivorius> Are they litterally throwing dirt on top of your body in this moment
L33[00:50:09] <Wuppy> pretty bad cold :c
L34[00:50:51] <Ivorius> Well, I guess I can't talk shit then... I skipped a party last thursday due to a cold myself
L35[00:51:04] <Ivorius> But I went on the next on saturday in return :P
L36[00:51:19] <Wuppy> I've had 10 parties last week and another last tuesday
L37[00:52:10] <Ivorius> That might be a tad excessive
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L39[00:52:42] <Wuppy> that it sure is
L40[00:52:54] <Wuppy> although the party on tuesday was incredible
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L42[00:54:41] <Ivorius> I'm actually hyping up myself
L43[00:54:50] <Ivorius> Tomorrow and next week are gonna be fucking amazing
L44[00:55:01] <Wuppy> what're you going to do?
L45[00:55:08] <Ivorius> Tomorrow, Len Faki
L46[00:55:13] <Ivorius> Next week, Boris Brejcha
L47[00:55:27] <Wuppy> what?
L48[00:55:50] <Wuppy> ah, german djs
L49[00:56:03] <Ivorius> Yup
L50[00:57:06] <Wuppy> I've got two parties as well next week :)
L51[00:57:14] <Vastatio> can JSON Deserialize Interfaces or does it always have to be a class
L52[00:57:15] <Wuppy> oh no, 3
L53[00:57:27] <Ivorius> Vastatio: You mean gson?
L54[00:57:32] <Vastatio> yes, gson*
L55[00:57:35] <Ivorius> lol
L56[00:57:40] <Ivorius> You have to pass it a class of course
L57[00:57:43] <Vastatio> ok
L58[00:57:45] <Vastatio> thanks for that
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L60[00:58:12] <Ivorius> Wuppy, parties or acts?
L61[00:58:25] <Wuppy> 2 parties, 1 festival with a lot of amazing djs
L62[00:58:30] <Ivorius> Which one
L63[00:58:43] <Wuppy> http://www.sunsetfestival.be/line-up
L64[00:59:16] <Ivorius> I know wildstylez, he was literally just here too P:
L65[00:59:25] <Ivorius> + Code Black
L66[00:59:26] <Wuppy> did you go?
L67[01:01:08] <Ivorius> Nah, I learned about it too late... The one I went to instead was pretty good too either way
L68[01:01:19] <Ivorius> Otherwise, no dice... So many dutch DJs
L69[01:01:19] <Ivorius> Haha
L70[01:01:32] <Wuppy> yep, but there are so many good ones
L71[01:01:57] <Wuppy> especially feestdjruud, partysquad & ran-d
L72[01:02:31] <Ivorius> I'll try to remember if they ever come here :P
L73[01:02:57] <Wuppy> the first 2 wont
L74[01:02:59] <Wuppy> they're very dutch
L75[01:03:00] <Ivorius> Apparently a guy I know likes Partysquad
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L78[01:03:07] <Wuppy> is he dutch
L79[01:03:34] <Ivorius> Well, some of our DJs come to you guys too
L80[01:03:58] <Wuppy> yeah I mean almost all djs on there are dutch
L81[01:04:05] <Wuppy> but those 2 are specifically dutch
L82[01:04:10] <Ivorius> lol
L83[01:04:23] <Ivorius> Doesn't stop my friend from having seen him apparently :P
L84[01:04:41] <Wuppy> a lot of the songs area ctually in dutch
L85[01:05:25] <Ivorius> 'in dutch'
L86[01:05:29] <Ivorius> You mean dutch voice samples? lol
L87[01:06:02] <Wuppy> true
L88[01:07:38] <rfctksSparkle> Quick question: How is the X/Y for Slots determined?
L89[01:08:47] <alex_6611> i thought they only had a number?
L90[01:09:20] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de)
L91[01:09:51] <rfctksSparkle> i mean
L92[01:09:54] <rfctksSparkle> to construct a slot instance
L93[01:10:12] <rfctksSparkle> it apparently takes a X and Y coordinate that appears to be related to the display position
L94[01:10:59] <alex_6611> uhm
L95[01:11:02] <alex_6611> experiment :P
L96[01:11:24] <rfctksSparkle> lol
L97[01:11:41] <tterrag> rfctksSparkle: it's relative from the guiLeft and guiTop
L98[01:11:50] <tterrag> so x=10 is more like guiLeft+10
L99[01:11:57] <tterrag> and that's the leftmost side of the slot
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L101[01:12:10] <rfctksSparkle> What unit =/
L102[01:12:12] <rfctksSparkle> px?
L103[01:12:24] <tterrag> scaled pixels
L104[01:12:28] <tterrag> not screen pixels
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L106[01:13:37] <rfctksSparkle> so the container GUI background is also scaled with it yes?
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L108[01:20:51] <tterrag> yea
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L118[02:04:50] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20150910-1.8.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20150910" in build.gradle).
L119[02:05:01] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L306[03:15:10] <Wuppy> heh, everybody at our school got send home because of a power outage
L307[03:15:51] <Wuppy> 40 minutes of power outage to be exact :P
L308[03:17:46] <PitchBright> xD
L309[03:17:53] <PitchBright> not a bad deal
L310[03:18:13] <Wuppy> nope, not at all
L311[03:18:21] <Wuppy> I live close enough to school that I'd probably be powerless as well
L312[03:18:26] <Wuppy> but my pc works so yay
L313[03:18:35] <PitchBright> hey are you the Wuppy that did those moddin' vids?
L314[03:18:39] <Wuppy> yes
L315[03:18:40] <PitchBright> the tutorials
L316[03:18:41] <PitchBright> right on
L317[03:18:45] <PitchBright> thanks for doing those man
L318[03:19:00] <PitchBright> I learned a lot from those a couple years ago
L319[03:19:05] <PitchBright> I appreciate your work there
L320[03:19:40] <Wuppy> no problem :)
L321[03:20:43] <PitchBright> how you keepin' busy these days?
L322[03:20:43] <Cazzar> Wuppy's usually around here :P
L323[03:21:08] <Wuppy> I'm on a game development school, hang out here and I have a lot of parties
L324[03:21:10] <Wuppy> 10 last week
L325[03:21:22] <PitchBright> enjoyin' life :)
L326[03:21:44] <Wuppy> I may actually have to skip an amazing party today though
L327[03:21:46] <Wuppy> pretty damn sick
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L329[03:21:58] <PitchBright> rest up for the next one ;)
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L331[03:22:27] <Wuppy> but today is one of the best of the year
L332[03:22:33] <PitchBright> oh then you gotta go
L333[03:22:36] <Wuppy> impossible that it'll be better than tuesday, but oh well
L334[03:22:39] <PitchBright> no rest for the wicked
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L339[03:55:02] <mezz> not sure how common this crash is, but it might be worth raising the recommended forge 1.7.10 version https://github.com/ForestryMC/ForestryMC/issues/820
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L346[04:24:07] <Wuppy> has anyone here worked with unreal?
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L410[08:50:07] <PaleoCrafter> I know it's a bit late, but my brother has, Wuppy :P
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L425[09:58:59] <gigaherz> https://twitter.com/Dinnerbone/status/641988856494092288`
L426[09:59:01] <gigaherz> new snapshot
L427[09:59:15] <alex_6611> \o/
L428[10:00:03] <alex_6611> oooh i like the hardcore change
L429[10:00:35] <shadekiller666> well that link is broken
L430[10:00:51] <alex_6611> remove the ` at the end
L431[10:01:04] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L432[10:01:45] <shadekiller666> cuddling increases happiness by 35%
L433[10:01:51] <alex_6611> yep
L434[10:04:52] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@
L435[10:05:04] <gigaherz> https://twitter.com/Dinnerbone/status/641988856494092288 *
L436[10:06:06] <diesieben07> can you not fucking delete an account on android?
