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L1[00:03:02] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
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L22[00:52:20] <BobAlmighty> Would you guys say it's normal for Garbage collection to constantly take 20% CPU usage?
L23[00:52:23] ⇨ Joins: Cypher121 (~Thunderbi@c-24-6-221-21.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L24[00:52:47] <BobAlmighty> I'm really wondering if this isn't a JAVA is terrible at memory and I hate it, problem?
L25[00:53:34] ⇨ Joins: ElgarL (~ElgarL@cpc6-hawk15-2-0-cust537.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
L26[00:55:07] <Cypher121> Hello. Can I get a bit of help with FML's missing mappings here?
L27[00:58:39] <Cypher121> I'm trying to remap several items to one id with different metadata values, but I don't know how to pass metadata in Item object so remap() accepts it. Is it even possible?
L28[00:59:06] <BobAlmighty> I really wish I could help you, but I know nothing about FML :(
L29[01:00:34] ⇦ Quits: Drullkus (~Drullkus@c-73-162-160-76.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
L30[01:04:13] <infinitefoxes_> BobAlmighty: GC shouldn't be running _constantly_ unless something is wrong
L31[01:04:20] <infinitefoxes_> usually GC runs at intervals when needed
L32[01:04:38] <BobAlmighty> Right...that's what I was saying.
L33[01:04:55] <infinitefoxes_> oh, missed a word, haha
L34[01:04:57] <BobAlmighty> Something is totally jacked up and it's churning the hell out of my disk IO and memory
L35[01:05:51] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L36[01:06:43] <BobAlmighty> I'm running a PCIex4 ssd with 2800iops and it's pegged as well as my CPU something is way messed.
L37[01:06:44] <infinitefoxes_> You could try WarmRoast
L38[01:06:56] <infinitefoxes_> https://github.com/sk89q/warmroast
L39[01:06:57] <BobAlmighty> I've spent the last hour trying to get it working
L40[01:06:57] ⇨ Joins: Neshram (~Neshram@cpe-71-79-228-188.columbus.res.rr.com)
L41[01:07:03] <BobAlmighty> Warmroast I mean
L42[01:07:20] <BobAlmighty> I keep getting no threads to attach it too
L43[01:07:49] <infinitefoxes_> What version of Minecraft are you running?
L44[01:07:53] <BobAlmighty> I just finished re-installing my JRE/JDK
L45[01:07:56] <BobAlmighty> 1.7.19
L46[01:07:59] <BobAlmighty> 10*
L47[01:09:37] ⇦ Quits: MikrySoft (~MikrySoft@89-76-18-43.dynamic.chello.pl) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
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L50[01:10:33] <infinitefoxes_> have you tried downloading the MCP mappings, and running WarmRoast on your server?
L51[01:14:41] ⇨ Joins: Sprocks (~Sprocks@BMTNON3746W-LP140-04-845509175.dsl.bell.ca)
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L64[01:39:49] <rfctksSparkle> another of my favourite things in programming: default values for parameters on methods. good bye extra overloads just for default values
L65[01:41:01] ⇦ Quits: Ferdz (~Ferdz@modemcable041.223-20-96.mc.videotron.ca) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L66[01:45:17] <ollieread> rfctksSparkle, ?
L67[01:46:15] ⇦ Quits: ElgarL (~ElgarL@cpc6-hawk15-2-0-cust537.18-1.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
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L70[01:51:53] <BobAlmighty> Does anyone have experience with warmroast? I've got it running and attached to my server JVM, but I'm getting no results....
L71[01:51:54] ⇦ Quits: Hgrebnednav (~Hgrebnedn@94-225-204-72.access.telenet.be) (Quit: Leaving)
L72[01:57:00] *** tfox was kicked by Lex_ (tfox))
L73[01:57:34] ⇨ Joins: tfox (sid47177@id-47177.charlton.irccloud.com)
L74[01:57:39] <tfox> fuck off
L75[01:58:11] <FireBall1725> lol
L76[01:58:22] <tfox> got kicked for nothing wtf
L77[01:58:32] <tfox> this forge mess is BS
L78[01:58:34] <FireBall1725> lol
L79[01:58:36] <tfox> im porting it
L80[01:58:48] * FireBall1725 is laughing so hard right now
L81[01:59:20] <slimshadeey1> lol
L82[01:59:34] <tfox> Who makes Forge?
L83[01:59:57] <FireBall1725> pahimar
L84[01:59:58] <FireBall1725> :p
L85[01:59:59] <ollieread> The person that you kicked you
L86[02:00:06] <ollieread> I imagine the incidents are related
L87[02:00:07] <tfox> why did I get kicked
L88[02:00:31] <ollieread> Well I think rejoining and instantly saying 'fuck off' tells us all we need to know about your attitude
L89[02:00:36] <shadekiller666> because lex felt it neccessary
L90[02:00:37] <FireBall1725> lol
L91[02:00:38] <ollieread> So I would imagine that you were being a dick somewhere
L92[02:00:47] <FireBall1725> ollieread: yea... bascially
L93[02:01:09] <ollieread> tfox, Did you recently post something exceptionally stupid? Something on the topic of forge?
L94[02:01:14] <tfox> I am not a dick
L95[02:01:29] <FireBall1725> lol
L96[02:01:32] <tfox> I posted bug reports to twitter
L97[02:01:48] <tfox> and I pinged Lex_ and he cussed me out
L98[02:01:57] <tfox> some tech support this is
L99[02:02:02] <shadekiller666> first of all, never ping lex...
L100[02:02:08] <FireBall1725> $20.00 says ill see a +b here soon
L101[02:02:12] <slimshadeey1> hes a dev not tech support
L102[02:02:14] <ollieread> Don't ping him, he dislikes that
L103[02:02:22] <shadekiller666> second of all, twitter is not the best place to post bug reports
L104[02:02:22] <tfox> Lex_:
L105[02:02:24] <tfox> Lex_:
L106[02:02:25] <tfox> Lex_:
L107[02:02:25] <tfox> Lex_:
L108[02:02:26] <tfox> Lex_:
L109[02:02:26] <ollieread> Wait sorry, lets go back
L110[02:02:26] <tfox> Lex_:
L111[02:02:26] <tfox> Lex_:
L112[02:02:26] <tfox> Lex_:
L113[02:02:27] <tfox> Lex_:
L114[02:02:27] <tfox> Lex_:
L115[02:02:28] <tfox> Lex_:
L116[02:02:28] <tfox> Lex_:
L117[02:02:28] <tfox> Lex_:
L118[02:02:30] <ollieread> Bug report to twitter...
L119[02:02:33] <slimshadeey1> oh dont do it man
L120[02:02:35] *** MineBot sets mode: +b tfox!*@*
L121[02:02:35] *** tfox was kicked by MineBot (Banned: DICK (1)))
L122[02:02:37] <ollieread> Too late
L123[02:02:38] <FireBall1725> <3 Lex_
L124[02:02:39] <ollieread> prepare you anuse
L125[02:02:53] *** FireBall1725 was kicked by Lex_ (you twat))
L126[02:02:54] <Flamegoat> Oh man. That guy got so hosed.
L127[02:02:58] ⇨ Joins: FireBall1725 (sid36174@charlton.irccloud.com)
L128[02:03:05] <FireBall1725> aww
L129[02:03:11] <shadekiller666> lol
L130[02:03:12] *** Flamegoat was kicked by Lex_ (you know what you did!))
L131[02:03:30] <ollieread> Well I don't know about anyone else, but I feel that he sufficiently proved that he wasn't a dick
L132[02:03:35] *** MineBot sets mode: -b tfox!*@*
L133[02:03:46] ⇨ Joins: ashz (~ashzifica@
L134[02:03:47] <rfctksSparkle> lol what
L135[02:03:55] ⇨ Joins: Flamegoat (sid89996@id-89996.highgate.irccloud.com)
L136[02:03:56] <BobAlmighty> I just heard the fourth of july of pings....What the heck, ohhhhhh
L137[02:03:58] ⇨ Joins: tfox (sid47177@id-47177.charlton.irccloud.com)
L138[02:04:00] ⇨ Joins: MoxieGrrl (~MoxieGrrl@173-23-172-139.client.mchsi.com)
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L140[02:04:03] <FireBall1725> wb tfox :)
L141[02:04:06] <tfox> haha
L142[02:04:10] <slimshadeey1> You don't bother programmers.
L143[02:04:15] <tfox> I know lex, just busting his ass
L144[02:04:17] *** tfox was kicked by Lex_ (*fondels tfox*))
L145[02:04:18] <FireBall1725> yea
L146[02:04:21] <ashz> lol
L147[02:04:22] ⇨ Joins: tfox (sid47177@id-47177.charlton.irccloud.com)
L148[02:04:23] <Flamegoat> Lol... :D
L149[02:04:23] <FireBall1725> lmao
L150[02:04:24] <rfctksSparkle> lol
L151[02:04:30] <ollieread> I assumed as much
L152[02:04:31] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20150822 mappings to Forge Maven.
L153[02:04:34] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20150822-1.8.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20150822" in build.gradle).
L154[02:04:45] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
L155[02:04:53] <ollieread> You lasted far too long for that to not be an inside joke or something
L156[02:05:05] <MoxieGrrl> CAH.
L157[02:05:08] <tfox> I am staying with lex at his house for PAX in 5 days, we are friends
L158[02:05:12] <FireBall1725> yea, we are all playing cah
L159[02:05:14] <tfox> just wanted to piss him off
L160[02:05:17] <ollieread> :O
L161[02:05:25] <slimshadeey1> lol
L162[02:05:27] <FireBall1725> http://multitwitch.tv/flamegoat/tfox83
L163[02:05:31] <Techno> xD
L164[02:05:32] <Flamegoat> :D
L165[02:05:34] <ollieread> How often do you guys play?
L166[02:05:39] <FireBall1725> every so often
L167[02:05:40] <shadekiller666> because you won't get to do that enough next week?
L168[02:05:46] <tfox> and we may or may not be drinking..
L169[02:05:59] ⇨ Joins: Alexandria (uid41969@id-41969.tooting.irccloud.com)
L170[02:05:59] MineBot sets mode: +v on Alexandria
L171[02:06:01] <slimshadeey1> ^
L172[02:06:04] <pig> Did I miss a Lex_ ping fest?
L173[02:06:04] <FireBall1725> tfox is drunk for sure
L174[02:06:06] <ollieread> Ahaha
L175[02:06:11] <tfox> no i am not drunk
L176[02:06:13] <FireBall1725> hey pig
L177[02:06:15] <rfctksSparkle> lol
L178[02:06:15] <ashz> It takes the right people, the right mood and the right time to get it to work right
L179[02:06:16] <BobAlmighty> So, I'm hip deep in heapdumps and debuging. Anyone interested in giving me a hand on locating the issue I'm having with my server?
L180[02:06:17] <Alexandria> I think it's a lex party
L181[02:06:20] <ollieread> Someone played the getting banned from #minecraftforge card?
L182[02:06:26] <MoxieGrrl> pig: COME PLAY WITH US
L183[02:06:28] <slimshadeey1> I am raising my glass of scotch to both of you right npw
L184[02:06:30] <Flamegoat> Ahem, this is MY party. Lex just barged in.
L185[02:06:38] <pig> MoxieGrrl: I'm in an airport
L186[02:06:39] <tfox> yea pig come join, on the Forgecraft TS
L187[02:06:50] <pig> Airport, tfox
L188[02:06:57] <tfox> ohhh
L189[02:07:00] <tfox> my bad
L190[02:07:03] <tfox> drinks...
L191[02:07:06] ⇨ Joins: OrionOnline (~OrionOnli@ip-83-134-150-139.dsl.scarlet.be)
L192[02:07:14] *** tfox is now known as tfox83
L193[02:07:15] <slimshadeey1> Cheers mate
L194[02:07:17] <BobAlmighty> Drunk support best support?
L195[02:07:24] <tfox83> you know it
L196[02:07:33] <rfctksSparkle> just a quick check: each Fluid definition has unique names? Or is it possible to have 2 Fluids with the same name?
L197[02:07:54] <ollieread> I forget you guys are American
L198[02:08:07] <ollieread> Wondered why you were drinking at 8am on a Saturday
L199[02:08:19] <tfox83> lol midnight for me
L200[02:08:23] <shadekiller666> because its not 8 am :P
L201[02:08:25] <BobAlmighty> Can anyone think of a sane reason why Java would be spamming the ever living fuck out of GC with with virtually no load on the server?
L202[02:08:26] <slimshadeey1> day rage man
L203[02:08:27] <Flamegoat> A very late 2am for me
L204[02:08:33] <ashz> 3am here
L205[02:08:41] <slimshadeey1> 12am
L206[02:08:56] <ollieread> Holy shit man, you guys are living in the past
L207[02:09:03] <ollieread> Get with it guys
L208[02:09:10] <ollieread> and girl(s)
L209[02:09:21] <ashz> All problems: #blamexycraft
L210[02:09:24] <FireBall1725> lol
L211[02:09:25] <shadekiller666> how much different would the world be if we were all on the exact same time
L212[02:09:45] <ollieread> ashz, If that isn't a card in the minecraft drama pack, I'd be very displeased
L213[02:09:51] *** Lex_ sets mode: -bbbb *!*@ *!*@ *!*@ *!*@
L214[02:09:51] *** Lex_ sets mode: -bbbb *!*@203-97-111-43.cable.telstraclear.net *!*@cpe-75-176-167-222.sc.res.rr.com *!*@ *!*@93-138-216-173.adsl.net.t-com.hr
L215[02:09:51] *** Lex_ sets mode: -bbbb *!*@122-60-248-53.jetstream.xtra.co.nz *!*@ *!*@125-237-206-17.jetstream.xtra.co.nz *!*@
L216[02:09:51] *** Lex_ sets mode: -bbbb *!*@dur-dhcp-1-240.dsl.airstreamcomm.net *!*@ *!*@ *!*@
L217[02:09:53] *** Lex_ sets mode: -bbbb *!*@id-14726.highgate.irccloud.com *!*@ *!*@bronyville.me *!*@125-239-83-116.jetstream.xtra.co.nz
L218[02:09:56] *** Lex_ sets mode: -bbbb *!*@*.026-18-67626714.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se *!*@id-14726.ealing.irccloud.com *!*@pool-108-21-82-75.nycmny.fios.verizon.net *!*@capo.themafia.info
L219[02:09:59] *** Lex_ sets mode: -bbbb *!*@89-74-12-11.dynamic.chello.pl *!*@ *!*webchat@c-68-61-236-199.hsd1.mi.comcast.net *!*@219-88-89-218.jetstream.xtra.co.nz
L220[02:10:01] <slimshadeey1> heyo
L221[02:10:02] *** Lex_ sets mode: -bbbb *!*SoniEx2@ *!*@50-10-87-134.gar.clearwire-wmx.net *!*luacs1998@abrarsyed.me *!*PWN1109@31-178-68-215.dynamic.chello.pl
L222[02:10:02] <rfctksSparkle> what?
L223[02:10:05] *** Lex_ sets mode: -bbbb *!*@cpe-74-141-56-150.swo.res.rr.com Wuerfel_21!*@* TheBigBadWolf2!*@* Arctic_Wolfy!*@*
L224[02:10:07] *** Lex_ sets mode: -bbb *!*@disconsented.com *!*quassel@disconsented.com Discovery!~Discovery@*
L225[02:10:08] <FireBall1725> LMAO!!!!!!
L226[02:10:10] <Flamegoat> THE NEW EXODUS
L227[02:10:12] <ashz> Peer pressure
L228[02:10:12] <Flamegoat> EVERYONE BACK IN
L229[02:10:17] <ollieread> Either lex is really, really drunk and someone made him feel bad with the banning card
L230[02:10:21] <ollieread> or that was a misclick
L231[02:10:27] <BobAlmighty> I was wondering why it was so quiet in here
L232[02:10:29] <tfox83> I HACKED IT
L233[02:10:36] ⇨ Joins: KingLemming|out (~quassel@2600:3c01::f03c:91ff:fe73:66ff)
L234[02:10:37] <shadekiller666> or he wants to play whack a mole
L235[02:10:44] <FireBall1725> hey KingLemming
L236[02:10:45] <ollieread> Ahh
L237[02:10:51] <ollieread> It's the man with the smooth cowboy voice
L238[02:11:02] <ollieread> or so I've been lead to believe
L239[02:11:13] <tfox83> KingLemming|out: is the reason your fluids are broke
L240[02:11:20] <Flamegoat> ^
L241[02:11:20] <ashz> ^ lol
L242[02:11:24] <ollieread> lol
L243[02:11:29] <FireBall1725> ^
L244[02:11:33] <ollieread> He's my sexual health specialist?
