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L1[00:06:55] ⇦ Quits: Draconiator (Draconiator!~musicphre@cpe-184-153-142-221.maine.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
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L5[00:41:20] <UmbralRaptop> http://twistedsifter.com/videos/dropping-ice-down-90m-borehole-in-antarctica/
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L7[00:53:40] <Althego> haha, forgot to bring the card https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0IMmHUADmw
L8[00:53:41] <kmath> YouTube - NASA Astronaut Left Camera SD Card at Home
L9[00:57:28] <Althego> https://www.boredpanda.com/marvel-avengers-actors-stunt-doubles/
L10[01:08:20] ⇨ Joins: SnipersLaww_ (SnipersLaww_!~SnipersLa@99-113-251-124.lightspeed.glptms.sbcglobal.net)
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L28[04:11:44] <Rolf> https://arstechnica.com/science/2018/05/nasas-em-drive-is-a-magnetic-wtf-thruster/
L29[04:12:02] <Rolf> oh already linked to. sorry lol
L30[04:16:58] ⇨ Joins: GlassYuri (GlassYuri!~Kreuzung@116-91-50-224.tokyo.fdn.vectant.ne.jp)
L31[04:19:58] <Althego> but we knew that already
L32[04:20:08] <GlassYuri> I've had a constant headache for three hours now
L33[04:20:24] <Althego> supposedly the power supply current had enough magnetic field to interact with it
L34[04:20:41] <Rolf> Althego: yeah it was likely outcome. though it may be still useful at and aropund any planet with mgnetic field
L35[04:20:53] <GlassYuri> must be because I ran out of a subway station too fast to adjust for the pressure difference
L36[04:20:59] <Althego> hmm, we have something similar
L37[04:21:07] <Althego> but that was not thrust but torque
L38[04:21:26] <Rolf> GlassYuri: try depressure/pressure procure
L39[04:21:34] <Rolf> basically a huge yawn
L40[04:21:53] <GlassYuri> I was joking
L41[04:23:02] <GlassYuri> but me running from school down to the lowest circle of hell, taking a train for two stations, then running up until just below the surface, taking another train, then running through the heat may have caused it
L42[04:25:31] <Rolf> Althego: the comment about mu metal and annealing... dang
L43[04:28:42] <Althego> hehe, space unicorns are not your friend
L44[04:29:43] <Rolf> besides mass and its related factors, there is no real limition to size in space.
L45[04:29:58] <Rolf> there could be things that make whale like minnow
L46[04:30:13] <Althego> yes there is, the chandrasekhar limit
L47[04:30:23] <Althego> or something like that
L48[04:30:31] <Althego> so dont be so big that you become a black hole
L49[04:30:45] <Rolf> ah depends on if it could balance masses but yeah essentally I guess lol
L50[04:31:08] <Rolf> imnge size of species so big it skates edge of being black hole
L51[04:31:49] <Rolf> they may well make EARTH look like minnow lol
L52[04:31:51] <Althego> in whipping star and dosadi experiments at least some stars are intelligent beings
L53[04:32:00] <Althego> so they are that big
L54[04:32:13] <Rolf> first one I have read, second im not sure
L55[04:34:54] <Rolf> didnt know whipping star was part of series. nice
L56[04:36:23] <Rolf> 4 book series
L57[04:36:35] <Rolf> https://www.librarything.com/series/ConSentiency+Series
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L59[04:38:28] <Rolf> Althego: you may enjoy World out of time, by Niven
L60[04:38:34] <sandbox> I was just thinking the other day that we hadn't heard anything about EM-drive in a while
L61[04:39:07] <Rolf> its... kinda dead now for intersellar. but then it may be useful for magnetic field areas
L62[04:40:45] <APlayer> I guess the EM Drive /was/ trash, after all
L63[04:41:45] <Rolf> its mostly is now
L64[04:41:47] <APlayer> I mean, you can't magically get momentum for free, can you?
L65[04:42:18] <Rolf> I was thinking that it was pushing on "empty space" (virtual paracles) but guess not
L66[04:42:38] <APlayer> That's not how physics work, even if it would be awesome to find such a "loophole"
L67[04:46:08] <Rolf> well em-drive may still be useful like I menioned earlier
L68[04:46:28] <Rolf> I mean, sats with it can't run out of propellant
L69[04:50:50] <bees> Rolf: sats with photon drive cant run out of propellant either
L70[04:51:25] <bees> also what are talking about, it does not work anyway and never worked
L71[04:51:25] <Rolf> indeed but then it must be concerned with where to shoot photons at
L72[04:51:33] <Rolf> kanzi lession indeed
L73[04:52:29] <Rolf> The Kzinti lesson is, "a reaction drive's efficiency as a weapon is in direct proportion to its efficiency as a drive."
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L77[05:44:09] <BadRocketsCo> Howdy yall
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L80[05:57:23] <Althego> anyway, jorj x mckie was good befor dosadi, but he became op after it :)
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L82[06:01:14] <Rokker> Althego: can you repeat that in english
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L85[06:04:02] <Althego> jorj x mckie is a character in certain books. he was a sabouteur extraordinary before, thus alread ya kind of special agent before he visited the planet dosadi. but just to survive there he had to become even better, so basically too good, thus overpowered
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L100[08:30:41] <Nervenkobold_GER> hello world
L101[08:31:03] <sandbox> ahoy
L102[08:31:07] <Nervenkobold_GER> i play ksp since 1.3.1 but now i will try 1.2.2 RSS
L103[08:31:55] <Nervenkobold_GER> whichs mods i need to have realistic ?
L104[08:32:00] <Althego> what happened to 1.4.3?
L105[08:32:07] <Nervenkobold_GER> clouds etc
L106[08:32:08] <Althego> too new for mods?
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L108[08:32:40] <APlayer> Nervenkobold_GER: I have a similar setup to what you want
L109[08:32:42] <Nervenkobold_GER> which mods u looking for @althego?
L110[08:33:32] <Nervenkobold_GER> how can i get ur setup? APlayer
L111[08:34:06] <APlayer> You may go for really full-realism with RO, but that's rather difficult to install and in some aspects I simply don't like it. However, the setup I have is a hassle too, because you have to maintain a lot of mods and they are not in a single package. Also, it's a 1.3 install.
L112[08:34:34] <APlayer> In contrast, RO is only available for 1.2 as of now
L113[08:34:36] <Nervenkobold_GER> 1.3 with RSS?
L114[08:34:55] <Nervenkobold_GER> i always red its only in 1.2.2
L115[08:35:01] <APlayer> Yes, there is an unofficial RSS patch for 1.3
L116[08:35:15] <Nervenkobold_GER> oh...really? very good ;)
L117[08:36:14] <APlayer> Long story short, I may have a look at my mod list and give you the most essential mods. Be warned, however, the full list is something between 50 and 100 mods. Also, some of them are custom MM patches which you can't just download and install.
L118[08:36:22] <Nervenkobold_GER> my problem sometimes with RO my engines dont start in vacuum :)
L119[08:36:42] <Nervenkobold_GER> oh ok
L120[08:37:21] <APlayer> That's intended. It's called ullage. Basically, imagine a tank full of fuel. If it sits on Earth, the fuel pools in the bottom, where a pipe leads it to the engines. In zero g, however, the fuel floats around your tank and it does not pool at the pipe
L121[08:38:41] <APlayer> You can solve it with RO by firing small solid rockets (the fuel does not float around there) shortly before igniting your real engines, to make the fuel settle in one place. Instead of solid rockets you may also use RCS thrusters, because those have their fuel in bladder tanks, which don't have this problem.
L122[08:39:05] <Nervenkobold_GER> yes right...i used lil engines to press the fuel down but sometimes it doesnt work
L123[08:39:23] <APlayer> Then you had to press the fuel harder ;-)
L124[08:39:34] <Nervenkobold_GER> good plan :)
L125[08:40:02] <Nervenkobold_GER> i will try next time
L126[08:40:15] <Nervenkobold_GER> but first i want realistic view
L127[08:40:30] <Nervenkobold_GER> clouds and star etc...u know what i mean?
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L129[08:41:49] <Nervenkobold_GER> i had a mentor at twitch but he isnt online since 1 year
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L131[08:44:22] <APlayer> Ah, I see
L132[08:46:09] <APlayer> This kind of mod goes really hard on your GPU, so you should not do this unless your GPU is either really well tuned or a proper gaming model. I'd recommend RSSVE as a visual mod, it adds clouds, atmospheric effects and a bunch of other things
L133[08:46:49] <Nervenkobold_GER> all the mods u will write now are for 1.3?
