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L1[00:12:22] ⇦ Quits: NolanSyKinsley (NolanSyKinsley!~NolanSyKi@2606:6000:5112:df00:8b3:f344:4d1a:68b0) (Remote host closed the connection)
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L8[01:25:58] <GlassYuri> wtf https://twitter.com/ice_FR9/status/968714292873826304
L9[01:25:58] <kmath> <ice_FR9> ?????????????????????????????????????????... https://t.co/io1Tb24XEX
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L28[04:18:17] ⇨ Joins: Kabouik (Kabouik!~kabouik@
L29[04:32:58] <GlassYuri> google can, for whatever reason, convert square yuan to square dollar https://www.google.co.jp/search?dcr=0&ei=FoWWWub3D4yk8AWG1oSIAw&q=100%E5%B9%B3%E6%96%B9%E4%BA%BA%E6%B0%91%E5%85%83&oq=100%E5%B9%B3%E6%96%B9%E4%BA%BA%E6%B0%91%E5%85%83&gs_l=psy-ab.3...19731.20979.0.21610.
L30[04:34:30] <GlassYuri> (I didn't discover it, there was a screenshot on twitter where it misinterpreted a japanese name as "1 square yuan")
L31[04:39:08] ⇨ Joins: Deddly (Deddly!~MrNiceGuy@h87-96-164-204.cust.se.alltele.net)
L32[04:49:01] <TheKosmonaut> taniwha: shipping down to Hiroshima
L33[04:49:04] <TheKosmonaut> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/If3xkjhL/IMG_1297.JPG
L34[04:49:24] <TheKosmonaut> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/A8oJePzg/IMG_1298.JPG
L35[04:49:44] <taniwha> looks heavy
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L37[04:59:26] <TheKosmonaut> taniwha: painfully heavy
L38[04:59:39] <TheKosmonaut> Need a crane or the forklift to move it at all.
L39[04:59:47] <taniwha> yeah
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L41[05:00:24] <TheKosmonaut> taniwha: the yard sold it for 250,000 which seemed kinda low considering how much time we had to put toward it
L42[05:08:51] <Mat2ch> truck engine?
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L48[05:23:59] <taniwha> yeah, that does seem cheapish
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L52[06:02:53] <TheKosmonaut> Mat2ch: range Rover
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L54[06:25:32] <Fluburtur> now that I ordered my 3d printer I will finalyl be able to make the tf2 mini sentry for my cousin
L55[06:28:47] <sandbox> :)
L56[06:36:50] <Mat2ch> TheKosmonaut: almost right :)
L57[06:45:04] <TheKosmonaut> Mat2ch: I would like to do small cars
L58[06:45:14] <TheKosmonaut> This truck was a pain
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L60[06:50:40] <Mat2ch> I heard there are a lot of very small cars in Japan... but you get the big ones ;)
L61[06:52:23] <Arcan> i like small cars, but i am very tall, so i do not fit properly in them :P
L62[06:55:45] <Mat2ch> I once sat in a Lotus Elise. It was a convertible, luckily for me.
L63[06:57:19] <sandbox> I was once on a bus that crashed into a Lotus Elise
L64[06:57:35] <Mat2ch> that doesn't count. :D
L65[07:07:02] <Arcan> that doesn't sound survivable for the passengers of the elise
L66[07:08:21] <sandbox> it wasn't that bad
L67[07:08:43] <sandbox> and I think it was just the driver
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L69[07:22:51] <Fluburtur> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/254984631512858634/418397594872709120/DSC_8459.JPG
L70[07:22:53] <Fluburtur> getting there
L71[07:23:04] <Fluburtur> if im productive I could be done with that today
L72[07:25:45] <Fluburtur> now I will have to make it look nice https://img.planespotters.net/photo/312000/original/f-zbfp-securite-civile-canadair-cl-415_PlanespottersNet_312057_1cd963a875.jpg
L73[07:31:26] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: how well does the paint stick to the tape?
L74[07:32:05] <Fluburtur> not too bad
L75[07:32:07] <Rokker> Fluburtur: guess where i might get to go on friday
L76[07:32:09] <Fluburtur> I sanded it
L77[07:32:18] <Fluburtur> your museum?
L78[07:32:24] <Rokker> Fluburtur: no, a different museum
L79[07:32:34] <Rokker> Pima
L80[07:32:34] <Fluburtur> Mat2ch I tried to mix the paint with water but it didn't stick too well
L81[07:32:49] <Rokker> im gonna rescue a plane from the boneyard
L82[07:32:53] <Fluburtur> but the bottom is only paint
L83[07:32:54] <Fluburtur> nice
L84[07:33:36] <Rokker> Fluburtur: apparently they have a 787 on display
L85[07:33:39] <Rokker> which is surprising
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L87[07:34:08] <Fluburtur> be sure to take pics
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L89[07:45:40] ⇦ Quits: Gasher[work] (Gasher[work]!~Gasher@ (Quit: Gasher[work])
L90[07:53:40] <Fluburtur> https://78.media.tumblr.com/cf664c1d6c4298f955792775087199f2/tumblr_mgfc5lFrsw1qzpzfmo1_540.jpg
L91[07:56:45] <Althego> we may already be the aliens of martian origins
L92[07:56:47] <Althego> -s
L93[07:57:24] <Fluburtur> panspermia is my fav space theory
L94[07:58:47] ⇨ Joins: K3|Chris (K3|Chris!~ChrisK3@h-9-55.A357.priv.bahnhof.se)
L95[08:01:08] <sandbox> https://twitter.com/AMAZlNGNATURE/status/966853881840971776
L96[08:01:08] <kmath> <AMAZlNGNATURE> If you don't think insects can be cute, you haven't seen baby Orchid Mantises... https://t.co/oYOW4Vymz5
L97[08:07:39] <Truga> amazlngnature eh
L98[08:09:10] <Fluburtur> mantises are scary
L99[08:10:35] <sandbox> not as bad as cazadors ;p
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L102[08:26:25] <Fluburtur> http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-905
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L106[08:48:20] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: https://giant.gfycat.com/OldfashionedUnlinedAdder.webm
L107[08:48:40] <Fluburtur> nice
L108[08:49:25] <Mat2ch> I NEED THIS.
L109[08:49:37] <Fluburtur> well
L110[08:49:51] <Fluburtur> I could wait to have my 3d printer and use my prop making skills to make one
L111[08:49:53] <Fluburtur> shouldn't be hard
L112[08:50:00] <Fluburtur> then when I visit you I give you one
L113[08:51:24] <Mat2ch> A study by the EU found out that insecticides kill insects. Wow. :D
L114[08:51:36] <Mat2ch> (actually bees, but they're insects as well ;P )
L115[08:51:40] <Mat2ch> nice
L116[08:51:40] <Fluburtur> who knew
L117[08:51:53] <Mat2ch> how would you make the base?
L118[08:52:04] <Mat2ch> The glowing thing there?
