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L1[00:01:32] <shadekiller666> "normal" goes in "variants"
L2[00:01:51] <FusionLord> doesn't work there ethier
L3[00:01:59] <shadekiller666> ...
L4[00:02:43] <shadekiller666> ok fine, add "gui", "firstperson" and "thirdperson back into "inventory"
L5[00:02:49] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de)
L6[00:02:50] <shadekiller666> and apply the rotations in there
L7[00:05:03] <shadekiller666> if you comment out the "scale" in the normal block, what does it look like as an entity
L8[00:05:41] <FusionLord> the same
L9[00:05:46] <shadekiller666> ok
L10[00:05:50] <FusionLord> nothing in normal changed anything
L11[00:06:04] <shadekiller666> you'll have to change that in blender then
L12[00:07:29] <shadekiller666> as well as it laying on its side as an entity
L13[00:08:14] <shadekiller666> whered the texture go
L14[00:08:37] <FusionLord> in blender i changed it from #texture to the actual file
L15[00:08:45] <shadekiller666> oh
L16[00:12:24] <FusionLord> it may be slightly big in third perrson
L17[00:12:53] <shadekiller666> nah
L18[00:12:58] <shadekiller666> its perfect
L19[00:13:07] <shadekiller666> sorry, watching Vechs UHC
L20[00:13:26] <FusionLord> same UHC TEAM!
L21[00:13:39] <FusionLord> I am watching seth
L22[00:13:56] <shadekiller666> nice
L23[00:14:08] <shadekiller666> start of this season is intense
L24[00:14:20] <FusionLord> this season is going to be long
L25[00:15:18] <shadekiller666> who do you think vechs' thumbnail is?
L26[00:16:05] <FusionLord> ... no cluue
L27[00:16:46] <shadekiller666> you caught up with the episodes?
L28[00:17:01] <FusionLord> I'm watching Seth not Vechs
L29[00:17:17] <shadekiller666> i know
L30[00:17:31] <shadekiller666> they're episode numbers are the same
L31[00:17:34] <FusionLord> and Vechs thumbnail isn't a person
L32[00:17:38] <shadekiller666> their*
L33[00:17:46] <shadekiller666> how did i fuck up their...
L34[00:17:56] <shadekiller666> i know :p
L35[00:18:15] <FusionLord> I know... I watched ep 7 already
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L37[00:18:46] <FusionLord> I am going bannas...
L38[00:18:58] <FusionLord> this thing will not rotate
L39[00:19:22] <shadekiller666> let me see blender
L40[00:20:13] <shadekiller666> is that pointing along the -Y axis?
L41[00:20:35] <FusionLord> either way it would be on a different axis
L42[00:21:35] <shadekiller666> have you tried pointing it along the X axis?
L43[00:21:58] <FusionLord> yes and that one worked
L44[00:22:30] <FusionLord> I'm wondering if somehow the exporter is working against me
L45[00:22:49] <shadekiller666> possibly
L46[00:22:53] <shadekiller666> blender is wonky
L47[00:23:06] <shadekiller666> its caused a few problems with testing the obj loader
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L50[00:26:28] <FusionLord> wtf
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L52[00:27:54] <shadekiller666> ?
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L55[00:30:36] <shadekiller666> oh its not rendering in block form?
L56[00:30:47] <shadekiller666> are you registering it correctly?
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L59[00:32:45] <shadekiller666> ya, looks like its registered fin
L60[00:32:48] <shadekiller666> fine
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L64[00:35:10] <shadekiller666> oh
L65[00:35:33] <shadekiller666> you need to override isVisuallyOpaque, isOpaqueCube i think
L66[00:35:39] <shadekiller666> and isFullBlock
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L68[00:37:11] <shadekiller666> idk what to tell you man, i'm getting tired
L69[00:37:17] <shadekiller666> good luck
L70[00:37:33] <FusionLord> alright
L71[00:37:37] <FusionLord> gn
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L88[02:04:45] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20150908 mappings to Forge Maven.
L89[02:04:48] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20150908-1.8.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20150908" in build.gradle).
L90[02:04:59] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L111[03:25:09] <iceman11a> Has any one had a mod conflic with railcraft. I was hoping to shorten my mod testing
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L158[05:09:03] <Arc> im having trouble with the decomp setup step
L159[05:09:19] <diesieben07> define "trouble"
L160[05:09:20] <Arc> gradle says the job is done. but i dont see anything in the filesystem or eclipse.
L161[05:09:30] <diesieben07> did you run the eclipse task?
L162[05:09:50] <Arc> yes I did "gradle setupDecompSetup" then "gradle eclipse"
L163[05:10:14] <diesieben07> right, i think the eclipse workspace doesnt work yet in FG2
L164[05:10:21] <Arc> er "gradle setupDecompWorkspace"
L165[05:10:24] <diesieben07> so use a version before the "MDK" downloads
L166[05:10:39] <Arc> "MDK"?
L167[05:10:48] <diesieben07> on files.minecraftforge.net
L168[05:10:56] <diesieben07> a few versions ago "src" was replaced with "mdk2
L169[05:11:03] <diesieben07> use a version that has src, not mdk
L170[05:11:11] <Arc> i have src. i dont see mdk
L171[05:11:48] <diesieben07> and you are using the download just like it came from the website? without deleting anything?
L172[05:11:55] <Arc> exactly.
L173[05:12:03] <Arc> 1.7.10 source download.
L174[05:12:43] <Arc> I'm on linux. fresh eclipse and gradle install via fedora.
L175[05:13:22] <diesieben07> you should not install gradle
L176[05:13:27] <diesieben07> use the gradle wrapper that comes with the download
L177[05:13:28] <Arc> honestly i dont think i really need eclipse. ive been writing software for over 20 years without it, i only installed it because its apparently the only place minecraft's api is documented
L178[05:13:38] <diesieben07> you can use any IDE
L179[05:13:44] <diesieben07> but seriously, do not attempt to mod without one
L180[05:13:48] <diesieben07> it is awful
L181[05:13:49] <Arc> lol
L182[05:14:08] <diesieben07> writing software wihtout an ide is fine
L183[05:14:10] <diesieben07> but not java. :D
L184[05:14:12] <Arc> id be happy if it was documented. but it doesnt appear to be documented, so i have no choice
L185[05:14:16] <diesieben07> at least not big java :D
L186[05:14:22] <diesieben07> there is javadocs in the source.
L187[05:14:55] <Arc> yea I have just enough java experience to be somewhat dangerous.
L188[05:15:06] <diesieben07> well, you do not need to run *anything* then
L189[05:15:12] <diesieben07> just put your java files in src/main/java
L190[05:15:20] <diesieben07> run gradlew build to build your mod
L191[05:15:25] <Arc> ok and like pydocs is there either an interactive console where i can run help() or a cli "javadoc" command?
L192[05:15:25] <diesieben07> gradlew runClient to start the game with your mod.
L193[05:15:32] <diesieben07> No.
L194[05:15:40] <diesieben07> you get the sourcecode as a jar file
L195[05:15:47] <diesieben07> like it is standard in the java world
L196[05:16:41] <Arc> sure. but if the javadoc is available in eclipse why couldnt it be available with a simple cli command?
L197[05:16:56] <Arc> ive always had the impression java is very much not a posix-native language
L198[05:17:06] <diesieben07> "the javadoc" is available in eclipse because eclipse is told about the jar file with the sources in it
L199[05:17:21] <diesieben07> if you do not want to use an IDE you have to look at that jar file with something else.
L200[05:17:46] <Arc> im not opposed to typing code into eclipse. just commenting on java vs python.
L201[05:18:04] <diesieben07> well... they are very different kinds of languages.
L202[05:18:13] <Arc> i'd be happier not to have to use eclipse but without documentation available I really have no choice
L203[05:18:16] <diesieben07> java is a big, enterprisy kinda language, python is a scripting language.
L204[05:18:25] <diesieben07> again, eclipse is not the thing that gives you the docs.
L205[05:18:36] <diesieben07> eclipse is just ONE way to look at them. you can use whatever tools you wish.
L206[05:20:03] *** Gaz492 is now known as Gaz492|Away
L207[05:20:39] <Arc> ok is there a cli tool for viewing the docs? possibly piped into less?
L208[05:20:51] <Arc> ala pydoc
L209[05:21:07] <diesieben07> i have no idea what pydoc is or how it works.
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L211[05:21:39] <diesieben07> if you wnat to generate viewable html javadocs from the sources you have to extract the src jar and then use the javadoc tool that comes with the jdk, documentatino for that is online
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L213[05:22:04] <Arc> theres a cli tool called pydoc that comes standard with python. you type "pydoc" followed by any module, class, function, or other object and it runs python, imports the specified module as necessary, and looks up the __doc__ string, then formats it a bit and spits it at you in the terminal
L214[05:22:07] <diesieben07> the src jar is somewhere in the gradle cache (~/.gradle/caches/minecraft/net/minecraftforge/<version>/something
L215[05:22:18] <diesieben07> there is no such thing for java.
L216[05:22:23] <Arc> functionally its nearly identical to the builtin help() function in interactive console
L217[05:22:25] <diesieben07> at least not that i am aware of.
L218[05:22:37] <diesieben07> java developers just d
L219[05:22:41] <diesieben07> fuckin hell
L220[05:22:49] <diesieben07> java developers just use an IDE, they dont use the command line.
L221[05:23:03] <diesieben07> (sorry i am typing on an 11" netbook -.-)
L222[05:23:19] <Arc> *nod* this kinda reaffirms my previous assessment that java isnt really posix-native
L223[05:23:52] <diesieben07> whatever you mean by "posix-native"... my limited knowledge abotu posix does not really say anything about cli tools for language docs
L224[05:23:55] <Arc> which isnt putting it down, just, observation to help me understand it better
L225[05:24:28] <Arc> im using the word posix rather than unix to avoid ambiguity, but im saying that its designed for a GUI environment rather than terminal.
L226[05:24:42] <diesieben07> well no not necessarily
L227[05:24:47] <Arc> ala Windows, MacOS Classic, MacOSX even (since so few mac users use the terminal)
L228[05:24:51] <diesieben07> you can generate the html javadocs
L229[05:24:57] <Arc> oh!
L230[05:25:03] <diesieben07> and view them in whatever the heck that console browser is called
L231[05:25:26] <diesieben07> as i said, extract the source jar and then run the javadoc tool on it.
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L234[05:25:41] <diesieben07> it comes with your jdk, documentation is available online
L235[05:26:11] <Arc> oh no firefox is fine. i just hate using a mouse to navigate or have to learn cluttered UIs to edit code. even my short experience tonight with eclipse left me wondering what exactly i was looking at in what boxes, whether these were files or classes or objects or higher level organizations of data, and how it related to what i might grep for on the terminal
L236[05:26:25] <diesieben07> yeah eclipse is not the best IDE
L237[05:26:30] <tmtu_> well there is a java repl coming
L238[05:26:32] <diesieben07> i use IntelliJ and I barely use the mouse in it.
L239[05:27:07] <fry> something something https://github.com/vim-scripts/javaDoc.vim
L240[05:27:20] <diesieben07> fukin vim :D
L241[05:27:36] <Arc> so javadoc - is there a way to do this with forge/gradle/ant/etc? so once it decompiles the minecraft source code, i can generate the html docs?
L242[05:27:49] <diesieben07> yes
L243[05:28:03] <diesieben07> 3rd time now, extract the source jar and you will get .java files which you can run javadoc onl
L244[05:28:26] <diesieben07> and diesieben07> the src jar is somewhere in the gradle cache (~/.gradle/caches/minecraft/net/minecraftforge/<version>/something
L245[05:29:05] <Arc> are you talking about minecraft or minecraft forge?
L246[05:29:17] <diesieben07> in dev you just have one jar whihc contains both
L247[05:29:35] <Arc> im already on http://mcforge.readthedocs.org/ which has forge docs as i understand it
L248[05:29:57] <diesieben07> yes, but they are limited and not yet done in any way shape or form
L249[05:30:00] <diesieben07> but they get you started
L250[05:30:28] <Arc> you're using terms I don't really fully understand. I know jars are zips. I know I can extract them with unzip. I know they contain .class files usually not .java, and I don't know really what gradle is besides some sort of java specific build tool used by forge.
