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L1[00:01:04] ⇨ Joins: Upthorn (~ogmar@108-204-125-173.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net)
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L20[01:05:04] <shadekiller666> is there a way to get an instance of ModelBakery without clearing the model cache in ModelLoaderRegistry...
L21[01:16:47] ⇨ Joins: Cooler (~CoolerExt@
L22[01:17:07] <shadekiller666> nvm, got one
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L31[02:01:45] ⇦ Quits: killjoy (~killjoy@cpe-24-74-204-200.ec.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L32[02:03:54] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Pushing snapshot_20150709 mappings to Forge Maven.
L33[02:03:58] <MCPBot_Reborn> [TEST CSV] Maven upload successful for mcp_snapshot-20150709-1.8.zip (mappings = "snapshot_20150709" in build.gradle).
L34[02:04:08] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~3:00 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
L35[02:06:04] <shadekiller666> does changing the visibility of an inner class in a forge class cause any problems with mappings and things?
L36[02:10:19] <sham1> How are you changing it
L37[02:10:37] <shadekiller666> manually, from within the forge dev env
L38[02:11:00] ⇦ Quits: waterpicker (~waterpick@waterpicker-pc-144-167-110-174.ddns.ualr.edu) (Remote host closed the connection)
L39[02:15:55] <shadekiller666> !gm getModelBlockDefinition
L40[02:17:41] ⇨ Joins: Maxetime1 (~Thunderbi@modemcable086.219-70-69.static.videotron.ca)
L41[02:20:08] <Darkevilmac> Is there a way for me to get a IBakedModel with a modified y axis from just a model json file?
L42[02:20:34] <shadekiller666> all you have is the ResourceLocation?
L43[02:20:53] ⇦ Quits: Maxetime (~Thunderbi@modemcable086.219-70-69.static.videotron.ca) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L44[02:21:16] <Darkevilmac> Currently I'm just doing this "ModelLoaderRegistry.getModel(new ResourceLocation(ArchimedesShipMod.RESOURCE_DOMAIN + "models/helmWheel"));"
L45[02:21:27] <shadekiller666> mhmm
L46[02:21:33] <shadekiller666> and what do you want to do?
L47[02:22:39] <Darkevilmac> rotate around the y axis. I'm terrible with opengl though so I'm not so good with rotating it without offsetting it where I don't want it.
L48[02:22:53] <Darkevilmac> So I was wondering if I can just get the baked model that's rotated.
L49[02:23:25] <Darkevilmac> Like block state rendering takes into account the y value of the block state json.
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L51[02:24:08] <shadekiller666> uhhh
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L54[02:24:50] <shadekiller666> if you can get an instance of the IModel, you could pass in a TRSRTransformation containing the proper rotation matrix, and then bake it yourself
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L56[02:25:35] <shadekiller666> well, what you would do is get the IModel
L57[02:25:56] <shadekiller666> then call IModel.bake()
L58[02:26:20] <shadekiller666> and that would give you an instance of IBakedModel with whatever state you passed in
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L60[02:28:25] <shadekiller666> and if the IBakedModel itself does things properlly, the transform should be applied when you call getGeneralQuads()
L61[02:29:11] <shadekiller666> !gm getBlockStateLocation
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L65[02:45:49] <Darkevilmac> shadekiller666, that worked perfectly thanks!
L66[02:46:02] <shadekiller666> np
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L71[03:20:56] *** big_Xplo|Off is now known as big_Xplosion
L72[03:21:29] <shadekiller666> !gf thirdPersonDistance
L73[03:25:53] <Wuppy> \o/ I can has unity programmer job :)
L74[03:26:02] <sham1> Yay
L75[03:26:11] <shadekiller666> nice
L76[03:26:52] <Wuppy> I'll be a unity app developer for young kids
L77[03:26:55] <Wuppy> will be fun
L78[03:28:33] <sham1> Sounds cool
L79[03:29:54] <tmtu> *at* unity or as unity
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L81[03:33:27] ⇨ Joins: Szernex (~Szernex@178-191-103-148.adsl.highway.telekom.at)
L82[03:33:47] <Darkevilmac> With json models is it possible to render another model within another? Just as an example, if I had a base model and I wanted to render multiple components of the model as seperate files then have a full file that renders them all together is that possible?
L83[03:34:11] <Wuppy> tmtu not at unity
L84[03:34:13] <Wuppy> I'm not that good :P
L85[03:34:23] <sham1> Darkevilmac, You can
L86[03:34:27] <sham1> Look at the slime block
L87[03:34:29] <shadekiller666> dark, the new forge blockstate json adds support for submodels
L88[03:34:46] <sham1> And that
L89[03:36:05] <sham1> In your case forge blockstate.json is better
L90[03:36:19] <sham1> Or if you want to you could ModelBakeEvent it up
L91[03:36:59] <Darkevilmac> sham1, I'm looking at the slime block and that's not really what I mean. Say I have 3 files, modelBase, modelPart1, modelPart2. I want to render modelPart1 and modelPart2 as well as the base in 1 json file.
L92[03:37:11] <Darkevilmac> But I need these seperate because I use them in different situations for different blocks.
L93[03:37:27] <sham1> <sham1> In your case forge blockstate.json is better
L94[03:37:56] <Darkevilmac> Where can I see a good example of one?
L95[03:38:25] <sham1> Wait up
L96[03:38:56] <Wuppy> how do you prevent the strange rendering when a half block is next to a full block?
L97[03:38:59] <Darkevilmac> And this is a model file, not a blockstate file. It's for an item.
L98[03:39:12] <sham1> You should have said that
L99[03:39:24] <Darkevilmac> " With json models"
L100[03:39:27] <Darkevilmac> models
L101[03:39:32] <Darkevilmac> :P
L102[03:39:37] <sham1> Well
L103[03:39:43] <sham1> IBakedModel/IModel
L104[03:39:52] <Wuppy> ah, isOpaque still works, I just had true/false messed up there
L105[03:40:01] <sham1> Because 1.9 will introduce itemstates making that easy
L106[03:40:09] <sham1> But for now you need to make it yourself
L107[03:40:39] <Darkevilmac> -
L108[03:41:20] <Wuppy> sham1 when will 1.9 come out?
L109[03:41:29] <sham1> When it does of course
L110[03:41:51] <Wuppy> because I've been working on updating my book
L111[03:42:02] <Wuppy> and my publsiher would not be too happy if it's outdated by the time it's released :P
L112[03:42:45] <sham1> Add a disclaimer about that
L113[03:45:55] ⇨ Joins: PrinceCat (~PrinceCat@124-150-94-219.dyn.iinet.net.au)
L114[03:46:56] <cindy_k> We don't have any snapshots yet. and there are some big changes
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L116[03:47:55] <dangranos> BURN THE MS
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L121[04:08:28] <shadekiller666> darkevil, look at the example mods on the minecraft forge github
L122[04:08:30] ⇨ Joins: Saturn812 (~Saturn812@
L123[04:09:19] <shadekiller666> specifically net.miencraftforge.debug.ForgeBlockStatesLoaderDebug.java
L124[04:11:37] <Lex__> chestContents_High.addItem(new WeightedRandomChestContent(new ItemStack(Item.getItemById(373), 8197, 1), 1, 1, 20)); // Healing Potion
L125[04:11:40] <Lex__> facepalm
L126[04:11:49] <Wuppy> oh god
L127[04:11:59] <Wuppy> who writes such poop
L128[04:12:06] <Lex__> http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,31907.0.html
L129[04:12:08] <sham1> And where can I find him
L130[04:12:22] <Lex__> anywho flight in 4 hours, should probably check out and head to the arport....
L131[04:12:43] <sham1> Sounds reasonable
L132[04:12:46] <Wuppy> lets hang him :P
L133[04:12:55] <Wuppy> have fun on your travels Lex :)
L134[04:13:50] <tterrag> well, to be fair "Item 373 could be something completely different when I load up Minecraft vs. when you do." is also completely incorrect :P
L135[04:14:05] <tterrag> vanilla hardcodes their IDs, so while ugly as sin, it is technically not wrong :P
L136[04:14:19] <sham1> That still is kinda bad
L137[04:14:32] <tterrag> oh it's horrible
L138[04:14:47] <sham1> Also hardcoding is horrible
L139[04:15:04] <tterrag> but id 373 will never be changing
L140[04:16:06] <dangranos> why use ids istead of names?
L141[04:16:18] <sham1> That's the question
L142[04:16:34] <sham1> Because people be dumb
L143[04:16:54] <dangranos> or maybe use ids but bind them to names and different lists for chunks/inventories
L144[04:16:58] <dangranos> wai..
L145[04:17:18] <tterrag> why would you use names instead of the references where are cleanly laid out for you
L146[04:17:37] <dangranos> graphs?
L147[04:17:45] <sham1> Wat
L148[04:17:55] <tterrag> ._.
L149[04:19:08] ⇦ Quits: Lex__ (~Lex@host86-187-90-244.range86-187.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L150[04:19:22] *** tterrag is now known as tterrag|ZZZzzz
L151[04:21:05] * shadekiller666 just created the beginnings of the ability to change camera transforms from within the game using a command + rendering tool! :D
L152[04:21:31] * shadekiller666 thinks the hardest part will be saving the values into json...
L153[04:21:41] <dangranos> why?
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L158[04:26:37] <shadekiller666> because they're a pain in the ass to get right, and i want to make it less of one
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L166[04:44:20] MineBot sets mode: +o on LexMobile
L167[04:45:50] ⇨ Joins: Upthorn (~ogmar@108-85-88-195.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net)
L168[04:45:52] <sham1> And thus Lex was waiting for his 8 hour long flight
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L170[04:46:21] <luacs1998> lol
L171[04:47:25] <Quetzi> it won't be 8 hours unless he's pushing it
L172[04:47:45] <sham1> If it is intercontinental
L173[04:48:24] <Quetzi> an hour maybe
L174[04:48:57] <sham1> You can cross Atlantic in an hour :PO
L175[04:49:09] <sham1> TIL
L176[04:49:19] <Quetzi> he isn't crossing the atlantic though
L177[04:49:26] <sham1> Ah
L178[04:49:35] <sham1> That's good
L179[04:51:48] ⇨ Joins: laci200270 (~user@31-46-236-220.pool.kapulan.hu)
L180[04:52:55] <LexMobile> Not quite yet droppong by dublin to harass pig
L181[04:53:03] <LexMobile> Then home in a week
L182[04:53:25] <sham1> Ah ok
L183[04:53:27] <LexMobile> But right now im waiting on one of the most expensive ubers i will ever take.
L184[04:53:41] <Cazzar> Lex, planning to be in AU eventually :P
L185[04:53:58] <LexMobile> Even at 2.1x the price tho its 2x cheaper then the taxi i took the other way
L186[04:54:16] <LexMobile> Au == Australia then yes i am
L187[04:54:33] <Cazzar> Yeah, australia, what timeframe, if I may ask?
L188[04:54:50] <LexMobile> January sometime pax aus
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L191[04:58:49] <LexMobile> Also was fun hanging with you Quetzi, and your ugly face ;)
L192[04:59:35] <Quetzi> ha
L193[05:00:03] <Quetzi> Jess is your new fan I think xD
L194[05:00:34] <LexMobile> Hehe
L195[05:01:13] <Quetzi> I'm ok, I can disown her when it suits me xD
L196[05:01:54] ⇦ Quits: flappy (~flappy@85-76-64-154-nat.elisa-mobile.fi) (Ping timeout: 206 seconds)
L197[05:01:59] <LexMobile> Well aparently shss mine now, her mom pawned her off on me at the fox 0.o
L198[05:02:08] <Quetzi> good luck with that
L199[05:02:10] <luacs1998> lol
L200[05:02:26] <LexMobile> Its okay i can ship her back in my carry on shes so tiny u.u
L201[05:02:32] <luacs1998> touring europe?
L202[05:02:57] <Quetzi> yea, she like hasn't grown at all since she was like 10
L203[05:02:58] <LexMobile> Naw just hanging out in oreland for a bit on the way back
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L205[05:03:27] *** Ashlee is now known as Ashlee|off
L206[05:03:49] <LexMobile> Shes not 10? How old is she?
L207[05:03:56] <LexMobile> *ireland
L208[05:03:57] <Quetzi> 20
L209[05:04:58] <Quetzi> so short even Kleetho had to bend her knees to hug her lol
L210[05:05:12] <LexMobile> I suspect shes a interdimentional being and the rest of her body is some nether sapce.
L211[05:07:30] <LexMobile> But ya was fun banging out with everyone this weekend.
L212[05:07:52] <LexMobile> I flew my ass over here i expect you all to fly your asses to see me for prime.
L213[05:08:03] <Quetzi> uhhh, prime, maybe not
L214[05:08:16] <Quetzi> south, east and forgecon is the plan next year
L215[05:08:28] <LexMobile> *hanging seriously i wish phones had physical keyboards still.
L216[05:08:52] <sham1> mm
L217[05:08:57] <Quetzi> was going to say, you made it sound like i missed the fun parties :p
L218[05:09:12] <LexMobile> Well ....
L219[05:09:15] ⇨ Joins: sinkillerj (~sinkiller@nc-71-49-177-33.dhcp.embarqhsd.net)
L220[05:09:17] <sham1> I was gonna link to george takei
L221[05:09:21] <sham1> But I decided against that
L222[05:09:52] <LexMobile> Whoo uber i ordered 45 mins ago is almost here
L223[05:10:04] *** Ashlee|off is now known as Ashlee
L224[05:10:08] <Quetzi> i'd love to go to every con tbh, but so expensive
L225[05:10:30] <Quetzi> wow
L226[05:10:30] <luacs1998> forgecon?
L227[05:10:46] <Quetzi> some people had real issues with uber, they were great for me
L228[05:11:02] * luacs1998 is in a place where uber is de facto banned
L229[05:11:18] <dangranos> con?
L230[05:11:28] <Quetzi> not enough of them yet i think
L231[05:11:33] <dangranos> did anyone saw that BTM thing?
L232[05:12:02] <luacs1998> i was there
L233[05:12:15] <luacs1998> (well, for two or three panels)
L234[05:15:17] <Ivorius> The videos are all online
L235[05:15:25] <Ivorius> But I've only been on stream for like 30 minutes
L236[05:15:29] <LexMobile> Well being self employed means i have a lot of free time so i got to all the cons
L237[05:15:38] <LexMobile> Expensive but tax writeoffs!
L238[05:15:50] <tmtu> \o/ just got accepted to university
L239[05:15:58] <Quetzi> grats :)
L240[05:16:04] <LexMobile> Nice
L241[05:16:12] <sham1> Congrats
L242[05:16:18] <Quetzi> yea, imagine if 90% of the cons were in europe
L243[05:16:36] <LexMobile> And yes forgecon may become a thing itll be like minecon but better organized
L244[05:16:51] <Ivorius> Is that really worth it?
