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L37[05:24:56] <packbart> how do I donate to KSP development? ok, I could probably buy another download of KSP but that feels weird
L38[05:25:20] <Rolf> hmm who owns ksp now?
L39[05:25:29] * packbart just bought a DLC-bundle for Euro Truck Simulator
L40[05:25:43] <packbart> I spend money on such stuff, I'd like to give some to KSP
L41[05:25:57] <Rolf> could always buy toys
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L44[05:34:24] ⇨ Joins: FLHerne (FLHerne!~flh@cpc129772-papw8-2-0-cust286.know.cable.virginm.net)
L45[05:36:47] <Fluburtur> they dont need more money now that they arent independant
L46[05:57:46] ⇨ Joins: milaga (milaga!~joel@2601:643:8304:4f60:4cb1:b7a3:b41d:da80)
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L50[07:05:11] <Mat2ch> packbart: do you have the KSP DLC?
L51[07:13:12] ⇨ Joins: FltAdmVonSpiz (FltAdmVonSpiz!~chatzilla@hh003c.halls.manchester.ac.uk)
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L53[07:50:06] <UmbralRaptor> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnJi0Jy692w
L54[07:50:06] <kmath> YouTube - National Science Foundation/Event Horizon Telescope press conference
L55[07:52:24] <UmbralRaptor> Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: http://archive.is/5bp8u | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Event Horizon Telescope livestream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnJi0Jy692w
L56[07:52:25] <kmath> YouTube - National Science Foundation/Event Horizon Telescope press conference
L57[07:55:24] <Althego> what, did they make the picture?
L58[07:55:48] <UmbralRaptor> probably!
L59[07:56:36] <Althego> hehe their last nes is from 1st of april
L60[07:56:41] <Althego> about presenting results
L61[07:56:52] <Fluburtur> will probably look like a bunch of blurred pixels
L62[07:56:59] ⇨ Joins: darsie (darsie!~kvirc@84-114-73-160.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)
L63[07:57:14] <Althego> yes apparently they present the result now
L64[07:57:15] <Fluburtur> the general public which doesnt know much about space probably expects a super clear picture like in the movies
L65[07:57:19] <Althego> https://eventhorizontelescope.org/blog/media-advisory-first-results-event-horizon-telescope-be-presented-april-10th
L66[07:57:45] <Althego> actuallty the longer they run the procesing with more data, the better the image will be
L67[07:57:57] <Althego> so we may have a sharper picture in a year
L68[07:58:08] <Fluburtur> yeah but it will never be scifi movie level
L69[07:58:17] <Fluburtur> since there is stuff in the way of the black hole
L70[07:58:21] <Fluburtur> like, half a galaxy
L71[07:58:42] <Althego> nthere are plans for have ing readio telescopes in space and form an interferometer bigget than earth
L72[08:00:41] <GlassYuri> I spent over a week looking for my drill bits, now I can't find the right collet
L73[08:01:06] <UmbralRaptor> 20 μarcsecondsacross, right?
L74[08:01:30] <Althego> store them in drillbytes :)
L75[08:02:31] <Althego> this stream stopped several times already. need to refresh it contantly
L76[08:04:09] <Fluburtur> there is black holes closer than the central sucker
L77[08:04:13] <Fluburtur> but they probably dont shine
L78[08:05:19] <Althego> and they are a lot smaller
L79[08:05:28] <UmbralRaptor> ^
L80[08:05:41] <Fluburtur> if there was an active one it would probably be easier to watch
L81[08:05:41] <Althego> ~remember that one is a supermassive black hole
L82[08:06:18] <UmbralRaptor> A stellar blackhole with the same angular size as Sgr A* would be inside the oort cloud
L83[08:06:26] <Althego> i am still at work, show that picture already
L84[08:06:39] <Fluburtur> I underestimated the size of that thing then
L85[08:06:54] <Fluburtur> but brains are not made to picture such scales anyways
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L87[08:08:39] <Althego> hehe blurry pixels
L88[08:08:43] <Fluburtur> orb
L89[08:08:59] <UmbralRaptor> M87 first, huh
L90[08:09:01] <Althego> omniORB
L91[08:18:03] <Fluburtur> extremely serious science nerds
L92[08:18:14] <Althego> cant wtach it like this
L93[08:18:18] <Althego> got the picture
L94[08:18:25] <Althego> will watch the other things later
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L97[08:42:30] <Fluburtur> "yo pic is blurry"
L98[08:44:33] ⇦ Quits: Gasher[work] (Gasher[work]!~Gasher@ (Quit: Gasher[work])
L99[08:53:15] <JVFoxy> so if someone with bad eyes looks at it, does it look better or about the same?
