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L1[00:13:38] ⇦ Quits: Draconiator (Draconiator!~musicphre@cpe-184-153-142-221.maine.res.rr.com) (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
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L9[01:22:54] <cringe> ISS Urine Tank Level: 11%
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L12[01:35:02] <Althego> too low
L13[01:35:07] <Althego> work on it
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L18[01:56:20] <pixelfox> a nice ksp morning to all :)
L19[01:58:23] <TheKosmonaut> pixelfox: I love the smell of hypergolics in the morning
L20[01:58:32] <pixelfox> lol
L21[01:58:43] <Althego> hypergolic skunk is not here now :)
L22[01:59:10] <pixelfox> bit tired this morning was on my nx class build till 2am :|
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L25[03:03:09] <Althego> what is the name of the current modding channel?
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L28[03:32:00] <KrazyKrl> #hashtagoctothorpe
L29[03:32:16] <Rolf> ############
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L31[03:34:44] <KrazyKrl> I'm sorry, the proper answer is "IDontBelieveYoux265.mp4
L32[03:34:47] <KrazyKrl> "
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L34[03:35:16] <Rolf> #thisisahoaxchannel
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L36[03:41:07] <taniwha> #kspmodding
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L40[03:46:35] <Guest60326> ?
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L43[03:49:35] <Althego> haha
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L45[03:52:38] <KrazyKrl> at first do suddenly when't but not then the othello.
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L62[05:22:32] <Fluburtur> uh I wonder what is the price for getting a mirror cut to a custom size at my stuff store
L63[05:28:30] <RandomJeb> shouldn't be too bad, they probably wont take responsibility for it shattering though
L64[05:28:54] <Fluburtur> well cutting mirror isn't that hard
L65[05:29:04] <Fluburtur> probably just use the sortof ceramic tile cutter
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L70[06:43:13] <Gasher> Fluburtur, according to a friend who did that for his then-girlfiend, cutting itself is easy - but you have tp be very careful to lightly hit it after so that it shatter along the cut. He said he only needed a second one to do that right
L71[06:43:32] <Fluburtur> yeah
L72[06:43:48] <Fluburtur> well I guess that the guy that is supposed to do that knows
L73[06:44:09] <Gasher> yeah, i was talking about diy approach
L74[06:44:27] <Fluburtur> I think there is a ceramic tile cutter somewhere here
L75[06:47:54] <Fluburtur> anyways I only need a 22x22cm mirror
L76[06:48:05] <Fluburtur> could use glass too since it's for my 3d printer but mirror looks nice
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L78[07:15:34] <Fluburtur> "died when he broke his neck by tripping over his own beard"
L79[07:15:38] <Fluburtur> that's how I want to go
L80[07:15:47] <Althego> lol
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L88[08:37:29] ⇨ Joins: Gasher (Gasher!~Gasher@broadband-46-188-123-161.2com.net)
L89[08:38:45] <taniwha> man, KSP landing legs are skis :P
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L92[08:54:26] <Fluburtur> so
L93[08:54:49] <Fluburtur> time to make a rocket capable to put 10t in the orbit of my station for the cheapest price
L94[08:55:39] <Fluburtur> with only liquid fuel that is
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L105[11:50:21] <Fluburtur> https://youtu.be/rDf9sKQQgqU
L106[11:50:21] <kmath> YouTube - trex 450 hover in the garden
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L113[12:20:06] <Althego> i think the game renders the lists in the science archive incorrectly
L114[12:20:47] <Althego> at least lot are missing (you can scroll, but not everything is visible), then if you select a filter the missing elements do appear
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L117[12:51:32] <APlayer> Hi there!
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L119[12:55:14] ⇦ Quits: McKaby`` (McKaby``!~Forgon@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L120[12:59:23] <Althego> hullo :)
L121[13:00:40] <Althego> http://www.warpology.com/k/dawning.png
L122[13:00:52] <Althego> if you squint a bit you can see the lights of ksc and minmus
L123[13:01:52] <Althego> i realized i missed out the thermometer flying above some biomes, so i went to the desert west of ksc, measured highlands, mountans and desert and came baack
L124[13:02:29] <Althego> running on the single engine because that way i spare a lot of fuel, and at the moment i have more time than credits
L125[13:08:02] <Mathuin> Althego: one thing I find myself doing is building stock craft for Kerbin biome-altitude combinations. I don't have a plane designed to loiter above 18k yet.