L437[10:06:09] <diesieben07> how stupid is this
L438[10:06:29] <gigaherz> android has accounts?
L439[10:06:30] <shadekiller666> its tied to google
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L441[10:06:42] <shadekiller666> you have to delete the google account
L442[10:07:22] <gigaherz> https://support.google.com/nexus/answer/2840815?hl=en
L443[10:07:25] <gigaherz> you can removeit from the phone
L444[10:07:36] <gigaherz> but to delete the account itself, you have to go through google
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L446[10:13:46] <diesieben07> i have spent 10 minutes in the settings app
L447[10:13:50] <diesieben07> i cant figure it out
L448[10:14:05] <Cazzar> diesieben07 what specifically are you trying to delete?
L449[10:14:34] <diesieben07> there are 2 google accounts on the device
L450[10:14:37] <diesieben07> i want to delete one of them
L451[10:14:53] <gigaherz> the link I pasted where it says how to do so didn't work?
L452[10:15:11] <diesieben07> No
L453[10:15:17] <diesieben07> there ius no "remove account" option
L454[10:15:25] <diesieben07> wait
L455[10:15:26] <diesieben07> i am stupid
L456[10:15:31] <diesieben07> including this phone.
L457[10:15:37] <diesieben07> i hate hardware buttons
L458[10:15:56] <gigaherz> I hate not having them ;P
L459[10:17:40] <diesieben07> well, my phone does not have a hardware "menu" button
L460[10:17:46] <diesieben07> this other one i tried to do it one, does
L461[10:17:51] <diesieben07> so i did not even CONSIDER pressing it
L462[10:18:40] <gigaherz> heh
L463[10:18:47] <Cazzar> My plans for tomorrow: finish assignment; disassemble RAT; play KF2
L464[10:20:09] *** NotTomben is now known as Tombenpotter
L465[10:20:23] <alex_6611> why disassemble rat? :P
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L467[10:21:19] <Cazzar> alex_6611 imtalking RAT as in the hacking tool Remote Administration Tool
L468[10:21:30] <alex_6611> hah
L469[10:22:01] <Cazzar> And why? Someone got one on a Linux machine that was locking up the CPU, I managed to kill it
L470[10:23:04] <Cazzar> You'd think it'd be more subtle
L471[10:23:23] <Cazzar> And not... Well use 100% of 2 cores
L472[10:23:30] <alex_6611> wow haha
L473[10:23:55] <Cazzar> It was just attempting massive IOPS
L474[10:24:22] <alex_6611> that's another type of DDoS you could say
L475[10:25:14] <Cazzar> What 1000 connections to localhost:443?
L476[10:26:22] <Cazzar> It was more so failing :P
L477[10:29:36] <GraphicH|away> Host a website on that box?
L478[10:29:57] <GraphicH|away> Id be looking for the hole
L479[10:30:03] <GraphicH|away> not disassembling the malware
L480[10:30:58] ⇦ Quits: bilde2910 (bilde2910@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L481[10:31:58] <blood|work> anyone familiar with mojang's Block properties?
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L483[10:32:04] <Cazzar> GraphicH|away sometimes they self replicate.
L484[10:32:19] <blood|work> working on API for it and want to make sure i support mods at the same time
L485[10:33:02] <GraphicH|away> I mean they almost always do that, if you remove the bot it might just try and re-exploit if it the wrangler sees the host is still up
L486[10:33:19] <GraphicH|away> but the bot is reporting in
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L488[10:34:00] <GraphicH|away> is not* reporting
L489[10:34:16] <alex_6611> basically, repair the cage before you put the tiger back in?
L490[10:34:57] <GraphicH|away> more like repair the shark cage before you go back into shark infested waters
L491[10:35:17] <alex_6611> yea, i mean you're still ocking stuff away :P
L492[10:35:21] <alex_6611> locking*
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L494[10:36:46] <GraphicH|away> whatever anology you want, its probably easier looking at logs to find the way it go in over trying to disassemble the thing depending on how obfuscated it is
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L496[10:37:23] <GraphicH|away> And if you're hosting a website, with word press, that's #1 where I'd look
L497[10:37:28] <Cazzar> I have a feeling of be digging through logs for a whole.
L498[10:37:31] <GraphicH|away> second would be /var/log/secure depending on OS
L499[10:37:36] <Cazzar> While*
L500[10:37:48] <GraphicH|away> grep be your friend
L501[10:39:01] <Cazzar> I just have the feeling it might be long gone at the log level, though preventative measures have been taken
L502[10:43:22] <GraphicH|away> Well, was it running as root, or the webserver user, or some other user?
L503[10:43:39] <Cazzar> Webserver user.
L504[10:43:41] <GraphicH|away> because the user the pid belonged to matters a lot as to if the log files will show something
L505[10:44:21] <GraphicH|away> Ok, yeah I bet you then it's in the logs, and I'm almost sure its file upload plus directory traversal
L506[10:45:08] <Cazzar> But the reason I say that is because I have no clue on the age of the thing, I will be reccomending to the owner to verify on the logs anything suspicious.
L507[10:46:17] <GraphicH|away> Oh yeah
L508[10:46:21] <GraphicH|away> if its been there for years+
L509[10:46:26] <GraphicH|away> fuck who knows then
L510[10:46:50] <alex_6611> then there's a good chance of it not being able to re-exploit
L511[10:46:51] <GraphicH|away> half these shitty bot scripts get in with bad configs on file uploads
L512[10:47:02] <GraphicH|away> Uh no
L513[10:47:34] <alex_6611> well, if it's been there for years and the exploit it used to get in is very old as well, it will probably not work
L514[10:48:20] <GraphicH|away> You assume that server admins are in the habbit of A) patching frequently and B) staying up to date on sec
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L516[10:48:24] <GraphicH|away> they are not
L517[10:48:34] <alex_6611> well that's their issue then
L518[10:48:35] <alex_6611> :P
L519[10:49:22] <Cazzar> The machine has been updated recently, as of what the httpd is hosting? No clue.
L520[10:49:32] <GraphicH|away> And finally, it could be a problem in the webapp
L521[10:49:40] <GraphicH|away> which I'm assuming is some janky php thing
L522[10:49:42] <GraphicH|away> they usually are
L523[10:52:22] *** Ash|Work is now known as Ash|Away
L524[10:55:23] <GraphicH|away> Favorite sec story: web app allows user uploads, web app doesn't sanitize names, attacker uploads .htaccess file to uploads dir with rules allowing execution of png files as php scripts, attacker uploads php shell script as "8392gun.png"
L525[10:55:42] <HassanS6000> lol
L526[10:57:01] <Cazzar> One time I had a php Shell uploaded via IP.board
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L549[12:02:35] <Nathan_Leadill> How do I go about creating a custom "varient" in the JSON file then change to that varient
L550[12:02:56] <GraphicH|away> #nocontext
L551[12:03:25] <gigaherz> Nathan_Leadill: the variant strings are generated from the blockstates
L552[12:04:01] <gigaherz> if you have a property called "facing", then the variant list will have "facing=west", "facing=north", etc
L553[12:04:18] <gigaherz> if you have also "powered", then you'll see "facing=west,powered=false", etc
L554[12:04:28] <gigaherz> so read up a tutorial on blockstates
L555[12:04:29] <Nathan_Leadill> I meant like this
L556[12:04:43] <Nathan_Leadill> "variants": {
L557[12:04:43] <Nathan_Leadill> "inventory": [{
L558[12:04:44] <Nathan_Leadill> "transform": {
L559[12:05:02] <gigaherz> "inventory" is the one and single variant that exists for items in the inventory
L560[12:05:05] <gigaherz> there's no "item states" yet
L561[12:05:25] <gigaherz> the closest you can get to that is to use subitems
L562[12:05:29] <gigaherz> register different models for each subitem
L563[12:05:37] <gigaherz> and then make a different json file for each subitem
L564[12:05:40] <Nathan_Leadill> I want to translate the B3D model when a user left clicks
L565[12:05:57] <gigaherz> I'm not sure that's possible with items
L566[12:06:14] <gigaherz> (by which I mean I believe it isn't possible)
L567[12:07:18] <Nathan_Leadill> How would i render another model when leftclicking then?
