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L1[00:00:03] ⇨ Joins: Zyferus (Zyferus@c-174-58-160-193.hsd1.mo.comcast.net)
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L8[00:10:10] <Zaggy1024> are messages only handled on ticks, and not between them?
L9[00:10:20] ⇨ Joins: Azeidith (~Azeidith@ti0099a430-0420.bb.online.no)
L10[00:10:34] <Zaggy1024> unascribed, I was testing an animation in slow motion
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L12[00:14:29] <tterrag> Zaggy1024: on 1.7 packets are received on the main thread, so yes
L13[00:14:35] <tterrag> on 1.8, they are on their own thread, so no
L14[00:14:46] <Zaggy1024> hm
L15[00:15:53] ⇨ Joins: ElgarL (~ElgarL@cpc6-hawk15-2-0-cust537.18-1.cable.virginm.net)
L16[00:16:09] <Zaggy1024> I guess interpolating this isn't too difficutl
L17[00:23:13] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@bps-gw.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de)
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L23[00:45:24] ⇨ Joins: madcrazydrumma (~madcrazyd@
L24[00:45:52] <madcrazydrumma> Hey guys, I have a gui and a decrementing variable.. How would I show this variable decrementing in a string on my gui until it reaches zero then it doesnt show?
L25[00:46:03] <madcrazydrumma> I tried doing this: while(zCooldownTicks > 0) drawCenteredString(fontRendererObj, "" + (zCooldownTicks / 20), 10, 10, 0xFFFFFFFF);
L26[00:46:12] <madcrazydrumma> But nothing shows on the gui haha
L27[00:51:02] <tterrag> umm
L28[00:51:13] <tterrag> how experienced are you with java?
L29[00:51:18] <tterrag> it's pretty obvious that would render nothing
L30[00:51:34] <tterrag> well it'll render 20 overlapping strings for one frame
L31[00:51:35] <tterrag> then nothing
L32[00:51:49] <tterrag> assuming you decrement the variable...if not you'll just get stuck in the loop
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L40[01:03:14] <Zaggy1024> http://i.imgur.com/xFOLN1k.png
L41[01:03:15] <Zaggy1024> :)
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L44[01:08:03] <dangranos> uh
L45[01:08:06] <dangranos> what's that?
L46[01:08:36] <Zaggy1024> giant dragonfly from prehistoric era :)
L47[01:08:53] ⇨ Joins: KilRoYDK (~KilRoYDK@5F9A1C39.rev.sefiber.dk)
L48[01:08:55] <Zaggy1024> laying its eggs on some prehistoric...um...reed things
L49[01:09:13] <Zaggy1024> can't remember the name for the thing that still exists now
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L53[01:22:34] <madcrazydrumma> tterrag, id say im moderately experienced, and the loop doesnt get stuck because I am decrementing it.. not that stupid
L54[01:22:42] <madcrazydrumma> How would I get it to show though?
L55[01:26:24] <tterrag> just draw it, decrement the counter by tick, not by frame
L56[01:26:34] <tterrag> it should be separate
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L59[01:28:25] <madcrazydrumma> when i try draw it, there is a null pointer for the drawCenteredString line as the variable starts as 0
L60[01:28:33] <madcrazydrumma> and I don't want it to show when the variable is 0
L61[01:28:34] ⇨ Joins: Dimitriye98 (~Dimitriye@c-24-4-16-73.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L62[01:29:49] <tterrag> madcrazydrumma: NPE?
L63[01:29:53] <tterrag> that makes no sense, ints cannot be null
L64[01:30:13] <tterrag> also, just do if (cooldown > 0)
L65[01:31:02] <madcrazydrumma> tterrag, http://pastebin.com/hMhYvrqh
L66[01:32:02] <tterrag> the fontRendererObj is null...somehow
L67[01:32:19] ⇨ Joins: Loetkolben (~Loetkolbe@ipb2197df6.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de)
L68[01:32:23] <tterrag> nothing else can NPE there
L69[01:32:30] *** Keridos is now known as Keridos|away
L70[01:32:45] <madcrazydrumma> Its so weird
L71[01:33:12] <madcrazydrumma> okay thats awkward, i put this.fontRendererObj and it works? o.O
L72[01:33:52] <madcrazydrumma> The string still doesnt draw however
L73[01:35:02] <tterrag> it seems that you are extending Gui
L74[01:35:12] <tterrag> but you are not using it as a GUI, instead you are just calling the render methods from an event
L75[01:35:13] <tterrag> why?
L76[01:35:19] <tterrag> no wonder your fontrenderer was null
L77[01:36:07] <madcrazydrumma> How else would I go about using it?
L78[01:36:16] <madcrazydrumma> Extending GuiScreen
L79[01:36:34] <tterrag> just render stuff...don't bother with a GUI class
L80[01:36:59] <madcrazydrumma> Im using a render event, but to use the drawstring methods i decided to extend GuiScreen?
L81[01:37:33] <tterrag> right...but your GUI is not actually OPEN
L82[01:37:36] <tterrag> which MC expects it to be
L83[01:37:59] <tterrag> the drawString methods are just convenience, you can just call methods on the font renderer directly
L84[01:38:16] <madcrazydrumma> oh really?
L85[01:38:21] <tterrag> of course
L86[01:38:31] *** Gaz492|Away is now known as Gaz492
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L88[01:39:02] <madcrazydrumma> but what about drawTexturedModalRect methods?
L89[01:39:07] ⇨ Joins: MrIbby (~MrIbby@
L90[01:40:44] <tterrag> similarly, just convenience
L91[01:40:48] <tterrag> there's no reason you can't recreate it
L92[01:41:00] <tterrag> honestly extending Gui isn't a bad idea
L93[01:41:09] <tterrag> but extending GuiScreen is problematic I would think
L94[01:41:23] <madcrazydrumma> Okay ill try extending Gui
L95[01:42:18] <madcrazydrumma> Still nothing ;_;
L96[01:42:44] <tterrag> post code
L97[01:43:48] <madcrazydrumma> http://pastebin.com/CzcJCMvD
L98[01:44:53] <tterrag> ok so
L99[01:44:57] <tterrag> you never modify zCooldownTicks?
L100[01:45:02] <tterrag> and it starts at 0...so...
L101[01:45:36] <madcrazydrumma> I do modify it, just didnt think you needed that code
L102[01:46:21] <tterrag> is anything else rendering?
L103[01:47:52] <madcrazydrumma> http://pastebin.com/FdQyN9rW
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L108[01:52:03] <tterrag> madcrazydrumma: is anything else rendering?
L109[01:52:18] <madcrazydrumma> Not that I know of
L110[01:53:16] <tterrag> are you sure the render method is being called...?
L111[01:53:30] <madcrazydrumma> Yeah because the textures are drawing
L112[01:54:02] <tterrag> -_-
L113[01:54:09] <tterrag> I just asked if anything else was rendering
L114[01:54:15] <tterrag> you said no
L115[01:54:25] <madcrazydrumma> oh right woops
L116[01:54:30] <madcrazydrumma> sorry ;_;
L117[01:54:37] <tterrag> so everyting is working EXCEPT the text
L118[01:54:41] <madcrazydrumma> Yeah
L119[01:54:52] <tterrag> have you tried different coordinates?
L120[01:54:59] <tterrag> other than 10/10
L121[01:56:55] <madcrazydrumma> still nothing
L122[01:57:08] <tterrag> perhaps height/2 and width/2
L123[01:57:26] *** VikeStep|A is now known as VikeStep
L124[01:59:37] <madcrazydrumma> nope
L125[02:00:32] <tterrag> sorry, I'm out of ideas
L126[02:00:42] <tterrag> try not doing centered, just see if you can get anything drawing
L127[02:00:45] <tterrag> get rid of the if statement
L128[02:00:54] <madcrazydrumma> okay ^
L129[02:01:28] <madcrazydrumma> will try something and will let you know, if you want, when i fix it :)
L130[02:01:33] <madcrazydrumma> Thanks for the help anyways
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L132[02:04:21] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20150811 mappings to Forge Maven.
L133[02:04:25] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20150811-1.8.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20150811" in build.gradle).
L134[02:04:35] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L139[02:13:24] <madcrazydrumma> tterrag, got it to work, however the text doesnt update now
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L149[02:29:57] <Vorquel> How do I go about rendering a block overlay for the block I'm looking at when I'm holding a specific item. I know a little OpenGL, but I have no idea what I'm looking at when I try to reference the Forge Multipart sourcecode, for instance.
L150[02:31:03] <madcrazydrumma> Have you tried writing it?
L151[02:31:36] <Vorquel> I don't know where to begin.
L152[02:32:42] <madcrazydrumma> Umm okay so you need to somehow keep track of where the player is looking at. A way you can do this is, is using the ClientTickEvent to check for the position.
L153[02:34:33] <madcrazydrumma> To find the block a player is looking at, check here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.ae/p/minecraft-forge-172-finding-block.html and search for "Finding The Block"
L154[02:34:52] <madcrazydrumma> Then use the player's inventory to check for the item Vorquel :)
L155[02:35:24] <Vorquel> Alright. I'm diving back into this. Thanks for the advice.
L156[02:35:59] <madcrazydrumma> Vorquel, it can be quite heavy though checking every block though and then checking items, so try and eliminate some factors if possible
L157[02:36:19] <Vorquel> I have some ideas in mind.
L158[02:36:29] <madcrazydrumma> Good luck :)
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L160[02:41:12] ⇨ Joins: FusionLord (~FusionLor@ip70-190-176-197.ph.ph.cox.net)
L161[02:42:12] <FusionLord> Does anyone know how to setup forge gradle in such a way that I can have all my mods in the same workspace and manage building seperate?
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L163[02:42:31] <FusionLord> for IntelliJ IDEA
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L165[02:43:58] <Vorquel> I don't know exactly, but I would expect that part of it would include putting each mod in its own module.
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L167[02:44:40] <FusionLord> i've done that, however it refuses to copy the assests of all the modules...
L168[02:45:12] ⇦ Quits: Tim020 (~Tim0@cpc25-farn7-2-0-cust147.6-2.cable.virginm.net) (Client Quit)
L169[02:45:20] <FusionLord> and load them in game
L170[02:46:32] <Vorquel> And my experience has already been exceeded. I hope you find help.
L171[02:46:47] <FusionLord> lol thanks
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L175[02:52:48] <xaero> I'd link you to a multiproject workspace video by lex, but it's for Eclipse..
L176[02:54:38] <FusionLord> xD
L177[02:54:42] <FusionLord> thanks anyway
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L187[03:03:53] <Zaggy1024> Vorquel, to get what the player is looking at just do Minecraft.getMinecraft().objectMouseOver
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L189[03:04:40] <FusionLord> when you add the line idea.module.inheritOutputDirs = true, Do you have to rerun setupDecompWorkspace?
L190[03:04:41] <Vorquel> I think I found what I need for that actually: DrawBlockHighlightEvent. It gives me both where and when.
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L192[03:04:55] <Zaggy1024> ah yeah
L193[03:05:00] <Zaggy1024> good :)
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L196[03:17:05] <Zaggy1024> hm, the tracking on my entity is worryingly bad
L197[03:17:37] <Zaggy1024> sometimes it appears a full block off from where it actually is and doesn't seem to fix itself
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L199[03:26:43] <Zaggy1024> is there a way to force it to send only the full location of an entity?
L200[03:27:18] <Zaggy1024> this is really annoying, because my entity is supposed to land accurately on a reed and a lot of them land half a block off
L201[03:28:18] <FusionLord> is it just the rendering? or the actual location?
L202[03:28:42] <FusionLord> check the bounding box, F3 + B
L203[03:30:33] <FusionLord> Zaggy1024, ^^^
L204[03:30:34] <Zaggy1024> it's the position, yes
L205[03:31:04] <Zaggy1024> the entity tracking in Minecraft is very stupid
L206[03:31:36] <FusionLord> well the location is relitive to the center of the entity, when spawning you may need to add .5D to the x and z coords
L207[03:31:47] <Zaggy1024> dude.
L208[03:31:55] <Zaggy1024> it's the entity tracking, I know this
L209[03:32:09] <Zaggy1024> because if I send a message telling the client the location, it moves to the correct location
L210[03:33:52] <Zaggy1024> I guess I'll just disable vanilla tracking and use my message to update it
L211[03:34:13] <Zaggy1024> I think my entity just moves to fast for the packets or something
L212[03:34:22] <Zaggy1024> who the frak knows
L213[03:34:38] <Zaggy1024> all I know is it goes out of sync and looks really bad :(
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L218[03:53:07] *** heldplayer|off is now known as heldplayer
L219[04:00:25] <Wuppy> does anybody have an idea on how to do an iris wipe in unity?
L220[04:00:27] <Wuppy> https://youtu.be/1K5Vw-hba_c?t=23m28s
L221[04:01:27] <dangranos> that example XD
L222[04:01:30] <FusionLord> the circular black out?
L223[04:01:36] <FusionLord> xD^
L224[04:01:42] <Wuppy> yep FusionLord
L225[04:03:41] ⇦ Quits: Carlos (~chatzilla@ (Quit: So long, and thanks for all the fish.)
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L230[04:29:58] <FusionLord> y can't I get my assets to load in debugging mode, I have idea.module.inheritOutputDirs = true.... ;(
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L233[04:32:57] <PaleoCrafter> Did you refresh the idea gradle thing, FusionLord?
L234[04:33:19] <FusionLord> yeah and it whipes my src and res dirs....
L235[04:33:28] <FusionLord> so that seems to be the issue
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L237[04:34:02] <PaleoCrafter> Wat
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L243[04:38:28] <FusionLord> what do you mean what?
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L247[04:45:42] <Zaggy1024> he means that sounds very strange and bad
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L249[04:48:05] <FusionLord> not the files, just the paths
L250[04:48:29] <PaleoCrafter> Still is weird :P
L251[04:48:33] <FusionLord> think i figured it out by adding sourceSets in my build.gradle
L252[04:48:57] <PaleoCrafter> You shouldn't need that
L253[04:49:00] <FusionLord> all looks good, launching now...
L254[04:49:07] <FusionLord> yeah i do
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L256[04:49:12] <FusionLord> trust me
L257[04:49:36] <PaleoCrafter> Then your project is set up wrong :P
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L259[04:51:45] <FusionLord> I'm setting it up for multiple mods at once
L260[04:52:43] <FusionLord> and i haven't found another way, also i have no idea what I'm doing :)
L261[04:55:34] <FusionLord> and it works.... not to self att sourceSets before applying forge plugin and all is good
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L275[05:35:40] <Zaggy1024> wow what the frak
L276[05:35:57] <Zaggy1024> BlockPos.add(Vec3i) is universal but subtract(Vec3i) is client
L277[05:42:08] <sham1> You subtract by having a negative vec3i
L278[05:42:19] <sham1> And adding it
L279[05:44:09] <FusionLord> anyone here good with gradle?
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L281[05:45:25] <Zaggy1024> sham1, I don't believe there's a convenient way to get a BlockPos multiplied by -1
L282[05:45:47] <Zaggy1024> but I'm pointing out the obvious disparity
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L284[05:46:02] <Zaggy1024> it seems to me that those methods should go together
L285[05:46:10] <Zaggy1024> whether it's on the client or universal
L286[05:47:16] <FusionLord> the fact that subtract is only on the client is strange, the fact that it exists at is questionable aswell
L287[05:47:56] <Zaggy1024> not really
L288[05:48:08] <Zaggy1024> like I said, there's no convenient way to get a negative BlockPos
L289[05:48:26] <Zaggy1024> so getting the difference between two BlockPoses is difficult without a subtract method
L290[05:48:42] <Zaggy1024> (difficult in that I as a lazy programmer don't want to type that much :P)
L291[05:50:18] <FusionLord> util classes xD, just copy the one from the client into the util class
L292[05:50:29] <FusionLord> s/the/a
L293[05:50:30] <sham1> Zaggy, to get negative vector you change the positive comb8nents to negative and negative to possitive
L294[05:50:47] <sham1> Now, seeing as BlockPos is Vec3i's subclass...
L295[05:51:00] <sham1> You just do that
L296[05:51:09] <sham1> Or just use a Vec3i
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L301[05:52:38] <FusionLord> Zaggy1024, do you want the distance between?
L302[05:53:03] <Zaggy1024> sham1, I friggin know that
L303[05:53:19] <Zaggy1024> fusion, that's only one use of getting the difference between locations
L304[05:54:08] <Zaggy1024> huh, apparently there is a universal multiply method though
L305[05:54:09] <FusionLord> well for that there is the BlockPos.distanceSq(BlockPos) :)
L306[05:54:16] <Zaggy1024> there isn't a multiple method for Vec3 though :(
L307[05:54:33] <Zaggy1024> that is true
L308[05:54:53] <sham1> Universal as in?
L309[05:54:58] <Zaggy1024> I was caching the distances for my code to be faster though
L310[05:55:03] <Zaggy1024> on the server and client
L311[05:55:17] <FusionLord> also to get a negitive blockPos... there is BlockPos.multiply(-1)
L312[05:55:35] <FusionLord> then add those
L313[05:55:40] <Zaggy1024> erm I just mentioned that method lol
L314[05:55:48] <FusionLord> whoops
L315[05:56:03] <sham1> Then what is the problem
L316[05:56:09] <Upth> still, having a direct subtract would be faster.