L126[13:08:28] <Althego> the panthers can do it
L127[13:08:47] <Althego> that is why i have the panthers on this, it was originally built for high altitude measurements
L128[13:09:41] <Althego> but that eats fuel pretty fast
L129[13:09:49] <Althego> because of wet mode
L130[13:10:25] <Althego> hmm wait a sec i should be able to do temperature scans from above the miucrobiomes of ksc
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L132[13:13:28] <Althego> heh i got flying above shores
L133[13:13:35] <Althego> why, i have one above launchpad
L134[13:13:44] ⇨ Joins: McKaby (McKaby!~Forgon@
L135[13:20:54] <Mathuin> The KSC microbiomes are surface-only
L136[13:28:11] ⇨ Joins: Draconiator (Draconiator!~musicphre@cpe-184-153-142-221.maine.res.rr.com)
L137[13:33:25] <Althego> oh it was not thermometer but crew report
L138[13:33:36] <Althego> so they are not surface only
L139[13:35:36] <Althego> maybe only the launchpad is specia
L140[13:37:06] <Mathuin> I think it might be the launchpad and/or runway in that case.
L141[13:37:30] <Mathuin> http://bigorangemachine.github.io/ksp_js_career_sci_list/ is what I use for offline science tracking and it handles that case well.
L142[13:39:21] <Althego> now it doesnt trigger
L143[13:40:46] <Althego> i dont even know how i got it the first time. i know i was flying bove the ksc because of some contract and i had time for 1 experiment and i chose the crew report
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L145[13:44:21] <Althego> and sadly t seems i have to wait for the highest level buildings in some cases to get some biomes
L146[13:46:01] <Althego> may have been an accident, a bug that shouldnt happen
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L156[14:36:47] <danman> i seem to remember there being a way to sav "sub-assemblies" was that a mod or am i missing something?
L157[14:38:43] <Althego> it is stock
L158[14:38:54] <danman> where do i find it?
L159[14:38:56] <Althego> there is the tiny arrov on the left side in the vab
L160[14:39:03] <Althego> that will open the menu
L161[14:39:06] <danman> oh, ok.. thx much
L162[14:39:18] <Althego> but i suggest you dont use it
L163[14:39:25] <Althego> superseded by the merge button in the load
L164[14:39:26] <danman> how come?
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L166[14:39:47] <Althego> both work
L167[14:39:51] <danman> kk
L168[14:39:59] <Althego> but i always fund the subassembly idea is redundant
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L170[14:40:52] <danman> just want to be able to save generic life lehicles and landers and such
L171[14:40:53] <Althego> the usual rules apply for both, you can add a craft to the other by the root node, so you need to have its root node changed before saving
L172[14:41:07] <danman> lift vehicles*
L173[14:41:16] ⇦ Quits: Althego (Althego!~Althego@86FF6970.dsl.pool.telekom.hu) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
L174[14:41:22] <danman> ah,, right
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L184[14:58:11] <GuestBanana> How does one convince oneself to stop having so many tabs open?
L185[15:02:49] <UmbralRaptor> That's a trick question.
L186[15:04:31] <GuestBanana> My problem is that I middle-click (three-finger tap for those of you who hate mouses*) almost every link I see instead of normally clicking on it.
L187[15:06:11] <GuestBanana> *mouses is a (and possibly the) correct plural of computer mouse
L188[15:06:19] <UmbralRaptor> Uh, this sounds fairly normal.
L189[15:07:16] <GuestBanana> One of the main times when it happens is I find something relating to historical political entities on Wikipedia
L190[15:07:35] <GuestBanana> I think I like those Alternate Future/History vids on YT way too much
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L193[15:12:58] <GuestBanana> Has anyone here ever heard of or watched mapping videos? (Alternate Future/History; also, RealLifeLore doesn't count because mapping needs a map)
L194[15:14:21] <Mathuin> "mapping videos"?
