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L1[00:00:20] <UmbralRaptop> setup looks good
L2[00:03:25] ⇨ Joins: Blaank (Blaank!~Blaankk@c-24-11-223-177.hsd1.tn.comcast.net)
L3[00:04:16] <taniwha> I get the same result without the ratsimp and num lines
L4[00:04:51] <taniwha> so it's just the handling of maxima's non-solution that worries me
L5[00:07:03] <taniwha> but it's simply squaring both sides and resolving, so should be valid
L6[00:09:22] <taniwha> hmm, minimum ΔV for circularizing is sqrt(Vinf/2)
L7[00:10:29] * UmbralRaptop is getting (2 √μ)/Vinf
L8[00:10:43] <taniwha> for radius
L9[00:10:51] <UmbralRaptop> yeah
L10[00:11:06] <taniwha> oh, sqrt(mu)
L11[00:11:07] <taniwha> hmm
L12[00:12:18] ⇨ Joins: sjwt (sjwt!sjwt@n106-71-140-188.rdl2.qld.optusnet.com.au)
L13[00:12:36] * UmbralRaptop tries to recall the units of μ. m³/s²?
L14[00:13:22] <taniwha> should be
L15[00:13:45] <taniwha> since μ/r² -> m/s²
L16[00:14:08] <UmbralRaptop> yeah,
L17[00:14:12] <UmbralRaptop> blarg
L18[00:14:44] <taniwha> however, not sure dimentional analysis is directly useful for derivatives
L19[00:16:11] <taniwha> yeah, DA give m²/s³ for r
L20[00:16:22] ⇦ Quits: Noobton (Noobton!~Noobton@ (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
L21[00:16:26] <taniwha> (r=2μ/Vinf)
L22[00:18:08] <taniwha> I'm sure you /can/ use dimentional analysis with derivatives, but it's probably mildly complicated
L23[00:18:23] <taniwha> (m/s)/m
L24[00:18:47] <taniwha> 1/s doesn't seem right
L25[00:21:49] <Althego> sqrt(無) :)
L26[00:22:23] <taniwha> except that's mu while μ is really myu
L27[00:22:42] <taniwha> (or mju in IPA)
L28[00:22:57] <Althego> i would say mü
L29[00:23:47] <taniwha> anyway, we have either cows, or cows with an accent ;)
L30[00:23:55] <Althego> hehe
L31[00:28:01] <taniwha> 4πρμr/3
L32[00:29:06] <UmbralRaptop> Hopefully your cows are in a 3-sphere.
L33[00:29:24] <Althego> https://i.imgur.com/yZwBtCI.gifv
L34[00:29:33] <taniwha> 3-spherical cows
L35[00:29:37] * UmbralRaptop had an algebra error earlier.
L36[00:29:51] <Althego> error 404, algebra not found :)
L37[00:30:22] <UmbralRaptop> Vinf² = 2μ/r = Vescape
L38[00:30:45] <taniwha> -Vescape, maybe?
L39[00:30:47] <UmbralRaptop> Althego: the algebra is a Lie
L40[00:30:52] <taniwha> (rather than =)
L41[00:30:54] <Althego> yes, lie algebra
L42[00:30:57] <Althego> i like that
L43[00:31:01] <UmbralRaptop> er, Vescape²
L44[00:31:05] <taniwha> that too
L45[00:31:44] <taniwha> er, hang on, Vesc = 2μ/r
L46[00:31:56] <taniwha> squared, of course :P
L47[00:32:34] <taniwha> I guess that was the error
L48[00:35:56] ⇨ Joins: Lyneira (Lyneira!~konversat@2001:984:484e:1:20c:29ff:fea6:d040)
L49[00:38:08] <UmbralRaptop> Well, it's a result that makes sense.
