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L1[00:11:16] <Draconiator> https://www.amazon.com/KingDian-Capacity-Promotion-Internal-Upgrade/dp/B00WU4OX84/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1522300148&sr=8-4&keywords=16GB+SSD - should be able to install Xubuntu on this...*bookmark*
L2[00:12:31] <Althego> hehe my first ssd was 8 gb
L3[00:12:53] <Althego> but that was how many years ago? 10?
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L5[00:19:12] <Draconiator> Al...what is the difference between memory cards you use in like cameras, and SSD drives? aren't they really the same thing?
L6[00:20:02] <taniwha> Draconiator: bus
L7[00:20:11] <taniwha> (will be the main difference)
L8[00:20:28] <Draconiator> ah. and that means...
L9[00:20:39] <Althego> and multiple parallelism inside a pc ssd
L10[00:20:44] <Althego> but they are all nand flash
L11[00:21:06] <Althego> they both use a serial bus though, so they can be extended forever in size
L12[00:22:53] <Draconiator> https://www.firstpost.com/tech/news-analysis/ibm-unveils-the-worlds-smallest-computer-with-an-aim-to-bring-blockchain-to-everyday-products-4397197.html
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L15[00:33:14] <Draconiator> People want to go portable these days....Desktops are dying really.
L16[00:34:45] <taniwha> hardly dying
L17[00:35:03] <Althego> desktops never die :)
L18[00:35:05] <taniwha> more not really growing much
L19[00:35:22] <Althego> mobile things are also saturating
L20[00:35:32] <Althego> you dont want to have more than a few fones and tablets
L21[00:35:41] <taniwha> (might shrink a bit as people who never wanted a desktop in the first place stop upgrading)
L22[00:36:18] <taniwha> eternal growth is impossible
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L24[00:41:28] <Althego> but the forever expanding universe....
L25[00:45:02] <GlassYuri> Draconiator, that is the sort of crap that only gets pumped out because idiot investors without technical knowledge or any sort of foresight buy into the hype and throw money at it
L26[00:45:22] <Draconiator> lets see what portables I have...I have an iPad, mu old Acer AspireOne netbook, my flip phone, and my older phone I use for an alarm clock now. I'm so satisfied as to where technology is headed though.
L27[00:46:00] <Althego> i am not
L28[00:46:16] <Althego> i always have to wait at least a decade for everything
L29[00:46:26] <Althego> i want it long before they realize people need it
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L31[00:46:48] <Althego> not to mention the gpu needs a complete redesign
L32[00:46:54] <Althego> we should throw away polygons completely
L33[00:47:07] <Althego> they are more of a burden now than a helpful idea
L34[00:47:27] <Althego> nobody actually wants polygons
L35[00:47:37] <Althego> it was a compromise for small capacity
L36[00:47:40] <Althego> we are over that
L37[00:48:17] <Draconiator> huh, what do you reccoment as a replacement?
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L42[00:52:34] <Althego> i think maybe using direct mathematical models instead of making plygons of them
L43[00:53:40] <Althego> but these are missing hardware acceleration
L44[00:53:54] <Althego> because everything is about polygons now
L45[00:56:47] <GlassYuri> ...polygons are a mathematical model
L46[00:56:54] <Althego> a dumb one
L47[00:57:01] <Althego> i meant more alongside nurbs
L48[00:57:33] <Althego> those could model complex curved and smooth surfaces with minimal effort
L49[00:57:42] <Althego> no need to do millions for polygons
L50[00:58:10] <Althego> *of
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L53[00:58:51] <GlassYuri> tfw your code throws an exception while building an error message
L54[00:59:09] <Althego> hehe
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L56[01:00:34] <Althego> you cant beat the cae level signal handler. signal caught, handler runs, starts with trying to read an environment variable without checking if it exists. that causes a segmentation fault (null pointer), this causes the signal handler to be called, which causes a segmentation fault, which calls the signal handler....
L57[01:01:12] <Althego> signalception
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L59[01:04:23] <GlassYuri> Althego, when writing a crude system to display log messages on screen I almost made the mistake of using logging to debug the logging event handler
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L64[01:18:57] <Althego> 3 launches in the next 12 hours
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L82[02:27:33] <Olympic1> UmbralRaptop: yes, the template is complete
L83[02:29:01] <UmbralRaptop> \o/
L84[02:29:04] <Pakaran> Hi.
L85[02:29:53] <Pakaran> Has anyone else noticed crashes with xScience?
L86[02:30:32] <Pakaran> It's happened two or three times. *Seems* to be due to quickly hitting buttons to use multiple instruments.
L87[02:33:31] * UmbralRaptop somehow managed to crash a fresh install of 1.4.2+Making History. Like, in the settings menu.
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L90[03:02:49] <tivec> I have some weirdness going on...
L91[03:03:05] <tivec> i have hyperedited a vessel into orbit around the Mun for testing
L92[03:03:28] <tivec> when I enter time warp, before it actually starts moving, the vessel hops forward like 1/20th of the orbit
L93[03:05:07] <tivec> video: http://i.tivec.org/2018-03-29_10-01-51.mp4
L94[03:06:48] <tivec> thoughts on what that could be? I'm in the process of eliminating mods that touch time warp
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L96[03:23:05] <tivec> hmm, seems to only happen when simulating through KRASH
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L100[04:05:33] <TheKosmonaut> Rokker: I've made a decision
L101[04:05:43] <TheKosmonaut> American cars > German cars
L102[04:05:47] <TheKosmonaut> So much easier to work on
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L123[04:45:32] <Pakaran> Anyone know offhand where to get craft files for Bluedog?
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L128[04:53:29] <Deddly> Pakaran, is this what you're looking for? https://kerbalx.com/minepagan/hangars
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L157[07:46:19] <korniton> Sup everyone :D
L158[07:47:03] <korniton> I asked a stupid question on the forum and then I remembered we had a chat for that kind of stuff :(
L159[07:55:39] <Fluburtur> so I have plenty of nice videos on youtube but for some reason the crappy video of the motocultor I made 5 years ago is getting the most views
L160[07:56:19] <AIwrk> lol
L161[07:56:25] <korniton> Nice lol
L162[07:56:59] <korniton> Sometimes the ugliest bunny is the most tastie one :D
L163[07:57:18] <Fluburtur> well it gets a lot of views but for some reason it isn't my most viewed video
L164[07:57:26] <Fluburtur> the most viewed is the guitar
L165[07:57:46] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/2fc333u9bsk
L166[07:57:46] <kmath> YouTube - Making my plywood Flying V guitar
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L171[08:26:25] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: woah, almost 100k views
L172[08:27:45] <Fluburtur> yeah
L173[08:28:46] <Mat2ch> gnah, I have to go and by groceries. We've got a holidy tomorrow and no shops are open
L174[08:29:09] <kubi> oh
L175[08:29:17] <kubi> smoked ham is in the fridge :)
L176[08:31:03] <Truga> steamed hams
L177[08:31:36] <Mat2ch> *buy
L178[08:31:59] <Mat2ch> My fridge is almost empty. That's a problem. :D
L179[08:33:02] <Truga> nice guitar
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L181[08:33:40] <Mat2ch> uhhh, more problems with the A400M... Why am I not suprised?
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L195[09:19:18] <GlassFragments> Rokker, I think you'll like this https://twitter.com/hayate334/status/978734522228355072
L196[09:19:18] <kmath> <hayate334> 頑丈そうなXウィングだこと https://t.co/IRPV9JsCn8
L197[09:19:30] <Althego> ahahaha
L198[09:21:25] <Fluburtur> I added a 2nd camera to my big flying wing
L199[09:21:32] <Truga> nice x uingu
L200[09:21:43] <Fluburtur> I will take it for a flight soon
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L204[09:31:06] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/428923562087415818/DSC_8618.JPG
L205[09:31:41] <Althego> why in the same direction?