L251[05:31:00] <diesieben07> they can contain whatever the hell you want, they are zip files after all :D
L252[05:31:07] <diesieben07> and src jars contain .java files
L253[05:31:12] <gigaherz_o> heh jeb nerfed golden apples
L254[05:31:18] <Arc> I've unzipped a few minecraft mods to look at how they were built, and found .class files. I found some had source files on github, which made it easy. i understand there's a tool called MCE which I have which is suppose to .. sure.
L255[05:31:37] <gigaherz_o> Arc: you approached it the wrong way around
L256[05:31:38] <gigaherz_o> XD
L257[05:31:39] <diesieben07> yeah you dont wnat to look at built mods
L258[05:31:44] <diesieben07> they are obfuscated and compiled
L259[05:31:50] <gigaherz_o> the correct approach:
L260[05:31:58] <gigaherz_o> you'll notice that most mods require forge
L261[05:32:03] <gigaherz_o> so you look for forge modding tutorials
L262[05:32:06] <Arc> diesieben07: so where is the source jar for Minecraft itself? because what I understand this setupDecompWorkspace is it was unpacking and unobfuscating the minecraft source and i wouldn't believe that this would contain docs
L263[05:32:14] *** Gaz492|Away is now known as Gaz492
L264[05:32:18] <diesieben07> diesieben07> the src jar is somewhere in the gradle cache (~/.gradle/caches/minecraft/net/minecraftforge/<version>/something
L265[05:32:23] <gigaherz_o> there's no Minecraft source jar, it's decompiled and patched on the fly
L266[05:32:29] <diesieben07> sure there is
L267[05:32:33] <diesieben07> be quiet gigaherz :P
L268[05:32:41] <Arc> gigaherz_o: im on it now. but I assume that it doesnt document what the blocks api is, for example. or world.
L269[05:32:50] <diesieben07> Oh no
L270[05:32:52] <diesieben07> well, you know
L271[05:33:01] <diesieben07> minecraft as we get it from mojang is completely obfuscated
L272[05:33:05] <diesieben07> all names and docs are community provided
L273[05:33:09] <gigaherz_o> any and all comments in the decompiled code were added by the MCP/Forge team
L274[05:33:10] <diesieben07> so they aer often incomplete
L275[05:33:11] <Arc> i want to see what the api for a block is. what the world is. how cell loading works. what gets called when, why, and how
L276[05:33:20] <diesieben07> there is no such thing
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L278[05:34:03] <diesieben07> the way you find out how stuff works in minecraft is you read the code and you bang your head agaist it
L279[05:34:11] <diesieben07> and then if you are nice you write a tutorial about it
L280[05:34:17] <diesieben07> or maybe you don't.
L281[05:34:37] <Arc> diesieben07: which is *why* since I couldnt find the source for minecraft itself, I dug into the source for mods, to see how *they* work.
L282[05:34:48] <Arc> and from there found forge.
L283[05:34:53] <diesieben07> Yeah, and if you want to do that, look at github
L284[05:34:58] <diesieben07> not the compiled, obfuscated mod form
L285[05:35:05] <Arc> yes I figured that out :-)
L286[05:35:50] <Arc> so rewinding back from this extended tangent, my question was, where do I find the docs on MINECRAFT itself. which I understand there are no docs. but as I understand it, Eclipse shows some API information. which is what im trying to extract now with gradle, correct?
L287[05:36:40] <diesieben07> no, ForgeGradle (a gradle plugin) downloads minecraft, deobfuscates it (applies the names from the community) and appkies the javadocs provided by the community
L288[05:36:48] <diesieben07> the java files that this produces go into a jar file
L289[05:36:54] <diesieben07> the locatino of that jar file i linked you above.
L290[05:37:04] <Arc> ah. ok.
L291[05:37:06] <fry> ~/.gradle/caches/minecraft/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.8- for example
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L293[05:37:28] <Arc> and then i could run a javadoc on that? are those docs already generated on a website somewhere?
L294[05:37:38] <diesieben07> No, they used to be
L295[05:37:53] * fry finds reading the source directly more fruitful :P
L296[05:37:58] <Arc> did mojang DMCI it?
L297[05:38:02] <diesieben07> but it took up to much server space to do it for every versino and it does not make any sense in the days of custom mcp mappings (something you do not need to worry about at th emoment)
L298[05:38:03] <diesieben07> no.
L299[05:38:10] <diesieben07> Forge does not host Minecraft anywhre
L300[05:38:17] <diesieben07> it is all done on the fly inside ForgeGralde on your computer
L301[05:39:09] <diesieben07> But yes, often reading the souce is much more fruitful
L302[05:39:14] <diesieben07> especially since there are names that are flat out wrong
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L305[05:39:30] <diesieben07> (e.g. there is a method called isServerWorld() which checks if the entity is in a *client* world)
L306[05:39:36] <gigaherz_o> it's also a very good idea to modify your build.gradle and switch to a newer mappings snapshot
L307[05:39:43] <diesieben07> true that.
L308[05:39:47] <Arc> *sigh* ok so I should prefix that I need to learn enough java to *not* be dangerous for the job I just took, and took on this little mod project as the only way I could get myself to do this without wanting to quit, but if it were not to learn java i'd likely throw my hands up now :-)
L309[05:40:15] <diesieben07> Honestly... learning java by modding is a horrible experience :D
L310[05:40:35] <gigaherz_o> and trying to modwithout knowing java is also horrible
L311[05:40:39] <gigaherz_o> although more for us than for you
L312[05:40:40] <gigaherz_o> XD
L313[05:40:49] <diesieben07> not so much if you can program already ;)
L314[05:40:55] <diesieben07> especially if you wish to not use an IDE though.
L315[05:40:55] <Arc> learning java is a horrible experience. my brain rejects it. 25 years of C and 20 years of Python have effectively blocked javaisms from entering
L316[05:41:07] <diesieben07> haha
L317[05:41:11] <gigaherz_o> oh yeah that's a bad combination
L318[05:41:17] <gigaherz_o> I didn't know python was that old
L319[05:41:18] <gigaherz_o> ;P
L320[05:41:27] <Arc> I started with 1.2/1.3
L321[05:41:28] <gigaherz_o> I'm a C#er
L322[05:41:40] <gigaherz_o> used to do VisualBasic
L323[05:41:48] <gigaherz_o> switched to C#2.0 and never looked back
L324[05:41:55] <Arc> I know and work with Vala/Genie from the Gnome foundation, Vala being very C#/Java like by design, so this looks very Vala-ish
L325[05:41:59] <gigaherz_o> xcept to port old code, that is
L326[05:42:10] <gigaherz_o> heh
L327[05:42:13] <gigaherz_o> yeah heard of Vala
L328[05:42:33] <gigaherz_o> someone keeps suggesting it as what C# could be if it didn't use a VM
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L330[05:42:41] <Arc> I like Genie better, its Vala's Python/D-like cousin. also uses valac, and you can mix vala and genie in the same project
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L332[05:42:50] <gigaherz_o> I disagree with them in the "VM is bad" side of things
L333[05:42:51] <gigaherz_o> ;P
L334[05:43:02] <KevinsCode> Does anyone know why my en-US.lang isnt working?
L335[05:43:04] <diesieben07> yeah a vm is nice :D
L336[05:43:08] <gigaherz_o> KevinsCode: IDEA?
L337[05:43:09] <diesieben07> KevinsCode: because it is en_US.lang
L338[05:43:12] <Arc> but genie has nice syntax like "list of int" and uses whitespace for indentation rather than brackets
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L340[05:43:26] <KevinsCode> i meant _
L341[05:43:31] <Arc> gigaherz_o: python has a VM. I've helped implement two.
L342[05:43:42] <diesieben07> are you using intellij?
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L344[05:43:46] <KevinsCode> eclipse
L345[05:43:48] <gigaherz_o> KevinsCode: do you have a "idea { module.inheritOutputDirs = true }" line in your build.gradle?
L346[05:43:56] <diesieben07> then your file is not in the correct location.
L347[05:43:57] <gigaherz_o> oh nevermind, eclipse doesn't need THAT
L348[05:44:20] <Arc> inside CPython there is a VM, and it uses pseudo-compiled code objects that are fairly language agnostic, but also platform independent still, such that code objects are cross platform.
L349[05:44:21] <gigaherz_o> KevinsCode: the folder must be lowercase
L350[05:44:36] <KevinsCode> its assets.cyto.lang
L351[05:44:40] <gigaherz_o> main\assets\<modid in lowercase>\lang\
L352[05:44:44] <KevinsCode> with en_US.lang inside
L353[05:44:58] ⇦ Quits: mezz (~quassel@2601:641:4000:82f9:a441:e9f4:62f:c66a) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L354[05:45:03] <gigaherz_o> eh
L355[05:45:05] <diesieben07> src/main/resources/assets/<modID>/lang/en_US.lang
L356[05:45:07] <Arc> ive had a long term just for fun project to port Python's VM to asm.js so it can run Python code objects in a browser.
L357[05:45:07] <gigaherz_o> resources\assets\
L358[05:45:15] <KevinsCode> yea diesieben07 thats where it is
L359[05:45:19] ⇨ Joins: ollieread (~ollieread@2a01:7e00::f03c:91ff:feae:5b6)
L360[05:45:30] <diesieben07> then the names inside do not match up
L361[05:45:41] <gigaherz_o> did you use "gradlew eclipse" to generate the eclipse workspace?
L362[05:45:44] <diesieben07> you must not have spaces around the = signs either
L363[05:45:49] <KevinsCode> yea i did
L364[05:46:03] <KevinsCode> dont have spaces
L365[05:46:10] <KevinsCode> the name is correct
L366[05:46:13] <KevinsCode> i just dont know
L367[05:46:35] <diesieben07> something is not correct, otehrwise it would work :D
L368[05:46:43] <gigaherz_o> Arc: heh, can't just emscripten the heck out of the vm code? ;P
L369[05:46:48] <KevinsCode> item.TeaLeaves.name=Tea Leaves, and the unlocalised name in the Main.java is TeaLeaves
L370[05:47:07] <diesieben07> please always include your ModID in your unlocalized names.
L371[05:47:09] <Arc> ok I redid the steps starting with a a clean and cleanCache, using the local gradle wrapper, it did the same steps, and i get the same result.
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L373[05:47:30] <Arc> gigaherz_o: im using llvm/enscripten but its not a magic bullet you can throw at existing C code and expect to work.
L374[05:47:41] <gigaherz_o> KevinsCode: it's a good idea to always have your modid in your unlocalized names, due to the lang names being global
L375[05:47:52] <gigaherz_o> if another mod calls their tea leaves also TeaLeaves, your translations would conflict
L376[05:47:57] <KevinsCode> ah right, but that wouldent cause it to not work would it?
L377[05:48:00] <Arc> I actually don't write javascript at all anymore really, all my websocket/webrtc code is asm.js written in C
L378[05:48:00] <gigaherz_o> no
L379[05:48:03] <gigaherz_o> it's just a good idea
L380[05:48:11] <diesieben07> Arc: that is really strange. it should work if you are using the official source download...
L381[05:48:16] <KevinsCode> ill change that now
L382[05:48:26] <Arc> diesieben07: remember ive never used eclipse. i dont know if im doing something wrong.
L383[05:48:30] <KevinsCode> i am using the official
L384[05:48:43] <diesieben07> when it starts up you select the "eclipse" folder as the workspace
L385[05:48:44] <Arc> ive tried refreshing and restarting it to see the changes, but under minecraft all i see is the example module.
L386[05:48:44] <diesieben07> thats all
L387[05:48:51] <diesieben07> oh
L388[05:48:53] <diesieben07> yes, that is correct
L389[05:48:58] <KevinsCode> yea diesieben07
L390[05:49:01] <diesieben07> Minecraft is an attached library.