L568[12:07:50] <gigaherz> you could do it using ISmartItemModel, maybe
L569[12:07:53] <gigaherz> dunno
L570[12:12:21] <diesieben07> Nathan_Leadill: when left clicked, change the damage of the itemStack
L571[12:12:27] <diesieben07> no need for anything fancy there
L572[12:12:45] <Nathan_Leadill> And then onDamage do what?
L573[12:13:19] <diesieben07> just register different models for the different damage values
L574[12:13:28] <diesieben07> vanilla has examples for that
L575[12:13:29] <Nathan_Leadill> Is there an example anywhere?
L576[12:13:32] <Nathan_Leadill> Oh :P
L577[12:13:48] <Nathan_Leadill> Wait Really?
L578[12:17:25] <diesieben07> really what?
L579[12:18:00] <Nathan_Leadill> What classes?
L580[12:18:50] <diesieben07> idk, but vanilla uses damage values for different models
L581[12:19:44] <diesieben07> ItemModelMesher.register takes metadata
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L586[12:31:32] <alex_6611> is there a way to get a BlockState from block and meta?
L587[12:32:39] <alex_6611> nvm, no need
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L592[12:40:56] <Ordinastie> alex_6611, getStateFromMeta ?
L593[12:41:07] *** bilde2910|away is now known as bilde2910
L594[12:41:21] <alex_6611> didn't find that :P but anyway, i don't need it anymore
L595[12:43:40] *** MrKick|Away is now known as MrKickkiller
L596[12:46:57] <Nathan_Leadill> No root mesh in model zombiesurvival:models/block/barret.b3d and no mesh name in location, skipping How to fix zis error?
L597[12:53:31] <MrKickkiller> Try exporting as an .obj (Wavefront model)
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L599[12:55:31] <Nathan_Leadill> Then Reimporting ?
L600[12:55:40] <Nathan_Leadill> And then Explort as a B3D?
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L624[13:34:03] <Stygander> woo, got the reload to work
L625[13:34:42] <Stygander> well it to reload the gun, just not it to remove the needed items from my inventory
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L651[13:52:45] <Gliby> Has anyone had any experience fixing this https://gist.github.com/Gliby/a882a992e378d1fc128d ?
L652[13:53:19] <Gliby> I'm not adding/remove entities in threads or anything.
L653[13:53:44] <Gliby> I'm not adding/removing* entities in threads or anything.
L654[13:54:10] <diesieben07> are you using custom packets?
L655[13:54:18] <diesieben07> and are you on 1.8?
L656[13:55:21] <Gliby> Yes to both.
L657[13:56:07] <Gliby> I am using the scheduled stuff in packets.
L658[13:57:27] <diesieben07> what are you doing in the custom packets?
L659[13:57:31] <diesieben07> do you use custom entities?
L660[13:57:40] <Gliby> Yes
L661[13:57:43] <diesieben07> do you have any entity-related event handlers?
L662[13:57:51] <Gliby> I suppose.
L663[13:57:57] <Gliby> I'll check every one of them now,
L664[13:57:59] <diesieben07> show all of that ;)
L665[13:58:13] <Gliby> There's a ton, I'll compile a nice gist.
L666[14:03:13] <Gliby> I think I solved the issue, not sure though.
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L669[14:12:03] <PaleoCrafter> isn't that the thing not to say with a ConcurrentModificationException? xD
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L672[14:17:23] <tterrag|away> "this probably won't happen again"
L673[14:18:02] <LexManos> http://puu.sh/k6IRO/08a0b39d60.png Fuck these people.
L674[14:18:29] <alex_6611> hah
L675[14:19:40] <masa> like the occasional crash reports I'm getting via OpenEye in the Sky Factory 2 mod pack, that happen when my mod calls FurnaceRecipes.smelting().getSmeltingResult() in my furnace code... >_>
L676[14:19:51] <masa> CMEs that is
L677[14:22:28] <diesieben07> haha that zio guy is amazuing
L678[14:22:42] <diesieben07> he posted his "solution" (editing a base file in 1.5.2) in 3 dead threads...
L679[14:25:01] <Stygander> jeesus, i wanna know wy in the fuck he is wanting to use such an outdated version
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L682[14:35:05] <chamunks> If I wan't to throw together some mods in a really easy to install fashion for some friends / players what would be the most idiot proof way to do this.
L683[14:35:23] <diesieben07> a zip file of jars :D
L684[14:35:26] <chamunks> Say something as simple as a one click installer to throw all of the correct mods into the correct directories.
L685[14:35:36] <Tomben|Food> Don't forget the configs!
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L688[14:35:45] <diesieben07> just extract that into /mods and you're good
L689[14:35:58] <chamunks> Client mods not server mods.
L690[14:35:58] ⇨ Joins: bilde2910|away (bilde2910@
L691[14:36:13] <chamunks> We're gluing together some creative server mods.
L692[14:36:20] <diesieben07> how is that different?
L693[14:36:41] <chamunks> I suppose I don't really mod often I was just asking for a friend whose doing that bit.
L694[14:36:48] *** bilde2910|away is now known as bilde2910
L695[14:36:57] <diesieben07> installing a mod is as simple as putting a jar into a mods folder nowadays
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L697[14:37:02] <chamunks> Our players have been asking for an official modpack that we would give out.
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L699[14:37:33] <chamunks> Oh thank goodness I remember the days where you'd have to drag and drop files into the main MC jar and hope that you did it in the correct order. It was always such a swine.
L700[14:37:41] <diesieben07> there are several isntallers, FTB or others
L701[14:37:59] <diesieben07> *launchers
L702[14:38:01] <diesieben07> not installers
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L704[14:43:13] <chamunks> Basically what you're saying is that no one really has sourcecode or anything like that which will let us make a simple modpack installer.
L705[14:43:27] <chamunks> But there are public ones with a bunch of other modpacks that can be chosen from.
L706[14:43:28] <diesieben07> modpack installer = a zip file with jars in it
L707[14:44:22] <Stygander> multimc by peterix is a good one, if you can explain a basic process
L708[14:44:35] <diesieben07> you dont even need multimc...
L709[14:44:45] <chamunks> We can explain whatever I'm just trying to make it literally idiot proof.
L710[14:44:58] <Stygander> chamunks: that is nearly impossible
L711[14:45:04] <chamunks> Basically if it takes more than a download and a double click.
L712[14:45:09] <diesieben07> if "unzip this file" is too much to ask, the ned user needs to stop using a computer
L713[14:45:11] <chamunks> I mean https://ninite.com does well.
L714[14:45:16] <PaleoCrafter> curse voice supports exporting packs
L715[14:45:29] <chamunks> diesieben07 yeah thats the wrong way to think.
L716[14:45:36] <diesieben07> No.
L717[14:45:39] <chamunks> Yep.
L718[14:45:40] <diesieben07> :P
L719[14:45:42] <chamunks> Look at android.