L245[05:16:55] <sham1> and about forge and modding ^^
L246[05:17:05] <Ivorius> Even MineCon lives mostly on awkward Q&As
L247[05:17:19] <Ivorius> Because there's little to show for just one game
L248[05:17:26] <LexMobile> If 90% of cons were in europe id don my free halthcare hat and naturalize
L249[05:17:34] <Quetzi> :D
L250[05:17:44] <sham1> If more cons were on yourope, I could actually get to some
L251[05:17:59] <sham1> Intercontinental flights are bloody expensive
L252[05:18:02] <Quetzi> main attraction is the youtubers honestly
L253[05:18:24] <LexMobile> Yup and the shit they put youtubers through...
L254[05:18:26] <sham1> "View our new attraction"
L255[05:18:38] <LexMobile> Could be much more pleasent experiances for them
L256[05:18:58] <Quetzi> it might have been nice to have an official Forgecraft meet & greet though
L257[05:19:12] <Quetzi> though they didn't even do that with the youtubers
L258[05:19:28] *** Ashlee is now known as Ashlee|off
L259[05:20:28] <Quetzi> i gather it was a 5 hour queue and pot luck who was signing when you got to the end
L260[05:20:38] <LexMobile> Blind signging the stupidest thing ever..
L261[05:21:04] <LexMobile> Yes lets sit all our youtubers behind a wall and have them get yelled at by people who wanted to see someone else
L262[05:21:45] <Quetzi> that must suck though, queue 5 hours to get your sword signed by the wrong person
L263[05:21:50] <sham1> mm
L264[05:21:56] <Quetzi> then get forced to leave said sword behind at the airport
L265[05:22:13] <sham1> But I still feel bad for the YTber who gets yelled at
L266[05:22:15] <LexMobile> Ya....
L267[05:22:31] <LexMobile> It sucked for both parties
L268[05:22:39] <LexMobile> And it was neither of their faults
L269[05:22:41] <Quetzi> the bins at London City Airport were full of swords and pickaxes on Monday apparently
L270[05:22:51] <Ivorius> Wait, did anyone actually do that?
L271[05:22:57] <Quetzi> do what?
L272[05:23:06] <Ivorius> blind signing
L273[05:23:17] <Ivorius> Although personally I couldn't give less of a fuck about autographs either really
L274[05:23:22] <LexMobile> Yes ALL signings at minecon were blind
L275[05:23:22] <Ivorius> Just generally
L276[05:23:35] <Quetzi> there was a hall set aside for it
L277[05:23:59] <sham1> Why would they make every signing like that!?
L278[05:24:02] <LexMobile> Ya but people like to have suivinears that they met a lerson they liked
L279[05:24:19] <sham1> That's incredibly stupid
L280[05:24:35] <Ivorius> I would never put myself below some celebrity
L281[05:24:51] <LexMobile> The idea was to prevent people from lining up 6 hours to see one oerson but ya kt dodnt help
L282[05:24:59] <Ivorius> To the point where I literally travel somewhere just to get a mindless signature they didn't even give me personally
L283[05:25:25] <Ivorius> It's just sad
L284[05:25:27] <LexMobile> Excpt that isnt what the kids did...
L285[05:25:28] *** GazBot|Away is now known as Gaz492
L286[05:25:34] <LexMobile> And stop being a cunt
L287[05:25:48] <sham1> Welp what did the kids do
L288[05:26:24] <LexMobile> They came to see all their favorite mc stars, have a fun weekend with thousands of fellow mc nerds, and just enjoy themselves
L289[05:26:28] *** AFK is now known as Vigaro
L290[05:26:39] <LexMobile> They wernt castrating themselves at the alters of youtubers
L291[05:26:51] <sham1> :P
L292[05:26:52] <Ivorius> Sure, I'd love to interact with people I like
L293[05:27:04] <Ivorius> Just standing in line for a quick signature is dumb imo :P
L294[05:27:11] <sham1> mm
L295[05:27:20] <sham1> Much rather hear them in a panel or something
L296[05:27:32] <Ivorius> Yep
L297[05:27:34] <Quetzi> you don't have kids do you?
L298[05:27:47] <Ivorius> It's not just kids, dude...
L299[05:27:52] <Ivorius> Maybe in mc it is, but usually it's not
L300[05:27:52] <sham1> ^
L301[05:28:13] <LexMobile> Either way who cares what others do?
L302[05:28:29] <ollieread> I'm still trying to work out why they thought that blind signing was a good idea
L303[05:28:32] <Ivorius> Who said I did :P
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L305[05:28:42] <LexMobile> Typically those linws turn into more line based chatfestst then anything
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L307[05:28:47] <Quetzi> pretty sure they realise at this point it didn't work
L308[05:29:00] <LexMobile> Talking shop with someone next to you who has th e same interest you do
L309[05:29:38] <LexMobile> But ya everyone agrees blind signging was dumb
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L312[05:30:39] <ollieread> It's curious to think how somebody ever thought it was a good idea
L313[05:31:03] <LexMobile> Not sure whoever it was needs to be shot :p
L314[05:31:16] <ollieread> Definitely
L315[05:31:33] <ollieread> Though that does explain the wild foam swords and pickaxes that I keep seeing floating around east London
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L317[05:32:04] <ollieread> Shame really
L318[05:32:13] <LexMobile> I now imagine after con london is just flooded with foam weapons and tools
L319[05:32:23] <Quetzi> most youtubers were quite happy to stop and sign stuff for people while wandering around the con anyway
L320[05:32:23] <sham1> :D
L321[05:32:25] <LexMobile> Floating around like tumbleweeds all on th rir own
L322[05:32:33] <ollieread> It makes a change from the usual metro newspapers and empty starbucks cups
L323[05:33:27] <LexMobile> The problem with the signinga in the halls, as someone who works con security, is its a clusterfuck... clogging hallways and nobody can get past.
L324[05:33:32] <luacs1998> well somebody did say LCA was full of confiscated MC tools
L325[05:33:43] <luacs1998> heh
L326[05:33:52] <ollieread> I wonder why they confiscated them
L327[05:34:05] <LexMobile> But thats solved by the fact that the excel center had a lovely entrance and park right outside
L328[05:34:12] <luacs1998> when i was at AFA last year, they got some big-name voice actor and apparently they had to close an entire alley because of the queue
L329[05:34:20] <luacs1998> ollieread, airport security
L330[05:34:31] <ollieread> That's who, not why :P
L331[05:34:37] <luacs1998> hmm, anyone looking into cities skylines modding?
L332[05:34:38] <ollieread> Like, I wonder exactly what threat they posed
L333[05:34:50] <luacs1998> (anything that looks remotely dangerous)
L334[05:34:52] <ollieread> The Excel centre is nice
L335[05:35:05] <luacs1998> damn all of you who went to minecon
L336[05:35:11] <tmtu> maybe airport security just likes tormenting children
L337[05:35:17] <ollieread> I didn't go lol
L338[05:35:20] <tmtu> stealing candy and whatnot
L339[05:35:27] * luacs1998 is too poor to fly to london, and 2 days isn't worth borrowing money from parents for airfare
L340[05:35:29] <ollieread> Tbh, I forgot about it until the tickets had sold out
L341[05:35:29] <Vigaro> It is probably easy to hide ilegal stuff inside of a foam tool
L342[05:36:18] <tmtu> isn't that what the xray conveyor belts are for?
L343[05:36:24] <luacs1998> buh
L344[05:36:25] <ollieread> luacs1998: Would have cost me £1.80 per way to get to the Excel centre :P
L345[05:36:48] <luacs1998> either way, i wouldn't want to take a 16hr flight with a foam pixel sword in my carry-on
L346[05:37:15] <LexMobile> ollieread: you should of came them most stuff was outside of con
L347[05:37:55] <ollieread> Oh right, I didn't realise
L348[05:38:11] <Quetzi> yea, don't tend to want to go to these things for the con itself, just the people and evening stuff
L349[05:38:34] <LexMobile> Protip guys MOST the good stuff at con doesnt require a badge as it isnt actuslly part of thr con
L350[05:38:34] <ollieread> I was tempted to go originally as it was so close, figured I may as well attend one of them, but I assumed it would be like EGX, where there's nothing outside what so ever
L351[05:39:11] <ollieread> Which reminds me, this years EGX is in Brum ¬_¬
L352[05:39:13] <LexMobile> Naw the con is just and excuse for all of us nerds to get together
L353[05:39:36] <luacs1998> anyone has any experience with cities skylines modding here?
L354[05:39:41] <LexMobile> No
L355[05:39:48] <luacs1998> lol, i know it's off topic, thought id ask anyway
L356[05:40:27] <ollieread> Perhaps I should have popped down, by the sounds of it, I'd have been one of the very few actually from London aha
L357[05:41:16] <ollieread> What did you do about your phone btw Lex? Did you manage to get a throwaway?
L358[05:42:16] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L359[05:42:16] <LexMobile> Naw baught a new one
L360[05:42:33] <LexMobile> Probably gunna sell my old one when i get back into rhe states
L361[05:42:45] <ollieread> What was the issue?
L362[05:42:56] <ollieread> I assumed your provider had locked it because you were in the UK or something
L363[05:43:29] <LexMobile> Ya im through a crappy provider
L364[05:43:39] <LexMobile> And everything in the us is provider locked
L365[05:44:19] <ollieread> I think here most things are provider locked, or at they were, but I think the companies have special arrangements to provide roaming throughout most of Europe
L366[05:44:53] <ollieread> I do know that if you're on o2, and go to Dover, stand right against the coast and your provider will swtich over to a French one aha
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L368[05:45:45] <LexMobile> Ha
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L372[05:49:20] <ollieread> Does anyone know of a 1.7.10 method for getting chunks within an area, like an aabb?
L373[05:50:49] *** Vigaro is now known as AFK
L374[05:54:52] <diesieben07> ollie, it's called a for loop.
L375[05:54:57] <sham1> :P
L376[05:55:38] <sham1> For-loop OP
L377[05:55:55] <ollieread> A for loop doesn't solve the issue
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L379[05:56:18] <sham1> why doesnt it
L380[05:56:40] <ollieread> If the range is 32 x 32 you assume 4 chunks, what if it intersects, that makes it 9
L381[05:57:16] <diesieben07> intersects?
L382[05:57:34] <ollieread> If the minX, minZ, maxX and maxZ aren't divisble by 16
L383[05:57:50] <diesieben07> well, you transform into chunk coords first of course
L384[05:57:54] <Ordinastie> you >> 4 the x and the Z to have chunk coords
L385[05:59:12] <ollieread> I know that, you then have to compare the chunk coords to figure out how many of each loop
L386[05:59:21] <ollieread> The point is, it's not just a for loop :P
L387[05:59:34] <Ordinastie> yeah it is
L388[05:59:37] <diesieben07> its a for loop and 4 bit shifts...
L389[05:59:45] <LexMobile> But it is...
L390[05:59:51] <diesieben07> well AND you have to actually get the chunks from the world
L391[05:59:57] <diesieben07> you can't just make an empty for loop, that is true
L392[06:00:10] <LexMobile> Startx + minx >> 4
L393[06:00:19] <PaleoCrafter> Isn't it two nested loops? :P
L394[06:00:24] <ollieread> ^
L395[06:00:30] <Ordinastie> https://github.com/Ordinastie/MalisisCore/blob/1.7/src/main/java/net/malisis/core/util/chunkblock/ChunkBlockHandler.java#L305-L326
L396[06:00:38] <Ordinastie> because I'm THAT nice
L397[06:00:43] <ollieread> I was more concerned about writing code to this if a helper someone already existed
L398[06:00:51] <ollieread> s/someone/somewhere
L399[06:01:23] <Ordinastie> (and that's when diesieben07 comes in and tells my code is shit)
L400[06:02:02] <Ivorius> Ordinastie
L401[06:02:03] <Ivorius> Ordi
L402[06:02:05] <Ivorius> Your code is shit
L403[06:03:18] <Ivorius> (Honestly I'd return an Iterable<Chunk> but otherwise it looks fine :P)
L404[06:03:39] <diesieben07> returning an Iterable is awful
L405[06:03:45] <diesieben07> then at least return a FluentIterable
L406[06:03:50] <Ordinastie> http://alexruiz.developerblogs.com/?p=2519
L407[06:03:57] *** Gaz492 is now known as GazBot|Away
L408[06:04:45] <Ivorius> Well, in this case you can also return a list, but I'd return a dynamic one either way
L409[06:04:50] <diesieben07> and returning a FluentIterable is simple, you just do return new FluentIterable() { ... } instead of a new Iterable() { ... }
L410[06:04:52] <Ivorius> No need to cache all the chunks
L411[06:05:52] <Ordinastie> not sure how to get a FluentIterable in that case
L412[06:06:08] <diesieben07> you just retunr an inner class of FluentIterable
L413[06:06:16] <diesieben07> which has an iterator method
L414[06:06:50] <LexMobile> Fluentiterable?
L415[06:06:57] <Ordinastie> yeah, but then the iterator code...
L416[06:06:58] <Ivorius> It's guava
L417[06:07:05] <diesieben07> Iterable + map, flatmap, filter, etc
L418[06:07:06] <Ivorius> Very useful
L419[06:07:27] <Ivorius> Ordinastie, just convert for loops to manual loops :P
L420[06:07:29] <LexMobile> ..
L421[06:07:32] <diesieben07> Ordinastie, I recommend AbstractIterator
L422[06:07:49] <diesieben07> and if you need a list out of it you can just call .toList() :D
L423[06:09:32] *** Darkhax is now known as Darkhax_AFK
L424[06:09:51] <Ordinastie> yeah, a PITA to code that though
L425[06:10:03] <diesieben07> not really
L426[06:10:40] <Ordinastie> I assume the iterator would be like the BlockPos one ?
L427[06:10:45] <diesieben07> kinda
L428[06:12:02] <PaleoCrafter> That code would lovely with a for comprehension for instance, diesieben07 :P
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L430[06:12:11] <PaleoCrafter> *look lovely
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L437[06:16:24] <ThePsionic> PaleoCrafter: it would lovely
L438[06:17:22] <Wuppy> yo ThePsionic what's up?
L439[06:18:37] <ThePsionic> sky :D
L440[06:18:43] *** Firedingo is now known as Firedingo|Sleep
L441[06:18:52] <Wuppy> :|
L442[06:19:07] <Wuppy> I got a job as a unity app dev for kids \o/
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L444[06:20:05] <tmtu> \o/
L445[06:20:13] <tmtu> Wuppy: to teach them or make apps for them?