L50[00:59:34] <taniwha> Vesc² = 2μ/r, Vcirc² = μ/r, Vinf² = V² - Vesc²
L51[00:59:57] ⇦ Quits: m4v (m4v!~znc@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L52[01:00:36] <UmbralRaptop> yeah
L53[01:02:00] ⇦ Quits: Rolf (Rolf!~XXCoder@c-73-11-207-31.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving)
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L56[01:08:41] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/9b9123d851151f7862f206f11a176c28.jpg - Here's how I mounted the older hard drive from my older computer. The main one is vertical behind the assembly, and there's one screw holding it in...usually a CD-ROM drive goes there.
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L63[01:41:45] ⇨ Joins: Kabouik (Kabouik!~kabouik@
L64[01:47:30] <Neal> how do I use the woomerang launch site?
L65[01:47:45] <Neal> I'm in sandbox
L66[01:49:44] <taniwha> Neal: there's a little dropdown just below the launch button
L67[01:49:48] <taniwha> or should be
L68[01:51:03] <Neal> nothing happens if I hover over the launch button. this is an old version, does that have anything to do with it?
L69[01:51:16] <taniwha> no, just below the button
L70[01:51:54] <Neal> nothing there in the VAB
L71[01:52:33] <taniwha> you have MH installed?
L72[01:52:50] <Neal> yup, on the latest version of KSP thanks to steams auto updates
L73[01:53:14] <taniwha> there should be a little grey tab just below the green launch button
L74[01:54:42] <Neal> this is what I see https://i.imgur.com/fq2yFst.png
L75[01:55:03] <taniwha> hmm, it's missing
L76[01:55:22] <Neal> maybe I need a new save? idk, I see the woomerang site on the map
L77[01:55:33] <Neal> like in tracking station view
L78[01:55:49] <taniwha> ah, check AllowOtherLaunchSites in your sfs
L79[01:56:08] <taniwha> (DIFFICULTY section)
L80[01:58:35] <Neal> there it is, thanks
L81[01:58:50] <taniwha> cool
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L119[07:07:51] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/380846093002473475/439759597515964419/20180428135210_1.jpg
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L129[08:33:25] <Fluburtur> I need to find some hd webcam to recording concerts
L130[08:33:33] <Fluburtur> or whatever camera I can plug into my computer
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L133[09:35:35] ⇨ Joins: APlayer (APlayer!~APlayer@p200300C22BEF0700C838099E60884F2A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de)
L134[09:35:58] <Fluburtur> there is some slight erosion inside my used nozzles
L135[09:36:20] <Fluburtur> I don't think the glue is the cause of the white stuff but I will glue the nozzles in differently next time
L136[09:36:52] <Fluburtur> also it seems the smaller nozzle absorbed more heat than the wider one
L137[09:38:25] <Fluburtur> also the exhaust part of the nozzle looks a bit more white
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L153[10:45:57] <GurrenLagannTSS> Hey guys
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L157[11:09:07] <GurrenLagannTSS> ...
L158[11:09:16] <GurrenLagannTSS> why its only this
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L160[11:16:40] <TheKosmonaut> GurrenLagannTSS: weekends
L161[11:21:52] <GurrenLagannTSS> oh yeah today is saturday
L162[11:21:56] <GurrenLagannTSS> makes sense
L163[11:35:04] ⇨ Joins: Draconiator (Draconiator!~musicphre@cpe-184-153-142-221.maine.res.rr.com)
L164[11:35:47] <GurrenLagannTSS> hey Draconiator
L165[11:36:13] <GurrenLagannTSS> also why we have soo many operators
L166[11:36:54] ⇦ Quits: m4v (m4v!~znc@ (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L167[11:37:44] <APlayer> A good tyranny has many oppressors
L168[11:37:59] <GurrenLagannTSS> hahahaha
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L170[11:41:13] <UmbralRaptop> >_>
L171[11:41:49] <GurrenLagannTSS> 8 operators
L172[11:41:53] <GurrenLagannTSS> too many
L173[11:42:06] <GurrenLagannTSS> and there is 2-4 more
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L175[11:48:42] <GurrenLagannTSS> omg
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L178[11:55:42] <GurrenLagannTSS> m4v, stay here and use a client
L179[11:58:28] * Mimiru facepalms
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L181[12:01:19] ⇨ Joins: Guest50529 (Guest50529!webchat@CPEbc4dfbf14c83-CMbc4dfbf14c80.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com)
L182[12:02:05] <Guest50529> any mod packs containing engines without bases? want to create clusters without massive bases that clip the tanks
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L185[12:10:57] ⇨ Joins: Neo (Neo!~Neo@eos.pc-logix.com)
L186[12:12:23] <Althego> the making history expansion has this :)
L187[12:13:05] <Alanonzander> NF has them too
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L190[12:19:19] <Guest50529> i don't like the expansion. it's not worth it.