L245[02:11:38] *** MineBot sets mode: +b *!*@id-47177.charlton.irccloud.com
L246[02:11:38] *** tfox83 was kicked by MineBot (Banned: May penis, your but, next thursday. (5)))
L247[02:11:39] <BobAlmighty> It's totally cool if nobody is actually sober/willing enough to give me some debugging insight here, I'd like a hand if anyone would though.
L248[02:11:40] <Techno> Just ask KingLemming how to do liquids
L249[02:12:05] <ollieread> lol
L250[02:12:14] *** MineBot sets mode: +b *!*@cpe-66-67-8-129.rochester.res.rr.com
L251[02:12:14] *** Techno was kicked by MineBot (Banned: FLUIDS not LIQUIDS (1)))
L252[02:12:30] <rfctksSparkle> I'm just wondering if fluid names are unique for a Fluid or if its possible to have to Fluids with the same name
L253[02:12:31] <shadekiller666> lol
L254[02:12:38] <FireBall1725> RF API for 1.8 KingLemming|out :D
L255[02:12:45] <shadekiller666> rfct, i would assume they would be
L256[02:13:10] <FireBall1725> bye
L257[02:13:14] *** MineBot sets mode: -b *!*@cpe-66-67-8-129.rochester.res.rr.com
L258[02:13:15] *** MineBot sets mode: +b KingLemming|out!*@*
L259[02:13:15] *** KingLemming|out was kicked by MineBot (Banned: NULL IS FINE! (1)))
L260[02:13:23] <ollieread> rfctksSparkle, check the registry
L261[02:13:27] <shadekiller666> haha
L262[02:13:47] ⇦ Quits: Purebe (~Purebe@2601:300:8000:cc62:a024:5df3:eff6:771e) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L263[02:13:49] <shadekiller666> things get interesting in here when people are drunk
L264[02:13:53] <ollieread> rfctksSparkle, yes it is
L265[02:14:04] <ollieread> FluidRegistry#registerFluid
L266[02:14:08] ⇨ Joins: Purebe (~Purebe@2601:300:8000:cc62:f012:831e:b1:d89f)
L267[02:14:14] *** MineBot sets mode: -b KingLemming|out!*@*
L268[02:14:31] <ollieread> It calls uniqueName which prefixes with the modid
L269[02:14:39] <Lex_> not drunk
L270[02:14:43] ⇨ Joins: Techno (~quassel@cpe-66-67-8-129.rochester.res.rr.com)
L271[02:14:56] <BobAlmighty> I'm going to take any response to my questions for a not interested or drunk.
L272[02:14:58] <shadekiller666> not drunk?
L273[02:15:13] <BobAlmighty> take a lake off*
L274[02:15:14] ⇦ Quits: psxlover (psxlover@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L275[02:15:18] <Lex_> no
L276[02:15:24] <shadekiller666> bob whats your problem
L277[02:15:27] <Lex_> were not responding cuz your question is stupid
L278[02:15:30] <ashz> It takes a lot to get lex drunk
L279[02:15:31] <ollieread> lol
L280[02:15:34] <rfctksSparkle> Mainly because I'm trying to figure out how to pass a Fluid over IMC
L281[02:15:45] <rfctksSparkle> (i'm on the receiving side)
L282[02:15:57] ⇨ Joins: KingLemming|out (~quassel@2600:3c01::f03c:91ff:fe73:66ff)
L283[02:16:12] <BobAlmighty> Lex_ okay it probably is, can you explain to me why, and maybe I can ask a good question?
L284[02:16:17] <Techno> Just ask king
L285[02:16:20] <Techno> :>
L286[02:16:25] <ollieread> lol
L287[02:16:37] *** MineBot sets mode: -b *!*@id-47177.charlton.irccloud.com
L288[02:17:24] <ashz> gg bob
L289[02:17:27] <Lex_> Define spamming
L290[02:17:50] <rfctksSparkle> huh I guess that is it, fluids with duplicate names are rejected during registration huh
L291[02:18:07] <ollieread> rfctksSparkle, or alternatively
L292[02:18:08] ⇨ Joins: tfox83 (sid47177@id-47177.charlton.irccloud.com)
L293[02:18:11] <ollieread> You could look at the code
L294[02:18:16] <ollieread> or scroll up where I answer your question
L295[02:18:16] <tfox83> ill be good now :)
L296[02:18:19] <rfctksSparkle> I did lol =P
L297[02:18:23] <rfctksSparkle> I was just commenting on the fact.
L298[02:18:34] <Alexandria> tfox? good? roflmao
L299[02:18:38] <ollieread> Fluids with duplicate names aren't rejected
L300[02:18:50] <Lex_> Bob
L301[02:18:58] <Lex_> let me do a basdic rundown of this
L302[02:19:03] <Lex_> there are two scopes of the gc
L303[02:19:03] <tfox83> what did I miss?
L304[02:19:06] <Lex_> eden
L305[02:19:11] <Lex_> and long living
L306[02:19:13] <BobAlmighty> A bit of context. I created a new world, and using the ACT plugin, pregen'd a 8000x8000 section of chunks. After running that world in my forge server, I get massive CPU usage, and the java GC is running a steady 20%
L307[02:19:25] <rfctksSparkle> oh really?
L308[02:19:26] <rfctksSparkle> if (fluids.containsKey(fluid.getName()))
L309[02:19:27] <Lex_> eden is specifically designed to deal with small objects that are quickely dieing
L310[02:19:27] <rfctksSparkle> {
L311[02:19:27] <rfctksSparkle> return false;
L312[02:19:27] <rfctksSparkle> }
L313[02:19:33] <Lex_> the gc will run ALWAYS
L314[02:19:38] <rfctksSparkle> isn't this literally rejecting the fluid registration
L315[02:19:43] <Lex_> the jvm is specifically designed to do this
L316[02:19:47] <BobAlmighty> Right
L317[02:19:57] <BobAlmighty> gets your strings and small objects.
L318[02:20:12] <tfox83> um 8k chunks is a massive world, it will fill up your thread
L319[02:20:37] <ollieread> Interesting rfctksSparkle
L320[02:20:40] <tfox83> thats 128k blocks
L321[02:20:50] <BobAlmighty> I bounced that earlier, and was told that wasn't so crazy. I did crazy check first.
L322[02:20:55] <BobAlmighty> what's sane?
L323[02:21:19] <Lex_> okay
L324[02:21:22] <Lex_> your situation
L325[02:21:25] <Lex_> you're doing way to much
L326[02:21:30] <Lex_> your gc will be running constantly
L327[02:21:36] <Lex_> thats just the cost of pregenning chunks
L328[02:21:38] <Lex_> deal with it
L329[02:22:25] <BobAlmighty> I gen'd them. I ahve a 3.8gb world, I restarted. I load a bunch of ram, yay. I have 300 chunks active. game timesout.
L330[02:23:07] <BobAlmighty> So I said, fine, just load 16 million blocks into memory I have the ram.
L331[02:23:11] <Lex_> 300chunks?
L332[02:23:18] <Lex_> whats 15*15?
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L335[02:24:38] <Lex_> 300 chunks is fucking small
L336[02:24:41] <Lex_> that is ONE player
L337[02:24:44] <BobAlmighty> Yeah.
L338[02:25:00] <BobAlmighty> And my server dies with 0 players yet alone ONE
L339[02:25:15] <BobAlmighty> It sits there with 400 chunks and dies.
L340[02:25:44] <slimshadeey1> What are the errors? (Log?)
L341[02:26:53] <BobAlmighty> sec
L342[02:27:10] <Techno> less than one player. Default chunks loaded by a player on default view distance is 441 if I am not mistaken
L343[02:27:22] <BobAlmighty> http://pastebin.com/qFvG3sRE
L344[02:27:38] <shadekiller666> omg Gold Bond works very well for sunburns...
L345[02:28:58] <Techno> First thing I have to ask is what is the server instance running on and what resources do you have available
L346[02:29:04] <BobAlmighty> Every other world that I didn't pregen blocks on does absolutely fine. like 10% cpu make.
L347[02:29:27] <shadekiller666> so don't pregen
L348[02:30:14] <BobAlmighty> Why would that matter, it should load any of those chunks that aren't being active....
L349[02:30:28] <BobAlmighty> shouldn't*
L350[02:30:29] <Techno> are you sure it is done pre-genning
L351[02:30:41] <BobAlmighty> it finished and I restarted the server
L352[02:30:43] <Techno> and are there any orphaned chunks still loaded into memory
L353[02:30:51] <BobAlmighty> Hmmmmm
L354[02:31:21] <BobAlmighty> okay, I can see where you're going, but even so, I could load the entire world into memory.
L355[02:31:36] <BobAlmighty> But I guess that doesn't mean the GC wouldn't just go berserk.
L356[02:31:49] <Techno> you don't load a whole world into memory. You load the chunks that a player is currently viewing into memory
L357[02:31:56] <BobAlmighty> I know techno.
L358[02:32:18] ⇦ Quits: Cojo (~Cojo@2606:a000:1126:a066:fd40:593f:d3dd:8310) (Quit: If we wish to explore, if we wish to see what's over the next hill, wonders unfold before us; all we have to do is want it enough.)
L359[02:32:20] <BobAlmighty> But if the blocks were orphaned
L360[02:32:35] <BobAlmighty> It would try and load them, go, oh, why the hell, drop it. and etc.
L361[02:32:52] <BobAlmighty> Which would explain the absurd churn of IO and memory
L362[02:34:45] <BobAlmighty> Lex_, this is a Xeon E3-1231 @ 3.4ghz with 16gb memory and a M.2 PCIex8 ssd drive
L363[02:34:56] <Techno> could always use warmroast too see what is using the resources
L364[02:35:04] ⇦ Parts: Alexandria (uid41969@id-41969.tooting.irccloud.com) ())
L365[02:35:19] <BobAlmighty> I did, it's all reads/writes and waiting.
L366[02:35:41] *** BobAlmighty was kicked by Lex_ (dont ping me))
L367[02:36:16] <MoxieGrrl> I live off the tears of people he bans. True story.
L368[02:36:50] ⇨ Joins: BobAlmighty (~Micah@cpe-76-84-246-67.neb.res.rr.com)
L369[02:36:53] <BobAlmighty> Lol
L370[02:37:33] <ollieread> MoxieGrrl, I imagine
L371[02:37:58] <BobAlmighty> Sorry lex, that was techno that asked the question
L372[02:38:51] <BobAlmighty> Stupid test. 1.7.10 and windows 10 x64 wouldn't have anything to do with this?
L373[02:39:09] <shadekiller666> probably
L374[02:39:12] <shadekiller666> not
L375[02:39:16] <Techno> xD
L376[02:39:25] <shadekiller666> that was supposed to be 1 line
L377[02:39:28] <shadekiller666> stupid
L378[02:39:32] <shadekiller666> keyboard
L379[02:39:32] <BobAlmighty> Lol
L380[02:39:47] <shadekiller666> :
L381[02:39:48] <shadekiller666> P
L382[02:40:49] *** Gaz492|Away is now known as Gaz492
L383[02:40:53] <PrinceCat> h3lp I need support 4 1.6.4
L384[02:41:05] <BobAlmighty> Okay, I'm going to officially call this a Stupid Chunk Loading error. Complicated by java having shit GC.
L385[02:41:05] <PrinceCat> This one's for you Moxie <3
L386[02:41:16] <BobAlmighty> I'm going to regen the world and do more testing.
L387[02:41:30] <shadekiller666> GC is generally crappy regardless of language
L388[02:41:37] <BobAlmighty> Truth
L389[02:43:45] ⇦ Quits: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L390[02:44:50] <tmtu> java has a great gc :o
L391[02:45:10] <BobAlmighty> Not really.
L392[02:45:26] *** Ashlee|off is now known as Ashlee
L393[02:45:38] <tmtu> feel free to find a better one
L394[02:46:38] <BobAlmighty> Eh, not in the same bytecode world.
L395[02:46:56] <BobAlmighty> Maybe it's more of a problem of specificity.
L396[02:48:04] <Techno> I have a world pregenned out to 12,000 in all directions from spawn
L397[02:48:14] <BobAlmighty> Seems reasonable.
L398[02:48:38] <ollieread> We have very differing definitions of reasonable
L399[02:49:04] <Techno> so 24,000 by 24,000 in total area. It is run on my personal server that has a Xeon 1230v3 and it has 16 GB of ram to work with and lives on a Samsung Evo.
L400[02:49:30] <BobAlmighty> Sounds damn similar to my setup Techno
L401[02:49:55] <BobAlmighty> Like scary same.
L402[02:50:03] <OrionOnline> Can somebody tell me why when i render an ItemStack into the UI, using RenderItem.renderItemStackAndOverlayIntoGUI, my screen goes darker? (Without: http://snag.gy/0dOzn.jpg , With: http://snag.gy/pqmjV.jpg )
L403[02:50:10] <OrionOnline> ?
L404[02:50:33] <Techno> The world is around 14 GB is size and I max out at around 13 people online at one time.
L405[02:50:35] <ollieread> Lighting
L406[02:50:44] <OrionOnline> ollieread, disable or enable?
L407[02:51:03] <ollieread> RenderHelper.enableGUIStandardItemLighting(); before
L408[02:51:04] <Techno> The logical CPU core it is running on for the main part is stressed to around 60% of it's full capability
L409[02:51:07] <ollieread> then disable after
L410[02:51:34] <OrionOnline> OKe
L411[02:51:41] <OrionOnline> It is wokring now
L412[02:51:59] <BobAlmighty> Techno, are you running mods? Cause right now after world gen no chunks pregen I'm running at 12%
L413[02:52:06] <Techno> the bottleneck for me is network upload so I don't see anything hardware or setup wise that would lead to a problem like this other than the whole server being taxed by other programs, or something running in the background
L414[02:52:19] <Techno> I run a modpack that is just under 230 mods when loaded
L415[02:52:45] <Techno> It is the forgecraft modpack in essence with our own custom mods and others that we find fun to play with
L416[02:52:47] <BobAlmighty> So it's not mods. It's got to be a botched world chunk pregen.
L417[02:53:13] <BobAlmighty> You got a profiler, can you see what the GC is doing?
L418[02:54:10] <Techno> I do not at the moment as I am moving from a windows instance to a linux distro
L419[02:54:28] <BobAlmighty> I guess, it would be interesting to know if you pregened those chunks and how you did that?
L420[02:54:39] <BobAlmighty> I just grabbed the first mod I saw which was ACT
L421[02:55:29] <Techno> I have used ACT for around 6 seperate servers now
L422[02:55:31] <Techno> works like a charm
L423[02:55:41] <BobAlmighty> Mmm.
L424[02:55:52] <BobAlmighty> Well I'ma run that again and see what happens
L425[02:56:09] <Techno> I gen around 100 chunks per minute
L426[02:56:12] <BobAlmighty> Can you link me the mod pack just for ref?
L427[02:56:20] <BobAlmighty> Pretty close to what I was getting
L428[02:56:28] <Techno> I can't since It's on my own launcher
L429[02:56:57] <Techno> pulls mods like curse but I can use mods outside of Curse for our community made mods and such
L430[02:58:23] <Techno> so just to put this into perspective, you are looking at around 2 days to generate a 8,000 block by 8,000 block map
L431[02:58:53] ⇦ Quits: jakimfett (~overnet@c-73-180-36-141.hsd1.or.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L432[02:59:19] <BobAlmighty> I started the 8kx8k yesterday at about 1am and it was done when i got up at 10am
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L435[03:00:23] <BobAlmighty> I'm 8000chunks in and I started it at 2:58an
L436[03:00:38] <Techno> East coast?
L437[03:00:46] <BobAlmighty> Central
L438[03:00:55] <Techno> gotcha
L439[03:01:07] <Techno> Well That just seems super quick
L440[03:01:31] <BobAlmighty> Well now the log just stopped
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L443[03:02:48] <Techno> Literally the only thing I can personally think of is that the map is not in fact done genning and it is genning in the background of the main server
L444[03:03:19] <Techno> If the server is stable on a fresh map, than the only difference is the map itself. So time to test diffrent variables one at a time
L445[03:03:29] <BobAlmighty> Right?
