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Stuff goes here
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L13[01:29:29] <raptop> soon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0OUvEh3HWk
L14[01:30:22] *** raptop changes topic to 'Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 http://bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | DART launch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0OUvEh3HWk'
L15[02:24:33] ⇦ Quits: Eddi|zuHause2 (~johekr@p4fcee48f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
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L19[03:12:41] ⇨ Joins: Tank2333 (~Tank2333@p50853cfe.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L20[03:27:12] <bees> raptop: You steal your sister's hair bleach to make mono-propellant for your rocket. To disturb not the yoda master you learn quickly.
L21[03:27:31] * raptop shrugs and ignites a red lightsaber
L22[03:28:12] <XXCoder> ;mission
L23[03:28:12] <LunchBot> XXCoder: You launch a small, unobservable teapot into a high orbit in order to definitively prove the existence of one. This results in numerous arrests.
L24[03:28:25] <XXCoder> ohno illegal launch
L25[03:30:23] <bees> XXCoder: You force a game engine that was intended for casual iOS games to run a space sim. You are banned from the only internet cafe in the city for vulgarity.
L26[03:30:49] <raptop> XXCoder: the teapotahedron is indicative of blasphemous geometry
L27[03:31:49] <bees> someone call the Inquisition
L28[03:31:50] ⇦ Quits: Severian (~severian@c-67-177-209-75.hsd1.co.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L29[03:33:01] * X is here
L30[03:33:16] * XXCoder presses x
L31[03:33:17] * X sets up the grand high chamber
L32[03:33:24] * X is pressed
L33[03:33:48] <XXCoder> raptop: thats why it sucks living under teocacy lol
L34[03:34:01] * raptop throws the tea into the nearest harbor
L35[03:34:07] * X looks at XXCoder inquisitively.
L36[03:35:41] * X notices he’s still being pressed and wonders if the the subject of the inquisition is X.
L37[03:35:46] ⇨ Joins: Severian (~severian@c-67-177-209-75.hsd1.co.comcast.net)
L38[03:36:27] * X objects loudly and demands a special inquisitor to handle his case.
L39[03:37:40] * X starts to have trouble breathing as the pressing continues.
L40[03:39:00] <raptop> press X to not die
L41[03:39:10] ⇨ Joins: Wastl2 (~Wastl2@x4dbfe1a4.dyn.telefonica.de)
L42[03:39:22] <XXCoder> i thought its press x to doubt lol
L43[03:39:41] <raptop> both, really
L44[03:39:52] <X> Alright! I admit I it. I am a heretic and I believe in heterodox theories of quantum reality!
L45[03:40:34] * X continues his confession.
L46[03:41:33] ⇦ Quits: Wastl4 (~Wastl2@dynamic-078-054-213-035.78.54.pool.telefonica.de) (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
L47[03:47:33] ⇦ Quits: Tank2333 (~Tank2333@p50853cfe.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Remote host closed the connection)
L48[04:00:09] * X implicates UmbralRaptop in his heresy
L49[04:01:40] <raptop> hm
L50[04:01:46] * raptop should found a new religion?
L51[04:06:43] ⇨ Joins: Bebiezaza (webchat@ppp-124-120-34-169.revip2.asianet.co.th)
L52[04:24:51] <umaxtu> raptopianity?
L53[04:36:40] <raptop> something like that
L54[04:46:14] ⇦ Quits: raptop (~Newpa_Has@ip98-169-16-17.dc.dc.cox.net) (Quit: leaving)
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L56[04:53:39] ChanServ sets mode: +o on raptop
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L60[05:43:59] <Althego> !mission
L61[05:43:59] <LunchBot> Althego: You visit the VallHenge. You discover that the moon you're visiting is really a planet destroying space station.
