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L34[10:32:07] <Mat2ch> https://xkcd.com/2534/
L35[10:32:11] <Mat2ch> so cheesy, it smells
L36[10:32:13] <Mat2ch> :D
L37[10:36:34] <Deddly> I feel that the mouseover text has a joke in it that I don't get
L38[10:38:42] <Mat2ch> Has probably something to do with the fact that usually rockets are not recovered and fall into the ocean
L39[10:39:06] <Mat2ch> and for all other questions: https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
L40[10:39:16] <Mat2ch> yes, there is a website that explains xkcd comics. :D
L41[10:39:27] <Deddly> True
L42[10:42:05] <Deddly> Ah OK, now I get it
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L49[12:43:27] <flayer> i'm tired
L50[12:44:42] <darsie> That's not very Kerbal.
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L53[13:45:01] <packbart> there's a mod for that
L54[13:45:25] <Althego> hehe
L55[13:45:40] <Althego> against tiredness in humans, or making kerbals tired?
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L57[13:54:32] * darsie snorted 30 mg caffeine.
L58[13:55:09] <Althego> lol
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L60[14:14:37] * raptop wonders if buying all that coffee yesterday was a good idea
L61[14:15:18] <Althego> just buy the caffeine :)
L62[14:15:48] <darsie> One 100 mg dose is just 0.005 EUR.
L63[14:17:07] <Althego> that is a rounding error. it rounds to 0 with real money :)
L64[14:18:10] <raptop> Something like https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/US/en/product/sial/c0750?context=product or...?
L65[14:21:11] <darsie> More like https://www.ebay.de/itm/403248382137
L66[14:22:30] <Althego> lol premium
L67[14:22:33] <Althego> also bio
L68[14:22:36] <darsie> :)
L69[14:22:38] <Althego> and vegan
L70[14:22:43] * raptop always finds it surreal that you can just buy chemicals off of sigma-aldritch
L71[14:22:48] <darsie> 100% free of antimatter :)
L72[14:22:51] <raptop> I mean, a lot of things are vegan
L73[14:23:00] <Althego> gluten free
L74[14:28:44] <raptop> on a semi-related note, it was interesting to note that my tortillas advertise themselves as parve and aluminum-free
L75[14:29:26] <raptop> No Aluminum https://photos.app.goo.gl/rHGoA4Lhz8djAPQE8
L76[14:34:55] <darsie> How can I download/display teh origininal pic/size?
L77[14:35:30] <darsie> Ahh, in the menu.
L78[14:35:32] <Althego> must be because of conspiracy theorists
L79[14:36:08] <Althego> at least somehow chemtrails are supposed to be harmful because of Al. never mind yu can find it in the soil
L80[14:36:30] <packbart> well, there is e.g. https://enveurope.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/2190-4715-23-37 from 2011
L81[14:36:39] <packbart> citing "In 1965, however, animal experiments suggested a possible connection between aluminium and Alzheimer's disease."
L82[14:37:49] <packbart> I vaguely remember some anti-alumin(i)um hype a few years ago
L83[14:40:43] <darsie> There's a link between aluminium based antiperspirants and breast cancer, even in men.
L84[14:41:30] <darsie> I doubt I could find that documentary again, though.
L85[14:41:34] <packbart> ah, thanks, that was the one I remember
L86[14:43:03] <packbart> so, uhh, Al-free bread is supposedly made from synthetic or purified hydro-cultured grain?
L87[14:45:58] <darsie> Porcelain (/ˈpɔːrsəlɪn/) is a ceramic material made by heating substances, generally including a material like kaolin, ... Kaolinite (/ˈkeɪ.ə.lɪˌnaɪt/ KAY-ə-lih-nyte)[4][5][6] is a clay mineral, with the chemical composition Al2Si2O5(OH)4.
L88[14:46:28] <darsie> We may still have an aluminium based baking sheet.
L89[14:47:06] <raptop> synthetic grain?