L446[06:20:29] <Wuppy> games to play
L447[06:20:40] <tmtu> awesome :D
L448[06:20:58] <Wuppy> the games are actually incredibly easy to make in Unity xD
L449[06:21:12] <Wuppy> it's all 2D
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L451[06:21:27] <Wuppy> and at one point they asked me, how hard is it to make these things roll off the side of the mountain
L452[06:21:37] <Wuppy> which is literally 10 seconds of work :P
L453[06:22:44] *** PaleoCrafter is now known as PaleOff
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L455[06:23:10] <Saturn812> and when you need something outside of that 2d/3d constructor, things get a lot durtyer
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L457[06:24:31] <Saturn812> *dirtier, misspelled that one alright
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L470[06:56:31] <VikeStep> if someone ASM'd a bit of mojang code, would it change the line numbers in the crash reports? or is that only if they intentionally change it?
L471[06:56:45] <VikeStep> minecraft*
L472[06:56:50] <diesieben07> normally the mojang code doesn't have line numbers at all
L473[06:57:06] <VikeStep> oh, so they remove it when compiling?
L474[06:57:10] <diesieben07> yes
L475[06:57:16] <Ordinastie> part of the obfuscation
L476[06:57:17] <diesieben07> their code only contains the bare minimum
L477[06:57:21] <VikeStep> I see
L478[06:57:37] <Ordinastie> some would argue their code doesn't even have the minimum :p
L479[06:57:42] <diesieben07> heh
L480[06:57:45] <diesieben07> minimum to make it run :P
L481[06:57:52] <Ordinastie> still :p
L482[06:58:03] <diesieben07> well its gonna change
L483[06:58:10] <Ordinastie> is it ?
L484[06:58:23] <diesieben07> we get generic informatino in 1.8
L485[06:58:41] <diesieben07> 1.8.7
L486[06:59:00] <Ordinastie> yeah, i'd exchange generics for no obfuscation at all
L487[06:59:12] <diesieben07> and line numbers
L488[06:59:13] <diesieben07> https://twitter.com/_grum/status/557561980547256320
L489[07:00:21] <xaero> lol @ "do you want to build a snowman?"
L490[07:00:29] <diesieben07> :D
L491[07:01:06] <Ordinastie> what's their current argument for the obfuscation anyway ?
L492[07:01:24] <Ordinastie> I mean, notch did it for some reason, but I doubt they still aply
L493[07:01:29] <diesieben07> legal reasons
L494[07:01:44] <diesieben07> it allows to detect copycats
L495[07:01:48] <gigaherz> I thought it was simply a matter of looking like they "try"
L496[07:01:52] <diesieben07> apparently
L497[07:02:23] <tmtu> smaller size as well
L498[07:02:33] <diesieben07> who cares about size these days... :D
L499[07:02:38] <diesieben07> especially with jars being zips
L500[07:02:46] <Ordinastie> like it would be easier to refactor the names if they weren't obfsucated ?
L501[07:03:21] <gigaherz> well, zip has always lacked support for inter-file compression
L502[07:03:30] <diesieben07> if they weren't obfuscated you could not really detect when someone copies it
L503[07:03:43] <diesieben07> if they decompile and recompile its different because the recompile adds all sorts of stuff back in
L504[07:03:51] <diesieben07> thats why I *think* they do it
L505[07:06:17] <Ordinastie> meh
L506[07:06:37] <gigaherz> I'm not convinced ;P
L507[07:06:46] <diesieben07> me neither
L508[07:06:46] <gigaherz> but if that's the reason they give themselves
L509[07:06:58] <diesieben07> the reason they officially state is: legal reasons
L510[07:07:24] <Ordinastie> well, they could give the unobf source to forge :p
L511[07:07:26] <gigaherz> it may simply be, that they are somehow required to look like they are trying to protect their copyright
L512[07:07:28] <Ordinastie> at least
L513[07:07:39] <gigaherz> IMO
L514[07:07:48] <gigaherz> Minecraft needs a shared-source license
L515[07:07:59] <diesieben07> afaik the mcp guys have access to the retroguard logs
L516[07:08:20] <Ordinastie> I don't know what's in that
L517[07:08:40] <diesieben07> net/minecraft/client/Minecraft => axj or something like that I would assume
L518[07:09:04] <gigaherz> http://www.retrologic.com/rg-docs-logfile.html
L519[07:09:41] <Ordinastie> so just class or fields and methods too ?
L520[07:10:05] <gigaherz> it logs identifiers seen in strings
L521[07:10:08] <gigaherz> such as for reflection
L522[07:10:33] <gigaherz> logs the names it was unable to obfuscate due to constraints like Enumerables
L523[07:10:56] <gigaherz> and logs names it did not obfuscated because they were explicitly skipped
L524[07:11:02] <gigaherz> (config settings)
L525[07:11:52] <Ordinastie> I just wonder how nice it would be mod with full unobf commented MC source :)
L526[07:11:53] <gigaherz> I don't think it has a list of ALL names at all
L527[07:12:31] <gigaherz> only a list of sensitive locations, such as knowing aj("asdf") is indeed the same "asdf" as seen obfuscated elsewhere
L528[07:12:36] <masa> you really think their original source is commented? :p
L529[07:12:47] <gigaherz> I'd assume ith as SOME comments
L530[07:13:08] <gigaherz> and I guess it woudl be hilarious to compare the original comments
L531[07:13:18] <masa> int thisField = 5; /* set thisField to 5 */
L532[07:13:19] <gigaherz> with forge/mod comments about the same code
L533[07:13:23] <Ordinastie> masa, i think there are plenty of comments like "this real dirty hack was made because..."
L534[07:13:40] <masa> heh, maybe
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L537[07:19:27] <halvors> Is there a way to get the metadata of a block from the Block object?
L538[07:19:31] ⇨ Joins: flappy (~flappy@85-76-64-154-nat.elisa-mobile.fi)
L539[07:19:43] <diesieben07> no
L540[07:19:52] <halvors> Hmm.
L541[07:19:53] <diesieben07> there is only ever *one* isntance of the Block object
L542[07:19:56] <diesieben07> it is more like BlockType
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L544[07:20:54] <diesieben07> what are you trying to achieve?
L545[07:21:39] <gigaherz> halvors: you need the BlockPos(1.8) or x,y,z coords in order to interact with the world
L546[07:22:01] <gigaherz> the Block class is just a manager for the infor in the world
L547[07:22:09] <gigaherz> -r
L548[07:22:29] <halvors> gigaherz: I was simply trying to get the metadata in ItemBlock, but i misunderstood the context here, think i got it now :)
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L550[07:22:42] <halvors> diesieben07: Thanks for help :)
L551[07:22:53] <diesieben07> ItemBlock stores the metadata in the ItemStack
L552[07:24:47] <gigaherz> ah to get the "metadata" of an item, you need the item damage from the stack
L553[07:24:58] <gigaherz> there's no metadata associated with the Item itself either ;P
L554[07:25:03] <diesieben07> yeah
L555[07:25:40] <gigaherz> I understand why it's done that way, but chances are I'd have done it differently XD
L556[07:26:23] <gigaherz> or maybe not, since MC already has issues with not being horribly slow as it is
L557[07:26:50] <gigaherz> anyhow, that can't be changed unless you buy Mojang from Microsoft and you poke them untel they change it
L558[07:26:51] <diesieben07> notch probably did it like that because of the way he did Blocks
L559[07:26:53] <gigaherz> so...
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L561[07:27:00] <diesieben07> so he did it exactly the same
L562[07:27:22] <gigaherz> I was including the blocks in "I'd do it differently" ;P
L563[07:27:33] <diesieben07> huh ok...
L564[07:27:43] <diesieben07> you won't be able to have one object per position though
L565[07:27:49] <diesieben07> that will kill any low-end computer
L566[07:27:54] <gigaherz> well we do have one in 1.8
L567[07:27:54] <gigaherz> ;P
L568[07:27:58] <diesieben07> no
L569[07:28:07] <diesieben07> BlockPos instances are all short-lived
L570[07:28:12] <gigaherz> actually no, it just has predefined blockstates
L571[07:28:17] <gigaherz> no I meant the blockstates ;P
L572[07:28:28] <gigaherz> but those aren't instanced per block
L573[07:28:31] <diesieben07> yeah
L574[07:28:36] <diesieben07> they are interned
L575[07:28:43] <diesieben07> and even then they have performance problems
L576[07:28:47] <gigaherz> and they are horrible anyhow
L577[07:29:05] <gigaherz> since you end up having all possible blockstaes defined in advance
L578[07:29:17] <diesieben07> yeah unless you use the unlisted properties
L579[07:29:43] <Ordinastie> it's a really bad design that for once, you can't blame on notch :p
L580[07:30:32] <gigaherz> so yeah, as I said
L581[07:30:57] <gigaherz> "I wouldh ave done it differently" -- except I would probably have done it like that in the end because of performance reasons
L582[07:31:27] <gigaherz> 16x16x256 ...
L583[07:31:40] <gigaherz> assuming air == "null" in the world grid
L584[07:31:50] <gigaherz> and an average of 70 height
L585[07:32:04] <gigaherz> that's still over 17k objects per chunk
L586[07:32:31] <gigaherz> with a 12 chunk viewing radius
L587[07:32:54] <gigaherz> that's round 450 chunks visible at once
L588[07:33:17] <gigaherz> which is approximately 8 million instances
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L590[07:33:51] <gigaherz> even if each instance was 100% empty, you at least need type information
L591[07:34:04] <diesieben07> i think 8 bytes
L592[07:34:09] <gigaherz> and possibly a virtual method table
L593[07:34:15] <gigaherz> so at LEAST 8 bytes, possibly 16-20
L594[07:34:17] *** cpw|out is now known as cpw
L595[07:34:35] <gigaherz> so lets use 20 as worst-case
L596[07:34:46] <gigaherz> 160mb worth of world information
L597[07:34:49] <diesieben07> the vmt is not per-object though
L598[07:34:57] <diesieben07> the object header is 8bytes or 12 bytes max on 64 bits
L599[07:35:09] <gigaherz> well it's NOT unfeasible
L600[07:35:12] <diesieben07> the vmt is per-class
L601[07:35:15] <gigaherz> ah
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L603[07:35:37] <gigaherz> it's crazy amounts of objects, but the total memory usage isn't THAT crazy
L604[07:35:49] <gigaherz> that is, assuming all the empty slots are null
L605[07:36:27] <gigaherz> if you had "new Air()" on each empty slot, that'd put the size up to 600mb
L606[07:36:43] <gigaherz> and that's in a 12-chunk radius
L607[07:36:47] <gigaherz> imagine with 20, or 32
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L609[07:36:54] <gigaherz> or heck, the SERVER
L610[07:38:11] <masa> and what exactly would be the point in that type of system?
L611[07:38:52] <diesieben07> you would not have all the "World, x, y, z" methods in the Block class
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L613[07:39:49] <masa> right, but I think that is a small prize to pay for not storing/duplicating information unnecessarily. but what do I know anyway...
L614[07:39:59] <masa> price even
L615[07:40:09] <diesieben07> i agree
L616[07:40:36] <diesieben07> we just need value types and everything will be pretty
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L618[07:40:58] <masa> value types?
L619[07:41:08] <diesieben07> e.g. BlockPos
L620[07:41:19] <diesieben07> you make new instances of it etc but it behaves as if you were just passing 3 ints
L621[07:41:27] <diesieben07> you cant synchronize on it etc
L622[07:41:38] <diesieben07> but it will just take the 3 ints of memory, no object header
L623[07:41:40] <gigaherz> masa: "struct" in C#, or not using pointers in C++
L624[07:41:46] <diesieben07> yeah, that
L625[07:41:51] <diesieben07> but a bit more than just a struct
L626[07:41:58] *** PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter
L627[07:42:07] <masa> I don't know C# or C++, but I do know C to some extent... :p
L628[07:42:12] <gigaherz> well C then
L629[07:42:20] <diesieben07> its classes that behave somewhat like c structs :D
L630[07:42:22] <gigaherz> you know how a C struct is copied all over thep lace
L631[07:42:25] <gigaherz> if you don't use pointers?
L632[07:42:37] <masa> yeah
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L634[07:42:58] <gigaherz> C# objects declared as "struct" instead of "class" behave similarly
L635[07:43:03] <gigaherz> they have "ByVal" semantics
L636[07:43:20] <gigaherz> (instead of ByRef)
L637[07:43:39] <gigaherz> and some code in Java would greatly benefit from a similar concept
L638[07:43:56] <masa> mmkay
L639[07:44:17] <gigaherz> it lets yuou copy data around in stack without having to instantiate
L640[07:44:37] <gigaherz> most implementations of C/C++/C# Vector(2/3/4) classes work like that
L641[07:44:53] <gigaherz> you*
L642[07:45:37] <gigaherz> that, along with operator overloading and unsigned integers, are the things I miss the most when coding in Java
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L644[07:47:36] <masa> heh yeah, most of the variables I have used in C are unsigned :p counters, offsets, etc
L645[07:47:49] <masa> at least in embedded
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L647[07:48:57] ⇨ Joins: Raga_BM (~K@
L648[07:49:04] <PaleoCrafter> all those people wanting operator overloading when getting rid of operators is the way to go :P
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L650[07:49:43] <Ordinastie> PaleoCrafter, you advocate 5.add(3) instead of 5 + 3 ?
L651[07:49:46] <PaleoCrafter> no
L652[07:50:03] <PaleoCrafter> I advocate getting rid of restricting method names to alphanumeric characters :P
L653[07:50:20] <Ordinastie> 5+(3) ?
L654[07:50:29] <PaleoCrafter> 5 + 3 stays 5 + 3 :P
L655[07:50:42] <PaleoCrafter> the magic of scala
L656[07:51:20] <Ordinastie> yeah, the kind of magic that should get youu on a pyre
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L658[07:53:31] <gigaherz> PaleoCrafter: i'm not sure how A.+(B) is any better than .add ;P
L659[07:53:38] <halvors> I have my TileEntity stored in a variable as TileEntity.class
L660[07:54:03] <halvors> What i want to do is to make a new instance of it using variable.newInstance();
L661[07:54:13] <Ordinastie> halvors, no
L662[07:54:21] <halvors> But how can i make that function return the type of the class passed to the variable?
L663[07:54:25] <Ordinastie> you don't store the TileEntities
L664[07:54:31] <gigaherz> unless you also add infix notation attributes and custom operator precedence rules
L665[07:54:34] <gigaherz> in which case it becomes hell.
L666[07:54:34] <Ordinastie> and you don't instantiates yourself
L667[07:55:12] <PaleoCrafter> gigaherz, keep the precedence for the usual "operators" and yeah, infix notation ftw :P
L668[07:55:19] <halvors> I simply want to store the tileEntities as primitive TileEntity.class and create them later.
L669[07:55:21] <gigaherz> so
L670[07:55:33] <Ordinastie> halvors, you don't create them yourself
L671[07:55:46] <halvors> Um?
L672[07:55:50] <gigaherz> PaleoCrafter: if you have public infix Vec3 +(Vec3 other) .... how's that any different than just calling it "operator+" ? ;P
L673[07:55:56] <halvors> Should they magically fall from the sky?