L134[08:46:51] <APlayer> It requires scatterer and EVE, but I think those are at least linked to in the RSSVE thread
L135[08:46:53] <Nervenkobold_GER> RSS
L136[08:47:03] <APlayer> Yes, RSSVE is 1.3 compatible
L137[08:47:41] <Nervenkobold_GER> ok
L138[08:47:51] <Nervenkobold_GER> how about smurf?
L139[08:48:25] <APlayer> I run all those mods in my 1.3 install, at least. Some of them might not be supported officially but they work for me, and some might require some special installation procedure with 1.3 patches, but they all work for me
L140[08:49:36] <APlayer> I do use SMURFF, IIRC it's a balance mod. If that is so, then it makes your engines a bit better, tanks a bit lighter, ... Those are all pretty much required for RSS
L141[08:50:27] <APlayer> Stock KSP engines and tanks are a bit more difficult than real world ones, because the solar system is much easier to play with. With RSS, you want to rebalance them
L142[08:50:50] <Nervenkobold_GER> oh yes :) i saw
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L147[09:39:07] ⇨ Joins: Althego (Althego!~Althego@5400BE52.dsl.pool.telekom.hu)
L148[09:39:52] <Althego> hehe. mail: get your wikipedia page 85% off. this message may be a scam. you dont say
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L151[09:46:09] <APlayer> Like, you know, when you look through eBay or similar, and you see a listing where the seller clearly put all the words they could think of in the first five seconds into the article name. Something like a "Graphing Calculator Instruments Plus Ti New Ce Nspire Edition Silver Sealed 84" and the image is one of a calculator which was not even remotely listed in the article name
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L153[09:48:29] <Althego> spacex in 5 hours? cant watch it
L154[09:49:05] <APlayer> Link?
L155[09:49:14] <Althego> probably not yet
L156[09:49:48] <APlayer> I just want to confirm time for me, and have the link on hand to put into the topic ;-) Or do you mean there is not even a YouTube page yet?
L157[09:50:02] <Althego> probably
L158[09:50:11] <Althego> the streams are always unlisted
L159[09:50:17] <APlayer> Ah, found it
L160[09:50:18] <Althego> and there is a separate spacex space that links the stream
L161[09:50:27] <Althego> *page
L162[09:51:13] <Althego> http://www.spacex.com/webcast
L163[09:51:28] <Althego> yes that is it
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L165[09:51:42] <Althego> why do they do this i dont know
L166[09:51:59] <APlayer> Anyway, the time's perfect for me to watch :D
L167[09:52:11] <Althego> i could probably squeeze it in
L168[09:52:20] <Althego> increasing the sleepiness
L169[09:52:34] <Althego> but tomorrow i dont go to the bakery
L170[09:52:57] <Althego> so there is a bit od a reserve there
L171[09:53:09] <APlayer> Anyway, thanks for mentioning the launch :-)
L172[09:53:10] <Guest74909> hello
L173[09:53:11] <Mod9000> Hello, Guest74909
L174[09:53:18] <Althego> useless bot
L175[09:53:26] <APlayer> Hello, Althego
L176[09:53:34] <Althego> another one :)
L177[09:53:41] <snow> Althego: damn, beat me to it :-D
L178[09:53:49] <Guest74909> how is everyone?
L179[09:54:07] <Althego> that reminds me. what is brown and sticky? a stick
L180[09:54:07] <APlayer> As nice as a small roll for breakfast. ;-)
L181[09:54:29] <APlayer> Althego: A banhammer made of sticks, too ;-)
L182[09:54:41] <Althego> (because bot means stick)
L183[09:54:58] <Althego> (if you choose the language correctly)
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L185[09:57:39] <TheKosmonaut> Guest74909: doing good
L186[09:58:11] <Althego> engines nominal :)
L187[09:58:30] <Guest74909> whats everyone doing?
L188[09:58:31] <APlayer> Go for launch
L189[09:59:06] <APlayer> Floating around on a big ball in space :P
L190[09:59:30] <APlayer> Writing some project report, chatting on IRC and doing a bunch of other things
L191[09:59:40] <APlayer> And what about you?
L192[09:59:41] <Althego> you mean on the flat plane :)
L193[10:00:27] <Althego> you dont want floats. imagine if there is a glitch in the universe and earth just rockets off into interstellar space
L194[10:01:40] <Guest74909> im not doing much should do some homework then after maby try to build something in ksp (whith infinate fuel because i dont know how to have a good amount of fuel)
L195[10:02:49] <APlayer> Feel free to ask, we will be here to help you with fuel and rocket design. :-)
L196[10:03:00] <Althego> delta v calculation (or mechjeb or kerbal engineer redux does it for you)
L197[10:04:42] <Guest74909> and 1 thing i need help is to get a rover to a diferent platet or just on kerbin kos almost any rover dosent fit in a plane's cargo area
L198[10:07:00] <Althego> what, i fit submarines in the cargo bay. ok. the biggest one
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L203[10:08:28] <Guest74909> also how do you build a submarine or a boat
L204[10:09:19] ⇦ Quits: Davnit (Davnit!~Davnit@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L205[10:10:46] <Althego> boat is simple, almost everything floats, even with the revised buoyancy
L206[10:11:18] <Althego> a submarine must have those black ore containers full of ore, those are heavy enough to pull the other parts down
L207[10:11:31] <Guest74909> ok
L208[10:11:45] <Althego> but as you use up fuel it becomes lighter and lighter
L209[10:11:50] <Guest74909> now how do i make the boat or submarine go forward?
L210[10:11:57] <Althego> yets
L211[10:11:59] <Althego> jets
L212[10:12:06] <Althego> or electric props
L213[10:12:40] <Guest74909> ok
L214[10:12:47] <Althego> jets are not really efficient, you can go up to say 30 m/s with ful thrust which would take you above the speed of sound in air
L215[10:13:03] <Althego> apparently wate is liquid oxygen :)
L216[10:13:32] <Althego> but otherwise yes, the mk2 cargo bay is really small for anything but probes
L217[10:14:08] <Guest74909> probes and really small rovers
L218[10:14:29] *** Guest74909 is now known as Isaskar_
L219[10:15:32] <Isaskar_> also what mod is it that adds turning things
L220[10:15:48] <Althego> infernal robotics?
L221[10:16:54] <Isaskar_> ill check later :) and ill be back in a bit cya later
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L223[10:19:19] <Althego> haha, these truth seekers. havent seen a lightning going up. it exists since tesla and powers keep it secret :)
L224[10:21:41] <Althego> conceptually all lightning strikes up, but currentwise of course it can go in both directions (one is more often than the others). to see it, you need to have a slow mo camera. the rest is just usual conspiracy
L225[10:24:24] ⇨ Joins: Gasher (Gasher!~Gasher@broadband-46-188-123-153.2com.net)
L226[10:33:17] <Althego> hah, new scott video on the em drive
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L228[10:39:28] <Althego> still the modified i want to believe thumbnail (i guess x files reference)
L229[10:39:53] <Althego> basically based on the same article that was linked here hours ago
L230[10:40:41] <ve2dmn> Althego: saw that yesterday
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L232[10:41:36] <ve2dmn> EM Drive is dead! Long live the MagnetDrive!
L233[10:42:04] <Althego> you mean the lorentz force?
L234[10:42:49] <ve2dmn> It need a catchy name for 'thing that push against the earth Magnetic field'
L235[10:43:15] <ve2dmn> The Lorentz-O-Matic?
L236[10:43:52] <Althego> there is this already https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetorquer
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L238[10:44:05] <Althego> magnepusher?
L239[10:45:36] <ve2dmn> The Lorentz Oriented reaction enhanced neomagnet trans-Zenith Overdrive: The L.O.R.E.N.T.Z.O.
L240[10:46:02] <Althego> you must know a backronym generator
L241[10:46:12] <ve2dmn> I don't
L242[10:47:22] <Isaskar_> hello
L243[10:47:22] <Mod9000> Hello, Isaskar_
L244[10:47:34] <ve2dmn> Hello Mod9000
L245[10:47:36] <Mod9000> How are things?
L246[10:47:39] <Althego> lol
L247[10:47:42] <ve2dmn> ...
