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L1[00:00:16] <Lex_> so they are, that makes it easier as well
L2[00:00:17] <killjoy> I've been wanting a mod like that for a while.
L3[00:00:23] <killjoy> Except I would've called it corpse
L4[00:01:21] <killjoy> Found 5g
L5[00:01:28] <killjoy> Found ether
L6[00:02:16] *** Genji is now known as Genji|away
L7[00:02:40] <Robot|mobile> I am learning to mod in 1.7.10, you guys think I should continue on it or move to 1.8?
L8[00:02:56] <killjoy> Always code the latest you can
L9[00:03:04] <killjoy> yes, use 1.8
L10[00:03:10] <Robot|mobile> Mkay
L11[00:03:45] <Robot|mobile> Will then port my in-progress mod to 1.8 first before learning new stuff
L12[00:04:16] <Robot|mobile> Anyone have a good guide about the changes? Or should I do a rewrite
L13[00:04:48] <killjoy> If you didn't add blocks or entities, it should be an easy update (relatively)
L14[00:05:18] <Lex_> AH
L15[00:05:23] <Lex_> no wonder im getting mapping isuses
L16[00:05:25] <Robot|mobile> If I didnt have blocks or entities, I almost wouldnt have a mod :P
L17[00:05:27] *** Firedingo is now known as Firedingo|AFK
L18[00:05:30] <Lex_> SpealSource is broken!
L19[00:06:14] <Robot|mobile> I am at renderers and guis, have world gen and TEs, some other entities as well
L20[00:06:38] <killjoy> Guis haven't changed much
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L22[00:06:56] <killjoy> at most, some methods have been moved up.
L23[00:07:07] <Robot|mobile> Ok
L24[00:07:46] <killjoy> Renderers aren't too bad either. Just the addition of LayerRenderer
L25[00:07:52] <Robot|mobile> I think I will anyway do a rewrite because I have some noob code in my first classes :P
L26[00:09:18] <Robot|mobile> Will probably copypaste many parts if im lazy
L27[00:09:30] <Zaggy1024> the bonemeal Block methods are kind of badly named :(
L28[00:09:34] <killjoy> Why bother even deleting it?
L29[00:09:49] <olee> Robot|mobile: About 1.7.10 or 1.8 - it also largely depends on what you want to do. If you want to work together with practically any technic mod, you will need to work on 1.710
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L32[00:12:19] <xaero> lex are you still taking class mappings updates? not a major one, but I think MobSpawnerBaseLogic.WeightedRandomMinecart should be MobSpawnerBaseLogic.WeightedRandomEntity
L33[00:12:55] <xaero> reason being that it seems to support more than just minecarts, and the minecart tag references you see in that code are due to the "Minecart" tag being deprecated in favor of newer tags
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L37[00:15:42] <Lex_> I'll see if I remember that when i get into it.
L38[00:16:07] <Robot|mobile> Stupid mobile networks...
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L40[00:20:13] <Optimoos> I don't know if this is the place to ask - I'm trying to figure out how to use the BlockEvent PlaceEvent, and determine if the block placed is the one I care about (placedBlock.isEqualTo maybe?) but am pretty amateur at Forge and haven't found any examples
L41[00:21:11] <xaero> all right
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L45[00:28:46] <shadekiller666> well, you could use instanceof
L46[00:29:07] <shadekiller666> event.block instanceof <block you care about>
L47[00:30:18] <Lex_> why instanceof?
L48[00:30:22] <Lex_> just check ==
L49[00:32:56] <Optimoos> Thanks very much. That feels like something I should have been able to figure out, sorry.
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L56[00:46:08] <Zaggy1024> is there a world method to get the ground at a block position for plant generation?
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L78[02:04:10] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20150728 mappings to Forge Maven.
L79[02:04:14] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20150728-1.8.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20150728" in build.gradle).
L80[02:04:24] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L98[02:53:18] <Wuppy> awww yeah
L99[02:53:21] <Wuppy> I can has Utomik closed beta :D
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L101[02:54:26] <dangranos> what?
L102[02:54:31] <Wuppy> netflix, but for games
L103[02:55:31] <dangranos> sounds scaary
L104[02:55:59] <dangranos> inb4 people spending nights playing everything
L105[02:56:39] <Wuppy> I'm not sure how much I'm allowed to share, but there are some games on there from the school I'm on
L106[02:56:48] <Wuppy> as well as Costume quest, europa universalis 4
L107[02:56:58] <Wuppy> and all others on this page: http://www.utomik.com/about-utomik/
L108[02:58:07] <Wuppy> hmmm, that's annoying, EU4 is not actually on there even though they advertise it :P
L109[02:58:20] <Wuppy> that was actually one I really watned to play :<
L110[02:58:31] <tmtu> justbuyit – nike
L111[02:59:45] <dangranos> justtorrentit
L112[03:00:35] <tmtu> dontbeadouche
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L116[03:04:23] <Wuppy> dangranos, no
L117[03:04:30] <Wuppy> I'll only torrent if the devs screw me over
L118[03:04:46] <Wuppy> (so Watch Dogs, Wolfenstein the new order and a free game from Warner Bross with my GTX 970)
L119[03:04:54] <Wuppy> don't want to hurt the industry I'll enter soon
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L130[03:24:38] <Lex_> the regexes are killing me u.u
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L137[03:38:26] <laci200270> Lex_, can you look at this? https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/2052
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L155[04:08:13] <Lex_> who is zerotheliger?
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L180[04:53:12] <olee> (Wow it's been really quiet here the last hours...) Lex: How's progress on 1.8 upgrade? Still working on it? Remember to take a break sometimes :D
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L182[04:55:52] <Lex_> going to bed
L183[04:55:55] <Lex_> got a lot of shit done
L184[04:56:11] <Lex_> but FFFix needs to be cleaned up by anyone who understands regex better then I do
L185[04:56:27] <Lex_> its gotten to the point where those regexs take longer to process then fernflower does -.-
L186[04:56:31] <olee> FFFix?
L187[04:56:40] <Lex_> its part of mcp
L188[04:56:59] <Lex_> if you know what you're doing go take a look
L189[04:57:01] <Lex_> sleep time
L190[04:57:25] <olee> good night!
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L197[05:19:49] <Pennyw95> are the thumbs.db files relevant? Is it risky to delete them? Curse rejected my mod update because of them
L198[05:20:01] <Pennyw95> Funny because I didn't edit the textures in any way
L199[05:20:09] <boni> thumbs.db are windows files.
L200[05:20:15] <boni> for the pictures it displays.
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L202[05:20:40] <boni> thumbnails
L203[05:20:48] <olee> Pennyw95: Just thumbnails - ignore or delete them
L204[05:20:51] <Pennyw95> well they made curse reject my mod...is it safe to delete them?
L205[05:20:58] <olee> xD
L206[05:21:00] <Pennyw95> ok then- thanks :)
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L208[05:22:00] <olee> hm I don't see these files around any more - at least in Win8 (but I think it maybe was already in 7) thumbnails are not stored in the image folder any more, but in a central DB in windows somewhere...
L209[05:22:20] * dangranos doesn't sees them anymore too
L210[05:22:33] <olee> lol
L211[05:22:37] <dangranos> it maybe be because of the fact i use linux
L212[05:22:38] <olee> it was actually since vista already
L213[05:23:17] <olee> "However, when browsing network shares with write permission, Windows Vista and Windows 7 store a Thumbs.db file in the remote directory instead of using the (local) central thumbnail cache."
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L219[05:36:49] <Wuppy> I have a first world problem, my computer is so fast that I can start chrome before my pc connects to the internet :<
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L222[05:39:54] <olee> Wuppy: which system? Linux / Win?
L223[05:40:15] <Wuppy> Win 8.1
L224[05:40:38] <Wuppy> startup time is aobut 6 seconds from pusing the button
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L228[05:47:21] <covers1624> O-O
L229[05:47:27] <covers1624> rly Wuppy?
L230[05:47:59] <Laceh> win 8.1 is pretty fast
L231[05:48:02] <Wuppy> yip, brand new pc + SSD
L232[05:48:21] <covers1624> i mean, i thaught my pc was fast but that is unreal
L233[05:51:28] <Wuppy> I have a gtx 970 + i5 4460 and W8 on my ssd so it has to be fast
L234[05:51:34] <Wuppy> at least, for the first few months
L235[05:53:44] <covers1624> ^^ yeah i notice my ssd degrading slowly
L236[05:54:46] <Wuppy> well, pcs also just get slower if you use them longer
L237[05:55:02] <Wuppy> that's why I factory reset about once a year
L238[05:55:11] <Wuppy> format, I should say
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L240[05:57:50] <olee> Wuppy: lol normally my wifi already connects when I'm on the login screen so there's no way for that to happen
L241[05:58:13] <olee> but well if you have auto-login + chrome in autostart, I can imagine this could happen xD
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L248[06:02:50] <Wuppy> yep, I don't have to login
L249[06:07:28] <olee> that explains it - otherwise it wouldn't be possible :D
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L251[06:09:30] <Wuppy> do you need Diablo 3 for Reaper of souls or is it standalone?
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L255[06:13:26] <Wuppy> oh hey, Diablo 3 has a free demo... a thousand points to hufflepuff
L256[06:13:55] <Wuppy> free demos often convince me to buy a game at full price
L257[06:14:05] <Wuppy> although they have to be good demos, not "play for 1 hour max"
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L262[06:20:53] <olee> Wuppy: Diablo III is nice
L263[06:21:03] <olee> if you want to play, I'd probably join :D
L264[06:21:18] <Wuppy> I'm going to try the demo as soon as I've finished watching the video
L265[06:21:22] <olee> And I think you need the base game for Ros
L266[06:21:37] <Wuppy> I enjoyed Torchlight 1 and 2 so I think it'll be nice for me
L267[06:21:41] <Wuppy> yeah, I think so as well
L268[06:21:53] <Wuppy> still very annoying that Diablo 3 isn't on steam
L269[06:22:04] <boni> like.. any other blizzard game?
L270[06:22:04] <Wuppy> even if it'd just laucnh through battlenet like with ubi games on uplay
L271[06:22:19] <Wuppy> boni, I know, but it's annoying
L272[06:22:33] <boni> not really
L273[06:22:52] *** ghz|afk is now known as gigaherz
L274[06:23:16] <Wuppy> boni, I enjoy using steam and I'd prefer having all of my games playable through one single service
L275[06:23:34] <boni> hm
L276[06:23:39] <boni> i'm pretty sure you can just add a shortcut? :I
L277[06:23:50] <olee> yeah just add it to custom launchers
L278[06:24:32] <olee> but the Battle.NET launcher is pretty nice and takes care of auth for each game etc. so imho I don't mind using it
L279[06:24:37] *** Gaz492|Away is now known as Gaz492
L280[06:24:53] <boni> yeah, luckily it unifies the auth >_>
L281[06:26:24] <Wuppy> boni, true, I can add it in there but it's still "eh" IMO
L282[06:26:41] <boni> welcome to real life ;o
L283[06:27:00] <boni> you'll never have one universal launcher.
L284[06:27:59] <Wuppy> to be fair though, how hard would it be for blizzard to add their games to steam
L285[06:28:14] <Wuppy> it's either because they are greedy or lazy
L286[06:28:34] <boni> it's not about how hard
L287[06:28:36] <boni> it's about why would they
L288[06:28:45] <gigaherz> they have no reason for it
L289[06:28:46] <boni> less control, extra cost, less data....
L290[06:28:51] <boni> it literally would only be bad for them
L291[06:29:07] <gigaherz> everything steam provides, they have.
L292[06:29:27] <boni> gigaherz: they have more. from the companies standpoint
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L294[06:29:30] <boni> data and access
L295[06:29:43] <gigaherz> sure
L296[06:29:47] <gigaherz> I mean as far as features go
L297[06:30:01] <boni> Wuppy: greedy, really? may i introduce you to the notion of what a company does: making money
L298[06:30:19] <gigaherz> and even more, because I don't think steam provides a way to update games on the fly while they are running
L299[06:30:20] <gigaherz> XD
L300[06:30:45] <gigaherz> yeah a company is literally a machine that turns things into money
L301[06:31:01] <boni> (the irony to hear that from a guy who published a book on minecraft modding is not lost on me)
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L303[06:31:56] <gigaherz> there isn't a fixed rate, but assume steam takes 30%ish of the revenue
L304[06:32:06] <Wuppy> is it 30? that's pretty high
L305[06:32:17] <gigaherz> I don't know
L306[06:32:17] <Wuppy> but it's annoying that I can't just purchase it through steam because of the fee steam takes
L307[06:32:25] <gigaherz> but it's 30% on mobile stores and such
L308[06:32:34] <gigaherz> it's not BECAUSE of the fee
L309[06:32:40] <gigaherz> the fee is just one of many factors
L310[06:32:52] <gigaherz> what are their advantages?
L311[06:33:12] <gigaherz> what do they gain from adding it to steam?
L312[06:33:36] <gigaherz> as boni said
L313[06:33:46] <Wuppy> they give convenience to the user
L314[06:33:53] <gigaherz> publishing through steam means less control, less information
L315[06:34:08] <gigaherz> it means less revenue from steam sales
L316[06:34:33] <boni> Wuppy: it doesn't make any sense.
L317[06:34:35] <gigaherz> it means writing steam integration code
L318[06:34:41] <boni> quit whining already and welcome to our corporate world :P
L319[06:34:58] <gigaherz> and really
L320[06:35:14] <McJty> Anyone who knows anything about moven and knows what could be wrong that causes my dev and sources artifact to be broken? (they are missing the 'date.id' in the filename): https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/com/github/mcjty/mcjtylib/1.00r1-SNAPSHOT/
L321[06:35:23] <gigaherz> nothing prevents you from adding a shortcut to the game in steam (as an external app)?