L446[03:03:49] <BobAlmighty> I'm thinking it's just some totall wreckjob of a map pregen
L447[03:04:25] <Techno> it just sounds like it
L448[03:04:28] <BobAlmighty> I deleted and restarted and I'm getting 100 chunks about ever 2-3 seconds.
L449[03:04:34] ⇨ Joins: Naiten (Naiten@
L450[03:04:36] <Techno> hmm
L451[03:04:44] <Techno> Let me check mine real quick
L452[03:04:52] <Techno> That seems somewhat right to be honest
L453[03:05:00] ⇨ Joins: Szernex (~Szernex@194-166-144-109.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L454[03:05:26] <BobAlmighty> It'll gen 1000 chunks, pause, save the world. and start again.
L455[03:05:47] <Techno> yeah, does that in case your computer can't handle the task and freezes
L456[03:05:58] *** pig is now known as pig|vacation
L457[03:06:00] <Techno> would suck to lose a good portion of pre-gen to a system lock up
L458[03:07:39] <BobAlmighty> I'm only hitt 30-40% cpu load and not hitting my JVM mem cap. IO is only 1.3MB/s
L459[03:07:54] <jA_cOp> If I want a server command to be operator-only, is ICommand.canCommandSenderUseCommand the right place to restrict it? How can I check if the given ICommandSender is a server operator (checking for the server console is ofc easy)?
L460[03:08:17] <Techno> well your not going to saturate your CPU since MC is still Single Threaded for all intensive purposes
L461[03:08:27] <BobAlmighty> True
L462[03:09:47] ⇨ Joins: Delaxarnyazer (~Delaxarny@ip56572345.direct-adsl.nl)
L463[03:10:45] <rfctksSparkle> Somehow I feel storing a fluid filter using fluidID is not a good idea. =/
L464[03:12:46] <BobAlmighty> jA_cOp, I wish I could help you, I have no understanding of mc modding.
L465[03:14:35] <Naiten> A story of success: achieved perfect and smooth motion of my railway carts @ can't reproduce it after overhaul
L466[03:16:27] *** heldplayer|off is now known as heldplayer
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L469[03:23:46] <slimshadeey1> Naiten: Dealing with the same thing right now accept with submarines
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L474[03:25:58] <Zaggy1024> *yawn*
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L489[04:17:23] <rfctksSparkle> I have a question, what would cause NEI to show -1 as the item id for a item when connected to a server?
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L492[04:23:39] <Szernex> anyone know if forge is planned to jump directly to 1.9 or is 1.8 the next actual target?
L493[04:25:18] <PaleoCrafter> Wut
L494[04:25:27] <PaleoCrafter> Forge is on 1.8 already
L495[04:25:51] <Szernex> yeah I know, but like, how active is development for 1.8? I haven't heard much
L496[04:26:03] <tterrag> current work is on the port to 1.8.9
L497[04:26:04] <Szernex> only that 1.8 broke a lot of stuff again
L498[04:26:08] <Szernex> okay
L499[04:26:18] <tterrag> there's a lot of grunt work to do with mappings
L500[04:27:27] <PaleoCrafter> And fernflower still has to be fixed, I think
L501[04:27:31] <boni> there's a shitton of work for everybody
L502[04:27:34] <boni> simply put
L503[04:27:37] <boni> both forge and mods
L504[04:27:40] <Szernex> mhm
L505[04:28:04] <boni> 1.8 -> 1.9 will be easier than 1.7 -> 1.8 code wise, but harder content-wise because many things change in vanilla
L506[04:28:18] <boni> 1.7 -> 1.8 is basically a rewrite of half the things in mc from a mods perspective
L507[04:28:32] <boni> which is why many don't update (yet)
L508[04:28:50] <PaleoCrafter> "yet"
L509[04:29:07] <tterrag> "yet"
L510[04:29:10] <boni> well
L511[04:29:11] <PaleoCrafter> It has been 9 month
L512[04:29:11] <boni> 1.9
L513[04:29:19] ⇦ Quits: PrinceCat (~PrinceCat@58-7-226-121.dyn.iinet.net.au) ()
L514[04:29:23] <boni> i was referring to past 1.7, not 1.8 specifically ;o
L515[04:29:31] <boni> also many things only got usable in the last few month .
L516[04:30:14] ⇨ Joins: spda (~spda@
L517[04:30:52] <PaleoCrafter> To quote Lex: if you're not happy with something, don't whine about it but try to fix it :P
L518[04:31:02] <boni> what do you think i've been doing ;o
L519[04:31:24] <PaleoCrafter> I don't know, but a lot of people haven't been doing shit
L520[04:31:35] <ssfdre38> there isnt a 1.8.9 or any plans for 1.8.9
L521[04:31:43] <PaleoCrafter> They whined about the absence of an unknown direction
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L523[04:32:10] <BobAlmighty> To get kicked by lex, say, I have a question.
L524[04:32:35] <tterrag> I think the progress on 1.8 is great
L525[04:32:40] <tterrag> but I still don't want to udpate :P
L526[04:32:49] <boni> ^
L527[04:33:16] <boni> PaleoCrafter: that's a bit of a different topic. so far nobody could explain why it's needed (why null can't be used instead) iirc
L528[04:33:30] <boni> the problem is if you add unknown you suddenly also get it in all the vanilla models as states ;P
L529[04:33:37] <tterrag> ssfdre38: really? could have sworn. well, whatever, 1.8.8 then
L530[04:33:40] <PaleoCrafter> Stubbornness is the reason :P
L531[04:33:51] <boni> yes, 1.8.8 is the latest one
L532[04:34:02] <boni> doesn't mean we wont get 1.8.9 though
L533[04:34:24] <BobAlmighty> Hey, 1.9 is going to happen too.
L534[04:34:39] <boni> 1.9 is far from stable
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L536[04:35:12] <BobAlmighty> Lol I have nothing invested except trying to get things to work, and I alread hate 1.9.
L537[04:35:12] <ssfdre38> yea dinnerbone just release 15w34d to fix the snapshot
L538[04:36:39] <ssfdre38> well im just trying to work on my launcher and get pack200 to work
L539[04:38:22] <boni> BobAlmighty: i imagine getting things to work for 1.9 is hard when there's no forge for 1.9
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L553[05:16:43] <masa> and especially since there is no 1.9 yet
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L573[05:32:51] <Kruptein> hi
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L576[05:34:55] <Kruptein> for my mod I depend on the mtj matrix library. When not in a dev setting using the mod both singleplayer and multiplayer work fine. However if I run the server config from my ide the server crashes when trying to load a native lib. singleplayer config does not have this problem. Anyone got an idea ?
L577[05:35:12] <Kruptein> does GradleStart and GradleStartServer do something different in regards to paths or something?
L578[05:36:02] <Kruptein> oh I should ask that in #forgegradle I suppose
L579[05:36:03] <Kruptein> sorry
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L601[06:25:34] <sham1> glDrawElements is annoying...
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L638[08:15:55] <OrionOnline> Can somebody tell me why when i call GuiScreen.drawHoveringText the Lightning changes?
L639[08:16:03] <OrionOnline> Lighting*
L640[08:17:08] <OrionOnline> Ah found it
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L643[08:24:29] <sham1> Psionic, I saw that the bouncer has crached or something
L644[08:25:05] <ThePsionic> sham1, it didn't crash, DigitalOcean ran out and I didn't feel like renewing since the only thing I used the hosting for was the bouncer
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L646[08:25:15] <sham1> Ah
L647[08:25:26] <ThePsionic> Probably should have told you but because I took the bouncer down you weren't online at the time :P
L648[08:25:32] <sham1> Ah
L649[08:25:56] <sham1> I was wondering why it didnt work
L650[08:26:03] <sham1> And now I understand :P
L651[08:26:13] <ThePsionic> Yeah I put my site back up on GitHub Pages
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L658[08:42:22] <Mierzen> Hi! Can someone please help? I want to add a cooldown timer to the player. I created a handler class and registered it to the LivingUpdateEvent in my common proxy. But it seems that the event is never called, or I did it very wrong
L659[08:42:49] <diesieben07> why LivingUpdateEvent?
L660[08:42:58] <diesieben07> PlayerTickEvent would be a better idea.
L661[08:43:23] <diesieben07> and a cooldown timer might not be the best idea either ;)
L662[08:43:48] <Mierzen> I didn't know which event to use
L663[08:44:03] <diesieben07> well.
L664[08:44:15] <diesieben07> you could just store the "last time" that whatever you are doing was done
L665[08:44:23] <diesieben07> and then next time it's executed check if enough time has passed
L666[08:44:27] <diesieben07> then you don't need any update events
L667[08:44:33] <Mierzen> Ahh... nice
L668[08:44:53] <Mierzen> Well, I overcomplicated it a bit... hhha
L669[08:45:28] <Mierzen> thanks diesie!
L670[08:45:35] <diesieben07> np
L671[08:45:49] <Mierzen> Wonder why I haven't though of that
L672[08:47:17] <Mierzen> I'm going offline then. Will be back if I have some questions. Thanks, again!
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L680[08:55:57] <sham1> OpenGl 3.2 is nice to program on
L681[08:56:14] <sham1> Especially on C++ even though pointers and shit can be kinda annoying
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L713[10:34:54] <untamemadman> I keep getting this crash http://paste.ubuntu.com/12151401/ When trying to load a custom modpack. Does anyone know how I can change the entity ID's?
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L715[10:40:17] <diesieben07> untamemadman, tell OreSpawnMain to stop using global IDs. in the meantime change their config file
L716[10:42:00] <untamemadman> Its not in the config, they have BlockID's, BiomeID's, DimentionID's and ItemID's but no entity :(
L717[10:42:44] <diesieben07> then yell at the author for being stupid
L718[10:42:57] <untamemadman> Lex has already done that and they refused
L719[10:43:02] <untamemadman> http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=13572.0
L720[10:43:04] <diesieben07> the stop using their broken mod.
L721[10:43:27] <auenfx4> theres a warning on the orespawn mod thread
L722[10:44:16] <untamemadman> And they recommend removing all your other mods, which isn't what I call a fix really
L723[10:44:35] <diesieben07> as i said. your only choice at this point if the author doesn't fix it is to not use the mod.
L724[10:47:40] <auenfx4> "OreSpawn uses blockids 2700-3100, itemIDs 9000-9500, dimensionIDs 80-85, and biomeIDs 120-125.
L725[10:47:40] <auenfx4> You can change these in OreSpawn.cfg if there is a conflict."
L726[10:47:45] <auenfx4> hmm, they dont claim to use 67?
L727[10:47:59] <diesieben07> thats entitys
L728[10:48:05] <untamemadman> Its only entities
L729[10:48:10] <auenfx4> correct
L730[10:48:13] <diesieben07> they claim it's forges fault that global entity IDs dont work
L731[10:48:18] <diesieben07> "don't work"
L732[10:48:20] <auenfx4> they dont claim they need ID 67 for entities on their page
L733[10:48:25] <diesieben07> yes
L734[10:48:29] <diesieben07> which is retarded
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L736[10:48:41] <untamemadman> Do you know if forge/minecraft has changed the cap on entity id's in the latest version?
L737[10:48:43] <S3> Hey guys
L738[10:48:45] <auenfx4> they claim entities over 127 are broken
L739[10:48:54] <auenfx4> the sorta were in 1.6 but arent in 1.7+
L740[10:49:01] <S3> does forge 1.8 not work with 1.8.8?
L741[10:49:01] <diesieben07> untamemadman, no. but forge has offered an alternative since forever
L742[10:49:08] <auenfx4> so they refuse to use anything above 127
L743[10:49:19] <diesieben07> auenfx4, global IDs are broken period.
L744[10:49:23] <auenfx4> if orespawn is the first mod loaded, does it work?
L745[10:49:42] <diesieben07> most likely not
L746[10:49:46] <S3> I keep on trying to use the installer and it just keeps saying that I have to run 1.8 at least once, and yet, it is.
L747[10:49:50] <diesieben07> since they don't even claim the ID via FMl
L748[10:50:06] <diesieben07> S3, 1.8 is not 1.8.8
L749[10:50:08] <auenfx4> S3, all 1.8.x version are compatible server v client
L750[10:50:15] <diesieben07> if it tells you to run 1.8 you have to run 1.8. not 1.8.8
L751[10:50:45] <auenfx4> if you use 1.8 you can connect to a 1.8.8 server
L752[10:50:48] <S3> well that's kind of silly
L753[10:51:00] <diesieben07> no it's not silly at all.
L754[10:51:10] <diesieben07> 1.8.8 is a totally different story as far as forge is concerned
L755[10:51:25] <diesieben07> thats how modding works, every version is on its own
L756[10:51:32] <PaleoCrafter> Generics \o/
L757[10:51:50] <untamemadman> Any way I can get the source of OreSpawn and change it myself?
L758[10:52:00] <diesieben07> ask the author.
L759[10:52:09] <diesieben07> but from how they act it is highly unlikely.
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L761[10:52:37] <S3> here we go
L762[10:55:56] <williewillus> just do it yourself if it's for private use :p
L763[10:56:10] <williewillus> BON2 and bytecodeviewer and have at it
L764[10:56:59] <sham1_> glDrawElements can sometimes be so stressful
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L767[11:02:21] <S3> lol. so it looks like the inetaller doesn't work for me, as it's not actually loading forge itself when I boot minecraft using the forge profile. I wonder how I can make sure it's really truly installed properly..
L768[11:02:37] <S3> it's funny because I'm not doing anything different than I always do
L769[11:02:55] <S3> I even have a mods dir in here....
L770[11:03:47] <diesieben07> do you have the forge version selected in Edit Profile?
L771[11:03:55] <S3> yes.
L772[11:04:09] <diesieben07> post logs.
L773[11:06:00] <S3> any particular pastebin you guys prefer?
L774[11:06:17] <diesieben07> whatever works.
L775[11:09:31] <S3> I threw all three logs in there, with seperators: http://pastie.org/private/7dzvrijq5htuiug1ukztg
L776[11:10:34] <S3> I've been using forge with 1.7.10 for a while, but now with a required upgrade to 1.8 now I have this issue heh
L777[11:11:02] <PaleoCrafter> huh, is pastie using Inconsolata for you guys, too?
L778[11:11:26] <diesieben07> yes
L779[11:11:49] <PaleoCrafter> totally unreadable with these default settings xD
L780[11:11:51] <PaleoCrafter> at least in chrome
L781[11:12:02] <S3> I can switch to hastebin or something if you want
L782[11:12:14] <S3> I just like pastie when I want wordwrap
L783[11:12:18] <PaleoCrafter> nah, it's changeable :P
L784[11:12:53] <S3> I wasnt exactly sure if that part at the top was one giant line so
L785[11:12:53] <S3> heh
L786[11:13:03] <S3> would have sucked with non word wrapping pastebins
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L793[11:23:19] <Mraof> Hello
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L795[11:23:38] <S3> lol. I like the grammar
L796[11:23:43] <S3> "Not found coremod data"
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L798[11:24:33] <shadekiller666> bad grammar is best grammar
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L800[11:28:31] <S3> I don't see anything fishy myself
L801[11:28:59] <S3> minecraft loads up fine, no mods button to see what's loaded, etc..
L802[11:29:13] <S3> and when I connected to a server it was like, you need forge installed.
L803[11:29:26] <S3> but in the logs forge looks like it's doing something..
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L806[11:31:09] <popinman322> What's the best place to learn about the forge networking system? I'm trying to construct a pseudo-forge system for a custom server implementation.
L807[11:31:50] <popinman322> The wiki doesn't seem to go into implementation details and the source is too dense for me to quickly figure out the order of events.
L808[11:31:51] <diesieben07> forge just sends the 250 custom payload packet, thats all you need to know if you want to interact with it from outside forge
L809[11:32:00] <diesieben07> or do you care about the actual handshake packets?
L810[11:32:18] <popinman322> The goal is to implement custom mod backends
L811[11:32:25] <popinman322> Should I care about the handshake packets?
L812[11:33:08] <diesieben07> you want forge clients to connect to your custom server?
L813[11:33:27] <diesieben07> and make them think your server has forge?
L814[11:33:30] <popinman322> Yes.
L815[11:34:20] <diesieben07> yes, then you need to implement the forge handshake
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L817[11:34:40] <popinman322> Is there any documentation outside of the sources?
