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L13[01:15:21] <Althego> hehe, uses ksp to demonstrate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sfc2Jg1gkKA
L14[01:15:22] <kmath> YouTube - Why Single Stage to Orbit rockets SUCK. The wacky history and future maybes of SSTOs
L15[01:15:43] <Althego> i think he underestimates the engineering and practical issues causes by staging
L16[01:32:46] <oren> SSTOs would be way more practical if we could launch them off a big electric track hovering in the stratosphere I think
L17[01:33:22] <bees> you can probably build a decent small-scale ssto with current tech
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L19[01:37:16] <bees> actually
L20[01:38:17] <bees> first atlases
L21[01:38:35] <bees> were almost an ssto
L22[01:41:33] <tawny> you could put a reeeeeally tiny payload on top of a falcon 9 or delta 4 and fly it as an SSTO, I'm pretty sure
L23[01:42:46] <bees> ariane center core with double engines would be a nice ssto
L24[01:43:26] <bees> falcon 9 is just short
L25[01:44:12] <bees> small sstos that use some launch assist or atmosphere could be built much easier, though
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L44[02:59:11] <BadRocketsCo> Howdy!
L45[03:06:51] <BadRocketsCo> TheKosmonaut: ya on?
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L47[03:16:53] <TheKosmonaut> BadRocketsCo: sorta, wassup
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L54[03:44:25] <BadRocketsCo> TheKosmonaut: nvm, ya already saw it :D
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L76[06:58:33] <BadRocketsCo> Howdy yall
L77[07:01:46] <darsie> HI
L78[07:01:46] <Mod9000> Hello, darsie
L79[07:01:54] <darsie> hi bot
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L97[08:33:31] <Althego> hehe, what news "American Airlines is making it very clear: Insects, goats and hedgehogs cannot be brought on planes as emotional support animals."
L98[08:39:12] <sandbox> aww I won't be able to bring my pet flea ;p
L99[08:41:19] <Althego> what is an amotional support animal anyway
L100[08:41:27] <Althego> if you are too afraid of flying, just dont
L101[08:42:20] <Althego> ferretsm spiders, chickens and hawks are also banned
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L107[08:43:55] <sandbox> I don't know how you'd manage to flush your goat down the toilet before your flight though ;p
L108[08:44:15] <Althego> you can just let the hawk go
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L115[09:00:10] <ve2dmn> Althego: Want a partial explanation of what a support animal is or... maybe you don't care?
L116[09:00:37] <Althego> i read it in the article. it is not for flying but general psychological illnesses like depression
L117[09:01:04] <ve2dmn> The cases I heard were more like Autism or Panic Attacks
L118[09:01:26] <Althego> panic attacks were also mentioned in the article
L119[09:01:48] <Althego> but i dont think anything similar exists in europe
L120[09:01:58] <ve2dmn> But the distance in North America means that you have the choice between a 5h flight or a 30h train...
L121[09:02:16] <ve2dmn> ... *if* there is a train.
L122[09:03:14] <Althego> train would be good if done japanese style. say 400 km/h at least and no lenghty checkin process
L123[09:03:15] <ve2dmn> Which is why it's a thing that people are a bit more deperate to try and bring their pet on flights.... Whether it is a true support snimal or not
L124[09:03:26] <Althego> you lose a lot of time with the airport just because they have stupid rules
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L126[09:03:53] <ve2dmn> The Economic insentive for a Shinkansen or a TGV are just not there right now
L127[09:05:54] ⇨ Joins: Copper (Copper!~Copper@
L128[09:05:59] <ve2dmn> It's a combination of too low density, car culture and barrier to entry
L129[09:06:23] <Althego> yes, people have cars, so there is no public transport so they need to have cars
L130[09:06:58] <ve2dmn> And building a train requires a lot of investment and maintenance in train tracks...