L90[14:47:12] * raptop would like to know more
L91[14:47:27] <raptop> unless this means, like, corn
L92[14:47:32] <Althego> hehe kaolinite, a character in sailor moon :)
L93[14:47:50] <Althego> (yes in one part they were named after minerals)
L94[14:47:51] <packbart> raptop: well, growing Al-free wheat in natual soil is pretty difficult, I imagine
L95[14:48:06] <raptop> hm
L96[14:48:23] <raptop> Future headline: "lunar crops heavily contaminated with aluminum"
L97[14:50:18] <packbart> so I'd imagine a sci-fi hydroponics lab with purified water plus precisely produced additives - just no Al compounds
L98[14:51:12] <packbart> or rather I expect the label on the packaging merely meaning "look, transparent plastic packaging. no Al-foil!!"
L99[14:51:48] ⇨ Joins: Lyneira (~konversat@2001:984:484e:1:c487:9f03:56be:8189)
L100[14:56:58] <packbart> it's got Enriched Flour but no Electrolytes
L101[14:57:08] <darsie> I'm not offended by a gasproof aluminium middle layer.
L102[14:57:44] <darsie> if it makes sense for the product.
L103[14:59:18] <flayer> damnnnn
L104[15:00:25] <darsie> Damnation (from Latin damnatio) is the concept of divine punishment and torment in an afterlife for actions that were committed, or in some cases, not committed on Earth.
L105[15:00:25] <packbart> don't they puff up during air transport? Füllhöhe produktionsbedingt.
L106[15:02:21] <Mat2ch> !mission
L107[15:02:21] <LunchBot> Mat2ch: You arrive on the Mun, only to discover that Scott Manley has beaten you there. Physics fails you, and you fall through the ceiling.
L108[15:02:30] <Mat2ch> Ah, so KSP.
L109[15:02:32] <Mat2ch> :D
L110[15:02:52] <flayer> i smell so bad
L111[15:03:03] <Mat2ch> The big crane is dissambled in Boca Chica... which means they are done with the launch tower for now.
L112[15:03:11] <darsie> Get some aluminium antiperspirant.
L113[15:03:14] <Mat2ch> I wonder when we will see the chopsticks lift the first time.
L114[15:03:16] <Mat2ch> !mission
L115[15:03:17] <LunchBot> Mat2ch: You must not misrepresent reality, you must be obedient, and you must protect your pilot. You're barred from further flights due to government legislation imposed by a competing space program.
L116[15:03:19] <darsie> Give breast cancer a chance.
L117[15:03:56] <Althego> supposedly at 6:37 local time they moved
L118[15:07:39] <Judge_Dedd> <flayer> i smell so bad <-- sounds like a case of COVID-19
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L120[15:11:26] <flayer> Judge_Dedd, more like a case of not showering for three days
L121[15:11:37] <flayer> but the problem has been addressed!
L122[15:11:47] <Judge_Dedd> Addressed to whom?
L123[15:11:56] <flayer> not sure...
L124[15:12:00] <Judge_Dedd> ;)
L125[15:12:03] <darsie> I don't see anything moving at 6:37 in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhJRzQsLZGg
L126[15:28:57] <Althego> i didnt watch it myself
L127[15:29:35] <Althego> zombie, but it is apex, so i dont care
L128[15:29:44] <Althego> phoenix, and it is pumpkin
L129[15:31:13] <Althego> i havent seen anything
L130[15:31:21] <Althego> watch the whole 6:37
L131[15:36:41] <Althego> kikkerikii
L132[15:38:41] <darsie> Are the chopsticks the arms that shall catch SH?
L133[15:38:58] <Althego> i think so
L134[15:40:04] <darsie> I don't see them moving.
