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L1[00:04:51] ⇦ Quits: Plaid (Plaid!~Zack@cpe-66-68-44-39.austin.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
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L6[01:01:02] <Althego> there was a nice upper stage camera
L7[01:01:11] <Althego> although tiny
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L31[06:59:12] <Fluburtur> uh ok, the upepr stage of my koyuz T rocket has 3100m/s of dv
L32[06:59:18] <Fluburtur> sounds like it is enough
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L34[07:02:49] <Eddi|zuHause> depends for what
L35[07:04:13] <Fluburtur> the upper stage also has a twr of 1.8
L36[07:04:39] <Fluburtur> this rocket might be overbuilt for any payload under 30t
L37[07:06:05] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/429717171002933269/527834544032841770/20181227140458_1.jpg
L38[07:12:34] <Eddi|zuHause> "how many SoI changes can i get with one maneuver? :p
L39[07:15:07] <Fluburtur> if I used the second stage as a sat it would have enough twr to get anywhere i the kerbol system
L40[07:15:20] <Fluburtur> but well, it was designed to be a super heavy lift rocket
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L49[08:24:02] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWz7sT9XU70
L50[08:24:03] <kmath> YouTube - ONE OF THE MOST DETAILED ISS TOUR!!! #2 [DEUTSCHE VERSION]
L51[08:24:26] <Althego> hehe right off the bat, one claps, so does the other to mess it up
L52[08:24:52] <Althego> hehe in german
L53[08:27:40] <Althego> hehe live zebrafish... in zero g there is no buoyancy, they must have been quite annoyed by that
L54[08:30:11] <Althego> always surprises me that i still understand german
L55[08:42:41] ⇨ Joins: Glass|phone (Glass|phone!~GlassFrag@p200300E68F068F0005AA8B3B488D0527.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L56[08:44:49] <Glass|phone> r4m0n: are you here, and regardless of if you are or not, can you point me at any resources regarding using C# as a sandboxed scripting language?
L57[08:45:56] <Althego> somehow that sounds funny
L58[08:46:27] <Althego> A psychic person with dwarfism escaped from prison. The newspaper's headline read "Small medium at large".
L59[08:48:22] <Glass|phone> "freight train breaks the sound barrier" is still my favorite
L60[08:49:52] <Althego> this? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DkbRAGfW0AIU7dq.jpg
L61[08:50:16] <Althego> there are two results, both are you :)
L62[08:50:20] <Glass|phone> exactly
L63[08:50:29] <Glass|phone> what
L64[08:50:38] <Althego> for the above sentence
L65[08:50:48] <Althego> one contains umbralraptor too
L66[08:51:07] <Glass|phone> ah you mean in here
L67[08:51:14] <Althego> no, by google
L68[08:51:26] <Glass|phone> someone's chat logs?
L69[08:51:47] <Glass|phone> on twitter I only translated it to japanese
L70[08:52:03] <Althego> ok back to the german space station tour
L71[08:52:28] <Althego> they still had the atv
L72[08:52:37] <Althego> that was discontinued since then
L73[08:52:38] <Glass|phone> btw Althego in case the C# thing does not work out I have now sunk low enough to use javascript
L74[08:52:47] <Althego> hehe
L75[08:53:09] <Glass|phone> I mean I originally wanted an esotheric lang anyway ;)
L76[08:53:20] <Althego> brainf...? :)
L77[08:53:38] <Althego> can also recommend piet and mondrian :)
L78[08:53:54] <Glass|phone> a domain specific esolang
L79[08:54:37] <Glass|phone> one that fulfills the purpose but is still kinda weird
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L81[09:20:11] <Althego> hehe the russians have their own windows, not as nice as the cupola, but still
L82[09:22:06] <Althego> and even among the german comments somebody mentions the flat earthers
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L85[09:24:36] <Althego> i still think i should learn some russian. there are parts where the yspeak in russian in this video
L86[09:26:32] <Althego> shoots imax movie of the earth in free time
L87[09:30:00] ⇨ Joins: FLHerne (FLHerne!~flh@cpc129772-papw8-2-0-cust286.know.cable.virginm.net)
L88[09:31:08] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/lyyrvYdin-0
L89[09:31:08] <kmath> YouTube - volantex asw28 maiden
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L93[09:55:39] <Glass|phone> so nevermind, the javascript library I was looking at is not cross platfofm
L94[09:58:09] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/527877834849386526/DSC_0318.MOV.Image_fixe002.jpg
L95[09:59:08] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: that looks cold.