L131[09:07:16] <ve2dmn> Most of the train in North America are 'renting' cargo train rails
L132[09:07:33] <Althego> keeping planes running is not easy, and you need airports too
L133[09:07:46] <ve2dmn> meaning they don't have priority
L134[09:08:18] <ve2dmn> True, but the difference between the 2 right now is: one is current and the other is a ricky investment
L135[09:08:24] <ve2dmn> risky*
L136[09:10:54] <ve2dmn> There was a private firm trying to build a Shinkansen (buying the trains from Japan) in Texas, but it fails from a combination of lack of investement (too risky, high interest), no right-of-way everywhere, and opposition to things like noise and construction
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L139[09:16:05] <ve2dmn> Althego: This ride takes 46h: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/87/Amtrak_Empire_Builder.jpg
L140[09:16:51] <ve2dmn> The flight is 4h and cost 200USD for the trip
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L142[09:17:45] <ve2dmn> 500USD if you take a not-cheaper airline
L143[09:17:55] <ve2dmn> (round-trip)
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L145[09:18:55] <ve2dmn> If you drive instead of taking the train it's a 31h straight
L146[09:19:01] <Althego> lol
L147[09:19:08] <Althego> that just means it is a bad tran system
L148[09:19:08] <ve2dmn> (2k miles)
L149[09:19:23] <Althego> i heard in germany you cant really beat the train with car
L150[09:19:31] <Althego> at least for long distances
L151[09:19:35] <Truga> you can't
L152[09:19:47] <Truga> long distances with car is a ton of wasted time and you arrive tired
L153[09:20:08] <ve2dmn> Truga: define 'long distance' :)
L154[09:20:19] <Truga> 100km+
L155[09:20:22] <Althego> ok germany is not that big
L156[09:20:27] <Althego> as usa
L157[09:20:44] <Truga> on train you can read or work or whatever, and it's a shorter trip because trains are faster
L158[09:20:49] <Truga> when the infrastructure doesn't suck
L159[09:20:59] <Truga> see, ICE, shinkansen :v
L160[09:21:01] <ve2dmn> I wish this was the case here.... sadly...
L161[09:21:16] <ve2dmn> I've taken the Shinkansen. It's awesome
L162[09:21:17] <Truga> *see:
L163[09:21:27] <Truga> shinkansen is on a whole nother level
L164[09:21:29] <Althego> and it is 60s technology
L165[09:21:31] <Truga> it's basically plane speeds
L166[09:21:35] <Althego> i cant imagine what they could do now
L167[09:21:36] <Truga> the newer ones anyway
L168[09:21:39] <APlayer> Uh, as a German: A 500km trip is usually more convenient by car than by train for us
L169[09:21:48] <Truga> it's more convenient, yes
L170[09:22:03] <ve2dmn> Truga: TGV is 0.1% faster, but the shinkansen has a lot more traffic
L171[09:22:05] <Althego> but now you have teslas :)
L172[09:22:30] <Truga> Althego there's that video where they hit 500 or 700km/h or some similar silly number
L173[09:22:36] <Truga> a couple years back I wanna say
L174[09:22:42] <Althego> probably 500
L175[09:22:45] <Truga> yeah
L176[09:22:48] <Truga> I think it's 500
L177[09:23:00] <Truga> it's a new track between osaka/tokyo I thin
L178[09:23:01] <Truga> k
L179[09:23:25] <ve2dmn> Truga: you are thinking of the Maglev which isn't in operation until 2050
L180[09:23:35] <APlayer> LOL 700 km/h would be a Mach 0.6 train
L181[09:23:51] <Althego> if it is maglev, it could do that
L182[09:24:28] <Althego> but on tracks, the fastest i have seen a few years back was a tgv around 570 km/h
L183[09:24:41] <Truga> https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/apr/21/japans-maglev-train-notches-up-new-world-speed-record-in-test-run
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L185[09:24:45] <Truga> nice
L186[09:24:49] <Truga> 603km/h
L187[09:24:52] <Luelmo> hi.
L188[09:24:54] <Luelmo> I installed mechjeb but it does not work
L189[09:24:55] <Mod9000> Hello, Luelmo
L190[09:24:59] <ve2dmn> 603 km/h
L191[09:25:03] <ve2dmn> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SCMaglev
L192[09:25:19] <APlayer> Luelmo: "Does not work" is too vague for us to help you...
L193[09:25:32] <APlayer> "Installed mechjeb" is, in fact, too.
L194[09:25:58] <UmbralRaptor> Luelmo: can you be more specific? Are there no MJ parts ingame (particularly in sandbox)?