L818[11:34:55] <diesieben07> i dont think so
L819[11:34:58] <popinman322> And which source files would be most pertinent?
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L821[11:35:07] <Ordinastie_> but what is the point ?
L822[11:35:29] <popinman322> The point is to simulate forge and emulate the mod backends
L823[11:35:53] <popinman322> Such that the clients can't tell the difference
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L829[11:39:25] <popinman322> diesieben07, which side initiates the handshake?
L830[11:39:51] <diesieben07> iirc the server has a special bit in the initial hello packet and then waits for the client to say "hey i'm forge"
L831[11:39:58] <diesieben07> if the client doesn't do that, it assumesvanilla
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L833[11:41:49] <popinman322> diesieben07, Is this it? http://wiki.vg/Protocol#Join_Game
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L837[11:42:27] <popinman322> Or before the join packet during the official handshake?
L838[11:43:19] <diesieben07> http://wiki.vg/Protocol#Serverbound
L839[11:43:21] <diesieben07> this
L840[11:45:07] <diesieben07> FML detects itself by \0FML\0 in the IP field of that
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L849[12:10:24] <Pennyw95> any idea why putting super.createTileEntity inside CreateTileEntity is a bad idea?
L850[12:10:59] <diesieben07> because... it doesn't do anything? :D
L851[12:11:06] <gigaherz> depends on what "super" is
L852[12:11:16] <sham1_> If we asume basic block
L853[12:11:16] <Pennyw95> just the block class
L854[12:11:20] <Pennyw95> so it should do nothing
L855[12:11:22] <gigaherz> Block returns null
L856[12:11:25] <sham1_> Then it does nothing
L857[12:11:25] <PaleoCrafter> gigaherz, pls
L858[12:11:31] <gigaherz> I believe
L859[12:11:38] <Pennyw95> it caused a stack overflow error though
L860[12:11:41] <sham1_> I believe I can fly
L861[12:12:01] <Pennyw95> at least I hope it was that even if I can't think of a reason
L862[12:12:02] <diesieben07> you should not call super.
L863[12:12:06] <gigaherz> OH RIGHT
L864[12:12:07] <gigaherz> if (isTileProvider)
L865[12:12:07] <gigaherz> {
L866[12:12:07] <gigaherz> return ((ITileEntityProvider)this).createNewTileEntity(world, getMetaFromState(state));
L867[12:12:07] <gigaherz> }
L868[12:12:14] <gigaherz> yeah.
L869[12:12:15] <gigaherz> that's why.
L870[12:12:24] <gigaherz> if you call super, super calls you.
L871[12:12:28] <PaleoCrafter> sham1_, I believe I can touch the sky
L872[12:12:34] <Pennyw95> so it kept trying to do this shit and --> overflow?
L873[12:12:38] <gigaherz> yup
L874[12:12:40] <sham1_> Yes
L875[12:12:45] <Pennyw95> ok
L876[12:12:46] <sham1_> Because infinite recursion
L877[12:12:48] <gigaherz> super -> this -> super -> this -> super -> this
L878[12:12:48] <popinman322> gigaherz, cyclic call trees are the best
L879[12:12:56] <popinman322> :^)
L880[12:13:09] <gigaherz> Pennyw95: th e whole point is, don't.
L881[12:13:23] <Pennyw95> got it
L882[12:13:33] <PaleoCrafter> and don't implement ITileEntityProvider :P
L883[12:13:35] <rfctksSparkle> Which is why I try my best to avoid recursive calls
L884[12:13:38] <sham1_> Anyway, I am figuring out OpenGL 3.2 core stuffs
L885[12:13:40] <rfctksSparkle> one misstep and stack overflows
L886[12:13:41] <rfctksSparkle> lol
L887[12:13:41] <Pennyw95> sometimes the "monkey see monkey do" occurs
L888[12:14:16] <PaleoCrafter> recursion's cool though, rfctksSparkle :P
L889[12:14:25] <sham1_> Especially tail-recursion
L890[12:14:43] <sham1_> heh
L891[12:14:49] <rfctksSparkle> yeah it is in some cases
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L893[12:15:15] <rfctksSparkle> but sometimes just one mistake
L894[12:15:23] <rfctksSparkle> and it all goes to stack overflow hell
L895[12:15:23] <sham1_> Yeh
L896[12:15:29] <sham1_> If you never break the recursion
L897[12:16:35] <gigaherz> rfctksSparkle: the trick of recursion, is to make sure that you have a clear exit condition ;P
L898[12:16:52] <sham1_> And tail-recursion is fun especially with functional stuffs
L899[12:17:12] <PaleoCrafter> tail recursion is nothing but an optimisation criterion, sham1_ :P
L900[12:17:13] <shadekiller666> has anyone seen the taco bell commercials that end with "I'm a breakfast defector"? WTF DOES THAT MEAN?!?!?!?!?!?!
L901[12:17:30] <Lord_Ralex> they defected to TB?
L902[12:18:07] <sham1_> I dont know about Taco Bell because closest tacobell is at Helsinki and that is painful
L903[12:18:27] <shadekiller666> its not worth it :P
L904[12:18:37] <Lord_Ralex> really is not
L905[12:18:44] <shadekiller666> i prefer Del Taco
L906[12:18:51] <sham1_> Also Paleo, you can have tail recursion even without having your language optimize them away
L907[12:18:53] <gigaherz> the closest taco bell... I think it's in another country
L908[12:18:54] <gigaherz> ;P
L909[12:19:05] <PaleoCrafter> lol, apparently in Germany, there only are Taco Bells in US military base
L910[12:19:07] <gigaherz> ah nope
L911[12:19:07] <PaleoCrafter> *bases
L912[12:19:07] <Lord_Ralex> only reason i would ever go to there is because my brother works there
L913[12:19:12] <sham1_> Or the closest might be in Sweden, might want to check
L914[12:19:14] <gigaherz> there are some around here O_O
L915[12:19:20] <gigaherz> I didn't know there was Taco BEll in spain
L916[12:19:20] <gigaherz> XD
L917[12:19:30] <PaleoCrafter> sham1_, that doesn't have any benefits though :P
L918[12:19:37] <gigaherz> I have one 45min in car from me!
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L920[12:19:46] <gigaherz> so too far away to bother
L921[12:19:47] <gigaherz> ;P
L922[12:20:00] <sham1_> It has no benefits but it still is a possibility
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L924[12:21:43] <PaleoCrafter> non-tail recursion gets you closer to the mathematical form though :P
L925[12:22:10] <PaleoCrafter> you don't generally define fibonacci numbers as fib(n, acc) = ... :P
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L927[12:25:43] <gigaherz> PaleoCrafter: pff but if oyu can do tail recursion, you can just convert it into a loop
L928[12:25:56] <PaleoCrafter> exactly
L929[12:25:59] <gigaherz> te fun recursion is the one that branches out into multiple branches
L930[12:25:59] <gigaherz> ;p
L931[12:26:01] <gigaherz> the*
L932[12:26:49] <PaleoCrafter> tail recursion is most common in languages without loops :P
L933[12:27:02] <gigaherz> yeah
L934[12:27:09] <gigaherz> and some compilers can do tial optimization
L935[12:27:19] <gigaherz> by automatically turning tail recursion into a "jmp" instead of a call
L936[12:27:36] <sham1_> Uhu
L937[12:27:37] <PaleoCrafter> those two sets have a pretty large intersection :P
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L939[12:28:19] <PaleoCrafter> because tail recursion doesn't gain you anything without elimination/optisation
L940[12:28:25] <sham1_> Is there any common language where there is no loops that is commonly used?
L941[12:28:26] <PaleoCrafter> *optimisation
L942[12:28:43] <gigaherz> assembly? XD
L943[12:28:48] <sham1_> Meh
L944[12:28:50] <PaleoCrafter> Erlang :P
L945[12:28:58] <sham1_> The what-lanfg?
L946[12:29:02] <gigaherz> altjhouigh assembly doesn't technically compile
L947[12:29:17] <sham1_> Assembly technically gets assembled :P
L948[12:29:25] <PaleoCrafter> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrIjfIjssLE
L949[12:29:39] <gigaherz> assembly gets encoded directly into machine instructions mostly 1:1
L950[12:29:56] <gigaherz> I wonder if anyone has ever written an "optimizing assembler"
L951[12:30:22] <PaleoCrafter> pretty much every pure functional language doesn't have loops, sham1_
L952[12:30:52] <sham1_> Yay for haskel I guess?
L953[12:31:18] <gigaherz> that sort of purism is stupid, though
L954[12:31:21] <PaleoCrafter> Erlang probably is more commonly used in industry though :P
L955[12:31:52] <gigaherz> the best languages are mixed-paradigm
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L957[12:32:12] <gigaherz> (and yes i'm saying that with C# in my head)
L958[12:33:09] <sham1_> My left ear is enjoying the erlang movie you linked Paleo :P
L959[12:33:15] <PaleoCrafter> hah, yeh
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L961[12:34:02] <PaleoCrafter> gigaherz, I doubt there are any really *pure* languages (i.e. single paradigm) :P
L962[12:34:14] <sham1_> They could have put it so that the mono audio gets to you from both speakers
L963[12:34:23] <sham1_> Also would machine code technically count?
L964[12:34:35] <sham1_> It only really has one paradigm
L965[12:34:46] <gigaherz> PaleoCrafter: C? ;P
L966[12:34:58] <gigaherz> it's pretty much imperative ;p
L967[12:35:10] <sham1_> You can do OOP with pure C
L968[12:35:14] <gigaherz> doesn't touch functional, logic, or even OOP
L969[12:35:20] <sham1_> Thank you structs
L970[12:35:23] <gigaherz> no, you can do object-like constructs
L971[12:35:34] <gigaherz> but it's most definitely not object-ORIENTED in any way
L972[12:35:35] <gigaherz> ;P
L973[12:35:44] <PaleoCrafter> C has function pointers, right? :P
L974[12:35:44] <sham1_> Well lets call it OP
L975[12:35:47] <sham1_> Yes
L976[12:35:47] <gigaherz> specially not in the sense that the person who coined the term meant
L977[12:36:05] <gigaherz> to him, object-oriented implied message-passing, not "instance-method" paradigm
L978[12:36:25] <sham1_> So it could also be a functional language because you can see function pointers as a function inside a value
L979[12:36:34] <gigaherz> ObjC is more object-oriented than even C++ in that sense
L980[12:36:39] <gigaherz> but message-passing OOP is ugly IMo
L981[12:36:42] <gigaherz> IMO*
L982[12:36:53] <sham1_> But basically no one uses ObjC
L983[12:36:55] <gigaherz> sham1_: no, one of the basic features of functional is lazy evaluation
L984[12:37:08] <gigaherz> if you don't have lazy evaluation, you fail at being functional.
L985[12:37:19] <PaleoCrafter> wut
L986[12:37:36] <sham1_> I thought that a thing about functional languages is that functions are first-class citizens
L987[12:37:42] <PaleoCrafter> a functional language does *not* have to be lazy
L988[12:37:43] <gigaherz> no
L989[12:37:53] <gigaherz> functional has nothing to do with "functions" per se
L990[12:38:00] <gigaherz> not in the sense of C
L991[12:39:36] <sham1_> Functional language's definition is: A functional programming language is a language that emphasises programming with pure functions and immutable data"
L992[12:39:51] <boni> no
L993[12:40:02] <boni> a functional language is a function that treats functions as first-class citizens.
L994[12:40:17] <gigaherz> no the first-class thing is a side-effect
L995[12:40:29] <boni> let's call it a requirement then
L996[12:40:45] <gigaherz> the idea is that you have a construct, which is represented by a function, which has some inputs, and some outputs
L997[12:40:56] <boni> and no side effects
L998[12:41:11] <gigaherz> and there's no storage of data per se, only passing data into functions, and returning data from them
L999[12:41:49] <sham1_> You technically could have a program that literally had no side-effects
L1000[12:41:54] *** MorphFK is now known as Morphan1
L1001[12:41:58] <sham1_> But it would not be very interesting
L1002[12:42:12] <gigaherz> not technically, sham1_, pure functional language ENFORCE it
L1003[12:42:17] <gigaherz> langauges*
L1004[12:42:27] <gigaherz> you can't have side-effects in Haskell, because therei s simply no way to have them
L1005[12:42:34] <gigaherz> the most yo ucan achieve, are monads
L1006[12:42:41] <gigaherz> and those don't technically cause side-effects
L1007[12:42:41] <S3> 1did anyone have any input on my logs?
L1008[12:42:53] <gigaherz> the concept is that you receive the "before" context
L1009[12:42:57] <gigaherz> and return the "after" context
L1010[12:43:12] <gigaherz> and the difference between before and after, is the I/O
L1011[12:43:28] *** Mimiru is now known as Mimiru|Off
L1012[12:43:30] <gigaherz> input = "take the input context, and substract an input element from it"
L1013[12:43:39] <boni> 19:42:27 < gigaherz> you can't have side-effects in Haskell, because therei s simply no way to have them
L1014[12:43:41] <gigaherz> output = "take the input context, and add an output element to it"
L1015[12:43:45] <boni> of course you can. everything that's I/O is :P
L1016[12:43:51] <gigaherz> boni: not conceptually
L1017[12:43:57] <gigaherz> only in practice, because the monad is serialized
L1018[12:44:02] <gigaherz> but for the languagep urposes
L1019[12:44:10] <boni> also because without it the language would be literally useless >_>
L1020[12:44:10] <gigaherz> it's still transforming data A into data B
L1021[12:44:15] <gigaherz> andreturning B from your function
L1022[12:44:22] <gigaherz> and this transform
L1023[12:44:24] <popinman322> boni, not really
L1024[12:44:31] <gigaherz> once returned, is "assigned" into the I/O stream
L1025[12:44:36] <popinman322> Pass information in, act as a black box, pass information out
L1026[12:44:46] <popinman322> You effect no changes yourself
L1027[12:44:56] <popinman322> (by offloading all responsibility to the callee)
L1028[12:45:15] <popinman322> affect*?
L1029[12:45:33] <gigaherz> for the purposes of I/O
L1030[12:45:35] <gigaherz> the input is a list
L1031[12:45:41] <gigaherz> from which you remove one element
L1032[12:45:49] <gigaherz> and output is another list, to which you append elements
L1033[12:46:06] <gigaherz> thanks to lazy evaluation, you don't need to know the valuebeing extracted until it's used
L1034[12:46:09] <sham1_> That's cute and all
L1035[12:46:23] <gigaherz> and this value happens to be assigned on the fly based on the input stream
L1036[12:46:47] <sham1_> But if you have your output be a list, how does it for instance print out that list's last appended content to the user
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L1040[12:56:12] <Pennyw95> do you guy usually use the codechicken lib while modding?
L1041[12:56:44] <sham1Mobile_> I have to
L1042[12:57:05] <TehNut> Best way to test compat, so yeah
L1043[12:57:14] <sham1Mobile_> Because the mods I use to test my mod 's RF capabilities have no deobfuscated jars because 1.8
L1044[12:57:23] <PaleoCrafter> lies, sham1Mobile_
L1045[12:57:25] <PaleoCrafter> BON2
L1046[12:57:28] <TehNut> ^
L1047[12:57:38] <sham1Mobile_> I don't want to bother
L1048[12:57:40] <TehNut> Easier to just toss the mods in the folder though :P
L1049[12:57:47] <sham1Mobile_> Much rather pug up with CCC
L1050[12:58:23] <sham1Mobile_> Even though it is CCC...
L1051[12:59:14] <PaleoCrafter> sure, but it is not a necessity
L1052[13:00:03] <Pennyw95> but what about stuff like this https://github.com/Chicken-Bones/CodeChickenLib/blob/master/src/codechicken/lib/vec/Rotation.java
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L1054[13:01:40] <sham1Mobile_> Ze hell is that?
L1055[13:02:39] <Pennyw95> that's why I'm asking lol..I'm trying to learn the isbrh and found this
L1056[13:03:28] <Pennyw95> btw it's possible to render a 2 block tall custom model with isbrh, right??