L248[10:47:49] <Althego> as i said, the useless bot
L249[10:47:53] <ve2dmn> Things are
L250[10:48:00] <ve2dmn> ....things
L251[10:49:15] <APlayer> https://i.imgur.com/Xysvf5Z.gifv
L252[10:49:28] <Althego> lol
L253[10:50:09] <ve2dmn> Seriously, Things are great. I just came out of a depression to find that Xcom2: War of the chosen, KSP: Making history, Surviving Mars and Cities:Skyline was on sale...... and that the new Stellaris update is today
L254[10:51:13] <ve2dmn> So, I shall hide in my home for a few days while the sun is out and my foot is sending pain messages to my brain
L255[10:52:51] <Althego> maybe you could patch your foot to send no computed data instead
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L257[10:53:38] <ve2dmn> Althego: it's not broken. I have to wait for it to heal using ice to manage the inflammation
L258[10:56:42] <ve2dmn> Between those 4 games, Octopath traveller (which comes out in a month or 2) and FF12:Zodiac Age, i think I have enough for most rainy days this summer
L259[10:56:50] <ve2dmn> If not, I also got Factorio
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L262[11:06:40] <Althego> hehe, i am careful to never go near that one
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L265[11:15:09] <ve2dmn> I heard a very good decription of 'why' it is addictive: Nothing is ever finished. There is always somethign to do
L266[11:15:57] <ve2dmn> One of the ways it does that is having outputs slightly higher then input for the next step
L267[11:17:07] <ve2dmn> Say: produces 11 per sec, but the next in line can only consume 10.5/sec
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L269[11:17:59] <Althego> that is a typical factory
L270[11:18:05] <Althego> or software development
L271[11:18:22] <Althego> i mean the nothing is finished
L272[11:18:49] <Althego> the key is probably that they used relative primes as source and drain processes for the subproducts
L273[11:18:53] <Althego> so you can never balance it
L274[11:19:08] <ve2dmn> I know, but it's designed so that EVERY part is always unfinshed
L275[11:19:17] <Althego> in reality it is continuous anyway, but still you can get close to normal utilization
L276[11:32:42] <Althego> the bigger problem are the human errors and random failures
L277[11:33:11] <Althego> not to mention other setup or retooling needed for different products
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L280[11:39:22] <Althego> hehe, forgot the check you staging shirt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPJtUEdaDxY
L281[11:39:22] <kmath> YouTube - No Nukes! Eve return mission in Kerbal Space Program - KSP 1.4.3
L282[11:39:36] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/z2Jm3z8TUD0
L283[11:39:37] <kmath> YouTube - LIghtSaber Theremin, Star Wars Musical Machine.
L284[11:43:11] <Althego> this was the guy with the furby organ
L285[11:43:17] <Fluburtur> yes
L286[11:43:23] <Fluburtur> he makes cool music stuff
L287[11:46:16] <Althego> but this is not a theremin
L288[11:46:46] <Fluburtur> similar concept
L289[11:46:52] <Fluburtur> theremins are a bit more complicated
L290[11:47:41] <Althego> more of a performance than music
L291[11:47:55] <Fluburtur> well that's what live music is about
L292[11:48:26] <Althego> for that it is enough to play the instrument
L293[11:48:42] <Althego> no need for strange poses
L294[11:49:14] <Fluburtur> yeah but that's punk synth music, it needs strange poses
L295[11:53:52] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/8eb06144ca50f1f42eddeb620184963d/tumblr_p887ro9WJj1ukxxj7o1_500.gif
L296[11:54:08] <Althego> hehe that face
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L299[11:56:59] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/576736a4da703a4899311fe75dbb65a5/tumblr_p9320jSPK51xoyw8po1_400.gif
L300[11:57:19] <Althego> hehe
L301[11:57:43] <Fluburtur> magic belt
L302[11:57:52] <Fluburtur> bending the laws of physics to its own will
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L304[11:58:08] <Isaskar_> :P
L305[11:58:09] <Althego> or rather momentum
L306[11:58:29] <Isaskar_> any tips on making a boat?
L307[11:58:38] <Althego> you cant
L308[11:58:42] <Althego> everything is a plane
L309[11:58:57] <Fluburtur> I have tips on submarines
L310[11:59:06] <Isaskar_> any tips on making a flowting plane?
L311[11:59:08] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/4448dada2a2fcc53bd63ea1c38643f21/tumblr_o0l20hofk91v18034o1_540.jpg
L312[11:59:19] <Althego> there was a video with similarly strange behavior of moving loops
L313[11:59:23] <Fluburtur> you can ask Deddly, he has been making race boats
L314[11:59:35] <Althego> link the sword video again
L315[11:59:59] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/d58RRpUe74o?t=61
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L317[12:00:21] <Althego> there can be only one (lighting strikes in the background)
L318[12:01:08] <Fluburtur> heh
L319[12:01:18] <Fluburtur> I have another plane I need to kill as well
L320[12:01:22] <Fluburtur> but I will do with fireworks
L321[12:03:52] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/f58d59d468cc388de097691ce3db223e/tumblr_p6x3rpF6lg1rujxwko1_540.jpg
L322[12:06:10] <Althego> hah i found it
L323[12:06:11] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rffAjZPmkuU
L324[12:06:12] <kmath> YouTube - String shooter-String launcher- physics of toys //// Homemade Science with Bruce Yeany
L325[12:06:19] <Althego> this guy has other cool videos too
L326[12:07:00] <Althego> probably the same effect stabilizes the belt too
L327[12:07:05] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/E311VRQO7UI?t=15
L328[12:07:14] <Fluburtur> wait you saw this one already
L329[12:09:39] <Althego> and this is why a launch loop is a bad idea
L330[12:09:58] <Fluburtur> launch loop?
L331[12:10:36] <Althego> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Launch_loop
L332[12:11:02] <Fluburtur> ooo nice
L333[12:11:12] <Fluburtur> even more complicated than a space elevator
L334[12:11:29] <Althego> and lot worse when it fails
L335[12:12:18] <Fluburtur> yeah
L336[12:19:46] <Fluburtur> "french people talk english like they lost all their teeth and self respect"
L337[12:20:06] <Fluburtur> well I kinda stopped trying by now, I speak a bit liek Stephane Isreal
L338[12:20:08] <Althego> what would happen if they spoke german? earth vanishes into a black hole?
L339[12:20:12] <Fluburtur> Israel*
L340[12:20:23] <Fluburtur> "american and english people cant talk french at all. who sucks toes now huh"
L341[12:20:44] <Fluburtur> "im from quebec osti de tabarnak "
L342[12:20:59] <Althego> what
L343[12:21:09] <Fluburtur> I kinda do some sort of german/russian ugly accent sometimes because it's a bit easier to understand
L344[12:21:21] <Althego> what does ve2dmn say on this matteR?
L345[12:21:41] <Althego> zis is german coastguard
L346[12:21:48] <Fluburtur> btw I might go to montreal next year so I could meet some peoples there
L347[12:21:56] <Fluburtur> will be going for my uncle's bday
L348[12:23:37] <ve2dmn> say on what matter?
L349[12:23:56] <Althego> <Fluburtur> "im from quebec osti de tabarnak "
L350[12:24:17] * ve2dmn shrugs
L351[12:24:45] <ve2dmn> It's close enough I guess
L352[12:26:42] <ve2dmn> I've done extra work to have as little accent as I could... Misproniciation makes me cringe a tiny bit
L353[12:30:37] <KrazyKrl> I tend to do the minimum of work to get as little an ascent as possible. Missappropriation won't make me change any bit.
L354[12:32:45] <ve2dmn> Missappropriation ?
L355[12:35:14] <UmbralRaptop> How much ΔV is expended on a typical accent?
L356[12:35:31] <Fluburtur> like about 3k?
L357[12:35:31] <Althego> hehe
L358[12:35:35] <Fluburtur> a bit less maybe
L359[12:35:49] <ve2dmn> UmbralRaptop: 'ze right amount'
L360[12:36:01] <Althego> get to da choppa
L361[12:36:40] <UmbralRaptop> :D
L362[12:42:15] <ve2dmn> Speaking of Miss-pronoun-ciation, Tom Scott got a new video
L363[12:43:24] ⇦ Quits: FLHerne (FLHerne!~flh@cpc129772-papw8-2-0-cust286.know.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L364[12:45:06] <KrazyKrl> Miss Pronoun Citation looks down on your grammatically incorrect existence.
L365[12:46:50] <ve2dmn> (It's a good video. You should watch it.)