L119[08:52:36] <Fluburtur> transparent plastic
L120[08:52:45] <Fluburtur> and a bunch of lights
L121[08:52:54] <Fluburtur> wet sanded and maybe some paint to make it even
L122[08:55:00] <Fluburtur> http://vexmatech.com/images/img-m/images/cpla2.jpg
L123[08:55:25] <Fluburtur> won't let as much light through as proper transparent stuff but it's meant to be an ambiant light anyways
L124[08:57:17] <Mat2ch> Yep, Should be almost white, when not lit
L125[08:57:35] <Fluburtur> well I will add that to my list of stuff to make then
L126[08:57:44] <Fluburtur> be sure to remind me once my printer is there
L127[08:58:59] <Mat2ch> I'm looking forward to seeing a Falcon Heavy printed :D
L128[08:59:28] <Fluburtur> heh
L129[08:59:42] <Fluburtur> not sure how detailed I will be able to make it
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L132[09:01:06] <Fluburtur> this one is fun http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-424
L133[09:06:49] <Fluburtur> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zA2YazzURlg
L134[09:06:50] <kmath> YouTube - Marble Machine X #27 - What is Most Important, Talent or Hard Work?
L135[09:07:58] <Mat2ch> \o/
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L137[09:10:25] <halcyon_b> So I was at the local science museum with my kids, and they had a big exhibit courtesy of NASA with a six foot model of the SLS block 1, a 1-foot diameter model of the Orion capsule, and lots of stickers
L138[09:10:37] <halcyon_b> it were a blast
L139[09:10:51] <ve2dmn> stickers?
L140[09:10:52] <Rokker> halcyon_b: MUSEUM
L141[09:10:57] <Rokker> M U S E U M
L142[09:11:03] <Rokker> MUUUUUUSEEEEEUUUM
L143[09:11:05] <ve2dmn> halcyon_b: you woke up the beast
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L145[09:11:12] <Fluburtur> you triggered it
L146[09:11:13] <Rokker> halcyon_b: what museum
L147[09:11:15] <halcyon_b> Anyone know if they were doing it at a bunch of different places?
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L149[09:11:31] <Rokker> WHAT MUSEUM YOU MONSTER
L150[09:11:33] <halcyon_b> well, at the risk of giving away my location, Science Museum Oklahoma in OKC
L151[09:11:53] <Rokker> well considering only 5 people live in Oklahoma city, ur screwed
L152[09:12:15] <Rokker> halcyon_b: NASA sends that kinda crap out a lot, randomly
L153[09:12:26] <Rokker> anyways
L154[09:12:29] <Rokker> I like museums
L155[09:12:32] <Rokker> museum's are nice
L156[09:13:28] <halcyon_b> We've got a few nice museums now, Museum of Modern Art, Sam Noble Natural History Museum, Science Museum Oklahoma... too bad so many Oklahomans are allergic to knowledge
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L158[09:13:56] <Rokker> halcyon_b: I practically spend like 15% of my free time in a museum
L159[09:14:06] <Rokker> the national museum of the USAF to be specific
L160[09:18:17] <halcyon_b> is it free, or do you have a membership?
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L162[09:18:36] <Fluburtur> he lives in there
L163[09:18:44] <Fluburtur> hides in it at night
L164[09:18:47] <halcyon_b> AZttic or basement
L165[09:19:07] <Rokker> halcyon_b: free entrance courtesy of the USAF
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L167[09:19:34] <Rokker> halcyon_b: it's 4 massive hangars full of planes, I don't need an attic, i just hide in one of them
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L170[09:25:40] <Mat2ch> Fluburtur: they skipped the beard question!
L171[09:25:46] <Fluburtur> heh
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L175[09:33:04] <Rokker> halcyon_b: honestly I can't think of a federal museum that costs money
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L177[09:33:37] <Rokker> not directly at least
L178[09:34:28] <Rokker> the air force missile museum down in cape Canaveral is free but you gotta pay like 26 dollars at KSC to get onto the base
L179[09:35:21] <halcyon_b> Makes sense. I don't think I've ever been to a federal museum
L180[09:35:56] <Rokker> halcyon_b: well federally funded, like military museum's or the smithsonian
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L185[09:59:21] <Gasher> Rokker,
L186[09:59:30] <Gasher> so which of those museums are the best?
L187[10:09:07] <ve2dmn> That's a loaded question. The defintion of 'best' depends mostly on what you want to see.
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L189[10:10:59] <Gasher> ve2dmn, best is up to Rokker - and i'd say i am relying on his opinion about the best aviation museums in US
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L191[10:13:50] <UmbralRaptop> I'd go with "depends on where in the US you are"
L192[10:15:27] <Gasher> ah, right. i also thought about that
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L197[10:26:59] <Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ib6TC0JVfi8
L198[10:26:59] <kmath> YouTube - Please Turn Your Phone 90 Degrees For KST
L199[10:32:05] <Rokker> Gasher: NMUSAF is the best of courae
L200[10:32:07] <Rokker> course
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L202[10:38:48] <Fluburtur> when is the next launch?
L203[10:39:15] <ve2dmn> .nextlaunch
L204[10:39:16] <Nextlaunch2> Falcon 9 Full Thrust | Hispasat 30W-6 (Hispasat 1F) - https://www.youtube.com/c/spacex/live - TBD/NET March 1, 2018 05:34:00 UTC
L205[10:39:19] <ve2dmn> ^
L206[10:40:42] ⇨ Joins: K3|Chris (K3|Chris!~ChrisK3@h-9-55.A357.priv.bahnhof.se)
L207[10:44:41] <Rokker> ve2dmn: probably not actually
L208[10:45:04] <Rokker> ve2dmn: there have been some complications with that because you have a falcon and atlas launch scheduled 21 hours apart
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L210[10:47:50] <Rokker> ve2dmn: and as far as I know, ULA is definitely launching
L211[10:47:56] <Rokker> spacex might not be
L212[10:48:28] <ve2dmn> that data is from http://launchlibrary.net/
L213[10:48:32] <Rokker> ve2dmn: if they launch it will be the first time in 52 years that 2 launches have happened on the same day
L214[10:48:51] <Rokker> ve2dmn: I'm aware of where it's from, I was present when the bot was made
L215[10:49:16] <Rokker> ve2dmn: this is speculation from the spacex channel on esper. we've been talking about it all week
L216[10:50:36] <Rokker> ve2dmn: https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/967270883713679360 see that second bit, the one about range availability. they don't need that one afaik
L217[10:50:36] <kmath> <?SpaceX> Standing down from this weekend's launch attempt to conduct additional testing on the fairing’s pressurization syst… https://t.co/ttzPZIaMZF
L218[10:50:55] <Althego> yes it was delayed even after that again
L219[10:51:06] <ve2dmn> I'm at work, so will check later
L220[10:51:19] <Althego> suposedly it will happen while i am goin to work
L221[10:51:43] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/fa30aaf77a043ba1d25fad210338b977.png - ummmm I landed like 2KM away from my intended target now I have to drive all the way there lol
L222[10:52:28] <Rokker> ve2dmn: can confirm now with 100% accuracy, launch is delayed
L223[10:52:42] <Rokker> Fluburtur: next launch is an atlas in 29 hours
L224[10:52:59] <Fluburtur> ok
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L252[12:18:20] <Althego> http://www.warpology.com/k/nocauseforalarm.png
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L255[12:18:47] <Althego> the space station core is status is nominal
L256[12:19:29] <Althego> i especially like that shock collar in the middle
L257[12:19:35] <Althego> i dont even know what causes it
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L259[12:19:47] <Mathuin> What's the offending part?
