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L29[04:39:43] <Althego> static fire attempt underway agin
L30[04:44:26] ⇦ Quits: nasonfish (~nasonfish@c-75-71-32-29.hsd1.co.comcast.net) (Quit: My MacBook Air has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
L31[04:56:13] <Althego> hehe electron already moved a day
L32[05:18:45] ⇨ Joins: Deddly (~MrNiceGuy@83-219-206-219.cust.bredband2.com)
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L35[05:23:08] <Deddly> Yet another Starlink launch in two days
L36[05:24:03] *** Deddly changes topic to 'Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | Yet another Starlink launch: Wed 21 Oct 16:36 GMT/UTC'
L37[05:25:27] <Deddly> .nextlunch
L38[05:25:27] <LunchBot> More coffee
L39[05:48:59] ⇦ Quits: Shoe (uid40690@id-40690.charlton.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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L49[07:56:05] <Althego> finally somethinf is happening. but with this speed they are going to run out of time
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L52[08:31:58] <Althego> the manually advanced timeline says raptor chill
L53[08:37:26] <Althego> sound like a siren
L54[08:39:37] ⇦ Quits: Judge_Dedd (~MrNiceGuy@83-219-206-171.cust.bredband2.com) (Quit: Uh oh...)
L55[08:42:47] <Althego> ok detank
L56[08:42:52] <Althego> probaby not today
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L60[09:49:34] * Deddly is slightly dissapointed that .nextlunch is an invalid nick
L61[09:50:31] <Althego> without the.
L62[09:52:09] <Deddly> Well yeah, but I wanted to play havok with the bot
L63[09:52:13] <Deddly> .nextlunch
L64[09:52:14] <LunchBot> BLT
L65[09:52:19] <Althego> hehe
L66[09:52:21] <Deddly> I'll take 7
L67[10:14:49] <darsie> Why is that an invalid nick?
L68[10:16:36] ⇨ Joins: FLHerne (~flh@
L69[10:36:11] <snow> according to the RFC, nicknames need to start with a letter
L70[10:38:49] <Mat2ch> Althego: it looks like they're loading propellant again
L71[10:39:10] <Althego> what, now?
L72[10:39:52] <Mat2ch> yes
L73[10:40:16] ⇨ Joins: Fluburtur (~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:9845:cc07:91bd:bd82)
L74[10:40:22] <Althego> but that can easily take a long time, and they are almost out of the window
L75[10:43:31] <Mat2ch> for the last test they ignored the window as well...
L76[10:48:54] *** Deddly changes topic to 'Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | Yet another Starlink launch: Wed 21 Oct 16:36 GMT/UTC | Starship SN8 engine testing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22FWQLMASV4'
L77[10:49:51] <Deddly> Why do they vent LOX?
L78[10:50:31] <packbart> because the tank is full, I think
L79[10:50:35] <Deddly> Seems somehow dangerous
L80[10:50:52] <Deddly> I guess they have to vent it as it boils off
L81[10:50:54] <packbart> better than venting methane ;)
L82[10:51:32] <Deddly> True
L83[10:51:59] <Deddly> Tell them to hold the test for half an hour please, I have to go.
L84[10:52:42] <Althego> siren
L85[10:54:13] <Althego> obviously they have to let out the boil off
L86[11:01:38] <Althego> what was that
L87[11:01:54] <Althego> there was not even much sound
L88[11:02:06] <Mat2ch> Preburner doesn't make much sound
L89[11:02:08] <Althego> but there was flame
L90[11:02:14] <Althego> so it couldnt be pre burner
L91[11:02:30] <Mat2ch> Why not?
L92[11:02:45] <Althego> didnt see flames in the previous pre burber tests
L93[11:02:55] <Althego> but maybe the dust was in the way
L94[11:02:57] <Mat2ch> There were only one engine then :D
L95[11:03:23] <Mat2ch> or they aborted the static fire?
L96[11:04:13] <Althego> we dont know
L97[11:04:59] <packbart> there was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom
L98[11:05:02] <Althego> also the side went thing to the right happened before the flames
L99[11:05:18] <Althego> which is at least interesting
L100[11:06:33] <Althego> so because of this and the flames i think it was a failed test
L101[11:06:38] <Althego> but nobody knows
L102[11:17:51] <packbart> "Return a sample from a class B asteroid" coming up tomorrow, I see. ( https://www.asteroidmission.org/?latest-news=watch-osiris-rex-sample-collection-activities )
L103[11:28:06] <Althego> there are two sample returns in progress, but it is going to take years until the samples are recovered
L104[11:43:38] <Deddly> Yeah the Japanese space program have one going
L105[11:43:57] <Deddly> So, Starship test fail, was it?
L106[11:44:06] <Althego> not sure
L107[11:44:18] <Deddly> Is the stream still going?