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L319[05:56:31] <Zaggy1024> exactly
L320[05:56:58] <Zaggy1024> that's the point, it just doesn't make sense to have all these arithmetic methods on the server and client, and then subtract is only client side
L321[05:57:04] <Zaggy1024> but whatever, it's not a big deal
L322[05:57:11] <FusionLord> int distance = blockPos1 + blockPos2.multiply(-1);
L323[05:57:31] <Zaggy1024> yes yes, i know that
L324[05:57:50] <FusionLord> just like 20 chars more
L325[05:57:52] <Zaggy1024> that's what I'm doing now (except you ahve to do blockPos1.add(
L326[05:57:53] <Upthorn> when I said faster, I meant faster to execute, not to write.
L327[05:58:05] <FusionLord> right..... xD
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L329[05:58:53] <Zaggy1024> that perf probably doesn't make a difference unless you do it a LOT
L330[05:59:30] <Upthorn> I know. My training comes from working on romhacks
L331[05:59:53] <FusionLord> now can anyone figure this out for me.... it isn't adding all files matching the pattern.... http://pastebin.com/kTDRrdEY
L332[05:59:54] <Upthorn> where because of cycle limitations, multiplication vs adding makes a huge difference, even if it's only happening a few times.
L333[06:00:31] <sham1> Zaggy, if it bothers you that much, make a PR that makes BlockPos.subtract for both sides
L334[06:01:28] <Zaggy1024> it doesn't really bother me that much, it just doesn't make sense to me
L335[06:01:49] <Zaggy1024> I wasn't asking for solution either, just remarking about it pretty much
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L339[06:02:29] <sham1> You could still make it a PR
L340[06:02:37] <Zaggy1024> too much work :P
L341[06:02:54] <Zaggy1024> I have to make a new workspace, then figure out the Git crap to make that work :P
L342[06:03:00] <Zaggy1024> I have a rather messy setup for PRs
L343[06:03:41] <sham1> You literally just remove @Sideonly and create a patch
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L355[06:26:25] <Zaggy1024> sham1, it's not that that's the problem
L356[06:26:37] <Zaggy1024> like I said, my fork is kinda messy
L357[06:27:48] <sham1> Well I can also do it
L358[06:27:50] <sham1> Hold on
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L369[07:06:26] <Lumien> if i have something like "File toOpen = new File(Minecraft.getMinecraft().mcDataDir, folderName);"
L370[07:06:38] <Lumien> can folderName be something that will cause toOpen to no longer be inside the mc dir?
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L372[07:07:38] <heldplayer> I think so, yeah
L373[07:08:16] <heldplayer> Having it be .. can make it break out, something like test/../.. can also
L374[07:08:33] <Ordinastie_> but you probably shouldn't do it
L375[07:12:57] <Lumien> .. still opens the mc folder
L376[07:13:59] <FusionLord> .. goes up one dir, if you want to go up more chain them Ex. " test/../../../rainbows "
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L378[07:15:24] <Lumien> right
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L380[07:16:14] <Ordinastie_> and I'm not you can use it in "folderName", you may need to add it to the first arg
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L383[07:17:30] <Lumien> I don't actually wanna do anything, users are supposed to be able to specify folderName
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L396[08:00:44] <gigaherz> Lol Oracle's CSO made a blog post saying it's illegal to reverse-engineer their products, so even if someone is trying to find security issues to notify them,
L397[08:00:50] <gigaherz> they should NOT be trying to find bugs at all.
L398[08:01:25] <gigaherz> they deleted said post when the security community went all "seriously?!" on them
L399[08:01:26] <gigaherz> XD
L400[08:01:34] <gigaherz> http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:ntXM0RlghUUJ:https://blogs.oracle.com/maryanndavidson/entry/no_you_really_can_t+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
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L404[08:05:10] <luacs1998> lol
L405[08:06:30] <diesieben07> the products they produce may or may not be good, but in the end oracle is a big steaming pile of shit.
L406[08:07:30] <FusionLord> can someone give some insight as to whats wrong here? http://pastebin.com/iCEsfzh2
L407[08:07:38] <gigaherz> hm,m is oracle actually doing anything they created themselves?
L408[08:07:58] <gigaherz> aside of the database
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L411[08:08:55] <diesieben07> FusionLord, your json is invalid.
L412[08:09:05] <sham1> And even then, only Oracle is their own original product when talking about databases
L413[08:09:22] <sham1> They own MySQL for some reason...
L414[08:10:04] <sham1> What is it with American companies buying these things from Sweden
L415[08:10:09] <gigaherz> "some reason" -- they bought mysql ab?
L416[08:10:10] <gigaherz> XD
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L421[08:24:22] <PaleoCrafter> sham1, Zaggy1024, subtract is only available on the client because Mojang never uses it on the server
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L423[08:24:37] <Ordinastie_> FusionLord, did you read the stacktraces ?
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L425[08:25:27] <FusionLord> yeah, just coudln't find the error wasn't sure if it could mean something else
L426[08:25:39] <Ordinastie_> Unterminated object at line 4 column 10 <= pretty self explanatory
L427[08:25:42] <FusionLord> found it though missing comma,
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L431[08:29:24] <gigaherz> I just had an interesting idea for a very annoying power transport system :D
L432[08:29:35] <sham1> PaleoCrafter, We can still make it a PR to change that
L433[08:29:44] <gigaherz> step 1: make fluid pipes
L434[08:29:51] <gigaherz> step 2: make electric fluid
L435[08:30:01] <sham1> Just like how that has been done with stuff like EnumFacing
L436[08:30:02] *** TTFT|Away is now known as TTFTCUTS
L437[08:30:11] <gigaherz> step 3: drive power through the electric fluid, but using up electric fluid in the process
L438[08:30:22] <PaleoCrafter> Just clarifying :P
L439[08:30:24] <gigaherz> step 4: require constant generatio nof new electric fluid to keep the pipes full
L440[08:30:29] *** Kolatra is now known as Kolatra|Away
L441[08:30:43] <sham1> Oh, also Paleo, how did I activate that experimental backend for scala to have it use java8 stuffs
L442[08:30:49] <gigaherz> the lower the fluid levels on the pipe, the less RF/t they can transfer
L443[08:31:07] <gigaherz> and higher tier pipes simply can pressurize more electric fluid per pipe block :D
L444[08:31:13] <PaleoCrafter> The scala 2.12 milestone has instructions
L445[08:31:30] <sham1> I'd really like to be able to use scala closures like java lambdas so I would have not to manually create anonymous subclasses for stuff like runnable
L446[08:31:33] <sham1> oh thanks
L447[08:32:49] <sham1> And then I can put my sourceCompatibility and targetCompatibility stuffs to 1.8 correct?
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L449[08:33:53] <sham1> Because forcing users to update their java makes me a happy puppy
L450[08:34:27] <PaleoCrafter> I think so
L451[08:35:23] <PaleoCrafter> I do some nasty stuff which conflicts with the backport, hence I can't really use it :D
L452[08:35:39] <sham1> Like?
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L454[08:37:31] <madcrazydrumma> Is there any way to force the in game gui screen to refresh? I have a counter in my drawString text and it wont decrease
L455[08:38:10] <PaleoCrafter> Macros, shamq :P
L456[08:38:20] <Ordinastie_> madcrazydrumma, it automatically refreshes
L457[08:38:28] <madcrazydrumma> Really? it doesnt seem too
L458[08:39:09] <sham1> Do you let the client know of the change?
L459[08:39:12] <madcrazydrumma> Ordinastie_, im using a RenderGameOverlay event
L460[08:39:43] <madcrazydrumma> sham1 how would i do that?
L461[08:39:51] <sham1> Packets
L462[08:40:37] <madcrazydrumma> how would I do that?
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L464[08:41:32] <gigaherz> madcrazydrumma: http://mcforge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/networking/simpleimpl/
L465[08:42:00] <Ordinastie_> before steering him towards packet, maybe you should make sure he's actually doing stuff server side only first ?
L466[08:42:21] <sham1> good point
L467[08:42:28] <madcrazydrumma> My counter is only for the client, no other player needs to know of it
L468[08:43:11] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L469[08:43:13] <gigaherz> but do you calculate it on the client?
L470[08:43:15] <gigaherz> can you paste code?
L471[08:43:17] <gigaherz> (pastebin=
L472[08:43:39] ⇦ Quits: Raga_BM (~K@ (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L473[08:43:48] <gigaherz> would be nice to see you overlay handler, and wherever you change the counter
L474[08:44:16] *** Ashlee is now known as Ashlee|off
L475[08:44:22] <madcrazydrumma> Okay
L476[08:44:30] <gigaherz> your*
L477[08:44:35] <madcrazydrumma> http://pastebin.com/J30ZvpYC
L478[08:45:48] <PaleoCrafter> It's just too hot D:
L479[08:46:15] ⇦ Quits: unxe (hzy@Psilocybe.Update.UU.SE) (Quit: leaving)
L480[08:47:02] <gigaherz> madcrazydrumma: you manage spell cooldown on the client? doesn't that mean if someone hacks their mod, they could have infinite spells?
L481[08:47:11] <gigaherz> skills*
L482[08:47:21] ⇨ Joins: Raga_BM (~K@
L483[08:48:04] <madcrazydrumma> we had a discussion before remember? the cooldown is always less than like 8-10 secs
L484[08:48:39] <PaleoCrafter> You generally don't want the client to decide anything
L485[08:48:47] <gigaherz> if we ever had a discussion about it, I don't recall it ;P
L486[08:49:02] <gigaherz> but if it really happened, I probably agreed it was a bad idea ;P
L487[08:49:07] <PaleoCrafter> No matter how unimportant the logic is
L488[08:49:20] <madcrazydrumma> How would I deal with it on the server then?
L489[08:49:24] <madcrazydrumma> and dont say packets </3
L490[08:49:25] <gigaherz> the only reason gamesh ave logic on the client, is to save server costs
L491[08:49:34] <gigaherz> packets aren't hard ;P
L492[08:49:39] <Szernex> anyone know of a good resource to read up on the cofh core world gen stuff? their doc isn't really too helpful
L493[08:49:41] <gigaherz> really the whole idea is
L494[08:49:56] <gigaherz> you manage the time in both sides
L495[08:50:02] <gigaherz> the client for visua lpurposes (lag)
L496[08:50:07] <gigaherz> and theserver to ensure the player isn't cheating
L497[08:50:22] <gigaherz> and if the client sends a skill initiation request too early
L498[08:50:25] <gigaherz> the server rejects it
L499[08:50:48] <williewillus> did you guys see that one blog post from some oracle exec? :p
L500[08:50:54] <gigaherz> yes
L501[08:51:14] <gigaherz> [15:00] (gigaherz): Lol Oracle's CSO made a blog post saying it's illegal to reverse-engineer their products, so even if someone is trying to find security issues to notify them, they should NOT be trying to find bugs at all.
L502[08:51:15] <gigaherz> [15:01] (gigaherz): they deleted said post when the security community went all "seriously?!" on them XD
L503[08:51:16] <gigaherz> [15:01] (gigaherz): http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:ntXM0RlghUUJ:https://blogs.oracle.com/maryanndavidson/entry/no_you_really_can_t+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
L504[08:51:38] <madcrazydrumma> I still have no idea how i would even go about implementing that gigaherz
L505[08:52:04] <gigaherz> madcrazydrumma: well
L506[08:52:11] <gigaherz> when the user presses the skill key
L507[08:52:22] <gigaherz> send a "Skill" message to the server
L508[08:52:38] <gigaherz> isntead of calling performAction from the client directly
L509[08:52:44] <gigaherz> on the server
L510[08:52:49] <williewillus> wat
L511[08:53:03] <gigaherz> you'd want to use IExtendedEntityProperties to keep per-player data
L512[08:53:30] <gigaherz> and then when receiving the message from the client, see if the player data cooldown value has reached 0 yet
L513[08:53:59] <gigaherz> if it has, then you perform the skill on the server
L514[08:54:08] <gigaherz> if not, then you send back a reply saying
L515[08:54:15] <gigaherz> "skill not ready yet"
L516[08:54:20] <gigaherz> like you'd see on an MMO
L517[08:54:39] <gigaherz> all you'd need are two message packets using SimpleImpl
L518[08:54:59] <gigaherz> one that's Client-to-server, and one that's Server-to-client
L519[08:55:06] ⇦ Quits: Raga_BM (~K@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L520[08:55:16] <gigaherz> http://mcforge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/networking/simpleimpl/
L521[08:55:20] <gigaherz> SimpleImpl is easy to use
L522[08:55:29] <madcrazydrumma> Im looking into it
L523[08:55:44] <gigaherz> thne, if you use mc1.8
L524[08:55:55] <gigaherz> you'll want to schedule the skill execution for the next actual tick
L525[08:56:02] <gigaherz> because in 1.8 packets are threaded
L526[08:56:27] <gigaherz> in my WIP magic mod I do this
L527[08:56:29] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/network/SpellSequenceUpdate.java#L86
L528[08:56:39] <madcrazydrumma> This is so confusing haha
L529[08:56:40] <gigaherz> lines 86 to 88
L530[08:56:47] <gigaherz> it's not confusing, it's just new
L531[08:56:48] <gigaherz> XD
L532[08:56:55] <madcrazydrumma> ^^ fair play
L533[08:56:55] ⇨ Joins: mikeprimm (~mikeprimm@2001:4870:600a:317:c8f3:b6d6:7119:e886)
L534[08:56:59] <gigaherz> the original packet system was A LOT more confusing
L535[08:57:00] <gigaherz> ;P
L536[08:57:13] <gigaherz> this one does all the confusing stuff for you
L537[08:57:13] <gigaherz> ;P
L538[08:57:33] <williewillus> gigaherz: have you not forgotten the MASSIVE amount of complaining when people were like ZOMG I CANT USE MY 1.6 MESSAGE SYSTEM ANYMORE FIX IT
L539[08:57:48] <gigaherz> I wasn't around at the time ;P
L540[08:57:52] <sham1> NO MORE SWITCH-CASE
L541[08:58:02] <gigaherz> I started my mod in 1.4.7
L542[08:58:17] <gigaherz> then took a modding-vacation until 1.8
L543[08:58:29] <gigaherz> I didn't do any 1.7.10 modding until AFTER 1.8 ;P
L544[08:58:45] <williewillus> well people find something to complain about every version
L545[08:58:51] <gigaherz> yes of course
L546[08:58:58] ⇨ Joins: Raga_BM (~K@
L547[08:59:02] <madcrazydrumma> gigaherz, so i have my packet and packethandler, which send the cooldown im guessing to the server.. now do I do all my perform action etc.. stuff inside this packet?
L548[08:59:06] <williewillus> 1.4 wasnt that bad I don't think
L549[08:59:10] <gigaherz> "OMFG you changed THIS?! I was using it! I'll have to REWRITE code!"
L550[08:59:18] <gigaherz> madcrazydrumma: nonono
L551[08:59:22] <gigaherz> the cooldown is managed independently
L552[08:59:30] <madcrazydrumma> ;_;
L553[08:59:38] <gigaherz> the packets you want
L554[08:59:40] <gigaherz> are one for
L555[08:59:46] <gigaherz> "Start executing skill"
L556[08:59:58] <gigaherz> one for "Skill failed, try again later"
L557[09:00:11] <gigaherz> and one for "Skill succeeded, draw fancy stuff on screen"
L558[09:00:20] <gigaherz> the last two can be the same
L559[09:00:22] <gigaherz> with a boolean
L560[09:00:55] <gigaherz> you'll want a "SkillStartRequest", and a "SkillStartResult" or sorts
L561[09:01:47] <gigaherz> of*
L562[09:02:07] <madcrazydrumma> so I have a: start, fail and success packet
L563[09:02:17] <Cazzar> That time you pick up an anime, expecting it to be one thing, but enjoy it for something else.
L564[09:02:37] <gigaherz> madcrazydrumma: okay
L565[09:02:38] <gigaherz> then
L566[09:02:44] <gigaherz> when the client presses "z"
L567[09:03:00] <gigaherz> send the start to the server
L568[09:03:20] <gigaherz> hmm
L569[09:03:26] <gigaherz> you'll need another tutorial in IEEPs
L570[09:03:27] <williewillus> Cazzar: which? :p
L571[09:03:37] <gigaherz> https://github.com/coolAlias/Forge_Tutorials/blob/master/IExtendedEntityPropertiesTutorial.java
L572[09:03:37] <Cazzar> williewillus: Fate Kaleid Liner PRISMA ILYA
L573[09:03:50] <madcrazydrumma> I have an IEEP class haha
L574[09:03:57] <gigaherz> ah :)
L575[09:03:59] <gigaherz> well then
L576[09:04:03] <gigaherz> store the cooldown on the IEEP
L577[09:04:07] <gigaherz> but no need to save it to NBT
L578[09:04:10] <madcrazydrumma> okay
L579[09:04:13] ⇨ Joins: HassanS6000 (~hassa@
L580[09:04:14] <gigaherz> if the player logs off, the cooldown can reset safely
L581[09:04:20] <gigaherz> now
L582[09:04:32] <gigaherz> when the SERVER receivies the Start message
L583[09:04:48] <gigaherz> the message info should contain the player that initiated the packet
L584[09:04:53] <gigaherz> and obtain your IEEP from it
L585[09:05:01] <sham1> PaleoCrafter, I tried to make my build into 1.8, but understandably it says https://gyazo.com/ce751a4a57280b6f9987aecb425294ab
L586[09:05:57] <sham1> Maybe I should try to use the milestone compiler instead
L587[09:07:00] *** Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L588[09:07:22] <madcrazydrumma> gigaherz, in the simpleimpl tutorial, what is the INSTANCE variable?