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L262[12:20:05] <BPlayer> That sonic boom , if it is one, looks rather beautiful @Althego
L263[12:20:20] <BPlayer> Or is it a Mach cone?
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L266[12:20:25] <Mathuin> That's Mach 5.62 according to KER
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L268[12:20:32] <Mathuin> So it could be the cone, but why there I guess.
L269[12:20:34] <BPlayer> Oh, yeah
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L281[12:21:03] <Althego> i think those may be the hidden parachutes for the returning of the first stage
L282[12:21:09] <Althego> but they never did that before
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L293[12:22:39] <Mathuin> I can see why the docking ports are contributing their share.
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L316[12:30:05] <Althego> there are 4 struts reinforcing the bond between the tanks and the devoupler, because there is the probe core and batteries inside, offset into the tanks
L317[12:30:12] <Althego> maybe those 4 struts are doing that
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L321[12:36:56] <Mathuin> I always have bad luck with offsetting parts into other parts.
L322[12:37:33] <Mathuin> Especially rectangular parts like batteries inside curved parts like tanks.
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L328[13:07:33] <ve2dmn> https://www.reddit.com/r/engineering/comments/80xuhs/canadian_american_and_norwegian_engineering/
L329[13:08:24] <Draconiator> https://www.yahoo.com/tech/moon-getting-mobile-data-network-165617866.html
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L332[13:13:56] <Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: I'm not saying it was Kerbals, but IT WAS KERBALS!
L333[13:14:35] <Althego> hehe
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L335[13:14:42] <Althego> each day a new sentence
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L338[13:16:29] <Scolar_Visari> Althego: And there will be TILL THE END OF TIME.
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L342[13:17:39] <Supernovy> Evening, Gentlemen.
L343[13:19:47] <Scolar_Visari> I don't know which is worse: The fact that two people wrote a serious three page paper based on the plot of Species, or the fact that the person who linked said paper didn't actually bother making it to the conclusion https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/turn-deaf-ear-to-data-received-by-aliens/
L344[13:21:11] <Scolar_Visari> From the Digital Trends article: "The bottom line is, humans shouldn’t translate any code received from space, nor should we transmit code."
L345[13:21:17] <Scolar_Visari> From the actual paper, "Message Decontamination is Impossible": "Overall, we believe that the risk is very small (but not zero), and the potential benefit very large, so that we strongly encourage to read an incoming message."
L346[13:24:45] <Scolar_Visari> Just like in Independence Day, alien software and hardware would be COMPLETELY LIKE OUR OWN and thus vulnerable to viruses.
L347[13:29:59] <ve2dmn> Scolar_Visari: yes. Just like computer virus on Windows works on Linux with no changes whatsoever
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L351[13:31:29] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: I half wonder if the authors actually know how computers work.
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L353[13:31:47] <Scolar_Visari> Like, did no one tell them that sentient AIs aren't really a thing and may never be?
L354[13:31:57] <ve2dmn> They probably *THINK* they do
L355[13:32:17] <Scolar_Visari> Oh no . . . I think I know what happened. They got all their knowledge about the subject by watching Transcendence.
L356[13:32:24] <Althego> yes the id4 virus thing was totally laughable
L357[13:33:01] <ve2dmn> Also, I don't understand if, in Independance day, if he could write a virus capable of turning off the shields, why not write one to overload the core or something?
L358[13:33:02] <Scolar_Visari> Althego: I could almost understand a DOS attack, but a virus. Seriously? Also: Did the aliens not have any patches in the decades since the little fighter's capture?
L359[13:33:30] <Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptop: BEHOLD! https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/turn-deaf-ear-to-data-received-by-aliens/
L360[13:36:03] * UmbralRaptop saw the paper on arXiv, but has no comment.
L361[13:36:40] <Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptor: Amusingly, the Digitial Trends article ends with the exact opposite conclusion as the authors.
L362[13:37:17] <UmbralRaptop> ¯\_(?)_/¯
L363[13:38:28] <Scolar_Visari> It's almost like reading two and a half pages of work would've caused them physical pain in writing their 517 word article.
L364[13:39:04] <ve2dmn> Scolar_Visari: it take less time and most people won't notice the difference
L365[13:39:41] <ve2dmn> We also will not blame the writter, but probably the publisher. So the author's reputation is 'mostly' intact
L366[13:40:20] <Scolar_Visari> Dear Digital Trends: Feed your writer to ravenous alligators. Sincerely yours, Autarch Scholar Visari of Helghan.
L367[13:43:25] * Scolar_Visari has now seen a way to make the Falcon 9 stage even dinkier https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-nOTnjp-mA9M/WVTLdKZrg3I/AAAAAAAAApc/dgnfn1QySqkzuo65LgMA4BdqTOepb_aqgCLcBGAs/s1600/spacex.jpg
L368[13:43:29] <Scolar_Visari> *Upper stage
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L370[13:45:33] * Scolar_Visari snicker at the space plane-esque nature of the proposed BFR upper stages.
L371[13:49:13] <ve2dmn> What's the official name of BFR again? Big Falcon Rocket?
L372[13:49:17] <Althego> yes
L373[13:49:44] <Althego> should have named it bfr 9000 :)
L374[13:49:46] <ve2dmn> We all know it stand for more... vulgar... things
L375[13:50:08] <ve2dmn> or BFR 9001
L376[13:51:30] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: I always went for the rail guns myself.
L377[13:51:39] <UmbralRaptop> Discussing the International Standards Organization is incredibly vulgar.
L378[13:52:41] <Althego> as9100
L379[13:53:56] <ve2dmn> Scolar_Visari: I think you have the wrong reference there...
L380[13:54:30] * Scolar_Visari notes rail guns might have one or two pick up points as opposed to the difficult to reach one of the BFG
L381[13:54:36] <Scolar_Visari> However, rocket jumping is always fun.
L382[13:54:39] <Scolar_Visari> Also: SPLASH DAMAGE!
L383[13:55:06] <ve2dmn> ... Now I feel like a dinosaur
L384[13:55:08] <Althego> original doom didnt have railguns
L385[13:55:11] <ve2dmn> ^
L386[13:55:47] <Althego> i liked the plasma guns
L387[13:55:47] <Scolar_Visari> Althego: Doom? Psht, play Quake II, peasant!
L388[13:56:02] <ve2dmn> Scolar_Visari: get off my lawn!
L389[13:56:06] <Althego> i could never play quake 2 because even 1 was barely running
L390[13:56:11] <ve2dmn> kids, theses days...
