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L22[06:40:49] <Eddi|zuHause> <ksft> seems like that should be in a context menu or something <-- if you are close, you can (left)click on the crew hatch
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L35[09:01:47] <Fluburtur> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_h9CaUDHoU
L36[09:01:47] <kmath> YouTube - Marble Demagnetizer V3 - Marble Machine X #62
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L40[09:43:26] <Eddi|zuHause> bleargh siemens... software that worked fine for 5 years suddenly gives up...
L41[09:43:54] <Eddi|zuHause> and no debug output to figure out what's wrong
L42[09:45:11] <Althego> haha siemens. never go full retard
L43[09:45:45] <Eddi|zuHause> wasn't my decision, really
L44[09:51:59] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: \o/
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L46[09:58:55] <schnobs> anyone around here familiar with both krpc and python?
L47[09:59:39] <Althego> i dont even have familiars :)
L48[10:00:10] <Althego> supposedly picture in 1 hour
L49[10:03:45] <Mat2ch> Althego: ONE HOUR?
L50[10:04:03] <Althego> plus a bit for the usual useless talk
L51[10:04:20] <Althego> it says here 2 pm est, which is around 1 hour
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L66[10:51:05] <Fluburtur> https://66.media.tumblr.com/637015695d761247a8431b6b503d36f8/tumblr_inline_pbk8yz6KXS1txw19z_540.jpg
L67[10:51:28] <Fluburtur> it is when I see things like that, I realise meme historians might become a real job
L68[10:51:48] <Althego> i d ont get it
L69[10:52:15] <Fluburtur> exactly
L70[10:53:39] <Fluburtur> https://66.media.tumblr.com/9c9435bd712f4baec531ae7765909207/tumblr_pkoipbFc5k1qewacoo2_540.jpg
L71[10:54:58] <Althego> neco coneco
L72[11:00:33] <Althego> heh stupid clock. 2 pm is 14, so it is 20 here
L73[11:00:36] <Althego> so in 2 more hours
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L75[11:23:01] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/530073386626580481/DSC_0326.JPG
L76[11:24:53] <Althego> is that camera actuated?
L77[11:25:02] <Fluburtur> yeah it can look to the sides
L78[11:25:13] <Althego> nice
L79[11:25:23] <Fluburtur> I have the gps and video transmitter on the back
L80[11:25:38] <Fluburtur> and the rc antenna is taped on the bbq stick
L81[11:27:20] <Althego> hah wintergatan video
L82[11:35:28] <Fluburtur> youtube only wants me listening to gorillaz
L83[11:35:36] <Althego> hehe
L84[11:35:41] <Fluburtur> but I dont want to, I have been listening to gorillaz for like 2 days
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L86[12:01:48] <ksft> Eddi|zuHause: pretty sure I tried that...
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L88[12:03:39] <ksft> I'm about to try to rescue a kerbal from a equatorial orbit at about 80 km, and they're about to pass over the KSC
L89[12:03:49] <ksft> when should I launch to intercept it?
L90[12:03:58] <ksft> an*
L91[12:04:06] <hoglahoo> now, if "about to" is just right
L92[12:04:14] <ksft> in a couple of minutes
L93[12:04:20] <Fluburtur> depending on your rocket, just before it flies over the ksc
L94[12:04:47] <hoglahoo> it probably takes you a few minutes to reach 80 circular orbit, assuming thats what the kerbal is in
L95[12:05:05] <ksft> it's just over the continent that the KSC is on
L96[12:05:27] <ksft> I guess I should launch now
L97[12:06:03] <Althego> then you will eb too late
L98[12:06:26] <Althego> for such orbit it is better to be too soon because you can always be slower by going higher, but you cant really get faster
L99[12:06:51] <Althego> i would launch before it reaches the continent
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L101[12:08:19] <ksft> ah, too late
L102[12:08:29] <ksft> yeah
L103[12:08:31] <darsie> I prefer to be late, because I fly to very low orbits and catch up and don't waste energy by uselessly making higher orbits than the target.
L104[12:08:53] <ksft> it's difficult to fly lower than a target at 80 km
L105[12:09:06] <darsie> I can do it easily.
