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L1[00:00:12] *** Ordinastie is now known as Ordi|Away
L2[00:00:24] <mrkirby153> hold on,
L3[00:00:33] <mrkirby153> already placed blocks don't update. new ones do
L4[00:00:49] <mrkirby153> and they change on update and then go back
L5[00:00:58] <Zaggy1024> whut?
L6[00:01:16] <Zaggy1024> ...so a block update changes lava to water and vice versa?
L7[00:01:25] <mrkirby153> It changes the thing temporarily
L8[00:02:11] <Zaggy1024> Still not making any sense
L9[00:02:34] <Zaggy1024> Are you saying when you load in the lava shows up as water, but then it changes back to lava after a while?
L10[00:02:53] <mrkirby153> Like I place the lava source, it looks like water. But a second or so later, it reverts to its original texture
L11[00:03:16] <Zaggy1024> is it when it starts flowing?
L12[00:03:33] <mrkirby153> even when stationary
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L14[00:04:21] <Zaggy1024> swap icons for the Fluid classes as well
L15[00:04:22] <Zaggy1024> FluidRegistry.WATER.setIcons
L16[00:04:44] ⇨ Joins: zhiayang (~zhiayang@bb42-60-154-134.singnet.com.sg)
L17[00:04:44] <Zaggy1024> they're public so no reflection necessary
L18[00:04:55] <Zaggy1024> (this is just a shot in the dark, but it may be the solution)
L19[00:05:16] *** AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L20[00:06:36] ⇦ Quits: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@f054101071.adsl.alicedsl.de) (Quit: Die Sprache der Politik ist daf�r gemacht, dass L�gen wahr klingen und das T�ten angemessen wirkt. (George Orwell))
L21[00:06:37] <mrkirby153> nope
L22[00:07:25] <Zaggy1024> I dunno then
L23[00:07:37] <Zaggy1024> Try the same thing with breakpoints on the references to the icons
L24[00:07:42] ⇨ Joins: Naiten (Naiten@
L25[00:07:58] <mrkirby153> which reference to the icons?
L26[00:08:02] <Zaggy1024> yeah
L27[00:08:08] <Zaggy1024> wait
L28[00:08:09] <Zaggy1024> what?
L29[00:08:24] <Zaggy1024> All the places where the icons are set
L30[00:09:20] ⇨ Joins: HoLyCoW (~HoLyCoW@108-93-41-81.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net)
L31[00:09:48] <mrkirby153> I also think it would be easier to overwire BlockLiquid.getLiquidIcon. It seems like it would be less complicated
L32[00:09:57] <mrkirby153> I'll try that tomorrow, because right now I'ts late and I'm tired
L33[00:10:03] <mrkirby153> thanks for your help Zaggy1024
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L42[00:20:40] <Zaggy1024> whut
L43[00:21:00] <Zaggy1024> Why is there BlockLog.LOG_AXIS and BlockRotatedPillar.AXIS? Mojang is weird
L44[00:21:13] <Zaggy1024> (BlockLog extends BlockRotatedPillar)
L45[00:22:00] <Zaggy1024> It seems as though they're 100% interchangeable
L46[00:22:04] <Zaggy1024> sigh
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L49[00:35:41] <Unh0ly_Tigg> there's 2 different log block classes
L50[00:35:49] <Unh0ly_Tigg> maybe that's it?
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L56[00:46:14] <MinecraftForgeBot> Project Forge build #1309:STILL FAILING in 20 sec: http://ci.jenkins.minecraftforge.net/job/minecraftforge/1309/
L57[00:47:54] <Lex_> Fucking server
L58[00:50:45] ⇦ Quits: MinecraftForgeBot (~Minecraft@files.minecraftforge.net) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L61[00:52:00] MineBot sets mode: +v on MinecraftForgeBot
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L74[01:36:44] <Zaggy1024> Unh0ly_Tigg, shouldn't matter, they can both use the same property
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L80[01:53:46] *** fry|sleep is now known as fry
L81[01:56:22] <MinecraftForgeBot> Project Forge build #1310:FAILURE in 27 sec: http://ci.jenkins.minecraftforge.net/job/minecraftforge/1310/
L82[01:56:22] <MinecraftForgeBot> * LexManos: Fixed debugging Dedicated server in Forge Dev workspace.
L83[01:56:23] <MinecraftForgeBot> * LexManos: Fixed being kicked from the server while swimming.
L84[01:57:07] <Lex_> god fucking dammet stupid server still cant connect to maven central..
L85[01:59:15] <Unh0ly_Tigg> flush its' dns cache?
L86[02:01:12] <Ivorius> Did maven central change their DNS?
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L90[02:02:02] <Unh0ly_Tigg> dunno, whenever I've had trouble connecting to a server that I know is up, it's usually a dns issue, that can be fixed by flushing the local cache
L91[02:02:45] <Unh0ly_Tigg> and their isp may have switched the server's location to a different ip address
L92[02:03:43] <Ivorius> I never really had DNS cache issues except with private, small servers
L93[02:04:06] <Ivorius> e.g. my own or from buddies when we switched IPs
L94[02:04:21] <Ivorius> But then again, I can't really think of a better reason :P
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L97[02:15:33] <Lex_> its a connection reset not a dns issue
L98[02:15:51] <Lex_> i can pull things down manually with wget, but gradle fails
L99[02:17:20] <Lex_> Anyways if anyone wants to take a poke at https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/1687 let me know. I'm thinking about it. Need to make a FMLControlledNamespacedRegistry that is also sorted so that worldgen will create the same villagers predictably.
L100[02:17:51] <Lex_> Simple enough to do but BitSet hides all of it's internals so I can't add a simple wrapper around it
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L102[02:21:29] *** OndraSter|off is now known as OndraSter
L103[02:22:50] <Unh0ly_Tigg> lex, is gradle downloading some of the dependencies? or is it just failing on the first dependency download?
L104[02:24:45] *** big_Xplo|Off is now known as big_Xplosion
L105[02:26:14] <Unh0ly_Tigg> http://forums.gradle.org/gradle/topics/unable_to_pull_from_maven_central_connection_reset_by_peer (it's 2 years old, but it might have some relevant info)
L106[02:27:58] <Lex_> http://pastebin.com/73sE3wFk
L107[02:37:28] <simon816> I don't know jenkins but can you just run a manual build with the --offline flag?
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L110[02:42:27] <Unh0ly_Tigg> with ATs, do they get applied to all dependencies, or just the minecraft jar?
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L114[02:56:08] * Zaggy1024 can't remember, is the maximum item metadata Integer.MAX_VALUE?
L115[02:56:42] <Unh0ly_Tigg> nope
L116[02:56:52] <Unh0ly_Tigg> Short.MAX_VALUE - 1
L117[02:56:58] <Zaggy1024> ah
L118[02:56:59] <Zaggy1024> Thanks
L119[02:57:48] <Unh0ly_Tigg> item meta is stored as a short, and Short.MAX_VALUE is used as the wildcard value.
L120[02:58:23] <Zaggy1024> What's the wildcard used for?
L121[02:58:31] <Unh0ly_Tigg> recipes
L122[02:58:36] <Zaggy1024> ah
L123[02:59:31] <Unh0ly_Tigg> like "this slot in the recipe can take any type of dye" without making 16 different recipe instances
L124[03:03:25] <Zaggy1024> yep
L125[03:08:44] <Wuppy> quick question: is wuppy29.com/minecraft/ down for all of you as well?
L126[03:08:47] ⇨ Joins: Noppes (~Noppes@82-168-212-152.ip.telfort.nl)
L127[03:11:27] <Unh0ly_Tigg> it's slow, but it eventually loads on my end
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L132[03:17:55] <jk-5> Lex, you might want to try this mirror of mavencentral http://maven.antelink.com/content/repositories/central/
L133[03:19:23] <jk-5> Or even the mirrors from maven itself http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2 and http://uk.maven.org/maven2
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L135[03:26:24] <ntzrmtthihu777> Wuppy: came up fine for you
L136[03:26:27] <ntzrmtthihu777> erm, for me
L137[03:27:18] ⇨ Joins: HoLyCoW (~HoLyCoW@108-93-41-81.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net)
L138[03:31:05] <HoLyCoW> hi guys
L139[03:32:37] <Wuppy> okay thanks ntzr
L140[03:32:45] <ntzrmtthihu777> Wuppy: no prob
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L147[03:47:19] <Wuppy> now, lets release Peacefulpack for 1.8 :D
L148[03:48:17] <Wuppy> ugh my website is still offline for me :|
L149[03:48:30] *** Devin_Laptop is now known as Devin_Laptop|Away
L150[03:52:30] <Wuppy> back to modeling I guess then
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L153[03:53:40] <HoLyCoW> @Wuppy your website loads fine for me. DNS Issue?
L154[03:54:01] <Wuppy> I don't know tbh
L155[03:54:09] <Wuppy> various checking websites also tell me it's offline
L156[03:54:30] <HoLyCoW> http://www.wuppy29.com right?
L157[03:54:32] <Wuppy> I can get through but incredibly slowly
L158[03:54:33] <Wuppy> yeah
L159[03:54:54] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L160[03:55:00] <Wuppy> my admin website works just fine thoguh
L161[03:55:08] <Wuppy> although it's phising according to chrome :P
L162[03:55:18] <HoLyCoW> yeah, i guess it IS kinda slow. looks like it was loading from the cache for me.
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L166[03:56:25] <Wuppy> I've send em a ticket, lets hope it gets fixed soon
L167[03:57:17] <Wuppy> random sidenote: modeling is awesome :P
L168[03:57:51] <Creysys> Some love some cant do it (like me)
L169[03:58:03] <Wuppy> I'm not good at it, but it's fun
L170[03:58:04] <HoLyCoW> what do you model in? blender?
L171[03:58:26] <Wuppy> maya
L172[03:58:29] <HoLyCoW> nice
L173[03:58:59] <Creysys> Btw does somebody know how to implement the NEI api ?
L174[03:59:08] <HoLyCoW> i really like Modo and it's workflow. unfortunately, once the trial ran out, i couldn't afford the full version
L175[04:00:30] <Creysys> Isnt there always a crack ? :D
L176[04:00:32] <Wuppy> you can't find a crak?
L177[04:01:32] <HoLyCoW> i can, but once i graduated and started working, i started going legit with my software
L178[04:01:34] <HoLyCoW> :)
L179[04:02:09] <HoLyCoW> @Creysys from the NEI thread, "The source package should help guide modders through. NEI uses a modloader like config loading system. Simply call your configuration class NEI****Config.class and implement IConfigureNEI and package it with your mods. Any calls to NEI should be made from this class or subclasses. Your mod must not directly call any NEI functions or classes as that will make it dependant on NEI to
L180[04:02:09] <HoLyCoW> function. Simply include the config and classes with your mod and it will be activated only if NEI is installed."
L181[04:02:10] ⇦ Quits: ariscop (~ariscop@ppp118-209-199-47.lns20.mel8.internode.on.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L182[04:03:02] <HoLyCoW> @Creysys he also says, "I only use the Alloy Furnace from RedPower. Therefore I welcome modders who want to make small modules like the RedPower one for various other mods."
L183[04:03:17] <HoLyCoW> so i guess just look at the source for the RedPower mod
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L185[04:05:47] <HoLyCoW> going back to what i said about buying modo... i COULD afford it, i just can't justify spending that much for software that i will use some of the time. :)
L186[04:05:52] <Creysys> Thank you :)
L187[04:06:23] <HoLyCoW> yw
L188[04:06:27] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L189[04:07:00] *** big_Xplo|AFK is now known as big_Xplosion
L190[04:07:01] <HoLyCoW> you still there wuppy?
L191[04:07:03] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L192[04:07:06] <Wuppy> I'm here
L193[04:07:50] <HoLyCoW> quick question about your book... do you get paid for every copy sold or do they just say, "we'll pay you X amount to write this book"?
L194[04:08:10] <HoLyCoW> i'm just curious. :D
L195[04:08:13] <Wuppy> I get paid for every copy sold + an advance
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L197[04:08:45] <HoLyCoW> nice. so you go by numbers that they give you, right?
L198[04:09:14] <HoLyCoW> awww damn. i gotta go. woke the wife up. she's upset now. :)
L199[04:09:22] <HoLyCoW> cya guys later
L200[04:09:29] <Wuppy> haha cya
L201[04:09:33] <Creysys> cya
L202[04:09:41] ⇦ Quits: HoLyCoW (~HoLyCoW@108-93-41-81.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net) (Quit: -- Bye Bye --)
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L208[04:31:36] <Wuppy> well, I just made my helicopter look a lot worse :|
L209[04:32:21] ⇨ Joins: Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk)
L210[04:34:24] <Creysys> And i dont understand the NEI api :S
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L212[04:36:02] ⇨ Joins: stemid (~c@vpn.sydit.se)
L213[04:36:26] <OndraSter> it is not really @API is it?
L214[04:36:45] <Creysys> It isnt i guess
L215[04:36:54] <OndraSter> :P
L216[04:37:57] <stemid> hi I'm troubleshooting a minecraft game on my girls computer. it's windows 7, the minecraft icon seems to launch Forge and she can select the latest version of minecraft, this works fine. but the technic launcher cannot launch any mods. I've tried deleting .technic and reinstalling it, plus the mods. for example maera, maerapack 2 do nothing and after a short while the technic launcher window reappears.
L217[04:38:26] <stemid> also I've tried upgrading to latest java v8
L218[04:38:38] <Creysys> Maybe she has special characters in the install path
L219[04:39:34] <stemid> I would guess no because it has worked before and by path I assume you mean %appdata%/.technic or something like that.
L220[04:40:00] <Creysys> I do check if her account name has special characters
L221[04:40:09] <Creysys> Windows account name
L222[04:40:14] <stemid> yup I'll check
L223[04:41:34] *** Xaw4|Sleep is now known as Xaw4
L224[04:41:43] ⇨ Joins: Hea3veN (~Hea3veN@
L225[04:42:33] <stemid> nope just name lastname. no special swedish or accentuated chars
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L228[04:48:11] *** kroeser is now known as kroeser|away
L229[04:59:40] <Lex_> Logs, and don't use the technic launcher, install the modpacks manually if you have issue
L230[05:00:22] <Creysys> Hey is there a simple way to get the mod id from an item?
L231[05:02:51] *** kroeser|away is now known as kroeser
L232[05:03:59] <stemid> ok, I didn't know the modpacks could be installed standalone
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L238[05:16:46] <Lumien> Creysys GameRegistry.findUniqueIdentifierFor
L239[05:17:25] <Creysys> Haha thats what i just discovered thank you anyways :)
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L247[05:27:24] <Creysys> Its funny that java compares two strings as references
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L255[05:34:41] <Wuppy> woohoo today is the ticket sale for the best festival in the world
L256[05:35:36] <Wuppy> tickets cost about 350 euros :P
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L306[07:29:29] <sfxworks> What the hell is lex's full name so I can post my bug?