L62[05:44:20] <XXCoder> death star vallhenge
L63[05:45:03] <Althego> a perfect mission and outcome
L64[05:46:50] ⇦ Quits: betelgeuse (~betelgeus@94-225-47-8.access.telenet.be) (Quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat)
L65[05:47:18] <raptop> It turns out that the [REDACTED] in the vallhenge has multiple orders of magnitude more firepower than even the hellbores on a Mk XXXII bolo
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L67[05:49:27] <Althego> i really should read something from the bolo universe
L68[05:50:02] ⇦ Quits: sasamj (uid193032@id-193032.ilkley.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
L69[05:50:17] <XXCoder> whats bolo?
L70[05:50:17] <raptop> The uncomfortable bit is that S M Stirling's stories are mostly better than Keith Laumer's
L71[05:50:33] <raptop> (Though some of the OG short stories are good)
L72[05:50:55] <raptop> XXCoder: robotic battletank, often with a degree of AI control
L73[05:51:01] <Althego> giant tank with ai and insanely powerful weapons
L74[05:51:03] <raptop> Notably, the AIs are very pro-human
L75[05:51:07] <XXCoder> oh yes i read some of it
L76[05:51:17] <raptop> Sometimes they run with knight-related themes
L77[05:52:16] <Althego> this is a busy day. launch coming up soon (but there is still calli and irys on). there will be an other launch in a few hours, and also ollie and kiara. and still have to work
L78[05:53:45] <raptop> conclusion with irys: it's sort of hard to scare someone when they can just shoot the problem
L79[06:19:34] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKRf6-NcMqI
L80[06:19:47] <Althego> in about 90 sec
L81[06:21:26] <XXCoder> 33 sec
L82[06:21:35] <Althego> already flying
L83[06:21:49] <XXCoder> odd it shows as ready to go in 10 sec here
L84[06:22:03] <Althego> because you didnt forward to real time
L85[06:22:09] <XXCoder> i did
L86[06:22:14] <Althego> use 2x speed for real time events, always
L87[06:22:17] <XXCoder> i got forward to -3 second
L88[06:22:32] <XXCoder> its +35 now
L89[06:22:48] <Althego> at +90
L90[06:23:05] <XXCoder> 1:15 now
L91[06:23:30] <Althego> maybe you are on a spaceship way farther out than the moon
L92[06:23:39] <XXCoder> lol
L93[06:23:50] <XXCoder> 2 now
L94[06:24:12] <XXCoder> gonna love how flames expand
L95[06:25:27] <XXCoder> i wish we have cameras that see like human eye
L96[06:25:31] <XXCoder> so we can see stars etc
L97[06:27:06] <Althego> hdr cams maybe
L98[06:30:56] <XXCoder> cutoff of land lol
L99[06:31:54] <Althego> always
L100[06:32:22] <XXCoder> we really need non-chemical method of getting into orbiting
L101[06:32:37] <XXCoder> just glad we dont have > 1.2G world
L102[06:32:44] <XXCoder> that'd be impossible
L103[06:32:58] <Althego> landing is confirmed
L104[06:33:02] <XXCoder> nice
L105[06:33:10] <Althego> supposedly super earths are somewhat better for life
L106[06:33:19] <Althego> buand there are a lot of them
L107[06:33:26] <Althego> no wonder nobody is out there
L108[06:33:33] <XXCoder> yeah and more likely to retain air and such
L109[06:33:41] <XXCoder> i still wonder if mars had life but died with air
L110[06:34:06] <Althego> i firmly believe if it had life, it still has now, just deep underground
L111[06:34:21] <XXCoder> yeah i meant something like earth, lots overworld life
L112[06:34:40] <XXCoder> likely to have underground ones left
L113[06:36:02] <XXCoder> if it had trees and such, its been dead for extremely long time, enough for sandstorms to grind them to nothing
L114[06:36:36] <Althego> i doubt it had time for trees
L115[06:36:45] <Althego> or even macroscopic organisms
L116[06:37:34] <Althego> it has been like this for billions of years
L117[06:37:50] <XXCoder> too bad really
L118[06:38:00] <Althego> but it could have bacteria
L119[06:38:17] <Althego> would be funny if we found stromatolites somehwere on mars
L120[06:38:27] <XXCoder> would be interesting "would have been" test for super advanced civilizion is keep all germs from mars and build larger and more suitable world for them
L121[06:38:34] <XXCoder> then let it evolve and see what comes i[
L122[06:40:11] <Althego> needs lots of patience
L123[06:40:18] <Althego> billions of years of patience
L124[06:40:19] <XXCoder> billions of years of it
L125[06:40:21] <raptop> meep
L126[06:42:24] <XXCoder> unless they have time compressor that en emcompress world lol
L127[06:43:37] <Althego> reine?