L391[05:49:06] <Arc> !
L392[05:49:09] <diesieben07> see the referenced libraries tab
L393[05:49:10] <Arc> what does *that* mean?
L394[05:49:18] <KevinsCode> it starts. everything works fine, the only thing that doesnt is lang
L395[05:49:19] <diesieben07> in there you will see the forge jar
L396[05:49:23] <Arc> i see no such tab
L397[05:49:31] <diesieben07> it is in the project explorer
L398[05:49:44] <gigaherz_o> i nthe project structure, under referenced libraries
L399[05:49:46] <KevinsCode> the forgeSrc-1.8-numbers.jar
L400[05:49:47] <gigaherz_o> there's a "forgeSrc"
L401[05:49:55] <gigaherz_o> it contains both mc and forge
L402[05:50:19] <KevinsCode> yea
L403[05:50:24] <Arc> hold on...
L404[05:51:22] ⇦ Quits: ollieread (~ollieread@2a01:7e00::f03c:91ff:feae:5b6) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L405[05:51:52] <Arc> https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/grhxd6cqqxyi27rfm4psxhj7oaa
L406[05:52:34] <Arc> ive got a screenshare
L407[05:53:50] ⇨ Joins: ollieread (~ollieread@2a01:7e00::f03c:91ff:feae:5b6)
L408[05:53:58] <Arc> nevermind thats not working either on eclipse.
L409[05:54:02] <KevinsCode> Ahhh, i found the problem, thanks for your help guys, i had a uppercase E in Tea... im kinda stupid
L410[05:54:03] <Arc> im not going to debug why
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L413[05:54:54] <Arc> there is no "referenced libraries" under the project explorer
L414[05:55:11] <Arc> there's a long long list of things ending in README.txt
L415[05:55:21] <Lumien> https://i.imgur.com/oFe881r.png
L416[05:55:40] <Lumien> You don't have that?
L417[05:56:20] <Arc> no.
L418[05:56:32] ⇦ Quits: pixlepix (~localmaca@cpe-67-252-38-34.nycap.res.rr.com) (Quit: pixlepix)
L419[05:57:24] <Arc> https://i.imgur.com/8nYWnYp.png
L420[05:57:36] <Arc> i have forgeSrc but not referenced libraries
L421[05:57:51] <Arc> and the content of forgeSrc doesnt seem to be used anywhere. just.. listed.
L422[05:58:03] <diesieben07> well, it is just used inside itself
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L424[05:59:03] <Arc> this is the worse UI I can imagine for editing source code. seriously, are these people on crack?
L425[05:59:04] ⇨ Joins: mezz (~quassel@2601:641:4000:82f9:a441:e9f4:62f:c66a)
L426[05:59:11] <Arc> nevermind, I know some java developers, yes, yes they are.
L427[05:59:37] <fry> you get used to it :P
L428[06:00:37] <Arc> I was in an all day meeting recently with a security expert working for homeland security who believed that he could make an internet connected system safe by ensuring all the clients you run are running only authorized, signed java. not in the network protocol, not in the server. because you dont need to worry about those things if your code is signed.
L429[06:00:44] <Lumien> In the top right, switch from Resource to Java
L430[06:01:19] <Arc> Lumien: that's a switch? how do i switch it?
L431[06:01:27] <Lumien> Press the button to the left
L432[06:01:48] <diesieben07> also, that is an awfully small monitor for programming
L433[06:01:54] <Arc> oh with the plus button. ok
L434[06:02:28] ⇦ Parts: KevinsCode (~KevinsCod@97e23cf8.skybroadband.com) ())
L435[06:02:41] <Arc> diesieben07: its my laptop screen. i have two 27" ultrawide monitors, often one or both in portrait perspective, to show over 200 lines of code 80 columns wide
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L440[06:05:54] <Arc> fun side question. say I wanted to integrate some C into this. say that C is relatively small and easy to cross compile.. is that possible?
L441[06:06:19] <fry> possible, but stupidly complicated
L442[06:06:27] <Arc> ok nevermind then :-)
L443[06:06:37] <Arc> it'd be nice to have Opus codec support. its not really widely available yet.
L444[06:08:28] <Arc> ok. i guess last question of the night, i know eclipse has some "new project" support. is there a forge way to create a new module structure, or setup a new directory structure for easy testing and later packaging?
L445[06:08:53] <Arc> ive been reading through the website, have found mention of it but didnt really see instructions. its likely something that i dont know about eclipse
L446[06:09:16] <gigaherz_o> the forge environment is designed around forgegradle
L447[06:09:33] <gigaherz_o> the gradle tasks setup the workspace for you
L448[06:09:45] <gigaherz_o> ensuring that all settings needed for a basic environment are in place
L449[06:10:00] <gigaherz_o> if you need anything custom, you are mostly on your own
L450[06:10:14] <Arc> gigaherz_o: ok, im not really explaining this well i think. I want a directory structure that i can put into VCS. I need a root directory.
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L452[06:10:27] <gigaherz_o> oh
L453[06:10:29] <Arc> so http://mcforge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/gettingstarted/ "From zero to modding" item 6 says "start a new module"
L454[06:10:38] ⇨ Joins: AnrDaemon (~ZNC@darkdragon-nln.starlink.ru)
L455[06:10:43] <Arc> and then it jumps to customizing your mod information
L456[06:10:51] <gigaherz_o> on a basic setup
L457[06:11:05] <gigaherz_o> you only need the src/ folder and the build.gradle files in the vcs
L458[06:11:07] <Arc> there's a small knowledge gap there.. i dont know the gradle/eclipse/forge way to do this
L459[06:11:33] ⇦ Quits: mezz (~quassel@2601:641:4000:82f9:a441:e9f4:62f:c66a) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L460[06:11:39] <gigaherz_o> I know IDEA detects an VCS in your folder
L461[06:11:44] <gigaherz_o> and suggests integrating it
L462[06:11:56] <gigaherz_o> but I never used eclipse so I don't knwo how it works there
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L464[06:12:15] <gigaherz_o> ("never" I mean in the last 5 years ;P)
L465[06:12:39] * illyohs is crazy and and uses eclim
L466[06:12:51] <Arc> ok. so, my root for forge is /home/arc/work/minecraft/forge so I assume that *this* should be my vcs directory, in which I add src/ and build.gradle? and then someone cloning this will have enough information to build it using gradle, assuming they have gradle installed?
L467[06:13:26] <Arc> contrast - what ive seen other IDE tools do is you create a new project and it creates a new directory and populates it with everything that belongs in VCS
L468[06:13:39] <Arc> but in this case its just using the directory i installed forge in?
L469[06:14:07] <illyohs> just donwnload the mdk from file.minecraftforge.net it should have the basic setup you need already
L470[06:14:23] <gigaherz_o> first, I assume you use the "src" package, which is not called "mdk" (mod development kit)
L471[06:14:27] <gigaherz_o> now*
L472[06:14:36] <Arc> yes i used src package. 1.7.10. there is no mdk
L473[06:14:41] <gigaherz_o> assuming you use the mdk(formerly src)
L474[06:14:52] <Arc> i like enderio which AFAIK is 1.7.10 only, so an easy choice
L475[06:16:07] <fry> you'll be better off starting with 1.8, since a lot of stuff changed
L476[06:16:20] <Arc> i assume thats why enderio is 1.7.10 only
L477[06:16:28] <fry> for now :P
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L479[06:17:51] <gigaherz_o> most 1.7 modders are actively working toward 1.8
L480[06:18:17] <Arc> sure. but i was intending to build off enderio, and i doubt anything i write now will be really used by anyone, so.. not worried.
L481[06:18:26] <Arc> enderio has a great conduit system
L482[06:18:28] <gigaherz_o> a few of them have been very vocal about never ever upgrading to 1.8
L483[06:18:30] <gigaherz_o> but the rest...
L484[06:19:09] <Arc> ya ive been through that with python. "we're never upgrading to python 2" "we're never upgrading to 2.2" "we're never supporting 2.5" "we'll never support 3"
L485[06:19:45] <Arc> and those people are only really important if you pay attention to them, and even then only for a year or two, so easy to ignore.
L486[06:20:07] <fry> By the time you get used to the basics of 1.7 you'll need to start getting used to the basics of 1.8, so why wait :P
L487[06:20:17] <Arc> because im basing on enderio.
L488[06:20:24] <illyohs> and then 1.9 when that comes out
L489[06:20:38] <fry> Interacting with other mods comes after the basics :P
L490[06:20:49] <gigaherz_o> illyohs: step by step, 1.8.8 forge first, we'll think of 1.9 when the day comes
L491[06:20:49] <gigaherz_o> XD
L492[06:20:58] <illyohs> hehe
L493[06:21:10] <gigaherz_o> 1.8.x forge will have enough changes as it is
L494[06:21:11] <gigaherz_o> XD
L495[06:21:29] <gigaherz_o> just the extra generic information will already break most code
L496[06:21:37] <gigaherz_o> well "break"
L497[06:22:01] <illyohs> Im really just waiting on shades obj loader to get pulled so I can get pretty stuff done
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L499[06:22:16] <gigaherz_o> you can do the pretty stuff with b3d ;P
L500[06:22:16] <Arc> custom lighting :-)
L501[06:22:23] <illyohs> that and also waiting for me to stop being layz
L502[06:22:26] <gigaherz_o> fry made a very nice b3d exporter for blender
L503[06:22:26] <gigaherz_o> ;P
L504[06:22:55] <illyohs> huh I think I found a new way to spell lazy
L505[06:23:28] <Arc> b3d?
L506[06:23:43] <gigaherz_o> a 3d model format from some game or something
L507[06:23:54] <gigaherz_o> which is easy to read/write so it was chosen
L508[06:24:09] <gigaherz_o> illyohs: Lay-Z
L509[06:24:23] <Arc> minecraft native format?
L510[06:24:24] <gigaherz_o> a zombie game where zombies can't be arsed to move
L511[06:24:26] <gigaherz_o> no Arc
L512[06:24:34] <illyohs> added by forge
L513[06:24:37] <Arc> i see
L514[06:24:39] <gigaherz_o> minecraft's native 3d model format is JSON ;P
L515[06:24:47] <Arc> ha
L516[06:24:48] <illyohs> JSON for days
L517[06:24:49] <gigaherz_o> and it only support axis-aligned planes
L518[06:25:01] <Arc> nice
L519[06:25:06] <illyohs> git fetch
L520[06:25:21] <diesieben07> Arc: just to clarify about VCS (sorry, i was afk for a sec) your root is the folder where your build.gradle is
L521[06:25:22] <Arc> axis aligned planes?
L522[06:25:33] <diesieben07> you just .gitignore everything except src/ and the build.gradle
L523[06:25:48] <gigaherz_o> Arc: you can have a rectangle in the XY plane
L524[06:26:00] <gigaherz_o> a rectangle in the XZ plane, or in the YZ plane
L525[06:26:01] <illyohs> and the gradle folder
L526[06:26:03] <gigaherz_o> but no diagonals or slopes
L527[06:26:19] <diesieben07> oh right, yes the gradle folder (not .gradle) and the gradlew files
L528[06:26:24] <Arc> wait minecraft is all quad based?
L529[06:26:28] <gigaherz_o> yes.
L530[06:26:30] <Arc> i mean sure its squares but quad?
L531[06:26:32] <gigaherz_o> ALL quads.
L532[06:26:38] <gigaherz_o> in fact
L533[06:26:41] <gigaherz_o> the older mc versions used
L534[06:26:45] <gigaherz_o> glBegin(GL_QUADS)
L535[06:26:51] <Arc> omg.
L536[06:27:07] <Arc> one of my summer of code students did voxel scene support to our engine, and even that was triangle based.
L537[06:27:18] <gigaherz_o> yeah tell mojang ;P
L538[06:27:32] <Arc> wow.
L539[06:27:54] <gigaherz_o> 1.8 is the first one to support VBOs
L540[06:27:58] <gigaherz_o> and they are disabled by default
L541[06:27:58] <Arc> they realize almost all the lower code really just splits the quad into triangles for you? and .....
