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L1[00:04:45] ⇨ Joins: dnsmcbr (dnsmcbr!uid136206@id-136206.hathersage.irccloud.com)
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L16[01:58:08] ⇨ Joins: JCB (JCB!webchat@S0106a84e3f5d6a13.vs.shawcable.net)
L17[01:59:26] <JCB> aw.. no liver streamers.. ponder..
L18[02:00:25] ⇨ Joins: BadRocketsCo (BadRocketsCo!~AndChat63@97-111-157-37.dyn.estpak.ee)
L19[02:00:28] <BadRocketsCo> o/
L20[02:00:33] <UmbralRaptor> livestream of liver function
L21[02:00:36] <UmbralRaptor> \o
L22[02:00:44] <JCB> live streaming ksp...
L23[02:00:48] <JCB> also hellos
L24[02:00:57] <JCB> blurp... OSB wants update
L25[02:00:58] <BadRocketsCo> How're things around these parts of the town? :P
L26[02:01:01] <Althego> but there was a succesful long march launch not so long ago
L27[02:06:55] ⇨ Joins: Hypergolic_Skunk (Hypergolic_Skunk!uid167070@id-167070.highgate.irccloud.com)
L28[02:08:56] <JCB> Umm.. derp... so KSP loaded, but.. menu never showed up. Uh.. ok thats a new one for me. *gives ksp the three finger salute and forces shutdown* >_<
L29[02:09:54] <JCB> I'm going to go on a limb here.. suspect OBS threw a proverbial wrench into the loading somewhere when both were starting up
L30[02:10:19] <Althego> 3 finger salute?
L31[02:15:33] ⇦ Quits: Draconiator (Draconiator!~musicphre@cpe-184-153-142-221.maine.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L32[02:15:37] <UmbralRaptor> Ctrl Alt Del
L33[02:16:18] <Althego> wikipedia said it was some kind of serbian orthodox thing. or sicilian separatist thing
L34[02:17:16] <UmbralRaptor> uh
L35[02:18:15] <Althego> i have never encountered this phrase, but if it means reboot it is way down the list
L36[02:18:25] <JCB> what Althego said... old PC term.. I've been around a while
L37[02:19:20] <JCB> I could have given it the one or two finger saluts... but doubt that would help me pc wise. :P
L38[02:19:35] <Althego> i would have understood the 1 finger one
L39[02:20:17] <JCB> oh.. n/m.. I managed to blindly click the Quit...
L40[02:20:56] <JCB> looks like it was just that first menu that decided to go invisible.. clicked back into the game, somehow managed to hit continue.. it did that pan across, other menu showed up
L41[02:21:10] <Althego> hehe
L42[02:21:15] <JCB> again.. I think OBS messed things up when both were loading
L43[02:21:55] ⇦ Quits: Ninjay (Ninjay!~Ninjay@ool-457ad845.dyn.optonline.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L44[02:48:36] <JCB> also sigh.. Manley and some of his videos not posting...
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L46[02:58:30] <Eddi|zuHause> i would have assumed a "liver stream" is something involving alcohol
L47[02:59:50] <JCB> .... -face palms- live stream... sorry, was just waking up again.
L48[03:00:08] <JCB> what I get for crashing 7pm.. only to wake up just before midnight
L49[03:10:00] ⇨ Joins: Gasher (Gasher!~Gasher@broadband-46-188-123-176.2com.net)
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L54[03:19:07] <Rokker> livest stream
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L59[03:52:31] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/fe2e4713bb3bf0cc1286fc91aabc487d/tumblr_olhyoirGre1qm6azoo1_540.png
L60[03:53:56] ⇨ Joins: Kabouik- (Kabouik-!~kabouik@
L61[03:59:28] <XXCoder> you missed word
L62[03:59:59] <Althego> what
L63[04:01:14] <XXCoder> author acciently a word
L64[04:01:41] <Althego> trust me, i never word accidentlz, because i dont have ms office installed :)
L65[04:01:52] ⇨ Joins: Kabouik_ (Kabouik_!~kabouik@169.ip-37-187-176.eu)
L66[04:03:24] <XXCoder> lol
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L68[04:06:53] ⇨ Joins: GlassYuri (GlassYuri!~Kreuzung@116-91-50-224.tokyo.fdn.vectant.ne.jp)
L69[04:21:23] <GlassYuri> TheKosmonaut, https://i.imgur.com/TwDGYI0.jpg
L70[04:21:57] <Althego> something japansese
L71[04:22:04] <Althego> a piece of rail
L72[04:22:17] <Althego> strange lines
L73[04:22:21] <Althego> what is this
L74[04:24:50] <GlassYuri> from the left, section of overhead wire, a "this door doesn't open" indicator from an old hibiya line train, a piece of rail, and a piece used to connect traction motors
L75[04:26:33] <JCB> can see the carbon deposits on the wire.. almost looks like a section of copper pipe
L76[04:27:29] <JCB> also, interesting shape to the rail. Any idea if this was local service or high speed?