L100[08:59:57] <Fluburtur> im gonna ask them to install the good hardware in my 90cm sat dish to look at black holes
L101[09:00:17] ⇨ Joins: APlayer (APlayer!~Nik@p200300C22F02150084DE322F5FDF69C6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L102[09:00:37] <APlayer> Yo people!
L103[09:00:42] <Fluburtur> oy
L104[09:00:48] *** APlayer changes topic to
L105[09:01:05] <APlayer> Uh, did I just delete the topic?
L106[09:01:10] <Fluburtur> yeah
L107[09:01:30] <APlayer> Well, congrats to self
L108[09:02:22] <APlayer> I wanted to check if it includes the EHT image already, turns out this client suck and interprets "/topic" as "set topic to nothing"
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L110[09:02:37] <JVFoxy> oh.. pics of black hole being a thing now?
L111[09:02:37] <APlayer> Anyone got the old topic text by chance?
L112[09:02:53] <Fluburtur> Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: http://archive.is/5bp8u | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Event Horizon Telescope livestream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnJi0Jy692w
L113[09:02:54] <kmath> YouTube - National Science Foundation/Event Horizon Telescope press conference
L114[09:03:03] <APlayer> JFVoxy: One of the reasons why I suddenly appeared :D
L115[09:03:20] *** APlayer changes topic to Kerbal Space Program 1.6.1 official channel | Rules: http://archive.is/5bp8u | PM ops as needed | ΔV maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Event Horizon Telescope livestream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnJi0Jy692w
L116[09:03:32] <APlayer> Thanks, Fluburtur
L117[09:03:49] <JVFoxy> was going to sit back, wait for things to settle down, then look into it myself... wasn't sure if people trying to make it a big deal than its really?
L118[09:04:27] <Fluburtur> well, first direct observation of a black hole
L119[09:04:31] <APlayer> Hey, that's a huge deal. We can actually resolve a black hole, how awesome is that? :-)
L120[09:04:34] <Fluburtur> as direct as it is
L121[09:04:52] <Fluburtur> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27ZMQa6W9OU
L122[09:04:53] <kmath> YouTube - Simple way to Make Complex Shapes on CNC - Marble Machine X #76
L123[09:04:54] <Fluburtur> Mat2ch
L124[09:06:02] <JVFoxy> does it look like someone pulled a plug in a tub, all space stuff swirling around, dropping into blackness? Somehow I feeling its something a little different han that
L125[09:06:27] <APlayer> It is a grainy ring around a black spot.
L126[09:09:32] <JVFoxy> I don't know.. part of me is glad those things so far away.. not sure I wanna know exactly what they look like. mass of several solar systems down to the size of a tiny planet..
L127[09:10:15] ⇨ Joins: Apexseals (Apexseals!Apexseals@cpe-174-103-194-112.new.res.rr.com)
L128[09:10:46] <Fluburtur> well a large one would be a bit safer because of the more gentle gravity gradient
L129[09:12:03] <Fluburtur> so if you were a safe distance from an inactive giant black hole you wouldnt die immediatly
L130[09:12:06] <JVFoxy> what determines the gradient though? I know of a gravity 'curve'...
L131[09:13:00] <Fluburtur> well in a 2d space, all black holes have the same "depth" but the curve is more agressive on small black holes
L132[09:13:19] <JVFoxy> though its more of a how tight an orbit sorta thing than how fast it changes from center, going outwards
L133[09:13:19] <Fluburtur> on large ones it is spread over a larger area
L134[09:13:59] <JVFoxy> depth? I thought it goes farther /down/ the heavier the object is...