L106[12:09:19] <darsie> I often aim for 70.5 km.
L107[12:09:23] <darsie> sometimes 71 km.
L108[12:10:16] <hoglahoo> thats just when the atmosphere's finally thinning out ;D any RSS players here?
L109[12:10:43] <darsie> My KSP is always too recent for RSS ...
L110[12:14:52] <darsie> Fly shallow, stop thrust at about 68 km, then burn to orbit near Ap and don't let it fall behind you.
L111[12:15:02] <darsie> 68 km Ap.
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L113[12:15:29] <Althego> you can fly lower
L114[12:15:33] <Althego> but it doesn help you much
L115[12:15:37] <Althego> the difference is too small
L116[12:16:08] <Althego> and remember while it is flying overhead you need minutes to get up to orbital speed
L117[12:16:15] <Althego> so it will catch up very fast
L118[12:17:09] <darsie> kill inclination during ascent.
L119[12:17:21] <darsie> as far as possible (0.1 deg).
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L130[13:01:09] <Althego> there is something now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21X5lGlDOfg
L131[13:01:09] <kmath> YouTube - NASA Live: Official Stream of NASA TV
L132[13:04:23] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1WeBtaV_ZI
L133[13:04:23] <kmath> YouTube - New Horizons Press Briefing: Science Results & First Clear Photos from Ultima Thule
L134[13:04:26] <Althego> the faster stream
L135[13:04:36] <Althego> it is a snowman
L136[13:04:44] <Althego> at least 20 seconds faster
L137[13:05:23] <Althego> hehe went offline
L138[13:05:31] <Althego> but i saw the snowman :)
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L140[13:11:37] <Althego> brown snowman...
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L147[13:40:28] <Fluburtur> I should make a thing to mount my parabola to a tripod
L148[13:40:38] <Fluburtur> so I can put a antenna in there to get nice range
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L153[13:46:51] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/469779331564961804/530109710012252180/20190102204600_1.jpg
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L156[13:52:41] <Althego> hehe the french journalist
L157[14:04:34] <kubi> are they like english scientists?
L158[14:14:35] <Althego> if you invert their charge, mirror them and move them backwards in time
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L160[14:23:50] <Althego> hehe, it just occurred to me: "what does the scott say?" apparently nothing yet
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L163[14:32:02] <UmbralRaptor> ??❓
L164[14:44:23] ⇦ Quits: Oroburos (Oroburos!~Notthatim@cpc72333-sotn15-2-0-cust299.15-1.cable.virginm.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L165[14:51:51] <Mat2ch> https://twitter.com/tsplanets/status/1080555085351010305
L166[14:51:51] <kmath> <tsplanets> Ultima Thule to scale with other objects in solar orbit that humanity has visited smaller than 100km across.… https://t.co/Zj4DTFrXtq
L167[14:54:37] <darsie> Itokawa looks so small there.
L168[14:54:47] <darsie> I thought of going there.
L169[15:06:07] ⇨ Joins: Scolar_Visari (Scolar_Visari!webchat@
L170[15:06:13] <Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: Ultima Thule is snow people! https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-46742298
L171[15:06:36] * darsie suggested 'Frosty' as name for UT.
L172[15:06:56] <OneNick364Days> don't do that, we made a frosty app before and totally trademarked it
L173[15:07:31] <darsie> I guess you did that after the song 'Frosty the snowman'.
L174[15:08:30] <Scolar_Visari> https://3c1703fe8d.site.internapcdn.net/newman/csz/news/800/2019/1-nasaicyobjec.jpg
L175[15:08:33] <OneNick364Days> no it was a freezer app for college
L176[15:08:46] <OneNick364Days> the goal was to put things you've got in your freezer with an expiry date in the app
L177[15:09:03] <OneNick364Days> and then we'd tell you when something is close to expiry and what you could eat today and what you should put out of the freezer if you dont want to starve
L178[15:09:22] <OneNick364Days> but like any college project, we had a single scrum standup and then went back to procrastination
L179[15:09:28] <OneNick364Days> while one guy did half of the work to earn us a 5.5
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L187[16:13:09] <Fluburtur> im watching a movie and the audio sync is terrible
L188[16:13:55] <hoglahoo> stop doing that
L189[16:14:34] <Fluburtur> why, you are afraid my brain will desync too?