L589[09:07:31] <madcrazydrumma> nevermind
L590[09:07:36] <williewillus> that var is badly named >.>
L591[09:07:54] <gigaherz> yeah
L592[09:07:55] *** Ashlee|off is now known as Ashlee
L593[09:08:16] <madcrazydrumma> yeah it really is haha
L594[09:08:18] <williewillus> not an instance of your class, it's a wrapper around simplenetworkwrapper
L595[09:08:41] <PaleoCrafter> sham1, make sure you use the 2.11.7 compiler
L596[09:08:46] ⇦ Quits: Raga_BM (~K@ (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L597[09:08:51] <PaleoCrafter> Not the one distributed with forge
L598[09:08:59] <gigaherz> yeah
L599[09:09:04] <gigaherz> in my case it's
L600[09:09:13] <gigaherz> ElementsOfPower.channel.sendTo
L601[09:09:33] <gigaherz> ElementsOfPower.channel.sendToServer(new SpellSequenceUpdate(SpellSequenceUpdate.ChangeMode.BEGIN, player, slotInUse, null));
L602[09:09:37] <sham1> I do have infact my own distribution of the scala compiler that I've set to be used from IDEA
L603[09:09:45] <madcrazydrumma> where do i register the packet?
L604[09:09:50] <gigaherz> preInit
L605[09:09:53] <sham1> It's 2.11.7
L606[09:10:02] <gigaherz> channel = NetworkRegistry.INSTANCE.newSimpleChannel(CHANNEL);
L607[09:10:02] <gigaherz> channel.registerMessage(SpellSequenceUpdate.Handler.class, SpellSequenceUpdate.class, 0, Side.SERVER);
L608[09:10:07] <PaleoCrafter> Make sure idea actually uses it :P
L609[09:10:12] ⇨ Joins: Jezza (~Jezza@2a00:c1a0:c086:6000:21f:3bff:fe7e:b9eb)
L610[09:10:16] <gigaherz> where "CHANNEL" is something like
L611[09:10:24] <PaleoCrafter> You also might have to restart the compile server
L612[09:10:34] <gigaherz> madcrazydrumma: the "Side." is the RECEIVING side
L613[09:10:35] <gigaherz> so
L614[09:10:47] <gigaherz> Side.SERVER for Start, andSide.CLIENT for the other two
L615[09:10:47] <madcrazydrumma> yeah i get that ;)
L616[09:13:32] <madcrazydrumma> what would the skill execute packet send to the server? a boolean? or..
L617[09:13:58] <gigaherz> what does the server need to know?
L618[09:14:00] <gigaherz> ;P
L619[09:14:13] <gigaherz> the cooldown is global?
L620[09:14:18] <gigaherz> or per-spell?
L621[09:14:30] <madcrazydrumma> per skill
L622[09:14:34] <gigaherz> skill**
L623[09:14:40] <gigaherz> then the skill number
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L626[09:17:56] <madcrazydrumma> what am i doing with this skill number that i implemented?
L627[09:18:48] <gigaherz> you said the cooldown is per-skill, so
L628[09:18:57] <gigaherz> get IEEP from message.entity
L629[09:19:03] <PaleoCrafter> It's your skill system, lol
L630[09:19:12] ⇨ Joins: RawringNymNym (~maria@bas1-brampton37-1176135107.dsl.bell.ca)
L631[09:19:13] <gigaherz> then do yourieep.getCooldownForSkill(skillnumber) ;P
L632[09:19:42] <PaleoCrafter> You were given the tools and brief instructions on how to use them, now it's your turn :P
L633[09:19:53] <gigaherz> if > 0, reply with failure packet, otherwise execute skill and reply with success
L634[09:19:55] <gigaherz> ;P
L635[09:19:57] <sham1> I for some reason had my scala SDK set to scala 2.11.6 ;_;
L636[09:20:53] <PaleoCrafter> U so bad
L637[09:20:56] <madcrazydrumma> Okay and if i execute skill, I decrease the cooldown yeah?
L638[09:21:25] <PaleoCrafter> TickEvent
L639[09:22:13] <gigaherz> yeah on the server, handle a server tick, enumerate all playyers' IEEPs, and reduce all existing cooldowns
L640[09:22:33] <gigaherz> you may want to have a special handler class that has a list of skills on cooldown, to save time
L641[09:22:43] <PaleoCrafter> You're giving it all away, gigaherz
L642[09:22:48] <sham1> Meh
L643[09:22:50] ⇦ Quits: Raga_BM (~K@ (Quit: Raga_BM)
L644[09:23:09] *** Mata is now known as MattOfflineMc
L645[09:23:18] <gigaherz> PaleoCrafter: sorry ;P
L646[09:23:19] <madcrazydrumma> Okay ill see what I can manage from there thanks ^
L647[09:23:29] <williewillus> someone needs to backport the 1.8 skin renderer to 1.7 >.>
L648[09:23:36] <gigaherz> skin renderer?
L649[09:23:38] <sham1> I replaced my scala SDK on IDEA, still is like "\'jvm-1.8\' is not valid choice for \'target\'"
L650[09:23:40] <williewillus> I hate seeing my 1.8 skin with the arms wrong :p
L651[09:23:47] <gigaherz> wasn't the new skin system added in 1.7.9?
L652[09:23:51] <madcrazydrumma> PaleoCrafter, i wouldnt ask for code or anything just a bit of a bump to get started at most (i wrote alot of code previous to this, just not handling packets)
L653[09:23:54] <williewillus> not the backend
L654[09:23:58] <madcrazydrumma> I wouldn't learn anything otherwise :)
L655[09:24:07] <williewillus> the frontend (sleeves, jackets, separate left and right arms, etc.)
L656[09:24:20] <gigaherz> ah
L657[09:24:21] <PaleoCrafter> We're far beyond handling packets :P
L658[09:24:32] <PaleoCrafter> Did you restart the compile server, sham1?
L659[09:24:42] <sham1> Umn
L660[09:24:49] <madcrazydrumma> :3
L661[09:24:49] ⇦ Quits: Firedingo (~Firedingo@ (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Firedingo5)))
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L663[09:24:51] <williewillus> in 1.7 the arm textures are forced to be the same, my 1.8 skin has a black right arm and gray left one so it irritates me to see the gray one when playing in 1.7 :p
L664[09:24:56] <sham1> Can I ask how?
L665[09:25:01] <PaleoCrafter> The tempo icon thing in the status bar
L666[09:25:06] <gigaherz> williewillus: ah I didn't know that
L667[09:25:48] <sham1> And I dont think that setupDecompWorkspace is nessessary for this change, just refresh
L668[09:26:03] <PaleoCrafter> Of course it isn't
L669[09:26:20] <sham1> yeh
L670[09:26:57] <PaleoCrafter> And if you refresh, gradle might end up overwriting the project SDK again :P
L671[09:27:01] <sham1> And even still refuses
L672[09:27:06] <sham1> Oh bah
L673[09:27:32] ⇨ Joins: Raga_BM (~K@
L674[09:28:12] <sham1> There we go
L675[09:28:14] ⇦ Quits: madcrazydrumma (~madcrazyd@ (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L676[09:28:14] *** Ashlee is now known as Ashlee|off
L677[09:28:33] <sham1> Now another question, how do I make it so that when I refresh, gradle does not override it
L678[09:28:44] <PaleoCrafter> No clue
L679[09:28:58] <PaleoCrafter> Look up the gradle scala plugin
L680[09:29:24] <PaleoCrafter> If it's like SBT, you can define the scala version
L681[09:31:09] *** Ashlee|off is now known as Ashlee
L682[09:31:29] <FusionLord> with the new block models you cannot have a super block and elements?
L683[09:31:46] <PaleoCrafter> Wut
L684[09:32:40] <FusionLord> for instance I have a block it has 3 variants, and they are minor changes I cannot make a super model and then add to it?
L685[09:32:48] <PaleoCrafter> You can
L686[09:33:07] <PaleoCrafter> Either by actually creating three models
L687[09:33:16] <PaleoCrafter> Or by using the forge block states
L688[09:33:34] <FusionLord> I have the states.... just talking models
L689[09:34:51] ⇨ Joins: shadekiller666 (~shadekill@adsl-108-80-76-240.dsl.lsan03.sbcglobal.net)
L690[09:35:55] <FusionLord> cabinet.json cabinet_LeftDoor.json(renders cabinet.json and adds door on left) cabinet_RightDoor.json(Render cabinet.json and adds door on right)
L691[09:35:55] <FusionLord> is that possible?
L692[09:35:56] <williewillus> use submodels
L693[09:36:19] <sham1> Like I can propably do it by setting scalaClasspath
L694[09:36:21] <FusionLord> example?
L695[09:36:23] <williewillus> using forge blockstates, in defaults specify a base model that every variant has, then for each variant specify the appropriate submodel for the door
L696[09:36:32] <williewillus> look in the "test" folder of the Forge github
L697[09:36:53] <williewillus> specifically the jsons with the stone walls, lemme see if I can get it quickly
L698[09:37:53] <PaleoCrafter> *cough* forge documentation *cough*
L699[09:38:11] <williewillus> is that written?
L700[09:38:25] <PaleoCrafter> Yes
L701[09:38:51] <williewillus> for once lol
L702[09:38:55] <williewillus> FusionLord: http://mcforge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/blockstates/introduction/
L703[09:38:59] *** Vigaro is now known as Vigaro|AFK
L704[09:39:00] <williewillus> and http://mcforge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/blockstates/forgeBlockstates/
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L706[09:43:50] <Szernex> hmmmmm
L707[09:45:00] <Szernex> would it be somehow feasable to re-generate chunks during "runtime", ie while the world is loaded?
L708[09:45:21] ⇦ Quits: Emris (~Miranda@ (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org)
L709[09:45:45] <Szernex> I'm getting kinda tired of doing "tweak cofh core world gen files, re-create world, clear terrain, look at result, rinse and repeat"
L710[09:46:25] *** Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L711[09:46:50] <williewillus> like force a chunk reset? :p
L712[09:46:54] <Szernex> basically
L713[09:48:58] *** MattOfflineMc is now known as Mata
L714[09:49:15] <Mata> where is the gui for the server screen?
L715[09:49:23] <Mata> its not in mainmenu
L716[09:49:31] <Mata> i cant find any references in there either
L717[09:49:39] <Szernex> I feel like it puts a bit of a strain on my SSD when I'm constantly creating and deleting a bunch of files over and over again...
L718[09:49:42] <Szernex> plus it's rather annoying
L719[09:49:43] <williewillus> look in actionPerformed method of guimainmenu
L720[09:49:57] <williewillus> can't you just tp to another area? :p
L721[09:50:01] <Mata> aah GuiMultiplayer
L722[09:50:11] <Szernex> I wouldn't get consistent results then
L723[09:50:58] * Szernex is so close to writing his own world gen mod
L724[09:51:14] <Szernex> probably less time consuming than trying to get the cofh one to do what I want
L725[09:51:21] <Mata> hmm servers seem to be stored inside the serverlist object
L726[09:51:29] <Mata> but i cant find the actual array
L727[09:54:25] <FusionLord> williewillus, so does this look good? http://pastebin.com/FwFA3irC
L728[09:54:43] <williewillus> that first tag needs to be "forge_marker": 1
L729[09:55:50] <williewillus> i think the left and right ones should be fine, that double one is a little weird since you're specifying a submodel inside a texture block
L730[09:55:55] <sham1> I figured it out, compile "scala-library:2.11.7" and whatnot lets me refresh my project while having scala 2.11.7 usable for me
L731[09:56:36] <williewillus> for the double one i think it should be more like "double": { "submodel": "leftmodel", "submodel": "rightmodel" }
L732[09:57:08] <Mata> freaking hell this makes no sense since its so obfuscated
L733[09:57:09] <Mata> lol
L734[09:57:17] <Mata> or not even obfuscated just MCP
L735[09:57:42] <FusionLord> no... the left and right doors are full doors the double is two smaller doors
L736[09:57:47] <williewillus> ah
L737[09:57:58] <williewillus> so just one "submodel", no need to put it in a "texture"
L738[09:58:40] <FusionLord> the texture is defined in the "submodoel"
L739[09:59:16] ⇨ Joins: Cojo (~Cojo@2606:a000:1126:a066:f9cb:818e:35a6:3ec5)
L740[09:59:42] <williewillus> ? when you specify a submodel you sohuldn't put it in a "textures"{} block. What youre doing right now is assigning that path to a texture variable literally called "submodel"
L741[10:00:00] * Szernex sighs
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L744[10:01:31] <FusionLord> williewillus, xD copy paste and missed the texture block.
L745[10:02:05] <williewillus> not exactly sure if those inventory_ ones will work, I haven't used the forge state system extensively
L746[10:02:21] <Mata> yay found it
L747[10:02:27] <Mata> ServerList list = new ServerList(Minecraft.getMinecraft());
L748[10:05:13] <FusionLord> well nothing is working :)
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L752[10:12:19] MineBot sets mode: +o on fry|S_I_S_
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L756[10:15:16] *** williewillus is now known as willieaway
L757[10:15:33] <FusionLord> now the question is do you register the ForgeBlockStates any different cause crash crash and more crash
L758[10:15:47] <shadekiller666> nope
L759[10:16:02] <shadekiller666> you just mark them with "forge_marker": 1,
L760[10:16:13] <Mata> I love how forge is making it impossible to make any kinda big mod in minecraft
L761[10:16:18] <Mata> derp mojang
L762[10:16:18] <shadekiller666> and the BlockStateLoader will handle it from there
L763[10:16:26] <shadekiller666> ?
L764[10:16:45] <FusionLord> ffs I thought that was the name of his block so i changed it to cabinet :P
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L766[10:17:02] <shadekiller666> what?
L767[10:19:05] <FusionLord> changing that back to forge_marker and it loaded no crash...
L768[10:19:18] <FusionLord> however nothing is showing
L769[10:20:32] <FusionLord> mainly cause the block is a TESR, this is more for the items
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L771[10:28:30] <Ordinastie_> why make it a TESR ?
L772[10:31:17] <sham1> Maybe he has animation
L773[10:31:52] <Ordinastie_> doubt it, but that's why I ask the question
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L775[10:32:10] <FusionLord> yes, animation
L776[10:32:20] <Ordinastie_> of what ? the doors ?
L777[10:32:30] <FusionLord> yes
L778[10:32:41] <Ordinastie_> then just draw the doors in the TESR
L779[10:33:10] <FusionLord> still the submodels are for the items, which are not working
L780[10:34:28] <PaleoCrafter> Is it rendering anything at all?
L781[10:34:36] ⇨ Joins: Onyx (~OnyxDarkK@cpc1-colc7-2-0-cust19.7-4.cable.virginm.net)
L782[10:34:41] <FusionLord> default model with missing texture
L783[10:35:04] <FusionLord> give me a minute I'm going to push my code
L784[10:35:12] <PaleoCrafter> Log and JSON :P
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L787[10:36:13] <sham1> Well if he pushes his code he propably has JSONs on the repo as well
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L790[10:49:07] <Cazzar> well there goes my sleep pattern
L791[10:49:12] <FusionLord> it is taking forever to post the commit and not sure why
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L793[10:50:30] <FusionLord> https://github.com/FusionLord/CabinetsReloaded
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L795[10:52:37] *** Vigaro is now known as Vigaro|AFK
L796[10:52:47] <FusionLord> PaleoCrafter, what log do you want?
L797[10:53:17] <PaleoCrafter> fml-client-latest
L798[10:53:38] <FusionLord> http://pastebin.com/mbK3f6LX
L799[10:53:41] <FusionLord> :)
L800[10:55:26] *** PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
L801[10:55:43] <FusionLord> the pale has run away
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L803[10:56:33] <sham1> ran*
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L806[10:58:32] <PaleoCrafter> Nah, stupid phone getting disconnected :P
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L808[11:00:19] <FusionLord> sham1 both can be correct, the way I wrote it is grammaticaly correct.
L809[11:00:19] <PaleoCrafter> Hm... That all looks okay
L810[11:00:49] <sham1> But is isnt sensibly correct
L811[11:01:26] *** cpw|out is now known as cpw
L812[11:01:49] <PaleoCrafter> I have no clue why your model doesn't work, I'll just blame it on fry
L813[11:02:02] <FusionLord> poor fry
L814[11:04:04] <FusionLord> *poke* fry|S_I_S_
L815[11:04:06] <shadekiller666> fry is the one who wrote the system :P
L816[11:05:13] <FusionLord> isn't there a special item model class
L817[11:05:43] <shadekiller666> what is it you're trying to render?
L818[11:06:06] <FusionLord> at this point the block as the item
L819[11:06:17] <shadekiller666> with a b3d model?
L820[11:06:17] <gigaherz> FusionLord: ItemBlock usually takes care of loading the block#inventory model
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L822[11:06:29] <FusionLord> you'd think
L823[11:06:33] <FusionLord> but now
L824[11:06:34] <gigaherz> whatever model is specified for it in the blockstates
L825[11:06:35] <FusionLord> no*
L826[11:06:38] <gigaherz> *usually* ;P
L827[11:06:44] <gigaherz> but form what I read above
L828[11:06:44] <shadekiller666> giga, except for when your rendertype is -1
L829[11:06:47] <gigaherz> you are using forge blockstates
L830[11:06:54] <gigaherz> and TESR
L831[11:07:04] <gigaherz> so that all becomes a "no Fing idea" area for me
L832[11:07:13] <FusionLord> indeed very nice forge block stats are
L833[11:07:26] <gigaherz> IIRC, the forge blockstates only aggregate the data, and simply merge all submodels together
L834[11:07:30] <gigaherz> so that shouldn't be the issue
L835[11:07:36] <gigaherz> so it must be the TESR
L836[11:07:50] <shadekiller666> hmmm
L837[11:08:05] <shadekiller666> ya animations are strange with normal models...
L838[11:08:07] <PaleoCrafter> The TESR does not care about the item and vice versa
L839[11:08:26] *** Gaz492 is now known as Gaz492|Away
L840[11:08:44] <gigaherz> wait!