L322[06:35:55] <McJty> My build.gradle which should upload this artifact: https://github.com/McJty/McJtyLib/blob/master/build.gradle
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L331[06:53:10] <olee> gigaherz: actually steam provides a way to updates running games
L332[06:53:14] <olee> see workshop
L333[06:53:38] <olee> it can load content for L4D or Garrysmod while it's running
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L348[07:35:29] <halvors> Hi.
L349[07:38:19] <halvors> I have a TileEntity that should when a specific function is called rotate the block that it's connected to. I send the updated rotation to the client.
L350[07:38:49] <halvors> The only problem that i've been having here is that i seems need to call worldObj.markBlockForUpdate(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord); on both server and the client. Is that right?
L351[07:38:59] <McJty> On server
L352[07:39:01] <diesieben07> on the client should be enough
L353[07:39:12] <diesieben07> to re-render the block
L354[07:39:13] <halvors> How should i do it? Could i only call the render function on the client?
L355[07:39:24] <diesieben07> first, are you using the description packet?
L356[07:39:49] <halvors> diesieben07: No.
L357[07:40:05] <diesieben07> then calling markBlockForUpdate in the message handler is enough
L358[07:40:23] <halvors> diesieben07: It is working now, but only when i call the worldObj.markBlockForUpdate(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord) on both the client and the server.
L359[07:40:31] <diesieben07> show your code then.
L360[07:42:04] <halvors> 2 sec :)
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L363[07:44:30] <halvors> diesieben07: Here is the tileentity: https://github.com/halvors/Electrometrics/blob/fix/wrench/src/main/java/org/halvors/electrometrics/common/tile/TileEntityRotatable.java
L364[07:44:47] <diesieben07> why do you have a separate "clientFacing" field? :O
L365[07:45:18] <halvors> diesieben07: To check that facing and clientFacing matches. It not re-send the facing update packet.
L366[07:45:29] <diesieben07> that makes no sense.
L367[07:45:38] <diesieben07> the client has a separate TileEntity instance, you can use the same field
L368[07:45:42] <diesieben07> (and you *should* use the same field)=
L369[07:46:15] <diesieben07> and your code of "send to players trackign this TileEntity" is fauly
L370[07:46:17] <diesieben07> *faulty
L371[07:46:34] <halvors> diesieben07: What should i do else then?
L372[07:46:39] <diesieben07> and the request-data message is nto needed
L373[07:47:02] <diesieben07> return your packet in getDescription packet
L374[07:47:22] <diesieben07> it will then be sent automatically when the player starts seeing the TE
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L376[07:48:17] <halvors> diesieben07: You mean returning my custom packet in getDescription() ?
L377[07:48:24] <diesieben07> yes
L378[07:48:29] <halvors> So return new PacketTileEntity(this);
L379[07:48:49] <diesieben07> yes
L380[07:48:53] <halvors> But how do i then make the tileentity update the rotation from setFacing()?
L381[07:49:16] <diesieben07> also gawd that PacketTileEntity is ugly
L382[07:49:29] <diesieben07> you send the packet to all tracking players by calling markBlockForUpdate
L383[07:49:35] <diesieben07> that will re-send the description packet
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L386[07:51:26] <halvors> Hmm.
L387[07:53:01] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
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L389[07:53:25] <halvors> diesieben07: You know that the PacketTileEntity does not extends import net.minecraft.network.Packet; right?
L390[07:53:29] <diesieben07> of course
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L392[07:53:38] <diesieben07> SimpleNetworkWrapper has a method to convert from IMessage to Packet
L393[07:53:46] <halvors> Ah, ok.
L394[07:57:38] <halvors> diesieben07: But now i have to call worldObj.markBlockForUpdate(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord) on the server in the setFacing method, right?
L395[07:57:49] <diesieben07> Yes
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L398[08:00:42] <halvors> diesieben07: Ok, now i have done that, but when only calling worldObj.markBlockForUpdate(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord) on the server, the client block is not updated at all.
L399[08:00:59] <diesieben07> you need to call it in the message handler as well
L400[08:01:25] <halvors> Isn't there a simple function that only re-renders the block and don't call all the other stuff?
L401[08:02:09] <PaleoCrafter> That is markBlockForUpdate ...
L402[08:02:15] <diesieben07> ^^
L403[08:04:00] *** Magik6k|off is now known as Magik6k
L404[08:04:28] <halvors> diesieben07: So why does it update the entire tileentity then? Not just the render?
L405[08:04:41] <diesieben07> what do you mean by that?
L406[08:04:43] <diesieben07> what updates?
L407[08:04:54] <halvors> Calling worldObj.markBlockForUpdate(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord) on both the server and the client seems somewhat redundant.
L408[08:05:25] <diesieben07> if you don't wnat to call it on the server (which is not strictly necessary) you need to do some hacky stuff to detect when players start to see your TE
L409[08:05:31] <diesieben07> it's not worth it.
L410[08:05:32] <halvors> diesieben07: Calling that on makes the server send the descriptionpacket not only re-render the block in the client?
L411[08:05:41] <diesieben07> wat
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L414[08:06:37] <PaleoCrafter> You somehow need to tell the client to update rendering, and that is through packets :P
L415[08:07:31] <PaleoCrafter> Whether it's through some vanilla thing or your description packet doesn't matter
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L417[08:08:09] <halvors> worldObj.func_147479_m(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord); it is i think :)
L418[08:08:44] <halvors> PaleoCrafter: Yeah, but i don't want to re-send the whole chunk from the client because of one simple block re-render :)
L419[08:08:58] <diesieben07> halvors, that doesn't work.
L420[08:09:04] <halvors> That is what worldObj.markBlockForUpdate(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord) does, as far as i know.
L421[08:09:05] <diesieben07> if you want to re-render your block, you must re-render the chunk
L422[08:09:16] <diesieben07> you can't re-render a single block
L423[08:09:30] <halvors> diesieben07: Yeah, but re-send from the server as well?
L424[08:09:51] <diesieben07> as i said, you'd have to do some hacking without the description packet then (ChunkWatchEvent and stuff)
L425[08:09:53] <diesieben07> its not pretty
L426[08:10:05] <McJty> halvors, markBlockForUpdate() doesn't resend the entire chunk. Just that block.
L427[08:10:13] <McJty> But on the client the entire chunk will be rerendered.
L428[08:10:19] <halvors> Quote from minecraftforge.net: By the way, markBlockForRenderUpdate is now func_147479_m.
L429[08:11:04] <halvors> McJty: So what is the difference between markBlockForUpdate and markBlockForRenderUpdate then? :( I'm confused.
L430[08:11:07] <McJty> halvors, that's just the obfuscated name. Use markBlockForRenderUpdate() to have readable code :-)
L431[08:11:33] <halvors> McJty: Yeah... But the mcp mappings for 1.7.10 don't have that.
L432[08:11:41] <McJty> halvors, they have for me
L433[08:11:59] <PaleoCrafter> If you change the facing and want to force a rendering update, sending the new data and doing the render update is just reasonable :P
L434[08:12:07] <halvors> McJty: How would that be?
L435[08:12:07] <McJty> halvors, anyway markBlockForUpdate() just sends over whatever is in the description package to the client. markBlockForRenderUpdate will then also cause a rerender
L436[08:12:13] <McJty> halvors, how would what be?
L437[08:12:44] <halvors> McJty: Do i need to specifiy that i want to use some newer mappings in gradle somehow?
L438[08:13:54] <McJty> halvors, no clue. Just works for me :-)
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L440[08:14:22] <PaleoCrafter> Yep, mappings = 'stable_12' in the minecraft block
L441[08:14:40] <halvors> Ok... Isn't that there by default?
L442[08:14:53] <PaleoCrafter> Don't think so
L443[08:14:54] <halvors> How do i find the different mappings listed?
L444[08:15:10] <halvors> So i know which is the most recent :)
L445[08:15:13] <PaleoCrafter> http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs
L446[08:15:28] <PaleoCrafter> I already told you what is most recent :P
L447[08:15:36] <PaleoCrafter> At least for 1.7
L448[08:15:53] <PaleoCrafter> Mandatory question: yuno 1.8
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L450[08:16:32] <halvors> PaleoCrafter: Thanks, what i meant was for future releases :)
L451[08:20:29] <halvors> McJty: What you meant is that markBlockForUpdate() and markBlockForRenderUpdate() is exactly the same?
L452[08:20:39] <McJty> No that's not what I said
L453[08:20:59] <McJty> halvors, markBlockForUpdate() just updates the client side of the block (doesn't have to be visual) from the server packet
L454[08:21:10] <McJty> It doesn't always have to do with rendering (although usually it does)
L455[08:21:48] <halvors> McJty: Ah ok :) But basically then, just sending the description packet? Is there more that does?
L456[08:22:00] <McJty> Is there more what?
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L459[08:23:09] <halvors> McJty: Is there more that markBlockForUpdate does? Other than sending description packet and re-renders block?
L460[08:23:48] <McJty> No idea. Haven't looked at the source (hint: you can do that too :-)
L461[08:24:22] <PaleoCrafter> Parser error: Unmatched opening parenthesis
L462[08:24:25] <PaleoCrafter> :P
L463[08:24:47] <McJty> PaleoCrafter, I preserve space and energy by combining my smiley with the close bracket :-)
L464[08:26:59] <diesieben07> PaleoCrafter, no no no, thats not how this works.
L465[08:27:18] <diesieben07> Parser error, unrecognized emoticon ":-"
L466[08:28:05] <PaleoCrafter> Nah, it greedily matches the smiley
L467[08:28:16] <diesieben07> nawww
L468[08:28:22] <gigaherz> the usual lexer would match the )
L469[08:28:39] <gigaherz> just like how C/Java parsers see "==" as one thing, and not two consecutive equal tokens
L470[08:28:50] <McJty> I expect everyone here to use a fuzzy lexer that accepts things like this :-)
L471[08:29:13] <PaleoCrafter> It greedily matches two equal tokens, gigaherz :P
L472[08:29:20] <gigaherz> yes
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L475[08:30:44] <gigaherz> [15:24] (McJty): PaleoCrafter, I preserve space and energy by combining my smiley with the close bracket :-)
L476[08:30:47] <gigaherz> that's false also
L477[08:30:59] <gigaherz> becasue combining them has caused you to type extra ;P
L478[08:31:13] <gigaherz> which means more effort and space than if you had typed just the extra )
L479[08:31:13] <McJty> Including the entire discussion that followed then.
L480[08:31:17] <tmtu> )
L481[08:31:19] <tmtu> meta
L482[08:31:25] <McJty> Instead of discussing this you should rather all help me fix my gradle problem! :-)
L483[08:31:56] <gigaherz> I'm a gradle noob
L484[08:32:01] <PaleoCrafter> That's not how this channel works :P
L485[08:32:11] <PaleoCrafter> We'll stay off topic as long as possible
L486[08:32:14] <gigaherz> so I answer what I know, and ignore what I don't
L487[08:32:15] <gigaherz> XD
L488[08:32:27] <tmtu> http://whatthecommit.com/
L489[08:32:32] <McJty> yes yes. But you are all experts on smileys and brackets
L490[08:32:58] <gigaherz> tmtu: I don't need that, I'm perfectly able to generate stupid commit messages on my own
L491[08:33:12] <gigaherz> McJty: we all took a class on compilers
L492[08:33:12] <gigaherz> ;P
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L494[08:38:44] <halvors> Is getCurrentDurability() equal to getItemDamage()?
L495[08:38:57] <halvors> Seems to have changed in mcp 1.7.0 mappings stable_12-
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L498[08:45:15] <diesieben07> halvors, in which class?
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L501[08:49:34] <halvors> diesieben07: Ah sorry :) ItemStack
L502[08:50:01] <halvors> diesieben07: Thanks for help with the packet stuff :) Seems to work just fine now :)
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L504[08:50:16] <diesieben07> dont use getCurrentDurability
L505[08:50:24] <diesieben07> use getItemDamage or getMetadata (latest mappings)=
L506[08:50:31] <techbrew> I can't believe I just read/scrolled back to find the origin of the lexer/parser discussion ... Only to discover it was all silliness over a McJty emoticon
L507[08:50:45] <gigaherz> hah XD
L508[08:50:56] <gigaherz> we ARE nerds ;P
L509[08:51:00] <techbrew> :P
L510[08:51:07] <halvors> diesieben07: Ah oh so it's renamed to getMetadata then :)
L511[08:51:10] <halvors> Thanks :)
L512[08:52:12] <Stygander> okay, is there any good tutorials someone has handy on using packets on keypress?
L513[08:52:55] <diesieben07> Stygander, packets: http://goo.gl/OPr8km keybindings are pretty straightforward
L514[08:53:08] <gigaherz> "using packets" and "on keypress" are completely unrelated things
L515[08:53:09] <gigaherz> ;P
L516[08:53:15] <gigaherz> if you know how to run code on keypress
L517[08:53:19] <gigaherz> and oyu know how to send a packet
L518[08:53:23] <gigaherz> you can just mix them ;P
L519[08:53:46] <Stygander> basically, im trying to get this item to reload properly on pressing the reload key
L520[08:54:05] <diesieben07> in ClientTickevent check myKey.isPressed()
L521[08:54:09] <diesieben07> if it is true, send packet
L522[08:54:21] <Stygander> alright
L523[08:54:21] <diesieben07> then on the server, check if reloading is currently applicable and if so, reload
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L526[08:58:18] <Stygander> alright thank you
L527[08:58:20] <Stygander> (
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L532[09:16:36] <gigaherz> so I managed to integrate my custom obj loader with the ModelLoaderRegistry system,
L533[09:17:15] <gigaherz> but I can't think of any way to get the accepts() method to work for items other than see if a resource exists with the name ending in .obj, and handling the FileNotFoundException
L534[09:17:36] <gigaherz> which hurts my soul deeply ;P
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L537[09:19:50] <gigaherz> still this brings back the question, anyone has nay idea HOW to use a .b3d model for an item? I haven't been able to figure that out either
L538[09:20:31] <laci200270> gigaherz, https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/src/test/java/net/minecraftforge/debug/ModelLoaderRegistryDebug.java
L539[09:20:45] <laci200270> oh wait this is for blocks
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L541[09:20:50] <gigaherz> that's for blocks
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L543[09:20:57] <gigaherz> it has no indication how it could possibly work for items
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L545[09:21:09] <gigaherz> since items don't have a blockstates json that can include a reference to a ".obj" model
L546[09:21:12] <gigaherz> eh .b3d*
L547[09:22:28] <gigaherz> the B3D loader only returns true from accepts if the resource path ends with ".b3d"
L548[09:22:32] <gigaherz> and I have no idea how to achieve that for items
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L551[09:23:00] <gigaherz> so I guess I'll just not use the model loader registry for my items
L552[09:23:09] <gigaherz> and I'll use the existing method I have implemented, that works ;P
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L554[09:27:34] *** Vigaro|AFK is now known as Vigaro
L555[09:27:59] <laci200270> gigaherz, can you use IModels?
