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L19[04:26:12] <Althego> utánam jöttek a gecik
L20[04:26:18] <Althego> hehe not here
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L36[06:39:29] <Althego> https://i.chzbgr.com/full/9273433344/hE5B34CD7/
L37[06:40:24] <Rolf> thats not purebread, eyes arent bread
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L39[06:58:24] <Althego> must be artificial eyes for a blind cat
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L41[07:01:42] <Rolf> lol
L42[07:03:35] <Althego> mrrrrrrr-pfft the asteroid is depleted
L43[07:04:05] <darsie> What size?
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L51[08:03:31] <Mat2ch> Sooo, we will really see Crew Dragon fly on 2nd March
L52[08:03:46] <Mat2ch> and the SuperDraco engines can be used for orbit insertion if something goes wrong
L53[08:03:49] <Mat2ch> woah
L54[08:04:12] <Althego> technically for landing too, but probably not intended to be used as such
L55[08:04:28] <Althego> because they were too lazy to go through the certification for that
L56[08:11:14] * darsie launched successfully. Maybe waiting for the launch time at the launch pad triggered the sound barrier drag.
L57[08:12:37] <Mat2ch> Althego: NASA doesn't want it.
L58[08:12:45] <Mat2ch> And they have other priorities, I guess
L59[08:12:50] <Mat2ch> maybe we'll see a landing later on
L60[08:12:57] <Althego> they are focusing on the new rocket anyway
L61[08:13:22] <Mat2ch> or they go for a smaller starship ontop of F9
L62[08:16:06] <Mat2ch> I mean, it would make sense to create a smaller starship
L63[08:16:38] <Mat2ch> you get a reusable second stage, can perform landings, etc.
L64[08:17:00] <Mat2ch> and all without poking holes in the heat shield
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L69[08:58:45] <Althego> hah the event horizon episode i was waiting for (i thought it should have been on previous week) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gG58idb6HuA
L70[08:58:45] <kmath> YouTube - Does Planet Nine Exist? Featuring Dr. Konstanin Batygin
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L72[09:00:43] <Althego> maybe it was. seems somebody related to the guy died
L73[09:00:56] <Althego> (who makes the videos)
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L94[14:10:53] <Althego> scott
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L96[14:13:18] <Althego> hah i didnt know there was a virgin galactic flight yesterday
L97[14:14:10] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EczI8K1HsiM
L98[14:14:10] <kmath> YouTube - VSS Unity’s First Passenger
L99[14:17:07] <Althego> hehe, revive respwn++ https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1099125172257185792
L100[14:17:07] <kmath> <✔elonmusk> Respawn++ https://t.co/MLAGk38Lkk
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L102[14:28:50] <Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: We will bury them!
L103[14:29:38] <Althego> what if they want to live?
L104[14:29:38] * Scolar_Visari ponders how many stars there are in this photo https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/image/1902/heic1901aTriangulum.jpg
L105[14:29:48] <Scolar_Visari> Althego: Then my Heavy Tanks will bury them alive.
L106[14:32:18] * Scolar_Visari runs over Allied rocket troopers.
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L108[14:36:29] <Scolar_Visari> Today I read an op-ed which used described a fringe group as having politics beyond the Kuiper Belt.
L109[14:36:47] <Scolar_Visari> I wonder how many people understood that.
L110[14:37:28] <Althego> i dont :)
L111[14:38:31] * Scolar_Visari would've also accepted Beyond the Oort Cloud.
L112[14:38:36] <Althego> wjat scott didnt mention there is also an electron rocket waiting for launchj
L113[14:38:56] <Althego> bveyond the oort cloud would mean an other solar system
L114[14:39:08] <Althego> beyond the kuiper belt means only just far out
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L128[15:29:50] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/548979770730217500/DSC_0765.JPG
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L131[16:08:17] <darsie> Nice cooling ribs :).
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L136[16:15:37] <Fluburtur> the mockup engine is on the bell of the motor so it will spin too, will look nice
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L175[19:49:04] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/548167406674116609/549037555283132416/20190224011124_1.jpg
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L179[20:00:03] <Eddi|zuHause> what are we looking at?
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L183[20:10:53] <nate> Is there a way/mod to view COM/COL/COT while on-strip/in-flight?
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L189[20:33:11] <taniwha> camera points at COM by default
L190[20:33:36] <taniwha> the rest: how much does your craft want to turn? :)
L191[20:33:44] <taniwha> (mod, dunno)
L192[20:41:10] <JVFoxy> I built a plane with cockpit on one side.. someone kept insisting the plane would pivot around the cockpit... eh..
L193[20:41:36] <JVFoxy> the view may pivot.. but plane actually turns around center of mass.
L194[20:42:25] <nate> taniwha: A lot, all planes, even pre-built ones, even though everything during build-mode looks absolutely fine. I was trying to debug it a bit in-flight and see if something (one of the various mods) might be doing something to change them on actual flight some how
L195[20:46:58] <JVFoxy> Taniwha sorry, my router reset me... whats going on? You asking about plane's tendency to want to turn, despite being completely mirrored?
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L198[20:52:20] <JVFoxy> .........
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L200[20:53:54] <JVFoxy> regarding the plans turning in flight... I found there might be an issue with the body lift on certain mirrored parts
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L203[21:08:53] <Webchat080> hi
L204[21:08:54] <Mod9000> Hello, Webchat080
L205[21:09:02] <Webchat080> hi
L206[21:09:03] <Webchat080> hi
L207[21:09:04] <Webchat080> hi
L208[21:09:04] <Mod9000> Hello, Webchat080
L209[21:09:05] <Webchat080> hi
L210[21:09:06] <Mod9000> Hello, Webchat080
L211[21:09:08] <Mod9000> Hello, Webchat080
L212[21:09:10] <Mod9000> Hello, Webchat080
L213[21:10:55] <Rolf> lol
L214[21:11:51] <nate> JVFoxy: They were responding to a question I had
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L216[21:14:28] <JVFoxy> nate ok.. what was question again if you don't mind?
L217[21:14:52] <nate> JVFoxy: I was asking if there was a way to see the COM/COL/COT from the air strip/in-flight
L218[21:15:12] <JVFoxy> ah.. right.. I think is a mod?
L219[21:15:37] <nate> That was the question, if there was such a mod that existed
L220[21:19:00] <JVFoxy> according to one thread.. someone mentioned mechjeb.. but was from 2 years ago. I haven't used it personally myself save for one brief moment, far larger ago
L221[21:20:10] <nate> I've got that, I'll double check it's interface, lots of options to that so I didn't dig through all of it yet
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L223[21:36:01] <JVFoxy> I should probably take another look at it again... when things get a bit more... complex for me. I do pretty good as it is..
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