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L1[00:05:39] <SporkWitch> well that didn't go quite as well as planned... ended up using RCS to claw that last couple km of perigee lol
L2[00:05:57] <SporkWitch> (but enough RCS fuel to deorbit still! lol)
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L14[02:17:24] <SporkWitch> i feel like friction is not a thing... i gave a tiny bit of thrust to taxi, throttled back to zero, and after 5 minutes i'm still rolling at 10m/s lol
L15[02:18:37] <raptop> rolling friction: quite limited. Fortunately, brakes exist
L16[02:18:54] <SporkWitch> just thought it was odd that it was THAT low lol
L17[02:19:14] <SporkWitch> i'm quite pleased with my latest plane. nice and small, stable, and excellent range. also highly landable!
L18[02:20:02] <SporkWitch> used a mk1 cockpit, the lin-line mk1 fuselage with intake, the second tier swept wings, three tail fins, mk1 to mk2 adapter, and a pair of panthers. worked really well
L19[02:20:17] <SporkWitch> just flew to the desert airstrip from the KSC and still have about 2/3 fuel left
L20[02:20:32] <SporkWitch> shouldn't have any issue hitting 18km for surveys, either
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L22[02:42:52] <SporkWitch> ... i landed at the desert airfield, recovered my plane, but it doesn't show up as a launch option...
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L59[11:28:31] <AllenP_Dallas> It's been a very long time since I have been on IRC
L60[11:28:39] <XXCoder> hey
L61[11:28:49] <AllenP_Dallas> Hello
L62[11:28:57] *** kbuck_ is now known as kbuck
L63[11:29:46] <sandbox> ahoy
L64[11:29:46] <AllenP_Dallas> Is this where the KSP experts can be found?
L65[11:30:03] <XXCoder> there is no experts
L66[11:30:05] <XXCoder> just hacks
L67[11:30:05] <AllenP_Dallas> <-- very much a newbie
L68[11:30:11] <XXCoder> just like kerbals ;)
L69[11:30:26] <XXCoder> but generally yes lol
L70[11:31:14] <AllenP_Dallas> I am now retired and have been finding things to occupy my time. Poof! KSP!
L71[11:31:35] <XXCoder> nice
L72[11:32:17] <AllenP_Dallas> umm.. One would think nice. I wish I could still work to be honest
L73[11:32:19] <XXCoder> it took me so long to have first orbal docking
L74[11:32:31] <XXCoder> me too, but unfortunately different reasons.
L75[11:32:43] <XXCoder> laid off due to covid demend loss, then too dizzy to work
L76[11:34:02] <AllenP_Dallas> Terrible.. I was a Epidemiologist and actually was studying this particular virus years before the pandemic.
L77[11:34:30] <XXCoder> with sars then umm mers? forgot that one name
L78[11:36:17] <AllenP_Dallas> coronal viruses and possible WMD's and organisms that could be used or modified. It was interesting wprk/
L79[11:36:59] <AllenP_Dallas> work.. sorry, still have fine motor still problems
L80[11:37:23] <XXCoder> thats fine, i typo way too often
L81[11:37:59] <XXCoder> other game I love is Baba is you
L82[11:38:06] <AllenP_Dallas> May I ask, what kind of work did you do before becoming ill?
L83[11:38:23] <XXCoder> it starts off very simple.. then it quickly gets mindbending. you have to figure gamebreaking logic and stuff
L84[11:38:27] <XXCoder> cnc machinist
L85[11:38:54] <XXCoder> i was already starting to get random dizzyness spells when i was laid off, its been steadily getting worse. i cannot drive safely now
L86[11:39:23] <AllenP_Dallas> Ahh.. my father did that awhile after he retired from the military. Very complex skill set
L87[11:39:43] <XXCoder> im not too advanced, but worked for roughly 6 years across 2 jobs
L88[11:40:33] <XXCoder> https://store.steampowered.com/app/736260/Baba_Is_You/ check out video lol
L89[11:42:11] <AllenP_Dallas> I did some "blade" encasement so they could be placed in CNC machines. I will look at the Baba game (or have my husband look first).He is a security guru on the side
L90[11:43:04] <XXCoder> nice :)
L91[11:44:14] <AllenP_Dallas> Do you know when the KSP 2 will be coming out?