L674[07:55:59] <Ordinastie> they're created by the block when you place them in the world
L675[07:56:08] <PaleoCrafter> you're introducing unnecessary keywords, gigaherz
L676[07:56:09] <halvors> No.
L677[07:56:22] <PaleoCrafter> it's just def +(other: Vec3): Vec3 :P
L678[07:56:24] <gigaherz> halvors: why do you STORE the class at all?
L679[07:56:28] <halvors> I'm returning this in the createNewTileEntity() function of the block,.
L680[07:56:39] <Ordinastie> halvors, NO.
L681[07:56:41] <halvors> Same reason FML does.
L682[07:57:04] <gigaherz> uih?
L683[07:57:05] <gigaherz> uh*
L684[07:57:28] <Lumien> halvors if you define your field as Class<? extends Whatever> it should return the proper type
L685[07:57:30] <Ordinastie> halvors, you have only ONE instance of the block, but you have as much instance of your TileEntity as position
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L687[07:57:48] <Ordinastie> that's the point of a TileEntity
L688[07:58:24] <halvors> Ordinastie: I know. But when doing Class<? extends TileEntity> and then calling that variable with newInstance() i get Object.
L689[07:58:36] <halvors> Do i need to cast that to the original type?
L690[07:58:37] <Lumien> Cast it then
L691[07:58:41] <gigaherz> cast it.
L692[07:58:44] <Ordinastie> why would you do newInstance anyway ?
L693[07:58:45] <gigaherz> but why do that at all?
L694[07:58:45] <Lumien> Although when i do that i get the type :P
L695[07:58:47] <halvors> The problem is the types could vary.
L696[07:58:59] <gigaherz> just.... instancei t
L697[07:58:59] <Lumien> But they would all be tile entitys right?
L698[07:59:02] <halvors> Ordinastie: Because of simplicity.
L699[07:59:12] <gigaherz> halvors: just cast to TileEntity
L700[07:59:13] <Ordinastie> can you show your code ?
L701[07:59:16] <halvors> Yeah all would extends the TileEntity base class.
L702[07:59:20] <gigaherz> but really
L703[07:59:25] <gigaherz> it sounds like you are overengineering
L704[07:59:32] <Lumien> so what's the problem with casting it to TileEntity then?
L705[07:59:33] <diesieben07> newInstance on Class<? extends TileEntity> gives you a TileEntity
L706[07:59:35] <diesieben07> without a cast
L707[07:59:45] <diesieben07> if it doesn't you are doing something wrong
L708[07:59:51] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/blocks/BlockEssentializer.java#L38
L709[07:59:53] <gigaherz> it's just this simple
L710[08:00:00] <gigaherz> there isn't any need for overcomplication or generifying
L711[08:01:49] <halvors> Here is my code: http://pastebin.com/H13Jmk1p
L712[08:02:14] <gigaherz> NO!
L713[08:02:15] <gigaherz> why?
L714[08:02:26] <PaleoCrafter> ...
L715[08:02:29] <Ordinastie> you're returning a Class...
L716[08:02:30] <diesieben07> newInstance returns a TileEntity
L717[08:02:31] <diesieben07> not a Class
L718[08:02:40] <Ordinastie> ^ I meant that
L719[08:02:47] <halvors> diesieben07: What i want to achive is that it's returning the type i pass to the constructor, it could be a class that extends TileEntity as well.
L720[08:03:02] <diesieben07> you need a generic class with a type paramter
L721[08:03:09] <diesieben07> MyClass<T extends TileEntity>
L722[08:03:14] <diesieben07> and then a Class<T> in the constructor
L723[08:03:20] <diesieben07> then your getTileEntity can return T
L724[08:03:24] <diesieben07> but... WHY?
L725[08:04:09] <gigaherz> look halvors, just make the getTileEntity return TileEntity
L726[08:04:18] <diesieben07> what is that getTielEntity method anyways?
L727[08:04:22] <gigaherz> Class<> does NOT belong there
L728[08:04:29] ⇦ Quits: Drullkus (~Drullkus@2601:646:8301:c41e:f141:ab65:4295:52c6) (Remote host closed the connection)
L729[08:04:35] <diesieben07> it certainly doesn't override/implement any vanilla method
L730[08:05:04] <gigaherz> and since it's already returning TileEntity, you may as well just move that code into createNewTileEntity
L731[08:05:24] <diesieben07> *createTileEntity
L732[08:05:29] <diesieben07> createNewTileEntity is obsolete
L733[08:05:41] <gigaherz> it is?
L734[08:05:44] <gigaherz> in 1.8?
L735[08:05:51] <diesieben07> no, since like... ever
L736[08:06:05] <diesieben07> just override hasTileEntity and createTileEntity
L737[08:06:10] <diesieben07> no need to implement or extend anything
L738[08:06:24] <Ordinastie> diesieben07, it's the other way around :)
L739[08:06:28] <diesieben07> no its not.
L740[08:06:29] <Ordinastie> or wait
L741[08:06:31] <diesieben07> that will in 1.8 also give you the IBlockState instead of just the metadata
L742[08:06:46] <gigaherz> uh? ITileEntityProvider isn't marked as obsolete
L743[08:06:52] <diesieben07> of course it isn't
L744[08:07:01] <Ordinastie> no ITEP do use createNewTileEntity
L745[08:07:02] <diesieben07> but forge's method is the way to go :P
L746[08:07:32] <diesieben07> a) you don't have to implement that horrid interface name b) the method name is cleaner
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L748[08:07:50] <diesieben07> and c) in 1.8 you can work with the IBlcokState in there, which the ITEP doesn't give you
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L750[08:08:32] <gigaherz> I see
L751[08:08:37] <gigaherz> well, "fixed"
L752[08:08:48] <Ordinastie> c) what ?
L753[08:08:57] <diesieben07> ITEP gives you only metadata, even in 1.8
L754[08:09:02] <gigaherz> yeah
L755[08:09:03] <halvors> diesieben07: Exactly how?
L756[08:09:07] <Ordinastie> oh
L757[08:09:10] <diesieben07> halvors, wut?
L758[08:09:21] <Ordinastie> well, not my fault if the update sucks :x
L759[08:09:38] <diesieben07> it's what you get when you use Mojang code instead of the superior forge patch
L760[08:09:53] <gigaherz> halvors: override hasTileEntity to return true, then override createTileEntity to return new te();
L761[08:10:09] <Ordinastie> no, I mean the forge patch sucks
L762[08:10:22] <Ordinastie> like, why the hell you don't pass the state directly ?
L763[08:10:43] <gigaherz> uh?
L764[08:10:44] <Ordinastie> oh, nvm -_-
L765[08:10:50] <Ordinastie> mojang is dumb, that's why
L766[08:11:27] <gigaherz> hmm is there even a reason to ahve different TileEntities depending on state?
L767[08:11:34] <Wuppy> hmm, that's strange
L768[08:11:36] <gigaherz> oh I guess LargeChest is a different TE?
L769[08:11:43] <Wuppy> my plant is completely invisble when I place it
L770[08:11:51] <Wuppy> however they do give the right colored particles
L771[08:12:00] <Wuppy> what's going on
L772[08:12:14] <halvors> diesieben07: This should work from my experience, but havn't dealt much with general class type parameters http://pastebin.com/PaDsSZfL
L773[08:12:36] <gigaherz> wh ... at?
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L775[08:12:51] <gigaherz> halvors: wtf is "public <T extends TileEntity> T" supposed to mean?
L776[08:13:11] <gigaherz> just return TileEntity, as is, no generic parameters needed!
L777[08:13:34] <Ordinastie> halvors, T is supposed to be a class parameter
L778[08:13:46] <halvors> It is.
L779[08:13:51] <Ordinastie> no it isn't
L780[08:13:54] <halvors> General class parameter.
L781[08:13:56] <Ordinastie> post your whole class
L782[08:14:09] <diesieben07> no dont even
L783[08:14:12] <diesieben07> what is your end goal.
L784[08:14:14] <Wuppy> can somebody help me with my plant model?
L785[08:14:19] <Wuppy> I've got the following jsons http://pastebin.com/hSrxzaiw
L786[08:14:28] <Wuppy> and I use this to regsiter the render http://pastebin.com/D5gezqLc
L787[08:14:37] <Wuppy> and my blocks don't get the proper texture
L788[08:14:40] <PaleoCrafter> diesieben07, world domination
L789[08:14:41] ⇨ Joins: Flan (~Flan@host109-151-3-172.range109-151.btcentralplus.com)
L790[08:14:49] <Wuppy> they are invisible, but the particles have the correct color when broken
L791[08:14:54] <halvors> http://pastebin.com/4nUEUbtg
L792[08:15:00] ⇨ Joins: Cooler (~CoolerExt@
L793[08:15:03] <halvors> Ordinastie: :)
L794[08:15:05] <Wuppy> PaleoCrafter, you seem to be a json genious
L795[08:15:07] <Lumien> Wuppy do you extend BlockContainer with them?
L796[08:15:23] <Lumien> Or generally have the proper getRenderType() ?
L797[08:15:27] <Wuppy> it's BlockBush
L798[08:15:43] <Wuppy> and I have the render type set to 6
L799[08:16:13] ⇨ Joins: Neshram (~Neshram@cpe-71-79-228-188.columbus.res.rr.com)
L800[08:16:20] <Lumien> That doesn't exist
L801[08:16:27] <Lumien> pretty sure theres just 1,2,3
L802[08:16:36] <Lumien> fluid,te,model
L803[08:16:39] <Wuppy> what should it be then?
L804[08:16:43] <Lumien> 3
L805[08:16:48] ⇦ Quits: TheJulianJES (~TheJulian@p4FEDF85A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by TheJulianJES_!~TheJulian@p4FEDF609.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)))
L806[08:16:58] <Wuppy> hmm okay, it used to be 6 for crops
L807[08:17:00] <Flan> Hi everyone, do you know if there is anyone around here who would be interested in doing some paid mod work for a YouTuber? It's primarily animating models written in Tabula, so anyone with a decent understanding of GL transforms would be suited to the job.
L808[08:17:25] <PaleoCrafter> Wuppy, 1.8 render types aren't the same as the old ones :P
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L810[08:17:37] <Wuppy> guess so Paleo
L811[08:17:48] <Wuppy> the strange thing is that the method works just fine in a lsightly older 1.8 build :P
L812[08:18:01] <diesieben07> halvors, what is the purpose of that thing? why did you make that class?
L813[08:18:03] <Wuppy> but you guys are right, thanks a lot :)
L814[08:18:05] <halvors> diesieben07: Shouldn't that work? :) http://pastebin.com/4nUEUbtg
L815[08:18:18] <diesieben07> considering it is not valid java - no.
L816[08:18:34] <diesieben07> anyways i have to leave. be back in ~20 minutes
L817[08:18:40] <halvors> diesieben07: It's a class holding some String and the tileentity class type.
L818[08:18:45] <halvors> I and metadata
L819[08:18:54] <Lumien> But what is the purpose of it?
L820[08:18:56] <halvors> I use it for my Multiblock metadata block.
L821[08:19:26] <halvors> Do i registers sub blocks, with their tileEntity and have this work automatically.
L822[08:19:40] <halvors> Textures, tileEntities, nothing needs to go in the block class :)
L823[08:19:50] <halvors> That is the purpouse.
L824[08:20:21] <masa> uh wat
L825[08:20:36] <halvors> diesieben07: Ok :)
L826[08:22:21] <gigaherz> halvors: your idea of generics is too broken to be useful, you needto read up on them a bit more before you can make use of them properly
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L831[08:35:17] <diesieben07> halvors, i highly doubt the usefulness of your approach.
L832[08:39:11] <gigaherz> hmm quick question, while I look it up myself on the side,
L833[08:39:28] <gigaherz> is there a method to make entities slow down through my block as they do on cobweb, or is it hardcoded somehow?
L834[08:40:26] <diesieben07> Entity.setInWeb...
L835[08:40:33] <diesieben07> so, kinda hardcoded
L836[08:40:45] <gigaherz> aha yep
L837[08:40:49] <gigaherz> it's just "in web/not in web
L838[08:41:00] <gigaherz> so I can't have it slow down, but not quite as much
L839[08:41:38] <diesieben07> you could probably do that by modifying the motionX|Y|Z
L840[08:41:45] <gigaherz> I was hoping to add a "cushion" spell, that wouldcreate "Dense dust" blocks that slow you down proportionally to the dispersion state
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L844[08:52:09] <Lumien> Biomes o plentys quicksand also seems to handle this using the motion
L845[08:52:10] <Lumien> https://github.com/Glitchfiend/BiomesOPlenty/blob/f9335e9a47447dc5bd370e70f2687d3c521b1e4f/src/main/java/biomesoplenty/common/blocks/BlockMud.java
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L852[09:09:51] <HassanS6000> If I use this.getNavigator().tryMoveToEntityLiving
L853[09:10:03] <HassanS6000> How would I know when it's arrived?
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L855[09:11:26] <gigaherz> hmmm how does minecraft calculate the fall damage?
L856[09:11:33] <gigaherz> it's clearly slowing me down, but I still die
L857[09:11:34] <gigaherz> XD
L858[09:11:58] <diesieben07> HassanS6000, getPath right after you set the path, then isFinished on that
L859[09:12:13] <diesieben07> (so keep the PathEntity object stored somewhere)
L860[09:12:21] <HassanS6000> Okay thanks
L861[09:13:50] <gigaherz> oh it's based on *height*
L862[09:19:39] <gigaherz> well, distance
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L864[09:20:33] <HassanS6000> In my entitiy onUpdate method I just did this.fallDistance = 0F;
L865[09:20:39] <HassanS6000> *entity
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L867[09:20:56] <gigaherz> yeah I wasn't that drastic ;P
L868[09:21:57] <gigaherz> I did motion *= factor; fallDistance *= factor
L869[09:22:15] <gigaherz> although I'm thinking the distance doesnt' grow linearly
L870[09:22:34] <gigaherz> x = x0 + v0*t + 1/2 * g * t^2
L871[09:22:58] <gigaherz> so I could figure out the new fallDistance based on the new motionY
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L874[09:26:57] <gigaherz> meh even EntityThrowable's "getGravityVelocity" is protected, not public
L875[09:28:16] <diesieben07> gigaherz, you know there is an event for modifying the fall distance?
L876[09:28:32] <gigaherz> event?
L877[09:28:39] <gigaherz> what for?
L878[09:28:54] <diesieben07> i thought you wanted to prevent the fall damage
L879[09:28:57] <gigaherz> no
L880[09:29:01] <diesieben07> oh
L881[09:29:04] <gigaherz> I want to calculate a new fall distance
L882[09:29:07] <gigaherz> that simulates only a slowdown
L883[09:29:10] <gigaherz> and not a full negation
L884[09:29:51] <gigaherz> IMO the fall damage should be based on velocity (motionY) but since Minecraft chose otherwise...