L195[09:26:00] <Truga> tokyo <-> nagoya by 2027 apparently
L196[09:26:01] <ve2dmn> Luelmo: screenshot or logs would help, as well as a complete description of symptoms
L197[09:26:03] <Truga> that's pretty soon :v
L198[09:26:10] <Luelmo> I do not get the mod in the game
L199[09:26:25] <APlayer> How did you install it?
L200[09:26:27] <UmbralRaptor> Did you unzip the mechjeb folder into GameData?
L201[09:26:34] <Luelmo> yes
L202[09:26:48] <APlayer> What KSP and MechJeb versions?
L203[09:27:14] <Luelmo> i hace a squad expansion
L204[09:27:16] <Truga> I think the first instruction should be to reset everything to what it was before you started touching your KSP install, and get CKAN.
L205[09:27:17] <Luelmo> have
L206[09:27:23] <ve2dmn> Luelmo: so people might not agree with me, but I prefer to use a Mod Manager like CKAN to install/unistall mods.
L207[09:27:48] <Luelmo> mechjeb 2
L208[09:27:50] <Truga> never not manage your packages
L209[09:28:22] <APlayer> Not sure about the expansion, never used it and no idea if the game infrastructure changes from that
L210[09:28:32] <Luelmo> ok
L211[09:28:46] <Althego> except when you dont have any :)
L212[09:28:48] <APlayer> In normal KSP, I'd suggest you make a fresh install with only MJ, and try again
L213[09:29:05] <Luelmo> I will try to remove the expansion
L214[09:29:29] <Luelmo> thank you
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L216[09:29:53] <Truga> rip expansion
L217[09:30:09] <APlayer> Heh
L218[09:31:00] <UmbralRaptor> I'm moderately sure that a MJ version works with the expansion, but am unsure if the main release does.
L219[09:31:22] <UmbralRaptor> (or with 1.4.x)
L220[09:35:15] <APlayer> The version they mentioned seems to be 1.4 compatible
L221[09:35:58] <Truga> it's probably just a case of installing incorrectly
L222[09:36:01] <ve2dmn> Truga: I've check and the last time we had 'higher speed' (200km/h) train service... was in 1982
L223[09:36:03] <Truga> which is why
L224[09:36:05] <Truga> never not manage your packages
L225[09:37:46] <ve2dmn> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UAC_TurboTrain
L226[09:37:53] <Kalpa> Choo choo
L227[09:37:56] <Althego> uac, hehe
L228[09:38:13] <Kalpa> Desert TTD
L229[09:38:14] <Althego> https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/doom/images/7/7b/ClassicUACLogoclear.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170103124212
L230[09:38:48] <ve2dmn> Kalpa: OpenTTD ftw
L231[09:39:05] <Truga> haha
L232[09:39:10] <Truga> the gas turbine loco
L233[09:39:28] <Althego> nto a bad idea for a train
L234[09:39:28] <ve2dmn> yep. This was the 1960s
L235[09:39:29] <Truga> do those still exist?
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L237[09:39:47] <Althego> although a diesel engine is easier to maintain
L238[09:39:50] <Truga> Althego unfortunately it isn't that good idea either
L239[09:39:52] <Truga> yeah
L240[09:39:56] <ve2dmn> Of course not. Trains died in North America
L241[09:40:37] <Althego> and since the engine size is not really an issue for a train
L242[09:40:42] <Althego> you can use diesel
L243[09:40:59] <Truga> jets aren't even terribly efficient at sea level :p
L244[09:41:10] <Althego> not jet, turboshaft
L245[09:41:30] <Truga> well, that
L246[09:41:38] <ve2dmn> The first TGV prototype, TGV 001, was powered by a gas turbine
L247[09:41:47] <Althego> but all gas turbines are really complicated in practice and very pricy
L248[09:42:11] <Althego> they also dont operate on stoichiometric ratio, since most of the air jost goes through to cool it
L249[09:42:16] <ve2dmn> this is more insane: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turbojet_train
L250[09:42:28] <Althego> yes, so kerbal
L251[09:42:36] <Althego> i think there was one with a push prop too
L252[09:43:11] <ve2dmn> Truga: but Diesel-Electric locomotives are the backbone of Train operations in North America
L253[09:43:15] <Truga> but yeah, gas turbines makes sense when you want to lower weight, footprint or both
L254[09:43:17] <Althego> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schienenzeppelin
L255[09:43:27] <Truga> but retain high power
L256[09:43:43] <Truga> in locos size isn't really an issue, and being heavier is usually actually a good thing so :v
L257[09:43:52] <UmbralRaptor> Truga: I have enough Fun installing package managers to install package managers for work porpoises.
