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L1[00:03:10] ⇨ Joins: Suprcheese (Suprcheese!~Superchee@cpe-98-146-230-183.natnow.res.rr.com)
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L24[05:16:31] <Fluburtur> my youtube channel has 200k views
L25[05:16:32] ⇨ Joins: FltAdmVonSpiz (FltAdmVonSpiz!~chatzilla@hh003c.halls.manchester.ac.uk)
L26[05:16:40] <Fluburtur> half of that from one video
L27[05:16:56] <Rolf> wow thats 202k more views than my channel
L28[05:16:59] <Mat2ch> Nice
L29[05:17:39] <Fluburtur> actually I made the video of the motocultor and the acetylene torch private because they were making too many views
L30[05:17:56] <Fluburtur> and sometimes I want to make the guitars video private because I want peoples to watch my newer stuff
L31[05:19:27] <Mat2ch> well, you could just build guitars from now on. But I guess you don't want to do that for the rest of your life ;)
L32[05:32:18] <Fluburtur> well building guitars is fun
L33[05:32:25] <Fluburtur> and a good way to get views on youtube
L34[05:32:58] <Fluburtur> I still need to finish my bass that has been in the work for about 6 years
L35[05:33:56] <Fluburtur> and I want to make a full plywood guitar, either for my cousin or to send it to Martin since he likes plywood that much
L36[05:34:29] <Rolf> cnc it up
L37[05:34:49] <Fluburtur> im not rich so im gonna do it the old way
L38[05:34:52] <Fluburtur> paper templates
L39[05:45:41] <JVFoxy> fluburtur which video was it that made so many views?
L40[06:01:13] <Fluburtur> this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fc333u9bsk
L41[06:01:14] <kmath> YouTube - Making my plywood Flying V guitar
L42[06:08:56] <JVFoxy> ah.. most views I got was a sleepy video of my pet back almost 10 years ago..
L43[06:09:09] <JVFoxy> at just shy of 5k
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L46[06:50:35] <Fluburtur> Mat2ch what kind of electric guitar do you think martin would like?
L47[06:52:00] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: uh, I have no idea. I think he's going to make great music on everyone
L48[06:52:49] <Fluburtur> I was thinking of making one with that general body shape https://d1aeri3ty3izns.cloudfront.net/media/37/372569/1200/preview.jpg
L49[06:53:21] <Fluburtur> I may want to help him procrastinate
L50[06:53:42] <Fluburtur> anyways I have to go do stuff to get my passport
L51[06:58:33] <Mat2ch> passport?
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L55[07:29:32] <Guest56215> hi
L56[07:29:33] <Mod9000> Hello, Guest56215
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L59[07:32:27] <arandomkspuser> hello
L60[07:32:28] <Mod9000> Hello, arandomkspuser
L61[07:32:44] <arandomkspuser> is anyone on?
L62[07:32:50] <Gasher[work]> somewhat
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L70[08:54:12] <Fluburtur> it will soon be time to bother plenty of peoples
L71[08:56:49] <UmbralRaptop> Fluburtur: silly question: do you have a blog or something where you go over what you've built, how it flies, etc?
L72[08:57:16] <Fluburtur> I usually post it on the flite test forums and youtube
L73[08:57:56] <UmbralRaptop> ah
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L84[10:12:45] ⇨ Joins: NOTAPRO (NOTAPRO!webchat@s1282610-012-v3433-static.wbshinaa.metronetinc.net)
L85[10:12:54] <NOTAPRO> hi
L86[10:12:56] <Mod9000> Hello, NOTAPRO
L87[10:13:51] <NOTAPRO> anyone here
L88[10:14:04] <NOTAPRO> or is my wifi bad
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L90[10:15:25] <darsie> your wifi is bad.
L91[10:19:08] <UmbralRaptop> Nice of them to make it impossible to interact if you're checking back every 10-30 minutes
L92[10:24:16] <Fluburtur> next random to join and expect immediate answers should be welcomed in a weirdly nice way
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L95[10:32:26] <Mat2ch> the bot could start a conversation... :D
L96[10:32:49] <Fluburtur> peoples seem to be afraid of bots
L97[10:33:31] <Mat2ch> They don't know that Mod9000 is a bot...
L98[10:33:34] <Mat2ch> at least not at first :D
L99[10:35:26] * UmbralRaptop should probably complain on the forum at some point
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L105[11:34:58] <Fluburtur> Mat2ch I found a guy that could build me jet engines for the plane for a cheaper price than the commericla ones
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L108[11:42:56] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: and will you be able to make build videos? :D
L109[11:43:06] <Fluburtur> probably
L110[11:43:10] <Mat2ch> nice!