L96[10:01:06] <BPlayer> Glass: JS not cross platform?
L97[10:01:11] <BPlayer> How does that work?
L98[10:02:01] <Fluburtur> this glider is so nice to fly
L99[10:02:09] <Fluburtur> handles super well and tracks like an arrow
L100[10:02:36] <BPlayer> Gliderrow
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L102[10:06:49] <Mat2ch> BPlayer: I think Glass|phone means that it's not working for every browser
L103[10:07:02] <Mat2ch> there are certain javascript functions that aren't supported by some of them
L104[10:07:37] <BPlayer> In that case, use IE as a special case. Once you exclude IE, the library should work everywhere
L105[10:07:38] <BPlayer> :P
L106[10:10:43] <Mat2ch> It's called Edge and Microsoft is going to use Chrome as base for the next version, because Google kept sabotaging edge
L107[10:10:51] <Mat2ch> I wonder where the EU is to sue Google over it
L108[10:14:23] <Glass|phone> BPlayer: no, js as a game scripting language
L109[10:29:37] <Glass|phone> PowerShell might be worth looking at
L110[10:33:19] <BPlayer> I have Win 10 for one or two months now, and still haven't gotten used to PowerShell
L111[10:33:56] <BPlayer> The one thing I really do like, though, is that they have a built in SSH client now
L112[10:34:02] <Althego> you dont need ri
L113[10:34:05] <Althego> to
L114[10:34:20] <BPlayer> Hehe, keyboard misalignment
L115[10:35:09] <BPlayer> Althego: I guess the good old cmd will be obsolete soon
L116[10:35:22] <BPlayer> Soon enough for it to matter in my case, at least
L117[10:35:44] <Althego> supposedly you can install bash on win
L118[10:35:50] <Althego> win10
L119[10:36:13] <Althego> windows is a game launcher anyway, for work i am on linux :)
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L121[10:36:33] <BPlayer> I do not intend to use bash on Windows. That would be tasteless :P
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L123[10:37:05] <Althego> hehe
L124[10:37:20] <Althego> dont go lower than zsh?
L125[10:38:27] <BPlayer> I shall set up another hard drive with Linux on it, for dual booting this PC. But I don't have the time (or the hard drive)
L126[10:38:43] <BPlayer> One day, the time will come
L127[10:41:33] <BPlayer> Boost delete activated: https://i.imgur.com/liL5o41.png
L128[10:43:22] <Glass|phone> delete all the .css
L129[10:43:50] <Glass|phone> powershell doesn't seem to make for a great game scripting language
L130[10:43:56] <Althego> wipe them out, all of then
L131[10:43:57] <Althego> m
L132[10:44:15] <Glass|phone> >creating a moddable game in 2018
L133[10:45:21] <Glass|phone> ...maybe I have to go back to lua
L134[10:45:43] <Althego> lua is the usual choice
L135[10:45:50] <Althego> but js or python is also embeddable
L136[10:46:39] <BPlayer> I still don't know how you would properly distribute Python without bringing the interpreter with the package
L137[10:46:56] <Glass|phone> IronPython?