L128[06:46:12] ⇨ Joins: UmbralRaptor (~AndNex@2607:fb90:1370:e285:3c11:695b:63e6:e350)
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L131[06:51:06] <raptop> fellow dinosaur, so sure
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L142[09:23:18] <Althego> zombanwa
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L156[14:53:28] *** pirate is now known as a_flayer
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L158[15:13:27] <Althego> chicken
L159[15:16:03] <Althego> kikkerikii
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L162[15:43:43] <Kalpa> Stop.
L163[15:44:07] <UmbralRaptor> hrm
L164[15:44:12] <Althego> hammertime
L165[15:45:09] <UmbralRaptor> ⓂⒸ🔨
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L170[16:13:23] <FLHerne> !outcome add You fly your ships directly into the enemy death cannons, clogging them with wreckage.
L171[16:13:23] <LunchBot> FLHerne: Added outcome: You fly your ships directly into the enemy death cannons, clogging them with wreckage.
L172[16:14:15] <FLHerne> !outcome fixup s/You fly your ships/Your ships file/
L173[16:14:15] <LunchBot> FLHerne: New text is: Your ships file directly into the enemy death cannons, clogging them with wreckage.
L174[16:14:34] <FLHerne> !outcome fixup s/enemy/alien/
L175[16:14:34] <LunchBot> FLHerne: New text is: Your ships file directly into the alien death cannons, clogging them with wreckage.
L176[16:14:39] <FLHerne> my memory is broken
L177[16:14:41] ⇦ Quits: Ezriilc (~Ezriilc@ (Client Quit)
L178[16:16:39] <raptop> That sounds like a plan Zap Brannigan would make
L179[16:17:32] <FLHerne> Indeed, it's so simple an idiot could have devised it
L180[16:18:00] <Althego> your ships file?
L181[16:18:32] <Althego> or maybe they fly
L182[16:19:08] <FLHerne> 'file' is correct
L183[16:22:32] <Althego> interesting ships
L184[16:27:28] <Kalpa> Stacked neatly, ie. filed
L185[16:27:36] <Izaya> lined up nicely
L186[16:27:59] <Kalpa> Form ranks, maggots. Single file!
L187[16:28:16] <Althego> i was thinking od the tool
L188[16:28:36] <Althego> i guess small metal chips can also stop the cannons
L189[16:42:52] ⇦ Quits: Pyrus (~pyrus@coffee-break.at) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
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L193[17:11:02] <bees> FLHerne: Kerbol is dimming, so you decide to drop a really big bomb into it. You break the absolute speed record for artificial objects.
L194[17:11:12] ⇦ Quits: betelgeuse (~betelgeus@94-225-47-8.access.telenet.be) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L197[17:12:11] <FLHerne> That sounds pretty accurate
L198[17:12:25] <FLHerne> Currently it's Parker Solar Probe, right
L199[17:12:33] <FLHerne> (depending on your reference frame)
L200[17:12:49] ⇦ Quits: Revelator (~angryce@219.84-49-190.nextgentel.com) (Remote host closed the connection)
L201[17:12:56] <Althego> are you winning son?
L202[17:13:03] ⇨ Joins: Revelator (~angryce@219.84-49-190.nextgentel.com)
L203[17:13:28] <FLHerne> what
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L214[20:05:37] <SporkWitch> steam's doing its game of the year nominations; just put in KSP for labor of love, since they're still patching it :)
L215[20:17:32] <raptop> hm
L216[20:19:34] <sandbox> I usually do
L217[20:23:43] <sandbox> you can't nomintate the same game in multiple categories?
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