L111[11:43:50] <Fluburtur> 1600€ for one turbine alone still
L112[11:43:58] <Fluburtur> so thats two of them plus the supporting hardware
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L121[12:32:26] <Althego> https://science.slashdot.org/story/19/04/06/0317232/over-a-dozen-satellites-from-spacexs-december-launch-cant-be-identified
L122[12:32:35] <Althego> hehe they are working, they just dont know which is which
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L125[12:39:50] <Mat2ch> Althego: hehe
L126[12:44:00] ⇦ Quits: UmbralRaptor (UmbralRaptor!~AndNex@2607:fb90:180b:1e82:3259:331c:2d21:57fb) (Quit: Bye)
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L141[13:52:25] <Mat2ch> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUtktuWzeaA omnomnom
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L147[14:10:15] <Tsar_Bomba> hi
L148[14:10:16] <Mod9000> Hello, Tsar_Bomba
L149[14:10:28] <Althego> hehe what a name
L150[14:10:46] <UmbralRaptop> b00m
L151[14:11:01] <Tsar_Bomba> it is the worlds most powerful bomb, unlike me....
L152[14:12:38] <Tsar_Bomba> so...
L153[14:13:24] <UmbralRaptop> ⚛☠☢
L154[14:14:05] * UmbralRaptop should really get back to that save where I was trying to fly everything with kRPC, but effort…
L155[14:14:19] <UmbralRaptop> Also studying / research
L156[14:14:30] <Tsar_Bomba> whats kRPC
L157[14:15:21] <Tsar_Bomba> I am new to the game (got it in February so sorry if its a dumb queston)
L158[14:15:27] <Mat2ch> UmbralRaptop: so many things to do, so little time... ;)
L159[14:15:38] <Althego> solution is obviously multithreading
L160[14:15:51] <Althego> just need to get a few clones
L161[14:15:56] <UmbralRaptop> It's a mod that lets you write / run scripts in a variety of languages (Python, Lua, etc) to get info, control crafts, etc.
L162[14:16:19] <Althego> hehe, somebody should make an ansible module then :)
L163[14:16:24] <UmbralRaptop> fork(UmbralRaptop)
L164[14:17:01] <Mat2ch> Thread* Mat2ch2 = new Thread()
L165[14:17:03] <Mat2ch> :P
L166[14:17:20] <Mat2ch> Mat2ch2.run();
L167[14:17:33] <Mat2ch> hm, crashes instantly.
L168[14:17:38] <Althego> lol
L169[14:17:46] <Tsar_Bomba> what does
L170[14:18:16] <Althego> the mat2ch2 thread
L171[14:18:31] <Tsar_Bomba> oh
L172[14:18:44] <Mat2ch> I always wanted to try out kRPC. Write an autopilot for my SSTOs with it and stuff
L173[14:19:12] <Mat2ch> but understanding the coordinate system and all that stuff is hard
L174[14:19:34] <Mat2ch> I could figure it out, but it would be so much easier to ask somebody all the time ;)
L175[14:20:11] <Tsar_Bomba> I can't Even go to the mun without mechjeb
L176[14:20:25] <Mat2ch> You gotta try. It's easier than you might think :)
L177[14:21:02] <Althego> going to the mun and back is so easy you can do it without a map
L178[14:21:12] <Althego> there are some tricks though
L179[14:21:17] <Mat2ch> Landing is the tricky part. But as long as you let SAS keep the lander retrograde it's pretty easy.
L180[14:21:17] <Tsar_Bomba> yes, but I don't have much time, and I am impationt
L181[14:21:56] <Mat2ch> I'm impatient, because I'm growing older and older and don't want to spend so many time anymore reading and learning, but doing stuff ;)
L182[14:22:01] <Tsar_Bomba> I can spell, but I don't care for spelling
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L184[14:22:26] <Mat2ch> looks like the fork worked ;P
L185[14:22:44] <Althego> hehe
L186[14:23:16] <Mat2ch> Correct spelling is something you don't do for yourself, but for others. It's part of being a nice person.
L187[14:23:59] ⇦ Quits: UmbralRaptop (UmbralRaptop!~AndNex@2607:fb90:180b:1e82:3259:331c:2d21:57fb) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
L188[14:24:07] <Tsar_Bomba> my firs mun misson didn't have enough fuel to return
L189[14:24:18] <Althego> everybody starts there
L190[14:24:27] <Althego> but now that the game has a built in delta v calculator
L191[14:24:41] <Althego> and delta v maps are available (see in the topic)
L192[14:24:48] <Althego> you can jsut design the mission to have enough
L193[14:24:59] <Tsar_Bomba> no, that was WITH the delta-v stuff
L194[14:25:13] <Althego> hehe
L195[14:25:30] <Althego> then you can analyze where you lost it
L196[14:25:36] <Tsar_Bomba> it was, however, one of the premade ones
L197[14:25:39] <Althego> and try to figure out what the problem was
L198[14:26:21] <Tsar_Bomba> ya, ill do that when I have time.