L542[06:27:59] <gigaherz_o> XD
L543[06:28:02] <fry> welcome to the wonders of modding. be prepared to say "wow" a lot :P
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L545[06:28:06] <Arc> wait i thought minecraft was opengl 2
L546[06:28:11] <Ivorius> I don't see your problem
L547[06:28:14] <gigaherz_o> nah
L548[06:28:18] <illyohs> shh fry thats the best part
L549[06:28:20] <Ivorius> Quads are an entirely reasonable way of rendering
L550[06:28:28] <Ivorius> Especially with voxels
L551[06:28:28] <illyohs> that first wtf
L552[06:28:33] <fry> GL2 HA
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L554[06:28:45] <fry> good one
L555[06:29:01] <Arc> ok. so the only reason im doing this is to learn java. ok so maybe i need a good laugh.
L556[06:29:06] <gigaherz_o> Arc: Iremember a tweet by dinnerbone, somethign like "and here I thought I could make gl2 the minimum, turns out <something>% of our useds still require gl1.4"
L557[06:29:07] <Ivorius> Besides, only blocks render as quads
L558[06:29:14] <gigaherz_o> that something was like 5%
L559[06:29:30] <Arc> gigaherz_o: wow.
L560[06:29:37] <fry> yup, ~5%
L561[06:30:02] <Arc> so the problem is portability. opengles2 doesnt support fixed pipeline rendering. you *need* shaders.
L562[06:30:12] <Arc> for that matter webgl does as well, given that its gles2-based
L563[06:30:17] ⇨ Joins: mezz (~quassel@2601:641:4000:82f9:a441:e9f4:62f:c66a)
L564[06:30:26] <Arc> so any sort of future portability requires shaders. and really, vbos.
L565[06:30:28] <gigaherz_o> mc was going to switch to shader-based pipeline
L566[06:30:34] <gigaherz_o> but the one guy they had that knew shaders left
L567[06:30:42] <fry> you want to port something between MC and mobile?
L568[06:30:54] <gigaherz_o> also mcpc is C++
L569[06:30:57] <gigaherz_o> mcpe*
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L571[06:31:06] <Arc> wait what? why?
L572[06:31:09] <Arc> who what how?
L573[06:31:11] <gigaherz_o> iOS
L574[06:31:21] <Arc> ...
L575[06:31:25] <gigaherz_o> ps4
L576[06:31:27] <gigaherz_o> xbox
L577[06:31:30] <gigaherz_o> all require C++ code
L578[06:31:31] <diesieben07> android
L579[06:31:38] <gigaherz_o> so the mcpe was written in C++
L580[06:31:49] <gigaherz_o> and the codebase is mostly shared across all non-mainline minecrafts
L581[06:31:56] <Arc> sure but PS4 and xbox are capable of running java just fine and both requires GLES2
L582[06:32:15] <gigaherz_o> they still chose to have a completely separate codebase
L583[06:32:18] <Arc> im not aware of either supporting fixed pipeline rendering. nor did PS3, or even wii iirc
L584[06:32:24] <gigaherz_o> in fact
L585[06:32:28] <Arc> holy shitballs.
L586[06:32:29] <Kobata> the console versions are a separate one themselves
L587[06:32:30] <gigaherz_o> someone managed to run win10 edition
L588[06:32:31] <gigaherz_o> with like
L589[06:32:33] <gigaherz_o> 4k render distance
L590[06:32:37] <gigaherz_o> and they got 40fps
L591[06:32:51] <gigaherz_o> whereas the java version struggles with like 200 blocks render distance
L592[06:32:58] <Kobata> MCPE iOS/android uses GLES, MCPE winphone/win10 uses D3D11
L593[06:33:21] <Arc> see and this is why im only doing this mod for learning. seriously. my SWA OCD is already making my eyebrows twitch uncontrollably
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L595[06:33:35] <gigaherz_o> Arc: so for our purposes
L596[06:33:41] <gigaherz_o> mcpe/mcconsole doesn't exist
L597[06:33:48] <Arc> yea i can see why
L598[06:33:49] <gigaherz_o> we just mod "minecraft"
L599[06:34:08] <Kobata> You CAN mod at least the ios/android mcpe but it's a pain
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L602[06:34:24] <gigaherz_o> Kobata: but you can't put forge on it and install java-based mods ;P
L603[06:34:34] <Kobata> Half of the mods seem to rely on one specific thing that lets them use javascript of all things
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L607[06:37:07] <Arc> the telltale games minecraft is a new engine i hope
L608[06:37:46] <Kobata> They'd probably be using whatever they've used for previous games for that
L609[06:38:10] <Kobata> It's not likely to resemble the main game much other than some of the art anyway
L610[06:38:22] <fry> all telltale games are probably on the same engine :P
L611[06:38:47] <Ivorius> 'i hope' lol
L612[06:39:06] <Arc> im friends with a few telltale games devs, two are working on minecraft, so i can ask them
L613[06:39:22] <fry> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telltale_Tool lua lol
L614[06:39:37] <Arc> lua makes some sense for scripting
L615[06:39:52] <fry> indeed, but still :P
L616[06:39:55] <Arc> also never put lua down. actually the fastest xmpp server right now is Prosody, which is lua
L617[06:40:25] <fry> It is indeed fast
L618[06:40:48] <Arc> for the next 6 months that'll be true. im wiping the floor with it in benchmarks, but that's requiring a from scratch xml processor
L619[06:41:16] <Arc> 37k stanzas per second to 1 million.
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L621[06:42:05] <Arc> IoT cloud work, getting infrastructure in place for users who bring their 100+ devices with them. whole different scale.
L622[06:42:22] ⇨ Joins: mezz (~quassel@2601:641:4000:82f9:a441:e9f4:62f:c66a)
L623[06:43:57] <fry> what's the stanza in this context? :P
L624[06:44:01] <Arc> http://www.w3.org/TR/exi-evaluation/ - its actually faster to decompress/recompress messages in binary format than parse the text xml. (ditto with json)
L625[06:44:34] <Arc> stanza is a routable unit in XMPP. once a XMPP stream is established 3 XML elements are typically found, <message/> <iq/> and <presence/>, each have a from= and to= attribute.
L626[06:45:22] <Arc> XMPP you might know of as Jabber, though Jabber was a specific IM implementation, where XMPP is generic bidirectional XML streaming. its the basis of all 3 competing IoT standards right now.
L627[06:45:29] <Arc> it looks like UPnP+ is going to win out
L628[06:45:43] <fry> what's the 3rd one?
L629[06:45:54] <Arc> no, UPnP+ is XMPP based. they all are.
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L631[06:46:04] <fry> ah, all 3
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L633[06:46:29] <fry> well, it's a shame, don't really fancy XML at all :P
L634[06:46:45] <Arc> well youd like EXI. its XML represented as a tightly compressed binary bitstream.
L635[06:47:00] <Arc> not text compression, but data compression.
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L637[06:48:35] <Arc> if there's 3 possible events that can take place in part of a stream, you can represent it with 2 bits, in bitpacked mode.
L638[06:49:08] <fry> Eh, not really that great - there's still essentially only string data type, from what I can tell
L639[06:49:15] <Arc> there's byte aligned, bitpacked, and compressed - the latter using a data grouping method to make it easier for zlib to compress it further
L640[06:49:51] <Arc> fry: nope. EXI supports different int, float, etc values. also string labels can be stored in a table for later reference.
L641[06:50:14] <fry> ah, indeed
L642[06:50:24] * fry scrolled down to section 2.2.1 :P
L643[06:50:34] <gigaherz_o> the fun part of compressing text,
L644[06:50:40] <gigaherz_o> is that as long as you can reproduce the original input
L645[06:50:42] <Arc> http://www.w3.org/TR/exi-primer/#contentRepresentation
L646[06:50:43] <gigaherz_o> you can do any trick
L647[06:50:53] <gigaherz_o> including convert numbers into binary
L648[06:51:22] <Arc> its not text compression though. its an alternative representation of XML data in a machine-ready binary format.
L649[06:51:35] <gigaherz_o> yeah the #1 way to binarize XML
L650[06:51:57] <gigaherz_o> is to use a dictionary to translate tagnames to numbers
L651[06:51:57] <Arc> and this one with the W3C and IETF blessing
L652[06:52:13] <Arc> sure. but then you decompress it to text.
L653[06:52:19] <gigaherz_o> ofc
L654[06:52:29] <Arc> why im building a new xml library from scratch is to process this as-is. without going through text domain.
L655[06:52:52] <Arc> not only is IoT data 20x+ compressed but its more than 10x faster to process.
L656[06:53:10] ⇨ Joins: mezz (~quassel@2601:641:4000:82f9:a441:e9f4:62f:c66a)
L657[06:53:13] <Arc> its funny what not having to convert "17" to int(17) does :-)
L658[06:53:22] <gigaherz_o> XD
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L660[06:53:40] <gigaherz_o> this reminds me of an article I read about Whatsapp protocol
L661[06:54:09] <Arc> also the routable destinations, the stanza to="" values, might be strings but they're stored in a string table. so if using a string reference to a table about addresses I can skip the processing of that string entirely and use pre-parsed data.
L662[06:54:30] <gigaherz_o> IIRC, it is/used to be almost xmpp, but instead of using plain xml, it would use binary data for the common tags
L663[06:54:44] <Arc> yea sounds like what google did.
L664[06:55:18] <Arc> hangouts is essentially a binary xmpp. mostly.
L665[06:56:06] <Arc> if you know anyone in the SF bay area who likes working with C or Python and this might be fun for them, we're hiring
L666[06:56:16] <Arc> you get to play with fun toys :-)
L667[06:56:25] <gigaherz_o> nah I'm in Spain, I don't really know anyone around there ;P
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L670[07:01:56] <illyohs> damn stuck in OH *shakes fist* :P
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L672[07:07:06] <Arc> illyohs: you know everyone's hiring out here, its the running joke
L673[07:07:13] <Arc> telltale games is hiring.
L674[07:08:51] <Arc> btw whats the deal with the com/net/org bit in the java paths?
L675[07:09:11] <fry> domain reversed
L676[07:09:32] <Arc> wow so the convention is to name your module after your website?
L677[07:09:32] <PaleoCrafter> https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/package/namingpkgs.html
L678[07:09:37] <fry> the big idea is that people/organizations use their domain for their package
L679[07:09:56] <fry> not always like that though :P
L680[07:10:46] <Arc> i see
L681[07:11:05] <Arc> and what about 3rd level domains?
L682[07:11:17] <Arc> and should modules have dns entries?
L683[07:11:29] <Arc> oh, i know, TXT records :-)
L684[07:11:41] <PaleoCrafter> it's totally fictional, the domain doesn't even have to exist :P
L685[07:12:04] <Arc> ah but can you imagine the DNS abuse of a system downloading source code from it?
L686[07:12:06] <fry> It's just a convention, there's no enforcement :P
L687[07:12:13] <illyohs> hell you could have this.is.my.mod
L688[07:12:30] <Arc> or com.github.username.projectname
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L690[07:13:29] <Arc> imagine a world where you could "import" and if the module is unknown it'd do a simple DNS lookup, and the DNS response would contain the code you need
L691[07:15:23] <Arc> ok thanks for the help guys, ive gotten far i think. time for bed
L692[07:15:52] <Arc> ill give a shout out if/when i do a youtube vid or something on how to do this
L693[07:17:17] <fry> oh there are plenty of those already :P
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L699[07:26:12] <sham1> Hmm
L700[07:26:28] ⇦ Quits: mezz (~quassel@2601:641:4000:82f9:a441:e9f4:62f:c66a) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L701[07:33:32] <Arc> the mod im planning is using the playerapi eventually, im going to try to setup a system to "possess" MOBs.. or switch bodies if you will.
L702[07:33:54] <Arc> i was reading through player api and it seems very possible to do this
L703[07:35:37] <fry> this is quite simular: http://ichun.us/mods/morph/ :P
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L706[07:37:41] <Arc> nice
L707[07:37:57] <Arc> i was thinking mostly as a means to teleport.