L135[15:41:00] <Althego> me neither
L136[15:44:53] <Althego> they moved too slowly
L137[16:39:18] <Mat2ch> they are moving sideways, not up and down
L138[16:39:31] <Mat2ch> go to 6:37 and then start skipping forward
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L141[16:42:36] <Althego> actually better visible in the other view. i was focusing one the top left
L142[16:42:49] <Althego> there it was not so prominent
L143[16:42:57] <Althego> and the skipping jelps
L144[16:43:19] <Althego> hopefully it is going to move faster during catch
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L147[16:46:29] <darsie> You can see it clearly in the top right view if you skip a few minutes forward.
L148[16:52:48] * darsie aims for a double mission: Plant a flag on the Mun and rescue a Kerbal from the surface of the Mun.
L149[16:54:43] <darsie> there
L150[16:54:50] <raptop> Hopefully the Mun will not notice that you've replaced the kerbal with a flag
L151[16:57:06] <darsie> lol, I had a deserted pod 1.3 km away from the new stranded Kerbal. Didn't have to make a low pass over Seanbur to control him.
L152[16:57:41] <raptop> nice
L153[16:58:00] <Althego> what a luck
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L155[17:07:53] <darsie> Hmm, I have a fancy but expensive Munar rescue capsule with a Dawn saved. Shall I use it or make a cheap one?
L156[17:31:53] <darsie> Oops, I forgot the checklist and Jeb sneaked on board.
L157[17:32:29] <darsie> Staging, electric, comms, crew, engineer's report
L158[17:33:45] <Althego> hehe
L159[17:35:33] <darsie> Purged some unused monopropellant, too.
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L164[19:43:52] <SporkWitch> is there a way to calculate lift force on planes? I'm struggling to figure out a way other than just trial and error to figure out how much wing area I need for a given weight, speed, and altitude
L165[19:59:33] <darsie> Seanbur Kerman splashed down near the KSC and swam to shore.
L166[20:01:06] <darsie> Ohh, no, Seanbur forgot to plant a flag on the Mun prior to jetpacking to orbit.
L167[20:15:30] *** finch is now known as Ariri
L168[20:19:28] <flayer> oops
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L174[20:39:10] <Mat2ch> SporkWitch: afaik there is no way to tell how big your lift aera is, so...
L175[20:39:48] <ChucklesTheBeard> I think FAR used to just show you that, no idea if it still does
L176[20:41:42] <Mat2ch> But FAR also alters the atmosphere
L177[20:46:10] <ChucklesTheBeard> and the rest of the aerodynamics stuff too, yeah
L178[21:13:54] <SporkWitch> been trying to avoid mods :( just seems like critical info missing, makes design difficult.
L179[21:15:12] <SporkWitch> Latest design is doing pretty well with a pair of wheezley turbofans, though. Made it about 1/3 around the world and still have about 3/5 of my fuel, though at 12km and just over 2/3 throttle it has to fly at about 18° AoA lol. I might try rotating the wings and offsetting the aelerons, see if that at least lets me fly level lol
L180[21:16:22] <SporkWitch> landing is right off the menu; every landing attempt I've made that would be survivable in a real plane of similar weight and design, the gear instantly explodes
L181[21:16:39] <SporkWitch> ended up cheating and strapping parachutes to it, heh
L182[21:17:09] <SporkWitch> (though i'm assuming it's because i'm stuck with the original fixed landing gear for now; presumably the retractable will have better tolerance, as well as helping my aerodynamics)
L183[21:19:22] ⇨ Joins: darsie (~darsie@84-113-55-200.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)
L184[21:22:59] <ChucklesTheBeard> for a long, long time we didn't even get dV displayed in the VAB. KSP's design philosophy was always "no numbers, throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks"
L185[21:23:36] <SporkWitch> that's fine in creative, not so much if doing career :P heh
L186[21:24:20] <ChucklesTheBeard> Bah that's what the revert button's for :D
L187[21:24:20] <SporkWitch> that's why i'm working on the planes, it seems like the cheapest and best way to get a lot of money and science early on, with all the survey contracts
L188[21:24:30] <SporkWitch> granted, heh, but i'm a planner lol
L189[21:25:16] <SporkWitch> current build is doing pretty well, though, just over an hour of flight time and still over half fuel
L190[21:25:43] <SporkWitch> should be a profitable flight, too; three survey locations nearby each other
L191[21:26:06] <SporkWitch> need upgrades for the high altitude surveys, though; either that or use an orbiter and do an orbital survey, if it'll count that
L192[21:27:56] <ChucklesTheBeard> the most kerbal upgrade: strap on an extra SRB
L193[21:28:28] <SporkWitch> i do have ONE more part allowed, so i might consider it if i can't find enough money to upgrade the SPH lol
L194[21:28:41] <SporkWitch> that initial 30 part limit makes things TIGHT lol
L195[21:30:25] <ChucklesTheBeard> You've heard of RATO (Rocket Assisted Take Off)... Coming soon to a runway near you: RAZC (Rocket Assisted Zoom Climb) :D
L196[21:31:05] <SporkWitch> i may need to look into the mods that allow recovery of separated parts, becuase that would really open up creative launch solutions.