L366[12:46:54] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMR44wJY89c
L367[12:46:54] <kmath> YouTube - Star Wars Chewbacca Sound Effects
L368[12:47:05] <Althego> can you say these? :)
L369[12:47:25] <ve2dmn> No, but I have a friend who could :D
L370[12:49:25] <ve2dmn> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CB3LJdMYzrQ
L371[12:49:26] <kmath> YouTube - A Town Called Asbestos
L372[12:50:19] <ve2dmn> He forgot to mention that 'Asbestos' isn't called that in french...
L373[12:51:34] <ve2dmn> And he can't say 'Quebec' properly... but I can't blame him. Most anglophones make the same mistake
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L378[13:17:16] <Fluburtur> Draconiator https://imgur.com/ivX0wkk
L379[13:17:17] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/ivX0wkk.gifv
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L381[13:27:40] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFTToTsJuY0
L382[13:27:40] <kmath> YouTube - The Robots Roaming the High Seas
L383[13:29:39] <Althego> they dont need charging or fuel, completely autonomous
L384[13:29:56] <Althego> ok, probably the battery dies after a few years
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L387[13:34:50] <ve2dmn> Althego: nothing is eternal
L388[13:35:27] <ve2dmn> Except maybe Nothingness... but we are not even sure how the universe dies so...
L389[13:36:56] <Althego> but kind of cool that they are more of a living thing than a machine as they are creating their own power
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L391[13:38:47] <ve2dmn> +1
L392[13:45:18] <ve2dmn> am I seeing this right? is there a rocket launch in 1h?
L393[13:45:36] <Althego> if it happens
L394[13:45:38] <Althego> as usual
L395[13:45:50] <ve2dmn> better safe then sorry
L396[13:45:56] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyQBPB1wnyk
L397[13:45:57] <kmath> YouTube - Giant Scale SR-71 Blackbird (Scratch-Built) -- Top Gun Invitational 2018
L398[13:46:31] <Mat2ch> Althego: soon there'll be more robots out on the High Seas, but they will collect plastics, which is great
L399[13:47:16] <Mat2ch> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_0GgKfwCSk
L400[13:47:16] <kmath> YouTube - Iridium-6/GRACE-FO Mission
L401[13:48:44] <Althego> next step is to make them build offaspring from the plastics, and those would collect more plastics :)
L402[13:49:02] <Althego> and then mutation strikes sometimes :)
L403[13:49:48] <Althego> is this block 5 or 4?
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L408[14:03:39] <ve2dmn> Althego: with the right incentives, they might try and compete for the most offspring and the most plastic
L409[14:04:10] <ve2dmn> Soon, they will get closer and closer to the shore to get the plastic RAW at the source
L410[14:04:17] <Althego> hehe
L411[14:04:23] <Althego> attack humans to eat their clothes :)
L412[14:04:29] <Althego> climb out of the sea
L413[14:04:31] <ve2dmn> pretty much
L414[14:04:45] <Althego> that is why we must never make nanobots
L415[14:05:04] <ve2dmn> We already did. They are called 'molecules'
L416[14:06:41] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-QSux_LU2U
L417[14:06:42] <kmath> YouTube - Kerbal Space Program - Main Theme: 8-bit Style
L418[14:06:47] <Althego> too bad it is not longer
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L427[14:25:50] <Althego> is the countdown until the start of stream or the launch?
L428[14:26:19] <Althego> seems to be the launch
L429[14:26:42] <Althego> usually they are already talking about something at this point
L430[14:28:54] <ConductorCat> Like what Elon had for breakfast and what startup he made to change breakfast.
L431[14:30:37] <tawny> our new company Saltrr has invented an internet-connected appliance that will disrupt the world of food-making by allowing you to apply your condiments directly onto the food itself
L432[14:30:56] <Althego> what
L433[14:31:14] <tawny> *5 minutes later* we regret to inform you that apparently there's something called a "saltshaker" and we are now bankrupt and we're just gonna leave with all your money, thanks for kickstarting us tho
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L435[14:32:45] * snow invokes Kickstarter's Terms of Use 2012 at tawny
L436[14:32:58] <Tank2333> SpaceX iridium launch, i cant watch it damn it
L437[14:33:22] <Althego> you can watch it tomorrow
L438[14:33:30] <Althego> the video will wait for you
L439[14:34:02] <snow> Tank2333: thanks for reminding me
L440[14:34:58] <Fluburtur> what is wrong with his voice
L441[14:35:00] <Althego> so it is block 5
L442[14:35:06] <Fluburtur> it sounds like he swallowed a whistle
L443[14:36:38] <Althego> no, that is more like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQujUmfFc4w
L444[14:36:38] <kmath> YouTube - Farmer whistles and his chickens fly down for the feast
L445[14:38:08] <Althego> note the 8 bit sunglasses and the 8 bit tie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBCb4JLl09M
L446[14:38:08] <kmath> YouTube - A-Bit of Memes
L447[14:39:46] <Althego> why does this commentator guy sound like he is sending from the 60s?
L448[14:39:49] <APlayer> Falcon 9 at T-9 Min
L449[14:40:03] <SilverFox> a 1s launch window wow
L450[14:40:13] <APlayer> Also, where is this launch site? I don't remember seeing this
L451[14:40:38] <snow> Vandenberg, according to the webcast site
L452[14:40:39] <Althego> you have 2 choices
L453[14:40:45] ⇦ Quits: Tank2333 (Tank2333!~androirc@x59cc8ad6.dyn.telefonica.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L454[14:40:57] <APlayer> Ah
L455[14:41:50] <Althego> vanderberg always looks so desolate
L456[14:43:13] <Althego> that shape explains why the iridium flares happen
L457[14:43:24] <APlayer> Hehe
L458[14:44:45] <Althego> wow there are 2 camersa
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L460[14:45:01] <APlayer> One is without comments but essentially the same
L461[14:45:35] <Althego> there is a brown thing in it for me, and nothing changes
L462[14:46:04] <ve2dmn> Polar orbit?
L463[14:46:46] <Althego> i always found it strange how they can have a 1 second window when the engines start up way slower than that
L464[14:47:01] <APlayer> The launch window must wait
L465[14:47:09] <Althego> 1 min
L466[14:47:09] <APlayer> No other explanation
L467[14:47:24] <APlayer> Oh, there comes the cheering
L468[14:47:39] <ve2dmn> it's SpaceX. there's always cheering
L469[14:47:52] <Althego> but i guess they dont have peanuts
L470[14:48:47] <ve2dmn> it's block 4?
L471[14:48:55] <Althego> looks like 5
L472[14:49:03] <Althego> because of the blacks
L473[14:49:17] <Althego> focus man
L474[14:49:20] <ve2dmn> but they are not landing it back?
L475[14:49:28] <Althego> camera guy is not doing it right
L476[14:49:36] <Fluburtur> probably a 4
L477[14:49:46] <Althego> that would be more logical
L478[14:49:49] <Fluburtur> they will need time to inspect the 5 of last time
L479[14:50:37] <Althego> finally the stream from the rocket
L480[14:50:44] <Althego> that is what we are missing from all other launches
L481[14:51:30] <Althego> i never understand what makes that foil move all the time
L482[14:52:02] <Fluburtur> crap inside I guess
L483[14:52:07] <Fluburtur> or probably gas from the engine
L484[14:52:16] <Althego> but only on one side
L485[14:52:51] <ve2dmn> it's video artifacts
L486[14:52:52] <Althego> what is this grace fo
L487[14:52:55] <APlayer> Uh, the whole this is vibrating
L488[14:53:01] <Althego> as all launches
L489[14:53:06] <APlayer> Of course the foil moves
L490[14:53:28] <Althego> yes, but it is characteristic, it has one movement in every few seconds
L491[14:53:43] <Althego> one bigger
L492[14:53:51] <APlayer> Lizard people, I guess
L493[14:54:00] <Althego> hah take that flat earthers
L494[14:54:08] <APlayer> They try to penetrate the rocket's tin foil hat and can't
L495[14:54:15] <Althego> this image
L496[14:54:19] <Althego> still curved
L497[14:54:23] <ve2dmn> tiny imps or gnomes inside the foil that are shoveling coal down the engine
L498[14:54:31] <Althego> hehe coal
L499[14:54:42] <Althego> poor guys die when the stage come back
L500[14:55:06] <ve2dmn> nah... they have a tiny parachute
L501[14:55:20] <Althego> you dont think they might be kerbals
L502[14:55:28] <Althego> who else would do such a thing
L503[14:55:36] <ve2dmn> !!!