L391[13:56:36] <Althego> in fact i skipped all later quakes, and when i got a better computer they were already old
L392[13:56:52] <Scolar_Visari> Quake III's still surprisingly popular.
L393[13:56:57] <ve2dmn> ...no appriciation for the true origins of the classics
L394[13:57:18] <Althego> and i was never an fps fan
L395[13:57:21] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: The classics made me physically nauseous.
L396[13:57:30] <Althego> only mirror's edge :)
L397[13:57:37] * Scolar_Visari could not play Wolfenstein or Doom 1 -2 for more than thirty minutes at a time.
L398[13:57:40] <Althego> even 15 minutes is very bad for me
L399[13:57:46] <Scolar_Visari> Pharaoh and Caesar III, ont he other hand . . .
L400[13:58:05] <Althego> after 1 hour i have to stop because of nausea, headache, and eye issues
L401[13:58:10] <ve2dmn> Scolar_Visari: I usually play Star Control II or similar back in thoses days...
L402[13:58:26] * Scolar_Visari also ponders why science-fiction authors think that point defense cannons are the only anti-missile defense systems on actual naval craft, ignoring that those dozens of SAMs can still hit other missiles
L403[13:58:44] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: I did not start that till Imperium Galactica II, the best Galactica.
L404[13:59:24] <Althego> hah, hungarian game
L405[13:59:37] <ve2dmn> A good title that one
L406[14:00:05] <Scolar_Visari> Althego: An AWESOME Hungarian game. They made a few other decent titles, too, and the CGI in IGII was pretty good. Ahem, at the time.
L407[14:00:05] <ve2dmn> I still miss Master of Orion and M.A.X. sometimes
L408[14:00:25] <Althego> i never got around to really play max
L409[14:00:32] * Scolar_Visari remembers the four discs needed for IG II and the horribly designed jewel case
L410[14:01:12] <ve2dmn> Althego: the first game was ok, even if the AI was dumb.
L411[14:01:24] <ve2dmn> but never touch M.A.X. II.... never, ever.
L412[14:02:08] <ve2dmn> Interplay was having financial troubles at the time and it showed. It was released still buggy as $%/??%
L413[14:03:30] <Scolar_Visari> I seem to recall games always being buggy.
L414[14:03:59] <ve2dmn> Scolar_Visari: that one was unplayable
L415[14:04:33] <ve2dmn> If you can't play for 10min without game breaking bugs and/or CTD... it's not worth your time
L416[14:04:53] <Scolar_Visari> So . . . like Fallout 3?
L417[14:05:14] <ve2dmn> worse
L418[14:06:05] <Althego> btw tomorrow is march, soon the next ksp
L419[14:06:08] <ve2dmn> Younger, I dreamed of making a good Turn-based game like M.A.X., Outpost, Missionforce:Cyberstorm or something like thoses
L420[14:06:24] <ve2dmn> Then I learned to code and I gave up
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L422[14:07:22] <Scolar_Visari> Outpost had so much potential.
L423[14:07:52] <Althego> hehe
L424[14:07:53] <ve2dmn> Maybe someday I will find an engine made for that
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L426[14:08:01] <ve2dmn> Scolar_Visari: yes :(
L427[14:09:05] <ve2dmn> I could never figure out what 50% of the game was for, yet I always managed to 'win' (AKA get nanotech and have unlimited ressources)
L428[14:09:05] <Scolar_Visari> Paradox has a Mars colony game coming out soon, let's see how that works out . . .
L429[14:10:20] <Althego> scott was playing a mars colony thing
L430[14:10:23] <Althego> is taht it?
L431[14:10:26] <Althego> looked nice
L432[14:11:35] <Scolar_Visari> "A surprising chill before the cosmic dawn" https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-02310-9
L433[14:12:03] <Scolar_Visari> Surviving Mars https://cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/8507205/unnamed__5_.png
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L435[14:13:40] <Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptor: "A surprising chill before the cosmic dawn" https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-02310-9
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L438[14:13:43] <Althego> lol "the cosmic dperformanceawn"
L439[14:13:48] <Althego> editing error
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L441[14:14:06] <Scolar_Visari> Althego: Editing? Oh no, the journalism robot had a nervous meltdown.
L442[14:14:14] <Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptor: Again, "A surprising chill before the cosmic dawn" https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-02310-9
L443[14:14:18] <Althego> firmware update
L444[14:14:38] <Althego> just wait until intel releases the second version that doesnt crash it :)
L445[14:14:41] <Scolar_Visari> Paper's behind a paywall . . .
L446[14:16:08] * Scolar_Visari leaves to shake their tentacles in agitation towards the general direction of the un-free publication movement.
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L448[14:22:35] <ve2dmn> I work in the free publication these days
L449[14:23:21] <ve2dmn> I routinely see bots trying to download our entire website to repackage freely available PDFs and sell them
L450[14:24:56] <ve2dmn> Almost as bad as the predatory papers publications which will publish anything as long as you pay
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L464[14:58:59] <oren> Deddly: where pre order
L465[14:59:22] <Deddly> You want to pre-order the Forum outage? ;)
L466[15:00:10] <Deddly> oren, or do you maybe mean the Making History expansion?
L467[15:00:48] <Althego> i just hope the store will sell it too
L468[15:00:58] <Althego> because gog updates are sllow and i dont want steam
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L471[15:01:19] <Althego> also 1.4 with it
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L473[15:02:10] <FriendlyBanana> I'm really on edge about that new terms of service and privacy policy announcement
L474[15:02:30] <Deddly> What, specifically, don't you like about it?
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L481[15:17:08] <Mathuin> What time zone is NPT? (from the topic)
L482[15:18:01] <halcyon_b> Nepal Time
L483[15:18:14] <Mathuin> The website is run or managed from Nepal?
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L497[15:31:30] <ThirdOfSeven> hi there. Is there any place where one can ask about new terms/eula/etc and activities you can now do or not do and consequences?
L498[15:31:40] <Deddly> Hi ThirdOfSeven
L499[15:31:43] <Deddly> Cool name :)
L500[15:32:10] <Deddly> ThirdOfSeven, you're welcome to talk about it here, but I don't think any of us here are lawyers
L501[15:32:37] <Deddly> Otherwise, you could also bring up your concerns in the announcement thread on the forum, if you like.
L502[15:33:19] <ThirdOfSeven> there is one thread and it is pretty quiet for a while with nobody answering and everybody asking... :)
L503[15:33:23] <kubi> hmm
L504[15:33:30] <Deddly> Mathuin, I put NPT because it's about as useful to half the world as EST (which is in the official announcement). I was being a little sarcastic :)
L505[15:33:42] <kubi> anyone expert on research bodies here?
L506[15:34:10] <kubi> why can't I control which body to research with my telescope?
L507[15:34:22] <Deddly> Mathuin, I picked the most obscure time zone I could think of ;)
L508[15:34:40] <ThirdOfSeven> I hope we get some contacts to ask concrete questions one day, about what we can do, like "for content creators" or so.