L190[16:15:24] <hoglahoo> it unnerves me
L191[16:15:50] <Fluburtur> I could get some booze and get wasted, I wouldnt notice then
L192[16:15:58] <Fluburtur> but getting drunk alone is boring and sad
L193[16:41:44] <darsie> Fluburtur: Get a refund ;).
L194[16:42:10] <Fluburtur> a refund on streaming?
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L200[17:54:26] <Eddi|zuHause> for audio sync i use vlc where i can adjust it
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L202[17:57:14] ⇦ Quits: sandbox (sandbox!~sandbox@host-92-7-170-46.as43234.net) (Quit: Leaving)
L203[18:00:58] <ksft> my ship ran out of fuel on its return with a periapsis just above 67 km
L204[18:04:15] ⇦ Quits: kubi (kubi!~kubi@2001:1ba8:1130:f000:7a24:afff:fe8a:84f7) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L206[18:07:40] <UmbralRaptor> Good news: the post-1.0 atmosphere goes to 70000 m, instead of 69077.55
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L208[18:08:26] <UmbralRaptor> So, it will eventually reenter if you focus and have sufficient patience.
L209[18:11:05] <Fluburtur> get out and push
L210[18:16:30] <UmbralRaptor> that too
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L216[18:36:15] <Fluburtur> I wonder if I could use my own hair on a violin bow
L217[18:36:24] <Fluburtur> I have two that dont have hair on them anymore
L218[18:36:54] <KrazyKrl> technically yes, practically no.
L219[18:37:08] <KrazyKrl> if human hair was viable, we would be using it.
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L221[18:37:21] <Fluburtur> I dont even play violin, the one I have is decoration now
L222[18:37:30] <Fluburtur> and I tuned it as like a guitar anyways
L223[18:37:35] <Fluburtur> but I could try playing the saw
L224[18:39:57] <KrazyKrl> M249 or Bosch variety?
L225[18:41:16] <Fluburtur> thin strip of steel in a roughly trapezoidal shape
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L228[19:35:03] ⇨ Joins: Guest43 (Guest43!kiwiirc@
L229[19:35:14] <Guest43> kk
L230[19:38:49] <UmbralRaptop> Greetings?
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L236[20:33:27] <ksft> how long will it take to reenter?
L237[20:33:56] <ksft> push with the kerbal's rcs pack?
L238[20:37:24] <UmbralRaptop> unclear, but long. And yes. (make sure to push retrograde, and be prepared to drift off the craft. It's finicky. )
L239[20:42:33] <ksft> it was my attempt at an early Mun flyby
L240[20:42:44] <ksft> before I had maneuver nodes or patched conics visualization
L241[20:44:25] <ksft> what's the "Data Value" of an experiment?
L242[20:47:59] <UmbralRaptop> That's the one in mbits, or something? It should be a "file size". This matters if you're transmitting experiments back, but not if you're returning them physically.
L243[20:57:02] <ksft> it's listed in the R&D building with the experiment archive
L244[21:00:31] <ksft> "Current Data Value"
L245[21:03:29] <UmbralRaptop> It's a measure of how much science is remaining for that situation/experiment combination, and will go towards 0 as the gray bar fills.
L246[21:03:40] <UmbralRaptop> I, er, forget the exact conversion.
L247[21:06:30] <ksft> I can't find anything about it on the wiki
L248[21:09:35] <UmbralRaptop> hrm
L249[21:09:58] * UmbralRaptop ponders poking at it with a test campaign.
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L253[22:53:14] <Eddi|zuHause> i think with a mun AP, it's more likely that you get another mun encounter than a useful reentry
L254[23:11:29] <UmbralRaptop> Push at Ap, and you'll get reentry next Pe?
L255[23:16:09] ⇦ Quits: markovish (markovish!~markovify@cpe-2606-A000-111D-82E0-0-1742-CFC1-D17.dyn6.twc.com) (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
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