L206[09:31:49] <Fluburtur> to record hd
L207[09:31:55] <Fluburtur> but I can point it anywhere if I want
L208[09:32:00] <Althego> so one for real time, the other for recordinf
L209[09:32:04] <Fluburtur> yeah
L210[09:33:51] <Fluburtur> I also wrote my contact info and address on the plane in case I lose it
L211[09:33:56] <Fluburtur> but I hope it won't happen
L212[09:34:00] <Mat2ch> you need a bigger plane and mount that camera under the wing like those early spyplanes did. :D
L213[09:34:15] <Fluburtur> eh I don't want to land on the camera
L214[09:34:21] <Althego> hehe
L215[09:34:27] <Fluburtur> but I will build a better fpv wing soon
L216[09:34:28] <Althego> that is why you need a bigger plane
L217[09:34:38] <Fluburtur> with a bit thinner wings and aerodynamic pod
L218[09:34:50] <Fluburtur> and I will be able to move the fpv camera around
L219[09:35:28] <Althego> and the angry neighbors shoot it down, because who needs a spy drone above them
L220[09:35:40] <Fluburtur> will looke a bit like that http://fwcg.3dzone.dk/?wing_span=120&root_chord=30&tip_chord=20&sweep_type=1&sweep=20&cg_pos=20&show_mac_lines=0
L221[09:35:56] <Fluburtur> eh peoples around here actually enjoy my stuff
L222[09:38:46] <Deddly> Fluburtur, I'll be interested to see how that affects the flight characteristics. If it were KSP, it would be flyable but unstable
L223[09:39:34] <Fluburtur> you mean the camera on my current wing or the next one?
L224[09:40:01] <Fluburtur> because that will jsut slow it down a bit and it is already ultra slow
L225[09:41:31] <Deddly> I was referring to the current setup you haven't test-flown yet
L226[09:41:48] <Deddly> CoM moves up
L227[09:41:51] <Althego> why would it make it unstable?
L228[09:42:48] <Deddly> Althego, Unstable in the sense that it has a tendency to roll. Not in the sense that it will be uncontrollable
L229[09:43:09] <Deddly> Just like if you build a plane in KSP and point the wings down
L230[09:43:12] <Fluburtur> eh not really
L231[09:43:20] <Fluburtur> this one doesn't have much roll
L232[09:43:23] <Fluburtur> and it is very stable
L233[09:43:43] <Deddly> Fluburtur, I believe you, but I'll be interested to hear how it goes :)
L234[09:43:47] <Fluburtur> well time to go fly, I will send you the video
L235[09:43:54] <Deddly> Have fun!
L236[09:44:24] <Deddly> Althego, on the other hand, having CoM below CoL in KSP will make the craft auto-stabilise
L237[09:44:44] <Althego> yes, but this is relatively light
L238[09:44:50] <Althego> only small difference
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L240[09:45:14] <Deddly> Althego, well the craft itself looks very light
L241[09:45:17] <Fluburtur> oh no the camera is fairly heavy
L242[09:45:26] <Althego> then it might be a problem
L243[09:45:29] <Fluburtur> I put it there because im flying it on a single battery now
L244[09:45:36] <Althego> but real physics will show us
L245[09:45:42] <Fluburtur> the whole plane is like 1kg
L246[09:46:01] <Althego> probably no issue with drag if it flies slowly
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L248[09:53:36] <mib_iduhku> I'm trying to program a Kerbin de-orbit procedure. Using the vis-a-vis eq. to calculate the deltaV to bring my periapsis down to ~40km. For the calculation of my new velocity, is the semi-major axis the same as the calculation for my current velocity?
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L251[10:00:00] <Deddly> Hi mib_iduhku
L252[10:00:43] <Althego> hehe i dont understand the question. not that i could help much, not exactly my field
L253[10:01:15] <Althego> wasnt it the vis-viva equation?
L254[10:01:36] <Deddly> Yeah same here, sorry. Maybe someone like taniwha can help
L255[10:01:52] <Althego> but it is getting late in japan
L256[10:02:12] <Althego> yes, past midnight
L257[10:03:44] <Deddly> THAT'S NO EXCUSE!
L258[10:04:41] <mib_iduhku> hehe derp, yes the vis-visa equation
L259[10:05:34] <Althego> let's see. this vis viva shows a connection between current distance and current velocity, while knowing the semi major axis. now if i think of it if you change the orbit from circular to slightly ellipsoidal with a smaller minor axis, your current speed wouldnt change according to it. since your semi major stays the same and your current distance stays the same
L260[10:06:05] <Althego> (assuming a momentary burn)
L261[10:06:19] <Althego> it could show you your speed on the other side, when you are closer
L262[10:06:26] <Althego> but this is not interesting for delta v
L263[10:07:40] <mib_iduhku> Hmm, I was thinking: calculate current v at periap, calculate v at 40km, subtract the two to get deltaV to apply at apoapsis to reach new periapsis
L264[10:08:33] <Althego> as i said, i dont have much experience with this, so i may be wrong
L265[10:08:44] <Althego> you could go up in a craft and see what happens
L266[10:09:16] <Althego> there is obviously some delta v needed, so there must be a way to calculate it
L267[10:10:42] <Althego> there must be something in here http://www.braeunig.us/space/orbmech.htm
L268[10:10:44] <mib_iduhku> I think I get what you're saying: since orbit starts circular my major axis is the same as the minor axis. When reducing an orbit at apoapsis your deltaV only changes the periapsis so the minor axis will change but the major axis won't?
L269[10:10:47] <Althego> i remember i looked at this
L270[10:11:29] <Althego> oh wait a sec, what you are doing is a hohmann transfer orbit
L271[10:11:36] <Althego> you could google that
L272[10:12:15] <mib_iduhku> That leads me back to vis-visa eq :P
L273[10:12:37] <mib_iduhku> But I think I got my major axis question sorted out, shall try running my program
L274[10:13:11] <Althego> that site i linked seems to be containing the information
L275[10:13:17] <Althego> orbit altitude changes
L276[10:14:26] <Althego> yes it seems to be the vis viva
L277[10:14:27] <Althego> somehow
L278[10:15:38] <Althego> aha, only half of it. the other half is a special case because it is circular
L279[10:17:00] <Althego> hehe it seems i didnt know what the semi major axis was
L280[10:17:04] <Althego> it makes sense now
L281[10:17:56] <Althego> anyway the hard part is the aerobraking in this, to caclulate where it will land...
L282[10:21:48] <mib_iduhku> Not aiming for a specific spot or trying to handle aerobraking yet, just trying to get periapsis to 40k, align retrograde until ~30k & enable chutes
L283[10:23:21] <mib_iduhku> But maybe eventually... I started a new game where I don't touch in-game controls & only use programs to manipulate the vessel :)
L284[10:23:39] <Althego> must be hard
L285[10:23:45] <Althego> and programming is fun
L286[10:23:57] <Althego> but i am not sure i would want to do this in ksp
L287[10:24:15] <Althego> even know, when i dont do simulation anymore
L288[10:26:08] <mib_iduhku> It's very fun :) I've gotten sub-orbital launches w/ automatic staging & science collection, automatic maneuver executions, and launchpad to LKO. Even wrapped it up in a terminal UI: https://github.com/prikhi/ksp-automation
L289[10:26:36] <mib_iduhku> But I need a de-orbit program to get the science from my orbital launches :P
L290[10:30:20] <Fluburtur> im back
L291[10:30:30] <Fluburtur> I recorded for 8 minutes and the file is 1gig
L292[10:30:59] <Mat2ch> wow.
