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L36[07:12:03] <GlassYuri> ...my school has apparently rebranded from tokyo net wave to tokyo cool japan
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L61[10:26:22] <Althego> https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1005577738332172289
L62[10:26:22] <kmath> <✔elonmusk> SpaceX option package for new Tesla Roadster will include ~10 small rocket thrusters arranged seamlessly around car… https://t.co/w5AdnC49iu
L63[10:26:34] <Althego> you cant tell if he is joking or not
L64[10:29:42] <ve2dmn> I can't bet again Elon: He makes high-risk, but high-reward bets
L65[10:30:14] <ve2dmn> So far, it's hard to know if he was just lucky or if he is a genius... probably a bit of both
L66[10:31:05] <ve2dmn> The good thing so far: Even if he fails he pushed the markets in Rockets and in Car in directions I like
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L68[10:43:25] <darsie> Error downloading KerbalEngineerRedux The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
L69[10:44:08] <Althego> works for me https://github.com/jrbudda/KerbalEngineer/releases
L70[10:44:27] <ve2dmn> isn't KER getting a new dev these days?
L71[10:44:28] <darsie> I'm using ckan
L72[10:44:45] <Althego> this is the new release
L73[10:44:52] <Althego> with the new dev
L74[10:45:13] <ve2dmn> darsie: check CKAN: it might have 2 entries for KER
L75[10:45:23] <Althego> you have to ask yourself, do you want the mod, or do you want the management?
L76[10:45:30] <darsie> KER stopped showing me 1/2 burn time.
L77[10:45:47] <Althego> is the same as this so probably tries to get this one
L78[10:46:00] <Althego> maybe somewhere there is an incorrect repo url. i dont know how ckan works
L79[10:47:56] <ve2dmn> darsie: switch to kOS... make you own display :D
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L83[10:52:27] <APlayer> What ve2dmn said ^
L84[10:56:54] <ConductorCat> :3
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L99[11:53:05] <Althego> why does the aerospike have 20 m/s tolerance? it is way better than most landing legs
L100[11:53:35] <kubi> all engine bells are just too good
L101[11:53:58] <Althego> yes they tolerate the whole weight of anything
L102[11:58:28] <Mat2ch> they have to, they push the rockets to space!
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L106[12:10:45] <Althego> ok the toroidals are poor landing legs because they are slippery
L107[12:11:06] <Althego> one would think the spike digs in the ground, but no, too little contact surface so they are like iceskates
L108[12:11:14] <Althego> but the nukes are ok
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L129[13:29:18] <Althego> it is getting worse https://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/02077/mcam/2077ML0110290000801230E01_DXXX.jpg
L130[13:30:37] <ve2dmn> Wow
L131[13:31:01] <ve2dmn> So that's the worse that Mars has?
L132[13:31:19] <APlayer> Looks pretty much similar to what I see out of my window
L133[13:31:25] <Althego> hehe
L134[13:32:37] <JCB> mm... polution... j/k
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L136[13:34:27] <Althego> land of sand, home of the spice
L137[13:35:18] <ve2dmn> May his passing cleanse the world
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L142[13:37:05] <Fluburtur> I played a bit with carbonic ice today
L143[13:37:06] <Fluburtur> it is fun
L144[13:37:45] <ve2dmn> Fluburtur: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dry_ice ?
L145[13:38:22] <Fluburtur> yeah
L146[13:38:42] <Fluburtur> it is rather fun to hold in the hand
L147[13:38:55] <Fluburtur> just move it so it doesn't stay in the same spot for too long
L148[13:39:05] <ve2dmn> https://translate.google.com/#fr/en/glace%20carbonique
L149[13:39:21] <Fluburtur> kinda weird too because usually you would expect ice to be wet but it isn't the case since it turns into a gaz
L150[13:39:41] <Fluburtur> also my first pay came in so that's good
L151[13:39:56] <APlayer> Fluburtur: Pay for what?
L152[13:40:04] <Fluburtur> my job
L153[13:40:29] <Althego> for playing with thermometers :)
L154[13:40:42] <Fluburtur> and mercury
L155[13:40:44] <Fluburtur> and dry ice
L156[13:40:57] <Fluburtur> haven't played with liquid nitrogen yet however
L157[13:40:59] <APlayer> Lazy folk over there
L158[13:41:07] <Fluburtur> also, how do you get ants out of a plane?
L159[13:41:22] <Fluburtur> because the ants decided it would be a good idea to store their eggs inside the canadair
L160[13:41:28] <Althego> keep an anteater as a pet
L161[13:41:30] <APlayer> That sounds like the beginning of a bad joke
L162[13:41:39] <JCB> ants worse than snakes on a plane?