L720[14:45:57] <diesieben07> if the basic task of "copy this file there" is too much, they can go fuck themselves.
L721[14:46:00] <chamunks> Its been adopted much more rapidly than PC/Mac because its one click installs.
L722[14:46:09] <diesieben07> ...
L723[14:46:21] <diesieben07> that is not a valid argument
L724[14:46:31] <chamunks> Your users may be able to go fuck themselves but I want mine to not have to think I just want them to enjoy I don't really think thats a bad thing to ask for.
L725[14:46:38] <chamunks> Optifine has a download double click.
L726[14:46:48] <chamunks> Or at least it did.
L727[14:46:55] <diesieben07> if you want to isntall optifine on forge you ptu the file in the mods foler
L728[14:46:58] <diesieben07> that is how mods are installed
L729[14:47:01] <gigaherz> [21:37] (chamunks): Oh thank goodness I remember the days where you'd have to drag and drop files into the main MC jar and hope that you did it in the correct order. It was always such a swine.
L730[14:47:03] <diesieben07> if you want to play modded, get used to that.
L731[14:47:09] <gigaherz> I actively decided not to use mods until I discovered magic launcher ;P
L732[14:47:17] <diesieben07> eww magic launcher
L733[14:47:21] <chamunks> gigaherz yea I agree.
L734[14:47:27] <gigaherz> yeah but it was WAY WAY better than dragging shit into a jar
L735[14:47:27] <gigaherz> ;P
L736[14:47:32] <diesieben07> MultiMC ;)
L737[14:47:37] <gigaherz> that came later.
L738[14:47:40] <chamunks> and diesieben07 you're thinking incorrectly you must be one of those devs from the old internet.
L739[14:47:45] <diesieben07> really?
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L741[14:47:49] <diesieben07> i am 21 years old
L742[14:47:49] <gigaherz> at least for me.
L743[14:47:50] <diesieben07> so no.
L744[14:48:02] <gigaherz> I'm 31 ;P
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L746[14:48:11] <chamunks> gigaherz so you've seen how painful computers can be :P
L747[14:48:15] <chamunks> and have no patience for it :P
L748[14:48:19] <chamunks> Me neither...
L749[14:48:19] <PaleoCrafter> chamunks, android hasn't been adopted that rapidly because of one-click installation :P
L750[14:48:29] <chamunks> I've lived through dialup, get on my level.
L751[14:48:34] <gigaherz> I played games at school on their 286 and 386 computers
L752[14:48:40] <chamunks> PaleoCrafter its been adopted because its simple.
L753[14:48:49] <gigaherz> the first mach9ine I had at home was an already-old Amstrad CPC464
L754[14:48:51] <PaleoCrafter> it has been adopted because it has a massive company behind it
L755[14:48:52] <diesieben07> i am not argueing this fight
L756[14:48:57] <gigaherz> and the first computer I had for myself was a Pentium 200 MMX
L757[14:49:03] <diesieben07> if you need an installer for mods you are stupid.
L758[14:49:07] <gigaherz> I learned to code before I had a real computer ;p
L759[14:49:14] <chamunks> PaleoCrafter by that logic you probably think the same about windows phones?
L760[14:49:37] <PaleoCrafter> the market was already saturated with android and iOS when Windows Phone came about :P
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L762[14:49:43] <chamunks> diesieben07 at this point you're just angry because people want things to be easy.
L763[14:49:46] <gigaherz> yeah Microsoft was late
L764[14:49:49] <gigaherz> also
L765[14:49:51] <gigaherz> for some weird reason
L766[14:49:57] <diesieben07> "copy files into the folder" IS easy.
L767[14:49:57] <gigaherz> when MS does something, people laugh
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L769[14:50:02] <gigaherz> then apple does it 15 years later
L770[14:50:02] <diesieben07> it cannot get easier than that.
L771[14:50:10] <PaleoCrafter> and there are a bunch more mobile OSes which have maybe 1 percent of the adoption of WP :P
L772[14:50:10] <gigaherz> and everyone is like "oooh!"
L773[14:50:12] <gigaherz> ;P
L774[14:50:18] <chamunks> gigaherz its because people are kind of tired of M$oft reinventing the entire UI every 4 years.
L775[14:50:22] <diesieben07> whatever
L776[14:50:26] <diesieben07> i dont care what the fuck you do.
L777[14:50:31] <PaleoCrafter> gigaherz, hey, Apple is that great, they've invented videos
L778[14:50:37] <chamunks> Yea I don't know why you care that much diesieben07
L779[14:50:48] <gigaherz> the only good invention I attribute to apple is USB
L780[14:50:52] <chamunks> I just asked if there was a solution then you got really upset for me wanting simplicity for the kids.
L781[14:51:01] <gigaherz> and it's not even really only apple
L782[14:51:09] <gigaherz> it was a consortium including apple
L783[14:51:42] <PaleoCrafter> it's quite amusing that you can't watch Apple Streams from Chrome but from MS Edge xd
L784[14:52:02] <chamunks> I'm not buying a macbook if I need USB-C instead of my magsafe connectors.
L785[14:52:18] <chamunks> Why would anyone backpedal like that Tim Cook is an idiot.
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L787[14:55:03] <gigaherz> PaleoCrafter: I saw pic earlier
L788[14:55:22] <gigaherz> "Edge: the one browser where you can not only watch apple streams, but you can ALSO paint on top of their faces"
L789[14:55:29] <smbarbour> Why would you attribute USB to Apple? USB was around for several years before Apple made a device that supported it.
L790[14:55:46] <gigaherz> smbarbour: apple was a big member of the group that designed the standard
L791[14:56:09] <gigaherz> or at least I was always told so ;P
L792[14:58:00] <smbarbour> The companies that developed USB were Compaq, DEC, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, NEC, and Nortel
L793[14:58:16] <chamunks> I think he meant usb-c
L794[14:58:28] <gigaherz> no
L795[14:58:41] <gigaherz> I was really under the impression USB1.0 was made by apple
L796[14:58:41] <gigaherz> ;P
L797[14:58:53] <gigaherz> someone lied to me ;P
L798[14:58:59] <gigaherz> probably an apple fan.
L799[14:59:22] <smbarbour> Apple pushed Firewire hard until the early to mid 2000's
L800[14:59:50] <smbarbour> Even the iPod when it first came out was a Firewire device, not USB
L801[15:00:00] <chamunks> Thunderbolt is pretty fast and versatile but its lame because its a proprietary standard and thats an oxymoronic concept.
L802[15:00:07] <masa> chamunks: if you want an easy solution for your users, I'd suggest looking into getting your pack as a third party pack to the FTB launcher, or to the AT Launcher or the new Curse Client/launcher
L803[15:00:30] <chamunks> masa thanks for the suggestions I'll look into those.
L804[15:00:42] <PaleoCrafter> everything Apple is proprietary xD
L805[15:00:44] <masa> I think Curse client might be easiest for the pak author, not exactly sure though since I haven't done any packs on either of those myself
L806[15:00:49] <smbarbour> MCUpdater is designed for (semi)private modpacks
L807[15:00:58] <smbarbour> (Which I'm the author of)
L808[15:01:02] <tmtu> PaleoCrafter: everything corporate is proprietary x_x
L809[15:01:35] <masa> chamunks: personally I just put my modpack together in MultiMC and then zipped the instance and gave that to a couple of friends that played on my server
L810[15:01:40] <PaleoCrafter> tmtu, nah
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L812[15:01:59] <chamunks> smbarbour seems like almost exactly what we would want.
L813[15:02:10] <masa> but if your server has more users than a couple of friends, then I'd go with an actual launcher
L814[15:03:41] <smbarbour> MCUpdater is an actual launcher. It's just not a centralized modpack distribution platform
L815[15:03:50] <chamunks> masa eh its between like 10-60 players.