L885[09:30:10] <diesieben07> uh yeah tahts waht the event is for
L886[09:30:14] <diesieben07> modifying the fall distance
L887[09:30:32] <gigaherz> I'm just doing onEntityCollidedWithBlock -> motionY *= 0.x
L888[09:31:59] <gigaherz> is that not the right way to do it? ;P
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L890[09:32:52] <diesieben07> sure but it only changes motion
L891[09:32:52] <diesieben07> not fall damage
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L893[09:33:26] <gigaherz> hence why I did entityIn.fallDistance = <formula here>
L894[09:33:26] <gigaherz> ;P
L895[09:34:56] <HassanS6000> Is there a method or something that is fired when an entity hits a block
L896[09:35:07] <HassanS6000> I wanna make this Entity climb a block if its between it and its target
L897[09:35:10] <gigaherz> "onEntityCollidedWithBlock"
L898[09:35:14] <gigaherz> XD
L899[09:35:15] <HassanS6000> ty gigaherz
L900[09:35:27] <HassanS6000> !gm onEntityCollidedWithBlock 1.7.10
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L902[09:35:33] <gigaherz> it's in the block, though
L903[09:36:59] <gigaherz> meh doens't work the way I expected it to
L904[09:37:06] <diesieben07> yeah you need to do that in the event though
L905[09:37:07] <diesieben07> since the fall distance is always recalculated
L906[09:37:10] <gigaherz> may as well jsut set fallDistance to 0 for what it achieves
L907[09:37:39] <gigaherz> nah it works just fine... just I dropped from height 256 and it still negates all noticeable damage XD
L908[09:37:47] <gigaherz> as in, slows me down too fast XD
L909[09:38:22] <HassanS6000> gigaherz, that is for a specific block
L910[09:38:33] <gigaherz> yes HassanS6000
L911[09:38:49] <gigaherz> there's also entity.onImpact
L912[09:38:53] <HassanS6000> ty
L913[09:39:29] <HassanS6000> !gm onImpact 1.7.10
L914[09:39:47] <HassanS6000> gigaherz, that's entityThrowable, and ENtityFireball
L915[09:41:16] <gigaherz> oh right
L916[09:41:21] <gigaherz> well, look how they detect impact, then
L917[09:41:27] <gigaherz> and see what the base method would look like
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L929[09:59:33] <minecreatr> how do I use FMLMissingMappingsEvent to reassign a block from one mod to another?
L930[10:00:36] <PaleoCrafter> minecreatr, uhm... event.remap?
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L932[10:01:55] <minecreatr> is the name of a missing mapping the unlocalized name?
L933[10:02:53] <PaleoCrafter> no, the name in the registry
L934[10:03:23] <minecreatr> so like minecraft:dirt?
L935[10:03:28] <PaleoCrafter> yep
L936[10:03:43] <gigaherz> it just happens that many blocks are registered using the same unlocalized name
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L946[10:37:57] <Lumien> Wow, should have updated my eclipse earlier. Auto Complete is so much faster now o_O
L947[10:41:26] <laci200270> what version you updated?
L948[10:41:45] <laci200270> I now have luna
L949[10:42:11] <Lumien> i was on juno
L950[10:42:13] <Lumien> now on mars
L951[10:42:18] <Lumien> so i was 3 version behind :P
L952[10:45:33] <laci200270> luna how many versions behind? i'm getting exceptions on autocomplete... should I update? :D
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L954[10:46:50] <Lumien> 1
L955[10:46:56] <Lunatrius> Tsk
L956[10:47:02] <Lumien> i don't know xD, the only thing i noticed was the fast auto complete
L957[10:47:10] <Lumien> and some color scheme changes
L958[10:47:24] <Lunatrius> I shouldn't have luna on my ping list when I know eclipse luna exists.
L959[10:48:11] <laci200270> i checked it: 7 versions behind :D
L960[10:49:40] <Lumien> well i meant "major" ones
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L962[10:54:00] <laci200270> Yes: kepler,juno,indigo,helios,galielo,ganymade,europa
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L964[10:56:58] <dmf444> When writing a patch for forge, should we indent code to keep consistancy?
L965[10:57:52] <flappy> laci200270: Kepler is 7 versions behind, eh?
L966[10:58:58] <laci200270> i was at luna
L967[11:00:03] <laci200270> if the clipse site correct and I understood good luna was the oldest that was the site
L968[11:00:08] <laci200270> *eclipse
L969[11:00:21] <PaleoCrafter> uhm, luna is the newest after Mars, I think :P
L970[11:00:31] <laci200270> https://wiki.eclipse.org/Older_Versions_Of_Eclipse
L971[11:00:46] <laci200270> oh so invert the order
L972[11:01:02] <PaleoCrafter> it even says the years on there :P
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L974[11:04:18] <smbarbour> And they go in alphabetical order.
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L979[11:14:28] <williewillus> if you do Block.getBlockFromItem() on an item that has no block form will it just give you null?
L980[11:14:41] <williewillus> ah nvm
L981[11:14:43] <williewillus> it gives you air
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L995[11:44:39] <HassanS6000> Huh.. why is it that this entity can't find a path to get to me but the other one can..
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L1002[11:59:13] <HassanS6000> Hi. Would anybody know why my entity can't move?
L1003[11:59:24] <HassanS6000> http://pastebin.com/iDif6VBH
L1004[11:59:52] <HassanS6000> http://snag.gy/084hw.jpg
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L1006[12:00:04] <HassanS6000> All it does is move its arms/legs but it stay stationary
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L1008[12:05:45] <diesieben07> HassanS6000, you must call super.onUpdate
L1009[12:06:02] <HassanS6000> k ty
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L1012[12:08:10] <Wuppy> hmm updateEntity is gone for TEs
L1013[12:08:13] <Wuppy> how does one update now?
L1014[12:08:24] <Mitchellbrine> IUpdatePlayerBox
L1015[12:08:27] <Mitchellbrine> or something close to that
L1016[12:08:28] <Wuppy> whaty
L1017[12:08:31] <Mitchellbrine> implement that
L1018[12:08:35] <Mitchellbrine> in your TE
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L1020[12:08:42] <gigaherz> HassanS6000: is that Alien? ;P
L1021[12:08:50] <sham1> Stupid name but will be replaced by ITickable in the future
L1022[12:08:54] <HassanS6000> gigaherz, yes it is.
L1023[12:09:06] <HassanS6000> Wuppy, is it? I'm pretty sure TE's have onUpdate
L1024[12:09:09] <gigaherz> will it give you chest bursters? ;P
L1025[12:09:15] <HassanS6000> !gm onUpdate
L1026[12:09:17] <sham1> Hassan, he is 1.8
L1027[12:09:28] <Wuppy> yep
L1028[12:09:33] <Wuppy> I'm up to date: P
L1029[12:09:45] <gigaherz> well as up to date as Forge allows ;P
L1030[12:09:45] <sham1> They made tile entities not ticking by default
L1031[12:09:53] <Wuppy> smart
L1032[12:09:56] <sham1> Smart move
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L1034[12:10:02] <diesieben07> you could do it in forge before :P
L1035[12:10:25] <sham1> how
L1036[12:10:26] <Mitchellbrine> but now it's default
L1037[12:10:27] <gigaherz> how does the ticking work, doesit add the TE into a list after you return it from createTileEntity?
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L1039[12:10:37] <diesieben07> shouldUpdate i think
L1040[12:10:42] <diesieben07> canUpdate rather
L1041[12:10:49] <HassanS6000> diesieben07, that fixed it thanks.
L1042[12:10:56] <diesieben07> yes it does giga. it maintains 2 lists anyways
L1043[12:11:01] <sham1> it checks if the TE should tick, in 1.8 it is by doing te instanceof IUpdatePlayerBox
L1044[12:11:03] <diesieben07> one Map<coords,TE> and a List
L1045[12:11:16] <diesieben07> and if it doesnt tick it doesnt add to the list
L1046[12:11:24] <gigaherz> sham1: yeah but if it did "instanceof IUpdate..." every single tick
L1047[12:11:26] <gigaherz> thne it would be pointless XD
L1048[12:11:29] <sham1> mm
L1049[12:11:41] <sham1> So it can do it once and add it to a list
L1050[12:11:42] <gigaherz> hence why I asked if it has a second list with just the tickables
L1051[12:11:47] <sham1> :P
L1052[12:11:53] <diesieben07> yes, it has and it has had that since ever :D
L1053[12:11:58] <gigaherz> makes sense
L1054[12:12:00] <diesieben07> but before the list just contained all TEs
L1055[12:12:11] <gigaherz> lol
L1056[12:12:17] <diesieben07> actually no... they have 2 lists now
L1057[12:12:19] <diesieben07> what the hell
L1058[12:12:24] <diesieben07> mojang be crazy
L1059[12:12:34] <diesieben07> 2 lists AND a Map for each chunk...
L1060[12:12:35] <sham1> Mojang *shakes fist*
L1061[12:13:04] <sham1> or rather Microsoft pls
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L1065[12:19:19] <shadekiller666> i don't think MS had much to do with how Mojang coded their chunks :P
L1066[12:22:15] <HassanS6000> giga, yes there is a chestburster :P
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L1070[12:28:17] <shadekiller666> if i wanted to get the absolute file path of a blockstate json how would i do so?
L1071[12:29:53] <gigaherz> you are not supposed to
L1072[12:29:57] <gigaherz> chacnes are it will be inside a jar
L1073[12:30:00] <gigaherz> chances*
L1074[12:30:02] *** big_Xplosion is now known as big_Xplo|AFK
L1075[12:31:31] <Wuppy> well that's interesting
L1076[12:31:34] <Wuppy> my block texture stops working
L1077[12:31:43] <Wuppy> when I change from extends Block to BlockContainer
L1078[12:31:45] <Wuppy> wot
L1079[12:32:00] <Wuppy> how can that happen?
L1080[12:32:31] <Lumien> BlockContainer has te renderer as default render type
L1081[12:32:55] <Wuppy> yeah I just looked through it
L1082[12:33:00] <Wuppy> it sets the render type to -1
L1083[12:33:08] <Wuppy> it's just trying to break your things
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L1085[12:34:20] <shadekiller666> giga, i want to make it possible to change camera transforms using commands, with the help of a rendering tool, and it works fine whilst the game is running, the problem is that those changes would be erased if they aren't saved into the json for whatever model you're applying them to
L1086[12:34:28] <dangranos> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQoA_wjmE9w nice video
L1087[12:35:54] <Lumien> shade are you talking about your own items?
L1088[12:36:39] <Wuppy> well that's nice :C
L1089[12:36:44] <Wuppy> I added ITickable
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L1091[12:36:46] <Wuppy> but it's not ticking
L1092[12:36:52] <shadekiller666> i'm talking about whatever item/block the player is currently holding
L1093[12:36:55] <Wuppy> either that or my TEs not being created
L1094[12:37:02] <Wuppy> but I have createNewTileEntity
L1095[12:37:03] <Lumien> Wuppy it's called IUpdatePlayerListBox :P
L1096[12:37:28] <Wuppy> ah
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L1098[12:37:35] <Wuppy> that's... quite the name
L1099[12:38:09] <Wuppy> this does not run every tick anymore does it?
L1100[12:38:19] <Lumien> yes it does
L1101[12:38:27] <Wuppy> there's still 20 ticks in a second?
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L1104[12:38:47] <Lumien> yes
L1105[12:39:27] <Wuppy> and cycleProperty only adds 1 to the property when it's called right?
L1106[12:40:25] <Lumien> It cycles through the possible values
L1107[12:40:36] <Wuppy> nvm, I'm incapable of lesser and greater than signs...
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L1110[12:42:15] <Wuppy> well, thanks for the help, but I've got to go
L1111[12:42:15] <shadekiller666> Lumien, i'm talking about whatever item the player is currently holding
L1112[12:42:17] <Wuppy> o7
L1113[12:42:39] <Lumien> How do you apply the modifier then?
L1114[12:43:45] <shadekiller666> well, because of the events that the tool listens to, i'm able to change the Matrix4f that is currently being used to render the model
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L1116[12:44:38] <shadekiller666> and i have the command class inside of the tool class, so it can access what it needs, the only thing missing is the ability to save the values that are currently applied so that you don't lose them when you exit the game
L1117[12:45:39] <Lumien> Yes but is it YOUR tool?
L1118[12:46:35] <shadekiller666> yep
L1119[12:47:08] <Lumien> Not sure what exactly it's doing but can't you save that information in the itemstack?
L1120[12:47:18] <Lumien> Or what exactly is it doing?
L1121[12:47:36] <shadekiller666> the tool is intended to make setting camera transform values easier
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L1123[12:48:33] <shadekiller666> and i got the idea of allowing a mod maker/resource pack maker to change the values in-game so that they don't have to change the json and then reload resources
L1124[12:48:38] <Lumien> ohh ok
L1125[12:49:29] <shadekiller666> instead they would use the command to change current applied values, and then the command would save the changes to the json in question when "save" was passed as its argument or something
L1126[12:50:24] <shadekiller666> or potentially generate a new json with the values that could be copy/pasted into the actual json if the former option won't work
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L1128[12:51:40] <Lumien> Maybe you can get the resource location using ItemModelMesher.simpleShapes
L1129[12:51:55] <OrionOnline> Hey guys if a block is placed, is the neighbor notified of that?
L1130[12:52:04] <gigaherz> dependso nt he placement flags
L1131[12:52:09] <gigaherz> by default, yes
L1132[12:52:31] <gigaherz> but things like ice do NOT cause block notifications when they melt
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L1135[12:53:52] <OrionOnline> Which call is made when a neighbor is placed?
L1136[12:54:06] <Ordinastie> onNeighborBlockChange ?
L1137[12:54:31] *** big_Xplo|AFK is now known as big_Xplosion
L1138[12:56:05] <masa> shadekiller666: so you are making something like this: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2342078-item-transform-helper-interactively-rotate-scale or what?
L1139[12:56:32] <minecreatr> when I use fontRenderer to render text during the game overlay, it makes everything else be slightly red tinted, I know thats because font renderer changes the Gl color buffers but I dont know how to change them to what they were before
L1140[12:57:58] <Lumien> GlStateManager.color
L1141[12:57:59] <shadekiller666> masa, ya kinda, but intended to be in forge (hopefully)
L1142[12:58:09] <shadekiller666> if theirs a place for it in forge
L1143[12:59:01] <masa> imo a tool like that shouldnät be in forge itself
L1144[12:59:01] <gigaherz> hmm I wonder if anyone has made a proper state manager
L1145[12:59:02] <gigaherz> as in
L1146[12:59:08] <minecreatr> Lumien, I dont see the class GlStateManager?
L1147[12:59:13] <Lumien> oh are you in 1.7.10?