L163[13:41:44] <APlayer> "How do you get an elephant into a fridge"
L164[13:41:45] <Fluburtur> it isn't a joke but it is kinda bad
L165[13:41:46] <JCB> .... sorry
L166[13:42:12] <Althego> in 3 steps. open the door. put in the elephant. close the door
L167[13:42:24] <Althego> how do you put a giraffe in the fridge?
L168[13:42:31] <JCB> trick question.. didn't say what kind of fridge or how big. :)
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L170[13:42:36] <Althego> in 4 steps. open the door. take out the elephant, put in the giraffe. close the door
L171[13:42:48] <APlayer> Althego: You missed the hippopotamus
L172[13:42:54] <Althego> oh whatever
L173[13:42:59] <Althego> i just remembered two animaks
L174[13:43:00] <JCB> I can do it in one step... just build the fridge around any of them
L175[13:43:23] <Fluburtur> guess I will put a garden hose in the plane and turn it on
L176[13:43:37] <Fluburtur> shouldn't damage anything but I should get the receiver out first
L177[13:43:50] <JCB> fluburtur try explosive decompression?
L178[13:44:09] <Fluburtur> uh
L179[13:44:15] <Fluburtur> not airtight enough
L180[13:44:23] <Althego> hehe
L181[13:44:25] <JCB> wait.. what kind of plane?
L182[13:44:31] <Althego> everything is, if the shockwave is fast enough
L183[13:44:33] <Fluburtur> also how would I do that, it is too small to fit in the vacuum chambers at my job
L184[13:44:53] <Fluburtur> also my plane misses half a wing so it can't fly to high altitude anyways
L185[13:44:56] <Althego> the candair model that was collected from the island
L186[13:45:06] <JCB> oh model plane?
L187[13:45:08] <Althego> after it spent severl months up a tree, then under it
L188[13:45:33] <Fluburtur> yeah
L189[13:45:36] <JCB> guessing Styrofoam?
L190[13:45:44] <Fluburtur> yeah extruded styrofoam
L191[13:45:57] <Fluburtur> there is no electronics in the body of the plane other than the receiver
L192[13:46:04] <Fluburtur> so I could jsut flood them away
L193[13:46:08] <JCB> that case... ya, remove electronics, just spray it with shower head/hose
L194[13:46:21] <JCB> don't use any pressure, it'll mess with the foam. :\
L195[13:46:48] <Fluburtur> problem is, I will have to remove the receiver with the ants still inside
L196[13:46:56] <Althego> heh, i just saw the trailer for ghost of tsushima. it looks amazing. of course console only
L197[13:47:01] <JCB> gloves help
L198[13:47:10] <Fluburtur> but idk, those receivers resit water pretty well so I could just flood it with the receiver in
L199[13:47:13] <JCB> ants usually don't pose problems, unless they fire ants
L200[13:47:15] <Fluburtur> just dry it later
L201[13:47:18] <Althego> nice try sony, but you have to come to my dark side if you want my money
L202[13:47:58] <JCB> eh.. I'd take the receiver out anyways.. just to be safe
L203[13:48:08] <ve2dmn> Althego: Nintendo managed to convince me
L204[13:48:23] <APlayer> Fluburtur: Submerge it in CO2?
L205[13:48:27] <Fluburtur> good idea
L206[13:48:40] <Fluburtur> im gonna pack a bunch of dry ice in a thermo
L207[13:48:42] <Althego> or even liquid nitrogen
L208[13:48:53] <Fluburtur> won't look weird dripping white smoke on the train
L209[13:48:55] <APlayer> N2 won't stay in an open container for long
L210[13:49:04] <Althego> dont need to
L211[13:49:04] <APlayer> Nor would CO2, but it would last longer
L212[13:49:08] <Althego> kills them on touch
L213[13:49:21] <APlayer> LN2 probably also kills the electronics on touch
L214[13:49:26] <ve2dmn> I learn that caffeine is soluble in liquid CO2
L215[13:49:42] <ve2dmn> the problem is getting room-temp liquid CO2
L216[13:49:42] <APlayer> I'm talking about gaseous N2
L217[13:50:12] <JCB> you could try burying the plane in diatomaceous earth....
L218[13:50:25] <JCB> the stuff gets into insect joints, cuts them up
L219[13:50:28] <Althego> just who came up with this word...