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L557[09:28:31] <laci200270> gigaherz, http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=27945.0
L558[09:28:38] <laci200270> the problem not relevant
L559[09:28:49] <laci200270> just look how he does
L560[09:29:04] <gigaherz> laci200270: the loading process works, yes
L561[09:29:25] <gigaherz> just so long as I do a brute-force check
L562[09:29:50] <gigaherz> by appending ".obj" to every resource, and returning false if it throws an exception
L563[09:30:17] <gigaherz> hmmm
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L566[09:32:41] <gigaherz> laci200270: I don't see how that IModel would be used afterwards
L567[09:32:42] <gigaherz> ;P
L568[09:32:48] <gigaherz> so I'll just keep using my own system for items
L569[09:32:51] <laci200270> idk
L570[09:33:09] <laci200270> i think it can rendered somewhere
L571[09:33:20] <gigaherz> well the IModel can be converted into a BakedModel
L572[09:33:28] <gigaherz> but that wouldn't really help ;P
L573[09:33:48] <gigaherz> meh really it doesn't matter
L574[09:33:54] <gigaherz> I'll keep it the way it is now
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L584[09:49:06] <Pennyw95> are there some good tutorials on TESR or rendering in general? I'm getting quite lost
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L587[09:49:23] <halvors> Hi. Can anyone explain to me what excactly the @Interface annotation should be used for?
L588[09:49:23] <halvors> @Interface(iface = "cofh.api.energy.IEnergyHandler", modid = "CoFHCore"),
L589[09:50:07] <halvors> Is this really necessary, the point with Interfaces is that you don't need the implementation in order to use the functionallity of i.e an API.
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L591[09:50:36] <halvors> So what should this be used for? Is it not recommended to bundle the API interfaces of other mods with your mod distrobution?
L592[09:52:39] <Pennyw95> Cause when I place down my TE all the guis get screwed up
L593[09:52:46] <diesieben07> you should use the fully qualified name (@Optional.Interface), then it makes more sense
L594[09:53:00] <diesieben07> FML will then remove the interface you specified when the mod you specfied is not present
L595[09:53:06] <diesieben07> you can make a soft-dependency that way
L596[09:53:55] <diesieben07> halvors ^
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L599[10:02:51] <tterrag> halvors: the RF API can be present without cofhcore
L600[10:03:13] <tterrag> You should optionalize on CoFHAPI|energy
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L604[10:03:45] <halvors> diesieben07: Ah, but if i used the buildcraft IToolWrench interface for instance, wouldn't it be preferable to just bundle that with the mod?
L605[10:04:05] <diesieben07> No, never ship other people's code.
L606[10:04:18] <tterrag> Never ship APIs unless absolutely necessary
L607[10:04:52] <halvors> tterrag: I'm confused, my mod loads just fine even if CoFHCore is not present, just that you won't be able to use RedstoneFlux, unless you have another mod that's implementing it. For that i just need "after:CoFHCore" in the @Mod annotation...
L608[10:05:12] <halvors> diesieben07: Isn't that kindof what interfaces is for
L609[10:05:13] <halvors> ?
L610[10:05:17] <tterrag> ...
L611[10:05:23] <diesieben07> what?
L612[10:05:29] * sham1 facepalms
L613[10:05:33] <tterrag> What if I load with just my mod (enderio) and yours
L614[10:05:36] <tterrag> Nothing will work
L615[10:05:48] <tterrag> even though eio contains the energy api
L616[10:06:11] <halvors> tterrag: It would, but RedstoneFlux would not work, and that's because it's nothing loaded to implement the RedstoneFlux API...
L617[10:06:32] <tterrag> enderio implements the RF api
L618[10:06:44] <halvors> Ok. It does?
L619[10:06:51] <tterrag> of course
L620[10:06:55] <tterrag> Lots of mods do
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L622[10:07:05] <sham1> If it didnt then why would you be able to use RF with it
L623[10:07:08] <diesieben07> implements is the wrong word
L624[10:07:21] <sham1> uses might be better in this context
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L626[10:07:39] <halvors> tterag: There is a difference between just implementing the interface and implenting the actual energy system, i guess that what you meant ;)
L627[10:09:08] <tterrag> halvors: let me put it this way. EnderIO as a mod could not function without the RF API, therefore we ship it in the mod as to be able to function without other mods present
L628[10:09:22] <tterrag> if your mod CAN function without the RF API, then you should just optionalize it (as you are doing)
L629[10:09:36] <tterrag> all I'm saying is that you should optionalize on the API container, not CoFHCore
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L633[10:18:42] <halvors> tterrag: Yeah, so like if my mod uses energy (Redstone Flux) i should use the Optional.Interface annotation?
L634[10:18:57] <tterrag> does it NEED to use RF to function?
L635[10:19:14] <RobotSquid> o/
L636[10:19:15] <tterrag> is there a point to the mod without RF?
L637[10:19:21] <halvors> tterrag: Hehe, define function :) It will run, but will be useless to the user.
L638[10:19:30] <halvors> tterrag: No.
L639[10:19:31] <tterrag> then you should probably ship the energy API
L640[10:19:35] <halvors> Then ship the api?
L641[10:19:36] <halvors> Yeah.
L642[10:19:38] <tterrag> because...what's the point otherwise
L643[10:20:02] <halvors> But for IToolWrench from buildcraft i should use the Optional.Interface annotation?
L644[10:20:17] <sham1> yes
L645[10:20:22] <gigaherz> probably
L646[10:20:33] <gigaherz> because your blocks still work even if they aren't wrenchable
L647[10:21:21] <gigaherz> think extra utilities transfer nodes
L648[10:21:33] <gigaherz> the transfer pipes can be "wrenched" with a stick
L649[10:21:36] <halvors> gigaherz: Yeah. But here comes my next question, then i should add the buildcraft api as a dependency at build time right?
L650[10:21:37] <gigaherz> but they also support proper wrenches
L651[10:21:49] <gigaherz> yes you'd need the actual interface at build time
L652[10:21:57] <gigaherz> but with the Optional.Interface annotation
L653[10:22:02] <halvors> Yeah :)
L654[10:22:28] <halvors> Anyone know if there is a maven repo that have the CoFH Lib and Buildcraft API?
L655[10:22:45] <gigaherz> I just embedded he RF api directly in my code
L656[10:22:55] <HassanS6000> ^ same
L657[10:23:07] <gigaherz> src/api/java/...
L658[10:23:48] <HassanS6000> wtf this keeps crashing trying to render this entity..
L659[10:23:51] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/Ender-Rift/tree/master/src/api/java
L660[10:24:06] <HassanS6000> http://pastebin.com/n6A2hEwT
L661[10:24:20] <HassanS6000> http://pastebin.com/udrU1vHU
L662[10:24:25] <HassanS6000> Any ideas?
L663[10:25:08] <gigaherz> wtf is XLibRenderer?
L664[10:25:22] <halvors> Hmm. If i use an interface in my code, but not implements it, then i'll not be able to use the Optional right?
L665[10:25:36] <halvors> It's just stripping interfaces and whole methods right?
L666[10:25:39] <gigaherz> uh?
L667[10:25:40] <diesieben07> Am I stupid or why does htis not compile? https://gist.github.com/diesieben07/e8b40792963b1452691e
L668[10:25:42] <gigaherz> if no one implements it
L669[10:25:43] <HassanS6000> gigaherz, https://github.com/Ri5ux/AIRIX
L670[10:26:32] <sham1> diesieb what does it say
L671[10:26:43] <covers1624> final class?
L672[10:26:48] <diesieben07> Cannot resolve method registerMessage
L673[10:27:25] <covers1624> whaaaa
L674[10:27:41] <covers1624> are all the things overriden
L675[10:27:50] <diesieben07> its all like you can see in the gist
L676[10:27:55] <RobotSquid> anyon know why ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT(slot) returns null here(http://pastebin.com/9vR7tu3v)?? i checked, there is a key in NBT, the stack isnt null when writing, but that method returns null
L677[10:28:09] <gigaherz> diesieben07: I haven o idea
L678[10:28:15] <gigaherz> aside of the final in the handler class
L679[10:28:16] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/network/SpellSequenceUpdate.java
L680[10:28:19] <gigaherz> it looksexactly like mine
L681[10:28:25] <diesieben07> ikr? dafuq is this
L682[10:28:30] <covers1624> yeah i stole tinkers packet system, xD
L683[10:28:42] <diesieben07> (removing the final doesn't help either)
L684[10:28:55] <diesieben07> normally i wouldn't use this, but i need this mod done quick so i cant wait for my library to be done :D
L685[10:29:15] <gigaherz> diesieben07: well for quick troubleshooting
L686[10:29:20] <gigaherz> try pasting my class in your environment? ;P
L687[10:30:33] <gigaherz> I did the opposite, and that works just fine
L688[10:30:36] <gigaherz> I'm on 1.8 though
L689[10:31:02] <diesieben07> fuck my life
L690[10:31:06] <diesieben07> i forgot the discriminator
L691[10:31:19] <sham1> :P
L692[10:31:21] <gigaherz> the what? XD
L693[10:31:27] <diesieben07> packet id
L694[10:31:49] <sham1> I have a quick question about discriminators
L695[10:32:11] <sham1> What if I somehow had more than 256 packets, what do I do
L696[10:32:16] <sham1> Do I register a new channel or what
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L698[10:32:26] <diesieben07> yes
L699[10:32:33] <diesieben07> or not use FMLs system
L700[10:32:33] <RobotSquid> any ideas? maybe i should just add more debug logs again
L701[10:32:39] <RobotSquid> :P
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L703[10:33:23] <gigaherz> robotbrain: sec
L704[10:33:25] <gigaherz> oops
L705[10:33:30] <gigaherz> RobotSquid: sec
L706[10:34:45] <gigaherz> hmm
L707[10:34:48] <gigaherz> it would be null
L708[10:34:52] <gigaherz> if the item wasn't found
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L710[10:35:05] <gigaherz> did you store it properly?
L711[10:35:52] <RobotSquid> yeah, i had a few logs in the write part, the item isnt null, but even if i try to do ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT(slot) there it returns null
L712[10:36:41] *** alekso56_off is now known as alekso56
L713[10:36:50] <RobotSquid> i checked in the write part for the item being null, the compund having the key and the loaded itemstack being null
L714[10:37:00] <gigaherz> can you do tag.toString() on the slot tag?
L715[10:37:03] <gigaherz> and paste that
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L717[10:37:09] <gigaherz> as in, make it a debug print ;P
L718[10:37:23] <gigaherz> just to verify the info is valid
L719[10:37:50] <gigaherz> or better
L720[10:38:01] <gigaherz> toString on the whole tag you store on writeToNBT
L721[10:38:02] <gigaherz> ;P
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L723[10:39:39] * RobotSquid codes
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L730[10:52:51] <williewillus> ok so if you have two git branches, and you make the same change to both of them at different points in time, when you merge one into the other in the future that change won't be "doubly-applied" or conflict right?
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L734[10:52:56] <williewillus> just curious
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L738[10:55:17] <tterrag> gigaherz: if you put the RF API in src/api, it will not ship with your mod
L739[10:55:19] <tterrag> which was the entire point
L740[10:59:05] <gigaherz> it does though
L741[10:59:07] <gigaherz> I checked the jar XD
L742[10:59:10] * RobotSquid waits for 200MB game update to download at 400Kbps
L743[10:59:41] <gigaherz> the contents of src/api/java/ are included in it XD
L744[10:59:57] <gigaherz> and I'm using the stock build.gradle and such
L745[11:00:03] <gigaherz> well
L746[11:00:09] <gigaherz> with idea inheritOutputDirs
L747[11:01:25] <williewillus> anyone know what this means? 0.o [11:00:05] [Client thread/ERROR] [NotEnoughItems]: Missing container for projecte
L748[11:04:08] <williewillus> can't for the life of me figure out why NEI's scrolling thing is desyncing my container (only doing nit client side instead of on both). Normal shift clicking works though?
L749[11:06:15] <gigaherz> the scrolling thing is from nei? I thoughtit was inventory tweaks
L750[11:07:00] <gigaherz> maybe you should call the container method that updates the contents, while the GUI is open
L751[11:07:44] <gigaherz> [17:52] (williewillus): ok so if you have two git branches, and you make the same change to both of them at different points in time, when you merge one into the other in the future that change won't be "doubly-applied" or conflict right?