L92[11:44:22] <XXCoder> dont know
L93[11:44:33] <XXCoder> its been quiet on that for quite a while
L94[11:44:59] <XXCoder> it says 2022 on site
L95[11:45:03] <AllenP_Dallas> The preview videos I have seen on Youtube look great
L96[11:45:45] <AllenP_Dallas> I guess the pandemic has thrown it behind as with many things
L97[11:46:01] <XXCoder> yeah
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L99[11:51:10] <AllenP_Dallas> Any other "newbies" or 'new people to KSP besides me?
L100[11:51:27] <XXCoder> pretty sure its very rare nowdays
L101[11:51:43] <XXCoder> this channel used to be lot more chatty with 700-800 people
L102[11:53:08] <AllenP_Dallas> A bunch of names seem to be signed in even now
L103[11:58:04] <Althego> there are people her, but new ones? no
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L107[12:10:41] <darsie> .
L108[12:10:56] <Althego> not yet time
L109[12:11:16] <darsie> SporkWitch came back to KSP after a long time.
L110[12:11:22] <darsie> Not exactly a newbie.
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L112[12:17:50] <XXCoder> ;mission
L113[12:17:50] <LunchBot> XXCoder: You decide to speed up the refueling process by mining corium instead of regolith. Your actions cause an XK-class [DATA EXPUNGED]
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L115[12:17:59] <XXCoder> oh boy scp
L116[12:18:02] <XXCoder> laters
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L119[12:37:00] <Tank2333> since when had this chat 700 hundred users?
L120[12:37:20] <darsie> 1337
L121[12:37:28] <Tank2333> sounds right
L122[12:37:29] <Althego> yes, now it is time
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L127[13:29:47] <Kalpa> 700 hundred users sounds like 70k to me
L128[13:31:00] <Althego> hehe
L129[13:31:18] <Althego> i dont remember 700, but there used to be more than 200 for sure
L130[13:32:08] <Kalpa> I recall around 2013 we had some good discussions goin' on in here
L131[13:32:28] <Althego> ohhoho, restrictions over, tech channels are dropping 12xxx reviews
L132[13:32:32] <Kalpa> With occasional internet fames joining up
L133[13:32:52] <Kalpa> Tell me when Steve's channel gets on it
L134[13:32:59] <Althego> already out
L135[13:33:09] <Althego> at least two steve's i know
L136[13:33:28] <Kalpa> Heh
L137[13:34:19] <Althego> intel is competition again. amazing
L138[13:36:44] <Althego> it beats amd, most of the time, with 60% more power usage
L139[13:49:49] <darsie> Is this allowed here? :) wallacer [~quassel@2001:bc8:1824:9a:cafe:babe:b00b:aa02] has quit IRC: Quit: wallace dozed off
L140[13:52:44] <Althego> you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave!
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L144[14:01:19] <darsie> hi wallacer :)
L145[14:01:25] <wallacer> hm hello
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L165[15:31:30] <SporkWitch> I've decided the solution to minmus is to send a "rover" consisting of an RCS fuel tank, some RCS thrusters, and a seat lol
L166[15:41:51] <Althego> solution to what problem?