L1148[12:59:32] <Lumien> GL11.glColor3f
L1149[12:59:53] <minecreatr> yeah, but I dont know what to set it to
L1150[12:59:58] <gigaherz> var myState = new GlState(); myState.color = whatever ...;
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L1152[13:00:09] <gigaherz> and then when you need to apply the state just doing "myState.apply()"
L1153[13:00:24] <gigaherz> it's one thing that I liked a lot from XNA4
L1154[13:00:44] <minecreatr> gigaherz, in 1.7, wish I could be in 1.8 but making a mod for someone who uses 1.7 -_-
L1155[13:01:09] <gigaherz> that wasn't me, it was Lumien
L1156[13:01:13] <gigaherz> I was just ranting ;P
L1157[13:01:22] <Lumien> minecreatr just set all colors to 1
L1158[13:01:36] <minecreatr> ok
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L1167[13:21:56] <Acters> So, is anyone able to connect to minecraftforge's site?
L1168[13:22:16] <Mimiru> Acters, yes?
L1169[13:23:25] <Acters> man it fixed it self
L1170[13:23:39] <diesieben07> it is down sometimes
L1171[13:24:07] <Acters> ok
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L1173[13:24:47] <Horfius> It is also commonly very slow
L1174[13:25:07] <Acters> the launcher has a 403 error when downloading the forge libraries
L1175[13:25:32] <diesieben07> which launcher are you using?
L1176[13:25:44] <Acters> default minecraft launcher
L1177[13:25:51] <diesieben07> and you used the installer?
L1178[13:25:56] <Acters> with the special java environment
L1179[13:26:03] <diesieben07> special java environment?
L1180[13:26:06] <Acters> yeah ofcourse
L1181[13:26:29] <Acters> you know the latest launcher includes a imbeded java version
L1182[13:26:39] <diesieben07> oh that
L1183[13:26:44] <diesieben07> that should work fine
L1184[13:27:29] <Acters> typically a 403 would mean that the server won't take further actions, but it is reachable and online
L1185[13:27:53] <diesieben07> it should not try to download anything at all when you use the installer,thats what the installer is there for
L1186[13:28:06] <diesieben07> otherwise it would try to download forge from the mojang servers, which of course is not going to work
L1187[13:28:16] <Acters> Its trying to download a library
L1188[13:28:19] <Acters> file
L1189[13:28:27] <diesieben07> please post logs
L1190[13:28:32] <Acters> ok
L1191[13:28:52] ⇨ Joins: sww1235 (~sww1235@
L1192[13:29:40] <Acters> http://pastebin.com/ezEVKAqC
L1193[13:30:52] <diesieben07> that looks like you did not use the installer or that is not the official launcher
L1194[13:31:33] <Acters> le sigh
L1195[13:31:42] <Acters> I will reinstall minecraft
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L1197[13:31:57] <diesieben07> no need to
L1198[13:32:00] <diesieben07> just re-install forge
L1199[13:32:31] <Acters> ok
L1200[13:33:17] <smbarbour> Yeah... that looks like the official launcher but Forge was not installed properly.
L1201[13:34:11] <Acters> it worked 1 hour ago
L1202[13:34:16] <Acters> nothing changed
L1203[13:34:23] <diesieben07> that is impossible
L1204[13:34:26] <diesieben07> otherwise it would still work
L1205[13:34:45] <smbarbour> Something changed. (i.e. it could no longer find the jar for Forge)
L1206[13:35:05] <Acters> maybe somewhere it hurt it self
L1207[13:35:13] <Horfius> But how
L1208[13:36:21] <Acters> yeah a reinstall of forge helped
L1209[13:36:41] <Acters> Don't ask me, I am not one with the computer
L1210[13:37:07] <smbarbour> Lines 101 and 102 of that paste are particularly strange.
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L1213[13:37:58] <Acters> let me check
L1214[13:38:14] <diesieben07> yeah why is your .minecraft folder D:\Documents\Curse? :o
L1215[13:38:24] <smbarbour> It found a jar and assumed its good, but then tried to download a different jar
L1216[13:38:37] <Acters> sigh I used the curse launcher to launch regular minecraft
L1217[13:38:46] <jadedcat> mine is H:Curse :p
L1218[13:38:52] <Acters> it all worked as I said
L1219[13:39:10] <diesieben07> so you are not using the official launcher then.
L1220[13:39:27] <jadedcat> yes he is
L1221[13:39:27] <Acters> ha curse uses the official launcher
L1222[13:39:33] <jadedcat> Curse uses the official launcher
L1223[13:39:42] <diesieben07> the official launcehr doesnt look in "D:\Documents\Curse"
L1224[13:39:55] <jadedcat> CurseVoice injects mods into the official launcher from Mojang
L1225[13:40:04] <jadedcat> that is where the mods are
L1226[13:40:06] <Acters> different location for files didn't matter an hour ago
L1227[13:40:12] <diesieben07> wat
L1228[13:40:31] <jadedcat> the Curse file holds instances of mods/configs/resources that get injected into the official launcher
L1229[13:40:49] <diesieben07> what do you mean by "injected"
L1230[13:40:57] <Acters> all curse does is tell the launcher where the files are kept
L1231[13:41:01] <jadedcat> it doesn't hold the actual launcher files, those are where they normally are
L1232[13:41:16] <diesieben07> according to that log they aren't...
L1233[13:41:17] <jadedcat> You know how when you start the vanilla launcher you can create profiles?
L1234[13:41:23] <diesieben07> D:\Documents\Curse\Minecraft\Install\libraries\ ...
L1235[13:41:29] <diesieben07> that is normally .minecraft\libraries
L1236[13:41:40] <Acters> Anyways I reinstalled forge on it and it worked, so Im happy
L1237[13:41:42] *** big_Xplosion is now known as big_Xplo|AFK
L1238[13:41:44] *** tterrag|ZZZzzz is now known as tterrag
L1239[13:41:57] <jadedcat> diesieben07: You know how when you start the vanilla launcher you can create profiles?
L1240[13:42:08] <diesieben07> yes, profiles
L1241[13:42:15] <diesieben07> those do not change where the libraries are stored
L1242[13:42:45] <jadedcat> all Curse does is create profiles and point the launcher at them
L1243[13:42:59] <diesieben07> then that log is not from the vanilla launcher + curse
L1244[13:43:06] <jadedcat> it keeps a backup of Forge libraries
L1245[13:43:09] <diesieben07> the vanilla launcher will look in .minecraft for libraries
L1246[13:43:12] <jadedcat> not minecraft ones
L1247[13:43:37] <jadedcat> and the problem in that log is that somehow the Forge libraries ran into an issue
L1248[13:43:54] <diesieben07> uhh sure
L1249[13:44:01] <diesieben07> all libraries are in .minecraft/libraries...
L1250[13:44:10] <Acters> vanilla launcher has a set location that can be changed to a different location
L1251[13:44:10] <jadedcat> no, the mojang libraries are in there
L1252[13:44:11] <smbarbour> The vanilla launcher will look in .minecraft... unless you launch it with --workDir <something else>
L1253[13:44:12] <diesieben07> changing the GameDir merely changes where mods and saves go
L1254[13:44:20] <diesieben07> ^^ that
L1255[13:44:36] <jadedcat> Oh? Mojang ships Forge specifc libraries?
L1256[13:44:40] <jadedcat> I did not know that
L1257[13:44:41] <diesieben07> no of course not
L1258[13:44:45] <diesieben07> that is why forge has an installer
L1259[13:44:51] <jadedcat> ding ding ding
L1260[13:44:59] <jadedcat> the libraries you are worried about are Forge
L1261[13:45:01] <jadedcat> not Mojang
L1262[13:45:07] <diesieben07> I did not say anything else
L1263[13:45:09] <smbarbour> I would imagine that CurseVoice would launch with a different workDir so as not to interfere with non-CV installs
L1264[13:45:13] <diesieben07> they still go in .minecraft
L1265[13:45:14] <jadedcat> ^
L1266[13:45:23] <jadedcat> nope, what smbarbour said
L1267[13:45:28] <diesieben07> yes, i get that NOW
L1268[13:45:30] <diesieben07> you never said that
L1269[13:45:33] <diesieben07> you said something about profiles
L1270[13:45:38] <jadedcat> yup
L1271[13:45:45] <diesieben07> profiles changes where MODS go
L1272[13:45:47] <diesieben07> not librabries
L1273[13:45:49] <jadedcat> the profiles Curse makes include Forge and Forge libraries
L1274[13:46:02] <jadedcat> actually so do the Vanilla ones
L1275[13:46:03] <diesieben07> profiles dont care about libraries
L1276[13:46:10] <diesieben07> profile = gameDir + version
L1277[13:46:13] <jadedcat> if you install Forge in vanilla, it adds libraries
L1278[13:46:18] <diesieben07> version = jar file + launch params + libraries
L1279[13:46:21] <jadedcat> Forge auto installs to Mojangs default
L1280[13:46:32] <diesieben07> isntall forge in vanilla
L1281[13:46:33] <diesieben07> wat
L1282[13:46:34] <jadedcat> Curse makes a new install so all the profiles are seperate from vanilla
L1283[13:46:46] <jadedcat> people do it
L1284[13:46:55] <jadedcat> they install just Forge in a vanilla instance
L1285[13:46:56] <diesieben07> curse launches the launcher with --workDir
L1286[13:46:57] <diesieben07> tahts all
L1287[13:47:11] <diesieben07> they isntall forge
L1288[13:47:15] <diesieben07> nothing to do with vanilla
L1289[13:47:27] <diesieben07> if you install forge vai the installer it does not interfer with your vanilla instance
L1290[13:47:43] <jadedcat> if you install Forge into minecraft, you are installing Forge into Vanilla
L1291[13:47:53] <diesieben07> that sentence makes no sense
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L1293[13:48:00] <jadedcat> and no, it doesn't interfere, because of profiles
L1294[13:48:01] <diesieben07> the launcher doesn't care what its launching
L1295[13:48:07] <diesieben07> it could launch your own java program
L1296[13:48:12] <diesieben07> and forge just tells it to launch forge
L1297[13:48:14] <jadedcat> profiles contain libraries and mods and configs
L1298[13:48:22] <diesieben07> profiles do NOT contain libraries
L1299[13:48:27] <diesieben07> profiles contain *versions*
L1300[13:48:32] <diesieben07> the version.json then contains libraries
L1301[13:48:41] <smbarbour> CV uses its own work directory so that it doesn't overwrite vanilla profiles (should the user have any that match).
L1302[13:48:42] <jadedcat> either profiles contain libraries, or modloaders that install libraries are editing vanilla
L1303[13:48:51] <diesieben07> smbarbour, i completely understand taht.
L1304[13:49:00] <diesieben07> no
L1305[13:49:07] <diesieben07> modloaders that install libraries make a new version
L1306[13:49:15] <diesieben07> 1.8 is a version
L1307[13:49:20] <Acters> people please forge install itself by including files not replacing or changing any vanilla files, while creating a profiles. ok?
L1308[13:49:22] <diesieben07> and forge-1.8-wahtever is also a version
L1309[13:49:27] <jadedcat> wether you are doing it through a json or not, Forge requires more libraries than mojang ships, which means they are part of the profile
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L1311[13:49:35] <diesieben07> no they are not :D
L1312[13:49:41] <diesieben07> the profile merely says "launch this version"
L1313[13:49:53] <jadedcat> oh so a modded profile will work if I remove all the library files Forge requires?
L1314[13:49:59] <diesieben07> no of course not.
L1315[13:50:07] <jadedcat> then it requires libraries
L1316[13:50:13] <Acters> yeah
L1317[13:50:13] <diesieben07> it *requires* it yes
L1318[13:50:19] <diesieben07> but they are not PART of the profile
L1319[13:50:49] <jadedcat> and wether those libraries are added via json, folder, or black magic they are part of the profile. If you have to have them for the profile to work, and you don't need them for another profile to work, they are part of the profile.
L1320[13:51:17] <diesieben07> the profile has nothing to do with it
L1321[13:51:19] <smbarbour> I really dislike the term profile in this case... it's too generic. It's an instance that requests a specific version
L1322[13:51:25] <jadedcat> if the profile doesn't work without them, then its just a bunch of random folders. A profile is everything required for it to run.
L1323[13:51:28] <diesieben07> ^^^THAT
L1324[13:51:35] <diesieben07> no its not
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L1326[13:51:39] <Acters> now Im getting this: http://pastebin.com/tq7GrVDM
L1327[13:51:40] <jadedcat> perhaps we are defining it differently?
L1328[13:51:41] <diesieben07> the profile points to the verison json
L1329[13:51:49] <diesieben07> i can make a 2nd profile which launches the same forge version
L1330[13:52:00] <diesieben07> i will still have the libraries ONCE
L1331[13:52:01] <diesieben07> not twice
L1332[13:52:22] <diesieben07> anyways
L1333[13:52:23] * diesieben07 has to go
L1334[13:53:11] <smbarbour> Acters: Something went horribly horrifically wrong.
L1335[13:53:21] <jadedcat> ^
L1336[13:53:28] <Acters> yeah I know it won't work xD
L1337[13:53:29] <jadedcat> it looks like it lost its damn mind
L1338[13:53:54] <jadedcat> mod list?
L1339[13:54:02] <smbarbour> Make a backup of your saves and nuke it.
L1340[13:54:04] <jadedcat> and have you tried creating a clean install?
L1341[13:54:11] <Acters> I wish :'(
L1342[13:54:34] <tterrag> Acters: it seems it's discovering the CoFH ASM twice
L1343[13:54:41] *** manmaed is now known as manmaed|AFK
L1344[13:54:43] <tterrag> how are you launching this?
L1345[13:55:00] <Acters> minecraft launcher!
L1346[13:55:15] <tterrag> uhh
L1347[13:55:41] <smbarbour> You're launching it through CurseVoice.
L1348[13:55:45] <jadedcat> actually it looks like everything is doubled
L1349[13:56:02] <Acters> yeah, no mods = work
L1350[13:56:13] <Acters> Ill look for the culprit
L1351[13:56:15] <tterrag> smbarbour: there is no such thing as launching through curse voice
L1352[13:56:20] <tterrag> CV just launches the vanilla launcher
L1353[13:56:33] <jadedcat> almost like somehow cofh and code chicken are in there twice
L1354[13:56:54] <tterrag> jadedcat: the deploader coremod is in there multiple times because multiple mods have a deploader
L1355[13:57:02] <Acters> impossible as Im looking at the mods folder
L1356[13:57:03] <smbarbour> We just went through this... Yes, it uses the vanilla launcher. No, it does not use the vanilla launcher's default directory.
L1357[13:57:05] <tterrag> cofh.ash.LoadingPlugin is the only one that stands out to me
L1358[13:57:23] <jadedcat> but either way, it looks like it can't find base stuff
L1359[13:57:33] <Acters> it all is hppening recently is what bogles me
L1360[13:57:45] <jadedcat> any chance you have a mismatched mod version?