L138[10:47:15] <Glass|phone> abandoned tho iirc
L139[10:48:15] <BPlayer> Looks slightly obsolete
L140[10:48:30] <Glass|phone> also python has the issue of depending on spaces and newlines
L141[10:48:32] <BPlayer> Though they say "
L142[10:48:32] <BPlayer> 2.7.9 released on 2018-10-09"
L143[10:49:37] <BPlayer> No wonder my backup space was filled up
L144[10:50:38] <BPlayer> I had earlier backed up my large USB thumb drive to my user memory, and only later I created a backup drive where I copied my user memory. So I had a backup of a backup
L145[10:51:20] <BPlayer> Luckily I found that, so 100 GB of trash are going POOF right now. Feels satisfying
L146[10:53:42] <Glass|phone> anyway my requirements are supports all three PC OSes (ideally purely .net), sandboxable, zero based indexing, concise syntax for mathematical expressions (and ideally largely code compatible to c-style ones), can be reasonably embedded in a json string
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L149[10:54:23] <Glass|phone> if I drop one or two of these it gets easy
L150[10:54:24] <Althego> you just need to drop one of your bogus arguments
L151[10:54:36] <Althego> or requirements
L152[10:54:50] <Glass|phone> which one
L153[10:55:00] <Althego> for example zero based indexing :)
L154[10:55:10] <Glass|phone> why is that bogus
L155[10:55:14] <Althego> does not change the usability of the language
L156[10:55:48] <Althego> and since yesterday you already dropped th ewhitespace thing
L157[10:56:08] <Glass|phone> if array indices are off by one from API methods that degrades usability
L158[10:56:10] <BPlayer> Why do you need JSON?
L159[10:56:29] <Glass|phone> the whitespaces and newlines make it difficult to fit into a json string
L160[10:56:49] <Glass|phone> BPlayer: because my game asset definitions are json and need embedded scripts
L161[10:56:51] <BPlayer> So write a parser ;-9
L162[10:56:54] <BPlayer> ;-)*
L163[10:57:28] <Glass|phone> the parser is not the problem, the interpreter is
L164[10:58:02] <BPlayer> ...what about PHP?
L165[10:58:30] <Glass|phone> must not have been obsolete for half a decade
L166[10:58:50] <BPlayer> PHP is not obsolete
L167[10:58:56] <BPlayer> PHP 7 is a thing
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L186[13:01:15] <Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: Why use one megaton strategic yield weapon when you could use two megatons?
L187[13:01:59] <Althego> why use that, if you can use the tsar bomba
L188[13:02:41] <Scolar_Visari> UR-500 ICBM intensifies
L189[13:02:41] <UmbralRaptor> Something something use the material to make half a dozen MIRV'd warheads.
L190[13:03:05] * Scolar_Visari begins to ponder if nukes are really worth it in Children of a Dead Earth
L191[13:03:07] <Althego> use the money to make cat girls
L192[13:03:24] <Althego> money well spent
L193[13:03:46] <Scolar_Visari> Hm . . . I prefer the nukes if those are my two options.
L194[13:03:53] * UmbralRaptor actually knows a bunch of people who want to be catgirls these days >_>
L195[13:04:25] <UmbralRaptor> Also, wouldn't the tsar bomba have been like 300 megatons if designed for maximum yield given the size/weight constraints?
L196[13:04:47] <Scolar_Visari> Dunno, though I wonder if that would be enough to make it an anti-missile system, but in space.
L197[13:04:57] <UmbralRaptor> (As opposed to a crash project to demonstrate a large bomb)
L198[13:05:00] * Scolar_Visari now seriously wonder why CoaDE doesn't have nuked pumped bombs.
L199[13:05:05] <Scolar_Visari> Er, nuke pumped lazers.
L200[13:06:17] * Scolar_Visari also wonders why no one seems to be particularly critical with their reports of the new, "hypersonic missile".
L201[13:06:30] * UmbralRaptor really should play CoaDE at some point
L202[13:07:01] <UmbralRaptor> "hypersonic missile" so, like an AIM-54?