L307[07:29:56] <sfxworks> Alexander Joseph Lex Luthor didn't work
L308[07:30:23] <fry> Create an issue on the github, if you have a bug report :P
L309[07:30:52] <sfxworks> ugh
L310[07:31:02] <sfxworks> its liek 8am and i havent slept yet but fine
L311[07:31:17] ⇦ Quits: Aaron1011 (~Aaron1011@2604:a880:800:10::25b:9001) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L312[07:31:18] <sfxworks> its kinda...semirelated though
L313[07:31:44] <sfxworks> fry: It relates to corrupted chunks and nbediting cause of a plugin altering a block from a custom mod
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L315[07:31:56] <sfxworks> so i just genralzed it and put it in forge..sure it should go into forge github
L316[07:31:57] <sfxworks> ?
L317[07:32:52] <Ivorius> Yes
L318[07:33:00] <Ivorius> All bugs are to be submitted as issues
L319[07:33:07] <Ivorius> Or even better, fixes of which as PRs
L320[07:33:19] <sfxworks> okay.
L321[07:33:43] <sfxworks> Well, what the eqiv of [code] so I can post this nicely cause in markdowns I only see results and not how-tos
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L323[07:34:17] <Ivorius> It's GitHub's custom markdown
L324[07:34:20] <sfxworks> ```javascript
L325[07:34:22] <sfxworks> nevermind
L326[07:34:24] <Ivorius> I'm sure you know how to use google :P
L327[07:34:55] <sfxworks> ok please dont say that at 8am when I havent slept yet because I will will off on you as hard as ive done in 4chan before you even knew it existed
L328[07:35:05] <sfxworks> fry: thanks for your adv
L329[07:35:47] <fry> np :P
L330[07:36:42] <sfxworks> goddamn newkids always using the smart mouths..
L331[07:37:05] <sfxworks> after they probably learned it by someone else calling it out on them
L332[07:37:49] <Ivorius> Yeah, fuck those guys amirite
L333[07:37:55] <Ivorius> I never really liked that show anyway
L334[07:38:15] <sfxworks> Still young.
L335[07:38:34] <sfxworks> wai-
L336[07:38:49] <sfxworks> still young
L337[07:39:23] ⇦ Quits: SirWill|AFK (~SirWill@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L338[07:39:46] <TurnedSlayer> sfxworks, just a tip, from the topic "Do not say Lex's full nick unless nessasary."
L339[07:39:48] <TurnedSlayer> :)
L340[07:40:15] <sfxworks> Yeah I saw the rule, but I didnt like it so I decided not to follow it
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L342[07:40:24] <sfxworks> TrunedSlayer: ^
L343[07:40:28] <Ivorius> Holy shit, it really does say nessasary
L344[07:40:34] <Ivorius> I never even noticed
L345[07:41:15] <sfxworks> Wait so
L346[07:41:19] <sfxworks> since youre calling me out on that
L347[07:41:24] <sfxworks> I said it right
L348[07:41:30] <sfxworks> but I typed it in and it still didnt work?
L349[07:43:26] ⇦ Quits: TurnedSlayer (~TurnedSla@host86-157-101-109.range86-157.btcentralplus.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L350[07:45:20] <sfxworks> anway thanks https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/1690
L351[07:50:10] <Ivorius> I don't get it.
L352[07:50:11] <diesieben07> sfxworks: that's not a forge problem, the mod is broken.
L353[07:50:49] *** BIT[Away] is now known as theoriginalbit
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L355[07:52:15] <Ivorius> So all he's saying is he accidentally set an invalid state, the mod doesn't handle it correctly and crashes, and now that's Forge's fault?
L356[07:53:04] <diesieben07> idk
L357[07:53:11] <diesieben07> It's not forge's fault that's for sure.
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L361[07:54:47] <theoriginalbit> I'm attempting to add NEI to my dev env so that I can test things easier, but Forge keeps popping up with a window wanting a conf dir for the deobfuscator, what am I doing wrong?
L362[07:55:07] <theoriginalbit> oh btw this is for MC 1.8
L363[07:55:09] <diesieben07> that's not forge, that's CodeChickenCore
L364[07:55:30] <theoriginalbit> oh okay, so where do I need to point it?
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L366[07:55:35] <diesieben07> somewhere in the gradle cache
L367[07:55:56] <theoriginalbit> the conf folder in the gradle cache doesn't contain methods.csv
L368[07:56:04] <theoriginalbit> so it's not liking that folder
L369[07:56:36] <Lumien> download the mcp mappings#
L370[07:56:39] <diesieben07> no
L371[07:56:44] <Wuppy> \o/ my helicopter is starting to look like a helicopter :D
L372[07:56:59] <Lumien> why not? :P
L373[07:57:04] <diesieben07> .gradle/caches/minecraft/net/minecraftforge/forge/<version>/snapshot/<snapshotid>#
L374[07:57:14] <diesieben07> no need to download it agian, you already have it
L375[07:57:33] <Lumien> first of all i only have snapshot_nodoc
L376[07:57:54] <Lumien> and like he said that does not contain the csv files
L377[07:58:02] <diesieben07> yes. it does
L378[07:58:05] <Lumien> not for me
L379[07:58:10] <diesieben07> wait what... no
L380[07:58:18] <Ivorius> Not that folder
L381[07:58:20] <Ivorius> The gradle caches
L382[07:58:27] <Ivorius> They're somewhere else entirely
L383[07:58:43] <diesieben07> .gradle/caches/minecraft/de/oceanlabs/mcp/mcp_snapshot/<snapshot-id>
L384[07:59:20] <Lumien> that ONLY contains the csv files
L385[07:59:27] <Lumien> ccc also wants the joined thingy though
L386[07:59:59] <diesieben07> really? what does it need that for...
L387[08:00:33] <diesieben07> i dont even know what it does
L388[08:01:53] <theoriginalbit> well neither of those locations it's happy with. I definitely didn't have a 'snapshot' folder, only a 'snapshot_nodoc' which had no csv's in it
L389[08:02:09] <diesieben07> did you try the 2nd one?
L390[08:02:14] <sfxworks> Didn't say it was forge's fault.
L391[08:02:19] <sfxworks> Read my last comment
L392[08:02:34] <diesieben07> if it's not forge's fault it sholdn't go in forge's issue tracker
L393[08:02:44] <sfxworks> read
L394[08:02:46] <sfxworks> my last comment
L395[08:02:47] <theoriginalbit> yeah the 2nd path it wants packaged.srg and joined.srg
L396[08:03:42] <sfxworks> Tekknikly forge is the engine of the world so it can be related to forge since forge is the one that doesn't know what to do when a block goes out of bounds...and all mods have blocks...
L397[08:03:50] <sfxworks> Get it?
L398[08:03:53] <sfxworks> Tekkit?
L399[08:03:55] <diesieben07> ...
L400[08:03:56] <sfxworks> Tekknikly?
L401[08:04:00] <diesieben07> Forge does not handle mod blocks
L402[08:04:02] <diesieben07> the mod does.
L403[08:04:03] * sfxworks was banned.
L404[08:04:05] <sfxworks> lel
L405[08:04:13] <sfxworks> okay, but
L406[08:04:52] <diesieben07> your issue is that you don't know the save format
L407[08:05:00] <sfxworks> The main issue is changing an nbteditor. Coudlnt post this in bukkit cause it uses external mods. Cant post it in minecraform because they dont even.
L408[08:05:07] <sfxworks> Yes.
L409[08:05:10] <sfxworks> And im asking.
L410[08:05:12] <sfxworks> What do I do
L411[08:05:21] <diesieben07> yes, but that is still not a forge issue.
L412[08:05:23] <diesieben07> read this: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Chunk_format
L413[08:05:44] <sfxworks> Ya kno, little tired of reading if people know the answer.
L414[08:05:52] <sfxworks> Especially since I have to pay rent.
L415[08:06:09] <diesieben07> wat
L416[08:06:16] <theoriginalbit> diesieben07: 2nd path didn't work. it wanted packaged and joined srg files
L417[08:06:41] <diesieben07> yeah i read
L418[08:06:48] <diesieben07> i am currently trying to find where those are even at
L419[08:06:52] <sfxworks> If you know the answer, please answer it instead of making me learn how to do it after staying up doing a bunch of other stuff at 9am with no sleep.
L420[08:07:12] <diesieben07> nobody will do your work for you.
L421[08:07:22] <diesieben07> if you are tired, go sleep. do it tomorrow.
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L424[08:08:00] <diesieben07> why does he want packaged.srg :(
L425[08:08:04] <diesieben07> man CB is annoying
L426[08:08:11] <diesieben07> can't he just make stuff that works...
L427[08:08:12] <sfxworks> Why not ask on a public board instead? General knowledge is better if someone already knows how to do it
L428[08:08:24] <sfxworks> it makes everyone waste less time
L429[08:08:35] *** big_Xplo|AFK is now known as big_Xplosion
L430[08:08:41] <diesieben07> the answer on how to do it is: use an NBT editor
L431[08:08:47] <theoriginalbit> packaged.srg seems to be in the minecraftforge/<version>/unpacked/
L432[08:08:50] <diesieben07> that wiki page tells you what you need to do
L433[08:08:55] <fry> diesieben07: I've made an obfuscator without a nice GUI that works with mcp/gradle data - nodoby uses it :P
L434[08:08:55] <diesieben07> yeah
L435[08:09:10] <diesieben07> CB is *de*obfuscating
L436[08:09:10] <theoriginalbit> I dont know why he needs all this pointing to files now, never needed it in previous versions
L437[08:09:18] <diesieben07> because he is stupid
L438[08:09:31] * sfxworks ingores diesieben07 for his ridiculous name and smart mouthed assumptions.
L439[08:09:40] <diesieben07> he thinks that not providing a deobf file and deobfuscating at runtime is better
L440[08:09:53] <diesieben07> sfxworks: this way you will not get help. go fuck yourself.
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L443[08:11:03] * sfxworks laughs at ridiculous name for his/her name and his general hating of the world because the thinks that he is smarter than everyone.
L444[08:11:13] <TurnedSlayer> wow sfxworks
L445[08:11:14] <Wuppy> sfxworks, shut the fuck up
L446[08:11:17] <TurnedSlayer> ^^
L447[08:11:33] <TurnedSlayer> diesieben07 is one of the most helpful people here...
L448[08:11:39] <Wuppy> exactly
L449[08:11:51] <sfxworks> I just got told to shut the fuck up after he's trashing aother guy calling him stupid and I get bashed on?
L450[08:11:59] <sfxworks> Rep is nothing if you're being stupid to another person.
L451[08:12:14] <sfxworks> Rude is rude. Go check who your friends are.
L452[08:12:15] <diesieben07> i told you exactly what you need to do.
L453[08:12:19] <diesieben07> you are not happy
L454[08:12:26] <diesieben07> then I say: ok, seek help elsewhere.
L455[08:12:27] <sfxworks> You're being a smartass.
L456[08:12:27] <TurnedSlayer> he's not, hes saying cb is stupid for doing something that way
L457[08:12:47] <Wuppy> nope, he tells you what to do sfxworks
L458[08:12:51] <sfxworks> Then what does "because he is stupid" mean?
L459[08:12:53] <diesieben07> and about me calling CB stupid, don't put your nose into things you dont understand.
L460[08:12:58] <TurnedSlayer> ^
L461[08:13:33] <sfxworks> What am I suppose to think when some random calls me out at 9am over a bunch of blocks? He's mature enough to breathe?
L462[08:13:39] <sfxworks> That's retarted.
L463[08:13:41] ⇦ Quits: sfxworks (~sfxworks@2606:a000:ddc0:9a00:81ba:bcce:7f12:c4a5) (Remote host closed the connection)
L464[08:13:56] <diesieben07> lawl
L465[08:14:23] *** NotTomben is now known as Tombenpotter
L466[08:15:06] <TurnedSlayer> what the actual fuck did i just read
L467[08:15:11] <Wuppy> this day is too good for arguments like this.....
L468[08:15:15] <TurnedSlayer> ^
L469[08:15:21] <Wuppy> today is a very good day
L470[08:15:44] <TurnedSlayer> today is the day i crash my mc client a lot
L471[08:15:45] <TurnedSlayer> xD
L472[08:15:48] <Wuppy> :(
L473[08:16:07] <TurnedSlayer> once so far
L474[08:16:08] <Wuppy> today is the day of Hard Bass and the Tomorrowland ticketsale
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L476[08:16:17] <TurnedSlayer> trying to make a world using rftools
L477[08:16:32] <TurnedSlayer> some bs to do with tile rendering
L478[08:16:43] <Wuppy> I really really really really want tickets for tomorrowland...
L479[08:16:52] <TurnedSlayer> http://servertools.info/#!index.md
L480[08:17:00] *** nekosune_Away is now known as nekosune
L481[08:17:03] <TurnedSlayer> kinda sad this doesnt work for the forge verison im using :/
L482[08:17:31] <Wuppy> time to spend almost 400 euros later today
L483[08:17:33] <Wuppy> hopefully
L484[08:17:45] <cmb_> that's so not worth it
L485[08:17:57] <Wuppy> it is
L486[08:18:02] <TurnedSlayer> whats that in ��? xD
L487[08:18:33] <Wuppy> about 260 pounds
L488[08:18:56] <Wuppy> or about 400 dollars
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L490[08:19:15] <TurnedSlayer> ah
L491[08:19:48] <Ivorius> lol, that sfxworks guy was completely out of his mind
L492[08:19:54] <Wuppy> yes
L493[08:20:07] <Wuppy> but anyway cmb_ Tomorrowland is the best thing you can do :D
L494[08:20:26] <Ivorius> I wonder why they they even let him access the internet, at the place he's surely at :P
L495[08:20:36] <cmb_> the lasers are worth it
L496[08:20:37] <Wuppy> heh
L497[08:20:55] <Wuppy> have you been there?
L498[08:21:05] <cmb_> but the music? depends :P
L499[08:21:13] *** Zidane|Away is now known as Zidane
L500[08:21:14] <Wuppy> I like that kind of music
L501[08:21:36] <cmb_> no, I haven't been there but if I do they'll have to ask me
L502[08:21:54] <Wuppy> I wanted to go last year but the tickets were sold out in under a second
L503[08:22:06] <cmb_> you near Belgium?
L504[08:22:10] <Wuppy> NL
L505[08:22:21] <cmb_> oh well you have plenty of alternatives
L506[08:22:39] <Wuppy> true, but tomorrowland is basically the best thing ever
L507[08:23:34] ⇦ Quits: moonrise (~hehehe@ (Remote host closed the connection)
L508[08:24:26] <Wuppy> and I wouldn't mind paying several hundred euros for the best weekend in my life
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L512[08:30:27] <cmb_> hey Wuppy! just realized I was following some of your video tutorials earlier
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L515[08:33:00] <TurnedSlayer> Wuppys tutorials are great :P
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L519[08:34:47] <shadowfacts> hello
L520[08:35:36] <TurnedSlayer> now to setup my new vps xD
L521[08:36:04] <Cazzar> The fun of coding for TF2 :3
L522[08:36:37] <TurnedSlayer> haha
L523[08:36:44] <TurnedSlayer> what lang is tf2?
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L525[08:39:09] <Mox[NL]> c++ right?