L504[14:55:48] <APlayer> Kerbals would shovel Plutonium in the engine, not coal
L505[14:55:50] <Althego> hmm it is high up
L506[14:56:23] <APlayer> Yes, by the way. They usually end up at 150 km, IIRC
L507[14:57:11] <Althego> grace is earth science tracing water and ice movements
L508[14:57:21] ⇦ Quits: fhmiv (fhmiv!~fhmiv@2620:149:5:1b04:8137:c832:9aa4:4bd2) (Quit: Leaving...)
L509[14:58:44] ⇨ Joins: Guest28833 (Guest28833!webchat@cpe-76-189-206-231.neo.res.rr.com)
L510[14:59:10] <Althego> stay with us. as a tv channel
L511[14:59:17] <Althego> there are veen ads lol
L512[14:59:36] <ve2dmn> 'Drink Space Cola!'
L513[14:59:52] <Althego> no, rocket fuel for beer as the robots in zed
L514[15:00:05] <Guest28833> everything says #autoLOC_ what do i do
L515[15:00:23] ⇨ Joins: senray (senray!webchat@c-68-37-41-247.hsd1.mi.comcast.net)
L516[15:00:39] <ve2dmn> Guest28833: can you provide more context?
L517[15:00:46] <senray> Does anyone know how to reduce lag when dragging parts in the VAB?
L518[15:01:14] <Althego> better cpu? :)
L519[15:01:34] <ve2dmn> senray: hold the button that force the nearest node
L520[15:01:36] <Althego> but you can really go up to even 1000 parts without getting angry
L521[15:01:39] <Guest28833> like everything the start game thing is #autoLOC_
L522[15:01:41] <ve2dmn> (shift?)
L523[15:01:57] <senray> @Althego it's not physics lag, it's lag when dragging something in the VAB
L524[15:02:08] <senray> @ve2dmn I'll try that
L525[15:02:20] ⇨ Joins: fhmiv (fhmiv!~fhmiv@
L526[15:02:26] <Althego> yes, and the editor used to get slower when moving lot of parts in one drah
L527[15:02:35] <ve2dmn> senray: you might have other computer issues if adding new parts lags
L528[15:02:40] <senray> It happens if I'm moving a single part
L529[15:02:49] <Althego> that doesnt happen normally
L530[15:02:51] <senray> It's not adding new parts
L531[15:02:56] <senray> It's dragging a part
L532[15:03:32] <ve2dmn> Guest28833: can you provide a screenshot?
L533[15:03:51] <Guest28833> im on laptop how do i do that
L534[15:03:58] <senray> oh dear
L535[15:04:07] <Althego> f1 lol
L536[15:04:12] <Guest28833> im sooo noob
L537[15:04:25] <Althego> saves it in the screenshots dir in the game instal dir
L538[15:04:36] ⇨ Joins: Tank2333 (Tank2333!~androirc@x59cc8ad6.dyn.telefonica.de)
L539[15:05:09] <senray> I'll try videoing the lag, that may explain it better
L540[15:05:39] <ve2dmn> Guest28833: I want to help, but I'll have to either provide so more complete explanation if you can provide an image :/
L541[15:05:48] <Guest28833> how do i screenshot normaly do i use sniping tools
L542[15:06:21] <APlayer> F1
L543[15:06:27] <ve2dmn> There is more then 1 way.
L544[15:06:39] <Althego> to skin a cat
L545[15:07:00] <Guest28833> do i hold it cause it goes to google help
L546[15:07:27] <APlayer> Press F1, then navigate to YourKSPInstall/Screenshots/ to see all in-game screenshots
L547[15:07:41] <APlayer> Also, why not use the snipping tool if you know how to do that?
L548[15:08:39] <Guest28833> go to the start page and see where it says start game it says #autoLOC_
L549[15:09:00] <Guest28833> every thing does
L550[15:09:16] <Althego> lol
L551[15:09:24] <Althego> just start the game directly you dont need the launcher
L552[15:09:53] <Althego> ksp_x64.exe probably right next to the launcher
L553[15:10:04] <senray> If you're using sniping tools, that could damage your monitor lol
L554[15:10:06] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/231106102693986314/448578124997722113/FB_IMG_1526959174433.jpg
L555[15:10:24] <Althego> what am i looking at
L556[15:10:29] <Althego> sniping tool: telescope
L557[15:10:37] <Fluburtur> my next tattoo
L558[15:10:46] <Althego> you have some?
L559[15:11:17] <Fluburtur> no
L560[15:11:25] <ve2dmn> Guest28833: did you get the game through steam or GOG or the website?
L561[15:11:29] <Althego> next was implying
L562[15:11:46] <Fluburtur> but it will be next
L563[15:12:34] <Guest28833> i'm 15 i don't have any ocounts on steam i got it from oceanofgames.com
L564[15:12:48] <Althego> Fluburtur->m_Tatto->Next()
L565[15:13:00] <Althego> what...
L566[15:13:21] <Althego> i didnt know that is a distributor
L567[15:13:44] <Guest28833> it's a game site google it
L568[15:14:31] <Althego> ve2dmn formulated the question the way he did because he also knew of only 3 distributors
L569[15:14:36] <ve2dmn> sounds... fishy
L570[15:16:05] <ve2dmn> If not, it could be a whale of a tale to learn how they fished out that name
L571[15:16:09] *** Guest28833 is now known as vergiledantefromDMC
L572[15:16:16] <Althego> so... if it is not legal there may have been something bundled to the game :)
L573[15:16:21] ⇦ Quits: Elembis (Elembis!~elembis@li213-89.members.linode.com) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
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L575[15:16:48] <senray> https://media.giphy.com/media/2lfmstaBWomG5vDfqj/giphy.gif
L576[15:16:51] <senray> This is the issue
L577[15:16:51] <ve2dmn> Althego: I know of other distributors, but they almost always sells steam keys
L578[15:17:19] <ve2dmn> senray: wow... I'm sorry
L579[15:17:34] <senray> @ve2dmn huh?
L580[15:17:34] <vergiledantefromDMC> hey guess what
L581[15:17:35] <Althego> looks like garbage collector
L582[15:17:43] ⇦ Quits: Tank2333 (Tank2333!~androirc@x59cc8ad6.dyn.telefonica.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L583[15:17:50] <senray> @Guest2833 did you pay for it?
L584[15:17:56] <ve2dmn> that looks painful
L585[15:18:00] <Althego> changed the name
L586[15:18:05] ⇦ Quits: Isaskar_ (Isaskar_!webchat@89-236-35-103.customer.t3.se) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L587[15:18:08] <vergiledantefromDMC> me no
L588[15:18:16] <Althego> wwell, there you go
L589[15:18:19] <vergiledantefromDMC> here
L590[15:18:21] <senray> Oh, so the problem is that you stole it
L591[15:18:25] <APlayer> The game can only be legally downloaded if you buy it
L592[15:18:38] <senray> Well, technically not stole
L593[15:18:47] <vergiledantefromDMC> http://oceanofgames.com/
L594[15:19:00] <APlayer> If you get it anywhere from free, that's illegal. In fact, that's like going to the shop and stealing a CD
L595[15:19:07] <APlayer> for free*
L596[15:19:08] <Althego> as that site id full of free downloads...
L597[15:19:17] ⇨ Joins: Forkk_ (Forkk_!~forkk@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fe84:de4d)
L598[15:19:21] <ve2dmn> senray: your logs says anything?
L599[15:19:23] <senray> Wow. Dude, how'd you get here from 1999?
L600[15:19:29] <Althego> who wold want a cd lol
L601[15:19:32] ⇦ Quits: Forkk (Forkk!~forkk@li926-228.members.linode.com) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L602[15:19:38] <Zarthus> Console peasants.
L603[15:19:47] <vergiledantefromDMC> ocean of games is where i get all my games from
L604[15:20:04] <APlayer> vergiledantefromDMC: You should delete the illegal copy of your game, because it might contain a virus and break your computer and/or steal your passwords
L605[15:20:06] <vergiledantefromDMC> they are all free
L606[15:20:15] <senray> Your computers must be full of viruses
L607[15:20:16] <APlayer> The games are /not/ free. They are stolen.
L608[15:20:26] <Althego> pirated, not stolen
L609[15:20:27] <Zarthus> vergiledantefromDMC: just because a particular website marks something as available for download doesn't mean it's free.
L610[15:20:41] <Althego> those are the most expensive ones
L611[15:20:45] <vergiledantefromDMC> nope my laptop is fit as a fiddle
L612[15:20:53] <Althego> you are probablyalready part of a botnet or something
L613[15:21:04] <ve2dmn> Beware of free things. Nothing is ever free. There is always a price
L614[15:21:07] <Zarthus> I can assure you that site is completely illigitimate.