L293[10:31:05] <Mat2ch> Have fun uploading this...
L294[10:31:44] <Fluburtur> also there was a bit of wind so it was a bit of a rollercoaster up there
L295[10:31:49] <Fluburtur> spent helf the time hovering
L296[10:36:56] <Pakaran> so Munar tourism has me rich in funds (and, shortly, science).
L297[10:37:25] <Deddly> Fluburtur, how were the flight characteristics compared to the same plane without the camera?
L298[10:37:44] <Fluburtur> identical as far as I can tell
L299[10:37:55] <Pakaran> I'm thinking pretty soon I need R&D level 2, largely for the Mobile Processing Lab and some other specific parts. I already have orange tanks & other 2.5m gear.
L300[10:38:03] <Fluburtur> but because of the wind the flight was a bit difficult so I can't really tell
L301[10:39:11] <Pakaran> My question now: For an initial Space Camp, do I just want a BFR with a few Hitchhikers and life support containers, designed to land intact minus upper stage engine, or is it too early to be thinking about a 'permanent' station?
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L303[10:40:33] <Pakaran> I'd need to start setting alarms for crew rotation (playing UKS), and I'm wondering if that's "worth it", even if the basic statio can likely be done for well under twice the funds of the single-use BFR.
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L305[10:40:44] <Pakaran> *station
L306[10:41:08] <Pakaran> I suppose I could also leave the station empty when not actively using it.
L307[10:41:26] <Deddly> Interesting
L308[10:41:57] <Pakaran> Thoughts?
L309[10:42:30] <Deddly> Pakaran, why not just to whatever seems the most fun right now?
L310[10:42:37] <Pakaran> Designing the station is intimidating. Especially since it would need multiple accessible docking nodes, *after* I unlock the lab and add that and a few other things.
L311[10:43:02] <Pakaran> Deddly, because I overthink things? lol
L312[10:43:12] <Deddly> I personally like to do big things with low tech
L313[10:43:21] <Deddly> Then upgrade as needed
L314[10:43:31] <Pakaran> I might be able to afford the lab now, but not with some life support parts I also want.
L315[10:43:58] <Pakaran> for that matter, if modules are docked, visting ships can deorbit obsolete ones.
L316[10:44:46] <Pakaran> hmm...
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L319[11:03:02] <mib_iduhku> Althego: Tested it and automated de-orbits work great now, thanks for talking it out w/ me :)
L320[11:03:17] <Althego> haha i didnt help
L321[11:08:50] <Fluburtur> I could probably 3d print my airfoil templates but I guess the hot wire cutter would destroy them quickly
L322[11:09:23] <Althego> unless you use them for a mold to cast from bronze or something :)
L323[11:09:28] <Fluburtur> eh
L324[11:09:47] <Fluburtur> I make new airfoil templates for almost every plane I make and I use them twice
L325[11:09:54] <Althego> then it is pointless
L326[11:10:24] <Fluburtur> but maybe one day I will have enough templates that I can just reuse the old ones
L327[11:10:35] <Fluburtur> I used the ones I made for my flying wings a bunch of times
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L329[11:11:01] <Pakaran> well, I'm not going to be launching until I recover Jeb in a few game days, but this is a rough draft of my single-use spacecamp. https://imgur.com/a/xCaz1
L330[11:11:02] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/TehPneQ.png
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L332[11:12:14] <Pakaran> Among other things, it may be too heavy for the pad, but most of the ways to fix that involve making the Poodle burn time even greater, and it's going to circularize after apo as things stand, I suspect.
L333[11:13:27] <Pakaran> yeah, it needs to be under 140 tonnes.
L334[11:14:03] <Althego> the solids are usually really heavy
L335[11:14:44] <Pakaran> I could use a bigger first stage, with two 2.5m engines, and no boosters, Althego?
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L337[11:15:18] <Fluburtur> uh I would like to make the wings of my bush plane today
L338[11:15:23] <Althego> if it helps your mass problem
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L340[11:15:38] <Pakaran> I'm just not experienced with making payloads this heavy, even to LKO.
L341[11:17:02] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/YHdOh90kGHQ
L342[11:17:02] <kmath> YouTube - Slow Mo 4K Kittens
L343[11:17:28] <Pakaran> Not within a factor of three, even.
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L347[11:30:32] <Pakaran> How's this? It's still just slightly heavy, but has plenty of delta-V, and I can remove mass from the main first stage tank (the drop tanks aren't that big). https://imgur.com/a/ZMm0C
L348[11:30:32] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/GtVeLS9.png
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L350[11:34:31] <Pakaran> Oh, also, that first stage engine doesn't provide thrust vectoring, so I'll probably just add thrusters to the stage.
L351[11:36:11] <JCB> ... control surfaces vs thrust vectoring..
L352[11:36:31] <Fluburtur> no controls
L353[11:36:34] <Fluburtur> we orbit like men
L354[11:36:36] <JCB> I've noticed vectoring is pretty instant, surfaces take a little time to react, adjust.
L355[11:36:39] <Althego> i have control!
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L357[11:36:52] <Fluburtur> free trajectory gravity turn
L358[11:37:08] <JCB> each to their own
L359[11:38:24] <Pakaran> I've seen people on Youtube succeed with making a gravity turn initiated by a single goo container facing east.
L360[11:38:39] <Pakaran> To me, that seems like a good way to plow into the ground at mach 2.
L361[11:38:40] <Althego> should be enough
L362[11:38:44] <Althego> i could never master this
L363[11:38:44] <Fluburtur> I have a rocket that can orbit without touching the controls
L364[11:38:56] <Althego> because you need to have a really tiny starting turn
L365[11:39:04] <Althego> that will increase itself automatically
L366[11:41:07] <JCB> on the flip side, people would call that lazy :P
L367[11:41:25] <Althego> lazyness drives engineers
L368[11:41:39] <Pakaran> well, the CoM imbalance will increase itself as the craft lightens.
L369[11:42:07] <Pakaran> I feel like you'd want actual differential equations, or a bunch of trial and error, to make it increase itself the right total amount.
L370[11:43:04] <JCB> as long as it flies, makes it to orbit, however you do it.. does what you want...
L371[11:43:20] <Pakaran> yeah
L372[11:43:30] <Althego> so what you want 'cause a pirate is free
L373[11:43:40] <Pakaran> and making it to orbit in stockish is fairly easy to over-engineer.
L374[11:44:20] <Althego> all jool missions tend to be a bit heavy and putting them into orbit is hard
L375[11:44:26] <Althego> maybe not now with the 5 m part
L376[11:44:27] <Althego> s
L377[11:45:07] <Fluburtur> warm https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/255748182426910720/428957318886195220/DSC_5938.JPG
L378[11:45:20] <Pakaran> is that with or without mining the moons?
L379[11:46:11] <Althego> you want that as your garden barbecue?
L380[11:47:04] <Althego> laythe does not require much because of airbreathing, the main issue is tylo, and landing there requires lot of fuel anyway, so not much point to mine
L381[11:48:45] <Mat2ch> But you can mine there to get off it again. ;P
L382[11:49:03] <Althego> fairly little gain, and you have to use more fuel to land the mining rig
L383[11:49:24] <Pakaran> hmm true
L384[11:50:46] <Althego> hehe i didnt know there was a singer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gMX_hR-RoM
L385[11:50:46] <kmath> YouTube - Compressorhead-Ace of Spades-Now with 350kg Singer
L386[11:52:42] <UmbralRaptop> Today in telescope delays: http://www.interfax.com/newsinf.asp?y=2018&m=3&d=28&pg=5&id=820545
L387[11:53:07] <JCB> Fluburtur ... warmer...