L258[09:44:01] ⇨ Joins: Luelmo (Luelmo!webchat@cm-83-97-254-86.telecable.es)
L259[09:44:04] <Luelmo> I have removed the expansion and neither can you pass me another mechjeb? I think what is missing is the .dll that is inside plugins
L260[09:44:19] <Althego> heh, sudo apt-get install pip. pip install -U pip
L261[09:44:25] <Truga> lol
L262[09:45:09] <Truga> Luelmo IMHO get CKAN and use that
L263[09:45:18] <Truga> https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/releases
L264[09:45:29] <ve2dmn> ^
L265[09:45:33] <Truga> it's a ksp mod manager/downloader/thing
L266[09:45:43] <Truga> then you find mechjeb, click the checkbox, click install
L267[09:45:44] <Truga> done
L268[09:45:46] <Luelmo> ok, ckan
L269[09:45:52] <Truga> and any of the other 3 billion mods
L270[09:46:01] <ve2dmn> Luelmo: do you know what a mod manager is?
L271[09:46:19] <Althego> a guy who oversees the activities of moderators :)
L272[09:46:50] <Mat2ch> Althego: npm install is-odd
L273[09:46:51] <Mat2ch> https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/886zji/why_has_there_been_nearly_3_million_installs_of/
L274[09:46:54] <Mat2ch> :D
L275[09:47:11] <Mat2ch> I would laugh if it wouldn't be so sad
L276[09:47:24] <ve2dmn> Althego: sudo apt-get install relevant-xkcd
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L278[09:47:26] <Luelmo> ve2dmn I think so
L279[09:47:35] <Althego> yes there was one a few weeks ago
L280[09:47:48] <Althego> these python people are just obsessed with virtualenvs
L281[09:48:05] <ve2dmn> Luelmo: then I suggest you use one if you are having trouble installing Mechjeb.
L282[09:48:17] <Mat2ch> ve2dmn: uh, there's a python3-xkcd
L283[09:48:30] <ve2dmn> Also note that you could make multiple copies of the KSP folder itself
L284[09:48:43] <Luelmo> Where did I download the ckan from?
L285[09:48:50] <ve2dmn> https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/releases
L286[09:49:07] <Luelmo> thnx
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L290[10:00:49] <ve2dmn> Maybe we should but the same tech support recommandation somewhere we can point to... like tips to make screenshots and the location of various logs of KSP... Maybe the wiki?
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L292[10:01:30] <ve2dmn> Because I can never remmember the location of the logs -_-
L293[10:02:16] <Althego> hehe
L294[10:03:09] <Luelmo> ve2dmn
L295[10:03:09] <Luelmo> you are God, it works, and I'll try some other mods more
L296[10:03:37] <ve2dmn> Luelmo: you can thank Truga too
L297[10:03:52] <ve2dmn> i have no merit
L298[10:04:11] <Luelmo> thank you all. Truga thanks
L299[10:04:40] <Luelmo> ciao
L300[10:05:02] ⇦ Quits: Luelmo (Luelmo!webchat@cm-83-97-254-86.telecable.es) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L301[10:07:26] ⇨ Joins: Fluburtur (Fluburtur!~Fluburtur@2a01:e34:ecf7:d4f0:6d47:3f5:227c:e2fd)
L302[10:07:53] <ve2dmn> Fluburtur: a plan on rails! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turbojet_train
L303[10:08:00] <ve2dmn> plane*
L304[10:08:09] <Fluburtur> ah yes those good ol rocket trains
L305[10:08:42] <ve2dmn> The first TGV prototype, TGV 001, was powered by a gas turbine... but not a turbojet
L306[10:08:59] <Fluburtur> turbines are very good power plants
L307[10:09:03] <Fluburtur> some tanks have turbines
L308[10:09:25] <Fluburtur> very efficient in a certain rpm range so you can use them to drive agenerator there
L309[10:09:40] <ve2dmn> Diesel-electric? yes. Like I mention 15min ago, it's the backbone of cargo trian in North America
L310[10:09:49] <ve2dmn> trains*
L311[10:10:24] <Althego> somehow strangely trains and ships were hybrid long before cars
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L313[10:11:22] <ve2dmn> because they don't care about weigh as much?