L77[04:27:37] <GlassYuri> JCB, that is actually the top of the wire, the bottom is flat from friction
L78[04:28:10] <JCB> alright... sort of hard to tell either way, but thanks
L79[04:29:17] <JCB> I understand that overhead wire is setup in a pattern, so that it plays back and forth on the pickup head, preventing wear spots
L80[04:29:39] <JCB> ... well reducing I should probably say instead
L81[04:29:54] <GlassYuri> JCB, here's the underside https://i.imgur.com/IqKTlZQ.jpg
L82[04:31:43] <XXCoder> 2000 yen
L83[04:32:01] <JCB> ah got you... usually when one says wire.. tend to think more round. I never really got a good look at the size of overhead wire, even though my city uses them for trolley buses
L84[04:32:41] <GlassYuri> JCB, the bottom probably was round at some point
L85[04:32:53] <GlassYuri> although, why make it round if it doesn't stay that way
L86[04:34:20] <JCB> I guessing the wear is after years of service...
L87[04:35:50] ⇨ Joins: darsie (darsie!~kvirc@84-114-73-160.cable.dynamic.surfer.at)
L88[04:35:55] <GlassYuri> JCB, the thing you should know about contact wires is that they have two notches on the top, which the hangers grab into without contacting the pantographs
L89[04:36:46] <JCB> rail line overhead wire vs trolley bus wire...
L90[04:37:46] <JCB> thanks, its ok. Its just I never seen rail line overhead wire up close before
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L93[04:42:08] <GlassYuri> JCB, trolley bus wire is probably slightly different
L94[04:42:45] <Althego> this is going in a weird direction. how wires are different
L95[04:42:47] <JCB> far as I know.. its just copper wire... the pickup heads are different
L96[04:43:45] <JCB> Althego just came across a vintage video on rocket propellant safety. They said KSC... my mind went to the one in KSP game...
L97[04:43:53] <Althego> hehe
L98[04:44:26] <Althego> squad probably intentionally chose that name for the space center exactly for this reason
L99[04:44:27] <JCB> I see it before.. just wasting time a little
L100[04:44:35] <JCB> I was thinking of streaming a mun mission
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L102[04:58:40] ⇨ Joins: APlayer (APlayer!~APlayer@p200300C22BF3A000BDC2F7C5FB37C2D2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
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L110[06:00:23] <GlassYuri> so about that door indicator I bought, I can't find anything about how to correctly wire it up online, and I can't even measure a resistance across the connector
L111[06:02:51] <GlassYuri> I took the screws out but the back plate doesn't move
L112[06:03:13] <Althego> what is a door indicator? signals door open?
L113[06:05:39] <GlassYuri> signals which door *doesn't* open
L114[06:06:24] <GlassYuri> the hibiya line used to have three doors per car per side, but some trains actually had five on the first and last two cars
L115[06:06:38] <GlassYuri> these did not open on all stations however
L116[06:07:01] <GlassYuri> past tense used loosely because some of them are still in service for now
L117[06:09:36] ⇦ Quits: JCB (JCB!webchat@S0106a84e3f5d6a13.vs.shawcable.net) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L118[06:15:51] <GlassYuri> what do you call screws which have a hole for another screw in their head, because I just encountered four of them
L119[06:16:04] <Fluburtur> inception?