L191[12:19:25] <Guest50529> what is NF?
L192[12:20:52] <Alanonzander> Near Future
L193[12:22:15] <Alanonzander> https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/155465-142-near-future-technologies-142-compatability/&
L194[12:22:24] ⇨ Joins: Draconiator (Draconiator!~musicphre@cpe-184-153-142-221.maine.res.rr.com)
L195[12:23:02] <Alanonzander> Bunch of differnet mots.. you want NF propulsion
L196[12:23:04] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/2f4a70f1e11531b74703388041b18285.png - lol, Acronis gave me a High Severity error because it can't detect that I installed Linux on it.
L197[12:23:07] <Alanonzander> *mods
L198[12:24:20] ⇦ Quits: Draconiator (Draconiator!~musicphre@cpe-184-153-142-221.maine.res.rr.com) (Client Quit)
L199[12:24:42] <Neal> I really don't like drive cloning, fresh reinstalls are usually better
L200[12:25:07] <Neal> are there any other graphics enhancement mods I should have? I currently have scatterererrrr
L201[12:26:50] <GurrenLagannTSS> EVE and Astronomer's Visual Pack
L202[12:30:22] ⇨ Joins: Neo (Neo!~Neo@eos.pc-logix.com)
L203[12:39:57] <Guest50529> i just looked at near future prop. those are not normal engines and they all have bases. can't cluster them
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L205[12:41:30] <Alanonzander> they have switchable bases
L206[12:44:01] <Alanonzander> Though I may be thinking of Cryogenic Engines, also by Nearta
L207[12:51:36] ⇦ Quits: NolanSyKinsley (NolanSyKinsley!~NolanSyKi@2606:6000:5122:a00:b649:e25f:97a0:81a5) (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
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L209[12:52:41] <APlayer> Guest50529: If you want a really /big/ part pack with a touch of realism, go for SSTU. You can fully configure the engine bases there.
L210[12:53:05] <APlayer> I need to go for now, but be back in half an hour or so, if I am needed.
L211[12:55:21] <GurrenLagannTSS> Bye APlayer
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L214[13:15:45] <APlayer> I have returned. :-)
L215[13:15:59] <GurrenLagannTSS> Yaay
L216[13:25:17] <APlayer> The fish in the aquarium know I am about to feed them before I even grab the can of food. That's pretty impressive, actually.
L217[13:30:19] ⇦ Quits: m4v (m4v!~znc@ (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L218[13:31:08] <GurrenLagannTSS> Your fish are smart
L219[13:32:01] ⇨ Joins: m4v (m4v!~znc@
L220[13:44:24] <GurrenLagannTSS> m4v, USE A CLIENT
L221[13:46:47] <Fluburtur> can you stop yelling at peoples
L222[13:47:44] <GurrenLagannTSS> Fluburtur, my irc client is full of this has joined/quit
L223[13:47:53] <Fluburtur> and so is mine
L224[13:47:58] <Fluburtur> but am I yelling at everyone?