L615[15:21:12] <senray> His computer is probably already rigging the midterm
L616[15:21:19] <APlayer> Even if there are no viruses on your computer, which I highly doubt, you stole the game by downloading it
L617[15:21:27] ⇨ Joins: sandbox_ (sandbox_!~sandbox@host-89-241-190-118.as13285.net)
L618[15:21:39] <APlayer> Just because you don't notice any viruses, it does not mean you don't have any
L619[15:21:44] <senray> Nothing in the log
L620[15:21:45] <vergiledantefromDMC> ok download something and see if you have to put a card number in
L621[15:21:58] <Zarthus> that's not how viruses work
L622[15:22:01] <APlayer> Uh, no
L623[15:22:13] <vergiledantefromDMC> im not talking about that
L624[15:22:15] <Zarthus> It's got things like C&C 3 and SC:Brood War on it, there's no way what you're doing is not considered malicious.
L625[15:22:28] <Althego> also frostpunk
L626[15:22:31] ⇦ Quits: sandbox (sandbox!~sandbox@host-89-241-190-118.as13285.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L627[15:22:43] <APlayer> Obviously, this site does not ask for payment. They want you to download the games which probably have a virus bundled with them
L628[15:22:43] <Althego> i bout that this weekend
L629[15:22:56] <Zarthus> i doubt he's going to change his mind anyways
L630[15:23:03] <senray> I think he's a troll
L631[15:23:10] <Zarthus> regardless of what you do, without paying the toll you're not gonna get support in here.
L632[15:23:23] <Althego> look, people today dont even understand that facebook is not free
L633[15:23:28] <ve2dmn> It's sort of against the rules
L634[15:23:33] <Althego> they just sell you
L635[15:23:40] <Althego> the same wey these sight do
L636[15:23:46] <Althego> or in case your computer
L637[15:23:52] <Althego> instead of you
L638[15:23:52] <Zarthus> Althego: would be OK with that if they gave me some of my own money :(
L639[15:24:25] <Althego> i must sleep because i cant even type anymore
L640[15:25:06] <ve2dmn> At least, with Google Rewards they give you a few cents for your information
L641[15:25:12] <Althego> hehe
L642[15:25:17] <APlayer> vergiledantefromDMC: I have to agree with Zarthus here. We are the official KSP channel, and you stole the game from this site. We do not support this sort of action and we will not support you doing this either.
L643[15:25:32] <ve2dmn> Facebok gave me nothing but trouble
L644[15:26:06] <Althego> at least they dont spam my real world mailbox with paper to create an account
L645[15:26:09] <senray> To quote John Oliver, life was horrible before facebook, you couldn't swipe peoples heads to make them go away
L646[15:26:22] <Althego> and now you can?
L647[15:26:30] <Althego> i thought swiping is for tinder
L648[15:26:32] <vergiledantefromDMC> i dont need suport i need to know if i fucked up something in the debug menu
L649[15:26:39] <senray> the chat bubble thingies
L650[15:26:42] <APlayer> Also, language
L651[15:26:50] <APlayer> Please keep it clean.
L652[15:26:53] <Althego> chat bubbles left and right?
L653[15:26:54] <senray> Troll. Definitely a troll.
L654[15:26:55] <senray> Yeah
L655[15:26:56] <Althego> i never understand that
L656[15:27:07] <Althego> they are annoying, take up unnecessary space
L657[15:27:14] <senray> Maybe my RAM is filling up...
L658[15:27:16] <vergiledantefromDMC> im an adult im aloud to cuss if i want
L659[15:27:17] <Althego> and make it harder to read
L660[15:27:25] <Althego> not here :)
L661[15:27:28] <APlayer> Well, you are, but not in here
L662[15:27:29] <Fluburtur> didn't you say you are 12?
L663[15:27:33] <APlayer> Ninja'd by Althego
L664[15:27:39] <senray> I think he's a hamster
L665[15:28:03] <Althego> note that two people have problems, that may have been the other one
L666[15:28:24] <APlayer> senray, Fluburtur: It's okay. We give them another chance, and hopefully it turns out better this time
L667[15:28:29] <vergiledantefromDMC> i'm keeping myself on the downlow when im online in my free time
L668[15:29:00] <vergiledantefromDMC> im actualy sean
L669[15:29:17] <senray> fair enough
L670[15:29:59] <APlayer> vergiledantefromDMC: I don't want to cause trouble with this, but I have to repeat it - please buy the game legally. It can be found on sale for as low as $15, I think. Then we will be more than glad to help you with anything, provide support, teach you and chat with you about all sorts of things
L671[15:30:33] <vergiledantefromDMC> my mom won't let me
L672[15:30:56] <APlayer> In that case, I suggest you talk about the educational benefits of the game. It can teach you a lot.
L673[15:31:12] <Zarthus> your mother won't let you spend your own money, or her money?
L674[15:31:35] <Zarthus> if your mother won't teach you the basics of economics she's shielding you from an essential life skill
L675[15:31:46] <vergiledantefromDMC> i don't have money
L676[15:32:11] <Zarthus> everyone starts that way
L677[15:32:15] <APlayer> You might want to look at summer jobs, then. It's an easy and fun way to get to know new people and earn some money
L678[15:32:15] <vergiledantefromDMC> im 15 i will be 16 in september
L679[15:32:17] ⇦ Quits: fhmiv (fhmiv!~fhmiv@ (Quit: Leaving...)
L680[15:32:28] <Zarthus> 15 bucks is not hard to come by
L681[15:32:33] <Zarthus> mow one or two lawns
L682[15:32:47] <senray> Also, if you're 15 and want to get free software, don't pirate stuff! Become a copyleft activist
L683[15:32:51] <ve2dmn> want: https://i.redditmedia.com/SQWiO7Gt_nx3xUeN6fBoXNv7Aa9XJiihFzvam2OygMc.png?s=43230f0fccea86e8e9581ed09fb167e5
L684[15:33:07] <vergiledantefromDMC> i am the laziest person you will ever meet
L685[15:33:29] <senray> @ve2dmn I've yet to understand why gameboy games aren't on Android
L686[15:33:30] <Althego> copyleft activist...
L687[15:33:34] <Althego> sounds so bad
L688[15:33:43] <APlayer> That's definitely a thing you should fight. Just get your lazy behind up and do some work. ;-)
L689[15:33:43] <senray> It does?
L690[15:34:27] <vergiledantefromDMC> my family is staying at a friends house because we are so poor
L691[15:34:33] <Zarthus> vergiledantefromDMC: Regardless of what you are or aren't, at some point you will (hopefully) create something you're proud of
L692[15:34:35] <Althego> in essence free software is what software should be. since the marginal price of one copy is 0 if you can sell infinite copies
L693[15:34:39] <Zarthus> vergiledantefromDMC: and lazy 16 year olds will get it for free.
L694[15:34:44] <Zarthus> vergiledantefromDMC: Won't make you very happy will it.
L695[15:35:04] <Fluburtur> Althego https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/368835402431332365/448584520430649355/JPEG_20180522_100335.jpg
L696[15:35:18] <Althego> how big is that?
L697[15:35:24] <Fluburtur> idk
L698[15:35:27] <Althego> gluten free
L699[15:35:28] ⇨ Joins: fhmiv (fhmiv!~fhmiv@2620:149:5:1b04:8137:c832:9aa4:4bd2)
L700[15:35:47] <Althego> haha high fructose corn syrup. no thanks
L701[15:35:48] <senray> The marginal cost is zero, but the initial cost can be enormous
L702[15:36:02] <Althego> do you know what that is? baasically poison
L703[15:36:12] <tawny> the idea behind it is sound but the word "copyleft" is a really dumb construction tbh
L704[15:36:14] <senray> Isn't it just sugar?
L705[15:36:34] <Althego> and that is why i say hardcore free software enthusiasts are somewhat silly
L706[15:36:47] <APlayer> vergiledantefromDMC: I'm afraid that's not something we can help with. You may, of course, message Squad and ask them if they could give you a free copy of the game considering your financial circumstances, but I highly doubt they would do it. However, if you are this poor, you should probably not be playing computer games, but helping your family.
L707[15:36:48] <Gasher[home]> sugar is glucose and fructose i think
L708[15:36:59] <ve2dmn> ^
L709[15:37:01] <Althego> it is fructose. metabolized through the liver in the same pathway as alcohol. just doesnt get tyou drunk
L710[15:37:11] <senray> Really?