L120[06:16:06] <Althego> screwception
L121[06:16:10] <Althego> hehe
L122[06:16:46] <Althego> some screws have holes for a wire to go through, that fixes them tightly
L123[06:17:09] <GlassYuri> I don't have the tools to get them off so I'm done with this thing for now
L124[06:17:09] <Althego> but that is mostly in aviation. maybe they exist in trains too
L125[06:19:46] <GlassYuri> I have two resistors, two capacitors, two diodes and two columns of five eight legged through hole components on the inaccessible side
L126[06:20:09] <GlassYuri> now on the front there are two columns of two characters each
L127[06:20:32] <Althego> then google it
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L129[06:21:33] <GlassYuri> I already did
L130[06:22:12] <GlassYuri> closest I found was someone saying that the other type works if you just plug it into a 100v outlet
L131[06:22:40] <Althego> unusual voltage
L132[06:23:20] <GlassYuri> even ignoring the fact that I would kill myself messing with mains voltage, I do not know if there is any difference between the two types
L133[06:23:50] <GlassYuri> (the other type is horizontal, mounted above the doors inside the train, mine is mounted outside)
L134[06:24:36] <GlassYuri> I mean it'd be unusual if they were different but
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L138[06:35:13] <GlassYuri> here's a picture where you can't see the component that's on the hidden side, except for some shine through indicating that it's there https://i.imgur.com/e59LJFx.jpg
L139[06:35:59] <GlassYuri> sorry bad pic, traces on the lower half are almost invisible
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L149[07:24:40] <sandbox> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_hand_syndrome
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L157[07:54:08] <GlassFragments> ...can you die from ingesting a sharp edged piece of cereal
L158[07:54:28] <Althego> probably not
L159[07:55:23] <sandbox> I don't see why not
L160[07:56:12] <Althego> you can die of many things easily
L161[07:56:23] <Althego> this included. would it happen? probably not
L162[07:58:13] <GlassFragments> Althego, by that logic you could also answer the question "can you die in a plane crash?" with "probably not because aviation incidents rarely end in a crash"
L163[07:58:30] <Althego> which is all true
L164[08:03:40] ⇨ Joins: Gasher (Gasher!~Gasher@broadband-46-188-123-176.2com.net)
L165[08:15:35] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/2WDCjVne9EE
L166[08:15:35] <kmath> YouTube - tail glitch
L167[08:16:31] <Althego> hehe
L168[08:16:45] <Althego> cant you fly something above the island to see if the plane is still there?
L169[08:17:32] <Fluburtur> well I have nothing in flying conditions right now
L170[08:17:38] <Fluburtur> went to the store and they have no foam
L171[08:17:46] <Fluburtur> and even then I don't think I could see the plane
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L173[08:42:21] <APlayer> That's exactly the kind of thing NASA would call a "glitch" in their spacecraft
L174[08:42:48] <APlayer> "We've had a minor fuel valve glitch, caused an explosion in the engine and loss of the spacecraft" :P
L175[08:46:05] <Fluburtur> well helis are as complicated and suicidal as rockets
L176[08:46:07] <Fluburtur> perhaps more
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L179[09:27:32] <Fluburtur> uh all my familly will be here soon exept the cousin that play drums
L180[09:27:39] <Fluburtur> how are we supposed to do musioc then
L181[09:38:42] ⇦ Quits: Deddly (Deddly!uid297108@id-297108.stonehaven.irccloud.com) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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L188[10:21:53] <kubi> nice slippers
L189[10:29:27] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: tail strike?
L190[10:29:45] <Fluburtur> not initially
L191[10:29:45] <APlayer> It had a fly on its tail and tries to shake it off
L192[10:29:57] <Fluburtur> servo went derp and then it got a tail strike
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L194[10:30:22] <APlayer> Servo? Where does it have a servo?
L195[10:30:58] <Fluburtur> https://i.imgur.com/iK8Z2J4.jpg
L196[10:31:13] <Mat2ch> APlayer: the tail rotor needs a servo to control the pitch of the blades
L197[10:31:26] <APlayer> Oh, I see
L198[10:31:32] <APlayer> And what does this affect?
L199[10:31:34] <Mat2ch> the main rotor has one, too
L200[10:31:52] <Fluburtur> anti-couple stuff
L201[10:31:55] <Fluburtur> ans yaw
L202[10:32:00] <Mat2ch> APlayer: the tail rotor is there to compensate the yaw which is caused by the main rotor
L203[10:32:03] <Fluburtur> https://imgur.com/a/chRmZHZ
L204[10:32:17] <Mat2ch> see, if you turn something in space one direction, you have to turn something different in the other
L205[10:32:29] <Mat2ch> that's what's happening to helicopters all the time
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L208[10:32:47] <APlayer> Yes, but that's the tail rotor
L209[10:32:52] <Mat2ch> so you control the pitch of the tail rotor blades to generate more or less movement to compensate
L210[10:33:04] <APlayer> Why don't you just control its speed?