L752[11:07:45] <williewillus> its nei, I checked
L753[11:08:15] <gigaherz> the git commit hash is calculated based on the diff contents, parent ID, and metadata
L754[11:08:24] <gigaherz> so if you applied the same changes in different points
L755[11:08:30] <gigaherz> as far as git is concerned, they are different commits
L756[11:08:44] <williewillus> ok that's what i thought :p
L757[11:08:51] <gigaherz> still the conflict resolution may merge the changes
L758[11:09:13] <gigaherz> best practice is to rebase one branch on top of the other
L759[11:09:23] <gigaherz> and then just merge whatever changes remain
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L761[11:12:36] <williewillus> okay i just broke stuff even more .-. "discard all changes" time
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L767[11:20:52] <RobotSquid> gigaherz, [18:20:24] [Server thread/INFO] [MoltenCraft]: {}
L768[11:20:54] <Sollux-Captor> in the MapColor class, is that literally the color that displays on maps?
L769[11:20:55] <RobotSquid> :(
L770[11:21:09] <williewillus> yes Sollux
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L772[11:21:15] <tterrag> gigaherz: then you're screwed up, the point of src/api is NOT to be shipped
L773[11:21:18] <RobotSquid> if i do LogHelper.info(compound.getTag("ItemLightningInfuser").toString());
L774[11:21:18] <Achielleus> question about IModels, lets say i have a model like the https://github.com/TheGreyGhost/MinecraftByExample/blob/master/src/main/java/minecraftbyexample/mbe05_block_smartblockmodel2/CompositeModel.java How would i rotate certain model parts depending on the blockstate?
L775[11:21:20] <tterrag> that's the entire reason it exists
L776[11:21:29] <Sollux-Captor> aight, im just tinkering around with the Material class making sure i understand it
L777[11:21:32] <williewillus> the ctor for MapColor is id, 0xRRGGBB
L778[11:21:34] <Sollux-Captor> i get the gist of it now
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L780[11:22:35] <Sollux-Captor> some of these break the RRGGBB :o like for instance netherrackColor = new MapColor(35, 7340544); that is RRGGBBB
L781[11:22:36] <Sollux-Captor> hmm
L782[11:23:02] <williewillus> wat
L783[11:23:43] <Sollux-Captor> well.... the parameters are index, color
L784[11:24:07] <Sollux-Captor> and if it is in a 0xRRGGBB format?
L785[11:24:30] <williewillus> yeah, 7340544 -> 0x700200 which is a red
L786[11:24:31] <tmtu> both are integers
L787[11:24:33] <Sollux-Captor> or is that the first number replaces the 0
L788[11:24:43] <williewillus> http://i.gyazo.com/9953a18dc84629cbe4412ac62a68d52b.png
L789[11:24:54] <tmtu> that resolution
L790[11:25:22] <williewillus> duckduckgo didnt convert 0x700200 to a color so I used IDEA lol
L791[11:25:31] <williewillus> it useually does hex to color pretty well
L792[11:25:59] <Sollux-Captor> ye well
L793[11:26:24] <williewillus> anyways those are all valid hex rgb codes, just in decimal form :p
L794[11:27:24] <gigaherz> btw I moved my NBT serializer, with history included, to a separate repo: https://github.com/gigaherz/NBTSerializer
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L796[11:27:48] <Sollux-Captor> haha i should just make a conversion method so i can input hex x3
L797[11:28:17] <williewillus> you can just give it hex?
L798[11:28:27] <Sollux-Captor> idk
L799[11:28:29] <williewillus> new MapColor(index, 0xwhateveryouwant)
L800[11:28:33] <williewillus> it's still of type int
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L802[11:33:07] <Sollux-Captor> soo uh.. does the Material class always need a map color then?
L803[11:33:19] <gigaherz> the map color is the color used while drawing on maps
L804[11:33:23] <gigaherz> each pixel represents a block
L805[11:33:26] <Sollux-Captor> ye ik that much
L806[11:33:29] <gigaherz> and the color is taken from the block's material
L807[11:33:31] <gigaherz> so yes
L808[11:33:36] <gigaherz> the material needs a map color
L809[11:33:44] <gigaherz> because otherwise the map wouldn't know what color to draw
L810[11:34:28] <Sollux-Captor> like... im making a block that draws void holes on the map even though there is no void showing. I'd assume i could just do that with a null color?
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L813[11:34:48] <williewillus> no, use MapColor.airColor
L814[11:34:56] <Sollux-Captor> k
L815[11:35:00] <williewillus> i think
L816[11:35:06] <williewillus> I'm pretty sure null would crash it
L817[11:35:12] <Sollux-Captor> i can test it out
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L819[11:41:30] <speak> Any idea how something like Optifine was made? It modifies the core classes directly, right? It works with 1.8.7, and no modding tools out there seem to support 1.8.7
L820[11:42:10] <Sollux-Captor> i have no clue how optfine was made
L821[11:42:29] <gigaherz> speak: MCP, the project that gives decompiled methods proper names, does exist for 1.8.7
L822[11:42:58] <gigaherz> Optifine modified many classes, but more importantly, REPLACES many things
L823[11:43:02] <gigaherz> modifies*
L824[11:43:12] <speak> ooh, MCP does work for 1.8.7?? I saw it supporting "1.8", does that mean 1.8.x, then?
L825[11:43:13] <gigaherz> it has to actively support new versions of Forge
L826[11:43:33] <gigaherz> well, lex is doing the forge port to 1.8.8 (he started yesterday)
L827[11:43:43] <gigaherz> and he wouldn't bother if there weren't name mappings for it
L828[11:43:55] <Sollux-Captor> hmm
L829[11:44:03] <gigaherz> so yes, there must be name mappings for newer versions than 1.8.0 ;P
L830[11:44:13] <gigaherz> btw
L831[11:44:14] <gigaherz> 1m ago
L832[11:44:15] <gigaherz> We pushed out Minecraft 1.8.8 to all users now, it's available for download in your launcher as usual :)
L833[11:44:21] <gigaherz> https://twitter.com/Dinnerbone/status/626070306613018624
L834[11:44:32] <Sollux-Captor> i hate upadting forge on my mod because i always forget how to ;-;
L835[11:44:38] <gigaherz> hm?
L836[11:44:42] <gigaherz> you go to the build.gradle
L837[11:44:49] <gigaherz> update the forge version string to the current one
L838[11:44:50] <williewillus> gigaherz: mcp does not exist for 1.8.7 0.o
L839[11:44:55] <williewillus> not unless lex just updated it
L840[11:44:58] <williewillus> optifine doesnt use mcp
L841[11:45:00] <gigaherz> then rerun setupDecompWorkspace
L842[11:45:08] <gigaherz> williewillus: uh?
L843[11:45:14] <gigaherz> well lex didn't write the srg mappings himself ;p
L844[11:45:27] <williewillus> he does his own mappings
L845[11:45:31] <Sollux-Captor> i see.. ye i remember now xD lel ik how to do it just for some reason it is one of those things that i always forget
L846[11:45:33] <williewillus> (like how bukkit used to)
L847[11:45:34] <speak> Ah alright! I'm sorry I know topic says "No ETA"'s, but does such a thing take a long time usually (updating forge to a new version)
L848[11:45:47] <speak> Just to get a general idea of the time scale
L849[11:46:02] <gigaherz> speak: depends on the size of the changes
L850[11:46:08] <gigaherz> there was a BIG change between 1.8.0 and latest
L851[11:46:15] <williewillus> not really lol
L852[11:46:16] <gigaherz> which is that now some names are not obfuscated anymore
L853[11:46:23] <williewillus> oh the inner class thing
L854[11:46:24] <Sollux-Captor> how does optifine make a mod w/o forge or mcp?
L855[11:46:28] <speak> Oh, interesting
L856[11:46:29] <gigaherz> forge for 1.8.8 will have inner classes AND generics
L857[11:46:35] <williewillus> you can mod without mcp lol
L858[11:46:38] <williewillus> see: bukkit
L859[11:46:40] ⇨ Joins: NPException (~NPExcepti@
L860[11:46:41] <williewillus> bukkit uses their own mappings
L861[11:46:46] <speak> williewillus: How does it work?
L862[11:46:47] <williewillus> used, rather
L863[11:46:49] <gigaherz> Sollux-Captor: you just work with the field_55555_e names
L864[11:46:58] <Sollux-Captor> oh i see
L865[11:47:03] <Sollux-Captor> that seems tough
L866[11:47:12] <williewillus> no gigaherz , you make your own mappings lol
L867[11:47:16] <speak> Where can I get more information on that sort of modding? I've been having an impossibly hard time trying to find information how to mod Minecraft "directly"
L868[11:47:22] <williewillus> ie. in bukkit names, EntityPlayer was EntityHuman
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L870[11:47:23] <gigaherz> williewillus: well you haveto get the dictionary from somewhere
L871[11:47:29] <williewillus> no, you make it yourself lol
L872[11:47:33] <gigaherz> why the fuck would you do that?
L873[11:47:39] <williewillus> ask bukkit
L874[11:47:45] <gigaherz> when there are existing projects actively maintaining them
L875[11:47:45] <speak> But if I can use MCP with 1.8.7, then that's awesome news!
L876[11:47:45] <williewillus> they have used their own mappings for years
L877[11:47:47] <williewillus> and years
L878[11:47:50] <gigaherz> bukkit was a big project that could handle that
L879[11:47:52] <gigaherz> XD
L880[11:47:54] <Sollux-Captor> i dont see why optifine would have to do that .-.
L881[11:48:01] <gigaherz> anyhow
L882[11:48:03] * gigaherz shrugs
L883[11:48:13] <williewillus> he probably has his whole system privately setup
L884[11:48:42] <williewillus> speak: "that sort of modding" (assuming you mean editing base classes without mcp mappings) is very 2011 and not very worth it lol
L885[11:48:46] <williewillus> its the reason why forge exists
L886[11:48:49] <williewillus> so you dn't have to do that
L887[11:49:12] <gigaherz> Sollux-Captor: optifine doesn't want to rely on others, the author relies on income from optifine downloads, so he wants to be there asap
L888[11:49:13] <gigaherz> ;P
L889[11:49:16] <speak> Ah okay. Well darn, I don't mind waiting for a new version of forge for 1.8.8, unless it's going to take like a month ;(
L890[11:49:28] <williewillus> the updates are in preogress as we speak so hopefully not long now
L891[11:49:37] <gigaherz> he actively makes his mod "compatible" with forge in order to reach the most people
L892[11:50:12] <williewillus> "compatible" -> fml loads it and then he replaces all the classes that would normally be replaced by the jarmod anyway :p
L893[11:50:22] <speak> Wow, well respect to the Optifine person :)
L894[11:50:22] <gigaherz> speak: the updates are being done incrementally, to reduce then umber of conflicts in each iteration
L895[11:50:27] <gigaherz> 1.8.0 to 1.8.1 was done yesterday
L896[11:50:36] <gigaherz> and 1.8.1 to 1.8.2 was started
L897[11:50:37] <williewillus> i thought he finished .2 too
L898[11:50:40] <speak> Ah, okay. Sounds like a smart way to do that
L899[11:50:46] <gigaherz> he said he needed to fix some tools
L900[11:50:57] <gigaherz> I assumed that meant in order to get .2
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L904[11:51:33] <gigaherz> since 1.8.2 is the one with the inner classes (and I guess generics?), one of the bigger hurdles depends on it
L905[11:51:48] <gigaherz> after 1.8.2, or .3 if that's when generics happened, then the way should be much smoother
L906[11:51:57] <speak> I really appreciate all your help gigaherz & williewillus (and any other I may've missed)
L907[11:52:05] <williewillus> np
L908[11:52:07] <gigaherz> that's why we are around
L909[11:52:08] <williewillus> 1.8.4 is generic
L910[11:52:08] <gigaherz> ;P
L911[11:52:17] <williewillus> but the inner class thing makes me curious
L912[11:52:24] <williewillus> why would they do that
L913[11:52:43] <Sollux-Captor> class in a class?
L914[11:53:00] <williewillus> yeah apparently they stopped obfuscating inner class names? (or was it both the inner and the outer?)
L915[11:53:11] <diesieben07> not obfuscating
L916[11:53:19] <Sollux-Captor> i've worked with nested classes b4 (not in MC)
L917[11:53:19] <diesieben07> but they no longer remove the information "this class is inside this class"
L918[11:53:32] <diesieben07> (inner classes compile to just normal top-level classes)
L919[11:53:39] <Wuppy> 7 minutes countdown...
L920[11:53:49] <gigaherz> okay lex showed a screenshot with generics yesterday night
L921[11:53:53] <williewillus> so all the inner classes we had so far were just guesses at the parent class?
L922[11:53:55] <williewillus> TIL
L923[11:54:03] <gigaherz> so whatever version it was that did generics, it seems tobe at least in progress
L924[11:54:04] <gigaherz> ;P
L925[11:54:08] <gigaherz> http://puu.sh/jfCL8/d90741146d.jpg
L926[11:54:14] <speak> Brilllliant! :)
L927[11:54:33] <williewillus> lol the picture
L928[11:54:40] <gigaherz> yeah the bottom half is what matters ;P
L929[11:55:03] <speak> Hahah
L930[11:55:27] <williewillus> Wuppy: 5 min til what?
L931[11:55:36] <Wuppy> https://shop.ticketscript.com/channel/web2/start-order/rid/3LNJCVKA/language/nl
L932[11:55:45] ⇨ Joins: psxlover (psxlover@
L933[11:55:53] <Wuppy> tickets for one of the more awesome parties of the year
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L935[12:01:53] <Wuppy> well fuck
L936[12:01:56] <Wuppy> early bird tickets sold out
L937[12:02:09] <Sollux-Captor> gg :(
L938[12:02:42] <Wuppy> in under 30 seconds
L939[12:03:02] <Sollux-Captor> in other news :D my jam just turned on ^_^ PBN Razer sharp
L940[12:03:05] <Wuppy> there were only 2000 of them though
L941[12:04:07] <Sollux-Captor> rip wuppy
L942[12:04:28] <Sollux-Captor> sorry for ur loss :o
L943[12:04:34] ⇨ Joins: Szernex (~Szernex@194-118-255-159.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L944[12:05:04] <Wuppy> now I had to pay 10 more for each ticket
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L948[12:07:58] <DemoXin> I forget, do I use @EventHandler or @SubscribeEvent for FML events?