L108[11:44:43] <Althego> not the nasaspaceflight
L109[11:44:54] <Althego> but the padre streams are always up
L110[11:45:35] <Althego> elon didnt say anything
L111[11:45:39] <Althego> yet
L112[11:45:59] <Deddly> OK, thanks for the update
L113[11:47:44] <Althego> ansible is such a pain when you need to do programming in it
L114[11:51:21] ⇦ Quits: FLHerne (~flh@ (Remote host closed the connection)
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L116[11:57:53] <Deddly> But Althego, Ansible is the simplest way to automate apps and IT infrastructure
L117[11:57:57] ⇦ Quits: FLHerne (~flh@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L118[11:58:13] <Althego> in most cases
L119[11:58:29] <Althego> when you want to copy files, set some file content, create firectories and such
L120[11:58:39] <Althego> way simpler than the python script i am trying to transplant
L121[11:58:43] <Deddly> I didn't know what Ansible is, so I just copied and pasted the first line from their website ;)
L122[12:01:22] <Althego> but since it is not really a programming language if are already getting awkward, loops are specialized and one statement only, and basically all programmign is done in jinja templates
L123[12:03:03] <Deddly> I wish I had learned to programme beyond some basic TCL
L124[12:04:41] <Althego> you can do it any time
L125[12:11:44] <Deddly> True, but I'm not sure I want to dedicate time into that
L126[12:11:54] <Deddly> (at the moment)
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L160[16:44:36] <Althego> elon is suspiciously silent
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L163[17:11:33] <Althego> <huf> did you know: the first computers were built for government use? that's right, they were state machines
L164[17:15:41] <Deddly> Red5 would be proud of you
L165[17:16:17] <Althego> i just pasted it here
L166[17:19:04] <Deddly> .nextlunch
L167[17:19:04] <LunchBot> Chicken wings
L168[17:19:14] <Deddly> Chicken wings is your prize
L169[17:19:35] <Althego> you can have them
L170[17:22:00] ⇨ Joins: Shoe (uid40690@id-40690.charlton.irccloud.com)
L171[17:35:34] * flayer tickles Shoe
L172[17:36:41] <Deddly> Nobody has mentioned museum in here for a while
L173[17:36:50] <Althego> hehe
L174[17:36:57] <Althego> maybe you shouldnt have even now
L175[17:37:21] <Deddly> I won't. I wouldn't want to accidentally ping someone.
L176[17:40:00] ⇨ Joins: Tank2333 (~Tank2333@p5ddaa051.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L177[17:48:22] <Rokker> MUSEUM
L178[17:48:29] <Rokker> Deddly: MUSEUM
L179[17:48:34] <Althego> hee
L180[17:48:40] <Rokker> I miss red
L181[17:48:41] <Deddly> Horray for museums :)
L182[17:48:44] <Althego> bit slow, but still alive
L183[17:48:47] <Rokker> I miss bothering all of yall
L184[17:48:52] <Rokker> Althego: I'm busy working
L185[17:48:54] <Deddly> We miss you, Rokker
L186[17:48:56] <Rokker> in my museum
L187[17:49:14] <Deddly> Yeah I miss Red too
L188[17:49:20] <Rokker> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/lWUVPAQ6/20201018_155638.jpg
L189[17:49:40] <Deddly> That is an awesome museum
L190[17:49:45] <Althego> ah x-24
L191[17:50:06] <packbart> oh, those parts in front are from the SSPX mod ;)
L192[17:50:14] <Althego> hehe
L193[17:50:20] <Althego> reality modding
L194[17:51:00] <Deddly> "Space Shuttle Extravehicular Mobility ...Unit"?
L195[17:51:18] <Deddly> (the sign in the foreground)
L196[17:51:34] <Deddly> Ah yes, Unit
L197[17:52:03] <Deddly> The EMU is a spacesuit?
L198[17:54:50] <FLHerne> Deddly: RCS backpack
L199[17:55:00] <Althego> that is the mmu
L200[17:55:16] <FLHerne> No, it is the whole suit
L201[17:55:59] <Deddly> OK so EMU+MMU = Spacesuit with RCS
L202[17:56:08] <Deddly> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manned_Maneuvering_Unit
L203[17:56:13] <Althego> technically they still have some rcs
L204[17:56:25] <Deddly> They do?
L205[17:56:26] <Althego> but have only 2 m/s delta v fo emergency use
L206[17:56:52] <Althego> ok, it is 3, not 2
L207[17:57:39] <Deddly> Where can I read about that?
L208[17:57:44] <Althego> safer
L209[17:57:44] <Rokker> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/Kcaqlo5s/20201012_160421.jpg
L210[17:58:00] <Althego> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simplified_Aid_For_EVA_Rescue
L211[17:58:40] <Deddly> Aaw man those sleek lines...
L212[17:59:05] <Althego> x-15 is still unparalleled
L213[17:59:14] <Althego> just as the sr-71
L214[17:59:21] <Deddly> Althego, But the EMU didn't have that built in, as far as I can tell, did it?