L526[08:39:16] <Mox[NL]> based on the old quake 2 engine
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L529[08:41:35] *** Ordi|Away is now known as Ordinastie
L530[08:41:37] <Cazzar> You can do C++ or Pawn
L531[08:41:44] <Cazzar> Pawn via SourcePawn
L532[08:43:06] <Genuine> Anyone have any good literature on Design Patterns and other OOP concepts?
L533[08:44:07] <Ordinastie> Abrar|gone, did you finally fix your issue ?
L534[08:45:55] <shadowfacts> Ordinastie the "|gone" at the end of his name means that he is gone right now
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L536[08:47:01] <Ordinastie> the fact that my nick change from the same kind probably means I know that
L537[08:47:48] <TurnedSlayer> ahk
L538[08:48:11] <TurnedSlayer> btw anyone seen the new ftb infinity pack?
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L540[08:50:28] <Ivorius> Seen that it came out, yes :P
L541[08:51:06] <shadowfacts> I was watching Wyld stream it for a couple of hours last night
L542[08:51:13] <shadowfacts> looks pretty godo
L543[08:51:15] <shadowfacts> *good
L544[08:52:14] <gigaherz> [15:43] (Genuine): Anyone have any good literature on Design Patterns and other OOP concepts?
L545[08:52:19] <gigaherz> just get the "gof" book
L546[08:52:23] <gigaherz> THE gof book ;P
L547[08:52:53] <Genuine> http://books.google.com/books/about/Design_Patterns.html?id=6oHuKQe3TjQC
L548[08:52:54] <Genuine> ?
L549[08:52:56] <gigaherz> http://books.google.es/books/about/Design_Patterns.html?id=6oHuKQe3TjQC&redir_esc=y
L550[08:52:58] <gigaherz> yes.
L551[08:53:13] <gigaherz> all other books derive from what's explained there
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L553[08:53:49] <Genuine> Perfect, thanks.
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L556[08:55:22] <gigaherz> like, you may find one that explains patterns in the context of JAva instead of C++
L557[08:55:28] <TurnedSlayer> im just setting up a server for infinity if anyones interested
L558[08:55:47] <gigaherz> (delay due to verifying that it indeed shows C++ pseudocode)
L559[08:56:03] <gigaherz> but the idea of the patterns and why they are useful, is the same
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L569[09:06:49] <MCPBot_Reborn> Semi-live (every 10 min), Snapshot (daily ~10:05 EST), and Stable (committed) MCPBot mapping exports can be found here: http://export.mcpbot.bspk.rs/
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L580[09:37:17] <Lex_> TIL Imgur has a discuss forum and they do things like this https://community.imgur.com/t/amazon-gift-list-game-read-description/5716
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L591[09:55:46] <MindWorX> Is there a simple way to make nether generate as void?
L592[09:55:58] <MindWorX> Somehow make a simple void provider or whatever?
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L594[09:56:27] <ChJees> Want it to be like in the Feed the Beast maps?
L595[09:56:38] <MindWorX> I guess void isn't really void. Should provide air.
L596[09:56:39] <MindWorX> Yeah
L597[09:56:56] <MindWorX> The only mod I can find that does this is Ex Nihilo, which I can't use.
L598[09:57:08] <killjoy> A mod like CleanroomGenerator would be useful
L599[09:57:42] <MindWorX> Is that a preloader kinda mod?
L600[09:57:52] <killjoy> Well, it's a bukkit plugin
L601[09:57:55] <MindWorX> Ah
L602[09:58:05] <MindWorX> I was looking at multiverse as well
L603[09:58:12] <MindWorX> Also Bukkit
L604[09:58:20] <killjoy> -g CleanroomGenerator:. would create a void world
L605[09:58:35] <MindWorX> But I'm not sure how much of hassle it is to get bukkit plugins working with forge though
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L607[09:59:55] <killjoy> Does anyone know if the sliders in 1.8 apply to nether?
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L610[10:02:20] <UniversalRed_> Does anyone know how to make it so that when time passes within a world, every tick it passes within a world it makes a integer increase in value?
L611[10:02:42] <diesieben07> MC already does that, world.getWorldTotalTime
L612[10:03:31] <Creysys> Can i somehow mod vanilla files to stop enermen from stealing my cobble? :(
L613[10:03:42] <gigaherz> cobble?
L614[10:03:49] <Lymia> Endermen steal cobble?
L615[10:03:56] <gigaherz> not since 1.4 or whatever
L616[10:03:57] <killjoy> ./gamerule doMobGriefing false
L617[10:04:07] <diesieben07> Creysys: EntityEnderman.setCarriable(<block>, <true or false>)
L618[10:04:16] <gigaherz> the first ever version of endermen, they could pick up things like stonebricks
L619[10:04:24] <gigaherz> but they haven't been able to do that for ages
L620[10:04:56] <MindWorX> ./gamerule mobGriefing false
L621[10:04:58] <UniversalRed_> thanks, it seems to work now :)
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L623[10:05:11] <Creysys> I ment like every block with cobble
L624[10:05:24] <diesieben07> what is "every block with cobble"?
L625[10:05:44] <gigaherz> clay, dirt (and grass variants), flowers, sand, tnt
L626[10:05:58] <gigaherz> they can't pick cobble.
L627[10:06:02] <Creysys> I dont want them to steal anything
L628[10:06:15] <Creysys> And changing the gamerule is kinda cheating (withers)
L629[10:06:32] <gigaherz> the Hermitcraft people have a commandblock-based trick to avoid that
L630[10:06:33] <killjoy> And creepers
L631[10:06:40] <diesieben07> do what I posted above for every block.
L632[10:06:52] <gigaherz> they scan for endermen, and whenever one has empty hands, they give them a barrier block
L633[10:06:59] <gigaherz> which disappears when they try to place it back on the world
L634[10:07:26] <Creysys> I saw that vanilla trick too
L635[10:07:41] <Creysys> diesieben07: Do you know if endermen use a whitelist?
L636[10:07:45] <killjoy> Create a new event (MobGriefEvent) and do a pull
L637[10:07:51] <diesieben07> they have a Map<Block, Boolean>
L638[10:08:03] <diesieben07> if it contains the Block, the boolean determines if it can be picked up
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L640[10:08:09] <diesieben07> if the Block is not in that map, false is assumed
L641[10:08:10] <gigaherz> defaults to true or false?
L642[10:08:12] <MindWorX> Any kind of endermen behavior alteration that makes it easier is cheating? :P
L643[10:08:31] <Creysys> And if they try to steal a block which isnt contained in the list?
L644[10:08:32] <gigaherz> MindWorX: removing griefing is not cheating
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L646[10:08:40] <diesieben07> diesieben07> if the Block is not in that map, false is assumed
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L648[10:08:55] <diesieben07> ...
L649[10:09:00] <MindWorX> gigaherz, According to Creysys it is :P
L650[10:09:17] <gigaherz> making the wither unable to create a hole around itself
L651[10:09:28] <gigaherz> and causing the wither to suffocate in a cave, is.
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L653[10:09:37] <Creysys> Wait i cant modify the list directly, nvm
L654[10:09:45] <diesieben07> yes...
L655[10:09:48] <diesieben07> it has an accessor.
L656[10:09:51] <diesieben07> as i said 3 times now.
L657[10:09:55] ⇨ Joins: Makerimages (~Makerimag@122-51-65-62.dyn.estpak.ee)
L658[10:09:56] <Makerimages> o/
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L660[10:10:28] <Makerimages> Hmm, with this new 1.8 texture system - how would I go about changing a block's texture upon a redstone signal?
L661[10:10:35] <Creysys> Seems like i do have to loop throgh every block :S
L662[10:10:36] <gigaherz> blockstates
L663[10:10:40] <gigaherz> you need two blockstates
L664[10:10:49] <gigaherz> each blockstate has a model reference (json file)
L665[10:10:56] <gigaherz> and each model has a different texture name in the file
L666[10:11:29] <Makerimages> ahh,so each possible state needs it's own blockstate,block model and item model file? K..
L667[10:11:36] <gigaherz> yup
L668[10:12:04] <gigaherz> https://github.com/gigaherz/NaturalTrees/tree/master/src/main/resources/assets/naturaltrees/models/block
L669[10:12:14] <gigaherz> I started writing this mod
L670[10:12:20] <gigaherz> which has a branch block, for nicer trees
L671[10:12:25] <Makerimages> What were the guys at mojang thinking, making this.,..
L672[10:12:40] <gigaherz> eahc branch would have 8 different thicknesses and a toggle for leaves or no leaves
L673[10:12:50] <gigaherz> and on top of that, it can be facing in any of the 6 directions
L674[10:12:52] <gigaherz> so yeah
L675[10:12:59] <gigaherz> 8 * 2 * 6 states, per wood type
L676[10:13:30] <PaleoCrafter> Makerimages, make everything JSON + exposed to resource packs? :P
L677[10:13:36] <gigaherz> 96 files * 6 wood types
L678[10:13:59] <gigaherz> yeah the upside is that you allow a resource pack to modify each single possible blockstate
L679[10:14:02] <gigaherz> with a custom model
L680[10:14:39] <gigaherz> and although annoying, creating the json files is either just a one-timething, or you can usually script it, like I did
L681[10:15:14] <gigaherz> I wrote a program that would generate those ~700 files based on a patterns
L682[10:15:21] <gigaherz> blockstates, block templates, and the actual block models
L683[10:15:23] <PaleoCrafter> somebody really should start writing an IDE plugin for MC modding :D
L684[10:17:23] <Makerimages> Hmm, i remeber there being a function to check if redstone power was being input to the Block...
L685[10:19:46] <Creysys> diesieben07: Alright i got what you said would you like to look over my code since i cant test it that easily
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L687[10:20:07] <diesieben07> sure
L688[10:20:12] ⇨ Joins: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@f054101071.adsl.alicedsl.de)
L689[10:20:31] <gigaherz> Makerimages: https://github.com/gigaherz/signbutton
L690[10:20:44] <Creysys> diesieben07: http://pastebin.com/c46E2RXB
L691[10:21:17] <diesieben07> should work. where do you do that?
L692[10:21:41] <Creysys> postInit
L693[10:21:47] <diesieben07> Ok.
L694[10:23:27] <gigaherz> Makerimages: eh wait that mod I made provides power, doesn't receive it, nevermind ;P
L695[10:26:14] <Makerimages> any1?
L696[10:26:29] <Makerimages> about the texture changing, got the redstone part already
L697[10:26:31] <PaleoCrafter> Makerimages, world.isBlockIndirectlyGettingPowered or something
L698[10:27:26] <Makerimages> gigaherz, made the 2 blockstate and models. got redstone detection.. now what :/
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L700[10:32:56] <gigaherz> look at the redstone lamp
L701[10:33:05] <gigaherz> whatever you need to do, is there ;P
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L713[10:47:10] <Makerimages> works, nice!
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L723[11:15:42] <Teamy> Is there a way I can add the tabs on my guis like minechem and thermal expansion?
L724[11:16:15] <tterrag> minechem is opensource
L725[11:16:49] <TurnedSlayer> plus TE has the tab coding on github
L726[11:17:07] *** Techokami|Off is now known as Techokami
L727[11:17:23] <tterrag> yep it's in CoFHLib I believe
L728[11:17:32] <tterrag> fairly sure all the mods that have tabs do it custom
L729[11:17:36] <TurnedSlayer> yh
L730[11:17:45] <TurnedSlayer> TE is kinda hard to understand tho
L731[11:17:53] <TurnedSlayer> not sure if thats just me tho
L732[11:17:55] <TurnedSlayer> xD
L733[11:19:36] <gigaherz> mc GUI is WAYtoo custom and harcoded
L734[11:20:01] <MattDahEpic> anyone have a good source/tutorial for them ghosty items that go in filters and things like that?
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L736[11:21:34] <tterrag> MattDahEpic: basically you just make a slot that only holds 0 items
L737[11:21:50] <tterrag> https://github.com/CrazyPants/EnderIO/blob/master/src/main/java/crazypants/gui/TemplateSlot.java
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L740[11:28:23] <Makerimages> onNeighborBlockChange really aint that great for powering multiple blocks... and ticks won't work ?!? any toher solutino?
L741[11:29:10] <tterrag> er what
L742[11:29:33] <Makerimages> nevermind
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L744[11:33:29] <Wuppy> FFS
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L746[11:33:37] <Wuppy> tomorrowland sold out in 18 minutes :(
L747[11:33:45] <lKinx> For the forge released for 1.8, does it work for 1.8.2 as well?
L748[11:33:55] <lKinx> as in, what versions(s) is it compatible with?
L749[11:33:58] <gigaherz> no, only 1.8 original
L750[11:34:01] <gigaherz> not even .1
L751[11:34:02] <lKinx> okay
L752[11:34:11] <gigaherz> and wtf is 1.8.2?
L753[11:34:46] <lKinx> oh that's still in prerelease, my bad
L754[11:34:48] <gigaherz> oh I see, they decided to actually have a 1.8.2 version before 1.9
L755[11:34:48] <gigaherz> :^P
L756[11:35:06] <gigaherz> :P*
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L769[11:42:26] MineBot sets mode: +v on AbrarSyed
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L783[11:58:41] <cmb_> is there anything I need to do to make a multiplayer mod?
L784[11:59:21] <cmb_> my mod works fine on single player and open to lan works as well but when my brother tries to connect there is an error: invalid session
L785[11:59:30] <cmb_> we both have the same forge and same mod version
L786[11:59:35] *** Xaw4 is now known as Xaw4|Afk
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L789[11:59:55] <lKinx> anyone know why my onBlockStartBreak method is only being called when I'm in creative? as soon as I go to survival, the method doesn't fire
L790[12:00:16] <shadowfacts> You cannot connect to a dev environment server from normal MC and vice versa
L791[12:00:24] <diesieben07> that is not true
L792[12:00:37] <diesieben07> if the server is in online mode it works fine
L793[12:00:38] <PaleoCrafter> lKinx, it should be called when the block is about to break
L794[12:00:38] <lKinx> oh i think I know why
L795[12:00:46] <lKinx> yeah, that's the issue
L796[12:00:51] <lKinx> I misunderstood when it fired
L797[12:00:54] <cmb_> shadowfacts: I'm using the minecraft client, not the IDE
L798[12:00:58] <PaleoCrafter> yeah, it's not "onBlockStartHit" :P
L799[12:01:16] <lKinx> that's what I want :P
L800[12:01:24] <shadowfacts> cmb_: pastebin the log
L801[12:02:45] <lKinx> what is the closest to an onBlockStartHit method?
L802[12:02:56] ⇦ Quits: Encryptic (~Encryptic@c-50-169-124-232.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) (Quit: Quit)
L803[12:03:09] <PaleoCrafter> lKinx, I guess PlayerInteractEvent
L804[12:03:26] <diesieben07> onBlockClicked
L805[12:03:36] ⇦ Quits: Zz_Fye (Fye@1.ipv6.alpha.yourbnc.co.uk) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L806[12:04:20] <lKinx> oh I see
L807[12:04:27] <lKinx> I can go through the block rather than the item
L808[12:05:02] *** shadowfacts is now known as shadowfacts|away
L809[12:06:52] <cmb_> really weird, it works in the other direction
L810[12:07:43] <cmb_> there's nothing suspicious in the log, probably some weird firewall error
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L814[12:18:36] <Brycey92> hey how do i give my mod commands?