L1057[13:03:42] <sham1Mobile_> Chikenbones *facepalm*
L1058[13:03:48] <PaleoCrafter> yes, Pennyw95
L1059[13:03:54] <sham1Mobile_> Do it
L1060[13:03:58] <sham1Mobile_> Just do it
L1061[13:04:06] <sham1Mobile_> Nothing is impossible
L1062[13:04:13] <Pennyw95> yeah I want to cause I feel bad using a tesr for a static model
L1063[13:04:59] <Pennyw95> I was wondering because all open source mods i've looked into so far use it for cubed stuff
L1064[13:05:42] <Pennyw95> Also while digging the forge src I opened the skull renderers and they use TESR and I was like wtf
L1065[13:05:56] <sham1Mobile_> Because player skulls
L1066[13:05:58] <PaleoCrafter> ^
L1067[13:06:03] <PaleoCrafter> they need to bind arbitrary textures
L1068[13:06:19] <Pennyw95> oh right
L1069[13:06:26] <Pennyw95> didn't think of that
L1070[13:06:55] <PaleoCrafter> and I'm not sure if Mojang wants to do the rotation calculations themselves :P
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L1074[13:07:37] <sham1Mobile_> Anyway, I should try to get myself a new bouncer
L1075[13:07:48] <PaleoCrafter> I might have one for you :P
L1076[13:08:01] <sham1Mobile_> :P
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L1079[13:08:16] <sham1Mobile_> Like I could always use #bnc4free
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L1081[13:08:44] <sham1Mobile_> But I like being in control and having any amount of arbitrary channels
L1082[13:08:54] <PaleoCrafter> just a moment
L1083[13:09:04] <sham1Mobile_> Oh nice
L1084[13:09:11] <sham1Mobile_> Much appreciated
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L1090[13:16:46] <untamemadman> Can someone help me with this crash report. http://paste.ubuntu.com/12153143/ What mod, other then EnderIO is causing the problem?
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L1095[13:17:57] <S3> oooookay
L1096[13:18:06] <S3> so remember how I had problems earlier installing forge?
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L1098[13:18:27] <Mitchellbrine> untamemadman: Quite a lot of mods
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L1100[13:18:35] <S3> well that was on FreeBSD. I rebooted and tried doing the same on my windows box and have the same issue, it's liuke forge isn't installed at all..
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L1102[13:18:42] <S3> I must be doing -something- wrong
L1103[13:18:52] <Mitchellbrine> Check for the E at the end of the UC- etc.
L1104[13:18:59] <Mitchellbrine> Whatever mods had that crashed
L1105[13:19:48] <S3> I wiped my minecraft dir, install 1.8 MC, download forge 1.8 installer, ran that, successfull. threw a couple small mods in the mods directory, opened the mc launcher, chose the forge profile, started it, starts up fine, forge isn't installed.
L1106[13:20:00] <S3> afaik that's how I always did it
L1107[13:20:27] <gigaherz> the mods are for 1.8, right?
L1108[13:20:31] <S3> yeah.
L1109[13:20:36] <gigaherz> msot mods are still 1.7.10 only ;p
L1110[13:20:38] <gigaherz> okay
L1111[13:20:40] <gigaherz> logs.
L1112[13:20:41] <S3> but even if they weren't it loads and there should be a mods button I can look at
L1113[13:20:45] <gigaherz> we need crash logs ;P
L1114[13:20:52] <gigaherz> also
L1115[13:20:53] <S3> no crashes
L1116[13:20:54] <gigaherz> check the forge profile
L1117[13:21:05] <gigaherz> make sure it's pointing to 1.8-forge-whatever
L1118[13:21:08] ⇨ Joins: sham1 (~sham1@dsl-tkubrasgw1-54fa36-34.dhcp.inet.fi)
L1119[13:21:10] <S3> I hgave logs earlier of what was going on. it's weird. looked like everything was going fine
L1120[13:21:19] <S3> hmm
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L1123[13:24:37] <S3> since I don't have a working forge install anymore now, where am I supposed to see that? in JVM args?
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L1125[13:25:39] <gigaherz> uh you'd have looked at that from the mc launcher
L1126[13:25:57] <S3> so you mean the profile? the profile is definately the forge one
L1127[13:26:06] <gigaherz> I mean if you edit the profile
L1128[13:26:10] <gigaherz> the "mc version" inside it
L1129[13:26:13] <gigaherz> is it the forge one?
L1130[13:27:55] <S3> it wasn't (even after a clean install weird) but I changed it and it made no difference
L1131[13:28:19] <S3> trying to generate some logs
L1132[13:29:08] <S3> http://pastebin.com/WwKizwkj
L1133[13:29:13] <S3> that is fml client latest
L1134[13:30:12] <S3> logs look absolutely no different from when Iw as trying to do this on FreeBSD earlier
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L1136[13:30:45] MineBot sets mode: +o on fry|sleep
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L1139[13:35:25] <sham1> Yay, I finally have a way to use IRC in a sane way again :D
L1140[13:35:40] <S3> this is driving me nuts
L1141[13:35:47] <S3> I wonder if there is a bug or something
L1142[13:35:50] <sham1> Do you like dem nuts?
L1143[13:37:21] <diesieben07> S3, we can't say shit without logs
L1144[13:37:31] <killjoy> It's dez nuts
L1145[13:37:34] <diesieben07> the log from earlier was about not finding the twitch natives
L1146[13:37:41] <PaleoCrafter> diesieben07, pls
L1147[13:37:56] <diesieben07> PaleoCrafter, plz plz
L1148[13:38:14] <PaleoCrafter> speaking of "pls", where's ThePsionic :D
L1149[13:38:29] <sham1> Somewhere
L1150[13:38:42] <PaleoCrafter> probably in the Netherlands
L1151[13:38:52] <sham1> A good assumption
L1152[13:39:33] <S3> diesieben07, I gave logs lol, more than once :P
L1153[13:39:36] <sham1> Even though technically he could be at any Schengen country even without having to do anything except go there
L1154[13:40:11] <S3> <S3> http://pastebin.com/WwKizwkj
L1155[13:40:39] <diesieben07> its impossible that that is the full log
L1156[13:40:44] <S3> it is.
L1157[13:40:46] <diesieben07> it just terminates right in the middle
L1158[13:40:54] <diesieben07> post the FML log.
L1159[13:40:55] <PaleoCrafter> yeah, it stops after MC actually gets started xD
L1160[13:41:14] <S3> that was fml client latest
L1161[13:41:18] <diesieben07> No.
L1162[13:41:22] <diesieben07> thats...
L1163[13:41:24] <diesieben07> thats impossible.
L1164[13:41:35] <gigaherz> did you go to http://files.minecraftforge.net/
L1165[13:41:42] <S3> its the same length as it was on FreeBSD too
L1166[13:41:45] <gigaherz> and get the installer package from there?
L1167[13:41:53] <S3> yes I did
L1168[13:42:09] * gigaherz tries the latest installer to verify it's not bugged somehow
L1169[13:42:55] <S3> at first I thought it was just FreeBSD because whacky ways to wrap minecraft with FreeBSD, but I was like wat when Windows does the same thing
L1170[13:43:37] <sham1> Do I diesieb have to give you a motivational speach about the fact that nothing is impossible?
L1171[13:44:05] <PaleoCrafter> did you only discover the video now, sham1? :P
L1172[13:44:12] <sham1> no
L1173[13:44:17] <gigaherz> oh it installed into the "forge" profile instead of "Forge" like before
L1174[13:44:18] <gigaherz> hmm
L1175[13:44:21] <sham1> I've known about that shit before
L1176[13:44:22] <gigaherz> there IS something weird it seems
L1177[13:44:30] <sham1> But still
L1178[13:44:30] <S3> anyone who watched reading rainbow as a kid knows nothing is impossible
L1179[13:44:31] <S3> :P
L1180[13:44:53] <gigaherz> oaky I CAN reproduce.
L1181[13:45:25] <gigaherz> 1503 installed seems bugged
L1182[13:45:28] <gigaherz> installer*
L1183[13:46:06] * gigaherz tries 1450 to compare
L1184[13:46:10] <S3> tested before upload?
L1185[13:47:06] <gigaherz> I have multiple versions of forge installed into the launcher
L1186[13:47:08] <PaleoCrafter> that build is a little weird in general (it's the first on FG 2 I assume)
L1187[13:47:10] <gigaherz> I just tried a few of them
L1188[13:47:18] <gigaherz> so yeah S3,
L1189[13:47:20] <gigaherz> get an olde build
L1190[13:47:25] <PaleoCrafter> the changelog is empty, for instance :D
L1191[13:47:28] <gigaherz> click on "all downloads"
L1192[13:47:39] <S3> is recommended old enough? ok
L1193[13:47:41] <gigaherz> and choose seomthing around 1490-1500
L1194[13:47:47] <S3> sure.
L1195[13:47:58] <PaleoCrafter> 1502 should be fine :P
L1196[13:48:07] <gigaherz> well then 1502 ;P
L1197[13:48:27] <S3> I'm only mad at Windows for making me reboot into it
L1198[13:48:29] <S3> for nothing
L1199[13:48:36] <gigaherz> it's not Windows' fault
L1200[13:48:40] <S3> I know lol
L1201[13:48:42] ⇨ Joins: Kruptein (~Kruptein@ip-81-11-234-137.dsl.scarlet.be)
L1202[13:48:44] <Kruptein> hi
L1203[13:48:46] <S3> I just like to blame windows of everything
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L1205[13:49:02] <Kruptein> if I try to open the changelog of the latest build I just get an empty page, can someone confirm this ?
L1206[13:49:07] <Kruptein> http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.8-
L1207[13:49:09] <sham1> I'd like to know if Hexchat can connect to multiple ZNC networks without having to add multiple servers
L1208[13:49:10] <gigaherz> latest build is broken
L1209[13:49:13] <Kruptein> oh ok
L1210[13:49:13] <gigaherz> we were just discussing that Kruptein
L1211[13:49:18] <Kruptein> kk cool
L1212[13:49:21] <gigaherz> it's the first test of ForgeGradle2
L1213[13:49:27] <sham1> Thanks Obama, I mean ForgeGradle 2
L1214[13:49:28] <gigaherz> and it's not quite working just yet
L1215[13:49:36] <gigaherz> use 1502 or earlier for now
L1216[13:49:41] <S3> testing 1502
L1217[13:49:49] <PaleoCrafter> when in doubt, blame Abrar, fry or Soaryn
L1218[13:49:51] <sham1> But 1503 has that block overlay event
L1219[13:50:02] <sham1> Always blame Soaryn
L1220[13:50:02] <gigaherz> sham1: it also has fg2
L1221[13:50:03] <gigaherz> ;P
L1222[13:50:12] <S3> forge is loading on 1502
L1223[13:50:12] <PaleoCrafter> in this case it's Abrar
L1224[13:50:15] <Kruptein> someone on my team really wanted it for the objloader
L1225[13:50:17] <S3> works
L1226[13:50:20] <Kruptein> or is that not for 03 ?
L1227[13:50:22] <gigaherz> :)
L1228[13:50:34] <sham1> Time to try to add multiple networks to this bouncer
L1229[13:50:36] <gigaherz> obj loader was merged already?
L1230[13:50:48] <sham1> Heh
L1231[13:50:55] <Kruptein> lol gonna have a chat with him then :D
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L1233[13:51:18] <gigaherz> hmmm
L1234[13:51:18] <gigaherz> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/pull/2054
L1235[13:51:27] <gigaherz> unless another PR was merged without closing this, it doesn't look like it
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L1237[13:52:05] <Kruptein> oh well
L1238[13:52:14] <gigaherz> GAH this is gonna be so close ...
L1239[13:52:26] * gigaherz is taming a lvl49 spino in ARK, and he's running out of narcotics
L1240[13:52:34] <Kruptein> =D
L1241[13:53:05] <sham1> Dagnabit freenode
L1242[13:53:09] <gigaherz> note: custom settings, I have taming speed x10 and exp gain x5
L1243[13:53:10] <gigaherz> XD
L1244[13:53:20] <Kruptein> whats up with freenode
L1245[13:53:25] <gigaherz> ?
L1246[13:53:30] <gigaherz> freenode wfm
L1247[13:53:54] <sham1> I have hit certain limitations
L1248[13:54:59] <Kruptein> welp this is gonna be a fun debug session, there is some obscure crash on respawns in our mod
L1249[13:55:10] <sham1> ZNC could at the very least grey out the "add networks"-button if you have reached the limit
L1250[13:55:12] <sham1> But nope
L1251[13:56:07] <PaleoCrafter> one sec, I'll get the limit increased :P
L1252[13:56:30] <sham1> Heh
L1253[13:56:37] <ollieread> There's a limit?
L1254[13:56:40] <sham1> Yes
L1255[13:56:56] <PaleoCrafter> it is configurable
L1256[13:56:57] <sham1> The ZNC admin can set a limit for how many IRC networks you are connected to
L1257[13:57:07] <sham1> Also that
L1258[13:57:43] <ollieread> Oh, what's the default
L1259[13:57:48] <ollieread> I didn't set anything for mine :/
L1260[13:57:58] <PaleoCrafter> how much do you need, sham1? :P
L1261[13:58:18] <sham1> I really need one more for now
L1262[13:58:23] <sham1> two*
L1263[13:58:30] <sham1> I will bug you if I need more :P
L1264[13:58:47] <sham1> But that should be enough for my usual connections
L1265[13:58:53] <PaleoCrafter> I'll just set it to 5
L1266[13:58:58] <sham1> Ok
L1267[13:59:53] <PaleoCrafter> ollieread, 1 is the default, I think, but as admin you can join as many networks as you want
L1268[14:00:09] <ollieread> Oh
L1269[14:00:35] <ollieread> I also need to increase the autoaway time
L1270[14:01:21] <sham1> Oh wow, freenode has a server in Helsinki, but much rather connect to Stockholm because faster :P
L1271[14:01:51] <ollieread> Finland has internet access? :O
L1272[14:02:03] <ollieread> That's new!
L1273[14:02:10] <sham1> Meh
L1274[14:02:39] <sham1> Of course we d
L1275[14:03:30] <sham1> Our goverment has had a thing where they said that an internet access of 100 Mb/s is a right of every citizen here
L1276[14:04:04] <sham1> But there are areas of this country where you cannot even use a phone, but that is usually quite north
L1277[14:05:54] <tmtu> we live in fiber heaven sham1
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L1279[14:06:20] *** Gaz492 is now known as Gaz492|Away
L1280[14:06:28] <sham1> mm
L1281[14:07:13] <sham1> Here it really depends on if you live on the three major metropolitan areas here
L1282[14:07:43] <tmtu> there's fiber in cities with roughly >50k here
L1283[14:08:05] <PaleoCrafter> I'm glad that our district council decided to get 95% of the population here at least 25 Mb/s by 2019 ._.
L1284[14:08:31] <sham1> When you think about places like Stockholm, you really start to imagine why that kind of fiber is needed
L1285[14:08:38] <tmtu> PaleoCrafter: ouch
L1286[14:08:40] *** Gaz492|Away is now known as Gaz492
L1287[14:08:45] <tmtu> how much does it cost
L1288[14:09:10] <PaleoCrafter> I don't know the details, only read a brief newspaper article
L1289[14:09:30] <tmtu> how much does what you have now cost
L1290[14:09:46] <PaleoCrafter> 16 Mb/s + phone is 35€ I think
L1291[14:10:23] <PaleoCrafter> in theory our very household could have 50 MBit/s for the same price, but the coverage ends just a bit down the road -.-
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L1293[14:10:40] <tmtu> i feel bad for you
L1294[14:10:50] <PaleoCrafter> thanks xD
L1295[14:11:06] <PaleoCrafter> this is annoying the shit out of me
L1296[14:11:08] <tmtu> 100/100 here is ~30€
L1297[14:11:23] <sham1> Me and my family should technically have 30 Mb/s internet, but TeliaSonera is being a cheap company and not having the copper cables replaced
L1298[14:11:25] <PaleoCrafter> some 50 people village around here have better internet than we do ._.
L1299[14:11:37] <tmtu> telia sucks ass sham1
L1300[14:11:43] <sham1> Well yes
L1301[14:11:56] <tmtu> aren't they called something else in finland?
L1302[14:12:01] <tmtu> they are in estonia at least..
L1303[14:12:15] <sham1> They use the name of "Sonera" or "TeliaSonera" here
L1304[14:14:28] <ollieread> I have no idea what the UKs plans for mobile internet is
L1305[14:14:33] <ollieread> I get 75-100mbps
L1306[14:14:40] <ollieread> Though that is mostly because of my location
L1307[14:15:44] <sham1> London?