L314[10:11:25] <ve2dmn> (or size)
L315[10:11:41] <Fluburtur> because they actually care about efficiency and such?
L316[10:12:17] ⇦ Quits: EricPoehlsen (EricPoehlsen!~EricPoehl@p5498cc83.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Quit: Transdimensional connection terminated abnormally.)
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L318[10:16:26] <Althego> hehe. i salvaged the sarcasm coprocessor from it for crispin. yeah, it works great.
L319[10:16:30] <Truga> a direct to track drive on a train would be a losing proposition
L320[10:16:39] <Truga> you'd either be slipping or destroying your clutch :v
L321[10:16:53] <ve2dmn> Or both
L322[10:16:57] <Truga> yeah
L323[10:17:22] <Truga> electromotors have none of these issues, so you drive a generator instead
L324[10:17:29] <Truga> bonus, you can use those same motors to slow down
L325[10:17:57] <ve2dmn> anyway... it take 20years to build 10km of Metro here, so I don't expect a High speed train anytime soon
L326[10:18:02] <Truga> haha
L327[10:18:19] <Truga> it only takes one communist revolution for things to change rapidly :v
L328[10:21:43] <ve2dmn> proof: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e1/Metro_Montreal_Evolution.gif
L329[10:21:58] <Truga> well
L330[10:22:12] <Truga> with metros it's also a question of need tbh
L331[10:22:15] <Fluburtur> weew slower to build than the parisian one
L332[10:22:47] <Truga> until you have a large enough density of people in an area, it's probably better to just keep adding more buses?
L333[10:23:04] <Fluburtur> probably
L334[10:23:14] <Fluburtur> and the parisian soil is soft so not hard to dig there
L335[10:23:31] <UmbralRaptor> Buses don't run well when the sun isn't out for reasons I've never understood.
L336[10:23:58] <Truga> modern buses are just prone to breaking down for random reasons
L337[10:24:01] <ve2dmn> UmbralRaptor: our Metro stop between 01:00 and 5:30
L338[10:24:18] <Truga> I live in a small town, and our old buses were loud, slow and very environmentally unfriendly but
L339[10:24:29] <Truga> they ran for like 40 years without as much as a hitch
L340[10:24:42] <Truga> these brand new mercedes ones break basically weekly :v
L341[10:25:16] <UmbralRaptor> ve2dmn: eg: KC has nothing on most lines after 17:00
L342[10:25:57] <UmbralRaptor> DC (well, Fairfax) is better, with the last one being ~20:00-22:00
L343[10:26:12] <Fluburtur> "If I make you breakfast in bed, a simple “Thank You” will suffice. None of this “How did you get in my house” business. So rude"
L344[10:26:21] <UmbralRaptor> (much earlier or non-existent on weekends)
L345[10:26:27] <ve2dmn> Truga: density overlaid with Metro (and train) map of the city: http://i.imgur.com/uaqtI.png
L346[10:26:45] <UmbralRaptor> Fluburtur: Free waffles?
L347[10:26:53] <Truga> not great but not terrible either I guess? :v
L348[10:27:08] <ve2dmn> Note that the north train is really crappy...
L349[10:27:38] <ve2dmn> ... it runs every hour or so and take MORE time than taking the bus to get downtown
L350[10:28:13] <ve2dmn> And the extention to the Blue line (north) was promised in 1985...
L351[10:28:17] <ve2dmn> I'm still waiting
L352[10:28:20] <Fluburtur> UmbralRaptor so you won't kick me out when I come to your house with breakfast?