L816[15:04:09] <chamunks> Its a hardcore creative server.
L817[15:04:22] <masa> smbarbour: alright, sorry I'm just not familiar with it :)
L818[15:04:42] <flappy> chamunks: last I recall Thunderbolt is just "displayport WITH PCI-E x16"
L819[15:05:08] <chamunks> flappy it does network video and data
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L822[15:06:37] <flappy> chamunks: All of which are covered by what I just said.
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L824[15:06:51] <chamunks> oh I get it yea
L825[15:06:52] <Nathan_Leadill> Would there be a way to change the default player model to aB3D model?
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L827[15:09:43] <masa> ugh, why?
L828[15:10:02] <Nathan_Leadill> Well Imma load a OBJ Model as the player model
L829[15:10:10] <Nathan_Leadill> Then I can Make him look awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
L830[15:10:52] <masa> well why would you change the default model? can't you just camcel rendering the player entity and render it yourself?
L831[15:10:59] <masa> *cancel
L832[15:11:13] <Nathan_Leadill> Sure But I don't know how :PPP
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L834[15:12:53] <masa> cancel RenderPlayerEvent.Pre and then do your own rendering
L835[15:13:24] *** MorphFK is now known as Morphan1
L836[15:13:28] <Nathan_Leadill> How do you cancel an event :DDDDD
L837[15:14:21] <Nathan_Leadill> Just with another RenderPlayerPre Right?
L838[15:14:23] <Nathan_Leadill> Class
L839[15:14:30] *** Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L840[15:14:44] <masa> hmm actually I'm not sure if you could do it with the RenderPlayerEvent.SetArmorModel
L841[15:14:51] <masa> no
L842[15:15:31] <masa> you create an event handler, you subsribe to the event bus and when the event fires, you can check if some conditions meet your needs and then cancel the event
L843[15:17:06] <masa> Nathan_Leadill: example: https://github.com/maruohon/enderutilities/blob/master/src/main/java/fi/dy/masa/enderutilities/event/WorldEventHandler.java and https://github.com/maruohon/enderutilities/blob/master/src/main/java/fi/dy/masa/enderutilities/EnderUtilities.java#L48 and https://github.com/maruohon/enderutilities/blob/master/src/main/java/fi/dy/masa/enderutilities/proxy/CommonProxy.java#L54
L844[15:18:23] <masa> in the event handler you can name your class and method whatever you want, the important parts are the @SubscribeEvent annotation and the argument your method takes must match the event you want to subscribe to
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L849[15:27:36] <Nathan_Leadill> Thanks masa
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L858[15:53:54] <Nathan_Leadill> is there a way to only make an event fired when the right mouse is clicked not fire when it is being held down aswell?
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L862[15:57:22] <GraphicH|away> I don't do gui work
L863[15:57:34] <GraphicH|away> but Nathan isn't there a mouse release event that fires?
L864[15:57:37] <GraphicH|away> when they let go
L865[15:57:55] <GraphicH|away> You'd probably want to listen to both
L866[15:57:58] <Nathan_Leadill> Yeah But it fires when the mouse is held down
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L868[15:58:04] <Nathan_Leadill> I only want it to fire once per click
L869[15:58:15] <PaleoCrafter> it fires repeatedly?
L870[15:59:24] <Nathan_Leadill> Yeah
L871[15:59:37] <Nathan_Leadill> Like if i hold the mouse button down
L872[15:59:42] <Nathan_Leadill> It keeps firing
L873[16:00:07] <PaleoCrafter> what event are you using?
L874[16:00:12] <GraphicH|away> ^
L875[16:00:48] <Nathan_Leadill> public ItemStack onItemRightClick(ItemStack par1ItemStack, World par2World,EntityPlayer par3EntityPlayer)
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L887[16:14:32] <killjoy> I'm currently searching for fullsize keyboards on amazon.
L888[16:14:39] <killjoy> I don't think it means what they think it means.
L889[16:14:50] <killjoy> I require a numpad
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L893[16:18:49] <masa> Nathan_Leadill: uhh what? that is not an event, it is a method in the Item class. And it does not fire repeatedly afaik.
L894[16:19:18] <Nathan_Leadill> It does for me?
L895[16:19:30] <masa> are you changing the item NBT in it or something?
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L900[16:27:54] <masa> well even then it shouldn't
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L951[18:28:47] <R9000> Hi. Could anyone help me with me with a projectile I'm trying to make? It's behaving strangely on the server side.
L952[18:30:03] <R9000> Here's the entity file: http://pastebin.com/9nBaMxHQ
L953[18:30:26] <R9000> Although it's called FX, it's not a particle any more.
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L955[18:32:36] <R9000> Basically my problem is that I'm spawning it on both the server and client side so the animation is smooth, but for some reason it seems to spawn a second particle about a block beneath the first(assumingly the client-side one)
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L965[18:54:51] <MiningMark48> How would I spawn an entity at a specific coordinate?
L966[18:55:20] <R9000> world.spawnEntityInWorld(entity)
L967[18:55:38] <R9000> But before that, you need to create your entity, and tell it the coords
L968[18:56:32] <R9000> for example, have a constructor like CustomEntity(World world, double x, double y, double z);
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L970[18:57:19] <R9000> Then have it do posX = x, posY = y, posZ = z
L971[18:57:35] <R9000> Then when you spawn it in, it'll be at x, y, z.
L972[18:57:44] <MiningMark48> ah, ok thanks
L973[18:57:50] <R9000> No problem :)
L974[18:59:44] <R9000> Tell me if it works, k?
L975[19:01:29] <MiningMark48> ok
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L977[19:04:01] <Zaggy1024> you should use the setposition method (whichever one sets the prevPos and pos at once), all entities have that
L978[19:04:37] <R9000> Yeah, there's that too, depends if you want your own way or not.
L979[19:05:30] <Zaggy1024> well...even a constructor should use that, I believe
L980[19:05:30] <Zaggy1024> not really sure though
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L982[19:07:56] <MiningMark48> about to test and see if that worked or not :P
L983[19:08:22] <MiningMark48> making a "Summoner" block that summons mobs based on the block above it
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L985[19:09:13] <R9000> Cool
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L993[19:20:57] <MiningMark48> well, testing it again, the first time it crashed the local server but not my entire game
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L997[19:28:15] <R9000> What error did you get?
L998[19:29:16] <R9000> Was it a noSuchMethod?
L999[19:33:03] <MiningMark48> i didn't look, forgot to :P got it working by using setPosition() though
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L1003[19:36:24] <R9000> Awesome!
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L1010[20:01:59] <MiningMark48> yeah, going pretty well :P
L1011[20:02:29] <R9000> Cool. I'm trying to figure out projectiles. Turns out it's pretty difficult, at least I find it difficult.
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L1014[20:11:26] <MiningMark48> Yea, I added custom bow and arrow, but i didnt want to deal with projectiles so the bow uses the regular arrow entity and comes with infinity (since arrows shot by infinity cant be picked up)
L1015[20:11:28] <MiningMark48> :P
L1016[20:11:41] <MiningMark48> made the bow pretty cool though ;)
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L1018[20:14:25] <R9000> I think I found my mistake :D
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L1020[20:19:35] <R9000> Yup. I wasn't sending velocity updates, and my update frequency was too slow
L1021[20:19:42] <R9000> The darned thing works now!