L708[07:39:11] <Arc> you have X bodies that are yours, and switch between them. when you're not in them, they do some lower level rudamentary functions.
L709[07:39:19] <Arc> farming, mining, etc.
L710[07:40:00] ⇦ Quits: mezz (~quassel@2601:641:4000:82f9:a441:e9f4:62f:c66a) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L711[07:40:03] <Arc> but anyway its a long way from here to there.
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L715[07:50:41] <Cazzar> http://ichun.us/mods/sync/
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L718[07:55:17] <GraphicH|away> Oh that's kind of cool
L719[08:00:15] <OrionOnline> I hate making scrollable inventories with unlimited space.....
L720[08:04:17] <GraphicH|away> hmmm
L721[08:04:26] <GraphicH|away> Sounds a little op
L722[08:04:31] *** fry is now known as fry|sleep
L723[08:07:39] ⇨ Joins: Benimatic (~Benimatic@cblmdm72-241-106-31.buckeyecom.net)
L724[08:13:44] <OrionOnline> GraphicH|away, they can only accept one type of item though Blueprints for my mod, it is basiccaly a book in which you put your blueprints
L725[08:14:03] <OrionOnline> Yet scrollable inventories are pretty anoying to make
L726[08:14:04] <GraphicH|away> Oh so similiar to Books in MystCraft
L727[08:14:22] <OrionOnline> Yes except mine are a inventory you can actually modify and sort
L728[08:14:39] <GraphicH|away> You can sort and modify his if I recall correctly
L729[08:14:45] <OrionOnline> Which was in hindsight not the most brilliant idea
L730[08:14:45] <GraphicH|away> The notebooks anyway
L731[08:15:00] <OrionOnline> hmm But not with slots as far as i know
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L733[08:15:09] <OrionOnline> Only with the pages in the table
L734[08:15:19] <GraphicH|away> Yeah it's been a bit so I don't remember exactly
L735[08:16:14] <OrionOnline> For some weird reason i cannot pull from the Slot i made.....
L736[08:16:18] *** TTFT|Away is now known as TTFTCUTS
L737[08:16:19] <OrionOnline> That is going to be fun
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L739[08:17:22] <OrionOnline> Yet i can switch out both items
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L741[08:19:23] <Stygander> trying to figure out what mod adds in this VOLC DONE [coords] in this pack
L742[08:19:36] <Stygander> its a scala mod
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L784[09:55:52] <MrKickkiller> Sigh, this 15 char limit is a pita for me ...
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L787[10:00:04] <OrionOnline> MrKickkiller, what limit?
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L790[10:00:39] <Nathan_Leadill> I've made all these guns in Maya and now have no idea how to get them into minecraft :P
L791[10:00:52] <MrKickkiller> OrionOnline,
L792[10:01:02] <MrKickkiller> Max nick length is set to 15 or so *
L793[10:01:06] ⇨ Joins: Cojo (~Cojo@2606:a000:1126:a066:c9d5:f45c:3563:996a)
L794[10:01:15] <OrionOnline> Ah here in IRC:P
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L814[10:45:26] <OrionOnline> Is there a way to remove an Item from a list and have all others move one index down?
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L817[10:48:19] <heldplayer> Are you using List.remove(int) or List.remove(Object)?
L818[10:48:57] <heldplayer> The first one mentions in the documentation that it shifts everything after the element down. While the second one does not mention that (though I'd assume both do it?)
L819[10:48:57] <OrionOnline> List.remove(int)
L820[10:49:14] <OrionOnline> ArrayList.remove(SLotIndex)
L821[10:49:24] <OrionOnline> which is not moving the other ItemStacks
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L824[10:50:30] <OrionOnline> That mightbe tough by the nature of the ArrayList
L825[10:50:38] <OrionOnline> as it is based on an Array and not on a List
L826[10:50:45] <heldplayer> The ArrayList implementation seems to move everything down
L827[10:51:13] <OrionOnline> Let me do some more debugigng
L828[10:53:54] <tmtu_> OrionOnline: how is an ArrayList not a list
L829[10:54:23] <OrionOnline> tmtu_, you yre right it is a list....
L830[10:54:47] ⇦ Quits: mezz (~quassel@2601:641:4000:82f9:a441:e9f4:62f:c66a) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L831[10:54:48] <tmtu_> it's backed by an array (Object[]) but it exposes the List methods
L832[10:55:32] <OrionOnline> Yeah
L833[10:55:39] <OrionOnline> That is actually what i ment to say
L834[10:55:47] <OrionOnline> Yet my head is not really in the game today
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L837[11:03:13] <sham1> It is powered by an array but the API to use it is the one used by Lists
L838[11:03:28] <Vastatio> Hey, so I'm getting a null pointer when I try to read in my JSON file
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L840[11:03:30] <sham1> That's why it is called an ArrayList
L841[11:03:44] <Vastatio> it has an array, so I use another deserializer to parse the objects of the array
L842[11:03:56] <Vastatio> since each object in the array has more than 1 attribute
L843[11:04:23] <Ordinastie> Vastatio, put a breakpoint on NPE and you'll see directly what is null
L844[11:06:20] <Vastatio> I know what is null, i just don't know why it is giving me null
L845[11:06:33] <Vastatio> the deserializer uses 3 classes, IEntry, DinoEntry and TextEntry
L846[11:06:41] <Vastatio> DinoEntry and TextEntry implement IEntry
L847[11:07:04] <Delaxarnyazer> My mod assets aren't being loaded in my dev environment. I use IntelliJ idea 14.1 But the line " idea { module { inheritOutputDirs = true } } " in build.gradle (without" ) doesn't work.
L848[11:07:05] <Vastatio> so, I try to check for a "type" value inside each object
L849[11:07:19] <Vastatio> to determine if the object is either a Text or a Dino Entry.
L850[11:07:37] <Vastatio> heres my code: http://pastebin.com/6SgdFduJ
L851[11:07:50] <GraphicH|away> Vastatio if you want to do types you need to implement a custom Serializer
L852[11:07:58] <Vastatio> I have made one
L853[11:08:03] <Vastatio> a custom deserializer*
L854[11:08:05] <Vastatio> at least
L855[11:08:24] <Vastatio> that is actually the dersializer for each entry object
L856[11:08:37] <Vastatio> and I have a deserializer for the whole json object named 'Book'
L857[11:08:50] <OrionOnline> For some reason my item is losing some of its NBT data.....
L858[11:09:02] <GraphicH|away> ok, do you add it properly to your gsonBuilder?
L859[11:09:18] <Vastatio> I'll give you my main class and my book deserializer
L860[11:09:20] <Vastatio> in just a sec
L861[11:09:48] <Vastatio> theres the book deserializer: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/3f1b889e4f1947af9be0
L862[11:10:13] <Vastatio> theres the Main class: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/cd747ea62ea372b11e9f
L863[11:11:32] <Vastatio> I'll give you the json if you want it
L864[11:12:35] ⇨ Joins: mezz (~quassel@2601:641:4000:82f9:a441:e9f4:62f:c66a)
L865[11:17:26] <Vastatio> JSON Definitely is more flexible and easier to understand than XML
L866[11:17:56] *** Vigaro is now known as Vigaro|AFK
L867[11:19:01] <Stygander> Delaxarnyazer: go to the menu up top and rebuild the project
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L869[11:21:09] <OrionOnline> Anybody know if there is a limit to the levels of a NBTTagCompound?
L870[11:21:42] <Delaxarnyazer> Stygander, Thanks that works.
L871[11:22:54] <PaleoCrafter> OrionOnline, file size :P
L872[11:23:45] <Delaxarnyazer> Now I have another question as everytime I start minecraft in the dev env I get the following messages: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12314852/
L873[11:24:06] <Delaxarnyazer> But I can't figure what's wrong.
L874[11:25:34] <PaleoCrafter> Delaxarnyazer, you are using @ObjectHolder for your own items?
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L877[11:27:59] <Delaxarnyazer> No, i am not and I forgot to mention I still use 1.7.10 https://github.com/EacMods/Eac/tree/master/src/main/java/Eac/item
L878[11:28:51] <PaleoCrafter> https://github.com/EacMods/Eac/blob/master/src/main/java/Eac/init/ModItems.java#L16 you are using it
L879[11:29:01] <PaleoCrafter> stop doing that
L880[11:29:20] <PaleoCrafter> I suppose you were following pahimar's tutorials?
L881[11:29:44] <Delaxarnyazer> I was yeah.
L882[11:30:01] <PaleoCrafter> he's propagating false information
L883[11:30:41] <Delaxarnyazer> But do I need to remove @ObjectHolder or change it?
L884[11:31:07] <PaleoCrafter> remove it
L885[11:31:32] <GraphicH|away> You guys need some kind of tutorial vote system
L886[11:31:36] <GraphicH|away> lot of hacky fuckers out there
L887[11:32:12] <sham1> Or we should just tell people not to use tutorials
L888[11:32:17] <sham1> That would be easier
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L891[11:34:05] <GraphicH|away> lol good luck with that
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L894[11:35:15] <Fendirain> That would be quite stupid IMO. A vote system however, Would at least give people an idea of where to start.
L895[11:36:10] <gigaherz_o> GraphicH|away: take anything outside the official documentation as "suspect"
L896[11:36:11] <gigaherz_o> ;P
L897[11:36:20] <PaleoCrafter> problem with that is that it's very opinionated
L898[11:36:33] <gigaherz_o> this is the official documentation: http://mcforge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
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L900[11:36:51] <gigaherz_o> this the docs source repository: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/Documentation
L901[11:36:59] <gigaherz_o> feel free to fork, edit, and PR
L902[11:36:59] <gigaherz_o> ;P
L903[11:39:01] ⇨ Joins: McJty (~jorrit@d8D8721D5.access.telenet.be)
L904[11:44:53] <Stygander> also, there are way too many place that people have posted tutorials to even begin to manage them
L905[11:45:49] <Stygander> peoples websites, mc forums, forge forums, forge wiki(outdated i know), youtube, overstack, any number of mc related websites
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L907[11:51:13] <FusionLord> !gf func_179684_h
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L909[11:53:59] <OrionOnline> For some reason when i call ArrayList.remove(int) it puts a null at that position instead of decreasing the index of all following stacks........
L910[11:55:25] <OrionOnline> Found my mistake....
L911[11:55:29] <FusionLord> !gf func_177068_d
L912[11:55:32] <Stygander> trying to figure out how to get this reload packet to function right, i take it use the reload math inside the handler?
L913[11:55:52] <FusionLord> !help
L914[11:56:04] <FusionLord> !gm func_177068_d
L915[11:56:38] <Szernex> huh
L916[11:56:57] <Szernex> so just now it downloaded a new launcher for me when I tried to start my MC instance and now it always crashes
L917[11:57:14] <Szernex> http://pastebin.com/p4YBb8v8
L918[11:57:46] <Stygander> Szernex: two programs are modifying said files
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L920[11:58:18] <Szernex> yeah, would be interesting to know which ones then
L921[11:58:29] <Szernex> did not happen before this update or whatever it was
L922[11:58:32] <Stygander> prob mcs vanilla and your new one
L923[11:58:47] <Stygander> or new one and old one
L924[11:58:54] <Nathan_Leadill> !help
L925[11:59:02] ⇨ Joins: patrick96 (~Patrick@
L926[11:59:05] <Szernex> but I only have one launcher open
L927[11:59:25] <Stygander> check on the task manager
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L929[11:59:43] <Szernex> yeah, there's only one java process
L930[11:59:52] <Stygander> dunno really then
L931[12:00:05] <Stygander> kill it an anything mc related?
L932[12:00:16] <Szernex> I already restarted the PC
L933[12:00:20] <Stygander> ohh huh
L934[12:00:34] <Szernex> let it re-download the whole mc instance
L935[12:00:39] <Szernex> keeps throwing this error
L936[12:00:41] ⇦ Quits: Wastl2 (~Wastl2@x55b23040.dyn.telefonica.de) (Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this one and help me take over the world of IRC.)
