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L1[00:01:43] ⇦ Quits: Lyneira (Lyneira!~konversat@2001:984:484e:1:71f0:87ad:face:3ebe) (Quit: Bye)
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L16[04:14:39] <Guest65757> Hello
L17[04:14:41] <Mod9000> Hello, Guest65757
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L19[04:14:57] <Guest65757> I don`t know how to use this
L20[04:15:02] <Judge_Dedd> Hi there
L21[04:15:13] <Judge_Dedd> What's up? :)
L22[04:15:19] <Guest65757> Am good!
L23[04:15:56] <Guest65757> I just don`t know how this thing works?
L24[04:16:09] <Judge_Dedd> You mean IRC chat?
L25[04:16:13] <Judge_Dedd> Or KSP?
L26[04:16:18] <Guest65757> IRC
L27[04:16:42] <Judge_Dedd> Ah. Well, seems like you have the hang of it. Did you follow the link from the KSP forum?
L28[04:16:53] <Guest65757> Yes
L29[04:17:11] ⇨ Joins: Dutchy45 (Dutchy45!webchat@
L30[04:17:56] <Judge_Dedd> So, in IRC, you can just type here and everyone can see what you say, or, if you type /msg <person's name here> followed by the message, it's like a PM
L31[04:18:06] <Guest65757> I am not 13+, just got to the forum for the first time, I just don't know a single thing about it. I've read so I saw this IRL in top of me, I clicked it.
L32[04:19:13] ⇨ Joins: GlassYuri3 (GlassYuri3!~GlasYuri@36-2-209-44.tokyo.ap.gmo-isp.jp)
L33[04:20:24] <Dutchy45> Hey guys, I need to put a station together. The contract says 4000 units of liquid fuel. Do I include the oxygin in that, or only the liquid fuel part of my tanks?
L34[04:21:06] <Judge_Dedd> I haven't done a contract like that, but if it says liquid fuel, I would expect only liquid fuel is needed
L35[04:21:07] <Mat2ch> only the liquid fuel is required
L36[04:21:09] <Guest65757> Just Liquid fuel i guss.
L37[04:21:12] <Guest65757> guess*
L38[04:22:21] <Mat2ch> .oO( Saying I'm not 13 anymore is a bretty <insertnameofpersonwhoshouldn'tbenamed>-move somehow ;P )
L39[04:22:25] <Mat2ch> *pretty
L40[04:26:42] <Guest65757> KSP
L41[04:51:26] <FLHerne> Dutchy45: Ah, you have the same contract I have :D
L42[04:51:46] <FLHerne> My question is: does it have to have the 4000 fuel before landing?
L43[04:52:03] <FLHerne> Or can I land multiple modules and dock them, and/or fill it with ISRU?
L44[04:52:20] <FLHerne> (well, maybe not the same, mine is for a Mun base with 4000 fuel)
L45[04:52:58] <Dutchy45> you can dock them together to get to 4000
L46[04:53:08] <Dutchy45> after landing
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L49[05:06:25] <packbart> or produce the fuel on site
L50[05:29:22] <kubi> hw97k just arrived :)
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L58[06:59:25] <Mat2ch> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYBwCotSZ5A
L59[06:59:25] <kmath> YouTube - SN7 Test Tank Pressure Testing From Boca Chica
L60[06:59:30] <Mat2ch> another tank test!
L61[07:07:15] <Judge_Dedd> SN7 again?
L62[07:08:20] <Judge_Dedd> Link in description still works
L63[07:08:28] <Judge_Dedd> Better view
L64[07:16:43] ⇨ Joins: TheArt (TheArt!webchat@modemcable090.84-178-173.mc.videotron.ca)
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L67[07:21:03] <FLHerne> That's useful
L68[07:21:11] <FLHerne> My Mun lander fell over :-(
L69[07:21:50] <FLHerne> So I rolled it off a cliff, and then fired up the engine while it was tumbling, and that worked :p
L70[07:24:17] <packbart> the cliff-launched rocket is a cheap alternative to track and sled
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L72[07:24:40] ⇨ Joins: Artur212222 (Artur212222!webchat@modemcable090.84-178-173.mc.videotron.ca)
L73[08:09:50] <Judge_Dedd> I see SN7 hasn't exploded yet
L74[08:10:00] <Judge_Dedd> It's not full
L75[08:12:21] <Judge_Dedd> Looks really windy over there today. The rolling shutter is making it look like it is bouncing about :)
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L83[09:16:23] <Mat2ch> Now it looks almost full
L84[09:16:58] <Althego> what, another test?
L85[09:17:05] <Althego> ah in the topic
L86[09:17:27] <Althego> lot o white stuff shooting out :)
L87[09:20:48] <Althego> anyway it doesnt look like full
L88[09:20:57] <Althego> ah
L89[09:21:00] <Althego> so tit was ice
L90[09:21:04] <Althego> i thought it was shiny
L91[09:21:08] <Althego> then it is full
L92[09:32:16] <Althego> even more white stuff is coming out
L93[09:32:46] <Althego> that looks too be too low
L94[09:32:55] <Althego> so it is not from the valve
L95[09:35:43] <packbart> or liquid instead of gas. it's full now, I'd guess
L96[09:37:42] <Althego> the spadre spadre stream is behind
L97[09:38:11] <Althego> hehe it flew little bit
L98[09:40:59] <packbart> an island emerges from the clouds
L99[09:41:18] <packbart> total structural integrity failures are such a crowd-pleaser
L100[09:41:23] <Althego> this is how a ufo crash should look like :)
L101[09:46:50] <Mat2ch> I wonder how cold that N2 fog is
L102[09:47:16] <Althego> how cold it feels
L103[09:47:17] <Althego> ?