L135[09:14:00] <Fluburtur> but if you are far from a tiny black hole you would still be safe, it would appear much smaller however
L136[09:16:26] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: yes?
L137[09:16:29] <Mat2ch> This is CNC hell!
L138[09:16:31] <Mat2ch> :D
L139[09:17:06] <JVFoxy> 40b km wide black hole... whoa..
L140[09:23:14] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/565542283319967754/DSC_1034.JPG
L141[09:26:23] ⇨ Joins: umaxtu_mobile (umaxtu_mobile!~umaxtu@50-76-183-209-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net)
L142[09:28:27] <JVFoxy> eh... nose section?
L143[09:28:35] <Fluburtur> yes
L144[09:28:40] <Fluburtur> I cut the front off to be smaller
L145[09:28:51] <Fluburtur> easier to store and transport
L146[09:32:27] <JVFoxy> I've been wanting to do a sort of space helmet or something out of paper mache..
L147[09:32:37] <JVFoxy> kind of like how people make halo armor cos-play stuff
L148[09:34:18] <Fluburtur> not sure how well paper would work, you can make anything look good if you put some effort into it
L149[09:40:54] ⇨ Joins: Tsar_Bomba (Tsar_Bomba!webchat@s1282610-013-v3433-static.wbshinaa.metronetinc.net)
L150[09:41:09] <JVFoxy> it wouldn't be just paper... I've seen people use paper mache as a sort of base, then guessing resin.. fiberglass or something to help give it a smoother finish.
L151[09:41:39] <Tsar_Bomba> what are we talking about
L152[09:42:49] ⇨ Joins: Lyneira (Lyneira!~konversat@2001:984:484e:1:20c:29ff:fea6:d040)
L153[09:43:50] <Tsar_Bomba> is anyone actually on? plz reply
L154[09:44:35] <umaxtu_mobile> Tsar_Bomba, we're all hiding cause a nuke just walked in
L155[09:45:51] <JVFoxy> ugh.. no nukes please. I've been up too long already no thanks to earthquakes in stomach.
L156[09:46:39] <JVFoxy> talk'n with Fluburtur on some craft stuff, showed a pic of plane they work'n on
L157[09:47:23] <Fluburtur> a lot of peoples also use flexible foam for cosplay
L158[09:47:34] <Rokker> Fluburtur: APlayer you were about an hour to an hour and a half late on that livestream
L159[09:47:57] <Fluburtur> I was watching it live
L160[09:48:15] <APlayer> I received a notification from another source, did not watch the conference
L161[09:48:57] <Rokker> Fluburtur: yeah but you didnt point it out here until an hour after it started
L162[09:49:45] <Fluburtur> APlayer dleted the topic so I sent bac the link
L163[09:50:25] * APlayer is good at deleting things, isn't he?
L164[09:51:32] <Tsar_Bomba> well I don't see the ksp talk
L165[09:53:56] <umaxtu_mobile> its just slow right now
L166[09:53:58] <Tsar_Bomba> why is it when I get hear no one talks
L167[09:56:36] <Tsar_Bomba> im gonna change my name
L168[09:56:42] ⇦ Quits: Tsar_Bomba (Tsar_Bomba!webchat@s1282610-013-v3433-static.wbshinaa.metronetinc.net) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L169[09:57:01] ⇨ Joins: inventor_lego (inventor_lego!webchat@s1282610-013-v3433-static.wbshinaa.metronetinc.net)
L170[09:57:17] <inventor_lego> hi I am back
L171[09:57:38] ⇨ Joins: Althego (Althego!~Althego@C3E47138.ip.adsl.hu)
L172[09:57:54] <umaxtu_mobile> welcome back
L173[09:58:28] <Fluburtur> we dont talk about ksp that often here
L174[09:58:46] <Althego> hehe
L175[09:58:52] <inventor_lego> oh that makes sense
L176[09:58:54] <Althego> #fluburturbuilds
L177[09:59:07] ⇦ Quits: Severian (Severian!~severian@c-73-203-5-119.hsd1.co.comcast.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L178[09:59:28] <Althego> falcon heavy in 8 hours
L179[09:59:33] <Althego> basically demo 2
L180[09:59:42] <inventor_lego> this is my mc username
L181[09:59:51] <Althego> https://twitter.com/KSpaceAcademy/status/1115959516674318336
L182[09:59:52] <kmath> <KSpaceAcademy> Kadet Jeb reporting for... duty? ⏎ ⏎ #JustJebThings https://t.co/cCred3bpYW
L183[10:00:10] <inventor_lego> and my mom made it a long time ago
L184[10:00:14] ⇨ Joins: Severian (Severian!~severian@c-73-203-5-119.hsd1.co.comcast.net)
L185[10:00:34] <JVFoxy> ok so it did get delayed..