L388[11:54:08] <JCB> makes me wonder how much heat those parts have to endure sitting in the jet blast..
L389[11:55:30] <Althego> https://youtu.be/5Kc5yGBgp4c
L390[11:55:30] <kmath> YouTube - All 5 Joolian moons with a single common core
L391[11:55:57] <Althego> huh this was already a long time ago
L392[11:56:11] <Althego> lasst few months i was eaither too tired to do anything or i was playing career
L393[11:57:27] <Althego> hmm so the indian launch was a success
L394[11:57:36] <Althego> 2 other launches upcoming in 1 hour
L395[11:57:44] <Althego> spacex tomorrow
L396[11:58:12] <Althego> but one is some russian defence thing the other is chinese, doubt there is any stream
L397[12:01:02] <Althego> hah this is strange, the boosters are hypergolic, the first stage is solid
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L421[13:44:10] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/cd8eb0472905075851c5e35052c86039/tumblr_p63zug9yyo1qas1mto6_540.jpg
L422[13:49:21] <ve2dmn> A booster is often a solid choice
L423[13:49:38] <Althego> is that a pun?
L424[13:51:03] <Althego> but on the indian rocket it is the core, and the boosters are hypergolic liquid
L425[13:51:36] <Althego> well, no update on the russian and chinese rockets
L426[13:55:00] <Alanonzander> Althego: They are jsut a blast ;)
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L428[13:57:19] <Guest38478> Hello
L429[13:57:22] <Mod9000> Hello, Guest38478
L430[13:57:42] <Guest38478> Can you help me with something?
L431[13:58:09] <Althego> maybe
L432[13:59:12] <Guest38478> Alright well I'm wondering how exactly you calculate the launch window for Duna
L433[13:59:29] <Althego> http://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/
L434[13:59:51] <Althego> or some mod, i think maybe kerbal alarm clock has the same thing in game
L435[14:00:31] <Guest38478> Sweet, thanks!
L436[14:01:21] <Althego> but i can tell you that first window is year 1 day 230, +- say a dozen days
L437[14:03:03] <ve2dmn> Tranfer window planner by TriggerAu
L438[14:03:22] <ve2dmn> https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/84005-14x-transfer-window-planner-v1630-march-18/
L439[14:05:49] <Althego> i am pretty sure it was also in one of the big mods, maybe mechjeb? but i dont use those so i cant remember
L440[14:06:05] <ve2dmn> it works with KAC
L441[14:06:17] <ve2dmn> It's the same author as KAC
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L445[14:24:58] <Rokker> Glass|phone: not gonna lie, the x-wing a-10 was kinda dope
L446[14:27:01] <JCB> mm... someone should try a BSG Viber A-10 cross over next :)
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L453[14:40:29] <mabus> there is a porkchop plot built into mechjeb that makes it easy
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L455[14:41:36] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/555be6ad5580c8adcdccfe59a0a56419.png - Yep hellllpdontwannadothisanymore
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L457[14:44:57] <Althego> if they did, there wouldnt be so many idiots
L458[14:45:31] <SnoopJeDi> cosmic brain: members of congress are robots
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L461[14:48:56] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/429003942333120514/DSC_8619.JPG
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L469[15:02:25] *** N70|zzz is now known as N70
L470[15:04:57] <N70> Question, is the Unlicense compatible with CC-BY-SA-NC 4.0?
L471[15:06:31] <SnoopJeDi> as in, can something Unlicense be redistributed under CC-BY-SA-NC 4.0? Yes, it looks that way. "Anyone is free to...publish...or distribute this software...by any means."
L472[15:06:57] <ve2dmn> sounds like the BSD licence in a way
L473[15:07:01] <SnoopJeDi> And it counts as a public domain statement in places where that's a thing (most places), so it's basically CC-0
L474[15:07:26] <SnoopJeDi> seems like a memelicense though :/
L475[15:07:46] <ve2dmn> meme licence?
L476[15:08:17] <ve2dmn> Can I haz this things without strings? K thx buy!
L477[15:08:46] <SnoopJeDi> This one isn't quite that bad, but there are e.g. JSON license ("The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil."), and the WTFPL
L478[15:08:57] <SnoopJeDi> which are very kitschy and statement-y and also legally worse than doing nothing imo
L479[15:09:27] <SnoopJeDi> well, not quite that bad, but jesus use something that legitimate foundations have spent a substantial amount of money and time on!
L480[15:11:24] <SnoopJeDi> I do like how concise it is vs CC0, but that's not necessarily always a selling point in the legal world unfortuantely :/
L481[15:15:03] <UmbralRaptop> So, does the JSON license basically mean that the software is still copyrighted?
L482[15:15:43] <SnoopJeDi> the JSON license basically means it's JSON itself, I don't know of anything else that uses the license because it's a stupid license >:(
L483[15:15:46] <UmbralRaptop> (ie: unusable for 70-150 years)
L484[15:15:49] <SnoopJeDi> like intentionally designed to be bad
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L487[15:28:47] <Fluburtur> Mat2ch so im cutting the wings for my bush plane and im considering making it a biplane
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L489[15:35:19] <Mat2ch> but why? :D
L490[15:35:28] <Fluburtur> because I can
L491[15:35:45] <Fluburtur> it wouldn't look like a bush plane but that would be nuts
L492[15:35:51] <Fluburtur> tons of lift and super low wing loading
L493[15:36:22] <Mat2ch> and very good roll characteristics
L494[15:36:27] <Fluburtur> yeah
L495[15:36:40] <Fluburtur> probably very slow too but that would actually be good
L496[15:43:15] <kuzetsa> SnoopJeDi: yeah, unlicense is about as vague as I go myself
L497[15:43:47] <SnoopJeDi> It's on the same level of terseness as MIT so I suppose it's nbd
L498[15:43:48] <kuzetsa> oh nuts my scrollbuffer was in the past that's not a recent thing I'm replying to (oops)
L499[15:43:55] <SnoopJeDi> mostly I just hate that people reinvent the copyleft wheel
L500[15:44:04] <kuzetsa> nod
L501[15:44:06] <SnoopJeDi> If you had something interesting to say in your new license okay sure that'd be neat
L502[15:44:14] <ve2dmn> SnoopJeDi: insert relevant xkcd
L503[15:44:17] <SnoopJeDi> but if you're doing it to be an edgelord, you are in fact part of the problem
L504[15:44:21] <kuzetsa> ve2dmn: IKR
L505[15:44:29] <kuzetsa> >.<
L506[15:44:43] <kuzetsa> I can't even think about edgelords / devbro politics right now :(
L507[15:45:32] <ve2dmn> I don't know what you are referencing
L508[15:45:52] <ve2dmn> I was thinking: https://xkcd.com/927/
L509[15:45:53] <SnoopJeDi> generally speaking: people with half-baked ideas who are confident in peddling those ideas because they are Very Smart™
L510[15:46:08] <SnoopJeDi> c.f. the Google memo
L511[15:46:20] <ve2dmn> so... the TV show about silicon valley?
L512[15:46:39] <SnoopJeDi> ...the one called Silicon Valley? :P
L513[15:46:54] <ve2dmn> hum... yes :D
L514[15:46:54] <SnoopJeDi> but yea that comic is certainly valid for licenses
L515[15:48:48] <ve2dmn> I'm currently playing Halcyon 6... kind of distracted :D
L516[15:50:59] <jgkamat> ve2dmn: do you like it so far? I have very mixed feelings about that game
L517[15:51:13] <ve2dmn> The original or the lightspeed edition?