L203[13:07:08] <Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptor: It's like KSP, but with nukes.
L204[13:07:17] <UmbralRaptor> hah
L205[13:07:56] <Scolar_Visari> The Tsirkon, which allegedly moves at Mach 8 and uses a plasma sheath to remain invisible to reflective radar. How it would do the latter and distant target acquisition at the same time has never been explained.
L206[13:09:09] <Scolar_Visari> This particular claim sets off several red flags: "It also manoeuvres at all phases of its flight trajectory, which also allows it to overcome all existing and, I think, prospective anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense systems."
L207[13:09:40] <Scolar_Visari> Uh-huh . . .
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L209[13:13:03] <Scolar_Visari> So something that's stupid bright in infrared and moving at Mach 8+ is going to somehow dodge missiles that already have similar speeds that hit smaller targets?
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L212[13:18:53] <Scolar_Visari> This sort of reminds me of the whole DF-21D thing . . .
L213[13:23:46] <Scolar_Visari> Also: Where did the Federation find the money for the research?
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L217[13:29:13] * Scolar_Visari is amused that some of the depictions of the Zircon are copies of the X-51 with different textures.
L218[13:30:01] <Scolar_Visari> Case in point: https://bit.ly/2LrYFPS
L219[13:30:26] <Scolar_Visari> Which looks suspiciously similar to https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4b/X-51A_Waverider.jpg/1024px-X-51A_Waverider.jpg
L220[13:42:15] * Scolar_Visari goes off to design a hypersonic boarding missile.
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L222[13:43:26] <Althego> super fast surfboard. but where is silver surfer?
L223[13:44:58] ⇨ Joins: BPlayer (BPlayer!~APlayer@p200300C22F02AB006C100617443B2FB6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L224[13:45:55] <Eddi|zuHause> and now, commercials: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Au3R0H0zYHQ
L225[13:45:55] <kmath> YouTube - Ruthe.de - Werbeparodien 11
L226[14:00:14] <BPlayer> Uh, I think we should only post English videos here
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L229[14:01:30] <BPlayer> Besides, it is not fully appropriate
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L231[14:08:41] <Glass|phone> so there is a javascript interpreter called jint which may do what I want
L232[14:10:12] <bathtub_shark> how very original in naming
L233[14:11:16] <Glass|phone> unfortunately I can't be picky about naming
L234[14:12:13] <Glass|phone> heck even using javascript at all is a huge compromise
L235[14:13:35] <Glass|phone> note: do not run programs where the topmost item on the download page is a dedicated CUDA build on an old office PC
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L237[14:38:33] <Eddi|zuHause> <BPlayer> Besides, it is not fully appropriate <-- if that's not "appropriate" then i don't know anymore what is...