L949[12:08:06] <DemoXin> Specifically, TickEvent.WorldTickEvent
L950[12:09:15] <Sollux-Captor> question about map colors .-. i noticed there is an array.... does that mean you can only have that many map colors?
L951[12:09:37] <diesieben07> DemoXin, for any subclass of Event: @SubscribeEvent
L952[12:09:44] <diesieben07> @eventHandler is only for the preInit-style events
L953[12:10:09] <DemoXin> Okay, that's what I thought, just wanted to make sure.
L954[12:11:38] <Sollux-Captor> hmm =i
L955[12:11:41] <Sollux-Captor> hmm =I
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L957[12:16:43] <Sollux-Captor> yes no?
L958[12:17:09] <olee> Wuppy: So - how was testing D3? :D
L959[12:17:16] <Sollux-Captor> question about map colors .-. i noticed there is an array.... does that mean you can only have that many map colors = to the array index?
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L963[12:23:17] <Wuppy> olee, pretty good
L964[12:23:23] <Wuppy> not going to buy at full price though
L965[12:23:48] <olee> check at kinguin for example - they got nice prices and pretty much good service
L966[12:24:16] <olee> btw who of you old folks remember / know F-Zero? (I mean the original!)
L967[12:24:58] <Wuppy> kinguin it's 25 or somethign
L968[12:25:29] <Lex_> <gigaherz> well, lex is doing the forge port to 1.8.8 (he started yesterday)
L969[12:25:29] <Lex_> <gigaherz> and he wouldn't bother if there weren't name mappings for it
L970[12:26:07] <Wuppy> olee, partially has to do with my current backlog though: http://puu.sh/jge8t/a83a61c24c.png
L971[12:26:10] <Lex_> No, i'm doing the 1.8.2 port of MCP, so no there are no mappings yet {well there is im trying to make som regexs more efficient so it cuts down on setup time}
L972[12:26:19] <Wuppy> those are only high end games I really want to play
L973[12:26:32] <Wuppy> there are also about 200 indie games in my library I should give a go
L974[12:26:45] <Wuppy> also, the Witcher 3 is a thing I'll buy eventually
L975[12:26:58] <Lex_> <gigaherz> well lex didn't write the srg mappings himself ;p Did I not?
L976[12:31:08] <gigaherz> well apparently I had multiple wrong impressions ;P
L977[12:31:51] <gigaherz> I thought mcp was a separate project maintained by someone else, and Forge just built upon it -- including the mappings
L978[12:31:55] <Lex_> but ya setup time is 10 mins on my machine
L979[12:32:00] <Lex_> 6 of which is regex hell
L980[12:32:02] <Lex_> u.u
L981[12:32:13] <Lex_> mcp is a seperate project
L982[12:32:31] <Lex_> controled by the mcp team, Searg_ Feshor, prof, etc...
L983[12:32:36] <Lex_> Myself being on of them
L984[12:32:38] <Gliby> well in other news, i got the physics engine to run at 20 ticks per second, and it still looks like 60.
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L986[12:33:13] <gigaherz> ah sorry about that then, I didn't mean to underestimate your work :/
L987[12:33:32] <gigaherz> (which I already thought was great enough -- this makes it more so)
L988[12:34:05] <Gliby> am I doing good gigaherz ?
L989[12:34:15] <gigaherz> I guess?
L990[12:34:23] <gigaherz> no idea what you are doing ;P
L991[12:34:37] <Gliby> making physics stuffs
L992[12:34:44] <Lex_> Just goes to show you guys don't understand even half of what I do. I may not be pushing things publically every day. but thre plenty of backend shit I do to make the mc community run ;)
L993[12:34:48] <Sollux-Captor> >_< im confused on if i should make my own Material or not.. like have my own Material class
L994[12:34:53] <Lex_> anyways any regex gururs out there?
L995[12:35:18] <gigaherz> ehh I know a bit of regex, but I exclude myself from the guru category ;P
L996[12:35:48] <gigaherz> Sollux-Captor: is there any reason why one of the existing materials wouldn't work for you?
L997[12:36:03] <Sollux-Captor> giga that is what im trying to figure out :P
L998[12:36:13] <gigaherz> what are the "properties" of your material?
L999[12:36:43] <gigaherz> can your block be replaced as part of placing another block in the same place?
L1000[12:37:09] <gigaherz> is your block solid? opaque? translucent?
L1001[12:37:22] <Sollux-Captor> i dont want it to burn, i want it to emit light (is optional in GUI of the block), opaque, ect
L1002[12:37:36] <gigaherz> so opaque, non-burning, emits light ... use glowstone?
L1003[12:37:38] <Sollux-Captor> and no i dont want it to be replaceable
L1004[12:37:55] <gigaherz> eh use whatever glowstone uses*
L1005[12:38:14] <gigaherz> I think glowstone uses material glass
L1006[12:38:20] <tterrag> gigaherz: you don't seem to understand how mappings work, func_xxxxx is a mapped name, called srg
L1007[12:38:24] <tterrag> the obfuscated names are different
L1008[12:38:52] <gigaherz> tterrag: I seem to have many of those today
L1009[12:38:54] <tterrag> so optifine mods using notch names (truly obfuscated names) which is not a fun time
L1010[12:39:09] <tterrag> eg ac.d is someclass.somefield
L1011[12:39:16] <gigaherz> I thought the deobfuscator was the one generating func_xxx
L1012[12:39:17] <tterrag> !gc World
L1013[12:39:26] <tterrag> !!gc World
L1014[12:39:26] <MCPBot_Reborn> === MC 1.8: World ===
L1015[12:39:26] <MCPBot_Reborn> Notch : aqu
L1016[12:39:27] <Sollux-Captor> um i guess my next block, i want it to be air but it is a MaterialTransparent when the only atribute i want is the MapColor so i made my own material?
L1017[12:39:27] <MCPBot_Reborn> Name : net/minecraft/world/World
L1018[12:39:28] <MCPBot_Reborn> Interfaces : IBlockAccess
L1019[12:39:29] <MCPBot_Reborn> Extending : WorldClient WorldServer
L1020[12:39:36] <tterrag> so the obfuscated name for World in 1.8.0 is aqu
L1021[12:39:43] <tterrag> but in 1.8.1 it'll be something completely different (possibly)
L1022[12:39:46] <gigaherz> and I thought the mapping translated func_xxx to theFuncName
L1023[12:39:47] <tterrag> that's why we have srg, as a middleman
L1024[12:39:55] <tterrag> mods build against srg names
L1025[12:40:07] <tterrag> MCP, between minor updates, will translate the new obfuscated names to the old srg names
L1026[12:40:10] <tterrag> so that mods can continue to work
L1027[12:40:27] <tterrag> gigaherz: mappings are obf -> srg -> deobf
L1028[12:40:38] <gigaherz> so my knowledge was partial ;P
L1029[12:40:42] <tterrag> MCP handles the grunt work of changing all the obf->srg mappings
L1030[12:40:47] <tterrag> because they get completely shuffled each update
L1031[12:41:06] <tterrag> that's what "runtime deobf" is and why it's so good for mods
L1032[12:41:19] <tterrag> because now mods will have little to no work to do to update from 1.8.0 to 1.8.x
L1033[12:41:42] <Lex_> And the reson why certian projects out there can 'update' without full mapping updates
L1034[12:41:58] <Lex_> is because they only map like 10% of Minecraft, the easy 10%
L1035[12:41:59] <tterrag> yep
L1036[12:42:02] <Lex_> MCP does EVERYTHING
L1037[12:42:09] <tterrag> most mods went from 1.7.2 to 1.7.10 with no changes
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L1039[12:42:20] <tterrag> only a few specific things ACTUALLY changed, like the AABB pool
L1040[12:42:30] <gigaherz> actually it does make sense after properly explaining -- I never really considered the fact that the func_xxxxx names were TOO stable between versions, if they were autogenerated by the decompiler
L1041[12:42:37] <Lex_> That wont work in 1.8 -> 1.8.8 to many changes internally combined with new generic shit...
L1042[12:42:59] <tterrag> yeah, this is a special case since they'v echanged how obfuscation works completely...
L1043[12:43:07] <tterrag> but on the other hand, yay generics!
L1044[12:43:14] <gigaherz> generics \o/
L1045[12:43:23] <Sollux-Captor> ima just make my own materials. it seems much easier to do than figure out what material does what
L1046[12:43:27] <Lex_> I take great pains to make them as stable as I can, reviewing every line that is changed between mc versions using a merge tool
L1047[12:43:54] <gigaherz> lex, we REALLY appreciate your work, even if we sometimes fail to show it properly ;P
L1048[12:48:01] <sham1> I second that
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L1052[12:49:16] <MageProtocol> Hey everyone!
L1053[12:49:24] <gigaherz> hello o/
L1054[12:50:21] <sham1> hi
L1055[12:50:57] <MageProtocol> How are you today?
L1056[12:51:28] <gigaherz> hmm for lack of a better word, fine ;P
L1057[12:51:51] <gigaherz> my mood is "slightly excited and looking forward to forge for 1.8.8 in the near future"
L1058[12:51:55] <gigaherz> ;P
L1059[12:52:28] <gigaherz> meanwhile, watching Xisumavoid play ModSauce 2 on twitch
L1060[12:53:02] <MageProtocol> :D Sweet!Xisuma is awesome :D
L1061[12:53:47] <Lex_> i need to write a tool to force mappings for synthetic/bridge methods...
L1062[12:53:56] <Lex_> force them to be the same names...
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L1074[13:33:51] <Gliby> i just had my first poptart
L1075[13:33:56] <Gliby> they aren't very good
L1076[13:34:15] <williewillus> agreed
L1077[13:34:19] <williewillus> they're overhyped :p
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L1082[13:45:09] <Skuli> depends on the poptart
L1083[13:45:28] <Skuli> unfrosted strawberry poptart, toasted and then with a little butter spread on them
L1084[13:45:30] <Skuli> are delicious
L1085[13:48:34] <gigaherz> poptarts look like crappy processed stuff
L1086[13:48:35] <gigaherz> ;P
L1087[13:48:52] <gigaherz> I have no intention of ever eating one
L1088[13:48:57] <gigaherz> just in case they turn out to taste good
L1089[13:48:58] <gigaherz> XD
L1090[13:49:22] <gigaherz> I'll stick to the sporadic Kit-kat or Kinder Bueno
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L1092[13:49:42] <gigaherz> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/31/Kinder-Beuno-Split.jpg/235px-Kinder-Beuno-Split.jpg
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L1094[13:49:46] <gigaherz> those are really good ;p
L1095[13:50:02] <gigaherz> better pic: http://www.chocolate-brands.com/image/cache/data/ferrero_kinder_bueno_bars-500x500.jpg
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L1097[13:51:15] <PaleoCrafter> gigaherz, what do expect, poptarts are 'murican :P
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L1099[13:51:38] <gigaherz> XD
L1100[13:52:15] <PaleoCrafter> my cousin was au pair in the USA and their guest family sent her "the best" 'murican sweets for her birthday
L1101[13:52:21] <PaleoCrafter> it was horrible
L1102[13:53:07] <gigaherz> XD
L1103[13:53:47] <sham1> I've never had any poptart in my life
L1104[13:53:59] <sham1> What are they like
L1105[13:54:09] <PaleoCrafter> I never had one, either :P
L1106[13:54:31] <PaleoCrafter> but by the looks of it, you'll get diabetes in no time :P
L1107[13:54:55] <gigaherz> like a salty snack with cum on it
L1108[13:54:56] <gigaherz> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/18/Strawberry-Pop-Tarts.jpg
L1109[13:55:01] <Skuli> basically it's a sort of fruit-filled pastry
L1110[13:55:05] <Skuli> fruit-like-substance-filled pastry
L1111[13:55:17] <Skuli> the frosted ones are bad
L1112[13:55:29] <Skuli> and they're probably .01% fruit
L1113[13:55:54] <gigaherz> meh I make my own delicious diabetes-inducing things
L1114[13:56:05] <gigaherz> toast with nutella and strawberry jam
L1115[13:56:24] <Teamy> gigaherz stick to that
L1116[13:56:27] <Teamy> poptarts arent that good
L1117[13:57:12] <sham1> For some reason it is very hard to get any US good to be imported here in FInland
L1118[13:57:22] <gigaherz> sham1: "some" is probably "health"
L1119[13:57:22] <gigaherz> ;p
L1120[13:57:39] <williewillus> ugh I hate many small files a mc install has
L1121[13:57:43] <PaleoCrafter> and I'd suppose it's getting it out of the US :P
L1122[13:57:47] <sham1> Not all american food is bad for you
L1123[13:57:51] <williewillus> backing up before w10 and it's taking forever
L1124[13:58:03] <gigaherz> williewillus: did you already get the preload?
L1125[13:58:07] <williewillus> yes
L1126[13:58:08] <sham1> And I'd imagine EU's import regulations have something to do with that
L1127[13:58:25] <gigaherz> note that my 7->10 upgrade on insider preview was flawless
L1128[13:58:29] <williewillus> the preload folder is 6G ish so I'm guessing I have it all
L1129[13:58:30] <gigaherz> hope you are just as lucky ;P
L1130[13:58:39] <williewillus> i'm 8.1 to 10 so hopfully so
L1131[13:58:41] <Skuli> If you want american food that's not bad for you, you must make it yourself
L1132[13:58:48] <williewillus> I might do a reset still so I can start fresh
L1133[13:59:10] <gigaherz> Skuli: isn't "proper" american food mostly just bacon and eggs with stuff around it? ;P
L1134[13:59:25] <Skuli> You're making me hungry
L1135[13:59:26] <gigaherz> and cheese, american processed cheese.