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L816[12:20:06] <diesieben07> make a class that extends CommandBase, register it in FMLServerStartingEvent
L817[12:22:24] ⇦ Quits: UniversalRed_ (~Universal@CPE18593396c1ce-CM18593396c1cb.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) (Quit: Leaving)
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L819[12:37:12] <killjoy> Is there an eta on this? https://github.com/MinecraftForge/ForgeGradle/blob/FG_1.2/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/gradle/user/lib/UserLibBasePlugin.java#L104
L820[12:37:31] <AbrarSyed> killjoy, FG 1.3
L821[12:37:36] <killjoy> k
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L826[12:42:54] <MattDahEpic> Brycey92, I have a mod that has it working over... here! https://github.com/MattDahEpic/ItemIdentifier
L827[12:43:17] <Brycey92> what's it do?
L828[12:43:34] <MattDahEpic> it adds a command that dumps the item you're holding
L829[12:43:45] <tterrag> most mods out there have some kind of command :P
L830[12:43:53] <tterrag> it's not hard at all
L831[12:44:08] <MattDahEpic> i put it up here, because the *only* thing it does it add a command
L832[12:44:15] <MattDahEpic> and he was asking how to do that
L833[12:44:58] <tterrag> fair enough
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L837[12:49:27] <Ordinastie> AbrarSyed, did you fix your issue ? :)
L838[12:50:22] ⇨ Joins: TigersFangs (~TigersFan@c75-111-51-220.erkacmtk01.ca.dh.suddenlink.net)
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L842[12:52:42] <AbrarSyed> Ordinastie, I found that vanilla redstone does some crazyness with notiying.. like it notifies a bit more than a 1 block radius.. has a notify list even...
L843[12:53:52] <nekosune> pixlepix: pmed you :)
L844[12:54:32] <Ordinastie> yeah redstone logic is a bit antonimic ;)
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L846[12:56:07] <Razaekel> antonimic?
L847[12:56:21] * Razaekel ios pretty sure that's not a word
L848[12:56:42] <Ordinastie> antinomic
L849[12:56:59] <Ordinastie> (french has it both ways ><)
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L858[13:15:54] <Drullkus> Where can I look up minecraft cardinal direction?
L859[13:16:03] <Drullkus> Google isn't helping.
L860[13:16:14] *** matthew|gone is now known as matthewprenger
L861[13:16:22] <tterrag> ForgeDirection.java
L862[13:16:25] <tterrag> :l
L863[13:16:38] <Drullkus> Er ok
L864[13:16:44] <fry> EnumFacing if 1.8 :P
L865[13:17:00] * Drullkus is doing 1.7 :<
L866[13:17:13] * tterrag knew this
L867[13:17:21] <clienthax> fry: gimme all yo money =3
L868[13:17:39] <fry> Joke's on you, I'm broke! :P
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L870[13:17:59] * Drullkus was talking to fry
L871[13:18:11] <Drullkus> tterrag: But uh, where would I find that class? forgesrc?
L872[13:18:37] <Ordinastie> Eclipse ? Ctrl+Shift+T
L873[13:18:39] <tterrag> use your IDE
L874[13:18:47] <tterrag> ^^
L875[13:20:11] <Drullkus> ...how
L876[13:20:14] <Drullkus> (intelliJ
L877[13:20:16] <Drullkus> )
L878[13:20:23] <Ivorius> cmd/ctrl n
L879[13:20:24] <Ordinastie> Ctrl+N?
L880[13:20:29] <Ordinastie> hehe
L881[13:20:48] <Drullkus> Found it
L882[13:20:52] <Drullkus> It's...
L883[13:20:56] <Drullkus> Double shift XD
L884[13:21:00] <Drullkus> you double-tap shift
L885[13:21:17] <PaleoCrafter> that's file search
L886[13:21:18] *** Morphan1 is now known as MorphFK
L887[13:21:22] <PaleoCrafter> ctrl + n is class search
L888[13:21:26] <Drullkus> Oh
L889[13:21:31] <Drullkus> It got it anyway
L890[13:21:32] *** Riking|away is now known as Riking
L891[13:22:14] <Ivorius> double shift is actually search all, PaleoCrafter :P
L892[13:22:22] <Ivorius> That also finds things like config options
L893[13:22:25] <Ivorius> And menu items
L894[13:22:41] <PaleoCrafter> true
L895[13:22:46] <Ivorius> (And it's a lot slower than ctrl n)
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L899[13:27:30] <clienthax> fry: o noes
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L903[13:30:27] <fry> clienthax: http://main.fry.su/fry_money.png
L904[13:32:58] ⇦ Quits: Forecaster (~Forecaste@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L905[13:33:11] <clienthax> fry: Firefox can't find the server at main.fry.su.
L906[13:33:20] <fry> whaaa
L907[13:33:24] ⇦ Quits: parcel31u (~parcel31u@c-98-250-85-212.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L908[13:33:28] <fry> do a ip lookup
L909[13:33:30] <Drullkus> Dammit fry I was expecting a Gif
L910[13:33:37] <Drullkus> why you do this to me D:<
L911[13:33:47] <Ivorius> ^
L912[13:33:54] ⇨ Joins: firedingo (~firedingo@
L913[13:33:56] <clienthax>
L914[13:34:04] ⇨ Joins: Forecaster (~Forecaste@
L915[13:34:08] <clienthax> eah works now
L916[13:34:12] <clienthax> your dns just sucks
L917[13:34:12] <clienthax> xD
L918[13:34:15] <fry> Drullkus: See, I have no money, so I whip out money, and can only stare angrily :P
L919[13:34:16] <Drullkus> clienthax: Hack my IP at :D
L920[13:35:39] *** MorphFK is now known as Morphan1
L921[13:37:21] <alekso56> Drullkus: no, hack my computer with vnc
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L923[13:38:11] <Drullkus> lol
L924[13:39:54] ⇦ Quits: firedingo|AFK (~firedingo@ (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L925[13:39:59] <alekso56> Drullkus: pls 5901
L926[13:40:09] <Drullkus> :p
L927[13:42:59] <Drullkus> Er
L928[13:43:19] <Drullkus> tterrag:
L929[13:43:32] <Drullkus> I'm actually looking for the NUMBERS for the cardinal direction
L930[13:44:12] <MattDahEpic> im guessing 0,1,2,3. *backs out of door*
L931[13:44:58] * Drullkus slaps MattDahEpic
L932[13:45:19] <Drullkus> So there's a field in getIcon(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z, int side)
L933[13:45:19] <MattDahEpic> ):
L934[13:45:20] <Drullkus> side
L935[13:45:29] <Drullkus> I'm trying to find a guide for the number assignment
L936[13:45:36] <MattDahEpic> ohohohoh
L937[13:45:39] <fry> ordinal of the ForgeDirection enum
L938[13:45:47] <MattDahEpic> its the same sides you register textures on!
L939[13:45:50] <lKinx> !gf field_147909_c
L940[13:46:34] <Drullkus> MattDahEpic: I know that
L941[13:46:47] <MattDahEpic> let me get the numbers real quick
L942[13:46:53] <Drullkus> I'm trying to randomly assign the textures
L943[13:46:56] <tterrag> Drullkus: .ordinal()
L944[13:47:27] <MattDahEpic> 0 is bottom
L945[13:47:31] <MattDahEpic> 1 is top
L946[13:47:45] <MattDahEpic> ummmm
L947[13:48:00] <MattDahEpic> 2,3,4,5 are the.... other sides?
L948[13:48:17] <fry> -_-
L949[13:48:29] *** Genji|away is now known as Genji
L950[13:48:58] * Drullkus gets out the spanking paddle
L951[13:48:58] <MattDahEpic> ive never had to register the textures seperately on the sides, only top/bottom
L952[13:49:24] <tterrag> or you could just use the enums we've been talking about this whole time instead of guessing
L953[13:49:57] <fry> ^
L954[13:50:09] <UniversalRed_> what's the method/function used for knowing when a player enters their world for the first time?
L955[13:50:38] <MattDahEpic> on client or server? UniversalRed_
L956[13:50:45] <diesieben07> UniversalRed_: https://github.com/diesieben07/Modjam-4/blob/master/src/main/java/mod/badores/event/FMLEventHandler.java#L62-75
L957[13:50:46] <UniversalRed_> client
L958[13:50:50] <diesieben07> oh... client
L959[13:50:52] <diesieben07> impossiburu
L960[13:51:10] <UniversalRed_> is serverside possible then?
L961[13:51:20] <diesieben07> follow the link
L962[13:51:26] <MattDahEpic> UniversalRed_, diesieben07 just linked it
L963[13:51:51] <UniversalRed_> yup just saw it, thanks :)
L964[13:56:58] ⇨ Joins: Starhero (Starhero@24-113-5-226.wavecable.com)
L965[13:57:49] <TTFTCUTS> when I get around to switching this project over to 1.8... *shudders*
L966[13:58:06] <TTFTCUTS> there'll be lots to do, with the amount of... interesting things I'm doing :D
L967[13:58:57] <MattDahEpic> 1.8: if amount of items > like, 2; then oh my god you have to make a file for every single one
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L969[13:59:07] <Starhero> Could anyone help me? I have having a problem with beds in 1.710. I have no idea how to research it as no error appears, but I am kicked off my bed instantly. This shouldn't be as I have somnia installed. My spawn is not saved and time is never accelerated. Somnia was working before, assuming a mod I added broke it but I have no clue what would modify the bed from the mods added.
L970[13:59:07] <Ivorius> s/interesting/hacky/? :P
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L974[13:59:13] <TTFTCUTS> maaaaaaaaybe
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L977[13:59:50] <Ivorius> Starhero: That's something you should ask the author
L978[14:00:02] <UniversalRed_> diesieben07 the code you sent me seems to be outdated with 1.8
L979[14:00:31] <diesieben07> which part? should work fine.
L980[14:00:32] ⇦ Quits: auenf (David@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L982[14:01:03] <MattDahEpic> did they change the arguments in 1.8 to take meta things or others?
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L987[14:01:26] ⇦ Quits: Kobata (Kobata@cpe-24-210-22-8.columbus.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L988[14:01:26] <UniversalRed_> getEntityData() and PERSISTED_NBT_TAG aren't working, everything else works fine
L989[14:01:41] <Starhero> Ivorius, I would love to but I some how do not think it is somnia but i have no clue how to quickly figure out which mod is interfering..
L990[14:01:53] ⇦ Quits: mezz (~quassel@2601:9:6b00:9e0:8036:b3e6:624c:ef8f) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L992[14:02:04] <diesieben07> UniversalRed_: uhm, both of those exist for me in 1.8
L993[14:02:05] <tterrag> UniversalRed_: how are you using it?
L994[14:02:16] <Ivorius> Starhero: Incompatibility is still something the author himself can sort out best
L995[14:02:33] <Ivorius> You can look for the perpetrator by systematically removing mods
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L997[14:03:37] <MattDahEpic> i need an idea for a new folder name...
L998[14:03:38] ⇨ Joins: LexManos (~Lex@50-76-111-34-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
L999[14:03:38] MineBot sets mode: +o on LexManos
L1000[14:03:46] <MattDahEpic> hi lex!
L1001[14:03:46] <Starhero> Ivorius, doing that with 255+ mods sucks, with a 10 minute load time...
L1002[14:03:51] *** Kobata_ is now known as Kobata
L1003[14:04:05] <UniversalRed_> really? let me check it through again, also, i'm using it so that I can do if statements with results giving a player a chanc
L1004[14:04:25] <Ivorius> Starhero: log2 (300) ~= 8
L1005[14:04:34] <Ivorius> That would take an hour, granted
L1006[14:04:44] <Starhero> Huh?
L1007[14:05:06] <Ivorius> If you don't want to manually search, ask the author :P
L1008[14:05:52] <Ivorius> Although
L1009[14:06:01] <Ivorius> As soon as you remove half the mods, the load time is halved also
L1010[14:06:13] <MattDahEpic> not always, depends on the mods
L1011[14:06:23] <Ivorius> That's nitpicking
L1012[14:06:25] ⇨ Joins: kourbou (~kourbou@wis38-2-88-180-229-5.fbx.proxad.net)
L1013[14:06:29] <Ivorius> The load time will about half
L1014[14:06:29] <MattDahEpic> :|
L1015[14:06:31] <Ivorius> *halve
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L1019[14:08:32] <Ivorius> E (n=0, 7) (10 / (2^n)) minutes
L1020[14:08:56] <MattDahEpic> oh god, math. not on the weekend please.
L1021[14:08:56] <Ivorius> That's about 25 minutes pure launch time
L1022[14:09:15] <Ivorius> Bitch, I had an exam today
L1023[14:09:17] <Ivorius> It was awful :P
L1024[14:09:19] *** diesieben07 is now known as diesieben|away
L1025[14:09:23] <MattDahEpic> its saturday?
L1026[14:09:26] <Ivorius> This is nothing
L1027[14:09:37] <Ivorius> I am a Uni student. We don't get pampered :P
L1028[14:09:47] <MattDahEpic> tru
L1029[14:11:09] <cmb_> tru
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L1031[14:13:05] <Ivorius> !gf textureMap
L1032[14:13:46] <Drullkus> lol
L1033[14:13:55] <Ivorius> Yes fry, this is what I have to do just to render my model :P
L1034[14:14:04] <fry> lol
L1035[14:14:23] <fry> Minecraft.getTextureMapBlocks or smth like that :P
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L1038[14:15:08] <Ivorius> fry: No, I need the actual <ResourceLocation, Sprite> map :P
L1039[14:15:27] <Ivorius> Oh wait, it has a getter
L1040[14:15:28] <Ivorius> nvm
L1041[14:16:05] *** tterrag is now known as tterrag|away
L1042[14:16:33] <UniversalRed_> diesieben07: can't find getEntityData(), it says it's an unresolved method.
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L1045[14:21:06] <Ivorius> Let's see if dis shit work
L1046[14:24:59] ⇨ Joins: Emile (~Emile@546898F2.cm-12-1c.dynamic.ziggo.nl)
L1047[14:25:56] <Ivorius> Oh, hey Emile
L1048[14:26:19] <Emile> Oh hey dude!
L1049[14:26:28] <Emile> How have you been?
L1050[14:27:00] <Ivorius> Good, I think
L1051[14:27:11] <Ivorius> It's kinda hard to summarize that much amount of time :P
L1052[14:27:51] <Ivorius> Either I was pretty blind, or you don't show up in here often? :P
L1053[14:27:57] <Emile> Haha fair enough
L1054[14:28:00] <Emile> Yeah thats true
L1055[14:28:05] <Emile> Dont visit IRC much
L1056[14:28:31] <Emile> Had a modding question but already got it haha, 1.8 is kinda difficult sometimes
L1057[14:28:56] <Ivorius> I didn't even know you also programmed, lol
L1058[14:29:35] <Emile> Oh, yeah haha, been modding for a year now
L1059[14:29:54] <Emile> Bit more important usually than music haha
L1060[14:29:59] <Ivorius> Oh, cool
L1061[14:30:02] <Ivorius> Finished anything yet?