L186[10:01:11] <JVFoxy> an actual payload that's going to do something...
L187[10:01:18] <Althego> ince i 1-2 days ago
L188[10:01:56] <JVFoxy> I saw it was meant to launch yesterday but they pretty much figured on monday, the weather was going to scrub it till today or so
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L192[10:04:15] <Althego> hmm wintergatan 1 hour ago
L193[10:04:19] <inventor_lego> this is about WHAT?
L194[10:04:49] <Althego> that depends on what you mean by this
L195[10:06:39] <inventor_lego> never mind im bout to leve
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L198[10:07:48] <Althego> lol little boat on the wooden waves
L199[10:08:30] <Althego> marble machine x. a series of tubes
L200[10:08:36] ⇨ Joins: JVFoxy (JVFoxy!webchat@night-stand.ca)
L201[10:09:19] <packbart> Tubular Mar-Bells
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L214[11:25:49] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/565563837730914314/DSC_1036.JPG
L215[11:27:29] <Althego> tomorrow i expect a video from scott about flacon heavy and the event horizon picture. otherwise i will be disappointed :)
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L217[12:02:03] <Mat2ch> Althego: with or without drugs? (pain medication!)
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L220[12:14:37] <Fluburtur> https://66.media.tumblr.com/f95697783450477ff7492a64a0bbda63/tumblr_p58nx3FAiX1wsbn2ao1_540.jpg
L221[12:15:04] <kubi> :)
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L223[12:15:34] <Althego> hehe
L224[12:17:28] <Althego> hehe veritasium had correctly shoed the image drawn by hand one day before the actual reveal
L225[12:18:30] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUyH3XhpLTo
L226[12:18:30] <kmath> YouTube - How to Understand the Image of a Black Hole
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L231[12:25:35] <Althego> oh wait, tomorrow is thursday, so probably new pbs spacetime, maybe about the black hole pic
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L233[12:31:57] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNBg_1GPuH0
L234[12:31:57] <kmath> YouTube - Worlds Smallest Tesla Valve? - Shrinky Dink (Shrink Film) Microfluidics
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L249[14:24:56] <Althego> i cant believe i havent seen this all this time (klingon style) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CayMeza487M
L250[14:24:57] <kmath> YouTube - KLINGON STYLE (Star Trek Parody of PSY - GANGNAM STYLE)
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L253[14:37:41] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/yrQZi02LKQY
L254[14:37:41] <kmath> YouTube - 4 Billion Solar Mass Black Hole in M87 - Event Horizon Telescope
L255[14:37:46] <Fluburtur> scott
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L259[14:49:59] <Rolf> amazing isnt it
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L262[15:31:33] <UmbralRaptor> s/4/6\.5/
L263[15:31:42] <UmbralRaptor> (Bad Scott!)
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L278[16:39:00] <JVFoxy> don't suppose anyone's done a whole system mod for KSP?
L279[16:44:14] <JVFoxy> oh.. looking at shadowzone's vid on 1.7... hmm..
L280[17:04:07] <darsie> what?
L281[17:05:00] <JVFoxy> what what?
L282[17:05:23] <darsie> <JVFoxy> don't suppose anyone's done a whole system mod for KSP?