L1136[13:59:36] <gigaherz> in between two half-buns
L1137[13:59:37] <Skuli> proper american food involves processed cheese and deep frying anything
L1138[13:59:41] <Skuli> Really, though, I live in the south
L1139[13:59:41] <Teamy> when I think american I think hamburger with processsed cheese
L1140[13:59:42] <gigaherz> with beef
L1141[13:59:49] <Skuli> My perspective may be colored a little because of that
L1142[13:59:52] <gigaherz> then deep-fried
L1143[14:00:07] <gigaherz> then deep-fry the oil
L1144[14:00:15] <gigaherz> then deep-fry the frying machine
L1145[14:00:23] <williewillus> basically
L1146[14:00:29] <Skuli> I can't argue with that
L1147[14:01:20] <gigaherz> the only "deep-fried" thing I eat are thin-sliced french fries -- to keep them the least amount of time in the oil ;P
L1148[14:01:41] <gigaherz> proper olive oil, of course, no seed-based crap ;P
L1149[14:01:43] <Skuli> I mean you can get a "grilled chicken sandwich" which is theoretically healthy at most fast-food places here, but it inevitably comes slathere din cheese, bacon, and ranch dressing
L1150[14:02:06] <williewillus> does terraria on steam auto-backup your saves? or do i have to migrate them myself
L1151[14:02:33] <gigaherz> have you ever seen a cloud save prompt while opening/closing terraria?
L1152[14:02:55] <Skuli> As far as I know terraria doesn't use cloud save
L1153[14:03:12] <Skuli> Or my daughter wouldn't be pestering me to dig her old character off of her old hard drive
L1154[14:03:20] <williewillus> k
L1155[14:03:41] <gigaherz> XD
L1156[14:05:10] <shadekiller666> what was that line that needs to go into the build.gradle for intellij?
L1157[14:05:15] <williewillus> anytime you copy a multimc folder -> copy ALL the assets
L1158[14:05:20] <williewillus> idea.module.inheritOutputDirs=true
L1159[14:05:22] <gigaherz> idea.module.inheritOutputDirs = true
L1160[14:05:23] <shadekiller666> idea.module.inheritOutputDirs=true?
L1161[14:05:31] <shadekiller666> thanks lol
L1162[14:05:47] <gigaherz> although I like idea{ module.inheritOutputDirs = true } since it gives more emphasis on the fact that it's idea-specific
L1163[14:06:00] <williewillus> extra clutter
L1164[14:06:17] <williewillus> idea.module tells you plenty enough that it's about idea lol
L1165[14:06:35] <gigaherz> nah it's easy to ignore the meaning while reading it ;P
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L1167[14:07:37] <Laceh> can someone with a decent pc (capable of running MC shaders) do me a huge favour?
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L1170[14:08:03] <PaleoCrafter> shoot, Laceh :P
L1171[14:08:08] <Laceh> awesomesauce
L1172[14:08:11] <Laceh> pm quick?
L1173[14:08:15] <PaleoCrafter> sure
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L1184[14:37:22] <Laceh> https://i.imgur.com/Sd50cqs.png coming soon (tm)
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L1187[14:39:03] <PaleoCrafter> oh, Laceh, where have you got that awesome screenshot from? :P
L1188[14:39:14] <Laceh> lmfao
L1189[14:39:18] <Laceh> definitely PaleoCrafter :D
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L1191[14:40:44] <gigaherz> haha
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L1193[14:44:15] <Lex_> humm
L1194[14:44:30] <Lex_> need to think of magical way to make python loop through nested classes in a text document...
L1195[14:44:44] <Lex_> including anon classes
L1196[14:48:42] <gigaherz> no idea about python so I'll assume any idea I could have from my ignorance is something you have already considered
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L1199[14:49:47] <Lex_> https://github.com/MinecraftForge/FML/blob/1a465b33f5f756c5e93287bfbd24927029794f0e/install/rename_vars.py some old code wonder if i could repurpose it...
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L1214[15:09:13] <Flashfire> How can I retrieve long values from an NBTTagList given there's no getLong() method?
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L1216[15:09:25] <Lepidus> Anybody seen this project? http://retro-hack.blogspot.ch/p/minecraft-joypad-mod.html My mod is pretty dependent on game controller input, and I'm curious if anyone has played with this.
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L1218[15:12:26] <Flashfire> Anyone?
L1219[15:13:19] <diesieben07> Flashfire, (NBTTagLong) list.get(i)
L1220[15:13:28] <Parker8283> Lex, how exactly do you need the regexs updated?
L1221[15:13:29] <Flashfire> Thanks :D
L1222[15:13:30] <tterrag> err that's not it
L1223[15:13:36] <tterrag> isn't it tagAt(i, type)
L1224[15:13:46] <Kokoro_Neko> Lepidus, I shown that to my friend a while ago, he used it and loved it as he doesn't like mouse & keyboard.. but I believe it had lots of memory leaks back then as it made him lag extremely bad, without it he was fine..
L1225[15:13:55] <Flashfire> There's no tagAt method
L1226[15:14:00] <Flashfire> I'm using 1.8
L1227[15:15:20] <Lepidus> Kokoro_Neko, do you know when that was? As it seems to have grown pretty dramatically in the last couple months/years (can't remember what version of Minecraft matches up with what date anymore) and I'm hoping such issues wouldn't exist anymore.
L1228[15:15:29] <Lepidus> Particularly because I'm specifically targetting low-end machines.
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L1230[15:16:18] <tterrag> Flashfire: yeah diesieben07 is right
L1231[15:16:22] <tterrag> I was still using 1.7 code
L1232[15:16:27] <tterrag> call get then cast to NBTTagLong
L1233[15:17:14] <Kokoro_Neko> Lepidus, I'd have to check my server logs to see when I set it up, I shown it to him the same day.. He's got a mid~high end computer so it was odd
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L1238[15:20:42] <Flashfire> I can't seem to actual retrieve a long value from the NBTTagLong
L1239[15:21:09] <diesieben07> call getLong
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L1241[15:21:35] <Flashfire> Nvm, had so many parentheses I was looking at the wrong ones
L1242[15:21:35] ⇦ Quits: Kokoro_Neko (~androirc@174-135-29-96.res.bhn.net) (Quit: Bai Bai)
L1243[15:22:25] <Lex_> im rewriting them all from scratch
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L1245[15:22:57] <Parker8283> ah...well...nevermind then?
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L1249[15:29:41] <Achielleus> what's an easy way to generate the javadocs for forge like they used to be downloadable?
L1250[15:29:51] <Achielleus> i'm using intellij btw
L1251[15:30:27] *** PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
L1252[15:31:34] <Gliby> Don't fuck with physics cows: https://vid.me/CTTP
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L1256[15:39:53] <Flashfire> What would cause this error: "net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagEnd cannot be cast to net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagLong"? What is NBTTagEnd?
L1257[15:40:04] <williewillus> another type of nbt tag
L1258[15:40:11] <diesieben07> NBTTagEnd is at the end of the list
L1259[15:40:18] <diesieben07> only read up to tagCount
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L1261[15:40:39] <Flashfire> I thought I did but I must have did something wrong
L1262[15:41:17] <Flashfire> It reads up to this with less than: compound.getTagList("specialChoices", Constants.NBT.TAG_LONG).tagCount()
L1263[15:41:32] <diesieben07> dont call getTagList in a loop...
L1264[15:41:50] <Flashfire> So assign the value to a variable?
L1265[15:42:03] <diesieben07> yes
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L1274[16:02:40] <diesieben07> just a question: would it be a good idea to make MinecraftServer.saveAllWorlds fire an event for custom mod data to be saved?
L1275[16:03:33] <diesieben07> another question: any good ramdisks to recommend?
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L1279[16:13:14] <killjoy> This feels good. http://imgur.com/dRmO3eu
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L1284[16:18:58] <Vorquel> Want to feel bad? http://imgur.com/3JRk2ik
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L1287[16:20:10] <tmtu> killjoy: how bad is it :D?
L1288[16:20:35] <Vorquel> Can't be as bad as mine
L1289[16:20:43] <killjoy> 6.0?
L1290[16:20:47] <Vorquel> vista
L1291[16:21:20] <killjoy> I was talking about 10 being the version number of windows 10
L1292[16:21:24] <killjoy> 7's was 6.1
L1293[16:21:47] <sham1> http://gyazo.com/130e3a7745315c36be5512bf3a53ef6c Fudge this
L1294[16:21:53] <Vorquel> microsoft makes so much sense
L1295[16:22:18] <diesieben07> it does make sense, 7 was not much different from vista
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L1297[16:22:23] <diesieben07> they jsut fixed all the quirks
L1298[16:22:25] <killjoy> Well, I don't wanna blame it on 95, but it sure didn't help
L1299[16:23:21] <diesieben07> lol
L1300[16:23:22] <Vorquel> Each choice makes sense in isolation. Together, it looks like random noise.
L1301[16:23:44] <diesieben07> sham, eww, win 95 look
L1302[16:24:05] <killjoy> going from 3.1 to 95...
L1303[16:24:10] <sham1> Less RAM taken by desktop
L1304[16:24:15] <sham1> I need no Areo effects
L1305[16:24:17] <killjoy> That's a bigger jump than 8 -> 10
L1306[16:24:36] <MageProtocol> Is anyone in here incredibly good with world animations? I need someone as pro as Vazkii to possibly hep me out :D
L1307[16:24:49] * diesieben07 throws 12 gigs of RAM at sham1
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L1309[16:25:19] <sham1> Yes please
L1310[16:25:23] <sham1> It would double my RAM
L1311[16:25:28] <Vorquel> No need to throw the ram just http://downloadmoreram.com/
L1312[16:25:34] * MageProtocol would give there 16gb ram but :D
L1313[16:25:35] <diesieben07> in a i3 laptop without graphics card :P
L1314[16:25:39] <diesieben07> it's pretty stupid :D
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L1316[16:26:17] <diesieben07> and it needs a SSD badly
L1317[16:26:46] <sham1> Like my computer has a beast of an GPU, but that is vershadowed by my terrible CPU and little RAM
L1318[16:27:07] *** Ashlee is now known as OpenGL
L1319[16:27:08] <Vorquel> So, the oppisite of what minecraft needs?
L1320[16:27:13] *** OpenGL is now known as Ashlee
L1321[16:27:23] <sham1> Also the opposite what Source games need :/
L1322[16:27:30] <Vorquel> sham
L1323[16:27:30] <killjoy> I built my pc for minecrasft
L1324[16:27:32] <Vorquel> *shame
L1325[16:27:43] <diesieben07> my next investment is gonna be a good GPU for my desktop
L1326[16:28:02] <killjoy> amd fm2 and gt430
L1327[16:28:06] <sham1> I just need to get enough money for a better CPU and then I'll be fine
L1328[16:28:12] <sham1> RAM can come somewhat later
L1329[16:28:20] <killjoy> Ram's cheap
L1330[16:28:23] <diesieben07> yup
L1331[16:28:28] <sham1> Yeh
L1332[16:28:32] <killjoy> Just buy it now
L1333[16:28:32] <Vorquel> 4 gigs is enough for anyone /s
L1334[16:28:36] <killjoy> no, 8
L1335[16:28:37] <tmtu> gotta get that cpu
L1336[16:28:42] <diesieben07> no 12
L1337[16:28:47] <diesieben07> 8 is sometimes just short :p
L1338[16:28:52] <killjoy> Most of my pc budget went into my cpu
L1339[16:28:53] <sham1> I only have 6 GB RAM and I feel sad
L1340[16:29:08] <gigaherz> 8gb is "enough", 12 is good, 16 is nice but unnecessary
L1341[16:29:08] <diesieben07> i have 6 in my desktop as well and i'm fine :P
L1342[16:29:10] <killjoy> I think it was $160
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L1344[16:29:14] <Vorquel> I have 4 and java will only take 1.5
L1345[16:29:22] <killjoy> You need 64 bit
L1346[16:29:23] <diesieben07> Vorquel, use 64 bits...
L1347[16:29:30] <sham1> 64-bit ftw
L1348[16:29:41] <Vorquel> I can't, my vista is 32 bit locked
L1349[16:29:45] <killjoy> boo
L1350[16:29:49] <Vorquel> and I have no money
L1351[16:29:53] <diesieben07> then you dont have 4 gigs
L1352[16:29:56] <killjoy> Upgrade to windows 10 tomorrow
L1353[16:30:03] <diesieben07> 32 bits cant use 4 gigs
L1354[16:30:10] <Vorquel> The cpu is 64 bit though
L1355[16:30:13] <killjoy> It can use 3.5
L1356[16:30:16] <diesieben07> doest matter
L1357[16:30:20] <diesieben07> the OS counts
L1358[16:30:25] <killjoy> Limited by software
L1359[16:30:53] <Vorquel> I know the problem. The real solution is a new compy. This one is old and crusty
L1360[16:31:14] <diesieben07> i'll ask again: would it be a good idea to make MinecraftServer.saveAllWorlds fire an event for custom mod data to be saved?
L1361[16:31:14] <Laceh> https://i.imgur.com/7qQb9ji.png :D
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L1363[16:32:15] <sham1> That would be nice
L1364[16:33:06] <diesieben07> was that to me?
L1365[16:33:18] <sham1> ye
L1366[16:33:19] <Vorquel> Seems like a good idea to me diesieben07, but I am a modding newbie
L1367[16:33:28] <diesieben07> Ok
L1368[16:33:37] <sham1> Also that Laceh's screen is also nice looking
L1369[16:33:38] <diesieben07> i was just wondering if there might already be something like it and i am just looking in the wrong place
L1370[16:33:52] <Laceh> thanks :3
L1371[16:34:20] <Vorquel> What is that, Laceh?
L1372[16:34:25] * diesieben07 starts making a PR
L1373[16:34:29] <Laceh> whats it say on the side? ;3
L1374[16:34:45] <Vorquel> What's the Cube?
L1375[16:35:17] <Laceh> a minecraft launcher coming very very soon XD
L1376[16:35:50] <diesieben07> yet another launcher??