L1062[14:30:21] <Emile> Well worked on some Aether patches, but mostly been working on a secret mod with the Aether folks
L1063[14:30:43] <Ivorius> seecret stuff oOoooOOo
L1064[14:30:43] <Ivorius> :P
L1065[14:30:47] <Emile> Yeeeee
L1066[14:30:49] <Emile> You still modding?
L1067[14:31:00] <Ivorius> Well yeah, I am in here :P
L1068[14:31:05] <Emile> Haha, fair dos
L1069[14:31:10] <Ivorius> Nothing with Miclee
L1070[14:31:13] <Ivorius> He disappeared again
L1071[14:31:28] <Ivorius> I wonder if he'll ever change :P
L1072[14:31:53] <Emile> Yeah no surprises there
L1073[14:32:04] <Emile> His projects are wayyy too ambitious for him, tbh
L1074[14:32:28] <Emile> Hes rappin now tho
L1075[14:32:35] <Drullkus> lol
L1076[14:32:35] <Ivorius> Wasn't he always?
L1077[14:33:13] <Emile> Rapping? Well for a few years now I guess
L1078[14:33:58] <Ivorius> I didn't know him in EVMC, and when we were working on cubed he already rapped, I think
L1079[14:34:27] <Emile> Ah, k
L1080[14:34:37] <Emile> So what have you been working on?
L1081[14:35:13] <Ivorius> Oh, lots of things x)
L1082[14:35:40] <Ivorius> My current favourite, I think, is Recurrent Complex
L1083[14:35:55] <Ivorius> Everything around structures and generation
L1084[14:36:12] <Ivorius> In terms of downloads Pandora's Box is still rocking the front though
L1085[14:36:21] <Emile> Oh wow lol
L1086[14:36:29] <Emile> I should PM you about something lol
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L1088[14:36:45] <Ivorius> Sure, I'm here :P
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L1090[14:39:50] <Lex_> fry http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,27485.msg141448.html#new
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L1096[14:50:51] <HoLyCoW> hi guys
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L1098[14:51:18] <ssfdre38> does anyone on here know how to use Immibis peripherals with computercraft
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L1100[14:51:26] <shadowfacts> hi
L1101[14:51:57] <fry> Well, it doesn't crash for me :P
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L1117[15:34:21] <HoLyCoW> can someone help me understand something? when I create an object that extends net.minecraft.item.Item, why does Item::registerIcons() get called 3 times for each object?
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L1122[15:39:16] <diesieben07> HoLyCoW: it gets called whenever the resource manager reloads, which happens a few time during bootup
L1123[15:39:23] <tterrag|away> because mojang
L1124[15:39:38] <tterrag|away> better reload 3 times just to be sure :p
L1125[15:39:47] <diesieben07> actually its forge.
L1126[15:39:50] <Ordinastie> actually, it's a Forge fix to reload
L1127[15:39:57] <Ordinastie> damn!
L1128[15:40:34] <tterrag|away> why?
L1129[15:40:52] <Ordinastie> because Forge
L1130[15:40:53] <Ordinastie> :p
L1131[15:41:06] *** tterrag|away is now known as tterrag
L1132[15:41:20] <diesieben07> its because mods are resource packs or something
L1133[15:41:29] <diesieben07> otherwise your assets dont work properly
L1134[15:41:48] <tterrag> ok...so why 3 times?
L1135[15:41:49] <tterrag> lol
L1136[15:42:06] <tterrag> also why does the sound manager shut down/start up twice :P
L1137[15:42:13] <tterrag> is that tied to the resource manager?
L1138[15:42:14] <Ordinastie> maybe a mod reloads it a third time
L1139[15:42:47] <gigaherz> given that resource packs can include sounds
L1140[15:42:58] <gigaherz> I guess it wants to be thorough and shuts down the audio system before reloading
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L1143[15:44:09] <lKinx> Anyone know why Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderManager() would be returning null in my client proxy?
L1144[15:44:32] <Ordinastie> you can it too soon ?
L1145[15:44:35] <Ordinastie> *call
L1146[15:45:03] <diesieben07> yep
L1147[15:45:03] <tterrag> if you are using static initializers then it'll be too soon
L1148[15:45:10] <diesieben07> it doesn't work before init
L1149[15:45:16] <diesieben07> preInit is too early
L1150[15:45:20] <tterrag> oh really?
L1151[15:45:24] <tterrag> huh
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L1165[16:01:41] <HoLyCoW> @diesieben07 thanks. i was trying to figure out why that was happening
L1166[16:01:54] <diesieben07> np
L1167[16:03:04] <lKinx> is there a way I can have one entity and multiple render files?
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L1169[16:03:13] <lKinx> or if not, can I have a dynamic render file?
L1170[16:03:34] <lKinx> with the new layer system it's making dynamic renders difficult
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L1174[16:05:07] <HoLyCoW> i'll be back later. cya
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L1178[16:14:13] <Ivorius> fry: renderItem.getItemModelMesher().getModelManager().getBlockModelShapes() still produces NPE in preInit
L1179[16:14:25] <Ivorius> Running 1.8-
L1180[16:14:36] <fry> Ivorius: ModelLoader.something
L1181[16:14:51] * fry added some static methods for that
L1182[16:15:41] <Ivorius> Ah, cool
L1183[16:15:43] <Ivorius> setCustomStateMapper
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L1185[16:15:58] <Ivorius> I'm glad to help out ;D
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L1193[16:29:00] <clienthax> anyone seen this http://eclipse.org/xtend/
L1194[16:29:02] <clienthax> looks nice
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L1197[16:29:37] <DasUmlaut> so supposing I were trying to develop two mods, modB as a child of modA
L1198[16:30:12] <DasUmlaut> I've setup my workspace (eclipse) as per LexManos's last video tutorial from last year
L1199[16:30:27] <diesieben07> clienthax: not as nice as you would think. if you're at the point where you are using a different language, you might as well use one that compiles to bytecode directly and get more features out of it.
L1200[16:30:40] <clienthax> i thought xtend does?
L1201[16:30:46] <clienthax> it aparanty goes to j1.5
L1202[16:30:52] <diesieben07> xtend compiles to java code
L1203[16:30:55] <diesieben07> not bytecode.
L1204[16:30:59] <clienthax> aha
L1205[16:31:22] <DasUmlaut> can I really just add the modA project in the buildpath of modB and call it good?
L1206[16:31:30] <clienthax> was just proding it as a friend linked me]
L1207[16:31:35] <diesieben07> heh
L1208[16:31:42] <diesieben07> if you really want a cool alternative, use kotlin :P http://kotlinlang.org/
L1209[16:32:13] <clienthax> ew javascript
L1210[16:32:14] <clienthax> ;_;
L1211[16:32:40] <Katielyn> Anyone know any reason why chunks would not unload when not loaded by a chunk loader. Like i mean a person is exploring and they never unload behind them for example. Im getting to 60k chunks loaded server is running out of ram doesn't matter if i give it more it will use it.
L1212[16:32:42] <diesieben07> lol
L1213[16:32:49] <diesieben07> you dont need to care about js
L1214[16:32:50] <Katielyn> Im at a loss here i can't find the reason.
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L1216[16:33:50] <clienthax> Katielyn: debug the loaders
L1217[16:33:51] <clienthax> =3
L1218[16:33:54] <clienthax> its prob a rogue mod
L1219[16:33:54] <clienthax> xD
L1220[16:33:54] *** mezz_ is now known as mezz
L1221[16:34:05] <Katielyn> I wish i knew what fucking mod.
L1222[16:34:08] <Katielyn> I'm losing it,.
L1223[16:35:57] <UniversalRed_> DasUmlaut: buildcraft has several child mods within it's main mod path located in the same place, so yes, you can call it good where you've placed your child mod and main mod files
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L1225[16:36:54] * clienthax bites Katielyn
L1226[16:37:25] <Ivorius> clienthax is spreading some kind of disease or something, I'm sure
L1227[16:38:30] * clienthax bites Ivorius
L1228[16:38:30] <clienthax> =3
L1229[16:38:50] <Katielyn> clienthax, I'm going to cry fix it.
L1230[16:39:02] <clienthax> Katielyn: give it moar rams
L1231[16:39:02] <clienthax> =3
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L1233[16:39:25] <clienthax> or use cauldrons chunkgc
L1234[16:39:25] <Katielyn> It eats it to.
L1235[16:39:26] <clienthax> =3
L1236[16:39:37] <Katielyn> clienthax, cauldrons chunkgc is on.
L1237[16:39:49] <Katielyn> It ignores all attempts to unload chunks.
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L1239[16:40:02] <Ivorius> ZOMBIE CHUNKS
L1240[16:40:15] <Ivorius> Grab a weapon, Katielyn
L1241[16:40:49] <Ivorius> How many mods do you have installed?
L1242[16:40:59] ⇨ Joins: Noppes (~Noppes@82-168-212-152.ip.telfort.nl)
L1243[16:41:54] <Katielyn> http://prntscr.com/62cnyz, http://prntscr.com/62co4r, http://prntscr.com/62co9k
L1244[16:42:29] <Ivorius> Is that like 100?
L1245[16:42:55] <Katielyn> If not more.
L1246[16:43:00] <Katielyn> Its a ftb modpack.
L1247[16:43:31] <Ivorius> Can't you select the item and tell me the count, I wanna do some maths :P
L1248[16:43:43] <Ivorius> *items
L1249[16:43:50] *** Magik6k is now known as Magik6k|off
L1250[16:44:21] <Katielyn> 98 including our custom mods.
L1251[16:45:06] <Ivorius> ceil (log2 (98)) = 7
L1252[16:45:21] <Ivorius> You could find out which mod it is with 7 run attempts :P
L1253[16:45:54] <Ivorius> Totally manageable
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L1257[16:52:08] <Katielyn> I don't really get the option to pull mods.
L1258[16:54:19] <shadowfacts> Well, if a mod is broken and not letting chunks unload, then you don't really have a choice about pulling it.
L1259[16:55:06] <Ivorius> fry: So... Why doesn't this work? https://gist.github.com/50e72627a5beecfab0fd
L1260[16:55:10] <Katielyn> But i can't pull them all to find out each one as it would wipe said mods contents from the world.
L1261[16:55:24] <Ivorius> It doesn't log errors or anything, just... doesn't render a thing
L1262[16:55:33] <Ivorius> At least I don't see anything
L1263[16:56:48] <fry> Ivorius: seriously, update your mappings
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L1265[16:57:03] <Ivorius> Alright alright, how do you do that again? :P
L1266[16:57:40] <fry> mappings = snapshot_20150207 in build.gradle
L1267[16:57:47] <Ivorius> Actually, it might not even be the model's fault
L1268[16:57:55] <fry> inside minecraft block
L1269[16:57:55] <Ivorius> Apparently it doesn't render anything there currently, hrm
L1270[16:58:26] <Ivorius> I'm guessing that's String, not symbol? :P
L1271[16:58:37] <fry> yup
L1272[16:58:50] <Ivorius> Kay, I'll re-setup
L1273[16:59:00] <Ivorius> And then to figure out why it doesn't render
L1274[16:59:03] <Ivorius> It certainly gets called
L1275[16:59:13] <shadowfacts> Katielyn: test in a single-player world
L1276[16:59:37] <Katielyn> They don't stay loaded in a single player world
L1277[16:59:57] <shadowfacts> Are you using Bukkit/Cauldron on the server?
L1278[17:00:05] <shadowfacts> A plugin might be causing the problem
L1279[17:06:09] ⇦ Quits: Maxetime (~Thunderbi@modemcable086.219-70-69.static.videotron.ca) (Ping timeout: 378 seconds)
L1280[17:06:31] <Katielyn> Not plugins i can remove those without issues so i did no difference.
L1281[17:08:39] ⇨ Joins: Unh0ly_Tigg (~Robert@c-76-115-95-185.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
L1282[17:10:01] <Ivorius> AbrarSyed: Where is my S2S gradle automagic mapping updater? :(
L1283[17:10:53] ⇦ Quits: Synergiance (synergianc@127.0.0.inaddr.org) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1284[17:13:35] <DasUmlaut> does codechicken have is own irc channel - having issues with nei in eclipse
L1285[17:14:05] <Ivorius> DasUmlaut: #ChickenBones
L1286[17:14:18] <Ivorius> You do know IRC can get you a channel list, right? :P
L1287[17:14:37] <DasUmlaut> I actually didn't know that :P
L1288[17:14:38] <DasUmlaut> cheers
L1289[17:14:43] ⇦ Quits: MattDahEpic (~MattDahEp@71-211-148-9.hlrn.qwest.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L1290[17:14:53] <AbrarSyed> Ivorius, uh.. right.. I should add that now..
L1291[17:15:07] <Ivorius> It would be super useful at any rate :P
L1292[17:16:24] <Creysys> Would someone participate on a science mod with like an ingame guide?
L1293[17:19:27] ⇨ Joins: Synergiance (synergianc@127.0.0.inaddr.org)
L1294[17:23:16] <Ordinastie> damn, forge takes its time to set up :x
L1295[17:23:40] <Ordinastie> almost 4mins
L1296[17:24:43] <Ordinastie> fry, you said you made a demo mod for your model stuff ? where I can find it ?
L1297[17:24:53] <fry> in the forge
L1298[17:24:59] *** PaleoCrafter is now known as Paleo|off
L1299[17:25:00] <fry> src/test/java/
L1300[17:26:03] <Ivorius> Ordinastie: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/f0d96b7c50cb1aceb101c5e9c0d78806b87e1240/src/test/java/net/minecraftforge/debug/ModelLoaderRegistryDebug.java
L1301[17:26:06] <Ivorius> For the lazies :P
L1302[17:26:12] <Ordinastie> already found it :)
L1303[17:26:53] <Ordinastie> also, has someone already made some tuts on how the whole state stuff works ?
L1304[17:27:31] <Ivorius> Nope
L1305[17:27:38] <Ivorius> You can check out my source code
L1306[17:27:42] <Ivorius> It's almost done :P
L1307[17:28:09] <Ivorius> Although frys tells you pretty much the same, I guess
L1308[17:28:16] <Ordinastie> fry, you loader handles obj too ? or only b3d ?
L1309[17:28:20] <Ivorius> There's just some things to keep in mind so it works
L1310[17:28:25] <Ivorius> obj is not there yet
L1311[17:28:40] <Ivorius> Someone was working on that, not fry tho
L1312[17:28:46] <fry> Yup, not me :P
L1313[17:28:56] <fry> Wuppy's tutorials cover most of the stuff too
L1314[17:29:07] <Ivorius> Nothing b3d :P
L1315[17:29:18] <fry> Yeah, but at least json :P
L1316[17:29:39] <Ordinastie> I need to get the whole json state stuff first
L1317[17:29:56] <Ordinastie> but from just reading the code is long and painful
L1318[17:30:07] <fry> Then look at wuppy's tutorials :P
L1319[17:30:25] <fry> (Apart from the magical new static methods in ModelLoader they're pretty accurate)
L1320[17:31:03] * DasUmlaut flumps
L1321[17:31:13] ⇨ Joins: Master801 (~Master801@
L1322[17:31:26] <DasUmlaut> help: cannot even run a client with the NEI and CCC dev jar's in my build path http://pastebin.com/nfs1AV4R
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L1324[17:31:41] <killjoy> I blame mappings?