L197[21:31:46] <ChucklesTheBeard> stagerecovery is the one I use for that, it's even more rough on the part count though since you need a parachute on the jettisoned stages
L198[21:31:47] <SporkWitch> according to the wiki, even the kickback SRB that says it's recoverable doesn't actually work out because of its low impact tolerance
L199[21:32:05] <SporkWitch> that's reasonable though, since if it was magic that'd just be cheaty
L200[21:32:42] <SporkWitch> related to that: is there any way to clear debris on the ground? I had a test after splashdown, and that debris marker is annoying me lol
L201[21:33:11] <ChucklesTheBeard> yeah hover over it and hit recover, I think you can do that from the KSC "menu" screen
L202[21:33:37] <ChucklesTheBeard> also from the tracking station
L203[21:34:26] <ChucklesTheBeard> you can also just make more debris elsewhere, the game will delete anything over 250 pieces by default :)
L204[21:35:00] <SporkWitch> heh
L205[21:35:14] <SporkWitch> i'm not RealCivilEngineer, i try NOT to make everything explode :P
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L209[22:24:15] <SporkWitch> ah, debris is disabled by default, that's why i couldn't figure out how to pick it up lol
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L211[22:49:44] <darsie> After upgrade in the orbital lab Seanbur could deploy his chute and landed without falling over.
L212[23:05:18] <FLHerne> You can do even the 'above 19.5km' one with Wheesleys in a zoom-climb
L213[23:05:46] <SporkWitch> radio follows LoS correctly, right? So it would make sense for me to send a commsat to Mun in a polar orbit (to relay signals from the far side)?
L214[23:06:22] <FLHerne> When I first played with planes I built one with a LV-T30 centre engine (hadn't researched Terrier) for those, but it isn't necessary
L215[23:06:28] <FLHerne> Yes
L216[23:06:46] <SporkWitch> the last time i played was well before 1.0; the amount that's changed and been added is spectacular lol
L217[23:07:18] <SporkWitch> and it's only getting me more hyped for KSP2; that was resumed, right? I desperately want to build up off-world bases and actual orbital construction
L218[23:07:42] <FLHerne> KSP 2 is coming
L219[23:07:50] <FLHerne> At least we have ISRU now
L220[23:08:15] <SporkWitch> i never really modded much, though I'm tempted to use mechjeb just for getting to orbit out of convenience
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L222[23:09:07] <FLHerne> which creates a reason to build mining bases and orbital fuel stations, and generally makes non-Kerbin-centric operations much more practical
L223[23:09:46] <SporkWitch> i'll have to check it out; any issues modding the linux version? everything still fully compatible?
