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L11[03:44:13] <packbart> the bulky war tug
can't even make a short 10ly jump to the mechanics shop and would
need to go the long way around
L12[03:54:39] <XXCoder> cant do halfway
leap ir something? (i dont play that game)
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L15[04:07:47] <packbart> nah, for some
weird reason of physics, wormholes can only be opened from one
system to the heaviest star in another. no halfway jumps in
L16[04:08:10] <XXCoder> hmm too bad
L17[04:08:29] <XXCoder> reminds me of that
L18[04:09:25] <XXCoder> they are stuck with
same system basically, but turns out theres set limit on machines.
guy knows that couple days can be added to transit time, but its
very dangerous as much past that ships dont come back out of
L19[04:09:50] <XXCoder> it was long and
nasty jump and everyones skins was getting very itchy when they
finally come out at unexpected star
L20[04:11:31] <XXCoder> that book
discription of hyperspace is strange one too. ship is just above
white surface, black sky, what looks like white clouds pass by them
slowly, sometimes go though but no effect, unknown random color
flashes in "sky"
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(~Wastl2@dynamic-078-055-027-064.78.55.pool.telefonica.de) (Ping
timeout: 195 seconds)
L23[04:20:00] <packbart> that looks
harmless compared to the description
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ya! (www.Kerbaltek.com))
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L34[07:56:17] <Althego> guerilla zombie in
about 35 min, but apex...
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anarchy.esper.net sets mode: +v on lol768
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L102[12:00:57] <Guest22726> Hello~
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L104[12:01:41] <Althego> too late
L105[12:01:50] <Althego> and the bot was
not here
L106[12:02:06] <Althego> or justn ot
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L108[12:37:23] <Althego> (local) leet
L109[12:40:30] <Althego> peafowl
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L114[14:24:48] <UmbralRaptor> x_x
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L117[15:38:32] <FLHerne> The bot is still
a net negative IMO
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192 seconds)
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L121[17:42:04] <Mat2ch> FLHerne: well, the
guest user quit anyway without the bot
L122[17:42:27] <Mat2ch> we should do a
test though. Have a week long the bot say Hello and another week
not. And see what happens. :D
L123[17:43:10] <Althego> double blind
trial :)
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189 seconds)
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L127[18:11:37] <Mat2ch> Althego: that will
be hard to accomplish...
L128[18:12:59] <FLHerne> Mat2ch: patch the
web client so that it always says "Hello" to us, but half
the visitors don't see it
L129[19:13:59] <raptop> The guest's time
in channel was only 23 seconds
L130[19:14:49] <raptop> Like, unless we
have paid greeters that get pinged by Guest##### joining, actually
reaching them in time is nigh-impossible
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L135[19:50:30] <SporkWitch> note to self:
DO NOT leave traction control on auto, it's useless lol. manually
cranked it to max and suddenly my mun rover is so wonderfully under
control! lol
L136[19:51:47] <Althego> too high torque
is a flip hazard
L137[19:51:51] <Althego> on the other
L138[19:52:07] <Althego> on eve you cant
gave enough toque
L139[19:52:21] <Althego> although it eats
through the battery like there is no tomorrow
L140[19:52:37] <SporkWitch> the issue has
been lack of grip on the mun. I used a MEM as the base, four grey
wheels, and just have a battery and some physics-less science
strapped to it
L141[19:53:01] <SporkWitch> the repackable
2x3 solar panel, in case i do flip, to prevent damage
L142[19:53:08] <SporkWitch> working great
now i cranked it up
L143[19:54:27] <SporkWitch> the probe core
and reaction wheel from the sky crane survived detaching and just
launching itself off with the last of its fuel, so i decided to
send the engineer out to salvage them and weld them to the rover,
so if i forget the parking brake (like i just did on the way to get
it when i flipped it before turning up traction), i can drive it
back to me / put the brake on lol
L144[19:54:48] <SporkWitch> wish there was
a setting to make double-tapping the brakes toggle them (there's
probably a mod for that)
L145[20:42:12] <SporkWitch> that rover has
gone a little mad max. the girders also survived impact, so i
welded them to the MEM to give the wheels more space lol
L147[20:42:37] <SporkWitch> sadly it's
just barely too low to the ground for me to set the reaction wheel
underneath :(
L148[20:43:36] <Althego> it is best to
keep the center of mass low
L149[20:43:48] <SporkWitch> yup! and it
L150[20:43:56] <Althego> but you can use
the offset tool to move stuff, so you could make place for the
reaction wheel
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Quits: Severian (~severian@c-67-177-209-75.hsd1.co.comcast.net)
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L154[20:45:37] <SporkWitch> i think the
MEM was proving a good choice for the base, even though i
originally did it just because i needed something marginally more
aerodynamic since i didn't have a large enough fairing lol
L155[20:48:06] <SporkWitch> i actually did
lose control of the launch booster at a couple points, but i knew
it was going to be a nightmare so i went overkill on delta-v and
managed to get it into orbit anyway. had to eat a bit into the
transfer and landing fuel (and forgot to empty the MEM's fuel, so i
carried more than i had to lol >_<), but managed to land it
only a couple km from the base the kerbals were waiting at. Left
the probe-controlled
L156[20:48:07] <SporkWitch> sky crane
attached and carefully drove it over to the base (so i wouldn't
have to HIKE 2km at 1m/s lol), then shot it off as planned, then
immediately after it occurred to me i should have just had the
engineer climb out and dismantle it for spare parts (which as you
can see, i ended up doing anyway, picking up the parts that
survived impact)
L157[20:52:33] <Althego> remaining
processing power is insufficient for one real-time thread. cannot
postpone the scheduled downtime any longer
L158[20:52:52] ⇦
Quits: Althego (~Althego@5400E15A.dsl.pool.telekom.hu) (Quit: HMI
Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station
L159[20:56:58] <SporkWitch> am i
understanding correctly that the class that initiates or collects a
science experiment doesn't affect its value? If the data itself is
returned it's worth the same, and if it's later put into a lab
that's worth the same as well? scientist level ONLY affects
research rate at the lab?