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L198[15:33:27] <Draconiator> mapping videos?
L199[15:33:44] <Draconiator> I kinda like alternate history too
L200[15:34:30] <Draconiator> I mean there is a universe where GuestBanana is GuestTomato
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L202[15:36:24] <NicknameHere> Dunno why it quit
L203[15:48:59] <Alanonzander> ?
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L206[15:54:37] <Draconiator> Ahhh okay one of those things.
L207[15:54:50] <Draconiator> Personally...don't really like 'em too much
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L219[16:55:24] <Guest64066> Hello. Where to find good moving and rotating parts?
L220[16:58:15] <Guest64066> ???
L221[16:58:38] <Supercheese> The new, uh, Stockalike Station Parts Redux has some nice centrifuges IIRC
L222[16:58:54] <Supercheese> https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/170211-131-stockalike-station-parts-redux-march-2nd-fixes/
L223[17:01:17] <Guest64066> Nope... I want some turning part like some steel tube with some additional modules and additional connectors on it. I want to build expandable spacestation which can became fairly big from rocket fairing. =)
L224[17:03:57] <Supercheese> Well, SSPR has these types: https://i.imgur.com/DCACOyIg.png
L225[17:04:01] <Supercheese> which sounds pretty similar
L226[17:08:29] <TheKosmonaut> Guest64066: if all else fails you could just go with Infernal Robotics
L227[17:10:16] <Guest64066> I need something like this https://ibb.co/fLh6iS (sorry for painter)
L228[17:10:55] <Guest64066> I have no idea how to use infernal robotics.
L229[17:13:14] <BenjaminK> I'm sure there are manuels out there
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L237[17:32:08] <UmbralRaptor> https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc619748/m2/1/high_res_d/101088.pdf
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L239[17:39:09] <Neal> I was just going to say something about that
L240[17:39:51] <Neal> I'm doing a roadtrip in a month and I'll be driving right past jackass flats where the NERVA and nuclear ramjet was tested
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L244[17:44:52] <Neal> I think I'll try to avoid eating in Amargosa, which is down the watershed from those nucear sites =p
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L247[18:17:11] <TheKosmonaut> Neal: that's quitter talk
L248[18:17:30] <TheKosmonaut> Go right up to the test sites and eat the soil
L249[18:17:36] <Neal> love me some radionucleotides
L250[18:18:33] <TheKosmonaut> Recommended by leading doctors in Fukushima and Pripyat
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L266[19:53:49] <lordcirth> By the way, if anyone's using Kerbalism, it's no longer maintained. You want Kerbalism-Continued.
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L308[21:58:32] <Draconiator> DEFINATELY need more of these things....had 4 but crashed the others. um.....via pilot error lol https://i.gyazo.com/2e087b4963c83b783764c07489286482.png
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L311[22:05:56] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/af7f555512b040aa98bf7a57a9b981e3.png
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L313[22:13:27] <Guest24101> huh
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L326[22:52:50] <TheKosmonaut> UmbralRaptor: do you deal with wiki.kerbal still?
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L328[22:53:34] <UmbralRaptor> Yes, though admittedly not as much as I should.
L329[22:54:32] <TheKosmonaut> UmbralRaptor: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/171641-wiki-is-giving-parse-error-on-math-functions/
L330[22:54:44] <TheKosmonaut> Do you know anything about this guy's issue?
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L332[22:56:44] <UmbralRaptor> TheKosmonaut: only vaguely -- you'll need to punt it up to Squad, T2, or whoever is actually running the server.
L333[22:57:10] <TheKosmonaut> UmbralRaptor: oh. Is it actually official? Haha.
L334[22:57:26] <TheKosmonaut> Ok then. I had it brought to the forum IT man
L335[23:01:04] <UmbralRaptor> Yeah, the only time the wiki was unofficial was when n3x1s was running it.
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