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L239[15:11:33] <Glass|phone> how do people even program on german keyboards where it is physically painful to type {}
L240[15:11:59] <Althego> i never understood the fascination and self inflicted harm of germans with the german layout
L241[15:12:00] <estorado-> yes, fully agree with you
L242[15:12:15] <Althego> nothing wrong with it for typing a letter
L243[15:12:18] <estorado-> breaks the fu fingers man
L244[15:12:34] <Althego> shell, programming, vim, anything more complicated, and it is out of the question
L245[15:13:32] <BPlayer> You don't need a convenient keyboard layout if you are good enough
L246[15:13:33] <BPlayer> :P
L247[15:14:05] <BPlayer> Seriously though, switching between the two is a pain, because of z and y
L248[15:14:23] <Althego> yes that is an other issue
L249[15:14:34] <Althego> unfortunately the hungarian layout got that from the german
L250[15:14:38] <estorado-> its easiar to copy the { to your clipboard and use autocomplete
L251[15:14:44] <Althego> hehe
L252[15:14:55] <BPlayer> I had a time where I would tzpe mz words incorrectlz because of that
L253[15:15:19] <Glass|phone> that's me right now
L254[15:15:20] <Althego> i solved it, i used querty hungarian, as it should be :)
L255[15:15:46] <Eddi|zuHause> <estorado-> breaks the fu fingers man <-- i usually use 2 hands for {}
L256[15:15:59] <Glass|phone> but I also look for cars on the wrong side when crossing a road so keyboards are not my biggest problem
L257[15:16:00] <estorado-> :)
L258[15:16:08] <Althego> sometimes somehow win10 switched to the qwertz, you could see it here too. but i removed that layout from the selection and now it is always ok
L259[15:16:17] <Eddi|zuHause> right hand presses AltGr, left hand 7890
L260[15:16:29] <Althego> still, tehre is a worse offense then qwertz. azerty :)
L261[15:16:46] <Althego> so the french have it the worst
L262[15:17:14] <BPlayer> I use left thumb on AltGr, left middle finger on 7890
L263[15:17:15] <Althego> and pilots. because the cdu/fms is in abcd layout
L264[15:17:33] <estorado-> I only use the right hand
L265[15:17:40] <BPlayer> Right hand*
L266[15:17:42] <BPlayer> Apologies
L267[15:17:46] <Althego> what a perversion. sounds logical first, but then you realize decades of conditioning makes it harder to type on abcd
L268[15:18:05] <estorado-> or my wife, it depends
L269[15:18:29] <Eddi|zuHause> do people still know how to type T9?
L270[15:18:30] <BPlayer> Ahem.
L271[15:18:49] <Eddi|zuHause> did people ever really know?
L272[15:18:57] <Althego> hehe
L273[15:19:02] <Althego> t9? that wa impossible to use
L274[15:19:14] <Althego> i was better with just simply typing the words
L275[15:19:39] <Althego> and in fact i think i wa around as fast as now when we have the smartphone soft keyboards
L276[15:19:40] <estorado-> a bit training and t9 was working good
L277[15:20:49] <Eddi|zuHause> i never really used it much, but it had a bit of a problem with compound words
L278[15:21:48] <Glass|phone> ...so I just dropped in jint where I had moonsharp before and threw out my hacky lua transpiler out and the game runs like it did before
L279[15:22:26] <Eddi|zuHause> say i wanted to type "Abfahrtszeit" i would have needed to type "Abfahrt" "s" and "zeit" separately
L280[15:23:04] <BPlayer> Donaudamfschifffahrtsgesellschaftkapitänsmütze
L281[15:23:40] <Glass|phone> well, except that the transpiler was dealing with issues not specific to lua
L282[15:23:42] <Eddi|zuHause> BPlayer: that would need testing, someone could have reasonably be expected to put that in the t9 dictionary :p
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L295[16:49:38] <yea> hello everyone
L296[16:50:11] <yea> i was wondering if in anyway to mod the game so that the kerbin looks like earth in 1.6.0
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L298[16:51:13] <jgkamat> I know there's a mod to scale kerbin and the atmosphere more properly
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L300[16:51:21] <UmbralRaptor> Probably look into something like Real Solar System?
L301[16:51:31] <UmbralRaptor> bah
L302[16:54:07] * jgkamat wonders why people would ever leave so quickly
L303[17:06:53] <Truga> rescale is pretty nice if you want to keep the mun and minmus where they are tbh
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L305[17:07:10] <Truga> real solar system is much more annoying to traverse :v
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L307[17:13:46] * JVFoxy ponders....
L308[17:14:00] <JVFoxy> something of a different mun landing mission I'm doing..
L309[17:14:39] <JVFoxy> launching lander separate, docking with transfer vehicle then going over. Makes me wonder, why Apollo did it all in one go, rather than two separate smaller launches.
L310[17:26:37] <Fluburtur> https://66.media.tumblr.com/07b09fa066b5d1967805dd49b87e61d6/tumblr_pkf49uPno01sczaog_540.jpg
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L314[17:31:07] <JVFoxy> trying to figure out what expression that bird has...