L1308[14:16:04] <ollieread> Yeah, quite close to the centre
L1309[14:16:29] <ollieread> In fact, I can see the Gherkin, The Shard and the Cheesegrater out of my window
L1310[14:17:15] <ollieread> A know a lot of people who get the same speeds elsewhere, like outside of major cities, but it's not always as reliable
L1311[14:17:29] <ollieread> My PC is more likely to crash than it is to lose internet access
L1312[14:17:48] <ollieread> Makes a bouncer a little pointless actually lol
L1313[14:18:12] <sham1> Multiple clients under same nick is enough of a reason
L1314[14:18:26] ⇦ Quits: McJty (~jorrit@94-224-130-63.access.telenet.be) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1315[14:18:52] <ollieread> I just have a VPS that doesn't do much
L1316[14:19:00] <ollieread> and was getting bored of ssh + irssi
L1317[14:21:23] ⇦ Quits: fry|sleep (~rainwarri@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1318[14:21:37] <Pennyw95> About isbrh...what's the main difference from tesr aside needing an actual render id? can I just call model.render() in renderWorldblock() like RenderTileEntityAt()?
L1319[14:21:50] <diesieben07> TESR is rendered every frame
L1320[14:21:55] <Pennyw95> I know how they work I just
L1321[14:22:05] <diesieben07> isbrh is called once and then compiled into a display list
L1322[14:22:06] <Pennyw95> want to know how the code differs
L1323[14:22:23] <sham1> Heh, display list
L1324[14:22:23] <Pennyw95> yeah I want to use that for my model for this reason
L1325[14:22:27] <diesieben07> isbrh for example cannot use any textures but the block textures
L1326[14:22:41] <Pennyw95> so no model maps?
L1327[14:22:41] <diesieben07> shush sham1, i have no idea about gl
L1328[14:22:45] <tterrag> Pennyw95: what kind of model is it?
L1329[14:22:46] <diesieben07> No
L1330[14:22:58] <diesieben07> unless you can get the texture onto the block texture sheet
L1331[14:23:01] <Pennyw95> http://i.imgur.com/WkEdAAi.png
L1332[14:23:04] <tterrag> ^^
L1333[14:23:04] <Pennyw95> taht purple thing
L1334[14:23:06] <sham1> I just chuckle because someone somewhere actually still uses fixed-function pipeline
L1335[14:23:10] <Pennyw95> which has its own texture map
L1336[14:23:11] <tterrag> that's not what I asked
L1337[14:23:15] <sham1> your answer was spot-on
L1338[14:23:17] <tterrag> what KIND Of model is it
L1339[14:23:21] <sham1> probably
L1340[14:23:24] <sham1> I dunno
L1341[14:23:42] <diesieben07> you confuse me greatly sham1
L1342[14:23:55] <PaleoCrafter> well, in 1.8 you have either display list or VBO
L1343[14:23:57] <sham1> Mission complete
L1344[14:24:05] <Pennyw95> I don't know what you're asking...
L1345[14:24:17] <diesieben07> 1.8 doesnt have isbrh either.
L1346[14:24:20] <PaleoCrafter> is it an obj, something from Techne/Tabula
L1347[14:24:24] <tterrag> is my question really that confusing? what type of model is it? obj? code model? techne?
L1348[14:24:27] <Pennyw95> ah ok..tabula
L1349[14:24:34] <tterrag> then no, you can't render that in ISBRH
L1350[14:24:41] <tterrag> at least, it'll be extremely difficult
L1351[14:25:05] <tterrag> techne/MC models rely heavily on GL transofmations
L1352[14:25:14] <tterrag> transformations*
L1353[14:25:22] <sham1> transformers*
L1354[14:25:27] <tmtu> diesieben07: i can go all pedantic and shit on you if you want
L1355[14:25:34] <diesieben07> stop trolling sham :D
L1356[14:25:36] <diesieben07> tmtu, ?
L1357[14:25:49] <Pennyw95> what kind of models are doable then?
L1358[14:26:07] <tterrag> obj (WavefrontObject) models are extremely easy to port to ISBRH
L1359[14:26:15] <tterrag> takes about 8 lines of code
L1360[14:26:44] <Pennyw95> And of course I'd have to redo the model with the other softrware?
L1361[14:26:53] ⇦ Quits: pugi (~pugi@host-091-097-050-176.ewe-ip-backbone.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1362[14:26:57] ⇨ Joins: pugi (~pugi@host-091-097-050-176.ewe-ip-backbone.de)
L1363[14:27:05] <tterrag> I think someone wrote a techne exporter for obj
L1364[14:27:11] <tterrag> but I have no idea who
L1365[14:27:26] <Lumien> gl transformations work fine in display lists though right?
L1366[14:27:33] <PaleoCrafter> Kihira has an obj exporter for tabula
L1367[14:27:38] <tterrag> ^ that
L1368[14:27:57] <tterrag> Lumien: the tessellator does not cache anything except translations
L1369[14:28:04] <tterrag> idk the capabilities of GL, but MC does not allow it
L1370[14:28:14] <Pennyw95> So i could use the exporter to .tbl --> .obj and then use ISBRH with the exported .java?
L1371[14:28:23] <PaleoCrafter> if you do a GL operation in an ISBRH, it will affect the whole chunk
L1372[14:28:33] <tterrag> no, you load the .obj to a WavefrontObject using the forge loader
L1373[14:28:39] <tterrag> there is no .java
L1374[14:28:51] <Lumien> Paleo can't you just translate it back again?
L1375[14:28:55] <Lumien> or rotate or whatever
L1376[14:29:02] <PaleoCrafter> nope
L1377[14:29:02] <tterrag> Lumien: yes but it won't hold
L1378[14:29:12] <PaleoCrafter> because your vertices aren't set to the GPU
L1379[14:29:13] <tterrag> because the rendering is not done during your ISBRH call
L1380[14:29:21] <PaleoCrafter> *sent
L1381[14:29:23] <tterrag> all you do in an ISBRH is cache verts
L1382[14:29:58] <tmtu> i see lex is as nice as ever :) https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/1829#issuecomment-133567468
L1383[14:30:29] ⇦ Quits: pugi (~pugi@host-091-097-050-176.ewe-ip-backbone.de) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1384[14:30:29] <tterrag> Pennyw95: https://github.com/tterrag1098/ttCore/blob/master/src/main/java/tterrag/core/client/util/RenderingUtils.java#L21-L37
L1385[14:30:38] <tterrag> shamelessly taken from fry :P
L1386[14:30:41] <PaleoCrafter> what is wrong with you, Chrome/HexChat ._.
L1387[14:31:18] <PaleoCrafter> anybody else with that combination not getting to the referenced anchor when clicking links?
L1388[14:31:38] <diesieben07> yes
L1389[14:31:58] <PaleoCrafter> you run Win10 too, right?
L1390[14:32:03] <diesieben07> yes
L1391[14:32:13] <diesieben07> thats probably it
L1392[14:32:16] <S3> windows 10 has a lot of problems
L1393[14:32:21] <diesieben07> yes it does.
L1394[14:32:25] <PaleoCrafter> I wasn't entirely sure yet
L1395[14:32:29] <S3> I can't even shut it down
L1396[14:32:29] <S3> lol
L1397[14:32:32] <PaleoCrafter> Oo
L1398[14:32:34] ⇨ Joins: fry|sleep (~rainwarri@
L1399[14:32:34] MineBot sets mode: +o on fry|sleep
L1400[14:32:59] <S3> it just sits there for hours saying "These programs are preventing you from shutting down your computer: these programs are preventing you from shutting down your computer"
L1401[14:33:03] <diesieben07> ok... your's is definitely more broken then :D
L1402[14:33:06] <S3> and doesn't let me click or sdo anything
L1403[14:33:16] <diesieben07> did you do the in-place upgrade?
L1404[14:33:20] <PaleoCrafter> Pennyw95, https://t.co/aQZmk5cEJd btw
L1405[14:33:35] <S3> I upgraded from a DVD iirc
L1406[14:33:44] <Pennyw95> wonderful :D
L1407[14:33:47] <diesieben07> i mean if you reformatted
L1408[14:33:50] <S3> no
L1409[14:33:50] <diesieben07> or upgraded
L1410[14:33:55] <diesieben07> yeah that might be it then :D
L1411[14:33:57] <S3> I was mad though
L1412[14:34:00] <diesieben07> in-place upgrades suck
L1413[14:34:05] <S3> because it rearranged my damn GPT partitions
L1414[14:34:10] <PaleoCrafter> mind that you need to do this from a 1.8 copy though :P
L1415[14:34:16] <Pennyw95> no wait is this 1.8
L1416[14:34:24] <S3> and I had to tell FreeBSD that root was on /dev/adas17 instead
L1417[14:34:27] <PaleoCrafter> and you don't actually want the latest tabula but 5.0.0
L1418[14:34:38] <PaleoCrafter> doesn't matter, the model format hasn't changed, Pennyw95 :P
L1419[14:34:54] <Pennyw95> so my 1.7.10 .tbl should be good to go?
L1420[14:35:03] <PaleoCrafter> yes
L1421[14:35:07] ⇦ Quits: spda (~spda@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1422[14:35:14] <PaleoCrafter> unless pig|vacation has introduced any breaking changes :P
L1423[14:35:17] <Pennyw95> nice
L1424[14:36:35] <Pennyw95> one thing though..I know ISBRH updates also if the player interacts with it. My current TESR renders lava when it is present on the TE's tank. A separate little TESR would be needed for that, right?
L1425[14:36:38] <sham1> One thing I find funny¨is that in C++ if you have a field as private, a friend-class can still access it
L1426[14:37:06] <Ordinastie_> Pennyw95, nope
L1427[14:37:15] <sham1> You can render multiple things, you can even render lava if you can access that TE of yours there
L1428[14:37:18] <PaleoCrafter> how is that funny, sham1? that's the whole purpose of friend classes :P
L1429[14:37:37] <sham1> But a private field should be private
L1430[14:37:43] <Ordinastie_> is that a friend class with benefit if it can see your privates ?
L1431[14:37:56] <PaleoCrafter> only if it can write to those fields xD
L1432[14:38:02] <sham1> :D
L1433[14:38:02] <Pennyw95> yeah buy when the TE consumed the lava how does the isbrh update to remove it from the rendering
L1434[14:38:05] <Pennyw95> but
L1435[14:38:24] <Ordinastie_> munual update
L1436[14:38:41] <PaleoCrafter> not to be confused with a manual update
L1437[14:38:47] <sham1> heh
L1438[14:38:50] <diesieben07> Pennyw95, world.markBlockForUpdate
L1439[14:39:23] <sham1> Or he can also make a partial update packet
L1440[14:39:34] <diesieben07> wat
L1441[14:39:36] <Pennyw95> oh, of couse
L1442[14:39:38] <diesieben07> that doesn't re-render the chunk
L1443[14:39:42] <sham1> True
L1444[14:39:46] <Pennyw95> I have plenty of them in the TE's code
L1445[14:39:57] <Pennyw95> probasbly shouldn't
L1446[14:40:56] <Lumien> diesieben re rendering a block doesn't re render the chunk?
L1447[14:41:13] <diesieben07> yes it does
L1448[14:41:20] <diesieben07> but a "partial update packet" doesn#t
L1449[14:41:32] <Lumien> oh misunderstood it then :)
L1450[14:41:49] <tmtu> sham1: public/private are social constructs!
L1451[14:41:59] <sham1> Yes
L1452[14:42:00] <diesieben07>
L1453[14:42:08] <sham1> Umn, diesieb
L1454[14:42:09] <sham1> What
L1455[14:42:27] <diesieben07> ?
L1456[14:42:40] <sham1> But on the context of a programming language, your friend should not see your privates
L1457[14:42:40] <PaleoCrafter> you just send a space :P
L1458[14:42:45] <sham1> sent*
L1459[14:42:54] <diesieben07> uh wat
L1460[14:42:57] <diesieben07> why did i do that
L1461[14:42:58] <PaleoCrafter> oh, bugger off
L1462[14:43:00] <tmtu> sham1: not like it makes any difference in the compiled code
L1463[14:43:08] <sham1> Well no
L1464[14:43:15] <sham1> I just find it odd, you know
L1465[14:43:40] <tmtu> in java everyone can see your private parts with a bit of effort
L1466[14:43:54] <sham1> Not if your security is top-notch
L1467[14:43:59] <diesieben07> not true
L1468[14:44:08] <diesieben07> throw sun.misc.Unsafe at it and you can't do shit
L1469[14:44:21] <sham1> Because you can deny reflection with SecurityManager
L1470[14:44:24] <sham1> But you can also allow it
L1471[14:44:34] <PaleoCrafter> gosh, thanks, Ordinastie_, now I always have to think of your comment when somebody says stuff like "access a private something" >.>
L1472[14:44:34] <diesieben07> well, SecurityManager, yes
L1473[14:44:48] <diesieben07> we are so mature, aren't we
L1474[14:45:03] <sham1> Of course
L1475[14:45:05] <Ordinastie_> hehe
L1476[14:45:17] <sham1> This is the internet we are on after all
L1477[14:45:45] <Ordinastie_> shush, I made a great pun
L1478[14:45:57] ⇦ Quits: Cypher121 (~Thunderbi@c-24-6-221-21.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1479[14:46:00] <diesieben07> always these french people.
L1480[14:46:43] <sham1> The /whois country might not always be the most accurate thing
L1481[14:47:04] <diesieben07> Ordinastie is french accurately though.
L1482[14:47:07] ⇦ Quits: Pennyw95 (~Pennyw95@host114-242-dynamic.31-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) (Quit: Leaving)
L1483[14:47:15] <sham1> Well nevermind then
L1484[14:47:28] <PaleoCrafter> he is so French, he lives in Paris
L1485[14:47:49] <diesieben07> not sure how that makes you any more french, but ok.
L1486[14:48:04] <diesieben07> like... are Bavarian people more german?
L1487[14:48:14] <sham1> I have a feeling that /whois gets the country from the domain...
L1488[14:48:18] <PaleoCrafter> I don't consider Bavarians German :P
L1489[14:48:27] <PaleoCrafter> no shit, sham1
L1490[14:48:35] <diesieben07> lol
L1491[14:49:00] <PaleoCrafter> who with a tv domain doesn't want to be identified as Tuvaluian? :P
L1492[14:49:46] <diesieben07> also "Country: Internic Commercial" makes a lot of sense.
L1493[14:50:00] <PaleoCrafter> funny enough that I would only be a half-German then, diesieben07 :D
L1494[14:50:16] <diesieben07> You racist.
L1495[14:50:33] <diesieben07> A racist is someone who drives racecars, right?
L1496[14:50:57] <PaleoCrafter> hey, I am the result of an interracial dialogue xD
L1497[14:51:09] <diesieben07> wat
L1498[14:51:38] ⇦ Quits: Meow-J (uid69628@id-69628.highgate.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1499[14:51:55] <PaleoCrafter> nvm :P
L1500[14:52:20] <Ordinastie_> ^ and that people, are german jokes
L1501[14:52:33] <diesieben07> I am not sure I want to know the results of that anyways.
L1502[14:52:48] <PaleoCrafter> a Franconian :P
L1503[14:55:47] <sham1> Well, at least it is not Finnish humor
L1504[14:55:59] <sham1> Because my god, how can you have humorless humor
L1505[14:56:23] <PaleoCrafter> I thought German humour was the definition of no humour?
L1506[14:57:43] <PaleoCrafter> and how did I end up watching a lecture on category theory? xD
L1507[14:57:56] <sham1> What
L1508[14:59:32] <diesieben07> no sham, it's wat. always wat.
L1509[14:59:53] <sham1> Was?
L1510[15:00:07] <PaleoCrafter> Hass Bass
L1511[15:01:31] <sham1> Meanwhile, f.lux does not like me doing alt-codes
L1512[15:01:50] <diesieben07> alt-pageup/down is dimming
L1513[15:02:13] <diesieben07> but other alt-codes work fine for me
L1514[15:03:10] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L1515[15:04:03] <PaleoCrafter> make sure your numpad is activated, sham1 :P
L1516[15:04:11] <sham1> Ye
L1517[15:16:45] ⇦ Quits: slimshadeey1 (~slim@c-76-114-63-239.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L1518[15:18:42] *** MattOfflineMc is now known as Mata
L1519[15:18:54] <Mata> lol
L1520[15:19:00] <Mata> is it acctually possible to make a itemstack from a tileentity
L1521[15:19:10] <sham1> what
L1522[15:19:14] <Mata> a friend of mine is making a mod and just did that
L1523[15:19:33] <Mata> he gave in new ItemStack(TileEntity)
L1524[15:19:37] <Mata> its gonna crash
L1525[15:19:41] <Mata> i guess
L1526[15:19:50] <sham1> Propably
L1527[15:20:03] <diesieben07> its not gonna compile.