L167[15:42:07] <SporkWitch> pebbles launching you into orbit lol
L168[15:42:29] <SporkWitch> just jetting around with the EVA pack was far less headache, so why not make a "hover rover" lol
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L171[15:50:37] <SporkWitch> still irked i have to fly back to the desert again, since it apparently didn't unlock properly >_<
L172[15:50:52] <raptop> *sad trombone*
L173[15:51:10] <SporkWitch> at least the plane i used flew great lol
L174[15:51:11] <Althego> there is one quite close not far behind the western mountains
L175[15:52:01] <SporkWitch> i just have the KSC and island airfield; i flew to the desert one last night, landed on its runway, recovered from its runway, but it doesn't show up in my launch options :(
L176[15:52:20] <Althego> the desert runway. that is far away
L177[15:52:36] <Althego> why dont you just select it as a launch point, you dont need to fly there
L178[15:52:57] <SporkWitch> ... literally what i'm complaining about. in career you have to visit it first to unlock it to CHOOSE to launch from
L179[15:52:58] <Althego> actually called dessert with 2 s
L180[15:53:31] <SporkWitch> that also doesn't surprise me, given all the food jokes in KSP lol
L181[15:53:56] <raptop> ;mission porkchop
L182[15:53:56] <LunchBot> raptop: In a fit of hunger, you attempt to eat a porkchop plot.
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L184[15:59:52] <Althego> anyway that mechanic must be with the latest version. i remember they promised some hidden places which you had to find. but i thought the standard non ksc sites were included like previously
L185[16:00:35] <raptop> Yeah, 1.12 has a bunch more launch sites, and depending on what your settings are, you can get unlock notifications for launching from dessert
L186[16:00:38] <SporkWitch> i can only say for certain that the island airstrip didn't show up until i flew there, hence the mission to fly to the des(s)ert one last night, to unlock that :(
L187[16:00:40] <raptop> But there are more (I don't know the details)
L188[16:01:05] <Althego> yes there are some new ones
L189[16:01:09] <SporkWitch> wik ilists a few more discoverable ones that aren't shown on the map by default, island, woomerang, and dessert just show on map by default but aren't selectable
L190[16:01:57] <raptop> selectability IIRC depends on difficulty settings and DLC
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L192[16:02:08] <raptop> Not sure if the DLC bit is still true in 1.12
L193[16:02:14] <Althego> ptobably you can change that setting
L194[16:02:22] <raptop> But installing a KSP version without would require effort
L195[16:02:33] <SporkWitch> i think it just bugged out, because the island became selectable after i landed at it (and got the notification of its discovery).
L196[16:02:42] <raptop> yay
L197[16:03:03] <SporkWitch> AFAIK the setting at career start is whether to allow using them AUTOMATICALLY, without having to visit them first
L198[16:03:15] <SporkWitch> raptop: well i already had the airfield; i unlocked that before i even went to the mun lol
L199[16:03:40] <SporkWitch> i'm saying i think it bugged out when i flew to the dessert last night. i got the discovery notification, but it isn't selectable for launch :(
L200[16:05:27] <FLHerne> SporkWitch: Yes, flying around is definitely the right idea on Minmus
L201[16:05:50] <FLHerne> I've built basically that 'rover' a few times
L202[16:06:05] <FLHerne> I think the last one used a 100-unit fuel tank and four Spiders
L203[16:06:13] <SporkWitch> might try it with ion engines, too, once i unlock them
L204[16:06:14] <FLHerne> with a pair of seats on top
L205[16:06:50] <FLHerne> SporkWitch: There's a setting for the airfield
L206[16:07:05] <FLHerne> 'enable other launch sites' or something in the difficulty settings
L207[16:07:11] <SporkWitch> derp... just tried to launch said rover, and it didn't occur to me that the rovemate as the only probe core puts the control perspective in the wrong place lol
L208[16:07:24] <SporkWitch> FLHerne: i thought that enabled them automatically from start; i wanted to unlock them :'(
L209[16:07:26] <FLHerne> You can right-click it and change the control orientation
L210[16:07:51] <FLHerne> but the options are a bit limited so it still might not be right
L211[16:07:57] <SporkWitch> ah, thank you
L212[16:08:07] <SporkWitch> will give that a shot; worst case i slap a stayputnik on it lol
L213[16:09:19] <FLHerne> For some reason the Making History ones aren't unlockable
L214[16:10:03] <SporkWitch> i see. i'll have to dig around in the save file and see if there's a way to enable those two, at least. i'd prefer unlocking the rest "properly"
L215[16:10:08] <FLHerne> well, they existed before the unlocking mechanism was added for the new base-game launch sites, and the devs forgot? to update it to match
L216[16:11:06] <SporkWitch> worst case i guess i start a new game. shouldn't be too bad. yeah i have half the tech tree unlocked, but it shouldn't take nearly as long to earn it back now that i have a better idea what i'm doing
L217[16:11:24] <SporkWitch> and i'll still have all my saved plans and (presumably?) subassemblies
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L219[16:15:06] <FLHerne> Come to think of it, I don't know if the new unlockable ones respect the setting from Making History...