L283[17:06:13] <JVFoxy> basically kerbal solar system mod... sorry, not game system mod. I've been wonder what it takes to make such a thing
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L287[17:11:14] <JVFoxy> solar system I have some stats for, wanted to do. Though, given that kerbals are scaled down, realized it may not work very well unless if I do RSS as well.
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L292[18:26:57] <Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: If you stare into the Event Horizon long enough, it stares back with Hawking Radiation.
L293[18:33:08] <Scolar_Visari> A LEGO O'Neill Cylinder? https://www.flickr.com/photos/154489981@N04/30101992097/
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L297[18:55:46] <Tank2333> hi
L298[18:55:47] <Mod9000> Hello, Tank2333
L299[18:55:57] <Tank2333> good day Modbot o/
L300[18:56:42] <UmbralRaptor> lo
L301[19:01:31] <Tank2333> i just read there will be a falcon heavy launch tomorrow
L302[19:01:47] <Tank2333> i hope i can catch it
L303[19:01:54] <Odin> It was supposed to be 20 minutes from now, got postponed due to high altitude wind shear
L304[19:02:20] <Tank2333> i see
L305[19:02:43] <UmbralRaptor> I'd recommend letting the barge catch the boosters
L306[19:04:21] <Tank2333> doesnt make for a good video though
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L308[19:12:44] <Tank2333> https://static.projects.iq.harvard.edu/files/styles/os_files_xlarge/public/eht/files/20190410-78m-800x466.png?m=1554877319&itok=m0gPFSet
L309[19:13:02] <Tank2333> somehow i dont feel impressed
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L311[19:15:10] <UmbralRaptor> …
L312[19:15:38] <UmbralRaptor> The outer diameter of the ring is 50 μarcsec
L313[19:16:02] <UmbralRaptor> (might be closer to 40)
L314[19:18:04] <UmbralRaptor> Or, 1000x smaller than a pixel on HST
L315[19:25:06] <Tank2333> uh
L316[19:25:12] <Tank2333> now im impressed
L317[19:25:17] ⇦ Parts: Odin (Odin!~Odin@2604:6000:1208:8004:acbb:3e3c:c647:ef2c) (Don't cross the streams!))
L318[19:30:11] <UmbralRaptor> Yeah, it's blurry because we're working right at the limits of what's possible, and even getting this involved a few decades of pushing advances in VLBI and millimeter radio astronomy!
L319[19:30:42] <UmbralRaptor> (Incidentally, the team published six papers today. All are open access.)
L320[19:31:59] <UmbralRaptor> https://iopscience.iop.org/issue/2041-8205/875/1
L321[19:32:05] <taniwha> that shot is better than my best shot of Saturn
L322[19:32:16] <taniwha> (420mm on micro-4/3)
L323[19:32:56] <taniwha> and considering that black hole (sag-a?) is significantly further than saturn...
L324[19:33:23] <UmbralRaptor> Amusingly, GRMHD shows up a lot in the papers.
L325[19:34:01] <UmbralRaptor> M87*. Apparently Sgr A* was way harder, so they don't have pics yet >_>
L326[19:34:17] <Tank2333> so the black shadow is the event horizon and the disk around is bend light from the acrederatation thingy?
L327[19:34:20] <taniwha> yeah, followed your iop link and then googled
L328[19:34:24] <taniwha> virgo A
L329[19:35:21] <taniwha> ok, even further than sag-a
L330[19:35:30] <taniwha> so yeah, impressive
L331[19:35:37] <Tank2333> 55million km or so
L332[19:35:46] <Tank2333> lightyears
L333[19:35:50] <Tank2333> lol
L334[19:35:59] <taniwha> yeah, 55million km is 1/3 of the distance to the sun
L335[19:36:07] <Tank2333> yeah :)
L336[19:36:12] <taniwha> a slight rounding error, there ;)
L337[19:36:19] <UmbralRaptor> only slight
L338[19:37:10] <taniwha> hmm, seeing Mpc makes me want to read the Wrinkle in Time series again
L339[19:37:28] <taniwha> (where I first heard of both parsec and megaparsec)
L340[19:37:39] <UmbralRaptor> huh
L341[19:38:34] <taniwha> also where I first heard of a tesseract
L342[19:41:22] <Tank2333> isnt parsec like the distance in angle between celestial bodys or something odd like that?