L225[13:48:34] <GurrenLagannTSS> no
L226[13:48:45] <GurrenLagannTSS> but m4v is annoying
L227[13:48:47] <Fluburtur> so stop yelling at everyone
L228[13:48:58] <GurrenLagannTSS> m4v is just afk
L229[13:49:06] <Fluburtur> the most annoying this here is you yelling at everyone
L230[13:49:15] <GurrenLagannTSS> for 10 million jool orbits
L231[13:50:07] <GurrenLagannTSS> but Fluburtur, m4v just keepss beeing afk for 12,058,354 jool orbits
L232[13:50:21] <Fluburtur> I don't care
L233[13:50:36] <Fluburtur> 80% of peoples here are afk most of the time
L234[13:50:47] <Fluburtur> plenty of peoples have clients with autojoin
L235[13:50:51] <GurrenLagannTSS> i don like afk
L236[13:50:53] <GurrenLagannTSS> ok
L237[13:50:55] <Fluburtur> I don't care
L238[13:50:58] <Fluburtur> no one cares
L239[13:51:02] <GurrenLagannTSS> but me
L240[13:51:05] <Fluburtur> so stop yelling at everyone
L241[13:51:16] <Fluburtur> it clutters the irc more than peoples connecting and leaving
L242[13:51:29] <GurrenLagannTSS> m4v is afk for 158.54 bilion years
L243[13:51:42] <GurrenLagannTSS> and its flooding my cllient
L244[13:51:47] <Fluburtur> then quit
L245[13:58:02] <APlayer> Uh guys, please chill a bit
L246[14:00:01] <APlayer> It's fine, mistakes happen. Join/quit spam is not the most pleasant thing, but it happens and it won't get better by yelling at people. Having said that, it's not nice to tell people to quit either. When m4v returns, tell them (politely) that their join/quit messages disturbed your IRC chat flow. But that's the most you can and should do.
L247[14:09:33] ⇦ Quits: schnobs (schnobs!~user@p4fedacc6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L248[14:10:24] ⇦ Quits: m4v (m4v!~znc@ (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
L249[14:16:04] <Ezko> GurrenLagannTSS: hide join/quit messages if they annoy you so much
L250[14:16:35] ⇨ Joins: m4v (m4v!~znc@
L251[14:18:55] <GurrenLagannTSS> how
L252[14:19:25] <Ezko> For all channels:
L253[14:19:26] <Ezko> Settings → Preferences → General → Check "Hide join and part messages"
L254[14:19:32] <Ezko> took all of 20 seconds to google that
L255[14:20:09] <GurrenLagannTSS> thx Ezko
L256[14:36:26] ⇦ Quits: legion (legion!~kvirc@ ()
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L259[15:08:47] ⇨ Joins: Neo (Neo!~Neo@eos.pc-logix.com)
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L262[15:14:02] ⇨ Joins: Neo (Neo!~Neo@eos.pc-logix.com)
L263[15:14:56] <Ezko> what to do in ksp
L264[15:15:40] <GurrenLagannTSS> mess around with kopernicus
L265[15:17:19] ⇦ Quits: Rolf (Rolf!~XXCoder@c-73-11-207-31.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L266[15:18:09] <GurrenLagannTSS> choose mess around with kopernicus|launch a rocket
L267[15:18:11] <GurrenLagannTSS> omg
L268[15:18:22] <GurrenLagannTSS> how do i do that choose command
L269[15:22:27] <APlayer> My choice: Launch a rocket
L270[15:23:29] <UmbralRaptop> I choose: mess around in Principia with kRPC.
L271[15:25:02] <Ezko> kerbal republic people's of china
L272[15:25:48] <APlayer> Kerbals Realize that Programming is Cool. ;-)
L273[15:26:43] <UmbralRaptop> Ezko: haven't you always wanted to write a C or Python code to control a rocket?