L353[10:28:37] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/d1423587c70a3b0cb8c51f016c422e3a/tumblr_o0upgkPkQP1qftzyfo1_540.jpg
L354[10:29:08] <Truga> nice
L355[10:30:09] <ve2dmn> the blue line Metro are only half the size of the stations because the traffic never materialised.... because it was 1 station short of a VERY big boulevard
L356[10:31:28] <ve2dmn> (one where you can see 4 buses back-to-back going in both direction at rush hours every 5 mins)
L357[10:32:18] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/693ab5d4055be30046814c5a8d94a4a1/tumblr_o76nba2cre1rg0baeo1_500.jpg
L358[10:33:37] * ve2dmn is just angry because he would save 20-30min of transit every day
L359[10:36:32] <TheKosmonaut> Every time I watch The Expanse, i soon after play Children of a dead earth
L360[10:37:10] <TheKosmonaut> Then I consider making a war campaign in the style of CoDE and Expanse in KSP
L361[10:37:16] <TheKosmonaut> That'd be sick
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L370[11:09:25] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/380846093002473475/445980994777120790/20180515180849_1.jpg
L371[11:09:30] <Fluburtur> the yak 3p is so good
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L374[11:19:06] <ve2dmn> https://i.redd.it/ggrm62r470y01.png
L375[11:20:08] <Mat2ch> ve2dmn: you have to admit that this may be a bit too much for this channel
L376[11:20:35] <ve2dmn> You're right
L377[11:21:32] <Mat2ch> (it's funny nonetheless ;)
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L380[11:35:11] <APlayer> All necessary comments were kindly provided by Mat2ch already. ;-)
L381[11:52:12] <ve2dmn> "we apologize for the inconvenience"
L382[11:52:21] <ve2dmn> --Douglas Adams
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L385[12:16:24] <Fluburtur> that makes sense https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/231106102693986314/445997865479831552/20180515191346_1.jpg
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L387[12:38:04] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SVBqCBzmpU
L388[12:38:05] <kmath> YouTube - Hybrid Jet Engine
L389[12:38:35] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/231106102693986314/446003371984420875/20180515193728_1.jpg
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L391[12:58:39] <Althego> if scott is saying it, it is happening https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtaGQuVyp90
L392[12:58:39] <kmath> YouTube - Autonomous Flying Robot to Join Nuclear Powered, Laser Armed Robot On Mars Road Trip
L393[12:59:16] <Althego> still more 2.5 years until i can see that helicopter flying
L394[12:59:21] <Althego> or rather hear from it
L395[13:07:42] ⇦ Quits: Raidernick (Raidernick!~Raidernic@ool-44c3e6ba.static.optonline.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L396[13:09:45] <Fluburtur> real piloting there https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/380846093002473475/446011154704367636/20180515200744_1.jpg
L397[13:09:56] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/380846093002473475/446011180444680223/20180515200819_1.jpg
L398[13:10:22] <Althego> hehe nice
L399[13:10:57] <Fluburtur> the war thunder replay thing is crap however
L400[13:11:08] <Fluburtur> but I did get one kill
L401[13:11:19] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/380846093002473475/446010204639723520/20180515200417_1.jpg
L402[13:11:26] <Fluburtur> mid war prop plane vs end war jets
L403[13:11:33] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/380846093002473475/446010173681696788/20180515200355_1.jpg
L404[13:11:33] <Mat2ch> hrm, 2 to 3 minutes of flight time by a single days sun light
L405[13:11:41] <Mat2ch> so how long are they going to charge between flights? A week?
L406[13:12:02] <Althego> the channel rules always remind me of turd polishing mythbusters episode. where they talk about what the yare allowed to say. so one mentions they can say crap twice. the other replies with crap. and than they cant say it anymore :)
L407[13:12:05] <Mat2ch> Also did you know that Boeing and Rolls Royce are participating in the Skylon project?
L408[13:12:15] <Althego> or was that the fan hitting episode? i am not sure
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L412[13:14:54] <Althego> hehe, new muskwatch
L413[13:15:06] <Althego> these guys are so silly
L414[13:15:59] <Fluburtur> 220 watts of power for a heli isn't too bad
L415[13:16:08] <Fluburtur> mine probably uses as much
L416[13:16:19] <Fluburtur> also scott pls stop saying the D word
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L419[13:18:06] <ve2dmn> D word?