L1361[13:57:56] <jadedcat> like a 1.6 or 1.8 mod in a 1.7 instance?
L1362[13:58:11] <tterrag> jadedcat: the NoClassDefFound is because someone screwed up the bytecode. Look at the lowest level exception, it says there's a duplicate method.
L1363[13:58:15] <gigaherz> Acters: check the mods folder, if there's two of anything, including inside the 1.7/1.8 subfolders
L1364[13:58:17] ⇦ Quits: necrogami (~necrogami@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1365[13:58:39] <gigaherz> delete the older version of any duplicate ;P
L1366[13:58:41] <Acters> it worked an hour ago, I didn't change any mods.
L1367[13:58:55] <gigaherz> then what DID change?
L1368[13:58:58] <tterrag> check anyways
L1369[13:59:01] <tterrag> deploader can do stupid things
L1370[13:59:02] <gigaherz> because things don't just break because of magic
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L1372[13:59:19] <Acters> I know!
L1373[13:59:25] <gigaherz> so check the modlist, first
L1374[13:59:27] <Acters> but this is odd behavior
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L1376[13:59:40] <smbarbour> Except when the magic smoke is released from the capacitors... but that's not the case here.
L1377[13:59:50] <gigaherz> yeah
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L1379[14:00:14] <gigaherz> it wouldbe incredible if the magic smoke was released from enough SSD cells that it created a whole new copy of a mod
L1380[14:00:15] <gigaherz> ;P
L1381[14:02:14] <Acters> took out all chicken bones stuff and it worked
L1382[14:03:10] <gigaherz> ALL of it? ...
L1383[14:03:23] <Acters> yeah
L1384[14:03:25] <gigaherz> including NEI?
L1385[14:03:39] <Acters> put it all back in and its working...
L1386[14:03:44] <gigaherz> uhhhhh
L1387[14:03:46] <gigaherz> :/
L1388[14:03:50] <Acters> yeha
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L1390[14:04:13] <Acters> I had a "no idea why" moment
L1391[14:05:30] <Acters> so now its all working and I got no clue what went wrong. great... >:(
L1392[14:05:59] * gigaherz scratches head
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L1396[14:07:37] <Acters> guess what? I found the culprits
L1397[14:08:05] <gigaherz> what was it?
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L1399[14:08:26] <Acters> I had duplicate stuff in an old pack that somehow was making my stuff go crazy, why was loading? no clue
L1400[14:08:36] <Acters> cofh duplicates
L1401[14:09:13] <gigaherz> :/
L1402[14:09:21] <gigaherz> things from a different folder were being loaded?
L1403[14:09:56] <Acters> more mysteries for me to solve...
L1404[14:10:20] <Acters> I don't know why that pack was loading, but I deprecated that thing long ago
L1405[14:12:04] <Acters> that pack alone hurt the whole minecraft installation
L1406[14:13:08] <gigaherz> yeah you should investigate how the heck things from that pack were affecting a different one
L1407[14:13:16] <gigaherz> I hope you DO have them in separate folders?
L1408[14:13:22] <Acters> I do
L1409[14:13:41] <smbarbour> It's oddities like that that make me happy that I use my own launcher.
L1410[14:13:53] <Acters> ohh well cofh must have went haywire
L1411[14:13:58] <gigaherz> I already have 3 different launchers around
L1412[14:14:02] <gigaherz> so whenever I do a custom pack
L1413[14:14:11] <gigaherz> I just use the vanilla launcher in a separate folder
L1414[14:14:38] <smbarbour> My launcher is designed for custom packs, so...
L1415[14:16:14] <gigaherz> do you have a link to it? ;P
L1416[14:16:50] <Lunatrius> Any idea why adding a client side mod to an instance would cause this when trying to connect to a server: http://pastebin.com/w1pxAuH4
L1417[14:16:52] <Acters> woot more launchers
L1418[14:17:19] <gigaherz> hmm has anyone ever made a mod that makes mc show quarter-hearts like Zelda games?
L1419[14:17:43] <Acters> god I just finished Twilight princess
L1420[14:17:46] <gigaherz> (that is, you'd have 5 full hearts upon starting, with extras added by mods and such -- same HP counts as usual, only changing the display)
L1421[14:18:33] <Horfius> Erm, lunatrius.... wut
L1422[14:18:37] <Horfius> That error....
L1423[14:19:55] <Lunatrius> I know.
L1424[14:20:02] <williewillus> everyone seems to be getting those recently :p
L1425[14:20:19] <Acters> we got nothing here, we need the whole changelog to know anything
L1426[14:20:31] <Flashfire> Can I ask if it's possible for different block states to have different hardness and resistance values?
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L1428[14:21:01] <Ivorius> iirc Lex said it was a mod messing up the registry or something, Lunatrius
L1429[14:21:44] <Lunatrius> So... it's entirely random and just happens to trigger when you add a random client side mod? Great...
L1430[14:22:00] <Flashfire> For example, can a block with metadata 0 have hardness 1.0F and with metadata 2 be unbreakable?
L1431[14:22:32] <Ordinastie> Flashfire, hardness and resistance are not metadata sensitive IIRC, so no
L1432[14:22:33] <Lunatrius> Override getHardness/whatever?
L1433[14:22:38] <Ivorius> Lunatrius: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/1973
L1434[14:22:43] <Ivorius> Does that look like yours?
L1435[14:22:54] <Flashfire> There's no gethardness, just a value
L1436[14:23:08] <williewillus> yes you can...
L1437[14:23:13] <williewillus> override Block.getBlockHardness?
L1438[14:23:17] <tterrag> Flashfire: getBlockHardness
L1439[14:23:20] <Flashfire> Ohh
L1440[14:23:21] <williewillus> you get a world and a pos so you can get the state/meta
L1441[14:23:41] <Lunatrius> Ivorius: yeah... argh
L1442[14:23:48] <smbarbour> My launcher? It's MCUpdater. The website is being overhauled so there isn't anything of value there.
L1443[14:23:50] <Flashfire> So I initialize it with the default, right?
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L1446[14:25:52] <williewillus> Flashfire: yeah the field blockHardness is whats used by default
L1447[14:25:58] <williewillus> if you dont override getBlockHardness
L1448[14:26:23] <Flashfire> Thanks a lot
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L1452[20:01:43] <Sollux-Captor> :D yay ^_^ ye so now that is good. i forgot i need to make jsons for friken sounds files .-. time to go do that
L1453[20:02:28] <williewillus> we knew the jsonpocalypse was coming as far back as 1.5 and 1.6 *conspiracytheorycrafting*
L1454[20:03:04] <Sollux-Captor> xD the day will come
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L1460[20:10:34] <Sollux-Captor> http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=25874.0 im facepalming at this post soo hard xD the guy keeps refering to commas as colons
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L1463[20:15:59] <pibx10> hey guys so i am trying to find an intelligent way to register a large number of items. My first thought was to use metadata but i am wondering if there is a better way
L1464[20:16:22] <pibx10> its bascially a breeding system similar to bees, but the products have in world interactions rather than uses to produce items
L1465[20:16:25] <gigaherz> items have damage values, not metadata, but well it's equivalent XD
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L1468[20:16:39] <pibx10> some its the same thing just different name basically
L1469[20:16:39] <gigaherz> well
L1470[20:16:56] <pibx10> and they have different interactions and some do completely different things
L1471[20:16:58] <gigaherz> think of things like dyes
L1472[20:17:00] <pibx10> so they arent all the same
L1473[20:17:15] <gigaherz> if you have a bunch of items that are "basically the same"
L1474[20:17:20] <gigaherz> but have slightly different things
L1475[20:17:23] <gigaherz> you can still group them
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L1477[20:17:33] <gigaherz> but if you have a few distinct sets of things
L1478[20:17:40] <gigaherz> then I'd suggest make them separate items
L1479[20:18:07] <pibx10> alright some more stupid questions metadata on blocks is 4 bit but on items it is a full 32 bit correct?
L1480[20:18:17] <gigaherz> no
L1481[20:18:18] <gigaherz> well
L1482[20:18:24] <pibx10> basically asking if i can have more than 16 items per metadata item
L1483[20:18:30] <gigaherz> damage value I think is stored as 16bit?
L1484[20:18:41] <gigaherz> but yeah no 16 subitem limit
L1485[20:19:00] <gigaherz> I can assure you that any number < 32767 is safe
L1486[20:19:07] <gigaherz> but I have no idea if anything > 32767 is safe to use XD
L1487[20:19:14] <gigaherz> <=
L1488[20:19:19] <pibx10> alright then i think what i will do is have a few items that are sets like breeding chains
L1489[20:19:50] <pibx10> thank you
L1490[20:19:51] <gigaherz> note that there's also NBT information
L1491[20:20:01] <gigaherz> you COULD store only the basic supertypes
L1492[20:20:04] <gigaherz> and use NBT for the details
L1493[20:20:09] <pibx10> nbt lol everyone talks about that i dont know how to use that lol
L1494[20:20:26] <gigaherz> oh that's not hard XD
L1495[20:20:28] <williewillus> nbt is easy
L1496[20:20:57] <pibx10> where would i go to learn how to use it
L1497[20:21:11] <gigaherz> NBTTagCompound nbt = stack.getTagCompound();
L1498[20:21:31] <gigaherz> if(nbt != null) { nbt.get*; nbt.set*; }
L1499[20:21:36] <Sollux-Captor> i have a constructor in one of my mod projects that constructs all ingots
L1500[20:22:14] <Sollux-Captor> constructors are probably best way to go
L1501[20:22:22] <pibx10> can i see it?
L1502[20:22:33] <Sollux-Captor> sure
L1503[20:22:54] <williewillus> also, read the vanilla wiki page on NBT
L1504[20:23:01] <williewillus> to see the different kinds of tags
L1505[20:23:33] <Sollux-Captor> getting a paste.ee for u pibx10
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L1507[20:24:15] <gigaherz> pibx10: this is how you interact with NBT in a TileEntity
L1508[20:24:16] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/blocks/TileEssentializer.java#L123
L1509[20:24:34] <gigaherz> and this is how you can interact with NBT in an ItemStack
L1510[20:24:34] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/database/MagicDatabase.java#L395
L1511[20:24:43] <gigaherz> ... neither of them are the best examples
L1512[20:24:45] <gigaherz> but both work ;P
L1513[20:25:25] <Sollux-Captor> http://paste.ee/p/qkA5e and http://paste.ee/p/12oTb (dont judge this code because it is still very much in the works and i know stuff i need to improve with it that i havnt gotten to)
L1514[20:25:34] <Sollux-Captor> but ye, this easially makes ingots
L1515[20:25:41] <Sollux-Captor> 2 .javas needed
L1516[20:25:47] <Sollux-Captor> easy declaration
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L1518[20:26:09] <gigaherz> did you name a class starting with lowercase?
L1519[20:26:44] <Sollux-Captor> https://github.com/zedlander1000/Forge-Craft here is my full repo for ^ code above
L1520[20:27:19] <Cobbleopolis> Are tileentiies the same as 1.7
L1521[20:27:22] <gigaherz> please fix the casing of "ingotInit" to be "IngotInit"
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L1523[20:27:44] <gigaherz> Cobbleopolis: with the exception of using BlockPos instead of x,y,z and using EnumFacing instead of ForgeDirection
L1524[20:27:51] <Sollux-Captor> ye ik ik.. xD this currently int the project i am focused on
L1525[20:27:54] <gigaherz> and a few name changes
L1526[20:27:57] <gigaherz> everything is mostly the same
L1527[20:28:01] <pibx10> using a constructor to register the parasites doesent help me that would make me still have to register each one lol. metadata is better for that
L1528[20:28:04] <Cobbleopolis> k
L1529[20:28:09] <pibx10> then i only have to register a few for a bunch of items
L1530[20:28:18] <Cobbleopolis> but creation and things are the same?
L1531[20:28:31] <gigaherz> they are similar enough
L1532[20:28:36] <gigaherz> not exactly the same
L1533[20:28:37] <Cobbleopolis> ok
L1534[20:28:38] <gigaherz> but similar enough
L1535[20:29:02] <Sollux-Captor> lel gigaherz the ingotInit project is currently oonhold due to some other things im working on
L1536[20:29:15] <Sollux-Captor> but ye ik there is A LOT that needs to be fixed in that project
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L1538[20:30:16] <gigaherz> yo ustill have an incorrect case in the class name
L1539[20:30:27] <gigaherz> that's something that shouldn't have happened top begin with! ;P
L1540[20:31:06] <Sollux-Captor> ya xD i accidently did that and never got around to fixing it because that code was really rushed and i ended up putting that project on hold in the first place
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L1544[20:33:30] <gigaherz> Sollux-Captor: in my case that would never happen
L1545[20:33:40] <gigaherz> I'll take ap iece of code, format it, fix it,
L1546[20:33:46] <gigaherz> and THEN delete it, when I'm satisfied ;P
L1547[20:35:00] <Sollux-Captor> meh either way xD at least i know there is a ton to fix in that project
L1548[20:35:16] <Sollux-Captor> left that project for the one im currently working on
L1549[20:38:17] <Sollux-Captor> professional coders keep their workspace clean ;P xD <--- lovely coder joke
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L1551[20:45:27] <HassanS6000> Sollux-Captor, good one lol
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L1553[20:45:43] <Sollux-Captor> thx ^_^
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L1558[20:58:25] <williewillus> how would i call a private method in the mc code? (I only need to do it once, so AT's seem a bit overkill)
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L1560[20:59:22] <Darkhax> Williewillus, there is always reflection. Just google "How to invoke a private method using reflection", and you should find all the info you need.
L1561[20:59:41] <williewillus> but how would that work in obfuscated env?
L1562[20:59:56] <gigaherz> you need to use the reflection helpers
L1563[21:00:02] <Darkhax> Forge provides us with some great tools.
L1564[21:00:03] <Darkhax> ReflectionHelper.findMethod(clazz, instance, methodNames, methodTypes)
L1565[21:00:15] <gigaherz> ObfuscationReflectionHelper
L1566[21:00:21] <williewillus> oh i see it, thanks
L1567[21:00:21] <gigaherz> has some stuff
L1568[21:00:32] <gigaherz> you'll still need both the "raw name" and the deobf name
L1569[21:00:46] <gigaherz> you can get it using !gm <name> ;P
L1570[21:01:17] <williewillus> yeah
L1571[21:01:33] <gigaherz> in my case I wanted to access some private fields repeatedly
L1572[21:01:36] <williewillus> !gm PlayerControllerMP.syncCurrentPlayItem 1.7.10
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L1574[21:01:41] <gigaherz> so I did some custom method for it ;P
L1575[21:01:42] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/ElementsOfPower/blob/master/src/main/java/gigaherz/elementsofpower/client/KeyBindingInterceptor.java#L24
L1576[21:02:12] <gigaherz> since the method isn't called so often, I don't believeI need an AT just for it ;P
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L1580[21:05:47] <Sollux-Captor> soo uh
L1581[21:05:58] <Sollux-Captor> anyone have a sounds.json i can look at??