L518[15:51:18] <jgkamat> I've only played lightspeed
L519[15:51:33] <ve2dmn> I've backed the kickstarter
L520[15:51:52] <ve2dmn> The lightspeed edition fixed a few of the problem the original one had
L521[15:53:16] <ve2dmn> And I like the added elements of the DLC
L522[15:55:29] <ve2dmn> I do rememeber the original beta were there was a bug and the ennemy would spawn so many fleets, it was impossible to win
L523[15:55:37] <jgkamat> oh, I haven't tried the DLC. The Lightspeed edition looked a lot better than the original when looking at the criticisms
L524[15:55:41] <ve2dmn> but that beta was nly chapter 1
L525[15:56:24] <ve2dmn> DLC adds a special Mixed-class ship that is upgraded by artifacts
L526[15:58:29] <jgkamat> hmm, that does sound pretty interesting, maybe I'll get it :)
L527[15:59:23] <ve2dmn> it's the only 'Tier 6' ship
L528[16:00:35] <ve2dmn> if you want to see what it looks like: http://steamcommunity.com/broadcast/watch/765611979944515
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L530[16:12:34] <mabus> im still a bit miffed this new content comes with a price tag
L531[16:14:21] <ve2dmn> ?
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L533[16:16:33] <ve2dmn> cuz you paid for the classic edition?
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L540[16:35:50] <Fluburtur> time for some printer tuning
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L542[16:51:29] <StCipher> 3D printer?
L543[16:55:06] <Fluburtur> yes
L544[16:55:22] <Fluburtur> actually no it's a gaming pc
L545[16:56:07] <ve2dmn> :D
L546[16:56:44] <StCipher> i was gonna say lol right now i am dealing with tuning with my 3D printer.
L547[16:56:59] <StCipher> until i can purchase a new one, since this one is so old, onboard memory isn't effectively printing accurate models.
L548[16:57:48] <Fluburtur> im not having too much problems with mine now that it works kinda properly
L549[16:57:57] <Fluburtur> it's a cheapo anet one so I did a bunch of upgrades
L550[16:58:15] <Blaank> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hB1ogyMgt_Q place your bets!
L551[17:01:35] <Fluburtur> I should put a led on the print head to light up the stuff it is printing
L552[17:03:05] <ve2dmn> I managed to pose that video on a wierd frame: https://imgur.com/yD8ZgSH
L553[17:03:06] <kmath> https://i.imgur.com/yD8ZgSH.png
L554[17:05:26] <Blaank> I did, too.
L555[17:05:55] <Fluburtur> not bad
L556[17:06:11] <Fluburtur> and im just watching a video he did in the same spot but another angle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ya05tVoEk8E
L557[17:06:12] <kmath> YouTube - ExoMars Arrival Update - One Crash, One Successful Orbiter
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L559[17:09:25] <Fluburtur> I try to imagine scott with hair now
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L563[17:58:32] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
L564[18:21:51] <N70> https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/173227-142-jdiminishingrtg-v150-realistic-configurable-radioisotope-decay-29-march-2018/
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L568[18:38:37] <Supernovy> I was about to say "Hey that's like the thing KwirkyJ was working on" Then I actually read the title.
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L573[18:51:00] <mabus> why is surviving mars popular? planetbase is multiple times better
L574[18:51:58] <ve2dmn> ecaue it's new?
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L577[18:54:43] <mabus> its like a simplified clone of it
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L581[19:02:07] <ve2dmn> mabus: do you have good maps for planetbase?
L582[19:03:11] <mabus> i tried a few of the things on the workshop but nothing was as fun as the core game
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L584[19:03:38] <mabus> i like games i'm likely to fail at. ksp, planetbase, civ, rust
L585[19:08:08] <ve2dmn> mabus: but the choise of landing site on planetbase makes all the difference
L586[19:19:49] <N70> hey guys
L587[19:19:55] <N70> can you help me with antenna range balancing
L588[19:20:08] <N70> what should be the range for an antenna that can connect with most of the INNER solar system
L589[19:23:47] <ve2dmn> depend on KSC
L590[19:25:20] <Supernovy> You mean up to Duna? The range needs to be Duna's SMA (or apoapsis) plus Kerbin's SMA to get to duna from Kerbin at furthest point
L591[19:26:12] <Supernovy> Then you can reverse the range equation to get the antenna's range.
L592[19:26:55] <Supernovy> (kerbinsma+dunaap) = sqrt( DSNrange * antennarange )
L593[19:27:45] <Supernovy> then balance it for a specific DSN power. I can't remember them off the top of my head, but they'll be easy to find.
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L595[19:34:20] <UmbralRaptop> Bennu update https://cneos.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news201.html
L596[19:36:13] <StCipher> mabus, when i saw rust i immediately thought the language, and was like, "yeah, i know that feel."
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L611[20:08:40] <Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: Han Solo did not kill his wife! It was the Narn Ambassador, but Agent K did not care.
L612[20:11:01] <Scolar_Visari> Greenwood et al. "Oxygen isotopic evidence for accretion of Earth’s water before a high-energy Moon-forming giant impact" Science Advances 2018 http://advances.sciencemag.org/content/4/3/eaao5928.full
L613[20:14:29] <Scolar_Visari> Mmmm, peer reviewed excellence.
L614[20:15:31] <ConductorCat> :3
L615[20:16:13] <Scolar_Visari> From the article: "These findings are consistent with modeling studies, which indicate that Earth would have had an ocean before the era of giant impacts and that this ocean was retained despite the high energy of this terminal accretion phase."
L616[20:16:51] * Scolar_Visari ponders the amusing possibility that life developed on Earth prior to the Moon's formation and was utterly extinguished by Theia's impact.
L617[20:17:40] <Eddi|zuHause> but would that not mean that that impact would also have slung vast amount of waters into the future moon's accretion material?
L618[20:18:02] <Eddi|zuHause> where has all this moon-water gone then?
L619[20:18:52] <Scolar_Visari> It was likely lost during the Moon's accretion.
L620[20:19:23] <Scolar_Visari> Remember: The current understanding of the Giant Impact has the Moon developing from the debris of the impact in orbit beyond the Roche limit, rather than as a singular chunk.
L621[20:19:59] <Eddi|zuHause> yes, like a ring that slowly accumulated into the moon that we know today
L622[20:21:25] <Scolar_Visari> There's more at Robinson & Taylor's, "Hetereogeneous distribution of water in the Moon" Nature Geoscience 2014 https://www.higp.hawaii.edu/~gjtaylor/GG-673/Moon/Robinson+Taylor(2014).pdf
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L624[20:22:43] <Scolar_Visari> From that article: "A chief geochemical virtue of this model is the hot conditions led to loss of volatile elements, explaining the strong depletion of volatile elements in the Moon compared with Earth."
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L626[20:24:11] <Scolar_Visari> And the formation of the Moon was hardly slow: Some estimates have the new ring system forming into most of the Moon within a month!
L627[20:25:15] <UmbralRaptop> !!!
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L629[20:25:43] <UmbralRaptop> (And I thought 100 years was fast)
L630[20:26:18] <mabus> americans think 100 years is a long time, europeans think 100 miles is a long distance
L631[20:26:51] <taniwha> both are mere blips
L632[20:27:16] <Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptop: I often like to think of interstellar civilizations selling tickets aboard luxury passenger liners with the expressed purpose of watching giant, satellite forming impacts.