L841[11:09:01] <gigaherz> hmm
L842[11:09:08] <PaleoCrafter> And the ItemBlock won't get automatically associated with the inventory variant of the blockstates :P
L843[11:09:11] <gigaherz> can you mix forge-style variants with vanilla-style variants?
L844[11:09:29] <shadekiller666> uhh
L845[11:09:32] <shadekiller666> kinda
L846[11:09:35] <gigaherz> hmm
L847[11:09:39] <gigaherz> eh nevermind
L848[11:09:41] <FusionLord> ... it was a test and no results from what i have
L849[11:09:44] <gigaherz> "inventory" should be a valid variant regardless
L850[11:10:45] <FusionLord> i was thinking "inventory":{"damage":{0:{...},1:{...}}} would be nice for the items
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L853[11:11:45] <gigaherz> that's not how mc looks for the models though
L854[11:11:57] <gigaherz> it simply does resourcelocation#inventory
L855[11:11:59] <FusionLord> well may have to result to using ISmartItemModel
L856[11:12:14] <gigaherz> it has no concept of sub-blocks in item form
L857[11:12:18] <FusionLord> I was just talking about forgeBlockStates
L858[11:12:22] ⇦ Quits: Jezza (~Jezza@2a00:c1a0:c086:6000:21f:3bff:fe7e:b9eb) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L859[11:12:31] <gigaherz> forge blockstates are just special syntax
L860[11:12:33] <PaleoCrafter> Having blockstates for items is an utter hack :P
L861[11:12:36] <gigaherz> the loader aggregates all possible values
L862[11:12:40] <gigaherz> and converts them into vanilla format
L863[11:12:53] <gigaherz> really
L864[11:13:04] <gigaherz> when mc would look for prop1=value1,prop2=value2
L865[11:13:08] <gigaherz> forge looks also for
L866[11:13:17] <gigaherz> "prop1" {"value1": { ...} }
L867[11:13:18] <FusionLord> so getRenderType() ( return -1 } will make my items not render?
L868[11:13:20] <FusionLord> ...
L869[11:13:23] <gigaherz> instead of just "prop1=value1,prop2=value2"
L870[11:13:29] <sham1> FusionLord, no
L871[11:13:36] <FusionLord> thats whaht I thought
L872[11:13:40] <sham1> It just makes it so that you cannot use Blockstates
L873[11:13:43] <gigaherz> no it should just make mc not render you in the world (except for the TESR)
L874[11:13:45] <sham1> You can define item models
L875[11:13:53] <shadekiller666> -1 tells the game that you're the one handling rendering, not the game
L876[11:14:11] <gigaherz> shadekiller666: more like it skips rendering the block into the world cache
L877[11:14:27] <FusionLord> gotcha
L878[11:14:55] <shadekiller666> ya that
L879[11:15:11] <PaleoCrafter> Try registering the item with just the "inventory" variant
L880[11:15:34] <PaleoCrafter> Maybe it *only* looks for that
L881[11:17:32] <gigaherz> oh yeah item registration
L882[11:17:34] <FusionLord> https://github.com/FusionLord/CabinetsReloaded/blob/master/src/main/java/net/fusionlord/cabinets3/client/ClientProxy.java#L28
L883[11:17:56] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/client/ClientProxy.java#L90
L884[11:18:00] <gigaherz> I do this for my machines ;p
L885[11:18:32] <gigaherz> nah don't bother with model mesher anymore ;P
L886[11:18:47] <gigaherz> you can use ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation
L887[11:19:03] <gigaherz> check my two methods I linked
L888[11:19:41] <gigaherz> so
L889[11:19:42] <HassanS6000> I agree with gigaherz
L890[11:19:46] <gigaherz> 1.7.10 question
L891[11:19:47] *** Kolatra|Away is now known as Kolatra
L892[11:19:51] <gigaherz> I have an ISBRH
L893[11:20:00] <gigaherz> and my block sometimes gets tinted green like the leaves around it
L894[11:20:03] <gigaherz> what am I missing? ;P
L895[11:20:28] <PaleoCrafter> Do you reset the tessellator colour?
L896[11:20:33] <gigaherz> no
L897[11:20:38] <gigaherz> I haven't seen any proper exmpale of it
L898[11:20:44] *** Gaz492 is now known as Gaz492|Away
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L900[11:20:54] <gigaherz> I mean nothing I have come across did that XD
L901[11:20:54] <PaleoCrafter> Do it then
L902[11:21:20] <gigaherz> disableColor() ?
L903[11:21:37] <PaleoCrafter> no, set it to white :P
L904[11:21:53] <gigaherz> 1.0 or 255?
L905[11:22:03] <gigaherz> (testing 1)
L906[11:22:13] <gigaherz> nope
L907[11:22:14] <gigaherz> 255.
L908[11:22:19] <PaleoCrafter> Depends on the method you use :P
L909[11:22:30] <PaleoCrafter> If it's _F, you want 1
L910[11:22:45] <gigaherz> setColorOpaque(255,255,255) ;P
L911[11:22:58] <FusionLord> setting it to just inventory worked but they all render the same http://puu.sh/jxHb0/77f44619c3.png
L912[11:22:59] <gigaherz> :3
L913[11:23:05] <gigaherz> looks nice, I just need a better texture
L914[11:23:13] <PaleoCrafter> And regarding never seeing it elsewhere: other mods might suffer from this without knowing it :P
L915[11:23:22] <FusionLord> better texture?....
L916[11:23:29] <gigaherz> FusionLord: my ISBRH
L917[11:23:32] <gigaherz> not your link
L918[11:23:35] <FusionLord> oh xD
L919[11:24:04] <PaleoCrafter> What does that tell us, FusionLord?
L920[11:24:10] <PaleoCrafter> Blame fry!
L921[11:24:25] <FusionLord> yep #BlameFry
L922[11:25:07] <FusionLord> we need to change the @EventHandler annotation to @BlameFry xD
L923[11:25:51] <FusionLord> so it looks like i'm going to be using ISmartItemModel
L924[11:26:05] <FusionLord> only thing is I have no idea how to register it
L925[11:28:44] <gigaherz> there
L926[11:28:45] <gigaherz> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/Rift.jpg
L927[11:28:55] <gigaherz> as I said, I need to improve the texture
L928[11:28:58] <gigaherz> which brings a question
L929[11:29:07] <gigaherz> can I use a 48x48 texture for that?
L930[11:29:12] ⇨ Joins: sinkillerj (~sinkiller@nc-71-49-180-12.dhcp.embarqhsd.net)
L931[11:29:24] <gigaherz> or will mc become annoyed somehow? ;P
L932[11:30:07] <FusionLord> its always something with mc
L933[11:30:25] <PaleoCrafter> Only powers of 2 are allowed, otherwise the stitcher goes bonkers, I think
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L935[11:30:31] <gigaherz> aha
L936[11:30:46] <gigaherz> I'll try 64x64 then
L937[11:31:34] <shadekiller666> giga, the eye ball model that i'm using as one of the examples for the obj loader uses a 1024x1024 or a 128x128 texture
L938[11:31:36] <heldplayer> I think I've seen non power of 2 textures in the atlas
L939[11:31:55] <heldplayer> You can always try to see if it works
L940[11:32:08] <gigaherz> true
L941[11:32:47] <shadekiller666> i think it will take whatever you put into it
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L950[11:50:22] <gigaherz> seems to work :)
L951[11:50:47] ⇨ Joins: Tim020 (~Tim0@cpc25-farn7-2-0-cust147.6-2.cable.virginm.net)
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L955[11:55:45] <gigaherz> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/rift-newtex.jpg
L956[11:56:01] <gigaherz> now I need to fix the model itself
L957[11:56:02] <gigaherz> XD
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L959[11:57:43] <sham1> what the hell is that
L960[11:57:53] <gigaherz> my ender-rift block
L961[11:57:59] <gigaherz> in its multi-block shape ;P
L962[12:00:39] <minecreatr> thats cool gigaherz
L963[12:00:45] <shadekiller666> dude thats pretty ccool
L964[12:00:55] <gigaherz> :)
L965[12:00:57] <PaleoCrafter> Doesn't look very rifty :P
L966[12:01:03] <gigaherz> PaleoCrafter: not yet
L967[12:01:08] <shadekiller666> if you replace the green ball in the middle with a star fisure type thing
L968[12:01:13] <gigaherz> missing the TESR drawing some aura ;P
L969[12:01:14] <shadekiller666> that would be the best thing ever
L970[12:01:31] <gigaherz> shadekiller666: the plan is a bit like that ;P
L971[12:01:38] <sham1> It connects to RF stuff ven while being on a magic mod
L972[12:01:40] <sham1> Wat
L973[12:01:45] <gigaherz> ??
L974[12:01:48] <minecreatr> thats gonna be so cool gigaherz
L975[12:01:53] <gigaherz> that's my Ender-rift mod
L976[12:01:56] <gigaherz> it's purely tech storage ;P
L977[12:01:57] <sham1> Oh
L978[12:02:00] <sham1> H
L979[12:02:03] ⇨ Joins: KilRoYDK (~KilRoYDK@5F9A1C39.rev.sefiber.dk)
L980[12:02:13] <shadekiller666> do you have any plans on making compatibility or synergy with Elements of Power?
L981[12:02:21] <gigaherz> not at the moment
L982[12:02:33] <PaleoCrafter> There's a mod that has pretty similar models for its teleportation devices
L983[12:02:50] <gigaherz> heh
L984[12:03:04] <PaleoCrafter> It also has 'Ender' in its name
L985[12:03:29] <PaleoCrafter> I think that's the second most used word in mod names after 'craft'
L986[12:03:40] <sham1> EnderIO? :^)
L987[12:03:43] <sham1> ?
L988[12:03:46] <gigaherz> Ender*
L989[12:03:47] <gigaherz> Mine*
L990[12:03:49] <gigaherz> *craft
L991[12:04:01] <minecreatr> enderminetechcraft
L992[12:04:06] ⇨ Joins: KGS (~KGS@nl107-188-189.student.uu.se)
L993[12:04:21] <minecreatr> ^ best mod name ever
L994[12:05:25] <PaleoCrafter> *thermal enderminetechcraft
L995[12:05:26] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
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L997[12:05:47] <shadekiller666> cofhthermalenderminetechcraft
L998[12:05:51] <gigaherz> +io
L999[12:06:03] <PaleoCrafter> Oh, and prepend Tinker's
L1000[12:06:14] <minecreatr> tinkersthermalenderminetechcraft
L1001[12:06:20] <tterrag> Equivalent Thaumic Mo' Extra Applied Tinker's Bonitechifinecraft+ 2 Thermal Addon, Reloaded
L1002[12:06:27] <tterrag> that's from #TinkersConstruct topic
L1003[12:06:42] <gigaherz> XD
L1004[12:07:11] <shadekiller666> you forgot to include Forestry and its bees
L1005[12:07:29] <sham1> OH NO NOT THE BEES
L1006[12:07:33] <sham1> NOT THE BEES
L1007[12:07:40] ⇦ Quits: Wastl2 (~Wastl2@f053012001.adsl.alicedsl.de) (Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.)
L1008[12:07:41] <shadekiller666> haha
L1009[12:07:49] *** cpw is now known as cpw|out
L1010[12:08:03] <minecreatr> equivelentelectricalcomputationaltinkersthermalenderminetechcraft
L1011[12:08:16] <shadekiller666> there you go
L1012[12:08:33] *** cpw|out is now known as cpw
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L1014[12:08:47] <unascribed> EquivalentElectricalComputationalTinkersThermalEnderMineTechCraft is the new name of my next mod
L1015[12:09:03] <gigaherz> what's the proper way to allow an ISBRH to have more than one texture?
L1016[12:09:26] <shadekiller666> IIcons?
L1017[12:09:38] <gigaherz> yeah I mean how to I register/get them
L1018[12:09:52] <gigaherz> so far I was using block.getIcon(0,0)
L1019[12:10:00] <gigaherz> to get the one single icon for the block
L1020[12:10:11] <gigaherz> but there's gotta be a better way ;P
L1021[12:10:24] <shadekiller666> no idea
L1022[12:11:03] <boni> tterrag: pssst. top secret.
L1023[12:11:47] <PaleoCrafter> gigaherz, either abuse your block (registerIcons)
L1024[12:12:01] <PaleoCrafter> Or TextureStitchEvent
L1025[12:12:02] <gigaherz> aha
L1026[12:12:06] <gigaherz> so I'll abuse my block.
L1027[12:12:07] <gigaherz> XD
L1028[12:12:10] <shadekiller666> #StopBlockAbuse
L1029[12:12:46] <PaleoCrafter> You know you could have looked at vanilla for this? :P
L1030[12:13:26] <unascribed> I can't think of any vanilla blocks that assign textures on a basis other than per-side or per-meta
L1031[12:13:29] <gigaherz> vanilla has ISBRH?
L1032[12:13:55] <PaleoCrafter> No, but multiple textures for a single block :P
L1033[12:14:44] <tterrag> boni: >.>
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L1040[12:22:56] MineBot sets mode: +o on fry|S_I_S_
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L1042[12:24:56] <sickan> How do mods like TE rotate their blocks?
L1043[12:25:08] <sickan> AFAIK they don't use metadata for it
L1044[12:25:23] <gigaherz> TE?
L1045[12:25:38] <shadekiller666> wtf
L1046[12:25:41] <gigaherz> I don't see why would they not use metadata
L1047[12:25:45] <shadekiller666> uhh
L1048[12:25:50] <gigaherz> they could use the TileEntity with NBT instead
L1049[12:26:09] <shadekiller666> its usually metadata and ForgeDirection for 1.7 or a PropertyDirection
L1050[12:26:11] <gigaherz> and an ISBRH
L1051[12:26:25] <gigaherz> but it doens't seem necessary
L1052[12:27:12] <gigaherz> well I guess with configurable faces
L1053[12:27:18] <gigaherz> ISBRH is unavoidable
L1054[12:27:29] <gigaherz> so I'd guess they would use ISBRH+TE's NBT data
L1055[12:27:47] <shadekiller666> for some reason im getting this: http://pastebin.com/77Apxm2h when i try to register my block...
L1056[12:28:21] <tterrag> they don't use metadata
L1057[12:28:26] <tterrag> it's just a TE field
L1058[12:28:31] <gigaherz> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/Rift-base.jpg
L1059[12:28:43] <gigaherz> there the base has its own texture now :)
L1060[12:28:51] <sickan> They use the metadata to have multiple blocks on the same id, yes?
L1061[12:29:18] <tterrag> yes
L1062[12:29:24] <shadekiller666> giga,, does the base go away if the structure doesn't have any blocks under it?
L1063[12:29:56] <gigaherz> ?
L1064[12:29:59] <gigaherz> the base is part of the model
L1065[12:30:35] <shadekiller666> i know, but i think it would be cool if the model could have the base when the structure is sitting on something, and not have it when its floating
L1066[12:30:42] <gigaherz> Ah
L1067[12:30:52] <gigaherz> that'd be somewhat annoying XD
L1068[12:31:05] <shadekiller666> so if it was floating then the bottom would look like the top does
L1069[12:31:06] <gigaherz> maybe in the future ;P
L1070[12:31:22] <gigaherz> yeah I see your point
L1071[12:31:23] <gigaherz> XD
L1072[12:31:29] <gigaherz> but atm I have other priorities
L1073[12:31:56] <shadekiller666> for some reason i keep getting this: http://pastebin.com/77Apxm2h
L1074[12:31:59] <gigaherz> most notably: allow the structure to accept energy, instead of the core block
L1075[12:32:05] <shadekiller666> when i register the track block
L1076[12:32:15] <gigaherz> the 8 corners, that is
L1077[12:32:18] <shadekiller666> that shouldn't be too hard giga
L1078[12:32:34] <gigaherz> well, I'd need to make the structure blocks have a TE
L1079[12:32:36] <gigaherz> XD
L1080[12:32:43] <shadekiller666> true
L1081[12:33:04] <shadekiller666> could 1 TE be made to handle more than 1 block in the world?
L1082[12:33:16] <sickan> That's a super weird error
L1083[12:33:18] <gigaherz> not really
L1084[12:33:35] <gigaherz> when someone asks for a neighbouring TE, the getTileEntity method would return null ;P
L1085[12:33:46] <gigaherz> you can, however, have multiple TEs share an inner class
L1086[12:33:49] <gigaherz> (instance)
L1087[12:33:58] <gigaherz> and have the actual TEs be lightweight objects
L1088[12:34:22] <gigaherz> in my case, I'd make the corner blocks have TEs, the "redstone" edges be plain blocks
L1089[12:34:27] <sham1> Well FMP blocks could have tileentities
L1090[12:34:41] <gigaherz> and I'd use metadata to tell the block where the core is
L1091[12:35:15] <shadekiller666> well, you could theoretically insert the same te into the list that the World uses to check
L1092[12:35:47] <shadekiller666> giga, are all of those the same block?
L1093[12:35:55] <gigaherz> atm, yes
L1094[12:36:01] <gigaherz> but I'm making it not so
L1095[12:36:06] <shadekiller666> sham, any idea what could be causing it?
L1096[12:36:15] <gigaherz> and no I'm not reusing the same TE instance for more than one block
L1097[12:36:20] <gigaherz> that only leads to tears later ;P
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L1099[12:36:56] <sham1> causing what
L1100[12:37:21] <shadekiller666> http://pastebin.com/77Apxm2h
L1101[12:37:34] ⇦ Quits: sww1235 (~sww1235@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L1102[12:37:55] <sham1> showeth some code
L1103[12:38:25] <shadekiller666> giga, so would you say that its better to have a separate block for "dummies" that are meant solely for the purpose of providing a collision box?