L215[17:59:25] <Althego> (or maybe not, they are just so secret we dont knwo about them)
L216[17:59:49] <Althego> safer is not built in, but nonetheeless used together normally
L217[18:00:16] <Deddly> But not on the shuttle, right?
L218[18:00:46] <Althego> i think the suits didnt change much since then
L219[18:01:49] <Deddly> The Wiki article specifically talks about ISS EVAs, and the Wikipedia page for the EMU talks specifically about the shuttle
L220[18:03:36] <Deddly> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_suit#United_States_suit_models shows the EMU was for both shuttle and ISS
L221[18:03:50] <Deddly> Wikipedia has spoken!
L222[18:03:54] <Althego> hehe
L223[18:04:08] <packbart> "and was worn on spacewalks outside the Space Shuttle" and "The left side latch on the SAFER unit became unlatched during an EVA by astronaut Piers Sellers on STS-121"
L224[18:04:10] <Althego> from 82?
L225[18:04:20] <packbart> so it was used on Shuttle missions, too
L226[18:04:22] <Althego> it means those dsigns are already around 40 years old
L227[18:04:33] <Althego> and it shows basically nothing happened in those 40 yars, which makes me sad
L228[18:04:50] <packbart> ion propulsion MMU? ;)
L229[18:04:53] <Deddly> Nice find, packbart
L230[18:05:06] <Deddly> Althego, have you seen NASA's new suit?
L231[18:05:11] <Althego> yes
L232[18:05:16] <Althego> finally something happened
L233[18:05:47] <Deddly> I think that was for planetary use, though
L234[18:06:01] <Althego> still, i was hoping for the biosuit thing, which doesnt have air around your body, it is just very tight, that has been in reasearch for something like 20 years
L235[18:06:19] <Deddly> Honestly, not a lot exciting happened in space tech until SpaceX showed up
L236[18:07:11] <packbart> I want my breathable goo fluid, so we can finally explore deep seas, too
L237[18:07:42] <Deddly> Well, we already can. But I assume you mean on EVA
L238[18:07:45] <Althego> also not new
L239[18:07:59] <Althego> remember cameron's movie the abyss? the rat breathed that
L240[18:08:05] <Althego> that was actually reall
L241[18:08:07] <packbart> not new but expensive and still not very healthy, as far as I know
L242[18:08:11] <Althego> although they faked it for the human
L243[18:08:29] <Deddly> Cool
L244[18:08:42] <packbart> (the same goo is used in vapour soldering)
L245[18:08:59] <Deddly> I didn't know the rat scene was real. But it makes sense. They use this breathable liquid medically for some premature births
L246[18:10:12] <Althego> ed harris almost died because of this, since the helmet was filled with water. and in the scene where he jumps off the cliff to go deep, he was towed horizontally underwater
L247[18:10:29] <Althego> that is hard core acting
L248[18:11:20] <Deddly> I'll have to rewatch that
L249[18:11:41] <Althego> the whole movie was a hell in several levels, for everybody working on it
L250[18:13:35] <Althego> there is a scene where they find some dead people in something, was it a submarine, i dont remember. and a small crab climbs out of the mouth of one. that guy was cameron's brother
L251[18:13:40] <Deddly> CO2 buildup is apparently the issue with liquid breathing
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L254[19:03:56] <Rokker> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/HWP9blU8/20201017_141211.jpg
L255[19:07:16] <Rokker> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/tuUWzVC5/20201012_155856.jpg
L256[19:08:02] <Althego> marquardt space sled
L257[19:08:34] <packbart> ooh, I want one :)
L258[19:08:45] <Althego> looks cool
L259[19:11:25] <Mat2ch> the space sled looks very Kerbal :D
L260[19:22:07] <Rokker> Mat2ch: its literally as kerbal as it gets. its a round rcs tank with some struts, small rcs thrusters and a command seat
L261[19:30:21] <Rokker> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/yoH7m8yK/20201012_155900.jpg
L262[19:31:09] <Althego> i dont get the chair
L263[19:31:34] <Rokker> Mat2ch: you could literally make that in KSP
L264[19:33:02] <Rokker> Althego: ?
L265[19:33:12] <Althego> why would you need a chair in space?
L266[19:33:20] <Althego> or seat
L267[19:33:21] <Althego> whatever
L268[19:36:33] <Rokker> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/5vmqTNv3/20201012_155915.jpg
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L271[19:45:40] <Rokker> Althego: I mean its less crazy than the propulsion gun
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L275[19:52:49] <darsie> Althego: For artificial gravity.
L276[19:53:51] <darsie> Also to strap yourself in front of the console.
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L287[21:19:55] <Mat2ch> Rokker: is that thing floating, while in operation? When I hear "sled" I expect something that slides...
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L291[21:40:54] <Rokker> Mat2ch: think Shuttle MMU but weirder
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