L1528[15:20:06] <diesieben07> that's all.
L1529[15:20:40] ⇨ Joins: Meow-J (uid69628@id-69628.highgate.irccloud.com)
L1530[15:21:03] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1531[15:21:15] <sham1> God damn it, so used to use Yum on Fedora that I always forget that the new packet manager is called dnf...
L1532[15:21:19] *** tterrag is now known as tterrag|away
L1533[15:21:23] <williewillus> when implementing IStringSerializable on an enum for use in a propertyenum are there any restrictions on what can be used?
L1534[15:21:27] <williewillus> ie no underscores, no caps, etc.
L1535[15:21:42] <Vigaro> Mata: You can store the TE's data on the items NBT data, though
L1536[15:21:44] <Mata> sham1, why are you using a not finished packet manager
L1537[15:21:46] <Mata> Kappa
L1538[15:22:14] <Mata> lol
L1539[15:22:38] <sham1> yum automatically tells me that "you should use dnf instead"
L1540[15:22:42] <sham1> It still does stuff
L1541[15:22:53] <diesieben07> williewillus, as far as i can see you can do whatever the hell you want.
L1542[15:23:25] <williewillus> alright I was mainly wondering about underscores becuase I heard somewhere that variant names were restricted to alphanumeric
L1543[15:24:08] <PaleoCrafter> from 1.9 onwards, it'll be alphanumeric + underscore only
L1544[15:24:32] ⇨ Joins: Vazkii (~Vazkii@a79-169-163-74.cpe.netcabo.pt)
L1545[15:24:54] <williewillus> okay so underscores are fine, good
L1546[15:25:37] *** Mata is now known as MattOfflineMc
L1547[15:26:51] *** KJ4IPS|Gone is now known as KJ4IPS
L1548[15:32:11] *** PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
L1549[15:34:49] *** Vigaro is now known as Vigaro|AFK
L1550[15:35:58] *** Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
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L1554[15:41:00] <shadekiller666> oh cool, the single player world menu has thumbnails of the spawn location of the world
L1555[15:41:15] ⇦ Quits: fry|sleep (~rainwarri@ (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L1556[15:41:45] <Mitchellbrine> Wish it would be the last place logged off, but spawn's the next best thing
L1557[15:42:02] ⇦ Quits: Upthorn (~ogmar@108-204-125-173.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L1559[15:44:13] <diesieben07> uh, i dont see them... am I blind?
L1560[15:44:30] <Mitchellbrine> In 1.9
L1561[15:44:36] <sham1> How can we see anything if our eyes are not real
L1562[15:44:40] <diesieben07> yes, i am on the latest snapshot
L1563[15:44:45] <diesieben07> oh weird
L1564[15:44:47] <diesieben07> now it does
L1565[15:44:55] <shadekiller666> O.o
L1566[15:45:02] <Mitchellbrine> Does it give you the missing pack texture first?
L1567[15:45:06] <shadekiller666> it also seems like they broke the end...
L1568[15:45:07] <diesieben07> yes
L1569[15:45:11] <Mitchellbrine> Then once you load it, it does
L1570[15:45:15] ⇦ Quits: Broad-mobile (~BroadSigh@ip72-216-53-36.pn.at.cox.net) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L1571[15:45:19] <diesieben07> nope
L1572[15:45:21] <shadekiller666> i'm getting crashes with terain gen
L1573[15:45:22] <diesieben07> had to place bloocks first
L1574[15:45:49] <diesieben07> also the launcher now finally creates missing GameDir folders
L1575[15:45:51] <diesieben07> was about time
L1576[15:46:03] <Mitchellbrine> huh?
L1577[15:46:15] <diesieben07> it used to error out if you specify a folder that doesn't exist
L1578[15:46:26] <shadekiller666> OutOfMemoryError?
L1579[15:46:27] <diesieben07> now it creates it, which I only noticed cause I had a typo
L1580[15:46:33] <shadekiller666> da fuq
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L1587[16:01:52] <shadekiller666> holy crap... make sure to put your render distance to like 12 when entering the end...
L1588[16:02:46] <sham1> what is it
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L1602[16:43:52] <Masshuu> Is there a mod that overtime, as you kill hostiles in a dimension or area, natural spawns drop off or completly stop
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L1606[16:55:46] <Nucleria> Hi, everyone.
L1607[16:57:49] <Nucleria> Seeing as I can’t find a better place to ask this, the recently-released MDK stands for Mod Development Kit, right? Either way, I’m having a Gradle failure on using setupDevWorkspace. Getting a pastebin up.
L1608[16:58:38] <diesieben07> yeah afaik it's still broken.
L1609[16:59:00] <Nucleria> Oh, okay. Thanks. I’ll use the last version without it.
L1610[16:59:31] <diesieben07> It's based on ForgeGradle 2 which is new and doesn't work yet :D
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L1612[17:00:27] <shadekiller666> is there a "proper" way to ensure that the entries in an enum have been initialized?
L1613[17:00:35] <Deas> soon™
L1614[17:00:46] <Nucleria> Thanks.
L1615[17:01:02] <diesieben07> shadekiller666, no. anything that relies on static initialization to occur at a particular time is not "proper"
L1616[17:01:16] <diesieben07> the cleanest way: Reflection.initialize(MyEnumClass.class)
L1617[17:03:54] <Vastatio> I got some errors when I tried to run Guide 1.8 with regular minecraft
L1618[17:04:22] <Nucleria> Well, build 1502 works. Thanks.
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L1625[17:16:41] <shadekiller666> O.o
L1626[17:18:07] <shadekiller666> i'm debugging a crash im having with track blocks, and on line 89 of BlockState, they set an iterator to the iterator of a list of possible state combinations, then they start iterating over that list
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L1628[17:19:03] <shadekiller666> from the information in the variables, the StateImplementation instances in the list have a value of null for propertyValueTable, as expected
L1629[17:20:40] <shadekiller666> but inside the for loop for the iterator, on line 93, they make a new instance of StateImplementation by casting iterator.next(), whats strange is that this new instance of StateImplementation now has a value for propertyValueTable, so the next line causes a crash because propertyValueTable is no longer null
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L1631[17:24:26] <shadekiller666> i have no idea where the hell the propertyValueTable is being set from...
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L1634[17:35:04] <Lex_> <Kruptein> if I try to open the changelog of the latest build I just get an empty page, can someone confirm this ?
L1635[17:35:08] <Lex_> Oh for fucks sake AbrarSyed !
L1636[17:35:40] <Lex_> <gigaherz> latest build is broken
L1637[17:35:43] <Lex_> What is broken?
L1638[17:38:05] <diesieben07> i think it's something with the twitch natives
L1639[17:39:02] <MattDahEpic> has anyone updated rigusumi's biosphere world generator to newer versions?
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L1641[17:39:39] <Lex_> dies be a bit more specific if shit broken i need to know about it so it can be fixed.
L1642[17:39:53] <Lex_> We're almost done getting the fucking FG2 uptake done
L1643[17:39:57] <MattDahEpic> where's shitsbrokenyo>
L1644[17:39:58] <Lex_> and builds can commence
L1645[17:39:59] <diesieben07> i am testing one sec
L1646[17:40:20] <gigaherz> lex, installer doesn't actually install forge into mc
L1647[17:40:23] <gigaherz> boots vanilla
L1648[17:40:30] <diesieben07> no it doesn't boot vanilla
L1649[17:40:34] <diesieben07> it does *something*
L1650[17:40:36] <diesieben07> there is an FML log
L1651[17:40:37] <Lex_> ...
L1652[17:40:41] <diesieben07> there is FML stuff in the launcher
L1653[17:40:43] <Lex_> for fucks sake abrar!
L1654[17:40:45] <gigaherz> well, the main menu is vanilla-like
L1655[17:40:48] <diesieben07> but main menu is vanilla
L1656[17:40:51] <gigaherz> no "mods" button and such
L1657[17:40:53] <diesieben07> and FMl log cuts off somewhere in the middle
L1658[17:41:20] <diesieben07> this is the FML log: http://pastebin.com/S4ATXK8g
L1659[17:41:31] <diesieben07> yep, nothing else. but the game launches then into vanilla.
L1660[17:41:50] <MattDahEpic> is Lex_ going to fire somebody?
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L1662[17:41:58] *** MattDahEpic was kicked by Lex_ (MattDahEpic))
L1663[17:41:58] <gigaherz> don't "tab" lex's name ;P
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L1666[17:42:16] <MattDahEpic> i guess im fired
L1667[17:42:21] <Vorquel> Fired Matt right out of the channel
L1668[17:42:37] <gigaherz> rocket-powered kick in the arse
L1669[17:45:34] <shadekiller666> oh wow
L1670[17:46:17] <shadekiller666> apparently the Watches in Intellij actually affect what they're watching
L1671[17:46:38] <shadekiller666> calling iterator.next() in a watch will actually increment the iterator...
L1672[17:46:53] <Lex_> it'll do that in any ide
L1673[17:47:03] <Lex_> there is not really a way to tell it to not run it
L1674[17:47:10] <gigaherz> well, it has to CALL next in order to get the value?
L1675[17:47:56] <Vorquel> unless you want to snapshot and rewind the memory
L1676[17:48:01] <shadekiller666> shouldn't it keep the state of the actual code execution separate from that of the debugging tools
L1677[17:48:41] <diesieben07> it can't...
L1678[17:48:46] <diesieben07> debuggers aren't magic.
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L1680[17:49:04] <Lex_> !gm
L1681[17:49:04] <Lex_> <gigaherz> latest build is broken
L1682[17:49:09] <Lex_> fucking paste
L1683[17:49:19] <Lex_> !gm func_71011_bu
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L1685[17:49:24] <Vorquel> Clearly the technology isn't suffiently advanced
L1686[17:49:54] <Lex_> !gm func_71011_bu 1.7.10
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L1690[18:10:28] <gigaherz> shadekiller666: debuggers just really tellthe VM (or CPU) the list of addresses for each breakpoint, and when you "break", they just look up the state of the machine, stack/registers, memory, etc -- all I knows, is that variable A is a location X, and function B is at location Z
L1691[18:11:03] <shadekiller666> ok
L1692[18:11:33] <gigaherz> all IT* knows, is AT* location
L1693[18:11:35] <gigaherz> can't type
L1694[18:11:35] <gigaherz> XD
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L1696[18:14:05] <diesieben07> also what the JVM gives you is actually pretty much nothing at all
L1697[18:14:30] <diesieben07> to get a debugger that can evaluate expressions you have to actually write an interpreter that interprets java code.
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L1701[18:18:40] <killjoy> Does anyone have a properties file of dumped items and ids?
L1702[18:19:45] <Vigaro> killjoy: You can easily loop through the registry and create one
L1703[18:19:57] <killjoy> But that requires me to open my dev env
L1704[18:21:07] <Lex_> oh looks like abrar fucked up the binpatch generation no wonder it looks like vanilla
L1705[18:21:15] <Lex_> its loading forge with NO CHANGES TO VANILLA
L1706[18:21:23] <diesieben07> heh
L1707[18:21:54] <masa> killjoy: something like this? https://github.com/maruohon/mcstatsconverter/blob/master/mappings.txt
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L1709[18:22:21] <killjoy> Yes, but the other way around
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L1711[18:22:33] <killjoy> minecraft:air=0\nminecraft:stone=1
L1712[18:22:40] <masa> well if you have a decent text editor that should be a piece ofcake
L1713[18:23:10] <killjoy> thank you
L1714[18:23:40] ⇦ Parts: Nucleria (~Nucleria@cpe-107-9-165-182.neo.res.rr.com) ())
L1715[18:24:14] <masa> killjoy: http://pastebin.com/9cmKXurn
L1716[18:24:52] <diesieben07> why in the world do you care about IDs
L1717[18:24:52] <killjoy> That colon's gonna mess things up.
L1718[18:24:58] <masa> that only includes up to 1.7 btw
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L1720[18:25:12] <killjoy> I'm doing bukkit and it's the only way I can get to the vanilla ids
L1721[18:25:19] <killjoy> I wish it was sponge
L1722[18:25:40] <masa> so you need the "minecraft:" removed?
L1723[18:25:43] <masa> or what format?
L1724[18:25:46] <killjoy> Just did it
L1725[18:25:48] <masa> k
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L1727[18:31:31] <killjoy> masa, are those the items from 1.7?
L1728[18:32:10] <killjoy> Because I'm missing 1.8 items.
L1729[18:32:17] <killjoy> I'll just do it myself..
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L1731[18:37:14] <masa> 02:24:58 < masa> that only includes up to 1.7 btw
L1732[18:37:32] <masa> becase the point of that program was to convert 1.7 stats to 1.8 format
L1733[18:37:43] <killjoy> Makes sense
L1734[18:37:47] <masa> so it only includes stuff up to 1.7
L1735[18:39:40] <killjoy> Why is google giving me so much malware today?
L1736[18:39:54] <killjoy> I'm just gonna stop opening pdf links
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L1763[19:49:12] <shadekiller666> when a resource pack is added, does it get its own resource domain?
L1764[19:51:04] <tterrag|away> no?
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L1766[19:53:17] <gigaherz> shadekiller666: yo ugot it completely backward
L1767[19:53:31] <gigaherz> resource domains are virtual things that translate into assets/something/ folders
L1768[19:54:12] <shadekiller666> ya i realised that after i asked
L1769[19:54:26] <shadekiller666> resource packs CONTAIN "resource domains"
L1770[19:54:27] <gigaherz> each resource pack simply replaces things from lower resource packs, or adds new ones
L1771[19:55:04] <gigaherz> I don't know if mc aggregates all the resources during load, or it will search through the resource pack "list" every time you request a resource
L1772[19:56:04] <gigaherz> but either way, that's how it behaves in practice: if a reousrce pack has a resource, it will override any resources with the same name that are below it in the list
L1773[19:57:02] <gigaherz> which is why you can have things like connected glass addons, or 3d model addons
L1774[19:57:25] <Lex_> THERE
L1775[19:57:35] <Lex_> I think i fixed all of the shit with fg2
L1776[19:57:38] <gigaherz> :)
L1777[19:57:42] <Lex_> tested everything locally and it works
L1778[19:57:51] <Lex_> nuked build 1503 and rebuilding it
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L1780[20:02:50] <Lex_> Alright 1503 is uploaded, someone go test it out for me
L1781[20:03:06] <gigaherz> on it
L1782[20:03:29] <gigaherz> changelog shows up, good sign ;P
L1783[20:04:26] <gigaherz> loading ...
L1784[20:04:40] <gigaherz> progress bar shows, so forge is loading
L1785[20:04:47] <gigaherz> and yes, forge-enhanced main menu is up
L1786[20:05:11] <gigaherz> forge loaded some mods
L1787[20:05:44] <gigaherz> yup all seems in working order
L1788[20:06:52] <Lex_> do some running around int he world
L1789[20:06:57] <Lex_> but it should all be good
L1790[20:07:12] <Lex_> Just some really stupid mistakes Abrar did which I dont understand
L1791[20:07:20] <Lex_> However, it works so im happy means I can do real work now
L1792[20:07:23] <gigaherz> I did, placed some mod machines andsuch
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L1797[20:16:06] <JasonIEC> Hey, I am having a problem with my entire computer freezing when I use forge on Debian. Anyone have any idea how to fix it?
L1798[20:16:22] <gigaherz> mid-game?
L1799[20:16:45] <gigaherz> or during launch?
L1800[20:16:48] <JasonIEC> Upon launch, during texture phase
L1801[20:17:03] <gigaherz> try to disable the splash progressbar, see if that changes anything
L1802[20:17:09] <JasonIEC> How?
L1803[20:17:10] <gigaherz> (splash.properties, set enabled to false)
L1804[20:17:17] <JasonIEC> Ok
L1805[20:17:23] <gigaherz> but it sounds like a gpu driver issue
L1806[20:17:59] <JasonIEC> Where is splash.properties?