L343[19:41:39] <taniwha> it's 3.27 or so lightyears
L344[19:41:54] <UmbralRaptor> ^
L345[19:42:00] <taniwha> but based on 1 arc second of parallax from earth's orbit
L346[19:42:08] <Tank2333> ah yeah
L347[19:42:22] <Tank2333> hm
L348[19:42:25] <UmbralRaptor> Or, 1/parallax angle as measured from earth in arcseconds
L349[19:42:33] <taniwha> oh, and duh, first heard of parsec in starwars
L350[19:42:44] <UmbralRaptor> hah
L351[19:42:46] <taniwha> "kessel run in 12 parsecs"
L352[19:42:59] <taniwha> but then finding that parsec was distance, got terribly confused
L353[19:43:33] <taniwha> (hey, I was 7 when I first saw star wars)
L354[19:43:42] <taniwha> 11 when I read WIT
L355[19:43:59] <taniwha> maybe 12
L356[19:45:01] <Tank2333> same with scifi lightyears
L357[19:45:31] <taniwha> anyway, I later read somewhere that the kessel run involves a lot of black holes and other dangerous objects, so doing it in 12 parsecs meant getting dangerously close to things
L358[19:46:12] <taniwha> I've never encountered scifi using lightyears incorrectly
L359[19:46:17] <Tank2333> Han solo did the kessel run in SOLO
L360[19:46:58] <taniwha> (maybe compressing the distances, but light<timeperiod> was always distance
L361[19:49:19] <Tank2333> i just have a faint memory of being annoyed by a movie/show using it for time
L362[19:49:46] <Tank2333> maybe its just the "lightyears ahead"
L363[19:50:08] <taniwha> time ahead/distance ahead... same thing, really
L364[19:50:13] <UmbralRaptor> ^
L365[19:50:18] <Tank2333> well
L366[19:50:44] <taniwha> if you can, find that movie and double check the context
L367[19:50:45] <Tank2333> "tesla is lightyears ahead in reusable rocketry"
L368[19:50:54] <taniwha> distance
L369[19:51:08] <Tank2333> damn you are right...
L370[19:54:47] <darsie> I thought Tesla was on Earth.
L371[19:58:03] <darsie> Earth takes 10,065 years to travel one lightyear around the sun.
L372[19:59:55] <darsie> Wait, a Tesla in space doesn't mean it's a rocket company.
L373[20:01:57] <Tank2333> just cahnge tesla for "Elon musk company"
L374[20:02:13] <Tank2333> i cant seperate them in my head
L375[20:02:38] <Tank2333> im also tired from work
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L381[20:29:10] <Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: Did you know that black holes are actually prisons for star vampyres?
L382[20:30:58] <Scolar_Visari> Huh, don't believe I actually have this one.
L383[20:30:59] <Scolar_Visari> https://i.pinimg.com/originals/bd/ca/a2/bdcaa27d29c5f1ad1bb3aeec04fd656b.jpg
L384[20:31:43] <Scolar_Visari> Better resolution https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DmPfZg8U0AEsLXJ.jpg
L385[20:34:22] <UmbralRaptor> … do I want to know what's trapped in M87*?
L386[20:35:17] <Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptor: M83, after a mix-up.
L387[20:35:38] <Scolar_Visari> At least there are sweet, sweet synth tunes while you're spaghettified to death.
L388[20:42:48] <Scolar_Visari> Soviet Cylinder colony? https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/t_original/r4wzo5wtcjq1banige2m.jpg
L389[20:46:41] <Scolar_Visari> Haven't seen this one before either http://classconnection.s3.amazonaws.com/499/flashcards/2158499/jpeg/downtown_in_colony_bussiness_district1355123298251.jpeg
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L391[20:58:48] <UmbralRaptor> hrm
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