L211[10:33:26] <Fluburtur> the tail rotor is mechanically linked to the main rotor
L212[10:33:27] <Mat2ch> that would be possible, but would need a second motor
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L214[10:33:36] <Mat2ch> also it might be much slower
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L216[10:33:45] <Fluburtur> they are all driven by a signle motor and keep a constant speed
L217[10:34:01] <Fluburtur> and changing pitch is faster than changing speed
L218[10:34:10] <APlayer> Humm, I see
L219[10:34:23] <Fluburtur> I think the tail rotor spins like 5x faster than the main rotor
L220[10:34:40] <APlayer> Though, you don't need to change the tail rotor speed any faster than the main rotor changes its speed
L221[10:34:49] <APlayer> Ah, then
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L228[11:07:49] <Althego> Fluburtur: can you do this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5U63IGmy6Q
L229[11:07:49] <kmath> YouTube - Floating an Anvil on Liquid Mercury
L230[11:08:04] <Fluburtur> not sure I have enough
L231[11:11:53] <Althego> maybe with a tiny anvil :)
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L235[11:38:52] <Rokker> so i was thinking
L236[11:39:22] <Rokker> if the NB-36H ever actually went into full testing
L237[11:40:01] <Rokker> you would have had the first 3 mixed power aircraft that i can think of
L238[11:40:30] <Rokker> 4 conventional jet engines, 6 piston powered props and 4 nuclear jet engines
L239[11:40:56] <Althego> no, 4. 4th being the faith of the pilots :)
L240[11:46:36] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0v2xnl6LwJE
L241[11:46:36] <kmath> YouTube - Waterfall
L242[11:46:42] <Althego> escher power
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L246[12:39:05] <Draconiator> https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/b08e7949-33d0-3999-b57d-7b53aee08153/ss_a-major-physics-experiment.html
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L252[13:05:00] <Rokker> Althego: the museum has a waterfall too
L253[13:05:01] <Rokker> http://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/Visit/Museum-Exhibits/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/198022/wasserfall-surface-to-air-missile/
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L255[13:16:54] <JCB> uff... wanna ksp but too out of sorts. :\
L256[13:21:44] <UmbralRaptop> Mess around with stuff in sandbox?
L257[13:22:24] <UmbralRaptop> (flight between dessert airfield and woomerang?)
L258[13:23:00] <JCB> desert airfield in latest version right?
L259[13:23:14] <Althego> i think only with expansion
L260[13:23:49] <JCB> ya.. no have that..
L261[13:24:57] <JCB> sorta started messing in 1.3 though now I feel bad for having ditched a few career saves in earlier versions that I really wanted to progress with
L262[13:25:39] <JCB> eventually.. I'll go back, since I wanna record something of a neat little mun mission
L263[13:25:54] <Althego> why not move the whole save in the new version?
L264[13:26:41] <JCB> I wasn't sure if they'd be compatible..
L265[13:26:57] <UmbralRaptop> If stock, comparability is likely
L266[13:27:03] <Althego> practically nothing has changed from 1.3 to 1.4
L267[13:27:18] <Althego> mods of course are an issue
L268[13:27:22] <JCB> oh sorry, don't have 1.4, couple of missions were in 1.2.....
L269[13:28:12] <JCB> speaking of 1.4, anyone have issues with fixed airplane landing struts?
L270[13:28:40] <JCB> struts.. gear... those level 1, Cessna like landing gear.
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L272[13:31:44] <Althego> the diagonal wheel things?
L273[13:31:47] <Althego> thsoe are horrible :)
L274[13:34:49] <JCB> k... remembered they didn't used to be so bad..
L275[13:35:02] <Althego> no, the were pretty much always bad
L276[13:35:12] <JCB> did a plane 4-5tons, flaps even. slowest I could touch down, stupid things still blows up
L277[13:35:43] <JCB> I even doubled up on landing them.. no such luck. sometimes even just one whole side goes byebye
L278[13:36:23] <JCB> plane takes off ok... just ended up with a drogue and parachute to land with.. ugh. anyways
L279[13:36:44] <JCB> going to guess they only really good for tiny drone planes
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L282[13:42:23] <Deddly> Haven't installed anything from DVD for a while. Just realised that mine sounds like some of the plane engines in KSP
L283[13:43:37] <JCB> I have DVD drive yet to get installed for years here too.