L1807[20:18:06] <gigaherz> hmm should be in your mc folder
L1808[20:18:18] <JasonIEC> .minecraft?
L1809[20:18:18] <gigaherz> unless you use an older version
L1810[20:18:21] <gigaherz> yeah
L1811[20:18:55] <JasonIEC> Not seeing it, using 1492, 1.7.10
L1812[20:18:55] <gigaherz> ah no
L1813[20:18:57] <gigaherz> inside config
L1814[20:19:10] <gigaherz> .minecraft/config/splash.properties
L1815[20:19:14] <JasonIEC> Not there either
L1816[20:19:24] <gigaherz> weird, 1492 has the progressbar
L1817[20:19:37] ⇦ Quits: Aaron1011 (~Aaron101_@h69-130-167-199.cntcnh.dsl.dynamic.tds.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1818[20:19:42] <JasonIEC> Yeah...
L1819[20:20:23] <gigaherz> did you change the location of the profile data for the forge profile?
L1820[20:20:25] ⇨ Joins: Aaron1011 (~Aaron101_@h69-130-167-199.cntcnh.dsl.dynamic.tds.net)
L1821[20:20:40] <JasonIEC> No.
L1822[20:20:40] <Lex_> make the config folder
L1823[20:20:43] <Lex_> and then rerun
L1824[20:20:47] <Lex_> it'll make the config file
L1825[20:20:57] <JasonIEC> There is a config folder already
L1826[20:21:04] * gigaherz scratches head
L1827[20:21:29] <gigaherz> I don't have much knowledge about linux minecraft so not sure if there's anywhere else to look
L1828[20:21:45] <gigaherz> may be worth doing a search on the whole tree
L1829[20:21:45] <gigaherz> ;P
L1830[20:21:53] <gigaherz> and paste logs meanwhile
L1831[20:22:00] <JasonIEC> One sec...
L1832[20:23:45] ⇦ Quits: Raga_BM (~K@ (Quit: Raga_BM)
L1833[20:24:00] <JasonIEC> The fml-client-latest ends at OpenAL starting...
L1834[20:24:10] <gigaherz> hmmm
L1835[20:24:25] <gigaherz> well, that could either mean it was openAL, or it didn't have time to write the next message
L1836[20:24:37] <JasonIEC> Probably the latter
L1837[20:24:55] <Lex_> No idea some dirvers are derpy
L1838[20:25:01] <Lex_> just fucking make a file called 'splash.properties'
L1839[20:25:06] <Lex_> and put 'enabled=false' in it
L1840[20:25:26] <gigaherz> this is how my splash.properties looks, for reference: https://gist.github.com/gigaherz/651f80696bab5a0d3264
L1841[20:25:32] *** Garophel is now known as Garophel|Zzz
L1842[20:25:58] <gigaherz> it's all default, so I presume the values will be written with defaults if they are missing
L1843[20:27:18] <Lex_> yup
L1844[20:27:39] <JasonIEC> Wow.
L1845[20:27:47] <JasonIEC> Thay was easy.
L1846[20:27:56] <JasonIEC> It is fixed. Thanks :-)
L1847[20:28:27] <gigaherz> you'll have to live without the splash screen, but hey, better than nothing ;p
L1848[20:29:00] <gigaherz> (without the progressbar, I mean)
L1849[20:30:37] <JasonIEC> Yeah...
L1850[20:30:55] <JasonIEC> It is fine :P i just needed to test my mod :D
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L1854[20:37:24] <gigaherz> oh WOW
L1855[20:37:31] <gigaherz> I jsut dragged a wiondow to the side in win10
L1856[20:37:31] <JasonIEC> What?
L1857[20:37:48] <JasonIEC> Oh u found the 4 windows thig?
L1858[20:38:04] <gigaherz> wait, screenshotting ;P
L1859[20:38:32] <gigaherz> slow because I'm doing a large build ;P
L1860[20:38:37] <JasonIEC> Ah
L1861[20:38:40] <gigaherz> (as in, compilation)
L1862[20:38:51] <JasonIEC> Yeah xD
L1863[20:39:28] <Cypher121> Hi. What annotation should I use for method handling the FMLMissingMappingsEvent in 1.7.10? I tried SubscribeEvent and got IllegalArgumentException
L1864[20:40:12] <diesieben07> @EventHandler
L1865[20:40:18] <diesieben07> like for preInit
L1866[20:40:27] <gigaherz> JasonIEC: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/win10-drag-side.jpg
L1867[20:40:57] <gigaherz> the rest of thewindows became like that ;P
L1868[20:41:04] <gigaherz> I didn't know it was a thing
L1869[20:41:29] <JasonIEC> Oh yeah
L1870[20:41:35] <JasonIEC> :P
L1871[20:42:12] <shadekiller666> giga, if you click one of those thumbnails, it will dock the one clicked on that side
L1872[20:43:03] <shadekiller666> and i'm so glad that windows 10 can dock on the boarder of multi-screen setups
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L1874[20:44:50] <gigaherz> yeah
L1875[20:44:55] <gigaherz> although you could do that in 7
L1876[20:44:58] <gigaherz> just, with the kb
L1877[20:45:01] <gigaherz> winkey-right
L1878[20:45:07] <gigaherz> woiuld move it right-ward
L1879[20:45:10] <gigaherz> so like
L1880[20:45:20] <shadekiller666> so you could kind of do that
L1881[20:45:32] *** mine|away is now known as minecreatr
L1882[20:45:32] <shadekiller666> you just had to nudge the stupid window over?
L1883[20:45:43] <gigaherz> winkey-right on the main screen would dock to the right of the main screen, not on the second one
L1884[20:45:44] <gigaherz> XD
L1885[20:46:19] <gigaherz> this was exactly like how it works in 10
L1886[20:46:27] <gigaherz> start with the left screen with a window docked on the left
L1887[20:46:28] <gigaherz> and it does
L1888[20:46:41] <shadekiller666> oh
L1889[20:46:45] <gigaherz> left-left, left-undocked, left-right, right-lect, right-undocked, right-right
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L1892[20:47:26] <gigaherz> window improves that by allowing mouse to also dock in those positions
L1893[20:47:26] <gigaherz> ;p
L1894[20:47:30] <gigaherz> win10
L1895[20:48:17] <gigaherz> (I typed "window" because I read numbers in Catalan in my head, and 10 is "deu" ;P)
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L1899[20:56:01] <Lex_> Cuz fuck you macs! https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/commit/90a88efd8aa589811fe3bfac971bbea5a9394b3b
L1900[20:57:50] <gigaherz> heh
L1901[21:01:08] <JasonIEC> Another question: is there a way to give mobs a potion effect when hit by a certain sword?
L1902[21:01:51] <Mitchellbrine> yeah
L1903[21:01:54] <Mitchellbrine> many ways
L1904[21:02:06] <Mitchellbrine> If it's a custom mob, you can do it on damage
L1905[21:02:17] <Mitchellbrine> you can hook into the entity damage event
L1906[21:02:31] <Mitchellbrine> if it's a custom sword, you can override the left click entity method
L1907[21:02:42] <JasonIEC> How would i do that
L1908[21:02:59] <Mitchellbrine> Okay, is it a custom sword?
L1909[21:03:03] <JasonIEC> Yes.
L1910[21:03:20] <Mitchellbrine> In the item class, there is a leftClickEntity method
L1911[21:03:30] <JasonIEC> Okay...
L1912[21:03:37] <Mitchellbrine> I'm opening my ide
L1913[21:03:39] <Mitchellbrine> one second
L1914[21:03:44] <JasonIEC> K
L1915[21:03:45] ⇦ Quits: sinkillerj (~sinkiller@nc-71-49-180-12.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) (Quit: Leaving)
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L1917[21:05:32] <Mitchellbrine> public boolean onLeftClickEntity(ItemStack stack, EntityPlayer player, Entity entity)
L1918[21:05:48] <Mitchellbrine> override that boolean in your custom sword's class
L1919[21:05:55] <JasonIEC> Ok :D
L1920[21:06:14] <Mitchellbrine> (in 1.8, it's named hitEntity)
L1921[21:06:21] <Mitchellbrine> actually, sorry
L1922[21:06:23] <Mitchellbrine> are you in 1.8?
L1923[21:06:28] <JasonIEC> No
L1924[21:07:28] <Mitchellbrine> okay, use (another boolean) hitEntity(ItemStack stack, EntityLivingBase hitter, EntityLivingBase entity)
L1925[21:07:45] <Mitchellbrine> override that method (instead of leftClickEntity, as the sword uses hitEntity)
L1926[21:07:55] <Mitchellbrine> and call your super
L1927[21:08:02] <Mitchellbrine> and apply potion effects and other effects at will
L1928[21:08:11] <JasonIEC> Ok thanks sir :D
L1929[21:08:21] <Mitchellbrine> np :D
L1930[21:12:00] ⇦ Quits: ElgarL (~ElgarL@cpc6-hawk15-2-0-cust537.18-1.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L1931[21:12:40] <Cypher121> event handlers should be registered during init, right?
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L1934[21:20:19] <luacs1998> !gf commandSet 1.7.10
L1935[21:23:23] *** Cricket is now known as Cricket|mc
L1936[21:25:15] *** Vigaro is now known as Vigaro|AFK
L1937[21:25:36] <shadekiller666> if i want a block to be invisible based on a PropertyBool, how would i do so?
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L1941[21:29:03] <Mitchellbrine> you'd have to set/get the property bool before pre-init or before registering blocks
L1942[21:29:23] <shadekiller666> well thats not usefull...
L1943[21:29:53] <Mitchellbrine> and then you'd go through everything you'd need for a transparent block except make it transparent if the boolean is true (or false, your choice)
L1944[21:30:06] <Mitchellbrine> else don't override anything to make it invisible
L1945[21:30:16] <Cypher121> I can't make my event handler to work :(
L1946[21:30:16] <Cypher121> I registered it during init with FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus().register(new RemapHandler())
L1947[21:30:16] <Cypher121> Here's the code for it: http://pastebin.com/vLLZb2xs
L1948[21:30:27] <Cypher121> that's 1.7.10
L1949[21:30:31] <Mitchellbrine> @SubscribeEvent
L1950[21:31:03] <Cypher121> instead of eventhandler?
L1951[21:31:06] <Mitchellbrine> Afaik, event handler works with @Mod files
L1952[21:31:17] <Mitchellbrine> You're subscribing to the FML bus
L1953[21:31:26] <Mitchellbrine> so, it'd be a @SubscribeEvent
L1954[21:31:29] <Cypher121> oh, okay
L1955[21:31:30] <Mitchellbrine> not @Mod.EventHandler
L1956[21:31:33] <Mitchellbrine> yep
L1957[21:32:14] <Cypher121> I was told to use EventHandler 3 minutes ago >_<
L1958[21:32:23] <Cypher121> thanks, I'll try that now
L1959[21:32:34] <Mitchellbrine> if that doesn't work, put it in your main mod file
L1960[21:32:37] <Mitchellbrine> and use @EventHandler
L1961[21:32:46] <pig|vacation> Lex_: :(
L1962[21:32:47] <Mitchellbrine> Idk if it's an event to actually be registered on a bus
L1963[21:33:01] <tterrag> Cypher121: FMLMIssingMappingEVent is an @EventHandler event
L1964[21:33:05] <tterrag> and it can only be in your @Mod file
L1965[21:33:09] <Mitchellbrine> ^
L1966[21:33:14] <tterrag> lifetime events are NOT game events
L1967[21:33:18] <Mitchellbrine> ^
L1968[21:33:36] <Cypher121> oh, ok
L1969[21:35:23] <Cypher121> how can I tell them apart?
L1970[21:37:01] <BobAlmighty> I oops'd a 0 and tried to generate 2billion chunks....18 hours and 25% late I learned to count.
L1971[21:37:05] <tterrag> all the lifecycle events extend FMLEvent
L1972[21:37:10] <tterrag> NOT Event
L1973[21:37:27] <Mitchellbrine> that and packages event VS. gameevent
L1974[21:38:32] ⇨ Joins: Lex__ (~Lex@50-76-111-34-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
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L1977[21:44:22] <Cypher121> thanks, it's working now, but I've got another problem it seems
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L1980[21:50:21] <Cypher121> what I'm trying to do is remap several items to different metadata values of one item. Is that possible?
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L1983[21:57:05] <Cypher121> because I get a corrupted world if I try to do that, it seems: http://pastebin.com/MCdmzxWH
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L1989[22:23:19] <PrinceCat> I don't think you're meant to tamper with the map..
L1990[22:24:36] <Cypher121> me?
L1991[22:25:05] <PrinceCat> Indeed.
L1992[22:25:28] ⇦ Quits: minecreatr (~minecreat@ (Quit: Leaving)
L1993[22:27:03] <PrinceCat> Without editing the original Item class I don't believe there's a way to remap items to different damage/metadata values of the same one.
L1994[22:27:48] <Cypher121> what do you mean by original Item class?
L1995[22:28:16] <PrinceCat> As in, the one from the mod you're trying to combine them into.
L1996[22:29:13] <tterrag> Cypher121: no, meta is not considered during the remapping stage
L1997[22:29:36] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1998[22:29:36] <tterrag> honestly, I'd just make it part of the (old) item's onUpdate to covert itself
L1999[22:29:47] <tterrag> leave the deprecated items in for a version or two, then remove it
L2000[22:31:00] <Cypher121> well, I guess I'll do it that way then
L2001[22:31:03] <Cypher121> thanks
L2002[22:31:09] <williewillus> porting a mod to 1.8, if I want to schedule a block update for a certain amount of ticks ahead which call do i use? 0.o https://i.gyazo.com/710f0bf1fd2a14c3c493ae07bed883a2.png
L2003[22:31:14] <williewillus> the first one delegates to the second
L2004[22:31:17] <williewillus> but the third is different
L2005[22:32:15] <williewillus> nvm, seems like vanilla likes the first the most so I'll use that
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L2016[23:02:01] *** TTFTCUTS is now known as TTFT|Away
L2017[23:11:20] <BobAlmighty> ACT is poison in 1.7.10. It seriously jacks up chunks
L2018[23:12:46] <williewillus> hmm
L2019[23:13:08] <williewillus> if I have a property that can take any of the four cardinal enumfacings (NSEW) and "none", which should I use?
L2020[23:13:13] <williewillus> a property bool for each side?
L2021[23:13:22] <williewillus> Only one side should be true at any time
L2022[23:13:47] ⇦ Quits: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@f054187252.adsl.alicedsl.de) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L2023[23:13:50] <BobAlmighty> Wouldn't an enum be enough?
L2024[23:14:11] <williewillus> ah yeah, custom enum
L2025[23:14:24] <williewillus> that would work, i was thinking enumfacing for some reason, derp
L2026[23:14:41] ⇦ Quits: Vorquel (~Vorquel@ (Quit: bye for real)
L2027[23:14:49] <rfctksSparkle> scala dislikes the getSubItems method that takes a untyped list >.<
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L2029[23:17:22] <williewillus> and operates purely on side effects lol
L2030[23:18:24] <MoxieGrrl> I would like to extend an invitation to the God of Forge to come play Cards Against Humanity with us peasants.
L2031[23:19:20] <BobAlmighty> DOes anyone know a way to see how many chunks a world has generated?
L2032[23:20:14] <rfctksSparkle> it is impossible to have only functional programming in minecraft which entirely runs on side effects =P
L2033[23:24:31] <williewillus> okay side effects are inevitable unless functional people want their processors in super cooled quantum state blah blah so their code doesn't sideeffect their cpus lol
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L2035[23:25:16] <rfctksSparkle> LOL
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L2039[23:43:38] <Zaggy2048> williewillus, don't use a custom enum
L2040[23:43:46] <Zaggy2048> use EnumFacingDirection.HORIZ or whatever it is
L2041[23:44:07] <Zaggy2048> er...I guess I missed the "none" part, sorry
L2042[23:44:49] <Zaggy2048> it's not axes, like the logs have, right?
L2043[23:45:03] <Zaggy2048> logs have none, but I suppose axes instead of facing isn't what you need
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L2047[23:51:30] <williewillus> nah i need every direction, so a custom enum is fine
L2048[23:53:32] <Zaggy2048> yup cool
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L2050[23:54:04] <Zaggy4096> oops
L2051[23:54:16] <Zaggy4096> was on my phone's hotspot while watching YouTube lol
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L2054[23:58:33] <ollieread> MoxieGrrl, :O
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