L937[12:00:47] <Szernex> was working fine just a few hours ago
L938[12:00:54] <OrionOnline> Szernex, not really two programs
L939[12:01:08] ⇦ Quits: pixlepix (~localmaca@public.mgrhs.org) (Client Quit)
L940[12:01:15] <OrionOnline> That error mainly occurs when two thread try to modify an Object that is not crossthread compatible
L941[12:01:28] <OrionOnline> Szernex, are you running on Mac?
L942[12:01:30] <Szernex> nope
L943[12:01:32] <Szernex> win7
L944[12:01:43] <OrionOnline> Try reinstalling minecraft completly
L945[12:01:49] <Szernex> that's basically what I did
L946[12:02:03] ⇨ Joins: ollieread (~ollieread@2a01:7e00::f03c:91ff:feae:5b6)
L947[12:02:11] <OrionOnline> Something, which version of the Launcher are you using (and are you using the vanilla or any other thirdparty launcher?)
L948[12:02:22] <OrionOnline> Szernex, *
L949[12:02:31] <Szernex> I'M using the cursevoice client, which uses the vanilla launcher with a forge profile
L950[12:02:43] <Szernex> the launcher version is 1.6.39
L951[12:04:37] <Lord_Ralex> They need to fix their pack
L952[12:05:17] <Lord_Ralex> That is the old Java 8 Update 20 break, which they need to actually use updated forge versions for, or ship the coremod that fixes it.
L953[12:05:41] <Szernex> which forge versions?
L954[12:06:45] *** Ashlee is now known as Ash|Unstable
L955[12:06:47] <Reika> I have a question for a very unusual issue
L956[12:06:49] <Reika> Basically - is there a way to change a TileEntity's "registration" name without breaking worlds?
L957[12:06:50] <Reika> This is for 1.7.10
L958[12:07:20] <Szernex> my pack uses forge, ie the latest recommended
L959[12:07:38] <Szernex> no wait, the latest actually
L960[12:08:27] <diesieben07> Reika: GameRegistry.registerTileEntityWithAlternatives
L961[12:10:45] <Szernex> so after I deleted everything MC related the curse launcher apparently won't create a forge profile anymore, wtf
L962[12:10:51] <Szernex> something is really borked here
L963[12:11:30] ⇨ Joins: Cadyyan (~James@75-143-84-17.dhcp.aubn.al.charter.com)
L964[12:12:10] <Cadyyan> hey all, i have a really simple question about setting up the dev environment for creating a mod
L965[12:12:18] <Cadyyan> im using intellij just in case it matters
L966[12:12:28] <Cadyyan> but my question is how can i change the log level for testing?
L967[12:12:35] <Cadyyan> i want to have more detailed logs
L968[12:12:41] <Cadyyan> debug level is preferred
L969[12:12:45] <diesieben07> you have to create a log4j.xml
L970[12:12:50] <diesieben07> google will tell you more
L971[12:12:53] <Cadyyan> ah thanks
L972[12:13:13] <Cadyyan> i was worried it was going to take more work lol
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L975[12:16:11] <tterrag> Also fml outputs everything to the client log in /logs
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L977[12:16:15] <tterrag> even trace
L978[12:17:02] <Cadyyan> oh that would be ideal
L979[12:17:10] <Cadyyan> ill have to double check that my stuff is getting logged there
L980[12:17:31] <GerbShert> Hi, I am having an issue in 1.8 where my blocks leave a shadow in a 3x3 around them even though they are not opaque.
L981[12:18:32] <GerbShert> https://i.gyazo.com/26b7ff8430174fc9e981e31026132223.png
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L983[12:23:56] <PaleoCrafter> they're opaque to light, GerbShert
L984[12:24:08] <PaleoCrafter> setLightOpacity(0)
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L989[12:28:32] <masa> is it a messed up blend mode or what, if my empty armor slot icons render as light grey instead of the dark grey/black they are supposed to be?
L990[12:28:46] <GerbShert> Okay I will try that paleo :3 thx
L991[12:28:55] <masa> the ones after the slot I'm hovering render correctly
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L1006[13:04:47] <tterrag> TTFTCUTS: my shader knowledge is extremely lacking..would it be possible to apply the info here http://www.gamedev.net/topic/588330-black-hole-distortion/ into MC?
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L1017[13:34:28] <masa> hm, so registering icons in the Item's registerIcons() assumes they are in textures/items/?
L1018[13:35:28] <diesieben07> yes
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L1020[13:39:11] <masa> whwre does that happen exactly... I'm looking around the calls but haven't found it yet.
L1021[13:39:37] <diesieben07> no idea
L1022[13:39:40] <masa> or better yet, how should I register an IIcon in an item that is in a different location?
L1023[13:40:03] <Lex_> <diesieben07> plus if it were in forge it woudl work in every launcher
L1024[13:40:40] <Lex_> We will never download shit in Forge. What would be NICE is if there was a standard for launchers to be able to query for a modset before launching the game and get a list of things the launcher needed to download.. that'd be cool.
L1025[13:40:44] <Lex_> But I dont think that'd ever happen.
L1026[13:41:12] <Lex_> The theory is to get Curse to be the central download location because they have the resources and manpower for the job. I do not.
L1027[13:41:19] <TTFTCUTS> tterrag, not really, not in the way that the ones I made work
L1028[13:41:22] <GraphicH|away> This packagemanager for forge talk?
L1029[13:41:26] <TTFTCUTS> because where's the surface it's rendered on
L1030[13:42:01] ⇦ Quits: mezz (~quassel@2601:641:4000:82f9:a441:e9f4:62f:c66a) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1031[13:42:20] <Lex_> Also suprising only 3 pings in my backlog, then again i only get like a days worth of backlog
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L1035[13:44:07] <tterrag> TTFTCUTS: what do you mean by that?
L1036[13:44:18] <TTFTCUTS> actually I take that back, maybe
L1037[13:44:23] <TTFTCUTS> but I'm not gonna write it
L1038[13:44:46] <tterrag> seems it's already written, no?>
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L1046[14:03:13] <tterrag> TTFTCUTS: isn't it already written?
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L1048[14:03:32] <TTFTCUTS> go ahead and try, I'm not gonna do anything about it :p
L1049[14:03:41] <TTFTCUTS> I don't know if that's a usable format
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L1052[14:07:16] <tterrag> TTFTCUTS: that's why I'm asking you ;_;
L1053[14:07:29] <tterrag> if you don't know though, ok
L1054[14:07:31] <TTFTCUTS> you could always try and find out
L1055[14:07:34] <TTFTCUTS> :p
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L1057[14:09:41] <alex_6611> aw, why sad? :(
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L1060[14:11:07] <Nathan_Leadill> My JSON won't rotate my model in game or scale it anyone know why?
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L1065[14:18:44] <masa> sadly we are not psychics
L1066[14:19:31] <masa> are you sure the right json is being used, and are you using the right perspective in it?
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L1070[14:28:25] <Nathan_Leadill> https://gist.github.com/EasyCompany2020/c546d9fba567999fbc8a My Json is here
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L1072[14:29:06] *** Abrar|gone is now known as AbrarSyed
L1073[14:31:46] <masa> ok just to make sure: did you refresh your IDE's cache after doing changes?
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L1075[14:32:27] <masa> I haven't used the new forge json stuff myself yet, so I don't know about that in particular
L1076[14:33:48] <Nathan_Leadill> Wait What Do you mean?
L1077[14:33:50] <Nathan_Leadill> F5 it?
L1078[14:34:26] <Lex_> project -> clean
L1079[14:35:40] <Nathan_Leadill> Didn't do anything ;(
L1080[14:35:50] <masa> in eclipse F5 does it
L1081[14:36:17] <FusionLord> just switch to intellij IDEA scrub :P
L1082[14:36:25] <Nathan_Leadill> Eclipse Master Race
L1083[14:36:36] <FusionLord> Master race into the ground
L1084[14:37:32] <FusionLord> he is just mad that I can get it to work :P
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L1087[14:37:44] <Nathan_Leadill> I'm literally using the SAME project files
L1088[14:38:02] <Nathan_Leadill> But it won't work for me...
L1089[14:38:13] <masa> I don't really know what could be that much better in IDEA than it is in eclipse... eclipse works just fine for me, and from all I have heard, IDEA just needs extra bits and bobs in places to work properly for mc modding
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L1091[14:38:37] <FusionLord> I'm just messinig
L1092[14:39:01] <smbarbour> I've had to do nothing special in IDEA for mc modding.
L1093[14:39:11] <masa> internet sarcasm - the best kind, because nobody can recognize it :p
L1094[14:39:43] <smbarbour> To be fair, I only switched to IDEA because Eclipse would crash all the time.
L1095[14:40:30] <FusionLord> ^ and seemed slower
L1096[14:40:47] <Lex_> I have a brown book.
L1097[14:41:08] <alex_6611> oh do you
L1098[14:41:08] <Nathan_Leadill> I think my JSON file is brokededed
L1099[14:41:17] <GraphicH|away> And eclipse is all around terrible
L1100[14:41:38] <masa> have ANY facts to back that up? :p
L1101[14:41:40] <Lex_> Yes I do, it's shiny, it's much better then your stupid yellow book.
L1102[14:41:44] <Nathan_Leadill> Wait
L1103[14:41:51] <alex_6611> :O a shiny brown book
L1104[14:41:53] <Nathan_Leadill> So Im using the SAME json file
L1105[14:41:58] <Nathan_Leadill> But Mine Doesn't work
L1106[14:42:00] <Nathan_Leadill> Be Like...
L1107[14:42:19] <alex_6611> is it... a HQM book though?
L1108[14:42:20] <Nathan_Leadill> Is there a possible explaination
L1109[14:42:51] <alex_6611> for lex having a shiny brown book? :P
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L1111[14:42:59] <GraphicH|away> Im not gonna get into an IDE war, I just know a lot of professional shops that switched to IDEA because they were just plain tired of dealing with Eclipse
L1112[14:43:34] <GraphicH|away> So that's not a "fact" just what seems to be the choice for people that have to get shit done on a deadline
L1113[14:43:39] <Lex_> okay no to tired to make a joke out of this
L1114[14:43:43] <masa> fair enough, personally I haven't ran into any issues whatsoever
L1115[14:43:45] *** MineBot sets mode: +b GraphicH|away!*@*
L1116[14:43:45] *** GraphicH|away was kicked by MineBot (Banned: Die (5)))
L1117[14:43:52] <alex_6611> :O
L1118[14:44:03] <sham1> that's just
L1119[14:44:04] <sham1> wow
L1120[14:44:11] <alex_6611> wat was that
L1121[14:44:14] <Nathan_Leadill> Is there a possible explaination for why mine doesn't work and his does?
L1122[14:44:25] <Lex_> Nathan: Logs, always logs.
L1123[14:44:27] <masa> wh ois he?
L1124[14:45:06] <FusionLord> lex the strange thing is that he has the exact same files as I do and it is working for me.
L1125[14:45:17] <masa> hm, so having an item with the glint texture breaks rendering of slots that come after that glint slot in the container... which OpenGL mode is it that breaks it? Or how should I fix it?
L1126[14:45:23] <Nathan_Leadill> https://gist.github.com/EasyCompany2020/dac91423da06dd07edbd My Logs Look Good
L1127[14:45:28] <AbrarSyed> Nathan_Leadill, click the project explorer, hit f5
L1128[14:45:38] <Nathan_Leadill> Done that
L1129[14:45:42] <Nathan_Leadill> Like 50 times
L1130[14:45:42] <AbrarSyed> its most likely that eclipse just hasnt loaded the changed file on the filesystem.. has hapenned to me before.
L1131[14:45:48] <Nathan_Leadill> I've restarted
L1132[14:45:50] <Nathan_Leadill> My Computer
L1133[14:45:55] <Nathan_Leadill> It STILL didn't work
L1134[14:46:05] <AbrarSyed> is the json bieng loaded by MC at all?