L1325[17:31:47] <Master801> Anyone know how to load custom mod files from a different path, than the default mods folder?
L1326[17:32:17] <killjoy> Master801, user the classloader
L1327[17:32:25] * Katielyn bangs head off wall
L1328[17:32:29] <Master801> Uhh
L1329[17:32:41] <diesieben07> Master801: depends on what kind of files you mean.
L1330[17:32:48] <Master801> Sorry for the idiocy from me, but how do I do that?
L1331[17:32:55] <Master801> zip and jar files.
L1332[17:33:01] <diesieben07> why? what is in them?
L1333[17:33:05] <Master801> Mods
L1334[17:33:10] <diesieben07> uh... why?
L1335[17:33:12] <killjoy> You could use Launch.classLoader
L1336[17:33:13] <Master801> They're just normal mods.
L1337[17:33:18] <Master801> Well,
L1338[17:33:20] <diesieben07> why not put them in mods
L1339[17:33:25] <fry> ^
L1340[17:33:34] <Master801> I'm attempting to load mods from older version of minecraft...
L1341[17:33:35] <killjoy> or mods/vesrion
L1342[17:33:41] ⇨ Joins: Vtec234 (~Vtec234@095160039171.warszawa.vectranet.pl)
L1343[17:33:43] <killjoy> Why?
L1344[17:33:45] <diesieben07> not gonna happen man :D
L1345[17:33:49] <diesieben07> its just not going to work.
L1346[17:33:56] <Master801> See FyberOptic's twitter for proof.
L1347[17:34:02] <Master801> If he did it, I can too.
L1348[17:34:16] <Master801> (Note, I had this idea in mind way before him.)
L1349[17:34:17] <Ordinastie> I guess, he did not start by asking how to load the mods
L1350[17:34:17] ⇦ Quits: Upthorn (~ogmar@108-85-88-195.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L1351[17:34:17] *** kirby|away is now known as mrkirby153
L1352[17:34:21] <Master801> (Or at least I think so.)
L1353[17:34:22] <killjoy> If you don't know how he might have did it, don't try it.
L1354[17:34:46] ⇦ Parts: Vtec234 (~Vtec234@095160039171.warszawa.vectranet.pl) ())
L1355[17:35:06] <Master801> :(
L1356[17:35:13] ⇦ Parts: Master801 (~Master801@ (Bye channel))
L1357[17:35:17] <Ordinastie> lol
L1358[17:35:22] <Katielyn> ;( I need help
L1359[17:35:26] <fry> You should learn how to learn about stuff like that, before you even attempt something like that
L1360[17:35:37] <Ordinastie> fry, too late :]
L1361[17:35:44] <killjoy> Most programming is theory
L1362[17:35:52] <Thog> ^
L1363[17:36:05] <killjoy> The best programmers don't even use a computer
L1364[17:36:25] <killjoy> They give their work to an intern and they type it out
L1365[17:37:46] ⇨ Joins: psxlover (psxlover@
L1366[17:38:02] <Ordinastie> fuck that, I want to type code :p
L1367[17:38:04] <Ordinastie> that's the fun part
L1368[17:38:44] <fry> Nah, engineering is way more fun :P
L1369[17:39:18] <killjoy> ^ is engineer. That means he solves problems
L1370[17:39:55] <Ordinastie> I assume, there is no compendium either for the different parameters for json blockstates ?
L1371[17:40:45] <Ivorius> !gm func_174811_aO
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L1375[17:41:59] <fry> Stop using fancy words, Ordinastie, it's 3am and I'm sick :P
L1376[17:42:10] <Ordinastie> "facing=north,half=upper,hinge=right,open=true": { "model": "wooden_door_top", "y": 180 }
L1377[17:42:18] <Ordinastie> what is "y" ?
L1378[17:42:45] <Kobata> Probably model rotation
L1379[17:42:56] <Kobata> 180 degrees around y
L1380[17:43:00] <Ordinastie> I guess so
L1381[17:43:46] <fry> Ordinastie: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Block_models
L1382[17:43:55] <Ordinastie> I'll need to figure out a way to build the same objects that result from the JSON :'(
L1383[17:44:05] <Ordinastie> ah nice :)
L1384[17:44:21] <fry> And don't do that, do stuff that results in IModel :P
L1385[17:45:20] <Ordinastie> JSON don't result in IModel?
L1386[17:45:42] <fry> It does, but it's stupidly limited
L1387[17:46:02] <Ordinastie> yes, of course, I'll use the most advanced stuff available
L1388[17:46:30] ⇦ Quits: parcel31u (~parcel31u@c-98-250-85-212.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L1389[17:50:41] <fry> It's a bit like filling a pond with a glass when you have a perfectly functioning bucket :P
L1390[17:50:46] <Ordinastie> I think all that JSON is bad, but all things considered, I don't even know I would handle "overrideable" resources like that
L1391[17:51:06] <Ordinastie> for fry "replaceable"
L1392[17:51:07] *** AbrarSyed is now known as Abrar|gone
L1393[17:51:20] <fry> Oh shush :P
L1394[17:52:11] <fry> IModel is also a lot simpler about those textures :P
L1395[17:52:48] <Ordinastie> and by IModel, you mean IModelCustom ?
L1396[17:52:57] *** heldplayer is now known as heldplayer|off
L1397[17:53:13] ⇦ Quits: Lymia (~moe@magical.girl.lyrical.lymia.moe) (Remote host closed the connection)
L1398[17:53:52] <Ordinastie> also, what's the diff between renderOnly() and renderPart() ?
L1399[17:54:01] ⇨ Joins: Lymia (~moe@magical.girl.lyrical.lymia.moe)
L1400[17:54:15] <Ordinastie> wait, it's 1.7 ><
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L1402[17:55:13] <Ordinastie> I wish Ctrl+Shift+T automatically adpated to the current working set of the Package Explorer :/
L1403[17:55:58] <Ivorius> 'working set'?
L1404[17:56:14] <Ordinastie> a sort of filter for the view
L1405[17:56:24] <Ivorius> Why?
L1406[17:56:38] <Ordinastie> because I have a 1.7 working set and a 1.8 one
L1407[17:56:59] <Ivorius> Oh x)
L1408[17:57:17] <Ordinastie> and because I want to have 2 working dirs available without having to switch branches constantly
L1409[17:57:23] <Ivorius> I just prefer setting up separate workspaces for each project :P
L1410[17:57:36] <Ivorius> Isolation is a good thing
L1411[17:57:42] <Ivorius> > Ivorius for president 2015
L1412[17:57:43] ⇦ Quits: sciguyryan (~sciguyrya@93-94-245-100.dynamic.swissvpn.net) ()
L1413[17:58:07] *** fry is now known as fry|sleep
L1414[17:58:18] *** diesieben07 is now known as diesieben|away
L1415[17:59:54] <Ordinastie> ^ and that means I can't work on 1.8 anymore ><
L1416[18:00:12] <fry|sleep> Sure you can :P
L1417[18:00:31] <Ivorius> > fry hits Ordinastie for 24 damage
L1418[18:00:42] ⇦ Quits: armed_troop (~armedtroo@pool-108-16-23-52.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
L1419[18:00:52] <tterrag> file -> switch workspace -> 1.8
L1420[18:00:54] <tterrag> .-.
L1421[18:01:20] <Ordinastie> Ctrl+F10 > 3
L1422[18:03:03] <Ordinastie> if I get it right, VertexFormat is list of vertex properties inside a list ?
L1423[18:03:22] <Ivorius> Yeah
L1424[18:03:31] <Ivorius> it tells you what is what in the int array
L1425[18:03:52] <Ordinastie> what int array ?
L1426[18:04:35] <Ivorius> Ordinastie: https://github.com/Ivorforce/PandorasBox/blob/1.8/src/main/java/ivorius/pandorasbox/client/RenderPandorasBox.java#L102
L1427[18:04:40] <Ivorius> This int array :P
L1428[18:05:27] <Ivorius> At least that's the case if it's anything like my model loader
L1429[18:05:47] ⇦ Quits: Lex_ (~Lex@2601:7:180:c900:1594:db75:2611:ae3e) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L1431[18:06:08] MineBot sets mode: +o on LexManos
L1432[18:06:22] <Ivorius> The DEFAULT_BAKED_FORMAT would map an int array like so
L1433[18:06:28] <Ordinastie> when I read all that vertex stuff, I still feel like it's overcomplicated for not much gain
L1434[18:06:47] <Ivorius> { x, y, z, r, g, b, a, u, v, p1, p2, p3, p4 }
L1435[18:06:53] <Ivorius> Not sure what padding is
L1436[18:07:08] <Ivorius> { x, y, z, r, g, b, a, u, v, p1, p2, p3, p4, x, y, z, r, g, b, a, u, v, p1, p2, p3, p4, x, y, z, r, g, b, a, u, v, p1, p2, p3, p4 }, for 3 vertices
L1437[18:07:18] <Ivorius> It is not
L1438[18:07:21] <fry|sleep> seriously
L1439[18:07:27] <Ivorius> It's raw data interpretation
L1440[18:07:34] <Ordinastie> p1-4 would be ?
L1441[18:07:36] <fry|sleep> say the word "interleaved"
L1442[18:07:43] <fry|sleep> padding
L1443[18:07:49] <fry|sleep> as in "not used"
L1444[18:07:52] <Ordinastie> ah
L1445[18:08:04] <Ivorius> Oh, that's interleaving
L1446[18:08:08] <Ivorius> I didn't know the term, fry :P
L1447[18:08:42] <Ivorius> Why would you add padding? You can pass a stride value, right?
L1448[18:08:55] <fry|sleep> MC expects int[28]
L1449[18:09:08] <Ivorius> ... why
L1450[18:09:18] <fry|sleep> And this is DEFAULT_BAKED_FORMAT, meaning the one that MC uses
L1451[18:09:43] <fry|sleep> MC uses slightly different formats for blocks and items
L1452[18:09:52] <fry|sleep> DEFAULT_BAKED_FORMAT is the common subset of those
L1453[18:10:00] <fry|sleep> (And is the one actually read from files)
L1454[18:10:17] <fry|sleep> block renderer also fills up the UVs for the 2nd texture unit (lightmap)
L1455[18:10:53] <fry|sleep> DefaultVertexFormats.BLOCK and .ITEM are the actual block and item formats
L1456[18:10:54] ⇨ Joins: armed_troop (~armedtroo@pool-108-16-23-52.phlapa.fios.verizon.net)
L1457[18:11:03] <Ordinastie> anyway, the only thing I need to change in my renderer is to return BakedQuads instead of tessallator.addVertex()
L1458[18:11:09] <fry|sleep> Yup
L1459[18:11:32] <fry|sleep> Or, do the slightly harder but better thing, and wrap it in IModel :P
L1460[18:11:35] <Ordinastie> do TESR expect that too ?
L1461[18:11:41] ⇦ Quits: psxlover (psxlover@ ()
L1462[18:11:48] <fry|sleep> TESRs didn't change a bit
L1463[18:12:08] <fry|sleep> (But I extpect they will in 1.9+ by mojang)
L1464[18:12:50] *** Morphan1 is now known as MorphFK
L1465[18:12:56] <Ivorius> Oh, that's ages awy :P
L1466[18:13:10] <Ivorius> (I hope)
L1467[18:13:13] <fry|sleep> and I'll write some TESR machinery for animated models at some point too :P
L1468[18:13:41] <fry|sleep> (I'll need to update my mod at some point :P)
L1469[18:14:56] <Ivorius> Update my mods instead :P
L1470[18:15:23] <Ivorius> I'll probably make myself a ModelBase -> IModel converter
L1471[18:15:25] <Ordinastie> I'd say upate my core instead but meh
L1472[18:15:38] <Ivorius> I have tons of models I can't just manually convert to blender
L1473[18:15:45] <fry|sleep> Ivorius: /me researched that a bit - no easy and reliable way :P
L1474[18:15:55] <fry|sleep> Heh, I'm so sleepy :P
L1475[18:16:03] * clienthax is thankfull that all the models he has to deal with are using smd format
L1476[18:16:08] <Ivorius> Oh come on :P
L1477[18:16:08] <clienthax> wooo for smd loader =3
L1478[18:16:11] <Ivorius> I have like 20 models
L1479[18:16:15] <Ivorius> I can't do this by hand :P
L1480[18:16:23] <Ordinastie> yes you can
L1481[18:16:40] <fry|sleep> 20 is much easier than "all the models ever by all mods" :P
L1482[18:16:48] <Ivorius> Someone track ZeuX down and trap him in a cave
L1483[18:17:03] ⇨ Joins: UniversalRed (~universal@CPE18593396c1ce-CM18593396c1cb.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com)
L1484[18:17:04] <Ivorius> So he makes a tcn - obj converter
L1485[18:17:05] ⇦ Quits: Emile (~Emile@546898F2.cm-12-1c.dynamic.ziggo.nl) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L1486[18:17:12] <clienthax> cute, we havel ike.. 350 models
L1487[18:17:12] <clienthax> xD
L1488[18:17:24] <fry|sleep> Also, if your models are just simple techne onse, it's a much simpler problem to solve :P
L1489[18:17:41] <Ivorius> Not all that simple, partially :P
L1490[18:17:45] <Ivorius> Will still take a while
L1491[18:17:51] <Ivorius> UVs are annoying as heck
L1492[18:18:18] <Ordinastie> // non-erased versions of the IBakedModel methods
L1493[18:18:18] <fry|sleep> that's why I made an effort of using moderately-standartized format
L1494[18:18:21] <Ordinastie> what does that mean ?
L1495[18:18:22] <Ivorius> Maybe Tabula will be updated to convert TCN -> Obj
L1496[18:18:28] <Ivorius> May be in the cards
L1497[18:18:31] <fry|sleep> Ordinastie: generics preserved
L1498[18:18:34] <Ivorius> pig?
L1499[18:18:36] <Ordinastie> ah
L1500[18:18:49] <fry|sleep> Ivorius: are your models simplt static?
L1501[18:18:53] <fry|sleep> *simply
L1502[18:18:57] <Ivorius> I animate pretty much all my models :P
L1503[18:19:14] <Zaggy1024> how dare
L1504[18:19:24] <fry|sleep> So, how will obj help? :P
L1505[18:19:34] <Ivorius> Then I have it in blender
L1506[18:19:40] <Ivorius> And will just have to add the animation
L1507[18:19:52] <Ivorius> That's like 80% less work
L1508[18:20:12] <fry|sleep> well, IBakedModel to obj is like 20 lines of code :P
L1509[18:20:41] <Ivorius> We don't have a tcn -> IBakedModel loader :P
L1510[18:21:20] * fry|sleep has a .tcn -> GroupObject gist somewhere, from that to obj is stupidly easy too :P
L1511[18:21:53] <Ordinastie> in VertexFormatElement what's the diff between index and offset ?