L220[13:50:49] <Fluburtur> listen the plane is already dirty enough
L221[13:51:02] <JCB> ... its just a white powder
L222[13:51:22] <Fluburtur> only water or dry ice
L223[13:51:29] <Fluburtur> does dry ice damage foam?
L224[13:51:36] <Fluburtur> I guess it could make it brittle
L225[13:51:36] <Althego> high pressure water should do
L226[13:51:37] <JCB> it can make it brittle
L227[13:51:38] <APlayer> Fluburtur: Also, try ethanol
L228[13:51:44] <Fluburtur> eh I guess
L229[13:51:49] <JCB> just use water then... at least that way it'll wash it too same time
L230[13:52:01] <Fluburtur> I do want to kill all those ants
L231[13:52:08] <Althego> submerge in acetone :)
L232[13:52:09] <ve2dmn> Ethanol is for driking, not cleaning
L233[13:52:10] <APlayer> Violent dude
L234[13:52:25] <Fluburtur> I don't need several thousand ants in my house
L235[13:52:34] <Althego> keep them as pets :9
L236[13:52:37] <APlayer> ve2dmn: I thought in Canada, you used maple syrup instead
L237[13:52:40] <JCB> take the ants far enough away from the nest, they'll be lost, die on their own
L238[13:52:54] <Fluburtur> they are far from it already
L239[13:53:00] <Fluburtur> they were on an island
L240[13:53:01] <ve2dmn> APlayer: anything with Sugar in it can be turned into alcohol
L241[13:53:27] <Fluburtur> can my blood be turned into alcohol?
L242[13:53:34] <ve2dmn> maple syrup is sugar-water from the blood of tree
L243[13:53:40] <APlayer> Fluburtur: So, my options would be Ethanol (won't damage the electronics and will evaporate quickly, but could be costly in large quantities) or CO2, which, however, may or may not work
L244[13:53:40] <JCB> eh.. I'd probably just use compressed air, blow them out of the plane..
L245[13:54:04] <JCB> when you said 'plane' first thing that came to mind was commercial aircraft, full scale
L246[13:54:35] <ve2dmn> so I guess, Canadians are technically vampires driking the blood of the Maple trees
L247[13:55:02] <Fluburtur> eh I will just flood them away, too lazy to do anything else
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L249[13:56:18] <APlayer> ve2dmn: Maple Syrupists
L250[13:57:07] <JCB> tree sap = blood now huh?
L251[13:57:25] <Althego> bodily fluid
L252[13:57:58] <JCB> very slooooooow moving fluid
L253[13:58:10] <ve2dmn> well, it's more like a mix between blood and plasma for trees
L254[13:58:31] <JCB> sap kind of makes me think its more a 4th state of matter... solid but still somewhat fluid
L255[13:58:55] <JCB> mind you... syrup, a bit more fluidy.
L256[13:59:10] <JCB> wait... 5th state, already have plasma
L257[14:01:29] <Althego> and quark-gluon plasma
L258[14:02:10] <Fluburtur> and whatever my room is made of
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L261[14:02:41] <Althego> fluburturium?
L262[14:02:44] <Althego> that was fast
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L264[14:03:10] <Fluburtur> lel
L265[14:03:19] <Fluburtur> well it was full of random stuff before
L266[14:03:20] <APlayer> Bose-Einstein Condensate
L267[14:03:30] <Althego> that too
L268[14:03:30] <Fluburtur> now is only half full of random stuff since I cleaned a bit
L269[14:03:49] <Althego> expands to fil in empty space
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L271[14:05:41] <APlayer> Real optimist here. Half full room.
L272[14:06:54] <Althego> but what is in the imaginary part?
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L277[14:14:47] <ve2dmn> Althego: Imaginary room? probably something that belongs in SCP-wiki?
L278[14:15:05] <Fluburtur> there is probably a few of those
L279[14:16:10] <ve2dmn> like the door with the 12 keys?
L280[14:16:38] <ve2dmn> or the infinite stairs?
L281[14:16:52] <Fluburtur> there is a whole bunch of pocket dimensions really
L282[14:17:09] <Fluburtur> 860 is a really popular but is a good one
L283[14:17:19] <JCB> hmm.... dimensions...
L284[14:17:39] <JCB> eh.. I probably shouldn't...
L285[14:20:30] <ve2dmn> Anyone played Surviving Mars yet?