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L1038[20:45:44] <Vastatio> So, I changed all my IPage interface things to an abstract class named "Page"
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L1040[20:49:05] <Vastatio> still throwing a null poiinter
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L1047[21:09:46] <mrkirby153> Huh, I wonder why my forum post on ASM was deleted
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L1050[21:14:50] <MattDahEpic> cause asm isnt forge
L1051[21:15:23] <mrkirby153> MattDahEpic, then where would be the best place for help on that?
L1052[21:15:36] <MattDahEpic> probably the asm forum
L1053[21:15:51] <MattDahEpic> asm is just a bytecode manupliation lib, not only for mc
L1054[21:16:00] <MattDahEpic> aaaand thats how you spell it
L1055[21:16:24] <mrkirby153> I guess
L1056[21:16:50] <mrkirby153> Also, any experience on how intellij handles classes w/ modified bytecode when you're debugging?
L1057[21:23:23] *** Clank is now known as Clank[Away]
L1058[21:23:43] <MattDahEpic> mrkirby153, it reloads them
L1059[21:23:58] <mrkirby153> it does? That's kewl
L1060[21:24:00] <MattDahEpic> as long as they're not actively being used
L1061[21:24:08] <MattDahEpic> it wont break things
L1062[21:24:27] <mrkirby153> So I can debug my ASM modified class as if it was not modified at runtime?
L1063[21:24:39] *** Hink_ is now known as Hink
L1064[21:25:08] <MattDahEpic> it wont reload because it was asm'd, but yes
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L1066[21:26:01] <mrkirby153> what?
L1067[21:26:15] <mrkirby153> Will the code I add show up or will I just get nothing?
L1068[21:26:21] <MattDahEpic> asm holds an instance so it wont get reloaded at all
L1069[21:26:40] <MattDahEpic> you have to relaunch
L1070[21:26:46] <MattDahEpic> to update asm'd stuffs
L1071[21:26:48] <mrkirby153> Then what is the best approach to debugging ASM?
L1072[21:27:51] <MattDahEpic> i dont use asm that much, so idk. i think you'd use the regular debugger because it shows whats in the memory, but it wont reflect your changes
L1073[21:28:50] <mrkirby153> But you mentioned something about relaunching?
L1074[21:29:14] <MattDahEpic> relaunch means quit and restart the game
L1075[21:29:21] <MattDahEpic> or kill the process
L1076[21:29:32] <mrkirby153> And then intellij will show the modified code?
L1077[21:31:39] <MattDahEpic> the debugger will update loaded bytecode that you edit whenever the game is not active in the screen. it wont do that with asm'd code doe. its good for tweaking render values or whatever because it updates instantly without having to relaunch the game. asm happens on startup so no matter what you do it wont update until you restart the game
L1078[21:32:01] <mrkirby153> oh I see
L1079[21:32:12] <mrkirby153> you can do code -> game but not game -> code right?
L1080[21:32:41] <MattDahEpic> yes
L1081[21:33:05] <mrkirby153> damn
L1082[21:33:19] <mrkirby153> So how do I test if my modified class is working as intended?
L1083[21:33:26] <MattDahEpic> restart the game
L1084[21:33:33] *** Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L1085[21:33:33] <mrkirby153> But I can't do it runtime?
L1086[21:33:44] <MattDahEpic> not when you're asming it
L1087[21:33:47] <mrkirby153> Because I have a return statement that looks like it's always being called
L1088[21:34:01] <MattDahEpic> put a breakpoint then
L1089[21:34:07] <MattDahEpic> that works no matter what
L1090[21:34:15] <mrkirby153> MattDahEpic, on my modified class?
L1091[21:34:35] <MattDahEpic> as long as its being called, yes
L1092[21:34:49] <MattDahEpic> it just wont reflect changes you make to the code until you restart the game
L1093[21:36:13] <mrkirby153> I see what you mean now
L1094[21:36:31] <mrkirby153> I really wish there was a bytecode -> java runtime generator
L1095[21:37:31] <MattDahEpic> someone made a decompilier that worked like a compilier that has bytecode as an input and java as the output
L1096[21:37:52] <MattDahEpic> but its not runtime
L1097[21:38:15] <MattDahEpic> intellij throws compilied classes in a classes folder though so you could poke that
L1098[21:38:38] <mrkirby153> But that won't help with determining if my ASM is correct
L1099[21:38:53] <MattDahEpic> yea
L1100[21:38:58] <mrkirby153> I think my flaw is that I don't understand the concept of labels very well
L1101[21:39:36] <mrkirby153> Which probably explains why this: http://puu.sh/k77IE/d07b6f91b1.png code isn't working properly
L1102[21:39:48] <Hink> Java's runtime is weird and awesome.
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L1104[21:40:04] <Hink> It's a compiler, interpreter and something else all at the same time.
L1105[21:40:21] <mrkirby153> I thought the JDK was the compiler
L1106[21:40:24] * MattDahEpic says hi and honks at Hink
L1107[21:40:49] <Hink> The JDK is the development kit.
L1108[21:41:13] <MattDahEpic> mrkirby153, it kinda is (javac), but with java code as input and bytecode as output
L1109[21:41:21] <Hink> The javac.exe and simlar executables in the JDK are what you can consider as the compiler.
L1110[21:41:26] <MattDahEpic> whereas that decomp does the opposite
L1111[21:41:26] <mrkirby153> I see
L1112[21:41:34] <MattDahEpic> he sees
L1113[21:41:43] * mrkirby153 doens't see why his code won't work
L1114[21:41:50] <Vastatio> "my eyes are open"
L1115[21:42:11] <mrkirby153> Please tell me that was a hearthsone reference
L1116[21:43:02] <MattDahEpic> who
L1117[21:43:22] <mrkirby153> Vastatio,
L1118[21:44:44] <MattDahEpic> 60gb torrent, y u so slow
L1119[21:45:13] <mrkirby153> 60GB torrent. That's whgy
L1120[21:45:19] <Vastatio> yes
L1121[21:45:23] <Vastatio> it was a hearthstone reference
L1122[21:45:50] <Vastatio> mrkirby153
L1123[21:45:57] <mrkirby153> Thought so
L1124[21:46:17] <MattDahEpic> only 6 days left on that
L1125[21:46:18] <mrkirby153> Speaking of this, did I do this bytecode right? http://pastebin.com/6MDMXLp8
L1126[21:46:36] <mrkirby153> Because that's what I'm injecting and it's not being called supposedly
L1127[21:47:13] <Vastatio> Logger says that my object is not null
L1128[21:47:20] <MattDahEpic> im not that good at asm, ive only done vanilla mobs dropping mod items and thats all
L1129[21:47:22] <Vastatio> the WrappedPrintstream from the Catch does
L1130[21:47:25] <Vastatio> ??????
L1131[21:47:32] <Vastatio> https://gist.github.com/anonymous/2b4fa484913a32df7fc5#file-gistfile1-txt-L184-L187
L1132[21:47:53] <mrkirby153> WTF? This code is being called
L1133[21:47:57] <mrkirby153> But it's not displaying the chat
L1134[21:48:35] <MattDahEpic> is your json valid
L1135[21:48:41] <MattDahEpic> sorry, jay son
L1136[21:48:50] <mrkirby153> Huh
L1137[21:48:50] <Hink> <_<
L1138[21:49:01] <mrkirby153> My method is being called, it's just not processing the output
L1139[21:49:20] <mrkirby153> Like my injected method is being called because I'm getting console output (Thats what the method does for now)
L1140[21:49:26] <mrkirby153> But the result.....
L1141[21:49:33] <mrkirby153> It's supposed to return true and skip over everything
L1142[21:49:40] <MattDahEpic> are you trying to asm your own mod?