L274[15:27:14] <Ezko> i'd be fine with kOS
L275[15:28:04] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@c-73-189-164-179.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
L276[15:28:22] <APlayer> UmbralRaptop: Do I need to know any undocumented KSP classes to use kRPC? Because it does sound fun, but KSPs documentation is rather limited, so I stick to kOS as well
L277[15:29:08] <UmbralRaptop> Uh, not sure. >_>;;
L278[15:29:22] <Ezko> mechjeb autopilot is starting to be pretty good
L279[15:29:28] <GurrenLagannTSS> rip
L280[15:29:35] <GurrenLagannTSS> i cant run principia
L281[15:29:41] <GurrenLagannTSS> its 64-bit only
L282[15:29:44] <GurrenLagannTSS> aaaaaaaaarrrrrggghhhh
L283[15:30:43] <Ezko> are you running a computer that's older than you?
L284[15:30:44] <Althego> lol
L285[15:30:54] <Althego> even my phone is 64 bit
L286[15:32:36] <GurrenLagannTSS> no
L287[15:32:43] <APlayer> I mean, if I insert a sim card into a server rack, it will technically become a phnoe
L288[15:32:47] <GurrenLagannTSS> my pc is from 2010
L289[15:32:47] <APlayer> Phone*
L290[15:33:14] <Althego> that should still be a 64 bit
L291[15:33:23] <APlayer> So, if I have a server rack phone, I can boast that my phone has a 128-core CPU and 1 TB of RAM
L292[15:33:26] <Althego> unless somebody deliberately installed a 32 bit os
L293[15:33:29] <GurrenLagannTSS> a amd-semptron
L294[15:33:53] <GurrenLagannTSS> amd-semptrons will never be 64-bit
L295[15:34:02] <Althego> i think it is sempron
L296[15:34:36] <Ezko> i think it is potato
L297[15:34:46] <GurrenLagannTSS> and modern pcs costs around 4500 dollars (1500 of my currency)
L298[15:34:56] <Ezko> where are you from
L299[15:35:04] <Ezko> and what
L300[15:35:14] <Ezko> my laptop was 1000 euros and runs ksp perfectly
L301[15:35:19] <Ezko> as well as gtav for example
L302[15:35:19] <GurrenLagannTSS> brazil
L303[15:35:35] <GurrenLagannTSS> in brazil, everything is expensive
L304[15:35:51] <Althego> in space, everything is silent
L305[15:35:53] <Althego> have to sleep
L306[15:36:07] ⇦ Quits: Althego (Althego!~Althego@86ff41b2.dsl.pool.telekom.hu) (Read error: -0x1: UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (0001))
L307[15:38:30] <GurrenLagannTSS> and a dollar is 3 of my currency
L308[15:39:18] ⇨ Joins: Rolf (Rolf!~XXCoder@c-73-11-207-31.hsd1.wa.comcast.net)
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L310[15:46:41] <APlayer> If a dollar is 3 of your currency and a PC costs 1500 of your currency, then a PC costs 500 dollars
L311[15:47:01] <APlayer> Which is pretty much true for modern high-end PCs
L312[15:48:59] <GurrenLagannTSS> for some reason
L313[15:49:11] <GurrenLagannTSS> i spawned 2 asteroids
L314[15:49:21] <GurrenLagannTSS> during kerbin encounnter
L315[15:49:59] <Guest50529> hai kids. i need friends to talk space and ksp with. be fwends with me plz
L316[15:50:43] <GurrenLagannTSS> Guest50529, you can talk to me
L317[15:51:02] <APlayer> I don't think that's how "friends" work
L318[15:51:13] <GurrenLagannTSS> i'm active from 11 AM BRT to 8 PM BRT
L319[15:51:56] <GurrenLagannTSS> Except at school days
L320[15:53:39] * UmbralRaptop blinks at Guest50529
L321[15:54:06] <UmbralRaptop> GurrenLagannTSS: BRT is UTC-4, right?