L224[23:10:21] <FLHerne> proper orbit won't work for "above x", but I think 69.9km or so is fine
L225[23:10:32] <JVFoxy> FLHerne could do with two in two different polar orbits because at some point, in the orbit, the relay sats will end behind
L226[23:10:32] <FLHerne> Linux is moddable fine
L227[23:10:40] <FLHerne> Yeah
L228[23:10:59] <FLHerne> There's something on the wiki about optimal comsats
L229[23:11:09] <FLHerne> tbh I usually just make sure I have a pilot :p
L230[23:11:23] <SporkWitch> used to do radio and satcom in the USAF, so always fun when things actually get it right :P
L231[23:11:31] <JVFoxy> oh sorry SporkWitch. although.. I thought about one of the fake lagrange points.. outside of
L232[23:11:43] <JVFoxy> mun's SOI.. but matching Muns exact orbit
L233[23:12:07] <Rokker> SporkWitch: USAF ping
L234[23:12:11] <SporkWitch> lol
L235[23:12:19] <Rokker> you ever been to my museum?
L236[23:12:34] <Rokker> or at least W0AFB
L237[23:12:40] <Rokker> WPAFB
L238[23:12:47] <JVFoxy> I haven't gone out and pulled down AM-HAMsat signals in a while.. a little sad the Fox project sats aren't doing so well these days
L239[23:12:48] <SporkWitch> only aereospace museum i remember going to was the one just off-base when I was stationed in Warner Robins.
L240[23:13:07] <Rokker> ew
L241[23:13:17] <Rokker> lol
L242[23:13:33] <Rokker> Warner Robin's planes are in sad shape at that museum
L243[23:13:49] <Rokker> I work at the National Museum of the USAF at WPAFB
L244[23:13:51] <SporkWitch> you're not wrong, but hey, worse places to be stationed. Could've been Minot
L245[23:14:22] <SporkWitch> (though even Minot would probably be better than commiefornia...)
L246[23:15:24] <Rokker> Well if you are ever nearby, it's worth a stop in Dayton. we don't have a ton of commsat stuff but we have a ton of space stuff
L247[23:15:33] <SporkWitch> now i'm curious if KSP2 will do 3-body, instead of single SoI
L248[23:15:57] <SporkWitch> (re: JVFoxy's comment about fake lagrange points)
L249[23:16:15] <SporkWitch> I've got a Ryzen 9 3950x in here, i think i should be able to handle the orbital maths
L250[23:16:20] <FLHerne> I really doubt it
L251[23:16:53] <Rokker> principa
L252[23:16:59] <Rokker> is always hit or miss
L253[23:17:04] <Rokker> for me at least
L254[23:17:27] <FLHerne> It's not just computationally expensive, it makes the game a lot trickier especially for new players
L255[23:17:44] <FLHerne> means you can't really have stable orbits anywhere without station-keeping
L256[23:17:52] <FLHerne> I suppose they could add auto-station-keeping
L257[23:18:12] <SporkWitch> true...
L258[23:18:21] <FLHerne> but like proper Mach effects, it's the kind of unintuitive detail they can leave to the modders
L259[23:19:04] <SporkWitch> i just want landing gear that can handle actual landing stresses lol. I play a lot of DCS, and the first set of fixed landing gear explodes if you breath on it funny lol
L260[23:19:10] <FLHerne> (with KSP 1 you can use Principia and FAR, I'm sure KSP 2 will get the same)
L261[23:19:20] <SporkWitch> Even cheating using parachutes, i still tend to lose at least one wheel on landing lol
L262[23:19:29] <Rokker> SporkWitch: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/y1XtqSk4/unnamed+%281%29.jpg
L263[23:19:32] <FLHerne> Yeah, those ones are a bit unforgiving
L264[23:19:36] <FLHerne> there's a knack to it
L265[23:19:43] <Rokker> look at that big boy in the back there
L266[23:19:52] <FLHerne> Increasing braking force on the rear wheels helps a bit IME
L267[23:20:08] <SporkWitch> that seems totally unrelated, FLHerne lo
L268[23:20:11] <SporkWitch> *lol
L269[23:20:22] <SporkWitch> Rokker: i see that; shiny ^^
L270[23:20:30] <FLHerne> and really flare just before touchdown to land as slowly and horizontally as possible
L271[23:21:23] <FLHerne> well, they often don't explode the instant you touch down, but when you hit some tiny terrain bump
L272[23:21:27] <SporkWitch> I've been thinking of trying a helicopter; suck with them in DCS, but I feel like the slightly wonky aerodynamic physics in KSP would be more forgiving (nor VRS to worry about)
L273[23:21:35] <FLHerne> so decelerating ASAP helps
L274[23:21:42] <Rokker> SporkWitch: anything specific you work with like AEHF or Milstar?