L1143[21:49:48] <mrkirby153> MattDahEpic, nope
L1144[21:49:52] <mrkirby153> EntityPlayerSP
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L1146[21:50:04] <MattDahEpic> and whats the page format that youre trying to deserialize
L1147[21:50:26] <mrkirby153> I'm modifying EntityPlayerSP#addChatComponentMessage
L1148[21:50:32] <mrkirby153> adding some hooks
L1149[21:50:32] <Hink> MC Forge documentation, oh neat.
L1150[21:51:11] <MattDahEpic> mrkirby153, are you feeding it an end result it likes?
L1151[21:51:16] <Hink> Is there a Forge Javadoc?
L1152[21:51:17] <MattDahEpic> it likes some wierd json format
L1153[21:51:25] <MattDahEpic> Hink, for some releases yes
L1154[21:51:30] <mrkirby153> MattDahEpic, I'm literally adding a if(SomeMethod) return
L1155[21:51:32] <Vastatio> heres the json: https://github.com/SolarCactus/ARKCraft-Code/blob/master/src/main/resources/assets/arkcraft/dossier/en_US/dossier.json#L4
L1156[21:51:41] <Hink> Some.
L1157[21:51:42] <Vastatio> you can see how I have a "type" object
L1158[21:52:31] <mrkirby153> MattDahEpic, but the method is apparently *always* returning
L1159[21:52:43] <mrkirby153> or it's not returning b/c the breakpoint I set on the class is being fired
L1160[21:52:49] <MattDahEpic> is there another return before yours
L1161[21:53:07] <mrkirby153> I don't think so
L1162[21:53:19] <mrkirby153> I'm inserting it right before the first ALOAD opcode
L1163[21:53:27] <MattDahEpic> try setting a breakpoint on the asm'd method and your class to see if its calling your code
L1164[21:53:27] <mrkirby153> Which is right at the top of the class
L1165[21:53:47] <mrkirby153> So the method I'm injecting? It's being called
L1166[21:53:57] <MattDahEpic> k just making sure
L1167[21:54:10] <mrkirby153> It outputs "Ding" to the console whenever its being called and I'm getting ding in my console
L1168[21:55:31] <mrkirby153> Maybe I should say fsk compatability and just remove that method
L1169[21:55:36] <mrkirby153> *line in the method
L1170[21:56:44] <Vastatio> if the json wasn't valid, wouldn't the code say it would be null?
L1171[21:57:18] <mrkirby153> This is making no sense whatsoever
L1172[21:57:24] <MattDahEpic> what are you checkign for, the file ore the json being parsable
L1173[21:57:49] <MattDahEpic> god its late, my spelling skills are decreasing
L1174[21:59:22] <Vastatio> I check for if the Page is an instanceof a certain subclass
L1175[21:59:33] <Vastatio> then i do unique deserialization code for each case
L1176[21:59:50] <Vastatio> so e.x. TextPage will only have the attribute text, ImagePage will have image and text, etc.
L1177[22:00:11] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1178[22:00:17] <Vastatio> https://github.com/SolarCactus/ARKCraft-Code/blob/master/src/main/java/com/arkcraft/mod/core/book/PageDeserializer.java#L20
L1179[22:00:32] <Vastatio> nullpointers going to ln23
L1180[22:00:55] <mrkirby153> MattDahEpic, any idea what node type the RETURN opcode is?
L1181[22:00:56] ⇦ Quits: PieGuy128 (~PieGuy128@bas11-montreal02-1128535918.dsl.bell.ca) (Quit: Leaving)
L1182[22:01:06] <Vastatio> it scans the string from the "type" object and returns a class object that extends Page
L1183[22:01:36] <Vastatio> then, i create an instance of it (Page doesn't have any constructor parameters) and then check if it is an instance of DinoPage or TextPage
L1184[22:01:44] <Vastatio> then i do the deserialization code
L1185[22:02:00] <Vastatio> PageData.getPageFromClass is just returning a class object from the string
L1186[22:02:09] <Vastatio> and its not null (as in the log)
L1187[22:02:26] <Vastatio> getPageClass*
L1188[22:04:28] ⇨ Joins: Drullkus (~Drullkus@2601:646:8301:c41e:fd3a:b9af:d118:9016)
L1189[22:04:53] <Cazzar> Well, given the NPE is on 23 jObject could be null or .get("type") could return null.
L1190[22:05:27] <mrkirby153> Apparently I do not understand bytecode labels
L1191[22:05:45] <Cazzar> Bytecode is fun~
L1192[22:05:53] <Cazzar> Though labels are simple!
L1193[22:07:22] <Vastatio> jObject could be null?
L1194[22:07:33] <Vastatio> if jObject was null, wouldn't everything else also throw a nullpointer?
L1195[22:07:55] <Vastatio> I'll check right now'
L1196[22:08:08] <Cazzar> The NPE is being thrown at 23
L1197[22:08:23] <Cazzar> That is the first use of jObject, correct?
L1198[22:08:30] <Vastatio> ah ,i see
L1199[22:08:37] <Vastatio> hm
L1200[22:08:47] <Vastatio> how could jObject be null though
L1201[22:09:08] <Cazzar> I'm just stating its a possibility.
L1202[22:09:19] <Cazzar> I've had nulls manage to slip through null checks.
L1203[22:09:38] <Vastatio> JObject is not null
L1204[22:09:42] <Vastatio> checked and tried
L1205[22:09:42] ⇦ Quits: MattDahEpic (~MattDahEp@174-16-14-83.hlrn.qwest.net) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1206[22:09:56] <Cazzar> What about jObject.get("type")
L1207[22:09:57] ⇦ Quits: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@f054030235.adsl.alicedsl.de) (Quit: Die Sprache der Politik ist daf�r gemacht, dass L�gen wahr klingen und das T�ten angemessen wirkt. (George Orwell))
L1208[22:10:47] <Vastatio> nope
L1209[22:11:09] ⇦ Quits: Lathanael|Away (~Lathanael@p54971DF3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1210[22:11:17] <Cazzar> Right now I'm on my phone so, I don't have a lot of ease of checking some things.
L1211[22:11:44] <Vastatio> i've also checked page class, but for some reason it is printing out that it is not null
L1212[22:11:51] <Vastatio> and throwing a WrappedPrintstream there
L1213[22:12:22] ⇨ Joins: Carlos (~chatzilla@
L1214[22:12:28] <Vastatio> I'll show you guys the crash when I get when I open the book, but its most likely that, since the BookDocument is coming up null.
L1215[22:13:00] <Vastatio> https://gist.github.com/anonymous/b2fe9035466ef46ba5b8
L1216[22:14:11] <Vastatio> heres ln 39 of GuiDossier
L1217[22:14:12] <Vastatio> https://github.com/SolarCactus/ARKCraft-Code/blob/master/src/main/java/com/arkcraft/mod/core/book/GuiDossier.java#L39
L1218[22:14:59] <Vastatio> Think it's that because the deserializer crashes and doesn't read in the objects
L1219[22:15:04] <Vastatio> so BookDocument comes up null
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L1222[22:19:08] <Cazzar> There'd be an inner exception then
L1223[22:19:15] ⇨ Joins: Wastl2 (~Wastl2@x55b2b8df.dyn.telefonica.de)
L1224[22:19:57] <Cazzar> As with that there, the only way that can NPE is data being null
L1225[22:20:59] <williewillus> !gm getIsKeyPressed 1.7.10
L1226[22:21:09] <williewillus> !gm func_151470_d 1.8
L1227[22:23:09] *** Matthew is now known as Matthew_
L1228[22:24:09] <Vastatio> BookData being null?
L1229[22:31:36] ⇦ Quits: bilde2910 (bilde2910@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L1231[22:33:10] <Fendirain> Can anyone here help me understand how Intellij IDEA Branches work? I seem to be missing something (Most likely obvious).