L322[15:54:20] <GurrenLagannTSS> no, its UTC-3
L323[15:54:20] <Guest50529> @APlayer teach me then
L324[15:55:09] <UmbralRaptop> ah
L325[15:55:22] <APlayer> Guest50529: Well, it takes more time than it took you to type out "be fwends with me plz", anyway
L326[15:56:44] <Guest50529> that actually took me a long time. I had to write it correctly then modify it to amuse myself :)
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L328[16:02:32] ⇦ Quits: Lyneira (Lyneira!~konversat@2001:984:484e:1:20c:29ff:fea6:d040) (Quit: Bye)
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L331[16:05:27] <ve2dmn> Good evening
L332[16:05:51] <UmbralRaptop> \o
L333[16:06:02] <APlayer> Heeloo!
L334[16:06:16] <GurrenLagannTSS> Hey ve2dmn
L335[16:06:30] <ve2dmn> Yesterday was the HB early unlock. Expect more Guest00000 I guess
L336[16:08:08] <UmbralRaptop> Hm
L337[16:08:31] <ve2dmn> Upgrade to 1.4.3 or not upgrade to 1.4.3... that is the question
L338[16:08:36] ⇦ Quits: Guest18906 (Guest18906!webchat@dslb-084-058-062-233.084.058.pools.vodafone-ip.de) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L339[16:09:06] <GurrenLagannTSS> I would stay with 1.3.1 but i havent checked the changelog to see if all the bugs were fixed
L340[16:09:23] <ve2dmn> Exploding legs were fixed it seems
L341[16:09:36] <GurrenLagannTSS> yeah
L342[16:09:42] <GurrenLagannTSS> go for 1.4.3
L343[16:09:54] <GurrenLagannTSS> since my pc cant run 1.4.2 anyway
L344[16:09:55] <ve2dmn> bummer. I like explosions... although it did make base-making more tickey
L345[16:09:59] <GurrenLagannTSS> potato
L346[16:10:40] <APlayer> The ultime KSP fan's amusement: If you like explosions, install enough mods to cause an actual explosion in your PC.
L347[16:11:22] <APlayer> On that optimistic note, I'm off for today. See you!
L348[16:11:55] <GurrenLagannTSS> Bye APlayer !
L349[16:13:18] <GurrenLagannTSS> also a tip
L350[16:13:41] <GurrenLagannTSS> always colse your irc if you are leavng
L351[16:13:49] <GurrenLagannTSS> close*
L352[16:14:01] <GurrenLagannTSS> omg broken keyboard 2.0.3
L353[16:14:08] <ve2dmn> I keep it open, but I colourise it
L354[16:14:12] <GurrenLagannTSS> leaving*
L355[16:14:15] <GurrenLagannTSS> AH CMON
L356[16:14:24] <GurrenLagannTSS> i hate my keyboard
L357[16:19:02] ⇦ Quits: APlayer (APlayer!~APlayer@p200300C22BEF0700C838099E60884F2A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
L358[16:24:39] <GurrenLagannTSS> yep
L359[16:24:47] <GurrenLagannTSS> I turned ARSS
L360[16:24:56] <GurrenLagannTSS> into Stock-made ARSS
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L365[16:49:13] <GurrenLagannTSS> its time to remove the zzzz
L366[16:50:16] ⇦ Quits: kubi (kubi!~kubi@c-d6af71d5.018-143-73746f43.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L370[16:54:49] <Guest44227> I am having a bad issue with the new update but i dont really know how to report it
L371[16:55:05] <GurrenLagannTSS> Use the fourms
L372[16:55:25] <Guest44227> I dont know how to post
L373[16:55:39] * GurrenLagannTSS facepalms
L374[16:55:41] <Guest44227> Or start a new topic
L375[16:55:55] <Guest44227> I cant find one that fits this problem
L376[16:55:59] <GurrenLagannTSS> UmbralRaptop, here, explain to Guest44227 how the forums work
L377[16:57:10] <UmbralRaptop> hrm
L378[16:58:56] <UmbralRaptop> Guest44227: first, do you have a forum account?