L286[14:21:33] <ve2dmn> cuz I found a nice map
L287[14:21:58] <Althego> no, i meant the real optimist, what is the imaginary then
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L291[14:32:38] <ve2dmn> https://i.redditmedia.com/CKr1PPIcj1DTAhXxhTQyvhQzQWHMzgm9gp6B0IcdGZc.jpg?s=99aedcdf30b6452cf7e226aa8d56482f
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L293[14:33:28] <Fluburtur> now that I have an actual music room I can do space nerd music like I wanted to
L294[14:33:46] <Fluburtur> I was thinking some star name could be nice for a name
L295[14:33:55] <Fluburtur> like NGC something to screw with everyone
L296[14:34:10] <Fluburtur> but we might not do that because I can't write for crap
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L300[14:37:39] <JCB> aw...
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L302[14:38:30] <JCB> Would love some workspace here at home too, sadly we lost the one room to tenants downstairs complaining about things. (duplex turned quad long before I moved in)
L303[14:39:26] <JCB> well.. more like guy, and room mate keeps saying he's pushing his weight around, getting more things in his favor than he really should be.
L304[14:39:34] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186669324500993/455357325767606274/DSC_9144.JPG
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L306[14:40:42] <JCB> I've a friend who is into drums, though lately, he's been working more on record stuff, mixing, dj'ing
L307[14:40:56] <Fluburtur> I want to get a trumpet
L308[14:41:10] <Fluburtur> so everyone can hate me
L309[14:41:31] <Althego> https://twitter.com/tombellforever/status/1006370881394835456
L310[14:41:31] <kmath> <✔tombellforever> For everyone asking for more photos, here’s roof fox doing a classic stretch, yawn, straight back to sleep manoeuvre https://t.co/bjUo32Dhzh
L311[14:42:14] <JCB> guy I was suppose to be helping with some moving today. couple of pianos, couple of organs... 7 filing bins of music sheets...
L312[14:42:22] <Draconiator> I almost got some bagpipes....when we were all getting our own instruments Ended up getting a mountain dulcimer.
L313[14:42:31] <Fluburtur> bagpipes are cool too
L314[14:43:00] <JCB> strings and drums seem to get quite a lot of attention these days
L315[14:43:21] <Fluburtur> because easy
L316[14:43:35] <Fluburtur> I listen to ska punk a lot
L317[14:43:40] <Fluburtur> like trumpet is cool
L318[14:44:26] <Fluburtur> or accordion even https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-cgvgLrbCo
L319[14:44:27] <JCB> you can do a lot with keys too...
L320[14:44:27] <kmath> YouTube - Under the Sun Lyrics - Korpiklaani
L321[14:44:49] <JCB> though, friend showed me a few videos of a guy doing various things with strings and weird builds
L322[14:45:13] <Fluburtur> yeah you can get pretty inventive with music
L323[14:46:02] <JCB> the 'vs' videos they did were pretty humorous..
L324[14:46:35] <Fluburtur> I really like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_r_mlvEfRA
L325[14:46:35] <kmath> YouTube - DRUM BATTLE - 2010
L326[14:46:54] <JCB> I don't know about music, but I wish I had the motivation/time to sort of build on a few gaming ideas, 3d models.. a few various things.
L327[14:47:29] <Draconiator> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INu3UQ35yVk - this is close to what I have
L328[14:48:02] <Fluburtur> nice
L329[14:48:17] <Fluburtur> actually I should look into actually getting a trumpet now
L330[14:48:24] <Fluburtur> it isn't that hard apparently
L331[14:48:40] <Fluburtur> exept the whole making the sound thing but I already tried that with a similar instrument
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L333[14:49:12] <Fluburtur> also the other day I was telling a friend that saxophones were techincally wood winds and not brass winds because of the mouth piece
L334[14:49:17] <Fluburtur> I think he's still not over it
L335[14:50:49] <Althego> hehe
L336[14:50:57] <JCB> honestly, I wouldn't know the diff myself
L337[14:51:03] <Althego> yes, that is the part that defines them as woodwind
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L339[14:51:22] <Fluburtur> sax like clarinets and other uses a tiny piece of wood that vibrates
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L341[14:51:39] <JCB> my only experience with anything wind instrument related was the recorders in elementary school. :\
L342[14:51:40] <Fluburtur> and brass instruments use a sort of hollow mouthpiece and you make the sound with the lips
L343[14:51:52] <Fluburtur> you literally fart into the instrument with your lips
L344[14:52:18] <JCB> different lips.. different .... sounds?
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L346[14:52:42] <Draconiator> Actually you kind of raspberry into it.
L347[14:52:52] <Althego> wetware maintenance
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L349[14:53:05] <JCB> ever get numb-lips from playing too much?