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L1105[12:38:50] <gigaherz> I think so
L1106[12:38:55] <gigaherz> that's why I did them
L1107[12:39:01] <gigaherz> why have unnecessary TEs?
L1108[12:41:21] *** tterrag is now known as tterrag|away
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L1111[12:41:59] <sham1> wait no
L1112[12:42:33] <shadekiller666> sham, the code plus the error again for good measure: https://gist.github.com/shadekiller666/640849535008e1ab26f6
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L1116[12:46:27] <shadekiller666> anyone have any ideas? https://gist.github.com/shadekiller666/640849535008e1ab26f6 error is included
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L1119[12:50:52] <shadekiller666> any ideas?
L1120[12:51:35] <gigaherz> registerBlock detected a duplicate somehow
L1121[12:52:14] <gigaherz> put a breakpoint here:
L1122[12:52:15] <gigaherz> at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameData.registerBlock(GameData.java:840)
L1123[12:52:25] <gigaherz> and see which id is given to "put"
L1124[12:52:31] <gigaherz> and what that same ID was used for
L1125[12:54:38] <shadekiller666> lets see how intellij fairs with conditional break points compared to eclipse
L1126[12:55:35] <FusionLord> is that crash valid to that source cause ther error in your code is @ CoasterStyle.java:87 and the line is blank
L1127[12:56:21] <shadekiller666> oh, thats cuz the gist doesn't have the imports...
L1128[12:56:38] <FusionLord> that throws stuff off xD
L1129[12:56:41] <shadekiller666> 87 in coasterstyle is actually 73
L1130[12:57:34] <PaleoCrafter> Are you sure you want to define gameplay blocks with client-visible configs? :P
L1131[12:57:50] <shadekiller666> StyleRegistry 89 is actually 73
L1132[12:58:00] <shadekiller666> uhh
L1133[12:58:05] <shadekiller666> no
L1134[12:58:59] <shadekiller666> actually thats going to cause real problems server-side... hmm
L1135[13:00:43] <gigaherz> \o/
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L1138[13:04:41] <Mata> MCPBot_Reborn,
L1139[13:04:43] <Mata> !help
L1140[13:04:52] <Mata> !gf field_149781_w
L1141[13:05:03] <shadekiller666> lol you don't need to say its name xD
L1142[13:05:06] <Mata> lol
L1143[13:05:10] <Mata> wanted to see if its online
L1144[13:05:19] <Mata> !gf field_149782_v
L1145[13:05:42] <shadekiller666> don't think i've ever seen it not online
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L1149[13:08:50] <shadekiller666> giga, it doesn't seem like the BLOCKSTATE_TO_ID map contains any duplicates
L1150[13:09:00] <shadekiller666> yet it still seems to crash for some reason
L1151[13:09:26] <gigaherz> weird
L1152[13:09:58] <gigaherz> then it must be something very weird happening in "at net.minecraft.util.ObjectIntIdentityMap.put(ObjectIntIdentityMap.java:25)"
L1153[13:11:29] *** MorphFK is now known as Morphan1
L1154[13:11:49] <shadekiller666> thats just "this.objectList.set(value, key)"
L1155[13:12:24] <gigaherz> yes but "set" is being called with index -1
L1156[13:12:38] <gigaherz> it's getting something that's obj->-1
L1157[13:13:20] <shadekiller666> ObjectIntIdentityMap has a map of IBlockState->Integer entries, and an ArrayList of IBlockStates stored in their respective id index
L1158[13:13:24] <shadekiller666> hmm
L1159[13:15:12] <shadekiller666> wonder if it is because the ItemBlock is null when GameData.BLOCKSTATE_TO_ID.put() gets called...
L1160[13:15:17] <shadekiller666> this is really strange
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L1169[13:19:48] <sickan> Is there an easy way to rotate blocks?
L1170[13:20:07] ⇦ Quits: mezz (~quassel@2601:641:4000:82f9:3111:6c9:f387:be2e) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L1171[13:20:08] <shadekiller666> PropertyDirection
L1172[13:20:43] <sickan> On 1.7.10
L1173[13:20:47] <sickan> Sorry
L1174[13:20:53] <shadekiller666> ForgeDirection
L1175[13:21:23] <gigaherz> sickan: override the variant of getIcon that gets side,meta
L1176[13:21:34] <gigaherz> return the right face texture for each side
L1177[13:21:53] <gigaherz> if it's a custom model, then you are using ISBRH/TESR, so apply therotation there
L1178[13:22:07] <FusionLord> poor Fry https://youtu.be/zXWGYiA44aQ?t=3245 #BlameLex
L1179[13:22:17] <sickan> Is there a simple algorithm for getIcon=
L1180[13:22:39] <gigaherz> look at the furnace
L1181[13:22:45] <gigaherz> or dispenser
L1182[13:23:01] <gigaherz> they are two examples of how to have facing-enabled blocks
L1183[13:23:14] <gigaherz> furnace for sides-only and dispenser including up and down
L1184[13:23:24] <PaleoCrafter> They finally managed to upload the talks?
L1185[13:28:26] <sickan> Ugh, a series of ternaries? That's rough
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L1189[13:38:33] <shadekiller666> does calling String.toUpperCase() make all characters capital or just the first ones of each word?
L1190[13:38:39] <unascribed> all characters
L1191[13:38:59] <shadekiller666> :/
L1192[13:39:01] <tterrag|away> Make sure to use a locale when using that method
L1193[13:39:03] <unascribed> make sure to pass it Locale.ENGLISH if what characters it uppercases is important, otherwise other locales could mess with the capitalization rules
L1194[13:39:13] <unascribed> I have an implementation called formatTitleCase if you want it
L1195[13:39:15] <tterrag|away> also, StringUtils.capitulize
L1196[13:39:20] <unascribed> oh, it's in Apache
L1197[13:39:43] <shadekiller666> is there a library method that capitalizes only the first character of each word?
L1198[13:39:49] <tterrag|away> ...just said it
L1199[13:39:53] <unascribed> StringUtils.capitalize, as tterrag just said
L1200[13:39:54] <shadekiller666> ok
L1201[13:39:57] <shadekiller666> thanks
L1202[13:40:03] <sickan> Does that capitalize the string or each word?
L1203[13:40:09] * unascribed facedesks
L1204[13:40:32] <tterrag|away> Read the javadocs
L1205[13:41:43] <sickan> Eh, I'm very interested, I was just curious
L1206[13:41:51] <sickan> *not very*
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L1208[13:42:25] <iceman11a> I just started up my local server and when I try and log in, The client crashes. here's the report. Can some one tell me why
L1209[13:42:26] <iceman11a> http://pastebin.com/L9yqwDya
L1210[13:43:26] <shadekiller666> something wrong with EnderIO's CustomCubeRenderer
L1211[13:44:12] <iceman11a> Ok, I'll have to show this to some one from the enderio irc. thanks
L1212[13:44:31] <shadekiller666> mhmm
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L1221[14:01:29] <gigaherz> what's the best approach for save-specific data?
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L1224[14:01:44] <gigaherz> inside the save folder I often see nbt data files
L1225[14:01:50] <gigaherz> but I have no idea if there's something existing for it or what
L1226[14:02:46] <FusionLord> when you say save specific you mean world?
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L1228[14:03:14] <PaleoCrafter> WorldSavedData
L1229[14:03:23] <gigaherz> FusionLord: I mean something like you'd see on EnderStorage
L1230[14:03:31] <gigaherz> where the same data is available on all dimensions
L1231[14:05:45] * gigaherz is looking at WorldSavedData
L1232[14:06:34] <shadekiller666> would that be saved to the player's .dat?
L1233[14:07:14] <PaleoCrafter> There's no 'the player'
L1234[14:07:50] <gigaherz> shadekiller666: no, that's what IEEPs are for
L1235[14:07:59] <shadekiller666> ahh
L1236[14:08:14] <gigaherz> I see,
L1237[14:08:27] <gigaherz> WorldSavedData has per-dimension data, and global stuff
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L1243[14:20:23] <shadekiller666> :/
L1244[14:20:45] <shadekiller666> registering 1 block with a lot of different variations is difficult
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L1247[14:27:18] <Pennyw95> I just realized that some thaumcraft models are rendered with both ISBRH and TESR O_o
L1248[14:27:29] <gigaherz> Pennyw95: sure, I plan to do that too
L1249[14:27:34] <Pennyw95> is it hard?
L1250[14:27:36] <gigaherz> no
L1251[14:27:46] <Pennyw95> I mean, the crucible is isbrh, its liquid level is tesr
L1252[14:27:48] <gigaherz> the ISBRH draws the static stuff
L1253[14:27:59] <Pennyw95> now I feel bad that I used tesr for my whole model
L1254[14:28:12] <gigaherz> while the TESR draws only the graphical effects or such
L1255[14:28:15] <Pennyw95> but thinking about rewriting the code makes me feel bad as well
L1256[14:28:18] <gigaherz> take the enchanting table as an example
L1257[14:28:21] <gigaherz> at least in 1.8
L1258[14:28:26] <gigaherz> the table itself is a standard model
L1259[14:28:28] <gigaherz> a box
L1260[14:28:34] <gigaherz> while the book is a TESR drawn on top
L1261[14:28:41] <Pennyw95> that's surely smart
L1262[14:28:58] <Pennyw95> maybe in the next release I'll try to do it
L1263[14:29:22] <gigaherz> also, TESRs stop drawing earlier than ISBRHs
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L1265[14:29:35] <gigaherz> so this helps create a "level of detail" sortof thing
L1266[14:29:40] <Pennyw95> stop drawing?
L1267[14:29:46] <gigaherz> yeah
L1268[14:29:50] <Pennyw95> wait I'm not sure I understand what you mean
L1269[14:29:59] <gigaherz> look at banners or such, they disappear after a certain distance
L1270[14:30:06] <gigaherz> long before the world itself ends
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L1272[14:30:14] <Pennyw95> oh ok
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L1274[14:30:26] <gigaherz> so in thecast of the crucible
L1275[14:30:34] <gigaherz> you don't care about the liquid rendering if it's far enough
L1276[14:30:35] <Pennyw95> so for instance, from a certain distance I could see the thaumcraft's crucible but not the fluid
L1277[14:30:40] <Pennyw95> exactly
L1278[14:30:41] <gigaherz> but you wouldn't like it to disappear completely
L1279[14:30:56] <Pennyw95> I should definitely do that
L1280[14:31:00] <gigaherz> this can be applied to details
L1281[14:31:01] <gigaherz> like
L1282[14:31:05] <gigaherz> think JABBA barrels
L1283[14:31:13] <gigaherz> there's the barrel, and then the item "stamp"
L1284[14:31:29] <gigaherz> yo ucan just draw the icon on a TESR and keep the barrel ISBRH
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L1286[14:32:01] <sham1> I'd really love to know how the hell to use IBakedModel or IPerspectiveAvareModel or whatever to make that kind of custom models
L1287[14:32:08] <gigaherz> ?
L1288[14:32:08] <Pennyw95> Ok it's perfectly clear now
L1289[14:32:15] <gigaherz> what kind?
L1290[14:32:17] <FusionLord> kinda like LoD
L1291[14:32:49] <Pennyw95> but would having both ISBRH and TESR operating cause problems with IItemRenderer?
L1292[14:32:49] <gigaherz> IBakedModel does everything the ISBRH did, xcept in a more convoluted way ;P
L1293[14:32:57] <gigaherz> no idea
L1294[14:33:07] <Pennyw95> oh so IBakedModel is the 1.8 ISBRH?
L1295[14:33:16] <gigaherz> yes, sorta
L1296[14:33:17] <sham1> + IItemRenderer
L1297[14:33:27] <gigaherz> it serves the same purpose
L1298[14:33:27] <sham1> It does both
L1299[14:33:32] <Pennyw95> and TESR? is it still in 1,8?
L1300[14:33:36] <gigaherz> yup
L1301[14:33:39] <gigaherz> that hasn't changed much
L1302[14:33:40] <Pennyw95> ok phew
L1303[14:33:41] <sham1> why would it not be
L1304[14:33:44] <gigaherz> what 1.8 doesn't have
L1305[14:33:59] <gigaherz> is the IItemRenderer way of drawing an item as a TESR
L1306[14:34:00] <sham1> It does not have ISBRH
L1307[14:34:11] <gigaherz> items can only be static models
L1308[14:34:25] <Pennyw95> I know nothing about 1.8, I remeber the witchery author talking about problems with shrinking models though
L1309[14:34:36] <Pennyw95> Wait...if items can only be static, what about Tinkers?
L1310[14:34:48] <sham1> The models themselves can be static
L1311[14:34:49] <gigaherz> ISmartItemModel lets you provide different models based on item data
L1312[14:34:51] <sham1> Nothing about textures
L1313[14:35:08] <Pennyw95> But doesn't this mean the models can't be dynamically created?
L1314[14:35:14] <sham1> They can
L1315[14:35:14] <gigaherz> they can
L1316[14:35:18] <Pennyw95> ah ok
L1317[14:35:20] <gigaherz> you just can't do realtime animations
L1318[14:35:29] <Pennyw95> hm.. example?
L1319[14:35:45] <Pennyw95> you mean like thaumcraft wand poiting or flans aiming?
L1320[14:36:07] <PaleoCrafter> That stuff is still possible
L1321[14:36:19] <gigaherz> no I mean like, the way the enchanting table book flips the pages around back and forth
L1322[14:36:25] <gigaherz> all the time
L1323[14:36:29] <gigaherz> that can't be done
L1324[14:36:48] <PaleoCrafter> Well, it can be
L1325[14:36:51] <sham1> Paleo, do you know anything about rendering
L1326[14:36:56] <PaleoCrafter> It's not very nice though :P
L1327[14:37:06] <gigaherz> you'd have to keep changing the item's NBT to reflect the new animation state
L1328[14:37:11] <gigaherz> which would count as a whole new item
L1329[14:37:20] <PaleoCrafter> Depends on the MC version and what you want to render, sham1
L1330[14:37:22] <gigaherz> playing the item change animation in the hand
L1331[14:37:28] <PaleoCrafter> Nah
L1332[14:37:36] <sham1> 1.8
L1333[14:37:37] <gigaherz> anyhow
L1334[14:37:42] <gigaherz> ALMOST everything can be done still
L1335[14:37:49] <gigaherz> xcept reusing the TESR code in an item
L1336[14:37:58] <PaleoCrafter> World time + modulo + ISmartItemModel :P
L1337[14:38:01] <gigaherz> you need a separate model one way or another ;P
L1338[14:38:06] <sham1> 1.8 IBakedModel
L1339[14:38:12] <PaleoCrafter> No clue
L1340[14:38:18] <sham1> How do I define the quads :/
L1341[14:38:26] <gigaherz> sham1: sec I have code for that ;p
L1342[14:38:27] <PaleoCrafter> The forge repo has examples
L1343[14:38:56] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/models/ObjModel.java#L43
L1344[14:39:02] <gigaherz> it's not the nicest of codes, but it works ;P
L1345[14:39:31] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/models/ObjModel.java#L82
L1346[14:39:37] <gigaherz> line 82+ is how you build BakeQuads
L1347[14:39:37] <gigaherz> ;P
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L1349[14:39:40] <PaleoCrafter> gigaherz, it's possible to reuse a TESR for an item, btw :P it's just not very nice
L1350[14:39:53] <PaleoCrafter> IronChest does it
L1351[14:39:56] <gigaherz> oh?
L1352[14:41:35] <williewillus> proiron chest cheats
L1353[14:41:39] <williewillus> *ironchests cheats
L1354[14:42:06] <williewillus> it overrides the TEISR with its own, which works fine if you're the only one doing it
L1355[14:42:19] <PaleoCrafter> As I said, not very nice :P
L1356[14:43:14] <sham1> One question about that gigaherz, how is the vertex data formated
L1357[14:43:32] <gigaherz> sham1: depends on the VertedFormat you give
L1358[14:43:33] <gigaherz> the default one
L1359[14:43:41] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/models/ObjModel.java#L124
L1360[14:43:42] <gigaherz> is like this
L1361[14:44:05] <gigaherz> the last int, is the tint channel ID
L1362[14:44:28] <sham1> so the facedata[l] = 0 would be the tint channel
L1363[14:44:31] <gigaherz> (can have more than one tint, such as for spawn eggs)
L1364[14:44:39] <gigaherz> yes
L1365[14:45:13] <gigaherz> note that you CAN use a different vertex format than that
L1366[14:45:17] <gigaherz> that just happens to be the default one
L1367[14:45:35] <sham1> That seems like the most straight forward
L1368[14:46:04] <sham1> And the position floats are from 0 to 1 I imagine
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L1370[14:46:48] <sham1> Seems like I will be replacing a TESR very soon
L1371[14:46:51] <gigaherz> yes
L1372[14:47:44] <shadekiller666> vertex position floats can be whatever you want them to be
L1373[14:47:54] <gigaherz> 0..1 is the standard block space
L1374[14:47:57] <gigaherz> ;P
L1375[14:48:02] <shadekiller666> if you want them contained within an actual block 0-1 is where you want them
L1376[14:48:17] <gigaherz> and yeah my rift structure is -1 to 2
L1377[14:48:23] <gigaherz> is 3 blocks across on each direction
L1378[14:48:42] <shadekiller666> nivr
L1379[14:48:45] <shadekiller666> nice*
L1380[14:49:08] <gigaherz> I'm now working on shared rifts
L1381[14:49:26] <gigaherz> so you can duplicate them and access the rifts across dimensions
L1382[14:49:41] <gigaherz> (or from 4 blocks away, if you feel like it)
L1383[14:50:19] <gigaherz> after that, I may start working on the rituals used to create the rift items
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L1395[15:20:45] <gigaherz> oops, I had a bug in my readFromNBT, only 127 stacks would have worked XD
L1396[15:21:01] <gigaherz> (used setInteger, but getByte XD)
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L1399[15:22:42] <sham1> Why
L1400[15:22:50] <sham1> And how
L1401[15:23:08] <gigaherz> sham1: the normal inventory code from the chest uses getByte/setByte for the slot number
L1402[15:23:11] <gigaherz> I changed set, but not get
L1403[15:23:12] <gigaherz> XD
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L1407[15:38:11] <killjoy> How is the xbox able to read ext, but windows needs 3rd party software?