L220[16:15:33] <FLHerne> it would be weird and confusing if they don't, but it's already weird and confusing
L221[16:16:06] <FLHerne> I'd just change the setting, if it does allow using the new onws you can always voluntarily ignore that
L222[16:17:07] <SporkWitch> i definitely need to stop cheaping out on my launch stage; that was the easiest orbit i've had yet, and i've got this ungainly rover sitting on top and controlling it from a rovemate lol
L223[16:17:13] <SporkWitch> (i did put a fairing around it, but still)
L224[16:17:40] <SporkWitch> higher altitude makes for less fuel use to change inclination, right?
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L226[16:17:59] <Althego> yes, because you move slower
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L233[17:49:25] <SporkWitch> does allow partial transmission lose the remaining science, or does it pause and resume after it's charged back up? (my lab is just short of having enough power to transmit what it has)
L234[18:03:03] <packbart> it resumes later, no science is lost
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L239[18:51:37] <Mat2ch> https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/04/bezos-blue-origin-loses-lawsuit-against-nasa-over-spacex-lunar-lander.html
L240[18:51:40] <Mat2ch> whoops.
L241[18:51:54] <Althego> and elon is already memeing on twitter
L242[19:03:45] <Althego> kikkerikii
L243[19:08:31] <a_flayer> i'm really tired of all this pedestal stuff
L244[19:08:56] <a_flayer> i wish humanity could focus on a group effort
L245[19:09:13] <Althego> not going to happen easily
L246[19:09:28] <Althego> we dont do that even in the face of impending doom with climate change
L247[19:10:36] <a_flayer> but it does happen within companies and organizations
L248[19:10:47] <a_flayer> it just doesn't really become the narrative somehow
L249[19:10:54] <a_flayer> and that's what pains me
L250[19:11:12] <a_flayer> humans think they need heroes
L251[19:12:04] <packbart> the Galileo Team always has some nice artwork for their mods https://i.imgur.com/a4n8J1x.png
L252[19:13:07] <packbart> ( https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/205456-1120-dart-range-challenge-100-01-nov-2021/ - a planet with an asteroid moon for target practice )
L253[19:28:43] *** a_flayer is now known as flayer
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L256[20:00:06] <SporkWitch> packbart: thanks for the confirmation, i couldn't find anything solid (so many things seem to contradict each other due to changes over time lol)
L257[20:08:57] * flayer prods SporkWitch
L258[20:38:31] ⇦ Quits: Althego (~Althego@5400E15A.dsl.pool.telekom.hu) (Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury)
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L261[21:27:48] <SporkWitch> what's up, flayer?
L262[21:45:40] <SporkWitch> does KSP account for coriolis effect or is it just ignored until out of the atmosphere? Trying to figure out if there's a more efficient flight path for a distant destination than a straight line, like in real life.
L263[21:57:22] <raptop> It should be accounted for, hence the rotating reference frames
L264[21:59:33] <Mat2ch> !mission
L265[21:59:33] <LunchBot> Mat2ch: You attempt to add a mission to kmath. You find yourself feeling floofy, and exothermic.
L266[22:00:00] <Mat2ch> Looks like kmath doesn't like new missions
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