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L351[14:53:19] <Fluburtur> but apparently trumpets come in different tunings so I need to look into that too
L352[14:53:27] <Fluburtur> yeah apparently that's a problem for new players
L353[14:53:33] <Fluburtur> can't play for too long at first
L354[14:53:38] <JCB> :P
L355[14:53:55] <JCB> friend gets sore fingers from playing guitar too long... figured it be almost the same
L356[14:54:09] <Fluburtur> but anyways, I need to make my lungs better so trumpet wouldn't be a bad choice
L357[14:54:15] <Fluburtur> let me tell you about playing bass
L358[14:54:24] <Fluburtur> because you don't use a pick very often
L359[14:54:39] <ve2dmn> Bass? He's my favorite Mega Man Character!
L360[14:54:45] <ve2dmn> (not really)
L361[14:54:46] <Fluburtur> so the right hand gets destroyed super hard until you play enough to have actual leather on your fingers
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L364[14:55:22] <JCB> sorry.. lefty here...
L365[14:55:54] <Fluburtur> the hand that makes the strings move
L366[14:57:18] <Fluburtur> anyways, I guess I would need to ask a trumpet player
L367[14:57:24] <JCB> I know.. just.. being ... stupid
L368[14:57:43] <ve2dmn> The best people are lefty... like Link
L369[14:57:47] <Fluburtur> or you can grab the neck with both hands and use it as a hammer to hit peoples
L370[14:57:58] <Fluburtur> and my bass is ultra heavy so it works good for that
L371[14:58:08] <JCB> also a little too creative beyond their means... I'm trying to figure out what i need in order to build a frequency converter for a radio.
L372[14:58:23] <JCB> I would love to pick up on Oscar 7 with my CB radio... being sideband
L373[14:58:28] <Fluburtur> there are tubes for that
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L375[14:58:31] <Fluburtur> in old radio
L376[14:58:35] <Fluburtur> for de-modulating the signal
L377[14:58:59] <JCB> lol... tubes. Don't knock it. I'd love to build a am broadcast radio with some tubes I have on hand
L378[15:00:36] <JCB> Oscar 7 is currently the oldest amateur radio satellite currently in orbit, that is still in operation...
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L387[15:43:58] <Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: Life will find a way . . . Except in the interiors of stars.
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L445[21:21:43] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/2ec7669292fd08ecd8ff40c9729387f0.png - My Low Gravity Rover seems to work perfectly!
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L449[21:29:50] *** jeans is now known as gingermouse
L450[21:33:19] <Draconiator> I kind of landed wrong and got sent flying though...oops
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L452[21:36:59] <Draconiator> And if you go too fast the camera thinks I'm escaping...which is really distracting lol
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L460[22:12:50] <UmbralRaptor> oops, indeed.
L461[22:17:12] <ve2dmn> ok... I need to replace my current Nvidia GTX 950 video with something... better, but still cheap
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L463[22:18:17] <KrazyKrl> Well, maple syrup is better; and very cheap per pound compared to current graphics cards.
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L465[22:18:36] <ve2dmn> true
L466[22:18:57] <ve2dmn> But the real issue is my current 'TVPC' video card: an old GTX 650
L467[22:19:22] <KrazyKrl> Also... here's a replacement for your GTX 950 video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LxbJQH7nI8
L468[22:19:23] <kmath> YouTube - Nvidia Geforce TITAN Z Reveal Trailer The TITAN Z Announcement Trailer
L469[22:19:36] <ve2dmn> Guess, I'll try Steam Streaming in the mean time
L470[22:19:37] <KrazyKrl> it's freeeeee
L471[22:23:44] <ve2dmn> bah... I'll check back in 6 months I guess
L472[22:47:21] ⇦ Quits: Kreuzung (Kreuzung!~Kreuzung@116-91-50-224.tokyo.fdn.vectant.ne.jp) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L473[22:50:16] <Draconiator> I've got a GT610, thinking of upgrading to a GT1030
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L477[22:57:09] <TransitBiker> ahoy
L478[22:58:11] <KrazyKrl> and that's when i inserted the bologna into the mailslot with a squirt of mayonase and a little beef gravy.
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L489[23:48:04] <UmbralRaptor> Please don't die https://twitter.com/MarsRovers/status/1006736459754176513
L490[23:48:04] <kmath> <✔MarsRovers> The Martian dust storm blotting out the sun above Opportunity has continued to intensify. It blankets a quarter of… https://t.co/1xf18VW6yR
L491[23:48:40] <Althego> this may be the end of that rover
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