L315[17:31:09] <JVFoxy> http://barktime.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/catmoticons.jpg
L316[17:33:12] ⇦ Quits: Lyneira (Lyneira!~konversat@2001:984:484e:1:20c:29ff:fea6:d040) (Quit: Bye)
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L318[17:38:52] <Eddi|zuHause> that is totally missing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
L319[17:40:12] <UmbralRaptor> JVFoxy: Not sure Fry, I think
L320[17:42:50] <JVFoxy> build crazy big rocket, lift everything off from the pad all at once...
L321[17:44:13] <JVFoxy> guess.. means less parts to build, though R&D on something bigger may have taken more time instead?
L322[17:45:00] <UmbralRaptor> Few different things.
L323[17:45:58] <UmbralRaptor> Initially Apollo was going to be direct ascent, though they explored EOR before selecting LOR.
L324[17:46:30] <UmbralRaptor> The Saturn V actually gained capacity during development o_O
L325[17:46:36] <Eddi|zuHause> it's america, "go big or go home"
L326[17:47:16] <UmbralRaptor> Oh, and there were larger engines being considered
L327[17:47:46] * UmbralRaptor gestures at Nova designs that would have used multiple M-1 engines.
L328[17:50:05] <JVFoxy> Ya.. I remember the 'Direct' project... they even considered doing it earlier with Gemini Advanced or 'Big Gemini' project
L329[17:50:26] <Eddi|zuHause> i recently watched this video where they talked about the intricate balance they had to figure out to make one large engine work, whereas the russians just said "aw scrap this, we're just using 4 nozzles"
L330[17:50:44] <JVFoxy> kind of crazy the amount of proposed projects that just got.. dumped to the side..
L331[17:51:12] <Eddi|zuHause> i'm assuming the 80-20 rule applies there
L332[17:52:00] <JVFoxy> no idea what that means
L333[17:52:20] <UmbralRaptor> eh, the NK-15 were single nozzle. Ditto the RD-253.
L334[17:53:17] ⇨ Joins: Epi (Epi!~Epil@124-148-180-154.dyn.iinet.net.au)
L335[17:53:23] <Eddi|zuHause> the 80-20 rule was discovered by an italian mathematician about 200 years ago, who studied the distribution of land, resulting in 20% of the people owning 80% of the land. you find this kind of distribution almost everywhere
L336[17:53:39] <UmbralRaptor> (N1 and Протон first stage engines, respectively)
L337[17:53:45] * JVFoxy ohs
L338[17:57:16] <Eddi|zuHause> like, if you take a large text, 20% of the words used will make up 80% of the text
L339[17:57:49] <Eddi|zuHause> and about 50% of the words will appear only one single time
L340[17:59:32] <Eddi|zuHause> also, the n-th most common word will appear 1/n-th the amount of time as the most common word
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L342[18:13:09] <JVFoxy> ever looked up the word 'set' in the dictionary? :)
L343[18:14:30] <JVFoxy> 464 definitions. Its a wonder it doesn't just dominate most sentences.
L344[18:15:14] <bees> last time i checked, words distribution was logariphmic after most common ~1000-2000
L345[18:16:23] <bees> like, every 1000 words (dont remember exactly) would reduce amount of still not in the list words in text in half
L346[18:17:00] <bees> 2000 words - 90% of the text, 3000 - 95%, 4000 - 97.5%, etc etc etc
L347[18:17:15] <bees> checked it on a pretty large dataset
L348[18:19:30] <Eddi|zuHause> not sure i understand what you're saying
L349[18:20:08] * JVFoxy don't knows....