L284[13:43:50] <Althego> haha dvd
L285[13:44:10] <JCB> ever since got machine built for KSP... got lazy and just totally sucked into the game.. forget anything else
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L288[13:58:43] <Althego> https://www.instagram.com/p/BjdAcCuFegz/
L289[13:58:54] <Althego> nice pictures, but they still cant get this working
L290[13:59:19] <Althego> not bad from 2 metal covers, but not enough
L291[14:01:40] <JCB> lol.. just add a little gas outboard.. drive it back to land
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L320[14:19:12] <Althego> must be a small shark
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L322[14:22:26] <transitbiker> bwoop
L323[14:22:33] <Fluburtur> bwoop
L324[14:22:49] <Althego> betty boop
L325[14:23:12] <transitbiker> in the process of terminating redundant flights, and renaming ships to better keep track of the ones that will remain
L326[14:23:51] <transitbiker> in general i've been naming ones that need to be terminated "delete me" to avoid confusion
L327[14:24:28] <transitbiker> 90 ore craft to sift through x-x
L328[14:24:33] <transitbiker> more
L329[14:25:15] <JCB> transitbiker they spread across different versions, or all in same one?
L330[14:25:43] <transitbiker> the older mongoose probes are generally going to be retired, because they lack the docking port sr that the space tugs are built around
L331[14:26:09] <transitbiker> they span from 1.0.5 to 1.2.2
L332[14:26:53] <JCB> I've a few craft... quite a few planes in the much older versions of the game.
L333[14:26:53] <transitbiker> those older craft have already mostly been retired from flight and updated in the editor
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L335[14:27:35] <JCB> you can sort of see the age of the game itself through the parts used. Some updates were good, though I wish they didn't keep changing the actual part shape each time
L336[14:27:41] <Guest38928> Doesn't the new EULA make Kerbal Space Program spyware?
L337[14:27:50] <transitbiker> yeah, SPH is difficult because some of the planes ive flown around kerbin but then i gotta terminate/recover leaving no evidence that it ever took place
L338[14:27:59] <transitbiker> i dont use 1.3
L339[14:28:07] <transitbiker> likely never will
L340[14:28:09] <JCB> uh...?
L341[14:28:14] <JCB> whats wrong with 1.3 now?
L342[14:28:21] <Gasher> no, someone just for once read into the usual EULA taht apps have nowadays Guest38928
L343[14:28:25] <jgkamat> the microsoft EULA is worse from what I can tell
L344[14:28:37] <jgkamat> so if you use ksp on windows you're already out of luck
L345[14:28:52] <Althego> hehe
L346[14:28:57] <JCB> huh?
L347[14:28:58] <transitbiker> everything you build in 1.3 onward is technically not "yours" which i find both offensive and legally dubious
L348[14:29:11] <Deddly> Hi Guest38928
L349[14:29:14] <Althego> heh not this idiocy again
L350[14:29:19] <Gasher> ^
L351[14:29:21] <Deddly> Guest38928, no, it doesn't
L352[14:29:26] <Althego> why do they come up with these schemes
L353[14:29:40] <Guest38928> That probably has something to do with recent arguments about allowing mods to be paid for
L354[14:29:40] <Gasher> maybe it keeps them entertained
L355[14:30:05] <JCB> oh.. geh..
L356[14:30:06] <Guest38928> KSP probably wants to keep their community free
L357[14:30:17] <transitbiker> i've read the new agreement on the forum, and thats the language... yo post it, build it, message it on their platforms and its no longer "yours"
L358[14:30:33] <Guest38928> Bye
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L360[14:30:44] <transitbiker> it spans the entire thing, game, forum, this channel, all of it
L361[14:30:58] <Althego> this channel is hardly theirs
L362[14:31:06] <JCB> isnt' hte whole idea to build and share with others?
L363[14:31:12] <Althego> they dont maintain the server or the channel at all
L364[14:31:17] <transitbiker> that's why i do not post on the forum any longer
L365[14:31:22] <Deddly> Guest38928, the EULA is a mess because it's basically a copy/paste from other games, but that doesn't make KSP spyware, and it doesn't mean bad things are going to happen. There has been a lot of scaremongering
L366[14:31:41] <JCB> Deddly oops.. guesty already poofy
L367[14:31:42] <Althego> he wquit
L368[14:31:47] <Deddly> yeah
L369[14:32:15] <Deddly> transitbiker, that's just legalese to allow them to host your text
L370[14:32:21] <JCB> don't suppose any of you seen Adam Savage's sermon from the latest maker's fair on creating things?