L711[15:37:12] <Althego> it gets you fat though, like alcohol
L712[15:37:14] ⇦ Quits: vergiledantefromDMC (vergiledantefromDMC!webchat@cpe-76-189-206-231.neo.res.rr.com) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L713[15:37:43] <ve2dmn> poor kid. I was that innocent once...
L714[15:37:55] <Althego> but it is a cheap byproduct of certain industries so they use it in foods
L715[15:38:00] <APlayer> Fructose and Glucose are regular monosaccharides. Sucrose (regular sugar) is a disaccharide composed of one fructose and one glucose part.
L716[15:38:03] <ve2dmn> ...of course back then I was stuck with a 2400 modem, so virus were different
L717[15:38:10] <senray> I just looked it up, and discovered that I was indeed 15 during the pirate bay trial
L718[15:38:18] <senray> And I was following it with interest at the time lol
L719[15:38:35] <Althego> since some guy decades ago came up with the idea that fats are bad for you. so they removed them from the food, but it turned out they are not eatable like that, so they put sugar in them isntead
L720[15:39:06] <Fluburtur> I like zero calories stuff, no energy so you just die
L721[15:39:06] <senray> Okay, so help me understand this:
L722[15:39:09] <ve2dmn> Althego: which is why my new diet is sugar-free bacon
L723[15:39:18] <Althego> hehe
L724[15:39:25] <Althego> also gluten free
L725[15:39:42] <ve2dmn> And nutrient free... but it taste real good
L726[15:39:42] <APlayer> So, you have a fructose-tenside-fat solution and you eat that every day for calories
L727[15:39:42] <senray> I'm loaded up and getting the part drag stuttering, my RAM is 16.332 gb total, with 2.6 available and 387 free
L728[15:39:43] <Althego> what is the other thing people are afraid of?
L729[15:39:51] <senray> How is free different from available?
L730[15:40:06] <Althego> on linux?
L731[15:40:12] <Althego> free is unused
L732[15:40:14] <senray> windows
L733[15:40:25] <APlayer> senray: IIRC, "Available" is like, really free, and "Free" is if it was claimed by a program, but not occupied yet
L734[15:40:27] <Althego> but system uses unused parts for caching. those are available but not free
L735[15:40:31] <senray> Hmm, so 2.3 is being cached
L736[15:40:41] <snow> senray: when I'm working and don't have appointments, I'm not free, but I am available :-D
L737[15:40:48] <Althego> i dont know what windows dows
L738[15:40:54] <senray> hmm...
L739[15:41:09] <senray> It looks like it's putting some RAM into an HDD cache?
L740[15:41:14] <Althego> heh i wanted to sleep
L741[15:41:21] <ve2dmn> senray: get this: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/process-explorer
L742[15:41:27] <Althego> ok, now then watch the second burn
L743[15:41:41] <ve2dmn> It's much better then the basic windows task manager thing
L744[15:42:51] <senray> huh, TIL windows uses free RAM to cache things
L745[15:43:07] <Althego> as i said i dont know about windows, but linux does that
L746[15:43:16] <Althego> it is logical, why not use that rma if it is there
L747[15:43:51] <Althego> about fructose https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM
L748[15:43:52] <kmath> YouTube - Sugar: The Bitter Truth
L749[15:44:03] <Althego> explains it in depth
L750[15:44:51] <APlayer> Well, obviously, too much sugar is not good
L751[15:44:59] <APlayer> But sugar is sugar
L752[15:45:03] <senray> hmm, it's not garbage collection
L753[15:45:12] <APlayer> Fructose, for example, is common in all sorts of fruit
L754[15:45:15] <Althego> yes
L755[15:45:20] <senray> Memhraph shows it happening at 7 second intervals
L756[15:45:27] <Althego> but you also eat the natural countermeasure to fructose
L757[15:45:32] <Althego> in the druit
L758[15:45:46] <APlayer> Which is what?
L759[15:46:02] <APlayer> Also, stage 2 camera looks pretty broken
L760[15:46:33] <APlayer> Radiation this quickly? Or what happened to it?
L761[15:46:43] <Althego> fibers
L762[15:46:54] <Fluburtur> new cameras are maybe bad
L763[15:46:57] <APlayer> Fibers are not digested, are they?
L764[15:47:17] <Althego> i cant remember every part of a video i watched years ago
L765[15:47:45] <senray> hmm....so what would cause stutterring when dragging with over a gig of ram left
L766[15:48:09] <Althego> are you running the 64 bit version?
L767[15:48:13] <APlayer> I am not professionally educated about nutrients and how they are digested, but I am pretty sure that fibers and fructose are completely independent as far as your body is concerned
L768[15:48:17] <senray> yup\
L769[15:48:19] <senray> yup
L770[15:48:29] <APlayer> senray: Perhaps GPU VRAM?
L771[15:48:43] <senray> it only occurs in the VAB
L772[15:48:53] <ve2dmn> senray: weird
L773[15:48:56] <APlayer> Are you running video or image editing software or something like that?
L774[15:49:00] <senray> nope
L775[15:49:12] <APlayer> Also, have you tried turning it off and on again?
L776[15:49:14] <Althego> but anway, if you dont eat the fruit, just the fructose, it will make you fat, while the body handles it exactly as a poson
L777[15:49:17] <ve2dmn> either the player.log, the Ksp.log or the other log might have soemthing in there
L778[15:49:18] <senray> yep
L779[15:49:35] <senray> they moved player.log , where is it now?
L780[15:49:53] <APlayer> Althego: I'm pretty sure that's not correct. Let me look it up
L781[15:50:12] <senray> Althego, are you a vegan?
L782[15:50:17] <Althego> lol no
L783[15:50:27] <senray> you sound exactly like my vegan friend
L784[15:51:05] <Althego> what, i say fructose is bad for you, which is in... fruits :) at least in nature
L785[15:51:18] <Althego> https://youtu.be/dBnniua6-oM?t=4508
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L787[15:51:24] <senray> Is this stuff normal: [LOG 16:49:52.392] ScaleModList: listSize 984 maxListSize 2043
L788[15:51:24] <Althego> here, he explains it why
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L791[15:53:02] <Althego> hehe the guy is named robert lustig. yet he is not very funny
L792[15:53:49] <APlayer> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fructose#Fructose_digestion_and_absorption_in_humans
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L795[15:54:37] <APlayer> Man, something really destroyed that camera
L796[15:54:42] <APlayer> I'd like to know what
L797[15:54:45] <senray> they said it was sO2
L798[15:54:53] <APlayer> Sorry?
L799[15:54:57] <APlayer> On the camera?
L800[15:55:07] <senray> yeah
L801[15:55:12] <senray> You mean the spacex launch, right?
L802[15:55:18] <APlayer> Is that sulfur dioxide or solid oxygen?
L803[15:55:23] <APlayer> Yes, the launch
L804[15:55:31] <senray> solid oxygen, sorry
L805[15:55:37] <ve2dmn> DHMO
L806[15:55:41] <APlayer> Almost
L807[15:55:47] <Althego> how does that do that
L808[15:55:54] <senray> In my defense, I'm about to get a sociology BA, so I'm not really qualified to talk about science
L809[15:56:15] <APlayer> senray: Do you remember where they said it? I'd like to know more :D
L810[15:56:16] <ve2dmn> senray: in what speciality?
L811[15:56:26] <senray> ve2dmn: speciality?
L812[15:56:29] <ve2dmn> senray: because I might have a ressource to share...
L813[15:56:37] <senray> @aplayer just a second ago
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L815[15:56:45] <Althego> resourcer under attack
L816[15:56:53] <senray> I'm not sure what you mean by speciality
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L818[15:57:27] <ve2dmn> I'll tell you in PM
L819[15:57:32] <senray> ok
L820[15:57:33] <ve2dmn> (I don't want to promote my work here)
L821[15:57:36] <senray> fair enough
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L823[15:59:18] <Althego> why was it only 5?
L824[15:59:35] <Althego> maybe they were in a hexagon and the grace was in one position
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L826[16:00:37] <APlayer> They just want you to think that those are communication sats, but in fact, those are laser cannons. They now have a constellation covering the whole world.
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L828[16:00:58] <Althego> if we are lucky at least some interplanetary communication will be using lasers
L829[16:01:04] <Althego> soon tm
L830[16:01:23] <Althego> hehe supposedly they removed the legs of the block 5 booster
L831[16:01:38] <Althego> one of its features is that it does not need that
L832[16:01:46] <APlayer> Aren't lasers naturally somewhat wide angle for communication?