L1135[14:46:11] <FusionLord> yes
L1136[14:46:12] <sham1> I am just here to inform people that gradle SetupForge does not seem to work too well yet
L1137[14:46:14] <Nathan_Leadill> Yeah Cuz It's being rendered
L1138[14:46:26] <Nathan_Leadill> And It's not saying the model file can't be found
L1139[14:46:37] <FusionLord> it is just transformations that aren't working
L1140[14:46:55] <Nathan_Leadill> https://gyazo.com/a34ea7ec925a8c50165149b01414d23a You can see it's rendered
L1141[14:47:06] <Lex_> check your bin folder
L1142[14:47:10] <Lex_> make sure its got the just json
L1143[14:47:24] <Lex_> Also
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L1145[14:47:38] <Lex_> I think i'll make it a bannable offence in this channel to take a fucking screen shot at night -.-
L1146[14:47:47] <alex_6611> :D
L1147[14:48:12] <masa> haha, I was about to see "we can't see shit because it's nigh time"
L1148[14:48:35] <Lex_> mm yes, wall of black, mm yes i see exactly what you mean now.. indeed
L1149[14:48:39] <alex_6611> it's so easy to be fair, /gamerule doDaylightCycle false -> /time set 6000
L1150[14:48:44] *** MineBot sets mode: -b GraphicH|away!*@*
L1151[14:48:54] <Nathan_Leadill> I'll take a day screenshot
L1152[14:49:30] <masa> alex_6611: yeah, that's what all my test worlds have :p
L1153[14:49:31] <Nathan_Leadill> Also It's just the JSON folder in my Bin/Assets/modid/blockstates
L1154[14:49:54] <AbrarSyed> sham1, define not well
L1155[14:50:16] <sham1> Let me loog throught the logs
L1156[14:50:44] ⇨ Joins: GraphicH|away (~GraphicH@cpe-96-29-41-211.kya.res.rr.com)
L1157[14:50:53] <GraphicH|away> =(
L1158[14:51:03] <alex_6611> i'm still curious who did that :D
L1159[14:52:20] <Lex_> AbrarSyed,
L1160[14:52:26] <Lex_> why are we shipping old installers?
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L1162[14:53:36] <Nathan_Leadill> https://gyazo.com/c03e0be1a27c60c55701e1084812d4e0 Theres a day picture
L1163[14:53:59] <Nathan_Leadill> As you can see it's on the larger side of life
L1164[14:54:10] <alex_6611> AHAHA
L1165[14:54:18] <alex_6611> really now
L1166[14:56:12] <AbrarSyed> Lex_, we are?
L1167[14:56:25] <Lex_> aparently theres a github issue
L1168[14:56:41] <AbrarSyed> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/build.gradle#L30 << thats the right one right?
L1169[14:56:46] <AbrarSyed> or is that the old version?
L1170[14:57:10] <Nathan_Leadill> Sham1 Any idea?
L1171[14:57:16] <Lex_> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/Installer/blob/master/build.gradle#L28
L1172[14:57:20] <sham1> What
L1173[14:57:21] <Lex_> should be good...
L1174[14:57:27] <sham1> Why are you asking me O_O
L1175[14:57:52] <AbrarSyed> hmm.. this the right URL?? https://github.com/MinecraftForge/ForgeGradle/blob/master/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/gradle/patcher/PatcherConstants.java#L13
L1176[14:58:03] <Nathan_Leadill> I dunno Lol
L1177[14:58:10] <Lex_> nope
L1178[14:58:10] <Nathan_Leadill> Cuz no-one else is helping :D
L1179[14:58:17] <Lex_> its a maven artifact
L1180[14:58:56] <AbrarSyed> well.. that explains it..
L1181[14:59:01] <AbrarSyed> we shipping installer snapshots?
L1182[14:59:16] <Lex_> just grab whatever is the latest from the maven
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L1184[14:59:32] <Lex_> i never push to snapshots just replace
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L1186[14:59:58] <AbrarSyed> uh, its not that simple.. have to restructure stuff so it doesnt use a standard download task and instead defines a gradle de so grade downloads it, and then pick up the jar from the gradle cache...
L1187[15:00:12] <AbrarSyed> oh so just different url.. nvm then..
L1188[15:00:15] <Lex_> you could
L1189[15:00:20] <Lex_> or you could jerry rig it
L1190[15:00:48] <Lex_> its just pushging to maven now so we dont have to deal with those crappy unorginized root folders
L1191[15:01:11] <AbrarSyed> this url from FG1.2 correct? https://github.com/MinecraftForge/ForgeGradle/blob/FG_1.2/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/gradle/dev/DevConstants.java#L12
L1192[15:01:27] <Lex_> yes
L1193[15:01:42] <Lex_> could of sworn i fixed it was wondering what happened
L1194[15:02:31] <AbrarSyed> idk.. must not have gotten into FG2...
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L1196[15:04:24] <Vastatio> Hello
L1197[15:07:35] <masa> ugh what... the slot rendering is broken in the latest Forge for 1.7.10 (= 1492 atm), but it works in vanilla
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L1199[15:09:07] <masa> how to reproduce: put an enchanted helmet on, but leave the rest of the armor slots empty; al lthe armor slots that become after a slot that has an item that has the glint effect are rendered wrong if they use the Slot.getBackgroundIconIndex()
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L1201[15:09:54] <masa> whop messed the explanation, it is not just armor slots, but they are the only one in vanilla (I think?) that use the slot icons
L1202[15:10:34] <masa> so which GL state leaking causes that?
L1203[15:11:32] <masa> I wish I understood anything about the OpenGL states and lighting and blending and whatnot ;_;
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L1208[15:15:17] <OrionOnline> masa try enabling lighting
L1209[15:15:45] <masa> hmm, I take it it is that enabling of the blend? there are Forge comments adding enabling the blending for the slot background rendering
L1210[15:16:15] <masa> OrionOnline: well I can't really do it, since the vanilla code disables lighting just before it renders the slot bg
L1211[15:16:26] <Lex_> ugh fucking enchanted items always fuck up the gl state
L1212[15:16:33] <Lex_> thought I caught all the shit they leak'
L1213[15:16:39] <masa> see GuiCOntainer.func_146977_a() in 1.7.10
L1214[15:16:50] <Lex_> oh well pr a fix for 1.8
L1215[15:16:58] <OrionOnline> Yeah might have been blend
L1216[15:17:04] <masa> no lex it is fixed in 1.8
L1217[15:17:28] <Lex_> oh, then there is no issue
L1218[15:17:39] <masa> I just checked bot h1.7.10 and 1.8 latest forge versions, 1.8 works correctly, 1.7.10 does not
L1219[15:17:48] <masa> right..
L1220[15:17:59] <Lex_> Non critical bug on a year+ old version. Ya...
L1221[15:18:03] <masa> well yeah it's not a huge issue
L1222[15:18:26] <masa> at least I know why it breaks and that there isn't really anything I can do to fix it in my code
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L1224[15:19:14] <masa> I was just bashing my head to the wall for a couple of hours trying to find out what I'm doing wrong :p
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L1226[15:22:52] <AbrarSyed> it would be nice if someone ust went through all the forge issues and old lex all the ones that are old and obsolete
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L1228[15:23:57] <Lex_> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/ForgeGradle/issues/260#issuecomment-138684482
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L1231[15:24:31] <Lex_> any idea on that one? seems like it should be fine as compareTo(Object) shouldnt be obfusicated in any way...
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L1236[15:29:17] <heldplayer> Nathan_Leadill: Trying to overcompensate for something with that huge gun? :P
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L1238[15:36:19] <Stygander> Nathan_Leadill: fix your scale for your model
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L1240[15:44:41] <FusionLord> not yet
L1241[15:44:46] <FusionLord> working on it
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L1245[15:48:45] <AbrarSyed> lol.. just missed Lex|Coma ... well.. I think its something in the exceptor thats not getting applied. Its probably that the class has a method Comparable<SomeCLass> instead of Comparable<Object>, hence the compile issue
L1246[15:49:33] <Stygander> i feel dense at the moment, i cannot seem to figure out packets
L1247[15:49:57] <Stygander> well getting them to do what i want
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L1249[15:52:34] <Zaggy1024> Stygander, what are you trying to do?
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L1251[15:53:10] <Stygander> get the gun i hve to reload and use the nbt tag data i have stored
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L1253[15:55:21] <Zaggy1024> need to know more than that
L1254[15:55:34] <Zaggy1024> what side are you trying to update?
L1255[15:55:47] <Zaggy1024> what's seeing of the packet?
L1256[15:55:57] <Zaggy1024> *setting
L1257[15:56:21] <Stygander> Zaggy1024: server and on button press
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L1260[15:57:36] <Zaggy1024> that should be simple, what's the problem?
L1261[15:57:47] <Zaggy1024> also, what mc version?
L1262[15:57:53] <Stygander> 1.7.10
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L1264[15:58:19] <Stygander> 1.7.10 Zaggy1024
L1265[15:58:30] <Zaggy1024> yes I saw that
L1266[15:58:35] <Stygander> okay just making sure
L1267[15:58:49] <ZaggyMobile> You didn't say what the problem you're having is
L1268[16:00:18] <Stygander> basically when i try and load the nbt tags and such on the packet i get errors and it cant seem to find
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L1270[16:02:06] <ZaggyMobile> Code please
L1271[16:03:07] <Stygander> http://pastebin.com/YZFjxwye basic item code
L1272[16:03:19] <Stygander> id have to rewrite the packet code
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L1277[16:14:15] <Stygander> i think i will just keep trying to get things working until it worked
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L1284[16:32:41] <masa> uhh wait what? why do you have to use nbt tags with the packet?
L1285[16:33:00] <masa> does the reload happen on a button press, like R?
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L1287[16:34:00] <Stygander> masa: yes it does
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L1289[16:34:41] <masa> then just send a packet to the server that basically says "a button was pressed" and then some form of a code for which button it was
L1290[16:35:03] <Stygander> okay
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L1292[16:36:09] <masa> basically something like this: https://github.com/maruohon/enderutilities/blob/master/src/main/java/fi/dy/masa/enderutilities/item/ItemPortalScaler.java#L288
L1293[16:36:36] <masa> https://github.com/maruohon/enderutilities/tree/master/src/main/java/fi/dy/masa/enderutilities/network
L1294[16:37:02] <Stygander> okay
L1295[16:37:08] <Stygander> that may help me quite a bit for now
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L1297[16:45:26] <calclavia> Anyone know a good Java lightweight physics engine (that is not dead)?
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L1300[16:47:07] <ZaggyMobile> I'm curious, why exactly, calclavia?
L1301[16:47:27] <calclavia> ZaggyMobile: Trying to have some better physics in MC for some entities
L1302[16:48:31] <Zaggy1024> just so you know, someone named Gliby is working on giving MC proper physics for a lot of things
L1303[16:48:39] <Zaggy1024> maybe you coudl integrate whatever you're doing with his mod
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L1305[16:48:54] <calclavia> ZaggyMobile: Link to github?
L1306[16:49:06] <Zaggy1024> he hasn't released the source yet, it's still WIP
L1307[16:49:19] <Zaggy1024> but he's made it support several physics engines already, so that may be helpful for you
L1308[16:49:26] <calclavia> Interesting
L1309[16:49:43] <Zaggy1024> you can find videos on YouTube of it
L1310[16:49:50] <Zaggy1024> search gliby's physics mod
L1311[16:49:52] <PaleoCrafter> he uses JBullet
L1312[16:49:53] <PaleoCrafter> iirc
L1313[16:50:13] <Zaggy1024> he has it using several engines
L1314[16:50:38] <Zaggy1024> I believe he just got it working with a new voxel physics engine in native bullet
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L1316[16:55:11] <ZaggyMobile> Ah, yeah, i believe it is limited to bullet, at least for now
L1317[16:55:24] <ZaggyMobile> Forgot to mention that
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L1333[17:34:15] <minecreatr> for some reason when I try to plant my custom crop I get java.lang.NullPointerException
L1334[17:34:15] <minecreatr> at net.minecraft.world.chunk.storage.ExtendedBlockStorage.func_150818_a(ExtendedBlockStorage.java:86) ~[ExtendedBlockStorage.class:?]