L633[20:27:47] <UmbralRaptop> Hah
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L635[20:31:25] <Scolar_Visari> They'd also run services for ring forming examples of moons falling into the Roche limits of their planets.
L636[20:32:04] <Scolar_Visari> Baby T-Rex? https://phys.org/news/2018-03-baby-tyrannosaur-fossil-unearthed-montana.html
L637[20:34:15] <ve2dmn> I know it's someone's name, but I find it interesting that the limit is basically called the 'Rock limit'
L638[20:35:21] <UmbralRaptop> Attempted murder https://photos.app.goo.gl/rGMF2bJaOgbuT3Ak1
L639[20:35:54] <taniwha> heh, as I suspected
L640[20:37:10] <UmbralRaptop> Incidentally, it was really interesting to watch them figure out how to best get food out of that box, and carry it up into the trees to eat.
L641[20:37:16] <Eddi|zuHause> i think i'm missing the joke in that picture
L642[20:37:48] <Scolar_Visari> Eddi: If they explain it, the humor fields will dissipate!
L643[20:38:10] <Scolar_Visari> It's like degaussing, but totes not funny.
L644[20:38:23] <Eddi|zuHause> poor gauss
L645[20:38:28] <Eddi|zuHause> never has any fun
L646[20:38:45] * UmbralRaptop presses the *BOING!!!* button.
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L648[20:39:08] <Eddi|zuHause> Gauss was on the 10DM bill, until they were abolished with the euro-introduction
L649[20:41:03] <Scolar_Visari> And in today's Next Big Future' shenanigans: "Increasing the number of side-boosters from two sets of side boosters to four sets on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy would create a 100-ton payload capacity Falcon Super Heavy with two more side boosters can be created that would match any planned Space Launch System that could fly for the next ten years."
L650[20:41:19] <Eddi|zuHause> there was also a picture of a bell curve and the formula for normal distribution on that bill
L651[20:41:41] <Supernovy> Elon Moarboosters
L652[20:42:06] <taniwha> Eddi|zuHause: look up what a flock of crows is called
L653[20:42:07] <Scolar_Visari> Surprise twist: SpaceX will only add on more boosters to the Falcon Heavy if they're solid fuel.
L654[20:42:30] <Scolar_Visari> taniwha: A massacre? An ethnic cleansing? Oh, wait, I know . . . A Slaughter!
L655[20:42:43] <taniwha> heh
L656[20:42:43] <Eddi|zuHause> http://www.t-online.de/finanzen/boerse/news/id_13848720/tid_rl13-lightbox/si_2/d-mark-scheine-seit-1990.html
L657[20:43:18] <TheKosmonaut> taniwha: A gaggle of crows!
L658[20:43:37] <TheKosmonaut> Sounds less scary
L659[20:43:42] <Scolar_Visari> Eddi: Was that properly deguassed?
L660[20:44:24] <ve2dmn> Ho English with your Terms of venery
L661[20:44:27] <Eddi|zuHause> dunno, but it has that metal stripe through the middle to detect forgeries
L662[20:44:33] <taniwha> TheKosmonaut: manslaughter for the goose?
L663[20:45:01] <Eddi|zuHause> i've never heard the word "venery" before either
L664[20:45:51] <Scolar_Visari> Eddi: The trick is to forge metal currencies instead!
L665[20:45:57] <TheKosmonaut> taniwha: have you ever seen someone write something in "Anglish"?
L666[20:46:08] <TheKosmonaut> If english had no latin words
L667[20:46:27] <taniwha> Oh, I thought it might be something written by a fish
L668[20:46:30] <ve2dmn> TheKosmonaut: it was on the farseer
L669[20:46:37] <taniwha> but no
L670[20:46:48] <taniwha> (and the fish bit was jest)
L671[20:47:16] <Eddi|zuHause> Scolar_Visari: you mean like, coins? i don't think people tried that before...
L672[20:47:21] <Scolar_Visari> Kosmonaut: If English had no Latin words, it'd just bludgeon French over the head to steal more if its words.
L673[20:47:47] <Scolar_Visari> Eddi: It's not that difficult, simply not worth it. Though debasing coins based on precious metals used to be a serious issue.
L674[20:47:58] <TheKosmonaut> Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this greatland, a new folkship, dreamt in freedom, and sworn to the forthput that all men are made evenworthy. Now we are betrothed in a great folk-war, testing whether that folkship, or any folkship so born and so sworn, can long withstand. We are met on a great battle-field of that war.
L675[20:48:06] <taniwha> and we'd be eating iron with our pork for breakfast
L676[20:48:09] <Eddi|zuHause> Scolar_Visari: just cut all the coins in half?
L677[20:48:20] <Scolar_Visari> Eddi: More like changing the ratio of gold and silver to other metals.
L678[20:48:35] <Scolar_Visari> Certain regions, such as Venice, were respected for their consistent ratios.
L679[20:48:39] <Eddi|zuHause> like modern pennies have virtually no copper in them anymore?
L680[20:49:02] <Scolar_Visari> Though cutting coins was also, at one point, a way of splitting them into handy denominations.
L681[20:49:09] <Eddi|zuHause> pieces of eight
L682[20:49:20] <taniwha> two bits
L683[20:49:23] <Scolar_Visari> 2.5% copper.
L684[20:50:25] <Eddi|zuHause> well, what size of fractional bitcoin is traded nowadays?
L685[20:50:25] * Scolar_Visari ponders if debasing was a serious issue for the copper loving, coin casting pre-paper currency Chinese.
L686[20:50:55] <Eddi|zuHause> when was that? 1000 years ago?
L687[20:51:10] <Eddi|zuHause> i know way too little about chinese history
L688[20:51:31] <TheKosmonaut> taniwha: "Banded Folkdoms of Americksland"
L689[20:52:14] <Scolar_Visari> Eddi: Roughly about. It's always fascinated me because they cast coins via molds, rather than presses as did Europe./
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L691[20:53:23] <taniwha> TheKosmonaut: :)
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L697[20:54:51] * Scolar_Visari ponders if A Series of Unfortunate Events premieres midnight Eastern time or midnight Pacific time
L698[20:55:01] <Eddi|zuHause> i don't know what to think of this "Anglish" thing. there have been movements to get rid of foreign influences in the german language, usually associated with the nazis.
L699[20:56:30] <TheKosmonaut> That has very little to do with a fictional language
L700[20:57:55] <Scolar_Visari> Klingon?
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L706[21:02:07] * Scolar_Visari wonders why the Dark Elves have been able to take over Ulthaun so quickly.
L707[21:02:11] <taniwha> Eddi|zuHause: there's a world of difference between [proposed] language purity laws and playing around to see what a "pure" laungauge would be like
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L709[21:02:51] <taniwha> (or using a "pure" language for fiction)
L710[21:04:05] <taniwha> the former is very much something at which one should look askance, the latter is perfectly harmless
L711[21:04:16] <Scolar_Visari> Oh well, I suppose this gives me a good opportunity to, "liberate" the high elves.
L712[21:05:14] <Scolar_Visari> Harmless? Nonsense! Even a pure language could still have words for hurting feelings.
L713[21:05:41] <taniwha> ok, mostly harmless :P
L714[21:06:07] <taniwha> and really, it's not the words that hurt, but the intent behind them :P
L715[21:06:25] <taniwha> (and perceived intent taken from them)
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L717[21:06:39] <Eddi|zuHause> exactly, so what is the intent behind creating a "pure" language?
L718[21:07:07] <ve2dmn> Eddi|zuHause: I guess to see how much of English is Latin?