L1512[18:22:07] <Ivorius> Well, if you were to make an sh or something out of it, you'd save my day :P
L1513[18:22:09] <fry|sleep> (Also, hint: tessellator's bytebuffer in 1.7 is pretty much IBakedModel too)
L1514[18:22:34] <fry|sleep> Ordinastie: mappings are a bit horrible: look at example uses in B3DLoader, should help a bit
L1515[18:22:44] <fry|sleep> Ivorius: not today :P
L1516[18:22:57] <Ordinastie> I don't know B3D at all though
L1517[18:23:03] <Ivorius> I'll take a while before attempting to update those mods anyway :P
L1518[18:23:43] <Ivorius> I just wanted to update Pandora's Box because it interfaces with MC relatively little, and I wanna be one of the first to update :P
L1519[18:24:04] <fry|sleep> Ordinastie: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/client/model/b3d/B3DLoader.java#L487-L532
L1520[18:24:05] <Ivorius> Then I'll continue work on Recurrent Complex first, for the time being
L1521[18:24:07] ⇨ Joins: HoLyCoW (~HoLyCoW@108-93-41-81.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net)
L1522[18:24:30] <HoLyCoW> hey hey
L1523[18:25:16] <fry|sleep> (All b3d-specific stuff is in B3DModel.java, B3DLoader.java is the glue between that and MC)
L1524[18:25:20] ⇦ Quits: UniversalRed (~universal@CPE18593396c1ce-CM18593396c1cb.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) ()
L1525[18:25:29] <Ordinastie> k
L1526[18:25:38] <fry|sleep> (So, it should be hopefully easy to wrap your hand around :P)
L1527[18:25:49] <fry|sleep> *head
L1528[18:26:07] * fry|sleep is quite sick and very tired
L1529[18:28:17] ⇦ Quits: armed_troop (~armedtroo@pool-108-16-23-52.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) (Ping timeout: 195 seconds)
L1530[18:28:22] <Ordinastie> now the question is, do I keep my model structure and converts it to bakedModel at draw time, or I try to build the right data from my inputs
L1531[18:29:05] * fry|sleep is plugging IModel
L1532[18:29:45] <fry|sleep> Can bake to any format, can be animated :P
L1533[18:31:01] <fry|sleep> And hierarchies and all that stuff
L1534[18:32:58] <Ordinastie> damn, I don't even know where to start :'(
L1535[18:33:25] <fry|sleep> look at IModel interface :P
L1536[18:33:31] ⇦ Quits: DasUmlaut (~IceChat78@host-2-98-72-23.as13285.net) (Quit: If you think nobody cares, try missing a few payments)
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L1538[18:36:16] <Ordinastie> oh god
L1539[18:36:21] <Ordinastie> instance headache
L1540[18:36:27] <Ordinastie> TRSRTransformation class :x
L1541[18:36:38] <fry|sleep> instance what?
L1542[18:36:43] <Ordinastie> *instant
L1543[18:36:54] * Ordinastie is tired too :(
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L1545[18:37:36] <fry|sleep> think about TRSRthingy as Matrix4f for now :P
L1546[18:38:06] <Ordinastie> oh don't worry, once I saw all that math shit, I closed the file directly
L1547[18:38:24] <fry|sleep> Ah, yeah, you don't like math :P
L1548[18:38:43] <Ordinastie> I like modding, but there are limits!
L1549[18:39:00] *** Sleepdra is now known as SandraDev
L1550[18:39:12] <fry|sleep> Are you not rad enough for math? :P
L1551[18:39:14] <Ordinastie> and to be fair, Math don't like me either
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L1553[18:39:27] <Ordinastie> rad?
L1554[18:39:44] <Ivorius> I spoke with math just last week
L1555[18:39:48] *** SandraDev is now known as Sandra
L1556[18:39:55] <Ivorius> She said she was totally okay with you, Ordinastie
L1557[18:40:15] <Ordinastie> yeah, right, two face bitch
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L1560[18:41:34] <Ordinastie> has IModelPart some use ?
L1561[18:42:09] <fry|sleep> I hope so :P
L1562[18:42:34] <Ordinastie> I mean currently
L1563[18:42:44] <fry|sleep> (B3D uses it)
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L1565[18:43:44] <clienthax> fry|sleep: lies, your not sleeping
L1566[18:44:02] <fry|sleep> If you have different parts with different transformations (that are not complete submodels) - they should be IModelParts
L1567[18:44:06] <minecreatr> is there any way I can detect when a player puts on a certain piece of armor?
L1568[18:44:11] <Ordinastie> you don't know, maube it's his subconscience answering
L1569[18:44:19] <clienthax> lol
L1570[18:44:26] <clienthax> im so glad we don't have to deal with fucking model jsons in 1.8
L1571[18:44:46] <minecreatr> clienthax, we dont???
L1572[18:44:47] * fry|sleep is sleeptalking
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L1574[18:44:56] <Sandra> what's wrong with model jsons?
L1575[18:44:59] <clienthax> minecreatr: let me rephrase that, you do, pixelmon dev teamd oesn't
L1576[18:45:01] <clienthax> :D
L1577[18:45:01] <Ivorius> clienthax: All this stuff isn't even related to model jsons :P
L1578[18:45:07] <fry|sleep> ^
L1579[18:45:19] <Ordinastie> that's the point :p
L1580[18:45:21] <clienthax> we have our own smd loader which has animation support and shiz built in :D
L1581[18:45:25] <Ivorius> It's literally the flip side
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L1583[18:45:44] * clienthax bites Ivorius
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L1585[18:46:39] <minecreatr> but does anyone know how I can detect when a piece of armor with a specific enchant is equipped?
L1586[18:47:30] * Ivorius dodged the bite
L1587[18:47:42] <Ivorius> I don't make the same mistake twice :P
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L1589[18:48:28] <Ivorius> minecreatr: For what purpose
L1590[18:48:38] <Ivorius> Depending on the context, you do this with different methods
L1591[18:49:02] <Ordinastie> fry|sleep, can you explain a bit that stuff : Function<ResourceLocation, TextureAtlasSprite> bakedTextureGetter); ?
L1592[18:49:03] <minecreatr> well I want it so when a player puts on boots with my enchant is applied, I can change their step height
L1593[18:49:10] <minecreatr> and change it back when they unequip
L1594[18:50:12] <fry|sleep> Ordinastie: that thingy lets you get sprites from resourcelocations inside the bake model
L1595[18:50:42] <fry|sleep> bakedTextureGetter.apply(resourceLocation) -> returns TextureAtlasSprite
L1596[18:50:55] <fry|sleep> (So you can do tha UV calculations and stuff)
L1597[18:52:03] <Ordinastie> so, it gets the "IIcon" from the map ?
L1598[18:52:30] <fry|sleep> It puts the lotion on the skin, or it gets the hose again
L1599[18:52:32] <fry|sleep> yes
L1600[18:53:31] <Ordinastie> I guess, as you can't get it anymore from the sheet loading, you need to have the data somehow
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L1602[18:54:15] <minecreatr> Ivorius, so how would I do that?
L1603[18:54:30] <Ivorius> I know a few ways, but nothing good, sorry :P
L1604[18:54:31] <Ordinastie> does the Function actually stich the texture ?
L1605[18:54:54] <fry|sleep> It's a simple getter
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L1607[18:55:10] <fry|sleep> why do you need to worry about stitching?
L1608[18:55:27] <Ordinastie> I don't I think, I'm just trying to understand
L1609[18:55:41] <fry|sleep> Contract of bake tells you that your texture resources will be accessible throught that getter
L1610[18:55:52] <fry|sleep> That's all you need to know to implement it :P
L1611[18:56:15] <fry|sleep> (IModel, not the IModel's caller :P)
L1612[18:56:35] <fry|sleep> Abstraction! Hopefully :P
L1613[18:57:23] <Ordinastie> when does the texture gets stitched ?
L1614[18:57:33] <fry|sleep> Why do you need to know? :P
L1615[18:58:15] <fry|sleep> (Before the call to bake, if that's not clear enough)
L1616[18:58:22] <Ordinastie> because, in you example, you use dirt, that is already on the sheet at this point, would that work the same with you own texture ?
L1617[18:59:08] *** Sandra is now known as Sandrafk
L1618[18:59:09] <fry|sleep> that's the custom IBakedModel example
L1619[18:59:16] <fry|sleep> You don't need that :P
L1620[18:59:40] <Ordinastie> you don't know what I need :p
L1621[19:00:00] <fry|sleep> Then ask the right questions :P
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L1623[19:00:16] <Ordinastie> that would require to know what I need :p
L1624[19:00:23] <fry|sleep> -_-
L1625[19:00:57] <fry|sleep> At least don't to induction in your head without sharing it :P
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L1627[19:01:20] <Ordinastie> induction ? the heating process ?
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L1630[19:02:10] <fry|sleep> deduction, whatever :P
L1631[19:02:46] <fry|sleep> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inductive_reasoning http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deductive_reasoning
L1632[19:03:13] <Ordinastie> (just noticed getTextures() in IModel, that answers the question)
L1633[19:04:05] <fry|sleep> Yup, that's how the machinery knows what textures the model needs
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L1638[19:06:26] <halvors> Hi. I'm struggling with lag on my server. I don't really know what's causing it. It's ran on a pretty high level hardware. But sometimes the server tick spikes. And i have 20 secs "lag spike" and sometimes "Time out". This with just 2 players on it :(
L1639[19:06:36] <halvors> Anyone got any ideas?
L1640[19:06:49] <fry|sleep> garbage collection? :P
L1641[19:06:55] <Ordinastie> 1.8 ?
L1642[19:07:02] <halvors> No. 1.7.10
L1643[19:07:08] <Ordinastie> dunno then
L1644[19:07:11] <shadowfacts> @fry|sleep Are you supposed to be sleeping?
L1645[19:07:21] <fry|sleep> yes
L1646[19:07:27] <halvors> Anyone got experience with tweaking GC then?
L1647[19:07:33] <fry|sleep> halvors: what forge version btw?
L1648[19:07:54] <shadowfacts> halvors: are you sure its the tick time increasing and not just the ping time
L1649[19:08:18] *** Cozza38|Away is now known as Cozza38
L1650[19:10:00] <halvors> Forge 1291.
L1651[19:10:29] <halvors> shadowfacts: Tested on server locally with less than 1ms in ping.,
L1652[19:10:48] <Zaggy1024> What mods do you have?
L1653[19:10:56] <fry|sleep> Not that terraingen stuff then :P
L1654[19:10:58] <halvors> I'll compile you a list :)
L1655[19:11:01] <halvors> 2 sec
L1656[19:11:09] <Zaggy1024> Time's up :P
L1657[19:11:19] <halvors> Darn :(
L1658[19:11:46] <shadowfacts> hmmm thats wierd
L1659[19:12:43] <Ordinastie> oh, fuck that shit, I'll continue my show instead
L1660[19:13:07] <fry|sleep> halvors: try -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
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L1662[19:13:21] <fry|sleep> (disclamer: I've never tuned a GC)
L1663[19:13:50] <halvors> http://pastebin.com/rUbEWP0G
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L1665[19:14:35] <halvors> That's the mods that i'm using.
L1666[19:14:41] <Zaggy1024> k
L1667[19:14:47] * Zaggy1024 doesn't know any of them :|
L1668[19:14:56] <halvors> fry|sleep: Actually tried that one.
L1669[19:15:07] <halvors> Didn't solve the problem :(
L1670[19:15:16] <Zaggy1024> fry, isn't there some way for him to check if there's some problem with GC?
L1671[19:15:22] <fry|sleep> Then it's probably not GC :P
L1672[19:16:26] <fry|sleep> (I'm sure there's a way to look at the memory usage - if it constantly increases, and then drops during the pause - it's GC)
L1673[19:16:36] <fry|sleep> Also, there's some mods that do server profiling iirc
L1674[19:17:03] <shadowfacts> ^ ProfMobius's opis
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L1677[19:17:45] <shadowfacts> http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/73832-opis
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L1698[19:43:04] <halvors> Thanks for answers. Tried. That i don't see anything unusual :(
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L1731[20:24:07] <lKinx> is there a way I can have a dynamic render file? I did in 1.7 but the new layer feature in renders is making a dynamic file difficult
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L1735[20:30:22] <fry|sleep> Anyone who catches this bug gets a cookie: http://i.imgur.com/7LoCfX6.png :P
L1736[20:31:53] <tterrag> you never make the recursive call for dependencies?
L1737[20:32:10] <fry|sleep> I do
L1738[20:32:16] <fry|sleep> Not that simple :P
L1739[20:32:24] *** Genji is now known as Genji|away
L1740[20:32:39] <fry|sleep> happens 1/20th of the time, with some fairly extensive mod present
L1741[20:33:14] <Unh0ly_Tigg> in the loop, shouldn't you call textures.addAll(getModel(dep)).getTextures()); instead? or does getModel already do that?
L1742[20:33:36] <tterrag> well what about dependencies of dependencies?
L1743[20:34:02] * fry|sleep actually thing the bug is in the assigment of resolveTextures set
L1744[20:34:06] <fry|sleep> *thinks
L1745[20:34:32] <fry|sleep> Someone loads the model before that's populated for that model
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L1753[20:40:12] <Mraof> Okay that's bizarre
L1754[20:40:35] <Mraof> In the reobfuscated version of my mod, none of the models are being used
L1755[20:40:57] <Mraof> Is it ignoring the ClientProxy class or something
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L1757[20:43:44] <Zaggy1024> Can someone explain why I get this error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: net.minecraft.item.ItemMultiTexture.<init>(net.minecraft.block.Block, genesis.block.BlockGenesisLogs, genesis.common.GenesisTrees$2)
L1758[20:43:52] <Zaggy1024> With this code: http://pastebin.com/UgcPiZPx
L1759[20:43:54] <Zaggy1024> :|
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L1764[20:46:16] <ssfdre38> hey does anyone here use immibis peripherals with computercraft
L1765[20:46:36] <fry|sleep> Zaggy1024: well, do you have a constructor in your model class with those argument types?
L1766[20:46:52] <Zaggy1024> It takes Block, Block, Function
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L1769[20:47:12] <Zaggy1024> I suppose Forge doesn't give me a way to provide objected that extend those classes :|
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L1771[20:47:26] <fry|sleep> cast :P
L1772[20:47:40] <Zaggy1024> oh, I didn't realize that changed what getClass() returns
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L1775[20:48:25] <fry|sleep> (Not sure how exactly that register method implemented)
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L1779[20:50:38] <Zaggy1024> fry, the register method takes an Object... argument list for the ItemBlock constructor
L1780[20:50:59] <Zaggy1024> And uses getClass() to find out what classes the constructor's parameters should be
L1781[20:51:09] <fry|sleep> I guess you can just pass null as the class, create the item instance yourself and register that separately :P
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L1783[20:51:37] <Zaggy1024> yeh, casting doesn't work
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L1786[20:52:43] <minecreatr> so does anyone know a good way to detect when a specific piece of armor is equipped?
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L1791[20:58:37] <zenith> The new mod I'm working on has its first model!
L1792[20:58:40] <zenith> http://gfycat.com/EnlightenedTatteredChamois
L1793[20:59:27] <Tyrantelf> i love the gfycat randomly generated links
L1794[20:59:39] <zenith> Yeah
L1795[20:59:51] <zenith> It's probably my favorite thing about gyfcat
L1796[20:59:55] <Tyrantelf> Enlightened, Tattered, goat.