L275[23:22:02] <JVFoxy> remember when terrain quality used to really cause problems with landing and sudden disassembly...
L276[23:22:05] <FLHerne> If you dial up nose braking it tends to ground-loop, so that doesn't work so well
L277[23:22:24] <Rokker> oh shoot
L278[23:22:26] <JVFoxy> lol.. nose brakes aren't usually a thing in planes if I recal
L279[23:22:32] <Rokker> I forgot to link some pictures to yall
L280[23:22:33] <SporkWitch> Rokker: most had worked with vehicle-mount or towed setups. Warner Robins was a Combat Comm unit, so we focused on bare base setups right after the marines or army cleared it out.
L281[23:23:01] <SporkWitch> Rokker: also worked with INMARSAT and BGAN units, though i've always worked on MILSTAR
L282[23:23:07] <JVFoxy> someone having problems with the tier landing wheels I take it?
L283[23:23:12] <SporkWitch> s/always/also/
L284[23:23:29] <Rokker> gotcha
L285[23:23:33] <SporkWitch> JVFoxy: yeah, why i just cheated and slapped some chutes equidistant from the center of mass lol
L286[23:24:02] <SporkWitch> basically just gave up on them and figure i'll fight harder once i can afford to unlock the retractable gear
L287[23:24:31] <SporkWitch> just put a probe in orbit, about to try for a mun burn, which should give some nice science and a payout for the flyby
L288[23:24:59] <JVFoxy> if you can, sometimes adding a second set of first tier main landing wheels with the first ones helps with the load.. old days, it used to be they'd hit the ground, drag for a split second and blow up regardless of how softly your vertical was
L289[23:25:33] <Rokker> about wants to play a game of guess the cockpit
L290[23:26:03] ⇦ Quits: betelgeuse (~betelgeus@94-225-47-8.access.telenet.be) (Quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat)
L291[23:26:11] <JVFoxy> oh?
L292[23:26:16] <Rokker> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/Erk1FeIu/20211016_121240.jpg
L293[23:27:15] <JVFoxy> I've managed to dig up some old pc archives... think I got a few cockpit pics somewhere..
L294[23:27:49] <SporkWitch> definitely 2nd gen, not sure exactly what though. probably mechanical flight controls or lower speed, or the stick would be to the right side
L295[23:28:32] <Rokker> lemme re-upload in higher quality
L296[23:28:56] <JVFoxy> interesting stick on the far left. I seem to notice lack of throttle handles.. unless they small
L297[23:28:56] <Rokker> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/p5ND1BL9/20211016_121240.jpg
L298[23:29:54] <Rokker> JVFoxy: they're small
L299[23:30:06] <JVFoxy> I see it.. single engine
L300[23:31:00] <JVFoxy> wait.. why's there heavy water warning lights?