L719[21:07:15] <TheKosmonaut> Eddi|zuHause: You're reading entirely too much into it
L720[21:07:16] <TheKosmonaut> But ok
L721[21:07:38] <Eddi|zuHause> besides, parallel to the "enrichment" of english with crazy amounts of latin- or french-derived words, it also underwent a significant reduction in grammar complexity
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L725[21:08:02] <Eddi|zuHause> so any "Anglish" language that would have been created would have also closer grammar to german
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L727[21:08:07] <taniwha> Eddi|zuHause: to exercise the imagination
L728[21:08:14] <Eddi|zuHause> as in, cases and genders
L729[21:08:15] <TheKosmonaut> Some people do things for fun
L730[21:08:26] <ve2dmn> Eddi|zuHause: check the video by Langfocus
L731[21:08:53] <Eddi|zuHause> quite possible i've seen that
L732[21:09:46] <ConductorCat> :3
L733[21:10:06] <Eddi|zuHause> on a different note: i don't know why, but youtube somehow has trouble loading in "private" browser windows lately
L734[21:10:08] <TheKosmonaut> taniwha: some of the words are rather funny to read out loud
L735[21:10:19] <TheKosmonaut> "Foresitter" < guess what that is in normal english
L736[21:10:37] <Eddi|zuHause> a chairman
L737[21:10:53] <Eddi|zuHause> "Vorsitzender"
L738[21:11:13] * Scolar_Visari strongly suspects half the words in the German language are simply made up and have no meaning.
L739[21:11:54] <taniwha> and the other half have made up meanings
L740[21:11:57] <taniwha> ;)
L741[21:12:14] <Eddi|zuHause> Scolar_Visari: is that better than half of the words in the english language are simply made up to claim the other side is uneducated?
L742[21:12:18] <Scolar_Visari> What kind of language just allows people to make up new words by combining any other combination of words they wish!?
L743[21:12:44] <Scolar_Visari> Eddi: Oh no. As I said before, English bludgeons other languages over the head to steal their words. Context be darned!
L744[21:12:48] <TheKosmonaut> "When in the flow of unfoldings, it becomes needed for one Folk to forend mothercake ties, and to onget among the right of the earth, the sunderly and even statheling to which the Lund Laws and of Lund's God thware them, a thewly onget to the wens of mankind ettles that they should mathel the frumes ording them towards selfrede." I'll give you 3 guesses to figure out what text this is
L745[21:12:49] <Eddi|zuHause> like calling flocks of bird random other words
L746[21:12:56] <Eddi|zuHause> depending on what bird it is
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L748[21:13:01] <TheKosmonaut> Eddi|zuHause: You were right, though it's the title of the President
L749[21:13:41] <Eddi|zuHause> TheKosmonaut: like there's only one president in the world?
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L752[21:14:02] * Scolar_Visari seriously suggests the Danes and French speaking Normans have a lot to answer for as far as English is concerned.
L753[21:14:14] <Scolar_Visari> Eddi: Yeah: The President of the Earth Federation.
L754[21:14:19] <TheKosmonaut> Eddi|zuHause: So when you were born, did the doctors surgically remove the funny bone from you or were you just born without one?
L755[21:14:40] <Eddi|zuHause> what are you talking about? i'm laughing my ass off right now :p
L756[21:15:15] <TheKosmonaut> "Foresitter of the Banded Folkdoms of Americksland" The world woudl certainly be a goofier place with all these silly titles
L757[21:15:45] <Scolar_Visari> Kosmonaut: That would certainly make CSPAN more entertaining.
L758[21:15:51] <Eddi|zuHause> TheKosmonaut: the point about that language is, if you actually grew up learning it, it would be the most normal thing in the world
L759[21:16:07] * TheKosmonaut gives up
L760[21:16:21] <Eddi|zuHause> it's only funny because you're looking at it from the outside
L761[21:16:27] <TheKosmonaut> YES
L762[21:16:29] <TheKosmonaut> THAT IS THE POINT
L763[21:16:45] <Scolar_Visari> Kosmonaut: I sort of wish they'd bring back titles of nobility and have professional heralds spend several minutes per noble announcing their many titles.
L764[21:16:46] <TheKosmonaut> Which is what I was talking to taniwha about in the first place
L765[21:16:47] <Eddi|zuHause> you know the XKCD about eating spiders?
L766[21:16:50] <TheKosmonaut> It's silly because it isnt real
L767[21:16:57] <TheKosmonaut> That is the entire point of the conversation
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L769[21:17:38] <TheKosmonaut> No gov't body is trying to forcibly make people speak this language, it is a made up language by internet folk that are probably in the same vein as those that do alternate history posts in KSP. It's not meant to be taken seriously.
L770[21:17:46] <Eddi|zuHause> Scolar_Visari: instead we have people with 7 doctorates and 3 professorships, that get really mad if you forget one when adressing them
L771[21:18:00] <Scolar_Visari> IE: President Lincoln, Breaker of Chains, Father of Iron Clads, etc.
L772[21:18:08] <ve2dmn> German, where Marslandungsbremsraketenbedienungsanleitungsübersicht is a real word
L773[21:18:28] <Eddi|zuHause> what would you do without it?
L774[21:18:30] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: They should include hyphens in there to give people a chance to breathe.
L775[21:18:48] <ve2dmn> and if aren't sure, check the Marslandungsbremsraketenbedienungsanleitungskurzübersichtsinhaltsverzeichnis first
L776[21:18:49] <Eddi|zuHause> Scolar_Visari: early writing didn't include spaces between words
L777[21:19:10] <Scolar_Visari> Eddi: And that's where we get scribes screwing up translations!
L778[21:19:13] <ve2dmn> joke is from https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/58k7dn/sometimes_you_just_get_a_little_lost/
L779[21:19:16] <Scolar_Visari> Or, rather, transcriptions.
L780[21:19:33] <Eddi|zuHause> Scolar_Visari: thing is, it probably makes perfect sense if you speak the language properly
L781[21:20:09] <Scolar_Visari> Read more than speak. I can see why spaces might be skipped in certain forms of writing because parchment was hideously expensive.
L782[21:20:36] <Eddi|zuHause> i've no trouble separating Mars|landung(s)brems|raketen|bedienung(s)anleitung(s)kurz|übersicht(s)inhalt(s)verzeichnis
L783[21:20:51] <Eddi|zuHause> into its component words
L784[21:21:24] <taniwha> Eddi|zuHause: it has been observed that those with actual doctorates do not get upset when one (or even all) are missed
L785[21:21:30] <taniwha> (generally)
L786[21:21:36] <Scolar_Visari> Ah, but as I mentioned, this was a problem with scribes. Remember: Not all were literate!
L787[21:22:08] <Scolar_Visari> And it also gets more confusing with exotic languages like hieroglyphics, where symbols can stand for sounds *and* for ideas!
L788[21:22:53] <Eddi|zuHause> i'm kinda imagining people in 1000 years trying to decipher texts with emojis and emoticons
L789[21:23:37] <Scolar_Visari> The poop emoji will likely have a few cephalopod professors scratching their mantles in bewilderment.
L790[21:24:31] <Eddi|zuHause> trying to decipher whether this specific emoji is used more as a word or as an interpunctuation
L791[21:24:35] <Scolar_Visari> "By Jove, Doctor Nautilus, I think I have it! The humans were communicating the need for chocolate ice cream! IT all makes sense now!"
L792[21:24:49] <ve2dmn> The poop emoji made a lot of sense in Japanese....
L793[21:25:02] <ve2dmn> but take anything outside of context and....
L794[21:25:21] <ve2dmn> ...well... you get thing like poop emojis
L795[21:25:28] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: They'll need a digital Rosetta Stone or this stuff's never getting understood.