L420[13:18:48] <Fluburtur> yes
L421[13:19:08] <Mat2ch> Delta?
L422[13:19:17] <Fluburtur> no the other
L423[13:19:44] <Althego> deadpool?
L424[13:19:47] <ve2dmn> Dv ?
L425[13:20:07] <Fluburtur> no in the video from scott
L426[13:21:08] ⇨ Joins: Lumindia (Lumindia!~Lumindia@
L427[13:21:29] <ve2dmn> Drama?
L428[13:23:00] <Fluburtur> no
L429[13:24:13] <ve2dmn> A male bee?
L430[13:24:20] <Fluburtur> yes
L431[13:24:24] <Fluburtur> when used for rc stuff
L432[13:24:34] <Fluburtur> and crpa that isn't supposed to be called that
L433[13:25:06] <Althego> drone?
L434[13:25:11] <Fluburtur> yes
L435[13:25:13] ⇦ Quits: Lumindia (Lumindia!~Lumindia@ (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
L436[13:25:16] <Althego> man that took long
L437[13:25:30] <Fluburtur> I don't like this word
L438[13:26:21] ⇦ Quits: SilverFox (SilverFox!~SilverFox@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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L440[13:26:44] <ve2dmn> There is no precise definition for *that* use
L441[13:27:10] <Fluburtur> then I can make up one
L442[13:27:20] <ve2dmn> yes
L443[13:27:26] <Fluburtur> and I don't even need to v
L444[13:27:28] <Fluburtur> http://www.rchelicopterfun.com/rc-drone.html
L445[13:27:43] <ve2dmn> https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/drone
L446[13:28:44] <Fluburtur> for me it is a word that lost its meaning because idiots kept using it ithout knowing anything abotu what they were talking about and still got it wrong
L447[13:28:55] <Fluburtur> and they probably don't know about bees either
L448[13:29:03] <Gasher> lol
L449[13:29:13] <ve2dmn> well... originally it was for insects...
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L451[13:29:45] <Gasher> Fluburtur, you mean it should be used for autonomous vehicles only?
L452[13:30:00] <Fluburtur> no
L453[13:30:06] <Fluburtur> especially not for them
L454[13:30:28] <Gasher> em, then for what?
L455[13:30:28] <Fluburtur> because then you can use UAV and it makes more sense because peoples throw the D word at everything
L456[13:30:32] <Fluburtur> for bees
L457[13:30:47] <Gasher> ok, except bees
L458[13:31:04] <Fluburtur> like when they say it you don't know if they mean some rc car, plane, heli, multirotor or probe on another planet
L459[13:31:05] <Gasher> also why not anyway?
L460[13:31:19] <Gasher> oh
L461[13:31:21] <Althego> borg drones?
L462[13:31:30] <Gasher> so you just need a bit more clarity in that
L463[13:31:31] <ve2dmn> corporate drones
L464[13:31:39] <Gasher> ve2dmn, that's bees lol
L465[13:31:49] <Fluburtur> the guy in the article I posted does a good job at explaining all that
L466[13:32:13] <Gasher> also sounds like some elaborate swearing - if you recall the bee drone life cycle
L467[13:32:42] <ve2dmn> The only thing I know about drones is when there are too many of them, I have to spawn more overlords
L468[13:32:49] <Fluburtur> nah peoples will just think you are calling them a terminator
L469[13:32:58] <Fluburtur> like the early ones that were like tanks
L470[13:33:05] <Gasher> ve2dmn, i suggest reading a bit about that
L471[13:33:52] <ve2dmn> Gasher: I would, but I need additional pylons
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L478[14:42:56] * APlayer stares at Hofstadter's and Parkinson's laws
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L480[15:16:19] <ve2dmn> https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1385341529
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L484[15:56:30] <UmbralRaptor> http://www.awakenakira.com/
L485[16:01:19] <dsockwell> UmbralRaptor: that sounds like a great idea to me
L486[16:02:45] <dsockwell> how to spice up a Tuesday? awaken Akira!
L487[16:03:54] <UmbralRaptor> This is sure to cause no problems whatsoever.