L301[23:31:01] <Rokker> SporkWitch: not a fighter. fighters have to chase this thing
L302[23:32:20] <SporkWitch> yeah, centre stick implied that. What is it using hydrogen peroxide for? lol (i see that indicator marked H202 Hot)
L303[23:32:34] <JVFoxy> also dump
L304[23:32:38] <JVFoxy> and camera controls
L305[23:33:47] <JVFoxy> heh.. reads up to 800knots.. though could just be stock IAS indicator
L306[23:34:35] <Rokker> definitely goes faster
L307[23:35:35] <Rokker> but they start using inertial indicators at that point
L308[23:35:59] <JVFoxy> oh wait... x-15
L309[23:36:11] <JVFoxy> you missing the handle on the far left control for the RCS
L310[23:36:50] <Rokker> yep
L311[23:37:08] <JVFoxy> look familiar? https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/thumbnails/image/dana_x-15_speech_5.jpg
L312[23:37:20] <JVFoxy> noticed stick on the right though too
L313[23:37:44] <Rokker> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/5kaxOwY9/20211016_121604.jpg
L314[23:38:06] <Rokker> opened her up a few weeks back for open cockpit day
L315[23:38:49] <Rokker> tool time off lunch to go check it out
L316[23:38:51] <Rokker> took
L317[23:39:05] <SporkWitch> oof, just noticed how screwed up my initial orbit burn was; almost 18° inclination relative to the mun lol
L318[23:39:21] <Rokker> also had this baby open https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/qShkeZL6/20211016_121430.jpg
L319[23:40:02] <Rokker> less cool and less well known but underappreciated and awesome
L320[23:40:19] <darsie> SporkWitch: H202 is unstable. Try H198.
L321[23:40:26] <JVFoxy> oooh right side stick was duplicate of center stick in case of high gees made it hard
L322[23:41:16] <Rokker> JVFoxy: where'd you read that?
L323[23:41:56] <JVFoxy> Rokker was going to say, if anyone else is curious about x-15 cockpit: https://www.sierrafoot.org/x-15/pirep2.html
L324[23:41:58] <SporkWitch> darsie: i'm just going by what's in the pic
L325[23:42:53] <JVFoxy> Rokker: there is this line on the page: First, there's a conventional center stick and rudder pedals. There's also a console stick at your right hand for use when G loads make it difficult to use the center stick. Both are mechanically coupled together and to a system of bell cranks that sum their inputs with those from the Stability Augmentation S
L326[23:42:54] <JVFoxy> ystem (SAS).
L327[23:44:05] <Rokker> oh yoy meant the right stick. I was about to say, left stick is for RCS
L328[23:44:13] <Rokker> I forgot the right stick
L329[23:45:09] <JVFoxy> ya I mentioned the left control thing.. seemed odd at first. Then saw another pic, said it was missing the handle portion
L330[23:45:34] <Rokker> anyways. wanna take a stab at the second cockpit?
L331[23:46:14] <darsie> SporkWitch: Siriusly, it's H2O2, not H202.
L332[23:47:01] <darsie> Which pic?
L333[23:47:31] <SporkWitch> second or third rokker linked; as far as i could see it read H2O2
L334[23:47:53] <JVFoxy> Rokker: well we on a theme? I'mma say the X-1?
L335[23:47:59] <JVFoxy> er wait.. hold up
L336[23:48:36] <Rokker> you're on the right track
L337[23:48:47] <JVFoxy> x-1 was from side/bottom.. not top
L338[23:49:42] <darsie> ok
L339[23:50:26] <JVFoxy> oh.. derp, X-1B
L340[23:50:38] <Rokker> ye
L341[23:51:30] <JVFoxy> d'nt know much about the other variants truth be told
L342[23:52:38] <JVFoxy> what was the reasoning behind the lower door on the original -1?
L343[23:54:37] <Rokker> slimmest design possible I'd imagine
L344[23:55:22] <JVFoxy> not even an ejector seat I'm reading
L345[23:55:39] <JVFoxy> so guessing they figured didn't have to worry about canopy access
L346[23:57:34] <JVFoxy> ponder if I can do a dual mission, one to minmus (robotic two part lander) , another to mun, crewed but with a station
L347[23:59:19] <Rokker> JVFoxy: well this was 1946-47, the first successful Martin Baker ejection seat test was July 1946 and took place in a plane with much higher weight margins and lower speeds.
L348[23:59:41] <Rokker> not surprising it didn't have an ejection seat
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