L379[16:59:04] <Guest44227> no
L380[17:00:08] <GurrenLagannTSS> he is new to the whole forum thing
L381[17:00:14] <Guest44227> sry
L382[17:00:15] <UmbralRaptop> Okay, you'll want to click on the sign up button on the upper right of the main forum page.
L383[17:01:58] ⇨ Joins: tawny (tawny!~tawny@pool-72-66-37-144.washdc.east.verizon.net)
L384[17:02:15] <Guest44227> ok thanks i verified it and everything
L385[17:02:19] ⇦ Quits: Guest44227 (Guest44227!webchat@24-196-25-12.dhcp.leds.al.charter.com) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L386[17:02:33] <UmbralRaptop> okay…
L387[17:03:18] <UmbralRaptop> I'm going to assume that they can figure out how to post, and won't be surprised by needing approvals for their first few.
L388[17:03:37] <GurrenLagannTSS> Guest50529 doesnt know how to post
L389[17:04:08] <GurrenLagannTSS> Also, has anyone ever set CONIC_PATCH_LIMIT to 100?
L390[17:10:08] <Tortoise767> .seen ellied
L391[17:12:42] ⇦ Quits: esspapier (esspapier!~esspapier@80-109-207-2.cable.dynamic.surfer.at) (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
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L400[17:31:37] <Tortoise767> I keep placing vessels on different part of Kerbin, then going back to the space center and launching a new flight...And those vessels are dissapearing. wth
L401[17:31:38] ⇨ Joins: dnsmcbr (dnsmcbr!uid136206@id-136206.hathersage.irccloud.com)
L402[17:37:18] <Tortoise767> nvm. they might be blowing themselves up when they activate
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L408[18:02:14] ⇦ Quits: Guest50529 (Guest50529!webchat@CPEbc4dfbf14c83-CMbc4dfbf14c80.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) (Quit: webchat.esper.net)
L409[18:04:34] <Fluburtur> so
L410[18:04:48] <Fluburtur> my next rocket, should it had a 6,7 or 8mm nozzle?
L411[18:10:12] <Fluburtur> my 8mm nozzle had better thrust than my 7mm one
L412[18:10:33] <Fluburtur> but a previous 6mm nozzle got to 400g before ejecting
L413[18:14:15] <Ezko> yes it should
L414[18:14:43] <Fluburtur> should what
L415[18:14:48] <Fluburtur> uh I can't talk tonight
L416[18:14:55] <Fluburtur> too late, english broke
L417[18:15:08] <Ezko> oh dog
L418[18:15:33] <Fluburtur> im almost out of 22mm tube so I can only do one last test until I get some more
L419[18:15:41] ⇦ Quits: Gasher (Gasher!~Gasher@broadband-46-188-123-157.2com.net) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L420[18:15:45] <Fluburtur> so I better make it count
L421[18:15:50] <Ezko> what are you doing
L422[18:15:57] <Fluburtur> testing rocket engines
L423[18:16:10] <Ezko> like RS-25?
