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L17[02:56:15] <Gasher[work]> darsie, sorry for the sudden question about rocket science :)
L18[02:56:30] <darsie> np :)
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L58[09:23:21] <Althego> lol dsky hello world
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L60[09:35:46] <Althego> lol scott
L61[09:35:55] <Althego> i didnt expect this kind of intro
L62[09:37:32] <Althego> lol space cookies that mustn be eaten in the name of science
L63[09:40:00] <UmbralRaptop> Are they GDPR compliant?
L64[09:40:39] <Althego> not that kind of cookies
L65[09:41:24] <taniwha> great democratic people's republic?
L66[09:44:13] <Althego> surely you are joking (mr feynman)
L67[09:45:22] <UmbralRaptop> General Data Protection Requirements
L68[09:45:43] <UmbralRaptop> (Colonel Data Protection does not have any duties)
L69[09:45:59] <Althego> hehe
L70[09:46:24] <taniwha> but the requirements are faulty
L71[09:47:02] <Althego> how can you make ffmpeg to encode in h263 or h263-119something instead of h263-2000?
L72[09:47:13] <Althego> 199x
L73[09:47:28] <taniwha> however, it was just GPF, not GDPF
L74[09:48:07] *** Nach__ is now known as Nach0z
L75[09:50:42] <packbart> The Procrastinator's Challenge: Complete contracts just before their deadline
L76[09:50:50] <Althego> hehe
L77[09:51:44] <UmbralRaptop> Bonus points if it's a rescue mission?
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L79[09:52:34] <packbart> you can pick up the rescuees (sp?) any time, just make sure to recover them on Kerbin on the last day of the contract ;)
L80[09:53:20] <packbart> I hear people enslave rescued kerbals in far away missions
L81[09:53:27] <Althego> hehe
L82[09:53:49] <UmbralRaptop> No, no. They volunteered!
L83[09:54:10] <Althego> i have rescued them, therefore their lives are mine
L84[09:54:12] <taniwha> Oh, you won't volunteer? Back to your pod.
L85[09:58:50] ⇨ Joins: Guest35072 (Guest35072!webchat@mcoesp2.mul.mesacc.edu)
L86[10:00:08] * UmbralRaptop should probably figure out how to do better probes with the current DSN
L87[10:00:24] <Guest35072> Hello, does anyone have a direct contact to support for Kerbal Space Program?
L88[10:01:38] <Mat2ch> Guest35072: what kind of problem do you have?
L89[10:01:51] <Mat2ch> Something shop related?
L90[10:01:57] <Mat2ch> There should be contact link somewhere
L91[10:02:27] <Althego> "please state the nature of the kerbal emergency" :)
L92[10:02:50] <Guest35072> I put a support ticket in back in April and haven't heard back.
L93[10:03:37] <Mat2ch> hm, which one of the OPs still works at Squad and could be bothered about this?
L94[10:03:51] <Althego> hehe did any ever?
L95[10:05:31] <Mat2ch> yes
L96[10:05:52] <Mat2ch> We even had Baddie in here
L97[10:06:30] <Mat2ch> But I don't keep logs anymore, so I can't go and just look :P
L98[10:06:34] <Guest35072> I need to get a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) or demo for accessibility testing. I received an email on April 23 from Jem that said, "Thanks for reaching out! We've received your request and we're currently in the process of providing this to you. Please wait for the next email from us once I hear back from my team." I have reques
L99[10:06:35] <Guest35072> ted updates but have not heard anything since then
L100[10:06:52] <Althego> ah yes baddie was here some tiem ago
L101[10:07:29] * Deddly reads backscroll
L102[10:07:40] <Deddly> Guest35072, I have direct contact with them
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L104[10:07:45] <Rokker> Deddly: shoo
L105[10:07:50] <Rokker> nobody asked you
L106[10:07:52] <Deddly> k
L107[10:07:56] <Rokker> <3
L108[10:08:07] <Rokker> love you Deddly
L109[10:08:45] <Deddly> Hehe
L110[10:09:08] <Deddly> Guest35072, OK so the problem is, there isn't actually an up-to-date demo anymore, but there is an older one available if that helps?