L1377[16:36:29] <Laceh> yeah
L1378[16:36:33] <Laceh> supported by Qixalite
L1379[16:36:47] <diesieben07> whatever the heck that is
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L1382[16:40:20] <killjoy> Windows Vista: It's almost 10.
L1383[16:43:58] <Gliby> the more launchers the merrier!
L1384[16:44:17] <Gliby> even the pirate versions of minecraft have their own launchers
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L1387[16:45:00] <diesieben07> and they are fucking broken beyond belief
L1388[16:45:16] <Gliby> yes they are
L1389[16:45:21] <Vorquel> For the best
L1390[16:45:37] <Lex_> seriously dont understand why you need a 'pirate launcher'
L1391[16:46:04] <Lex_> minecraft has ZERO let me repeat ZE-FUCKING-RO copy protection. You just run it..
L1392[16:46:30] <diesieben07> people are stupid, people don't know that
L1393[16:46:33] <Gliby> the pirate launchers inject their servers into to the .minecraft/servers.dat
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L1397[16:52:26] <gigaherz> aren't pirate launchers used as a means to set your username instead of being the generic "Player"? or has that changed since the days of early alpha when I got a pirate copy for evaluation purposes?
L1398[16:52:46] <gigaherz> (which lasted a coueple weeks until I got paid and bought it ;P)
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L1400[16:54:32] <gigaherz> anyone here knows a decent app that would let me generate an animated .gif from a video? all I'd need is the ability to choose the start and end frames and the overall frame rate ;P
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L1402[16:56:29] <gigaherz> (and yeah that means 99% of the online converters are NOT an option)
L1403[17:00:19] <killjoy> Premier will work
L1404[17:00:35] <killjoy> Maybe OpenShot
L1405[17:00:53] <gigaherz> ugh I would really like to avoid downloading a bit software suite just to encode a little .gif
L1406[17:00:54] <gigaherz> :/
L1407[17:01:16] <killjoy> but gfy
L1408[17:01:45] *** Morphan1 is now known as MorphFK
L1409[17:02:28] <killjoy> Is adobe media encode available as a separate download?
L1410[17:03:02] <killjoy> Try vlc?
L1411[17:03:05] <gigaherz> no idea
L1412[17:03:09] <gigaherz> I tried using photoshop CS6
L1413[17:03:13] <gigaherz> but the "video frames to layers" doesn't work
L1414[17:03:43] <killjoy> If you know how to use vlc to convert videos, you can try that.
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L1416[17:04:00] <gigaherz> nope
L1417[17:04:03] <gigaherz> I don't even have vlc atm
L1418[17:04:06] <gigaherz> someone suggested GIMP
L1419[17:04:11] <gigaherz> so I'm checking that
L1420[17:04:21] <diesieben07> the real answer is: why the fuck are you using gif
L1421[17:04:22] <gigaherz> (I hadsome version installed from who knows when)
L1422[17:04:43] <gigaherz> diesieben07: I wanted to add an animation to a website
L1423[17:04:51] <killjoy> use <video>
L1424[17:04:55] <diesieben07> or svg
L1425[17:04:57] <diesieben07> or.. or...
L1426[17:04:59] <gigaherz> for a download link? XD
L1427[17:05:05] <diesieben07> pretty much everything is better than gif
L1428[17:05:22] <diesieben07> even css has animation support
L1429[17:05:23] <gigaherz> if it was 10 years ago
L1430[17:05:28] <gigaherz> I'd have used flash
L1431[17:05:29] <gigaherz> ;P
L1432[17:05:31] <diesieben07> o.O
L1433[17:05:32] <killjoy> <a href="thing"><video>video thing</video></a>
L1434[17:05:48] <gigaherz> killjoy: yeah it still seems overkill XD
L1435[17:05:54] <gigaherz> anyhow, I'll keep looking XD
L1436[17:06:06] <gigaherz> chances are I'll dump the idea and make it a static image either way
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L1438[17:06:31] <diesieben07> how is <video> overkill?
L1439[17:06:42] <diesieben07> you can use highly efficient h264 in there as opposed to your stupid huge gif
L1440[17:07:44] <gigaherz> hey there's no "stupid" gif at all yet ;P
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L1442[17:13:29] <shadekiller666> damn it
L1443[17:14:18] <shadekiller666> why can i never get git to do what i want
L1444[17:16:11] <shadekiller666> in order for me to be able to push the changes for the EBS fix the other day, i had to get the OBJ stuff off of the upstream/master for that local copy, and that resulted in my origin/master, upstream/master, and master all being in different places
L1445[17:16:35] <shadekiller666> and no matter wtf i do i can't get them back together to push the latest changes for the OBJ stuff...
L1446[17:17:13] <shadekiller666> not even making a new clone of the MinecraftForge repo seems to have worked
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L1449[17:19:34] <Optimoos> If I want to make a tileentity for a torch, can I do that if I've extended blocktorch, or do I need to extend blockcontainer and apply the torch rendering manually?
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L1451[17:19:59] <diesieben07> Optimoos, hasTileEntity & createTileEntity is all you need
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L1453[17:20:09] <nupanick> Does anyone know if there's already a mod floating around that applies the b1.7.3 bow and arrow mechanics to 1.7.10?
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L1455[17:20:17] <Optimoos> Okay, thanks diesieben07
L1456[17:20:17] <shadekiller666> i'm tired of fixing 25 conflicts x however many steps git rebase wants to take, only to find out that where i end up is the same fucking place i was when i started
L1457[17:20:23] <nupanick> I've been told I might need to just steal the code from b1.7.3 myself.
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L1461[17:22:02] <smbarbour> What were the mechanics in b1.7.3?
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L1463[17:23:34] <smbarbour> Oh... where you don't have to charge up to shoot
L1464[17:24:05] <gigaherz> shadekiller666: leson here: ALWAYS work in different clean branches ;P
L1465[17:24:15] <gigaherz> also
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L1467[17:24:23] <gigaherz> you can export patch serial
L1468[17:24:26] <gigaherz> and apply patch serial
L1469[17:24:34] <gigaherz> as a means to carry over a commit separately
L1470[17:24:39] <gigaherz> this is a worst-case situation, but it works ;P
L1471[17:24:58] <gigaherz> I used it earlier to move my nbt serializer to a separate repo ;P
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L1475[17:29:48] <shadekiller666> i tried that once, it also went no where...
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L1478[17:45:54] <Hancin> Is it possible to register key presses on the main menu?
L1479[17:46:15] <gigaherz> "register" no idea, but you can always handle them manually ;P
L1480[17:46:31] <diesieben07> there is an event inside GuiScreenEvent iirc
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L1483[18:01:10] <Achielleus> where can i find javadocs of recent forge builds?
L1484[18:03:48] <diesieben07> in the code
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L1487[18:20:26] <Flashfire> Should I only load data from worldsaveddata on the server side?
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L1489[18:20:57] <diesieben07> Flashfire, you can make a WSD on the client, but it will not save to NBT
L1490[18:21:43] <Corosus> anyone know the max size of a packet going from server to packet in 1.8 off the top of their heads?
L1491[18:21:50] <Corosus> from server to client *
L1492[18:23:28] <diesieben07> Corosus, roughly 4 gigs
L1493[18:23:41] <Corosus> O_O
L1494[18:23:54] <diesieben07> client to server is less
L1495[18:24:00] <Corosus> i thought there were limitations where max allowed was like 2mb or something
L1496[18:24:02] <Corosus> hmm
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L1498[18:24:11] <Corosus> you mean gigs right? not megs?
L1499[18:24:23] <diesieben07> yes, gigs
L1500[18:24:34] <diesieben07> FML splits big packets into up to 255 parts
L1501[18:24:44] <Corosus> ahhhhh interesting
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L1503[18:24:58] <Corosus> so theres an internal multipacketer system that does magic i guess
L1504[18:25:13] <diesieben07> yes, for server to client
L1505[18:25:16] <diesieben07> not the other way around
L1506[18:25:18] <Corosus> ah kk
L1507[18:25:31] <Corosus> i guess im in the clear then to send some zip file data
L1508[18:25:52] <diesieben07> yeah
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L1530[18:58:38] <Devoenix> My server's having problems
L1531[18:58:39] <Devoenix> http://pastebin.com/gkkZz9uT
L1532[18:59:08] <gigaherz> did you update anything?
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L1535[19:00:43] <Devoenix> someone from the FTB channel helped me right after is ent it here >.>
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L1537[19:01:42] <gigaherz> it's ok ;P
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L1541[19:10:37] <Gliby> thanks to AtomicStryker's DynamicLight's mod, physics stuff has light too!
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L1546[19:28:15] <Devoenix> Fuck man.
L1547[19:28:22] <Devoenix> Someone almost deleted my system32 >.>
L1548[19:33:06] <gigaherz> lol
L1549[19:33:09] <gigaherz> how? XD
L1550[19:33:47] <killjoy> Did you almost run a .bat file someone sent you?
L1551[19:34:11] <Devoenix> ... yes
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L1553[19:34:31] <killjoy> It only would've worked if you ran it as admin
L1554[19:34:41] <Devoenix> I didn't run it
L1555[19:34:48] <Devoenix> I edited it first before i ran it
L1556[19:34:52] <Devoenix> as a safety procaution
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L1558[19:35:15] <gigaherz> good practice ;p
L1559[19:35:28] <gigaherz> alarmist headline, though
L1560[19:35:45] <gigaherz> it was more "someone tried to trick me into deleting my own system32" ;P
L1561[19:35:48] <killjoy> if rand()%6 == 0 then del C:\Windows\system32
L1562[19:36:22] <gigaherz> "someone almost deleted my system32" sounded like you were in a teamviewer session
L1563[19:36:30] <gigaherz> and you caught them in the "looking for items" phase
L1564[19:36:32] <gigaherz> and canceled on time
L1565[19:36:33] <gigaherz> ;P
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L1597[20:33:55] <killjoy> wtf, Microsoft? http://imgur.com/kEqWWap
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L1600[20:34:18] <gigaherz> killjoy: lol
L1601[20:34:32] <olee> LOL
L1602[20:34:41] <diesieben07> why the fuck do you want to play the win 10 edition anyways
L1603[20:35:02] <killjoy> Why do I have to sign into live?
L1604[20:35:12] <olee> dammit I didn't get the W10 update yet!
L1605[20:35:19] <killjoy> I'm trying it out
L1606[20:35:32] <killjoy> The achievments button opens the Xbox app
L1607[20:36:02] <williewillus> i get super irritated when people are all "win10 edition is going to replace PC zomg"
L1608[20:36:04] <killjoy> At least you get to pick your skin
L1609[20:36:06] <williewillus> it's literally the pocket edition
L1610[20:36:08] <olee> well at least XBox live is a bit better than GfWL
L1611[20:36:13] <williewillus> with a different log
L1612[20:36:16] <williewillus> *logo
L1613[20:36:51] <killjoy> It doesn't support hd skins. So sad q.q
L1614[20:37:11] <olee> but I will be really pissed off if Win10 MC requires XBox live gold in ANY way
L1615[20:37:25] <killjoy> I don't have gold
L1616[20:37:27] <williewillus> it won't if you already have the pc version
L1617[20:37:29] <olee> as it is the biggest piece of crap (live gold)
L1618[20:37:41] <williewillus> you get a key for it in your mojang account page if you have a paid pc account
L1619[20:37:50] <killjoy> Realms Coming Soon!
L1620[20:37:56] <williewillus> killjoy: when did you get your w10?
L1621[20:38:20] ⇦ Quits: Cisien (~Cisien@myserver.cisien.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1622[20:38:25] <killjoy> Months ago
L1623[20:38:31] <williewillus> oh lol
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L1625[20:39:06] <killjoy> The mouse is awkward to use with it
L1626[20:39:24] <williewillus> my comp cached all the files already but I don't want to run setup.exe because there's reports of people getting the download cache completely cleared when doing so before official release :p
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L1628[20:39:35] <williewillus> and not keen to redownload 6G of stuff
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L1630[20:40:21] <gigaherz> [03:34] (killjoy): Why do I have to sign into live? -- presumably in the xbox app ;P
L1631[20:40:35] <killjoy> Um... I said why, not how.
L1632[20:40:44] <killjoy> Pressing play takes you to it anyway
L1633[20:40:47] <williewillus> you had to sign into live to download it in the first place??
L1634[20:40:51] <williewillus> from the windows store
L1635[20:40:55] <killjoy> Windows store
L1636[20:40:58] <killjoy> Which isn't live
L1637[20:41:05] <williewillus> same difference
L1638[20:41:08] <williewillus> MS account, whatever
L1639[20:41:22] <killjoy> It's weird
L1640[20:41:39] <shadekiller666> Windows store can go fuck itself
L1641[20:41:55] <olee> when I have it I somehoe want to directly try to decompile some shit of Win10 MC
L1642[20:42:01] <olee> I wonder if that is possible xD
L1643[20:42:02] <williewillus> good luck
L1644[20:42:09] <killjoy> Isn't that in c++?
L1645[20:42:12] <williewillus> yeah
L1646[20:42:15] <olee> .NET I think
L1647[20:42:17] <killjoy> Or more likely c#
L1648[20:42:18] <williewillus> no,
L1649[20:42:22] <williewillus> it's a straight port of mcpe
L1650[20:42:24] <williewillus> c++
L1651[20:42:29] <olee> rly?
L1652[20:42:31] <williewillus> yes
L1653[20:42:37] <olee> I don't believe they'd do it in C++
L1654[20:42:39] <williewillus> it's literally MCPE. there's nothing special about it
L1655[20:42:44] <williewillus> besides a switched out logo
L1656[20:42:46] <williewillus> and achievements
L1657[20:43:00] <olee> and MCPE was C++?