L833[16:01:57] <APlayer> Would you still need a dish?
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L836[16:02:03] <Althego> they are too narrow
L837[16:02:14] <Althego> tried to hit half of a continent from mars?
L838[16:02:50] <APlayer> Too narrow? Aren't we talking like 0.1 degrees or so?
L839[16:03:14] <Althego> that is the point, the energy ins not dispersed but focused
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L842[16:04:14] <BPlayer> Garr that router
L843[16:04:20] *** BPlayer is now known as APlayer
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L845[16:05:28] <APlayer> Anyway, I'm off anyway, so perhaps the router wasn't too far off
L846[16:05:32] <APlayer> See you!
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L865[16:46:44] <GuestBanana> y'all don't know how much nicer you are than the normal community
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L869[16:57:03] <Tank2333> http://www.tachyum.com
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L871[16:59:19] <Tank2333> Here a start-up that will rescue moors law and build a datatcenter to simullate the human brain by 2020 in realtime
L872[16:59:20] <Tank2333> ...what a marketing wank...
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L884[17:30:44] <ConductorCat> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuY0nIkt7lE
L885[17:30:45] <kmath> YouTube - Lincoln's Patent
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L902[19:05:25] <Blaank> So what ever happened to that chinese em drive they put in space?
L903[19:11:35] <ConductorCat> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZysBWn3yyaQ
L904[19:11:36] <kmath> YouTube - How Do Muslims Face Mecca When Praying in Space?
L905[19:14:04] <Blaank> They guess.
L906[19:14:17] <Blaank> If they don't know which way to point, they do their best to estimate.
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L911[19:44:17] <adsii1970> any way to make sure I keep my user name here?
L912[19:44:33] <Azander> register it with nickserv
L913[19:44:39] <Supercheese> ^ that
L914[19:45:17] <adsii1970> How do I do that? Is it similar to the discord process?
L915[19:45:50] <adsii1970> nickserv/
L916[19:54:03] <TheKosmonaut> adsii1970: "/msg nickserv register help"
L917[19:54:24] <adsii1970> /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER adsii1970 anxwkquuxkdj
L918[19:54:25] <TheKosmonaut> It'll give you the correct steps to take
L919[19:54:31] <TheKosmonaut> Uh
L920[19:54:47] <taniwha> best to start with /query nickserv
L921[19:54:57] <TheKosmonaut> You want to do that without the space before /msg
L922[19:55:06] <adsii1970> Ok, I Tried that. Got some...
L923[19:55:08] <adsii1970> ah, ok...
L924[19:55:40] <TheKosmonaut> Also
L925[19:55:47] <adsii1970> Hahaha! It seems I have been successful... An old dog can learn new tricks!
L926[19:55:58] *** TheKosmonaut sets mode: +b *!*@cpe-76-189-206-231.neo.res.rr.com
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L928[19:56:33] <TheKosmonaut> In the future if anyone sees someone come here and openly admit they pirate KSP, or link to a site which allows piracy, please notify the mods. Zero-tolerance.
L929[19:56:55] <Supercheese> jawohl
L930[19:58:25] <adsii1970> I do that already... I've seen a few on the forum who do that and I immediately report them to that nifty banana...
L931[19:58:32] <TheKosmonaut> And I won't believe any sob-story that some kid gives either.
L932[19:58:41] <TheKosmonaut> adsii1970: banamonde!
L933[19:59:15] <TheKosmonaut> To those that can't afford the game: have you tried not being poor?
L934[19:59:39] <TheKosmonaut> Just go to the money store and buy money. Same company that you uploads RAM
L935[19:59:47] <TheKosmonaut> Anyway #
L936[19:59:55] <TheKosmonaut> Welcome to IRC adsii1970
L937[20:05:23] <adsii1970> TheKosmonaut: It's about choices... the game versus the newest music from your favorite artist... But too many people feel entitled. I actually had a student tell me that "poor peoplle" have the right to steal when the wealthy make things cost too much...
L938[20:05:58] <ve2dmn> adsii1970: does not make it more legal
L939[20:07:55] <ve2dmn> But if you wish to learn about moral licensing, you can listen to today's Frekonomics podcast about moral choices: http://freakonomics.com/podcast/corporate-social-responsibility/
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L941[20:08:50] <adsii1970> ve2dmn: I'm not justifying it at all. Morally stealing is stealing. To do wrong is never right.
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L943[20:09:14] <adsii1970> as TheKosmonaut said, it is about choices. If you want the game, then don't eat out at McDonald
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L945[20:10:00] <Supercheese> also a lot of folks are quite charitable, there are giveaways rather frequently
L946[20:10:11] <Supercheese> especially since the Humble Bundle had KSP
L947[20:10:22] <ve2dmn> Well, I do have an extra key from the HB Monthly
L948[20:10:27] <Supercheese> exactly
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L954[20:27:10] <Tank2333> adsii that sounds like communist people
L955[20:27:20] <Tank2333> wealth = crime
L956[20:27:25] <Tank2333> oh he left
L957[20:28:44] ⇦ Quits: Supercheese (Supercheese!~Superchee@50-37-111-124.mscw.id.frontiernet.net) (Quit: Valete omnes)
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L961[21:05:26] <Rokker> Tank2333: COMMUNISM ?!?!?!
L962[21:05:27] <Rokker> REEEE
L963[21:05:44] <Tank2333> woot
L964[21:09:22] <TheKosmonaut> Rokker: you know what is better than communism?
L965[21:09:26] <TheKosmonaut> Fully automated communism
L966[21:09:51] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: literally anything is better than communism
L967[21:10:01] <Rokker> and yet for some reason the KSP community is ok with it
L968[21:10:07] <Rokker> even tho its politics
L969[21:10:12] <Rokker> but whatever
L970[21:11:06] <TheKosmonaut> Rokker: fedora, or red scarf
L971[21:11:09] <TheKosmonaut> You choose
L972[21:11:12] <TheKosmonaut> Carefully.
L973[21:12:08] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: im a sinatra man https://img.thedailybeast.com/image/upload/c_crop,d_placeholder_euli9k,h_1439,w_2560,x_0,y_0/dpr_2.0/c_limit,w_740/fl_lossy,q_auto/v1492121652/articles/2015/11/26/frank-sinatra-s-voice-saved-his-life/151125-Barra-sinatra-tease_a9puzr
L974[21:12:12] <Rokker> fedora
L975[21:12:35] <TheKosmonaut> Well, he flies to the moon
L976[21:12:47] <TheKosmonaut> He saw what spring was like on Jupiter AND Mars.
L977[21:12:48] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: like an american
L978[21:12:57] <TheKosmonaut> In other words, hold his hand
L979[21:13:12] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: russian mars landers didnt even last until spring
L980[21:13:35] <TheKosmonaut> You think Jupiter summer is tolerable?
L981[21:13:55] <Rokker> TheKosmonaut: of course
L982[21:30:40] ⇦ Quits: JCB (JCB!webchat@S0106a84e3f5d6a13.vs.shawcable.net) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L983[21:35:09] * darsie on his way home from a Duna sample return mission: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot76.png http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot77.png Kerbin departure: http://bksys.at/bernhard/temp/screenshot75.png The can is the lander.
L984[21:38:48] <darsie> Fuel was a bit short. Had to jetpack the rest into orbit after the lander ran out of fuel. On the first attempt it was really close. This time it was quite easy.
L985[21:48:47] <Eddi|zuHause> when i'm a tiny bit short on fuel for kerbin return, i'll try a mun encounter
L986[21:50:50] <darsie> Ahh, I have plenty of xenon to return. But the lander has too little to get to Duna orbit.
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L988[22:12:36] ⇦ Quits: Ezriilc (Ezriilc!~Ezriilc@ (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.Kerbaltek.com))
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L999[23:17:37] <GlassYuri> ...one of my classmates is using UnitZ
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L1001[23:31:16] <Rokker> i need to talk to flub
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L1006[23:54:52] <Althego> https://www.theguardian.com/science/2018/may/21/retrograde-asteroid-is-interstellar-immigrant-scientists-say
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L1008[23:57:23] <Draconiator> https://techcrunch.com/2018/03/19/ibm-working-on-worlds-smallest-computer-to-attach-to-just-about-everything/ - not long now and we will have the equivalent of 286's, 8MB RAM, 20MB drive space computers flying around in our homes, and they'll be so small you won't even see them.
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