L199[14:26:37] <UmbralRaptor> The premade ships have, uh, historically had some flaws.
L200[14:26:55] <Althego> they are not too bad now
L201[14:27:04] <UmbralRaptor> (The Kerbal X really tends to do better if you stretch the stages)
L202[14:27:09] <UmbralRaptor> yay
L203[14:27:32] *** UmbralRaptor is now known as RelativisticRaptor
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L205[14:28:04] <Althego> ludicrous speed
L206[14:28:06] <Althego> go
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L208[14:28:53] <RelativisticRaptor> Annoying spacetime metrics as homework
L209[14:29:14] <RelativisticRaptor> … not sure why tsar_bomba left
L210[14:29:28] <Althego> there was even some dialog going
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L212[14:30:51] <Tsar_Bomba> sorry, but I had network problems
L213[14:31:30] ⇦ Parts: Tsar_Bomba (Tsar_Bomba!webchat@s1282610-012-v3433-static.wbshinaa.metronetinc.net) ())
L214[14:32:01] <RelativisticRaptor> …
L215[14:32:09] <Althego> hehe
L216[14:32:41] <Althego> jurassic park style raptor or feathered raptor?
L217[14:33:14] <RelativisticRaptor> Feathered, naturally
L218[14:33:34] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/429717171002933269/565257867083513900/DSC_1030.JPG
L219[14:33:42] <Fluburtur> the paper covering is really effective
L220[14:34:21] <Althego> by the power of gr*yskull
L221[14:34:39] <Althego> (use the correct character there :)
L222[14:34:54] <Rolf> groyskull?
L223[14:35:12] <Althego> whatever
L224[14:35:17] <Rolf> lol
L225[14:35:34] <RelativisticRaptor> græyskull
L226[14:35:54] <Althego> hehe best solution
L227[14:36:46] <Rolf> lol
L228[14:38:11] <Rolf> that show was interesting. apparently they planned it to be ultraviolent show (for comic anyway)
L229[14:38:35] <Rolf> but censors was tired of those shows so they said "no, it is totally family show, and problem solving"
L230[14:38:42] <Rolf> and rewrote all stories
L231[14:39:06] <Rolf> sure they fought sometimes but not a lot compared to orginial storyline.
L232[14:39:22] <Althego> (also heyeyey)
L233[14:39:55] <Althego> what that meme is so old i cant even remember when it wa
L234[14:40:12] <Rolf> ironic if it was as planned it could be obsecure show now. not popular and well remembered as it is now.
L235[14:50:14] <Althego> "i should be sleeping like a log"
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L251[15:44:17] <UmbralRaptor> Today in astronomers being silly https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/385446_Manw%C3%AB and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/174567_Varda
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L254[15:55:31] <JVFoxy> oh because of the naming huh?
L255[15:55:45] <UmbralRaptor> Yeah
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L258[15:57:01] <Fluburtur> im pretty sure if a ksp player discovered an asteroid it would be named scott manley or jebediah
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L260[16:00:00] <JVFoxy> nah...
L261[16:00:32] <UmbralRaptor> Reminder that the first asteroid with a retrograde orbit was named Dioretsa.
L262[16:00:33] <JVFoxy> you've looked at the mods that changes the kerbol system and planets? I see some pretty creative names for planets and moons there
L263[16:00:48] <UmbralRaptor> (Asteroid spelled backwards)
L264[16:01:32] <Fluburtur> astronomer is one of the nerdiest jobs there is
L265[16:02:34] <JVFoxy> venus rotates opposite to other planets, not nicknamed rewind?
L266[16:03:15] <UmbralRaptor> Probably helps that the name is so old
L267[16:10:43] <JVFoxy> still discovering quite a few new things out in our own solar system. Some point going to run out of roman gods. So unless if we made up new ones in today's age...
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L276[16:31:58] <Supercheese> could switch over to Hindu deities, there's probably a lot of those that remain unused
L277[16:36:33] <JVFoxy> does make me wonder more now, how do people name their craft creations in KSP... I try to come up with fresh things, but at least something that makes sense. Sometimes even resorting to translated words for alternatives.
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L281[16:41:16] <Supercheese> I like using Latin
L282[16:41:24] <Supercheese> a bit unoriginal, I know
L283[16:41:54] <Supercheese> occasionally German too
L284[16:42:09] <Supercheese> although to be truly Kerbal I suppose I should be using backwards Spanish...
L285[16:45:07] <JVFoxy> oh right.. lol forgot about that
L286[16:45:49] <JVFoxy> I've used quite a few languages myself... I'll usually leave a note in the craft file's description so I remember where I got it from
L287[16:48:26] <JVFoxy> I did name one fighter type plane Yeager T-J1, in honor of Chuck Yeager...