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L112[10:10:38] <Guest35072> Deddly I am not able to use an old demo for testing
L113[10:11:07] <Deddly> OK. Do you have a ticket reference number or anything like that?
L114[10:12:07] <Guest35072> 7867
L115[10:12:27] <Deddly> Guest35072, Your request could have gotten lost when the community manager left and was replaced with another
L116[10:12:38] <Deddly> Guest35072, OK I'll see what I can do
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L118[10:13:40] <Mat2ch> That's a low ticket number. I suspected there would be a lot more tickets. But that shows that the community is working and their internal processes as well.
L119[10:14:48] <Deddly> Mat2ch, either that or the number ticked around once it hit the 64-bit integer limit ;)
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L121[10:15:22] <Deddly> Guest35072, She's looking for your ticket now
L122[10:16:01] <Guest35072> Deddly Thank you....can I please send get an email when they have an update. My email is in the ticket request.
L123[10:16:27] <Deddly> Guest35072, Sure, just hang around for a moment, in case the ticket was lost or something like that
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L125[10:17:31] <Guest35072> Will do
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L133[10:53:59] <packbart> "We have entered atmospheric flight over The Mun" - we did what now?
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L135[10:58:01] <Guest35072> Hey Deddly have you heard back?
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L139[11:23:31] <Deddly> Guest35072, sorry I was eating. I'll check
L140[11:24:00] <Deddly> Guest35072, Hmm. She said she would check but I haven't heard anything since then
L141[11:24:56] ⇦ Quits: Pyrus (Pyrus!~pyrus@coffee-break.at) (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in)
L142[11:26:16] <Deddly> Guest35072, She says she sent a message to the customer support channel and is currently waiting for a response
L143[11:26:40] <Deddly> Let's hope she doesn't have to wait two months like you did...
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L149[11:47:33] <Deddly> Hey we have a response!
L150[11:47:53] <Althego> one ping only :)
L151[11:48:02] <Deddly> Guest35072, Here's the message I got from Brenda, the community manager: They told me, they are working on that and they will contact the person with his issue next week via email
L152[11:49:17] <Deddly> Apparently it was a unique request, so it has taken more time than usual to follow through
L153[11:52:47] <Guest35072> Deddly Thank you so much for your help! I look forward to hearing next week from them.
L154[11:53:23] <Deddly> You're more than welcome. Glad I could help in some small way :)
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L164[12:43:54] <ConductorCat> https://twitter.com/winglets747/status/1148729401955106817?s=19
L165[12:43:54] <kmath> <winglets747> Delta 1425 from Atlanta to Baltimore diverted to Raleigh (Via @Micahlifa) https://t.co/JHiTkYN2R1
L166[12:47:51] <umaxtu_mobile> wasn't it an md80?
L167[12:49:12] <Althego> electrical interference, lol
L168[12:49:38] <Althego> or as george carlin said: and continue breathing normally. i also s... normally, in my pants
L169[12:49:39] <umaxtu_mobile> ?
L170[12:50:18] <Althego> comment says flight attendant took away the phone because of electrical interference
L171[12:50:37] <umaxtu_mobile> lol
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L189[14:55:12] <packbart> looks like they staged the nose cone too soon, still in the atmosphere
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L247[19:54:14] <darsie> Fail? http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot258.png
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L249[19:58:51] <Eddi|zuHause> depends on if you plan to take off again
L250[19:59:23] <KrazyKrl> Gravity Turn module status: Pre-installed
L251[20:00:44] <Eddi|zuHause> anyway, seems like an expected outcome with that leg footprint vs CoM height
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L254[20:07:16] <darsie> No take off planned. I did better this time: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot259.png
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