L509[15:34:49] <Deddly> kubi, are you talking about KSP or something else?
L510[15:34:59] <kubi> KSP yes
L511[15:35:04] <kubi> Research Bosies mod
L512[15:35:08] <kubi> bodies
L513[15:35:08] <ThirdOfSeven> I think he is talking about "Research Bodies" mod.
L514[15:35:20] <Deddly> Ah, I don't know that mod, sorry
L515[15:35:35] <Deddly> ThirdOfSeven, what questions do you have about the terms?
L516[15:35:43] <kubi> what thoughts you had in your head? :)
L517[15:36:48] <ThirdOfSeven> new terms specificly forbid any derivative works based on forums or any other online services. For example, can one make and post screenshots, have them appearing in a video and so on?
L518[15:36:50] <Mathuin> Deddly: ah, I thought it was some part of Mexico from when Squad was still there. :-)
L519[15:38:10] <RandomJeb> "is KSP now a nintendo game?"
L520[15:38:11] <RandomJeb> <_<
L521[15:38:14] <Deddly> ThirdOfSeven, I think that was standard T&C talk for "Don't steal our stuff"
L522[15:38:49] <Mathuin> Is it standard? I haven't read terms and conditions for many games, TakeTwo or otherwise, but if it isn't in the old ones and is added to the new ones, that's slightly troubling.
L523[15:39:00] <ThirdOfSeven> but now you never know what they call "steal"
L524[15:39:30] <Deddly> There was even a company that literally said they own your soul if you agree to the terms, to make fun of the people to never read them
L525[15:39:35] <ThirdOfSeven> i'm trying to find any old terms, but not very lucky atm
L526[15:39:48] <Deddly> the people WHO* never read them
L527[15:40:04] <Mathuin> I'd wonder about its impact on "Open Space Program" if it appeared to have a chance on being anything other than vaporware.
L528[15:40:07] <ThirdOfSeven> only EULA. For example, there forum guidelines, but I can't find terms of online servies.
L529[15:40:26] <kubi> can't I have my terms and conditions published somewhere saying that if you sell me anything your life is mine?
L530[15:41:00] <Deddly> ThirdOfSeven, there's the LegalNotice.txt in the KSP folder
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L532[15:41:26] <RandomJeb> kubi: you can but if you tried to enforce it you would most likely get struck down in almost any court
L533[15:41:34] <ThirdOfSeven> https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/en/?page_id=43 also this. Btw, it permits anything like I listed before.
L534[15:41:35] <kubi> in english, I suppose
L535[15:41:52] <kubi> so then I do not need to understand that
L536[15:42:08] <Deddly> ThirdOfSeven, I think this is the old one https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/en/?page_id=39
L537[15:42:21] <Deddly> Oh, you linked it already
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L539[15:43:17] <Deddly> RandomJeb makes a good point. No matter what the EULA says, it is still subject to local laws, and there are things like "fair use" that say you can post a screenshot etc.
L540[15:44:00] <ThirdOfSeven> but, for example, if it appears on Youtube, cant take two claim and strike such channel?
L541[15:44:34] <Deddly> ThirdOfSeven, you mean because you show footage of the game?
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L543[15:44:46] <Deddly> What wording in the new terms says you can't do that?
L544[15:45:03] <ThirdOfSeven> footage of a game, screenshot from devs, or just open browser with forum on stream, for example.
L545[15:45:31] <ThirdOfSeven> (i) you may only view, copy and print portions of the Online Services for your own informational, personal and non-commercial use; (ii) you may not modify or otherwise make derivative uses of the Online Services, or any portion thereof;
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L547[15:46:18] <Draconiator> hmmm, my roll cage works. https://i.gyazo.com/ee1dee0b5bcca354e496095c8dd878bf.png
L548[15:46:54] <RandomJeb> ThirdOfSeven: what do they define Online Services as?
L549[15:47:26] <Deddly> ThirdOfSeven, again, my personal take on that is just legalese for "if you do something bad or try to steal our stuff, we will sue you"
L550[15:47:29] <ThirdOfSeven> RandomJeb: as far as I understand it includes forums, irc chat...
L551[15:48:14] <ThirdOfSeven> maybe curseforge pages.
L552[15:49:53] <Deddly> ThirdOfSeven, It's pretty safe to say that it's unlikely TakeTwo or Squad will sue users for making a video on YouTube with KSP in it - that would be commercial suicide and they would be attacking free publicity.
L553[15:51:48] <ThirdOfSeven> I wanna agree, but on other hand they have such power sunce 6 Mar. I hope we will have some guidelines on what we can do and which way to not take any risks.
L554[15:51:49] <Deddly> But it's also likely that someone will reply in that thread eventually - but my guess is it will take time because it will have to be worded very carefully
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L558[15:56:23] <Mathuin> Probably the most expensive thread in the forums.
L559[15:56:30] <Mathuin> Dollars per post, based on lawyer billing time to craft responses.
L560[15:57:06] <Judge_Dedd> It's also worth noting that Rockstar Games have exactly the same wording
L561[15:57:22] <ThirdOfSeven> I think something like this must be prepared before posting about changing the terms, not after.
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L565[16:05:00] <Judge_Dedd> ThirdOfSeven, genius! but that would require forethought ;)
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L569[16:16:09] <Mathuin> My most significant concern is that they will consider using free mods a violation of the TOS, especially if they add microtransactions into the mix. If I can't play with open-source kOS because they're selling kRAPOS for $5.99, that's a problem.
L570[16:16:56] <ThirdOfSeven> also it is interesting if open-source mods with GPL license still can be posted since you can't give them any exclusive rights with it :)
L571[16:16:57] <Mathuin> "any derivative works based on forums or any other online services" might mean "don't nobody make a free version of S00perSpecialPartz mod which we sell", or it might mean more, I don't know.
L572[16:19:01] <ThirdOfSeven> actually why I'm asking this just because I found my viewers like to watch translated news from developers in Russian. Of course I had to put some images posted by dev (of course noting I'm not one making them) and sometimes show forums (to advertise some challenges), now it seems I may have issues...
L573[16:19:55] <SnoopJeDi> A good rule of thumb when it comes to copyright law is "is money changing hands or could it be? is it enough for someone to care?"
L574[16:20:37] <Mathuin> SnoopJeDi: that's why I'm concerned about blocking free mods, to avoid free lookalikes from draining the income TakeTwo may expect.
L575[16:21:06] <SnoopJeDi> Mathuin, I doubt it'd drain enough to warrant a preventative approach
L576[16:21:15] <SnoopJeDi> certainly possible they could later yank something
L577[16:21:21] <Mathuin> Not my place to draw that line, though, so I don't know how reasonable they plan on being.
L578[16:21:33] <SnoopJeDi> To the GPL point though...GPL is just...problematic.
L579[16:21:38] <ThirdOfSeven> I don't know. I have no monetization, for example. Maybe Youtube makes some money, but in general I'm just making information more accessible with such video.