L488[16:04:49] <UmbralRaptor> The video is nice. Akira, not as you saw it, but as you remember it.
L489[16:07:33] <UmbralRaptor> mrBlaQ: at least Esper still exists.
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L499[16:57:08] <Eddi|zuHause> ve2dmn: but if earth is flat, why would all the other planets be not-flat?
L500[16:59:14] <Fluburtur> they didn't get the memo
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L505[17:12:26] <KrazyKrl> Yes, but what about the fact that this is totally plausible: https://i.imgur.com/NRgMyWw.png
L506[17:12:42] <KrazyKrl> Look at that, how is that not occam's razor approved?
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L511[17:31:23] <Eddi|zuHause> of course earth is concave. just look at your shoes. they wear out on the front and the back first
L512[17:40:52] <JCB> vweeeee
L513[17:41:23] <JCB> so.. rocket powered jump pod.. as opposed to jetting around on plane wheels.. a little more challenging, but .. seems to work.
L514[17:42:22] <JCB> also, ugh so many crew report/waypoint things.. but no plane parts....
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L521[18:28:29] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
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L523[18:36:32] <SirWhales> wow, such name-calling!
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L525[18:44:51] <ve2dmn> Good Evening
L526[19:04:23] <ve2dmn> I would like to point out that this stellaris mod lacks Elephants and turtles all the way down: https://www.reddit.com/r/Stellaris/comments/8jlxsz/found_this_scientific_accurate_mod/
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L528[19:16:22] <JCB> ....
L529[19:16:39] <JCB> need a ring world mod now
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L551[20:02:50] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/5195752f8833c63826854591089b98b4.png - New recordholder for the coldest "star" I have ever found in SE. still looking for the elusive 9.9 heh. I wanna write about it on a wiki.
L552[20:06:20] * UmbralRaptor bets that a Y9.9 will have a mass of something like 14 ♃.
L553[20:07:44] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/896572a6d33df9258d9c1241f10e6cd3.png - I keep breaking my own record lol
L554[20:08:53] <UmbralRaptor> >12 Gy old. O_O
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L558[20:12:38] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/6cd82077cdde7dd7d9939f159fdaf96e.png - JACKPOT!
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L563[20:42:45] <Eddi|zuHause> so what's the border between a "brown dwarf" and a (jupiter-like) "planet"?
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L565[20:56:45] <ve2dmn> Eddi|zuHause: fusion?
L566[20:57:34] <UmbralRaptor> Generally D-D fusion (~13 M_♃)
L567[20:58:15] <UmbralRaptor> Usually different formation mechanism (disk instability vs core accretion)
L568[21:14:15] <Kalpa> Wut
L569[21:14:21] ⇦ Quits: JCB (JCB!webchat@S0106a84e3f5d6a13.vs.shawcable.net) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
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L574[22:12:00] <darsie> I have two dumb scientists in a lab who don't know how to operate it. Looks like I also need a pilot or a computer.
L575[22:14:37] <darsie> They can't add data, start research or upgrade themselves.
L576[22:15:33] <darsie> The lab is not a command module; any craft it is a part of will need a probe body or command pod to be piloted.
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L579[22:27:03] <darsie> But that doesn't mean the lab needs a probe body or command pod to work.
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L582[22:51:55] <cringe> ISS Urine Tank Level: 8%
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L588[22:56:58] <Althego> heh when wasthe electron launch
L589[22:59:09] <cringe> they dont say :(
L590[22:59:36] <cringe> but there is a cool pdf with an overview
L591[22:59:44] <cringe> https://isslive.com/handbooks/ethosHandbook.pdf#page=4
L592[23:00:05] <cringe> not sure those shorts are up to code tho
L593[23:00:57] <Althego> oh wait it was postponed, 1 week from now
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L596[23:06:30] <Triffid_Hunter_> wow, just found https://github.com/Rahjital/XenoIndustry - should make things interesting!
L597[23:07:44] <cringe> >.>
L598[23:09:31] <cringe> actually, thats kinda cool :)
L599[23:10:23] <cringe> if i played factorio too, prolly be pstoked
L600[23:14:53] <bees> has science gone too far?
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L602[23:18:35] <Althego> lol
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