L1658[20:43:08] <williewillus> yes
L1659[20:43:12] <killjoy> Probably was on ios
L1660[20:43:17] <killjoy> Might've been java for android
L1661[20:43:21] <williewillus> no
L1662[20:43:23] <williewillus> c++
L1663[20:43:24] <williewillus> lol
L1664[20:43:27] <killjoy> no opengl?
L1665[20:43:31] <williewillus> openGL ES
L1666[20:43:36] <williewillus> which you can use from cpp :p
L1667[20:43:49] <killjoy> Now, does the windows 10 edition use dx or ogl?
L1668[20:44:02] <williewillus> no idea
L1669[20:44:05] <williewillus> probably gl
L1670[20:44:25] <williewillus> dx would require significant rewrites and it is literally a PE port
L1671[20:44:27] <killjoy> I heard some folks at Microsoft were in charge of the port.
L1672[20:44:27] <olee> dammit
L1673[20:44:33] <williewillus> and doubt they want to maintain 3 separate codebases
L1674[20:44:48] <williewillus> *4
L1675[20:44:54] <olee> if it were C# there would have at least been a realistic chance of modding ....
L1676[20:45:04] <killjoy> I bet they're glad they're not in charge of consoles
L1677[20:45:11] <williewillus> not really, people have modded PE more than you think they could've
L1678[20:45:11] <olee> well like that - if they don't provide an API it's gonna be crap
L1679[20:45:20] <killjoy> 360, ps3, xb1, ps4
L1680[20:45:21] <williewillus> people have reimplemented redstone in PE so
L1681[20:45:29] <olee> wtf
L1682[20:45:39] <williewillus> so not as impossible as you think, but still not very great either
L1683[20:45:57] <olee> yeah I don't even want to think how difficult that would be
L1684[20:46:18] <williewillus> anyways, w10 mc is nothing more than repackaged mcpe and it's annoying when people treat it otherwise
L1685[20:46:41] <shadekiller666> tomorrow is going to be a killer of the interwebs... if windows 10 is really 6GB
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L1687[20:46:59] <killjoy> mcw10 was 70
L1688[20:47:02] <killjoy> *70Mb
L1689[20:47:13] <williewillus> shadekiller666: Windows update starts preloading it
L1690[20:47:16] <olee> does any1 here already get the official download?
L1691[20:47:22] <shadekiller666> ok
L1692[20:47:33] <williewillus> it preloads everything except the last piece needed which is released when time comes
L1693[20:47:49] <williewillus> so I have all 6.1(?) G of it in a temp folder
L1694[20:47:58] <killjoy> I ended up getting a free version of Windows.
L1695[20:47:58] <williewillus> C:\~WINDOWS.BT or something like that
L1696[20:47:59] <shadekiller666> so does that mean its probably already on my pc?
L1697[20:48:05] <killjoy> My copy of 7 wasn't legit
L1698[20:48:08] <williewillus> if you opted into the reservation thing
L1699[20:49:22] <williewillus> ugh if only MS Edge had chrome plugin support at launch, then I'd use it
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L1701[20:49:39] <olee> lol cool
L1702[20:49:42] <williewillus> IE11 is significantly faster for me, and doesn't make my computer sound like it's about to explode when I'm simply watching youtube videos
L1703[20:49:54] <olee> thanks for the tip - just found it in C:\$Windows.~BT on my PC :D
L1704[20:50:58] <olee> williewillus: you mean IE or Edge?
L1705[20:51:11] <diesieben07> :O it just downloaded 6 gigs in the background?
L1706[20:51:16] <williewillus> presumably
L1707[20:51:17] <diesieben07> THATS why my internet was so shitty the whole day
L1708[20:51:25] <diesieben07> fukin hell
L1709[20:51:38] <williewillus> my disk i/o was shit all morning so i chekced taskmgr and the windows update service was going at it
L1710[20:51:50] <diesieben07> haha
L1711[20:51:53] <diesieben07> unbelievable
L1712[20:52:23] <williewillus> http://i.gyazo.com/7a52b925b5bfd1981a12227a47d4ca2a.png :p
L1713[20:52:26] <diesieben07> and i dont even want to upgrade, i want to burn an iso...
L1714[20:52:42] <shadekiller666> diesie, i wonder if that has anything to do with my wifi cutting out every 2 minutes
L1715[20:53:03] <williewillus> i think there was a way to make na iso from the windows update files
L1716[20:53:04] <diesieben07> hah
L1717[20:53:18] <diesieben07> well presumably that will just legit be possible
L1718[20:54:07] <williewillus> oh yeah on right there on the ms answers site: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wiki/windows_10-win_upgrade/how-to-create-a-bootable-iso-file-from-your/07590098-90a9-4c7e-b6fe-5ce1632daf4b
L1719[20:54:09] <diesieben07> also shade didnt i say i want to go sleep like 2 hours ago...
L1720[20:54:14] <olee> diesieben07: don't complain!
L1721[20:54:23] <olee> it told you beforehand it's going to download it for you
L1722[20:54:25] <shadekiller666> uhh ya
L1723[20:54:34] <diesieben07> meh
L1724[20:54:34] <shadekiller666> at least an hour ago
L1725[20:54:51] <diesieben07> lol
L1726[20:55:05] <diesieben07> "MVP - Microsoft Most Valuable Professional"
L1727[20:55:06] <olee> dammit I got the files but no install request is popping up for me :-/
L1728[20:55:07] <diesieben07> what the fuck
L1729[20:55:29] <williewillus> oh yeah that's some sort of IT certification thing from MS
L1730[20:56:01] <diesieben07> the fact that they call it mvp is hilarious
L1731[20:56:24] ⇦ Quits: Vorquel (~Vorquel@ (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L1732[20:56:32] <williewillus> and that it's microsoft most valued professional instead of just Microsoft Valued Professional :p
L1733[21:04:15] ⇦ Quits: PieGuy128 (~PieGuy128@MTRLPQ5031W-LP130-01-1279338872.dsl.bell.ca) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1734[21:05:38] <ollieread> You've got like an hour :P
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L1736[21:07:02] <williewillus> thought it was 0:00 Eastern
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L1739[21:10:15] <ollieread> EST
L1740[21:10:20] <ollieread> Isn't that like 50 minutes away?
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L1742[21:13:56] <williewillus> it's 22:13 EDT right now so 1:50
L1743[21:14:07] <williewillus> EST would be CDT (where I am), and that's another hour on that
L1744[21:14:12] <williewillus> god i hate daylight savings
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L1746[21:20:39] <ollieread> Well it's 3:20 here lol
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L1749[21:23:30] <Sollux-Captor> hi everyone :D
L1750[21:23:35] <Laceh> https://imgur.com/a/NnILU#0 :3
L1751[21:24:01] <Sollux-Captor> is that all latin?
L1752[21:24:04] <williewillus> what is that?
L1753[21:24:10] <williewillus> that's lorem ipsum text
L1754[21:24:16] <williewillus> used as a common filler for developers
L1755[21:24:28] <gigaherz> Sollux-Captor: yo udon't recognize a lorem ipsum?
L1756[21:24:33] <williewillus> it's a couple lines from some latin document and then gibberish iirc
L1757[21:24:40] <gigaherz> it's pseudo-latin, used as placeholder text
L1758[21:24:45] <Laceh> yeah
L1759[21:24:49] <Laceh> thats what it is
L1760[21:24:51] <williewillus> is that a launcher or website?
L1761[21:24:56] <Laceh> launcher
L1762[21:25:02] <gigaherz> williewillus: not even that, they dropped certain words, added others and such
L1763[21:25:02] <Sollux-Captor> meh never heard of lorem ipsum
L1764[21:25:08] ⇦ Quits: r4wk (uid48318@id-48318.tooting.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L1765[21:25:13] <gigaherz> in order to show most of the letters in a uniform way
L1766[21:25:20] <killjoy> in word, type =lorem() <enter>
L1767[21:25:31] <killjoy> by <enter> I mean hit enter
L1768[21:25:34] <Laceh> its just there because Im still working on the backend to retrieve the news from
L1769[21:25:42] <Laceh> and other modpacks
L1770[21:25:46] <gigaherz> or you visit http://www.lipsum.com/
L1771[21:25:55] <gigaherz> and ask it for a number of lines/paragraphs
L1772[21:25:56] <gigaherz> ;P
L1773[21:26:29] <Sollux-Captor> GODDAMNIT! ;-; i just fell off in skyfactory
L1774[21:26:46] <Sollux-Captor> i had 8 stacks of seard bricks ;-;
L1775[21:26:56] <Sollux-Captor> and my tool forge
L1776[21:27:00] <Sollux-Captor> rip iron
L1777[21:27:19] <Zaggy1024> rip your face >:D
L1778[21:27:35] <Sollux-Captor> im crying inside
L1779[21:27:42] <gigaherz> that's ragequit material
L1780[21:27:43] <gigaherz> XD
L1781[21:27:45] <Sollux-Captor> actually lost a lot of good stuff xD
L1782[21:27:49] <killjoy> I'll rip your face.. apart
L1783[21:27:53] <gigaherz> for me it would be a "ok. I'm done."
L1784[21:27:59] <gigaherz> I'd close and never look back
L1785[21:27:59] <gigaherz> XD
L1786[21:28:08] <Sollux-Captor> i remember i ragequit when it happened, logged off. forgot i fell off. loged back on xD
L1787[21:28:09] <gigaherz> I have a low ragequit threshold
L1788[21:28:10] <gigaherz> XD
L1789[21:28:35] <Drullkus> I ragequit when I corrupt the game
L1790[21:28:37] <Sollux-Captor> like just now logged on forgetting i fell off previousl. then i died just now xD
L1791[21:28:37] <Drullkus> er, map
L1792[21:28:39] <gigaherz> and a very sticky blacklist
L1793[21:29:17] *** Magik6k is now known as Magik6k|off
L1794[21:29:47] <Sollux-Captor> http://prntscr.com/7y8fmh this is my base
L1795[21:30:22] <Sollux-Captor> http://prntscr.com/7y8fru this is where i fell xD the water didnt fall fast enough
L1796[21:30:51] <gigaherz> no hang glider?
L1797[21:30:59] <Sollux-Captor> oi not yet :/
L1798[21:31:13] <gigaherz> I'd never play a skyblock without some sort of parachute handy and a water stream already in place
L1799[21:31:15] <gigaherz> XD
L1800[21:31:57] <williewillus> ragequit -> cheat the world into creative -> recover :p
L1801[21:32:02] <gigaherz> XD
L1802[21:32:07] <gigaherz> or really
L1803[21:32:09] <gigaherz> let's be honest
L1804[21:32:13] <gigaherz> gamerule keepInventory
L1805[21:32:14] <gigaherz> ;P
L1806[21:32:35] <Sollux-Captor> xD ^
L1807[21:33:04] <gigaherz> HQM life counter is scary enough ;P
L1808[21:33:30] <Sollux-Captor> skyfactory doesnt have HQM
L1809[21:33:34] <gigaherz> oww
L1810[21:33:35] <gigaherz> ;P
L1811[21:33:49] <gigaherz> I have an agrarian skies 2 playthrough pending with a couple online friends
L1812[21:33:55] <gigaherz> we have been discussing starting one
L1813[21:34:01] <gigaherz> but didn't get to it yet XD
L1814[21:34:25] *** Zidane is now known as Zidane|Away
L1815[21:35:12] <Sollux-Captor> i lost all my tic tools rip
L1816[21:36:28] <Sollux-Captor> luckily i have macros :D dont have to sit there waiting for things to finish
L1817[21:36:36] <Sollux-Captor> i can do other things while it happens ^_^
L1818[21:37:03] <Sollux-Captor> horray for macros
L1819[21:38:42] *** Zidane|Away is now known as Zidane
L1820[21:38:59] <Sollux-Captor> only bad part about macros is that i cant do other things on the comp :( i have a back up on my phone thoug! YAY LOLPics app!!!
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L1833[22:06:10] <Manusoftar> need some help for a single player command mod... please
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L1846[22:29:26] <Manusoftar> Please, i need some help here...
L1847[22:29:47] ⇦ Quits: Devin_ (~Devin_@cpe-66-67-8-129.rochester.res.rr.com) (Quit: Outta here.)
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L1849[22:35:25] <smbarbour> Making commands is pretty easy
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L1852[22:37:11] <Zaggy1024> stupid internet
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L1854[22:37:40] <Zaggy1024> Manusoftar, just asking for help for a command isn't going to get any responses
L1855[22:37:44] <Zaggy1024> explain your problem
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L1857[22:40:44] <smbarbour> In a nutshell, you need a class that extends net.minecraft.command.CommandBase and then during your mod's startup, you register it.
L1858[22:42:17] <smbarbour> (There's an interface you can implement instead, but then you have to implement everything manually instead of just using the basic stuff that CommandBase gives you)
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L1879[23:40:09] <Ri5ux> So I just tricked my system into updating to Windows 10 a day early.
L1880[23:40:22] <Ri5ux> If you set your system date to the 29th, it lets you install it.
L1881[23:40:37] <Ri5ux> Currently at 92% of the upgrade.
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L1883[23:44:22] <Manusoftar> I'll try to explain what im trying to achieve as short as i can
L1884[23:44:58] <Manusoftar> Im trying to create a mod that will work through commands (on the chat dialog staring with / )
L1885[23:45:27] <Manusoftar> The first function will be to search for mineshafts close to the player (already have the algorithm)
L1886[23:45:44] <Manusoftar> What im failing at is to make the game recognize my command.
L1887[23:45:51] <Manusoftar> this is my code so far -> http://pastebin.com/V5JcdrCG
L1888[23:46:02] <Manusoftar> http://pastebin.com/igkKEB48
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L1893[23:52:34] <masa> Manusoftar: https://github.com/maruohon/tellme/blob/master/src/main/java/fi/dy/masa/tellme/TellMe.java#L52 and https://github.com/maruohon/tellme/blob/master/src/main/java/fi/dy/masa/tellme/command/CommandTellme.java#L117
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