L580[16:21:42] <SnoopJeDi> For games specifically
L581[16:22:06] <Mathuin> [GPL] Sure. If someone could make a "is-this-GPL?" test, then vendors would simply block them at the door -- and they'd be within their rights.
L582[16:22:40] <SnoopJeDi> yea there's definitely a deliberately engineered vagueness
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L584[16:33:07] <Fluburtur> my friend was like "buy stellaris"
L585[16:33:14] <Fluburtur> then he gave me the game
L586[16:33:20] <Fluburtur> now I annoy him every day to play
L587[16:36:56] <Deddly> Mathuin, in copyright terminology, a "derivative work" is using code or material from the original.
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L589[16:38:41] <Fluburtur> I should be done painting the canadair soon
L590[16:38:42] <Deddly> You could start from scratch and make an clone of KSP and as long as you don't call it KSP or sell it for money, and as long as you haven't taken the code, sounds, textures or other assets of the game, it would not be breaking any laws.
L591[16:38:55] <Fluburtur> Deddly https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/254984631512858634/418397594872709120/DSC_8459.JPG
L592[16:39:40] <Deddly> Fluburtur, neat :)
L593[16:39:46] <Deddly> I have to go now. Seeyas
L594[16:40:12] <Mathuin> Deddly: and now that Oracle v Google was resolved, you can even make your version API-compatible.
L595[16:40:24] <Mathuin> However, being right in the end doesn't mean you can't be sued until you have no money.
L596[16:40:32] <Mathuin> Fingers crossed that people are not horrible.
L597[16:41:22] <SnoopJeDi> Deddly, It's Complicated though. If you make a GPL Python library and I import it, is that derivative? If it's not but then I subclass one of yours, is *that* derivative?
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L600[16:42:11] <Deddly> SnoopJeDi, that's complicated, but ThirdOfSeven putting a screenshot of the forum or KSP online somewhere isn't a derivative work
L601[16:42:12] <SnoopJeDi> The unfortunate side effect of such vagueness is that the end-user is left with this really strange legal hostage situation if they intend to do anything but license under GPL too.
L602[16:42:32] <SnoopJeDi> That said, the resources to wield the legal system like a kudgel aren't generally present, nor is the motive.
L603[16:43:04] <SnoopJeDi> and as far as something like TOS is concerned, it's a set of guidelines to try and put edges on a box more formally defined as "we do what we want pretty much"
L604[16:43:33] <SnoopJeDi> at least as I see it
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L606[16:46:15] <Deddly> Again, pretty standard as far as ToS / EULA go in general
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L608[16:46:44] <SnoopJeDi> oh yes absolutely
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L611[16:49:19] <Deddly> ThirdOfSeven, in my (non-lawyer) opinion, you have nothing to worry about. This is the same as most other companies, and I don't see TakeTwo going after people who post videos about GTA V
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L613[16:49:41] <Deddly> Now I go, seeyas :)
L614[16:49:45] <SnoopJeDi> (see previous rule of thumb: would it make them enough money to matter?)
L615[16:50:15] <Mathuin> You know, if you could program a Tesla autopilot in GTAV, that would be fun.
L616[16:50:16] <Deddly> Would it make them ANY money?
L617[16:50:17] <SnoopJeDi> although that's kinda hard to quantify when it comes to brand protection, heh. See: Nintendo's primal aggression to fan projects
L618[16:50:27] <SnoopJeDi> avoiding loss is profit blah blah
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L620[16:51:13] <ThirdOfSeven> oh, he quite
L621[16:52:48] <ThirdOfSeven> anyway, thanks for you your opinions. :)
L622[16:53:05] <ThirdOfSeven> it is much more calm inside my mind now
L623[16:56:28] <SnoopJeDi> Mathuin, have you seen Sentdex's youtube videos training a GAN to play it?
L624[16:56:55] <SnoopJeDi> His neural net does some remarkable things!
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L627[17:16:17] <Mathuin> I have not! That sounds fun. The closest I've come to that was watching someone play GTA on DDR pads.
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L634[17:35:41] <kuzetsa> mmm nintendo is why the atari (fanmade) version was called princess rescue
L635[17:35:43] ⇨ Joins: cycloptivity (cycloptivity!~cycloptiv@ppp122-128.static.internode.on.net)
L636[17:36:49] <kuzetsa> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5igUFICNB0
L637[17:36:49] <kmath> YouTube - Princess Rescue - Atari 2600 Homebrew
L638[17:39:53] <kuzetsa> oh god youtube is too smart - I had never heard of Zippy the Porcupine (it suggested I look at that particular atari homebrew next)
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L640[17:55:07] <ve2dmn> kuzetsa: or the C64 Gianna Sisters
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L654[18:35:36] <Scolar_Visari> Sons and daughters of Kerbin: The science must flow! The science has given us accelerated evolution for two centuries. It has enabled you to live one hundred years. The science makes the microchip, which gives the computers the ability to play cat videos.
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L657[18:37:17] <UmbralRaptop> The science has created peppers with heat in excess of one million scovilles!
L658[18:38:04] <Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptop: If that doesn't allow GPS Navigators to fold space-time, than nothing will!
L659[18:38:53] <UmbralRaptop> :D
L660[18:40:01] <Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptor: Okay, so I'm going through the citations "Message Decontamination is Impossible", and it seems one of the central arguments has only to cites to its credit.
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L663[18:41:24] <UmbralRaptop> hrm
L664[18:42:07] <Scolar_Visari> One is a book without any page references, and the other is a document that has only been cited twice in other literature.
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L666[18:42:43] * Scolar_Visari is increasingly suspicious that the people who argue that AI are Skynets waiting to happen or approaching singularities in boxes probably know nothing about AI.
L667[18:45:56] <Scolar_Visari> I'm not entirely sure if the paper has actually been peer reviewed. Two cites for a statement that AI cannot be, "imprisoned" is pretty low.
L668[18:47:29] <Scolar_Visari> Though, since the paper directly states that an AI might, "blueprints for nanobots" to cure cancer as a trojan horse for its more malevolent intentions, I suppose that alone is enough to send it back for a rewrite.
L669[18:47:57] * Scolar_Visari seriously wonders if the authors were thinking of tiny robots.
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L672[18:49:44] <Scolar_Visari> Supernovy: You missed it. Aliens are going to send us computer viruses.
L673[18:52:34] <Scolar_Visari> I do like this illustration https://3c1703fe8d.site.internapcdn.net/newman/gfx/news/hires/2018/2-unlockingthe.jpg
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L675[18:54:07] <ve2dmn> Scolar_Visari: with the cure for cancer, no less
L676[18:56:43] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: It'll be just like those, "free to play" online games. "Only one cancer treatment per month for non-subscribers. Subscribe today for $20,000 and get a treatment every 24 hours!"
L677[19:01:03] * Scolar_Visari goes to verify and contextualize quote made by Hannes Alfvén, but instead gets a source which previously states that, "General Relativity itself violates the usual conservation of energy and momentum and is therefore in conflic with experiment on a deep level, rendering Einstein's conception of the physical Universe and the gravitational field invalid".