L371[14:32:33] <Althego> i didnt watch it
L372[14:32:35] <Althego> normally i do
L373[14:32:40] <Althego> but it was only 4 minyes
L374[14:32:44] <Althego> minutes
L375[14:32:44] <jgkamat> transitbiker: it dosen't change ownership, you are giving them a license, which they need anyway
L376[14:32:48] <transitbiker> its not spyware, no, but when a legal document says things you contribute are no longer your own, that is where i personally draw the line... like... i'm not getting paid to contribute, or i'd maybe feel differently
L377[14:32:58] <Deddly> transitbiker, if you post text, yeah the EULA technically allows them to copy what you write and sell it as a book. But it's not likely to happen
L378[14:33:01] <jgkamat> if you upload your code to github, they obviously need a license to host the code
L379[14:33:15] <Althego> so when does it becomes theirs?
L380[14:33:20] <Althego> when you create it in the editor?
L381[14:33:24] <JCB> sorta why I've been reluctant to get on steam... you don't pay for the game, you pay for the rights to have access to it... :\
L382[14:33:45] <Althego> yes, this is what i hate, tyou dont own the thing you bought
L383[14:33:48] <JCB> then again... I sort of prefer a more physical copy, maybe I'm oldschool
L384[14:33:59] <Deddly> JCB, on DVD!
L385[14:34:04] <Althego> the people who come up with these... worse than anything
L386[14:34:13] <transitbiker> i know ksp is just a game, but it provides me with an important creative outlet that i can't get elsewhere, so my creations stay on my side of the screen till i get paid or till they change the text in the document
L387[14:34:17] <JCB> remember some time ago, people were pulling games off your pc through steam, didn't even need a reason for it
L388[14:34:49] <Deddly> transitbiker, did you ever read an EULA for another game forum?
L389[14:34:50] <JCB> I don't mind sharing... just sorta nervous when it comes to makign videos
L390[14:34:54] <jgkamat> transitbiker: you still have ownership of your creations so you can still sell/share/post them everywhere
L391[14:34:59] <jgkamat> like actually read the section
L392[14:35:06] <jgkamat> https://www.take2games.com/eula/
L393[14:35:27] <transitbiker> i post my stuff to kerbalx, but do not expect the craft files to be linked on the forums
L394[14:35:42] <Althego> i host them myself
L395[14:35:56] <Deddly> transitbiker, a link to the forums does not make the file come under the EULA
L396[14:35:58] <Althego> that is why i asked when it becomes theirs
L397[14:36:05] <JCB> I would love to do a 'how to' build guide... then again, kind of harks from days of lego stuff
L398[14:36:35] <Althego> how to build a what?
L399[14:36:36] <Deddly> transitbiker, they only "own" what they actually host. And since they don't allow file uploads, that means all mods and craft files are unaffected
L400[14:36:53] <jgkamat> they don't even own it, you're just giving them a license to use it for anything
L401[14:37:19] <Deddly> Right
L402[14:37:32] <transitbiker> in tis era of data breaches, over-reaching EULA's and sue-happy legal teams, i'm happy waiting till KSP is passed on to a less boiler-plate-ish company that seems more interested in making money than making money while respecting the end users
L403[14:37:42] <transitbiker> ok yea but i dont want them to have access
L404[14:37:48] <transitbiker> thats my argument
L405[14:37:52] <Deddly> And the only use they have for that license is to e.g. transfer the text you wrote to a new server or accidentally lose it in a forum migration without getting sued
L406[14:37:56] <jgkamat> transitbiker: how can they host the forum without having access to what's on the forum
L407[14:38:12] <transitbiker> right, im not posting to the forum, so problem solved
L408[14:38:26] <transitbiker> they dont need to ask my permission to host things i do not post
L409[14:38:40] <jgkamat> I mean, you have the same exact problem with kerbalx too
L410[14:38:44] <jgkamat> they need a license to host your stuff as well
L411[14:39:14] <JCB> rahter than, 'oh look at this thing I made, showing it off in a mission' more a how to guide? Sort of like when Lego did those idea books.