L104[09:47:56] <Althego> probably doesnt feel cold
L105[09:49:03] <packbart> it starts out as a liquid at −195.79 °C (77 K; −320 °F)), according to bing. the fog is mainly cold air and water vapour, though, I'd say
L106[09:49:39] <Althego> so at best it feels like a cold breeze
L107[09:49:44] <Althego> if you can breath :)
L108[09:50:48] <Mat2ch> you can breath it.
L109[09:50:53] <Althego> sn7 tank is a better vehicle than sn4. it moved a little :)
L110[09:50:53] <Mat2ch> The question is: How long? ;)
L111[10:05:54] <Althego> hehe actually you can stick your hand in liquid nitrogen, because of the leidenfrost effect
L112[10:08:14] <packbart> Johann Painfreeze. just the right name to discover the effect
L113[10:10:30] <Althego> it's not dead, it's pining :)
L114[10:12:21] <Mat2ch> looking at the tank... that'll probably buff just out.
L115[10:13:05] <Althego> at least half of it would need to be reabuilt. at this point just use the next one
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L117[10:37:58] <darsie> Breathing nitrogen can kill unexpectedly. You still get rid of CO2, so you don't notice the danger, till you pass out. Sometimes also people die who come to rescue. In one case 10 people died like that.
L118[10:38:21] <Althego> eh that is bad
L119[10:40:08] <darsie> Mat2ch: About 5 minutes. Then you stop breathing.
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L121[10:55:08] <Mat2ch> yeah, not good, don't wanna go there.
L122[10:55:22] ⇨ Joins: Copper (Copper!~Copper@94-255-155-220.cust.bredband2.com)
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L127[11:23:57] <packbart> yeah, the brain sensors don't notice a lack of oxygen. they monitor CO2 levels
L128[11:24:07] <packbart> too much helium can supposedly kill, too
L129[11:26:48] <darsie> any inert gas. argon, methane, nitrogen, helium, hydrogen ...
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L132[11:43:45] <Althego> lol, the video of the new collider starts with flat earth https://www.engadget.com/cern-super-collider-higgs-boson-particle-092412017.html?utm_campaign=homepage&utm_medium=internal&utm_source=dl&guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g_dj16bDFUTFVqU1NqUQ&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAADkHIPZd81CnCyxU34DWJyaHNNDrVrvrmP9ecxlIXEE5kS2Xq0hENr53hYinI4BTks5RWbw23T5ZPqsWwiYDFXNfDtkbsefMXh6A2y3xrngz6Ddu0vTuauWuxyMpWhHOfDBsOlwl
L133[11:43:46] <Althego> xTcoKsshUWjaobbCc7xK7fQMY7d5oTHO3XC7
L134[11:43:48] <Althego> arg
L135[11:43:49] <Althego> h
L136[11:44:06] <Althego> https://www.engadget.com/cern-super-collider-higgs-boson-particle-092412017.html
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L138[11:46:59] <raptop> FCC is actually going to happen?
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L141[11:47:25] <packbart> 100 TeV - still not enough for the neutrino nuke buster. that one required 1PeV in neutrinos alone
L142[11:47:55] <packbart> (ref. this 2003 paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/0305062v2 )
L143[11:48:23] <raptop> There's a very real risk that we're in the particle desert now
L144[11:49:49] <raptop> And so need to improve collider performance by, uh, 13 orders of magnitude
L145[11:50:09] <raptop> related: https://arxiv.org/abs/1704.04469
L146[11:50:51] <Althego> hehe
L147[11:50:57] <Althego> 13 orders of magnitude
L148[11:51:01] <Althego> that might take a while
L149[11:53:43] <packbart> "The proposed collider would be powered by (part of) a Dyson swarm constructed around the Sun" - well, that might do it
L150[11:54:16] <Althego> hehe
L151[11:54:17] <Tank2333_> easy
L152[11:54:38] <packbart> .oO( https://xkcd.com/2323/ )
L153[11:54:44] <raptop> Best guess is that someone realized that you can publish ultrahard SF on arχiv
L154[11:55:06] <Althego> hehe
L155[11:55:28] <raptop> Incidentally, the paper is a fun read.
L156[12:11:49] <sandbox> super star collider
L157[12:35:58] <SnoopJeDi> it's a good paper yea
L158[12:37:17] <SnoopJeDi> the motivation for it is sound, you need insane energy to do γγ with good cross-section, as it explains
L159[12:37:53] <SnoopJeDi> which is why γγ is such a tiny contribution to e.g. Higgs @ CMS/Atlas, there's just not much of it going on
L160[12:41:00] ⇦ Quits: Althego (Althego!~Althego@51B61E1E.dsl.pool.telekom.hu) (Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury)
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