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L1[00:19:19] ⇨ Joins: lordcirth__ (lordcirth__!~lordcirth@2607:f2c0:9436:5700::119)
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L7[02:48:07] <Althego> maybe mars launch in 12 hours 10 minutes
L8[02:48:26] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6pHLJY4Tbo
L9[02:48:26] <kmath> YouTube - Live streaming for the launch of H-IIA Launch Vehicle No.42
L10[02:48:37] <Althego> hehe 42
L11[02:49:01] <Rolf> hope it finds the question
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L14[03:14:08] <flayer> ah, midnight launch isn't going to work for me
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L21[04:52:55] <Althego> yes, that is my problem too. have to watch it next morning
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L28[06:54:02] ⇦ Quits: Copper (Copper!~Copper@94-255-155-220.cust.bredband2.com) ()
L29[07:21:13] <darsie> Ships on the Mun surface "move" in circles at 1000x time warp. Watch the screenshots as a movie.
L30[07:21:14] <darsie> http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot49.png
L31[07:21:14] <darsie> http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot50.png
L32[07:21:14] <darsie> http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot51.png
L33[07:21:14] <darsie> http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot52.png
L34[07:21:14] <darsie> http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot53.png
L35[07:21:14] <darsie> http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot53.png
L36[07:21:51] <darsie> Load them in separate tabs and cycle through the tabs.
L37[07:42:15] <flayer> i've seen that too
L38[07:42:17] <flayer> on minmus
L39[07:43:52] <Mat2ch> The last time I got so close with a ship to a planet the game swallowed that ship
L40[07:46:21] <flayer> you mean you crashed into some mountains
L41[07:48:03] ⇦ Quits: GlassYuri (GlassYuri!~GlasYuri@116-91-39-167.tokyo.ap.gmo-isp.jp) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L47[08:31:48] <Mat2ch> flayer: no, I was above the highest point
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L49[08:32:36] <darsie> Maybe the map was wrong.
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L51[08:33:36] <Mat2ch> I don't know
L52[08:42:35] <Mat2ch> I was in an equatorial orbit, I did several orbits without problems (and without getting into physics warp), then I took my lander and landed, had too few fuel to get back up, started a rescue mission and when that got there my huge space tug was gone.
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L62[10:53:34] <Plaid> packbart: I've done some digging into that code, it's rough.
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L64[11:17:38] <packbart> yeah, I think I might look at that stability thing some more. sometimes it just doesn't roll. https://formularfetischisten.de/~packbart/temp/foo4.mp4 (the rover also shouldn't tip over so much, could use some CoM-adjustment)
L65[11:18:14] <packbart> also, KER's impact predictor suddenly stopped working. the problem with mods is that you might spend more time testing bugs than playing, if you're not careful ;)
L66[11:38:18] ⇨ Joins: JVFoxy (JVFoxy!webchat@night-stand.ca)
L67[12:07:10] ⇦ Quits: Ezriilc (Ezriilc!~Ezriilc@ (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.Kerbaltek.com))
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L74[12:55:45] <darsie> 1.10 crashed. It just disappeared.
L75[12:55:48] <darsie> linux
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L77[13:33:17] <JVFoxy> disappeared as in ... deleted?
L78[13:38:57] <raptop> darsie's hard drive splashed down hard, and was destroyed
L79[13:48:55] <JVFoxy> kerbal hard drive... seem to recall a part that looks a bit like a reel-to-reel tape machine
L80[13:51:40] <Alanonzander> yep
L81[13:52:08] <JVFoxy> aahyup
L82[14:07:16] <Althego> i should be sleeping now. but since i am still up because of kerbal, i think i should watch the mars launch too
L83[14:07:24] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6pHLJY4Tbo
L84[14:07:25] <kmath> YouTube - Live streaming for the launch of H-IIA Launch Vehicle No.42
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L86[14:19:32] <deadmind> darsie I've had an elevated number of crashes with 1.10 on Windows as well.