L1335[17:34:17] <minecreatr> any ideas why?
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L1337[17:36:12] <shadekiller666> are you on 1.8 or 1.7.10?
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L1339[17:36:24] <xaero> does it work in dev?
L1340[17:36:58] <shadekiller666> !gm func_150818_a
L1341[17:37:04] <shadekiller666> !gm func_150818_a 1.7.10
L1342[17:37:44] <shadekiller666> thats a 1.7.10 method
L1343[17:37:56] <xaero> any results? maybe that wasn't mapped and I assumed it was
L1344[17:38:10] <shadekiller666> !!gm func_150818_a 1.7.10
L1345[17:38:10] <MCPBot_Reborn> === MC 1.7.10: net/minecraft/world/chunk/storage/ExtendedBlockStorage.setExtBlockID (apz.a) UNLOCKED ===
L1346[17:38:11] <MCPBot_Reborn> Name : a => func_150818_a => setExtBlockID
L1347[17:38:11] <MCPBot_Reborn> Descriptor : (IIILaji;)V => (IIILnet/minecraft/block/Block;)V
L1348[17:38:12] <MCPBot_Reborn> Comment : None
L1349[17:38:13] <MCPBot_Reborn> SRG Params : I p_150818_1_, I p_150818_2_, I p_150818_3_, Block p_150818_4_
L1350[17:38:13] <MCPBot_Reborn> MCP Params : int p_150818_1_, int p_150818_2_, int p_150818_3_, Block p_150818_4_
L1351[17:38:14] <MCPBot_Reborn> Last Change: 2014-05-03 22:34:08-04:00 (skyboy)
L1352[17:38:25] <shadekiller666> no results for 1.8
L1353[17:38:38] <xaero> kk
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L1357[17:41:41] <minecreatr> shadekiller666, on 1.7
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L1360[17:43:29] <shadekiller666> i figured, as that method doesn't exist in 1.8
L1361[17:44:12] <minecreatr> but do you know why it would do that
L1362[17:44:22] <minecreatr> I have a basic crop block based off of BlockPotato
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L1364[17:56:11] <shadekiller666> no idea off the top of my head, sorry
L1365[17:56:45] <shadekiller666> does anyone know how to check if a string contains a number?
L1366[17:57:21] <tterrag> regex
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L1368[18:00:50] <GraphicH|away> regex for life
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L1374[18:12:13] <minecreatr> if I am running a mod in my dev env, do I have to do something special so its at's will work?
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L1391[18:42:58] <keybounce> @minecreatr I think you need to have CCC (code chicken core) in your dev environment
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L1393[18:44:45] <TehNut> Not for AT's
L1394[18:44:51] <TehNut> Just for runtime deobf
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L1397[18:47:34] <minecreatr> keybounce, I fixed it
L1398[18:47:53] <minecreatr> I was just using the wrong version of a mod
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L1408[19:13:51] <Vastatio> Why is the @Expose annotation ever used?
L1409[19:14:20] <Vastatio> I'm just wondering, if I want to put certain variables inside a class that will be assigned a value from a json
L1410[19:14:35] <Vastatio> do I have to do the @Expose(serialize=false) annotation for each variable?
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L1413[19:17:53] <GraphicH|away> Vastitio : no
L1414[19:18:22] <mrkirby153> How do I get the root folder of MC (i.e .minecraft)
L1415[19:18:25] <GraphicH|away> Gson will serailize anything in the class that isn't marked with "transient"
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L1418[19:19:38] <GraphicH|away> If you only want to deserialize but never serialize you can do @Expose(serialize=false) but I can't see a lot of reasons why you might
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L1420[19:22:28] <Sollux-Captor> does anyone know if lightloader 1.8 works with 1.8.8?
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L1424[19:25:45] <Vastatio> ah, thanks GraphicH
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L1434[19:38:56] <shadekiller666> wow
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L1436[19:39:26] <shadekiller666> just noticed a decently sized implementation bug with the obj loader :P...
L1437[19:39:30] <Vastatio> TehNut: why in the Guide API do you ask for the parameter 'Book book' in the draw method/
L1438[19:39:34] <Vastatio> do you ever use it?
L1439[19:39:43] <shadekiller666> the group visibility stuff doesn't work anything like i intended it to :P
L1440[19:40:00] <TehNut> In case you want any information from the given book during draw
L1441[19:40:07] <TehNut> IE: Color
L1442[19:40:09] <shadekiller666> these kinds of things are why we test new features :P
L1443[19:40:18] <TehNut> It's just an extra param that we may as well give
L1444[19:40:22] <shadekiller666> and the best way to test a feature, is by using it in a mod
L1445[19:40:38] <Vastatio> ah, so you never use it in any of your base classes inside the API right?
L1446[19:40:45] <TehNut> Probably not
L1447[19:40:50] <Vastatio> alright
L1448[19:40:59] <tterrag> it's there for your own page classes
L1449[19:41:02] <TehNut> The default pages we ship are just generic use cases
L1450[19:41:19] <TehNut> If you do anything more than that, you write your own. And at some point, you may need your book instance
L1451[19:42:03] <Vastatio> alright
L1452[19:44:04] <shadekiller666> so now that forge had updated to FG2.0, can intellij be used as the forge dev env?
L1453[19:44:47] <tterrag> ...
L1454[19:44:49] <tterrag> could it ever not be?
L1455[19:44:55] <gigaherz_o> tterrag: he means actual forge
L1456[19:44:57] <gigaherz_o> not mods
L1457[19:44:59] <tterrag> ahh
L1458[19:45:00] <tterrag> right
L1459[19:45:02] <tterrag> no clue :P
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L1470[20:16:12] <shadekiller666> maybe this isn't a bug after all...
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L1479[20:29:13] <shadekiller666> hey fry, would you have any ideas as to how to get the game to understand a texture/model location of "builtin/white" in case anyone ever needs a dynamically-generated white texture
L1480[20:29:41] <mrkirby153> I don't understand why my ASM isn't being re-encoded properly
L1481[20:29:51] <Nanonymous> This might be out of topic, but is there a channel to find someone who can do a quick texture? Or is there someone here who can do a quick texture?
L1482[20:30:20] <shadekiller666> atm the game doesn't understand that white is a dynamic texture, so the only things that can use it are things that shove sprite data into the game, ie. model loaders
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L1484[20:31:54] <mrkirby153> Why am I getting this? http://pastebin.com/QciDiHuT Code: http://pastebin.com/VWDnE91H
L1485[20:34:06] <shadekiller666> whats the difference between a static and non-static inner class?
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L1490[20:42:12] <mrkirby153> This really doesn't make any sense
L1491[20:44:12] <mrkirby153> Can someone help me out with this ASM issue that I'm having?
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L1500[21:01:54] <luacs1998> !gm 176536 1.8
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L1509[21:17:09] <luacs1998> !gm tryCatchFire 1.7.10
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L1515[21:24:13] <furyhunter> Not entirely related to forge, but does anyone know how Minecraft represents chunks in-memory? Is it just a contiguous array or what
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L1521[21:29:01] <slind14> does forge offer a way to quickly find out the oreDict name of an item without the need of a mod?
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L1523[21:30:38] <tterrag> slind14: have you even looked at the OreDictionary class?
L1524[21:32:13] <slind14> tterrag not from the dev point of view. When mods request oreDict names for their configs.. I know minetweaker has a command for it, but does forge have a way on its own, so that no additional mod is required to find it out.
L1525[21:32:46] <tterrag> find out from what context?
L1526[21:33:56] <slind14> Lets take forestry as example. The content of the backpacks is configured with the ore dict names of the items. E.g. ingotIron.
L1527[21:34:29] <slind14> Now I have another Item whos ore dict name I don't know. I could use mine tweaker to find out, but I'm wondering if there is a native way.
L1528[21:34:54] <tterrag> from ingame?
L1529[21:35:01] <slind14> from ingame or server console.
L1530[21:35:06] <tterrag> you realize you are asking this in a channel about mod development, right?
L1531[21:35:07] <tterrag> regardless, no
L1532[21:35:11] <tterrag> there is not
L1533[21:35:15] <slind14> ok thanks.
L1534[21:35:43] <slind14> I figure it is the best place to ask. As which channel has people that know more about it?
L1535[21:36:23] <tterrag> no but you need to understand not to be vague...people will assume you are asking as a developer
L1536[21:36:24] <tterrag> not a player
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L1538[21:37:24] <slind14> yeah, I realized that after your first respond and tried to explain it as best as I could. Anyways doesn't matter much now.
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L1541[21:40:01] <tterrag> slind14: there are many mods that put oredict names in tooltips etc
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L1544[21:42:23] <slind14> tterrag any small one you would recommend?
L1545[21:42:53] <tterrag> mine works :P http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/231868-endercore
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L1547[21:45:22] <slind14> ty
L1548[21:45:49] <slind14> how does it work?
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L1551[21:46:55] <slind14> (there is no description..)
L1552[21:48:00] <tterrag> slind14: it should add them to tooltips by default
L1553[21:48:02] <tterrag> just drop it in
L1554[21:48:47] <slind14> ahh, I thought it would require a command to enable it or show :)
L1555[21:49:13] <tterrag> there is a config option
L1556[21:49:17] <tterrag> but it defaults to showing with shift
L1557[21:57:02] <shadekiller666> ok this is weird
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L1559[21:58:50] <shadekiller666> i have a tool item for my mod that i've been using to modify some attributes for one of my mod blocks, but for the sake of testing how things are working, i made a command that does the exact same thing as the item does, but getExtendedState in the block only gets called with the item, not with the command
L1560[21:59:10] <shadekiller666> and getExtendedState is where i actually update the model based on those attributes
L1561[22:00:34] <slind14> tterrag some blocks are not showing the tooltip, does that mean they don't have ore dic records? e.g. https://i.imgur.com/0XAmZRo.png
L1562[22:00:51] <tterrag> slind14: are you holding shift?
L1563[22:01:04] <slind14> yeah, but it also shows without shift.
L1564[22:01:30] <tterrag> oh does it?
L1565[22:02:00] <slind14> yeah, I need to change the screenshot binding, because I can't hold shift..
L1566[22:02:24] <slind14> shift: https://i.imgur.com/tyaZuZX.png without https://i.imgur.com/gZYwQdS.png
L1567[22:02:48] <tterrag> something else is doing that then...
L1568[22:02:56] <tterrag> mine is the one with the dash
L1569[22:02:58] <slind14> hmm ok, didn't show before oO
L1570[22:03:33] <tterrag> well it can't be my mod
L1571[22:03:36] <shadekiller666> ahhh i guess it was because the command was only registered server side
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L1573[22:07:44] <slind14> hmm, either I didn't notice it or something changed that is being displayed. WEll I got what I needed, thanks for you help.
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L1624[23:48:56] ⇦ Quits: Kotoro[LT] (~Kotoro@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1625[23:50:52] ⇦ Quits: GerbShert (~GerbShert@ (Quit: Bye Bye.)
L1626[23:54:17] ⇦ Quits: Otho (~Otho@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1627[23:54:18] <shadekiller666> has anyone seen the fucking Augment Your Preorder campaign for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided...
L1628[23:54:44] ⇨ Joins: MrComputerGhost (~MrCompute@2602:306:30b9:ac70:983a:674e:a1:6d98)
L1629[23:56:44] <shadekiller666> part of me hopes that the game ends up being good, but an equally sized part of me hopes that its a horendous train wreck
L1630[23:57:18] ⇦ Quits: Wolwrig (~Wolwrig@2602:ffe8:200::7f1e:61de) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1631[23:57:27] <shadekiller666> just to teach those who still fall for that why they should never preorder anything without knowledge of the product...
L1632[23:59:56] ⇨ Joins: Wolwrig (~Wolwrig@2602:ffe8:200::7f1e:61de)
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