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L679[19:01:47] <ve2dmn> I... hum... no comments
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L681[19:02:35] <Scolar_Visari> The author, Stephen Crothers, describing themself: "I'm neither a mathematician nor a physicist. More accurately, I'm a gardener and home handyman who does science in his spare time."
L682[19:02:59] <ve2dmn> I mean, Einstein was wrong plenty of times, but I would not bet against Einstein
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L685[19:04:13] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: Well, it's not like general relativity has been supported by any observations over the years. Certainly not recently! /s
L686[19:04:39] <ve2dmn> it's not like GPS accuracy depends on it...
L687[19:06:02] <ve2dmn> When was Gravity probe A launched again?
L688[19:06:12] <Scolar_Visari> What's terrible is the reference I quoted earlier comes from a paper released during a symposium hosted by an actual academic publisher.
L689[19:06:29] <Scolar_Visari> For Heaven's sake, the Gmail address alone should've set off alarms!
L690[19:07:14] <ve2dmn> didnt you hear about the time they accepted a randomely generated paper?
L691[19:08:35] <ve2dmn> It was quite some time ago, back when getting 'slashdotted' was still a thing...
L692[19:09:24] <ve2dmn> Someone wrote a random paper generator, and after a few submissions, one of thoses paper got accepted...
L693[19:09:50] <Scolar_Visari> By the Nine! That's not the only bad paper! "Implementing Maxwell's Aether Illuminates the Physics of Gravitation" and "Thoughts Occasioned by the 'Big Bang' Model of the Universe" (with a section on Halton FREAKING Arp).
L694[19:10:45] <Scolar_Visari> What kind of rodeo clownshow conference were these bozos running!?
L695[19:11:07] <ve2dmn> one where they take $ in exchange for publication
L696[19:12:26] <ve2dmn> I work in open access these days... and I've quite a few weird things in this industry
L697[19:12:58] <Scolar_Visari> I've seen some bad nonsense get into peer review from time to time, but this stuff is Time Cube level bad.
L698[19:13:23] <ve2dmn> wow... that's a blast from the past.
L699[19:13:54] * Scolar_Visari quietly ponders if anyone who contributed to the "8th Symposium Honoring Mathematical Physicist Jean-Pierre Vigier" were actually scientists.
L700[19:14:11] <Scolar_Visari> I mean, one of them already admitted to being a gardener.
L701[19:16:47] <Mathuin> Markov chains for that paper, wasn't it?
L702[19:17:05] <Scolar_Visari> Though I suppose it serves me right for trying to investigate, once again, if one of Alfven's alleged followers misquoted him before ending up in a rabbit hole of further nonsense.
L703[19:17:13] <ve2dmn> in my case, what I hate the most is people downloading PDF from our website and then charging $ for it...
L704[19:17:55] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: That's like selling bootleg copies of public domain films
L705[19:18:03] <ve2dmn> yup
L706[19:18:21] <ve2dmn> But they sell a *giant* database of *research*
L707[19:18:40] <Mathuin> Sci-Hub is pleasing.
L708[19:19:13] <ve2dmn> Scolar_Visari: There was a great blog post about people who 'sell' firefox
L709[19:19:55] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: Well, we do live in a world where people sell water that's been imbued with positive thoughts.
L710[19:20:29] <ve2dmn> don't remind me. it's depressing
L711[19:21:20] <Scolar_Visari> Ooooh! Crothers et al.s, "Criticisms of the Einstein Field Equation: The End of the 20th Century Physics" sells online starting at $133.61 That's $133.61 more than I'm willing to pay, of course.
L712[19:21:29] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: Clearly you need more positive water.
L713[19:21:54] * Scolar_Visari wriggles their grasping appendages in the intrepretive dance of their people and projects positive thoughts into ve2dmn's refreshments.
L714[19:21:56] <ve2dmn> Scolar_Visari: clearly since I have all the symptoms of depresion
L715[19:22:43] <ve2dmn> I'm probably in need of something else I with magically positive magnetic energy that cost 400000$/ml
L716[19:23:03] <Scolar_Visari> I also sell quantum healing strips.
L717[19:23:44] <ve2dmn> too small
L718[19:24:15] <Scolar_Visari> These strips actually absorb toxins and negative energies. I think.
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L720[19:24:31] <ve2dmn> then they collapse into nothingness?
L721[19:24:50] <Scolar_Visari> I can also summon my cabal of psykers in a couple of moments to commune with The Shroud.
L722[19:25:06] <ve2dmn> my sugestion: DONT
L723[19:25:26] <Scolar_Visari> Would you like to receive a boon? I'm also on good turns with the Totally-Not-Chaos-Gods
L724[19:27:04] * Scolar_Visari has their soldiers herd the coven of psychics into the Communion Chamber. With the raising of talons, a hush falls across the sterile stone chamber as the dozens of Gifted focus their minds.
L725[19:27:14] <ve2dmn> https://xenonion.com/home/2267/6/19/une-president-accidentally-uploads-mental-state-to-shroud
L726[19:28:50] * Scolar_Visari closes their nictating membranes, anticipating the gust of wind and crackling of energies as the gossimer thin barrier between the Materium and Immaterium is pierced and widened as a child might dig a hole into the ground.
L727[19:30:28] * Scolar_Visari becomes decreasingly aware of there being any others in the room, save for the countless eyes watching from Beyond. Thirsting eyes, jealous eyes, murderous, baleful and psychotic eyes glancing out from the realm that no sentient being was meant to contact.
L728[19:32:05] ⇨ Joins: Draconiator (Draconiator!~musicphre@cpe-184-153-142-221.maine.res.rr.com)
L729[19:32:10] <ve2dmn> isn't that what the 'space elves' did and got wiped out for?
L730[19:32:10] * Scolar_Visari projects their own thoughts into a might voice of ages, calling, no, demanding the presence of the most powerful so that the mortals may bargain with them. "We request your positive thoughts" told the request. "We know what you seek" came the rumbling response of beings too alien to perceive with eyes. But then again, one does not need eyes to see where they're going in the Shroud.
L731[19:32:46] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: Oh no, the Eldar simply became so corrupt and twisted that their thousands of years of increasingly depraved sport and celebration *CREATED* a Chaos god.
L732[19:33:58] <Scolar_Visari> The Birth of Slaanesh was so terrible that it created a hole in the very fabric of the universe: The Ocularis Terribus. The Eye of Terror. The psychic scream and physical tear in space slew the vast majority of the Eldar where they stood.
L733[19:34:47] <Scolar_Visari> Even most of those who had warned of the Eldar's Doom and had sought to escape it in their primeval Craftworlds were lost to the opening of the Eye of Terror, with others still left precariously close to its reach.
L734[19:36:03] <Scolar_Visari> Slaanesh thirst for Eldar souls, however, was not sated. Indeed, those Eldar who die must have their souls trapped within the twilight unlife of the precious soulstones or risk being consumed by Slaanesh.