L1797[21:00:04] <Tyrantelf> a chamois is a goat
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L1799[21:00:58] <zenith> It's always AdjectiveAdjectiveAnimal AFAIK
L1800[21:01:15] <Tyrantelf> yep, still interesting
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L1805[21:05:09] <minecreatr> please? does anyone know a good way to detect when armor is equipped/unequipped
L1806[21:06:11] <Drullkus> zenith: they do it so it's easier to memorize
L1807[21:07:45] <zenith> Drullkus, I know. =) Beats the pants off of fhhHHF41237ffjFJJJFZNN
L1808[21:07:58] <Drullkus> lol
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L1813[21:11:58] <minecreatr> !gm func_151367_b
L1814[21:12:22] <minecreatr> !gm func_151368_a
L1815[21:13:25] <minecreatr> !gm func_152376_a
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L1824[21:34:49] <mrkirby153> The forge installer doesn't take any parameters does it?
L1825[21:35:42] <mrkirby153> oh it can!
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L1838[22:08:32] <Starhero> Ivorius, dunno if your there but it seems advanced hud is not compat with either somnia or the mix of mods I have with my mc as all of a sudden jorney map works which was oddly missing, and beds work now.
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L1857[22:34:29] <tterrag> this seems like such a dumb question...but is there a block/TE method for reacting to nearby block places?
L1858[22:34:41] <tterrag> you'd think there's be something like onBlockUpdate but...nope
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L1865[22:40:24] <tterrag> onNeighborBlockChange...derp
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L1868[22:46:50] <Zaggy1024> If there's anyone who can do something about it, there's an unused variable in the first line of GameData.registerItem(Item, String)
L1869[22:47:17] <Zaggy1024> er, actually, I guess it is used
L1870[22:47:36] <Zaggy1024> But then the same value stored in the variable is gotten again in the next line
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L1881[23:02:35] <orthoplex64> Are "Havvy's Minecraft Forge Tutorials" on minecraftforge.net/wiki still valid?
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L1883[23:09:49] <orthoplex64> What I've been confused about for a long time is how everyone else can use deobf'd method and field names in their mod sources, then they're magically reobf'd on build
L1884[23:10:06] <orthoplex64> but mine are not reobf'd and forge says "no such method/field"
L1885[23:10:20] <Ordinastie> how do you build ?
L1886[23:10:30] <orthoplex64> in eclipse, file -> export
L1887[23:10:36] <Ordinastie> that's why
L1888[23:10:43] <Ordinastie> you need to use gradle to build too
L1889[23:10:48] <orthoplex64> praise the Lord
L1890[23:10:59] <orthoplex64> where can I find a guide on how to do this?
L1891[23:11:06] <Ordinastie> gradlew build
L1892[23:11:07] <Ordinastie> ^
L1893[23:11:19] <orthoplex64> but how does gradle know which projects to build?
L1894[23:11:28] <orthoplex64> or anything else about building for that matter
L1895[23:11:42] <Ordinastie> you do that inside your project
L1896[23:11:56] <Ordinastie> same place you did setupDecompWorkspace
L1897[23:12:08] <Unh0ly_Tigg> it knows all it needs to because of the forgegradle plugin knows what to do
L1898[23:12:55] <AbrarSyed> ^-^
L1899[23:13:01] <AbrarSyed> !op
L1900[23:13:01] MineBot sets mode: +o on AbrarSyed
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L1903[23:13:26] <Unh0ly_Tigg> ALL PRAISE ABRARSYED!
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L1905[23:16:41] <orthoplex64> I'm still a bit confuse
L1906[23:16:48] <orthoplex64> d. so, from the beginning,
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L1908[23:17:33] <orthoplex64> I download the latest minecraftforge source, unzip it, open a command prompt instance where I extracted it, and run gradle eclipse, then gradle setupDecompWorkspace, right?
L1909[23:17:42] <Unh0ly_Tigg> you use "gradle(w) setupDecompWorkspace [ide]" where [ide] is either eclipse or idea, depends on what you use, it setups your workspace
L1910[23:17:43] <AbrarSyed> no
L1911[23:17:56] <orthoplex64> the readme on minecraftforge's github does not make it clear which steps exclude each other, or in which order
L1912[23:17:57] <AbrarSyed> run the setupDecpWorkspace FIRST, then eclipse/uidea... tigg is right
L1913[23:18:47] <orthoplex64> ok, but then I'm clueless from there on how to set up projects
L1914[23:19:05] <orthoplex64> the example project is within "Minecraft" itself so that can't be how I'm supposed to set up all my projects, right?
L1915[23:19:29] <Unh0ly_Tigg> do you use eclipse or idea?
L1916[23:19:34] <orthoplex64> eclipse
L1917[23:19:37] <tterrag> you technically don't need anything other than the default forge script in a folder
L1918[23:19:47] <tterrag> then just run gradle setupDecompWorkspace eclipse
L1919[23:19:53] <tterrag> and it'll make a project you can import
L1920[23:19:55] <tterrag> into eclipse
L1921[23:20:04] <tterrag> most people keep the wrapper though
L1922[23:20:17] <tterrag> which is in gradle/wrapper
L1923[23:20:18] <orthoplex64> I'm supposed to import the project into eclipse rather than switching workspaces?
L1924[23:20:24] <tterrag> yeah
L1925[23:20:34] <tterrag> I mean, you CAN have each project as its own workspace
L1926[23:20:38] <tterrag> but I think that's a bit silly, no?
L1927[23:20:39] <Unh0ly_Tigg> ok, so, with default configurations, after you've run the setup and ide tasks, you can point eclipses' open workspace to the eclipse folder within the extracted area.
L1928[23:20:45] *** TTFTCUTS is now known as TTFT|Away
L1929[23:20:50] <tterrag> ^ that's how you do that way
L1930[23:20:55] <tterrag> or my way
L1931[23:20:57] <tterrag> your choice :D
L1932[23:21:27] <orthoplex64> so it really doesn't matter where I extract the forge source because I can point to it when I import it in the workspace I'm already using?
L1933[23:21:34] <Unh0ly_Tigg> yea
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L1935[23:22:11] <tterrag> right
L1936[23:22:17] <tterrag> the forge source is just a utility nowadays
L1937[23:22:27] <tterrag> all projects will have a forge src jar added on their classpath automatically
L1938[23:22:30] <AbrarSyed> the shipped workspace is there for people to get started quickly.. and that have no clue about eclipse...
L1939[23:22:35] <tterrag> ^
L1940[23:22:43] <orthoplex64> ah
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L1942[23:23:11] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I don't even remember what exactly I did to create my multi-forge-project workspace...
L1943[23:23:26] <AbrarSyed> in the old days?
L1944[23:23:38] <Unh0ly_Tigg> no
L1945[23:23:41] <tterrag> in the old days you just copied src stuff into mcp folders
L1946[23:23:44] <tterrag> *shudder*
L1947[23:23:47] <AbrarSyed> lol
L1948[23:23:50] <tterrag> or you wrote an ant script
L1949[23:23:58] <tterrag> (or copied bspkrs')
L1950[23:24:10] <AbrarSyed> yeah everyone had ant scripts..
L1951[23:24:21] * Unh0ly_Tigg has never touched ant
L1952[23:24:24] <tterrag> some never let go ;)
L1953[23:24:28] <AbrarSyed> until I waged a crusade against them.. and made them love our lord and savior Gradle
L1954[23:24:53] * Unh0ly_Tigg used to want a maven based solution to everything.
L1955[23:25:06] <Unh0ly_Tigg> Now I want a gradle based solution to everything :)
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L1957[23:25:17] * orthoplex64 is still not entirely sure about maven vs. ant vs. gradle
L1958[23:25:27] <Unh0ly_Tigg> they are all build tools
L1959[23:26:34] <Unh0ly_Tigg> and gradle beats both the others in one regard: both gradle and maven can call ant stuff, but gradle can call ant stuff AND utilize maven, ivy, and flatfile repositories
L1960[23:26:56] <tterrag> gradle is quite the jack-of-all-trades
L1961[23:27:22] <Unh0ly_Tigg> except when it comes to attaching javadoc and src jars to local dependencies... >.>
L1962[23:27:45] <Unh0ly_Tigg> though, you can technically 'bit-bang' your buildscript to do it
L1963[23:28:22] <orthoplex64> interesting
L1964[23:28:26] <tterrag> jack-of-all-trades means good at all, master of none :P
L1965[23:29:21] <Unh0ly_Tigg> the interesting thing though, is that a while ago (pre gradle 1.12), I asked on stackoverflow how to do that, and one of the devs said that feature would be in 1.12 or 1.13, we're on 2.2, and I haven't seen anything to say that we have that now...
L1966[23:29:46] * AbrarSyed does some serious hacks to get that working
L1967[23:30:05] <AbrarSyed> tterrag, not quite right.. master of Android is what it is :P
L1968[23:30:14] <AbrarSyed> and minecraft for that matter :P
L1969[23:30:18] <Unh0ly_Tigg> for files/fileTree based dependencies, AbrarSyed?
L1970[23:30:40] <AbrarSyed> no I cheat
L1971[23:31:01] <AbrarSyed> I make a folder for the 1 dep, make it a flatfile repo, and then name the src and javadoc jars appropriately
L1972[23:31:36] <Unh0ly_Tigg> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22448011/adding-source-archives-to-local-file-based-library-in-gradle#comment-34174817
L1973[23:31:48] <orthoplex64> alright, "gradlew.bat setupDecompWorkspace eclipse" has finished doing its thing
L1974[23:31:59] * tterrag just bakes the src into the API jar :L
L1975[23:32:27] <AbrarSyed> tterrag, extremely bad form. check the jars of the things that depend on it soemtime.. youl find that your API classes are there by accident
L1976[23:32:38] <orthoplex64> when I try to import it into eclipse, which folder should I select? I tried the "eclipse" folder but eclipse couldn't find any projects in there to import
L1977[23:32:42] <AbrarSyed> why? because javac compiles soruces when they are in a dependency jar
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L1979[23:32:58] <tterrag> AbrarSyed: wut...why....why would it do that?!?
L1980[23:33:02] <AbrarSyed> orthoplex64, gradle generated the eclipse project right there in the project folder
L1981[23:33:09] <AbrarSyed> tterrag, no clue.. but I have tested and verified that
L1982[23:33:19] <AbrarSyed> used to happen with FG and argo...
L1983[23:34:49] <orthoplex64> is a folder named ".metadata" supposed to be the only thing inside the eclipse folder?
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L1986[23:38:02] <AbrarSyed> orthoplex64, delete the eclipse folder. its pointless.
L1987[23:38:26] <AbrarSyed> open eclipse... right-click -> import -> existing project borwse to your project folder, and eclipse will find the project
L1988[23:38:28] <AbrarSyed> import, and enjoy
L1989[23:38:31] <orthoplex64> so the entire folder into which I extracted the forge source is the eclipse project? because that's the only thing eclipse seems to recognize
L1990[23:38:33] <_Seymore> Abrar
L1991[23:38:42] <_Seymore> do the pm rules extend to moderators as well?
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L1993[23:39:10] <AbrarSyed> orthoplex64, yes.
L1994[23:39:16] <AbrarSyed> and it really isnt all that much...
L1995[23:39:26] <AbrarSyed> its not actually the forge src... its the forge SDK
L1996[23:39:38] <AbrarSyed> _Seymore, hmm?
L1997[23:39:52] <orthoplex64> ok, so far so good, and thank you all for helping me by the way
L1998[23:40:00] <_Seymore> The rules state to not pm without permission. Is this simply refferring to ops?
L1999[23:40:49] <Unh0ly_Tigg> I wonder if it's possible to use something like the tween engine in minecraft for GUIs...
L2000[23:41:35] <AbrarSyed> _Seymore, generally.. people dont like to get PMed without reason... use your best judgement.
L2001[23:42:07] ⇦ Quits: Benimatic (~Benimatic@cblmdm72-241-106-31.buckeyecom.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L2002[23:43:17] ⇦ Quits: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@f054101071.adsl.alicedsl.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L2003[23:43:22] <AbrarSyed> orthoplex64, btw, for your run configs, the main classes are GradleSTart and GradleStartServer, arguments are optional.
L2004[23:47:23] <orthoplex64> ok: I've created a separate project for a test mod and I've added to it the forge sdk project, and eclipse seems to be able to find everything alright. but when I build, do I run gradle build only when the working directory is the project I want to build? or
L2005[23:47:36] <AbrarSyed> orthoplex64, your doing it wrong.
L2006[23:47:52] ⇦ Quits: Z6fans (~Z6fans@pool-98-114-10-177.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) (Quit: Z6fans)
L2007[23:47:54] <AbrarSyed> notice that the project you improted, has a mod already in it
L2008[23:47:56] <AbrarSyed> the Example mod
L2009[23:48:03] <minecreatr> for some reason my player tick event isn't getting called
L2010[23:48:05] *** blood_ is now known as bloodshot
L2011[23:48:05] <AbrarSyed> you are to repalce this ExampleMod with your own mod
L2012[23:48:23] <orthoplex64> but then how would I manage having multiple mods?
L2013[23:49:21] ⇨ Joins: Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@f054113094.adsl.alicedsl.de)
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L2015[23:53:16] <orthoplex64> is the forge sdk designed to let you work on only one mod per?
L2016[23:54:13] <ntzrmtthihu777> orthoplex64: more or less.
L2017[23:54:25] *** BIT[Away] is now known as theoriginalbit
L2018[23:54:56] <Lex_> The default 'src' folder is yes
L2019[23:54:57] <theoriginalbit> I'm having problems with blockstates in 1.8, are there any good tutorials out there which cover it?
L2020[23:55:04] <Lex_> however you can just skip that and keep the build.gradle
L2021[23:55:13] <Lex_> and make your own workspace in whatever IDE you want
L2022[23:55:25] <minecreatr> is there any static call I can use the get the current side?
L2023[23:55:31] <Lex_> no
L2024[23:55:58] <AbrarSyed> orthoplex64, stuff is cached. you might think "OMG DATA DUPLCIATION", dont worry about.. Gradle hanldes it.
L2025[23:56:12] <AbrarSyed> you have 1 gradle project per mod.
L2026[23:56:42] <minecreatr> well is LivingUpdateEvent called on the client?
L2027[23:56:48] <AbrarSyed> and they should all look something like this: https://github.com/AbrarSyed/SecretRoomsMod-forge
L2028[23:57:15] <orthoplex64> so I should make another copy of the entire forge sdk for each mod?
L2029[23:57:20] <SardonicLane> yes.
L2030[23:57:43] <SardonicLane> the src folder doesn't really contain much though, so it doesn't hurt.
L2031[23:57:59] <SardonicLane> the sdk rather.
L2032[23:58:44] <AbrarSyed> orthoplex64, what ^ he said. yes.
L2033[23:58:57] <AbrarSyed> and honestly... the SDK there is nothing more than an example project.
L2034[23:59:17] <AbrarSyed> the forge source and stuff isnt actually in there... thats abckend magic handled by gradle
L2035[23:59:38] *** SardonicLane is now known as Sandra
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