L350[18:20:21] <JVFoxy> just happy I got a LKO station contract that doesn't pester for fuel
L351[18:20:30] <bees> if you have a word list sorted by rarity
L352[18:21:38] <Eddi|zuHause> ah, i was talking about words that actually appear in the text
L353[18:22:19] <JVFoxy> On the flip side... another contract shows up, wants a solar orbit station, 6000 fuel, 7500 power, and support for 9 kerbals... ugh
L354[18:23:02] <Eddi|zuHause> 6000 fuel is crazy if you're not mining it in place
L355[18:23:31] <Eddi|zuHause> the other stuff seems easy
L356[18:24:00] <JVFoxy> 7500 power.. when all I got are the 200 unit batteries
L357[18:24:17] <JVFoxy> 38 batteries... eh..
L358[18:24:56] <JVFoxy> mid career... technically I could upgrade R&D to level 2... or 3.. too easy
L359[18:25:11] <Eddi|zuHause> you can easily fit like 20 in one service bay
L360[18:25:59] <JVFoxy> arg.. Jeb... go away. Robotic station about to go into orbit, Jeb sneaks into Mk1 command pod.. he's lucky I don't just retire him to some island
L361[18:27:23] <JVFoxy> I'd rather wait.. take missions that don't call for high amounts. Bad enough keeps throwing me 6 rescue missions at once all the time
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L364[18:31:41] <Eddi|zuHause> rescue missions are a good source of recruits
L365[18:32:26] <UmbralRaptor> "rescue" missions
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L367[18:38:34] * JVFoxy looks at his roster...
L368[18:38:51] <JVFoxy> since my last screen shot.. went from 11 to 14.. my max still 12
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L370[18:40:11] <JVFoxy> wait.. correction.. 15, seems I forgot one was already on a mission, first station
L371[18:40:32] <UmbralRaptor> hah
L372[18:40:35] <JVFoxy> ok.. this is bad. I'm not one for killing kerbals... though I seem to be bad at forgetting where they are
L373[18:43:07] <JVFoxy> Ooooh... speaking of forgetting... sigh.
L374[18:43:24] <Eddi|zuHause> there's a list in the astronaut complex?
L375[18:43:59] <JVFoxy> the craft she went up in to the station, tiny bit of fuel in the booster, full tanks in the service module. Was from direct ascent to station
L376[18:45:00] <JVFoxy> eddi|zuHause I was looking at available... I thought everyone was on the ground till I saw 1 in the assigned tab above. Just says Mk1 pod.. doesn't say the craft's name
L377[19:00:22] <JVFoxy> someone ordered pizza? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CJWSaA0VAAAYhTE.png
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L384[20:07:07] <UmbralRaptor> So apparently winquake at 1280x1024 gets ~22 fps on an i7-7500U
L385[20:07:18] <UmbralRaptor> I think this means computers are 10x faster than they were 20 years ago?
L386[20:11:59] <Izaya> vs 2.2FPS 20 years ago?
L387[20:12:08] <Izaya> I imagine a non-U processor would do much better
L388[20:15:01] <JVFoxy> huh.. winquake
L389[20:15:17] <JVFoxy> don't suppose you remember Tema fortress quake?
L390[20:15:20] <JVFoxy> *team
L391[20:16:19] <UmbralRaptor> Aware of it, never tried it.
L392[20:16:48] <UmbralRaptor> My first experience with Team Fortress was TFC.
L393[20:17:13] <JVFoxy> ya.. likewise
L394[20:17:28] <JVFoxy> sorta mixed feelings on TF2
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L396[20:21:45] <UmbralRaptor> Izaya: afraid that's my fastest available processor.
L397[20:22:07] <Izaya> I'd try it on a 4790 but the "win" part of "winquake" poses a problem
L398[20:22:32] <UmbralRaptor> I mean, I could try ressurecting a C2D E6600…
L399[20:23:25] <UmbralRaptor> Yeah, it would be easier to poke at a Linux spurceport for some things.
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L405[20:36:38] <UmbralRaptor> But yeah, that laptop is basically a wintendo.
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