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L305[19:28:29] <Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: Space has been cancelled. Go home now!
L306[19:31:43] <UmbralRaptop> No space, only time
L307[19:34:58] <Scolar_Visari> I guess that really would make time linear!
L308[19:35:56] <UmbralRaptop> Assuming you don't define a sufficiently pathological metric
L309[19:36:09] * UmbralRaptop may be taking a GR class
L310[19:37:58] * Scolar_Visari wonders if the cars going against the direction of the spin tend go fast enough to negate the "gravity" https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3b/75/54/3b75540eea5ea975f791ac5a6364905f.jpg
L311[19:38:29] <UmbralRaptop> heh
L312[19:39:38] <Scolar_Visari> At least Babylon 5 had the more sensible mass transit system running near the rotational axis.
L313[19:46:05] <Scolar_Visari> Whoever designed Pinterest should be hanged, drawn and quartared.
L314[19:49:03] <Scolar_Visari> It's like navigating through the Warp with a dowsing rod and a Gameboy.
L315[19:50:01] * UmbralRaptop fails to come up with a "Geller field" pun
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L318[19:53:39] <packbart> There is no spoon?
L319[19:53:56] * darsie used spin stabilization to maximise atmospheric drag during Duna/Mars atmospheric entry.
L320[19:54:26] <Scolar_Visari> At least I found a chart of DropShips and JumpShips http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/770433/pics/original/824785.jpg
L321[19:55:08] <Scolar_Visari> Oh yeah and even WarShips
L322[19:56:00] * Scolar_Visari actually likes the redesigned, four hardpoint Intruder better https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/010/991/550/large/victoria-passariello-jumpship-11.jpg?1527285527
L323[19:56:28] <darsie> I wonder if that torus is large enough to better make an O'Neill cylinder instead.
L324[19:57:52] <Scolar_Visari> Most of that's just to house the K-F Drive.
L325[19:58:09] <darsie> KF?
L326[19:58:43] <Scolar_Visari> An Invader-class only requires a crew of 24.
L327[19:59:09] <Scolar_Visari> The Kearny-Fuchita Drive, Battletech's rather well worked out FTL system.
L328[20:02:24] <Scolar_Visari> Though, if there was *one* thing I could change in Battletech, it's where the jump points are positioned. Currently, the primary points are always stationed above the poles of a star at about ~1 AU depending on the star's mass. This is really, really, really inconvenient from a delta-v point of view.
L329[20:03:31] <Scolar_Visari> Also, for reference: An old style Invader-class with jumpsail deployed and Davion livery https://bw-1651cf0d2f737d7adeab84d339dbabd3-gallery.s3.amazonaws.com/images/image_795056/e0d8cca5ad0b3b6568faeaeef8d2c205_large.jpg
L330[20:03:37] <UmbralRaptop> I sort of assumed that the ships had several thousand km/s of ΔV for Reasons?
L331[20:05:54] <lordcirth__> More like 10's of kkm/s if you expect to routinely do 90deg plane changes.
L332[20:06:08] <Scolar_Visari> Probably hundreds of thousands, and changing the location to what are now, "pirate points" (supposedly Lagrange points) would reduce the needed exhaust velocity of the DropShips down from faster than the speed of light.
L333[20:06:36] * Scolar_Visari notes DropShips, in addition to having ridiculous fuel economy and isp, also travel at ~1G!
L334[20:06:44] <lordcirth__> vroom
L335[20:07:45] <Scolar_Visari> There's also that matter of the JumpShips also needing some way to station keep.
L336[20:08:11] <darsie> Scolar_Visari: Maybe the jump points are there because there's less danger of collision.
L337[20:09:04] <Scolar_Visari> darsie: The lore says it's because it's the farthest removed from the gravitational intereference of the host star and planets.
L338[20:09:35] <Scolar_Visari> Collision shouldn't really even be an issue given how yuge planet-star Lagrange points are in spite of the minimum safe distance required between K-F Drives.
L339[20:15:08] * Scolar_Visari looks up cutaways of Battletech, gets giant cutaway of Babylon 5 instead https://bit.ly/2UpaVbu
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L342[20:16:20] <UmbralRaptop> oops
L343[20:18:52] <Scolar_Visari> Good thing they have an open airlock policy!
L344[20:28:21] <Scolar_Visari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OG8XqBdyMv8
L345[20:28:21] <kmath> YouTube - Babylon 5 - 4.08 'The Illusion of Truth': Ivanova + Sheridan
L346[20:32:49] <UmbralRaptop> uh
L347[20:41:39] <Scolar_Visari> This was after Babylon 5's secession.
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