L735[19:36:59] <ve2dmn> hum... I had the impression that the Space Elves had too much Space pleasures without space protection
L736[19:37:01] <Draconiator> uhhh what are you going on about?
L737[19:37:24] <ve2dmn> Draconiator: Warhammer
L738[19:37:34] <Draconiator> Ah
L739[19:38:46] <Scolar_Visari> Draconiator: I was TRYING to summon something from The Shroud.
L740[19:39:23] <Scolar_Visari> Then the question regarding space elves through me off. Now I'm afraid consulting with The Shroud will simply get me an audience with The End of Cycle.
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L742[19:40:51] <Scolar_Visari> Yes, ve2dmn will get their x100% bonuses to happiness, but it won't end well in 50 years.
L743[19:41:32] <ve2dmn> I heard tales of the End of the Cycle, but I have never seen it
L744[19:41:54] * UmbralRaptor guesses that Scolar_Visari was summoning something affiliated with Tzeentch?
L745[19:42:19] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: The tool tip for the selection even says, "Do not do this."
L746[19:42:26] <ve2dmn> I know
L747[19:42:41] <Scolar_Visari> "Meh, what's the worst that could happen?"
L748[19:42:58] <Scolar_Visari> UmbralRaptor: Tzeentch is in the game. Sort of. Though not nearly as fun as Psychic Avatar spaceships.
L749[19:43:23] <ve2dmn> It's even a 'possible' strategy: because since it kills you last, if you wait long enough, you win
L750[19:43:38] <UmbralRaptor> Hah
L751[19:44:31] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: Or you can get lucky and have it fight off another end game enemy.
L752[19:44:49] <Scolar_Visari> Sort of like stopping a fire by detonating a nuclear bomb in its path.
L753[19:47:38] <UmbralRaptor> Didn't the Soviet Union do that for some oil well fire?
L754[19:49:31] <Scolar_Visari> They did that for whole wars
L755[19:50:01] * Scolar_Visari can only imagine the number of oil wells that would've been set on fire following a successful conquest of Stalingrad by the Heer.
L756[19:50:40] <UmbralRaptor> Wikipedia says that they did so for 5 natural gas fountains. Hrm…
L757[19:52:24] <Scolar_Visari> That sounds right.
L758[19:52:51] <Scolar_Visari> There are few problems in life that cannot be solved by the careful application of nuclear explosives.
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L760[19:54:55] <Scolar_Visari> IE: Neighbor building fencing on your property? A tactical yield nuclear blast will take care of such a transgression with permanence. Food poisoning from the local Golden Corral? Cleanse it with atomic fire, of course! Need to get fish for your family reunion fish fry? One thermonuclear blast will net you an entire shoal!
L761[19:57:34] <UmbralRaptor> Tastes like Iodine-131?
L762[19:58:25] <Scolar_Visari> Mmmmm.
L763[19:58:55] <Scolar_Visari> Needless to say, I'm not invited to security council meetings anymore.
L764[19:59:06] <Scolar_Visari> Because MY ideas are simply TOO effective.
L765[19:59:10] <ve2dmn> "Bah! I eat Radiation for breakfast!"... "You might want to skip a few meals"
L766[19:59:52] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: We won't need any meals once we learn to convert the radiation from thermonuclear blasts into mammal energy.
L767[19:59:53] <ve2dmn> bonus points if you know where that quote is from
L768[20:01:06] <Scolar_Visari> Can I use a hotline?
L769[20:01:21] <Scolar_Visari> I'd like to call a friend. G. Oogle.
L770[20:01:49] <ve2dmn> 1-800-crappy-cartoons-from-the-90s
L771[20:02:40] <Scolar_Visari> Oh oh oh I know this one . . . Is it . . . The second season of the New Adventures of Johnny Quest?
L772[20:02:58] <Scolar_Visari> Or, no, wait, I take that back . . .
L773[20:04:13] <Scolar_Visari> Wait . . . Robert Patrick, AKA the T-1000, was RACE in the first season? I know Q was Dr. Quest in the 2nd, but Johnny Quest had a Terminator for a bodyguard!
L774[20:04:18] <ve2dmn> I'll give you 1 hint: Tim Curry
L775[20:05:42] <Scolar_Visari> That would be EVERY OTHER TELEVISION SHOW FROM THE 90's!
L776[20:06:47] <Scolar_Visari> Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad, for instance. Who was the villain? Why Tim Curry, of course.
L777[20:07:01] * Scolar_Visari is displeased they remembered that it was spelled, "Syber".
L778[20:08:48] <ve2dmn> want the answer?
L779[20:09:12] <Scolar_Visari> Yes. I need it so I can rethink what I'm doing.
L780[20:09:26] <Scolar_Visari> My. God. I actually remembered SSSS.
L781[20:09:30] <ve2dmn> That first line comment was from Norman, and the reply is from Max
L782[20:09:52] <ve2dmn> Tim was the vilain: Skullmaster
L783[20:10:43] <ve2dmn> Norman's common catchphrase is, "I eat [X] for breakfast"
L784[20:10:54] * Scolar_Visari pauses opening scene to The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest. Is . . . Is that an A-10 firing at Jonny and his dog?
L785[20:11:14] <ve2dmn> sauce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mighty_Max_(TV_series)
L786[20:11:15] <Scolar_Visari> Can I use G. Oogle now? We're really good friends. I think it may have the answer.
L787[20:11:29] <Scolar_Visari> That's ancient. Why would you remember that?
L788[20:11:48] <ve2dmn> because I am beyond old
L789[20:12:36] <Scolar_Visari> Here see http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/gIuuPTM3nSc/hqdefault.jpg
L790[20:12:53] <ve2dmn> Jonny Quest.
L791[20:13:01] <Scolar_Visari> ve2dmn: I'm old. I think. I seem to have trouble remembering things after that whole eruption of Mt. Etna. Or was it Krakatoa?
L792[20:13:42] * Scolar_Visari notes outrunning an A-10 in anything other than another aircraft is unlikely to succeed.
L793[20:14:08] <Scolar_Visari> Better picture http://questfan.com/wiki/images/1/16/Creditscaps06.jpg
L794[20:14:31] <Scolar_Visari> Is the pilot aware he's shooting at a teenager and his tiny dog?
L795[20:15:05] <Scolar_Visari> There's also outrunning of an AH-64 on horseback http://questfan.com/wiki/images/5/52/Creditscaps13.jpg
L796[20:17:00] <Scolar_Visari> #KSPOfficial is serious business.
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L802[21:02:17] <Draconiator> https://i.gyazo.com/2dbcc23188b3d6a170236e443fd5db7e.png - I think I came up with a Kerbalproof rover, I've flipped it a lot and nothing ever blew up on it.
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L805[21:16:26] <Draconiator> And it took a full Olympic dive off of a crater rim for something to break on it. but it's STILL going
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L812[21:54:03] <Rokker> Draconiator: its a bit homely tho, aint it
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