L160[20:57:40] <SporkWitch> (basically
trying to figure out if it makes more sense to send the scientist
to collect new samples, or let him continue research while the
engineer goes exploring for more stuff
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L176[21:29:33] <packbart> I think that's
how it work, yes
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L178[21:57:12] <SporkWitch> gah, my
science outpost terrifies me every time i load to it; it's on a
slight slope and it "hops" when i switch to it lol
L179[21:57:57] <raptop> aaaa
L180[21:59:27] <flayer> haha
L181[22:00:05] <SporkWitch> trying to get
teh traction and such right on these wheels. I'm gripping nicely to
the ground, now, but I have no torque to make it up hills :(
L182[22:00:25] <flayer> is this on
L183[22:00:45] <flayer> minmus is only
really suitable for very heavy rovers
L184[22:00:45] <SporkWitch> mun
L185[22:00:54] <SporkWitch> minmus i gave
up on wheeled rovers until i can do the heavy stuff lol
L186[22:00:58] <flayer> yeah
L187[22:01:08] <SporkWitch> the science
lab with cupula that I welded wheels too work passably lol
L188[22:01:32] <flayer> i think you should
always try to fit 6 or 8 wheels
L189[22:01:51] <SporkWitch> (my first
attempt at eva construction, i'd packed parts to build a rover on
site, but forgot to test it before i was out there; waste not want
not, weld the batteries, panels, and wheels to the science lab,
then use the RCS i had to stabilize its landing to flip it onto the
wheels :P)
L190[22:03:35] <flayer> i succeeded in
landing on eve with a rover, but a few of wheels are broken
L191[22:03:42] <flayer> after some driving
L192[22:04:00] <SporkWitch> my current
frankenstein is linked above. I didn't have a large enough fairing
yet, so to help with aerodynamics, instead of an open rover seat, i
went with a MEM and bolting things to that. not thinking before I
detached the skycrane and had it launch itself off to crash safely
(which was the plan), it occurred to me after that i could have
salvaged the parts to make the rover better. 4 girders, the
reaction wheel, and
L193[22:04:02] <SporkWitch> the probe core
that flew it all out, survived. So i welded those to the MEM, and
moved the wheels to the end of the girders for better width
L194[22:04:18] <SporkWitch> high gravity
on eve, i'm guessing?
L195[22:04:29] <flayer> yeah
L196[22:05:12] <SporkWitch> i've been
sticking to mun and minmus for now, don't even want to send a probe
further out because i'm still working on getting reliably launch
vehicles for these two and I want to ensure the missions i'm
presented are limited to the areas i'm still getting comfortable
working with
L197[22:05:27] <SporkWitch> (though I have
been getting brave enough to do other things while i have stuff in
transit and taking advantage of the alarm clock)
L198[22:06:08] <SporkWitch> gonna be a day
for my probe-operated rescue craft to get to the mun and pick this
ditz out of orbit, so set the alarm for the encounter and started
the rover mad-max-ification lol
L199[22:08:34] <SporkWitch> i just
unlocked relay antennas, so i'm thinking setting up a basic network
around the Mun and Minmus will be next, so I don't lose (most) of
my control when kerbin is occluded. Luckily i make a point of
pre-aiming for my maneuvers out of convenience coming out of time
warp, or the "rover" i delivered to minmus wouldn't have
made it (occluded at time of maneuver; thankfully probes can still
do 100%/0% thrust toggling
L200[22:08:35] <SporkWitch> without a
signal). only ended up a couple km off target, and then just flew
it the rest of the way on RCS
L201[22:08:42] <SporkWitch> once it had
signal again
L202[22:09:19] <SporkWitch> definitely
glad i rediscovered this game, and one that i'm so happy to see how
much they've added over the years. can't wait for KSP2, hopefully
the base-building and EVA construction is a little less janky
L203[22:09:41] <SporkWitch> (sounds like
it will be, though, since it's a primary planned feature from the
start, this time)
L204[22:14:57] ⇦
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L207[22:16:28] ⇦
Quits: Quetzi (~Q@ (Quit: Uh Oh!)
L208[22:16:33] <SporkWitch> translation:
i'm not using nearly enough engines heh
L209[22:16:47] <SporkWitch> i've been
trying to start strapping more things radially, but it takes
getting used to
L210[22:16:49] ⇦
Quits: jesster1234
(~jessica@static. (Quit: i
broke it)
L211[22:17:37] <SporkWitch> i blame model
rocketry as a kid (also why the fixed-wing flight messes with me so
bad in this, as I play a lot of DCS and grew up on other flight
sims; then toss in CAP and serving in the USAF on top of it
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L213[22:34:38] <umaxtu> so you're really
good at sitting in a chair?
L214[22:43:20] <SporkWitch> bit more
moving about when i was active duty, since i was combat comm, but
the sims? yeah :P
L215[22:45:02] <raptop> pffft
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L219[23:05:42] <SporkWitch> lol, not even
aiming for anything and i end up landing only a couple km from the
KSC lol (on return from the mun; only burn was for escaping the mun
and then to adjust reentry the instant the SOI changed)
L220[23:29:15] <SporkWitch> does the
separator piece from a fairing go away after deployment, or should
i put the stack separator above it?
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