L87[14:20:44] <deadmind> that said, there were performance improvements, which means I have had to restart KSP fewer times per gameplay hour, so maybe I'm just doing longer sessions at a time :)
L88[14:25:53] <packbart> many live streams for this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLcRd_RZ3Eg
L89[14:25:54] <kmath> YouTube - Hope Mars Mission: Live Launch
L90[14:30:07] <packbart> deadmind: I noticed more crashes on Windows than Linux. otoh, I use lots more mods and higher graphics settings on Windows. I think quite a few crashes are caused by mods like Scatterer
L91[14:36:52] <Althego> didnt notice more crashes, but lately the video card usage is increased, now i can hear fan noise, previously it was around zero
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L93[14:40:56] <umaxtu> could just be dust if your fans are audible more
L94[14:42:05] <Althego> no, it started when the planet surface revamp happened
L95[14:42:14] <umaxtu> ah
L96[14:44:11] <JVFoxy> oof... scatterer. I had massive slow down issues with that in earlier versions of KSP, much sadness
L97[14:44:15] <darsie> JVFoxy: The KSP window/screen disappeared.
L98[14:44:36] <JVFoxy> darsie ah ok.. ya hate that. Now crash report
L99[14:44:41] <JVFoxy> *no
L100[14:44:54] <umaxtu> is it just me or is the dish painted black?
L101[14:45:55] <Althego> that's a pleasant japanese voice :)
L102[14:46:28] <darsie> I keep failing my 'bring 450 units of ore from the surface of The Mun and land it on Kerbin' mission. This time I got through the atmosmphere, but one chute wasn't enough.
L103[14:46:55] <darsie> Hmm, maybe crashing on land is more benign than splashing down.
L104[14:47:26] <darsie> I have a Terrier and FL400 tank as crumpling zone.
L105[14:47:42] <umaxtu> stage recovery gives a useful estimate of the landing speed of the different sections of a vehicle in the VAB
L106[14:49:05] <packbart> RCS Build Aid calulates touchdown speed with parachutes, too
L107[14:49:35] <darsie> I found a nice 0.1° landing site on The Mun.
L108[14:49:38] <JVFoxy> ... wait.. he said 500 million mile journy.. mars isn't quite /that/ far...
L109[14:49:56] <darsie> Marked by my ore mining/refining truck.
L110[14:50:21] <Althego> but the course is not straight either
L111[14:50:22] <darsie> 0.1° inclination.
L112[14:51:41] <JVFoxy> ok.. 500 million km.. still mars isn't quite that far. its like 1/10th
L113[14:51:57] <umaxtu> packbart, true, but Sr does it for each stage
L114[14:52:02] <Althego> hohmann transfer
L115[14:52:41] <JVFoxy> its about 105 at most.. 34 closest.. roughly
L116[14:55:26] <JVFoxy> sorry.. anyways
L117[14:57:14] <Mat2ch> Althego: uh, how far in the countdown are we?
L118[14:57:22] <Althego> minutes
L119[14:57:25] <Althego> i dont see a counter
L120[14:57:35] <Althego> maybe 1 minutes or less
L121[14:57:52] <umaxtu> i assume that the one voice has been counting down continuously for awhile now
L122[14:58:06] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6pHLJY4Tbo
L123[14:58:07] <kmath> YouTube - Live streaming for the launch of H-IIA Launch Vehicle No.42
L124[14:58:35] <Althego> sparks
L125[15:01:05] <deadmind> <darsie> Hmm, maybe crashing on land is more benign than splashing down. < it 100% is. when you hit the water, parts just disappear, which means every part whose max impact speed is lower than your velocity will just disappear
L126[15:01:18] <deadmind> meaning above 10m/s most cockpits will die
L127[15:01:28] <deadmind> on land you have explosions acting as crumple zones
L128[15:02:13] <deadmind> I might do a video on this eventually - i've completely gone out of the habit of including parachutes in my return capsules for this reason, it's not necessary :D
L129[15:10:38] <Althego> ii forgot the parachutes from a recovery probe. but it is going to circularize and an other one is is going to take up the parachutes
L130[15:11:37] <deadmind> oh neat, that actually makes your mission more interesting instead of just having to revert
L131[15:11:45] ⇦ Quits: Severian (Severian!~severian@c-71-205-34-170.hsd1.co.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L132[15:11:51] <Althego> cant revert, too many other missions in parallel
L133[15:13:28] <JVFoxy> didn't save state?