L1582[21:06:26] <gigaherz> minecraft? ;P
L1583[21:06:38] <Sollux-Captor> ye....
L1584[21:06:44] <gigaherz> I never did sounds so I don't have one ;P
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L1586[21:06:56] <Sollux-Captor> :( dont egg me on like that xD
L1587[21:07:25] <killjoy> Look at the indexes json
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L1590[21:07:54] <Sollux-Captor> where can i get that?
L1591[21:08:01] <killjoy> Look in assets/indexes/1.8.json for sounds.json
L1592[21:08:09] <Sollux-Captor> oh ok
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L1600[21:14:18] <williewillus> is it possible to hook into vanilla structure generation to, for example, replace all villge roof stair types?
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L1605[21:24:51] <Laceh> lol so I got like an issue with simplenetworkwrapper...my handler method isnt being called...
L1606[21:25:40] <williewillus> ? you mean your onMessage?
L1607[21:25:44] <Laceh> yeah
L1608[21:25:49] <williewillus> are you registering your messages properly?
L1609[21:25:55] <williewillus> and handlers
L1610[21:26:08] <Laceh> yeah
L1611[21:26:13] <Laceh> Im positive I am
L1612[21:26:39] <williewillus> (and are you sure you're sending the packet in the first place too lol)
L1613[21:26:50] <Laceh> yeah I have a line above it stating its sent
L1614[21:27:07] <Laceh> buuut....the handler method isnt being called
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L1620[21:29:25] <Sollux-Captor> http://prntscr.com/7qx9ty can some one help me here .-. i cant seem to figure out why my sound aint playing
L1621[21:29:42] <Sollux-Captor> i have everything setup the way it is supposed to
L1622[21:29:48] <Laceh> ohhhh fixed it....
L1623[21:29:48] <Laceh> XD
L1624[21:29:51] <Sollux-Captor> but i keep on getting an unknown sound error
L1625[21:30:01] <Sollux-Captor> Unable to play unknown soundEvent: ztools:magic.teleportation
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L1630[21:34:48] <williewillus> Sollux-Captor: that means your sound is playing when it should
L1631[21:34:56] <williewillus> its just the json is wrong or something
L1632[21:35:08] <williewillus> is *triggering when it should
L1633[21:35:21] <Sollux-Captor> ye and i see nothing wrong within the json. i have even compared it to other jsons
L1634[21:36:29] <Sollux-Captor> dngit >_< ik what is wrong
L1635[21:37:17] <Sollux-Captor> i forgot that my file structure is no longer ZTools>sounds><list of sound files>
L1636[21:37:31] <Sollux-Captor> it is now ZTools>sounds>items><list of sounds>
L1637[21:37:37] <Sollux-Captor> need to fix that in the json
L1638[21:39:05] <Sollux-Captor> ok... Unable to play empty soundEvent: ztools:magic.teleportation now what is this?
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L1642[21:44:52] <pibx10> a followup question regarding my breeding system. would it be possible to dynamically create textures for them if all that would change would be colors
L1643[21:46:01] <Laceh> pibx10: custom renderer maybe?
L1644[21:47:44] <Sollux-Captor> soo uh.. why is it empty instead of unknown?
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L1647[21:50:32] <tterrag> pibx10: colorization is very easy to do during rendering
L1648[21:50:37] <tterrag> there' sno need to 'generate" a texture for that
L1649[21:50:54] <williewillus> see: potions
L1650[21:50:56] <pibx10> alright so can someone explain it to me or show me where to find something explaining it
L1651[21:51:45] <tterrag> pibx10: since I just joined, what is the concerning? items? blocks? entities?
L1652[21:51:54] <pibx10> items,
L1653[21:51:58] <pibx10> sort of like bees
L1654[21:52:00] <tterrag> oh that's teh easiest one
L1655[21:52:14] <tterrag> just override getColorFromItemStack
L1656[21:52:21] <Sollux-Captor> so williewillus .... what is the difference?
L1657[21:53:07] <pibx10> in the and then return a hexidecimal code based on metadata?
L1658[21:53:38] <pibx10> like if(new itemStack(itemRegistry.whatever, 1, 0){
L1659[21:53:49] <pibx10> return hexidecimal;}
L1660[21:53:50] <pibx10> ?
L1661[21:54:36] <tterrag> uhh
L1662[21:54:37] <williewillus> Sollux-Captor: i mean, the game is getting the signal to play the sound, but it can't find the sound file
L1663[21:54:46] <williewillus> so recheck your file name, resourcelocation name, and json
L1664[21:54:46] <tterrag> how about if (stack.getItemDamage() == foo) { ... }
L1665[21:55:19] <pibx10> ok lol same thing the first part was random stuff just trying to figure out if you just return a hexidecimal code or do something else
L1666[21:55:41] <tterrag> hexadecmial color value, yes
L1667[21:55:47] <tterrag> 0xRRGGBB
L1668[21:56:05] <pibx10> alright and how do i determine what gets colorered?
L1669[21:56:10] <pibx10> sorry never done this before lol
L1670[21:56:46] <tterrag> if you only want to color certain parts of the item, you need to render in multiple passes
L1671[21:56:46] <Sollux-Captor> ik but what is the difference between unkown and empty?
L1672[21:56:48] <tterrag> look at how potions are done
L1673[21:56:54] <tterrag> or eggs
L1674[21:56:58] <tterrag> (spawn eggs)
L1675[21:57:19] <pibx10> dang it so its going to be more difficult
L1676[21:57:24] <pibx10> alright will try and figure it out
L1677[21:57:26] <williewillus> Sollux-Captor: ?
L1678[21:57:33] <Sollux-Captor> because i have rechecked and everything seems to matchup correctly wording wise
L1679[21:57:41] <Sollux-Captor> instead of getting an unknown sound event
L1680[21:57:46] <Sollux-Captor> im getting
L1681[21:57:49] <williewillus> unknown sound event means it's not found
L1682[21:57:52] <tterrag> pibx10: more difficult is relative. You need only to split up your texture into the parts that need to be colored separately, then return them from the getIcon method which gives you the pass
L1683[21:57:55] <Sollux-Captor> Unable to play empty soundEvent: ztools:magic.teleportation
L1684[21:58:00] <Sollux-Captor> ^im getting that
L1685[21:58:03] <Sollux-Captor> not unknow
L1686[21:58:07] <Sollux-Captor> im getting empty :)
L1687[21:58:08] <tterrag> show your sounds.json
L1688[21:58:35] <Sollux-Captor> http://prntscr.com/7qxi4e <--.json
L1689[21:59:25] <Sollux-Captor> even when removing "ZTools:" it gets the empty error
L1690[21:59:36] <tterrag> that's not how it works
L1691[21:59:45] <Sollux-Captor> ?
L1692[21:59:54] <tterrag> the "sounds" field is the relative path to the sound file
L1693[22:00:03] <Sollux-Captor> yes ik
L1694[22:00:07] <Sollux-Captor> i just said
L1695[22:00:13] <Sollux-Captor> even when removing the first part
L1696[22:00:14] <tterrag> ZTools: should nto be there
L1697[22:00:16] <Sollux-Captor> it doesnt work
L1698[22:00:25] <Sollux-Captor> -.- did u not hear what i just said?
L1699[22:00:29] <tterrag> I did
L1700[22:00:46] <tterrag> so try again without it, then show me the corrected sounds.json. You also have magicTeleport.ogg inside the sounds folder, yes?
L1701[22:00:47] <Sollux-Captor> http://prntscr.com/7qxipf = same error
L1702[22:01:00] <tterrag> wait uh
L1703[22:01:02] <Sollux-Captor> yes .-.
L1704[22:01:05] <tterrag> sounds folder doesn't need to be specified
L1705[22:01:07] <tterrag> that is the problem
L1706[22:01:09] <tterrag> it is assumed
L1707[22:01:22] <tterrag> so the game is looking in sounds/sounds/magicTeleport.ogg
L1708[22:02:01] <Sollux-Captor> oh i get it
L1709[22:02:39] <tterrag> the difference between "empty" and "unknown" is that "empty" means there is an entry, but no sound file
L1710[22:02:50] <Sollux-Captor> aight
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L1712[22:04:05] <Sollux-Captor> ugh... ok i got the sound working .-. but not totally the way i wanted it to
L1713[22:04:28] <Sollux-Captor> williewillus, when u were showing me the user.playSound()
L1714[22:04:37] <williewillus> yes
L1715[22:04:38] <Sollux-Captor> u told me it would only play for the player
L1716[22:04:41] <williewillus> yeah
L1717[22:04:44] <williewillus> on the client
L1718[22:05:00] <Sollux-Captor> see the thing is, is that i wanted it not to be played in the world. specifically stated that
L1719[22:05:08] <williewillus> yeah do it on the client
L1720[22:05:11] <williewillus> I told you already
L1721[22:05:14] <tterrag> it isn't...if you play it clientside
L1722[22:05:31] <Sollux-Captor> yes i did. so basically it plays the sound at a location where i am at but the item teleports me
L1723[22:05:39] <Sollux-Captor> so once im teleported no sound
L1724[22:05:41] <williewillus> that's up to you to handle
L1725[22:05:57] <tterrag> williewillus: actually there is a way to play it for the player specifically, i.e. not location based
L1726[22:06:00] <tterrag> let me see if I can find it
L1727[22:06:09] <Sollux-Captor> basically i wanted it to stick with the player .-. not be played in the world and only the player can hear it
L1728[22:06:12] <williewillus> worldclient.playSound
L1729[22:06:19] <williewillus> no that's location based nvm
L1730[22:07:31] <tterrag> try what the button does
L1731[22:07:31] <tterrag> PositionedSoundRecord.func_147674_a
L1732[22:07:33] <killjoy> Have you looked at the /playsound command?
L1733[22:07:37] <tterrag> should return an ISound with no attenuation
L1734[22:07:43] <tterrag> i.e. plays globally
L1735[22:08:08] <Sollux-Captor> eh ill take a look at it
L1736[22:08:24] <Flashfire> Does anyone know how to make a custom compass texture change dynamically?
L1737[22:08:38] <Flashfire> I have one image that contains all the sprites
L1738[22:08:38] <tterrag> Flashfire: have you tried looking at the vanilla compass?
L1739[22:08:40] <williewillus> look at how vnailla does it?
L1740[22:08:44] <Flashfire> I couldn't find it
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L1742[22:08:55] <Flashfire> The word compass isn't in any filenames in my vanilla source
L1743[22:08:55] <tterrag> TextureCompass
L1744[22:09:00] <tterrag> lol yes it is
L1745[22:09:09] <Flashfire> Then my pc search failed me
L1746[22:09:18] <tterrag> did you run setupDecompWorkspace?
L1747[22:09:22] <williewillus> if you have idea make sure it's searching in libraries
L1748[22:09:27] <tterrag> also ^
L1749[22:09:30] ⇦ Parts: Laceh (ashleah@ds003.info) (Leaving))
L1750[22:10:18] <Flashfire> Ok I was looking in a directory, eclipse found it easy
L1751[22:10:34] <tterrag> you were likely trying to search .class files...
L1752[22:10:38] <tterrag> which do not contain text
L1753[22:11:46] <Sollux-Captor> anyways.. im going to go to bed... cya
L1754[22:11:47] <Flashfire> They are .java, it must just be incomoplete
L1755[22:12:24] <tterrag> odd
L1756[22:12:40] <tterrag> eclipse you can just do ctrl+shift+t to open classes :P
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L1767[22:32:38] <Techcable> Well OVH is down so i can't auto auth MORON.
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L1783[22:57:59] <Laceh> lol back again, this time with a tileentity thats not updating...XD
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L1792[23:06:32] <Cobbleopolis> I was wondering what method do I override in a Tile Enitiy for it to tick?
L1793[23:07:03] <tterrag> 1.8?
L1794[23:07:10] <Cobbleopolis> ya
L1795[23:07:44] <tterrag> there's an interface
L1796[23:08:24] <Cobbleopolis> Do you know what it is?
L1797[23:08:36] <tterrag> nope
L1798[23:08:40] <tterrag> poke around the source
L1799[23:08:53] <Cobbleopolis> K
L1800[23:09:03] <Cobbleopolis> Is it a forge thing or a MC thing?
L1801[23:10:04] <tterrag> MC
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L1804[23:15:04] <Cobbleopolis> It looks like it's IUpdatePlayerListBox but the documentation says that it updates the model but even the vanilla TE's use it like a regular update method
L1805[23:15:41] <Cobbleopolis> And it seems to actually work that way
L1806[23:15:44] <Cobbleopolis> :/
L1807[23:18:01] <tterrag> !gc IUpdatePlayerListBox
L1808[23:18:09] <tterrag> dang they still didn't rename that?
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L1813[23:30:55] <Laceh> would forcing a tile entity to update everytime a key is pressed be a good thing or a bad thing?
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L1815[23:32:19] <tterrag|away> how would that even work
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L1817[23:32:42] <Laceh> errr I should say sync
L1818[23:32:49] <Laceh> my bad
L1819[23:32:54] <Laceh> its a late night
L1820[23:33:50] *** willieaway is now known as williewillus
L1821[23:34:52] <williewillus> i don't think it's that bad, as long as it's not something like "every tick while key is down" :p
L1822[23:36:26] <Laceh> no its only every time the key is pressed
L1823[23:37:11] <Laceh> only cause if I update the tile data on the server the client wont get the updated data till its updated again, and thats not happening apparently
L1824[23:37:14] <Laceh> without forcing it
L1825[23:38:05] <tterrag> Laceh: any time the key is pressed...ever?
L1826[23:38:17] <Laceh> in a specific gui
L1827[23:38:23] <tterrag> oh, well yeah that's easy
L1828[23:38:34] <tterrag> just send a packet when whatever key is pressed, you get events for those inside a GUI
L1829[23:38:55] <Laceh> yeah I am sending a packet inside the GUI to the server which modifies tile data
L1830[23:39:12] <tterrag> keyTyped()
L1831[23:39:13] <Laceh> but thats not getting synched to the client without forcing the server to do it when the packet is processed
L1832[23:39:28] <tterrag> so edit the client data first before sending the packet
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L1834[23:40:02] <Laceh> wouldnt it then become out of synch?
L1835[23:40:16] <tterrag> how so?
L1836[23:40:29] <Laceh> well what if the client updates but the server never does?
L1837[23:40:35] <tterrag> why would that happen
L1838[23:40:38] <Laceh> or am I extremely over thinking this?
L1839[23:40:39] <tterrag> you are sending the packet directly after
L1840[23:41:05] <Laceh> yeah true...
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L1843[23:43:08] <Laceh> hmm that seems to work better lol
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