L412[14:39:35] <transitbiker> their ELUA is like a page long and is standard "buyer beware" common sense stuff like dont upload a craft file that may damage someone's game files etc
L413[14:40:43] <transitbiker> ya go read it
L414[14:40:53] <transitbiker> i wish more companies could figure it out
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L416[14:41:20] <Althego> hehe no way i am wasting any time on that eula
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L418[14:41:23] <jgkamat> I would argue that's worse, they aren't putting limits (or even explaining) on what they can do with the files you upload
L419[14:41:46] <jgkamat> (it also 500 errors for me :C)
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L421[14:42:33] <transitbiker> kerbalx is simply a warehouse for craft files, the owner has stated such
L422[14:42:57] <transitbiker> kinda like the warehouse in indiana jones movies i suppose
L423[14:43:11] <jgkamat> transitbiker: the only way to keep your files "yours" by your def at least, is to host them yourself, if you let anyone else host them, they obviously need a license to host it
L424[14:43:39] <transitbiker> i think we are talking past each other here a bit
L425[14:44:28] <JCB> meh.. if I ever get around to posting videos of what I do in KSP.. someone ask's if they can try a craft, I may just email directly
L426[14:44:36] <transitbiker> kerbalx does not claim to need my permission to host my craft files, me uploading it is agreement enough for them, and i'm ok with that
L427[14:44:39] <Deddly> I did say the EULA is a mess. But it doesn't give them control over your stuff.
L428[14:45:03] <transitbiker> i guess im just acting protectively
L429[14:45:16] <transitbiker> i dont like the wording, so i didnt agree
L430[14:45:33] <JCB> I did a pretty neat, simple twin engine super sonic plane, half tempted to submit it to that Fighter Jet showdown a certain youtuber does. I just never got into the weapons mod
L431[14:46:57] <transitbiker> well, have you ever considered a "build this craft" challenge on youtube? you show a craft built and you explain what part packs you used (if any) and challenge viewers to come up with a solution of their own
L432[14:47:28] <JCB> lol... asymmetrical planes...
L433[14:47:35] <JCB> can only use each part once
L434[14:47:41] <transitbiker> i have two of those
L435[14:48:31] <JCB> I did something of a weird plane... its got a main wing, boom on each side. One has cockpit, other Mk1 crew cabin. engine in middle of wing. Not exactly 'one part each' not entirely asymmetrical.
L436[14:49:06] <transitbiker> the roll/pitch coupling is still odd on both because of uneven overall lift capability of the parts... add a control surface to roll, but you also add lift... quite the puzzle
L437[14:49:23] <JCB> someone complained, 'your cockpit is way off to the one side, it'll cause your plane to spin around it, not hte middle of the plane.' Actually, its based on where center of mass is.
L438[14:50:44] <JCB> actually.. the wing flies ok.. I just balanced with ballast on one side. It does have a slight bit of control imbalance, but its not a flight killer. Planes IRL already have a lot of quirks that are far worse than what you used to in KSP
L439[14:50:45] <transitbiker> in some games you can set the view to focus on the cockpit, in ksp you can use the alt click menu to focus view, but yeah, its fun to watch it rotate around nothing and the cockpit off to one side
L440[14:51:26] <JCB> I did a roll.. centered around the engine. :P
L441[14:51:27] <Althego> b-wing?
L442[14:51:56] <transitbiker> the ones i have built are more of a "b-wing" where the center of mass is in an air void but it kinda twists so it rotates closer to the cockpit, again the roll/pitch issue
L443[14:52:37] <transitbiker> a real b wing in ksp is nearly impossible without some mods and cheating a bit
L444[14:52:47] <Althego> yes the moving parts
L445[14:52:47] <transitbiker> see related scott manley vid
L446[14:53:27] <Althego> long ago
L447[14:53:39] <Althego> (in a galaxy far away)
L448[14:53:41] <transitbiker> repulsorlifts are not a thing in ksp, so you're stuck with thrusting fuel using engines, and listing surfaces that are hidden
L449[14:53:48] <transitbiker> lifting*
L450[14:54:43] <JCB> heh.. starwars... I just usually go with my own thing
L451[14:54:49] <transitbiker> ok now i want to build a box frame aircraft that has a central open cargo area
L452[14:55:07] <Althego> i just cant copy existing designs
L453[14:55:24] <transitbiker> when i try to copy i always end up changing it
L454[14:55:47] <Althego> i always wanted to build a millenium falcon
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L456[14:56:05] <transitbiker> very part heavy
L457[14:56:05] <Althego> but making it also work is jsut hard
L458[14:57:08] <JCB> I've wanted to do my own custom parts... help with parts count
L459[14:57:25] <Althego> part count is not really an issue anymore
L460[14:57:48] <JCB> one of the experiments I did in early ksp version was making a version of the rockomax adulator into a sort of service module.
L461[14:58:23] <JCB> I mean.. its a structural part with all that empty space...
L462[14:58:40] <Althego> adulator?