L424[18:16:24] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/CW9NZvG9vH8?t=18
L425[18:17:02] <RandomJeb> use 8mm for the main thruster and 7mm for the boosters
L426[18:17:25] <Fluburtur> well im just trying to see which has the best static thrust
L427[18:17:31] <Fluburtur> I want to mount one on a rc plane
L428[18:18:13] <Ezko> the thrust seems to be going a bit to the right
L429[18:18:45] <Fluburtur> yeah the core hole isn't perfectly center
L430[18:20:21] <Fluburtur> here is a playlist with all my rocket test https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5i55WwqU-3PE4-T8DaokfynMq_ejrvXI
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L434[18:35:25] <Fluburtur> I guess I will test the next one with a 6mm nozzle and shallow core just to help ignition
L435[18:35:44] <Fluburtur> if it behaves like a end burner I guess it should reduce the white stuff
L436[18:46:09] ⇦ Quits: FLHerne (FLHerne!~flh@cpc129772-papw8-2-0-cust286.know.cable.virginm.net) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L437[18:52:36] <Fluburtur> I should try coating the interior of a nozzle with epoxy in a future test
L438[18:52:41] <Fluburtur> to see how it reacts
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L441[19:00:04] <Fluburtur> nozzle mk5 is designed, will print the mold tomorrow
L442[19:00:33] <Fluburtur> it will be a rather short one since the size of the exhaust cone is linked to the throat
L443[19:01:31] <Fluburtur> 6mm is smaller than the throat should be for that size of rocket but it should generate some significat presure
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L449[19:22:03] <GurrenLagannTSS> I'm plunging to death in ARSS
L450[19:28:22] <GurrenLagannTSS> omg
L451[19:28:49] <GurrenLagannTSS> world record for closest survivable encounter
L452[19:28:58] <Ezko> good luck with that
L453[19:29:08] <Ezko> GurrenLagannTSS: it's 3:28 in the morning here and i haven't went to sleep
L454[19:29:27] <GurrenLagannTSS> I survived a 100 m encounter
L455[19:31:46] <Ezko> is that good
L456[19:34:31] <GurrenLagannTSS> A world record
L457[19:40:25] <GurrenLagannTSS> gtg
L458[19:40:27] ⇦ Quits: GurrenLagannTSS (GurrenLagannTSS!~GurrenLag@ (Quit: Leaving)
L459[19:41:14] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/02599430eedcf7025316cd5af6d3632d/tumblr_p7hnzenyzs1srkjcdo1_540.jpg
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L479[22:22:02] <Draconiator> Man I absolutely LOVE my crash-proof Mun rover. I drove it around and tested it with some massive jumps, and nope, NEVER fell apart not even once.
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L487[22:37:42] <UmbralRaptop> Does it have lots of struts and/or wheels?
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L490[22:39:44] <Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: Life support, offline. Propulsion, offline. Launch escape system, offline. All systems nominal.
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L492[22:40:52] <UmbralRaptop> Fortunately, this mission is robotic.
L493[22:41:38] <Scolar_Visari> Not having propulsion means it's also a failed robotic mission.
L494[22:42:27] <UmbralRaptop> Usually, though some cube sats…
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L496[22:42:55] <Scolar_Visari> Well, those passive deorbit aids don't work so well if they're launched into a higher-than-designed orbit.
L497[22:44:27] * Scolar_Visari notes that if the Shuttle was a secret military endeavor, it was not a very good one.
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L499[22:45:56] <UmbralRaptop> Hah
L500[22:48:03] <Scolar_Visari> Some one on phys.org seems to think it was purpose-built for swooping in and taking enemy satellites despite A. Such a capability was never utilized and B. The USAF requirements for the STS were added on during development.
L501[22:48:43] <Scolar_Visari> And, you know, it's not like the Soviets would've just as eagerly deorbited a satellite if they ever got a hint that the STS would be visiting it in person.
L502[22:49:50] * Scolar_Visari mutters something about the Vandenburg launch site never launching a Shuttle.
L503[22:50:48] <UmbralRaptop> SLC-6 stands for atlaS Launch Complex-6, right?
L504[22:51:38] <Scolar_Visari> No no no. It's Secret Launch Complex-6
L505[22:51:45] <Scolar_Visari> Don't tell anybody!
L506[22:52:24] * Scolar_Visari envisions a USAF spokesperson denying the existence of a secret launch complex to a crowd of reporters as a rocket is launched from said secret launch complex.
L507[22:53:08] <Scolar_Visari> "There's absolutely no launch complex-6! Doesn't exist!" "WHAT DID YOU SAY!? YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO SPEAK UP BECAUSE WE CAN'T HEAR YOU OVER THE ROCKET!"
L508[22:53:33] <Scolar_Visari> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NNOrp_83RU
L509[22:53:34] <kmath> YouTube - Nothing To See Here - Naked Gun
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