L1408[15:38:30] <gigaherz> which xbox?
L1409[15:38:33] <killjoy> both
L1410[15:38:38] <gigaherz> there's 3 so far ;P
L1411[15:38:43] <killjoy> 360/one
L1412[15:39:03] <gigaherz> I didn't know they were able to load ext filesystems
L1413[15:39:08] <killjoy> http://www.howtogeek.com/73178/what-file-system-should-i-use-for-my-usb-drive/
L1414[15:39:11] <killjoy> scroll down to the table
L1415[15:39:29] <gigaherz> weird
L1416[15:40:22] <gigaherz> unless that table is wrong
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L1418[15:42:07] <gigaherz> the only reference of xbox + ext2 in the same page I can find
L1419[15:42:08] ⇨ Joins: Drullkus (~Drullkus@c-73-162-160-76.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L1420[15:42:15] <gigaherz> is someone saying it was using linux
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L1422[15:43:01] <killjoy> xbox runs windows
L1423[15:43:15] <killjoy> *windows based
L1424[15:43:15] <gigaherz> not exactly
L1425[15:43:20] <williewillus> doesnt windows have ext drivers though?
L1426[15:43:23] <williewillus> it runs NT kernel
L1427[15:43:32] <williewillus> so basically the core of windows
L1428[15:43:33] <gigaherz> windows doesn't have any microsoft-provided ext drivers
L1429[15:43:44] <gigaherz> but there are ext2/3/4 drivers available
L1430[15:43:48] <killjoy> windows only supports fat, ntfs, and exFat
L1431[15:43:59] <killjoy> and cdfs
L1432[15:44:01] <gigaherz> *out of the box
L1433[15:44:05] <gigaherz> and udf
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L1435[15:44:34] <gigaherz> williewillus: it's not exactly the same kernel, specially in the xbox360 which is powerpc
L1436[15:44:43] <williewillus> oh i was referring to xbone
L1437[15:44:50] <gigaherz> (NT is designed exclusively for little-endian)
L1438[15:44:54] <williewillus> which runs a stripped down Windows which runs a Hypervisor with the games in a VM
L1439[15:45:04] <killjoy> If the 360 used powerpc, why didn't more people make games for osx 10.5?
L1440[15:45:13] <killjoy> er, earlier macs
L1441[15:45:16] <williewillus> bc console and desktop are still very different :p
L1442[15:45:21] <gigaherz> because why would they?
L1443[15:45:22] <gigaherz> XD
L1444[15:45:27] <gigaherz> Apple's OpenGL support sucks
L1445[15:45:34] <williewillus> you still wouldnt get directX on the ppc mac lol
L1446[15:45:55] <killjoy> I guess that's one reason
L1447[15:45:57] <gigaherz> so even the people who write games for ps3, who did use an opengl-based drawing library
L1448[15:46:05] <gigaherz> wouldn't really care XD
L1449[15:46:13] <gigaherz> also
L1450[15:46:20] <gigaherz> they all are "POWER architecture"
L1451[15:46:29] <gigaherz> but they aren't exactly binary-compatible
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L1453[15:46:41] <williewillus> is the ps os based on unix?
L1454[15:46:49] <gigaherz> no
L1455[15:46:58] <gigaherz> well
L1456[15:47:00] <gigaherz> the ps4 has some BSD in it I believe
L1457[15:47:04] <killjoy> It just used to support redhat
L1458[15:47:27] <williewillus> yaeh ps4 is bsd fork
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L1460[15:49:05] <shadekiller666> well crap
L1461[15:49:20] <shadekiller666> i guess i'm going to need 1 block class per category
L1462[15:49:45] <shadekiller666> seems like the GameRegistry only wants 1 occurance of a block class, period
L1463[15:50:03] <diesieben07> thats BS.
L1464[15:50:09] <shadekiller666> i keep getting ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptions
L1465[15:50:12] <diesieben07> the GameRegistry doesn't give a crap about classes.
L1466[15:50:38] <diesieben07> if you get an error, post it :D
L1467[15:50:52] <shadekiller666> i will, one sec
L1468[15:50:56] <gigaherz> GAH
L1469[15:51:08] <gigaherz> my inventory loses items if I use EnderIO pipes
L1470[15:51:15] <gigaherz> if there isn't enough power to insert
L1471[15:51:20] <gigaherz> I do stack.stackSize = 0
L1472[15:51:25] <gigaherz> to indicate "nothing was inserted"
L1473[15:51:35] <shadekiller666> wait what
L1474[15:51:37] <gigaherz> but EnderIO still considers it inserted
L1475[15:51:46] <shadekiller666> it crashes on the first call to registerBlock()...
L1476[15:52:21] <gigaherz> hmm
L1477[15:52:25] <gigaherz> the hopper also loses the items
L1478[15:52:27] <gigaherz> so this must be wrong
L1479[15:52:28] <gigaherz> :/
L1480[15:53:10] <diesieben07> gigaherz, which method are you using?
L1481[15:53:22] <gigaherz> this is old code
L1482[15:53:42] <gigaherz> I was just implementing setInventorySlotContents
L1483[15:53:54] <gigaherz> but it obviously isn't right anymore ;P
L1484[15:54:01] <diesieben07> you can't deny the insertion with that
L1485[15:54:11] <gigaherz> how then? XD
L1486[15:54:26] *** Gaz492|Away is now known as Gaz492
L1487[15:54:31] <diesieben07> you need to implement ISidedInventory and then use canInsertItem
L1488[15:54:36] <gigaherz> ugh
L1489[15:54:37] <gigaherz> XD
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L1491[15:55:22] <gigaherz> can I do ISidedInventory without getAccessibleSlotsFromSide somehow?
L1492[15:55:29] <diesieben07> No.
L1493[15:55:31] <gigaherz> the block can potentially have 10 million stacks
L1494[15:55:42] <diesieben07> o.O
L1495[15:55:48] <gigaherz> and I would rather not returns a 10 million array if it comes to that
L1496[15:56:02] <gigaherz> that's why I wasn't using ISidedInventory
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L1498[15:56:08] <shadekiller666> diesie: https://gist.github.com/shadekiller666/d0b6657b2281f74f9d4c
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L1500[15:56:34] <Ordinastie_> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: GiveThemeParkCommand
L1501[15:57:01] <Ordinastie_> wait, nvm
L1502[15:57:01] <shadekiller666> i know, i need to fix that too, but its not the cause of the issue
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L1506[15:58:44] <Ordinastie_> you realise that the way you did your block, you'll need 1 block per different TrackPieceInfo
L1507[15:59:15] <diesieben07> humm wat
L1508[15:59:18] <diesieben07> why is that happening
L1509[15:59:48] <diesieben07> gigaherz, isItemValidForSlot is the only thing you have then.
L1510[16:00:04] <shadekiller666> ordin, is there a better way to do this kind of thing?
L1511[16:00:57] <Ordinastie_> yeah, if you want to ping me, just use "Ordi"
L1512[16:01:17] <Ordinastie_> anyway
L1513[16:01:20] <sham1> I prefer odin
L1514[16:01:47] <Ordinastie_> it all depends on how you plan to get the items for the blocks and how to place the blocks
L1515[16:02:17] <gigaherz> diesieben07: /me facepalms -- I somehow scrolled over that a million times and I didn't realize it was there
L1516[16:02:17] <gigaherz> XD
L1517[16:02:33] <shadekiller666> the items only exist 1. so that the other devs and i can place the blocks when we're developing, and 2. incase we need them for rendering or something later
L1518[16:02:44] <gigaherz> works now
L1519[16:02:44] <diesieben07> shadekiller666, wtf is this: https://gist.github.com/shadekiller666/d0b6657b2281f74f9d4c#file-blocktrack-java-L71
L1520[16:02:56] <diesieben07> you can NOT (it will do NOTHING) set unlisted properties in the world.
L1521[16:03:05] <diesieben07> you should know that.
L1522[16:03:23] <shadekiller666> the blocks will be placed via a gui, so we'll have full control over the properties of the block
L1523[16:03:41] <diesieben07> that has nothing to do with what i just said.
L1524[16:03:53] <shadekiller666> problem is, different "categories" of track can have different Materials
L1525[16:03:56] <diesieben07> the result of onBlockPlaced is passed to world.setBlockState
L1526[16:04:01] <Ordinastie_> then the block doesn't need TrackPieceInfo at all
L1527[16:04:04] <diesieben07> which then calls getStateFromMeta on your block
L1528[16:04:15] <shadekiller666> i was answering Ordi's question
L1529[16:04:19] <diesieben07> which completely disregards any unlisted (or non-meta) properties.
L1530[16:04:20] <diesieben07> anyways.
L1531[16:04:27] <shadekiller666> ok
L1532[16:05:11] <shadekiller666> but that has nothing to do with the registration problem
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L1534[16:05:27] <diesieben07> that is true.
L1535[16:05:32] <shadekiller666> Ordi, what about the Material problem
L1536[16:05:45] <shadekiller666> i'm thinking 1 block per category
L1537[16:05:50] <Ordinastie_> what about materials ?
L1538[16:05:53] <diesieben07> somehow this returns -1: blockId << 4 | block.getMetaFromState(state)
L1539[16:05:54] <shadekiller666> the block material
L1540[16:06:37] <shadekiller666> depending on the "category" assigned to the block, a different Material can be passed to the Block constructor
L1541[16:08:54] <Ordinastie_> well, of course if you have different materials you will need different blocks
L1542[16:09:35] <Horfius> Anyone know any public and not horribly coded scala mods for 1.7/8 not by Calclavia or CB?
L1543[16:10:00] <Ordinastie_> ^ not compatible : scala/not horribly coded
L1544[16:10:13] <diesieben07> ^ old joke is old.
L1545[16:10:15] *** MattOfflineMc is now known as Mata
L1546[16:10:26] <Ordinastie_> and PaleOff is not even here :(
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L1548[16:10:47] <shadekiller666> diesie, i figured it ou
L1549[16:10:48] <shadekiller666> out
L1550[16:10:50] <diesieben07> OpenComputers comes to mind but I don't know if it is "not horribly coded", whatever that means.
L1551[16:10:53] <diesieben07> what was it?
L1552[16:11:04] <gigaherz> hmf
L1553[16:11:10] <shadekiller666> EnumFacing.DOWN and EnumFacing.UP have a horizontalIndex value of -1
L1554[16:11:13] <gigaherz> my WorldSavedData is never written
L1555[16:11:21] <sham1> Horfius, I would offer mine but because mine is the definition of bad code then I cannot give it
L1556[16:11:24] <diesieben07> well, of course they do :D
L1557[16:11:24] <gigaherz> writeToNBT is never called on it XD
L1558[16:11:42] <diesieben07> gigaherz, do you call markDirty() when you change any data?
L1559[16:11:49] <gigaherz> yes
L1560[16:11:52] <shadekiller666> and BlockTrack.getMetaFromState() was returning state.getValue(FACING).getHorizontalIndex()
L1561[16:12:02] <diesieben07> show your code then
L1562[16:12:06] <gigaherz> sec pushing
L1563[16:12:07] <shadekiller666> and i guess it defaults to DOWN for some reason
L1564[16:13:09] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/enderRift/storage/RiftStorageWorldData.java
L1565[16:13:14] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/enderRift/storage/RiftInventory.java
L1566[16:13:23] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/enderRift/blocks/TileEnderRift.java
L1567[16:14:15] <gigaherz> TE.markDirty calls Inventory.markDirty() which calls storage.markDirty()
L1568[16:14:28] <gigaherz> on top of that, the inventory calls markDirty whenever any slot has been written to
L1569[16:14:29] <diesieben07> gigaherz, WorldSavedData must have a (String) constructor
L1570[16:14:34] <gigaherz> aha
L1571[16:14:55] <gigaherz> the empty one too, or just string?
L1572[16:15:15] <diesieben07> MC only wants String
L1573[16:15:25] <gigaherz> (stupid bad/outdated examples ¬¬)
L1574[16:15:46] ⇦ Parts: Kzitold_ (webchat@cpe-184-57-7-196.columbus.res.rr.com) ())
L1575[16:16:51] <gigaherz> thanks works now :D
L1576[16:16:55] <sham1> What does it need a string constructor for
L1577[16:17:40] <diesieben07> well, MC's primary usecase is maps
L1578[16:17:46] <diesieben07> and there the identifier changes constantly
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L1587[16:42:31] <gigaherz> okay question
L1588[16:42:36] <gigaherz> I have the ISBRH for the block
L1589[16:42:52] <gigaherz> but I want the block to have its block aspect when the multiblock isn't "formed"
L1590[16:42:58] <gigaherz> and when the block is in the inventory
L1591[16:43:27] <gigaherz> what's the way to do that? do I have to manually send the cube shape?
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L1593[16:44:28] <Ordinastie_> 1.8 ?
L1594[16:45:30] <gigaherz> 1.7.10
L1595[16:45:40] <gigaherz> if it was 1.8 I'd just use IBakedModels ;p
L1596[16:46:16] <Ordinastie_> then just dont draw if multiblock is valid
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L1598[16:47:01] <gigaherz> I tried doing "if (meta == 0) return false;" but the block is invisible in inventory and when meta = 0 :/
L1599[16:47:20] <Ordinastie_> don't use meta = 0 to check it then
L1600[16:47:31] <Ordinastie_> or don't check for meta for the item
L1601[16:47:33] <gigaherz> ?
L1602[16:47:44] <gigaherz> this is two different issues
L1603[16:47:45] <gigaherz> XD
L1604[16:47:52] <gigaherz> 1. the inventory item is invisible
L1605[16:48:04] <gigaherz> 2. the world block without multiblock activated is also invisible
L1606[16:48:41] <Ordinastie_> what's your current ISBRH code ?
L1607[16:49:02] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/enderRift/client/SBRHEnderRift.java
L1608[16:49:20] <gigaherz> well, I just added the if() part ;P
L1609[16:49:34] <Ordinastie_> holy fuckin shit
L1610[16:49:50] <Ordinastie_> are you serious ?
L1611[16:49:53] ⇦ Quits: ShaRose (ShaRose@i.am.sharo.se) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1612[16:49:55] <gigaherz> what?
L1613[16:50:13] <gigaherz> the add* stuff is autogenerated ;P
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L1615[16:50:34] <sham1> Jesus tapdancing Christ
L1616[16:50:56] <Ordinastie_> you should get bitch slapped for that ><
L1617[16:51:05] <gigaherz> it's ONLY 400 faces
L1618[16:51:06] <gigaherz> XD
L1619[16:51:19] <Ordinastie_> 1.3k vertexes...
L1620[16:51:22] <gigaherz> yeah
L1621[16:51:31] <sham1> Jesus tapdancing Christ
L1622[16:51:41] <gigaherz> wtf did you ppl think it was when I showed: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/743491/Rift-base.jpg
L1623[16:51:42] <gigaherz> XD
L1624[16:51:43] <Ordinastie_> look, you make sham1 bug :x
L1625[16:51:52] <gigaherz> it's not THAT complex
L1626[16:51:53] <gigaherz> XD
L1627[16:52:06] <Ordinastie_> it should be a fucking simple obj
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L1629[16:52:33] <gigaherz> well when I made it, no one seemed to know if it was even possible to load a obj model from an ISBRH
L1630[16:52:39] <gigaherz> so I converted to tessellator ;P
L1631[16:52:57] <Ordinastie_> wait, you made the converter yourself ?
L1632[16:53:03] <gigaherz> yes
L1633[16:53:05] <gigaherz> well
L1634[16:53:12] <gigaherz> it's a dozen lines on my 1.8 obj loader
L1635[16:53:31] <gigaherz> simply writes the addVertex lines into a text file
L1636[16:54:00] <gigaherz> anyhow
L1637[16:54:05] <gigaherz> "could be better" sure
L1638[16:54:05] <Ordinastie_> or you know, you could have the smart and right thing and backport your loader
L1639[16:54:07] <gigaherz> but that wasn't the point
L1640[16:54:08] <gigaherz> XD
L1641[16:54:17] <sham1> Jeez
L1642[16:54:18] <gigaherz> I planned to
L1643[16:54:20] <gigaherz> afterward.
L1644[16:54:20] <gigaherz> XD
L1645[16:54:22] <sham1> Like why would you even
L1646[16:54:40] <Ordinastie_> like, I may be talking out of my ass because I've yet to test it, but I'm pretty sure my 1.7 obj loader works the same for 1.8
L1647[16:55:10] <gigaherz> well as far as loading itself goes, maybe
L1648[16:55:40] <gigaherz> anyhow
L1649[16:55:43] <gigaherz> that wasn't even the issue!
L1650[16:55:44] <gigaherz> ;P
L1651[16:55:46] <Ordinastie_> the drawing didn't really change either
L1652[16:55:47] <tterrag|away> This is 1.7?
L1653[16:55:50] <gigaherz> yes
L1654[16:56:02] <tterrag|away> It's ridiculously easy to use the forge obj loader in isbrh
L1655[16:56:03] <gigaherz> I have the ISBRH, it works.