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L136[15:21:39] <Althego> one thing is for sure, i am not going towatch the spacex launch tomorrowű
L137[15:21:43] <Althego> that is too late too
L138[15:21:57] <deadmind> you mean the scrub? :D
L139[15:22:09] ⇦ Quits: Althego (Althego!~Althego@86FF6900.dsl.pool.telekom.hu) (Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury)
L140[15:24:02] <JVFoxy> scrub a dub... er anyways
L141[15:50:40] <darsie> Landing my ore on land worked, just the FL10 adapter broke when the rocket fell over while held by the chute: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot61.png
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L143[15:58:02] <darsie> deadmind: ^
L144[16:00:15] ⇦ Quits: JVFoxy (JVFoxy!webchat@night-stand.ca) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L145[16:01:43] <deadmind> darsie: nice :)
L146[16:01:48] <deadmind> well done
L147[16:01:56] <darsie> :)
L148[16:02:29] <deadmind> it's also worth turning on the aero forces and finding an attitude that decreases your vertical speed just before impact
L149[16:03:01] <deadmind> with a slim rocket if you just point it prograde you will have a much higher terminal velocity than if you are slamming the air with the side of the rocket
L150[16:03:08] <deadmind> *retrograde
L151[16:03:17] <darsie> My only RWs were in the hecs. and I had 3 m/s left for the Terrier.
L152[16:04:12] <darsie> Hmm, I could have broken the symmetry of the airbrakes and opened only one. But they're not effective at 14 m/s.
L153[16:05:45] <deadmind> oh, if you were already down to 14m/s there's no point anyway :)
L154[16:07:23] <packbart> I think I'll put lgg
L155[16:07:31] <darsie> lgg?
L156[16:08:11] <packbart> wrong key ;) I meant, I think I'll put linuxgurugamer's twitch stream on in the background and head to bed. maybe
L157[16:08:51] <packbart> bearded man talking about KSP
L158[16:08:58] <deadmind> he has a twitch stream? :o
L159[16:09:00] <deadmind> wth
L160[16:10:05] <packbart> yeah, I sometime watch him fix mods (I think that's tomorrow's stream)
L161[16:10:17] <packbart> you can see your pull request being handled live
L162[16:10:45] <deadmind> lol wow
L163[16:10:52] <deadmind> can you paste a link?
L164[16:11:01] <packbart> https://www.twitch.tv/linuxgurugamer
L165[16:11:07] <deadmind> i always thought it's weird how little mention there seems to be of linuxgurugamer despite of all the work he does
L166[16:11:16] <deadmind> thanks!
L167[16:11:44] <packbart> yeah, 429 github respositories
L168[16:14:07] <packbart> huh, he did have a better screen layout on the stream once. letterboxed KSP...
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L174[17:46:29] <JVFoxy> ok weird.../
L175[17:46:48] <JVFoxy> walked my kerbal out from the runway, about 1/2km out to do a science point. It still thinks I'm on the runway.
L176[18:01:28] <JVFoxy> so.. guess I can't just walk off the pad/runway any mor eand get a shore biome report like I used to..
L177[18:06:44] <raptop> I'd suggest using an RT-5 with like 10-20% fuel?
L178[18:08:03] <JVFoxy> not too worried about it right now. just seemed odd. I walk out a km, oh you still on runway. I'm like 'wuh?'
L179[18:08:21] <JVFoxy> maybe biomes got mucked with
L180[18:13:12] * JVFoxy sees pod sliding on runway. Decides to spin it like a top. It starts driving along the ground, "ok... umm.." stops it, tries spinning it the other way. Watches it go 'forwards'. umm... funny bug/feature it seems
L181[18:14:17] <JVFoxy> I used to bug hunt a friend's game a while back. I didn't intend to do it in KSP
L182[18:16:23] <JVFoxy> ok no I won't Danny this.. or whoever it was that takes advantages of game bugs
L183[18:17:44] <raptop> I mean, if you connect 2 command pods in a bow tie shape, you can roll it around for a rover with highly limited battery life
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L186[18:24:55] <JVFoxy> lol.. did something similar but with a truss in the middle to hold science parts.
L187[18:25:50] <JVFoxy> I generally wait till I get the first plane parts unlocked. Build a jet car with a couple of pods. Putter around KSP for a bit getting what I can of science. Kind of handy having a science officer that can reset experients
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