L1232[22:33:31] <Cazzar> Fendirain: git backed project?
L1233[22:33:40] <Fendirain> I have a mod for 1.7.10, and am porting it to 1.8 in a diffrent project currently (As I was putting off figuring this out)
L1234[22:33:55] <Fendirain> Cazzar, Yep.
L1235[22:34:07] <Cazzar> Then the answer is https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Branching-Branches-in-a-Nutshell
L1236[22:34:23] <Fendirain> Thanks.
L1237[22:34:24] <Cazzar> No seriously, it's just a wrapper for git branch.
L1238[22:35:29] <williewillus> are you wanting to maintain the mod for both vers at once?
L1239[22:35:53] <williewillus> I just use two branches, and every week or so I merge the 1.7 into the 1.8 one, which brings all of the changes that have happened since over
L1240[22:35:58] <Fendirain> Pretty much, Yes. Will mainly be develeloping for 1.7.10, and porting it over from time to time.
L1241[22:36:11] <Cazzar> williewillus: I'll usually keep the old version for a little while the transition happens
L1242[22:36:23] <Cazzar> If I actually did minecraft modding for the time being
L1243[22:36:30] ⇨ Joins: Matthew (~matthew@matthewprenger.com)
L1244[22:36:35] <williewillus> yeah, you basically just develop as usual and every so often just checkout 1.8, and git merge your 1.7 branch in
L1245[22:36:42] <williewillus> and then fix all the little small errors that pop up
L1246[22:36:43] ⇨ Joins: bilde2910|away (bilde2910@
L1247[22:36:54] <Cazzar> https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/comparing-workflows/gitflow-workflow/ <3
L1248[22:37:30] <williewillus> speaking of atlassian, no sourcetree for linux makes me T-T
L1249[22:37:32] *** bilde2910|away is now known as bilde2910
L1250[22:37:35] <williewillus> though git cola is pretty good
L1251[22:37:40] <williewillus> smartgit is too cluttered
L1252[22:37:45] * Cazzar just uses git command line
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L1255[22:40:19] <williewillus> but graphs of the branches though :p
L1256[22:40:26] <williewillus> and not having to use github's crappy feature for that
L1257[22:40:44] <Fendirain> I may just be misunderstanding. So, I "Checkout as new branch", name it as 1.8, Switch to the 1.8 branch. Make a change to the branch, then checkout back to master. No?
L1258[22:41:03] <Fendirain> (To go back to the old, unchanged branch)
L1259[22:41:04] <Cazzar> http://stackoverflow.com/a/9074343
L1260[22:41:27] <Cazzar> Fendirain: you can just create a branch if you want to make it and not change,.
L1261[22:42:11] ⇦ Quits: Devin_ (~Devin@cpe-66-67-5-87.rochester.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1262[22:42:28] <Cazzar> Heh: http://upload.cazzar.net/u/1441942946
L1263[22:43:05] <Fendirain> It just seems that whenever I checkout to a diffrent brach, The change stays. Am I missing a step?
L1264[22:43:26] <Fendirain> branch*
L1265[22:44:17] <Cazzar> you would want to stash your changes
L1266[22:44:21] <Vastatio> EYYYY
L1267[22:44:24] <Vastatio> NO NPE
L1268[22:44:31] <Vastatio> but lol the book looks so deformed
L1269[22:44:42] <Fendirain> Ah, So yes, I am being stupid.
L1270[22:44:44] <Vastatio> and of course, the JSON isn't reading in so it isn't drawing anything
L1271[22:45:20] <Vastatio> looks like this in fullscreen
L1272[22:45:21] <Vastatio> https://gyazo.com/1a8ad9e66ceda3e1dfa78751c2dcebe2
L1273[22:45:48] <Cazzar> I love it when I manage to get a server's load averages from 5+ to <1
L1274[22:48:29] <williewillus> you have to commit to apply your changes or else they kinda just stick around wherever you go unless you stash them
L1275[22:48:45] <Cazzar> Wow, so Valve are going to push a CS:S DoD:S and HL2:DM update next week...
L1276[22:49:04] <Fendirain> Ah, I see. That is what was screwing me up.
L1277[22:49:43] ⇦ Quits: Benimatic (~Benimatic@cblmdm72-241-106-31.buckeyecom.net) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1278[22:50:06] <Fendirain> Thanks.
L1279[22:50:54] <Cazzar> Yeah, when you change branches it only changes the history, (and usually contents of the files) of what git knows.
L1280[22:51:05] <Cazzar> It can be fickle with untracked changes.
L1281[22:51:10] <tterrag> if the file differs on the branch it won't let you checkout, however
L1282[22:51:21] <Cazzar> ^
L1283[22:52:52] <Fendirain> Ah, Thats good to know. Now to actually get started on moving the project over then.
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L1287[23:03:37] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L1288[23:18:59] <Stygander> alright, i feel stupid as hell, can anyone point me to a guide for settingup a server
L1289[23:20:38] *** mr208 is now known as mallrat208
L1290[23:22:22] <TehNut> Stygander: Download the installer from the downloads link in the topic
L1291[23:22:32] <TehNut> Run it and it'll ask if you want to install the client or server
L1292[23:23:15] <Stygander> gonna redo it real quick
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L1297[23:34:09] <Stygander> okay got it working
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L1300[23:40:52] <RomanticJo> To test a mod in development along along with other released mods, (using the forge eclipse setup from the gradlew install), I should just add the mod to the ./eclipse/mods folder?
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L1302[23:41:21] <Cazzar> you would add a development version (aka un-obfusticated) to it
L1303[23:43:45] <tterrag> or just add CCC then it doesn't matter
L1304[23:43:47] <tterrag> but generally, that
L1305[23:45:03] <RomanticJo> I dropped the other mods in the /mods folder but I'm getting some NoSuchMethods errors when running the client
L1306[23:45:19] <RomanticJo> What is CCC?
L1307[23:45:19] <killjoy> Outdated api?
L1308[23:45:33] <RomanticJo> I'll check
L1309[23:45:49] <killjoy> What method is not existing?
L1310[23:46:06] <RomanticJo> java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: karob.bigtrees.BlockBTSapling.func_149711_c(F)Lnet/minecraft/block/Block;
L1311[23:46:16] <RomanticJo> that's coming of the said mod I want to test along with.
L1312[23:46:41] <killjoy> You have code chicken core?
L1313[23:46:54] <RomanticJo> that CCC? I do not.
L1314[23:46:55] <Cazzar> You'd be using a obfusticated version so, adding CodeChickenCore, or an unobf version would be the solution
L1315[23:47:03] <RomanticJo> got it
L1316[23:47:32] <killjoy> You'll need to know your mcp conf dir
L1317[23:48:37] *** olee is now known as olee|afk
L1318[23:49:00] <killjoy> Should be ~/.gradle/caches/minecraft/net/minecraftforge/<version>/unpacked/conf
L1319[23:52:06] <tterrag> !gm func_149711_c
L1320[23:52:22] <tterrag> are you sure you're not using a 1.7 mod?
L1321[23:52:24] <tterrag> !gm func_149711_c 1.7.10
L1322[23:52:29] <tterrag> hm nvm
L1323[23:52:32] <tterrag> it's the same on both
L1324[23:53:05] <trab> Does anyone know what could cause clients to not download chunks from the server upon respawn? Have a rather large pack so pinning it down would be hard
L1325[23:54:09] <trab> Basically the client desyncs on respawn, only reconnecting fixes it
L1326[23:54:35] ⇦ Quits: killjoy (~killjoy@2606:a000:1118:e124:6829:4da4:660e:cea0) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
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