L1656[16:56:08] <gigaherz> now I want it to SOMETIMES not be the big model
L1657[16:56:14] <tterrag|away> No stupid tessellator hardcoding
L1658[16:56:28] <gigaherz> tterrag|away: forge's obj loader didn't like my .obj files ;P
L1659[16:56:38] <Ordinastie_> use MalisisCore then ><
L1660[16:56:42] ⇦ Quits: AforAnonymous (bitch2k@dyn-042-190.vix1.mmc.at) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1661[16:56:43] <gigaherz> it chokes on a simple triangle (instead of quad)
L1662[16:56:46] <gigaherz> anyhow
L1663[16:56:49] <gigaherz> can we please move on?
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L1665[16:57:07] <Ordinastie_> hey, you posted stupid code, you're bound to be laughed at, just assume :p
L1666[16:57:08] <gigaherz> pretend the hardcoded tessellator code isn't there
L1667[16:57:09] <tterrag|away> https://github.com/SleepyTrousers/EnderCore/blob/master/src/main/java/com/enderio/core/client/render/SimpleModelRenderer.java
L1668[16:57:17] <tterrag|away> Then you did it wrong
L1669[16:57:18] <gigaherz> my issue is not about that
L1670[16:57:22] <tterrag|away> forge obj loader works fine
L1671[16:57:32] <tterrag|away> All tris or all quads
L1672[16:57:33] <gigaherz> tterrag|away: I gave it triangles, it choked.
L1673[16:57:34] <tterrag|away> Not both
L1674[16:57:42] <tterrag|away> You can't mix them
L1675[16:57:45] <gigaherz> yeah fuck that
L1676[16:57:47] <gigaherz> that's a broken loader.
L1677[16:57:58] <Ordinastie_> ISBRH can't handle tris anyway
L1678[16:58:12] <gigaherz> I'm getting frustrated, because we are talking about a non-issue
L1679[16:58:22] <Ordinastie_> you asked for it :p
L1680[16:58:25] <gigaherz> no
L1681[16:58:35] <gigaherz> I asked for help trying to get the block to show
L1682[16:58:43] <gigaherz> when the hardcoded stuff is NOT being used
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L1684[16:59:08] MineBot sets mode: +v on ShaRose
L1685[16:59:15] <Ordinastie_> if(te.multiBlockFormed) { return renderer.renderStandard(block); } or something like that
L1686[16:59:22] <gigaherz> okay
L1687[16:59:27] ⇦ Quits: Drullkus (~Drullkus@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L1688[16:59:35] <gigaherz> the "return renderer.renderStandard(block);" is the part I couldn't find
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L1692[17:03:27] <shadekiller666> idea.module.inheritOutputDirs = true
L1693[17:03:28] <shadekiller666> right?
L1694[17:04:01] <gigaherz> yes
L1695[17:04:14] *** bilde2910 is now known as bilde2910|away
L1696[17:04:17] <gigaherz> or well, I prefer to write it as idea { module.inheritOutputDirs = true }
L1697[17:04:36] *** MattOfflineMc is now known as Mata
L1698[17:07:18] <sham1> idea { module { inheritOutputDirs = true } }
L1699[17:07:31] <killjoy> #ForgeGradle ?ideafix
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L1701[17:10:07] <tterrag|away> Ordinastie_: right...sigh
L1702[17:10:33] <Ordinastie_> ?
L1703[17:11:30] <tterrag|away> The tris thing
L1704[17:12:07] <shadekiller666> for some reason the game can't find the models for my blocks and items, but it knows where the resources are because one of our guis has two of our item icons in it
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L1707[17:19:22] <gigaherz> WTF is wrong now?!
L1708[17:19:24] <gigaherz> [00:18:46] [Server thread/ERROR] [FML]: A TileEntity type gigaherz.enderRift.blocks.TileEnderRiftCorner has throw an exception trying to write state. It will not persist. Report this to the mod author
L1709[17:19:25] <gigaherz> java.lang.RuntimeException: class gigaherz.enderRift.blocks.TileEnderRiftCorner is missing a mapping! This is a bug!
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L1711[17:19:49] <shadekiller666> your TE isn't registered?
L1712[17:19:54] <Ordinastie_> you forgot to register your TE
L1713[17:19:56] * gigaherz facepalms
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L1715[17:20:02] <gigaherz> yes, yes I did
L1716[17:20:11] *** Mata is now known as MattOfflineMc
L1717[17:21:15] <gigaherz> sorry I'm extremely frustrated at the moment, I'm VERY close to branch this for 1.8 directlyu
L1718[17:21:21] <gigaherz> and just do a bugfix release for 1.7.10
L1719[17:21:25] <shadekiller666> lol
L1720[17:21:47] <gigaherz> why is it so hard to fall back to drawing a plain old cube ;_;
L1721[17:21:56] <shadekiller666> ?
L1722[17:22:02] <gigaherz> from the ISBRH
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L1733[17:22:26] <shadekiller666> oh, are you saying drawing the non-formed version of the model?
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L1741[17:23:41] * gigaherz headdesks repeatedly
L1742[17:23:59] <shadekiller666> is the problem that nothing is drawing?
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L1744[17:24:19] <gigaherz> wait, I forgot to call super.registerBlockIcons
L1745[17:24:20] <gigaherz> ¬¬
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L1748[17:24:37] <gigaherz> there
L1749[17:24:44] <gigaherz> now it draws properly in the world
L1750[17:24:49] <gigaherz> but 2D in the inventory
L1751[17:24:53] <gigaherz> let me toggle into 3D
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L1753[17:25:23] <gigaherz> but tbh, I wouldn't mind it being 2D in the inventory if I can't fix it
L1754[17:25:23] <gigaherz> XD
L1755[17:25:37] <gigaherz> it's just weird for a cube block to be flat on the hand
L1756[17:26:23] <shadekiller666> hey, you're already further into ISBRH than i was able to get the other day
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L1760[17:29:09] <gigaherz> oh wow, I jsut found a 1.8 ISBRH implementation by chance
L1761[17:29:09] <gigaherz> XD
L1762[17:29:16] <shadekiller666> lol
L1763[17:29:18] <gigaherz> https://github.com/Thog/ISBRH/blob/master/src/main/java/eu/thog92/isbrh/example/RenderExample.java
L1764[17:29:18] <shadekiller666> why?
L1765[17:29:23] ⇨ Joins: Sirloin (~Sirloin@118-93-67-47.dsl.dyn.ihug.co.nz)
L1766[17:29:32] <gigaherz> someone didn't want to port the models to IBakedModel, I guess
L1767[17:29:53] <shadekiller666> i guess not
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L1769[17:30:31] <Ordinastie_> gigaherz, what do you think I did? :p
L1770[17:31:00] <gigaherz> XD
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L1777[17:41:36] <shadekiller666> so Konami had two of the biggest names in Hollywood AND Hideo Kojima in a project together... and now they're making a slot machine...
L1778[17:41:38] <shadekiller666> gg guys
L1779[17:42:27] <gigaherz> what?
L1780[17:42:37] <shadekiller666> Silent Hills
L1781[17:43:07] <gigaherz> no I mean slot machine?
L1782[17:43:12] <gigaherz> wait you mean Konami?
L1783[17:43:23] <gigaherz> they said they are now focusing on mobile games and crap like that, didn't they?
L1784[17:43:26] <shadekiller666> Konami cancelled it, they had Guillermo Del Toro and Norman Reedus on the project
L1785[17:43:32] <shadekiller666> nope
L1786[17:43:35] <shadekiller666> gambling machiens
L1787[17:43:39] <shadekiller666> machines*
L1788[17:44:23] <shadekiller666> now they're making patchinko machines with Castlevania and Silent Hill themes...
L1789[17:44:42] <gigaherz> del toro and kojima said they are still friends and still considering doing something together
L1790[17:45:08] <shadekiller666> i know
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L1792[17:45:16] <shadekiller666> the point is about Konami
L1793[17:45:20] <gigaherz> yeah
L1794[17:45:21] <gigaherz> hm
L1795[17:45:22] <gigaherz> so
L1796[17:45:31] <gigaherz> I managed to get mc to draw an inventory cube
L1797[17:45:34] <gigaherz> in a rather ugly way
L1798[17:45:35] <gigaherz> XD
L1799[17:45:41] <shadekiller666> lol
L1800[17:45:44] <Illyohs> umm obligatory FucKonami
L1801[17:45:48] <gigaherz> I created two instances of the block class
L1802[17:45:55] <gigaherz> one with isInventory set to false, theo ther set to true
L1803[17:46:10] <gigaherz> in order to avoid an infinite loop in drawBlockAsItem
L1804[17:46:25] <gigaherz> when isInventory is true, the renderid returned from the block is the default one
L1805[17:46:30] <gigaherz> but... i'm getting a missing texture XD
L1806[17:46:32] <shadekiller666> couldn't you avoid that with a boolean?
L1807[17:46:49] <gigaherz> I could do
L1808[17:46:51] <gigaherz> isInventory = true
L1809[17:46:52] <gigaherz> draw
L1810[17:46:57] <gigaherz> isInventory = false
L1811[17:46:59] <gigaherz> but that's ugly ;p
L1812[17:47:09] <shadekiller666> less ugly than 2 block classes?
L1813[17:47:39] <gigaherz> TEXTURE!
L1814[17:47:41] <gigaherz> :_)
L1815[17:49:10] <Zaggy1024> why aren't you teraherz?
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L1817[17:49:23] <gigaherz> why aren't you Ziggy?
L1818[17:49:26] <gigaherz> or 2048?
L1819[17:49:37] <Zaggy1024> because I'm boring
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L1824[17:58:35] <gigaherz> hmmm
L1825[17:59:00] <gigaherz> how'd I go around spawning an item "into" the player
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L1827[17:59:18] <gigaherz> should I just scan their inventory to find an empty slot?
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L1829[17:59:58] <shadekiller666> you could spawn one in front of them
L1830[18:00:11] <shadekiller666> similar to the /give command
L1831[18:00:14] <gigaherz> yeah I was thinking spawn in their inventory, or on them otherwise
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L1833[18:08:02] <gigaherz> GAH
L1834[18:08:14] <gigaherz> the TE has already been deleted by the time getDrops is called?!
L1835[18:09:01] <Mitchellbrine> trying to save data from the TE into the ItemBlock?
L1836[18:09:04] <diesieben07> gigaherz, look at BlockFlowerPot
L1837[18:09:06] <gigaherz> yes
L1838[18:09:13] <diesieben07> especially the forge patchs
L1839[18:09:14] <gigaherz> well
L1840[18:09:14] <gigaherz> no
L1841[18:09:15] <Mitchellbrine> use breakBlock
L1842[18:09:19] <Mitchellbrine> oh
L1843[18:09:23] <gigaherz> not the ItemBlock
L1844[18:09:27] <gigaherz> but on one of the dropped items ;P
L1845[18:09:31] <Mitchellbrine> OH
L1846[18:09:46] <Mitchellbrine> I'd spawn in the items on breakBlock and not getDrops
L1847[18:09:51] <gigaherz> the ender rift = rift casing + the rift item, and the rift item needs the nbt
L1848[18:09:52] <gigaherz> aha
L1849[18:09:56] <Mitchellbrine> because the TE still exists before you call the super
L1850[18:10:10] ⇨ Joins: shadekiller666 (~shadekill@adsl-108-80-76-240.dsl.lsan03.sbcglobal.net)
L1851[18:10:16] <Mitchellbrine> https://github.com/Mitchellbrine/PortableRF/blob/master/src/main/java/mc/Mitchellbrine/portableRF/block/PortableSolarGenerator.java#L55-L66
L1852[18:10:27] <Mitchellbrine> That does use the item block but it's basically the same thign
L1853[18:10:29] <Mitchellbrine> *thing
L1854[18:10:49] <gigaherz> ewh
L1855[18:10:57] <Mitchellbrine> I haven't changed the parameter names
L1856[18:11:02] <gigaherz> (at mc not having a world.spawnItem)
L1857[18:11:02] <Mitchellbrine> Sorry
L1858[18:11:02] <Mitchellbrine> xD
L1859[18:11:03] <diesieben07> if you actually want to use getDrops: do what I said.
L1860[18:12:08] <tterrag|away> basically just persist the TE in harvestBlock
L1861[18:12:12] *** tterrag|away is now known as tterrag
L1862[18:12:16] <gigaherz> ah
L1863[18:12:23] <gigaherz> ewh, but I guess it works XD
L1864[18:12:39] <tterrag> sorry uh
L1865[18:12:42] <tterrag> removedByPlayer
L1866[18:13:22] <tterrag> https://github.com/SleepyTrousers/EnderCore/blob/master/src/main/java/com/enderio/core/common/BlockEnder.java#L108-L142
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L1868[18:14:39] <Mitchellbrine> Wow, that took a lot of methods to do what breakBlock can
L1869[18:14:42] <Mitchellbrine> xD
L1870[18:14:50] <Mitchellbrine> honestly, either works
L1871[18:14:54] <diesieben07> not really :D
L1872[18:14:58] <diesieben07> breakBlock will drop in creative mode.
L1873[18:15:01] <tterrag> ^
L1874[18:15:08] <tterrag> and this is meant to be extremely extendable
L1875[18:15:12] <tterrag> as every block in EnderIO uses it
L1876[18:15:29] <Mitchellbrine> either works for the intended purpose
L1877[18:15:36] <tterrag> no not really
L1878[18:15:42] <tterrag> there is no context to know creative mode in breakBlock
L1879[18:15:45] <tterrag> if flat out does not work
L1880[18:15:48] <Mitchellbrine> the intended purpose is to add nbt to a drop
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L1882[18:15:55] <diesieben07> yes
L1883[18:16:01] <diesieben07> and "a drop" = does not happen in creative.
L1884[18:16:11] <diesieben07> which breakBlocks flat out does not allow you to do.
L1885[18:16:34] <tterrag> in this chat: "flat out"
L1886[18:16:42] <Mitchellbrine> breakBlock functions in both survival or creative
L1887[18:16:48] <tterrag> -_-
L1888[18:16:51] <tterrag> do you not get what we are saying
L1889[18:16:54] <shadekiller666> why is it so hard to find what "side" you're on?
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L1891[18:16:59] <tterrag> shadekiller666: it isn't?
L1892[18:17:05] <gigaherz> shadekiller666: what side of?
L1893[18:17:15] <shadekiller666> well like, theres proxies, and world.isRemote
L1894[18:17:29] <Mitchellbrine> you could honestly get the closest player to the coords and get his game mode
L1895[18:17:34] <diesieben07> ...
L1896[18:17:34] <tterrag> Mitchellbrine: LOL
L1897[18:17:36] <tterrag> right
L1898[18:17:36] <Mitchellbrine> xD
L1899[18:17:38] *** TehNut|Sleep is now known as TehNut
L1900[18:17:38] <tterrag> taht can't backfire at all
L1901[18:17:46] <tterrag> or you could just do it the right way
L1902[18:17:57] <shadekiller666> or if you're in one of the init events you can check side from that
L1903[18:18:11] <shadekiller666> but everyone says that each one has their caviats
L1904[18:18:19] <Mitchellbrine> There is no right/wrong way to do it. There are tons of ways to do things
L1905[18:18:22] <tterrag> there is one caveat
L1906[18:18:22] <Mitchellbrine> It all comes down to preference
L1907[18:18:32] <tterrag> there is a difference between thread-side and physical side
L1908[18:18:39] <tterrag> in SSP there is only one "side", but two threads
L1909[18:19:00] <tterrag> Mitchellbrine: no, in this case, there is a right way
L1910[18:19:05] <tterrag> it's the way vanilla does it and the way that works
L1911[18:19:17] <tterrag> your way does not work, thus it is not a valid way to do it
L1912[18:19:44] <Mitchellbrine> my way adds nbt to a dropped item, the initial goal
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L1914[18:19:48] <gigaherz> yes
L1915[18:19:52] <tterrag> does your item drop in creative mode?
L1916[18:19:53] <gigaherz> but it ALSO drops the item in creative mode
L1917[18:20:06] <gigaherz> which is what they are saying
L1918[18:20:19] <Mitchellbrine> I know that
L1919[18:20:30] <tterrag> therefore it is broken
L1920[18:20:32] <tterrag> you can't say it isn't
L1921[18:20:35] <Mitchellbrine> but they're saying my way is "flat out" (xD) wrong because of the one caviet
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L1923[18:20:40] <Mitchellbrine> :|
L1924[18:21:22] <Mitchellbrine> it functions like the initial goal, with one extra caviet. It might not be the way some people prefer, but it's not entirely wrong
L1925[18:21:32] <Mitchellbrine> *most
L1926[18:21:34] <Mitchellbrine> but still
L1927[18:21:37] <tterrag> lol
L1928[18:21:42] <tterrag> no block drops itself in creative
L1929[18:21:56] <tterrag> you can't just say it's a "caveat" when it's broken behavior
L1930[18:21:57] <tterrag> ...
L1931[18:21:59] <shadekiller666> ?
L1932[18:22:05] <Mitchellbrine> it's not broken behavior if it's intended
L1933[18:22:12] <shadekiller666> if broken by explosion blocks drop
L1934[18:22:15] <shadekiller666> in creative
L1935[18:22:16] <tterrag> why can't you just admit your way isn't perfect? instead of defending it? no one cares
L1936[18:22:25] <tterrag> shadekiller666: of course, there's no way they could tell the gamemode
L1937[18:22:30] <Mitchellbrine> I admitted it wasn't perfect
L1938[18:22:56] <Mitchellbrine> 16:25 <Mitchellbrine> it functions like the initial goal, with one *extra caviet*. It might not be the way some people prefer, but it's not entirely wrong.