L796[21:26:05] <Scolar_Visari> Oh, wait, very little of it would survive in any event!
L797[21:26:16] <ve2dmn> The etymology of characters in Japanese,chinese or any realted language is hard enough right now...
L798[21:26:28] <ve2dmn> I can only imagine 10000 years in the future
L799[21:26:32] <Eddi|zuHause> keep in mind that they probably won't have electronic copies of the texts, but printed out and archived copies from people who were themselves not very involved in "internet culture"
L800[21:26:49] <Scolar_Visari> Eddi: Printed copies would be unlikely to last unless deliberately preserved.
L801[21:27:20] * Scolar_Visari ponders emoji based texts being transcribed on to parchment made of the finest cow skins.
L802[21:27:54] <Eddi|zuHause> i mean the kind of people that gather "important" texts, and put them in some bunker in the middle of nowhere for future generations to find after civilization broke down
L803[21:28:32] <ve2dmn> like the foundation of the long now?
L804[21:28:34] <Scolar_Visari> Heck, a lot of the reason truly ancient languages are known in any fashion is because they were not left on mediums like paper but on objects made of stone.
L805[21:28:35] <Eddi|zuHause> there's a government agency in germany that does that kind of stuff
L806[21:28:51] <Scolar_Visari> I can't imagine anyone going out of their way to make an Obelisk covered in Emojis.
L807[21:29:38] * Scolar_Visari does recall the macabre reality that some cuneiform texts were preserved via baking because the buildings they were stored in caught on fire.
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L809[21:30:02] <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, a whole library full of cuneiform
L810[21:33:33] <Scolar_Visari> And to think of all the documents made of exported papyrus that wasted away because of local humidity.
L811[21:35:31] <Eddi|zuHause> the "important german culture" bunker mostly contains barrels full of microfiche
L812[21:37:32] <Scolar_Visari> Go stone or go home!
L813[21:37:54] <Scolar_Visari> I wanna see museums with history literally written on the walls!
L814[21:38:29] * Scolar_Visari envisions the American Civil War done in the New Kingdom style with a massive Abraham Lincoln stomping on tiny figures.
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L817[21:39:41] <Scolar_Visari> Like this! https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/de/Ramses_IIs_seger_%C3%B6ver_Chetafolket_och_stormningen_av_Dapur%2C_Nordisk_familjebok.png
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L819[21:40:34] <Scolar_Visari> Hrm . . . Lincoln = Narmer !?
L820[21:41:12] <Scolar_Visari> I mean, they both united their territories and both wore sweet gigantic hats.
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L822[21:42:13] <Eddi|zuHause> well, we have a giant abraham lincoln, but since it's made of marble, it will decay from acid over time
L823[21:43:41] <Scolar_Visari> Don't worry, he's sitting in a house not unlike Egyptian and Greek temples had their cult statues protected within (albeit with less gold leaf and ivory).
L824[21:44:08] * Scolar_Visari ponders Lincoln redecorated in the manner of the Zeus at Olympia.
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L827[21:44:50] <Eddi|zuHause> when i visited washington, they claimed that if you listened carefully, you could hear the statue sizzeling like a tab in water
L828[21:45:19] <ve2dmn> what do you think most greek statues were made of?
L829[21:45:51] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: Well, most of the cult statues were looted before decay became a concern.
L830[21:45:59] <Eddi|zuHause> maybe greece is less acidic than washington?
L831[21:46:40] <ve2dmn> I said 'were' not are :D
L832[21:47:52] <ve2dmn> but Scolar_Visari is the closest to the truth: most were made of metal and got melted to make... something else
L833[21:47:52] <Scolar_Visari> There was also a liberal amount of bronze use ala the Colossus of Rhodes.
L834[21:48:44] *** N70 is now known as N70|zzz
L835[21:48:47] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: Well, in the case of particularly famous statues like the Zeus at Olympia, it's likely that the gold leaf and ivory panels was simply torn off and sold if not made into commermorative jewelery.
L836[21:49:22] <ve2dmn> 'looting' in general
L837[21:49:23] <Eddi|zuHause> oh there's a fair share of german monuments that got melted into cannons during WWI and WWII
L838[21:49:34] <ve2dmn> same idea
L839[21:49:55] <Scolar_Visari> Though the Colossus of Rhodes is an interesting case in that much of its bronze was derived from abandoned weapons and armor.
L840[21:52:30] <ve2dmn> Ever the Japanese recycled the statues during the war. The Hachiko statue in Tokyo's Shibuya railroad station is a new 1948 one...
L841[21:53:12] <ve2dmn> Even*
L842[21:53:27] <Scolar_Visari> Given the severe shortage of raw materials, that's to be expected.
L843[21:53:47] <Eddi|zuHause> i've heard of some statues being replaced after the war from the original molds, or some temporary molds that were created before melting the statue
L844[21:56:16] * Scolar_Visari ponders the scenario in Demolition Man where a museum was looted because it was the only place in future California with working firearms.
L845[21:56:53] <Eddi|zuHause> that sounds like a really unlikely scenario
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L847[22:00:14] <Scolar_Visari> It wasn't so bad, so long as you liked Taco Bell.
L848[22:00:39] <Scolar_Visari> Though the music in the future sucks: The only genre played on the radio are advertisement jingles.
L849[22:04:48] *** Kreuzung is now known as GlassYuri
L850[22:04:51] <GlassYuri> "a QA tester walks into a bar. orders a beer. orders 0 beers. orders 999999999999 beers. orders lksdhflkhsdfg beers. orders a lizard. orders a ;DROP TABLE DRINKS"
L851[22:06:54] * Scolar_Visari goes off to finish off the Skaven.
L852[22:07:21] <ConductorCat> :3
L853[22:09:59] ⇦ Quits: Scolar_Visari (Scolar_Visari!webchat@ (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
L854[22:11:51] <Rokker> Eddi|zuHause: idk, knowing california it doesn't sound too implausible
L855[22:22:37] <Draconiator> I wonder if the MicroSD card is still the smallest storage medium out there...
L856[22:29:19] <Rokker> Draconiator: eh. give it 5 years and you will be able yo store a terabyte on a single atom
L857[22:31:37] ⇨ Joins: Doty1154 (Doty1154!~Doty1154@2601:648:8000:134f:dda1:d648:42b5:7585)
L858[22:54:04] ⇨ Joins: Jinx (Jinx!Jinx@dsl-jklbng11-54fa50-31.dhcp.inet.fi)
L859[22:55:41] <TheKosmonaut> Rokker: finally, they'll make your brain capable of storing information
L860[22:55:54] <Supernovy> Imagine the possibilities.
L861[22:57:24] ⇨ Joins: Althego (Althego!~Althego@86FF430E.dsl.pool.telekom.hu)
L862[23:15:18] ⇦ Quits: VanDisaster (VanDisaster!~Miranda@sea.sux.net) (Quit: Miranda NG! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-ng.org/)
L863[23:15:31] ⇨ Joins: VanDisaster (VanDisaster!~Miranda@sea.sux.net)
L864[23:22:09] ⇦ Quits: Draconiator (Draconiator!~musicphre@cpe-184-153-142-221.maine.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
L865[23:34:55] ⇨ Joins: Arynnia (Arynnia!~Niadra@cpe-76-178-25-35.natnow.res.rr.com)
L866[23:43:37] ⇦ Quits: fhmiv (fhmiv!~fhmiv@c-73-158-172-16.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) (Quit: Leaving...)
L867[23:45:17] <cringe> ISS Urine Tank Level: 24%
L868[23:56:09] <Althego> low
L869[23:56:15] <Althego> they better work on it
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