L463[14:58:55] <JCB> fff... adaptor
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L465[14:59:17] <JCB> that cone shaped structual part
L466[14:59:39] <Althego> strangely adulator seems to be a valid word
L467[15:00:07] <Althego> adulate: to show excessive admiration or devotion to; flatter or admire servilely.
L468[15:00:08] <JCB> ok.. maybe why I didn't see the 'misspelled' underline
L469[15:00:22] <JCB> lol.. ok
L470[15:00:26] <Althego> i always used hollow parts to hide things
L471[15:00:45] <Althego> probably doesnt hide them from the physics, but at least they are not visible when they shouldnt be
L472[15:01:14] <Althego> and with the current decouplers i lost one of the big empty spaces
L473[15:01:16] <JCB> guess some cases I could just use the service bay... at least its doors if I want
L474[15:02:06] <Althego> that is extra mass
L475[15:02:06] <JCB> just shame the mk1 fuselage structure part is only one size of length.
L476[15:02:28] <Althego> but there was something more flexible
L477[15:02:37] <Althego> oh wait that is probably expansion only
L478[15:02:43] <Althego> you could set the legth
L479[15:02:50] <JCB> fairings?
L480[15:03:43] <JCB> way I figure it.. structural going to be fixed mass anyways, then you add things in side if you want.
L481[15:04:28] <transitbiker> french country-western on a celtic music channel...
L482[15:04:35] <transitbiker> sure why not x-x
L483[15:08:33] <transitbiker> lets see if i fixed the catamaran first
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L485[15:11:05] <transitbiker> looks like i fixed it
L486[15:11:46] <Althego> i wish there was a real water simulation
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L488[15:12:09] <Althego> these are not the droids you are looking for
L489[15:12:22] <transitbiker> https://i.imgur.com/Bd9eyYe.png
L490[15:13:28] <transitbiker> https://i.imgur.com/VzG90Ig.png
L491[15:15:42] <transitbiker> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LmoXm-EIXE i should name it Dorothy :)
L492[15:16:37] <JCB> transitbiker lower speed, more civilian ... perhaps? https://imgur.com/a/RqJopSa
L493[15:16:37] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/qAiC8r9.png
L494[15:17:06] <transitbiker> nice
L495[15:17:24] <JCB> had version with dual engines but that was just too much :P
L496[15:17:49] <JCB> couple of I-beams on the one side helped with balance a bit
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L499[15:24:11] <UmbralRaptop> https://twitter.com/runnymonkey/status/1002911961586307072
L500[15:24:11] <kmath> <runnymonkey> Test line render of a spinning LOK. ⏎ Full res version on Vimeo: ⏎ https://t.co/H9ZmVNp97t https://t.co/Is9RFfB0Ta
L501[15:24:58] <Althego> nice, but what is al ok?
L502[15:25:56] <JCB> Nice
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L504[15:31:48] <UmbralRaptop> Proposed lunar Союз, IIRC.
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L507[15:42:42] <APlayer> LOK is the Russian LM, approximately
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L528[18:19:39] <schnobs> Making a Jool-5 video is hard.
L529[18:20:17] <schnobs> It's not as if the plot would lend itself to suprising twists...
L530[18:20:37] <schnobs> Tylo or Laythe first? Oh the suspense!
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L532[18:24:43] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/n-DTjpde9-0
L533[18:24:44] <kmath> YouTube - Spinning a Record to Pieces at 12,500fps - The Slow Mo Guys
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L536[18:31:59] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
L537[18:38:11] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/4e34f9e32af1e24fd53422d6d1499b84/tumblr_inline_p8i03n7QpZ1rj482j_540.jpg
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L543[19:22:56] <darsie> If anyone wants a challenge, fly 7 tourists (or anyone) to a Mun orbit and back to Kerbin: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot83.png http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/7%20to%20mun.craft
L544[19:23:01] <darsie> With this rocket
L545[19:23:21] <darsie> 6 tourists and a pilot.
L546[19:26:21] <darsie> No EVAs allowed for the passengers.
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L562[21:25:31] <LordFerret> greetz. anyone else having problems logging in to the forums?
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L564[21:31:08] <LordFerret> i guess not.
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L642[23:15:10] <JCB> hmm... curious booster design..
L643[23:17:04] <JCB> pair of side engines, center booster rocket with fins. half way up, drops the center, keeps acceleration from going up too fast..
L644[23:19:18] <JCB> wanted to go with the spark engine for the station propulsion, but doesn't seem to have enough strength during launch. rocket ends up doing that bendy thing. Ended up using the Terrier..
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