L1939[18:23:49] <tterrag> I'm done arguing
L1940[18:23:58] <tterrag> dropping in creative IS entirely wrong
L1941[18:23:59] <tterrag> imo
L1942[18:24:03] <tterrag> but you can do whatever
L1943[18:24:07] ⇨ Joins: Lunatrius` (~Lunatrius@
L1944[18:24:28] <Mitchellbrine> I admitted the cavaet existed from the very beginning, I wasn't denying it wasn't perfect
L1945[18:24:45] <tterrag> caveat = a way something works that may not be expected
L1946[18:24:53] <tterrag> it doesn't mean "it's broken a bit"
L1947[18:24:57] <shadekiller666> which also = bug
L1948[18:25:56] <Mitchellbrine> Sometimes people prefer the fact it can drop in creative
L1949[18:25:56] <Mitchellbrine> And I hope they find use of the code I gave
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L1951[18:26:09] <Mitchellbrine> :|
L1952[18:26:31] <Mitchellbrine> or feature xD
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L1957[18:28:54] <Mitchellbrine> how is it broken then, by your definition? It just has a caveat, it functions like initially wanted with that one caveat?
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L1959[18:29:22] <tterrag> because *IMO* dropping in creative is a BUG
L1960[18:29:27] <tterrag> there is no advantage to it
L1961[18:29:28] <shadekiller666> omg...
L1962[18:29:38] <tterrag> and I'm seriously done talking about it...I've said everything at least 3 times now
L1963[18:31:19] ⇦ Quits: MrIbby (~MrIbby@ (Quit: MrIbby)
L1964[18:31:22] <Mitchellbrine> Can we drop it now?
L1965[18:31:23] <diesieben07> only if you're not in creative.
L1966[18:31:23] <Mitchellbrine> xD
L1967[18:31:23] <Mitchellbrine> nice
L1968[18:31:23] <Mitchellbrine> I kind of set myself up there
L1969[18:31:23] <Mitchellbrine> xD
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L1971[18:32:23] <tterrag> I asked to drop it 10 mins ago
L1972[18:32:24] <tterrag> but yes
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L1981[18:38:00] <shadekiller666> it would be cool if you could right click on an item frame containing a crafting bench to open a crafting grid :P
L1982[18:38:21] <Mitchellbrine> that would be simple enough
L1983[18:38:27] <gigaherz> also quite pointless ;p
L1984[18:38:29] <Mitchellbrine> xD
L1985[18:38:33] <Mitchellbrine> Yes, that too
L1986[18:38:48] <shadekiller666> so?
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L1988[18:38:57] <Mitchellbrine> do it! xD
L1989[18:39:00] <gigaherz> nothing, go ahead, could be fun ;P
L1990[18:39:12] <shadekiller666> isn't most of whats done with mods pointless? :P
L1991[18:39:41] <Mitchellbrine> while you're add it, make it so you can place item frames inside item frames inside item frames inside item frames! xD
L1992[18:40:29] <shadekiller666> thats more complicated...
L1993[18:40:41] <Mitchellbrine> xD
L1994[18:40:48] <shadekiller666> as the item version of an itemframe doesn't actually have the ability to contain anything
L1995[18:41:13] <gigaherz> unless it was designed to
L1996[18:41:16] <gigaherz> but that'd be weird
L1997[18:41:29] ⇦ Quits: Carlos (~chatzilla@ (Quit: So long, and thanks for all the fish.)
L1998[18:41:41] <gigaherz> well for things like ender pouches
L1999[18:41:46] <shadekiller666> arguably you could give it nbt, but changing the item model might get complicated
L2000[18:41:51] <gigaherz> right-clicking could actually make them act like an ender chest
L2001[18:42:10] <gigaherz> but it wouldn't actually be in the player inventory
L2002[18:42:13] <gigaherz> which may confuse a lot of mods
L2003[18:42:14] <gigaherz> XD
L2004[18:43:25] <Zaggy1024> whoa.
L2005[18:43:40] <Zaggy1024> I think I just crashed Minecraft by trying to switch to fullscreen while it was loading the world
L2006[18:43:40] <tterrag> this is certainly the most pointless thing I've spent time on lately :P https://twitter.com/tterrag1098/status/631158704163962881
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L2008[18:44:07] <gigaherz> HAHA
L2009[18:44:08] <Mitchellbrine> xD
L2010[18:44:10] <Zaggy1024> lol tterrag
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L2017[18:56:17] <gigaherz> okay, custom recipe time
L2018[18:56:24] <gigaherz> (to duplicate rifts)
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L2020[18:59:44] <shadekiller666> did you fix your Ender IO pipes problem
L2021[19:00:07] <shadekiller666> giga^
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L2023[19:05:08] <capitalthree> meow!
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L2026[19:12:03] <gigaherz> shadekiller666: I never really had any pipe problems ;P
L2027[19:12:55] <shadekiller666> oh, ok
L2028[19:13:26] <gigaherz> the couple times I though I did, it was my own fault
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L2035[19:19:55] <gigaherz> hmmm I'm having a lighting problem XD
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L2042[19:27:38] <MattDahEpic> in a dev env how would one get the project root in code?
L2043[19:28:07] <diesieben07> project root = where the build.gradle is?
L2044[19:28:12] <MattDahEpic> yes
L2045[19:28:52] <diesieben07> this is the best I've found: https://goo.gl/lK4o0a
L2046[19:28:58] <diesieben07> but it's ugly and not guaranteed to work.
L2047[19:30:10] <diesieben07> i am missing some lines there, but you get the point.
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L2049[19:32:34] <MattDahEpic> i was thinking get the config dir from PreInit then go up until you find a dir where build.gradle exists
L2050[19:32:46] <diesieben07> thats pretty much the same thing that I do.
L2051[19:32:50] <MattDahEpic> but im not sure how to go "up"
L2052[19:32:52] <diesieben07> config dir = CWD/config/
L2053[19:33:00] <diesieben07> i just start at cwd directly
L2054[19:33:11] <diesieben07> go up = append "/../" to the path :D
L2055[19:33:22] <diesieben07> or do file.getParentFile()
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L2057[19:34:30] <diesieben07> its all in the code I linked.
L2058[19:38:30] <MattDahEpic> diesieben07, would this work?: https://paste.ee/p/i9CHo
L2059[19:39:25] <diesieben07> you can replace event.getModConfigurationDirectory(); with new File(".") and save one step.
L2060[19:39:58] <MattDahEpic> otherwise its good?
L2061[19:40:12] <diesieben07> not sure why you need the boolean there, but yah
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L2099[21:31:42] <Cazzar> Why did I think evaluating Find-Package in windows 10 after I set up PackageManager with windows 10 would actually be a good idea.
L2100[21:32:02] <Cazzar> s/with windows 10/with chocolatey/
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L2112[22:01:55] <FusionLord> does anyone know how to get a TextureAtlasSprite based on the texture string?... minecraft:blocks/planks_oak.png
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L2114[22:02:45] <gigaherz> FusionLord: depends
L2115[22:02:54] <gigaherz> where do you need it?
L2116[22:03:20] <FusionLord> how does that matter?
L2117[22:03:50] <tterrag> FusionLord: Minecraft.getMinecraft().textureMap(Items/Blocks).getTextureEntry
L2118[22:04:35] <gigaherz> ah tterrag got it first
L2119[22:05:01] <FusionLord> strange though, not giving the intended effect...
L2120[22:05:16] <FusionLord> it gave me lavas ...
L2121[22:05:48] <gigaherz> what's why i asked about the context
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L2123[22:07:55] <FusionLord> variable string which can be any <MOD_ID>:<TEXTURE_LOCATION> what else do you want to know?
L2124[22:08:32] <gigaherz> but that's not what Iw as asking at all
L2125[22:08:53] <gigaherz> my question was: waht are you trying to do that requires you to get a TextureAtlasSprite manually?
L2126[22:08:54] <FusionLord> and my question was what do you need to know
L2127[22:09:11] <FusionLord> skinning with a texture
L2128[22:09:17] <FusionLord> on my obj
L2129[22:09:19] <tterrag> skinning?
L2130[22:09:34] <tterrag> why not keep a block+meta reference
L2131[22:09:38] <tterrag> then use block.getIcon
L2132[22:09:43] *** Gaz492 is now known as Gaz492|Away
L2133[22:09:47] <tterrag> players won't be working with icons and neither should you
L2134[22:11:00] <FusionLord> skinning http://puu.sh/jymQZ/389d31b51a.png
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L2137[22:11:50] <tterrag> right
L2138[22:11:54] <tterrag> use a block...not an icon
L2139[22:11:55] <FusionLord> this block can have any side and texture
L2140[22:12:02] <tterrag> so store THAT data
L2141[22:12:03] <FusionLord> and it is stored as a string
L2142[22:12:09] <tterrag> why??
L2143[22:12:33] <FusionLord> cause that is how i want to do it....
L2144[22:12:55] <tterrag> good for you
L2145[22:13:05] <tterrag> I'm saying it's a bad way to do it and I won't help you do it that way :P
L2146[22:14:50] <FusionLord> how is it bad
L2147[22:15:02] <FusionLord> I have no block references
L2148[22:15:15] <tterrag> how is the player skinning your block
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L2150[22:15:43] <FusionLord> selecting from any block texture in the game
L2151[22:16:04] <FusionLord> haven't worked that out yet still working on it
L2152[22:16:05] <tterrag> .____.
L2153[22:16:17] <tterrag> how about they just right click your block with the block they want to skin
L2154[22:16:21] <tterrag> it as
L2155[22:16:28] <tterrag> simple, easy to code
L2156[22:16:36] <FusionLord> and since we are talking about 1.8 it isn't easy to get the texture from the side
L2157[22:16:58] <FusionLord> I've done that before it just doesn't work in 1.8
L2158[22:17:25] <tterrag> I'm sure there is a way
L2159[22:17:34] <tterrag> and it's better than making the player input resource strings...
L2160[22:17:52] *** Gaz492|Away is now known as Gaz492
L2161[22:18:30] <FusionLord> well they won't be
L2162[22:18:49] <FusionLord> they will be selecting from a gui list and I will be populating the strings
L2163[22:20:16] <tterrag> O.o
L2164[22:20:20] <tterrag> from what, all textures in the game...?
L2165[22:20:42] <FusionLord> mmhmm
L2166[22:21:25] <tterrag> good luck using that list with mods...yikes
L2167[22:21:31] <tterrag> 1000s of textures
L2168[22:22:02] <FusionLord> that is the easy part :)
L2169[22:22:44] <FusionLord> the issue with getting the atlas was I had the file ext on the string :)
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L2172[22:27:04] <Abs0rbed> if I want to subscribe to events, do I need to create a class that implements a Listener class of sorts?
L2173[22:28:47] <killjoy> Abs0rbed, no.
L2174[22:28:56] <killjoy> That's just in bukkit
L2175[22:29:09] <Abs0rbed> Interesting, sorry xD bukkit and bungee veteran here
L2176[22:29:38] <killjoy> just create a public method with an Event with a parameter
L2177[22:29:46] <killjoy> Annotate it with @SubscribeEvent
L2178[22:29:57] <killjoy> then register using the appropriate bus
L2179[22:30:01] <Abs0rbed> How is that different from @Mod.EventHandler?
L2180[22:30:14] <killjoy> @EventHandler is for lifetime events
L2181[22:30:27] <tterrag> and it only works in your @Mod class
L2182[22:30:59] <Abs0rbed> Cool, thanks
L2183[22:31:17] <killjoy> Do you need help deciding which bus to use?
L2184[22:31:41] <Abs0rbed> Well I don’t really know much about the busses, are they params for the @annotations?
L2185[22:31:52] <killjoy> No.
L2186[22:32:07] <tterrag> if (packageName.contains("fml")) { useFMLBus(); } else { useForgeBus(); }
L2187[22:32:12] <killjoy> For most events, you'll use MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS
L2188[22:32:21] <tterrag> ^^ should explain it :P
L2189[22:32:50] <killjoy> fml bus: FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus()
L2190[22:35:21] <killjoy> If you're looking to port things to sponge, that uses a similar system.
L2191[22:38:19] <Abs0rbed> I assume I’m using the #register(Event event) method from the bus. What exactly is meant to go in there?
L2192[22:39:15] <killjoy> #register(Object)
L2193[22:39:38] <killjoy> Put there an object of your class that has the @SubscribeEvent methods
L2194[22:39:49] <killjoy> It can be your @Mod class or other
L2195[22:39:58] <Abs0rbed> Oh perfect so you do need to register a listener of sorts
L2196[22:40:29] <Abs0rbed> and based on where the event’s package is based I use either FML or MinecraftForge?
L2197[22:40:36] <killjoy> yes.
L2198[22:40:45] <Abs0rbed> Awesome that makes much more sense
L2199[22:40:52] <killjoy> I'm not sure if they're going to be merged into 1 bus later.
L2200[22:44:32] <gigaherz> I'm wondering now
L2201[22:44:37] <gigaherz> is there anyone who has ever used FML without Forge?
L2202[22:45:03] <killjoy> I did
L2203[22:45:06] <Illyohs> pahimar did with chitchat :P
L2204[22:45:16] <killjoy> bspkrs did.
L2205[22:45:33] <gigaherz> in practice, i mean, not writing mods that don't rely on forge,
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L2207[22:45:39] <gigaherz> but actually play mc with only FML installed
L2208[22:46:05] <killjoy> I did
L2209[22:46:05] <gigaherz> i knwo I haven't ;P
L2210[22:46:28] <gigaherz> I remember pre-forge, with in-jar ModLoader stuff
L2211[22:46:48] <gigaherz> but then there as forge, I have never seen any FML only "pack" or anything like that
L2212[22:47:06] <gigaherz> but yeah I should have guessed the answer ;P
L2213[22:47:35] <killjoy> A reason the fml merge was justified was because nobody used it.
L2214[22:49:06] <Abs0rbed> Working with a friend on skype, what’s the easiest way to render text in a HUD?
L2215[22:49:26] <killjoy> So like with the hotbar?
L2216[22:49:44] <killjoy> Use a RenderOverlayEvent
L2217[22:49:59] <gigaherz> do you mean draw the hud itself
L2218[22:50:07] <Abs0rbed> is it ok to use the player fontrenederer? or is there a hook he should be using?
L2219[22:50:07] <gigaherz> or you already have the hud, and you want to draw text into it?
L2220[22:50:42] <killjoy> To actually draw the text, use Minecraft.fontRendererObj.drawString
L2221[22:50:43] <gigaherz> I do this
L2222[22:50:45] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/client/GuiOverlayMagicContainer.java#L85
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L2225[22:51:22] <Abs0rbed> ok that’s what I suggested, just wanted to make sure it was an ok thing to do
L2226[22:51:36] <killjoy> As long as you're not reflecting while drawing
L2227[22:52:52] <gigaherz> btw
L2228[22:52:59] <gigaherz> I have the ISBRH (mc 1.7.10)
L2229[22:53:12] <gigaherz> but the model I draw doesn't seem to have lighting applied like normal cubes do
L2230[22:53:27] <gigaherz> but I can't feen anything that suggests how to do that
L2231[22:53:33] <gigaherz> lighting I mean
L2232[22:53:42] <gigaherz> so that different normals have different light levels
L2233[22:53:48] <gigaherz> the actual world light IS applied
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L2238[22:59:00] <Cazzar> Okay then... I have someone desperate to get in contact with me for a issue with something I am barely doing anymore.
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L2240[22:59:19] <Cazzar> Within 12 hours nearly, a GitHub issue, Forum post and a CurseForge comment.
L2241[23:00:23] ⇦ Quits: KilRoYDK (~KilRoYDK@5F9A1C39.rev.sefiber.dk) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L2242[23:01:21] <dangranos> inb4 they contact you on IRC
L2243[23:01:23] <dangranos> then email
L2244[23:01:26] <dangranos> phone
L2245[23:01:27] <dangranos> RL
L2246[23:01:39] <dangranos> *zalgo font* in your nightmares
L2247[23:02:43] <Cazzar> https://github.com/cazzar/JukeboxReloaded/issues/10#issuecomment-130153701 < Kind enough?
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L2249[23:03:19] <dangranos> >last commit's date: 19 Dec 2014
L2250[23:03:36] <Cazzar> Check the dev branch.
L2251[23:03:45] <Cazzar> Like, 4-5 months ago.
L2252[23:03:47] <Cazzar> IIRC
L2253[23:04:01] <dangranos> right on my birthday :3
L2254[23:06:16] <Cazzar> Okay, another small capitilization correction on my social accunts
L2255[23:07:21] <dangranos> ?
L2256[23:08:10] <Cazzar> cazzar => Cazzar
L2257[23:08:19] <Cazzar> Did that on twitter and Github recently.
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L2272[23:39:14] <codahq> i'm trying to collect collision using ray tracing. it works as long as the entity i'm throwing has a little air time before it collides. it doesn't work if i'm throwing the entity at my feet. i have a feeling that this is because i'm ray tracing after i've already passed through the first surface and nothing is being rendered after that.
L2273[23:39:18] <codahq> is that a correct assessment?
L2274[23:39:24] <codahq> (1.8)
L2275[23:39:45] <codahq> s/collect/detect/
L2276[23:40:02] <codahq> bah
L2277[23:40:04] <codahq> ride jsut got here.
L2278[23:40:23] <codahq> if you reply it might be good to do it as a pm since my buffer will probably have overflown in the channel by the time i get back
L2279[23:40:27] <codahq> if not i'll ask again later
L2280[23:40:28] <codahq> thanks!
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